Prohibition of Transfer

April 2, 2018 | Author: rahulperla | Category: Assignment (Law), Politics, Government, Justice, Crime & Justice



ALIENATIONAlienation of land means grant of State land for bonafide public purposes to a person, institution or local body either free of cost or on payment of full or concessional market value. Applications have to be made in the form prescribed in Appendix XXIX to B.S.O 24 The provisions contained in B.S.O. 24 and the instructions issued by the Government from time to time have to be followed. For alienation of land within the Municipal areas the resolution of the Municipal Council / Corporation is necessary. Government have issued instructions on the allotment of lands to the following. 1. 2. 3. Municipal Councils : Zilla Praza Parishads : M.P.Ps and Grampanchayats : 4. Housing Board : G.O.Ms.No. 216, Rev.Q Dept 19-2-76 G.O.Ms.No. 268, Rev. Q Dept. 6-3-76 G.O.Ms. No. 268, Rev. Q Dept. 23-2-78 G.O.Ms. No. 812, Rev. Q Dept. 23-2-78 G.O.Ms. No. 633, Rev. Q Dept 5-5-82 The lands alienated can be resumed in case of voilation of any of the conditions of the grant. POWERS OF ALIENATION : Competent Authority To Local Bodies Companies, Industries, Private i.e., Gram Panchayats, Mandal Associations Corporations and Parishads, ZPs, Municipalities, Individuals Municipal Corporations 1. Collector Market Value Rs. 25000 or 1. For individuals Market Value upto Ac 0.50 Cents or 0.20 guntas upto Rs. 10,000/- and upto whichever is less. Acs 0-25 Cents or Ac 0.20 guntas whichever (G.O.Ms. No. 635 Rev.Dt. 2-7-1990) is less. (G.O.Ms.No. 635 Dt. 2-7-1990) 2. For Industrial use Ac. 2-00 (Two acres) or Market values Rs. 2 lakhs (G.O.Ms. No. 252 Dt. 9-4-98) Market Value beyond Rs. Ten lakhs 1. For individuals 2. C.C.L.A. 1 Market Value of or above Ac. 10.00 whichever is less Rs. 5.00 lakhs and upto Ac. 5.00 (G.O.Ms. No. 635 Rev.Dt. 2-7-1990) whichever is less. 2. Industrial purpose Rs. 10 lakhs and up to AC 10.00 (G.O.Ms. No. 252 Dt. 9-4-98)ßßß (Chief Commissioner Land Administration) 3. Government : All other cases (G.O.Ms. No. 635 Revenue (Assignment. III) Department dt. 2-7-1990) The Collector and the Chief Commissioner, Land Administration are empowered to permit to enter the land. No land shall be alienated to any person without the orders of the Government irrespective of its value. Proposals for grant of land to individuals for services rendered to the State, or to be performed to the community, shall be submitted to Government. Patta lands can be acquired on payment of compensation under the provisions of L.A. Act for educational or other bonafide public purposes. After acquisition, such land shall be alienated to the Requisitioning institution / Association concerned through an order under B.S.O. 24 para 6(ii). The Government have instructed that except lands for Agricultural purposes all other cases should be referred to Government. Procedure for Alienation of State Land : On receipt of application for alienation of land, the land should be identified and if it is free from encroachments and if it is not proposed for other purposes previously :- A-1 notice calling for objections within 15 days should be published in the village and also served on the Local Body concerned. Objections received, if any, shall be disposed off on merits. If the land applied for belongs to any department other than the Revenue Department, it should be got handed over to the Revenue Department first before alienating the land. If it is within a belt of one mile to the town-ship, Heads of Departments and Housing Board are to be consulted. The following records duly attested by MRO are to be enclosed to the alienation proposals : i) Application in prescribed form (BSO 24 Appendix XXIX) ii) Resolution of the local body agreeing to the alienation. iii) Scrutinised sub division record in triplicate. iv) Combined sketch showing the land applied for alienation and the adjoining lands. v) Check Memo duly answered. vi) Extract of ‘A’ register / Settlement Fair Adangal and V.A. No. 3. 2 vii) Note on the valuation of the land with registration statistics and statistics from basic valuation register. viii)Tree valuation statement if there are standing trees. ix) Consent statement of the applicant agreeing to pay the value of the trees and structures on the land. x) Permission of the Railway or Port Authorities, as the case may be, if the land is situated within half a mile from railway line or port limits. xi) Consent letter of the applicant to pay the cost of Acquisition, if the land applied for was previously acquired at the expense of the Government. xii) Application for waiver of land Revenue if the alienation is for non-remunerative purpose (BSO. Appx XXX) xiii) In Municipal areas the consent of the Municipal Commissioner. xiv) Notes of Inspection NB : (1) With regard to alienation of tank bed lands or other irrigation sources the procedure prescribed by the CCLA should be followed. The alienation proposal should be accompanied by check Memo. (2) After issue of orders by competent authority, after handing over possession of the land on collection of land value if any, the changes in the Mandal / Village records have to be incorporated. (3) It is also to be checked, cases of alienation done in the past were incorporated after duly verifying the state of things on ground, and inform the Collector. Transfer of State Govt. Lands : A) Under B.S.O. 22 Para 8, the Collectors are empowered to transfer Govt. lands from one Dept. to another subject to the following conditions : 1) That there are no requests for the land from another Govt. Dept. besides the one to which it is proposed to be transferred; 2) That the land is not transferred to a Commercial Govt. Dept., 3) That only vacant land is involved 4) That in every case, where the land is taken away from the Control of one Dept. to another, the consent of the Head of the Dept. concerned is obtained before the transfer is effected; and 5) That the competent authority, viz., the Collector ensure that the purpose for which the land is transferred is fulfilled in a reasonable time otherwise the orders of the transfer should be revoked and the land can be resumed by the Rev. Dept. B) Under B.S.O. 23 para 1, the Collectors are empowered to transfer State Govt. lands to Railways and other Central Govt. Depts. for bonafide purpose upto value of Rs. 25,000/- or upto Ac. 0-50 cts. whichever is less (G.O.Ms.No. 635, Rev. Asn. Dept., Dt. 2-7-90) on permanent basis on payment of M.V. 3 lands within the flood banks of rivers padugais. Dist. The following categories of lands are prohibited from assignment. 4. lands within cantonment limits. 15 contains the basic rules and regulations. Rev 20-6-86. 3.P. 4 . Competence : The authority competent to assign the lands is the Mandal Revenue Officer upto 2. 1.No. basing on the value of the land.No.Ms. cattle stand.No. The ban on assignment of Govt. lands containing topes or valuable trees.625). lands which are classified as Assessed and unassessed waste lands which are prima facie unobjectionable for assignment and porambokes which are prima facie unobjectionable can be assigned after duly following the prescribed procedure. Watercourse porambokes.634 dt. Govt. lands in the vicinity of Railway Stations. quarries etc.No.1409. lands. And within periphery of one mile (G.2-7-90. burial grounds. Assignment / Alienation of Govt.Ms.29-6-61.Ms. read with G.. lands reserved for depressed classes or for any public purpose. lands at mandal headquarters within 2 Kms from their periphery is lifted (G. foreshore of tank beds. The exiting concession of granting land free of cost to Gram Panchayats.S.O. Rev.O.Ms. 1122.5 acres of wet land or Ac. Govt.O. Aerodromes or landing grounds. 2.MMs.5. lands in towns. dt.Hqrs.O. The ban on assignment of Govt.700. 5. Tank beds.No.00 of dry land to land less poor persons.) 2.(198-78). land means grant of land at the disposal of Government to individuals / Institutions and firms either on payment of value or free of cost. Assignment / alienation of tank bed lands should not be done without prior permission of CCLA / Government. M. lands in the vicinity of reserved forests. lands containing minerals. lands reserved u/s 26 of Forest Act. grazing grounds. within 5 Kms from High Water mark is lifted (G. All other cases should be referred to the appropriate authority for orders. coop institutions market committees is prohibited vide G.O. lands free of cost to State undertakings / public institution.O.ASSIGNMENT Assignment of Govt. municipalities. Lifting of Ban : 1. dt. B. lands within Port limits.(29-6-90) 3. Rev.Ps and Municipalities will be continued. The term family members does not include Married son for the purpose of assignment though they may be staying at parental abode under the same roof.1019. 26-7-79) Govt. individual freedom fighters). Land upto Ac.per annum including the income of all family members.000/.Toddy tappers.5. but not to the Society of Freedom Fighters. Agricultural land in Visakhapatnam. Political sufferers Persons who have participated in one of the 8 freedom movements organised by the Indian national Congress remained underground but did not suffer imprisonment provided they were proclaimed offenders of those on whom the award of arrest was announced but were not arrested or persons whose detention orders were issued but not served for a period of not less than 6 months and also Martyrs be declared as political sufferers for the purpose of assignment of Govt. Coop. List of political sufferers was already compiled by the District Collectors.O. Operations having a total income of less than Rs. Dt. Hyderabad and Rangareddy district cannot be assigned to Freedom fighters as the land in these districts is required for Government purpose. 2. lands under the scheme. Rev. it will be assigned as per existing scales/rules. Backward communities/Weavers 3.00 of wet or Ac. Jawans discharged on compassionate/Medical grounds after 5 years of service. Assignment of land for house sites will be made to persons (ie. In other districts. 10. 3.6. Serving soldiers 5.2.O.l) Dept.3. in G.1997 issued the following revised guidelines for assignment of lands to the political sufferers. 5-10-94] In addition the following persons are eligible.. Dt. The house site 5 . 946 Rev.00 of dry land and also person engages in agrl.50 of wet land or 5.Ms. 1. Department dated 11. 4. have recently issued orders defining the land less poor person as follows : Landless poor person is one who does not own or has share in ancestral or acquired land in excess of Ac. Ex. 1.00 of dry land (G. wherever land is available. 2..Land less poor : The Govt. No. Political sufferers are eligible for assignment of Govt. [G. It has to be ensured whether the applicant is registered in the list of political sufferers and if so whether the applicant is allotted land previously before considering the request and processing it.O. where it is not required for any public purpose and house sites. Dept. Assignment of land for agricultural purpose shall not be considered unless the land is available in the native village of the Freedom Fighter. 185 Rev.Ms. Political sufferers.Ms.No. Societies consisting of landless poor persons 6.(Asn. Amendment to B. Eligible landless poor persons within the Mandal limits can be considered. 5. Assignment . Among the eligible land less preference to landless poor of adjoining villages and third to the land less poor persons within the Rev.pattas are heritable.1. the region may be taken as a unit instead of District i. 6 .R. Memorandum should be prepared by the M.5.R. The land holding of the existing sivaijamadars shall be given preference. 4. irrigation source for a period of not less than 5 months in a fasli year shall be treated as “Wet”. Wet: Agrl lands which are under projects and which receive water from Govt. As between Sivaijamadar and non-sivaijamadar a sivaijamadar local resident agricultural labourer who is dependant on agriculture only and who owns no land at all except the land under occupation shall be given preference. Children/legal heirs of the freedom fighters are not eligible for allotment of house sites. The land applied for should be verified whether it is prima facie available & eligible. Fresh Jail Certificates need not be insisted upon. 2.S. 6.00 of dry including the land owned by the family can be regularised and sivaijamadars who are in occupation of the land over and above the limits should be evicted and the land assigned to landless poor persons.e.O is competent to assign lands to landless poor applicants subject to the limit specified in B. The M.S. Yards may be allotted as house site to the freedom fighters anywhere in the State. Orders Sanctioning freedom fighter’s pension may be taken as the basis for allotment of house sites. a freedom fighter can apply for house site in his native region (Telangana.O 15-10-1. For the purpose of allotment of house sites.50 of wet or Ac. A. Among landless poor applicants preference shall be given to landless persons. Amendment to B. The Freedom Fighters are not entitled to alienate the lands within ten years. 4. Amendment to B.O 15-2-11. 1 notice should be published. The requirement of residence of the applicant in the village where lands assigned are located need not necessarily be taken as a sole requisite for determining eligibility.I notice. and sent in duplicate with A.2. Requests of the spouse of the freedom fighter.I. A.S. Transfer of names of freedom fighters from their respective districts to districts like Visakhapatnam Rangareeddy and other urban areas shall be banned. who expired may be considered later.O 15-10-2. A maximum extent of 300 Sq. Andra or Rayalaseema).Procedure 1.S. 3.O 15 para . After the publication. All other lands shall be treated as dry. and a sketch. The Land holding of the existing sivaijamadars who are in possession of Ac. Application on plain paper can be accepted and entered in Dharakhast register. Mandal. Report in Appendix XVI in duplicate with the published copy of notice to M. In case of trees and structures on the ground.O.O. 6. The M. and 6. appeal is allowed within 30 days to the Divisional Officer and Collector respectively and within 40 days from the date of decision of the Collector to the CCLA.S.R. notice in Form C.I for recovery of value of trees/structures shall be served on the applicant.O. Owners of houses who let out to Tenants are not eligible but in such cases only tenants in occupation should be the beneficiaries.R. A revision to the Collector against the orders of R.Ms. The resolution of Gram panchayat should be obtained.O.O.641 Rev. Appeals : From every original decision of assignment of the M.5.O.D. Pattas will be given in the name of Women. 2.D.O. dt. Lands assigned are subject to the conditions laid down by the Govt.S.O. The norms prescribed are: 1.R. 4. should send a copy of Village Secretary report to local body for its opinion within 2 months and objections raised by it should be considered.No.15-4-89 as amended in G.S. If the application is allowed by the M. All appeals should be stamped with court fee label of Rs.S. 24. The assignment is liable for cancellation on violation of conditions.361 Rev (L) Dept. 15 (15 to 20) Selection of Beneficiaries : Openly in Grama Sabha.No.O. Period of occupation of atleast 5 years. The land assigned is heritable but not alienable. 3.Ms. (B. Layout and list of Beneficiaries should be approved by R.3-7-90. 7 . Concerned. In case of poramboke land ayan conversion proposals have to be sent to R. Dt.O..21 has to be followed.. Grant of house site pattas to eligible encroachers in unobjectionable areas in Municipalities and Towns is governed by G. 3. B. Relaxable upto 140 Sq Yards in specific cases for specific reasons.R. Area of limit for assignment free of cost shall be 50 Sq yards. 7.O in appeal is also allowed. and as prescribed in B.O. by Village Secretary 5. All applications should be entered in Village Registers and Mandal registers in the form prescribed in Appendix XVI and XXI respectively. 5. These orders should be registered in the prescribed registers.D.O. 2. House sites : 1.5/-. Encroachers who own another dwelling unit or site elsewhere are not eligible. (Assignments-II) Dept. he has to issue an order in Appendix XIX or XX or XXIV. Notice of 15 days in Form XV to be published by Village Secretary 4. Procedure laid down in B. Collector Member 3. Ref. Ref) Department.S.Ms. Mandal Revenue Officer whose jurisdiction comprises the areas included in the constituency for their respective areas of assignment of land. dated 05-02-1996 read with G. 1.O. Occupiers of residential huts only in objectionable areas.P. Municipal Chairperson Member (they will be invited if lands of that Municipality are involved) 5.O. With the 8 . 16 Revenue (L. Respective Mandal President. Revenue Divisional Officer/Sub-Collector/Asst. Three social workers of the Assembly constituency a) One from SC/ST b) One from BC/Minorities c) One from other category (one among them shall be women) Member 4. No. Assignment Review Committee : Reconstitution of Assignment Review Committee as per G. No.Ms. CREATION OF LAND BANK GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Provision of Shelter in Urban and Semi Urban Areas . DDRC will nominate the three members at item No.O. Revenue (L. I) Department dated 17-012005 and G. 7. One representative each from the re-cognized National/State Political Parties who contested in the last General Elections in that Constituency and who has secured not less than 10% votes Polled. 3 above..6.O. Ref. 146 Revenue (L. Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfer) Act shall apply to the grants of house sites. No. MLA of the constituency Chairman 2. ZPTC.O. Member 6. are eligible for alternative accommodation. The provisions of Act IX of 1977 (The A. 242 ORDER: Dated : 28-02-2005 The Government have identified that there is an urgent need for prudent management of the land resource located in urban and semi urban areas. The duties and functions etc. 98. in view of the amendment issued to B.Creation of Land Bank .Orders . I) Department dated 17-01-2005. No. Area in excess of 140 Sq Yards should be regularised on payment of Market Value and Development charges where eviction is not feasible.Issued. of the above committee shall be as annexed to GO.21 for the existing condition(9) in form of Assignment of House Site Patta to the effect that the assignment of land for House Site Patta is heritable but not alienable. Ms. REVENUE (ASSIGNMENT-I) DEPARTMENT G. Member-Secretary The Chairman.Ms.Effective management of Land Resource . radius for “A” Category. Tourism. for the land identified. 2.Ms. Providing shelter is amongst the top priorities of the Government. (d) Endowment Lands. as per the demand for the next 20 years. After dissemination of information. They resorted to tactics for artificial escalation of the prices of the land and thereby owning a plot for housing is becoming increasingly difficult for the employees. Roads. in consultation with the concerned Departments. Agriculture.Ms. It is also found that some unscrupulous elements have grabbed the Government land or selling the Government lands with false documents. The following categories of land constitute the source for Land Bank :(a) Government land fit for housing / institution. In so far as meeting the requirement of the other deserving sections of the society. Government have decided to have a comprehensive policy of meeting housing requirement of targeted sections of society by creation of land bank and accordingly order the following: The Land Bank shall be a land resource pooled for allotment to various Housing Co-operative Societies and other target groups. for “B” category and 10 K. a Committee consisting of local RDO. thereby duping the public. COMPETENT AUTHORITY : The Collector and District Magistrate shall be competent authority to transfer the Government land to the land bank and to resume the un-utilized Government land to the Land Bank. 15 K. with clear title. the demand for land for housing need has become accentuated and many private persons are engaged in land development. there is no fixed policy and mechanism for alienation of land to such sections and allotment was done case by case. as per categories indicated above and making available the said data to the designated agencies of the land bank in the respective areas. and Buildings. (c) Surplus ceiling land at the disposal of the Government. There are well defined schemes for providing housing for the poor. Therefore.Ms. The land has to be within 25 K. representatives of APHB APIIC and relevant UDA shall short list the land that is required and suitable for housing and other institutional needs. This land has to be resumed and put in land bank. (b) Government land available with Departments which is not being put to effective use such as Horticulture. Sick Industries etc. after arriving at the 9 . Animal Husbandry. (e) Private lands acquired. COMPILATION OF DATA : The Revenue Department shall be responsible for collecting the details of the large chunks of the lands available in and around Municipal Corporation areas as well as other Municipalities. Sericulture. for “C” category Municipalities. middle class citizens and poor. He shall also be competent to acquire private land for public purpose. located in and around 120 municipalities.growing urbanization. . Housing Board. .demand. Each category of land shall be treated as a distinct entity till alienated to the applicant. Secretary to Government. and also in consultation with the agencies in charge of Land Bank. This is aimed to plough back the cost of land acquisition. Member In case the Municipal Administration & Urban Development and Housing Departments are headed by officers senior to the Principal Secretary to Government. They shall maintain the data on land based on classification and make available the data for the Empowered Committee at the time of allotment of land. who is junior.. Revenue Dept. Director of Town and Country Planning and any other officer as per the need... Member 5. The Endowment lands shall be acquired for providing house sites to employees only by following the procedure. and the Principal Secretary. The Committee can also co-opt the Commissioner of Municipal Administration. Finance Dept. Housing Department can depute the Vice Chairman & Managing Director. Secretary to Government.. ... However the agencies for overall management of the land located in Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts shall be HUDA and APHB respectively and for other districts the APHB. EMPOWERED COMMITTEE : The following Empowered Committee shall be vested with the powers to decide allotment of land appointment and usage based on hierarchy of needs and submit proposals to the Government. while. Secretary to Government. Prl.. Deptt.A. which is being adopted for providing house sites to weaker sections. . shall recommend the price to be fixed for the land proposed for allotment. concerned UDA. While arriving at the recommended price the Empowered Committee shall take into account the acquisition cost of the land the activity of the beneficiary Institution and 10 . . to be their proxy on the Committee. Revenue Department. Member 4. Prl. G. These agencies are responsible to protect and develop the lands available in the Land Bank pertaining to the area of their jurisdiction and make it available for allotment. and APIIC under the administrative control of the concerned District Collector. MANAGEMENT OF LAND BANK : The ownership rights over the land available with the Land Bank rest with the Government.P. Municipal Administration & Urban Development Dept.. Secretary (Services) to Government. sending its recommendations for allotment of land from Land Bank in favour of Housing Co-operative Societies / Institutions. Member Convenor 6. Housing Dept.. Chief Commissioner of Land Administration .. Prl.. . Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department can depute other Secretary of his Department. Secretary to Government. Prl. PRICING OF THE LAND : The Empowered Committee. the Principal Secretary. 1. A. Chairman 2. Member 3. Ms. JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Land Bank . These two categories shall be dealt with separately.O. orders were issued for creation of Land Bank to meet the housing and other Institutional requirements of the various sections of society. wherever culture for flats is in existence.P. 46. Land shall be allotted for construction of flats. No.2005.O.11. G. U. 44907/Ser. 416. Wel) Department.O. As far as housing is concerned.2001. From the Commissioner of Land Revenue.1997 3.I) Department.O. Letter No. APPROACH : Government shall allot land for housing purpose and for institutional purpose.02. No.O. dated 10.O. G. sixth read above.91 2. No. 4.. Government shall encourage allotment of land for house sites where the culture / feasibility of independent house exists. Ms. dated 10. dated 18.Allotment of land for housing to various categories -Policy guidelines Orders . ORDER: In the G.1. REVENUE (ASSIGNMENT-I) DEPARTMENT G. dated 24. B1/2212/97.demand for the land.Ms. Revenue (Asn.3.Ms. It was also ordered that separate orders would be issued pertaining to the methodology to be adopted for selecting the Housing Societies / Institutions for allotment and alienation of land out of land bank.07. No. 242. dated 28. G. V. A. 243 Dated : 28-92-2005 Read the following :1. From the General Administration (Ser. The decision as to allot the land for house plots/flats shall be decided based on the availability of land in the designated area. I) Department. Revenue (Asn.Issued. 3. Note No. Accordingly the following orders are issued. G. Hyderabad. dated 24. Wel/2000-166. III) Deptt. the conditions of allotment and on the ownership rights.O.Ms.2003. Government shall issue separate orders on the methodology to be adopted for selecting the Housing Societies / Institutions for allotment / alienation of land out of Land Bank. 5.2003 6. Revenue (Asn. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) DR. Wel) Department.. 589.P. General Administration (Ser. 11 .01. public purpose or for institutional use. 12 . Warangal. Officers of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Journalists. The land situated in Prime locations of Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts will henceforth be allotted only for Government organizations. RESPONSIBILITY AND TIME LIMIT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LAYOUT : Government land shall be alienated to the Co-operative House Building Society or Group.In the Municipal Corporations of the State. AREA ALLOTMENT : In so far as the Societies in which Judges. without any development. METHODOLOGY : Land shall not be allotted in favour of individual beneficiary. The beneficiaries shall have to be formed into a group or Co-operative Society for availing the facility of allotment of land for a flat / house site. Viz. ROLE OF COLLECTOR : The Collector shall be the nodal authority to make the scheme operational and shall be competent to allot lands for housing purpose to Housing Society / Group at the rates stipulated. Visakhapatnam. Vijayawada. MPs. further action would be taken by the Collector to make the scheme operational. for withdrawal and allotment of land from out of Land Bank. All India Services Officers of Andhra Pradesh cadre and Officers (natives of Andhra Pradesh) of other States cadres who worked with Government of Andhra Pradesh on deputation. land shall be provided in the satellite towns (of Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts) to be developed by HUDA. Government may alienate lands preferably for construction of flats in view of the scarcity of land. Kurnool and Nellore. It would be the responsibility of the Society / Group to develop the land and to provide infrastructure facilities such as roads. In so far as allotment of land to Institutions he shall submit proposals to the Empowered Committee for taking a decision in the matter. A Society or a Group shall have a minimum of 12 eligible members. MLAs. Guntur. following the above outlined procedure. the Society or Group concerned in turn shall allot individual house sites / flats as the case may be to the individual members. APHB or other Urban Development Agency on cost basis. Government lands located within the proposed outer ring road will not be allotted for house sites either for group of individuals or co-operative housing societies. After approval of the Empowered Committee and the Government. Rajahmumdry. CONVEYANCE TO INDIVIDUAL BY CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY : On a lienation of the Government land. Hyderabad. The applications for flat / house site shall have to made to the concerned Collector & District Magistrate. The title of the plot or flat shall be conveyed to the members concerned by the Society through a registered sale deed.. The Collectors in turn shall obtain necessary approval. from the Empowered Committee and Government. electricity. who is allotted a house site shall have to complete the house within a period of two (2) years from the date of allotment of house site by the Society / Group. All India Service Officers ii. In case of flats. Recognised National and International Sports persons and eminent persons in the field of Culture and Arts. He/she shall also give an undertaking that he/she not avail such facility in future. Accredited Journalists from recognized and registered newspapers. v. Any beneficiary. vii. failing which the land shall be resumed by the Government. The acquired land shall be alienated on cost basis. Central Government employees and employees of PSUs. iv. v. State Government Employees and Panchayat Raj Teachers working in the State of Andhra Pradesh. the Society shall be responsible for completion of construction of flats within a period of two (2) years from the date of alienation of land by the Government. The land shall be allotted in favour of Societies / Groups. vi. iv. ii. The time limit fixed for completion of this process shall be one year from the date of alienation of the land. This may be done directly or through any other agency agreed upon by members. shall not have any right to sell the same for a period of fifteen (15) years. Weaker Sections. It shall be the responsibility of the Societies / Groups to ensure that its members are seeking allotment of land for the first time.No. CATEGORISATION FOR PRICING : i. Judges of Supreme Court and High Court. CONDITIONS OF ALLOTMENT : i. for category vi on free of cost and for category vii as per the policy of the Government vogue. 13 . The Societies shall complete the process of allotment of house sites within a period of six months from the date of alienation of the land. Widows of Kargil and other war heroes and extremist violence who are hailing from Andhra Pradesh. All the members shall have to file an affidavit stating that he/she had not received the benefit of concessional allotment from Government earlier nor he/she was a member of any society/group to which concessional allotment was made. for category v and vii at prevailing market value.Educational / Charitable / Religious etc. Institutions . drainage etc. A beneficiary. iii. which means that the actual cost paid to the landowners shall be fixed as cost of land. i to iv at the basic value of the land. who is allotted a house site / flat.water supply. MLAs MPs. The land shall be allotted to the categories figuring at Sl. iii. viii. Defence Employees. who may not be in a position to invest so much for buying a plot shall be considered for allotment of house sites at an appropriate rate. Secretary and other Office Bearers of the Society are liable for punitive action and changes made if any shall become null and void. all categories of people such as Class IV. Journalists 300 AGENCY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HOUSING PROJECT : The Co-operative Society or Group are at liberty to decide as to whether they would like to build the houses themselves or they would like to avail the help of the organization like Andhra Pradesh Housing Board. Finance Department and the designated Empowered Committee for Land Bank are requested to take necessary action accordingly. Housing Department.Allotment of land for housing to Govt. the maximum size of the plot will be 500 Sq. yards.S. other than for weaker sections housing. yards and the minimum size of the plot. vii. C. yards) 1.Os. For allotting land to Institutions. If the Society allots open spaces available in the layout or changes layout without approval from competent authority that approved the layout. Secretary (Services). Government Employees 400 to 100 3. Secretary to Government. The conditions of allotment in respect of Government Employees shall be issued separately. & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.G. In Satelite townships being developed by various urban development agencies in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Districts. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) DR. Category Plot SizeNo. Principal Secretary. The land for various categories is as follows : Sl. the Empowered Committee shall decide the area depending upon the numbers of members of the Housing Society / Group. V. shall be 100 Sq. For the purpose of flats. N. JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Land Bank . SIZE OF PLOTS / FLATS : For the purpose of housing. MPs. the Empowered Committee shall make need based recommendations. 500 MLAs. (Sq. All the District Collectors. Employees . All India Services Officers 2. Supreme Court Judges. High Court Judges. Spl. General Administration Department. the President.Policy guidelines 14 . 5. No. 44907/Ser. No.Ms. 2. Wel) Department.2003 6.2005. further action would be taken by the Collector to make the scheme operational.2003. G. B1/2212/97.2001. Accordingly the following orders are issued.02. CONDITIONS OF ALLOTMENT : 15 . The title of the plot or flat shall be conveyed to the members concerned by the Society through a registered sale deed.Orders .Ms. U. The Collector shall monitor the implementation of scheme very closely and send monthly progress report to the Government. sixth read above.Issued.3. A Society or a Group shall have a minimum of 12 eligible members. dated 10. dated 24. 3.Ms. 416. ROLE OF COLLECTOR : The Collector shall be the nodal authority to make the scheme operational and shall be competent to allot lands for housing purpose to Housing Society/ Group of employees at the rates stipulated. 243. Wel) Department. No. dated 10.07.. Ms. No. General Administration (Ser. G. The applications for flat / house site shall have to be made to the concerned Collector & District Magistrate. dated 28.O. dated 18. Letter No. 46. After approval of the Empowered Committee and the Government. The Collectors in turn shall obtain necessary approval. the Society or Group concerned in turn shall allot individual house sites / flats as the case may be to the individual members. III) Deptt.O. I) Department.2005. orders were issued for creation of Land Bank to meet the housing and other Institutional requirements of the various sections of society.Ms.O.91 From the Commissioner of Land Revenue. Revenue (Asn.. A. dated G. Note No.P. Hyderabad. 24.11. 4. METHODOLOGY : Land shall not be allotted in favour of individual employees. ORDER: In the G.O. From the General Administration (Ser. 242.O.O. 7.1.O. Revenue (Asn. G. 244 1. The employees shall have to be formed into a Group or Co-operative Society for availing the facility of allotment of land for a flat / house site.01. following the above outlined procedure.I) Department. Orders were issued in te reference seventh cited on the policy guidelines pertaining to the allotment of land to various and it was ordered that separate orders shall be issued pertaining to the conditions of allotment of Government land to Government Employees. CONVEYANCE TO INDIVIDUAL BY CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY : On alienation of the Government land. for withdrawal and allotment of land from out of Land Bank. Wel/2000-166. REVENUE (ASSIGNMENT-I) DEPARTMENT Dated : 28-02-2005 Read the following :G.Ms. from the Empowered Committee and Government. dated 28. Revenue (Asn. 589.1997 G.02.O. I) Department. Revenue (Asn. No. VI. An employee would be entitled for concessional allotment of land for only one time in his service. XI. whose name is not figuring in the application submitted to the competent authority. are advised to complete the admission of members before making an application to the Government. The fact of allotment of house site / flat shall be recorded in the Service Book of the employee concerned. In the case of flats. the President. The employees. III. The Societies / Groups shall not allot house sites / flats in respect of any other member. Secretary. If both husband and wife are in government service. only one would be eligible for allotment of a Government house site / flat. An employee should be an approved probationer of the Government / Local Body and he should have completed a minimum of five years service. This may be done directly or through Housing Board or by any other agency agreed by the members. they can be formed into a separate Society / Group and request for allotment. and other Office Bearers of the Society are liable for punitive action and changes made if any shall become null and void. for allotment. The Co-operative House Building Society / Group shall allot house sites or flats by draw of lots. VIII. An employee should be a member of a Housing Society or Group. If the Society allots open spaces available in the layout or changes layout without approval from competent authority that approved Layout. This approach would limit the postallotment litigation to the minimum. IX. Each member of the Society for whom land / flat is allotted shall have to file an affidavit stating that he / she has not received the benefit of concessional allotment earlier not he / 16 . X. which can be calculated as per the eligibility criteria and make an application to the authorities. An employee should be eligible for only one Government house site or flat during his / her service. XII.I. who are forming into a Society / Group. An employee who is allotted a house site / flat should not sell such site / flat for a minimum period of fifteen (15) years. The allotment of individual house sites shall be completed by the Society. V. IV. An employee who is allotted a house site shall complete construction of the house within a period of two (2) years from the date of allotment of house site by the Society. the Society shall be responsible for completion of construction of flats within a period of two (2) years from the date of alienation of land by the Government. VII. within a period of six months from the date of alienation of the land. XII. This would facilitate the Society to arrive at exact requirement of land. II. If some other employees are not covered by Society. P. borne on A. cadre 500 Non-Cadre Head of Departments. Housing Department. the land can be divided into the plots in the ratio of 4:3:2:5:1. Finance Department and the designated Empowered Committee for Land Bank are requested to take necessary action. Telephone Operators. Secretary to Government.P. No. Category Plot Size (Sq. Drivers. 6. Fourth Level 400 Gazetted Officers and above Second & Third level Gazetted Officers 300 First Gazetted 250 Superintendents. Shroff etc.00 of dry land). V.she was a member of any society to which concessional land was allotted.0 for the categories 2 to 5. General Administration Department. Yards) IAS. He shall also give an undertaking that he / she shall not avail such facility in future. 2. Assistant Section Officers. Principal Secretary. built by a landless agriculturist (i. All the District Collectors. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) DR. Secretary (Services). & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. Agricultural labourer or Artisan at his own expense or at the expense of his 17 .5 acres of Wet or Ac. Junior Assistants etc.S. C. 5. 100 and equivalent If sufficient land is not available for allotment. Senior175 Assistants. and equivalent posts Attenders.e. JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS Homestead means the site of any dwelling house. TCAs. Record Assistants. SIZE OF PLOTS / FLATS : The land shall be allotted to the AIS Officers and the employees in the following manner : Sl. AGENCY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HOUSING PROJECT : The Co-operative Society or Group are at liberty to decide whether they would like to build the houses themselves or they would like to avail the help of the organization like Andhra Pradesh Housing Board. 1. IPS and IFS Officers. LD Stones.75:1. having less than Ac. 4. Spl. 3. 2.5. gift. enjoyment and belonging to a land owner.P. The Act prohibits transfer of lands assigned to landless poor persons for the purpose of cultivation or as house-sites and provides for restoration of such transferred lands to the original assignees and also for punishment to the persons acquiring such lands. 1977 (Act 9 of 1977) Act 9 of 1977 is a protective legislation which came into force on 21-1-1977. Sec. lease or otherwise and no right or title in such assigned land shall vest in any person by way of sale. the M. lease or otherwise and no right or title in such assigned land shall vest in any person acquiring the land by such transfer which transaction shall be deemed never to have taken place. U/s 6. or the State Government or any Local Authority or any registered Co-operative Society or any Bank shall not be regarded as an alienation. and the right conferred is heritable but not alienable.3(3). the assignee and the purchaser are barred from entering into such transactions which. mortgage.predecessor and includes other area adjacent to the dwelling house necessary for its convenient.O (Authorised officer) is empowered either suomotu on application (From-1) after making an enquiry and after the entire price in one Iumpsum or the first instalment thereof has ownership in Form .II and on the issue of such certificate free of all encumbrances w. the occupant of homestead shall become the owner of homestead and dwelling house subject to the extent of homestead shall not exceed five cents.R. ASSIGNED LANDS (PROHIBITION OF TRANSFER) ACT. THE A. mortgage.O on an application made by the occupant within 6 months from 14-8-75 or suomotu at any time. Section 4 of A. M.P. if made. Sec. U/s 3(2) of the Act. The enquiry under this section must be full pledged one giving opportunity to both the occupant & landowner observing principles of natural justice.f.R. 4(3) of the Act prohibits transfer of any land assigned to a landless poor person by way of sale. According to the Act 9 of 1977. Occupants of Homesteads (Conferment of Ownership Act 1976 (Act 21 of 1976) prohibits eviction of an occupant of a homestead who is in occupation of a dwelling house as on 14-8-75 unless the land owner proves the dwelling house was built at his expense and the occupant is a tenant. A mortgage in favour of Central Government. the provisions of Section 3 (1) and 3(2) of the 18 . U/S 5. 4(3) of the Act provides for restoration of possession to an occupant of a homestead who was in occupation of a dwelling house on or after 5-10-71 but evicted before 14-8-75 by the authorised officer. exchange. 18-8-1975. exchange. shall be null and void (Sec.e. gift. reversing or remitting for reconsideration. it shall be resumed to the Government for assignment to any other land-less poor person. 4(a) Appeal : (1) Any person aggrieved by an order passed by the M. It was also held whether the purchaser is a landless poor acted in good faith and purchased for valuable consideration have to be determined with reference to date of purchase only (AIR 1980 page 198 and A I R 1980 page 257) If in any case the District Collector or the officer authorised by him (M. High Court has ruled out in several writ petition’s that the provisions of the Act are retrospective in operation and that the Act applies to transfers of assigned lands effected before the commencement of the Act. The District Collector / M. The Registering Officer shall not register any document relating to transfer of or the creating of any interest in assigned land without prior permission of the District Collector concerned (Sec.O shall furnish a copy of the order to the Registration Department whenever any land is assigned to a landless poor person (Rule 4) NB : Whenever assignment of land is ordered. only once.5) 19 . an order shall be passed.R.O to take possession of such land (Rule 3). 