
April 3, 2018 | Author: rahulnavet | Category: Scotch Whisky, Whisky, Barrel, Brewing, Malt



CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTIONWhisky (or whiskey) (from Irish "uisce beatha", "water of life") is an alcoholic beverage distilled from grain, often including malt, which has then been aged in wooden barrels. The spelling whisky (plural whiskies) is generally used for those distilled in Scotland, Canada, and Japan, while whiskey (with an e; plural whiskeys) is used for the spirits distilled in Ireland and the United States; however, there are exceptions. Kentucky, for example, usually spells its product "whisky". A mnemonic used to remember which spelling is used is that "Ireland" and "United States" have at least one "e" in their names, while "Scotland," "Canada" and "Japan" do not. International law reserves the term "Scotch whisky" to those whiskies produced in Scotland; whiskies produced in other countries in the Scotch style must use another name. Similar conventions exist for "Irish whiskey," "Canadian whisky," and "Bourbon Whiskey." In North America, the abbreviated term "Scotch" is usually used for "Scotch Whisky." In England, Scotland, and Wales, the term "Whisky" almost always refers to "Scotch Whisky", and the term "Scotch" is used by itself. The Welsh version is wysgi. The name is derived from Gaelic uisge beatha (water of life). (Other countries also have their own "water of life": also the Scandinavian Akvavit, whose name derives from the Latin aqua vitae, or the Italian Grappa) Irish whiskey is typically distilled three times from a mash of several grains. Scotch whisky is typically distilled twice, either from barley malt alone (see single malt whisky), or from barley malts and other grain malts which are then mixed together. Kentucky whisky, called Bourbon, is normally only distilled once, as are most other American and Canadian whiskeys. Whisky production began in grain-growing regions (the same regions where beer was being produced) whereas the distillation of brandy developed in regions producing wine. The first traces of distilled barley go back to the 13th century. In those times, whisky was not considered as a pleasure like nowadays, but people thought it was a marvelous medicine, helping to heal all kinds of diseases. It was used as an ointment as well as a drink. Before bearing the name of "whisky" (or whiskey if it is produced in Ireland or in the United States), the drink was called "Uisge Beata", which means "Water of Life" in Gaelic. The name evolved to become Usquebaugh, then Uisge and finally Whisky. The famous historian and chronicler Raphaël Holinshed wrote the following about the results of distillation of malted barley in his "Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland" in the 16th century: "Being moderately taken, it slows the age, it cuts phlegm, it lightens the mind, it quickens the spirit, it cures the dropsy, it heals the strangulation, it pounces the stone, its repels gravel, it pulls away ventositie, it keeps and preserves the head from whirling, the eyes from dazzling, the tongue from lisping, the mouth from snuffling, the teeth from chattering, the throat from rattling, the weasan from stiffing, the stomach from womblying, the heart from swelling, the belly from wincing, the guts from rumbling, the hands from shivering, the sinews from shrinking, the veins from crumpling, the bones from aching, the marrow from soaking, and truly it is a sovereign liquor if it be orderly taken." The first whisky distillery to gain a licence to produce was the Old Bushmills distillery, granted by James I in 1608. Malt whisky consists of whisky made from 100 percent malted barley; malt whisky from one distillery is called single malt to distinguish it from blended varieties. The grains used to make whisky include barley in Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the United States, rye in Canada and the United States, and corn in the United States. Pure pot still whiskey is made in Ireland from a combination of malted and unmalted barley. Various types of straight whiskey, such as Rye whiskey, Tennessee whiskey, and Bourbon whiskey which are produced in the U.S. are aged in charred, oak barrels. Blended whisky is made from a combination of any of the above whiskies with the similar grain whisky or neutral grain spirits, which are much less expensive to produce than the other types of whisky. Blends will almost always identify the type of base whisky used, ie. blended Scotch, blended Canadian, or blended Bourbon. Light whiskey is a style of American whiskey made up almost entirely of neutral grain spirits, with small amounts (typically less than 5 - 10 percent total volume) of straight whiskey and sherry added for flavor and coloring. At one time much of the whiskey produced in the U.S. was "Bottled-inBond" according to the dictates of an 1898 Act of Congress; this practice has been largely discontinued, because one of the requirements of the Act was that such whiskey be produced at 100 U.S. alcoholic proof (50% alcohol by volume). Whiskey this potent is currently rare in the U.S., partially because of changing public tastes but also because an alcoholic content so high is illegal in many countries, limiting the export market for it. CHAPTER TWO ORIGIN The origins Are the origins of whisky Scottish or Irish ? Naturally, opinions about this question are drastically opposed depending on the native country of the person to whom you ask. Nevertheless, it seems that more and more people tend to agree on the hypothesis of an Irish origin. It would be no one else than Saint-Patrick himself, the patron of the Irish, who would have introduced the still in his country at Vth AC, holding it himself indirectly from the Arabian. Irish monks would have then spread from Vth before J.C. the art of distillation at the same time as Christian civilization, in their own country to start with, then in Scotland. In any case, what one knows for sure is that the art of distillation is very old and dates back too much more ancient time than the first origins of whisky. The Egyptians are known to have practised the distillation of perfumes 3000 years before J.C. As a matter of fact, the word alcohol is directly derived from the Arabic al-koh'l, koh'l being a dark powder from pulverized antimony and used as an eye make up. From XIIth onwards, distillation of water of life or aqua vitae spreads progressively through Europe, notably in Ireland and in Scotland under its Gaelic name of Uisge Beatha or Usquebaugh, which will eventually transform into Uisge then Uisky, until becoming Whisky. Some virtues, literally miraculous which were justifying its name, were attributed to the water of life. Curing virtually any pain, it was then a medicinal potion which was prescribed as well as an ointment as a remedy to be drunk. It was a long way from possessing the flavours and the subtlety of the one drunk today, and was consumed for its mere virtues as opposed for pleasure. In his "Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland" published in 1577, Raphael Holinshed describes as follows the incomparable virtues of Uisge Beatha : "Being moderately taken, it slows the age, it cuts phlegm, it lightens the mind, it quickens the spirit, it cures the dropsy, it heals the strangulation, it pounces the stone, its repels gravel, it pulls away ventositie, it keeps and preserves the head from whirling, the eyes from dazzling, the tongue from lisping, the mouth from snuffling, the teeth from chattering, the throat from rattling, the weasan from stiffing, the stomach from womblying, the heart from swelling, the belly from wincing, the guts from rumbling, the hands from shivering, the sinews from shrinking, the veins from crumpling, the bones from aching, the marrow from soaking, and truly it is a sovereign liquor if it be orderly taken." A remedy definitely miraculous and most indispensable ! Whilst Irishmen and Scotsmen were distilling and double-distilling whisk(e)y from malted barley, at the same time Frenchmen were producing Armagnac and Cognac from fermented wines with the same techniques. In Italy, in Spain and in Germany, one distils also the burned or branded wine. Whether distilled from malted barley or from fermented wines, in both cases the spirit of life offered, when compared to the drink from which it originated - a kind of rough beer or a wine - the triple advantage of allowing preservation without problem, of being more economical to transport and of being more palatable. Uisge Beatha In 1494 is to be found the first official and indisputable reference concerning distillation of whisky in a document from the Scottish Exchequer Rolls mentioning "Eight bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aquavitae". In Ireland as well as in Scotland, distillation of Uisge Beatha will from now on develop steadily but not without events, governing instances waiting little time until they would start to regulate and tax its production. In 1644 distillation had developed to such a stage in Scotland that, following a poor harvest, a fear of a shortage of cereals appeared. This situation inspired to the king of England, Charles Ist, the idea of a fiscal tax on water of life. This idea was immediately taken over by the Scottish Parliament who will decide to restrict the right of distillation to upper and noble classes and will put in effect the first taxation measures. These will mark the first step of a long saga which will see illicit distillers and governments representatives confront each other. This epic, rich of anecdotes in which comical and tragic are often mingled, will know its apogee during the course of XVIIIth. CHAPTER THREE HISTORY HISTORY OF SCOTCH WHISKY The Gaelic "usquebaugh", meaning "Water of Life", phonetically Became "usky" and then "whisky" in English. However it is known, Scotch Whisky, Scotch or Whisky (as opposed to whiskey), it has captivated a global market. Scotland has internationally protected the term "Scotch". For a whisky to be labelled Scotch it has to be produced in Scotland. If it is to be called Scotch, it cannot be produced in England, Wales, Ireland, America or anywhere else. Excellent whiskies