
March 16, 2018 | Author: mungos967 | Category: Instrument Flight Rules, Am Broadcasting, Atmospheric Pressure, Telecommunications, Radio



UNCLASSIFIEDACP131 (E) CHAPTER 2 OPERATING SIGNALS DECODE SECTION A - Q SIGNALS SIGNAL QAA QAB QUESTION ANSWER, ADVICE OR ORDER May I have clearance (for...) from...(place and/or control) to...(place and/or control) at...(figures and units) height above...(datum)? You are cleared (or...is cleared) by... from... (place and/or control) to... (place and/or control) at...(figures and units) height above...(datum). QAC QAD QAE QAF QAG Will you advice me when you are (were) at (over)...(place)? QAH What is your height above... (datum)? QAI QAJ QAK What is the essential traffic? Note: Relates to aircraft and not communication traffic. Is there any risk of collision? I am (was) at (over)...(place) (at...hours) (at...(figures and units)) height above... (datum). Arrange your flight in order to arrive over...(place) at...hours or I am arranging my flight in order to arrive over...(place) at...hours. I am at...(figures and units) height above...(datum). Note: An aircraft is permitted to reply to QAH IMI by using any of the answer forms of signals QBF, QBG, QBH, QBK, QBN or QBP. In such cases the signal QAH is omitted from the reply. or Arrange your flight so as to reach...(figures and units) height above...(datum) at...(hours or place). The essential traffic is... Note: Relates to aircraft and not communication traffic. There is risk of collision. Note: This signal should be followed by appropriate Q signals or ICAO approved abbreviations giving instructions for avoiding collision. UNCLASSIFIED 2A-1 UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QAL Are you going to land at...(place)? or Has aircraft...landed at...(place)? (See also signal QTP.) What is the latest available meteorological observation for...(place)? QAM QAN What is the surface wind direction and speed at... (place)? QAO What is the wind direction in degrees TRUE and speed at...(position or zone/s) at each of the...(figures) ...(units) levels above... (datum)? Shall I listen for you (or for...) on...kHz (or (...MHz))? Note: If the frequency is given in megahertz, the abbreviation MHz is to be used. (See also signal QSX). Am I near a prohibited area (or...prohibited area)? May I stop listening on the watch QAP I am going to land at...(place) or (You may) land at...(place). or Aircraft...landed at...(place). (See also signal QTP.) Meteorological observation made at...(place) at...hours was as follows... Note: The information may be given in Q Code form or the AERO form of the International Meteorological Figure Code. When in Q Code, the information is to be given in the following sequence of Q signal answer (or advice) forms: QAN, QBA, QNY, QBB, QNH and/or QFE and, if necessary QMU, QNT, QBJ. It is not normally necessary to precede the QAN, QBA, QNY, and QBB information by these Q signals but this may be done if considered desirable. When in the AERO form of International Meteorological Figure Code the abbreviation AERO is to precede the information. The surface wind direction and speed at...(place) at...hours is (direction)...(speed figures and units). Note: Unless otherwise indicated in the question, answer (or advise) surface wind direction is given in degrees relative to MAGNETIC North. The wind direction and speed (position or zone/s) at the following heights above... (datum is: ...(vertical distance in figures and units) ...degrees TRUE...(speed in figures and units) Listen for me (or for...) on... kHz (...MHz). Note: If the frequency is given in megahertz, the abbreviation MHz is to be used. (See also signal QSX). You are... 1) near 2) flying over a prohibited area (or...prohibited area). You may stop listening on the watch QAQ QAR 1-2 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) frequency for...minutes? QAS QAT QAU QAV QAW QAX QAY QAZ frequency for...minutes I am about to jettison fuel. I am about to carry out overshoot procedure. Will you advise me when you pass (passed)...(place) bearing 090 (270) degrees relative to your heading? Are you experiencing communication difficulties through flying in a storm? I passed...(place) bearing... degrees relative to my heading at...hours. I am experiencing communication difficulties through flying in a storm Note: Attention is invited to the possible supplementary use of signals QAR, QBE, QCS, QRM, QRN, QRX, QSZ or the signal CL to amplify the meaning associated with signal QAZ. QBA What is the horizontal visibility The horizontal visibility at... (place) at...(place)? at...hours is... (distance figures and units). QBB What is the amount, type and height The amount, type and height above official above official aerodrome elevation of aerodrome elevation of the base of the cloud the base of the cloud (at...(place)? at... (place) at...hours is: ...eighths (...type) at...(figures and units)* height above official aerodrome elevation. *NOTE: The cloud amount, type (if reported) and vertical distance information is reported in sequence if several cloud layers are present, the order of reporting being from low to high levels in accordance with the following cloud layer specifications: a) b) c) the lowest individual layer of any amount; the next higher individual layer the amount of which is three-eighths or more (to the nearest eighth); the next higher individual layer the amount of which is five-eighths or more (to the nearest eighth). EXAMPLE: = QBB CYUL 1300 2 300 FT 3 1500 FT 6 9000 FT = Report meteorological conditions as The meteorological conditions as observed observed from your aircraft at... from my aircraft at... (position or zone) (position or zone) at...hours at...hours at...(figures and units) height at...(figures and units) height above...(datum) are... above...(datum). Note: The information may be given in AIREP, or Q Code form. When given in Q Code, the following sequence of Q signal QBC answer (or advice) forms is used: QMX, QNY, QAO, QDF, QMI, QFT and QNI. QBC 1-3 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QBD QBE QBF How much fuel have you remaining (expressed as hours and/or minutes of consumption)? Are you flying in cloud? Fuel remaining is...(hours and/or minutes of consumption). I am about to wind in my aerial. I am flying in cloud at... (figures and units) height above...(datum) (and I am ascending (descending) to...(figures and units) height above that datum). I am flying above cloud and at...(figures and units) height above...(datum) or Maintain a vertical distance of...(figures and units) above cloud, smoke, haze or fog levels. I am flying below cloud and at...(figures and units) height above...(datum). or Maintain a vertical distance of...(figures and units) below cloud. Flight under IFR is compulsory at...(place) (or from...to... (place)). At...hours at...(position or zone) the top of the cloud is: amount...eighths (...type) at...(figures and units) height above ...(datum). I am flying with no cloud in my vicinity and at...(figures and units) height above ...(datum). Here is the message sent by...at...hours. I am flying between two layers of cloud and at...(figures and units) height above ...(datum). Flying under VFR is permissible at...(place) which would be suitable for your landing. I am flying in and out of cloud and at ...(figures and units) height above ...(datum). QBG Are you flying above cloud? QBH Are you flying below cloud? QBI QBJ Is flight under IFR compulsory at...(place) (or from...to...(place))? What is the amount, type and height above...(datum) of the top of the cloud (at... (position or zone))? Are you flying with no cloud in your vicinity? Has...sent any message for me? Are you flying between two layers of cloud? What is the nearest aerodrome at which flight under VFR is permissible and which would be suitable for my landing? Are you flying in and out of cloud? QBK QBL QBM QBN QBO QBP QBQ QBR QBS Ascend (or descend) to... (figures and units) height above...(datum) before encountering instrument meteorological conditions or if visibility falls below... (figures and units of distance) and advise. 1-4 UNCLASSIFIED or Report reaching the. QBU QBV Have you reached the...hours.. or I am changing from.. Delay indefinite......(figures and units) to.(datum)..(place))? At.(figures and units) from the approach end.hours.. can the observer at the runway threshold see the runway lights which will be in operation for my landing (at.. I have reached the... (datum) (or.(area or place))? QBY QBZ QCA Report your flying conditions in relation to clouds.. 2) your slowness in answering... (area or place))? QBW QBX Have you left the.(datum) (or.. (figures and units) height above. the observer at the threshold of runway number..(place).. 1-5 May I taxi to. Cleared to taxi to...(datum) (or... QBH. QBK...... (figures and units) height above... along the runway... May I change from. (datum) (or. QBG. Delay is being caused by.(figures and units) height above..(area or place)).. QBN and QBP... the reply to QBT IMI is given by the signal QNO..UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QBT How far...(place)? UNCLASSIFIED . or No delay expected.. 1) your transmitting out of turn. The reply to QBZ IMI is given by the appropriate answer form of signals QBF.. Expect approach clearance not later than.(figures and units) height above. from the approach end.....(figures and units) height above..(area or place)). You may change from... could see the runway lights in operation for your landing (at... or Report leaving the.(figures and units) to..(figures and units) height above .