Protocols - English Manual

March 29, 2018 | Author: pandhu | Category: Data, Telecommunications, Technology, Computer Engineering, Computer Data



Protocols Guide© 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Protocols Guide by Sielco Sistemi Srl COMMUNICATION DRIVERS Winlog Pro provides communication with almost all available automation devices (PLCs, controllers, indicators, counters, motor drives, etc.) thanks to the availability of an extensive catalogue of drivers and of a standard OPC Client interface; both communication drivers and OPC Client interface are included in the standard Winlog Pro package. OPC INTERFACE OPC (OLE for Process Control) is an industrial standard, created by main worldwide leading automation manufacturers, that allows data exchange between different software components without need of any special adjustment. OPC Client driver supports data access (DA) to OPC servers DA 1.0 and 2.0; it can interface both local OPC Servers (through COM objects) and remote OPC Servers (through DCOM objects) located on different PCs linked via a local network. DRIVER CATALOGUE The following directory includes all available communication drivers sorted by manufacturer or by protocol; other drivers, not included in the present catalogue, can be supplied on request or developed under customer specification. Contents 3 Table of Contents Foreword Part I ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC3 0 10 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 10 2 Numeric ................................................................................................................................... gates address 10 3 Blocks of................................................................................................................................... numeric gates 11 4 Digital gates ................................................................................................................................... address 12 5 Blocks of................................................................................................................................... digital gates 13 6 Note ................................................................................................................................... 13 7 Protocol ................................................................................................................................... configuration 14 Part II ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC5 16 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 16 2 Numeric ................................................................................................................................... gates address 16 3 Blocks of................................................................................................................................... numeric gates 17 4 Digital gates ................................................................................................................................... address 18 5 Blocks of................................................................................................................................... digital gates 19 6 Note ................................................................................................................................... 20 7 Protocol ................................................................................................................................... configuration 22 Part III ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR SLC500 / MicroLogix 24 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 24 2 Numeric ................................................................................................................................... gates address 24 3 Blocks of................................................................................................................................... numeric gates 25 4 Digital gates ................................................................................................................................... address 26 5 Blocks of................................................................................................................................... digital gates 26 6 Note ................................................................................................................................... 27 7 Protocol ................................................................................................................................... configuration 28 Part IV ALLEN-BRADLEY Ethernet 31 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 31 2 Numeric ................................................................................................................................... gates address 31 3 Blocks of................................................................................................................................... numeric gates 32 4 Digital gates ................................................................................................................................... address 33 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ................................................................................ configuration 51 53 Part X GEFRAN ... configuration 49 51 Part IX EV2001 (Bilanciai) 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 2 Numeric .... gates address 48 2 Digital gates ................................................................................................................................................................................................CONTREX 1 Introduction ................................................ gates address 51 3 Protocol .........................................................................................................................................................................................................CENCAL 1 Introduction .............................................. 43 2 Protocol ............................................................................... digital gates 34 6 Note .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... gates address 45 3 Protocol ................. configuration 43 45 Part VII DECOM ........................ configuration 45 48 Part VIII EUROTHERM BISYNCH ASCII 1 Numeric .................................. 45 2 Numeric ............ gates address 53 3 Protocol ................................................................................................................ configuration 35 39 Part V AVEBus 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. address 48 4 Protocol .................................................................................................................................................. 55 2 Numeric ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Protocols Guide 5 Blocks of............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ gates address 55 3 Digital gates ................................................. 34 7 Protocol ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... address 48 3 String gates .............................................................................................................. 51 2 Numeric ........................................................... address 55 4 Protocol ........... 39 2 Protocol ................ configuration 53 55 Part XI IDEC IZUMI FA 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 58 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ................... configuration 56 Part XII KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM A 58 1 Introduction ........... configuration 40 43 Part VI DATA STREAM (CR Magnetics) 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... address 93 5 Protocol ......................... 90 2 Numeric .......................................................................................................................................................................................... configuration 88 Part XVII MODBUS ASCII ...................................................... provided 87 4 Protocol ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... address 84 5 Protocol ............................ address 76 5 Protocol ............................................................................................................... 87 2 Gate address ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 82 2 Numeric ........................................COM 82 1 Introduction ...................................................................... gates address 82 3 Digital gates ................. address 74 4 String gates ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ configuration 85 Part XVI MITSUBISHI FR-CU03 87 1 Introduction ........................ 87 3 Function........... address 62 4 Protocol ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 2 Numeric................................. 65 2 Numeric ............ configuration 96 Part XVIII ODBC Client 100 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... configuration 60 Part XIII KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM A per PS4 62 1 Introduction .............. gates address 62 3 Digital gates ........................................................................................................ configuration 80 Part XV MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL ....................................................... gates address 58 3 Digital gates ........................................MODBUS RTU 90 1 Introduction . 62 2 Numeric ................................................................................................................................................................................ gates address 90 3 Digital gates ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... address 93 4 String gates ..................................................................................... configuration 63 Part XIV KNX (Falcon Library) 65 1 Introduction .......................................................Contents 5 2 Numeric .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. gates address 65 3 Digital gates .......................................................... address 83 4 String gates ................................................... gates address 100 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... address 59 4 Protocol .................. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 122 2 Numeric................................ 130 2 Numeric................................................................................................................................................. gates address 122 3 Digital gates .......................................................................... configuration 113 Part XX OMRON FINS in Host Link Protocol 116 1 Introduction ....... address 127 4 String gate ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. configuration 130 Part XXIV SAIA P800 132 1 Introduction ............................................................... 116 2 Numeric..................................................................................................... 132 2 Numeric.................. configuration 120 Part XXI OMRON SYSMAC 122 1 Introduction ......................................................... gates address 130 3 Protocol............................................................................. address 119 5 Protocol.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. gates address 127 3 Digital gates .... address 101 4 String gates ................................... 109 2 Numeric................................................................................. gates address 116 3 Digital gates .............................................................................................. configuration 127 Part XXIII RED LION PAXI-1/8 DIN COUNTER/RATE METER 130 1 Introduction ............................................................... address 118 4 String gates ............... address 102 5 Protocol............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ address 127 5 Protocol......................................................................................................................................................................... 126 2 Numeric..................................................................................................... gates address 132 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ................................................................................................................................................ gates address 109 3 Digital gates ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Protocols Guide 3 Digital gates ............................................... address 123 4 String gates ........................................... configuration 124 Part XXII OPC Client 126 1 Introduction ...................... address 111 4 Protocol............................................... address 124 5 Protocol...................................................................................................................................................................................... configuration 103 Part XIX OMRON FINS 109 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... .................................................. address 155 4 Protocol.................................................................................................................................................... 155 2 Numeric................................................................................................................................................. gates address 136 3 Digital gates ....... gates address 166 3 Digital gates .................. 145 2 Numeric...................................................... 166 2 Numeric............................................................................................................... address 137 5 Protocol................................. gates address 155 3 Digital gates ................................................................................................................ address 133 5 Protocol............................................................ configuration 150 Part XXVIII SIEMENS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. configuration 137 Part XXVI SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) 140 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 140 2 Numeric........................................................................................... address 167 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ... address 149 5 Protocol............................................................................................... configuration 164 Part XXXI PROFIBUS MPI E S7 ....................................................................... gates address 145 3 Digital gates ......................................................................................... 163 2 Protocol...................... address 141 4 Protocol............................................... configuration 156 Part XXIX TCP/IP Client 158 1 Introduction .......... gates address 140 3 Digital gates .................................................................................................................................................................................................Contents 7 3 Digital gates .......................................................................................................................................... configuration 159 Part XXX TUTONDO 163 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................PLC SIMATIC S5 155 1 Introduction .................................................(Applicom) 166 1 Introduction ... configuration 133 Part XXV SAIA S-BUS 136 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. address 137 4 String gates .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. address 133 4 String gates .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136 2 Numeric.................................. configuration 142 Part XXVII SIEMENS MPI 145 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... address 148 4 String gates ....................................... 158 2 Protocol.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. address 173 4 Protocol.......................................................8 Protocols Guide 4 Protocol............................................................................................................................................................................................... address 179 4 Protocol........................................................................................................................................... configuration 182 Index 183 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .......................................................................................................................................................... gates address 177 3 Digital gates .. 172 2 Numeric............................ 182 2 String gates ....... gates address 172 3 Digital gates .................................................................................................................................................................................................(Applicom) 172 1 Introduction ............................ address 182 3 Protocol............................................................................................ 177 2 Numeric.......... configuration 168 Part XXXII PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 ................................................................................................................................. configuration 174 Part XXXIII PPI S7 200 (PPI Adapter) 177 1 Introduction ...................................... configuration 180 Part XXXIV Raw ASCII Output 182 1 Introduction ............................... Part I . EEEE ASCII file A 0.File 050 – Number Word 0020.EEEE Long file L 0.. ASCII..9999 Yes Yes Yes T.FFF...0303 : Bit .0020 : BCD .999 0..EEEE BCD file D 0.. 1.. Float..2 Numeric gates address This specification applies to gates which belong to files: Integer. Status: General format: T..File 007 – Number Word 0023.File 001 – Number Word 0003.0023 : ASCII .. B. Example: S... This specification applies to gates which belong to file: Output.FFF..999 0.10 Protocols Guide 1 ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC3 1.9998 Yes Yes Yes must be an even number T.9999 Data format is DWORD (4 bytes) for Float and Long gates and WORD (2 bytes) for other gates.9999 Yes Yes Yes T.100....999 0.050.121... A.0003 : Status ..File 100 – Number Word 0120...FFF.9999 Yes Yes Yes T.OOOO where T : file type OOOO : word number (octal) Address Description Type OOOO Read gate Write gate Read block T. BCD.EEEE Float file F 0. 1770-KF2 Interface Module) The communication between the PC and the Interface Board is through the RS232 serial channel of the PC. Input General format: T.FFF.EEEE Integer file N 0.FFF.0000 Output file O 0.EEEE Bit file B 0.File 121 – Number Word 0303..007.EEEE Status file S 0.7777 octal Yes Yes Yes © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .999 0. Address Description Type FFF EEEE Read gate Write gate Read block T.999 0.001.FFF..0120 : Integer ..999 0. Bit..9999 Yes Yes Yes T.EEEE where T : file identifier of the gate FFF : file number EEEE : word. N....FFF..1 Introduction The PC is seen as a node of the network Data Highway Plus and can communicate with all PLC 3 of the network Contact the provider of the PLC to select the proper interface board (ex. D..9998 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes must be an even number T.999 0.FFF. Long. The maximum block length is 59 gates.EEE T.Q.SSSS.Structure 0007 .0015.SSSS..3 Blocks of numeric gates In case of gates which belong to file Status.EEE+2 T.Element 120 – Sub-Element 1 1.1234 : Input – Word number . Numeric gates block T. The maximum block length is 119 gates. the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and a sequential word number.0 : Timer .. Example: O.Q Timer file Type T T.1 : Counter . the block must be made of gates which belong to the same structure and have a sequential sub-element number.1.SSSS.Structure 0015 .FFF.EEE+8 In case of gates which belong to file Timer and Counter.SSSS.2).. Q : Timer / Counter Sub Element (0.EEE+4 T.1234 (octal).ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC3 T.FFF.FFF.00 T.EEE+3 T. BCD.EEE+4 In case of gates which belong to file Float and Long.FFF... ASCII.Q Counter file C SSSS Q Read gate Write gate Read block 0.FFF.EEE+1 T.FFF.SSSS. Counter General format: T.2 Yes Yes Yes 0.Q where T : file type SSSS : Address of structure Timer / Counter . Example: T. Numeric gates block T.02 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .0007..FFF.Sub-Element 0 C.0000 Input file I Yes 0.FFF. Bit. The maximum block length is 3 gates. the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and a sequential even word number.Q.Q.FFF. I.... This specification applies to gates which belong to file: Timer.01 T.0017 : Output – Word number 0017 (octal).FFF.9999 0. Numeric gates block T.7777 octal Yes 11 Yes Data format for these gates is WORD (2 Bytes). Address Description T. Integer.EEE+2 T.EEE+6 T.9999 0..EEE T.2 Yes Yes Yes Data format for these gates is WORD (2 Bytes).SSSS. BB : bit number (octal value from 00 to 17) Address Description T.999 0.12: Integer ..17 : Output – Word 0001 (octal) – Bit 17 (octal).17 : Counter – Structure 0007 .BB where T : file identifier OOOO : word number (octal value) BB : bit number (octal value from 00 to 17) Address T.BB where T : file identifier FFF : file number EEEE : element number BB : bit number (octal value from 00 to 17) Address Description T.BB Input file I OOOO 0.17 octal 00.Word 001 (octal) – Bit 10 (octal).OOOO.EEE.Sub-Element 0 – Bit 17 (octal). C.BB Description Output file T O T..121..SSSS.EEE.17 octal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yesi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: S...Structure 0015 . N.0001.17 octal 00.17 octal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: T..4 Protocols Guide Digital gates address In case of gates which belong to file Status..9999 N 0...Element 0003 – Bit 00.001.FFF.B Counter file B T T SSSS 0..0...B Status file B T.FFF.FFF..Element 0303 – Bit 17.100. I.9999 0 BB 00.File 121 . In case of gates which belong to file Timer e Counter the address is: T.0.9999 BB 00. B.9999 B 0..17 octal 00.999 EEEE 0.0007..Q.Q where T : file identifier SSSS : structure address Timer / Counter .17 : Bit . In case of gates which belong to file Output and Input the address is: T.FFF.B Timer file B T.EEE..00 : Status ..01 : Timer ..0120..12 1..OOOO.OOOO.9999 Q 0 C 0.Sub-Element 0 – Bit 01 (octal)..999 0.0003..File 100 .Element 0120 – Bit 12.File 001 ... © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .7777 octal 0..SSSS.Q.17 octal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Fields OOOO and BB must be defined with ocatl numbers Example: O....0001.B Integer file B T S FFF 0.EEEE. and Integer the address is : T..7777 octal BB 00..10 : Input .17 octal 00.SSSS...0015... Q : sub-element (only 0).0303. Bit.B Bit file B T. 0003.012.0. an error message will be displayed.012.0006.0007.012. structure and sub-element.012.0003.0. The lenght of a block depends from the block composition.0006.05 N.0006.0007.0007.012.0003.01 T.01 T. the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same or a sequential word number.02 B. Integer.16 B.07 T.0006.0.012.0. In case of gates which belong to file Output and Input. Bit.00 B.00 T.0003.012.00 T.01 T.01 B. if the block length is too high. the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and the same or a sequential word number. A block made of 16 gates belonging to the same word has a smaller dimension than a block made of 16 gates belonging to different words.012.5 13 Blocks of digital gates In case of gates which belong to file Status.0006.0.012.10 T. 1.0004.14 T.0.0.0004.0006.12 B.0008.0006.0006.0006.0. The right dimensioning of a block is controlled by the driver itself during the first scanning.06 B.01 T.03 T.14 B.12 B.01 B.012.0006.0005.012.012.0006.0.14 T.07 T.0.02 B.6 Example of valid block Example of valid block Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block B.0.03 N.012.0006.01 T.0006.0.0.03 T.0007.13 B.ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC3 1.07 Note TIMER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Acc Timer Sub Element Detail Bit number 00 13 Description Done 00 00 14 15 Timing Enable COUNTER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Accumulator Timer Sub Element Detail Bit Number 00 11 Description Underflow 00 00 00 00 12 13 14 15 Overflow Done Count down Count up © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . In case of gates which belong to file Timer and Counter.0006.0006.05 B.01 T.0006.0.0007. the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type.0006.10 T.00 B.012.0005. · Checksum type : BCC or CRC16.7 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · COM port: serial port name. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. · Stop bits: stop bits. · Data bits: number of bits. · Baud rate: communication speed.14 1. · PC node number : node number of the PC © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Parity: parity. Part II . . 2.021 : Input ..16 Protocols Guide 2 ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC5 2.Element 017 (021 octal).File 007 ..FFF.999 0..050.FFF.SS or T.303 : Bit .. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Output and Input : Address Description Type FFF EEE T.File 001 .. Integer..1 Introduction This protocol applies to series 5 PLC's (excluded PLC 5-250). A.FFF.Element 003.EEE Status file S 0.EEE BCD file D 0..001...File 001 .999 0.. N.999 0.001.. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . The PC is seen as a node of the network Data Highway Plus and can communicate with all PLC 5 of the network Contact the provider of the PLC to select the proper interface board (ex. D.999 Yes Yes Yes T.023 : ASCII ....File 050 .EEE ASCII file A 0.EEE Integer file N 0.100..FFF..File 001 .277 octal The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) The field EEE must be specified with an octal number Example: O.2 Numeric gates address General format: T.Element 023.020 : BCD ...999 0.999 Yes Yes Yes T. I.Element 303.EEE Bit file B 0.Element 120.010 : Output .EEE where: T : file identifier FFF : file number EEE : element number SS : sub-element number Specification which applies to gates: Status..999 Yes Yes Yes T.001. B.121.999 Yes Yes Yes T.999 Yes Yes Yes The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Example: S. Bit.EEE.Element 020.FFF. 1770-KF2 Interface Module) The communication between the PC and the Interface Board is through the RS232 serial channel of the PC.Element 008 (010 octal)..File 121 .999 0... BCD.120 : Integer .FFF..FFF. ASCII: Address Description Type FFF EEE SS Read gate Write gate Read block T..003 : Status .EEE Output file O 0.277 SS Read gate Write gate Read block Yes Ye Yes Yes Yes Yes octal T..File 100 .007.FFF.999 0..999 0.FFF..EEE Input file I 0. .999 0.File 007 ...999 0. The maximum block lengtt is 119 gates.FFF..00 : Timer .Element 120 – Sub-Element 01 R.Element 110 – Sub-Element 00 C..120.EEE+3 T.EEE © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .015.Element 110.Counter and Control : Address Description Type FFF EEE SS Read gate Write gate Read block T.2 Yes Yes Yes T.SS Timer file T 0. ASCII.998 SS Read gate Write gate Read block Yes Yes Yes must be an even number The format of data is FLOAT (4 Byte)..999 0. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Timer. Numeric gates block T...46 : PID ....FFF..005.. The field EEE must be an even number Example: F. BCD.FFF.050.007.ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC5 17 Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Float : Address Description Type FFF EEE T. The maximum block length is 59 gates.2 Yes Yes Yes The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Example: T.2 Yes Yes Yes T.110...015. Output.. Numeric gates block T.48 Si Write gate Rea d bloc k Si Si If the sub-element (SS) is 00 or 01.File 015 .FFF.EEE+4 In case of gates which belong to file Float.015.011.01 : Counter ..999 0. Example: P.EEE Float file F 0.999 0.Element 110 – Sub-Element 00 P.SS PID file P 0.FFF. Bit.110 : Float .Element 011 – Sub-Element 02 Specification which applies to gates which belong to file PID : Address Description Type FFF EEE SS Read gate T.02 : Control .EEE.EEE..SS Control file R 0... otherwise is FLOAT (4 byte).EEE+2 T...110.999 0. then it must be an even number.999 0.EEE.3 Blocks of numeric gates In case of gates which belong to file Status.010..FFF..FFF.EEE T.FFF.999 0.999 0...EEE.File 005 – Element 010 – Sub-Element 46 2.FFF. Integer.. If the sub-element (SS) is greater than 1. Input the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and a sequential word number.SS Counter file C 0. then the data format is WORD (2 Byte).FFF.File 015 . the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and a sequential even word number.EEE+1 T.File 015 .00 : PID ..FFF.File 050 . SSSS.999 0....EEE.FFF.EEE.FFF.999 T. file number and element and have a sequential sub-element number. and Integer : Address Description T FFF EEEE T.15 Yes Yes Yes Example: S.Q.00 : Status .SSSS. N.EEE.FFF..BB where T : file identifier FFF : file number EEE : element number SS : sub-element BB : bit number Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Status.. B..EEE..File 001 .FFF..01 T.999 00. There are two possible blocks of gates PID: 1st block type : gates PID with sub-element equal to 1 T.999 00...FFF..15 Yes Yes Yes 0.Q.120.SS+6 In the second block the sub-element is always even because the gate is FLOAT (4 bytes).003.EEE+4 T.SS.FFF. Counter and Control the block must be made of gates which belong to the same file type.15 : Bit .121..FFF.SS+4 T.12: Integer .SS T.FFF.SS+2 T.BB or T.Element 003 – Bit 00.FFF.EEE.Element 120 – Bit 12. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Output and Input : © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .Q.EEE.00 T.Element 303 – Bit 15..File 121 .FFF.18 Protocols Guide T.FFF..00 TFFF.EEE.BB Status file S 0. The same block cannot be made of gates which have sub-element number less or equal than 1 and gates which have sub-element number greater than 1.SSSS.. file number and element and have a sequential sub-element number.001..FFF.4 Digital gates address The address of a digital gate is as follows: T. The maximum block length is 3 gates.100.EEE. the block must be made of gates which belong to the same file type.BB Integer file N SS BB Gate read Gate write Block read 0.999 0.EEE+6 T.FFF.303.EEE.File 100 ..EEE..EEE+8 In case of gates which belong to file Timer.999 00.15 Yes Yes Yes 0.FFF.01 2nd block type : gates PID with sub-element greater than 1 T. 2. Numeric gates block T.BB Bit file B T.EEE+2 T.02 In case of gates which belong to file PID.EEE.Bit. . Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Timer.10 : Input ..EEE. and have the same or a sequential sub-element number.00...011.999 0..FFF.001.. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Float : Address Description T FFF T.00. Output.00..FFF. In case of gates which belong to file Timer.999 T... Bit...Counter and Control : Address Description T FF EEE SS BB T.EEE.. Integer....EEE..015.015..BB Input file I 0..29 : Float .EEE..ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC5 Address Description T FFF EEE T.15 Gate read Gate write Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Example: T. Input. 2.Element 015 – Sub-Element 00 – Bit 01. an error message will be displayed.999 0.999 SS 19 BB Gate read Gate write Block read 0.BB Output file O 0.999 0..EEE.Element 110 – Sub-Element 00 – Bit 01.999 0.007..00.15 0.15 Gate read Gate write Yes Yes Block read Yes Example: P.17 : Output ..Element 120 – Sub-Element 00 – Bit 15.File 015 ..999 00 00 00 0...015.FFF.Element 008 (010 octal) – Bit 15 (17 octal).999 0.999 EEE SS 0.Element 110 – Bit 29.. Control..BB Timer file Counter file Control file T C R 0.BB PID file T 0.01 : PID ..FFF.00.File 015 .01 0.FFF.BB T.277 00..999 0.998 BB Gate read Gate write Block read 0.999 00.110. Float the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and the same or a sequential word number. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ...File 007 . The lenght of a block depends from the block composition.EEE.110.120.17 Yes Yes Yes octal octal Fields EEE e BB must be octal numbers Example: O.17 Yes Yes Yes octal octal 0. I..BB Float file F 0...Element 017 (021 octal) – Bit 08 (10 octal)...15 : Counter ..021.BB T..31 Yes Yes Yes must be an even number Because FLOAT gates are made of 4 bytes.010.File 011 . A block made of 16 gates belonging to the same word has a smaller dimension than a block made of 16 gates belonging to different words.FFF. C. Field EEE must be an even number Example: F.FFF.277 00.5 Blocks of digital gates In case of gates which belong to file Status. Pid the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and the same word number....01 : Timer . The right dimensioning of a block is controlled by the driver itself during the first scanning.15 0. Counter. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file PID : Address Description T FF EEE SS BB T..EEE.00. if the block lenght is too high.00.File 001 . the bit number is from 0 to.File 001 ..001. B.012.06 B.012.008.07 B. T.001.00.03 T.0006. B.006.07 T.007.012.16 I. T. Note TIMER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Acc Timer Sub Element Detail Bit number 00 13 Description Done 00 00 14 15 Timing Enable COUNTER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Accumulator Timer Sub Element Detail Bit Number 00 11 Description Underflow 00 00 00 00 12 13 14 15 Overflow Done Count down Count up CONTROL Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Length Position Timer Sub Element Detail Bit number 00 08 Description Found 00 09 Inhibit © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .07 T.02 B.08 T.00.012.01 T.05 B. T.0003.0006. T.05 I.006.00 T.001.14 T.0006.00.0003.02 B. B. T.012.006.00 T.001.12 B.008.01 B.01 T.0004.012.0005. B.06 B.006.001.14 T.001.6 Protocols Guide Example of valid block Example of valid block Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block B.12 B.007.007.20 2.01 T. lower limit Set point out of range PID initialized 21 . upper limit Output alarm.ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR PLC5 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 11 12 13 14 15 Unload Error Empty Done Enable unload Enable PID PID Sub Element 00 01 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 PID sub element 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Descrizione Control bits 0 Control bits 1 Set point Proportional gain / Controller gain Integral gain / reset term Derivative gain / Rate term Feedforward or bias Maximum scaling Minimum scaling Dead band Set output Maximum output limit Minimum output limit Loop update time Scaled PV value Scaled error value Output PV high alarm value PV low alarm value Error high alarm value Error low alarm value PV alarm dead band Error alarm dead band Maximum input value Minimum input value Tieback value for manual control Numero Bit 00 01 02 04 06 07 08 09 15 00 01 02 03 08 09 10 11 12 Descrizione Equation Mode Control Set output Derivative action Process variable tracking Cascade loop Cascade selection Enable PV is alarm high PV is alarm low Error is alarmed high Error is alarmed low Set when error is DB Output alarm. · COM port: serial port name. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Parity: parity. · Stop bits: stop bits. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages.7 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · PC node number : node number of the PC © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .22 2. · Baud rate: communication speed. · Data bits: number of bits. · Checksum type : BCC or CRC16. Part III . EEE BCD file D 0.121.277 octal The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Field EEE is an octal number Example: O..999 0.999 0..999 0...001..Element 003.100.EEE Integer file N 0.023 : ASCII .EEE Input file I 0..File 100 .999 Yes Yes Yes T.File 001 .EEE where T : file identifier FFF : file number EEE : element number SS : sub-element number Specification which applies to gates: Status.999 Yes Yes Yes T. ASCII: Address Description Type FFF EEE SS Read gate Write gate Read block T.010 : Output .File 001 ..FFF.Element 023.FFF.277 SS Read gate Write gate Read block Yes Ye Yes Yes Yes Yes octal T..EEE ASCII file A 0. D.FFF.Element 020.EEE Status file S 0.021 : Input .999 0.File 001 ....EEE Output file O 0..FFF.Element 017 (021 octal).File 050 .2 Numeric gates address General format: T.001.... Bit.. I.050.999 0. 1770-KF3 Interface Module) The communication between the PC and the Interface Board is through the RS232 serial channel of the PC.999 0.File 121 ...Element 120.003 : Status .24 Protocols Guide 3 ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR SLC500 / MicroLogix 3.... Integer. A. 3.1 Introduction This protocol applies to series SLC 500 and MicroLogix PLC's.999 Yes Yes Yes T..FFF.EEE.File 007 .SS or T..303 : Bit .120 : Integer .007. B..Element 008 (010 octal)... Specification which applies to gates: Output and Input : Address Description Type FFF EEE T.001. The PC is seen as a node of the network DH 485 and can communicate with all SLC 500 and MicroLogix PLC of the network Contact the provider of the PLC to select the proper interface board (ex.999 Yes Yes Yes The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Example: S.FFF. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .FFF.EEE Bit file B 0. BCD.FFF. N.FFF.999 Yes Yes Yes T..999 0..020 : BCD .Element 303. 2 Yes Yes Yes T.... Input the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and a sequential word number. The maximum block lenght is 3 gates.999 0.FFF.FFF..Element 110.EEE+3 T.3 Blocks of numeric gates In case of gates which belong to file Status.01 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .File 007 .FFF.Counter and Control : Address Description Type FFF EEE SS Read gate Write gate Read block T.... The maximum block lenght is 119 gates.EEE+1 T.998 SS Read gate Write gate Read block Yes Yes Yes must be an even number The format of data is FLOAT (4 Byte).EEE Float file F 0.FFF.File 050 .999 0. Numeric gates block T. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Timer.SS Counter file C 0.02 : Control .999 0.015.EEE.Element 110....ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR SLC500 / MicroLogix 25 Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Float : Address Description Type FFF EEE T.EEE. Numeric gates block T.2 Yes Yes Yes T.EEE.Element 011 – Sub-Element 02 3..FFF.FFF.EEE. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Float reverse mode : Address Description Type FFF EEE T.999 0. file number and element and have a sequential sub-element number.Element 120 – Sub-Element 01 R.File 015 .EEE+4 In case of gates which belong to file Timer..999 0.110 : Float .110.999 0.FFF. Integer.EEE.00 T.FFF. The field EEE must be an even number Example: F. Output...SS Timer file T 0..Element 110 – Sub-Element 00 C..999 0.00 : Timer .011..015.007.EEE Float file f 0.2 Yes Yes Yes The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Example: T.01 : Counter .EEE+2 T..EEE T. Bit.FFF.FFF.015.. BCD.050.999 0.120.File 015 .FFF... The field EEE must be an even number Example: f...FFF. Counter and Control the block must be made of gates which belong to the same file type.SS Control file R 0.. ASCII.File 015 ..998 SS Read gate Yes Write gate Read block Yes Yes must be an even number The format of data is FLOAT (4 Byte)..110 : Float . 10 : Input . C.EEE..303.FFF.999 00 00 00 0..00.FFF...001.00 : Status .17 : Output .FFF.SS+4 T.EEE.999 0.00.Element 110 – Sub-Element 00 – Bit 01.Element 017 (021 octal) – Bit 08 (10 octal).BB where T : file identifier FFF : file number EEE : element number SS : sub-element BB : bit number Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Status. and Integer : Address Description T FFF EEEE T. Output.Counter and Control : Address Description T FF EEE SS BB T..FFF.100.021...BB Timer file Counter file Control file T C R 0.. Input..999 0..EEE.SS.EEE...File 015 . Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Timer.FFF.EEE. I. In case of gates which belong to file Timer. B.26 Protocols Guide T...999 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.......001.Element 120 – Bit 12.EEE.277 octal 0.File 100 . Control the block must be made of gates © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .FFF.FFF.BB Status file Bit file Integer file S B N 0..120.12: Integer . Integer..00..15 : Bit .007.FFF.File 001 . Bit.BB T.EEE.EEE.Element 003 – Bit 00.15 00...BB oppure T..001..EEE....BB Input file I 0.01 : Timer .Element 303 – Bit 15. Counter.....Element 008 (010 octal) – Bit 15 (17 octal)... Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Output e Input : Address Description T FFF EEE T.003.BB Output file O 0..999 0.FFF..FFF.277 octal SS BB Gate read 00.999 0...File 007 ....121.110.EEE.999 0.999 0.File 121 .BB T.FFF.02 Numeric gates block T..BB T.SS+6 3.Bit.15 Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes Example: S.FFF.Element 120 – Sub-Element 00 – Bit 15.File 001 .4 Digital gates address The address of a digital gate is as follows: T.00.BB T.010.. 3.5 Blocks of digital gates In case of gates which belong to file Status.File 001 .15 : Counter .EEE.015.EEE.999 T.EEE.17 octal Yes Gate write Yes Yes Yes Fields EEE e BB must be octal numbers Example: O.17 octal 00.999 SS BB Gate read 00.15 0.FFF.15 0..15 Gate read Gate write Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Example: T.120.00. N.999 0... Float the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and the same or a sequential word number.15 00. 01 T.001.01 T.07 T. B. I. Example of valid block Example of valid block Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block B.06 B.00.ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR SLC500 / MicroLogix 27 which belong to the same type and have the same file number and the same word number.01 T.00.02 B.00.00.00 B.02 B.001.0006.01 B. B.03 T.00.00 T. T.005.006.16 B.02.006.06 B.00.006.07 T. A block made of 16 gates belonging to the same word has a smaller dimension than a block made of 16 gates belonging to different words.0007.001.0005.012.10 T.012. The lenght of a block depends from the block composition.001.00.08 T.0006. T. The right dimensioning of a block is controlled by the driver itself during the first scanning.03 T. if the block lenght is too high. 3.006.01 B.00 T.012.0004.00.012. an error message will be displayed.007.14 T.01 T.012.16 I.0006.006.12 B.012. and have the same or a sequential sub-element number.05 B.001.012.01 T. Note TIMER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Acc Timer Sub Element Detail Bit number 00 13 Description Done 00 00 14 15 Timing Enable COUNTER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Accumulator Timer Sub Element Detail Bit Number 00 11 Description Underflow 00 00 00 00 12 13 14 15 Overflow Done Count down Count up CONTROL Timer Sub Element 00 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Description Control bits . B. · Baud rate: communication speed. · COM port: serial port name. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Checksum type : BCC or CRC16. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. · Parity: parity. · Data bits: number of bits.7 Length Position Timer Sub Element Detail Bit number 00 08 Description Found 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Inhibit Unload Error Empty Done Enable unload Enable Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window.28 Protocols Guide 01 02 3. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Stop bits: stop bits. ALLEN-BRADLEY DF1 FULL DUPLEX PROTOCOL FOR SLC500 / MicroLogix · PC node number : node number of the PC © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 29 . Part IV . ..1 Introduction 31 This protocol applies to series SLC500 and MicroLogix PLC's via Ethernet.Element 003.021 : Input ..EEE Bit file B T.Element 020.FFF....FFF.Element 023..99 9 0.EEE Output file O T.27 9 7 octal 0.FFF.EEE With: T : file identifier FFF : file number EEE : element number SS : sub-element number Specification which applies to gates: Status.050.120 : Integer .FFF.023 : ASCII .File 001 ..SS or T.File 007 ..303 : Bit . Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Float : © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix ..99 9 EEE SS 0.EEE.99 9 0.99 9 0.010 : Output .007. 4. BCD.File 050 .002.FFF.Element 303.File 000 .99 9 0.003.99 9 0.FFF..EEE BCD file D T..FFF.99 9 0. Specification which applies to gates: Output and Input : Address Description Type FFF T.EEE ASCII file A 0.99 0.. N.File 003 .EEE Status file S T.. Integer..020 : BCD ..2 Numeric gates address General format: T...EEE Input file I EEE 0.99 9 0.File 007 ... B.Element 017 (021 octal)..ALLEN-BRADLEY Ethernet 4 ALLEN-BRADLEY Ethernet 4.FFF..EEE Integer file N T.99 9 0.Element 008 (010 octal). I.... ASCII: Address Description Type FFF T...000.27 9 7 octal SS The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Field EEE is an octal number Example: O. A.FFF. D.99 9 Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read Block Yes PLC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 Yes Yes Yes SLC500 Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block Yes PLC Yes Yes Yes The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Example: S.99 0.Element 120.File 002 . Bit.003 : Status ..007.001. 110 : Float reverse mode ..FFF.9 0.9 99 SS 0..01 : Counter .EEE..120.99 9 9 T.2 99 0.9 0..110 : Float ..FFF.2 99 0.008. Bit. ASCII..File 008 .EEE.File 008 . f.005.Element 110.Element 011 – Sub-Element 02 4.9 0.EEE+4 In case of gates which belong to file Timer.02 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ..Element 110. The field EEE must be an even number Example: F.011.File 004 .110.EEE+3 T.. The maximum block lenght is 3 gates..02 : Control .SS Integer file R 0..Counter and Control : Address Description Typr FFF EEE T.32 Protocols Guide Address Description Type FFF EEE T.File 006.01 T..EEE Float file (reverse mode) f 0.FFF.EEE..EEE+2 T. Block of numeric gates T.9 99 0.FFF.EEE+1 T.2 99 Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PLC SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix The format of data is: WORD (2 Byte) Example: T.EEE T.EEE Float file F 0..FFF..FFF.FFF.EEE.EEE.. Integer. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Timer.. Output.99 0. Input the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and a sequential word number.File 005 .FFF.Element 110 – Sub-Element 00 C.SS Status file T T.Element 120 – Sub-Element 01 R..FFF.SS Bit file C T. The maximum block lenght is 119 gates. BCD.00 T. Counter and Control the block must be made of gates which belong to the same file type.99 9 9 SS Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block Yes Yes Yes Yes PLC SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix The format of data is FLOAT (4 Byte).FFF.00 : Timer .FFF.004..006..FFF.9 99 0. file number and element and have a sequential sub-element number..008.99 0..FFF..EEE. Block of numeric gates T.3 Blocks of numeric gates In case of gates which belong to file Status.. EEE.15 : Bit .004..120.EEE.Bit 03 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Write gate Yes Read block Yes PLC SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix ..FFF..12: Integer .EEE..99 0..BB With: T : file identifier FFF : file number EEE : element number SS : sub-element BB : bit number Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Status.EEE.27 0.03: Control ...Element 003 – Bit 00.2 0.303.Bit 07 C.File 005 . and Integer : Address Description Type T.BB Timer file T 0.FFF..BB Integer file N FFF EEE BB 0.EEE..15 9 9 0.File 005 ...BB Bit file B T.Element 008 (010 octal) – Bit 15 (17 octal).07 : Timer ..120.ALLEN-BRADLEY Ethernet 4..Bit.BB Control file R 0.999 0..000.SS..File 001 .SS.File 006 .004....EEE...99 0.FFF..15 9 9 0..00 : Status .005.Element 110 – Sub-Element 00 ..EEE.00..Element 011 – Sub-Element 02 ..Element 017 (021 octal) – Bit 08 (10 octal).Bit 12 R. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Output e Input : Address Description Type T. B..2 0.FFF. Specification which applies to gates which belong to file Timer...006.FFF.15 Read gate Yes T.27 0.001.FFF. N.10 : Input .021.Element 120 – Bit 12.FFF.BB oppure T..17 : Output ..99 0.EEE.999 0..FFF.Counter and Control : Address Description Type FFF EEE SS BB T.FFF.File 004 ..15 9 9 Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PLC SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix Example: S.15 Yes Yes Yes T.01.Element 120 – Sub-Element 01.02 ..Element 303 – Bit 15.FFF.010.File 000 .File 006 .006.999 0.4 33 Digital gates address The address of a digital gate is as follows: T.17 octal 9 7 octal Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block Yes Yes Yes Yes PLC SLC500 MicroLogix SLC500 MicroLogix Fields EEE e BB must be octal numbers Example: O.99 0.SS.2 0.12 : Counter ..EEE...17 octal 9 7 octal 0.BB Status file S T.99 0.110.999 0..011.999 0.. I.BB Output file O T..File 004 .005.SS..99 0..99 0.EEE.BB Counter file C 0.999 0..BB Input file I FFF EEE BB 0.99 0.003.15 Yes Yes Yes Esempio: T.. 02.02 B.6 Example of valid block Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block B.07 Note TIMER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Acc Timer Sub Element Detail Bit number 00 13 Description Done 00 00 14 15 Timing Enable COUNTER Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 Description Control bits Preset Accumulator Timer Sub Element Detail Bit Number 00 11 Description Underflow 00 00 00 00 12 13 14 15 Overflow Done Count down Count up © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .00.03 T.012. and have the same or a sequential sub-element number. Protocols Guide Blocks of digital gates In case of gates which belong to file Status.00.001.16 B.006.001.01 T.001.006.00 B. A block made of 16 gates belonging to the same word has a smaller dimension than a block made of 16 gates belonging to different words.006.00.00 T.00.007.01 B.012. Control the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and the same word number. B. In case of gates which belong to file Timer.001. Output. The right dimensioning of a block is controlled by the driver itself during the first scanning. T. B.08 T.00 B.00 T. Example of valid block 4.001.01 T.012. Input.00.001.01 T.07 T.001.001.01 T.01 T. Counter. B.00.03 T.06 B. B.001.34 4.12 B.004. The lenght of a block depends from the block composition. Float the block must be made of gates which belong to the same type and have the same file number and the same or a sequential word number.012.06 B.12 B.07 T.05 I.001.14 T. an error message will be displayed.16 I.012. Bit. T. T. if the block lenght is too high. Integer.01.01.006. · Save communication error file : if it is checked. · Port number: ethernet communication port. · Timeout [ms]: maximum wait time for an answer message · Query pause [ms]: tempo di attesa fra due richieste.7 Description Control bits Length Position Timer Sub Element Detail Bit number 00 08 Description Found 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Inhibit Unload Error Empty Done Enable unload Enable Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . A list of the last 100 communication error messages can be viewed (also in Runtime mode).ALLEN-BRADLEY Ethernet 35 CONTROL Timer Sub Element 00 01 02 4. by clicking on "Errors" button. a communication error message will be saved in a file on the disk every time that a communication error happens. · Re-connection pause [ms] : pause between an answer and the next question. Communication path. else it represents a network address. · PLC: PLC model · Access:PLC access mode (via Ethernet or ControlNet) · IP address: PLC IP address · Path: it is expressed as a sequence of "port / link address": identical to the syntax of RSLogix 5000 .Link address is a destination node: if the corresponding port is a backplane then the link address represents the slot number.36 Protocols Guide It is possible to have till to 10 PLC connection on a unique channel · Device: it is the logical address associated to the PLC and must agree with the "Device" field in the Gate Builder for all the gates referred to the PLC selected.Message configuration .Port is a way out of a device : it can be a backplane or a network. Example: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . [Slot]=1.0 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 37 .ALLEN-BRADLEY Ethernet Backplane=1 Slot = 0 (logic controller) Path =[Backplane]. Part V . in order to allow to build a working application (like in the figure below) in few time. Hardware interface PC-AveBus BSA-RS232 o BSA-USB is needed. use Application Builder (accessible from Project Manager). AVE_ABRT: receiver for blinds output.1 Introduction 39 Communication protocol for AVE devices on Domotic Bus. They are also already available in the Library. To build applications with AVE devices. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .AVEBus 5 AVEBus 5. Supported devices (family grouped) : AVE_ABR : receiver for ON/OFF output. AVE_ABDI: receiver for analog output. AVE_ABT: transmitter device. · COM port: COM port number associated to the BSA-RS232 or BSA-USB adapter. must be >= 100 ms. · Continue scanning: if this checkbox is enabled then all the AVE devices present in the application will be scanned every "Scan frequency" time. Expressed in milliseconds.2 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. With this flag enabled. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . it is possible to monitor continuously the bus status and trap device or bus failure. · Query pause [ms]: wait time between two devices sampling. 5.40 Protocols Guide Set the "Parameters of functions called from Templates" and the "Gate name prefix" as reported in the picture above. AVEBus 41 · Scan frequency [ms]: in case of "Continue scanning" enabled. · Valid data timeout [ms]: in case of "Continue scanning" enabled. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . this parameter specify the sample frequency of each device. Note that if you have a lot of device to scan.This parameter must be greater than "Scan frequency" parameter otherwise you can receive a wrong communication error status from the driver. this parameter tell to the software to consider the data invalid if it is not refreshed between "Valid data timeout" milliseconds. you may have to increase "Valid data timeout" because the complete scanning time may be greater than "Scan frequency" parameter. Part VI . · COM port: serial port name.CRD4570 Use Application Builder tool to build an application with the devices above. 6.CRD5150.CRD4550.CRD5170 Digital Current Transducer: CRD4110.1 Introduction Communication protocol for Data Stream (CR Magnetics) devices. · Baud rate: communication speed.DATA STREAM (CR Magnetics) 6 DATA STREAM (CR Magnetics) 6. · Timeout [ms]: timeout for answer message.CRD4150.CRD4170 Digital Voltage Transducer: CRD4510. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 43 .2 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. Supported devices: Multifunction Digital Transducer: CRD5110. Part VII . · Baud rate: communication speed. · COM port: serial port name. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Note: It is a good rule to read all gates as a unique block. · Parity: parity. Data format F (Float) I (Integer) L (Long) D (Float with 3 decimal digits) Data address XXX decimal value XXX decimal value XXX decimal value XXX decimal value Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Read block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: here are some address of numeric gates: D540 : Flow rate per hour L548 : M_product_COM. 7.CONTREX 7.1 Introduction 45 This protocol is used by devices of the series Dexxxx.DECOM .2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified by a character which indicates the data format and by 3 digits which indicate the data address.CONTREX 7 DECOM .3 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. 7. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Data bits: number of bits.46 Protocols Guide · Stop bits: stop bits. Part VIII . 3 String gates address The address of the gate is indicated by a mnemonic code. 8. for a directory of all mnemonic codes refer to the manual of the Eurotherm device. Note: It is not possible to have blocks of numeric gates. Mnemonic code XX Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block No Esempio: the following are examples of gate address: II : Instrument identity Note: It is not possible to have blocks of string gates.48 Protocols Guide 8 EUROTHERM BISYNCH ASCII 8. VP: Output Position. Mnemonic code XX Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block No Example: the following are examples of gate address: FR : Fast Run Z1 : Logic 1 output ut : Segment synchronisation Note: It is not possible to have blocks of digital gates. for a directory of all mnemonic codes refer to the manual of the Eurotherm device. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Mnemonic code XX Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block No Example: the following are examples of gate address: PV : Process Value OP : Output Power.2 Digital gates address The address of the gate is indicated by a mnemonic code.1 Numeric gates address The address of the gate is indicated by a mnemonic code. for a directory of all mnemonic codes refer to the manual of the Eurotherm device. 8. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Data bits: number of bits. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 49 .4 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · Baud rate: communication speed. · Stop bits: stop bits. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages.EUROTHERM BISYNCH ASCII 8. · COM port: serial port name. · Parity: parity. Part IX . 1 Introduction Communication protocols for EV2001 (Bilanciai) scales. 9. The first numeric gate must have the following address:EV2001_WEIGHT_TYPE It contains the stability value: 0: Weight stabilized 1: Weight not stabilized 2: Invalid weight (under 0 or overflow) The second numeric gate must have the following address :EV2001_WEIGHT It contains the net weight .EV2001 (Bilanciai) 9 EV2001 (Bilanciai) 9.2 Numeric gates address A block of 2 numeric gates must be defined using "Gate Builder" tool.3 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · COM port: serial port name. 9. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 51 . Part X . Code function must be compound only by 2 or 4 caracters. 10.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Number of bytes of the following table. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message.3 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · COM port: serial port name.CENCAL 10.1 Introduction 53 This communication protocol is used by Gefran devices. 10.CENCAL 10 GEFRAN . 8002-1 : Number of cycle to execute of the Gefran 3500 device. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Baud rate: communication speed. A6-1 : Control type (1 byte) of the Gefran 3300 device. Function code Number of bytes Read gate Write gate Read block CC N Yes Yes Yes (Hex value) (decimal value) CCCC N Yes Yes Yes (Hex value) (Decimal value) Example: here are some examples of numeric gates: 6F-2 : Input value (2 bytes) of the Gefran 3300 device.GEFRAN . Note: A block of numeric gates must be made only by gates with consecutive Function code. Part XI . .899 XXXX 1500. PC47 : Preset counter 47.1799 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Example: the following are some examples of numeric gates: T1 : Timer 01.71 XXX 200... Note: This protocol does not allow reading or writing of blocks of numeric gates...47 Yes No No Yes No No XX 00..3 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Word Address and Bit Address of the following table..... 11.7 X 0.7 X 0. INPUT EXPANS..7 X 0. EI EO © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Word address XX 00.... 10T1100 : 10 msec timer counter 1100...79 XX 00.15 XX 20...47 Yes No No XX 00...1 Introduction 55 This protocol is used for communication with IZUMI PLCs type FA The communication between the PC and the PLCs is through the PC serial interface and requires a RS232/RS422 converter or a RS232/Optical Fiber converter. up to 255 devices can be connected on the same serial link 11..215 XXX Bit address X 0..79 Gate read Yes Gate write No Block read No XX 00.35 XX 40...1179 XXX 800.47 XXXX 1100.... Function T C CT CC PT PC 10T DR EDR Description TIMER (only 14 less significant bit) COUNTER (only 14 less significat bit) COMPLETE TIMER (16 bit) COMPLETE COUNTER (16 bit) PRESET TIMER PRESET COUNTER 10 ms TIMER COUNTER DATA REGISTER EXTENDED DATA REGISTER Address XX 00....7 X Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No ... Function I Description INPUT O OUTPUT IR INTERNAL RELAY EXPANS.. EDR1500: Extended data register 1500..79 XX 00.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table.IDEC IZUMI FA 11 IDEC IZUMI FA 11. 7 XXX 000..4 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · Data bits: number of bits. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .. · Baud rate: communication speed. · COM port: serial port name. Note: This protocol does not allow reading or writing of blocks of digital gates.56 Protocols Guide EIR SFR OUTPUT EXPANS. EIR2503 : Expansion internal relay word 250 – bit 3... SFR101 : Shift register bit 101. 11. IR506 : Internal relay word 50 – bit 6. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message..235 XXX 240... · Parity: parity..127 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Example: the following are some examples of digital gates: I157 : Input word 15 – bit 7. INTERNAL RELAY SHIFT REGISTER 220.271 0..7 X 0.. · Stop bits: stop bits. Part XII . ..7) IB05. MB0301 :Merker byte 0301.0" Yes Yes Yes BYTE DIGITAL OUTPUTS (8 bit) XX+".15 Example: here are some examples of numeric gates address: IW01 :Input word 01.8" Yes Yes Yes IB QB QB 0.15 0.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table. PS416-CPU-223.0 : Input byte 04 (bit 0. only one device can be connected on the serial link 12. PS306. Communication between PC and PLC is performed via the standard PC serial link but requires a RS232/RS485 converter (Converter Klockner Moeller “UM 1. PS416-CPU-400.. IB04.0" Yes No Yes BYTE DIGITAL INPUTS (8 bit) XX+".15 0.A 12.8 : Input byte 05 (bit 8. MB0234....8" Yes No Yes BYTE DIGITAL OUTPUTS (8 bit) XX+".8: Merker 0234 (bit 8..7 8. PS316-CPU-223.7 8. Numeric gates for PS32.1 Introduction This protocol is used for communication with Klockner Moeller PLCs : PS32.58 Protocols Guide 12 KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .15) Numeric gates for PS416-CPU-400 Function Description Address Gate read Gate write Block read MB BYTE MERKER (8 bit) XXXX Yes Yes Yes Example: here are some examples of numeric gates address: MB0001 :Merker byte 0001..15) MB0123: Merker 0123.8" Yes Yes Yes MB BYTE MERKER (8 bit) XXXX+".. PS306.. PS316-CPU-223.7 8...0" Yes Yes Yes MB BYTE MERKER (8 bit) XXXX+"...PS416-CPU-223 Function Description Address Gate read Gate write Block read IW WORD DIGITAL INPUTS (16 bit) XX Yes No Yes QW WORD DIGITAL OUTPUTS (16 bit) XX Yes Yes Yes MW WORD MERKER (16 bit) XXXX Yes Yes Yes IB BYTE DIGITAL INPUTS (8 bit) XX+".2” is raccomanded).. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . I00.400 Function M Description MERKER Byte address XXXX Bit address X Gate read Yes Example: here are some examples of digital gates address: M0001.12 .0 IB01. I00. Example of valid numeric gates block IW01 IW02 IW03 IW04 IW05 Example of NOT valid numeric gates block IW01 IW06 QW07 QW09 IW10 In case of PS32.02 I00.0 IB00.15 : Digital output word 03 bit 15. Q03.0 QI01.03 . Example of valid block I00.00. PS416-CPU-223 a block of numeric gates with BYTE format must be made of gates with the same Function and sequential Address with alternate “0” and “8”. PS316–CPU-223.0 IB02.8 12.0 IB03.01 .0 IB04. I00. M1234.8 IB03.0 IB01.09 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Example of NOT valid block I00.3 Example of valid numeric gates block QI00.CPU.8 QI00. Digital gates for PS416 .09 : Merker 1234 bit 9.A 59 Note: A block can be made of a maximum of 32 WORD type gates or 64 BYTE type gates A block of numeric gates must have only gates with the same function and sequential address.7 :Merker byte 0034 bit 7.00 I00.0 IB01.8 IB01. Note: A block can be made by a maximum of 64 bytes. Word address and Bit address of the following table. M0034. All digital gates of a block must have the same function. Digital gates for PS32.KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM . PS306.8 Example of NOT valid numeric gates block QI00.01 : digital input word 00 bit 1. but this doesn't mean that the maximum number of digital gates is 64.1 : Merker byte 0001 bit 1.0 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function.0 IB04.0 Example of NOT valid numeric gates block IB00.01 I00.8 IB02.8 IB02. Example of valid numeric gates block IB00. PS316-CPU-223. PS306. so other 63 bytes are available A block is defined as a number of sequential bytes in the PLC: so digital gates which are grouped in a block must refer to the same byte or to the sequential.0 IB01.0 QI02.8 IB00. Let us group in a block the following digital gates: I00.8 QI01.15 I03.00 I01. PS416-CPU-223 Function I Q M Description INPUT OUTPUT MERKER Word address XX XX XX Bit address XX XX XX Gate read Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Example: here are some examples of digital gates address: I00. these 4 gates take the space of only one byte.8 QI02.04.00 I02.0 IB01. 14 I06.12 12.00 I02. · COM port: serial port name.07 I06. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message.60 Protocols Guide I00.09 I03.03 I06. PS306.05 I06. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .15 I01. PS416-CPU-400.09 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window.15 I01.06 I06. · Plc type: Plc type: PS32.14 I02.4 I05.07 I03.04 I06. PS316-CPU-223. PS416-CPU-223. Part XIII . in case of cable lenght greater then 10 meters a RS232/RS422 converter is required.1 Introduction This protocol is used for communication with Klockner Moeller PLCs PS4-141-MM1. Let us group in a block the following digital gates: M00000.0. PS4-151-MM1. so other 63 bytes are © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . only one device can be connected on the serial link Data are dinamically allocated inside the PLC according to the number of merker byte declared during PLC programming. Function M Description MERKER Byte address XXXXX Bit address X 0.A per PS4 13. Communication between PC and PLC is performed via the standard PC RS232 serial link.0 : Merker 11220 bit 0. Note: A block can be made by a maximum of 64 bytes.3 Example of NOT valid block MW00000 MW00003 MW00006 MW00007 MW00010 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function. M00000..7 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Example: here are some examples of digital gates address: M01234. these 4 gates take the space of only one byte.. but this doesn't mean that the maximum number of digital gates is 64.1 . PS4-201-MM1. M00000. it is necessary to restart the sotfware to allow the driver to update the address map.7 : Merker 01234 bit 7. Word address and Bit address of the following. The first thing done by the driver is to build a map of data addresses.62 Protocols Guide 13 KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM . if data in the PLC are reallocated. MB02341 : Merker byte 02341 Note: A block can be made of a maximum of 32 WORD type gates or 64 BYTE type gates A block of numeric gates must have only gates with the same function and sequential address.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table. Function MW Description WORD MERKER (16 bit) MB BYTE MERKER (8 bit) Address XXXXX (only even numbers) XXXXX Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: here are some examples of digital gates address: MW01230: Merker word 01230. M11220.3 . 13.4. PS4-341-MM1. Example of valid block MW00000 MW00002 MW00004 MW00006 MW00008 13. M00000. 1 M00003.1 M00005. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message.5 M00001.KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .2 M00000.5 M00001. · Plc type: Plc type: PS4-141-MM1.0 M00000.0 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. Example of valid block M00000.1 M00000.4 M00000.4 Example of NOT valid block M00000.3 M00004.A per PS4 63 available A block is defined as a number of sequential bytes in the PLC: so digital gates which are grouped in a block must refer to the same byte or to the sequential one. PS4-341-MM1.0 M00002.5 M00006. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages.7 M00009. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . PS4-201-MM1. PS4-151-MM1.0 M00000.4 13.1 M00001.0 M00003.4 M00006.6 M00002.3 M00006.0 M00002. · COM port: serial port name.4 M00006. Part XIV . but if you need them. Supervisor interfacing is the same as ETS.NET Framework 2.8 can be run only on the following operative systems: . KNX bus interfacing requires a serial or USB BCU (Bus Coupling Unit) or a Ethernet port to connect PC to a KNXnet/IP router. a gate may not have © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . To run this protocol.. 14.KNX (Falcon Library) 14 KNX (Falcon Library) 14.Microsoft Windows XP (only 32 bit versions) .. instead design your system in the manner that you can read once (gate read only at startup) and then stay listening. List of all requirements is available on KNX web site. So you can read and write group addresses linking it to gates. write or transmit one of these group addresses it captures the value and set the linked gate value.knx. any device must not abuse the bus write group address (WGA) . For example Falcon Library version 1. Once obtained License Key file you can unlock Falcon Library using procedure described here.Microsoft Windows Vista (only 32 bit versions) . refer to KNX specifications and devices reference manuals. you need to acquire and install Falcon Library.2 Numeric gates address You can link a gate to: .1. In addition manufacturers can prevent reading or writing some datapoints even if they are linked to group addresses. Please note that you can only read. KNX devices supervision is based on group addresses. KNX protocol requires Falcon Library. Often these requirements are already installed.Microsoft Windows 2000 . Furthermore you can set listening group addresses: protocol monitors the bus. group addresses must be defined and downloaded on the system using ETS. write and listen only devices datapoints linked in some of system group addresses. the official way to interface a Windows PC to KNX bus. License must be purchased from KNX Association ( http://www.1 Introduction 65 Protocol designed to allow communication with building automation devices connected through KNX bus. please locate download links on the same web page. Other Falcon Library HW/SW requirements can prevent use of this communication protocol on some machines. ETS license is not valid as Falcon Library For more details. choose one of Falcon Library licenses on the basis of your needs. Unlicensed Falcon Library run in demo mode for 5 minutes in IP connections and 30 minutes in USB or RS232 connections. If you intend to install Falcon Library on outdated operative systems. alternatively you can obtain them using Windows Update or Microsoft Update.0 and Windows Installer 3. So avoid frequent reading of several read group address (RGA) .Microsoft Windows 7 (only 32 bit versions). LGA2. Run setup and follow on-screen instruction to install Falcon Library. please note that it requires .knx. RGA must be a readable group address.) RGA is the group address read synchronously from the bus (PC asks the bus).org/). value answered by the bus becomes the gate value. whenever some one read. Falcon Library (runtime version) can be downloaded from KNX official site ( http://www. Falcon Library requires also a license. at the bottom. KNX protocol is or more listening group addresses (LGA1. . . value is captured and becomes the gate value. When one of these group address passes through the bus. .WGA. write or transmit group addresses (e.type is the data format of group addresses.g. WGA is the group address written synchronously on the bus (PC sets the value on the bus). you need only the main number.. LGA1. You can know the type of a group address (type of datapoint linked to a group address) referring to device documentation. .7. In the next paragraphs are listed all supported types and some examples of gate address field syntax. Numeric gates address Address field of numeric gates must comply to the following format: RGA. WGA and LGA list must be separated by semicolon character (. write and listening group address described above..RGA. type of datapoint is 9 (nine). It is the main number (Format + Encoding) of Datapoint Type (see chapter 3. Group addresses can be the same or can be different (one gate can read from a group address.. LGA2. are read. each LGA is separated from the next with a comma character (. a room sensor can transmit on the bus the changed value of temperature). LGA2.type where . write to a different group address and listen to different too group addresses).. but you need to specify almost one of the three.. A gate may have no listening group address and can be linked to a maximum of eight group addresses. are the listening group addresses. another way is to see datapoint type in ETS: choose the group address in the left pane of Group Addresses window. Supported KNX Datapoint Types © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . WGA.LGA1.66 Protocols Guide a read group address. Different gates can listen to same group addresses.2 of KNX Handbook). WGA must be a writeable group address. RGA. that is the left part before dot character (. This is due to the multi-master architecture of KNX protocol: each device can read..). ..). in the figure below.). a light switch can write the value of a group address. Group addresses must be written in the standard 3-level representation: main_group/middle_group/sub_group. then double click one of the linked datapoints in the right side. none is mandatory. LGA1.LGA2. a gate may not have a write group address. .023 Reading and listening: gate value is set to 1 if received 1. Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types Notes 1 B1 1. Writing: the two least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus ( v ¬ bit 0 of gate.007. 3. 1.00 of KNX Handbook. this part of official documentation is available in Download section of KNX web site (http://www. 4. KNX standard is evolving and often are added new Datapoint Types. bit 1 ¬ c). 0 otherwise... c ¬ bit 3). bit 3 ¬ c). So you can correctly interface with a datapoint (group address) even if you can not find his type in the 3rd column of the table..002 Reading and ..001 .001 .knx.001.2 v1. Writing: 1 is written on the bus if least significant bit of gate is 1.7. 4 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl A8 4.. 2. c ¬ bit 1).. bit 2 of the gate ¬ step-code.. 3 B1U3 3. 0 otherwise 2 B2 2.KNX (Falcon Library) 67 Following table lists Datapoint Type supported for numeric Reading and listening: gate value is set according to the two received bits (bit 0 of gate ¬ v. bit 2 of the gate. Reference of this table is chapter 3.008 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to the four received bits (bit 0 .5. Writing: the four least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus ( step-code ¬ bit 0 . 001 and 5.003 .. if the gate value is out of range (< 0 or > 255) writing results may be unpredictable. 5 U8 8-bit Unsigned value 5. for 5.68 Protocols Guide Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types Character set Notes listening: gate value is set according ISO-8859-1 code of received character.010 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value.001. No range check is provided. If you are writing a 4. 6 V8 6.001 Datapoint Type. 5. pay attention not to use values bigger than 127.010 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. Writing: the eight least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus..003 Datapoint Type) please set conversion data in gate configuration. If you need scaling (e. 5.g. 5.001. 6. No automatic scaling is provided: value is saved always as raw byte value (from 0 to 255). Writing: gate © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .006. Writing: the eight least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus. Writing: gate value is written on the bus. 8. 7. Writing: the sixteen least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus. if the gate value is out of range (< 0 or > 65535) writing results may be unpredictable.g. No range check is provided.010.011 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value.001.KNX (Falcon Library) Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types 69 Notes value is written on the bus.005. Out of range values (< -128 or > 127) generate writing error and the gate is not written.. 8. 7.001.002. 7. 7 U16 2-octet Unsigned value 7. for 8.010 Datapoint Type) please set conversion data in gate configuration.005. 7.013 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. 7. 8. 8 V16 2-octet Signed value 8.010 . 8. Out of range values (< -32768 or > 32767) generate writing error and the gate is not © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . If you need scaling (e. 8.007..007. No automatic scaling is provided: value is saved always as raw word value (from -32768 to 32767).002. .. 9. Only the three least significant bytes of the gate are transmitted.008.011. 11 r3U5r4U4r1U7 Date 11. 9..010.028 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. 9.001 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. Writing: gate value is written on the bus. reserved bits are reset. Writing: gate value is written on the bus. Received data is roughly copied in the three least significant bytes of the gate as described in KNX © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . 9 F16 2-octet Float value 9. Received data is roughly copied in the three least significant bytes of the gate as described in KNX documentation.001 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value.001 .020 .70 Protocols Guide Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types Notes written.. Out of range values (< -671088. 10 N3U5r2U6r2U6 Time 10. 9.28) generate writing error and the gate is not written.64 or > 670433. 9. 000 . 13 V32 4-octet Signed value 13.. 13.. reserved bits are reset. 17 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl r2U6 Scene number 17. 14. Writing: gate value is written on the bus..001 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. 13. .001.010 . Writing: gate value is written on the bus.001 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. 14 F32 4-octet Float value 14. Only the three least significant bytes of the gate are transmitted.. Received data is roughly copied in the least significant byte of the gate as described in KNX documentation. 12 U32 4-octet Unsigned value 12. Writing: gate value is written on the bus.079 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value.KNX (Falcon Library) Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types 71 Notes documentation. Writing: gate value is written on the bus.015 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. 20. 20. No value check is provided.001 . reserved bits are reset..017 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. Writing: the eight least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus. Writing: gate value is written on the bus. Only the least significant byte of the gate is transmitted..001. Only the least significant byte of the gate is transmitted. 20 N8 20. Received data is roughly copied in the least significant byte of the gate as described in KNX documentation. out of range or restricted values are not rejected.011 .002 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. Writing: the eight © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . 20.72 Protocols Guide Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types Notes Writing: gate value is written on the bus. 21. 18 B1r1U6 Scene control 18. 20.014.008..001 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. reserved bits are reset.. 21 B8 21. No value check is provided. out of range or restricted values are not rejected. Writing: the two least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus 26 r1B1U6 Scene control 26. Writing: gate value is written on the bus..001 .003 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to the two received bits. 23. reserved bits are reset. 23 N2 23..KNX (Falcon Library) Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types 73 Notes least significant bits of the gate are written on the bus..1 Read group address (RGA): 1/1/12 Write group address (WGA): none © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . they are saved in the two least significant bits of the gate.001 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received value. Examples Address field of the gate Description 1/1/12.. Only the least significant byte of the gate is transmitted. Received data is roughly copied in the least significant byte of the gate as described in KNX documentation. 1/2/7. Different gates can listen to same group addresses.9 Read group address (RGA): 1/2/7 Write group address (WGA): 1/2/8 Listening group addresses (LGA): 1/2/7 and 1/2/9 KNX type (type): 9 (F16 2-octet Float value) .5 Read group address (RGA): 1/2/7 Write group address (WGA): none Listening group addresses (LGA): 1/2/7 KNX type (type): 5 (U8 8-bit Unsigned value) 1/2/7.3 Digital gates address You can link a gate to: . A gate may have no listening group address and can be linked to a maximum of eight group read group address (RGA) or more listening group addresses (LGA1. a room sensor can transmit on the bus the changed value of temperature).one write group address (WGA) . LGA1.. When one of these group address passes through the bus.g.. value answered by the bus becomes the gate value.1/2/7. a gate may not have a write group address.1 Read group address (RGA): none Write group address (WGA): 1/2/8 Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 1 (B1) Blocks of numeric gates Blocks of numeric gates are not supported. value is captured and becomes the gate value. a gate may not have a read group address. write or transmit group addresses (e. WGA must be a writeable group address.) RGA is the group address read synchronously from the bus (PC asks the bus). are the listening group addresses.1/2/8.1/2/7.. 14.1/2/9. WGA is the group address written synchronously on the bus (PC sets the value on the bus). ... LGA2..1/2/8. a light switch can write the value of a group address. . Digital gates address Address field of digital gates must comply to the following format: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .5 Read group address (RGA): 1/2/7 Write group address (WGA): 1/2/7 Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 5 (U8 8-bit Unsigned value) 1/2/7. This is due to the multi-master architecture of KNX protocol: each device can read. RGA must be a readable group address. LGA2.74 Protocols Guide Address field of the gate Description Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 1 (B1) 1/2/7. 2 of KNX Handbook). LGA2.7. LGA1. WGA. Group addresses must be written in the standard 3-level representation: main_group/middle_group/ Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types Notes 1 B1 1. then double click one of the linked datapoints in the right side.. KNX standard is evolving and often are added new Datapoint Types.7.KNX (Falcon Library) 75 RGA.knx.type where .001 .023 Reading and listening: gate value is set © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Supported KNX Datapoint Types Following table lists Datapoint Type supported for digital gates. you need only the main number.. this part of official documentation is available in Download section of KNX web site (http://www. It is the main number (Format + Encoding) of Datapoint Type (see chapter 3... another way is to see datapoint type in ETS: choose the group address in the left pane of Group Addresses window..WGA. each LGA is separated from the next with a comma character (. WGA and LGA list must be separated by semicolon character (... write to a different group address and listen to different too group addresses). Reference of this table is chapter 3.RGA.00 of KNX Handbook. So you can correctly interface with a datapoint (group address) even if you can not find his type in the 3rd column of the table. You can know the type of a group address (type of datapoint linked to a group address) referring to device documentation. are read. Group addresses can be the same or can be different (one gate can read from a group address. type of datapoint is 1 (one). . RGA. that is the left part before dot character (. .type is the data format of group addresses.LGA2. none is mandatory.2 v1. but you need to specify almost one of the three. In the next paragraphs are listed all supported types and some examples of gate address field syntax.). 1.)..). in the figure below. write and listening group address described above. one write group address (WGA) .2/1/13...4 String gates address You can link a gate to: ... read group address (RGA) .. LGA2.. Examples Address field of the gate Description 1/3/ or more listening group addresses (LGA1.1 Read group address (RGA): 1/3/173 Write group address (WGA): 1/3/173 Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 1 (B1) 1/3/173.) RGA is the group address read synchronously from the bus (PC asks the bus)..1/3/173.1 Read group address (RGA): none Write group address (WGA): 3/2/1 Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 1 (B1) Blocks of digital gates Blocks of digital gates are not supported.76 Protocols Guide Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types Notes according to received value.2/1/15 Read group address (RGA): 2/1/14 .1/3/173. .2/1/16.1 Read group address (RGA): 1/3/173 Write group address (WGA): none Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 1 (B1) 1/3/173.1 Read group address (RGA): 1/3/173 Write group address (WGA): none Listening group addresses (LGA): 1/3/173 KNX type (type): 1 (B1) 2/1/14.1 Write group address (WGA): 2/1/16 Listening group addresses (LGA): 2/1/13 and 2/1/15 KNX type (type): 1 (B1) . value answered © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Writing: gate value is written on the bus.3/2/1. A gate may have no listening group address and can be linked to a maximum of eight group addresses. .2 of KNX Handbook).type where .). . RGA.KNX (Falcon Library) 77 by the bus becomes the gate value.LGA1.. LGA1. Different gates can listen to same group addresses.. each LGA is separated from the next with a comma character (. none is mandatory. WGA and LGA list must be separated by semicolon character (. When one of these group address passes through the bus. another way is to see datapoint type in ETS: choose the group address in the left pane of Group Addresses window. LGA2. This is due to the multi-master architecture of KNX protocol: each device can read. write or transmit group addresses (e. a light switch can write the value of a group address. type of datapoint is 16 (sixteen). RGA must be a readable group address.. WGA is the group address written synchronously on the bus (PC sets the value on the bus).7.. You can know the type of a group address (type of datapoint linked to a group address) referring to device documentation. value is captured and becomes the gate value. It is the main number (Format + Encoding) of Datapoint Type (see chapter 3. that is the left part before dot character (. write and listening group address described above. . LGA2. a gate may not have a read group address.. write to a different group address and listen to different too group addresses). Group addresses must be written in the standard 3-level representation: main_group/middle_group/sub_group.type is the data format of group addresses. then double click one of the linked datapoints in the right side. Group addresses can be the same or can be different (one gate can read from a group address.).WGA. a room sensor can transmit on the bus the changed value of temperature).RGA. a gate may not have a write group address..g. WGA must be a writeable group address. String gates address Address field of string gates must comply to the following format: RGA. in the figure below.LGA2.. but you need to specify almost one of the three. Supported KNX Datapoint Types © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . are read. you need only the main number. are the listening group addresses.. LGA1. WGA.). In the next paragraphs are listed all supported types and some examples of gate address field syntax. this part of official documentation is available in Download section of KNX web site (http://www. So you can correctly interface with a datapoint (group address) even if you can not find his type in the 3rd column of the table. remaining characters are reset. 4.5. Writing: first character of gate is written on the bus.7.00 of KNX v1. pay attention not to use character which code is bigger than 127. pay attention not to use character which code is bigger than 127. If gate string length is smaller than 14.001.002 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received character.knx. Writing: first 14 characters of gate are written on the bus.001 Datapoint Type. 16. If you are writing a 4. 16 A112 String 16. KNX standard is evolving and often are added new Datapoint Types. Reference of this table is chapter 3.002 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received characters.001 Reading and listening: gate value is set according to received characters © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . If you are writing a 16. 24 A[n] 24.001.001 Datapoint Type. Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types Notes 4 A8 Character set 4.78 Protocols Guide Following table lists Datapoint Type supported for string gates. Writing: gate string characters are written on the bus.4/12/1.KNX (Falcon Library) Datapoint Type main number (type) Datapoint Type format Supported Datapoint Types 79 Notes (maximum 80 characters)..4 Write group address (WGA): 5/1/11 Listening group addresses (LGA): 5/1/12 e 5/1/17 KNX type (type): 4 (A8 Character set) .16 Blocks of string gates Blocks of string gates are not supported..16 Read group address (RGA): 4/12/1 Write group address (WGA): none Listening group addresses (LGA): 4/12/1 KNX type (type): 16 (A112 String) 5/1/10. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Read group address (RGA): none Write group address (WGA): 3/20/1 Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 16 (A112 String) .16 Read group address (RGA): 4/12/1 Write group address (WGA): 4/12/1 Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 16 (A112 String) 4/12/1.3/20/1.4/12/1....4 Read group address (RGA): 4/12/1 Write group address (WGA): none Listening group addresses (LGA): none KNX type (type): 4 (A8 Character set) 4/12/1.5/1/11.5/1/17 Read group address (RGA): 5/1/10 . Examples Address field of the gate Description 4/12/1.5/1/12. Push Get from file. unzip it to get the license file (which has . Configure.. Create communication error log: if set. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . it is a string like this: 1. Listed interfaces are system-defined (same interfaces are available to all KNX software running on the machine. protocol driver will create an error log file. during runtime. edit and remove communication interfaces (it is the same dialog of ETS). button allow to create. a too short time can cause bus malfunctions. To display error log press Errors button (during runtime as well). they are located in Program Common Files dir\EIBA sc\Log (normally C:\Program Files\Common Files\EIBA sc\Log). Communication interface: choose interface that will be used to communicate with KNX devices. Error log is useful to debug projects helping you to find causes of communication errors. Alternatively you can manual insert your license key. Default priority e Default routing counter: these are parameters used to communicate with KNX bus.80 file. Falcon Library creates and manages other machine-wide log files. Please use a sensible time. License key can be obtained from license file downloaded from KNX online shop.5 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. Please note that these log files contain entries related to all programs accessing KNX bus (ETS too). License key: insert here Falcon Library license acquired from KNX Association...lic extension).. button and select your license key file.000 permanent uncounted VENDOR_STRING="xxxxxxxx" HOSTID=FLEXID= yyyyyyyy SIGN=zzzzzzzz Other information about Falcon Library licensing are provided in introduction page. Open your license file with a text editor (like Notepad) and extract the license key. Query pause: this is the minimum time waited between a bus request and the next. like ETS). For a detailed description of these parameters refer to KNX Handbook. Please use default settings (Low and 6) unless you are aware of change effects. KNX online shop normally provide a . Part XV . 0) COUNTER CONTACT WORD (bit 15....0) LINK RELAY WORD (bit 15.0) TIMER CONTACT WORD (bit 15....0) EXTERNAL OUTPUT RELAY WORD (bit 15. up to 32 devices can be connected on the same serial link 15....82 Protocols Guide 15 MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL .1 Introduction This protocol is used for communication with series FP PLCs The communication between the PC and the PLCs is through the PC serial interface and requires a RS232/RS485..0) EXTERNAL INPUT RELAY SET DATA PATTERN (bit 15.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table... Function D D_L D_F F L IX IY SDD SDL SDF S S_L S_F K R0 CX CY CR CL CT CC SCX SCY Description DATA REGISTER DATA REGISTER (LONG) DATA_REGISTER (FLOAT) FILE REGISTER LINK DATA REGISTER IX INDEX REGISTER IY INDEX REGISTER DATA REGISTER SET PATTERN LINK DATA REGISTER SET PATTERN FILE REGISTER SET PATTERN TIMER COUNTER PRESET VALUE TIMER COUNTER PRESET VALUE (LONG) TIMER COUNTER PRESET VALUE (FLOAT) TIMER COUNTER ELAPSED VALUE SYSTEM REGISTER EXTERNAL INPUT RELAY WORD (bit 15..0) INTERNAL RELAY WORD (bit 15.0) EXTERNAL OUTPUT RELAY SET DATA Address XXXXX XXXXX Gate read Yes Yes Gate write Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes XXXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXXX XXXXX Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XXXXX Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No XXXXX No Yes No XXXXX No Yes No XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXX XXXX Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX Yes Yes Yes XXXX No Yes No XXXX No Yes No © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ..COM 15. Example of valid block D00003 D00004 D00005 D00006 D00007 Example of NOT valid block D00003 D00005 L00012 D00013 D00014 Index registers IX. CX0012: External input relay word 0012 – bit 15. T0007 : Timer contact word 0007.3 Example of NOT valid block IY IX Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function. Example of valid block IX IY 15... SDL00015: Set Link Data Register pattern 00015. R003C : Internal relay word 003 – bit 12.bit 0. Note: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .COM SCR SCL PATTERN (bit 15....0) 83 XXXX No Yes No XXXX No Yes No Example: here are some examples of numeric gates: D00011 : Data Register 00011. Function X Description EXTERNAL INPUT RELAY Word address XXX (decimal value) Bit address X (Hexadecimal value of the bit) X (Hexadecimal value of the bit) X (Hexadecimal value of the bit) Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Y EXTERNAL OUTPUT RELAY XXX (decimal value) Yes Yes Yes R INTERNAL RELAY XXX (decimal value) Yes Yes Yes L LINK RELAY XXX (decimal value) X (Hexadecimal value of the bit) Yes Yes Yes T TIMER CONTACT XXXX (decimal value) Yes Yes Yes C COUNTER CONTACT XXXX (decimal value) Yes Yes Yes Example: here are some examples of digital gates address: X001A : External input relay word 001 – bit 10.IY.MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL .0) INTERNAL RELAY SET DATA PATTERN (bit 15. K0004 : Elapsed timer counter 0004.. Word address and Bit address of the following table.0) LINK RELAY SET DATA PATTERN (bit 15..IY can be grouped in a block only if declared sequentially as: IX. Note: A block of numeric gates must be made of gates with the same Function and sequential Address. 