April 4, 2018 | Author: Navdeep Sahrawat | Category: Gear, Gas Compressor, Bending, Heat Treating, Welding



PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004Revised scheme for B.Tech. (Mechanical) 3rd Semester B.Tech (Mechanical) Code Title of the course L T P Maximum Marks Intern al 40 Externa l 60 Total Marks Duration of Theory Examinatio n (in Hours) 100 3 Strength of Materials-I 3 1 Strength of Materials 2 - 50 Lab. 30 20 100 3 Theory of Machines-I 3 1 40 60 100 Engineering Materials & 40 60 3 ME 205 3 Metallurgy MEEngineering Materials 2 - 50 213 and Metallurgy Lab. 30 20 100 4 ME 207 Machine Drawing 1 6 40 60 100 Applied Thermodynamics 40 60 ME 209 4 1 3 -I 100 Manufacturing Process – 40 60 PE-209 3 3 I Manufacturing Process – 2 PE-217 - 50 I Lab. 30 20 100 ME 215 Workshop Training* - 60 40 Advisory meeting 1 850 Total 17 3 13 390 480 Total contact hours = 33 * Workshop Training will be imparted in the Institution at the end of second semester for 04 weeks duration (Six hours per day and six days a week). Industrial tour will also form part of this training. ME 201 ME211 ME 203 The syllabus of ME-205 is same with ME-202 of 2002 batch. 1 PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 4th Semester B.Tech (Mechanical) Code Title of the course L T P Maximum Marks Total Mark s Duration of Theory Examinatio n (in Hours) 3 3 2 2 2 2 30 100 1 9 460 20 440 50 100 900 30 40 30 40 20 60 20 60 50 100 3 50 100 3 40 30 40 60 100 20 60 50 100 3 3 Interna l AM 201 ME 202 ME 204 ME212 ME 206 ME214 ME 208 ME216 ME 210 ME218 Mathematics-III 4 Strength of Materials – II Theory of Machines – II Theory of Machines Lab Fluid Mechanics –I Fluid Mechanics-I Lab Applied Thermodynamics - II Applied Thermodynamics Lab Manufacturing Process-II Manufacturing Process-II Lab General Fitness Advisory meeting Total 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 40 40 Externa l 60 60 100 100 19 5 Total contact hours =31 NOTE:- There shall be industrial training of 0 6 weeks duration in reputed industries at the end of 4th semester. The marks for this will be included in the 5th semester. 2 PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 5th Semester B.Tech (Mechanical). Code Title of the course L T P Maximum Marks Intern al 40 30 Externa l 60 20 Total Marks Duration of Theory Examination (in Hours) 4 3 3 100 Machine Design -I 3 1 50 Machine Design Practice2 ME-311 I 100 ME-303 Heat Transfer 4 1 40 60 50 ME-313 Heat Transfer Lab. 2 30 20 100 ME-305 Automobile Engineering 3 40 60 Automobile Engineering ME-315 50 lab 2 30 20 100 Mechanical Measurement 60 ME-307 3 40 and Metrology Mechanical Measurement ME-317 50 and Metrology Lab. 2 30 20 100 Numerical Methods in 40 60 ME-309 3 1 Engg Numerical Methods in 2 ME-319 50 30 20 Engg Lab 50 ME-321 Computer Aided Drafting 2 30 20 100 ME-323 **Industrial Training 60 40 1 Advisory meeting Total 16 3 13 440 460 900 Total Contact hours=32 ** Industrial Training in reputed industries will be arranged for 6 weeks duration at the end of fourth semester. ME-301 3 3 3 40 30 40 30 40 30 40 30 Ext 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 60 440 100 50 100 3 50 100 3 50 100 3 50 100 100 100 900 3 3 1 9 40 40 460 Total Contact hours=33 7th /8thSemester* Course Title 6-month Industrial Training Internal 500 Ext.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 6th Semester B.Viva 500 TOTAL 1000 4 .Tech (Mechanical) Code Title of the course L T P Maximum Marks Total Marks Duration of Theory Examinatio n in Hours 4 ME302 ME310 ME304 ME312 ME306 ME314 PE408 PE414 CE216 - Machine Design-II Machine Design –II Practice Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Fluid Machinery Fluid Machinery lab Industrial Automation and Robotics Industrial Automation and Robotics lab Environmental Science Departmental Elective-I Advisory meeting General Fitness Total 3 4 3 3 3 3 19 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 2 2 Int. 1 Machine Tool Design DE/PE-3.0 Product Design and Development DE/PE-3.Tech (Mechanical) Code Title of the course L T P Maximum Marks Total Marks Duration of Theory Examinatio n in Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 Int.2 Cryogenic Technology DE/ME-1.6 Solar Energy DE/ME-1.1 Industrial Engg DE/PE-2. 100 Industrial Safety & 40 60 ME-402 3 Environment 100 ME-404 CAD/CAM 3 1 40 60 50 ME-410 CAD /CAM Lab 2 30 20 100 ME-406 Operations Research 3 1 40 60 100 ME-408 Mechanical Vibrations 3 1 40 60 Mechanical Vibrations ME-412 50 Lab.4 Finite Element Method DE/ME-3.7 Theory of plasticity DE/ME-3.4 Energy Conservation and Management DE/ME-1.3 Non Conventional Energy resources DE/ME-1.2 Modeling and Simulation DE/ME-2.3 Operations Management DE/ME-2.Tech (Mech) Group-1 DE/ME-1.8 Mechatronics 5 .PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 7th / 8th Semester B.8 Power Plant Engg.C Engines DE/ME-1.7 Heat Exchanger Design DE/ME-1.2 Network Analysis DE/ME-3.9 Entrepreneurship Group-3 DE/PE-3.1 I.8 Management Information System DE/ME-2.6 Industrial Tribology DE/ME-3.5 Experimental Stress Analysis DE/ME-3.0 Non-Traditional Machining DE/PE-2.7 Material Management DE/ME-2.3 Tool Design DE/ME-3. Ext. DE/ME-1.5 Total Quality Management DE/ME-2.4 Non -Destructive Testing DE/ME-2.6 Maintenance and Reliability Engg DE/ME-2.9 Gas Dynamics Group-2 DE/PE-2. 2 30 20 100 Open Elective 3 40 60 100 Department Elective.5 Fluid Mechanics-II DE/ME-1.II 3 1 40 60 200 ME-414 Project 6 120 80 100 General Fitness 100 Advisory meeting 1 Total 18 4 11 520 480 1000 Total contact hours=33 List of Elective Subjects (For 2002 and 2003 Admission Batch students): B. The syllabi of DE/PE-2. The Department Elective subjects shall be offered to the students simultaneously from all the three groups (Group 1. Group 2. The syllabi of DE/PE-3.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 Note: 1.0 is same as the syllabi of PE-306.1 is same as the syllabi of PE-406.0 is same as the syllabi of PE-404. 6 . Deptt Elective –I (to be offered in 6th or 7th Semester) and Deptt Elective –II (to be offered in 8th Semester) should be from the same group. The syllabi of DE/PE-3. and Group 3). ** The syllabi of DE/PE-2.1 is same as the syllabi of PE-302. Minimum 10 students are required to offer a Department Elective Subject 2.2 is same as the syllabi of PE-304. However.7 is same as the syllabi of DE/PE/2.5 is same as the syllabi of ME-251. The syllabi of DE/PE-2. The syllabi of DE/ME-2. The syllabi of DE/PE-2.7. strain diagram. Young’s modulus. Derive relationship between moment slope and deflection. 21. Young’s Modulus of Elasticity. 8. Mohr’s circle of stress.Temperature stress and strain calculations due to applications of axial loads and variation of temperature in single and compound bars. Modulus of elasticity. 6. ellipse of stress and their applications.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-201 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS – I Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Course Objectives 1. stress at a point on a plane. 3. Detailed Contents 1. principal stresses and principal planes.coiled helical springs. Derive mathematically the Torsion Equation. 16. 5.M definitions. Understand different types of direct stresses and strains. 11. Compute bending moments and shear forces at different sections of determinate beam structures subjected to different types of loading and sketch their distribution graphically. Vernants principle. Simple stresses and strains : Concept of stress and strain. 18. 4. Compute stresses and strains in compound bars subjected to axial loads and temperature variations. shear force and bending moment at any section of a beam. Understand the concept of simple stress and strain. BM and 7 . Hooke’s law. 2. Understand the theory of simple bending. Hookes law. 10. 22. Bending moment and shear force diagrams: S. stress and strain diagram. Apply different formulae to analyze stresses in struts and columns subjected to axial loads. 12. the two dimensional system. stress at a point. principal stresses related to principal strains 2. Apply graphical and analytical methods to compute principal stresses and strain and locate principal planes. 20. Poisson’s ratio. 17. Apply the Torsion equation to compute torsional stresses in solid and hollow shafts. Understand the concept of principal planes and principal stresses. Apply the theory of simple bending to compute stresses in beams of homogenous and composite sections of different shapes. Generalized Hook's Law. stress produced in compound bars subject to axial loading. 14. 9. Use the above relationship and other methods to calculate slope and deflection in beams. Derive mathematically the relationship between the rate of loading. Poisson ratio. 19. 7. Analyze stresses in thin shells and spheres subjected to internal pressure. Compute principal stresses and maximum shear stresses in circular shafts subjected to combined stresses. Compute simple stresses and strains in bars of uniform and varying sections subjected to axial loads.F and B. Compute combined stresses and strains at a point across any plane in a two dimensional system. Compound stress and strains. 15. St. Understand stress. Derive relationship between the Elastic Moduli. Compute stresses in determine trussed frames and roof trusses. Analyze stresses in close. 13. stress and strains in bars subjected to axial loading. Prentice Hall Inc. slope and deflection. Strength of Materials by DS Bedi.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 SF diagrams for cantilevers. end edition by Ferdinand P. Johnson’s empirical formula for axially loaded columns and their applications. Strength of materials by R. Elements of strength of Materials by Timoshenko and Young 6. Applications of the equation to the hollow and solid circular shafts. Theory of bending stresses in beams due to bending: assumptions in the simple bending theory. length and internal volume. McGraw Hill. combined torsion and bending of circular shafts principal stress and maximum shear stresses under combined loading of bending and torsion.S. Moment area method. analysis of close-coiled-helical springs. 8 .Harper and Row H. Columns and struts : Columns and failure of columns : Euler’s formuls. Mechanics of Materials-SI Version 2nd Edition by EP Popov.: Combined direct and bending stresses in aforementioned sections. Slope and deflection : Relationship between moment. 7.K Kataria and Sons. method of integration. 5. Prentice Hall India 4. Strength of Materials by Ferdinand P Singer and Andrew Pytel. shear force and bending moment 3.S Lehri and A. New York 2. Kogakusha Publishers. change in diameter. S. 5. simply supported beams with or without overhangs and calculation of maximum BM and SF and the point of contraflexure under the following loads: a) Concentrated loads b) Uniformity distributed loads over the whole span or part of span c) Combination of concentrated loads (two or three) and uniformly distributed loads d) Uniformity varying loads e) Application of moments Relation between rate of loading. principal stresses in sphere and change in diameter and internal volume 6. New Delhi. India 3. composite / flitched beams. Macaulay’s method: Use of all these methods to calculate slope and deflection for the following : a) Cantilevers b) Simply supported beams with or without overhang c) Under concentrated loads. RankineGordon’s formula. Lehri. Introduction to Solid Mechanics by D. 7. circular and channel. Mechanics of Materials by SI Version. Torsion : Derivation of torsion equation and its assumptions. effects of joints. uniformly distributed loads or combination of concentrated and uniformly distributed loads Books 1. derivation of formula: its application to beams of rectangular.sections. Thin cylinders and spheres : Derivation of formulae and calculation of hoop stress.H Shames. Khanna book Publishing Company. torsional rigidity. Beer and E Russel Johnston (Jr). longitudinal stress in a cylinder. I & T. 4. Brinell & Vicker’s test) and determine hardness of materials. 4. To perform impact test to determine impact strength. 3. 9 . To perform shear test on different materials and determine ultimate shear strength. 5. 2. To perform bending test on beam (wooden or any other material) and to determine the Young's modulus and Modulus of rupture 9. Study of performance of Fatigue & Creep tests 8. 7. Determination of Bucking loads of long columns with different end conditions.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-211 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. To perform torsion test and to determine various mechanical properties. To perform any one hardness test (Rockwell. To perform tensile test in ductile and brittle materials and to draw stress-strain curve and to determine various mechanical properties. and to determine ultimate compressive strength.I. To perform compression test on C. To perform Torsion test and close coiled helical spring in tension and compression and to determine modulus of rigidity/stiffness 10. 6. Hartnell and Willson-Hartnell. 12. Ropes and Chains : Material. angle and right angle drive. Determination of flywheel mass and dimensions for engines and Punching Machines 7. Cams: Types of cams and follower. Understand the types of drives such as: belts. and acceleration of mechanisms (including Corliolis components). uniform acceleration and retardation. flat. Understand the types of lower pairs. quarter turn drive. Graphical (relative velocity vector and instantaneous center methods) and Analytical methods for finding: Displacement. ratio of tension on tight and slack sided of belts. 6. Understand the types of cam & follower. Governors : Function. principle of function of brakes of various types. Straight line mechanisms 3. centrifugal tensions and its effect on HP transmitted. Belts. idle pulley. transmission). idle.(absorption. types of drives. 4. rope and chain drives. Draw velocity and acceleration diagrams of basic link mechanism. cycloidal). Apply the theory of governors to solve numerical problems. calculation of maximum torque. Types of brakes. Simple numerical problems on these governors. definitions of terms connected with cams. V-belts and rope materials. principles of inversion. Governor effort and power controlling force curve. 4. tangent cam profiles. 8. 11. stability. double slider-crankchain and their inversions. Analytical and Graphical design of cam profiles with various motions (SHM. stepped or cone pulleys. Sensitivity. Friction Devices: Concepts of frictions and wear related to bearing and clutches. Problems to determine braking capacity. Derive the relationship between tension on tight and slack sides of belts and HP transmitted by the belt. Length of belt. Porter and Proell governor. 10. ropes and chains. Applied different formulae to compute problems on brakes. Flywheels: Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for reciprocating machines Fluctuations of speed. 3. 6. spring loaded governors. Types of dynamometers. velocity ratio. Understand different types of brakes and dynamometers. 10 . loose and fast pulley. type and cone type. kinematic pairs. effect of sleeve friction. crowning shaft pulley. inversion of a four bar chain. displacement velocity and acceleration diagrams for cam followers. isochronisms and hunting of governors. Braking of front and rear tyres of a vehicle. types and characteristics of governors. Watt. 2. coefficient of fluctuation of speed and energy. Pentograph. Calculation of pressure angle. Understand turning moment and crank effort diagram. Lower Pairs: Universal joint. Analysis of follower motion for circular convex. Understand the basic concepts of machines and mechanisms. Basic Concept of machines: link mechanism kinematic pair and chain. types and characteristics of governors. Detailed Contents 1. HP transmitted by belts including consideration of creep and slip. Understand the functions. Use of gravity. 5. 5. steering mechanisms including Ackerman and Davis approximate steering mechanism. engine indicator.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-203 THEORY OF MACHINES-I Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 Course Objectives 1. intermediate or counter shaft pulley. Understand/ compute the velocity and acceleration diagrams of all basic mechanisms. slider-crank-chain. 2. 7. velocity. 9. BOOKS 1. Wc. Theory of Machines. normalizing hardening. harden ability & its measurement. Green. Engineering Metallurgy V. S. time temperature transformation curves. Metropolitan Book Co.. New York ME-205 ENGINEERING MATERIALS & METALLURGY Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 0 0 Total Marks: 100 Detailed Syllabus 1. Shigley . Lakhin. crystal lattice of (i) Body centered cubic (ii) face centered cubic (iii) closed packed hexagonal. their mechanical behaviour. Equilibrium diagram of alloys whose components have complete mutual solubility in the liquid state and limited solubility in solid state(Alloy with a peritectic transformation) Equilibrium diagrams of a system whose components are subject to allotropic change. Raghavan 11 . Atomic structure of metals crystal structure. dislocation. polymorphism and allotropy. phase rule and equilibrium diagrams. London 5. Composition of alloy steels. Pvt. S. crystallographic notation of atomic planes. Physical Metallurgy Y.. BCC. Theory of Machines. Longman’s Green & Co. annealing. Mir Publishers 2. tempering. Thomas Beven. W. New Delhi 3. re-crystallization. Iron carbon equilibrium diagram. effects produced by alloying elements (Si. identification of crystallographic possible slip planes and direction in FCC.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 Books 1. solidification of crystallization (i) nuclear formation (crystal growth) (ii) crystal imperfection Elementary treatment of theories of plastic deformation. 2. Defects in heat treatment and their remedies. Heat treatment of metals B. 2. surface hardening processes. C. 3. physical properties of materials. Principles and applications of heat treatment processes viz. New Delhi. testing and manufacturing properties of materials. 4.P. Tata McGraw Hill. Rattan. Mn. Theory of Machines. phenomenon of slip twinning. classification of engineering materials. Ni. Mcgraw Hill . Engg. Equilibrium diagrams of Binary system in which the componenets form a mechanical mixture of crystals in the solid state and are completely mutually soluble in both liquid state. Theory of Machines. Theory of Mechanisms & Machines. Mo. Equilibrium diagrams of a systems whose components have complete mutual solubility in the liquid state and limited solubility in the solid state in which the solid state solubility deceases with temperature. Introduction to Engineering materials. Zakharv 3. Cr. Ltd. London 4. General principles of phase transformation in alloys. Phase transformation in the iron carbon diagram (i) Formation of Austenite (ii) Transformation of austenite into pearlite (iii) Martensite transformation in steel. Blackie & Sons. preferred orientation causes and effects on the property of metals. recovery. Jagdish Lal. Al) on the structures and properties of steel. G. iii) Grey and white cast iron iv) Non – ferrous metals i. ii) Hypoeutectic cast iron and hyper eutectic cast iron. Cu. To study the microstructures of the following materials i) Hypo Eutectoid & Hyper Eutectoid steels. 4. 12 .e. 3. cyaninding etc. Study of microstructure and hardness of steel at different rates of cooling. Harden ability test by Jominy’s End quench test. 8.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-213 ENGINEERING MATERIALS & METALLURGY LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. 5. Study of different Engineering materials and their mechanical properties. Annealing of steel. 9. Son. Normalizing tempering of steel components. To study the case hardening processes i.T diagram for steels. Effect of carbon percentage on the hardness of steel. 10. Study of iron carbon diagram and its engineering applications. And their alloys. To study and construct the T-T. 7.e. Nitriding. Mg. Al. carburizing. 11. effect of annealing temperatures and time on hardness. Hardening of steel. effect of quenching minimum and agitation of the medium on hardness. 6. Ni. 2. Machine Drawing by N Sidheshwar. machining symbols. welding joints and riveted joints 3. Text-book of Machine Drawing by V Lakshmi Narayanan and Mathur 2. thrust bearing.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-207 MACHINE DRAWING Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 Examination Hours: 04 L T P 1 0 6 Course Objectives 1. plummer block. Oldham. Machine Drawing by ND Bhatt. Ludhiana 3. Tata McGraw Hill 13 . Principles of drawing. 3. Understand the principles and requirements of production drawings. . 5. claw coupling. Drafting of simple mechanical components on computer. BD Kataria and Sons. hydraulic an expansion joint d) IC Engine Parts : Piston. Assemble and disassemble the following manually and using computer aided drafting :a) Various types of couplings b) Pipe fittings c) Boiler mountings d) Types of bearings e) Few machine tool parts f) Screw jack and drill press vice 4. dimensioning. feed check valve. Charotar publications 4. Protected type flange coupling. 