(place)) for a distance of... (the place is given in plain language)..(area or place)).. 3) lack of your reply to my....(datum)....... (figures and units) height above.(area or place))..(datum)? QCB QCC QCD QCE QCF QCG QCH When may I expect approach clearance? Expect approach clearance at.hours..(figures and units) height above...(datum) (or..(figures and units) height above.. I have left the...(datum) (or.(figures and units) to.... Note: If the station inquired of is not equipped to make the special observation requested. . or The D-Value at.(position)? or What is the D-Value at.2 millibars datum is.. QCJ QCK QCL QCM QCN QCO QCP QCQ QCR QCS QCT QCU QCV QCW QCX QCY QCZ QDA QDB QDC QDD QDE QDF My reception on..UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QCI Make a 360-degree turn immediately (turning to the.. *(specify plus or minus)... Note: When the true altitude (radio altitude) is greater than the pressure altitude PS (plus) is used and when it is less MS (minus) is used.(D-Value figures and units........to.)..).....millibar level is.. (place or position) at. or I am making a 360-degree turn immediately (turning to the..(D-Value figures and units).to.millibar level? My D-Value at... QDG 1-6 UNCLASSIFIED ....? I have sent message.(position) at..... What is your D-Value at. What is your full call sign? My full call sign is.... or Work on trailing aerial.. (figures and units) height above the 1013...frequency has broken down....*(specify plus or minus)...(place or position) at hours for the. I am working on trailing aerial. Have you sent message. or Use your full call sign until further notice.hours) for the. . Follow the pilot vehicle.)? Are you flying in visual meteorological conditions? I will accept control (or responsibility) of (for). (figures and units) height above.. 1-7 UNCLASSIFIED .. or I have reached my parking area. now (or at ..... QDU QDV QDW QDX QDY QDZ QEA QEB Are you flying in a horizontal visibility of less than..) with no wind was... Will you accept control (or responsibility) of (for). Taxi as follows at the intersection.. Cancel my IFR flight plan. hours).hours)? What is my MAGNETIC bearing from you (or from. You may leave the parking area. The MAGNETIC heading for you to steer to reach me (or.. I am flying in visual meteorological conditions...UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QDH QDI QDJ QDK QDL QDM QDN QDO QDP QDQ QDR QDS QDT Do you intend to ask me for a series of bearings? Will you indicate the MAGNETIC heading for me to steer towards you (or. or I have left the parking area.. or Fly at all times in visual meteorological conditions. (straight ahead DRT turn left LEFT turn right RITE) You may make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway.degrees (at...(datum)...now (or at... (figures and units)? May I cross the runway ahead of you? May I turn at the intersection? QEC QED QEE QEF QEG May I make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway? Shall I follow the pilot vehicle? Have I reached my parking area? or Have you reached your parking area? May I leave the parking area? or Have you left the parking area? You may cross the runway ahead of me.....) with no wind? I intend to ask you for a series of bearings..hours).. (figures and units) at. You have reached your parking area.......degrees (at.) was. Your MAGNETIC bearing from me (or from. I am flying in a horizontal visibility of less than..hours). ... or I have moved to the holding position for runway number... Shall I hold my position? Hold your position. QMI. QMW. route.. QMX.. or or Have you assumed position for I am assuming take-off position for runway take-off? number.. area)? or or Have you cleared the runway(or I have cleared the runway (or landing area).(flight. QBA....(place). 1-8 UNCLASSIFIED . section of route or zone) for the period. What is the meteorological forecast for....(place)? at.hours? QFB The meteorological forecast for.. Shall I clear the runway (or landing Clear the runway (or landing area)...(place)? A right-hand circuit is in force at.. QFT and QNI. Are you ready for immediate take-off? I am ready for immediate take-off... What is the condition of the landing The condition of the landing surface surface at. landing area)? QEP QEQ QER QES QET QEU QEV QEW QEX QEY QEZ QFA Is a right-hand circuit in force at.. route..is… Note: When the forecast is given in Q Code the following sequence of Q signal answer (or advice) forms is to be given: QAO.. section of route or zone) for the period...(flight....hours until . Note: The information is given by sending appropriate NOTAM Code groups... May I take-off (and make a..hours until hours…...).? or Have you moved to the holding position for runway number…? May I assume position for take-off? Cleared to the holding position for runway number... QEI QEJ QEK QEL QEM QEN QEO Cleared to hold at take-off position for runway number. QNY.(place) is. The.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QEH May I move to the holding position for runway number.. hand You are cleared to take-off (turn as follows turn after take-off)? after take-off.and am holding. ... 1) The... position or zone) the base of the cloud is.(place)). At. visual beacon (at... visual beacon (at.(place) the atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice is (or was determined at. QFN QFO QFP May I land immediately? Will you give me the latest information concerning. 2) I will switch on the. eighths......(place)) in operation? 2) Will you switch on the....hours to be) .UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QFC What is the amount... The latest information concerning... 1) should I maintain? 2) are you maintaining? 3) do you intend cruising at? 1) Maintain (or fly at)....(place)) until I have landed? (At. Note: If several cloud layers or masses are present.. The approach and runway lights are lit. Note: The information is given by sending appropriate NOTAM Code groups.(place)) what is the present atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice? Am I overhead? May I descend below the clouds? Are the aerodrome lights lit? QFD QFE QFF QFG QFH QFI QFJ QFK QFL QFM 1) approach 2) runway 3) approach and runway lights are out of order.. You may descend below the clouds.(place)) what is the present atmospheric pressure at official aerodrome elevation? (At... the lowest is reported first. At... facility (at... (figures and units) height above. You may land immediately.(figures and units) height above.visual beacon (at...type at. 3) I will extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon (at.. At.facility (at. (place)) is in operation... (place)) until your landing is completed. 3) I intend cruising at.. or Please light the aerodrome lights.(figures and units) height above . (figures and units) height above.. You are overhead..(place.(datum).....(place))? 3) Will you extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon (at.(datum). The aerodrome lights are lit.. the type and the height above.. (place)) is as follows.....millibars......(place))? Are the approach and runway lights lit? QFQ 1-9 UNCLASSIFIED ...(datum)....millibars. or Please light the approach and runway lights.(datum) of the base of the cloud at.....hours to be) .. (datum).......(place.. position or zone)? 1) Is the..(datum)..(place) the atmospheric pressure at official aerodrome elevation is (or was observed at.visual beacon(at. What height above.. 2) I am maintaining... (place) for the period. QNT and QBJ.. QBB and..(position or zone))? What is the magnetic direction (or number) of the runway to be used? QFU QFV QFW QFX Are the floodlights switched on? What is the length of the runway in use in.(datum) has ice formation been observed (at...radio facility at.. It is not normally necessary to precede the QAN..(units)? QFY Please report the present meteorological landing conditions (at. QNY and QBB information by these Q signals but this may be done if considered desirable..hours? QGA QGB 1-10 UNCLASSIFIED .hours is.now in use is. The length of runway..(position or zone) in the type of. The. and/or QFE and.....hours). QBJ...... or Please switch on the floodlights. Note: When given in Q Code the following sequence of Q signal answer (or advice) forms is to be used: QAN.(place) is in operation (or will be in operation in.. QMU.. I am working (or am going to work) on a fixed aerial..... QFT Between what heights above... QNH. if necessary.. QMU..(figures and units). QNT.hours until..UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QFR QFS Does my landing gear appear damaged? Is the.(figures and units) and.radio facility at..hours until. Ice formation has been observed at .. QBA.(place) are. QNY..and with an accretion rate of. QBA.. The present meteorological landing conditions at. if necessary. Note: When given in Q Code the information is sent in the following sequence: QAN.. or Please have the..between...(place) in operation? Your landing gear appears damaged. The aerodrome meteorological forecast for.(place) for the period.... QNY..(place))... Note: The runway number is indicated by a two-figure group and the magnetic direction by a three-figure group..(datum). The magnetic direction (or number) of the runway to be used is. QBB.(figures and units) heights above. QBA.... QFZ What is the aerodrome meteorological forecast for....radio facility at. or Work on a fixed aerial........(place) put in operation... The floodlights are switched on. .minutes on a heading that will enable you to maintain a track reciprocal to your present one... 1-11 UNCLASSIFIED . or I can see the aerodrome or I see.. (datum) and await orders..