PTCRB Process

March 21, 2018 | Author: Steve Hummel | Category: 3 Gpp, Specification (Technical Standard), Wireless, General Packet Radio Service, Antenna (Radio)



Permanent Reference Document NAPRD03Version Specific Technical Overview of PTCRB Mobile/User Equipment Type Certification Version 5.11 Date: April 3, 2012 Classification: Binding, Semi Restricted © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 1 3 April 2012 Contents Contents........................................................................................................ 2 Figures........................................................................................................... 5 1. Mobile Station Certification Test Requirements.................................... 8 1.1. Scope................................................................................................. 8 1.2. Introduction........................................................................................ 8 1.3. Reference Specifications................................................................. 10 1.4. Participating Organizations.............................................................. 18 1.5. List of Tests for Accredited Testing................................................. 18 1.6. Document Amendments.................................................................. 18 1.7. Key to TC Database........................................................................ 18 1.8. PTRCB Test Case Categories......................................................... 27 1.8.1. Category "A".................................................................... 28 1.8.2. Category "B".................................................................... 28 1.8.3. Category "D".................................................................... 29 1.8.4. Category "E".................................................................... 29 1.8.5. Category "N".................................................................... 30 1.8.6. Category "P".................................................................... 30 1.9. RF Performance Evaluation............................................................. 31 1.9.1. RF Performance Test Plan.............................................. 31 1.9.2. RF Performance Test Applicability..................................32 1.9.3. Applicability of RF Performance Testing to ECOs..........34 1.9.4. Receive Diversity............................................................. 35 1.9.5. Deleted............................................................................. 35 1.9.6. Audio Testing................................................................... 35 1.9.7. Radiated Spurious Emissions.......................................... 36 1.10. Test Case Execution Environment................................................ 36 1.10.1. Guideline for test case execution of Multi Band-Multi Rat test cases of RFT067................................................. 36 1.11. Classmark MessageUE Capability Audit....................................... 38 1.12. AT-Command Assessment Requirements.................................... 39 2 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.11 1.12.1. AT-Command Applicability............................................ 39 1.12.2. AT-Command Test Specification................................... 39 1.12.3. AT-Command Certification Criteria............................... 39 1.12.4. AT-Command Technical Reference .............................40 1.13. Guidelines for execution of test cases for E-UTRA Test cases for RFT 076...................................................................................... 40 1.13.1. Signaling testing............................................................ 40 1.13.2. RF testing...................................................................... 40 2. Application Enablers Evaluation, General Information....................... 41 2.1.1. Application Enabler (AE) Test Applicability ....................42 AE Testing Required.................................... 42 AE Testing Not Required.............................42 AE Test Specification .................................. 42 ECOs............................................................ 42 Application Enabler Certification Criteria.....43 AE Technical Requirements........................ 44 AE Options Table/ICS/Test Case Mapping Document................................................ 45 AE Interoperability Test Results................... 45 2.2. Specific Application Enabler Test Requirements............................ 45 2.2.1. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)............................ 45 MMS Applicability......................................... 45 Effective Date for MMS Testing................... 45 Transition Period for MMS 1.x Certification. 45 MMS Test Specification...............................46 MMS Certification Criteria............................46 MMS Technical Requirements .................... 47 Test Case Mapping Table for Terminals supporting MMS...................................... 47 2.2.2. Video Telephony (VT)...................................................... 48 VT Applicability............................................. 48 VT Test Specification...................................48 VT Certification Criteria................................ 48 © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 3 3 April 2012 ....8................ 54 2.8.............1.................... 57 2.5.... Deleted.....3..................5...............2...2......8....2.6......................6..........2... Browsing 2..2.2. ..........2....5.... Conformance Test Results for Terminals supporting MMS...4.....2................3......2..3...........8.......... 57 2.8..................... 53 2..... Deleted.... 53 2.....2...........2.....2..............4... 49 2. Device Management..................2......4.. ..... 57 2...2.2. MMS Interoperability Test Results ..3... SUPL Certification Criteria............6...2...........................2...2. ..........................6.2.........................2................2.7... FUMO Certification Criteria ....8.6.... Device Management Test Specification............2.......4.........49 2.....................54 2...57 2..9....... FUMO Interoperability Test Results..3 Technical Requirements ........................2......... Browsing 2.. 53 2.5.......54 2..... Browsing 2. 53 2.54 2....55 2.......53 2.. Device Management Applicability.......2..........53 2.. SUPL Test Specification.......1...2..........54 2...3 Interoperability Test Results........... 53 2..2.................... Secure User Plane Location (SUPL).. Device Management Technical Requirements .7. Browsing 2.......2.........9.............2....2...........2.. Browsing 2....11 ... FUMO Technical Requirements ...........2...............................58 4 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5................2... FUMO Test Specification....9......... 57 2................3 Certification Criteria ........7....1..2............ Device Management Certification Criteria... 53 2..7...................... Secure User Plane Location (SUPL) Applicability............6.2....4............. VT Technical Requirements ......4... SUPL Technical Requirements ............. .... 48 2.......55 2..9.......54 2........ Options Table/ICS/Test case mapping document for Terminals supporting VT.3.......54 2......2.....3 Applicability.....7....3..3 Test Specification.................9............ Browsing 2.9......2.......2.....49 2....2.........1..... 53 2..1......................... FUMO... Deleted.6..........53 2....... FUMO Applicability. ..................9.....7.... SCOMO Interoperability Test Results.....................................................8.................................. 59 2............ 59 2.......................................59 2...9.1...................10.2......................11 5 3 April 2012 ...10............ SCOMO Test Specification.... SCOMO Certification Criteria ....2.................................2......6........2.... SCOMO Applicability............2...9..........59 Figures Figure 1 GSM Band Selection for Protocol Testing (Single Band Only) 22 Figure 2 UTRA Band Selection for Protocol Testing (Single Band Only) ............... SCOMO Technical Requirements ....... 59 2...........9..... 23 Figure 3 E-UTRA Band Selection for Protocol Testing (Single Band Only).....9... SCOMO........................9.... 25 © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5...2................59 2................... Preface The purpose of this Permanent Reference Document (PRD) is to provide version specific technical framework within which GERAN. UTRA and E-UTRA device certification can take place. Refer to the latest version of the PTCRB Program Management Document (PPMD) for the process requirements.11 . 