
March 29, 2018 | Author: ixotee | Category: Corrosion, Nature



SLOFECSaturation Low Frequency Eddy Current CO RR ™ SI O N SC REE NING OF K TA N S I ,P ES P AN DV ESSELS O • Reliable inspection results. high inspection speed. Our solution The newly developed technology named SLOFEC™ (Saturation Low Frequency Eddy Current). The fast corrosion screening method. • High Inspection speed • Low pre-inspection preperation (i. The problem Corrosional attack in all industries is causing an enormous loss to investment. removal of coating). in an increasing number of industries. loss of production and even a risk to health and safety can be the consequence. if corrosional attack isn`t detected in its early stages. Therefore reliable corrosion detection provides early warning to a possible costly incident. Enviromental pollution. inspection through coatings.friendly reports. low object preparation and user friendly colour mapping reports. . is an inspection technique which has proven itself on several inspection projects.SLOFEC ™ Saturation Low Frequency Eddy Current (SLOFEC™) method. inspection of thick wall components. Asia. Mainly the Oil & Gas industry has realised the advantages of the technique for tankfloor.e. pipe and vessel inspection. Modern inspection techniques are required which are capable of: • Non-invasive inspection of components. The SLOFEC™ method can be regarded as a fully accepted NDT technique. The technical and economical advantages of the SLOFEC™ technology are high detection sensitivity. • User. within the oil and gas industries in Europe. USA and the Middle East. B34 B35 B36 B37 B38 B39 B40 B41 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 B53 B48 B54 B49 B55 B50 B56 B51 B57 B52 B58 B59 B60 B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B68 B69 B70 B71 B72 B77 B78 B73 B79 B74 B80 B75 B81 B76 B82 B83 B84 B85 B86 B87 B88 B93 B94 B95 B89 B90 B91 B103 B92 B104 B96 B97 B98 B99 B100 B101 B102 . : : : : Subject K-Nr.30 m/min no FE Mat. The benefits SLOFEC™ is a contactless electromagnetic technique and so most competitive to the Magnetic Flux Leackage (MFL) technique. Order No. representing underside wall loss in comparison to reference. • • • • • • • • • • Fast screening method for local metal loss Inspection of thick wall components Inspection through thick coating Higher defect detection sensitivity than MFL Distinction between topside and bottom defects Colored condition mapping Minimum subject preparation Minimum inspection costs Inspection at high temperatures Inspection of galvanised or aluminium protected piping RELATIVE SENSITIVITY WALL THICKNESS IN MM Documentation Inspection Overview Scan defect map Scan Report General settings report shows the inspected area shows colored mapping of defects shows detailed colored mapping of defects in defined areas parameter of equipment. SLOFEC™ up to 35 mm up to 10 mm 20 . : : : Display of indication amplitude.The principle The SLOFEC™ inspection technique uses the eddy current principle in combination with a magnetic field. representing underside wall loss in comparison to reference. MFL Wall thickness Coating thickness Inspection speed Topside-underside defect distinction Applicable to up to 15 mm up to 2. calibration and subject data Client Place Date Plate No. By superimposed DC-magnetisation the depth of penetration is increased so that corrosional attack (metal loss) even at the subsurface can be detected from the surface side.30 m/min yes FE & N FE Mat.5 mm 20 . Client Place Subject Diameter Area Thickness of Plates : : : : : : Coating : B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 N B2 B1 B13 B14 B15 B16 B11 B12 B17 K-Nr. The technology is an inspection method for detection of topside and underside corrosion in thin and thick walled plates and pipes. Date : : B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B29 B24 B30 B25 B31 B26 B32 B27 B33 B28 Display of indication amplitude. Large diameter underground vessels can be effectivly inspected without scaffolding by use of Megasus Manipulator. Pipes & Pipelines PipeScanners for external scan are designed for wall thickness ranges up to 25mm and surface coatings or wrapping up to 7mm. allows the inspection to be conducted on surface temperatures up to 120C. Our current design of the Pipescanner. The SLOFEC™ FloorScanners are designed to cover the maximum of inspectable areas .Applications Tankfloor The SLOFEC™ FloorScanners allow to inspect tankfloors with wall-thickness up to 30 mm and coatings up to 10 mm in a more effective way. vessels and drums with wallthickness up to 30 mm can be inspected with the SLOFEC™ Scanners from the inside or the outside.including areas unreachable for other systems. Vessels & Drums According to the accessibility. Pipes with a curvature of 1"diameter upwards can be tested at high speed. Others • Tankwalls/Tankroofs • Spherical tanks • Ship wall . than other methods. Defect depth colour mapping. .Conclusion • • • • • • • Fast screening method for local material loss. Inspection of thick wall components. Distinction between topside and underside defects. Inspection through conductive platings Higher defect detection sensitivity than MFL. Inspection through coatings.
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