

EPUNITED NATIONS UNEP/OzL.Conv.9/INF/2 UNEP/OzL.Pro.23/INF/6 Distr.: General 25 November 2011 United Nations Environment Programme Original: English only Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Bali, Indonesia, 21–25 November 2011 Provisional List of Participants 1 Parties Angola Hon. Mr. Syanga Kivuila Samuel Abilio Vice Minister Ministry of Urbanism and Environment 83/10566 - Av. 4 De Feveriro Edificio Atlantico Luanda Angola Tel: +244 775 395 0456 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Antonio Domingos Francisco Matias Ozone Officer Ministry of Environment 83/10566 - Av. 4 de Fevereiro Atlantic Luanda Angola Tel: +244 912 246 747 Cell: +244 923 404 351 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Argentina Ms. Romina Paola Bocache Second Secretary General Division of Environmental Issues Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship Esmeralda 1212, 14th Floor Buenos Aires 1007 Argentina Tel: +5411 4819 7409 Cell: +54 43006 4000 Fax: +5411 4819 7413 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Laura Berón Coordinadora Oficina Programa Ozono Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable 25 de Mayo 306, 6to Piso Buenos Aires 1002 Argentina Tel: +54 11 4348 8413 Fax: +54 11 4348 8274 E-mail: [email protected] Armenia Ms. Asya Muradyan Chief Specialist Air Polultion Division Ministry of Nature Protection 3rd. Government Building Republic Square Yerevan 0010 Armenia Tel: +374 10 541 182 / 583 934 Cell: +374 100 9120 7632 Fax: +374 10 541 183 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Australia Mr. Patrick John McInerney Director Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Environment Protection Branch GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel: +61 2 627 41035 Fax: +61 2 6274 1610 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Annie Gabriel Assistant Director Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Environment Protection Branch GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Tel: +61 2 62 742 023 Fax: +61 2 62 741 610 E-mail: [email protected] Austria Bahamas Mr. Johann Steindl Chemicals Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 Vienna A-1010 Austria Tel: +431 515 22 2339 Fax: +431 515 22 7334 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Dwayne Curtis Assistant Director Department of Environment Health Services Ministry of Environment Nassau Bahamas Tel: +1 242 322 2845 / 326 7128 / 326 7295 Fax: +1 242 323 3863 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Dr. Elisabeth Hosner Desk Officer International Environmental Affairs Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 Vienna 1010 Austria Tel: +43 1 515 22 1622 Cell: +43 664 611 2917 Fax: +43 1 515 22 7626 E-mail: [email protected] Bahrain Ms. Martina Reisner-Oberlehner Expert Chemicals Policy V/2 Ministry of Environment Stubenbastei 5 Vienna A-1010 Austria Tel: +43 1 515 22 2322 Fax: + 43 1 515 22 2774 E-mail: [email protected] Azerbaijan Mr. Gulmali Suleymanov Director Center for Climate Changes and Ozone| Department of National Hydrometeorology Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources B. Aghayev str. 100A Baku Az1073 Azerbaijan Tel: + 994 12 566 2794 Fax: + 994 12 492 5907 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Dr. Adel Khalifa Al Zayani Director General Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife P.O. Box 18233 Manama Bahrain Tel: +973 17 386 555 Cell: +973 3645 8900 Fax: +973 17 386 556 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Jaffar Ahmed Salman National Ozone Officer/Head of Pollution Control Section Environment Control Directorate Public Commission for the Protection of Marine Resources, Environment and Wildlife P.O. Box 18233 Manama Bahrain Tel: +973 17 386 613 Cell: +973 39 189 053 Fax: +973 17 920 213 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] com Belarus Mr. Eddy Houndeffo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Benin Tel: +229 2130 1092 Cell: +229 978 77766 Fax: +229 2130 0245 E-mail: [email protected]. Box 466 Thimphu Bhutan Tel: +975 17634950 Cell: +975 17 612 219 Fax: +975 2 323 385 E-mail: peldon@nec. Wabi Marcos National Focal Point Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: +229 21 312 065 Fax: +229 21 315 081 E-mail: [email protected]@[email protected]@yahoo. peldonnec@hotmail. Andrei Pilipchuk Deputy Head Department for Atmospheric Air and Ozone Layer Impact Control Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection 10 Kollektornaya .be Benin Mr. . Jozef Buys Attaché Multilateral Cooperation Directorate | General for Development Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Karmelietenstraat 15 Brussels B-1000 Belgium Tel: +32 2 501 4897 E-mail: Bhutan Ms. Minsk 220048 Belarus Tel: +375 17 200 7119 Fax: +375 17 200 7119 E-mail: Dr. Victor Horta Mr. Rafique Ahammed Deputy Secretary (PS to the State Minister) Ministry of Environment and Forests [email protected] Mr. [email protected] Belgium Mr. Alain Wilmart Adviser Public Health-Food Chain Safety and Environment Climate Change Service .fed. Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Tel: +880 2 716 1941 Cell: +88 017 14 11 05 30 Fax: +880 2 7160 166 E-mail: rafique.Bangladesh Hon. Mr. A.M.fed. Feroz MP/Whip Bangladesh Parliament Bangladesh National Parliament|Parliament Secretariat|Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh Tel: +880 2 912 1557 Cell: +88 0171 152 8375 Fax: +880 2 815 8819 E-mail: [email protected]. A.wilmart@environment. Peldon Tshering Under-Secretary / National Ozone Officer National Environment Commission P. 40-B10 Brussels B-1060 Belgium Tel: +32 2 524 95 43 Cell: +32 473 338 365 Fax: +32 2 524 96 01 E-mail: . [email protected] [email protected] Ms.Bosnia and Herzegovina [email protected]. Magna Luduvice National Ozone Unit Officer Department of Climate Change Ministry of the Environment Esplanada dos Ministérios bloco Ms. Ana Carolina Lamy Federal Inspector Department of Agricultural Inputs Ministry of Agriculture Esplanada Dos Ministerios.8° Andar sala 845 Brasilia DF 70068-900 Brazil Tel: +55 61 2028 1275 Fax: +55 61 2028 1217 E-mail: Bulgaria .gov. Russell Mothupi Chief Meteorologist Botswana Meteorological Services Gaborone Botswana Tel: +267 361 2265 Cell: 267 7184 7042 E-mail: [email protected]@mma. Ivelina Vasileva Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment and Water Maria Louisa 22 Botswana Mr. Sala 327 Brasilia DF 70.8° andar Brasilia DF 70068-900 Brazil Tel: +5561 2028 1443 E-mail: paulo. Bloco "B" . Energy & Environment Protection Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Musala 9 Sarajevo 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: + 387 33 953 531 Cell: +387 61 323 226 Fax: +387 33 206 141 E-mail: Brazil Ms. Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 940 6181/82 Fax: +359 2 9809641 E-mail: cabinet_vasileva@moev. Sylvia Rangelova Head Coordination of European Union Affairs Ministry of Environment and Water William Gladstone 67 Str. Paulo Rogério Gonçalves Head of Cabinet Secretariat of Climate Change and Environmental Quality Ministry of Environment Eplanada dos Burkina Faso . Bloco D. Flavia Kariny Pereira Mota Environmental Analyst Directory of Environmental Quality Brazilian Institute of Environment SCEN Trecho 2 Edificio Sede do IBAMA Brasilia DF-70818-900 Brazil Tel: +55 61 3316 1325 Cell: +55 61 8171 6004 E-mail: flavia.000 Brazil Tel: +55 61 3218 2808 Cell: +55 61 8114 0999 Fax: +55 61 3225 5341 E-mail: ana. of Natural Resorces.government.government. Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel: +359 2940 6244 E-mail: rangelova@moew. Azra Rogovic-Grubic Focal Point for Vienna Convention & Montreal Protocol|Senior Adviser and Ozone Officer Sect. 3rd Floor Gatineau K1A 0H3 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 819 994 4404 Cell: +1 613 297 8315 Fax: +1 819 994 5030 E-mail: bernard. [email protected] .kh Canada Central African Republic Mr. Jean-Claude Bomba Ozone Focal Point Ministry of Environment and Ecology BP 830 Bangui Central African Republic Tel: +236 75 50 82 79 Fax: +236 21 61 78 90 E-mail: [email protected]@ec.gc. Montreal Protocol Program International Affairs Branch Environment Canada 200 Sacre-Coeur Blvd. Victor Yameogo Coordinateur du Programme de Pays Ozone Responsable du Centre National de Reconversion Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 7044 Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 306 861/748 Cell: +226 70 206 484 Fax: +226 50 318 134 E-mail: tikouka@fasonet. Samdech Preah . Khieu Muth Secretary of State Ministry of Environment Cambodia Hon. Bernard Madé Director Chemical Production Division Environment Canada 200 Sacre-Coeur Blvd. Gatineau K1A 0H3 Canada Tel: +1 819 997 2768 Fax: +1 819 994 6227 E-mail: philippe.Mr. Preah Sihanouk [email protected]@ec. Tonle Bassac Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: +855 23 219 287 Cell: +855 1290 2963 Fax: +855 23 219 287 /987 880 E-mail: [email protected] . Martin Sirois Manager. Mr. sophal_laska@yahoo. Pak Sokharavuth Deputy Director Environment Pollution Control Department Ministry of Environment #48. Ozone Layer Protection and Export Controls Chemicals Production Division Environment Canada 200 Sacre-coeur Mr. Philippe Chemouny Mr.gc. Fontaine Building Gatineau K1A 0H3 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 819 934 3545 Cell: +1 613 852 4751 Fax: +1 819 994 5030 E-mail: Tonle Dr. Chamkar Morn Phnom Penh 12206 Cambodia Tel: +855 23 222 2439 Cell: + 855 12 962 103 Fax: +855 23 987 880 E-mail: sokharavuth@online. Xiangdong LIU Director General Department of Environmental Protection Ministry of Environmental Protection No. [email protected]@mep.China [email protected]. Xiaoqing WU Vice Minister Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 Tu Ruihe Deputy Director General International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection [email protected] Mr. Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 8220 0507 Fax: +86 10 8220 0510 E-mail: .gov.shize@mep. Yingxian Xia Deputy Director International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 [email protected]@mep. Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 Xicheng District China Tel: +86 10 6655 6518 Fax: +86 10 6655 6513 E-mail: Mr. Liu Feng Deputy Consultant Department of General Affairs Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 Xizhimennei. Lin Fanyuan Official Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 6655 6533 Fax: +86 10 6655 6534 E-mail: Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 6655 6689 Fax: +86 10 6655 6677 E-mail: liu. Lu Shize Deputy Director Pollution Control and Prevention Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 6655 6492 Fax: +86 10 6655 6500 E-mail: tu.yingxian@mep. Mr. Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: + 86 10 6655 6506 Cell: +86 135 204 61760 Fax: + 86 10 6655 6513 E-mail: xu.115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Shanxi Province Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 351 637 1012 Fax: +86 351 637 1005 E-mail: sxhbbgs@126. 115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie Xicheng District Beijing 10035 China Tel: +86 10 6655 6295 Fax: +86 10 6655 6248 E-mail: lu. Xu Huidong Consultant International Cooperation Ministry of Environmental Protection 115 Xizhimennei. Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 6655 6689 Fax: +86 10 6655 6677 E-mail: wu. Xuezhi Xiao Deputy Director General Foreign Cooperation Centre Ministry of Environmental Protection No. Mr. Wang Yong Deputy Director Foreign Cooperation Centre Ministry of Environmental Protection No.5, Houyingfang Hutong Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 8226 8888 Fax: +86 10 8220 0510 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Maozhong Li Deputy Counsel Department of Drug Registration (SDA) The State Food and Drug Administration Jia 38 Beilishilu Xicheng District Beijing 100810 China Tel: +86 10 8833 0715 Fax: +86 10 8836 3236 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Jin Fang Professor Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry (SFDA) The State Food and Drug Administration China Tel: +86 21 3381 2018 Fax: +86 21 3381 2018 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Jianhong Meng Director Department of Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 2, Chaoyangmen Nandajie, Chaoyang District Beijing 100701 China Tel: +86 10 6596 3251 Fax: +86 10 6596 3257 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Hui Feng Project Officer Foreign Economic Cooperation Office Ministry of Environmental Protection No.5 Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +8610 8226 8910 Fax: +8610 8220 0522 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Xiaolin Guo Program Officer Foreign Cooperation Centre Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 5, Houyingfang Hutong Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 8226 8883 Fax: +86 10 8220 0510 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Jianxin Hu Professor College of Environmental Science and Engineering Peking University Beijing 100871 China Tel: +86 10 6275 6593 Fax: +86 10 6276 0755 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Yuejin Wang Chief Research Scientist Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) No. 9, Madian East Road Haidian District Beijing 100088 China Tel: +86 10 6493 4647 Cell: +86 139 0102 0400 Fax: +8610 6493 4647 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Mr. Tan Zaipin Staff Member Economic Construction Ministry of Finance #3 Sanlihe Nansanxiang, Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 6855 2875 Fax: +86 10 6855 2875 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Xiaofang Zhou Director Foreign Cooperation Centre Ministry of Environmental Protection No. 5 Houyingfang Hutong, Xicheng District Beijing 100035 China Tel: +86 10 8226 8886 Fax: +86 10 8220 0523/82200510 E-mail: [email protected] Colombia Ms. Leydy Maria Suarez Orozco Coordinadora Nacional Unidad Técnica de Ozono Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible Calle 37 No. 8 - 40 Bogota Colombia Tel: +571 3323638 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Javier Ernesto Camargo Adviser Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible Calle 37 no. 8-40 Bogota Colombia Tel: +571 332 3402 Cell: +57 313 433 8104 Fax: +571 332 3400 ext 1811 E-mail: [email protected] Congo Mr. Martin Tchoumou Ozone Focal Point Directorate General of Environment Ministry of Sustainable Development, Forestry Economy and the Environment B.P 2702 Brazzaville