protocolo P2K2_2007_GB

March 28, 2018 | Author: Fabricio | Category: File Format, Machining, Databases, Data, Computer Data



Formato [email protected] Revision: 2.6.1 full Pagina 1 di 27 Protocol P2K2 Introduction A document in P2K2 format can contain information for cutting only or for cutting and machining. INDEX 1. General Introduction to the P2K2 format 2. P2K2 Structure 3. Description of the nodes 4. Example P2K2 with machinings added only as macro 5. Cutting data conventions and references 6. Machining data conventions and references 7. P2K2 example with various machining types 8. Appendix 8.1. P2K2 for sawing machines with Diamond/Planet Plus/Shadow 8.2. Cutting lines with NC only 1. General introduction to the P2K2 format The P2K2 format can contain information both for cutting and machining, For each cut, void text fields are at your disposal for label printing. The machinings can be entered as: a) “macro” b) Standard (or elementary) machinings a) As “macro”, we understand machinings or groups of machinings (millings, etc.) that are stored in the FomCam database (their names have been assigned by the user). To add a machining as “macro” means that the geometric data and the tool data of the machining are saved in the CAM; in the file only the name of the macro and the X position refered to the left tip of the piece are stored. In this case, for the integration it is necessary to create the database of macros in the FomCam. Note: A macro in FOMCAM is called “Accessory” or “Geometry”. P2K2ProtocolloIta Formato P2K2 [email protected] Revision: 2.6.1 full Pagina 2 di 27 b) The standard machinings are circular millings or drillings, rectangular millings, etc. In case of standard machinings the file contains the geometric information of the machining: form, position and tool data. Use this approach in the integration in case there already exists a database or an external Cam that contains the geometric information and the tools for the machining. 2. The Structure of P2K2 A document Protocollo P2K2 is an XML file that contains structured data. In the XML format, each piece of data is enclosed in a so-called “TAG”, or delimitor. As each “TAG” can contain another TAG, the XML files are hierarchical, that means that they are organized in various levels. An xml file is structured as follows: - delimitator at the start of a field is “< NOMECAMPO>” (Ex.: <BAR>) delimitator at the end of a field “< /NOMECAMPO>” (Ex.: </ BAR >) The delimitators must have CAPITAL LETTERS, as in the example. The letters “<” e “>” can not be used in the text of the fields. decimali numbers use “.” For separation (ex.: 1000.3) The structure of the protocol file P2K2 is as follows: <JOB> <VER>….</VER> <HEAD> <PDAT>…</PDAT> --</HEAD> <BODY> <BAR> <CUT> <MACHININGS> <MACHINING> …</MACHINING> --</MACHININGS> </CUT> --</BAR> --</BODY> P2K2ProtocolloIta com info@fomsoftware. . • <VER>: tag that contains the Program Version number that has been used to create the file. • <HEAD> this tag contains a list with all bars that the file consists of. .6. JOB VER HEAD BODY MJ node VER node HEAD node BODY VER Program version number Numeric P2K2ProtocolloIta .fomsoftware. Description of the nodes Color significances: black tags are obligatory blue tags are optional The tags followed by “ … “ can appear more than once The fields that are followed by “(attributo)” are the attributes of the node. The text “…” indicates that this is a node without sublevels. includine bars and pieces and machinings.