Project Report Ochira Tri Vend Rum NH-47 PKG-II

April 4, 2018 | Author: Aneeb | Category: Lane, Kerala, Road Surface, Transport Infrastructure, Road Infrastructure



CONTENTSSl. No. Executive Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Introduction Contract Project Background Pavement Condition Survey Road Measurement Data Acquisition System (Romdas) Benkelman Beam Deflection Tests Intersections and Railway Crossings Cross Drainage Works Hydrology of Bridges Bridges and Structures Reports Submitted Later Developments Present Status Site Visit Packaging Traffic Surveys Bypass Design of Pavement Preliminary Environment Assessment Initial Social Assessment Estimated Cost Economic and Financial Analysis Memorandum for PPP Appraisal Committee Conclusion and Recommendation Description Page Nos. Es-1 to Es-4 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-20 1-21 1-23 1-23 1-25 1-25 1-37 1-44 1-44 1-44 1-44 1-45 1-45 1-62 1-66 1-67 1-68 1-68 1-68 1-72 1-73 to 1-74 Introduction EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0.1 INTRODUCTION M/s Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi have been appointed as Consultants to carryout the Feasibility Study and preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for 4/6-laning of Cherthalai to Thiruvananthapuram section of NH-47 in Kerala State (Package No. NHDP Phase III/DL4/22). The work will be executed on BOT basis. 0.2 CONTRACT The Contract for Consultancy Services between M/s. ICT Pvt Ltd. and NHAI was entered into on 08.09.2005 with the amount of consultancy contract being Rs. 2,21,69,400/(excluding service tax) for the entire length of proposed 4 laning in the CherthalaiThiruvananthapuram section of NH-47 in the State of Kerala. Length has been divided in two parts. Package II deals from Ochira (km 465.000) to Thiruvananthapuram (km 551.900) section of NH-47. 0.3 0.3.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND Earlier Stand During the meeting taken by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala at Thiruvananthapuram on 08.11.2005, NHAI were asked by the State Govt. to carryout 4 laning within the existing 30m width of Road (ROW) as acquisition of land was reported to be extremely difficult. M/s. ICT were constrained to develop the x-sections of 4 laning accordingly. This had the following inherent drawbacks: i) ii) Non availability of space for 4.5m wide Median as per Ministry’s / NHAI guidelines Non Provision of 1m wide earthen shoulders on both sides of the 4-lane road services iii) Only 5.5m width of service roads including 1.5m width for side drain and 0.5m for utility iv) No space for stacking lane for turning traffic in medium opening for safety v) Non availability of adequate space for utility services vi) No space for bus bays, bus shelters, parking areas etc. vii) No scope of future expansion 0.3.2 Reports Submitted Feasibility report of the project was submitted to NHAI on 13.02.2006. Draft Preliminary Project Report for Package II i.e. km 465.000 to km 551.900 was submitted to NHAI on 12.01.2007. These reports were based on the earlier decision of 4 laning in the existing 30m Right of way (ROW) width. 03.3 Later Developments During the meeting taken by the Hon’ble Minister for Shipping, Road Transport & Highways with the Chief Minister of Kerala at Thiruvananthapuram on 23rd May 2007, it was decided that 4-laning of NH-47 from Cherthalai to Thiruvananthapuram will be carried out in 45m. Right of Way (ROW) width and NOT in 30m existing ROW as desired by the State Govt. of Kerala. This has resulted in complete change of design and drawings by the consultants. Monthly Progress Report 1 - 2 • Due to change in ROW width from 30m to 45m new cross-sections for 4-laning were developed and sent to NHAI for approval on 31.05.2007 and 06.07.2007. NHAI was informed that the change would involve additional inputs of survey, extensive Land Acquisition Plans, Resettlement Plans, Environmental Management Plans and preparation of entire design and drawings afresh. Case for additional cost of Rs. 94.31 Lakhs (excluding service tax) as Variation was submitted to NHAI vide ICT letter no. ICT:436:TL:4447 dated 31.05.2007. NHAI was also informed on 31.05.2007 that fresh exercise would require Extension of Time (EOT) of 8 months for preparing DPR. PRESENT STATUS Approval in principle for the modified 4-lane cross-section has been received from NHAI vide their letter no. NHAI/BOT/11012/67/2005 dated 15.11.2007. Extension of Time (EOT) upto 31st Jan 2008 has been approved by NHAI vide their letter of 15.11.2007 referred to above. Approval for additional cost as variation is awaited from NHAI. SITE VISIT • • • 0.4 • • • 0.5 A site visit was undertaken by Team Leader accompanied by Senior Surveyor from 4th December 2007 to 10th December 2007. After the approval of the modified Xsections of 4 laning by NHAI, widening schedule was finalized keeping in view the ground situation. The abstract of widening is indicated as under: Item Package II LHS ((km) 30.910 RHS (km) 28.980 Concentric (km) 1.680 Bypass* (km) 24.000 Total (km) 85.570 * Two Bypasses at Kollam and Attingal. Based on above, the modified alignment plans have been prepared and sent to NHAI vide letter no. ICT: 436: TL:1523 dated 18.02.2008. 0.6 TRAFFIC The traffic in the base year i.e. December 2005 varies from 20,135 PCU to 27,068 PCUs. The pavement has been designed for 20 years design life. 0.7 DESIGN OF PAVEMENT Design Life : 20 Years (Flexible) Design Traffic : Design CBR : 8% Pavement Composition New Pavement: 100 msa for main carriageway; 10msa for service road Bituminous Concrete : 50mm Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) : 140mm Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) : 250mm Introduction Granular Subbase (GSB) : 200mm Overlay: Bituminous Concrete : 50mm Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) : 140mm Profile Correction with DBM : 50mm Service Road: Bituminous Concrete : 40mm Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) : 60mm Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) : 250mm Granular Subbase (GSB) : 200mm 0.8 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT The approximate cost for Environmental Mitigation measures has been worked out as Rs. 750.00 lakhs. 0.9 SOCIAL ASSESSMENT The estimated budget for Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R & R) is Rs. 344.44 crores including land acquisition. 0.10 ESTIMATED COST The estimated cost (civil cost) of this package based on 2006-07 rates works out to Rs. 912.75 crores. This has been updated to Rs. 1006.31 crores after adding escalation for 2 years @ 5 % per annum i.e. Rs. 11.76 crores per km (Total Length = 85.57 km). After adding contingency and supervision charges and cost of shifting utility services, environmental mitigation measures, land acquisition and resettlement and rehabilitation charges, the cost comes to Rs. 1564.90 crores i.e. Rs. 18.29 crores per km. 0.11 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 0.11.1 Economic Analysis The results of economic analysis for the project road section from km. 465.00 to km. 551.900 of NH-47 in the State of Kerala are indicated below; Option Four lane carriageway configuration of existing 2-lane carriageway of NH-47 (With time saving) Sensitivity Analysis Condition – I : Condition – II : Condition – III: 15% increase in project cost, traffic remains unchanged 15 % decrease in traffic, project cost remains unchanged 15 % increase in project cost & 15% decrease in traffic EIRR % 42.40 NPV (Rs. Million) 23652.86 Monthly Progress Report 1 - 4 Results (With Time Saving) Condition I II III 0.11.2 Financial Analysis IRR (%) 38.00 37.70 33.90 NPV (Rs. Million) 22457.75 21705.46 20510.34 The base objective of the financial analysis is to determine whether the Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) model is workable for the stretch Ochira to Thiruvananthapuram (km 465.000 to km. 551.000) and if so, under what conditions Financial Analysis has been carried out for the following scenarios. i) ii) Base case with no NHAI grant With 20% equity support and 20% O&M support during the concession period, the results are indicated as under; Equity FIRR (%) PostTax FIRR (%) Sl No. Description NPV Concession Period: 25 Years 1 2 Base case with no grant With 20% equity support + 20% O&M support 15.00 25.94 12.98 18.96 95.50 Crores 611.53 Crores 0.12 MEMORANDUM FOR PPP APPRAISAL COMMITTEE 0.12.1 Memorandum for consideration of Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee (for ‘In Principle’ approval) has been prepared in the format prescribed by NHAI and is sent separately as document (Annex II) along with the Term Sheet of the proposed Concession Agreement (Appendix A). 