Project on Apex Bank

April 5, 2018 | Author: Rishi Agarwal | Category: Reserve Bank Of India, Banks, Credit (Finance), Federal Reserve System, Service Industries



APEX BANKWHAT IS BANK? An organization usually a corporation, chartered by a State or Federal government, which does most or all of the following: Bank receives demand deposits and time deposits, honors instruments drawn on them, and pays interest on them; y y y y y Discounts notes, Makes loans, And invests in securities; collects cheques, drafts, and notes; Certifies depositor's cheques; and issues drafts and cashier's cheques. WHAT IS BANKING? Banking is generally a highly regulated industry, and government restrictions on financial activities by banks have varied over time. Banking = holds an active account at a bank. Normally used in relation to depositing or cashing payroll checks. Non-Banking = Does not hold an active or open account at a bank. Normally referred to when one is cashing payroll checks at a check cashing location. Banking in India originated in the last decades of the 18th century. The first banks were The General Bank of India, which started in 1786, and Bank of Hindustan, which started in 1790; both are now defunct. The oldest bank in existence in India is the State Bank of India, which originated as the Bank of Calcutta in June 1806, and immediately became the Bank of Bengal. This was one of the three BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS APEX BANK presidency Banks, the other two being the Bank of Bombay and the Bank of Madras, all three of which were established under charters from the British East India Company. For many years the Presidency banks acted as quasi-central banks, as did their successors. The three banks merged in 1921 to form the Imperial Bank of India, which, upon India's independence, became the State Bank of India. Types of banks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Retail bank Commercial bank Investment bank Central bank Credit unions Online banks Savings and loans 1. A retail bank is a bank that works with consumers, otherwise known as 'retail customers'. Retail banks provide basic banking services to the general public, including: y y y y y y Checking and savings accounts CDs Safe deposit boxes Mortgages and second mortgages Auto loans Unsecured and revolving loans such as credit cards BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS APEX BANK 2. A commercial bank is a bank that works with businesses. Commercial banks handle banking needs for large and small businesses, including: y y y y y y y Basic accounts such as savings and checking Lending money for real and capital purchases Lines of credit Letters of credit Lockbox services Payment and transaction processing Foreign exchange Commercial banks often function as retail banks as well, serving individuals along with businesses. 3. Investment banks help organizations use investment markets. For example, when a company wants to raise money by issuing stocks or bonds, an investment bank helps them through the process. Investment banks also consult on mergers and acquisitions, among other things. Investment banks primarily work in the investment markets and do not take customer deposits. However, some large investment banks also serve as commercial banks or retail banks. 4. A central bank is an organization responsible for managing banking activity. Within the USA the central bank is the Federal Reserve, or 'the Fed'. Other countries have central banks as well. Their roles are similar, but they may have different objectives. In the US, the central bank has three primary goals: BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS This encouraged people to save their money. Contrast this with banks where the customers are just customers. They claim that they do not have the overhead and expenses associated with brick-and-mortar banks. After World War II.APEX BANK y y y Conduct monetary policy Supervise and regulate financial firms Provide financial services 5. Online banks are banks that you primarily (or exclusively) use on the Internet. despite federallyregulated low interest rates. A credit union is an institution owned by the ³members´ or customers. Banks answer to profitability. You can do things on a computer. 7. Savings and Loans (S&L's) are specialized banks created to promote affordable homeownership. so they can pass the savings on to you. Online banks allow you to have more choice and flexibility. Credit unions are nonprofit organizations that strive for service over profitability. 