2. Drawings should contain bill of materials and should illustrate finish. symbols of standard tolerances. b) Knuckle and cotter joints c) Pipe and Pipe fittings: flanged joints. universal coupling. angular plumber block g) Miscellaneous : Screw Jack. Books 1. FASTENERS : Various types of screw threads. types of nuts and bolts. f) Bearings : swivel bearing. cone friction clutch. union joint. requirements of production drawing. 2. First angle projection to be used. It is not necessary to cover all the drawing exercises of the types of machine tools mentioned above. The syllabus given above indicates the broad outlines and the scope of the subject to be covered. Machine Drawing by PS Gill. Understand the various symbols used in drawing. Detailed Contents 1. safety valve. blow off cock. Record the surface finish of the parts and reason as well as interpretation of drawing. Introduction and familiarization of the code IS:296. Use bill of materials in each of the above drawings. sectioning and conventional representation. screwed fasteners. Pin type flexible coupling. Crane hook. muff coupling. Drill Press Vice. a) Couplings: Solid or rigid Coupling. 4. spigot an socket joint. free hand sketch of single plate friction clutch. Assembly and Dis-assembly of the following manually and using computer aided drafting. NOTE : Drawing Practice is to be done as per IS:296 code. connecting rod e) Boiler Mountings : steam stop valve. Apply Dalton’s law to solve numerical problems. Apply the above formulae to solve simple numerical problems. boiler mountings and accessories. Compute impulse turbine performance using above theory. Effect of friction. constant pressure and isentropic processes. Economiser. Characteristics of high pressure boilers. Properties of Steam and Steam Generators: Pure substance constant pressure formation of steam. Stirling Boiler. 17. Supersaturated flow. labyrinth packing and governing of steam turbines. 2. constructional details of various types of condensers. Understand the types of steam generators. 4. Study the operation of single and multi stage reciprocating compressors and compute their performance parameters. Understand the theory of impulses turbine. Detailed Contents 1. Area of throat and exit for maximum discharge. super heater etc. 14. boiler efficiency. 3. simple Rankine cycle. 6. constant volume. Steam Generators Classification. Advantages of forced circulation. Stoichimetric (or Chemically) air fuel ratio. Combustion: Combustion problems in boiler and IC Engines. Understand the constructional details of impulse steam turbine. Modern high pressure boilers. 9. Feed water heating (Bleeding). reheat cycle. Derive blade efficiency and calculate blade height. Rankine Cycle: Simple. Compute boiler performance. steam tables . analysis of products of combustion. 7. combined reheat regenerative cycle. 11. For solution of combustion problems. Fire and water tube boilers. Understand effect of air leakage and its prevention in condensers. boiler performance-equivalent evaporation. 18. 5. Locomotive. 2. Understand the functions. Understand methods of attachment of blades to turbine rotor. Description of Cochran. Apply the theory of Rankine cycle to solve numerical problems. 20. Compute condenser performance parameters. 15. 3. Nozzle efficiency. methods of improving efficiency. 5. 8. Understand various types of nozzles and their utility. 12. Ideal working fluid – Binary vapour cycle . Babcock and Wilcox boilers. combined power and heating cycles. 19. actual weight of air supplied. Understand the working of rejection turbine. Nozzle: Types and utility of nozzles. Critical pressure and discharge. Derive the formulae for critical pressure and discharge and nozzle efficiency. 16. Flow of steam through nozzles. mountings and accessories. Impulse Steam Turbines: 14 . 4. Understand the theory of Rankine cycle. conversion of volumetric analysis into gravimetric analysis and vise-versa. use of mols. Understand the losses. 13. Understand the use of compressed air and types of air compressors.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-209 APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS-I Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 4 1 0 Course Objectives 1. 10. Lancashire. steam accumulators. Reheat factor and condition curve. calculation of blade height. Governing of steam turbines. Work input and the best value of index of compression. Isothermal and polytropic efficiency. Stage efficiency and overall efficiency.. Reciprocating Air Compressors Use of compressed air in industry. Allahabad 5. 7. Classification of air compressors. Condensers: Function Elements of condensing plant. 8. Blade efficiency and its derivation. ELBS Publications 4. losses in steam turbines. Khanna Publishers. Steam Turbine Theory and Pratice by WAJ Keartan. Thermal Engineering by PL Ballaney. Description of air pump and calculation of its capacity. back pressure and extraction turbines and congeneration. Different types. Applied Thermodynamics by TD Eastop & A Mc Conkey. Economic assesment. velocity diagrams. Engineering Thermodynamics: Work and Hest Transfer By Rogers and Mayhew. Pvt. Heat Engineering by Dr Vasandani and Dr Kumar. Methods of attachment of blades to turbine rotor. Operation of single stage reciprocating compressors. Cooling water calculations. 6. Thermodynamics and Heat Engines Vol. I and II by R Yadav. Delhi 3. Central Publishers. Pressure and velocity compounding. Methods to check and prevent air infiltration.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 General description. Books 1. Ltd. Velocity diagram and work done. condenser and vacuum efficiencies. Metropolitan Book Co. Effect of blade friction on velocity diagram. Effect of air leakage. Labyrinth packing. ELBS Publications 15 . Reaction Turbines: Degree of reaction. Delhi 2. ELBS Series 6. Dalton’s law of partial pressures applied to condenser problems. projection. oxyacetylene welding equipment oxyhydrogen welding. Testing and Inspecting of castings. upset and flash Thermit welding. Cupola and its operation charge calculations types of furnaces. Principles of metal casting Mc Graw Hill New York. Centrifugal casting. processes. Khanna Publishers. Metallurgical considerations in casting. sand testing types of moulds. Moulding materials: Moulding sand compositions and moulding sand properties.W. Heine. casting of copper alloys. plasma are welding electron beam welding. arc blow. welding positions. moulding machines cores core sands. Cleaning and finishing of castings. Flame cutting. welding terminology.R. Electric are welding. Brazing. equipment. their materials and allowances. Casting defects.1967 2. vacuum casting. filler metals. atomic hydrogen hydrogen welding. Solidification of metals and alloys. Resistance welding. Books 1. Welding electrodes. and risers and their design. permanent mould casting. electro slag welding. Welding defects. directional solidification. arc stability. Heat affected zone grain size and its control.MIG. R. their causes and remedies. Casting processes: sand casting. Welding Technology by R.principle and their types i. WELDING Welding introduction and classification of welding. types. Gas welding and gas cutting. continuous casting.C. their cases and remedies. shell mould casting investment casting.e. Thermal effects on weldment. core banking elements of gating system. segregation. Basic considerations in joint design. general principles. Loper and P. braze welding and soldering. spot. friction welding. C. critical size of nucleus. Rosenthal. welding arc and its characteristics. TIG submerged arc and others. 16 .PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 PE-209 MANUFACTURING PROCESS –I Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 0 0 CASTING PROCESSES Introduction to metal casting types of patterns. full mould casting.S. classification and selection of electrodes. Parmar. nucleation and grain growth. Principle. principle. Die casting. types of cores. seam. 7. Prepare a green sand mould for any stable engg. T. 3. 7. 5. To study various features of cupola furnace and its charges calculations. compressive.joints with oxy. Butt. Determination of permeability of a moulding sand sample. Study of different process parameters in Friction welding and preparing a weld joint by this process. To test tensile. 8. To determine moisture content in a moulding sample. 2. with electric arc welding. WELDING PRACTICALS 1. transverse strength of moulding sand in dry condition. To find shatter index of moulding sand sample. To study various welding equipments namely generators welding torch etc. Specimen preparation and making of lap joint. 6.joints etc.acetylene gas welding. 5. Study of TIG welding equipment and making a weld joint in this process. component. To conduct hardness test for mould and core. 3. Measurement of grain finances number. L T P 0 0 2 6. 2. 4. To determine clay content in a moulding sand sample. 10. Butt. To study ingredients of molding sand and core sand. 17 . To study the resistance welding processes and prepare welded joint. T.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 PE-217 MANUFACTURING PROCESS – I Lab Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 CASTING PRACTICALS 1. Making of lap. Study of MIG welding equipment and making a weld joint in this process. 9. 4. Legendre polynomial. 5. Two dimensional Laplace equation. Partial Differential Equations Formation of partial differential equations. Laplacian in polar coordinates. solution by the method of separation of variables. Even and odd functions. 4. Special Functions Power series solution of differential equations. properties of Laplace transforms. harmonic functions. equations reducible to Bessel's equation. impulse function. mapping of standard elementary transformations. analytic function. half range expansions. Laplace Transforms Laplace transforms of various standard functions. New Delhi. and simultaneous differential equations. Bessel's equation. conformal mapping. 2. complex integration using the method of residues. conjugate functions. Fourier Series Periodic functions. 3. Fourier series of different wave forms. standard transforms. Cauchy-Riemann equation. Recurrence relations.. applications to fluid flow problems. complex potential. evaluation of real integrals by contour integration. Wiley Eastern. Bessel functions of the first and second kind. Conformal Mapping: Mapping of a complex function. periodic functions. Laplace transform of unit step function. transform of derivatives and integrals. residue. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszing Erwin . Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd. derivative of complex functions. Error function and its properties. continuity. L T P 3 0 0 18 . Legendre's equation.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 4th Semester AM-201 MATHEMATICS-III Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 Detailed Contents 1. Cauchy's theorem. 3. Cauchy's integral formula and derivatives of analytic function. Differential Equations by Sharma and Gupta . Delhi. applications to solution of ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Linear partial differential equations. poles. New Delhi 2. Prentice Hall. Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations by NK Jain . inverse Laplace transforms. 4. Functions of Complex Variable Limits. Frobenius method. Complex Integration : Line integrals in the complex plane. Taylor's and Laurent's expansions. Meerut. singular points. homogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients Applications: Wave equation and Heat conduction equation in one dimension. Euler's formula. Books 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by BS Grewal : Khanna Publishers. maximum shear stress theory. 6.Kirpal Singh. Detailed Contents 1. graphical representation and derivation of equation for each and their application to problems relating to two dimensional stress systems only.I. 13. rings of circular section and trapezoidal section and chain links with straight sided. 7. shear strain energy theory. New York 6. 11.K Kataria and Sons 19 . Derive the general formula for distribution of shear stress in beams. 9. Standard Publishers & Distributors. Shear stress distribution in rectangular. resilience stress due to suddenly applied loads. Rotational stresses in discs and rims of uniform thickness. Compute stresses in cranks. circular. 10. Understand the various theories of failure. 7. hub shrunk on solid shafts. energy of dilation and distortion. Thick Cylinders : Derivation of Lame’s equations. calculation of radial longitudinal and hoop stresses and strains due to internal pressure in thick cylinders. 5. Importance of shear centre. Lehri. Strength of Materials by GH Ryder 5. 2. Castigliano’s theorem. S. Dahl and Lardner. 4. 5. McGraw Hill 7. 4.S. Advanced Mechanics of Materials by Seely and Smith 4. compound cylinders. Mechanics of Materials-I by EJ Hern. 3. Derive mathematically Lame’s equation.T and channel section and the compression with bending stresses. Compute various type of stresses and strain developed due to internal pressure in types of cylinders. rings of various section and chain links. 9. discs of uniform strength Books 1. Apply theories of failure to problems in 2D stress systems. Maxwell’s theorem of reciprocal deflection. Total strain energy theory. derivation of formula and application for deflection and rotation of free end under the action of axial load and/or axial couple. Strength of Materials DS Bedi 8. 12. 2. 3. Mechanics of Materials by Dr. 14. Paragaman. Apply the above formula to various cross sections of beams. Leaf spring. 8. flat spiral springs – derivation of formula for strain energy. Understand Castigliano’s & Maxwell theorems. Draw SF and BM diagrams for each of the above. Derive equations and graphically represent each of the above.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-202 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS-II Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 Course Objectives 1. Introduction to Mechanics of Solids by Crandell. maximum stress and rotation. Elements of Strength of Materials by Timoshenko and Gere 2. open coiled helical springs. Strength of Materials by R. Advanced Soild Mechanics by LS Srinath 3. Theories of Failure : Maximum principal stress theory. 6. Bending of curved beams : Calculation of stresses in crane or chain hooks. deflection and bending stresses. Understand the concepts of strain energy. Solve simple numerical problems on the above. Strain energy. Understand resilience stress developed due to suddenly applied loads. Calculate deflection and reaction of indeterminate beams subjected to various kinds of loads. root diameter. Theory of Machines by PL Ballaney 2. Balancing: Classifications. 5. addendum. circular pitch. Jagdish Lal 5. Kinematic synthesis of Mechanism: Freudenstien equation. Gears : Toothed gears and spur gears. Compare the cycloid and involute tooth profile.Tata Mc. primary and secondary balancing for reciprocating masses. 6. least square techniques. Function generation errors in synthesis. rotors. 7. Books 1. pitch surface. Gyroscopic motion and gyroscopic couples: Effect on supporting and holding structures of machines. Understand the theory of inertia force and apply to four-bar linkage mechanism. compound and epicyclic gear trains. simple. Understand the various types of gear trains. Calculation of minimum no of teeth on pinion/wheel for involute rack. swaying couple. 4. methods of static force analysis of simple mechanisms and power transmission elements. Understand gyroeffect on moving bodies 11. diametrical pitch. and its removal. Understand types of balancing and its need. interference and methods of its removal. path of contact. Apply the theory of gear trains to solve simple numerical problems.. 8. Gear Trains : Types of gear trains. pitch point. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines by Ghosh and Mallick. Understand the concepts of interference in gears. helical/spiral/bevel/worm gears. static and dynamic balancing. free body diagram. face and flank of tooth. definitions. Graw Hill. base circle diameter. inertia of reciprocating parts. 2. 7. 3. balancing of single and multiple rotating masses. Determination of forces and couples for a crank. concept of direct and reverse crank. Understand the types of both tooth gear and the nomenclature of gears. Effect on 2 and 4 wheeled vehicles. Theory of Machines by Shigley. 6. both analytically and graphically forces and couples for reciprocating parts and dynamically equivalent system. Apply the theory of balancing to reciprocating and Rotating masses. Theory of Machines by SS Rattan. condition of equilibrium. New Delhi 6. Dedendum clearance. 10. balancing of V-engine. conditions for correct gearing. 3. forms of teeth. balancing of machines. Theory of Machines by Hams Crone and Roggers 3. two/three point synthesis. Compute. partial balancing of locomotives. reversible rotors. 4. Affiliated East West Pvt. considerations of frictional forces 2. Transmission angles. pressure angle. outside and internal diameters. variation in tractive effort. module pitch. Center distance for spiral gears and efficiency of spiral gears 5. Theory of Machines by Dr.Ltd 20 . need for balancing. analytical and graphical method. problems involving their applications. dynamically equivalent system. estimation of velocity ratio of worm and worm wheel. Understand techniques of kinematic synthesis Detailed Contents 1. types of toothed gears. hammer blow. Mc Graw Hill. 9.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-204 THEORY OF MACHINES – II Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 Course Objectives 1. arc of contact. pitch circle diameter. involute and its variants. Static force analysis: Static equilibrium of mechanism. concept of force and couple. inertia force analysis of basic engine mechanism torque required to overcome inertia and gravitational force of a four bar linkage. New Delhi 4. bar chain and single slider crank chain. 6. Draw velocity and diagram of engine mechanism using graphical methods including Klien’s construction. Determination of gyroscopic couple (graphical method). 3. 8. Conduct experiments on various types of governors and draw graphs between height and equilibrium speed of a governor. Study pressure distribution in a full journal bearing. 2. 4.train value of compound gear trains and Epicyclic gear trains. Cam profile analysis (graphical method) 9.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-212 THEORY OF MACHINES Lab Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Determination vibration characteristics of free and forced spring mass system with and without damping. 21 . 5. Study of various links and mechanisms. Study and draw various inversions of 4. Determination of gear. 10. Balancing of rotating masses (graphical method) 7. Pascal’s law and its engineering applications. 2. Fluid and their properties : Concept of fluid. polar coordinates. 3. Books 1. Newtonian and non. hydraulic and energy gradient lines. dimensional homogeneity. notches and weirs. ideal and real fluids. free and forced vortex motions. Instructional Objectives The students should be able to have: 1. Gasiorek JM. flow along a curved streamline. pressure distribution in a liquid subjected to constant horizontal/ vertical acceleration. mouthpieces. 4. local and convective acceleration. Kataria and Sons Publishers. Poitman 4. 6. 2. path line and streak line. fluid kinematics and fluid dynamics. rotation of liquid in a cylindrical container. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. representation of energy changes in fluid system. geometric. normal and tangential acceleration. Basic knowledge of dimensional analysis and similitude. critical velocity and critical Reynolds number. periodic time of oscillation. compressibility and bulk modulus. Swaffield JP. Mechanics of Fluids by Massey BS. stream and velocity potential functions. flow rate and discharge mean velocity. laminar flow in circular cross. kinetic energy and momentum correction factors. and flow measurement. vertical and inclined) submerged surface. streamline. Buoyancy and flotation. Rayleigh’s and Buckingham’s Pi method for dimensional analysis. liquids and gases. rotation velocity and circulation. Understanding of laminar and turbulent flows. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by D. Kumar : S. Turbulent flows and flow losses in pipes. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude : Fundamental and derived units and dimensions. venturi meter and orifice meters. basic knowledge of which is required by all the engineers. Hydrostatic paradox. vapour pressure. rotameter.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-206 FLUID MECHANICS-I Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 Purpose This is a core subject. Understanding of fluid statistics. Fluid Mechanics by Streetes VL and Wylie EB. model studies. Flow Measurement: Manometers.K. pitot tubes. force on a curved surface due to hydrostatic pressure. metacentric height and its determination. Bernoulli’s equation and steady flow energy equation. capillarity. The study of this subject will develop analytical abilities related to fluid flow. Conceptual understanding of fluids and their properties. Darcy equation. 