Pulastya And Pulaha
In The Indus Script
One of the reasons for the hesitation of scholars to accept
the Indus valley civilisation as vedic is that the Rg veda has
several passages referring to Asva-the horse in the modern sense of the term and the veda itself states that its horse has 34 ribs whereas a modern horse usually has 36 ribs.
According to the prevalent history of Bharata varsha as told by western scholars the Indus Valley Civilisation belonged to the
Dravida/Munda people and the vedic people(Aryans) reached India around 1900 BCE only . But in reality the Indus civilisation is vedic and the vedic people were in the Indus Valley at least from 6000BCE as seen from the excavations.
If an unknown script can explain the known myth and known history of a nation,what more proof is required to show that the script belongs to the same people.The script of Egypt explains
their myth and history.The script of Sumer,Akkad or Elam does the same.So it is natural for the Indus script to denote the myth
and history of the Hindu/Sindhu / Sarasvati/ vindu/vipra/sura/ bhuusura/bhudeva/bharata/Kuru/Pancala/Somaka people.Hence we shall try to understand a bit of Indian history through the Indus script.We shall presently see evidences pointing to the existence of the Aryans in the Indus Valley several millennia prior to the so called Aryan arrival in the Indus valley.
In the last articles we have looked into the writing of the Harappans in the early Ravi/Kot Diji phases and concluded that they are the same vedic people of the mature Harappan phase;we have compared an inscribed Ravi sherd showing presence of the Pancalas/ Bharatas in the Indus valley before 3300BCE and a Taxila coin showing their presence in Taxila around 200 BCE confirming the continuity of the vedic civilisation in the Indus Valley from the early Harappan days;we have seen how an indus seal
portray the story of Ahalya described in later literature;
we have explored the universal idea of the mount of the dead Concept In The Worship Of The Sun God .
We have gone into the issue of the vedic horse and the number of its ribs and the birth of Kharoshti and Brahmi from this horse's mouth. We have also looked into the relation of the
Iranian supreme god Ahura Mazda to the Harappan Sarasvati.
We have looked into the evidence of animal sacrifices from Harappan times to the present to show the continuity of vedic civilisation from Harappan times to the present.
We have identified the mysterious vedic soma,
that was used by the ancient sages as a health tonic for the priestly class and the kings .
We have identified agni,agnishtoma, agnikshetra, saptavidha etc. in the IVC seals which are evidences of the right decipherment of the Indus Script.
We have seen that Kalibangan was the centre of Kali/Hali worship.
We have also gone into a Dilmun seal showing Pancala Gavaamayana .
We have looked into the meaning of the avabhritasnaana associated with the Vedic ritual of Sarasvatiya Satra.
We have shown how the Tamil Epic Silappatikaram was adopted from the seals of the Indus Script.
In this article we are identifying Sage Pulastya and
Sage Pulaha in the Indus Script.
Key words
Pulastya,Pulaha,Silappatikaram ,Kannagi, Parasurama, Avabhritasnaana, Sarasvati, Ganga,Yamuna, Bhadra Kali, Larsa, Elam,Susa,Bethany,Vedic Civilisation, Agni, Kalibangan,Agnishtoma, Asvamedha,Gavamayana, Harappan fire altars,animal sacrifice, Indus valley civilisation,Harappan civilisation, Indus script, Kharoshti, Brahmi,Indian history.
Sage Pulastya was one of the maanasaputras(mind-born sons of Brahma;maanasa-mind samaana-equal,ma-king,moon;amsa-portion,aasana-seat;maamsa-meat-medha-meTa-puTa-putra-son.It is the capital/palace,,,,) and one of the ten Prajapatis(cf.dasaraaja) or and one of the Saptarshis, (Seven Great Sages/seven weekdays/saptasva-sun ) in the first Manvantara.He had two sons,namely,Agastya(Pula-astya;aga is pula/puTa;asya-face,seat is asta/astya-house), and Visravas(Pula itself,vi-great –srava-ear is Year/varsha/pula). Visravas (sravas-karna-nagar-puTa-pula-pura-sura) was the father of Kubera,Ravana,Vibhiishana,Kumbhakarna and the Rakshasas(asuras).