6. the government helped build the Savings and Loans industry by insuring deposits on savings accounts. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . and you often get more competitive rates from online banks. APEX BANK BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . dhara 2) at Jabalpur naming ³Provisional Cooperative Bank Ltd.00 lakhs aiming to provide finance in the field of Agriculture. medium term and short term BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . maximum share has been transferred to cooperative societies and District Central Cooperative Banks. Jabalpur with the affiliations of 14 District Banks.5. Bank Ltd.´ again in November 2000 after the division of Madhya Pradesh State and formation of New Chattisgarh State 7 Districts Central Coop Banks has transferred to the new state and rest 38 districts Central Coop Banks has been remained with ³Madhya Pradesh State Coop Bank´.³and Raisen District Central Coop Bank. later on its Head Office has been transferred to Nagpur.Rajya Sahakari Bank Mydt.43 in 1968 and finally 45 after division of ³Bhopal District Central Coop Bank. Earlier individual shareholders were nominated as the representatives on the board of the Bank.)expanding their working with 56 District Central Coop Banks simply on the basis of one district one bank rule the number of District Central Coop. Banks come to 52 in 1956. to provide the democratic status to the Bank.APEX BANK History Of Apex Bank M. In the year 1956 Madhya Pradesh Cooperative Bank Ltd. Central Provinces brar´.State Coop Bank Ltd. Apex Bank Profile M.P. Bank has started its operations with the initial capital of Rs.P.48 in 1961. ³ (M. State Coop. had been registered on 02/04/1912 (Under Cooperative Act 1912. With the reorganization of the Indian state in the year 1956 and formation of new Madhya Pradesh state on 01 Nov. which started a movement to form a Board of Apex Bank with the representatives from Members Cooperative Institutions.(APEX BANK) is a premier organization providing long term.P. Nagpur has been divided and came into existence as ³Mahakaushal Coop Bank³.P.44 in 1966. 1956 ³Mahakaushal Coop Bank ³ has been renamed as ³M.Rajya Sahakari Bank Mydt. Savatri Singh Shri Maniram Shri Asharam Chairman Vice Chairman Vice Chairman Member Member Member Member Member BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . Sarita Singh Shri Kailash Soni Shri Yashpal Singh Sisodia Shri Kailash Sharma Smt. Project Loan. Vehicle Loan etc. to name a few.Higher Education Loan. Housing Loan. Board of Directors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shri Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat Smt.State providing Agriculture/Non-Agriculture Loans and Advances with the help of NABARD under various schemes also offering commercial loans to customer under the Loan portfolio such as Consumer Loans.APEX BANK Agriculture finance in the state with help of NABARD through District Central Coop Banks and Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperatives Societies (PACCS)to farmers & different strata of the society in order to the fulfill their financial requirements. Apex Bank is playing a pivotal in the field of providing rural finance in the M. Apex Bank is operating with their 20 Branches in the state serving through the attractive Loan and deposit schemes. .P. Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member 17 18 Consolidated Financial Status of District Central Co-operative Bank Rs. Chief General Manager. Sampatiya Bai Uike Shri Ramchandra Hirajee Shri Amrik Singh Shri Ranjeet Singh Chauhan Shri Rajpal Singh Sisodia Commissioner Cooperative & Registrar Cooperative Society Crores Sr. National Agri. M.P. 1 2009-10 Tentative 38 38 PARTICULARS 2007-08 2008-09 No. Regional office Bhopal.APEX BANK 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Shri Ram Vilas Patel Shri Ved Singh Thakur Smt. State Cooperative Bank. of DCCB 38 BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . Bhopal.P. No. Managing Director. & Rural Development Bank. Working Capital Profit for the year (Amt.34 11027.13 15 406.53 21 451.53 1810.75 5422. of Banks Branches Of Apex Bank In Bhopal s.90 19 287. 