are made by similar methods in other countries, notably Japan, but they cannot be called Scotches. They are most often referred to as "whiskey". While they might be splendid whiskies, they do not captivate the tastes of Scotland. "The best Scotch whiskies taste of the mountain heather, the peat, the seaweed. They taste of Scotland, more obviously than even Cognac tastes of its region or the best Tequila of its mountain soil" "Eight bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aqua vitae" The entry above appeared in the Exchequer Rolls as long ago as 1494 and appears to be the earliest documented record of distilling in Scotland. This was sufficient to produce almost 1500 bottles, and it becomes clear that distilling was already a well-established practice. Legend would have it that St Patrick introduced distilling to Ireland in the fifth century AD and that the secrets traveled with the Dalriadic Scots when they arrived in Kintyre around AD500. St Patrick acquired the knowledge in Spain and France, countries that might have known the art of distilling at that time. The distilling process was originally applied to perfume, then to wine, and finally adapted to fermented mashes of cereals in countries where grapes were not plentiful. The spirit was universally termed aqua vitae ('water of life') and was commonly made in monasteries, and chiefly used for medicinal purposes, being prescribed for the preservation of health, the prolongation of life, and for the relief of colic, palsy and even smallpox. There were monastic distilleries in Ireland in the late-12th century. Scotland's great Renaissance king, James IV (1488-1513) was fond of 'ardent spirits'. When the king visited Dundee in 1506, the treasury accounts record a payment to the local barber for a supply of aqua vitae for the king's pleasure. The reference to the barber is not surprising. In 1505, the Guild of Surgeon Barbers in Edinburgh was granted a monopoly over the manufacture of aqua vitae - a fact that reflects the spirits perceived medicinal properties as well as the medicinal talents of the barbers. The primitive equipment used at the time and the lack of scientific expertise meant that the spirit produced in those days was probably potent, and occasionally even harmful. During the course of the 15th century, along with better still design, the dissolution of the monasteries contributed to an improvement in the quality of the spirits produced. Many of the monks, driven from their sanctuaries, had no choice but to put their distilling skills to use. The knowledge of distilling then quickly spread to others. The increasing popularity eventually attracted the attention of the Scottish parliament, which introduced the first taxes on malt and the end product in the latter part of the 17th century. Ever increasing rates of taxation were applied following The Act of Union with England in 1707, when England set out to tame the rebellious clans of Scotland. The distillers were driven underground. A long and often bloody battle arose between the excisemen, or gaugers, as they were known, and the illicit distillers, for whom the excise laws were alien in both their language and their inhibiting intent. Smuggling became standard practice for some 150 years and there was no moral stigma attached to it. Ministers of the Kirk made storage space available under the pulpit, and the illicit spirit was, on occasion, transported by coffin - any effective means was used to escape the watchful eyes of the Excise men. Clandestine stills were cleverly organised and hidden in nooks and crannies of the heather-clad hills, and smugglers organised signaling systems from one hilltop to another whenever excise officers were seen to arrive in the vicinity. By the 1820s, despite the fact that as many as 14,000 illicit stills were being confiscated every year, more than half the whisky consumed in Scotland was being swallowed painlessly and with pleasure, without contributing a penny in duty. This flouting of the law eventually prompted the Duke of Gordon, on whose extensive acres some of the finest illicit whisky in Scotland was being produced, to propose in the House of Lords that the Government should make it profitable to produce whisky legally. In 1823 the Excise Act was passed, which sanctioned the distilling of whisky in return for a license fee of £10, and a set payment per gallon of proof spirit. Smuggling died out almost completely over the next ten years and, in fact, a great many of the present day distilleries stand on sites used by smugglers of old. The Excise Act laid the foundations for the Scotch Whisky industry, as we know it today. However, two further developments put Scotch Whisky on firmly on the world map. Until now, we have been talking about what we now know as Malt Whisky. But, in 1831 Aeneas Coffey invented the Coffey or Patent Still, which enabled a continuous process of distillation to take place. This led to the production of Grain Whisky, a different, less intense spirit than the Malt Whisky produced in the distinctive copper pot stills. The lighter flavored Grain Whisky, when blended with the more fiery malts, extended the appeal of Scotch Whisky to a considerably wider market. The second major helping hand came unwittingly from France. By the 1880s, the phylloxera beetle had devastated the vineyards of France, and within a few years, wine and brandy had virtually disappeared from cellars everywhere. The Scots were quick to take advantage of the calamity, and by the time the French industry recovered, Scotch Whisky had replaced brandy as the preferred spirit of choice. Since then Scotch Whisky, in particular blended whisky, has gone from strength to strength. It has survived USA prohibition, wars and revolutions, economic depressions and recessions, to maintain its position today as the premier international spirit of choice, extending its reach to more than 200 countries throughout the world SCOTCH TIME LINE The History of Whisky Timeline Year 1494 1505 1577 1590 1608 1627 1644 1675 1688 1689 1751 1757 1775 1779 1784 1786 1794 1795 1798 1810 1816 1817 1823 1824 1825 1826 1830 1837 1839 1844 1851 1789 1882 1886 1892 1894 Event First written record of whisky Guild of Surgeon Barbers, Edinburgh granted charter to sell whisky Raphael Holinshead writes his Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland and extols the value of uisge beatha First recorded export of whisky to Ireland License granted to produce whiskey at Bushmills Distillery, Northern Ireland Robert Haig establishes his distillery First duty on whisky introduced by Act of Scottish Parliament Robert Boyle describes his new hydrometer First duty on alcoholic strength of whisky Ferintosh Distillery burnt down by supporters of James ll Gilcomston Distillery, Aberdeen founded Kilbeggan Distillery, reputedly built in Ireland Glenturret Distillery founded Justerini & Justerini sell whisky in London. Bowmore Distillery founded. John Jameson started distilling in Dublin Strathisla Distillery founded Bridge of Don Distillery completed Tobermory Distillery on Mull founded Highland Park, Ardbeg and Glen Garioch start distilling Glenburgie Distillery founded Sikes hydrometer adopted. Laphroaig Distillery founded. Teaninich, Duntocher and Lagavulin Distilleries open Licensing of Distilleries Glenlivet takes out license Edradour, Scotland's smallest distillery founded First patent for a continuous still awarded to Robert Stein. James Allardes of Glendronach takes out a license. William Teacher opens his first grocers shop Lagg Distillery, Arran founded The Chivas dynasty founded Glenfarclas Distillery opens Dailuaine Distillery founded Black Bottle is introduced VAT 69 is launched by Sanderson Glenfiddich Distillery founded Balvenie Distillery opens Famous Grouse Whisky appears for the first time HISTORY OF IRISH WHISKEY The distillation of Irish Whiskey has a long history, no one knows for sure when it first began some sources place it as early as the 6th Century when travelling monks on their return to Ireland brought with them the knowledge of distillation. We may never know for sure but can be thankful it was started sometime in the distance past, enabling many hundreds of years of experience and perfection to bring us to the stage we are at today. Certainly the distillation process in Ireland is many hundreds of years old.... The following pages cover some of the recorded history of the production of Irish Whiskey, or you can find out some information about the various distilleries in Ireland through the Distilleries Uisce Beatha" Production of Irish Whiskey, "Uisce Beatha" meaning "Water of life" in Irish, was prevalent in the 16th century. Elizabeth I was apparently quite fond of it but missed the opportunity to raise extra revenue by placing a tax on distillation. The opportunity was not lost forever as on Christmas day in1661 the then Government introduced a tax of 4 pence on each and every gallon of Whiskey distilled. By 1785 the tax on whiskey stood at one shilling an tupence the last straw for many was in 1815 when the tax was levied at a crippling six shillings. It was this high tax which drove many to produce there goods illicitly and by the end of the 18th century it is thought that there were some 2000 stills in operation in Ireland. Many of these producing "Poitien" or Poteen which is illicit whiskey. Some of these distillers decided to distil legally and tried to raise the capital to set up larger distilleries of these by far the most successful were the four big Dublin distillers: They were John Power, John Jameson, George Roe and William Jameson. CHAPTER FOUR MANUFACTURING OF WHISKY THE MAKING OF WHISKY Barley, water, yeast and fire ! The making of whisky can be done in different manners, depending in particular to the geographical origin of production. The main differences are related to the raw material, which is always a cereal, and on the type of distillation which may be either "batch" distillation in a pot still, or continuous distillation in column stills. This allows for the making of different types of whisky corresponding to various definitions, each offering their specific character, the main ones being