QCP-0714-11, Rev. a, Field Welded API Std. 650 Tanks' Shop Pre-Fabrication QC Procedure.



METSCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co. Ltd.Field Welded API Std. 650 Tanks’ Shop Pre-Fabrication Quality Control Procedure. For Upgrade Fire Water Protection System at SA GOSPs; 13 No. Fire Water Tanks Project. BI No.: 00091 Document No.: QCP-0714-11 REVISION HISTORY Rev. Date Description Prepared by: QA/QC Dept. Head Reviewed by: Project Mgr Engg. Mgr. Approved by: Dy. General Mgr. Document Title: Field Welded API Std. A 15th Oct. 3. U51D-0101 at Ain Dar GOSP-1. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the above mentioned tanks’ material is pre-fabricated and examined in a controlled manner.4 5. U31-D-0802 at Uthamaniyah GOSP-11 and U32-D-0802 at Uthamaniyah GOSP-12. Fire Water Tanks.2 5. A. D’Souza B. API Std.3 5.0 5. Add.1 5. The scope of this procedure is to provide guidelines for the effective quality control of the shop pre-fabrication of Field welded storage tanks.3. Phillip Cris M.3. S. 3 32-SAMMS-005 SAES-W-017 Form 175-324900 Document No.’07 Initial Issue.0 Purpose. R.3. 0. 1. U27-D-0101 at Uthamaniyah GOSP-7. to be constructed for “Upgrade Fire Water Protection System at SA00 GOSPs Project” and shall be applicable for all 13 No.5 5. U57-D-0541 at Shedgum GOSP-2. Fire Water Tanks. U59-D-0201 at Shedgum GOSP-4.4 5.0 Section Title Scope Purpose References Responsibility Method Statements (Title only) Material Control Pre-Fabrication Control Fabrication & Dimensional Control (Title only) Bottom Annular Plates Bottom Rectangular & Sketch Plates Shell Plates Curb Angle Nozzles/Manholes Permanent Attachments including Structures Roof Plates Welding Control Painting Control Final Inspection/Shop Release Shipping/Delivery Safety Precautions Exhibits/Attachments Page 2 of 6 2 of 6 2 of 6 3 of 6 3 of 6 3 of 6 4 of 6 4 of 6 4 of 6 4 of 6 4 of 6 5 of 6 4 of 6 5 of 6 5 of 6 5 of 6 6 of 6 6 of 6 6 of 6 6 of 6 6 of 6 1. Tanks: Atmospheric. U54-D-0101 at Ain Dar GOSP-4.0 References.METCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co. as per the requirements of API Std.7 5. 268-D-0412 at Ain Dar GOSP-6. Welding requirements for Tanks. 2. U28-D-0101 at Uthamaniyah GOSP-8. D28-D-0425 at Shedgum GOSP-5.: QCP-0714-11.3. U30-D-0101 at Uthamaniyah GOSP-10. Project: Upgrade Fire Water Protection System at SA GOSPs – 13 No. 650.0 7.3 5. bearing tag # U52-D-0201 at Ain Dar GOSP-2.3.7 6. Choghari Table of Contents No.0 Scope.3. Dated: 15th Oct. Manufacture of Atmospheric Tanks. 650 and 32-SAMMS-005.3. Ltd.0 2.0 5. Jr.5 5. 2007 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage. Rev.0 4.2 5. 650 Tanks’ Shop Pre-Fabrication Quality Control Procedure.0 3.6 5. U53-D-0101 at Ain Dar GOSP-3. Steel Within the scope of 32-SAMMS-005. .1 5. 10th Edition.6 5. . The primary responsibility for the implementation of this procedure shall be with the QC Inspector assigned at the shop. The QC Manager shall monitor & supervise the works performed by the Shop QC Inspector/s is consistent and meeting the requirements of the applicable Std. No. Material shall be stored in a manner that it shall not be in direct contact with the soil and as much as possible covered to avoid damage and/or weather effects. Document No. The QC shall check the material from the stock as if it is being received from the supplier (as stated above) and similarly follow all other requirements. The plates (bottom. The QC Inspector shall check the material received for the following as a minimum.  Any discrepancies in the supply noticed. Note: The QC Inspector may issue all or any non-pressure containing parts material prior to the review and acceptance of the Saudi Aramco Inspector. i.: SF.0 Responsibility. The Site Storekeeper shall receive the material at the workshop and inform the QC Inspector by providing him with the verbal intimation.: QCP-0714-11. Also mark the material identification on the item. Rev. Specification. Ltd. provided the material is acceptable and meeting all the specifications’ requirements. 4. 650 Tanks’ Shop Pre-Fabrication Quality Control Procedure. shall be notified to the Purchasing Dept. by distributing the signed MIR to all concerned. Copies-to Operations. Upon acceptance from the client the QC Inspector shall release the material for production use.. Notify the client for his review and acceptance. “Accepted” or “Rejected” or “Hold”.1 Material Control. the shop production crew shall assist the Storekeeper in proper & safe handling. To use the stock material.  The material as mentioned in the suppliers’ Delivery Advice/Packing list is received and that it has not been damaged during transportation. Dated: 15th Oct. specifications and ITP. storage and preservation of the material. And also provide all necessary assistance that is within their scope of responsibility. i. 2007 .  