0.12.2 The memorandum for Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee (for ‘Final’ approval) has also been prepared and is sent herewith as Annex III together with brief particulars of the Concession Agreement (Annex III-Appendix ‘A’). 0.13 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The economic with sensitivity analysis and financial analysis results show that the project is economically and financially viable even without any grant from NHAI. The project is therefore recommended to be taken up on priority for 4 laning under BOT (Toll). Introduction ••• BRIEF PROJECT REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION M/s Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi have been appointed as Consultants to carryout the Feasibility Study and preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for 4/6-laning of Cherthalai to Thiruvananthapuram section of NH-47 in Kerala State (Package No. NHDP Phase III/DL4/22). The work will be executed on BOT basis. 2. CONTRACT i) ii) iii) iv) 3. Amount of Consultancy Contract Agreement Date Contract Period Length : : : : Rs. 2,21,69,400.00 (Excluding service tax) 08.09.2005 12 Months 173 km PROJECT BACKGROUND National Highways Authority of India has decided to take up the development, maintenance and management of various National Highway corridors / section under NHDP Phase-III Programme of 4/6- laning of 10000 km on BOT basis where the intensity of traffic has increased significantly and their is a requirement for argumentation of capacity for safe and efficient movement of traffic. The Present Project study concerned with Cherthalai- Thiruvananthapuram section of NH-47, (length –172.8km) in Kerala state including the bypasses under construction i.e. Alappuzha and Kollam and proposed new by pass in Attingal. NHAI is employer and executing agency for the consultancy services and the standards of output required from the appointed consultants are international level both in the terms of quality and adherence of the agreed time schedule. 3.1 Consultancy Services M/S Intercontinental Consultants & Technocrats Pvt. Ltd., A-8 Green Park, New Delhi, India have been appointed as Consultants vide letter no NHAI/ BOT/ Monthly Progress Report 1 - 6 11012/67/20054 (Pt) ‘H’ /399 dated 18.08.2005 to carry out the Feasibility Study and Detailed Project Report (DPR) for 4-laning of the section from Cherthalai (Km. 379.100) of NH-47 to Thiruvananthapuram (km 551.900) of NH-47 in the State of Kerala. The scope and principal objectives of the consultancy services, shall be in accordance with the Terms of Reference, which is part and parcel of the contract agreement. The services were commenced with the effect from 23.09.05 and the date of submission of Draft Detailed Project Report for this Project is 07.02.2006. As per the directive of NHAI in conformity with the meeting held on dated 08.11.05 chaired by Chief Minister Govt. of Kerala. Consultant has carried out the Feasibility Study, for the section of project road between km 379.100 to km 551.900. The Quality Assurance Plan and Inception Report were submitted vide letter no. ICT:436:WR:8503 dt. 27.09.05 and ICT:436:WR: 9268 dated 20.10.05, respectively. Draft Feasibility Study report for Stage-II, from Km 431.000 (Purakkad) to km 551.900 (Kazakuttam Junction) of NH-47 was submitted vide letter no. ICT:436:WR:1488 dated 13.02.2006. Present submission Draft Preliminary Project Report (PPR) for Stage-II from Km. 465.000 to Km. 551.900 of NH-47, has been prepared in various chapters incorporating the suggestions received from time to time from Member Technical (BOT), CGM (BOT) and GM (BOT). 3.2 Project Description The total project road length is 168.950 km. It starts from km 379.100 i.e. 379.100 of NH-47 at the junction of Thiurvoor and ends at Kazakuttam junction at km 551.900 i.e. 548.05. This stretch of road passes through populated areas such as Cherthalai, Alappuzha, Kalavoor, Punnapra, Ambalapuzha, Haripad, Kayamkulam, Krishnapuram, Ochira, Karunagapally, Chavara, Kollam, Umayanallore, Kottiyam, Pariapally, Vavakavu, Puthiyakavu, Kavanadu, Attingal, Mamam, Pallipuram, and Mangalpuram. The existing road is two lanes with paved shoulder on either side. 3.3 Interaction with Client and State Government of Kerala Subsequent to the award of contract for this project a start up meeting was held with General Manager, BOT –(II) NHAI at Delhi on 27.09.2005 where it was intimated that starting point of this project is at Thiurvoor Junction of Cherthalai (Km 379.100) and end point is at Kazakuttam Junction, beginning of Thiruvananthapuram bypass i.e km 551.900. Introduction GM, BOT-II, NHAI, had informed that for this project nodal officer has been appointed i.e Secretary PWD Kerala Govt. and the Consultant on visit to Thiruvananthapuram should meet him. The Team Leader of ICT for the subject project met Secretary PWD Kerala Govt., Nodal Officer for the project on 30-9-2005 at his office. On 1.10.2005, meeting was organized in the office of Secretary PWD Kerala Govt. where all the officers of National Highway Division Kerala PWD and Mr. Abraham Zachariah Chief Engineer (Southern Region), Kerala Water Authority, Thiruvananthapuram was present in the discussion about submission of Land Plan and utility shifting. After the reconnaissance survey of the entire stretch by the ICT team members, the Secretary PWD was again contacted on 4.10.2005. The meeting was held again with CGM BOT-I, NHAI and Team Leader of ICT on 27.11.05. The Inception Report was discussed in detail and certain changes were proposed by CGM, BOT-I, NHAI and the same were complied by ICT on priority. The CGM, BOT-I, NHAI also informed about the presentation to be given by ICT consultants to the chief minister of Kerala and other officers of Kerala Govt. on 8.11.5005 based on the Inception Report submitted by ICT on 20.10.05. The CGM, BOT-I, NHAI, inspected the project site on 7th November 2005. The presentation as per the direction of CGM, BOT-I, NHAI was given by the Team Leader for the above project on 8.11.2005 in the CM’s conference hall at Thiruvananthapuram. The meeting held on 08.11.05, was chaired by Honorable Chief Minster of Kerala Govt., presided by Minister (Works) Kerala Govt., meeting was also attended by Minister (Revenue), Minister (Power), Minister (Water Recourses and Forest), Vice Chairman (State Planning Board), CGM, BOT-I, NHAI, Mr. Ashok Wasson; Secretaries of the various department of Kerala Govt. Inspector General of Police and various Head of the departments of Kerala Govt. The minutes of the above meetings has been issued by Kerala Govt. on dated 9th Nov. 2005, wherein it was intimated that (NHAI) agreed to start the work of four laning for minimum one stretch by Jan’ 06. Further in Continuation of the Minutes of the meetings on 8.11.2005 it was communicated by Secretary PWD Kerala Govt. that the section from Km 379.100 to Km 431.000 will be taken up in first phase. Subsequently, during discussion on phone between CGM, BOT-I, NHAI and Executive Director- III of ICT, it was intimated by CGM that minimum stretch of 50 Km of the project road, i.e. Km 379.100 to Km 431.000, to be considered by ICT as BOT package, in the first phase, for the preparation of feasibility study and detailed project report. The Draft Feasibility Study cum Preliminary Project Report, for Stage-I (km 379.100 to km 427.860) is submitted by the consultant, vide letter dated 29.12.05. The comments by the Client, on the report is received