<MACHININGS>: contains the list of the machinings (4 level) 3. Description: • <JOB>: obligatory tag that features the entire cutting and machining list. It contains one or more tags <PDAT> .Formato P2K2 www.serie/codice/coloreinterno/coloreesterno (system/code/inner color/outer color) • <BODY>: this tag contains the data of the cutting list.<BAR>: contains the tags referred to the profile bar (second level).1 full Pagina 3 di 27 </JOB> In the description of the structure the text “---” shows wether there are other nodes of the same Revision: 2.<PDAT>: shows the number of bars in the file that have the same code (“sigla”): . This data is to be found in the following tags: .<CUT>: contains the tags referred to the single pieces (third level). They are added to the node with the delimitator “<>” . fomsoftware.Formato P2K2 www.6.1 full MN PDAT … Revision number Pagina 4 di 27 Numeric HEAD node PDAT BODY BAR … node BAR PDAT CODE DICL DOCL BQTY Profile code Inner (internal) color code Outer (external) color code Number of bars in the list with this profile code and color Text Text Text Number BRAN SYST CODE DICL DOCL LEN LENR H MLT CUT … BAR Brand of the profile system Profile system Profile code Inner color code Outer color code Bar length Length remaining bar – optional Profile height Reserved = 1 Node CUT (there mus be at least one in each BAR node) Text Text Text Text Text Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Node EXTRAINFO… SFIDO Optional extra information at a bar level Offcut Node NODE ANGL ANGR AB1 AB2 CUT Left cutting angle Right cutting angle Left beta cutting angle for sawing machines with with 2 compound angles for the inclination of the mobile head (Fom Sawing Machine KEOPE) Right beta cutting angle for sawing machines with with 2 compound angles for the inclination of the mobile head (Fom Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric P2K2ProtocolloIta .com [email protected] Revision: 2. Optional information at cut level Node P2K2ProtocolloIta Revision: [email protected] full IL OL TRML TRMR TAL TAR ORCD TINA CSNA IDQUADRO BCOD LBL … MACHININGS … CUT EXIT AREA Sawing Machine KEOPE) Inferior length Superior length Left trimcut length Right trimcut length Left trimcut angle Right trimcut angle Order Code Tipology Customer name Square number Bar code Label Data (max. TROLLEY Trolley for automatic warehouse Numeric SLOT Slot (in the trolley) numeric FORBIDDENSPACES… Forbidden spaces for vises EXTRAINFO. if not specified the machine default settings are used.2 sets if the part is to be executed on single or double area. Pagina 5 di 27 Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Text Text Text Text Text Text numeric Numeric Only for 4/5 axis cnc center.6. STOP 1 Left stop 2 right stop. 5 Ask Numeric Only for 4/5 axis cnc center.Formato P2K2 www. Indicate a specifical wayout for the piece.7. *Only for Multispindle and from version >=2. 4) Node MACHININGS A “cut” node exists in case two pieces one next to the other are cut simultaneously but two different labels are to be generated.fomsoftware. 4 Automatic . Numeric 1.156. If not specified machine default settings are used. Formato P2K2 Revision: 2.6.fomsoftware. 