
CONTENTS Para No. Particulars 1. 2. 3. Jamia Millia Islamia ………………………...……………….................................... Officers of the Jamia………………………………………………………………... General Guidelines…………………………..……………...................................... Courses offered by the University………………………………………………….. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Guidelines for Admission..………………………………..…................................... Rules Relating to Admission…………………………......…………………………. Reservation of Seats………………………....……………….................................... Special Provisions for Admission……………..........………..................................... Identity Card……………………..………….......…………………………………... Hostel Accommodation..………… ………........................….................................... Attendance……………………………….........…………………………………….. Students Discipline………………………….........…………………………………. Dr. Zakir Husain Library..………… ………….....………..……………………….. Financial Support System………………………......………………………………. General Rules Regarding Fees and Accounts………………..................................... Admission of Foreign Students/NRIs/ICCR Sponsored Candidates……………….. Faculty of Humanities & Languages………………………....................................... Faculty of Social Sciences………………….……………………………………...... Faculty of Natural Sciences………….…………………………................................ Faculty of Education………………………………………….….…………………. Faculty of Engineering & Technology……………………..….................................. Faculty of Law…………………………………….……………............................... Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics…………………………..…................................ Faculty of Fine Arts……………………………………………..…………………... Faculty of Dentistry………………………………..…………...………………….... Anwar Jamal Kidwai Mass Communication Research Centre……........................... Maulana Mohammed Ali ‘Jauhar’ Academy of International Studies……………… Centre for Management Studies…….………………………………………............. Centre for Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences………………………….......... Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences……….…............................ Page No. 1 2 3 5 13 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 22 27 33 39 45 53 75 78 83 86 88 94 95 97 98 i ..... 47..……….......…............. Jamia’s Premchand Archives & Literary Centre………………………………........…......…........30........... K.. Media & Governance……………………………………..…. 41.....….....……………….. 98 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 102 103 103 104 104 105 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 108 129 146 147 ii .................... Centre for Information Technology …………... Dr. 53..……………………….. Important Telephone numbers of Deans/HoDs/Directors of the Centres/Officers of the University.... Recognized Courses of Arabic Madarsas/Institutions…………………….... 32.....…………………………….………... 55... 38.....………. 40.............……….......... 50.………….... Centre for the Study of Comparative Religions & Civilizations………………... Centre for Spanish & Latin American Studies…………... Centre for Theoretical Physics……………………………………………………… Centre for Early Childhood Development & Research ……………………. Barkat Ali Firaq State Resource Centre…………………………………………........ Dr..………........... Admission Schedule of Courses offered by the University………………….……………………..... 36.... N............ 37. 43.. 45..…………………………................ 42......….... Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology……………………………………….. 35..... Zakir Hussain Institute of Islamic Studies………….. 34. Centre for Culture...... Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies……………………………. K....... India Arab Cultural Centre ……………………………………………………........ 49.. 44......……………...… .......... 33....… Academic Staff College………………………………………........……….......... 39...……………………. 31...... 46........ T....... Centre for Coaching & Career Planning............ N. Jamia Schools……………………..………………......………………………… University Placement Cell………………………. Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women’s Studies…………...M.......... 52.. 54...... Centre for Dalit & Minorities Studies ……………….... Centre for West Asian Studies………………………………........ Academy of Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers... Arjun Singh Centre for Distance & Open Learning…………………......……………………. R........ Fee Structure of all courses of the University………. F.. 51.......... Centre for Peace & Conflict Resolution ……………......... 48.. kapda (weaving). The use of ‘khaddar’ for uniforms epitomised the nationalist principle that was to follow throughout its development. At the same time. after the withdrawal of khilafat. carpentry and soap making where students learnt the merits of combining manual labour along with broadening their intellectual horizons. The start.” Jamia survived this transitional phase with the active support and involvement of leaders like Hakim Ajmal Khan. At the threshold of independence. Recognizing its contributions in the field of teaching. The new university demonstrated that a society with diverse cultures could be groomed into a modern nation on the basis of a shared culture and perspective. Jamia started the “Book Bank” project. The syndicate of the college proclaimed that it had been founded to turn out “worthy and useful subjects of the British Crown”. the University Grants Commission (UGC) bestowed the “deemed university” status to it in 1962. particularly the Muslims. modern education and nationalist ideals in students from all communities. but also presents a lesson for those who want to build educational institutions for the nation. In Jamia. difficult one with lack of funds and infrastructure. freedom fighters like. The changing character of the nationalist movement in the Gandhian leadership had its impact on those connected with the Aligarh College. and were ably aided by Gandhiji in their fund collection. Muslim and other students not only studied together. Mohamed Ali (the khilafat leader and the first vice-chancellor) and Hakim Ajmal Khan wanted to build an educational institution which would serve to inculcate both. the Jamia campus had already shifted to Okhla. The university was an active participant in spreading Gandhiji’s idea of nai talim which was popularly known as the ‘Wardha Scheme’. Ansari. and “Subzi Mandi Project”. The journey from Aligarh to Delhi. Under the leadership of Zakir Husain. the educated and secular Muslim intelligentsia from the college was associated with the khilafat and non-cooperation movements led by Gandhiji and whose main plank of political mobilisation was Hindu-Muslim unity. not only presents the physical expansion of Jamia. the Jamia had catered to students from disadvantaged backgrounds (in contrast to the elite Aligarh College) and its course curriculum was suited to meet the needs of such students. the chief architect of Wardha Scheme. It then moved to Delhi and its reins were handed over to Dr Zakir Husain in 1926 who aptly remarked: “The biggest objective of Jamia is to prepare a roadmap for the future of Indian Muslims with the religion of Islam at its core and to fill that roadmap with the colour of the civilisation of India in such a way that it merges with the colours of the life of the common man. They also actively opposed the “two nation theory” propagated by the Muslim League. The formation of Jamia was supported by Gandhiji and Tagore who had himself initiated such an effort in Santiniketan. Hindu. In 1924. the Aligarh College had produced an elite and middle class leadership that was actively involved with the nationalist movement in one manner or the other. Abid Hussain and Mohammad Mujeeb who shared Zakir Husain’s vision for the institution.1. Jamia and the Nationalist Alternative Jamia was conceived as the National Muslim University in October 1920 on the campus of the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College set up by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan at Aligarh. Jamia was emerging as a dynamic and unique institution that aspired for 1 . Its campus shifted from Aligarh to Delhi in 1925 and the foundation stone of the present campus was laid on 1st March 1930. JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA Jamia was established in 1920 by a group of nationalist Muslim intelligentsia at Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh). Vocational training and school education became one of the cornerstones of Jamia education and models for innovative teaching. M. and it was designated a Central University in 1988. The landed gentry connected with the Aligarh College had helped to form the All India Muslim League in 1906. Teachers came from all over the country and lived the same simple lifestyles. Urdu and English. Since its inception in 1892. was also a Jamia: A reflection of a self reliant modern and secular nation From its inception. the “Village (dehat) Project”. In contrast. By 1937. Since then.A. the institution faced a serious threat of closure. They also started programmes on sehat aur safai (health and hygiene). The medium of instruction and learning was Hindi. This stand brought about a split between the Muslim intelligentsia and the Jamia was born out of this ideological conflict. which was made in Krishna Ashram of the Aligarh College campus. the university has expanded and become known as a premier educational institution of the country. research and extension work. they also ate and lived together in a spartan lifestyle. It is therefore not surprising that Rabindranath Tagore once called the University as “one of the most progressive educational institutions of the country”. This phase of Jamia’s development was characterised by the equal sacrifices that were made by the staff and students of the university. OFFICERS OF THE JAMIA Amir-i-Jamia (Chancellor) Shaikh-ul-Jamia (Vice-Chancellor) Naib Shaikh-ul-Jamia (Pro-Vice-Chancellor) Musajjil (Registrar) Dean. which faced enormous financial difficulties in this period. Aejaz Masih Prof.M. Phil. It has Natural Sciences. they were forced to fight hard for a university status. and Ph. staff and students themselves reflected the values of self-reliance and democratic functioning that were to form the core principles of Nehruvian India. Obviously.M. Gayas Makhdumi 2 .support from the independent Indian government. 2736 in postgraduate. and undergraduate programmes in sciences were started. these initiatives aim to promote new and emerging areas of research and programmes that can offer opportunities to its students and teachers to expand their horizons. under-graduate and postgraduate education. Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics Dean. regular teaching programmes like masters in history and education. Fine Arts. The university recognises that 2. Rashid Prof.A. Thereafter. Faculty of Dentistry Dean. M. Engineering & Technology. Shahid Ashraf Dr. S. Faculty of Engineering & Technology Dean. Faculty of Law Dean. “At last Jamia employees were able to draw regular salaries”. S. Tasneem Meenai Prof. Zargar Prof. Faculty of Humanities & Languages Dean. as before. 1418 in M. Z. it continues to support measures for affirmative action and foster the goals of building a secular and modern system of integrated education. Jamia Millia Islamia has also started several other research centres that have given an edge to Jamia in terms of critical research in various areas. in 1969 doctoral programmes were started. Faculty of Fine Arts Dean.D. Nehru assigned many roles to the founders of Jamia: both Zakir Husain and Mujeeb were inducted into the Planning Commission to develop a plan for integrated education. Sajid Prof. Ragini Prof. Najeeb Jung. Akhtar Prof. However. The Jamia Millia Islamia conducts Undergraduate. Postgraduate. Thus. Today.Phil/Ph. Faculty of Education Dean. Faculty of Natural Sciences Dean. The trials and tribulations of a newly formed nation were also reflected in Jamia. True to the legacy of its founders. But despite these contributions to national development.M. By 1963. S. 1956 under the leadership of Mohammad Mujeeb. Jamia Millia Islamia. Rose Varghese Prof. Khalid Moin Prof. IAS Prof. Azizuddin Husain Prof. M. Education. it has a well known AJK Mass Communication Research Centre.D and 3185 in Diploma/Certificate courses. Social Sciences. as well as Diploma and Certificate courses. Khan Masood Ahmed Prof. Also. the coping strategies used by the administration. but also aims to meet the particular needs of the disadvantaged sections of the Muslim society. Students’ Welfare Finance Officer Librarian : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Vacant Mr. The emergence of the university as a premier institution of learning was recognised in 1988 when it was accorded the status of a Central University. Humanities & Languages. Jamia Millia Islamia is an ensemble of a multi layered educational system which covers all aspects of schooling. teaching and research are complementary activities that can advance its long-term interest. S. Faculty of Social Sciences Dean. Khalil Ahmad Prof. Architecture & Ekistics. Law and Dentistry Faculties. Jamia Millia Islamia is constantly learning from its history to negotiate the new and emerging challenges facing a nation of the twenty first century. Contemporary Jamia It was in 1962 that Jamia became a deemed university recognised by the University Grants Commission Act. The number of students in the University is 14858 of which 7519 are enrolled in undergraduate courses. continues to cater to the interests of students from all communities. Faculty of Social Sciences. Note: Application Forms for the above courses are to be submitted in the office of the Head.A.) Economics Group – II B.A.)Sociology / Political Science / Psychology / Social Work / History / Geography Group – III B. The Prospectus provides general information and is subject to the provisions of the Act. (Hons. JMI OMR Sheet will be used in the Entrance Test for the above groups. (Hons. Admission to all courses except the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. 4. JMI OMR Sheet will be used in the Entrance Test for the above groups. However.) Islamic Studies/Hotel Management. he/she will have to fill a separate Application Form in each such case.A. (Hons. JMI OMR Sheet will be used in the Entrance Test for the above groups except B. Faculty of Natural Sciences. (Hons. Sc. b) Humanities & Languages B. 6. Master of Computer Application (MCA)/ PGDCA*. Department of Computer Sciences. (Hons. Statutes. Architecture & Ekistics and Dentistry. The applicants may apply for the courses from one of the groups of subjects referred in Para 4 above by filling a single Application Form. 22 and 24 for the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology.A.) Mathematics Note: Application Forms for the above courses are to be submitted in the office of the Dean. Architecture and Ekistics and Dentistry shall be done through the merit determined on the basis of an Entrance Test. Sc. Department of Geography./BACA/B. Social Sciences and Natural Sciences shall be filled through Common Entrance Tests followed by Interview.) Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics Group – II B. 2. Candidates are required to read the prospectus carefully before filling in the Application Form for Admission to the courses of studies in the Jamia. PG Diploma in Digital Cartography/PG Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS Applications*. if a candidate wishes to apply in the courses from two or more different groups.A. JMI 3 . shall be done through an Entrance Test (85% weightage) and Interview (15% weightage). Group – III B. Admission to the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. 3. Travel & Tourism/ Mass Media Hindi Note: Application Forms for the above courses are to be submitted in the office of the Dean. There shall also be a Common Entrance Test for the courses shown below: i). The tests shall be conducted for different groups of subjects as detailed below: a) Social Sciences Group – I BBS/B. (Hons.Com (Hons. Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics and Faculty of Dentistry. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. (Instrumentation)/B./B. JMI ii). Note: Application Forms for the above courses are to be submitted in the office of the Head. specifying the order of preference in appropriate column (s) in the Application Form. Sc. All seats in the undergraduate courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities & Languages. Faculty of Humanities & Languages. Note: Application Forms for the above courses are to be submitted in the office of the Dean.) Maths 5.A.A. For further detail see Para 20. (Hons.) /B. Biosciences/Biotechnology.3. c) Natural Sciences Group – I B. Ordinances. Regulations and relevant Resolutions of the Academic Council/Executive Council of Jamia. Sc.) Arabic/English/Hindi/Urdu/Persian/ Turkish Language & Literature. 4 . JMI *The applicants should specify the order of preference in appropriate column (s) while filling Application Forms for the admission to the courses referred in Para 6 (i) (ii) and (iii) above. Ordinances and Regulations of the Jamia.A.iii). 20. submit their results/marks sheet by the last date of admission as per the list in which the name of the student figures. No application/request from candidates for rechecking/re-evaluation of Answer Scripts of Entrance Tests shall be entertained. shall have to appear in both. in a form obtainable from the office of the Department/Faculty/ Centre concerned. Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics and Faculty of Dentistry must produce their results/marks sheet at the time of admission. Students admitted shall be subject to the provisions of the Act. No candidate shall be entitled to claim admission as a matter of right. 10. Architecture & Ekistics and Dentistry shall be done through the merit determined on the basis of an Entrance Test only subject to obtaining a minimum of 33% marks in undergraduate (except in BDS and B.. 15. Arch. OMR Sheet will be used in the Entrance Test for the above groups except referred in Para 6(i). however. Candidates (except B. in Comparative Religions/M. They must. 16.jmi. Statutes. in Conflict Analysis & Peace Building/ M. The candidates.only. The absence of a candidate in either of the Entrance Test/Interview will forfeit his/her claim for admission. in Media Governance/ M. course in both PCM and Aptitude Test. The candidates admitted to various courses in Jamia shall be liable to submit an affidavit on Rs. The candidates of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. The candidates shall not be informed of any such change individually. at any Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics and Faculty of Dentistry. Note: Application Forms for the above courses are to be submitted in the office of the Director. There will be no negative marking in the Entrance Tests in any course of Jamia Millia Islamia. 17. A. as mentioned in Para 4 and 6 above. if any information furnished by the candidate at the time of admission is found to be incorrect. Arch. 18. except the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. 14. 21.) and 36% marks in postgraduate courses. Entrance Test & Interview. 300/. There is no provision of nomination on any seat by any authority of the Jamia and no application /request shall be entertained in this regard. 9. Arch. in Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy/M. Admissions to the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. 7. may be obtained by paying Rs.A. Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics and Faculty of Dentistry shall be done through the merit determined on the basis of an Entrance Test only. Online application forms for admission can also be downloaded from Jamia website (http:// www. The admission to the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. 11. in Early Childhood Development*. BDS and B. Tech.A. Jamia reserves the right to make any change/ modification in the provisions made in this Prospectus and the same shall be duly notified. Admission to any course of Jamia can be cancelled.) obtaining less than 33% marks in undergraduate and diploma courses and 36% marks in postgraduate courses in the Entrance Test will not be eligible for Interview. All applicants for admission to any course in Jamia. An Application Form. for a group of courses in which Common Entrance Test will be conducted.Non-Judicial Stamp Paper certified by a first class Magistrate assuring not to indulge in any form of ragging. who have appeared at the qualifying examination but whose results have not been declared may also apply for admission. NM Centre for Peace & Conflict Resolution. 19. 10/. 8. 12. 13. The candidates of all categories obtaining less than 50% marks in the Entrance Test will not be eligible for admission to BDS course and 40% marks for B.A. (History) M. (Hons.) Hindi B.2012 07.05.TABLE-I COURSES OFFERED BY THE UNIVERSITY DURING THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 S. (Hons.05. & Transl.2012 Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic English English English English English English Hindi Hindi Hindi Hindi Hindi Hindi 200/* 200/200/200/200/200/* 200/200/200/200/* * 200/30 60 30 40 50 20 40 60 20 30 10 30 40 40 40 07.A. Studies Isl. 8.G.05. (Hons.) Intake (Including Entrance Test Fee & cost of Prospectus) Last Date for Submission of Application Form Faculty of Humanities & Languages 1.Journalism (Hindi Medium) (Self-Financing) Ph.D.) Islamic Studies Ph.2012 07.G. (Islamic Studies) B. Diploma in Journalism (Hindi Medium) (Self-Financing) P.05. Course Department/ Centre Application Seats/ Fee (Rs.2012 07.2012 07.2012 07.D. 18. 11.A.A. 25. 26.A.05.05. Diploma in T. Ph.05.2012 07. Ph. M.) History Ph. 23. M.2012 07.2012 07.2012 07.05.Phil. (Hindi) M.2012 07. (Hons. Arabic Lang. 22. (Hindi) B.05. 14. 27. (Arabic) B. 6.Phil. Studies Isl. Diploma in Mod. (Persian) History History History History Isl.) Mass Media Writing Hindi P.) Arabic Adv.2012 5 .2012 07.05. 16.05.2012 07. (English) B. 13. 19.2012 07.05. (Hons. M. 3.) English Diploma in Translation Proficiency Certificate in Translation Proficiency Ph. 24.05. 9.05.A. 28. 17.A. 21.05. Certificate in Modern Arabic Lang.2012 Hindi 200/40 07. No. (History) B. 2.05. (Hons. (English) M. 15.05.D.2012 07.05.05.V.A.2012 07. 7. 10.05. Studies Persian Persian 200/200/* 200/* 200/10 50 60 30 60 30 07.A. 4.D. 12. M.A.2012 07. 5.2012 07.05.2012 07.2012 07. M.A.A. 20. Diploma in Modern Arabic Lang. Phil.D.05.A. M.D. 05. 36.05.2012 07.S. 37.2012 07. F/o Hum. & Lang Faculty of Social Sciences F/o Soc. Course Department/ Centre Application Fee (Rs. 54. F/o Hum. F/o Hum. No.A. Ph. Diploma in Turkemenian Diploma in Modern Persian Diploma in Kazhaki Diploma in Turkemenian Diploma in Pashto Language Certificate in Modern Persian Certificate in Kazhaki Certificate in Turkemenian Certificate in Pashto Language Ph. (Urdu) M. 44. Adv.2012 07. 53.2012 - B.Phil. (Hons. 52.2012 07.05. 34.05. 30.2012 07.05.G.05. Diploma in Urdu Mass Media and Tourism (BHMTT) B.05.05.2012 07.2012 07.2012 07.2012 07.B. 58.05.2012 07.2012 07.05. (Hons. & Lang F/o Hum. & Lang. B.2012 07. 49.2012 07.Com.05.05.A. A.D. & Lang.) (Including Entrance Test Fee & cost of Prospectus) * 200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/* 200/* * 200/200/200/200/200/* 200/200/* * - Seats/ Intake Last Date for Submission of Application Form 29. M. (Business Mgt.2012 07.) Persian Adv.2012 07. 31.D. Diploma in Modern Persian Adv. Sc. 40.05. (Urdu) B. 45.05. 43.05. 33. 47.A.2012 07. Certificate in Tourism & Travel Mgt.2012 07. 38. 41.Com.2012 07.05.2012 07. Travel F/o Hum. (Hons.2012 07. & Lang F/o Hum. 50. 48.05. Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Urdu Urdu Urdu Urdu Urdu 60 20 10 40 20 10 10 40 20 10 10 20 30 60 30 30 20 30 30 20 20 40 50 30 65 50 40 - 07. 42.05.05. Diploma in Turkish Diploma in Turkish Certificate in Turkish B.) B. 57.2012 07.B.2012 07.05. 35.D. 32.05. B.05.05.2012 07. & Lang.I.05.05. 39.05.A. 55.) Hotel Management. Ph. 56.) Turkish Language & Literature Diploma in Tourism & Travel Mgt. M. 46. (Hons.2012 07.05.2012 07.) M.) Urdu P. & Lang F/o Hum.S.A. Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Economics 6 .2012 07. 51. (Hons. ) Social Work P.A.05.2012 07.2012 07.D. 70.A.A. 65.2012 07.05. Psychology Ph. Biosciences Biosciences Biosciences Biosciences Biotechnology Biotechnology Biotechnology Chemistry 7 .2012 07.05. Biochemistry (S.D. (Political Science) M. (Sociology) B.05.2012 07. M. 89. / M. Biotechnology (S.D. 74.2012 07.S.A.05. (Hons.Sc. (Hons. 84.C. 85.D.05. 75.A.2012 07. 71.2012 07. Faculty of Natural Sciences F/o Nat. 81. (Hons.) Political Science Ph.05. (B. 82.Sc.A. 66.05. Appl. Science Pol.) Sociology Ph. (Public Administration) B. Science Pol.A.05.2012 07. of NGOs. Economics Economics Economics Pol. (Social Work) M.A.) Psychology Advanced Diploma in Counsel. (Economics) B. M. D.2012 07.2012 07. 90.Sc.A.05. Ph.05. 78. (Hons.Lib. Course Department/ Centre Application Seats/ Last Date Fee (Rs. & Info.2012 07.05.D.2012 - 59. with Comp. 88. Science Pol. 83. (Human Rights & Duties Edu.) Intake for Sub(Including mission of Entrance Application Test Fee & cost Form of Prospectus) 200/* * 200/200/200/* 200/* 200/200/200/* 200/200/* 200/200/* 200/200/* 200/* 50 50 30 40 20 40 40 40 40 20 30 20 20 50 30 40 20 40 50 30 30 40 30 30 07. Development Extension B.2012 07.2012 07.Sc.2012 07.A. M.) Ph.A.Sc. (Hons.2012 07. 86. M.05. 79. 64. 60.2012 07. 72.) Economics B.2012 07. 68. 63. Sc.05. 67.05.) M.F. Diploma in Mgt. 73. (Human Resource Mgt. 80.A.D.A.Sc.) B. Ph.05. 87.A.05.2012 07. M.A. & Information Science B. 62.Sc. M. Science Pol.A. 61. No.) B. M.2012 07. M. Biosciences Ph. Biosciences M.05.05.05.) B. (Applied Psychology) B.2012 07. Biotechnology Ph. 69.G. 77. 76.2012 07. Sc.F.D.A.2012 07. Science Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work Social Work Sociology Sociology Sociology Adult & CEE Adult & CEE Lib. 109. 100.2012 07. Chemistry B./ M. Diploma in Digital Cartography P. M. 93.F. (Industrial Math.) M.Sc.A.2012 07. 111. 114.F.2012 15.05. Geography Geography Geography Geography Geography Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Physics Physics Physics Physics Faculty of Education Edl. Mathematics (S. Sc.05.Tech.A.2012 07.Phil. Studies Edl.Sc.06. Studies Edl. 97. Studies Edl.Sc.G.06. with Computer Science M. (Education) Chemistry Chemistry Comp.05. Geography B. M.05. (Hons.) Mathematics Ph.Sc. 113. Comp.Sc. (Hons.2012 91.05.05. M.D.05.) M.06. 119.06.A. Studies Edl. M. Sc. 112. 110.) M.06./ M.A.05. 104.06. 95. 101. Bioinformatics (S. 94.) Chemistry Ph. Sc.F.05. Studies TTNFE (IASE) TTNFE (IASE) 8 .2012 07. (Hons./ B.Sc.D.2012 15. Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS Applications Ph.05.2012 07. (Hons.D.Sc. Sc. Diploma in Computer Applications Ph.2012 07. M.) Mathematics B. 96. Instrumentation (Voc.05.05. (S.G. 98.G. 115.2012 07.05.A. 118.D. Diploma in Edl. Math. 103.D.2012 07. 99.2012 07.2012 15.A.05. 116. 107. 117.Ed. M.Ed.Sc. (Elementary Education) P. Comp.S. 102.2012 25. (Edl.2012 07. 108.A.) B.C. Studies Edl.05.2012 07. M.) Ph.) Geography P. Course Department/ Centre Application Seats/ Last Date Fee (Rs. Sc. M.Sc. Physics B.05. Comp. P.F.) Ph.2012 07.2012 07.Sc. in Education M. 92.05. 106. Sc.2012 15. (Hons.2012 07.2012 15.2012 07. 105. No.2012 07.) Intake for Sub(Including mission of Entrance Application Test Fee & cost Form of Prospectus) 200/* 200/* * 200/* * * 200/200/200/* * 200/* * 200/200/200/200/200/200/40 40 40 50 30 30 60 20 20 30 40 40 40 30 40 40 20 10 10 25 20 10 15 07. With Computer Application) (S.) Physics B. Planning & Admin.D. Mgt.G. (Nursery Education) B.Ed.Tech.2012 30.Tech. 123. 128.B (Hons. (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/ Electronics & Communication/ Computer) B.04.04.06. in Mechanical Engineering (Machine Design.05.2012 Applied Science & Humanities Civil Engineering 550/. (Special Education) B..E. Ph. LL.Ed.2012 Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering 550/-# 550/.04.Tech.S.# 550/.2012 Respective Departments - Diploma Engg. M. (Civil / Computer / Universtiy Electrical /Electronics/Mechanical (Evening) Polytechnic Faculty of Law 136. in Earthquake Engineering M. 124. / Applied Sc. (Special Education) Diploma in ETE TTNFE (IASE) TTNFE (IASE) TTNFE (IASE) TTNFE (IASE) TTNFE (IASE) Faculty of Engineering & Technology 125. Production and Industrial Engg.# 15 30.# 30 30. ( Civil / Electrical / Mechanical / Electronics & Communication / Computer Engg.D. LL.# 18 18 30. 135. Electronics M. 121.05. 138.2012 120. (Civil/Mech.06.) 130.2012 18.05.2012 10.2012 30. 550/. 134.04. (Control & Instrumentation System B. 129.# 550/. Course Department/ Centre Application Seats/ Last Date Fee (Rs. Thermal Engg.05.Ed.# 550/.) Intake for Sub(Including mission of Entrance Application Test Fee & cost Form of Prospectus) 200/500/200/200/500/15 200 30 30 100 25.2012 550/.D.10.M B.2012 17. 137. 122./Elect. 132. B.Ed.04.A./ Electronics & Communication/Computer) (Evening) Diploma Engg. (Civil / Computer / Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical (Regular) Electrical Engg.Tech. 131.10.2012 25. M. 127.04.06.# 550/.# 18 350 (70 each) 350 15.2012 (70 each) 300 (60 each) 300 15. Ph.2012 30.# 15 30. (Electrical Power System & Management) M. Respective Departments Respective Departments University Polytechnic 550/.04.2012 (60 each) 20 80 18. in Environmental Science & Engineering (Part-Time) M.2012 25. M. No.2012 30.Sc. & Humanities 126.2012 Electrical Engg.04. Tech.Tech. 133.) Law Law Law 200/200/- 9 . 2012 141.06. in Convergent Journalism P.2012 15.05.D.06. Diploma in Still Photography & Visual Communication 162. M. 144.A.06. Arch.05. 148.2012 Faculty of Fine Arts Fine Arts Fine Arts Applied Art Painting Sculpture Art Education Applied Art Applied Art Sculpture Sculpture Painting (in each course) 10 30 20 10 20 20 each 10 10 10 20 50 50 20 40 20 20 Faculty of Dentistry Dentistry AJK-MCRC AJK-MCRC AJK-MCRC AJK-MCRC AJK-MCRC A.05. Diploma in Broadcast Technology P. 157.G. (Pedagogy/Medical Architecture / Building Services/Recreational Architecture/ Urban Regeneration M.2012 Architecture Architecture 500/60 11.2012 03.2012 15.2012 15.J. No.A.05.2012 15.) (Including Entrance Test Fee & cost of Prospectus) Seats/ Intake Last Date for Submission of Application Form Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics 139. 143. 153.2012 01. Arch. Ph. 145. 03. 140. Arch. 152.2012 15. 146. (Self-Financing) MFA Painting/Sculpture/Applied Art/ Art Education/Graphic Art MFA Art Art History & Art Appreciation BFA Applied Art BFA Painting BFA Sculpture BFA Art Education Certificate in Commercial Art/ Photography Certificate in Calligraphy Diploma in Sculpture Certificate in Sculpture Certificate in Painting Bachelor of Dental Surgery Ph.06.2012 15.06. 156. Diploma in Graphics & Animation P. 158. Diploma in Acting AJK-MCRC AJK-MCRC 500/500/20 20 03.2012 03.2012 15.05.2012 15. 163.06. 160. Ekistics B. 149.05. Diploma in Development Communication AJK-MCRC 10 .062012 10.05. Architecture Architecture Architecture 500/500/500/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/500/500/500/500/500/500/- 20 40 40 08 11. 159.S. 154.D. 142. 155.2012 03. M.06.2012 10.G.G.2012 03. P. 147.G.2012 03. in Mass Communication M. 161.2012 15.06. 151. B. Course Department/ Centre Application Fee (Rs. Kidwai Mass Communication Research Centre P.G. A.05. Diploma in Uzbek Certificate in Uzbek Ph.05.2012 07.06.2012 07.2012 07.05. No.05.AIS MMAJ. in Conflict Analysis & Peace Building Ph. Diploma in Spanish Adv. 179. Phil.M.05. Diploma in Portuguese Adv.2012 07.S. Diploma in Russian Adv. D.2012 07. 166. 174.B.B.2012 19. 181. Ali Jauhar Academy of International Studies 164. 172.2012 07.05.2012 07. 184.2012 07. 187. 176. Ph. 186. 178.2012 07. (Full-Time) M.D.05. Ph. M. in European Stud/Latin American Studies CSLAS Adv. 180. 169. 185. in Comparative Religions Ph. 173.05. Narayanan Centre for Dalit & Minorities Studies Centre for Spanish & Latin American Studies M.AIS 200/200/200/500/500/200/200/* 200/* * 200/200/200/200/200/200/20 10 20 60 70 10 40 40 20 30 30 10 30 20 30 10 30 07.2012 07. M. 182.05. (Evening) Ph.2012 07.05.2012 07. M. Master in Physiotherapy (MPT – Sports) Bachelor of Physiotherapy Ph. D.D. M.Phil. 167.AIS MMAJ. Diploma in Italian CSLAS CSLAS CSLAS CSLAS CSLAS 11 . 177. M.D.2012 07. D.2012 Centre for Management Studies CMS CMS CMS CPRS CPRS CPRS CIRBS NM-CPCR NM-CPCR CSCRC CSCRC CSCRC KRN-CDMS KRN-CDMS Centre for Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace & Conflict Resolution Centre for Study of Comparative Religions & Civilisatons Dr. 170.A.R.05. K.2012 07.05.05. 175. 165.) (Including Entrance Test Fee & cost of Prospectus) Seats/ Intake Last Date for Submission of Application Form M. 171. Diploma in French Adv.A.2012 19.05.05.A. 168. in Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy MMAJ-AIS MMAJ. Course Department/ Centre Application Fee (Rs. M.D. Phil.06. 183.A. D. in Media Governance Ph.2012 07. ** Refer to Para-52 “Fee Structure & Para 53 for Schedule of Admission (2012 – 13) of all courses” of the University.05.2012 07.05.2012 07.) (Including Entrance Test Fee & cost of Prospectus) 200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/200/* 200/* – 200/- Seats/ Intake Last Date for Submission of Application Form 188. M.2012 07. 203. 189.D.2012 – 07.05.2012 07. M.for downloaded Form for courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology.2012 07. Phil.05. 196.Phil. 208. # Rs 650/. 206.05. M. (Nanotechnology) (S.D.2012 07. in Development Studies Ph. 193.05. 197. 192. Ph.2012 07. Diploma in Iranology (Part-Time) M.05. 205. 201.05.G.2012 Centre for West Asian Studies CWAS CWAS CJNS CJNS CCMG CCMG Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies Centre for Culture.05. 202.05. 204.2012 07.A.D. P.2012 07. 190.05. Media & Governance India Arab Cultural Centre IACC IACC CECDR CN&N CN&N Centre for Early Childhood Development & Research Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology NOTE: * For Appplication Fee.2012 07.S.2012 07. refer to Para 3 (7) above. 194. 191.05. Course Department/ Centre Application Fee (Rs. in Early Childhood Development Ph.A. 199. 12 . 209 210.05. No.2012 07.2012 07. 195. M.2012 07.2012 07.05. 207.05.D.05.05.) CSLAS CSLAS CSLAS CSLAS CSLAS CSLAS CELAS CELAS CELAS CELAS CELAS CELAS 40 20 40 20 30 20 50 30 50 30 40 20 20 10 30 20 20 – 20 07. Diploma in Spanish Diploma in Portuguese Diploma in French Diploma in Russian Diploma in Italian Diploma in Catalan Certificate in Spanish Certificate in Portuguese Certificate in French Certificate in Russian Certificate in Italian Certificate in Catalan Ph.05. 200. 198. Tech.F. D. Admission forms will be accepted between 09:00 a. size affixing postage stamps worth Rs. Chemistry Courses should give their choice of the branch /specialization in the respective box/ oval as provided in the Application Form for Admission. The request for sending a set of Application Form and prospectus should be addressed to the Registrar.150/. Payment of fee by cheque/ IPO/ MO shall not be accepted. The Application Form may also be downloaded from the official website of Jamia http:// www. The cost of Prospectus along with the Application Form for each course includes the Entrance Test Fee. programme) at Jamia Millia Islamia during the academic session 2012-2013 may obtain the prescribed Application Form along with the Prospectus from the University Counter at Jamia Millia Islamia on cash payment (Inclusive of Entrance Test fee) as shown in Table-I (under the column Application Fee). programme Application form along with the general guidelines for admission to Ph. Submission of Application Form (i) Application on prescribed form completed in all respects for all courses should be submitted either in person or by post. 4. 1000/. The choice or order of preference 4. Xerox copies of photographs are not acceptable. GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION 4. Tech. in the office of the respective Faculty/Department/Centre on or before last date of submission of application form. Submission of Application Forms for The Application Form and Prospectus may also be obtained through post by sending crossed Demand Draft of an amount as shown in Table-I (under the column Application Fee) drawn in favour of “Jamia Millia Islamia” payable at Delhi/ New Delhi along with a self-addressed envelop of 30x25 c. No other fee is required to be submitted at the time of submission of the Application Form.jmi. Note: Applicants for courses offered by Faculty of Engineering & Technology should refer to para 20.m. The duly filled up application form along with a demand draft of Rs. How to obtain Application Forms : 1.D.8 for further instructions.4. If a candidate submits more than one application form for the same course. Jamia Millia Islamia. (iv) The Application Fee is non-refundable and no correspondence on this subject will be entertained. his/ her candidature is liable to be rejected. to 04:00 and submitted along with the prescribed fee as mentioned above. These photographs are to be pasted with gum and should not be stapled or pinned. The application forms with different photographs are liable to be rejected.3. (except lunch hours) on all working days. New Delhi 110025. Jamia Nagar. 13 . Sc. Diploma Engineering (Regular/Evening).clearly indicating the name of the course for which the Application Form is required. Mechanical Engineering. 2.drawn in favour of Jamia Millia Islamia is to be submitted in the office of concerned Department of studies/Faculty/Centre. and M. M.m. (vii) The applicants of the B. D. 4. Arch. The Jamia remains closed on Saturday and Sunday besides the holidays recognised by the Jamia.m.1. Only web down loaded Application Forms with the incription “JMI-WDAF-2012” will be accepted.2.. Tech. Programme may be downloaded from the Jamia’s website at http://www. (vi) Candidates are required to fill an application form in his/her own handwriting.jmi. Photocopies of web down loaded Application Forms will not be acceptable. (v) Three recent (passport size) colored photographs duly self-attested should be affixed on the application form and covered with transparent tape. Candidates seeking admission to any course (except Ph. (ii) (iii) Demand Drafts drawn in favour of “Jamia Millia Islamia” payable only at Delhi/ New Delhi branches will be accepted. alongwith the application forms. upto the last date of acceptance of forms. (viii) Application Form must be filled in and duly signed by the applicant. including candidates for reserved seats. for admission will be put on the Notice Boards of the Faculty/ Department/ Centre concerned as well as Jamia’s website on the dates given in the schedule. No information will be sent to the individual candidates. All candidates seeking admission in various courses offered by Jamia. Any form received by any means say Registered Post. except the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & (vi) The lists of provisionally selected candidates as well as of those who are on the waiting list. whereas the admission to the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology/Architecture & Ekistics/Dentistry shall be done through the merit determined on the basis of an Entrance Tests only. as specified in the Admission Schedule shall be rejected. (iv) Only those candidates who possess a valid Admit Card for Entrance Test shall be permitted to take the Entrance Test. The lists will be put up on the Notice Board of the Faculty/ Department/ Centre concerned as well as on the Jamia’s website on the dates given in the admission schedule. please see para 20.4. after the last date. 4. Speed Post or by Courier Services. (ix) The applicants to all courses under various reserved categories must submit attested photocopies of the certificate of verification of the reserved category issued by the competent authority. The Schedule of Admission is given at Table-II (Para53) “ADMISSION SCHEDULE OF COURSES OFFERED BY THE UNIVERSITY DURING THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013” of the Prospectus. in case of Master’s degree courses of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. may also apply for admission provided they produce the result/ certificate of the qualifying examination at the time of admission as per the list in which the name of the student figures. (xiii) It must be noted that Application Forms will also be accepted by Mail/ Courier at the concerned Faculty/ Department/ Centre (as shown in Table-I) only. Entrance Test Details / Admission Procedure (i) Admission to all courses of Jamia. as specified in the Admission Schedule. will also be required to appear for the interview as per Admission Schedule. Any subsequent production of result/ certificate of the qualifying examination shall not be considered. (ii) Technology/Architecture & Ekistics/Dentistry would be done through a written test (85%) and interview (15%).I and II (Para-53) “ADMISSION SCHEDULE OF COURSES OFFERED BY THE UNIVERSITY DURING THE ACADEMIC SESSION 20122013” of the Prospectus. (x) Incomplete application form (s) shall be summarily rejected. Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics and Faculty of Dentistry. (xi) Candidates whose results have not been declared. which will be held at various centres in Delhi/NCR. (v) The list of the candidates selected for interview shall be displayed in ascending order of their Entrance Test Roll No. (xii) The last dates for acceptance of application forms for each of the courses is shown in Table. The candidates who qualify the Entrance Test.3 (iv).about various branches as filled by the applicant in the Application form for admission shall be treated as final except for various courses of Faculty of Engineering & Technology. (iii) Persons accompanying the candidates are not allowed to enter the Examination Centres. are required to appear in the Entrance Test in accordance with the admission schedule shown in Table-II (Para-53). except those who are seeking admission in the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. However. 14 . In case of B. and the receipt issued by the post office for having dispatched the application form.jmi.3. Arch.S. Muslim OBC/ST. Social Work/HRM/MIB: Interview 10% and group discussion 5%. If the admit card is lost or not received in time. However. • Proof of age based on the certificate of High School/Secondary School or an equivalent examination. which shall be submitted along with the Application Form. the Admit Cards/Hall Tickets will be sent to the candidates by post.A.B. the prescribed format of affidavit may be downloaded from the Jamia’s website.* • No objection Certificate from present employer for candidates of Evening/Part-time courses or sponsored candidates.) envelope (22 cm x 30 cm) with the application form. Those who wish to receive the same by post may send a self-addressed and duly stamped (amount Rs. (ix) The number of • In case of M. 22 and 24. an year wise certificate/ affidavit from Class 1 Gazetted Officer/ Notary Public for the entire • The admission to the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology/ Architecture & Ekistics/Dentistry shall be done through the merit determined on the basis of an Entrance Test. • Experience Certificate for candidates of Evening/ Part time Courses. they are required to bring Admit Cards issued for Entrance Test at the time of admission. called for interview shall be generally three times the total number of seats in the course concerned provided that they have secured at least 33% marks in the Entrance *For Muslim. for getting duplicate Admit Card. Architecture & Ekistics and Faculty of Dentistry. 40% marks of PCM and Aptitude Test will be considered. the candidate may contact the office of the concerned Department/Centre/Faculty along with two recent (passport size) self attested color photographs. Arch. Please also see 20. candidates selected for interview are required to bring their Admit Cards issued for Entrance Test and attested true copies of the following documents. For courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology and Dentistry. Architecture & Ekistics and Faculty of Dentistry. except the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. the University shall not be responsible for any postal delays or loss during transit. • Character Certificate from the institution last attended.B. doctor or a government hospital certifying blood group (after final selection of the candidate). For further details please refer to Para 20. Self-employed candidates shall provide authentic evidence in support of their self employment. In case of BDS candidates obtaining less than 50% marks for all categories of the applicants in the Entrance Test will not be eligible for admission. • In case of candidates selected for admission to the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering & Technology.www. • Certificate from an M. (viii) Candidates can collect their admit card for the Entrance Test in person while submitting the application (vii) In all courses. • Proof of entitlement for a particular reserved category issued by the competent authority.(Except for courses in F/o Engg. & Technology in which case affidavit will be required at the time of admisiion).(iii) and (24) for other information relating to Admit Cards. at least one-day in advance of the date of Entrance Test. along with the original at the time of interview: • Proof of passing the qualifying examination together with the marks sheet in accordance with the eligibility requirements for admission as mentioned in this prospectus. (x) For all other courses. Muslim Woman. the admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks in written test and interview as per weightage given below: • Entrance Test • Interview : : 85% 15% Test at undergraduate and diploma courses and 36% marks in postgraduate courses other than BDS and B. • In case an intervening /gap period is involved. 25/. PROSPECTUS 2012-2013 15 . similar to those pasted/affixed on the Application Forms. Provided that a student of Ist Year/Ist Semester of any course who fails in the Annual/ Semester-end Examination or who could not take the examination for reasons other than shortage of attendance. 9. Admission of a candidate may be cancelled at any time. A student of the 1st Year/1st Semester of any course who is detained due to shortage of attendance will no longer remain a student of the University. No candidate. (xii) The Syllabus for the Entrance Test can be seen on the Jamia’s website.intervening /gap period showing candidate’s pre occupation and non indulgence in any criminal activities after leaving the Institution last attended will be required. his/her admission shall stand cancelled. All the candidates are required to submit Transfer Certificate/Migration Certificate in original within 60 days from the date of admission. Admission is liable to be cancelled. 2. 