PSIM User Manual

March 20, 2018 | Author: Angelo Araujo | Category: Bipolar Junction Transistor, Mosfet, Transistor, Inductance, Transformer



PSIMUser’s Guide ® Powersim Inc. Chapter : -7 PSIM® User’s Guide Version 9.2.1 Release 1 October 2012 Copyright © 2001-2012 Powersim Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be photocopied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of Powersim Inc. Disclaimer Powersim Inc. (“Powersim”) makes no representation or warranty with respect to the adequacy or accuracy of this documentation or the software which it describes. In no event will Powersim or its direct or indirect suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, loss of business profits, data, business information, or any and all other commercial damages or losses, or for any damages in excess of the list price for the licence to the software and documentation. Powersim Inc. email: [email protected] -6 Chapter : Contents 1 General Information 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Introduction 1 Circuit Structure 2 Software/Hardware Requirement 3 Installing the Program 3 Simulating a Circuit 4 Component Parameter Specification and Format 4 2 Power Circuit Components 2.1 Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor Branches 7 2.1.1 Resistors, Inductors, and Capacitors 7 2.1.2 Rheostat 8 2.1.3 Saturable Inductor 8 2.1.4 Nonlinear Elements 9 2.2 Switches 10 2.2.1 Diode, LED, Zener Diode, and DIAC 10 2.2.2 Thyristor and TRIAC 12 2.2.3 GTO and Transistors 13 2.2.4 Bi-Directional Switches 16 2.2.5 Linear Switches 16 2.2.6 Switch Gating Block 18 2.2.7 Single-Phase Switch Modules 19 2.2.8 Three-Phase Switch Modules 20 2.3 2.4 Coupled Inductors 23 Transformers 24 2.4.1 Ideal Transformer 24 2.4.2 Single-Phase Transformers 24 2.4.3 Three-Phase Transformers 26 2.4.4 Three-Phase Transformer with Saturation 28 2.5 2.6 3-Phase AC Cable 29 Magnetic Elements 30 2.6.1 Winding 30 2.6.2 Leakage Flux Path 31 2.6.3 Air Gap 31 2.6.4 Linear Core 33 2.6.5 Saturable Core 33 2.7 Other Elements 34 i -5 Chapter : 2.7.1 Operational Amplifier 34 Ideal Operational Amplifier 34 Non-Ideal Operational Amplifier 35 2.7.2 TL431 Shunt Regulator 36 2.7.3 Optocoupler 37 2.7.4 dv/dt Block 38 2.7.5 Relays 38 2.8 Thermal Module 40 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5 2.8.6 2.8.7 2.9 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.9.3 2.9.4 2.9.5 2.9.6 2.9.7 2.9.8 2.9.9 Device Database Editor 40 Diode Device in the Database 47 Diode Loss Calculation 48 IGBT Device in the Database 50 IGBT Loss Calculation 52 MOSFET Device in the Database 55 MOSFET Loss Calculation 56 Reference Direction of Mechanical Systems 59 DC Machine 61 Induction Machine 63 Induction Machine with Saturation 66 Brushless DC Machine 67 Synchronous Machine with External Excitation 71 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 74 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Saturation 76 Switched Reluctance Machine 78 Motor Drive Module 59 2.9.10 Nonlinear Switched Reluctance Machine 80 2.9.11 Motor Control Blocks 81 Maximum-Torque-Per-Ampere Control (PMSM) 81 Field Weakening Control (PMSM) 82 2.10 MagCoupler Module 83 2.10.1 MagCoupler-DL Block 83 2.10.2 MagCoupler Block 84 2.11 2.12 MagCoupler-RT Module 88 Mechanical Elements and Sensors 92 2.12.1 Mechanical Elements and Sensors 92 Constant-Torque Load 92 Constant-Power Load 92 Constant-Speed Load 93 General-Type Load 93 Externally-Controlled Load 94 2.12.2 Gear Box 94 2.12.3 Mechanical Coupling Block 95 2.12.4 Mechanical-Electrical Interface Block 95 2.12.5 Speed/Torque Sensors 96 -4 ii Chapter : 9 THD Block 122 3.1 Proportional Controller 108 3.6 Modified PI Controller 111 3.7 Type-3 Controller 112 Renewable Energy Module 101 2.4 Hall Effect Sensor 100 2.1 Solar Modules 101 2.12.8 Built-in Filter Blocks 113 3.10 Space Vector PWM 123 3.1.2 Incremental Encoder 99 2.2 Limiters 118 3.2.3 Other Function Blocks 118 3.12.1 Logic Gates 124 Chapter : iii -3 .2.3 Resolver 99 Logic Components 124 3.3 Square-Root Block 115 3.3.4 Exponential/Power/Logarithmic Function Blocks 115 3.4 Proportional-Integral Controller 110 3.7 Trigonometric Functions 116 3.3.5 Sampling/Hold Block 119 3.2 Integrator 108 Root-Mean-Square Block 115 3.1.6 Round-Off Block 120 3.3 Gradient (dv/dt) Limiter 118 3.6 Position Sensors 98 Wind Turbine 104 2.6.3 Lithium-Ion Battery Model 105 3 Control Circuit Components 3.3.1 Comparator 118 3.2 Multiplier and Divider 114 3.9 Maximum/Minimum Function Block 117 Single-Pole Controller 111 Absolute and Sign Function Blocks 116 3.1 Absolute Encoder 98 2.1 Summer 114 Multiplexer 121 3.13.4 Trapezoidal and Square Blocks 119 3.2.3 Differentiator 110 3.8 Fast Fourier Transform Block 116 3.12.2 Computational Function Blocks 114 3.1 Transfer Function Blocks 107 3.7 Time Delay Blocks 120 5.1 Up/Down Counter 126 3.6.2 Parameter File 147 Sources 149 Voltage/Current-Controlled Sources 155 4.1 Time 149 4.2.6 SimCoupler Module 141 3.7 Memory Read Block 138 Solver Type and Time Step Selection in Simulink 142 3.2.3 Unit Delay 134 Constant 149 4.1 Integrator 130 3.5 Digital Control Module 128 3.2 Differentiator 131 Circular Buffers 137 Set-Reset Flip-Flop 124 z-Domain Transfer Function Block 129 3.10 Multi-Rate Sampling System 140 3.1 Set-up in PSIM and Simulink 141 3.5.4 Quantization Blocks 135 3.5 Monostable Multivibrator 125 3.5.7 CosiMate Links 145 4 Other Components 4.2.3 J-K Flip-Flops 124 3.8 Data Array 139 3.5.6 Triangular/Sawtooth Sources 151 4.4 D Flip-Flops 125 3.2.12 Nonlinear Voltage-Controlled Sources 156 4.4.3 Digital PI Controller 131 Digital Filters 132 3.3 Voltage/Current Sensors 157 Chapter : iv -2 . DC Source 149 4.7 Step Sources 152 4.6 Convolution Block 138 3.5.8 Piecewise Linear Source 153 4.4 Sinusoidal Source 150 Pulse Width Counter 126 3.2.9 Stack 139 3.5 Square-Wave Source 151 4.10 Math Function Source 155 4.2.9 Random Source 154 4.1 Zero-Order Hold 128 3.8 A/D and D/A Converters 127 3. 8.8 Embedded Software Block 175 4.1 abc-dqo Transformation 166 4.8.3 6.4 4.5 Creating a Circuit 189 File Menu 191 Edit Menu 191 View Menu 192 Design Suites Menu 193 Chapter : v -1 .5 Simulation Control 183 AC Analysis 184 Parameter Sweep 186 6 Circuit Schematic Design 6.8.2 DC-DC Charging Control 178 4.6 Simplified C Block 173 4.2 Transformation Blocks 165 4.6 DC-DC Regeneration Control 180 5 Analysis Specification 5.1 6.8.4 Lookup Tables 170 4.8.9 Control Blocks 176 4.3 PWM Lookup Table Controller 163 Function Blocks 165 4.2.4 Cartesian-Polar Transformation 169 4.3 Math Function Blocks 169 4.1 5.4 6.3 Voltage Control (PMSM) 178 α/β-to-dq Transformation 168 4.7.2 Dynamic Torque Limit Control (PMSM) 177 abc-α/β Transformation 167 4.2 Alpha Controller 162 Probes and Meters 157 Voltage/Current Scopes 160 Initial Value 161 Switch Controllers 162 4.2 5.7.5 C Block 172 4.5 DC-DC Discharging Control 179 4.8.6 4.1 Torque Control (PMSM) 176 4.9.7 External DLL Blocks 174 4.9.1 On-Off Switch Controller 162 4.1 Control-Power Interface Block 165 4.8. 5 7.4 7.2 8.7 Simulate Menu 198 Options Menu 202 Utilities Menu 206 Managing the PSIM Library 206 6.6.8 6.2 Customizing the Subcircuit Image 197 6.1 Creating a Secondary Image 207 File Menu 215 Edit Menu 216 Axis Menu 216 Screen Menu 217 Measure Menu 218 Analysis Menu 219 View Menu 220 Option Menu 220 Label Menu 221 Exporting Data 221 8 Error/Warning Messages and Other Simulation Issues 8.6.3 Connecting Subcircuit .6.4.3 Including Subcircuits in the PSIM Element List 198 6.In the Main Circuit 195 6.Inside the Subcircuit 195 6.7 6.6 7.1 Passing Variables from the Main Circuit to Subcircuit 197 6.10.1 Time Step Selection 223 8.6.6 Subcircuit Menu 193 6.9 7.3 7.2 7.3 Adding a New DLL Element into the Library 210 Adding a New Subcircuit Element into the Library 208 6.3 Interface Between Power and Control Circuits 223 8.11 Creating a Symbol Library 211 7 Waveform Processing 7.8 7.3 Error/Warning Messages 224 Debugging 225 227 Chapter : Index vi 0 .In the Main Circuit 196 7.4.9 6.1 Simulation Issues 223 8.4 FFT Analysis 224 8.1.2 Propagation Delays in Logic Circuits 223 8.1 Creating Subcircuit .6.4 Other Features of the Subcircuit 196 6.2 Creating Subcircuit . chiastek. and ModCoupler-Verilog that supports Verilog code. etc. 2010-2012 Chapter 1: General Information 1 . 1997-2012 5. JMAG and JMAG-RT are copyright by JSOL Corporation. and is copyright by Powersim Inc. Through CosiMate. Matlab and Simulink are registered trademarks of the MathWorks. CosiMate is copyright by ChiasTek Inc. ModelSim is a registered trademark of Mentor Graphics Co. It provides interface between PSIM and the electromagnetic field analysis software JMAG4 for co-simulation. Inc. Saber (from Synopsys). It provides discrete elements such as zero-order hold. It provides the link for co-simulation between PSIM and ModelSim6. ModCoupler and SmartCtrl are copyright by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. please visit www.1 General Information 1. wind turbine. for digital control system analysis. 3. SimCoder3 Module: TI F28335 Target: MagCoupler Module: MagCoupler-RT Module: ModCoupler5 Modules: It provides the automatic code generation capability.. quantization blocks. 1. PSIM links with the software SmartCtrl5 for control loop design. 7. and are copyright by. please refer to SmartCtrl User’s Easy5 and Adams (from MSC Software). With fast simulation speed and friendly user interface. There are two versions of the link: ModCoupler-VHDL that supports VHDL code. It provides the link between PSIM and JMAG-RT4 data files. PSIM includes the basic package. ModelSim. motor drives. SimCoder is a trademark of Powersim Inc. a co-simulation framework that supports various software such as Matlab/Simulink. Powersim Inc. as well as the following add-on options: Motor Drive Module: Digital Control Module: It provides built-in electric machine models and mechanical load models for motor drive system studies. PSIM provides a powerful simulation environment to meed your simulation and development needs.. SimCoupler Module: Thermal Module: Renewable Energy Module: It provides solar module. and power conversion systems.. SmartCtrl is designed specifically for power converter applications. It provides interface between PSIM and Matlab/Simulink2 for cosimulation. It provides function blocks for automatic code generation for TI F28335 DSP. and battery models for simulation in renewable energy applications. Also. For more information on CosiMate. z-domain transfer function blocks. PSIM and SIMVIEW are registered trademarks of. AMESim (from LMS). 2008-2012 4..1 Introduction PSIM1 is a simulation software specifically designed for power electronics. PSIM can perform co-simulation with these software. digital filters. 2011-2012 6. For more information on SmartCtrl. 2001-2012 2. GT-Power (from Gamma Technologies). Inventor (from Autodesk). It provides the capability to calculate semiconductor devices losses. a link is provided between PSIM and CosiMate7. It provides pre-built templates for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) powertrain system design HEV Design Suite: In addition. PSIM Schematic Circuit Schematic Editor (input: *. Finally. AMESim. the simulator engine. Powersim provides a complete platform from design to simulation. The simulation process is illustrated as follows. Chapter 2 through 4 describe the power and control circuit components. The document "Tutorial . The PSIM simulation environment consists of the circuit schematic program PSIM. etc. The overall environment is shown in the figure below. 2 Chapter 1: General Information .pdf" describes the use of the HEV Design Suite. and switch controllers.smv or *. ModCoupler Modules. Chapter 1 of this manual describes the circuit structure. and the waveform processing program SIMVIEW1.sch) PSIM Simulator PSIM Simulator (output: *. Design Simulation Hardware Implementation F28335 Target SmartCtrl Thermal Analysis Thermal PSIM Power Electronics Solar/Wind Power Auto Code Generation SimCoder DSP Hardware HEV Design Suite ModCoupler Control Digital Control Renewable Energy Motor Drives Motor Drive ModelSim FPGA SimCoupler MagCoupler/ MagCoupler-RT DLL Matlab/ Simulink JMAG 3rd-party Software CosiMate Link to Saber. The document ModCoupler User Manual describes the use of the ModCoupler Module. to hardware implementation. Chapter 5 describes the specifications of the transient analysis and ac analysis. software/hardware requirement. The figure below shows the relationship between these blocks. control circuit.With these product lineup.txt) This manual covers both PSIM and all the add-on Modules except SimCoder Module. The use of the PSIM schematic program and SIMVIEW is discussed in Chapter 6 and 7. sensors.smv or *. The document SimCoder User Manual describes the use of the SimCoder Module and associated hardware targets.2 Circuit Structure A circuit is represented in PSIM in four blocks: power circuit. 1.txt) SIMVIEW Waveform Processor (input: *. error/warning messages are discussed in Chapter 8. and parameter specification format.HEV Design Suite. and HEV Design Suite. 1.sch in PSIM 8. and nonlinear components (such as multipliers and dividers) are used in the control circuit. but the extension since PSIM 9.0 or older. Gating signals are then generated from the control circuit and sent back to the power circuit through switch controllers to control switches.4 Installing the Program A quick installation guide is provided in the flier “PSIM .Quick Guide” and on the CD-ROM. The control circuit is represented in block diagram. 1.exe PcdEditor.3 Software/Hardware Requirement PSIM runs in Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 on personal computers.fra *.exe SetSimPath. Chapter 1: General Information 3 .dev *.psimsch in order to differentiate PSIM files from files of other software.exe SIMVIEW.lib *. logic components (such as logic gates and flip flops). Files PSIM.psimsch *.0 is changed to . Some of the files in the PSIM directory are shown in the table below.exe File extensions used in PSIM are: *. Sensors are used to measure power circuit quantities and pass them to the control circuit. RLC branches. and coupled inductors.txt *. transformers. The minimum RAM memory requirement is 128 MB.smv PSIM schematic file PSIM library files PSIM ac analysis output file (text) Device database file Simulation output file in text format Simulation output file in binary format Description PSIM circuit schematic editor Waveform display program SIMVIEW Device database editor Program to set up the SimCoupler Module Note that the extension of PSIM schematic files is . Components in s domain and z domain.Power Circuit Switch Controllers Sensors Control Circuit The power circuit consists of switching devices. .If the option Auto-run SIMVIEW is not selected in the Options menu. manufacturer.txt”.5k 12. R2. It is for reporting purposes only and will appear in the parts list in View >> Element List in PSIM. from the Simulate menu. Simulation results will be saved to File “chop.1. or in a main circuit if this resistor is in a subcircuit (see Section 6. choose Run PSIM to start the simulation. The component color can be set in the Color tab.5 Simulating a Circuit To simulate the sample one-quadrant chopper circuit “chop. The information in the Other Info tab. and Color. . In SIMVIEW./2.From the Simulate menu. SIMVIEW will be launched automatically.Ohm R1+R2 R1*0. for example.sch”. choose Open to load the file “chop. Power-of-ten suffix letters are allowed in PSIM. Other Info. The parameters in the Parameters tab are used in the simulation.6 Component Parameter Specification and Format The parameter dialog window of each component in PSIM has three tabs: Parameters.Start PSIM.5Ohm 12.5 12.sch”: .5+(Vo+0.1).7)/Io where R1. 1. A resistance. and part number can be stored under the Other Info tab.3. If the option is selected. From the File menu. as shown below. choose Run SIMVIEW to start SIMVIEW.1).4. can be specified in one of the following ways: 12.5kOhm 25. and Io are symbols defined either in a parameter file (see Section 4. select curves for display. Vo. The following mathematical functions are allowed: 4 Chapter 1: General Information . Information such as device rating. is not used in the simulation. on the other hand. The following suffix letters are supported: G M k or K m u n p 109 106 103 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 A mathematical expression can contain brackets and is not case sensitive. Parameters under the Parameters tab can be a numerical value or a mathematical expression. 2) = 1. SIGN(-1.x) <= π] hyperbolic sine function hyperbolic cosine function exponential (base e) [Example: EXP(x) = ex] logarithmic function (base e) [Example: LOG(x) = ln (x)] logarithmic function (base 10) absolute function sign function [Example: SIGN(1.2)=-1] Chapter 1: General Information 5 .+ * / ^ SQRT SIN COS ASIN ACOS TAN ATAN ATAN2 SINH COSH EXP LOG LOG10 ABS SIGN addition subtraction multiplication division to the power of [Example: 2^3 = 2*2*2] square-root function sine function cosine function sine inverse function cosine inverse function tangent function inverse tangent function inverse tangent function [-π <= atan2(y. 6 Chapter 1: General Information . Voltage Current Flag Description Resistance. The resistance. and Capacitors Both individual resistor. in V Flag for branch current output.1 Resistors. If the flag is zero. Inductors. The current is positive when it flows into the dotted terminal of the branch. It will also be saved to the output file for display in SIMVIEW.2 Power Circuit Components 2. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 7 . in H Capacitance. in F Initial inductor current. Initial conditions of inductor currents and capacitor voltages can be defined. To facilitate the setup of three-phase circuits. or capacitance of a branch can not be all zero. and lumped RLC branches are provided in PSIM. and C of three-phase branches. capacitor. in Ohm Inductance. B. Current Flag_B. respectively. the phase with a dot is Phase A. Current Flag_A. Images: Resistor Inductor Capacitor RL RC LC RLC R3 L3 C3 RL3 RC3 RLC3 For three-phase branches. Attributes: Parameters Resistance Inductance Capacitance Initial Current Initial Cap. in A Initial capacitor voltage. If the flag is 1. there is no current output.1 Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor Branches 2. Current Flag_C Current flags for Phase A. At least one of the parameters has to be a non-zero value. the current will be available for display in the runtime graphs (under Simulate >> Runtime Graphs).1. symmetrical three-phase RLC branches are provided. Initial inductor currents and capacitor voltages of the three-phase branches are all zero. inductor. inductance. 8 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . 2. (i2. Image: Attributes: Parameters Current vs.1.1. (i3. Flag for the current that flows into Node k. Also. the B-H curve can be represented by the λ-i curve instead.3 Saturable Inductor A saturable inductor takes into account the saturation effect of the magnetic core. etc. etc. L1). Since the flux density B is proportional to the flux linkage λ and the magnetizing force H is proportional to the current i. That is. Connecting a very small capacitor across the saturable inductor may help the convergence. as shown below.2. The saturation characteristics are defined by a series of data points as: (i1. the slope of each linear segment must be monotonically decreasing as the current increases. in Ohm The tap position Tap. similar to the saturation characteristics in the real world. the ratio of λ vs. etc. L3). L2). L1*i1 < L2*i2 < L3*i3. L2).2 Rheostat A rheostat is a resistor with a tap. Image: t k m Attributes: Parameters Total Resistance Tap Position (0 to 1) Current Flag Description Total resistance of the rheostat R (between Node k and m). λ3 λ2 λ1 λ (B) Inductance L = λ / i i1 i2 i3 i (H) The inductance is defined as: L = λ / i. L1). i at each point. (i2. Inductance Current Flag Description Characteristics of the current versus the inductance (i1. In certain situations. The resistance between Node k and t is: R*Tap. Flag for the current display The nonlinear B-H curve is represented by piecewise linear approximation. circuits that contain saturable inductors may fail to converge. Note that the defined saturation characteristics must be such that the flux linkage λ is monotonically increasing. Conductance-type with additional input x [i = f(v.x)] Derivative of the current i versus voltage v.x)] .Conductance-type [i = f(v)] .4 Nonlinear Elements The following elements with nonlinear voltage-current relationship are provided: .e. i.x) Expression df/di Initial Value io Lower Limit of i Upper Limit of i Description Expression of v in terms of i and x [v = f(i) or v = f(i. df(i)/di The initial value of the current i The lower limit of the current i The upper limit of the current i For conductance-type elements: Parameters Expression f(v) or f(v.x)] The additional input x must be a voltage signal. Images: Nonlinear element Nonlinear element (with additional input) Input x Attributes: For resistance-type elements: Parameters Expression f(i) or f(i. Example: Nonlinear Diode The nonlinear element (NONI) in the circuit above models a nonlinear diode.1.x) Expression df/dv Initial Value vo Lower Limit of v Upper Limit of v Description Expression of i in terms of v and x [i = f(v) or i = f(v.2.Resistance-type [v = f(i)] .x)] The derivative of the voltage v versus current i.Resistance-type with additional input x [v = f(i. The diode current is expressed as Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 9 . i. df(v)/dv The initial value of the voltage v The lower limit of the voltage v The upper limit of the voltage v A good initial value and lower/upper limits will help the convergence of the solution.e. One is the switchmode type. specifically: . there are two types of MOSFET switches: one with a fixed on-resistance RDS(on). for example. A diode is turned on when the positive bias voltage is greater than the threshold voltage. A switch has an on-resistance of 10μΩ.Gate-Turn-Off switch . a 10-MΩ resistor will be connected across the switch internally. In PSIM. Zener Diode. and DIAC Diode and LED: A light-emitting diode (LED) emits light when it conducts.npn and pnp bipolar junction transistor . That is. In certain cases.Self-commutated switches.Diode and DIAC . When there is no R-L-C branch connected in parallel with the switch.2 Switches There are two basic types of switches in PSIM. 100 MΩ. or saturation region. and the other with RDS(on) as a function of the junction temperature. 10 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . this resistance may need to be modified. Linear switches include the following: . To change the off-state resistance to. linear.2. Switch models are ideal.n-channel and p-channel MOSFET 2. Since PSIM sees that there is already a resistor in parallel to the switch.Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) . the specifications of the nonlinear element will be: Expression f(v) Expression df/dv Initial Value vo Lower Limit of v Upper Limit of v 1e-14*(EXP(40*v)-1) 40e-14*EXP(40*v) 0 -1e3 1 2. LED. Snubber circuits are not required for switches.n-channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) and p-channel MOSFET . and is turned off when the current drops to zero. Switches in switchmode include the following: . The conduction of a diode or LED is determined by circuit operating conditions. This resistance can be viewed as the off-state resistance.npn bipolar junction transistor (BJT) .Thyristor and TRIAC . both turn-on and turn-off transients are neglected.pnp bipolar junction transistor .a function of the voltage as: i = 10-14 * (e 40*v-1). It can operates in either cut-off. It operates either in the cut-off region (off state) or saturation region (on state). the 10-MΩ resistor will not be added.1 Diode. connect a 100-MΩ in parallel to the switch. The other is the linear type.Bi-directional switch In addition. The i-v characteristics of the diode and LED is shown below: i-v characteristics i Slope = 1/Rd 0 v Vd_th Zener: A zener diode is modeled by a circuit as shown below. in V. Images: Zener K K Circuit Model VB A A Attributes: Parameters Breakdown Voltage Forward Threshold Voltage Forward Resistance Current Flag Description Breakdown voltage VB of the zener diode. in Ohm. the diode is off. after it starts to conduct. in Ohm Flag for zener current output (from anode to cathode) Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 11 . in V On resistance of the forward conduction.Images: Diode + v + v LED Attributes: Parameters Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Initial Position Current Flag Description Diode threshold voltage Vd_th. If the flag is 0. in V Threshold voltage of the forward conduction (from anode to cathode). Flag for the initial diode position. the diode is on. Diode on resistance Rd. The diode starts to conduct when the positive bias voltage is greater than Vd_th. Current flag of the diode. If it is 1. A TRIAC is a device that can conduct current in both directions. the DIAC goes into avalanche conduction. It behaviors in the same way as two opposite thyristors connected in parallel. After that. A DIAC does not conduct until the breakover voltage is reached. Images: Thyristor A K Gate Gate TRIAC Attributes: Parameters Voltage Drop Holding Current Latching Current Initial Position Current Flag Description Thyristor conduction voltage drop. VKA will be slightly higher than VB. since the diode is modelled with an on-resistance of 10μΩ. the holding current and latching current are set to zero. When it is reverse biased. Image: Attributes: Parameters Breakover Voltage Breakback Voltage Current Flag Description Voltage at which breakover occurs and the DIAC begins to conduct.2 Thyristor and TRIAC A thyristor is controlled at turn-on. in V Current flag 2. Therefore.2. it will block the conduction as long as the cathode-anode voltage VKA is less than the breakdown voltage VB. Note that when the zener is clamped. If IKA is very large.When the zener diode is positively biased. DIAC: A DIAC is a bi-directional diode. depending on the value of IKA. and the other is to use a switch 12 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . the cathodeanode voltage will in fact be equal to: VKA = VB + 10μΩ * IKA. The turn-off is determined by circuit conditions. VKA can be substantially higher than VB. and the conduction voltage drop is the breakback voltage. in V Minimum conduction current below which the device stops conducting and returns to the OFF state (for thyristor only) Minimum ON state current required to keep the device in the ON state after the triggering pulse is removed (for thyristor only) Flag for the initial switch position (for thyristor only) Flag for switch current output Note that for the TRIAC device. When VKA exceeds VB. in V Conduction voltage drop. it behaviors as a regular diode. There are two ways to control a thyristor or TRIAC. One is to use a gating block. the voltage VKA will be clamped to VB. and remain unchanged throughout the simulation. it behaves like a GTO). Note that a limitation of the BJT switch model in PSIM. except pnp bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and p-channel MOSFET. it is controlled by a voltage signal at the gate node. 2. The following examples illustrate the control of a thyristor switch. in V Initial switch position flag (0: off. in contrary to the device behavior in the real life. A GTO switch is a symmetrical device with both forward-blocking and reverse-blocking capabilities. Also. MOSFET switches MOSFET (RDS(on)) and p-MOSFET (RDS(on)) have on-resistance as a function of the junction temperature. 1: display) Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 13 .3 GTO and Transistors Self-commutated switches in the switchmode. For pnp BJT and p-channel MOSFET.. The gate node of a thyristor or TRIAC must be connected to either a gating block or a switch controller. Examples: Control of a Thyristor Switch Gating Block Alpha Controller This circuit on the left uses a switching gating block. The circuit on the right uses an alpha switch controller. The switching gating pattern and the frequency are predefined.controller. Images: GTO npn Transistor pnp Transistor MOSFET p-MOSFET IGBT MOSFET (RDS(on)) Tj Tj p-MOSFET (RDS(on)) Attributes for GTO: Parameters Voltage Drop Initial Position Current Flag Description GTO conduction voltage drop. is that a BJT switch in PSIM will block reverse voltage (in this sense.2. switches are turned on when the gating signal is low and switches are negatively biased (collector-emitter or drain-source voltage is negative). The delay angle alpha. in deg. are turned on when the gating signal is high (when a voltage of 1V or higher is applied to the gate node) and the switch is positively biased (collector-emitter or drain-source voltage is positive). It is turned off whenever the gating signal is low or the current drops to zero. not a current. 1: on) Switch current flag (0: no display. An IGBT or MOSFET switch consist of an active switch with an anti-parallel diode. is specified through the dc source in the circuit. in V Transistor on resistance. 1: on) Switch current flag (0: no display. 1: display) Attributes for MOSFET and p-MOSFET: Parameters On Resistance Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Initial Position Current Flag Description The on resistance Rds_on of the MOSFET. A voltage signal at this node will define the junction temperature Tj in oC. 1: on) Switch current flag for the whole module (the transistor plus the diode) In the images of MOSFET (RDS(on)) and p-MOSFET (RDS(on)). in 1/oC Anti-parallel diode threshold voltage. in Ohm Anti-parallel diode threshold voltage. 1: display) Attributes for MOSFET (RDS(on)) and p-MOSFET (RDS(on)): Parameters Tj at Test RDS(on) at Test Temperature Coefficient Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Initial Position Current Flag Attributes for IGBT: Parameters Saturation Voltage Transistor Resistance Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Initial Position Current Flag Description Saturation voltage Vce_sat of the IGBT. a voltage value of 25V would mean a junction temperature of 25oC. 1: on) Switch current flag for the whole module (the transistor plus the diode) Description Junction temperature Tj_b at test. in V Anti-parallel diode on resistance. 1: on) Switch current flag for the whole module (the transistor plus the diode) (0: no display. For example. the node on top of the gate node is for defining the junction temperature. The on-resistance of the 14 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . in Ohm Initial switch position flag for the transistor only (0: off. in Ohm Initial switch position flag for the transistor only (0: off. in V Anti-parallel diode on resistance. in oC On-resistance RDS(on)_b at test. in V Initial switch position flag (0: off. in Ohm Initial switch position flag for the transistor only (0: off. in V Anti-parallel diode on resistance. in Ohm Anti-parallel diode threshold voltage.Attributes for npn Transistor and pnp Transistor: Parameters Saturation Voltage Initial Position Current Flag Description The saturation voltage Vce_sat for npn. in Ohm Temperature coefficient KT of the on-resistance. or Vec_sat for pnp. MOSFET is a function of the junction temperature.7V. A diode. as expressed below: R DS ( on ) = R DS ( on )_b ⋅ ( 1 + K T ⋅ ( T j – T j_b ) ) A switch can be controlled by either a gating block or a switch controller. The following examples illustrate the control of a MOSFET switch. The following shows another example of controlling the BJT switch. and the base current determines the conduction state of the transistor. In this case. the gating voltage VB is applied to the transistor base drive circuit through a transformer. The gating signal is determined by the comparator output. and the one on the right uses an on-off switch controller. They must be connected to the gate (base) node of the switch. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 15 . is used to model the pn junction between the base and the emitter. Dbe. applying the turn-on pulse to the transistor through the on-off switch controller. The circuit on the left shows how a BJT switch is controlled in the real life. with a conduction voltage drop of 0. Example: Control of a npn Bipolar Junction Transistor The circuit on the left uses a gating block. Examples: Control of a MOSFET Switch On-off Controller The circuit on the left uses a gating block. and the one on the right uses an on-off switch controller. the comparator output will be 1. in which case the base current will be compared to a dc source). This circuit can be modelled and implemented in PSIM as shown on the right. When the base current exceeds 0 (or a certain threshold value. regardless of the voltage bias conditions. three-phase switch. In the 3-phase switch image.5 Linear Switches Linear switches.2. BJT devices can operate in either cut-off. active. or B. they are on when the gating signal is high. include npn and pnp BJT. the phase with a dot is Phase A. and n-channel and p-channel MOSFET.2. or saturation state. and are off when the gating signal is low. Images: Single switch 3-phase switch Push button switch Attributes: Parameters Initial Position Initial Position (for Phase A/B/C) Switch Position Current Flag Current Flag (for Phase A/B/C) Description Initial switch position flag (for single switch only). Initial switch position for Phase A. 2. linear.2. or ohmic state. the switch position is set directly from the parameter input. which can operate in three states. Three types of bi-directional switches are provided: single-phase switch. and push button switch. or C. or B. For single and 3-phase bi-directional switches. or C. For the push button switch. Switch position can be either "On" or "Off" (for push button switch only) Switch current flag (for single switch only) Switch current flag for Phase A. MOSFET devices can operate in either cut-off. Images: npn Transistor (3-state) pnp Transistor (3-state) MOSFET (3-state) p-MOSFET (3-state) 16 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .4 Bi-Directional Switches A bi-directional switch conducts current in both directions. Cut-off region: . between collector and emitter for the npn transistor. Ic = 0 Vce > Vce.Attributes for npn Transistor (3-state) and pnp Transistor (3-state): Parameters Current Gain beta Bias Voltage Vr Vce.Active region: . and between emitter and collector for the pnp transistor. in Ohm A linear transistor is controlled by the base current Ib. in V On resistance of the anti-parallel diode.Linear region: Veb = Vr. Id = Vds / RDS(on) where Vgs is the gate-source voltage. Saturation voltage.Ohmic region: Vgs < Vgs(th). . Ic = β∗Ib. The properties of a p-channel MOSFET device in these regions are: . Id = Vds / RDS(on) Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 17 . Vce is the collector-emitter voltage. in V. and ohmic region (on state).Vgs(th) < Vds.sat . Ic = β∗Ib. in Ohm Threshold voltage of the gate-to-source voltage. Id = 0 Vgs > Vgs(th) and Vgs . Threshold voltage of the anti-parallel diode. beyond which the MOSFET starts to conduct. It can operate in one of the three regions: cut-off (off state).Saturation region: Veb = Vr. The properties of a pnp transistor in these regions are: . in V. It can operate in one of the three regions: cut-off (off state). Id = 0 Vgs < Vgs(th) and Vgs .sat Vce = Vce. .Vgs(th) > Vds.Vgs(th)) Vgs > Vgs(th) and Vgs . Vds is the drain-source voltage. A linear MOSFET device is controlled by the gate-to-source voltage Vgs.Saturation region: Vbe = Vr.Cut-off region: .Active region: . Id = gm∗(Vgs .Vgs(th) < Vds. or between emitter and base for the pnp transistor. between base and emitter for the npn transistor. Vec = Vec.sat [or Vec. The properties of a npn transistor in these regions are: .Vgs(th)) Vgs < Vgs(th) and Vgs . Ic = 0 . and Id is the drain current. Ic < β∗Ib. Ib = 0. Id = gm∗(Vgs .Linear region: Vbe = Vr. and Ic is the collector current. linear. Vec is the emitter-collector voltage. and saturation region (on state). and Ic is the collector current.Ohmic region: Vgs > Vgs(th). Ic < β∗Ib.Vgs(th) > Vds. defined as: β=Ic/Ib Forward bias voltage. Vec > Vee.Cut-off region: Veb < Vr.Cut-off region: Vbe < Vr.sat for pnp] Description Transistor current gain β. Transconductance gm of the MOSFET. in V. Attributes for MOSFET (3-state) and p-MOSFET (3-state): Parameters On Resistance Threshold Voltage Vgs(th) Transconductance gm Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Description On resistance RDS(on) of the MOSFET. Ib = 0.sat where Vbe is the base-emitter voltage.sat where Vee is the emitter-base voltage. The properties of a n-channel MOSFET device in these regions are: . active. Image: Attributes: Parameters Frequency No. The gating pattern can be specified either directly (the element is called Gating Block in the library) or in a text file (the element is called Gating Block (file) in the library). and must be connected to a power circuit component (such as a resistor or a source). . the number of switching points will be 2. NPN_1 NPN_1 2. The circuit on the left is a linear voltage regulator circuit.. the file for the gating table must be in the same directory as the schematic file. For the Gating Block (file) element. in Hz Number of switching points (for the Gating Block element only) Switching points. It can not be connected to any other elements. Note that a switch gating block can be connected to the gate node of a switch ONLY. (for the Gating Block element only) Name of the file that stores the gating table (for the Gating Block (file) element only) The number of switching points is defined as the total number of switching actions in one period. The circuit on the right is a simple test circuit. the switching points is in second. For example.. The gating table file has the following format: n G1 G2 . of Points Switching Points File for Gating Table Description Operating frequency of the switch or switch module connected to the gating block. and the transistor operates in the linear mode.6 Switch Gating Block A switch gating block defines the gating pattern of a switch or a switch module. in deg. the base node (gate node) is a power node..2. Each turn-on or turn-off action is counted as one switching point. It can not be connected to a gating block or a switch controller..Note that for 3-state npn/pnp BJT and n-channel/p-channel MOSFET. Examples: Circuits Using the Linear Transistor Switch Examples below illustrate the use of linear switches. Gn 18 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . If the frequency is zero. if a switch is turned on and off once in one cycle. 2. 187o. 357.where G1.tbl The file “test. Example: Assume that a switch operates at 2000 Hz and has the following gating pattern in one period: 35 92 175 187 345 357 0 180 360 (deg. 175o. The images and internal connections of the modules are shown below. test. 187.. The gating pattern has 6 switching points (3 pulses).) The specification of the Gating Block element for this switch will be: Frequency No. 92. 92. G2. 175. 345. the specification will be: Frequency File for Gating Table 2000. of Points Switching Points 2000.. respectively. .7 Single-Phase Switch Modules Built-in single-phase diode bridge module and thyristor bridge module are provided. Gn are the switching points. 92o. in V Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 19 . If the Gating Block (file) element is used instead. 345.tbl” will contain the following: 6 35.. 187. 345o. 6 35. 175. The corresponding switching angles are 35o. and 357o. or forward voltage drop of the thyristor. Images: Diode bridge A+ DC+ A+ A1 3 DC+ Thyristor bridge A+ DC+ A+ ADCCt 4 2 DC1 Ct 3 DC+ A- DC- 4 2 DC- A- Attributes: Parameters Diode Threshold Voltage or Voltage Drop Description Threshold voltage of the diode. 2. 357. as shown in the following examples. a thyristor bridge can also be controlled by either a gating block or an alpha controller. only the gating signal for Switch 1 needs to be specified. A current source inverter module CSI3 consists of GTO-type switches.2. 2. in deg. can be directly controlled. Similar to the single thyristor switch. or equivalently IGBT in series with diodes. A three-phase voltage source inverter module VSI3 consists of either MOSFET-type or IGBT-type switches.. The gating signals for other switches will be derived internally in the program. in Ohm (for diode bridges only) Initial position for Switch i Current flag for Switch i Node Ct at the bottom of the thyristor module is the gating control node for Switch 1. Examples: Control of a Thyristor Bridge The gating signal for the circuit on the left is specified through a gating block. Position_i Current Flag_i On resistance of the diode. For the thyristor module.Diode Resistance Init. A major advantage of the alpha controller is that the delay angle alpha of the thyristor bridge.8 Three-Phase Switch Modules The following figure shows three-phase switch modules and the internal circuit connections. and the gating signal for the circuit on the right is provided through an alpha controller. Images: Diode full-wave A B C DC+ A B C DC- Thyristor full-wave 1 3 5 DC+ A B DC+ A B C DC- DC+ 1 Ct 3 5 4 6 2 DC- C Ct 4 6 2 DC- Thyristor half-wave (3-phase) A B C Ct N B C A Thyristor half-wave Ct A1 N N 1 2 Ct 1 2 3 N A6 Ct 6 20 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . in Ohm Initial position for Switch i Current flag for Switch i Attributes for thyristor bridges: Parameters Voltage Drop Init. Position_i Current Flag_i Description Threshold voltage drop of the diode. Position_i Current Flag_i Description Conduction voltage drop of the thyristor.VSI3 (MOSFET or IGBT) DC+ A B DCCt C VSI3 (MOSFET switches) DC+ 1 3 5 A B C Ct 4 DC- 6 2 CSI3 DC+ DC+ CSI3 A B Ct 1 3 5 A B C DCCt C DC- 4 6 2 Attributes for the diode bridge: Parameters Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Init. in V Initial position for Switch i Current flag for Switch i Attributes for VSI3 bridge (with MOSFET switches): Parameters On Resistance Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Init. in Ohm On resistance of the IGBT transistor. in Ohm Threshold voltage drop of the diode. in Ohm Initial position for Switch i Current flag for Switch i Attributes for VSI3 bridge (with IGBT switches): Parameters Saturation Voltage Transistor Resistance Description Saturation voltage Vce_sat of the IGBT transistor. in Ohm Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 21 . in V On resistance of the diode. Position_i Current Flag_i Description On resistance of the MOSFET transistor. in V On resistance of the diode. The following examples illustrate the control of three-phase thyristor and voltage source inverter modules. 22 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . in V On resistance of the anti-parallel diode. For a three-phase circuit. Position_i Current Flag_i Threshold voltage drop of the anti-parallel diode. The circuit on the right uses a PWM lookup table controller. Gating signals for other switches will be automatically derived. This signal is used to provide synchronization to the controller. the synchronization. The gating pattern is selected based on the modulation index. the phase shift is 60o. For the 3-phase half-wave thyristor bridge. in V Forward on resistance of the switch. voltage/current source inverters can be controlled by a PWM lookup table controller.Diode Threshold Voltage Diode Resistance Init. in Ohm Initial position for Switch i Current flag for Switch i Attributes for the CSI3 bridge: Parameters Voltage Drop Resistance Init. For all other bridges. The PWM patterns are stored in a lookup table in a text file. Thyristor bridges can be controlled by an alpha controller. the zero-crossing of the voltage Vac corresponds to the moment when the delay angle alpha is equal to zero. Other inputs of the PWM lookup table controller include the delay angle. Example: Control of Three-Phase Thyristor and VSI Modules Vac PWM Controller The thyristor circuit on the left uses an alpha controller. only the gating signal for Switch 1 need to be specified for three-phase modules. the phase shift between two consecutive switches is 120o. Position_i Current Flag_i Description Forward conduction voltage drop of the switch. A detailed description of the PWM lookup table controller is given in the Switch Controllers section. Similarly. and the enable/disable signal. in Ohm Initial position for Switch i Current flag for Switch i Similar to single-phase modules. In the SPICE software. and L12 and L21 the mutual inductances. L12 = L21. coupled inductors are defined by the self inductances and the coupling factors. the self inductances are Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 23 . the coupling factor is close to 1). three.3 Coupled Inductors Coupled inductors with two. triangle. That is. the circle. perfect coupling is not allowed. i1 + v1 - i2 + v2 - Let L11 and L22 be the self-inductances of Branch 1 and 2. and 4. i. Also. The following shows a coupled inductor with two branches. when the leakage inductances are ignored (i. When the coupling factor is 1. and four branches are provided. the coupling factor cannot be equal to 1.. square. the coupling factor K is defined as: L 12 K = ----------------------L 11 ⋅ L 22 The mutual inductance is then calculated as: L 12 = K ⋅ L 11 ⋅ L 22 The coupling factor has a value between 0 and 1.e. Note that in PSIM. in H Mutual inductance between Inductor i and j. 3. the branch voltages and currents have the following relationship: v1 v2 = L 11 L 12 L 21 L 22 d. it is perfect coupling. 2.2. in H Initial current in Inductor i Flag for the current printout in Inductor i In the images.i ⋅ ---. Images: 2-branch 3-branch 4-branch 5-branch 6-branch Attributes: Parameters Lii (self) Lij (mutual) Initial Current ii Current Flag_i Description Self inductance of the inductor i. and plus marks refer to Inductor 1. For the coupled inductor with two branches.e.1 dt i 2 The mutual inductances between two windings are assumed to be always equal. respectively. The coupling factor is: K = 0.1 mH. Images: Np Ns Np Ns The winding with the larger dot is the primary. and L12 = L21 = 0. The specification of this element will be: L11 (self) L12 (mutual) L22 (self) 1m 0.1 Ideal Transformer An ideal transformer has no losses and no leakage flux. and Branch 2 has N2 turns: N1 L1 ---.86.1m 2.4 Transformers 2. 2. Attributes: Parameters Np (primary) Ns (secondary) Description No. That is. the number of turns can be replaced by the rated voltage at each side. as shown below. if Branch 1 has N1 turns.4.9 mH.9m 1.4. Images: 2-winding p s p s 3-winding p s t 4-winding p_1 p_2 s_1 s_2 p_1 p_2 s_3 s_6 5-winding s_1 p s_4 5-winding s_1 p_1 p_2 s_4 p p_2 s_6 6-winding s_1 7-winding s_1 s_2 p_1 8-winding s_1 s_2 24 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . and the other winding is the secondary. of turns of the secondary winding Since the turns ratio is equal to the ratio of the rated voltages. L22 = 1. of turns of the primary winding No.2 Single-Phase Transformers Single-phase transformers with 1 or 2 primary windings and 1 to 6 secondary windings are provided.= ----2 L2 N2 2 Example: Two mutually coupled inductors have the self inductances and mutual inductance as: L11 = 1 mH.proportional to the turns ratio squared. The winding with the largest dot is the primary winding or first primary winding. If there are multiple primary windings. Ls (sec. Modeling of a Transformer: A transformer is modeled as coupled inductors. in H (seen from the primary) Magnetizing inductance. i leakage). the attributes are as follows. the sequence of the windings is from the top to the bottom. All the values are referred to the primary side. For the transformers with 2 or 3 windings. Lt (ter. in H (referred to the first primary winding) Magnetizing inductance. and Lm is the magnetizing inductance. For the transformers with more than 1 primary winding or more than 3 secondary windings. Rs (secondary). For example. Attributes: Parameters Rp (primary). Rs_i (secondary i) Lp_i (pri. the attributes are as follows. in Ohm Leakage inductance of the primary/secondary/tertiary winding. a single-phase two-winding transformer is modeled as two coupled inductors. Attributes: Parameters Rp_i (primary i). in H (seen from the first primary winding) No. The equivalent circuit can be shown as: Rp Primary Lp Rs L s Np : Ns Secondary Ideal Lm In the circuit. For the multiple winding transformers. p refers to primary.In the images. of turns of the primary/secondary/tertiary winding All the resistances and inductances are referred to the primary winding side. Nt (tertiary) Description Resistance of the primary/secondary/tertiary winding. Ls_i (sec. of turns of the ith primary/secondary/tertiary winding All the resistances and inductances are referred to the first primary winding side. and t refers to tertiary. in H No. i leakage) Lm (magnetizing) Np_i (primary i). leakage) Lm (magnetizing) Np (primary). Ns (secondary). Rt (tertiary) Lp (pri. Ns_i (secondary i) Description Resistance of the ith primary/secondary/tertiary winding. Rp and Rs are the primary and secondary winding resistances. s refers to secondary. leakage). they are referred to the first primary winding side. in Ohm Leakage inductance of the ith primary/secondary/tertiary winding. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 25 . Lp and Ls are the primary and secondary winding leakage inductances. leakage). The transformer will be specified as: Rp (primary) Rs (secondary) Lp (primary) Ls (secondary) Lm (magnetizing) Np (primary) Ns (secondary) 2m 2m 1m 1m 100m 220 440 2. The magnetizing inductance is 100 mH.4.3 Three-Phase Transformers Two-winding and three-winding transformer modules are provided.3-phase 3-winding Y/Z1.Example: A single-phase two-winding transformer has a winding resistance of 0.3-phase 3-winding Y/Y/Δ and Y/Δ/Δ connected transformers .002 Ohm and leakage inductance of 1 mH at both the primary and the secondary side (all the values are referred to the primary). and Δ/Z2 phase-shifting transformers . Δ/ as shown below.3-phase Y/Y and Y/Δ connected transformers . and the turns ratio is Np:Ns = 220:440.cca+ ab+ bc+ c- 4-winding (unconnected) A+ AB+ BC+ CAA+ AABB+ BBCC+ CCa+ ab+ bc+ caa+ aabb+ bbcc+ cc- Winding 6 26 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .3-phase 6-winding transformer (windings unconnected) Images: Y/Y A B C N n n a b c aa bb cc N A B C N a b c A B C N Y/D a b c A B C D/D a b c 6-winding (unconnected) a+ ab+ bc+ c- Winding 2 Y/Y/D A B C Y/D/D a b c aa bb cc 2-winding (unconnected) A+ AB+ BC+ Ca+ ab+ bc+ c- Winding 1 (primary) A+ AB+ BC+ C- Winding 3 Winding 4 Winding 5 3-winding (unconnected) A+ AB+ BC+ Caa+ bb+ cc+ aa.3-phase transformer (windings unconnected) . They all have 3-leg cores.3-phase 4-winding transformer (windings unconnected) .3-phase 3-winding transformer (windings unconnected) . . Y/Z2. All resistances and inductances are referred to the primary or the first primary winding side. in H Magnetizing inductance. leakage) Lm (magnetizing) Np (primary). in H (seen from the primary side) Number of turns of the primary/1st secondary/2nd secondary winding In the images. in Ohm Leakage inductance of the primary/secondary/tertiary winding. Ls (sec. Ns (secondary). and T refers to tertiary. of turns of the primary/secondary/tertiary winding Attributes for phase-shifting transformers: Parameters Rp (primary). Ls2 (secondary 2 leakage) Lm (magnetizing) Np (primary). P refers to primary. Ns2 (secondary 2) Description Resistance of the primary/1st secondary/2nd secondary winding. Ns1 (secondary 1). Rs1 (secondary 1). o N s1 + N s2 sin ( 30 + δ ) 0 ≤ δ ≤ 30 o o V AB Np 1 ---------------------. High-Power Converters and AC Drives. 