6 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 7 3 April 2012 . additional information may be presented to enable tests to be performed and the results of tests to be interpreted in a harmonized manner. Scope This section of NAPRD03 specifies a common approach to the certification testing of GSM/UTRA terminal equipment. This document may be updated on a regular basis. TC Database includes a concise report of the technical status of the reference type certification test equipment implementation. Introduction This document is intended to advise accredited laboratories and administrations on how to establish terminal equipment conformity with the reference specifications below.11 . TC Database provides a separate listing of the test cases. Where necessary.1. This document has been developed in the PTCRB by experts from: • Administrations • Network operators • All PVG members This document is advisory in nature but compliance with it should ensure an agreed common platform for certification testing of User Equipment.1. Mobile Station Certification Test Requirements 1. Information is presented to clearly identify which conformance requirements may be evaluated using the reference test system configuration as defined on TC Database and which conformance requirements may be evaluated using other defined methods or equipment. The object of this document is to provide advice to administrators such that certification testing of terminal equipment may be performed on a common basis. 1. TC Database must be used as 8 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.2. the primary reference for the actual test cases and applicable categories.11 9 3 April 2012 . © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. 10) • 3GPP TS 51.121 • 3GPP TS 34.11 . the requirements have been moved to 3GPP TS 37.1.571-1 and 3GPP TS 37.3.010-4.171 Note 1: In the case of UTRA A-GPS test cases (3GPP TS 34.123-1 17. Reference Specifications GSM: • 3GPP TS 51.121 (USIM) • 3GPP TS 31.124 (USAT) • 3GPPTS 26. 10 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.523 SWP / HCI: • ETSI TS 102 694 (SWP) • ETSI TS 102 695 (HCI) A-GPS: • 3GPP TS 34.124 (RSE) E-UTRA: • 3GPP TS 36.010 (formerly GSM 11.1231 and 3GPP TS 34.171 5.x and 3GPP TS 34.123 • 3GPP TS 31.521 • 3GPP TS 36.108 • ETSI TS 102 230 (UICC) • 3GPP TS 34.571-2 respectively.x). Cross reference information has been added to 3GPP TS 34.171 detailing the mapping of test cases to the new specifications.132 (Audio) • 3GPP TS 34. UTRA: • 3GPP TS 34. 4 GPRS attach / accepted 4 Proc 1  PS attach / abnormal cases / access barred due to access class control / Procedure 1 PS attach / abnormal cases / change of routing area GPRS attach procedure 4 / Normal GPRS attach / GPRS attach / rejected / roaming not allowed in this location area (procedure 1) 44. 44.123-1 Requirement W-CDMA is the preferred radio access technology PS attach / accepted  12.1.1 GPRS attach procedure 4 / Normal GPRS attach / GPRS attach / rejected / PLMN not allowed / Test procedure 1 4 GPRS attach / abnormal cases / change of cell into new 3GPP TS 34.2.3 GPRS attach / rejected / IMSI invalid / GPRS services not allowed 3.1.2 4 PS attach / rejected / IMSI invalid / illegal  UE 4 12.4 Proc 1 PS attach / rejected / 4 PLMN not allowed / Procedure 1  12.1.5a Proc 14  PS attach / rejected / PLMN not allowed / Procedure 1 with the following exceptions: 3GPP TS 51.3 PS attach / rejected / IMSI invalid / PS  services not allowed 12.1. 4 4 12. 44.2.7 3.Note 12: PTCRB accepts the 3GPP redundancy of test cases defined in PVG. GPRS attach / 4 Abnormal cases / access barred due to access class control / Test procedure 1 44.010-1/2 Requirement GSM is the redundant radio access technology 44.1.11 11 3 April 2012 .1. 4 GPRS attach / rejected / IMSI invalid / illegal MS 4  © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.1.1. 123-1 Requirement W-CDMA is the preferred radio access technology 3.3 3.1 Combined GPRS attach / GPRS and non-GPRS attach accepted 3. 44.2.3GPP TS 4 4 Combined routing area updating / rejected / PLMN not allowed 3.1 4      4 12.3.4 Routing area updating / rejected / location area not allowed 44.2 4 4 44.1 GPRS detach / reattach not required / accepted 44.2 4  4  12.3.4. 4 Routing area updating / rejected / MS identity cannot be derived by the network 3. 4 Routing area updating / accepted 4 Combined routing area updating / MS in CS operation at change of RA 44.1.1 3. 4 44. 4 GPRS detach / power off / accepted 3. 4 44.11 .2 Routing area updating / rejected /IMSI invalid / illegal ME 4  12.3 4  12.5a Proc  14 12 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. 4 44.1 Routing area updating 4 procedure / Combined routing area updating / 3GPP TS Requirement GSM is the redundant radio access technology routing area 4 Combined PS attach / PS and non-PS attach accepted PS detach / power off / accepted PS detach / re-attach not required / accepted Routing area updating / accepted Routing area updating / rejected / IMSI invalid / illegal ME Routing area updating / rejected / UE identity cannot be derived by the network Routing area updating / rejected / location area not allowed Combined routing area updating / UE in CS operation at change of RA Combined routing area updating / rejected / PLMN not allowed Combined routing area updating / rejected / roaming not allowed in 12. 2.4.2 3.1.11 13 3 April 2012 . 4 Periodic routing area updating / accepted 3.010-1) and the UTRA-FDD TCs (3GPP TS 34. 4 45.123-1 Requirement W-CDMA is the preferred radio access technology this location area / Procedure 1  12.4 P-TMSI reallocation PDP context deactivation initiated by the MS 45.2.1 4  12.1 4  11.3.5 4 Attach initiated by context activation / QoS offered by network is the QoS requested 3.1 4  Periodic routing area updating / accepted P-TMSI reallocation Attach initiated by context activation/QoS Offered by Network is the QoS Requested PDP context deactivation initiated by the UE PDP context deactivation initiated by the network 11. 4 44.3GPP TS 51.2 4  PTCRB determines that the redundancy of the above listed 2G TCs is not valid and therefore both the GSM TCs (3GPP TS 51.123-1) have to be performed for PTCRB certification.4. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. 4 PDP context deactivation initiated by the network 3GPP TS 34.1 3. 4 45.010-1/2 Requirement GSM is the redundant radio access technology Combined routing area updating / rejected / roaming not allowed in this location area / procedure 1 44. 1232).1.1. PS 1 Execution: CS+PS Shared Network Environment test listed in 34.11 8.2. 14 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.11 8. Automatic mode Selection of PLMN and RAT in shared network environment. for the following test cases: Clause 6. Manual mode RRC / Paging for Connection in idle mode (Shared Network environment) RRC / UTRAN Mobility Information: Shared Network Release Rel-5 Rel-5 Rel-5 Rel-5 Rel-5 Rel-5 Rel-5 Applicability C01 C01 C01 C05 C05 C01d C01d Comments UEs supporting FDD UEs supporting FDD UEs supporting FDD UEs supporting FDD and GSM UEs supporting FDD and GSM UEs supporting FDD.1.8 6.Note 23: PTRCB follows recommended test applicability defined by 3gpp as part of the Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) proforma specification (3GPP TS 34. Manual Mode Cell reselection in shared network environment Selection of PLMN and RAT in shared network environment.11 . Automatic mode PLMN selection in shared network environment.1.1.9 6. UEs supporting FDD.10 6. except.1.1.4 Title PLMN selection in shared network environment. are applicable for Rel-5 devices that supports the feature.2.11 6. Number of TC Executions (informative) 1 Execution: CS+PS preferred 1 Execution: CS+PS preferred 1 Execution: CS+PS preferred 1 Execution: CS+PS preferred 1 Execution: CS+PS preferred 1 or 2 Executions: CS. 11 15 3 April 2012 .• © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. 11 .229 OMA DM 1.Test Cases Interoperability • 3G-324M Video Telephony Activity Group .3: • OMA-ETS_XHTMLMP_CON-V1_2 • OMA-ETS-WCSS-V1_1 TTY: • PTCRB Bearer-Agnostic TTY Test Specification.0.2: • OMA-ETS-DMV1_2 OMA Browsing 2. Version 1.Mobile Station RF Performance Evaluation: • CTIA OTA Test Plan Wi-Fi RF Performance Evaluation: • CTIA/Wi-Fi Alliance Test Plan for RF Performance Evaluation of Wi-Fi Mobile Converged Devices MMS: • OMA-IOP-MMS-ETS Video Telephony: • IMTC 3G-324M Test Specification • 3G-324M Video Telephony Activity Group .Test Cases Compliance OMA SUPL 1.0 (Reference: PTCRB#56 Doc#0912156) 16 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.0: • OMA-ETS-SUPL-V1_0 • OMA-ETS-SUPL-V2_0 IMS: • 3GPP TS 34. 2. • 2G TTY Test Specification, Rev. 4.31 • TTY 3G Test Specification, Rev. 2.0 ( Note 14: For clarification, test cases from PTCRB BearerAgnostic TTY Test Specification shall be performed for PTCRB certification instead test cases from 2G TTY Test Specification and/or TTY 3G Test Specification. Test case applicability as per PTCRB Bearer-Agnostic TTY Test Specification Section 8 shall apply. A-GPS Radiated Performance: • CTIA OTA Test Plan RFT 002, RFT 006: • PVG.03 (latest version) AT-Command: • PTCRB Bearer Agnostic AT-Command Test Specification (latest version) OMA SCOMO 1.0: • OMA ETS SCOMO V1.0 OMA FUMO 1.0: • OMA ETS FUMO V1.0 General Notes: Note 15: For clarification, the core specifications from 3GPP, OMA, and other Standards Bodies mentioned above, are the definitive statements of expected behavior. For protocol tests the TTCN developed by 3GPP or OMA is the definitive description of test cases and shall be used in the first instance by the test equipment industry to develop validated test cases. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 17 3 April 2012 Other protocol test implementations are allowed as long as they are based on prose for which there is a corresponding approved TTCN test case contained in the relevant 3GPP or OMA specifications TS 34.123-3 or TS 51.010-5. This approval will take place at the 3GPP or OMA meetings as appropriate. In the event of conflicting results between test platforms, the equipment using the 3GPP- or OMA-developed TTCN will be taken as the correct implementation until proven otherwise. 1.4. Participating Organizations Technical validation of the test systems included in this document has been conducted by the PTCRB Validation Group (PVG). A list of members can be obtained from document PVG.02. 1.5. List of Tests for Accredited Testing TC Database shows the status of validated tests approved for certification testing. Where a variation or specific interpretation of a test specification or test method is required by the accredited laboratory, this will be recorded in the TC Database. 1.6. Document Amendments Responsibility for this document is held by the PTCRB. Any amendment proposals should be submitted directly to the Chairman for consideration by the group. 1.7. Key to TC Database Test Specification: A document defining the test approach for a feature or combination of features, and the initial conditions execution conditions, and the pass/fail criteria for the related tests. RFT (Request For Test): An RFT is a request by the PTCRB to include test cases for a specific requirement (i.e. feature / function). The RFT indication 18 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.11 in TC Database shows the association between the test case and a specific RFT. The full collection of RFT`s is maintained in PTCRB PVG.03. Test Case: Test case as defined in the associated test specification. Note: When the test case is a multi-band or multiRAT test, it is qualified with a band combination. This qualification is contained within square brackets where the initial band of the test case is named first and subsequent band(s) follow adhering to these rules: Technology Test Case Parameter: Example Allowed Values C00 CDMA 2k bands C01 FDD17 E-UTRA bands FDD4 TDD41 FDDII UTRA bands FDDIV FDDV FDDI 1900 GERAN bands 850 900 1800 The GSM bands with no qualification before or after the actual band definition. Note that the multi-band GSM tests are not qualified. Comment Numeric values for the bands must be used with a leading zero where required. Numeric values for the bands must be used without any leading zeros. Roman numerals must be used to differentiate between UTRA & EUTRA. Test Description: Test case description as defined in the associated test specification PTCRB Cat: Test categories as detailed in Section below © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 19 3 April 2012 c) Network Independent: A test case which is validated without the use of a radio access bearer (i.e.e. GSM1900. FDD2. b) Bearer Band: A test case that has been validated for specific frequency bands and/or technology (i. b) c) Test Case Classifications: a) Bearer Agnostic: A test case which is independent of the radio access bearer or frequency band used during the test (typically used for Application Enablers).. supported by the terminal. SIM interface specific tests). Validation Status Information: a) V (Validated): A Test Platform having fully fulfilled the validation criteria complying with the latest version(s) of the Test Specification(s). Test Case Sub-Classifications for all “Bearer Band” Tests. 20 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. D (Downgrade): A Test Platform that has been downgraded and is currently not recommended to be used for the certification testing process. GAN).Test Platform: Test Platform number of validated test equipment.11 . E (Exception): A Test Platform partially fulfilling the validation criteria and/or just partially complying to the latest version(s) of the test specification(s). d) Band Independent: The performance of test cases is not influenced by the bearer band used for the test scenario. The test case can be performed with any PTCRB bearer band within a radio technology. Bearer to be tested: Defines the radio access bearer(s) and band(s) in which the device shall be tested. compliance shall be ensured for all category A test cases. FDD Band 12. FDD Band 24. Test cases defined for GCF Bands should be executed as indicated within the applicable GCF-CC. PTCRB Bands: GERAN: 850 MHz. that is. FDD Band V E-UTRA: FDD Band 2.g. FDD Band IV. Bands identified by both PTCRB and GCF are defined as PTCRB Bands and must be executed according to the PTCRB rules. 1900 MHz UTRA: FDD Band II. This rule is illustrated in figure 1. FDD Band 13. FDD Band 14. d) “multi” – indicates that a band combination is required. e. 2 & 3.11 21 3 April 2012 .a) “Single” indicates that the applicable test case (e. test cases with band combinations in the 1900 MHz bands have highest priority. FDD Band 4.g. 2 and 3. FDD Band 5. InterRAT test cases must be tested in accordance with the principles shown in figures 1. FDD Band 7. c) “I-RAT Single” – indicates an InterRAT test case that should be tested in a single band combination. Therefore. protocol testing) must be tested according to the following rules. InterRAT test cases should be tested in all frequency band combinations supported by the mobile. FDD Band 25 Test cases defined for GCF Bands shall comply with the category assigned by GCF-CC. followed by tests in 850 MHz bands. e) Blank – indicates that the test does not require a bearer © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. b) "All" indicates that the mobile should be tested in all PTCRB Bands. FDD Band 17. InterRAT test cases are split into separate test case parts for each possible band combination. Note: Interband test cases must be tested if the frequency band combinations are supported by the mobile. GSM1900/850 MHz bands. Figure 1 GSM Band Selection for Protocol Testing (Single Band Only) 22 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.11 . 2 and 3 below.f) "RAT All" indicates that the applicable test case must be tested once in each supported RAT and in accordance with the principles shown in figures 1. Figure 2 UTRA Band Selection for Protocol Testing (Single Band Only) © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 23 3 April 2012 . 24 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.11 . Figure 3 E-UTRA Band Selection for Protocol Testing (Single Band Only) © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 25 3 April 2012 . 6 of this document. If UTRA FDD is not supported by the DUT but GSM1900 or GSM850 is supported by the DUT and the test case in question has been validated for GSM1900 or GSM850. Application enabler tests are not bearer dependant and can be performed in any frequency band supported by the terminal. Note: For instances in which the test case is only available in bands supported by GCF-CC. testing shall be performed according to the following rules:  If UTRA FDD is supported by the DUT and the test case in question has been validated for FDD Band II. If the primary PTCRB band tested on the certified parent device is disabled for any technology on the variant device. Selection of a band for execution of the test shall be determined by the prioritization rules depicted in Figure 1 above.Where test cases have been identified as redundant between UTRA and GSM. execution of the test in a GCFCC UTRA band is preferred over GCF-CC GERAN.  Special Rules and Exceptions: Audio testing must be performed according to the rules as defined in section 1. results for all “single” band test cases from the parent device can be reused on the variant device for certification. or V. GCF Band test cases must be performed in a PTCRB lab. then execute the test in GERAN. 26 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.11 . then execute the test in UTRA-FDD. The PTCRB lab will be responsible for uploading the GCF Certification test results to PTCRB’s database along with their own test results. provided the GCF lab conducting the tests is at a minimum an active observing member of the PVG. IV. Otherwise. or where a mixture of test capabilities for UTRA and GSM band support exist.9. Selection of a band for execution of the test shall be determined by the prioritization rules depicted in Figure 2 above. GCF Certification test results for GCF Bands will be recognized as a substitute for PTCRB test results in these bands. Failure of DUT to pass test case will not cause loss of certification. even if the band tested according to GCF-CC is still enabled. then testing of all “single” band test cases must be executed on the variant device if a PTCRB band is enabled.If primary band test cases were executed according to GCF-CC only in any technology on the parent device. For bearer agnostic testing refer to NAPRD section “Application Enabler (AE) Test Applicability”.8. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. Comments: This field may be used to provide comments or references as necessary.11 27 3 April 2012 . 1. Band prioritisation on both devices shall be decided according to the rules illustrated in figures 1. Not applicable New test case not yet validated or a test case that has been downgraded for more than 45 days. PTRCB Test Case Categories The following test categories shall be used: Category "A": Category "B": Category "C": Category "D": Category "E” Category "N” Category "P” Test fully available and fully validated. testing at an accredited test laboratory required Testing at an accredited test laboratory with exceptions Reserved category Test is downgraded and is not a certification requirement Test case is validated and results are provided to CTIA. 2 and 3. 28 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. but the test can be performed for TCH/S UE only.8. b) Means of Test where a "PASS" verdict is a valid verdict. Conformity of the terminal is demonstrated to the extent possible in an accredited laboratory using validated test programs on an appropriate test equipment reference configuration listed in TC Database.1.2. “Specific Application Enabler Test Requirements”. This category is used for: a) Means of Test where test purposes are not fully tested.1. 3) A Method of Test is written for TCH/S UE and DATA-only UE.11 . Category "B" Definition of this category: Device conformance is tested to the extent possible by an accredited laboratory as indicated in the "tested band" column.8. but a "FAIL" verdict may not be valid. 2) A Means of Test is running up to a specific test section where more than one correct UE behavior would be possible but only one specific behavior is allowed by the test program and therefore the UE might unfairly “FAIL” in this section. Category "A" Definition of this category: Device Conformance is tested by an accredited laboratory as indicated in the "tested band" column. Interoperability Testing: This test purpose is tested according to section 2. Example: 1) Parts of a Means of Test are validated because some sections of the test program are faulty and therefore the referenced test purpose might be partly covered or other referenced test purposes are not covered at all.2. Conformity of the terminal is demonstrated in an accredited laboratory using validated test programs on appropriate test equipment reference configuration listed in TC Database. c) Means of Test not validated for a special UE configuration. because parts of the Means of Test are incorrect and therefore not valid for accredited testing. This category is used for: All test purposes covered by validated Means of Test or a defined interoperability methodology 1. Example: A PTCRB accredited lab has found an issue with a test case implementation that means the test case cannot be used for certification testing.4. 1. B or E but has been “downgraded” due to an issue with the test case implementation.3. test platform and/or test specification and there are no valid means of test available.8.1. Where these tests have failed on a parent product these tests shall be re-run for subsequent ECO's and Variant certifications. Tests that have been validated but are under evaluation are allocated to Category "E". On approval of the 5 day rule the test case category is changed to “D” indicating the test case is downgraded and not a certification requirement. Category E tests must be performed by an accredited laboratory on terminals as indicated in the "tested band" column. and that the test case can be revalidated by “5 day rule” and immediately be re-introduced as a certification requirement. Interoperability tests may be executed by the manufacturer as defined in 2. This category is used for: An indication that a test case was earlier a certification requirement but has been downgraded due to an issue with the test case. “Specific Application Enabler Test © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. If it is believed to be a terminal failure.2. Category "E" Definition of this category:. the results of which will not gate issuance of an IMEI. Category "D" Definition of this category: The test has previously been in category A.8. This shall include whether the test case is believed to be at fault and an indication that the test equipment manufacturer has been contacted. The PTCRB lab has raised a change request by “5 day rule” explaining the issue and proposing to downgrade the test case. If the test case is not corrected and re-validated with 45 days it will revert to Category “P” and be treated as though it was a new test case. The results of these tests must be presented as part of the certification documents presented to CTIA. the comment shall include what type of error was indicated by the test equipment. the test case will revert to Category P (45 day rule). Unless the test case issue is resolved and the test case re-validated within 45 days of approval of the test case downgrade.11 29 3 April 2012 . The results shall also include comments pertaining to the reason of any failures experienced within a category E test case. Category "P" 30 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.8.8. 1. If the change request proposal is approved by a majority of the PTCRB operators then the test(s) would change to the proposed category.5. 1. Category "N" Definition of this category: This listed test does not require any testing nor declaration This category is used for: Test execution not required Example: Band specific tests required testing in 1900 but not required in 850. The PTCRB operator members shall vote on the test(s) and if it is approved by a majority of the PTCRB operators.11 . Example: Tests that have been validated but have not been moved to category "A" such as new GPRS test cases or features not supported by all operators such as PBCCH or NMO I Addition of Tests to Category "E" A PTCRB member may request inclusion of a specific test(s) in category E. The PTCRB operator members shall vote on the change request proposal. will also include recently validated tests prior to being moved to category "A". the test may be removed.Requirements This category is used for: Test for features that were new or not supported by all operators. All new tests submitted by the PVG will initially become Category "E". Alternatively. How a test is moved from Category "E" to any other category: A PTCRB member may request the movement of specific test(s) from Category "E" into another Category (A. the test is moved to category E.6. B). 11 31 3 April 2012 . The latest version of this test plan can be downloaded from CTIA’s web site at www. RF Performance Evaluation 1. The latest version of this test plan can be downloaded from CTIA’s web site at www. A listing of labs authorized to conduct this testing can be found on the same web site (under Converged Device authorized testing capability). FDD Band II. and test cases can only change to category E in a new version of NAPRD03 as defined above. the GCF RF Performance test results must be uploaded to the certification database in the OTA Performance Test results section. If the device supports A listing of labs authorized to conduct this testing can be found on the same web site (under OTA Performance authorized testing capability). FDD Band IV. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. If the device supports A-GPS (Note: the A-GPS feature checkbox must be checked in the online certification database).9. GSM 1900. This category is used for: Instances where no test solution presently available Example: RFTs generated by the PTCRB such as the new EGRPS tests added PTCRB#30 1. and FDD Band V is the CTIA Test Plan for Mobile Station Over-the-Air Performance.Definition of this category: Based on tests which have been specified by an RFT and not validated on commercially available test equipment. Validation reports shall be submitted to PVG meetings for PTCRB approval. the device shall also be tested to the CTIA/Wi-Fi Alliance Test Plan for RF Performance Evaluation of Wi-Fi Mobile Converged Devices.ctia.9.11x (note: the Wi-Fi feature checkbox must be checked in the online certification database). RF Performance Test Plan The test plan to be utilized for the evaluation of RF Performance of GSM 850.ctia. If the device is required to conduct RF Performance testing as part of GCF Certification. and Free-Space • Devices supporting usage against the head.11 . Also. each configuration representative of end use shall be tested as long as the device can still meet the maximum dimensions specified for the hand phantom configurations defined in the CTIA Test Plan for Mobile Station 32 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.ctia.2. The latest version of this test plan can be downloaded from CTIA’s web site at www. a portrait slide phone shall be tested in both