PS Nvision Handbook

March 26, 2018 | Author: api-3831165 | Category: Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheet, Page Layout, Scope (Computer Science), Variable (Computer Science)



PeopleSoft NVision Hand BookPrepared by G.kumaran PeopleSoft Technical Consultant DriveStream Inc Page 1 of 80 Contents: CHAPTER 1 – Understanding nVision CHAPTER 2 – General Overview CHAPTER 3 – Running Reports with PS/nVision CHAPTER 4 – Hands on Exercises CHAPTER 5 - REVIEW QUESTION CHAPTER 6 - SHORTCUTS Page 2 of 80 CHAPTER 1 –Understanding nVision PS/nVision enables you to retrieve information from your PeopleSoft database into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet-not merely as "raw" data, but as information in a form that helps you see the big picture, explore the details, and make decisions. You can use familiar Excel commands to format and analyze the data. By using PS/nVision, you can spend your time analyzing results, rather than summarizing data and entering it into your spreadsheet. In this chapter we'll provide an introduction to the sophisticated reporting options available through PS/nVision. Working with PS/nVision PS/nVision doesn't just work with spreadsheets-it works within them. You access PS/nVision features from a special nVision menu within Microsoft Excel. Your organization can also create a custom "front-end" macro sheet to give your users point-and-click access to reports and reporting functions. Because PS/nVision works from within your spreadsheet, you'll use the familiar commands Excel offers for inserting formulas, formatting, and graphics. We'll review some of the more common Excel features in this chapter, but for more detailed information see your Microsoft Excel User's Guide or the Excel online help. Understanding Reports and Layouts We refer to each Excel spreadsheet created with PS/nVision as either a report instance or a report layout. A report instance contains data that PS/nVision has retrieved from your PeopleSoft database. It is the end result of using PS/nVision. Every report you can create is based on a report layout. When you run a report, PS/nVision uses the specified layout to determine what data to retrieve for the report and how to display it. Therefore, creating a PS/nVision report is a threestep process: 1. First, someone must define a report layout that specifies what query to use for the report and how to format the report. The report layout is really just an Excel spreadsheet. However, it doesn't include any actual PeopleSoft data; it's just the structure of the report-query information, criteria, text, formulas, graphics, formatting, or other information you want to include. This step is only required the first time you create the report-once the layout has been saved, you can use the same layout repeatedly. 2. Someone must also create a report request specifying the layout and options for the report. 3. After defining a report layout and request, you run the report request, using the nVision menu in Microsoft Excel, the Run button on the request dialog box, or a button/macro that calls PS/nVision to run the report. You can produce multiple instances of the report as needed. For example, you might provide an income statement report for each department within your organization. Each instance is an individual report with up-to-the-minute data from your database, selected and formatted according to the instructions in the report layout. The layout and request are all you need to run your report-creating a spreadsheet rich with data. As the report runs, a copy of the layout, called an instance, is populated with data and is saved as a normal spreadsheet file. (If you're using a Page 3 of 80 scope with your report, you may produce several instances from one layout with one report request. Besides the numerous features that are available to you through PS/nVision, you can use all of Excel's powerful features to customize layouts, and the resulting reports, to your liking. For example, Excel features dynamically-linked charting and drawing tools for creating colorful graphs and diagrams. To help get your message across, you can add your own finishing touches to a layout. Because the layout is the basis for all reports produced from it, you can format and enhance the report once, and get the benefits automatically each time the report is run. If you're working with PeopleSoft Financials products, you may be interested in using ledgers with PS/nVision and taking advantage of the TimeSpan feature to define reports that "roll" from period to period without any changes to the layout. Using TimeSpans, the same layout can retrieve year-to-date data based on the "as of" date for which the report is requested. Tabular and Matrix Layouts PS/nVision offers two kinds of report layouts-tabular layouts and matrix layouts. The major difference between them is how they specify what data to retrieve from the database. In general, tabular layouts lend themselves to detailed reporting, while matrix layouts are more appropriate for summarized reporting. In this chapter, we'll provide a brief discussion here of both layout types. Tabular layouts are the simpler of the two layout types. They use a query defined in PeopleSoft Query to retrieve data. The columns in the report correspond to the fields returned by the query; the rows in the report correspond to the rows in the query result set. Matrix layouts have data selection criteria associated with columns and rows in the spreadsheet, creating a criteria matrix. The data retrieved for an individual cell is determined by a combination of the criteria for its column and its row. Like tabular layouts, a matrix layout can use a query defined in PeopleSoft Query to retrieve data. For PeopleSoft Financials applications, matrix layouts are mostly defined using the ledger and ledger_budg table for data retrieval. The table below shows some of the key differences between tabular and matrix layouts. Page 4 of 80 Feature/Function Data sources Matrix Layout Multiple queries and/or ledgers; labels. Tabular Layout Single query. Data Numbers in matrix, text Text and numbers. in labels and variables. Row/column Selected query result intersections (amounts); columns, one data row per row and column labels spreadsheet row. (text). One per workbook. Multiple per workbook. Data delivery Layout sheets Selection criteria Scope Scope Query, incl. Prompts Query, incl. Prompts. Sheet, column, row and cell. No. Multiple instances of layout workbook. None. No. No. Multiple instances of layout workbook. Rows and columns. Yes. Yes, with data keyed by year, period. PS/nVision variables Yes. Scope NPlosion DrillDown from instance TimeSpans Page 5 of 80 CHAPTER 2 – General Overview STEPS TO RUNNING AN EXISTING NVISION REPORT I. 1. How to open an existing nVision layout file (.xnv file) Find out the name and location of the .xnv file by a. Find out from the requester where the file is located b. On each .xls report instance the Report Request name should be listed. The .xnv name is on the report request form. To open the .xnv layout file a. nVision b. Open Layout c. Navigate through directories until you find the applicable file How to open an existing Report Request 2. II. The following steps should be taken to open an existing report request file. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. nVision Report Request OPEN Push button ? and choose applicable bus unit> Business Unit: <Click on the Get List Push button Choose applicable report request form from the list Note: If you cannot find the Report Request Form see step III. on the next page 7. 8. You should now have the report request open on your desktop Check the MAIN AS OF DATE section to ensure that the correct date is specified. For example: if you need the report data to be run for period 3 you would 09/30 in this field. Take note of the directory template field so you know where the .xls file will be saved upon run time. 9. Page 6 of 80 10. 11. III. Click - RUN or nVision, Run Current Report to invoke the report request. You will now have a .xls file open on your desktop How to Create a NEW Report Request The following steps should be taken to create a new report request form: Click on the New push button and use the above print screen as a benchmark. The following descriptions explain each field on this form. Report Name Report Title Requesting This name identifies a Report Request. This title appears on prompt lists and can be used in report Page 7 of 80 Business unit Layout Scope Rept Req are owned by bus units. The Layout may retrieve data for this bus unit alone or for multiple units. Choose the applicable .xnv file that you want to execute Optional. Leave blank if you do not need a scope. A scope is used to create multiple instances of one .xnv file, such as instances for each business unit or department. Specifies which directory to place the report after you have run the request. If you leave the field blank the report will be put into the default directory. Specifies the name of the worksheet (report) that is created when you run the request. You can include nVision variables in the template to dynamically create run time. All nVision report instances are stored files with an .xls extension (ex: %LYN% = Directory Template finished File Template file names at as Excel BALSHEET.XLS) Enable Nplosion Data From Req Bus Unit Only checked, Criteria in consolidated rept. Main As of Date As of Date for Trees If turned off will not execute specified nplosion When this check box is turned on the report will only reflect from the requesting Bus Unit. If this box is not on will extract data for all bus units meeting the in the Layout. This is how you can run a nVision uses this date to determine the meaning of relative timespans used in the Layout. Allows you to select the effective date of the trees to be used when trees are referenced in Layouts and Scopes. This is usually left at the default “:Use main as of date”, meaning it will use the tree closest to the As of date. IV. Running the Report Request When you run a report nVision will: • Create a worksheet file for each instance of the report • Ensure the trees specified in the Layout or Scope are valid • Call