5. Laminar and Turbulent Flows: Flow regimes and Reylods number. kinematic and dynamic similarity. difference between solids. Fluid Kinematics : Classification of fluid flows.S. velocity and acceleration of fluid particle. minor head losses in pipes and pipe fittings. continuity equation in Cartesian and cylindrical.section pipes. Action of fluid pressure on a plane (horizontal. flow net. stability of floating and submerged bodies. Fluid Statics: Concept of pressure. This course aims at developing an understanding of the behaviour of fluids in motion or at rest and the subsequent effects of the fluids on the boundaries. Detailed Contents 1. impulse momentum equation. 2. 3. resultant force and center of pressure. Dimensionless numbers and their significance. Rotational flows. 22 . Fluid Dynamics : Euler’s equation.Newtonian fluids. orifice. 3. Mcgraw Hill Book Co. Fluid Mechanics by Douglas JF. 4. L T P 0 0 2 23 . To determine the metacentric height of a floating vessel under loaded and unloaded conditions. 9.discussion.I Lab Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 1. concepts and principles will be taught through lecture. To study the flow through a variable area duct and verify Bernoulli’s energy equation. To determine the velocity distribution for pipeline flow with a pitot static probe. To study the transition from laminar to turbulent flow and to ascertain the lower critical Reynolds number. 8. To determine the discharge coefficient for a Vee. The theory taught will be reinforced through conduct of practical in the laboratory. 7. 5. To determine the coefficient of discharge for an obstruction flow meter (venturi meter/ orifice meter) 4. 2. The numerical problems will be solved in the classroom lectures and tutorials for practice the application of laws. To determine the head loss in a pipe line due to sudden expansion/ sudden contraction/ bend. 3.cum. concepts and principles will be taught lecture. concepts of principle will be done through numerical examples.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-214 FLUID MECHANICS. The elaboration of the laws. To determine the friction coefficients for pipes of different diameters.cum.discussion. Instructional Approach The laws. 6. To determine the hydraulic coefficients for flow through an orifice.notch or rectangular notch. Degree of reaction and its derivation. comparison of rotary compressors with reciprocating processors. performance maps. efficiency and outcoming velocity profile from the impeller. modes of energy trasfer in rotor and stator blade flow passages. effect of compression ration and of air fuel ratio on power and efficiency of an engine. Slip factor. Variation of engine power with altitude . Combustion chambers and cylinder heads for SI and CI engines. isentropic and isothermal efficiencies. Derivation of non-dimensional parameters for plotting compressor characteristics. rotary engines and their comparison. supercharging of IC engines . dissociation and pre ignition.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-208 APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS – II Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 Detailed Contents IC Engines Classification. Essential requirements for petrol and diesel fuels . Two stroke and four stroke engines. discussion on flow passages and simple theory of aerofoil blading. rating of petrol engines. effect of engine variables on Delay period in SI and CI Engines. diffuser and finally to delivery pipe on T-S coordinates. High speed engine indicators. angle of attack. octane and cetane number knockmeter and doping of fuels. stagnation and static values of pressure. centrifugal compressor characteristics curves. Centrifugal Compressors Complete thermodynamic anlysis of centrifugal compressor stage. supercharging its advantages and application . complete representation of compression process starting from ambient air to flow through suction pipe. power input factor.C. turbine versus compressor blades. on T-S coordinates for uncooled and cooled compression. Theory of combustion in SI and CI engines. thermodynamic analysis and power calculations. area representing energy lost in internal friction. Methods of governing and cooling of IC Engines. Detailed discussion on work done factor. Complete representation of compression process on T-S coordinates with detailed description of areas representing total work done and Polytropic work done.A. pressure time diagram. temperature and enthalpy etc. pressure coefficient as a function of slip factor. Applications of Steady Flow Energy Equation and thermodynamics of Rotary compressors. preguide vanes and prewhirl. effect of various engine parameters on knock (detonation) in SI and Diesel engines . for flow through rotary machines. Lysholm compressor and Vane type Blower. effect of detonation on engine performance and methods employed to reduce detonation. impeller. Principle of Carburation. energy carried away by cooling water etc. energy transfer in backward. operation of positive displacement type of rotary compressors like roots blower. coefficients of lift and drag. R. Isentropic. logarithmic plotting of PV diagrams Rotary Compressors Introduction and general classification of rotary compressors. velocity vector vector diagrams. Octane and Cetane rating of fuels. various phenomenon such as turbulence squish and swirl. polytropic. Theory of detonation (knocking) for SI and CI engines. forward and radial vanes. Degree of L T P 3 1 0 24 . types of superchargers. Performance curves of SI and CI engines. Axial Flow Compressors Different components of axial flow compressors and their arrangement. various modes of energy transfer in impeller and diffuser. surging and choking in centrifugal compressors. polytropic and isothermal efficiencies as ratios of areas representing various energy transfers T-S coordinates. Fields of application of gas turbine. Isentropic. Comparison on axial flow compressor with centrifugal compressor and reaction turbine. calculation of net output. Operating variables and their effects on thermal efficiency and work ratio. solid propellant and liquid propellant systems). multistage compression and expansion. choking and stalling in axial flow compressors. Thermal refinements and their effects on gas turbine cycle i. An Introduction to Energy Conversion by V Kadambi. Series and parallel arrangements. Gas turbine fuels.g. Fundamentals of IC Engines by Heywood.. Brief introduction to performance characteristics of different propulsion systems. (iii) turboprop engine. gas turbine cycle with regeneration.e. comparison of gas turbine with a steam turbine and IC engine. Thermodynamic and Heat Engines. various common propellant combinations (i. Pvt Ltd. Manohar Prasad. effect of changes in specific heat and of mass of fuel on power and efficiency. Books 1. temperature ratio.e. Heat Engineering by VP Vasandani and DS Kumar. Thermodynamics of turbojet engines components. classification on the basis of system of operation (open and closed cycles) and on the basis of combustion (at constant volume or constant pressure) Thermodynamics of constant pressure gas turbine cycle (Brayton cycle). intercooling and reheating. Position of gas turbine in power industry. Delhi 2. Dual Turbine system. Surging. flow parameters of axial flow compressor like pressure coefficient. characteristics curves for axial flow compressor. propulsion energy. cooling of rockets Advantages and disadvantages of jet propulsion over propulsion systems. thrust work and thrust power. propulsion and overall thermal efficiency. Specific fuel consumption. types of rocket motors (e. Gas Turbine Theory by Cohen H and Rogers GFC and Sarvan matto. overall thermal efficiency. Blade materials and selection criteria for these materials and requirements of blade materials. work ratio and thermal efficiency of ideal and actual cycles. field of application of axial flow compressors. Wiley International. description of different types of jet propulsion system like Rockets and thermal jet engines like (I) athodyds (ramjet and pulsejet). Rocket propulsion. Dhanpat Rai and Sons 7. fuels) used in rocket motors. (ii) turbojet engine. requirements of a gas turbine combustion chamber. propulsion and thermal (internal) efficiencies. Metropolitan Book Co. flow coefficient. Vol II by R Yadav 3. IC Engines by ML Mathur and RP Sharma. its thrust and thrust power. closed and semiclosed gas turbine cycle. Jet propulsion Principle of jet propulsion. Longmans 5. work coefficient and temperature rise coeffieicnt specific speed etc. fields of application of various propulsion units. polytropic and Isothermal Efficiencies. New Delhi 6. cycle air rate. Gas Turbines Comparison of open and closed cycles. development of thrust and methods for its boosting/augmentation. Principles of Turbomachinery by DG Shephered 4. McGraw Hill 25 .PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 reaction and Blade efficiency and their derivations. PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-216 APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS- II Lab Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 1. To Study 2 stroke and 4 stroke Petrol and Diesel engines 2. To draw valve timing diagram of a diesel engine and study of its impact on the performance of an IC Engine. 3. Study of various circuits of a carburetor fitted on Indian Make Vehicle. 4. Study of various types of Boilers, Boiler trial: Estimation of equivalent evaporation and efficiency of a fire tube/ water tube boiler. 5. Determination of dryness fraction of steam and estimation of brake power, Rankine efficiency, relative efficiency, generator efficiency, and overall efficiency of a steam engine/ steam turbine unit and plotting of William line. 6. Determine the brake power, indicated power, friction power and mechanical efficiency of a multicylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test). 7. Performance of a diesel/ semi diesel engine from no load to full load (at constant speed) for a single cylinder/ multi- cylinder engine in terms of brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency and SFC (Specific fuel consumption) and further obtain power consumption curves and draw the heat balance sheet. 8. Performance of single stage/ multi stage reciprocating compressor. L T P 0 0 2 26 PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-210 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES-II Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 0 0 Detailed Contents 1. Metal Forming Introduction : Classification of forming processes, Rolling : Classification of rolling processes, rolling mills, products of rolling and main variables, rolling defects, Drawing : Drawing of rods, wires and tubes, Draw benches, main variables in drawing operations. Forging : Open and closed die forging, forging operations, hammer forging, press forging and drop forging, forging defects, their causes and remedies. Extrusion : Classification of extrusion processes, extrusion equipment, variables in extrusion process. Introduction to high velocity forming. Sheet metal forming operations : Spinning, deep drawing, bending. Introduction to press working. Types of presses, press working operation, Press working tools. Introduction to powder metallurgy, methods of producing powders, briquetting and sintering, sizing and finishing operations, 2. Metal cutting and Machine tools Cutting tool materials, high carbon steels, alloy carbon steels, high speed steel, cast alloys, cemented carbides, ceremics and diamonds, CBN etc. Geometry of single point cutting tools, Twist Drill and milling cutter, cutting speeds and feeds Coolants: Classification, purpose, its effect on speed and feed Lubricants: Function and properties Lathe: Machine and its accessories, Lathe operations, Turning, Taper Turning and Thread cutting, kinematic scheme of lathe, shaping and planing Machine, Drive Mechanisms, slotting machine, cutting speeds and feeds Milling machine and its classification, upmilling and down milling Indexing: Simple compound and differential Sawing Machine and Drilling Operation Boring Operation and boring machines Grinding: Cylindrical, surface and centreless grinding Composition and nomenclature of grinding wheels Introduction to broaching machine Books 1. Manufacturing Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding by Rao, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2. Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes by J.S. Campbell, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Metal forming fundamentals and applications by Alton. 27 PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-218 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES-II LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Study of constructional features of following machines through drawings/ sketches:a) Lathe b) Capstan & Turret Lathe c) Radial drilling machine d) Universal milling machine e) Shaper and planer f) Plastic moulding machine g) Grinding machines (Surface, cylindrical) h) Gear cutting machines etc. i) Hydraulic Press j) Draw Bench k) Drawing, Extrusion Dies l) Rolling Mills 2. Study of lubrication system in the machine tools. 3. Advanced exercises on Lathe where the students will work within specified tolerances, cutting of V- threads and square threads (internal as well as external). 4. Production of machined surfaces on shaper and planner. 5. Exercises on milling machines; generation of plane surfaces, production of spur gears and helical involute gears, use of end mill cutters. 6. Grinding of single point cutting tool, cutter and drills. 7. Study of recommended cutting speeds for different tool- work material combinations. 8. Identification of different cutting tool and work materials. 28 Predict effectively and accurately the reasons of failure and then correlate it to the theoretical knowledge.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 5th Semester ME-301 MACHINE DESIGN-1 Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 Examination Hrs: 04 Objectives 1. product design definition. underlying principles of design in Aesthetics and ergonomics. Design of transmission shafts subjected to torque. Meaning of design with special reference to machine design. Developing the capability to analyse and select the various criteria Understand the various types of machine design processes Developing creativity for design Co-relating the basic machine design with the of product design Understand the meaning of machine design and basic design L T P 3 1 0 1. General Design Considerations: a) Concept of tearing. bearing. Definition and understanding of various types of design. Systematic design conceptualization. Designing of some of the pipe joints Detailed Contents 6. 9. 10. crushing. bolted joints and welded joints under various loading conditions. Design of various types of fasteners including riveted joints. Learning of basic design of links and levers 14. 7. process 2. 4. 29 . free body diagram for components design 3. To learn various design consideration like stress concentration factor. 3. process 5. of design To be able to segregate components and design them independently. Design and creativity . shearing. 8. bending etc. factor of safety etc. Design rigid and flexible coupling for torque transmission 13. bending and axial loading 11. Design various kinds of keys for both shearing and crushing 12. Elaborated Design process 2. design of splines. eccentrically loaded welded joints. 4. c) conditions. design for variable loading for both limited and unlimited life. Design of shaft for rigidity and Design of stepped shafts for assembly 6. Design of Transmission Shaft Design of both solid and hollow shafts for transmission of torque. Design of shaft for critically speed. bending moments and axial forces. d) MISCELLENEOUS: Design of spigot and socket Cotter joint and knuckle joint. cotter joint. Lever design: 30 . factor of safety under different loading 3. Study of Stress concentration.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 b) Selection of materials. concept of fatigue and endurance strength. lozenge joints (uniform strength joint). rigid and flexible flange coupling. design of sleeve and solid muff coupling. Design of Keys and Couplings: Design of sunk keys under crushing and shearing. their designation. eccentrically loaded riveted joints b) BOLTS: Understanding the various stresses/ failure in bolted joints. Basic criteria of selection of material. shear or direct load. clamp or compression coupling. design of cylindrical covers. basic and eccentrically loaded bolts c) WELDS: Design for various loading conditions in torsion. design of universal joint 7. mechanical properties of those materials in brief. Gib and 5. Design of fasteners: a) RIVETS: Desing of rivets for boiler joints. Basic Design: Design for static loading. 5. Prentice Hall Machine Design by Khurmi Machine Design by Goyal and Bahl. Prentice hall Machine Design by Norton. square flange pipe joint Books 1. 4. Design of Pipe Joints: Stresses in pipe joints. 31 . bell crank lever. Coimbatore Note: Design data book is not allowed in examination. safety valve lever and shoe brake lever 8. 2. cranked lever. design of circular flange pipe joint. John-Wiley Publishers Machine Design by Spots. Prentice Hall Design Data Book Compiled by PSG College of Engineering & Technology. 6. 8. 7. Machine Design by Shigley Tata McGraw hill Machine Design by Juvinal.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 Basic lever design. oval flanged pipe joints. design of foot and hand lever. Standard Publishers Product Design and Development. 3. Design a shaft used in some practical application. which is being used in real life by actual measurement of load a) Welded joints b) Riveted and bolted joints And justify your findings 4. by actual working and loading conditions 6. Make a list of mechanical components and know their materials and suggest some alternative materials for the each on of them 3. Select a braking system lever (both hand and foot lever) and justify the design parameters 7. Find a flange coupling in the college laboratory and justify its design by actual measurements 5. Design a software in some high level language or excel sheets for design of a component 32 . Select a daily use product and design the conceptual design by applying the design process talking the controlling parameters 2.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME 311 MACHINE DESIGN -1 PRACTICE Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Justify the design of single plate clutch of a engine assembly 8. Design a wall bracket. Newtonian heating and cooling of solids. convection. conduction through edges and corners of walls and critical thickness of insulation layers on electric wires and pipes carrying hot fluids. electrical analogy of the heat transfer phenomenon in the cases discussed above. Radiation Process of heat flow. Difference between the subject of "Heat Transfer" and its parent subject "Thermodynamics". Different modes of heat transfer . Convection with Phase Change (Boiling and Condensation) Pool boiling. laminar and turbulent boundary layers (simple explanation only and no derivation). Three-dimensional general conduction equation in rectangular. heat transfer during pool boiling of a liquid. Conduction Fouier's law of heat conduction. Introduction to unsteady heat transfer. Nucleation and different theories of nucleation. Derivation of equations for simple one dimensional steady state heat conduction from three dimensional equations for heat conduction though walls. 2. Theory of Fins Straight rod type of fins of uniform cross-section. forced convection boiling. e. Newton's law of cooling. absorptivity. Introduction Concept of heat transfer. Straight fins with varying cross-sectional area and having triangular or trapezoidal profile area. rectangular or any other cross-section). during nucleate phase of boiling of liquids. 5. definition and explanation of the term thermal diffusivity. derivation of three-dimensional mass. definition of emissivity. shape factor. Theory of dimensional analysis as applied to free and forced convective heat transfer. Calculation of number and length of tubes in a heat exchanger.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-303 HEAT TRANSFER Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 4 1 0 Total Marks: 100 1. fin effectiveness and fin efficiency for straight rod fins of rectangular and circular cross-section. circumferential find of rectangular cross-section provided on the circumference of a cylinder. Convection Free and forced convection. Application of fins in temperature measurement of flow through pipes and determination of error in its measurement. different theories accounting for the increased values of h.conditions.g. effect of temperature and pressure on thermal conductivity of solids. Log mean temperature difference for evaporator and condenser tubes.c. Overall coefficient of heat transfer.t. cylinders and spherical shells (simple and composite). 