(control area or zone) at… (place)? at..(place)? You are cleared to land (at.. degrees..... May I enter the... QGF QGG QGH QGI QGJ QGK May I land using.....(true or magnetic). QDR. Your landing gear appears to be down and in place.(figures and units) height above.(distance figures and units)...degrees .)? is....... May I hold at. exceeds my altitude? What is my distance to your station Your distance to my station (or to..(datum).direction of.(place) at..(place) on . of runway.. Fly for. (place).. Note: This signal is normally used in conjunction with one of the signals QDM.....UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QGC QGD QGE There are obstructions to the. What track should I make good? Do you see me? or Can you see the aerodrome? or Can you see. (true or magnetic).degrees.(control area or zone). (procedure or facility)? You may land using.... Leave the....(figures and units) height above.. What is my number for landing? You are number.. or or What track are you making good? I am making good a track from....... QTE or QUJ. May I be cleared to land (at... Hold on....(aircraft)? Does my landing gear appear to be down and in place? QGW QGY QGZ QHA Fly for.to land..(place).(control area or zone) You may enter the..... Landing is prohibited at..minutes on a magnetic heading of..... facility... (place)....(cardinal or quadrantal point of direction).(procedure or facility).(aircraft).(place)? Hold at. Are there on my track any There are obstructions on your track obstructions whose elevation equals or .(place) on. QGL QGM QGN QGO QGP QGQ QGR QGS QGT QGU QGV Make good a track from.. I see you at.) (or to... .(place))? You may make a.....UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QHB QHC QHD QHE Will you inform me when you are on. Shall I circle the aerodrome (or go around)? Circle the aerodrome (or go around)...(datum). approach? I am making a... 1) cross-wind leg 2) down-wind leg of approach.(figures and units) height above...approach (at...(place or headings) I am (or...approach (at..(figures and units) height above..).. 1) waterborne? 2) on land? May I make a. 3) base leg 4) final leg Cleared to enter traffic circuit at.....(datum)? Are you making an emergency landing? QHI QHJ QHK QHL QHM QHN QHO QHP QHQ QHR QHS QHT QHU QHV QHW QHX QHY QHZ QIA QIB Are you (or is.. or Emergency landing being made at... All aircraft below.(figures and units) height above... (place)).at…hours. or or Are you making a.(place)........... 1) waterborne 2) on land QHF QHG QHH May I enter traffic circuit at. (figures and units) leave.leg of approach? I am on.is). 1-12 UNCLASSIFIED ..approach...(datum) and within a distance of... I am making an emergency landing. radio station on. 1) tape) 2) mark and space) reversed? Will you use. 6) receiver.) now (or at....kHz. 3) telegraph...MHz) now (or at..MHz. 1) radio. 3) perforator...hours)? Establish communication with. I will check my. 1) transmitter distributor? 2) auto-head? 3) perforator? Your.MHz).... QJC Is my.MHz. 4) teletypewriter.radio station on..is using..... or I will establish communication with . (or..hours) QID QIE QIF QIG QIH QII QIJ QIK QIL QIM QIN QIO QIP QIQ QIR QIS QIT QIU QIV QIW QIX QIY QIZ QJA QJB What frequency is.. 1) radio? 2) cable? 3) telegraph? 4) teletypewriter? 5) telephone? 6) receiver? 7) transmitter? 8) reperforator? Will you check your.....kHz.... 1) transmitter distributor.kHz. UNCLASSIFIED 2A-13 ..radio station on...kHz (or....using? . I will use. (or... 2) cable....... 7) transmitter. 1) tape) 2) mark and space) is reversed.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QIC May I establish communication with . 2) auto-head.....hours). (or. 8) reperforator. 5) telephone.) now (or at. 1) your test tape. 1) my test tape? 2) a test sentence? Will you transmit a continuous. 1) mark..UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QJD QJE 4) reperforator? 5) printer? 6) printer motor? 7) keyboard? 8) antenna system? Am I transmitting. 1) locally.. 2) a continuous space... 1) mark? 2) space? Are you receiving.. 3) correct. 5) printer. You are transmitting... 1) in letters. 1) a continuous mark? 2) a continuous space? 3) a mark bias? 4) a space bias? 4) reperforator. 7) keyboard. 2) too narrow (by. 4) a space bias. I am transmitting a continuous. Revert to automatic relay.. QJL QJM QJN QJO QJP QJQ QJR QJS QJT QJU QJV QJW QJX QJY QJZ QKA 1-14 UNCLASSIFIED .. 1) a continuous mark.Hz)...... 1) in letters? 2) in figures? Is my frequency shift.... 2) space.is satisfactory. 2) as radiated. 8) antenna system. 3) a mark bias.. 1) too wide? 2) too narrow? 3) correct? QJF QJG QJH QJI QJJ QJK Shall I revert to automatic relay? Shall I run.. Your frequency shift is. 2) in figures.. 1) too wide... 2) a test sentence.. 6) printer motor.. My signal as checked by monitor.. I am receiving.. Run. . 2) the separation between 3) the height above the datum. 2) square search...(distance figures sweeps. contact with survivors... employed in the search pattern? You may expect to be relieved at.. 3) creeping line ahead. (identification)) (with effect from..1) aircraft.on track..... and units) separation between sweeps... 4) track crawl.. (call sign) (and/or whose name (is.(identification)) the following units are (or will be) taking part... (datum)..(name)).degrees.... 1) with direction of sweeps.hours. The search pattern is.... 2) communications. 1) parallel sweep. (figures) above... 2) communications. (identification) establishes... QKI QKJ QKK QKL QKM QKN QKO What other units are (or will be) taking part in the operation (.. (true or magnetic)..... In the operation (.. 1) visual. 1-15 UNCLASSIFIED .. what is (are).. 2) vessel whose call sign is.. 1) permit alighting but not take-off.(identification of operation))? QKP Which pattern of search is being followed? Aircraft plotted (believed to be you) in position..(identification) establishes...... 3) at a height of..UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QKB QKC QKD QKE QKF The sea conditions (at. hours).... 1) the direction of sweeps... (identification) (type. 2) with. 1) visual.hours by..(name of units).. The parallel sweep (track) search is being (or to be) conducted.. hours)? QKG QKH Will relief take place when ...). 2) render alighting extremely hazardous.. Relief will take place when.. contact with survivors? Report details of the parallel sweep (track) search being (or to be) conducted? or In the parallel sweep (track search being (or to be) conducted...(name) unit is taking part in operation (.. May I be relieved (at. or .degrees at...position). UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) 5) contour search. quality.(specify)..frequency and...station and report regarding range...? I have monitored.frequency? I will now key simultaneously on.... 6) combined search by aircraft and ship.frequency and.. etc.. Will you use simultaneous keying on. 1-16 UNCLASSIFIED ... QKQ QKR QKS QKT QKU QKV QKW QKX QKY QKZ QLA QLB QLC QLD QLE QLF QLG QLH QLI QLJ QLK QLL QLM QLN QLO QLP QLQ QLR QLS QLT QLU QLV QLW QLX QLY QLZ QMA QMB QMC Will you monitor.....station and report (briefly) as follows.frequency...radio facility is still required.radio facility still required? The. 7) .. Is the.. (datum).. The following amendment(s) should be QMV QMW QMX QMY QMZ Have you any amendments to the flight 1-17 UNCLASSIFIED .(datum)... from your aircraft.... (figures and units) height above..) height above.....UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QMD QME QMF QMG QMH QMI Shift to transmit and receive on ..kHz (or MHz).. Example: = QMI 1400 11 2 CU 1000 FT 2500 FT 6 SC 6000 FT 10000 FT 5 AC 13000 FT 14000 FT ALT = QMJ QMK QML QMM QMN QMO QMP QMQ QMR QMS QMT QMU What is the surface temperature at.....(position or zone) at..(place) at ...type) with base of....(figures and units) and tops of. At.... (datum)? The surface temperature at. At.. if communication is not established within 5 minutes... (figures and units) height above.(datum) of the zero Celsius isotherm(s)? What is the air temperature (at...(degrees and units) at....(position or zone)) as observed observed from my aircraft at..(place) and what is the dew point temperature at that place? At... Note: Aircraft reporting QMX information will transmit the temperature figures as corrected for airspeed....degrees and the dew point temperature at that time and place is.. hours is.eighths (.(position or zone) what is (are) the height(s) above.degrees.hours) at the. hours the air temperature is.(figures and units) (*and similarly in sequence for each of the layers observed..(figures and units) height(s) above ... Report the vertical distribution of cloud The vertical distribution of cloud as (at .....(position or zone) the zero Celsius isotherm(s) is (are) at.. revert to present frequency..hours at. (position or zone)) (at..... (position or zone) is: lowest layer Observed *...(datum). ..hours is..2 millibars (29...hours. Note: When the setting is given in hundredths of an inch the abbreviation "INS" is used to identify the units.(speed figures and units). your altimeter will indicate. my sub-scale being set to1013.(datum) has turbulence been observed at..(place.......(place) at. position or zone)? The present weather and intensity thereof at.. (See Notes a) and b)). 1-18 UNCLASSIFIED .between . hours is. QNF QNG QNH What should I set on the sub-scale of my altimeter so that the instrument would indicate my elevation if I were on the ground at your station? QNI Between what heights above.millibars (or hundredths of a inch*). I am approaching my point of no return.. hours......) What indication will my altimeter give on landing at.. the instrument would indicate your elevation if you were on the ground at my station at.