Congo Tel: +242 66 68 64 91 Cell: +242 055 815 864 Fax: +242 668 64 91 E-mail: [email protected] Cook Islands Mr. Vaitoti Tupa Director Cook Islands Environment Service P.O. Box 371, Avarua Rarotonga Cook Islands Tel: +682 21 256 Cell: +682 22 256 Fax: +682 22 256 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Ms. Jaime Short National Ozone Officer Advisory and Compliance Division|National Environment Services P.O Box 371 Rarotonga Cook Islands Cook Islands Tel: +682 21 256 Cell: +682 74 701 E-mail: [email protected] Costa Rica Ms. María Guzmán Ortiz Focal Point for Montreal Protocol Dirección de Gestión de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente, y Energia y Telecomunicaciones Calle 9-9 bis Ave.18 #935 San José 1000 Costa Rica Tel: +506 22 571 839 Cell: +506 83 739 854 Fax: +506 22 582 820 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Côte d'Ivoire Czech Republic Prof. Guillaume Yao Loukou Directeur de Cabinet Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 20 B.P. 650 Abidjan 20 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: +225 2022 0701 Cell: +225 0569 9745 Fax: +225 2021 0876 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Ms. Klára Wajdova Head of MEAs Unit International Relations Ministry of Environment Vršovická 65 Prague 10 10010 Czech Republic Tel: +420 267 12 22 15 Fax: +420 267 310 015 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Benjamin Deh-Deh Assistant au Coordonnateur National du Projet Ozone Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable 06 BP 650 Abidjan 20 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: +225 20 210 641 Cell: +225 40 105 218 E-mail: [email protected] Cuba Mr. Enrique Moret Hernandez Director International Affairs Department Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Capitolio Nacional Havana 71300 Cuba Tel: +537 214 4256 Fax: +537 214 4257 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Justo Antonio Mendez Quintero Multilateral Affairs Officer International Relations Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Calle 18a No 4117, Miramar, Playa Havana 13500 Cuba Tel: +5 37 2144256 Fax: +5 37 214 4257 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Jana Borská National Focal Point for the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol Department of Air Protection|Unit of Technological Sources Ministry of Environment Vršovická 65 Prague 100 10 Czech Republic Tel: +420 267 122 024 Fax: +420 267 126 024 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Michal Janouch Czech Hydrometteorological Institute Solar and Ozone Observatory Hverzdarna 456 Hradec Kralove 50011 Czech Republic Tel: +420 60315 6069 E-mail: [email protected] Democratic Republic of the Congo Mr. Justin Tshikudi Muepu Coordonnateur National Ozone Secrétariat Général á L'Environnement et Conservation de la Nature Ministere de l'Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme 15, Av. Papa Ileo No. 15 Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Tel: +243 994 040174 / +243 818 122 916 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] do . Ahmed A.. Lissie Jørgensen Legal adviser Chemicals Division Danish Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 Copenhagen 1401 Denmark Tel: +45 72 54 43 76 Cell: +45 40 85 69 06 E-mail: [email protected] Equatorial Guinea Mr. Juan Tomas Filpo Ozone National Program Officer in Charge Environment and Natural Resources Ministry [email protected] Mr.O. Maadi Cairo Egypt Tel: +202 25 256 452 Cell: +201 22 375 923 Fax: +202 25 256 490 E-mail: [email protected] .es Estonia Ms. fje@mst. [email protected] Ms. Ezzat Lewis Director of National Ozone Unit Climate Change Central Department & NOU Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency 30 Misr Helwan El-Zirae Rd. Iviti Nsuga Demetrio Punto Focal Nacional Ozono Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente Malabo Equatorial Guinea Tel: + 240 222 250200 E-mail: [email protected] Dominican Republic Ing. Elkorashy Senior Projects Engineer National Ozone Unit Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency 30 Misr Helwan Rd. Mikkel Morten Aaman Sorensen Head of Section Chemical Department Danish Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 Copenhagen DK-1401 Denmark Tel: +45 72 544 505 Cell: +45 417 21610 E-mail: [email protected] Eng. Maadi . Heidi Koger Director General Ambient Air Department Ministry of the Environment Narva Mnt 7A Tallinn 15172 Estonia Tel: +372 626 2976 Cell: +372 55 888 98 Fax: +372 626 2801 E-mail: heidi. Box 11728 Cairo Egypt Tel: +202 25 24 61 62 Cell: +201 22 181 424 Fax: +202 25 28 50 94 E-mail: [email protected] Egypt Mr. Cayetano Germosen. Frank Jensen Chief Adviser Chemicals Danish Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 Copenhagen 1401 Denmark Tel: + 45 7254 4423 Cell: + 45 4061 3832 E-mail: fje@mst.|Romulo Betancourt Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: +809 567 4300 Cell: +809 707 8530 E-mail: juan. eu Mr.europa.2 Transport and Ozone Avenue de Beaulieu 5 Brussels 1160 Belgium Tel: +32 2 29 63 667 Fax: +32 2 29 69 554 E-mail: anna.marczak@ec. Eeva Nurmi Senior Adviser Environmental Protection Department Ministry of the Environment Ethiopia Mr.europa. Vika Tuiyasawa Rogers National Ozone Coordinator National Ozone Unit Department of Environment P. Box [email protected]@klab. Alexandros Kiriazis Assistant Policy Officer Transport and Ozone Avenue de Beaulieu 5 Brussels 1160 Belgium Tel: +32 2 299 4962 Fax: +32 2 296 9554 E-mail: alexandros.kiriazis@ec. Government Building Suva 679 Fiji Tel: +679 3311 069/699 Cell: +679 952 5476 Fax: +679 3318 098/3312 879 E-mail: [email protected]. Box 1090 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251 116 639662/615779 Cell: +251 911 208024 Fax: +251 116 625292 E-mail: [email protected] .europa. Dula Shanko Lebeta Deputy Director General National Meteorological Agency P. Cornelius Rhein Policy Officer Transport and Ozone Avenue de Beaulieu 5 Brussels 1160 Belgium Tel: +32 229 54749 Cell: +32 479 866 702 Fax: +32 229 69554 E-mail: European Union Mr. Philip Owen Head of Unit Transport and Ozone Avenue de Beaulieu 5 Brussels 1160 Belgium Belgium Tel: +32 2296 5562 Cell: +32 4989 65562 Fax: +32 2296 9554 E-mail: philip. [email protected] Fiji Ms. Box 35 FI-00023 Finland Tel: +358 40 131 6516 Cell: +358 9 1603 9389 E-mail: [email protected]. Anna Marczak Policy Officer DG Clima C.nurmi@ymparisto. Margus Kört Chairman of the Board Estonian Environmental Research Centre Marja 4D Tallinn 10617 Estonia Tel: +372 611 2900 Cell: +372 501 7514 Fax: +372 611 2901 E-mail: Finland Mr. rue de Bercy.Mr. Christian Meineke Head of Division Fundamental Aspects of Chemical Safety Federal Ministry for the Environment P. Clarisse Durand Policy Adviser on ODS General Directorate for Risk Prevention French Ministry of Ecology Arche de la Defense . Box 120629 Bonn 53048 Germany Tel: +49 228 305 2730 Fax: +49 228 305 3524 E-mail: christian. Cedex 12 Paris 75598 France Tel: +331 534 43943 Fax: +331 534 43248 E-mail: [email protected]. Alain Damais Head Official Development Germany Mr.O. Mikheil Tushishvili Head of Department Integrated Environment Management Department Ministry of Environment of Georgia 6.Paroi Nord La Defense Cedex 92055 France Tel: +33 14 081 8702 Fax: +33 14 081 9039 E-mail: Clarisse.Box 140 Helsinki FI-00251 Finland Cell: +358 40 579 0809 Fax: +358 9 5490 2491 E-mail: France Georgia Ms. Beatrice Vincent Secretariat of the French GEF/FFEM 5 Rue Roland Barthes. Bulli Dibba Director Department of Administration and Finance National Environment Agency PMB 48 Banjul Gambia Tel: +220 439 9422 Cell: +220 996 3056 Fax: +220 439 9430 E-mail: bmdibba@gmail. Cedex 12 Paris 75572 France Tel: +331 4487 7363 Fax: +331 5318 3607 E-mail: [email protected] .engelhardt@bmu. Division IG II 1 Federal Ministry for the Environment P. Box 120629 Bonn 53048 Germany Tel: +49 22 899 305 2751 Cell: +49 173 289 3747 Fax: +49 22 899 305 3524 E-mail: rolf. Finance and Industry Télédoc 578 – 139. Gulua [email protected]@[email protected] Gambia Mr. Chemicals Safety. Tbilisi 0114 Georgia Tel: +99 5322 727 228/727244 Cell: +9955 774 47183 Fax: +99 5322 727 228 E-mail: geoairdept@caucasus. Tapio Reinikainen Senior Adviser Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production Finnish Environment Institute P. Rolf Engelhardt Environmental Health. Multilateral Development Assistance|Directorate-General of the Treasury Ministry of Economy. Peter Christmann Senior Environmental Advisor Division of Environment Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development Postfach 12 03 22 Bonn 53045 Germany Tel: + 49 228 3754 Fax: +49 228 99535 / 3755 E-mail: peterchristmann@hotmail. George's Grenada Tel: +473 440 2214 Fax: +473 440 0075 E-mail: [email protected]@giz. George's Grenada Tel: +473 435 8708 Cell: +473 409 8128 Fax: +473 435 9115 E-mail: smithld@gmail. Energy & Co-operatives Building #1. Juergen Usinger Senior Project Manager German Technical Cooperation Zum Talblick 2 Glashuetten 61479 Germany Tel: +496 174 964 077 Fax: +49 179 690 6270 E-mail: juergen. [email protected] . Mamady Conde Chef de Cabinet Ministère de l'Environnement des Eaux et Forêts BP: 761 Conakry Guinea Tel: +224 3046 8122 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. 23 'Frankfurt 60596 Germany Tel: +49 1775 467 177 E-mail: Mr. Bernhard Siegele Programme Manager Environment and Climate Change GTZ Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1-5 Eschborn 65760 Germany Tel: +49 6196 79 1968 Cell: +49175 228 2081 Fax: +49 6196 7980 1968 E-mail: Grenada . Linda Susanne Ederberg German Technical Cooperation GIZ Proklima Schreekenhof Str. Economy. Leslie Dave Smith National Ozone Officer National Ozone Unit. Church Financial Complex.usinger@proklima. Igor Charles Croiset Senior Advisor GIZ Zum Talblick 2 Glashüetten D-61479 Germany Tel: +41 26 4651 304 / 79 88 79903 Cell: +41 26 887 9903 Fax: +49 6174 61209 E-mail: igor. Energy Division Ministry of Finance. Carenage Mr. Alvaro Zurita Project Manager Environment and Climate Change GTZ Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1-5 Eschborn 65726 Germany Tel: +49 6196 793294 Cell: +49 170 2238504 Fax: +49 6196 79 803294 E-mail: Guinea Mr. Carenage [email protected]@proklima. Foreign Trade.zurita@giz. Michael Mr. 399 Bissau Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 660 5183 Cell: +245 660 5183 Fax: +245 201 753 E-mail: [email protected] . Timor 18. Fr. Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: +91 11 2463 5794 Cell: +91 98 11 361865 Fax: +91 11 2464 1687 E-mail: [email protected] Holy See India Dr. agarwalrsa@gmail. Mamadou Nimaga Point Focal du Protocole de Montrèal Secrétaire Exécutif du Comité National de Gestion des Produits Chimiques Ministère de l'Environnement des Eaux et Forêts B. Lodhi Road Delhi India Tel: +91 11 2463 5794 Cell: +91 9810 567999 Fax: +91 11 246 42175 E-mail: susrao2010@gmail. India Habitat Complex.P. Radhey S. Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: +91 11 2464 2176 Cell: +91 98 11 304722 Fax: +91 11 2464 2175 E-mail: ozone-mef@nic. 3118 Conakry Guinea Tel: +224 62 90 5445 Cell: +224 67 829 257 E-mail: [email protected]. [email protected] Mr. Quecuta Injai Point Focal Convention de Vienne et Protocol de Montréal & Coordinateur du Programme Nacional B. Vatican Embassy Jakarta 10110 Holy See Tel: +62 21 3841142 Fax: +62 21 3841143 E-mail: vatjak@cbn. India Habitat Centre. Ozone Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Core . 2nd floor. Agarwal Senior Advisor and Coordinator Sector Phase-out Plan Unit (SPPU) .fr Guinea-Bissau Mr. .in Dr. Lodhi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: +91 11 243 61712 Cell: +91 98 106 14775 Fax: +91 11 243 62127 E-mail: [email protected]. Alexius Andang Listya Binawan Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 818 754842 E-mail: andang@provindo. Rev. Arumugam Duraisamy Director. B.O. Sistla Venkata Subbarao National Programme Manager Ministry of Environment and Forests Core 40 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor.P. Ozone Cell Ministry of Environment and Forests Core 4B. Antonio Guido Filipazzi Archbishop Apostolic Nuncio of His Holiness to Indonesia J1. India Habitat Centre. Nilaratna Joint Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhawan. 6th Floor. Panjaitan Kav. DI Panjaitan KAV24. Sudariyono Deputy for Environmental Law Management Ministry of Environment Indonesia H.yuwono@gmail. Sumarjo Gatot Irianto Director General Agriculture Infrastructure Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia Mr. A. Budi Darmadi Director General Technology-based Industry Ministry of Industry Indonesia Dr. Kebon Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 / 85904923 / 8227 448 Cell: +62 0811828749 Fax: +62 21 / 85904923 / 8227 449 E-mail: ay. Arief Yuwono Deputy Minister Environmental Degradation Control & Climate Change Ministry of Environment Gd. Makarim Wibisono Ambassador/Senior Adviser Indonesia I Made Mangku Pastika Governor Province of Bali Indonesia Dr. Henri Bastaman Deputy Minister Technical Infrastructure and Capacity Building Ministry of Environment Indonesia Ghafur Akbar Dharmaputra Director Economic Development and Environmental Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia Mrs. Kebon Nanas Jakarta Timur 13410 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 851 7164 Fax: +62 21 859 02521 E-mail: listy_78@yahoo. A Building. Wilfrid Purba Ministry of Environment Indonesia Partogi Pangaribuan Ministry of Environment Indonesia Mr. Arifin Soenardio Ministry of Environment Indonesia .com Dr. Soerjono MM Ministry of Environment Indonesia Mr. Suprapti Ministry of Environment Indonesia Mr.go. J1. Deddy Saleh Director General for Foreign Trade Ministry of Trade Indonesia Dr. Umiyatun Hayati Expert Staff Natural Resources and Environment National Development Planning Agency Indonesia Mr. Sulistyowati Hanafi Assistant Deputy Climate Change Mitigation and Atmospheric Function Preservation Ministry of Environment Jalan D. listy@menlh. Panggah Susanto Mr. . 6th Floor.Indonesia Hon.I.E. Mr. Yazid Nurhuda International Ministry of the Environment Indonesia Emma Rachmawati Ministry of Environment Indonesia Mr. Agus Wahyudi Director Resources Env. Suharyono Si Ministry of Environment Indonesia Mr. Lilih Handayaningrum Deputy Director Assessment Centre for Green Industry. Kartakusuma Expert Staff Economy and Sustainable Development Ministry for Environment Indonesia Ms. Gatot Subroto Kav.Mr. Kav 52-53. Centre for Green Industry Assessment and Environment Ministry of Industry Gatot Subroto Street Kav 52-53. Electronic and Telemetric Industry Ministry of Industry JIn. Ministry of Industry Ministry of Environment Gatot Subroto 52-53 Street Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +6221 5252746 Fax: +6221 5252746 E-mail: aw3915@yahoo. 