2006 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 27 . Rs (secondary).= --------------------------------.= ----------------------------. B. Nt (tertiary) Description Resistance of the primary/secondary/tertiary winding. John Wiley & Sons.Y/Z1 A B C N a b c A B C Y/Z2 a b N c A B C D/Z1 a b c A B C D/Z2 a b c Connection diagrams: a b c Np Ns1 Ns2 Np Ns1 Ns2 a b c Np Ns1 Ns2 a b c Np Ns1 Ns2 a b c Attributes for all transformers except phase-shifting transformers: Parameters Rp (primary). in H (seen from the primary side) No. For the 3-phase phase-shifting transformers. Ls1 (secondary 1 leakage). leakage). in H Magnetizing inductance. The relationship between the angle and the winding turns are1: For the Y/Z1 transformer: o N s2 sin ( 30 – δ ) ---------------------. Three-phase transformers are modeled in the same way as single-phase transformers. in Ohm Leakage inductance of the primary/1st secondary/2nd secondary winding. Rt (tertiary) Lp (pri. Wu. S refers to secondary. leakage). Lt (ter. let the angle δ be the phase difference between the secondary line voltage Vab and the primary line voltage VAB.⋅ -------o N s1 + N s2 2 sin ( 30 + δ ) V ab 1.. Rs2 (secondary 2) Lp (primary leakage). 707 0.653 0..225 1.⋅ -------o N s1 + N s2 2 sin ( 60 – δ ) V ab – 30 ≤ δ ≤ 0 o o For the Delta/Z2 transformer: o N s2 sin ( 60 – δ ) ---------------------.= -----------------------------------. δ (deg) 30 20 15 0 -15 -20 -30 -40 -45 -60 Y/Z1 0 0.4.577 0.AB ---------------------.4 Three-Phase Transformer with Saturation A three-phase three-winding transformer that can take into account saturation and residual flux is provided.347 1. Image: A+ AB+ BC+ Cen a+ ab+ bc+ c- 28 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .For the Y/Z2 transformer: o N s2 sin ( 30 – δ ) ---------------------.366 1 1 0.= -------------------------------.227 0 0 0.653 0.577 1 1.= --------------------------------. sin ( δ ) N s1 + N s2 – 60 ≤ δ ≤ – 30 o o Np 3 .= ----------------------------------.= --------------------. o N s1 + N s2 sin ( 30 + δ ) – 30 ≤ δ ≤ 0 o o V AB Np 1 ---------------------.732 1.366 0.V AB ---------------------.366 0 Ns2/(Ns1+Ns2) Y/Z2 Np/(Ns1+Ns2)*Vab/VAB Δ/Z1 Δ/Z2 Y/Z1 0.347 1.707 1 Y/Z2 Δ/Z1 Δ/Z2 1 0.225 1 2.⋅ -------2 sin ( δ ) V ab N s1 + N s2 The table below shows typical transformer turns ratios and delay angles. o N s1 + N s2 sin ( 60 – δ ) V Np 3 .732 1..= -------------------------------.227 0.532 1 1 0.366 0.⋅ -------o N s1 + N s2 2 sin ( 30 + δ ) V ab For the Delta/Z1 transformer: N s2 sin ( δ ) ---------------------.532 0. Attributes: Parameters Operating Voltage (phase) Operating Frequency Rp (primary) Lp (pri. If the primary winding is connected in delta. The moment when the signal changes from 0 to 1 indicates the moment that the transformer is energized. and if the primary winding is connected in Y. in Hz Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 29 . not necessarily the rated voltage. in per unit value Phase B residual flux. in Hz Resistance of the primary winding. leakage) Rs (secondary) Ls (sec. the operating voltage per phase will be 60. for example. in m Operating frequency of the cable. Note that the operating voltage refers to the voltage per phase in the actual operating condition. the operating voltage per phase will be 63.000V instead. the magnetizing inductance Lm (in H) that defines the magnetizing characteristics seen from the primary winding Phase A residual flux. Image: A B C N a b c n Attributes: Parameters Cable Length Operating Frequency Description Length of the cable. in H Resistance of the secondary winding. p refers to the primary side and s refers to the secondary side. in per unit value Phase C residual flux. the operating voltage per phase will be 63. For example. in V Operating frequency of the transformer. leakage) Rm (core losses) Im vs. in H (referred to the primary side) Resistance that represents transformer core losses.000/ 3 V. In the images.000V. in per unit value Number of turns of the primary winding Number of turns of the secondary winding All the resistances and inductances are referred to the primary side.5 3-Phase AC Cable The 3-phase ac cable model takes into account inductive coupling and capacitances between phases. if a transformer rated at 63kV (primary side line-to-line rms) operates under the rated condition. in Ohm (referred to the primary side) Leakage inductance of the secondary winding. If the same transformer is connected in delta but the actual operating voltage is only 60.000V. 2. Lm Phase A Residual Flux Phase B Residual Flux Phase C Residual Flux Np (primary) Ns (secondary) Description Transformer primary side rms voltage per phase under the circuit operating condition. in Ohm Leakage inductance of the primary winding. in Ohm Values of the magnetizing current Im (in A) vs. The node en is a control node. to be connected to a control logic signal. The table below shows magnetic quantities in the SI (System International) and the mixed CGS (Centimeter Gram Second) unit systems. Quantity Flux φ Flux Density B Field Intensity H Magnetomotive Force (mmf) F Permeability (space) μο SI Unit Weber Tesla A*Turns/m A*Turns 4π*10 -7 CGS Unit Maxwell Gauss Oerstad Gilbert 1 CGS-SI Conversion 1 Weber = 104 Maxwell 1 Tesla = 104 Gauss 1000 1 A*Turns/m = ----------. in Ohm Zero sequence reactance Xo of the cable. Different unit systems have been used in the magnetic circuit analysis. including winding. in F In the image. in Ohm Zero sequence resistance Ro of the cable. 2. and saturable core. and their conversion. linear core. air gap. These elements are the basic building blocks of magnetic equivalent circuits. It is generally connected to the ground on the side of the cable. leakage flux path.6.Oerstad 4π 10 1 A*Turns = ----.1 Winding A winding element provides the interface between the electric circuit and the magnetic equivalent circuit.6 Magnetic Elements A set of magnetic elements. in Ohm Positive sequence reactance Xd of the cable. and mutual inductance of M. When they are not available. the positive sequence and zero sequence parameters can be calculated as follows: Rd = R Xd = ω ⋅ ( L – M ) Ro = R X o = ω ⋅ ( L + 2M ) where ω=2πf and f is the operating frequency in Hz. assuming that each phase of the cable has a resistance of R. Image: E1 M1 E2 M2 30 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .Gilbert 4π 4π*10-7 2. and they provide a very powerful and convenient way of modeling any types of magnetic devices.Resistance Rd Reactance Xd Resistance Ro Reactance Xo Capacitance Co Positive sequence resistance Rd of the cable. The cable parameters should be available from manufacturers’ datasheet. the bottom node N or n on each side of the cable is the cable screen. self inductance of L. in Ohm Zero sequence capacitance Co of the cable. is provided to model magnetic devices. the relationship between the losses due to the leakage flux and the resistance R is: P loss = I rms ⋅ R 2 2. that represents the losses due to the leakage flux. Image: M1 M2 Attributes: Parameters Inductance Factor AL Resistance for Losses Current Flag Description Inductance factor AL. applies across the capacitor (the capacitance is AL) and the resistor R.Attributes: Parameters Number of Turns Winding Resistance Description No. and the rms value be Irms. the electric equivalent circuit of the leakage flux path is as follows: + F R i AL The mmf. in the form of a voltage source. and magnetic core).6. while the two magnetic nodes (M1 and M2) are connected to other magnetic elements (such as leakage flux path. The two electric nodes (E1 and E2) are connected to an electric circuit. in Ohm. 2. in Ohm This element represents a winding on a magnetic core.2 Leakage Flux Path This element models the flow path of the leakage flux. Let the current flowing through this branch be i. Display flag of the current that flows through the resistor R The resistance R represents the losses due to the leakage flux. air gap. of turns of the winding Winding resistance. Assuming that the mmf (magnetomotive force) applied across the leakage flux path is F.6. Image: M1 M2 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 31 .3 Air Gap The image and attributes of an air gap element are as follows. defined as the inductance per turn squared Resistance R. lg. in ohm.The input parameters of the air gap can be defined in two ways. defined as the inductance per turn squared Resistance R. which can be expressed as: P loss = I rms ⋅ R 2 where Irms is the rms value of the current i flowing through the resistor. applies across the capacitor (the capacitance has the value of the inductance factor AL) and the resistor R. Assuming that the mmf (magnetomotive force) applied across the air gap is F. the electric equivalent circuit of the air gap is as follows: + F R i AL The mmf. Ac. in m2 Resistance R. and the other is to define the inductance factor AL. They are as follows. in ohm. that represents the losses due to the air gap fringing effect Display flag of the current that flows through the resistor R The resistance R represents the losses due to the air gap fringing effect. Attributes: For the element Air Gap: Parameters Air Gap Length Cross Section Area Resistance for Losses Current Flag Description The length of the air gap. For the element Air Gap. in the form of a voltage source. that represents the losses due to the air gap fringing effect Display flag of the current that flows through the resistor R For the element Air Gap (AL): Parameters Inductance Factor AL Resistance for Losses Current Flag Description Inductance factor AL. One is to define the air gap length and the cross section area. the inductance factor can be calculated from the air gap length and the cross section area as: μo ⋅ Ac A L = --------------lg where μo= 4π∗10−7. The losses on the resistor represents the losses due to the fringing effect. in m Cross section of the air gap. 32 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . from Node M2 to M1. which shows the flux (in Weber) flowing through the core. in Weber Coefficient K1 for the core B-H curve Coefficient Kexp1 for the core B-H curve Coefficient K2 for the core B-H curve Coefficient Kexp2 for the core B-H curve Initial flux Φo of the core.6.2. flux leakage path. defined as the inductance per turn squared If the length of the core is Llength and the cross section area is Ac. Image: C1 M1 M2 Attributes: Parameters Inductance Factor AL Resistance for Losses Coefficient phi_sat Coefficient K1 Coefficient Kexp1 Coefficient K2 Coefficient Kexp2 Initial Flux phi_o Current Flag Description Inductance factor AL of the core. If the rms value of the current is Irms. the nodes M1 and M2 are the two nodes that connect the core to other magnetic elements (such as winding. that represents the core losses Coefficient Φsat for the core B-H curve. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 33 . defined as the inductance per turn squared Resistance R. in Ohm. in Weber Display flag of the electric current that flows through the resistor R.4 Linear Core This element represents a linear lossless core. Node C1 is a control output node. 2. the inductance factor AL is expressed as: μo ⋅ μr ⋅ Ac A L = ------------------------L length where μr is the relative permeability of the core material. the core losses can be calculated as: Pcore_loss = Irms2 * R.). etc. Image: M1 M2 Attributes: Parameters Inductance Factor AL Description Inductance factor AL of the core.6. The node marked with a dot is Node M2.5 Saturable Core This element models a magnetic core with saturation and hysteresis. In the element image. air gap. 7 and 1. amp. model does not have such a restriction. model (Level-1 model). A good initial guess of Φsat is the maximum flux of the B-H curve in deep saturation. To launch this program. and is in the range between 10 and 200 (10 for low permeability ferrite. and 200 for metglas). (ground) Vo V+ V- Op. (ground/inverted) Vo gnd Circuit Model of the Op. Φo.1.) models are provided: ideal op. Note that the ideal op.The initial flux of the core. Coefficient Kexp1 mainly affects the rate of the core saturation. go to Utilities >> B-H Curve.1 Operational Amplifier Two types of operational amplifier (op. Amp. K2. model. a program is provided to plot the B-H curve of the core given a set of coefficients. such as for ferroresonant regulators. amp. Images: Op. The initial flux density Bo can be calculated as: Bo = Φo/Ac (where Ac is the core cross section area). and the initial mmf Fo is: Fo = Φo/AL. (ground/inverted). 2. V+ VRo Ao*(V+ . They are normally set as follows to keep them from affecting the B-H curve: K2 > 2 Kexp2 > 20 A tutorial on how to define the core coefficients is provided in the "doc" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. Amp. The non-ideal op. An ideal op. K1. (ground). Amp. Coefficient K1 usually varies between 0. corresponding to the field intensity H = 0. and non-ideal op.7 Other Elements 2. as shown below. The coefficients Φsat. Amp. To calculate this flux. 2. in PSIM.7. Amp. A differential voltage probe connected between Node M2 to M1 will measure the mmf (in ampere*turn) applied to the core. Also. is modelled using power circuit elements. multiply the corresponding flux density B by the cross section area of the core. is the flux flowing from Node M2 to M1 at the beginning.noninverting and inverting input voltages 34 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . Op.. and Kexp2 are used to fit the B-H curve of an actual magnetic material. Amp.V-) VsVs+ Vo gnd where V+. amp.1 Ideal Operational Amplifier Three ideal op. amp.7. and Op. Amp. amp. VV+ Vo VV+ gnd Op. amp. depending on the core material. Kexp1. elements are provided: Op. V. model works in the negative feedback mode but does not work in the positive feedback mode. The coefficients K2 and Kexp2 are used in very rare occasions. amp. (level-1). Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 35 . is similar to that of a comparator. For the op.. model.output voltage . Amp. is treated as a power element in PSIM. model is connected to the power ground.Vo Ao Ro Attributes: Parameters Voltage Vs+ Voltage Vs- . (ground/inverted) is that. For the comparator. as shown below. it is the opposite. also referred to as Level-1 op.. amp. the reference ground of the op. Amp. (level-1) and Op. amp.op. bandwidth .000.Output current limit The non-ideal op. amp. Example: A Boost Power Factor Correction Circuit The figure below shows a boost power factor correction circuit. Amp. amp. amp. (ground) (level-1). dc gain (Ao is set to 100. amp.) . Amp. model is connected to the power ground. The difference between the element Op. Lower voltage source levels of the op. amp. amp. and similar to the ideal op. whereas for Op. Note that the image of an op. Amp. the reference ground of the op. the reference ground node of the model is accessible and can be floating. (ground/inverted). the non-ideal op.output resistance (Ro is set to 80 Ohms) Description Upper voltage source level of the op. amp.Op. (ground) or Op. The non-ideal op. Amp. elements are provided: Op. amp. amp. the reference ground node of the model is accessible and can be floating. The PI regulators of both the inner current loop and the outer voltage loop are implemented using op. for the Op. amp. Comparator 2. for Op. the inverting input is at the upper left and the noninverting input is at the lower left. (ground) (level-1). and Op. is modelled using power circuit elements. includes the following characteristics in the model: . Amp. amp. Amp. Amp. The difference between these two elements is that. amp. images have the number "1" at the upper right corner. whereas for Op. model. amp. Amp.2 Non-Ideal Operational Amplifier As compared to the ideal op. (ground) or Op.7. model.1. amp. Two non-ideal op. element. the limited bandwidth of the TL431 is modelled. Amp. (level-1) VV+ Vo Op.. gain is 1. output can provide. amp.7. in A Upper voltage source level of the op. amp. Frequency at which the op. 36 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . in Hz. That is. in Ohm DC gain of the op. Image: Cathode Reference Anode The TL431 regulator maintains the reference node voltage to be around 2. amp. in Ohm Maximum current that the op. the ac frequency response of the TL431 model resembles the following figure from the datasheet.2 TL431 Shunt Regulator The image of the TL431 shunt regulator is shown as below. (ground) (level-1) VV+ gnd Vo Attributes: Parameters Input Resistance Rin DC Gain Ao Unit Gain Frequency Output Resistance Ro Maximum Output Current Voltage Vs+ Voltage VsDescription Input resistance of the op.. Output resistance of the op. Open-Loop Gain Av (dB) Ao Unit gain frequency 0 f (Hz) 2. amp. amp.Images: Op. The figure below shows the definition of the dc gain Ao and the unit gain frequency. In this model. Amp.495V. amp. amp. Lower voltage source levels of the op. we can calculate Rd and Vd_th as: Rd = 5 Ohm. Based on these two points. That is. in Ohm. Vd_th = 1.7. Note that the resistance must be greater than 0. Vce_sat = 0. vd = Vd_th + Rd * id With TA = 25oC.15 V.1 V. Diode resistance Rd. we can obtain two readings from the curve: id = 10 mA and vd = 1.3 Optocoupler The image and parameters of a optocoupler are shown below. in V The transistor saturation voltage Vce_sat.3 V. we can read the current transfer ratio and the transistor saturation voltage as: CTR = 70% = 0. id = 40 mA and vd = 1.Test Circuit 2. Take the Motorola optocoupler 4N25 as an example. The optocoupler model does not take into account the delay. but it does model the turn-on/turn-off transient Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 37 .7. or can be calculated from the datasheet information. in V Capacitance Cp across the collector and emitter of the transistor. We assume that the diode forward voltage is approximated by a straight line. in F These parameters can either be read directly from the manufacturer datasheet. CTR = ic/id. The forward diode threshold voltage Vd_th. From the datasheet.15 V From the "LED Forward Voltage versus Forward Current" characteristics on the datasheet. that is. Image: id ic Attributes: Parameters Current Transfer Ratio Diode Resistance Diode Threshold Voltage Transistor Vce_sat Transistor-side Capacitance Description The current transfer ratio CTR between the transistor current ic and the diode current id. one can calculate the diode resistance Rd and the threshold voltage Vd_th. 2 ⋅ R L where RL is the load resistor in the switching time test circuit. and RL = 100 Ohm. Time from the moment the release voltage is reached to the moment the switches return to the default positions. in sec. in V Voltage at which the relay will return to the default position. Images: Relay (1 NO 1 NC) Relay (1 NO 1 NC changeover) Attributes: Parameters Rated Coil Voltage Coil Resistance Operate Voltage Release Voltage Operate Time Release Time Description Rated voltage of the relay coil. When a dc voltage is applied to the relay coil in the polarity as shown in the image. except that it is for the power circuit. and the NC switch will be opened. For 4N25. 38 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . The relays have one normally open switch and one normally closed switch. in Ohm Voltage at which the relay will operate. if the voltage reaches the Operate Voltage.7. the NO switch will be closed. 2. we can obtain: tfall = 1.3 μs. for example. The capacitance value can be obtained from the fall time tfall and the switching time test condition as: t fall C p = ----------------2. in V Time from the moment the operate voltage is reached to the moment the switches operate. in sec.5 Relays Two relay blocks with one normally open (NO) switch and one normally closed (NC) switch are provided. The capacitance is calculated as: Cp = 6 nF. in V Resistance of the coil.7. and Δt is the simulation time step. from the datasheet. after a time delay defined by the Operate Time. It is calculated as: V in ( t ) – V in ( t – Δt ) V o = --------------------------------------------Δt where Vin(t) and Vin(t-Δt) are the input values at the current and previous time step.4 dv/dt Block A dv/dt block has the same function as the differentiator in the control circuit.through the capacitor Cp across the collector and emitter of the transistor. Image: The output of the dv/dt block is equal to the derivative of the input voltage versus time. 2. When the coil voltage reduces to the Release Voltage. after a time delay defined by the Release Time. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 39 . the two switches will return to their default positions. An image of the database editor is shown below.Absolute maximum ratings . and the list of the devices. provides an easy and convenient way of adding. but not the dynamic characteristics (such as turn-on and turn-off transients). The following sections describe how a device is added to the database. Users should always verify the results with the measurement from the experimental setup.Dimension and weight 40 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .Based on the voltage. Also. by clicking on the title bars of the list.Electrical characteristics .8 Thermal Module The Thermal Module is an add-on module to the PSIM program. IGBT. or Current rating. The static characteristics of the device are updated for the next simulation. The following illustrates the process of how a device in the database is used in the simulation and how the losses are calculated: . and MOSFET). PcdEditor.Thermal characteristics . and how it is used in the simulation. PSIM accesses the device database and calculates the conduction losses or switching losses. current. and the accuracy of the results depends on the accuracy of the device data as well as the proper scaling of the results from the device test condition to the actual circuit operating conditions. The core of the Thermal Module is the device database. etc. Note that the loss calculation is only an approximation. Voltage rating. It provides a quick way of estimating the losses of semiconductor devices (diodes. On the left are the device database files that are loaded into the database editor. The devices can be displayed based on either Device Type or Manufacturer.Package type . on-state resistance.Manufacturer and Part Number .8. and junction temperature values from the simulation. A device database editor is provided to allow users to add new devices to the database and to manage the database easily.exe.1 Device Database Editor The device database editor.2. The devices in the database can then be used in the simulation for the loss calculation. In general. the following information is defined for the device: . the device list can be sorted by Part Number. editing.).The behavior model of the device is used in the simulation. On the right is the information of each device. The behavior model takes into account the static characteristics of the device (such as conduction voltage drop. and managing devices. . 2. Choose Device >> New Diode. To make a copy of an existing device and save it in a different database file. choose File >> New Device File. in the database editor.max (oC): Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components Powerex CS240650 Discrete 600 50 150 41 and under Absolute Maximum Ratings: . A diode will be added to the database file with Manufacturer as "New" and Part Number as "New". or New MOSFET. and MOSFET. below is the step-by-step procedure to add the Powerex discrete diode CS240650 (600V. choose File >> Close Device File. highlight the device in the list. Show the PDF file of the datasheet on the screen.max (V): .max (A): Tj. Go to File >> New Device File.Launch PcdEditor.With the file name "diode_new" highlighted in the "File Name" list. they are treated as a separate type (referred to as the IGBT-DIODE type). first highlight the device in the list. and choose Device >> Save Device As. To load a device files into the editor. New". enter the following information for this device: Manufacturer: Part Number: Package: Vrrm. .Device database files Device information Device list To create a new device file. To make a copy of an existing device in the same database file.By referring to the information from the datasheet. To create a new device. and choose either New Diode. Three types of devices can be added to a device files: diode. IGBT. 50A) into the device database file "diode_new. then highlight the file name in the File Name list. and choose Device >> Save Device As. and create a file called "diode_new. This file will be placed in the device sub-folder under the PSIM program folder by default.exe. . Adding a Device to the Database: To illustrate how to add a device to a database file.Obtain the datasheet of Powerex diode CS240650 from the web site www. New". . go to the Device menu. choose File >> Open Device File. The sections that follow describe in more details each type of devices. since dual IGBTdiode modules have a different set of parameters as compared to the regular IGBT devices. To unload a device file from the editor.pwrx. However. Refer to the "Maximum On-State Characteristics" graph of the datasheet. u for 10-6. The following dialog window will appear. Defining the graph manually is preferred if there is only one data point or there are just a few data points. if the graph image is available. and select a few data points. it is easier with the Graph Wizard. The dialog window has two pages: Graph and Conditions. the y axis is the conduction voltage drop Vd. The x and y axis can have multiplying factors (such as m for 10-3. However. In this case. IF graph area. etc. IF under Electrical Characteristics by clicking on the Edit button on top of the Vd vs. One is to enter the graph data points manually. and enter the values for the x/y axis settings as follows: X0: Xmax: Y0: Ymax: X in log: 1 1000 0.. Graph wizard icons Help area X and Y axis settings Data area X/Y axis multiplying factor Graph area There are two ways to define the graph. The Graph page contains thee x and y axis settings as well as the data points and the graph. The Conditions page contains the conditions under which the graph is obtained. To Define the Graph Manually: . Another is to use the Graph Wizard to capture the graph directly from the datasheet image.Define the forward voltage characteristics Vd vs. and the x axis is the forward current IF.Visually inspect the graph.6 checked .). Enter the data points in the data area as follows: 42 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .6 2. Click on the Conditions tab and enter the Junction Temperature as 25 oC. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 43 . .2. .Click on the forward wizard icon to paste the screen image into the graph window in the database editor. go back to the previous step by clicking on the backward wizard icon . and copy the screen image to the clipboard again.0. To Define the Graph Using the Graph Wizard: . The graph dialog window should look something like follows.05) (100. If the graph image is either too large or too small.7) (10.2) (300.Click on the Add Curve button. . the graph can be defined in this case using the Graph Wizard.Display the graph of the datasheet on the screen as follows: to start the Graph Then press the Print Screen key (the key is labeled as "Prt Scr" on some keyboards) to copy the screen image to the clipboard. Then click on the forward wizard icon Wizard. Alternatively.1.2.8) (200.(1. Then resize the image of the graph in the Adobe Acrobat. Position the graph image properly in the graph window by dragging the left mouse so that the complete graph is displayed within the window.4) Then click on the Refresh button to display the graph.1. Note that the graph origin does not have to be the lower left corner. To locate the origin of the corner more accurately. and it can be any one of the four corners. and press the Esc (escape) key to exit the zoom. and the dialog window will appear as follows. the border of the graph area is defined by first left clicking at the origin of the graph (usually the lower left corner). 44 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . then left clicking again at the opposite corner of the origin (usually the upper right corner). right mouse click to zoom in. After this.In this step.Click on the forward wizard icon to move on to the next step. a blue rectangle will appear around the border of the graph. . Enter the settings as follows: X0: Xmax: Y0: Ymax: X in log: 1 1000 0.6 2. But in other situations. for example.In this step. . and 280A are captured.Left click on top of the graph to capture the data points. 100A.6 checked Leave the checkbox Invert graph unchecked since the diode forward current IF is in the x-axis in this case. Click on the forward wizard icon step.Opposite end of the origin Origin of the graph Then click on the forward wizard icon to move on to the next step. check the Invert graph checkbox. . 10A. the x and y axis settings will be defined. if the current is in y-axis. You can capture as many data points as desired. Again. Enter the junction temperature as 25 oC. In this case. right click to zoom in. to move on to the next Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 45 . four data points at the current values of around 1A. red lines will appear that will connect the data points. to complete the data capture process.Data points As data points are captured. The final graph 46 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . Then click on the forward wizard icon dialog window should appear as follows. max (A): Maximum dc current Tj.6 0.4 . etc. IF: Maximum junction temperature Forward conduction voltage drop Vd vs. beside the diode anode and cathode terminals. and the node without a dot is for the diode switching losses Psw. The cursor image will change to a cross image. and Qrr vs.Enter the Thermal Characteristics as: Rth(j-c): Rth(c-s): Length (mm): Width (mm): Height (mm): 0. . define the reverse recovery characteristics trr vs.To see the x and y axis values of a particular data point on the graph. repeat the same process and enter the junction temperature value for each curve accordingly. IF. Irr vs. The node with a dot is for the diode conduction losses Pcond. IF: trr vs.With the same process. IF. or to show all the curves at the same time.max (oC): Electrical Characteristics: Vd vs. TO-220.Enter the Dimension and Weight as: 53 36 29 Choose Device >> Save Device to save the device information. dual. and the x and y coordinates of the cursor will be displayed at the upper right corner of the dialog window. current IF Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 47 . This completes the process of adding the diode into the database. Absolute Maximum Ratings: Peak reverse blocking voltage Vrrm. If there are multiple curves for different junction temperatures. Use the drop-down menu at the upper right corner of the dialog window to show one particular curve. there are two extra nodes.max (V): IF. The style of the package (for example. TO-247. Place the cursor on top of the curve to read the x and y axis readings.) can be specified in the Style field. place the cursor inside the graph area. forward current IF Reverse recovery time trr vs. . or 3-phase bridge package.8. IF. as shown in the figure below: Discrete Psw Pcond Dual (Type I) Dual (Type II) Dual (Type (III) 3-phase Bridge In the images.2 Diode Device in the Database The following information is defined for a diode device in the database: General Information: Manufacturer: Part Number: Package: Device manufacture Manufacturer’s part number It can be discrete. 2. current IF Reverse recovery charge Qrr vs. IF: Err vs. IF: Thermal Characteristics: Rth(j-c): Rth(c-s): Dimensions and Weight: Length (mm): Width (mm): Height (mm): Weight (g): Peak reverse recovery current Irr vs. then Pcond = Kcond * Pcond_cal Similarly. For example. Thermal Characteristics. parameters under Absolute Maximum Ratings. and the parameter Frequency is also set to 10 kHz. and Dimensions and Weight are not used in the loss calculation. and must be entered correctly. if the parameter Frequency is set to 60 Hz. the diode forward conduction voltage drop Vd changes depending on the forward current IF. one should have just one device in the schematic. in mm Height of the device.Irr vs. The parameter Pcond Calibration Factor is the correction factor for the conduction losses. Also. The new voltage drop is used in the subsequent simulation. IF is used to scale the loss calculation. in g Note that the condition "Reverse blocking voltage VR (V)" in characteristics Err vs. This is because when several identical devices are in parallel in the schematic. When 48 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . 2. For the example. the device currents may not be exactly equal due to small differences in the simulation. the losses will be the values for one switching period. in mm Weight of the device. and are optional. A diode in the Thermal Module library has the following parameters: Attributes: Parameters Device Frequency Pcond Calibration Factor Psw Calibration Factor Number of Parallel Devices Description The specific device selected from the device database Frequency. IF: Qrr vs. However. then the losses will be the value for a period of 60 Hz. current IF Reverse recovery energy losses Err vs. in Hz. then Psw = Ksw * Psw_cal When several identical diodes are in parallel. current IF Junction-to-case thermal resistance. if the calculated conduction losses before the correction is Pcond_cal. if the calculated switching losses before the correction is Psw_cal. in oC/W Length of the device.3 Diode Loss Calculation A diode device in the database can be selected and used in the simulation for loss calculation. if the device operates at the switching frequency of 10 kHz. under which the losses are calculated The calibration factor Kcond of the conduction losses Pcond The calibration factor Ksw of the switching losses Psw Number of identical diode devices in parallel The parameter Frequency refers to the frequency under which the losses are calculated. the parameter Psw Calibration Factor is the correction factor for the switching losses. and set the correct number of devices in the parameter input.8. in oC/W Case-to-sink thermal resistance. In addition. in mm Width of the device. For the example. and IF is the diode forward current. The losses Pcond and Psw. by building the thermal equivalent circuit. Therefore. the curve corresponding to the lowest or highest Tj will be used. the losses will be treated as 0. When the diode is conducting periodically with an on duty cycle of D. the losses will be calculated based on trr and Irr. Example: Diode Loss Calculation The circuit below shows a sample circuit that uses the Powerex’s discrete diode CS240650 (600V. When they are not used. and must be connected to ground. the losses will be calculated based on Qrr. If both are not given. Qrr is the reverse recovery charge. The circuit shows a thermal circuit without considering the thermal transient. The reverse recovery charge Qrr is defined as: Qrr = 1/2 * trr * Irr Whenever Err is given in the device database. the losses will be calculated based on Err. to measure and display the losses. defined as "Reverse blocking voltage VR (V)" in the test conditions. Conduction Losses: The diode conduction losses are calculated as: Conduction Losses = Vd * IF where Vd is the diode voltage drop. The total losses are then obtained by multiplying the losses in each device by the number of parallel devices. and VR_datasheet is the reverse blocking voltage in the Err characteristics of the datasheet. the total current through the group of the parallel devices will be equally divided among the devices. If there is only one curve. If Qrr is not given.the number of parallel devices is greater than one. The diode turn-off losses due to the reverse recovery is calculated as: Psw_off = Err * f * VR / VR_datasheet or Psw_off = 1/4 * Qrr * VR * f where Err is the reverse recovery energy losses. in watts. these two nodes cannot be floating. The voltage at the conduction losses node Pcond or the switching losses node Psw represents the calculated junction temperature Tj of the diode. The conduction losses and the switching losses are measured through two ammeters. the diode turn-on losses are neglected and are not considered. If the calculated Tj is lower than the lowest Tj or higher than the highest Tj in the curves. f is the frequency as defined in the input parameter Frequency. and this junction temperature is used when the database curves are used for loss calculation. If the calculated Tj is between the junction temperatures of two curves. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 49 . VR is the actual reverse blocking voltage. that curve is used regardless of the calculated Tj. If Err is not given. interpolation will be used. the conduction losses are calculated as: Conduction Losses = Vd * IF * D Switching Losses: In calculating the switching losses. Once the information of the losses is available. are represented in the form of currents which flow out of these nodes. The currents flowing out of Nodes Pcond and Psw are the total losses of all the parallel devices combined. This junction temperature is in turn fed back and used in the loss calculation. an ammeter should be connected between the Pcond or Psw node and the ground. the device junction temperature can be calculated. 50A). for transistor switching losses Psw_Q. dual. They are the nodes for transistor conductor losses Pcond_Q (the node with a circle). But for the convenience of discussion. For the dual package. beside the IGBT and diode terminal nodes. as shown in the figure below: Discrete Pcond_Q Psw_Q Pcond_D Psw_D Dual 6-Pack Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4 Dual (Type I) Dual (Type II) In the images. or 6-pack. for diode conductor losses Pcond_D (the node with a square).8. since the free-wheeling diode parameters can be different from these of the anti-parallel diode. and is treated as a different type in the simulation. or one of the switches is IGBT and the other is a free-wheeling diode (half-bridge configuration). and for diode 50 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . both the top and the bottom switches can be IGBT’s (full-bridge configuration). this type of device is referred to as the IGBT-Diode device. or 6-pack.Speed Sensor 2. both devices are referred to as the IGBT devices here.4 IGBT Device in the Database An IGBT device has three types of packages: discrete. there are four extra nodes from the top to the bottom (or from the left to the right on the top for the 6-pack package). For the half-bridge dual IGBT device. dual. The following information is defined for an IGBT device in the database: General Information: Manufacturer: Part Number: Package: Device manufacture Manufacturer’s part number It can be discrete. current IF Electrical Characteristics . and Dimensions and Weight are not used in the loss calculation. in g Note that the condition "DC bus voltage (V)" in the characteristics Eon vs. the collector-emitter saturation voltage Vce(sat) of the transistor and the forward conduction voltage drop Vd of the diode change depending on the currents.Transistor: Collector-emitter saturation voltage Vce(sat) vs. Ic: Eon vs. IF: Reverse recovery charge Err vs.Diode (or Anti-Parallel Diode): Forward conduction voltage drop Vd vs. Ic: Turn-off energy losses Eoff vs. IF: Peak reverse recovery current Irr vs. TO-268. IF: Reverse recovery charge Qrr vs. TO-247. in mm Height of the device. forward current IF Vd vs. Also. IF: trr vs. collector current Ic Eoff vs. Ic for transistors. current IF Irr vs. respectively. IF: Peak reverse recovery current Irr vs. in oC/W Case-to-sink thermal resistance.) can be specified in the Style field. collector current Ic Electrical Characteristics . etc. IF for anti-parallel and freewheeling diodes. collector current Ic Vce(sat) vs. in oC/W Rth(j-c) (diode): Rth(c-s): Dimensions and Weight: Length (mm): Width (mm): Height (mm): Weight (g): Diode junction-to-case thermal resistance. Ic: Turn-on energy losses Eon vs. current IF Err vs. Ic and Eoff vs. Thermal Characteristics.max (oC): Maximum junction temperature Electrical Characteristics . and are optional. current IF Thermal Characteristics: Rth(j-c) (transistor): Transistor junction-to-case thermal resistance.switching losses Psw_D. in mm Weight of the device.max (V): Ic. Absolute Maximum Ratings: Maximum collector-emitter voltage Vce. The new values are used in the subsequent simulation. in oC/W Length of the device. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 51 . IF: Reverse recovery time trr vs. current IF Qrr vs. In addition. in mm Width of the device. parameters under Absolute Maximum Ratings. IF: Reverse recovery charge Qrr vs. current IF Irr vs. are used to scale the loss calculation.Free-Wheeling Diode (for IGBT-Diode device only): Forward conduction voltage drop vs. IF: Reverse recovery time trr vs. current IF Err vs.max (A): Maximum collector current Tj. and must be entered correctly. IF: Reverse recovery energy losses Err vs. and the condition "Reverse blocking voltage VR (V)" in the characteristics Err vs. current IF Qrr vs. The style of the package (for example. IF: trr vs. forward current IF Vd vs. if the parameter Frequency is set to 60 Hz. if the device operates at the switching frequency of 10 kHz. in Hz. 52 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . if the calculated conduction losses before the correction is Pcond_Q_cal. and set the correct number of devices in the parameter input. then Psw_Q = Ksw_Q * Psw_Q_cal Parameters Pcond_D Calibration Factor and Psw_D Calibration Factor work in the same way. Pcond_Q.8. then the losses will be the value for a period of 60 Hz. then Pcond_Q = Kcond_Q * Pcond_Q_cal Similarly. For the example.2. except that they are for the diode losses. one should have just one device in the schematic. under which the losses are calculated The calibration factor Kcond_Q of the transistor conduction losses Pcond_Q The calibration factor Ksw_Q of the transistor switching losses Psw_Q The calibration factor Kcond_D of the diode conduction losses Pcond_D The calibration factor Ksw_D of the diode switching losses Psw_D Number of identical IGBT devices in parallel The parameter Frequency refers to the frequency under which the losses are calculated. The voltage at the conduction losses node Pcond_Q or the switching losses node Psw_Q represents the calculated junction temperature Tj_Q of the transistor. The total losses are then obtained by multiplying the losses in each device by the number of parallel devices. However. and the voltage at the conduction losses node Pcond_D or the switching losses node Psw_D represents the calculated junction temperature Tj_D of the anti-parallel diode. if the calculated switching losses before the correction is Psw_Q_cal. Psw_D. The currents flowing out of Nodes Pcond_D. the total current through the group of the parallel devices will be equally divided among the devices. This is because when several identical devices are in parallel in the schematic. When several identical IGBT devices are in parallel. An IGBT device in the Thermal Module library has the following parameters: Attributes: Parameters Device Frequency Pcond_Q Calibration Factor Psw_Q Calibration Factor Pcond_D Calibration Factor Psw_D Calibration Factor Number of Parallel Devices Description The specific device selected from the device database Frequency. For the example. When the number of parallel devices is greater than one. The parameter Pcond_Q Calibration Factor is the correction factor for the transistor conduction losses. and Psw_Q are the total losses of all the parallel devices combined. For example. as shown below. the parameter Psw_Q Calibration Factor is the correction factor for the transistor switching losses. the losses will be the values for one switching period. the device currents may not be exactly equal due to small differences in the simulation.5 IGBT Loss Calculation An IGBT device in the database can be selected and used in the simulation for loss calculation. and the parameter Frequency is also set to 10 kHz. If the calculated junction temperature is lower than the lowest junction temperature or higher than the highest junction temperature in the curves. Pcond_D. that curve is used regardless of the calculated junction temperature. and compare the devices of different manufactures. Vcc is the actual dc bus voltage. these nodes cannot be floating and must be connected to ground. and Ic is the collector current. The losses Pcond_Q. Example: IGBT Loss Calculation The circuit below shows a sample circuit that uses Powerex’s 6-pack IGBT module CM100TU-12H (600V. the curve corresponding to the lowest or highest junction temperature will be used. 100A). the conduction losses are calculated as: Transistor Conduction Losses = Vce(sat) * Ic * D Switching Losses: The transistor turn-on losses is calculated as: Transistor Turn-on Losses = Eon * f * Vcc / Vcc_datasheet where Eon is the transistor turn-on energy losses. With the Thermal Module. and Vcc_datasheet is the dc bus voltage in the Eon and Eoff characteristics of the datasheet. Therefore. When the transistor is conducting periodically with an on duty cycle of D. Conduction Losses: The transistor conduction losses is calculated as: Transistor Conduction Losses = Vce(sat) * Ic where Vce(sat) is the transistor collector-emitter saturation voltage. When they are not used. to measure and display the losses. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 53 . If there is only one curve. Psw_Q. and Psw_D. and a thermal equivalent circuit is provided to calculate the temperature raise. in watts. f is the frequency as defined in the input parameter Frequency. an ammeter should be connected between the nodes and the ground. If the calculated junction temperature is between the junction temperatures of two curves. interpolation will be used. The loss calculation for the anti-parallel diode or free-wheeling diode is the same as described in the section for the diode device. are represented in the form of currents which flow out of these nodes. The conduction losses and the switching losses of the transistors and the diodes are added separately. The transistor turn-off losses is calculated as: Transistor Turn-off Losses = Eoff * f * Vcc / Vcc_datasheet where Eoff is the transistor turn-off energy losses. users can quickly check the thermal performance of a device under different operating conditions.Transistor junction temperature Pcond_Q Psw_Q Pcond_D Psw_D Diode junction temperature The calculated junction temperatures Tj_Q and Tj_D are used when the database curves are used for loss calculation. defined as "DC bus voltage (V)" in the test conditions. 54 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . gate-to-source voltage VGS in V. Coss. drain current ID in A. there are four extra nodes from the top to the bottom (or from the left to the right on the top for the 6-pack package).max (A): Maximum continuous drain current Tj.max (oC): Maximum junction temperature Electrical Characteristics . in 1/oC VGS(th) (V): Gate threshold voltage VGS(th) (test condition: drain current ID in A) gfs (S): Forward transconductance gfs. and for diode switching losses Psw_D.8. output capacitance Coss.2. and drain current ID in A) Temperature Coefficient: Temperature coefficient KT of the on-resistance.Transistor: Drain-to-source on-resistance RDS(on)_b at the test conditions (test conditions: RDS(on) (ohm): junction temperature Tj_b in oC (usually 25 oC). or 6-pack. TO-220. respectively. and gate-to-drain ("Miller") charge Qgd. In the linear region of the device. and reverse transfer capacitance Crss. beside the MOSFET and diode terminal nodes. gate-to-source voltage VDS in V.6 MOSFET Device in the Database The following information is defined for a MOSFET device in the database: General Information: Manufacturer: Part Number: Package: Device manufacture Manufacturer’s part number It can be discrete. and Qgd: Total gate charge Qg. and V GS – V GS ( th ) drain current ID in A) tr (ns) and tf (ns): Rise time tr and fall time tf (test conditions: drain-to-source voltage VDS in V. respectively. as shown in the figure below: Discrete (n-channel) Pcond_Q Psw_Q Pcond_D Psw_D (p-channel) Dual 6-Pack Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4 In the images. all in nC (test conditions: drain-to-source voltage VDS in V. dual. and Crss: Input capacitance Ciss. respectively. etc. we have ID g fs = ------------------------------.max (V): ID. gate-to-source charge Qgs. They are the node for transistor conductor losses Pcond_Q (the node with a circle).) can be specified in the Style field. TO-247. and drain current ID in A) Ciss.(test conditions: drain-to-source voltage VDS in V. Qgs. Absolute Maximum Ratings: Maximum drain-to-source voltage VDS. for diode conductor losses Pcond_D (the node with a square). The style of the package (for example. for transistor switching losses Psw_Q. and gate resistance Rg in ohm) Qg. all in pF (test conditions: drain-to-source Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 55 . TO-262. and test frequency in MHz) Electrical Characteristics . 2.