March 16, 2018 | Author: Fahmi Aziz | Category: English Language, Essays, Morphology (Linguistics), Linguistics, Facial Expression



PROGRAM PENSISWAZAHAN GURU (PPG) MOD PENDIDIKAN JARAK JAUH IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA PERGURUAN DENGAN KEPUJIAN (TESL) PENDIDIKAN RENDAH COURSEWORK PROGRAMME: PPG(TESL) COURSE : TSL 3101 Introduction To Linguistics DATE SET : 30 July 2011 NAME: SEMESTER : July - November (2011) TAHUN DATE DUE : : Satu 24 September 2011 Coursework 1: Essay (20 %) Oral Presentation (10%) No. of Words: 1500 words LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the history, nature and function of the English Language. (1.1, 1.2) 2. Identify and transcribe English words using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription. (1.3) 3. Analyse English syntax and morphology. (1.6, 2.3, 3.6) 4. Demonstrate an understanding of semantics and pragmatics. (2.4, 6.4,6.5) SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES To enable students to: 1. explain content knowledge related to the field (1.1, 2.3) 2. elaborate learning theories to enhance pedagogical content knowledge (1.2, 1.3) 3. make comparison various learning theories and strategies related to the field (1.6, 2.3) 4. apply various methods in monitoring and evaluating knowledge and skills (2.4) 5. use inquiry and cooperative learning in gathering information (6.5) 1 But English is spoken in many varieties. Phonological knowledge permits a speaker to produce sounds that form meaningful utterances. Non-native speakers of English (NNS) often have problems with pronunciation. 2. Discuss and provide relevant evidence to justify your arguments. Topic 1: History of the English Language 1. in Malaysia people speak Standard English and Malaysian English (Manglish). Discuss and provide relevant evidence to justify your arguments. “Non-verbal communication tends to provide the context of verbal communication and has the power to disambiguate or invalidate the content of linguistic expressions” (Krippendorft). People throughout the world speak English as the International Language. Provide relevant examples to illustrate your answer. Discuss the problems areas and suggest ways to overcome these problems identified. Discuss how Standard English differs from Malaysian English. as what is known as World Englishes. 2. 2 . Humans use language for purposes different from animal’s communication systems or the human-like languages some have been taught. Discuss the the origins and development of the English Language in Britain and the events that brought about the standardization of the English Language during the Early English Modern Age (1500-1800). For instance. Why is this knowledge important? Discuss and justify your answer.INSTRUCTIONS: Choose only ONE question from any of the topics given below and write an essay of about 1500 words. 2. Topic 3: Phonology 1. Provide examples to justify your answer. Topic 2: Nature and Function of Language 1. 2. Appropriate language use DETAILED REQUIREMENTS FOR COURSEWORK 1. Discuss some of the common processes of word formation in English. Discuss the statement above. 3. Name b. Many words are formed from combinations of other words. using the APA format. Discuss the rules of Syntax and generate five well-formed sentences. Title of essay Lecturer’s name 3 e. Are there sentences that can be generated from these rules that are ill-formed (some rule of English grammar is broken)? Provide examples to illustrate your discussion. The knowledge of morphology can contribute to our understanding of English vocabulary and grammar better and help us in our future role as an English teacher. Elaborate with examples. It is often possible to see a connection between the meaning of a combination and the meanings of its parts. Index number and ID c. The cover page should have the following information: a. A good understanding of the task 2. Provide examples to support your answer Topic 5: Syntax 1. or from combinations of words and prefixes or suffixes. 2. No duplication of assignments from other coursework is allowed. An English language teacher should have a very sound knowledge of grammar to enable him/her to become an effective English teacher.Topic 4: Morphology 1. . Cite the source of the text and any references you used. Discuss and provide examples to support your discussion. Originality in presentation 3. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. A GOOD ASSIGNMENT SHOULD SHOW 1. 2. 4. Class/Group d. There may be some significant errors or quite poorly expressed ideas. Without an approved extension of time. Generally. Identifies focus of the question. The essay is 4 Marks A 17 – 20 B 13 – 16 C 9 – 12 D 5 -8 E . There is little evidence of supporting research. Appropriately organized and largely well-presented. extensive or detailed to merit a pass mark. late submission will be dealt with severely. Discussion reflects sound knowledge and mostly clear understanding of contrasting viewpoints. Very few minor errors. Originality of thought and analytical skill. The arguments are fluent and clearly constructed and supported by appropriate material from relevant literature. There is evidence of originality of thought and analytical skill. displaying understanding of main issues. The arguments are supported by reference to relevant literature. Shallow interpretation. Little evidence of independent thought. The essay may not be fully focused on the question asked. There is a significant dependence on lecture notes and/ or textbook materials. The grade/mark will be an overall summary of performance across the following: • • • • • Knowledge