11. No intimation to the selected candidates will be sent by post. will not be re-admitted. List of selected candidates shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Faculty/ Department/ Centre concerned as well as on the Jamia’s website. he/she may be allowed to appear as an Ex-Student in the consecutive Annual/Ist Semester-end Examination. who has not taken the examination due to shortage of attendance. will be required to produce a certificate of leave from their employer within one month from the date of admission failing which their admission will be cancelled. 6. simultaneously either from Jamia or any other University/ Institution etc. if any information furnished by the candidate at the time of admission is found to be incorrect or that the candidate has been wrongly admitted due to any reason. • Proof of permanent address as declared in the Application Form with the name of the Police Station and the District. The candidates shall be required to get their admission completed by the date given in the Admission Schedule referred in Table II (Para 53). Ordinances. (xiii) Applicants are advised to read all the instructions given in the Prospectus carefully before filling up the Application Form. If a candidate fails to complete the admission formalities by the prescribed date. 4. may be given re-admission in the said class of that course in the next consecutive Year/ Semester. studying a regular full time Course in Jamia will be allowed to take any other regular examination. who are employed at the time of admission. 5. except courses under Career Oriented Programmes of UGC. In case. the student fails to fulfill the requirement of attendance after being given readmission. 8. 5. The admission of a candidate will not be completed unless he/she has an Identity Card issued by the Proctor’s Office. A student of other than Ist Year/Ist Semester. if a student does not have an Identity Card issued and entered in the Proctor’s Office register within the stipulated time. Such a student will have to seek fresh admission and will be required to go through the entire admission process. Those. RULES RELATING TO ADMISSION 1. No candidate will be allowed to take up a job while pursuing a full time Course. Admission to all courses shall be subject to the provision of the Act. failing which the admission of the student is liable to be cancelled. 7. 3. he/she will automatically forfeit his/her right of admission. Regulations and the relevant resolutions of the Academic Council / Executive Council of Jamia. 16 . No claim of any sort in this matter shall be entertained. (xi) It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure his/her eligibility before applying for admission to a particular course. 10. Admission of candidates to all Courses shall be subject to clearance from the Proctorial Department of Jamia Millia Islamia. Stuatutes. However. appropriate police/criminal action shall be taken against the erring students. (iv) If a candidate in the reserved category qualifies for admission in the general category he/she shall be transferred to the general category. 17. of the Faculty within the consent of the Heads of the Department (s) concerned. the Jamia Millia Islamia. The admission to all courses will be granted to only those applicants whose result of the qualifying examinations is complete in all respect by the last date of admission as per the list in which the name of applicant figures. except in the case of improvement. (ii) (iii) The relaxation in the minimum prescribed percentage of marks in the qualifying examination for admission to a course shall be permissible only in one of the categories. The verification process of students admitted in various courses of the University shall be done by the office of the Dean of the concerned Faculty/Centre after completing admission process and in case any discrepancy.2. Muslim Minority: 6. the Dean. 17 . the details of which are given in para 54 of the prospectus. Such applications should be submitted to the Dean.2. A students shall not ordinarily be allowed to change the optional/subsidiary subjects (s) of a course.12.1 Vide Judgment dated 22. Jamia Millia Islamia recognizes the approved degrees of all central universities. Candidates seeking admission under the reserved categories shall be required to fulfill the prescribed admission requirement of the course.2. 6. provided that their equivalence has been established by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). who has taken admission to any Course as a full time regular student will forfeit his right as an ex-student in Jamia and will not be allowed to appear in any Examination of Jamia as an ex-student. must complete their re-admission formalities within 15 days of the commencement of the academic session or by the last date announced for the purpose. (v) The relaxation of marks as given in para 7. institutions of national importance and reputed foreign universities. state universities. Candidate seeking admission for regular courses after a gap of three or more academic years after taking Certificate/ Diploma/ Degree/ PostGraduate Degree.2011 in Case No.3 below will not be applicable to the candidates applying for admission to the courses offered by the Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics. 15.1 General Gidelines: (i) Seats in various courses shall be reserved or special provisions be made for certain categories of candidates. has been declared a Minority Educational Institution under Article 30 (1) of the 18. and the Proctor. 14. the Dean of the Faculty concerned. All students of undergraduate/post-graduate courses. Re-admission: For general rules regarding readmission refer to Students Handbook 2012 – 2013. Besides. Dentistry and the part-time/evening courses.2 (a) and 7. Students’ Welfare. Engineering & Technology. The candidates of the Faculty of Dentistry must produce their results/marks sheet at the time of admission. A candidate. 16. 6. RESERVATION OF SEATS 6. and procedure to be adopted for purpose of admission as per details given below or as may be decided form time to time by the Majlis-i-Talimi (Academic Council). the university also recognizes certain qualifications from the reputed madrasas as well. unless the same is applied for and permitted within four weeks from the date of admission. other than fresh students of Ist year/ previous year. 19. 13. 1443 of 2006 (along with connected petitions). may be considered for admission by the Admission Review Committee consisting of the Shaikh-ul-Jamia (ViceChancellor). the Head of the Department concerned. 10% of the total number of seats in each course shall be earmarked for the applicants of “Other Backward Classes” (OBCs) and Scheduled Tribes who are Muslims. 7. by two years in case of Physically Challenged Persons. Architecture & Ekistics. over and above the sanctioned strength. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR ADMISSIONS 7.2. the Shaikhul Jamia (Vice-Chancellor) may further extend the said period by one year. in both the under-graduate and post-graduate courses. and in such other courses as the prescribed by the Majlis-iTalimi (Academic Council) from time to time. may be earmarked by the Majlis-i-Talimi (Academic Council) for admission of outstanding players and sports persons.nic. such vacant seats shall stand transferred to the category of general Muslim applicants. provided that they have passed the qualifying examination. shall not apply to the students who have secured admissions in the said schools prior to the date of Notification of this Ordinance. Provided that only such persons would be considered for admission under this category who are suffering from not less than 40% of a physical disability as certified by a competent medical authority.html. However. in exceptional cases. There shall be no such provision for admission to outstanding sportspersons in courses in the Faculty of Engineering & Technology. as envisaged in Para 3. as per the list notified by the Central Government. Provided further that applicants under the Internal (Jamia) category must fulfill the minimum requirements specified for the course. Persons with Disabilities: 3% seats in all courses will be reserved for physically challenged persons in accordance with the Persons with Disabilities (Equal backwardclasses/index.2. As a consequence thereof.2. All such applicants are required to submit OBC (Central Government List) certificate from the competent authority. Note: Students permitted to appear in various examinations of Jamia as Private Candidates/Distance Mode.4. as envisaged in para 6. Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995. shall not be entitled for consideration under the Internal (Jamia) category. as and when seats are vacant in any course from amongst the 10% of the total number of seats earmarked as per Para 6. Internal (Jamia) Students: 5% seats in all Undergraduate/Diploma courses shall be filled by internal students of Jamia who have passed their qualifying examination from the Jamia Schools as a regular student.3. ii) iii) Note: The reservation for Muslim OBC candidates will only be applicable to the candidates belonging to “Non-Creamy Layer”. the University shall provide for the following reservations: i) 30% of the total number of seats in each course shall be earmarked for the applicants who are Muslims. 6. subject to the condition that such applicants must have been on the rolls of the School (s) for a continuous period of five years.2 For purposes of clarification. It is clarified that the maximum prescribed period (s) for passing the examination of a course shall be extended (b) 18 . copy of which is available on http://ncbc.constitution of India read with Section 2 (g) of the National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions Act by the Commission.0 herein above. 10% of the total number of seats in each course shall be earmarked for the Women applicants who are Muslims.1 (i) of this Ordinance. 6.1. who have represented their Universities/ Region/State. 6. and qualify the prescribed Entrance Test (s).1 (ii) and (iii) above. Provided that the qualifying condition of five years on the rolls of Jamia School (s). Candidates under this category will be given relaxation to the extent of 5% marks in the qualifying examination. Dentistry. Outstanding Players (a) A specified number of seats. The candidates seeking concession in admission under this category will be required to submit certificates in support of their claim of being Kashmiri migrants obtainable from the registered Divisional Commissioner..Ed. part-time/evening courses). Jamia Millia Islamia. Volunteers. 7.C. Relaxation of marks given on the basis of N.C.C. 9. Diploma in Elementary Teacher Education and BFA in Art Education may be provided to prepare teachers for Urdu medium Schools. Their admission will be considered over and above the total number of seats but not exceeding one seat in technical/professional courses and in other courses not exceeding 5% of the total seats in a course.C.S. Halls of Residence Boys/ Girls. who have attended two 10 days’ Special Camps and one National Integration Camp or Republic Day Camp may be provided a relaxation of 2% marks in the aggregate or in subject concerned as the case may be. B. 3. 7. certificates shall be permissible on the production of relevant certificates duly verified by the N. Certificate shall be permissible only on the production of concerned certificate duly verified by the N.2.C.5.4. distance mode and private candidates of any Course. 2.C. Nursery.S.S. New Delhi.C. 19 .C. will be given to N. Limited Hostel Accommodation for the students exists at present. if a student does not have an Identity Card issued and entered in the Proctor’s Office Register within a month of admission. IDENTITY CARD The admission of a candidate will not be completed unless he/she has an Identity Card issued by the Proctor’s Office. The students desirous to be admitted in the hostels should contact Provost. on the recommendation of the Games and Sports Committee. N. Volunteers N. (b) Students admitted on the basis of N. for admission to all Courses. Cadets (a) Relaxation to the extent of 5% of marks in the aggregate or in subject concerned. (b) 8. Urdu Medium Candidates: (a) A specified number of seats in Urdu medium sections in B. which may be obtained from the Office of the Provost (Boys/Girls) against payment of prescribed cost. No hostel facility is available for part-time/ evening. Ed. Ed. shall have to continue in the N.S.S. New Delhi.(c) Such candidates will be nominated by the Shaikhul Jamia (Vice-Chancellor) over and above the seats allotted to each course. NCT of Delhi. Govt. cadets having the following N. (b) The candidates applying for admissions in Urdu medium section should have passed High School with Urdu as an optional subject. as the case may be.C.S. • “A” or “B” Certificate for admission to undergraduate courses. The admission is liable to be cancelled. Programme Coordinator of the Jamia.3.S. B. Officer of the Jamia.C. Certificates for admission to all Courses (excluding. • “C” Certificate for admission to postgraduate courses. N.C. HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION 1.C. (c) 7. the details of which are provided in the Hostel Bye-laws and notifications issued from time to time.C. The relaxation of marks on the basis of N. at least for one year. Kashmiri Migrants: (a) Kashmiri migrants need to apply and go through the complete process of admission.S. 7. Special Education. 4. Students allotted hostels are required to pay fees and other hostel charges.C. refer to Student Handbook 20122013.. For further details please see Students Handbook. ATTENDANCE Students shall be required to be regular in their classes and attend not less than 75% of the aggregate of lectures/ tutorials/practicals of all compulsory/optional/honours and subsidiary subjects in order to be eligible to appear in the examinations.13. and provides automated circulation. 12. Most of these scholarships are merit based. The Library has a rich collection of about 3.13.50 lac books. All fees are payable in lump sum at the time of admission. Students’ Welfare also processes various scholarships instituted by state governments for students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as well as those instituted by Private Trusts and Foundations. JMI. British Library and American Centre Libraries. the fees except caution money shall not be refunded/ adjusted/ carried over in any 20 . and is a member of Delnet. ZAKIR HUSAIN LIBRARY Dr. 2012 . The library has online catalogue of its collections. 11. FINANCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM The University offers a number of scholarships. 2012 . 11. all charges except admission fee will be refunded. 80% of the fees will be refunded. which have notified this facility in the prospectus. The students of distance mode and part-time courses are not eligible for Scholarships/ Aid Fund. However. Finance & Accounts Office. (ii) (iii) Part payment is not allowed except in those courses. handling & care and return of equipments etc. Students’ Welfare. It is highly expensive and hard to replace. Engineering and Technology through 26 major e-databases. Demand Draft will be accepted by the Cash Section.000 full-text e-journals on Sciences. periodical volumes. (v) In case of cancellation of admission within a month. For further details please see Students Handbook. Further details of these scholarships are available on the university website as also with the office of the Dean. 13. Humanities. Besides. e-thesis (Jamia) and other e-resources. In other cases. Zakir Husain Library is the Central Library of the University. The library subscribes to 450 print journals and provides access to about 6. However. support is also available to students belonging to economically weaker sections of the society through the Students Aid Fund. The library’s Digital Resource Centre provides access to the e-journals. both to undergraduate and postgraduate students. DR. in case of self-financing courses. Islamic Studies. manuscripts and rare books. The students are advised to enroll for membership and obtain bar-coded library cards. (iv) After completing all admission formalities for 1st year. For further details and rules for the issue. STUDENTS DISCIPLINE Every student of Jamia shall maintain discipline which includes the observance of good conduct and orderly behaviour by the students of the University. Inflibnet. however the deposited full fee of old course may be refunded. Rules and regulations regarding Care of Equipment: Equipment is an important resource of the University. The office of the Dean. Arts.1. The library facilities are open to all bonafide students of Jamia. there are specialized subject collections in some Faculty and Centre Libraries. microfilms. The library provides inter-library loan services. GENERAL RULES REGARDING FEES AND ACCOUNTS (i) Fees shall be accepted by the bankers of the Jamia in cash and not by cheques.10. Social Sciences. 14. Course-wise Fees is shown at Para 52. Law. full fee for the new course shall be paid by the student by the prescribed date of new course. if a student changes his/her course of studies. additional amount of Rs. (iii) With a Late Fee of Rs. are left to the Department to decide considering the number of students and the expenses to be incurred on tours/camps. M. Social Work and M. A. (No Fee refund is permissible in B. (vii) The Caution Money will be refunded only after examination results are announced. 100/ . whichever is later. (xi) In case of failure to pay fee (except Ist year/Ist semester) in respect of the B. whenever required to be paid may be deducted from his/ her salary. (xii) Fee for activities like educational tour/camps etc. a) Tuition Fee b) Admission Fee c) Sessional/ Syllabus Fee d) Examination Fee e) Subject Association Fee f) Caution Money (ix)(a) Regarding Fees. Lib. No subsidy of any kind would be available for this activity from Jamia except where educational tour is a part of syllabus and its marks are counted for determining the division. (ii) With a Late Fee of Rs.100/-: Within 10 days from the date given on the ‘fee-slip’. whichever is later. No further opportunity will thereafter be provided for re-admission. Diploma and Certificate in addition to full-time course of the Jamia shall be charged the following fees. other than courses based on Semester System (except Ist year): (i) Without Late Fee: Within 15 days from the date of commencement of the academic session or by the prescribed date. the amount standing to his/her credit shall be credited to the Central Scholarship Fund. 21 . (iv) If the fee is not deposited within the time limit fixed at clause his/her name will be struck off from the rolls but he/she may only be re-admitted after getting permission from the ViceChancellor with an additional late fee of Rs. (ii) After this.will be charged provided the dues are cleared within one week. additional amount of Rs. 500/-: Within 1 month from the date of commencement of the academic session or by the prescribed date. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. (Hons. whichever is later.circumstances. A. (ix) (b) In case of failure to pay fee (except Ist semester) in courses under semester system within 15 days from the date of commencement of the academic session/by the prescribed date. 100/. 500/-. (xiii) Dependants of staff members of Jamia shall not be required to pay caution money. Late submission of fee in spite of paying the late fee will not entitle the students for seeking any relaxation in attendance for either theory classes or fieldwork. it shall not be refunded and shall be credited to the Central Scholarship Fund.will be charged provided the dues are cleared within 10 days from the given date.) (vi) If a student does not claim the refund of his/her credit balance within one year of leaving the Jamia. (viii) Students admitted to the Part-time/Evening Courses of Advanced Diploma. & Information Science (BLIS) course. If it remains unclaimed for more than one year from the date of announcement of the result. A. (x) In case of Re-evaluation/Compartment Examination: (i) Without Late Fee: Within 15 days from the date of announcement of result with the permission from the Dean/Director/Principal concerned. if a staff member gives guarantee in writing to the effect that the caution money. whichever is later. within 15 days from the date of commencement of the academic session /by the prescribed date.) Social Work. HRM course. he/she may only be re-admitted after getting permission from the Vice-Chancellor. (xviii) Fee deposited through prescribed fee slip within due date (given on fee-slip) shall be accepted for the purpose of admission. ELIGIBILITY Eligibility qualifications for international students will be the same as for Indian students in each course/ programme. The form can also be downloaded from the website of the university. eligibility criteria and application forms can be accessed on the Jamia Millia Islamia website www. VISA REQUIREMENTS On beingm granted admission.These are applicants who qualify for admission after clearing the regular entrance test and interview. (xvii) If the last date for payment of fees falls on holiday.jmi. No correspondence shall be entertained for refund/adjustment etc. The forms on which to apply shall be the same as those for the Indian nationals and shall be available at the sale counter of the university. If payment was not made on proper fee slip issued by the authorised office and / or without due date. Out of the 15% seats. all applicants (except those applying for research visa) should produce their Students Visa within one month of completion of admission formalities. 5% seats of the supernumerary category shall be earmarked for NRIs. IV. (Ph.D. 3.C. II. stating all admission guidelines.R Sponsored/ Nominated applicants General OF % of seats FOREIGN 5 % over and above the regular seats (subject to sufficient infrastructural facilities) Not exceeding 10% of the regular seats 2.(xiv) The employees of Jamia and their sons/ daughters/ spouse are exempted from the payment of tuition fee and medical fee except in self-financed courses and courses with differential fee. 2. Category 1. Supernumerary 15% seats over and above regular seats (subject to sufficient infrastructural facilities). Candidates are advised to contact the nearest Indian Diplomatic Mission for necessary information about these The fee structure is indicated in the relevant table of fees. 22 . their spouses.Is/ ICCR SPONSORED CANDIDATES I.R. dependant son(s) and daughter(s) inclusive of legally adopted children 1. are subject to revision even during the academic session 2012-2013. ICCR applicants . applicants must have a valid RESEARCH VISA when they come to complete admission formalities). ADMISSION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS/ (xvi) The fee from the old students who are admitted in such courses. General applicants . 15. (xv) The fee given in the prospectus is only for the current academic year and enhancement of fee will be applicable to all the concerned classes of different years of the course concerned. NOTE: All fees and charges. wherever given in the Prospectus. which do not exist presently. shall be governed by the old prospectus.C. No. the fees shall be paid on the next working day without fine. PROSPECTUS & APPLICATION FORM The University Prospectus. I. A bank draft of the prescribed fee.These are nominated/ sponsored by Government of India under various Cultural Schemes of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR). III. CATEGORIES STUDENTS S. ) are required to complete their admission formalities by August 31. Ansari Health Center. Rear Verandah.These are applicants who fulfill the eligibility criteria of the Course of their choice but do not wish to appear for the entrance test and interview. attested copies of required certificates and transcripts. A bank draft of Rs. D. 3. However. The following documents required with the application form: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Copy of passport of parent working abroad Copy of work permit/License to work/business Copy of residence permit Letter from the employer Affidavit from the parent for financial support NRI Status certificate issued by the Indian Embassy in the concerned country V. Jamia Millia Islamia. 2012. notwithstanding any amendment in such laws. Supernumerary Category: The admission schedule for this category shall be as per schedule given in table below: 23 . this category does not apply. All foreign applicants and NRIs have to be declared medically fit by the Medical Officer of the Dr. The admission shall be given purely on the basis of the marks obtained in the qualifying examination. all rights. NRIs: An applicant shall be considered an NRI on satisfying the following condition: The term”Non-Resident Indian” shall be as per the Income Tax SCHEDULE FOR ADMISSION 1.mentioned in the University Prospectus. The fee structure is indicated in the relevant table of fees. ICCR Sponsored Candidates: ICCR Sponsored Candidates (other than Ph. applicants.110025 (E-mail: [email protected]) 10% of supernumerary seats shall be earmarked for foreigners. Applicants seeking admission under Supernumerary Category are advised to send their applications on the prescribed form (which can be had from the Office of the Foreign Students’ Advisor on payment of Rs. is required to be posted with downloaded to be attached with the downloaded application forms along with translated. D. (ii) Possess a valid visa issued by a competent authority of the Indian Government clarifying the reasons of his/her stay in the country. 500/or can be downloaded from the university website (www. 2. New Delhi . to the Office of the Foreign Students’ The form should be submitted to the Head/Dean of the concerned Department/Faculty by the last date mentioned in the Prospectus for Indian students. For Supernumerary applicants . photocopies of passport and visa etc. General (Foreign) Students: Admission schedule for this category shall remain same as for Indian students for each course/programme. obligations and duties flowing and subsisting at the time of submission of application shall be respected and mandated till finalization of the course applied for. Department of English. 500/. An applicant shall be considered a “Foreigner” on satisfying the following terms and conditions: - (i) Possess a valid foreign passport. JMI within 15 days of joining the course. Bonafide certificates shall not be issued if this is not complied with. 14. 8000/. 17. if required. If required. applicants should submit the equivalence Certificate from the Association of Indian Universities. All foreign students (old/new) are required to fill a registration form available with the Office of Foreign Students Advisor (FSA). Bonafide Certificate shall be issued the day after the request is made. Field Studies will be organized as per the decision of the Faculty/Centre. NOTE for Supernumerary Category:An amount of Rs. 2000/. Kotla Marg. (a) FEE STRUCTURE *The Country classification into Developing and Developed Countries will be based on the criterion adopted by the Planning Commission.13. New Delhi – 110002). 16. Course Material will be provided on payment. 15. admission fee and Rs. AIU House. Visa and fee receipt. 24 . The student is required to submit a copy of Passport. (16. Government of refundable security shall be charged at the time of admission. (b) RULES FOR FEES & ACCOUNTS (Foreign Students and NRI’s) 1. students may contact to the Office of the Foreign Students’ Advisor. (a) In case of failure to pay fee other than Ph. 8. Jamia Millia Islamia. (b) In case of Ph. Calculation of the arrears of fee will be governed by the rules given in the prospectus of that year for which the fee is being charged. 2.D. an additional amount of Rs. fees etc. the fees except Security Deposit shall not be refunded/ adjusted/ carried over in any circumstances. 12. D. FEE STRUCTURE FOR INTERNATIONAL BOYS HOSTEL 10. 2. 4. 11. 3. Scholars. New Delhi. Fee may be deposited equivalent to US $ at the Indian Bank. 1000/. D. Jamia Millia Islamia. The particulars regarding rules. Fee notified in the Prospectus at the time of admission shall remain for the duration of the entire course in which admission is granted. 13. 4.1000/. Jamia Millia Islamia. 9. Security Deposit shall be deposited in cash with the Cashier in the Accounts Office. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. If a student does not claim the refund of his/ her credit balance within one year of leaving the Jamia. which may be had from the Provost Office against payment.per month will be charged. Jamia Millia Islamia will not be able to provide Hostel facilities to all students seeking admission under the category of “Foreign Students/ NRIs” on account of very limited availability of hostel accommodation. For details of fee and admission procedure. It can also be deposited in Jamia’s Accounts Section as demand draft made out by Indian Bank. After this.within two months from the date of announcement of result or by the prescribed date. the name of the student will be struck off from the rolls and he/ she will be re-admitted on payment of an additional Rs. Students seeking hostel admission should contact Provost (Boys/Girls) Jamia Millia Islamia. (except in 1st year) within one month from the date of announcement of result or by the prescribed date. are given in the Hostel Bye-Laws. 7. Fees given in the prospectus is only for one academic year. Hostels fee details may be obtained from the Provost Offices. 80% of the fees will be refunded in Indian Rupees within one year from the date of cancellation. HOSTEL ACCOMMODATION FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS 1. Limited seats shall be available in the International Boys Hostel for Ph. Part payment is not allowed. whichever is later. All fees and charges are subject to revision. Scholars fails to pay the annual fee within 15 days of the due date an additional amount of Rs. whichever is later. the amount standing to his/ her credit shall be 25 . 5.will be charged upto 10 days. New Delhi. New Delhi. considered to have been donated to the Central Scholarship Fund. NRI candidates shall pay the fee according to the country of their parent’s residence. scholars and Postgraduate students at Noam Chomsky Complex. 6. 3. All fees are payable in lump sum at the time of admission on or before notified Dates. IX. Dollars in the form of currency note/ cheque are not acceptable.2000/. In other cases. In case of cancellation of admission under Supernumerary/ Self Financing category is to be made within a month. However. No.X. some scholarships are granted by the Government of India under various schemes. NO. The maximum temperature in summer varies between 400 C and 450 C. English Language Course It is optional for all foreign students in Jamia Millia Islamia to enroll for the English Language Course for foreign students. business for benefits of students. There is a branch of Indian Bank / Bank of India. which transacts all normal banking 26 . 3.K. require warm winter clothing as well as light summer clothing. – VIII. OTHER INFORMATION 1. 4. New Delhi-110002. 3. (c) Conduct and character certificate from the institution last attended. 8. Candidates are advised to contact the nearest Indian Diplomatic Mission for necessary information about these scholarships. NRI sponsored (popularly termed as “NRI SPONSORED CANDIDATES”) is NOT PERMISSIBLE in Jamia. Banking Students should get Indian currency at the time of arrival to meet their immediate needs. *(a) The definition of NRI is applicable as per the Income Tax Act and the Rules/ Notification framed there under. 3 copies of relevant passport page with personal details. 3 copies of passport page with visa. New Delhi (Tel. The following is the address of FRRO: 2. The climate varies considerably through the year. Indraprastha Estate. Climate and Clothing The university campus is situated in South Delhi. (b) Save as provided aforesaid. 6. 12 passport size photographs. Registration with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) Upon arrival in India. The fee shall be notified at the time of commencement of the course. The Center shall refer them to hospitals as and when necessary. Assistance on Arrival (ICCR Scholars) Before leaving for India. Puram. The FRRO can impose heavy fines if this registration is delayed or not done. therefore. (b) Translated and attested copy of Mark sheet/ provisional certificate (front & back). international students are not allowed to seek employment in India. 6. Certificates & documents required with the application form under Supernumerary Category (a) Proof of Date of Birth. 5. The Course shall assist them in English speaking and writing skills required for study in the university. 9. Students. R. 7. whose representatives will do their best to meet them on arrival. staff and faculty members. Azad Bhawan. it is in the range of 180 C and 220 C. EAST BLOCK. 3 copies of Bonafide Certificate (to be obtained from FSA office) 3 copies of proof of residence (to be obtained from Provost office) 2 copies of letter of acceptance from the University. In the winter. 4. 011 – 26711348) . Sector – I. (d) Attested copy of passport and visa. students may write to the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Scholarships The university does not have any provision for scholarships for foreign students. The following documents are required to be submitted for the registration:1. Employment As per Jamia rules. Ansari Health Center All resident foreign students in the university campus have to be registered with the Ansari Health Center. every foreign student must be registered with the FRRO within 14 days from the date of first entry into India. 5. Jamia Millia Islamia in the University Campus. 2. Com. M. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility : B. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly.Sc. starts in July each year.A/B. P.) Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: B. Diploma in Urdu Mass Media Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: At least 55% marks in Urdu/ Persian/ Arabic at under graduate level.(Hons. 8. D. postgraduate. programmes. history.A.C. 27 . 7. with Arabic or Diploma in Modern Arabic with not less than 45% marks in aggregate or a degree from Arabic Madrsas recognized by the jamia for admission to B.) with not less than 45% marks in aggregate Or 50% in subject concerned. 11. Certificate in Modern Arabic Language Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: Master’s degree with not less than 55% marks of a University or a degree recognized by the University as its equivalent in the subject concerned or in a subject allied thereto.A./B. diploma and certificate programmes.A/B.D. * Prospective M. Islamic Studies. (Hons.G.G. 4. Master of Arts (M. 5.) Arabic/Islamic Studies/ Urdu/ Persian Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in aggregate or 50% marks in the subject concerned.Sc.D.1. 9. 10. admission to all courses is made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks obtained in written test (85%) and interview (15%).A. The admission process in Ph. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & LANGUAGES The Faculty has seven departments: Arabic. Persian.A/B./B. Advanced Diploma in Modern Arabic Language and Translation 16. The curricula of the Faculty focuses upon the composite nature of the rich and myriad facets of the literatures. Diploma in Journalism (Hindi Medium) (Self.A.Phil.D. Hindi. English and Urdu.16.) with not less than 50% marks in aggregate Or in the subject concerned. 2. B.) English/Hindi/History Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility : B. and Urdu offering Ph. English. 1.A/B. have been accorded the status of DRS under SAP by the U. (Hons.) English/Hindi/Mass Media Hindi/ History/Hotel Management. Master of Philosophy (M. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. Diploma in Modern Arabic Language All the Departments of the faculty offer Ph. History & Culture. 3.A.G. Master of Arts (M.financing) Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.) Arabic/ Islamic Studies/ Persian/ Urdu Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or a Higher Degree with not less than 45% marks in aggregate and ability to read and write Urdu.) courses. P./B. undergraduate. COURSES AND REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise stated.Sc.(Hons. (Hons. or B.A.Com.) English Literature/ Urdu/ Hindi / History* Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Higher Secondary or Senior Secondary School Certificate with Arabic or Certificate in Modem Arabic of a recognised University/Board/Institution with not less than 45% marks in English or a Degree from Arabic Madrasas recognized by the Jamia.Sc. Travel and Tourism / Turkish Language & Literature Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate or in the subject concerned. Phil candidates in History will have to submit a brief statement of purpose not exceeding 500 words at the time of interview. Working knowledge of Hindi is essential. Phil. 6. or B. The Departments of History & Culture.A. B. culture and religions of India and various other regions. Advanced Diploma in Turkemenian Duration : 1 Year Eligibility : Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent School Certificate from a recognized Board with not less than 45% marks in aggregate along with Diploma in Turkemenian.Com. 13.A/B. 14. Diploma in TV Journalism (Hindi Medium) (Self-financing) Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution with not less than 45% marks in the aggregate.Sc. or B. 23. Advanced Diploma in Turkish Duration: 1 Year Eligibility : Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent School Certificate with not less than 45% marks in aggregate along with Diploma in Turkish. 28 . Certificate in Turkish Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent certificate with not less than 45% marks in aggregate.A. Diploma in Modern Persian Duration : 1 Year Eligibility : Senior Secondary School Certificate with Persian from a recognized Board with not less than 45% marks or a Degree from Arabic Madarsa recognished by Jamia. 15. 22./B. Diploma in Kazhaki Duration : 1 Year Eligibility : Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary/ Certificate in Pashto Language with not less than 45% marks in aggregate.A/B. in any discipline with 45% marks in aggregate with Diploma in Turkemenian language.Sc. 20. 21. OR B. Advanced Diploma in Modern Persian 18. Certificate in Pashto Language Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent certificate with not less than 45% marks in aggregate.(Hons. OR Duration: 1 Year B. 17. P. 16. Diploma in Turkemenian Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent School Certificate from a recognized Board with not less than 45% marks in aggregate along with Certificate in Turkemenian. in any discipline with 45% marks in aggregate with Diploma in Turkish language. Certificate in Modern Persian Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: B. Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate/ Higher Secondary or equivalent certificate from a recognized institution with not less than 45% marks in aggregate.12. Diploma in Turkish Duration : 1 Year Eligibility : Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent School Certificate with not less than 45% marks in aggregate and Certificate in Turkish with 45% marks.A. OR Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution with not less than 45% marks in aggregate with Certificate in Turkemenian language. OR B. 19.G.A. Diploma in Pashto Language Duration : 1 Year Eligibility : Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary with not less than 45% marks along with the Certificate in Pashto Language with not less than 45% marks in aggregate. with Persian or Diploma in Modern Persian from a recognised institution with not less than 45% marks in aggregate.) with not less than 45% marks in aggregate along with Certificate in Turkish language. A. (Hons. 29 . Engligh 3. COMPULSORY / OPTIONAL / SUBSIDIARY SUBJECTS (i) Compulsory Subjects for B. Bioscience & Biotechnology etc. (ii) Main/ Subsidiary Subjects for B. General English Islamiat or Hindu Religious Studies or Indian Religions & Culture Elementary Urdu or Urdu Language.) 1. BBS. 26.A. 3. The applicants will be required to submit their preferences of subsidiary courses in the prescribed proforma at the time of interviews. Com. 25. Hindi 4. History 5. Faculty of Social Sciences as their Subsidiary subjects. Urdu 6. (4) All those students who have not studied Urdu at any level (except Foreign students) shall have to opt Elementary Urdu.) in the following subjects: 1. Mass Media Hindi 10. (3) The students who have studied Urdu Language as subject in Secondary School (Class X) as reflected in the marksheet will be exempted from studying Elementary Urdu/Urdu Language as compulsory subject. Travel and Tourism as well as on the notice board of the offices of the Deans and HODs in due course. The list of subsidiary course(s) specific to each Honours course will be made available at the University’s website. 28.24.) Faculty of Humanities & Languages offers B. Arabic 2. Certificate in Turkemenian Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent School Certificate with not less than 45% marks in aggregate. 27. Islamic Studies 8. (Hons. Diploma in Tourism & Travel Management Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution or an equivalent examination OR Senior Secnondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with Certificate in Tourism & Travel Management of a minimum of six months duration offered by a recognized University/Institution with at least 45% marks in aggregate. B.Working knowledge of English 16. Candidates from Arabic Madrasas shall have to offer Hindu Religious Studies or Indian Religions & Culture Note: (1) The Compulsory subjects shall be offered by the students of all under-graduate courses of the Faculty of Humanities & Languages/Social Sciences/Natural Sciences (Except Foreign Students) including in those courses where there is no subsidiary such as BSW. Turkish Language and Literature Sudents offering any one of the above mentioned subjects as main subject shall offer one more subject from the list of the courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities & Languages. Desirable . (Hons. (2) The students who have studied Elementary Urdu at Senior Secondary level shall have to opt Urdu Language. 4.Working knowledge of English 29. Certificate in Tourism & Travel Management Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination from a recognized Board with not less than 45% marks in aggregate Desirable .2. 2. Certificate in Kazhaki Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary/ Higher Secondary or equivalent certificate with not less than 45% marks in aggregate. Persian 7. Hotel Management.A. OR Certificate in Translation Proficiency from any recognized University and Senior Secondary/Higher Secondary or equivalent school certificate with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.jmi.. http://www. Diploma in Translation Proficiency Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution or an equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in aggregeate. Certificate in Translation Proficiency Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: Senior Secondary/Higher Secondary or equivalent school certificate with not less than 50% marks in 16. SEATS IN VARIOUS COURSES OF FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & LANGUAGES 30 .No. Course M. 3.3.) Advanced Diploma/P.A. 1. Diploma/ Diploma/Certificate Courses Duration (Years/Semesters) 3 (6 Semester) 4 (8 Semester) 6 (12 Semesters) 2 years 16. B. (Hons.4. MAXIMUM TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETION OF COURSES As per Jamia rules students are required to complete their courses within the time frame specified below: S. 2. 4.A. Phil M.G. or an HB PENCIL only.Thumb Impression of Candidate (To be put infront of invigilator) Undergraduate Courses of Faculty of Social Sciences/ Humanities & Languages / Natural Sciences OMR Sheet No. Take care that the characters do not touch the boundary of the boxes. 3. 5. SG-1 SG-II SG-III HG NG-I NG-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 C D 6.No. Question Booklet No. Use only a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN to fill in the boxes below. Category Code. Fill the same ‘category’ as already filled in the Application Form.. 2. 2. ANSWERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E L P M A S Name and Signature of Invigilator 1 Candidates’s Signature Name and Signature of Invigilator 2 31 . For Answers darken the circles with a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. 5. 3. 1 General Muslim General Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim ST Jamia Kashmiri Migrant G M MW MO MT J K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Persons with Disabilities PD Group of Courses Group Code 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 4 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 B A B 4 1. Question Booklet set. or an HB PENCIL only. OMR ANSWER SHEET Category Code Filling Instructions: 1. Fill in your Roll No. 4.. Group Code and Signature in the appropriate boxes and darken the appropriate circle using BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. Roll Number Question Booklet No Question Booklet Set S. 4. . ....... P M SECTION .........PERFORATE.............. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CODE NO.B Name of candidate: Father’s name: Roll No...Jamia Milia Islamia ARABIC/ENGLISH/HINDI/PERSIAN/TURKISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE/URDU SECTION . 51. 53.. 54.........A score Totalling done by: Question No.......................... 55..B SCORES Score E L TOTAL (out of 35) TOTAL SCORE (out of 85) Section B score TOTAL SCORE 32 PROSPECTUS 2012-2013 ............ A S 52. Evaluator’s signature Section . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CODE NO............. D.A. The departments of the faculty are: Economics. programmes.) Applied Psychology 17. The programmes of these Departments include Ph. 33 . OR (ii) B.) Public Administration Duration : 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B.A.) with not less than 55% marks in aggregate. OR (iii) B. Besides courses offered by different departments. Master of Arts (M.) Sociology Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: Three years Bachelor degree in any discipline with not less than 50% marks in aggregate./B.) Human Rights and Duties Education Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: Degree from a recognized University or an equivalent institution with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. Social Work.A.Sc./B./B. OR (c) B. OR (ii) B. three years course from a recognized University in any discipline(s) other than those mentioned at (a) and (b) above with not less than 55% marks in aggregate. (Hons.A.A.) three years course in Social Work/ Sociology/ Psychology/ Economics/ Political Science/ History/ B.A.) Political Science Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: (i) B.A.Sc.Com. 7. (Hons.A.D.17. or B.. (Hons.) Home Science.