(position or zone) with an intensity of.. Turbulence has been observed at..... (If no amendments. position or zone) at..(figures and units) heights above.925 inches)? On landing at. signal QMZ NIL.(position or zone)? If you set the sub-scale of your altimeter to read.... QNJ QNK QNL QNM QNN QNO QNP QNQ QNR QNS QNT QNU QNV QNW QNX QNY I am not equipped to give the information (or provide the facility) requested... What is the maximum gust speed of the The maximum gust speed of the surface surface wind at.(place...(datum)....(place) at.(place) at.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) forecast in respect of section of route yet to be traversed? QNA QNB QNC QND QNE made to the flight forecast.(figures and units) and.....hours.92 inches)....(figures and units).(place)? wind at.2 millibars (29. What is the present weather and the intensity thereof at.... with your sub-scale being set to 1013. Spanish (MARITIME USE ONLY) I have received the safety signal sent by. QBH.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) Notes: a) When present weather information is transmitted by a ground station. Dutch 5. German 8. Russian 4.seconds. If none of these conditions prevail the reply shall be QNY NIL. Italian 1. Norwegian 3..80 MHz).. If none of these conditions prevail the reply shall be QNY NIL or alternatively the appropriate answer (or advice) form of signals QBF. Russian 4.(name and/or call sign).80 MHz)? Can you communicate with me in. (MARITIME USE ONLY) Send a phasing signal for. Greek 9. 0. French 7. QNY (Cont’d) b) When present weather information is transmitted by an aircraft. Spanish? Have you received the safety signal sent by.. Dutch 5...(name and/or call sign)? What is the commercial quality of my signals? I can communicate by radiotelegraphy (500 kHz). QBG. 0. AIREP. The alter-native may also be given in addition to present weather conditions when one or more of the conditions listed in Item 11 prevail. Norwegian 3. the information shall be selected from Item 11. (MARITIME USE ONLY) The quality of your signals is.frequency 156. English 6.. Japanese 2. German 8.. QBK. English 6. Can you communicate by radiotelegraphy (500 kHz)? Can you communicate by radiotelephony (2182 kHz)? Can you communicate by radiotelephony(channel 16 . Japanese 2.. (MARITIME USE ONLY) I can communicate by radiotelephony (2182 kHz)..tapes to send. Italian 1. Greek 9.frequency 156... QBN or QBP. 1) not commercial 2) marginally commercial 3) commercial (MARITIME USE ONLY) I have.. the information shall be selected from the present weather table (Table III) in PANSMET (Doc 7605. QNZ QOA QOB QOC QOD QOE QOF QOG QOH How many tapes have you to send? Shall I send a phasing signal 1-19 UNCLASSIFIED ..MET/526).. French 7. (MARITIME USE ONLY) I can communicate by radiotelephony (channel 16 . (MARITIME USE ONLY) I can communicate with you in. (place)? Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of. My estimated time of arrival at.) (place)? Are you returning to.. (MARITIME USE ONLY) Is your vessel fitted for reception of My vessel is fitted for the reception of selective calls? If so.. 1) good.kHz(or MHz)? (or MHz)..(place). we may exchange traffic? (MARITIME USE ONLY) The series QOU to QQZ inclusive is reserved for the Maritime Services What is the name of your station? How far approximately are you from my station? By what private enterprise (or State administration) are accounts for charges for your station settled? Where are you bound and where are you from? What is your estimated time of arrival at....... kHz (or MHz) for I am listening on.. The intelligibility of your signals (or those for. what is the I hear your call. The accounts for charges of my station are settled by the private enterprise.from.. what is your selective calls...) is..indicating radio beacon on . Do you hear my call. The tone of your transmission is..kilometers). 2) variable... approximate delay in minutes before minutes.(place). I have.....kHz (or MHz) for signals signals of emergency positionof emergency position-indicating radio indicating radio beacon? beacon.. Your frequency varies.nautical miles (or.. the approximate delay is .hours. I am returning to. I am bound for.(or State administration).(MARITIME USE ONLY) On what frequencies can your vessel be My vessel can be reached by a selective call reached by a selective call? on the following Frequency(ies)..seconds? Shall I send my tape? QRJ QRK How many radiotelephone calls have you to book? What is the intelligibility of my signals 1-20 UNCLASSIFIED .......radiotelephone calls to book. My selective call number or selective call number or signal? signal is.....UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QOI QOJ QOK QOL QOM QON to QOS QOT QOU to QQZ QRA QRB QRC QRD QRE QRF QRG QRH QRI (MARITIME USE ONLY) Send your tape.) (place) is.(or over.. The approximate distance between our stations is.kHz beacon on. (MARITIME USE ONLY) Have you received the signals of an I have received the signals of an emergency emergency position-indicating radio position...... (periods of time to be added is necessary).. (MARITIME USE ONLY) The series QON to QOS inclusive is reserved for the Maritime Services... (MARITIME USE ONLY) Will you listen on..)? Does my frequency vary? How is the tone of my transmission? The name of my station is...... (or over. Your exact frequency (or that of.... 3) bad.. or Return to.kHz (or MHz).. What is my turn? Your turn is number... Are you ready for automatic operation? I am ready for automatic operation.... Have you anything for me? I have nothing for you..(or according to any (Relates to communication.hours (on... When will you call me again? I will call you again at. 1) scarcely perceptible. Shall I increase transmitter power? Increase transmitter power.that you are calling him Please inform. Shall I send more slowly? Send more slowly (... 2) poor.. Are you busy? I am busy (or I am busy with.words per minute). 1) bad.. 4) good... Shall I send faster? Send faster (. 1-21 (or those of.) is.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QRL QRM QRN QRO QRP QRQ QRR QRS QRT QRU QRV QRW QRX QRY QRZ QSA QSB of.. 3) fairly good..) other indication)..kHz (or MHz)... 5) excellent.. Shall I stop sending? Stop sending....words per minute)... 4) good.. What is the strength of my signals (or The strength of your signals (or those of. 5) very good..) those of.(on. Are my signals fading? Your signals are fading.. (Relates to communication) Who is calling me? You are being called by. Are you being interfered with? I am being interfered with 1) nil 2) slightly 3) moderately 4) severely 5) extremely.)? UNCLASSIFIED .that I am calling him on. 3) fair. on.kHz(or MHz).words per minute.. Shall I inform. Please do not interfere.. Shall I decrease transmitter power? Decrease transmitter power. 2) weak. Send at.kHz (or MHz)..)? is.)..... Are you ready? I am ready. kHz (or MHz).... Are you troubled by static? I am troubled by static 1) nil 2) slightly 3) moderately 4) severely 5) extremely. .. I am going to send on this frequency (or on.telegrams at a time? Are you able to home on your D/F equipment? QSJ QSK QSL QSM QSN QSO QSP QSQ QSR QSS QST QSU QSV QSW QSX What is the charge to be collected to.)? Shall I send a series of V's on this frequency (or. I can communicate with.telegrams at a time.. I will use the working frequency..... Repeat your call on the calling frequency..(call sign) that I have been unable to break in on his transmission (on....)..kHz (or MHz))...(call sign)) on.....francs.... I did hear you (or. break in on my transmission.. I have a doctor on board (or. kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class...).. (or.......... (call sign)) on. persons injured requiring ambulance).MHz))..direct(or by relay through... did not hear you (or have interference).....kHz (or MHz)....base (with..kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class.kHz. kHz (or MHz)? Can you communicate with.). direct or by relay? Will you relay to...or Will you inform.(name of person) on board)? Shall I repeat the call on the calling frequency? What working frequency will you use? I am a cargo vessel. I have effected rescue and am proceeding to. including my internal telegraph charge is. I have been unable to break in on your transmission. I will relay to.. I am able to home on my D/F equipment (on station........UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QSC QSD QSE QSF QSG QSH QSI Are you a cargo vessel? Is my keying defective? What is the estimated drift of the survival craft? Have you effected rescue? Shall I send.free of charge.. (name of person) is on board).).... Send....kHz (or Shall I send or reply on this frequency (or on..kHz (normally only the last three figures of the frequency need be given)..kHz (or MHz))? Will you send on this frequency (or on.(call sign(s)) 1-22 UNCLASSIFIED .kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class..(figures and units).)? Will you listen to.including your internal telegraph charge? Can you hear me between your signals and if so can I break in on your transmission? Can you acknowledge receipt? Shall I repeat the last telegram which I sent you(or some previous telegram)? Did you hear me (or... Send or reply on this frequency(or on..