Prepare and sign-off the “Material Inspection Report (Doc. the required identification. the QC Inspector imposing the condition/s shall be responsible to ensure that the conditions on which basis it is received / accepted is/are cleared prior to any welding works are started/delivery of the item to the site While at the workshop. Original -to QA/QC Dept. before forwarding the RFI to the client:  The material is being ordered from the supplier. Where specific item/s are not specified or covered. from whom it is received. shell & roof) & other constituent parts’ material of the tank shall be received at METSCCO’s Riyadh Workshop from the suppliers or used from the existing stock.e. The same procedure shall be followed for the welding consumables and painting consumables. The Shop Production Engineer shall ensure that the request for inspection I provided to the QC Inspector appropriately so as to facilitate smooth flow of the work.e. Job Order file.  All the material is conforming to the dimensional requirements and the corresponding documents required are received. All material shall be clearly identified and provided with mill test certificates unless otherwise specified. Document Title: Field Welded API Std.  Mark the inspection status. Stores & Purchasing. i. He shall ensure that the monitoring.  If any material is received & accepted on conditional basis.  Review the documents received to be conforming to the applicable specification requirements. specifications and ITP are performed in a consistent manner in line with the guidelines provided by this procedure. Fire Water Tanks. industry’s best practice shall be followed. Heat No. Note: The references mentioned here-in shall provide the required acceptance criteria or references to it. 0. To the client if specifically specified in the contract.01). the Delivery Advice/Packing List and all documents received along with the delivery. to take necessary action. Storekeeper shall issue the material to the production crew.. on the item with the help of the permanent paint marker or a suitable means that will retain the marking. verification and reporting required as per the applicable Std.METCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co. the Storekeeper shall notify and identify to the QC Inspector the material intended to be used. 5. Job Order No.0 Method Statements: 5. (Information available on the material may be encircled to highlight the identification).e. Project: Upgrade Fire Water Protection System at SA GOSPs – 13 No. Document Title: Field Welded API Std. No. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. Also when the item is ready for delivery. for each inspection completed. Shell Plates. The QC in-charge shall prepare the Two weeks look-ahead schedule and forward it to the Project Manager for his review and submittal to the client. The shell plates shall be cut to square. The inspection schedules involving client witness and/or hold points shall be notified and confirmed by the Shop Production-in-charge. Fire Water Tanks. against a template and prepare a “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc.: QF-0714-02) and notify the client. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. the Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall request the QC Inspector to perform the inspection. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the plate/s. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the plate/s. Bottom Annular Plates. for his further action. welding or painting activity is completed and is ready for inspection. once any fabrication. edge prepared and bent/shaped (rolled) to the curvature of the tank radius. Bottom Rectangular & Sketch Plates.2. Dated: 15th Oct.: QF-0714-02). and provide him with the report for his review/verification. 5. 650 Tanks’ Shop Pre-Fabrication Quality Control Procedure. when the plate/s are completed and ready for inspection. 5. No. against a template and prepare a “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc.3 Fabrication & Dimensional Control.: QF-0714-05) and to arrange for client review/verification and release of the item for delivery/shipment. No. using Doc. 2007 . The Bottom Annular plates shall be cut on the CNC profile cutting machine. The QC Inspector shall inspect the completed activity and prepare the “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc. and provide him with the report for his review/verification.: QF-0714-04). Tank #. the Shop Production-in-charge shall notify the QC Inspector to inspect. provide details of the planned production activities. No. The rectangular plates shall be kept as mill cut while the sketch plates shall be cut either on the CNC profile cutting machine or by a pug cutting machine guided with a rail specially fabricated to suit the radius of the bottom plate (the guide rail shall be examined prior to use). Project: Upgrade Fire Water Protection System at SA GOSPs – 13 No. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the plate/s.O.: QF-0714-03) or Painting Inspection Report (Doc. at least five (5) Saudi Aramco working days in advance to the QC in-charge. and then the heat number marking shall be transferred (required only where it is not part of the plate/item). The Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. prepare the “Final Inspection Report” (Doc. No. The Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. 5. and provide him with the report for his review/verification. No.: QF-0714-07.3. Document No.: QF-0714-02) and notify the client. Welding Inspection Report (Doc.3. The Shop Production-in-charge shall. #.3. No. part/item number) as required shall be hard punched. against a template and prepare a “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc.1.2 Pre-Fabrication Control. No. every Sunday. 5. for the next two weeks. Ltd. and the identification marks (J.: QF-0714-06) and arrange the necessary quality documents On a day-to day basis. every Saturday. prior to the release of the item for shipment to site. The Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. 5. No. The QC in-charge on his part shall notify the client (Doc. Rev. on a weekly basis. when the plate/s are completed and ready for inspection.: QCP-0714-11.: QF-0714-02) and notify the client. when the plate/s are completed and ready for inspection.METCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co.3. 0. and provide him with the report for his review/verification.7. 5.6. Nozzles & Manholes. Rev. The Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. edge preparation and the joint fit-up. 5. once the neck longitudinal seam is welded.: QF-0714-02) and notify the client.4. Roof Plates. All the welding production and inspection shall be performed. spiral stairway. cleats. brackets. The acceptance criteria for visual weld examination shall be as per the reference code/Std.4.3. The Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. and the fabrication shall involve cutting to size. The permanent attachments and structures shall include but not be limited to spiral stairway and its component parts. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the welds and Document No. The welding production works involved at the shop shall include manholes’ assembly fabrication. etc. unless otherwise stated. Each angle shall be edge prepared and bent/shaped (rolled) to the curvature of the tank radius. 2007 .: QF-0714-02) and notify the client. when the plate/s are completed and ready for inspection. The nozzles shall be fabricated from standard pipe and fittings. The manhole neck shall be cut to size. The Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. and prepare a “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc. and provide him with the report for his review/verification. No. supports’ fabrication.: QF-0714-02) and notify the client. Welding Control. storage and exposure of electrodes. center drum/column. 5. No. against a template and prepare a “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc. Dated: 15th Oct. and provide him with the report for his review/verification. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the item/s.landing platforms. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the item/s. and prepare a “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc. 5. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. internal ladders’ assembly fabrication. the joint between both the ends of the fitted together for welding. internal ladders. brackets. 5. 650 Tanks’ Shop Pre-Fabrication Quality Control Procedure.3. support cleats. supports’ assembly fabrication. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the plate/s. edge prepared and rolled to the curvature of the manhole radius. Curb Angle. rolled to the curvature of the tank outside radius. when the activity is completed and ready for inspection. Permanent Attachments including Structures. rafters. when the activity is completed and ready for inspection. Fire Water Tanks. Project: Upgrade Fire Water Protection System at SA GOSPs – 13 No. The Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. The curb angle shall be in pieces and shall be provided in the overall length basis (may be slightly longer for adjustment and to be cut on site). Also the manhole flange shall be fabricated from the plate and fitted to the neck. roof support structure including rafters.5. No NDE: PT/MT/RT shall be performed at the Shop. the Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. No. including the conditioning.3. and provide him with the report for his review/verification. Ltd. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. specified in the section 3.METCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co. The reinforcing pad plates shall be cut to shape and size. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. against a template and prepare a “Fabrication (visual & dimensional) Inspection Report” (Doc. No. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the plate/s.: QF-0714-02) and notify the client.: QCP-0714-11. examined and controlled as per the requirements of SAES-W-017. when the plate/s are completed and ready for inspection. nozzles’ flange to neck assembly fabrication.3. stair treads. 0. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. After the welds are ready for welding and after completion of the welds and are ready for inspection. Document Title: Field Welded API Std. The rectangular plates shall be kept as mill cut while the sketch plates shall be cut either on the CNC profile cutting machine or by a pug cutting machine guided with a rail specially fabricated to suit the radius of the bottom plate (the guide rail shall be examined prior to use). the Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector.5. Shipping & Delivery.6. shall be provided with safe and free access to perform the desired inspection and testing. shell and roof) shall be transported in saddles specially fabricated for the purpose or adequately supported to avoid deformation of the formed edges & shape. in compliance with the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual. 5. client shall be appropriately informed in advance). as required by the shop ITP and applicable Std. The Production crew shall pack and load the item/s in such a manner that it shall not be damaged or lost during transportation. 2007 . Document Title: Field Welded API Std. Dated: 15th Oct. and provide him with the report for his review/verification.: QCP-0714-11. In general. Applicable forms are attached along with the Inspection & Test Plans. Rev. and provide him with the report for his review/verification. The smaller parts shall be transported in boxes to avoid any loss during transportation. Fire Water Tanks. 7. unless otherwise stated.0.Client or In-House. Exhibits/Attachments. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the paint. on the trailer/truck bed. All other painting shall be performed on-site. The Shop QC Inspector shall inspect the item/s against the requirements and prepare a “Final Inspection Report” (Doc. The acceptance criteria for visual paint examination shall be as per the reference code/Std. 650 Tanks’ Shop Pre-Fabrication Quality Control Procedure. Ltd.METCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co. client shall be appropriately informed in advance). 5. No.: QF-0714-05) and notify the client (if client witness is required. No. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. Painting Control. and provide him with the report for his review/verification. weather conditions. specified in the section 3.7. welding against the requirements and prepare a “Welding Inspection Report” (Doc. Safety Precautions./specifications is completed and the item/s is ready for final (shop release) inspection. All the painting production and inspection shall be performed. Upon completion of shop inspection & testing and release of the item/s for delivery by the Shop QC Inspector. 5. The inspectors. A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. No. Project: Upgrade Fire Water Protection System at SA GOSPs – 13 No. after the completion of the erection of the tank. 0.: QF-0714-04) and notify the client (if client witness is required. equipment and the coating against the requirements and prepare a “Painting Inspection Report” (Doc. After all activities including inspection and testing.: QF-0714-03) and notify the client. The painting works to be undertaken at the shop shall include the application of the complete paint system to the bottom plate underside surface (APCS-3). A copy of the accepted report shall be provided to the Shop Production-in-charge for his further action. the Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall make arrangements for the transportation of the item/s to erection site. when it is ready for inspection. examined and controlled as per the requirements with the project requirements and the Saudi Aramco standards particularly SAES-H-100. the Shop Production-in-charge or his deputy shall notify Shop QC Inspector. while bigger and bulky structural parts shall be transported by directly placing them and fastening with belt/chain sling.0. the plates (bottom. Document No. 6. Final (Shop Release) Inspection. After each coat of paint is ready for application and after completion of each coat application and after drying.
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