on dated 05.01.06, during the discussion held on Feasibility Study Cum Preliminary Project Report, at the office of CGM, BOT-I, NHAI. In accordance to the said comments, Final Feasibility Study Report Cum Preliminary Project Report for StageI (from Km 379.100 to 427.860) is modified, and submitted vide letter no ICT:436:WR:1363 dated 08.02.2006. For the preparation of Draft Feasibility Study report, for Stage-II, from km 431.000 to km 551.900, the comments received by Consultant, on Draft Feasibility Study report for Stage-I is considered, as applicable and found relevant for Stage-II. The Feasibility Report Study Report for the section km 431.000 to km 551.900 ICT:436:WR:1488 dated 13.02.2006. A review meeting of all the National Highway Projects in Kerala State was conducted by Honble Minister of Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India at Thiruvananthapura on 17.07.2006. A meeting was conducted by Member (Technical) & CGM NHAI at Thiruvananthapuram on 17.07.2006 for this project road and the final decision for length of packages was taken, which are as follows: Package-I : Km. 379.100 to Km. 465.000 (ch. 379.100 to ch. 462.700) Monthly Progress Report 1 - 8 Package-II : Km. 465.000 to Km. 551.900 (ch. 462.700 to ch. 548.050) The Member Technical BOT and GM BOT had visited the project site on 16.12.2006 and had given certain suggestion to be incorporated in draft PPR. Accordingly the Draft Preliminary Project Report (DPPR) for Package-II has been prepared incorporating the various decisions taken in the board by Client The broad features of the Draft Preliminary Project Report sent earlier for Package-II, are as under: i) The Section of the project road in Stage-II shall be from km 465.000 (Ochira) to km 551.900 (Kazakuttam Junction). ii) The width of service road shall be 5.5m (including drain). Median width in existing main road (excluding bypass) is 0.5m and in bypasses shall be 4.5m. iii) Width of the carriageway shall be 8.75m through out the project road, including 1.5m paved shoulder on both side of main carriageway iv) ROB and bridges approach road gradient shall be 1 in 33. v) Overall deck width of each 2-lane unit of bridges has been kept as 12m with deck configuration shown in the sketch enclosed with NHAI’s circular no. NHAI/PHII/NHDP/ADB/GM (NS)-1/108 dated 11.08.2004 which has scope for widening to 3lanes in future. vi) The main carriageway is designed for 70 msa traffic load and service road is design for 5 msa traffic load. 3.4 Project Influence Area The immediate project influence area falls in three districts of Kerala State i.e. Alappuzha, Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram. Geographically, Kerala is at the southern most tip of India. No place on earth is perhaps as naturally green as breathtakingly endowed, green, Kerala. Kerala means ‘Land of coconut trees”, which undoubtedly it is. The present state of Kerala was established on November 1956 before that was known as Malabar comprising of three states- Malabar, Cochin and Travancore. Trivandrum was designated as the capital of the newly formed State Kerala. Now it is known as Thiruvananthapuram, meaning the “City of Anantha” or the abode of the Sacred Serpent. Anantha on which Lord Vishnu, the Preserver of the Hindus trinity, reclined. Kerala is the most literate state in this country and has one of the most advanced society in India with the highest physical quality of life index. Kerala is 5.5 hours ahead of GMT, 4.5 hours behind Australian eastern standard time and 10.5 hours ahead of American standard time. It is a fast growing destination for Information Technology and Tourism. Covering an area of 38863 sq kms with a density of 819 per sqm km. and having a length of 575 kms with 14 districts, the population of state is 31.84 million. The literacy rate is 90.92%. This is the only state where the female population is higher than the male (Sex Ratio is 1058 females per 1000 males). The state embrace the world famous beaches i.e. Kovalam, sleepy hemlets, picturesque hill stations i.e. Ponmudi, Peermade, Munnoor, flat riverbeds and evergreen forests. The state contains variety of wildlife including famous sanctuaries i.e. Pariyar (Thekkady), silent valley, Parambikulam which is the home to Bisons. The state is famous for abundance of grant teaks, rosewood, ebony and sandalwood. The State have some exotic spice plantations, cardomon, black pepper, cinnamon and ginger grow in abundance. Kerala is the state, famous for Ayurvedic treatment including oil bath and massage. As regards climate is concerned the temperature ranges from 35.50C to 21.50C. The rainy season is from June to November i.e. June to September south - west monsoon (heavy) and Introduction September to November North East monsoon which is weaker. Total average rainfall per year is 3000 to 3500 mm. As per the census of 2003 there are 27,45,948 vehicles. The highways are overloaded and the present system is not able to adjust with the large number of vehicles. The statistics indicate that the road accidents in Kerala is increasing day by day, more accidents occur during April-May. About 33% of the total accidents were for the two wheelers. Out of total 137678Km National Highway Network in the country, Kerala State has 1560 kms National Highways. At present there are 8 nos. National Highway in the State. NH-47 NH-17 NH-49 NH-47A NH-208 NH-212 NH-213 NH-202 : : : : : : : : Walayar-Kaliyikkavila Thalapadi-Edappally Bodimettu-Kundannoor Kundannoor-Willington Island Kollam-Aryankavu Kozikode-Muthanga Palakkad-Kozikode Kollam-Kumily Out of 8 National Highways, NH-47 is the busiest highway in the State. NH-47 starts at Salem in Tamilnadu and passes through Kerala and ends at Kanyakumari in Tamilnadu, the southern most tip of the country. Important Industrial/Commercial Centre located at this NH47 are Salem, Erode. Coimbatore, Palaghat, Thrissur, Erunakulam, Alappuzha, Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram, Nagarcoil and Kanyakumari. This portion of NH-47 in Kerala is connected to other parts of the country through the following National Highways. • NH-17 from Edappally passing through Calicut, Mangalore, Goa and terminating at Bombay NH-49 from Ernakulam, passing through Moovattupuzha, Munnar, Madurai and terminating at Rameswaram in Tamilnadu. NH-208 originates at Kollam and passing through Kundara, Kottarakara, Punaloor, Thenmala, Aryankavu, Kottavasal, Chenkota and Thani. • • 3.5 Salient Features The reconnaissance on the project road section from Cherthalai to Thiruvananthapuram was carried out during 30th September 2005 to 6th October 2005. Subsequently detail survey has been conducted for Stage-II (Km 465.000 to Km 551.900 ) in October 2005 to February 2006. As per our survey, the observed salient features in km 465.000 to km 551.900 are as under. 1. The project road in Stage-II starts from km 465.000 in Ochira town, Alappuzha districts and it ends at km 551.900 in Kazakuttam junction of Thiruvananthapuram districts. 2. The road passes through Ochira, Karunagapally, Chavara, Vettuthara, Kollam, Umayanallore, Kottayam, Chatanoor, Karamkode, Pariapally, Karuvalam, Thotokiyad, Attingal;, Mamam, Koram, Pallipuram, Mangalapuram and Alimode Town. 3. The construction of Kollam By Pass from km 488.972 km to km 502.804 of NH-47 is being done, out of which 4.791 km is already constructed for 2-lane. 4. The project road crosses NH-208 at km 502.8000, where a flyover is proposed. 5. Ribbon development has been observed throughout the project road, including by pass and the improvement of the existing road demands provision of service road for main road, NH-47 and for by pass. Monthly Progress Report 1 - 10 6. From Km 528.400 to Km 537.400, Attingal By Pass is proposed. 7. Throughout the project road, the land use outside the existing ROW is Built up in major portion of the project road. In certain section of project road, Commercial area and Industrial area exist. 8. The project road is the connecting road between the capital city of Thiruvananthapuram and the Port city of Cochin in the state of Kerala. 