3. reflectivity and 33 . Influence of variable thermal conductivity on conduction through simple cases of walls / cylinders and spheres. different phases of flow boiling (theory only) 6. flow over vertical and horizontal tubes and plates. radiation. Internal generation cases along with some practical cases of heat conduction like heat transfer through underground electrical cables. and parallel and counter flow heat exchangers. liquids and gases and its measurement. simple model of heat conduction through piston crown and case of nuclear fuel rod with cladding. Equivalent areas. Analytical formula for heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow. Different design criterion for heat exchangers. momentum and energy conservation equations (with introduction to Tensor notations). 4. of circular. cylindrical and spherical coordinates involving internal heat generation and unsteady state conditions. Optimum design of straight find of rectangular and triangular profile cross-sections. coefficient of thermal conductivity. Boundary layer formation. Macmillan Publishing Company. Interchange factor. Heat Transfer by AJ Chapman. London 5.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 transmissivity. Heat transfer by JP Holmans. boiler or other furnaces). Dhanpat Rai and Sons. Derivation formula for radiation exchange between two bodies using the definition of radiosity and irradiation and its application to cases of radiation exchange between three or four bodies (e. John Wiley and Sons 34 . concentric cylinders and a body enveloped by an other body etc. Intensity of Radiation (Definition only). Kirchoff's law and Stefan Boltzman's law. Delhi 3. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass transfer by Frank P Incropera and David P De Witt. Concept of black and grey bodies. irradiation. Error in Temperature measurement by a thermocouple probe due to radiation losses. A Course in Heat and Mass Transfer by S Domkundwar. Books 1Fundamentals of Heat and Mass transfer by DS Kumar. Lambert's Cosine law and the geometric factor. McGraw Hill. radiation density. Plank's law of nonchromatic radiation.g. SK Kataria and Sons. radiosity and radiation shields. Delhi 2. simplification of the formula for its application to simple bodies like two parallel surfaces. New York 4. Determination of shape factor of a complex body by an analog technique.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-313 HEAT TRANSFER LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1.a solid insulating material by slab method .Liquids by employing thin layer 2. evaluate the performance of a heat pipe 9.a metal by comparison with another metal by employing two bars when kept in series and / or in parallel under different boundary conditions . To plot the temperature profile and to determine fin effectiveness and fin efficiency for i) A rod fin when its tip surface is superimposed by different boundary condition like. 6. Fluidised bed heat transfer 35 . To plot the pool boiling curves for water and to determine its critical point 4. Determination of thermal conductivity of : . Determination of heat transfer coefficient for i) film condendsation ii) drop-wise condensation 5. Determination of coefficient of heat transfer for free/forced convection from the surface of a cylinder / plate when kept: a) along the direction of flow b) perpendicular to the direction of flow c) inclined at an angle to the direction of flow 3. 7.powder materials by concentric spheres method / or by some transient heat transfer technique . a) Insulated tip b) Cooled tip c) Temperature controlled tip ii) Straight transfer fins of various sizes and optimization of fin proportions iii) Circumferential fins of rectangular/triangular section 8. Determination heat transfer coefficient by radiation and hence find the Stefan Boltzman's constant using two plates/two cylinders of same size by making one of the plates/cylinders as a black body. steering linkages and steering gears. trouble shooting and rectification in different systems. considerations of strength and stiffness. hydraulic. position of power unit. 4.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-305 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 0 0 Total Marks: 100 Detailed Contents 1. tractive effort and vehicle performance curves. Automotive mechanics by Crouse WH. pump and fan. Power Unit Power requirements . Modifications in a simple carburettor to meet different starting. wheels and tyres. constructional details of carburetors and fuel injection systems used in Indian make vehicles. differential. Weight transfer during braking and stopping distances 9. camber and king pin angle. Diesel fuel system . starter motor and drive arrangements : voltage and current regulation 10. air and water cooling systems. capacity ratings and battery testing. Purpose of cooling. Introduction Basic structure. idling and accelerating consitions. Transmission system Basic requirements and standard transmission systems. gear box. East West Press 3. Rear wheel vs front wheel drive. engine turning and servicing Books 1. 5. Maintenance Preventive maintenance. overdrives. castor action. crank case ventilation and dilution. Braking System General braking requirements. Charging. propeller shaft. running. 8. conventional and independent suspension systems. vacuum power and servo brakes. pollution due to vehicle emission and exhaust emission control system. 6. radiator. Air fuel requirements and carburation. front and rear axles. oil pumps and oil pressure indicator.motion resistance and power loss. general layout and type of automotive vehicles. 3. Lubrication and Cooling Systems Necessity of lubrication. Electric System Conventional (coil and magneto) and transistorized ignition systems. Automotive Mechanics by Heitner J. shock absorbs and stablizers. Desirable properties of lubricants. McGraw Hill Publishing Co 2. principle of automatic transmission 7. injection pump. universal joint and torque tube drive. Chassis and Suspension Loads on the frame. Fuel Supply System Air cleaner and fuel pumps. thermostat. different systems of lubrication . power steering. various types of lubricants and oil additives. toe-in of front wheels. engine mounting. selection of power unit and engine performance characteristics. wheel alignment. Frameless and unitary construction. constructional features of automobile clutch. Automobile Engineering Vol I and II by Kirpal Singh. Mechanical.oil filters. injector and nozzles. Standard Publishers 36 . Steering System Requirement and steering geometry. Metrology Line. Angular measurements . error propagation. angle guage. setting of contact breaker points and spark plug gap 4. clinometer. Fault diagnosis in transmission system including clutches. ejection of test data. speed of response. 2. basic and auxiliary functional elements of a measurement system. 3.sine bar. Zero. secondary and working standards.specifications and measurement by Talysurf. concept and measurement of straightness and flatness by interferometry. brake shoes. systematic and random errors. Trouble shooting in cooling system of an automotive vehicle 3. first and second order systems and their response to step. linear measurements . comparators . lag. 4.their types. 6. sensitivity and linearity. Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Instruments Range and span. relative merits and limitations. Replacing of ring and studying the method of replacing piston after repair. surface roughness . Demonstration of sterring system and measurement of steering geometry angles and their impact on vehicle performance. calibration. 5. threshold and resolution. accuracy and precision. statistical analysis of test-data. Design and planning of experiments and report writing. vernier height gauge and depth guage. General Concepts Need and classification of measurements and instruments.vernier scale and micrometer. Valve refacing and valve seat grinding and checking for leakage of valves 2. ramp and sinusoidal input signals. Trouble shooting in braking system with specific reference to master cylinder. Measurement of major 37 . overhauling of system and the adjusting of the system and its testing. Mechanical versus electrical / electronic instruments. hysteresis and dead zone. 7. end and wavelength standards. ME-307 MECHANCIAL MEASUREMENT AND METROLOGY Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 0 0 L T P 0 0 2 Detailed Contents 1. fidelity and dynamic error. Trouble shooting in the ignition system. Errors in Measurement Sources of errors. curve fitting. probable error and probability tables. dead time and dead zone.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-315 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 List of Experiments 1. primary. gear box assembly and differential. bending and torsional loads. special materials and configurations. Metropolitan Book Co Pvt. 3. photo cells and piezo-electric transducers and application of these elements for measurement of position / displacement. Ltd. thermo-electric sensors .. angle and form of threads for internal and external threads. transmitting and terminating devices. temperature compensation. effective diameter. Introduction to amplifying. Resistance strain guages. transmission and driving dynamo meters. torque on rotating shafts. 7.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 diameter.common thermo couples. hydraulic and pneumatic load cells. liquid-in-glass thermeter and filled-in-system thermometers. Measurement System : Application and Design by Doebelin E.Mcleod guage. inductance and capacitive pick ups. Torque and Shaft Power Measurement Mechanical tachometers.O. 8. vacuum measurement . 4. minor diameter. Speed. Electromagnetic flux meters. metal resistance thermometers and thermistors. Pressure and Flow Measurement Bourdon tube. bonded and unbonded guages. 2. optical and total radiation pyrometers. Dead weight guage tester. Automatic Control systems by Kuo BC. application of strain guages for direct. vibration reed tachometer and stroboscope. Mechanical Measurement and Control by Kumar DS. pitch. Prentice Hall 38 . surface preparation and bonding technique signal conditioning and bridge circuits. Functional Elements Review of electro-mechanical sensors and transducers .bimetallic thermometers. 6. New Delhi. guage factor. speed / velocity / acceleration. McGraw Hill Publication Company. force and liquid level. thermal conductivity guage and ionisation guage. Experimental Methods for Engineers by Holman JP. Engineering Metrology by Jain RK 5. proving ring. ultra-sonic flow meters and hot wire anemometer: flow visualisation techniques. diaphragm and bellows. 5. calibration standards. McGraw Hill Publishing Company. Force. Temperature Measurement Thermal expansion methods . Books 1. pitch and checking of profile for spur gears. reference junction considerations.variable resistance. Absorption. measurement of tooth thickness. Three wire method to determine effective diameter of external threads 6. Calibration of a pressure guage with the help of a dead weight guage tester 8. Use of pilot tube to plot velocity profile of a fluid through a circular duct 10. its calibration and application for temperature measurement 39 . Measurement of thread element by Tool makers microscope 7. Measurement of an angle with the help of sine bar 3. Measurement of gear elements using profile projector 5. Use of stroboscope for measurement of speed of shaft 9. Preparation of a thermocouple.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-317 MECHANICAL MEASUREMENT AND METROLOGY LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Measurement of surface roughness 4. Measurement with the help of vernier caliper and micrometer 2. errors in a series approximation 2. 4.. John Wiley. non linear curve fitting.cubic spline method: maximum and minimum values of a tabulated function. Cornahn B. Parabolic equation and their solution using iterative methods Books: 1.Jacobi's method. general error formula. S. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods. Newton -Raphson method. RajaRaman 2. Method of false position. curve fitting by a sum of exponentials.R method. Newtons formulae for interpolation. Simpsons 3/8 rule. Numerical solution of Partial differential equations Finite difference approximation to derivatives.Procedures -fitting a straight line..PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-309 Numerical Methods in Engineering Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 1. central difference intepolation formulae. Numerical Methods in Fortran -Mc Cromik and Salavadory 3. Inverse of Matrix. Gauss -Siedel method. Et al. Runge-Kutta method. Newton's general interpolation formula. Gaussian Elimination method(fall and banded symmetric and unsymmetric systems). Difference of a polynomial.V. Curve Fitting: Cubic splines and approximation:introduction. Solution of algebraic and Transcendental equations: Bisection method. Gaussian integration(One dimensional only) 6. Solution of linear systems. Matrix inversion method. Eigen value problems 7. Prediction corrector method. Numerical Integration. Least square curve fitting. Euler's and modified Euler's method. & Cari De Boor.trapezoidal rule. Boundary value problems. Euler-Meclaurin formula. end conditions 5.Applied Numerical Methods. interpolation by iteration 4.D. Newton-cots integration formulae. Interpolation with unevenly spaced points. Interpolation method: Errors in polynomial interpretation. 40 . Solution to Laplaces equation. Data fitting with cubic splines-derivation of governing equation. S. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Solution by Taylor's series. Errors in Numerical Calculations Errors and their analysis. forward. Simpson1/3 rule. Mc Graw Hill.. finite difference . Prediction -correction method. backward and central difference.O. iteration method. method of iteration and 3.Matrices and Linear systems of equations Introduction. finite difference methods 8.Numericl Differentiation and Integration Numerical differentiation. solution of systems of non linear equations. Elementary Numerical Analysis. Conte. To develop computer programs for solution of system of simultaneous linear equations using: a.O. 2.R. Newton -Raphson method. Linear and Non-Linear curve fitting technique 4. Gauss Elimination Technique. (Lab) Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Gauss Shield iterative technique Successive over Relaxation(S. Technique with special reference to heat conclusion equation. False position b. without and with specified boundary conditions. for full as well as bounded symmetric and unsymmetrical matrices b. 41 .O. Numerical Integration with Simpson's rule and Gaussian Integration 5. To develop computer program to determine roots of a given equation using method of a. Solution of ordinary differential equations by (i) Eular Method (ii) Runge-Kutta Method (iii) Taylor Series Methods 6. Solution of partial differential equations using S.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-319 Numerical Methods in Engg.R) Technique 3. and other aids for distance and mass properties calculations 3. Learn and use the layers and blocks in drafting software 6. Understand different coordinate system and do a exercise on drafting software using this 8. Learn the basic initial setting and viewing of the drafting software's interface. Learn and use shading and rendering techniques for better visual appearance 11. Learn and use the various modify commands of the drafting software 5. Learn the basic options of drawing aids like grid. snap.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-321 Computer Aided Drafting Lab Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Draw the different types of 3D modeling entities using viewing commands to view them 9. Draw the different Surface model with different editing commands 10. ortho etc. Use hatching and dimensioning to detail out a component drawings 7. 2. Learn and draw the basic entities in 2D 4. Use and learn import/export techniques and customization of drafting software 42 . PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-302 MACHINE DESIGN-II Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 Examination Hrs.Jadon (IK International Publications) L T P 3 1 0 Note: Design data book by “ design Data Book compiled by PSG Coimbatore Or Machine Design Data Book by V. Plate and cone types. helical. Helical and Leaf springs 7. Design Philosophy. Machine Design by Shigley Tata McGraw hill 2. Machine Design by Sharma.” 43 .e. John-Wiley Publishers 3. Design Data Book Compiled by PSG College of Engineering & Technology. worm and worm wheel 4. Design of sliding and rolling type of bearings. Machine Design by Spots. Machine Design by Goyal and Bahl. Structure of CAD Softwares. Standard Publishers 7. Machine Design by Norton. V-Belt and rope drive b) Chain drives c) Gear drives of different types d) Selection of sliding and rolling bearings and their housing e) Flywheel and pulley f) Closed coiled. To learn the design or design modification for manufacturing and assembly 3. Prentice Hall 5. Coimbatore 8. To understand the basic concept of computer aided design i. Design of Contact clutches i. a) The basic Theory of CAD Techniques b) Design stragergies of different CAD/Softwares c) Functioning/ Structure of CAD Softwares 4.K. Design of the pulley for the same 2. Understand the selection/ Design of each of the transmission components a) Flat. Bearing Selection. Computers in Design: Basic Theory of CAD Software. Machine Design by Juvinal. Band and block brakes 8. Design of Flat belt. Band. Design of Lubrication in transmission system 9. straight bevel gears. Detailed of bearing housing 5. Prentice hall 4. Block.K. Kataria Publishers 6. Design of spur. structure of CAD software. Machine Design Data Book by V. Designing a CAD Software BOOKS 1. To handle live projects of transmission systems efficiently Detailed Contents 1. Design of Close-coil.Jadon (IK International Publications) is allowed to be used in the examination. V-belt and rope (steel wire). Aggarwal. helical and leaf springs g) Various types of clutches and brakes h) Lubrication in the transmission systems 2. Selection of Chain Drive 3. Design of Flywheel for different operation 6.e.: 04 Course Objective : 1. study the process and suggest the design parameters of the flywheel required. Design the shafts required to support the assembly and design it for manufacturing and assembly. Find an assembly containing the belt and pulley mechanism and do the complete design calculations and then justify the existing design. 5.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-310 MACHINE DESIGN -II PRACTICE Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. alignment and assembly.(with actual calculations of the loads and the end conditions) 7. Study the layout of some existing transmission system design and suggest a new conceptual design by removing the shortcomings of the existing design 3. various types of oil seals: friction lock and its applications in reciprocating cam-followers. 4. The gearbox design in the exp no. 8. assembly and link motions. Find a transmission system involving the worm an worm wheel and then find out the inputs required for its design and justify the design. 44 . 6. Review of principles of retainment. spur and helical gears) 5. Justify the design if flywheel is already there. Design springs for practical application for the given conditions and constraints and find its practical availability. For a press of your machine shop. 2. of various components of machines. 9. convert its design procedure into an algorithm and write a code for its design or with the help of an application software. Calculation of the velocity ratios required in a gear box and then design the gearbox in practical application (gearbox application must involve different types of gears like bevel. Select a mechanical component or system. PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-304 REFRIGERATION AND AIRCONDITIONING Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 Detailed Contents 1. Basic Concept Natural and Mechanical refrigeration; Application of Refrigeration; Units of refrigeration and Coefficient of performance; Refrigeration effect, cooling capacity and COP of a refrigerator; heating effect, heating capacity and COP as heat pump; Reversed Carnot cycle and its limitations 2. Bell Coleman Cycle and Aircraft Refrigeration Bell Coleman Cycle and its analysis; optimum COP and pressure ratio, necessity of air craft refrigeration - air cycle refrigeration systems and their comparison 3. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle Vapour compression cycle on P-V, P-H and T-S diagrams; Deviation of actual cycle from theoretical cycle; Compressor capacity and volumetric efficiency, Analysis of theoretical and actual vapour compression cycles; Effect of suction pressure, discharge pressure, subcooling, super heating and pressure drop in valves on performance and cooling capacity. 4. Vapour Compression Refrigeration with Multiple Evaporators and Compressors Compound compression with single and multiple expansion valves, water intercooling and flash intercooling; multiple load systems with single and multiple expansion valves 5. Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Cycle (No Mathematical Analysis) Principle of absorption system; components of the system; Desirable properties of absorption system refrigerant and absorbent; Aqua - ammonia absorption refrigeration system; Lithium Bromide - water absorption system; Theory of mixtures; temerature concentration and enthalpy concentration diagrams; comparison between absorption and compression systems; Electrolux refrigeration system. 6. Refrigerants Classification and nomenclature of refrigerants; Desirable thermodynamic, chemical and physical properties of refrigerants; comparative study of commonly used refrigerants and their fields of application; Azeotropes; Effect of moisture and oil miscibility; Refrigerants dying agents and antifreeze solution; leak detection and charging of refrigerants; environmental aspects of conventional refrigerants; Ecofriendly refrigerants and action plan to reduce ecological hazards. 7. Non-Conventional Refrigeration Systems (No Mathematical Analysis) Steam Jet Refrigeration; Cascade Refrigeration System; Mixed Refrigeration Systems; Vortex Tube Refrigeration, Thermoelectric cooling; Linde and Claude cycles, cryogenics and its engineering applications. 8. Air Conditioning Concept and Applications; Psychometric properties of air; Dry bulb, wet bulb and dew point temperatures; Relative and specific humidity; degree of saturation adiabatic saturation temperature, enthalpy of air and water vapours; psychometric chart. Human requirement of comforts; effective temperature and comfort charts; Industrial and comfort air conditioning. 9. Psychometric Processes Sensible heating and cooling, cooling with dehumidification; Heating with dehumidification; by-pass factor; chemical dehumidification; adiabatic mixing, air washer. 10. Calculations for Air –conditioning Load and for Rate and state of Supply Air Sources of heat load; sensible and latent heat load; sensible heat factor; appratus L T P 4 1 0 45 PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 dew point temperature; Rate and state of supply - air for air- conditioning of different types of premises. 11. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Brief description of compressors, condensers, evaporators and expansion devices; Cooling towers; Ducts; dampers; grills; air filters; fans; room air conditioners; split units; Package and central air conditioning plants. BOOKS 1. Refrigeration and Conditioning by CP Arora, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Refrigeration and Conditioning by Manohar Prasad, Wiley Eastern Limited 3. Refrigeration and Conditioning by Jordan and Priester, Prentice Hall of India 4. Refrigeration and Conditioning by WF Stoecker, McGraw 46 PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-312 REFRIGERATION AND AIRCONDITIONING LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Study of various elements of a mechanical refrigerator system through cut sections models / actual apparatus 2. Study and performance of domestic refrigerator, 3. Study the performance of and Eectrolux refrigerator 4. Study of an Ice plant and visit to a cod storage for study 5. Calculation/ Estimation of cooling load for large building 6. Visit to a central Air conditioning plant for study of processes for winter and summer air conditioning 7. Study and performance of window type room air conditioner 47 Trouble shooting . Degree of reaction. specific speed and model relationships. Departure from Euler's theory and losses. maximum permissible vacuum during suction stroke.suction. work done against friction. Hydraulic Devices and Systems Const. cavitation and Thoma's cavitation number. operating principle. Priming and priming devices. Hydraulic Machines by Jagdish Lal. Similarity Relations and Performance Characteristics Unit quantities. available power and efficiency. Metropolitan Book Co Pvt. vane shape and its effect on head-capacity relationships. Concept of Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) and its application in determining turbine / pump setting 6. design aspects such as mean diameter of wheel. Euler's equation for energy transfer in a turbomachine and specifying the energy transfer in terms of fluid and rotor kinetic energy changes. Various types and classification. calculations for force exerted. 5. causes and remedies. Delhi 48 . number of jets. work output. Multistage pumps . 4. jet ratio. working proportions and design parameters for the runner. 3. fluid coupling and torque converter. 2. gear. Reciprocating Pumps :-.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-306 FLUID MACHINERY Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 Detailed Contents 1. Basic components of a turbo machine and its classification on the basis of purpose. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by Kumar DS. fluid dynamic action. delivery and manometric heads. Air lift and jet pumps. 2. pump output and efficiency.. intensifier. Ltd. Draft tubes its function and types. geometrical features.series and parallel arrangement. jet impingement on stationary and moving flat plates. pressure variations due to piston acceleration. BOOKS 1. Construction and operation. number of buckets with working proportions 3. Centrifugal Pumps Layout and installation. work done and efficiency of jet.Components parts and working. submersible pumps. Effective head. acceleration effects in suction and delivery pipes. and on stationary or moving vanes with jet striking at the centre and tangentially at one end of the vane. Axial and mixed flow pumps. velocity triangles for different runners. operation and utility of simple and differential accumulator. Main elements and their functions. scale effect. Francis and Kaplan Turbines Component parts and operation velocity triangles and work output. Pressure changes in a pump . General Concepts Impulse momentum principle. Minimum starting speed and impeller diameters at the inner and outer periphery. Pelton Turbine Component parts and operation. Air vessels 7.field problems. SK Kataria and Sons. Hydraulic Turbines by Daughaty RL. Function and brief description of commonly used surge tanks. vane and piston pumps. path followed by the fluid and the type of fluid etc. McGraw Hill Book Co. To draw characteristics of Francis turbine 3. Determination of various efficiencies of Hydraulic Ram 2. To draw the various characteristics of Centrifugal pump 6. To study the constructional features of reciprocating pump and to perform test on it for determination of pump performance 4. To draw the characteristics of Pelton Turbine 5.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-314 FLUID MACHINERY LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 1. Determine the effect of vane shape and vane angle on the performance of centrifugal fan 49 . Transfer Devices and Feeders : their Classification : Construction details and application of transfer devices and feeders( vibratory bowl feeder. Construction and performance of fluid power generators. Industrial Applications of Robots for material transfer. 5. Pneumatic Logic Circuits : Design of pneumatic logic circuits for a given time displacement diagram or sequence of operations. Electrical and Electronic Controls : Introduction to electrical and electronic controls such as electromagnetic controllers . devices. Basic hydraulic and pneumatic circuits. Introduction : Concept and scope of automation: Socio economic consideration: Low cost automation. Robotics. Pneumatic Control by SR Majumdar 3.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 PE-408 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 0 0 Detailed Contents 1. Fluid Power with applications by Anthony Esposito 2. reciprocating tube and centrifugal hopper feeder). Teach pendent. machine loading / unloading. Concept of Robotic/Machine vision. electronic and computer systems. flow and direction control: Servo valves and simple servo systems with mechanical feedback. Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders . 2.their construction working and performance characteristics: Elementary fluidic circuits. Integration of mechanical systems with electrical.transducers and sensors. Introduction. Books 1. 8. Fluidic elements . governing differential equation and its solution for step position input.types and applications. Hydraulic and pneumatic valves for pressure.types and applications: Sensors . microprocessors. End effectors . Robotics and Flexible Automation by SR Deb 50 . assembly and spray painting operations. classification based on geometry. Fluid Power Control : Fluid power control elements and standard graphical symbols. Conda effect. design and mounting. 3. Truth tables. Fluidics : Boolean algebra. control and path movement. programmable logic controllers (PLC). welding. 6. 7. Study of power steering mechanism using cut piece model 3.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 PE-414 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 1. Study of reciprocating movement of double acting cylinder using pneumatic direction control valves 4. Study the robotic end effectors 7. Study of different types of hydraulic and pneumatic valves L T P 0 0 2 51 . Use of direction control valve and pressure control valves clamping devices for jig and fixture 5. 2. Design and assembly of hydraulic / pneumatic circuit. Study of robotic arm and its configuration 6. • Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. d) Food resources : World food problems. dams-benefits and problems. e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs. man induced landslides. environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. drought. c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation. use of alternate energy sources. deforestation. Producers. conflicts and water. Unit 2 : Natural Resources : Renewable and non-renewable resources : Natural resources and associated problems. b) Water resources : Use and over-Utilization of surface and ground water.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 CE-216 Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE L T P 3 1 0 Unit 1 : The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies Definition. case studies. fertilizer-pesticide problems. changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing. effects of modern agriculture. 52 . floods. dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. salinity. scope and importance (2 Lectures) Need for public awareness. f) Land resources : Land as a resource. renewable and non renewable energy sources. Timber extraction. water logging. Unit 3 : Ecosystems • • • Concept of an ecosystem. land degradation. mining. case studies. case studies. consumers and decomposers. Structure and function of an ecosystem. soil erosion and desertification. Case studies. a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation. • Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 • • • • Energy flow in the ecosystem. Endangered and endemic species of India Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ conservation of biodiversity. Soil pollution d. poaching of wildlife. Water pollution c. Ecological succession. Biogeographical classification of India Value of biodiversity : consumptive use. National and local levels. Unit 5 : Environmental Pollution Definition • Causes. Threats to biodiversity : habitat loass. Introduction. social. characteristic features. Air pollution b. Nuclear hazards • Solid waste Management : Causes. species and ecosystem diversity. 53 . c. Noise pollution f. rivers. estuaries) (6 lectures) Unit 4 : Biodiversity and its conservation • • • • • • • • • Introduction – Definition : genetic. d. man-wildlife conflicts. structure and function of the following ecosystem :a. effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. types. oceans. productive use. food webs and ecological pyramids. lakes. ethical. streams. Food chains. Thermal pollution g. b. Marine pollution e. effects and control measures of :- a. India as a mega-diversity nation Hot-spots of biodiversity. aesthetic and option values Biodiversity at global. Forest ecosystem Grassland ecosystem Desert ecosystem Aquatic ecosystems (ponds. Public awareness. nuclear accidents and holocaust. Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions. Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme. Case studies. Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act Wildlife Protection Act Forest Conservation Act Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. Pollution case studies. Air (Preventation and Control of Pollution) Act. rain water harvesting. watershed management Resettlement and rahabilitation of people . Case Studies. earthquake. Environment Protection Act. Case studies. cyclone and landslides. variation among nations. HIV / AIDS Women and Child Welfare. Environment and human health. (7 lectures) Unit 7 : Human Population and the Environment • • • • • • • • • Population growth. Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health. (8 lectures) Unit 6 : Social Issues and the Environment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • From Unsustainable to Sustainable development Urban problems related to energy Water conservation. ozone layer depletion. acid rain. Human Rights. its problems and concerns. Climate change. global warming.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 • • • Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. Consumerism and waste products. Unit 8 : Field work 54 . Value Education. Wasteland reclamation. Disaster management : floods. hill slopes. birds. Study of simple ecosystems-pond. insects.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 • • • • Visit to a local area to document environmental and river forest grassland hill mountain. etc. (Field work Equal to 5 lecture hours) 55 . river. Visit to a local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural Study of common plants. The problems assigned should be of mutual interest to the students and the industry.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (PROBLEM SOLVING/PROJECT ORIENTED WORK BENCH INVOLVEMENT) Marks.1000 Duration Full Sixth or Seventh Semester is meant for Industrial Training Purpose ¨ To expose engineering students to technology development at work places and appraise them regarding shop-floor problems ¨ To provide practical experience in solving open ended problems in real work setting so as to cause transfer of college based knowledge and skills to solve practical problems and thereby develop confidence in the students in the analysis. To illustrate. following are some of the suggestions: ¨ Design of a prototype ¨ Programming of CNC machines ¨ Calibration and testing of instruments ¨ Productivity Improvement Studies ¨ Pollution control related problems ¨ Capacity Planning and Capital Budgeting ¨ Safety Management ¨ Optimum utilization of resources ¨ Conflict Management Methodology ¨ The industrial organizations where students are to be sent for problem solving project-oriented work bench involvement may be selected well in 56 . students will be given 3-4 practical problems. The problem may belong to 3 or 4 different functional areas. synthesis and evaluation of practical problems leading to creative thinking Programme During this work bench involvement. The evaluation of students is proposed to be done by internal faculty with active involvement of industrial personnel.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 advance ¨ The faculty of the department is expected to visit the selected industries and identify suitable problems to be handled by students. The evaluation may be based on following criteria: ¨ Punctuality and Attendance ¨ Interpersonal relations ¨ Sense of Responsibility . principles and procedures ¨ Self expression/communication skills ¨ Report Writing Skills ¨ Creativity/conceiving new and unusual ideas ¨ Problem-solving skills 57 . ¨ It will be desirable that problems be matched with the interests of students.Clarity of concepts. ¨ It is recommended that a group of 5-6 students be guided by one faculty member during this period. Range of planning. Meaning of environment and need for environmental control. Local relief. variety of plans. and local exhaust ventilation. 2. Noise isolation. Thermal environment and its measurement. efficiency and freedom from health risk. Hazard identification techniques. Physiology of heat regulation. scope and procedure. 7. 3. Understand importance of safety at work 2. Understand various industrial wastes and their methods of treatment. Control of radiant heat. Planning for safety: Definition. benefits of good illumination. Environment standards for representative industries. their nature. prevention of accidents. Noise & Vibrations: Continuous and impulse noise. Phenomenon of lighting and safety. Apply ergonomics to safety 3. Thermal comfort. Effect of temperature. 6. dilution ventilation. f factors in industry. Industrial Lighting: Purpose of lighting. 7. Industrial accidents. measurement and control measures. 5. Illumination. Thermal limits for comfort. Accident investigation. Indices of heat stress. Principles of good illumination. Recommended optimum standards of illumination. 8. Sources and types of artificial lighting. Control of heat exposures: control at source. Employees participation in safety. Meaning & need for safety. 5. Measurement and mitigation of physical and mental "fatigue" Basics of environment design for improved efficiency and accuracy at work. equipment design and work environment. Compare the above with conventional methods 9.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 8th Semester ME-402 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY and ENVIOREMENT Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 0 0 Total Marks: 100 Course Objectives: 1. Assessment of accident costs. purpose. safety and economics. 10. Safety measures in a manufacturing organization. Understand various methods of solar architecture. Analyze industrial hazards 4. humidity noise and vibrations on human body and mind. safety and productivity. Relationship of safety with plant design. nature. Detailed Contents 1. Mechanical ventilation. Policy formulation and implementation of safety policies. Understand various safety measures and how it leads to increasing plant productivity. Noise measurement and evaluation of noise. Natural ventilation. Air conditioning Process ventilation. Silencers vibrations: Effect. Understand basics of environmental design 6 Compute heat load requirements of industrial buildings. Ventilation and heat Control Purpose of ventilation. 8. Safety standards and legislation 4. Noise absorption techniques. Industrial hazards. Understand ergonomics and its importance in system design. types and causes. Lighting and the work. Maintenance standards relating to lighting and colour. Environment Standards: Introduction to ISO 14000. Design of lighting installation. insulation. 58 . The effect of noise on man. reporting and analysis. Understand the various software used in CAD and the functions of a graphics package. RJ. HW. Graphic input devices. Understand the various computer hardware devices 3. Understand the basic concepts of CAM 10. R. 9. Analyze the components and systems of NC and CNC machine tools. Understand the various concepts and characteristics in geometric modeling. 4. Understand various representations of curves and surfaces. Central processing unit (CPU) 3. BOOKS: Ventilation by Joselin. 5. Graphics output devices. 8. Understand the fundamentals and advantages of group technology. Understand geometric transformation. Mcgraw Hill Modern Safety and health Technology by DC Reamer. 4. 12. CAD software and Database: Software configuration of a graphics system: functions of a graphics package: geometric modeling: Database structure and control. Kendale ME-404 CAD/CAM Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Course Objectives 1. 15. Graphics standard: GKS and IGES. display devices. Understand and apply various programming methods for specific jobs. Understand FMS and CIMS with reference to components. 3. 11. 2.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 1. Detailed Contents: Course contents 1. 14. Fundamentals of CAD: Introduction: Design Process: Application of computers in design: Creating manufacturing database: benefits of CAD. Edward Arnold Noise Reduction by Beranek. McGraw Hill The process of Hazard Control by Firenze. 7. 6. 2. Wiley Industrial Accident Prevention by Heinrich. Apply CAD techniques to finite element mesh generation. 5. Understand the applications and benefits of CAD 2. advantages and applications. Understand various data exchange formats. Understand the concepts of DNC and adaptive control 13. Classify various CAPP systems. 59 . Computer Hardware. R Henderson & P. Computerized Numerical Control (CNC): Tooling for NC machines . Bedworth. 7. Prentice Hall of India 3.tool presetting equipment. part classification and coding system: Group technology machine cells: Advantages of GT. B-spline curves. Block format and codes: Computer assisted part programming. flexible tooling. NC motion control system. Computer Aided Process Planning: Introduction and benefits of CAPP.D. tool length compensation. 