4 Example of NOT valid block X0010 X0011 X0012 X0013 X0014 X0015 X0016 Y0010 Y0011 R0010 X001A X001B X001C X001D X001E X001F String gates address The string gate address is specified by the function in the following.Y.L. in case of function X. The first type is made of 2…8 gates with any function and address Digital gates grouped in a block X001A Y002B R003C L004D L004E T0001 C0002 C0003 The second type is made of a number of gates which is equal or multiple of 16. Function RT Description READ THE STATUS OF THE PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER Gate read Yes Gate write No Block read No © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .84 Protocols Guide Digital gates can be grouped in two different types of blocks. Example of valid block X0010 X0011 X0012 X0013 X0014 X0015 X0016 X0017 X0018 X0019 X001A X001B X001C X001D X001E X001F 15.R. the first gate must have bit address equal. all gates must have the same function and sequential address. MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL . © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 85 . · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. · Stop bits: stop bits.5 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · Parity: parity. · Baud rate: communication speed. · COM port: serial port name. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message.COM 15. · Data bits: number of bits. Part XVI . 1 for parameters ranging from 100 to 915) L X Example: we want to read the parameter Max Frequency limit which corresponds to function 1: the gate address will be 40001: “4” (Data length = 4 characters) + “0” (Parameter from 0 to 99 ) + “001” (function code for Read Max frequency limit).2 Gate address The gate address must be specified with the following format: LXDDD Data length(2.MITSUBISHI FR-CU03 16 MITSUBISHI FR-CU03 16. the software will automatically substitute the read function with the write function.6 characters) Link Parameter Expansion Function Read Gate Write gate Read Block DDD Yes Yes No (0 for parameters ranging from 0 to 99.1 Introduction 87 This protocol is used for communication with Mitsubishi inverters equipped with computer link unit FR-CU03..127 Read parameters Numeric Yes No No When using this protocol.4.3 Function provided Function Description Gate type Read gate Write gate Read Block 0. 16. 16.. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . the read function must be specified in the gate address. in case of gate write. · Stop char : Stop characters at the end of the message. · Stop bits: stop bits. · Parity: parity.No stop character . · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Baud rate: communication speed. · COM port: serial port name.4 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages.88 16.Carriage Return + Line Feed © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Data bits: number of bits.Three cases: .Carriage Return . Part XVII . ..2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table. 3:1 (Function 3 and address 1) : new format.FFFF Hexadecimal XXXXX (0. Decription Function Address Gate read Gate write Block read 3 (obsolete) HOLDING REGISTER 16 bit XXXX Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 3: 3h: 3:16: 3h:10h: 4 (obsolete) 4: 4h: HOLDING REGISTER 16 bit HOLDING REGISTER 16 bit HOLDING REGISTER 16 bit HOLDING REGISTER 16 bit INPUT REGISTER 16 bit INPUT REGISTER 16 bit INPUT REGISTER 16 bit 7 EXCEPTION STATUS 33 (obsolete) HOLDING REGISTER (0.65535 decimal XXXXh (0...FFFF Hexadecimal XXXX © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .MODBUS RTU 17.90 Protocols Guide 17 MODBUS ASCII . Gate address can be one of the sequent format: 30001 (Function 3 and address 0001) : obsolete format. in case of gate write.9999 decimal XXXXX (0.......1 Introduction Modbus Ascii and Modbus Rtu protocols are used by a large number of devices. In hexadecimal format the “h” char must be lower case.65535 decimal XXXXh (0.. 17.9999 decimal XXXXX (0. the supervisor software will automatically substitute the read function with the write function. 3h:1h (Function 3 and address 1) : new format..65535 decimal XXXXh (0..... With these two protocols it is necessary to indicate the read function in the address of all gates.FFFF Hexadecimal XXXX (0. .65535 decimal XXXXh (0..FFFF Hexadecimal XXXX (0..FFFF Hexadecimal XXXX (0....MODBUS ASCII ..MODBUS RTU 32 bit (FLOAT) 33: 21h: 36 (obsolete) HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) 91 (0.....FFFF Hexadecimal .65535 decimal XXXXh (0.....9999 decimal reverse mode 36: HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) reverse mode 24h: HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) reverse mode 44 (obsolete) 44: 2Ch: 46 (obsolete) INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) XXXXX (0...9999 decimal reverse mode 46: INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) reverse mode 2Eh: INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (FLOAT) reverse mode 35 (obsolete) 35: 23h: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) XXXXX (0...9999 decimal XXXXX Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.9999 decimal XXXXX (0.FFFF Hexadecimal XXXX (0....65535 decimal XXXXh (0..65535 decimal XXXXh (0......9999 decimal XXXXX (0.FFFF Hexadecimal XXXX (0.65535 decimal XXXXh (0... 92 Protocols Guide 37 (obsolete) HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) XXXX Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes (0.FFFF Hexadecimal reverse mode 45 (obsolete) 45: 2Dh: INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) XXXX (0..65535 decimal reverse mode 25h: HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) XXXXh (0.9999 decimal reverse mode 37: HOLDING REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) XXXXX (0. 7: Exception Status..9999 decimal INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) INPUT REGISTER 32 bit (LONG) XXXXX (0...Obsolete 33:11 : Holding register 11 (32 bit float)... 2Ch:4h : Input register 4 (32 bit float). 3h:Bh : Holding register 11 (16 bit). 21h:Bh : Holding register 11 (32 bit float). 440004 : Input register 0004 (32 bit float).FFFF Hexadecimal Example: the following are some examples of numeric gates: 30011 : Holding register 0011 (16 bit). Numeric gates that CAN be read as block Numeric gates thatn CAN NOT be read as block 3:3 4:3 3:4 4:5 3:5 3:12 3:6 4:13 3:7 4:14 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . 40004 : Input register 0004 (16 bit)..Obsolete 4:4 : Input register 4 (16 bit).65535 decimal XXXXh (0. Note: A block of numeric gates must be made only by gates with the same function and sequential addresses.. 330011 : Holding register 0011 (32 bit float). 3h:10h:Bh : Holding register 11 (16 bit) with write function 10h instead of 6h.. Obsolete 44:4 : Input register 4 (32 bit float)..Obsolete 3:11 : Holding register 11 (16 bit). 4h:4h : Input register 4 (16 bit)... . 2:120 : Input Status 120..FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Read Block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Example: the following are some examples of digital gates: 10003 : Coil register 0003.. Note: A block of digital gates must be made only by gates with the same function and sequential addresses..FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No . 2h:78h : Input Status 120.. 20120 : Input Status 0120...9999 decimal XXXXX (0..65535 decimal XXXXh (0..MODBUS RTU 17..9999 decimal XXXXX (0. 1:3 : Coil register 3. 1h:3h : Coil register 3..65535 decimal XXXXh (0..3 93 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table.9999 decimal XXXXX (0..65535 decimal XXXXh (0. Function 1 (obsolete) Description COIL REGISTER 1: COIL REGISTER 1h: COIL REGISTER 2 (obsolete) INPUT STATUS 2: INPUT STATUS 2h: INPUT STATUS Address XXXX (0...+ LowByte (HoldingRegister N) Function 33 (obsolete) 33: 21h: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Address XXXX (0....FFFF Hexadecimal XXXX (0. Digital gates that CAN be read as block Digital gates thatn CAN NOT be read as block 1:123 2:3 1:124 1:5 1:125 1:12 1:126 1:13 1:127 2:14 17.4 String gates address String gates function are supported only in Modbus RTU and Modbus RTU TCP protocol For Holding register: Function 33 (21h) extract a string from a block of holding register in the following mode: String Gate Value= LowByte(HoldingRegister 1)+LowByte(HoldingRegister 2) +...MODBUS ASCII . .+ LowByte(HoldingRegister N)+HighByte(HoldingRegister N) Function 35 (obsolete) 35: 23h: Address XXXX (0..9999 decimal XXXXX (0.FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Holding (read/write) register Modbus address 0001 350001 35:0001 23h:0001h Function 37 (25h) extract a string from a block of holding register in the following mode: String Gate Value= HighByte(HoldingRegister 1) + LowByte(HoldingRegister 1) + HighByte(HoldingRegister 2)+ LowByte(HoldingRegister 2) +.....FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Holding (read/write) register Modbus address 0001 360001 36:0001 24h:0001h Function 35 (23h) extract a string from a block of holding register in the following mode: String Gate Value= LowByte(HoldingRegister 1) + HighByte(HoldingRegister 1) + LowByte(HoldingRegister 2)+ HighByte(HoldingRegister 2) +...65535 decimal XXXXh (0..65535 decimal XXXXh (0.....9999 decimal XXXXX (0.......9999 decimal XXXXX (0.FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Holding (read/write) register Modbus address 0001 370001 37:0001 25h:0001h © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ..+ HighByte (HoldingRegister N) Function 36 (obsolete) 36: 24h: Address XXXX (0.+ HighByte(HoldingRegister N)+LowByte(HoldingRegister N) Function 37 (obsolete) 37: 25h: Address XXXX (0...65535 decimal XXXXh (0.94 Protocols Guide Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Holding (read/write) register Modbus address 0001 330001 33:0001 21h:0001h Function 36 (24h) extract a string from a block of holding register in the following mode: String Gate Value= HighByte(HoldingRegister 1)+HighByte(HoldingRegister 2) +... 9999 decimal XXXXX (0...+ LowByte(InputRegister N) Function 43 (obsolete) 43: 2Bh: Address XXXX (0.+ LowByte(InputRegister N)+HighByte(InputRegister N) Function © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Address Gate read Gate write Block read .FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write No Block read No Yes No No Yes No No Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Input register Modbus address 0001 460001 46:0001 2Eh:0001h Function 45 (2Dh) extract a string from a block of input register in the following mode: String Gate Value= LowByte(InputRegister 1) + HighByte(InputRegister 1) + LowByte(InputRegister 2)+ HighByte(InputRegister 2) +..... Function 37:0: 25h:0h: Address XXXXX (0.MODBUS RTU 95 Function 37:0: (25h:0h:) add a string terminator word ( that is 0) during the writing to device procedure.FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Yes Yes No Example: 37:0:1000 25h:0h:3E8h For Input register: Function 43 (2Bh) extract a string from a block of input register in the following mode: String Gate Value= LowByte(InputRegister 1)+LowByte(InputRegister 2) +......65535 decimal XXXXh (0.65535 decimal XXXXh (0...FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write No Block read No Yes No No Yes No No Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Input register Modbus address 0001 430001 43:0001 2Bh:0001h Function 46 (2Eh) extract a string from a block of input register in the following mode: String Gate Value= HighByte(InputRegister 1)+HighByte(InputRegister 2) +.MODBUS ASCII .65535 decimal XXXXh (0.....+ HighByte(InputRegister N) Function 46 (obsolete) 46: 2Eh: Address XXXX (0....9999 decimal XXXXX (0... 65535 decimal XXXXh (0.FFFF Hexadecimal Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Input register Modbus address 0001 450001 45:0001 2Dh:0001h Function 47 (2Fh) extract a string from a block of input register in the following mode: String Gate Value= HighByte(InputRegister 1) + LowByte(InputRegister 1) + HighByte(InputRegister 2)+ LowByte(InputRegister 2) +...+ HighByte(InputRegister N)+LowByte(InputRegister N) Function 47 (obsolete) 47: 2Fh: Address XXXX (0...65535 decimal XXXXh (0...9999 decimal XXXXX (0..5 Protocol configuration © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .FFFF Hexadecimal Gate read Yes Gate write No Block read No Yes No No Yes No No Example: These are 3 way to read data string from Input register Modbus address 0001 470001 47:0001 2Fh:0001h 17...9999 decimal XXXXX (0......96 Protocols Guide 45 (obsolete) 45: 2Dh: XXXX (0. Can be: Standard mode (High Byte + Low Byte) Reverse mode (Low Byte + High Byte) MODBUS TCP © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 97 . · Read timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) for a complete answer (for Read functions).MODBUS ASCII . · Write timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) for a complete answer (for Write functions). · Register format: order of the bytes inside the register. · Stop bits: stop bits. · COM port: serial port name.MODBUS RTU Protocol configuration window. · Data bits: number of bits. · Query pause [ms]: timeout between two request messages. · Baud rate: communication speed. · Parity: parity. · Devices IP address: IP address or Host Name setup for each device. · Re-connection pause [ms] : pause between close socket and open socket in case of communication errors. · Use Gateway transparent mode: enable this option if you are using a Gateway that works in transparent mode © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Port number : communication port number for TCP/IP protocol · Timeout [ms] : timeout (milliseconds) for a complete answer.98 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration window. · Query pause [ms]: timeout between two request messages. Part XVIII . Instead QUERY_y represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration .SQL query" Section: it is used to read a value from ODBC data source...1 Introduction This driver provides an access point to ODBC data sources via ODBC.. ODBC ( Open database connectivity) is a standard method to access DBMS (Data Base Management System ) .50 In this second case QUERY_x always represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration . QUERY_x[R].... See "Protocol configuration" section for more details.50 In this first case QUERY_x represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration . QUERY_x.100 Protocols Guide 18 ODBC Client 18. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .50 where y= 1.QUERY_y where x= 1.QUERY_y where x= 1.The values are taken as row ([R]) :that means that each value is a different field of the same record inside the ODBC data source. Instead QUERY_y represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration ..SQL Query" section: it is used to write a value in the ODBC data source.2 Numeric gates address The gate address must be specified in one of the following mode: QUERY_x where x= 1.SQL Query" section: it is used to write a value in the ODBC data source.SQL Query" section: it is used to read a block of values from ODBC data source.50 In this third case QUERY_x[R] represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration ."Read .SQL Query" section: it is used to read a value from ODBC data source. 18."Read .."Write .."Read ."Write .50 where y= 1.. QUERY_y where x= 1.50 In this first case QUERY_x rappresents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration ..."Read .SQL Query" section: it is used to write a value in the ODBC data source.."Read .SQL Query" section: it is used to read a value from ODBC data source. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .50 In this second case QUERY_x always rappresents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration ...50 where y= 1..50 where y= 1.QUERY_y where x= 1.SQL Query" section: it is used to read a block of values from ODBC data source.50 In this third case QUERY_x[R] represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration .. See "Protocol configuration" section for more details... QUERY_x[R].SQL query" Section: it is used to read a value from ODBC data source."Write .The values are taken as row ([R]) :that means that each value is a different field of the same record inside the ODBC data source.. QUERY_x.ODBC Client 101 Note: if you need to read a block of values. 18."Read .3 Digital gates address The gate address must be specified in one of the following mode: QUERY_x where x= 1. Instead QUERY_y rappresents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration . the same QUERY_x must be inserted in the field address of each gate that compound the block. .4 String gates address The gate address must be specified in one of the following mode: QUERY_x where x= 1.50 In this third case QUERY_x[R] represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration .SQL Query" section: it is used to read a block of values from ODBC data source..SQL Query" section: it is used to read a value from ODBC data source. the same QUERY_x must be inserted in the field address of each gate that compound the block....SQL Query" section: it is used to write a value in the ODBC data source. QUERY_x.50 In this second case QUERY_x always rappresents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration .SQL Query" section: it is used to write a value in the ODBC data source."Write .."Read .QUERY_y where x= 1. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .."Write .102 Protocols Guide Instead QUERY_y represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration ."Read .QUERY_y where x= 1. Note: if you need to read a block of values..SQL Query" section: it is used to write a value in the ODBC data source."Read . 18.50 In this first case QUERY_x rappresents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration ."Write .The values are taken as row ([R]) :that means that each value is a different field of the same record inside the ODBC data source..50 where y= 1. Instead QUERY_y rappresents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration . See "Protocol configuration" section for more details. QUERY_x[R].SQL query" Section: it is used to read a value from ODBC data source..50 where y= 1. Instead QUERY_y represents one of the queries defined in the ODBC Client protocol configuration . 18. the same QUERY_x must be inserted in the field address of each gate that compound the block. See "Protocol configuration" section for more details.5 Protocol configuration Let's see with an example how to configure the ODBC Client driver. Suppose that you need to access the following Microsoft Access table for read and write values: Figure 1 First of all you need to create a DSN (Data Source Name) to gain access to the file (Figure 2) © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .ODBC Client 103 Note: if you need to read a block of values. SQL Query table) were the query is specified: in this case "QUERY_1". To create or modify a DSN push "Configure" button.104 Protocols Guide Figure 2 ·DSN: DSN must be configured before access ODBC database. For example: 1) How to read a single gate value If you need to read as numeric gate the "ValueSP" field of record 2 of Table1 (figure 1) you must specify the following query (in the Read. in the "Address" field of the numeric gate you must specify the position (inside the Read. ·User: user id to access database.SQL Query TabSheet . ·Save Communication error file : if it is checked. Data Source Name (DSN) must be selected from the available DSN or created as new.2 and 3 of Table1 (figure 1): you must specify the following query (in the © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . by cliccking on "Errors" button. instead File DSN are not supported. ·Password: password to access database. System and User DSN are supported.Each query must be expressed as SQL language format.Figure 3) QUERY_1: SELECT ValueSP FROM Table1 WHERE Id=2 Using Gate Builder Tool. ·Query Pause[ms]: pause time between two request . a communication error message will be saved in a file on the disk every time that a communication error happens. 2) How to read a block of gate values for Column Suppose that you need to read as block of numeric gates the "ValueSP" field of record 1. The second thing to do is to specify all the queries that you need to get values from the database table showed in Figure 1. A list of the last 100 communication error messages can be viewed (also in Runtime mode). in the "Address" field of the three gates that compound the block you must specify the position (inside the Read.Id FROM Table1 ORDER BY Id ASC Using Gate Builder Tool. Figure 3) QUERY_3: SELECT Id..ValueSP. In the "Address" field of the gates you must specify the position (inside the ReadSQL Query table) were the query is specified followed by [R] (that means "Read for Row"): in this case "QUERY_3[R]".. Figura 3 Query_1.SQL Query TabSheet .SQL Query TabSheet . Note that each time that a read function will be made. 3) How to read a block of gate values for Row Suppose that you need to read as block of string gates all the field of record 2 of Table1 (figure 1): you must specify the following query (in the Read.Figure 3) QUERY_2: SELECT ValueSP. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .ODBC Client 105 Read.Name.Query_n: specify the query functions for read values from ODBC data source (expressed as SQL language format).Status FROM Table1 WHERE Id=2 Using "Gate Builder" Tool you must define 4 string gates grouped in a block. in the first string gate will be saved the value of "Id" field.SQL Query table) were the query is defined: in this case "QUERY_2".in the second string gate the value of "Name" field and so on accordingly with the order of the fields specified in the QUERY_3.Each query must be expressed as SQL language format. The last thing to do is to specify all the queries that you need to set values in the database table showed in Figure 1. Figure 4) QUERY_3: UPDATE Table1 SET Name='%s' WHERE Id=1 Note that '%s' inside QUERY_3 means "Insert a string value". © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .Figure 4) QUERY_2: UPDATE Table1 SET Status=%d WHERE Id=1 Note that %d inside QUERY_2 means "Insert an integer value".106 Protocols Guide For example: 1) How to write a numeric gate value If you need to write a numeric gate in the "ValueSP" field of record 1 of Table1 (figure 1) you must specify the following query (in the Write. In the "Address" field of the gate (in Gate Builder) are valid the same consideration explained in "How to write a numeric gate value" example..) Using "Gate Builder" Tool.1lf WHERE Id=1 Note that %5. 3) How to write a string gate value If you need to write a string gate in the "Name" field of record 1 of Table1 (figure 1) you must specify the following query (in the Write.QUERY_1 (That meas : use QUERY_3 for read and QUERY_1 for write) 2) How to write a digital gate value If you need to write a digital gate in the "Status" field of record 1 of Table1 (figure 1) you must specify the following query (in the Write. in the "Address" field of the gate.1lf inside QUERY_1 means "Insert a numeric value of 5 characters and 1 decimal": you can use also different combination like (%6.2lf.SQL Query table) were the query is defined: in this case "QUERY_1".0lf and so on.Figure 4) QUERY_1: UPDATE Table1 SET ValueSP=%5.SQL Query TabSheet .SQL Query TabSheet . Note that it must be specified after the read query (separated by a comma) as showed below: QUERY_3. %4.. you must specify the position (inside the Write . In the "Address" field of the gate (in Gate Builder) are valid the same consideration explained in "How to write a numeric gate value" example.SQL Query TabSheet . ..ODBC Client 107 Figure 4 Query_1.Query_n: specify the query functions to write values in ODBC data source (expressed as SQL language format). © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Part XIX . ......32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...OMRON FINS 19 OMRON FINS 19.15 XX 00..32767 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000......511 XXX 000.CS and CV series OMRON programmable controllers.15 XXXXX Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes ..2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Command and Address of the following tables..32767 XXXXX 00000....32767 XXXXX 00000..4095 XXXX 0000.32767 XXXXX 00000.. 