9. Major portion of existing road is in Ground level. In certain section the road is in embankment 10. Condition of existing embankment, in certain parts of the project road, is not in conformity to the design specifications as it is completely eroded. 11. The project stretch shall be having 14 bridges, out of which 6 nos. shall be additional 2lane bridges and 8 nos. 4-lane bridges. One no. 4-lane flyover is proposed at the crossing of NH-47 with NH-208 in Kollam bypass. One no. additional 2-lane ROB is proposed in Kollam bypass The 77 km long project road shall be having 13 nos. underpasses. Out of which 11 nos. are on main road, 1 no. in Kollam bypass and 1 no. in Attingal Bypass. 12. The project road shall be having 16 no major junctions. 13. In major portion of project road, the existing pavement condition is satisfactory. 14. The position of present road within the ROW shall demand provision of both semi concentric and eccentric widening. The ROW data and the detail of land use as observed by the Consultant is furnished in Table 1. Table 1: ROW Details Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chainage (Km) 465.000 466.000 467.000 468.000 469.000 470.000 471.000 472.000 473.000 474.000 475.000 476.000 Carriageway Width (m) 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Right Side Open Area (m) 5.50 5.00 4.60 9.70 17.20 15.30 7.50 13.80 13.00 13.50 15.50 17.00 Left Side Open Area (m) 15.00 15.70 15.90 10.90 3.30 5.20 13.00 6.70 7.50 7.00 5.50 3.50 Total ROW (m) 30.50 30.70 30.50 30.60 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 31.00 30.50 Land Use LHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Land Use RHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Introduction Sl. No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Chainage (Km) 477.000 478.000 479.000 480.000 481.000 482.000 483.000 484.000 485.000 486.000 487.000 488.000 488.972 Carriageway Width (m) 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.60 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.50 10.00 10.00 Right Side Open Area (m) 15.00 14.00 16.00 16.70 5.20 5.00 6.80 8.80 11.50 14.00 14.00 13.30 7.00 Left Side Open Area (m) 5.50 6.50 4.50 3.80 15.30 16.00 14.60 11.90 9.00 7.00 7.00 7.20 13.50 Total ROW (m) 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 31.00 31.00 30.70 30.50 31.00 30.50 30.50 30.50 Land Use LHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Land Use RHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA KOLLAM BYPASS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 488.972 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 10.000 11.000 12.000 13.00 13.141 (502/804) 502.800 503.000 504.000 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 3.00 16.00 15.00 17.50 5.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 31.00 30.50 31.00 BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Monthly Progress Report 1 - 12 Sl. No. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Chainage (Km) 505.000 506.000 507.000 508.000 509.000 510.000 511.000 512.000 513.000 514.000 515.000 516.000 517.000 518.000 519.000 520.000 521.000 522.000 523.000 524.000 525.000 526.250 Carriageway Width (m) 10.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.50 19.00 Right Side Open Area (m) 4.50 10.00 11.50 11.50 15.00 14.50 8.50 11.00 6.00 9.70 8.00 15.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 7.00 10.00 7.50 10.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 Left Side Open Area (m) 16.00 9.70 9.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 11.00 12.50 6.00 12.00 7.50 10.00 13.50 14.00 16.00 13.50 17.50 17.50 6.50 Total ROW (m) 30.50 30.70 30.50 30.50 31.00 30.50 24.50 31.00 31.00 30.70 30.50 31.00 31.00 30.50 32.00 30.50 32.00 30.50 30.50 30.50 32.00 30.50 Land Use LHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA+ CA BUA+ CA BUA+ CA BUA+ CA BUA+ CA Land Use RHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA +CA BUA +CA BUA +CA BUA +CA BUA +CA ATTINGAL BYPASS 66 67 68 69 70 71 526.250 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Introduction Sl. No. 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 3.5 Chainage (Km) 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 11.500 (537.750) 537.750 538.000 539.000 540.000 541.000 542.000 543.000 544.000 545.000 546.000 547.000 548.000 549.000 550.000 551.000 551.900 Carriageway Width (m) Right Side Open Area (m) Left Side Open Area (m) Total ROW (m) 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 Land Use LHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Land Use RHS (m) BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.50 9.70 12.60 10.50 9.75 9.50 9.50 9.20 8.90 9.20 8.90 12.80 4.00 4.00 10.00 8.00 5.50 3.50 4.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 7.50 4.90 5.50 8.50 8.00 6.00 16.50 16.50 10.50 12.50 14.50 17.30 14.00 13.60 12.00 7.00 14.00 16.70 16.50 13.00 14.40 13.80 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.60 31.10 31.75 31.50 31.00 30.80 30.90 30.70 31.30 32.60 Existing Road The existing NH-47 is the busiest highway in the State of Kerala. The alignment of the project road, under Stage-II, i.e. from Km 465.000 (Ochira) to Km 551.900 (Kazakuttam junction), is straight in major portion of the road. The major portion of project road is in Plain terrain. In certain section, the terrain is Rolling. The horizontal and vertical alignment are generally satisfactory except in a few reaches. However the Geo-metrics of the existing road is subject to further review and analysis, in conformity to the proposed design standard of Geo-metrics and in line with improvement option. In major portion of the section, width of carriageway is 10m, including 1.5m paved shoulder on both side of main carriageway. Most of the stretch of road passes through built-up areas, commercial areas and Industrial areas. Monthly Progress Report 1 - 14 In some urban areas/ city areas the section of project road is locally developed, having 4-lane divided carriageway. The approximate width of each carriageway is 8.5m –9.0m including paved shoulder. Width of median varies from 1.5m to 3m. Consultant has reviewed the improvement option feasible and accordingly has proposed new centerline of the 4 lane divided carriageway with the provision of service road on both side. The proposed improvement shall affect the existing traffic flow, and during construction, adequate safety measures are to be undertaken. From km 488.972 to km 502.804 of NH-47, construction of 2 lane Kollam By Pass is under progress by PWD, Kerala Govt. Detail about Kollam by pass is furnished in chapter no 3.4.2. Improvement of the existing Kollam By Pass, in accordance to the Detail Survey conducted by the Consultant is reported in relevant sections, pertaining to the individual item of construction. From km 428.400 to km 537.400 a new bypass is proposed for Attingal Town. 3.6 Carriageway Width (Pavement Width) Carriageway width including Paved shoulder of the existing project road is furnished in Table 2. Table 2: Carriageway Width Sl No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Chainage (Km) 465.700-469.850 469.850-470.450 470.450-486.600 486.600-494.950 494.950-499.800 499.800-502.400 502.400-502.800 502.800-507.400 507.400-507.700 507.700-515.500 515.500-515.800 515.800-522.000 522.000-522.250 522.250-548.000 Total (km) 3.7 Length (Km) 7.15 0.600 16.150 8.350 4.850 2.600 0.400 4.600 0.300 7.800 0.300 6.200 0.250 25.750 85.30 Paved Main Carriageway Shoulder (m) 2 lane divided carriageway 4 lane divided carriageway 2 lane undivided c’ way No road formation 2 lane divided c’ way 2 lane divided c’ way 4 lane divided c’ way 2 lane undivided c’ way 4 lane divided c’ way 2 lane undivided c’ way 4 lane undivided c’ way 2 lane divided c’ way 4 lane divided c’ way 2 lane undivided c’ way 7.00 7.17 7.00 0.00 7.00 7.00 7.00+7.00 7.00 7.00+7.00 7.00 7.00+7.00 7.00 7.00+7.00 7.00 (m) 2x1.50 2x1.50 2x1.50 ---2x1.50 2x1.50 ---2x1.50 ---2x1.50 ---2x1.50 ---2x1.50 Road formation Un-paved Shoulder Type and Width The project road is having existing road formation in Ground level or in embankment of unsatisfactory structural condition. Existing earthen shoulder, does not satisfy the quality requirement stipulated for earthen shoulder and need rehabilitation. 