6. matrix representation of 2 and 3 dimensional transformation: Concatenation of transformation matrices. meshed and ruled surfaces: Bezier curves. 10. Production Systems and computer integrated manufacturing by Groover. CAD/CAM . Combined DNC/CNC system. Group Technology (GT): Part families.M. CAD/CAM by Groover & Simmers.basic components.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 4. Geometric Transformations: Mathematics preliminaries. Tata McGraw Hill Pub Co. DNC and Adaptive Control: Direct numerical control: Adaptive control in machining system. Representation of curves and surfaces: Polygon. 11. Introduction to CIMS. NC/CMNC Machine Tools. M. volumetric properties. concepts of hidden-line removal and shading: Kinematics analysis and simulation. machinability data selection systems in CAPP. Introduction: Basic concepts of manufacturing system and CAD/CAM. BOOKS: 1. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 8. 5. Prentice Hall of India 2. Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing by D. features of NC machine tools. fixed/floating zero. Wolfe. tool path graphics. Tata MCGraw Hill Pub.theory and Practice by Zeid Ibraham. 60 . Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) and Computer integrated manufacturing system: FMS and its advantages. Geometric Modeling: Wireframe model: solid modeling: representation. components of a FMS system. Manual part programming. surface modeling. Application of CAD techniques to finite Element Mesh Generation. coordinate systems. 9. 12. 4. Types of CAPP systems. Automation. NC machine tools. Co. Application of geometric transformations. PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 61 . 5) Part modeling using some of the modeling technique 6) Component assembly in CAD and generating and modifying drawings 62 .PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-410 CAD/CAM Laboratory Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 List of Experiments: 1) CAD exercises using Auto Cad software 2) Part-programming on CNC machines 3) Execution of part programme for machining given profile. 4) Programming of robots for various applications. Libermann. 8. 9. Replacement of items whose maintenance and repair costs increase with time. 4. 2. Inventory models : Classification of inventory control models : Inventory models with deterministic demand. Introduction to Operation Research Taha 4. Solution of simple problems. Simulation: Concept general approach and application.S. individual replacement policy. Deterministic Models : Formulation of deterministic linear mathematical models : Graphical and simplex techniques for solution of linear programming problems. 3. Operations Research PK Gupta and DS Hira. construction of net works. 7. inventory models with price breaks. Introduction to decision tree.I. Probabilistic Models : Decision making under uncertainty : Maximum and minimum models.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-406 OPERATIONS RESEARCH Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 Detailed Contents 1. BOOKS: 1. slack and float. group replacement policy. S. 63 . Queuing theory: Types of queuing situation : Queuing models with Poisson's input and exponential service. replacement of items that fail suddenly. Introduction to duality theory and sensitivity analysis : transportation. Use of Monte-Carlo simulation technique to queuing and inventory problems. Network models : Shortest route and traveling sales . Principles of Operations Research HM Wagner. Big M method and two phase method. Holden Ray. crashing of network for cost reduction. 6. Classification of mathematical models : various decision making environments. Chand & Co. Introduction to goal programming. identification of critical path. Introduction : Origin of OR and its role in solving industrial problems : General approach for solving OR problems. Solution techniques of linear goal programming problems. 2. their application to simple situations. Hiller and G. analysis of time bound project situations. Dynamic Programming: Introduction to deterministic and probabilistic dynamic programming. Prentice Hall. replacement of items whose maintenance costs increase with time and value of money also changes. 5. Introduction to Operation Research F. Replacement Models : Replacement of items that deteriorate. resource leveling and smoothening. assignment and sequencing models. PERT & CPM introduction. Game theory : Solution of simple two person zero-sum games :Examples of simple competitive situation. 3. inventory models with probabilistic demand. forced harmonic vibration . torsional vibration damper. untuned viscous damper. torsional vibration of two rotor systems.vibration isolation transmissibility. Holzer's . Delhi 3.generalised coordinates.orthogonality principal. Introduction .combined rectilinear & angular modes. stodola method.vibration measuring instruments. amplitude ratio.principle. 4 a) Multi-degree of freedom systems: undamped free vibrations. centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber. longitudinal vibrations of bars. dry friction dampers.matrix alteration methods.P. damped free vibrations and damped force vibrations of single degree of freedom system. 3. Dhanpat Rai and Sons. Methods of vibration analysis. Vibration absorber . undamped free vibrations. Types of vibration. Periodic &Harmonic vibrations . Euler's equation of motion for beam vibration. natural frequencies. Basic concepts. Mechanical Vibrations by V. b) Application..Two degrees of Freedom systems: a) principal modes of vibrations.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-408 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Detailed contents 1.Singh. natural frequencies for various end conditions. influence coefficients. 2. 64 .Eigen values & eigen vector b) continuous systems: Vibration of a string.: Rayleigh and Dunkerley. Roorkee 2. Mechanical Vibrations by GK Grover. Mechancial Vibrations by KK Purjara. torsional vibration of circular shafts Books: 1. Hem chand and Bros. 2. 65 . 4. 5. Study of a dynamic absorber 7. Determine the natural frequencies of a coupled pendulum. 3.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 ME-412 MECHANCIAL VIBRATION LAB Internal Marks: 30 External Marks: 20 Total Marks: 50 L T P 0 0 2 Determine the viscosity of given fluid by single wire torsional pendulum.determine coefficient of dry friction from measurement of natural frequency of vibration of a bar resting on two disks rotating in opposite direction 1. Find out the fundamental natural frequency of a cantilever beam Determine the modulas of elasticity from free vibration test Study of forced vibration of a two degree of freedom system under harmonic excitation 6. determination of minimum air required for combustion. Dissociation.I. Determination of minimum quantity of air supplied to gaseous Fuel Supply System: Fuel Supply System and fuel pumps. Determination of excess air supplied . Arrangement of Supercharger and its installation. fuel injection systems. Difference between Actual and Fuel-Air Cycle. rating of S. Engines. types of fuels. injection pump Governor. Engine fuels and their rating.I. Determination of air supplied from volumetric analysis of Dry flue gases.I. type of superchargers. Actual working of 2 & 4 stroke gas engine and their valve diagram.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 Detailed Syllabus: Group-I DE/ME-1. working of 2-stroke petrol & diesel engines & their valve timing diagrams. fuel injection systems for C. Fuel Air Cycles and their analysis: Introduction to fuel air cycles and their significance. effect of no. composition of cylinder gases. Carnot Cycle. Engine: Working of 4 stroke petrol & diesel engines and their valve timing diagram. Engine fuels and anti knock agents.I. Historical Development of IC Engines.I. Different modern carburetors. Ericson Cycle. variable specific heats. Engines Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Introduction to IC Engines: Definition of engine. Otto Cycle. Actual Working of I. analysis of superchargers. properties of air fuel mixture. ideal requirements from a carburetor. C. & C. supercharging of S. Determination of % of carbon in fuel burning to CO & CO2 . Diesel cycle. approximate analysis of simple carburetor. injection pump governor. Mechanical Governor.1 I. Engines Supercharging: Introduction. theoretical determination of CV of fuel. 66 .I. Heat Engine. Flame font propagation. Engine. conversions of volumetric analysis of mass analysis. Turbo charged engines. of moles. comparison of two stroke & four stroke engines. Engines: classification of injection systems. fuel air ratio.C. combustion equation for hydrocarbon fuels. introduction to petrol injection. Combustion in S. liquid and gaseous fuels. Air Standard Cycle. injection pump.I. Fuel Filters. Exact analysis of single jet carburetor. Classification & Nomenclature. Nozzle. Sterling Cycle. performance of superchargers. Abnormal combustion and knocking.I. and C. Fuel Injector. different devices used to meet the requirements of an ideal carburetor. Application of IC Engines.I. Actual and Fuel-Air Cycles for S. & C. effect of operating variable like compression ratio.I. actual cycles and their analysis. petroleum refining process. mechanical governor. chemical structure of petroleum.I. Engines: Introduction. Dual Cycle. comparison of air standards & fuel air cycles. Stages of Combination in S. Thermodynamics Analysis of these cycles. ignition lag and factors affecting the lag. limitations of single jet carburetor. a sample carburetor an its working. factor influencing the flame speed. Actual air fuel ratio of single jet carburetor. important qualities of S. control and measurement of knock. Calorific valves of fuels. solid.I. Engines. IC Engine Fuels: Introduction. combustion chambers of S. Injection of S. Combustion of fuels. purpose of supercharging. heat carried by the exhaust gases. brake horse power. Engine. performance of S.I. Engines. air consumption. Engine performance maps Books: 8. Limitations of supercharging. measurement of speed. performance of C. performance characteristics of I. Prentice Hall of India 9. Measurement and Testing: Measurement of friction horse power. Internal Combustion Engines by V. fuel consumption. Ganesan.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 Engines. governing of I. Engines: Performance parameters. Engines. A Course in Internal Combustion Engines by Damundwar by Dhanpath Rai & Sons 67 .C. indicated horse power.I. heat balance sheet.C. heat carried by cooling water. Joule-Thomson effect 3 Linde cycle.I Hours Topic 1. Helium and rare gases 3. powder vacuum 1. exercise 4. Properties of Oxygen. application of cryogenics 2. Claude. Cryogenic Systems by Randall Barron 2.Van Norstad Company. Liquification of hydrogen and helium PART-III Heat exchangers and definition of effectiveness 1 Coiled tube (hampson type) and brazed Aluminum heat exchangers 2 Cryogenic expansion engines and turbines PART -V 1.2CRYOGENIC TECHNOLOGY Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 PART . Types of cryogenic insulation: foam. Thermal. History of cryogenic engineering. Heylandt. linde signal & double column system PART -IV 3. Liquid cryogen storage vessels and cryogen transfer line.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1.II 3.Measurement of temperature: gas and vapour pressure Thermometers. Nitrogen and Argon. Thermodynamics of ideal liquefaction cycles. RTD and semiconductor sensors. Cryogenci Research amd Applications Marshall Sitting and Stephen Kidd D. PART -VIII 3. Inc. asphyxiation. thermocouple. prncooled linde cycle.USA 68 . and kapitza cycles. and Hydrogen. exercises 5. Principal of binary Distillation 2. Safety in cryogenic systems fir. mechanical and electrical properties of engineering materials at low temperature: 167 Introduction to the phenomenon of superconductivity and its applications PART . PART -VII 2. cold burns and pressure problems Books 1. fibre. 3 NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY RESOURCES Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 a) Introduction: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Tata McGraw Hill 3. characteristics and capacity. Energy Conversion by Chang. Tata McGraw Hill 2. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes by Duffic and Beckman. Solar energy storage systems .beam and diffuse radiation. Prentice Hall 5. Books 1. attenuation and measurement of solar radiation. earth sun angles. Fuel Cells by Bockris and Srinivasan. Addison 69 . iii) Thermionic generators: thermoionic emission and materials.their types. Fuel properties of bio gas and community bio gas plants ii) Geothermal: Sources of geothermal energy . wind mill components. general description and design procedures of flat Platte and concentrating collectors. types and working of different MHD systems – their relative merits. Direct energy conversion systems: i) Magnetic Hydrodynamic (MHD) Generator: gas conductivity and MHD equations. Magneto Hydrodynamics by Kuliovsky and Lyubimov. Solar Energy : Fundamentals and Applications by H. Solar Energy: Solar radiation . iii) Tidal and wave energy: Basic principles and components of tidal and wave energy plants. working principle of thermionic convertors iv) Fuel Cells: thermodynamic aspects. Prentice Hall 6. solar refrigeration and air conditioning. space and process heating. ii) Thermo-electric generators: Thermo-electric effects and materials. thermo-electric refrigeration. Optical properties of materials and selective surfaces. energy consumption as a measure of Nation's development. types. various types and their constructional features. economic analysis of solar systems 3. operating principle. Miscellaneous Non-Conventional energy Systems: i) Bio-mass: Concept of bio-mass conversion. Bio gas generators and plants . Performance analysis of cylindrical and parabolic collectors. design considerations of horizontal and vertical axis wind machines: analysis of accodynamic forces acting on wind mill blades and estimation of power output. solar thermal power generation.types. constructional features and associated prime movers. Soar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage by SP Sukhatme. MHD materials and production of magnetic fields. Principles. strategy for meeting the future energy requirements 2. McGraw Hill 7. conversion devices Advantages/disadvantages and applications of above mentioned energy systems. John Wiley 4.their types constructional features and functioning. Applications of solar energy in water. digesters and their design. wind data and site selection considerations 4. single basin and double basin tidal power plants. their availability and growth in India. Direct Energy Conversion by Soo. Garg & Jai Prakash.P. photo-synthesis and bio-gasification. thermo-electric devices and types of thermo-electric generators. Wind Energy: Principle of wind energy conversion. components and working of fuel cells.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1. water desalination and water pumping. solar ponds. applications and economic aspects of above mentioned direct energy conversions systems 5. Basic components of wind energy conversion systems. solar cells and batteries. v) Performance. Energy Conservation Handbook. Oxford Press. Hyderabad 3. Energy conservation case studies in air conditioning. its potentials. Fluidized bed technology.A. oil.. combustion system. nuclear fuel Optimum use of prime movers for power generation such as team turbines. Energy audit. laser as a welding tool. aluminum. insulation. Industrial Energy Conservation Handbook. energy storage systems thermal storage. Text Books 9. gas turbines. Utility Publication Ltd. 70 . iron and steel. recuperates economizers waste heat boilers.e.4 ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 Need for energy conservation. refractory. steam. methodology and analysis. Process Energy conservation (Chemical Engineering).e. fiscal incentives. diesel and gas engines. textile and oil refineries and their energy usage pattern. furnaces and general awareness. London 2.. Alternative sources of energy. D. electronic beam welding. pulp and paper. specialized processes such as Dielectric & micro wave heating. heat pipe heat exchangers regenerators etc. Richard Greene.. primary energy sources such as coal.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1. gas. boiler and burners Waste heat recovery systems i. Plant Good house keeping measures in air conditioning boilers. energy intensive industries i. New York. McGraw-Hill Publication Co. 5 FLUID MECHANICS-II Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 1. Limits of incompressibility and compressible flow regimes. Von-Karman momentum integral equation. Plain Couette flow and its application to hydro-dynamic theory of lubrication. 2. pressure. 3. 71 . drag coefficient versus Reynolds number for flow past axisymmetric bodies (sphere) . combination of uniform flow with certain flows to obtain flow patterns of various shapes such as flow past a half body. variation of drag coefficient with Reynolds number for two dimensional bodies (flat plate. Books 1. doublet and free vortex . static and stagnation values. 4.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1. Fluid Mechanics by Streeter VL and Wylie EB : McGraw Hill International. intensity and scale of turbulence. wave and induced drag. Mach number.lift and drag coefficients. effect of streamlining . Boundary Layer Salient features of flow pattern in a boundary layer. Mach cone and Mach angle. circular cylinder) . a cylinder. flow over a courved surface boundary layer separation and its control. two dimensional laminar flow between two fixed parallel planes . Terminal velocity . Normal shock and change in flow properties across a normal shock wave. Basic equations for one-dimensional compressible flow. 6. pressure field due to a moving source of disturbance. Lift of an airfoil . source/sink. Downwash and induced drag. 2. Gasionckw.. local skin friction coefficient and drag coefficient in laminar. a Rankine oval body. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by Kumar DS. Relationship between shear stress and pressure gradient. and Swaffield JP . Fluid Mechanics by Pao HF Richard . Viscous Flow Navier Stokes equation of motion. 3. Potential Flow Stream function and velocity potential functions for standard flow patterns uniforms flow. 4. Vortex shedding from cylindrical bodies. Isentropic flow relations. Quantitative correlation for boundary layer thickness. ELBS and Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. and a cylinder with circulation : Kutta joukowski Theorem-lift on a cylinder. Flow Around Immersed Bodies Concept of friction. Compressible Flow Wave propagation and sonic velocity. Isentropic flow through a duct of varying cross-section. 5. Velocity and shear stress distribution along the boundary. mass flow rate and choking in a converging passage. John Wiley and Sons. SK Kataria and Sons. turbulent and laminar turbulent combined boundary layer flows on a flat plate without pressure gradient. compressibility correction factor. Reynolds equations and turbulence modeling. Fluid Mechanics by Douglas JF. 5. Airfoil of finite length-effect on drag and lift . Delhi. Turbulence Fluctuation velocity components. Pitman. Mechanics of Fluids by Massey BS. Zenith Distance Flux Variation. Correlation of sunshine with Wind Velocity. Standard Atmosphere. Linear Absorber with Air Radiation Suppression Using Honeycombs Convection Suppression Using Honey-combs. Pressure Drop Relations. Cylindrical Collector Structure Flat-Plate Collector performance. Thermodynamic Utilization of Collected Energy. Evacuated Collectot Trade offs. Sample Calculation. Solar Flux. Biological Storage. Solar flux variation dynamic. Energy Storage. Variation of Output/Input Ratio with Solar Flux. Fluid Mechanics. Thermal Storage. Heat Management with and 72 . Ratio of Power Expended to Power Generated. Effect of Selective Absorber Surface. Collector Heat Balances. Typical Evaluation Situation. Surface Temperature. Efficiency versus-Temperature Curves. Time of sunrise and sun-set fully Tracking collector. Effect of Changing Heat-Transfer Fluid. Solar Heat Availability. The Bare Collector. The Liquid Transfer Module System. Zoned Thermal Storage Fluid Tank. Introduction to solar Flux observation. Solar Availability:Introduction. Basic System Diagram. Solar Ponds.