(call sign(s)) on. I can hear you between my signals.. Send a series of V's on this frequency (or on.. I am listening to. I am acknowledging receipt Repeat the last telegram which you sent me (or telegram(s) number(s). Your keying is defective. The estimated drift of the survival craft is.. The charge to be collected to.kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class..)....free of charge? Have you a doctor on board (or is.. . according to any other indication)? What is your TRUE track? What is your speed? (Requests the speed of a ship or aircraft through aircraft through the water or air respectively...degrees.? Do you agree with my counting of words? How many telegrams have you to send? What has the rescue vessel or rescue aircraft recovered? What is my TRUE bearing from you? degrees (at.. (Indicates the speed of a ship or the water or air respectively.at.hours. or What is my TRUE bearing from......... kilometers or. QTE QTF QTG QTH QTI QTJ QTK QTL UNCLASSIFIED ... 2) .. I will repeat the first letter or digit of each word or group.(call sign) was... My speed is...kHz (or MHz)? Shall I change to transmission on another frequency? Shall I send each word or group more than once? Shall I cancel telegram number. longitude (or other indication of position)...... Cancel telegram number...knots (or...times) on.. My position is. Your TRUE bearing from me is.kHz (or MHz)).....kHz (or MHz))? or Will you request.statute miles per hour). 3) .hours).(call sign)? Will you give me the position of my station according to the bearings taken by the D/F stations which you control? Will you send two dashes of ten seconds each followed by your call sign (repeated. latitude.(number) bodies.....wreckage. kHz (or MHz)? What is your position in latitude and longitude (or.(call sign) from.times) (on.. I do not agree with your counting of words.degrees.latitude longitude (or according to any other indication)...(call sign) from... My TRUE track is.to send two dashes of ten seconds followed by his call sign (repeated. times) on.kilometers or..hours).degrees (at........... I have.kHz (or MHz))....telegrams for you (or for. I am going to send two dashes of ten seconds each followed by my call sign (repeated .times).. or I have requested. ..to send two dashes of ten seconds followed by his call sign (repeated.. or Your TRUE bearing from.(identification) has recovered… 1) .times) (on...degrees at.........hours. Change to transmission on another frequency (or on.. class..(call sign) was .statute miles per hour).....kHz (or MHz)..(number) survivors..)... or The TRUE bearing of.. (call sign)? or What is the TRUE bearing of.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QSY QSZ QTA QTB QTC QTD on...) The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth is.) What is the speed of your aircraft in relation to the surface of the earth? What is your TRUE heading? 1-23 MHz)..knots (or... My TRUE heading is..... Send each word or group twice(or... The position of your station according to the bearings taken by the D/F stations which I control was.... . Survivors are in.... I departed from... and amount. or I am going to enter dock (or port)... or I have left dock (or port).kHz(or MHz) (from.. (call sign)) is.... Here is news of..hours)... I will keep my station open for further communication with you until further notice (or until. The correct time is. I will send my call sign for tuning purposes or so that my frequency may be measured now (or at. Stand guard for me on the frequency of... UNCLASSIFIED .. Here is the information requested (The units used for speed and distances should be indicated. in degrees TRUE and speed of the surface wind... visibility...kHz (or MHz)? What are the hours during which your station is open? Shall I stand guard for you on the frequency of.... The identification signal which follows is superimposed on another transmission.(call sign).hours (on...hours.... I am going to alight (or land). (aircraft.. My station is open from.. I am airborne....(call sign))? 1-24 My MAGNETIC heading is.. I am continuing the search for.date)....(place)? Are you airborne? or Have you left dock (or port)? Are you going to alight (or land)? or Are you going to enter dock (or port)? Can you communicate with my station by means of the international code of signals? What is the correct time? Will you send your call sign for tuning purposes or so that your frequency can be measured now (or at.hours)? Are you proceeding to the position of incident and if so when do you expect to arrive? Are you continuing the search? Have you news of..hours)? What is the condition of survivors? Will you keep your station open for further communication with me until further notice (or until...hours.hours....) QTT QTU QTV QTW QTX QTY QTZ QUA QUB QUC The number (or other indication) of the last message I received from you (or from.(place of observation)? What is the number (or other indication) of the last message you received from me(or from. I am proceeding to the position of incident and expect to arrive at.to. I am going to communicate with your station by means of the international code of signals.. ship..to... hours).....condition and urgently need.kHz (or MHz). present weather. survival craft. (call sign)? Can you give me in the following order information concerning: the direction.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QTM QTN QTO QTP QTQ QTR QTS What is your MAGNETIC heading? At what time did you depart from. type and height of base of cloud above surface elevation at.kHz (or MHz) (from.. to... survivors or wreckage)...degrees..hours) on....(place) at.hours) on.. ...hours.. Aeronautical Note: Stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication service will interpret this signal as: The present atmospheric pressure at the present water level at. I have received the distress signal sent by.1/3 1/3 ..hours. e.5 0. sea observed at.. selected according to the average wave height as obtained from the larger well formed waves of the wave system being observed.. I can use telephony in.g..)? is.(units)..1 0...0.(figures and units)...1. Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Calm-glassy Calm. information or advice form by the use of a numbered alternative as given hereunder.0.. I am forced to alight (or land) immediately.1 2/3 1 2/3 .13 13 .20 20 . If observed height coincides with one of the limits. or I will be forced to alight (or land) at.14 Over 14 Height Feet (approx.. (place or coordinates)? Aeronautical Note: Stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication service will complete the answer..5 .30 30 ..degrees at.. (language) on. (call sign of mobile station)? Can you use telephony in.4 4-6 6-9 9 . waves with a mean maximum height of 4 meters are to be reported as "5".. on what frequencies? Have you received the distress signal sent by.....25 1..hours.(place or coordinates) is. report the lower numbered alternative....(call sign of mobile station) at. with interpreter if necessary. (language).hours is.4 4-8 8 .. QUJ Will you indicate the TRUE track to The TRUE track to reach me (or.5 2...... QUH Will you give me the present barometric pressure at sea level? Aeronautical Note: Stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication service will interpret this signal as: What is the present atmospheric pressure at the present water level? QUI Are your navigation lights working? My navigation lights are working.(call sign of mobile station) at.) 0 0 . (call sign of mobile station)? Will you be forced to alight(or land)? I have received the urgency signal sent by. The present barometric pressure at sea level is.) reach you (or.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QUD QUE QUF QUG Have you received the urgency signal sent by. if so...rippled Smooth Wavelets Slight Moderate Rough Very Rough High Very High Phenomenal Meters 0 0 ..2..5 ... (position or place) at.45 Over 45 1-25 UNCLASSIFIED .. (place or position) at...kHz (or MHz)..hours..25 . QUK Can you tell me the condition of the The sea at.1 . longitude(or of.. stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication service may indicate the direction of swell by the use of the appropriate cardinal or quandrantal point abbreviation N.(place or coordinates)? Aeronautical Note: Stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication service will complete the answer.300 100 . at. following the numbered alternate for indicating swell condition.. information or advice form by the use of the following numbered alternatives: Number 0 1 2 3 4 Length of Swell Short or Average Long Short Average Height Low Low Moderate Moderate Number 5 6 7 8 9 Length of Swell Long Short Average Long Confused Height Moderate Heavy Heavy Heavy - Additionally...UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QUL Can you tell me the swell observed The swell at. E. The descriptions in the above numbered alternatives are as follows: Length of Swell Meters Feet (Approx... the numbered alternative "9" is used. TRUE course and speed? Aeronautical Notes: a) All stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication service will interpret this signal (in part) as Normal working may be resumed. My position. the numbered alternative "0" is used..600 Over 200 Over 600 Height of Swell Meters Feet (Approx.. NE.. etc. TRUE course and speed are.. 1-26 UNCLASSIFIED ...100 0.13 Over 4 Over 13 Short Average Long Low Moderate Heavy When there is no swell.) 0 . when the swell is such that the length and height of the swell waves cannot be determined..) 0-2 0-7 2-4 7 .latitude .