Pubad Syllabus and Sources

April 2, 2018 | Author: Amitanshu Vishal | Category: Public Administration, Governance, Public Sphere, Political Science, Politics



PUBAD 11. Introduction a. Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration– IGNOU pdf on the same topic- (MPA 012 Administrative Theory Unit 1) b. Wilson’s vision of Public Administration– Prasad and Prasad c. Evolution of the discipline and its present status– Chapter 2 of Nicholas HenryParadigms of Public Administration. d. New Public Administration– IGNOU pdf on the same topic- (MPA 012 Administrative Theory Unit 18) e. Public Choice approach– IGNOU pdf on the same topic- (MPA 012 Administrative Theory Unit 19) f. New Public Management– IGNOU pdf on the same topic- (MPA 012 Administrative Theory Unit 21) g. Good Governance: concept and application– IGNOU pdf on the same topic-(MPA 011 Unit 17) + The chapter on governance in the book ” Restructuring PA : A new look by Mohit Bhattacharya” h. Challenges of liberalization, Privatisation, Globalisation– Nicholas HenryPage 375, 376; IGNOU MPA 011- Unit14; New Horizons of Public Administration by Mohit Bhattacharya- Unit 24, 25 i. Minnowbrook Conference 1,2 and 3: IGNOU unit on NPM + Relevant chapter in ” Restructuring PA : A new look by Mohit Bhattacharya” Note: Also go through Mohit Bhattacharya for the above topics after reading the above sources. Just do a reading to see that you are not missing something important. 2. Administrative Thought a. Scientific Management and Scientific Management movement– Chapter on Taylor by Prasad and Prasad+ Revision from Mohit Bhattacharya + IGNOU MPA 012 Unit 4 b. Classical Theory– Mohit Bhattacharya c. Weber’s bureaucratic model – its critique and post-Weberian Developments : Chapter on Weber by Prasad and Prasad + IGNOU MPA 012- Unit 6 and 7. d. Dynamic Administration (Mary Parker Follett)– Chapter on M P Follett by Prasad and Prasad. e. Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others)– Chapter on Mayo by Prasad and Prasad. + IGNOU MPA 012 Unit 8 f. Functions of the Executive (C.I. Barnard)– Chapter on Barnard by Prasad and Prasad. + IGNOU MPA 012 Unit 15 g. Simon’s decision making theory– Chapter on Simon by Prasad and Prasad + IGNOU MPA 012 Unit 9 h. Participative Management (R. Likert, C. Argyris, D. McGregor)– Chapter on them by Prasad and Prasad + IGNOU MPA 012 Unit 11 and 13. Note: Also go through Mohit Bhattacharya for the above topics after reading the above sources. Just do a reading to see that you are not missing something important. 3. Administrative Behaviour: This unit is an extension of unit 2 only. But it would be good to understand the concepts of this unit, especially on leadership and decision making, from any book on Organisational Behaviour. I referred to the chapters 6, 11, 13, 15, 19 of Organisational Behaviour by Margie Parikh and Rajen Gupta. Morale– Read this topic from Awasthi and Maheshwari Organisational structure of Govt of India c.html 8. Note: Be in touch with website of MoF. Administrative Law. PPP– Go through the introduction of this bookhttp://books. Legislative. Organisations: 1 id=pKAvNQmpXkUC&printsec=frontcover&sou rce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q& %20N%20DLM. Regulatory Authorities – ARC 13th Report. + Read Current status of comparative public administration from this link : http://www.Unit 26 and 28 + ARC report on Citizen Centric Administration. Comparative Public Administration– Read the complete book CPA by Ramesh K Arora ( it’s only a 180 page book) + chapter on Riggs by Prasad and Prasad. Right to Information– New Horizons of Pub Ad. 4.nic. administration. 5 and 10 c. Concepts of accountability and control. Personnel Administration- Note: Read this topic with Civil Services of Paper 2. Citizen’s Charters– ARC report on Citizen Centric Administration e.Read all the topics from this pdf (http://persmin. 16.pdf) + Read about administrative tribunals from DD Basu.pdf) d. position classification. c.4. Boards and Commissions.Unit 27+ ARC Report on RTI+ RTI Guide (http://mofpi. Companies. Importance of human resource development. Civil society– New Horizons of Pub Ad. 2. a. Structure and forms: Ministries and Departments.nic. Ad hoc and advisory bodies. 3. career advancement. you can read from Fadia and Fadia also.Unit 21+ ARC report on Citizen Centric Administration. Accountability and control- a.gkbasic. However also read situational theories from the Chapter ” Behavioural and Systems Approaches” of the book “New Horizons of PA by Mohit Bhattacharya”. d.IGNOU MPA 014. Recruitment. b. Planning commission etc for new concepts and reports of various committees and website of PIB for report on PSE’s in india. Executive and Judicial control over administration– New Horizons of Pub Ad.IGNOU MPA 014. 