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1. Differential Thermal Expansion. Temperature Rise. Flat-Plate Collectors: Introduction. Vertical South-facing. Evacuated. Environmental Thermal Infrared Flux and ETIR Model. Latent-Heat Storage. Reynolds Number. Peak flux Vs Average flux. east west tracking and N-S polar east west tracking. Window Absorption Non reflection Coated Window. Introduction tom Fixed Flat plate (horizontal. Salt Eutectics. seasonally Tilted) N-S and horz. Basic Collector Configurations. Variation of flux curves with latitude and geometry. Height variation of direct sunlight. Heat Transfer in Evacuated Collectors. Problems Energy Storage: Introduction. Air-Transfer Systems. Heat Transfer alongh Thin Sheets. Phyrheliometer and Sunshine Recorder. Heat Transfer in Solar Collectors : Introduction. Problems. Fluid Properties. Air Heat Transfer in Terms of Volume Rate of Flow. Rock Thermal Storage Tank.6 SOLAR ENERGY Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Solar Flux and Weather Data : Introduction. Single –Window Collector. Magnitude of Power Output/Input Ratio. Spectrum of sun. Parametric Relationships for Fluid Transfer. Thermal Inertia U-Factor. Diurnal Temperature. Geographical distribution of sun-shine and effects of weather on Solar Flux. Profile. Selective Radioactive Cooling. Instruments such as pyranometer. Thermal Storage Tank Farm. comparison of daily output. Sensible-Heat Storage. Window Temperature. Alternative Forms of the Heat-Rise Equation. Double Window Collector Improvement of Performance. latitude Tilted. Zenith Distance Vs time. Compressed Air. General Properties of an efficiency Vs Change and Temperature. Heat Pipes. Variation of Efficiency with Solar Flux. Correlation between direct and total Insulation. East west horz and N-S tracking. Hydrostorage Chemical Batteries Flywheels Chemical Storage. Selective Windows Facing Selective Surface Combination of Absorber and selective windows. fixed latitude + 15° . Heat Losses in a Distributed Collector system. Cooling. Peaking Effect of Back up Demands. Solar Constant. Comparison of theoretical curves with observation. Geometrical Suppression of Convection. Comparison of Thermal Behaviour for Selective Windows. Diurnal Variation of Direct Sunlight. Solar gas absorption refrigeration. Thermal inertia.Kreider & Fran K. Two stage evaporative cooling etc.Meinel & Marjoric P. An Introduction to Applied Solar Energy: Aden B. Efg Ribbon Silicon Cells Polycry Stalline silicon cells. Kreith. Silicon Cells. Problems. Application of Solar Energy (History and Survey Application) Community Heating & Cooling system. 2. Calculation of Detailed Performance. MEC Cooling system.Meinel. Hand Book of Solar Energy : Jan F. Thermo-electric Solar Cells. Solar Water pumping. 73 . Manufacture of Silicon Cells. Problems. Books 1. Manufacture of Cadmium Sulfide Cells Gallium Arsenide Solar Cells. Thermal Behaviors of Solar Cells Cooled Solar Cells for Concentrating System. Direct conversion by Means of Solar Ce4lls. Cadmium sulfide Solar Cells. Thermonic Solar Cells. Phase-Change Thermal Direct Conversion. Direct Conversion to Electricity: Introduction.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 without Phase Change. Q. thermosyphen and forced circulation Reboilers. Heat Exchangers Selection Design and Construction Longman Scientific and Technical John Wiley and Sons Inc. plate heat exchangers and plate fine heat exchangers Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers: Types and design procedure and applications Installation. pressure drops. Boiling mechanisms. Graw Hill Book Company Singapore 4. Gupta J. Heat transfer coefficients. two phase flow boiling pressure drop Condensation Mechanism. pressure drops and applications Two Phase Heat Exchangers: Types of Boiling. Multiple effect evaporators. geometry. Evaporators. Design procedures. types and applications of heat Exchangers. Augmented surface heat Exchangers. New York 2. kettle. Heat Exchanger Design methodology. type of fouling and cleaning methods Mechanical Considerations: Codes and Standards. Selection of Heat Exchangers Single Phase Heat Exchangers: LMTD and NTU methods.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1. Mechanical design requirements and materials Books 1. Reboilers. Process Heat Transfer International Edition Mc.7 Heat Exchanger Design Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Introduction: Classification. Graw Hill Book Company Singapore 3. Rating and sizing methods. Liquid chillers. Kern D. Saunders EAD.P Heat Transfer 8th Edition Mc. compact heat exchangers and air coolers. design criteria.P Fundamentals of Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels Technology Hemisphere Publishing Corporation New York 74 . Operation and Maintenance: Fouling factors. Holman J. process parameters. types of condensers and design procedures. Effect of load on power plant design. Power Plant Engineering. Fuel Cells. Load division among generators and prime movers. Radioactive waste disposal. Site Selection. storage capacity. Thermionic conversion system. Coal-its storage. Present status and future trends. mass curve. dust collection. Selection of types of generation and generating equipment. Essential features. Safety aspects. components. terms and conditions. Nuclear Power Plant: Nuclear fuels. Power Plant Engineering. Comparison with stream power plants. Non-Conventional Power Generation: Geothermal power plants. New Delhi 75 . Diesel and Gas Turbine Power Plants: Field of use. Tariff methods of electric energy. feeding and burning. Hydro-Electric Power Plants: Classifications.K. Tidal power plants. Plant Engineering. Steam Power Plant: General Introduction. Plant layout. handling. Performance and operating characteristics of power plants. Operation of combined steam and gas power plants. Power Plant Economics: Load curves. Principles types of power plants-their special features and applications. Main components of nuclear power plant. Hydroelectric survey. New Delhi Nagpal. Ash handling.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1. Nuclear reactors-types and applications. flow duration curve. nuclear energy. Photo voltaic power system. rainfall run-off. Text Books P. Tata McGraw Hill. cost of electric energy. Domkundwar.Khanna Publishers. Solar power plants. Developing trends. Components and their general layout. New Delhi Arora. High pressure boilers. Magneto-hydrodynamic system. prediction of load. Wind power plants.Nag. methods to meet variable load. Electricity from city refuge. hydrograph. Radiation shielding. Site selection. Dhanpat Rai * Sons.8 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Introduction: Energy sources for generation of electric power. Direct Energy Conversion Systems: Thermoelectric conversion system. preparation. Mach number across shock.9 GAS DYNAMICS Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 1. The integral form of the equations of Conservations of Mass. properties of the continuum. effect of varying back pressure on nozzle flow. Navier-Stock’ Equations. steady flow energy equation. Bernoulli. Momentum and energy as applied to Control Volumes. supersonic diffuser. governing equations. Under-expansion and over-expansion in nozzle flow. Mach number.s equation. Eulerian Method. Critical conditions stagnation values. Methods of describing fluid motion. Classification of flows. i) Flow through Diffusers: Classification of diffusers. Fannolines. Bernoulli’s equation.Area Ducts with friction: Friction loss. Maximum heat transfer. Potential Flow. change. compression waves. Pressure. shock polars. Laney. Mach line and Mach angle. Rayleigh lines. effect of friction and area change. g) Oblique shocks: Oblique shock equations. The concepts of continuous. Chocking due to friction. Computational Gas Dynamics by Culbert B. the converging diverging supersonic diffuser. h) Flow through Nozzles: The Converging diverging nozzle. normal shock supersonic diffuser. weak waves. the momentum equation. the conical internal-compression subsonic diffuser. shock geometry. f) Normal Shock Waves: Formation of shock waves. the energy equation. Losses in nozzle. Isothermal flow through long ducts. internal compression subsonic diffuser. flow parameters. thrust function. the dynamic equation and Euller’s equation. Temperature. Acoustic velocity. Density. the momentum equations. Cambridge 76 . d) Flow in Ducts with Heating or Cooling: Stagnation temp. b) Fundamentals Equations Study of One Dimensional Flow : Continuity equation. c) Isentropic Flow: Introduction. external compression subsonic diffuser. applications to the study flow of inviscid compressible fluids. Karman’s rules supersonic flow. ii. Lagrangian method. e) Flow in constant. University Press Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid flow by Shaprio. Books i.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-1. Governing relations of the Normal shock. effect of the increase of inlet Mach number and duct length. Basic concepts of Gas Dynamics and Gas Properties: Definition: Units and dimensions. choking effects in simple to change. velocity gradient. the friction parameter. j) Introduction to Multidimensional Flow: The equation of continuity. area ratio for complete expansion. Marcel Dekker Inc. Mareel Dekker Inc. Panday and H. Tata Mc Graw Hill 16. Applications and limitations.S. Knight. applications. elements and applications of Electrochemical Machining. application.Material removal. flexible machining system. selection of electrode material. safety precautions and applications. Electrochemical honing.0 Non Traditional Machining Processes Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Modern Machining Processes: An Overview. .Mechanism of metal removal. PAM parameters. Generation and control of electon beam. 17. G. Non traditional Manufacturing Processes. 77 . transfer machining. trends in Manufacturing machining. Advantages Books: 15. Hot machining. computer integrated manufacturing Advanced Mechanical Processes: Ultrasonic machining and Abrasive Applications and limitations Flow Machining-elements of process. Electrochemical deburring. Boothroyd and W.F. Equipment's for unit. Electon-Beam Machining-. limitations and advantages. Shan. Chemical Machining: Thermal Metal Removal Processes: Electric Discharge Machining. Laser Beam machining. classification.Mechanism of metal removal. Electrochemical grinding.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 Group-II DE/PE-2. die electric fluids flushing.method of heat. Plasma Arc Machining. Benedict.C. process capabilities and limitations Hybrid Machining Processes: concept. Electrochemical & Chemical Removal Processes: Principle of operation. Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools by G. Modern Machining Processes by P. electrode feed control.A. 6. allowances. Record. Reaction of management and labour to work study. work sampling. Standard Publishers. Ergonomics : Introduction to ergonomic considerations in designing man-machine systems with special reference to design of displays and controls. Oborne. Develop. Normal work areas and work place design. Work measurement techniques . Effective job design considering technological and behavior factors. 7. Product Design and Development by Ulrich. Industrial Engineering & Management by Hicks. Examine. by D. Define.time study.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/PE-2. process and combination layouts. basic time. phases of value engineering studies. Role of work study in improving plant productivity and safety. 8. Books 1. Micromotion and macro-motion study: Principles of motion economy. Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering by Miles. N.1 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Introduction: Definition and scope of industrial engineering Role of an industrial engineering Role of an industrial engineer in industry. Recording techniques. pre-determined motion time standards (PMTS) Determination of time standards. Development of plant layout. 78 . Work-study: Areas of application of work study in industry. Method Study : Objectives and procedure for methods analysis: Select. McGraw Hill. Qualities of an industrial engineer. Plant Layout and Material Handling: Different types of layouts viz. application of value engineering. Delhi 4. Ergonomics at work. John Wiley & Sons. 4. normal time. job enrichment and job rotation. Value Engineering : Types of values. Bernes. Method study and work measurements and their inter-relationship. rating factors. 3. Introduction to Work study by Gayler Shotbolt 2. Motion and time study by R. Functions of industrial engineering department and its organization. 2. Work design : Concepts of job enlargement. Types of material handling equipment. 5. relationship of material handling with plant layouts.J. Work study and Ergonomics by Suresh Dalela and Saurabh. John-Wiley & Sons 6. Observed time. Install and Maintain. 5. standard time. Product. New Delhi 3. Work Measurement : Objectives. Tata McGraw Hill. concept of value engineering. 6. Tata McGraw Hill. JIT and cellular manufacturing systems. Introduction to layouts based on the GT. PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/PE-2. examples from business and industry. application of Monte Carlo methods for production systems. solution of linear and non-linear partial differential equations. Macro Dynamic models. open and feed back systems. Mcgraw hill 4. systems approach to modeling. cost analysis large systems Simulation Monte Carlo simulation.S. feed back time lag effects. John wiley 5. System Simulation with Digital Computer: Deo Narsingh PHI 2. design of management game. computer simulation models. feed back and managerial systems Production and Operations Management Principle of analytical modeling. PHI 3.2 MODELING AND SIMULATION Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Modeling Need for system modeling. continuous and discrete probability distributions. generation of stochastic variates. GPSS etc. Simulation languages SIMULA. measures of effectiveness. kinds of analytical methods. et.H. Modern Production Management: Buffa Wiley 79 . Statistical output analysis Analog computer simulation. Computer Simulation Techniques : Naylor T. Analog Computation : Jackson A. amplitude and time scaling. System Simulation: Gordon. SIMSCRIPT. combination of simple feed back systems. al. basic analog computer components and operations. formulation of model for a dynamic system and its simulation on analog computer Books 1. Purpose of inventory. LeavenWorth McGraw Hill 80 . Modern Production Management by Elwood Buffa 14. Management of systems by R. aggregate planning. Bill of material. economic and time factors. productivity definition. Use of concurrent engineering in product design and development. Wheeler Publishing.S. Feasibility and locational analysis. L. expediting and follow up. scope and functions of material management. graphical and mathematical techniques of aggregate planning. preventive maintenance. inventory cost. long medium and short range forecasting. objective of maintenance. planning. MRP and MRPII Systems PRODUCTION CONTROL: Capacity control and priority control. quality of design. New Delhi 13. Introduction to statistical quality control-control charts and sampling plans MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Introduction to MIS. scheduling.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-2. Routing. Grant and R. considerations of technical. master production scheduling. Objective. Determination of EOQ. types and measurements PRODUCT DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: Steps involved in product design and development. Planned maintenance strategies. batch production and mass production systems. Methods of physical stock control QUALITY CONTROL: Meaning of quality and quality control. Strategies. PLANNING AND FORECASTING: Role of market survey and market research in pre-planning. Discussion of case studies. smoothening and revision of forecast PRODUCTION PLANNING: Production planning objective and functions. Capacity and man power requirement planning. Production and Operation Management by Charry Tata-McGraw Hill 11. MATERIAL MANAGEMENT: Objectives. Statistical Quality Control by E.N. Selective inventory control systems. Nauhria and Rajnish Prakash. long range planning.G. condition monitoring and total productive maintenance BOOKS: 10. objective and techniques of forecasting. operation analysis and process planning. Monks Tata-McGraw Hill 12. Production/Operation Management by J. ergonomic. Lead time and reorder point. ending and inventory control. Techniques of production control in job shop production. dispatching.3 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 NEED AND SCOPE OF OPERATION MANAGEMENT: Types of production system and their characteristics. aesthetic. functions of quality control. storing. quality of conformance and quality of performance. Role of Computers in MIS MAINTENANCE SYSTEMS: Type of maintenance. procurement. Steps in designing MIS. production control functions. inventory control systems. Demagnetization Electrical and ultrasonic Methods Basic principles. Mc Graw Hill Publishers Mechanical Inspection by W. safety precautions. concrete test hammer Photoelasticity Concept and applications of Plane and circular polarization. magnetic analysis of steel bars and tubing magnetization methods. ceramics. proof tests. sonic material analyzer. moisture in wood. Xeroradiography Magnaflux methods Basic principles.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-2. interpretation of radiograph. inspection medium. Books The testing of Engg materials H. Photostress. Radiographic Examination Radiant energy and radiography. measurement of thickness. type of Non Destructive testing methods. GFW Hauck. requirement of a good radiograph.H Armstrong Mc Graw Hill Publishers L T P 3 1 0 81 .E. practical applications.E Troxell. equipment. Ultrasonic testing surface roughness. scope and applications. preparation of surfaces Fluorescent Penetration inspection. effect of variables on radiographs. models.4 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 Introduction Classification of techniques of material testing. X-ray and Gamma –ray equipment. G. hardness. plastics. Detection of defects in ferrous and non ferrous metals. Need and Significance of Non Destructive Testing methods. stiffness. Davies. flaw detection in rails and tubes (Sperry Detector). Problems solving Defining problem. benefits. Problem identification and solving process.L. benefits of TQM. Total Quality Management Models.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-2. data collection and complaint. 4. and quality assurance system. total quality control (TQC) and Total Quality Management (TQM). Aditya Books 3. JIT implementation. standard Publishers 82 . Tata Mcgraw Hill 2. 11. 2. QC tools. equipment layout for JIT system. Kanban system MRP (Material Requirement planning) vs JIT system.Zairi. Just-in-time (JIT): Definition: Elements. Quality function development (QFD). ISO 9002. factors of excellence.Process Management: Factors affecting process management. process and types of benchmarking. Hradeskym MCGraw Hill 4. Elements of ISO 9001. Advanced techniques of TQM: Design of experiments: failure mode effect analysis: Taguchi methods BOOKS: 1. Total Employees Involvement (TEI): Empowering employees: team building. relevance of TQM. Quality and Total Quality Management. ISO 9003.5 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 1. 9. TQM for engineers by M. 8. concept. Quality Systems: Concept of quality system standards: relevance and origin of ISO 9000. quality circles. plan formulation and implementation. redressal mechanism. Excellence im manufacturing/service. Suggestion schemes. Concept and definition of quality. Total Quality Management Handbook by J. salient features of TQC and TQM. Customer: Satisfaction. ISO 9000 quality System by Dalela and Saurabh. Total Quality Management by sunder Raju. reward and Recognition. Benchmarking definition. Benefits. 7. Planning Process: Policy development and implementation. workers involvement through JIT: JIT cause and effect chain. education and training. 5. 5. 3. 10. Waste elimination. Reliability in design. reliability calculations from fault tree. . process and service equipment. Chand and Co 4. 2. Computerized maintenance information systems 5. Reliability of parallel and series elements. RH 3. various terms used in failure data analysis in mathematical forms. Reliability concept and definition. House keeping practices. total productive maintenance 4. Maintenance Planning control by A Kelly (Indian ED) 5. electrical. confidence levels. John Wiley. Manpower planning and training. Maintenance Engineering Handbook by Higgins LR 2. Sinha S. 15.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-2. Fault Tree Analysis: Introduction and importance. component improvement element. component and system failures. reliability simulation. Cost Aspect of Maintenance: Costs of machine breakdown. Application of work measurement in maintenance. estimation of life cycle costs. simulation of alternative practices.. Safety aspect in maintenance. configuration of failure data. Planning of Maintenance Activities: Evaluation of alternative maintenance policies breakdown.6 MAINTENANCE AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING Internal Marks: 40 L T P External Marks: 60 3 1 0 Total Marks: 100 7.Reliability Engineering by LS Srinath 6. Breakdown time distribution 7. Incentive payments for maintenance 8. chemical control of corrosion. Maintenance record keeping. Aspect of lubrication. Reliability improvement. Accuracy and confidence of reliability estimation. systems with spares. reliability in engg.k. Industrial Maintenance by Garg HP. Lewis. Machine failure pattern. fault diagnosis and condition monitoring techniques. Books 1.Wiley EAstern. Introduction: Objective and characteristics of maintenance function. preventive and predictive maintenance. fault tree construction. 