PSEE STUDY KIT supplement v10.6

March 28, 2018 | Author: kizeredup | Category: United States Foreign Service, Argument, Test (Assessment), Investing, Business



PSEE STUDY KIT SUPPLEMENTThis Supplementary Study Kit assists candidates to prepare for the Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE): Sub-test 1 developed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) of Canada as the first step in the Post-Secondary Recruitment competition. The materials and our original PSEE study package are the only informed sources published specifically to help individuals prepare for this on-line federal government competition. The enclosed materials have been added this year to reflect possible changes in emphasis in the examination process, and to improve the overall quality and helpfulness of PSEE Sub-test 1 practice materials for your needs. Over the past 25 years, our company’s services have had an outstanding success rate which we would be pleased to discuss with you by telephone for your particular job competition and preparatory needs. Copyright Advisory – We remind you that this Supplementary Study Kit (the “Kit”) is provided for the sole use of the Purchaser of Record. This Kit may not be copied, reproduced, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, translated, distributed, shared, modified, made available on a network or other website, used to create derivative works, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without the prior express written permission of Foreign Service Examination & Career Counselling Inc. (“FSECC”). Failure to obtain express written permission from FSECC before copying or reproducing these materials is a violation of copyright law. FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – Previous 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved PSEE STUDY KIT SUPPLEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I – INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................. 3 SECTION II – SAMPLE SUPPLEMENTARY PSEE REASONING QUESTIONS..................... 5 SECTION III – SAMPLE QUESTION ANSWERS ....................................................................12 APPENDIX – COMPLETE LIST OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES .......................................23 FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – Previous 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved SECTION I – INSTRUCTIONS FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 3 Instructions for Sample Supplementary Sub-test 1 (Reasoning) Questions Our extra samples for the four types of PSEE reasoning questions are provided below. Instead of intermingling the various types of questions as is done on the real PSEE and in our PSEE materials you already have, our following sample questions are organized in groups by type. Why is this so? Our goal is to help you learn more about how to do the four types of questions to your best ability. The way for you to do this is to practise on a particular type of question before moving on to the next question type. This methodology also models the notion of doing questions of the same type in groups on the actual test which many candidates find beneficial. Because our sample questions here do not mirror the layout of the real PSEE reasoning test, we are not recommending a time limit for doing these questions. The most important thing is to practise before doing the actual on-line test, and to get as comfortable as possible with the required types of PSEE multiple-choice reasoning questions. Note: Government sample questions for PSEE Sub-test 1 (Reasoning) are in our original PSEE materials which you received previously. Our general tips for handling this type of test and the kinds of questions in it are also provided there in Section V ii. You may wish to review that information before trying the following supplementary questions. FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 4 SECTION II – SAMPLE SUPPLEMENTARY PSEE REASONING QUESTIONS FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 5 PSEE: Sub-test 1 (Reasoning) – Supplementary Questions Arithmetic Reasoning Questions 1. A family had dinner in a restaurant and paid $56.25 for food and drinks. They also had to pay sales tax (17%) and a 15% tip on the total amount (food + tax). How much did they pay for dinner? a) $74.25 b) $68.81 c) $71.15 d) $75.68 2. Janette invested $2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years. What was her investment worth at the end of the 5-year period? a) $2223.96 b) $2552.56 c) $2495.82 