18 9.Organisational structure of Govt of India+ Damodar Committee Report (http://indiainbusiness. Theories – systems– already covered with Bernard. If not this. Role of media and interest groups– IGNOU MPS 003 Unit 15 and 16 + ARC report on social capital. Headquarters and Field relationships– Public Administration by Laxmikanth Unit 9 ( sub topic Public Enterprise) + ARC 13th Report.Unit 4 .aspx? KYEwmOL+HGoC3PktBWCmTRa5aMHH7uT6BV0hU4XftgsBo6t5yowVJA==) 6.contingency– already covered with decision Development Dynamics– Social Theory and Development Administration by Mohit Bhattacharya- Unit1.IGNOU MPA 014. b. slideshare.IGNOU MPA 014.8. . a. CPM: New Horizons of Pub Ad Unit 30. Budgets – types and forms: Nicholas Henry. e-governance and information technology: New Horizons of Public Administration Unit 29+ ARC report on E-governance. implementation. PERT. employer-employee relations. Financial accountability. Monetary and fiscal policies.New Horizons of Public Administration Unit 22+ ARC report on Ethics in Governance. Public borrowings and public debt. b. planning. 10.Unit 7.9 and 19 f. PERT and CPM: IGNOU notes on PERT/CPM. pay and service conditions. evaluation and review and their limitations. 12.Given in Awasthi and Maheshwari. Code of conduct. + Note: Very well covered in MPA 015 Public Policy and Analysis.Rajni Goyal and Ramesh AroraUnit 27 and 28. Public Policy: The chapter on public policy in te book Nicholas Henry.d. Accounts and audit.IGNOU MPA 014. d.already covered in IGNOU unit 19 h. Models of policy-making and their critique. capitalist theory.Unit 6 e. Processes of conceptualisation. (http://www. performance appraisal.Chapter 8 c. ARC Report on Financial Management. elite theory. Marxist theory.Covered in the IGNOU notes b.Read from any book on political science the following topicspluralist theory. Please read it carefully as UPSC asks typical questions from this topic.ARC report on Ethics in Governance i. Work study and work management: Management aid tools like network analysis. + Read Economic Survey+ Read Monday edition of The Hindu with focus. 11. grievance redressal mechanism. Budgeting Process: Awasthi and Awasthi d. Techniques of Administrative Improvement a. Administrative Ethics. b.IGNOU MPA 014. and those question’s answers could mostly be found in these IGNOU notes. promotion. and patriarchal theory of policy making. monitoring. State Theories. Financial Administration Note: Read this topic with Financial Management of Paper 2. Organisation and methods.Unit 18 g. c.These topics can be very well understood IGNOU economics notes. MIS. 6. + “S. So its better to decide your sources and read them 3-4 times. Moreover. Philosophical and Constitutional framework of government- a.Chapter 4. Unit wise source 1. reports. e. Bureaucracy and democracy. Evolution of Indian Administration. + read ARC report on Union Administration. 3.g. Plans and Priorities. Bureaucracy and development. This paper is straight forward and scoring. and so on. Salient features and value beautifully covered in Part 1 of the book “Indian Administration” by Rajni Goyal and Ramesh K Arora.PUBAD2 1. It will make your life easy. like ARC.This is a very important topic. make notes of material other than standard textbooks. . 17 and 18 from Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora. Political culture.K Roongta Committee” report. b. + Read Scenario planning + Read about the recent changes being made in the planning architecture and method of grants disbursal.Read pertinent topics from Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora. 3. 2. Again. watching “Big Picture” on Rajya Sabha at 9:30 pm on Moday to Friday may help in honing your knowledge and making it current based. But one needs to maintain a standard language and cover all the points while writing answers. Constitutionalism.Again pertinent topics from Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora + any new report on the website of Planning Commission. Public Sector Undertakings: Chapter 9 of the book ” Public Administration” by M Laxmikanth.pdf 4.. 5 and 6 of the book Indian Administration by Rajni Goyal and Ramesh K Arora. Nothing is more important than writing answers to the questions asked in last 20 years question papers. 5. 5. Please read any report that is released during the preparation period.Chapter 3 and 4 of the book “Social Theory and Development Administration” by Mohit Bhattacharya. Union Government and Administration. Damodaran Committee Report on Regulation of Business and Planning Commission report on CPSEs. 