4(b) Revision : The District Collector may in respect of any proceedings not being a proceeding covered by Section 4(a)(2) on an application made to him and the Govt. and pass orders modifying.O u/s 4(1) may within 90 days from the date of receipt by him of such order. If the restored land is again transferred by the assignee or his legal heirs.4(1) may within 90 days from the date of receipt by him of such order. directing the V.O under sec. annulling.Act shall not apply to any assigned land which was purchased by another landless poor person in good faith and for valuable consideration prior to 21-1-1977 and which is in possession of such purchaser on 21-1-1977.R. (Sec. (2) Any person aggrieved by an order passed by the R. Any order passed in revision u/s 4(b) and subject to such order the decision in appeal any order passed u/s 4(1) shall be final and shall not be questioned in any court of law and no injunction shall be granted by any officer or authority or Government in pursuance of any power conferred by or under the Act. may in respect of any proceedings either suomotu or on an application made to them call for and examine the regularity of such proceedings etc.A. But the A.O. a copy of the list has to be furnished to Sub-Registrar.P.R.O) is satisfied that the provisions of Sec. If any representation is received in time. it shall be considered and if it is held that the provisions of Sec 3(1) of the Act have been contravened. appeal to the District Collector.D.D. The land so taken shall be restored to the original assignee or his legal heirs. appeal to R.3(1) of the Act are contravened.4(1)(b). he shall issue a show-cause notice in Form 1 to the person in possession of the assigned lands allowing 15 clear days for making the representation. the Govt. the Legislative Assembly of the State is not now in session and the Governor of Andhra Pradesh is satisfied that circumstances exist which render it necessary for him to take immediate action. in case the forest land is to be utilised for major projects. have constituted District Level and State Level Committee. 5. for clause(b) together with the proviso there under. However. namely : “(b) except in certain areas as may be notified by the Government from time to time depending upon the need and circumstances and on the case by case basis in this behalf.7(3). 2. 1977. 2) It extends to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh. Now. if the assigned land is being used for the purpose of the original assignment and it is reasonably practicable to restore it to the original assignee or his/her legal heir. restore the assigned land to the original assignee or his/her legal heir. The sanction of the District Collector shall be necessary for filing prosecution under section 7 (1) and (2) of the Act (Sec. the original assignee or his/her legal heir. shall be eligible for such land assignment at the time of such restoration. as the case may be. of Andra Pradesh have envisage to institute Land Bank Scheme by identifying blocks of Govt.000/. the following shall be substituted.7(2).000/. In the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act.7(1). 2. Any person who impedes the officer authorised to take possession of any assigned land under section 4(1) of the Act shall be furnished with imprisonment upto 6 months and fine of Rs. 1) This Ordinance may be called the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment) Ordinance.or with both (Sec. therefore. Forests. THE ANDHRA PRADESH ASSIONED LANDS (PROHIBITION OF TRANSFERS) ACT. provided the Department / Organisation taking up such projects.or with both (Sec. the Governor hereby promulgates the following ordinance : 1. for identification of the Govt. 2006. Compensatory afforestation :Utilization of forest land for other than forest purpose is prohibited. 3) It shall come in to force atonce. For the purpose of compensatory afforestation the Govt. waste land. Govt. finances for afforestation in non-forest land to the extents of forest land to be utilising for other than purposes. in Section 4. 1977 Whereas. in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 213 of the Constitution of India.Whosoever acquires any assigned lands in contravention of Sec 3 (2) of the Act shall be furnished with imprisonment up to 6 months and with fine upto Rs. in Sub-Section(b). Provided that for such restoration. waste lands that are suitable for afforestation. 20 . the Ministry of Environments. of India may accord permission for utilisation of forest land for other purpose. 281 Revenue. 2007 and in supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Rules. it shall be resumed to the Government. Provided also that the lands resumed by the Government shall be utilised for weaker sections housing.No.02-02-1978. the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules:RULES 1. 1977 issued in G. Definitions: In these rules. ORDER: The following Notification will be published in the extraordinary issue of the AP Gazette dated 22-02-2007.No.Ms. as amended by the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (POT) (Amendment) Act.O.O.No.O.02-02-1978. (b) "Authorised Officer" means the officer authorised by the District Collector not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer/Tahsildar under 21 . Read : G. the possession of which has been taken under clause (a) but the restoration of the same can not be made under clause.Ms. RAMESHWAR THAKUR Governor of Andhra Pradesh T.Issued. 2007 . Any land. shall be resumed by the Government.The Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Rules. the assigned land can not be so restored to the original assignee or his/her legal heir due to any of the reasons mentioned above. infrastructure development or for any other public purpose. unless the context otherwise requires:(a) "Act" means the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. 2. MADANMOHAN REDDY Secretary to Government Legislative Affairs and Justice. REVENUE (ASSN-POT) DEPARTMENT G. Provided also that in case.Ms. Law Department. as the case may be.208 Dated: 22-02-2007.Provided further that the assigned land shall not be restored more than once to either the original assignee or his/her legal heir as the case may be. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Rules . public utilities. (b) to the original assignee or his/her legal heir. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 9 of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. Short title: These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Rules. dt. 2007. 1977. 1977.281 Revenue (B1) Department Dt. any person voluntarily disclosing or surrendering the assigned land in his possession within (90) days of commencement of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment) Act. (c) "Form" means a form appended to these rules. 2007 shall make such voluntary disclosure or surrender to the Collector or Authorised Officer by way of declaration in Form No. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) 22 . The Government shall issue notification under section 4 of the Act for notifying area/lands for utilisation for public purpose in Form No. received with reference to the said notice and pass such orders as he thinks fit and proper. 4.V. Under the proviso to section 7 of the Act.IV. The notices shall be served by delivering a copy on Transferor and transferee or some adult male member of the family of such transferor or transferee at their usual place of abode or to their authorised agent or by affixing a copy thereof at some conspicuous place of their last know place of residence or on some conspicuous part of the assigned land. If it is held that the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 3 of the Act. After the expiry of (fifteen) 15 days specified in the notice. if any. The District Collector or the Authorised Officer not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer/Tahsildar shall furnish the particulars of lands assigned in his jurisdiction in Form No. Procedure for eviction of the Transferee and taking possession and restoration of Assigned Lands:The District Collector or the Authorised officer shall.sub-section(1) of section 4 and sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Act. 2007 and further continue to furnish such particulars in the same proforma whenever new assignments are made from time to time. On receipt of such declaration. the District Collector or the Authorised officer shall consider the representation. issue notices in Form No. 6. 3. 5.III to the Registering Officer concerned. have been contravened in respect of any assigned land. within (forty five) 45 days from the date of commencement of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment) Act.I and Form II to the persons who have transferred and also to the persons who have acquired any assigned land in contravention of the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Act. a copy of the order shall be communicated to the village officer concerned under whose territorial jurisdiction the land is situated for taking possession of the land and thereupon the land shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Act. the Collector or the Authorised Officer shall proceed to take immediate possession of the land and dispose of the land as per the provisions contained in section 4 of the Act. before taking action under clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act. village…………..P. You are hereby directed to show cause within (fifteen) 15 days of receipt of this notice as to why the assignment made to you should not be cancelled and the land be resumed to Government. V.2007 To. District…………… Whereas. And whereas. Mandal …………….I Notice under rule 3 of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Rules. under Section 4 of the Act.District…………… Whereas.JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT FORM –II Notice under rule 3 of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Rules.Mandal ……………. And Whereas. it has come to notice that you have transferred the said assigned land in contravention of the provisions of the sub –section (2) of section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. Residing in……………. Residing in……………. 1977 . this land is liable to be resumed to Government for violation contained in the Section 3 of the Act.2007 To. village…………. 1977. you are found to have been assigned lands as specified in the schedule below.. You are hereby directed to show cause within (fifteen) 15 days of receipt of this notice as to why you should not be summarily evicted from the said assigned 23 . (Acs.V. Cts) Date of patta the transfer & Certificate issued transferee date (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Place Signature Date Dr.P. THE SCHEDULE Village Survey Extent Details & Date Name of Nature of Remarks No.Dr. you are found to be the transferee of the assigned lands as specified in the schedule below in contravention of the Provisions of the sub –section (2) of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act.JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT FORM . To. And now therefore I am disclosing and surrendering such assigned lands to Government within (90) days from the commencement of the Act as mentioned in the schedule. I am the transferee of assigned lands specified in the Schedule by way of (Sale / gift / lease) ……………… in contravention of the provisions of the section 3 of the A. The Collector or the authorized officer may accept the surrender of this land.JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT Declaration under section 7 of the A. District………………. The District Collector / Authorised Officer.P. Cts) Date of patta the transfer & Certificate issued transferee date (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Place Signature Date Dr. Mandal………………….JAUHARI 24 . (Acs.No.P. Sl. Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. Name & Survey Extebt Name of Name of Remarks Address of the No. Whereas.V.19977.. And whereas under section 7 of the Act a provision is made for voluntary disclosure / surrender of such assigned lands. (Acs.P.) assignee transfer (by way of sale/gift/ lease etc.V. …………………… Dstrict..1977. THE SCHEDULE Village Survey Extent Details & Date Name of Nature of Remarks No. Assigned Lands (POT) Act.P. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Place Date Signature Dr.lands and as to why crop or rther product raised on land / lands and any building or other construction erected or anything deposited thereon should not be forfeited. Cts. SCHEDULE Village:……………. …………………. District …………. Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby notify the following areas / lands.P. (Acs.. in exercise of the powers conferred under clause ( c ) of sub –section (1) of section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. As per section 5 (2) of the Act.P.P.V.SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT List of Assigned lands communicated to the Sub –Registrar concerned under section 5 (1) of the A. No. And whereas the Government have decided that such resumed lands will be utilized for public purpose as provided in the Explanation to (b) of sub –section (1) of section 4 of the Act.1977. as per section 5 (1) of the A. Survey Extent Name of the Father / Date of No. no registering officer shall accept for registration of any documents relating to the transfer of land as mentioned in the schedule.No. Sl. SCHEDULE Village : Mandal : District : Sl.the following list containing details of assigned lands are furnished to the sub –Registrar. Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. Therefore. Name of the District Survey Numbers Name of the Mandal 25 Name of the Village . Cts) Assignee Husband Name A s signment (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Place Date : Signature Dr. 1977. Whereas.. To The Sub –Registrar. 1977.JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT REVENUE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION UNDER CLAUSE ( C ) OF SUB –SECTION (1) SECTION 4 OF THE ANDHRA PRADESH ASSIGNED LANDS (PROHIBITION OF TRANSFERS) ACT. Transfers of assigned lands being prohibited under section 5 of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. under clause ( C ) of sub –section (1) of section 4 of the Act the Government have been vested with the power / authority to notify certain areas / lands which can be resumed by the Government under section 4 of the Act for public purpose. 1977.……………. Assigned lands (Prohibition of Transfers) Act. 1977. in the prescribed proforma in the Rules . P.(1) The District Collector or any other Officer. for clause (b) and clause (c). v For section 5of the principal Act. other than those lands/areas as may be notified by the Government from time to time in public interest and for public purpose. shall within 45 (forty five) days from the date of commencement a list of lands assigned to the landless 26 .V.8 OF 2008 N ACT FURTHER TO AMEND THE ANDHRA PRADESH ASSIGNED LANDS (PROHIBITION OF TRANSFERS) ACT.(1) (5) (2) (3) (4) Dr. v (i) to the orginal assignee if he or she is eligible as for the norms fixed in this behalf.JAUHARI SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT THE POT ACT 1977 HAS BEEN AMENDED BY THE ACT OF 8 OF 2007 ACT NO. lands resumed under clause 4(a) above shall be utllized for publlo purpose. (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act). in section 4.namely v “(b) restore the assigned land. “Public interest” and “Public Purpose” shall mean and include.For the purpose of this clause. the resumed land will be utilized for public purpose. v This Act may be called the Andha Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of transfers) (Amendment) Act. v Explanation :. or v (ii) Assign to other eligible landless poor person: Provided that where the original assignee or his legal heir. after the first restoration transfers the assigned land.1997. the following shall be substituted. the land shall be resumed for assignment to the other eligible landless poor: v Provided further that if no eligible landless poor persons are available in the village/area. the weaker seation Housing public Utility infrastructure development. the following shall be substituted. as on the date of restoration for one time .2008 v In the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of transfers) Act. in sub –section (1).1997 v Be it enacted by the Legislative Assobly of the Stato of Andhra Pradesh in the flity –aovonth your of the Ropubllo of India as follows. not below the rank of a Mandal Revenue Officer authorized by him in this behalf. promotion of industres and Tourism or for any other public purpose: v (c) In the areas which may be notifed by Government from time to time. namely:- v “5. I and form II to the persons who have transferred and also to the persons who have acquired any assigned land in contravention of the provisions of sub –section (2) of section 3 of the Act. have been contravened in respect of any assigned land. v Procedure for eviction of the transferee and taking possession and restoration of Assigned Lands :- v The District Collector or the Authorised officer shall. any person voluntarily disclosing or 27 . before taking action under clases (a) and (b) of sub – section (1) of section 4 of the Act.poor persons with all particulars of assignment and futther furnish such particulars of new assignment forthwith. v In section 7 of the principal Act. no Registering Officer shall accept for registration of any document relating to the transfer of or creation of any interest in any assigned lands as furnished in the list under sub –section (1)”. if any received with reference to the said notice and pass such orders as he thinks fit and proper. 1908. the District Collector or the Authorised Officer shall consider the representation. v (2) Notwithstanding anything in the Registration Act. v Under the provison to section 7 of the Act. a copy of the order shall be communicated to the village officer concerned under whose territorial jurisdiction the land is situated for taking possession of the land thereupon the land shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Act. The notices shall be served by delivering a copy on Transferor and transferee or some adult male member of the family of such transferor or transferee at their usual place of abode or to their authorized agent or by affixing a copy there of at some conspicuous place of their last known place of residence or on some conspicuous part of the assigned land. If it is held that the provisions of sub –sections (1) and (2) of section 3 of the Act. v “Provided that any person who has voluntarily disclosed and surrendered the assigned land in his possession or discloses and surrenders the assigned land in his possession within 90 days from the commencement of Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (prohidition of Transfers) (Amendment) Act. After the expiry of (fifteen) 15 days specified in the notice.III to the Registering Officer concerned. issue notices in form No. 2006 shall be exempted from Prosecution. v The District Collector or the Authorised Officer not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer/Tahsildar shall furnish the particulars of lands assigned in his jurisdiction in form No. within(forty five) 45 days from the date of commencement of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment) Act.2007 and further continue to furnish such particulars in the same proforma whenever new assignments are made from time to time. other than Those lands/areas as may be notified by The Government from time to time in public interest and for public purpose:(i) To the original assignee if he or she is eligible as per the norms fixed in this behalf. violating the provisions under sub – sections (1) and (2) of section 5 shall be punished with simple imprisonment which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees or with both.and in case the original assgnee or his legal heir transfers the assigned land again after such restoration. “Public Purpose” shall mean and include.”. Old Act Sec.2007 shall make such voluntary disclosure or surrender to the Collector or Authorised Officer by way of declaration in from No. the Collector or the Authorised Officer shall proceed to take immediate possession of the land and dispose of the land as per the provisions contained in section 4 of the Act. promotion of industres and Tourism or for any other public purpose: NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT REVENUE DEPARTMENT 28 .as on the date of restoration for one time. the following shall be inserted namely:- v “(2A) Any Officer. on receipt of such declaration.IV. the Weaker Section Housing.4: Sub – section (1) clause (b): (b) Original assignee or his legal heir. New Act Sec. public public Utility infrastructure development.4: Sub – section (1) clause (b): (b) restore the assigned land. the public purpose. Explanation :-For the purpose of this clause. resume the assigned land to Government for assignment of landless poor persons in accordance with the rules for the time being in force: Provided that the assigned land shallnot be so restored to the original assignee or his legal heir more than once.surrendering the assigned land in his possession within (90) days of commencement of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment) Act. or where it is not reasonably practicable to restore the land tosuch assignee or legal heir. it shall be resvmend to the Government for assignment to any other landless poor person. the land shall be resumed for assignment to the other eligible landless poor: Provided further that if no eligible landless poor persons are available in the village /area. v Comparision of Old and New Act at aglaince. after the first restoration transfers the assigned land. v (ii) after sub – section (2). (ii) Assign to other eligible landless poor person: Provided that where the original Assignee or his legal heir. The District Collectors.670/SLA&J/RI/85/2007 dated 07-02-2007 ERRATA In the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment) Act.JAUHARI. Dr.No. dated the 29th January.Act 8 of 2007) published at pages 1-4 of Part IV-B. Land Encroachment Act.O. ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS Etc. ENCROACHMENTS Encroachment means unauthorised occupation of Government land. highest wet rate or highest dry rate. Revenue (Assignment-I). Government hereby order that except Section 2 of the said Act.(Assginment-I) ANDHRA PRADESH ASSIGNED LANDS (PROHIBITION OF TRANSFERS) (AMENDMENT) ACT.P.P.O’s and M. Encroachments are classified as (i) Unobjectionable and (ii) Objectionable.Ms.O’s are vested with powers to enforce the provisions of the A. adjoining wet rate or adjoining dry rate as the case may be.V. the remaining provisions shall come into force with effect from the 29th day of January. Memorandum No. for "2006" read "2007" (2) in line 30. 2007 (A. 5th February. At Page (3). Porambokes : In cases covered by provisional pattas. Special Chief Secretary to Government ANDHRA PRADESH ACTS. (1) in line 12. as the case may be. An Officer incharge of a Revenue division is defined as Collector under this Act. 2007. for "2006" read "2007" T. R. Unobjectionable cases : Assessed Waste Taram Assesment Unassessed Waste Adjoining wet rate or adjoining dry rate as the case may be. Extraordinary of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette. 1905.R. In other cases of occupation by eligible sivaijamadars. (G. 2007. 2007) In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Andhra Pradesh Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfers) (Amendment) Act. MADAN MOHAN REDDY.125.. 2007. 2007. The principles for charging assesment and penalty and further action to be taken in such cases are listed out below.D. Secretary to Government. Legislative Affairs & Justice. Action shall be taken to assign the occupied lands classified as 29 .P. iv) If such notice is not complied with. with a warning that they would be evicted immediately after the harvest of such crops. if he is satisfied that the obstruction or resistance is without any just cause.0. the M. Whenever eviction is ordered. or when twenty times the assessment payable for one year exceed ten rupees. a sum not exceeding ten times such assessment.E. Under Section 7-A of the Act. Objectionable cases : Assessed waste : In case of occupation by ineligible persons. a sum not exceeding twenty times such assesment. Procedure for eviction and conditions to be fulfilled : i) The Land encroached upon must be shown to be Government land.13 paise in each case and small extents say upto 0. forfeiture of everything found on an encroached land should also be ordered. provided that no penalty shall ordinarily be imposed in respect of unauthorised occupation of such land for any period not exceeding one year.unobjectionable Encroachments (BSO 15 (7) 15 (36) and 21). without further notice. v) If such Encroacher resists or obstructs. Unassessed Waste : Highest wet rate/Highest dry rate plus penalty u/s 5 (ii). however. Act and should be served on each of the encroachers to show cause before a specified date why he should not be evicted u/s 6 of the Act.O shall pass orders directing removal of the person from such land.20 cents in each case in assessed waste lands should as a rule be ignored. Taram Assessment plus penalty u/s (i). A person who continue to be in possession of the land leased out to him after determination of the lease. (B. he could issue a warrant for his arrest and on his appearance convict him to close custody for a period not exceeding 30 days in a near by Civil Jail. The encroacher is also liable for eviction. Petty Encroachments: Encroachment in porambokes the assessment of which would not exceed Rs.R.E. be permitted to take the food crops raised by him on lands other than objectionable porambokes for the first time. The Encroacher may. a notice should be served u/s 6 of the Act requiring the encroacher to vacate the land within such reasonable time as may be fixed.O (7). when a group or groups of persons have unauthorised occupied Government land and have not vacated the land on demand 30 .S.Act.e. a summary enquiry by the Collector shall be held and. the District Collector is empowered to order immediate eviction. The penalty leviable u/s (i) is a sum not exceeding five rupees. An order of eviction does not lapse and can be enforced even after the close of the fasli in which it is issued. without any notice. ii) Notice should be issued u/s 7 of L. can be evicted under the provisions of the L. i. iii) On service of such notice and if sufficient cause is not shown. a sum not exceeding ten rupees. under the L. Section 10 (Appeal) : Officer who passed Appellate Period of original order Authority Limitation 1. Such Authorised Officer shall evict the encroachers from the land by force by taking police assistance.26(7) & Note there under). U/s 12-A.D. Collector Chief Commissioner of Land Administration There shall be no appeal against a decision/order passed by the R. The expenditure connected with the eviction by a Rev. Inspecting Revenue Officer should report to the Collector cases in which objectionable encroachments have been leased or licensed by local bodies without reference to Collector. The Officer who orders eviction is competent to sanction the said expenditure debitable to “253 Dist. Officer should be borne by the Government.No.O or District Collector on appeal. 31 .R.D.Ms.O Within 60 days.E.Issued. on payment basis – Framing of certain Policy Guidelines – Orders. Regularisation of encroachments under G.D. Admn. M. R. Delay can be (Collector under the Act) condoned by the Appellate 2. 166 Rev (Assn. if necessary. POT) Depart Dt. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Government lands – Transfer of Rights on certain occupations/ encroachments of specified categories of Unassigned Government lands situated in the State by way of structures or otherwise.O District Collector Authority at his discretion 3. whether requested to take action by the Local Authority or not. Act. Local bodies are responsible for dealing with encroachments on roads and streets vested in them.R.O. Dist. 16-2-2008. (b) other Establishments (iii) Taluk Establishments-26 other charges” (B.O and the Chief Commissioner Land Administration may revise any order or decision passed by any subordinate officer. U/s 14. The final decision whether an encroachment is objectionable or not vests with the Collector and he may intervene at any time with the proceedings under the the District Collector or any Officer authorised by him in this behalf.O R.O or R.O. and take possession of the land.D. but the District Collector may revise any order/decision passed by a M. Civil Courts are barred from entertaining any suit or pass any injuction for any acts done under this Act. Government may either suo-motu or on application call for and examine the records relating to any decision/order passed or proceedings taken by any subordinate officer and pass such orders as they may deem fit.S.E.Act. Ms.8.2006.2007. dt. Hyderabad Lr.3. Hyderabad Lr. Ms. Ms.No. The Government in the G.I) Department.2005 to 31.No. Revenue (Assignments. 29.2.P. dt.O. Revenue (Assignments.2006 to 31.O.I) Department. dt.I) Department. No. 2008” 32 .972.1. with a cut of date of encroachment on or before 31.2004 6.9.I) Department.9. A. 19.G.I) Department.O.Os first to sixth read above. in the G.O.I) Department. 31. Revenue (Assignments. 2. The policy Viz.O.166 Dated.138..—————————————————————————————————— REVENUE (ASSN. Ms.4. 16-2-2008 Read the following.G.1990.lands are often found tobe disjointed and do not appear to adequately address the variety of problems encountered in this regard. 3.2005.POT) DEPARTMENT G.G. Revenue (Assignments. dt.3.2005 7.From the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. for regularization of encroachment by way of dwelling houses on Government lands situated in areas notified as Urban in 1991 census and in Industrial Township. 20.No. No.674.I) Department.2005 8. Hyderabad Lr.2006.2.No.2003 4. 4.12. “The Andhra Pradesh Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of Unassigned Government Lands.G. with a permission to receive the new eligible applications till 30. B1/20207.G.3. 23.Fom the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.6.O. dt. No.10.O.Os first to sixth read above. formulating a comprehensive scheme for regularization of encroachments by way of dwelling houses in Government lands.G. Ms.2004 5. in supercession of the earlier orders issued in the G.O 8th read above have extending the time limit for regularization of the pending applications for a further period of one year from 1. dt. Ms.1998 3. dt. Revenue (Assignments.4. stipulating certain conditions on payment of market value provided the encroacher submits his application within the prescribed time.No. Revenue (Assignments.2007 ORDER: In the G.O. It appears expedient to set out a policy containing the comprehensive guidelines in order to have uniformity in dealing with occupations in respect of these lands. 9. Ms. 8.No. extending the date of receipt of fresh applications upto 31.4. dt.12.G.8. dt.O seventh read above have issued orders. Ms.O.P. Government.3.8.1.No. A. During the process of regularization of unauthorized occupation of Government lands.I) Department. 1. dt.1601. extending the time limit for regularization of residential and commercial purposes for a period of one year from 1.2007 10.2007 11. dt.10. B1/583/2007.No.1995 2. Revenue (Assignments.508. 4.2006 9.631. Ms.G. Government have issued orders from time to time. Policies governing the Transfer of Rights of Govt.From the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.No. A. 31. it is notices that the Government lands have had a chequered history.P. B1/583/2007. Revenue (Assignments.515. TYPES OF LANDS COVERED This policy shall cover Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of Unassigned Government Lands 4. The Government. low and middle income group people etc. low and middle income group people etc. slum dwellers. House hold supply card 33 . “The Andhra Pradesh Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of Unassigned Government Lands. slum dwellers. DEFINITIONS.P. Hyderabad in is letters ninth to eleventh read above has submitted draft policy for Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of unassigned Government Lands.Os and instructions pertaining to regularization of occupation of Government lands.2003 by way of structure or otherwise b) Below poverty Line(BPL) persons.. A person shall be treated to be Below Poverty Line category.12. 3. c) Above poverty Line (APL) persons: A person shall be treated as Above Poverty Line category. if he has a “While Ration Card”. The manner of establishing occupation shall be by production of any of the following documents. by way of structures or otherwise. Construction permission from a Local Body/ Competent Authority d. in excess of 200 square yards 5. if he does not have a “While Ration Card” or a person who seek Transfer of Rights. a) Occupation: The term ‘occupation’ shall mean occupation on or before 31. MANNER OF ESTABLISHING OCCUPATION. the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. 5. Water supply connection document f. for orders of Government 6. This policy shall supercede all existing G. particularly in the context of longstanding occupation of smaller extents by members of the weaker sections. 2008” and issue the following comprehensive set of guidelines for Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of unassigned Government Lands in the context of longstanding occupation of smaller extents by members of the weaker sections. Receipt of payment of property tax e. Electricity connection c.1) SHORT TITLE This policy is called “The Andhra Pradesh Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of Unassigned Government intended to provide a comprehensive set of guidelines regarding Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of unauthorized occupants of Government lands. 2008” 2) SCOPE AND EXTENT This policy will govern Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of Unassigned Government Lands. A. Registered document of purchase b.a. after careful examination hereby approve the Polity viz. Accordingly. i) applications for Transfer of Rights upto an extent of 250 square yards be scrutinised by the Committee at District level under the chairmanship of District Collector and final orders of Transfer of Rights will be issued by the District Collector concerned duly following procedure as per the policy ii) applications for Transfer of Rights above 250 square yards shall be sent to the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.P. Hyderabad. Date of occupation shall be taken to be the earliest of the dates mentioned in the documents furnished under clause (5) above. Last date prescribed for submission of applications is 30.P. Transfer of Rights will be considered only for cases where applications in the prescribed format are filed before the District Collector concerned before the last date prescribed for receipt of such applications (Format of Application is appended to this order) 8. OMPETENT AUTHORITY FOR TRANSFER OF RIGHTS. Hyderabad shall issue orders for Transfer of Rights upto an extent of 500 square yards and the proposals above 500 square yards shall be sent to the Government iii) all the applications for Transfer of Rights above 500 square yards shall be sanctioned by the Government and orders will be communicated to Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.P. Land Reforms (COAH) Act. Hyderabad by the Collector. in the name of the applicant 7. All Transfer of Rights will have to be in conformity with applicable Acts & Rules ii. The District Collector concerned shall receive all applications for Transfer of Rights in respect of Unassigned Government lands and conduct a detailed inspection through the Mandal/Divisional Authorities. The above mentioned documents must be in the name of the applicant) 6.P. A.a) Sites affected under the alignment of Master plan/ Zonal Development plan/ Road Development plan 34 . No Transfer of Rights shall be done in violation of A. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. 1973 and Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act. DATE OF OCCUPATION. After finalizing the eligibility of the applicants.P.g. Transfer of rights shall be done as per the following criteria. A.2008 9. A. Telephone connection document (Note.6. Hyderabad and Collector concerned for implementation 10. GENERAL DIS-QUALIFICATIONS FOR TRANSFER OF RIGHTS i. 1976 iii No Transfer of Rights shall be effected in respect of the following cases. A. These proposals shall be scrutinized by the Committee constituted under the chairmanship of the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. 25 B Free of cost 81 TO 200 B 0.5 B 1. The amount will be calculated on telescopic principle. Basic value shall be taken as on 31. Sikhams. GENERAL NORMS REGARDING TRANSFER OF RIGHTS A) Calculation of amount payable. Foreshore or FTL areas of drinking water tanks and treatment areas d) Constructions on sites earmarked for Townships e) Areas earmarked for treatment plants. Matrix for determination of amount payable for Transfer of Rights for unauthorized occupation ‘B’= Basic value. which in the opinion of the committee are highly valuable and cannot be considered for Transfer of Rights l) Public foot paths iv.yards) Line (APL) Alienable Non-alienable 1 to 80 B 0. subject to a maximum depreciation of 75% (No depreciation will be admissible for more than 25 years) 35 . Green belts. i.25 B 1.5 B — 1001 TO 1500 2 B 2B — 1501 TO 2000 3 B 3B — Note.The Transfer of Rights shall be effected on payment of the amount prescribed in the Matrix shown below.2003 Area Above Poverty Below Poverty Line (BPL) (in Sq. buffer zone etc f) Sites located in vicinity of heritage buildings g) Sites falling under the alignment of MRTS h) Sites falling under MFL of rivers i) Constructions not in conformity with the provisions of the Master plan j) Sites required for public purpose k) Lands. c) Constructions made an alignment of Nalas. Time Factor: Depreciation at 3% per annum.50 B — 201 TO 500 1.b) Constructions which have come up in ‘open spaces’ of approved layouts bodies. There shall be a surcharge of 25% on the amount payable for Transfer of Rights of occupations in certain prime areas to be notified by Government. Water Grave yards. 11.12. ii.25 B — 501 TO 1000 1. yards shall be deemed to be from the Above Poverty Line (APL) category C. Government may exclude certain highly valuable lands from the operation of this policy by notification. v. B. iv. the Collector concerned shall execute a Deed of conveyance in favour of the allottee. the same shall be considered subject to condition that the case in the Court shall be withdrawn and the party/ parties gives an undertaking to pay the amount as fixed by the Government for Transfer of Rights of such lands. The Collector concerned shall execute a Deedof conveyance in favour of the allottee. Registration and Stamp Duty shall be paid by the allottee iii) Transfer of Rights in case of encroachment shall be done only in the name of one member of the family (with reference to the name in the document produced) iv) A person who seeks Transfer of Rights for an extent in excess of 200 Sq. ii) In case of Transfer of Rights by an allotment order. Wherever the maximum area in respect of Transfer of Rights effected under this provision exceeds the ceiling limit prescribed for the respective Urban Agglomeration. Transfer of Rights in respect of Below Poverty Line (BPL) families shall be done in the following manner: i) Issuance of assignment patta (with prohibition of alienation) for the land on free of cost OR Allotment order (with right to alienate the land) on payment of an amount equal to that shown in the Matrix above.yards. Registration and Stamp Duty shall be paid by the allottee 36 .iii. Allotment orders (with right to alienate the land) on payment of an amount equal to what is given in the Matrix above. such excess extent over and above the ceiling limit shall be exempted as a matter of policy under section 20 (i) (a) the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulations) Act. 1976. Transfer of Rights in respect of Above Poverty Line (APL) families shall be done in the following manner. In cases where there is a dispute between Government and private party/ parties over the title/ ownership of a piece of land or structure which is pending in either Land Grabbing Court or High Court or in other Courts and if the party comes forward with a request for Transfer of Rights. Lands in excess of this area shall be resumed to Government in accordance with law. ii.i. vi. The maximum area in respect of which Transfer of Rights can be effected is 2000 sq. simultaneously while issuing orders of Transfer of Rights. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Exp. The payment of amount as determined by the Competent Authority. “The Andhra Pradesh Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants of Unassigned Government Lands.1.166 Revenue (Assignments POT) Dept. building approval and betterment shall have to be paid unless already paid.O. All other unassigned Govt. 8.2003 for calculating as per the Matrix above 7. 16.12.NO.002/Fin.POT) DEPARTMENT. Pro-rata as applicable towards payout fees. dt.SAMUEL PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT FORMAT (Appendix to G.. 2008’ immediately. 12.Rev/2008. the application for Transfer of Rights can be done by Society or by an individual member 2. Details of the Unassigned Govt. 18.2008 1. 16.166 REVENUE (ASSIGNMENTS. Hyderabad is requested to issue suitable instructions to all the District Collectors in the State for implementation of the Policy Guidelines viz. A. PresentResidential Address : 4.Rev) Department vide their U.. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. Ms. Village/Ward No : b) Extent of Land occupied : c) Date from which occupied (proof to be produced) : d) Nature of occupation.Exp. 1.2008) APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF RIGHTS TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CATEGORIES OF UNASSIGNED GOVERNMENT LANDS OCCUPIED UNAUTHORISEDLY IN TERMS OF G.P. In the case of cooperative Society. DATED. dt.No.MS.iii.2. will be made in four equal quarterly instalments with the first within a period of 30days of issue of Transfer of Rights order.lands occupied by encroachment.2008 (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR AF ANDHRA PRADESH) M. Transfer of Rights in case of encroachment shall be done only in the name of one member of the family (with reference to the name in the document produced) iv. Name of the occupant : 2. The Basic Values shall be taken as on 31.lands shall be resumed to Government for public purpose 13. Father’s / Husband’s Name : 3.: a) Survey No.i) Area covered by Residential & Structure : ii) Open Area : 37 .O.O No.2. 3. shall produce a Xerox copy of the White Ration Card for claiming benefit under this scheme : DECLARATION I ____________________ S/o/ H/o of Sri/ Smt. in any Court of Law : 8.O. dt.POT/2007.Transfer of Rights on certain occupations/ encroachments of specified categories of Unassigned Government lands situated in the State by way of structures or otherwise.Accorded – Orders.3. Details of proceedings pending against the applicant under the Land Encroachment Act or under Land Grabbing (Prohibition) Act : 7.2008 3. Memo.constitution of Committees at District level/ Chief Commissioner of Land Administration level.No. if any received by the occupant from the competent Authorities : 6. dt.Issued ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REVENUE (ASN.(Note:Enclose any one of the documents mentioned at para 5 of the G. No.2003 as fixed by the competent Authority under G. Revenue (Assn. Particulars of Notices. From the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.No. 1.166. Ms. 19-3-2008 Read the following.No.O in support of above encroachment) 5.POT) Dept. Place: Date: SIGNATURE (Name in Block letters) GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Government lands. A.2008 2. Ms. Govt. 26.2008.P.No. 16. Ms. Revenue (Asn.2.2. dt. In the G. framing certain Policy Guidelines for Transfer of Rights to certain specified categories of occupants 38 .370 Dated.