– 1 R ( DS )on_b K T = -----------------------------T j – T j_b The base values are normally obtained at the test conditions of 25oC. rate of change of the current di/dt in A/us. under which the losses are calculated Upper level of the gate source voltage. in oC/W Case-to-sink thermal resistance. and junction temperature Tj in oC) Thermal Characteristics: Rth(j-c): Rth(c-s): Dimensions and Weight: Length (mm): Width (mm): Height (mm): Weight (g): Junction-to-case thermal resistance.8.7 MOSFET Loss Calculation A MOSFET device in the database can be selected and used in the simulation for loss calculation. forward current IF Vd vs. and Dimensions and Weight. are not used in the loss calculation.voltage VDS in V. in mm Height of the device. in oC/W Length of the device.Diode: Forward conduction voltage drop Vd vs. in mm Width of the device. and are optional. and reverse recovery charge Qrr in uC (test conditions: forward current IF in A. The MOSFET on-resistance is a function of the transistor junction temperature. in Hz. a voltage value of 25V would mean a junction temperature of 25oC. Using the normalized value of RDS(on) based on the base value. in g Note that the parameters under Absolute Maximum Ratings. Thermal Characteristics. and the rise time tr and fall time tf parameters. The on-resistance of the MOSFET is expressed as: R ( DS )on = R ( DS )on_b ⋅ ( 1 + K T ⋅ ( T j – T j_b ) ) The temperature coefficient is calculated as: R ( DS )on --------------------. in mm Weight of the device. The new conduction voltage value is used in the simulation. IF: trr and Qrr: Reverse recovery time trr in ns. gate-to-source voltage VDS in V. the forward conduction voltage drop Vd of the diode changes depending on the current. For example. The voltage at the node Pcond_Q or Psw_Q of the MOSFET image represents the calculated transistor junction temperature Tj in oC. Also. we have: R ( DS )on_normalized – 1 K T = ----------------------------------------------T j – 25 The on-resistance RDS(on) is calculated at every time step and is used in the simulation. A MOSFET in the Thermal Module library has the following parameters: Attributes: Parameters Device Frequency VGG+ (upper level) Description The specific device selected from the device database Frequency. in V 56 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . The total losses are then obtained by multiplying the losses in each device by the number of parallel devices. This is because when several identical devices are in parallel in the schematic. For the example. If the calculated Tj is between the junction temperatures of two curves. If the calculated Tj is lower than the lowest Tj or higher than the highest Tj in the curves. one should have just one device in the schematic. The calibration factor of the on-state resistance RDS(on) The calibration factor of the forward transconductance gfs The calibration factor Kcond_Q of the transistor conduction losses Pcond_Q The calibration factor Ksw_Q of the transistor switching losses Psw_Q The calibration factor Kcond_D of the diode conduction losses Pcond_D The calibration factor Ksw_D of the diode switching losses Psw_D Number of identical devices in parallel The parameter Frequency refers to the frequency under which the losses are calculated. However. the total current through the group of the parallel devices will be equally divided among the devices. Conduction Losses: The transistor conduction losses is calculated as: Transistor Conduction Losses = ID2 * RDS(on) Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 57 . When several identical MOSFET devices are in parallel. The parameter Pcond_Q Calibration Factor is the correction factor for the transistor conduction losses. and this junction temperature is used when the database curves are used for determining the forward conduction diode voltage drop. the device currents may not be exactly equal due to small differences in the simulation. and the parameter Frequency is also set to 10 kHz. In most cases. and Psw_Q are the total losses of all the parallel devices combined. that curve is used regardless of the calculated Tj. the parameter Psw_Q Calibration Factor is the correction factor for the transistor switching losses. then Pcond_Q = Kcond_Q * Pcond_Q_cal Similarly. For example. interpolation will be used. the curve corresponding to the lowest or highest Tj will be used. Pcond_Q. Psw_D. in V Gate resistance during turn-on Gate resistance during turn-off. then the losses will be the value for a period of 60 Hz. The voltage at the diode loss node Pcond_D or Psw_D of the MOSFET image represents the calculated junction temperature Tj of the anti-parallel diode. except that they are for the diode losses.VGG. the losses will be the values for one switching period. then Psw_Q = Ksw_Q * Psw_Q_cal Parameters Pcond_D Calibration Factor and Psw_D Calibration Factor work in the same way. For the example.(lower level) Rg_on (turn-on) Rg_off (turn-off) RDS(on) Calibration Factor gfs Calibration Factor Pcond_Q Calibration Factor Psw_Q Calibration Factor Pcond_D Calibration Factor Psw_D Calibration Factor Number of Parallel Devices Lower level of the gate source voltage. if the calculated conduction losses before the correction is Pcond_Q_cal. If there is only one curve. if the parameter Frequency is set to 60 Hz. if the calculated switching losses before the correction is Psw_Q_cal. the turn-on gate resistance Rg_on and the turn-off gate resistance Rg_off are identical. and set the correct number of devices in the parameter input. if the device operates at the switching frequency of 10 kHz. When the number of parallel devices is greater than one. The currents flowing out of Nodes Pcond_D. where ID is the drain current, and RDS(on) is the static on-resistance. When the transistor is conducting periodically with an on duty cycle of D, the conduction losses are calculated as: Transistor Conduction Losses = ID2 * RDS(on)* D Switching Losses: The transistor turn-on losses is calculated as: Transistor Turn-on Losses = Eon * f where Eon is the transistor turn-on energy losses, and f is the frequency as defined in the input parameter Frequency. The transistor turn-off losses is calculated as: Transistor Turn-off Losses = Eoff * f where Eoff is the transistor turn-off energy losses. The energy losses Eon and Eoff are calculated using the rise times and the fall times of the voltage and current waveforms based on the information of the MOSFET gate current, input/output/reverse transfer capacitances, and gate charges. Please note that the gate charge losses are not included in the switching losses above. The gate charge losses are usually quite small compared to the turn-on/turn-off switching losses, and can be neglected in the full load conditions. However, they can become substantial in the light load conditions. To calculate the gate charge losses Ploss_Qg: Ploss_Qg = Qg* VGG * fsw where Qg is the total gate charge, VGG is the gate source voltage, and fsw is the switching frequency. Also, the MOSFET device must be properly selected to ensure that it is sufficiently rated to conduct the current. If the MOSFET current rating is too low, PSIM will not be able to calculate the switching rise/fall times and will give an error message. In simulation, the maximum drain-to-source current that a MOSFET device is allowed to conduct is: Io,max = gfs * (VGG - VGS(th)) If the current exceeds Io,max, one should either increase the gate source voltage level or select another MOSFET device with a larger forward transconductance value. The loss calculation for the anti-parallel diode or free-wheeling diode is the same as described in the diode device section. The losses Pcond_Q, Psw_Q, Pcond_D, and Psw_D, in watts, are represented in the form of currents which flow out of these nodes. Therefore, to measure and display the losses, an ammeter should be connected between the nodes and the ground. When they are not used, these nodes cannot be floating and must be connected to ground. 58 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 2.9 Motor Drive Module The Motor Drive Module is an add-on module to the basic PSIM program. It provides machine models and mechanical load models for motor drive system studies. The Motor Drive Module includes electric machines as described in this section, and mechanical elements and speed/torque/position sensors as described in Section 2.11. 2.9.1 Reference Direction of Mechanical Systems In a motor drive system, in order to formulate equations for the mechanical system, a position notation needs to be defined. Take the following motor drive system as an example: The system consists of two induction machines, IM1 and IM2, connected back-to-back. One operates as a motor, and the other as a generator. From the point of view of the first machine IM1, the mechanical equation can be written as: dω m ( J 1 + J 2 ) ⋅ --------- = T em1 – T em2 dt where J1 and J2 are the moment of inertia, and Tem1 and Tem2 are the developed torques of the machine IM1 and IM2, respectively. From the point of view of the second machine IM2, however, the mechanical equation can be written as: dω m ( J 1 + J 2 ) ⋅ --------- = T em2 – T em1 dt These two equations are equally valid, but will produce opposite mechanical speed. In order to avoid this ambiguity, in PSIM, the concept "reference direction" is used in the mechanical system so that the mechanical equation can be uniquely defined. In a mechanical system, one element is designated as the master unit (this element is considered to operate in the master mode), and the rest of the elements are in the slave mode. Elements that can be master units are: Electric machines, mechanical-to-electrical interface blocks, and gear boxes. The master unit defines the reference direction of the mechanical system. The direction is define as the direction from the shaft node of the master unit, along the shaft, to the rest of the mechanical system. Once the reference direction of the mechanical system is defined, the speed and torque reference of the mechanical system can be defined. For example, if we use the right-hand method, with the thumb pointing in the reference direction of the mechanical system, by rotating the right hand, the fingers will point to the positive direction of the speed and the torque. Moreover, each mechanical element has its own reference direction. The following diagram shows the reference direction of each mechanical element, as indicated by the arrow: Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 59 Machines: Mechanical Loads: Encoders: Speed Sensor: Torque Sensor: Gear Box: Mechanical-Electrical Interface Block: The reference direction of each element and the reference direction of the overall mechanical system determine how the element interacts with the mechanical system. For example, if the reference direction of a machine is along the same direction as the reference direction of the mechanical system, the developed torque of the machine will contribute to the shaft rotation in the positive direction. However, if the reference direction of the machine is opposite to that of the mechanical system, the developed torque will contribute to the shaft rotation in the negative direction. In the two-machine example above, using the notation of the "reference direction", if we define the machine IM1 as the master unit, the reference direction of the overall mechanical system will be from left to right, as shown below. Based on this direction, the machine IM1 will be along the reference direction, and the machine IM2 will be opposite to the reference direction. This leads to the equivalent circuit of the mechanical system as shown on the right. Master Unit Equivalent Circuit Reference direction (J1+J2)*dWm/dt = Tem1 - Tem2 Similarly, if we define the machine IM2 as the master unit, the reference direction of the overall mechanical system will be from right to left, as shown below. Based on this direction, the machine IM1 will be opposite to the reference direction, and the machine IM2 will be along the reference direction. This leads to the equivalent circuit of the mechanical system as shown on the right. Master Unit Equivalent Circuit Reference direction (J1+J2)*dWm/dt = Tem2 - Tem1 The following shows another mechanical system with sensors and loads connected in different ways. 60 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components Master Unit Reference direction of the mechanical system Load 1 TL1 Speed Sensor 1 Torque Sensor 1 Load 2 TL2 Speed Sensor 2 Torque Sensor 2 In this mechanical system, the machine on the left is the master unit. The reference direction of the mechanical system is from left to the right along the mechanical shaft. Comparing this direction with the reference direction of each element, Load 1, Speed Sensor 1, and Torque Sensor 1, will be along the reference direction, and Load 2, Speed Sensor 2, and Torque Sensor 2 will be opposite to the reference direction of the mechanical system. Therefore, if the speed of the machine is positive, Speed Sensor 1 reading will be positive, and Speed Sensor 2 reading will be negative. Similarly, the two constant-torque mechanical loads, with the amplitudes of TL1 and TL2, interact with the machine in different ways. Load 1 is along the reference direction, and the loading torque of Load 1 to the master machine will be TL1. On the other hand, Load 2 is opposite to the reference direction, and the loading torque of Load 2 to the machine will be -TL2. 2.9.2 DC Machine The image and parameters of a dc machine are as follows: Image: + Armature Winding Shaft Node + Field Winding - Attributes: Parameters Ra (armature) La (armature) Rf (field) Lf (field) Moment of Inertia Vt (rated) Ia (rated) Description Armature winding resistance, in Ohm Armature winding inductance, in H Field winding resistance, in Ohm Field winding inductance, in H Moment of inertia of the machine, in kg*m2 Rated armature terminal voltage, in V Rated armature current, in A Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 61 Since the load is along the reference direction of the mechanical system. in rpm Rated field current. 0: slave) When the torque flag is set to 1.= T em – T L dt where vt.8. vf.1. the internal torque generated by the machine will be saved to the output file for display. The operation of a dc machine is described by the following equations: di a v t = E a + i a ⋅ R a + L a -----dt di v f = i f ⋅ R f + L f -----f dt Ea = k ⋅ φ ⋅ ωm T em = k ⋅ φ ⋅ i a dω m J ⋅ --------. The back emf and the internal torque can also be expressed as: E a = L af ⋅ i f ⋅ ω m T em = L af ⋅ i f ⋅ i a where Laf is the mutual inductance between the armature and the field windings. refer to Section 2.n (rated) If (rated) Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag Rated mechanical speed. It will give a positive output for a positive speed. For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag. Also. Saturation is not considered. in A Output flag for internal torque Tem The master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. Ea is the back emf.. Tem is the internal developed torque. It can be calculated based on the rated operating conditions as: ( Vt – Ia ⋅ Ra ) L af = ----------------------------If ⋅ ωm Note that the dc machine model assumes magnetic linearity. the loading torque to the machine is TL. 62 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . and TL is the load torque. respectively. the speed sensor is along the reference direction. Example: A DC Motor with a Constant-Torque Load The circuit below shows a shunt-excited dc motor with a constant-torque load TL./sec. and if are the armature and field winding voltage and current. The simulation waveforms of the armature current and the speed are shown on the right. ia. ωm is the mechanical speed in rad. in Ohm Rotor winding leakage inductance referred to the stator side.9.Speed Sensor Armature current ConstantTorque Load Speed (in rpm) 2. Four linear models are provided: . This section describes the linear models.General 3-phase squirrel-cage induction machine . in H Rotor winding resistance referred to the stator side.3 Induction Machine Linear and nonlinear models are provided for squirrel-cage and wound-rotor induction machines.General 3-phase wound-rotor induction machine The images and parameters are shown as follows.Symmetrical 3-phase wound-rotor induction machine . in Ohm Stator winding leakage inductance.Symmetrical 3-phase squirrel-cage induction machine . Images: Squirrel-cage Squirrel-cage (with neutral) Squirrel-cage (unconnected) as bs cs as bs cs ns Wound-rotor as+ asbs+ bscs+ csWound-rotor (unconnected) as bs cs ns ar br cr nr as+ asbs+ bscs+ cs- ar+ cr+ Attributes: Parameters Rs (stator) Ls (stator) Rr (rotor) Lr (rotor) Description Stator winding resistance. in H Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 63 . The linear model is further divided into general type and symmetrical type. The mutual inductance is related to the magnetizing inductance as: 3 L m = -.Lm (magnetizing) Ns/Nr Turns Ratio No. s dt where v a.i abc. r v abc. s v c. r For squirrel-cage machines.  3 cos θ 2π 2π cos  θ + ----. r + L r ⋅ ---. refer to Section 2. s = v b.r = vc. r v c.i abc. The operation of a 3-phase induction machine is described by the following equations: ddv abc. For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag. The parameter matrices are defined as: Rs 0 0 Rs = 0 Rs 0 0 0 Rs L s + M sr Ls = M sr – -------2 M sr – -------2 M sr – -------2 L s + M sr M sr – -------2 M sr – ------2 M sr – ------2 L s + M sr cos θ 2π M sr = M sr ⋅ cos  θ – ----.M sr 2 The mechanical equation is expressed as: 64 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . s v abc. in kg*m2 Output flag for internal torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. r = i b. and θ is the mechanical angle. of Poles Moment of Inertia Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag Magnetizing inductance. cos  θ – ----. r i c. s = i b.r = vb. s i c. 0: slave) All the parameters are referred to the stator side. r dt dt d v abc.i abc. s i a.1. r i abc. r = v b.    3 3 where Msr is the mutual inductance between the stator and rotor windings. s + L s ⋅ ---. r i a. s = R s ⋅ i abc.i abc. s i abc. s + M sr ⋅ ---. r = R r ⋅ i abc. r + M sr dt T d ⋅ ---.r= 0. in H Stator and rotor winding turns ratio (for wound-rotor machine only) Number of poles P of the machine (an even integer) Moment of inertia J of the machine.  3 L r + M sr Lr = M sr – -------2 M sr – -------2 Rr = Rr 0 0 0 Rr 0 0 0 Rr M sr – -------2 L r + M sr M sr – -------2 M sr – -------2 M sr – -------2 L r + M sr cos  θ + 2π cos  θ – 2π --------  3 3 cos θ 2π cos  θ + ----. The models of the squirrel-cage induction machine with and without the neutral are the same internally. s v a. va.8. and 3phase input currents show the start-up transient. s is the slip.dω m J ⋅ --------. The dc bus is fed through a diode bridge. In the figure. The simulation waveforms of the mechanical speed (in rpm). r dθ For a symmetrical squirrel-cage induction machine. the steady state equivalent circuit is shown below.M sr ⋅ i abc. Rs Ls Lm Rr Lr Rr(1-s)/s Example: A VSI Induction Motor Drive System The figure below shows an open-loop induction motor drive system. The motor has 6 poles and is fed by a voltage source inverter with sinusoidal PWM. s 2 T d ⋅ ----.= T em – T L dt where the developed torque Tem is defined as: P T em = -.⋅ i abc. VSI Diode Bridge Induction Motor Speed Torque Sensor Sensor Speed SPWM Tem Tload 3-phase currents Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 65 . developed torque Tem and load torque Tload. Description Stator winding resistance.3-phase wound-rotor induction machine Images: Squirrel-cage (nonlinear) Wound-rotor (nonlinear) as+ asbs+ bscs+ cs- as+ asbs+ bscs+ csar+ ar. s = R s ⋅ i abc. Lm (Im1. s + L s ⋅ ---.i abc.1.Lm2) . r = R r ⋅ i abc.λ abc. The operation of a 3-phase induction machine with saturation is described by the following equations: ddv abc.4 Induction Machine with Saturation Two models of induction machines with saturation are provided: ..] where Im is in A and Lm is in H. All the parameters are referred to the stator side. r + ---.2.Lm1) (Im2. of Poles Moment of Inertia Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag Im vs.crbr+ cr+ Attributes: Parameters Rs (stator) Ls (stator) Rr (rotor) Lr (rotor) Ns/Nr Turns Ratio For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag. in Ohm Stator winding leakage inductance. r + L r ⋅ ---. r dt dt where 66 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .i abc. refer to Section 2. 0: slave) Characteristics of the magnetizing current Im versus the magnetizing inductance [(Im1. in Ohm Rotor winding leakage inductance referred to the stator side.8. in kg*m2 Output flag for internal torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master.λ abc..3-phase squirrel-cage induction machine . in H Stator and rotor winding turns ratio (for wound-rotor machine only) Number of poles P of the machine (an even integer) Moment of inertia J of the machine.9. s + ---.Lm1) .. in H Rotor winding resistance referred to the stator side. s dt dt ddv abc. and permanent magnet on the rotor. and the other based on manufacturer datasheet information.) Description Stator phase resistance R.5 Brushless DC Machine A 3-phase brushless dc machine is a type of permanent magnet synchronous machine with trapezoidal waveform back emf. If M is unknown. – -  3 3 2 2π 1 cos  θ + ----.– -. 0.03)". The image of the 3-phase brushless dc machine is shown below. s ---- 3 cos θ cos θ cos θ 2π λ abc. The magnetizing current Im and inductance Lm are defined by a series of data points in pair. in H The mutual inductance M is a negative value.) M (stator mutual ind. cos  θ – ----. 2. s 1 1 – -2 = M sr ⋅ – 1 1 -2 1 1 – -. in H Stator mutual inductance M. cos  θ – ----. the inductance Lm is interpolated linearly. Image: a b c n sa sb sc Shaft Node 6-pulse Hall Effect Position Sensor Attributes based on machine model parameters: Parameters R (stator resistance) L (stator self ind. the ratio between M and the stator self inductance L is normally between -1/3 and -1/2.035) (20. in Ohm Stator phase self inductance L. ----  3 3 cos θ cos  θ – 2π ⋅ i abc.i abc. Between two data points.9. It has 3-phase windings on the stator.2 2 2π 2π 1 cos θ cos  θ + ----. s = M sr ⋅ cos  θ + ----. When the magnetizing current is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum.041) (5. a reasonable value of M equal to -0.   3 3 1 1 – -2 + M sr ⋅ – 1 1 -2 1 1 – -.⋅ i abc. r cos θ – -. Vpk / krpm Peak line-to-line back emf constant. "(0.4*L can be used as the default value. i abc.– -. 0.   3 3 2π cos  θ – 2π cos  θ + ----. Depending on the winding structure. the inductance Msr is no longer constant.  3 2π 2π cos  θ – ----.2 2 1 – -2 1 – -. r 2 1 In this case. in V/krpm (mechanical speed) Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 67 . for example. Two types of parameter inputs are provided: One based on machine model parameters. 0. the inductance will be clamped to the value at the first point or the last point. but a function of the magnetizing current Im. cos  θ + ----. s + M sr ⋅ cos  θ – 2π ----  3 2 3 1 2π 2π cos  θ + ----.λ abc. of Poles P Moment of Inertia Shaft Time Constant theta_0 (deg. in rpm The current under no load operation. in A Output flag for internal developed torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. theta_advance (deg. of Poles P Moment of Inertia No Load Speed No Load Current Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag Description Phase-to-phase (or line-to-line) resistance. in kg*m2 Shaft time constant τshaft Initial rotor angle θr.) Number of poles P Moment of inertia J of the machine. The zero rotor angle position is defined as the position where Phase A back emf crosses zero (from negative to positive) under a positive rotation speed. The conduction pulse width is 120 electrical deg. Positive conduction pulse can turn on the upper switch and negative pulse can turn on the lower switch in a full bridge inverter. defined as the ratio between the generated torque and the applied current. defined as the ratio between the speed and the applied voltage. and c are the stator winding terminals for Phase A. B. 0: slave) Attributes based on manufacturer datasheet information: Parameters Resistance (phase-phase) Inductance (phase-phase) Speed Constant Torque Constant No. in kg*m2 The motor speed at no load with the nominal voltage applied. No. in electrical deg.Vrms / krpm RMS line-to-line back emf constant. in rpm/V Torque constant Kt. The advance angle is defined as such that. for 120o conduction mode. If these values are not available. The initial rotor angle is the rotor angle at t=0. b. in Ohm Phase-to-phase (or line-to-line) inductance. The values of Vpk/krpm and Vrms/krpm should be available from the machine data sheet. and C. and Node n is the neutral point. 0: slave) The node assignments of the image are: Nodes a. in V/krpm (mechanical speed). for a brushless dc machine with a 120o trapezoidal back emf waveform. Conduction Pulse Width Position sensor conduction pulse width. in N*m/A Number of poles P Moment of inertia J of the machine. in electrical deg. The shaft node is the connecting terminal for the mechanical shaft. in H Speed constant Kv. the leading edge of the Phase A hall effect sensor signal will align with the intersection of the rising ramp and the flat-top of the back emf trapezoidal waveform. they can be obtained through experiments by operating the machine as a generator at 1000 rpm and measuring the peak and rms values of the line-to-line voltage.) Position sensor advance angle θadvance. in electrical deg. if the advance angle is 0. Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag Output flag for internal developed torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. The stator windings are Y connected. respectively. They are all power nodes and should be connected to the power 68 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . The developed torque of the machine is: T em = ( E a ⋅ i a + E b ⋅ i b + E c ⋅ i c ) ⁄ ω m ⁄ krpm 2 1000 ⋅ 2π ⁄ 60 The mechanical equations are: dω m J ⋅ --------. The sensor output nodes are all control nodes and should be connected to the control circuit.). and ke_c are dependent on the rotor angle θr. and -1). and P is the number of poles. B. which is defined as: K pk = -----------------------.= -. V Given the values of Vpk/krpm and Vrms/krpm. respectively.+ E a dt di b v b = R ⋅ i b + ( L – M ) ⋅ -----. ke_a Kpk Sa 180 o 360 o θr -Kpk α 1 pk where Kpk is the peak trapezoidal value.+ E c dt where va.circuit. refer to Section 2. R. The back emf voltages are a function of the rotor mechanical speed ωm and the rotor electrical angle θr. ib. Node sa. Also shown is the Phase A hall effect sensor signal Sa. The sensor output is a bipolar commutation pulse (1. For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag. and C. and M are the stator phase resistance. L. respectively. Eb. vb.⋅ -------------------------------. Tload is the load torque. self inductance. and C. and mutual inductance.= T em – B ⋅ ω m – T load dt dθ r P ------. sb.⋅ ω m 2 dt where B is the friction coefficient./sec. B. the angle α is determined automatically in the program.1. that is: E a = k e_a ⋅ ω m E b = k e_b ⋅ ω m E c = k e_c ⋅ ω m The coefficients ke_a. The equations of the 3-phase brushless dc machine are: di a v a = R ⋅ i a + ( L – M ) ⋅ -----. as shown below for Phase A. and ic are the phase currents. and Ea. and sc are the outputs of the built-in 6-pulse hall effect position sensors for Phase A. and vc are the phase voltages. ia. 0. ke_b. In this model. The coefficient B is calculated from the moment of inertia J and the shaft time constant τshaft as below: Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 69 . in V/(rad.+ E b dt di c v c = R ⋅ i c + ( L – M ) ⋅ -----.. an ideal trapezoidal waveform profile is assumed. and Ec are the back emf of Phase A.8. With the stator side in open circuit.g. This provides a TTL-compatible pulse with sharp edges and high noise immunity for connection to the controller via a screened cable. drive the machine to a certain speed. where they can be energized by the leakage flux at the appropriate rotor positions. Therefore. they should have the matched pole spacing (with respect to the rotor magnets).85 1220 4. reflects the effect of the friction and windage of the machine.J B = ----------τ shaft The shaft time constant τshaft.Connect the machine to an external mechanical source. If the trigger magnets use the rotor magnets of the machine. which generates an emf proportional to the flux-density when the switch is carrying a current supplied by an external source.2 70 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . the shaft time constant can be measured by the following test: . Note that when the shaft time constant is set to 0.363 0. The set of trigger magnets can be a separate set of magnets. The hall switch is a semiconductor switch (e. the hall switches must be mounted close enough to the rotor magnets. Example: Defining Brushless DC Motor Parameters from Manufacturer Datasheets This example illustrates how to define brushless dc motor parameters from manufacturer datasheets. It is common to detect the emf using a signal conditioning circuit integrated with the hall switch or mounted very closely to it. If the trigger magnets are separate. and should be mounted on the shaft in close proximity to the hall switches. the friction term is B*ωm is ignored. For a three-phase brushless dc motor. three hall switches are spaced 120 electrical deg.Remove the mechanical source. It is based on the hall effect. More Explanation on the Hall Effect Sensor: A hall effect position sensor consists of a set of hall switches and a set of trigger magnets. . or it can use the rotor magnets of the brushless motor. MOSFET or BJT) that opens or closes when the magnetic field is higher or lower than a certain threshold value. 50W) from Maxon Motor.8% of its initial speed. Values at nominal voltage Nominal voltage (V) No load speed (rpm) No load current (mA) Characteristics Terminal resistance phase to phase (Ohm) Terminal inductance phase to phase (mH) Torque constant (mNm/A) Speed constant (rpm/V) Rotor inertia (gcm2) 32 38700 327 0. Below is the information provided on the datasheet of the brushless dc motor Maxon EC-22-16730 (32V. we can represent the mechanical equation with the following equivalent circuit: ωm Tem J 1/B (or τshaft/J) Tload This circuit shows that the shaft time constant τshaft is equal to the RC time constant of the resistor 1/B and the capacitor J. apart and are mounted on the stator frame. therefore. To better understand the definition of the shaft time constant. The shaft time constant will be equal to the time that it takes the machine to decelerate to 36.049 7. 2e-7 38700 327m 1 1 Example: Start-Up of an Open-Loop Brushless DC Motor The figure below shows an open-loop brushless dc motor drive system. The simulation waveforms show the start-up transient of the mechanical speed (in rpm). The motor is fed by a 3-phase voltage source inverter. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 71 . The model for the voltage-type interface consists of controlled voltage sources on the stator side. and the other is the current-type interface.Other specifications: Number of pole pairs Number of phases 1 3 Using the element based on manufacturer datasheet information. of Poles P Moment of Inertia No Load Speed No Load Current Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag 0. The model for the current-type interface consists of controlled current sources on the stator side. one field winding on either a salient or cylindrical rotor. and this model is suitable in situations where the machine operates as a motor and/or the stator external circuit is in parallel with capacitive branches. Brushless DC Motor Speed Tem 3-phase currents 2.049m 1220 7. and 3-phase input currents. there are two types of interface: one is the voltage-type interface. and this model is suitable in situations where the machine operates as a generator and/or the stator external circuit is in series with inductive branches. developed torque Tem. resulting a 6-pulse operation.363 0.85m 2 4. The outputs of the motor hall effect position sensors are used as the gatings signals for the inverter. and after converting all the quantities to the SI units. Depending on the way the internal model interfaces with the external stator circuitry. and an optional damping winding on the rotor. On the other hand.6 Synchronous Machine with External Excitation The structure of a conventional synchronous machine consists of three stator windings. the motor parameters in PSIM are defined as follows: Resistance (phase-phase) Inductance (phase-phase) Speed Constant Torque Constant No.9. in H Stator-field winding effective turns ratio Number of Poles P Moment of inertia J of the machine. refer to Section 2. For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag. Field winding resistance referred to the stator side. in Ohm Rotor damping cage d-axis leakage inductance referred to the stator side. ind. ind. The equations of the synchronous machine can be expressed as follows: dV = R ⋅ I + ---. in H d-axis magnetizing inductance. 0: slave) All the parameters are referred to the stator side.) Rdr (damping cage) Ldrl (damping cage) Rqr (damping cage) Lqrl (damping cage) Ns/Nf (effective) Number of Poles P Moment of Inertia Torque Flag Master/slave Flag Description Stator winding resistance.) Rf (field) Lfl (field leakage ind. in H q-axis magnetizing inductance. in kg*m2 Output flag for internal developed torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. The inductance matrix is defined as follows: 72 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .8. in H Rotor damping cage d-axis resistance referred to the stator side. in H.λ dt where V = va vb vc vf 0 0 T I = i a i b i c i f i dr i qr T R = diag R s R s R s R f R dr R qr λ = λ a λ b λ c λ f λ dr λ qr T and [λ] = [L]*[I]. Image: a b c n field+ fieldShaft Node Attributes: Parameters Rs (stator) Ls (stator) Ldm (d-axis mag. in Ohm Field winding leakage inductance referred to the stator side.1. in Ohm Rotor damping cage q-axis leakage inductance referred to the stator side.) Lqm (q-axis mag. in Ohm Stator leakage inductance. in H Rotor damping cage q-axis resistance referred to the stator side.The image and parameters of the machine are shown as follows. 5 ⋅ ( L o – L 2 ) Nf 2 L sf =  ----- ⋅ L dm  N s L sd = L dm L sq = L qm L fl = L f – L sf L fdr = L dm L drl = L dr – L dm L qrl = L qr – L qm Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 73 .  3 2 Lo – ---.  3 2 Lo 2π – ---.  3 2 L sf cos ( 2θ r ) L 12 = Lo – ---.L = L 11 L 12 T L 12 L 22 and L s + L o + L 2 cos ( 2θ r ) Lo 2π – ---.L ⋅ I 2 dθ r The mechanical equations are: dω m J ⋅ --------.+ L 2 cos  2θ r – ----.= -.  3 Lo 2π 2π L 11 = – ---.   3 3 2 Lo 2π – ---.+ L 2 cos  2θ r + ----.5 ⋅ ( L o + L 2 ) L qm = 1.    3 3 3 L sf cos  2θ r + 2π L sd cos  2θ r + 2π – L sq sin  2θ r + 2π ------------   3 3 3 L f L fdr 0 = L fdr L dr 0 0 0 L qr L 22 where θr is the rotor angle.+ L 2 cos  2θ r + ----.= T em – T load dt dθ r P ------.+ L 2 cos ( 2θ r ) 2 L sd cos ( 2θ r ) – L sq sin ( 2θ r ) 2π 2π 2π L sf cos  2θ r – ----. – L sq sin  2θ r – ----. The developed torque can be expressed as: P d T = -. L sd cos  2θ r – ----. L s + L o + L 2 cos  2θ r + ----.+ L 2 cos  2θ r – ----.⋅ I ⋅ ------.⋅ ω m 2 dt The input parameters and the parameters in the equations are related in the following way: L dm = 1.+ L 2 cos ( 2θ r ) 2 2π L s + L o + L 2 cos  2θ r – ----. The q-axis is leading the d-axis. and c are the stator winding terminals for Phase a. of Poles P Moment of Inertia Shaft Time Constant Torque Flag Master/slave Flag Number of poles P Moment of inertia J of the machine. and the q-axis is in the middle between two magnets. and Node n is the neutral point.8. λc are the stator phase voltages. in H. in H Stator q-axis inductance. and c. respectively. λb. vb. ib. in kg*m2 Shaft time constant τshaft Output flag for internal developed torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. it can be obtained through an experiment by operating the machine as a generator at 1000 rpm and measuring the peak line-to-line voltage. in Ohm Stator d-axis inductance. The image and parameters of the machine are shown as follows. They are all power nodes and should be connected to the power circuit. and flux linkages.7 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine A 3-phase permanent magnet synchronous machine has 3-phase windings on the stator. 74 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . Image: a b c n Shaft Node Attributes: Parameters Rs (stator resistance) Ld (d-axis ind. vc.9. and ia. 0: slave) The node assignments of the image are: Nodes a. currents. For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag.1. and ic. Vpk / krpm Peak line-to-line back emf constant. b. and permanent magnet on the rotor. The difference between this machine and the brushless dc machine is that the machine back emf is sinusoidal. in V/krpm (mechanical speed). The d-q coordinate is defined such that the d-axis passes through the center of the magnet.) Lq (q-axis ind. If this data is not available.2. The value of Vpk/krpm should be available from the machine data sheet. The stator windings are Y connected. refer to Section 2. and λa. b.λ b 0 Rs 0 ⋅ ib + dt ic λc 0 0 Rs ia where va. No. The equations of the permanent-magnet synchronous machine are: va vb = vc Rs 0 0 λa d---. The shaft node is the connecting terminal for the mechanical shaft.) Description Stator winding resistance.   3 Lo L ab = L ba = – ---. The variables in the abc frame can be converted to the dq0 frame using the following transformation: cos ( θ r ) cos  θ r – 2π cos  θ r + 2π --------  3 3 xd xq x0 xa 2 = -.L o + -. 1     ⋅ xq 3 3 cos  θ r + 2π – sin  θ r + 2π 1 --------  3 3 x0 The d-axis and q-axis inductances are associated with the inductances in the abc frame as follows: 3 3 L d = L s + -.L 2 2 2 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 75 .  r ----. – sin  θ r – ----.+ L 2 ⋅ cos ( 2θ r ) 2 where Ls is the stator leakage inductance.⋅ – sin ( θ ) – sin  θ – 2π – sin  θ + 2π ⋅ x b r 3  r ----. and λpm is the peak stator phase flux linkage defined as: 60 ⋅ V pk ⁄ krpm λ pm = -------------------------------------3 ⋅ π ⋅ P ⋅ 1000 where P is the number of poles.  3 2π cos  θ r + ----.L 2 2 2 3 3 L q = L s + -.respectively. The flux linkages are further defined as: cos ( θ r ) λa λc L aa L ab L ac L ca L cb L cc ia ic λ b = L ba L bb L bc ⋅ i b + λ pm ⋅ 2π cos  θ r – ----.+ L 2 ⋅ cos  2θ r – 2π ---- 3 2 Lo L ac = L ca = – ---. and Rs is the stator phase resistance.+ L 2 ⋅ cos  2θ r + 2π ---- 3 2 Lo L bc = L cb = – ---. and are defined as: L aa = L s + L o + L 2 ⋅ cos ( 2θ r ) L bb = L s + L o + L 2 ⋅ cos  2θ r + 2π ---- 3 2π L cc = L s + L o + L 2 ⋅ cos  2θ r – ----.L o – -. The stator self and mutual inductances are rotor position dependent. 3 3 xc 1 1 1 ---2 2 2 The inverse transformation is as follows: cos ( θ r ) xa xb xc = – sin ( θ r ) 1 xd 2π 2π cos  θ r – ----.  3 where θr is the rotor electrical angle. in H Peak line-to-line back emf constant. If not. No.= -. Tload is the load torque.8 Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Saturation A 3-phase PMSM machine with saturation differs from that of a linear 3-phase PMSM machine in that the daxis and q-axis magnetizing inductances Ldm and Lqm can be expressed as a nonlinear function of the d-axis and q-axis currents in the lookup table form.⋅ -.) Vpk / krpm Description Stator winding resistance. in V/krpm (mechanical speed). This value should be available from the machine data sheet.  3 In the dq0 frame.  3 sin ( 2θ r ) 2π P sin  θ r – ----. it can be obtained through experiment by operating the machine as a generator at 1000 rpm and measuring the peak line-to-line voltage.= T em – B ⋅ ω m – T load dt dθ r P ------. Image: a b c n Shaft Node Attributes: Parameters Rs (stator resistance) Ls (stator leakage ind.T em = -.  ⋅ i b – -. sin  2θ r + ----. The coefficient B is calculated from the moment of inertia J and the shaft time constant τshaft as below: J B = ----------τ shaft 2.   3 3 sin ( 2θ r ) sin ( θ r ) ia P T em = – -.⋅ ( λ pm i q + ( L d – L q )i d i q ) 2 2 The mechanical equations are: dω m J ⋅ --------. The image and parameters of the machine are shown as follows.⋅ λ pm ⋅ i a i b i c ⋅ 3 2 ic sin  θ r + 2π ---- 2θ – 2π  sin 3 r ----. in Ohm Stator d-axis inductance.9. the developed torque can be expressed as: 3 P . and P is the number of poles.⋅ ω m 2 dt where B is a coefficient. of Poles P Number of poles P 76 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .The developed torque can be expressed as: sin ( 2θ r ) 2π 2π sin  2θ r – ----.⋅ L 2 ⋅ i a i b i c ⋅ sin  2θ r – 2π sin  2θ r + 2π --------  2 3 3 2π sin  2θ r + ----. Ldm and Lqm are function of Id and Iq. It is associated with the friction coefficient B as: B = J / τshaft.. Since Ls is normally very small.⋅ 3 2π 2π cos ( θ r ) cos  θ r – ----.⋅ 3 2π 2π cos ( θ r ) cos  θ r – ----. and Lq can be considered equivalent to Lqm. cos  θ r + ----. in kg*m2 Shaft time constant τshaft. 0: slave) Transformation Flag Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag.8. When the Transformation Flag is 1: Id Iq 2 -.Moment of Inertia Shaft Time Constant Ld Lookup Table File Lq Lookup Table File dq Flag Moment of inertia J of the machine. I q ) The current vector angle is in deg. File name of the lookup table for Ldm File name of the lookup table for Lqm Flag for the lookup table. cos  θ r + ----. Ldm and Lqm are function of the current magnitude Im and the angle.⋅ I d + I q 3 = ia ⋅ ib ic θ m = atan 2 ( – I d.1. Flag for the transformation convention (see details below) Output flag for internal developed torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. – sin  θ r + ----..   3 3 – sin ( θ r ) – sin  θ r – 2π – sin  θ r + 2π --------  3 3 Im = Id + Iq 2 2 ia ⋅ ib ic θ m = atan 2 ( I q. When the flag is 1. refer to Section 2. The relationship between the d-axis and q-axis inductances Ld and Lq and the magnetizing inductances Ldm and Lqm is as follows: L d = L s + L dm L q = L s + L qm where Ls is the stator leakage inductance. in sec. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 77 . The Transformation Flag defines the transformation convention between the abc frame and the dq frame. When the flag is 0. and is from 0o to 360o. When the Transformation Flag is 0: Id Iq 2 = -. and is from -180o to 180o.   3 3 2π 2π – sin ( θ r ) – sin  θ r – ----.   3 3 Im = 2 2 2 -. Ld can be considered equivalent to Ldm. I d ) The current vector angle is in deg. 0110 2.9 Switched Reluctance Machine Three types of switched reluctance machine models are provided: 3-phase.0104 0.0105 0.8990 -4.9.0109 0. Note that Vectors Vr and Vc must be monotonically increasing. Vr is the row vector and Vc is the column vector.0106 0.The Ldm and Lqm lookup tables have the following format: M.0110 0. L2N .0109 0.0108 0. . Vr2.4495 3. . LM1.0109 0.0110 0.0825 4.. and Li. the row vector is Iq and the column vector is Id.0109 0..0098 0. If the input is between two points.0106 0..0110 0.0108 0.0110 0..0109 0.0105 0. ..8990 5.7155 -4. the input will be set to the minimum or maximum value. N Vr1.. 4-phase.0109 0.0109 0.0102 0.0102 0.0109 0.0109 0.0106 0.. the row vector is the angle and the column vector is the amplitude Im. LM2.. When the flag is 1.15 -5.0106 0. L1N L21.0109 0. and 5-phase. in H 78 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components ..0111 0.0825 -3.0105 0. .0106 0.0108 0. ..0825 -3.j is the Ldm or Lqm inductance value.0109 0. VcN L11.8990 -4.0111 0.0104 0. L22. This PMSM model with saturation can also be used as the linear PMSM model if the lookup tables are defined such that Ldm and Lqm are linear function of Id and Iq.0100 0..4495 -1. L12.0110 0....0109 0.0107 0. If the input is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum value.0110 0. interpolation is used to calculate the value.0108 0.. at Row i and Column j...0107 0..0109 0. .2660 -5.6330 2. Vc2.7155 -4.0109 0.0106 0.0109 0.6330 -0.0109 0. LMN where M is the number of rows and N is the number of columns.0098 0. ..0109 0.8165 1.0109 0.0111 0.0109 0.. Images: 3-phase a+ aa+ a4-phase a+ a5-phase b+ bc+ c- Shaft Node Attributes: Parameters Resistance Inductance Lmin Description Stator phase resistance R.0110 0.7155 0. VrM Vc1.0098 0.0109 0. The following shows an example of the lookup table: 4.8165 0 0. in H.0107 0.0106 0. in Ohm Minimum phase inductance Lmin..0100 0.0109 0. When the dq flag is 0.0111 0.0109 0.2660 4.2660 -2. The node assignments are: Nodes a+. Number of stator poles (teeth) Number of rotor poles (teeth) Moment of inertia J of the machine.+ θ rf ≤ θ ≤ ---------. etc. That is. c-.1.) Stator Pole Number Rotor Pole Number Moment of Inertia Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag Maximum phase inductance Lmax. in H Duration of the interval θmin where the inductance is at the minimum. flat-top stage. we can express the inductance L as a function of the rotor angle θ (from 0 to 180o) as follows: L = L max θ max L = L max – k ⋅  θ – ----------  2  L = L min θ max for 0 ≤ θ ≤ ---------2 max max for ---------.+ θ rf + θ min ≤ θ ≤ ---------.) The rotor angle is defined such that. and L is the phase inductance. The phase inductance L is a function of the rotor angle θ (in electrical deg. The shaft node is the connecting terminal for the mechanical shaft. in deg.Inductance Lmax Theta_min (deg. as shown in the following figure. 0: slave) For more details on the definition and use of the master/slave flag. when the stator and the rotor teeth are completely aligned. The inductance profile is half-wave symmetrical. in kg*m2 Output flag for internal torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. refer to Section 2.– θ rf – θ min for ---------. b-. falling stage. c+. Duration of the interval θmax where the inductance is at the maximum.+ θ rf 2 2 max max for ---------. b+. L Lmax Lmin θrf 0 θmax θmin 180 θmax 2 θ (in deg. are the stator winding terminals for Phase a. it repeats itself after 180o.). in deg.) Theta_max (deg. respectively. i is the phase current.8. and the interval of the rising/falling slope is θrf.≤ θ ≤ ---------. R is the phase resistance.+ 2θ rf + θ min   2 2 2 θ max L = L max for ---------. and e. They are all power nodes and should be connected to the power circuit. The value of the inductance can be in either rising stage. or flat-bottom stage. θ = 0. The equation of the switched reluctance machine for one phase is: d(L ⋅ i) v = i ⋅ R + ---------------dt where v is the phase voltage.+ θ rf + θ min 2 2 θ θ θ θ θ max θ max θ max L = L min + k ⋅  θ – ---------. d. c. b.+ 2θ rf + θ min ≤ θ ≤ 180 o 2 The developed torque of the machine per phase is: Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 79 . If we define the constant k as the rising slope of the inductance from Lmin to Lmax (which is the same as the falling slope from Lmax to Lmin). a-. . we have the developed torque in each stage as: Tem = i2*k / 2 Tem = 0 Tem = . The relationship between the inductance and the rotor position and current is defined through a 2-dimensional lookup table. In L1. 0: slave) The inductance table file has the following format: m.n 80 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .1. Images: 3-phase a+ a4-phase a+ a5-phase b+ b- Shaft Node c+ c- Attributes: Parameters Resistance Stator Pole Number Rotor Pole Number Inductance Table File Moment of Inertia Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag Description Stator phase resistance R... the inductance is only a function of the rotor position. the inductance can be a nonlinear function of not only the rotor position. I2. in kg*m2 Output flag for internal torque Tem Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master.9. θm I1. but also the current. and it remains constant during the flat-top and flat-bottom states. .... In the nonlinear models. θ2. Moment of inertia J of the machine. in Ohm Number of stator poles (teeth) Number of rotor poles (teeth) The file that stores the 2-dimensional table of the inductance versus the rotor position and the current.10 Nonlinear Switched Reluctance Machine In the previous switched reluctance models. n θ1...1 2 dL T em = -.⋅ i ⋅ ----2 dθ Based on the inductance expression.. . L1.2. L1. The images and parameters are shown as follows. .i2*k / 2 Tem = 0 [rising stage] [flat-top stage] [falling stage] [flat-bottom stage] 2. 1. in A The Maximum-Torque-Per-Ampere control block has the following inputs and outputs: Is: +/. in H q-axis inductance of the PMSM machine. The block requires the parameters of the PMSM controlled and the inverter current rating. when the rotor position is θ2 and the phase current is I1. and I1 and In is the column vector for the phase current (in A)..L2.. θ1 to θm is the row vector for the rotor position (in deg. in V/krpm (mechanical speed) Number of poles of the machine Maximum inverter output current amplitude (peak). .. Image: MTPA Is Id + Te - Iq Attributes: Parameters Ld (d-axis inductance) Lq (q-axis inductance) Vpk / krpm Number of Poles Maximum Inverter Current Description d-axis inductance of the PMSM machine.11. L2.. and Li...). L2.. in H Peak line-to-line back emf constant of the machine. Because of the half-wave symmetry.Maximum-Torque-Per-Ampere Control (PMSM) .j is the inductance value (in H) at Row i and Column j. .. Given the current amplitude reference..n where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns. the inductance is L2.n . and -1 if negative) d-axis current reference q-axis current reference This block is for the control of linear PMSM machines only.2.1.Te: Id: Iq: Inverter current amplitude reference Sign of the torque command (1 if the command is positive. . For example. Lm. only inductance values from 0 to 180o need to be provided. 2.9. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 81 .2.1.. this block will calculate the d-axis and q-axis current references Id and Iq such that the maximum amount of torque is generated by the machine.Field Weakening Control (PMSM) 2. .11 Motor Control Blocks The following control blocks are provided: .. Note that the row vector and column vector must be monotonically increasing. The machine equations are the same as these in the linear switched reluctance machine model. Lm.1 Maximum-Torque-Per-Ampere Control (PMSM) The image of a Maximum-Torque-Per-Ampere (MTPA) control block is shown below.9. Lm.. Given the current amplitude reference. Sign of the torque command (1 if the command is positive. Instead. in H q-axis inductance of the PMSM machine. in V/krpm (mechanical speed) Number of poles of the machine Maximum inverter output current amplitude (peak).2. dc bus voltage. in A Maximum inverter output voltage amplitude (phase peak). in V The field weakening control block has the following inputs and outputs: Is: Vdc: Wm: +/. and the motor speed. the field weakening block will calculate the d-axis and q-axis current references Id and Iq to achieve a maximum power operation.9. the machine will not be able to provide the maximum amount of torque.2 Field Weakening Control (PMSM) The image of a field weakening control block is shown below. Image: Field Weakening Is Vdc Wm + Te Iq Id Attributes: Parameters Rs (stator resistance) Ld (d-axis inductance) Lq (q-axis inductance) Vpk / krpm Number of Poles Maximum Inverter Current Maximum Inverter Voltage Description Stator winding resistance of the machine.Te: Id: Iq: Inverter current amplitude reference DC bus voltage feedback Motor mechanical speed. When the machine speed is higher than a certain value.11. 82 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . in rad/sec. in Ohm d-axis inductance of the PMSM machine. and -1 if negative) d-axis current reference q-axis current reference This block is for the control of linear PMSM machines only. it will be limited by the machine power rating. The block requires the parameters of the PMSM controlled and the inverter voltage and current ratings. in H Peak line-to-line back emf constant of the machine. voltages can be applied and currents can flow in and out of the nodes).e. the MagCoupler-DL block is a native power element. Also. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 83 . go to Options >> Set Path. Image: Attributes: Parameter Netlist XML File JMAG Input File Description The XML file that defines the interface between PSIM and JMAG. and electromagnetic field analysis in JMAG. Because of the difference. one can perform power electronics and control in PSIM.10 MagCoupler Module The MagCoupler Module provides interface for co-simulation between PSIM and the software JMAG.dll" must be added to the PSIM’s search path. actuators. On the other hand. To run the MagCoupler Module. PSIM and JMAG can run at different time steps.2. With the MagCoupler Module.With the MagCoupler block. and other electrical and electronic devices and components. 2. To add to PSIM’s search path. and an electric current must first be converted into a voltage signal before it can be connected to the block.10. It will not work with Internet Explorer Version 5. That is. and the interface ports behavior in the same way as other power circuit nodes (i. It has the .jcf files must be in the same directory. The MagCoupler Module includes the MagCoupler-DL block and the MagCoupler block. PSIM and JMAG run at the same time step. JMAG is an electromagnetic field analysis software for the development and design of electric machines.The interface ports of the MagCoupler block are signal ports.jcf extension.xml extension. The flexibility to set different time steps would make it possible to run JMAG at a larger time step and speed up the overall simulation. the MagCoupler Module requires Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 or higher. as well as the mechanical elements and speed/torque/position sensors as described in Section 2. The description of the MagCoupler-DL block and the MagCoupler block is given below. in PSIM. The JMAG input data file. the JMAG installation directory and the directories that include the JMAG DLL files "jbdll.xml and . It has the . .dll" and "RT_Dll. Note that the . the MagCoupler-DL block provides more efficient and robust interface between PSIM and JMAG. whereas with the MagCoupler-DL block.11. and click on Add Folder. The differences between the MagCoupler-DL block and the MagCoupler block and are: .1 MagCoupler-DL Block The MagCoupler-DL block has the following image and properties. electric currents do not flow into or out of the interface ports. 2. the power circuit nodes will be placed at the top of the block. It is used in JMAG Displacement threshold. The JMAG Case Text is a text identifying the specific JMAG study case. are defined in the Netlist XML File. It is used in JMAG Current threshold. The JMAG Input File is the JMAG data file for the device modeled. and the second shaft node on the left.10.JMAG Case Text Terminal Names Comments for the JMAG circuit Terminal names of the block The power circuit nodes and mechanical shaft nodes.jcf data file will be read. arranged from the left to the right. 0: slave) Please consult JMAG manuals and documents on how to set up the co-simulation on the JMAG side. This file is in XML format. Rated current. with the first shaft node on the right. Image: Block with 4 inputs and 4 outputs 84 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . 0: no display) Display flag for all shaft angles Display flag for all shaft speeds Display flag for all developed torques Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. It is used in JMAG Moment of inertia of the machine. and the terminals (nodes) of the block will be displayed.jcf file and the . Shaft time constant of the machine. Note that the . Display flag for all FEM coil currents (1: display.2 MagCoupler Block The MagCoupler block has the following image and properties. To specify this file. It can be any text. as well as the rest of the interface between PSIM and the JMAG data files.jcf extension and is defined in the netlist XML file. click on the browse button at the right of the edit field. in sec. the .xml file must be in the same directory. The file has the . The parameters of a sample permanent-magnet synchronous machine is shown below: Parameter dt_of_JMAG Ir dl_threshold dr_threshold MomentofInertia ShaftTimeConstant Back emf Flag Rotor Angle Flag Speed Flag Torque Flag shaft1 Master Flag Description Time step used in JMAG. and is generated by JMAG. In the block image. in kg*m2. The mechanical shaft nodes will be placed on the left and right of the block. When a specific XML is selected. the MagCoupler block is a power circuit element. It has the . The JMAG Input File is the JCF input data file that is read by the JMAG solver. click on the browse button the edit field.xml extension. It involves two main steps: setting up the circuit in JMAG and generating the link table file. In this case. The JMAG Case Text is a text identifying the specific JMAG circuit. The JCF input data file for JMAG. To locate this file.Attributes: Parameter Link Table File JMAG Input File JMAG Case Text IN Nodes OUT Nodes Description The XML file that defines the interface between PSIM and JMAG. Note that the . An inductor example below is used to illustrate this process. the order of the output nodes is from the top to the bottom. one can edit and customize the image of the MagCoupler block.xml file with the same name is present in the schematic directory. and force as the outputs. the order of the input nodes is from the top to the bottom. in XML format. one can use a current-controlled voltage source. or vice versa. By clicking on the Edit Image button. and the circuit on the right has the inductor implemented in JMAG. if a . torques. In the MagCoupler block image. The name is defined in the Link Table File. Set-up in JMAG and PSIM: Using the MagCoupler block. it should also be placed in the directory of the . The way it interfaces with the rest of the circuit is that both the inputs and outputs are voltage signals (no electric current flows into the input node). The Link Table File. currents. In PSIM. Clicking on the Display File button will display the Link Table File in the Microsoft Internet Explorer environment. Comments for the JMAG circuit Nodes that pass the values from PSIM to JMAG Nodes that pass the values from JMAG to PSIM The number of input and output nodes may vary. Note that JCF input file . or voltage-controlled current source. the inductor is modelled as a controlled current source in PSIM. The OUT Nodes are the nodes through which JMAG passes the values back to PSIM.xml file and the . It can be any text describing the JMAG circuit. positions. depending on the actual number of input/output nodes in a particular circuit. However.xml file does not have to be in the same directory as the schematic file. and it provides voltages.xml file. the . The voltage across the inductor is first converted to a node-to-ground voltage through a voltage-controlled voltage source.jcf file must be in the same directory. and loading the link table file into PSIM. If any material database is used in JMAG. The order can be changed by highlighting the node and click on the upper or down arrow. It has the . currents.xml. and clicking on the Read File button will read or re-load the Link Table File.jcf extension. This file is generated automatically by JMAG. the circuit on the left uses the built-in inductor element from the PSIM library. PSIM will read the one in the schematic directory first. it is easy to set up the link between JMAG and PSIM for co-simulation. and positions as inputs. defines the input/output interface and corresponding functions in JMAG. The MagCoupler block accepts voltages. and the value is passed to the input node VL of the at the right of Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 85 . In the PSIM circuit of this example. In the MagCoupler block image. The IN Nodes are the nodes through which PSIM passes the values to JMAG. Also. The order can be changed by highlighting the node and click on the upper or down arrow. To convert a branch current into a voltage signal.jcf must be in the same directory as the input link table file . In the JMAG circuit. highlight Coupled External Circuit Simulator. the current is calculated and sent back to PSIM. and set Constant Value[V] to 0. Go to the menu Conditions >> Create Conditions. . the voltage function (on the left side) receives the voltage from PSIM. contains the functions that are selected to interface with PSIM.Connect another voltage function to the left of the current probe (the circuit will look like what is shown above). there are two items in the JMAG list. PSIM calls JMAG functions which calculate the inductor current based on the voltage input. and is used to control the current source that represents the inductor.Highlight the Voltage Function.button to move the item from the list on the right to the list on the left. This current is then sent back to PSIM in the voltage form. Circuit in PSIM (file: inductor_jmag. and the other is the Current Probe. Now both items should appear in the list on the left. and through the current probe in series with the FEM coil.Highlight the inductor structure window.sch) Circuit and Structure in JMAG (file: inductor. From the Conditions List. Repeat the same step to the Current Probe. and change the terminal name to VL. . The list on the right. Under Electrical Potential in the property window. and click Modify. change the Current Probe 86 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . contains all the functions that can be used to interface with PSIM. At each time step. . In the JMAG circuit of this example. and click on the <. .On the Coupled External Circuit Simulator dialog window. one is the Voltage Function.jsp) The setup process of calling JMAG in PSIM through the MagCoupler block is as follows. there are two lists. called External Circuit Simulator. choose Constant Value. called JMAG. . In this case.MagCoupler block.Highlight the Voltage Function. . connect a voltage function to the right of the FEM coil. In JMAG: . The inductor structure in the JMAG environment is shown on the lower right. The list on the left. Also. choose Cooperates with an external circuit simulator. In the property window.Connect a current probe to the left of the FEM coil. xml". .Double click on the MagCoupler block to bring out the property window. The setup is now complete and the simulation is ready to run. Place the block on the schematic. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 87 . With the JCF file name defined as "inductor". .. the JCF file "inductor..jcf" and the link table file "inductor_csl.xml" to the folder containing the PSIM schematic file "inductor_jmag.sch".Connect the MagCouple block to the rest of the circuit in the schematic.terminal name to iL.After the rest of the power circuit is created. click on the browser button next to the Link Table File edit field to locate and select the file "inductor_jmag. and both the JCF and XML files do not have to be moved to the folder of the schematic file.xml" will be generated.Copy the JCF file "inductor.jcf" and the link table file "inductor_csl. the property window will display the IN node VL and the OUT node iL. After the file is read. They are done here for the simplicity of file management In PSIM: . .Go to the menu File >> Export and select JCF. Close the dialog window. go to Elements >> Power >> MagCoupler Module.. . and select MagCoupler Block. Note that the XML file does not have to be renamed. Rename the link table file to "inductor_jmag.xml". During the PSIM simulation.rtt extension.CB. 88 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . since JMAG is not involved in the PSIM simulation. The biggest advantage of JMAG-RT is that. JMAG is not needed.11 MagCoupler-RT Module The MagCoupler-RT Module provides interface between PSIM and JMAG-RT data files. However. Images: A PMSM B Step Machine C A+ C+ B+ D+ A. JMAG-RT is another way of modeling electromagnetic devices. the PSIM simulation is significantly faster. since the JMAG-RT data files are obtained from the JMAG dynamic simulation.3-phase permanent-magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) . as shown below. Four MagCoupler-RT blocks are provided: .D- M- M+ M- M+ Linear Synchronous Machine A B C Linear Solenoid A+ A- M- M+ M- M+ Attributes: Parameter Netlist XML File JMAG-RT Input File Description The XML file that defines the interface between PSIM and JMAG-RT.rtt file must be in the same directory.Linear solenoid Each block has the dedicated image. and mechanical elements and speed/ torque/position sensors as described in Section 2. Note that the .Linear synchronous machine .11. and PSIM interfaces directly with the JMAG-RT data.xml extension.2-phase step machine . The JMAG-RT data files are obtained by running the JMAG simulation in advance. It has the . It has the . The JMAG-RT data file.xml file and the .2. and the data files are stored in a lookup table form. The MagCoupler-RT Module includes the blocks described in this section. the accuracy of the JMAG-RT model is comparable to that of a JMAG dynamic model. The electric nodes and rotor shaft nodes. in Ohm Resistance of Phase V. Inductance coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Flux coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Torque coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Magnet coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Material coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Coil 1 turns (used in JMAG-RT) Coil 2 turns (used in JMAG-RT) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil currents (1: display. shown above) are placed at the top of the block. A+.. A-. . The parameters of a 3-phase PMSM is shown below: Parameter shaft1_MomentofInertia shaft1_ShaftTimeConstant RU_resistance RV_resistance RW_resistance OffsetAngle coef_inductance coef_flux coef_torque coef_magnet coef_material turns_coil1 turns_coil2 Current Flag Back emf Flag Description Moment of inertia of the machine.. D+.. and is generated by the JMAG-RT Manager. in sec. Note that the . The predefined names are: . Note that for each type of MagCoupler-RT block. The JMAG Case Text is a text identifying the specific JMAG-RT study case.rtt file and the ."Step Machine" for 2-phase step machine . as well as the rest of the interface between PSIM and the JMAG-RT data files (.xml file must be in the same directory.JMAG Case Text Terminal Names Comments for the JMAG-RT circuit Terminal names of the block In the MagCoupler-RT block images."Linear Solenoid" for linear solenoid For example. C. B+. ."Linear Synchronous Machine" for linear synchronous machine .. arranged from the left to the right. To specify this file. in Ohm Resistance of Phase W. with the first shaft node (such as M+ as shown above) on the right. C+..rtt file). C-. This file is in XML format."PM Synchronous Machine" for 3-phase PMSM . The mechanical shaft nodes are placed on the left and right of the block.. in Ohm Initial rotor angle. B. The JMAG-RT Input File is the JMAG-RT data file for the device modeled. click on the browse button at the right of the edit field. the "NetlistElement" must be the same as the predefined name. It can be any text. 0: no display) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil back emf Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 89 . in kg*m2 Shaft time constant of the machine. are defined in the Netlist XML File. The Terminal Names are the names of the interface nodes. the power circuit nodes (such as A. Resistance of Phase U. in mechanical deg. and D. The file has the . and the second shaft node (such as M-) on the left. the first several lines of a netlist XML file for a PMSM may look like the following: <?xml version="1.rtt extension and is defined in the netlist XML file.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <CircuitElement file="imp.rtt" name="MagCoupler-RT"> <NetlistElement type="JMAGRT" element="PM Synchronous Machine" pole_number="4"> . in Ohm Resistance of Phase A-. in Ohm Resistance of Phase B-. in kg*m2 Shaft time constant of the machine.Rotor Angle Flag Speed Flag Torque Flag shaft1 Master Flag Display flag for the rotor angle in mechanical deg. 0: no display) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil back emf 90 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . 0: slave) The parameters of a linear solenoid is shown below: Parameter RA Mass ShaftTimeConstant SpringConstant DispLimitMax DispLimitMin OffsetDisp turns_coil2 coef_mass1 coef_mass2 Current Flag Back emf Flag Description Resistance of the solenoid. in m Initial displacement./sec. Display flag for the shaft mechanical speed in rad. in mechanical deg. in sec. 0: no display) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil back emf Display flag for the rotor angle in mechanical deg. Coil 2 turns (used in JMAG-RT) Inertia 1 coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Inertia 2 coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil currents (1: display. in Ohm Moment of inertia of the machine. 0: slave) The parameters of a 2-phase step machine is shown below: Parameter RA+ RARB+ RBMomentofInertia ShaftTimeConstant OffsetAngle turns_coil2 coef_inertia1 coef_inertia2 Current Flag Back emf Flag Rotor Angle Flag Speed Flag Torque Flag shaft1 Master Flag Description Resistance of Phase A+. in kg Shaft time constant of the solenoid. Display flag for the developed torque in N*m Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. in sec. in m Coil 2 turns (used in JMAG-RT) Mass 1 coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Mass 2 coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil currents (1: display./sec. in Ohm Mass of the solenoid. in m Minimum limit of the displacement of the solenoid. Display flag for the developed torque in N*m Master/slave flag of the machine (1: master. Spring constant of the solenoid (used in JMAG-RT) Maximum limit of the displacement of the solenoid. in Ohm Resistance of Phase B+. Display flag for the shaft mechanical speed in rad. Initial rotor angle. Display flag for the developed force in N Master/slave flag of the solenoid (1: master. except the flags (current flag. the changed values will be sent back to JMAG-RT for calculation. and for these parameters noted with "used in JMAG-RT". 0: no display) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil back emf Display flag for the solenoid position in m Display flag for the solenoid velocity in m/sec. Display flag for the developed force in N Master/slave flag of the solenoid (1: master. in Ohm Resistance of Phase V. in m Inductance coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Flux coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Torque coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Magnet coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Material coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Coil 1 turns (used in JMAG-RT) Coil 2 turns (used in JMAG-RT) Mass 1 coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Mass 2 coefficient (used in JMAG-RT) Display flag for 3-phase FEM coil currents (1: display. Several MagCoupler-RT examples are provided under the "examples\MagCoupler-RT" folder. These values can be changed. back emf flag.rtt file defined in the XML file. in Ohm Resistance of Phase W. all other parameters are read from the . speed/velocity flag. torque/force flag. in sec. Initial displacement. in Ohm Mass of the machine.Position Flag Velocity Flag Force Flag mass1 Master Flag Display flag for the solenoid position in m Display flag for the solenoid velocity in m/sec. rotor angle/position flag. in kg Shaft time constant of the solenoid. 0: slave) In all the parameter definitions above. and master flag). 0: slave) The parameters of a linear synchronous machine is shown below: Parameter RU RV RW Mass ShaftTimeConstant OffsetDisp coef_inductance coef_flux coef_force coef_magnet coef_material turns_coil1 turns_coil2 coef_mass1 coef_mass2 Current Flag Back emf Flag Position Flag Velocity Flag Force Flag mass1 Master Flag Description Resistance of Phase U. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 91 . general-type. mechanical-electrical interface blocks. A constant-torque load is expressed as: T L = T const The torque does not depend on the speed direction.1.1. the load is along the reference direction. and externally controlled loads. in rpm Moment of inertia of the load.1 for more detailed explanation on the reference direction. 2.12.1 Constant-Torque Load The image of a constant-torque load is: Image: Attributes: Parameters Constant Torque Moment of Inertia Description Torque constant Tconst. Otherwise the loading torque will be -Tconst.12.2 Constant-Power Load The image of a constant-power load is: Image: Attributes: Parameters Maximum Torque Base Speed Moment of Inertia Description Maximum torque Tmax of the load. in kg*m2 If the reference direction of a mechanical system enters the dotted terminal. and the loading torque to the master machine is Tconst. 2. See Section 2. constant-speed. gear boxes. mechanical coupling blocks. constant-power. The elements include mechanical loads. 2. MagCoupler Module. in N*m Moment of inertia of the load.1 Mechanical Loads Several mechanical load models are provided: constant-torque.2.12 Mechanical Elements and Sensors This section describes elements that are shared by Motor Drive Module. and various speed/torque/position sensors.12. in kg*m2 The torque-speed curve of a constant-power load is shown below: 92 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .6. in N*m Base speed nbase of the load. and MagCoupler-RT Module. in kg*m2 A constant-speed mechanical load defines the speed of a mechanical system. in rpm Moment of inertia of the load. the load torque is: T L = T max When the mechanical speed is above the base speed.12.Tmax Torque (N*m) 0 nbase Speed (rpm) When the mechanical speed is less than the base speed nbase.12./sec. as defined by the speed constant. Image: Attributes: Parameters Tc k1 (coefficient) Description Constant torque term Coefficient for the linear term Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 93 . The mechanical speed ωm is in rad.1.1. 2.3 Constant-Speed Load The image of a constant-speed load is: Image: Attributes: Parameters Constant Speed (rpm) Moment of Inertia Description Speed constant. 2.4 General-Type Load The image of a general-type mechanical load is as follows. the load torque is: P T L = --------ωm where P = Tmax*ωbase and ωbase = 2π∗nbase/60. and the speed will remain constant. 2. 2. Image: Shaft 1 Shaft 2 Attribute: Parameter Gear Ratio Shaft 1 Master/Slave Flag Shaft 2 Master/Slave Flag Description The gear ratio a Master/slave flag for Shaft 1 Master/slave flag for Shaft 2 The shaft with the bigger dot is Shaft 1. in kg*m2 The value of the mechanical load is defined by the voltage value at the control node (1V corresponds to 1 N*m). 94 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . Note that the torque of the general-type load is dependent on the speed direction./sec. Flag = 1: The load is independent of the rotational direction.12. Moment of Inertia Moment of inertia of the load. This node is a control circuit node. Image: Attributes: Parameters Speed Flag Description Flag for speed dependency Flag = 0: The load is frictional and is always against the rotational direction. in kg*m2 2 3 A general-type load is expressed as: T L = sign ( ω m ) ⋅ ( T c + k 1 ⋅ ω m + k 2 ⋅ ω m + k 3 ⋅ ω m ) where ωm is the mechanical speed in rad.5 Externally-Controlled Load An externally-controlled mechanical load is used to define a load of an arbitrary load profile.1.2 Gear Box The image is a gear box is shown below.k2 (coefficient) k3 (coefficient) Moment of Inertia Coefficient for the quadratic term Coefficient for the cubic term Moment of inertia of the load.12. When the interface block is set to the master mode. Let’s assume that a drive system consists of a motor (with a developed torque of Tem and a moment of inertia of J1) and a mechanical load (with a load torque of Tload and a moment of inertia of J2).4 Mechanical-Electrical Interface Block This block allows users to access the internal equivalent circuit of the mechanical system of a machine. r2. the mechanical coupling block can be inserted in between. and they must be connected together to form one system. a mechanical system can have only one master device. ω1. Let the radius. the mechanical-electrical interface block can be used to define the reference direction of a mechanical system through the master/slave flag. Image: Mechanical System #1 Mechanical System #2 This block is used in situations where both mechanical systems have a device in the master mode. ωm Tem J1 J2 speed node Tload Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 95 .= T em – T load dt where ωm is the shaft mechanical speed. respectively. 2.3 Mechanical Coupling Block The mechanical coupler block is used to couple two mechanical systems. away from the mechanical node.12. The equation that describes the mechanical system is: dω m ( J 1 + J 2 ) ⋅ --------.8. T1. Image: Mechanical Side Electrical Side Attribute: Parameter Master/Slave Flag Description Flag for the master/slave mode (1: master.12. the gear ratio a is defined as: a = n1 / n2. refer to Section 2. and speed of these two gears be: r1. In this case. The two shafts of the gear box can be in either master mode or slave mode.If the numbers of teeth of the first gear and the second gear are n1 and n2. this equation is modelled by an equivalent circuit as shown below. T2. we have: T1 / T2 = r1 / r2 = ω2 / ω1= a. 2. and ω2. 0: slave) Similar to electric machines. the reference direction is along the mechanical shaft.1. Based on the connection convention in PSIM. and the mechanical system on each side of the coupling block can have its own device in the master mode. and towards the rest of the mechanical elements. torque. In PSIM. For more information on the definition and use of the master/slave flag. and i = Tem-Tload. the two current sources have the values of Tem and Tload. Custom machine model (in subcircuit form) Wm Mechanical speed 2.In this circuit. In PSIM. The node-to-ground voltage (speed node voltage) represents the mechanical speed ωm. Images: Speed Sensor Torque Sensor 96 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . users can connect built-in motors or mechanical loads with user-defined load or motor models. The node representing the mechanical speed is then made available and is connected to the electrical side of the mechanical-electrical interface block. V = ωm.12. One can thus connect any electrical circuits to this node. the electrical side (with the letters “E”) will be the speed node of the mechanical equivalent circuit. the voltage at the electrical side represents the shaft mechanical speed. mechanical equivalent circuits for motors and mechanical loads all use the capacitor-based circuit model. The custom machine model must use the capacitor analogy to model the mechanical equation. Mechanical load model Example: A custom machine model with a constant-torque load Similarly. Example: An induction machine with a custom mechanical load model The figure below shows an induction machine connected to a user defined mechanical load model through the mechanical-electrical interface block. This is analogous to C*dV/dt = i for a capacitor where C = J1+J2. The mechanical-electrical interface block provides the access to the internal mechanical equivalent circuit. As explained above. The figure below shows such a circuit. and a capacitor connected to this node represents the load moment of inertia. and the capacitors have the values of J1 and J2. one can build a custom machine model and connect it to the mechanical load in PSIM. A current source flowing out of this node represents a mechanical load.5 Speed/Torque Sensors A speed sensor or torque sensor is used to measure the mechanical speed or torque. If the mechanical side of an interface block (with the letters “M”) is connected to a mechanical shaft. With this element. Based on the reference direction. The dotted side of the sensor is on the left. and the output of Speed Sensor 2 will be negative. Speed Sensor 1 is along the reference direction. a positive mechanical speed would give a positive sensor output. for the example above. If the actual mechanical speed is positive. in the mechanical system below. The figure on the left shows a torque sensor connected with a 10-N*m mechanical load. if the sensor is opposite to the reference direction of the mechanical system. the sensor will measure the torque tension on the dotted side of the sensor. The physical interpretation of the system is shown on the right. in the positive direction of the speed reference. the sensor will measure the torque tension on the undotted side of the sensor. The torque sensor output will be -10 N*m instead. and the load torque is in the counter-clockwise direction. For example. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 97 . if we use the righthand method. the direction of the positive speed and torque is in the clockwise direction. Similarly.1 for more details on the definition and use of the reference direction). in the system below. For the speed sensor. For example. if the sensor is along the reference direction of the mechanical system (refer to Section 2. the direction of the fingers will show the direction of the positive speed and torque. The physical meaning of the torque sensor is that. Otherwise. and Speed Sensor 2 is opposite to the reference direction of the mechanical system. the output of Speed Sensor 1 will be positive. a positive mechanical speed would give a negative sensor output. the positive speed reference is in the clockwise direction. This will give a torque sensor reading of 10 N*m. in the opposite direction of the speed reference. Therefore. The output of the speed/torque sensor depends on how the sensor is connected in a mechanical system. we use the diagram below as an illustration. Reference direction of the mechanical system Physical interpretation * 10 Wm Torque sensor Load 10 In this case. by pointing the thumb in the reference direction and rotating the right hand. and the reference direction of the mechanical system is from left to right. if the dotted side of the sensor is fixed. the load torque is applied to the dotted side of the sensor. if the undotted side of the sensor is fixed. To understand the physical meaning of the torque sensor measurement. Reference direction of the mechanical system Speed Sensor 1 Speed Sensor 2 The torque sensor measures the torque difference between the dotted side of the sensor and the undotted side. and the load is in such a way that it tries to slow down the shaft (the load torque is in the counter-clockwise direction).Attribute: Parameter Gain Description Gain of the sensor The output of the speed sensor is in rpm.8. and a positive sensor output would mean that the torque is opposite to the direction of the speed reference. the torque sensor is flipped with the dotted side on the right. If the undotted side is fixed. If the power is positive. resolver. which is the same as the torque times the mechanical speed. The multiplication of the current to the voltage. 2 torque sensors. Note that the second current probe is from right to left since Sensor 2 is opposite to the reference direction of the mechanical system. and hall effect position sensor. and the output signals are control signals. and 2 mechanical loads.12. represents the mechanical power. the current probe on the right represents the reading of the Torque Sensor 2. 98 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . They are connected to the mechanical shaft. it is transferred in the direction of the speed ωm.6.6 Position Sensors Four types of position sensors are provided: absolute encoder. Load 1 Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Load 2 Tem J TL1 JL1 TL2 JL2 The system consists of one machine. similar to the speed sensor and torque sensor.= T em – T L1 – T L2 dt The equivalent electrical circuit of the equation is shown below: ωm Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Tem J Machine -TL1 Load 1 JL1 -TL2 Load 2 JL2 The node voltage in the circuit represents the mechanical speed ωm. The equation for this system can be written as: dω m ( J + J L1 + J L2 ) ⋅ --------. we use the following system as an example. The torques and moment of inertia for the machine and the loads are as labelled in the diagram. The equivalent circuit also illustrates how mechanical power is transferred.Reference direction of the mechanical system Physical interpretation * 10 Wm Torque sensor Load 10 To understand how the torque sensor is modeled in the equivalent circuit of the mechanical system. Similarly.12.1 Absolute Encoder An absolute encoder is a position sensor that provides the shaft position within a 360o range (mechanical degree). 2. The current probe on the left represents the reading of the Torque Sensor 1. incremental encoder. The reference direction of this mechanical system is from left to right. 2. sch". the output voltages of the COS and SIN windings vary as the cosine and sine functions of the shaft angle. of Bits of Resolution Description Initial shaft position. As the shaft rotates.) No. They are offset by 90o. In addition.Image: Attribute: Parameter Initial Position (deg. referring to as the COS winding and SIN winding. 2.sch". the encoder provides separate index signal output Z and Z that provide one count per revolution. and the other is the position. angle. Number of lines that are in the code pattern of the code disk of the encoder The two quadrature outputs are A and A (A is the inverse of A). and B and B. Image: Attribute: Parameter Initial Position (deg. An example of an induction motor drive system using the incremental encoder is given in the sample file "Incremental Encoder INDM Drive.) No.6. in deg. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 99 . These two stator windings.3 Resolver A resolver is essentially a rotary transformer with one rotor winding and two stator windings. are located 90o apart. of Lines Description Initial shaft position.6. The encoder has two outputs: one is the number of counts (the range is from 0 to 2N-1). (the range is from 0 to 360o). and direction of the shaft. in deg. Number of Bits of resolution N The encoder output resolution is determined by the number of bits N.12. An example of a PMSM drive system using the absolute encoder is given in the sample file "Absolute Encoder PMSM Drive. 2. in mechanical deg.12.2 Incremental Encoder An incremental encoder is a position sensor that produces quadrature outputs which indicate the speed. of Poles Description Initial shaft position.(the inverse of cos+). Examples of BDCM motor drive systems using the hall effect sensor are given in the "examples" sub-folder of the PSIM directory. The peak amplitude of all the outputs is 1.12. An example of a PMSM drive system using the resolver is given in the sample file "Resolver PMSM Drive. which are spaced 120 electrical deg. B. Number of poles of the sensor The hall effect sensor provides three logic signal outputs A. of Poles Description Initial shaft position. cos. 100 sin+ sin- Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . Number of poles of the resolver The resolver has four outputs: cos+. apart. in deg. 2. sin+.) No. and C. The switches open or close when the magnetic field is higher or lower than a certain threshold value. The sensor consists of a set of semiconductor switches and trigger magnets.sch". in deg. The hall effect sensor is the same as the built-in hall effect sensor in the brushless dc machine. and sin.6.(the inverse of sin+).4 Hall Effect Sensor A hall effect sensor is a type of position sensors that provides three pulses depending on the shaft position.Image: cos+ cos- Attribute: Parameter Initial Position (deg.) No. Image: Attribute: Parameter Initial Position (deg. in eV. Light intensity S0 under the standard test conditions. It is around 1. Temperature coefficient Ct. 2.12 for crystalline silicon. also called emission coefficient. The differences between the physical model and the function model are that the physical model can simulate the behavior of the solar module more accurately. in Ohm Shunt resistance Rsh of each solar cell. but requires the minimum amount of parameter input and is easier to define and use. as described below. in oC Series resistance Rs of each solar cell. and around 1. A solar module consists of Ns solar cells in series. in A Band energy of each solar cell. Ideality factor A of each solar cell. and can take into account the light intensity and temperature variation.13 Renewable Energy Module Several elements related to renewable energy applications are included here.1 Solar Modules Two types of solar module models are provided: physical model and functional model. Images: Physical Model Pmax Light Intensity Functional Model Pmax Ambient Temperature Attributes for Physical Model: Parameter Number of Cells Ns Standard Light Intensity S0 Description Number of cells Ns of the solar module.13. It is around 2 for crystalline silicon. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 101 . in Ohm Short circuit current Isc0 of each solar cell at the reference temperature Tref. Ref.75 for amorphous silicon. in W/m2. in A Diode saturation current Is0 of each solar cell at the reference temperature Tref. On the other hand. and is less than 2 for amorphous silicon. The value is normally 1000 W/m2 in manufacturer datasheet. the functional model cannot take into account the light intensity and temperature variation.2. in A/oC or A/oK Coefficient ks that defines how light intensity affects the solar cell temperature. Temperature Tref Series Resistance Rs Shunt Resistance Rsh Short Circuit Current Isc0 Saturation Current Is0 Band Energy Eg Ideality Factor A Temperature Coefficient Ct Coefficient Ks Temperature Tref under the standard test conditions. + C t ⋅ ( T – T ref ) S0  ---------.-------. k is the Boltzmann constant (k = 1. In the image for the solar module physical model. and the node with the letter "T" refers to the ambient temperature input (in oC). Ta is the ambient temperature input.3806505 x 10-23). and i is the current flowing out of the positive terminal of the solar module. the nodes with the "+" and "-" signs are the positive and negative terminals. the nodes with the "+" and "-" signs are the positive and negative terminals. in A Solar module terminal voltage when the output power is at the maximum. and the equivalent circuit of the physical model of one solar cell is shown below: Rs id iph Rsh ir + i + vd -- v/Ns -- The equations that describe a solar cell are: i = i ph – i d – i r and S i ph = I sc0 ⋅ ---. The node with the letter "S" refers to the light intensity input (in W/m2). in V Current measured when the solar module terminals are short circuit. S is the light intensity input.+ i ⋅ R s Ns T = Ta + ks ⋅ S qE g  1 1 -------. the other nodes are all control circuit nodes. in V. The node on the top is for the theoretical maximum power (in W) given the operating conditions.Attributes for Functional Model: Parameter Open Circuit Voltage Voc Short Circuit Current Isc Maximum Power Voltage Vm Maximum Power Current Im Description Voltage measured when the solar module terminals are open circuit. Similarly. AkT id = I0 ⋅  e – 1   qv d T 3 Ak  Tref I 0 = I s0 ⋅  -------- ⋅ e  T ref vd i r = ------R sh v v d = ----. 102 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components . The node on the top is for the theoretical maximum power given the operating conditions. T where q is the electron charge (q = 1. in A. Solar module terminal current when the output power is at the maximum. While the positive and negative terminal nodes are power circuit nodes. A solar module consists of Ns solar cells in series.6 x 10-19 C).– -. in the image for the solar module functional model. v is the voltage across the entire solar module. The interface of the tool is shown below.00 3. as the voltage increases.00 80. the functional model of the solar module represents the solar module based on the i-v characteristics. and voltage and current at the maximum power point. the output power will reach the maximum.00 As shown in the figure.00 Power 300. All these four parameters can be obtained from manufacturer datasheets.00 4.0 0.Some of the parameters of the physical model can be obtained from manufacturer datasheets. open circuit voltage. Many control schemes have been proposed to track the maximum power point (so called Maximum Power Point Tracking. please refer to the tutorial Tutorial Solar Module (physical module).00 100.00 1. At one point. On the other hand. Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 103 .00 200. A utility tool Solar Module (physical model) under the Utilities menu is provided to help obtaining the parameters from manufacturer datasheet.00 50.00 2.0 20. short circuit current. The figure below shows the current and power of a solar module versus the voltage. the solar module output power increases.00 0.00 Maximum Power Point Power 250.00 V Voltage 40.00 Current 5. and the rest of the parameters can be obtained by trial-and-error. or MPPT) under different operating conditions. the model creates the i-v characteristics of the solar module. Using the four parameters.00 60. For more details on how to use this tool to obtain the model parameters. I 6. i.pdf in the "doc" sub-folder in the PSIM directory.00 150.e. Several MPPT examples have been included in the PSIM example set. c3 = 0. in kg*m2 Flag to display the internal torque of the wind turbine (0: no display.035 λ = ----------------------. 1: master) Base Wind Speed Base Rotational Speed Initial Rotational Speed Moment of Inertia Torque Flag Master/Slave Flag In the image. Wiley.2 Wind Turbine The image and parameter of the wind turbine are described below. and Cp is the power coefficient.08β β 3 + 1 x –c6 + c7 where c1 = 0. vwind is the wind speed (in m/sec. The power generated by a wind turbine can be expressed as: 1 3 P = -.4. c6 = 21*λ'. in W. in rpm Moment of inertia of the wind turbine blade. at 0o pitch angle. in m/s The base rotational speed of the turbine that would produce the nominal output power. Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems. c5 = 5. Image: Wind Turbine Wind Speed Wind Turbine Shaft Pitch Angle Attributes: Parameter Nominal Output Power Description The maximum output power of the wind turbine. 2006 104 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .2. S.13.5. and 1. and the node with the letter "p" is for the blade pitch angle input in deg. This power is considered as the maximum power operating point of the turbine. c4 = 0.225 kg/m3). The power coefficient Cp is a function of the tip speed ratio λ and the blade pitch angle β. the node with the letter "w" is for the wind speed input in m/s. Waddington.– -------------λ + 0. It can be expressed as [Heier1]: Cp = c1 ⋅ ( c2 – c3 β – c4 β – c5 ) ⋅ e ω m ⋅ R blade λ = ------------------------v wind ′ 1 0. Heier and R. c2 = 116*λ'. 1: display) Master/slave flag for the connected mechanical system (0: slave.01*λ. The base wind speed that would produce the nominal output power.).⋅ A ⋅ v wind ⋅ ρ ⋅ C p 2 where A is the area of the rotor blade (in m2). in rpm The initial rotational speed of the turbine. c7 = 0. ρ is the air density (it is approximately 1. Both nodes are control circuit nodes. and it should not exceed the rated power of the generator. 10 0.00 lambda_1 λ 10.0 0.00 The figure shows that the power coefficient Cp reaches the maximum of 0. Cp_nom = 0. is to maintain the tip speed ratio at or close to the nominal value so that the power that the wind turbine generates is at the maximum.. in Ohm Full (or maximum) voltage Efull of the battery cell. Several elements related to renewable energy applications are included here. The relationship between the power coefficient Cp and the tip speed ratio λ and the blade pitch angle β can be plotted in the figure below. One way to control the wind turbine.50 Cp_1 Cp_2 Cp_3 β=0 β=5ο β=10ο 0. Images: SOC SOC Attributes: Parameter No. from 0 (100% derating) to 1 (no derating) Rated voltage Erated of the battery cell. of Cells in Parallel Voltage Derating Factor Capacity Derating Factor Rated Voltage Discharge Cut-off Voltage Rated Capacity Internal Resistance Full Voltage Description Number of cells Ns in series of a battery pack Number of cells Np in parallel of a battery pack Voltage derating factor Ks.00 15.18. in V Battery voltage Ecut corresponding to the maximum capacity. i. in V Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components 105 .13.49 when the tip speed ratio λ is 8. 0. λnom = 8. in V Rated capacity Qrated of the battery cell. and the other with the battery cell symbol image. of Cells in Series No.e. in Ah Internal resistance Rbattery of the battery cell. therefore.18. from 0 (100% derating) to 1 (no derating) Capacity derating factor Kp.20 0. We choose the values of Cp and λ at the maximum as the nominal values.3 Lithium-Ion Battery Model A lithium-ion battery model is provided.40 0. It comes with two images: one with the battery image. 2.0 5.) and Rblade is the radius of the rotor blade (in m).where ωm is the rotor rotational speed (in rad/sec.49.30 Cp 0. please refer to the document "Tutorial . while the model can be used to define a battery pack where the number of cells in series or in parallel is not 1.pdf". in Ah Battery capacity Qtop at the end of the exponential region in the discharge curve.How to use Lithium-Ion battery model. and the resistance by Ns/Np. in Ah Battery capacity Qnom at the end of the nominal region in the discharge curve. in V Battery voltage Enom at the end of the nominal region in the discharge curve. For a battery pack. in Ah Initial state of charge (SOC) (from 0 to 1) In the images. the extra node at the top of the battery image or at the side of the battery cell symbol image is for the SOC output. in V Maximum capacity Qmax of the battery cell. For example. all voltages need to be multiplied by Ns*Ks. 106 Chapter 2: Power Circuit Components .⋅ R battery Np For a detailed description on how to define and use the lithium-ion battery model. for the entire battery pack: E rated_total = N s ⋅ K s ⋅ E rated E cut_total = N s ⋅ K s ⋅ E cut E full_total = N s ⋅ K s ⋅ E full E top_total = N s ⋅ K s ⋅ E top E nom_total = N s ⋅ K s ⋅ E nom Q rated_total = N p ⋅ K p ⋅ Q rated Q max_total = N p ⋅ K p ⋅ Q max Q top_total = N p ⋅ K p ⋅ Q top Q nom_total = N p ⋅ K p ⋅ Q nom Ns R battery_total = ----.Exponential Point Voltage Nominal Voltage Maximum Capacity Exponential Point Capacity Nominal Capacity Initial State of Charge Battery voltage Etop at the end of the exponential region in the discharge curve. It is a control circuit node. all capacities by Np*Kp. Note that the battery parameters are all for one battery cell. .. . .Bo Coeff.⋅ ⋅u 0 ... xn 0 0 x2 B1 – A1 ⋅ Bn ⁄ An k ⋅ x + ----. 0 –A0 ⁄ An –A1 ⁄ An x1 B0 – A0 ⋅ Bn ⁄ An x2 1 0 d---. Example: The following is a second-order transfer function: Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 107 ..... + B 2 ⋅ s + B 1 ⋅ s + B 0 G ( s ) = k ⋅ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------n 2 A n ⋅ s + .. 0 0 . Image: Attributes: Parameters Order n Gain Coeff.. .. + A 2 ⋅ s + A 1 ⋅ s + A 0 n 2 Two types of transfer function blocks are provided: one with zero initial values (the element is called s-domain Transfer Function in the PSIM library) and the other with initial values as input parameters (called s-domain Transfer Function (initial value) in the PSIM library)..... . Bn.. we can convert the s-domain expression into the differential equation form as follows: x1 0 0 0 ... xn 0 . 1 – A n – 1 ⁄ A n Bn – 1 – An – 1 ⋅ Bn ⁄ An The output equation in the time domain can be expressed as: Bn y = x n + k ⋅ ----.....⋅ u An The initial values of the state variables xn to x1 can be specified as the inputs in the element s-domain Transfer Function (initial value)..Ao Initial Values xn.x1 Description Order n of the transfer function Gain k of the transfer function Coefficients of the numerator (from Bn to Bo) Coefficients of the denominator (from An to Ao) Initial values of the state variables xn to x1 (for the element s-domain Transfer Function (initial value) only) Let Y(s) = G(s)*U(s) where Y(s) is the output and U(s) is the input... .. 0 – A 2 ⁄ A n B2 – A2 ⋅ Bn ⁄ An 3 An . ... An.1 Transfer Function Blocks A transfer function block is expressed in polynomial form as: B n ⋅ s + .. .3 Control Circuit Components 3....x = 0 1 dt 3 .... Ao 2 1.5 0. Image: Attribute: Parameter Gain Description Gain k of the transfer function 3. An.400. and internal resettable integrator.1. Initial value of the output Reset flag (0: edge reset. 1: level reset) 108 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . Initial value of the output For External Resettable Integrator: Parameters Time Constant Initial Output Value Reset Flag Description Time constant T of the integrator. external resettable integrator.e G ( s ) = 1. 1200.. in sec. 400.1 Proportional Controller The output of a proportional (P) controller is equal to the input multiplied by a gain. 0.. Images: Regular Integrator External Resettable Integrator Internal Resettable Integrator Attributes: For Regular Integrator: Parameters Time Constant Initial Output Value Description Time constant T of the integrator.5 ⋅ --------------------------------------------------2 3 s + 1200 ⋅ s + 400. the specification will be: Order n Gain Coeff. 400..1.e3 1.e3 3..e 3 In PSIM.2 Integrator There are three types of integrators: regular integrator. Bn.Bo Coeff. in sec. For Internal Resettable Integrator: Parameters Time Constant Initial Output Value Lower Output Limit Upper Output Limit Description Time constant T of the integrator. except that in this case users do not need to set up the external reset circuit. The reset flag is set to 0. Initial value of the output Lower limit of the output Upper limit of the output 1 G ( s ) = ----sT The transfer function of an integrator is: The Bode plot of the amplitude |G| and the phase angle Φ of the integrator is shown as below: |G| 0 1/T -20dB/dec ω (rad/sec) ω Φ 0 -90o The output of the external resettable integrator can be reset by an external control signal (at the bottom of the block). the integrator output is reset to zero at the rising edge of the control signal. anti-windup is implemented automatically. It works in the same way as the external resettable integrator with the edge reset. When a limiter is connected to the integrator output. For the level reset (reset flag = 1). the integrator output is reset to zero as long as the control signal is high (1). Vd vo vctrl Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 109 . The output of the internal resettable integrator is reset to 0 when the output reaches either the lower limit or the upper limit. The control input of the integrator is a pulse waveform which resets the integrator output at the end of each cycle. Example: The following circuit illustrates the use of the resettable integrator. For the edge reset (reset flag = 0). The input of the integrator is a dc quantity. in sec. 4 Proportional-Integral Controller A proportional-integral (PI) controller is defined as below. 