(place or coordinates) is..)) please indicate their position. Aeronautical Notes: a) All stations of the international aeronautical telecommunication service will interpret this signal (in part) as referring to TRUE TRACK. SE.200 300 . QUM QUN May I resume normal working? Will vessels in my immediate vicinity (or in the vicinity of. ... 3) have been reached by ground rescue party.. latitude.. 1) survivors in water. 2) have been picked up by rescue vessel. in what position? b) English-speaking stations of the maritime mobile service may interpret this signal (in part) as referring TRUE HEADING. Home ship or aircraft.latitude.. 2) ship. in position. 1) are in possession of survival equipment dropped by. Survivors. 4) ...kHz (or MHz) TRUE QUS QUT Is position of incident marked? QUU Shall I home ship or aircraft to my position? 1-27 UNCLASSIFIED .kHz (or MHz). b) English-speaking stations of the maritime mobile service may interpret this signal (in part) as referring to TRUE HEADING.. 1) received survival equipment? 2) been picked up by rescue vessel 3) been reached by ground rescue party? Have you sighted survivors or wreckage? If so. 2) sea marker. 1) searchlight....UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) QUO QUP QUQ QUR referring to TRUE TRACK. occulting if possible and. When communicating with such stations it is recommended that supplementary use be made of the signal QTI to avoid any misunderstanding. 3) pyrotechnic lights.. 2) survivors on rafts. 2) ship. 1) aircraft..(call sign) .. 3) wreckage. 3) survival craft.. Please train your searchlight on a cloud..longitude (or according to any other indication)? Will you indicate your position by.. in the vicinity of. 2) black smoke trail... if my aircraft is seen or heard. deflect the beam up wind and on the water (or land) to facilitate your landing? Have survivors... 2) by transmitting on... My position is indicated by.. deflect the beam up wind and on the water (or land) to facilitate my landing.. occulting if possible and.. 1) searchlight? 2) black smoke trail? 3) pyrotechnic lights? Shall I train my searchlight nearly vertical on a cloud. 1) to your position by transmitting your call sign and long dashes on. longitude (or according to any other indication).. 1) flame or smoke float..(specify other marking). 3) sea marker dye. longitude (or according to any other indication).... Please search for..... 3) survival craft.. Have sighted. Position of incident is marked by. 1) aircraft. if your aircraft is seen or heard. Shall I search for. in the vicinity of... When communicating with such stations it is recommended that that supplementary use be made of the signal QTI to avoid any misunderstanding.. latitude. (designator or latitude and longitude)? Do you have any navigational warning or gale warnings in force? Is position of survival craft marked? I am in the.hours by..(designation) search area.... The series QVA to QZZ inclusive has not been allocated to date.. QUZ QVA-Q ZZ I have the following navigational warning(s) or gale warning(s) in force..(specify other marking). restricted working may be resumed...... Position of survival craft was marked at. QUV QUW QUX QUY Are you in the search area designated as. 1-28 UNCLASSIFIED .UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) track to reach you. 1) flame or smoke float 2) sea marker 3) sea marker dye 4) . May I resume restricted working? Distress phase still in force.. Area control. Air traffic control (in general). Again.. Between. Before. Aircraft Aerodrome.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) CHAPTER 4 MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS SECTION A . Cirrocumulus. Cleared to. Cumulonimbus.. Control area... Direct (in relation to flight plan clearances and type of approach). Cirrus Clear type of ice formation. Altostratus. Control zone.. I cannot give you a bearing. Break-off height. Cirrostratus. The minimum of your signal is suitable for the bearing. Advise. Beam approach beacon system.. Degrees centigrade. Approach control..(datum)).(time or place). Broadcast. Cumulus. 4A-1 UNCLASSIFIED .(time or place) Area forecast. I am ascending (to.DECODE ABBREVIATION AC ACC ACFT AD ADZ AERO AGN AIR ANT APP APR AFRFOR ARR AS ASC ATC ATP AWY BABS BCST BOH BRF BTN CB CC CEN CI CLA CLR CS CTA CTR CU DB DC DCT SIGNIFICATION OF SYMBOL Altocumulus. Aero form of the International Code. Arrive (or arrival).figures and units) height above. Airway. You are not in the calibrated sector of this station. Relative to air.. Short (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required). At. After.. --. Flight.. Light (used to qualify icing. Relative to ground. Here. Hours (period of time). Greenwich mean time.. Degrees Fahrenheit. Aeronautical Note: In the international aeronautical telecommunication service ER may also be used to indicate Here with be used to indicate Herewith. Instrument flight rules. Landing off runway is permitted. Adjust your transmitter... I cannot furnish you with a bearing. 4A-2 UNCLASSIFIED . (To be used only by the control station of a group of direction-finding stations when it is addressing stations of the same group). Intersection of air routes. Geographic or true.degree in the doubtful sector of this station. Ground controlled approach system. Keep straight ahead. turbulence. Your bearing at.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) DES DF DRT DS DT DU DY DZ E ER ERB ETA ETD ETI FAH FBL FIOR FIR FL FLT FNA FOT FSL FT GCA GEO GMT GND HBN HEL HF HR IAR ID IFR ILS IMI I am descending to..). Units of English system. Estimated time of arrival.).000 to 30. with a possible error of. Final approach. Position not guaranteed.(datum)). Interrogation sign (question mark) (. Full stop landing. East or Eastern longitude. Hazard beacon.. High frequency (3.000 kHz. interference or static reports. Instrument landing system.. The information is estimated. Flight information region. Feet (dimensional unit).hours was.. This station is not able to determine the sense of the bearing. the minimum of your signal is too broad. What is your approximate direction relative to this station? Your bearing is reciprocal. Flight forecast... Helicopter.figures and units) height above... Estimated time of departure.degrees.. the mini.mum of your signal is too broad.. The indication of vertical distance is given as flight level reference number. Identification.. Knots.. The indication of vertical distance is given as TRUE height above mean sea level (e. Long range. Left (direction of turn). Magnetic. Long (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required). Kilocycles/kilohertz per second Kilograms. interference or static reports). If not possible.. Moderate (used to qualify icing. Metric units. High intensity approach lighting system. Megacycles/megahertz per second. Below. kHz KG KM KNH KT LB LEFT LF LNG LRG LSA LSB M MAG MB MC.. Pounds (weight).. without correction for ambient temperature.). of a pressure altimeter set to QNH. Inches (dimensional unit). Statute miles per hour.. turbulence.g. Statute mile(s).UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) IMT INA INF INP INS IR IRL IVB IVR KC. The indication of vertical distance is given as the reading. KCS. Initial approach. (figures and units). Intersection of range legs. Low frequency (30 to 300 kHz. Meters. Ice on runway. Low intensity approach lighting system. Mixed type of ice formation (white and clear). MCS or MHz MER MET MF MKR ML MN MOD MPH MRG MS MSL MTU MX Immediately. 4A-3 UNCLASSIFIED . Medium range. Kilometers. If forward visibility is less than.. Millibars. Meteorological. Minus.).000 kHz. Marker radio beacon.. Medium frequency (300 to 3. Kilometers per hour. If forward flight visibility remains. Minute (or minutes). after applying the correction for ambient temperature to the altitude reading of a pressure altimeter set to QNH). (figures and units). Plus. White type of ice formation. As soon as possible. Standard regional route transmitting freqs. Stratocumulus. Nautical mile(s). Reach cruising altitude. (To be used only with figures indicating latitude. 4730N. I have nothing to send to you. Normal. the abbreviation N signifies No and is used in that service to give a negative sense to Q signals. Runway. The information refers to forecast and not to present conditions. Passenger(s). expressed in millibars. Right (direction of turn). The control referred to is Radio Control. South or Southern latitude. Indication of an order. South-East. Non-directional radio beacon. e. at the level and the position of the aircraft.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) N NDB NE NIL NM NML NO NORTH NR NS NW OPA OPC ORD PLA PP PRES PREVU PSGR PS PTN QUAD RAD RCA RDO REP RITE RNG RNWY ROFOR RON RP RTT RUT S SAP SC SE SEV SID North latitude. Reporting point. The indication of vertical distance is (or is to be) replaced by the indication of the pressure. Rapid. Radio range. Route forecast. Descent through cloud (procedures). The control indicated is Operational Control. North-East. Receiving only. No. North-West.g.) Aeronautical Note: In the maritime mobile service. North (cardinal point of direction). Severe (used to qualify icing and turbulence reports). Quadrant. 4A-4 UNCLASSIFIED . Practice low approach. Radio-teletypewriter. Radio. Number. Standard instrument departure. Procedure turn. Nimbostratus. Until past. The indication of vertical distance is given as the reading. Yards. after applying the correction for ambient temperature to the vertical distance reading of a pressure altimeter set to QFE).(place).2 millibars (29. (The abbreviation should only be used in the vicinity of the station which provided the QFE setting.. without correction for ambient temperature. Above.g.