19...4095 XXXXX 00000.511 XXX 000. OMRON CJ/CS Family Command CIO Description CIO area WR Work area HR Holding bit area AR Auxiliary bit area TIM Timer area PV CNT Counter area PV EM0_ EM bank 0 EM1_ EM bank 1 EM2_ EM bank 2 EM3_ EM bank 3 EM4_ EM bank 4 EM5_ EM bank 5 EM6_ EM bank 6 EM7_ EM bank 7 EM8_ EM bank 8 EM9_ EM bank 9 EMA_ EM bank 10 EMB_ EM bank 11 EMC_ EM bank 12 EM EM current bank EM IR EM current bank number Index register DR Data register DM DM area © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Address XXXX 0000.....32767 XXXXX 00000...6143 XXX 000....447 XXXX 0000....32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000...1 Introduction 109 OMRON FINS / UDP Ethernet communication protocol for CJ. Data is sent and received as UDP/IP packets on a Ethernet network.32767 XX 00.32767 XXXXX 00000. 32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000..447 XXXX 0000. CNT0004 : Counter 0004 (PV).....32767 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 Yes Yes Yes OMRON CV Family Command CIO Description CIO area AR Auxiliary bit area TIM Timer area PV CNT Counter area PV EM0_ EM bank 0 EM1_ EM bank 1 EM2_ EM bank 2 EM3_ EM bank 3 EM4_ EM bank 4 EM5_ EM bank 5 EM6_ EM bank 6 EM7_ EM bank 7 EM EM current bank EM EM current bank number DM area DM DM_UL_ DM_SL_ DM_FL_ DM area unsigned long 32 bit DM area signed long 32 bit DM area Float 32 bit Example: the following are some examples of numeric gates: DM00011 : Data Memory 00011.....32767 Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000..32767 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000.2047 XXXX 0000........ Numeric gates block A block of numeric gates must be made only by gates with the same function and sequential addresses.. Example of valid block Example of NOT valid block © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .110 Protocols Guide DM_UL_ DM_SL_ DM_FL_ DM area unsigned long 32 bit DM area signed long 32 bit DM area Float 32 bit 00000..32767 Yes Yes Yes Address XXXX 0000........32767 Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000.32767 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000......32767 Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000.32767 XXXXX 00000.32767 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000.2047 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000.2555 XXX 000. OMRON FINS DM00001 DM00002 DM00003 DM00004 DM00005 DM00006 19.3 111 DM00001 DM00003 DM00005 DM00007 DM00008 DM00010 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Command, Word address and Bit address of the following table. OMRON CJ/CS Family Command CIO WR HR AR TIM CNT EM0_ EM1_ EM2_ EM3_ EM4_ EM5_ EM6_ EM7_ EM8_ EM9_ EMA_ EMB_ EMC_ DM Description CIO area Address XXXX 0000...6143 Work area XXX 000...511 Holding bit area XXX 000...511 Auxiliary bit area XXX 000...447 Timer area PV XXXX 0000...4095 Counter area PV XXXX 0000...4095 EM bank 0 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 1 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 2 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 3 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 4 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 5 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 6 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 7 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 8 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 9 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 10 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 11 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 12 XXXXX 00000...32767 DM area XXXXX 00000...32767 Bit address XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bit address XX 00..15 XX 00..15 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes OMRON CV Family Command CIO Description CIO area AR Auxiliary bit area © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Address XXXX 0000...2555 XXX 000...447 112 Protocols Guide TIM CNT EM0_ EM1_ EM2_ EM3_ EM4_ EM5_ EM6_ EM7_ DM Timer area PV XXXX 0000...2047 Counter area PV XXXX 0000...2047 EM bank 0 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 1 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 2 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 3 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 4 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 5 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 6 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 7 XXXXX 00000...32767 DM area XXXXX 00000...32767 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: the following are some examples of digital gates: HR00107 Holding bit area word 001 – bit 07. TIM000412 : Timer status 0004 bit 12. DM3014102 : Data Memory 30141 bit 02. Digital gates block A block of digital gates must be made only by gates with the same Command and sequential addresses and sequential bit . Example of valid block DM0000101 DM0000102 DM0000103 DM0000104 DM0000105 DM0000106 Example of NOT valid block DM0000102 DM0000201 DM0000202 DM0000203 DM0000301 DM0000401 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl OMRON FINS 19.4 113 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. It is possible to have at maximum 16 conections to OMRON PLC on the same channel. The connection number is also the number that must be specified in the "Device" item of each OMRON PLC gate defined in the Gate Builder. · Client IP address: computer IP address. · Use local network: when this option is selected, "Source Network Address" will be set to 0 (that means "Local Network") and "Source Node" will be set equal to the last byte of the Client IP adress (in the example is 12 that is the last byte of If Use Local Network is not selected then Source Network Address and Source Node can be set from the user. · Port number: ethernet port utilized for communication. · Communication timeout: maximum time to wait for a complete answer. · Query pause: time to wait between two request. · CPU model: PLC family type (CJ,CS o CV). · IP address: PLC IP address. · Request size: maximum size of communication buffer between Personal Computer and PLC. · Destination network address: PLC Network Address (0=Local Network). · Destination node : PLC Node Address. · Save communication error file : if it is checked, a communication error message will be saved in a file on the disk every time that a communication error happens. A list of the last 100 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl by clicking on "Errors" button. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .114 Protocols Guide communication error messages can be viewed (also in Runtime mode). Part XX . .......116 Protocols Guide 20 OMRON FINS in Host Link Protocol 20......32767 XXXXX 00000...4095 XXXX 0000..32767 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000. Communication between PC and PLC requires a RS232/RS485 converter....6143 XXX 000.4095 XXXXX 00000...2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Command and Address of the following tables..15 XX 00.CS and CV series OMRON programmable controllers... Passes Host Link standard limitations: for example it allow to reach DM higher than 9999..32767 XX 00....32767 XXXXX 00000..511 XXX 000.447 XXXX 0000....32767 XXXXX 00000.15 XXXXX Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .32767 XXXXX 00000. 20..32767 XXXXX 00000.32767 XXXXX 00000.. OMRON CJ/CS Family Command CIO Description CIO area WR Work area HR Holding bit area AR Auxiliary bit area TIM Timer area PV CNT Counter area PV EM0_ EM bank 0 EM1_ EM bank 1 EM2_ EM bank 2 EM3_ EM bank 3 EM4_ EM bank 4 EM5_ EM bank 5 EM6_ EM bank 6 EM7_ EM bank 7 EM8_ EM bank 8 EM9_ EM bank 9 EMA_ EM bank 10 EMB_ EM bank 11 EMC_ EM bank 12 EM EM current bank EM IR EM current bank number Index register DR Data register DM DM area Address XXXX 0000.32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000..32767 XXXXX 00000.511 XXX 000.32767 XXXXX 00000....32767 XXXXX 00000...1 Introduction OMRON FINS frame in Host Link communication protocol for CJ... OMRON FINS in Host Link Protocol DM_UL_ DM_SL_ DM_FL_ DM area unsigned long 32 bit DM area signed long 32 bit DM area Float 32 bit 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 117 Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000...32767 Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000...32767 Yes Yes Yes Address XXXX 0000...2555 XXX 000...447 XXXX 0000...2047 XXXX 0000...2047 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000...32767 Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 00000...32767 Yes Yes Yes OMRON CV Family Command CIO Description CIO area AR Auxiliary bit area TIM Timer area PV CNT Counter area PV EM0_ EM bank 0 EM1_ EM bank 1 EM2_ EM bank 2 EM3_ EM bank 3 EM4_ EM bank 4 EM5_ EM bank 5 EM6_ EM bank 6 EM7_ EM bank 7 EM EM current bank EM EM current bank number DM area DM DM_UL_ DM_SL_ DM_FL_ DM area unsigned long 32 bit DM area signed long 32 bit DM area Float 32 bit Example: the following are some examples of numeric gates: DM00011 : Data Memory 00011. CNT0004 : Counter 0004 (PV). Numeric gates block A block of numeric gates must be made only by gates with the same function and sequential addresses. Example of valid block © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Example of NOT valid block 118 Protocols Guide DM00001 DM00002 DM00003 DM00004 DM00005 DM00006 20.3 DM00001 DM00003 DM00005 DM00007 DM00008 DM00010 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Command, Word address and Bit address of the following table. OMRON CJ/CS Family Command CIO WR HR AR TIM CNT EM0_ EM1_ EM2_ EM3_ EM4_ EM5_ EM6_ EM7_ EM8_ EM9_ EMA_ EMB_ EMC_ DM Description CIO area Address XXXX 0000...6143 Work area XXX 000...511 Holding bit area XXX 000...511 Auxiliary bit area XXX 000...447 Timer area PV XXXX 0000...4095 Counter area PV XXXX 0000...4095 EM bank 0 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 1 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 2 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 3 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 4 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 5 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 6 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 7 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 8 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 9 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 10 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 11 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 12 XXXXX 00000...32767 DM area XXXXX 00000...32767 Bit address XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bit address XX 00..15 XX 00..15 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes OMRON CV Family Command CIO Description CIO area AR Auxiliary bit area Address XXXX 0000...2555 XXX 000...447 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl OMRON FINS in Host Link Protocol TIM CNT EM0_ EM1_ EM2_ EM3_ EM4_ EM5_ EM6_ EM7_ DM Timer area PV XXXX 0000...2047 Counter area PV XXXX 0000...2047 EM bank 0 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 1 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 2 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 3 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 4 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 5 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 6 XXXXX 00000...32767 EM bank 7 XXXXX 00000...32767 DM area XXXXX 00000...32767 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 XX 00..15 119 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: the following are some examples of digital gates: HR00107 Holding bit area word 001 – bit 07. TIM000412 : Timer status 0004 bit 12. DM3014102 : Data Memory 30141 bit 02. Digital gates block A block of digital gates must be made only by gates with the same Command and sequential addresses and sequential bit . Example of valid block DM0000101 DM0000102 DM0000103 DM0000104 DM0000105 DM0000106 20.4 Example of NOT valid block DM0000102 DM0000201 DM0000202 DM0000203 DM0000301 DM0000401 String gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Command and Address of the following tables. Command DM Description DM area DMR DM area (reverse mode) Address XXXXX 00000...32767 XXXXX 00000...32767 Gate read SI Gate write SI Block read NO SI SI NO Number of chars to be read corresponding to the "Max dimension" parameter specified in the GateBuilder string gate definition. Example: the following are some examples of numeric gates: DM00011 : Data Memory 00011. DMR05632 : Data Memory 05632. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl · Baud rate: communication speed.5 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · Data bits: number of bits. · Stop bits: stop bits.120 20. · Communication timeout [ms]: total timeout (milliseconds) waiting for answer. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . "Source Network Address" will be set to 0 (that means "Local Network") . · Query pause [ms]: timout between answer and next request . · · COM port: serial port name.CS or CV). A list of the last 100 communication error messages can be viewed (also in Runtime mode). · Destination node : PLC Node Address. · Destination network address: PLC Network Address (0=Local Network). · Parity: parity. · Request size: maximum size of communication buffer between Personal Computer and PLC. · PLC response wait time [ms]: delay of PLC answer . · IP address: PLC IP address. by clicking on "Errors" button. If Use Local Network is not selected then Source Network Address and Source Node can be set from the user. The connection number is also the number that must be specified in the "Device" item of each OMRON PLC gate defined in the Gate Builder. · Use Local Network: when this option is selected. It is possible to have at maximum 16 connections to OMRON PLC on the same channel. a communication error message will be saved in a file on the disk every time that a communication error happens. · CPU model: PLC family type (CJ. · · Host link address : PLC Host Link address. · Save communication error file : if it is checked. Part XXI . C200HG.C–K CJ1 and CS1. The PV function return a numeric value already converted in BDC format (Binary Cided Decimal).C–H. PV0004 : Timer 0004. 21. up to 32 devices can be connected to the same serial link. A block of numeric gates must be made only by gates with the same function and sequential addresses.C2000H.C200HE.122 Protocols Guide 21 OMRON SYSMAC 21. Example of valid block Example of NOT valid block © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .C1000H. this function gives back a text string that can be read using a string gate.1 Introduction Communication protocol for the following OMRON PLC's: CQM1.C200HX. CPM1. Comando Descrizione Indirizzo Lettura porta Scrittura porta Lettura blocco DM Data Memory Yes Yes Yes DM_UL_ Data memory Unsigned Long Data memory Signed Long Timer Preset Value XXXX decimal value XXXX decimal value XXXX decimal value XXXX decimal value Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DM_SL_ PV MF IR Read PLC operation conditions Modify PLC operation conditions Read PLC errors Input Output Relay LR Link Relay HR Holding Relay MS SC XXXX Decimal value of the status word of 16 I/O relay XXXX Decimal value of the status word of 16 Link Relay XXXX Decimal value of the status word of 16 Holding Relay Example: the following are some examples of numeric gates: DM0011 : Data Memory 0011.CVM1.C200H. MF : PLC errors read. Note: The MF function associated to a numeric gate gives back the 32 bit which correspond to error information of first channel (16 most significant bits) and second channel (16 less significant bits).C200HS.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table. Communication between PC and PLC requires a RS232/RS485 converter. TC0004 : Timer/counter status 4.9999 XX 00. Function IR LR Description INPUT OUTPUT RELAY LINK RELAY HR HOLDING RELAY TIMER COUNTER STATUS TC Word address XXXX 0000... Example of valid block TC0001 TC0002 TC0003 TC0004 TC0005 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Example of NOT valid block TC0001 TC0002 TC0005 TC0006 TC0007 . Note: Digital gates can be grouped to form two different block types.15 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes XXXX 0000.. HR type gates.15 XX 00.. The first block type is made of IR. Word address and Bit address of the following table... Example of valid block Example of valid block Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block IR000401 HR000400 IR000401 HR000400 IR000402 HR000401 IR000402 HR000401 IR000403 HR000402 IR000403 HR000402 IR000501 HR000403 IR000801 IR000403 IR000504 HR000404 IR000804 IR000404 IR000505 HR000405 IR000905 IR000405 IR000601 HR000409 IR001001 HR000409 IR000701 HR000410 IR001101 HR000410 IR000804 HR000411 IR001304 HR000411 IR000805 HR000412 IR001305 HR000412 IR000812 HR000413 IR001412 HR000413 The second block type is made of TC type gates.......9999 Bit address XX 00. A block must be made only by gates with the same function and the same or the sequential address.3 123 DM0003 DM0005 PV0012 DM0013 DM0014 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function.9999 XXXX 0000.15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: the following are some examples of digital gates: IR000312 I/O relay word 0003 – bit 12.OMRON SYSMAC DM0003 DM0004 DM0005 DM0006 DM0007 21. A block must be made only by gates with the same function and sequential.. LR..9999 XXXX 0000. · Data bits: number of bits. · Baud rate: communication speed. Function Description Gate read Gate write Block read MS READ PLC OPERATION Yes No No Note: If the function MF associated to a string gate gives back the 16 characters following status data.4 Protocols Guide String gates address The gate address is specified by the field Function of the following table.5 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . status data given back by this function can be read using a numeric. 21. · COM port: serial port name. · Parity: parity. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Stop bits: stop bits.124 21. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. Part XXII . 126 Protocols Guide 22 OPC Client 22. and configure it defining communication parameters and items (devices read or write variables). This OPC Client driver support data access (DA) to OPC servers DA 1. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .0 and 2. In case of remote server. DA Server is organized in a structure of groups and items that are directly connected to device or PLC internal variables.1 Introduction OPC (OLE for Process Control) is an industry standard created in collaboration with a number of worldwide leading automation hardware and software manufacturers. you must ensure that DCOM is properly configured. you must provide the authentication credentials of a user who has been granted permission to access/launch the component. so the problem of communication protocol with them is solved by the specific OPC server. then select ProjectManager->Configuration->Channel and choose OPC Client protocol and configure it by selecting the computer and OPC server name to connect to. OPC allows software components such as software connectors to be combined and enables these components to intercommunicate with no need of special adaptions. After that open ProjectManager and create a new project. DCOMCNFG is a Windows tool that allows users to configure the DCOM settings.Before you can access a COM component via DCOM. It can connect to local OPC servers through COM object or to remote OPC servers (in the local network) trough DCOM object. At this point open GateBuilder and define all the gates that you want to read and write from OPC server. The Item full name (usually compound by DeviceName+GroupName+ItemId) does not be more than 80 chars. OPC Client communicates with OPC servers always in the same mode without need to know the specific device or PLC communication protocol.0 . The first thing to do is to install the OPC server on the computer. 22. You can browse all the available items in the server by clicking on the button that appear on the right side of the address field of the gate. You can browse all the available items in the server by clicking on the button that appear on the right side of the address field of the gate. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Server node: computer name where is installed the OPC server to connect to. 22.3 Digital gates address The address of each gate is the Item ID defined in the OPC server. · OPC Server: name of the OPC server to connect to.4 String gate address The address of each gate is the Item ID defined in the OPC server.OPC Client 127 The address of each gate is the Item ID defined in the OPC server. You can browse all the available items in the server by clicking on the button that appear on the right side of the address field of the gate. 22. 22.5 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window.2 Numeric gates address The address of each gate is the Item ID defined in the OPC server. You can browse all the available items in the server by clicking on the button that appear on the right side of the address field of the gate. 128 Protocols Guide · Read from DEVICE: data will be read directly from the device. · Read from CACHE: data will be read from the OPC server cache memory. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Part XXIII 130 Protocols Guide 23 RED LION PAXI-1/8 DIN COUNTER/RATE METER 23.1 Introduction This communication protocol is used by RED LION PAXI devices. 23.2 Numeric gates address The address of a numeric gate is specified by the ID register which can be found on the device manual (see “Register Identification Chart”). Register ID X Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Examples: here are some examples of numeric gates: A : Count A. M : SetPoint 1. S : SetPoint 4. U: Auto/Manual Register 23.3 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · COM port: serial port name. · Baud rate: communication speed. · Parity: parity. · Stop bits: stop bits. · Data bits: number of bits. · String termination char: message terminator character (“*” o “$”). · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Part XXIV . 24. K_MON..1 Introduction This protocol is used for communication with SAIA PLCs series: PCD1. Communication between PC and PLC is performed via the standard PC serial link. D : Display register. K_SEC.7 Gate read Yes Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes Yes Yes No Block read Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Example: here are some examples of numeric gates: R0123 : Register 0123.PCD2.PCD4.PCD6. Function R C T S Description REGISTER COUNTER TIMER CPU STATUS D DISPLAY REGISTER REAL TIME CLOCK WEEK OF YEAR REAL TIME CLOCK DAY OF WEEK REAL TIME CLOCK YEAR REAL TIME CLOCK MONTH REAL TIME CLOCK DAY REAL TIME CLOCK HOURS REAL TIME CLOCK MINUTES REAL TIME CLOCK SECONDS K_WOY K_DOW K_YEA K_MON K_DAY K_HOU K_MIN K_SEC Address XXXX XXXX XXXX X 0. S5 : Cpu 5 status . K_YEA. Example of valid block R0003 R0004 Example of NOT valid block R0003 R0005 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . only one device can be. K_DOW.M220.132 Protocols Guide 24 SAIA P800 24.. K_HOU. A block can have a maximum of 32 numeric gates A block of numeric gates (with the exception of the Real Time Clock) must have only gates with the same function and sequential address. K_DAY. Note: The gates of the Real Time Clock must always defined as a block and must have the following sequence: K_WOY.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table.PCD2. K_MIN. 5 Description CPU VERSION READ Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. O0004 : Output 0004. · Baud rate: communication speed. Function VER 24.SAIA P800 R0005 R0006 R0007 24. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Gate read Yes Gate write No Block read No .3 133 S0012 R0013 R0014 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Bit address of the following table. Function F O I Description FLAG OUTPUT INPUT Bit address XXXX XXXX XXXX Gate read Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes No No Block read Yes Yes No Example: here are some examples of digital gate address: F0031 : Flag 0031. Note: A block can have a maximum of 128 digital gates A block of digital must have only gates with the same function and sequential bit address. Example of valid block F0003 F0004 F0005 F0006 F0007 24.4 Example of NOT valid block F0003 F0005 I0012 F0013 F0014 String gates address The string address is specified by the Function field of the following. · COM port: serial port name. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .134 Protocols Guide · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. Part XXV . PCD6. K_YEA.PCD4..136 Protocols Guide 25 SAIA S-BUS 25. Note: The gates of the Real Time Clock must always defined as a block and must have the following sequence: K_WOY.. K_SEC. up to 255 devices can be connected to the same serial link. K_DAY. Communication between PC and PLC is performed via the standard PC serial link but requires a RS232/RS485 converter.PCD2.M220. S5 : Cpu 5 status .PCD2. D : Display register. K_MON. A block can have a maximum of 32 numeric gates A block of numeric gates (with the exception of the Real Time Clock) must have only gates with the same function and sequential address. Function R C T S Description REGISTER COUNTER TIMER CPU STATUS D DISPLAY REGISTER REAL TIME CLOCK WEEK OF YEAR REAL TIME CLOCK DAY OF WEEK REAL TIME CLOCK YEAR REAL TIME CLOCK MONTH REAL TIME CLOCK DAY REAL TIME CLOCK HOURS REAL TIME CLOCK MINUTES REAL TIME CLOCK SECONDS K_WOY K_DOW K_YEA K_MON K_DAY K_HOU K_MIN K_SEC Address XXXX XXXX XXXX X 0. K_HOU.7 Gate read Yes Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes Yes Yes No Block read Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes Example: here are some examples of numeric gates address: R0123 : Register 0123. K_DOW. 25. K_MIN.2 Numeric gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Address of the following table. Example of valid block R0003 R0004 Example of NOT valid block R0003 R0005 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .1 Introduction This protocol is used for communication with SAIA PLCs series: PCD1. Example of valid block F0003 F0004 F0005 F0006 F0007 25.5 Description CPU VERSION READ Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window.4 Example of NOT valid block F0003 F0005 I0012 F0013 F0014 String gates address The string address is specified by the Function field of the following.SAIA S-BUS R0005 R0006 R0007 25. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Gate read Yes Gate write No Block read No .3 137 S0012 R0013 R0014 Digital gates address The gate address is specified adding the fields Function and Bit address of the following table Function F O I Description FLAG OUTPUT INPUT Bit address XXXX XXXX XXXX Gate read Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes No No Block read Yes Yes No Example: here are some examples of digital gate address: F0031 : Flag 0031. O0004 : Output 0004. · COM port: serial port name. Note: A block can have a maximum of 128 digital gates A block of digital gates must have only gates with the same function and sequential bit address. Function VER 25. 138 Protocols Guide · Baud rate: communication speed. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Training sequence delay [ms] : values of this parameter depend from Baud Rate according to the following table Baud rate Timeout 110 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 500 250 200 200 Training sequence delay in Training sequence delay in Windows 95 Windows NT 0 50 0 46 0 42 0 20 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Part XXVI . .... In other words a numeric block can be compound only of gates of the same type.0003 W.. Write gate Yes Read Block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: let us read or write Word 100 of Data Block 11: the Gate Address is W..140 Protocols Guide 26 SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) 26.” + “0100” (Word Address).003. With this driver is possible to access PLC S7 300/400 Data Block(DB)..0001 W.02 and one of the following Siemens hardware devices: CP5411 CP5511(Plug & Play) CP5611 (Plug & Play) MPI-ISA card MPI-ISA on board PC adapter..2 Numeric gates address Gate address must be specified with the following format: T..0003 W.003.9999 LONG Yes L FFF AAAA 000.” +“007” (Data Block) + “.003.. Communication between PC and PLC requires Siemens interface software “PRODAVE MPI mini” V.003.9999 WORD Yes W FFF AAAA 000.0021: “B” (Byte Format) +“.02 and one of the communication devices just specified . Data Words can be Byte (1 byte)..0004 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .0100: “W” (Word Format) +“.999 0000.5.AAAA Function B Data type BYTE Data Block Data Address Read gate Yes FFF AAAA 000.. If it is selected "Alignment accordingly to variable size" option. It's necessary to install on the computer a copy of PRODAVE MPI mini V.. Example of valid block Option: Alignment accordingly to variable size W.. Example: let us read or write Float 89 of Data Block 7: the Gate Address is: F..9999 BCD Yes X FFF AAAA 000.FFF.” +“024” (Data Block) + “.999 0000.0001 W.003. numeric gates blocks must be compound of gates with the same Data Type and Data Block and with sequential Data Word.. When PRODAVE MPI mini is correctly installed.1 Introduction Communication protocol with PLC Siemens series S7 300/400 This driver allows access to the PLC S7 300/400 memory which is made of a number of Data Blocks which are composed of Data Words. Numeric Gates Block To improve speed communication between PC and PLC Blocks sampling is recommended . the supervisor software will allow yow to select SIEMENS_S7 protocol from the protocol list.0089: “F” (Float Format) +“.5.” + “0021” (Byte Address).003.999 0000.999 0000.011..024.... Word (2 byte) or Float (4 byte).9999 FLOAT Yes F FFF AAAA 000. 26.” + “0089” (Float Address).003.0004 Example of NOT valid block Option: Alignment accordingly to variable size W.003.007.9999 Example: let us read or write Byte 21 of Data Block 24: the Gate Address is B.0002 W.999 0000.0002 W.” +“011” (Data Block) + “. 003.003.1 B.. In other words a numeric block can be compound of gates of the different type (BYTE.0018 W.0001..003.0035 B.003.0009 W.003.SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) W.LONG.0002.1 B.003.1 B.003.0007 W.003.0004.2 B.0 .7 B.0005 W.BCD).0001.0002. A block of digital gates must be made of gates with the same Data Type.3 Example of NOT valid block Option: Alignment byte W.4: “B” (Byte Format) +“.0008 W.2 B. B..0017 B. numeric gates blocks can be compound of gates with different Data Type.0044 B.0002.0010 141 B.0 B.0005 L.003.0000 B.0001.0019 26.003.0009 X.003.999 0000.0000 B. W.0005 F.0007.0008 W.0001.0006 W. same Data Block and with sequential Data Word. Example of valid Block B.003.2 B.0 B.003.003.9999 ( L.0 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Example of NOT valid block B.003.0002.0017 W.0002 W.7 B.003.FFF. W. Example of valid block Option: Alignment byte W. B.0001.0008.B (if T=”B”) Function B Data type BYTE Data Block Data Address Bit number Read gate Write gate Yes Yes FFF AAAA B 000.0002 W.0009 F..003.0005 F.0006 W.WORD.003.0001.003.7) Example: let us read or write bit 4 of Byte 21 of Data Block 24: the Gate Address is B.0003.0 B.0002.0009 X.003.003.003..7 B.” +“024” (Data Block) + “.0021.0013 B. Read Block Yes Digital gates block To improve speed communication between PC and PLC Blocks sampling is recommended .” + “4” (Bit number)..0004.0001.2 B.0 B. Digital gates address Gate address must be specified with the following format: T.0003 L.FLOAT.003.0003.003.003.0010 More benefits can be reached if it is selected "Alignment byte" option.0 B.AAAA.0009 X.” + “0021” (Byte Address)+“.003.0 B. Data Block and Data Address. 0008 B.0002 X.009.009. PLC Memory DB9. X.2 DB9. · Alignment accordingly to variable size: the address of each gate is specified accordingly to the alignement of the gate type. · Rack number: rack number.0003 X.0005 B. · Connections: connections number (max 16 per channel).009.0000 Data Type "F" F.009.0001 W.009.009.0000 W.009.0011 Data Type "W" W.0002 B.0003 W.0007 B. B.009.0001 L. · Station address: station number · Segment id: segment identifier .0006 B.7 DB9.0005 X.0001 F. · Slot number: slot number.0002 W.009.9 DB9.009.10 DB9.0004 B.142 26.6 DB9.009.0000 B.009.0002 F.0001 B.009.009. · Query pause [ms]: timout between two request messages.0001 X.0 DB9. Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window.0000 L.009.0004 W.0010 B.5 DB9.0009 B.0002 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .8 DB9.009.11 Data Type "B" B.009.0000 Data Type "X" X.3 DB9.009.0005 Data Type "L" L.4 DB9.009.1 DB9. 009.0000 B.009.0008 .0008 B.0000 L.009.5 DB9. B.1 DB9.3 DB9.009.0002 W.009.0011 Data Type "W" W.2 DB9.0000 Data Type "X" X.0004 W.009.0000 Data Type "F" F.0004 L.009.0 DB9.0004 X.0006 B.009.0010 X.0010 B.009.0006 W.009.009.0004 B.9 DB9.009.009.0010 Data Type "L" L.0005 B.10 DB9.0007 B.6 DB9.11 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Data Type "B" B. DB9. W.009.009.0008 X.0006 X.0008 F.0004 F.4 DB9.009.8 DB9.SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) 143 Alignment byte: the address of each gate is specified accordingly to the alignement of byte.009.009. PLC Memory DB9.0002 X.0003 B.0009 B.0002 B.009.009.0000 W. Part XXVII . 009.Code 6ES7 972-0CA23-0XA0 . Note 1: during PLC configuration.1 Introduction 145 MPI communication protocol for S7-200 S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 Siemens and VIPA PLC. Timers(T).1 .009. Analog Input(AE).2 Numeric gates address Note: the "Device" field in the GateBuilder must match the Plc Station Address. That mean : PLC Memory Data type "B" Data type "W" Data type "X" Data type "L" Data type "F" DB9.0001 DB9.009. V-area(V).0000 DB9.0002 X. Float. Long. Analog Output(AO).0000 F.009. for S7-200 PLC family:Digital Input(E).via ethernet card. DataBase(DB).g.009. Word.via USB port connected to a virtual COM using Sielco Sistemi IC 3580-MPIVC .S7-400 and S7-1200 PLC family:Input(E).via COM port using SIEMENS SIMATIC S7 .via USB port using SIEMENS SIMATIC S7 . For some data type (e.BCD. Digital Output(O).0 B.009.Code 6ES7 972-0CB20-0XA0 .009.PC Adapter USB . Note that the data address refers to Byte alignment.0002 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .2 B.0000 L. S7-400 and S7-1200 PLC family: Data Block Digital Input Digital Output Timer Counter For S7-200 PLC family: V area Digital Input Digital Output Analog Input Analog output 27.SIEMENS MPI 27 SIEMENS MPI 27. Data Block (DB) on S7-1200 must be defined with the flag "Symbolic access only" deactivated. Counters (C).1 B.009.0000 W. DB) different data format can be specified: Byte.009. Output(O).0002 W. Numeric gates can be: for S7-300.PC Adapter V5. Supported communication: . With this driver is possible to access the following PLC data type: For S7-300 .0000 X. 009.99999) Yes Yes Yes QB2 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.009..009...99999) Yes Yes Yes AW2 B (Byte) XXXXX Decimal value (0.99999) Yes No Yes EW2 B (Byte) XXXXX Decimal value (0.99999) Yes No Yes IB2 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.99999) Yes Yes Yes AB2 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.99) Yes No Yes Z5 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .009.10 B.009.0011 W.0008 X.99999) Yes No Yes EB2 W (word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.0010 X..4 B.146 Protocols Guide DB9. Timers.009.0010 DB1.0005 DB9..9 B.99999) Yes No Yes IW2 B (Byte) XXXXX Decimal value (0.0008 F.0004 X.009. Counter.009.5 B..99999) Yes Yes Yes QW2 XX Decimal value ( B.0004 W.0006 DB9.0009 DB9.3 B.0004 DB9.009.0004 F.0010 L..009.009.0007 DB9..009.6 B.0008 Addresses of numeric gates like Input.0003 DB9..11 B.0008 W.V area: * About V area on S7-1200 see Note 1 at the begin of page Data type Data format Data address Gate Gate Read read write block Example E (Input german mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 E (Input german mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 I (Input english mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 I (Input english mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 A (Output german mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 A (Output german mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 Q (Output english mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 Q (Output english mode) S7-200/300/400/ 1200 T (Timer) S7-300/400/ 1200 Z (Counter german B (Byte) XXXXX Decimal value (0.0006 X.0004 L.0006 W.009.009..7 B.009.99) Yes No Yes T5 XX Decimal value ( Output.0008 DB9. Input.65535) XXXXX (0.65535) Yes Yes Yes VX10 D Double (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.Timers....99999) Yes No Yes AEW9 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.65535) Yes Yes Yes VW10 X (BCD format) XXXXX Decimal value (0.65535) Yes Yes Yes VB10 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.DBB3 Yes Yes Yes DB2. Output..65535) XXXXX (0. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ....Counters gates block must be compound from gates that have the same Data Type but can have different Data Format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format).32767) XXXXX (1.S7-1200): * About DB area on S7-1200 see Note 1 at the begin of page DB DB number .99999) Yes No Yes AIW9 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0. DataBase block gates must be compound from gates that have the same DB number. DB .....DBD4 Yes Yes Yes DB2.DBW4 Yes Yes Yes DB2.SIEMENS MPI mode) S7-300/400/ 1200 C (Counter english mode) S7-300/400/ 1200 AE (Analog Input german mode) S7-200 AI (Analog Input english mode) S7-200 AA (Analog Input german mode) S7-200 AQ (Analog Input english mode) S7-200 V (V area) S7-200/1200 V (V area) S7-200/1200 V (V area) S7-200 /1200 V (V area) S7-200/1200 V (V area) S7-200/1200 147 XX Decimal value (0.32767) . DB .32767) XXXXX (1.99999) Yes Yes Yes AAW7 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0. but can have different data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format).DBF8 Numeric gates block of same data type with consecutive address To improve speed communications between PC and PLC. DB XXXXX (1..65535) XXXXX (0..65535) XXXXX (0. DB .32767) XXXXX (1...99999) Yes Yes Yes AQW7 B (Byte) XXXXX Decimal value (0..32767) XXXXX (1.65535) Yes Yes Yes VF8 Addresses of numeric gates like DB (for S7-300. DB DB DB DB DB Data format Data address B (Byte) W (Word) X (BCD) D (Long) F (Float) XXXXX (0..DBX6 Yes Yes Yes DB2. Data type DB ..S7-400. use of Blocks sampling is recommended..65535) Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Example DB2.65535) Yes Yes Yes VD8 F (Float Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.99) Yes No Yes C5 W (Word) XXXXX Decimal value (0.. DBX16 DB1.DBW14 DB1.DBB27 Numeric gates block of different data type or NON-consecutive address There is the possibility to read till to 20 different items in a single request to the PLC .DBD18 DB1. Items can have different Data Type and address.148 Protocols Guide The block length is related to the gates data format grouped in the block.DBB10 DB1.DBB11 DB1. The position of the byte and of the bit inside the byte must be specified.LONG.DBW14 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 Numeric gates that can be grouped as block DB1. The block length can be at most 20 items.TIMER.COUNTER Max block length 20 Numeric gates that can be grouped as block E10 E11 DB1.DBB10 DB1. DataBase(DB) or V Area(V). Digital gates can be Input(E). The address in byte alignment. Note 1: during PLC configuration. Data Block (DB) on S7-1200 must be defined with the flag "Symbolic access only" deactivated.DBD18 E16 E17 DB1.DBW12 DB1.3 Data format BYTE.DBX16 DB1. Bit address Read Write Read Example © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .DBD22 DB1.DBB27 Digital gates address Note: the "Device" field in the GateBuilder must match the Plc Station Address. Output(E).WORD.DBB26 DB1.DBW12 DB1.FLOAT.DBB11 E12 E16 DB1. Input. Output and V area digital gates address: * About DB area on S7-1200 see Note 1 at the end of page Data type Byte address . 27.BCD. Data format BYTE WORD BCD LONG FLOAT TIMER COUNTER Max block length 200 100 100 50 50 100 100 Numeric gates that can be grouped as block E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 Numeric gates that can be grouped as block DB1. 5 DB1.3 DB1..7) X (0.3 EB11.1 EB18. Data type Byte address DBB XXXXX (bit) (0.65535) .DBB10.DBB10.7) X (0.7) X (0.1 DB1.3 EB10..7) 149 Gate Yes Gate No Block Yes EB3. Note 1: during PLC configuration. ...DBB19.. the same gate type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format). Digital gates that CAN be grouped as block 27.1 Yes No Yes IB3.2 DB1.3 DB1.4 Yes Yes Yes QB2.0 EB12.3 DB1. .2 DB1.7) X (0.0 EB10.SIEMENS MPI EB (Input german mode) IB (Input english mode) AB (Output german mode) QB (Output english mode) VB (V area) S7-200 1200 XXXXX (0.2 EB10. DataBase block gates must be compound from gates that have the same DB number.S7-400 and S7-1200: * About DB area on S7-1200 see Note 1 at the end of page DB DB DB number XXXX (1.DBB19..6 DB1.4 EB14.Is not necessary that the bit position inside the byte is consecutive. String gates can be related only and exclusively to STRING[] type variables in the DataBase(DB) © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ..1 DB1.DBB17.DBB10. use of Blocks sampling is recommended .65535) .4 Yes Yes Yes VB1.4 DB1.DBB11.8191 .5 DB1.4 EB13.4 EB22.DBB19..0 EB17.99999) XXXXX (0.5 EB23.DBB12.DBB11..DBB10.7) Gate write Yes Block read Yes Digital gates block To improve speed communications between PC and PLC. . The maximum block length is 1600 gates.7 DB1.4 DB1. .1 EB12.7 DB digital gates address for S7-300. Data Block (DB) on S7-1200 must be defined with the flag "Symbolic access only" deactivated.DBB10.1 EB10.DBB10.7 DB1..DBB10. X (0.1 Yes Yes Yes AB2.DBB19.Is not necessary that the bit position inside the byte is consecutive.4 EB11.DBB10. .99999) XXXXX (0..DBB11.99999) XXXXX (0.99999) XXXXX (0.4 Digital gates that CAN be grouped as block Digital gates that CAN NOT Digital gates that CAN NOT be grouped as block be grouped as block EB10.. X (0.0 DB1.2 EB10. Input and Output block gates must be compound from gates that have the same type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format).1 EB10..6 DB1.3 DB1.0 EB10.0 DB1.5 String gates address Note: the "Device" field in the GateBuilder must match the Plc Station Address.DBB11. Bit address Gate read Yes . · PC MPI Address: Siemens PC Adapter MPI address. · Bus baud rate: MPI bus communication speed.S7-1200 · Station address: station number (must match the "Device" field in the GateBuilder) · Segment id: segment identifier .32767) .DBB3 Protocol configuration PC adapter (COM) selected Protocol configuration window.65535) Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read No Example DB2. · Slot number: slot number...5 DB DB number .S7-400 and S7-1200): 27.S7-400 and S7-1200 PLC family. The maximum size specified for the string gate (in Gate Builder) must be equal to the size specified for the relative STRING[] variable inside the PLC. · Query pause [ms]: wait time between two message requests. · Rack number: rack number.S7-300. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Address of string gates (for S7-300.S7-400. DB XXXXX (1. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Baud rate: serial port communication speed. · COM port: PC serial port (COM) to utilize for communication with PLC. Data type DB Data format Data address B (Byte) XXXXX (0. · Plc type: can be S7-200.150 Protocols Guide area for S7-300. · Rack number: rack number.S7-300. · COM port: PC serial port (COM) to utilize for communication with PLC. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · PC MPI Address: Siemens PC Adapter MPI address.SIEMENS MPI PC adapter (USB -> vurtual COM) selected Protocol configuration window. · Query pause [ms]: wait time between two message requests.S7-1200 · Station address: station number (must match the "Device" field in the GateBuilder) · Segment id: segment identifier . · Plc type: can be S7-200. · Bus baud rate: MPI bus communication speed.S7-400. · Slot number: slot number. PC adapter (USB) selected © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 151 . TCP/IP (Ethernet) selected © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Rack number: rack number. · Slot number: slot number.S7-400. · Query pause [ms]: wait time between two message requests.152 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration window. · Bus baud rate: MPI bus communication speed.S7-300. · Plc type: can be S7-200.S7-1200 · Station address: station number (must match the "Device" field in the GateBuilder) · Segment id: segment identifier . · PC MPI Address: Siemens PC Adapter MPI address. SIEMENS MPI Protocol configuration window. · Query Pause [ms]: wait time between two message requests. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. · Port number: PC ethernet card port number to utilize for communication with PLC. · Bus baud rate: MPI bus communication speed. · PC MPI Address: PC Adapter MPI address.S7-1200 · Station address: station number (must match the "Device" field in the GateBuilder) · Segment id: segment identifier .S7-400.S7-300. · Slot number: slot number. · IP station address : IP address associated to the PLC © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 153 . · Plc type: can be S7-200. · Rack number: rack number. Part XXVIII . Numeric gates block A block of numeric gates must be made of gates with the same Data Block and sequential Data Word.12 0011.006 0011..003 0010.002 0010.12 0010.003. Example of valid block 0010.12 0010. Digital gates block A block of digital gates must be made of gates with the same Data Block and Bit Number and sequential Data Word.PLC SIMATIC S5 28. Example of valid block 0010.” + “015” (Data Word ).15 Example: if we want to read or to write bit 10 of Data Word 21 of Data Block 7.004.9999 0.12 0010...15 .007.” + “021” (Data Word ) + “.004 0011. the gate address must be as follows: 007.004 0010.003.3 Example of NOT valid block 0010..2 Numeric gates address The gate address must be specified with the following format: BBBB.WWW.10 that is: “007” (Data Block) + “.12 0011.” + “10” (Bit number).001 0010..001 0010.1 Introduction 155 This protocol is used for communication with PLC Simatic S5 The communication between the PC and the PLCs is through the PC serial interface and requires the original Siemens RS232-Current Loop converter or an equivalent device..003 0011.002.001.999 0. The PLC serial interface is the “programming” gate (15 pins).999 0..007 Digital gates address The gate address must be specified with the following format: BBBB.WWW Data Block Data Word Read gate Write gate Read block Yes Yes Yes BBBB WWW 0.005 28.12 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Example of NOT valid block Data Block Data Word Bit number Read gate Write gate Read block BBB WWW bb Yes Yes Yes 0..SIEMENS .006.021.12 0010. the gate address must be as follows: 0024.999 Example: if we want to read or to write the Data Word 15 of the Data Block 24.004.12 0010.015 that is: “0024” (Data Block) + “.13 0011. 28.001.PLC SIMATIC S5 28 SIEMENS . · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) before answer message. it is possible to select one of the following models: S5_100U_95C (AG100U with CPU 95C) S5_100U_941 (AG100U with CPU 941) S5_115U_942 (AG115U with CPU 942) S5_115U_943 (AG115U with CPU 943) S5_115U_944 (AG115U with CPU 944) S5_115U_945 (AG115U with CPU 945) S5_115U_928B(AG115U with CPU 928B) Fields BaudRate.156 28. StopBit.4 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. PLC models supported by this driver are identified by mean of two parameters: AG model and CPU model. · Stop bits: stop bits. · Parity: parity. · Baud rate: communication speed. · COM port: serial port name. · Query pause [ms]: timeout between two request messages. · Plc : PLC type. · Data bits: number of bits. Parity. DataBits must be setted with the following: BaudRate = 9600 baud Parity = Even StopBit = 1 DataBits = 8 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Part XXIX . 