June 11, 2018 | Author: SairamRamakrishnan | Category: Chemical Compounds, Chemical Substances, Chemistry, Chemical Elements, Atoms



CHEMISTRY INVESTIG ATORY PROJECT ACTION OF ANTACIDS SAIRAM.R.IYER CLASS 12 Hyperacidity 6. Important antacids: (i) Aluminum Hydroxide (ii) Magnesium Hydroxide (iii) Calcium Carbonate (iv) Sodium Bicarbonate (v) Magnesium Carbonate 4. Investigatory experiment 7. Introduction 3. Famous Brands Of Antacids 5.INDEX 1. Acknowledgement 2. Bibliography . Certificate This is to certify that Sairam. as compiled in the following pages .16 towards partial fulfillment of credit for the Chemistry P.Chemistry. Dar-es-Salaam. and submitted satisfactory report .Iyer .. Indian School . Indian School Dar-es-Salaam. Ack nowl edg men t Shailendra Singh Kushwah.R. . has completed the project titled ”Action Of Antacids” during the academic year 2015.under my supervision .ractical evaluation of CBSE AISSCE 2015 – 16. studying in class XII. HOD . “ There are times when silence speaks so much more loudly than words of praise to only as good as belittle a person. Shailendra Singh for his vital support. but only put a veneer over true feelings.” I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Chemistry mentor Mr. without which this project would not have come forth. guidance and encouragement. whose words do not express. my sister and my friends for their support during the making of this project ! . I would also like to express my gratitude to my parents . which are of gratitude at this point of time. Impor tant Antaci ds . or acid indigestion. i. as in peptic ulcers.e. sour stomach. they signal pain to the central nervous system. They are used to relieve acid indigestion. and heartburn. they buffer gastric acid. This happens when these nerves are exposed. Peptic ulcers may require H2-receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors. Other mechanisms may contribute. such as the effect of aluminium ions inhibiting smooth muscle cell contraction and delaying gastric emptying.Introd uction ANTACIDS: An Antacid is any substance. WHEN ARE ANTACIDS TAKEN? : Antacids are taken by mouth to relieve heartburn. raising the pH to reduce acidity in the stomach. When gastric hydrochloric acid reaches the nerves in the gastrointestinal mucosa. ACTION MECHANISM OF ANTACIDS : Antacids perform a neutralization reaction. generally a base or basic salt. Treatment with antacids alone is symptomatic and only justified for minor symptoms. upset stomach. The gastric acid may also reach ulcers in the esophagus or the duodenum. which neutralizes stomach acidity. the major symptom of gastro esophageal reflux disease. It is commonly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid. but excessive consumption can be hazardous. much rarer. and eggshells. with a K sp of 1. Magnesium hydroxide has low solubility in water. These compounds together are the major components of the aluminum ore bauxite. Since the dissociation of this small amount of dissolved magnesium hydroxide is complete. SODIUM BICARBONATE . This gel crystallizes with time. pearls. magnesium hydroxide is considered a strong base. Al(OH)3. doyleite and nordstrandite. and is the main component of shells of marine organisms. and aluminum oxide. The solid mineral form of magnesium hydroxide is known as brucite. It is a common substance found in rock in all parts of the world. differing only by loss of water. Al2O3. it is often called milk of magnesia because of its milk-like appearance. polymorphs: bayerite. Al(OH) 3. which is readily soluble in acids. It is found in nature as the mineral gibbsite and its three.ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE Aluminum hydroxide. which is the basis for application of aluminum salts as flocculants in water purification. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime.5×10−11. Closely related are aluminum oxide hydroxide. MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE Magnesium hydroxide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Mg(OH)2. Alum. Magnesium hydroxide is common component of antacids and laxatives. As a suspension in water. Freshly precipitated aluminum hydroxide forms gels. is the most stable form of aluminum in normal conditions. it interferes with the absorption of folic acid and iron. snails. Heatdried aluminum hydroxide powder is known as activated alumina and is used in gas purification. CALCIUM CARBONATE Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CaCO3. and is usually the principal cause of hard water. Aluminum hydroxide gels can be dehydrated to form an amorphous aluminum hydroxide powder. as a catalyst support and an abrasive. all of magnesium hydroxide that does dissolve does dissociate. Alka-Seltzer 2. MAGNESIUM CARBONATE Magnesium carbonate. Maalox (liquid) aci– Al(OH) and Mg(OH) 5. bicarbonate of soda. is an inorganic salt that is a white solid. Eno.Sodium Bicaronate and Citric acid d – Mg(OH) 6. MgCO3. Equate – Al(OH) and Mg(OH) Ant 3.Sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate is the chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. Pepto-Bismol – HOC H COO Bra 8. Fa mo us– NaHCO and/or KHCO 1. Several hydrated and basic forms of magnesium carbonate also exists as minerals. Rolaids – CaCO and Mg(OH) nds SOME FAMOUS ANTACID BRANDS : 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 6 3 4 2 . cooking soda. Gaviscon – Al(OH) 4. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. bread soda. Since it has long been known and is widely used. Milk of Magnesia 7. the salt has many related names such as baking soda. the treatment will be done by the surgical removal of the stomach ulcers. then the condition is called as hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia.The prime medical factors of hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia are as follows : (i) Stomach Ulcers: Ulcers in the stomach are one of the prime causes of hyperacidity. When the stomach contains an excessive amount of hydrochloric acid. .HyperAcidity HYPERACIDITY : CAUSE FOR INTAKE OF ANTACIDS : Hyperacidity or acid dyspepsia simply means increase of acidity in the stomach. Once this is diagnosed. The human stomach secretes hydrochloric acid which is necessary for the digestion of food. A typical feeling of restlessness 2. a hyperacidity that lasts more than two weeks must be immediately shown to the doctor and got checked for any cancer. which is biologically called as the esophagus. (iii) Stomach Cancers: Stomach cancers can also cause hyperacidity as one of their symptoms. when the food has been digested and still excess acids are left within the stomach. In this condition.e.(ii) Acid Reflux Disease: Some people have a gastric disorder called as the acid reflux disease. the acids of the stomach. the following symptoms are seen:1. SYMPTOMS OF HYPERACIDITY : Hyperacidity symptoms are observed a couple of hours after eating. When this happens. Lack of desire for any other type of food 5. but the mortality rate is quite high. Excess Constipation PROBLEMS WITH REDUCED STOMACH ACIDITY : Reduced stomach acidity may result in an impaired ability to digest and absorb certain nutrients. such as iron and the B . gastric acids or hydrochloric acid. At this stage. it builds up the level of acidity in the stomach. Indigestion 6. A timely diagnosis can enable complete treatment of the disease. Sour belching with an aftertaste of the already-eaten food 4. This is a very rare case. get refluxed up to the food pipe. i. Hence. Feeling of nausea (wanting to throw up) and actual vomiting 3. measuring flasks. For example. Prepare 1 litre of approximately HCl solution by diluting 10 ml of the concentrated acid for one litre. pipettes. Inve stig ator y Exp erim ent OBJECTIVE: To analyse the given samples of commercial antacids by determining the amount of hydrochloric acid they can neutralize. phenolphthalein.vitamins. weight box. At hazardous level of this infection. the bioavailability of ketoconazole (antifungal) is reduced at high intragastric pH (low acid content). fractional weights. hydrochloric acid. . It could also result in reduced bioavailability of some drugs. Since the low pH of the stomach normally kills ingested bacteria. sodium hydroxide. the patient is malnutritioned and left dead. sodium carbonate. REQUIREMENTS: Burettes. beakers. titration flasks. PROCEDURE: 1. antacids increase the vulnerability to infection. Titrate this solution against the standardized NaOH solution. 6. till a permanent pinkish tinge is obtained. make 1 litre of approximately NaOH solution by dissolving4. so that it can neutralize all the alkaline component of the tablet. standardize NaOH solution by titrating it against standardized HCl solution using phenolphthalein as indicator. Standardize the HCl solution by titrating it against the standard Na2CO3 solution using methyl orange as indicator. 4.25 litres (250 ml) of solution. 5. Add a specific volume of standardized HCl to each of the weighed sample is taken in conical flasks. Prepare Na2CO3 solution by weighing exactly 1. Repeat this experiment with different antacids. Filter off the insoluble material. 8. Similarly. 7. Powder the various samples of antacid tablets and weigh 1.2. The acid should be in slight excess.0 g of each. 9. 3.0g of NaOH to prepare one litre of solution. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein and warm the flask till most of powder dissolves. .325 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate and then dissolving it in water to prepare exactly 0. Similarly. 0 ml S. BURETTE BURETTE ACID . 15 31 16. BURETTE BURETTE ACID READING READING USED 1. N1V1 = N2V2 N1 * 15. Standardization of NaOH solution: Volume of the given NaOH solution taken = 20. Standardization of HCl solution : Volume of Na2CO3 solution taken = 20.0 = 1 * 20 Normality of HCl. 0 15 15.NO INITIAL FINAL VOL.0 ml Applying normality equation. (N1) = 0.3 ml 3.0 ml 2.0 ml S. 30 45 15.0 ml Concordant volume = 15. OF .0 ml 5.NO INITIAL FINAL VOL.133 N 2.3 16.0ml 4.OBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONS: 1. 0 15 15. 15 31. OF . Analysis of antacid tablet : Weight of antacid tablet powder = 1. 2.6 USED 26.0 g Volume of HCl solution added = 20. Gelusil Digene Eno Ranitidine 12.7 ml .1.5 26.6 = 2 * 20 Normality of NaOH (N2) = 0. 4.133 * 26.176 N 3.1 ml 16.9 ml 21.0 ml 21. 3.6 26.2 ml 23. N1V1 = N2V2 0.0 ml 16.8 26.6 ml Concordant volume = 26.0gm ANTACID 1.6 ml 26. 3.6 ml Applying normality equation. OF HCl USED TO NEUTRALISE 1. 2.6 26.8 ml 26. READING 0 0 0 0 0 READING 26.4 ml 12. 5.0 ml S no ANTACID USED VOL. OF NaOH USED TO NEUTRALISE HCl VOL. 4.5 ml 26.3 ml 21.6 ml 26. ENO is most effective.7 ml 21.9 ml CONCLUSION: The antacid which has maximum volume of HCl is used for neutralizing i.5.e. Ocid 20 22. Bibl iogr aph y .
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