Blended whisky, Single Malt whisky and Grain whisky. The most famous whiskies are often issued from the distillation of malted barley in pot stills. Such is the case in particular of Scotch Pure Malts, of which we will follow the main steps of making. To produce a Malt Whisky, you need barley, water, yeast, heat and (much !) time. This process can be broken down in Six main steps : 1 - Malting 2 - Milling 3 - Mashing 4 - Fermentation 5 - Distillation 6 - Ageing Many factors have an influence on the quality and character of whisky : characteristics of malt (Origin of barley, malting process), quality of water, type of yeast, shape of stills, conducting of distillation, origin and quality of casks used for ageing, ambient air being "breathed" during many long years by the spirit through the cask's wood. each of theses elements play a role, and if combination of these parameters can vary to infinite, very few are these which allow for a good whisky. If you ask to a Scottish distiller which, in his opinion, are the most important factors, chances are that he will reply that the key elements are the quality of his water and the shape of his stills. This is effectively true, even if in reality things are much more complex than that. Beyond the experience painstakingly accumulated by generations of distillers and the resulting mastery, the making of whisky still depends to a certain extent of a mysterious alchemy which escapes any analyse or reasoning. Even if today's distillers benefit from analysing tools which enable them a better understanding and an improved control of the process, achieving the "marvellous" balance in the combination of all the factors being involved remains a particularly delicate art in which Scotsmen and Irishmen are the undisputed masters. One of the consequences of the complexity of this art is that the variety of characters to be found among whiskies is definitely comparable to the one that can be observed among wines. This is precisely this richness which makes this spirit so unique and so fascinating ! Malting After it has been harvested, barley contains starch which is a non fermentiscible sugar. The process of malting is aimed at transforming this starch in a fermentiscible sugar which itself will be able to be transformed into alcohol. To start with, barley is soaked in water for two or three days before being spread as a layer approximately twenty to thirty cm thick on the malting area made as a wide flat concrete surface. This is where its germination will start, lasting for about eight days. Barley will have to be turned over several times a day with wooden shovels so as to allow steady and uniform germination, and its temperature will be controlled permanently. Once the starch has been transformed into sugar, germination will be stopped through the heating of the barley in a kiln during 20 to 48 hours. Heat will be provided coal and to a varying of peat. the smoke of to the malt a of very specific type in the finished whiskies being those Islay. by the burning of degree by the burning the latest will impart character and aromas which will be found product, the peatiest from the island of Nowadays, the majority of malts are produced in industrial malting plants, where the process take place in large horizontal steel drums including a perforated bed on which lays the barley, turning on themselves and through which vaporized water then hot air are spread. Milling The malt is then ground in a mill containing two or three pairs of steel rollers and transformed into grist. The latest must consist of about 10% flour, 20% husks and 70% "middles" or actual grist to allow for a satisfying mashing. MASHING Grist is then mixed with hot water in the mashing machine which pours it into the mashtun, which capacity can be in excess of 25.000 litres. Three successive waters, with temperatures varying from 63 to 95°C, are used to produced a sugary liquid known as wort. The mashtun possesses a double bottom finely perforated which will allow the wort to be drawn off through the underback at the same time as it will retain the solid particles known as draff. Those will be taken away at the end of the process and are excellent food for cattle. The last water used for mashing will be directed to a tank and used as the third water of the next mashing. Wort will then travel through a heat exchanger to be cooled to about 20°C, to prevent yeast cells which will ferment it from being killed. Traditional mashtuns may be enclosed by a copper dome so as to preserve heat. They are nowadays very often superseded by lautertuns which allow for a better extraction of sugars contained in the malt. Fermentation Wort is the pumped into the washbacks which are large and open fermentation vessels, which can hold up to 70.000 litres and be as high as 5 or 6 m. They may be covered by detachable panels and are usually made of Oregon pine. Some distilleries use fully closed vessels made of steel which are easier to clean.Yeast is added, being either distillers yeast or a mixture of the latest with brewer yeast, and will start fermentation. The action of yeast on wort's sugar will produce alcohol and carbon dioxide. Wort will bubble, and may even in some occasions generate strong vibrations of the washback itself in spite of its impressive size. After about 48 hours, bubbling and fermentation are over and the wort has been transformed into wash, an alcoholic liquid of 7 to 8% vol. and not unlike a sort of crude beer, which is pumped into the wash charger. Distillation This is the process which is at the heart of whisky making. It consists essentially in separating the alcohol contained in the wash from the water, taking advantage of the fact that alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water, at about 80°C. Distillation comprises two stages accomplished in two stills varying by their capacity and by their shape. First distillation is done in the wash still which capacity maybe reach 25 to 30.000 litres and will transform the wash into low wines at about 21% vol. Originally heated by a naked flame, usually from the burning of coal or gas, the majority of stills are nowadays heated by coils placed inside them and through which steam circulates. Evaporated alcohol rises up to the upper part of the still, the swan neck, and then through the lyne arm after which it enters the condenser in which alcoholic vapours will transformed into liquid. Traditional condensers were made as coils immersed in large open wooden vessels and cooled by water flowing through them. Nowadays the vast majority of distilleries are equipped with tubular vertical condensers offering improved calorific efficiency. The low wines are kept in the spirit charger, wastes of the first distillation known as pot ale being conveyed to a dark grain plant to be transformed into cattle food. The second distillation takes place in the spirit still which usually has a capacity equal to about two third of the wash still's. This is where the stillman's art expresses at its best, when he must retain only the middle cut, eliminating the heads which contain too much high volatility alcohols running at about 80% vol., and the tails comprising the heavy components. As the distillation progresses the alcoholic strength of the flowing distillate diminishes regularly : the moment when the stillman stops collecting the middle cut or heart of run is called the cut, and will usually happen when the hydrometer will read about 62/65% vol. If the cut is made too late, too high a proportion of the tails will result in an unbalanced whisky with unpleasant aromas. To the contrary, if the cut is made too early, the spirit will be deprived from some of its components indispensable to achieve a whisky with satisfying character. One will then obtain a product without major default, but without real interest and personality either. Speed of distillation also has a direct influence on the quality of the collected spirit. The latest which is perfectly colourless is at about 70% vol. and is pumped into the spirit receiver. The stillman has to do all his operations by intervening on the spirit safe, built with a copper frame holding plate glasses and into which lead all pipes linking the stills to the various holding tanks. It is usually a beautiful object duly padlocked under the control of Custom and Excise, the stillman not being allowed to have any direct contact with the product flowing from the stills. For controlling the process, the stillman uses hydrometers and can check the purity of the spirit in verifying if it does not get cloudy when mixed with water. Heads and tails will be pumped and kept in the low wine charger to be redistilled in the spirit still at the same time as the low wine intended for the next distillation. Waste of distillation known as spent lees will be thrown away or treated. Some whiskies, notably in Ireland and in the Scottish Lowlands, are subject to a triple distillation process, which delivers a spirit of a higher alcoholic strength at about 85% vol. Ageing Before being transferred into casks, the newly made spirit will have its strength reduced to 63,5% vol. with demineralised water. The cask being used are usually casks having been previously contained Bourbon, and are used either as they come or after being rebuilt as hogsheads in Scottish cooperage. They will usually be kept on site for ageing or in a centralized warehouses together with other spirits from a same company or group. Last stage of the process of whisky making, ageing is at the same time the longest one and one of the most important. The origin and the quality of casks have a determining role in the end result, as well as, even if to a lesser extent, the location of the warehouse. The quality of he air, its temperature, its humidity, its coastal character or not, have an influence on the ageing process. The nature of the warehouse itself has its importance, in particular depending whether it is more or less isolate. For instance, it is generally admitted that warehouses with earth ground provide the best results as they maintain higher humidity level. As a matter of fact, during ageing some alcohol evaporate through the wood of the casks