d) $2659.16 3. Cassandra invested one part of her $10,000 at 7.5%/year and the other part at 8.5%/year. Her income from the two investments was $820. How much did she invest at each rate? a) $7500 at 7.5% and $2500 at 8.5% b) $3500 at 7.5% and $6500 at 8.5% c) $3000 at 7.5% and $7000 at 8.5% d) $8000 at 7.5% and $2000 at 8.5% 4. Jan is twice as old as Jake. The sum of their ages is 5 times Jake’s age less 48. How old are they? a) Jake 24 Jan 48 b) Jake 16 Jan 32 c) Jake 20 Jan 40 d) Jake 18 Jan 36 5. Working together, printer A and printer B could finish a task in 24 minutes. Printer A alone could finish the task in 60 minutes. How many pages does the task contain if printer B prints 5 pages a minute more than printer A? a) 600 b) 800 c) 1000 d) 1200 FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 6 Analytical Reasoning Questions 6. A HUNG resembles a JIRI but is taller. A CHIL resembles a JIRI but is shorter. A HORS resembles a SAHB but is taller. Which of the following is the best response? a) A HORS is taller than a JIRI. b) A HUNG is shorter than a SAHB. c) A CHIL is taller than a SAHB. d) None of the above. 7. A SMOL resembles a blue cheese, but is less smelly. Mozzarella resembles a GURT but is less smelly. A BLOP resembles a SMOL but is less smelly. Which of the following is the best response? a) A BLOP is less smelly than blue cheese. b) Blue cheese is smellier than a GURT. c) Mozzarella is less smelly than a SMOL. d) Mozzarella is less smelly than a BLOP. 8. Both KRKS and PRDL are weaker than ANDL, but PEPK is older than MUM. PEPK is weaker than KRKS and KRKS is older than PRDL. Both MUM and PRDL are weaker than KRKS, but PEPK is older than ANDL. PEPK is weaker than MUM, while KRKS is older than PEPK. Which of the following is the best response? a) KRKS is stronger than MUM and KRKS is younger than ANDL. b) KRKS is older than PRDL and PEPK is weaker than MUM. c) PEPK is stronger than PRDL and PRDL is younger than KRKS. d) None of the above. 9. A FOIB resembles a knife, but is less sharp. A spoon resembles a SPID but is less sharp. A VRUW resembles a FOIB but is less sharp. Which of the following is the best response? a) A VRUW is less sharp than a knife. b) A knife is sharper than a SPID. c) A spoon is less sharp than a FOIB. d) A spoon is less sharp than a VRUW. 10. Both SARA and VREN are shorter than BNAE, but TNOY is louder than GYRA. SARA is shorter than TNOY and SARA is louder than VREN. Both GYRA and VREN are shorter than SARA, but TNOY is louder than BNAE. VREN is shorter than GYRA, while SARA is louder than TNOY. Which of the following is the best response? a) SARA is taller than GYRA and SARA is quieter than BNAE. b) SARA is louder than VREN and TNOY is shorter than GYRA. c) TNOY is taller than VREN and VREN is quieter than SARA. d) None of the above. FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 7 11. A WONK resembles a mansion, but is smaller. A shack resembles a SURT but is smaller. A DLAP resembles a WONK but is smaller. Which of the following is the best response? a) A DLAP is smaller than a mansion. b) A mansion is larger than a SURT. c) A shack is smaller than a WONK. d) A shack is smaller than a DLAP. 12. ENAJ is longer than ATIR and smoother than KRAM. GNIR is shorter than NAOJ and hairier than ENAJ. NAOJ is smoother than KRAM and KRAM is longer than ENAJ. ATIR is longer and hairier than GNIR. Which of the following is the best response? a) ENAJ is shorter than NAOJ and GNIR is hairier than NAOJ. b) KRAM is longer than ATIR but smoother than GNIR. c) ATIR is hairier than NAOJ and shorter than KRAM. d) GNIR is smoother than NAOJ and longer than ATIR. 13. A KONK resembles a car, but is larger. A bicycle resembles a FRIM but is larger. A SLUN resembles a KONK but is larger. Which of the following is the best response? a) A SLUN is larger than a car. b) A car is smaller than a FRIM. c) A bicycle is larger than a KONK. d) A bicycle is larger than a SLUN. 14. A BRUY is sharper than a TRIH and a BRUY is bouncier than a YULP. A TRIH is sharper than a YULP and a YULP is bouncier than a TRIH. A GLUK is sharper than a YULP and a ZOOK is bouncier than a TRIH. A GLUK is bouncier than a ZOOK and a GLUK is duller than a ZOOK. Which of the following is the best response? a) A BRUY is less bouncy than a ZOOK and a BRUY is duller than a GLUK. b) A ZOOK is sharper than a YULP and a ZOOK is less bouncy than a GLUK. c) A GLUK is duller than a BRUY and a ZOOK is bouncier than a YULP. d) A BRUY is duller than a YULP and a BRUY is bouncier than a TRIH. 15. A GWOP resembles a YOOK but is dirtier. A YOOK resembles mud but is dirtier. Soap resembles a VRIT but is dirtier. Which of the following is the best response? a) Soap is dirtier than a YOOK. b) A GWOP is cleaner than a VRIT. c) Soap is dirtier than a GWOP. d) None of the above. 