0 counterclockwise Rotation angle perpendicular machining face Offset x Offset y Offset z Face where machining is applied Coordinates point 1 machining face “ “ Coordinates point 2 machining face “ “ Empty groove: 0 [email protected] full MACHINING… Pagina 6 di 27 MACHININGS Node MACHINING WCODE (attributo) VAR1 (attributo) VAR2 (attributo) VAR3 (attributo) VAR4 (attributo) VERPERC (attributo) ANGLE (attributo) OFFSET (attributo) OFSSETY (attributo) OFFSETZ (attributo) FACE (attributo) P1X (attributo) P1Y (attributo) P1Z (attributo) P2X (attributo) P2Y (attributo) P2Z (attributo) EMPTYGROVE (attributo) CODUTENSILE (attributo) CILINLAV (attributo) OFFSETFIN (attributo) CODUTEFIN (attributo) MACHINING Machining code or name Parameter 1 machining Parameter 2 machining Parameter 3 machining Parameter 4 machining direction: 1 clockwise. 1 yes Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Milling tool Text Working cylinder for milling Finishing Offset Code for Finishing Tool (-1: no finishing) Numeric Numeric Numeric Text Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric P2K2ProtocolloIta . fomsoftware. Avoids tool consumption using a larger part of the blade. 2 Arc Only for linear mill. Depth variation in finishing. Moves the mill in a perpendicular direction to the working plane at the given info@fomsoftware. 1 Linear. circular mill and rectangular mill.6. ENDCONNECTION 0 None.1 full CILLAVFIN (attributo) POSDEF (attributo) DESCRIPTION (attributo) SGRAVANZ (attributo) SGRUSCITA (attributo) SRGLAV (attributo) SGRROT (attributo) FINAVANZ (attributo) FINUSCITA (attributo) FINLAV (attributo) FINROT (attributo) VARPROFSGR (attributo) VARPROFFIN (attributo) IDCATEGORY (attributo) EXECUTIONLEVEL (attributo) CLAMPNEAR Finishing cylinder Numeric Uplaod Position in the machine Description Numeric Text Milling feed rate Numeric Milling exit rate Numeric Milling rate Milling Rotation rate Finishing feed rate Finishing exit rate Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Finishing rate Finishing rotation rate Milling Depth Revision: 2.Formato P2K2 www. STARTCONNECTION 0 None. 1 Linear. Numeric Numeric Numeric Group of the machining Numeric Priority inside the group Numeric Clamp near machining in a multispindle machine. 2 Arc Only for linear mill. circular mill and rectangular mill PIANI Machining depth planes FORBIDDENSPACE… Pagina 7 di 27 Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric FORBIDDENSPACES Node FORBIDDENSPACE FORBIDDENSPACE P2K2ProtocolloIta . com Revision: 2.Formato P2K2 www.1 full START (attributo) END (attributo) Start forbidden space (refered to end of the piece) End forbidden space (refered to end of the piece) Pagina 8 di 27 Numeric Numeric CLAMPS Node Clamps PIANO INDEX Number of the clamp Numeric POSITION Position of the clamp Numeric PIANO… START (attribute) THICK (attribute) PIANI Node PLANE PIANO Initial Depth of work plane Numeric Work plane thickness Numeric EXTRAINFO INFONAME name (attribute) INFOVALUE value (attribute) INFODESCRIPTION Description (attribute) Text Text Text SFRIDO IDXPEZZO TROLLEY Offcut id TROLLEY SLOT SLOT Text Trolley for automatic warehouse Slot P2K2ProtocolloIta [email protected]. The bar consists of 1 piece that features 2 machinings.6.<BODY> /*Section start*/ <BAR>/*bar data*/ <BRAN>XXXXXXX</BRAN> /* brand*/ <SYST>XXXXXXX</SYST> /* system*/ <CODE>HP110S23</CODE> /* profile code*/ <DICL>GRZ</DICL> /* inner color code */ <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> /* outer color code */ <LEN>6000</LEN> /* length of the bar*/ <LENR>0</LENR> /*remaining length of the bar */ <H>110</H> /* cut thickness */ <MLT>1</MLT> /* number of bars ha sto be=1*/ .fomsoftware.1 full Pagina 9 di 27 For the numeric fields the decimal separator is “. P2K2ProtocolloIta . .” For the text fields you may enter maximum 255 letters.5</IL> /* inferior length */ <OL>2511.. A macro is a machining that has been stored in the machining database of FomCam.