
March 29, 2018 | Author: dzilio | Category: Welding, Galvanization, Metalworking, Materials, Metals



DAIMLERCHRYSLER CORPORATION Process Standard Category Code: D-1 EASL Req.No No: PS-1804<S> Date Published: 2003-02-19 Change: L WELD NUTS - PROJECTION WELDING 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Purpose of the Standard The purpose of this standard is to define the quality requirements for projection welding of weld nuts. 1.2 Purpose of the Process The purpose of this process describes the use of weld nuts fabricated from MS-210 or MS-2717 steel (see MS-Carbon Bar) and specified by a DaimlerChrysler Engineering release, and where the weld nut is for attachment to MS-6000, MS-66, MS-67 or MS-264 sheet steel. A shielded section <S> in this standard applies to safety welds as designated on the welding releases. In this situation, the safety weld must comply with the requirements of EM-10001 ("Shield" Requirements Corporate Assembly Plants), EM-10002 ("Shield" Requirements - Corporate "Internal Supplier" Plants), and EM-10003 ("Shield" Requirements - "External" Supplier" Plants) as shown in the possible conditions below: Condition 1 - The weld drawing doesn't have a safety symbol on the weld, and there is no safety shield on specific sections of the weld standard. Interpretation - For this specific non-safety shielded weld, conformance to the above EM standards is not necessary for any conditions defined in non-safety shielded sections of the weld standard. However, the weld standard requirements must still be met by this weld. Condition 2 - The weld drawing has a safety symbol on the weld, but there is no safety shield on specific sections of the weld standard. Interpretation - For this specific safety shielded weld, conformance to the above EM standards is not necessary for any conditions defined in non-safety shielded sections of the weld standard. However, the weld standard requirements must still be met by this weld. Conditions 3 - The weld drawing doesn't have a safety symbol on the weld, but there is a safety shield on specific sections of the weld standard. For this specific non-safety shielded weld, conformance to the above EM standards is not necessary for any conditions defined in safety shielded sections of the weld standard. However, the weld standard requirements must still be met by this weld. Condition 4 - The weld drawing has a safety symbol on the weld, and there is a safety shield on specific sections of the weld standard. For this specific safety shielded weld, conformance to the above EM standards is necessary for any conditions defined in safety shielded sections of the weld standard. The weld must conform to both the "EM" standard's requirements and meet the weld standard's requirements. Any deviation to the Supplier Quality lot control requirement as called out in EM-10001, EM-10002, or EM10003 must be approved by the Supplier Quality Office and the Product Releasing Group. Special welding requirements specified in a purchase order shall be placed on the supplier's drawing or welding release. 1.3 Coverage of this Standard PS-1804<S>, Change L, 2003-02-19, Page 1 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 The recommended electrode material is the Resistance Welder Manufacturers Association (RWMA) Class 2 or Class 3 copper alloy. Weld nuts welded to two steel thicknesses are unacceptable. Materials Engineering. The fusion requirements are valid for weld nuts welded to a single sheet thickness only. or weld release when required.35 (0. weld only drawings. 2. non-piloted weld nuts shall be positioned accurately in fixtures. The electrodes shall extend a minimum of at least 6.2 Fit-up of Parts The surface of the adjacent steel in the immediate weld area shall be sufficiently flat to permit uniform contact of all projections of the weld nut with that surface. Any special requirements for projection weld nuts shall be called out on the detail assembly. and using it for this purpose may lead to an erroneous conclusion. CATIA drawings. or weld release are dominant to and take precedence over the requirements specified herein. PS-1804<S>. or weld release. 