the database to extract information that you requested via Criteria in the Layout • Look to the report definition and accounting calendars to transform the nVision variables into values Page 8 of 80 nVision Components There are three key components to the nVision report definition process: • LAYOUT = .XNV extension, this is where you define report criteria, for example: Account nodes, department values, timespans. The layout file itself does not contain data - think of it as a template that can be re-used. In order to populate it with information you will have to define a Report Request. The amounts will not appear until the report request is executed ultimately creating an .xls file with the data. NPlosion is set in a layout. NPlosion provides the ability to specify a tree node in a layout and have rows or columns inserted at run time for each underlying detail value which makes up the criteria. Likewise, you may expand multi-period timespans, such as YTD, to show amounts for each accounting period. Detail value rows are inserted above the row where the nPloded criteria is specified. Detail value columns are inserted to the left of the column where the nPloded criteria is specified. • SCOPE (Optional) = Used to run multiple instances (.xls files) based on one layout file. For example if you wanted the same report for every Department, you would create a scope requested ALL DEPARTMENTS and then link the scope to your report request. When the report request is run it will generate an .xls instance for each department per your scope. REPORT REQUEST = Form that specifies criteria necessary to run the report such as (as of date, output location, output filename, report title) + = + + = LAYOUT FILE REPORT REQUEST FORM 1 .XLS FILE LAYOUT FILE REPORT REQUEST FORM SCOPE DEFINITION_______ MULTIPLE .XLS FILES • Page 9 of 80 Establishing Criteria Through Criteria you specify the data you wish to extract from your PeopleSoft database and where to place it on the report. The Criteria is entered in rows and columns; each intersection of row and column Criteria defines a data element to be retrieved. An intersection typically contains the following elements of Criteria: • • • LEDGER (ACTUALS OR STD_BUDGET) We also have an ACCRUAL and REPORTS. The source of the REPORTS ledger is data generated from the Asset Management module. TIMESPAN (YTD, BAL [includes period 0], PER, etc...) CHARTFIELDS (ACCOUNT, DEPTID, PROGRAM, FUND) • Once you define a ChartField you need to then decide if you want to use a detail value or a tree node. Understanding TimeSpans TimeSpans control the number of periods for which data can be extracted from the Ledger table. They enable you to easily select and retrieve information for use in allocations, inquiries, and nVision reporting. Typical TimeSpans provided with PeopleSoft General Ledger include: PER YTD BAL Retrieve activity for a specific period selected. Include year-to-date amounts. Retrieve balance forward amounts + YTD amount. Many TimeSpans are expressed relative to the current period, so that they automatically adapt the content of a report to the date it is produced. For example if our .xnv file uses the BAL timespan and we run the report with an as of date of 9/30/00, we will get the BALANCE as of 9/30/00. If we run the same .xnv report as of 10/28/00 we will get the BALANCE as of 10/28/00. Other timespans are defined for specific periods. For example we could create a timespan called BAL1. This would always retrieve the balance as of period 1, regardless of the AS OF DATE on the report request. Note that you cannot run an ACTUALS or STD_BUDGET report as of a certain day. The ledger stores data by period. If today is 9/4/00 and you run your report, you will get all data as of 9/4/00. If today is 9/15/00 and you run the report as of 9/4/00 you will get data as of 9/15/00. You will get the data as of period 3. We do have a DAILY BALANCE ledger. This ledger contains an accounting period for each day of the year. We use this ledger in our interest distribution of fund 128 reports. Page 10 of 80 The above diagram illustrates the panel where you specify the Ledger and the timespan. Also, there’s an option called Reverse Sign which will flip the sign of the dollar amount. For example, if you have revenues of -100 it will display the amount as 100 on the report. This feature is used when you want to reflect your revenues and liabilities as positive amounts for report purposes. Creating Matrix Layouts The Layout is a kind of TEMPLATE for defining how the report will look and what type of information will go into the different cells of the spreadsheet. It DOES NOT contain financial data from the database. You specify the links, or CRITERIA, that will map the desired data directly into your report from the database upon run time (or execution of the report request form). • There are four common types of information you may want to include in your Layout (1) TEXT (2) EXCEL FORMULAS (3) NVISION VARIABLES (4) CRITERIA Page 11 of 80 Column A Row 1 DEPARTMENT CRITERIA 1 DEPARTMENT CRITERIA 2 ACCOUNT CRITERIA ACCOUNT CRITERIA ACCOUNT CRITERIA The Matrix nVision report works by defining criteria in Column A and Row 1 that will intersect at various points resulting in a desired amount from the ledger table. The above illustration shows that there are 6 points of intersections that will result in amounts. CRITERIA HIERARCHY Criteria elements may be placed at any or all of the following levels within a report layout: CELL REF (1) ENTIRE WORKSHEET A1 - "The BRICK" Criteria common to the entire report (all cells) should be specified at the worksheet level. Criteria at the worksheet level are used to specify defaults for the entire worksheet. They can be overridden by different Criteria for columns, rows, and cells, in that order. For example: the cell overrides the row Criteria for similar information. (2) SPECIFIC COLUMN In row 1 Criteria at the worksheet level are combined with Criteria for columns and rows. (3) SPECIFIC In column ROW A For the intersection of a row and column, the Criteria are combined where possible. (4) SPECIFIC CELL Any cell - Must include all criteria RARELY USED here at the Univ of Wis. Page 12 of 80 CHANGING CRITERIA Go into the nVision, Layout Definition panel, and choose appropriate push button based on what criteria needs to be modified. FIELD QUERY Use this to add or modify CField Criteria Used in tabular reports and query matrix reports LEDGER Used to define Ledger, TimeSpan and Reverse Sign LABELS Used to define report labels (DESCR, DESCRSHORT, ACCOUNT, DEPTID, FUND_CODE, PROGRAM_CODE, TREE_NODE). nPlosio Used to define nPlosion options at a GLOBAL level vs on a case by case specification n Variabl Used to define nVision variables such as %ASD% (As of Date) %LYN% (Layout e Name) Prompt Used to define the SETID for particular report and Effective date Note: Use the arrow keys to navigate between formulas. For example you can move from cell A10 to cell A11 by hitting the DOWN arrow. Page 13 of 80 IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE PROMPT push button This dialog box contains a SETID and EFFECTIVE date field. This dialog box is what nVision uses to determine which valid values to select when defining your report criteria through the menus. If you are not getting values you think you should this is the first place to look. For example if you are trying to add a DEPTID to your report that you know is valid and you cannot select it, chances are the SETID on the prompt box option is set to another business unit or has an old effective date. Always check to ensure this prompt has your SETID and a current date so your most recent trees and values are always available for selecting. The date on this prompt only determines what you see when building the report, it does not have anything to do with what $ amounts that are returned. The As of date in the report request determines that. REVIEW THE EACH COMPONENT WITHIN THE LAYOUT DEFINITION PANEL: NVISION / LAYOUT DEFINITION / FIELD: Following tab can be used to enter field definition To define what field you want to define click the ADD push button. The following panel is returned: Page 14 of 80 Upon clicking the ? you will get a list of chartfields as shown below: Page 15 of 80 Always ignore the SETID and LEDGER column when you’re in this view. Many users get confused when they see this panel. The important column in this view is Chartfield. Select the chartfield you want to base your criteria on. After selecting your chartfield you must decide if you’re going to use a tree node, detail values or nodes from a summary ledger. There are 4 options: • SELECTED TREE NODES: Use this option when you want to use a node on a tree for your criteria. For example if you wanted to retrieve all expenses, you would want to use a tree node that already defines what those accounts are. SELECTED DETAIL VALUES Use this option when you need to define a specific value. For example if you only need a couple of accounts you would use this option and specify each account. ALL DETAIL VALUES Use this option to select ALL values. For example you may want to ask for ALL VALUES and then use the nPlosion feature. SELECTED SUMMARY CHARTFIELD NODES This option is only valid when using a summary ledger. • • • **If you are not seeing the correct trees or values on these prompts, check your PROMPT push button on the LAYOUT DEFINITION panel and ensure it contains your SETID and a recent effective date [today or greater]. Page 16 of 80 NVISION / LAYOUT DEFINITION / QUERY: The following panel is returned after clicking the QUERY from Type drop down: The Encumbrance amount is stored on the Ledger table in the ENCUMBURED_AMOUNT field. The only way to bring encumbrance amounts into your nVision reports is by using the a Query. The Query we use here at the UW is shown in the above panel UW_ACTUAL_ENCUMBURED_AMT. We also have another Query that is used that adds up the ACTUALS + ACCRUALS ledger. That Query is named Q[NVS]_LEDGER_ACTUAL_ACCRUAL The Query option allows you to write non-ledger reports. One example we have of this type of report is POQ 130 located on the PO DETAIL nVision page. Here’s a small snap shot of this nvision report: PO ACCOUNTING ENTRIES PO ID ENC ENC_REV ENC_CLO 00033832 3,500.00 0.00 (3,500.00) 0030015 750.00 (23.75) 0.00 0030026 257,691.07 (255,562.79) 0.00 0030030 3,500.00 (1,294.16) 0.00 0030041 1,500.00 (140.07) 0.00 0030074 3,500.00 (136.25) 0.00 0030085 500.00 (32.33) 0.00 0030100 200.