3.44 8823.70 38 0 0 94.44 82.64 37 4.APEX BANK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Share Capital Reserves and Other Funds Deposits Borrowings Loans & Adv.) 11 No. O/ 1725. of Banks 342.08 5226.16 6041.85 37 1.54 1 45.24 23 392.35 1919.37 5262.T. 2674751 2674753 2674760 2674766 . Nagar Arera colony (E-4) M. of Banks 14 Accumulated Loss (Amt.P.45 17 330.73 19 10 Loss for the year (Amt.34 121.65 7050.49 1 65.) 13 No.) No.75 9846.40 5802. 1.) 15 No. PLACE Main branch T.25 1883. Nagar Ibrahimpura BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS CONTACT NO. of Banks 12 Accumulated Profit (Amt.90 175.77 1409. 4. 2.23 1568. 5000/Rs.15/.5001/.15/.50 per thousand or part thereof Rs.15/. 6.25/Minimum Rs.per instrument Rs. REMITTANCES(DRAFTS. TTS) 1 Upto Rs.10001/.1.1000/Rs.1.20 per thousand BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS Above Rs.per instrument Rs.Rs.1000/Rs.per instrument Rs.00Lac REVISED RATE (Inclusive of Service Tax & Education Cess) Above Rs.2/.to Rs.00Lac Rs.1.1001/.1001/.No PARTICULARS . Indrapuri piplani Kotra sultanabad Malik market hamidia road 2674766 2674762 2674759 DEMAND DRAFT S.1.10000/Rs.10001/.per instrument Rs.00 Lac REMITTANCES BANKER'S CHEQUE/ 2 PAY ORDER) Upto Rs.00 Lac . Rs.5000/Rs.1.200/.16000/- Rs.60 per thousand maximum Rs.1.5001/.per instrument Rs.APEX BANK Rs. 7.15/.10/.per thousand or part thereof with a minimum of Rs.1.per instrument Rs.10/.10000/ Rs. Revalidation on DD minimum Rs.30/.150/maximum Rs.5000/Rs.APEX BANK 3.per DD BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . *SIZE D 1200/*SIZE E 1500/.no.50 6.e.* SIZE F 2000/TWO FREE VISIT IN A MONTH ADDITIONAL PER VISIT CHARGESRS.50 8.50 5.50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 From 7 to 14 days From 15 to 45 days From 46 to 90 days From 91 to 179 days From 180 days to less than 01 year 01 year or more but less than 2 year 02 year or more BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS 3.75 8. FIXED DEPOSIT DURATION INTEREST RATES IN % for Below 1.00 5. 01/11/2008 *SIZE A 500/. and Above 4.25 5.75 8.30/- 2. 1.No. LOCKER CHARGES LOCKER CHARGES PER YEAR w.APEX BANK LOCKERS RATE s.00 Cr.50 .75 8.50 7.*SIZE B 700/*SIZE C 900/.75 6.00 8.00 5. INTEREST RATES IN % for 1.00 Cr. LOCKER VISIT FIXED DEPOSITS RATE S.f. or more for a period of one year & above.APEX BANK ** If you are senior citizen. you can avail 1 % more interest on a deposit of] BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS .org. 1949 under the terms of the Reserve Bank of India (Transfer to Public Ownership) Act. India's central banking authority.rbi.  The Reserve Bank of India. 2005b).[Reference www. then on submission of proof to bank. was nationalized on January 1. 1948 (RBI.000/. Trade Finance Solutions and Debt Capital Market. control. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . the Banking Regulation Act was enacted which empowered the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) "to regulate. Payments & Cash Management. and inspect the banks in India. Commercial Banking Commercial Banking in India provides a full range of products and services: Loan Products. Financial Markets. and no two banks could have common directors. Corporate Finance.APEX BANK  In 1949. In 1937 this section studied various problems of Indian co-operative movement and submitted its report stating that development of co-operative societies should be given priority. A separate section for providing agricultural credit was opened. RBI on Cooperative In 1935 Reserve Bank of India was established."  The Banking Regulation Act also provided that no new bank or branch of an existing bank could be opened without a license from the RBI. 4 per cent. State Governments. production credit is generally given to individuals. NABARD was established on the recommendations of Shivaraman Committee. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). State Co-operative Banks (SCBs). Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other national level institutions concerned with policy formulation undertakes monitoring and evaluation of projects refinanced by it. Maharashtra. The credit flow to agriculture activities sanctioned by NABARD reached Rs 1. NABARD's role in rural development in India is phenomenal.National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) is set up as an apex Development Bank by the Government of India with a mandate for facilitating credit flow for promotion and development of agriculture. cottage and village industries. NABARD's refinance is available to State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (SCARDBs).574. by