slide open and slide closed positions. head and hand phantom. configurations where the receiver is not placed on the ear). and freespace conditions. Device configurations that are not representative of end use (e. shall be tested (e. a side slide phone shall be tested only in the slide closed position. where the receiver is placed on the ear. a fold phone shall be tested only in the open position). Note: If a device supports multiple configurations with which to make a call. A listing of labs authorized to conduct this testing can be found on the same web site (under OTA Performance authorized testing capability). shall be tested according to the CTIA Test Plan for Mobile Station Over-the-Air Performance.. Head and Hand Phantom. do not need to be tested in head phantom RF Performance Testing Required – Hand Phantom Only • Devices supporting data usage in the hand phantom only test configuration (devices that also support usage against the head shall also be tested per above) Note: If a device has multiple configurations in which it can be held in the hand for data usage scenarios where the display is visible to the end user. GPS OTA testing is not required in the head phantom only and free-space configurations as specified in the CTIA Test Plan for Mobile Station Over-theAir Performance. RF Performance Test Applicability RF Performance Testing Required –Head Phantom Only. each configuration representative of end use.g. the vendor shall submit to the CATL a declaration of the primary mechanical mode as referenced in the test plan. antenna mounted on a ground plane 2’ X 2’ or other material used on the actual device) Note 2: Some devices include sensors which reduce the transmitter’s RF output power when in close proximity to the user. vending machines etc. Note 1: Physically large or heavy devices that cannot be placed in an OTA chamber.g. telematics. Tablets and Ultra-Mobile PCs with embedded WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network) radio modules.11. might be tested in a configuration that represents the actual usage (e. RF Performance Testing Required – Free-Space Only • Fixed wireless. and data-only devices with a removable antenna connected directly to the device via an RF transmission line (such as a coaxial cable) less than 20 cm in length. non-removable antenna attached to the device • Fixed wireless. Also. telemetry.Over-the-Air Performance. and data-only devices with a removable antenna physically attached to the device • Fixed wireless.11.g. telemetry. telematics.11 33 3 April 2012 . • Notebooks. device is operating at © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. Device configurations that are not representative of end use in the hand for data usage scenarios where the display is visible to the end user or exceed the maximum dimensions specified for the hand phantom configurations defined in the CTIA Test Plan for Mobile Station Over-the-Air Performance do not need to be tested in the hand phantom only condition. telematics. and data-only devices with an integrated. • Large Devices – These would include devices such as parking meters.5 and 11. telemetry. TRP measurements of any device that includes user proximity RF power reduction shall be made when the proximity sensor is not activated (e. the vendor shall submit to the CATL a declaration of the primary mechanical mode as referenced in the test plan. Note: Free-Space testing is optional for notebooks which qualify as “Child” platforms under sections 11.6 of the PTCRB PPMD. Applicability of RF Performance Testing to ECOs RF Performance testing must be conducted on an ECO if the associated changes impact any of the following areas: • Hardware design • Calibration data/procedure • Maximum output (radiated) power 34 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. In addition. and data-only devices without a defined antenna • Fixed wireless. • Fixed wireless.11 . The PTCRB lab shall also measure the device’s RF output power when the proximity sensor is activated. and the lab shall document the proximity sensor’s RF power reduction in dB. the lab shall provide a detailed justification (to be uploaded to the PTCRB certification database in the test results file). This measurement may be made using either conducted or radiated techniques. and data-only devices with a removable antenna that is connected to the device through an RF transmission line (such as a coaxial cable) greater than 20 cm in length and not physically attached to the host device • Modules • PCMCIA cards or ExpressCards • USB Modems • Variants.3. telemetry. the vendor shall consult with the carrier(s) to which they intend to sell the device to determine whether carrier-specific testing may be required. RF Performance Testing Not Required Note: The lab shall provide a document stating that the device falls into one of the categories listed below. telemetry. telematics. If no testing is conducted.full RF output power).9. re-branded devices having no altered RF performance from their parent device 1. telematics. 1.010-2 applicable for Release 4 or later release shall be applied as certification criteria instead of the Audio test cases applicable for Phase 2 and up to R99 terminals.132 contains all test cases from all released specification versions.4. then RF performance testing on the ECO is not necessary. Receive Diversity If the device supports receive diversity. as per ITU-T P.1 dB. in the Test Results area.11 35 3 April 2012 . terminals which support both GSM and FDD bands shall conduct the AUDIO testing in accordance with the Test Guidelines for test case redundancy for dual mode terminals as defined in PVG05.9. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.6. Reference test position according to section 5. 1. the audio test cases in 3GPP TS 51. the diversity test conditions shall be in accordance with the CTIA Test Plan for Mobile Station Over-the-Air Performance. In addition to the above.3. The test report shall contain the following information if appropriate and where it is not available from the manufactures PICS statement: • • • Ear type used for testing Positioning used in the HATS. Deleted Audio Testing If the terminal implements audio according to 3GPP Release 4 or later.If the changes do not impact these areas AND conducted RF output power in all supported bands has not changed by more than +/.9.2 of IEEE 269 – 2002 can be used and should accordingly be recorded in the test report.9. providing this justification (see Laboratory Test Report Content section of PPMD). 1. The lab shall then upload a document to PTCRB’s online certification database.5.64 Nominal volume setting used for receiving related testing Note: The PTCRB TC database audio test specification 26. Guideline for test case execution of Multi Band-Multi Rat test cases of RFT067 Depending on the frequency bands that are supported by device under test a high amount of possible band configurations for Multi Band-Multi Rat test cases may occur. So. Radiated Spurious Emissions Radiated Spurious Emissions (RSE) testing shall be conducted according to the guidelines established in PVG. the manufacturer has to declare against which release the terminal was developed. Devices shall not be reconfigured for any testing purposes. The conclusion is that Terminals with an acoustic implementation according to a given release should be tested against the latest version of the corresponding release of 3GPP TS 26.1.131 and 3GPP TS 26. Radiated Spurious Emissions testing of a UE supporting GSM 850 MHz and UTRA FDD V may conduct testing in 2G (GSM) or 3G (UTRA).7. Radiated Spurious Emissions testing of a UE supporting both GSM 1900 MHz and UTRA FDD II may conduct testing in 2G (GSM) or 3G (UTRA). 1. tests may differ in their requirements depending on the release version of the test spec.The test specification is release specific which is different to any other test specifications within PTCRB TC DB. To reduce testing effort for certification purposes the band combinations are prioritized.10. 36 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. “Guideline for Spurious Emission Radiated Testing”. 1..04.132. Therefore.11 . Test Case Execution Environment Device certification shall be conducted with all frequency bands enabled according to its capabilities.10.9. 1. PTCRB TC DB does not take this into account. The tests of RFT067 have to be performed according to the following flow-charts: Start FDD II ? Y FDD V ? Y GSM 900 ? Y Perform [FDDII-900-FDDV] FDD IV ? Y Perform [FDDII.11 37 3 April 2012 .900FDDIV] N End N Perform [FDDII-1800FDDV] GSM 1800 ? N Y FDD IV ? Y Perform [FDDII-1800FDDIV] N End N End FDD IV ? Y GSM 900 ? Y Perform [FDDII900-FDDIV] End N GSM 1800 ? N Y Perform [FDDII1800-FDDIV] End N N End GSM 900 ? Y Perform [FDDII900-FDDII] End N Perform [FDDII1800-FDDII] GSM 1800 ? Y End N End FDD V ? Y FDD IV ? Y GSM 900 ? Y Perform [FDDV-900FDDIV] End N Perform [FDDV-1800FDDIV] GSM 1800 ? Y End N N End GSM 900 ? Y Perform [FDDV900-FDDV] End N N GSM 1800 ? Y Perform [FDDV1800-FDDV] End N End FDD IV ? Y GSM 900 ? Y Perform [FDDIV900-FDDIV] End N GSM 1800 ? Y Perform [FDDIV1800-FDDIV] End N End N End © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. 