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 726.25 2,128.28 2,205.84 1,359.93 3,363.75 467.67 200.00 Page 17 of 80 NVISION / LAYOUT DEFINITION / LEDGER The following panel is returned after clicking the LEDGER from Type drop down: 1 2 4 3 1. The Ledger field is where you define which ledger you want to use. Usually the Ledger criteria is defined in the column. For example you could have the STD_BUDGET ledger in column D and ACTUALS in column E. The two ledgers we use are ACTUALS and STD_BUDGET. See the Query section on how to bring in an ENCUMBRANCE amount on your report. 2. The TimeSpan is where you define how many accounting periods you want your column to include. For example you may want to bring in the CURRENT PERIOD data in one column and the YTD data in another. For example you could have the YTD STD_BUDGET ledger in column D and YTD ACTUALS in column E, and a CURRENT PERIOD ACTUALS in column F. 3. The nPlode TimeSpan option is generally used on YTD columns. When you turn this switch on you will get your YTD amount broken out into a separate column for each accounting period upon generating the report. Page 18 of 80 NVISION / LAYOUT DEFINITION / LABELS: 1 2 The following panel is returned after clicking the LABEL option from drop down Using the report labels feature, you can have nVision automatically print certain descriptive headings, such as your account descriptions, on your reports. The following lists the options you have in each field. As you can see from the above picture there is not a prompt box. You need to know what to put in each field. 1. FIELD ON DETAIL VALUE TABLE: Use the following in this edit box: ACCOUNT, DEPTID, PROGRAM_CODE, FUND_CODE, PROJECT_ID, BUSINESS_UNIT, MANAGER_NAME, ACCOUNTING_PERIOD, DESCR FIELD ON TREE NODE TABLE: Use the following in this edit box: DESCR, DESCRSHORT, TREE_NODE 2. To determine where to place labels in a report, keep in mind that report labels are generated as a result of the intersection of the report label definition and the report’s row and or column criteria. With this in mind, note the following rules for report label placement: • Report labels are placed on either column A or Row 1 • Report label are never placed in a cell or at the worksheet level • For row labels, select the column where you want the row labels to appear. The report label definition will intersect with the row criteria to place a report label on each criteria row Page 19 of 80 • For column labels, select the row where you want the column labels to appear. The report label definition will intersect with the column criteria to place a Report label on each criteria column. NVISION / LAYOUT DEFINITION / NPLOSION: The following panel is returned after clicking the nVision  Layout options: COPY FORMULAS TO NPLODED CELLS For selected rows or columns, you can copy formulas to nPloded details if you have rows or columns that contain only formulas, such as variance or total columns or rows, and you want the results of the formula to appear for each nPloded value. Think of the direction of the nPlosion. For nPloded columns, select the row which contains the formula you wish to copy. For nPloded rows, select the column containing the formula you wish to copy. If the below report were to contain nPlosion on the Column and the Rows you would need to put the COPY NPLOSION OPTION in two places as illustrated below. Nplosion form Budget Tree node Rev 5000 Actuals 200 Diff 4800 Page 20 of 80 Tree node nPlosion form Exp NI 1000 4000 500 -300 500 4300 NVISION / LAYOUT DEFINITION / VARIABLE: The following panel is returned after clicking the VARIABLE tab: REPORT REQUEST: Variables that extract information from the report request DATE AND TIME PERIOD Variables that resolve date and time related information for your report, including the Main As of Date. SCOPE RELATED: Variables that read in values from your Scope. When using a scope on your layout it is critical you include these variables in your heading. Use nVision variables to place information that may change from report to report or from report run to report run in the headings of your report, as well as in the file and directory templates on the report request. For example, use the As of Date %ASD% variable to automatically print the As of Reporting Date so you do not have to enter it every time you run a report. Variables are also useful in adding documentation to a report instance, telling the viewer how the report was developed and where the information for the report came from. When you request an nVision variable: • You must specify the cell into which the variable should be placed • You cannot place anything but the variable in the cell specified • Variables cannot be specified in ROW 1 or COLUMN A • You can attach text and a variable together in a single cell by using the TEXT OPERATOR &. For example if you have the variable %ASD% in cell P15, you can put the following formula in your heading, let’s say CELL B5 =”As of Date: “&P15. Upon running the report CELL B5 would contain As of Date: 2000-07-01. There is also a way to make the date look “pretty”. Here are some examples of adding 2 cells together: 12 B C D [Results of formula] Actual formula in column D 13 Jon 14 Jon Doe Doe JonDoe Name: JonDoe =+B13&C13 ="Name: "&+B14&C14 Page 21 of 80 Basically to use this formula wrap any text in quotes and use the "&" to link another cell to it. Think of the & as you would think of +, but instead of adding numbers you are adding contents in the cells together. Most of our reports use this feature, refer to those for more examples. Page 22 of 80 CHAPTER 3 – Running Reports with PS/nVision To start PS/nVision from PeopleTools or from a PeopleSoft application, select Go, PeopleTools, nVision. PS/nVision automatically opens Microsoft Excel, and the PS/nVision icon appears minimized on the Windows taskbar. You can click this icon to open the PS/nVision window, but unless a specific PS/nVision dialog box is currently active (such as the Layout Definition dialog box or Scope Definition dialog box), the PS/nVision window will be blank. You initiate PS/nVision commands from within Excel using the nVision menu. When PS/nVision is active, it displays an extra menu in the Excel menu bar. Selecting an Existing Report to Run To select from a list of defined reports, click the * NVISION / REPORT REQUEST * Click the Open button to display the Open Report Request dialog box. The following prompt should be displayed: This is the same box that is returned when using the following MACRO BUTTON located on the OPERATIONAL page REPORT REQUEST It doesn’t matter which method you use, they both perform the same function. The Open Report Request Dialog Box Both the Business Unit and Report Name are initially blank, but you can click the Get List button to display the available reports. If you want a partial list of requests, enter partial values in the Qualifier(s) before pressing the Get List button. Page 23 of 80 After you click the Get List button, if the list is too long to scroll through, enter part of the name in the Report Name text box before clicking Get List. Double-click the report name to select it, or highlight it and click OK. In the example below we typed UWADM / DOACHK1. This will return a short list. Requesting a New Report To run a new layout [.xnv] you must define a report request. You need to enter a Request Name and Report Title for the new report request and link the applicable report layout [.xnv] to use. The Request Name is what you save the report request as. The information you enter in this panel will also be saved. By saving report request, you can retrieve it versus re-entering it the next time you want to run the report. Choose a name that describes the contents of the report so you can easily find it next time you need to run the report. In this example we have saved our report request as DOA_CHK1. We open this report request when we want to run this report versus re-entering all of the below information at run time: Why reenter the same data every time you run the report? It is much easier to save this form and open it when you want to run it again. Page 24 of 80 Enter a report title in the Report Title text box. Many report layouts display the Report Title at the top of the report. From the Layout list box, select the report layout to use for this report. Identifying Report Scope Most report layouts enable you to create multiple instances of a report using a single report request. For example, you might run three instances of an expense report that differ only in which department they report on. All three reports share the same layout, but each contains the expenses of only one department. To produce multiple instances of a report from this request, you need to select a scope from the Scope list box. The scope definition specifies what data each instance includes and how many instances PS/nVision creates. In our expense report example, you'd choose a scope definition that instructed PS/nVision to create one instance for each department. Here is an example of a scope that contains three departments: Page 25 of 80 To link this scope to the above report request you would choose ADHOC in the scope definition field and use a scope variable to save the file as shown below: %SFV%.XLS Specifying Report File and Directory Names You use the Directory Template and File Template boxes to specify where PS/nVision saves the report instances when you run the report. Because PS/nVision may create multiple instances when you run the report-one for each value in the scopeyou will want to enter a unique directory and/or filename. You can specify a template that PS/nVision uses to generate the names based on the instance it's creating. For example, if you're running a report for multiple departments , you might want the department name to appear as part of the filename, or you might want the instance for department to appear in a different directory. In