20th Floor [email protected] Joko Priyitno Susanto Ministry of Environment Indonesia Mr. Agency of Industrial Policy Climate Quality Assessment Ministry of Industry J1 Gatot Subroto 52-53. 52-53 Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Ms. Zulhasni Head of Division Mitigation and Atmospheric Function Preservation Indonesia Rasio Ridho Sani Director for Planning and International Cooperation Ministry of Environment Indonesia .. Guratno Hertono Ministry of Environment Indonesia Hanggoro Budi Wiryawan Ministry of Environment Indonesia Mrs. Nadjib Dahlan Expert of staff Mr. Chanty Triharso Director. Damayanti Ratunanda Head of Division for Bilateral Cooperation Ms. [email protected] Mr. Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 525 2746 Fax: +62 21 525 2746 E-mail: tri_reni@yahoo. Tony Tanduk Ministry of Environment Indonesia Law and Inter-Agency Relations Ministry for Environment Indonesia Mr. Tri Reni Budiharti Director Assessment Center for Green Industry & Environment. Emmy Suryandari Section Head for Global Environment Assessment Center for Green Industry & Environment. Wahyu Marjaka Head of Division for Multilateral Cooperation . 20th Floor Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 525 2746 Cell: +62 21 525 2746 Fax: +62 21 525 2746 E-mail: emmy. Agency of Industrial Policy Climate Quality Assessment Ministry of Industry Gatot Subroto St. F. Dana A. 20th Floor South Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 525 2746 Cell: +628 110 38532 Fax: +62 21 525 2746 E-mail: lilih_handayaningrum@yahoo. com .it . Tuma Mr. Majid Shafeepoor Motlagh Deputy Head Department of Environment for International Relations Ministry of Environment Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 8823 3376 Fax: +98 8823 3378 Nematollah Mozafffarpour Third Secretary Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Mr.Ministry of Environment Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Mr. Hakim Highway P. Climate Change and Energy Ministry for Environment. Mohmmad Jauad Mohammadi zadeh Vice-president and Head of Department Department of Environment Ministry of Environment Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: +98 8823 3061 Cell: +98 9122862834 Fax: +99 8823 3056 Mr. 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: +39 06 57 22 81 66 Fax: +39 06 57 22 91 73 E-mail: peru.O. Box 4665/159 Tehran 9111 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: + 98 21 88233083 Cell: +98 98 239 6714 Fax: + 98 21 88233083 E-mail: [email protected]@yahoo. Ebrahim Hajizadeh Director of Ozone Layer Unit & National Project Manager Department of Environment Environmental Research Center.Pardisan . hajitm@yahoo. Helou NOU Coordinator Baghdad Environment Office Ministry of the Environment P. oz.O Box 10062 Al-krade Baghdad Iraq Cell: +964 790 193 3504 E-mail: moen_iraq@yahoo. Alessandro Giuliano Peru Advisor Department for Sustainable Italy Mr.alessandro@minambiente. Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo. Kingston 6 Jamaica Tel: +1 876 920 9117/ 920 3406 Cell: +1 876 480 0224 Fax: +1 876 920 7267 E-mail: [email protected] Mr.go. Tokyo 100-8975 Japan Tel: +81 3 5521 8329 Fax: +81-3-3581 3348 E-mail: hitomi_kimura@env. Environment. Masato Fukushima Director of Plant Quarantine Office Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau Ministry of [email protected] Japan Dr. Forestry and Fisheries 1-2-1.go. Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8901 Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 E-mail: atsushi. Hiromitsu Naito Senior Researcher Research Division |Yokohama Plant Protection Station Ministry of Agriculture.suginaka@mofa. International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Climate Change and Energy Ministry for Environment. Masami Fujimoto Deputy Director Global Environment Division. Jamaica [email protected] Mr. Atsushi Suginaka Director Global Environment Division|International Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1.go. Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo.Ms. Kasumigaseki. Kasumigaseki. Water & Local Government 16A Half Way Tree Rd. Forestry and Fisheries 1-16-10. Yokohama Kanagawa 231-0801 Japan Tel: +81 45 622 8893 .Pollution Control (Actg) Environmental Management Division Ministry of Housing. Nicole Luci-Ann Ó'Reggio Designated National Authority to the CDM| Director .maff. Shin-yamashita. Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8901 Japan Tel: +81 3 5501 8245 Fax: +81 3 5501 8244 E-mail: masami. Kimura Hitomi Official Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy|Global Environment Bureau 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku. Antonella Angelosante Bruno Expert Department for Sustainable Development. Takashi Konno Director Fluoride Gases Management Office Ministry of Economy.go. Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki. Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8950 Japan Tel: +81 3 6738 7359 Fax: +81 3 3502 3386 E-mail: masato_fukushima@nm. Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8901 Japan Tel: +81 3 3501 4724 Fax: +81 3 3501 6604 E-mail: [email protected]@minambiente. 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: +39 06 57 228 176 Fax: +39 06 5722 8172 E-mail: angelosante. Climate Change and Energy Ministry for Environment. Ivan Neretti Department for Sustainable Mr. Naka-ku. Land and Sea Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma 00147 Italy Tel: +39 06 57 228 176 Fax: +39 06 57 228 172 E-mail: Neretti. O. Box 1408 Amman 11941 Jordan Tel: +962 6552 1931 Cell: +962 777 28 9112 Fax: +962 6553 1996 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Ghazi Al Odat Ministry Dr. Juliet Murimi Senior Legal Officer Legal Department National Environment Management Authority Jordan Kazakhstan Mr. Emad Abdelrahman Hussein Engineer Ozone Unit Kenya Eng.Fax: +81 45 621 7560 E-mail: naitoh@pps. Box 67839 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Tel: +254 20 605522/3/4/7 Cell: +254 722 975 470 Fax: +254 20 608997 E-mail: jmurimu@nema. 3-7-6. Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel: +81 3 5226 1103 Fax: +81 3 5226 1112 E-mail: ono@prec. Ragati Road Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 358 4072 Cell: +254 704 914 554 Fax: +254 20 213 5010 E-mail: dmokioga@wananchi. Box 1408 Amman Jordan Tel: + 962 65560 113 Cell: +962 79564 3935 Fax: +962 655 31996 E-mail: [email protected]. Box 1408 Amman Jordan Tel: +962 6 5566 113 Cell: +962 79 5266 872 E-mail: [email protected]. Box 30126. NOU National Environment Management Authority Kenya National Ozone Office P. Box 67839 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Tel: + 254 20 359 9683 Cell: +254 722 847 342 Fax: + 254 20 213 6167 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Marie Hanadi Engineer Ozone Unit P. [email protected]. Leonard Marindany Kirui Deputy Coordinator.maff. Head of Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment P.go. Wataru Ono Consultant PREC . David M. Kojimachi. Suyundik Turekeldiev Deputy Chairman Ecological Regulation and Control Ministry of Envrionmental Protection Astana Kazakhstan Tel: +87 17 274 0098 E-mail: tas13@mail. Okioga Ministry for Environment and Mineral Resources P.O.O. NHIF Mr. Keola Director General / National Focal Point for Montreal Protocol Greater Mekong Subregion National Secretariat Water Resources and Environment Administration Natioidiao rd. Dr.go.O. Mars Amanaliev Head of NOU National Ozone Center of Krygyzstan Ministry of Ecology and Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic 142 Gorky Street. Sulaiman Ameer Senior Mechanical Engineer|Ozone Unit Consultant Processing Department Ministry of Oil Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Hon. 3 Building 149 Kuwait Tel: + 965 9904 7670 Cell: +965 25611608 E-mail: amjajalq8@hotmail. Keobang A. P. Sellellah Atieno Okoth Senior Compliance and Enforcement Officer Desk Officer ODS Compliance and Enforcement National Environment Management Authority P. Box 67215 Bayan 43763 Kuwait Tel: +965 24 821 278 Cell: +965 99737006 Fax: +965 24 820 599 E-mail: [email protected] Kuwait Mr. BOX 5077 Safat 13051 Kuwait Tel: +965 2499 5823 Cell: +965 99641175 Fax: + 965 2499 5898 E-mail: sulameer515@gmail. Yaqoub Almatouq Refrigeration Expert Kuwait National Ozone Unit Environment Public Authority .com .com . thevarack@gmail. 67839 Nairobi 00200 Kenya Tel: +254 20 601 945 Cell: +254 721 600 458 Fax: +254 20 608 997 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. ecoconv@elcat. Chanthabury district.O. Akhom Tounalom Vice Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Nahaidiao Rd. Faisal Mohammad Engineer Ministry of Oil Salwa Block 4 St. Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 21 243701-2 Fax: +856 21 243700 E-mail: thevarack@hotmail. Room 234 Bishkek 720055 Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 312 548 852 Cell: +996 772 535 292 Fax: +996 312 548 853 E-mail: ecoconv@ozonecenter. Box 2279 Vientiane City 856-21 Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 21 243701/2 Cell: +856 20 568 2540 Fax: +856 21 243700 E-mail: [email protected]. Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 88 712 000 Fax: +603 88 884 800 E-mail: min@doe. Riad Solh Square. Mazen Khalil Hussein Malaysia Ms.Mr.teriosina@am. Energy & Environment Private Bag 394 Lilongwe Malawi Tel: +265 8888 69446 / 1771 111 Fax: +265 1773 379 E-mail: kamphatso1@gmail. [email protected] Lebanon Mr. Jaksto Str. aloysius@sdnp. Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Wisma Sumber Lesotho Mr. Mathatela Augustinus Ntsatsi National Ozone Officer Lesotho Meteorological Services Ministry of Natural Resources . Thevarack Phonekeo Director General of Socio-Environment Division. Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 88 712000 Fax: +603 88 84151 E-mail: [email protected] Malawi .gov. 4/9 Vilnius LT 01105 Lithuania Tel: +370 5 266 3501 Cell: +370 618 49743 Fax: +370 5 266 3502 E-mail: Aminah Ali Assistant Director National Ozone .gov. Beirut Lebanon Tel: +961 1 976 555 ext 432 Cell: +961 3 204 318 Fax: +961 1 981 534 E-mail: mkhussein@moe. Aloysius Mphatso Kamperewera Deputy Director Environmental Affairs Department Ministry of Natural Resources. Marija Teriosina Head of the Chemicals Division Environmental Quality Ministry of Environment Lithuania Ms.. [email protected] .my Box 14515 Maseru 100 Tel: +266 22 322 075 Cell: +266 58 003 177 Fax: +266 22 325 057 E-mail: ntsatsi100@yahoo. Bhanthaboury District Vientiane City Lao People's Democratic Republic Tel: +856 212 43701/2 Cell: +856 205 695022 Fax: +856 212 43700 E-mail: trevarack@hotmail. Kalsom Abdul Ghani Director Air Division. ODS officer Greater Mekong Subregion National Secretariat Water Resource Environment Administration Nadhaidiao Rd. Department of Environment Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Wisma Sumber Asli. National Ozone Unit Air Quality Ministry of Environment 11-2727. Persiaran Wisma Sumber Ms. Maafannu Male 20392 Maldives Tel: +960 300 4319 Cell: +960 777 4224 Fax: +960 300 4301 E-mail: miruza@gmail. Che Kodir Baharum Principal Assistant Secretary Environmental Management and Climate Change Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level 6. Podium Block 2&3. Nurashikin Ismail Senior Federal Counsel International Affairs Division Attorney-General's Chambers No. Ahmed Saleem Permanent Secretary Ministry of Housing and Environment Ameenee Magu. Presint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +6 03 88 884 151 Cell: +6 013 38 66 132 Fax: +603 88 884 800 E-mail: sha@doe. Akram Kamaludeen Minister of State Ministry of Housing and Environment Ameenee Maldives Hon. Roshadah Hashim Senior Principal Assistant Director / Chief of NOU Department of Environment (DOE) / Air Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Level Mr. Presint 4 Putrajaya 62100 Malaysia Tel: +603 8872 2358 Cell: +6013 3979 567 E-mail: nurashikin@agc. Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 88 71 2000 Fax: +603 88 891 036 E-mail: hhh@doe. Miruza Mohamed Assistant Director Environment Department Ministry of Housing and Environment Ameenee Magu. Mr. Sacko Modibo Coordinator National Ozone Direction Nationale de l'Assainissement et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuissances Ms. Jalan Sultan Salahuddin Kuala Lumpur 50632 Malaysia Tel: +603 2030 1400 Cell: +60 19 27 69 63 2 Fax: +603 2691 3530 E-mail: hafizrahimi@doa. Mr. [email protected]@mhe. Menara Sumber Asli. Hafizrahimi Othman Assistant Director Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine Division Department of Environment Wisma Maafannu Male 20392 Maldives Tel: +960 300 4300 Fax: +960 300 4301 E-mail: Mali Mr. Halimah Hassan Acting Director General Department of Environment Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Wisma Sumber Asli. Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 Malaysia Tel: +603 8886 1126 Cell: +6019 276 2237 Fax: +603 8888 4473 E-mail: [email protected] Male 20392 Maldives Tel: +960 300 4300 Cell: +960 777 2675 Fax: +960 300 4301 E-mail: Ms.Lorone Perdana Ntra. net .gob. Angel Mexico D. Agustín Sanchez Guevara Ozone Unit Coordinator Ozone Protection Unit|General Directorate for Air Quality Management Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat Av.gob.sanchez@semarnat. 01040 Mexico Tel: +55 5624 3500 Cell: +55 5624 3583 E-mail: ana. Revolución 1425 Nivel 39 Col. [email protected] Mexico Ms. Dept. John Tiegmai Manager Marine Safety and Inspection Unit|Marine Transportation. Barracks Street Port Louis Mauritius Tel: +230 211 0229 Cell: +230 918 9254 Fax: +230 210 0865 E-mail: ypathel@mail. Ana María Contreras Vigil Director General General Directorate for Air Quality Management Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat Tlacopac San. Angel Mexico D. Yahyah Pathel Divisional Environment Officer Department of Environment|Pollution Prevention and Control Division Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development 4th [email protected] Micronesia (Federated States of) Mr. . Jardines en la Montana Mexico city 14210 Mexico Tel: +52 55 56 62 80 600 ext 122062206 Cell: +55 566 280 694 Fax: +52 55 56 62 80 694 E-mail: ives. Ives Enrique Salas Gomez Director para la Agenda Gris DGAAAM Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat Blvd Adolfo Ruiz Cortínes # 4209. of TC&I Marshall Islands Mr. Box PS-2|FSM National Government Palikir 96941 Pohnpei Micronesia (Federated States of) Tel: + 691 320 2865 Cell: +691 920 3019 .mx Mr. Box 1322 Majuro 96960 Marshall Islands Tel: +692 625 3035 Cell: +692 456 0246 Fax: +692 625 5202 E-mail: lowellalik@gmail. 