an act of Parliament on 12 July 1982 to implement the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act 1981 NABARD¶S ROLE: 1: serves as an apex financing agency for the institutions providing investment and production credit for promoting the various developmental activities in rural areas 2: co-ordinates the rural financing activities of all institutions engaged in developmental work at the field level and maintains liaison with Government of India. The BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS (NABARD) is an apex . While the ultimate beneficiaries of investment credit can be individuals. The overall GDP is estimated to grow at 8. companies.800 million in 2005-2006. State-owned corporations or cooperative societies.APEX BANK National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development development bank in India based in Mumbai. partnership concerns. Commercial Banks (CBs) and other financial institutions approved by RBI. OPP: OILSEED PRODUCTION PROJECT PROGRAMME NPDP: NATIONAL PULSES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME DTP: DEVELOPMENT OF TRIBAL POPULATION OTHER CROPS (EXCEPT OPP. Effectiveness of the program depends upon many factors. Cooperative is member driven formal organization for socio-economic purpose. DTP) ST (SAO) Production Loan BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . while SHG is informal one. but the type of organization to which the assistance is extended is crucial one in generating.APEX BANK Indian economy as a whole is poised for higher growth in the coming years. NGO have more of social color while that of PRI is political one. executing ideas in optimum commercial way. NPDP. The purpose of RIDF is to promote innovation in rural & agricultural sector through viable means. NABARD SANCTIONS FOUR TYPES OF LIMITS ST(SAO) OTHER CROPS OPP NPDP DTP ST (SAO): SHORT TERM SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL OPERATION. B P.B.965. ST Credit Limit for Other Crops During the year 2010-11. Apex Bank has sanctioned aggregate credit limit to the tune of Rs. credit limit of Rs. B. credit limit for oilseed (OPP). D.S BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS .02 crores was sanctioned for financing in other crops to DCCBs for financing to member farmers other than oilseeds & pulses crop.34 crores for D. 218. of India has started special programme for development of Tribal populace.APEX BANK Different lines of production credit limit under ST (SAO) are made available to the DCCBs for financing agriculture purposes viz. Development of tribal populace (DTP) and other crops (STN) A.C. THREE TIER STRUCTURE OF APEX BANK S. of Rs. C. Govt. Oilseed Production Programme During the year 2010-11 under Oilseed Production Programme. 1586. Under the above programme.C.32. Credit limit for Pulses (NPDP) 3 DCCBs were sanctioned total credit limit disbursement in pulses crops for the year 2010-11.35 crores was sanctioned to 14 DCCBs in the year 2010-11.19 crores to DCCBs for disbursing the crop loan to the farmer members of the PACS.C.C. Credit limit for Development of Tribal Population (DTP) In the year 1995-96.A. Pulses (NPDP). 19 tribal dominated districts of Madhya Pradesh have been selected and credit limit to the tune of Rs. State Level Implementing and Monitoring Committee (SLIC) under the chairmanship of Secretary Finance and similarly at DCCB Level District Level Implementing and Monitoring Committees (DLICs) have been constituted under the chairmanship of District Collectors.C.B.APEX BANK FARMERS SCB DCCB PACS State Co-Operative Bank (Apex Bank) District Central Co-Operative Bank Primary Agriculture Co-Operative Society In apex bank there is three tier structure in which first is S.B which is at state level. long term (more than five years) NABARD¶S ROLE AND FUNCTIONS ARE SUMMARISED BELOW:-      credit functions developmental & promotional functions supervisory functions institutional capacity building Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps to achieve goals. Basically farmers go to PACS if not available then loan amount is forwarded to DCCB if again loan could not be sactioned then case is forwarded to apex bank. DCCB and apex bank. {The members are elected by PACS. Formation of co-operative bank to help the farmers in three distinct periods as for : 1.