with losses of about 2% per year, this is what is called the "Angel Share". In a humid warehouse the loss of spirit will materialize as a decrease of the alcoholic loss, which will advantage the obtaining of a high quality whisky. In a dry warehouse, this loss will materialize through a diminution of volume, with in extreme cases a rising of the alcoholic strength, and will deliver a dryer spirit. Altogether, losses are lower in dry warehouses than they are in a damp ones, the latest which provide the best results are also the most costly. Temperature also has its influence on ageing, if it is higher maturation of the whisky will progress faster. It is only after three years of ageing in cask that spirit is entitled to be called whisky, but one usually considers that it is only after 8 years that a malt whisky reaches real maturity. Some can reach their optimum at the age of 10 or 12 years, many are those which will take advantage of further maturation up to 15 years or possibly beyond. If some of them may become exceptional at the age of 20 or 25 years, others might suffer of staying too long in a cask, their character ending up in fading away and aromas directly imparted by the cask becoming too preponderant. Last of all, one should not forget the ultimate stage in the long process of whisky making which is bottling. The reduction, which is the operation by which the alcoholic strength, initially at around 60% vol, is brought down to drinking strength - in most cases 40 or 43% vol - is much more delicate than one usually imagines. Quality of filtration has also an important effect, in particular depending whether it is a chill or non chill filtration process. MANUFACTURING OF WHISKEY Ingredients The basic ingredients required to make Irish whiskey are pure clear water, of which there is no shortage of in Ireland quality barley, and time (Lots of It) and experience. Basically to distil whiskey the distiller requires starch in sufficient quantity to make spirit. The starch is provided by barley and it is from this starch that sugars are released during the fermentation process Malting The first step in the process is known as Malting, this will release the starch in the barleycorn by controlled germination. Traditionally the barley is steeped in water for up to 2 days the water being changed several times during this period, the water used in the last steeping is heated to help start the germinating process. The barley is then spread on a malting floor and turned daily to allow the barley to germinate. As germination progresses the starch within the barleycorn releases some of its sugars. It is at this stage that the germination is halted by drying the malted barley in a closed kiln ready for the next stage of the process. Mashing The malted barley is mixed with un-malted barley prior to being passed through a mill to be roughly ground into grist The grist is then mixed with water in a mash tun where it is slowly stirred. The addition of water allows the natural sugars to dissolve in the water which is drained off this liquid is called "wort" Fermentation The wort containing the dissolved sugars from the barleycorn is now pumped into a set of vessels commonly known as "washbacks" into the wort is added yeast. This causes the a reaction with the sugars to produce an brown coloured liquid. When the fermentation process has run its course the liquid ceases to foam and bubble at which point it is ready to be pumped to the stills for distillation Distillation The distilling process is where the alcohol which has a lower boiling point than water is separated from the fermented liquid or wash from the washback. Traditionally Irish Pot still whiskey is distilled three times in copper stills to ensure a smooth and delicate spirit Traditional Copper Pot Stills • • • 1. The wash is heated in the first still (Wash still) and condensed into low wines 2. This then goes to the second still (Low wines and Feint still) where more impurities are removed and feints are collected. 3. The feints then go to a third still (Spirit still) where a further refining of the spirit takes place The result is the production of a colourless spirit which has a high alcohol content. It is this third distillation that gives "Irish" its different taste which is purer and lighter than Scotch Whisky which is distilled twice. At the Midleton distillery in Co. Cork depending on the desired outcome the spirit may have been distilled as many as 5 times. The distilled spirit at this stage still has a long journey ahead of it before it can be truly called whiskey. Maturation Having been successfully distilled the required number of times the spirit is filled into wood casks and left to mature for a legal minimum of three years, however more often than not it is usually more with eight, ten, or more years required for some of the top brands. It is during this maturation process that the magic that is Irish Whiskey takes place. The clear spirit over time takes on the character of the cask in which it is stored. The casks may have been used previously to store sherry bourbon or rum although new oak casks are also used. While maturing in sherry casks the alcohol's extract the sherry residue that has soaked into the wood, or whilst maturing in charred bourbon casks the spirit will extract some of the chemicals in the wood of the cask. It is all of these factors along with temperature humidity and general storage conditions plus the length of time the whiskey is left to mature that contribute to the final product. Blending Prior to bottling the matured whiskey is vatted or "married" as it is sometimes referred to In this the final stage of the distilling process. The purpose of vatting is to fuse together many casks of whiskey in order to produce as consistent a quality and flavour as possible . This is the art of the blender, however Irish Whiskey producers have a historical disdain for blended whiskey and even today with a few exceptions the vatting process for brands such as Power's or Paddy will take only two or three days. Bottling at the Cooley Distillery Only with very specialised whiskeys such as Midleton Very Rare or Redbreast will the casks be vatted for up to a full month prior to bottling. In comparison Scotch whiskey may be vatted or married for a year or more. This is said to reflect the importance of blending in Scotch as opposed to the theory in Ireland where it is the distiller's art that has the greater influence on the whiskeys final taste. CHAPTER FIVE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISK(e)Y 1.Manufacturing process a) Malting Irish Whiskey differs from Scotch in the malting stage. In the making of Scotch whisky, malted barley is dried over peat fires. Thus allowing smoke from the peat to penetrate the barley, This is what gives scotch whiskies their distinctive smokey flavor. In the making of Irish Whiskey malted barley is dried in closed ovens. The barley never comes in contact with smoke, so the true malted barley flavor shines through with no smokiness. b) Mashing The process of grinding the grain into grist and then mixing it with water to produce wort are the same for Irish and Scotch Malt whiskeys c) Fermentation Once again the same basic process applies to both Irish and Scotch Whiskeys. Yeast is added to convert the liquids' sugars into alcohol c) Distillation During this stage the alcohol with a lower boiling point than water is steamed off. The shape of the still contributes to the final character of the finished product and in Ireland the stills are generally larger than Scottish ones. Generally, Scotch whiskies are distilled only twice. Irish Whiskeys, however, are usually but not always triple distilled. Because each stage of distillation increases the purity and smoothness of the whiskey, This is what makes Irish Whiskey particularly pure and smooth. e) Maturation Once again the process of making Irish or Scotch is similar in that during the final stage of the process the whiskes is transfered intto casks to mature for the required number of years, three is the legal minimum, but some whiskeys are left for many years more. 2.Spelling How should whisk(e)y be spelled ? Whiskey, with an "e" is how the generic word is spelled when unconnected to a brand name. Most Irish and American distillers also use this spelling. Scottish and Canadian products are however spelled without the "e" as in whisky. CHAPTER SIX PROOF Alcoholic proof is a measure of how much ethanol is in an alcoholic beverage, and is approximately twice the percentage of alcohol by volume (ABV, the unit that is commonly used today). This system dates to the 18th century, and perhaps earlier, when spirits were graded with gunpowder: a solution of water and alcohol "proved" itself when you could pour it on a pinch of gunpowder and still ignite the wet powder. If it didn't ignite, the solution had too much water in it and the proof was considered low. This process led to the nickname "firewater", coined by Native Americans. A "proven" solution was defined as 100 degrees proof (100°). This has since been found to occur at 57.15% ethanol. This is still used as the British definition. A simpler ratio to remember is 7:4 - 70° proof is 40% alcohol by volume. A hydrometer was traditionally used to measure the precise proof of a spirit, a practice which has gone through many formal changes. Alcohol is produced by yeast during the process of fermentation (and the other product of fermentation is carbon dioxide, which is the gas that can make beer bottles explode or blow their tops off). The amount of alcohol in the finished liquid depends on how much sugar there was at the beginning for the yeast to convert into alcohol. In beer, the alcohol is generally 3% to 12% (6 to 24 proof) and usually about 4% to 6% (8 to 12 proof). Depending on the strain of yeast, wines top out at about 14% to 16% (28 to 32 proof), because that's the point in the fermentation process where the alcohol concentration denatures the yeast. Since the 1990s, a few alcohol-tolerant 'superyeast' strains have become commercially available, which can ferment up to 20%. Very few microorganisms can live in alcoholic solutions. The main three are yeast, Brettanomyces, and Acetobacter. In what is essentially disinfection, yeast keeps multiplying as long as there is sugar to "eat", gradually increasing the alcoholic content of the solution and killing off all other microorganisms, and eventually themselves. There are "fortified" wines with a higher alcohol concentration than that because stronger alcohol has been mixed with them. Stronger liquors are distilled after fermentation is complete to separate the alcoholic liquid from the remains of the grain, fruit, or whatever it was made from. The idea of distillation is that when you heat a mixture of liquids, the one with the lowest boiling point will evaporate (or "boil off") first, and then the one with the next lowest boiling point, and so on. The catch is that water and alcohol form a mixture (called an azeotrope) that has a lower boiling point than either one of them, so what distills off first is that mixture that is 95% alcohol and 5% water. Thus a distilled liquor can't be stronger than 95% (190 proof); there are other techniques for separating liquids that can produce 100% ethanol (or "absolute alcohol"), but they are used only for scientific or industrial purposes. 