of the relevant issues and examples relevant to the question set. There may be some omissions or inaccuracies. Structure and clarity of presentation. quite organised. Some coherent arguments with certain weaknesses in overall structure and clarity. May contain significant errors of fact or interpretation. Discussion reflects an in-depth knowledge and clear understanding of contrasting viewpoints. Answer is not sufficiently accurate. displaying a good/sound understanding of central issues. MARKING CRITERIA The assignment will be marked against the marking criteria given below. There is very limited understanding of the main issues and very limited or no evidence of supporting research. Marking Scheme for Essay Question.You should adhere to the deadline. Criteria Well presented. The essay contains few significant errors. Critical evaluation and informed argument accurately supported by evidence. A general ability to present relevant arguments but might contain some irrelevant material. displaying flaws in understanding some of the material. There are omissions and errors. displaying an excellent or thorough understanding of the subject matter/key concepts. Poorly structured and presented with little coherent argument. Synthesis of relevant material. Poorly constructed. It is a summary of what you have written in your essay and your stand. Conclusion:• • Your ending should be definite. The essay must be well organized. Use signpost if necessary so that it is easier to read. Brainstorm the ideas. 5 .0–4 not clearly focused. Body of the essay:• • • • • • A series of paragraphs which progress logically through the series of points. Points in the essay must be relevant to the question. Analyse and synthesize the points Avoid long sentences or long paragraphs. Notes for the tutor: Points to consider during discussion with your students on essay writing: Make sure students understand the topic of the essay. Extract what is important only. Use examples to support your argument or views. What argument you intend to follow/discuss. It must consist of the: Introduction:•   What the essay is about What materials/points/ideas you intend to cover/look at/discuss etc. Limited use of sentence structure. Structure effectively outlined. No use of aids/props. Effective and interesting opening. Covers few aspects of topic. keeps audience generally attentive. ASSESSMENT FORM – ORAL PRESENTATION (10%) Marks Criteria Covers all relevant aspects. Structures largely predictable to convey thoughts. cues the listener to what will follow. Movements. ends abruptly. Facial expressions convey unease. Appears confident and relaxed. Too much reading. Movements. Outline structure presented. Development and substantiation of content adequate. facial expressions and gestures contribute to quality of presentation.Oral Presentation Assessment Criteria. Structure outlined very clearly. Holds audience’s attention by maintaining direct eye contact with all present. Minimal use of aids/props. Poor body posture and apparent nervousness. Some use of simple sentence. Uses a variety of sentence structures to convey thoughts clearly. Adequate use of aids/props movements. Gestures awkward and exaggerated. Effective use of eye contact with audience & keeps audience generally attentive. Does not include significant aspects of topic. Development and substantiation of content fairly adequate. Avoids eye contact with audience. Uses a fair variety of sentence structures to convey thoughts fairly well. Reliance of prepared text is evident. Facial expressions show nervousness. Aids/props appropriately used. Benefit of the audience evident. Appears at ease and relaxed. Appears at ease and fairly relaxed. Fairly effective use of eye contact with audience. Aids/props are effectively used throughout presentation. Nervousness that is somewhat controlled. expressive facial expressions and gestures enhance presentation. Fairly interesting opening. 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 6 . Occasional reference to text. listener is sufficiently primed for what is to follow. Details / examples poorly presented / missing. audience able to follow presentation. presentation uninteresting. listener not sure about what is to follow. Good and interesting opening. Delivery is extemporaneous. Covers many aspects the topic. Movements and gestures distracting. Covers most aspects the topic. facial expressions and gestures fairly contribute to quality of presentation. Occasional and unsustained eye contact with audience. Content adequately developed and supported with appropriate examples. Attempt to outline the structure. Uses a variety of sentence structures to convey thoughts clearly and effectively. Language and Communication Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics Test Format: Section A: Structured questions on all topics given above Section B: Answer two essay questions out of five questions based on topics given above. 3. Vet them till IPG level (3 levels of vetting – team. department and IPG levels before submitting to IPGM Induk) Topics to be covered: 1. Time: 2 ½ hours 7 . 6. 3. 4. 2. Time: 1 ½ hours. 2.COURSEWORK 2: A Mid-Term Test (20%) Lecturers to set your own questions. 5. Language and Communication Phonology Morphology Syntax (up to PS Rules) Test Format: Structured Questions Number of Questions will be based on lecturers’ discretion and time frame given. ____________________________________________________________________________ FINAL EXAMINATION (50%) Prepare exam questions based on the topics in the syllabus. 4. Topics to be covered: 1.
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