the Directory Template box, specify which directory you want PS/nVision to put the report instance or instances into. If you leave this box blank, PS/nVision puts Page 26 of 80 the report instances in the instance directory specified on the nVision tab of the PeopleTools Configuration Manager. Do not leave this blank because most users do not have rights to create files to this default directory. If you enter a nonexistent directory, PS/nVision will create the directory. For example if you use a department variable in the directory name such as %SFV%, PS/nVision will create a directory for each department listed in your scope automatically. In the File Template box, enter a name for the report instances. If you keep the default value, %RID%.XLS, PS/nVision uses the value from the Request Name text box (identified by the variable %RID%) as the filename, with the .XLS extension common to Excel spreadsheets. You can include PS/nVision variables in the templates to create directory or file names based on the data contained in each instance. For example, you can include variables like %LYN% and %APA% to yield directories indicating the business unit and "as of" accounting period for which the report was produced. If you are creating multiple instances of a report using a scope, it is especially important that you use the templates to give your report instances unique, descriptive names. In some cases, it is appropriate to qualify a variable within a template. This is important when using a scope with more than one field. For example, if you're producing a revenue report by FUND and PROGRAM, you might want to include both values in your file or directory template. To do this, follow the variable identifier with a period (.) and the name of the scope field, as follows: %SFV.FUND_CODE% If you omit this qualification and use a variable like %SFV% with a scope containing multiple fields, PS/nVision will use the first field in the scope by default. The Descriptive Field (%DES%) variable is a special case. This variable allows you to retrieve the value of any text field on the tree or detail value record associated with a field in the scope. For example, if the scope is by DEPTID and the detail values on the tree that rolls up DEPARTMENTS into DIVISIONS has a manager name as one of its fields, you can retrieve that manager name and use it to name the instance directory or file. Here is an example of the manager name DES variable: %des.deptid.Manager_name%. The Layout is a kind of TEMPLATE for defining how the report will look and what type of information will go into the different cells of the spreadsheet. It DOES NOT contain financial data from the database. You specify the links, or CRITERIA, that will map the desired data directly into your report from the database upon run time (or execution of the report request form). Page 27 of 80 Reporting Variables: Variable RID RTT BUV BUN ASD AST LYN ICT SCN SCD OPR DTS IDN IFN Description Report ID Report Title Business Unit Name Business Unit Description As of Reporting Date As of Tree Date Layout Name Scope Instance Counter Scope Name Scope Description Operator ID Detail Ledger (D)/Sum Ledger (S) Instance Directory Name Instance Output File Name Sample Value BUDSUM Budget Summary UWADM UW Administration 2000-02-26 2000-02-26 BUDSUM 24 ALL_ORGS All valid Organization values T1R D C:\PS BUDSUM.XLS Ledger-Dependent Variables: Variable PER APN APA FY2 FY4 PED Description As of (Reporting) Period Period Name Period Abbreviation Year (YY) Year (YYYY) End Date of Current Period Sample Value 8 February FY 1999-2000 FEB 00 2000 2000-02-26 ScopeField-Dependent Variables: Variable Description SFN Scope Field Name SFV Scope Field Value SFD Scope Field Description %des.deptid.Manager_name% Sample Value DEPTID 101000 Chancellor's Office Greenhill,Gaylon Page 28 of 80 HAND ON EXERCISES CHAPTER 4 –Hands on Exercises Exercise 1: - Create a matrix nVision layout 1. Navigate into nVision • Click Go / PeopleTools / nVision 2. Create a new layout .xnv file • Click NVision / New Layout • • • • Type in c:\ps\[3-DIGIT OPERID]class1 as shown above. In this case my operid is T1R, so my file name is t1rclass1 Click SAVE You will have a blank worksheet open Take note how column A and row 1 are hidden 3. Display column A and row 1 Page 29 of 80 • Click NVision / Options / Check on “Show Row and Column Criteria” • • Click OK You should have the following worksheet displayed: 4. Define the Layout Structure • Click NVision / Layout Definition / Matrix Layout Sheet Page 30 of 80 • Enter online nVision prompts • Click OK / Close **** NOTE: When modifying reports and you do not seem to be getting the tree or value information desired it is usually due to the prompt either having the wrong SETID or an old effective date. Always check this value when trouble shooting. You can get the above prompt on any .xnv file by navigating to the nVision \ layout definition and selecting the PROMPT push button *********** Page 31 of 80 5. Enter column criteria • Highlight column E • Click nVision / Layout Definition • Select LEDGER tab and replicate the following: • Click OK / CLOSE Cell E1 should contain the following code %,LSTD_BUDGET,SYTD The L = Ledger The S = Timespan Highlight column F Click nVision / Layout Definition Select LEDGER and choose ACTUALS for the Ledger and YTD for the TimeSpan. Click OK / CLOSE Cell F1 should contain the following code %,LACTUALS,SYTD Format column E and F to be at least 15 char wide Format column E and F be number formatted with 2 decimals. Add column headings to row 5. E5 should contain a heading called Budget F5 should contain a heading called Actuals G5 should contain a heading called Diff • • • • • • • • • Page 32 of 80 6. Enter row criteria. • Highlight row 10 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • Select Filter tab • Click on the ADD button shown below: Page 33 of 80 • • Click on the question mark. You will see the following list: You should ignore the SETID and LEDGER column in the above view. You are only interested in defining your chartfield, which in this example is ACCCOUNT. You see there are two accounts listed above. It does not matter which one your choose. • • After selecting ACCOUNT highlight “Selected Detail Values” radio button Click OK Page 34 of 80 • Replicate the following: • • • Click OK Your panel should look like below: Click OK / Close Cell A10 should have the following code: %,FACCOUNT,V3100 The F = Chartfield value The V = Detail value Add an Excel formula to cell G10 that add +E10-F10, to give you your difference amount. SAVE the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON You can ADD more than one account to this row. For example if you wanted to add up account 3100 + 3110 simply click on the ADD push button on the bottom part of this panel and select account 3110 in the value field. • • • 7. Create a Report Request • Navigate to nVision / Report Request • Click the NEW push button Page 35 of 80 Page 36 of 80 • Replicate the following panel, REMEMBER to replace T1R with your 3-digit operid. • • Click the SAVE push button on the above panel Click the RUN push button to generate the following report %,LSTD_BUDG %,LACTUALS,SYTD ET,SYTD Budget Actuals 175,143.58 Diff (175,143.58) %,FACCOUNT,V3100 0.00 • • • Navigate to Window. Notice you have 2 files open T1RCLASS.XNV and T1REX1.XLS Open EXPLORER and navigate to c:\nvs\class. You should see the T1REX1.XLS file. Notice how nVision automatically created the C:\NVS\CLASS directory for you. Click cell F10 on your .xls report and run every drill down at least once so you gain an understanding on how they work. Page 37 of 80 Exercise 2: - Add additional rows to your existing layout This exercise does not show as much detail as exercise 1. Refer to exercise 1 if you need additional help. 1. Close out of nVision 2. Navigate back into nVision • Click Go / PeopleTools / nVision 3. Open your layout from exercise 1 located in c:\ps\t1rclass1.xnv • Click nVision / Open Layout -navigate to c:\ps and open .xnv report 4. Enter a second row of Account criteria to your layout • Highlight row 11 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • • • • • • • • • • Select Field Click Add button Click the ? and choose ACCOUNT Highlight the SELECTED DETAIL VALUE radio button Click OK Click the ? on the Values Table field and choose GL_ACCOUNT_TBL In the Value field type in the account SPEXP1 Click OK / OK / CLOSE Cell A11 should have the following code: %,FACCOUNT,VSPEXP1 Copy the difference formula in G10 to cell G11 Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON 5. Open your existing Report Request • Navigate to nVision / Report Request • Click the OPEN push button • • • • • Fill in business unit and report name [UWADM / T1REX1] Remember to replace T1REX1 with your 3-digit operid Click on the GET LIST push button Double click on your report to open You should now have the Report Request form open on your desktop Click OK 6. Run Report Request • Click nVision / Run Current Report Note: You can only use the “Run Current Report” command when you have the desired Report Request Open. Since we opened T1REX1 in step 5 we can use this command. • The report should look like…. %,LSTD_BUDG %,LACTUALS,SYTD ET,SYTD Budget Actuals Diff Page 38 of 80 %,FACCOUNT,V3100 %,FACCOUNT,VSPEXP1 0.00 5,765,185.58 175,143.58 0.00 (175,143.58) 5,765,185.58 7. Enter a third row of Account criteria to your layout In this row we are going to include both account 3100 and SPEXP1 • Highlight row 12 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • Select Field • Click Add button • Click the ? and choose ACCOUNT • Highlight the SELECTED DETAIL VALUE radio button • Click OK • Click the ? on the Values Table field and choose GL_ACCOUNT_TBL • In the Value field type in the account 3100 • Click OK • Click the ADD button located in the Selected Detail Value section • In the Value field type in the account SPEXP1 • Click OK • Cell A11 should have the following code: %,FACCOUNT,V3100,VSPEXP1 • Copy the difference formula in G11 to cell G12 • Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON 8. Run Report Request • Click nVision / Run Current Report The report should look like…. %,LSTD_BUDG %,LACTUALS,SYTD ET,SYTD Budget %,FACCOUNT,V3100 %,FACCOUNT,VSPEXP1 %,FACCOUNT,V3100,VSPEXP 1 0.00 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 Actuals 175,143.58 0.00 175,143.58 Diff (175,143.58) 5,765,185.58 5,590,042.00 Exercise 3: - Add additional rows to your existing layout using tree nodes vs detail values 1. Navigate to tree manager • Click Go / PeopleTools / tree manager • Open the SHARE folder • Open the ACCOUNT chartfield folder Page 39 of 80 • • • Open the ALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS tree Open the first tree in the list Here’s a snap shot of the ALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS tree • • • The folders on the tree are referred to as TREE NODES The leafs on the trees are referred to as DETAIL VALUES. In this case the detail values are ACCOUNT numbers. Trees allow you to summarize your data. Examine the tree node SPEXP1. This tree node includes accounts 2000-3999 + SPEXP1. It is much more efficient to build a tree to represent rollups and then refer to that tree in your nVision report. Page 40 of 80 2. Add the tree node SPEXP1 from the ALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS tree into your T1RCLASS1.XNV report. • Open your T1RCLASS.XNV report • Highlight row 13 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • • • • Select Field Click Add button Click the ? and choose ACCOUNT Highlight the SELECTED TREE NODES radio button Click the ? and select the ALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS tree Panel should look like………… • • • Click OK Always leave the Tree Level BLANK Click the By Position button and select SPEXP1 Panel should like……….. Page 41 of 80 • Click OK / Close Cell A13 should have the following code: %,FACCOUNT,TALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS,NSPEXP1 The F = Chartfield The T = Tree name The N = Node name on the tree Copy the difference formula in G12 to cell G13 Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON • • • 3. Run Report Request • Click nVision / Run Current Report The report should look like…. %,LSTD_BUDG %,LACTUALS,SYTD ET,SYTD Budget Actuals Diff %,FACCOUNT,V31 00 %,FACCOUNT,VSPEXP1 %,FACCOUNT,V3100,VSPEXP 1 %,FACCOUNT,TALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS, NSPEXP1 0.00 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 175,143.58 0.00 175,143.58 3,277,940.26 (175,143.58) 5,765,185.58 5,590,042.00 2,487,245.32 Page 42 of 80 Exercise 4: - Run a consolidated Report 1. Open your existing Report Request [Skip this step if it is open already] • Navigate to nVision / Report Request • Click the OPEN push button • • • • Fill in business unit and report name [UWADM / T1REX1] Remember to replace T1REX1 with your 3-digit operid Click on the GET LIST push button Double click on your report to open You should now have the report request form open on your desktop 2. Save the existing report request as a new name • Change the Report Name from T1REX1 to T1REX4 Remember to replace T1REX4 with your 3-digit operid • Change the Report Title to say CONSOLIDATED RPT • In the Options section, uncheck the “Data from requesting Business Unit Only” box. The panel should look like……………….. • • Click the Save push button Click the Run push button to generate the report request. It will take a lot longer to run since it is retrieving ALL BUSINESS UNITS balances and summarizing them into one number. Page 43 of 80 The report should look like…. Budget %,FACCOUNT,V3100 0.00 Actuals 98,213,730.42 Diff (98,213,730.4 2) %,FACCOUNT,VSPEXP1 901,471,588.22 0.00 901,471,588.2 2 %,FACCOUNT,V3100,VSPEXP1 901,471,588.22 98,213,730.42 803,257,857.8 0 %,FACCOUNT,TALL_ACCT_MAJCLAS 901,471,588.22 863,510,096.51 37,961,491.71 S,NSPEXP1 • Perform a Drill / Account by Business Unit drill down on cell E13. • You will see that more than the UWADM business unit makes up the $901,471,588.22 amount. Since you turned off the “Data from Requesting Business Unit Only” checkbox the report summed up all business units. • CLOSE NVISION Exercise 5: - Add Labels to your Report – See page 16 Labels must be contained in COLUMN A or ROW 1 1. Close out of nVision if you have not done so already 2. Navigate back into nVision • Click Go / PeopleTools / nVision 3. Open your layout from exercise 1 located in c:\ps\t1rclass1.xnv • Click nVision / Open Layout and navigate to c:\ps 4. Add Account Labels to your report • Highlight column B • Click nVision / Layout Definition Page 44 of 80 • Select Labels tab Run-Time Options: Click on the “Put labels in blank cells only” checkbox when you do not want your cell to be overridden with a label. Uncheck the “Resize column for labels“ check box if you do not want nVision to automatically expand your column based on a label size. Replicate the following………………… • Click OK / Close • • Cell B1 should have the following code: %,ATF,FACCOUNT,UTREE_NODE Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON 5. Open your existing Report Request T1REX1 • Navigate to nVision / Report Request • Click the OPEN push button Fill in business unit and report name [UWADM / T1REX1] Remember to replace T1REX1 with your 3-digit operid • Click on the GET LIST push button • Double click on your report to open • You should now have the report request form open on your desktop • Click OK 6. Run Report Request • Click nVision / Run Current Report The report should look like…. %,ATF,FA %,LSTD_BUDGE %,LACTUALS,SYTD CCOUNT, T,SYTD UTREE_ NODE Budget Actuals Diff • 3100 0.00 175,143.58 (175,143.58) Page 45 of 80 SPEXP1 5,765,185.58 0.00 5,765,185.58 3100 5,765,185.58 175,143.58 5,590,042.00 SPEXP1 5,765,185.58 3,277,940.26 2,487,245.32 • The value that intersects in on B12 is misleading. It makes it look like row 12 only contains Account 3100. Labels can only bring back one value, even though nVision does not have a limit to how many values or tree nodes you can define in a single row. • Hard code a label for cell B12. • • In your .XNV file not your .XLS - Go to B12 and type 3100 + SPEXP1 Re-run the report. Note: If you had not checked the “Put labels in blank cells only” checkbox in the label definition panel the 3100 + SPEXP1 formula would have been overridden with a label. 7. Add Description Labels to your report • Return to your .xnv and highlight column C • Click nVision / Layout Definition • Select Labels tab Replicate the following…………….. • Click OK / Close Cell C1 should have the following code: %,ATF,FDESCR,UDESCR Put heading descriptions in cells B5 and C5. On my report I put ACCOUNT in B5 and Descr in C5. Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON • • • 8. Run Report Request • Click nVision / Run Current Report The report should look like… Page 46 of 80 Account Descr Budget Actuals Diff 3100 SPEXP1 3100+SPEXP 1 SPEXP1 Supplies Supplies & Expense Supplies Supplies and Services 0.00 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 175,143.58 0.00 175,143.58 3,277,940.26 (175,143.58) 5,765,185.58 5,590,042.00 2,487,245.32 NOTE: Remember that all changes must be done in the .xnv file. Formatting the .xls file will do you no good; it will be overridden each time you run the report with a new .xls file. Exercise 6: - Adding Variables to your layout Variables can be contained in any cell EXCEPT COLUMN A or ROW 1 1. Open your layout t1rclass1.xnv 2. Add the As of Date variable to your report heading • Go to cell B2 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • Select Variable tab Choose the “Date and Time Periods” radio button • Select ASD Replicate the following…………….. Page 47 of 80 • Click OK / Close 3. Add the Report Request Id variable to your report heading • Go to cell B3 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • • Select Variable push button Select RID variable Click OK / Close 4. Add the Instance directory name variable to your report heading • Go to cell B4 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • • Select Variable push button Select IDN variable Click OK / Close Note: We will cover the SCOPE related variables in a later exercise. 5. Run Report Request • Click nVision / Run Current Report The report should look like……. 2000-07-01 TJREX1 c:\nvs\class ACCT DESCR 3100 SPEXP1 3100+SPEX P1 SPEXP1 Supplies Supplies & Expense Supplies Supplies and Services Budget 0.00 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 Actual 175,143.58 0.00 175,143.58 3,277,940.26 Diff (175,143.58) 5,765,185.58 5,590,042.00 2,487,245.32 6. List all the variables in your layout so you can see their values. • Navigate to L18 and begin listing all of the variables that your curious about. For example if you want to list 10 variables you will end up in cell L28. We will use our arrow icons within the Layout Definition prompt box to navigate. • In cell L18 - Click nVision / Layout Definition • • Select Variable tab Replicate the following panel…. Page 48 of 80 Click the APPLY followed by the Down Arrow to move to cell L19 and enter next variable. • Check the “Highlight” checkbox. This will highlight the active cell so it’s easy to see where your at when navigating around. • In column K type in the name of the variable you chose in column L. For example if you put %LYN% in cell L18 type LYN in cell K18. By doing this you are creating a list that you can later use as a reference. 7. Run Report Request • Click nVision / Run Current Report Here’s what my report looks like upon running the report……….. COL K COL L RID T1REX1 RTT Theresa's Exercise 1 LYN t1rclass1 RBU UWADM RBN UW System Administration OPR T1R ASD 2000-07-01 PER 13 FY2 00 FY4 2000 PED 2000-07-01 • Page 49 of 80 Exercise 7: - Using Variables to create filenames and directory structures in your Report Request form 1. Open your existing Report Request [Skip this step if it is open already] • Navigate to nVision / Report Request • Click the OPEN push button • • • • • Fill in business unit and report name [UWADM / T1REX1] Remember to replace T1REX1 with your 3-digit operid Click on the GET LIST push button Double click on your report to open You should now have the report request form open on your desktop Click OK 2. Save the existing report request as a new name • Change the Report Name from T1REX1 to T1REX7 Remember to replace T1REX7 with your 3-digit operid 3. Insert variables into the Directory Template on the Report Request • The Directory Template on your report request currently has: C:\NVS\CLASS, change it to C:\NVS\CLASS\%RID%\%FY4%\%PER% 4. Insert variables into the File Template on the Report Request • The File Template on your report request currently has: %RID%.xls change it to %RID%-%LYN%.xls Page 50 of 80 • Your Report Request should look like this……….. • • Click the Save push button Click the Run push button to generate the report The report should look like…….. 