6 and 8 shall be called out on the detail assembly. 1.250 in.4 Requirements on Part Drawings Any weld quality requirements designated on the detail assembly. This standard also covers any commercial weld nuts and steels approved for usage by DaimlerChrysler Corporation. CATIA drawings. weld only drawings. and using it for this purpose may lead to an erroneous conclusion. Engineering Office. paint.120 in.) beyond the outer edge of the projection pattern.This standard covers the welding of weld nuts to steels approved by DaimlerChrysler Corporation's Materials Engineering Office. CATIA drawings. 4. It does not cover post-crash weld quality assessment. rust. 2003-02-19. weld only drawings.0 PROCESS 2. 1. 1. dirt and other contaminants that would adversely affect the quality of the welds. To assure proper alignment of the weld nut thread pitch diameter with the clearance hole in the adjacent part.6 Limitations of this Standard Projection welding of weld nuts to High Strength Low Alloy Steels (MS-264) having a yield strength greater than 551. Page 2 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . This standard does not cover post-crash weld quality assessment.5 Application This standard covers the methods used to determine resistance projection weld nut quality based on observations and measurements of the welded components. 2. Strength values for weld nuts not covered by Tables 1.000 lbf/in) shall be restricted to only those applications specifically approved by Materials Engineering. whichever is less. The minimum distance from any corner of the weld nut to an adjacent edge or sheet metal radius shall not be less than 2t (t = metal thickness) or 3 mm (0.1 Condition of Weld Nut and Steel The surfaces of the weld nut and the adjacent steel at the time of welding shall be free from scale.).3 Electrodes The resistance welding electrodes shall be of sufficient size to fully support the projection pattern.5 Ma (80. 2. Change L. Electrode contacting surfaces shall be maintained parallel to each other and perpendicular to the electrode centerline (see Figure 1). 1 Visual Inspection 2.1.5. 2. 5. NOTE: The push-off test is preferred over the torsional test.2 Thread Distortion The weld nut attachment does not meet the requirements of this standard if the top of the weld nut is deformed to the extent of causing distortion of the thread or of changing retaining torque characteristics of special weld nuts. 2003-02-19. 2. 2.2 Torsional Strength Values of the minimum acceptable torsional strength for the various standard and semi-standard weld nuts are shown in Tables 1.1. The push-off values in Tables 4. High side weld time and weld current is recommended when welding weld nuts to galvannealed (iron-zinc alloy) coated sheet steels (see Tables 2.1. and are to be used as an aid in welding equipment setup and maintenance. 7 and 9. EE. 2. 6 and 8. 4.6.3 Flash in Threads PS-1804<S>. The strength values given in these tables for push-off and torque are for guidance only. 2. 2. 2.5.) and above. 6 and 8 are for metal thicknesses 3. 4. 2.4 Weld Nuts Type A.3 Weld Schedules The recommended weld schedules for standard and semi-standard weld nuts are shown in Tables 2.1.1 Cracked Weld The projection welds do not meet the requirements of this standard if a crack can be visually seen on the surface of the weld or in the area adjacent to the weld.1. 6 and 8.1 Weld Strength The weld strength of the projection welded nut can be evaluated by measurements of either the push-off strength (see Figure 2) or the torsional strength.3 mm (0. F and G weld nuts shall conform to dimensions as shown in DaimlerChrysler's Engineering Standards (Standard Parts Drawings).5 Weld Either the amount of weld fusion or the strength and the degree of set-down shall be used to establishing the quality of the weld nuts projection welds.5.130 in.6 Inspection <S> 2.6. E. Page 3 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .5. 