100% ethanol doesn't stay 100% for very long, because it is hygroscopic—it absorbs water out of the atmosphere. CHAPTER SEVEN TYPES OF SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISK(e)Y Types of Scotch Whisky Introduction To be classed as “Scotch” whisky must be both distilled and matured in Scotland. There is a good reason for this ... Scotch whiskies derive part of their flavour from the air in the locations where they are stored during maturation. For example some people swear that they can taste the sea from the strong, distinctively flavoured malt whisky from the Island of Islay. In accordance with the Scotch Whisky Act of 1988, Scotch must be matured in oak barrels of a capacity not exceeding 700 litres. The American Bourbon industry demands that barrels may be used only once so these are now sold on to Scotch whisky distillers. Spanish Sherry casks and Port casks are also used. All of these contribute distinctive flavours to the whisky. Scotch Whisky is commonly sold in single malt, pure malt and blended versions. Malts are generally more expensive than the blends and are produced entirely from malted barley. It should be noted that the production of all types of Scotch Whisky does not allow for any additives or ‘enhancers’. Only cereals (barley, wheat, maize etc) water and yeast may be used, although a small amount of caramel (burnt sugar) is permitted at the point of bottling – this ensures a consistent colour of the finished product. Blended Scotch Whisky By far the most popular worldwide, blended Scotch whisky accounts for the majority of the Scotch that is consumed. Blends are created from many different malt whiskies and grain whisky. Typically there would be about 80% grain and 20% malts in a blend with as many as 20 (but usually less than 15) different malts being used. Blended whiskies are popular because skilled master blenders can produce individual blends with consistent and distinctive characteristics. These are sometimes blended with particular markets in mind. For example at the end of the prohibition period in America (1933) some distillers created blends specifically for the reemerging market there. Single Grain Scotch Whisky Single grain Scotch whisky is the product of a single distillery and made from unmalted barley, corn (maize) or wheat, water and barley. There are only a few single grain whiskies on sale to the general public and they are often hard to find. Almost all grain whisky goes into the blending process to create blended Scotch. The production process for grain whisky is continuous process and therefore production volumes are much higher than a typical malt distillery. This is reflected in the fact that there are only seven grain distilleries operating in Scotland at present and they can cope with the required volume. Single Malt Scotch Whisky Single malt Scotch whisky is so called because it consists strictly of malt whiskies from a single distillery. These must not contain any whiskies from other distilleries and it must be distilled in copper pot stills. Single malts are produced in many areas of Scotland. Perhaps the best known (and the area with the highest concentration) is Speyside. Malt whiskies tend to be classified by there area of origin. There are five distinct areas, namely Speyside, Highland, Lowland Campbeltown and Islay, but it is not true to say that all whiskies from one area are the same, they may share certain characteristics, but no more than that. It is worth noting that only about 5% of the today’s malt whisky is bottled. The rest goes into blends. In malt whisky distilling only malted barley may be used. Distillers may not use any other grains or fermentable products. Malt whiskies are produced in pot stills. The pot stills used here at the Loch Lomond Distillery are quite unusual. Four of these have rectifying heads and two have traditional “swan necks”. This range of stills allows us to produce a total of eight different single highland malt whiskies. Single Cask Malt A single cask malt is one which is a bottling from a single cask. Since most of the American Bourbon casks that are used are 200 litres, and by the time the angels have taken their share, this means that not much more than 400 bottles will be available from each cask (depending on the age and type of cask used). The angel’s share is what evaporates during the maturation stage so it will be dependent on the time in storage. While single cask malts are very exclusive their consistency cannot be controlled by mixing the malts from different cask so don’t always expect them to taste the same as other whiskies from the same distillery. Some of these “single, single” malts are also bottled at cask strength, with no water at all being added. This means that they often have 50% alcohol content or more, with some being as high as 60%. Most distillers would recommend that whisky be consumed at approximately 28 to 30%, typically 3 parts whisky to 2 parts water. This allows all of the flavours (some of which are dissolved in the alcohol) to be fully appreciated. Pure Malt Pure malt whisky or vatted malt is a blend of malt whiskies from different distilleries. The term “Pure Malt” was coined to suggest exclusivity but it really just means that the bottle contains no grain whiskies. Clearly all Scotch malt whiskies are by definition pure malts or 100% Scotch malts. This is not to say that pure malts are inferior. Once again the master blender can marry together a number of malts in various quantities to produce a distinctive whisky with its own character and traits. Loch Lomond Single Blend Whisky Never heard of it? Having read the above do you think that it is a misnomer? Well, here at the Loch Lomond Distillery we also produce the Loch Lomond Single Blend whisky. This is a unique product, not found elsewhere. We are the only single distillery to produce both grain whiskies and a number of different malt whiskies on the same site, albeit that the stills are in different buildings. This allows us to use the word “single” in relation to our Loch Lomond Single Blend. Postscript - The Scotch Whisky Act 1988 Scotch Whisky has been defined in United Kingdom (UK) law since 1909 and recognised in European Community legislation since 1989. The current UK legislation relating specifically to Scotch Whisky is The Scotch Whisky Act 1988 and the Orders made under it. which came into effect in June 1990 and superseded that part of the Finance Act 1969. as subsequently amended, defining Scotch Whisky. For the purposes of The Scotch Whisky Act 1988 "Scotch Whisky'' means whisky (a) Which has been produced at a distillery in Scotland from water and malted barley (to which only whole grains of other cereals may be added) all of which have been (i) Processed at that distillery into a mash; (ii) Converted to a fermentable substrate only by endogenous enzyme systems; and (iii) Fermented only by the addition of yeast; (b) Which has been distilled at an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 94.8 per cent so that the distillate has an aroma and taste derived from the raw materials used in, and the method of, its production; (c) Which has been matured in an excise warehouse in Scotland in oak casks of a capacity not exceeding 700 litres, the period of that maturation being not less than 3 years; (d) Which retains the colour. aroma and taste derived from the raw materials used in, and the method of, its production and maturation; and (e) To which no substance other than water and spirit caramel has been added. The Scotch Whisky Act 1988 prohibits inter alia the production in Scotland of whisky other than Scotch Whisky. The Scotch Whisky Act 1988 and European Community (EC) legislation both specify a minimum alcoholic strength of 40 per cent by volume, which applies to all Scotch Whisky bottled and/or put up for sale within or exported from the Community. Types of Irish Whiskey There are two different types of Irish whiskey, malt whiskey distilled in a traditional manner in pot stills and grain whiskey made in modern distilleries using patent stills. Over 90 percent of all whiskey consumed is a blend of pure malt whiskey and grain whiskey. As a rule of thumb the more expensive the whiskey the higher the percentage of malt. CHAPTER SEVEN BRAND NAMES SCOTCH Glasgow is renowned for its history and the famous spirit of Glasgow. A lowland single malt. Ardbeg close to the ancient Kildalton Cross, the white-washed, wavewashed buildings of Ardbeg lie on the dramatic, rugged southerly shores of Islay. Ardbeg is one of the most welcoming distilleries to visit. Bowmore Distillery one of the oldest in Scotland, has stood on the shores of Loch Indall, on the Hebridean island of Islay since 1779 As any whisky lover knows, the precious water of life needs time to mature before its charms can be savoured. Glengoyne is located just 35 minutes drive from Glasgow and Stirling and 70 minutes from Edinburgh. Come and visit us at The Glenlivet Distillery. You will find us in one of the most remote