16. An OBCE is darker than a KLTS and rounder than a PLZN. A KLTS is darker than a PLZN and a PLZN is rounder than a KLTS. A PRHS is darker than a PLZN and a BUDJ is rounder than a KLTS. A PRHS is rounder than a BUDJ and a PRHS is lighter than a KLTS. Which of the following is the best response? a) An OBCE is more angular than a BUDJ and an OBCE is lighter than a PRHS. b) A BUDJ is lighter than a KLTS and a BUDJ is more angular than a PRHS. c) A PRHS is lighter than an OBCE and a BUDJ is rounder than a PLZN. d) An OBCE is lighter than a PLZN and an OBCE is rounder than a KLTS. FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 8 17. A LOOB resembles iron but is heavier. A feather resembles a WREV but is heavier. A BLOR resembles a LOOB but is heavier. Which of the following is the best response? a) A BLOR is heavier than iron. b) Iron is lighter than a WREV. c) A feather is heavier than a LOOB. d) A feather is heavier than a BLOR. 18. A LOPK is sweeter than a PLOM and a LOPK is harder than a QUAF. A PLOM is sweeter than a QUAF and a QUAF is harder than a PLOM. A GLIK is sweeter than a QUAF and a ZONK is harder than a PLOM. A GLIK is harder than a ZONK and a GLIK is less sweet than a ZONK. Which of the following is the best response? a) A LOPK is softer than a ZONK and a LOPK is less sweet than a GLIK. b) A QUAF is less sweet than a PLOM and a ZONK is softer than a GLIK. c) A GLIK is less sweet than a LOPK and a ZONK is harder than a QUAF. d) A LOPK is less sweet than a QUAF and a LOPK is harder than PLOM. 19. A FRUM beats a TRUP. A GLOB beats a PRED. A VAAC beats a GLOB. A TRUP beats a VAAC. Which of the following is the best response? a) A VAAC beats a FRUM. b) A GLOB beats a TRUP. c) A VAAC beats a PRED. d) None of the above. 20. Both HEXXs and WHIMs are less tasty than a BLIP, but a THOR is softer than a VANK. A HEXX is less tasty than a THOR and a HEXX is softer than a WHIM. Both a VANK and a WHIM are less tasty than a HEXX, but a THOR is softer than a BLIP. A WHIM is less tasty than a VANK, while a HEXX is softer than a THOR. Which of the following is the best response? a) A HEXX is tastier than a VANK and a HEXX is harder than a BLIP. b) A HEXX is softer than a WHIM and a THOR is less tasty than a VANK. c) A THOR is tastier than a WHIM and a WHIM is harder than a HEXX. d) None of the above. 21. A VORB is larger than the sun. The Earth is larger than a TWIK. An AALT is larger than the Earth. Which of the following is the best response? a) The sun is smaller than an AALT. b) A TWIK is larger than a VORB. c) A VORB is larger than an AALT. d) None of the above. FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 9 22. A ZANK resembles a diamond, but is less hard. Sandstone resembles a GORT but is less hard. A QUAP resembles a ZANK but is less hard. Which of the following is the best response? a) A QUAP is less hard than a diamond. b) A diamond is harder than a GORT. c) Sandstone is less hard than a ZANK. d) Sandstone is less hard than a QUAP. 23. A JYOR is larger than a tree. A twig is larger than a FLOM. A BLIH is larger than a twig. Which of the following is the best response? a) A tree is smaller than a BLIH. b) A FLOM is larger than a JYOR. c) A JYOR is larger than a BLIH. d) None of the above. Logic Reasoning Questions 24. Due to a need to enhance security in a building complex, a contractor has provisionally hired several guards, all of whom are well qualified. The next step is to set up a training session for the new hires, focusing on the special needs related to the building complex. What can be validly concluded from the above information? a) All of the trainees are well qualified. b) None of the trainees are well qualified. c) All well qualified employees are trainees. d) Some of the trainees are not well qualified. 25. Luke and Brad are building a house as co-contractors. They are examining Luke’s workload in order to calculate when the house will be finished. Some of Luke’s projects are within 8 months of being finished. All of Luke’s projects were formerly Brad’s projects. What can be validly concluded from the information provided above? a) Some of Brad’s former projects will not take longer than 8 months to finish. b) All of Brad’s former projects are within 8 months of being finished. c) Some of Brad’s former projects will take longer than 8 months to finish. d) Some projects that are within 8 months of being finished are not formerly Brad’s projects. 