(Pass) three years course with any two of the following subjects: Sociology/ Psychology/ Economics/ Political Science/ History from a recognized University with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.) Economics Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility : (a) B. or B. Master of Arts (M. 2./B. Master of Arts (M./B./B.A.. starts in July each year.Sc. Psychology.) in Political Science with not less than 50% marks in aggregate./B.Com.Sc. or B. B./B. Com. Post-graduate.(Hons.Com.) from a recognized university or equivalent with 50% marks in aggregate./B.(Hons. (Hons. with Political Science with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.A. Master of Arts (M./B. three years course from recognised university with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.Sc. B. or B.A. Preference will be given to students holding Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights and Duties Education. (Hons.1.Sc. Master of Arts (M.) in Psychology with not less than 50% marks. D.D./B./B.A. COURSES AND REQUIREMENTS Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. the faculty also manages Bachelor’s courses in Library and Information Sciences.) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: (i) B. (Home Science) with not less than 55% marks in aggregate.Com.Sc. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly./B. 1. 5./B. Commerce & Business Studies and Adult and Continuing Education and Extension. 6. Political Science.Com.A.A./B. (Hons.A.A. 8.) in subject concerned with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.Sc..A.Com.) or B. Sociology. 3. OR (b) B. Master of Arts (M.Sc.A.). The admission processes in Ph. Under-graduate courses and postgraduate Diploma courses.) Social Work All the Departments of the Faculty offer Ph. Master of Arts (M.Sc.Com. (Hons.A. 4. FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES The Faculty of Social Sciences is one of the largest faculties of Jamia in terms of number of departments and number of students.A.A.A. ) Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate with mathematics as one of the subjects. B. 15. or B.) Political Science Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with 50% marks in aggregate or in the Political Science. (Hons.B. B.Com./B. 12. (Hons.(Pass) or an equivalent examination with 55% marks in aggregate or B.A.Sc.Com./B. with Computer Application (B.Com.) (SelfFinance) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B.A. B.Sc.1./ B. (Hons).A./B.Sc. (b) and (c) from a recognized University 9. Bachelor of Commerce (B.) Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate or in the subject concerned.A. OR (c) B.OR (d) 60% marks in any discipline other than mentioned at (a).) or B. Master of Commerce (Business Management) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B. Master of Arts (M.A.A).B. or B.Sc. Economics.A. (Hons. OR (b) B./B.) with not less than 50% marks in aggregate./B./B. Com. (three years course) from a recognized University in any discipline(s) other than mentioned at (a) and (b) above with not less than 55% marks in aggregate.I. three years course from a recognized University in Social Work/Sociology/ Psychology /Economics/ Political Science/ History with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. 11./ BBS/ BBA/ BIBF(Hons.Sc./B.C.A.) (Hons.Com. or B.A. (Hons.Sc. with Computer Applications (B.A. Subjects: Sociology/ Psychology/ Economics/ Political Science and History.A.) under 10+2+3 pattern from a recognized University/Institution having at least 50% marks in aggregate. Master of International Business (M./ B.Com. Mathematics and Computer Applications shall be compulsory in B.A.Com./ B.20 for the Guidelines for admission in MIB under Business Sponsored Category.A.Sc.) Human Resource Management Note: Visit Para 17.Com. OR (d) 60% marks in any discipline other than mentioned at (a). 13.Com.A./B. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: (a) B.C.A. 14. (b) and (c) from a recognized University 10.S. (three years course) from a recognized university with any two of the following subjects and with not less than 50% marks in aggregate./B. (Hons).Com. Development Extension Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B./ BBS/ BBA/ BIBF/ B.) under 10+2+3 pattern from a recognized University/Institution having at least 50% marks in aggregate. 16.A./M. (Hons.A. M./B.A. 34 .) Sociology/Psychology/Economics/ Social Work/Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS).Com. Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. Part-Time) Duration: 2 Semesters Eligibility: Graduate degree from a recognized university/ institution in any discipline with 45% marks in the aggregate and with 2 years of work experience in Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate with not less than 50% marks. 19. History 3. Mode of Admission: The admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks in written test and Interview as per weightage given below. Advanced Diploma in Counseling Psychology (Self-Financing) Duration: 2 Semesters (Spread over 1 year) Eligibility: M. Hospitality & Heritage Studies The course structure of the BA programme is given below: Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Seats : 50 18.17. Psychology with 50% marks in aggregate. Tourism.A.A. Entrance Test Interview : : 85% 15% 35 . Geography 4. Computer Applications 2. P. Sociology The students will also be given an opportunity to choose a professional course in IIIrd year out of the following subjects: 1. Bachelor of Arts (B.G.) The Faculty of Social Sciences offers three years modified BA Programme with an option to select 03 subjects in Ist & IInd year out of the following core subjects: 1. 2. Diploma in Management of NGOs (SelfFinanced . Public Administration. /B./M. Guidelines for admission in MIB under Business Sponsored category./B. f) Experience certificate as mentioned in para 3 above. 36 . 1. Compulsory Subjects for all Undergraduate Courses General English Islamiat or Hindu Religious Studies or Indian Religions & Culture. Centre or State Library. The candidates should have 3 (Three) years of experience in industry. B. Ration Card etc. d) Copy of the Annual Report of the company for last three financial years (Audited). 3.A.Com.Com. 20. Bioscience & Biotech.Sc. Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BLIS) (Self-Financed) Duration: 1 Year Eligibility: B. The candidates seeking admission under the category will be required to appear in the MIB Entrance Test conducted for other categories followed by Group Discussion and personal interview (GDPI) like other candidates. hospital certifying blood group. College. 2. 5. 3. 17./ M. COMPULSORY / OPTIONAL SUBJECTS FOR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES (I) 1. Com. g) Salary slips of the candidate for preceding one year generated by the pay-roll system of the sponsoring company./M. Urdu Language or Elementary Urdu.the field or Programme Management with an NGO or other Development Organisations OR A Master degree or equivalent in any discipline from a recognized university/ institution. BBS.2. The following documents in original together with one set of attested copies of the following documents must be submitted by the candidates at the time of interview: a) Attested copy of Registration Certificate/ Memorandum of Understanding and Articles of Association of the company sponsoring the candidate. In addition. e) Proof of residence (Voter-ID./ M. The company sponsoring the candidate should give a “No Objection Certificate” and also an undertaking that all expenses incurred in pursuing the MIB programme will be borne by the company.A.) 2. Passport.Com.Com./B. b) Proof that the company is listed on stock exchange. 500 crores.. d) Certificate from an MBBS doctor or govt. the following documents are also required to be submitted by candidates seeking admission under “Business Sponsored Category”. or M. e) Brief description of job profile of the candidate to be furnished by the company sponsoring the candidate. c) No Objection Certificate and Sponsorship Certificate as mentioned in Para 2 above giving reasons as to why the company is sponsoring the candidate. 4. (2) The students who have studied Elementary Urdu at Senior Secondary level shall have to opt Urdu Language. or M.Sc. The candidates should be sponsored by companies that are listed on Stock Exchange having a turnover not less than Rs. 21. etc.Sc.A. c) Character Certificate from the institution last attended. a) Proof of passing the qualifying examination together with the marks sheet (s) in accordance with the eligibility requirement for admission as mentioned in the Prospectus. Driving License. with 45% marks in aggregate with five years work experience in University. Note: (1) The Compulsory subjects shall be offered by the students of all under-graduate courses of the Faculty of Humanities & Languages/Social Sciences/Natural Sciences (Except Foreign Students) including in those courses where there is no subsidiary such as BSW. b) Proof of age based on the certificate of High School/Secondary School or an Equivalent Examination.Sc./B.A. from a recognized university with not less than 50% marks in aggregate or B. B.) and B. & Inf.A.3.A./ B.) and Business Studies (BBS). A.Com.A.A.B.Com. (Hons. Economics The list of Subsidiary course(s) specific to each Honours course will be made available at the University’s website. Faculty of Humanities & Languages and the B. B./M. 37 .C. Commerce 7. Sociology 2. 6 (12 Semesters) 3 2 years 17. (Business Management) / M.(3) The students who have studied Urdu Language as subject in Secondary School (Class X) as reflected in the marksheet will be exempted from studying Elementary Urdu/Urdu Language as compulsory subject. (Hons. Lib. Commerce (B. except Social Work.F (Hons. 17. (II) Main/ Subsidiary Subject for B. (Hons.4.) in the following subjects: 1.B.B.Com. SEATS IN VARIOUS COURSES OF FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES * Foreign as well as on the notice board of the offices of the Deans and HODs in due course. (H)/ B.S. Business Studies Students offering any one of the above mentioned subjects.A. http://www. (4) All those students who have not studied Urdu at any level (except Foreign students) shall have to opt Elementary Urdu. Political Science 5.) Faculty of Social Sciences offers No. TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETION OF COURSES As per Ordinance maximum time period to complete the courses is specified below: S. Psychology 3.A.A.jmi. Course 1 2 M./ B.I. as main subject shall offer one more subject from the list of the courses offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences. The applicants will be required to submit their preferences of subsidiary courses in the prescribed proforma at the time of interviews. # Indian Business Enterprises sponsored. Science/ Advanced Diploma in Counseling Psychology/ PG Diploma in Management of NGOs Duration (years/Semesters) 4 (8 Semesters) 4.I. Programme in Mathematics offered by the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences as their Subsidiary Subejcts.)/ B. Social Work 6. 3 General Muslim General Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim ST Jamia Kashmiri Migrant G M MW MO MT J K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Persons with Disabilities PD Group of Courses Group Code 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 C A B 2 1.No. or an HB PENCIL only. 4. Category Code. 5. Fill in your Roll No. or an HB PENCIL only. 2. OMR ANSWER SHEET Category Code Filling Instructions: 1. Group Code and Signature in the appropriate boxes and darken the appropriate circle using BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. ANSWERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E L P M A S Name and Signature of Invigilator 1 Candidates’s Signature Name and Signature of Invigilator 2 38 .. Take care that the characters do not touch the boundary of the boxes. SG-1 SG-II SG-III HG NG-I NG-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 C D 6. Question Booklet No. For Answers darken the circles with a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. 3. Question Booklet set. 2. Use only a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN to fill in the boxes below. 5.Thumb Impression of Candidate (To be put infront of invigilator) Undergraduate Courses of Faculty of Social Sciences/ Humanities & Languages / Natural Sciences OMR Sheet No. Roll Number Question Booklet No Question Booklet Set S. 4. Fill the same ‘category’ as already filled in the Application Form.. 3. / M.E. OR B. 6./B. OR B.Sc. Sc. Bioinformatics (Self.D.Sc. 7. P.Tech.G. (Hons. Chemistry. 4.A.(Engg.A. 5. (General) with not less than 50% marks in aggregate as well as in Mathematics. Mathematics with Computer Science 18. Ed. starts in July each year. El. with not less than 55% marks in Geography and 50% marks in aggregate./B. OR (ii) B. Master of Science (M./ M.18. Duration: 6 Semesters (spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree under (10+2+3) system from a recognized University/Institution with 50% marks in aggregate and Mathematics at 10+2 level.A.. D. Master of Science (M. Biosciences.1.Sc. Once the specialization allotted.A. programes. (Industrial Maths with Computer Applications): (Self Financing) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B. in any area of Biosciences/ Biotechnology with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. COURSES AND REQUIREMENTS Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. M./ Physical Education with at least 50% marks in aggregate and in Mathematics. OR (iii) B./B. Mathematics (Self-Financing) Duration: 6 Semesters (spread over 3 years) Eligibility: (i) B. etc.C. Organic and Physical Chemistry with 10 seats in each branch. M. 1.) All the Departments of the Faculty offer Ph.) Physics/ Chemistry* Duration: 2 years Eligibility: BA/ B. Mathematics (Hons. Tech. 9. OR B.) with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.A. Diploma courses.A. A. 2./ B. and Computer Science offers Ph.Sc. The admission processes in Ph.Sc.Physics.Sc.) in Mathematics with 50% marks in aggregate.) Geography. (Master of Computer Application) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B. with Mathematics securing not less than 50% marks both in aggregate and in Mathematics. with not less than 50% marks in aggregate and at least 55% marks in the subject concerned. M. Sc.Sc. Undergraduation. Biotechnology. M. 39 . three years course with not less than 50% marks in aggregate.Sc. Sc./ B. Post-graduation. M. with Mathematics having not less than 45% marks both in aggregate and in Mathematics OR B.Sc. The Faculty has interdisciplinary approach in teaching as well as in research. FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES The Faculty of Natural Sciences consisting of seven Departments .Sc. 3. Mathematics. Geography. Sc. no change will be allowed.financing Evening) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree in Science/Engineering/ Medicine/ Pharmacy with Mathematics as a subject in Class X with at least 50% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade.Sc.D. (Hons. * The Department of Chemistry offers specialization in Material (Polymers and Advanced Ceramics).Sc.A/ B. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly./B.) in Mathematics with at least 45% marks in aggregate.Sc. (Hons.D./ B. 8. (Chemistry) will have to furnish their choice of specialization in order of preference for the above four branches and an undertaking to this effect.) with not less than 55% marks in aggregate.A. The allotment for specialization will be made strictly on the merit of Entrance Test.A. Inorganic.Sc./ B. M. Geography Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B.Sc. The candidates seeking admission in M.) in Biosciences Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B. Mathematics Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate and in Mathematics. # This course is being coordinated by the Department of Physics.Sc. (Hons. M.e. Agriculture Sciences. B.e. P. 11.A. Physics.Sc. Civil Engg. Civil Engg. Chemistry and Mathematics and in the subject concerned. Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications** Duration: 2 Semesters with project work Eligibility: B. Eligibility: B. Faculty of Natural Sciences.Sc.e.Sc.) in Biosciences/ Biotechnology/ Biotechnology (Vocational)/ Bio-Chemistry/ Microbiology/ Genetics or in any area of Modern Biology with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. Physics/ Mathematics/ Chemistry Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate of Physics.Sc. 14. Planning & Architecture) with 50% marks. 12.A./B. B.G..Evening) Duration : 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility : B. B. G.10. 20.)* Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in each of the science subject i. Note: 50% of the seats will be filled by the candidates having qualifying degree in Geography as a subject. Diploma in Computer Applications Duration: 2 Semesters Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree under (10+2+3) system from a recognized Univeristy/Institution with 50% marks in aggregate and Mathematics at 10+2 level. *Form to be submitted in the Office of the Dean. B.A. Hons. B. Hons./ B. in Geography and allied subjects (Geology. Agriculture Sciences. Environmental Sciences. (Hons. Chemistry and Mathematics and 50% marks in aggregate.) Geography Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in aggregate or in the subject concerned.Sc. (Biochemistry) (Self-Financing.) in any area of Biology or Chemistry (with Biology subject as Subsidiary) with at least 50% marks in aggregate. Diploma in Digital Cartography** Duration: 2 Semesters with project work. Biosciences Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in each science subject i.Pharma/ B. 18. Sc. Biotechnology Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate or an equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in each science subject i. 13. Sc. 16.Sc. 19. (Hons. B./ B. ** There will be Common Entrance Test for both PG Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS Applications and PG Diploma in Digital Cartography. in Geography and allied subjects (Geology. Note: 50% of the seats will be filled by the candidates having qualifying degree in Geography as a subject. Instrumentation (Vocational) # / Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.Sc. Planning & Architecture) with 50% marks.G. 15. 40 .Sc. 17. Chemistry and Biology/ Mathematics. (Biotechnology) (Self-Financing) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: B. Physics. Physics. P. M..Sc.Sc./ B.A. Chemistry and Biology/ Mathematics. P./B. Environmental Sciences. Sc. Bioscience/ B. Biotechnology. Sc.Sc.)/ B.) Students offering anyone of the following as a main subject in B. (Hons. Bioscience/ Biotechnology Course All papers are compulsory (For details see syllabus on Jamia Website).Sc. COMPULSORY/ OPTIONAL/ SUBSIDIARY SUBJECTS (I) Compulsory Subjects for B.3.2. 18. (Hons. MAXIMUM TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETION OF COURSES As per Jamia’s rules students are required to complete their courses within the time frame specified below: 41 . Students may apply for a subsidiary/ optional subject as per the terms and conditions stated above to the concerned departments. B.)/ B. BBS./ B. Note: 1. Islamiat or Hindu Religious Studies or Indian Religions & Culture Elementary Urdu or Urdu Language General English (II) Main/ Subsidiary Subjects for B. (III) Subjects for B. (*) The allotment of subsidiary subjects will be decided by the subject allotment committee of each department. The students who have studied Elementary Urdu at Senior Secondary level shall have to opt Urdu Language.Sc. (V) Subjects for B. Com. Sc. (Hons. 3.A.Sc.(H). shall offer two more as subsidiary subjects from other two groups (*) 1.Sc. The students who have studied Urdu Language as subject in Secondary School (Class X) as reflected in the marksheet will be exempted from studying Elementary Urdu/Urdu Language as compulsory subject. The Compulsory subjects shall be offered by the students of all under-graduate courses of the Faculty of Humanities & Languages/Social Sciences/Natural Sciences (Except Foreign Students) including in those courses where there is no subsidiary such as BSW. with Instrumentation Course Mathematics Physics Instrumentation 4.18. Students will be required to opt any one of the following groups: 2. (IV) Subjects for B. 3.Sc. (Hons. All those students who have not studied Urdu at any level (except Foreign students) shall have to opt Elementary Urdu. Bioscience & Biotech. etc. 2.) from the three groups. SEATS IN VARIOUS COURSES *10 seats each in four branches of Chemistry i.e (i) Materials (ii) Inorganic (iii) Organic (iv) Physical 42 .4.18. 5. 3. 5. Fill in your Roll No. OMR ANSWER SHEET Category Code Filling Instructions: 1. 4. Question Booklet set.. Take care that the characters do not touch the boundary of the boxes. ANSWERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E L P M A S Name and Signature of Invigilator 1 Candidates’s Signature Name and Signature of Invigilator 2 43 . 3. Question Booklet No. Category Code. SG-1 SG-II SG-III HG NG-I NG-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 C D 6. For Answers darken the circles with a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. or an HB PENCIL only. 2. 2..Thumb Impression of Candidate (To be put infront of invigilator) Undergraduate Courses of Faculty of Social Sciences/ Humanities & Languages / Natural Sciences OMR Sheet No. 4.No. Group Code and Signature in the appropriate boxes and darken the appropriate circle using BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. Roll Number Question Booklet No Question Booklet Set S. 5 General Muslim General Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim ST Jamia Kashmiri Migrant G M MW MO MT J K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Persons with Disabilities PD Group of Courses Group Code 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 D A B 6 1. Fill the same ‘category’ as already filled in the Application Form. Use only a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN to fill in the boxes below. or an HB PENCIL only. Use only a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN to fill in the boxes below.. Category Code.G. 3. or an HB PENCIL only.Thumb Impression of Candidate (To be put infront of invigilator) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) / P. Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA) OMR Sheet No.. 2. and Signature in the appropriate boxes and darken the appropriate circle using BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. Question Booklet No. Fill in your Roll No. OMR ANSWER SHEET Category Code Filling Instructions: 1. Roll Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 General Muslim General Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim ST G M MW MO MT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Persons with Disabilities PD Kashmiri Migrant K Question Booklet No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Question Booklet Set A B C D ANSWERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E L P M A S Name and Signature of Invigilator 1 Candidates’s Signature Name and Signature of Invigilator 2 44 . For Answers darken the circles with a BLUE or BLACK BALLPEN. 5. Take care that the characters do not touch the boundary of the boxes. Fill the same ‘category’ as already filled in the Application Form. Question Booklet set. 4. or an HB PENCIL only. Master of Philosophy (M. D. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES 1. Ed. This course would enable students to secure placements in agencies/institutions facilitating universalization of elementary education and those which run teacher preparation courses for elementary schools like DIETs. (Nursery)/B. Number of Seats: 10 Admission Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks obtained in written test (85%) and interview (15%). provided they fulfill all other requirements. M. Philosophy. The Teachers’ College has since been reconstituted into the Faculty of Education with two Departments viz. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of Marks obtained in written test (85 marks) and interview (15 marks). 3. Master of Education (M.Ed. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. OR Eligibility: A candidate for the admission to the Course should have passed the Bachelor’s degree examination (a three year course after 10+ 2) of the Jamia or an equivalent examination from a University recognized by the Jamia with 50% marks. *Those employed but on leave for the academic session may be admitted as full-time students. program in different areas of education.Ed. Ed.19.) (Elementary Education) 19. After independence it was renamed Teachers’ College. Ed.D. The College initiated Teacher Education Programme for Art & Craft Teachers and in Art Education. Psychology. OR B. / B.) in Education The Department offers Ph. Ed. (Nursery)/B. FACULTY OF EDUCATION Teacher’s Training Institute was established in 1938 under the inspiring leadership of Dr.1. (Educational Planning & Administration) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years). Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of Marks obtained in written test (85 marks) and interview (15 marks). starts in July each year. 2. The test is an attempt to assess the candidate’s awareness of contemporary issues having relevance to education at different forms and levels. Number of Seats: 10 General Muslim Muslim Women Muslim OBC/ST 5 3 1 1 The course is designed to impart comprehensive understanding of elementary education. Duration: 2 Semesters Number of Seats: 20 General Muslim 9 6 Muslim Women 2 Muslim OBC/ST 2 Person with Disability 1 Eligibility: At least 50% marks in Theory papers in B. 45 .) Duration: 2 Semesters Number of Seats: 25 General Muslim 12 8 Muslim Women 2 Muslim OBC/ST 2 Person with Disability 1 General Muslim Muslim Women Muslim OBC/ST 5 3 1 1 Eligibility: At least 50% marks in theory in the B. Master of Education (M. Phil. The admission processes in Ph.) in Education Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: Not less than 55% marks in Master’s degree examination in Education or in any allied field viz. Zakir Husain for the purpose of training teachers for Basic Schools according to the Scheme of Basic Education.D.El. El. Written test will comprise of Multiple choice questions of 70 marks and Descriptive questions of 15 marks. Department of Educational Studies and Department of Teacher Training and Non-Formal Education (Institute of Advanced Studies in Education) A B.Ed.Ed. Ed. It also organized post graduate course in Education and Art as well as research in Education. SCERTs etc. degree from a recognized university or an equivalent qualification plus a Master’s degree with at least 50% marks. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. plus a Master’s degree with at least 50% marks. 5. Sociology. or its equivalent Examination. Written test will comprise of Multiple choice questions of 70 marks and Descriptive questions of 15 marks. etc. teacher preparation for elementary schools and administration of elementary education.A.Ed./B. 4. A. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years). 2. Colleges.) in Education The Department offers Ph. Personnel working in the Universities. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks obtained in Written Test (85 marks) and Interview (15 marks). DEPARTMENT OF TEACHER TRAINING AND NON-FORMAL EDUCATION (INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN EDUCATION) The course leads to specialization in education of the Physically Challenged in areas of Visual Impairment and Learning Disabilities. starts in July each year. Written test will comprise of Multiple choice questions. (Vocational)] OR B. Duration: One year Number of Seats: 10 General Muslim Muslim Women Muslim OBC/ST 5 3 1 1 The course has been designed to train teachers. M. or freshers who have done graduation but are not employed. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. The test will consist of multiple choice questions. Science Education and Educational Technology. Social Science Education. M. The Written Test of 85 marks will comprise of the following: • General Intelligence : 30 • General Awareness : 30 • Teaching Aptitude : 25 • Total : 85 A minimum of 33% marks in the Test is an essential condition for calling candidates for Interview.Ed. Admission will be based on the performance of the candidate in written test (85 marks) and the interview (15 marks).2. Number of Seats: 15 General Muslim Muslim Women Muslim OBC/ST 1 Person with Disability 1 7 5 1 Eligibility: A candidate who has done graduation in any discipline with 50% marks or post graduation shall be eligible for the admission to the course. (Special Education) 19.El.Ed.Ed. 15 marks are allotted to Interview. program in different areas of education. Ed. Education Officers.D.Ed. Number of Seats: 15 46 . The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly.D. Nursery/ B. 6.Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of Marks obtained in written test (85 marks) and interview (15 marks). Ed. This Department offers M.) with specialization in Visual Impairment and Learning disabilities. teachereducators and research workers in areas like Language Education. (Spl. Admission Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of marks obtained in Written Test and Interview. A. with 50% marks in theory component. • : 15 • : 85 3. State Department of Education and DIETs etc. Headmasters. D. Teachers.The Written Test of 85 marks will comprise the following : • Question with multiple choice to assess the General Intelligence and General Awareness Short answer questions on the issues concerning Education/ Educational Management Total : 70 Eligibility: 50% marks in the Bachelor’s degree examination [excluding B. The test will be in English medium. Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management (Self-Financing) 1. The admission processes in Ph. Duration: 2 Semesters (full-time)./ B. (Education) The course is open to Principals. degree and 50% marks in One Year Course in Special Education with specialisation in Visual Impairment or Learning Disabilities. (Hons.Sc. or B.A. Sahitya Rattan.A.g. Ed. M. • Applicants for teaching of Commerce must possess a Master’s Degree in Commerce with at least 50% marks.Sc.A. may be opted as a teaching subject. if a teaching subject which has been studied at graduate level for two or more years and its marks had been counted in awarding the division. Com. These candidates can apply on the basis of their graduation qualification if the same is as per the eligibility conditions. Duration: 1 Year full-time course Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with not less than 50% marks (except B.). (Special Education) with specialization in Visual Impairment or Learning Disabilities. M. or B. Vocation courses). In case of result declared in the form of letter grades.A.Sc.A. (except B. after completing an examination conducted by Language Education institutions (e. The test will consist of multiple choice questions. (vocational) courses AND at least 50% marks in Master’s Degree Examination in any School teaching subjects.Com. Subject such as Mathematical Physics. etc.Sc.) from Jamia or any other university recognized by the Jamia and 50% marks in B.A. (Environmental Botany/Sc.Sc.A.Eligibility: B. The Department offers training in 17 school subjects. Sc. B.Sc. OR B./ B.) from Jamia or any other university recognized by the Jamia and 50% marks in B. Vocational or B. Ed. A Bachelor’s Degree should be based on a 3 years course after 10+2 school examination. (Biochemistry).Sc. 47 .A. 4. (Pass/ Hons.A. Ed. Vocational or B. Sc. Vocational or B.Com. (except B. Admission Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of marks obtained in Written Test and Interview. • NOT ELIGIBLE: Those who have passed: (i) B.)/ Pass in Commerce).Com. B. NOTE: (i) All the certificates / degrees should be from Jamia Millia Islamia or Universities recognized by Association of Indian Universities. B./ B./ B. a compulsory subject like General Urdu/ General English/Compulsory Hindi will not be accepted as teaching subjects. 15 marks are allotted to Interview. (Bachelor of Education) (ii) This course has been designed for training teachers in various subjects for secondary and senior/ higher secondary schools./ B. Electronics/Bio Tech. (Biophysics).A. in Vocational Subjects). However. (except B. B. it will be responsibility of the candidate to supply a certified copy of marks equivalent to the grade obtained. Examination in one language only.Com (Pass). OR (iii) While calculating the percentage of marks secured by a candidate. only those marks shall be considered which are taken into account by the University concerned for the purpose of awarding division/class.Sc. (ii) (iii) M.A.) from Jamia or any other university recognized by the Jamia and 50% marks in Diploma for Secondary School teachers of Visually Handicapped or Learning Disability from Institution recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India. The Written Test of 85 marks will comprise of the following: • • General Intelligence & Awareness Subject Comprehension Test relating to Visual Impairment or Learning Disabilities • • Teaching Aptitude Total : : 25 85 : : 30 30 Bachelor’s Degree with not less than 45% marks except B. The test will be in English medium.).Sc. Adib-eKamil etc. A candidate must have passed at least two teaching subjects at graduation/ post graduation level./B.) etc. A minimum of 33% marks in the Test is an essential condition to be called for Interview. B./ B. will not be considered as a teaching subject. However. OR B.Sc. or B. (Hons. Botany or Biosciences or B. there are 41 seats in Language Group. (Hons.Sc. the students who have studied Sociology at the graduation/post graduation level may be allotted “Social Sciences” as a second teaching subject.The teaching subjects offered by the Department are as under: (iv) In Biological Sciences only those candidates can apply who have done their B. The second teaching subject will be allotted to the candidate by the Interview Board.Sc. CATEGORY WISE DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS: B. = 200 48 . “Social Science” can also be offered as a second teaching subject only A candidate shall be required to offer two teaching subjects from among the subjects listed above and studied at the graduation/post-graduation level. Botany and Biosciences. Number of Seats: (i) Besides the subjects listed above. (iv) Hindi/ English medium and Urdu medium seats are NOT interchangeable/ transferable. Medium once offered shall not be changed. with Zoology. only one of which (not a subsidiary subject) will have to be mentioned in the Application Form as his/her main teaching subject which shall not be changed later. (ii) (iii) Sociology cannot be opted as a main teaching subject. Second teaching subject will be decided by the Department. (Pass) with Zoology/Botany and Chemistry and M. (i) (ii) There are separate seats for English/Hindi & Urdu medium Sections. 31 seats in Social Science Group and 20 seats in Science Group. However.) in Zoology. These seats are specially meant to prepare teachers for Urdu medium schools.Sc. For Urdu medium candidates. The candidates are required to clearly mention the medium in the Application Form for Admission. (iii) Candidates selected against Urdu Medium seats will be provided instruction in Urdu medium. Ed. Part-III . (iii) The test will be constructed in English except for the languages.Distribution of Urdu Medium Seats: Admission Procedure: The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of Written Test of 170 Marks followed by Interview of 30 Marks. test in Arabic and Persian will be in Urdu only. Ed. The areas covered in the test are: • General Intelligence • General Awareness • Teaching Aptitude : 25 Marks : 25 Marks : 25 Marks (ii) Language Proficiency Test will consist of objective type and short answer type questions. Will comprise of following three parts: • Part I General Ability Test : 75 Marks : 35 Marks Part-II .General Ability Test: General Ability Test will consist of multiple choice items only. The test will consist of 60 multiple choice test items.Language Proficiency Test: (i) A candidate has to take a Language Proficiency Test in the language he/ she has opted as medium of instruction viz. Written Test for B. • Part II Language Proficiency test • Part III Subject Comprehension Test : 60 Marks A minimum of 33% marks in each part of the Test is necessary to be called for interview. On Admission a candidate will be allotted a section for which he/ she has taken the Language Proficiency Test.Subject Comprehension Test: (i) (ii) A candidate has to take subject proficiency test in subject he/she has applied for. students are divided into sections made on the basis of medium of instructions. English or Hindi or Urdu. B. However. The test will be constructed in English medium only. Ed. 49 . Part-I . (iv) The test in this paper will cover content up to graduation level. A. Duration: 1 Year full-time Number of Seats: 30 Medium/ Category wise distribution of seats: Eligibility: (i) An applicant must have at least 50% marks in his/ her Bachelor’s Degree examination of the Jamia Millia Islamia or equivalent degree from any other recognized university or institution. Ed. 15 marks are allotted to Interview. The test will be in English medium. Economics. Geography.5. The test will be in English medium. Admission Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of marks obtained in Written Test and Interview. Biosciences/Life Sciences. B. Botany. The test will consist of multiple choice questions. Admission Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of marks obtained in Written Test and Interview. Political Science. The test will consist of multiple choice questions. The Written Test of 85 Marks will comprise of the following: • • • • General Intelligence : General Awareness : Teaching Aptitude : Total : 30 30 25 85 • • (ii) • • A minimum of 33% marks in the test is an essential condition for calling any candidate for Interview. OR A candidate. Psychology Science group – Physics. The candidates applying for this course must have studied at least one of the following subjects for two years at graduation level: Language guoup – Hindi. English. Sociology. /B. The Written Test of 85 marks comprise of the following: • • • • General Awareness : General Intelligence : Teaching Aptitude : Total : 30 30 25 85 6. Home Science Mathematics Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree with not less than 50% marks. B. (Excluding B. Ed. 15 Marks are allotted to Interview. who has obtained at least 45% marks in his/her Bachelor’s Degree examination and has obtained 50% marks in the Master’s Degree examination. Urdu Social Science group – History. Sc. (Nursery Education) Medium/Category wise distribution of seats: The course is intended to prepare nursery teachers and teacher-educators. OR Bachelor’s Degree with not less than 45% and at least 50% marks in Master’s Degree Examination. 50 . Duration: 1 Year full-time Number of Seats=30 A minimum of 33% marks in the Test is necessary for calling any candidate for Interview. Vocational Studies). Chemistry Zoology. (Special Education) This course has been designed to prepare teachers for teaching children with special needs specially Visually Handicapped Children and Children with Learning Disabilities. Botany). in the application form.E.T. Admission Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of marks obtained in Written Test and Interview. Diploma in Elementary Teacher Education (Diploma E. studied at +2 level. Biological/Life Science (Zoology. Group IV: Mathematics. Group I: Hindi. The test will be constructed in Hindi as well as Urdu. Home Science. Geography. The entrance test for admission to Diploma in Elementary Teacher Education will comprise of following three parts: Part I Part II Part III (i) General Ability Test Teaching Subjects Comprehension Test Language Proficiency Test : : : 75 Marks 60 Marks 35 marks General Ability Test will consist of multiple choice items only. Enconmics. Urdu Group II: Political Science. History. Chemistry.7. Eligibility: Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (Except Vocational Courses) with not less than 50% marks. Group III: Physics.) Duration: 2 Years full-time Number of Seats : 100 Category/Medium/Subject wise distribution of seats: Urdu Medium Hindi Medium Candidate has to mention one of these subjects. An applicant to ETE must have studied at least two of the following subjects at Senior Secondary level (not more than one from any group). Bio-Technology. Sociology. against the seats allotted to which his/her candidature will be considered. The areas covered in the test are: General Intelligence General Awareness Teaching Aptitude Total : : : : 25 Marks 25 Marks 25 Marks 75 Marks 51 . English. The test paper will consist of multiple choice items in Urdu and Hindi. Hindi/ English Medium and Urdu Medium seats are not interchangeable/ transferable.Ed.(ii) Teaching Subjects Comprehension Test will consists of items on the following: Science Maths Social Science English Total : : : : : 15 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks 60 Marks (7) (6) candidates on the basis of the marks obtained in the Admission Test. In case.1. The test will cover content up to class-X. from amongst the candidates securing at least 33% marks in the Entrance Test.g.A. it will be responsibility of the candidate to supply a certified copy of marks equivalent to the grade obtained. (iv) A minimum of 33% marks in each part of the test is essential for candidates to be called for Interview. (iii) Language Proficiency Test : 35 marks A candidate may opt either Urdu or Hindi. programme shall not be given admission to B. Sahitya Ratna. as one of the languages. All the candidates having the minimum qualifying marks for General Seats will be considered for General Seats also irrespective of the category to which they belong. Those who have passed their B. Examination in one language only. after completing an examination conducted by language education institution (e. Easy Urdu or Elementary Urdu will not be treated as a subject for consideration under this category. (v) 30 Marks are allotted to Interview. Language Proficiency Test will consist of objective type and short answer type questions. Candidates called for the interview shall be selected from the merit list prepared on the basis of tests scores to the extent of approximately three times the number of seats to be filled in each teaching subject/ reserved category. Candidates for reserved category should opt for one category only. or any other course of the Faculty of Education. the Admission Committee shall select one of these (8) (2) (10) Scholars enrolled in Ph. (9) NOTE: General guidelines for admission to IASE courses: (1) Admission to all the courses in IASE will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate of marks obtained in Written Test having a weightage of 85% marks and Interview with weightage of 15% marks.D. two or more candidates are still bracketed for the last position the Admission Committee shall select one of these candidates on the basis of higher percentage of marks in the qualifying examination. 19. Urdu Medium Seats: The candidates applying for Urdu Medium seats in Social Science and Science Groups should have passed High School or higher examination with Urdu as an optional subject. In case. Maximum Time Limit for Completion of Each Course in Faculty of Education Maximum permissible periods for completion of each course shall be as per the following table: (3) (4) (5) 52 . While calculating the percentage of marks secured by a candidate only those marks shall be considered which are taken into account by the concerned board/ university for the purpose of awarding Division/ Class. two or more candidates are bracketed for the last position on Merit List due to equal scores. In case results declared in form of letter grades. Category once offered will not be changed on the demand of students. Adib-i-Kamil) are NOT eligible for admission. (i) Mode of admission in M. Tech. The laboratories of all the departments are well equipped and strengthening of these laboratories are continuously pursued. Department of Electrical Engineering 4.E.20. Electrical.D. The Evening Courses at B.2. The Academic Schedule for all the semesters is notified by Dean’s office at the commencement of the Annual Academic Session. odd semesters and even semesters each of which is ordinarily of 20 weeks duration followed by Winter vacation and Summer vacation respectively. Electrical Power System Management. The Faculty is also running Evening Courses (part-time) in Civil. Ph. courses will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate marks obtained in the Entrance Test having a weightage of 85 marks. each Academic Year is divided into two semesters viz.D. Tech.1. Faculty of Engineering and Technology comprises of the following: 1. Electrical. which is shared by all the faculties.) level. Post-graduate Programme: The Departments of the Faculty offer Post-graduate programme leading to M. Under normal circumstances. REGULAR COURSES 20. Electrical. a maximum gap of one day between End Semester examinations of two theory courses of a Semester is permissible. A large number of leading organizations are regularly visiting for campus placements.E. Faculty of Engineering and Technology has well qualified faculty members in all the departments. 53 . programmes. The Faculty has its own library and computer centre in addition to the central library and a Centre for Information Technolgoy to cater to the specialised needs of the students of the Faculty. University Polytechnic offers Diploma Engineering courses in Civil.1. 20.D.FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Engineering and Technology was established in the year 1985. Electrical. Electronics courses are also offered. Department of Mechanical Engineering 3. Post-graduate courses leading to degree of M. Electronics. Research Programmes leading to the degree of Ph.1. End Semester Examinations are conducted and completed in two weeks time allotted for this purpose. Mechanical. in Civil. The admission process in Ph. Many have opted for higher education in India and abroad.1. Mechanical and Computer Engineering branches in the evening for inservice vocational professionals. Tech. In addition to these courses. are also offered by all the departments. Electronics. The graduates of earlier batches have been gainfully employed in reputed public and private sector organizations in India and abroad. in Control and Instrumentation System. Department of Computer Engineering 6. The University has an excellent facility for the games & sports (indoor and outdoor both) and gymnastics. Electronics & Communication and Computer Engineering branches. D. The syllabus for the entrance test for these courses is available on Jamia’s website. Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering 5.Sc. University Polytechnic also offers part-time Diploma Engineering courses in Civil. Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities 7. M. Mechanical and Computer Engineering branches. Programme All the Departments of the Faculty offer Ph. in Environmental Science and Engineering. level are designed and conducted to provide opportunities to improve technical qualification of inservice Diploma holders with the objective to equip the students with the knowledge and experience of modern technology relevant to their profession. Sc. Tech. Department of Civil Engineering 2. Electronics & Communication and Computer Engineering at undergraduate (B. starts in July each year. & M. The admission schedule and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. University Polytechnic 20. Mechanical. Mechanical Engineeirng & Earthquake Engineering and M. Tech. In all such courses that follow Semester System. Tech. The admission in M. The Training & Placement Office of the University is actively looking after the training and placement needs of the students of Faculty of Engineering & Technology. degrees. As an extension of continuing education program. The Faculty is presently running undergraduate courses leading to the degree of B. courses. 3.75 on a 10 point scale. control and Instrumentation System (CIS): 18 (iv) Minimum Requirements for Admission Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical.(ii) Time limit for completing the course: The maximum time limit for completing the course is 4 years for full-time and 5 years for part-time students after admission to the course in the first year. Production & Industrial Engineering).Sc 54 . M. The Department of Mechanical Engineering has well equipped. The Faculty offers a four-semester postgraduate course leading to the degree of M.1. (a) M. Tech. (i) Number of seats: 18 (ii) Minimum requirements for Admisison: Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University with not less than 60% marks in an absolute system or a minimum grade of 6. state of the art laboratories. M. Tech. Number of Seats 6 6 6 18 20. namely Machine Design. Production Engineering.75 on a 10 point scale will be considered for admission.Sc. (Earthquake Engineering) to Civil Engineering graduates.2. The course lays strong emphasis on the fundamentals of Electronic Science and its applied aspects. Automobile Engineering.2. The classes for this course will be held between 9 am to 5:30 p. and emerging and real life problems are taken as project work for students.75 on a 10 point scale will be considered for admission. 20. Control and Instrumentation System (CIS) (Department of Electrical Engineering) The above two programmes are of four-semster duration. in Instrumentation/ B.2. M. in Mechanical Engineering (Machine Design. Sc.) Electronics/ Physics/ Instrumentation or B. Number of Seats: 30 (i) Minimum Requirements for Admission B. no scholarship is available under this category.Tech. (Hons.1. (i) (ii) Number of Seats in M. Tech. (Electronics) (Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities) The Faculty of Engineering & Technology is offering a four-semesters (spread over two-years) Post-graduate Programme in Electronics in the Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities.2. in Earthquake Engineering (Department of Civil Engineering) The Faculty of Engineering & Technology offers a foursemesters Post-graduate course leading to the degree of M. The courses deal with both theoretical and experimental aspects. in Electrical Power System Management (EPSM) (b) M. Manufacturing and Automation Engineering from a recognized University. Tech. Tech. This is a full time regular course and will have only fulltime candidates. It also exposes the students to the state of art in design of electronic circuits and systems. Instrumentation and Control or Electronics & Communication Engineeirng from a recognized University with not less than 60% marks in an absolute system or a minimum grade of 6. Power System Management (EPSM): 15 Minimum Requirements for Admission (b) (ii) Machine Design: Thermal Engineering: Production & Industrial Engineering: Total Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University with not less than 60% marks in an absolute system or a minimum grade of 6. 20. The candidate having valid GATE Score will be preferred.1. However. (Mechanical Engineering) with specialization in three streams. (iii) Number of seats in M. Thermal Engineering. (Department of Mechanical Engineering).1. 20. Tech. Thermal Engineering and ProductionIndustrial Engineering. Applied Sc. at the moment. both fresh graduates and also in-service engineers duly sponsored by their respective employers.1. interacts with the industries.m on working days. (Hons) in Instrumentation/ B.4. Instrumentation/ B.Sc. Tech. Sc. Appl.2. (i) Minimum requirement for admission (a) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. latent heat. equivalence of heat and work. (iv) Time Limit for completing the Courses The time limit for completing the courses is 7 years after admission to the course in the first year. Faraday’s Law. Tech. Krichoff’s Laws. curved mirrors and thin lenses. Bachelor of Technology (B. Cp. angular momentum.1. Tech. Mechanical. specific heat. Electrical. pressure in a fluid wave motion. The medium of Entrance Test will be English. pressure of an ideal gas equipartition of energy. (Computer Engineering) Minimum Requirements for Admission No. cylinder and sphere. capacitors in series and parallel. Electronics will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate marks obtained in the Entrance Test having a weightage of 170 marks. Tech. circular motion. concepts of inertial frame. electric field.No. Sc. Centre of mass of a system of particles. torque. (iii) Mode of Admission The admission to these courses will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test of 3 hours duration with a weightage of 170 (Physics – 55. conduction. 1. with not less than 55% marks in PCM. ammeter. 55 . (ii) Names of the Courses B. isothermal and adiabatic processes. Tech courses are given below: S. absolute temperature. 2012. electric potential. of Seats 70 70 70 70 70 Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) / Intermediate or its equivalent of a recognized Board with Physics. conservation of angular momentum. energy stored in a capacitor. 20. Coulomb’s law. (Electrical Engineering) B. calorimetry. elastic and inelastic collision in one dimension. frequency and phase. Tech. Cv. 3. Age: Not less than 17 years as on October 1. 4. gas laws. vibration of string and air columns. Doppler’s effect. lines of force. Chemistry and Mathematics as their main subjects. (ii) Mode of admission in M. Maths as optional subjects with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade in qualifying examination. motion. concepts of relative motion. 5. disc. OR a Diploma Engineering degree recognized by AICTE or a state board of technical education of at least 3/4 year duration with not less than 55% marks. resonance. Chemistry – 55 and Maths 60) marks. heating effect of current. progressive and stationary waves. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) B. The syllabus for the entrance test for these courses is available on Jamia’s website. (i) Number of Seats Physics: Units and dimensions. (pass) with Physics. Thermal expansion of solids. Entrance Test There shall be one paper containing three sections viz. (Civil Engineering) B. Elements of Kinetic Theory of gases. convection and radiation. Sc. voltmeter. Series and parallel arrangement of resistances and cells. Tech. moments of inertia of simple shapes like ring. displacement. Tech. Young’s Modulus shear and bulk moduli. Maxwell’s equations.(Electronics)/ B. current carrying wire in a magnetic field. Chemistry & Maths. in Civil. electric current.Sc. kinematics in one and two dimensions with constant acceleration. velocity. 2. All questions will be of objective type. Kepler’s Law of motion of planets and satellites. Tech. and Computer Engineering. Ampere’s law.3. Wheatstone bridge and its applications. principle of buoyancy. simple harmonic motion. projectiles. moving coil. Ohm’s law. universal law of gravitation. galvanometer. liquids. Electronics The admission in M. Lorentz Force. rigid bodies. variation of the acceleration due to gravity with altitude and latitude. Hook’s law. Tech. momentum and energy. and gas. effect of magnetic field on current carrying conductors. Physics. SI units. The total number of seats in B.) The Faculty of Engineering and Technology offers four year (8 Semesters) Under-graduate courses leading to the degree of B. Electronics & Communication. (v) Syllabus for B. longitudinal and transverse waves. concepts of amplitude. (Mechanical Engineering) B. Newton’s Laws of motion. General terms in the expansions of Logarithmic. elementary properties of semi conductors and devices based on them. redox reactions. heat of reactions. General preparation and functional group properties of the following with emphasis on points noted against each of them. Aufbau principle. acid base equilibrium. ionization of water. shapes of obitals. Markownikoffs addition. absorption. Aluminium. constituents of the atom. wave nature of light. Cement. electrolysis. solid state. Uncertainty principle. Silicon. atomic radii and electronegativity. free energy. Potassium. electromeric and resonance effects. periodic trends in properties. Signum function. Oxygen. Sulphur. Nitrogen. Absolute function. quantum theory of covalent bonds. Factor theorem. entropy. preparation and properties of colloidal solutions. electrode potential. Soaps. photo-electric effect. order of a reaction. Phosphorous. ionisation of electrolytes. Solutions. chemical kinetics. solubility product. distinctions.Linear combination of vectors. (a) Alkanes (free radical substitution) alkenes (electrophilic addition. Hydrogen peroxide. Zinc. Sodium. factors affecting rate of a reaction. Phenol. shapes of molecules. Young’s double silt experiment. Halogens. unity. Carbon dating. Onto and Into Mappings. G. polymerization and condensation) Ethers and carboxylic acids Amines (classification. effects of temperature and concentration. crystal lattices. Detergents. binding energy. Rational and Irrational algebraic functions etc. Raoult’s Law. Composite mapping. Copper. 56 . Noble gases. Even and Odd functions. radioactivity. ideal gas equation. its dependence on concentration. Exponential series. Oils and Fats.G. Glass. hybridization involving s. lowering of vapour pressure. electron affinity.magnification. Inorganic Chemistry: Preparation and Properties of the following : Hydrogen. pH. Modern periodic table.. Boron. interference phenomena. nuclear energy by fission and fusion. fringe width. distinction. Many one. half life period of first order reaction. rate constant. half life. X-rays production and properties. Transition elements. cathode rays radioactive law of decay. hyperbolic function. & d orbital. nuclear model of atom. binomial and multinomial theorems. rationalising factor of binomial surd of different orders. inductive.. Atomic nucleus. Sum of the squares and cubes of first n natural numbers. concept of chemical equilibrium. Range. enthalpy. gold no. hydrogen bond. Proteins. Inverse hyperbolic functions. H. VSEPR Concept. Codomain. Silver. Gold. Tin. Coordination compound. Michelson Morley experiment. holoform reaction Alkyl halides (Nucleophlic substitution) Carbonyl compounds (Nucleophilic. Calcium. Bohr ’s atomic model (Mathematical details excluded). Hund’s Rule. basic nature) Benzene (resonance). Addition. three and four vectors. ionization energy. and other related miscellaneous series. Bohr’s theory of hydrogen like atoms. Simple geometrical problems of permutations and combinations.P. rates of reaction.p. Galvanic cell and its EMF. gas laws. Water. Periodic function. glycerol. Vector Algebra . nucleic acids. Chemistry: General Chemistry/ Physical Chemistry: Atomic mass. Bounded and unbounded sets Neighbourhood of a point. Conversion of a fraction and a quadratic surds into a continued fraction. Mercury. peroxide effect) and alkynes Alcohol.. Internal energy. Oxidation number. Chemical bonds. diode rectification and triode amplification. Le Chatelier’s Principle and its applications. ions. Inequalities. de Broglie equation. Plastics. A. Inner transition elements. Lead. Law of Equilibrium. Organic Chemistry: Organic radicals. Kinetic molecular theory of gases. Paul’s exclusion principle. postulates of special theory of relativity.P. A. Greatest integer functions. Carbohydrates and lipids. packing in crystals. Magnesium.P. Quantum mechanical model of atom. Hess’s Law. domain. relation. half life. colloidal state. Iron. Method of differences. Geometrical applications of dot (scalar) and cross (vector) product of two. Inverse mapping. Homologous series. Toluene. Transcendental functions. microscope and telescope. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Mathematics: Set Theory and Higher Algebra -Algebra of sets. molecular orbital theory. linear dependence and independence of vectors. extraction of metals. X-ray studies of crystals. Square roots of polynomial quadratic surds. remainder theorem. One. chemical thermodynamics.P. isomerism. polarisation of light. adjoint and inverse of matrices. circum circle and excribed circle associated with triangle.1.Karl Pearson’s simple correlation coefficient for a tabulated function between two variable Coefficients of covariance and variation. Applications of determinants and matrices. Volume and lateral (curved) surface area of some well known 3-D solids obtained by revolution. condition of tangency of a line to a curve of any positive integral degree in x and. Electrical. Equations of tangent plane and normal line at any point of 3 D figures.e. 3. normal and poission distributions. Diploma in Civil Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Diploma in Electrical Engineering Diploma in Electronics Engineering Diploma in Computer Engineering No. Names of the Courses 1. translation. exact form and their reducible form obtained by some transformations and integrating factors). General and particular solution of O. or PCM as the case may be (Other than Bio-Sc.Classification of curves represented by general polynomial equations (homogeneous and non. velocity. increasing and decreasing functions. d2y/dx2 = H(y). properties of definite integrals. simple problems on plane. General solution of dny/dxn = G(x). Monotonocity. root mean square value of a function for a given interval. Continuity. Applications of definite integral in finding the area of bounded region in x-y plane.homogeneous) of second degree in x and y. Differentiation of composite function. Euler’s formula.).e. 4.4 Diploma in Engineering (Regular) Faculty of Engineering & Technology offers three year regular programme leading to the award of Diploma in Civil. homogeneous form.No. straight line in space and sphere.E. Relations between sides. Trigonometry -Trigonometrical conditional identities and equations. rotation. differentiation by transformations. 57 . Mathematical Statistics . Lines of Regression. Rolle’s theorem. some well known definite integrals. by substitutions. Polar form of complex number. Mean square value. 2. Values of (a + ib)p/q . Maxima and Minima of a function of one variable. 20.D. Calculation of a interval in which the value of a given definite integral exists. O. Normal. Seven indeterminate forms. Differentiability. 5. Electronics & Communication and Computer Engineering under University Polytechnic. by partial fractions. L ‘Hospital’s rule. Tangent. Ellipse and Hyperbola. Inverse circular functions. Simple problems on Leibnitz’s theorem.Plane and Solid Geometry . Reduction formulae. of I order but not of I degree. Cramer’s rule. Measures of skewness and Kurtosis. Integral Calculus .Formation of ordinary and partial differential equations. Acceleration. Homogeneous equations of nth degree. variable separable for. angles and radii of incircle. Lagrange’s mean value theorem. rank ‘of matrix. Parabola. Differential Equations . Mean value. standard results on successive (ordinary and partial) differentiation. Determinants and matrices . Dynamics and Statics: Standard formulas and elementary problems. Limit. their composition and representation by matrices. Geometrical transformations (i.E. Detailed study of families of Straight lines and Circles. Parametric forms. enlargement). (i) Number of Seats The total number of seats in various courses of Diploma in Engineering (Regular) are given below: S. linear form. of Seats 60 60 60 60 60 (ii) Minimum Requirements for Admission Secondary School/High School Certificate of a recognized Board with not less than 45% marks in Science and Maths. of I order and I degree (i.D. logarithmic differentiation. regression coefficients Properties of binomial. reflection. Euler’s theorem on homogenous function for partial differentiation.Integration by well known standard results. Mechanical. Implicit relation. Applications of De-Moivre’s theorem.Multiplications of determinants and matrices. by parts. sum to n-terms of an A. Surface area and volume of a cuboid. dispersion of light. with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. 58 . Chemistry – 55 and Mathematics – 60) marks. Strong and weak electrolytes. The medium of Test will be English.. Application of linear equations in two variables in solving simple problems. School Certificate in Vocational Engg. (v) Syllabus for Diploma in Engineering (Regular & Evening) Entrance Test There shall be one paper containing three sections viz Physic. Magnetic effect of current-electric motor. Manufacture & chemical properties of Sodium Carbonate and Ammonia. and simple problems. functional group. Allotropes of Sulphur. colloids and suspension. Theorems and problems on similar PHYSICS: Distance and displacement. Electronic configuration of first twenty elements. cube. Instalment payment and instalment buying. CHEMISTRY: Atomic and molecular mass. (iv) Time Limit for completing the Course The time limit for completing the course is 6 years after admission to the course. Rate of the reaction and factors affecting the rate of the reaction. laws of reflection and refraction. Scalar and Vector quantities. General terms of an A. Sec. Heating effect of current -electric energy. Chemical effect of current electroplating and electrolysis. from a recognized Board with not less than 40% marks in aggregate of Science and Maths or PCM as the case may be (other than Bio-Sc. ideal gas equation. Hydrocarbons: saturated and unsaturated. and D. H2SO4 and SO2). Chemistry and Mathematics portions shall be 30%. Quadratic equations and their solutions by factorisation and quadratic formula. electric potential and potential difference. OR Equivalent certificate course from an institute recognized by State/Central Govt. Law of resistance in series and parallel. Avogadro’s Number. uniform and non-uniform motion. Theorems and problems based upon vertically opposite angles. impulse. Postulates of Bohr’s theory. Chemical equation.) Electrovalent. isotopes and isobars in an atom. Nuclear Fission and Fusion. Characteristics of sound waves. Properties of sulphur compounds (H2S. Spherical mirror. homologous series. electric power.A. Combustion of hydrocarbons. gas laws. power and energy. Chemistry & Maths. (iii) Mode of Admission The admission to these courses will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test of 3 hours duration with a weightage of 170 (Physics – 55.P. True solution. bases and salts. The distribution of marks for Physics. cone and sphere. Oxidation and reduction.C. MATHEMATICS: System of Linear equations in two variables and their solution by algebraic method. mass and weight. conservation of momentum. Lens formulae.OR Senior Secondary School Certificate / Intermediate or an equivalent exam.). Fundamental particles. congruence of triangles (SAS. Rutherford’s experiment. work. ideal gas. refraction through a glass slab and prism. Phosphorus and Carbon. or Sr. electro-negativities and metallic character etc. Avogadro’s law. Periodic classification of elements and gradation of properties (atomic size. electron affinities. pH of a solution. diffusion. Properties of halogens & alkali metals. Acids. Ohm’s law. laws of motion. cathode rays. v =n relation. conservation of energy. Coulomb’s law. resolution of Vector. total internal reflection. mirror formulae. mole concept. Note: Cadidates who have passed the qualifying exam with Elementary Mathematics & Elementary Science shall not be eligible for admission. 2012. electric current. 30% and 40% respectively.C. Microscope and Telescope. longitudinal and transverse waves. momentum. power of a lens. Age: Not less than 15 years as on October 1. covalent and co-ordinate bonds. Speed and velocity. chain reaction. ASA. SSS and RHS). circular motion. Metallurgical process. Applications of quadratic equations in solving simple problems. ionization energies.P. addition and subtraction of Vectors. STP. generator. All questions will be objective type as expected in the Secondary School Examination. triangles. Pythagorus theorem and problems based on it. Circle through three points, problems based upon equal chords, angle subtended at centre by an arc / chord of a circle, angle in semicircle and segments. Trigonometrical ratios of angles (Sin, Cos, & Tan for 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90). Simple height and distance problems. Collection and presentation of data, frequency distribution, mean of grouped data and bar chart. Coordinates of points, distance between two points, section formula and its application. Private Limited companies approved and recognised by Jamia Millia Islamia, should furnish a sponsoring letter and No Objection Certificate from the employer. (iii) Mode of Admission All the admissions will be made on the basis of merit determined by aggregate marks obtained in the Entrance Test having a weightage of 85 marks. Syllabus for the Entrance Test for this course is given on the Jamia’a website. (iv) Time Limit for completing the course The time limit for completing the course is 5 years after admission to the course in the first year. 20.2. PART-TIME COURSES 20.2.1 M. Tech. in Environmental Science & Engineering (Part-Time) The Faculty of Engineering and Technology is offering a Post-Graduate course leading to M. Tech. in Environmental Science and Engineering under the Department of Civil Engineering. This is a three years course consisting of six semesters. The course is open to in-service Engineers and Scientists. The classes in this course are held in the morning from 7:50 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. on working days and 7:50 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. on weekends. However, the timing of classes may be changed at any time, if required. (i) Number of Seats: 15 20.2.2 Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) (Evening) The Faculty of Engineering & Technology offers a four year Evening Programme leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Communication and Computer Engineering for the working professionals/ experience holders to upgrade their professional qualification, knowledge and skills in their respective fields. The classes in evening courses are usually held from 6.00 pm to 9.15 pm daily, Monday to Saturday. Practical classes are held during daytime on Sunday. The timings of classes may be changed, if required. Annual examinations of these courses are normally held in the month of December/January. (i) Number of Seats (ii) Minimum Requirements for Admission (a) Bachelor’s degree in Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Metallurgical, Mining, Agricultural Engineering or any other equivalent and relevant degrees in Engineering and Technology only with not less than 60% marks in absolute system or equivalent grades. (b) The candidate should have minimum of two years industrial or field experience in the area of Environmental/Pollution Control Technology, after passing the qualifying examination. However inservice candidates having 70% marks or above in the qualifying examination shall also be eligible for admission without requisite Teaching/ Industrial/Field experience. (c) Permanent employees of Government or SemiGovernment Organisation, Public Sector Units and The total number of seats in various courses of B.E. (Evening) are given below: S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Names of the Courses B. E. Civil Engineering B. E. Mechanical Engineering B. E. Electrical Engineering B. E. Electronics & Communication Engineering B. E. Computer Engineering No. of Seats 70 70 70 70 70 59 (ii) Minimum Requirements for Admission Three-four year Diploma Course in respective or relevant branch from recognized Polytechnic or Technical Institute with at least two years professional experience after passing Diploma in respective or relevant branch. However, for B.E. (Computer Engineering), three/four year Diploma either in Computer Engineering or in Electronics & Communication Engineering or in relevant branch is required together with at least two years Professional Experience after Diploma. Diploma holders from University Polytechnic, J.M.I securing 70% marks or more are also eligible to appear in the Entrance Test without Professional Experience. The experience shall be reckoned from the date of declaration of result/date of issue of mark-sheet of qualifying examination or the date of beginning of professional engagement (which ever is later) till the last date of submission of Application Form. Documentary evidence of declaration of result is required, at the time of admission. (iii) Mode of Admission The admission to these courses will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test and Experience. The Entrance Test shall be of 3 hours duration with a weightage of 130 marks. The weightage for Professional Experience shall be 40 marks. The medium of Entrance Test will be English. The syllabus for the Entrance Test for this course is given on the Jamia’s website. (iv) Time Limit for completing the Course The time limit for completing the course is 7 years after admission to the course in the first year. (i) Number of Seats The total number of seats in various courses of Diploma in Engineering (Evening) course are given below: S.No. Names of the Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. Diploma in Civil Engineering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Diploma in Electrical Engineering Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering 5. (ii) Diploma in Computer Engineering Minimum Requirements for Admission 60 60 No. of Seats 60 60 60 Secondary School Certificate (Class X) with Science and Maths with 2 years Certificate Course from JMI or ITI or equivalent Certificate Course from an institute recognized by State/Central Govt. OR Minimum 2 years working experience in the relevant field after passing Sec. School Certificate Exam with Science and Maths. OR l2th Class of Analogous Vocational Stream/Science Stream Note : Candidates who have passed the qualifying exam with Elementary Mathematics & Elementary science shall not be eligible for admission. (iii) Mode of Admission The admission to these courses will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test and Experience. The Entrance Test shall be of 3 hours duration with a weightage of 130 marks. The weightage for Professional Experience shall be 40 marks. The medium of Entrance Test will be English. (iv) Time Limit for completing the Courses The time limit for completing the courses is 7 years after admission to the course in the first year. 20.2.3 Diploma in Engineering (Evening) The Faculty of Engineering & Technology offers a four year evening programme leading to the Diploma in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering under University Polytechnic. The classes in evening courses are usually held from 6.00 pm to 9.15 pm. daily on Monday to Saturday. Practical classes are held during daytime on Sunday. Annual examinations of these courses are normally held in the month of December/January. 60 (v) Syllabus for Diploma in Engineering (Evening) Entrance Test The Syllabus for Entrance Test of Diploma in Engineering (Evening) Courses is the same as that for Diploma in Engineering (Regular) Courses. Please refer to 20.1.4 (v) for the Syllabus. correspondence will be entertained in this connection. a) The use of calculator/ cell phones/ mobile/ or any computational/communicational gadgets are not allowed in the Examination Hall. b) The Question Booklet and OMR Answer sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. No page should be torn off the question booklet. c) The candidates are required to follow complete instructions given in the Admit Card. d) Violation of any of the instructions or use of unfair means will entail cancellation of the whole Admission Test of the candidate. (iv) The applicants for M. Tech. / M. Sc. (Electronics) are required to submit their mark sheets of qualifying examinations latest by July 23, 2012, till 12 noon in the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology failing which their candidature will not be considered for admission to the respective course. (v) The candidate, if selected, for admission to regular courses will have to submit the following documents in original, failing which the admission will be cancelled. a) Marks sheet of Sr. Sec. School and birth certificate (in case of B. Tech.) b) Marks sheet of Class X and birth certificate (in case of Diploma Engg.) (Note: The original Marks sheet / Certificates will be returned to candidates after six months). (v) In case of admission to all Part-Time courses, the candidates will have to submit the following documents in original: a) No Objection Certificate from the present employer, b) Character Certificate from the present employer. (vi) Migration/Transfer Certificate in original from the Institution last attended will have to be submitted within one month of admission. 20.3 SOME RULES ADMISSION (i) RELATING TO Jamia Millia Islamia is not a participant in the AIEEE conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E.). In all such cases where different branches are offered in a course, a branch shall be allotted to the candidate keeping in view the order of choice furnished by him/her in application for admission and his/her merit in the Entrance Test. However, the branch allotted shall remain provisional and shall be subject to automatic change due to vacancies arising in different branches, till such time that the admission process is declared closed by the University. The branch, last allotted to the candidate before closure of admission process shall be treated as final allotment of branch to him/her. No application/request from the candidate regarding allotment/change of branch shall be entertained at any stage during or after the completion of admission process. However, a candidate can retain the branch allotted to him/her at the time of admission, by giving a written request to that effect, at the time of admission only. (ii) (iii) Admit Cards for appearing in the Entrance Test will be sent by post to the candidates. If the Admit Card is not received in time or is lost by the candidate, he/she should contact in person to the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, on 7th or 8th June, 2012 along with form number, bank slip for having deposited the fee and the receipt issued by the Post Office for having dispatched the application form for getting duplicate Admit Card. No duplicate Admit Card will be issued on the day of Entrance Test. Duplicate Admit Card will have to be collected by the candidate only and will not be sent by post. No 61 20.4 TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETION OF EACH COURSE The attention of all those seeking admission to JMI is directed to the following Ordinance: “No person shall be allowed to appear in the examination after the expiry of the period specified against each course as noted below”: NAME OF THE COURSE M.Tech. M.Sc. (Electronics) B.Tech. B.E. (Evening) Diploma Engineering (Regular Course) Diploma Engineering (Evening Course) MAXIMUM DURATION IN YEARS (After admission to the course in First Year) 4 years for full-time / 5 years for part-time 4 7 7 6 7 20.5 DETAILS OF ADMISSION TEST & EXPERIENCE S. No. Name of the Course No. of Papers/Duration of Test Marks of Entrance Test Marks of Experience REGULAR COURSES 1. Ph. D. 2. M. Tech . (EPSM /Mechanical / Earthquake / Control and Instrumentation System / Environmental Sc. & Engg.) 3. M. Sc. Electronics 4. B. Tech. 5. Diploma Engineering One/2 hours As per University Policy 85 - One/ 3 hours One/ 3 hours (Physics 55 + Chemistry 55 + Maths 60) One/ 3 hours 170 170 170 - PART-TIME COURSES 6. B.E. (Evening) 7. Diploma Engineering (Evening) One/ 3 hours One/ 3 hours 130 130 40 40 NOTE: 1. The medium of test will be English. 2. Detailed syllabi for entrance tests of various regular courses are given in the Prospectus and the details of Parttime courses are given on the Jamia’s Website. 62 (Elec. Sc.Tech. COURSE OMR ANSWER SHEET MThumb Impression of Candidate (To be put in front of Invigilator) OMR SHEET NO. Filling Instructions (for detailed instructions see overleaf) 1.) M.Tech. & Engg. QUESTION BOOKLET SET COURSE CODE CATEGORY CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A M.) 1 2 3 4 5 General Muslims Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim Scheduled Tribe Persons with Disability Kashmiri Migrant G M MW MO MT PD B M.Tech. 2.20.) (CIS) C M. Question Booklet Set. Put Signature & Thumb Impression in the appropriate rectangular box. TECH. Take care that the characters do not touch the boundary of the boxes. (Env.. Question Booklet No. ROLL NUMBER QUESTION BOOKLET NO. Completely darken the circles for answers using Blue / Black Ball Pen or HB Pencil only.Tech. 3. (Mech.) D K ANSWERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A B C D 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A B C D 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 A B C D 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 A B C D 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE INVIGILATOR’S SIGNATURE INVIGILATOR’S NAME 7468 63 . Course Code and Category Code in the appropriate boxes using Blue or Black Ball Pen only.Tech.. (Earthquake Engg. (Elec.) (EPSM) M.6 SPECIMEN OMR ANSWER SHEET AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR M. Fill in your Roll No. (Mech. 5.Tech. Put your Signature & Thumb Impression in the appropriate rectangular box. Course Code and Category Code in the appropriate rectangular boxes in the OMR Answer Sheet and darken the corresponding circles.INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE OMR ANSWER SHEET 1. For your choice of answer. (Elec.) (EPSM) M.Tech. mark the appropriate circles by completely filling and marking the circles correctly. The correct method of marking is shown below. 2.) 1 2 3 4 5 6. M. Question Booklet No.Tech. USE BLACK OR BLUE BALL PEN OR AN HB PENCIL for marking THE ANSWERS. 4.) (CIS) M. For Thumb Impression : Right Thumb Impression (for Girls) and Left Thumb Impression (for Boys). (Elec. & Engg. 3. Sc.Tech. Course Code can be selected in the manner shown below and the corresponding circle should be DARKENED. the corresponding circle should be completely filled and darkened as shown below. Ensure that the Invigilator has signed your OMR Answer Sheet.) M. Name of Course Course Code 1 M.Tech. Category Category Code M General Muslim Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim Scheduled Tribe Persons with Disability Kashmiri Migrant G M MW MO MT PD K 7. (Env. (Earthquake Engg. Write down your Category Code in the box provided as applicable in the table given below and Completely fill and darken the corresponding circle. USE BLACK OR BLUE BALL PEN ONLY for writing your Roll Number. Example : If the correct answer is ‘C’. CORRECT METHOD A B C D WRONG METHODS 64 .. Question Booklet Set. 3. 2.. Completely darken the circles for answers using Blue / Black Ball Pen or HB Pencil only.) 1 General Muslim Muslim Women Muslim OBC G M MW MO MT PD B 2 3 C M. (Electronics) Muslim Scheduled Tribe Persons with Disability Jamia Kashmiri Migrant D J K ANSWERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE INVIGILATOR’S SIGNATURE INVIGILATOR’S NAME 7466 65 . OMR ANSWER SHEET RThumb Impression of Candidate (To be put in front of Invigilator) Filling Instructions (for detailed instructions see overleaf) 1.7 SPECIMEN OMR ANSWER SHEET AND INSTRUCTIONS OMR SHEET NO.Tech.. Take care that the characters do not touch the boundary of the boxes.Sc. Course Code and Category Code in the appropriate boxes using Blue or Black Ball Pen only. Question Booklet Set.20. Diploma (Engg. QUESTION BOOKLET SET COURSE CODE CATEGORY CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A B. Put Signature & Thumb Impression in the appropriate rectangular box. Fill in your Roll No. ROLL NUMBER QUESTION BOOKLET NO. Question Booklet No. USE BLACK OR BLUE BALL PEN OR AN HB PENCIL for marking THE ANSWERS. 3. Write down your Category Code in the box provided as applicable in the table given below and Completely fill and darken the corresponding circle. USE BLACK OR BLUE BALL PEN ONLY for writing your Roll Number. CORRECT METHOD A B C D WRONG METHODS 66 . For Thumb Impression : Right Thumb Impression (for Girls) and Left Thumb Impression (for Boys).Sc. Category Category Code M General Muslim Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim Scheduled Tribe Persons with Disability Kashmiri Migrant Jamia(Candidates qualified from Jamia Schools) G M MW MO MT PD K J ‘J’ Category is not applicable to M. Diploma (Engineering) M. 2. Name of Course Course Code 1 B. The correct method of marking is shown below. Question Booklet Set. Course Code and Category Code in the appropriate rectangular boxes in the OMR Answer Sheet and darken the corresponding circles. Example : If the correct answer is ‘C’. the corresponding circle should be completely filled and darkened as shown below..Sc. Question Booklet No. Tech. Ensure that the Invigilator has signed your OMR Answer Sheet.INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE OMR ANSWER SHEET 1. For your choice of answer. 5. Course Code can be selected in the manner shown below and the corresponding circle should be DARKENED. Put your Signature & Thumb Impression in the appropriate rectangular box. 4. mark the appropriate circles by completely filling and marking the circles correctly. (Electronics) applicants 7. (Electronics) 1 2 3 6. in 67 .8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING AND SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION FORM GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS i) ii) Separate Form should be submitted for each course. and must have only a white or off-white background. iii) The photograph must have been taken within last three months. Blurred photos or photos with dark. fill the Bank Demand draft No. Also write full name and date of birth of the candidate on the reverse side of demand within the prescribed boxes. In case of any discrepancy between the information filled in the boxes and the darkened ovals. 4 cm vii) One recent colored photograph measuring 4 cm * 5 cm with the face centered in the frame as shown below. iv) For downloaded form. v) Overwriting.. busy. The photo should be in color. Any error arising on this account shall be the responsibility of the candidate. IMPORTANT The applicants are required to check the status of their form and other relevant information from time to time on Jamia’s website: www. • to ensure that signature. Side or angled views are NOT acceptable. The candidate seeking admission is required:• to go through the Prospectus carefully. cuttings. date of issue and name of the Bank. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA NEW DELHI – 110025 in the printed envelope supplied by Jamia so that it reaches positively by the prescribed last date of submission of the application form. in the Application Form. 4 cm Eye level 5 cm 2 cm 1 cm PRINTED FULL NAME • • • The photo must be a full face view and it should cover at least 75% of the photo area. using BLACK BALL POINT PEN. Having satisfied himself/herself of filling all the entries correctly on the photocopy. candidate should fill the original Application Form. The applicant should not look down up or to either side. • to send the application on the prescribed Application Form complete in all respect. • to write complete mailing address (in CAPITAL LETTERS only) with Postal Pin Code and contact Telephone No. • to satisfy eligibility requirement to appear in the entrance test. in photo. Note: Candidates are advised to take a photocopy of the blank Application Form and fill all the entries on the photocopy including darkening the appropriate ovals. erasings in the application form and incomplete form may lead to rejection of form and should be avoided. Use BLACK BALL POINT PEN for darkening the appropriate oval(s) also. address and photograph are within the space provided. Submit the original Application Form only and not the photocopy of the form. vi) The Application Form duly filled in should be sent to THE DEAN. • to fill in the Application Form in own handwriting in CAPITAL LETTERS in English only. or patterned backgrounds will not be accepted. the information provided in the darkened ovals shall be treated as final.20.jmi. in capital letters as given in Class X Certificate of Board/University. Tech. Fill in the preference in the boxes and darken appropriate ovals.Tech. middle and last name. Mechanical Engg. and darken the appropriate oval. write on a plain paper and verify the correctness of spellings. Item 11 : Qualifying Exam Details: Qualifying Examination: The codes for qualifying examinations (to determine the eligibility for admission to the course being applied for) are given in Table 2. Fill in the preference in the boxes and darken appropriate ovals. fill it as shown below: Day Month Year 0 1 0 9 9 4 Item 9 : State of Domicile: Codes of Indian States are listed in Table 1 at the end of these instructions. For applicants of M. Example: 10+2 is the qualifying examination for admission to B. write 02 in the boxes as shown below: 68 . Example: Candidate’s Name : SEEMA KHAN Item 5 : Item 6 : Item 7: Item 8 : Date of Birth: Enter date of birth as given in Your High School (Class X) certificate in the space provided and must darken the appropriate ovals. The preference shall be treated as final and cannot be changed at later stage. and Diploma Engg. In the boxes. Before filling in the Application Form. Tech. only. Each letter should be filled in one box. 1994. write code of the qualifying examination on the basis of which you are seeking admission to the course you are applying for. Item 10 : Mobile Number: Applicant should write his/her/parent’s mobile number in the rectangular boxes and must darken the appropriate ovals. Example: If your date of birth is September 01. Write the code of state of your domicile in the boxes and darken appropriate ovals. Name:Applicant should write his/her name. Leave a blank Box between first. Applicant should also darken the appropriate ovals. The preference would be treated as final and cannot be changed at later stage. For applicants of B. Applicant should also darken appropriate ovals under each Box.INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING OF FORM (SIDE – 1) Item 1 & 2: Item 3 : Item 4 : Fill in the name of the course along with code in the Boxes and darken appropriate oval. Gender: Fill in the Gender of the Applicant along with code (1 for male and 2 for female). /Diploma Engg. Fill in the category claimed by the Applicant along with the code in the Boxes and darken appropriate oval. (Evening) courses only. 95. Example: Write 2012 if you have passed / are appearing. obtained in the qualifying examination as mentioned under “Minimum Requirements for Admission”. Example: If you are applying for B. If your PCM is 83. Any request for change in address will not be entertained. Applicant should also darken appropriate ovals under each box. write the percentage marks to be fill would be of PCM. in the Boxes and darken appropriate ovals. middle & last name. Leave a blank box between first. Form should be duly signed by the Guardian and the applicant at appropriate locations.jmi. Use black ballpoint pen only. Calculate the percentage correctly and round off upto second decimal place. the code will be 104. as shown below: 2 0 1 2 Percentage: Write the percentage of marks. Write this code in the boxes as shown below: 1 0 4 Year of Passing/ Appearing: Write year of passing/appearing the qualifying examination in the boxes provided and darken the corresponding ovals. write as shown below: 8 3 Item 12 : .ac.Tech. Thumb Impression: Candidate should also put his/her thumb impression (left thumb for male / right thumb for female) at the location mentioned in the form. Also darken the appropriate ovals. 9 5 Address: Write your complete mailing address where you want your Hall Ticket to be sent. Leave the boxes blank. PROSPECTUS 2012-2013 69 . Example: If you are applying for Diploma Engineering and have passed the qualifying examination from CBSE. Each letter should be written in one box. All other entries on Side 2 of the Application Form should be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwriting using black ball point pen only. USE CAPITAL LETTERS Board/ University: The codes for Boards/Universities are given in Table 3. Write the code of the Board/ University from where you have passed the qualifying examination in the boxes. Signature: The candidate must sign within the box using black ballpoint pen. Item 13 : Item 14 : Item 15 : SIDE 2 Item 16 : Mother’s Name: Applicant should write his/her mother’s name in CAPITAL LETTERS.www. if your result for the qualifying examination is awaited. in the qualifying examination in 2012. The applicants should refer to Table 4 for calculating the percentage of marks. Photograph: A recent photograph of the size and specifications as described above in General Instructions. Also write your contact Telephone No. Jamia Milia Islamia Table 1: Codes for State of Domicile (for Item No. 9) STATE Andaman and Nicobar Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chattisgarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daman and Diu Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala CODE 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 STATE Lakshadeep Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Pondicherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttaranchal West Bengal Other States/Union Territories CODE 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Table 2: Qualifying Exam Code (for Item No. 11) Name of the Qualifying Examination Xth XII BA BSc BCom/BBA BCA B. Tech./B. Sc. Engg BE (Part time) AMIE Others Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 70 PROSPECTUS 2012-2013 Table 3: Board / University / Institution (for Item No. 11) 71 Table 4: Criteria for Percentage of Marks (for Item No. 11) Application for the Course Diploma Engg. (Regular) Diploma Engg.