It is said that Pulastya received the Vishnu PuraNa(puraaNa-god,Parvati;praaNa-life,puraa-east,ma-king) from Brahma and later narrated it to Parasara(pracaara-prevalence,publicity/ prasara-extension,shop,arrow). Purana being bhur/pura/pula-aana (nose,mouth)/ayana(seat)/astya(house) and astya being Satya(Ficus,Vishnu),Pulastya(bhuu-tala-saya) gets the Vishnu(satya)-purana(bhur/pura-aana/ayana) from Brahma(the sun).Also north is the opposite direction to south/ Vishnu/ day.Hence Pulastya is Vishnu's puTa/pura/pula/pada (foot)-astya ,also.
He is a maanasaputra(mind born son) of Brahama. Maanasa(samaana-equal,,;Somaraaja is the equal of Brahma-the sun) is ma(king,moon, Yama,siva, Vishnu,brahma)-aasana( seat) or maasa-ma(moon) itself.Maamsa is pala/pula/pura/suuna/soma also. Paulastya is the Moon(suuna/soma/aum).Paurastya is eastern,but paura(citizen)-astya(house) is a normal house.
Saura(sun,aga)-astya(house,satya-vishnu,truth) is aakaasa(sky;aga-sun, snake,hill,tree;aasa-seat) or Agastya.
Pala , , (weight,meat,bull,grass/kusa,,,)/phala , (fruit) paala , (king)/baala(girl,durga)/ bhaara (weight,sinha,Vishnu,tola-suula-suura-soma)/bera (body,viira-agni-king-jina-sura-pura-puTa-pula)/vaara , ,M-1181 (arrow,water,roof,hair,weekday-aha,cup) is Pula/puTa/pura/Pulastya/Pulaha.
Pulastya is Pula(great,bull,pala-bilvaka-kaTaka-soma-paulastya(bhadraasana)-pulaha,,,,; ha-is soma-moon, weapon, siva;Sur-ya dur-ga karjura/kharcura, pula-ha;the moon is somabhadra/somaraaja/bull with its crescent/horn)/pala-paala-tola-soma-bull---/Pola(heap,bulk,great-,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,;Pala-bilva-pula-kapola-kanna-malla is pola-ka Pulaha-great king,great house,palace,capital, Pharaoh,prabhu)/ puTa/pura/bhur/bhruu/sura/nagara/ karna/ nakra/ naraka-astya(house,seat)/ satya , (Vishnu,Ficus).It is the seat(medha/meTa) of sura(sun)-especially in the north as his Grandson is Kubera,the lord of the north direction.This being the direction of asura(night),he is the progenitor of the asuras(rakshasas) also.Nagara/pura/sura(city,sun,Heliopolis) is naraka(hades,nether world)/makara (croc)/ma(king)-kara/nagara/pura/sura (harana-hand,nakra-nagara,jina-sura-body;Mathura)/karna(ear,sravas-vrisha-pola)/ sravas/varsha/desa(nation) also.
Polis is Pulastya.Helio-polis is Pulastya as sura(helios) is
pura(polis;cf.Ma-thura/sura/pura).Ravana is ra(agni)-paNa(sun,speech),rava(sun)-ma(king),vanara(monkey),
raa-maana(night interval),nava(new,nabha-sky)-ra(agni,sun) etc. Pulastya being great house is Pharaoh/ pra(pura,viira,ravi)-bhu(earth).
The moon is also called pira(opposite of ravi-sun).Pira is prabhu(cf.somaraja-moon,.Soma is raja,with a great army-the stars)/Pharaoh.In the Bible,Pharaoh is the equivalent of Ravana oppressing Israel in Egypt.With Moses(Heb.moza-sunrise) leading the Israel(the sun) out of Egypt(Ijya-pada Miina),Pharaoh and his army(the army of stars) were drowned in the Red sea(dawning.Miina-miira-sea;moon and the stars disappear at dawn).
In the Ramayana Paulastya(Ravana/moon) is the villain fighting Rama,the avatara of Vishnu.
Sakra(Indra)/Sukra(Soma)/vriksha/nahusha/mahisha/prakasa/pramaana(standard,law,chief)/Krishna/vara-lata-ansu-aga/ha-mana/jina brahmana/brahma;viira/suura-sena/suura/ svarna/ varuNa.Nagara/nagari ma-hari/saya.Varuna(nripa-king) is makaravahana(nagara vahana) .