<HEAD>/*Heading contains the list of the bars that will be used*/ . [email protected] P2K2 www. The machinings have been added as macros.3</OL> /* superior length */ <MACHININGS> /*machinings*/ <MACHINING WCODE="MyWorking1" OFFSET="100"/> .MN)*/ <MN>0</MN> /*Second group of the version number*/ </VER> ..<JOB> /*File Start*/ .<PDAT> <CODE>HP110S23</CODE> /* profile code*/ <DICL>GRZ</DICL> /* inner color code*/ <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> /* outer color code*/ <BQTY>1</BQTY> /* bar number*/ </PDAT> </HEAD> .<CUT>/*dati di un taglio*/ <ANGL>45</ANGL> /* left angle*/ <ANGR>45</ANGR> /* right angle*/ <AB1> 90</AB1> /*left beta angle (for sawing machines with 2 compound angles for the inclination of the mobile head: example Fom Sawing Machine KEOPE) */ <AB2> 90</AB2> /* right beta angle*/ <IL> Revision: 2. Example of a P2K2 format with machinings as macros This example shows a case with 1 profile code containing 1 bar.<VER> /*Program version that has generated the file”/ <MJ>1</MJ> /* First group of the version number (Version = MJ. [email protected] P2K2 www.6.25"/> </MACHININGS> <BCOD>ABC123</BCOD> <LBL> informazioni1</LBL> <LBL> informazioni2</LBL> <LBL> informazioni3</LBL> <LBL> informazioni4</LBL> </CUT> </BAR> </BODY> </JOB> /* Barcode */ /* Label Data */ /* Label Data */ /* Label Data*/ /* Label Data */ P2K2ProtocolloIta .1 full Pagina 10 di 27 <MACHINING WCODE="MyWorking5" OFFSET=" Revision: 2. 1 full Pagina 11 di 27 Revision: 2.Formato P2K2 www.fomsoftware. Cutting Data conventions and references Conventions for angle dimensions and cutting angles P2K2ProtocolloIta .com [email protected]. com [email protected] full Pagina 12 di 27 Conventions for measurements and trimcut angles P2K2ProtocolloIta .com Revision: 2.6.fomsoftware.Formato P2K2 www. The x.1 full Pagina 13 di 27 6 Machining [email protected]. Beyond the “standard” faces of a profile.Formato P2K2 Revision: 2. Conventions and references A machining is always refered to a profile face. which are those of a parallelepiped. a profile may also feature oblique faces.x dimensions of the machining are refered to the origin of the face. The oblique faces are identified by two points.6. Number of machining faces 1 Upper 2 front (considering the position of the person who loads the piece) 3 Rear (back) 4 Lower 5 Oblique 6 left 7 right 99 none POSTERIORE REAR Post ANTERIORE FRONT e Local DIREZIONI LOCALI directions LOCAL / DIRECTIONS VISTA SINISTRA Left LEFTView VIEW P2K2ProtocolloIta . info@fomsoftware. Enters the accessory with Use offset Offset Direction 1 =Left -1=Right AccessoryName 1 Use offset -1 Do not use offset Var4 Height (of linear milling) Final Angle (degree s) Disk Diamet er P2K2ProtocolloIta .Formato P2K2 www. The custom machining Folder of FomCam has to contain an XML file with the same name.1 full Pagina 14 di 27 Machining codes Codice #0 #1 Descrizione Circular mill or drill Rectangular mill Var1 Radius Height Var2 Var3 Length Radius (0 if notused ) #2 #3 Linear mill Key mill Height Radius (major) Length Length #4 Arc Radius Initial Angle (degrees) #5 Disk mill Height Width #99#CustomeGe ometryFileName Custom machining from file “Nome della lavorazione”/Machining name stands for the name of the Revision: 