___________________________ declare that the information furnished above is correct.71157/Asn. G.POT) DEPARTMENT G.2. on payment basis.O.12.O. In case of Below Poverty Line (BPL) people.166. Details of Civil Dispute pending if any. I am willing to get transfer of Rights to my possession on free of cost/ by payment the basic value as per the Matrix as on 31.O first read above.POT) Department dt. B1/2020/2007. Hyderabad Lr. 16. Government have issued orders.2008 ORDER. P. Urban Land Ceilings Member of the area concerned 5. 6.D. Spl.P. Survey.P. Municipal Administration Member 9. Head of the Department of the concerned Department whose Member land is involved in regularisation. Assistant Director. Municipality /Urban Development Authority. C. one at the level of the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.P. slum dwellers. HYDERABAD: 1. 2. where such authority exists Member 5 Superintending Engineer.O 1st read above. Hyderabad Member 3. Special Officer & Competent Authority. In his letter third read above. low and middle income group people etc. Irrigation Department Member 6 District Panchayat Officer Member 7 District level officer of the concerned department to which the land belongs Member 8 District Registrar.& Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. Stamps and Registration Member 9. Commissioner of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation of Member his Representative 4. A. Commissioner.O of the concerned Division Member Commissioner. 1) DISTRICT LEVEL COMMITTEE : District Collector Chairperson Joint Collector Member-convenor R.of unassigned Government lands in the context of longstanding occupation of smaller extents by members of the weaker sections. Stamps and Registration 39 . Panchayat Raj Member 8. Road & Buildings /Superintending Engineer. Hyderabad hereby constitute the following two committees. Commissioner & Inspector General. A. Member 7. Hyderabad has furnished proposals for constitution of two committees. Vice-Chairman & Managing Director. the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. A. Government after careful examination of the proposal of the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. A. 1 2 3 4 2) COMMITTEE AT THE LEVEL OF CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF LAND ADMINISTRATION. Commissioner. Hyderabad and the other at the level District Collector in terms of the G. by way of structures or otherwise.S. HUDA. Joint Collector of the concerned District. 3. Chairperson Hyderabad 2. Settlements & Land Records Member of the concerned District. No. Revenue (Asn.P. After obtaining the recommendations of the Committee.Yards.O.P. The district Collector shall place the eligible applications upto 250 Sq. Hyderabad shall forward the applications for Transfer of Rights of the land encroachments above the extent of 501Sq.POT) Department Dt. As per par 6(9) of the G. constituted at kpara (3) above. Ms.O. on payment basis – Policy Guidelines framed – Notification of Prime value areas in Ranga Reddy District under the provisions of Para 6 (10) (iv) of G. duly following the procedure. Revenue (Asn.Yards. in the cases of land encroachments above the extent of 251 Sq. as per Policy Orders issued in G. No. 16. All the District Collectors and the Chief Commissioner of Land Administaration. lands situated in the State by way of structures or otherwise. in respect of Unassigned Government Lands and conduct a detailed inspection through the Mandal / Divisional Authorities and finalise the eligible applications.Yards along with recommendations of the Committee No. Secretary to Chief Commissioner of Land Administration Member-Convenor 4.02.2008. A. Yards (iii) above 500 Sq. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. POT) Department. in the cases of land encroachments upto the extent of 250 Sq.O.Ms.Yards (ii) between 250 and 500 Sq.166. for issue of final orders.2. duly following the procedure.Yards and above to the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. Yards.1. SAMUEL PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Unassigned Government lands – Transfer of Rights on certain occupations / encroachments of specified categories of Unassigned Govt. to the Government. 40 . Yards before the District level Committee No. 7. 8.166. 16. 5. 16-2-08 – Orders . the District Collector concerned shall receive all applications for Transfer of Rights.POT) Department. A. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. dt.Issued. 166 Revenue (Asn. for scrutiny and recommendation. the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration shall issue final orders of Transfer of Rights.O.P. 6.Member 10. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) M. for its scrutiny and as per the decision of the Committee the District Collector concerned shall issue final orders of Transfer of Rights. The District Collector shall segregate the eligible applications into three categories (i) upto 250 Sq. constituted at para (3) above. A.P. The Distarict Collector shall forward the eligible applications for Transfer of Rights of the land encroachments to the extent of 251 Sq.2008. Hyderabad are requested to take further action accordingly. Hyderabad for taking further action.02.No. first read above. A.2.Yards and upto the extent of 500 Sq.Ms. Hyderabad shall place such applications before the Committee No. dt. as per Policy Orders issued in G. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REVENUE (ASSN. POT) DEPARTMENT G. O. Ms. No. 1229 Dated 23-10-2008. Read the following: 1. G.O. Ms. No. 166 Revenue (Asn. POT) Department. Dt. 16-2-08. 2. From the Collector, Ranga Reddy District Lr. No. E5/1400 Dt. 15-3-2008. 3. From the Collector, Ranga Reddy District Lr. No. E5/1400 Dt. 25-8-2008. O R D E R: In the G.O. 1st read above, orders have been issued framing certain guidelines for Transfer of Rights on certain occupations / encroachments of specified categories of Unassigned Government lands situated in the State by way of structures or otherwise, on payment basis. In the circumstances reported by the Collector, Ranga Reddy District in his letters 2nd and 3rd read above, after careful consideration of his proposals, Govt. under the provisions of Para 6 (10) (iv) of G.O. Ms. No. 166 Revenue (Asn. POT) Department. Dt. 16-2-08, hereby notify the following areas of the Ranga Reddy District as Prime Value areas. SL. NO. (AREA) NAME OF THE MANDAL 1. Rajendranagar 2. Balanagar 3. Uppal 4. Qutubullapur NAME OF THE VILLAGE 1.Narsingi 2. Kokapet 3. Bandlaguda 4. Hydershakote 5. Peeramcheruvu 6. Neknampur 7. Budvel 8. Upperpally 9. Attapur 1. Bagh Ameeri 2. Hasmathpet 3. Moosapet 4. Allapur 5. Begumpet 1. Kothapet 2. Nagole 3. Uppal Khalsa 4. Uppal Bagath 5. Habsiguda 6. Nacharam 1. Nizampet 2. Bachupally 41 5. Malkajgiri 6. Serilingampally 3. Bowrampet 4. Dundigal 5. D.P. Pally 6. Doolapally 7. Bahadurpally (GHMC LIMITS) 1. Jeedimetla 2. Suraram 3. Gajularamaram 4. Qutubullapur 1. Malkajgiri 2. Alwal 3. Kowkur 1. Gopannapally 2. Izzatnagar 3. Khajaguda 4. Chandanagar 5. Maktha Mahaboobpet The Spl. C.S & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, A.P., Hyderabad / Collector, Ranga Reddy District shall take necessary further action in the matter. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR AF ANDHRA PRADESH) M. SAMUEL PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT Govt. Memo.No. 1660/Assn.POT/2009-1 Revenue (Assn. POT) Department, Dated : 17-2-2009 The Government issued clarrification that the orders issued in G.O. Ms. No. 166 Revenue (Asn. POT) Department. Dt. 16-2-08 are applicable to all the unauthorized encroachments in the entire state, and not confined to any particular area of the State. A.P. INAMS (A&C INTO R) ACT, 1956 The Act provides to abolish the inam tenure of lands and convert them into ryotwari lands. It applies to pre-settlement inam lands, both major and minor inams where a grant in inam has been made, confirmed or recognised by Government, not being an Estate. It also applies to post settlement minor inams coming under the purview of Sec.17(1) (b) of the E.A. Act.48. The preliminary enquiry u/s 3 empowers the M.R.O either suomotu or on application to determine (1) whether a particular land is an inam land (ii) whether such inam land is in a ryotwari, zamindari or inam village and (iii) whether such inam land is held by an institution. 42 An appeal against the decision u/s 3 (1) on the above three aspects shall lie to the R.D.O within sixty days. After becoming final, such decision in Form-II shall be published in the District Gazette. The enquiry for granting ryotwari pattas is then taken up u/s 7 after giving a notice in Form-V to all persons or institutions interested. In granting ryotwari pattas, the provisions of Sec. 4 shall be followed (ie) in the case of an inam land in a ryotwari or zamindari village, the person or institution holding such land as inamdar shall be entitled to a ryotwari patta. In the case of an inam land in an inam village, if the land is held by an institution, it shall be entitled to a ryotwari patta. If such land is held by an Inamdar on the date of commencement of the Act, he shall be entitled to a ryotwari patta for 1/3rd share of land and the Tenant declared to be in occupation of the land on 7-1-48 shall be entitled to a ryotwari patta for the 2/3rd share of the land. If there is no such declared Tenant the inamdar shall be entitled to a ryotwari patta for the entire land. If such land is held by an inamdar shall be entitled to a ryotwari patta for the remaining 1/3rd share thereof, and if there is no such declared Tenant, the tenant in the occupation of the land on the date of commencement of this Act, shall be entitled to ryotwari patta for 2/3rds of that land and the inamdar shall be entitled to a ryotwari patta for the remaining 1/ 3rd share thereof. Against the orders of the M.R.O./or Special Dy.Tahsildar (Inams) an appeal shall lie to the R.D.O within sixty days of such order. The Tenant in occupation of inam lands held by an institution in an inam viallge shall have rights of permanent occupancy and such right is only heritable, subject to the condition that he shall not be a defaulter for more than sixty days when the rent becomes payable and he shall not use the land otherwise to make it unfit for agricultural purpose impairing its value materially (Sec.8). Who ever infringes the above conditions is liable for eviction according to the procedure prescribed in Sec.9. Through an Amendment Act which came into effect on 26-6-75, all communal lands and porambokes in inam land stand transferred to and vest in Government free of all encumbrances (Sec.2-A) The Commissioner of Appeals, office of the Chief Commissioner of Land administration has powers of revision of any proceedings of the M.R.O. or the R.D.O either suomotu or on application without any limit of time (Sec.7 and 14-A). In the case of inam land held by an institution in an inam village, the Tenant who is declared to be in occupation of an inam land as on 7-1-1948 under Sec.5 or if there is no such Tenant the Tenant in occupation of the land on the date of commencement of this Act, shall have a right of permanent occupancy in the land and the said right shall be heritable and also shall be transferable by sale, gift or otherwise. As per G.O.Ms.No.77, Revenue, Dt.22-1-68, the power to discharge the functions under the Act was delegated to the D.R.O’s. Application of the I.A.Act to Inam lands in ryotwari or zamindari villages: 43 such lands having been in his occupation or that of his predecessors in title continuously from the 1st day of July. with effect on and from the notified date. vide G. The Government have disbanded the post of Settlement Officer with effect from 30-9-1990 and authorised the respective Joint Collectors to discharge the functions of the Settlement officer in the District. ESTATES (ABOLITION AND CONVERSION INTO RYOTWARI) ACT 1948 Under Section 5(1) of the Act. Sec. of any unenfranchised Inam has sold or otherwise transferred his interest in the Inam land held by him.An Inamdar other than an institution.Ms. shall be entitled to ryotwari patta in respect of such land under this section. including an inamdar or a former of rent. shall be deemed to be the Inamdar for the purpose of the Act.25-9-1990. immediately before the notified date were properly included or ought to have been properly included in his holding and which are not either lanka lands or lands in respect of which a landholder or some other person is entitled to a ryotwari patta under any other provision of this Act. the transferee. dt. be entitled to a ryotwari patta in respect of (a) all ryoti lands which. Explanation: No lessee of any lanka land and no person to whom a right to collect the rent of any land has been leased before the notified date. the Settlement Officer was authorised to carry out the functions assigned to him under this Act. Grant of Ryotwari Pattas Sec. 1939: Provided that no person who has been admitted into possession of land by a landholder on or after the first day of July.No. expect where the Government.12 Lands in zamindari estate in which landholder is entitled to Ryotwari patta: In the case of the zamindari estate. be entitled to a ryotwari patta in respect of : 44 .O. (Section 10-A and 100-B of I. after an examination of all the circumstances otherwise direct. and (b) all lanka lands in his occupation immediately before the notified date. At present cases u/s 11(a). be entitled to a Ryotwari patta in respect of such land. the landholder shall with effect on and from the notified date. (JA) Dept.11 Lands in which ryot is entitled to Ryotwari patta : Every ryot in an estate shall.881 Rev. 1945 shall.A. who has acquired the said interest who is possession of such land on the date of comencement. 15 (1) and 56(1) are being filed before the Joint Collector and Settlement Officer for grant of ryotwari pattas.Act). of the Estates Land Act. but not including purchase at a sale for arrears of rent. (b) and (c) of the Estates Land Act. (ii) lands of the description specified in Section 3. in the holding of a ryot and which have been acquired by the landholder. whichever is later and has been in direct and continuous possession of such lands from such later date. clause (10) (b) of the Estates Land Act. provided that the land holder has cultivated such lands himself. and has been in direct and continuous possession of such lands from that date. in the holding of a ryot and which have been acquired by the 45 . not having been subsequently converted into ryoti land. in the holding of a ryot and which have been acquired by the landholder by purchase. provided that the landholder has cultivated such lands himself. exchange or gift. Explanation : "Cultivate" in this clause includes the planting and rearing of topes. but does not include the rearing of topes of spontaneous growth. clause (10) (a). in the ordinary course of husbandry from the date of such acquisition or the 1st day of July 1939. or which ought to have properly included. with his own or hired stock. not having been subsequently converted into ryoti land. (i) belonged to him as private land within the meaning of Section 3.(a) all lands (including lanka lands) which. or (iii) forest lands which have been abandoned or relinquished by a ryot. in the ordinary course of husbandry from the 1st day of July 1945 and has been in direct and continuous possession of such lands from that date. with effect on and from the notified date. or which ought to have been properly included. (b) (i) all lands which were properly included.13 Lands in inam estate in which landholder is entitled to Ryotwari Patta: In the case of an inam estate. provided that the landholder has cultivated such lands himself. by his own servants or by hired labour. immediately before the notified date. or which ought to have been properly included. with his own or hired stock in the ordinary course of husbandry from the 1st day of July 1939. or (ii) stood recorded as private land in a record prepared under the provisions of Chapter Xl or Chapter Xll of the said Act. or (ii) stood recorded as his private land a record prepared under the provisions of Chapter Xl or Chapter Xll of the said Act. (i) belonged to him as private land within the meaning of Section 3. with his own or hired stock. (ii) all lands which were properly included. (iii) all lands [not being (i) lanka lands. by his own servants or by hired labour. sub-clauses (a). or which have never been in the occupation of a ryot. Sec. and (b) (i) all lands which were properly included. by his own servants or by hired labour. gardens and orchards. the landholder shall. by inheritance or succession under a will. be entitled to ryotwari patta in respect of: (a) all lands (including lanka lands) which immediately before the notified date. clause (16). with his own or hired stock. clause (16). but does not include the rearing of topes of spontaneous growth. 1945 whichever is later and has been in direct and continuous possession of such lands from such later date. course of husbandry. 1945 and has been in direct and continuous possession of such lands from the date. as the case may be. exchange or gift. from the 1st day of July. as the case may be. Sec. within one year from the date of the decision or if such decision 46 . from the date of such acquisition or the 1st day of July.15 Determination of lands in which the landholder is entitled to Ryotwari Patta under foregoing provisions : (1) The Settlement Officer shall examine the nature and history of all lands in respect of which the landholder claims a Ryotwari patta under Section 12. (2) (a) Against a decision of the Settlement Officer under subsection (1). (iii) all lands [not being (i) lanka lands. including purchase at a sale for arrears of rent: Provided that the landholder has cultivated such lands himself.14 Lands in an under-tenure estate in which landholder is entitled to Ryotwari Patta : The grant of a ryotwari patta to landholder in respect of lands in an under-tenure estate shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of : (a) Section 13. or by his own servants or hired labour. (ii) all lands which were properly included. by his own servants or by hired labour with his own or hired stock. by his own servants or by hired labour. if it has been decided under Section 10 that such estate was created before the date of the permanent or temporary settlement of the principal estate or the 13th day of July 1802. in the ordinary course of husbandry from the 1st day of July 1945 and has been in direct and continuous possession of such lands from that date. by inheritance or succession under a will provided that the landholder has cultivated such lands himself. and decide in respect of which lands the claim should be allowed. (ii) lands of the description specified in Section 3. or which ought to have been properly included in the holding of the ryot and which have been acquired by the landholder by purchase. sub-clauses (a). (b) and (c) of the Estates Land Act. 13 or 14. the Government may. in other cases. Sec. or (iii) forest lands which have been abandoned or relinquished by a ryot or which have been in the occupation of a ryot provided that the landholder has cultivated such lands himself. in the ordinary course of husbandry. gardens and orchards. Explanation : “Cultivate” in this clause includes the planting and rearing of topes. and (b) Section 12.landholder. in the ordinary. with his own or hired stock. was given before the commencement of the Madras Estates (Abolition and Conversion into ryotwari) (Andhra Pradesh Amendment) Act, 1957, within one year from such commencement, and any person aggrieved by such decision or such further time as the Tribunal may in its discretion allow, appeal to the Tribunal; and its decision shall be final and not be liable to be questioned in any Court of Law. (b) If, before the commencement of the Madras Estates (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwari) (Andhra Pradesh Amendment) Act, 1957, any order has been passed by the Tribunal dismissing an appeal filed by the Government against a decision of the Settlement Officer on the ground that the Government were not competent to file an appeal under this sub-section or that such appeal was time-barred, the Tribunal shall, on an application filed by the Government within one year from the commencement of the Amendment Act aforesaid, vacate such order, and pass a fresh order on merits. Sec. 56 Decision of certain disputes arising after an estate is notified: (1) Where after an estate is notified, a dispute arises as to (a) whether after an estate is notified, a dispute arises as to (a) whether any rent due from a ryot for any fasli year is in arrear or (b) what amount of rent is in arrear or (c) who the lawful ryot in respect of any holding is, the dispute shall be decided by the Settlement Officer. (2) Any person deeming himself aggrieved by any decision of the Settlement Officer under sub-section (1) may, within two months from the date of the decision or such further time as the Tribunal may in its discretion allow, appeal to the Tribunal; and its decision shall be final and not be liable to be questioned in any Court of Law. The cases falling U/s.17 Ryotwari Patta in service tenure lands, Sec.18 Buildings in Estates, Sec.19 Sales and leases of certain lands and Sec.20 saving of rights of certain lessees and others, cases not governed by Section 18 and 19 of E.A. Act shall be referred to Government whose decision shall be final and not liable to be questioned in any Court of Law. Appellate Authority Under Sec.11(a): Land in which ryot is entitled to ryotwari patta under the above provisions and it can be issued by the Settlement Officer. Now the powers of Settlement Officer are delegated to Joint Collectors in the State. Under Sec.5(2) : Against the orders of the Settlement Officer passed U/ s.11(a) a revision can be filed before the Director of Survey and Settlements under the above provision. Under Sec.7(d): Against the orders of the Director of Survey and Settlements, a further revision can be filed before the Commissioner, (Appeals), O/o the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration under the above provision. 