11.7 38 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.123-1 test case 8.010-1 test case 26.x (x=1.8a.2.8a.1.7 UTRA only device: TS 34.1.123-1 test case 8.x (x=1.2.1. 3) 2nd part Start FDD II ? FDD I ? Y Perform [FDDII-FDDI] End N Perform [FDDII-900] GSM 900 ? Y End N End Table 3: Test case execution plan for 6.2. This shall be achieved by successfully running the validated test cases as follows: • • • • GERAN only: TS 51. Classmark MessageUE Capability Audit For Initial Certifications and Parent products.Table 1: Test case execution plan for 6. the PTCRB Test Laboratory shall ensure that the contents of the Classmark 2 & 3UE capability Information Elements are correctly reported to the network as specified in the device’s relevant PICS/PIXIT statements.123-1 test case 8.2 GERAN/UTRA device: TS 51.2a 1.3TS .010-1 test case 2.6.11. 3) 1st part Start FDD I ? GSM 1900 ? Y Perform [FDDI-1900FDDI] End N Perform [FDDI-850-FDDi] GSM 850 ? Y End N End Table 2: Test case execution plan for 6.5. 2.5.7 UTRA/E-UTRA device: TS 34. AT-Command Certification Criteria All supported AT-commands have to be assessed by the PTCRB accredited test laboratory according to the ATcommand test specification.7 E-UTRA only device: TS 36. 1.3. Where MMI only changes have been implemented that have no impact on these areas.11 39 3 April 2012 .1.e. It is limited to all ATcommands supported by the terminal device and is limited to the PTCRB Bearer Agnostic AT-Command Test Specification.2.ptcrb.123-1 test case 8. • PTCRB test labs may decide how to perform the test cases and if they wish to use a commercially available test platform.523-1 test case 8.1. a Classmark Message Audit shall be conducted by PTCRB Accredited Laboratory.12. 1. 1. AT-Command Test Specification The evaluation of AT-Command is the PTCRB Bearer Agnostic AT-Command Test Specification. i.12. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5. the Classmark Audit will not be required.5. AT-Command Assessment Requirements 1. • Test cases are not required to be performed under ISO 17025 accreditation. AT-Command Applicability AT-Command assessment is applicable to terminals that support GSMNA AT-Commands.4. The latest specification version can be downloaded from PTCRB's web site at www. These requirements do not apply to Integrated Devices.12.• • GERAN/UTRA/E-UTRA device: TS 34. WCDMA or LTE functionality of the device has been changed or there have been any changes to any feature group functionality.12. This audit is required for all Variant / ECO Requests where the For any PTCRB Variant / ECO Request.5. devices embedding a PTCRB-certified module. 6. Test cases should be executed according to the 3GPP test specification advises using just these NAPRD03 bandwidth requirements as supported by the device. Signaling testing For signaling test cases. Technical Specification Group Terminals. The table shows the PTCRB required bandwidths. RF testing RF testing should be performed according to 3GPP TS 36. 1. AT command set for User Equipment (UE)” GSMNA AT Commands Specification 1. 523-1508 section 4.13.Test frequencies. these are the only bandwidths that test cases should be performed in at this time. Guidelines for execution of test cases for E-UTRA Test cases for RFT 076 1.101 section 5. but it is recommended.2.1.1 but using the table below as a replacement for the bandwidths to be tested in particular for the values of the lowest and highest bandwidths.523-1.005: "3rd Generation Partnership Project. For sections 7. use the operating bandwidth detailed in the “Pre-test conditions” section for each test case.7.12. Use of Data Terminal Equipment Data Circuit terminating Equipment(DTE DCE) interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)". follow the bandwidth guidelines in 3GPP TS 36.4.x in 36. 1.1.11 .007: “3rd Generation Partnership Project.13.13.• Test cases are not required to be validated.3. AT-Command Technical Reference The following AT-Command specifications are to be used as further references. 3GPP TS 27.1. It may be not necessarily always in line with 40 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. 3GPP TS 27. General Information This section defines the requirements for the certification of the Application Enablers that are implemented in the terminal and are required for PTCRB certification. Highest.4 MHz 3 MHz Yes Yes 5 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 10 MHz Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 15 MHz 20 MHz Yes 2. 5MHz. and according to the table below only 5MHz and 10 MHz are required. the test shall be performed in 5MHz and 10MHz only. Additional clarifications: If the test specification requires a test cases to be performed using the bandwidths Lowest. (once for each BW). © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.Test cases should be run in all bandwidths that are common between the test specification and the PTCRB required bandwidths. E-UTRA RF channel bandwidth required for validation and certification for PTCRB E-UTRA band / channel bandwidth E-UTRA Band 2 4 5 7 12 13 14 17 24 25 1.11 41 3 April 2012 .4 MHz and this is not shown as required in the table below. If the test specification shows that a test case is only applicable to 1. Application Enablers Evaluation.the most recent 3GPP core specification requirements. the test should not be performed. 1. Specific details on individual application enabler certification requirements are given in the following sections. ECOs AE testing must be conducted on an ECO if the associated changes impact any of the following areas: • AE Protocol implementation • Underlying protocols 42 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 2.3. AE Testing Required All devices supporting application enablers that are applicable for PTCRB certification. 2.1.2. AE Testing Not Required • Devices that do not support application enablers • PCMCIA cards • Variants. re-branded devices having no altered AE implementation from their parent device 2. if the SDO or standardization forum who has the ownership of the test specification has approved any change requests which are yet to be incorporated into the test specification. then these change requests should be used for validations and referenced in the validation report. The latest approved version of the listed Test Specification shall be used. For validation.1.1.1. Application Enabler (AE) Test Applicability .1. AE Test Specification This section lists test specifications applicable to application enablers required for PTCRB certification. Interoperability testing can be proved through Field Trials.g. Interoperability test results shall be provided by the manufacturer and testing does not have to be performed by a PTCRB accredited lab. which is approved for the application enabler being tested. Bi-lateral testing and/or multi-lateral events (e. the results of which are being presented for Certification. 2. The Certification Criteria for application enabler can include both Conformance and Interoperability tests. to obtain the Certification • The test configuration must be described and made available in the Certification Declaration • Manufacturers are responsible for making all the necessary arrangements to be able to disclose results of Ilateral and/or multi-lateral testing for Certification purposes © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.1.1. These results will be accepted to apply for Certification if they comply to the Certification Criteria • All test results shall be submitted to the PTCRB test lab for inclusion in the test report.11 43 3 April 2012 . Application Enabler Certification Criteria Terminals supporting application enablers required for PTCRB certification shall fulfill all applicable application enabler conformance criteria. Test Fests hosted by OMA). The conditions for the I-lateral testing and/or multi-lateral event results to be accepted for PTCRB Certification are: • The manufacturer must submit a declaration stating that the changes (if any) introduced in the implementation tested in the test event.If the changes do not impact these areas then AE testing for an ECO is not necessary and the PTCRB accredited lab should provide a declaration to the PTCRB Certification database stating that testing was not required. have not changed the behavior of the functionality tested. Conformance testing must be performed in a PTCRB accredited lab.5. the device under test should run the applicable tests against already certified devices if available. contacting other UE manufacturers on a "reasonable effort" basis As a general recommendation. if available. RTP. If the application enabler implementation has already obtained GCF or PTCRB certification. 2.1. the latest approved version. For validation. which are yet to be incorporated into the document.1. and no features not included in the original version that obtained certification are added to the AE client that is seeking certification.