(Evening) B.Tech. B.E (Evening) Criteria for percentage of marks Science (excluding Biology) and Maths or PCM as the case may be, if class X is the qualifying examination. PCM if class XII is the qualifying examination. PCM in class XII Equivalent marks of Final Cumulative Performance Index (FCPI) or final Aggregate percentage of marks in the qualifying examination. Equivalent marks of Final Cumulative Performance Index (FCPI) or final Aggregate percentage of marks in the qualifying examination. M.Tech / MSc. (Electronics) 72 : State : PIN Code 13.5 as per your preference Civil Elect. Category 4. (Evening)/Diploma Engg. Engg.E. 2. Write name & Complete Mailing Address with BLACK BALL POINT PEN.Tech. E.Tech/M. Engg. Gender Male Female 1 2 REGULAR B. 550/- SIDE 1 APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION-2012-2013 B./M. For M. (Electrical) B.Tech/Diploma Engg/ Diploma Engg (Evening) only G M MW MO MT PD 5.4. Engg. 1. NEW DELHI-110025 Price : Rs. Leave a blank box between First. Mobile Number 11.Tech. Details (See Information Bulletin & Prospectus for Codes) Qualifying Exam Code Board / University Year of Passing /Appearing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Percentage FORM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 12. Electronics/B.E. Applicant’s Signature 7412 Paste your 4 cm X 5 cm recent photograph (with full name printed on it) within this box. M. Prod. UG Course 2.20.Tech.9 SPECIMEN APPLICATION FORM JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA JAMIA NAGAR. Date of Birth Day Month Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9.Q. M.Sc. Thumb Impression (Male-Left/Female-Right) District : Tel. (Civil) B. Branch Preference For B. PG Course 3.Tech. Name : S/o or D/o : Address : 14. No. Thermal K J ‘J’ Category is applicable to B. Env. CIS M. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6. Middle & Last Names) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 8.Sc.Tech. (Electronics) General Muslims Muslim Women Muslim OBC Muslim Scheduled Tribe Persons with Disability Kashmiri Migrant Jamia(Candidates qualified from Jamia Schools) Darken 1.2.3.(Evening) applicants only 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 7. 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 M. (Evening) Please fill in all the entries in CAPITAL LETTERS using a BLACK BALL POINT PEN only. Sc. & Ind. 3 as per your preference Machines Desg. E&C Comp. Mech./Diploma Engg. Photograph 15.E.Tech. & Diploma Engg. (E/C) B. EPSM 3 4 5 6 7 8 M. Qualifying Exam. Mech. (Computer) Diploma Engg (Evening) M.E. (Mechanical) B.Tech. Name as in class 10th certificate (Use CAPITAL LETTERS only.Tech.E. Diploma Engg.Tech Diploma Engg PART TIME B. State of Domicile 10. Mechanical only Darken 1.E. DO NOT STAPLE 73 .. ... DO NOT ATTACH COPIES OF CERTIFICATES/MARK SHEETS WITH THIS FORM..... 19........ Intervening Period i................. Wrong Methods DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT I... Permanent Address DISTRICT STATE EMAIL ADDRESS : HOW TO FILL OVALS Correct Method PIN CODE PHONE NO............. 5 Read the Information Bulletin & Prospectus carefully before filling the form.............. the gap since the qualifying examination passed. ............ % PCM % Subjects Graduation Others/Diploma 18... Signature of Applicant 74 . Agg. (With STD Code) : IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1...... solemnly declare that the information given in the form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief....... Educational Qualification Examination Xth XII th Board / University School / College Year Div.................... if any...... Father’s Name 20..SIDE 2 16... 2... INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS IN ANY RESPECT SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED................... I understand that my candidature is subject to the conditions laid down in the prospectus... 4...... Please refer prospectus for various codes for filling the form.. Middle & Last Names) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 17..... hereby. Write Name of the Course on top of the envelope containing the application form. Mother’s Name (Use CAPITAL LETTERS only... Date : . Leave a blank box between First......e... I further declare that I am not involved in any criminal case and/or no such case is pending against me in any court of law....... Signature of Father/Guardian .. 3.. 3.D.) Programme from the academic session 20022003 thereby replacing the three year LL. The admission processes in Ph. (Hons.B. (b) The standard of Admission Test will be of class 12 (10+2 system) of the CBSE. i. B. In its continuous endeavors in this regard.B.(Hons.B.21.. LL. (Hons. paper for the Entrance Test of LL.) in three specialized streams of Personal Laws. Logical Reasoning and Legal Aptitude.M.) The Faculty offers a Ph..D. Time Limit for completion of the Course: As per Jamia rules students are required to complete the course within Four Years. D. Jamia Millia Islamia was established in 1989 making its modest appearance in the field of legal education by introducing a three year LL. Corporate Laws and Criminal Laws and a Ph. M. Time Limit for Completion of the Course: As per the Jamia rules students are required to complete the Course within Eight Years. with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate or equivalent grade points.) first year shall be made on the basis of an All-India Entrance Test. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. FACULTY OF LAW The Faculty of Law. programme. a four semesters Post-graduate Programme (LL.. Course. 1. the Faculty has since introduced a five year integrated B. Admission Test: (a) Admission to the B. LL. LL.B. (Hons. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. Number of Seats : 80 Medium: The medium of instruction in teaching and examinations shall be English. both having commenced from the academic session 20002001. experimenting with innovative techniques of imparting legal education and strengthening its clinical programme in order to give due emphasis to the expanding horizons of the legal profession.) Course is required to have: (a) “Passed the class XII examination in the 10 + 2 scheme or its equivalent in any discipline securing in the aggregate not less than 50% of the total marks in all the core subjects and English Language put together” and (b) “Not completed the age of 21 years as on July 1 of the year of admisison”.) Duration : 4 Semesters (Spread over two years) Eligibility : LL. introducing new courses. admission to all courses is made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks obtained in the written test (85% ) and an interview (15%). Master of Laws (LL. programme.B. LL. COURSES AND REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise stated. 2. The test ordinarily will be of one and a half hours’ duration with objective type questions and will cover broadly four areas. Course.A. General Knowledge. Delhi.A.B. Number of Seats : 20 Admission Test : The Entrance Test for the LL. course will be based on the LL. will consist of two parts: • Objective Type Questions • Subjective Type Questions : : 45 Marks 40 Marks NOTE: The test ordinarily will be of one and a half hours’ duration.M. B.A.A.D.. starts in July each year. the Faculty has made significant progress in terms of restructuring of courses and syllabi.) Duration & Academic Terms: 10 Semesters (Spread over 5 years) Eligibility : A candidate for admission to the B. The question 75 . General English.e.. Over the past two decades.M. programme in different areas of Law.B. 76 . 77 . 1. neighborhood concept. FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE & EKISTICS The Department of Architecture was established under the Faculty of Engineering and Technology in the year 2001-2002. Housing: Concept of housing. use of G. principles of Ekistics Linear. Contour interpretation and slope analysis.S. speed. • Marks of Entrance Test 100% 78 . Radial and Grid Iron layout patterns. 3.D. D. History of landscape styles.No. In a very short span of time Jamia has created a history by establishing its ‘Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics’. Roman. which is aimed to establish a seat of excellence for the education of architecture and associated disciplines and facilitate multidisciplinary research to deal with the complexities of Human settlements as a whole. Zoning and development controls Building byelaws. study of landscape features and their use to contemporary landscape projects. Biological and behavioral responses to human settlement Role of River Banks in growth of human settlement. housing typology. Arch.Arch/ M.I. understanding of construction detail and use of material in landscape features. Selection procedure : The Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test. housing standards. Renaissance and modern. Garden City. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. finance and management. Ph. shall be offered in the following five specialized areas: S. collected. Site planning principles. names of familiar plants and their characteristics Computer Applications in Architecture: Introduction to various softwares available for documentation. • Marks of Entrance Test 100% Syllabus for M. Programme: 3. Selection procedure : The Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test. of Seats 10 10 10 10 20 Duration : 4 Semesters (Spread over two years) Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in Architecture or equivalent recognized by Council of Architecture with not less than 50% marks in absolute system or a minimum grade corresponding (grade equivalent to 10 point scale) will be considered for admission. Number of Seats: 60 The M. M. Greek. The Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics offers a Ph. surveys and analysis of data. site planning principles. 4. Preparation of Master plans. Industrial revolution and modern city. Name of the Course 1. housing programs in India. 2. principles and elements of landscape designs. Ekistics Entrance Test City Planning: Origin and growth of Human Settlement. Landscape Design: Site study and analysis. D. volume and direction of movement. Medieval. housing policies. The admission processes in Ph. 2. Socio-economic Dynamics of Urbanization. River valley settlements. Satellite town Current theories on Physical Planning. Urban road systems and geometry. Ekistics) Duration : 4 Semesters (Spread over two years) Number of seats : 20 Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in Architecture or equivalent recognized by Council of Architecture with not less than 50% marks in absolute system or a minimum grade corresponding to 50% marks on a 10 point scale will be considered for admission. housing infrastructure. self help housing. Western world. starts in July each year. Masters in Ekistics (M. Traffic Characteristics: Composition. Capacity of roads and intersections. sustainable development. 5. Arch. Methodology of conducting town planning. Planning theories of the twentieth century. Consultancy Cell: As per the recommendations of the COA the Faculty is equipped with a consultancy cell where live projects are handled by the faculty to give the students practical experience & keep them updated with the latest trends of the profession.22. Pedagogy Medical Architecture Building Services Recreational Architecture Urban Regeneration No. programme. plant materials: Types. g. 4. building systems and prefabrication of building elements. Arch. waste treatment. 3D Max as applications helpful in architectural commands. vernacular and traditional architecture. elevators & escalators. valuation. water treatment. European – Egyptian. land management techniques. (Self Financing) No. Hollow Floor. religious & public-semi public facilities. their standards and uses. environment pollution.) The Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics offers two five year Under-Graduate Programme leading to the degree of B. recycle & reuse. principles of lighting and styles for illumination. and Chemistry as subjects shall be eligible for admission to first year of the B. education. climate responsive design. methods and details. texture. plumbing systems. post modernism. proportion. their control & abatement. principles of modular coordination. Lateral forces. Introduction to Revit. balance. demography related standards at various levels of the settlements for health. Introduction to Auto CAD: Basic 2D commands their function and application. eclecticism. Understanding of commands line pline. disaster mitigation management. introduction to basic 3D commands. Vault. • 79 . model space. estimation. Environmental Studies in Building Science: Components of Ecosystem. Flat Slabs. power supply and communication systems — network. of seats 40 40 Minimum requirements for Admission • A candidate who has passed 10 + 2 Examination and has secured not less than 50% marks in aggregate with Mathematics. form. Structural Systems: Elements of Earthquake Engineering. laws relating to land acquisition. Layers and Colors. Domes. x-ref. building safety and security systems. Roman. Development Administration and Management: Planning laws. A 3 . Building Construction and Management: Building construction techniques. development enforcements. datum. Vedic. attributes. Infrastructure. English. thermal comfort. Physics. scale. spline. zoning. paper space etc. PERT. principles of pre-stressing: Pre-tensioning and Post Tensioning of Concrete members. colour. sanitary fittings and fixtures. air conditioning systems. Dravidian and Mughal periods. solid waste disposal systems. S. Indo-Aryan. recreation. specification. intelligent buildings. Arch. Surface Active and Bulk Active systems. public participation and role of NGO & CBO. Course. principles of internal & external drainage systems. Arch. works of national and international architects. Corel Draw. figurebackground relationship. No 1 2 Programme B. synthesis of force systems to create Structural system. focal point. History of Architecture: Indian – Indus valley. Greek. symmetry. 73rd & 74th Constitutional amendments. Building Services: Water supply. project management techniques e. division of space. art neuveau. Basic working commands for Adobe Photoshop. Space Frame. Portal Frame. influence of modern art on architecture.presentation & Drawing purpose. solar architecture.year Diploma (10+3) recognized by Central/ State government provided that the candidate passed the Diploma with 50% marks in aggregate. medieval and renaissance periods construction and architectural styles. valuation & taxation. CPM etc. vista. sense of place and space. basic principles of architectural acoustics.. Cables and Suspension Structures. planning and municipal administration. energy efficient building design. design & guidelines. urban rainwater harvesting. Arch. Institutional networking & capacity building. deconstruction in architecture. subject to an aptitude test. Services and Amenities: Principles of water supply and sanitation systems. Vector Active. international styles. Arch. urban land ceiling. barrier free design. Development of Contemporary Architecture: Architectural developments and impacts on society since industrial revolution. Bachelor of Architecture (B. Buddhist. Structure System for Seismic Zone Inflatable Structure. ecological principles concerning environment. sewerage and drainage systems. image ability. harmony. professional practice. base shear. revenue resources and fiscal management. B. Theory of Folded Plates. visual survey. Visual and Urban Design: Principles of visual composition. principles of electrification of buildings. Shell. rhythm. fire fighting systems. development control and zoning regulations. curved mirrors and thin lenses. concepts of inertial frame. electric potential. specific heat. Hook’s law. binding energy. electron affinity. Aufbau principle. effect of magnetic field on current carrying conductors. displacement. The questions in the first (PCM) test will be objective types & Aptitude Test will contain subjective (illustrative) as well as objective questions.C. periodic trends in properties. cathode rays radioactivity law of decay. gas laws. Atomic nucleus. Arch. Kinetic molecular theory of gases. NOTE: The medium of test will be English. SI units. hybridization involving s. shapes of obitals. Physics: Units and dimensions. Young’s double silt experiment. nuclear model of atom. Faraday’s Law. Physics. Newton’s Laws of motion.Mode of Admission The admission to this course will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test of two papers of 2 hrs & 3 hrs duration with a weightage of 100 (Physics. longitudinal and transverse waves. conduction. de Broglie equation. Entrance Test There shall be two papers. Chemical bonds. electric current. cylinder and sphere. liquids. convection and radiation. magnification. electric field. lines of force. / B. pressure in a fluid wave motion. gas laws. polarisation of light. photo-electric effect. Doppler’s effect.p. Chemistry & Maths. coulomb’s law. Lorentz Force. simple harmonic motion. moments of inertia of simple shapes like ring. disc. Young’s Modulus shear and bulk moduli. molecular orbital theory. constituents of the atom. atomic radii and electronegativity. concepts of relative motion. vibration of string and air columns. torque. Centre of mass of a system of General Chemistry/ Physical Chemistry: Atomic mass. Elements of Kinetic Theory of gases. elastic and inelastic collision in one dimension. & d orbital. frequency and phase. postulates of special theory of relativity. interference phenomenon. Thermal expansion of solids. Preference of coursePreference of course Candidates are required to specify the preference of course B. Paul’s exclusion principle. progressive and stationary waves. The student has to secure at least 40% marks in both PCM & Aptitude Test separately. extraction of metals. resonance. conservation of angular momentum. velocity. latent heat. Time Limit for completing the Course Time Limit for completing the Course The maximum time limit for completing the course is 8 years after admission to the course in the first year. capacitors in series and parallel. angular momentum. 80 . shapes of molecules. circular motion. moving coil. ionization energy. Wheatstone bridge and application. fringe width. rigid bodies. Arch. Chemistry. Kepler’s Law of motion of planets and satellites assuming circular orbits. calorimetry. momentum and energy. VSEPR Concept. universal law of gravitation. Hund’s Rule. (self financing) as I. energy stored in a capacitor. Uncertainty principle. Cv and isothermal and adiabatic processes. Amphere’s law. hydrogen bond. II or N (N-No choice). Quantum mechanical model of atom. Details of Marks particles. Bohr’s atomic model (Mathematical details excluded). galvanometer and ammeter. quantum theory of covalent bonds. absolute temperature. Modern periodic table. Michelson Morley experiment. pressure of an ideal gas equipartition of energy. projectiles. equivalence of heat and work. concepts of amplitude. Cp. Byohr’s theory of hydrogen like atoms. Maxwell’s equations. diode rectification and triode amplification. B. The medium of Entrance Test will be English. Series and parallel arrangement of resistances and cells. half life. Maths) marks & weightage of 100 (Aptitude Test & Drawing) marks. element4ary properties of semi conductors and devices based on them. ideal gas equation. wave nature of light. Chemistry: SYLLABUS FOR P. X-rays production and properties. kinematics in one and two dimensions with constant acceleration. nuclear energy by fission and fusion. principle of buoyancy. Arch. variation of the acceleration due to gravity with altitude and latitude. Krichoff’s Law. current carrying wire in a magnetic field. the first (PCM) containing three sections viz. and gas. heating effect of current.M. microscope telescope. Ohm’s law. Organic Chemistry: Organic radicals. its dependence on concentration. Lead. Silicon. Maxima and Minima of a function of one variable. Aluminium. heat of reactions.P. Absolute function. order of a reaction.P. electromeric and resonance effects.P. Carbohydrates and lipids. Oxidation number. One. Raoult’s Law. rank ‘of matrix. H. Normal. solubility product.Classification of curves represented by general polynomial equations (homogeneous and non. Internal energy. half life. Tin. absorption. Phosphorous. Gold. rate constant. Galvanic cell and its EMF. Sulphur. enlargement). Rational and Irrational algebraic functions etc. Oils and Fats. Inorganic Chemistry: Preparation and Properties of the following : Hydrogen. Inverse circular functions. rationalising factor of binomial surd of different orders. Periodic function. Noble gases. Soaps. Applications of determinants and matrices. Even and Odd functions. ionisation of electrolytes. Monotonocity.solid state. Exponential series. Homogeneous equations of nth degree. radioactivity.. Water. rotation. polymerization and condensation) (e) Ethers and carboxylic acids (f) Amines (classification. rates of reaction. reflection. Proteins. Addition. Boron. straight line in space and sphere. condition of tangency of a line to a curve of any positive integral degree in x and. Values of (a + ib )p/ q . G. Magnesium. Geometrical transformations (i. circum circle and excribed circle associated with triangle. redox reactions.. Parametric forms. isomerism. electrolysis. Plane and Solid Geometry . Toluene. simple problems on plane. electrode potential. Polar form of complex number. Continuity. General preparation and functional group properties of the following with emphasis on points noted against each of them. linear dependence and independence of vectors. glycerol. adjoint and inverse of matrices. acid base equilibrium. unity. differentiation by transformations. Copper. Markownikoffs addition. Ellipse and Hyperbola. Mathematics: Set Theory and Higher Algebra -Algebra of sets. colloidal state. Mercury. Onto and Into Mappings. Conversion of a fraction and a quadratic surds into a continued fraction. Range. X-ray studies of crystals. Differentiation of composite function. Glass. free energy. Implicit relation. Phenol. basic nature) (g) Benzene (resonance). Sodium.G. remainder theorem. Inner transition elements. Hydrogen peroxide. Calcium. Tangent. Nitrogen. Halogens. 81 . Method of differences. crystal lattices. gold no. Transition elements. distinction. Cement. packing in crystals. General terms in the expansions of Logarithmic. Transcendental functions. Zinc. Factor theorem. inductive. their composition and representation by matrices. Codomain. Inverse mapping. logarithmic differentiation. Relations between sides.P. Limit. Differentiability. entropy. increasing and decreasing functions. Composite mapping. Euler’s formula. Simple geometrical problems of permutations and combinations. chemical kinetics. Carbon dating. relation. Homologous series. hyperbolic function. Parabola. enthalpy. binomial and multinomial theorems. peroxide effect) and alkynes (b) Alcohol. effects of temperature and concentration. Silver.Multiplications of determinants and matrices. and other related miscellaneous series. Sum of the squares and cubes of sum of the squares and cubes of first n nature numbers. Oxygen. chemical thermodynamics. domain. factors affecting rate of a reaction. angles and radii of incircle. half life period of first order reaction. Applications of De-Moivre’s theorem. Vector Algebra -Linear combination of vectors. pH. concept of chemical equilibrium. A. Determinants and matrices . Potassium. three and four vectors. Plastics. Le Chatelier’s Principle and its applications. Law of Equilibrium. nucleic acids.. Hess’s Law. Trigonometry . lowering of vapour pressure.homogeneous) of second degree in x and y. ionization of water. Inequalities. Solutions. Coordinate compound. Bounded and unbounded sets Neighbourhood of a point. Geometrical applications of dot (scalar) and cross (vector) product of two. Cramer’s rule. Inverse hyperbolic functions. Square roots of polynomial quadratic surds. Iron.Trigonometrical conditional identities and equations. Sisgnum function. distinctions. Greatest integer functions. Detailed study of families of Straight lines and Circles. translation. Detergents. ions. A. preparation and properties of colloidal solutions. Many one.e. (a) Alkanes (free radical substitution) alkenes (electrophilic addition. holoform reaction (c) Alkyl halides (Nucleophlic substitution) (d) Carbonyl compounds (Nucleophilic. Sense of Scale and proportion. Measures of skewness and Kurtosis. Place & Buildings. Teaching Timings Course B.Sketching of scenes from everyday urban and rural life commonly observed such as markets. L ‘Hospital’s rule.D. Reduction formulae.m. Arch. texture. imagination and creativity. standard results on successive (ordinary and partial) differentiation.m. linear form. Calculation of a interval in which the value of a given definite integral exists. normal and poission distributions. O. Mean value. understanding of scale and proportion Geometrical Drawing. by substitutions. Volume and lateral (curved) surface area of some well known 3-D solids obtained by revolution. B. by partial fractions. vehicles and natural elements such as flowers.Exercises to complete an abstract figure provided into a creative pattern or art based on visualisation. festival. root mean square value of a function for a given interval. Mean square value. Ability to draw objects from imagination with details like colour.m. 2:00 p. leaves. Karl Pearson’s simple correlation coefficient for a tabulated function between two variable Coefficients of covariance and variation. Ekistics Saturday to Sunday 2:30 p. Euler’s theorem on homogenous function for partial differentiation.m. circles etc and their compositions. Drawing (Subjective Type) Free Hand Sketching. Differential Equations . triangles. General and particular solution of O. & Moday to Thursday 5:40 p. plants. 82 . variable separable for. Arch. Applications of definite integral in finding the area of bounded region in z. ghats.Formation of ordinary and partial differential equations. Colouring. Enlargement & Reduction. M. Social and Cultural Awareness. General solution of dny/dxn = G(x).m. from memory. Seven indeterminate forms. exact form and their reducible form obtained by some transformations and integrating factors). (SFS) Days Monday to Friday Moday to Friday Timings 9:00 to 5:30 p. water/poster colours or any other medium for colouring techniques and composition of colours.velocity. trees etc from observation and recall from memory. to 9:00 p. SYLLABUS FOR APTITUDE TEST Reasoning and Awareness (Objective Type) Current affairs. M Arch.Simple reasoning to select the odd one out from the set of entities. Sports & Entertainment.Integration by well known standard results. kitchenware. properties of definite integrals.y plane. Simple problems on Leibnitz’s theorem. Integral Calculus .E. rolle’s theorem. some well known definite integrals.m. railway stations. d2y/dx2 = H(y). Lagrange’s mean value theorem. bus stops etc. mela.Enlargement and reduction of given figures. Equations of tangent plane and normal line at any point of 3 D figures. homogeneous form. regression coefficients Properties of binomial. Reasoning. to 9:00 p.E. materials etc. Acceleration. polygons.Free hand sketching of simple objects from everyday life such as furniture.Colouring in pencil. to find sequence in progression.Drawing of basic geometrical shapes such as lines. Lines of Regression.Science & Technology. Personalities etc. of I order but not of I degree.e. of I order and I degree (i. playgrounds. angles. Abstract Drawing.m. to 9:00 p. by parts.D. Sketching of Scene. A GRAPHIC ART (Print . FACULTY OF FINE ARTS Faculty of Fine Arts was established in 1951 as Art Institute. 83 . Painting. degree course from the same discipline from Jamia Millia Islamia or any Institution / University recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia with at least 60% of marks.F.F. The B.A.A. In 1967 the Arts Institute became the Department of Art and Craft Education and a part of the Teachers’ Training College. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks. 50 marks for practical. degree course with Print Making as an optional subject from 1st year to 4th year in BFA from Jamia Millia Islamia or any Institution / University recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia with at least 60% of marks.A PAINTING should have passed (10+2+4) Four Year B. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview.A SCULPTURE should have passed (10+2+4) Four Year B. degree course from the same discipline from Jamia Millia Islamia or any Institution / University recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia with at least 60% of marks.Making) should have passed (10+2+4) Four Year B. Faculty of Fine Arts in Jamia Millia Islamia comprises the following Departments.F. 50 marks for practical. • • • • • • Department of Painting Department of Sculpture Department of Applied Art Department of Art Education Department of Art History & Art Appreciation Department of Graphic Art MFA Sculpture Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over 2 years) Number of Seats – 8 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in M.F. Abul Kalam laid the foundation at the Jamia Millia Islamia. in Art Education to develop into a comprehensive degree program for Art teachers. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview. MFA Applied Art Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over 2 years) Number of Seats – 8 COURSES MFA Painting Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over 2 years) Number of Seats – 8 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in MFA APPLIED ART should have passed (10+2+4) Four Year B.A (Hons. The objective was to impart training to Art and Craft teachers with the modern concepts and methods of Art Education.F.A.A. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks. when Mr. Eligibility: A candidate for admission in M.F.A. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks.23.A Graphic Art (PrintMaking) Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over 2 years) Number of Seats – 8 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in M.F.F.F. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview M.) course in Art and Art Education has now been modified to B. Applied Art and Sculpture.A. 2007 it was declared as “Faculty of Fine Arts”. Later on December 3. degree course from the same discipline from Jamia Millia Islamia or any Institution / University recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia with at least 60% of marks. 50 marks for practical.F. In the year 1980-81 it became the Department of Fine Arts and Art Education and started the professional Courses in B. F. A APPLIED ART Duration: 8 Semesters (Spread over 4 years).F.A. degree course from Jamia Millia Islamia or any Institution / University recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia with at least 60% of marks. F. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview MFA Art Education Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over 2 years) Number of Seats – 8 BFA SCULPTURE Duration: 8 Semesters (Spread over 4 years) Number of Seats:10 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in M.F. 50 marks for practical.F. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview examination recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia and secured at least 50% marks in aggregate of subjects taken into account for awarding divisions.F. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview Eligibility: A candidate for admission in B.A Art Education should have passed Senior School certificate 84 . Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks.A ART EDUCATION should have passed (10+2+4) Four Year B. 50 marks for practical. 50 marks for practical. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks.F.A Sculpture should have passed Senior School certificate examination or any other equivalent examination recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia and secured at least 50% marks in aggregate of subjects taken into account for awarding divisions. (H) in Humanities from Jamia Millia Islamia or any Institution / University recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia with at least 60% of marks.A.A ART EDUCATION Duration: 8 Semesters (Spread over 4 years) Number of Seats:20 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in B. F. 50 marks for practical. Number of seats: 30 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in M. 50 marks for practical. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview M.F.A PAINTING Duration: 8 Semesters (Spread over 4 years) Number of Seats – 20 B.A PAINTING should have passed Senior School certificate examination or any other equivalent Eligibility: A candidate for admission in B. 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview B. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks.A ART HISTORY should have a four year course in Art History or have completed B.A Applied Art should have passed Senior School certificate examination or any other equivalent examination recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia and secured at least 50% marks in aggregate of subjects taken into account for awarding divisions. A ART HISTORY & ART APPRECIATION Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over 2 years) Number of seats: 10 B.F. Eligibility: A candidate for admission in B.F.Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of merit determined by an aggregate of marks in admission test of 85 marks and 15 marks for interview. Number of Seats – 20 Certificate Course in Painting Duration: 1 year (Self Financing Part-Time). Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of practical and interview for 100 marks. 85 marks for practical and 15 marks for interview Eligibility: A candidate for admission in Diploma (Self Financing Part-Time) Sculpture. Number of Seats – 20 Diploma in Sculpture Duration: 2 years (Self Financing Part-Time). Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of practical and interview for 100 marks. 50 marks for practical. Eligibility: A candidate for admission in Certificate Course (Self Financing Part-Time) Calligraphy. Number of Seats – 10 Certificate in Sculpture Duration: 1 year (Self Financing Part-Time). Number of Seats – 10 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in Certificate Course (Self Financing Part-Time) Photography. The minimum educational requirements will be (10th class) Secondary School Examination passed with 40% marks. The minimum educational requirements will be (10th class) Secondary School Examination passed with 40% marks. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of practical and interview for 100 marks. Number of Seats – 20 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in Certificate Course (Self Financing Part-Time) Commercial Art. 85 marks for practical and 15 marks for interview Certificate Course in Commercial Art Duration: 1 year (Self Financing Part-Time). 35 marks for theory and 15 marks for interview Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of practical and interview for 100 marks. The minimum educational requirements will be (10th class) Secondary School Examination passed with 40% marks. The minimum educational requirements will be (10th class) Secondary School Examination passed with 40% marks. 85 marks for practical and 15 marks for interview Eligibility: A candidate for admission in Certificate Course (Self Financing Part-Time) Painting. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of practical and interview for 100 marks. The minimum educational requirements will be (10th class) Secondary School Examination passed with 40% marks. Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of Test and interview for 100 Marks. 85 marks for practical and 15 marks for interview 85 . The minimum educational requirements will be (10th class) Secondary School Examination passed with 40% marks. Number of Seats – 10 Eligibility: A candidate for admission in Certificate Course (Self Financing Part-Time) Sculpture. 85 marks for practical and 15 marks for interview Certificate in Calligraphy Duration: 1 year (Self Financing Part-Time). Admission Procedure: Admission will be made on the basis of practical and interview for 100 marks. 85 marks for practical and 15 marks for interview Certificate Course in Photography Duration: 1 year (Self Financing Part-Time).examination or any other equivalent examination recognized by Jamia Millia Islamia and secured at least 50% marks in aggregate of subjects taken into account for awarding divisions. pencils 2B.F. Rubber. ii) Entrance Test shall comprise 200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) in Physics. JMI will use ESI General Hospital at Okhla for clinical training of the students as per curriculum. 2012 • • 2. candidates applying for Sculpture entrance test should bring clay modeling tools also. Materials required for test: Colours. water proof black ink. iii) The medium of the Entrance Test will be English. Age Limit: candidate should complete the age of 17 years on or before December 31. it will be essential for the students to pass the examination in easy Urdu in order to get the degree. instrument box with set square. Mode of Admission i) The admission to the Bachelor of Dental Surgery course shall be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test. To cater to the specialized training of the students of the Faculty. 4B. If a candidate has missed the first test he / she will not be allowed to appear for the other two. If they have not studied it at least the Xth standard and / or have not obtained any Certificate for having passed an examination in Urdu. 6B water colour. Meanwhile. Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) Duration: 4 years of teaching + 1 year compulsory paid rotatory internship Number of seats: 50 Eligibility: An applicant must have passed Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (10+2) or its equivalent examination of a recognized Board with Physics. Candidates who have been admitted to the B. Biology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics. a hundred bedded general hospital is under construction. Chemistry and Biology (Zoology & Botany) set out of the prescribed syllabi. Government of India the Faculty of Dentistry.A. 3B. Easy Urdu or Elementary Urdu will not be treated as a subject for consideration under this category. The written test will be held at various Centres in Jamia and other places in Delhi/NCR. • 24.General Guidelines for admission to the courses of Faculty of Fine Arts: • The Candidates applying for Urdu medium seats should have passed High School or higher examination with Urdu as an optional subject. • The Faculty practical training laboratories/clinics are well equipped with necessary infrastructure and the latest instruments/equipments required in dental surgery. 1. Entrance Test Details/Admission Procedure i) Admission to Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) course would be done through a written test. It is compulsory for the candidate to appear in all the three respective tests and in the interview with original works in portfolio. FACULTY OF DENTISTRY The Faculty of Dentistry was established in 2009 with a vision to develop a community of professionally qualified dental surgeons and to provide dental services to all sections of the society. courses shall have to study easy Urdu. 3. Time Limit for completing the course The time limit for comleting the course is 8 years after admission to the course in the first year. Chemistry. which will offer specialized healthcare services. water bowl. charcoal stick. However. under an agreement with the Ministry of Labour. Its future endeavors include the introduction of Masters Degree programs in various branches of Dentistry. counte stick. brushes. 4. The Faculty is backed by a team of academically qualified faculty members committed to cater to the specific needs of the students admitted to its Bachelor of Dental Surgery programme. foreign student / visually handicapped / impaired student will be exempted from this clause. The Centres details 86 . Chemistry and Biology at the qualifying examination and in addition must have come in the merit list by securing not less than 50% marks in Physics. glue stick / gum etc. eraser. besides offering essential support systems for undertaking research in dentistry in collaboration with other national and international institutions of medical sciences. drawing board. Chemistry and Biology taken together in the Entrance Test. Paper will be provided by the Department. scissors for paper cutting. Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism. 4. Energy and Power. Gases and Liquids. Morphology. iv) In case of intervening period. Environmental Chemistry. v) Three copies of recent passport size coloured photographs to be pasted on the Application Form and the Admit Card. Studies of d & f-block elements. an insect (cockroach) and an amphibian (frog). Kinematics. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes.ii) for the Entrance Test will be displayed at the Jamia website: http://jmi. Locomotion and movement. Zoology : Diversity in living organism. Properties of Bulk Matter. Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body. Excretory products and elimination. Zoological parks and museums. Control and coordination. Physics Physical World and Measurement. admitted to the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) course in Jamia will be allowed to take any other regular examination. i) Proof of passing examinations mentioned by the candidates in the application form together with mark – sheet of the Senior Secondary School or equivalent examination passed from a recognized Board. vi) Certificate of verification of the reserved category issued by the competent authority. The candidates admitted to BDS course shall under go thorough Medical Examination. Electricity. The documents will be returned to the concern candidates only after one year from the date of admission. Redox Reactions. Equilibrium. Syllabus for Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) Entrance Test Chemistry Some basic concepts of Chemistry. Aldehydes. Electromagnetic Waves. 87 . Biomolecules of cell. vii) All original certificates/mark sheets and relevant documents shall be deposited by the candidates at the time of Admission. Phenols and Ethers. Gravitation. Hydrogen. Organic compounds containing nitrogen. Digestion and absorption. Such students will have to seek fresh admission and will be required to go through the entire admission process. Laws of Motion. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current. Thermodynamics. Theory of Gases. Chemical bonding and molecular structure. a certificate from a Ist Class Gazetted Officer/Notary for the entire intervening period showing candidate’s preoccupations after leaving the institution last attended will be required. Classification of elements and periodicity in properties. The Admit cards for Entrance Test will be send by post. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Atoms and Nuclei. Current. Organic Chemistry. Chemistry in everyday life. Applications on the prescribed forms must be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope of 10 cm x 23 cm size affixing postage stamp of Rs. Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetics. States of Matter. Surface Chemistry. Tissues in animals. Coordination Compounds. Oscillations and Waves. Studies of s & p-block elements. and the original as well as self-attested copy of the following documents at the time of admission. Anatomy and functions of different systems of an amnelia (earthworm). General Guidelines for admission to Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) Course: 1. For all categories candidate obtaining less than 50% marks in the Entrance Test will not be eligible for admission. Body fluids and circulation. Biology a. 3. Chemical Kinetics. 5. Communication Electronic Devices. Alcohols. The selected/wait listed candidates must report to the Office of the Dean. 25. Faculty of Dentistry along with the Admit Card issued for the Entrance Test. Polymers. Ketones and Carboxylic acids. A student of 1st year / 1st semester of any course who is detained due to shortage of attendance will no longer remain the student of the University. Breathing and Respiration. Structure of Atom. There will be no negative marking in the Entrance Test. Enzymes. 2. Thermodynamics. Some basic principles & techniques. Work. viii) No candidate. Classification of living organisms. Biomolecules. Solid State Solution Electrochemistry. Systematics and binomial system of nomenclature. Hydrocarbons. Electrostatics. General principles and process of isolation of elements. ii) Birth Certificate (Secondary School Certificate or High School Certificate or an equivalent certificate) iii) Character Certificate from the Head of the institution last attended. Beveridge. The MCRC continues to work within this broad mandate while regularly updating its courses to meet the growing challenges of contemporary media. Endosplasmic Reticulum. Simple and Complex Tissue System. Kingdom: Fungi Phycomycetes. Pollution and fertilization. contraception and sexually transmitted disease. Ascomycetes. Microbes in household. Bryophyta. Inheritance pattern of hemophilia and blood groups in human beings. Species. Animal husbandry. Pteridophyta. Sewage treatment and energy generation. Animal ecological adaptation. Classification of Angiosperms upto Subclass Level. Cotton. Pathogens. who had worked closely with the Burma Shell Film Company and Films Division in India. Viroids & Lichens. Fruit and Seed.Human Reproduction – Reproductive health. DNA fingerprinting. Leaf and their Modifications. Development of seeds and fruits. The team from York was led by distinguished documentary filmmaker James Beveridge.Sex determination in human being. Multiple alleles and co-dominance. Gymnosperms And Angiosperms. Inflorescence. DNA Structure. Zoology in human welfare. Genetically modified (GM) organisms . Nuclear Organization and Microbodies. Toronto and the Canadian International Development Aid Agency. Ecosystem : Components. Mitosis and Meiosis. Nutrition. Recombinant DNA technology. Plants Growth and Development. founder of the National Film Board of Canada. Reproduction in Flowering plants. Cell Division : Cell Cycle. Recombinant DNA technology and its application in health. a close associate of documentary pioneer John Grierson.Insulin and Bt. Cell Structure and Function: Cell Wall. Respiration in Plants. Translation. Cancer and AIDS. The institute was expected to give students a comprehensive media education that would nurture the individual aspirations of students while inspiring them to make a meaningful contribution to the social environment within which they worked. ANWAR JAMAL KIDWAI MASS COMMUNICATION RESEARCH CENTRE The AJK Mass Communication Research Centre is a premier media institution in India. Complimentary genes. was uniquely placed to design the syllabus of this new media institute. Concepts of immunology. Molecular Basis of Inheritance. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance. Secondary Growth in Stem & Root. Genome and Human Genome Project. Golgi Bodies. Ribosomes. the MCRC offers post-graduate courses in the art. Structural Organization in Plants Morphology of Flowering Plants Root. Transport In Plants. Regulations of Gene Expression. Mendelian Inheritance. Human genetics . Lineage and crossing over. b. The AJK MCRC was established in collaboration with York University. Description of Following Plant Families : (A) Fabaceae (B) Solanaceae (C) Liliaceae. Bio-safety issues. Stem. Ecological adaptations in plants. Photo Synthesis in Higher Plants. Food processing. Mineral. Stem & Leaf (Monocot & Dicot). Adolescence and drug alcohol abuse. birth control. Centrioles. AJ Kidwai envisioned the institute as providing an intensive and integrated media education that would enable students to develop their individual expertise and skills within a secular and collaborative working environment. Wildlife Conservation. Chairman of the Centre). Plant Physiology. Community. Plant Breeding. Lysosomes. All the media courses at the MCRC seek to create competent and thoughtful media practitioners whose engagement with the world of media is both professional and intellectual. Environmental issues. Replication. Deviations from Mendelian ratio (Gene interaction). Botanical Gardens and Herbaria Kingdom: Monera (Archaebacteria & Eubacteria). Plant Tissue Culture. Cell Membrane and Cell Organelles. craft and technology of the modern media. Biotechnology and its Applications. Parasites. Deuteromycetes Kingdom: Plantae Algae. Mitochondria. Plastids. Ecology and Environment. Viruses. Vacuoles. Types and energy flow. Plant Reproduction: Reproduction in Organisms. Anatomy of Root. Industrial production. Food Production. The CIDA provided the MCRC with a range of sophisticated production equipment while York University sent the first generation of teachers. Development of seed and fruit. Double fertilization. Founded in 1982 by Anwar Jamal Kidwai (former VC of Jamia Millia Islamia and later. 88 .Applications in agriculture and industry. Transcription. Applications of Biotechnology. Basidiomycetes. Anatomy of Flowering Plants: Tissues: Meristematic and Permanent. Botany : Biological Classification (5 Kingdom System / Classification). Flowers. Vaccines. 25. Apomixes and polyembryony. Population. Incomplete dominance. The MCRC provides the highest standard of media education and training with a professionally and academically accomplished faculty and a broad spectrum of visiting professionals. Evolution (Theories Evidences). camerapersons. 4. To this end the course attempts to train students to understand the use and potential of both interpersonal and mass media processes in order to make effective communication interventions around issues pertinent to developing countries in general and India in particular. students find employment in different sectors of the 89 . the graduates of the MCRC have distinguished themselves in a diversity of media related careers as television producers. 7. production and transmission in Radio and TV. editors.D.A. Advertising Photography.G. led to its being converted into a two-year Masters course in 2007. 6.A. The admission process in Ph.COURSES OF STUDY The Centre presently offers the following full time programmes/courses: 1. conceptual skills and artistic expression required to become accomplished practitioners of the electronic media and 16mm Film production.G. Students are exposed to a range of specializations such as Photojournalism. copy editors and producers. Industrial Photography. Diploma in Development Communication [Duration: one year] The Centre offers a Ph. Diploma in Broadcast Technology [Duration: one year] The course seeks to produce trained personnel who can manage and maintain the technical infrastructure required for media production and transmission. installation artists. news writers. Covering the entire range of processes involved – from learning the principles of animation to scripting.G. Radio. professional and scholarly approach to media practices. Diploma in Still Photography & Visual Communication [Duration: one year] The objective of the course is to educate still photography practitioners within a larger framework of imaging studies and new digital technologies.G. Addressing the growing demands of the computer graphics and animation industry. P. Documentary and Research based photography. Diploma course in Convergent Journalism in 2005. Life Style. study abroad programs and pre-professional training experience. encourages the student to adopt a creative. feature film directors. P. in Mass Communication [Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over two years)] The course offers a systematic progression of hands onproduction and theoretical papers that allow students to experience the full range technical expertise. The course also allows the students to explore contemporary performative practices. programme in different areas of Mass Communication and Journalism. and Photo Journalism. Video. Students of the course are expected to develop an international perspective through student exchange. familiarization with broadcast stations and industry internship are part of the curriculum. D. P. for all the four streams of journalism as reporters. in Convergent Journalism [Duration: 4 Semesters (Spread over two years)] The objective of this course is to produce professional communicators who can make effective and strategic interventions in various development processes. The enthusiastic response to the course. . graphic novelists. The graduates of the course are expected to The course is an intensive one year programme. After the completion of the course. reporters. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on the Jamia’s website. P. The course objective is to teach working principles and operational aspects of various technical systems employed in content acquisition. production designers. 3. teachers and scholars.) distinguish themselves by their professionalism and a commitment to media ethics. M. the course seeks to produce skilled and trained journalists. 5. starts in July each year. Through an integrated programme in Print. the AJK MCRC started a P. 2. TV and Film Production) and theoritical knowledge of the courses. Hands-on training in real working environment. M. Broadcast (Radio and Television). Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. Diploma in Graphics and Animation [Duration: one year] Responding to the professional challenges of the journalism industry. writers. designed to immerse students in the art and the craft of animation and visual effects. Through a comprehensive education in extensive production skills (in Photography. Online. social concerns and issues of human rights and civil liberties. story boarding and production on high-end 3D/2D software packages – the student is provided a thorough introduction to the discipline. Over the years. documentary filmmakers. Science.G. the course seeks to produce creative animation filmmakers. 90 . of Seats 50 Eligibility Admission Process / Entrance Test M. The following is the distribution of marks for the Entrance Test & Interveiw. This course aims to introduce the student to the fundamentals of acting and making the student a more informed observer of the acting experience. script writing will help to students to introduce to various elements of acting and theatre. In the same way professional inputs like acting.G. They can become teachers. Students selected in the written test will be called for the interview. The students are not required to submit their portfolio & Statement of Purpose encapsulating all their extra curricular activities at the time of submission of application form. 8.A in Mass Communication Graduation in any discipline (10+2+3) with not less than 50 % marks in aggregate. Diploma in Acting [Duration: one year] the student to take up jobs in Theatre productions. but are expected to bring it in case of selection to the interview stage. Through various improvisations and exercises acting skills will be nurtured. of India undertaking) awards scholarship of Rs. studying in this course. but are expected to bring it in case of selection to the interview stage. P. Paper I : 60 marks (Media Analysis) Paper II : 150 marks (Evaluation of Knowledge and Aptitude) Interview : 45 marks Portfolio in media related activities : 45 marks The students are not required to submit their portfolio & Statement of Purpose encapsulating all their extra curricular activities at the time of submission of application form. BECIL (a Govt. belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH categories. This course gives an opportunity to enable Eligibility Requirements and Entrance Test for each Course Courses of Study Duration (Years) /Semester 2 (4 Semester) No. voice. theatre actors and theatre script industry. This course will be professional in nature. Students selected in the written test will be called for the interview. 24000/. The examination will comprise of a written test and an interview. As the basic element of acting is common for many formats students may also take up the opportunities with television and film entertainment mediums.per annum to the meritorious students. The examination will comprise of a written test and an interview. The following is the distribution of marks for the Entrance Test & Interview. Written Exam: Paper I : Multiple Choice Questions : 100 marks Paper II : Descriptive: 100 marks Interview : 45 marks Portfolio : 55 marks M. Balance will be maintained of theory as well· as practice for a better creative engagement for the course.A in Convergent Journalism 2 (4 Semester) 20 Graduation in any discipline (10+2+3) with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. but are expected to bring it in case of selection to the interview stage. Written Exam : 200 marks Interview : 45 marks Portfolio : 55 marks Applicants must be proficient in Windows and it is desirable to have knowledge of Adobe Photoshop/ Corel Draw/Adobe Illustrator/ Free Hand. The students are not required to submit their portfolio & Statement of Purpose encapsulating all their extra curricular activities at the time of submission of application form.G. The following is the distribution of marks for the Entrance Test & Interview. Students selected in the written test will be called for the interview. The examination will comprise of a written test and an Interview.Diploma in Still Photography Visual Communication 1 20 Graduation in any discipline (10+2+3) with not less than 50 % marks in aggregate. P.Diploma in Development Communication 1 40 Graduation in any discipline (10+2+3) with not less than 50 % marks in aggregate. Diploma Graphics & Animation 1 20 Graduation in any discipline (10+2+3) with not less than 50% marks in aggregate. but are expected to bring it in case of selection to the interview stage. Students selected in the written test will be called for the interview. Written Exam : 200 marks Interview : 45 marks Portfolio : 55 marks P. The following is the distribution of marks for the Entrance Test & Interview. Written Exam : 150 marks Interview : 30 marks Portfolio : 20 makrs The students are not required to submit their portfolio & Statement of Purpose encapsulating all their extra curricular activities at the time of submission of application form. but are expected to bring it in case of selection to the interview stage.Courses of Study Duration (Years) No. The following is the distribution of marks for the Entrance Test & Interview.G. Students selected in the written test will be called for the interview. The examination will comprise of a written test and an Interview. The students are not required to submit their portfolio & Statement of Purpose encapsulating all their extra curricular activities at the time of submission of application form.G. The examination will comprise of a written test and an Interview. 91 . of Seats Eligibility Admission Process / Entrance Test P. Graduation in any discipline (10+2+3) with not less than 50 % marks in aggregate.G. The CEC programming follows from the legacy of the UGC started its UGC-INSAT Television Project in 1984.). Written Exam: Paper-I: Multiple Choice Questions: a)General Knowledge-25 b)Knowledge on theatre/drama-25 Paper-II: Descriptive: 35 Interview: 15 Portfolio: Acting related activities:25 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES FOR THE CENTRE FOR THE EDUCATIONAL CONSORTIUM (CEC) OF UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION For the last two decades the AJK MCRC has been at the forefront of producing high quality educational programmes for the CEC of the University Grants Commission (U. The following is the distribution of marks for the Entrance Test & Interview. AJK MCRC. Addressing itself to the residents of the Jamia area. 92 . The examination will comprise of a written test and an Interview. In view of the exponential growth of radio in the country.G.Courses of Study Duration (Years) No.Diploma in Broadcast Technology 1 20 Graduation in the discipline of Physics or Electronics (10+2+3) or Engineering (Electronics/ Tele communications/ Electrical/ Computer Science/ IT).G. with not less than 50 % marks in aggregate. Today it is a leading production centre of educational programmes for the CEC.Diploma in Acting 1 20 The students are not required to submit their portfolio & Statement of Purpose encapsulating all their extracurricular activities at the time of submission of application form. The examination will comprise of a written test and an interview. of Seats Eligibility Admission Process / Entrance Test P. Written Exam : 170 marks Interview : 30 marks P.The following is the distribution of marks for the Entrance Test & Interview. RADIO JAMIA As part of its social commitment to the area in which the University is located. The AJKMCRC has so far produced over 1000 Programmes of a substantive number are award-winners. Students selected in the written test will be called for interview.4 FM. but are expected to bring it in case of selection to the interview stage. runs a community radio station on 90. RADIO JAMIA broadcasts programmes that serve to educate and enrich its listeners through addressing a wide range of sociocultural issues. Radio Jamia conducts internships for interested students of mass communication and related disciplines. The programmes are produced by the students and faculty of the centre in collaboration with diversity of groups and organizations in Delhi. Students selected in the written test will be called for the interview. to cater to the needs of undergraduate students studying in rural and semi-urban places.C. Additionally. The MRC is devoted to archiving. journals. The 2nd Lecture titled Nehru’s India was delivered by distinguished journalist M. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. MEDIA LIBRARY For the benefit of its students. competency tests and practical exercises. Zakir Hussain Library of the University for their wider intellectual interest. The prospectus and other details of the courses are also available on our website www. It houses a comprehensive and curated collection of fiction.J. 4. FOR QUERIES CONTACT: ADMISSION CELL. books. Shyam Benegal. PD-170. Final Cut Pro. The Interview of the qualifying candidates will be conducted at AJK MCRC. DVDs. The MCRC constantly seeks to upgrade its production facilities in order to keep pace with the changing technological demands of the profession. The MRC also holds seminars. The Entrance Test(s) will be held at various Centres located in Jamia Millia Islamia. In order to engage with a wide range of contemporary works that deploy a diversity of narrative styles. the AJK MCRC initiated the Annual Anwar Jamal Kidwai Memorial Lecture series in honour of the founder and first Chairman of the MCRC. Other production facilities include Final Cut Pro and Avid Adrenaline Media non-linear editing machines. and final list of selected candidates shall be displayed on the Notice Board of AJK MCRC and the Jamia’s website as per the admission schedule. the MRC hopes to archive photographic collections. MEDIA RESOURCE CENTRE The James Beveridge Media Resource Centre (JB MRC) at the AJK MCRC was set up with a grant from the Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT). The Entrance Test will be held on as per the Admission Schedule given in Table – 53. monographs and catalogues. DSR 570 and Panasonic DVX 100) with accessories for single camera shoots. Photography. Steenbeck Film Editing machines. Graphics and Animation systems and Still Photography equipment. The students of Journalism are trained in a Multimedia Lab with 50 work stations loaded with software such as Quark Express. Digital Audio Work Stations. The candidates may collect their Hall Tickets personally from the Centre on any of the working days at least one day before the Entrance Test. Over a period of time. Jamia Millia Islamia as per the Admission Schedule. There are dedicated and fully-equipped media laboratories for students of RULES APPLICABLE STUDENTS Performance and Evaluation Students are expected to aspire for 100% attendance even though the required minimum is 75%.ajkmcrc. The 1st AJ Kidwai Memorial Lecture titled Media and Minorities: Divesting Minorities of their Citizenship was delivered by noted journalist and social activist Teesta Setalwad. Mumbai. Nuendo. journals. 2. public lectures and experimental courses. students of the AJK MCRC are also entitled to use the Dr. posters and other memorabilia associated with diverse documentary practices. The procedure TO ADMITTED 93 . while the 3rd Lecture titled “Making of the Films I have Made” was delivered by renowned filmmaker. Regularity and punctuality are basic and essential requirements of the course. 3. Z1. The list of short-listed candidates for written test and interview. Apart from the specialized focus of the Media Library at the centre. workshops. AJKMCRC Email: admissions@ajkmcrc. research and theoretical studies with a special focus on Documentary Films and Asian Cinema. KIDWAI MEMORIAL LECTURE In 2006. THE ANNUAL A.PRODUCTION FACILITIES AT THE AJK MCRC The AJKMCRC is distinguished by its cutting edge technical infrastructure and production facilities. Akbar. conferences. and Broadcast System Maintenance. Photoshop and Corel Draw. The performance of students will be evaluated regularly through internal assignments. There are three fully equipped TV studios for multi-camera productions and an adequate number of DV cameras (PD-150. special screenings.J. the term documentary is defined expansively. The Centre is in the process of upgrading its production facilities with state of the art equipment by a special grant from the government. the students are taught on Film cameras (16SR-3). nonfiction and experimental films. video and audio cassettes along with an archive of stock shots and press clippings. the AJK MCRC runs a Media Library which has an expansive collection of books. Foreign Policy. Africa. Central Asia. housing approximately 20. Phil in International Studies Diploma in Uzbek Certificate in Uzbek : : : : 20 10 20 26. 2. named after Maulana Mohamed Ali ‘Jauhar’. which include countries and sub-regions. D.) Programme Eligibility: A Master of Arts from a recognized University / Institution with atleast a 55% of marks in aggregate or equivalent grade. The admission process for Ph. is a full-fledge centre within the University engaged in research and teaching in contemporary international and area studies from an interdisciplinary perspective. The permission to issue and handle such equipment is contingent upon successful clearing of competency tests and students abiding by the rules and guidelines laid down by the Centre. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. Afghanistan. programmes: Conflict & Peace Studies. programmes in international studies and undertake teaching Central Asian language such as Uzbek at Certificate and Diploma level. they will be held responsible for its safety. Developmental Studies. The teaching and research activities focus on political.000 books. The focus areas of teaching and research. The number of seats available in a particular course for the academic year 2012 -2013 is as below: 1. students are expected to demonstrate a sense of discretion and responsibility. The Academy. Given that such material is expensive. Ph. starts in July each year. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. on authorization by their teachers will be issued various quantities of film. security. 4. Duration: The duration of the programme shall be four semesters. all members will be held equally responsible. economic. Multiculturalism. The first two semesters shall be devoted to formal instructions in the classroom. programme in abovementioned broad subjects and focus areas.of evaluation may vary due to difference in the nature of the subjects being taught. The Academy offers the following courses: 1. East & South East Asia. The Academy’s engagements include teaching. The Centre has its own library.Phil. D. in International Studies M. China and Bangladesh. social and cultural dimensions of international affairs and issues taking into account Indian perspective. The following broad subjects are covered under M. undertaking high quality research by faculty and research scholars. It has a faculty of 20 members and more than 100 students pursuing research and language course. MAULANA MOHAMED ALI ‘JAUHAR’ ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES The Academy of International Studies (formerly Academy of Third World Studies) was established in 1988 at the initiative of the then Prime Minister of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi. CONSUMABLES & CARE OF EQUIPMENT Students. In group/team exercises. one of the founders of Jamia Millia Islamia Islamia. Admission will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test (85%) and the interview (15%) of the candidate. tapes. Master of Philosophy (M. The maximum time 94 . CDs and other consumable items for hands-on Production courses etc depending on the quantum of work they have to do. International Organization. Environmental Studies.D. Economy & Trade. proper handling and safe return. D. The Academy (AIS) offers M. Society & Cultural Studies. Any expense incurred due to damage or loss of the equipment will have to be borne by all members of the assigned team/group. International Politics. named ‘Dr. Abid Husain Library and Documentation Centre’. Security and Terrorism. Political Geography. Phil and Ph. The Production courses require students to learn use of sophisticated and expensive equipments. When equipment is issued in the name of student. Phil and Ph. reference material and journals. The Centre reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus from time-to-time in keeping with the demands and requirements of the discipline and profession or which the students are being trained. cover South Asia. West Asia.D. D. organizing talks/lectures/seminars/ symposia/workshops. 3. Globalization. 2. Pakistan.) The Academy offers Ph. The detailed rules of evaluation and examination shall be made available to the students on getting admission. publishing and disseminating its research. Admission will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test (85%) and interview (15%) of the candidate.D. The University constituted a Board of Management under the Chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor with prominent academics and professionals in management and business education as members to oversee and guide the programs of the Centre. Extensive Information Technology application To develop an understanding of actual managerial practices. belonging to the Turkish family. D. program in management. Interactive learning process 5. is one of the important languages of Central Asia. Strong university industry interface to facilitate industry interaction and hands on training 4. Certificate in Uzbek Language Duration: One academic year Eligibility: A candidate who has passed Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (10+2) with 45% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent qualification from an Indian Educational Board/ University or a foreign University shall be eligible to apply for the course. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. The other programme conducted by the Centre are Ph.allowed to a student to complete the course is six semesters (3 years). Ph. The relative weights of each of the above shall be as under: Entrance Test : 170 Marks (85%) Group Discussion : 10 Marks (5%) Interview : 20 Marks (10%) Total : 200 Marks (100%) Details of entrance test. research scholars. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Number of Seats: 60 Major Highlights of the MBA (Full Time) Program are: 1. Group Discussion and Interview. University has established a Centre for Management Studies. Admission Procedure: Admission to the MBA (Full Time) program shall be granted strictly on the basis of combined merit of the Entrance Test. group discussion and interview: The applicants for admission to MBA (Full Time) Program will be required to undertake Entrance Test of Three-hours duration on the time. diplomats interested in Central Asia. Diploma in Uzbek Language Duration: One academic year Eligibility: A candidate who has passed the Certificate course in Uzbek language from any university or recognized institution. Eligibility: Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3) from a recognized University in any discipline with at least 50% Marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade. starts in July each year. The course is open to all Indian and foreign students. alongwith Senior Secondary School Examination (10+2) with 45% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent qualification from an Indian Educational Board/University or a Foreign University shall be eligible to apply for the course. 2. Qualified full-time Faculty supported by strong network of in-house multidisciplinary support in allied areas 3. The course content. CENTRE FOR MANAGEMENT STUDIES In order to respond to the ever increasing demand for full-time quality MBA program.D. Courses of Studies: 1. 4. Focus on Global Business Management 2. and MBA (Evening). 27. date and Center assigned to them. The admission processes in Ph. Programme The Centre offers Ph.D. UZBEK LANGUAGE COURSES Uzbek language. each student is required to undergo practical training of 8-10 weeks after two semesters. academicians. The Academy is the first and only place in India where Uzbek language is being taught since 2004 – 2005. Admission will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the Entrance Test (85%) and interview (15%) of the candidate. model curriculum for MBA. MBA (Full-Time) Programme 3. duration and methodology of the MBA (Full-time) Programme is based on latest UGC 95 . one faculty member of the Centre for Management Studies and one nominee of the DSW. winter schools. scholarship in the form of contribution to the extent of 50% of the travel expenses and Registration Fees for the course as prescribed by the partner universities shall be provided to the selected students out of the CMS Scholarship the student who secures highest marks in the combined merit of semester I and semester II of the MBA (Full Time) programme. Cash Scholarship of Rs. The selection of the students shall be on the basis of their (a) academic performance. The University has entered into MoUs with a number of international universities and institutions of higher education. 2. 3.20. The Means Scholarships shall be effected as under 1. This scholarship shall be released by the DSW on the basis of selection of students by the partner universities abroad and on the recommendation of the Director of the Centre for Management Studies. subject to the availability of funds. the committee may conduct interviews of the applicants and may ask the applicants to produce such documents as it deems fit to assess the social and economic needs and merit of the applicants.000/ .15. 3. If the need be. Cash Scholarship of Rs. (b) ability to effectively represent Jamia Millia Islamia.each to be paid on the basis of their application to such students who have successfully completed the First Two Semesters of their MBA (Full-Time) Programme and whose family income is less than Rs. seminars. (ii) Means Scholarship: A Maximum of 12 Scholarships of Rs. (iii)Scholarship for International Exchange Programme: 1. the Committee will pay due attention to the needcum-merit of students so as to grant scholarship to the most needy and meritorious students.20. (Evening) programme for working executives and inservice practicing personnel to help them become more effective decision-makers through upgradation of knowledge and managerial skills. Students’ Welfare (DSW). 3. symposia conferences the student who secures second highest marks in the combined merit of semester I and semester II of the MBA (Full Time) programme. Director. The Merit Scholarship shall be distributed through the Dean. 4. 96 .000/. (Evening) The Centre for Management Studies offers an M. M. Training & Placement Coordinator and Director of the Centre for Management Studies.Special Assistance for MBA (Full Time) Students: (i) Merit Scholarship: Three Cash Scholarships shall be given as under 1. and (d) willingness and ability to meet the Registration Fees and one-half of their travel cost and the selection shall be made by a committee comprising of the Subject Association Advisor. Students’ Welfare on the basis of marks as certified by the Controller of Examinations. internships.10. the Centre for Management Studies encourages its students to participate in such academic exchange programme as summer schools. While awarding the means scholarship. Number of Seats: 70 Duration: 6 Semesters (Spread over 3 years) Eligibility: A bachelor’s degree from a recognized University or an equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade with at least 3 years professional experience after passing qualifying examination. 4. 3.1.000/. Cash Scholarship of Rs. The scholarship shall be awarded by a Committee comprising the DSW as Chairperson. Centre for Management Studies. 2. To facilitate the participation of MBA (FullTime) students in the above activities. (c) ability to participate and benefit from the academic and extra-curricular activities of the summer school. 4. The application for Means scholarships shall be invited by the Director of the Centre for Management Studies and the applications so received shall be forwarded to the Dean.B.8 Lakh Per the student who secures third highest marks in the combined merit of semester I and semester II of the MBA (Full Time) programme. In order to extend the benefit of educational exchange programme to the students.A. 2.000/.A. time. Verbs.S. Intended to evaluate aspirants’ understanding and ability to apply the knowledge of basic mathematical concepts. Synonyms and Antonyms and Sentence completion. find underlying assumptions.N. bar chart etc. Section III : Data Analysis and Sufficiency: Intended to measure candidates’ ability to analyze a situation and make decisions based on available data. discern flaws in arguments and ascertain their validity and also to assess aspirants’ ability to critically evaluate statements and situations. coordinate system. Subject-Verb agreement. Critical Reasoning: Intended to assess aspirants’ ability to analyze arguments. the questions in this part shall be based on short passages. Time Limit for completing the Course The time limit for completing the course is 6 years after admission to the course in the first year. distance. An applicant who qualifies the Entrance Test and called for interview shall have to attend the interview. The medium of Test will be English. ratios and proportions. Misplaced Modifiers. this section will cover Pronouns. which is first of its kind in a Central University. this section shall comprise questions based on graphs. shall be provided one or more passages accompanied by sets of questions.N. Section IV : Reasoning and General Intelligence: Intended to assess aspirants’ ability and capacity to draw inferences from various given situations and their ability to use logic and general intelligence. Reading Comprehension : Intended to assess candidates’ ability to understand and analyze information presented in text and also to assess aspirants’ ability to apply concepts and information presented in a passage to parallel situations. CENTRE FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY & REHABILITATION SCIENCES The Centre established during the X Plan period endeavors to prepare highly skilled professionals with thorough knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects in Bio-Medical Sciences and Biotechnology through meaningful programme of teaching & research. candidates 28. Comparatives and Idiomatic Expression. Jamia Millia Islamia has taken lead in establishing a Centre. sets. The Entrance Test shall be of 3 hrs duration with a weightage of 170 marks and shall be followed by an Interview with a weightage of 30 marks. Having recognized the growing importance of this field of allied health sciences.E/3 Wings of Armed forces. Section V: Knowledge about current affairs and Economic & Business Environment: Intended to evaluate candidates’ ability to prossess general knowledge about current affairs. simple and compound interest and elementary statistics central tendency. inequalities. Probability. Syllabi for MBA (Full Time) and MBA (Evening) Programmes The Entrance Test paper shall comprise of 170 multiple choice questions which will cover the following syllabi: Section I : English Comprehension: This section shall comprise questions on: Verbal Ability: Intended to test the candidate’s understanding of the basic rules of grammar and English usage. 97 . tables. It will also have questions that will test candidates’ knowledge and awarness about current enconmics & business environment. Quantifiers. Section II : Quantitative Aptitude & numerical ability. 4. this section will have questions that will require aspirants to use logic to draw inferences and make effective decisions.C/ M. This section is intended to assess the quantitative aptitudes of the applicants. in this part. this section shall have questions pertaining to functions.Experience Applicant must have 3 years experience at Executive level in Government and Private sector including Public Limited/Provate Limited Company/P. profit & loss. algebra. this section shall have questions based on data given either in a tabular form or in the form of diagrams of different types. speed. Mode of Admission The admission to this course will be made on the basis of merit determined by an Entrance Test and Interview. dispersion.U/M. Parallel Construction. Vocabulary. 2. Protein Structural Biology 2.the lack of serious and purposeful analysis of types and sources of conflict in our country & neighborhood.D Programme The Centre offers Ph. While the chief focus of the Centre is comparative and contemporary studies. Mode of admission: Entrance Test: 85% and interview 15% Semester II A. The admission processes in Ph.D. CENTRE FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN BASIC SCIENCES The Centre is meant to provide opportunities to pursue research in (1) Protien Systems Biology (2) Bionanotechnology (3) System Biology (4) Bioinformatics (5) Medicinal Chemistry (6) Biomathematics and (7) Molecular Virology. Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B. and was one of the first centres for peace and conflict resolution to be established at an Indian University. Ph. Medicinal Chemistry 7. Molecular Endocrinology 6.D Programme in Physiotherapy and in allied disciplines. it also aims to fill a gap in Indian academic life . 2. 3.P. Biomathematics.Courses of Studies 1. Systems Biology 5.) Duration: 4 ½ years (4 years course followed by 6 months internship) Seats: 40 Eligibility: Intermediate or equivalent examinations under 10+2 system with Biology. 4. and 98 . The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. Programme by the Centre. Master in Physiotherapy (MPT-Sports) Duration: 4 semesters (spread over 2 years) Seats: 10 Eligibility: Bachelor in Physiotherapy (4 ½ years duration) with minimum of 50% marks in main subjects. The admission process in Ph.Ph. 5.D. D Course: A two Semester Pre-Ph. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s website accordingly. Fundamentals of Computing for Bioinformatics Cell and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Biophysics Biotechnology Seminar (Review of Literature and Presentation) 3. D. course is offered to candidates admitted to the Ph. NELSON MANDELA CENTRE FOR PEACE & CONFLICT RESOLUTION The Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution was launched in 2004. Chemistry & English securing at least 50% marks in aggregate of PCB from a recognized Board/University. Fundamentals of Computing for Bioinformatics Mathematics for Biologistc Fundamentals of Physics Chemistry for Biologists Seminar (Review of Literature and Presentation) 2. Bio-nanotechnology 4. Lab work (Research Methodology): Compulsory 29. Physics. and 3. Molecular Virology B. Two of the following seven subjects have to be opted: 1. Pre. 3. Mode of admission: Entrance Test: 85% and interview 15% For students coming from the stream of Basic Sciences (Module B): 1. 30. D. The course details are as given below: Semester I For students coming from the stream of Life Sciences (Module A): 1.T. Eligibility: Master degree in any Basic Science subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics/Computer Science) or Life Science subjects from a recognized university or equivalent institution with not less than 55% marks. 4. starts in July each year. programme starts in July each year. 5. The Centre is committed to develop a cross – cultural. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Seats: 20 Eligibility: Master’s degree with at least 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade in any subject from a recognized University / Institution. 2. One of the concerns of the Centre is to redress this imbalance and to create a site for an academic study of Comparative Religions that forms a part of mainstream liberal art education curricula in India. M.but it has not yet been collected or analyzed from a doctrinal point of view.D. 31. The Center has. There is a wealth of Indian literature on war-making and peace settlements through the ages . in Peace and Conflict Studies The Centre offers Ph.A. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. COURSES OFFERED 1) Ph. starts in July each year. The admission process in Ph. and among various departments and Centres of our University. CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS & CIVILIZATIONS The Centre for the Study of Comparative Religions & Civilizations was launched in 2005.D. Mode of Admission: Admission in the programme will be made on the basis of Entrance Test and Interview. an active programme of: research. interdisciplinary programme of research. seminars.D. One of the few of its kind to be established at an Indian University. The interview for the M. Ph. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Seats: 40 Eligibility: (a) Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate. curriculum development. 2) M. The newly emergent 99 .D. in Comparative Religions Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Seats: 30 Eligibility: Graduation in any subject from a recognized university with at least 45% marks in aggregate. D. seminars/conferences and training courses for faculty. (b) Mode of Admission: The admission will be based on an Entrance Test. not found a sound footing in the Indian academia. Phil programme would be based on a brief Research Proposal presented by the candidate. as well as partnerships with other university centres/departments and institutions working in the field of peace and conflict studies. conferences and academic dialogues between disciplines. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. M. discipline of Religious Studies does not form part of any academic curricula and. 1. Mode of Admission: Admission in the programme will be made on the basis of Entrance Test (85%) and Interview (15%). has therefore. the Centre takes a serious look at the neglected field of Religious Studies in India. D. in Conflict Analysis and Peace Building The Centre offers Ph. curriculum development. teaching.the methods of dealing with them that India has adopted. and hopes to develop further. administration and civil society. The admission processes in Ph. programme in Peace & Conflict Studies. programme in Comparative Religions & Civilizations. starts in July each year. as well as collaborations and institutional links with other University and research institutions in India aboard. Group Discussion and Interview with the weightage of marks as detailed below: Written Test Group discussion Interview : : : (85 Marks) (5 Marks) (10 Marks) 3. Candidates must possess working knowledge of English.A. Phil. teaching. Acknowledging the pioneering work of the Centre. Phil in European Studies / Latin American Studies Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years). M.V. COURSES OFFERED 1. to disseminate new knowledge forms and facilitate informed discussions and debates in the wider academia and society. Ph. NARAYANAN CENTRE FOR DALIT & MINORITIES STUDIES Established in February 2005. 33. D. Eligibility: Not less than 55% marks in Master’s Degree from a recognized University. In addition. and finally. equality and egalitarianism. history. COURSES OFFERED 1. Programme The Centre offers Ph. Dr.R. Italy. Portuguese. 2. Russian and Spanish who would be able to conduct study and research of the area specified in the languages of these regions. Selection Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks obtained in the written test (85%) and interview (15%). K. The admission process in Ph. Narayanan Centre for Dalit & Minorities Studies is credited with initiating the first-ever ‘Masters Programme on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy’ in India. The pedagogical and research approaches at the Centre accentuate upon inter-disciplinarity and pluralism in their effort to understand the complex nature of social reality. Narayanan Centre for Dalit & Minorities Studies in recognition of the yeoman service that the former President of India unceasingly rendered for advocating the cause of social justice. K. the University Grants Commission sanctioned the ‘Programme on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy’ in 2008 and has since been incorporated within the existing focus of the Centre. to understand the processes and dimensions of social exclusion. The Centre offers M. R. the Centre undertakes various academic activities with an interdisciplinary focus that cover a wide range of areas like culture. Admission will be based on entrance test comprising of a written test (85%) and an interview (15%). starts in July each year. the Centre also offers language proficiency programmes in various languages in order to create a corpus of persons well versed in the languages of these societies like Catalan. Candidates called for the interview will have to come with their C.R. Phil programme in European Studies and Latin American Studies. society. K. D. These programs also help students opt for professional careers given the growing demand for these languages in the current job scenario in India. thirdly. At the core of the Centre’s academic activities lie research and teaching combined with efforts to develop suitable interlinkages with other academic.. 2. programme.D. research proposal and published work if any. Italian. Portugal. Advanced Diploma in French/Italian/ Portuguese/ Russian/ Spanish Duration: One academic year (Part-Time) Eligibility: All students who have successfully completed Diploma or an equivalent exam from a University or a recognized institution in the concerned 100 . policymaking bodies and civil society organizations. Keeping this objective in mind. Master Programme in Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: 1. The idea is fourfold: firstly. French. and literary and cultural studies of these regions. to establish the Centre as a nodal Centre of studies on social exclusion. The Dr. Bachelor’s degree under 10+2+3 pattern with an aggregate of 45% marks from a recognized University or an equivalent institution.32. CENTRE FOR SPANISH & LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES The Centre for Spanish & Latin American Studies (CSLAS) conducts research and teaching on Latin America and the Caribbean as well as on different European countries like France. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. Russia and Spain. politics. 2. secondly. to generate knowledge on the structural contexts and processes of social exclusion and understand their subsequent impact upon the socially excluded. the Centre for Dalit & Minorities Studies was rechristened as Dr. Programme. The areas of research in the Centre include political economy and development theory. The Centre offers Ph. starts in July each year. 34. education. tribal. Applicants to all courses are required to take an entrance exam details of which are available with the Centre. programme is a three year programme in which students are expected to do advanced and original research on development issues.D. COURSES OF STUDIES 1. More details of both programmes regarding eligibility and admissions are available on http://www.D. COURSES OF STUDIES 1. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. The Centre focuses on the study of debates and ideas of Nehru and his contemporaries to analyse and understand the current context of developments in the Indian society. 2. The Centre offers an inter-disciplinary Ph. 35. Ph. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. The M. It also helps them to acquire knowledge and skills that will help them find a career either with government or development sector apart from academics. Intake: 20 Eligibility: Master Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or equivalent Institution with not less than 55% marks in aggregate. The admission processes in Ph. the Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies focuses on teaching and research on development processes that have impacted the making of modern Indian 4. In the second year students are expected to submit a dissertation which is based on both primary and secondary research. Diploma in Catalan/French/Russian/Italian/ Portuguese/ Spanish Duration: One academic year (Part-Time) Eligibility: All students who have successfully completed Certificate of Proficiency or an equivalent exam from a University or a recognized institution in the concerned language are eligible to seek admission to the Diploma Programme. Phil and Ph. 101 . The first two semesters of the programme consist of course work. CENTRE FOR WEST ASIAN STUDIES The Centre for West Asian Studies was established in July 2004. government and non-government institutions.jmi. society and economy with special focus on India. The Ph. Phil) Duration: 4 Semester (Spread over 2 years). The Centre strives for comprehensive understanding of the region. Master of Philosophy (M. D. starts in July each year. This interdisciplinary programme seeks to train students to research in matters crucial to public policy and their implementation. dalit. D Programme: Admission Procedure: Admission to this course will be made on the basis of an Entrance Test comprising the Written Test (85% marks) and Interview (15% marks). 3.D. The admission process in Ph. D. The Centre houses as comprehensive library on these issues. Certificate in Italian/ French/Portuguese/ Russian/Spanish/Catalan Duration: One academic year (Part-Time) Eligibility: 10+2 or equivalent qualification with a minimum of 40% marks. Phil is a two year programme (Four Semesters). Programme which will cover all aspects of contemporary politics. bringing together different perspectives to study the region as a resource base. It also does research projects and national and international seminars in partnership with national level research. CENTRE FOR JAWAHARLAL NEHRU STUDIES Founded on 2004.language are eligible to seek admission to the Advanced Diploma Programme. The Centre encourages inter-disciplinary studies and research in social sciences through its M. minority and gender studies. health and the environment. Programme in Development Studies. the foundations of which were laid in the Nehruvian period. D. Diploma in Iranology (Par-Time course) Duration: 1 year Eligibility: Bachelors degree in any discipline from a recognized University or equivalent institution with 50% marks in aggregate. starts in July each year.A. KHORAKIWALA CENTRE FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The FTK-Centre for Information Technology was originally started as Computer Centre in the year 198485 with the objective of providing basic computing facilities to students and faculty members of Jamia. to initiate debate. The Centre is emerging as a unique nodal point for the research and promotion of Indian culture in the Arab countries and the Arab culture in India through it inter-disciplinary academic programmes and multi-faceted literary and cultural activities. D. sharing research and encouraging dialogue between academia. The centre also manages 34 Mbps Internet bandwidth through 3-Radio link connections. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. economic and historical processes. research proposal and published work (if any).2. 1.) Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Eligibility: Not less than 55% marks in Master’s Degree from a recognized university. Programme. Master of Philosophy (M. The admission process in Ph. Media and Governance was initiated with the objective of developing a policy oriented understanding of Culture. Seats: 20 Admission Process: Candidate will be admitted in the course after appearing in an examination which will include a written test of 85 marks and an interview of 15 marks. Media and Governance and the interplay between them in India and the South Asian region. Presently. programme in Gulf Studies.D. starts in July each year. D. FAKHRUDDIN T. it has grown into a state-of-the-art ICT facility for the entire University community.D. The centre strives to work as a think tank in addressing the dilemmas of governance in the new epoch of mediated culture. CENTRE FOR CULTURE. 2. The admission process in Ph. The Centre offers Ph. Ph. national and global levels. 37. INDIA ARAB CULTURAL CENTRE The vision and mission of the India Arab Cultural Centre is to facilitate the rejuvenation and nourishment of the civilisational linkages that existed between India and the Arab world since antiquity. COURSES OFFERED 1. offices and hostels of Jamia through a Local Area Network comprising of 4000+ nodes. Number of Seats: 10 Admission Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of merit determined by the aggregate of marks obtained in written test (85%) and interview (l5%). 2200+ PCs and several WiFi installations across the campus. 102 . in Media Governance : 30 Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Seats Eligibility: Not less than 50% marks in aggregate in Bachelor degree or any discipline from a recognized University / Institution. government. Since then.D. Candidates called for the interview will have to come with their CV. Ph. M. the Centre provides several critical ICT services on “round-theclock” basis to all departments. The objectives of the centre is to study the interlinkage between media and governance in their various forms. It aims to develop pedagogical innovations in both academia and professional training. civil society and industry at the local. The Centre offers Ph. MEDIA & GOVERNANCE The Centre for Culture. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s website accordingly. Course of Offered: 36. P. 2. Programme 38. at different sites and their grounding in wider political. D.G. Phil. A two semesters course is offered to students joining Centre for Ph. AMU. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s Website accordingly. the Centre has also provided E-Mail facilities to all faculty members. Like all other services of the centre. General Relativity and Cosmology . support sector reform. The admission process in Ph. starts in July each year. The Centre is expected to play the role of a catalyst and watchdog to sustain and increase national attention on ECD. Recently. Programme. For achieving optimum communication and administrative efficiency. Thus . build hyman resources for ECD at various levels. 1-Gbps link under National Knowledge Network project of Ministry of Human Resource Development has also be set up.II 4. The vision of the CECDR is to see an India in which every young child is provided a nurturing and stimulating environment for his/her optimal. Quantum Field Theory 3. CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) has a very active research program in Cosmology and High Energy Physics. Topical course (based on current trends in theoretical physics of interest the Centre. COURSES OFFERED 1. the broader intension of the CECDR is to develop as national resource in ECD over 39. in Ph.D. To provide support for the data and transactional activities at the operational and management level. Programme The Centre offers Ph. Program. the center has been developing and maintaining the “Jamia-MIS” (University ERP) system for past seven-years. COURSES OFFERED Ph.D. bring key stakeholders together . this is probably first of its kinds in the area of Theoretical Physics. Mathematical Physics-II 2. research. D. India. program. Ph.Simultaneously. To move in this direction. The admission process 103 . IGNOU etc. the centre manages the University website which in the past ten-years has grown to 15000+ pages. Cosmology and Particle Physics. Mathematical Physics-I 2. through sustained attention and efforts of the Government and Civil Society based on a scienctific understanding of children’s developmental needs. General Relativity and Cosmology . Programme in Theoretical Physics. the Jamia MIS is also critical services which remain operational on 365x24x7 basis and provides fundamental support to all academic and administrative activities in the University.D. The broad areas which will be covered in the course work are: 1st Semester 1. IIT Roorkee. help bridge gaps between theory. In addition. D. 2nd Semester 1. In addition.D. The thrust areas of research include Gravitation. The schedule of admission and the guidelines are displayed on Jamia’s website accordingly. the Centre has also started Ph. The FTK-Centre for Information Technology is also partnering with other premier institutions of the country like IIT Kanpur. Practical Physics 3. D.D.I 4. Such lecture course will be delivered either by faculty or renowned visitors whenever need arises). In fact. the purpose of the CECDR is to create an enabling environment for enlightened policy and practice for ECD particularly with reference to children who ar most marginalized. The Centre provides a suitable plateform for interaction of visitors with the faculties and students. policy and practice. starts in July each year. Programme The Centre offers Ph. officers and other staff of the University. CENTRE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH The Jamia has established a Centre for Early Childhood Development and Research with the ongoing funding of the Save the Children. 40. the center regularly undertakes ICT capacity development activities by conducting training programmes. The (CTP) has strong collaborative programme with other premier Research Institutes in India and abroad. in development of Open Source ERP for Universities under the ERP Mission Project. workshops and conferences for the ICT users in Jamia and other Universities. help develop quality frameworks and also position itself as a technical resource centre for the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the Ministrry o Health and Family Welfare as it relates to children’s development. Structure and evolution of scientific thoughts. holistic development. The main research focus of the Centre includes Nano-fabrication & Nanodevice. Psychology. In addition the centre also offers an M. but recognises childhood as a value in itself.D programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. expertise and research means between researchers from different disciplines. it became a full fledged centre in 2009.D Programme The Centre offers Ph. Early Childhood Development Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Seats : 20 Eligibility: Three years Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development. in Physics/Chemistry (with Mathematics upto at least Graduation level)/ Electronics/ Material Science/Electronic Instrumentation with not less than 55% marks in aggregate. Duration: 4 Semesters (spread over 2 years) Number of Seats: 20 Eligibility: (i) M. which will operate independently. OR (ii) Bachelor’s degree in Electrical/Mechanical/ Electronics & Communications/Computer Engg. in July each year. and provide the infrastructure to support this fascinating field of research at the frontier of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The centre started functioning in the session 2003. It has further scope of students accessing material through internet and various other media. The mission of this Centre is to promote forefront basic and applied research in the fields of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. supplemented by audio and video programmes. CENTRE FOR NANO SCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY The Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology was launched in December 2011.time. The Centre for Distance and Open Learning is approved by Ministry of Human Resourse Development Govt of India in 2009 and all the programmes running by Centre for Distance and Open Learning are recognized by joint committee DEC. The mode of transaction is through self-learning print material. Home Science. Bihar. Nanobiotechnology & Nano-medicine. Nano-materials & Nano-structures. which recognises children not only as future productive adults. the CECDR will be informed by a child rights perspective. Nano-structure characterization & measurements. Furthermore. Ph. It will visualise responces to the multiple challenges at different levels of making quality ECD happen.UGC/ NCTE. The Open Learning System allows a learner to determine his pace of learning and provides education at the doorstep of the learner. Orissa and Maharashtra. M. with not less than 65 C. The schedule of admission and the guideline are displayed on Jamia’s website accordingly. ARJUN SINGH CENTRE FOR DISTANCE AND OPEN LEARNING The Centre for Distance & Open Learning started in Jamia Millia Islamia with the assistance of Distance Education Council in September 2002. These centres are located at various places in UP. the Centre. One of the very few of its kind to be established at an Indian University.AICTE. The centre has established 31 study/programme centres. Rajasthan. Courses of studies 1. or 60% marks in the absolute system 41. with potential applications towards fulfilling national strategic needs.I. Major objective of the Centre is to provide opportunities for higher education to those who are not able to draw benefits from formal system of education. Gujarat. OR Three years Bachelor’s Degree with at least 55% marks in the aggregate or equivalent. 42.Tech (Nanotechnology): Financing) (Self COURSE OFFERED M. will create the necessary conditions for the flow of knowledge.D starts 104 . 2. Tech. / Instrumentation or equivalent examination. Social Work with at least 50% marks in the aggregate or equivalent. The admission process in Ph. Chahattisgarh.A.P.Sc. (Nanotechnology) programme. 100/. Ansari (1880-1936). and a great writer whose writings have not only influenced social. Mushirul Hasan at the Jamia Convocation in 2004 in the presence of the then President of Indian Republic. In addition to Premchand. the University dedicated its Archives to memory of Munshi Premchand.Ed Bachelor of Commerce B. Dr. 4. A.Centre for Distance and Open Learning is offering the following programmes. The Centre collects and preserves manuscripts. admission form and the list of study centres write to the Hony. New Session will start from the month of August and Admission Forms are available from May every year. Bachelor of Arts (General) B. critical works and audio visual material in Indian as well as foreign languages in the case of SAARC nations and US$ 50/. syllabus. 105 . Diploma in Early Childhood Care &Education DECCE 15. (For further details. Dr. A. The archives also welcomes present-day creative writers to preserve their writings. Director. 8. 1. J. This certificate programme is offered free of cost.A Sociology MAS Bachelor of Education B. 2. Centre for Distance and Open Learning. M. 9. political and cultural consciousness in India at a popular level but also whose life and works made him the spirit behind the anti-colonial struggle of the Indian people. the Urdu writer and journalist (1926-2007). The admission is open througout the year for the Urdu Certificate Course. Qurratullain Hyder. Its purpose is to teach Urdu by means of different languages (Hindi & English) through distance mode. 5.through Postal Order to meet the Postal Charges for the dispatch of books and correspondence. 10. JAMIA’S PREMCHAND ARCHIVES & LITERARY CENTRE Bachelor of Intrenational Business and Finance BIBF Bachelor of Banking and Insurance BBI Post Graduate Diploma in Geoinformatics PGDGI case of countries other than SAARC by bank draft drawn in favour “Jamia Millia Islamia” payable at “New Delhi”. 7.A (General) The Centre also runs and Urdu Certificate Course. interact and encourage use and interpretation of archival material.A Hindi MHD M. M. photographs. Trained staff in Conservation and Archival Record Management is available to assist those intrested in research and reference of the archival material.A History MAH M. the most secular icon and an intellect who gave Indian literature a new meaning and purpose. Diploma in Power Generation Engineering DPGE 14. Zakir Husain (1897-1969). and of the literary stalwarts like: Pandit Banarsidas Chaturvedi (1892-1985). Abdul Kalam and the Hon’ble Minister for Human Resource Development. biographies. Diploma in Computer Hardware & Network Technology ADCHNT 12. The literary and cultural wing of Jamia’s Premchand Archives concerns itself with organizing regular literary activities public interface to inform. Shri Arjun Singh mooted the idea of an Archives on Munshi Premchand. Asaf Ali (1888-1953). 3. Dr. his letter and his writings-published and unpublished-works on him and his work-translation. But the candidate shall remit Rs. the Archives also houses private papers. Candidates from outside India should send an amount equivalent to US$ 20/.A English MEG M. New Delhi 110025). 6. Certificate in Computer Information Technology CCIT 16. Adv. Diploma in Electrical Engineering DEE 13. photographs and personal collections of national leaders like: Maulana Shaukat Ali (1873-1936) Maulana Mohammed Ali Jauhar (1878-1931). As a representative institution of Premchand legacy as well as composite culture of Urdu and Hindi. Recognizing and acknowledging Premchand as the father of Hindi/Urdu novel. P. Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling PGDGC 11. Jamia Millia Islamia. Zakir Husain Institute of Islamic Studies. The Institute also organizes symposia. refresher courses for teaching faculty in the area of ‘Gender Studies’ are organized on regular bases. The Centre presently strives towards achieving excellence in the areas of research and teaching. The Centre also publishes a theme based newsletter ‘Expressions’.A students can opt it as a main subject too. 45. ZAKIR HUSAIN INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES Dr. training. advocacy and capacity building programme are also conducted for cross section of beneficiaries. female foeticide and HIV/AIDS. It offers a multidisciplinary approach to understand the changing nature of gender relations in general and women’s experiences in particular. the Centre is committed to assist students and research scholars of the university in incorporating gender related inputs in their research. ACADEMIC STAFF COLLEGE It was established in 1987. one of the main promoters and sustainers of the Jamia Millia Islamia. In view of the demands of current social scenario. to make available translation of basic reading materials into Urdu and Hindi. Jamia Millia Islamia. Women’s studies centers were set up to mainstream women’s/gender issues. was established in 1971 in memory of late Dr. It also aims at the study of movements of liberalization and modernization in Islamic countries. The 106 . special focus is on adolescent reproductive and sexual health. It also develops pilot and demostrations to address population and development issues. a great educationist and a former President of India. Sensitization. Apart from the “Monthly Jamia”. Keeping these concerns in mind. who believed in the creative civilisational Core of Islam. the Centre has acquired to its credit many documentations and publications and has conducted number of lectures. seminars. It has 100% funding of all its activities/ training programmes by the UGC. Zakir Husain. one in English and other in Urdu namely “Islam and the Modern Age” and “Islam Aur Asr-e-Jadeed” respectively. The Academic Staff College is expected to develop an understanding among the college and university teachers of the environment they are working in and also an insight into pedagogy and psychology of learning and educational technology and help them communicate more effectively with their students. This support includes preparation of curricula. workshops. the Institute brings out two quarterly journals. taking into cognizance the beneficial experience of different countries. 46. seminars and extension lectures on subjects relevant to its objectives. B. DR. Government of India. Populaiton and Development Education is an integral part of all services of BAFSRC. 47.44. SAROJINI NAIDU CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S STUDIES The introduction of ‘Women’s Studies’ in the Indian university system came about more than three decades ago. In the past ten years. to carry out research from a gender perspective and to integrate both conceptual and empirical facets of gender issues and gender relations into teaching. Institute was set up with a view to promote the rational understanding of Islam with special reference to the points which can help in solving the problems of the modern age. which initiated “Staff Development Programmes” for promoting quality of higher education. BARKAT ALI FIRAQ STATE RESOURCE CENTRE The Centre provides tools and technical resource support to adult education programme run under the aegis of the National Literacy Mission. teaching material and environmental modules. From 2005 onwards. New Delhi. the Centre has offered women studies as a subsidiary (optional) subject in B. Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women’s Studies was established in Jamia Millia Islamia under the aegis of the University Grants Commission in September 2000. to create awareness on gender and women’s issues in the university and the communities around it and works for the empowerment of women from minority communities.A (Hon) course but in the current academic session. The Centre coordinates its efforts with the Directorate of Adult Education and Ministry of Human Resource Development. Apart from teaching. OBC Women and Minority categories. provides help books. pre-placement talks. Courses which the Academy conducts are: Short term orientation course. these centres aim at establishing an educationalcum-professional support system for women and children of the deprived classes. in Urdu. It has responsibility of Urdu medium schools including Madrasas and those schools where Urdu is taught as first. 107 . Rajasthan. and prepares students for admission to B. services of the Central and State Governments. Training & Placement Cell conducts preplacement training seminars to prepare students for the jobs.48. Urdu style manual. teaching materials for Urdu/Urdu medium teachers. JAMIA SCHOOLS Jamia also imparts education from Nursery to Senior Secondary level. ST. Urdu Pronunciation Course for Urdu teachers as well as media persons. online Urdu course. it provides extension and consultancy services to teachers and provides solutions/answers/informations of any question or querry related to Urdu/Urdu medium teaching. It provides coaching to students preparing for Group A and B. embroidery skills. Guidance/Preparation Course material for competitive examinations for Civil Services and for BUMS. (Please refer to our website for details). along with tailoring & cutting. Separate prospectus is notified for admission to Schools. hand books. University Placement Cell is very active in coordinating the training and Placement of students of various professional courses. It also provides coaching for UGC/ CSIR NET/JRF. Himachal Pradesh. CENTRE FOR COACHING & CAREER PLANNING The Centre for Coaching & Career Planning provides coaching facilities to students belonging to SC. second and third language in Delhi. It conducts short-term training programmes for Urdu medium teachers/Urdu language teachers also assists the State Governments in preparing text books. Urdu Translation Course. Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh. Diploma Engineering. reference books. 49. It maintains the Nursery School. lectures and discussions. Senior Secondary School and Balak Mata Centres.. UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT CELL The University started its Training & Placement Cell in 2006. textile designing are imparted here. 51. Jammu & Kashmir. Haryana. The Academy is engaged in various activities to develop the teaching abilities and efficiency of in-service Urdu teachers. Tech. computer and other skill development courses for women beautician. B. It organizes industry-institute interaction through career fairs. Balak Mata Centre: Situated in three different localities of the walled city of Delhi. Ed. Punjab. and Noting and Drafting course in Urdu. Public Sector Undertakings etc. and ETE. Placement Cell keeps a close interaction with the industry and identifies the potential employees and their contemporary needs. Middle School. All coaching is provided free of cost. Most of the reputed companies. Nursery and primary education. Students are selected for various coaching programmes on the basis of merit/entrance test/interview organized by the Centre. improves the communication skills in Urdu. It facilitates the companies which are willing to recruit students. seminars. agencies have visited our campus and recruited students from various courses. 50. other teaching and reading material. ACADEMY OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF URDU MEDIUM TEACHERS Jamia Millia Islamia has started an Academy of Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers since October 2006. public sector undertakings and govt. 14. A. 6. Journalism Journalism (Hindi Medium) (Hindi Medium) (S. 3. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & LANGUAGES M. Dip. 108 . & Guidance Fee Student Union Fee * Total 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 5220 540 50 50 100 50 100 60 0 50 200 0 100 0 150 50 0 400 0 20 100 50 50 0 2120 100 50 50 0 50 100 50 0 40 200 0 100 0 150 50 0 400 0 20 100 50 50 0 1560 32.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections.(H)/ Adv./ Certificate (except course in D/o Persian) M. 13./ Cert. 19. 22./ M. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counsel.000 100 50 0 50 100 750 50 200 0 150 100 50 0 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 16770 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs.A.A. No.A. 23. All Students of B. History (Previous/Final Year) will also pay Rs./ Dip. Dip. in P. FEE STRUCTURE OF ALL COURSES 1.) S./ B.A.F) (S. 17.G. 15. 10. Phil. 9.) History Ist IInd IIIrd year and M. Course in D/o Persian & Turkish Language P. 2./ Dip. 5. 8.V. Dip. (Hons. 12. 16.(H) Persian Adv. 18./ B.000 100 50 0 50 100 750 50 200 0 150 100 50 0 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 35770 13. NOTE: 1. 4. 20.52. 21. 50/. Dip. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessional Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. in T.G.150/. This fee will be collected by Concerned Department. 11.F.A. Particulars 1.per annum as Short Education Tour. 7. 000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 200 50 50 0 19220 1 (2) FEE STRUCTURE FOR THE CERT. 109 . 16. 9. 15. 1. 19. 11.000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 500 8. 7. 16. 24. 20. fee Subject Associations Student Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Lib. 9. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment N. 10. 1. 22. 15. 24. 17. & DIP. 12. 8. No. 11. 8. No.250 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 0 6. Travel and Tourism 1000 16000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 200 50 50 0 21220 Certificate 1000 10. (H). 18. 2 3.) Certificate in Translation Proficiency 1000 1. Hotel Management.1 (1) S. 7. 21. 23.S. Particulars Tuition Fee Differential Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib.A. FEE STRUCTURE FOR THE COURSES IN TOURISM AND TRAVEL MANAGEMENT Particulars Tuition Fee Differential Tution Fee Admission Fee Enrollment Fee Medical fee Identity card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib.470 Diploma in Translation Proficiency 1000 3. 17. 13. 25. 4. 3. 2. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Project Work/Field Work Total (in Rs. 50/. 6. 22. 10.500 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 200 50 50 0 15720 Diploma 1000 14. 6. & Guidance fee Student Union Fee * Total (All Amounts in Rs. 18. 4. 14. 14. 5. Foundation Day Celebration Games fee Jamia Radio University Coun.S. 5. IN TRANSLATION PROFICIENCY S.) B. 19. 13.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections.720 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 12. 23. 20. 21. A. 7. Students of B. B. III year students shall also pay Rs./ B. 15.Com. Social Work M. 8.S./BBS (II/III year) shall pay Rs. (Econ. 2.)/ M. 23. 27. 2.1000/. Sc.A.Com/ M./ B.) students opting for optional paper of Computer Applications shall pay Rs. in Hum.a. (Eco. 12. B.Sc. Social H. 2000/.Particulars 1. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib.)/ Camp Fee.A. Psychology M.A. fee for self Management and Development Module. 26. (a) Students of B.A.2000/-).M. 29.) B.1800/.as Lab.A.A.(H) Social Work II year and M.A. (Fee mentioned under 2 (a & b) to be collected by the department concerned. 110 .A. 13. 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 0 1000 400 50 20 0 0 0 100 0 50 50 0 0 5220 B. (b) Students of MA (I. 9.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. Work S. 4.2500/. / B.A. 16. 6. 3. This fee to be collected by the department concerned. 28. 17. 3.A.A. 20. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Lab Fee p. 11.500/. 14. Com. Fee (Rs. 5. FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES B. No.A. (Pol.A. 4. 21. Applied Psychology B. 22. (Sociology)/ M./ B.A.B.Semester) HRM will pay Rs.A. Admin. / M. (Pub.A.A. 24. Rights & Duties Edn. B.Sc. NOTE: 1.A.2. 19.)/ M. Field Work Sessional Work Foundation Day Celebration Placement Brochure Fee Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Skill Lab Fee Total 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 100 1000 400 50 20 300 0 500 100 0 50 50 0 0 6120 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 100 1000 400 50 20 300 0 0 100 0 50 50 0 0 5620 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 100 1000 400 50 20 500 700 0 100 500 50 50 0 0 7020 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 50 20 0 1000 0 100 0 50 50 0 200 6520 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 50 20 0 1000 0 100 1000 50 50 0 200 7620 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 50 20 0 1000 0 100 1000 50 50 0 200 7620 * Students’ Union Fee of addition to their regular fee for computer Lab.for fieldwork survey project. Ext. 10. 18.(Eco. 50/.B.R.)/ M.A. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Lab.A.500/. (II Semester) Social Work will pay Rs. Dev.and Rs.S. (Sociology) / M. (Econ)/ M. M.C. (Pol. 13. 24. Fee per annum Field Work Departmental Cultural Activities Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 21. 6. 111 .or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections.720 B. 50/. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib.000 2. 14. No.070 1. 25. 10.2 (1) FEE FOR SELF-FINANCING COURSES IN FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES S.900 100 50 0 50 100 750 50 200 0 150 100 50 500 0 1000 400 50 20 250 0 150 100 50 50 0 14. 19. 20. 12. 3. 8.000 0 100 50 50 0 26. 15. 18. 23. 18. Sc. 22.000 100 50 0 50 100 750 50 200 0 150 100 50 500 0 1000 400 50 20 0 200 0 100 50 50 0 12. 5. Diploma in Management of NGOs 9. 26. 2.920 P. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Lab. 4. 7. 9. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Student Aid Fund University Magazine Library Caution Money Lab. 9.500 100 50 0 50 100 750 0 200 0 150 100 50 500 500 1000 400 50 20 2. 17. Lib. 11. & Info.G. Psy. Particulars Advanced Dip. 16. in Couns. 770 Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 12. 10.000 50 200 200 50 100 500 200 1000 400 50 20 300 100 50 50 0 39. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Lab. 11. 1500/.2(2) FEE FOR M. 10. 7. 14. 20. No. Fee Games Fund University Magazine Student Aid Fund Library Caution Money Lab. 13. 10. IV Semesters of the MIB course. 10. 17. 16.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. students will pay the following Tuition Fee: Category Business sponsored students All others Fee for II Semester Rs.000/Rs.B. III.Annual Charges Fee for IV Semester Rs.) 35.000 50 200 200 50 100 500 200 1000 400 50 20 300 100 50 50 0 26. 5. Fee per annum Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total * Business Sponsored (Rs.000/Fee for III Semester Rs. 5. 21. At the beginning of II. 9.000/- 112 . 5.each with III Semester fee for Placement Brochure. 4.000 100 50 100 50 200 1. 2. 8. 22. 19. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 23. 5. 15. 18.000 100 50 100 50 200 1.I.000/Rs. 50/.000/. PROGRAMME (FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES S.Annual Charges Rs. 3.770 All Other (Rs. 1. 6.000/.) 22. Note: All the students of various categories have to pay Rs. Bio.Sc. 113 .Sc. Student’s Union Fee * Training & Placement Assistance Fee 0 0 5. Fee for next 6 months.Sc. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Fund Students Aid Fund UniversityMagazine Fund Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Lab. 18. Diploma inDigital Cartography 1. Chem/ Bio.Sc./ B. 14. 13. 20./ Phy. 10. 15.Sc./ B.A/ B. M./ B.Sc.3. Inst. 23.820 0 0 6. 50/. P.G. FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES S. 19. Geog. Biotech.Sc./ B.000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 50 20 500 100 50 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 100 1000 400 50 20 500 100 50 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50 0 25. Maths.720 0 0 5./ B. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Lab. 26.Sc.(H)Maths. 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 100 1000 400 50 20 500 100 50 B. 17. Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS Applications 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 100 1000 400 50 20 2000 100 50 P.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. 21. Fee Per annum Foundation Day Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 50 20 500 100 50 1.820 500 0 6. 16./ Geog. with Computer Science/ PGDCA 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 100 1000 400 50 20 500 100 50 MCA B./ Chem. 12. 5. Particulars No. 9.(H)Maths. 7.G.Sc./ M.Sc. 4./ Phy. 11. Department Development Total 7320+375** 5820+375** * ** Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 3. 22. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessional Fee Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 24. 2.220 0 0 0 0 27. 8.A. 6. F. M.) (S. 4.220 100 50 50 100 750 200 50 500 0 1000 400 100 50 20 500 500 0 100 50 50 27.000 100 50 50 100 750 200 50 500 500 1000 400 100 50 20 1000 7000 0 100 50 50 27.Sc.F. 16. Biochem.3(1) FEE FOR SELF-FINANCE COURSES IN FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES S. Fee Per annum Lab. 50/. Mathematics Annual Annual Annual Annual with (S.A.) (S. 19.000 100 50 50 100 750 200 50 500 500 1000 400 100 50 20 500 0 0 100 50 50 1. 20. 7. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Identity Card Fee Syllabus/ Sessionals Fee Examination Fee Lib.000 100 50 50 100 750 200 50 500 500 1000 400 100 50 20 2500 10500 0 100 50 50 25. 12. 8. M. 22.Sc. Consumable fee Placement Fee Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee* Subject Association Total Per semester Annual Once Annual Per semester Annual Re-fundable Re-fundable Annual - 0 0 21. Sc. Particulars M. Biotech. Bioinform.570 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 3.Sc. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Student Aid Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Lab. 17.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections.790 0 150 39. 2. 21.) M.Tech.F.100 100 50 50 100 750 200 50 500 500 1000 400 Annual Annual Annual Per semester Annual Annual Annual 400 100 50 20 500 0 500 100 50 50 14. M. (Industrial Maths. No.220 0 200 44.) Computer Applications) Annual 16.170 0 0 18. (Nanotech. Fee University Magazine Fund Library Caution Money Lab. 9. 23./M. 18. 14. 13.) (S.Sc. 15.F. 6.270 0 0 29. 11. M. 114 . 5. Tech. 10. Assoc.Sc.120 1. 5. (H) Physics IIIrd Year 250/250/1. B./ M.Sc. (Bioinformatics) P. 13.Ed.Ed. 3.A. Sc. FACULTY OF EDUCATION Particulars B. & Admin. (Industrial Mathematics with Computer Applications) M. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrollment Fee Medical fee Identity card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 4. Socio-Economic Survey M. 25.G. (Final) Chemistry M. 6.Sc.500/500/500/500/1.G. 7. Nursery/ M. Diploma in Remote Sensing & G. 2.A.000/1./ M. Plan.S. Sc. 10. Sc.000/- 4. 24.3(2) EDUCATIONAL TOUR FEE (FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES) (To be collected by the department concerned) 1. 8.Sc. Sc.000/1. 16. Edu. 17. Student Aid Fund Univ./ M.) Geography. Biotechnology III year B.C. 20. 3. (Hon) Final Chemistry M. Spl.Sc.I. (Pre. S. 14. Diploma in Educational Management 3. 19. 11.000/1. 7. Biochemistry M. 12. ETE/ M./ M. (P) Physics B.420 P. 10.A./ B.S. Tech.Sc. Biotechnology M. M. Magazine Cultural Activities Lib. 21.000/1.Ed.Ed. Edu. 22. Camp/Tour Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 15.000 100 50 00 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 0 100 20 0 50 50 0 7.Ed.D.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. M. 9. Ele.000/1.Phil 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 50 100 20 150 50 50 0 5. 115 . 9. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment Faculty Magazine Foundation Day Celebration N.Applications M.C.000/1. 13. 12. 6.Ed.000/1. 14./ B. 23.A.Sc./ M. 2.S.A.Ed. 5. Edu.Sc. 15. Bio-Sciences (Previous) M.Sc. Bio-Sciences III year B. 4.) / Dip.G. 11. 18. (Ed. Spl. Geography (Final)/P.500/1. fee Games Fund Sub. 8. 50/./ M.A. 17.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. 29. 24.200 100 50 200 100 50 500 750 50 400 200 150 100 50 150 0 500 200 1000 400 50 0 50 20 100 0 0 0 500 0 50 50 6. & Engg.000 1.E. 50/.000 100 50 200 0 50 500 750 50 400 0 150 100 0 150 0 500 200 1000 400 50 2.5. 7./ Comp. 16. Counselling & Guidance Fee Total 2.870 2000 100 50 200 0 50 500 750 50 400 0 150 100 0 150 0 500 200 1000 400 50 0 50 20 100 0 0 1.Sc. 26. Fund Student Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Educational Tour Library Caution money Laboratory Caution money Development Fund IT Development Fund Faculty Magazine Lab. Engg. 27. 32. B. Educational Tour Fee: B. 5.000 500 0 50 50 11. 23. 14. 15.000 500 0 50 50 8. 31. Foundation Day Celebration Lab.920 1.S. 30. (Pre-final year) Rs. 21. 24. 10. Mech. (Regular) (Evening) 1.920 2000 100 50 200 0 50 500 750 50 400 0 150 100 0 150 0 500 200 1000 400 50 0 50 20 100 0 0 1000 0 0 50 50 7.500/. 11. No. 3. Tech./ Electronics & Comm. 25.shall be charged for the courses following semester system. Fee Canteen Estab.000 100 50 200 0 50 500 750 50 400 0 150 100 0 150 0 500 200 1000 400 50 2. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Library Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Fee Syllabus/Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Laboratory Fee Games Fund Subject Assn. Engg./ M. For more information please see General Rules Regarding Fees and Accounts. Particulars B./ Elect. Note: Additional fee of Rs. Development Fee Departmental Library/ Seminar Fund Comp. 12. 9. 18. 13. in Env. Electronics M.000 50 20 100 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 22. Sc. (Civil) M.070 B. Tech. Fee N.920 Diploma Diploma Engg. 22. 28.S. Centre Estab.000 1. 2. 4.000 0 0 50 50 31. Estab.000 100 50 200 100 50 500 750 50 500 200 150 100 50 150 0 500 200 1000 400 50 0 50 20 100 0 0 1. Tech. This fee will be collected by the Finance & Accounts office.1000/-.000 0 0 50 50 7. 19. 116 .Tech. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY The candidates selected for admission will have to pay the following fees at the time of admission. Fee (one time) Placement Assistance fee (one time) Students’ Union Fee * Jamia Radio Fee Univ. 6. S.920 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. (EPSM/ Mechanical)/ Earthquake/ Control & Instrumentation system 2000 100 50 200 100 50 500 750 50 400 200 150 100 50 150 0 500 500 1000 400 50 0 50 20 100 1.E.970 16.000 50 20 100 0 0 1. 20. 8. 22. Fee Canteen Estab. (Self-Financing) 36. 2. 20. Arch. 2. 50/. 6. 24.000 100 50 200 100 50 100 750 50 4000 200 150 100 50 150 1500 500 500 1000 400 50 1000 50 20 S.620 B. 11. 2. 21. Fund Student Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Field Study fees Library Caution money Laboratory Caution money Development Fund IT Development Fund Faculty Magazine Lab. 21. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Lab. 3.000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 300 500 1000 400 50 0 0 20 100 100 50 50 0 6. No. * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 5. 25. 16.320 S. 27.S.000 100 50 200 100 50 300 750 50 400 200 150 100 50 150 1000 500 200 500 400 200 50 50 20 B. 11. 1. 7.) 2.LL. FACULTY OF LAW Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Fee Syllabus Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 10. 19.6. 4.M. Ekistics 2./M.No. 7. 9.S.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. Arch. 8. 19. 10. (Regular) 2. 23. Arch. 4. 17. 23. 3.000 100 50 200 100 50 300 750 50 400 200 150 100 50 150 1000 500 500 500 400 200 50 50 20 B. Estab. Fee N. 117 . 14. 18. 12. 6. 15. M. 8.A. 24. 12. 17. 5. 13. 26. 15. (Hons. 18.B. 13. 7. FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE & EKISTICS Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Library Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Fee Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Laboratory Fee Games Fund Subject Assn.000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 300 500 1000 400 50 500 1200 20 100 100 50 50 0 8. 16. 1. 9. 20. 22. Caution Money Library Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment Study Material Practical Training & Court Visit Fee NSS Foundation Day Celebration Faculty Magazine Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total LL. 14. 18. Photography. 5. 4. 9. Graphic Art App. MFA Painting. 26. Arch.000 100 50 0 50 500 750 50 200 0 150 100 50 0 500 1000 400 50 0 100 20 500 0 50 50 0 0 0 20.S.000 100 0 55. 33. 11. (Regular) 100 00 100 500 50 50 0 00 200 500 8. 30. 7. Ekistics 100 00 100 500 50 50 0 00 00 500 9. FACULTY OF FINE ART S.) 16.000 1.No. 21. 20 20 Sessional Work 500 500 Camp/Tour 1000 1000 Jamia Radio Fee 50 50 University Counselling & 50 50 Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * 0 0 Department Development Fund 300 300 Security (Refundable) 1000 1000 Total 8. Art Painting Edu. Art. 2. 150 would be charged. B. 3. Particulars Foundation Day Celebrations Course Development / Seminar Computer Centre Fund Placement Assistance fee (one time) Jamia Radio University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student Union Fee * Modernisation of Lab NASA Caution Money Total M. 10. 27. 118 . 28.S.000 0 50 50 0 4.A. 25. fee 200 200 Games Fund 200 200 Sub. 26. 27. Painting Sculputure. 5. Tuition Fee 1000 1000 Admission Fee 100 100 Enrollment Fee 50 50 Medical fee 100 100 Identity card 100 100 Syllabus/ Sessionals 100 100 Examination Fee 750 750 Garden Fee 50 50 Lib. (Self-Financing) 100 3. 23.120 Diploma Sculpture /Certificate in Commercial art. 14. 20. Arch. Note: i) Camp/Tour fee will not be charged from MFA Painting students.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections.220 B. ii) The Certificate Course in Art Appreciation is offered as an extension programme. Art History Edu. (S. 15. A nominal fee Rs.330 100 50 0 50 500 750 50 200 0 150 100 50 0 500 1000 400 50 0 100 20 500 0 50 50 0 0 0 10..S. 17.370 8. Magazine 50 50 Cultural Activities 150 150 Lib. App. 12.Curr. 16. 50/. 28. Art. 19. Sculpture. Particulars No. Assoc. 31. 29. 32. 8. Arch./ Co. 22. 24. 25.F. 6. Activities 150 150 Student Aid Fund 100 100 Univ. 34.120 8. Caution Money 500 500 Development Fund 1000 1000 IT Development Fund 400 400 Canteen Establishment 50 50 Faculty Magazine 50 50 Foundation Day Celebration 100 100 N.920 B./M.F.670 Certificate in Calligraphy 1. 13.000 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. (print making) Art Sculpture. or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. 2. 8.520 Students’ Union Fee of Rs.9. 16. 24. 12. 17. Note: i) Hospital Affiliation Fee (for BDS 3rd year students only) 1000/. 23. 9. 22. 19. 30. 10. 13.per annum ii) Transportation charges (for BDS 3rd year students only) 6000/. 7. 26. 4. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrollment Fee Medical fee Identity card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Library fee Lab fee Games fund Subject Association fund Student Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Lab Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Faculty Magazine Lab Establishment fee Foundation Day Celebration Lab Consumable fee CDE Programme Computer Centre fee Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * NSS Canteen Establishment fee Clinic / Lab Manual Fee Total * BDS 12. 29. 27. 1. 5. FACULTY OF DENTISTRY S. 31. 15. 18. 14. 3. 11. 25. 50/. 6. No.per annum The above fees will be collected by the Finance & Accounts office. 119 . 28.000 100 50 100 50 300 750 50 200 1000 200 150 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 400 3000 100 6000 200 200 50 50 0 20 50 800 28. 20. 21. 10. AJK MASS COMMUNICATION RESEARCH CENTRE 120 . A. CENTRE FOR MANAGEMENT STUDIES Fees for M. Phil. Particulars No. Particulars Tuition Fees Admission Fees Enrollment Fees Library Fees Medical Fees Identity Card Fees Examination Fees Garden Fees Laboratory Fees Syllabus/Sessional Games Fund Student Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Lab Caution Money Foundation Day Celebration NSS Periodicity Annual Annual Once Annual Annual Annual Per Semester Annual Annual Once Annual Annual Annual Annual Refundable Refundable Annual Annual MBA (Full Time) 2. 50/. 1.510 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 12. 3. 14. 17. 4. 12.320 Diploma / Certificate in Uzbek 100 50 50 50 0 50 100 0 40 200 0 100 0 150 50 1000 400 0 20 0 100 50 50 0 2. 24. 18. (Full Time/Evening) Programme S. 2. 9. 11. S. 7.000 100 50 200 0 50 750 50 400 500 0 100 50 150 500 200 100 20 121 . 14. No. 17. 21.000 100 50 200 100 50 750 50 300 100 200 100 50 150 500 100 100 20 MBA (Evening) 40. 8. 7. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Examination Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Garden Fee Library Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money (Refundable) Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Field Work Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total M.B. 10. 3. 9. 13. 11. 12. 15. 18. 2. 10. 20. 15. 23.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. 5. 16. 8. 16. 13. 1000 100 50 750 100 50 100 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 100 50 50 0 5. 6. 22. MMAJ-ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES The candidates selected for admission will have to pay the following fees at the time of admission. 19. 1. 5. 4. 6.11. 000 250 1000 400 300 2. 29. 10.000 9. 25.1000/. 27. 17. 27. 26. CENTRE FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY & REHABILITATION SCIENCES S. 22. 