01040 Mexico Tel: +55 5624 3552 Fax: +55 5624 3583 E-mail: agustin.contreras@semarnat. Stephen Lepton Hazardous Substances and ODS Officer Environmental Protectin Authority Mauritius Mr. Ken Lee Tower.F. Piso 1 Ala A.Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Assainissement BPE 3114 Bamako Mali Tel: +223 20 29 38 04 Cell: +223 7643 7260 Fax: +223 20 29 39 45 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Revolución 1425 Nivel 39 Col.gob. Tlacopac San.O. [email protected]. Lowell Alik Deputy General Manager RMI Environment Protect Authority P. Box 1322 Majuro Marshall Islands Tel: +692 625 3035 / 5203 Fax: +692 625 5202 E-mail: slepton@ntamar. Jarkata 12950 Indonesia Morocco Tel: +62 21 520 0956 Fax: +62 21 520 0586 Mr. NW. Acordos de Lusaka. [email protected] . Leonardo Manuel Sulila Ozone Montenegro Ms.Chellah Rabat 10 000 Morocco Tel: +212 537 669632 Cell: +212 537 669655 E-mail: abderrahimc@mcinet. Maurício Xerinda Permanent Secretary Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Rua do Kassuende Maputo 167 Mozambique Tel: +258 21 492 355 Fax: +258 21 485 266 E-mail: xerinda68@gmail. Tatjana Boljevic Senior Adviser and Focal Point of the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol Environmental Protection Agency IV Proleterske 19 Podgorica 8100 Montenegro Tel: + 382 20 618 261 Fax: + 382 20 618 264 E-mail: .fm Mr. Antonio Asuncion Oposa Legal Advisor 2300 Wisconsin Ave. Room 1207|P.Fax: +691 320 5853 E-mail: [email protected]. [email protected]. Adiyasuren Tsokhio Director National Ozone Unit Ministry of Nature. Mr.O.O Box 38. Baga-Toiruu 44 Ulaanbaatar-11 210610A Mongolia Cell: +976 99111830 Fax: 976 11 1132 1401 E-mail: mne@mongol. Mozambique . Chakour Abderrahim Chef de Division Ministere de l'industrie du Commerce et des Nouvelles Technologies Quartier Administratif . Box 2020 Maputo 2115 Mozambique Tel: +258 21 466 245 Cell: +258 824 162 680 Fax: +258 21 466245 / 465141 E-mail: leonardosulila@yahoo. Ulaanbaatar 211238 Mongolia Tel: +976 11 312 458 Cell: +976 99 192 160 E-mail: ozoff@magicnet. Environment and Tourism Government Suite 300B Washington 20007 Philippines Tel: +1 202 338 1300 E-mail: Mongolia Hon. Jargalsaikhan Choijantsan Vice Minister Ministry of Nature. Environment and Tourism Government Building XI. Morocco Hon. National Focal Point Multilateral Cooperation Department Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs Av.1. Mohamed Majdi Ambassador Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco Jl.Denpasor Raya Blok A 13 [email protected]@gmail. Sani Mahazou Coordonnateur NOU Directeur de l'Environnement et de Cadre de Vie Ministère de l'Environnement et de la lutte contre la Désertification [email protected]. Hilda Espinoza Urbina Punto Focal de Protocolo de Montreal|Directora General de Calidad Ambiental Dirección General Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Kilómetro [email protected] Nicaragua Ms.govt. sanimahazou@gmail. 1/2 Carretera Panamericana Norte Frente Zona Franca Managua Nicaragua Tel: +505 263 2620 Cell: +505 888 9897 Fax: +505 263 2620 E-mail: [email protected]. bkbaniya@moenv. Gudi Alkemade Senior Policy Advisor Climate Ministry of Infrastructure and En vironment P. Box 20951 The Hague 2500 EZ Netherlands Tel: +31 70 339 3868 Cell: +31 6 1501 7780 E-mail: New Zealand Dr. Donald Hannah General Manager Strategy and Netherlands Ms. Sitaram Joshi Ozone Officer Bureau of Standards and Metrology Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +977 1 435 6810 Fax: +977 1 435 0689 E-mail: ozone@ntc. Babukaji Baniya Under Secretary (Legal) Ministry of Environment Singha Durbar Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +977 1 4211 869 Cell: +977 9841 372088 Fax: +977 1 4211 954 E-mail: [email protected] Penny Race Senior Analyst Ministry for the Environment Kate Sheppard Place Wellington 6160 New Zealand Tel: +64 4 439 7448 Cell: +64 27 355 8889 Fax: +64 4 439 7707 E-mail: . Box 131 Wellington 6140 New Zealand Tel: +64 04 916 2426 E-mail: [email protected] Niger Mr. Environmental Protection Authority P.gob. 578 Niamey Niger Tel: + 227 20 738 304 Cell: +227 9 696 7366 Fax: + 227 20 735591 E-mail: [email protected] .ni .com . espinoza. Alice Gaustad Head of Section Climate and Industry Climate and Pollution Agency . Box 8100 Dep. Oslo 0032 Norway Tel: +47 22 57 36 43 Cell: +47 980 94 104 E-mail: alice. bolaomotosho@hotmail. FEPA Qrts. Moosa Masoud Al Kalbani Head of Ozone Layer Protection Section Climate Affairs Controlling Department Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs P. Charles Kanu Ikeah Assistant Director/National Solvent/Refrigeration Officer National Ozone Office|Pollution Control Department Federal Ministry of Environment 14 Aguiyi Ironsi Rd. Raham Rashid Al-Abri Environmental Inspector Climate Affair Impact Department Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs Muscat Oman Tel: +968 9666 9876 Fax: +968 2440 4554 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 941 35971 Cell: +234 980 3314 7629 E-mail: [email protected] Oman Mohamed Al-Araimi Under Secretary Ministry of Environment P. Abdul-Kazeem Kasimu Bayero Deputy Director/National Ozone Officer National Ozone Office|Department of Pollution Control & Environmental Health Federal Ministry of Environment 14 Aguiyi Ironsi Rd Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 941 3 5971 Cell: + 234 803 311 3755 Fax: +234 941 36317 E-mail: kasimubayero@yahoo. Box 323 Muscat Oman Tel: +968 9233 6096 Cell: +968 9233 6096 Fax: +968 2440 4554 E-mail: moosamasoud@yahoo. BOX 323 Muscat 100 Oman Tel: +968 24602272 Fax: +968 24602272 E-mail: [email protected] .Nigeria Norway Mr. David Bola Omotosho Deputy Director Federal Ministry of Environment Hse E1. Wuse II Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 9 623 0815 Cell: + 234 803 311 5459 E-mail: bola_omotosho@yahoo. 1 Nairobi Princess Aramide [email protected] President) The Presidency Abuja Nigeria Tel: +234 9 625 2181/806 089 1322/080 755 80311 E-mail: aramideog@yahoo. Gbadamosi Special Assistant to the President (on Administration . Panama Dr. amendoza@minsa. oscarr@tigo. Madame Lynch N° 3500 Asunción Paraguay Tel: +595 21 615 806 Cell: +595 981 551883 Fax: +595 21 615 807 E-mail: [email protected]. Coordinador Oficina de Ozono Calidad Sanitaria del Ambiente Ministerio de Salud Apartado Postal 0816 Panama City 06812 Panama Tel: + 507 512 9331 Cell: +507 6611 3811 Fax: +507 512 9353 E-mail: aumendoza16@yahoo. Sector G-8/2 Islamabad 44000 Pakistan Tel: +92 51 9260686 Cell: +92 300 510 7096 Fax: +92 51 9262255 E-mail: asifmkh@yahoo. Box 1421 Koror 96940 Palau Tel: +680 488 3600 Cell: +680 775 3772 Fax: +680 488 2963 E-mail: flovox99@yahoo. 3500 Asuncion Paraguay Tel: +595 21 662 654 Cell: +595 991 977 112 Fax: + 595 21 615 807 E-mail: [email protected] Palau Mr. Ms. Roxanne Paraguay Hon. Box 8086 Koror Palau Tel: +680 488 1639/3600 Fax: +680 488 2963 E-mail: [email protected] . Augusto Manuel Mendoza Herrera Punto Focal del Ing. Carlos Emilio Jaen Herrera Subdirector General de Salud Ambiental Direccion General de Salud Ambiental Ministerio de Salud Apartado Postal 0816 Panama City 06812 Panama Tel: +507 512 9131 Cell: +507 67 561 062 Fax: +507 512 9353 E-mail: [email protected] . Oscar Rivas Minister Ministry of Environment Av. Benjamin Adelbai Chairman Environmental Quality Protection Board Public Works Muhammad Asif Khan National Programme Manager Ozone Cell Ministry of the Environment 339 Ravi Road. Ulises Lovera Director General de Control de Calidad Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales/ Punto Direccion General Control de Calidad Ambiental Madame Lynch Eng. Blesam Compliance Specialist/SAICM Coordinator EQPZ Compliance Palau Environmental Quality Protection Board P. gov. Sergey Vasiliev Focal Point for Ozone Agreements Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6. Cosmonau Lilor 9 Chisinau Republic of Moldova Tel: +373 22 204527 Cell: +373 6956 4408 E-mail: bolocan@mediu. Ella Deocadiz Program Manager Philippine Ozone Desk. Warsaw 01-793 Poland Tel: +48 22 568 2845 Fax: +48 22 633 9291 E-mail: kozak@ichp. Claudia Dumitru Councillor Waste and Dangerous Chemicals Management Ministry of Environment and Forests Libertatii Romania Ms. Environmental Management Bureau Department of Environment and Natural Resources DENR Visayas Avenue Quezon City 1110 Philippines Tel: +63 2 426 4340 Cell: +63 917 843 7808 Fax: +63 2 426 4340 / 928 1244 E-mail: [email protected]@mos. No 12 Bucharest 7000 Romania Tel: +40 214 089 633 Cell: +40 724 390 063 Fax: +40 213 160 298 E-mail: Dr. Poland Prof.szymanski@mos. Rafal Szymanski Senior Specialist Department of Climate Change and Atmospheric Protection Ministry of the Environment Wawelska 52/54 Warsaw 00-922 Poland Tel: +48 22 7 92 617 Cell: +48 604 682 936 Fax: +48 22 57 92 463 E-mail: rafal.Philippines . Grouzinskaya Moscow 123995 Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 766 26 61 Fax: +7 499 254 82 83 E-mail: [email protected] Republic of Moldova Ms.dumitru@mmediu.. Tomasz Pyszko Logistics Officer Logistics Team Ministry of the Environment 52/54 Wawelska St. Warsaw 00-922 Poland Tel: +48 22 3692 718 Cell: +48 783 929 614 Fax: +48 22 3692 856 E-mail: Russian Federation . gellamini@yahoo. Jadwiga Poplawska-Jach Ozone Layer and Climaye Protection Unit Industrial Chemistry Research Institute Rydygiera Street Warsaw 01-793 Poland Tel: +48 22 568 2182 Fax: +48 22 633 9291 E-mail: Janusz Kozakiewicz Director's Plenipotentiary Ozone Layer and Climate Protection Affairs Unit Industrial Chemistry Research Institute 8 Rydygiera [email protected]. Svetlana Bolocan Deputy Head Waste and Chemicals Management Division Ministry of the Environment Str. lc . Maria Volosatova Chief Air Protection Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 4/6. Yakov Shatrov Head of Division Environmental Safety for Rocket & Space Activities 4 Pionerskaya St. Donnalyn Charles Sustainable Development and Environment Officer Sustainable Development and the Environment Division Ministry of Physical Development and the Environment American Drywall Building. Maria Fomicheva Expert Onezhskaya 9/4 . Kuusinen Saint Lucia Ms.O Box 709 Castries Saint Lucia Tel: +758 451 8746 Cell: +1 758 721 9185 Fax: +758 453 0781 E-mail: [email protected] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Dr. Tselikov National Expert UNIDO Centre RF 21 b. Moscow 125252 Russian Federation Tel: +7 903 521 4094 / +7 499 200 8527 E-mail: v.6 . Janeel Miller-Findlay National Ozone Officer Environmental Management Department Ministry of Health Wellness and Environment Ministerial Building Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: +784 485 6992 Cell: +784 454 6719 Fax: +784 457 2584 E-mail: janeelmiller@hotmail. Alla Sheshukova Ministry of Health Baryshika street.tselikov@unido. Korolyov Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 513 5325 Cell: +7 916 612 41 00 Fax: +7 495 513 4620 E-mail: newlv@roscosmos. Alla Trapkova Deputy Chief of Department Department of Pharmaceuticals Ministry of Health Lenina street.Ms. 18 .ru Mr.30 Moscow 125 438 Russian Federation Tel: +7 925 828 8009 [email protected]. 12-69 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +8 007 495 625 5025 Cell: +8 007 903 526 7124 Fax: +8 007 495 698 1573 E-mail: trapkova@roszdravnadsor. P. Vladimir Lenev Senior Counselor Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs 32/34. v. Smolenskaya Sennay Ms. Moscow 119200 Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 244 4696 Fax: +7 499 244 2401 E-mail: [email protected] Moscow Russian Federation Tel: +8 007 495 606 1660 Cell: +8 926 213 9461 Fax: +8 007 495 606 1539 E-mail: [email protected]. Vassily . donnalyncharles@gmail. Bolshaya Gruisinskaya Str Moscow 123995 Russian Federation Tel: +7 499 254 6011 Cell: +7 916 611 2809 Fax: +7 499 254 5406 E-mail: mpv@mnr. net Senegal . Box 1023 Sao Tome Sao Tome and Principe Tel: +239 9 907 998 Cell: +239 990 7998 Fax: +239 2 227 156 E-mail: juvamadol@yahoo. Ibrahima Fall Communication Adviser Ministere De L'Environnement Dakar II Senegal Tel: +33 8890234 Cell: +77 333 1388 E-mail: [email protected]. Herculano Das Neves Loi Heng Consulteur du Ministre Ministère des Travaux Publics et Ressources Naturelles BP 282 or 1091 São Tomé Sao Tome and Principe Tel: +239 990 3659/222 6262 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. de la Protection de la Nature. bureau_ozono@cstome. [email protected] Sao Tome and Principe Mr.syllan@gmail. Box 509 Apia Samoa Tel: +685 2 1160 Cell: +685 7238257 E-mail: [email protected] . Mont Fleuri|P. Nico Barito Special Envoy The Republic of Seychelles for ASEAN Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maison Queau de Quinssy. Box 656 Mahé Seychelles Tel: +248 4283 559/4283 550 Cell: +248 2727514 Fax: +248 4224 845 E-mail: [email protected]. . Kwame Nkrumah. des Bassins de Retentions et des Lacs Artificiels Mr.O. Sylla Ndiaye Cheikh Director of Environment and Classified Installations Ministre de l'environnement. Rue Carnot Dakar Senegal Tel: +221 338 226211/223848 Cell: +221 77 648 0059 Fax: +221 338 226 212 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Victoria Faasili Ozone Project Coordinator National Ozone Unit. Mar Gueye Codou Technical Advisor Ministry of Environment Dakar Senegal Tel: +221 33825 0894 Fax: +221 77630 9646 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Louis Ndiaye Expert/Consultant A/C Tel: +221 77635 1058 Fax: +221 33 822 6212 E-mail: louisalioune@gmail. des Bassins de Retention et des Lacs Artificiels BP 6557 Dakar Senegal Tel: +221 338 226211 Fax: +221 338 226212 E-mail: Energy and Environment Av. Meteorological Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment P.Samoa Ms. Juvêncio Amado D'Oliveira Director Legal Affairs and Environmental Impact Assessment Ministry of Natural Resources. Reine Marie Coly Badiane Adjointe au Coordonnateur du Programme Ozone Senegal Ministere de L'Environement et de la Protection de la Seychelles Mr. sg Solomon Islands Chin Yong Koh Chief Engineer (Chemical Control) Pollution Control Department National Environment Agency 40 Scotts Road #12-00 Singapore 228231 Singapore Tel: +65 67319197 Fax: +65 6836 2294 E-mail: [email protected] Mr.Mr. Maman Suryaman Counselor for Cultural Affairs Consulate of the Republic of Seychelles Istana Harmoni Plaza No. Daniel Jichou Han Executive International Policy Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources Environment Building. Rajamalwatta Singapore Sri Lanka Hon.O. L. Obed Meringo Baloyi Acting Director Hazardous Chemicals Management Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Private bag 447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: + 27 12 310 3833 Fax: + 27 12 322 5515 E-mail: obaloyi@environment. Suryopranoto 2 Jakarta 10130 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 6387 1480 Cell: +62 8190 5600 888 Fax: +62 21 6312 248 E-mail: konsulseychelles@indo. #82. Yapa Appuhamilage Anura Priyadharshana Minister Ministry of Environment Sampath Paya. Box G37 Honiara Solomon Islands Tel: +677 21 525 Cell: +677 748 1719 Fax: +677 25 811 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Wickramasinghe Place Etul Kotte Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 288 3455 Cell: +94 77 776 5057 Fax: +94 11 288 3417 . Rinaldo Waletafisia National Ozone Officer Petroleum/National Ozone Unit|Energy and Rural Electrification Ministry of Mines and Energy P. Sumathipala Senior Technical Advisor NOU and Climate Change Ministry of Environment 980/4. Battaramulla Colombo 0011 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 286 6617 Cell: +94 777 564 564 Fax: +94 11 288 2113 E-mail: apyapa@yahoo. 