3.8 Land Use Introduction The land use along the existing NH is built-up area and commercial area in major portion of project road, as a effect of ribbon development. In certain parts of project road, the land use is Industrial area. The utilities are running along the NH through out its length. Utilities like electricity, water supply lines etc are also crossing the NH. The data collected has been furnished in Table 3. Table 3 : Land Use Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Location (km) From 465.500 466.000 466.500 467.000 467.500 468.000 468.500 469.000 469.500 470.000 470.500 471.000 471.500 472.000 472.500 473.000 473.500 474.000 474.500 475.000 475.500 476.000 476.500 477.000 477.500 478.000 478.500 479.000 479.500 To 466.000 466.500 467.000 467.500 468.000 468.500 469.000 469.500 470.000 470.500 471.000 471.500 472.000 472.500 473.000 473.500 474.000 474.500 475.000 475.500 476.000 476.500 477.000 477.500 478.000 478.500 479.000 479.500 480.000 Left BUA BUA + CA BUA CA CA BUA BUA BUA BUA CA CA CA BUA CA CA BUA + CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BL BL+BUA+CA Land Use Right BUA BUA + CA BUA CA CA BUA BUA BUA BUA CA CA CA BUA CA CA BUA + CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA IA IA Village Changan kulangra Changan kulangra Vavvakava Vavvakava Vavvakava K.s puram K.s puram Karunagapally Karunagapally Pallimukku Pallimukku Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally Karunagapally Kannatte Kannatte Kuttivattom Kuttivattom Vattamukkum Vattamukkum Edapallykutta Edapallykutta Chavara Chavara Sankaramanglam Sankaramanglam Monthly Progress Report 1 - 16 Sl. No. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Location (km) From 480.000 480.500 481.000 481.500 482.000 482.500 483.000 483.500 484.000 484.500 485.000 485.500 486.000 486.500 487.000 487.500 488.000 488.500 489.000 489.500 490.000 490.500 491.000 491.500 492.000 492.500 493.000 493.500 494.000 494.500 495.000 495.500 496.000 496.500 To 480.500 481.000 481.500 482.000 482.500 483.000 483.500 484.000 484.500 485.000 485.500 486.000 486.500 487.000 487.500 488.000 488.500 489.000 489.500 490.000 490.500 491.000 491.500 492.000 492.500 493.000 493.500 494.000 494.500 495.000 495.500 496.000 496.500 497.000 Left Land Use Right BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA Village Chavara Chavara Chavara Chavara Chavara Chavara Puthen-thura Puthen-thura Neendakara Neendakara Neendakara Neendakara Neendakara Neendakara Shakthi-kula ngara Shakthi-kula ngara Shakthi-kula ngara Shakthi-kula ngara Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA Introduction Sl. No. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Location (km) From 497.000 497.500 498.000 498.500 499.000 499.500 500.000 500.500 501.000 501.500 502.000 502.500 503.000 503.500 504.000 504.500 505.000 505.50 506.000 506.500 507.000 507.500 508.000 508.500 509.000 509.500 510.000 510.500 511.000 511.500 512.000 512.500 513.000 To 497.500 498.000 498.500 499.000 499.500 500.000 500.500 501.000 501.500 502.000 502.500 503.000 503.500 504.000 504.500 505.000 505.500 506.00 506.500 507.000 507.500 508.000 508.500 509.000 509.500 510.000 510.500 511.000 511.500 512.000 512.500 513.000 513.500 Left Land Use Right Rly. Line Rly. Line BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA BUA BUA/CA BUA / CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA & CA, IA CA BUA, CA BUA BUA, CA AG / BUA BUA AG / BUA AG / BUA BUA BUA, CA CA BUA, CA BUA BUA BUA BUA Village Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Kollam Mundichira Umayanallur Umayanallur Parakkulam Kottiyam Kottiyam Kottiyam Siihara junction Sithara Mylakkad Ithikkara Ithikkara Standard jn. Thirumukk Chathannoor Chathannoor Chathannoor Uramvila Karamcodu Karamcodu Karamcodu Park / Bus BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA / CA BUA BUA BUA/CA BUA / CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA & CA, IA CA BUA, CA BUA BUA, CA AG / BUA BUA AG / BUA AG / BUA BUA BUA, CA CA BUA, CA BUA BUA BUA BUA Monthly Progress Report 1 - 18 Sl. No. 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Location (km) From 513.500 514.000 514.500 515.000 515.500 516.000 516.500 517.000 517.500 518.000 518.500 519.000 519.500 520.000 520.500 521.000 521.500 522.000 522.500 523.000 523.500 524.000 524.500 525.000 525.500 526.000 526.500 527.000 527.500 528.000 528.500 529.000 529.500 To 514.000 514.500 515.000 515.500 516.000 516.500 517.000 517.500 518.000 518.500 519.000 519.500 520.000 520.500 521.000 521.500 522.000 522.500 523.000 523.500 524.000 524.500 525.000 525.500 526.000 526.500 527.000 527.500 528.000 528.500 529.000 529.500 530.000 Left BUA BUA BUA BUA Land Use Right BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA, CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA, CA CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA & AG BUA BUA BUA BUA CA BUA, CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Village Karamcodu Karamcodu Thattarkonam Kalluvathukkal Kalluvathukkal Kalluvathukkal Kalluvathukkal Sreeramapuram Thettykuzhi Paripally Paripally Mukkada Kadambattukonam Kadambattukonam Kadambattukonam Erupaihiettam mile Erupaihiettam mile Erupaihiettam mile, navaikullam Navaikullam Navaikullam Navaikullam Thattupalam Navaikullam, valiyapally Kallambalam Kallamballam Kallamballam Velloor Mannambur Kaduvayil Kaduvayil konam Thotakaddu Chathanpara Chathanpara BUA, CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA, CA CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA & AG BUA & AG BUA & AG BUA BUA & AG BUA BUA CA BUA, CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA Introduction Sl. No. 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Location (km) From 537.400 538.000 538.500 539.000 539.500 540.000 540.500 541.000 541.500 542.000 542.500 543.000 543.500 544.000 544.500 545.000 545.500 546.000 546.500 547.000 547.500 548.000 548.500 549.000 549.500 550.000 550.500 To 538.000 538.500 539.000 539.500 540.000 540.500 541.500 541.500 542.000 542.500 543.000 543.500 544.000 544.500 545.000 545.500 546.000 546.500 547.000 547.500 548.000 548.500 549.000 549.500 550.500 550.500 551.000 Left BUA BUA Land Use Right BUA BUA BUA + CA BUA Coconut tree + BUA Coconut tree + BUA BUA+CA BUA BUA Coconut tree + BUA Trees + BUA BUA + CA CA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA+BL BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA+CA BUA BUA BUA + CA BUA + CA Village Mamom 18th mile Korani 18th mile Korani 18 mile Korani 18 mile Korani Champkamanglam Champkamanglam Champkamanglam Thonnakkal Thonnakkal Thonnakkal Mangla puram Mangla puram Mangla puram Mangla puram Pallipuram Pallipuram Pallipuram Pallipuram Pallipuram Pallipuram Kaniyapuram Kaniyapuram Kaniyapuram Kazhakuttam Kazhckuttom Kazhckuttom BUA + CA BUA BUA BUA BUA+CA BUA BUA BUA Trees + BUA BUA + CA CA Trees + BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA BUA+CA BUA BUA BUA + CA BUA + CA Monthly Progress Report 1 - 20 Sl. No. 157 158 3.9 Location (km) From 551.000 551.500 To 551.500 551.900 Left CA CA Land Use Right CA CA Village Kazhckuttom Kazhckuttom Height of Embankment The entire road is in Embankment having height ranging from 0.5 m to 4.00 m. The details having different embankment heights are given in Table 4. Table 4 : Height of Embankment Height of Embankment in (m) Stretch LHS 479.50-480.000, 480-481, 482484, 485-486, 503-505.000, 507.50-508, 509.5-510.000, 511.50-513.00, 514-514.50, 517.50-519.00, 519-520, 521521.50, 526-527, 538-538.50, 543.50-544.00, 546.547, 548548.50, 550-550.500 RHS 479.50-481.00, 481.50-482.50, 484-486, 503-503.500, 504.50505.00, 507.50-508.00, 511.50-512.00, 514-514.500, 516.00-516.50, 518.520.500, 522.500-523.000, 524.50525.00, 526.00-527.00, 541.50-542.00, 546.00-547.00, 548.00-548.500, 550.00550.500 479-479.5, 481.0-481.5, 483484, 486-489, 507-507.50, 513.5-514, 514.5-515.00, 516.500-517, 520.50-521.50, 527-527.50, 539.50-540, 541541.50, 547-548 508.500-509.00, 513-513.50, 515-515.500, 521.50-522.00, 522.00-522.50, 524.00524.500, 539-539.500, 542.500-543.000, 545-546.000 523.00-523.50, 537-537.50, 538.50-539, 540-540.50, 540.50-541.00, 542.000542.50, 544.50-545.00 < 1m >1m <2m 479-479.35, 481-482, 484-485, 486-487, 503-503.50, 507, 509509.50, 516-517, 520-521, 521.50-522, 524.50-525 508.500-509.00, 515-515.500, 522-522.500, 523, 524-524.500, 537-537.500, 539-539.500, 540, 542.50-543, 544-544.500, 545546.000 523-524, 538.500-539, 540.500-541.00, 542-542.500, 544.50-545 >2m < 3m > 3m $ From km 486.600 to km 499.600 kollam by pass construction is under progress $ from km 523.500 to km 534.300 attingal by pass is proposed. 