and beautiful of Scotland's inland glens. It lies in the heart of Speyside situated high up in the Banffshire Highlands At Glenmorangie Distillery the gleaming swan-necked copper stills - the tallest in Scotland - play a vital role in the making of one of Scotland's favourite dram. At the heart of Speyside on the banks of the river lossie is the Glen Moray Distillery. Originally built as a brewery in 1815, Glen Moray was converted to a distillery in 1897 and today continues to produce this distinctive smooth Speyside Malt. Hebridean specialize in the creation and manufacture of Scotch whisky liqueurs. We are a small family business based in Helensburgh in Argyle on the West Coast of Scotland. Inver House Distillers owns and operates 5 Highland malt distilleries. Each produces excellent spirit of distinctive character sought after by blenders and single malt connoisseurs alike. The first official distillery on Jura was built in 1810 but there is evidence that illicit distilling took place as far back as 1502. A unique Single Malt which truly represents the island of Jura, its land, water, climate and people. Pulteney is the most northerly distillery on the Scottish mainland. It stands in the suburbs of Wick, about eighteen miles from John O'Groats The Balvenie Distillery lies at the very heart of Scotch whisky country in Speyside, in the Scottish Highlands. The exceptional quality of our single malt is due to the fact that The Balvenie Distillery retains and nurtures a high level of craftsmanship that other malt whisky producers no longer employ. Dalmore Distillery sits on the banks of the Cromarty Firth overlooking the rich and fertile Black Isle, the "big meadowland", from which it takes its name. Tullibardine Distillery nestles at the foot of the Ochil Hills in Perthshire, where the Highlands of Scotland begin. These hills are renowned for the crystal purity of their spring water. The Speyside Distillery is situated West of Aberdeen and South of Inverness, four miles from Kingussie, along the B970. The buildings themselves nestle in a beautiful location at the foot of Glentromie by the River Tromie where it enters the Spey., the site dedicated to promoting Scotland and its national drink. Central to experiencing scotch whisky in Scotland is a stay at one of Scotland's Scotch Whisky Embassies. IRISH Tullamore Dew Tullamore no longer exists as a distillery however its name lives on in this its most famous whiskey. It is now produced for Tullamore Dew Co. By the Irish Distillers Group at the Midleton Distillery Co. Cork. Tullamore Due is probably the grainiest and least Irish of the popular Irish Whiskeys, with its smooth sweet flavour it makes a good aperitif. Black Bush Now Owns by the Pernod Ricard group and part of the Irish Distillers Group Bushmills Distillery promotes itself as being the Oldest licensed Distillery in the World, remembered by the year of 1608 being displayed on every bottle produced. Black Bush is a premier blended whiskey with a malty nose whose nutty flavours are rounded off by a sherry sweet finish. Green Spot Distilled by John Jameson & Son for Mitchell & Son Green Spot pot still has been produced since the turn of the 19th century. It is currently the only brand produced and sold under name specifically for an independent wine merchant in Ireland. The last from a range of "Coloured Spot" whiskeys. A hard to find whiskey, It is a rich and complex pot still whisky notable for an abundance of pot still character Bushmills 16 Year old Single Malt A new addition to the stable of Bushmills whiskey this offering was first released in the 1996. Notable for its "Three wood finish" (referring to the fact that the whiskey has been influenced by three different types of cask during the maturation process. An excellent malt whiskey and a must for any connoisseur. A rich whiskey with subtle sweetness not to be missed. Bushmills Original No one knows for certain just how old Bushmills "Original" or "White Bush" as it is sometimes known, has been available. The Old Bushmill Distillery lost most of its records during the war when their offices were burned. It is the best known of the Bushmills brands. A blended light fresh bodied whiskey with a pleasant malty sweet finish. Paddy Old Irish Whisky Produced by the Cork Distillers Company Paddy old Irish Whiskey carried the rather unwieldy name of "Cork Distilleries Company Old Irish Whiskey" It was renamed after Paddy Flaherty a sales rep for the company. Another Blend from the Irish Distillers Group. Paddy Old Irish Whiskey is Light and fresh being one of the softest of all Irish Whiskeys due to the low percentage of pot still content. John Powers John Powers and sons began production in 1791 in 1886 they were one of the first to start to bottle their whiskeys until then almost all drinks were sold from the barrel. Powers is probably the No1 Irish whiskey sold in Ireland. Originally a pure pot still it is now produced at the Midleton Distillery in Co. Cork as a blend of pot still and grain whiskeys Power's is an Irish favourite with its fruity and spicy flavours giving way to a long lingering finish. Locke's Irish Whisky Made by the Distillery at Kilbeggan. Although distilling began in 1757 Locke's Irish Whiskey is named after the 19th century family who took over the running of the Distillery in Kilbeggan in 1843. The Distillery finally closed in the early 1950's an was literally turned into a pigsty. Today it is managed by the Kilbeggan Development Association Locke's is a smooth quality blended whiskey, its malty sweet taste being complemented by dryer fresh notes. CHAPTER EIGHT WHISK(e)Y BASED COCKTAILS Scotch Whisky Cocktails & Punches Aberdeen Angus 2oz Whisky, 1oz Drambuie, 1tsp Lime Juice, 1tbs Honey Stir whisky and honey until smooth, add lime, warm drambuie and ignite, pour on top and stir. MacAlister 11/2oz Calvados, 3/4oz Whisky, 3/4oz Dry Gin Shake with ice, strain onto ice with twist of lemon, drop in peel. MacAlpine 2oz Whisky, 1tsp Sugar, 1tsp Lemon Juice, Ginger Ale Shake with ice (not ginger ale), strain, add ice, top up with ginger ale. MacBean 11/2oz Whisky, 1tsp Chartreuse, 1tsp Crème De Menthe Shake with ice, strain, add ice. MacCrimmon 11/4oz Whisky, a little Dry Vermonth, a little Cointreau, 2 dashes Orange Bitters Shake with ice, strain, add ice. Highland Fling 11/2oz Whisky, 3oz Milk, 1tsp Sugar Shake with ice, strain, add ice, dust with nutmeg. MacDonald 21/2oz Whisky, 1 Lemon, Ginger Ale Pour in whisky, drop in spiral of lemon peel, add ice and ginger ale. MacDonell 11/2oz Whisky, 2tbs Southern Comfort, 2 dashes Orange Bitters Shake with ice, strain, add ice and a cherry. Rob Roy 1oz Whisky, 1oz Sweet Vermonth, 1 dash Angostura Bitters Mix in glass with ice, add cherry. Flying Scot 2oz Whisky, 1oz Sweet Vermonth, tsp Honey, a few dashes of Angostura Bitters Shake with ice, strain Het Pint This drink was originally served on New Year's morning. 4 pints pale ale, 1 level tsp freshly grated nutmeg, sugar to taste, 3 medium eggs, 1/2 pint whisky Pour ale into large pan, add nutmeg and heat to just below boiling, stir in sugar to taste, beat eggs in large bowl and stir in the hot ale slowly, stir in whisky, pour liquid back into pan, stir, heat to just below boiling, then pour back and forth from a height in warm tankards until drink froths and becomes clear and sparking. Christmas Cheer A large bowl is needed and can be made several hours in advance, whisk before serving. 6 eggs separated, 125g caster sugar, 600ml db cream, 350ml whisky, 200ml light rum, 450ml ice-cold milk, finely grated rind 1 orange, 1 lemon and 1 lime, freshly grated nutmeg, little freshly groud cinnamon Chill bowl for 1 hour, mix egg yolks and caster sugar in chilled bowl until thick, whisk egg whites until forming soft peaks, whip in cream until forming soft peaks, fold egg whites into egg yolks, then fold in cream, pour egg and cream mixture into punch bowl, slowly whisk in whisky, rum and milk, cover bowl and leave in fridge for 2 hours. To serve-sprinkle top with grated orange, lemon and lime, freshly grated nutmeg and cinnamon. Christmas Toddy Makes 8 glasses Juice of 4 lemons, few lime or lemon slices, 90ml clear honey, 200ml whisky, 1.1litres boiling water In a large heatproof jug, place lemon juice, slices of lime or lemon, honey and whisky, top with boiling water, stir well. Irish Whiskey Cocktails & Punches Dirty Irish Whiskey recipe 1 part Bailey's® Irish cream 1 part Jameson® Irish whiskey Mix in a mixing cup with ice and shake. Pour through a strainer, and drink. 28% (56 proof) Serve in: Shot Glass Dublin Doubler recipe 1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey 1 1/2 oz Irish cream ice cubes Mix irish whiskey, irish cream, and ice cubes. Shake to chill. Serve with or without the ice, it is very good either way. 28% (56 proof) Serve in: Old-Fashioned Glass Irish Catholic recipe 3/4 oz Jameson® Irish whiskey 1/4 oz amaretto almond liqueur Pour ingredients in equal parts into a shot glass, and serve. 37% (74 proof) Serve in: Shot Glass Little Leprechaun recipe 1/3 oz Irish whiskey 1/3 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps 1/3 oz creme de menthe Pour the Irish whiskey into a shot glass. Add the Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps, then the creme de menthe, and serve. 36% (72 proof) Serve in: Shot Glass Nutty Irishman #2 recipe 1 oz Irish whiskey 1 oz Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve. 32% (64 proof) Serve in: Old-Fashioned Glass CHAPTER NINE COOKING WITH WHISK(e)Y SCOTCH Atholl Brose Pudding Serves 4 ½ pint db cream, 3fl oz whisky, 3tbs runny heather honey, 2oz toasted pinhead oatmeal. Whip cream until holds shape, stir in oatmeal & honey. Chill and just before serving, mix in whisky. Orange Whisky Cream Serves 6 1 packet orange jelly, ¾ pint db cream, 5tbs thick orange marmalade, 2tbs whisky, 2tsp powdered gelatine. Make up jelly with ¾ pint boiling water, pour ½ pint of jelly into bowl, add gelatine and stir, chill quickly until sloppy consistency, add whisky to remaining jelly and cool to room temperature, whip the cream but not stiffly, add marmalade, stir, add to half-set jelly, pour half of mixture into dish and set rapidly in freezer, when set pour on carefully the whisky jelly, set rapidly in freezer, pour on remaining cream and refrigerate Scottish Whisky Fruit Cake 175g currants, 175g sultanas, 110g glace cherries (rinsed, dried, cut into halves), 75g mixed candied peel (finely chopped), 3tbs whisky, 150g butter (room temperature), 150g soft brown sugar, 3 eggs (size 1), 225g plain flour, 1tsp baking powder, milk (if necessary), 2 level tbs ground almonds, grated rind of 1 small orange, grated rind of 1 small lemon, 110g whole blanched almonds, 3½tbs single malt whisky (for feeding !) 