7 and 9). 4 or 8). A 20 to 30% increase in welding current and a 10% reduction in electrode force is recommended when welding standard and semi-standard weld nuts to galvanized (zinc coated) sheet steels (See Tables 2.1. Change L.6. Push-Off Strength Values of the minimum acceptable push-off strengths for the various standard and semi-standard weld nuts are shown in Tables 1. 2003-02-19.1 Push-Off Test (Preferred method) The weld is subjected to a load as shown in Figure 2.1.010 in. 2. Physical destructive testing is used to determine the strength of a projection welded nut and/or the degree of fusion of the nut weld developed during the welding operations.6. NOTE: When torque testing nut welds on metals below 2. a weld nut with a projection height of 1.) thick.7.3 mm (0.1.25 mm (0.). To obtain accurate results.).1. 6 or 8 for the proper style and nut size and the metal thickness to which the nut is being welded.25 mm (0.010 in.The weld nut attachment does not meet the requirements of this standard if weld flash in the threads causes excessive variations in the assembly driving torque values.4 Alignment For pilotless weld nuts.7 Testing 2. 4. One of the destructive tests described in this section shall be used during initial machine setup. the weld nut attachment is discrepant if the weld nut is not seated to within 20% of the original height of the weld nut projection. it will be necessary to PS-1804<S>. the gap between the weld nut and the adjacent part cannot exceed 0. the push-off load shall be applied normal to the plane of the attachment. 6 or 8 for the proper nut size and nut style.6. The nut weldment strength is acceptable when the breaking load is equal to or greater than the value listed in Tables 1.1 Physical Destructive Testing <S> Destructive testing is the most thorough examination method for determining the weld quality of an assembly. Short piloted Type EE weld nuts shall be fully set down so that no gap between the nut and adjacent part exists. 2.29 mm (0.) shall be seated to within 0.5 Set-Down -Ordinary Weld Areas For ordinary weld areas.7. the torque load shall be applied in the plane of the attachment at a steady non-jerky rate (see Figure 2).1. as well as during production. The hole in the backup block shall not be larger than 15% or smaller than 5% larger in diameter than the maximum diagonal dimension of the weld nut being tested. at the frequency specified by the designated quality control instructions and/or the responsible technical personnel. 2. Change L. To obtain accurate results. Short Piloted Type "EE" weld nuts shall be fully set down so that no gap between the nut and adjacent part exists -Diamond and Safety Weld Areas For diamond and safety weld areas the weld nut attachment is discrepant if the weld nut is not seated to within 15% of the original height of the weld nut projection.7.090 in. For example. 4.2 Torsional Test The nut weldment torsional strength is acceptable if the torsional breaking load is equal to or greater than the value listed in Tables 1.050 in. Page 4 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . 2. the attachment does not meet the requirements of this standard if the thread major diameter is in interference with the clearance hole in the adjacent part. Any one of the destructive testing techniques described below is considered acceptable: 2. 7. .4 Impact Test (Least preferred method) The nut is broken loose by the application of one or more impact loads such as a hammer blow. or weld release. . .Severe Expulsion An interface fracture after an impact or peel test in which metal expulsion during the weld cycle reduced the effective fusion to less than the area covered by 70% of the projection's base area. Interface fracture with weld fusion at each projection equal to at least 70% of the projection base area.1. 2. 