3.10 Junctions The details of existing junction are given in Table 5. Table 5 : Existing Major Junctions Sl. No. 1 Design Chainage 470.280 Side LHS Description of Road Karumangappally Category Status of road MDR Remarks Underpass Introduction Sl. No. Design Chainage Side Description of Road Junction to Adoor Road Sangara Mangalam to Kattackal junction to Kovilthottan Kadavoor Junction to Amchalammod Kollam Shecottah NH208 Ayathil Junction Kollam – Kanmanalloor Road Kollam bypass end junction existing NH-47 Kottiyam Junction to Mayyanad to Kundara Chattannur junction to Kannanalloor to Udayanad Parippally Junction to Madathara to Paravoor Kollambalam Junction to Varkala Attingal bypass start junction existing NH-47 To Varkala Attingal bypass Category Status of road Remarks proposed 2 477.590 Both Side ODR Underpass proposed 3 491.000 Both Side Both Side MDR Underpass proposed Junction proposed 4 494.950 NH 208 5 496.500 Both Side MDR Junction proposed 6 499.500 RHS NH-47 Junction proposed 7 502.600 Both Side MDR Underpass proposed 8 507.710 Both Side MDR Underpass proposed 9 515.200 Both Side Both Side MDR Underpass proposed Underpass proposed Bypass start junction proposed Underpass proposed Bypass end 10 520.120 MDR 11 523.550 RHS NH-47 12 13 527.400 534.500 Both side RHS MDR NH-47 Monthly Progress Report 1 - 22 Sl. No. Design Chainage Side Description of Road end junction Mangalpuram junction to Pothenmade to Murukkumpuzha To CRPF camp to Public School Kaniyapuram Junction to Village road to Peruanathura Category Status of road Remarks junction proposed Junction proposed Underpass proposed Underpass proposed 14 540.650 Both Side Both Side Both Side MDR 15 542.600 ODR 16 544.930 VR & ODR Table 6: Existing Minor Junction Sl. No. 1 2 Design Chainage 463.730 464.120 Side Both side Both side Both side Both side Both side LHS Both side Both side Description of Road Vallikunnam, Village Road Vallikkavu, Temple Road Kanjirappally Makku, Tharaylkadavu Kundhipura, Kalathikadavu Old NH-47, Kozhikode Thivalakra Bharanikavu, Kamthara Pannama Asramam, Godown Edappally Junction, Sasthamkollaha, KMML Factory 10 478.690 Both side Vakkatu Mukku, IRE ODR ODR Category Status of road MDR & VR MDR & VR MDR MDR & VR MDR & VR VR MDR & VR ODR ODR Remarks 3 466.820 4 5 6 7 467.800 471.430 473.320 474.400 8 475.600 9 476.220 Both side MDR & ODR Introduction Sl. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Design Chainage 479.250 480.650 484.280 498.250 505.450 506.600 507.900 Side LHS RHS Both side Both side LHS RHS Both Side Both Side LHS Description of Road Bharanikavu IRE Village Road, Harbour road Pallimukku Llylapror Road Ayaor Paravoor Kattachal Road, Chirakkara road Chirakkara road, Kakhanamakku road Sermatti Junction, Variajam road Kalluvathkkal Junction, nofinetcal, to charrackal Panavalla Navaikkulam Pallikal Village Road MLA Road Chianyam Begh road Chirayan beehu road Assembly mukku Chembaka Mamgalam Junction Vemjaranmoad Category Status of road MDR ODR VR & ODR ODR MDR MDR MDR Remarks 18 508.680 ODR 19 510.250 MDR 20 512.550 Both Side LHS LHS LHS Both Side Both Side Both Side Both Side LHS MDR 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 517.750 519.000 520.620 525.000 526.475 530.550 531.650 535.530 MDR MDR MDR VR MDR MDR MDR MDR 29 537.900 LHS MDR 30 538.550 LHS Venzode Monthly Progress Report 1 - 24 ODR Sl. No. 31 3.11 Design Chainage 545.790 Side Both side Description of Road Sainikascharl, Beach Category Status of road ODR Remarks Water Bodies This section of road crosses through the following major watercourse in project road (StageII). Location of waterbodies are furnished in Table 7: Table 7: Water Bodies Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Design Chainage 462.900-463.000 (LHS) 471.820-471.900 (LHS & RHS) 473.900-473.950 (RHS) 474.580-474.620 (LHS & RHS) 475.060-475.120 (LHS & RHS) 475.450-475.481 (LHS) 476.200-477.500 (LHS) 480.110-480.160 (LHS & RHS) 482.130 (RHS) 484.680-485.080 (LHS & RHS) 487.300-487.820 (LHS & RHS) 490.180-490.260 (LHS & RHS) 491.900-492.720 (LHS & RHS) 496.430-496.460 (LHS & RHS) 497.150-497.170 (LHS & RHS) 497.310-497.330 (LHS & RHS) 504.430-504.450 (LHS & RHS) 505.550-505.600 (LHS & RHS) 517.600-517.615 (LHS & RHS) 519.460-517.470 (LHS & RHS) 520.730-520.740 (LHS & RHS) 529.300-529.400 (LHS) 530.300-530.400 (LHS & RHS) 534.100-534.120 (LHS & RHS) 536.350-536.360 (LHS & RHS) Remarks Low laying area water logging in rainy season Natural canal connecting waters Low laying wet land dries in summer season Low laying paddy fields & drainage channel Low laying paddy fields & drainage channel Low laying paddy fields & drainage channel Low laying paddy fields & drainage channel Navigational canal connecting back waters rivers The Arabian sea is 50m away Neendakara Harbour Canal connecting Asthamudy lake to Arabian sea Branch of Ashtamudy lake Branch of Ashtamudy lake Branch of Ashtamudy lake Natural Drainage channel Natural Drainage channel Natural Drainage channel Natural Drainage channel Jthikkar River Natural Drainage Channel Natural Drainage Channel Natural Drainage Channel Vamarapuram River Low laying paddy field Mamam River Natural Drainage Channel Introduction Sl. No. 26 4. Design Chainage 544.150-544.160 Remarks Natural Drainage Channel PAVEMENT CONDITION SURVEY The Pavement Condition Survey on the project road was carried out, to assess the condition of existing pavement. The condition survey was carried out by using ROMDAS (Road Measurement Data Acquisition System) as well as by visual assessment. Pavement surface distress indicators like pot holes, cracks, ravelling, patching, conditions of shoulders and embankment had been carefully observed and the detail information were collected using approved QAP formats. 4.1 Corrugation Corrugations are the formation of fairly regular undulations (ripples) across a bituminous surface. They are usually shallow and are different from the large depressions caused by weakness in the lower layers of pavement or sub-grade. The corrugations can be a source of discomfort to the user and can become a hazard, if allowed to become severe. The Consultant has not observed any measurable corrugation, in the project road. 4.2 Rutting Rutting is a longitudinal depression or groove in the wheel tracks. The ruts are usually of the width of a wheel path. Swerving from a rutted wheel path at high speed can be dangerous. The depth of rut is measured by keeping the straight edge placing transversely across the wheel tracks and using graduated measuring wedge. The mean value for the wheel tracks is worked out. 4.3 Pot Hole Potholes are bowl shaped holes of varying sizes in a surface layer or extended into base layer, caused by the localized disintegrations of the usually thin bituminous surfacing material. The area affected by major Pot holes was measured and the percentage area was worked out. 4.4 Ravelling Monthly Progress Report 1 - 26 Ravelling is characterized by the progressive disintegration of the surface due to the failure of the binder to hold the materials together. Ravelling was measured at every 500m. 4.5 Cracking A common defect in bituminous surface is the formation of cracks. The area affected by cracking was measured by encircling and the extent of cracking was assessed visually at 500m intervals or the places of defects. 