2.fomsoftware. P2 show the direction of the local Y1 axis.6.0) is in P1. Z1 is the vector product of X1. Oblique Faces In order to add a machining on an oblique face.0.Formato P2K2 www.Y1.y dimensions. ? GeometryName Enters a geometry specifying the face and the x. Z X X1 Z1 P1 P2 Y1 Y Forbidden areas for vises P2K2ProtocolloIta . first define the tool’s position and direction.1 full !GeometryName Pagina 15 di 27 the specified name Enters the geometry with the specified name at the given dimensions and face. @PieceName Adds all machinings of the piece’s program at the specified x and y. X1 is in the same direction as the machine’s X axis.fomsoftware. The vectors Revision: 2. The coordinate ( info@fomsoftware. The forbidden space is refered to the vises’ center.fomsoftware.1 full Pagina 16 di 27 The forbidden spaces for vises on the left and the right have been created in order to avoid the positioning of vises at the outer ends of a piece.Formato P2K2 [email protected] Revision: 2. The example shows pieces cut a a 45 degrees angle. 7 Example of P2K2 file with various kinds of machinings <JOB> <VER> <TP/> <MJ>1</MJ> <MN>0</MN> </VER> <HEAD> <PDAT> <CODE>900074</CODE> <DICL>GRZ</DICL> <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> <BQTY>1</BQTY> </PDAT> </HEAD> <BODY> <BAR> <BRAN>DEMO</BRAN> <SYST>SERIE DEMO</SYST> <CODE>900074</CODE> <ICL>GRZ</ICL> <OCL>GRZ</OCL> <POS>1</POS> <CUT> <CSNA/> <CSNU/> <ORCD/> <TINA/> <CID/> <STAT/> <TYPE/> <NUM>1</NUM> <ANGL>90</ANGL> <ANGR>90</ANGR> <OL>2000</OL> <IL>2000</IL> <BCOD>qwerty</BCOD> <DESC/> <MACHININGS> <MACHINING WCODE="#0" VAR1="10" VAR2="0" VAR3="0" VAR4="0" VERPERC="1" ANGLE="0" OFFSET="100" OFFSETY="25" OFFSETZ="0" RIFX="0" RIFY="4" FACE="1" P1X="0" P1Y="-50" P1Z="96" P2X="0" P2Y="0" P2Z="96" EMPTYGROVE="0" ORDINEESECSRG="99999" ORDINEESECFIN="99999" CODUTENSILE="1" CILINLAV="2" OFFSETFIN="0" CODUTEFIN="-1" CILLAVFIN="0"> <PIANI> P2K2ProtocolloIta . 1 full Pagina 17 di 27 <PIANO START="0" THICK="5"/> </PIANI> </MACHINING> <MACHINING WCODE="#1" VAR1="20" VAR2="50" VAR3="5" VAR4="0" VERPERC="1" ANGLE="0" OFFSET="10.6.5"/> <PIANO START="7.5"/> </PIANI> </MACHINING> <MACHINING WCODE="#3" VAR1="10" VAR2="33.2" VAR3="10.5"/> <PIANO START="2.fomsoftware.Formato P2K2 www.2" VAR4="0" VERPERC="1" ANGLE="90" OFFSET="500" OFFSETY="25" OFFSETZ="0" RIFX="0" RIFY="4" FACE="1" P1X="0" P1Y="-50" P1Z="96" P2X="0" P2Y="0" P2Z="96" EMPTYGROVE="0" ORDINEESECSRG="99999" ORDINEESECFIN="99999" CODUTENSILE="1" CILINLAV="2" OFFSETFIN="2" CODUTEFIN="1" CILLAVFIN="2"> <PIANI> <PIANO START="0" THICK="5"/> </PIANI> </MACHINING> <MACHINING WCODE="?Geo1 " FACE="2" P1X="0" P1Y="-50" P1Z="0" P2X="0" P2Y="-50" P2Z="96" OFFSET="150" OFFSETY="48" OFFSETZ="0"/> <MACHINING WCODE="ASOLA+FORI" OFFSET="700"/> <MACHINING WCODE="#99#shape1" VAR1="-1" VAR2="0" VAR3="0" VAR4="0" VERPERC="1" ANGLE="0" OFFSET="1200" OFFSETY="48" OFFSETZ="0" RIFX="0" RIFY="4" FACE="5" P1X="0" P1Y="-50" P1Z="50" P2X="0" P2Y="17.882" EMPTYGROVE="0" ORDINEESECSRG="99999" ORDINEESECFIN="99999" CODUTENSILE="4" CILINLAV="2" OFFSETFIN="0" CODUTEFIN="-1" CILLAVFIN="0"> <PIANI> <PIANO START="0" THICK="5"/> </PIANI> </MACHINING> P2K2ProtocolloIta .5"/> <PIANO START="5" THICK="2.5" THICK=" Revision: [email protected]" P2Z="117.5" THICK="2.2" OFFSETY="25" OFFSETZ="0" RIFX="0" RIFY="4" FACE="1" P1X="0" P1Y="-50" P1Z="96" P2X="0" P2Y="0" P2Z="96" EMPTYGROVE="0" ORDINEESECSRG="99999" ORDINEESECFIN="99999" CODUTENSILE="4" CILINLAV="2" OFFSETFIN="0" CODUTEFIN="-1" CILLAVFIN="0"> <PIANI> <PIANO