varsha/varna/nripa /parna/bharana/siirsha/tiirtha/sakala/hali/kali varsha/bhadrakali/nri-sabha,cf. /nri-savacf. /;sava-na/ bharani etc.Sabha-subha-siva-siira-srii is
var-ag-mana=brahmana/suura-sena/srii sena
Pulastya(surya sura-aya/astya/dhaana/sena somaka Pancala Pulastya/Pulaha) can be seen in ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.Pula/PuTa,,,,,,,,,,,,/pura/sura is aga/aha.Arrow/spear/trident/rod/water is ha/ka/gha-weapon,moon,siva,water,,.Surya is Srii/su-raya(current,river,course)/ raaya(king)/ rayi(sealth)/ravi(sun).Pola/pula/puTa, ,,, is bhadra(king,bull,durga)/durga(fort,palace,capital)/ varsha(year, desa/dasra/satra/place)/bhaTa (warrior, deva-god;bha-sun,Ta-svar,bhaTa bhasvara-sun,agni; bala-strength,power,infant;Balabhadra).Deha is sena/arka (deha sena sariira srii-ra arka-sun,copper,linga,worshipper agna-fire agra-first,end aakaara-form agaara-house kshetra-body,temple,field Kurukshatra/harikshetra/sinhaasana/
sinhaprastha/somaka/kalibangan/Pulastya/Pulaha,,,;Pula is bull,Pula-ha is sinha –king/Durga/ mahishamarddini-bull slayer ;pulaka, is Harsha-harta/Heres/Samas/sun/soma-garta/throne-garja/maa/me/roar-sinha/ha/kha/bha/va)
Parpola.DTIS page 55.Fig.4.4(b)
Sura/pura/puTa-astya is Pulastya,,,,.
Pola is heap,bulk,magnitude etc.Paulastya is moon,Vibhiishana,rakshasas,brothers of Duryodhana etc.Polati/Polayati is to be great or high or large.Pota is boat.Potavanik is a trader on boat/exporter/importer.PuTa is cover,capital city,cloth worn to cover privities , etc.Puuta is pure,purified,bright.Bhuuta is gana(naga/jina) of siva.PhuTa,,,, is expanded hood of a snake.PuTa is a casket ,also. A casket is a small ornamental box or chest for holding jewels, letters, or other valued objects,a small wooden box for cremated ashes,a coffin etc.PuTa/phuTa-astya is Pulastya--- , ,,,,,,.Vatavriksha(Ficus) is the pola/bull among trees.It being satya(Ficus,Vishnu) is astya also.Hence it is Pulastya.Pulastya putra(son of Pulastya) is Aajyapa(aasya-bha/vaacya/Kasyapa). ). svastika/sayana/syena/praasaada/prastha/harmya/pura/sura is Pulastya-great house.
Sage Pulaha/Rishi Pulaha is a maanasa(ma-aasana) putra (son,pura) of Brahma,the creator.
He is one of the Saptarshis (Seven Great Sages), in the First Manvantara, the others being Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Kratu, Pulastya, and Vashishtha.
He is also one of the ten Prajapatis(varsha-year), the rulers of people created by Brahma.Chandra dasa in Parasara's vimsottari dasa system is ten years.
Pulaha is believed to be the fifth son of Brahma.Brahma created the saptarshis (the seven sages) and ten prajapatis (varsha,king), from whom all human beings
were born. Pulaha acquired great knowledge(jnaana-knowledge,janana-birth,snaana-bathing.One gains knowledge by birth and bathing!Tam.pulava-knowledge) from sage Sanandana(jina-antana brahamana/bhuusura) and in turn handed over all his knowledge to sage Gautama. He performed great tapas on the banks of river Alakananda(arka-Nanda Sarasvati) and was elevated to the court of Indra. King Bharata renounced his kingdom and sought refuge in the hermitage of Pulaha(sunset. The sun takes refuge in the Moon). The sage is believed to be an ardent worshipper of Siva(the setting sun,Moon appears with him). Pleased by the devotion of the sage, Siva manifested in the form of Pulahesvar in Varanasi. Siva is Chandrasekhara.In Pula-ha , the ha denote the moon and siva.Hence Pulaha is Varuna(the moon rising in the evening) or Pulastya's elder brother itself.
Pulaha/pulava(Tam.scholar)/prabha(shine;Hence the sun and moon has great knowledge,like Sarasvati/Brihaspati/ SukraThe north sun is the jewel in a chest.
Pulakais harsha/horripilation/bristling/garja/gaja, denote Pulaha.Kapola, also indicate Pulaha(pula/pura/puTa).
I am extremely grateful to the authors of the papers listed
in this work ,which I have used for preparing my articles.
Without them this article would not have been possible.