4.6 4.7 4.8 Patching During field inspection, patching was observed at the stretches. Edge Breaking Irregular breakage of pavement edge was noticed in some portion of road. Edge Drop The edge drop is the vertical difference in levels between the edge of the carriageway and abutting shoulders. 4.9 Inventory of all Road Side Facilities The details of the road side amenities and facilities like school, dhabas, telephone booths, bus stop, hospital, hotel, repair shops etc. are given. 5. 5.1 ROAD MEASUREMENT DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM (ROMDAS) Background The roughness has been carried out for the whole length of the project road using Road Measurement Data Acquisition System (ROMDAS). The calibration of the ROMDAS has been done as per the procedure given in World Bank’s Technical Paper Number 46 (WTP46). The surveys have covered two runs along the wheel paths for each lane and results have been expressed in the terms of IRI (m/km) and BI (mm/km) in tabular as well as graphical forms. Further, whole stretch of 162 km has been delineated using Cumulative Difference Approach and based on this homogeneous sections have been identified. In addition video survey has also been conducted for digitisation of whole project road to have a better in-house assessments and rectifications. 5.2 ROMDAS Road Measurement Data Acquisition System (ROMDAS) has been developed as a generic system for collecting a variety of information. The vehicle mounted equipment includes: an axle mounted device called Bump Integrator for the measurement of roughness; a Video camera and an IBM compatible notebook PC which interacts with the instrumentation to store recorded data. The video camera is used to record all pertinent information concerning the existing roadway and Rightof-Way (though, whenever necessary, this information may also be verified by physical inspection). Road Roughness Surveys The axle-mounted ROMDAS Survey Module is used to measure pavement roughness. Introduction This is an indication of the surface irregularities influencing the riding quality and is a major determinant of vehicle operating costs. ROMDAS works as a response type road roughness measuring system. The system has been calibrated by recording its response (RAW values) and comparing the same with that of a ROMDAS Z-250 Reference Profiler. ROMDAS Z-250 reference Profiler has been developed by Data Collection Ltd (DCL). The Calibration sections called standard sections have been divided into a number of smaller subsections of 100m lengths each. A total of 12 such “standard” points have been collected consisting of 400 lengths each. “Standard” sections vary from “very smooth” to “very poor” and at each section the Z-250 has been run along the selected lane and roughness has been noted in terms of IRI (m/km). ROMDAS vehicle has been run at Constant Speed of 32+2 km/hr on the “standard” section along the same selected lanes and ROMDAS response (RAW values) have been recorded. Using the software-NLREG the calibration equation has been developed between ROMDAS Response (RAW/km) and IRI (m/km). Calibration equation at 32km/hr: Y = 1.583+0.00047*X [R^2 = 0.98] Where X is ROMDAS Response (RAW/km) and Y is IRI (m/km). IRI Roughness values have been converted into Bump Integrator Index (BI) by means of the equation given in HDM-III: BI = (312.5 x IRI) 1.124 Field data collected and analyzed subsequently along each lane of the stretch have been expressed in terms of IRI (m/km) and BI (mm/km) and have been presented in both tabular and graphical forms in the following pages. 5.3 Limitations as per MOSRT&H/World Bank The following guidelines for road roughness in terms of IRI (m/km) and BI (mm/km) for different surface types have been considered for assessing the road condition. a) Recommended Roughness values (BI units) by MORT&H Circulation No. RW/NH33044/10/2000-S&R dated 22nd May 2000 Surface Type Bituminous Concrete Premix Bituminous Carpet Surface Dressing Good (mm/km) 2000-2500 2500-4500 4000-5000 Average (mm/km) 2500-3500 4500-5500 5000-6500 Poor (mm/km) 3500-4000 5500-6500 6500-7500 Very Poor (mm/km) >4000 >6500 >7500 As per World Bank Technical Publication No. 46 the minimum and maximum range of BI and IRI for new pavements is as follows, but the type of surface has not been mentioned. Monthly Progress Report 1 - 28 Minimum IRI New Pavement s 1.5 (1000) 5.4 Observations (BI) in m/km(mm/km) Maximum IRI (BI) in m/km(mm/km) 3.4 (2500) Based on the Roughness Measurement Studies the km-wise average roughness in IRI and BI Units of various lanes. The detailed 100m-wise Roughness Measurement Studies have been provided. 6. BENKELMAN BEAM DEFLECTION TESTS The BBD tests are being carried out. at site and the result shall be incorporated in Final Feasibility Report. 7. INTERSECTIONS AND RAILWAY CROSSINGS Consultant proposed to provide a flyover at the crossing of Kollam bypass with NH-208. The flyover shall be 4 lane category, having a span of 11 x 31.5m. Total length shall be 346.5m. It will be constructed on open foundation. Total deck width shall be 2 x 12m. In this section, there is one ROB, it is proposed to construct additional 2-lane ROB parallel to existing ROB. 7.1 Improvement of Major Junctions Consultant’s proposes to improve the existing intersections as per the design standards and specifications of at grade junctions in Table 5. Broad features of the proposed intersections are as under; At all the intersections, other than the cross intersection, right turn movement for traffic entering from the cross roads shall not be permitted. Only left turn movement for the traffic entering the main carriageway from the service road are proposed to be permitted. Traffic from the service road shall be permitted to merge with the traffic in main carriageway at an offset of 200m from the intersection point. Right turn movement for the traffic in main carriageway, shall be permitted in the median opening and in cross intersections. At cross road intersections, it is proposed to provide Electronic Signaling System operating in time mode. Road signs for pedestrian crossing and traffic turning movement is proposed to be provided as per the detail drawings of the intersections. 7.2 Underpasses The consultant has undertaken detailed survey of the project road and in accordance to the survey conducted, the location of the underpasses as required for the project road is furnished in Table 8. The general arrangement drawing of the underpasses may be obtained from the drawing volume. It is observed that no. of cross roads of minor and major category is merging with the project road. As desired by the Client that the design road shall have partial access controlled highway, Consultant had proposed to provide underpasses at such locations where no. of cross roads merging with the existing project road at frequent interval. Table 8: Underpasses Sl. No. Chainage (km) Type of Underpass Remarks Length (m) Introduction Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Chainage (km) 470.280 471.730 477.597 480.280 484.271 498.250 502.600 507.725 515.245 522.150 531.650 542.580 544.898 Type of Underpass Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Vehicular Remarks Karunagappally Adoor Road intersection Existing underpass 6 x 5 (m) Sankara Mangalam Junction Chavara Bridge approach IWAI Terminal St. Sebastian Church Road Kollam Bypass Pallimukku Myapoor Road Kottiyam Junction Chattannur Junction Parippally Junction Kallambalam Junction Attingal Bypass CRPF (HQ) Pallippuram Kaniyapuram Junction Length (m) 19.00 12.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 23.