2000-07-01 T1REX7 C:\NVS\CLASS\T1REX7\2000\13 Account Descr 3100 SPEXP1 3100+SPEXP1 SPEXP1 Supplies Supplies & Expense Supplies Supplies and Services Budget 0.00 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 Actuals 175,143.58 0.00 175,143.58 3,277,940.26 Diff (175,143.58) 5,765,185.58 5,590,042.00 2,487,245.32 Page 51 of 80 5. Use Explorer to see how nVision used the variables in your report request to automatically generate directories and a filename. • Open Explorer • Navigate to C:\NVS\CLASS • • The Directory Template variables C:\NVS\CLASS\%RID%\%FY4%\%PER% translated to C:\NVS\CLASS\T1REX7\2000\13 The File Template variables %RID%-%LYN%.xls translated to T1REX7-T1RCLASS1.xls 6. Run the Report as of 7/15/2000 • Change the as of date on the report request from 7/1/00 to 7/15/00. • Open Explorer • Navigate to C:\NVS\CLASS, you will now have a directory for FY 2001 and Period 1. 7. Experiment using different variables in your report request. Page 52 of 80 Exercise 8: - Review Report Request Parameters on reports generated by the overnight report book process 1. Defining the Directory Template for reports that will be scheduled to run by the overnight report book process. • In class we have sent all of our instances to the c:\ drive. This is not a practical place to save reports that need to be shared among users. • Reports generated by report books must be saved to the shared PeopleSoft drive. To define this drive you would use the following string: \\PSFIN-NT1\SFS\ vs c:\ • Here is an example of UWMIL’S Report Request: \\psfin-nt1\sfs\nVision\layout\uwmil\instance\%FY4%\%SCN%\PER-%PER% • The Directory Template variables \\psfin-nt1\sfs\nVision\layout\uwmil\instance\%FY4%\%SCN%\PER-%PER% translates to \\psfinnt1\sfs\nVision\layout\uwmil\instance\2001\101-DIV\PER-? • The File Template variable %SFD.deptid%.xls.xls translates to Academic Affairs.xls [Which is a department description on their ORGROLLUP. Their ORGROLLUP tree is used in the 101-DIV Scope definition] Exercise 9: - Review LAYOUT .xnv File Parameters on reports generated by the overnight report book process Page 53 of 80 1. Defining the Directory Template for reports that will be scheduled to run by the overnight report book process. • In class we saved our files to the c:\ drive. This is not a practical place to save reports that need to be shared among users. • The report book process must find the Layout .xnv file in the default directory : \\PSFIN-NT1\SFS\NVISION\LAYOUT If the report book process cannot find the layout in the default directory it will not run. • Most users do not have rights to this directory. This is to ensure that reports do not get changed inadvertently. • If you do not plan on using Report Books you can store your reports on a local shared drive. This way you can share them without asking for READ/ WRITE security privileges to the \\psfin-nt1\nvision\layout directory. • Phil Koenig’s group grants rights to the \\psfin-nt1 directory. Exercise 10: Using nPlosion in your Layout nPlosion is a feature that explodes your criteria in a column or row to the lowest level of detail. 1. Set nPlosion on Account Node criteria • Open your T1RCLASS1.XNV report • Highlight row 15 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • • • • Select Field tab Click Add button Click the ? and choose ACCOUNT Highlight the SELECTED TREE NODES radio button Click the ? and select the ALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS tree Panel should look like………… Page 54 of 80 • • • • Click OK Always leave the Tree Level BLANK Click the By Position button and select LTESTU Click OK Check the “nPlosion” button as shown below…… • After that check the corresponding option • Click OK / Close Page 55 of 80 • • • Cell A15 should have the following code: %,FACCOUNT,TALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS,X,NLTESTU The F = Chartfield The T = Tree name The X = nPlode to underlying details The N = Node name on the tree Copy the difference formula in G12 to cell G15 Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON 2. Open your existing T1REX1 Report Request • Navigate to nVision / Report Request • Click the OPEN push button • • • • Fill in business unit and report name [UWADM / T1REX1] Remember to replace T1REX1 with your 3-digit operid Click on the GET LIST push button Double click on your report to open Click the Run push button to generate the report The report should look like…….. 2000-07-01 T1REX1 c:\nvs\class Account 3100 SPEXP1 Descr Supplies Budget 0.00 5,765,185.58 5,765,185.58 Actuals 175,143.58 0.00 175,143.58 Diff (175,143.58) 5,765,185.58 5,590,042.00 %,FACCOUNT, V3100 %,FACCOUNT, VSPEXP1 %,FACCOUNT, V3100,VSPEXP 1 %,FACCOUNT, TALL_ACCT_M AJCLASS,NSPE XP1 %,V1601 %,V1603 %,V1771 %,V1781 Supplies & Expense 3100+SPEX Supplies P1 SPEXP1 Supplies and Services 5,765,185.58 3,277,940.26 2,487,245.32 1601 1603 1771 1781 %,VLTESTU LTESTU %,FACCOUN LTESTU T,TALL_ACCT _MAJCLASS, X,NLTESTU • LTE – Hourly LTE – Overtime Student – Hourly Work Study – Hourly LTE/Student Student Salary 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90,087.00 90,087.00 43,806.78 228.00 39,942.22 1,443.56 0.00 85,420.56 4,666.44 Take note of all the additional rows that were generated upon running the report. Your original formula from row A15 moved to A20 and a detail row for each Account making up LTESTU was inserted. The default Page 56 of 80 setting for nPlosion suppresses rows where there is no activity. For example account 1602 does not appear in the above report because there was no activity to display. There is an option you can switch on if you want all rows to appear regardless if they have activity or not. We used this option on our FUND trial balance report so we can see each fund displayed with a zero balance. 3. How do you get the diff formula in Column G to copy to the nPloded cells? • • • Since the nPloded cells are “intangible” on the .xnv file, there is no place for you to literally copy the formula to, but rather there is an option you must set in Column A or Row 1 depending on where your nPlosion takes place. Highlight column G Click nVision / Layout Definition Select nPlosion push button Select the checkbox “Copy formulas to nPloded cells” as shown below….. • • • Click OK / Close Cell G1 should have the following code: %,C Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON Click nVision / Run Current Report Your .xls file should contain difference amounts on all rows in column G. • • • • Page 57 of 80 4. Set nPlosion on Time Span Criteria • Open your T1RCLASS1.XNV report • Column H • Click nVision / Layout Definition • Select Ledger Replicate the following……. • • • • • Click OK / CLOSE The only difference between the formula in column F and H is we have the nPlode TimeSpan option selected in column H. Cell H1 should have the following code: %,LACTUALS,SYTD,XS The L = Ledger The X = nPlode TimeSpan The S = Timespan Run Current Report The report should nPlode a column for every accounting period. 5. Add a label to capture the acctg period name on the nPloded Timespan columns. • Highlight Row 5 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • Select LABELS Page 58 of 80 • Replicate the following: • • • Click OK / Close Run Current Report Here is a small section of how your .xls file should look……… 2000-1 2862.56 0 2862.56 150047.5 2000-2 8600.3 0 8600.3 392297.1 2000-3 7453.91 0 7453.91 168771.7 2000-4 21679.26 0 21679.26 263803.7 2000-5 10280.8 0 10280.8 301658.1 • In your .xls file take note of the Group Outline buttons located in the upper left hand corner. There should be 2 sets of 1 and 2 buttons. Click on the 1 to get a summary view of the report, click on the 2 to view all the nPloded detail. • There are several techniques to formatting nPloded values. I would recommend reviewing some of the Budget Summary Reports developed for other campuses. One basic technique for formatting nPloded cells is to format the entire worksheet. It is also helpful know that nPloded cells inherit their formats from Column A or Row 1. For example if your nPloding on a row the format for the nPloded row will be inherited from Row 1. More specifically, if you have an nPloded intersection in CELL D12, the format for that intersection will be derived from the format in CELL D1. If D1 is shaded and bold all of the nPloded rows in column D will be shaded and bold. • Page 59 of 80 Exercise 11: Using the Reverse Sign Option 1. Insert a Revenue criteria row in your existing layout • Open your T1RCLASS1.XNV report • Highlight row 14 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • • • • Select Field Click Add button Click the ? and choose ACCOUNT Highlight the SELECTED TREE NODES radio button Click the ? and select the ALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS tree Panel should look like………… • • • • • • • Partial Click OK Always leave the Tree Level BLANK Click the By Position button and select REVENUE Click OK / OK / CLOSE Copy the Diff formula from G13 to G14 Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON Click nVision / Run Current Report Report view, the Revenue Row should look like………..…………….. Descr Budget Actuals Diff Account REVENUE • Total Revenue 0.00 (24,901,597.83 24,901,597.83 ) Most users would want Revenues and Liabilities to contain positive signs on reports versus their natural accounting sign. Page 60 of 80 2. Reverse the sign on the Revenue Account criteria • Highlight Row 14 • Click nVision / Layout Definition • Select Ledger Replicate the following Panel………. • Click OK / Close Cell A14 should contain the following code %,R,FACCOUNT,TALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS,NREVENUE The R = Reverse Sign • Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON • Click nVision / Run Current Report Partial Report view, the Revenue Row should look like…………. Account Descr Budget Actuals REVENUE • Total Revenue 0.00 24,901,597.83 • Diff (24,901,597.8 3) The revenue amount is returned with a positive number Page 61 of 80 Exercise 12: Adding Encumbrance Amounts to Layout The Encumbrance amount is stored on the Ledger table in the ENCUMBURED_AMOUNT field. 