30. 8. No. Consumable Fee Guest Faculty and Training Assistance Fee Students Union Fee * Total M. 50/. & 26 Gust Faculty & Train. 19. Study Material Subject Association & Journal Development Fund IT Development Fund Field Work Scholarship Fund Jamia Radio University Counseling & Guidance fee Canteen estab. Fee Per annum Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Lab. Fee Total Periodicity Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Onece Once – MBA (Full Time) 500 2.000 50 50 50 0 0 11. 6. 20. Fee Lab. 13. 19. BPT Vth year (students exempted from item No. 16. 14. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessional Fee Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib.220 * • • Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 2000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 400 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 50 20 500 100 50 50 8000 18000 0 33. 5. 2.S. Estab. 28. 11. Fee Computer Centre Estab. 25 Lab Consum. 24.470 B. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Lab.T. 23. 26. 1. 4.000 0 20. No.T. 12.P. 15. Fee).P. 7. 2. 24. 22. 21. Particulars Placement.000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 500 1000 400 50 20 500 100 50 50 4.shall be charged from the students of Bachelor of Physiotherapy (III and IV Year) and shall be collected by the Concerned Centre. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Fee Students Aid Fund University Magazine Fund Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Lab. 23. 18. 3. 122 . 13.520 MBA (Evening) 0 0 150 1000 400 0 0 50 50 50 1000 2000 47. 9. 20.920 @ The NRI/Foreign Students shall be required to pay their fees in US$ * The NRI/ Foreign Students shall be required to pay $1000 per Semester. Assis.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. 21. 25. Educational tour fee of Rs. 11.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. in Conflict Analysis & Peace Building 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 0 200 150 100 50 150 500 0 500 1000 400 50 20 0 100 50 50 0 5. 7. 50/. 1. S. 19. 23. 10. 5. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Examination Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Garden Fee Library Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities M. 18. 3. NELSON MANDELA CENTRE FOR PEACE & CONFLICT RESOLUTION Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 6. 16. 6. 8. 3. 12. 8. Phil. 15. 12.A. Fee Department Library Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Department Lib. 2. 14. 11. 5. 27. 4. 7. 26. 24. 25. / M. 15. 17.720 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 20.A.14. 1000 100 50 750 100 50 100 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 123 . CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS & CIVILISATIONS S. No. No. 14. 2. 21. 13. 9. Caution Money Field Work Fee Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Departmental Cultural Activities Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total M. 4. 10. 22. 1. 13. 9. 17. 3. 20. 12.A.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. No. 124 . 16. NARAYANAN CENTRE FOR DALIT & MINORITIES STUDIES S. K. 15. 9.R. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Departmental Cultural Activities Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total M. 20. 19. 13. 24. in Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 00 100 50 50 0 5. 16. 21. 10. 23. 2. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 7. 18. 8.15. 23. 18. 1.220 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 14. 22. DR. 21. Library Caution Money (Refundable) Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 5. 22. 17. 6. 220 16. 11. 19. 5. 4. 50/. 8. 7. 6. (Media Governance) 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 400 100 50 50 0 5. 2. No. 2. 12. 10. 3. 4. 19. 20. 18. CENTRE FOR CULTURE. 13. 8. Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Identity Card Syllabus Examination Fee Cultural Activities Development Fund IT Development Fund Foundation Day Celebration Lib. 19. 16. 50/.220 18. Particulars M. 11. 10. 14. 4. 3. 15. Fee Library Caution Money (Refundable) Students Aid Fund Medical Fee Garden Fee Subject Associations Fee Games Fund University Magazine Canteen Establishment NSS Jamia Radio Fee Univerisy Counseling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total 1000 100 50 50 100 750 150 1000 400 100 200 500 100 100 50 150 200 50 50 20 50 50 0 5. 1. 23. A. 22. 13. 18. 21.17. 17. Phil Advanced Diploma / Diploma / Certificate in French/ Russian/ Italian/ Spanish/ Portuguese/Catalan 1000 100 50 50 100 750 100 1000 400 100 200 500 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4450 1. 15. 11. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 16.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Field Work Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total M. 23. CENTRE FOR SPANISH & LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES S. MEDIA & GOVERNANCE S. 620 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 17. 125 . 5. 7. 9. 14. No. 9. 21. 24. 5. 12. 6. 20. 22. 20. 14. 1. 20. 3. 22. 50/. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Examination Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Garden Fee Library Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money (Refundable) Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total M. 10. 22. 12. 5. 9. No. 8. 3. 13. 1. 4. 15. 18. 11. 4. No. 16. 2. 126 . 8. Phil. 15.19. 16. 2.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. 21. 10. 13. 1000 100 50 750 100 50 100 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 5220 20. CENTRE FOR WEST ASIAN STUDIES S. 7. 17. 6. 17. 9. 23. 1000 100 50 750 100 50 100 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 5220 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs. 14. 11. 19. Phil. 23. 18. 5. 12. 21. 6. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Examination Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Garden Fee Library Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money (Refundable) Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total M. CENTRE FOR JAWAHARLAL NEHRU STUDIES S. 19. 7. CENTRE FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH S. 2. 23. 7.220 22. 16.or as prescribed will be charged at the time of the Students’ Union Elections. 12. 3. 11. 13. Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Departmental Cultural Activities Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total M. 11. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Examination Fee Garden Fee Lib. 17. 20. 18. 15. 21. 6. 13. 20. 19. 18. 6. 10. 3. 4. 127 . 50/. 4. 8.G. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Examination Fee Medical Fee Identity Card Syllabus/ Sessionals Garden Fee Library Fee Games Fund Subject Associations Students Aid Fund University Magazine Cultural Activities Library Caution Money (Refundable) Development Fund IT Development Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio Fee University Counselling & Guidance Fee Student’s Union Fee * Total P. 5. 17. 14.21. 9. 24. 1. 1. 22. 10. No. 21. 2. INDIA ARAB CULTURAL CENTRE S. No. 17. 15. Diploma in Iranology (part-time) 1000 100 50 750 100 50 100 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 100 50 50 0 5. 14. 12. 8. 16. in Early Childhood Development 1000 100 50 100 50 100 750 50 200 200 150 100 50 150 500 1000 400 50 20 00 100 50 50 0 5.220 * Students’ Union Fee of Rs.A. 22. 5. 9. 19. 7. Tech. 10. 14.1000/ per annum Rs. Fee for Science/Engineering Students University Development Fund IT Development Fund Identity Card Late Fee Jamia Radio University Counselling & Guidance Fee Rs. 400/ per annum Rs. 19. 5.200/ per annum Rs. 7.D.300/ Rs.50/ per month Rs. FEE FOR Ph. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Registration Fee Enrolment Fee Library Caution Money Lab. Son/daughter/spouse/ of Jamia employees and the permanent teachers of the recognized institutions are exempted from the payment of supervision fee but shall pay (as special fee.100/. 13. in Social Work and Human Resource Management. No.250/ Rs. scholar.D. but shall pay (as special fee) Rs. 4.per annum. Particulars Tuition Fee Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Identity Card Fee Syllabus/Sessionals Fee Examination Fee Lib. the arrears of fees for the previous period will be payable by the scholar.D. Fee Lab. the following fee will also be charged in the 1st Semester: i) ii) Extension Lecture Fee: Rs. Fee University Magazine Fund Library Caution Money Lab. 12. 11.100/ Rs. 18. 17. Caution Money Development Fund IT Development Fund Student Aid Fund Canteen Establishment NSS Lab. 1. In case of re-admission of Ph.1000/ Rs. 500/- 128 . (Nanotechnology) 15000 100 50 50 100 750 200 50 500 500 1000 400 100 50 20 500 5000 100 50 50 200 24720 24.300/ per annum Rs.1000/ Rs. 15. In case of Ph. 2. 11. 500/Computer Laboratory Fee: Rs.50/ per annum Rs. Consumable fee Foundation Day Celebration Jamia Radio University Counseling & Guidance fee Medical Fee Total M. 8. Calculation of the arrears of fee to be governed by the rules given in the Prospectus of that year for which the fee is being charged.23.per annum. 12. 14.100/. library and lab fee and caution money. CENTRE FOR NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY S. 16. 3.50/ per annum Jamia employees are exempted from the payment of supervision fee. 21. 6. (INDIAN SCHOLARS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Caution Money Supervision Fee Library Fee Examination Fee Lab. 9. All the fees and charges are subject to revision.50/ per annum Rs.1200/ per annum Rs. 13.) Rs. 20. 2012 Monday Monday 11.2012 Mon – Saturday 13.2012 Monday 23.06.07.Saturday 22.2012 Wednesday 03.2012 Monday 13–16.07.2012 Monday Wednesday 03.07.Saturday 22.2012 Monday 16.TABLE – II 53.06. (Hons.Saturday 22.2012 Mon – Saturday 18–23.2012 Wednesday Wednesday 11.06.2012 Monday 11.2012 Monday 16. JMI) Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Date (s) of Interview Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Last date of completion of admission Formalities by selected Candidates Registration Display of of wait List of listed Registered Candidates waitlisted candidates Commencement of admission formalities of Registered waitlisted Candidates Commencement of the Classes Course Last date for submission of Application Form SOCIAL SCIENCES : GROUP I 06.4.2012 Wednesday 18–23.2012 Friday 06.07.07. A.2012 Monday 23.2012 Monday Geography 07. A.2012 Monday B.2012 Monday B.2012 Wed. Social Sciences and Natural Sciences (Venue of Entrance Test: Department of Mathematics. Friday 13.07.2012 Wednesday 13.30 pm 06.2012 Monday 23.2012 Monday 11.2012 Friday 16. Sc.2012 Mon – Saturday 29.06. June . June .06.2012 Friday Wednesday 18–23.06.2012 Friday 09.06. (H) Economics 07.30 pm 06. A.06.2012 Mon – Saturday 29. (H) Political Science 07.06.2012 Friday 09.05.00 .2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Monday 11.2012 Monday 16.2012 Monday 09.2012 Monday B.2012 Monday B. .2012 Mon – Saturday 18–23.) 07.06.2012 Friday 29. (H) Social Work 07.06.2012 Friday 13.07. A. (H) History 07.2012 Friday 23.30 pm Friday 13.2012 Monday 13–16.05. (H) Psychology 07.2012 Friday 29.2012 Monday 09.2012 Wednes day 09:00 – . June .07.2012 Mon – Saturday 18–23.05.2012 Monday 13– Monday 16.06.2012 Monday Friday 29.07. June . A.A.07.2012 Monday BBS 07.June .00 . June .05.07.2012 Wednesday 03.07.2012 Friday 06.07. Com. Wed.2012 Monday 11.00 .2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Wednesday 03.2012 Monday 129 .2012 Friday 13.4.2012 Monday 23.2012 Monday B.06.30 pm Monday 09.2012 Monday B.07.05.30 pm 06.07.2012 Wednesday 11.30 am 06.2012 Friday 13.06.30 am 11. June .2012 Wednesday 03.4.2012 Monday B.07.07.00 .06.2012 Friday 09. ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 Undergraduate courses of Faculty of Humanities & Languages.June .06.07.2012 Wednesday 03.2012 Friday 09.06.2012 Wednes day 13.2012 Monday 09.2012 Wednesday 18–23.2012 Friday 13.00 .06.2012 Wednesday 13.05.06. A. .07.2012 Wednesday 13.June .2012 Monday B.06. (H) Sociology 07.2012 Wed.2012 Friday 06.2012 Wednesday 11.2012 Friday 23.2012 Wednesday Monday 11. /B.4.00 .2012 Wednesday 09:00 – 10.07.2012 Wednesday 09:00 – 10.2012 Monday SOCIAL SCIENCES : GROUP II 06.2012 Friday 29.30 am 06.06.2012 Wednesday 11.30 pm 13. 2012 Monday 02.2012 Thursday 05.06.2012 Monday B.30 pm 15.06.2012 Monday 23.2012 Thursday 13. A.4.07.2012 Monday 02.07.00 . Monday Monday 13. (H) Urdu Monday 12. Travel & Tourism 07.2012 Wednesday 20–25.2012 Monday B.2012 Monday 23.2012 Thursday 09:00 – 10.June 2012 Mon – Friday 07.07.130 Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Date (s) of Interview Last date of completion of admission Formalities by selected Candidates Registration Display of of wait List of listed Registered Candidates waitlisted candidates Commencement of admission from Registered waitlist Candidates Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Commencement of Classes Course Last date for submission of Application Form HUM 07.07.30 pm 15.2012 Monday 17.2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Thursday 05.07.2012 Thursday 13.2012 Monday 25 – 29.05.June 2012 Wed – Monday 20–25.2012 Thursday 12.05.2012 Monday 07.2012 Thursday 03.2012 Tuesday 17. (H) Turkish Language & Literature 07.4.06.A.(H) Hindi Thursday 03.2012 Friday 25 – 29.2012 Friday 13.June 2012 Wed – Monday 02.A.2012 Thursday 09:00 – A.2012 Tuesday 23.June 2012 Wed – Monday 20–25.2012 Monday 16.2012 Tuesday 17.2012 Wednesday 13. (H) Persian 07.2012 Friday 05.2012 Monday 23.2012 Friday 15.2012 Friday 07.07.2012 Tuesday ANITIES & LANGUAGES: 23.30 pm 07.2012 Thursday 12.2012 Wednesday 11.07.05.June 2012 Mon – Friday 25 – 29. C.07.07.2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Monday B.2012 Thursday 09:00 – 10.2012 Friday 16.05.2012 Wednesday Wednesday 13.June 2012 Wed – Monday 17.2012 Monday 23.07.30 am Monday 02.07.00 .30 pm 07.2012 Friday 16.2012 Thursday 03.2012 Thursday 09:00 – 10.2012 Wednesday 13.00 .07.2012 Friday 11.06.2012 Monday Monday B.2012 Thursday 05.00 . (H) Arabic 07.2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Friday 13.June 2012 Mon – Friday 25 – Monday SOCIAL SCIENCES : GROUP III 07. A.2012 Friday 15. A.07.07.2012 Monday B.2012 Monday 16.07. A.4.07.2012 Tuesday 23.2012 Monday 16.06.30 am 07.2012 Friday 16.2012 Thursday 03.07.2012 Monday 17.2012 Thursday 03.2012 Wednesday Monday B.30 am 07.07.2012 Thursday 12.June 2012 Mon – Friday 25 – 29.2012 Monday B.2012 Thursday 16.07.2012 Monday 17.07.30 pm 07.2012 Tuesday Thursday 13.2012 Monday 2012 Wed – Monday 11. A.2012 Friday 15.2012 Tuesday 23. (H) Islamic Studies 07.2012 Monday 23.2012 Monday B.2012 Thursday 09:00 – 10. 07.2012 Wednesday 11.07.2012 Friday 16.06.2012 Tuesday 17.June 2012 Mon – Friday 05.2012 Friday Friday 16.2012 Monday 17.07.2012 Monday B. A.30 am 07.07.2012 Tuesday 17.05.2012 Monday 02.07.2012 Thursday 09:00 – 10.2012 Wednesday 20 – (H) Hotel Management.06. (H) Mass Media Writing Hindi 07.07.A.07.00 .07.07.30 am 13.05.2012 Monday 12.2012 Monday .30 am 13.2012 Tuesday 17.2012 Thursday Monday B.2012 Tuesday 23.07.2012 Monday B.06.07. A.07.2012 Monday 11.07.June 2012 Wed – Monday 20–25.2012 Monday 20–25. (H) English 07.07.4. Friday 09:00 – 10.07.2012 Tuesday 15.06.2012 Monday B.2012 Monday B.2012 Friday 16 .07.2012 Monday NATURAL SCIENCE S : GROUP II 08. Sc. Friday 15.07.30 am 08. Sc.Course Last date for submission of Application Form Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Date (s) of Interview Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Last date of completion of admission Formalities by selected Candidates Registration Display of of wait List of listed Registered Candidates waitlist candidates Commencement of admission from Registered waitlist Candidates Commencement of Classes NATURAL SCIENCE S : GROUP I 08.07.2012 Friday 03.2012 Wednesday 23.07.00 – Monday 17.July 2012 Wed – Monday 27 June – 02.07.07. 2012 Wed .2012 Friday 13.2012 Wednesday 18.06.2012 Monday 23.2012 Monday 04.2012 Friday 09:00 – 10. (H) Physics 07. Friday 09:00 – 10.2012 Wednesday 18.05.2012 Monday B. Sc.2012 Wednesday 19.2012 Monday 13.2012 Tuesday am 27 June – 02. A.2012 Tuesday Wednesday 09.2012 Monday B.2012 Monday 16.00 – 04.2012 Friday Friday 16.07.2012 Monday 16.05.2012 Monday 131 .07.July 2012 Wed – Monday 27 June – 02.05.2012 Monday 20 – 23 June.07.05. Instrumentation 07.2012 Monday 23.07. 2012 Wed .07.2012 Friday 15.2012 Monday 17.2012 Tuesday 18.2012 Monday 17.2012 Monday 23.2012 Monday 16 .July 2012 Wed – Monday 27 June – 02.2012 Monday B.07.2012 Monday 16 .30 pm 18.2012 Monday 09.2012 Monday NATURAL SCIENCES : GROUP III 08.30 am 08.06.2012 Friday 16.2012 Tuesday Monday B. Sc.07.07.2012 Friday 09:00 – 10.07. Bioscience 07.07.2012 Monday 23. (H) Mathematics 07.07.07. (H) Chemistry 07.30 am 15.2012 Monday B.2012 Monday 17.2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Friday 11.2012 Monday 16 .2012 Monday 09.07.2012 Monday 23.07.2012 Tuesday 23.06.07. (H) Mathematics 07.2012 Tuesday 17.2012 Monday Monday 09.2012 Friday 27 June – 02.Saturday 04.06.30 – Sc.2012 Wednesday Friday 13.2012 Tuesday 13.06.06. Sc.07.July 2012 Wed – Monday 18.2012 Thursday 23.2012 Wednesday 18.2012 Monday 09.2012 Friday 16. Sc.July 2012 Wed – Monday 13.2012 Wednesday Monday 13.2012 Monday 20–23 June.2012 Monday B.06.07.Saturday 04.00 pm 18.30 am 08.07. Biotechnology 07.30 pm 08.2012 Friday 03.2012 Friday 09.2012 Friday 16.05.2012 Friday 09:00 – 10. JMI) . Social Sciences and Natural Sciences (Venue of Entrance Test: Department of Mathematics.132 TABLE – II 53(i) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 Postgraduate Courses of Faculty of Humanities & Languages. 133 . 134 . 135 . For admission from wait list. the candidates are advised to be in contact with the concerned Department/ Faculty.136 All dates of admission schedule are subject to change if needed. . 2012 Tuesday 24.2012 Thursday 23.07. 18 – 19 June 2012 Fri. Monday 23.07.2012 Thursday 10:00 am 05.2012 Monday 20.07. Mon. Monday 137 .07.2012 Tuesday Wednesday 02:00 pm 26 May2012 Saturday 10:00 am 05.2012 Friday 22. Tue 9.07.2012 Thursday 13.2012 Monday 25.2012 Wednesday Thursday 02:00 pm 27.2012 Monday 04.2012 Friday 23. Ed (Nursery) 25.2012 Tuesday 30.m.05.2012 Monday 25.2012 Monday 25. Sat. A.2012 Monday 9:00 a.2012 Friday 09.07.2012 Monday 17.07.2012 Tuesday 09.06. 17.2012 Friday 24.07.2012 Monday Monday 12-13.2012 Friday 23.2012 Friday 16.07.2012 Wednesday 30.2012 Tuesday 06.06.TABLE – II 53(ii) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 FACULTY OF EDUCATION Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Date (s) of Interview Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Last date of completion of admission Formalities by selected Candidates Registration of waitlisted Candidates Display of List of Registered waitlist candidates Commencement of admission of the Registered waitlisted Candidates Commencement of the Classes Course Last date for submission of Application Form M.2012 Monday Diploma in Elementary Teacher Education 10.2012 Wednesday 10:00 am 04. May 2012 Sunday 10:00 a. 16.2012 Monday 20.07. Ed (Special Education) 25.07.07.m.07. 17.07.2012 Monday 20. (Education) 25. 16.2012 Monday B. am 02.2012 Monday M.07.07.2012 Monday 20.2012 Monday 9:00 a.2012 Monday 16.m. Monday B.2012 Friday 26–29 June2012 Tue – Friday 9:00 a.m.07. Ed 17.2012 Wednesday 30.07.2012 Monday 24.2012 Wednesday 15 – 16.2012 Tuesday 24.2012 Monday 23.07.2012 Monday B. 09.2012 Friday 09.2012 Monday Wednesday 30.07.2012 Monday 12-13 July 2012 Thurs – Friday 9:00 a.2012 Tuesday 23. 13.07.July 2012 Thurs – Friday 9:00 a.07.2012 Tuesday Monday 06. Ed (Special Education) 25.07.m.m.2012 Friday 24. 2012 Wednesday 26.2012 Saturday Monday Monday 02:00 pm 03.2012 Friday Monday 25.07.2012 Monday Thursday 26.2012 Wednesday 25.2012 Thursday 13.30 am 04.06.2012 Monday M.2012 Wednesday 24.07.2012 Monday Monday 23.06.2012 Monday 11.2012 Friday 02.07.2012 Friday Monday 12.06. JMI) Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Commencement of Interview Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Last date of completion of admission Formalities by selected Candidates 18.07.07. Phil 15.07. A.2012 Wednesday 09.2012 Thursday Thursday 30. 15.2012 Monday 10:00 a. Wednesday 25. 18.2012 Wednesday 25. Ed.07.30 pm 14.07. (Hons) 18.07.2012 Monday.2012 Tuesday 25.2012 Saturday 19. Diploma in Educational Management 15.2012 Friday M.2012 Wednesday 30.A.2012 Friday M.2012 Thursday 24.2012 Friday 02.2012 Monday .07.2012 Wednesday 09.2012 Tuesday 10:00 am 03.2012 Thursday Monday 13.2012 Wednesday Registration Display of of wait List of listed Registered Candidates waitlist candidates Commencement of admission from Registered waitlist Candidates Commencement of the Classes Course Last date for submission of Application Form 04.2012 Monday LL.07.07.2012 Monday Monday 10.2012 Monday 03. LL.07.07. (Educational Planning & Administration) 15.07. G.2012 Friday Friday 23.B.2012 Monday 53(iii) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 FACULTY OF LAW (Venue of Entrance Test : Department of Mahtematics.2012 Thursday 30.07.07. Ed. m 02.06.2012 Wednesday 25.M.2012 Wednesday 26.2012 Thursday 26.2012 Tuesday 02:00 pm 19.2012 Tuesday 24.07.2012 Tuesday 25.07. Tuesday 23.07.2012 Wednesday 16.2012 Friday P.138 Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Commencement of Interview Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Last date of Registration of completion of waitlisted Candidates admission Formalities by selected Candidates Display of List of Registered waitlist candidates Commencement of admission from Registered waitlist Candidates Commencement of the Classes Course Last date for submission of Application Form M.07.2012 Wednesday 09.2012 Saturday 10:00 am 07.2012 Wednesday Friday Tuesday – 04.2012 Tuesday 25.2012 Thursday B.2012 Friday 18.2012 Monday 30.07.07. (Elementary Education) 15.2012 Thursday 17.07.2012 Monday 24.2012 Tuesday 11.00 .2012 Tuesday 17.2012 Wednesday 20.2012 Monday 53 (iv) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Regular Courses * M. Sc. Electronics/ * M. Tech. (Electrical Power B. Tech. Diploma in Engineering. B.E. (Evening) All branches Part-time Courses Diploma in Engineering (Evening) Sl. No System Management, Control & Instrumentation System, Environmental Science & Engg, Earthquake Engg, Mechanical Engg.) 30.04.12 (Monday) 09.06.12 (Saturday) 10.00 am 10.06.12 (Sunday) 10.00 am 30.04.12 (Monday) Events 1. Last date of submission of Application Form in the Office of the Dean Facul ty of Engineering & Technology. 15.10.12 (Monday) 11.11.12 (Sunday) 10.00 am 10.11.12 (Saturday) (10.00 am) Civil, Mech, Elect & E&C 2. Date of Entrance Test s 3. 26.07.12 (Thursday) 30.07.12 (Monday) Declaration of Results 07.07.12 (Saturday) (10.00 am) M. Tech.: CIS 08.07.12 (Sunday) (10.00 am) M. Tech.: EPSM, E.Q. Engg, Mech. Engg/M. Sc Electronics 08.07.12 (Sunday) (02.00 p.m.) M. Tech.: Env. Sc. & Engg. 23.07.12 (Monday) 20.06.12 (Wednesday) 19.06.12 (Tuesday) 10.07.12 (Tuesday) 16.07.12 (Monday) 10.11.12 (Saturday) (02:00 pm) Computer Engineering 20.11.12 (Tuesday) 07.01.13 (Monday) 11.02.13 (Monday) 21.11.12 (Wednesday ) 4. Commencement of admission formalities 5. Commencement of classes NOTE: (1) All dates of admission schedule are subject to change if needed. (2) Application Form for admission to Part-time B.E. and Diploma Engineering courses will be accepted w.e.f. 10.09.2012 till the last date of acceptance as mentioned above. (3) Admission Schedule of the Waitlisted Candidates will be notified along with the Main Selection List. Waitlisted candidates will have to report to the concerned offices in person for their registration on the dates mentioned in their respective waiting lists. Admissions to such candidates will be granted subject to vacancy. (4) Candidates are advised to personally check the admission lists on the notice boards of Faculty of Engineering & Technology and Jamia Polytechnic (for Diploma Engineering courses) on the above mentioned dates. The results will also be available on the Jamia website ( No correspondence will be made in this respect. * The applicants for M. Tech./M.Sc. (Electronics) are required to submit their mark sheets of qualifying examinations latest by July 23, 2012 till 12.00 noon in the Office of the Dean, failing which their candidature will not be considered for admission to the respective course. 139 140 Date/ Time of Entrance Test Display of the List of Selected/ Waitlisted Candidates Commencement of admission formalities Last date of Completion of Admission formalities by Selected Candidates Registration of the Waitlisted Candidates Display of the List of Registered Candidates Commencement of Admission formalities by Registered Waitlisted Candidates Commencement of the Classes 01.07.2012 Sunday 10.00 a.m. 07.07.201 2 Saturday 16.07.2012 Monday 20.07.2012 Friday 20.07.2012 Friday 23.07.2012 Monday 01.07.2012 10.00 a.m. 07.07.2012 Saturday 16.07.2012 Monday 20.07.2012 Friday 20.07.2012 Friday 23.07.2012 Monday 24.07.2012 Tuesday 30.07.2012 Monday 24.07.2012 Tuesday 30.07.2012 Monday 02.06.2012 (Saturday) Paper – I 10.00 am to12.00 Noon Paper – II 2.00 to 5.00pm 18.06.2012 Monday 29.06.2012 Friday 09.07.2012 Monday 10.07.2012 Tuesday 10.07.2012 Tuesday 11.07.2012 Wednesday 16.07.2012 Monday 53 (v) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012 – 2013 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE & EKISTICS Course Last date of the Submission of the Admission Form M. Arch. 11.06.2012 Monday M. Ekistics 11.06.2012 Monday B. Arch. {Regular/ SFS} 10.05.2012 Thursday 53 (vi) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012 – 2013 FACULTY OF DENTISTRY Date/ Time of Entrance Test Commencement of admission formalities by the selected Candidates Course Last date of Submission of the Admission Form Display of the List of Selected/ Waitlisted Candidates Last date of Completion of Admission formalities by the Selected Candidates 14.06.2012 Thursday 27.06.2012 Wed nesday Registration of Candidates of the Waitlisted Candidates 28.06.2012 Thursday Display of List of Registered Waitlisted Candidates Commencement of Admission formalities by Registered Waitlisted Candidates 02.07.2012 Monday 04.07.2012 Wednesday Commencement of Classes BDS 01.05.2012 Tuesday 03.06.2012 (Sunday) 10.00am to 01.00 pm 11.06.2012 Monday 16.07.2012 Monday 53 (vii) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 FACULTY OF FINE ARTS 141 Diploma in Development Communication 19.2012 (Thursday) 19.06.05. JMI. Convergent Journalism/ P.2012 (Thursday) 05 #P.m.06. in Graphic & Animation/ P. Diploma in Broadcast Technology 20. to 1.07.A. (Tuesday) 06 in Still Photography & Visual Communication #P. Mass Communication Media Analysis & Written exam (Thursday) 20. A.05.2012 (Sunday) (Saturday) 23.07.m.07.30 p. 12.06. Tuesday Venue of Entrance Test: # * M.05.2012 (Friday) 21.2012 (Monday to Saturday) 18.2012 Upto 1.2012 to 30.00 p.G.2012 (Wednesday to Thursday) 05.07.2012 (Saturday) 06.2012 to 28.2012 (Friday) 03. m 10.05. Diploma in Acting p.2012 (Thursday) 13.m.07.m.06. to 12 noon 21. & New Science Block.2012 (Wednesday) 03.07.05. JMI/ New Teaching Block. m & 2. Dip.2012 Up to 1. Diploma in Broadcast Technology/ P.m. 13. Dip.05.30 p.30 p.07. to Saturday 23.2012 (Monday) 31.2012 (Thursday) 10.m.2012 Wednesday 03.07.m.2012 (Thursday) 12.00 p. G.2012 (Wednesday) 19.2012 (Saturday) 12.2012 (Saturday) 31. (Thursday) 02 # M. . m to 5.06.2012 (Monday to Tuesday) 04.00 p.2012 Thursday 31.00 p.00 p.2012 (Friday to Monday) 27.2012 (Friday) 17. in Still Photography & visual Communication/ P.07.m. No.2012 (Sunday) 2.07.A.2012 to 03.00 p.2012 (Wednesday) 26.m.07.142 Date of Test Time Display of List of Candidates called for Interview Date of Interview Display of list of Selected Candidates and wait list Last Date for completing the admission formalities Registration of Candidates from waiting list Display of the list of Candidate Selected from wait list Date of commencement of admission from waiting list 53 (viii) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 AJK MASS COMMUNICATION RESEARCH CENTRE Sr.2012 (Tuesday) 03.m.06.05. Diploma in Acting at AJK Mass Communication Research Centre.07.30 p.05.2012 Up to 1.06. (Tuesday) 20.05.2012 (Wednesday) 03.2012 (Monday to Wednesday) 22.2012 Monday 07 #P. to 5.06.2012 (Wednesday to Thursday) 29.07.00 p.07. (Thursday) (Thursday) 03.2012 Up to 1.2012 Sunday 02. Convergent Journalism 19. to 12.G.2012 to 05.2012 to 25.m. JMI M.00 p.07.06.2012 (Saturday) 23.2012 (Saturday) 2.05.m.00 p.G.G. Course Last Date for Submission of Forms 01 * M. Mass Communication at AJK Mass Communication Research Centre.00 p.2012 to 16.00 a.05.30 p.m.2012 (Tuesday) 27.06.00 a.00 p.2012 Up to to 20. to 5. (Tuesday) 06.2012 (Tuesday) 19.06.G.G. to 5.2012 (Tuesday) 20. m 10.2012 (Tuesday) 16.00 noon & 2.2012 (Friday) 21.30 p. 13.2012 (Saturday) 31. F/o Social Science.2012 (Friday) 03 # P.06.2012 (Wednesday) 11.06.m.m.G.2012 (Tuesday) 18.07. G. Diploma (Wednesday) 27.07.m.07. Diploma in Graphic & Animation 20.2012 (Monday) 31. Dip. (Sunday) 10.2012 Friday 20.2012 (Thursday) 22.07.2012 (Friday) 21.2012 (Tuesday) 29. in Development Communication/ P.07.m.07.07.2012 (Monday) 17.07.07. to 1.2012 (Friday to Saturday) 02.2012 Up to 1. 13. G.00 a.30 p.m.2012 (Thursday) 26.m.07.07.2012 Friday 21.A.2012 Up to 1. (Tuesday) 04 #P.2012 (Thursday) 20.00 a. 2012 (Monday) Certificate in Uzbek (Wednesday) 18.2012 Friday 23.2012 (Monday 11.30 – 01.2012 (Saturday) (Wednesday) 26.J.P.07.2012 (Monday) M.2012 (Sunday ) 03.2012 (Monday) (Wednesday) 25. 30 pm 22.2012 (Friday) 19.2012 (Monday) 07.06.2012 (Wednesday) 23. 30 pm 29.2012 (Monday) (Monday) Centre for Management Studies 17.06.2012 Friday) 23.2012 (Tuesday) 17.00 – 4.07.07. A.2012 Monday 24.2012 (Wednesday) 30.2012 (Monday) 02.T.2012 (Monday) 24. 30 pm 07.07.30 am 16.07.2012 (Monday) Diploma in Uzbek pm 17.06.2012 Monday (Tuesday) 16.07.07. 07.2012 (Monday) 24.05.07. Academy of International Studies 24.2012 Saturday 10.2012 (Wednesday) 24.2012 (Thursday) 13. A.2012 (Friday) 20.2012 (Thursday) 30.00 – 4. B. (Monday) 05.2012 (Monday) 24.07.06. (Full Time) 19.2012 (Tuesday) (Friday) 23.00 .2012 (Tuesday) 25.00 – (Monday) 25.2012 Tuesday 25.07.00 pm 24.05.00 – 4.2012 (Wednesday) 20.06.2012 (Thursday) 143 .2012 (Monday) 24.05.P.07.07.2012 Monday 30.07.2012 (Wednesday) 23.11.2012 (Tuesday) 11.07.2012 (Monday) 30. B.07.2012 (Wednesday) B.A.2012 (Friday) M. Phil 07.2012 (Wednesday) (Thursday) 11.2012 (Tuesday) 25.2012 (Saturday) Centre for Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Sciences 16.06.T.2012 (Thursday) 20.2012 (Monday) 30.2012 Monday (Monday) 24.2012 (Saturday) 16.2012 (Wednesday) 30.2012 (Wednesday) 25.2012 (Sunday) 11.2012 (Monday) 02.07.2012 Saturday 13. 07.2012 (Friday) 07.2012 (Tuesday) 25.07.00 pm (Saturday) M.07.M.2012 (Monday 23.2012 (Friday) 02.00 – 01.07.2012 Saturday (Sunday) 10.2012 (Sunday) (ix) ADMISSION SCHEDULE FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2012-2013 (TEACHING/ RESEARCH CENTRES) Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Commencement Display of list Last date of of Interview of the Selected / completion of Waitlisted admission candidates Formalities by selected Candidates Registration of wait listed Candidates Display of List of Registered waitlist candidates Commencement of admission from Registered waitlisted Candidates Commencement of the Classes Course Last date for submission of Application Form M.2012 (Monday) M. (Evening) (Sunday) 07.2012 Monday Center for Spanish & Latin American Studies 23.07.2012 Monday 20.07.2012 Thursday 20.2012 Friday 23.2012 Saturday 03.2012 Monday 23.2012 Wednesday 30.06.2012 Monday 29.06.30 – 04.2012 Friday 23.2012 Monday 07. 30 pm M.2012 Monday 04.06.2012 Friday 20. Phil in European Studies/ Latin American Studies – 4.2012 Friday Monday 29.06. A. Monday M.06.2012 Tuesday 11.06.2012 Monday 24.07.2012 Monday 30.2012 Wednesday 25.2012 Monday 30.2012 Monday Dr K R Narayanan Centre for Dalit and Minorities Studies 23.2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Monday Wednesday 30.05.2012 Monday M.2012 Thursday 16.07.2012 Tuesday 24.2012 (Friday) 02.2012 Wednesday 20.2012 Tuesday 25. Phil 07.2012 Monday 12.30 am – 4.07.2012 Monday 24.2012 Saturday 02.2012 Tuesday 25.07.30 pm M.07.2012 Tuesday 23.05.2012 Friday 23.00 – 10.2012 Monday Advanced Diploma in French/ Italian/ Portuguese/ Russian/ Spanish 07.2012 Friday 24. . Wednesday 24.06.2012 Friday 02.A.2012 Wednesday 04.2012 Tuesday 20. in Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy 07.30 – 01.2012 Tuesday Sunday 3.2012 Saturday 03. 30 pm Centre for the Study of Comparative Religions and Civilizations 24..2012 Wednesday 13.06.2012 Monday 13.A.2012 Saturday 30.144 Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Commencement of Interview Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Last date of completion of admission Formalities by selected Candidates Registration of wait listed Candidates Display of List of Registered waitlist candidates Commencement of admission from Registered waitlist Candidates Commencement of the Classes Course Last date for submission of Application Form Nelson Mandela Center for Peace & Conflict Resolution 29.2012 Monday 25.07.2012 Monday 11.2012 Monday Monday pm 26.07.2012 Saturday 09.07.2012 Friday 23.07.2012 Saturday 03.07.2012 Tuesday Friday 03.30 am 27.07. 30 pm 02.07.2012 Monday .2012 Friday 23. in Conflict Analysis & Peace Building Monday 23.2012 Tuesday 12.2012 Tuesday 30.2012 Monday 24.07.2012 Monday 06.2012 Monday Tuesday 23.07.2012 Friday 04.2012 Tuesday Friday 17.2012 Tuesday 30.00 – 4.00 – 10.2012 Monday 23.30 – 01.07.2012 Wednesday 30. in Comparative Religions 07.07.2012 Wednesday Certificate in Catalan/ French/ Italian/ Portuguese/ Russian/ Spanish 07.2012 Monday Diploma in Catalan/ French/ Italian/ Portuguese/ Russian/ Spanish 07.00 pm 26.2012 Monday Monday 11.2012 Monday 24.2012 Monday 16.2012 Friday 20.2012 M.2012 Friday 23.07. 07.05.2012 Monday 30.2012 Monday 20.2012 Friday 23.2012 Saturday 09.2012 Saturday 03.07.07. Tech Nano Technology 07.07.2012 Friday 13.07.2012 Monday Centre for Early Childhood Development & Research 23.2012 Tuesday 25.06.2012 Friday 16.07.2012 Monday 24.2012 Tuesday 25.00 –04. F/o Social Science.06. Phil in Development Studies 07.2012 Monday Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies 23. & New Science Block. Diploma in Iranology 07.05.2012 Monday India Arab Cultural Center 02.Course Last date for submission of Application Form Date & Time of Entrance Test Display of list of Candidates called for Interview Commencement of Interview Display of list of the Selected / Waitlisted candidates Last date of completion of admission Formalities by selected Candidates Registration of wait listed Candidates Display of List of Registered waitlisted candidates Commencement of admission by the Registered waitlisted Candidates Commencement of the Classes Center for West Asian Studies 24. Early Childhood Development 07.2012 Friday 05.07. JMI.30 pm M.2012 Friday 20.07.2012 Monday 03.2012 Monday – 04. A.2012 Monday 24.07.07. 30 pm 07.G.2012 Wednesday 13.2012 Wednesday Tuesday 25.2012 Monday 05.2012 Monday Friday 04. 30 pm M.2012 Friday 23. Phil 07.2012 Saturday 06. 145 .07.2012 Wednesday 30.2012 Thursday 13.2012 Monday Centre of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 23.00 .07.2012 Monday Wednesday 30.2012 Saturday 20.2012 Thursday 14.2012 Monday Centre for Culture.2012 Wednesday 30.05.2012 Friday 23.2012 Tuesday 25.2012 Monday Venue of Entrance Test: # Department of Commerce.A. – 04.07.2012 Friday 23.2012 Sunday 09.07.2012 Wednesday 30.2012 Friday 20. in Media & Governance 07.07.2012 Friday 23.07.2012 Wednesday 30 pm M. Media and Governance Monday 16.2012 Monday 24.07.2012 Monday 09.2012 Monday 29. 30 pm M.2012 Monday – 04.2012 Monday 29.00 .2012 Friday 20.07.2012 Saturday 03.30 pm M. Saturday P.07.05.2012 Monday 24.2012 Saturday 03.2012 Friday 23.2012 Tuesday Tuesday 25.06.2012 Monday 29.06. New Teaching Block.2012 Friday 06. 14 Almiat/Fazilat of Jamiatul-Taiyebat. Fatehpuri. Basti (U. Shahadatul Ikhtisas of Al-Mahadul Aali Al-Islami. may be admitted to B. 15 Almiat of Jamia Sirajul Uloom.54. Patna Alimiat of Darnl Uloom.P. Shahdara. Phatak Habash Khan. 12 Almiat of Jamia Asaria. Nepal Alimiat of Jamia Islamia Kashiful Uloom.) 39. Chowk Bazar. Vishal Khand . Malihabad. Bondihar. Rampur (U.) Fazilat of Jamia Islamia.P. School Certificate (Class X) of Jamia Millia Islamia for admission to XI Class in all streams and for appearing in the Entrance Test of Jamia’s Diploma Engineering 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. New Delhi Fazilat of Jamia Mohammadia. Kerala Fazilat of Al-Mahadul Islamia As-Salafi. SANVI Certificate of Jamiatul Hidaya.P. Opp.P. Kashmiri Gate. have been recognized for purposes of admission to the B. Sanabil. Jama Masjid. Kausa. Raigad. (Maharashtra) Such other Madarsas as may be recognised by the Jamia from time to time. Mau Nath Bhanjan (U. (U. Lucknow Fazeelat of Madarstul Islah. Calcutta Alimiat of Bihar State Madrasa Edcaction Board. Delhi 4 Madrasa Mazahirul Uloom. Oomerabad (Tamil Nadu) Alimiat of Jamia Serajul Uloom.4. Melegaon (Maharashtra) Fazilat of Calcutta Madrasah College. Niswan. Aurangabad. Nasik. 32. Maunath Bhanjan (U.P. Punjab Alim of Tauheed Education Trust. (3) The graduates of the Madrass recognised by the Jamia and listed under item (2) above may be permitted to appear as private candidates only at the English Examination of Jamia Senior School Certificate (10+2) scheme.) Ist year courses:Fazil-e-Adab of Lucknow University Dabeer Kamil of Lucknow University Alimiat of Darul Uloom Nadvatul Ulema.P. Lucknow. Calcutta Fazilat of Darul Uloom Ashrafia Misbahul Uloom Mubarkpur. Fazilat of Jamia Husainia Arabia. Jaipur (Rajasthan) 44. Maharashtra Alimiat of Al-Jamiatus Salafiah (Markazi Darul Uloom). Bhopal Alimiat of Jamia Darus Salam. Delhi Alimiat of Jamia Alia Arabia. Bihar. Aligarh or any other University separately has been recognized for admission to the M. 36.P.) Aliya of Darul Hoda Islamic Academy. Gomti Nagar. Darul Hadees. Bhatkal. Basti (U. P. U. (U. Mumbai (Maharashtra) (2) The Graduates of the following Madrasas. Jhanda Nagar. Mau Nath Bhanjan. Fazilat of Jamiatulbanat Almuslimat. AI Salafiah. New Delhi 8 Alimiat of Jamiatus Salehat. 34.P. (U.) Alimiat of Jamia Ibn Taimiya. Sidharth Nagar. Varanasi Alimiat of Jamia Syed Nazir Hussain Muhaddis.) Alimiat of Darul Uloom Alimia. Alimiat of Jamia Syed Ahmad Shaheed. Saharanpur 5 Madrastul Uloom Husain Bakhsh. Sidharta Nagar (U.A. (Pass/Hons. Jamda Shahi. Madrasa Education Board. Delhi.) Ist year course: 1 Darul Uloom. 7 Alimiat of Jamia Islamia.A. Azamgarh Fazil of West Bengal Madrasa Education Board. Alimiah of Jamia Misbahul Uloom. (U. Sant Kabir Nagar.P. Azamgarh. Moradabad (UP) 19. Urdu Course. Rampur. Kashmir 11 Alimat of Madarsa Rizul Uloom. Hyderabad Fazilat of Al-Jamia Al-Islamia Darul-Uloom. Tilkhana.) Fazilat of Madrasa Riyazul Uloom. U. Alimiat of Darul Uloom Warsia. Bihar Almiat of Noorul Islam Educational Society. Jaipur Equivalent to Sr. having passed the Examination in English of Senior School Certificate/ Intermediate standard from Jamia Millia Islamia or any recognized University or Board separately. Siddharth Nagar.) 46. Rampur.) Alim of Darul Uloom Al-Islamia.P) 17 Almiat of Jamiatul Banat. Kalindi Kunj. New Delhi – 25 45.P. Malda. U.) Fazilat of Al-Madrasatul Islamia. Aali of Jamea-tul-Hidaya.P. Tajul Masajid. Azamgarh Alim. Bihar. 9 Fazil of Madrasa Aminia.A.A. Lucknow Fazilat of Jamia Darus Salam Malerkotla. (Pass/ Hons. Delhi32. Azamgarh Alimiat of Jamiatul Falah. Kishanganj. Fazilat of Bhado Jamia Islahul Muslemeen. Jamia Nagar. 33. 41. Abul Fazal Enclave – II. Bilariaganj. Delhi 6 Alimiat of Jame-ul-Uloom Furquania. Urdu Bazar. Karanthur Khozhikode. Lucknow (U. having passed English of B. Deoband 2 Madras-i-Alia. West Bengal.) 40. (Maharashtra) 20.P) 13 Alim of Jamia Arabic Shamsul Uloom.Khairul Uloom. standard from Aligarh Muslim University. Sanabil. Alimiat of Al-Jamiatul Islamia. Domaria Ganj. Alimiat of Jamia Islamia. Calcutta 3 Madrasa-i-Alia. Darbhanga. Reori Talab. Sambhal Road.P. Banihal.) 42. (Karnatka) 47. Thane. 146 . (4) Adib Kamil of Jamia Urdu. Kerala.P. (5). Lucknow (U.P. Madhubani (Bihar) Moulavi Fazil Saqafi of Markazu Ssaquafthi Ssunniyya.) Almiat of Darul Uloom Ahmadia Salafia. Ganda (U. Champaran-Pin 845312. Jama Masjid. Aligarh. Alimiat of Jamia Mohammadia. Azamgarh Alimiat of Jamiatur Rashad. RECOGNIZED COURSES OF ARABIC MADRASAS/INSTITUTIONS (1) The following courses. Richa Bareilly (U. 37. Saraimir. PO Box 144. Delhi 10 Alimiat of Kashafia Educational & Preaching Centre. with English of Senior School Certificate (10+2)/Intermediate standard. Alimiat of Jamiatul Banat Al-Islamia. Alimiat of Jamia Islamia Muzaffarpur. Kanpur.P.P. Basti (U. (U.) 43. Fazilat of Jamia Islamia Noor Bagh. 35. Bhavara. Moradabad (U.P) 16 Almiat of AI-Jamiah-AI-Islamia.) Alimiat of Al-Jamiatul Islamia. Raghonagar. 38. Gaya (Bihar) 18 Fazilat of Jamia Ahsanul Banat. Maligaon. courses. Delhi Fazilat of Jamiatus Salehat. Khurram Mustafa. Faculty of Natural Sciences 26985177 Prof. Rose Varghese. Deptt. Dean. Deptt. Iqbal.26982006 Prof. Deptt. of Bioscience 26981717 Prof. Deptt. of Mech. Abid Halim. Head. Abdul Bismillah. No. Faculty of Law 26841143 Prof. Deptt. Shahid Ashraf. Zargar.M. Head. Deptt. Head. Head. of English 26981717 Prof. Head. Deptt. Rocket Ibrahim. Deptt. Narayan. of Arabic 26981717 Prof. of Hindi 26989669 Prof. Deptt. Head. Deptt. Dean. Head. Azizuddin Husain.A. Nisarul Haq. of Mathematics 26989967 Prof. of Persian 26981717 Prof. Shagufta Jamal. Dean. of Commerce & Business Studies 26984724 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES Prof. Dean. M. Mehtab Alam. Deptt.3212 3250 3360 3318 . Shahid Ashraf. Faculty of Dentistry 26983046 . Mohd. Gopinath. Head. Deptt. Sohrab Ali. Head. Deptt. Head. Head. Student’s Welfare 26980164 FACULTY OF HUMANITES & LANGUAGES Prof. Hasan Shahid. Faculty of Social Sciences 26985178 Prof. Head. Mirza Tariq Beg‘. Dean. R. Najma Amin. Head. Head. Dean. of Social Work 26981270 Prof. Neshat Quaiser. Faculty of Humanities and Languages 26983578 Prof. of Chemistry 26981717 Prof. Deptt. S. of Biotechnology 26988335 FACULTY OF EDUCATION Prof. Deptt. Khalid Ali Hamidi. Head. of Electrical Engineering 26982651 Prof. Khalil Ahmad. Abdul Wahab. Aejaz Masih. Akhtarul Wasey. Z. Offg. Tasneem Meenai. of Psychology 26984403 Dr. S. Head. of Physics 26984613 Prof. Akhtar. Head. of Educational Studies 26981717 Prof. Khalid Moin. Head. of Adult & Continuing 26843940 Education & Extension Prof. Deptt. Head. Khalid Mahmood. Faculty of Engineering & Technology 26985831 Prof. IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Extn. Deptt. Dean. Luqman Ahmad Khan. Dean.2317 2410 2340 2370 147 . Engineering 26981259 Prof. Deptt.M. Waheeda Khan. Head. Head. Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics 26983169 Prof. of Islamic Studies 26981717 Prof. Deptt. Dean. Head. Dean. Head. of Political Science 26981717 Prof. Mohd. Khan Masood Ahmad. Head. Deptt. Zubair Meenai. Deptt. Sharif Ahmad. Faculty of Education 26911772 Prof. of Computer Science 26980014 Prof. Head. S.3412 3450 3415 2110-2115 2140-2160 2310 . IASE (Institute of Advanced Studies in Education) 26823108 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Prof. Head.3312 3410 . Deptt. Shyamala A. 26981717 Prof. of Economics 26981717 Prof. of Urdu 26981717 FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Prof. Deptt. Ragini. Deptt. of History & Culture 26980171 Prof. Syed Aktar Husain. Deptt. Jamia Millia Islamia EPABX Nos. of Electronics & Communication Engg 26981284 2800 3500 3200 2100 2200 3100 2470 3700 1700 2870 2950 2930 -2933 2810-2812 2850-2852 2910 2830 3650 3510 3530 3610 3570 3550 3632 3210 . Head. of Civil Engineering 26985227 Prof. of Sociology 26981717 Prof. Deptt. Zaheeruddin. of Geography 26981717 Prof. Faculty of Fine Arts 26983513 Prof. Mohd.55. Director. Offg. of Painting 26981717 Mr. Head.U. Head. Centre for Physiotheraphy & 26980544 Rehabilitation Sciences Prof. Rangachari. Head. Sami. Director. Secretary to Vice-Chancellor 26984650 Mr. I. Centre for Dalit & 26981717 Minorities Studies Prof. Dy.4422 4400.N. Amiya P. Deptt. Sen. Shahid Ashraf. M. Director. Doja. N.A. G. Mushahid Husain. Media Coordinator 26980090 Mr. 26985179 Registrar Office 2530 2443 2610 2470 3770 3810 3715 3730 3790 3750 4100 4170 4300 3450 . Registrar (Academic & Council Branch). Director. M. G. Zargar. Director. of Art Education 26981717 Prof. Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 26981717 Prof. Asstt. Head. N. U. Media & Governance 26933810 Prof. Azra Razzack. Director. M. of Applied Sciences & Humanities 26988846. Hony.M. Foreign Students Advisor 26981717 Dr. Hony. Shahid Ahmad. of Applied Arts 26981717 Prof. Finance Officer 26981717 Prof. Hony. Dr. Maulana Mohammed 26987582 Ali ‘Jauhar’ Academy of International Studies Prof. Obaid Siddiqui. N. Tasneem Meenai. Centre for the Study for 26981717 Comp. Centre for Spanish & 26981717 Latin American Studies Prof. of Graphic Art 26981717 Prof. Director. Director. Registrar (Admn. Deptt. Head. M. Zafar Nawaz Hashmi. Deptt. H. S. Zubair Meenai. Director. S. Deptt. Waqar A. Religions & Civilisations Prof. Amin. Khan.4351 4523 4490 4360 4410 4370 . of Architecture & Ekistics 26983169 FACULTY OF FINE ARTS Prof. Director. Centre for Management Studies 26985519 Prof.Prof.M. Deptt. Hony. Director. K. Hony. Director. Deptt. Zaidi. Ameena K Ansari. Sadre Alam. Siddiqui. Director. Zahid Husain Khan. Rehan Khan Suri. C. Director. Head. Kidwai. Mohd. Anwar Jamal Kidwai Mass 26986812 Communication Research Centre 26986813 Ambassador T. Director. of Sculpture 26981717 Prof. Anwar Alam. 1051 1120. of Art History & Art Appreciation 26981717 CENTRES Prof. Zargar. Sonya Surbhi Gupta. Ejaz Hussain. 26980532 Prof.U. Pankaj Sharan. Masood Alam. Controller of Examinations 26329165 Prof. Shahid Javed. Zikrur Rahman. 4382 4500 4600 3218 3222 4251 1300 1400 1800. Akhtar. Centre for Culture. Centre for Early Childhood Development & Research Prof. 4403 4380. Simi Malhotra.) 26982783 Mr.4373 4420 . Head. 1123 1001 1150-1152 148 . S. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in 26983409 Basic Sciences Prof. Director. Director. Centre for West Asian Studies 26983292 Prof. Centre for Peace & 26985473 Conflict Resolution Prof. Z. of Computer Engineering 26980281 Prof. Z. India Arab Cultural Centre 26923374 Prof. Khalid Iftikhar. Director FTK Centre for Information Technology 26981717 Prof. University Polytechnic 26980665 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE & EKISTICS Prof. Head Deptt. Deptt.A. M.R. M. Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies 26935306 Prof. A. Khan. Placement Officer 26989106 Dr. 1802 2580 2959. Deptt. Proctor 26982434 Mr. Biswajit Das. Aftab Ahmad. Head. Centre for Theoretical Physics 26984830 Prof. 1760 1050.
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