83 . Reliability and Availability of Engineering systems: Quantitative estimation of reliability of parts. tie set and cut set methods. event tree and numerical problems. Development of preventive maintenance schedule.uses of reliability concepts in design and maintenance of different system. Statistical estimation of reliability indices. unit and standby redundancy optimization and reliability-cost trade off. Reliability Engg. Principles of Planned Maintenance by Clifton. Operating practices in maintenance. Reliability Engg. redundant and stand by systems. Organization of the maintenance system. systems. Maintenance Engineering: Maintenance requirements of mechanical. 7. S. Inventory costs. Make-or-buy decision. Tata McGraw Hill 4.meaning and need. types of stores. Material budgeting . Factors affecting purchase decisions. Legal aspects of store keeping.Material requirement planning (MRP-I) Spare parts control for maintenance purposes. VED. Books 1. Documentation and procedure for import.7 MATERIAL MANAGEMENT Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 16. Importance of material handling in store keeping. Techniques of material planning.Storage: Functions and importance of store keeping. 2. Legal aspects of purchasing. types of inventory. Management of surplus.M Verma. 3. Two bin and Kardex systems . Functions of purchasing. Inventory control by Starr and Miller 84 . Concept of Just-in-Time( JIT). store accounting and store verification. Evaluation of inventory control performance.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-2. Inventory control tool . Use of computers for inventory control 9.An Integrated Approach by gopal Krishnan and sundaresan : Prentice Hall 3. Material Management . Inventory Control: Need and meaning of inventory. Introduction Meaning. Physical control of inventory: Fixed order. Material Planning & Budgeting: Need for material planning. Vendor development and vendor rating. Purchasing: Purchasing principles. Material classification. scrap and obsolete items. Factors affecting material planning. procedures and systems. Chand and Sons 2. handling equipment. techniques of material budgeting. Concept of integrated material management. S. Materials Management by M. Relationship of material management with other Organizational functions. XYZ and FSN: Economic order Quantity and replenishment of stocks. codification and standardization.ABC. functions of inventory control. Purchasing and materials management by Dobbler and Burt. definition. 5. functions of materials management. PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-2. Data Base Management Systems: Introduction. data communication protocol 4. Data Communication concepts. information needs of MIS. functions of information systems. Characteristics and importance of management information systems. Management Information Systems (MIS) Concept. project planning for MIS. information requirements for decision making. characteristics of information. 11. decision making models role of information system.8 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 10. Computer Networks and Data Communication Computer network : Local Area networks. storage and retrieval of data processing. communication controllers. classification of information. Conceptual system design. cost and value of information. Analysis and design cycle for MIS. Introduction to computerized data base management system. switching networks. objectives and plans of MIS with business plans. Information systems for management by Lucas McGraw Hill 85 .A.N standards. 2. analysis and design. decision support systems. relational data base management system. Strategic and project Planning for MIS. matching mission. I. Information systems for Modern Management by Mudrick. Evaluation and Maintenance of MIS. hardware requirements. operating elements of MIS. Books 1. expert systems. management reports. types and modes of transmission. Information and Decision Making: Concept of information. Data Communication software. types of information systems role of computers in management information systems. Detailed system design. data versus information. application of networks. Ross and Clagget Prentice Hall. characteristics topologies network structures. decision making process. Implementation. data base designing. 2. Management Information systems by Davis and Olson McGraw Hill 3. types of decisions. hierarchy of data processing systems. Use of information in the decision making process. OSI standards for multi vendor network. Various approaches to system analysis and design. E. 2. planning the capital structure of a new company. Entrepreneurial Development. of finance.Srinivasan. 5. C. 5.Gupta & N. need for promotion of entrepreneurship. 6. Scouting for project ideas. incentives for units in industrially backward areas.I. methods of calculating depreciation break even analysis and BOOKS: 1. project identification for an existing company. term loan financial institutions.CONCEPT OF LENTREPRENEURSHIP: Entrepreneurship and small scale industry. profit and loss statement balance sheet.D. reserve and surplus. Entrepreneurship. TTTI 4. regulation of foreign collaboration and investment. 3. 3. Prasanna chandra. Project Preparation. concepts and liabilities. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Concept and definition of financial management types of capital. means of financing. incentives for small scale industry.9 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 1. MARKET AND DEMAND ANALYSIS: Information required for market and demand analysis.INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Governmental regulatory framework. Entrepreneurship of Small Scale Industries. uncertainties demand forecasting. TMH.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-2. Publication regarding Entrepreneurship.Chand. M. depreciation. how to start and SSI. government assistance to SSI. list of items reserved for SSI. Ahmedabad. Entrepreneurship Development Practice & Planning. industrial policy. foreign exchange regulation act. market survey. IDENTIFICATION OF . Appraisal Budgeting and Implementation.I. entrepreneurship development programmes (EDP). personality characteristics of entrepreneur. cost of production. 86 . COST OF PROJECT AND MEANS OF FINANCING: Cost of project.S. industrial development and regulation act.B.P. 4.U. S.Deshpanda C. demand for ecasting. incentives for export oriented units. preliminary screening. 2. “Industrial Design for Engineers” London Liifee Books Ltd. Dale Huchingson R “New Horizons for Human Factors in Design ” McGraw Hill Company 19811. Mccormick K. Size shape mass. Role of designer in product development. PRODUCT GRAPHICS: Meaning and objectives of product graphics. USA 1992 87 . Form transition. Detailing for fabricated products in sheet metal. Product promotions.J.. Engineering Design-Matousek 5. interrelation of colors. Special relationships and composition in two and three dimensions. Basic principles of graphic design. Psychological use of color form and material.Indistrial Design-Mayall 3. color as an element of design. product developments. unity and variety. Manufacturing and economic aspects of product development.0 PRODUCT DESIGN & DEVLOPMENT Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 VISUAL DESIGN: Basic elements and concept of visual design-line color. Visual communication aspects of product graphics. Mayall W. Graphics of displays and control panels.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 Group-III DE/PE-3. BOOKS: 1. Engineering Design.H. FORM & COLOR Elementary forms their characteristics and significance in design.Svensson. Balance proportion. Form in relation to ergonomics. PRODUCT DETALING: Standard fastening and joining details in different materials. 1967 2. (Ed) “Human Factor Engineering ” 4th edition McGraw Hill Book Company Ltd. 4. material and manufacturing process. PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT: Definition and objective. colors and traditions.. Temporary and permanent joints: Detailing for plastic products. color clarification dynamics. tools. CBS Publishers 2. Tata Mc Graw Hill. speed boxes types. variable devices. Basu and D. Acherkan Machine Tool Design. Mehta Machine Tool Design.K. types of bearings and their selections.K. drilling Machine. Spindle bearings. bearings. Kinematics or gearing diagram of Lathe. N. Materials. Determination of number of teeth on gears. Machine tool design recommendations. Methods to determine transmission ratios for drives. SPINDLE DESIGN AND SPINDLE BEARINGS. General requirement Design of gear trains. remote control safety devices. Main requirement. TABLES AND WAYS. SPEED AND FEED BOXES. COLUMNS. N.. principles specification of Machine tool. Machine tool drives for rectilinear motion. Design of machine tools. DESIGN OF KINEMATICS SCHEME. predilection control... BOOKS: 1. drive and feed drive. 5. typical constructions and design. Milling Machine etc.K. 3. types of Rapid traverse mechanisms. Materials and details of spindle design. Periodic motion.1 MACHINE TOOL DESIGN Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 INTRODUCTION General requirements to machine tools. Bearing Materials BED. Oxford and IBH 88 . Machine Tools Design. MACHINE TOOLS CONTROL SYSTEMS Requirement of control system selection and construction of control systems Mechanical control system. tool chatter. MACHINE TOOL DYNAMICS Dynamic performance. Sen and Bhattacharya. speed changing devices Feed boxes characteristics of feed mechanism. dynamic and elastic system of Machine.. Main. Classification of motions to shape surface. KINEMATICS OF MACHINE TOOLS. reversing motion etc.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/PE-3. Dynamics of cutting forces. Four Volumes. S. Development of Kinematics scheme. minimum of transmission transmission groups.Mir Publishers. Pal. 2. 7. Donaldson: Tool Design 3. Cole: Tool Design 2. P.Chand Publication. 5. 6. use of standard parts of jig design. Contents of Process Plan. fundamentals of Gauge Design.Delhi 89 . 3. Turret type automatic. tool layout procedure. lathe fixture. Measurement of surface finish. Various devices for location and clamping. Break even point analysis. Planning and Tooling for Low Cost Planning. Practical application of Taylor's principles of limit gauging.Process Planning: Product Engineering. design of die blocks. care of Gauges. methods of holding punches. compound dies and combination dies for press tool operation forging die design for drop and machine forging parts. Universal chucking equipment. methods of locations and clamping.Tool Layout for Turrets Characteristics of Turret lathes. minimum cost analysis. methods of holding jobs on the Turret lathe.Jigs & Fixture Principles of jig and fixture design. tool layout. Evaluation of surface finish. indexing devices.3 TOOL DESIGN Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 1. Differences between capstan and turret lathes.Die Design Components of die design. Process Operations. Process Engineering. lapping. Relationship of surface finish to the production methods. Limitation of Limit Gauging. Finishing operations like honing. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuation of clamping devices. cam layout. time required for each operation. 8.Tool Layout for Automatics Classification of Automatics.Tooling Costs Estimating cost of a product. Gauge makers tolerance. Economics of tooling.C.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-3. allowance for wear.. operation sheet and tool layout. type of drilling jigs. Effect of surface quality on Functional properties of machine parts. milling fixtures. S. Principle of degrees of freedoms. operation sheet. Design procedure for progressive dies. 4. Factors affecting surface finish. Indian Standards on surface finish. universal bar equipment.Surface Finish Elements of surface finish. Definition of Process Planning.Sharma: A Textbook of Production Engg. grinding fixtures and their classification. buffing super finishing etc. Process Planning Sheet. Books Suggested: 1. ASTEM: Fundamentals of Tool Design 4. Steps of Process Planning. sketches of stock stops. jig bushes. estimating costs of tools.Gauges Limits and fits. punches and strippers. types of Gauges.N. Plain Gauges. Prentice Hall 4. Analysing the Networks Calculating the total project time.2 NETWORK ANALYSIS Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Introduction Characteristics of effective planning. total float. the graphical representation of events and activities. PERT . conventions adopted in drawing networks. duration times under uncertainty. node times LOB chart. matrix method of expressing and analysis MOP diagrams. scheduling manual resource allocation.earliest and latest events. time. Applications Application of PERT and CPM. LOB life table control using LOB. identification of activities. Drawing the Network Drawing the network. A Management Guide to PERT/CPM Wiest & Levy Prentice Hall 5. duration times. numbering the events. NOP Networks Representation of logic in MOP. fundamental properties of events and activities. free and independent float. the basic essentials. negative float. A Programmed Introduction to PERT Federal Elect. controlling and introducing PERT & CPM into an organisation. Network Based Management System Archibald & Villaria John Wiley 3. smoothing the load.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/PE-3. Introduction to LOB Networks Where LOB be used. assigning duration times. the problem of optimisation. drawing arrow diagrams. Management by Network Bhattacharya Institution of Engrs 90 . use of different float. historical background to network charts. isolation of the critical path. calculation of the load.listing the events and activities. analysis and scheduling. errors in logic.Corp. analysis of a MOP network resource allocation. CPM in Construction Management O'Brien McGraw-Hill 2. representation of time-milestone in MOP. interfacing. Books: 1. where network charts can be used. Elements of a Network Activities and events. Assembly of global matrix for the banded and skyline solutions. quadratic shape functions. Potential energy approach. evaluation of eigen values and eigen vectors 7. 6. Bathe . simplification on offered by physical configuration of body. Discretisation of the domain: Type of elements. iii. problem using boundary conditions 5. BOOKS: 1. node numbering scheme. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis by Cook from John wiley L T P 3 1 0 91 . Wilson method. Static analysis: Plain and three Dimensional Trusses. Prentice Hall of India 2. FEM equations and treatment of boundary conditions. Assembly of the global stiffness matrix and load vector . One & Two Dimensional Problems: Introduction. Houbolt method. Introduction: General description of the method summary of the analysis procedure 2. Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis. Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering by Chandrupatla and Belegundu from Prentice Hall of India 3. coordinates and shape functions. Newmark method. FEM using triangular element. Two dimensional problems using constant strain triangles 4 Axisymmetric solids subjected to axisymmetric loadings: Axisymmetric formulation. location of nodes. consistent mass matrix for truss element frame element and triangular plate element.4 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 1. Solution of finite element equations: Direct integration methods. Beams and frames in various different conditions. central difference method. Galerkin Approach.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-3. mode superposition method. number of elements. Dynamic Analysis: Dynamic equation of motion. coating stresses and failure theories. corrections for transverse strain effects. factors affective gauge relation. gauge factor. Cauchy's stress quadric strain analysis. stress. Introduction to Photo Mechanics by Durelly and Riley. Experimental Stress Analysis by Dally and Rilley. fringe multiplication. dark and light field arrangements. Two Dimensional photoelasticity: Stress optics law. reinforcing effects. thickness of birefringence coatings. crack detection composition of brittle coatings. 6 Brittle coatings: Introduction.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-3. commonly employed photo elastic materials 3. principal stresses and principal planes. Neuman's strain optic relationship. compensation techniques. McGraw Hill 2. Prentice Hall 3. influence of atmospheric conditions. potentiometer and whetstone's bridge circuits for strain measurements. Prentice Hall 92 . Cauchy's strain quadric. stress freezing in model materials for three dimensional photoelasticity. strain equations of transformation. Gauge construction and installation. Books 1. Dimensional photoelasticity. Optics of polarisation plane and circular polariscope. different types of crack patterns. Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion Measurement by Dow and Adams. coating cure. Basic elasticity: Laws of stress transformation. shear difference method for stress separation.5 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 1. gauge sensitivities. 5 Electric resistance strain gauges. strain relationship 2. 4 Birefringence coatings: sensitivity. rosetters Rosetre analysis. effects of biaxial stress field. fringe sharp ending. temperature compensation. McGraw Hills Co 2.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-3. Lubrication . adhesion theory. Physicmechanical properties of surface layer Geometrical properties of surfaces. friction affecting wear. lubricant additives . Rearing Systems. Study of contract of smoothly and rough surfaces. wear measurement. 3. bearing maintenance. Gunther. Definition of wear. Friction of metals and non-metals. Filters and filtration. A Cameron (Indian Edition) 6. Halling . Wear of metals and non-metals.Nature of surfaces and their contact. dry friction. Laws of rolling friction . O'Conner and Royle.. Friction and wear: Role of friction and laws of static friction. Wykeham Publications Ltd. PT Barwll 5. Lubrication and lubricants: Introduction. classic hydrodynamics. mechanism of wear. 4. Raymono O. general properties and selection.6 INDUSTRIAL TRIBOLOGY Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Introduction Tribological considerations . Special Topics: Selection of bearing and lubricant. Functions of lubricants. Tribology Hand Book. lubrication systems. Principles and Practice. BOOKS: 1. Standard Hand Book of Lubrication Engg. Boundary lubrication. Introduction to Tribology. Types of lubricants and their industrial uses. methods of studying surfaces. Michel Ncole 93 . Friction measurements. Bailey Bros & Swinfan Ltd. diagnostic maintenance of tribological components. hydrostatic and elasto hydrodynamic lubrication. properties of liquid and grease lubricants. causes of friction . Basic Lubrication Theory. Application of load bounding to plane strain problems. Load Bounding: The lower bound theorem. yield surface. Ludwig’s and Karunes equations). slip lines. their geometrical representation.7 THEORY OF PLASTICITY Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 Introduction to Plasticity: Idealized stress-strain systems. approximate equation for stress strain curves (Ramberg-Osgood. Hencjy’s first theorem. Bauschinger effect-yield locus. experimental evidence for the criteria. Books 1. the upper bound theorem and their corollaries.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-3. Engg Plasticity Calladina Pergmean Press 94 . Geiringer’s Velocity equation. Yield Criteria and Flow Rules: Tresca theory & Von-Mises yield criterion. Applications of slip line field theory to plane strain problems. basic equations. Plasticity for mechanical Engineers Johanson and Miller Van Nostrand 2. Slip Line Field Theory: Two-dimensional plasticity. SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS: Performance Terminology. fluid pressure. Instruction set. PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS: Actuation systems. vii) Automatic Control Systems Benjamin C. DC/AC Motors. Proximity. liquid level. Prentice Hall . Displacement. Stepper Motors 15. INTRODUCTION TO MECHATRONICS: Definition and approach of Mechatronics. velocity. Position. New Delhi 95 . temperature. Measurement and Control Systems. light sensors. pressure and process control valve. MICROPROCESSOR BASED PROJECT: Assemble a suitable system using microprocessor kit for its control Books iv) Mechatronics: W. Solenoid. Pneumatic and hydraulic systems 14. procedure for selection 12. Bolton v) Microprocessors : Rafiquzzaman vi) Real time computer controls: S. Protection. pulse modulation 13.PTU/BOS/ME/101/10-06-2005/BATCH-2004 DE/ME-3. Solid State Switches. Kuo. digital signals. ELECTRICAL ACTUATION SYSTEM: Mechanical Switches. Multiplexes and digital signal processing. Boennett. force. Directions. Embedding a microprocessor into a Mechatronics system 16. SIGNAL CONDITIONING: Op Amp. Microprocessor based controllers and Mechatronics Approach 11. MICROPROCESSOR AND ITS APPLICATION: Architecture of Microprocssor 8085.8 MECHATRONICS Internal Marks: 40 External Marks: 60 Total Marks: 100 L T P 3 1 0 10.
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