1. Insert an YTD Encumbrance column in your existing layout • Open your T1RCLASS1.XNV report • Highlight column D • Click nVision / Layout Definition • • Select Query Replicate the following panel………. • Click OK / Close Cell D1 should contain the following code %,QUW_ACTUAL_ENCUMBERED_AMT,SYTD The Q = Query The S = TimeSpan • Insert a heading titled “Enc” in cell D5 • Save the .xnv file by clicking on the SAVE ICON • Click nVision / Run Current Report • Partial Report view, the Revenue Row should look like……… Account Descr Enc Budget 3100 Supplies 862.58 0.00 SPEXP1 Supplies & Expense 0 5,765,185.58 3100+SPEXP1 Supplies 862.58 5,765,185.58 SPEXP1 Supplies and Services 65629.52 5,765,185.58 • Perform a Drill Actual Encumbrance Journal Lines on cell D10 • Actuals 175,143.58 0.00 175,143.58 3,277,940.26 Page 62 of 80 Exercise 13: Using the Scope function Scopes allow you to generate multiple instances [.xls files] from one layout. 1. Create a scope definition • Click nVision / Scope Definition • • • • • • Click the NEW push button and fill out the following fields Scope Name = T1RSCOPE1 [replace T1R with your 3-digit operid] Description = Used in training Table Setid = UWADM Click on the ADD push button under the Fields section Click the ? and choose DEPTID Highlight the “Selected Detail Values” radio button Click on the ? in the Value Table field Choose ORG_TBL Your panel should look like the following…………. • • • Click OK Click on the ? in the Value field. You should get a list of the first 300 ORGs. Highlight the following 3 ORGS: 131000 423000 441000 Click Select Page 63 of 80 • • Note: If you have more than 300 ORGS you would need to put a partial value in the Value field before selecting the question mark. Your panel should look like the following………… • • Click the SAVE push button Click OK to close out of Scope Definition 2. Link the Scope to your report • Now that you have defined a scope you need to link it your report. You can use the same scope on many different reports if needed. 3. Open your existing Report Request [Skip this step if it is open already] • Navigate to nVision / Report Request • Click the OPEN push button • • • Fill in business unit and report name [UWADM / T1REX1] Remember to replace T1REX1 with your 3-digit operid Click on the GET LIST push button Double click on your report to open Page 64 of 80 • • You should now have the report request form open on your desktop Click OK 4. Save the existing report request as a new name • Change the Report Name from T1REX1 to T1REXS Remember to replace T1REXS with your 3-digit operid 5. Update the Report Request with the Scope and Scope filename Variables • In the Instance Controls section of the Report Request click on the ? in the Scope field • Choose the scope you created called T1RSCOPE1 Remember to replace T1R with your 3-digit operid • Change the Report Title to “Using a Scope” • The File Template on your report request currently has: %RID%.xls change it to %SFV%.xls The most common error made by users when using scopes is not updating the filename variable in the report request. If we were to leave this variable at %RID%.xls, each file generated by the scope would overwrite the previous file. In the end you would only have the last file saved as an .xls. • Save the Report Request The Report Request should look like: Page 65 of 80 • • Run current report When a report is running with a scope, nVision runs and then closes the report. When the report is finished only the last file generated is left open. Page 66 of 80 6. View all the reports generated by the Scope • Open Explorer • Navigate to C:\NVS\CLASS You should see a file for each DEPARTMENT VALUE listed in the scope The most common error made by users when using scopes is not updating the filename variable in the report request. • Open 131000.xls A partial view of the report should look like…………………. 2000-07-01 T1REXS c:\nvs\class Account Descr Enc Budget Actuals Diff • 3100 SPEXP1 • Supplies 0 0.00 10,469.95 (10,469.95) Supplies 0 121,587.50 0.00 121,587.50 & Expense If you were to print this report you would have no idea what department this data is related to. You need to add variables to the heading section of your layout .xnv file. 7. Add Scope Variable Headings to your Layout .xnv file Page 67 of 80 • • • Open your T1RCLASS1.XNV file Go to Cell G2 Click nVision / Layout Definition Select Variable push button Choose the “Scope-Related” radio button Select SFV Replicate the following…………… • • • • • • • • • Click Apply Click on the down arrow to navigate to cell G3 Select SFD Click OK / Close Run Current Report The last report generated should be 441000.xls and should look like…. 441000 Policy Analysis and Research Enc Budget Actuals Diff 2000-07-01 T1REXS c:\nvs\class Account Descr 3100 SPEXP1 • • Supplies 0 0.00 5,602.00 (5,602.00) Supplies 0 52,500.00 0.00 52,500.00 & Expense Now if you were to print these reports you would know what departments they belong to You would want to add descriptions to the left of the actual values. For example you would want to put a title to the left of 441000 indicating it is a department value. There are formulas you can use to combine the variable with a description. I would recommend reviewing some of our existing reports to gain an understanding of these formulas. Page 68 of 80 Exercise 14: Using 2 chartfield components in one row of criteria. 1. Close completely out of nVision 2. Navigate back into nVision 3. Open your c:\ps\T1RCLASS1.XNV file 4. Open your T1REX1 Report Request and Click OK to return back to your .xnv 5. Add a new row of criteria for Account and nPlode by Dept • Highlight row 17 • Click nVision \ Layout Definition • • Select Field Add Account Criteria using the ALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS tree, choosing the SPEXP1 node You should have the following panel: • • • • Click the ADD push button located in the Specified Fields section Click the ? and select DEPTID Select the “All Detail Values” radio button Click the ? in the Value Table Field and select ORG_TBL You should have the following panel: Page 69 of 80 • • Select the “nPlode to Underlying Details” check box as shown below…. Click OK / Close Cell A17 should contain the following code: %,FACCOUNT,TALL_ACCT_MAJCLASS,NSPEXP1,FDEPTID,X,_ Copy the formula in G15 to G17 • • Run current report Here’s a partial look at the results of running the report………… Descr Enc Budget Actuals • Diff Office of the President 20645.8 82,962.00 63,291.68 19,670.32 Senior VP for 7850.61 39,248.00 20,103.42 19,144.58 Administration OLIT*OLIT 3633.27 29,500.00 27,212.14 2,287.86 UWSA-LAN*UWSA-LAN 6927.31 176,159.90 145,200.17 30,959.73 • You can bring in the DEPTID number by placing a label in row 1 on the column you want the DEPTID number to appear. In this example replace the ACCOUNT label in column B with a DEPTID label. Page 70 of 80 Exercise 15 - Defining a REPORT BOOK A report book is a grouping of nVision report requests stored within a run control id for processing using Process Scheduler, you can run them on the client workstation or on the server. You can schedule Report Books to run on a server. Each campus has at least one nVision server. 1. Close nVision 2. Navigate to GO / PEOPLETOOLS / REPORT BOOKS USE / REPORT BOOK DEFINITION / ADD / CLASS_T1R Replace T1R with your 3-digit id 3. Always end your report book run control id names with your 3-digit operid. There is a “bug” that if two users create the same run controls one of them will become corrupt. 4. Replicate the following: Continue listing all of the reports you need to process. 5. Click the RUN ICON Run it with the default parameters which in this case is client / file 6. Click OK to invoke the report Page 71 of 80 7. The report book process should * OPEN nVision * Process all of the report requests listed in your report book * Close nVision [note Excel will remain open] 8. Most users prefer their reports to be generated on the report server. Advantages: * Reports scheduled to run and generated overnight * Reports do not run on your desktop, so you can continue working * Reports run much faster on the server 9. Rules to running your report book on the SERVER: * .xnv file must be located in \\PSFIN-NT1\SFS\NVISION\LAYOUT directory * The Report Request output parameter must be set to save the report to a directory on the \\PSFIN-NT1 server. All of our class exercise reports are saved on our c:\drive and our report requests save to the c:\ drive, therefore, we cannot successfully run those as a report book. 10. The following is an example of how your report book run control id would look if you were going to run your report book on the UW sys NVS server: Page 72 of 80 FINAL EXERCISE Create a report for the UWADM business unit that list all of my Account Detail Values down the rows and gives me the ACTUAL YTD amount as of 08/26/2000 broken out by period in the columns. You will need to do the following: 1. Create a new Layout – Save it as C:\PS\FINAL.xnv • Use above information to define your rows and columns • Insert Variables to make your Report Heading meaningful • Insert Labels in to capture your account numbers and descriptions as well as accounting period in the columns. 