PST131 Study notes.doc

May 29, 2018 | Author: Tahera Loonat | Category: Language Education, Lesson Plan, Educational Assessment, Reading (Process), Semiotics



SecA Home Language teaching 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sec B 17 Sec D 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 The teacher's role Learner centred approach Group work Using a menu in the classroom Language Skills Thinking Developing hearing skills The importance if hearing skills Theme and situation Word chain/webbing Puppets Miming flashcards Use pictures in different ways Guided writing +sentences Lesson Plan First Additional language teaching Multilingualism Prep for the exam Home language Acquisition The importance of language teaching & learning Communicative approach Reading as part of language Word frieze & word actions and the use of a dic The importance of flash cards and reading Group work in creative writing Assessment of reading and writing Non verbal communication Pictures and posters Learner-centred approach in the language classroom Lesson Plan 2 3 4 5 6 5 Explain how you will use a tape recorder to teach listening and talking (5) Total for Section B (50) .1 Briefly explain how a home language is acquired (5) 1. learning.May/June 2014 Section A: Home Language Teaching 1. Discuss this statement as a guideline for planning communicative activities (5) (25) 2. Give an appropriate example (5) 2.5 Communication must be authentic. outcomes.4 Discuss the value of group work by giving appropriate examples (5) 4.2 Discuss the importance of language for learning and teaching (5) 1. theme.3 Discuss the principles that underlie the communicative approach (5) 1. Select 1 or 2 language skills. media and assessment (10) Total for Section A (50) Section B: First Additional Language Teaching 3.3 Design 5 flash cards with sentences that you will use while teaching reading.4 3.3 Explain how you will incorporate group work when teaching creative writing.4 Briefly explain reading as an element of language (5) 1. It must be a home language lesson. The sentences must form a story (You can merely write down the sentences) (5) 4.1 Explain how you will create enthusiasm in reading amongst First Additional language learners (5) 4. Your lesson plan should include the following: Grade.1 3.5 Which general skills should be part of the reading programme? (5) Discuss non-verbal communication.2 3.1 Name the factors that must be taken into consideration when assessing writing (5) 2. Write out the lesson in Full. Give appropriate examples (5) Discuss the use of pictures and posters in the additional language classroom (5) Explain how to make a frieze with action words (5) Discuss language ability as a fundamental of reading instruction (5) 4.2 Explain how you will utilize dictionaries while teaching (5) 4.4 Choose a theme/situation for teaching Grade 5 learners. assessment standards.2 Explain a learner centred approach in the language classroom (5) 2.3 3. duration. group and pair work should be designed. thereafter its learnt in stages 2 – Stages: A – Babbling stage: at 6 months old B – Holophrastic stage: at 1 year. . interpret and play with oral. strategic and discourse competence. They must also take responsibility for their own progress. 1. 6 – Cultural: to understand and appreciate languages. children use sounds functionally to show awareness and expression C – Telegraphic (two word) stage: begins between 18 to 24 months. sociolinguistic. children begin to use language. and listening) need to be integrated and developed simultaneously.1. power and identity. Error tolerance is greater in this approach. 3 – Thereafter they begin using words of varying lengths and more creatively. The degree of accuracy and fluency would vary according to the focus of the activity. Language could be used for basic interpersonal skills (BICS) or Cognitive academic language proficiency (CALPS) could be developed. writing. All four communicative skills (reading. In order to expose learner to authentic activities in which they have opportunities to use language. Its main purpose is interaction. Communicative competence implies grammatical.3 Discuss the principles that underlie the communicative approach (5) 1 – Children acquire the language they need in order to be communicatively competent 2 – Principles: a. f. d. Its primary units are not grammatical or structural but the functional and communicative meaning in found in written and spoken discourse. e. 1. c.2 Discuss the importance of language for learning and teaching (5) 1 – It is important for children to learn their home language to make the transition into additional language learning 2 – Personal: To develop identity and sustain relationships 3 – Communicative: to communicate appropriately in different social contexts 4 – Educational: to develop thinking and reasoning skills and a means of accessing information 5 – Aesthetic: to create. although not grammatically correct. b. speaking.1Briefly explain how a home language is acquired (5) 1 – Children learn language from before birth. visual and written texts. Learners need to be exposed to authentic language situations. culture and heritage 7 – Political: To assert oneself and challenge others to a particular point of view 8 – Critical: To understand the relationship between language. Language is a system for expressing meaning. 