START="0" THICK="5"/> </PIANI> </MACHINING> <MACHINING WCODE="#2" VAR1="10" VAR2="50" VAR3="0" VAR4="0" VERPERC="1" ANGLE="0" OFFSET="100" OFFSETY="20" OFFSETZ="0" RIFX="2" RIFY="4" FACE="1" P1X="0" P1Y="-50" P1Z="96" P2X="0" P2Y="0" P2Z="96" EMPTYGROVE="0" ORDINEESECSRG="99999" ORDINEESECFIN="99999" CODUTENSILE="1" CILINLAV="2" OFFSETFIN="0" CODUTEFIN="-1" CILLAVFIN="0"> <PIANI> <PIANO START="0" THICK="2. [email protected] Revision: 2.Formato P2K2 www.fomsoftware.1 full Pagina 18 di 27 </MACHININGS> </CUT> <LEN>2000</LEN> <LENR>0</LENR> <H>0</H> <MLT>1</MLT> <MJ>1</MJ> <MN>0</MN> </BAR> </BODY> </JOB> P2K2ProtocolloIta . com Revision: [email protected] P2K2 www.fomsoftware.1 full Pagina 19 di 27 P2K2ProtocolloIta . 1 full Pagina 20 di 27 P2K2ProtocolloIta Revision: [email protected] P2K2 www.6. fomsoftware.1 full Pagina 21 di 27 8 Appendix [email protected] P2K2 www. The convention used for trimcuts is different.1 P2K2 for Diamond/Planet Plus/Shadow For the NC sawing machines Planet Plus/Shadow/Diamond. The following example of an XML file refered to a hypothetical purchase order. <?xml version="1. Fields that are longer than these values are accepted but will not be printed entirely. At the sides of the tags the length limits for the fields are shown (for the visualization of the CN on display and for the label print-outs).0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> (Document format) <JOB> (Start section) <VER> (Start section) <MJ>1</MJ> /* First digit of the program version number that generates the cutting list */ <MN>0</MN> /*Second digit of the program version number that generates the cutting list cifra */ </VER> <HEAD> (Inizio sezione) <PDAT> <CODE>HP110S23</CODE> /* Profile code */ <DICL>GRZ</DICL> /* inner color code */ <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> /* outer color code */ <BQTY>1</BQTY> /* quantity of bars per profile */ </PDAT> </HEAD> <BODY> (Section start) <BAR> (Bar Data section start) <CODE>HP110S23</CODE> /* Profile code */ <DICL>GRZ</DICL> /* inner color code */ <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> /* outer color code */ <LEN>6000</LEN> /* bar length */ <LENR>0</LENR> /* remaining bar length */ <H>100</H> /* profile height or width */ <MLT>1</MLT> /* number of bars with this profile */ /* (in general = 1) */ <CUT> (Inizio sezione Dati taglio) <ANGL>45</ANGL> /* left head angle */ <ANGR>45</ANGR> /* right head angle */ <IL>2500</IL> /* inner length */ <OL>2700</OL> /* outer length */ <TRML>10</TRML> /* trimcut: left side */ (2) <TRMR>10</TRMR> /* trimcut: right side */ (2) D-14 D-10 D-10 D-3 D-10 D-7 D-7 D-5 D-2 D-6 D-6 D-7 D-7 P2K2ProtocolloIta Revision: 2. no machining information. the file format has to contain cutting information only. The information contained in each tag is shown on the right. com info@fomsoftware. it may contain the number of the disload Revision: 2. If the sawing machine has a profile height reader. the only angle is 90° ( 4) In cutting lines.Diamond ( 3) For Shadow. if not it will use the inner dimension (<IL>).1 full <TAL>90 <TAL> <TAR>90</TAR> <BCOD>ABC123</BCOD> <LBL> informazioni1</LBL> <LBL> informazioni2</LBL> <LBL> informazioni3</LBL> <LBL> informazioni4</LBL> /* trimcut: left angle */ (3) /* trimcut: right angle */ (3) /* bar code */ /* Label data (user-set) */ /* Label data (“ “ /* Label data (“ “ /* Label data (“ “ Pagina 22 di 27 “ “ “ “ “ “ D-13 D-13 D-13 ) */ ) */ ) */(4) D-13 </CUT> </BAR> </BODY> </JOB> NOTES: ( 2) Trimcut value codification: Master Cut Shadow . the outer dimension is used (<OL>). Planet Plus e Diamond machines.Formato P2K2 www. • • D-7 : indicates for example that the field can have a maximum length of 7 digits. /* XXXXXX*/: obligatory tag.6. • It is possible to enter both <IL> and <OL> or just one or the other.Planet Plus . P2K2ProtocolloIta . for example #2#: the two # signs before and after the number are obligatory.fomsoftware. xml” • IMPORTANT! A JOB.