2. 16. State Government and Administration. Read it diligently several times. Read chapter 9.http://planningcommission. Book by KBC Nano provides unit wise division of questions. 4. c. It is very important. Also keep a track on newspaper reports for these topics. Reforms in financial management and human resource development.blogspot.Pertinent topic from Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora + ARC report on local governance. Changing role of the Collector.Pertinent topic from Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora + ARC report on local governance. 12th plan document would also be very helpful for this topic. Reading it is anyway necessary for GS. Major Concerns.Sources mentioned in Paper 1+ Part 7 of Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora.Punchhi Commission report. finance and problem areas. Read the ARC report 15th on State and District Administration. Municipal governance: main features. b. Union-state-local relations.Just make a summary of all the major reports released after independence. b.b. 11.Chapter 33 of the book ” Indian Administration” by Avasthi and Avasthi. Rural Development.This is a dynamic topic.Part 5 of Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora + 15th report of ARC. Globallocal debate.html . c. One can always quote it. New localism. structures. Urban Local Government- a. 74th Constitutional Amendment. Read the report of Punchchi Commission.Refer to this link http://swapsushias. b.These topics will be covered in ARC reports on financial management and Personnel Administration. So read newspaper reports for problems in implementing various reforms. Financial Management. Administrative Reforms since Independence- a. District administration and democratic decentralization. c. 10. d. Imperatives of development management and law and order administration.Chapter 30 of Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora. 7. Problems of implementation. Second topic will be covered in law and order administration. 12. A list of them is provided in the book “Indian Administration” by Avasthi and Avasthi. 9.The first topic is current based and is also covered in the 15th report of ARC. District Administration since Independence- a. Civil Services. Important Committees and Commissions. d.Already covered in paper 1. Source: Covered in the book: “Restructuring Pub Ad: A New Look by Mohit Bhattacharya” .Book by Avasthi and Avasthi + this is a current based topic so please read newspaper articles on this topic+ Big Picture on Rajya Sabha may also help. Values in public service.c. 22. Regulatory Commissions. so making notes once would be helpful.Chapter 13. 14.already covered in paper 1 c.ARC report on local governance + Chapter 12 of Nicholas Henry book. d. National Human Rights Commission.already covered in paper 1 b.“Indian Administration” by Avasthi and Avasthi + ARC report on public order+ Annual report of MHA+ Report on Punchchi Commission. Source: The comparison of the administrative systems of various countries is given in the book: ” Pub Ad by Laxmikany” b. 21. Citizen-administration interface. Problems of administration in coalition regimes. Law and Order Administration.already covered e. Source: Covered in the book: “Restructuring Pub Ad: A New Look by Mohit Bhattacharya” c. politics and administration with special reference to city management. Significant issues in Indian Administration- a. Disaster management. Development dynamics. Public Administration: emerging crisis and new directions. British and French philosophy of Public Administration. 13. HIDDEN SYLLABUS Paper 1 Unit 1: Introduction a. Minnowbrook 3 and its comparison with Minnowbrook 1 and 2. It is voluminous. Corruption and administration.New Horizons of Public Administration. 26 + ARC report on ethics in governance & DoPT report on “Values in Administration: f.One can read the MHA report on Disaster Management. Market.. Unit 3: Administrative Behavior Nothing hidden..S.http://digitalcommons.