18cm square / 20cm round cake tin, greased and lined with greaseproof paper The night before-mix fruit, peel and 3tbs whisky, cover and leave. Pre-heat oven to gas mark 3, 325 F or 170 C. Mix butter and sugar until light and fluffy, whisk in eggs slowly, fold in sifted flour and baking powder. Mixture needs to be soft, dropping consistency, if too dry, add a tbs of milk. Carefully fold in ground almonds, currants, sultanas, cherries, mixed peel, orange and lemon rinds. Spoon mixture into cake tin, smooth out, arrange whole blanched almonds on top. Place cake in centre of oven for 2-2½ hours. Leave cake to cool in tin for 30 mins, finish cooling on wire rack. To feed cake; weekly, make small holes in top and bottom of cake with darning needle and spoon tsps of whisky through holes. To store cake; wrap in double greaseproof paper and store in foil or airtight container till needed. Orange Whisky Butter 125g unsalted soft butter, 125g light muscovado sugar, grated rind 1 small orange, ¼tsp mixed spice, pinch ground green cardamon, 45ml whisky, lemon juice Cream butter and sugar until soft, add orange rind and spices. Slowly beat in whisky and 1tsp lemon juice. Spoon into small wide necked dishes. Cover and store in fridge up to a week. To freeze-use freezerproof pots, freeze upto 3 months, thaw at cool room temperature. Almond Whisky Mincemeat Makes about 1.1kg 125g blanched almonds, 125g no-soak dried apricots, 50g dried figs, 50g stoned dried dates, 350g cooking apples, 225g sultanas, 150g seedless raisins, 175g shredded suet, 5ml ground cinnamon, 5ml grated nutmeg, pinch ground allspice, 125g dark muscovado sugar, 300ml whisky, grated rind and juice of 2 oranges, grated rind and juice of 1 small lemon Finely chop almonds, apricots, figs and dates. Peel, core and finely chop apples. Place in nonmetallic bowl with dried fruit, suet, sugar and whisky. Stir in grated rind and strained juice of oranges and lemon. Leave overnight. Stir mincemeat mixture, pack tightly in sterilised jars. Store in cool, dry place for 6 weeks to 3 months Lamb Chops with Fresh Figs and Whisky Serves 2 - serve on a bed of barley with winter cherries 4-6 baby lamb chops, 1½ tbs olive oil, 1tsp butter, 1tbs chopped shallot, 1 clove garlic chopped, 1½tsp coarsely ground black pepper, ½tsp red peppercorns, 1¼ quart cups very rich veal stock, ¼ cup single malt, 4 fresh figs (carefully peeled and quartered at room temperature), 4 rosemary stalks, ½ cup dried cherries (soaked in 6 tbs of slightly warmed whisky for 1 hour), 1/3 cup medium scotch barley, 1½ cups water Bring 1½ cups of water to boil, add barley and ½ cup veal stock, cover and simmer 45 mins/until all liquid is absorbed. Stir in soaked cherries and peppercorns, reserving 15 cherries for lamb dish, cover. Saute shallot and garlic in oil and butter over low heat. When soft, remove half. Raise heat to medium, add chops and cook for 3 mins on each side. Lower heat, add ¾ cup veal stock, black pepper and whisky. Remove chops and cover, simmer sauce, add salt to taste, add 15 dried cherries and reduce sauce by about 1/3rd. Season barley, arrange on plates, arrange chops and figs on barley bed, spoon sauce over, garnish with rosemary stalks. IRISH Chocolate Whiskey Balls Ingredients 1 cup pecans 1 cup chocolate wafer cookie crumbs 1 cup confectioners sugar 1-1/2 tablespoons light corn syrup 1/4 cup whiskey powdered sugar for rolling Instructions Grind the pecans and the chocolate wafers coarsely in a food processor and empty into a large bowl. Mix in the sugar, corn syrup, and whisky very thoroughly (I use my hands). Shape the mixture into balls the size of a quarter and roll in powdered sugar. Keep in an airtight container in a cool place, or freeze on a baking sheet until each is firm and store in tightly sealed plastic bags. Tipsy Sweet Potatoes Ingredients 2-1/2 cups cooked, mashed sweet potatoes 4 tablespoons butter, softened 1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar Pinch of salt 1/3 cup Whiskey Pecan halves or marshmallow for topping Instructions Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Combine all ingredients except topping. Spoon into a greased 1-quart casserole. Top with pecan halves or marshmallows. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until bubbly. Whiskey Sauce Ingredients 3 cups heavy cream 1/2 cup bourbon 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons cornstarch Instructions Combine 2-3/4 cups of the cream with the bourbon and sugar in a mediumsize nonstick saucepan over medium heat. Stir to dissolve the sugar. In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the remaining 1/4 cup cream. Add this to the cream-and-bourbon mixture and simmer stirring often, until the mixture thickens, 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and serve warm with the fruitcake. The sauce may be stored, after it has cooled, in an airtight container for 24 hours. When ready to serve, warm over low heat. CHAPTER TEN RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE (Customers) I- Please fill in the following details: Name: Profession: Hotel/Restaurant: Designation: II- Please mention the name of the alcoholic drink most preferred: III- Do you drink whisk(e)y IV- Which whisk(e)y do you prefer: V- Why? VI- Do you know the brand name? VII- Do you know that whiskies are of two types, if yes then what are they and what the difference between them is. Signature QUESTIONNAIRE (Hoteliers and Restaurateurs) I- Please fill in the following details: Name: Hotel/Restaurant: Designation: II- Largest selling whisk(e)y brand: III- Which whisk(e)y is sold most Scotch or Irish: IV- Do you customers know the difference between the two? VDo they know which brand is what? VI- Spell? VII- Do they take by brand or type? VIII- Which is cheaper? Signature CHAPTER ELEVEN GLOSSARY A Abv. Or alcohol by volume. The strength of an alcohol or spirit measured as the percentage of pure alcohol contained in the liquid. For instance, a whisky of 40% abv. will contain 40% of pure alcohol, the rest being made up of water mainly plus various congeners. The minimum age for a whisky in Scotland and Ireland is 3 years old. The age figuring on the label is always the one of the youngest whisky contained in the bottle if it is the result of a blending or a vatting. Once bottled, a whisky does not mature any more. See maturation. The name given to the alcohol which evaporates from the casks during the ageing process, and amounting to approximately 2% per year of the cask's content. The cereal from which Malt is made. Age Ageing Angel Share B Barley Barrel A term refering to a cask in general. Barrel is also often used to refer specificaly to the traditional American type of cask with a capacity of about 180 l. Or Blended Whisky. The result of the blending of Malt Whisky with Grain Whisky, the latest being largely predominant in proportion. mashing. A type of cask currently used for the maturation of Scotch Whisky or Irish Whiskey, with a capacity of approximately 500 l. Blend Brewing Butt C Campbeltown More than 30 active distilleries were to be counted in Campbeltown at the end of the 19t century. Although only two are now only 2 currently in being operational, Campbeltown is still recognized as one of the traditional Scottish regions for the production of Scotch Whisky. Cask strength Is said of a whisky which has not been diluted with water and has been bottled at its original abv when emptied from the cask. Charring Or "burning" of the inside of the cask. Not to be confused with he heating of the staves which enables their bending when assembling them together for building the cask. The intensity of the charring will have a direct influence on the aromas and colour which the cask will impart to the whisky during its maturation. The elimination of some congeners by the filtration of whisky which has been previously chilled to a Chill filtration temperature more or less close to 0° C. It improves the clarity and prevents hazing at low temperatures (Which has strictly no consequence) at the price of the loss of some aromatic components. Coffey still Condenser See Patent Still. The part of the still made as a copper coil or as vertical tubes, immersed in a flow of cold water, where the alcohol's vapours running through it are condensed back to liquid. Chemical compounds created during fermentation and distillation which provide to the whisky its character, its qualities… or its defects. Congeners Continuous distillation Cooler The distillation of grain Whisky in a plates still or Patent Still working on a continuous process, as opposed to distillation in Pot Still which is a batch process. Cooling device into which enters the hot wort drawn from the mashtun. The wort's temperature will be lowered to about 20 to 24° C before entering the washbacks. At higher temperatures, the yeast cells responsible for the fermentation process would be killed. The critical moment when the stillman will stop collecting the Middle Cut, which is the only fraction kept to become whisky. The alcohol distilled after the cut is known as tails. The separation of alcohol and water as being achieved in a still. Distillation does not create any alcohol, the latest is produced only during fermentation. See also an illustrated description of distillation in the pages covering the making of whisky. Is said of a whisky having benefited from a finishing, or second maturation, in a second cask of different origin and characteristics. Cut D Distillation Double maturation Draff The solid particles laying in the mashtun after the wort has been drawn off. Draff are a sought-after food for