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) SKED SLW SOL SRG ST STA STD SUP SW TAF TAFOR TER TFZ TGL TIL TIP TO TRB TT TWR UAB UFN VAN VIA VIO VFR VHR VLR VOR VSA W WX XS YD Schedule. Teletypewriter. West or Western longitude. Slow. without correction for ambient temperature. (place). 4A-5 UNCLASSIFIED . of a pressure altimeter set to QFE... South-West. Weather.92 inches). Straight in approach. Touch and go landing. By way of. Until further notice. Atmospheric. Until advised by. Aerodrome control. The indication of vertical distance is given as TRUE height above official aerodrome level (e. Abbreviated aerodrome forecast.. Until. to 300 MHz).. By visual reference to the ground.. Very long range. Aerodrome forecast. Runway control van....) Short range. VHF omni-directional radio range. Traffic zone.. of a pressure altimeter having the sub-scale set to 1013. Stratus. Very high frequency (30. The indication of vertical distance is given as the reading. To. It is not necessary to keep to the runways and taxi ways after landing. Heavy (used to qualify interference or static reports). Visual flight rules.000 kHz. UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) YR Your. 4A-6 UNCLASSIFIED . Aerodrome. Bearing doubtful in consequence of the bad quality of your signal. Cumulonimbus. Aerodrome forecast. Adjust your transmitter... By visual reference to the ground. Ask for another bearing later (or at. Area control. Break-off height.. Clear to. As soon as possible. DI ANT INF BTN BOH BCST VSA VIA Bearing doubtful because of interference. Descent through cloud (procedure). Arrive (or arrival). Direct (in relation to flight plan clearance and type of approach). Cumulus.ENCODE ABBREVIATION SIGNIFICATION OR SYMBOL A DJ TAF SUP DS ADZ AERO AD TWR TAFOR APR AGN AIR ACFT ATC AWY AC AS APP ACC ARFOR ARR SAP ATP XS Abbreviated aerodrome forecast Above. Atmospherics.hours). Approach control. Below. Altocumulus.. Bearing doubtful. Aerodrome control. Broadcast. Airway.. By way of. C CC CS CI CLA CLR CTA CTR CB CU Cirrocumulus.. Area forecast. ABBREVIATION OR SYMBOL SIGNIFICATION 4B-1 UNCLASSIFIED ..(time or place). After. At. Degrees Fahrenheit. B BABS DO Beam approach beacon system. Relative to air.. Aero form of the International Code. D CEN FAH PP DCT Degrees centigrade. Air traffic control (in general).(time or place)... Control area. Clear type of ice formation. Between. Cirrostratus Cirrus. Advise. Again.. Altostratus. the minimum of your signal is too board.. Aircraft. Before.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS SECTION B . Control zone.. Hours (period of time). G GEO GMT GCA Geographic or true. I cannot furnish you with a bearing.. High frequency (3.(figures and units). Intersection of range legs..000 to 30. the minimum of your signal is too broad. ORD INP IMT INS INA IFR ILS IMI IAR IRL TRB ASC DES DT I I am ascending (to. Indication of an order. Here. Flight forecast. Ice on the runway.(datum)).. If forward flight visibility remains. DB IR ID IVR IVB HF LSB HR 4B-2 UNCLASSIFIED .. Initial approach. If forward visibility is less than.) High intensity approach lighting system. Ground controlled approach system.. Final approach. Identification.. Interrogation sign (question mark)(.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) E E ETA ETD East or Eastern longitude. H NIL HBN VIO HEL ER Hazard beacon... I have nothing to sent to you. Instrument landing system..(figures and units) height above. K DRT Keep straight ahead. Estimated time of departure.. Estimated time of arrival. It is not necessary to keep the runways and taxi ways after landing.000kHz. Helicopter.. Heavy (used to qualify interference or static reports). Immediately.--. Flight information region. Instrument flight rules. If not possible..(figures and units) I am descending (to. F FT FNA FLT FIFOR FIR FSL Feet (dimension unit)..(figures and units). Flight. You are not in the calibrated sector of this station. I cannot give you a bearing.) Intersection of air routes... Full stop landing.Aeronautical Note: In the international aeronautical telecommunication service ER may also be used to indicate Herewith. Inches (dimensional unit). Greenwich mean time. Nimbostratus. No. Long (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required). M MAG MNTN MKR MF MRG MC. kHz Kilocycles/kilohertz per second. Normal.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) KC. Q QUAD Quadrant Passenger(s). Moderate (used to qualify icing. P PSGR DG PS DU DP LB PLA PTN . Number. KMH Kilometers per hours. KG Kilograms. 473ON. North-East.. turbulence. Left (direction of turn) Light (used to qualify icing. Possible error of bearing may amount to. Position not guaranteed. Plus. interference or static reports). Non-directional radio beacon. Non-directional radio beacon. KM Kilometers. Long range. Pounds (weight) Practice low approach. the abbreviation N signifies No and is used in that service to give a negative sense to Q signals. N NM NS NO NDB NML NORTH NE N Nautical mile(s). interference or static reports). North (cardinal point direction). Mixed type of ice formation (white and clear). Minus. turbulence. Medium frequency (300 to 3000 kHz). KT Knots.g. Low frequency (30 to 300 kHz. MCS MET M MTU MB MS MN MX Magnetic. LNG LRG LF LSA NW NR NDB MOD 4B-3 UNCLASSIFIED .). Procedure turn. e. North latitude. Meteorological. L ERB LEFT FBL Landing off a runway is permitted. Long intensity approach lighting system. Megacycles/megahertz or MHz per second. North-West. KCS. Millibars. Minute (or minutes).. Meters Metric Units.degrees. Medium range. Marker radio beacon. Maintain.) Aeronautical NOTE: In the maritime mobile service. Please advise me if you note an error in the bearing given. (to be used only with figures indicating latitude. Route forecast. Relative to ground. Straight in approach. Reporting point. The indication of vertical distance is given as TRUE height above official aerodrome level (e. Standard instrument approach. Receiving only.g. Standard regional route transmitting frequencies. at the level and the position of the aircraft.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) R RDO RNG RTT RP RCA RON AIR GND REP RITE ROFOR RNWY VAN Radio. Standard instrument departure. Relative to air. after applying the correction for ambient temperature to the vertical distance reading of a pressure altimeter set to QFE).2 millibars (29. S SKED SEV BRF SRG SLW S SE SW SIA SID RUT ML MPH STA SC ST Schedule. South-West. Severe (used to qualify icing and turbulence reports). Stratocumulus. OPC RAD FL STD TER PRES MER ETI The control indicated is Operational Control. T TT Teletypewriter. of a pressure altimeter having the subscale set to 1013. Slow. after applying the correction for ambient temperature to the altitude reading of a pressure altimeter set to QNH). Reach cruising altitude. expressed in millibars. Stratus. South or Southern latitude. T (Cont’d) 4B-4 UNCLASSIFIED . Statue miles per hour. The indication of vertical distance is given as flight level reference number. Runway. Radio range Radio teletypewriter. Short (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required). Rapid. Short range. Statue mile(s). The indication of vertical distance is given as TRUE height above mean sea level (e.92 inches). The indication of vertical distance is (or is to be) replaced by the indication of the pressure.g. The indication of vertical distance is given as the reading without correction for ambient temperature. Runway control van. Right (direction of turn). South-East. The control referred to is Radio Control. The information is estimated. This station is not able to determine the sense of the bearing. Until further notice..degrees in the doubtful sector of this station.. Until past. (To be used only by the Control Station of a group of direction-finding stations when it is addressing stations of the same group). Until.. of a pressure altimeter set to QFE. Your bearing is reciprocal. The indication of vertical distance is given as the reading.degrees.... U W WX W OPA Weather.. Your. West or Western longitude..(place).UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) PREV SOL DC DY TO TGL TFZ The information refers to forecast and not to present conditions. VHF omni-directional radio range. Very long range.000 kHz to 300 MHz).. Until advised by. White type of ice formation. Visual flight rules.) The minimum of your signal is suitable for the bearing.. Your bearing at. What is your approximate direction relative to this station? TO.(place). V VHF VOR VLR VFR Very high frequency (30. Touch and go landing. Y YD YR DF Yards.. DZ FOT TIL UAB UFN TIP Units of English system. (The abbreviation should only be used in the vicinity of the station which provided the QFE setting. 4B-5 UNCLASSIFIED .hours was.. without correction for ambient temperature. Traffic zone. with a possible error of. Examples Necessary Bandwidth 23. The letter occupies the position of the decimal point.THE FIRST FOUR SYMBOLS The necessary bandwidth shall be expressed by three numerals and one letter. M for megahertz or G for gigahertz. The first four symbols provide details of the necessary bandwidth which can range from 0.00 and 999MHz shall be expressed in MHz (letter M). depending upon the choice of the unit. describe any additional characteristics which may be useful in providing a more complete description of the emission. which are optional. The symbols provide details of the following characteristics: a. In order to avoid a given bandwidth being expressed in more than one way. it is specified that the first character shall be neither zero nor K. Where the fourth or fifth symbol is not used.