47 CORRECTION OF LAND CLASSIFICATION ERRORS During azmoish or field inspection, the Revenue staff may come across cases where lands registered originally as Poramboke are found to be actually under regular cultivation for several years and that patta lands as per original registry found to be under use for communal purpose. In case of the above nature, the proper remedial course would be to effect change in classification of lands from Poramboke to patta or vice versa. Under B.S.O. 34-D, Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tahsildar/M.R.O. are empowered to effect such changes provided the wrong classification was a direct result of resurvey [i.e.] change from simple triangular system to D&O System or supplemental Survey. Before effecting such changes, a show cause notice shall be issued to every pattadar giving a period of atleast 30 days for filing objections. Against the orders of the Tahsildar/M.R.O., an appeal shall lie to the Revenue Divisional Officer within 30 days. A second appeal shall also lie to the District Collector against the orders of the Revenue Divisional Officer within 30 days. The orders of the Dist Collector shall be final. Important: In respect of cases of change in classification of lands other than those attracted by B.S.O. 34-D, the Dist. Collector only is competent to pass necessary orders. 1) RECORD OF RIGHTS History : For Telangana Area, there was Regulation called “The AP (Telangana Area) Record of Rights in Land Regulation, 1358 Falsi”. For preparation and maintenance of a record of Rights in the Telangana Area of the State. There was no such corresponding enactment, providing for such statutory record of rights applicable to Andhra Area of the State. Therefore, on the recom mendations of the Revenue Consultative Committee, a fresh legislation called “The AP Rights in Land and PPBS Act, 1971 was enacted, applicable through out the State. The Act was amended by Act 11 of 1980, introducing certain provisions for the benefit of the credit agencies including Banks, but there was no improvement in the maintenance and updating of the ROR or Pass Books. The Act was further amended by Act 1 of 1989, to further strengthen the machinery under the Act for proper and better maintenance of the ROR and Pass Books and to give more authenticity to the Pass Books. This amended Act also received the assent of the President of India and came into force on 09.06.1989. 48 It was further amended, by Act, 9 of 1994. The salient features of this amendment are : i) To facilitate issue of Title Deed to the Pattadar- Owners to enable them to use the same for creation of equitable mortgage on their lands. ii) To protect the Credit Agencies by specifying that any charge not entered in the Pass Book, will not have priority. To provide that the Title Deed issued u/s 6-A shall be the Title Deed in respect of the Owner-Pattadar and it shall be the Record of Right and interest in the land of the person to whom the PPB is issued. To confer the Revision powers on the District Collector against the orders by any authority under the Act. To make pattadar responsible for getting necessary entries made in respect of transactions by the Registering Officer. The AP Rights in Land and PPBs Rules, 1989 were framed, in super session of the Rules framed in 1978. iii) iv) v) vi) 2) Preparation of ROR : i) Record Of Rights in Form 1 : Accordingly, the Record of Rights in Form 1 was prepared by the Recording Authorities, after conduct of enquiries under Rules 6, 7 and 8. The draft ROR was published in Form III, inviting all the persons interested to attend the Grama Sabhas, on the dates notified and requiring them to furnish their statement on their claims for rectification of the mistakes, if any found the published draft ROR. The Recording Authorities conducted enquiries on the claims/objections made against the draft ROR, made alternation to the entries in the draft ROR, wherever it is required, as per Rule 12 and then confirmed the draft ROR u/r 13. The confirmed ROR was test c h e c k e d , u/r 13(2) by MRO/RDO/SPl. Dy. Collector/Joint Collector/Collector. Completion of the fact of preparation of ROR was notified in the District Gazette in Form IV, u/r 14(1). ii) Record of Rights in Form 1 B : After publication of the notification in Form IV in the District Gazette, the information in Form 1 was got recast into Form 1 B and the entries in respect of each person were authenticated in 1 B by the MRO. These 1 B registers were also test checked and read out in Grama Sabhas. Based on the entries in the 1 B, PPBs & TDs were prepared and distributed, in Grama Sabhas. 49 This is the most important and currently a regular business of the Revenue Dept. iii) Maintenance of Register of Form XVI : The Registering authority prepare the particulars of a transaction in form VI-B in triplicate and retains one copy and sends 50 . As explained above. rectify the entries in the ROR u/r 15. 4(2) r/w Rule 18(2)) ii) Maintenance of the Registers in Form VII : The MRO shall maintain for every village a separate Register in Form VII. (Sec. it was completed. The ongoing process is called Maintenance of Record of Rights and though the Rectification of entries being part of it. in Form VI-C (Sec. to the MRO. for all the villages in the State. to the MRO concerned. This consists of the following stages : i) Intimation of acquisition of rights : * Form IV-A : This is the Format in which an individual shall intimate the acquisition of his rights. the above 3 phases of preparation of ROR was completed. Unless this is done properly. within 90 days from the date of such acquisition and the MRO shall send a written acknowledgement of the receipt to the person making the intimation. 4(1) r/w Rule 18(2) * Form VI-B : This is the Format in which the Registration Officer shall send the intimation. The only difference is 6-II Register was maintained for all the villages in the mandal. containing the abstract of intimations received u/s 4. barring a few inam/estate Villages. which is explained hereinafter. now the MROs are barred from rectifying the ROR under this proviso. the ROR can not be properly updated. in triplicate. in the District Gazette. The other part of the Maintenance of ROR is incorporation of all mutations in pursuance of the orders u/ s 5. whereas. the MRO can.iii) Rectification of entries in ROR : Within a period of one year from the date of publication of the Notification in Form IV. This 6 II Register is replaced by the Register in Form 7. The orders passed u/s 5(3) and 5(5) either making an amendment and refusing to make an amendment shall be maintained in this Register. this part of action was also completed. on his own accord or on application made to him. This corresponds to old 6-II Register (Patta Transfer Register) maintained in Andhra Area. within a week of registration and the MRO shall acknowledge the same on a copy of the intimation itself by his signature and seal. in letter and spirit and without deviation of the provisions of law. separate registers in Form VII for every village. Therefore. 3) Maintenance of Record of Rights : This is the present ongoing process in respect of Record of Rights. As the Notification in Form IV was already published in the District Gazette in 1990s itself. iv) Process of the intimations received : Procedure to be followed before passing the orders on the intimations : a) No order refusing to make an amendment in accordance with the amendment shall be passed. if any. 10) * Time limit to dispose of the intimations : Within 6 months from the date of receipt of an intimation. Powers of the MRO in conducting the enquiries : The MRO shall take into account the representations or objections written or oral made in this behalf by the persons concerned and he may. inspect and measure or cause to be measured any land. 5(3) r/w Rule 19(2) -by affixture in the chavadi or if there is no chavadi. (Sec. if 51 . b) Require the production of any document. -by beat of tom-tom in the village. The MRO will. This replaces the old 6-I register maintained in Andhra Area.2 copies to MRO. 5(3) r/w Rule 19 (1)) c) A copy of the amendment and the Notice in Form VIII shall be published (Sec. for the purpose of holding these enquires. in any other conspicuous place in the village. As explained in Section 5. have the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure. and the MRO shall get these intimations entered in Form XVI Register (Rule 27 (2)). Primary Cooperative Agricultural Credit Society or School. unless the person making suc h intimation has been given an opportunity of making his representation. in the village. if he considers necessary (Rule 20(1)) a) Summon the attendance of any person for the purpose of examining him. -by affixture on the notice boards of Grama Panchayat Office. or c) Enter upon. * Discharge letters from the credit Agencies : These letters shall be treated as intimation of acquisition/loss of rights u/s 4. 1908 (Sec. d) Enquiry : While conducting the enquiry we should be guided by the principals in rule 9. -by affixture on the notice board of the office of the MRO and of Mandal Parishad concerned. 5(1)) b) A Notice in Form VIII shall be issued -To all persons whose names are entered in ROR and -To who are interested in or affected by the amendment and -To any other person the MRO has reason to believe to be interested therein or affected thereby to show cause within the period specified therein as to why the amendment shall not be carried out (Sec. R. lease etc.O. 6) RECORDING OF GRANT OF LOANS AND ENCUMBRANCE CERTIFICATES: As per Sec. No fresh application shall be entertained under this proviso as the last date for the same was expired long back. of lands recorded in the pas book and Title Deed by the Registering officer (Sec. 4) REGULARISATION OF CERTAIN ALIENATIONS OR OTHER TRANSFER OF LANDS Section 5-A of the Act read with Rule 22 provides for regularisation of the unregistered transactions.D. OF LANDS IN THE PATTADAR PASS BOOKS : Not withstanding any thing contained in the Regn. 6D at the time of registering any document relating to the lands owned by the pass book holders and he shall not register any document without production of the Pass Book or title deeds by the vendor and Vendee. On deposit of the amount the M.6(B) (1) & (2). The R. as per Rule 22. An appeal shall lie to the R. Every loan shall be liable to be recovered as arrears of land revenue. every encumbrance of the land and every repayment of loan shall be recorded in the pass book and the title deed. the alienee or transferee shall file an application in Form-X to the M.R. shall on enquiry require such alienee or transferee to deposit an amount equal to the registration fee and stamp duty that would have been payable had the alienation or transfer been effected by a registered document at the time.they contain all the details prescribed in From VI A and these shall be acknowledged by the MROs.. purchases.3 (2) no loan shall be granted by the credit agency to a owner pattadar without production of pass book and title deed. After 3 months from the date of publication of notification under Sec.0 within 30 days from the date of passing of the order by M.6(c) (1) of the Act every loan granted by any credit agency on the security of the land. the pass book holder shall get the entries of sales. 5) RECORDING OF SALES/PURCHASES ETC. 8) REVISION : 52 . the transaction had actually taken place. 7) REGISTERING AUTHORITY TO MAKE ENTRIES IN PASS BOOKS AND TITLE DEEDS : The Registering Authority has to make entry of every transaction in the pass books and title deeds as per Sec.R.5B Rule 22(A) 1).O.0 shall issue a certificate in Form XIII B and the Recording Authority shall on production of the certificate shall make an entry in the ROR and issue Pattadar Pass Book in the category of Owner-Pattadar.R.. After issue of notification in Form IX by M.0 after due enquiry shall pass orders as he deems fit subject to revision u/s 9. mortage. Act.0 (Sec. gift.D. The MRO. 14) DISTRIBUTION OF PASS BOOKS OR TITLE DEEDS : They shall be distributed to persons who are in actual possession of the land.B.O.10). The connected person has to notify the loss to the Police and M. shall attest the 1st page of Title Deed with Seal.D. In case of mutilated title deed the fee is Rs. @ Rs. shall have the powers of Civil Court under CPC (Sec.R. on the 1 st page and it shall also be noted in Form l. 15) LOSS OF PASS BOOK OR TITLE DEED AND ISSUE OF DUPLICATE COPIES : As per Rule 31(1) and 31(2) in case of loss of pass book/title deed it should be noted in the duplicate copy that it is a duplicate copy.100/.12). 9) INSPECTION OF RECORDS OF ROR : As per Sec 7 read with Rule 24 and 25. Date besides embossing the photo on right side column and laminated. The R. Acknowledgement shall be obtained in a Register in Form XVII. 10) BAR OF SUITS : No suit shall lie against the Recording Authority or other officer concerned [Sec.8(1 )]. Title Deed and one copy to be affixed on Form I B and the remaining shall be filed in the files. It shall be attested on the Pattadar Pass Book and sealed by M. 4 Photos have to be furnished. Xerox copy of FMB Sketch may be attached to Title Deed/Pass Book for easy identification of the land. the RDO may issue a duplicate title deed duly endorsing on the 1st page and noting in Form l-B. 12) ACT NOT TO APPLY TO GOVERNMENT LANDS : Nothing in the Act shall apply to Government Lands (Sec.. shall be given on payment of prescribed fees. Photographs of Patadar Pass Book holder shall be on the Pattadar Pass Book.9 read with Rule 23. The RDO.As per Sec.0 and credit agencies not to deal with the lost title deed by any unauthorised person. After satisfying that the conditions are complied with. Fees for duplicate copies is fixed at Rs. 11) POWERS OF RECORDING AND APPELLATE AUTHORITY : The Recording Authority or other Officers for the purpose of holding enquiry under the Act. 2 Photos for Pass Book. 13) AFFIXING PHOTOGRAPHS : There shall be a photograph of Pattadar owner on title Deed.R. before issuing the duplicate copy of the title deed shall obtain the permission of the Collector for issue of duplicate check frivolous applications. 15 per set. MrH:106 53 .it shall be surrendered. the ROR records shall be open to the public for inspection and Certified copies.O.1000/. Amount has to be remitted to MH-0029 LR. the Collector either suomotu or on an application can call for and examine any ROR and pass orders amending or reversing the ROR after giving due opportunity to the concerned. . No. B. or IV. appoint.2.Definitions . “Government” means the State Government of Andhra Pradesh. and includes any officer empowered by the Revenue Divisional and includes any officers empow54 . ANDHRA PRADESH AGRICULTURAL LAND (CONVERSION FOR NON-AGRICULTURAL PURPOSE) Act . D. SEC. the raising of any crop or garden produce . “Conversion” Conversion means change of land use from agriculture to non agriculture purpose. the raising of orchards. I. 3 of 2006. (Published on the 2nd January 2006 in A. Agriculture-means I.Short Title. “Mandal Revenue Inspector” means the Mandal Revenue Inspector in whose jurisdiction the agriculture land or a part therefore is situated.In this Act unless the context otherwise requires A. Agricultural Land (Conversion for Non agricultural purpose) Act 2006.2006.Receipts on A/c of survey of settlement operation SH-01-Receipts A/c New P. Book. F. (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may. No fee for issue of duplicate pattadar pass book (rule 31(1)/r/w 26(12) since no cost is fixed for PPB by the Commissioner. “ Revenue Divisional Officer” means the Revenue Divisional Officer including Sub-Collector or Asst Collector in whose jurisdiction the agricultural land or a part there of is situated and includes any officer not below the rank of a Revenue Divisional Officer empowered by the Government to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Revenue Divisional Officer under this Act. E. Hay-ricks. Act. and Commencement:(1) This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh. “Non agriculture land” means land other than Agricultural land. or III. means the Revenue Divisional Officer including Sub-Collector or Asst Collector in whose jurisdiction the agricultural land or a part there of is situated and includes any officer not below the rank of a Revenue Divisional Officer empowered by the Government to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Revenue Divisional Officer under this Act. the raising of pasture . “Revenue Divisional Officer”. H. Gazette) Sec. by Notification.1. G.P. Extent. C. “Collector” means the District Collector in whose jurisdiction the agricultural land for which conversion is applied for is situated and also includes joint collector or any other officer not below t he rank of the Joint Collector authorized by the Government to exercise the powers and perform the functions of the district collector under this Act. or II.P. “Agriculture lands” means lands used for agriculture. Any person for the time being paying or liable to pay to the owner rent.ered by the Revenue Divisional officer to exercise the powers and perform the functions of a Mandal Revenue Inspector under this Act. (3) If the conversion fee so paid as per sub-Section (2) is found to be less than the fee prescribed under Section 4. M. if the land is vested in the local authority and used for any non agricultural purpose deriving income there from. and ii. Section 3 (1) . (4) The applicant shall pay the deficit amount indicated in the notice issued under Section (3) within 15 days of the receipt of such notice. educational or charitable purpose. or any portion of the rent. if the land has been leased out by Government for any non agricultural purpose. i. rejected in full or part by the competent authority within 60 days after such request is received in the office of the competent authority or within 30 days after the receipt of the deficit amount as the case may be. (2) An application for such conversion of the agricultural land for non agricultural purposes shall be made before the competent authority in t he form prescribed along with conversion fee as specified under Section. “Owner” includes any person for the time being receiving or entitled to receive. or for any religious. the reasons for such rejection shall be recorded in writing and communicated to 55 . “ Notification” means a notification published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette: and the word “Notified” shall be construed accordingly.Land use conversion(1) No agricultural land in the State Shall be put to non agricultural purpose. a lessee. K. whether on his own account. rent or profits for the agricultural land or for the structure constructed on such land and includes in respect of the lands that have been leased out by the State Government or t he Central Government. or as agent. a local authority. without the prior permission of the competent authority. manager or receiver for another person. (6) The conversion permission requested for shall either be issued. trustee. (5) In case no intimation is received by the applicant within 30 days about the deficit payment of conversion fees. L. N. “Prescribed” means prescribed by Rules made by the Government under this Act. “Occupier” includes--i. a notice shall be issued by the competent authority to the applicant within 30 days of the receipt of application intimating him the deficit amount. ii. guardian. for the land or. A rent . provided that such requests are rejected. for the structure constructed. it shall be deemed that the amount paid is sufficient for the occupant. (2) Upon such deemed conversion. Section 6 -Penalty. the basic value of the land shall be fixed in such manner as may be prescribed. (3) The owner or occupier of he land shall pay the fine so imposed under SubSection (2) for payment. not exceeding one acre.Authority competent to convert agricultural land for non-agriculture purpose:The Revenue Divisional Officer or any officer to be notified by the Government in this behalf shall be competent to order. the competent authority shall impose a fine of 50% over and above the conversion fee for the said land specified under section 4 in such manner as may be prescribed. conversion of land use from agricultural purposes to non agricultural purpose. e) Lands used for such other purposes as may be notified by the Government from time to time. at the rate of 10% of the basic value of land in areas as may be notified by the Government from time to time. c) Lands used for religious or charitable purposes. Provided that. d) Lands used by owner for household industries involving traditional occupation.” Section 7 :-Act not to apply to certain lands:Nothing in this Act shall apply to ---a) Lands owned by the State Government. shall be recoverable as per the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Revenue Recovery Act. b) Lands owned by a local authority and used for any communal purposes so long as the land is not used for commercial purposes. Section 5:. Section 9:. if no order is passed on such request.Act to override other Laws--The provisions of this Act shall have effect not withstanding anything in consistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force. (2) For the purpose of this section.the applicant. 1864. Section 8:. the land shall be deemed to have been converted into non-agricultural purpose. Section 4. in respect of the lands situated within his territorial jurisdiction. (1) If any agricultural land has been put to non-agricultural purpose without obtaining the permission as required under section 3.Power to levy and collect conversion fee (1) With effect on and from the date of commencement of this Act. or any custom or usage having the force of law or contract or judgment decree or order of a court or 56 . every owner or occupier agriculture land shall have to pay a conversion fee for non-agricultural purposes. within the time prescribed in Sub-Section (6) the required permission shall be deemed to have been given.AppealAny person aggrieved by an order of the Revenue Divisional Officer may file an appeal before the Collector within 60 days of receipt of such order by the applicant. 