cattle. Officer form H M Customs and Excise who is in charge of controlling the conformity of operations run by spirit manufacturers, and of the payment of relevant duty taxes. Generic term for the fractions of distillation which are put aside to be redistilled eventually. They are the foreshots and tails, as opposed to the Middle Cut. E Exciseman F Feints Fermentation The transformation of sugar contained in the wash under the action of yeast, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide [C6H12O6 —> 2 (C2H5OH) + 2 (CO2)] with an emission of heat. Fillings Spirit as it comes off the still, which has yet to mature before becoming whisky. Fillings are bought by companies to let them mature until they will be used for preparation of the blends. After its initial maturation carried out in the traditional manner (Usually in a former Bourbon cask), a whisky is finished when it is transferred in a cask of different origin and characteristics to benefit from a further maturation. Finishing will produce a Double Maturation whisky to which it will bring enhanced complexity in nosing and tasting, it may also provide a new balance to it. The first fraction of the second distillation preceding the Middle Cut, and which is not kept for the whisky. Finishing Foreshots G Grain whisky Whisky produced by a continuous distillation process, from a wort usually essentially made up from wheat or maize, including a very limited proportion of malt. Green malt Grist Malt which has not yet gone through the kilning stage. Crushed malt, looking like a kind of flour, which will be mixed with hot water in the Mashtun to produce the wort. See Foreshots. See Middle Cut. The part of Scotland situated North of the line Greenock-Dundee, as opposed to the Lowlands. They are mainly mountainous lands producing Malt Whiskies which have benefited for a long time of a high reputation. Traditional scottish cask, generally of rather squat proportion and whose capacity, which somewhat varies according to the area, is usually about 250 l. H Heads Heart of run Highlands Hogshead I Irish Whiskey Whisky distilled and aged in Ireland for a minimum of 3 years. Islay An Island, part of the outer Hebrides, producing peaty whiskies of justifiably very high reputation. A mythical place for any real lover of whisky. The last operation during the process of making malt, during which the green malt will be heated for a rather long time, in order to stop its germination and bring it down to a final stage of 3 to 4% of humidity. A modern alternative to the traditional mashtun, originating from the brewing industry, and allowing for a better extraction of sugars contained in the malt, and therefore an improved yield through the brewing stage. Name given to the hot water mixed with the grist in the mashtun during the mashing process. K Kilning L Lautertun Liquor Low wines Lowlands Lyne arm M Malt The alcohol produced during the first distillation, with a strength of approximately 25% abv. The part of Scotland situated South of the line Greenock-Dundee, as opposed to the Highlands. The upper and bent part of a pot still which connects to the condenser. Barley after its starch has been transformed into fermentiscible sugars. Malt Whisky Whisky which has been produced exclusively from the distillation of a wort of malt, usually in pot stills. Malting The process through which barley is transformed into malt, by artificially starting up its germination process, which will eventually be stopped at the kilning stage. See also the illustrated description of malting in the pages covering the making of whisky. The product of the mixing of grist with hot water in the mashtun, which will eventually become wort when it will be drawn off at the end of the process. The process during which the wort is produced, by mixing the grist with hot water which will dissolve the fermentiscible sugars . See also the illustrated description of mashing in the pages covering the making of whisky. A device intended to ensure the correct mixing of grist with hot water when they are poured into the mashtun. A large circular vessel, usually made of metal, in which mashing is done. An arrangement of mechanical stirrers ensures the homogeneity of the wort, which is then drawn off through a double bottom finely perforated which holds back the solide particles or draff. Or ageing. The process through which the whisky contained in its cask acquires its character. Some Mash Mashing Mashing machine Mashtun Maturation unfavourable components are eliminated through evaporation, at the same time as take place some complex exchanges between the spirit and the cask's wood, which are beneficial to the whisky's character and balance. See also the illustrated description of ageing in the pages about the making of whisky. Middle cut The only fraction of the second distillation which will be kept to become whisky, it is collected after the foreshots and before the tails. N New make Newly made spirit, yet perfectly clear, which has not yet been matured and is therefore not entitled to be called whisky. Or Coffey Still. A type of still working through a continuous process. It is composed of an analysing column and of a rectifying column and is generally used for the production of Grain Whisky. Organic compound resulting from the partial decomposing of plants. Smoke produced during its combustion at the kilning stage allows the production of peated malt, which is used to produce whiskies of a particularly powerful character, which are held in a high reputation and whose origin is generally the island of Islay. Chemical compounds acquired by malt from peat during the kilning process. It is responsible for the peaty flavour of Islay whiskies in particular. Residues remaining in the wash still at the end of the first distillation. P Patent still Peat Phenol Pot ale Pot still Device used for batch distillation process, which is a kind of large copper kettle filled with wash which is then heated. Alcohol, being more volatile than water, evaporates first before being condensed. The first distillation produces the low wines, with a strength of about 25% abv, and which are then distilled a second time to produce the spirit, collected at about 70% abv. A whisky which has been produced exclusively from a mash of malted barley. Pure Malt R Rummager A mechanical device found in wash stills which are heated by a direct flame, as opposed to steam. An arrangement of arms and copper chains scour the bottom of the still, preventing solid particles form sticking to the bottom and consequently bringing unpleasant taste by getting burnt. Whisky distilled and aged in Scotland for a minimum of 3 years. Whisky which has been bottled from with content collected from a single cask. Malt Whisky originating from a single distillery, as opposed to a Vatted Malt. The action of spraying the mash by above with hot water so as to extract all remaining sugars in it. The resulting part of the wort, rather week in sugar content, is usually kept in a vessel and used as the first water or first liquor for the next mashing. Residues remaining in the spirit still at the end of the second distillation. S Scotch Whisky Single cask Single Malt Sparging Spent lees Speyside The area of the Spey valley, situated in the Highlands. The highest concentration of distilleries in Scotland is to be found here, some of them being among the most famous one. The Middle Cut collected from the Spirit Still on the occasion of the second distillation with a strength of about 70% abv. It is only after it will have matured in cask for a minimum of 3 year that it will become whisky. Spirit Spirit charger Vessel in which the low wines produced during the first distillation in the wash still are kept before they are to be redistilled in the spirit still. Spirit receiver Vessel in which the Middle Cut collected from the second distillation is kept, before being diluted to appropriate strength and put into casks for ageing. Spirit safe A kind of safe made up from a copper framework and through which flows the alcohol coming from the stills. Closed by the padlocks from he fiscal authorities, it is nonetheless here that the stillman controls the characteristics and nature of the alcohol, and depending on the latest will redirect it to the next stage (Second distillation, holding vessel). Pot Still used for the second distillation and in which the low wines are transformed into Spirit. Longitudinal pieces of wood which are assembled for making the body of the cask. The last fraction of the second distillation, following the Middle Cut, and which is not kept for whisky. The intermediate vessel, situated below the mashtun, through which flows the hot wort before entering the cooler which will bring it down to the adequate Spirit still Staves T Tails U Underback temperature required for fermentation. V Vatted Malt Whisky produced from the vatting of Malt Whiskies originating from several distilleries, as opposed to Single Malt. The produce of the fermentation of wort, not unlike a rustic beer and with a strength of about 7% abv. Pot Still used for the first distillation and in which the wash is transformed into low wine. A large circular vessel of important height, made of wood or of metal, in which fermentation takes place. W Wash Wash still Washback Whiskey Whisky Different spelling of whisky, usually associated to products from Ireland or USA. A spirit obtained from the distillation of a mash of cereals at a strength lower than 94.8%, matured for a minimum of 3 years in an oak cask whose capacity should not exceed 700 l and bottled at a strength of not less than 40% abv. A sweet liquid resulting from the mixing of grist with hot water once it has been drawn off the mashtun. It will become wash after it will have been fermented. Unicellular fungus responsible of the fermentation process, which lives on sugar and multiplies by producing alcohol and carbon dioxide. The final output calculated in quantity of pure alcohol obtained from one tonne (1000 kg) of malt. Wort Y Yeast Yield Comparative study of Scotch & Irish Whisk(e)y Vs Compiled By: - Rajiv Chaudhary 3rd year D.I.H.M. Lajpatnagar
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