• Where test Certification Criteria includes Client-to-Client testing. then these change requests should be used for validations and referenced in the validation report. and in the applicable underlying application protocol stacks like WAP. The manufacturer shall provide all the test results from the testing that was conducted for original certification and any further latest test results. in 'client to client' testing. 44 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.. the manufacturer may choose to re-use the test results under the following conditions• The manufacturer can guarantee that no changes in the protocol stack of the enabler for which certification is sought. manufacturers are also responsible for seeking the appropriate terminal device to test against. RTCP etc. • The manufacturer can guarantee that no changes in the overall AE behavior have been introduced from the version that obtained certification. of all the listed specifications should be used.6. If the SDO or standardization forum that has ownership of the specification has approved any change requests of the content of the specification. as appropriate. HTTP. SIP. AE Technical Requirements This section gives details of the application enabler core specifications relevant for PTCRB certification. that could affect the AE functionality have been introduced from the AE client version that obtained certification.11 . 1.1. ICS or Test Case Mapping table is contained in external specifications a reference to the document should be added to this section.0. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.2. as specified in the applicable SDO enabler release specifications shall be implemented in the terminal. 2.2. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) 2.2. 2004.2.x certification in PTCRB and GCF there may be a period whereby a manufacturer would have to certify against different versions of MMS schemes for PTCRB and GCF certification due to different validity periods of the NAPRD03 and GCF-CC. MMS Applicability MMS testing is applicable to terminals that support OMA MMS version 1.3. 2.7.2. as appropriate. This shall be submitted by the manufacturer to the PTCRB Certification database as part of the certification submission.1. AE Interoperability Test Results This section details how to present IOP test results and information on tested configurations.11 45 3 April 2012 .8.1. If the Options table. All mandatory features.1.2. Transition Period for MMS 1.1.1.x Certification Following the introduction of MMS 1. ICS or Test Case Mapping Table.1. AE Options Table/ICS/Test Case Mapping Document The Options table. of the implemented enablers for which certification is sought.1. Effective Date for MMS Testing This requirement is effective for devices submitted to a lab for testing on or after October 1. Specific Application Enabler Test Requirements 2. is to be filled out by the manufacturer to indicate the features implemented in the client. 2.2.2 or 1. 1. the manufacturer may choose to certify against the same MMS certification scheme as used by GCF.aspx • MMS_1.aspx • MMS_1.2. MMS Certification Criteria The test requirements can be found in TC ms_v1_2.2.2: http://www. MMS Test Specification The test plan to be utilized for the evaluation of MMS is the OMA IOP MMS ETS.aspx 2. manufacturers may choose to re-certify against the original MMS certification scheme used for initial PTCRB ml • MMS_1.openmobilealliance.3: http://www.1. For ECO’s.11 ms_v1_1.1: http://www.openmobilealliance.4. the terminal device shall be tested against (at least) three different MMSCs per test case.openmobilealliance. This test plan can be downloaded from OMA's web site at www. In Client-to-Server tests.openmobilealliance. The following OMA MMS Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all validations: • MMS_1. If there are less than three MMSCs from different manufacturers. It 46 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.If the situation arises that the NAPRD03 and GCF-CC versions that a manufacturer is certifying against would require different MMS certification schemes to be used.openmobilealliance. PTCRB may tune the number of different MMSCs to test against depending on the test 2. the UE manufacturer will make the “Best effort” to maximize testing and ensure ms_v1_3. 11 47 3 April 2012 . Appendix mms_v1_3.openmobilealliance.openmobilealliance. Client to client tests may be performed on a single server and client to server/server to client tests on a single mms_v1_1. the UE manufacturer will make the ‘Best effort’ to maximize testing to ensure interoperability.aspx • MMS_1.1: http://www.openmobilealliance. • MMS_1.aspx 2.aspx • MMS_1.1. In Client-to-Client tests. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.1.2: http://www. If there are less than five different independent clients from different manufacturers. PTCRB may tune the number of different clients to test against depending on the test case. the terminal device shall be tested against (at least) five different independent clients per test ndex. Test Case Mapping Table for Terminals supporting MMS The MMS mapping table is specified in appendix B of the OMA MMS ETS.7.openmobilealliance.0: http://www. 2.3: http://www. MMS Technical Requirements The following OMA MMS Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all validations. Appendix B. The ICS/IXIT statements should be completed by the manufacturer and submitted as part of the certification submission.3 contains the ICS.html • MMS_1.4 contains the IXIT statements.should be noted that different network radio elements will not be considered as different mms_v1_2.6. Video Telephony (VT) 2. the UE manufacturer will make the ‘Best effort’ to maximize testing and ensure interoperability. If there are less than three VTs from different manufacturers. PTCRB may tune the number of different VTs to test against depending on the test case.2. This test specification can be downloaded from IMTC's web site at 48 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.imtc. VT Applicability VT testing is applicable to terminals that support IMTC Video Telephony.3. the terminal device shall be tested against (at least) three different VTs per test case. 2. 2.2.3. the terminal device shall be tested against (at least) five different independent clients per test case. VT Certification Criteria The VT Conformance test cases are captured in TC Database. If there are less than five different independent clients from different manufacturers.1.2. PTCRB may tune the number of different clients to test against depending on the test case. the UE manufacturer will make the ‘Best effort’ to maximize testing to ensure interoperability.The mapping table is specified OMA-ETS-ETC-MMS-V1_220060614-D and OMA-ETS-MMS_CON-V1_3-20060725-C for MMS v1. Client to client tests may be performed on a single server and client to server/server to client tests on a single client. 2.asp 2. VT Test Specification The evaluation of VT is the IMTC 3G-324M.11 .2.4. In Client-to-Server tests. It should be noted that different network radio elements will not be considered as different configurations. respectively or later versions.2.2. VT Technical Requirements The following IMTC VT Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all validations. In Client-to-Client tests. 1.2.2. 2.2. Note: The Client to Client Interoperability Test Cases shall be executed in both directions to test the behavior for sending and receiving. MMS Interoperability Test Results Conformance Test Results for Terminals supporting MMS Manufacturers shall submit the test results and details of tested configurations for the Interoperability Test cases (as specified in TC Database) using the following format. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.asp 2.8 or later of the test specifications. Options Table/ICS/Test case mapping document for Terminals supporting VT The VT Test Case mapping tools are specified in the IMTC 3G324M Video Telephony Activity Group test specifications. The mapping table is to be found in section 5 of the Compliance test case specification.11 49 3 April 2012 .5. See example below for instructions in filling out the test results table.imtc. The mapping tables are specified in version 2. For the sending test cases the terminal to be certified will act as client A as specified in the OMA ETS and for the receiving test cases the terminal to be certified will act as client B. and section 8 of the Interoperability test specification. The mapping tables should be completed by the manufacturer and submitted as part of the certification submission.2.VT_1.2.0: http://www. 2 2.2 C7 S1 C2 C5 C4 C6 1.4 C7 S3 C2 C5 C4 C6 Client to Server / Server to Client Interoperability Test Cases OMA MMS ETS Reference No. Description #1 Test Count #2 #3 #4 #5 Comments 1.1 2.3 C7 S2 C2 C5 C4 C6 1.11 .3 Interoperability Test Case 6 Interoperability Test Case 7 Interoperability Test Case 8 S1 n/a S1 S2 n/a nS S3 n/a nS The following abbreviations are used in the Interoperability Test Results tables to identify the Test Configuration.Client to Client Interoperability Test Cases OMA MMS ETS Reference No. In the Header #1…#N = Test Execution Count 50 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. Description #1 Test Count #2 #3 Comments 2.1 Interoperability Test Case 1 Interoperability Test Case 1 Interoperability Test Case 1 Interoperability Test Case 1 C7 S2 C2 C5 C4 C6 1. In the Entry Field C1…CN = Test Case executed. client or server with identifier N used Test Case executed.) 