40 Scotts Road Singapore 228231 Singapore Tel: +65 6731 8482 Cell: +65 9011 7785 E-mail: Daniel. Tebogo Sebego Policy Analyst: Chemical & Waste Cooperation International Cooperation Department of Environmental Affairs Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 Gauteng South Africa Tel: +27 12 310 3913 Cell: +27 82 889 9796 Fax: +27 12 320 1421 E-mail: [email protected] South Africa Mr. 2F|[email protected] Dr. W. com Swaziland Mr. Colombo 03 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Tel: + 94 11 258 1418 Fax: +94 11 2587814 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Upali Kahandawa Deputy Director . Cedric Nelom Director Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname Onafhankelijkheidsplein 2 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: +597 520043 to 6 Fax: +597 520042 E-mail: [email protected] Dr.E-mail: [email protected] .Promotion 574/1. Ann Roshani Perera Galle . Mboni Zacharia Dlamini Director Environmental Assessment and Compliance Swaziland Environment Authority P. Colombo 03 574/1 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 258 1418 Fax: +94 11 258 7341 Mr. Keerthi Meepe Mohotti Nematologist and Head Entomology and Nematology Division Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka Talawakelle 22100 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 52 2258 201 Fax: +94 52 2258229/2258311 E-mail: [email protected] Suriname wlsumathipala@hotmail. Rajamalwatta Rd Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2141 094 Cell: +94 71 8068 450 Fax: +94 11 286 3652 E-mail: [email protected]. Vanessa Sabajo Environmental Officer Ministry of Labour. Box 2602 Mbabane Swaziland Tel: +268 2404 6960 Cell: +268 76 025 947 Fax: +268 404 1719 E-mail: [email protected] . Vasudevan Rasiah President/Director Panaroma Development utama pecatu Tel: +62 36 18950667 Cell: +6282 146060000 Fax: +62 3612078621 E-mail: [email protected] Ncamsile Dlamini Information Officer Information . Gunawardana Director National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment 82.K. G. [email protected] Mr.Galle Road. [email protected] Mr. Box 2602 Mbabane Swaziland Tel: +268 240 46960 Cell: +268 7621 3561 Fax: +268 2404 1719 E-mail: ndlamini@sea. Technological Development and Environment Prins Hendrikstraat #17 Paramaribo Suriname Tel: +597 420960 / 475368 / 475241 Fax: +597 475574 E-mail: Rama VI Road. Kuningan Raya Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel: ++62 21 525 5991/520 4117 Fax: +62 21 520 2511 E-mail: [email protected] Thailand Ms. Dushanbe 734025 Tajikistan Tel: +992 93 514 5294 Fax: + 992 372 276181 E-mail: mshodmonov@gmail. 8. Ratchadhevi Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: + 66 2202 4228 Cell: +66 89 452 7298 Fax: + 66 2202 4015 E-mail: [email protected] Syrian Arab Republic Switzerland Mr. Gabriela Eigenmann Scientific Advisor International Affairs Division Federal Office for the Environment Berne CH-3003 Switzerland Tel: +41 313 229 303 Cell: +41 795 962 760 Fax: +41 313 230 343 E-mail: [email protected]@environment. Piyanee Thangtongtawi NOU Director Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry 75/ .admin. Bettina Hitzfeld Head of Section Biocides and Plant Protection Products Federal Office for the Environment Berne 3003 Switzerland Tel: +41 31 323 1768 Cell: +41 79 776 7956 Fax: +41 31 324 7978 E-mail: Tajikistan Mr.Sweden [email protected]@swedishepa. [email protected] . Bassam Al-Khatib Charge d'Affaìres a. Federal Office for the Environment Bern CH-3003 Switzerland Switzerland Tel: +41 31 322 9024 Cell: +41 79 560 1337 Fax: +41 31 323 0369 E-mail: Mr. Karang Asem 1 Ms. Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic JI. Blaise Horisberger Deputy Head of section Biocides and Plant Protection Products Section| Waste Ms. Chemicals and Biotechnology Div. Loic Viatte Division for Chemicals Ministry of the Environment Tegelbacken 2 Stockholm 10333 Sweden Tel: +46 84 054 513 Cell: +46 761 054 513 E-mail: loic. Muzaffar Shodmonov Head International Relations Department State Organization of Hydrometeorology 47 Shevchenko Str.eigenmann@bafu. Husamuddin Ahmadzai Senior Adviser EU and Multilateral Environmental Agreements Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Valhallavagen 195 Stockholm SE 106 48 Sweden Tel: +46 10 698 1145 Cell: +46 708 166 945 Fax: +46 10 698 1602 E-mail: husamuddin.i. 75/6.Ms. 2301 Fax: +868 222 3003 E-mail: Trinidad and Tobago Ms. Rama VI Road. Kossi Domepha Amona Coordonnateur du Bureau National Ozone Direction de l'Environment Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières BP 4825 Lomé Togo Tel: +228 2222 6897/9121 5921 Fax: +228 2222 6897 /2221 0333 E-mail: [email protected]. Carlos Lopes Ximenes Senior Official of Environment/National Ozone Officer National Directorate for Environmental Services Ministry of Economy and Development Dili Timor-Leste Tel: +670 333 9094 Fax: +670 723 0165 E-mail: [email protected] Timor-Leste Mr. Uikelotu Vunga National ODS Coordinator Climate Change Division Ministry of Environment and Climate Change P.O. Goce Delcev bb Skopje 1000 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: +38 92 3119 622 Cell: +389 70 235 942 Fax: +38 92 3119 622 E-mail: [email protected] The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Mr. ozone@ozonediw. Somying Kunanopparat Director Treaties and International Strategies Bureau Ministry of Industry Department of Industrial [email protected] Togo Mr. BOX 917. Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: +66 2202 4228 Cell: +66 089 452 7298 Fax: +66 2202 4015 E-mail: somying. Marissa Gowrie Deputy Environmental Manager/National Ozone Officer Environmental Policy & Planning Division Ministry of Housing and Environment 76 Henry Street Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Tel: +868 623 4663 Ext. Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: +662 202 4228 Cell: +66 089 452 7298 Fax: +662 202 4015 E-mail: phongsin@gmail. Rama .th .fr Tonga Mr. Vuna Road Nuku'alofa Tonga Tel: +676 27 767 Cell: +676 888 6999 Fax: +676 27 769 E-mail: [email protected]. Phongsin Dhanawatseri Technical Officer National Ozone Unit Ministry of Industry 75/6. Marin Kocov Manager of Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning .Tunisia Dr. Ergon House. Horseferry Rd London SW1P 2AL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 0526 Cell: +44 7770 825245 Fax: +44 207 238 6242 E-mail: alistair. Food and Rural Affairs 5th Floor Ergon Margaret Aanyu Ozone Desk Officer Environment Monitoring and Compliance Department National Environment Management Authority United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [email protected]. EU and Knowledge Management Team Department for Environment. [email protected] . Food and Rural Affairs Zone 5E 5th Floor.gsi.UK Deborah Owens Policy Advisor Department of Environment. Food and Rural Affairs Area 3A. Ergon House London SW1P 2AL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 7238 6839 Cell: +44 7833 058 758 E-mail: United Arab Emirates Saad Al Numairy Minister's Consult Ministry of Environment and Water Uganda Ms.owens@DEFRA. Fiona Walters Policy Advisor Atmosphere and Local Environment Division Department for Environment. saad@fea. Alistair McGlone Deputy Director International. Horseferry . Box 1059 Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +9714 214 8590 Fax: +9714 265 5997 E-mail: [email protected]. Hassen Hannachi Chef de Départment de l'evaluation Environnementale et de la depollution et Directeur du Bureau National de l'Ozone Agence Nationale de Protection de l'Environnement Ministere de l'Agriculture et de l'Environnement Centre Urbain Nord 15 Rue 7051 Cite Essalem Tunis 1080 Tunisia Tel: +216 71 231 813 Cell: + 216 98 621 864 Fax: +216 71 231 960 E-mail: dt.mcglone@defra. BOX 22255 Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 414 251 064/5/8 Cell: +256 722 436 576 Fax: +256 414 257 521 E-mail: maanyu@nemaug. London SW1P 2AL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 207 238 4722 Cell: +44 7734 213153 E-mail: gov Ms. #6205J Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: +1 202 343 9729 Cell: +1 202 664 3436 Fax: +1 202 343 2338 E-mail: newberg..W. Bill Chism Senior Biologist Biological and Economic Analysis Division|Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania [email protected]@usda. Rm 3316 Silver Spring 20993 MD United States of America Tel: +1 301 796 2300 Fax: +1 301 796 9728 E-mail: badrul. NW Suite 2657 Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 9799 Fax: +1 202 647 5947 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. 20520 United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 8546 E-mail: [email protected]. John Thompson Deputy Director Department of State|Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of Environmental Policy 2201 C Street. NW. Washington DC 20460-0001 United States of America Tel: +1 703 308 8136 Fax: +1 703 308 8090 E-mail: chism. (MS-0314) Washington DC 20250-0314 United States of America Tel: + 1 202 720 3481 Fax: + 1 202 720 3191 E-mail: teung. NW.bartuska@osec. Education and Economics United States Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Avenue.United States of America Mr. Allergy and Rheumatology Products|Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Cindy Newberg Branch Chief Alternatives and Emissions Reduction Branch| Stratospheric Protection Division|Office of Air and Radiation Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Mr.cindy@epa. Bld 22.bill@epa. Teung Fook Chin Biologist Office of Pest Management Policy United States Department of Agriculture 1400 Independence Ms.usda.f. Badrul Chowdhury Director Division of Pulmonary. Ann Marie Bartuska Deputy Under Secretary Research. Tom Land Montreal Protocol Negotiator Stratospheric Protection Division|Office of Air and Radiation Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. S.tom@epa. Shawn Pompian Attorney-Adviser Office of the Legal Adviser United States Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington .gov Mr. SW Washington 20250 Tel: +1 202 720 5923 Cell: +1 703 217 9973 E-mail: ann. Mail Code 6205J Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: +1 202 343 9815 Fax: +1 202 343 2362 E-mail: land. Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 3819 Fax: +1 202 647 1052 E-mail: Sanmartinifm@state. Elizabeth H. 4321 E-mail: rmarvid@ozono. Elisa G. N.W. Rim Economist Office of Air and Radiation|Stratospheric Protection Division Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. Department of State 2201 C St. Hse of Government Tashkent 100078 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 71 2398500 Cell: +998 97 7203030 Fax: +998 71 2398500 E-mail: [email protected]@mail. Bina Senior Professional Staff Member House Appropriations Committee|Agriculture Subcommittee United States Senate 2362A Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20002 United States of America Tel: +1 202 225 2638 Cell: +1 202 593 1314 E-mail: betsy. #106 Ventura 93003 Tel: +1 805 656 0310 Fax: +1 805 6428138 E-mail: edgerterry@terrycommission.. Mary B. Muzaffar Rasulov Chief Specialist Cabinet of Ministers #5. 2201 C Mr.gub. NW|MC 6205J Washington 20460 DC United States of America Tel: +1 202 343 9947 Cell: +1 202 701 4538 Fax: +1 202 343 2362 E-mail: rim. Roberto Marvid Neumayr Majority Senior Energy Counsel Committee on Energy and Commerce United States House of Representatives 546 Ford House Office Building Washington DC 20515 United States of America Tel: +1 202 225 2927 Fax: +1 202 225 1919 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. 4301 Cell: +598 99 618 740 Fax: +598 2 917 0710 Ext. Suite 2657 Washington D. Edgar Allen Terry Grower California Strawberry Commission 5156 Mcbruth str. Andrew Clark Policy Support Contractor Office of Environmental Policy|Bureau of Oceansand Environmental and Scientifc Affairs Ms. Ozone Unit National Environment Directorate (DINAMA) Ministry of Environment Galicia 1133.elisa@epa. Mustaqillik Ms. Floor 3 Montevideo CP 11100 Uruguay Tel: +598 2 917 0710 Ext. NW. Federico M. Environmental and Scientific Affairs|Department of State Office of Environmental Policy Room Mr.S. San Martini Foreign Affairs Officer Bureau of Uruguay Uzbekistan Mr. 20520 United States of America Tel: +1 202 647 4819 Fax: +1 202 647 1052 E-mail: [email protected]. vu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Mr. fbinaligaber@gmail. [email protected]. Hydrology and Climate Change Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment No. 8 Phao Dai Lang . Piso 28 Caracas 1010 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Tel: +58 212 408 1133 Cell: +58 416 714 9271 Fax: +58 212 408 1134 E-mail: fdiaz@minamb. Torre Sur del Silencio. Anna Kalpokas National Ozone Officer Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources PMB 9063 Port Vila Vanuatu Tel: +678 25 302 Fax: + 678 22 227 E-mail: [email protected]. Faisal Ahmed Nasser Bin Ali Gaber Deputy Chairman of EPA & National Ozone Officer National Ozone Unit Environmental Protection Authority P. Dongda Hanoi Viet Nam Tel: +844 3 259 5858 Cell: +844 987 471212 Fax: +844 3 7759 382 E-mail: nbminh. Hydrology & Climate Change/National Ozone Unit Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment [email protected]@gmail. Nodir Abdullaev First Secretary UN & Viet Nam Ms. Orgs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yemen Mr. Tashkent 100029 Uzbekistan Tel: +998 71 233 7341 Fax: +998 71 239 1517 E-mail: nodirabdullaev@mail. Fresnel Gustavo Diaz Araujo Director Calidad Del Aire Calidad del Aire Ministerio del Ambiente Centro Simon Vanuatu Ms. Hanoi 10000 Viet Nam Tel: +84 4 3844 8310 Cell: +84 90 4882 528 Fax: +84 4 3944 8311 E-mail: [email protected] . Luong Duc Khoa Ozone Coordinator . Nguyen Thi Binh Minh Deputy Director General Department of Meteorology. Uzbekistan Phao Dai Lang Str. Box 19719 Sana'a Yemen Tel: +967 1 203 714 Cell: +967 7711 66061 Fax: +967 1 471 755 E-mail: aligaber. Victor Wurda LoTombe Director General of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment P. george.O. Box 35131 Lusaka 10101 Zambia Tel: +264 1 254023/59 Cell: +264 097 8 05 06 38 Fax: +264 1 254164 E-mail: mbanda@necz. Bag 7753. Gen. ozone@ecoweb. Box 70 Southern Sudan Juba Tel: +256 4771 04295 Cell: +249 955331071 Zimbabwe Ms.O. Mr. Box Hon. Lt. Box 70 Southern Sudan Juba Tel: +256 4771 27409 Cell: +249 9180 73657 E-mail: ywurda@yahoo. P. Florence Runyararo Nhekairo Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources 11th Flr Kaguvi Building. Livit Mugejo Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe JLN. Alfred Ladu Gore MInistry of Environment P. Patra Kuningan VII/15 Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 5221376/5210485/86 E-mail: [email protected] Non-Parties Mr. Bag 7753. Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 701681-3/701691/2 Cell: +263 71220 5046 E-mail: [email protected] .zw .com . Hayat Ghaleb Ahmed Ali Director General of NOU National Ozone Unit Environmental Protection Authority P. Causeway Harare Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 701681/2/3 Cell: +263 71 2610994 Fax: +263 4 701551/252673 E-mail: [email protected] Zambia South Sudan Mr. [email protected] Mr. Mathias Banda Coordinator . George Chaumba Ozone Project Manager National Ozone Unit Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management 11th Flr Kaguvi Building.NOU Zambia Environmental Management Agency P. Al-Zubairy Street Sana'a Yemen Tel: +967 1 203 714 Cell: + 967 7711 23969 Fax: +967 1 203 714 E-mail: [email protected]. Ms. Eliza .B Mohamed Ahmed Legal Adviser Ministry of Environment Southern Sudan Juba Cell: +211 955713255 . Maryland 20771 United States of America Tel: +1 301 286 2751 Cell: +1 301 789 3073 Fax: +1 301 2860574 E-mail: michael. Mail Stop P4-400 Washington 20433 DC United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 0683 Fax: +1 202 522 3240 E-mail: [email protected] . Bornman Co-chair.8800 Greenbelt Road .paul@lancaster. Street. Syed-Rizwan Rizvi Officer in Charge Conference Management Unit United Nations [email protected] Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific [email protected]@unep.Representatives of United Nations secretariat units and bodies Chair of 8th ORM Meeting International Global Change Institute| University of Waikato 16 Minchin Crescent. Gigiri|P. Andrews Hamilton 3200 New Zealand Tel: +64 7 858 5620 Cell: +64 272 698 444 Fax: +64 7 858 5689 E-mail: JBornman@waikato. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3885/3611 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/92/93 E-mail: marco. Marco Gonzalez Executive Secretary Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue. Nigel Duncan Paul Professor in Plant Science Lancaster Environment Centre|Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YQ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 1524 510208 Cell: +44 798 159 2955 Fax: +44 1524 510 217 E-mail: n. Michael John Kurylo Senior Research Scientist Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center | University of Maryland Baltimore County NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Mail Stop 610. St. 10200 Tel: + 66 288 1976 2571 Cell: +55 81 835 8645 Fax: +66 2 288 3022 E-mail: rizvi@un. Rajadamnem Nok Avenue. Gigiri|P. Janet F.O. NW. [email protected] Ozone Secretariat Environmental Effects Assessment Panel Global Environment Facility Mr. Anil Bruce Sookdeo Environmental Specialist Climate and Chemicals 1818 H. Paul Horwitz Deputy Executive Secretary Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue. EEAP Director. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3855/3851 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/92/93 E-mail: Ruth Batten Senior Administrative and Fund Management Officer. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 5129 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/2/3 E-mail: .org Mr. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 4032/3849 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/92/93 E-mail: Scientific Assessment Panel Prof. Sophia Mylona Monitoring and Compliance Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue. Gigiri| Ms. Administration and Communications Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue.mutisya@unep. Scientific Assessment Panel Ms.seki@unep. Gigiri|P. Bankobeza Senior Legal Officer | Chief. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3452/4213 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/92/93 E-mail: megumi. 10167 Lomé Togo Tel: +228 2226 9170/944 9444 Cell: +229 9798802 Fax: +228 221 8595 E-mail: [email protected] Egypt Tel: +202 2274 8565 Cell: +2012 2491238 E-mail: oelarini@yahoo. Legal Affairs and Compliance Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue. Assessment Panel Secretariat Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue. Gigiri|[email protected]@unep. Gigiri|P. Gigiri|P.saldanha@unep. Ajavon Co-Chair. maria.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3854/3848 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/92/93 E-mail: gilbert.O. Nasr .bankobeza@unep. Maria Saldanha Communication and Information Officer Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue. Ayite-Lo N. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3430 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/2/3 E-mail: sophia.O.Mr.O. Ms. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 4057 Cell: +254 722 202 587 Fax: +254 20 762 4691/92/93 E-mail: gerald. Nasr Dr. Omar El-Arini International Consultant 11 Ezzat Salama Street. Chief. Gilbert M. Gerald Mutisya Database Manager Ozone Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme|United Nations Avenue. Université de Lomé Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory Ms.saldanha@unep. Gigiri|P. Megumi Seki Senior Scientific Affairs Officer. . David [email protected]@noaa.3 NASA/GSFC Greenbelt. Scientific Assessment Panel. John Pyle Professor University of Cambridge Lensfield Road Cambridge CB2 1EW United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 (0)1223 336473 E-mail: Ms. A. 325 Broadway Boulder 80305 Colorado United States of America Tel: +1 303 497 5821 Cell: +1 303 3191658 Fax: +1 303 497 5822 E-mail: Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Mr.newman@nasa. MD 20771 United States of America Tel: +1 301 614 5985 Cell: +1 301 793 4591 Fax: +1 301 614 5903 E-mail: paul. Maria Ulana Nolan Chief Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Suite 4100 Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 7851 Cell: +1 514 58 2210 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: maria. Scientific Assessment Mr. Bouthena Sayah Bendahmane Senior Administrative and Fund Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Cell: +1 514 815 8327 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: bouthena.Mr. Andrew Reed Senior Programme Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière Street West Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: areed@unmfs. Paul Newman Co-Chair. Fahey Physicist Chemical Sciences Division|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 325 Broadway Boulder 80305 CO United States of America Tel: +1 303 497 5277 Fax: +1 303 497 5373 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Director Chemical Sciences Division Chemical Sciences Division|Earth System Research Laboratory|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA/ESRL/CSD R/CSD.ravishankara@noaa. Mr. Dr. Ravishankara [email protected]@noaa. Senior Scientist Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch| Goddard Space Flight Center |National Aeronautics and Space Administration Code 613. Eduardo Ganem Deputy Chief Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: eganem@unmfs. Mulu Alem Associate Information Technology Officer Multilateral Fund Secretariat 1800 McGill College Avenue 27th Floor Montréal H3A 3J6 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: Mr. Stephan Sicars Senior Programme Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west|41st Floor Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: [email protected] .org .org Ms.Ms. Djiby Diop Programme Management Officer 1000 De La Gauchetiere West. Suite 4100 Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 Ms. Angelica Domato Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer 1000 De La Gauchetiere Street Mr. Alejandro Ramirez-Pabon Senior Project Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Suite 4100 Montreal Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 7879 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Cecilia Mercado Senior Project Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière Street West Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: cmercado@unmfs. Suite 4100 Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 283 7853 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: adomato@unmfs. Martha Leyva Programme Management Officer 1000 de la Gauchetière street west Montreal H3B 4W5 Quebec Canada Tel: +1 514 282 1122 Fax: +1 514 282 0068 E-mail: mleyva@unmfs. [email protected] Mr. Lambert Prof. Stephen Oliver Andersen Co-Chair 2300 Wisconsin Ave. Paul Olivier Ralison Directeur de l'Intégration de la Dimension Environnementale Direction Générale de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement et des Forêts Dr. Suite 300B Washington 20007 DC United States of America Tel: +1 802 234 5251 Cell: +1 202 255 3733 E-mail: [email protected]. Masaaki Yamabe Co-Chair. 9 Osborne Street Williamstown 3016 Victoria Australia Tel: +61 3 9016 0435 Cell: +61 414 563 474 Fax: +61 3 9012 7935 E-mail: helentope@energyinter. Box 571 Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 34 05 620 57 E-mail: dide@mef. Box 513 Eindhoven 5600MB Netherlands Tel: +31 49 247 6365 Cell: +31 64 058 0896 Fax: +31 49 247 6369 E-mail: Prof. Chemicals Energy International Australia Unit 2.or Dr.. TEAP ECfS-TDO Technical University . Biao Jiang Co-Chair.sioc. Martin Luther King-Strasse 8 Bonn 53175 Germany Tel: +49 228 815 1000 Fax: +49 228 815 1999 Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committees Dr. [email protected]. Katia Simeonova Manager Mitigation. [email protected] .go. NW. Data and Analysis programme Haus Carstanjen. Kuijpers .com Mr. Research Advisor National Institute (AIST) Minami Tsukushino 2-3-13 Machida 194-0002 Japan Tel: +81 29 861 2926 Cell: +90 6011 6498 Fax: +81 29 861 8195 E-mail: [email protected]@kpnmail. Ian David Rae Co-Chair Chemicals TOC TEAP Member 16 Bates Drive Williamstown 3016 Victoria Australia Tel: +61 3 9397 3794 Fax: +61 3 9397 3794 E-mail: [email protected]. Chemical TOC/Professor Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry 354 Fenglin Road Shanghai 200032 China Tel: +86 2154925207 Fax: +86 2164166128 E-mail: [email protected] of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Ms. Helen Tope Co-Chair MTOC Principal Consultant. Dr. Mr. 3610 Commerce Drive Baltimore STE 817 Maryland United States of America Tel: +1 443 253 7587 Fax: +1 410 737 8688 E-mail: danv@haifire. Marta Pizano MBTOC Co-chair and TEAP Co-chair Calle 85 #19B .com . Nick Campbell Member of Medical TOC Environment Manager .ru . Foams TOC Caleb Management Ms. Somerse House|Church Road. HTOC 63-61 Sverdlora Str.Dr. Sergey Kopylov Dr. Balashikha 143905 Moscow Region Russian Federation Tel: +7 495 521 9747 Cell: +7 495 798 7151 Fax: +7 495 521 4394 E-mail: firetest@mail. Methyl Bromide TOC 4883 Simcoe St. Paul Keith Ashford Co-Chair. Mohamed Besri Co-Chair. Tom Antony Batchelor Director TouchDown Consulting Avenue Etang Decellier 19 La Hulpe BE1310 Belgium Tel: +32 2 65 25 4 56 Cell: +32 4 8413 9425 Fax: +32 2 792 4658 E-mail: tom. Fluorochemicals 420 rue Etienne d'Orves Colombes 92705 France Tel: +33 1 49 00 84 76 Cell: + 33 6 23 15 35 68 Fax: +33 1 49 00 53 07 E-mail: Dr.DFL. Halons TOC Hughes Associates.m@daikineurope. Martin Dieryckx RTOC member Daikin Europe NV Zandvoordestraat 300 Oostende B-8400 Belgium Tel: +32 59 558 614 Cell: +32 477 663 625 Fax: +32 59 558 521 E-mail: dieryckx.campbell@arkema. IAV Hassan II Mr. Tormarton Badminton GL9 1HT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Cell: +44 7774 110 814 Fax: +44 1454 216030 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Environmental Programs Co-Chair. m.besri@iav. Methyl Bromide TOC Professor. Managing Director The Stables. Daniel Verdonik Director. Niagara Falls L2E 1V8 Ontario Canada Tel: +1 289 296 6200 E-mail: [email protected]@skynet.P. Michelle Marcotte Co-Chair. 6202 Rabat-Instituts Morocco Tel: +212 5377 78364 Cell: +212 6646 03721 Fax: + 212 5377 78364 E-mail: [email protected] of 401 Bogotá Colombia Tel: +571 634 8028 Cell: +57 315 875 1328 Fax: +571 634 8028 E-mail: mpizano@hortitecnia. David Catchpole Co-chair HTOC 5901 Barry Avenue Anchorage 99507 AK United States of America Tel: +1 907 868 3911 Fax: +1 907 868 3911 E-mail: dcatchpole@gci. Ashley Woodcock Co-chair MTOC University of Manchester North West Lung Centre Manchester M23 9LT United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 797 472 7690 Fax: +44 161 291 2398 E-mail: ashley.chirmulay@undp. Akio Tateya MBTOC Member Syngenta Japan Mr. Ms.porter@dpi. GPO Box 618 Bangkok 10501 Thailand Tel: +66 2 288 2260 Cell: +66 8 07510 6773 Fax: +66 2 288 3032 E-mail: United Nations Development Programme Ms.|Product Development & Regulatory Affairs Division 21F. 3rd Floor| Rajdamnern Nok Avenue Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: +66 848 760 892 E-mail: nandan.tateya@nifty. Shiqiu Zhang Professor College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering |Peking University Peking University Beijing 100871 China Tel: +86 10 62 76 49 74 Fax: +86 10 62 76 07 55 E-mail: [email protected]. Montreal Protocol Unit BDP / Environment & Energy Group 304 East 45th St. UN Service Building Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 288 2718 Fax: +66 2 288 3032 E-mail: tomoko.natarajan@undp. Asia and Pacific [email protected] Prof.furusawa@undp. Harumi. Carvalho Chief and Principal Technical Adviser. 