2. Create a new Report Request name it T1RFIN. Use your 3-digit operid • Save the output to C:\NVS\CLASS • Use the Variable %RID% as the .xls filename • Run the report as of 08/26/2000 3. Run the Report Request Here is what the finished report will look like: UWADM 2000-08-26 c:\nvs\class 1007 1051 1055 1211 1531 1532 1533 1541 1543 1601 1603 1771 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1913 1929 1930 1932 Faculty - Foreign COLA Academic Staff - Annual Academic Staff - Lump Sum Project/Program Assist-Annual Classified - Hourly Classified - Lump Sum Classified Project - Hourly Classified - Overtime Classified - Differential LTE - Hourly LTE - Overtime Student - Hourly Fac/Acad- Social Security Fac/Acad- Medicare Fac/Acad- Group Health Fac/Acad - Group Life Fac/Acad - Retirement Fac/Acad - Income Continuation Fac/Acad - Unemployment Comp Grad Asst - Social Secuirty Grad Asst - Medicare Grad Asst - Group Health 2001-1 2001-2 1,250.00 361,106.89 1,231.73 700.44 238,494.54 240.00 6,958.29 221.32 0.00 7,893.28 50.17 2,285.38 19,073.26 5,191.17 77,980.88 1,560.81 50,957.19 508.76 0.00 43.43 10.16 803.41 1,250.00 373,214.86 49,518.55 700.44 250,587.01 240.00 7,220.23 127.01 2.40 8,957.64 0.00 6,686.55 353.71 727.68 0.00 0.00 90.66 0.00 610.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 734,321.75 50,750.28 1,400.88 489,081.55 480.00 14,178.52 348.33 2.40 16,850.92 50.17 8,971.93 19,426.97 5,918.85 77,980.88 1,560.81 51,047.85 508.76 610.00 43.43 10.16 803.41 Page 73 of 80 1935 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1954 1955 1957 1969 1973 1974 2100 2101 2115 2127 2130 2140 2146 2162 2181 2184 2201 2210 2240 2260 2310 2420 2460 2480 2600 2610 2620 2623 2650 2670 2675 3100 3120 3140 3150 Fac/Acad - Generic Fringes 6,881.38 0.00 6,881.38 Classified - Social Security 14,853.26 15,633.74 30,487.00 Classified - Medicare 3,473.76 3,656.26 7,130.02 Classified - Group Health 115,091.23 40,667.33 155,758.56 Classified - Group Life 911.80 0.00 911.80 Classified - Retirement 33,444.39 35,127.67 68,572.06 Classified-Income 451.60 444.87 896.47 Continuation LTE - Social Security 492.49 555.38 1,047.87 LTE - Medicare 115.18 129.90 245.08 LTE - Retirement 248.27 307.82 556.09 Student - Social Security 118.51 352.98 471.49 Student - Medicare 27.73 82.53 110.26 Classified - Generic Fringes 18,964.38 0.00 18,964.38 Travel-Employe-In State Bus 2,538.48 (16.40) 2,522.08 Travel Empl Reportable Meals 8.00 106.10 114.10 Travel-Employe-In State-Conf 673.66 1,049.83 1,723.49 Travel-Employe-Foreign Conf 0.00 337.56 337.56 Travel-Employe-Out State7,377.03 12,654.31 20,031.34 Conf Travel-Fleet Charges-Vehicles (58.58) 617.62 559.04 Moving/Temp Lodging0.00 4,520.14 4,520.14 Employees Travel-Non Employe 0.00 548.40 548.40 Training & Devlop Career Grad 1,218.60 0.00 1,218.60 Training & Development-Job 0.00 110.00 110.00 Rel Telecomm Services-Centrex 9.50 91.09 100.59 Telephone Service-NonSTS 30.64 1,304.26 1,334.90 Tolls Telephone Service-STS 0.00 1,096.07 1,096.07 Communication-Miscellaneous 0.00 800.50 800.50 Rental of Space-UW/State 20.00 12,858.00 12,878.00 Owned Maintenance & Repair0.00 11,924.00 11,924.00 Structure Maintenance & Repair- DP 23,005.96 33.00 23,038.96 Equip Maintenance & Repair-Other 1,124.95 3,238.59 4,363.54 DP Services-State & Univ Dept 34.11 0.00 34.11 DP Services - Outside Source 750.00 0.00 750.00 Services - Professional 127,091.53 336,263.93 463,355.46 Services - Miscellaneous 1,285.65 5,305.55 6,591.20 Services - Internal 41.21 (10.26) 30.95 Printing & Duplicating-State 494.48 2,975.83 3,470.31 Printing & Duplicating-NonStat 0.00 1,209.89 1,209.89 Supplies 1,412.18 3,280.23 4,692.41 Supplies-Maint/Operational (9.93) 54.48 44.55 Fuel for Vehicles 0.00 12.00 12.00 Software-Under $5,000 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Page 74 of 80 3165 3195 3700 3702 3710 3720 3730 3740 3780 4520 6100 6166 7100 9050 9051 9182 9198 9200 9220 9224 9225 9800 Food & Food Service Contracts 103.94 96.91 200.85 Equipment & Furniture 6,981.00 1,318.12 8,299.12 <$5,000 Postage 6.45 4,575.74 4,582.19 S & E - Default 10,501.44 14,744.97 25,246.41 Freight 437.74 272.92 710.66 Subscriptions 75.00 1,893.94 1,968.94 Memberships 3,880.00 (95.00) 3,785.00 Advertising & Notices 1,398.91 836.22 2,235.13 Conference/Workshop 1,258.46 1,953.90 3,212.36 Expenses Bldg & Attached Fixtures 5,395.00 0.00 5,395.00 Cash (1,168,753.0 (1,202,657.5 (2,371,410.5 5) 2) 7) Employee Travel Advance0.00 (4,206.00) (4,206.00) Single Accounts Payable (159.59) (471.87) (631.46) Sales Credits-Internal (20.00) 0.00 (20.00) Sales Credits-External (20.00) 0.00 (20.00) Miscellaneous Fees 3,018.46 14,945.28 17,963.74 Daily Deposit - Treasury (360.46) (16,072.52) (16,432.98) Miscellaneous Revenue (2,428.66) (13,018.20) (15,446.86) County Sales Tax Collections (0.29) (0.47) (0.76) State Sales Tax Collections (2.93) (4.68) (7.61) State Sales Tax Trf to DOR 6.02 0.00 6.02 Earnings-Investment Fund 0.00 (2,921.68) (2,921.68) Share (0.00) (0.00) 0.00 ANSWER – PART 1 Here is the LAYOUT DEFINITION for the FINAL.XNV Do not look at this until you complete the FINAL EXERCISE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D %,AFT,FACCOUN %,AFT,FDESCR %,LACTUALS,SYTD,X T S %,AFF,FACCOUNTING_PERI %RBU% OD %ASD% %IDN% %,FACCOUNT,X,_ ANSWER – PART 2 Page 75 of 80 Here is the REPORT REQUEST FORM should look like Page 76 of 80 CHAPTER 5 - REVIEW QUESTION 1. What must be defined in order for nVision to be able to extract data from the database and place it in a cell? Criteria for a row and column. 2. Where do you select the ledger and timespan on your report? The Layout .xnv file 3. How does nVision know which table to access to extract data? In the LAYOUT DEFINITION, you can define a LEDGER or use a QUERY. For example, Actual and Budget amounts are retrieved by selecting them under the LEDGER option, whereas, encumbrance amounts must be retrieved using the QUERY option. 4. What is a simple method for combining report data for several accounts, for example if you wanted one line for all salary expenses? In your report refer to a tree node when specifying your field criteria. 5. What are the two most common ways to select balances for specific amounts? Detail values or tree nodes. 6. Where does nVision obtain the Main As Of (Reporting) date? Report Request 7. What is the function of the Main As Of (Reporting) date field? To determine the value of “current period” in order to resolve relative TimeSpans. This will determine how many periods are included on your report. 8. What will happen if you do not mark the checkbox labeled “DATA FROM REQUESTING BUSINESS UNIT ONLY”? All business units will be combined unless criteria or scope requests a specific business unit. 9. How do you specify a filename and path for each report type? On the Report Request 10. What is an easy way to automate report file naming? NVision variables 11. Are report labels retrieved for tree nodes or detail values? How? Report labels can be retrieved for both tree nodes and detail values. 12. How can you prevent labels from overwriting existing labels in your layout? Select the option to print labels in BLANK CELLS ONLY 13. Will report labels feature work if your criteria contains multiple detail values or tree nodes? Yes, but it will print labels for the FIRST detail value or node only. Page 77 of 80 14. How many fields can you nPlode in a report row? One. And nPlosion always goes to the lowest level of detail. 15. What happens if multiple tree nodes are specified and nPlosion is requested, for example if you choose Salaries and Fringe Benefit tree nodes on one line? The nodes are nPloded together as a unit and the account detail is listed sequentially on the report. Be sure to hardcode the label on the nPloded line, since the label feature would only display the first tree node on the total line. 16. What is the relationship between the scope definition and fields? A scope is based upon one or more fields 17. What happens if more than one field is specified in a scope? An instance is produced for each combination of field values specified so the number of instances produced will grow as fields are added. 18. What are the two ways to specify scope instances? Detail values and tree nodes. Defining a scope is identical to adding criteria to your .xnv layout file. The difference with a scope is it is stored outside of the layout and will produce separate reports based on the criteria you define. You link a scope to a layout via the Report Request. 19. What is the advantage of using scope related variables on a report? The run-time values for these variables will automatically change for each report instance. You need to use these variables in the heading rows so when you print out the reports you will know what they represent. 20. What happens if more than one field is used in a scope and the scope variables are not qualified? For example if you use FUND and DEPTID and you only use %SFV% vs %SFV.DEPTID%? NVision returns the resolved variables for the first chartfield defined in the scope. 21. What is the purpose of the FIELD COMBINATION TABLE on the scope definition? The purpose of the FIELD COMBINATION TABLE is to filter invalid combinations of Scope Fields in order to prevent the generation of unnecessary instances. 22. Can you drill down from any cell within a report? It must be a cell with data achieved by an intersection of criteria. 23. Are drill down reports automatically saved by nVision so that you can access them later? No. You must explicitly save using File Save As from the menu. If you do not save, the drill down instance will close when you exit nVision. Page 78 of 80 24. Why are Queries used in a layout? To retrieve balances from a table other than a ledger table. This is particularly useful for reporting outside the general ledger application. 25. What is the difference between a tabular and a matrix layout? Matrix layouts are based on intersections of column and row criteria. In tabular layouts, intersections are irrelevant and the columns correspond to the fields selected by the query. Page 79 of 80 CHAPTER 6 - SHORTCUTS 1. Instead of navigating to NVISION / LAYOUT DEFINITION, you can double click anywhere on your .xnv file and get the LAYOUT DEFINITION menu. 2. Use your HIGHLIGHT SELECTION and RETAIN CONTENTS checkboxes. The HIGHLIGHT SECTION allows you to see where you are. The RETAIN CONTENTS is great to use when your adding a lot of rows to your report and just need to change the SELECTED DETAIL VALUE. For example if you are in ROW 11 and are choosing the SALPRM node from the ACCOUNT tree, you can click RETAIN CONTENTS, and navigate to ROW 12. Then all you need to do in ROW 12 is DELETE SALPRM and click ADD to choose the node you want in ROW 12. ….MORE TO COME Page 80 of 80
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