6 or 8 or any value that is specified on the detail assembly. distortion or partial tearing of the base metal.7.0 QUALITY Refer to CS-9801 for general quality requirements.1. of severe strain. along with a "rough and grainy" weld fracture surface. A combination of button and interface fractures distributed over the different production welds of the same nut attachment (see Figure 3).1. 2003-02-19. 2. To pass this test. distortion and low torque values.7. weld only drawings. The nut welds are evaluated in the same manner as in the peel test. 3. 4. Change L.3 Peel Test The nut is either pulled or peeled from its attachment base metal. 2. Weld fusion will be indicated by evidence. 4. CATIA drawing.0 DEFINITIONS PS-1804<S>.1.clamp the base metal to a solid backup to prevent buckling.Low Strength Breaking strength either in torsion or push-off units which is below the specified values of Tables 1.Stick Welds An interface break after an impact or peel test which show little or no evidence of fusion at the interface accompanied by sudden failure under test load and low strength (see Figure 4).1) shall be used when complex interface weld fractures occur that cannot be readily analyzed. one or more of the following conditions shall be met: Buttons are pulled at each projection that are equal to at least 70% of the projection base area.5 Results of Physical Destructive Testing Projection welded nuts exhibiting any one of the following characteristics upon being destructively tested shall be considered discrepant: .Substandard Fusion An interface fracture after an impact or peel test which indicates less than 70% fusion of the projection area to the base metal. NOTE: The push-off test (see section 3. Page 5 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . 7453 Dept. Even though these welds differ. Certain important information relative to this standard has been included in separate standards. 5. 248. Change L. CS-9800 . 8. Hamers. To assure the processes submitted meet all of DaimlerChrysler requirements. <E> and <H> which correspond to Safety. the subscription service. Morrissett.W.Regulated substances and recyclability Within Engineering Standards./Tech Club/Organization: Body Materials Engineering. 5820 Date Standard Originally (Initially) Published: 1961-01-31 Date Published: 2003-02-19 Change Notice: PS-1804<S>.0 PUBLICATION INFORMATION Contact/Phone No: N.Bulletin 16 PF-Safety <S> 7. Dept.512.Application of this <A> and <T> and correspond to the Diamond. Page 6 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .A.0 ENGINEERING APPROVED SOURCE LIST Not applicable. the Regulatory (Government-mandated) requirements are designated by <S>. 2003-02-19. 248. A triple asterisk before and after a string of text (***text***) identifies a single change. Projection Welding of Weld Nuts .0 REFERENCES CS-9003 CS-9800 CS-9801 MS-66 <S> MS-67 <S> MS-210 MS-264 <S> MS-2717 (as found in MS-Carbon Bar) MS-6000 <D> (RWMA) .6489 Alternate Contact/Phone No: T. 6. For specific information on this document. Appearance and Traceability symbols respectively. For general information on obtaining Engineering Standards and Laboratory Procedures. Name & Dept. The DCC-mandated requirements are designated by <D>.576. they still may have useful engineering properties.A discrepant weld is one that differs from the requirements of this standard.A resistance welding process wherein the weld nut is fused to an adjacent part by the heat obtained from the resistance to the flow of electrical current through the areas held together under pressure by electrodes. No. and approved sources CS-9003 . please refer to the contact person shown in the "Publication Information" Section of this document.0 GENERAL INFORMATION Three asterisks “***” after the section/paragraph header denotes multiple technical changes to the section/paragraph. see CS-9800 or contact the Engineering Standards Department at engstds@dcx. The resulting welds are localized at predetermined points by the contact of three or more projections on the weld nut with the adjacent part.Discrepant Weld . Emission and Homologation Shields respectively. it is mandatory that the requirements in the following standards be met. 070) M8 (5/16-18) 0.Description of Change: Editorial TABLE 1: <S>MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE PUSH-OUT AND TORQUE BREAKING LOADS FOR TYPE ‘EE” WELD NUTS Nut Size Pilot Height mm (in.0740.028) 1.87 (0.028) 1.29 (0.71 (0.047) (in.46-3. B.45 (0.71 (0.71 (0.78 (0. 