3rd Mr.C 11001 Tel: + 571 349 2325 Cell: +573 14 26 37 857 E-mail: [email protected]. Environment and Energy Group. Rajdamnern Nok Avenue. Ian James Porter MBTOC Co-Chair 103 Ashburn Grove Ashburton 3147 Victoria Australia Tel: +613 921 09222 Cell: +613 417 544 080 Fax: +613 9800 3521 E-mail: ian. Balaji Natarajan Technical Specialist.tateya@syngenta. mpu.D.. BDP United Nations Development Programme United Nations Service Building. Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-6021 Tel: +81 3 6221 3849 Fax: +81 3 6221 1090 E-mail: Nandan Chirmulay Senior Technical Adviser Montreal Protocol Unit-Chemicals United Nations Development Programme United Nations Service . Suely [email protected] .com Prof. Room FF-970 New York 10017 United States of America Tel: +1 212 906 6687 Fax: +1 212 906 6947 E-mail: IV-601 Bogota .com .Office Tower Prof. Mr.carvalho@undp. Miguel Wenceslao Quintero Guzman Co-chair FTOC AK # 78-10.K. Tomoko Furusawa Programme Specialist UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Center 3rd Floor. Ratih Saraswati Programme Assistant UNDP-Indonesia Menara Mr.. 9th Fl.saraswati@undp. MH.koppen@unep. John Edward Noisette Chief Corporate Services Section United Nations Environment Programme P. Denise Sioson Consultant Compliance Assistance Program. Joseph Alcamo Chief Scientist United Nations Environment Programme Mr. Moses Ajibade Finance Officer United Nations Environment Programme Corporate Services Section P. 9th Fl. rue de Milan 75441 Paris Cedex 09 France .org Mr. Priyo Budhi Sayoko Assistant Country Director/Head of Environment Unit UNDP-Indonesia Menara Thamrin. Rajdamnern Nov Ave.Mr.3 Jakarta 10250 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 314 1308 Fax: +62 21 315 0382 E-mail: ratih.curlin@unep. OzonAction UNEP-Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific UN Ms.O. Anne-Maria Kristina Fenner Information Manager Energy and OzonAction Division of Technology.O. and Economics [email protected]@unep.|Jl. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 3590 E-mail: United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology.75441 Cedex 75441 France Tel: +33 1 4437 1432 Fax: +33 1 4437 1474 E-mail: halvart. Thamrin Kav.O. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Kenya Tel: +254 20 762 5110 Cell: +254 716 643 1761 Fax: +254 20 762 3944 E-mail: joseph.. Anton Sri Probiyantono Programme Officer UNDP-Indonesia Indonesia Ms.3 Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +62 21 314 1308 ext 805 Cell: +62 811 910 8915 Fax: +62 21 315 0382 E-mail: ratih. James S. Halvart Koeppen Regional Officer (Networking) Europe & Central Asia | OzonAction Branch 15 Rue de milan .alcamo@unep. rue de Milan Paris 75009 France Tel: +33 1 4437 1455 Fax: +33 1 4437 1474 E-mail: jim. Bangkok 10200 Philippines Tel: +2 288 2125 Cell: +2 808 019 940 Fax: +2 288 3041 E-mail: sioson@un. Box 30552 Nairobi 00100 Tel: +254 20 762 3637 Fax: +254 20 762 3614 E-mail: United Nations Environment Programme Ms.saraswati@undp. Industry & Economics United Nations Environment Programme 15. Industry. Curlin Network and Policy Manager OzonAction Branch |DTIE 15. J1 MH Thamrin Kav. org Mr.C. Jean-Luc Dupont Head of the STID Scientific and Technical Information Department 177 Boulevard Malesherbes Paris 75017 France Tel: +33 1 42 27 32 35 Cell: +33 6 76 54 37 61 Fax: +33 1 47 63 17 98 E-mail: jl.Sorokin@unido. Sidi Menad Si-Ahmed Director Montreal Protocol Branch|Programme Development and Technical Cooperation Division Vienna International Centre Wagramer Strasse 5 [email protected] Ms.Tel: +33 1 4437 1454 Fax: +33 1 4437 1474 E-mail: afenner@unep. 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 1398 Fax: +1 202 522 3258 E-mail: Kshepardson@worldbank. Viraj Vithoontien Environmental Specialist East Asia Department | The World Bank 1818 H Street. Mary-Ellen Foley Operations Officer Environment Department | The World Bank 1818 H Street. Karin Shepardson Programme Manager ENVGC/MP Coordination Team|Environment Department 1818 H. Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 473 6303 Cell: + 1 703 507 3189 E-mail: [email protected] World Bank Mr. Street NW Washington Intergovernmental organizations International Institute of Refrigeration Mr.W. NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: +1 202 458 0445 E-mail: [email protected] United Nations Industrial Development Organization Mr. 5 Vienna 1400 Austria Austria Tel: +43 1 26026 3624 Cell: +43 664 2309 911 Fax: +43 1 26026 6804 E-mail: . Didier Coulomb Director 177 Boulevard Malesherbes Paris 75017 France Tel: +33 1 42 27 32 35 Cell: +33 676 543 761 Fax: +33 1 47 63 17 98 E-mail: d. Box 300 Vienna A-1400 Austria Tel: +43 126 026 3782 Cell: +43 69 914 593 782 Fax: +43 126 026 6804 E-mail: S. Yuri Sorokin Industrial Development Officer Industrial Development Organization|Montreal Protocol Branch Wagramerstr. N. Clarksville 37040-5846 TN United States of America Tel: +1 931 221 3770 Fax: +1 931 648 5901 E-mail: jeff. Martin Snell Pan Gulf Fire and Security PO Box 2473 Al Khobar 31952 Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 3 897 6897 Fax: +966 3 897 5654 E-mail: martin@pgisystems. Abdulmohsin Al-Ghamdi Pan Gulf Fire & Security [email protected] organizations Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy Mr. Richland Avenue. Box 2473 Al Khobar 31952 Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 3 897 3488 E-mail: [email protected]@honeywell. York 17403 PA United States of America Tel: +1 717 771 7398 Cell: +1 717 215 3553 Fax: +1 717 771 7335 E-mail: william. Mike Thompson Global leader of Refrigerant Strategy Ingersoll Rand 3600 Pammel Creek Road La Crosse 54601-7599 WI United States of America Tel: +1 979 776 0736 Cell: +1 979 209 4762 Fax: +1 979 209 4762 E-mail: mthompson@trane. Mark Stanga McQuay International 3188 Key Boulevard Arlington 22201 VA United States of America Tel: +1 202 669 2002 Fax: +1 703 243 5038 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Mack Mcfarland DuPont Fluoroproducts Chestnut Run Plaza 702-1278E|4417 Lancaster Pike Wilmington 19880-0702 DE United States of America Tel: +1 302 999 2505 Cell: +1 302 521 3752 Fax: +1 302 999 2816 E-mail: mack.f. Dave Stirpe Executive Director Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy 2111 Wilson Mr. 8th Floor Arlington 22201 VA United States of America Tel: +1 703 243 0344 Fax: +1 703 243 2874 E-mail: [email protected] .com Mr. William McQuade Director Johnson Controls 631 S.mcfarland@usa. Jeff Moe Ingersoll Rand 2701 Wilma Rudolph [email protected] Mr. Steve Bernhardt Honeywell 101 Columbia Road Morristown 07962 NJ United States of America Tel: +1 973 455 6294 Cell: +1 201 486 7359 Fax: +1 973 455 6141 E-mail: steven. MS361A. com Ausk International LLC Crop Protection Coalition Ms. Botts Vice President.8153 FL United States of America Tel: +1 321 214 5200 Cell: +1 407 257 6148 Fax: +1 321 214 0210 E-mail: Daniel. Suite 460 Sacramento CA 95814 United States of America Tel: +1 916 445 3335 Cell: +1 916 612 2922 Fax: +1 916 492 9344 E-mail: rtomlinson@calstrawberry. 900 First Ave King of Prussia 19406 PA United States of America Tel: +1 610 205 7851 Fax: +1 610 205 7057 E-mail: tom. Wayne Ausk Advocacy. Management and Public Relations 1990 Klondike Road IN 47906 West Lafayette United States of America Tel: +1 765 588 3184 Cell: +1 765 586 3110 Environmental Investigation Agency California Strawberry Commission Dr.O. Box 948153 Maitland 32794-8155 Florida United States of America Tel: +1 321 214 5200 Cell: +1 407 257 6148 Fax: +1 321 214 0210 E-mail: Daniel. James Robert Cranney President 853 Lincoln Way. P. Suite 206 Auburn 95603 CA United States of America Tel: +1 530 885 1894 Cell: +1 530 906 6546 Fax: +1 530 885 1546 E-mail: [email protected]@ffva. Rhonda Ausk Mr. Susan Elise Botts Environmental & Pest Management Division| Industry Resources . Mark Roberts Senior Counsel and International Policy Advisor Environmental Investigation Agency 122 Kirkland Dr.Botts@ffva. Stow 01775 MA United States of America Tel: +1 978 298 5705 Cell: +1 617 722 8222 E-mail: markroberts@eia-global. Dan Legard Director of Research Mr. Box 948153 Maitland 32794 . Rick Tomlinson Director of Public Policy 1415 L Street. Tom Werkema Vice President Arkema Inc. Management and Public Relations 1990 Klondike Road IN 47906 West Lafayette United States of America Tel: +1 765 588 3184 Cell: +1 765 586 3110 California Citrus Quality Council Mr. Industry Resources Environmental & Pest Management Division Crop Protection Coalition / Florida Fruit and Vegetable Assoc. Daniel A.werkema@arkema. Box 269 Watsonville 95077 CA United States of America Tel: +1 831 724 1301 Cell: +1 831 334 3042 E-mail: dlegard@calstrawberry. Xiushan st. 6001/23711 3324 Fax: +886 2 2311 3185 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Sultan Latif Environmental Consultant GP Solutions Greenpeace International 2727 South Quincy Street. Chu Tung Mr. Christina Frenzel Media Manager 1527 New Hampshire Ms. 4. Chu Tung Hsinchu 31040 China Tel: +886 3 591 3287 E-mail: CYang@itri.. [email protected]. Clare Perry Senior Campaigner Environmental Investigation Agency 62/63 Upper Street London N1 0NY United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 20 7354 7960 Fax: +44 20 7354 7961 E-mail: clareperry@eia-international. Brent Hoare Executive Director P. Green Cooling Association Mr. Paula Tejon Carbajal Political Advisor Political and Business Unit Greenpeace International Ottho Heldringstraat 5 Amsterdam 1066AZ Netherlands Tel: +34 683 160 198 Cell: +31 646 184 248 E-mail: paula. Chia-Hsiang Ho Low Carbon Technology Department|Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (GEL) 195 Chung Hsing Mr. Taiwan 31040 China Tel: +886 3 591 3287 E-mail: Cyang@itri. Greenpeace International Mr. Taiwan 310 China .tw Mr. Sec. Taiwan 100 Taipei City China Tel: +886 2 2371 2121 Ext. Hui-Chen Chien Deputy Director General Department of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control Environmental Protection Administration 14F.Ms. 4.a.tejon@greenpeace. Chu Tung. Li-Ying Hsu Associate Researcher Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (GEL) 195 Chung Hsing Rd.O. #519 Arlington 22206 United States of America Tel: +1 703 618 7793 Cell: +1 703 618 7793 E-mail: sultan. Box 558 Katoomba 2780 NSW Australia Tel: +61 2 47 82 66 39 Cell: +61 417 478 268 E-mail: brent@greencooling. Washington DC 20009 USA Tel: +1 680 279 7625 E-mail: cfrenzel@eia-global. No. Yi-Hui Hsieh Low Carbon Technology Department|Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (EEL) 195 Chung Hsing Rd. [email protected] .tw Industrial Technology Research Institute Dr. John Clark Expert PO Box 558 Katoomba 2780 NSW Tel: +61 418 3233344 E-mail: jwclark@1pgmt. C United States of America Tel: +1 202 338 1300 Fax: +1 202 338 1810 E-mail: mfrizzell40@yahoo. Durwood Zaelke President International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement 2300 Wisconsin Avenue Mr. [email protected] Mr.C United States of America Tel: +1 202 338 1300 Fax: +1 202 338 1810 E-mail: petergrabiel@gmail. Michael Blackey Parts Manager 1900 Main Street Winnipeg R2V 3S9 Canada Tel: +204 339 2013 Cell: +204 782 3769 .tw Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development Mr. . Suite 300B Washington DC 20007 D. [email protected]: +886 3 591 3791 E-mail: [email protected]. NW Suite 300B Washington DC 20007 Mr. NW Suite 300B Washington DC 20007 Chu Tung Hsinchu 31040 China Tel: +886 3 591 3287 E-mail: [email protected] Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development Mr. Fei Chiao Yang Researcher Low Carbon Technology Department|Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (GEL) 195 Chung Hsing Rd. Taiwan 31040 China Tel: +886 3 591 3287 E-mail: CYang@itri. Chen An Lien Associate Researcher Low Carbon Technology Department 195 Chung Hsing Road. Chu Tung Hsinchu. Sec. 20007 United States of America Tel: +1 202 338 1300 Cell: +1 202 498 2457 Fax: +1 202 338 1810 E-mail: zaelke@igsd. Teng-shi Yang Low Carbon Technology|Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (GEL) 195 Chung Hsing Rd.. Ozone and Climate Change 1082 Main Street Winnipeg R2W 5J3 Manitoba Canada Tel: +1 204 338 2222 Fax: +1 204 338 0810 E-mail: mopia@mts. Mohamed Roda Derder Special Counsel Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development 2300 Wisconsin Avenue NW. msowers@igsd. Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association .com .org. Mark Earl Miller Executive Director Atmosphere Protection. Peter Grabiel Senior Law Fellow Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development 2300 Wisconsin Sec.C United States of America Tel: +1 202 338 1300 Fax: +1 202 338 1810 E-mail: vmillion@inece.. Suite 300B Washington Ms. Michael Frizzell Media Consultant 2300 Wisconsin Avenue. Chu Tung Hsinchu 31040 China Tel: +886 3 591 5966 Fax: +886 3 591 5966 E-mail: CALien@itri. Marc Chasserot Managing Director Rue Royale 15 Brussels 1000 Belgium Belgium Tel: +32 2 230 3700 Cell: +324 7 597 2006 E-mail: marc. Independent Consultant 107 Wellington rd New Rochelle 10804 NY United States of America Tel: +1 914 633 0415 Fax: +1 914 329 1662 E-mail: [email protected]@shecco. Hans Porre Environmental Coordinator Oosterhorn6. Alexandra Maratou Senior Policy Analyst Public Affairs Rue Royale 15 Brussels 10000 Belgium Tel: +32 2230 3700 E-mail: alexandra. P. Franziska Menten Events Coordinator Rue Royale 15 Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: +32 223 03 700 Fax: +32 493 66 01 79 E-mail: [email protected] Teijin Aramid BV .net Shecco Mr. David D. Doniger Policy Director Climate and Clean Air Program 1152 15th St. Rubem Lisboa [email protected] Nybra Consulting Mr.O.chasserot@shecco. Box 190 Delfzijl 9930 AD Netherlands Tel: +31 88 268 8414 Cell: +31 6 22 568 544 E-mail: Natural Resources Defense Council Mr. NW.Fax: +204 339 0923 E-mail: mblackey@easternchrysler. Suite 300 Washington DC 20005 United States of America Tel: +1 202 289 2403 Cell: +1 202 321 3435 Fax: +1 202 789 0859 E-mail: ddoniger@nrdc. com Chemtura Ms.Industry Fax: +603 7847 2073 E-mail: elangovan. 