158 Protocols Guide 29 TCP/IP Client 29. Example: We have two stations: the first one is connected to an external device (device 1) by a Modbus ASCII protocol and the second one is connected to an external device (device 2) by a Modbus RTU protocol. -Install the application on both stations -Select on station 1 the following communication protocols: Modbus ASCII on channel 1 and TCP/IP on channel 2 and specify as Server IP Address the IP address of station 2 -Select on station 2 the following communication protocols: TCP/IP on channel 1 and Modbus RTU on channel 2 and specify as Server IP Address the IP address of station 1 At this point. we have the possibility of controlling both devices from each one of the two stations © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Client identify gates in the server only by name. we have to do the following: -Create an applications whith two serial channels: channel 1 with all gates that refer to device 1 and channel 2 with all gates that refer to device 2.1 Introduction This protocol allows communication between two or more supervisor software stations. if we run the supervisor software on both stations. the "Address" field of gates in the client application is not used. -Configure the application as RUNTIME with TCP/IP server. If we want to control both devices 1 and 2 by each one of the two stations.It is possible to sample and string gates directly from a server station instead of a device. Two stations can work simultaneously as client and server. TCP/IP Client 29.2 159 Protocol configuration Server station On the server station RunTime TCP/IP Server must be selected Client station with one connection for channel In this case the communication will be activated toward a unique server for channel: all the sampled gates that belong to this channel will be sampled from the unique server. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . the "Device" field of the gates doesn't matter. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Timeout (ms): timeout (milliseconds) for a complete answer · Query pause (ms): timeout between an answer and the next request · Server IP address: IP address of the unique server for channel Client station with one connection for device In this case the communication will be activated toward a server for each device belonging to this channel: that is all the sampled gates that belong to this channel and device 1 will be sampled from the server which IP address is specified in the right table of the configuration window . With this operating mode. each server is considered as a device. near the Device 1 field and so on till a maximum of 255 devices for channel.160 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration window. · Timeout (ms): timeout (milliseconds) for a complete answer · Query pause (ms): timeout between an answer and the next request · Devices IP address: IP address of each device. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 161 .TCP/IP Client Protocol configuration window. Part XXX . To build applications with Tutondo devices.1 Introduction 163 RS232 communication protocol for Tutondo devices. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . in order to allow to build a working application (like in the figure below) in few seconds.TUTONDO 30 TUTONDO 30. Supported devices: Tutondo MR6005 Tutondo MR9005 They are also already available in the Library. use Application Builder (accessible from Project Manager). 164 Protocols Guide Set the "Parameters of functions called from Templates" and the "Gate name prefix" as reported in the picture above. · COM port: COM port number .2 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Query pause [ms]: timeout between an answer and the next query. Note:'Protocol B' must be selected on the MR6005 and MR9005 physical devices. · Baud rate: communication speed. · Timeout [ms]: timeout (milliseconds) for a complete answer . 30. Part XXXI . Word... Note that the data address refers to Byte alignment.. 31.99) XX (0.MF4.7 · Address for 3 Merker Word : MW0. Installing procedure 1.99999) XXXXX (0.166 Protocols Guide 31 PROFIBUS MPI E S7 . Output(O). Install the Applicom software supplied with the board.. 3... Install the supervisor software. This communication protocol needs one of this Applicom board: PCI1500PFB PCI1500S7 PC1500PFB PC1500S7 PCI4000 PC4000 The MPI_S7 protocol will compare in the available protocols list only if the Applicom software (supplied with the Applicom board) has been installed on the Computer. Input. For some data type (e.99999) XXXXX (0. Timers(T).MB1.99999) XXXXX (0.99999) XXXXX (0. Addresses of numeric gates like Merker... Timers.(Applicom) 31. · Address for 3 Merker Float : MF0.99999) XXXXX (0.MW2.. Float... Merker or DB) different data format can be specified: Byte. Input(E).MW4. That mean : · Address for 3 Merker Byte : MB0..MD4. Counter: Data type M (Merker) M (Merker) M (Merker M (Merker) E (Input) E (Input) A (Output) A (Output) T (Timer) C (Counter) Data format B (Byte) W (Word) D (Long) F (Float) B (Byte) W (Word) B (Byte) W (Word) Data address XXXXX (0..99999) XX (0. 2.g. · Address for 3 Merker Long : MD0.99999) XXXXX (0.99) Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Read block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: MB12 : Merker Byte 12 MW5 : Merker Word 5 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ..2 Numeric gates address Numeric gates can be Merker(M)...MF8. Install the Applicom board.MD8.. Counters (C) o DataBase(DB).. Output. Long..MB2.99999) XXXXX (0.1 Introduction Driver Profibus MPI and S7 for PLC Siemens S7300 e S7400.. .DBD0 DB1.(Applicom) 167 MD11 : Merker Long (double word) 11 MF7 : Merker Float 7 EW8 : Input Word 8 T20 : Timer 20 Addresses of numeric gates like DB: DB DB number . Input.DBD12 DB1. DB ..DBB12 : Byte 12 of DB 5. Gate data format Byte Word Long Float Timers Counters 31.DBD16 Digital gates address Digital gates can be Merker(M).DBD4 DB1..DBD11: Float 11 of DB 8..65535 DB DB DB Gate rea d Yes Gate writ e Yes Block rea d Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: DB5. .. DB8.... The position of the byte and of the bit inside the byte must be specified. DataBase block gates must be compound from gates that have the same DB number. Input. Bit address X (0.7) X Read gate Yes Write gate Yes Read block Yes Yes Yes Yes ..DBD4 DB2. Output(O).Counters gates block must be compound from gates that have the same type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format)...99999) XXXXX .65535 XXXXX (0.DBD3 : Long (double word) 3 of DB 7. DB6. Output digital gates address: Data type M (Merker) E © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Byte address XXXXX (0.. Data type Data format Data address DB XXXXX (1..65535) XXXXX (0.DBD8 DB1. DB . Output. DB B (Byte) W (Word) D (Long) F (Float) XXXXX (0.65535 XXXXX (0. DB ..DBD8 DB1..DBD0 DB2...32767 XXXXX (1. DB7. ..32767) XXXXX (1.32767 .32767 XXXXX (1. Numeric gates block Merker.DBW5 : Word 5 of DB 6.Timers.DBD12 DB1..PROFIBUS MPI E S7 . The address in byte alignment.3 Maximum block length 200 100 50 50 100 100 Example of valid block Example of valid block MW2 MW4 MW6 MW8 MW10 DB1..DBD16 Example of NOT valid block MW0 MB1 MW3 MB4 MF10 Example of NOT valid block DB1. The block length is related to the gates data format grouped in the block. the same gate type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format). o DataBase(DB). Input(E). Merker. 4 M5...5 M1.DBX0.. the same gate type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format).2 DB2.1 DB1.The bit position inside the byte must be consecutive The maximum block length is 1600 gates..7 : Input byte 13 – Bit 7 20.2 DB1.6: Bit 6 of Byte 45 of DB 123 Digital gates block Merker.7 M2.DBX0..DBX5.DBX0.3 M2.168 Protocols Guide (Input) A (Output) (0.3 DB1..DBX45. Yes Yes Yes Example: M12.5 M6.2 DB1.7) Gate read Gate write Read block Yes Yes Yes Example: DB123.6 M1.1 31.. Bit address X (0...4 DB2.99999) XXXXX (0..8191) .DBX4.7) .0 M2.3 : Output byte 20 – Bit 3 DB digital gates address: DB DB DB number XXXXX (1. From this window is possible to run PCCONF program to make Applicom MPI & S7 protocol configuration. DBX (bit) Byte address XXXXX (0.3 DB1.99999) (0.2 DB1.DBX0.1 M1. Input.1 : Merker byte 12 – Bit 1 E13.The bit position inside the byte must be consecutive DataBase block gates must be compound from gates that have the same DB number.4 DB1. Data type .5 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window..DBX3. To make protocol configuration follow these steps: With Configuration PCCONF menu item configure the Applicom board installed in the PC: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ..7) X (0.DBX0.4 Example of valid block DB1. .5 Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block M1. Example of valid block M1.. Output block gates must be compound from gates that have the same type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format)..DBX0.DBX1.65535) . PROFIBUS MPI E S7 .(Applicom) 169 Subsequently press Channel Configuration. Equipment Configuration and Configuration buttons: the following window will be showed: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . · Equipment Physical Address (0-126): device address on the Bus. · Data alignment for 16 bits words reading in the DB (1-4 ): must be 4 . At the end.170 Protocols Guide This window allow to configure all the devices present on the Bus. from File menu. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . select Save & Exit. · Data alignment for 32 bits words reading in the DB (1-2 ): must be 2 . The parameters that must be configured are : · Symbolic Name: Device name. · Messaging : protocol messaging:must be Protocol S7.MPI. Part XXXII . .99999 XXXXX 0..MB1....VB(VB). Long.Input(E). 2..99999 XXXXX 0.. 3.2 Numeric gates address Numeric gates can be Merker(M). This communication protocol needs one of the following Applicom boards: PCI1500PFB PCI1500S7 PC1500PFB PC1500S7 PCI4000 PC4000 The MPI_S7 protocol will compare in the available protocols list only if the Applicom software (supplied with the Applicom board) has been installed on the Computer. For some data type (e...99999 XXXXX 0... Description MERKER BYTE Type M Format B MERKER WORD MERKER LONG M W M D SPECIAL MERKER BYTE SPECIAL MERKER WORD V BYTE SM B SM W V B V WORD V W V LONG V D INPUT BYTE I B INPUT WORD I W OUTPUT BYTE Q B OUTPUT WORD Q W Address XXXXX 0.MD8. Special Merker. That mean : · Address for 3 Merker Byte:MB0..99999 XXXXX 0. Float. Install the Applicom board...99999 XXXXX 0. Install the Applicom software supplied with the board..99999 XXXXX 0.g.. Output.MW4.99999 XXXXX 0...MB2.99999 XXXXX 0. Merker or DB) different data format can be specified: Byte. Address of numeric gates like Merker.(Applicom) 32...99999 XXXXX 0.99999 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . Word. Special Merker (SM). 32.99999 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes XXXXX 0..Input. Installing procedure 1.MW2. · Address for 3 Merker Long :MD0. Output(Q). Install the supervisor software.1 Introduction Driver Profibus PPI for PLC Siemens S7-200. Note that the data address refers to Byte alignment.. VB.. · Address for 3 Merker Word:MW0.MD4.172 Protocols Guide 32 PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 ..99999 XXXXX 0. 3 M6.2 VB3. Digital gates address like Merker.2 VB1.1 M2. The block length is related to the gates data format grouped in the block.99999 XXXXX 0.1: Merker byte 12 .Bit 1 I13. The block length is related to the gates data format grouped in the block.99999 XXXXX 0..5 .. Data format Byte Word Long Example of valid block MW2 MW4 MW6 MW8 MW10 32.. Input..Bit 3 Digital gates block Block gates must be compound from gates that have the same type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format).7 B 0.PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 . Special Merker (SM).1 M1. The bit position inside the byte must be consecutive.Bit 7 Q20. Gates block must be compound from gates that have the same type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format). The position of the byte and of the bit inside the byte must be specified.Input(E) o Output(Q).(Applicom) 173 MB12: Merker Byte 12 MW5: Merker Word 5 MD11: Merker Long (double word) 11 IW8: Input Word 8 Numeric gates block Gates block must be compound from gates that have the same type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format).3 VB2. V (VB).3: Output byte 20 ...2 VB2..2 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Example of valid block VB2. Output.VB.7 B 0. The address is in byte alignment..Special Merker..7 M2.5 Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block M1.7 Gate read Yes Gate write Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: M12.. Description Merker Type M Special Merker SM V VB Input I Output O Byte address XXXXX 0.2 VB4.6 M1.3 Max block length 200 100 50 Example of valid block VB1 VB2 VB3 VB4 VB5 Example of NOT valid block Example of NOT valid block MW0 VB1 MB1 VB4 MB4 VB6 MF10 VB7 MW10 VB8 Digital gates address Digital gates can be Merker(M).2 VB4.0 M2.7 B 0..1 M2.7 B 0.4 VB2. Example of valid block M1.4 VB2.99999 XXXXX 0...7: Input byte 13 ..99999 XXXXX 0.2 M5..99999 Bit address B 0.1 VB2..... The maximum block length is 1600 gates.. 4 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. To make protocol configuration follow these steps: With Configuration PCCONF menu item configure the Applicom board installed in the PC: Applicom board configuration windows. Equipment Configuration and Configuration buttons: the following window will be showed: © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .part A.174 32. Subsequently press Channel Configuration. From this window is possible to run PCCONF program to make Applicom PPI S7 protocol configuration. select Save & Exit. At the end.part B.PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 . The parameters that must be configured are: · Protocol: protocol name. from File menu. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 175 . Must be Siemens S7 PPI. · Baud rate : communication speed. This window allow to configure the communication protocol parameters .(Applicom) Applicom board configuration window . Part XXXIII . PPI S7 200 (PPI Adapter) 33 PPI S7 200 (PPI Adapter) 33.1 Introduction 177 PPI communication protocol for PLC Siemens S7-200 series. One of the following hardware device is needed: SIEMENS RS232 / PPI Multi - Master Cable - Code 6ES7 901-3CB30-0XA0 Sielco Sistemi IC 3580-PPIVC In case of using SIEMENS RS232 / PPI Multi - Master Cable, it must be configured (with dip-switch) as: - PPI / Freeport - Local/DCE - 11 Bit With this driver is possible to access the following data : Input Output Analog Input Analog Output Merker Special merker V area 33.2 Numeric gates address Numeric gates can be Input(I), Output(Q), Merker(M),Special Merker(SM), V area (V),Analog Input (AI), Analog Output(AQ). For all data type, less Analog Input and Analog Output, different data format can be specified: Byte, Word,Double Word, Float. Note that the data address refers to Byte alignment. That mean : PLC Memory V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 Data type "B" VB0 VB1 VB2 VB3 VB4 VB5 VB6 VB7 VB8 VB9 VB10 VB11 Data type "W" VW0 Data type "D" VD0 Data type "F" VF0 VD4 VF4 VD8 VF8 VW2 VW4 VW6 VW8 VW10 Addresses of numeric gates: Description V BYTE V WORD V DOUBLE WORD © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Type V V V Format B W D Address 0...99999 0...99999 0...99999 Gate read Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes 178 Protocols Guide V FLOAT V F 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes INPUT BYTE INPUT WORD INPUT DOUBLE WORD INPUT FLOAT I I I B W D 0...99999 0...99999 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes I F 0...99999 Yes No Yes OUTPUT BYTE OUTPUT WORD OUTPUT DOUBLE WORD OUTPUT FLOAT Q Q Q B W D 0...99999 0...99999 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Q F 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes MERKER BYTE MERKER WORD MERKER DOWBLE WORD MERKER FLOAT M M B W 0...99999 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes M D 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes M F 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes SPECIAL MERKER BYTE SPECIAL MERKER WORD SPECIAL MERKER DOWBLE WORD SPECIAL MERKER FLOAT SM B 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes SM W 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes SM D 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes SM F 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes ANALOG INPUT WORD ANALOG OUTPUT WORD AI W 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes AQ W 0...99999 Yes Yes Yes Example: MB12:Merker Byte 12 MW5 :Merker Word 5 MD11:Merker Double word 11 Numeric gates block To improve speed communications between PC and PLC, use of Blocks sampling is recommended. Gates block must be compound from gates that have the same Data Type but can have different Data Format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format). The block length is related to the gates data format grouped in the block. Data format BYTE WORD LONG FLOAT Numeric gates that can be grouped as block Numeric gates that can be grouped as block Max block length 200 100 50 50 Numeric gates that CAN NOT be grouped as block Numeric gates that CAN NOT be grouped as block © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl PPI S7 200 (PPI Adapter) 33.3 IB0 VW0 IB0 VW0 IB1 VW2 IB3 VW3 IB2 VD4 IB5 VW5 IB3 VD8 IW4 VW8 IW4 VF12 IW8 VW7 IB6 VB16 IB10 VD8 IB7 VB17 IB12 QB10 179 Digital gates address Digital gates can be Input(I), Output(Q),V area(V),Merker (M) o Special Merker (SM). The address in byte alignment. The position of the byte and of the bit inside the byte must be specified. Addresses of digital gates: Description V INPUT OUTPUT MERKER SPECIAL MERKER Type VB IB QB MB SMB Byte address 0...99999 0...99999 0...99999 0...99999 0...99999 Bit address 0..7 0..7 0..7 0..7 0..7 Gate read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gate write Yes No Yes Yes Yes Block read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Example: IB13.7 : Input byte 13 – Bit 7 QB20.3 : Output byte 20 – Bit 3 Digital gates block To improve speed communications between PC and PLC, use of Blocks sampling is recommended. Block gates must be compound from gates that have the same type and data format and that have a consecutive address in increasing order (in relation to the data format).Is not necessary that the bit position inside the byte is consecutive. The maximum block length is 1600 gates. Digital gates that can be grouped as block IB0.0 Digital gates that can be grouped as block VB0.3 IB0.1 VB0.0 IB0.1 VB0.4 IB3.3 VB3.0 IB0.5 VB0.5 IB5.2 VB5.0 IB1.1 VB1.3 IB5.3 VB8.0 IB1.2 VB1.4 IB5.4 VB7.4 IB1.7 VB1.6 IB5.5 VB8.3 IB2.0 VB1.7 IB6.0 VB8.4 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl Digital gates that CAN NOT Digital gates that CAN NOT be grouped as block be grouped as block · Query pause [ms]: wait time between two message requests. · Timeout [ms]:timeout (milliseconds) for a complete answer. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .4 Protocols Guide Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · PLC PPI address: PLC address. · COM port: PC serial port (COM) to utilize for communication with PLC.180 33.. · Baud rate: serila port communication speed. Part XXXIV . · Data bits: number of bits.1 Introduction ASCII format serial communication protocol. © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl . 34.182 Protocols Guide 34 Raw ASCII Output 34. The string gate must be defined as "Sample Never " and "Write enabled" 34. Whit this protocol is possible to send a string of ASCII characters on serial Channel (COM). · Stop bits: stop bits. · COM port: serial port name.2 String gates address The string gates Text will be sent on the serial channel.3 Protocol configuration Protocol configuration window. · Baud rate: communication speed. · Parity: parity. Index Index 183 -GGate address MITSUBISHI FR-CU03 -B- -I- Blocks of digital gates Allen-Bradley Ethernet 34 Blocks of digital gates Allen-Bradley PLC3 13 Blocks of digital gates Allen-Bradley SLC500 26 Blocks of numeric gates Allen-Bradley Ethernet 32 Blocks of numeric gates Allen-Bradley PLC3 11 Blocks of numeric gates Allen-Bradley PLC5 17 Blocks of numeric gates Allen-Bradley SLC500 25 -DDigital gates address Allen-Bradley Ethernet 33 Digital gates address Allen-Bradley PLC3 12 Digital gates address Allen-Bradley SLC500 26 Digital gates address EUROTHERM BISYNCH ASCII 48 Digital gates address IDEC IZUMI FA 55 Digital gates address KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .(Applicom) 166 Introduction PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 .A per PS4 62 Digital gates address MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL COM 83 Digital gates address MODBUS ASCII .MODBUS RTU -N87 Note Allen-Bradley Ethernet 34 Note Allen-Bradley PLC3 13 Note Allen-Bradley PLC5 20 Note Allen-Bradley SLC500 27 93 .PLC SIMATIC S5 155 Digital gates SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) 141 -FFunction provided MITSUBISHI FR-CU03 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl 87 Introduction Allen-Bradley Ethernet 31 Introduction Allen-Bradley PLC3 10 Introduction Allen-Bradley PLC5 16 Introduction Allen-Bradley SLC500 24 Introduction DECOM .(Applicom) 172 Introduction RED LION PAXI-1/8 DIN COUNTER/RATE METER 130 Introduction SAIA P800 132 Introduction SAIA S-BUS 136 Introduction SIEMENS .PLC SIMATIC S5 155 Introduction SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) 140 Introduction TCP/IP 158 -MMODBUS ASCII .CENCAL 53 Introduction IDEC IZUMI FA 55 Introduction KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .A per PS4 62 Introduction MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL .MODBUS RTU 93 Digital gates address OMRON SYSMAC 123 Digital gates address PROFIBUS MPI E S7 (Applicom) 167 Digital gates address PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 (Applicom) 173 Digital gates address SAIA P800 133 Digital gates address SAIA S-BUS 137 Digital gates SIEMENS .A 59 Digital gates address KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .MODBUS RTU 90 Introduction OMRON FINS 109 Introduction OMRON FINS in Host Link Protocol 116 Introduction OMRON SYSMAC 122 Introduction PROFIBUS MPI E S7 .COM 82 Introduction MODBUS ASCII .CONTREX 45 Introduction GEFRAN .A 58 Introduction KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM . PLC SIMATIC S5 155 Numeric gates SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) 140 Protocol configuration OMRON SYSMAC 124 Protocol configuration PROFIBUS MPI E S7 (Applicom) 168 Protocol configuration PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 (Applicom) 174 Protocol configuration RED LION PAXI-1/8 DIN COUNTER/RATE METER 130 Protocol configuration SAIA P800 133 Protocol configuration SAIA S-BUS 137 Protocol configuration SIEMENS .CONTREX 45 Protocol configuration EUROTHERM BISYNCH ASCII 49 Protocol configuration GEFRAN .MODBUS RTU 96 © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl .184 Protocols Guide Numeric gates address Allen-Bradley Ethernet 31 Numeric gates address Allen-Bradley PLC3 10 Numeric gates address Allen-Bradley PLC5 16 Numeric gates address Allen-Bradley SLC500 24 Numeric gates address DECOM .A 60 Protocol configuration KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .A 58 Numeric gates address KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .CONTREX 45 Numeric gates address EUROTHERM BISYNCH ASCII 48 Numeric gates address GEFRAN .A per PS4 63 Protocol configuration MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL COM 85 Protocol configuration MODBUS ASCII .CENCAL 53 Numeric gates address IDEC IZUMI FA 55 Numeric gates address KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .CENCAL 53 Protocol configuration IDEC IZUMI FA 56 Protocol configuration KLOCKNER MOELLER SUCOM .COM 82 Numeric gates address MODBUS ASCII .PLC SIMATIC S5 156 Protocol configuration SIEMENS MPI (Prodave MPI Mini) 142 Protocol configuration TCP/IP 159 -SString gates address EUROTHERM BISYNCH ASCII 48 String gates address MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL COM 84 String gates address OMRON SYSMAC 124 String gates address SAIA P800 133 String gates address SAIA S-BUS 137 -PProtocol Configuration MITSUBISHI FR-CU03 88 Protocol configuration Allen-Bradley Ethernet 35 Protocol configuration Allen-Bradley PLC3 14 Protocol configuration Allen-Bradley PLC5 22 Protocol configuration Allen-Bradley SLC500 28 Protocol configuration DECOM .MODBUS RTU 90 Numeric gates address OMRON SYSMAC 122 Numeric gates address PROFIBUS PPI S7 200 (Applicom) 172 Numeric gates address RED LION PAXI-1/8 DIN COUNTER/RATE METER 130 Numeric gates address SAIA P800 132 Numeric gates address SAIA S-BUS 136 Numeric gates address SIEMENS .A per PS4 62 Numeric gates address MATSUSHITA MEWTOCOL . (after index) © 2011 Sielco Sistemi Srl ..185 Endnotes 2..
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