2003-02-19.30 (0.78 (0.78 (0.) 1. Page 7 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .070) M14 (2-13) 1.-lbs) 40 (350) Metric (English) M5 (10-24) PS-1804<S>.070) M16 (---) NOTES: A.30-1.130) Minimum Torsional Strength N-m (in. The above minimum acceptable breaking loads are applicable to Type “EE” weld nuts projection welded to coated MS-6000 or un-coated steel fabricated from MS-66 or 67 or MS-264 steel.047) 1.) 0.0510.76-1.050) 2890 (650) 2890 (650) Minimum Push-Off Strength .78 (0.N (lbs) Metal Thickness . 1.070) 8900 (2000) 10680 (2400) 11120 (2500) 5340 (1200) (A) 8010 (1800) 10230 (2300) 4000 (900) (A) 0.070) M10 (3/8-16) 0.070) M12 (7/16-14) 1.78 (0.19 (0.129) > 3.028) 1.096) 2.71 (0.073) 4890 (1100) (A) M6 (1/4-20) 4890 (1100) (A) 6230 (1400) 8010 (1800) 8010 (1800) 9340 (2100) 5780 (1300) 7560 (1700) (A) 10230 (2300) (A) 12460 (2800) (A) 13340 (3000) (A) 13790 (3100) 14230 (3200) 16900 (3800) 17790 (4000) 16010 (3600) 14230 (3200) 12010 (2700) 8900 (2000) 40 (350) 68 (600) 57 (500) 96 (850) 79 (700) 124 (1100) 136 (1200) 181 (1600) 147 (1300) 226 (2000) 271 (2400) 1.29 (0. Use of this weld nut is not recommended for these metal gages.030 0. Change L.88-2.78 (0.028) 0.19 (0. B.028) 1.047) 1.028) 0.047) 1.78 (0.78 (0. Change L.78 (0.028) 1. 2003-02-19.070) M16 (---) NOTE: A.71 (0. High side weld time and weld current is recommended when Type EE nuts are welded to galvannealed (iron-zinc alloy) coated sheet steels.070) M8 (5/16-18 0. Page 8 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .71 (0.070) M12 (7/16-14) 1. A 20 to 30% increase in welding current and a 10% reduction in electrode force is recommended when welding Type "EE" weld nuts to galvanized (zinc coated) sheet steels.070) Electrode Force N (lbs) 3110 (700) 3110 (700) 5340 (1200) 3560 (800) 6230 (1400) 4000 (900) 7120 (1600) 6670 (1500) 8900 (2000) 8900 (2000) 10680 (2400) 12460 (2800) Weld Schedule Weld Time Cycles 6-8 6-8 10-12 9-12 11-14 14-16 14-16 11-13 16-20 14-16 19-23 23-26 Current K-amps 15-17 15-17 16-18 16-18 18-20 17-19 20-23 22-24 23-25 25-27 26-28 29-31 PS-1804<S>.070) M14 (2-13) 1.19 (0.070) M10 (3/8-16) 0. The above weld schedules are applicable to Type “EE” weld nuts projection welded to un-coated sheet steel fabricated from MS-66 or 67 or MS-264.071 (0. 1.71 (0.19 (0.78 (0. C.TABLE 2: RECOMMENDED WELD SCHEDULE SET-UP FOR TYPE “EE” WELD NUTS Nut Size Metric (English) M5 (10-24) M6 (1/4-20) Pilot Height mm (in.78 (0.028) 1.) 0.78 (0. 16) M12 (7/16-14) M14 (1/2.78 (0.76-1.13) M16 (----) NOTE: 1.N (lbs) Nut Pilot Minimu Size Height m Metal Thickness .19 (0. Change L.047) 1.028) 1.096) 0. Page 9 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .87 1.070) 0.070) 1.88-2.070) 1.073) (0.30-1.028) 1.3.19 (0.) Torque Metric mm Strength 0.71 (0.028) (1750) (1950) (575) See Note 1 0.047) 1.46 .) N-m (0.30 (English) (in.130) (in-lbs.074(0.78 (0. This weld nut is not recommended for these metal gages.78 (0.29 Over 3.070) 0.070) 1. 2003-02-19.070) See Note 1 14230 (3200) 22690 (5100) 26240 (5900) 7780 (1750) 8670 (1950) 11120 (2500) 10900 (2450) 14230 (3200) 13790 (3100) 17350 (3900) 11570 (2600) 18680 (4200) 16010 (3600) See Note 1 19130 (4300) See Note 1 22240 (5000) See Note 1 24910 (5600) See Note 1 28910 (6500) 32030 (7200) 31140 (7000) 33360 (7500) 28470 (6400) 25800 (5800) 22240 (5000) 16900 (3800) 65 (575) 107 (950) 90 (800) 147 (1300) 130 (1150) 203 (1800) 198 (1750) 271 (2400) 260 (2300) 328 (2900) 384 (3400) M6 (1/4 – 20) See Note 1 8670 (1950) See Note 1 9790 (2200) See Note 1 M8 (5/16– 18) M10 (3/8.78 (0. PS-1804<S>.71 (0.030-0.) 0.71 7780 8670 65 (10-24) (0.097(0.71 (0.050) (0.028) 1.TABLE 3: RECOMMENDED WELD SETUP STRENGTHS FOR TYPE “EE” WELD NUTS Weld Strength Setup Values .mm (in.129) M5 0.78 (0.45 2.29 1.051-0.78 (0. 