1963 is hereby repealed. 2) Every Rule made under this Act shall immediately after it is made. the Government may by order in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette make such provisions not inconsistent with the purposes or provisions of this Act as appear to them to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty. 1) The Andhra Pradesh Non-Agricultural Lands Assessment Act. no Court shall entertain any suit. Section 15:.any other authority.Repeal of Act 14 of 1963. in the session immediately following. Section 10:. Section 14:. or order or decision made or passed by any officer or authority under the Act or any rules made there under.Bar of Jurisdiction.Power to give directionsFor the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this Act it shall be competent for the Government to issue such directions as they may deem fit to any officer. and if before the expiration of the session in which it is so laid of the session immediately following the Legislatively Assembly agrees in making any modification in the rule or in the annulment of the rule. Save as other wise expressly provided in the Act. 57 . Section 12:Protection of action taken in good faith. authority or persons subordinate to Government. be laid before the Legislative Assembly of the State. prosecution or other legal proceedings shall be instituted against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act or under the rules made there under. or in two successive sessions. 1891 shall apply. that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of any thing previously done under that rule. Section 11:. No suit. for a total period of fourteen days which may be comprised in one session. 2) Upon such repeal:a) The Provisions of section 8 of the Andhra Pradesh General Clauses Act. if it is in the session and if it is not in session. 1) The Government may by notification make rules for carrying out all or any of the purposes of this Act. or question the validity of defict fee under section 3 or fine imposed under section 6.Power to make rules. so however. or in respect of any other matter falling within its scope. the rule shall from the date on which the modification or annulment is notified have effect only in such modified form or shall stand annulled as the case may be. or other proceeding to set-aside or modify. Section 13:Power to remove difficulties If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act. Legislative Affairs & Justice. REVENUE RECOVERY ACT The A. b. Gazette.46 (5) and Appendix-(iv)].1 immediately on its production. Secretary to Government.7) after the close of the Fasli in which it fell due.No. Distraint and sale of movable property. The following articles are exempted from distraint. iv. If the defaulter fails to pay the amount noted in Form No. Attachment and sale of immovable property: and C.b) All the outstanding arrears from individuals / institutions under the Andhra Pradesh Non-Agricul turalL a n d s Assessment Act.] A. 1864.52 (B1) by adopting the following methods. The seizure shall be made after Sunrise and before Sunset. such manure and seed grains necessary for cultivation for ensuing year: and any other class of articles which may be notified by the Government in the Andhra Pradesh. 58 .1 authorising the Village Secretary to seize the movable properties of the defaulter for arrears of Revenue. personal ornaments of women such as ‘Tali’.) dt. the following rules shall be followed (Sec.R. iii. agricultural implements (tractor etc. A. Plough. a.) one pair of ploughing bullocks. Cloths. [G. beds and bedding material.52 [A]) [iii] dues from persons from whom money is due by the defaulter [Sec. MADAN MOHAN REDDY. the Village Secretary shall proceed with the seizure of the movable properties of the defaulter proportionate to the arrears. Arrears of Revenue shall bear interest ~ 6% (Sec.M. Law Department.8): i. 1963 as on the date of commencement of this Act shall be recovered under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Revenue Recovery Act.” T.P. The costs awarded to the State Government by various courts can also be recovered as arrears of land revenue under the provisions of the R.11271N2183-2 (Rev.5). The Mandal Revenue Officer/Revenue Inspector shall issue demand notice in Form No. Arrest and detention of the defaulter. Three Registers of process issued should be maintained in the Mandal Revenue Office in the prescribed’ proforma [BSO. ii. B.Revenue Recovery Act 1864 enables the Government to recover [i] arrears of Public Revenues and certain other amounts due to the Government [ii] dues to banks and notified public bodies (Sec. Act.30-12-1983. Distraint and sale of Movable Property: In the seizure and sale of movable property. (Sec. cooking vessels. the defaulting purchaser shall be entitled for the excess amount [Sec. steps should be taken to distrain movables before attaching valuable lands.O. the Mandal Revenue Officer shall issue notice of sale in Form No.35 and 37].9]. a written demand in Form No. If the purchaser fails to pay purchase money as stipulated in the sale notice. the surplus shall be paid to the defaulter [Sec. There shall be 15 clear days interval between the date of distraint and the date fixed for sale [Sec. Before putting a land attached to sale. Otherwise: the sale shall be knocked down in favour of the higest bidder. Prior to attachment of immovable property.22].2 is received. If the second sale Fetches higher amount than the first sale. viii.23[A]. If the defaulter pays arrears with costs after the attachment and before the Sunset on the day previous to the day of sale. If the sale of attached property fetches more than the arrears and the costs incurred.23]. an inventory of the seized property shall be prepared in Form No.11 and 12]. if any. by paying the arrears. B. the following instructions shall be born 59 . date and time fixed for the sale and shall arrange for its service and publication on the defaulter and at the places specified in the said notice respectively and also arrange proclamation by beat of drum in the Village concerned etc. In such cases notices of distraint and of such intention of Revenue Authorities to bring the land and crop to sale shall be given to the court which attached the land [BSO 47]. A copy of the demand notice and inventory shall be served on the defaulter in person or by alternative service and their served copies shall be sent at once to the Mandal Revenue Officer for fixing a date for sale of the seized property [Sec. distraint shall be done by the distrainer himself in accordance with the rules made by the State Government and the sale proceeds deposited with the Mandal Revenue Officer (Sec. the property shall be resold at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. Land attached by Civil Court either before or after judgement can be attached for arrears of Revenue. Any person such as tenant.10]. encumbrance claiming interest in the attached land after or before attachment may obtain its release. Sale of perishable articles. interest and costs incurred before Sunset on the day previous to that appointed day for sale [Secs. Attachment and Sale of Immovable Property : In the case of trifling arrears. mortgage.27 & B.3 specifying the place. Soon after the inventory in Form No.S.4 issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer should be fixed to some conspicuous part of the attached land and it shall be proclaimed on the lands and shall be published in the District Gazette [Sec. vii. Immediately after distraint. 41 [15].vi.24]. He may also use force and open the outer doors of a dwelling house and also the room set apart for women in the presence of a Police Officer after making reasonable arrangements for the women to-come out of their rooms. if any shall be defrayed by the owner [Sec. The expenses of reaping and staking of crops and also the expenses for food for cattle attached.2. the distrainer shall receive the amount and release the attached property [Sec. immediate steps should be taken for the transfer of registry of the holding to the legal heirs of the deceased and then the sale proceedings shall be started denovo [B. When land in or adjoining reserved forests is proposed to be sold. the proposed sale for non payment of assessment should be informed to him by the Mandal Revenue Officer through the Commanding Officer that if the arrears are not paid within two months the land will be brought to sale. if any person interested in the sold land fulfils the following conditions and applies within 30 days from the date of sale to set aside the sale [Sec. date and time and conditions of sale shall be issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer which should be affixed atleast one month before the date of sale in Collector’s Office. i. i] Notice of sale of land [Form 7] in English and Telugu specifying the place. i] 5% of purchase money shall be deposited in the Sub-treasury. should first be withdrawn 60 . resale will be conducted at the risk and expense of the 1st purchaser.0. v] When there is good reason to suspect prevention of realisation of the full value of the land. If the land belongs to a soldier in service. Mandal Revenue Officer’s Office. and iii] Applications filed.45[1].0.S. if any under section 38 of the Act.S.41 [11].0. Specific sanction of the District Collector shall be obtained before putting such land for the sale [B. notice should be given to the District Forest Officer concerned [ mind. iv] Section 47 of the Act provides for the postponement of the sale subject to certain conditions on tendering security by the defaulter and if the conditions are violated the sale will be done. an Officer authorised by the Collector shall bid on behalf of the Government subject to the limitation provided in B.0 42 (A)] The following procedure shall be followed in the sale of immovable properties [Sec. vi] If the Highest bidder fails to pay the full purchase money within the stipulated time. and some conspicuous place of the attached land. The Revenue Divisional Officer may set aside the sale. ii.36]. the first purchaser shall be entitled to the surplus amount. iii] If the defaulter dies at any time before the date of sale of his holding. ii] Notice of sale of land [Form 7A] shall also be issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer and should be published in the language of the District in the District Gazette atleast a fortnight before the date of the intended sale. ii] A sum equal to arrears of revenue interest and cost of the sale shall be deposited.41 (8)]. nearest police station.S. If he resale fetches higher amount than the first sale.S.27A]. ii. the Mandal Revenue Officer should simultaneously proceed against the land in his mandal [B. not being a female. C. When demand notices are sent to other Districts / Mandals for realisation of arrears of Revenue from absentee land lords.500/..0. not exceeding 2 months.48]. If arrears do not exceed Rs.41 (21)]. The name of the purchaser. Collector’s Office and in the District Gazette. date of purchase..38]. If arrears do not exceed Rs. together with a declaration in Form-10 shall be proclaimed in the village concerned and published in Mandal Revenue Officer’s Office. The orders passed by the Revenue Divisional Officer either confirming or setting aside the sale are subject to general powers of revision exercisable by the Dist.67 [a]). the Revenue Divisional Officer may set aside the sale and direct a fresh sale (Sec. If there are no valid applications filed under section 37 [A] or 38 and if the purchaser deposits money within 30 days from the date of sale or within such extended time.before filing an application under section 37 [A] by such person.. upto 2 years subject to the following limitation: i. REVENUE SUMMONS ACT [ACT 111 OF 1969] 61 .S. either suomoto or on application made to them call for and examine the records relating to the decisions taken by Officers subordinate to them and pass appropriate orders (Sec. The State Government / Chief Commissioner Land Administration also may.38 [i] & [ii]). it shall be lawful for the Revenue Divisional Officer to cause the imprisonment of the defaulter or his surety.P... THE A. and if the grounds are proved. Applications for setting aside the sale can also be made within 30 days from the date of sale on grounds of material irregularity or fraud etc. the sale shall be confirmed and the name of the purchaser shall be registered in the Revenue Records and sale certificates [Form-8] be issued by the Revenue Divisional Officer [Sec. Arrest and detention of the defaulter or his surety : When arrears of Revenue with interest and costs cannot be liquidated by sale of property of the defaulter or his surety and if the Revenue Divisional Officer has reason to believe that the defaulter or his surety is wilfully with-holding the payment of arrear or has been guilty of fraudulent conduct in order to evade payment. Collector either suomotu or at the instance of the parties at any time without limitation [BSO 41 (31)]. not exceeding 6 months. Such imprisonment shall not extinguish the debt due to the State Government [Sec..50/. The procedure prescribed in Section 49 of the Act shall be followed in case of arrest under section 48 and the warrant shall be issued in Form-ll.. 1/. 1024. have enhanced the monetary powers in respect of grant of lease of Govt. No. upon attendance. minimum fare. Iands in G. to and fro..2/.per day as may be determined by the Officer No Travelling Allowance or subsistence allowance shall be allowed when the distance travelled is 8 K.Ms. dated 3-10-92 as follows: 62 . III) Dept. Land within the compound of a Government office can be granted for recreational purposes. Assistant Collectors. whom by reasons of rank or sex it may not be proper to summon. process fee shall-be paid by him in the form of court fee lables affixed on the application @ Re.0-75 paise to Rs. The summons shall be served on the person summoned for giving evidence is unable from sickness or infirmity to attend before the officer issuing the summons or is a person. Sub-Collectors. Revenue (Asn.e. Powers of Sanction : Govt. or less and the period of his attendance is six hours or less. in any enquiry pending before them. registered company / Association / Society or a local body for the purposes such as i] Recreation purposes ii] Banks (for trading purpose) iii] Timber and fire wood depots iv] Performances by a touring cinema.. circus or drama company etc. The party at whose instance summons are issued shall deposit amount equal to Travelling Allowance and Subsistence Allowance to the Officer and no summons shall be issued until the amount has been so deposited. shall be entitled to Travelling Allowance i. (BSO 24-A). Persons summoned for giving evidence. Temporary rents are exempted from registration and stamp duty. This grant is revokable at 24 hours notice. by convenient public conveyance and subsistence allowance ranging from Rs. Ms. LEASES 1) Non Agricultural purpose: Land and Building at the disposal of the Government can be granted for temporary occupation for specified periods for non agricultural purposes to individuals. Tahsildars and Deputy Tahsildars are empowered to issue summons in Form-l requiring the attendance of any person for giving evidence or both for giving evidence and to produce any document article. the officer issuing the summons may dispense with the appearance of such person and order him to be examined by a subordinate deputed by such office.Collectors. Summons issued merely for production of document article shall be in Form-ll. If other Departmental Officers are in-charge of such compounds they should address the Collector when a grant under BSO 24-A [i] is applied for. Deputy Collectors.O.per individual and ~ 50 paise per every additional individual in the same village. If the summons are issued at the instance of third party.. Misc. Revenue Divisional Officer Rs. Companies.O. Period of grant Period of notice 3 months 1 month 6 months 2 months One year 3 months Above one year 6 months To watch fulfilment of conditions of grant of lands and also lands exempted from payment of Revenue.100 Above Ac. Collectors.500/ The powers of granting leases by the Mandal Revenue Officers are discarded.25-07-42. 5 and upto Ac.06-05-72 If there is a building on the property. State Corporations. According to G.20 Above Ac. Local bodies. the following officers are competent to grant leases for Agriculture purpose.Chief Commissioner of Land Collector Administration Rs. 1634 Revenue dt.P.000/- 2.236/72 dt. 5 in each case Above Ac.50 in each case Above Ac.20 upto Above Ac. 20 and Ac. 10 lakhs 25. B.100 in each CCLA case.No.000/ 2.50 in each case upto Ac. Upto Ac. of India and Central Undertakings. The general principles for determining the charge are enumerated therein but actual rates of charge are stipulated in B.000/- 5. Competent Authority Valuable Tahsildar/MRO Rev. 3. Private Associations and Private Corporations and Private Individuals 5 lakhs 10. Undertakings and transfers to Govt. Rs.S. 1.Officers. The following periods have been prescribed for issue of notice for revocation of grant in cases of infringement of conditions of grant. 63 . the application for grant should be submitted to the Collector for orders irrespective of the value of the property. 24-A (9) deals with levy of charge for the occupation of the Government land. Non-valuable.Divl.O. a Register showing all such lands should be maintained in every village and in Mandal Revenue Office in the form prescribed in Mandal Accounts manual. R. case under each of the stage is indicated below.T.A. the Requisitioning Authority shall identify the land required.I.. C.A. Fishermen Cooperative Societies (including S. Pegmarked the area and shall give requisition in triplicate in Form-1 (Appendix II of the L. The allotment of land to Fishermen. LAND ACQUISITION ACT L. D. D.Brackish water lands : The Government have issued instructions recently on grant of Government lands suitable for brackish water prawn culture and prawn hatcheries as follows: A..I. N.C.D. Project Director. According to Government Memo No. Government granted exemption in respect of acquisition for Road widening. (2) Representative of Revenue Department (3) Representative of NABARD (4) Collector of the District where the land is situated. However. I. Manual).A. A.P. The land available to be allotted to Fishermen.B. In respect of hatcheries the allotment shall be made by the Government. The clearance of state level screening committee is required for approval of Notification u/s.12350/LA2/95-1 Revenue (L. B. DRAFT NOTIFICATION STAGE: Requisition : Whenever any Department or Organisation requires land for a public purpose.T.1894 empowers Government.. which came into force with effect from 24-9-84.N. acquisition of private land for public purpose (defined under Section 3 of the Act). Director of Fisheries. 4(1) of the Act. Technocrats 20% and 20% to entrepreneurs. Fishermen Societies shall be made by the District Committee comprising of Collector. together with a plan of the land indicating measurements and a certificate to the effect that it undertakes to pay the cost of acquisition and the enhanced compensation determined if any by courts in subsequent proceedings and that necessary budget provision is made in the financial year.P.C.N. Market Yards and Irrigation schemes.S. Act.P. For the purpose of the calculation of the percentages District should be taken as a unit.Cs.ts) upto 60%. proposals will be processed only on receipt of required funds from the Requisitioning Department taking into consideration the 64 . i) The processing of a L. and Asst.P. S. C. & H. This Act is amended by Act 68 of 1984.) Department dated 17-7-96 the D.A.C.A. E. The allotment of land to Entrepreneur shall be made by the state level committee consisting (1) Commissioner of Fisheries. (COACH) Act or U.A.No. 7) Attested copy of resolution. The idea in invoking the urgency provision is to publish the D. and structures. tombs.LR.P.. the proposals be returned and that there will be no discrimination between Government and non-Government Department.D. 9) Check slip for scrutiny and monitoring L. Act along with.L. and the representatives of the Requisitioning Department. if any. If any lands of H.A. 3) Extract of revised V.E/Wakf Board should also be obtained and enclosed to the proposals.&C.A. ii) Submission of Draft Notification u/s 4 (1) of the Act: On receipt of correct requisition and after joint inspection of the land with the representative of the Requisitioning Authority. existing on the land and will send proposals to the Collector for notifying the lands and structures u/s 4 (1) of the L. 2) Extract of village A-Register/Settlement Fair Adangal for the lands. proposals. should be obtained before initiating proposals for acquisition of such lands. But in unavoidable circumstances.R.O. During Inspections. or burial grounds are involved in the acquisition. in case the Requisitioning Authority is a Local Body etc. to issue notices to the land owners u/s 9 (1) and 10 of the Act and to take advance possession of the land after the expiry of 15 days from the date of service of the said notices.C. The purposes of which the urgency provisions can be invoked are enumerated under section 17 (2) of the Act.O. the L. the Land Acquisition Officer will note down the particulars of the trees. prior permission of the Govt. the provisions u/s 17 of the Act have to be invoked in the notification u/s 4(1) to dispense with the enquiry under section 5-A of the Act. 8) Certificate of clearance under A. iii) Urgency Provision: In cases of urgency. As far as possible the lands of small and marginal farmers should not be proposed for acquisition. u/s 6 without the need of conducting enquiry u/s 5-A. Act. 65 . 11) Proposals for placing the matter before Screening Committee.A. 10) Information of Small and Marginal Farmers. 