}NABARD finances only 45% remaining 55% is arranged by society. PACS come under DCCB . as member of S. medium term (between one to five years) 3. short term ( for less than one year) 2. Farmers are provided loan amount as a member of PACS. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS .C. APEX BANK Madhya Pradesh Rajya Sahakari Bank Mydt. OF PACS 126 145 121 87 104 57 168 78 148 76 136 89 183 95 120 71 159 35 91 113 140 154 150 96 148 158 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 27 23 87 11 22 0 0 8 0 3 3 120 79 9 71 53 0 57 16 0 0 26 5 3 12 0 0 1 0 0 25 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 5 0 0 10 0 2 10 0 0 10 0 10 3 BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . Bhopal Statement showing PACS position of DCCBS As on 31st March 2007 PACS AFFILLATED TO DCCB BALAGHAT 112 CHHINDWADA 118 JABALPUR 97 MANDLA 0 NARSINGHPUR 93 SEONI 10 BHIND 166 DATlA 55 GUNA 140 GWALIOR 99 MORENA 132 SHIVPURI 86 KHARGONE 57 DHAR 11 INDORE 111 JHABUA 0 KHANDWA 96 BHOPAL 35 BETUL 32 RAISEN 87 RAJGARH 140 VIDISHA 154 HOSHANGABAD 114 SEHORE 91 REWA 135 SATNA 144 NAME OF DCCB LAMPS FSS/LSS TOTAL NO. APEX BANK 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SHAH DOL SIDHI SAGAR DAMOH PANNA TIKAMGARH CHHATARPUR UJJAIN. DEWAS. 2. ST (SAO)Production Loan. And 1000 ± 1500 branches are of apex bank . LOANS Agricultural Loans And Advances Provided By Apex Bank Are: 1. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . 3. Oilseed production programme. Credit Limit for Oilseeds. RATLAM MANDSAUR SHAJAPUR 10 51 165 89 84 87 113 170 98 83 166 146 90 38 13 13 4 0 0 0 21 18 5 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 1 0 101 93 178 102 88 87 113 172 123 103 172 146 TOTAL 3577 851 98 There are 4500 societies of apex bank at present 3800 approximately. apex bank mainly works for rural areas and provides loan to farmers. 2010 1. Limits for procurement & marketing of agriculture Produce. 2. Loans against Pledge Ornament CONSUMER LOAN MADHYA PRADESH RAJYA SAHAKARI BANK MYDT. 5. Finance for Working Capital.Individual Loan Rates w. Disbursement of Loan to small Marginal Farmers.Financing for Purchase of Shares of Industrial Coop Units.APEX BANK 4.f. 7. CONSUMER LOAN Purpose For House hold items BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . Fertilizer Cash Credit limit. Financing of Agro-Industrial Coop Units. 8. 9. 10. 4.e. BHOPAL Home Banking .02. 6. Kisan Credit Card scheme. 6. Medium Term Conversion /Rephasement Loans. Integrated Rural Development Programme/ Swarnjayanti gram Swarojgar(SGSY) Non-Agricultural finance: 1. Credit Limit for Development Tribal Population. 9. 3. Financial Accommodation to Cooperatives and other institutions.C. Finance for Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers. ST Credit Limit for the other Crops. Financial Accommodation for Weavers & Ind Coop Units. 5. Financial for working Capital Requirements of Coop Processing Units. 8. Financial Accommodation for Public Distribution Scheme. C. 7. 10. 15. N. 15% (in case of Employees*) Money Interest 12. 9. 15% (in case of Employees*) Money Interest 12.R.5% p.a. Loan Light.S. and Advance Cheques ii) Non Salaried 2.e.APEX BANK Max.5% p.C. Repayment 5 years on monthly basis Period Security i) Salaried Guarantee of 1 person + Advance cheque/ Authority letter/ Employer acceptance letter.R.e.000/Amount Margin 25%. 60.10.00 lacs (Personal) Amount Heavy-Rs.0% & 25./Advance Cheques ii) Non Salaried BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS .00 lacs (Commercial) Margin 15.a. / F.5. Guarantee of 1 person + Collateral Security i. (in case of Employees*) Rate Insurance In case of vehicle.0%. Loan Rs.C. 9.50% .S. N. / F. 10% (in group cases) .0% . Repayment 5 years on monthly basis Period Security:i) Salaried Guarantee of 1 person + Employer acceptance letter /authority letter/Advance Cheques Guarantee of 1 person + Collateral Security i.D. (in case of Employees*) Rate Insurance Insurance of vehicle. VEHICLE LOAN Top Purpose For personal use and Commercial use Max.D.Rs. 50. Modernisation Max. Loan Rs.000 Interest Up to 5 years Above 5years Rate Up to 2.000 Money 25.00% up to Rs.00 lacs Amount Margin Pledge 25% Money Hypothecation 40% Interest 13. C.2. Repayment 1 year Period BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS .5% (in case of Employees*) Insurance Insurance of house Repayment 15 years on monthly basis including moratorium up to 18 months Period Security:i) Salaried Mortgage of assets + Letter of Employer /Advance Cheques Mortgage of assets/ Advance Cheques ii) Non Salaried 4. 