0300. 2003-02-19. PS-1804<S>.46-3.29 (0.130) Minimum Torque Strength N-m (inlbs) M5 & M6 (10 & 1/4) M8 (5/16) M10 (3/8) M12 (7/16) M14 (2) M16 & M18 (9/16& 5/8) M20 (3/4) NOTE: 8900 (2000) 12460 (2800) 15120 (3400) 16010 (3600) 16900 (3800) 22240 (5000) 68 (600) 113 (1000) 136 (1200) 226 (2000) 271 (2400) 339 (3000) 9560 (2150) 14860 (3340) 20020 (4500) 25800 (5800) 31140 (7000) 429 (3800) A.29 (0.096) 5780 (1300) 8010 (1800) 9790 (2200) 10410 (2340) 10940 (2460) 14410 (3240) 2.87 (0.N (lbs) Metal Thickness .050) 2740 (615) 3830 (860) 4630 (1040) 4890 (1100) 5200 (1170) 6850 (1540) 1.3 (0. The above minimum acceptable breaking loads are applicable to Type "EE" weld nuts projection welded to coated MS-6000 or un-coated sheet steel fabricated from MS-66 or 67 or MS-264 steel.TABLE 4: <S> MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE WELD PUSH-OFF AND TORQUE BREAKING LOADS FOR TYPE "E" WELD NUTS Nut Size Metric (English) Minimum Push-Off Strength .0740.88-2.073) 4230 (950) 5960 (1340) 7210 (1620) 7740 (1740) 8100 (1820) 10680 (2400) 1.45 (0.) 0.76-1. Change L.30-1.0510.0970.129) 7380 (1660) 10320 (2320) 12990 (2920) 13340 (3000) 14060 (3160) 18460 (4150) Over (in. Page 10 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . Change L.Setup Push-Off N-(lbs) Torque N-m (in-lbs) 136 (1200) 226 (2000) 294 (2600) 305 (2700) 339 (3000) 565 (5000) 621 (5500) 18-28 35-45 PS-1804<S>. Page 11 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . A 20 to 30% increase in welding current and a 10% reduction in electrode force is recommended when welding Type "E" weld nuts to galvanized (zinc coated) sheet steels.TABLE 5: RECOMMENDED WELD SET-UP AND STRENGTHS FOR TYPE "E" WELD NUTS Nut Size Metric (English) M5 & M6 (10 & 1/4) M8 (5/16) M10 (3/8) M12 (7/16) M14 (2) M16 &M18 (9/16 & 5/8) M20 (3/4) NOTE: a. C.(lbs) 5340 (1200) 5340 (1200) 8010 (1800) 8900 (2000) 11120 (2500) 13340 (3000) 13340 (3000) Weld Time-Hz (cycles) 6-8 8-10 14-16 15-18 15-18 18-25 Current (K-amps) 17-19 17-19 18-20 26-28 27-29 32-38 16900 (3800) 22240 (5000) 26690 (6000) 28910 (6500) 34700 (7800) 40030 (9000) 53380 (12000) Weld Strength . 2003-02-19. The above weld schedules are applicable to Type "E" weld nuts projection welded to un-coated sheet steel fabricated from MS-66 or 67 or MS-264 steel. B. High side weld time. and weld current is recommended when welding Type E weld nuts to galvannealed (iron-zinc alloy) coated sheet steels. Weld Schedule Electrode Force N . 87 (0.45 (0. Page 12 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .88-2.050) 3430 (770) 3960 (890) 4800 (1080) 5200 (1170) 5740 (1290) 6980 (1570) 1.0300.073) 5120 (1150) 6140 (1380) 7430 (1670) 8100 (1820) 8900 (2000) 10410 (2340) 1.30-1.0740.0970.29 ( (in.TABLE 6: <S> MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE WELD PUSH-OFF AND TORQUE BRAKING LOADS FOR TYPE "F" WELD NUTS Nut Size Metric (English) Minimum Push-Off Strength .) 0.46-3.) 102 (900) 124 (1100) 147 (1300) 249 (2200) 294 (2600) 362 (3200) M5 & M6 (10 & 1/4) M8 (5/16) M10 (3/8) M12 (7/16) M14 (2) M16 & M18 (9/16 & 5/8) M20 (3/4) NOTE: 10940 (2460) 16900 (3800) 23130 (5200) 29580 (6650) 35590 (8000) 452 (4000) A.N (lbs) Metal Thickness .129) 8900 (2000) 16080 (2400) 12900 (2900) 14060 (3160) 15570 (3500) 18680 (4200) Over 3.096) 6890 (1550) 8320 (1870) 10050 (2260) 10940 (2460) 12010 (2700) 14680 (3300) 2. 2003-02-19.130) 10680 (2400) 12900 (2900) 15570 (3500) 16900 (3800) 18680 (4200) 22690 (5100) Minimum Torque Strength N-m (in-lbs. The above minimum acceptable breaking loads are applicable to Type "F" weld nuts projection welded to coated MS-6000 or un-coated sheet steel fabricated form MS-66 or 67 or MS-264 steel. Change L.76-1.29 (0. PS-1804<S>.3 (0. A 20 to 30% increase in welding current and a 10% reduction in electrode force is recommended when welding Type "F" weld nuts to galvanized (zinc coated) sheet steels. MS-67 or MS-264 steel.