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <JOB> <VER> <MJ>1</MJ> <MN>0</MN> </VER> <HEAD> <PDAT> <CODE>HP110S23</CODE> <DICL>GRZ</DICL> <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> <BQTY>2</BQTY> </PDAT> </HEAD> <BODY> <BAR> <BRAN>XXXXXXX</BRAN> <SYST>XXXXXXX</SYST> <CODE>HP110S23</CODE> <DICL>GRZ</DICL> <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> <LEN>6000</LEN> <LENR>700</LENR> <H>110</H> <MLT>1</MLT> <CUT> <ANGL>45</ANGL> <ANGR>45</ANGR> P2K2ProtocolloIta . are all aligned).com [email protected]. an xml file can consist of a single program line.Formato P2K2 www. A tag that is part of the same level always appears in the next line.xml for Diamond and Planet Plus may contain a maximum 2450 cuts and/or 150 different profile codes. <DICL> etc. After each tag that indicates the beginning of a section. such as <CODE>. the “children” tags in the next line are moved towards the right side. • The limitations on the maximum dimensions (maximum number of digits) of a field are valid ONLY for sawing machines with Diamond and Planet Plus Revision: 2. For jobs with a higher number of cuts or codes.6. but the convention is to represent it with more program lines going inwards. it is necessary to create more than one file with the same file name on different floppy disks. Example The following example shows an xml file that consists of two bars. In theory. <?xml version="1. Two pieces are cut from both bars. • IMPORTANT! It is obligatory to call the JOB file for Diamond and Planet Plus “JOB. but it is aligned with the previous tag (example: the tags of the <PDAT> level.1 full Pagina 23 di 27 • /*XXXXXX*/: optional tag. 3</OL> <TRML>10</TRML> <TRMR>10</TRMR> <TAL>90</TAL> <TAR>90</TAR> <BCOD>ABC123</BCOD> <LBL>informazioni1</LBL> <LBL>informazioni2</LBL> <LBL>informazioni3</LBL> <LBL>informazioni4</LBL> </CUT> <CUT> <ANGL>90</ANGL> <ANGR>90</ANGR> <IL>2546.7</OL> <TRML>0</TRML> <TRMR>0</TRMR> <TAL>0 </TAL> <TAR>0</TAR> <BCOD> GRE62G</BCOD> <LBL>informazioni9</LBL> <LBL>informazioni10</LBL> <LBL>informazioni11</LBL> <LBL>informazioni12</LBL> </CUT> <CUT> <ANGL>75</ANGL> <ANGR>75</ANGR> P2K2ProtocolloIta .com [email protected]</OL> <TRML>20</TRML> <TRMR>20</TRMR> <TAL>45</TAL> <TAR>45</TAR> <BCOD>ABC123</BCOD> <LBL>informazioni5</LBL> <LBL>informazioni6</LBL> <LBL>informazioni7</LBL> <LBL>informazioni8</LBL> </CUT> </BAR> <BAR> <BRAN>XXXXXXX</BRAN> <SYST>XXXXXXX</SYST> <CODE>HP110S23</CODE> <DICL>GRZ</DICL> <DOCL>GRZ</DOCL> <LEN>5000</LEN> <LENR>1600</LENR> <H>50</H> <MLT>1</MLT> <CUT> <ANGL>60</ANGL> <ANGR>60</ANGR> <IL>1560</IL> <OL> Revision: 2.9</IL> <OL>2546.6.Formato P2K2 www.1 full Pagina 24 di 27 <IL>2731.3</IL> <OL>2511.fomsoftware. 1 full Pagina 25 di 27 <IL>1382</IL> <OL>1400.Formato P2K2 www.The length is the maximum length for this label. P2K2ProtocolloIta .0 3)RAL7654321 Bar offcut label (example) This label is printed on operator request using a function Revision: 2.0 7)DESCRIZILIBERA 8)DESCRTIPOLOGIA 9)DESCRICOMMESSA Cut label (example) The contents of the fields are random.fomsoftware. 