1 2 3 4 5 N © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 51 3 April 2012 . that no fault or problem with the Device Under Test (DUT) was encountered at this Interoperability Test. server with identifier N used Test is not applicable since the MMS Option is not supported by the terminal No further clients supporting this test are commercially available No further servers supporting this test are commercially available S1…N = n/a = nC = nS = Test Case executed’ means. Configuration used for Client to Client Interoperability Testing TEST CLIENTS TESTED AGAINST I C Manufacturer Model IMPS Release SW version (opt. Configuration used for Client to Server / Server to Client Interoperability Testing Infrastructure Information II 1 IM Server Details Presence Server Manufacturer SW Version Manufacturer SW Version Group Server SMS Server (optional) Manufacturer SW Version Manufacturer SW Version 2 IM Server Presence Server Manufacturer SW Version Manufacturer SW Version Group Server SMS Server (optional) Manufacturer SW Version Manufacturer SW Version 3 IM Server Presence Server Manufacturer SW Version Manufacturer SW Version Group Server SMS Server (optional) Manufacturer SW Version Manufacturer SW Version 52 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.11 . 6. Secure User Plane Location (SUPL) 2.7.1. 2.openmobilealliance.6.2.2. 2.2. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.6.0 or 2.2.Note: In case the server manufacturer's server includes all services in one "IMPS" server.6.2.3.openmobilealliance. Deleted Deleted Deleted Device Management 2.2 2.2.2. This test specification can be downloaded from OMA's web site at 2.4. Device Management Test Specification The evaluation of Device Management is the OMA ETS-DM.2: m_v1_2.4.7. Device Management Certification Criteria The Device Management test cases are captured in TC Database.6. 2.11 53 3 April 2012 . DM 1.aspx 2. 2.5. Secure User Plane Location (SUPL) Applicability SUPL testing is applicable to terminals that support OMA SUPL version 1. Device Management Applicability Device Management testing is applicable to all devices that support OMA Device Management version 1. only IM Server needs to be filled in.0. Device Management Technical Requirements The following OMA device Management Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all validations. SUPL Test Specification The evaluation of SUPL is the OMA ETS-SUPL.3 Applicability Browsing testing is applicable to all devices that support OMA Browsing version http://www.0: http://www. 2.3 Test Specification The test plans for the evaluation of Browsing are OMA ETSETS-XHTMLMP and OMA ETS-WCSS. 54 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version upl_v2_0.openmobilealliance. 2. Browsing 2.openmobilealliance. 2.3 2. SUPL_1.aspx 2. Browsing 2.2.aspx SUPL 2.2. Browsing 2.3 Certification Criteria The Browsing test cases are captured in TC Database.2. SUPL Certification Criteria The SUPL Conformance test cases are captured in TC Database.2.11 .3.2.openmobilealliance. These test specification can be downloaded from OMA's web site at http://www. This test specification can be downloaded from OMA's web site at www.aspx 2. Browsing 2. SUPL Technical Requirements The following OMA SUPL Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all rowsing_v23. 3 Interoperability Test Results The Client to Server test cases from GCF-CC need to be tested once against any web server with the OMA Browsing Test Suite © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.11 55 3 April 2012 rowsing_v23. Browsing 2.3 Technical Requirements The following OMA Browsing Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all validations.2. Browsing 2. Browsing 2.aspx 2.4.8.openmobilealliance.2.3: http://www.8.2. Client to Server Interoperability Test Cases The following abbreviations are used to identify the Test Verdict: Ex = Test Case executed.11 . n/a = Test is not applicable since the Browser Option is not supported by the terminal Manufacturers shall submit the test results for the Interoperability Test cases (as specified in TC Database) using the following format: OMA Browsing ETS-Reference Test Case ID Test Case Description Comments Result 1 Interoperability Test Case 1 Test Procedure 1 Test Procedure 2 Test Procedure 3 … 2 Interoperability Test Case 2 Test Procedure 1 Test Procedure 2 Test Procedure 3 … 3 Interoperability Test Case 3 Test Procedure 1 Test Procedure 2 Test Procedure 3 … 56 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5. no fault or problem with the Device Under Test (DUT) was encountered. 9. 2.4. FUMO Applicability FUMO testing is applicable to all devices that support OMA FUMO version 1.11 57 3 April 2012 .1.2.2. © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version 5.2.2. FUMO Certification Criteria The FUMO test cases are captured in TC Database. 2.3. FUMO used for Client to Server Interoperability Testing INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATION Details 1 Manufacturer WAP GW/ WEB Server SW Version Enabler Release 2 Manufacturer WAP GW / WEB Server SW Version Enabler Release 3 Manufacturer “ WAP GW/ WEB Server SW Version Enabler Release umo_v1_0. This test specification can be downloaded from OMA's web site at http://www.0.openmobilealliance.2.aspx 2. FUMO Technical Requirements The following OMA FUMO Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all validations.0. FUMO Test Specification The test plan for the evaluation of FUMO is OMA ETS FUMO V1. FUMO Interoperability Test Results The Client to Server test cases from NAPRD03 need to be executed at least once against any OMA-DM server supporting FUMO (S1…S3). n/a = Test is not applicable since the FUMO Option is not supported by the terminal nS = No server supporting this test is commercially available Manufacturers shall submit the test results and details of tested configurations for the Interoperability Test cases (as specified in TC Database) using the following formats: OMA FUMO ETS Reference No.FUMO 1. Client to Server Interoperability Test Cases The following abbreviations are used to identify the Test Verdict: Ex = Test Case executed. 1 2 3 Description Interoperability test case 1 Interoperability test case 2 Interoperability test case 3 Test Count S1       S2       S3       Comments       Configuration used for Client to Server Interoperability Testing S1 Servers tested against (S) OMA-DM/ FUMO Server Manufacturer SW Version   S2   OMA-DM/ FUMO Server Manufacturer SW Version   Enabler Release   Enabler Release     58 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.0: http://www.aspx umo_v1_0.11 .openmobilealliance.5.9. no fault or problem with the Device Under Test (DUT) was encountered.2. 59 3 April 2012 . SCOMO Interoperability Test Results The Client to Server test cases from NAPRD03 need to be executed at least once against any OMA-DM server supporting SCOMO (S1…S3).9.0: http://www.openmobilealliance. SCOMO 1. SCOMO Technical Requirements The following OMA SCOMO Core specifications are to be used as the basis for all validations.0.1. Client to Server Interoperability Test Cases The following abbreviations are used to identify the Test Verdict: © PTCRB 1997-20082 Version como_v1_0. SCOMO Applicability SCOMO testing is applicable to all devices that support OMA SCOMO version 1.7.9. 2.8. SCOMO Test Specification The test plan for the evaluation of SCOMO is OMA ETS SCOMO V1.0. 2.S3 OMA-DM/ FUMO Server Manufacturer SW Version     Enabler Release   2.aspx 2. SCOMO 2.openmobilealliance.10. This test specification can be downloaded from OMA's web site at http://www.9. SCOMO Certification Criteria The SCOMO test cases are captured in TC Database.2.10.aspx 2. 11 . 1 2 3 Description Interoperability test case 1 Interoperability test case 2 Interoperability test case 3 Test Count S1       S2       S3       Comments       Configuration used for Client to Server Interoperability Testing S1 Servers tested against (S) OMA-DM/ SCOMO Server Manufacturer SW Version   S2   OMA-DM/ SCOMO Server Manufacturer SW Version   OMA-DM/ SCOMO Server Manufacturer SW Version   Enabler Release   Enabler Release   Enabler Release     S3   60 3 April 2012 © PTCRB 1997-200812 Version 5.Ex = Test Case executed. n/a = Test is not applicable since the SCOMO Option is not supported by the terminal nS = No server supporting this test is commercially available Manufacturers shall submit the test results and details of tested configurations for the Interoperability Test cases (as specified in TC Database) using the following formats: OMA SCOMO ETS Reference No. no fault or problem with the Device Under Test (DUT) was encountered.
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