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) CHAPTER 6 DESIGNATION OF EMISSIONS 601.001Hz to 999GHZ. this should be indicated by a dash where each symbol would otherwise appear.between 1. EMISSION DESIGNATION FEATURES Full designation of emissions will comprise a total of nine alphanumeric symbols. M or G. Necessary Bandwidth. . The last two symbols. Classification.between 0. The next three symbols provide details of the basic characteristics of the c.00 and 999GHz shall be expressed in GHz (letter G). K for kilohertz. NECESSARY BANDWIDTH . 602.3Hz 850Hz Method of Designation 25H3 850H 6-1 UNCLASSIFIED .001 and 999Hz shall be expressed in Hz (letter H).00 and 999kHz shall be expressed in kHz (letter K). it represents the unit of bandwidth and may be H for hertz. the first seven being mandatory. Additional Characteristics. It is further specified that the necessary bandwidth: . emission.between 1.between 1. . b. . Emission of pulses (1) (a) (b) Sequence of unmodulated pulses A sequence of pulses P 6-2 UNCLASSIFIED .THE NEXT THREE SYMBOLS 5K45 25K5 16K0 1M25 2M00 5G65 The next three symbols describe the basic characteristics of the radio emission. CLASSIFICATION .25MHz 2Mhz 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (3) Double-sideband Single-sideband.65GHz 603. suppressed carrier Independent sideband Vestigial sideband A H R J B C N Emission in which the main carrier is angle-modulated (a) (b) Frequency modulation Phase modulation F G D (4) (5) Emission in which the main carrier is amplitude and angle.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) 5.type of modulation of the main carrier (1) (2) Emission of an unmodulated carrier Emission in which the main carrier is amplitude-modulated (including cases where sub-carrier are angle-modulated).45 kHz 25. First symbol . It is not possible to give the minimum required information on the emission without the use of all three symbols. a.modulated either simultaneously or in a pre-established sequence.45kHz 16 kHz 1. reduced or variable level carrier Single-sideband. full carrier Single-sideband. in a combination of two or more of the following modes: amplitude.Type of information to be transmitted (3) (1) (2) (3) No information transmitted Telegraphy . pulse W Cases not otherwise covered X (7) b. 0 1 2 3 7 8 9 X (8) c.for aural reception Telegraphy . Second symbol .for automatic reception N A B 6-3 UNCLASSIFIED . Third symbol .nature of signal(s) modulating the main carrier (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) No modulating signal A single channel containing quantized or digital information without the use of a modulating sub-carrier (2) A single channel containing quantized or digital information with the use of a modulating sub-carrier (2) A single channel containing analogue information Two or more channels containing quantized or digital information Two or more channels containing analogue information Composite system with one or more channels containing quantized or digital information. Cases not otherwise covered. either simultaneously or in a pre-established sequence.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (6) modulated in amplitude modulated in width/duration modulated in position/phase in which the carrier is angle-modulated during the period of the pulse which is a combination of the foregoing or is produced by other means K L M Q V Cases not covered above. together with one or more channels containing analogue information. in which an emission consists of the main carrier modulated. angle. Two-condition code with elements of differing numbers and/or durations Two-condition code with elements of the same number and duration without error-correction Two-condition code with elements of the same number and duration with error-correction Four-condition code in which each condition represents a signal element (of one or more bits) Multi-condition code in which each condition represents a signal element (of one or more bits) Multi-condition code in which each condition or combination of conditions represents a character Sound of broadcasting quality (monophonic) Sound of broadcasting quality (stereophonic or quadrophonic) A B C D E F G H 6-4 UNCLASSIFIED . they would not normally be used except where their use could assist in resolving cases of harmful interference to military radio system. 605. however. telemetry. d.DETAILS OF SIGNAL(S) a. e.THE LAST TWO SYMBOLS These symbols describe any additional characteristics useful in providing a more complete description of the emission. The fourth symbol defines details of signal(s). The use of these symbols is optional. b. h. g. FOURTH SYMBOL . a. The fifth symbol defines nature of multiplexing. c. f.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 604. telecommand Telephony (including sound broadcasting) Television (video) Combination of the above Cases not otherwise covered C D E F W X ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS . Facsimile Data transmission. b. (3) In this context the word "information" does not include information of a constant unvarying nature such as provided by standard frequency emissions.g.UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) i. c. f. 606. b. Colour n. k. (4) This includes bandwidth expansion techniques. 6-5 UNCLASSIFIED . o. l.(3). j. e.a. None Code-division multiplex (4) Frequency-division multiplex Time-division multiplex Combination of frequency-division multiplex and time-division multiplex Other types of multiplexing N C F T W X NOTES: (1) Emissions. Combination of the above Cases not otherwise covered FIFTH SYMBOL .a.(1) and 603. (2) This excludes time-division multiplex. Sound of commercial quality (excluding categories given in sub-paragraphs (j) and (k) below Sound of commercial quality with the use of frequency inversion or band-splitting Sound of commercial quality with separate frequency-modulated signals to control the level of demodulated signal Monochrome J K L M N W X m.NATURE OF MULTIPLEXING a. etc. d. pulse code modulation) should be designated under paragraph 603. where the main carrier is directly modulated by a signal which has been coded into quantized form (e. continuous wave and pulse radar. UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) 607. e. THE CLASSIFICATION OF TYPICAL EMISSIONS IS TABULATED AS FOLLOWS: Type of Transmission With no modulation Telegraphy without the use of modulating audio frequency (by on-off Telegraphy by the on-off keying of an amplitude modulating audio frequency or audio frequencies. Full carrier Single Sideband Reduced carrier Single Sideband Suppressed carrier Two independent sidebands Facsimle (with modulation of main carrier either directly or by a frequency modulated sub-carrier Single sideband. a combination of sidebands telephony and telegraphy Telegrapyhy by frequency shift keying without the use of a modulating audio frequency: one of two Supplementary Characteristics Symbol N0N A1A (for aural reception A2A (for aural reception) Type of Modulation of Main Carrier Amplitude Modulation A3E H3E R3E J3E B8E Amplitude Modulation (Cont’d) A3C R3C C3F R7B B9W 1st Symbol F = frequency modulation G = Phase Frequency (or Phase) Modulation 6-6 UNCLASSIFIED . or by the on-off keying of the modulated emission (special case: an unkeyed emission amplitude modulated) Telephony Double Sideband Single Sideband. frequency telegraphy reduced carrier Cases not covered by the Two independent above.g. reduced carrier Television Vestigial sideband Multi-channel voice Single sideband. UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) frequencies being emitted at any instant. F1A = (for aural) G1A = reception F2A = (for aural) G2A = reception F3E G3E F3C G3C F3F G3F F7B G7B FXX (1) Pulse Modulation P0N K1A (for aural reception) Audio frequency or audio frequencies modulating the amplitude of the pulses K2A (for aural reception) Audio frequency or audio frequencies modulating the width (or duration) of the pulses Audio frequency or audio frequencies L2A (for aural reception) M2A (for aural reception) 6-7 UNCLASSIFIED . in which the main carrier is frequency modulated A pulsed carrier without any modulation intended to carry information (e. radar) Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a pulsed carrier without the use of a modulating audio frequency Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a modulating audio frequency or audio frequencies. Telephony Facsimile by direct frequency modulation of the carrier Television Four-frequency diplex telegraphy Cases not covered by the above.g. Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a frequency modulating audio frequency or by the on-off keying of a frequency modulated emission (special case: an unkeyed emission. frequency modulated. an unkeyed modulated pulsed carrier). or by the on-off keying of a modulated pulsed carrier (special case. The symbols XX are available for systems where for security or other reasons it would be preferable not to disclose details of the emission. Phase (or duration) modulated pulses Code modulated pulses (after sampling and quantization) K3E L3E M3E V3E (for example) FXX (1) Cases not covered by the above in which the main carrier is pulse modulated Notes: 1. 6-8 UNCLASSIFIED .UNCLASSIFIED ACP131 (E) Telephony modulating the phase (or position of the pulses) Amplitude modulated pulses Width (or duration) modulated pulses.
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