2 Explain a learner centred approach in the language classroom (5) 1 – Learner centred approach allows the learner to take responsibility and manage their own language learning and progress 2 – There can be no one way traffic learners should make a personal input daily to improve their competence.1.4Briefly explain reading as an element of language (5) 1 – Reading is very important in our daily lives 2 – We read advertisements. ideas and activities as essential. 3 – A focussed interaction between the learner and the learning material or the learner and his/her peers builds confidence. articles & jokes.1 Name the factors that must be taken into consideration when assessing writing (and reading) (5) Writing Reading 1 – Content 2 – Sentence length 3 – Types of sentences 4 – Spelling 5 – Vocabulary 6 – Effectiveness of communication 7 – Punctuation 8 – Corrective ness of language 9 – Sequence of ideas 10 . 4 . books. 5 – We often think effectively about what we’ve read and use it in conversation. Give an appropriate example (5) . magazines.Learning to read begins when we are taught the alphabet. 2. because the learners see that they can influence their circumstances by using language. poems.3 Explain how you will incorporate group work when teaching creative writing. some for pleasure and some out of necessity. 4 – In adult life we learn to deal with different texts. non-fiction.In the leaner centred approach. 2. 3 . stories. and the how to put the alphabets together to make words and the words to make sentences. newspapers.Paragraphing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 – – – – – – – inotation Reading speed Fluency Volume Accent Ability to recognise words & sentences Ability to interpret the writer intention 2. the teacher regards the learners contributions. I would ask learner to find a specific word in the dictionary.Group work: The groups have to name everything in the picture and write down all the words and expressions they can see.1 2 3 4 5 . 3.I could ask groups of learners to write a short play – I could ask groups of learners to write television advert – I could ask groups of learners to write song or poem .3 Discuss the use of posters in the additional learning classroom 1 – The language teacher cannot teach without pictures & posters. Learners can match the description card to the action word frieze 4. 5 – I would draw up a cross word puzzle and have students find the required words in the dictionary 4.I could ask groups of learners to write a short story . pictures are their only opportunity to see the world. .4. The sentences must form a story (You can merely write down the sentences) (5) . each group get a dictionary. Make a few frieze words with action words and on separate cards write the descriptions. The first team or learner to find the word gets a point 2 – Provide learners with worksheets in which they have to fill in the blanks by finding words in the dictionary 3 – Provide learners with worksheets in which they have to label the diagram by finding words in the dictionary. For some learners.Learners can learner can use a picture to build a story . They do not have to be expensive. eating etc.or to play a game where a learner describes a picture on the wall and another has to guess what it is. 2 – There are many uses of pictures in the additional language class and many activities that use pictures. language and vocabulary. The learners can bring pictures to school or draw pictures. 4 – I would put a picture up on the chalkboard and ask learners to find as many words as they can about the picture.2.Have learners arranged in groups of 3. All the activities below can be used with groups or individual students 1 .3 Design 5 flash cards with sentences that you will use while teaching reading. Explain how you will use dictionaries in language teaching? Many activities can be used to motivate the used to motivate the use of dictionaries in the classroom. How to make a word frieze with action words - A word frieze is a picture of an object stuck on a page An frieze word with action word for illustrate verbs (action words) eg.I could ask groups of learners to write a dialogue 3. Walking. . These activities can also make learners more proficient at using dictionaries. a collage made from pictures from a magazine is ideal to depict a story or practice vocabulary. Many games can be played with word friezes using action words: Eg. It must be a home language lesson.3. theme. Write out the lesson in Full. Give appropriate examples (5) 2. learning. Your lesson plan should include the following: Grade. media and assessment (10) . assessment standards. duration. Select 1 or 2 language skills.2 Discuss non-verbal communication. outcomes.4 Choose a theme/situation for teaching Grade 5 learners.
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