3.3 Differentiator The transfer function of a differentiator is: G ( s ) = sT A differentiator is calculated as follows: v in ( t ) – v in ( t – Δt ) v o ( t ) = T ⋅ ------------------------------------------Δt where Δt is the simulation time step. 110 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components .3.1. Since sudden changes of the input will generate spikes at the output. Image: Attribute: Parameter Time Constant Description Time constant T of the differentiator.1. in sec. Image: Attributes: Parameters Gain Time Constant Description Gain k of the PI controller Time constant T of the PI controller The transfer function of a PI controller is defined as: 1 + sT G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------sT The Bode plot of the amplitude |G| and the phase angle Φ of the PI controller is shown as below: |G| 0 -20dB/dec 1/T ω (rad/sec) ω Φ 0 -90o When a limiter is connected to the PI output. it is recommended that a low-pass filter be placed at the input of the differentiator. anti-windup is implemented automatically. vin(t) and vin(t-Δt) are the input values at the present and the previous time step. Image: Attributes: Parameters Gain Time Constant Pole Frequency Description Gain k of the PI controller Time constant T of the PI portion of the controller Frequency of the pole fc. in Hz ωc G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------s + ωc The transfer function of the single-pole is defined as: where ω c = 2πf c .⋅ ---------------sT 1 + sT c 1where T c = ----. Image: Attributes: Parameters Gain Pole Frequency Description Gain k of the controller Frequency of the pole fc. The Bode plot of the amplitude |G| and the phase angle Φ of the single-pole controller is shown as below: |G| -20dB/dec 0 ωc ω (rad/sec) ω Φ 0 -90o It is defined as below. in Hz 1 + sT 1 G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------.and ω c = 2πf c . ωc The transfer function of a modified PI controller is defined as: Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 111 .5 Single-Pole Controller A single-pole controller is a proportional controller with a pole.6 Modified PI Controller A modified PI controller (Type-2) consists of a PI with a pole. .. 2πf z1 2πf z2 2πf p1 2πf p2 The transfer function of a Type-3 controller is defined as: The Bode plot of the amplitude |G| and the phase angle Φ of the Type-3 controller is shown as below: |G| 0 90o -20dB/dec 20dB/dec 1/Tz1 1/Tz2 1/Tp1 1/Tp2 ω (rad/sec) Φ 0 -90o ω When a limiter is connected to the controller output. in Hz Frequency fz2 of the second zero. T z2 = -----------. and T p2 = -----------.1. 3. T p1 = -----------. 112 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . in Hz Frequency fp1 of the first pole. in Hz Frequency fp2 of the second pole. in Hz 1 + sT z1 1 + sT z2 G ( s ) = k ⋅ -----------------.The Bode plot of the amplitude |G| and the phase angle Φ of the PI controller is shown as below: |G| 0 -20dB/dec 1/T 1/Tc ω (rad/sec) -20dB/dec Φ 0 ω -90o When a limiter is connected to the PI output. Image: Attributes: Parameters Gain Frequency fz1 Frequency fz2 Frequency fp1 Frequency fp2 Description Gain k of the PI controller Frequency fz1 of the first zero. anti-windup is implemented automatically.7 Type-3 Controller A Type-3 controller consists of two zeros and two poles..⋅ ----------------------------------------------------( 1 + sT p1 ) ⋅ ( 1 + sT p2 ) sT z1 1 1 1 1 where T z1 = -----------.. anti-windup is implemented automatically. in Hz - B Frequency width fb ( f b = ----. in Hz 2π 2π c Cut-off frequency fc ( f c = ----. in Hz Attributes for first-order low-pass filter: Parameters Gain Cut-off Frequency Description Gain k c Cut-off frequency fc ( f c = ----.1. Images: 2nd-order low-pass 2nd-order high-pass 2nd-order band-pass 2nd-order band-stop 1st-order low-pass Attributes for second-order filters: Parameters Gain Damping Ratio Cut-off Frequency Center Frequency Passing Band. For second-order low-pass filter: ωc G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------------------------------2 2 s + 2ξω c s + ω c 2 For second-order high-pass filter: s G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------------------------------2 2 s + 2ξω c s + ω c 2 For second-order band-pass filter: B⋅s G ( s ) = k ⋅ --------------------------------2 2 s + B ⋅ s + ωo For second-order band-stop filter: s + ωo G ( s ) = k ⋅ --------------------------------2 2 s + B ⋅ s + ωo 2 2 For first-order low-pass filter: ωc G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------s + ωc Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 113 .) for low-pass and high-pass filters. Stopping Band Description Gain k Damping ratio ξ ω 2π ωo Center frequency fo ( f o = ----.) for band-pass and band-stop filter.) of the passing/stopping band for band-pass/band- stop filters.3.) of the low-pass filter. in Hz ω 2π The transfer function of these filters are listed below.8 Built-in Filter Blocks Four second-order filters and one first-order filter are provided as built-in blocks in PSIM. will still be a scalar which is equal to the summation of the input vector elements.1 Summer The input of a one-input summer or two-input summer can be either a scalar or a vector. Let the two inputs be: V1 = [a1 a2 .2 Computational Function Blocks 3... The input of a multiplier can be either a vector or a scalar. Vo = a1 + a2 + .2 Multiplier and Divider The output of a multipliers or divider is equal to the multiplication or division of two inputs.... 3. bn] Vo = V1 + V2 = [a1+b1 a2+b2 . an] V2 = [b1 b2 . which is a scalar.. bn] The output.. an+bn] The output of a one-input summer. their dimensions must be equal... however. The input of a threeinput summer can only be a scalar.. will be: Vo = V1 * V2T = a1*b1 + a2*b2 + an*bn 114 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components .3.2. the output of a two-input summer will also be a vector. the input with a dot is the first input. an.. Images: 1-input Input 1 Input 2 2-input Input 1 2-input 3-input Input 1 Input 2 Input 2 Input 3 Attribute: Parameter Gain_i Description Gain ki for the ith input For the three-input summer. an] V2 = [b1 b2 .. Images: Multiplier Numerator Denominator Divider For the divider.. If the two inputs are vectors. which is defined as: V1 = [a1 a2 . If the inputs are scalar. the dotted node is for the numerator input. the output of a summer with n inputs is defined as: V o = k 1 V 1 + k 2 V 2 + .. that is. + k n V n If the input is a vector.2. k2 = 2. then Vo = e2.3.718281828. if k1 = 1. in Hz 115 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . The output is only updated at the beginning of each period.4 Exponential/Power/Logarithmic Function Blocks The images and attributes of these function blocks are shown below.2.5 where e is the base of the natural logarithm.2. Images: Exponential Power LOG LOG10 Attributes (for exponential and power blocks): Parameters Coefficient k1 Coefficient k2 Description Coefficient k1 Coefficient k2 V V o = k 1 ⋅ k 2 in The output of an exponential function block is defined as: For example. Image: 3.5.2. The output is defined as: V rms = 1 -T 0 vin ( t )dt T 2 where T = 1/fb. and the block LOG10 gives the common logarithm (base 10) of the input.3 Square-Root Block A square-root function block calculates the square root of the input.5 Root-Mean-Square Block A root-mean-square function block calculates the RMS value of the input over a period specified by the base frequency fb. Image: Attribute: Parameter Base frequency Description Base frequency fb. 3. and Vin = 2. The output of a power function block is defined as: k2 V o = k 1 ⋅ V in The function block LOG gives the natural logarithm (base e) of the input. e. The output of the arctangent and arctangent 2 blocks is the inverse tangent of the ratio between the imaginary part y and the real part x. The output of the arctangent block is in degree. the input is in deg.7 Trigonometric Functions The following trigonometric functions are provided: two sine (sin) blocks. the output of the arctangent 2 block is in radian. and the other input node marked with y is the imaginary part. A sign function block gives the sign of the input. i. cos. The output gives the peak amplitude and the phase angle of the input fundamental component. the output is 1 if the input is positive.2. the input node marked with x is the real part. tangent (tan). The FFT algorithm is based on the radix-2/decimation-in-frequency method.2. and for the arcsin. Images: (input in deg. The number of sampling points within one fundamental period should be 2N (where N is an integer).) (input in deg.8 Fast Fourier Transform Block A Fast Fourier Transform block calculates the fundamental component of the input signal. On the other hand. For the sin. The output is equal to the corresponding trigonometric function of the input. the input is in radian.6 Absolute and Sign Function Blocks An absolute value function block gives the absolute value of the input. The output voltage (in complex form) is defined as: n = N–1 --2 2 v o = --. i.) In the arctangent and arctangent 2 blocks. and the range is from  x 0 to 360o.. two cosine (cos) blocks. and arctangent blocks.2.x) in the C language. and the range is from -π to +π. θ = tg  . 0 if the input is 0.) (input in rad. arcsine (sin-1). Images: Absolute Sign 3. and arctangent 2 (atan2). –1 y 3. and -1 if the input is negative. the output is in deg.⋅ N  n=0 – j ---------  N N  v in ( n ) – v in  n + --- ⋅ e   2   2πn Image: Amplitude Phase Angle 116 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components .) (input in rad. The maximum number of sampling points allowed is 1024. The arctangent 2 block behaves in the same way as the function atan2(y. arctangent (tg-1).e.3.. arccosine (cos-1). . and tan blocks. For the sin and cos blocks that have the letter "r" at the upper left corner and the atan2 block. arccos. It can be either Maximum or Minimum. After one cycle. the FFT block only measures the fundamental component. of sampling points N Fundamental frequency fb. and harmonics of the fundamental components (with the frequencies at multiple integer times of the fundamental frequency). Note that the FFT block only works if the input signal contains dc. the voltage vin contains a fundamental component v1 (100 V at 60 Hz).9 Maximum/Minimum Function Block A maximum/minimum function block detects the maximum or minimum of the inputs. and a 7th harmonic v7 (25 V at 420 Hz). The dotted node of the block refers to the output of the amplitude. If the input signal contains another component that is not multiple integer of the fundamental frequency. the FFT block will not give the correct result. v1 v5 v7 vin vamp Angle v1 vin vamp Angle 3.2. not any other harmonics. a 5th harmonic voltage v5 (25 V at 300 Hz).Attributes: Parameters No. if the parameter "Fundamental Frequency" is set to 180. if the input signal contains 60 Hz (fundamental) and 180 Hz. The number of inputs can be changed through the drop-down menu. the fundamental component. in Hz. the FFT block output reaches the steady state with the amplitude of 100 V and the phase angle of 0o. Image: Attributes: Parameters Number of Inputs Block Function Type Description Number of inputs Function type of the block. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 117 . the FFT block output will be incorrect. For example. of Sampling Points Fundamental Frequency Description No. Note that the phase angle output has been internally adjusted such that a sine function Vm*sin(ωt) will give a phase angle output of 0. Also. Example: In the circuit below. Image: Note that the comparator image is similar to that of the op.3. When the input is within the limit. or lower limiter. however. and range limiter. the output is equal to the input. amp. or upper limiter.2 Limiters Four types of limiters are provided to limit the amplitude of a signal: lower/upper limiter.. upper limiter. the output of the limiter is clamped to the upper or lower limit whenever the input exceeds the limiter range. For a range limiter. let the range of the upper limit and the lower limit be Vrange. For the comparator. When the output exceeds the upper limit. When the output is below the lower limit.3. If the rate of change is within the limit. If the two input are equal. the output is equal to the input. When the positive input is lower. the output is zero. For the op.3 Gradient (dv/dt) Limiter A gradient (dv/dt) limiter limits the rate of change of the input. 3.3. If the input is within the limit. it is the opposite. it is added by range Vrange until it is within the range.1 Comparator The output of a comparator is high when the positive input is higher than the negative input. Images: Lower/upper Limiter Lower Limiter Upper Limiter Range Limiter Attributes: Parameters Lower Limit Upper Limit Description Lower limit of the limiter Upper limit of the limiter For a lower/upper limiter. lower limiter.3 Other Function Blocks 3.3. the output is equal to the input. 3. the output is subtracted by the range Vrange until it is within the range. amp. the output is undefined and it will keep the previous value. Image: 118 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . the noninverting input is at the upper left and the inverting input is at the lower left. and holds this value until the next point is sampled.3. and can be in the range of -360o to 360o. Image: Input Control The difference between this block and the zero-order hold block (ZOH) in Digital Control Module is that this block is treated as a continuous element and sampling moments can be controlled externally.5 Sampling/Hold Block A sampling/hold block samples the input when the control signal changes from low to high (from 0 to 1). whereas the zeroChapter 3: Control Circuit Components 119 .Attribute: Parameter dv/dt Limit Description Limit of the rate of change (dv/dt) of the input 3.4 Trapezoidal and Square Blocks Trapezoidal waveform blocks and square waveform blocks are specific types of lookup tables: the output and the input relationship is either a trapezoidal or a square waveform.3.. Both waveforms are half-wave and quarter-wave symmetrical. Peak value Vpk of the waveform For the square waveform block: Attribute: Parameter Pulse Width (deg. Images: Trapezoidal Waveform Square Waveform For the trapezoidal waveform block: Attributes: Parameters Rising Angle theta Peak Value Description Rising angle θ. vo Vpk Trapezoidal Waveform o o 360 vo Square Waveform vin o 180 o 360 1 180 0 -Vpk θ vin 0 θ -1 3. The waveforms of these two blocks are shown below. in deg. in deg.) Description Pulse width θ in half cycle. Note that the input vin is in deg. N = 0. N = -1. Example: In this example. and then divided by 10N.5678.5678. N = 0. if Vin = 34. then Vout = 30. then Vout = 34. The control signal is a square wave voltage source with an amplitude of 1.5678. truncation flag = 1. a sinusoidal input is sampled. the output will be equal to Vin. truncation flag = 1. then Vout = 34. Examples: If Vin = 34. then we have the output Vout = 35. vin vo vctrl 3.5. 0: round-off) Let the input of the round-off block be Vin. If Vin = 34. the zero-order hold block should be used. of digits N after the decimal point Truncation flag (1: truncation.3.5678. and then divided by 10N. new = V in ⋅ 10 N If the truncation flag is 1.6 Round-Off Block The image of a round-off block is shown below: Image: Attributes: Parameters rounded off to the nearest integer. For a discrete system. Similarly.order hold block is a discrete element and the sampling moments are fixed and of equal distance. the output will be equal to Vin. Otherwise. truncation flag = 1. truncation flag = 0. N = 1. of Digits Truncation Flag Description No. 3.3. 120 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . If Vin = truncated. The input is first scaled based on the following expression: V in. and the other with only one simulation time step.7 Time Delay Blocks Two types of time delay blocks are provided: one with arbitrary delay time. and s0. (for the Time Delay block only) A time delay block delays the input signal by a specified amount of time interval. Two types of multiplexers are provided: One with binary control inputs. for example. in sec. and the other with individual control inputs.3.Images: Time Delay Unit Time Delay Attribute: Parameter Delay Time Description Delay time. vin1 vin2 4 ms 1 ms vo1 vo2 vin2 vo2 3..d7 are the data inputs. the delay time will be changed accordingly. Images: 2-input Binary Control Inputs 4-input 8-input Individual Control Inputs 4-input 3-input d0 d1 MUX Y d0 d1 d2 d3 MUX d0 Y MUX Y d0 d1 d2 d0 d1 d2 d3 MUX MUX s0 s1 s0 d7 s2 s1 s0 s1 s0 s2 s1 s0 In the images.. whereas the unit delay block is a discrete element and the delay time is equal to the sampling period. Example: In this circuit. It. If the simulation time step is changed. Note that the difference between the unit time delay block and the unit delay block in Digital Control Module is that this block is a continuous element and the delay time is one simulation time step. For a discrete system. the first time delay block has a delay time of 1 ms. d0. and the second block has a delay time of 4 ms. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 121 . A unit time delay block delays the input signal by just one simulation time step. the unit delay block should be used. The truth tables of the multiplexers are as follows.s2 are the control inputs.8 Multiplexer The output of a multiplexer is equal to a selected input depending on the control signal. This example illustrates that the input of the time delay block can be either an analog or a digital signal. can be used to model the propagation delay of a logic element. Otherwise Vo = Vb.3. 3. When Va is greater than Vb. The THD block is modelled as shown below.9 THD Block The total harmonic distortion (THD) of an ac waveform that contains both the fundamental and harmonic components is defined as: 2 2 Vh V rms – V 1 THD = ----. the comparator output will be 1. and Vo = Va. Example: The following circuit selects the maximum value out of two inputs.For multiplexers with binary control inputs: 2-Input s0 Y 0 d0 1 d1 s1 0 0 1 1 4-Input s0 0 1 0 1 Y d0 d1 d2 d3 s2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8-Input s1 s0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Y d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 For multiplexers with individual control inputs: 3-Input s1 s0 x 1 1 0 otherwise x: Do not care Y d0 d1 d2 s2 x x 1 4-Input s1 s0 x 1 1 0 0 0 otherwise Y d0 d1 d2 d3 Note that the data input could be either an analog or digital signal.= -------------------------V1 V1 where V1 is the fundamental component (rms). Vh is the harmonic rms value. 122 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . and Vrms is the overall rms value of the waveform. For the THD block. together with the THD value. in Hz Passing band of the band-pass filter. By comparing the phase difference between the input voltage vs and the current is1.Image: THD THD vin(t) Circuit Model of the THD Block Vrms Vh THD vin(t) v1(t) V1 v1(t) A second-order band-pass filter is used to extract the fundamental component. a THD block is used to measure the THD of the input current.3. can be used to calculate the input power factor. Image: Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 123 . The delay angle of the thyristor bridge is chosen as 30o. Attributes: Parameters Fundamental Frequency Passing Band Example: In the single-phase thyristor circuit below. It changes the 3-phase modulation signals such that the PWM modulator gain is similar to that of a digitally implemented space vector PWM. one can calculate the input displacement power factor. This. in Hz vs alpha=30 deg. 3. is THD is1 One of the THD block output is the input current fundamental component is1. The center frequency and the passing band of the band-pass filter need to be specified. Description Fundamental frequency of the input. the fundamental frequency is set at 60 Hz and the passing band of the filter is set at 20 Hz. The simulation results are shown on the right.10 Space Vector PWM A space vector PWM block is used in a carrier-wave based PWM scheme. 4. Images: AND OR NOT XOR 3-input AND 3-input OR NAND NOR 3.2 Set-Reset Flip-Flop There are two types of set-reset flip-flops. OR.3. One is edge-triggered and the other is level-triggered. on the other hand. and the other with the set input (S) and reset input (R). it is assumed that both set/reset inputs are 124 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components .4. XORGATE (exclusive-OR).3 J-K Flip-Flops Two types of J-K flip-flops are provided: One without the set/reset inputs.1 Logic Gates Basic logic gates are AND. Image: Attribute: Parameter Trigger Flag Description Trigger flag (0: edge-triggered. NAND. For the element without the set and reset inputs. and NOR gates. changes the states based on the input level.4 Logic Components 3. NOT. The truth table of an edge-triggered flip-flop is: S 0 0 ↑ ↑ R 0 ↑ 0 ↑ Q Q no change 0 1 1 0 not used A level-triggered flip-flop. The truth table of a level-triggered set-reset flip-flop is: S 0 0 1 1 R 0 1 0 1 Q Q no change 0 1 1 0 not used 3.4. 1: level-triggered) An edge-triggered flip-flop only changes the states at the rising edge of the set/reset input. The output pulse width can be either fixed or adjusted through another input variable. it is assumed that both set/reset inputs are high (1).4. For the element without the set and reset inputs. Images: A J-K flip-flop is positive edge triggered. Images: A D flip-flop is positive edge triggered. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 125 . and the truth table is: S 0 1 0 1 x: Do not care 1 R 1 0 0 1 1 D x x x 0 1 Clock x x x ↑ ↑ Q 1 0 0 0 1 Q 0 1 0 1 0 3. in second. will be generated at the output. with the specified pulse width. Its on-time pulse width.high (1).5 Monostable Multivibrator In a monostable multivibrator. The latter type of monostables is referred to as controlled monostables.4 D Flip-Flops Two types of D flip-flops are provided: One without the set/reset inputs. is determined by the control input.4. the positive (or negative) edge of the input signal triggers the monostable. and the truth table is: S 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 R 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 J x x x 0 0 1 1 K x x x 0 1 0 1 Clock x x x ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Q 1 0 0 0 1 Toggle Q 0 1 0 1 0 no change x: Do not care 3. A pulse. and the other with the set input (S) and reset input (R). the pulse width counter output remains unchanged. The truth table of the counter is: Up/Down Preset Enable Reset Clock Action 126 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components .4.6 Pulse Width Counter A pulse width counter measures the width of a pulse. the counter decrements. Image: Preset Enable Preset Value Clock Up/Down Reset Output Attribute: Parameter No. Image: 3. The Reset input resets the counter to 0 when it is high (1). At the falling edge of the input.Images: Monostable Controlled Monostable Attribute: Parameter Pulse Width Description On-time pulse width. and when the Up/Down input is 1.4. The rising edge of the input activates the counter.7 Up/Down Counter An up/down counter increments or decrements by 1 at each rising edge of the clock. in sec.). During the interval of two falling pulse edges. 3. the output gives the width of the pulse (in sec. of Bits Description Number of bits N When the Up/Down input is 0. The Preset Enable input sets the counter to the preset value when it is high. The input node at the bottom of the controlled monostable block is for the pulse width input. the counter increments. if Vref = 5 V. then Vo = 256/5*3.4.2 = 163. Images: ADC (8-bit) ADC (10-bit) DAC (8-bit) Vref Vref DAC (10-bit) Vin Clock Vo Vin Vo Let N be the number of bits. The output of the A/D converter is calculated as: 2 V o = -------. Vin = 10100011 (binary) = 163.x 1 0 x x x: Do not care 0 0 0 1 x 0 0 0 0 1 x ↑ ↑ No count Count up Count down x x Preset Reset 3. N = 8 bits.⋅ V in N 2 For example. Both 8-bit and 10-bit converters are provided. if Vref = 5 V. then Vo = 163/256*5 = 3.2 V.1836 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 127 .84 = 10100011 (binary) The output of the D/A converter is calculated as: V ref V o = -------.⋅ V in V ref N For example. Vin = 3.8 A/D and D/A Converters A/D and D/A converters perform analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion. N = 8 bits. The input and output waveforms are shown on the left.5. and the connection between two sampling points makes it look like continuous. In contrary to a s-domain circuit which is continuous. 3 msec. the zero-order hold has a free-running timer which determines the moment of sampling.5 Digital Control Module The Digital Control Module is an add-on module to the basic PSIM program.. the zero-order hold sampling frequency is 1000 Hz.. and so on. Note that in above circuit. the familiar staircase-like waveform can be observed at the zero-order hold output. 1 msec. The waveforms. There is no calculation between two sampling points. appear continuous. the simulation time step will be equal to the sampling period. the input will be sampled at 0. for digital control system simulation. 128 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . Example: In the following circuit. the circuit becomes a discrete circuit. 3. as shown below. such as zero-order hold.3. a z-domain circuit is discrete. and the calculation is only performed at the discrete sampling points. and only the results at the sampling points are available. With this time step. Since only the calculation at the discrete sampling points is needed. For example. z-domain transfer function blocks.. Image: Attribute: Parameter Sampling Frequency Description Sampling frequency of the zero-order hold. In fact the waveforms are discrete. 2 msec. and a simulation time step selected for the continuous circuit will be used.. This makes it a mixed continuous-discrete circuit. digital filters. It provides discrete elements. in Hz Like all other discrete elements.1 Zero-Order Hold A zero-order hold samples the input at the point of sampling. if the zero-order hold has a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. The output remains unchanged between two sampling points. Without the integrator. The sampling moment is synchronized with the origin of the simulation time. a continuous-domain integrator is also connected to the input sine source. etc. .aN Sampling Frequency 2 0.. 400.2 z-Domain Transfer Function Block A z-domain transfer function block is expressed in polynomial form as: b0 ⋅ z + b1 ⋅ z + .. + a N – 1 ⋅ z + a N a0 ⋅ z + a1 ⋅ z N N–1 If a0 = 1.e3 3000. b0... 0. the expression Y(z) = H(z) * U(z) can be expressed in difference equation as: y ( n ) = b 0 ⋅ u ( n ) + b 1 ⋅ u ( n – 1 ) + . 400. in Hz Assuming a sampling frequency of 3 kHz.... a0.5. b0.e H ( z ) = --------------------------------------------------2 3 z + 1200 ⋅ z + 400. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 129 ..bN Coeff. + b N – 1 ⋅ z + b N H ( z ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------N N–1 + .... 1200.3.bN Coeff.e 3 Description Order N of the transfer function Coefficients of the numerator (from b0 to bN) Coefficients of the denominator (from a0 to aN) Sampling frequency. + b N ⋅ u ( n – N ) – [ a 1 ⋅ y ( n – 1 ) + a 2 ⋅ y ( n – 2 ) + ...e3 1. + a N ⋅ y ( n – N ) ] Image: Attributes: Parameters Order N Coeff.. a0..aN Sampling Frequency Example: The following is a second-order transfer function: 400. the specification will be: Order N Coeff. With the edge reset (reset flag = 0). and H(z) as the discrete transfer function. and internal resettable integrator.⋅ ---------2 z–1 Ts y ( n ) = y ( n – 1 ) + ---. The integrator works in the same way as the external resettable integrator with the edge reset.5. the input-output relationship of an integrator can be expressed under different integration algorithms as follows. With trapezoidal rule: Ts z + 1 H ( z ) = ---. the integrator output is reset to zero as long as the control signal is high (1).2. The output of an internal resettable integrator is reset to 0 whenever the output reaches either the lower limit or the upper limit. y(t) as the output. With the level reset (reset flag = 1). in Hz Initial Output Value Reset Flag Lower Output Limit Upper Output Limit Sampling Frequency The output of an external resettable integrator can be reset by an external control signal (at the bottom of the block). the integrator output is reset to zero at the rising edge of the control signal. If we define u(t) as the input. except that users do not need to set up the external reset circuit in this case. external resettable integrator. Ts as the sampling period.⋅ ( u ( n ) + u ( n – 1 ) ) 2 With backward Euler: z H ( z ) = T s ⋅ ---------z–1 y ( n ) = y ( n – 1 ) + Ts ⋅ u ( n ) With forward Euler: 1H ( z ) = T s ⋅ ---------z–1 130 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components .3.1 Integrator There are three types of integrators: regular integrator. Images: Regular Integrator External Resettable Integrator Internal Resettable Integrator Attribute: Parameters Algorithm Flag Description Flag for integration algorithm 0: trapezoidal rule 1: backward Euler 2: forward Euler Initial output value Reset flag (0: edge reset. 1: level reset) (for external resettable integrator only) Lower limit of the output (for internal resettable integrator only) Upper limit of the output (for internal resettable integrator only) Sampling frequency. 5.2. in Hz The transfer function of an analog PI controller in s-domain is defined as: 1 + sT G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------sT The digital PI controller is obtained by discretizing the analog PI controller using the backward Euler method.5.⋅ ( u ( n ) – u ( n – 1 ) ) Ts Image: Attribute: Parameter Sampling Frequency Description Sampling frequency. The implementation of the controller is shown below: Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 131 . Image: Attribute: Parameters Gain Time Constant Lower Output Limit Upper Output Limit Sampling Frequency Description Gain k of the PI controller Time constant T of the PI controller Lower limit V_lower of the output Upper limit V_upper of the output Sampling frequency fs.⋅ ---------Ts z where Ts is the sampling period.2 Differentiator The transfer function of a discrete differentiator is: 1 z–1 H ( z ) = ---.2. in Hz 3.y ( n ) = y ( n – 1 ) + Ts ⋅ u ( n – 1 ) 3.3 Digital PI Controller A digital PI controller is defined below. The input-output relationship can be expressed in difference equation as: 1 y ( n ) = ---. 2.5.bN Coeff. in Hz The transfer functions of the low-pass filters are listed below.4 Digital Filters Four digital filter blocks are provided: 1st-order low-pass filter. in Hz ω 2π Damping ratio ξ of the filter (for 2nd-order low-pass filter only) Sampling frequency fs.. in Hz For General Digital Filter or FIR Filter that reads the coefficients from a text file: Parameters File for Coefficients Sampling Frequency Description Name of the file storing the filter coefficients Sampling frequency fs.. b0.). the filter coefficients can either be entered directly through the element property window... Images: 1st-order Low-Pass 2nd-order Low-Pass General Digital Filter FIR Filter Attributes: For 1st-order low-pass filter and 2nd-order low-pass filter: Parameters Gain Cut-off Frequency Damping Ratio Sampling Frequency Description Gain k of the filter c Cut-off frequency fc ( f c = ----. or be specified through a text file.aN Sampling Frequency Description Order N of the transfer function Coefficients of the numerator (from b0 to bN) Coefficients of the denominator (from a0 to aN) Sampling frequency fs. For both general filters. and general finite impulse response (FIR) filter. For first-order low-pass analog filter in s-domain: ωc G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------s + ωc For second-order low-pass analog filter in s-domain: 132 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . a0.3. general digital filter. 2nd-order low-pass filter. in Hz For General Digital Filter or FIR Filter that reads the coefficients directly: Parameters Order N Coeff. ωc G ( s ) = k ⋅ -------------------------------------2 2 s + 2ξω c s + ω c 2 The 1st-order and 2nd-order digital filters are obtained by discretizing the analog filter using the Backward Euler method. The transfer function of a general digital filter is expressed in polynomial form as: + bN ⋅ z b 0 + b 1 ⋅ z + ... + b N – 1 ⋅ z H ( z ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------–1 –( N – 1 ) –N a 0 + a 1 ⋅ z + ... + a N – 1 ⋅ z + aN ⋅ z –1 –( N – 1 ) –N If a0 = 1, the output y and input u can be expressed in difference equation form as: y ( n ) = b 0 ⋅ u ( n ) + b 1 ⋅ u ( n – 1 ) + ... + b N ⋅ u ( n – N ) – [ a 1 ⋅ y ( n – 1 ) + a 2 ⋅ y ( n – 2 ) + ... + a N ⋅ y ( n – N ) ] If the denominator coefficients a0..aN are not zero, this type of filter is called infinite impulse response (IIR) filter. The transfer function of a FIR filter is expressed in polynomial form as: H ( z ) = b0 + b1 ⋅ z –1 –( N – 1 ) –N + ... + b N – 1 ⋅ z + bN ⋅ z If a0 = 1, the output y and input u can be expressed in difference equation form as: y ( n ) = b 0 ⋅ u ( n ) + b 1 ⋅ u ( n – 1 ) + ... + b N ⋅ u ( n – N ) The coefficient file for block Digital Filter (file) and FIR Filter (file) has the following format: For FIR Filter (file): N b0 b1 ... ... ... bN For Digital Filter (file), the format can be either one of the following: N b0 b1 ... ... ... bN a0 a1 ... ... ... aN Example: To design a 2nd-order low-pass Butterworth digital filter with the cut-off frequency fc = 1 kHz, assuming the sampling frequency fs = 10 kHz, using MATLAB, we have: Nyquist frequency fn = fs / 2 = 5 kHz Normalized cut-off frequency fc* = fc/fn = 1/5 = 0.2 [B,A] = butter (2, fc*) which will give: Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 133 or N b0, a0 b1, a1 ... ... ... bN, aN B = [0.0201 0.0402 0.0201 ] = [b0 b1 b2] A=[ 1 -1.561 0.6414 ] = [a0 a1 a2] –1 –2 The transfer function is: 0.0201 + 0.0402 ⋅ z + 0.0201 ⋅ z H ( z ) = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------–1 –2 1 – 1.561 ⋅ z + 0.6414 ⋅ z The input-output difference equation is: y ( n ) = 0.0201 ⋅ u ( n ) + 0.0402 ⋅ u ( n – 1 ) + 1.561 ⋅ y ( n – 1 ) – 0.6414 ⋅ y ( n – 2 ) The parameter specification of the filter in PSIM will be: Order N Coeff. b0...bN Coeff. a0...aN Sampling Frequency 2 0.0201 1. 10000. 0.0402 -1.561 0.0201 0.6414 If the coefficients are stored in a file, the file content will be: 2 0.0201 0.0402 0.0201 1. -1.561 0.6414 Or the file can also have the content as follows: 2 0.0201, 1 0.0402, -1.561 0.0201, 0.6414 3.5.3 Unit Delay A unit delay block provides one sampling period delay to the input. Image: Attribute: Parameter Initial Output Value Sampling Frequency Description Initial value of the output of the block Sampling frequency, in Hz The difference between the unit delay block and the time delay block is that the unit delay block is a discrete element and it delays the sampled points by one sampling period, whereas the time delay block is a continuous element and it delays the whole waveform by the delay time specified. 134 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 3.5.4 Quantization Blocks Quantization blocks simulate the quantization process of an A/D converter. Two quantization blocks are provided: One with 1 LSB (least significant bit) quantization error, and the other with input offset with 0.5 LSB quantization error. Images: Quantization Block Quantization Block (with offset) Attributes: Parameters No. of Bits Vin_min Vin_max Vo_min Vo_max Sampling Frequency Description Number of bits N Lower limit of the input value Vin,min Upper limit of the input value Vin,max Lower limit of the output value Vo,min Output value Vo,max that corresponds to the input value Vin,max Sampling frequency, in Hz To understand how the quantization blocks work, we will look at a special case where N = 3, Vin,min = 0, and Vin,max = 1. The input will be divided into 23 (or 8) stages. Depending on the input level, the output will be one of the 3-bit discrete numbers 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111. The output will have 23 (or 8) levels, and 23-1 (or 7) steps. If the binary number 000 corresponds to the decimal number 0, and the binary number 111 corresponds to the decimal number 0.875, and Vo,min = 0, and Vo,max = 1, we can plot the waveforms of the input, output, and the quantization error Vin-Vo of the two quantization blocks as below. The waveforms on the left are from the quantization block without the offset, and the waveforms on the right are from the quantization block with the offset. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 135 Quantization block Binary numbers (111) (110) (101) Quantization block (with offset) Binary numbers (111) (110) (101) (100) (011) (010) (001) (000) (100) (011) (010) (001) (000) As shown from the waveforms on the left, the quantization error of the quantization block is from 0 to 1 LSB (least significant bit), or 1/23 (or 0.125). For the quantization block with offset, a value of 0.5*LSB is added to the input before performing the quantization. This reduces the quantization error to -0.5 LSB to +0.5 LSB (except when the input is close to the maximum value), as shown from the waveforms on the right. The figure below shows the input-output relationship of a general quantization block with offset. Vo,max Actual output limit ΔVo Vo N 2 N 2 -1 Binary numbers 1 Vo,min Vin,min Vin ΔVin Vin,max 0 The number of bits determines the quantization resolution. The input range, Vin,max - Vin,min, is divided into 2N stages, with the width of each stage as: 136 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components V in, max – V in, min ΔV in = -------------------------------------N 2 except for the 1st stage where the width is 0.5*ΔVin, and the last stage where the width is 1.5∗ΔVin. Note that for the quantization block without the offset, the width of the 1st and last stage is ΔVin. If the input falls in the kth stage, the output will be calculated as: V o = V o, min + ( k – 1 ) ⋅ ΔV o where k is from 1 to 2N, and the output step is calculated as: V o, max – V o, min ΔV o = ----------------------------------N 2 Note that the value Vo,max corresponds to the output value when the input is at Vin,max. But because of the quantization, the output can be represented in only N levels, from 0 to 2N-1. As a result, the actual limit of the output is not Vo,max, but Vo,max - ΔVo, as shown in the figure above. Example: For a quantization block with the offset, let N = 3, Vin,min = 0, Vin,max = 1, Vo,min = 0, and Vo,min = 1. We have ΔVin = ΔVo = 1/8. If Vin = 0.25, it is in the 3rd stage (k = 3), and it corresponds to Vo = 0 + (3 - 1) * 1/8 = 0.25. If Vin = 0.6, it is in the 6th stage (k = 6), and it corresponds to Vo = 0 + (6 - 1) * 1/8 = 0.625. 3.5.5 Circular Buffers A circular buffer is a memory location that can store an array of data. Two types of circular buffers are provided in PSIM: One with a single output, and the other with a vector output. Images: Circular Buffer (single output) Circular Buffer (vector output) Attributes: Parameters Buffer Length Sampling Frequency Description The length of the buffer Sampling frequency, in Hz A circular buffer stores data in a buffer. When the pointer reaches the end of the buffer, it will start again from the beginning. The circular buffer with single output is a type of first-in-first-out memory storage device, and the output is equal to the value being pushed out. The output of the circular buffer with vector output is a vector array with the length equal to the buffer length. To access each memory location, use the memory read block. Example: If a circular buffer has a buffer length of 4 and a sampling frequency of 10 Hz, we have the buffer storage at different time as follows: Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 137 Time 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ... ... ... Input 1 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.55 0.66 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.55 0.55 Value at Memory Location 2 0 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.66 3 0 0 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 4 0 0 0 0.44 0.44 0.44 Output (for singleoutput buffer) 0 0 0 0 0.11 0.22 3.5.6 Convolution Block A convolution block performs the convolution of two input vectors. The output is also a vector. Image: Let the two input vectors be: A = [ am am-1 am-2 ... a1] B = [ bn bn-1 bn-2 ... b1] We have the convolution of A and B as: C = A ⊗ B = c m + n – 1 c m + n – 2 ... c 1 where ci = Σ[ ak+1 * bj-k], k=0, ..., m+n-1; j=0, ..., m+n-1; i=1, ..., m+n-1 Example: If A = [1 2 3] and B = [4 5], we have m = 3; n = 2; and the convolution of A and B is: C = [4 13 22 15]. 3.5.7 Memory Read Block A memory read block is used to read the value of a memory location of a vector. Image: Attribute: Parameter Memory Index Offset Description Offset from the starting memory location A memory read block allows one to access the memory location of elements such as convolution block, vector array, and circular buffer. The index offset defines the offset from the starting memory location. 138 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components Example: Let a vector be A = [2 4 6 8]. If index offset is 0, the memory read block output will be 2. If the index offset is 2, the output will be 6. 3.5.8 Data Array This is a one-dimensional array. The output is a vector. The data are either entered directly (the element is called Array in the PSIM library) or specified in a file (the element is called Array (file) in the PSIM library). Image: Attributes: Parameters Array Length Values File for Coefficients Description The length of the data array N (for the element Array only) Values of the array (for the element Array only) Name of the file storing the array (for the element Array (file) only) If the array is read from a file, the file will have the following format: N a1 ... ... ... aN where N is the length of the array, and a1..aN are the array values. Example: To define an array A = [2 4 6 8], we will have: Array Length = 4; Values = 2 4 6 8. If the array is to be read from a file, the file will be: 4 2. 4. 6. 8. 3.5.9 Stack A stack is a first-in-last-out register. Image: Vin push pop Vo Attribute: Parameter Stack Depth Description The stack depth The rising edge triggers the push or pop action. When a pop action is performed and the stack is empty, the output remains unchanged. When a push action is performed and the stack is already full, the data at the bottom Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 139 of the stack will be pushed out and will be lost. 3.5.10 Multi-Rate Sampling System A discrete system can have more than one sampling rate. The following system is used to illustrate this. The system below has 3 sections. The first section has a sampling rate of 10 Hz. The output, Vo, fed back to the system and is sampled at 4 Hz in the second section. In the third section, the output is displayed at a sampling rate of 2 Hz. It should be noted that a zero-order hold must be used between two elements with different sampling rates. Vo 140 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components One can therefore make full use of PSIM’s capability in power simulation and Matlab/Simulink’s capability in control simulation in a complementary way. and the rest of the system in Simulink. In Simulink. With the SimCoupler Module. and the Out Link nodes send the values to Simulink. the following shows a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system with the power stage implemented in PSIM. the In Link nodes receive values from Simulink. 3.1 Set-up in PSIM and Simulink The use of the SimCoupler Module is easy and straightforward.3. and the control in Simulink.6 SimCoupler Module The SimCoupler Module is an add-on module to the PSIM software. the SimCoupler model block is connected to the rest of the system through input/output ports.sch Control in SimuLink File: pmsm_simulink. and the SimCoupler model block in Simulink. As an example. part of a system can be implemented and simulated in PSIM. They are all control elements and can be used in the control circuit only. The images are shown below. The SimCoupler interface consists of two parts: the link nodes in PSIM.mdl The following are the steps to set up SimCoupler for PSIM-Matlab/Simulink co-simulation for the example above. Images: In PSIM In Link Node Out Link Node In SimuLink SimCoupler Model Block In PSIM. Power in PSIM File: pmsm_psim.6. It provides interface between PSIM and Matlab/Simulink for co-simulation. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 141 . and place it on the schematic. and other can solve the system but with degraded performance. Open an existing file or create a new file. “Vb”.Start Matlab. In this case. .Connect three In Link nodes to the positive inputs of the comparators.After the rest of the power circuit is created.Adding the SimCoupler Block to the Simulink Library: Run the program "SetSimPath. we use the following one-quadrant chopper circuit with average current mode control as an example. The number of input and output ports of the SimCoupler model block will automatically match those defined in the PSIM netlist. and “Wrpm” for the Out Link nodes.The setup is now complete. To break an algebraic loop. select the SimCoupler block. set the Type to “Fixed-step”.exe" to add the SimCoupler block to the Simulink library and set up the SimCoupler Module for co-simulation of PSIM and Matlab/Simulink. and rename them as “Va”. The memory block introduces one integration time step delay. Set Fixed step size to be the same as or close to PSIM’s time step. and “Vc”. connect three Out Link nodes to the low-pass filters of Phase A.Go to the Simulate menu. otherwise Simulink will not be able to find PSIM. In this case. Please also note that when the SimCoupler model block is used in a feedback system in Simulink. Some versions of Matlab/Simulink can not solve a system containing algebraic loops. there will be 3 input ports and 4 output ports. . we assume that the file is saved to “C:\PSIM\pmsm_psim. Go to Simulink and start the simulation. In this example. this program needs to be run only once. In this example. . After the rest of the system is created. the SimCoupler model block may be part of an algebraic loop (please refer to Matlab Help for more information on algebraic loops). The circuit on the left is all implemented and simulated in PSIM. the order will be “Va”.Save the schematic file. and “Ic”. . Then click on Apply. and rename them as “Ia”. . and click on the Browser button to locate and select the PSIM schematic file “C:\PSIM\pmsm_psim. With this. and “Vc” for the In Link nodes. To illustrate this. Note that this step is necessary. .Launch Simulink. Under Solver Options. it is also not necessary to manually add the PSIM folder to the Matlab path. A dialog window will appear. Also. and C currents. and “Ia”.sch”.1ms. “Vb”.Go to the Simulation menu and select Simulation Parameters. “Ic”. After the execution. The circuit on the right has the power stage 142 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . go to the menu "S-function SimCoupler" in the Simulink Library Browser. the time step is set to 0. In Simulink: . It needs to be run again only if the PSIM folder or Matlab folder has changed. and select Arrange SLINK Nodes. B. 3. place a memory block at each output of the SimCoupler model block. the SimCoupler block will appear as "S-function SimCoupler" in the Simulink Library Browser.sch”. In PSIM: . More discussion on the selection of the solver option and the time step is given in the next section. “Ib”. The SimCoupler Module supports Matlab/Simulink Release 13 and higher. .In the PMSM example file.6. Arrange the order of the In Link nodes (SLINK In) and Out Link nodes (SLINK Out) to be the same as how the input/output ports would appear in the SimCoupler model block in Simulink (the order of the ports is from the top to the bottom). and connect one Out Link node to the speed sensor output and rename it as “Wrpm”.2 Solver Type and Time Step Selection in Simulink There are certain restrictions on the selection of the solver type and the time step in Simulink when performing the co-simulation. “Ib”. double click on the SimCoupler block. 10 times larger than the PSIM time step. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 143 . If the Simulink Solver type is instead set to Variable-step. a zero-order-hold must be placed at the input of the SimCoupler model block. the zero-order-hold sample time must be the same or close to PSIM time step. Complete circuit in PSIM Power circuit in PSIM Time step: 2us There are different ways of setting up Simulink to perform co-simulation. the PSIM simulation time step is 2 us. In this case. Moreover. the simulation results will not be correct. In both circuits. and the control implemented in Simulink. in order to obtain correct results.implemented in PSIM. Control in Simulink Solver Type: Variable-step When the Simulink Solver type is set to Variable-step. even if the Simulink time step is slightly larger than PSIM time step. although we have found that. The recommend approach is to set the Solve Type to Fixed-step and define the Fixed step size to be the same or close to PSIM’s time step. for example. Control in Simulink Solver Type: Fixed-step Time step: 20 us It is recommended that Simulink use the same time step as PSIM. The figure below shows the configuration. The figure below shows this option. satisfactory results are obtained. The figure below shows this option. the time step is set to 20 us. a zero-order-hold must be used with the sample time the same or close to PSIM time step 3. change the "Inductance" to varL1 in PSIM. In Simulink.Control in Simulink Solver Type: Variable-step ZOH Sample Time: 2 us Therefore. and pass them to PSIM. to set the inductance of the inductor L1 in Simulink. Simulink must be set up to have the Solver Type as Fixed-step with the time step the same or close to the PSIM time step. double click on the SimCoupler block to open the property dialog.3 Passing Parameters from Simulink to PSIM One can set parameter values in Simulink. or if the Solver Type is Variable-step. as shown below.6. as shown below. The variable varL1 will now be accessible from PSIM. 144 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . Click on the newly added row in the list and type the variable name and value. For example. and click on Add Variable. a co-simulation platform that supports various software. Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components 145 . Through the links. please refer to relevant CosiMate documents.3. During cosimulation. For more information on CosiMate. data are exchanged between PSIM and other software through these ports.chiastek.7 CosiMate Links CosiMate links provide the link between PSIM and CosiMate. one can perform co-simulation between PSIM and the software that CosiMate supports. please visit www. Note that the links will be functional only if one has CosiMate installed. and an output port represents a control signal output from PSIM to CosiMate. For more details on how to set up the The links consist of two parts: Input Port and Output Port. An input port represents a control signal input from CosiMate to PSIM. 146 Chapter 3: Control Circuit Components . The definition "(global)" is used in SimCoder only for automatic code generation.3 k1 = a + b*c (global) k1 = 12. a parameter definition "(global) K1 = 1. That is. conditional statements and error/warning message functions are supported. L1 = 3e-3 // C1 = 100e-6. For PSIM simulation.. For example. Note that.2".2" is treated the same as "K1 = 1." statement % as comment. k1) } Chapter 4: Other Components 147 . % is now used as modulo operation. k1} } if (k1 == 20) { Warning {"Warning: The value of k1 is equal to %. Also. a parameter file can be used by itself as a computational tool.3 L1 = 3m C1 = 100uF // Define the value of the variable k1 // Define k1 in a math expression // Define k1 as a global variable (for use in SimCoder) // power-of-ten suffix is supported. In addition.. and R1 is defined in a parameter file.4 Other Components 4. as compared to Version 9. k1 = %f". It supports the following format: // Text from the character // to the end of the line is treated as comment k1 = 12..else if. The unit "F" is ignored. Image: A parameter file is a text file created by a text editor.1 Parameter File A parameter file defines the variables used in a circuit. this definition is ignored.0f".1. the resistance of a resistor can be specified as R1. Now an equal sign must be used to define a variable.5"). as shown below: if (k1 > 10) { a = 10 b=1 } else if (k1 <= 20) { a = 20 b=2 } else { Error {"Error: The value of k1 is out of the range. Please refer to the SimCoder User Manual on how it is used. var1 value (for example "R1 2. Now comments must start with double slash //. the following format is no longer supported: LIMIT var1 Vlow Vupper // This should be replaced by the "if.. txt" can be used in both S1 and S2 circuits as well as in parameter files "sub1_param. a variable define in a parameter file in circuit cannot be used in another circuit of the same level. abs(x). sinh(x). where n is the number of digits after the // decimal point.txt" and "sub2_param. var2) // up to 5 variables are supported Note that the input or output of all trigonometric functions is in rad. For example.1f will give 12. 148 Chapter 4: Other Components .. Supported operators and mathematical functions in a parameter file are: + . asin(x). the standard C syntax applies (without the semicolon .34. at the end of each statement though). as well as a copy of the content of the parameter file.. var1. when PSIM saves a parameter file.". while a Warning function will allow the simulation to proceed. %. atan(x). tanh(x) pow(x... a variable defined in "sub1_param..txt" can not be used in the higher level main circuit and in "main_param. A variable defined in a parameter file in a higher-level circuit can be used in all lower circuits.} else {.3 An Error function will stop the simulation. if k1 = 12. sign(x) if {. var1.txt". a variable defined in "sub1_param. The function Show Values provides a very convenient way of checking the calculation. k1} // Print the value of k1. cosh(x).nf".y). since Subcircuits S1 and S2 are".* / % (modulo) ^ (to the power of) = == != > >= < <= ! && || sin(r).. Also.} else if {. with a parameter file "sub1_param. assume that a main circuit contain a parameter file "main_param. and the main circuit contains two subcircuits S1 and S2. value2) // inline if statement (note it is "iif" not "if") Error ("Error text %f.txt" cannot be used in Subcircuit S2 and "sub2_param. where n is the number of digits after the // decimal point. Also. value1.txt" in S2. Similarly. %. For example. To display the variable values of a parameter file.When writing the conditional statements "if. as shown below. var2) // up to 5 variables are supported Warning ("Warning text %f. sqrt(x).} iif (comparison..y) (x to the power of y). exp(x). acos(x). and the values on the right. log10(x).. In addition.txt". %f".. k1}// Print the value of k1.txt". cos(r). Parameter File in Circuit Schematic: When a parameter file element is used in a circuit schematic.txt" in S1 and another parameter file "sub2_param.. and vice versa. ln(x) (or log(x)). if k1 = 12.txt". tan(r). the Error or Warning reporting functions can control the variable number format. it will save the information of both the relative path and absolute path of the parameter file.3 Warning {"Warning message"} Warning {"Warning message %. atan2(x.else. However. go to Edit >> Show Values. For example. A variable defined in "main_param. For example. it has the same hierarchy as the circuit in which it resides... the figure below shows a parameter file on the left.34.txt" or "sub2_param. but not the other way around.else if. %f".1f will give 12. Error {"Error message"} Error {"Error message %. When PSIM loads a schematic with a parameter file element. and back into the lower-potential node of the source. It behaviors as a grounded voltage source. Image: 4. in sec. the parameter file element becomes a very useful computational tool in its own right. and the local path (the local folder where the schematic file is).2. It is treated as a grounded voltage source. go to Utilities >> Parameter Tool. Images: DC DC (battery) Grounded DC (circle) Grounded DC (T) Current Chapter 4: Other Components 149 .1 Time The Time element is a special case of the piecewise linear voltage source. The reference of the grounded dc voltage sources is the ground. To access this function. Note that current sources can be used in the power circuit only. it will search and load the parameter file in the following order: relative path (relative to the schematic file).2 Constant The constant element allows users to define a constant. If PSIM still can not find the parameter file.3 DC Source A dc source has a constant amplitude.2 Sources Several types of independent voltage/current sources are available in PSIM. and the value is equal to the simulation time. To facilitate its usage. through the external circuit. absolute path.2. Parameter Tool: With the capability to show variable values and handle conditional statements.2. it will create the parameter file in the local schematic folder from the copy that it saved in the schematic file. Image: Attribute: Parameter Value Description Value of the constant 4. 4. 4. The notation of a current source direction is: the current flows out of the higher-potential node. a function is provided to open a parameter file without the need of a schematic. a symmetrical three-phase Y-connected sinusoidal voltage source is provided. in Hz Initial phase angle θ. the source is 0. The dotted phase of the source refers to Phase A. in sec.Attribute: Parameter Amplitude Description Amplitude of the source 4. in deg. Before this time.2. Image: 3-phase Voltage a b c 150 Chapter 4: Other Components . DC offset Voffset Starting time. Vm Voffset t θ 1/f Images: Voltage Current Attributes: Parameters Peak Amplitude Frequency Phase Angle DC Offset Tstart Description Peak amplitude Vm Frequency f. To facilitate the setup of three-phase circuits.4 Sinusoidal Source A sinusoidal source is defined as: v o = V m ⋅ sin ( 2π ⋅ f ⋅ t + θ ) + V offset The specifications can be illustrated as follows. Images: Voltage Current Attributes: Parameters Vpeak-peak Frequency Duty Cycle DC Offset Phase Delay Description Peak-to-peak amplitude Vpp Frequency. Vpp D*T 0 θ T (T=1/f) Voffset t When the phase delay θ is positive.2.2. The duty cycle is defined as the ratio between the rising-slope interval versus the period.6 Triangular/Sawtooth Sources A triangular-wave voltage source or current source is defined by peak-to-peak amplitude. and DC offset. frequency. The duty cycle is defined as the ratio between the high-potential interval versus the period. in Hz Duty cycle D of the high-potential interval DC offset Voffset Phase delay θ of the waveform. and DC offset. 4.Attributes: Parameters V (line-line-rms) Frequency Init. in deg. Images: Voltage Current Chapter 4: Other Components 151 .5 Square-Wave Source A square-wave voltage source or current source is defined by peak-to-peak amplitude. the waveform is shifted to the right along the time axis. in Hz Initial angle for Phase A 4. Angle (phase A) Description Line-to-line rms voltage amplitude Frequency f. duty-cycle. The specifications of a square wave source are illustrated as follows. frequency. dutycycle. Two types of step sources are provided: one that changes from 0 to a certain level (refer to as Step in the library).7 Step Sources A step voltage/current source changes from one level to another at a given time. A sawtooth-wave voltage source is a special case of the triangular source with the duty cycle of 1 and dc offset and phase delay of 0. Images: Voltage Current 152 Chapter 4: Other Components .Attributes: Parameters Vpeak-peak Frequency Duty Cycle DC Offset Phase Delay Description Peak-to-peak amplitude Vpp Frequency. the waveform is shifted to the right along the time axis. in deg. It is defined as below: Image: Sawtooth-wave Attributes: Parameters Vpeak Frequency Description Peak amplitude Frequency.2. and the other that changes from one level to another level (referred to as Step (2-level) in the library). in Hz Duty cycle D of the rising slope interval DC offset Voffset Phase delay θ of the waveform. and with one node grounded. in Hz 4. The specifications of a triangular wave source are illustrated as: D*T Vpp 0 θ T (T=1/f) Voffset t When the phase delay θ is positive. .. Images: Voltage Current Attributes: For the sources that define the values and times separately: Parameters Frequency No. The values and times can be entered either separately...8 Piecewise Linear Source The waveform of a piecewise linear source consists of piecewise linear segments. Chapter 4: Other Components 153 .).Tn Description Frequency of the waveform. or in pair.Vn Time T1. in Hz No. in sec.Attributes: For the Step type source: Parameters Vstep Tstep Description Value Vstep after the step change Time Tstep at which the step change occurs For the Step (2-level) type source: Parameters Vstep1 Vstep2 Tstep T_transition Description Value Vstep1 before the step change Value Vstep2 after the step change Time Tstep at which the step change occurs Transition time Ttransition from Vstep1 to Vstep2 The specifications of the voltage step sources are illustrated as follows: Step Type Step (2-level) Type Vstep Vstep1 Vstep2 Ttransition 0 Tstep t 0 Tstep t 4. It is defined by the number of points. of points Values at each point Time at each point. of Points n Values V1. the values and the corresponding time (in sec.2. 1) (0.v1). (0. 3 2 1 0 0.. The time and value can be separated by either a comma.5). 0.3 Time (sec.. 3) 4. Images: Voltage Current Attributes: Parameters Peak-Peak Amplitude DC Offset 154 Description Peak-to-peak amplitude of the source DC offset Chapter 4: Other Components .3 The specification for the piecewise linear (in pair) voltage source will be: Frequency Times.2 0. such as (1.2m 5.5). It has 3 segments which can be defined by four points (marked in the figure). 4 1..For the sources that define the values and times in pair: Parameters Frequency Times. 5. in Hz Time and value at each point The time and value pair must be enclosed by left and right brackets. Example: The following is a non-periodic piecewise linear source. 0.9 Random Source The amplitude of a random voltage source (VRAND) or current source (IRAND) is determined randomly at each simulation time step. Values (t1. 0.v1) . A random source is defined as: v o = V m ⋅ n + V offset where Vm is the peak-to-peak amplitude of the source. 3.3.2m.Tn 0. such as (1.5).) The specification for the piecewise linear voltage source will be: Frequency No. such as (1.1 0..1. n is a random number in the range of 0 to 1. Values (t1.2. 3..2. and Voffset is the dc offset.. 1. of Points n Values V1.1 0.2m. Description Frequency of the waveform.. or both.2 0. 3) (0. or a space.5.. 1) (0..Vn Times T1. Image: Attributes: Parameters Expression Tstart Description The mathematical expression of the source Start time of the source In the expression.4. “T” or “t” represents time. 4.Current controlled current source .Voltage controlled voltage source .11 Voltage/Current-Controlled Sources The following types of controlled sources are available: .Variable-gain voltage controlled voltage source .Voltage controlled current source . the controlling voltage or current can not be an independent source. the controlling voltage is from the positive node (+) to the negative node (-). Also.Variable-gain voltage controlled current source The controlling current of a current controlled source must come from a RLC branch.2. to implement a sinusoidal source.10 Math Function Source A math function source allows one to define the source in a mathematical expression.09). Images: Voltage-controlled Current-controlled Current-controlled (flowing through) Variable-gain voltage-controlled vin1 vin2 Voltage-controlled Current-controlled Current-controlled (flowing through) Variable-gain voltage-controlled vin1 vin2 Attribute: Parameter Gain Description Gain of the source For voltage-controlled sources. For example.Current controlled voltage source . for a controlled current source.2. the expression will be: sin(2*3. Note that controlled sources can be used in the power circuit only.14159*60*t+2. Chapter 4: Other Components 155 . They are defined as: Nonlinear (multiplication): Nonlinear (division): Nonlinear (square-root): Nonlinear (power): Output v o = k ⋅ v in1 ⋅ v in2 or i o = k ⋅ v in1 ⋅ v in2 in1 in1 Output v o = k ⋅ -------. Variable-gain controlled sources can be used in circuits which may otherwise have convergence problem with nonlinear sources with multiplication. division. In the circuit on the left.or i o = k ⋅ -------- v v in2 v v in2 Output v o = k ⋅ v in1 or i o = k ⋅ v in1 Output v o = sign ( v in ) ⋅ k ⋅ ( k 1 ⋅ v in ) k2 In the nonlinear power source. 156 Chapter 4: Other Components . Note that these nonlinear sources can be used in the power circuit only. the voltage source is controlled by the inductor current is. Example: The circuits below illustrates the use of current controlled voltage sources. except that a different current controlled source is used instead. With a gain of 1. values of both vin1 and vin2 at the current time step are used to calculate the output and are updated in each iteration. and it is -1 if vin is negative. For current-controlled sources (with a wire connecting the two nodes). the control nodes are connected across a RLC branch. This assumption is valid as long as vin2 changes at a much slower rate as compared to vin1 and the time step is small as compared to the change of vin2. The difference between a variable-gain controlled source and a nonlinear source with multiplication is that. the waveform of the voltage vis is equal to that of is. for the nonlinear source with multiplication.2. the controlling current flows from one control node to another. the term sign(vin) is 1 if vin is positive. For the variable-gain controlled sources. or square-root of the inputs. as indicated by the arrow. and the value of vin2 at the previous time step is used at the current time step. and Input 2 is on the side with the letter k. it is assumed that the change of vin2 is small from one time step to the next.For current-controlled sources (with an arrow pointing from one node to another).12 Nonlinear Voltage-Controlled Sources The output of a nonlinear voltage-controlled source is either the multiplication. But for the variable-gain controlled source. The circuit on the right is equivalent to that on the left. the output is equal to the following: v o = ( k ⋅ v in2 ) ⋅ v in1 i o = ( k ⋅ v in2 ) ⋅ v in1 Input 1 is on the side with the multiplication sign. except variable-gain controlled sources. a current quantity can be converted to a voltage quantity. and the direction of the controlling current is indicated by the arrow. Vis Vis is is 4. is equal to the gain multiplied by the controlling voltage or current. In this way. The output of a controlled source. A 10-uOhm resistor is used to sense the controlling current. except the node-to-ground probe. or other quantities. Note that all the probes and meters. Input 1 is on the side of the division sign. power. The current sensor has an internal resistance of 1 μΩ.Images: Multiplication vin1 Division vin2 Square-root Power vin1 vin2 Attributes: For all the sources except the nonlinear power source: Parameter Gain Description Gain k of the source For the nonlinear power source: Parameters Gain Coefficient k1 Coefficient k2 Description Gain k of the source Coefficient k1 Coefficient k2 For the nonlinear (division) source. currents. VAR meters. A two-terminal voltage probe measures the voltage between two nodes. are allowed in the power circuit only. A voltage probe measures a node voltage with respect to ground. a power meter measures the power flowing into the meter from the dotted side. dc ammeter. ac voltmeter. current probe. dc voltmeter. single-phase and 3-phase wattmeters and kilowatt hour (kWh) meters. Below find the images of the ac ammeter. A current probe or meter measures the current flowing into the meter from the dotted side. Chapter 4: Other Components 157 . and VA-Power Factor meters. Images: Voltage Sensor Current Sensor Attribute: Parameter Gain Description Gain of the sensor 4. Similarly. voltage probe.4 Probes and Meters Probes and meters are used to measure voltages. 4.3 Voltage/Current Sensors Voltage/current sensors measure the voltages/currents of the power circuit and send them to the control circuit. While voltage/current probes measure the instantaneous voltage or current. whereas a high-pass filter is used in the ac meter models to filter out the dc component. (for W/kWh meters only) Display flag for apparent power (0: no display. 1: display) (for VA-Power Factor meters only) Display flag for power factor (0: no display. the readings of all the meters are meaningful only when the readings reach the steady state. apparent power S. For a single-phase circuit. the real power P. and the displacement power factor (DPF). The cut-off frequency determines the transient response of the filter.e. The kilowatt hour meter reading gives the integration of the real power over a time interval defined by the start time and the stop time. 158 Chapter 4: Other Components . meters measure the dc or ac quantities. Assume both the voltage and current contains harmonics. and the VA-Power Factor meters measure the apparent power (VA). i.. A low-pass filter is used in the dc meter and wattmeter models to filter out high-frequency components. in kilowatt-hour. (for W/kWh meters only) Time at which the kilowatt hour meter stops. in sec. 1: display) (for VA-Power Factor meters only) Display flag for displacement power factor (0: no display. in watt. The single-phase and 3-phase VAR meter measure the reactive power (VAR) at the fundamental frequency. total power factor PF. in Hz Time from which the kilowatt hour meter starts. 1: display) (for VAPower Factor meters only) In the images for the single-phase/3-phase wattmeter / kWh meter.. the total power factor (PF). and the node with the letter "kWh" is for the kilowatt hour output. Except the voltage and current probes. reactive power Q. the node with the letter "W" is for the real power output. Images: Voltage Probe Current Probe DC Voltmeter AC Voltmeter DC Ammeter AC Ammeter Wattmeter / kWh Meter VAR Meter VA-Power Factor Meter 3-ph Wattmeter / kWh Meter a b c 3-ph VAR Meter 3-ph VA Power Factor Meter a b c Attributes: Parameters Operating Frequency Cut-off Frequency kWh Meter Start Time kWh Meter Stop Time VA Display Flag PF Display Flag DPF Display Flag Description Operating frequency or fundamental frequency of the ac meter. in Hz Cut-off frequency of the low-pass/high-pass filter. v(t) = 2V 1 sin ( ω 1 t + φ 1 ) + 2V 2 sin ( ω 2 t + φ 2 ) + . A small resistor of 1 μΩ is used in the current probe internally to measure the current. in sec. and the displacement power factor DPF are defined as follows. i(t) = 2I 1 sin ( ω 1 t + θ 1 ) + 2I 2 sin ( ω 2 t + θ 2 ) + . single-phase meters should be used instead. The apparent power S is defined as: S = V rms ⋅ I rms The total power factor PF and the displacement power factor DPF are then defined as follow: P PF = -S DPF = cos ( φ 1 – θ 1 ) For the 3-phase circuit. The circuit on the left shows the use of the wattmeter and VAR meter. The models of the meters are based on the assumption that the summation of 3-phase voltages and currents must be equal to zero.. Example: This example shows how single-phase and 3-phase meters are used. and cannot be used in 3-phase 4-wire circuit. that is: va + vb + vc = 0 ia + ib + ic = 0 For 3-phase 4-wire circuit. are for 3-phase 3-wire circuit only. Note that all the 3-phase meters. To use the single-phase or 3-phase wattmeter/VAR meters. and the circuit on the right shows the use of the three-phase wattmeter and VAR meter.. VA-Power Factor meter. I 1 + I 2 + . including 3-phase wattmeter/kWh meter.. VAR meter.. The reactive power Q is defined as: Q = V 1 ⋅ I 1 ⋅ sin ( φ 1 – θ 1 ) Note that the reactive power is for the fundamental component only. insert the meters into the circuit. the definitions are similar.. Chapter 4: Other Components 159 . where ω1 is the fundamental frequency and all others are harmonic frequencies.. We have the rms values of the voltage and current as: V rms = I rms = V 1 + V 2 + . T 2 2 2 2 The real power (or average power) P is defined as: 1 P = -T 0 ( v ( t ) ⋅ i ( t ) ) dt where T is the fundamental period. the scale of the Y axis. and one-shot triggering (if the once checkbox is checked. 1-channel. The trigger level sets the level at which the triggering occurs. If the trigger is on. The channel display mode can be either DC. the scale of time (x axis) is defined. When the display mode is in DC. The one-shot triggering will trigger only once. if Channel A is selected with the rising-edge triggering and the trigger level of 0V. In the Trigger section. On the scope. are defined. When the trigger is off. and 4-channel voltage scopes Current scope A B A B C D Interface for 2-channel scope Interface for current scope. the scale of all the channels will be automatically adjusted so that the waveforms are within the display of the scope. In the Timebase section. the channel can be selected through the drop-down channel selection. 160 Chapter 4: Other Components . The scope is designed to operate in a similar way as the actual oscilloscope in the lab. or Gnd (for ground). This will lead to a steady waveform display. the waveform will show 0. the one-shot triggering is selected). 2-channel voltage scope. whenever the Channel A input crosses over 0 from negative to positive. and current scope.5 Voltage/Current Scopes While voltage/current probes and meters save the simulation results for post waveform processing. Channel section. It has 3 main sections: Timebase section. In the Channel section. triggering will occur and the waveform display will start from that instant. 4-channel voltage scope. and the settings apply that the channel selected. and Trigger section. for example. When the display mode is Gnd. and it is useful. 2-channel. the waveform display will only start when the trigger conditions are met. Three scopes are provided: 1-channel voltage scope. in situations where a transient needs to be captured. only the ac portion of the waveform is displayed. If the display mode is in AC. the trigger conditions are defined. falling-edge triggering. if the Auto scale checkbox is checked. For example. and 1-channel and 4-channel voltage scopes The 1-channel and 4-channel voltage scope and the current scope have the same interface. AC. and the display of the waveform in the scope may vary from one frame to another. The trigger can be set to either ON or OFF. For the 4-channel scope. as well as the offset and the color of the waveform. There are three trigger modes: rising-edge triggering. Below are the images of the voltage and current scopes and their expanded view. the entire waveform is displayed.4. the waveform is free-running. voltage/ current scopes allow users to view simulation waveforms at runtime in the middle of the simulation. and it is enabled by right clicking on top of the element. "B". as shown below. a check mark will appear in front of the branch current name. 4.Note that voltage scopes have connecting terminals which can be connected to either power circuit nodes or control circuit nodes. one can go to the Channel pull-down menu in the Channel section. The scopes will display the node-to-ground voltages at these nodes. there will be multiply branch currents. If the element has multiple current flags. one corresponding to each current flag. and select one of the channels for display.6 Initial Values The initial node voltages of the power circuit and control circuit can be defined using this block. respectively. and C. and "I(R1) C) are all selected. and "C" refer to Channel A. under the Current Scopes menu. For example. For example. in the current scope. The current scope. It is associated with any element that has the parameter of the current flag. Image: Attribute: Parameter Initial Value Description Initial value of the node voltage Chapter 4: Other Components 161 . After the branch current is selected. the scope will show the Phase A branch current I(R1). if "I(R1) A". under the Current Scopes menu. B. there will be three branch currents: I(R1) A I(R1) B I(R1) C The letter "A". and selecting the branch current under the Current Scopes. for a 3-phase resistor R1. has no connecting terminals. "I(R1) B". on the other hand. If Channel A is selected. the on-off switch controller is used to control the bi-directional switch. and the gating enable/disable signal. Chapter 4: Other Components . One switch controller can control multiple switches simultaneously. The alpha value is updated instantaneously.7. which is connected to the controller input. the synchronization signal. The step voltage source. in deg.7 Switch Controllers A switch controller has the same function as a switch gate/base drive circuit in an actual circuit.7. The closure of the switch results in the short-circuit of the resistor across the switch and the increase of the current. The transition of the synchronization signal from low to high (from 0 to 1) provides the synchronization and this corresponds to the moment when the delay angle alpha equals zero. Image: Example: The circuit below implements the step change of a load.2 Alpha Controller An alpha controller is used for delay angle control of thyristor switches or bridges. The input. changes from 0 to 1 at the time of 12 ms. in Hz On-time pulse width of the switch gating. Image: Enable/Disable Synchronization Signal alpha Attributes: Parameters Frequency Pulse Width 162 Description Operating frequency of the controlled switch/switch module. There are three input for the controller: the alpha value. which is a logic signal (either 0 or 1) from the control circuit. is passed to the power circuit as the gating signal. On-off Controller 4.1 On-Off Switch Controller On-off switch controllers are used as the interface between control gating signals and power switches. It receives the input from the control circuit. A gating with a delay of alpha degrees is generated and sent to the thyristors. In the circuit.4. 4. and controls switches in the power circuit. . and the gating enable/disable signal. in deg.. m1. in Hz Update angle.. . Angle Index Signal Attributes: Parameters Frequency Update Angle Description Switching frequency. For example.. Chapter 4: Other Components 163 . the delay angle. mn k1 G1.2. which corresponds to the moment that the thyristor would start conducting naturally..1...The input for the delay angle alpha is in deg. the gatings are updated at every 60o. G1. based on which the gatings are internally updated. contains the gating patterns. If the angle is 360o. Sync. The gating pattern is updated when the synchronization signal changes from low to high. . In the circuit. The delay angle defines the relative angle between the gating pattern and the synchronization signal. It has the following format: n. if the delay angle is 10 deg. the gating pattern will be leading the synchronization signal by 10 deg. . vs iRL1 vsync 4. the zero-crossing of vs. the synchronization signal. Name of the file storing the PWM gating pattern File Name A lookup table. G1.. If it is 60o. The synchronization signal provides the synchronization to the gating pattern.7.3 PWM Lookup Table Controller There are four input signals in a PWM lookup table controller: the modulation index. is used to provide the synchronization... Example: The figure below shows a thyristor circuit using delay angle control. Image: Enable/Disable Delay Mod.. The gating signal is delayed from the rising edge of the synchronization signal by 30o.. m2.. which is stored in a file.k1 . the gatings are updated at every cycle.. The delay angle is set at 30o.. The gating pattern is selected based on the modulation index. 7229 172.2.44823 80.5299 349.66083 99.901.4482 260.52991 180.821098 72. The modulation index array m1 to mn should be monotonically increasing.. 1. the controller will select the third pattern.8106 360. 190. 0.189426 87. 0.7366 252.2725 287.8970 352.0207 Gn.3392 287.75861 91.915. .02065 92.902047 72.20176 107.8106 180.97936 91.8970 172.8133 360.24225 88.736627 72.920214.79825 99. 14 10.910253.2018 287. Example: This example shows a three-phase voltage source inverter (file: “vsi3pwm. In this example.1789 360.1030 260.75775 169.7578 where n is the number of gating patterns.8211 252.9021 252. 187.7229 352.0979 180.33917 107.4701 268.186691 87. mi is the modulation index correspondent to Pattern i.21 14 7.72750 99.9793 271. The waveforms of the line-to-line voltage and the three-phase load currents are shown below. If the modulation index is 0.sch”).5518 352. 14 10. The output will select the ith pattern if the input is smaller than or equal to mi. 1.1867 267. The gating pattern is selected based on the modulation index. 164 Chapter 4: Other Components .8133 180. Gn. The following table shows an example of a PWM pattern file with five modulation index levels and 14 switching points. if the modulation index input is 0.tbl”. the last pattern will be selected. The PWM for the converter uses the selected harmonic elimination.5518 172. 14 7..2422 268.24139 92. 14 7.1789 180.47009 88. 190.1894 267. Gn. the controller will select the first gating pattern.2634 360. 187.0980 360. The gating patterns are described above and are pre-stored in File “vsi3pwm..10303 80. 187. and ki is the number of switching points in Pattern i.27251 107. 5. 0.7586 271.7275 279. If the input exceeds mn.2771 260.7982 279.2414 272.27710 80.6608 279.199442. 4.8 Function Blocks 4.8.1 Control-Power Interface Block A control-power interface block passes a control circuit value to the power circuit. It is used as a buffer between the control and power circuit. The output of the interface block is treated as a constant voltage source when the power circuit is solved. With this block, some of the functions that can only be generated in the control circuit can be passed to the power circuit. Image: Example: A Constant-Power Load Model In a constant-power dc load, the voltage V, current I, and power P have the relationship as P=V*I. Given the voltage and the power, the current can be calculated as I=P/V. This can be implemented using the circuit as shown below. The load voltage is measured through a voltage sensor and is fed to a divider. The output of the divider gives the current value I. Since the voltage could be zero or a low value at the initial stage, a limiter is used to limit the current amplitude. This value is converted into the load current quantity through a voltage-controlled current source. LOAD V I k=1 P Example: The following circuit illustrates how a control circuit signal can be passed to the power circuit. As seen from the power circuit, the CTOP block behaviors as a grounded voltage source. Control Circuit Power Circuit 4.8.2 Transformation Blocks Function blocks of the following transformations are provided: - abc-dqo transformation - abc-αβ transformation - αβ-dq transformation - Cartesian-polar transformation All these blocks can be used in either power circuit or control circuit. Chapter 4: Other Components 165 abc-dqo Transformation The abc-dqo function blocks perform the transformation between the abc coordinate and the dqo coordinate. The transformation is often referred to as the Park transformation. Images: abc to dqo dqo to abc θ θ Attributes: Parameters Transformation Flag Description Transformation flag (0: The q-axis leads the d-axis; 1: The q-axis lags the d-axis) The angle θ at the bottom of the blocks is in rad. It should be noted that, in power circuit, currents must first be converted into voltage quantities (using currentcontrolled voltage sources) before they can be transformed. Also, if an input terminal is not used (such as in the dqo-to-abc transformation block where only Phase d and q are not used, and Phase o is not used), it must be connected to ground. Depending on the transformation flag, the transformation equations are as follows. From abc to dqo, with the transformation flag set to 0: 2π 2π cos θ cos  θ – -----  cos  θ + -----  -   3 3 vd vq vo va 2 = -- ⋅ – sin θ – sin  θ – 2π – sin  θ + 2π ⋅ v b --------3   3 3 vc 1 1 1 ---2 2 2 From abc to dqo, with the transformation flag set to 1: 2π 2π cos θ cos  θ – -----  cos  θ + -----    3 3 vd vq vo va 2 2π sin  θ + 2π ⋅ v = -- ⋅ sin θ sin  θ – --------b 3   3 3 vc 1 1 1 ---2 2 2 Note that the coefficient 2/3 in front of the transformation matrix means that the transformation is amplitude invariant, not power invariant. That is, the dq vector amplitude is equal to the peak amplitude of the three-phase sinusoidal waveforms. But the power in the dq frame must be multiplied by 3/2 to have the same power, i.e. Power = va*ia + vb*ib + vc*ic = 3/2 *(vd*id+vq*iq). To have the power invariant transformation, replace 2/3 with 2 -- , and 1/2 with 3 1 -- . 2 166 Chapter 4: Other Components From dqo to abc, with the transformation flag set to 0: cos θ va vb vc = – sin θ 1 vd 2π 2π cos  θ – -----  – sin  θ – -----  1   ⋅ vq 3 3 2π cos  θ + 2π – sin  θ + -----  1 ----  3 3 vo From dqo to abc, with the transformation flag set to 1: cos θ va vb = vc sin θ 1 vd 2π 2π cos  θ – -----  sin  θ – -----  1   ⋅ vq 3 3 2π 2π cos  θ + -----  sin  θ + -----  1   3 3 vo Example: In this example, three symmetrical ac waveforms are transformed into dqo quantities. The angle θ is defined as θ = ωt where ω = 2π*60. Since the angle θ changes linearly with time, a piecewise linear voltage which has a ramp waveform is used to represent θ. The simulation waveforms show the three-phase ac (top), the angle θ (middle), and the dqo output. In this example, the “q” component is constant, and both the “d” and the “o” components are zero. abc-αβ Transformation The abc-αβ function blocks perform the transformation between the abc coordinate and the αβ coordinate. It is often referred to as the Clarke transformation. Images: abc to αβ ab to αβ ac to αβ αβ to abc In the images, the letter "al" refers to α, and the letter "be" refers to β. The transformation equations are: Chapter 4: Other Components 167 From abc to αβ: vα vβ = 2 -- ⋅ 3 1 1 1 – -- – -2 2 3 3 0 ------ – -----2 2 va ⋅ vb vc From ab to αβ: vα vβ 3 -- 0 v 2 = ⋅ a vb 2 ------ 2 2 From ac to αβ: vα vβ 3 -2 0 ⋅ va vc = 2 – ------ – 2 2 From αβ to abc: 1 va vb = vc 0 3 2 ⋅ – 1 ------ ⋅ v α --2 2 3 vβ 1 3 – -- – -----2 2 For the ab-to-αβ and ac-to-αβ transformation, it is assumed that va + vb + vc = 0. αβ-dq Transformation The αβ-dq function blocks perform the transformation between the αβ coordinate to the dq coordinate. Images: αβ to dq dq to αβ θ θ In the images, the letter "al" refers to α, and the letter "be" refers to β. The transformation equations are: From αβ to dq: vd vq = cos θ sin θ ⋅ v α – sin θ cos θ vβ From dq to αβ: vα vβ 168 = cos θ – sin θ ⋅ v d sin θ cos θ vq Chapter 4: Other Components in rad.. 2. and x3.2.4 Cartesian-Polar Transformation The Cartesian-polar function blocks perform the transformation between the Cartesian coordinate and the polar coordinate. one can implement complex and nonlinear relationship easily. Images: 1-input 2-input 3-input 5-input 10-input Attributes: Parameters Expression f(x1.xn) Expression df/dxi Description Expression of the output versus inputs where n is the number of inputs Expression of the derivative of the function f versus the ith input The derivative df/dxi can be set to zero.. With this block. 3. the letter "r" refers to the amplitude.  x From polar to Cartesian: x = r ⋅ cos θ y = r ⋅ sin θ 4. the variable x. The variables that are allowed in the expression are: T or t for time. Blocks with 1. and 10 inputs are provided. Images: Cartesian to polar Polar to Cartesian In the images. For the 1input math function block.3 Math Function Blocks The output of a math function block is expressed as the mathematical function of the inputs. for the 3-input math function block. x2. 5. the allowed variables are: T.8. which refers to the only input.8.x2.. For example. and xi (i from 1 to n) which represents the ith input.4. x1. and "a" refers to the phase angle θ. t.. is also allowed. Chapter 4: Other Components 169 . The transformation equations are: From Cartesian to polar: r = x +y 2 2 y θ = atan  . For example. Then enter the values in the data cells provided. to save the data to an external file. Click on Reload Data if the text file is modified after it is loaded. and click on Set. A one-dimensional lookup table has one input and one output. The difference is that inputs are floating-point values. One is to enter the data directly in the dialog window in the Lookup Table tab. PSIM will recreate the text file from the last time. a copy of the external text file is saved into the schematic file.. Note that the external text file is optional.8.. if the dialog window is closed. and interpolation is used to calculate the output. are stored in a lookup table. Also. But if an external text file is defined. Another is to prepare the lookup table externally using a text editor. selected from a drop-down menu after a graph file is loaded. define the number of rows (and columns for 2-dimensional lookup tables). define the data in the format as described below. Then click on Open File. When an external text file is not defined. The two inputs correspond to the row and column indices of the matrix. corresponding to the input and output arrays. also enter row input array in the left most column and column input array in the top most row. and the node on the top is for the column index input. For 2-dimensional lookup tables with floating-point input. The output data is stored in a 2-dimensional matrix. the output will be A(3. Click on Save As. In the case where the schematic file is moved to a different computer and the external text file does not exist. All four lookup tables can be used in both power circuit and control circuit. Two data arrays. and define the file in the dialog window. the external file will be saved automatically when one closes the dialog window (by clicking on X at the upper right corner of the dialog window).. to load the file. A 2-dimensional lookup table with integer input has two inputs. if the row index is 3 and the column index is 4. the internal data is used. Images: 1-dimensional Simview graph Integer Index i 2-dimensional Floating Index j point Attributes for one-dimensional lookup table (Simview graph): Parameter Graph File Input Column Output Column Description Name of the Simview file to be used as the lookup table data Input column of the lookup table. the text file takes the precedence and will overwrite the internal data. To prepare the data externally in a text file.4. selected from a drop-down menu after a graph file is loaded. Vo(2) 170 Chapter 4: Other Components .4 Lookup Tables There are four lookup table blocks: One-dimensional regular lookup table and lookup table with data from Simview graph. To enter the data directly in the dialog window.. and 2-dimensional lookup tables with integer input and floating-point input. For 2-dimensional lookup tables. The data format for one-dimensional lookup tables is: Vin(1). Except the one-dimensional lookup table (Simview graph) where data is defined in a Simview file. Output column of the lookup table. Vo(1) Vin(2). A 2-dimensional lookup table with floating-point input is similar to the lookup table with integer input.4) where A is the data matrix. the node on the left is for the row index input. It is important to note that. there are two ways to define lookup table data. interpolation is used to calculate the value. 5. 10. 4... If either the row or column index is out of the range (for example.. AM2. A12. A2N . 2.99. the input will be set to be the same as the minimum or maximum value. the input value is automatically converted to an integer.... The data format for 2-dimensional lookup tables with integer input is: M.. 2. linear interpolation is used to obtain the output. AMN where M and N are the number of rows and columns. 3.. A1N A21. Vr is the row vector and Vc is the column vector.... AM2. regardless of the column index.. If an input falls between two points.=20. Note that Vectors Vr and Vc must be monotonically increasing. 30. 4.. ----------------------------------------------2–1 The following shows a 2-dimensional lookup table with integer inputs: 3. the output will be clamped to Vo(1) or Vo(N). 3. 3. the output will be 10 + ( 1. A22..... .. . 5. the output will be 8.. 60.. . and A(i. 1. The data format for 2-dimensional lookup tables with floating-point input is: M.j) is the output value at Row i and Column j. -2. 50.. the output will be zero. Since the row or column index must be an integer. the row index is less than 1 or greater than m). If the row index is 5. VrM Vc1 Vc2 . A1N A21. A2N . the output will be 10. ) If the input is 0... 9. Vin(N).. 20. . If an input is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum value.. AMN where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns.. .. If the input is 1.... AM1...... Examples: The following shows a one-dimensional lookup table: 1.. respectively.. VcN A11. Vo(N) The input array Vin must be monotonically increasing... When the value of the input is less than Vin(1) or greater than Vin(N). The following shows a 2-dimensional lookup table with floating-point inputs: Chapter 4: Other Components 171 .. N A11.5. 4 1.. .. Between two points. 8.5 – 1 ) ⋅ ( 30 – 10 .. the output will be 0... N Vr1 Vr2 .. . AM1. If the row index is 2 and the column index is 4. . A12. 8.. .. -2. A22. .... 3 1.. 9.3 3.2 3. -2. the following table shows the four points that enclose the input point.1 2. and the output value of 3.. If the row input is 2 and the column input is 3. -2. 4 1.826 through interpolation: Column 2.8.2 -2 2..4 4 4. The code of the C block will be interpreted and executed at runtime by a built-in C interpreter in PSIM.3.091 3 3. 5. 3. 1. The interface of the C block dialog window is shown below.5 C Block A C block allows users to enter C code directly without compiling the code. the image of the block in the schematic will change accordingly.1 Row 2 2.. 4.826 3 3.. unlike in external DLL blocks where the code needs to be compiled into a DLL using an external compiler.4 4..5 1. The code area includes four main sections: 172 Chapter 4: Other Components . 8. 8.2 2. Input/output ports Edit block image Check code syntax Area for custom code Number of input and output ports of the C block is defined in the Number of Input/Output Ports section.. If the number of ports is changed. 3.. 2..3 1.818 5 4. 8. After Chapter 4: Other Components 173 . the C block will have an image in PSIM as follows: 2-input / 3-output in[0] input in[1] out[0] out[1] out[2] output The node sequence is from the top to the bottom. is the node at the top left. In C code.Variable/Function Definitions: This section includes statements and global variable definition. Click on the Edit Image button to customize the image of the C block. 4. and the out array is used to pass the values from the C block back to PSIM. even though the C block is easier to use. it does have the disadvantage that the custom code in the C block can not be debugged. Unlike the C block that contains a variable/function definition section and three functions.6 Simplified C Block A simplified C block is a special case of the C block. SimulationBegin Function: This function is called only once at the beginning of the simulation for initialization. the simplified C block contains only the C code that is called and ran at every time step. After numbers of input/output ports are defined. which corresponds to in[0] in the code. The interface of the simplified C block dialog window is shown below. Click on the Check Code button to check if the code has any compiling errors. corresponding to the code for the SimulationStep function. assume that a C block has 2 inputs and 3 outputs. In this example. and the first output. the first input. For example. Simulation Step Function: This function is called at each simulation step. which corresponds to out[0] in the code. Input/output ports Area for custom code The number of input and output ports of the ports is defined in the Number of Input/Output Ports section. is at the top right. SimulationEnd Function: This function is called only once at the end of the simulation for termination. The difference between the C block and the external DLL block is that. while in the external DLL block it is possible to set break points and trace/step through the code for debugging. the in array is used to pass the values from PSIM into the C block. and link it with PSIM. Two types of DLL blocks are provided: Simple DLL Block and General DLL Block. A DLL block receives values from PSIM as inputs. The images and parameters of a general DLL block are shown below.. the simplified C block can be used for automatic code generation. etc. On the other hand. discrete integrators and differentiators. . and sends the results back to PSIM. : Time passed from PSIM Time step passed from PSIM Inputs 1. the image of the block in the schematic will change accordingly. and 6 inputs/outputs are shown below. the DLL block is called only at the discrete sampling times. the general DLL block allows users to define arbitrary number of inputs/outputs and additional parameters.the number of ports is changed. Simple DLL blocks with 1 input/out up to 25 inputs/outputs are provided. and digital filters).8. : y1. x2. . 2. Outputs 1. Variables that can be used in the code include: t: delt: x1. Users can also customize the DLL block image. Image (for a block with 2 inputs and 3 outputs): 1 input 2 1 2 3 output 174 Chapter 4: Other Components . The simple DLL block has a fixed number of inputs and outputs. y2.. compile it into DLL using Microsoft Visual C/C++. 2. However. These blocks can be used in either the power circuit or the control circuit. The images and parameters of DLL blocks with 1. Images: 1-input 1 2 3 input 3-input 1 2 3 output 6 6 1 6-input 1 Attribute: Parameter File Name Description Name of the DLL file The node with a dot is for the first input (in[0]). Unlike the C block. performs the calculation. when the inputs of the DLL block are connected to one of these discrete elements (zero-order hold. etc.7 External DLL Blocks An external DLL (dynamic link library) block allows users to write code in C/C++. The input/output node sequence is from the top to the bottom... PSIM calls the DLL routine at each simulation time step. The simple DLL block is easier to program and use. z-domain transfer function blocks. 3. and the DLL file name is the only parameter that needs to be defined. unit delay. 4. and can be used in the control circuit only. 4. the node names. and users should avoid using global/static variables in the code in this case. such as the exact instant at which the state of a variable changes. The name of the DLL file can be arbitrary.pdf". The Embedded Software Block is a control circuit element. in the order of precedence: in the PSIM directory. However. and in the same directory as the schematic file that uses the DLL file. For more information on how to use the Embedded Software Block. additional information. Attribute: Parameter DLL File Number of Nodes Description Name of the DLL file that defines the functionality and the interface of the block Total number of input and output nodes An Embedded Software Block has similar functionality as a general external DLL block. Also.8. The DLL file can be placed in one of the two places. the DLL calculation can be incorrect. as well as the number of parameters and the parameter names can all be defined inside the DLL routine. click this button to reload the data file (optional). Note: When a DLL file is used in multiple DLL blocks in a schematic. please refer to the help file "Help General DLL Block.pdf" and related examples. the Embedded Software Block allows the node types to be programmed as needed. The input/output node sequence is from the top to the bottom. If the Input Data File is modified. Several examples using the simple DLL blocks and the general DLL blocks are provided in the "examples\custom DLL" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. unlike the general DLL block whose connection nodes are predefined as either inputs or outputs. please refer to the document "Help Embedded Software Block. can be calculated and passed to and from PSIM. By default. users define the number of inputs and outputs.8 Embedded Software Block An Embedded Software Block is a special type of the external DLL blocks. It is intended for modeling embedded software devices such as microcontrollers and DSP. For more details on defining and programming for the general DLL block. But the number of inputs and outputs. The node with a dot is the first input (in[0]). these global/static variables will be the same and be shared among all the DLL blocks. Click this button to display the content of the Input Data File (optional).Attribute: Parameter DLL File Input Data File Number of Input Nodes Number of Output Nodes IN Nodes OUT Nodes Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Edit Image (button) Display File (button) Read File (button) Description Name of the DLL file Name of the input data file that DLL reads (optional) Number of input nodes (optional) Number of output nodes (optional) List of input nodes (optional) List of output nodes (optional) Parameter to be passed from PSIM into DLL (optional) Parameter to be passed from PSIM into DLL (optional) Click this button to edit and customize the image of the DLL block. if global or static variables are declared and used in the DLL code. If this is not what users intended. Chapter 4: Other Components 175 . DC-DC Regeneration Control These blocks are part of the HEV Design Suite. in H Peak line-to-line back emf constant of the machine.DC-DC Discharging Control .9 Control Blocks This section contains blocks that consist of basic power and control elements for specific applications.Dynamic Torque Limit Control (PMSM) . A control loop based on a discrete integrator is used to regulate the motor torque and generate the motor current reference. 