26. All photocopy sheets are made of paper. Everything made of paper is disposed of in blue boxes. Which of the following conclusions is invalid given the information provided above? a) No photocopy sheets are disposed of in the blue boxes. b) Some things made of paper are photocopy sheets. c) All copy paper sheets are disposed of in the blue boxes. d) None of the above. FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 10 27. All e-mails sent by a departmental field office are secure. Therefore, all of the field office’s client requests are secure. Which of the following statements complete the preceding argument, making the conclusion valid? a) All client requests are sent by e-mail. b) Some client requests are not secure. c) All e-mails sent by the field office are client requests. d) None of the above. 28. Some musicians play in an orchestra. All musicians can read music. What can be validly concluded from the information provided above? a) Some orchestral musicians do not read music. b) Some musicians who read music do not play in an orchestra. c) Some orchestral musicians can read music. d) None of the above. Number Series Questions 29. Which of the following responses completes the series 31, 43, 38, 50, 45, 57, ? a) 48 b) 52 c) 69 d) 87 30. Which of the following responses completes the series 2, 4, 10, 20, 26, 52, ? a) 84 b) 68 c) 58 d) 114 31. Which of the following responses completes the series 451, 468, 472, 479, 493, 490, 514, ? a) 501 b) 512 c) 695 d) 541 FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 11 SECTION III – SAMPLE QUESTION ANSWERS FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 12 PSEE: Sub-test 1 (Reasoning) – Supplementary Question Answers Arithmetic Reasoning Answers 1. A family had dinner in a restaurant and paid $56.25 for food and drinks. They also had to pay sales tax (17%) and a 15% tip on the total amount (food + tax). How much did they pay for dinner? The correct answer is d) $75.68 This is an easy question involving percents. $56.25 + 0.17($56.25) + 0.15[($56.25 +.17($56.25)] $56.25 + $9.56 + $9.87 = $75.68 2. Janette invested $2000 at 5% compounded annually for 5 years. What was her investment worth at the end of the 5-year period? The correct answer is b) $2552.56 This is a moderately difficult question involving compound interest. Year 1 $2000 x 0.05 = $100 Total = $2100.00 Year 2 $2100 x 0.05 = $105 Total = $2205.00 Year 3 $2205 x 0.05 = $110.25 Total = $2315.25 Year 4 $2315.25 x 0.05 = $115.76 Total = $2431.01 Year 5 $2431.01 x 0.05 = $121.55 Total = $2552.56 3. Cassandra invested one part of her $10,000 at 7.5%/year and the other part at 8.5%/year. Her income from the two investments was $820. How much did she invest at each rate? The correct answer is c) $3000 at 7.5% and $7000 at 8.5% This is a moderately difficult question involving percents. Set up equations a (0.075) + b (0.085) = $820.00 and a + b = $10000 Solve for a a = $10000 – b Substitute 0.075($10000 – b) + 0.085 b = $820.00 Gather terms $750 - 0.075 b + 0.085 b = $820 Solve 0.01 b = 70 b = $7000 so a must be $3000 4. Jan is twice as old as Jake. The sum of their ages is 5 times Jake’s age less 48. How old are they? The correct answer is a) Jake 24 Jan 48 This is an easy question involving writing and solving equations with a single variable. Jan = 2 x, Jake = x x + 2x = 5x – 48 3x - 5x = -48 2x = 48 and x = 24, so Jan is 48 and Jake is 24 FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 13 5. Working together, printer A and printer B could finish a task in 24 minutes. Printer A alone could finish the task in 60 minutes. How many pages does the task contain if printer B prints 5 pages a minute more than printer A? The correct answer is a) 600 This is a more difficult question involving two variables. Let the total number of pages be x In one minute, A = x/60 and B = x/60 + 5 All the pages are printed in 24 minutes Set up equation Gather terms Solve x = 24 (x/60 + x/60 + 5 ) x = 24(2x/60) + 120 x = .8 x + 120 .2x = 120 x = 600 Analytical Reasoning Answers A diagram can be invaluable for doing Analytical Reasoning questions. You can use either a horizontal or a vertical list. We have used a horizontal list with the comparison indicators in italics. 6, A HUNG resembles a JIRI but is taller. A CHIL resembles a JIRI but is shorter. A HORS resembles a SAHB but is taller. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is d) None of the above a) b) c) d) A HORS is taller than a JIRI. A HUNG is shorter than a SAHB. A CHIL is taller than a SAHB. None of the above Taller HUNG HORS Have nothing to do with each other Have nothing to do with each other Have nothing to do with each other JIRI CHIL Shorter SAHB 7. A SMOL resembles a blue cheese, but is less smelly. Mozzarella resembles a GURT but is less smelly. A BLOP resembles a SMOL but is less smelly. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is a) A BLOP is less smelly than blue cheese a) b) c) d) A BLOP is less smelly than blue cheese. Blue cheese is smellier than a GURT. Mozzarella is less smelly than a SMOL. Mozzarella is less smelly than a BLOP. Smelly FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – BLUE CHEESE SMOL GURT MOZZARELLA 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 True Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps BLOP Less smelly E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 14 8. Both KRKS and PRDL are weaker than ANDL, but PEPK is older than MUM. PEPK is weaker than KRKS and KRKS is older than PRDL. Both MUM and PRDL are weaker than KRKS, but PEPK is older than ANDL. PEPK is weaker than MUM, while KRKS is older than PEPK. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is b) KRKS is older than PRDL and PEPK is weaker than MUM a) b) c) d) KRKS is stronger than MUM and KRKS is younger than ANDL. True, False KRKS is older than PRDL and PEPK is weaker than MUM. True, True PEPK is stronger than PRDL and PRDL is younger than KRKS. False, True None of the above. Weaker MUM PEPK KRKS ANDL Stronger PRDL Older PEPK MUM PRDL ANDL KRKS Younger 9. A FOIB resembles a knife, but is less sharp. A spoon resembles a SPID but is less sharp. A VRUW resembles a FOIB but is less sharp. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is a) A VRUW is less sharp than a knife a) b) c) d) A VRUW is less sharp than a knife. A knife is sharper than a SPID. A spoon is less sharp than a FOIB. A spoon is less sharp than a VRUW. Sharp SPID KNIFE SPOON True Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps FOIB VRUW Less sharp 10. Both SARA and VREN are shorter than BNAE, but TNOY is louder than GYRA. SARA is shorter than TNOY and SARA is louder than VREN. Both GYRA and VREN are shorter than SARA, but TNOY is louder than BNAE. VREN is shorter than GYRA, while SARA is louder than TNOY. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is c) TNOY is taller than VREN and VREN is quieter than SARA a) b) c) d) SARA is taller than GYRA and SARA is quieter than BNAE. SARA is louder than VREN and TNOY is shorter than GYRA. TNOY is taller than VREN and VREN is quieter than SARA. None of the above. Taller BINAE TNOY Louder SARA FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – SARA BNAE TNOY VREN 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 GYRA GYRA True, False True, False True, True VREN Shorter Quieter E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 15 11. A WONK resembles a mansion, but is smaller. A shack resembles a SURT but is smaller. A DLAP resembles a WONK but is smaller. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is a) A DLAP is smaller than a mansion a) b) c) d) A DLAP is smaller than a mansion. A mansion is larger than a SURT. A shack is smaller than a WONK. A shack is smaller than a DLAP. Larger MANSION SURT True Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps WONK SHACK DLAP Smaller 12. ENAJ is longer than ATIR and smoother than KRAM. GNIR is shorter than NAOJ and hairier than ENAJ. NAOJ is smoother than KRAM and KRAM is longer than ENAJ. ATIR is longer and hairier than GNIR. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is c) ATIR is hairier than NAOJ and shorter than KRAM a) b) c) d) ENAJ is shorter than NAOJ and GNIR is hairier than NAOJ. KRAM is longer than ATIR but smoother than GNIR. ATIR is hairier than NAOJ and shorter than KRAM. GNIR is smoother than NAOJ and longer than ATIR. Longer KRAM ENAJ ATIR NAOJ Smoother ENAJ GNIR KRAM GNIR Perhaps, Perhaps True, Perhaps True, True Perhaps, False Shorter Hairier ATIR NAOJ 13. A KONK resembles a car, but is larger. A bicycle resembles a FRIM but is larger. A SLUN resembles a KONK but is larger. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is a) A SLUN is larger than a car a) b) c) d) A SLUN is larger than a car. A car is smaller than a FRIM. A bicycle is larger than a KONK. A bicycle is larger than a SLUN. Larger FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – SLUN KONK 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 True False False False CAR T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 BICYCLE FRIM Smaller E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 16 14. A BRUY is sharper than a TRIH and a BRUY is bouncier than a YULP. A TRIH is sharper than a YULP and a YULP is bouncier than a TRIH. A GLUK is sharper than a YULP and a ZOOK is bouncier than a TRIH. A GLUK is bouncier than a ZOOK and a GLUK is duller than a ZOOK. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is b) A ZOOK is sharper than a YULP and a ZOOK is less bouncy than a GLUK a) b) c) d) A BRUY is less bouncy than a ZOOK and a BRUY is duller than a GLUK. A ZOOK is sharper than a YULP and a ZOOK is less bouncy than a GLUK. A GLUK is duller than a BRUY and a ZOOK is bouncier than a YULP. A BRUY is duller than a YULP and a BRUY is bouncier than a TRIH. Sharper ZOOK GLUK BRUY BRUY Bouncy Duller TRIH YULP GLUK Perhaps, Perhaps True, True Perhaps, Perhaps False, True YULP TRIH Less bouncy ZOOK 15. A GWOP resembles a YOOK but is dirtier. A YOOK resembles mud but is dirtier. Soap resembles a VRIT but is dirtier. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is a) Soap is dirtier than a YOOK a) b) c) d) Soap is dirtier than a YOOK. A GWOP is cleaner than a VRIT. Soap is dirtier than a GWOP. None of the above. Dirtier GWOP YOOK True False False False MUD SOAP VRIT Cleaner 16. An OBCE is darker than a KLTS and rounder than a PLZN. A KLTS is darker than a PLZN and a PLZN is rounder than a KLTS. A PRHS is darker than a PLZN and a BUDJ is rounder than a KLTS. A PRHS is rounder than a BUDJ and a PRHS is lighter than a KLTS. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is b) A BUDJ is lighter than a KLTS and a BUDJ is more angular than a PRHS a) b) c) d) An OBCE is more angular than a BUDJ and an OBCE is lighter than a PRHS.False, Perhaps A BUDJ is lighter than a KLTS and a BUDJ is more angular than a PRHS True, True A PRHS is lighter than an OBCE and a BUDJ is rounder than a PLZN. True, Perhaps An OBCE is lighter than a PLZN and an OBCE is rounder than a KLTS. False, True Darker OBCE KLTS PRHS PLZN Lighter BUDJ Rounder FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – OBCE PRIS PLZN BUDJ 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 KLTS T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 Angular E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 17 17. A LOOB resembles iron but is heavier. A feather resembles a WREV but is heavier. A BLOR resembles a LOOB but is heavier. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is a) A BLOR is heavier than iron a) b) c) d) A BLOR is heavier than iron. Iron is lighter than a WREV. A feather is heavier than a LOOB. A feather is heavier than a BLOR. Heavier BLOR LOOB True False False False IRON FEATHER WREV Lighter 18. A LOPK is sweeter than a PLOM and a LOPK is harder than a QUAF. A PLOM is sweeter than a QUAF and a QUAF is harder than a PLOM. A GLIK is sweeter than a QUAF and a ZONK is harder than a PLOM. A GLIK is harder than a ZONK and a GLIK is less sweet than a ZONK. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is b) QUAF is less sweet than a PLOM and a ZONK is softer than a GLIK a) b) c) d) A LOPK is softer than a ZONK and a LOPK is less sweet than a GLIK. A QUAF is less sweet than a PLOM and a ZONK is softer than a GLIK. A GLIK is less sweet than a LOPK and a ZONK is harder than a QUAF. A LOPK is less sweet than a QUAF and a LOPK is harder than PLOM. Sweeter LOPK PLOM ZONK Hard LOPK GLIK Perhaps, Perhaps True, True Perhaps, Perhaps False, True QUAF Sour PLOM Soft GLIK QUAF ZONK 19. A FRUM beats a TRUP. A GLOB beats a PRED. A VAAC beats a GLOB. A TRUP beats a VAAC. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is c) A VAAC beats a PRED a) b) c) d) A VAAC beats a FRUM. A GLOB beats a TRUP. A VAAC beats a PRED. None of the above. Win FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – FRUM TRUP 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 False False True False VAAC GLOB T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 PRED Lose E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 18 20, Both HEXXs and WHIMs are less tasty than a BLIP, but a THOR is softer than a VANK. A HEXX is less tasty than a THOR and a HEXX is softer than a WHIM. Both a VANK and a WHIM are less tasty than a HEXX, but a THOR is softer than a BLIP. A WHIM is less tasty than a VANK, while a HEXX is softer than a THOR. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is c) THOR is tastier than a WHIM and a WHIM is harder than a HEXX a) b) c) d) A HEXX is tastier than a VANK and a HEXX is harder than a BLIP. True, False A HEXX is softer than a WHIM and a THOR is less tasty than a VANK. True, False A THOR is tastier than a WHIM and a WHIM is harder than a HEXX. True, True None of the above. Tasty BLIP HEXX VANK WHIM Less tasty VANK Hard THOR WHIM Soft HEXX THOR BLIP 21. A VORB is larger than the sun. The Earth is larger than a TWIK. An AALT is larger than the Earth. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is d) None of the above a) b) c) d) The sun is smaller than an AALT. A TWIK is larger than a VORB. A VORB is larger than an AALT. None of the above. Larger VORB SUN AALT Perhaps False Perhaps True EARTH TWIK Smaller 22. A ZANK resembles a diamond, but is less hard. Sandstone resembles a GORT but is less hard. A QUAP resembles a ZANK but is less hard. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is a) A QUAP is less hard than a diamond a) b) c) d) A QUAP is less hard than a diamond. A diamond is harder than a GORT. Sandstone is less hard than a ZANK. Sandstone is less hard than a QUAP. Hard FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – DIAMOND GORT ZANK SANDSTONE 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 True Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps QUAP Less hard E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 19 23. A JYOR is larger than a tree. A twig is larger than a FLOM. A BLIH is larger than a twig. Which of the following is the best response? The correct answer is d) None of the above a) b) c) d) A tree is smaller than a BLIH. A FLOM is larger than a JYOR. A JYOR is larger than a BLIH. None of the above. Larger JYOR TREE BLIH Perhaps False Perhaps True TWIG FLOM Smaller Logic Reasoning Answers 24. Due to a need to enhance security in a building complex, a contractor has provisionally hired several guards, all of whom are well qualified. The next step is to set up a training session for the new hires, focusing on the special needs related to the building complex. What can be validly concluded from the above information? The correct answer is a) All of the trainees are well qualified a) b) c) d) All of the trainees are well qualified. None of the trainees are well qualified. All well qualified employees are trainees. Some of the trainees are not well qualified. True False (all are qualified) False (other people work for the company) False (all are qualified) 25. Luke and Brad are building a house as co-contractors. They are examining Luke’s workload in order to calculate when the house will be finished. Some of Luke’s projects are within 8 months of being finished. All of Luke’s projects were formerly Brad’s projects. What can be validly concluded from the information provided above? The correct answer is a) Some of Brad’s former projects will not take longer than 8 months to finish a) b) c) d) FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – Some of Brad’s former projects will not take longer than 8 months to finish. All of Brad’s former projects are within 8 months of being finished. Some of Brad’s former projects will take longer than 8 months to finish. Some projects that are within 8 months of being finished are not formerly Brad’s projects. 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 True False Perhaps False E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 20 26. All photocopy sheets are made of paper. Everything made of paper is disposed of in blue boxes. Which of the following conclusions is invalid given the information provided above? The correct answer is a) No photocopy sheets are disposed of in the blue boxes a) b) c) d) No photocopy sheets are disposed of in the blue boxes. Some things made of paper are photocopy sheets. All copy paper sheets are disposed of in the blue boxes. None of the above. False (all photocopy sheets are) True True 27. All e-mails sent by a departmental field office are secure. Therefore, all of the field office’s client requests are secure. Which of the following statements complete the preceding argument, making the conclusion valid? The correct answer is a) All client requests are sent by e-mail a) b) c) d) All client requests are sent by e-mail. Some client requests are not secure. All e-mails sent by the field office are client requests. None of the above. Possibly 28. Some musicians play in an orchestra. All musicians can read music. What can be validly concluded from the information provided above? The correct answer is b) Some musicians who read music do not play in an orchestra a) b) c) d) Some orchestral musicians do not read music. False (all musicians read music) Some musicians who read music do not play in an