224-3N-11 St. Cathie McAllister Chemtura Corporation 1007 N. Dokki Cairo Egypt Tel: +202 33382010 / 33382070 Cell: +202 122 149998 Fax: +202 333 82088 E-mail: BASF R.ramanathan@basf. Shen Xuezhong Deputy President 10 Xingyu Rd. No. For Trade Chemtura Corporation Mr. 1-5-1 Marunouchi| Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8405 Japan Tel: +81 3 3218 5310 Cell: +81 90 3100 4446 Fax: +81 3 3218 7858 E-mail: keiichi-ohnishi@agc. David McAllister Commercial Director Fumigants 1801 US Highway 52W IN 47906 West Lafayette United States of America Tel: +1 870 818 6489 E-mail: Beijing 100029 China Tel: +86 10 6444 6116 Cell: +861 3801329619 Fax: +86 10 6444 6116 E-mail: zgfgxh@sina. Ltd Mr.ashour@adco-eg. Arkadelphia 71023 USA Tel: +1 870 403 1995 E-mail: CSMCALLISTER@suddenlink. Mohey El-Din AbouEl-Ezz. African Development Co. Kurt Werner Environmental Affairs Manager 3M Center Bldg. Mohamed Abdullah Ashour General Manager 21 Zaki Osman St. Jalan U8/ 3M Electronics Changshu 3F Flourochemical Industry China Association of Flourine and Silicone Industry Mr. Keiichi Ohnishi Director Technology Planning Group Shinmarunouchi Bldg. Elan Senior Manager Polyurethane Solutions 2. BeisanhuanDonglu Rd. Seksyen U8|Bukit Jelutong|40706 Shah Alam Selangor Malaysia Tel: +603 5628 3919 Cell: +6012 235 3662 Mr. Paul 55144 MN United States of America Tel: + 1 651 733 8494 Cell: +1 651 216 1896 E-mail: [email protected] Asahi Glass . Mei Shengfang Secretary General 7th floor. 15th St. Mr. Haiyu Town Changshu City 215522 China Tel: +86 512 5232 1917 Cell: +86 1 3901572765 Fax: +86 512 5262 7758 E-mail: [email protected]@chemtura. 19. 9. yuweihu@126. Building no. Building .San Pedro Garza Garcia.jawa@daikinindia. Pedro Lozano Monterrey 64400 Mexico Tel: +52 81 8305 4601 Cell: +52 181 801 02199 E-mail: selozano@cydsa. N. Mitsuru Matsui General Manager. Ltd.Ms. Wang Jian Zhong Secretary General Mr.4411 Longwu Rd. Kanwal Jeet Jawa Managing Director 12th floor. Mr. Shanghai 200241 China Tel: +86 21 6434 1420 Cell: +86 1 3916652582 Fax: +86 21 6434 5915 E-mail: wangjianzhong@sh3f. Ricardo Margain Zozaya No China Fluoro Technology Co.tanaka@daikinindia. Weihu Yu Director CDM Office 316 Zhangjianzhuang Luokou. 9.H@daikineurope. Hilde Dhont Section Manager Environment Research Centre Zandvoordestraat 300 Oostende 8400 Belgium Tel: +32 59 558 626 Cell: +32 476 43 10 08 E-mail: Dhont. Zhang Zhiyun China Association of Fluorine and Silicone Industry China Association of Organofluorine and Silicone Material Industry Mr. Monterrey 66267 Mexico Tel: +81 8152 4519 Fax: +81 8152 4809 E-mail: [email protected] CYDSA Mr.L. Marketing 10 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 569501 Singapore Singapore Tel: +65 6583 8888 Cell: +65 8611 8737 E-mail: mitsuru. Ruiz Cortines #2333 Daikin Mr. Sun Dawei President Diaozhen Chemical Industrial Park Zhangqiu City 250204 China Tel: +86 531 83117806 Cell: +86 1 8963060788 Fax: +86 531 83119124 E-mail: [email protected] Sergio Lozano-Garcia Director General Chemical Division Quimobasicos Ave. Ltd 12th floor. Hitoshi Tanaka Deputy Managing Director Daikin Airconditioning India Pvt. Col. Tower A Gurgaon 122 002 India Tel: +91 124 455 5444 Cell: +91 9899687650 Fax: +91 124 455 5333 E-mail: kanwaljeet. Tower A Gurgaon 122 022 India Tel: +91 124 455 5444 Cell: +91 9873908051 Fax: +91 124 455 5333 E-mail: hitoshi. Jinan Shandong China Tel: +86 531 83168067 Cell: +86 1 3608920848 Fax: +86 531 83168098 E-mail: [email protected] Jaime Segovia Rodriguez Director Chemicals Division . Box 50 Le Grand-Saconnex CH 1218 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 717 56 33 Cell: + 41 79 473 85 03 Fax: +41 22 717 6169 E-mail: jorge.. Kita-ku Osaka Japan Tel: +81 72 250 5451 Fax: +81 72 251 7482 E-mail: jirou.P. Tadafumi Mikoshi Senior Manager CSR & Global Environment Centre Umeda Center Mr. Mr. Haruo Onishi Professional Associate CSR & Global Environment Center 2-4-12. Ms. Roy Choudhury 4387 North Rider trail Earth City MO United States of America Tel: +1 314 344 1527 Cell: +1 314 239 9797 E-mail: royc. Kita-Ku Osaka 530-8323 Japan Tel: +81 6 6374 9304 Fax: +81 6 6373 4380 E-mail: tadafumi. Nakazaki-Nishi Osaka 530-8323 Japan Tel: + 81 6 6374 9304 Cell: +81 90 1716 3133 Fax: + 81 6 6373 4380 E-mail: 2-4-12. DuPont International Mr. Jorge Dieguez Manager Government & Regulatory Affair|DuPont Chemical and Fluoroproducts Chemin du Pavillon 2 . [email protected] Dow AgroSciences LLC [email protected] Kita-ku Osaka 530-8323 Japan Tel: +81 6 6374 9304 Fax: +81 6 6373 4380 E-mail: Daikin Foam Supplies Inc.ohnishi@daikin. Jiro Tomita Director/Member of the Board 1304 Kanaoka-cho. David Barnekow Global Regulatory Leader Regulatory Science and Government Affairs 210 Orchard Blvd Fishers 46038 IN Tel: + 317 337 3505 Cell: +1 317 908 0328 Fax: +1 317 337 4880 E-mail: [email protected] . Jan Wammen Dam Head of Section Organisation & Law Strandgade 29 Copenhagen 1401 Denmark Tel: +45 725 44 441 Cell: +45 41 969 424 E-mail: [email protected] Industries Ltd Danish Environmental Protection Agency Nakazaki-Nishi. Miki Yamanaka Secretariat CSR & Global Environment Center Daikin Industries Ltd Umeda Center Bldg..yamanaka@daikin. jp .com Japan Fluorocarbon Manufacturers Association Mr. Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033 Japan Tel: +81 3 5689 7981 Fax: +81 3 5689 7983 E-mail: okajicop@jasmine. N. kouji.osawa@mexichem. [email protected] ICF International Mohamed Soussa Executive Director 30. Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 140-0002 Japan Tel: +81 3 5462 8663 Cell: +81 90 3148 6290 Fax: +81 3 5462 8663 E-mail: itaru. Mr. Wagner Senior Vice President 1725 Eye M. Bimlesh Jain Senior Vice President Industry Associations ATOCHEM "Inox .2-40-17. Noida 201301 India Tel: +120 614 9600 Fax: +120 064 93 610 E-mail: bcjain@gfl.. Itaru Osawa Leader of Handling Committee Steering Committee NYK Tennoz Bldg|2-2-20 Higashi-Shinagawa.Free Trade Co. Suite 1000 Washington DC 20006 United States of America Tel: +1 202 862 1155 Cell: +1 202 257 8094 Fax: +1 202 862 1144 E-mail: mwagner@icfi. Koji Tamura Senior Skill Specialist Committee of Environment and Technology Umeda Center Bldg. Sector-16A Nodia 201301 India Tel: +91 120 306 3600 Cell: +98 101 91776 Fax: +91 120 306 3615 E-mail: vkjain@gfl.. Mark C. Yin Heping General Manager 99.W.tamura@daikin. Akira Okawa Deputy Secretary General Hongo-wakai Ltd Mr. Plot No 17 Sector 16A .com Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited Mr.tamura@daikin. Jain Managing Director INOX Towers. Jintan Jiangsu 213200 China Tel: +86 519 8285 0067 .jp Jiangsu Kangtai Fluorine Chemical Co. Adly Street Cairo 11111 Egypt Tel: +202 2393 5561/5141 Cell: +20 12 2145326 Fax: +202 2392 3050 E-mail: freetrade@soussafreetrade. Vivek 2-4-12 Nakazaki-Nishi Kitaku Osaka 530-8323 Japan Tel: + 81 6 6374 9311 Fax: + 81 6 6373 4390 E-mail: kouji. Pamela Mathis Senior Manager 17 Avenue Marnix Brussels 1000 Belgium Tel: +32 2 893 9855/470 549 325 Fax: +32 2 893 9856 E-mail: pmathis@icfi. North Danyangmen Mr. net Myland Group Mr. Chris Trogh Managing Partner Mebrom [email protected]: +86 519 8285 4860 E-mail: YHP6596@sina. Leo Taisun Kang President #180. Lot . Guro-dong Seoul 152-759 Republic of Korea Tel: +82 2 3775 2040 ext 320 Fax: +82 2 3775 2045 E-mail: sylim@kscia. Grasse Arum Lestari Kompleks Intercon Plaza| M. De Hondt bvba Mr. Kicox Venture center| Korea Specialty Chemical Industry Mr.O. Jiangzhou South Rd. 12-13 Jakarta 11630 Indonesia Tel: +62 21 586 3851/549 1373 Mr. Partha Roy Chowdhury Vice President Finance and Accounts Department 2nd floor. Jef Geerts Assenedestraat 4 Rieme-Ertvelde 9940 Belgium Tel: +32 9 341 9776 Cell: +32 497 979776 Fax: +32 9 341 9770 E-mail: jefgeerts@mebrom.. Wilkins Rd Port Adelaide 5015 SA Australia Tel: +61 8 8260 6255 E-mail: kevin-bartolo@membrom. Taizhou Jiangsu Province China Tel: +86 523 8660 2010 Cell: +86 1 395 2613169 Fax: +86 523 8660 2888/8929 E-mail: hhrtz@163. Assenedesraat 4. Huang Hongru Director CDM Department No. Cheoin-gu. Gyeonggi-do 449-881 Republic of Korea Tel: +82 31 334 6189 Cell: +82 10 3915 2000 Fax: +82 31 335 6189 E-mail: help@k-global. Mr. christrogh@ayoma. Namsa-myeon. Sunteck Centre. Kevin Bartolo Australia and Pacific Region MEBROM Navin Fluorine International Limited Mr. 37/40 Subhash Road Mumbai 400057 India Tel: +91 22 6650 9999 Cell: +91 22 6650 9903 Fax: +91 22 6650 9800 E-mail: MEBROM PTY Ltd. Marc De Hondt Advocate Provincialesteenweg 22-24 Hemiksem 2620 Belgium Tel: +32 3 887 9051 Fax: +32 3 887 9053 E-mail: marc. Sung Yong Lim Team Manager Fund Business Team|External Cooperation Mr. Moniwati Kayo PT. Meruya IIis Raya Blok A III/ .hk Ms. 2. Box 80. Wonam-ri. Rieme-Ertvelde 9940 Belgium Tel: +32 9341 9797 / +66 2 674 3441 Fax: +32 9341 9770 / +66 2 674 3440 E-mail: info@mebrom. Yongin-si. [email protected] K-Global Corporation Mr. Mr.O. Ben Hoe Senior Sales Engineer 1. Maggie Wu Manager International Trade Department Jinxi Development Area Zhejiang Jinhua China Tel: +86 579 8318 6709 Cell: +86 1 3867968551 Fax: +86 579 8318 6717 E-mail: [email protected] Panasonic Corporation Mr. 12-13 Jakarta 11630 Tel: +62 21 586 3851/549 1373 E-mail: rudi_grasse@yahoo. Akira Fujitaka Chief Engineer Home Appliances Company|Corporate Engineering Division 2-3-1-2 Noji-higashi Kusatsu City 525-8555 Shiga Japan Tel: +81 50 3687 2924 Fax: +81 77 563 1967 E-mail: SMARDT Mr.NIFLON Refrigerants Australia Mr. Mr. Jiangnan Rd Zhejiang 310051 China Tel: +86 571 8711 0810 Cell: +86 1 3605711910 Fax: +86 571 8711 0800-8810 E-mail: hebangjing@sinochem. Rudy Wijaya Kompleks Intercon Plaza|Jl. Harbourfront Centre Singapore 099253 Singapore Tel: +65 6273 1120 Cell: +65 9695 7146 Fax: +65 6273 1129 E-mail: ben. Sector-45 Gurgaon 122003 Haryana India Tel: +91 124 435 400 Cell: +91 981 0302363 Fax: +91 981 060 2363 E-mail: rkaul@srf. Jianguo Tong Chairman and Managing Director Jinxi Development .com SRF Limited PT.akira@jp. Rabinder Nath Kaul Vice President Strategic Sourcing & Regulatory Affairs Block-C. Maritime Square 96. Stephen Anderson Executive Director Refrigerants Australia Sinochem Lantian Co. Box 3961 Manuka ACT 2603 Australia Tel: +61 2 6239 5858 Cell: +61 417 492412 E-mail: sanderson@refrigerantsaustralia. Bangjing He Deputy General Manager Strategy Development Department Sinochem Mansion. Meruya IIis Raya Blok A III/ Ms. Jinhua Zhejiang 321075 China Tel: +86 579 8266 0080/570 8886 809 Cell: +86 1 3906708631/3665887999 Fax: +86 570 3832781 E-mail: tjg9909@126. 22F. Grasse Arum Lestari Mr. No. Ltd Ms. Sector-45 Gurgaon 122003 Haryana India Tel: +91 124 435 4400 Fax: +91 124 435 4500 E-mail: salotra@srf. Yongkang Zhejiang 321300 China Tel: +86 579 8726 4103 Cell: +86 13506 798749 Fax: +86 579 8726 5892 E-mail: ypxsn@ypchemical. 218 Zhejiang 321200 Wuyi China Tel: +86 579 87640718 Cell: +86 1 3905895718 Fax: +86 579 87642488 E-mail: [email protected] Yingpeng Chemical Zhejiang Chemical Industry Research Institute Mr. Wang Aiguo Assistant General Manager Zhejiang Quzhou China Tel: +86 570 3096705 Cell: +86 1 3567006591 Fax: +86 570 3098687 E-mail: [email protected] Zhejiang Fluorescence Chemical Co. Yonghua Rd. Roop Salotra President & CEO Chemical Business . Ltd. [email protected] Zhejiang Sanmeichemical Industry Zhejiang Quhua Flour-Chemistry Co. Zheng Huazhen Director Development Deprtment Zhejiang 324004 Quzhou China Tel: +86 570 3097955 Cell: +86 1 3575654325 Fax: +86 570 3091777 E-mail: zhz@juhua. Ltd Mr. Zhang Jianjun Vice President Sinocham Lantian 387 Tianmushan Road. Ms. no. Hangzhou Zhejiang 310023 China Tel: +86 571 85222268 Cell: +86 13958020002 Fax: +86 571 85229858 E-mail: zangjianjun@sinochem. Ltd Zhejiang Juhua .Mr. Ltd Mr. Xu Sheng-Nan General Manager 69. Lu Xin Guo General Manager Quingnian rd. Guo Li Ming Deputy General Manager Wunning East Rd Dongyang City Zhejiang China Tel: +86 579 8668 6153 Fax: +86 579 8668 6153 E-mail: dygim@163. Kyoto University Princeton University Mr.datta@emergent-ventures. Ankan Datta Senior Consultant 5th HARMED GIZ Proklima Dr. Emmanuel Zacarias Rocha Dela Cruz Sales Manager HC Refrigerants Group 12 Canseco Corner. Universal Trade Tower.dube@emergent-ventures. David Kanter Ph.D. Gurgaon-Sohna Road Gurgaon 122001 India Tel: +91 124 4353 100 Cell: +91 981 8766 255 E-mail: sanjay. drkanter@gmail. Universal Trade Childrens Hospital OSP Advantage System Mr.yasuko. Yasuko Matsumoto Associate Professor Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies . Candidate Climate Science and Policy 414A Robertson Hall Princeton 08544 NJ United States of America Tel: +1 609 865 5373 E-mail: [email protected]@re-phridge. Daniel Colbourne Refrigeration and alternative refrigerants P. Sanjay Dube Senior Consultant 5th Floor.|San Francisco Del Monte Quezon City 1102 Philippines Tel: + 632 917 881 8984 Cell: + 632 932 538 8121 Fax: +632 372 4491 E-mail: [email protected] Kyoto 606-8501 Japan Tel: +81 75 753 5710 Cell: +81 90 2401 0615 Fax: +81 75 753 5710 E-mail: Emergent Ventures (EVI) Mr. Box 4745 Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 1FE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tel: +44 1789 268285 Cell: +44 780 3021920 E-mail: d. Hari Sujatmiko Fumigant Chemicals and Services Grand City Regency B-24 Surabaya Jawa Timur Indonesia Tel: +62 31 8798 269 Cell: +62 31 70988982 E-mail: [email protected] . Sector 49. Tolentino St. Gurgaon-Sohna Gurgaon 122001 India Tel: +91 124 435 3100 Cell: +91 98 10 14 55 19 E-mail: ankan. Sector 49. Mirjana Kocova Head of Department Endocrinology and Genetics Children's Hospital Vodnjanska 17 Skopje 1000 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: +389 7024 2694 E-mail: mirjanakocava@yahoo. San Mateo Rizal Philippines Tel: +63 268 23224 / +63 918 4827588 Cell: +63 917 820 1362 Fax: +63 268 23224 E-mail: mpajegus@yahoo. Manuel Azucena HVAC/R Consultant Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning B19 L6St.Pacific Region Mr.miller@touchdownconsulting. Pekka Hanninen Economist Hatunniementie 31 Hameenlinna 13600 Finland E-mail: pekka. Therese St. Melanie Miller Technical Adviser Avenue Etang Belgium Tel: +32 4 84 42 57 67 Cell: +32 4 84 42 57 67 Fax: +32 2 79 24 6 58 E-mail: Trans-Mond Environment Ltd SMARDT .Benny Kanter Legal Advisor Woodrow Wilson Sweden Tel: +1 651 726 6350 E-mail: bennykanter@gmail. La Mar Village| Guitnanagbayan II. Harbourfront Centre Singapore 099253 Singapore Tel: +65 6273 1120 Cell: +61 407 619399 Fax: +65 6273 1129 E-mail: [email protected]@tme. Apt 104 Princeton 08540 United States of America Tel: +1 718 2652170 Cell: +1 718 4907010 E-mail: ovodenko@princeton. 19 La Hulpe BE1310 Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Mr. Maritime Square #11-19A. [email protected] TouchDown Consulting A . Sam Ringwaldt Regional General Manager Asia . Alexander Ovodenko Doctorate Degree Candidate 10 Lawrence Drive.
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