4. 176 Chapter 4: Other Components .1 Torque Control (PMSM) The Torque Control (PMSM) block is for linear PMSM machines only. in V/krpm (mechanical speed) Number of poles of the machine Maximum inverter output current amplitude (peak). Image: Torque Control Id Iq Is Te Tes Attributes: Parameters Ld (d-axis inductance) Lq (q-axis inductance) Vpk / krpm Number of Poles Maximum Inverter Current Integrator Gain Sampling Frequency Description d-axis inductance of the machine. in H q-axis inductance of the machine.9. It is defined as follow. in A Gain of the torque loop integrator controller Sampling frequency of the torque loop integrator controller.Voltage Control (PMSM) . The following control blocks are provided: .Torque Control (PMSM) .DC-DC Charging Control . in Hz The torque control block has the following inputs and outputs: Id: Iq: Te: Is: Tes: d-axis current feedback q-axis current feedback Torque reference Current amplitude reference Estimated torque developed by the motor This block estimates the motor developed torque from the current feedback and motor parameters.4. The block requires the parameters of the PMSM controlled and the inverter current rating. in V The torque control block has the following inputs and outputs: Id: Iq: Vdc: Wm: Tcmd: Te: nmb: FW: d-axis current feedback q-axis current feedback DC bus voltage feedback Motor mechanical speed. 0: not in field weakening) This block calculates the speed limit of the maximum torque region. in W Maximum inverter output voltage amplitude (phase peak). in rpm Flag of field weakening (1: in field weakening. in rpm Maximum motor power.9. Chapter 4: Other Components 177 . in rad/sec. in H q-axis inductance of the PMSM machine. Torque command Torque reference Calculated speed limit of the maximum torque region. Image: Dynamic Torque Id Te Iq Vdc Wm Tcmd nmb FW Attributes: Parameters Rs (stator resistance) Ld (d-axis inductance) Lq (q-axis inductance) Vpk / krpm Number of Poles Maximum Motor Torque Maximum Motor Speed (rpm) Maximum Motor Power Maximum Inverter Voltage Description Stator winding resistance of the machine. in V/krpm (mechanical speed) Number of poles of the machine Maximum motor torque. Otherwise. in Ohm d-axis inductance of the PMSM machine. it operates in the maximum power region with field weakening control.2 Dynamic Torque Limit Control (PMSM) The Dynamic Torque Limit Control (PMSM) block is for linear PMSM machines only. The block requires the parameters of the PMSM controlled and the inverter voltage rating. When the motor speed is less than this speed limit. in N*m Maximum motor speed. in H Peak line-to-line back emf constant of the machine. the motor operates in the maximum torque region.4. Current amplitude reference This block uses a digital PI controller to regulate the dc bus voltage.3 Voltage Control (PMSM) The Voltage Control block is for linear PMSM machines only. in sec. in V/krpm (mechanical speed) Number of poles of the machine Maximum motor torque.4 DC-DC Charging Control The DC-DC Charging Control block is defined as below.9. Together with the dc bus current and the machine speed. Image: Charging Control Vbatt Vm Ibatt 178 Chapter 4: Other Components . Image: Voltage Control Vdc* Vdc Is Idc Wm Attributes: Parameters Vpk / krpm Number of Poles Maximum Motor Torque Number of Cells in Parallel PI Gain PI Time Constant Sampling Frequency Description Peak line-to-line back emf constant of the machine. Sampling frequency of the voltage PI controller. in Hz The voltage control block has the following inputs and outputs: Vdc*: Vdc: Idc: Wm: Is: DC bus voltage reference DC bus voltage feedback DC bus current feedback Motor mechanical speed in rad/sec. 4. it generates the machine current reference. in N*m Number of cells Np in parallel in the battery pack Gain of the voltage loop PI controller Time constant of the voltage loop PI controller.9.4. The block requires the parameters of the PMSM machine controlled. Sampling frequency of the voltage and current PI controller. The lower limit is 0. Digital PI controllers are used in the voltage and current loops. On the other hand. in which case the voltage is disabled and the current loop changes the battery at a constant current rate. in W Converter rated voltage on the battery side. when the battery terminal voltage reaches the float voltage. 4. it is constant voltage charging. in V Internal resistance of the battery cell. in sec.Attributes: Parameters Converter Rated Power Battery-side Rated Voltage Number of Cells in Series Number of Cells in Parallel Voltage Derating Factor Full Battery Voltage Battery Resistance Current PI Gain Current PI Time Constant Voltage PI Gain Voltage PI Time Constant Control Block Output Limit Sampling Frequency Description Rated power of the dc-dc converter.9. in sec. Gain of the voltage loop PI controller Time constant of the voltage loop PI controller. it is constant current charging. The upper limit of the control block output Vm. When the battery terminal voltage is less than the battery float voltage (the float voltage is defined as the internal battery full voltage plus the voltage drop across the battery resistance). from 0 (100% derating) to 1 (no derating) Full (or maximum) voltage of the battery cell. Image: Discharging Control Vdc Vm Ibatt Chapter 4: Other Components 179 . The charging current amplitude is set to the converter rated current on the battery side.5 DC-DC Discharging Control The DC-DC Discharging Control block is defined as below. The voltage loop generates the reference for the current loop. in Ohm Gain of the current loop PI controller Time constant of the current loop PI controller. in V Number of cells Ns in series in the battery pack Number of cells Np in parallel in the battery pack Voltage derating factor Ks. in Hz The dc-dc charging control block has the following inputs and outputs: Vbatt: Battery-side voltage Ibatt: Current flowing into the battery Vm: Modulation signal output This block implements constant-voltage-constant-current charging control to a battery. 4. in Hz The dc-dc regeneration control block has the following inputs and outputs: 180 Chapter 4: Other Components . 1: voltage mode) Rated power of the dc-dc converter. in V DC bus voltage reference. Time from which regeneration is enabled.Attributes: Parameters Current/Voltage Mode Converter Rated Power Battery-side Rated Voltage DC Bus Voltage Reference Current PI Gain Current PI Time Constant Voltage PI Gain Voltage PI Time Constant Control Block Output Limit Sampling Frequency Description Operation mode of the discharge control (0: current mode. Image: Regen Control Vdc Tes Wm Rgn Attributes: Parameters Regen Power Threshold Regen Enable Time Sampling Frequency Description Threshold of the motor power level. Sampling frequency of the low-pass filter for speed feedback. the converter regulates the dc bus voltage. The upper limit of the control block output Vm. and the voltage loop generates the reference for the current loop. regeneration is enabled. in Hz The dc-dc discharging control block has the following inputs and outputs: Vdc: Ibatt: Vm: DC bus voltage feedback Current flowing into the battery Modulation signal output This block implements constant-voltage or constant-current discharging control to a battery. Beyond the threshold. in W Converter rated voltage on the battery side. in V Gain of the current loop PI controller Time constant of the current loop PI controller. Digital PI controllers are used in the voltage and current loops. the converter regulates the current flowing into the dc bus to the maximum current that the converter can deliver. Sampling frequency of the voltage and current PI controller.6 DC-DC Regeneration Control The DC-DC Regeneration Control block is defined as below. regeneration is disabled. When the operation mode is set to Voltage Mode (1). When the operation mode is set to Current Mode (0). The lower limit is 0.9. in sec. Before this time. Gain of the voltage loop PI controller Time constant of the voltage loop PI controller. in sec. 1: regeneration) This block generates a regeneration flag based on the dc bus voltage and the traction motor power. Regeneration flag (0: no regeneration. When the motor power is negative (in generation mode) and the power amplitude exceeds the threshold.Vdc: Tes: Wm: Rgn: DC bus voltage feedback Estimated developed torque of the traction motor Mechanical speed of the traction motor in rad/sec. To avoid false triggering due to start-up transient. Regeneration is possible only after this time has passed. Chapter 4: Other Components 181 . a regeneration enable time is defined. the regeneration flag is set to 1 to enable regeneration. 182 Chapter 4: Other Components . General_Hardware: General Hardware Target For PE-Expert3 hardware. voltage/current scopes can be used to monitor and display voltages and currents in the middle of the simulation. go to the Simulate menu in PSIM. With the SAVE and LOAD functions. for specifying hardware target for automatic code generation.5 Analysis Specification 5. Chapter 5: Analysis Specification 183 . The hardware target can be one of the following: .TI F28335: TI F28335 Hardware Target .1 Simulation Control The Simulation Control element defines parameters and settings related to simulation. In the Parameters tab of the Simulation Control dialog window. and loaded back as the initial conditions for the next simulation session. The Simulation Control element has the image of a clock. please refer to SimCoder User’s Manual. In the free-run mode. and select Simulation Control. This provides the flexibility of running a long simulation in several shorter stages with different time steps and parameters. the circuit voltages. When the Free Run checkbox is not checked. Print Time Print Step Time from which simulation results are saved to the output file. the following parameters are defined for the transient simulation. Note that this is for SimCoder only. the color of the Simulation Control element can be changed. For more information. only one out of 10 data points will be saved.None: No hardware target . Flag for the LOAD function. In the Color tab of the dialog window. however. But when it is checked. Time Step Total Time Free Run checkbox Simulation time step.ssf” extension) as the initial conditions.PE-Pro/F28335: PE-Pro/F28335 Hardware Target . for example. If it is set to 10. in sec. Components values and parameters of the circuit can be changed from one simulation session to the other.ssf” extension. every data point will be saved to the output file. the simulation will run in the free-run mode and it will keep on running until manually stopped. Flag for the SAVE function. This is for SimCoder only. must remain the same. Print step. comments can be entered and these comments will be inserted at the beginning of the automatically generated code. If the flag is 1. in sec. Total simulation time. set the PE-View version as either PE-View8 or PE-View9 through the drop-down box. Load Flag Save Flag Hardware Target In the SimCoder tab of the dialog window. This helps to reduce the output file size. No output is saved before this time. currents and other quantities can be saved at the end of a simulation session. the previous simulation values will be loaded from a file (with the “. To place the Simulation Control element.PE_Expert3: PE-Expert3 Hardware Target . The circuit topology. values at the end of the current simulation will be saved to a file with the “. If the flag is 1. If it is set to 1. the simulation will run up to the Total Time and then stop. with the average model. the 184 Chapter 5: Analysis Specification . 5. a circuit can be in its original switchmode form. in Hz Number of data points Flag to define how the data points is generated. for extra Points Name of the excitation source Excitation source amplitude at the start frequency Excitation source amplitude at the end frequency Frequencies of additional data points. It is possible to simulate with a large time step while still maintaining accurate results. To obtain accurate ac analysis results. Below are the images of the ac sweep probes and the AC Sweep block.Run the simulation. With this technique. The allowable maximum time step is automatically calculated in PSIM. Flag = 0: Points are distributed linearly in LOG10 scale Flag = 1: Points are distributed linearly in linear scale Source Name Start Amplitude End Amplitude Freq. The factors that limit the time step in a circuit include the switching period. It is compared with the time step set by the user. Images: AC Sweep Probe AC Sweep Probe (loop) AC Sweep Attributes: Parameters Start Frequency End Frequency No. . Nevertheless. A key feature of the ac analysis in PSIM is that. . It is recommended that the time step should be at least one magnitude smaller than the smallest of the above. . use the node-to-node probe.In PSIM. an interpolation technique is implemented which will calculate the switching instants more accurately. In order to ensure accurate simulation results.2 AC Analysis The frequency response of a circuit or a control loop can be obtained with the ac analysis. the time step must be chosen properly. the time it takes to perform the ac analysis will be shorter. in Hz End frequency of the ac sweep. widths of pulses or waveforms. and define the parameters of the ac sweep. the error due to the misalignment of switching instants and discrete simulation points is significantly reduced.Identify a sinusoidal voltage source as the excitation source for the ac sweep.Place ac sweep probes at the desired output location. and the signal at the same frequency is extracted at the output. of Points Flag for Points Description Start frequency of the ac sweep. and intervals of transients.Place the AC Sweep block on the schematic. The principle of the ac analysis is that a small ac excitation signal is injected into the system as the perturbation. To measure the loop response of a closed control loop. The following are the steps to set up the ac analysis: . If the frequency-domain characteristics change rapidly at a certain frequency range. the simulation time step is fixed throughout the simulation. one can add extra points in this region to obtain better data resolution. and no average model is required. and the smaller value of the two will be used in the simulation. Also. See File “message. Chapter 5: Analysis Specification 185 . Sometimes. The file “message. one may increase damping in the circuit (by including parasitic resistances. for example). the excitation source amplitude must be large enough so that the output signal is not affected by numerical errors. and using the node-to-node ac sweep probe. On the other hand. In general. To address this problem. The amplitude must be small enough so that the perturbation stays in the linear region. The relative error will indicate how far the data point is from reaching the steady state. on the right. a physical system has low attenuation in the low frequency range and high attenuation in the high frequency range. The circuit below shows a buck converter with average current mode control. a warning message is displayed as follows: Warning: The program did not reach the steady state after 60 cycles. we can obtain the loop transfer function directly. A good selection of the excitation source amplitude would be to have a relatively small amplitude at the low frequency. and a relatively large amplitude at the high frequency. With the loop transfer function. or reduce simulation time step. By injecting the excitation signal into the current feedback path. Example: Open-Loop Response of a Buck Converter The circuit on the left is an one-quadrant buck converter.txt” gives the information on the frequency at which this occurs and the relative error. or adjust the excitation source amplitude.txt” for more details. This message occurs when the software fails to detect the steady state at the ac sweep output after 60 cycles. The result of the ac analysis. shows the open-loop response of the output voltage versus the modulation signal. after ac analysis is complete. An excitation source is injected to the modulation signal. Example: Loop Transfer Function of a Closed-Loop Circuit The ac analysis can be used to find out the loop response of a closed-loop system. Please note that the ac sweep probe should be connected such that the dotted side is connected to the node after the excitation source injection. and the output voltage is measured.excitation source amplitude must be set properly. one can determine the bandwidth of the control loop and the phase margin. Gain of proportional blocks .Gain. before the op.3 Parameter Sweep Parameter sweep can be performed for the following parameters: . output. The figure below shows a buck converter controlled by TI UC3842.Time constant of integrators . 5. and capacitance of RLC branches . and damping ratio of 2nd-order low-pass and high-pass filters . and passing and stopping band of 2nd-order band-pass and band-stop filters The image and parameters of the parameter sweep block are shown below.Example: Loop Transfer Function of a Switchmode Power Supply The loop transfer function of a switchmode power supply controlled by a PWM IC can also be determined in a similar way. The excitation source can be inserted in the feedback path. amp. Image: Attributes: Parameters Start Value End Value Increment Step Parameter to be Swept Description Starting value of the parameter End value of the parameter Increment step value of the parameter Parameter to be swept 186 Chapter 5: Analysis Specification . center frequency.Gain and time constant of proportional-integral controllers .Gain.Resistance. inductance. cut-off frequency. there will be two plots in Simview. The other is V1 and V2 versus Ro. Chapter 5: Analysis Specification 187 .1 sec. and the other is the outputs at the last simulation point versus the swept parameter. a circuit has two outputs V1 and V2.For example. The V1 and V2 values used in the second plot are the values at the last simulation point at 0. Parameter sweep will produce two plots: One is the outputs versus time. with an increment step value of 2 Ohm. and the resistance Ro is swept. To sweep the resistance from 2 Ohm to 10 Ohm.1 sec. After the simulation. One is V1 and V2 versus time. the specification will be: Start Value End Value Increment Step Parameter to be Swept 2 10 2 Ro The image and parameters of the parameter sweep element are shown below. let the resistance of a resistor be “Ro”. The total simulation time is 0. For example. 188 Chapter 5: Analysis Specification . Another is to use the Library Browser. Get Element There are several ways to get an element from the element library. The following figure shows a boost power factor correction circuit in the PSIM environment. and go into the submenu and highlight the element to be selected. In PSIM. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 189 . probes.1 Creating a Circuit The following functions are provided for circuit creation. and elements that are common to both power and control). Go to the Elements menu. The elements are divided into four groups: Power (for power circuit element). One is to use the pulldown menu.6 Circuit Schematic Design PSIM’s schematic program provides interactive and user-friendly interface for circuit schematic entry and editing. 6. and Sources (for voltage and current sources). Other (for switch controllers. sensors. as shown below. Control (for control elements). all the elements are stored under the Elements menu. interface elements. A rectangle will appear around the element. double click on the element. To select the text. Also. A wire always starts from and end at a grid intersection. Label If two or more nodes are connected to the same label. the image of the element will appear on the screen and move with the mouse. Place Select Element Once an element is selected from the menu. The text of a label can be moved. click on the element. A dialog box will appear. To launch the Library Browser. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . To connect a wire between two nodes. For easy inspection. To move the whole schematic. and a junction node is displayed as a solid dot. a floating node is displayed as a circle. they are connected. After an element is selected. then press the Tab key. To move an element or a circuit block. left click on the label. The image of a pen will appear on the screen. To select a block of a circuit. right click to rotate the element. go to View >> Library Browser. Specify the values and hit the <Return> key or click on OK. keep the left button of the mouse pressed and drag the mouse. Rotate Wire Before the element is placed. To draw a wire. keep the left button of a mouse pressed and drag the mouse until the rectangle covers the selected area.The Library Browser provides a convenient way of navigating through the library. the most recent elements are listed in the pull-down button toolbar. and can be selected. Assign Move Move Schematic 190 on the To assign the parameters of an element. select Edit >> Rotate to rotate the element. To select an existing element on the schematic. Using labels will reduce the cross-wiring and improve the schematic layout. In addition. It is equivalent as though they were connected by wire. one can select elements from the Element Toolbar. right click and drag the mouse. Click the left button of the mouse to place the element. select the element/circuit block and drag the mouse while keeping the left button pressed. select Edit >> Wire. To open an existing schematic file. The circuit that is cut can be pasted back. Copy to Clipboard To copy the schematic image to the clipboard which can then be pasted back in another software. Note that if the file uses elements that are unique in Version 9. To cut the selected circuit out of the schematic. Save with Password To save a schematic file so that it is protected with a password. but does not wish to reveal the details of the schematic. To exit the PSIM schematic program. and one needs to send the files to someone else. or 8. 6. The password protection is used in situations where the person who created the file needs to share it with someone else. If you zoom in or out the schematic. Save as Older Versions To save a file in the Version 9. To go back to the state before undoing the changes. 9.. To save the current schematic file. To select only a portion of the schematic. or Black and White bitmap. Print Print Preview Print Selected Print Page Setup Printer Setup Exit To print the schematic. To copy an element or a portion of a circuit into a buffer. it can still be used in the simulation. To close all schematic files. select the item and hit <Delete> key. and gives better image Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 191 . Save All To create a new schematic file. To set up the printer. One can choose one of the three options: Metafile Format. one can just create the package file and send out the single package file. To paste back the copied element or circuit. the printout will be changed accordingly.6. Color Bitmap. Save in Package File To save a schematic file and all associated files to one single package file. To select the entire schematic.0. To delete an element or a portion of the circuit. which can then be pasted back. To adjust the print page position and set the print page legend. To close the current schematic file. left click and drag the mouse.1. To print only a portion of the schematic selected. but one needs to enter the correct password in order to see the schematic. Print Selected Preview To preview the printout of the portion of the schematic selected.2 File Menu The following functions are provided in the File menu for various file operations: New Open Close Close All Save Save As. these elements will be omitted. To preview the printout.. Rather than finding and collecting all the subcircuit files.3 Edit Menu The following functions are provided in the Edit menu for circuit editing: Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Select All To undo the previous change. To save all schematic files.0 format. The metafile format is vector based. This is especially useful if the main circuit calls multiple subcircuits. To save the current schematic file to a different name.2. When a file is password protected. Note that the schematic is printed as it appears on the screen. Show/Hide To show or hide the parameters of elements that can be changed Runtime Variables at runtime in the middle of the simulation. rectangle. The Black & White option will result in a smaller image file size as compared to the color bitmap. and click Apply. Or alternatively. To flip the selected element horizontally. click on the up/ down arrow keys on the keyboard to increase/decrease the value. To launch the Library Browser. To launch the image editor. The Library Browser is another way of accessing the PSIM Element library. The following images are provided: line.9. To display the drop-down list box that will list the elements recently fetched from the library. For more details. To add or remove the current scope for an element that has the current flag. and bitmap images.10. it will be grayed out and will be treated as non-existent as far as the simulation is concerned. Enable Rotate Flip Left/Right Flip Top/Bottom Find Find Next Edit Library Image Editor Escape 6. left click the mouse and drag the mouse to define the area that will contain the bitmap image. Draw To draw images on the schematic for display purposes. Quit from any of the above editing modes by choosing Escape. After this function is selected. When an element is selected. Select the branch current name again to remove the current scope. To rotate the selected element or a portion of the circuit by 90o clockwise. To show/hide the element bar. please refer to Section 6. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 192 .4 View Menu The following additional functions are provided in the View menu for circuit editing: Status Bar Toolbar Element Bar Recently Used Element List Library Browser To show/hide the status bar. they are considered physically connected. Enter the text in the dialog box. and a small dialog window will appear. When two nodes are connected to two labels of the same name. choose Text. When the bitmap image option is selected. click on top of the element. Disable To disable an element or part of a circuit. the text of the parameter will appear. To enter the wiring mode. To find a particular element based on type and name. To show/hide the toolbar. When the element or the circuit is disabled. Enter the new value directly in the data field. To repeat the previous Find operation.quality especially when the image is resized. After this is selected. ellipse. please refer to Section 6. To flip the selected element vertically. Double click on the text. choose Attributes to bring out the property dialog window. and select the branch current name to display the current scope. This function is useful if an element or circuit needs to be excluded but not deleted from the circuit. For more details. and click the left button of the mouse to place it. The cursor will change to the shape of a pen. To place a label on the schematic. Then select the bitmap file. half-circles. Place Text Place Wire Place Label Edit Attributes Add/Remove Current Scope To place text on the screen. To enable a previously disabled element or circuit. To edit PSIM image libraries. To count the number of elements. refer to the document "Tutorial . 6. choose this function to display any voltages between two nodes. choose this function to display any node voltages or branch currents. and HEV Traction Motor. To adjust the zooming so that the entire schematic fits the screen. To generate the parts list of the circuit. choose this function to define the name of a node so that the displayed voltage waveform has the specified name. after the simulation is complete. Voltage/current probes and meters are not included in the element count. The following functions are provided: Generate Circuit To generate a circuit from a design template that is functional and ready to simulate HEV Design Suite To run the design templates in the HEV Design Suite. The following functions are to be performed in the main circuit (outside the subcircuit): New Subcircuit Load Subcircuit Edit Subcircuit To create a new subcircuit To load an existing subcircuit. To zoom out the schematic. after the simulation is complete. The subcircuit will appear on the screen as a block.HEV Design Suite. Refresh 6. HEV Generator. Display Differential Voltage With the option Save all voltages and currents checked.5 Design Suites Menu Functions are provided in the Design Suites menu for running HEV design templates and generating circuits. Display Voltage/Current If the option Save all voltages and currents (under Options >> Settings >> General) is checked. To zoom in to the selected area. after the simulation is complete. PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicle) Powertrain System. For more information on how to use the HEV Design Suite. Set Node Name With the option Save all voltages and currents checked.pdf".Zoom In Zoom Out Fit to Page Zoom In Selected Element List Element Count To zoom in the schematic.6 Subcircuit Menu Functions are provided in the Subcircuit menu for subcircuit editing and manipulation. To edit the size and file name of the subcircuit Display Subcircuit To display the name of a selected subcircuit in the main circuit Name Show Subcircuit Ports Hide Subcircuit Ports Subcircuit List Set Size To display the port names of the subcircuit in the main circuit To hide the port names of the subcircuit in the main circuit To list the file names of the main circuit and the subcircuits To set the size of the subcircuit The following functions are to be performed inside the subcircuit: Place Bi-directional To place a bi-directional connection port in the subcircuit Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 193 . To refresh the screen display. Four design templates are provided: HEV Powertrain System. To edit the subcircuit image To go back to the main circuit. click on the Change Subcircuit File button to change to a different subcircuit. Subcircuit Variables. and input signal and output signal ports for control circuit. in the main circuit. the name of the subcircuit can be edited. To jump from a lower-level subcircuit to the top-level main circuit. If the functions Set Size. Even though bi-directional ports also work for control circuit. and choose Attributes to display the subcircuit property dialog window. Two functions are provided at the bottom of the dialog for SimCoder for automatic code generation. and Edit Image are performed in the main circuit. the current variable list may be different from the default variable list. This is done inside the subcircuit.Port Place Input Signal Port To place an input signal connection port in the subcircuit Place Output Signal To place an output signal connection port in the subcircuit Port Display Port Edit Default Variable List Edit Image One Page up Top Page To display the connection port of the subcircuit To edit the default variable list of the subcircuit. if a subcircuit is involved in code generation. this variable will be displayed as: Parasitic Resistance = 1m Since subcircuit variable list can be edited. or click on the Reload Default Variables button to reload the default list if the default list has been modified. the schematic inside the subcircuit will be replaced by the generated code for simulation. This is useful for circuits with multiple layers of subcircuits. Example: Use of Subcircuit The circuit below illustrates the use of subcircuit. this resistance is referred to as "Parasitic Resistance". In the Subcircuit Info Tab: In this tab. and Color. Edit Default Variable List. Click on the Generate Code button to generate code for this subcircuit. Display Port. Also. Right click on top of the subcircuit block. The circuit on the left is a buck converter. One can click on the Set as Default Variables button to set the current variable list as the default list. There are three tabs: Subcircuit Info. only input or output signal ports can be used. and for better clarity. variables used in the subcircuit can be edited. The subcircuit is automatically saved. it is strongly recommended to use input or output signal ports for control circuit for better clarity. the resistance has a value of 1mOhm. This variable will be entered as: Variable Description: Parasitic Resistance Variable Name: Rparasitic Variable Value: 1m When the checkbox for "Parasitic Resistance" is checked. The selected subcircuit file will be loaded instead. Furthermore. a resistor in the circuit has the resistance defined as "Rparasitic". There are three types of subcircuit ports for signal interface with the main circuit: Bi-directional port for power circuit and mechanical systems. the subcircuit color can be changed. with the L-C filter 194 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . they will be applied to the main circuit instead. If the checkbox Replace subcircuit with generated code for simulation is checked. In the Subcircuit Variables Tab: In this tab. For example. In the Color Tab: In this tab. Place the subcircuit. Subcircuit Inside the subcircuit: File: chop. and a port image will appear.sch” does not exist.1 Creating Subcircuit . . there are two bi-directional ports ("in+" and "in-") on the left.In the Main Circuit The following are the steps to create the subcircuit “chop_sub. .Open or create the main circuit “chop.To specify the subcircuit size. Subcircuit port assignments The diamonds on the four sides represent the connection nodes and the positions of the subcircuit.A subcircuit block (rectangle) will appear on the screen. Note that the size of the subcircuit should be chosen such that it gives the proper appearance and allows easy wire connection in the main circuit. . select Set Size in the Subcircuit menu. . and then right click and choose Create Subcircuit.6. a pop-up window (shown on the left below) will appear.Inside the Subcircuit To enter the subcircuit.6.inside a subcircuit. Specify the subcircuit file name as "chop_sub. . Choosing Place Port in the Subcircuit menu. and the circuit will be converted into a subcircuit.If the file “chop_sub. and two bi-directional ports ("o+" and "o-") on the right. 6. Adjust the port location and wire connection if necessary.Once the subcircuit is complete. In this example. go to the Subcircuit menu. In this example.2 Creating Subcircuit . and select New Subcircuit.sch”.sch”.Create/edit the content of the subcircuit circuit exactly the same way as in the main circuit. the size is set to 4x7 (width of 4 divisions and height of 7 divisions).sch".sch 6. There are no diamonds at Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 195 . They correspond to the connection nodes of the subcircuit block on the right. double click on the subcircuit block. The content of the subcircuit is shown on the right. If the file exists. If the circuit that is to be converted into a subcircuit has already been created in the main circuit. After the port is placed in the circuit.sch” in the main circuit “chop. a quick way of converting it into a subcircuit is to select the circuit. define ports to connect the subcircuit nodes with the corresponding nodes in the main circuit.sch File: chop_sub. . select Load Subcircuit instead. Select the subcircuit block. .sch”.6. there are four linking nodes. The same procedure is repeated for the linking nodes “in-”. In this example. 196 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . The text “in+” will be within that diamond box and a port labelled with “in+” will appear on the screen. The creation of the subcircuit is now complete. and select Show Subcircuit Ports in the Subcircuit menu to display the port names as defined inside the subcircuit. . “out+”. By default. two on the left side and two on the right side of the subcircuit block.Connect the wires to the connection points accordingly. click on the top diamond of the left side. the left diamond at the top is selected and marked with red color.In the main circuit.the four corners since connections to the corners are not permitted.3 Connecting Subcircuit . .6. . 6. the connection points on the borders of the subcircuit block appear as hollow circles. and go back to the main circuit. and “out-”.In the Main Circuit Once the subcircuit is created and connection ports are defined. The relative position of the nodes are that the upper two nodes are 1 division below the top and the lower two nodes are 1 division above the bottom. Connect the port to the upper left node. and type “in+”.After the four nodes are placed. 6. To specify the upper left linking node.4 Other Features of the Subcircuit This section describes other features of the subcircuit through the example shown below. Click on the desired diamond to select and to specify the port name. complete the connection to the subcircuit block in the main circuit. it is colored red. Save the subcircuit. in the main circuit “chop. the node assignment and the subcircuit appear in PSIM as shown below. When a diamond is selected. 4. select Edit Image in the Subcircuit menu. New variables can be added here and variable values can be changed. A window will pop-up. For example. L is set to 5mH and C is set to 100uF.sch File: main.In the subcircuit.6. The variables “Vin”. if the subcircuit “sub. The default values of L and C can be set by selecting Subcircuit | Set Default Variable List.1 Passing Variables from the Main Circuit to Subcircuit In this example.sch” uses a subcircuit “sub. In the case where the same subcircuit is used several times in one main circuit.sch” is used two times in above example. In this case. In this case. When the subcircuit is loaded into the main circuit the first time. Note that the variables and the values are saved to the netlist file and used in simulation. different parameters can be assigned to the same variable. and C is kept the same as the default value.4.Inside the subcircuit: File: sub. the inductance value is defined as “L” and the capacitance is defined as “C”. See Section 4.6. 6. Note that this example also illustrates the feature that parameters can be defined as a variable (for example “Vin” for the input dc voltage source) or a mathematical expression (for example “R1+R2” for the load resistance).sch 6. and “R2”.txt”.sch”. In the subcircuit. as shown below. L is changed to 2mH. in one subcircuit L can be defined as 3mH.1 for more details. this default variable list will appear in the tab “Subcircuit Variables” in Subcircuit | Edit Subcircuit from the main circuit “main. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 197 . and in another subcircuit L can be defined as 1mH.sch”. This feature allows the parameters of a subcircuit to be defined at the main circuit level. are defined in the parameter file “para-main. the main circuit “main. The default variable list inside the subcircuit is not saved to the netlist and is not used for simulation. “R1”.2 Customizing the Subcircuit Image The following are the procedures to customize the subcircuit image of “sub.sch”: . If the drawing tool is not already displayed.Sources . 6. The new subcircuit block image should appear in the main circuit.sch” in this case).User Defined .Power . the Elements menu may look like this: . just like any other PSIM elements. common-used custom-built subcircuits can be grouped together and easily managed and accessed. and 198 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design .Control . When this is selected.Go back to the subcircuit window (“sub. total time. in exactly the same positions as appearing in the main circuit. go to the View menu and check Drawing Tools. . and place subcircuits inside the subdirectories. You can also create subdirectories under the directory User Defined.7 Simulate Menu The following functions are provided in the Simulate menu for running simulation: Simulation Control To set the simulation parameters such as time step.6. Click on Zoom In and Zoom Out icons on the toolbar to adjust the size of the image working area.4. and save the subcircuit.Project B . the cursor will change to the image of a clock. etc.Use the drawing tool to create/edit the image for the subcircuit block.Project A .Subcircuit 3 . . For example. under Elements | User Defined.Symbols .Subcircuit 2 . subcircuits will appear as items in the Elements menu. and place subcircuits inside this directory.3 Including Subcircuits in the PSIM Element List If you create a directory called “User Defined” under the PSIM directory. After the image is created.Other . 6.In the window. Place this clock on the schematic.Subcircuit 1 .Subcircuit 4 In this way. the diamonds marked red are the connection nodes of the subcircuit block. the pop-out window will appear as follows. In addition. Simulate Next Time Step To run the simulation to the next time step. one can either go to Simulate >> Runtime Graphs to select the waveforms. Restart Simulation To resume a paused simulation. On the other hand. Arrange SLINK Nodes To rearrange the SLINK nodes. and will display the node-to-ground voltage waveforms. To select waveforms to show in the middle of a simulation run. a runtime graph display the waveform in its entirety. Running Simulation in the Free-Run Mode: To illustrate how to run a simulation in the free-run mode. a buck converter circuit shown below is used as an example. the runtime graphs are disabled in the free-run mode as the final study time is undetermined. etc. The circuit on the left was originally set up for the one-time simulation. Moreover. current scopes are available to elements that have current flags (such as R-L-C branches and switches). Generate Netlist File To generate the netlist file from the schematic.double click to display the property window. current flags. This function is for the SimCoupler Module for cosimulation with Matlab/Simulink. To pause the simulation that is currently in progress. Run Simulation Pause Simulation To run the simulation. with the total simulation time set to a specific value. This function is for SimCoder for automatic code generation. voltage/current scopes can be used in either the one-time simulation mode or in the free-run mode. the majority of the element parameters can be changed during runtime in the middle of the simulation. To show the warning messages. Because of this. from the simulation. Please refer to SimCoder User Manual for more details. Generate Code Runtime Graph To generate code from the control schematic. To view the simulation results in the middle of the simulation. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 199 . or use the voltage/current scopes (under Elements >> Other >> Probes) to view the waveforms. Run SIMVIEW View Netlist File Show Warning To launch the waveform display program SIMVIEW. current probes. To view the generated netlist file. and pause. The difference between the runtime graphs and the voltage/current scopes is that only waveforms that are saved for display in SIMVIEW (such as voltage probes. until desired performance is achieved.6 for more details. if any. Cancel Simulation To cancel the simulation that is currently in progress. Voltage scopes can be connected to any nodes. Please refer to Section 3. in the free-run mode. This makes it possible to tune a circuit while inspecting key waveforms using voltage/ current scopes. from the beginning to the final study time. On the other hand.) are available for the runtime graphs. for example. such as current reference. 200 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . can be changed in the similar way.Elements parameters can now be adjusted in the middle of the simulation.Go to Elements >> Other >> Scopes. and select the 2-channel voltage scope.Double click on the scope. . Gain of the PI controller .One-time simulation Simulation in the free-run mode To set up the simulation in the free-run mode: . Connect the scope as shown above on the right. capacitance. check the Free Run checkbox. Watch how the waveforms change as the gain is changed. and choose Runtime Variables >> Gain. To adjust the gain of the PI controller. and change the gain either by pressing on the upper/down arrow keys on the keyboard.6". Change the scope settings as desired. or by entering a new value and then clicking on Apply. and a small dialog window will appear. The text of the gain "0. and the scope image will appear. Start the simulation. inductance. dc input voltage. The screen should look as follows. . and the waveforms will appear and will be updated continuously in the scope. and load resistance.Click on the text "0. .6" will be displayed if it has not been displayed already. right click on top of the PI block.In Simulation Control.Place the cursor inside the input field of the dialog window for the gain. Other parameters. . Below is how the window would look like with both the voltage scope and the current scope. such as capacitor current. Other branch currents.smv extension) Variable name and value. This parameter can be used multiple times. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 201 . we have: -v "R1=1. Choose Current Scopes and the branch current name.5 and the inductance L1 as 0.smv" The format of the command line is as follows: PsimCmd -i "[input file]" -o "[output file]" -v "VarName1=VarValue1" "VarName2=VarValue2" -t "TotalTime" -s "TimeStep" -g -i: -o: -v: -t: -s: -g -v Note that the quotes around the parameter values must be present. For example..5" -v "L1=0.001" Total time of the simulation Time step of the simulation Run SIMVIEW after the simulation is complete Note that the number of variables that can be defined in a command line is limited to 30. diode current.sch" -o "c:\psim\examples\chop. and run the following command: PsimCmd -i "c:\psim\examples\chop.An image of the current scope (similar to the voltage scope image. . to simulate the circuit "chop. For example. one can run several circuits automatically in a batch run.txt or .Branch currents can also be displayed in the free-run mode. Current scope Voltage scope Running Simulation with the Command-Line Option: Simulation can also be launched with the command line option by running the program PsimCmd.exe.sch" which is stored in the folder "c:\psim\examples".001. right click on top of the inductor. To display the inductor current. for example. to define the resistance R1 as 1. go to the PSIM folder. With the command-line option. and a menu will appear. Double click on the scope to expand and view the inductor waveform. can be displayed in the similar way. load current. or MOSFET switch current. but without connection terminals) will appear. The command-line parameters are: Input schematic file name Output file name (in either . Auto-run SIMVIEW To automatically run SIMVIEW after the simulation is complete. an element or a portion of a circuit remains connected with the rest of the circuit when moved.6. To set the PSIM search paths and device file paths.. Note that the line thickness only affects the printout. Load Custom Settings. Set Path.. Show print page border When enabled.. Enable rubber band When checked. This is for softkey version only. Default graph font Set the text font for the runtime graphs. Save Custom Settings. the cursor will change to the image of a clock.. Enter Password Disable Password Customize Toolbars To create customized toolbars.. 202 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . function. To disable the protection of a schematic file that is password protected. Functions can be assigned to the keyboard for easier circuit editing.: Under the General tab: On Editing: Display grid Zoom factor Check this option to display the grid in the PSIM schematic. etc. It can be set to 1 (the thinnest) to 4 (the thickest).. Deactivate To deactivate the PSIM license. The following settings are defined under Settings. This is for softkey version only.. and custom toolbar definition. This is for licenses that have the Annual Software Maintenance only. Customize Keyboard To customize keyboard. It does not affect the display on the screen.. On Text Font: Default text font Justification Set the default font for the text placed in the schematic. and double click to display the property window.. To load custom setting files saved by the Save Custom Settings. To set the simulation parameters such as time step.. This is useful when you want to apply the same custom settings on another computer. Define how the text will be aligned. The zoom factor defined here is used when the schematic is zoomed in or out. When this is selected. function. the border of the printout will be displayed. total time. Check for Software Update To check if any newer software updates are available on the Powersim server. This will apply the custom settings defined in the file to this computer. custom keyboard definition... Place this clock on the schematic.8 Options Menu The following functions are provided in the Options menu for various settings: Settings. On Printing: Line thickness Define the thickness of the line as it appears at the printout. To save the following custom settings to a file: Default element values. This file can then be loaded on another computer using the Load Custom Settings. To enter the password to view a schematic file that is password protected... Change Softkey Password To change the password of login for running PSIM softkey version. If the simulation time step is small and the total time is long. and will be faster to load. after the simulation is complete and after results are loaded into SIMVIEW. and then the second node. all the voltages and currents of the circuit will be saved for display. and when it reaches 20 MB. an error message will Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 203 . and if there are many output curves. Left click the mouse. the whole 20-MB data will be written to the result file. The backup file is deleted automatically when the file is closed normally from the PSIM environment. If there is no license available. and may even fail if the computer does not have sufficient amount of memory. PSIM will create a backup of the file currently being edited in the time interval specified. To retain all the waveforms in the runtime graph. To display a differential voltage. On Time-Out: Idle time When this option is checked. Note that this applies to the PSIM network version only. warning messages generated in the simulation are suppressed. one can either increase the buffer size.On Simulation: Simulation result format Simulation results can be saved in either binary format (default) or text format. which will take some time to allocate. When PSIM is timed out. When the cursor is on top of a node or a branch. PSIM will automatically check for new updates on the Powersim server. Output buffer size When checked. it will change to the image of a voltage probe or current clamp probe. For example. In case of a program crash. Save all voltages and current When this option is checked. Increase this number to display waveforms for a longer time interval. the simulation data will be first saved to the buffer. the license will be released and other users will be able to check it out. PSIM will allocate all the required memory for the buffer at the very beginning. When PSIM is back from the idle state. or un-check this option. when the old data are saved to the file and the new data fills in the buffer. if you have the valid software annual maintenance. Please note that the runtime graph only plots the data in the buffer. the runtime graph will only show the waveform of the new data. Therefore. When this option is un-checked. Then click on the first node. Disable simulation warning messages When this option is checked. On Automatic Backup: Automatic backup When this option is checked.Set the default font for the text placed in the schematic. it will try to log back in the License Manager if a license is still available. If a new update is available. you will be prompted to install the update. To display a voltage or current. the backup file will preserve the previous work. choose View >> Display Differential Voltage. a very large memory may be required. however. Maximum number of points for oscilloscope It defines the maximum number of points that an oscilloscope will plot. choose View >> Display Voltage/Current (or click on the corresponding icon). PSIM will be timed out after the program is idle for the specified amount of time. the simulation data will be written to the result file in segment. Under the Advanced tab: On Software Updates: Check for software updates When this option is checked. The differential voltage waveform will appear in SIMVIEW. if the buffer size is set to 20 MB. The binary format will result in a smaller result file. and the old waveform will be lost. and the corresponding voltage or current will appear in SIMVIEW. function in the Options menu allows users to define additional search paths when loading an external DLL file or device file. When this option is checked. This feature will prevent users from holding up licenses unintentionally.. The DLL file can be in one of the three places: . Choose New Toolbar. When this option is checked. this device file can be used by PSIM schematic by including the folder in the Device File Path. if a schematic file uses a DLL file.C:\TEMPDLL PSIM loads the Thermal Module device files in the following order: . The Set Path. Customizing Toolbars: To create a toolbar called "new" and add the AND gate to the toolbar.C:\TEMP . or by circuit type. PSIM will read the help file from the specified file path instead. subcircuits. 