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 Due to constraint in available land width, the approach road towards the underpass shall be restrained by providing RE wall on both side. The proposed vehicular underpass shall have clear opening as 5.5m x 15.0m, and pedestrian underpass shall have clear opening as 3.5m x 15.0m in main road. 7.3 Median Opening Median opening shall be provided at approximately 2km interval along the project highway. Length of opening shall be 30m. On both sides of median opening, steel railing is proposed to be provided on precast blocks. In between service road and main carriageway, to restrict the pedestrian crossing through the designated road marking only. The details of median opening are summarized in Table 9. Table 9 : Details of Existing Median Opening Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Design Chainage 464.000 466.000 471.000 472.600 474.200 475.500 476.600 478.800 481.000 Sl. No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Design Chainage 511.500 513.200 518.200 520.000 521.700 523.500 525.200 527.400 528.500 Monthly Progress Report 1 - 30 Sl. No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Design Chainage 482.300 486.600 489.500 491.000 493.800 496.400 499.600 503.800 505.000 506.300 509.500 Sl. No. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Design Chainage 530.400 533.300 534.300 536.200 537.500 539.300 541.400 544.000 546.000 548.160 Note: The maximum detour will be around 1.5km 8. CROSS DRAINAGE WORKS 105 number cross drainage structures are existing in project main road and 6 no culverts exist in Kollam by pass. All These culverts has been examined in detail during feasibility study and their retention and widening or new construction after dismantling has been proposed after conducting conditions survey. Some of the desired information could not be obtained due to blockage of culvert either by sedimentation or due to grow of thick bush inside the culverts, or due to existence of muck at inlet and outlet. The scouring at inlet and outlet is predominant and same is required to be taken care by suitable preventive protection works. The required widening of the culvert proposed to be retained, as per profile layout is to be undertaken as per the general arrangement drawing, provided in drawing volume. Abstract of existing culverts are given in Table 10 and Table 11. Table 10: Abstract of Culverts (Main Road) Sl. No 01 02 03 04 Description Total no of culverts No of Slab Culverts No. of Pipe Culverts No. Box Culvert Table 11: Abstract of Culverts (Kollam By Pass) Sl. No 01 02 9. 9.1 Description No of Pipe Culverts No of Box Culverts (New) No. of Culverts 6 8 No. of Culverts 111 43 37 31 HYDROLOGY OF BRIDGES General • This section deals with Hydrological and Hydraulic study of Bridges from Existing Km 465.000 to km 551.900 of NH-47. Introduction • There are 14 existing Bridges in the existing road stretch. Two number bypass has been proposed to be bypass Kollam and Attingal towns. 3 number new bridges are proposed in Attingal bypass and 6 number new bridges are proposed in Kollam bypass. Other 5 nos existing bridges of NH-47 are of 2 lane and are required to be widened to 4 lanes except the AS Canal Bridge at existing Km 482. The hydrological study, computations and methodology adopted for discharge and other hydrological computations have been discussed in this report. List of proposed culverts are included for bypasses. • • 9.2 Study Objective These investigations are primarily intended for evaluating the adequacy of waterways of the existing bridges for the design flood flow. The hydrological study has been done based on the field investigations and survey data. This report describes the method of evaluation of performance of existing bridges on the existing highways for widening proposals, and design discharges, waterway required, scour depth and afflux etc for the new bridges. Hydrological Investigation Pertaining to Bridges There are total 14 bridges on existing main road out of which 9 bridges are proposed to be bypassed. Major rivers, Canals and lakes crossing the proposed alignment are outlined below: • 9.3 Among Existing bridges 2 number bridges are on defined river Ithikkara at design chainage 505+300 and Pallipuram at chainage 544+155 .One bridge is on famous Ashtamudi Lake at chainage 484+900. Other 2 number bridges are on canal at chainage 471+880(Pallikal) and other is at 480+150 (TS canal). 6 number bridges are proposed on Kollam bypass among which 3 no bridges are proposed on the lakes and other 3 number bridges are on the different branches of Churanga thodu river. Total 3 number bridges are proposed on Attingal bypass among which Two bridges are proposed on the major river Vannapuram at chainage 529+300 and Mammon at chainage 534+110 river of Periyer Basin. One minor bridge is proposed on Thotakadu river at chainage 529+600. Bridges are found to be of varying span of 8 m to 423 m ( on lake) River slope in the bypass are generally found to be varies from 1 in 250 to 1 in 1000. General ground are varring from RL 60 on the waterdivide to RL 0 on bridge site. Vannapuram river generates at Ranges of Sayhadri hills of elevation 1100 . • • • • • 9.4 Hydrological Data The Hydrological Data collected for calculation of bridges are as follows: Various data such as terrain, soil and cover condition, nature and size of bed material, river bed and plan forms etc. are collected from field through local inquiry made during site inspection by engineer based upon designed format for the same. Table 12 shows the hydrological features such as bed level and HFL of Channels. Toposheet Number 58C/12, 58C/16, 58D/9, 58 D/13, 58D/14, 58 H/2 of has been taken from Survey of India and catchments of streams has been demarcated. Equivalent Slope of stream , terrain slope and land uses are also studied in the toposheet. Rainfall/runoff data published in the Flood Estimation Reports for West Coast Region Sub zone 5a & 5b, prepared jointly by Central Water Commission (CWC), Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Research Designs Standards Organisation (RDSO) and Ministry of Shipping Road Transport & Highways (MOSRT&H) are used for information regarding stream flow and rainfall. From Isopluvial maps in Flood Estimation Report, 24 hour rainfall of 50 year return period is found to be 280 mm for this stretch of road. The rainfall data has been given in Table 13. Monthly Progress Report 1 - 32 Table 13 : Rainfall Data Stretch Trivandrum to Cherthalai Mean Annual Rainfall 1000 mm to 4000 mm 24 hours Rainfall for Return period of 25 Years 240 mm 50 Years 280 mm 100 Years 320 mm For rain fall of shorter duration less than 24 hrs a conversion ratio has been adopted from same CWC report. Mean average Time distribution curves of storms of various duration are also adopted from CWC report subzone 5a and 5 b Aerial to point rainfall ratio for various duration over different catchment is adopted from CWC report of Subzone 5 a and 5 b. The general land use data and Soil Data are also adopted from the same report. 9.5 Stream Data For all the bridges, the longitudinal section of the river extending from about 100m to 500m on the U/S and 100m to 500 m on the D/S (depending on stream size) has been drawn on the basis of actual survey data at site. Several river cross-sections, one at the bridge site, others both U/s and D/S of the bridge are drawn on the basis of field survey data. Longitudinal section of the stream along deep channel is plotted for each stream to find the longitudinal bed slope and compared with terrain slope found from toposheets. Manning’s roughness coefficient (n), cross section area of flow (A), wetted perimeter (P) and conveyance (K) etc. are found for each of the stream. 9.6 Hydrological Computations Pertaining to Bridges The adequacy of the existing bridges has been determined on the basis of design discharge / flow. The detailed hydrological computations for all bridges on existing main road and bridges on bypasses have been done. The discharge has been computed by various methods and then finally, design discharge has been adopted as recommended in IRC:SP – 13 and IRC : 5. The computed discharge is given in Table 14. It also gives other details e.g. names of streams, existing clear waterway, skew angle, effective waterway, design discharge and HFL as obtained from local enquiry. The adequacy of the existing bridge is determined by taking into consideration of Lacey’s Regime waterway and actual waterway (at HFL) of the channel and is given in Table 15 & Table 16 gives the abstract of hydraulic parameters e.g. design HFL, maximum scour levels for piers and abutments, recommended
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