2. 15.0% up to Rs. HOUSE LOAN Top Purpose For purchases/construction of Houses.00 lacs 13.00 lacs 10.00 lacs Amount Margin 20.00% 10.0% above Rs.APEX BANK 3.C. 25.00% Above 2.50% above Rs. 50.000 30.50% @ 9.50% 10. 25.0% up to Rs. Loan Rs. AGAINST COLLATERAL SECURITY Top Purpose For business Max.00 lacs 9.00 lacs Rate Insurance Insurance of stock. 00 lacs inclusive of working capital Amount Margin 25. 9. 13. 5.0% (Risk basis) Money Interest 13. LOAN AGAINST PLEDGE OF ORNAMENTS Purpose Loan on pledge of gold/ silver ornament for personal uses. Max. FDR etc. Loan Rs. Max.00% For others .50% For SC/ST/SF. Loan Rs.0%.0% . 1.5% (in case of Employees*) Rate Insurance Insurance of ornaments Repayment 12 months Period Security Pledge of ornaments 6.50% Rate Insurance Mortgage of asset & machinery Repayment 7 years including 12-18 months moratorium period Period Security Security of 1 person + Collateral security 7. Travels & other purposes etc. PROJECT LOAN Top Purpose Project development Max.00 lacs Amount Margin Nil Money Interest 13. Marriage.40. 9.50%.e.00 lac Amount Margin 40. PERSONAL LOAN Top Purpose Personal use i. 25. 1.APEX BANK Security Security of 1 person + security in the form of fixed asset. NSC. 15% (in case of Employees*) Money Interest 12.5% (in case of Employees*) Rate BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . Loan Rs. Amount Interest 12. Loan Amount Rs. Medical and Master degree courses etc.5% (in case of Employees*) Insurance Not required Repayment Period 3 years Security Guarantee of 2 person . Engineering.00 lacs Amount Margin Money 20. Repayment 10 years on monthly basis Period Security Mortgage of assets + Advance cheques 9. Letter of Authority/ Employer Acceptance /Advance Cheques 8. Loan Rs.0%. 9. TRAVELS LOAN Top Purpose For Traveling purposes Max.5% (in case of Employees*) Rate Insurance Mortgage of assets Excluding land properties. MORTGAGE LOAN Top Purpose Personal use i. Travels & other purposes etc.0% of value of fixed assets. Loan Rs. subject to 50. Max. Marriage. EDUCATIONAL LOAN Top Purpose Loan for pursuing higher education for 2 students in a family i.00 lacs BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . Letter of Authority/ Employer acceptance. 25.APEX BANK Insurance Not required Repayment 5 years on monthly basis Period Security Guarantee of 1 person. 9.e.e. Max.50%.00 lacs. 10.50%. Advance Cheques. 15% (in case of Employees*) Interest Rate 13. 3. 1. Non Salaried Person Collateral Security of 2 times value of loan in form of fixed assets OR lien of 1. 12. Collateral Security or NSC. 1. 15% (in case of Employees *) Interest Rate 13.5 times value of loan amount in form of FDR/NSC/Surrender Value of BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS .50%. 2. 9. UTSAVA LOAN Purpose For Festival Purposes. Guarantee of 2 Person.5% (in case of Employees*) Repayment Period 36 Month Security 1. 11. 36 Advance Cheques. Max. Letter Of Authority OR Employer Undertaking. 3. 9. Loan Amount Rs. Employer Letter of authority OR Acceptance Letter and Advance Cheques. For Salaried Persons Guarantee of one person. 15% (in case of Employees*) Interest Rate 13%.50%. MEDICAL TREATMENT LOAN Purpose For Medical Treatment & Expenses of Critical illness Max. Security Guarantee of 1 person. 1.00 Lacs Margin Money 20% Of The Proposal . FDR etc.APEX BANK Margin Money 20%.00 Lacs Margin Money Interest Rate Loan Period Repayment Period NIL 13. Loan Amount Rs.5% (in case of Employees*) Repayment Period Maximum 5 years on monthly basis. 9.5% (in case of Employees*) 60 Months 60 Months Security As below. APEX BANK Insurance Policy. Insurance Not Required ******** BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. The advanced learner¶s dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as ³ a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.APEX BANK RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research in common parlance refers to search for knowledge. formulating a hypothesis. PURPOSE OF RESEARCH The purpose of research is to discover answer to questions through the applications of scientific procedures. formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions.´ Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in technical sense. situation or a group. 4) To test a hypothesis of a casual relation between variables. organising and evaluating data. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . 2) To portray accurately and characteristics of a particular individual. collecting. The term approach refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem. of following broad grouping:1) To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. Though which research study has its own specific purpose. making deduction and reaching conclusions . According to CLIFFORD WOODY research comprises defining and redefining problems. analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusions. and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. 3) To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. We may think of research objectives as falling into no. collecting the facts or data. Research is an art of scientific investigation. main report. Then there should be table of contents followed by a list of tables . 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) FORMULATING THE RESEARCH PROBLEM EXTENSIVE LITERATURE SURVEY DEVELOPMENT OF WORKING HYPOTHESIS PREPARING THE RESEARCH DESIGN DETERMINING SAMPLE DESIGN COLLECTING THE DATA EXECUTION OF THE PROJECT ANALYSIS OF DATA HYPOTHESIS ± TESTING 10) GENERALISATIONS AND INTERPRETATION 11) PREPARATION OF REPORT OR THESIS The last point is very important as it contains ³ the layout of the report that is preliminary pages. In preliminary pages report should carry title and data followed by acknowledgement and forward. etc. and the end matter. summary of findings. given in the report.e. the main ext.´ The main text includes ³introduction. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . reports. conclusion. graphs and charts. list of books.APEX BANK RESEARCH PROCESS Research Process Consists Of Series Of Actions Or Steps Necessary To Effectively Carry Out Research And The Desired Sequencing Of These Steps. journals. if any. index should be given specially in a published report. i. The end part should be enlisted in kinds of bibliography. (iii) Through questionnaires. The primary data are those which are collected for the first time. state and local governments. primary and secondary. books and magazines. COLLECTION OF SECONDARY DATA:Secondary data are those which are already collected and analyzed by someone else. But for a researcher hypothesis is a formal question that he intends to resolve. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for study. (ii) interview method. particularly in surveys as (i) observation method. COLLECTION OF PRIMARY DATA:Collection of data is done during the course of doing experiments research of the descriptive type and sample surveys. (iv) through schedules. Secondary data may either be published or unpublished data. and thus happen to be original in character.a research statement is a predictive statement. Methods of data collection The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design. news papers reports and publications of various associations connected with business and industry. The secondary data .HYPOTHESIS means assumption or some supposition to be proved or disproved.APEX BANK HYPOTHESIS MEANING: . Researcher can refer various publications of central. The researcher should keep in mind two ways of data viz. thus in other words. on the other hand are those which have already been collected by someone else and which are passed through the statistical process. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . capable of being tested by scientific methods. stock exchange. it relates an independent variable to dependent variable. means that there are several methods of collecting primary data . banks. these are called as final accounts because they are prepared at the end of financial year and after closing of the final account no records are done in that financial year. ******** MEANING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT Final accounts are those accounts which are prepared with the object to specify the trading results of a certain period and financial position on a specific date. unpublished bibliographies and autobiographies and also may be available with scholars and research workers . and public records and statistics. letters. The sources of unpublished data may be in the form of diaries. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS . in different fields . trade associations. Researcher must be very careful in using secondary data.APEX BANK etc. APEX BANK BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS .
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