204 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design .Schematic file directory .Choose View >> Custom Toolbars. the schematic file is in C:\TEMP.PSIM directory . assume that the PSIM program files are in C:\PSIM. The first time that the DLL file is posted. On Automatic Code Generation: Show image next to elements .C:\PSIM . For example. in the PSIM library.Directories as defined in the Device File Path section. elements. for example. PSIM reads the help file psim. and the following window will appear. if a Thermal Module device is placed in a folder other than the default device folder. text. Similarly. For example. Under the Colors tab: Color settings Wire color Colors for grids. All the device files in the PSIM’s device sub-folder and in the folders defined in the Device File Path will be loaded. an image will appear next to the elements that can be used for code generation. This is used to differentiate elements that can be used for code generation from the ones that can not. On PSIM Help File: Use alternate PSIM help file path By default. do the following: . and this DLL file is placed in a directory other than the schematic directory or the PSIM directory.chm from the same PSIM folder. and labels can be set... PSIM searches the DLL files in the following order: . nodes. The procedures for create customized toolbars and to customize keyboards are described below. ports. wire. The Custom Toolbars dialog window will appear.Directories as defined in the PSIM Search Path section. and the directory as defined in the Set Path function is C:\TEMPDLL. it will be loaded. this directory can be included in PSIM by using the Set Path function.The "device" sub-folder in the PSIM directory .. This is for SimCoder only for automatic code generation. The wire color can be set either by default. . highlight "AND Gate". Or if the icon is already available in the predefined icon images. Click on OK to close the window.In the section Add Shortcut Key. for example.Move the cursor into the input field of Press new shortcut key.Draw the AND gate icon in the icon editing area. Then click on the Add Button. do the following: .Toolbar icon area Predefined icon images Icon editing area . . Uncheck the box will hide the toolbar. Then find and highlight the element "Resistor".Under the Edit Command section.Check "new" in the Custom Toolbars dialog window. . The icon will appear in the toolbar icon area. . select the icon and copy it to the icon editing area.Specify the Toolbar Name as "new". and go back to the Custom Toolbars window.Choose View >> Custom Keyboard. Choose New Toolbar. . . Then click on Assign. The Custom Toolbars dialog window will appear. and press the key "r" on the keyboard. and the following window will appear. Customizing Keyboard: To define the key "r" for getting a resistor from the library. and the new toolbar will appear. and the definition will appear in the Current Shortcut Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 205 .The key "r" will be assigned to the resistor. select the option Elements. with the option Elements selected. To launch the SmartCtrl software. psim. The standard image library provided by PSIM is psimimage. SimCoupler Setup This will launch the program SetSimPath. the netlist name of the resistor is "R". and all the image libraries in the PSIM directory will be automatically loaded into PSIM. This program plots the B-H curve of the saturable core element (under Elements >> Power >> Magnetic Elements).lib. to export the ac sweep result to SmartCtrl. Parameter Tool This function opens a parameter file without a schematic circuit. s2z Converter Device Database Editor This will launch the device database editor PcdEditor. 6.9 Utilities Menu Several utility programs are provided under the Utilities menu. Then define the library name as it appears in the PSIM Elements menu. The figure below shows the library editor dialog window. click on New Element. The netlist part comes from the netlist library. For more information. To create a new element in the custom image library. weight. The dialog shows the menu tree of the library as well as various functions.10 Managing the PSIM Library A PSIM library element consists of two parts: the netlist part and the image part. B-H Curve Solar Module (physical model) This program plots the i-v curve of the solar module (physical model) element (under Elements >> Power >> Renewable Energy). The netlist library can not be edited. please refer to the document "Tutorial -Using SCI for Real-Time Monitoring in TI F28335 Target.exe for the Thermal Module. the standard image library can be viewed by going to Edit >> Edit Library >> Edit library files. It is used together with the SCI functions to display DSP waveforms in real time.pdf". This file also can not be edited. please refer to the Help menu in SmartCtrl. To create a new element called "My Resistor". Users can create their own custom image libraries. and there is only one netlist library. This library file will be created and placed in the PSIM directory. in order to facilitate users to copy images from the standard image library. 206 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design .exe that performs the setup for the cosimulation between PSIM and Matlab/Simulink. For example. There can be multiple image libraries. Note that this program is enabled only if the Digital Control Module license is available. and choosing psimimage. and select the library file. select the netlist "R". The image part comes from an image library. and click on New library. However. go to Edit >> Edit Library >> Edit library files. To create the image for this resistor. or if the ac sweep result is available. and the library file name. This will launch the Windows’ calculator. This program performs unit conversion in length.lib. or to enter expressions for computation purposes. To edit an image library. and select the netlist that this element corresponds to from the list. go to Edit >> Edit Library >> Edit library files. This function is part of the SimCoupler Module. SmartCtrl is a separate software for control loop design. area. This function is available as part of the TI F28335 Target.Key list. For more information on how to use the DSP Oscilloscope.lib. To create a new custom image library. and temperature. click on Edit Image. It launches a dialog window which allows one to load an existing parameter file. Launch/Export to SmartCtrl Unit Converter Calculator 6. DSP Oscilloscope To launch the DSP Oscilloscope. This function is part of the Renewable Energy option. This program converts a s-domain function to a z-domain function. 10. and the subcircuit file is stored outside the library file New Subcircuit Element (Internal) To create a new element from a subcircuit. To save the existing element as a new element. The new element will have the image of the existing element as the default image.1 Creating a Secondary Image It is possible that some users may find certain element images in the standard PSIM image library psimimage.Netlist name The following functions are provided in the library editor: Up Down ---> <--Add Separator Add Submenu Edit Edit Image New Element Save Element as Delete Element To move an element up in the menu To move an element down in the menu To move an element one level lower in the menu To move an element one level higher in the menu To add a separator between elements To add a submenu in the library To edit the name of an element To edit the image of an element To create a new element in the image library. and the subcircuit file is stored inside the library file 6. users can create their own secondary Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 207 . To delete an element from the library New Element (DLL) To create a new element from a DLL file New Subcircuit Element (External) To create a new element from a subcircuit.lib different from what they are used to use. This element will be linked to a netlist element in the netlist library. In this case. a secondary image will be created in the library "mylib. navigate to Power >> Switches. and click on New library. giving it a better interface. After the secondary image is created. Click on the pull-down arrow.lib2 extension). . From the PSIM library tree.If this image is to be used as the default image for this element. one just has to send to them the secondary image library file (with the . then click on the Color tab. The text "PSIMIMAGE" in front of the "Diode" text shows that this is for the diode element in the standard image library psimimage. It 208 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . double click to display the property dialog of the diode. For example. Secondary images are saved in a secondary image library with the . Another way is to add the custom model directly to an image library. In the dialog. One from the standard image library. and the other from the custom image library mylib.lib2".lib2" for the "Diode" element in the standard image library.Then select "mylib. 6. . If the secondary image is selected. The element "Diode" will appear in the list of the secondary images.lib.lib2 extension. and click on the Edit button to create the image.lib or users’ own custom image libraries.2 Adding a New Subcircuit Element into the Library There are two ways to add a custom model to the PSIM library list. all the images of the same element will be automatically changed to the secondary image. . and select "Diode".Click on the Add button.Highlight "Diode". A secondary image can be created for an element in either standard image library psimimage.lib2" and click on Edit selected library. The advantage of this approach is that the custom element will have the same look-and-feel as the standard PSIM elements.10. this image will be available for selection in the PSIM schematic. or in one of the sub-folders of the user defined folder.images. and then place the schematic file in a folder called user defined in the PSIM directory. Any schematic files and sub-folders under the user defined folder will appear in the PSIM library list. . click on the "Set as Default Image". To illustrate the process. if a diode is placed on the schematic. and two images will be displayed.Go to Edit >> Edit Library >> Edit secondary image library files.lib. One is to have the model in the form of a subcircuit. The selected image will also be set as the default image when a schematic is created or loaded the next time. define the secondary image library name as "mylib. Standard image Secondary image To share the secondary images that one creates with other people. . The dialog window for editing secondary image library will appear. Therefore.Add this element to the PSIM library. and need to appear in the property window of the new LC filter element. Creating the Subcircuit: The first step is to create the subcircuit of the new element in the same way as if the subcircuit is to be called by another circuit.Create the subcircuit model of the new element. and Variable Value is the default value of the parameter. . L. the Variable Name is L. For example. the Variable Label is Inductance. and its image are shown below: In this also possible to associate a help file to the custom model. called "LC_filter. Here Variable Label is the text that describes the parameter. in this case. the inductance and capacitance values will be defined through the interface.Create an on-line help file for this new element. a LC-filter element is used as an example. modeled in a subcircuit. and the value for the capacitance as C. The default variable list window should appears as follows.sch". For example. and the Variable Value is 1m. the parameter value for the inductance needs to be defined as a variable. the subcircuit of the 2nd-order LC filter. add the variables L and C as the default variables. To illustrate this process. . There are three main steps to add a new element. This step is necessary as the new element obtains the parameter information from the default variable list. place it in the "lib" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. Adding the New Element to the PSIM Library: To add the subcircuit element into the PSIM library. for the inductance L. into the library: . follow these steps: Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 209 . After the file is created. Variable Name is the variable that is used as the parameter value in the subcircuit. Then from Subcircuit >> Edit Default Variable List. Hide (menu): Leave this box unchecked. . and two connecting nodes. this element will not appear in the library. Creating the DLL: The first step is to create the inductance model in DLL. . Here we assume that the DLL file. Enter the information to the dialog window as shown below: The explanation of each field is as follows: Name: Name of the new element as it appears in the PSIM library Description: Description of the new element Schematic File: The location of the subcircuit schematic file "LC_filter. . this file will be displayed. into the PSIM library: . click on the button New Element (Subcircuit). It has one parameter called "Inductance".sch".Create the model in the DLL file. has already been created. The schematic file of the subcircuit must be placed in the "lib" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. The file is placed in the "lib" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. This file can be a text file (which can be opened by a text editor such as NotePad) or a HTML file. modeled in a DLL. Adding the New Element to the PSIM Library: To add the DLL element into the PSIM library.10.3 Adding a New DLL Element into the Library Similar to that of a subcircuit element. 6. To illustrate this process. When the Help button is clicked in the property dialog window. an inductor is used as an example. This file must be placed in the "help" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. and choose the custom image library for the new element.Create an on-line help file for this new element. or select an existing library and click on Edit Selected Library.Add this element to the PSIM library..In the Library Editor.dll".Click on the buttons Save Image Library and Update Menu. Help File: On-line help file associated with this element. The new element will appear in the library and will be ready to use. there are three main steps to add a new element. . Please refer to the relevant section on how to create a custom DLL. If this box is checked. "inductor_model. Click on New Library to create a new image library. follow these steps: 210 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design .Go to Edit >> Edit Library >> Edit Library Files. 11 Creating a Symbol Library With the Image Editor in the Edit menu.dll" that models the new inductor element. Hide (menu): Leave this box unchecked. . . The figure below shows a hardware circuit diagram from a SPI A/D converter example. The DLL file must be placed in the "lib" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. This file must be placed in the "help" sub-folder in the PSIM directory. In this case. or select an existing library and click on Edit Selected Library.Go to Edit >> Edit Library >> Edit Library Files. this file will be displayed. and choose the library for the new element. When the Help button is clicked in the property dialog window. The information regarding the number of parameters and the parameter description for the new inductor element is obtained from the DLL file automatically. Output Nodes:Number of output terminals of the new element. . Click on New Library to create a new image library. or images of subcircuits. and can not be simulated. Input Nodes: Number of input terminals of the new element. 6.In the Library Editor. These images can be used as secondary images of PSIM library elements. one can easily create good component images very quickly. Then create an image for this element. Enter the information to the dialog window as shown below: The explanation of each field is as follows: Name: Name of the new inductor element as it appears in the PSIM library Description: Description of the new inductor element File Path: The location of the DLL file "inductor_model. and Height = 2. set the new element size as: Width = 5. The new element will appear in the library and will be ready to use. Note that such a schematic is solely for display purposes.Click on the buttons Save Image Library and Update Menu. Help File: On-line help file associated with this element. the new element will have one parameter as "Inductance". this element will not appear in the library. click on the button New DLL File.In the next dialog window. One can also store these images in a symbol library for the purpose of circuit wiring diagrams. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 211 . This file can be a text file (which can be opened by a text editor such as NotePad) or a HTML file.. or accept the default image. If this box is checked. Then choose Edit >> Image Editor. and TLV1548 are all created by the Image Editor.In PSIM. A rectangle will appear.Double click on the rectangle. The Library Part Name is the name of the element as it appears in the library. and press the Esc key to escape. In the Main tab. enter the data field as shows on the screen below. .The blocks F28335. create a new schematic window. and save the image as a symbol into a custom library. Place the rectangle on the schematic. we will create the image for the decoder 74HCT138 as shown below: . 74HCT138. and a dialog window will appear. withouth taking into account the length of the leads. The size of the block is 5 in width and 9 in height. 212 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . To illustrate how to create an image using the Image Editor. and Number as "1". and select [New Library].. for clk. there will be a circle between the connection pin and the block. an overline will be added to the name. and define Location as "2 . the connection pins will be defined. and specify the library file name as "My Symbol". Leave the checkboxes for Dot. go back to the Main tab. Name as "A". and for Overline.Click on the Pins tab. Click on the Add button. If the boxes are checked. clk. a symbol > will be added inside the block to indicate that it is a clock. Repeat the same process for the rest of the pins. and Number as "2".The library "My Symbol" will appear under the Elements menu. In this tab. . . Name as "B". The diaglog windows below show the definitions of all the connection pins.Once all the pins are added. and Overline unchecked.Left". Enter the library name as "My Symbol". and define Location as "1 . Click on Save in library. and this library will contain the newly created element 74HCT138. for Dot.Click on the Add button. Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design 213 .Left". 214 Chapter 6: Circuit Schematic Design . .598226665E-015 Functions in each menu are explained in the following sections.408644357E-046 1.000000000E+000 1.082981714E-046 0.139566166E-001 1...072914178E-001 -1.000000000E+000 5.000000000E-005 2.000000000E+000 0. SIMVIEW reads data in either ASCII text format or SIMVIEW binary format. Print Print the waveforms 215 Chapter 7: Waveform Processing .000000000E+000 7. .000000000E+000 0..000000000E+000 0.000000000E-005 1..613605209E-017 5..500000000E-005 2.000000000E+000 0. Isc Isb Tem_IM 0. The following shows simulation waveforms in the SIMVIEW environment.000000000E-006 1. this will save the FFT results to a text file specified by the user. 7.139566166E-001 -2.1 File Menu The File Menu has the following functions: Open Merge Re-Load Data Save As Load a data file in ASCII text format (with .500000000E-005 . .072914178E-001 3.smv extension) Merge another data file with the existing data file for display Re-load data from the same text file Save the waveforms to either binary data format or text format.145888260E-048 0.014582858E+000 5. The following shows a sample text data file: Time Isa 5.. When saving to the binary format.279132474E-001 1. the current settings are also saved.000000000E+000 0.. .000000000E+000 0.txt extension) or SIMVIEW binary format (with .7 Waveform Processing SIMVIEW is PSIM’s waveform display and post-processing program. In the FFT display. The data range and grid division. can be manually set. then copy the waveform to the clipboard. new data will be loaded and waveforms will be re-drawn. one can use the left mouse to highlight data points in rows or columns. the first column of the data. One can then paste the copied data back in another program. first go to Option and de-select Color to have a black & white display. then right mouse click and choose Copy Selected to copy the data to the clipboard.3 Axis Menu The Axis Menu has the following functions: X Axis Y Axis Change the settings of the X axis Change the settings of the Y axis Choose X-Axis Variable By default. any other column of the data can be used as the X axis. One could also just copy the row that the cursor is on by selecting Copy Row. In this window. Note that the Copy to Clipboard function will copy the displayed waveforms on the screen to the clipboard. or copy the entire data by selecting Copy All. For example. however. if one file contains the curves “I1” and “I2”. if new data is available. If the Auto-Grid box is checked. 7. other columns can also be selected as the X axis through this function. By using the Merge function. data from multiple files can be merged together for display. and another file contains the curves “V1” and “V2”. it will be modified to “I1_({second_file_name})” automatically where second_file_name is the name of the second file. which is usually Time. all four curves can be merged and displayed on one screen. By default. the number of axis divisions will be automatically determined. The dialog box of the X/Y axis settings are shown below. However. the following figure shows a sine waveform as the X 216 Chapter 7: Waveform Processing . is used as the X axis. Copy to Clipboard Copy the waveforms to the clipboard either in metafile format or bitmap format.2 Edit Menu The Edit Menu has the following functions: Undo View Data Points Go back to the previous X and Y axis settings View the data points of the waveforms within the displayed range in a separate window. 7. To save the memory and have the waveform image in black & white. If the second file also contains a curve with the same name “I1”.Print Setup Print Page Setup Print Preview Exit Set up the printer Set up the hardcopy printout size Preview the printout Quit SIMVIEW When the data of a file are currently being displayed. the first column of the data is selected as the X axis. However. by selecting Re-Load Data. For example. Similarly. it can be added to the Variables for Display box by clicking on “Add ->”. a variable can be removed from display by highlighting the variable and clicking on “<. After a variable is highlighted in the Variables Available box.axis versus a cosine waveform in the Y axis. In the Edit Box. A mathematical expression can contain brackets and is not case sensitive.4 Screen Menu The Screen Menu has the following functions: Add/Delete Curves Add or delete curves from the selected screen Add Screen Delete Screen Add a new screen Delete the selected screen A screen is selected by clicking the left mouse on top of the screen. The property dialog window of curves is shown below.Remove”. an mathematical expression can be specified. and the variables currently being displayed are in the Variables for Display box. Edit Box All the data variables available for display are in the Variables Available box. 7. The following math functions are allowed: + * / ^ SQRT Chapter 7: Waveform Processing addition subtraction multiplication division to the power of [Example: 2^3 = 2*2*2] square-root function 217 . will be measured. the curve properties. After Measure is selected. 0. grid color.5 Measure Menu The Measure Menu has the following functions: Measure Mark Data Point Max Min Next Max Next Min Enter the measure mode. By clicking the right mouse. integration function The moving average function AVG(y) calculates the average of the curve y up to the measured point.Tp) where y is the curve name and Tp is the time interval where the average is calculated. A SIMVIEW window with the measure dialog windows in these two modes are shown below. and the expression will be moved into the Edit Box for further editing. In the Screen tab. the measure dialog window will appear. Type an expression in the Edit Box. line thickness.2) = -1] moving average function periodic average function AVGX(y. Also in the property dialog window. For example. and marker symbol. in the Curves tab. AVGX(V1. can be defined. 7. can be defined. Highlight the expression on the right.SIN COS TAN ATAN EXP LOG LOG10 ABS SIGN AVG AVGX INT sine function cosine function tangent function inverse tangent function exponential (base e) [Example: EXP(x) = ex] logarithmic function (base e) [Example: LOG(x) = ln (x)] logarithmic function (base 10) absolute function sign function [Example: SIGN(1. another line will appear and the different between the current position and the previous position.Tp) calculates the average of the curve y in each time segment. such as foreground/background colors. click on the "<. such as color. SIGN(-1. 218 Chapter 7: Waveform Processing . The periodic average function AVGX(y. By clicking the left mouse. with interval of the time segment as Tp. which is marked by the left mouse. the screen properties. and click on the "Add ->" button. Mark the x and y coordinate values of the data point in a selected curve Find the global maximum of a selected curve Find the global minimum of a selected curve Find the next local maximum of a selected curve Find the next local minimum of a selected curve The Measure function allows the measurement of waveforms. a line will appear and the values of the waveforms will be displayed.2) = 1.016667) will calculate the average of the curve V1 at the 60-Hz interval. and font size/type.Remove" button. the power factor is the same as the displacement power factor. When the voltage and current are pure sine waves without harmonics.. double click on top of the screen (or click on the Add/Delete Curves icon). The name convention of angles is Angle(D)_{name} for the angle in deg. The screen must display two curves only. Avg.Left mouse click Right mouse click Once Measure is selected. and rms. Max. defined as cos(theta) where theta is the angle difference between the fundamental components of the voltage and current. can be used to evaluate the curve. the power factor is defined as the real power P divided by the apparent power S produced by the voltage and current. The functions. an individual curve can be selected by clicking on the pull-down menu on the Measure toolbar. Min. Next Min. The screen must display two curves only. 7. To display the angles of the FFT results. the harmonic spectrum (both the amplitudes and angle) of the time-domain waveforms can be calculated and displayed. and select the angles. click on the Angle tab. Note that the power factor is different from the displacement power factor. By selecting Perform FFT. Next Max.6 Analysis Menu The Analysis Menu has the following functions: Perform FFT Avg Avg(|x|) RMS PF (power factor) Perform the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis of time-domain waveforms Calculate the average value Calculate the average of the absolute value Calculate the rms value Calculate the power factor of two waveforms on the screen. and Angle(R)_{name} for the Chapter 7: Waveform Processing 219 . THD Calculate the THD (total harmonic distortion) All these functions apply to the time interval currently being displayed on the screen. Display in Time Domain Show the corresponding time-domain waveforms of FFT results S (apparent power) Calculate the apparent power of two waveforms on the screen. The screen must display two curves only. Assuming the first curve is a voltage and the second curve is a current. P (real power) Calculate the real power of two waveforms on the screen. Note that these functions are only enabled in the Measure mode. In the Select Curves tab. Note that. 7.7 View Menu The View Menu has the following functions: Zoom Re-Draw Escape Standard Toolbar Measure Toolbar Status Bar Calculator Zoom into a selected region Re-draw the waveform using the auto-scale Escape from the Zoom or Measure mode Enable/disable standard toolbar Enable/disable measure toolbar Enable/disable status bar Launch the Calculator in Simview The interface of the calculator is shown below. If this option is not checked.. Enable or disable the grid display Set the curves to be either Color (default) or Black and White In the Options.angle in rad... the value will be automatically transferred to the calculator and stored in one of the memory spaces. the simulation must reach the steady state. In this way. the 220 Chapter 7: Waveform Processing . starting from the top. For example. the data length in display must be integer multiples of 1/60 sec. By double clicking on a number in the Measure dialog window in Simview. 7.. data can be directly transferred to this calculator for calculation without the need to record them on a piece of paper. the waveform will be redrawn with the new x-axis range when new data is loaded. and the data range must be restricted (using the manual range setting in the X Axis function) to have the integer number of the fundamental period.8 Option Menu The Option Menu has the following functions: Options. dialog window. when the option Redraw x-axis when loading new data is checked. Grid Color Various options can be set here. for a 60-Hz fundamental frequency. in order to obtain correct FFT results. and name is the curve name in the time domain. Memory Expression Result One key feature of the calculator is that it provides 9 memory spaces.. and the bottom screen displaying V2 in the blue color with its own y-axis range. 7. Log/dB/FFT display settings.ini file and apply to the current display Save the current settings to a file with the same file name but with the . For example. to load a simulate result file “chop-1q. or Zoom. with the top screen displaying V1 in the red color and with certain x-axis and yaxis ranges. follow these steps: Chapter 7: Waveform Processing 221 . one can choose to save the following settings: line color and thickness. Dotted lines and lines with arrows are drawn in the same way. When saving a favorite.9 Label Menu The Label Menu has the following functions: Text Line Dotted Line Arrow Place text on the screen Draw a line Draw a dotted line Draw a line with arrow To draw a line. if the corresponding . and are discarded when the document is closed. If one is in the Zoom or Measure mode. one can first save the temporary settings when displaying the first waveform. one should first escape from the Zoom/Measure mode by selecting “Escape” in the “View” menu.txt” in Microsoft Excel.txt) and FFT results (*. or exported to other software (such as Microsoft Excel).smv file). Also in the Options. For example. the settings can be saved as a favorite and used later. 7.. Pan.ini extension Save Temporary Settings Save the current settings temporarily.10 Settings Menu The Settings Menu has the following functions: Re-Load Settings Save Settings Re-load the settings from the . Then click the left mouse at the position where the line begins. To apply a favorite to the current display.txt or . Then display the second waveform and load the temporary settings. dialog window. The temporary settings are not saved to any files. Load Temporary Settings Load the temporary settings and apply to the current display Add to Favorites Save the current settings as a favorite.x-axis range will be unchanged.11 Exporting Data FFT results can be saved to a text file. first select Line from the Label menu. 7. the number of screens currently on display must be the same as the number of screen in the favorite.. The functions Load Temporary Settings and Save Temporary Settings are used in situations where one wants to save the settings temporarily and uses it shortly after. when comparing one waveform with another. and wishes to edit a text or a label.ini file. Note that when applying the favorite. and x and y axis ranges. Favorites are a convenient way of storing particular graph settings to be used later.ini file exists. go to the Settings menu and choose the favorite from the list. it will load the settings in the . assume that Simview shows two screens. For example. the right mouse action can be set to either Show menu. and drag the mouse while keeping the left button pressed. Manage the favorites Manage Favorites When Simview loads a data file (. Both simulation results (*. If this settings is likely to be used again in the future. text font.fft) are in text format and can be edited using a text editor (such as Microsoft NotePad). 222 Chapter 7: Waveform Processing .Step 3 of 3”. Click on Finish. under Column data format. choose Space. choose General.. . under Delimiters. Open the file “chop-1q.In the dialog window “Text Import Wizard .In Microsoft Excel. choose Delimited. .Step 1 of 3”. Click on Next.In the dialog window “Text Import Wizard .txt”.In the dialog window “Text Import Wizard . .Step 2 of 3”. under Original data type. Click on Next. select Open from the File menu. 1 Time Step Selection PSIM uses the fixed time step in the simulation. and other function blocks. there is no propagation delay. PI controllers. 8. At the clock rising edge.2 Propagation Delays in Logic Circuits The logic elements in PSIM are ideal. are not allowed in the power circuit.1. In order to assure accurate results. Q0 will change to 1. and control circuits are represented in function block diagram.1. Without delay. switches.1 Simulation Issues 8.8 Error/Warning Messages and Other Simulation Issues 8. transformers. 8. floating voltage sources.1. If there is a direct connection between the power circuit and the input of a control circuit element. Chapter 8: Error/Warning Messages and Other Simulation Issues 223 . current sources. Similarly. power circuits are represented in the discrete circuit form. if there is a direct connection between the output of a control circuit element and the power circuit. i. called the Time Delay block. a control-power interface block will be automatically inserted. If a logic circuit uses the propagation delays for its operation. To prevent this. lookup tables. a voltage sensor will be automatically inserted by the program. the position of Q1. It is recommended that the time step should be at least one magnitude smaller than the smallest of the above. which should remain at 0. control circuit components. a function block in PSIM. will toggle to 1 at the same time. such as RLC branches. the initial values of both Q0 and Q1 are assumed to be zero. Q0 Q1 Q0 Q1 clock clock 1V 1V In the circuit on the left. the simulation time step should be properly chosen. such as logic gates.e. mutual inductors.3 Interface Between Power and Control Circuits In PSIM. needs to be added to represent the effect of the propagation delay. The factors that limit the time step in a circuit include the switching period. take a two-bit counter circuit as an example. a time delay element with the delay period of one time step needs to be inserted between Q0 and the input (J) of the second flip-flop. Similarly. widths of pulses or square waveforms. Power circuit components. and intervals of fast transients. This is illustrated in the examples below. and all types of controlled sources are not allowed in the control circuit. To illustrate this. The maximum frequency will be: fmax = 1/(2*Δt) = 50 kHz.1. The data is selected by clicking on X Axis in SIMVIEW.The waveforms have reached the steady state. Chapter 8: Error/Warning Messages and Other Simulation Issues . the frequency incremental step will be 1/Tlength.67 msec. Tlength = 1 ms. 8.67 msec. The FFT results are determined by the time interval between two consecutive data points. if you take the FFT of a 1-kHz square waveform with a data length of 1 ms and a data point interval of 10 us.Comparator Comparator Transfer Function op. Otherwise. one should make sure that the following requirements are satisfied: . the frequency incremental step will be: Δf = 1/Tlength = 1 kHz. The data point interval Δt is equal to the simulation time step multiplied by the print step.). make sure an integer is specified for an integer variable. for example.Wrong input for integers and character strings Make sure that the PSIM library is not modified. and the PSIM simulator is up-to-date. and specifying the starting time and the final time. character strings should be included between two apostrophes (like ‘test’). amp. amp. E-2 224 Error message: The node of an element is floating. and the data length Tlength. and Δt = 10 us. E-1 Input format errors occurred in the simulation. The specification of a real number (like 3. the data length should be restricted to 16.Incorrect/Incomplete specifications . The FFT analysis is only performed on the data that are displayed on the screen. In the FFT results.4 FFT Analysis When using FFT for the harmonic analysis. Note that the FFT results are discrete. Δt.2 Error/Warning Messages The error and warning messages are listed in the following. instead of 3) for an integer will trigger the error message. and the maximum frequency will be 1/(2*Δt). . There is one time step delay between the power and the control circuit solutions. It may be caused by one of the following: . that is. For example. Also. In the circuit file. the power circuit and the control circuit are solved separately. 8. the FFT results will be incorrect. op. For a 60-Hz waveform. in PSIM.The length of the data selected for FFT should be the multiple integer of the fundamental period. de-selecting Auto-scale in Range. Transfer Function It should be noted that. (or multiples of 16. Reduce the time step for better accuracy and resolution. There are many factors that cause this problem. The cause of the problem could be that the system is poorly damped at that particular frequency or the signal amplitude is too small. The computation continues with the following switch positions: .This can also be caused by a poor connection in PSIM. One is the time step. Check the switch gating signals. Otherwise. the time step should be several tens times smaller than the switching period. set the print step to 1. make sure that the wire is connected to the terminal of the element. W-2 Warning!!! The program did not reach the steady state after 60 cycles when performing the ac sweep. . results could be inaccurate. W-1 Warning!!! The program failed to converge after 10 iterations when determining switch positions. The following measures can be taken to isolate and solve the problem: . This warning occurs when the program fails to converge when determining switching positions.Connect small resistors/inductors in series with switches and voltage sources. or . This warning occurs when the program fails to reach the steady state after 60 cycles when performing the ac sweep. Symptom: Simulation waveforms look incorrect or inaccurate.3 Debugging Some of the approaches in debugging a circuit is discussed in the following. If necessary. Solution: This may be caused by the interruption of inductor current path and short-circuit of capacitor (or capacitor-voltage source) loops. Symptom: Simulation results show sudden changes (discontinuity) of inductor currents and capacitor voltages. Solution: This may be caused by two reasons. As a rule of thumb. When drawing a wire between two nodes.. If an initial current is assigned to an inductor. Since PSIM uses the fixed time step during the entire simulation. include overlap or dead time pulses to avoid open-circuit or shooting-through.. One should be cautious when analyzing the results. To display all the data points.Check the circuit and make sure the circuit is correct.. .Run the time-domain simulation with the excitation source at that frequency and see if timedomain waveforms are oscillatory. the inductor current will be forced to start from zero. One should make sure that the print step is not too big. Chapter 8: Error/Warning Messages and Other Simulation Issues 225 .Check the switch gating signals. . You may try the following to isolate and solve the problem: .Increase the excitation voltage amplitude for larger signal level. Another reason is the problem of waveform display. 8. one should make sure that the time step is sufficiently small. . Since the computation continues based on the switch positions at the end of the 10th iteration.. or the waveform resolution is poor. initial switch positions should be set such that a path is provided for the current flow. 226 Chapter 8: Error/Warning Messages and Other Simulation Issues . 174 simplified 173 cable 29 calculator 206. 201. 174. 33 ammeter ac 157 dc 157 axis setting 42. 128 diode 10 loss calculation 48 zener 11 Discharging Control 179. 194. 173. 185 air gap 30. 180 divider 114. 175 DSP Oscilloscope 206 dv/dt block 38 Dynamic Torque Limit Control 177 B backup automatic 203 band energy 101 band-stop filter 113 batch run 201 battery lithium-ion 105. 199. 34. 174. 216 counter pulse width 126 up/down 126 current transfer ratio 37 D data array 139. 165 DLL block external 172. 209 device diode 47. 40. 70. 206 Boltzmann constant 102 C C block 172. 51 MOSFET 16. 199 package 191 Index 227 . 8. 96. 32. 106 B-H curve 8. 220 capacitor 7. 183. 122. 48 IGBT 50. 184. 3. 216. 206 CosiMate 1. 225 Charging Control 178. 147. 12 differentiator s-domain 110 z-domain 131 Digital Control Module 1. 225 default variable 194. 31. 173. 118. 204. 204 command-line 201 comparator 15. 209. 35. 55. 210. 170 data point viewing 42. 206 DIAC 10. 175. 211 netlist 197. 45. 17. 138 code generation automatic 1. 145 E Embedded Software Block 175 encoder absolute 98 incremental 99 Excel 221 exponential function block 115 F Fast Fourier Transform block 116 favorites 221 FFT analysis 224 Field Weakening Control 82 file help 175. 31. 204 general 174. 32. 179 circular buffer 137. 56 device database editor 3. 142 Control 165 controller differentiator 110 digital PI 131 modified PI 111 proportional-integral (PI) 110 single-pole 111 Type-2 111 Type-3 112 converter A/D 127 D/A 127 s2z 206 unit 206 convolution block 138 core linear lossless 33 saturable 30. 33. 33. 52 IGBT-Diode 50.Index A absolute value function block 116 ac analysis 2. 18. 102. 100 dc 61. 223 NAND 124 NOR 124 NOT 124 OR 124 XOR 124 gating block 12. 72. 95 J JMAG 1. 66. 88. 186 low-pass 110. 148. 30. 123 band-stop 113. 210. 95 save 183 flip-flop D 125 J-K 124 S-R 124 format ASCII text 215 binary 203. 89 L label 190. 92. 193 HEV Design Suite 1. 76 squirrel-cage induction 63. 218 LOG10 5. 66. 215 free run 183. 62 induction 59. 192. 207. 85. 69. 223 mechanical-electrical 59. 225 coupled 23. 161 228 Index . 15. 53 MOSFET 56 G gate AND 124 logic 3. 65. 64. 147. 124. 64. 115. 132. 109. 208. 113. 158. 108. 80. 211 inductor 7. 103 integrator s-domain external resettable 108 internal resettable 108 z-domain external resettable 130 internal resettable 130 interface between power and control circuits 165 interface block 96 control-power 165. 200 functional model 101. 107. 20 gear box 59. 158 second-order 113 flag load 183 master/slave 62. 66 switched reluctance 78. 96 nonlinear induction 63 nonlinear permanent magnet synchronous 76 nonlinear switched reluctance 80 permanent magnet synchronous 74. 63. 211 library browser 142. 206. 31.parameter 4. 218 logic gate 124 lookup table 2-D 170 loss calculation 40 diode 49 IGBT 52. 209. 197 filter band-pass 113. 192 light intensity 101 limiter gradient (dv/dt) 118 lower 118 lower/upper 118 range 118 upper 118 LOG 5. 189. 95 H hardware target general 183 PE-Expert3 183 PE-Pro/F28335 183 TI F28335 183 HEV 1. 94. 176. 115. 142. 176. 25 saturable 8 initial value 9. 68. 79 I image secondary 207 Image Editor 192. 186 digital 132 high-pass 113. 94. 210. 193 HEV generator 193 HEV traction motor 193 hybrid electric vehicle 1 M machine brushless dc 67. 83 JMAG-RT 1. 74. 92. 70 LED 10 library adding new DLL element 210 adding new subcircuit element 208 edit 192. 184. 79. 77. 221 leakage flux 24. 161. 59. 88. 98. 85. 199 sensor current 157 hall effect 67. 92. 96 memory read block 137. 206 maximum power 102. 92 magnetic elements 30. 185. 95. 71. 68. 183. 70. 142. 32. 84. 87. 203. 187. 186 Pulse 126 PWM space vector 123 Q quantization block 1. 33. 194 output signal 194 subcircuit 195. 199. 105 resistor 4. 105 power function block 115 print step 183. 69. 199. 83. 194. 98. 206 math function block 169. 103 maximum/minimum function block 117 Maximum-Torque-Per-Ampere Control 81 mechanical coupling block 92. 31. 205. 159 monostable 125 Motor Drive Module 1. 98. 92 MagCoupler-DL block 83 MagCoupler-RT Module 1. 199. 138 message error 2. 64. 92. 193. 69.synchronous (external excitation) 71 wound-rotor induction 63. 7. 61. 99. 33. 206. 86. 141. 101. 97. 88. 203 N node link 141. 195 input signal 116. 31. 224. 225 probe 157. 71. 158. 161. 201 voltage 160. 158 ac sweep 185 ac sweep (loop) 184 current 86. 114 multi-rate sampling system 140 password 191 disable 202 enter 202 PE-Pro/F28335 183 PHEV 193 physical model 101. 199 propagation delay 121. 135 R reference direction of mechanical system 60. 203. 196 power coefficient 104. 99. 170 Matlab/Simulink 1. 8. 147. 192. 95 mechanical load constant-power 92 constant-speed 93 constant-torque 92 externally-controlled 94 general-type 93 mechanical load model 1. 157. 199 voltage 157. 183. 142 SLINK 142. 70. 100 speed 96. 202. 199. 87 MagCoupler Module 1. 97. 224 meter 3-phase VAR 159 VA-power factor 157 VAR 157. 206 . 225 resolver 98. 59. 100 position 59. 92 MPPT 103 multiplexer 121 multiplier 3. 223 proportional-integral controller 110. 103 pitch angle 104 port bi-directional 194. 88. 224 warning 2. 142 Index 229 O operational amplifier ideal 34 non-ideal 35 optocoupler 37 P Parameter Tool 149. 68. 156. 172. 100 rheostat 8 root-mean-square function block 115 round-off block 120 rubber band 202 runtime graph 7. 98 Regeneration Control 180 relay 38 renewable energy 1. 62. 66 MagCoupler 84 MagCoupler block 83. 92. 83. 199 nonlinear element 9 conductance-type 9 conductance-type with additional input 9 resistance-type 9 resistance-type with additional input 9 S sampling/hold block 119 scope current 160. torque 96. 97. 57. 12 linear 10. 13. 13. 98 voltage 157. 40. 202. 18 self-commutated 10. 199. 193. 12. 15 BJT (pnp) 10. 201. 121. 16. 218 SimCoder 1. 20. 204. 13 thyristor 10. 13 GTO 10. 220 Torque Control 176 transconductance 17. 156 dc 13. 201. 13 switch controller 2. 196. 55. 155 voltage-controlled voltage 85. 22. 155 Space 123 square waveform block 119 square-root function block 115 stack 139 subcircuit 191. 204 SimCoupler Module 1. 194. 155. 198. 24 ideal 24 saturation 28 single-phase 24 three-phase 26 transistor BJT (npn) 10. 149 math function 155 nonlinear voltage-controlled 156. 157 piecewise linear 149 random 154 sawtooth 152 sinusoidal 150 square wave 120 square-wave 151 step 152 triangular 151. 162 transistor 10. 48. 223 time step 38. 162 DIAC 10. 197. 147. 123 Thermal Module 1. 13. 165. 18. 15. 187 switch bi-directional 10. 141. 199. 55. 198 connecting 196 creating in the main circuit 195 in the subcircuit 195 image 197 summer 114 sweep ac 184. 58 transfer function block s-domain 107 z-domain 129 transformation 81. 142. 202. 12. 185. 162 PWM lookup table 22. 84. 2. 3. 200 voltmeter ac 157 dc 157 . 143. 206 simulation control 183. 102 solar module 101. 83. 162 on-off 15. 152 voltage-controlled current 85. 50. 173 idle 203 print 183 total 183. 200 solar cell 101. 183. 13 IGBT 10 MOSFET (n-channel) 10 MOSFET (p-channel) 10. 202 time delay block 120. 102. 198. 166 alpha/beta-dq 168 Cartesian-Polar 169 transformer 3. 16. 173. 223 tip speed ratio 105 TL431 36 toolbar 190. 134 V variable default 194. 163 switch module single-phase 19 230 Index three-phase 20 T THD block 122. 162 alpha 13. 192. 142. 223 shunt regulator 36 sign function block 5. 82. 198. 52. 209 passing 197 runtime 192. 176 abc-alpha/beta 167 abc-dqo 81. 13 trapezoidal waveform block 119 trigonometric function 116 U unit delay block 121. 184. 12. 205. 183. 103 source 149 constant 149 current-controlled current 155 current-controlled voltage 85. 116. 57 TRIAC 10. 53 TI F28335 183 time 149. 134. 165. 199. 194. 225 parameter 186. 174 Index 231 . 204. 119. 128. 195. 159 3-phase 159 wind turbine 104 wire 190. 120. 225 Z zero-order hold 1. 192. 140.W wattmeter 157. 158.
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