(lbs) 6230 (1400) 8010 (1800) 8010 (1800) 11120 (2500) 11120 (2500) 13340 (3000) 13340 (3000) Weld Time-Hz (cycles) 12-16 12-16 16-20 16-20 18-22 20-25 28-32 Current (K-amps) 16. C. Change L. PS-1804<S>. Page 13 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .TABLE 7: RECOMMENDED WELD SETUP AND STRENGTHS FOR TYPE "F" WELD NUTS Nut Size Metric (English) Weld Schedule Electrode Force N . The above weld schedules are applicable to Type "F" weld nuts projection welded to un-coated sheet steel fabricated from MS-66. B. High side weld time and weld current is recommended when welding Type "F" weld nuts to galvannealed (iron-zinc alloy) coated sheet steel. 2003-02-19.Setup Push-Off N-(lbs) Torque N-m (in-lbs) 181 (1600) 215 (1900) 249 (2200) 362 (3200) 452 (4000) 475 (4200) 678 (6000) M5 & M6 (10 & 1/4) M8 (5/16) M10 (3/8) M12 (7/16) M14 (2) M16 & M18 (9/16& 5/8) M20 (3/4) NOTE: 14230 (3200) 16900 (3800) 20020 (4500) 31140 (7000) 35590 (8000) 37810 (8500) 57830 (13000) A.5-18 17-19 18-20 26-28 27-29 28-30 35-45 Weld Strength . PS-1804<S>.46 (0.30-1.096) 5340 (1200) 5780 (1300) 8010 (1800) 9340 (2100) 11570 (2600) 11570 (2600) 11570 (2600) (A) Over (in.) 0. The above minimum acceptable breaking loads are applicable to Type "G" weld nuts projection welded to coated MS-6000 or un-coated sheet steel fabricated from MS-66.073) 3960 (890) 4270 (960) 5920 (1330) 6890 (1550) 8540 (1920) 8540 (1920) 8540 (1920) 1. MS-67 or MS-264.TABLE 8: <S> MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE WELD PUSH-OFF AND TORQUE BREAKING LOADS FOR TYPE "G" WELD NUTS Nut Size Metric (English) Minimum Push-Off Strength N .097) Minimum Torque Strength N-m (in-lbs.(lbs) Metal Thickness . B.29 (0.0300. 2003-02-19. Change L.050) 2540 (570) 2760 (620) 3830 (860) 4450 (1000) 5520 (1240) 5520 (1240) 5520 (1240) 1.45 (0.) 68 (600) 90 (800) 136 (1200) 186 (1650) 220 (1950) 220 (1950) 220 (1950) M5 & M6 (10 & 1/4) M8 (5/16) M10 (3/8) M12 (7/16) M14 (2) M16 & M18 (9/16 & 5/8) M20 (3/4) NOTE: A.0740. Page 14 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .0510.87 (0.76-1.88-2. Use of this weld nut is not recommended for these gages. The above weld schedules are applicable to type "G" weld nuts projection welded to un-coated sheet steel fabricated from MS-66.Setup Push-Off N-(lbs) Torque N-m (in-lbs) 90 (800) 136 (1200) 169 (1500) 237 (2100) 316 (2800) 316 (2800) 316 (2800) M5 & M6 (10 & 1/4) M8 (5/16) M10 (3/8) M12 (7/16) M14 (2) M16 (9/16) M18 (5/8) NOTE: A. PS-1804<S>. Change L. Page 15 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . B. High side weld time and weld current is recommended when welding Type "G" weld nuts to galvannealed (iron-zinc alloy) coated sheet steels. C. MS-67 or MS-264.(lbs) 4450 (1000) 5340 (1200) 6230 (1400) 8010 (1800) 8010 (1800) 8010 (1800) 8010 (1800) Weld Time-Hz (cycles) 6-8 8-10 10-12 10-12 27-29 12-16 12-16 Current (K-amps) 17-19 17-19 18-20 26-28 27-29 27-29 27-29 8900 (2000) 9790 (2200) 13340 (3000) 14230 (3200) 15120 (3400) 15120 (3400) 15120 (3400) Weld Strength .TABLE 9: RECOMMENDED WELD SETUP AND STRENGTHS FOR TYPE "G" WELD NUTS Nut Size Weld Schedule Metric English Electrode Force N . A 20 to 30% increase in welding current and a 10% reduction in electrode force is recommended when welding Type "G" weld nuts to galvanized (zinc-coated) sheet steels. 2003-02-19. 2003-02-19. Page 16 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .FIGURE #1: WELD NUT ELECTRODE DESIGN PS-1804<S>. Change L. Page 17 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . Change L. 2003-02-19.FIGURE 2: WELD NUT TESTING PS-1804<S>. WELD NUT ATTACHMENT TO SHEET STEEL PS-1804<S>.(A) Welded assembly (B) Weld nut. Change L. 2003-02-19. prior to welding (C) Plate after test (D) Weld nut after test FIGURE 3: SATISFACTORY WELDS . Page 18 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 . 2003-02-19. Page 19 Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1961 .WELD NUT ATTACHMENT TO SHEET STEEL ##### PS-1804<S>.A) Welded Assembly (B) Weld nut. prior to welding (C) Plate after test (D) Weld nut after test FIGURE 4: UNACCEPTABLE WELDS . Change L.
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