1234567890123456789012345 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1)ABCD1234567890 2)RAL1234567 4a)1520.0 6)DESCRIELEMENTO 5) [email protected]</OL> <TRML>30</TRML> <TRMR>30</TRMR> <TAL>10</TAL> <TAR>10</TAR> <BCOD>DHU223</BCOD> <LBL>informazioni13</LBL> <LBL>informazioni14</LBL> <LBL>informazioni15</LBL> <LBL>informazioni16</LBL> </CUT> </BAR> </BODY> </JOB> Examples of label print-outs from the FOM Industrie software 1234567890123456789012345 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1)ABCD1234567890 2)RAL1234567 3)RAL7654321 4)2500. free LBL (4) P2K2ProtocolloIta .00.990 Rb:105.780 45.560 45.00-135.45. Attention! The linear dimensions of the following example are in inches.00 NN X 59.00 NN Mb: 1 H:9.00.590 Nb: 20 Executed dimensions Misura 1aT Angoli 2aT SP X 15.45.1 full Inner color (10 digits) Tag “DICL” Outer color (10 digits) Tag “DOCL” Inner piece dimension (7 digits) Tag “IL” 4a) offcut dimension (7 digits) Tag “LENR” 1) Outer piece dimension (7 digits) Tag “OL” 2) Element description (14 digits) 3rdTag “LBL” 3) Free descripition (10 digits) 4thTag “LBL” 4) Typology description (14 digits) first Tag “LBL” 5) Job description (14 digits) Second Tag “LBL” Example of a Planet Plus or Diamond screen showing a job file The names of the tag in the job.90.999 V:9.00.Element LBL (3) H Profile height V Paint H thickness Executed bars meter [email protected] of the numbered fields (also refered to the XML file tags) Formato P2K2 Pagina 26 di 27 www.230 45.420 135.00 SS > 80.xml file are bold or underlined .6.340 90.999 05 Pointer Dimensions for execution Mb Multibar quantity MLT Pos Profile position in the machine Code POS Nb Bar amount BQTY Info Finestra123456 Info Info Column PaoloLuigi1234 MontanteDestro Type LBL (1) Abcdefghil Job LBL (2) D.fomsoftware.45.00 NN o 90.00-135. Rb Remaining SP trimcuts bar LENR N=No S=Yes Lb Bar Length LEN Ut used bar (length minus offcut) Sigla: Colore1 Colore2 Pos VX123456789012 Rossoscuro Verdescuro 3 Lb:255.00 NN o 102.400 Ut:150.120 Profile code (14 digits) Tag “CODE” Revision: 2.00 SN o 135. One or more of the label information can be used to print an image of the profile in machining position 8.Formato P2K2 www. but the y position for the screw insertion can only be selected according to a value table defined for each tool since the screw insertion tool as only fixed positions.1 Printing an Image In the label definition a field can be defined as an image.fomsoftware.6. the fourth label field indicates the download way that is to be used for this piece.2 Screw insertion tool The screw insertion tool is considered as a drilling tool.3 Cutting and machining lines for pvc In this case the part is cut on a cutting line with ProCut and then feed to the machining line with FomCam. The custom label information can be up to 8. Relative path is inserted as by this examples: $filepath$-->From the input file path $archivepath$-->From the base archive path 8.2 Cutting lines with numeric control only For cutting lines with numeric control only and more than one download ways. The label information is the path to the image to be printed. P2K2ProtocolloIta .3.1 full Pagina 27 di 27 info@fomsoftware. Path can be relative or Revision: 2. For cutting and machining lines for pvc the barcode information is mandatory.3. 8.
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