(a) Critical Theory of Public Organization.Cocered in New Horizonz of Pub Ad by Mohit Bhattacharya . Neo-Classical. Unit 4: Organization a. b.cgi? article=1070&context=pubadfacpub Mohit Bhattacharya and Poststructuralism in Public Administration.Social Psychological.Covered in the administrative law pdf I have shared in the strategy for pub ad paper 1. Unit 7: Comparative Public Administration a.. Judicial Activism.recent structures should be emphasized.GS topic... Yehezkel Dror. Dwight Waldo.It is covered in the book ” pub ad by Laxmikant” Unit 8: Development Dynamics a. Karl Marx views on development. Structural. b.. Brazil and China. Systems. and US. c.Views of Gandhiji is mentioned in IGNOU MPA notes.unomaha...K. and Chinese leader Mao Zedong on Public Administration.ARC report on social capital Unit 6: Administrative Law a. Strategic-contingencies. Concept of Social Capital. Critical. Germany. neo-Human Relations.Lokpal Whistleblower d. U.In Administrative Thinkers by Prasad and Prasad b.Unit 2: Administrative Thought a. Amartya Sen’s views on development. Administrative Law in France. Organizational. UK.A. Ombudsman. (b) Postmodernism. Unit 5: Accountability and control a. General understanding of the following theories of organization.Already covered in Mohit Bhattacharya and IGNOU notes. – In Administrative Thinkers by Prasad and Prasad and IGNOU notes on public policy (already mentioned in the strategy for paper 1) d. One should be awared of recent happenings.Covered in the book : “Social theory and development administration by Mohit Bhattacharya” c. Theories. Structural-Functional. France.. View of Indian leaders like Gandhiji. Organisational Culture and its effect on organizational efficiency.Classical.One can read from this pdf. – Covered in the book : “Social theory and development administration by Mohit Bhattacharya” . Karl Marx. Supermarket State and development. Comparative study of Administrative systems: U. for view of Mao Zedong read about Maoism from the internet and the history of China during the Mao’s period.In New Horizons of Pub Ad by Mohit Bhattacharya c. Pluralist.Any MBA book. Emerging Trends in Union-State Relations: Recent trends in inter and intra governmental relations in the context of federalism. So. and so on. Chief Ministerialization of State Governments in the contexts of liberalization and coalition governments.. Unit 2: Philosophical and Constitutional framework of government a. Management by Objective. b. Unit 5: Plans and Priorities The syllabus is clear and complete.Covered in Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora. in the chapter on Peter Drucker. Every year UPSC throws a surprise by asking something different.d.SEBI. Program Evaluation ( given nicely in Nicholas Henry. Unit 3: Public Sector Undertakings a. it is a clear topic. Its good to read more in this topic to be on the safe side. and also read about the program evaluation scenario in India). Unit 9: Personnel Administration Nothing hidden.It is a very general topic. and so on. ... can be read on net. IRDA. – It is covered in IGNOU MPA notes. Gandhian and Nehruvian approaches to development: critical assessment. Unit 12: Financial Administration The topic is clear and complete. c. Comparison on Kautilya with western thinkers like Weber. Unit 11: Techniques of Administrative Improvement a. Unit 6: State Government and Administration a. Paper 2: Unit 1: Evolution of Indian Administration a. Bhagwati Sen and Amartya Sen debate over development. Regulatory Authorities. Status of Navratna and Maharatna undertakings. the best one can do is to understand the answers of the questions asked previously. Social Impact Assessment.. Unit 10: Public Policy This is a very dynamic topic and UPSC generally asks difficult questions from it. TRAI.In Prasad and Prasad. b.Read India book latest edition for this. Unit 4: Union Government and Administration a. it is also similar to a comparison between Gujarat model of development with the Bihar and Tamil Nadu model. Unit 11: Rural Development a. Local governance in 5th and 6th schedule areas. Unit 12: Urban Local Government Nothing extra. Jayaprakash Narain.Unit 7: District Administration since Independence The syllabus is clear and complete. Vinoba Bhave. c. Unit 13: Law and Order Administration Nothing extra. Unit 14: Significant issues in Indian Administration a. b. Unit 8: Civil Services The syllabus is clear and complete. e. Unit 10: Administrative Reforms since Independence a. b. Social and political obstacles to reforms. Important committees and commissions. status of local governance in all the north-east states. Water Management. and so on. c. b. Land acquisition for development.\ f. Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi. a critical review of ARC I and ARC II. PESA act and problems in its implementation. Performance Mointoring and Evaluation Systems (PMES) and Results Framework Document(RFD) c. d. Corporate Social Responsibility . Environment and Sustainable Development. Unit 9: Financial Management The syllabus is clear and complete. Tribal development administration. Women in administration – sexual violence.
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