orchestra. True Some orchestral musicians can read music. False (all musicians read music) None of the above. Number Series Answers 29. Which of the following responses completes the series 31, 43, 38, 50, 45, 57, ? The correct answer is b) 52 This is a double sequence, the first being 31, 38, 45 where 7 is added to the previous number. The second sequence is 43, 50, 57 and again, 7 is added to the previous number. Thus the next two numbers in the sequence would be 52, 64. It can also be seen as a series that adds 12 and subtracts 5. FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 21 30. Which of the following responses completes the series 2, 4, 10, 20, 26, 52, ? The correct answer is c) 58 2 2 4 10 6 20 10 26 6 52 26 58 6 Find the difference between each number in the series and the pattern becomes apparent – double the first number to get the second one, add six to get the third, double the result to get the fourth, add six to get the fifth, and so on. Therefore, the next number would be 52 + 6 = 58 31. Which of the following responses completes the series 451, 468, 472, 479, 493, 490, 514, ? The correct answer is a) 501 451 468 472 479 493 490 514 When you see something unusual like this, it is usually a clue that there are 2 sequences or more in play. The first step is to look at the alternate numbers: 451 472 493 514 The alternating numbers in Sequence 1 add 21 to each number to get the next. 468 479 490 The alternating numbers in Sequence 2 add 11 to each number to get the next. The next number in the series would be 490 + 11 = 501 FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 22 APPENDIX – COMPLETE LIST OF PROGRAMS and SERVICES FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 23 Complete List of Programs and Services The programs and services below are described in detail on our websites at the bottom of this page. Canadian Foreign Service and Related Careers Canadian Public Service Careers  Study Kits for PSEE on-line and SJT, WCPT, GRT and WCT in-class tests   Test Tutoring for SJT, WCPT and WCT  Statement of Interest, LET, Job Application Preparation  DFATD and CIC Telephone or Personal Interview Coaching: FS, MCO, FSAA and PM rotational positions; CO, ES and AS non-rotational positions  FS-02/03/04 and AS-04/05 Application, Ability Tests and Interview Coaching  EX-01 Application and Interview Coaching    Selecting and Coaching References   Presentation Skills  Secondment to International Organizations: Application and Interview Coaching          U. S. Foreign Service Careers        Foreign Service Officer (FSO) Personal Narrative Questions Coaching Foreign Service Officer (FSO) Statement of Interest Coaching Foreign Service Officer (FSO) Oral Assessment Coaching Foreign Service Specialist Application and Oral Assessment Coaching Foreign Commercial Service Officer (FCSO) Application and Oral Assessment Coaching USAID Foreign Service Officer Application and Oral Assessment Coaching Study Kits for PSEE on-line and SJT, WCPT, GRT, WCT and GCT2 in-class tests Test Tutoring for SJT, WCPT and WCT Resumé/Cover Letter Development Application, Written Tests and Interviews for non-EX positions EX-01 Application and Interview Coaching Simulation Coaching: Selection of Executives (SELEX), SIL, 861/862 Senior Manager, 757 Middle Manager, 758 Program Advisor, 428 Supervisor, 410 HR Consultant, CFIA Inspector (SEI) In-Basket Coaching: 810 Managerial, 820 Middle Manager, C101 CRA, CAP Program 840 Middle Management Situational Exercise (MMSE) Accelerated Economist Training Program (AETP) Application and Interview Coaching Recruitment of Policy Leaders (RPL) Application and Telephone or Personal Interview Coaching Selecting and Coaching References Debriefing on Test, In-Basket, Simulation or Interview Results Presentation Skills International Careers  International Careers Search  Resumé/Cover Letter for International Organizations  Personal Interview Counselling  Selecting and Coaching References  Sponsored Workshops If you want experienced, practical and personal career coaching, look at the websites below, then call our office at 613-567-9229 to discuss your needs and how we can help you. Best wishes, Barry Yeates President FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 24 FSECC SCESE Situational Judgement Testing – 205 - 404 Laurier East Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6R2 T: (613) 567-9229 F: (613) 567-9098 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected] © Copyright 2013, FSECC Inc. All rights reserved 25
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