March 24, 2018 | Author: Shukri Nasir | Category: Technology, Business, Economies, Technology (General), Science



BABY STROLLERACCESSORIES VENUE: BK8, FPTP DATE: 1 JUNE 2015 HALEDA SYUHADA BINTI KASIM DN140048 HARRIS MUBASHIR BIN MOHAMAD ISA DN140047 MOHAMAD SHUKRI BIN MOHAMED NASIR DN140033 WAN MUHD NAZHIF BIN WAN NAZRI DN140168 CONCLUSION MARKETING COST & ESTIMATION PRICE DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCT IDEAS & DESIGN PROBLEM STATEMENTS OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION . ORGANIZATION BOARD DIRECTOR DATO’ WAN MUHD NAZHIF MARKETING HARRIS MUBASHIR ACCOUNTANT HALEDA SYUHADA ENGINEER IR MUHAMMAD SHUKRI TECHNOLOGY TOWARD EXCELLENT . MISSION TO PROVIDE HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS & SERVICES. CONSTANTLY STRIVE TO MEET OR EXCEED OUR CUSTOMER NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS OF PRICE. SERVICE AND SELECTION. VISION TO BE A PREFERRED SOLUTIONS SERVICES PROVIDER IN EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SOLUTION. . After some research. we have selected a few suggestions and ideas to produce. we have chosen to make the innovation project "Stroller baby accessories" to improve "accessories" existing in the market.INTRODUCTION Nowadays. When brainstorming for a title to do this project. electronics and so on. . technology result not only in the field but also from various fields such as mechanical. electrical. Arguably. many inventions have been produced from advanced technology as seen in the present and the technology is growing rapidly around the world at the time. •Improve the design of exists accessories in market.OBJECTIVES •Reduce the problems faced by parents. •Can reduce the hot and dark condition of baby using stroller outdoor. . .PROBLEM STATEMENTS "Babies often cry because of the heat and the mother is also difficult to make milk bottle feeding at night". IDEAS IDEA 1 IDEA 2 IDEA 3 . DESIGN OF SELECTED IDEA . DEVELOPMENT Gantt Chart . . 00 4. USB Port Fan 1 20. Phone Stand 1 20.00 5.00 . Portable Charger 1 60.00 RETAILS PRICE = RM 60.COST NUM ITEMS UNIT PRICE (RM) 1. Cable 1 5.00 2. USB Port Lamp 1 15.00 TOTAL 120.00 3. WHY WE SELL IT CHEAPER? BOOTSRAPPING . . MARKETING . Group Target • Parents . Promotion • Website . SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Industrial attraction Enough sources Contract with manufacturer WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES Attractive Timely Durable Anchored TREATS Economic crisis Future competitors . the students are able to demonstrate leadership and equal responsibilities when working in groups on an assigned task.CONCLUSION After completing the project. inventions and designs. Students also can adapt information and communication technology effectively in oral presentation. . students are able to classify problems and solutions to help innovate and improve current practices. Moreover. Damansara . Tel: 03-20104455 (Hotline) Faks: 03-20114455 Website: www. 17 Wisma Chase Perdana.H2SN.CONTACT US H2SN CORPORATION Lot. Off Jalan Semantan. 50490 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.corp.
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