6) Copy of notes of Joint Inspection signed by the L. It should be specifically mentioned in the report whether any places of religious importance. will verify village accounts regarding the tenure and the ownership of the land. 5) One copy of requisition.3 for the lands.A. topes etc. This item of work has to be completed in 30 days from the date of receipt of the correct requisition. 1) Draft Notification u/s 4 (1).basic value and 30% solatium assuming the time taken for acquisition as one year and if funds are not deposited. 4) Combined sketch of the land. 68/84 as such there is no need to conduct 5-A enquiry if the possession is not taken with in 90 days in the cases where urgency clause is invoked.D. has to adhere to the following time schedule for the submission of the D. the persons interested are entitled to file objections before the L.O. 2) Publication in 2 Daily News papers (Atleast one shall be in Telugu). This should be done within 40 days from the date of publication of the notification in the Gazette.N.O. where urgency provisions are not invoked.5-A in all L. but the advance possession can be taken only if 80% of compensation is paid to the land owners.A cases. duly page numbered.O. The publication in Gazette should precede other publications. 29-11-90 in W. 3) Causing Public Notice of the substance of the notification is to be given at convenient places in the locality. M. District Gazette). If it is not so published.D. There should be a clear interval of 15 days from the date of service of notice in form-III and the date fixed for 5-A Enquiry. 17(5) of the Act as repugnant and void in view of the Central Amendment Act. suo-motu within 30 days from the date of publication of the notification. iv) Publication of the Notification: The publication of the notification u/s 4 (1) comprises the following actions: 1 ) Publication in the state official gazette (in Social Welfare cases.O. Hence. the D.R. The entire correspondence regarding the publication of the notification should be placed in the L. 105/90 struck down Sec. Police Station.A. II Draft Declaration : i) According to Section 6 (1) first proviso (ii) of the Act. and the preliminary valuation proposals. the Draft Declaration u/ s 6 (i) of the Act shall be published within one year from the date of the 4(1) notification. Sub Registrar’s Office and also 66 .A file. This notice should be published on the notice board of the Land Acquisition Officer.A. Records and preparation and submission of D.D.The Hon’ble High Court in its judgement dt. U/s 5-A.A. M. a) Gathering of Registration Statistics of land sales and preparation of valuation statements 30 days b) Preparation of subdivision records and conduct of enquiry u/s 5 A: 30 days c) Pre-scrutiny of S. u/s 6 to the Collector: 30 days ii) Section 5-A Enquiry : Objections of the persons interested are to be heard and disposed off under sec.D.shall lapse. immediately after the 4(1) notification is published. the L. The last dates of such publication and giving of such publication shall be the date of publication of the notification. 6. the three years preceeding the date of publication of 4 (1) Notification). Certificate to the effect that the notification u/s 4 (1) was correctly published. dt. and the enquiry can be conducted from the 31 st day onwards. 16. The land value is based on the similar land sales in the village during the crucial period (ie.D u/s 6 of the Act. etc. Pre-scrutinised S.D. the CCLA in ref. is competent either to accept or reject the objection.7.O. iii) Submission of D. Officer should maintain docket-entries for the 5-A Enquiry which should also accompany the record of enquiry to be submitted along with the proposals for approval of the D. on the lands under acquisition.D. u/s 6 of the Act. with the reasons for the variation. iv) Preliminary Valuation Proposals: Firstly.D. c) Village plan showing the lands under acquisition and the sale lands. extent and classification of the land. No.D. has to send detailed note discussing the sales. The Land Acquisition. and the D.Ms.V proposals. The sale 67 .99 has informed that compensation can not be awarded to wells and pipe line. Section 5-A Enquiry Record with the remarks of the Requisitioning Department on the objections filed. Irrigation well in Agricultural land can not have separate value from the values of agricultural land as held in the decisions 1996(3) ALT. u/s 6: The following records shall accompany the D. Hence the date fixed for conduct of Enquiry u/s 5-A shall not be within the said 30 days the village and the published copies should be kept in the L. 4. buildings etc.O. The following records shall accompany the P. and 1197(1) APLJ 66 (SN).Nos. 3. value is to be capitalised keeping in view the guidelines issued in G.GI\1161\99 dt.No. and propose suitable value for them.. Statement showing the variations between the D. file. a) Detailed note on valuation.A. Errata to 4(1) Notification if there are any errors in the publications in respect of the S.O.D. Records.A.A. 1. if the land is a tope. similarity of the sale lands and their applicability for valuation of the lands under acquisition and reasons for discarding the sales. houses. 2. should personally verify the existence of any trees. wells. Basing on the ruling of Apex court. registration statistics are to be gathered from concerned Registration Office.A) Dept.601 Revenue (L. The objections filed during the conduct of the enquiry shall be examined after obtaining specific remarks of the Requisitioning Authority.N. The L. 5. proposals: D. 19-692). 1102.D. Authority competent to approve D. The L. b) Statement showing the registration statistics of the sale lands in the village where the lands are under acquisition during the crucial period. Award cannot be made in excess of the claim made by the land owner.000/. Divisional Officers may approve the P. file.. Otherwise.A Manual and the served and published copies should be kept in the L.particulars should be exhibited in the plan by noting the serial number/year (wet lands. the dates of publication of the Draft Notification and the Draft Declaration and the crucial period should be clearly discussed.A. The L.A.20. In the valuation portion of the ink and Dry lands-Red ink) of the sales statistics furnished.A.A. the entire proceedings will lapse. III. The award should also contain the details of the valuation of the land. proposals are to be approved by the Joint Collector irrespective of the total value of the lands. There should be a clear interval of 15 days between the last date of publication or service of the notices and the date fixed for the award enquiry. d) Tree valuation statement. Award Stage : According to Sec. f) Opinion of Agricultural Department Officers regarding the value of the tope. file the details of the enquiry made by him on the date of enquiry. particulars of legal heirs and apportionment of compensation among such legal heirs. In case of Acquisition of lands for Social Welfare Schemes. the amount of compensation they claim etc. if topes are involved. should record in the note file of the L. channels. hills. the land Acquisition Officer shall fix up a date for holding the enquiry u/s 11 of the Act.A. e) Estimates for the structures. Certified copies of sale deeds relied upon by the L. Soon after the publication of the Draft Declaration and approval of the valuation. roads. an award u/s 11 should be passed within 2 years from date of publication of the Declaration u/s 6 of the Act. The main function of the LAO is to determine the persons entitled to receive the compensation. The award should contain the details of the ownership. etc. have to be considered.V of the land if the total value does not exceed Rs. On the date of award enquiry the claims of the land owners regarding their title and their interests over the lands.O.V.O. The Village Plan should show all the important topo details such as village sites. the P. file. the particulars of the petitions and other records filed by the interested persons etc. and issue public notices u/s 9 (1) and 10 and individual notices u/ s 9(3) and 10 for service on the persons interested. 11-A. for fixing market value should be obtained and filed in the relevant L. In all cases where there are no persons competent to alienate the land or where there are disputes regarding the ownership or as to the apportionment of the 68 .In other cases. which will have bearing on the land value. It is of utmost importance that notice u/s 9(3) and 10 should be served on all the occupiers of the land and the interested persons as well.. industrial institutions. how he acquired the title to the land. The publication and service of the notice should be done in accordance with the instructions laid down in para 3 of chapter 7 of part III of the L. (LA) Department Dt.6(3) declaration.2000 issued instructions that whereever claimants request for re-conveyance of the lands acquired under LA Act 1894.88393/LA (A2)\99 Rev.S.0s should send references to the Civil Court u/s 30 and deposit the amount of compensation in the court u/s 31 (2) of the Reconveyance: Reconveyance : Govt. obtain the permission of the Collector. and pass the award. the L. namely: PARA 32 Utilisation of acquired lands for any other Public Purposes: “The land acquired for a public purpose under the Land acquisition Act.O.P. an award can be passed if the land owners have agreed in writing on the valuation etc.compensation among the various claimants. including afforestation. get the value agreed upon approved by the competent Authority. obtain the agreement in the form prescribed.A progs. the title is vested with the Government. the land is not required for the purpose for which it is acquired due to any reason. dt.8.) In G. 90 para (32) Amendment for paragraph 32 of B.Ms. of A. and given consent for passing of such award in such cases.O. D.15613/LA/A-2/92-2 dt 12-5-92 of the Govt. even after possession of such land is taken under the Act. 783 (Rev. In case. the L.No.O.O. may alone are competent to reconvey the lands acquired.N. as held by the Supreme Court in the case of Gulam Mustafa Vs State of Maharastra (2 AIR 1977 SC Page 448) When once the original acquisition is valid for a public purpose. at any stage of L. Protection to LAO before arrest / detention for depositing of compensation 69 . The Government have a right to utilise the lands acquired for one purpose to any other public purpose other than the one stated in Sec.A.D should be published for passing consent award. the following paragraph shall be substituted. the matter has to be referred to Government in the administration department concerned (i. the one which has approved DN/DD) through CCLA instead of taking decision at the District Level or other wise.8.A. (Memo No. the land shall be utilised for any other public purpose. Passing of Consent Award: As provided u/s 11 (2) of the Act.e.” Further the Government in their circular Memo No. 1894 shall be utilised for the same purpose for which it was acquired as far as possible. How it uses the excess land is no concern of the original owner and cannot be the basis for invalidating the acquisition. should enquire into the ownership of the land. Dept.S. and D. 9-10-98 the Government have issued the following amendment to B. as deemed fit. 90. O. the amount of the compensation. unless the Courts give a notice of ninety days with brief reasons of the proposed arrest to the Secretary to Government. (2) The application shall state the grounds on which objection to the award is taken: Provided that every such applications shall be made : (a) if the person making it was present or represented before the collector at the time when he made his award. the L.O. there is a provision for claim for redetermination of the compensation by the awardees on the basis of a court judgement passed on the claims put in by any other awardee covered by the same notification though they might not have made a request for a court reference earlier. the courts shall not order the arrest or detentions in executions of a decree for payment of money / compensations due by the Govt.A cases. they may apply for a reference to the court u/s 18 of the Act. or the apportionment of the compensation among the persons interested. the persons to whom it is payable. Even after this award.A. Claims u/s 18 : Sec. whenever the Civil Courts proposed to order the arrest or detention of any LAO. shall issue notice to all the persons interested give them a reasonable opportunity of being heard. 240 Home (Courts . whichever period shall first expire. sub-sec. orders issued in G.amount in the court : According to Govt. On such a reference.O. The claim for redetermination of the amount of compensation should be made to the L. if they are not satisfied with the redetermined compensation. (b) in other cases with in six weeks of the receipt of the notice from the collector under sec. Ms.D) Department dated 9-6-93. whether his objection be to the measurement of the land. The Supreme Court held that the additional benefit provided by Amendment Act will also apply to the Award passed by Land Acquisition officer or order passed 70 . (2) or with in six months from the collector’s award. in L. 12. conduct an enquiry and make an award determining the compensation payable to such applicants. No. 18(1) any person interested who has not accepted the award may. within 3 months from the date of the award of the court. be written application to the collector. within six weeks from the date of the collectors award.A. require that the matter be referred by the collector for the determination of the court. 28A Re-determination of the compensation on the basis of award of the court : According to Section 28-A. Revenue & Home Department under copy to the concerned LAO. Sec. Records. Immediately.P.19811/K3/89-Dt.O. e) Submission of L.0 5 days. Check Memo along with a Certificate of the incorporation of changes in the Village and Mandal Accounts issued by M.R. it should be done through ‘D’ form challan.R.O.12-1-91 of the Director of Mines and Geology. A. Accounting procedure to be followed after passing the Award: All the amounts rendered by the Requisitioning Dept.Ms. The compensation amount will be disbursed after taking acquittance from the awardees in Code Form ‘CC’.V) in the State to exercise powers under Sub Rules (1) and (2) and under sub-rule (3) of Rule-26 respectively as indicated below (vide G.A. which is generally 7 days. 1966 The Director of Mines & Geology has nominated the M.R. dt10-7-89 and progs No.Record and incorporation of changes in Mandal Accounts 90 days. should himself enter the total amount due to each person in words.A. Post Award Action: Simultaneously while passing the award. the compensation amount has to be kept under ‘Revenue Deposits’.No. b) Final scrutiny of S. as soon as possible.339 Ind & Com. both in the original and in the copy and then sign and send it to the Accountant General. MINES MINERAL CONCESSION RULES.O’s and the M. through ‘E’ Form challan. Hyderabad. a) Carrying out changes in village accounts.A. should be deposited in treasury under. f) Total 145 days. c) Submission of Notification u/s 13 of S&B Act after the expiry of Statutory period of 3 months from the date of service of 9 (2) notices 10 Court between the period from 30-4-82 to 24-9-84. d) Publication of section 13 Notification in the District Gazette 20 days. (M. in it. While making awards. “843 Civil Deposits”. IV.P. THE A. In case the awardees failed to receive the compensation within the time stipulated in 12 (2) notices. If any amounts are to be deposited into the Court u/s 31 (2) of the Act. should sanction the SD.O. Code Form-A should be correctly prepared and. issue of Notices u/s 9(2) of S&B Act and their service 20 days. the L.D. the post award action consisting of the following items should be taken up and the work should be completed within the time limits specified against each item. Payment to awardees has to be made by way of bills presented to Treasury. 71 . the L. A subsidiary statment in code Form ‘AA’ giving particulars regarding the acceptance or otherwise of the amounts shall be furnished to the Accountant General. 5 lakhs are being referred to CCLA In the Xllth Co-ordination and Review committee meeting held on 21-9-95. 2 of the ULC Act 1976 and a Municipality. b) the usefulnes or potential usefulness of such lands for commercial. the committee after due consideration. a) the urbanisable nature of land or.R. (c) Weigh.0 may seize such minerals in addition to the imposition of penalty as stated above (Rule 26(2) Powers of Mandal Revenue Inspector : For any purpose under these Rules. having the due regard to. Mines Mineral Concession Rules. 1956.R. record as is referred to in Clause (d) (Rule 26 (3). “Land Grabbing” means every activity of grabbing of any land without any lawful entitlement and with a view to illegally taking possession. may by notification specify. (S 2 (d). industrial.. rental or lease (s 2 (e). 2) If Any person raised or Transports Minerals without any Lawfulauthority. and any person on conviction shall be punished with imprisionment for terms not less than six months to five years and with fine upto five thousand rupees (Ss. and extend to the whole of the State of A. (d) Examine any document. LAND GRABBING (PROHIBITION) ACT. book. 1982 The Act came into force on 29-6-1982. and (e) Order the production of any such document.Powers of Mandal Revenue Officer : 1) If any person carried on quarrying operations or Transports Mines Minerals incontravention of the A. book. collects rent from occupiers and who abets doing of any of these acts. hire.R.I may (a) enter and inspect any premises. Accordingly cases in which the value of the land exceeds Rs.P. (Ss 2 (a) (b) (c). the M. book. 72 . register or record. ‘Land Grabber” means a person or a group of persons who commit land grabbing and who gives financial aid. measure or take measurements of stocks of minerals. It also apply to any other lands situated in such areas as the Govt.P. 3&4) Earlier Collectors should send reports to the CCLA for giving clearance for filing of cases in Special court whereever huge and valuable extents are involved. the M. for the purpose. (b) Survey and take measurements. Keeping in-view the increase in land value. enter into and create illegal tenancies / leases / licences. the M. register. It also includes the successors in interest.(N) of Sec. or to construct unauthorised structures for sale. etc. pisciculture or praunculture purposes. register or record connected with any mineral including the processed mineral and place marks of identification thereon and take extracts form or make copies of such document. Land Grabbing is declared unlawful. It applies to all lands situated within the limits of Urban agglomeration as defined in Cl.0 may impose penalty not exceeding 10 times the seigniorage fee together with assessment (Rule 26(1). R. besides directing re-delivery. The Special Courts alone are competent to try the offences punishable under the Act while other courts are not competent except after sanction of prosecution by the Special Tribunal. ULC & LP’s ref. 1.0 / M. II. 3.B to the persons interested. 7 in January ’86 for providing speedy enquiry into acts of land grabbing. On service of the order on the persons in possession. Procedure : Application in form. 2.0 to give effect to the decision.R. The Special Court/Tribunal shall give a notice in form 11 A. 15 lakhs. The amounts so awarded.15 (fifteen) lakhs”. as the case may be.0 and the M. However. The Spl. The Government constituted Special Court with two Benches at Hyderabad u/s. I accompanied by certified copies of all the documents relied upon (as many as required to verify and to the respondents) shall be presented to the Special Court/Tribunal.D. Collectors may file the cases themselves without obtaining clearance from the CCLA (LP) & ULC where in the value of the land in question does not exceed Rs. There after it is referred to the M. Court / Tribunal shall furnish to the applicant and the respondent a copy of the report and after giving suitable opportunity shall pass an order U/ s. The Special Court lTribunal are competent to pass orders to award compensation equivalent to market value for wrongful possession of the land grabbed and profits accrued from the land payable by the grabber to the owner. 4. The Collectors are however informed that they should send the information of all such cases to the Commissioner ULC(LP) in the form of check memo (CCLA. and forward copies thereof to the Special Court/Tribunal the R.D.O on-receipt of the order shall issue a direction in form V deputing an Officer to take possession of the grabbed land and restore it to the rightful owner. Profits and Costs of redelivery shall be recovered as an arrears of revenue if the Government are the owner and as a decree of a Civil Court in other cases. Both the Special Tribunal and Special Court have original jurisdiction and identical powers.0 or any other Officer concerned for inspection/ verification and report.O. ALP2/665/95 dt. while special Courts may take cognizance and try cases either suomotu or on application. II B of taking congnizance of the case and a notice in form III . the Special Tribunal has powers to try only cases not taken cognizance of by the Special Courts and brought before it.11-4-1996). LAND REFORMS 73 . and communicate its final decision or order to the effected parties and also to the R. The District judge is the Special Tribunal.recommended enhancement of this monitory limit to Rs. 8(7) or 7A (5). as the case may be. In pursuance of the the Officer authorised shall record a certificate in form Vi or Vll.D.R. calling for objections. The R. D.1973 and the Rules made there under came into force with effect from 1-1-1995. Increase in Ceiling Area : Where an individual or a member of a family unit has one or more major sons holding no land or hold extent of land less than the ceiling area. Tribunal may refuse to accept the surrender : The Tribunal may refuse to accept the proposed surrender of any lands if they do not fulfil the conditions stipulated in Section 10 (5). Objectors if any. The Tribunal. the Tribunal shall pass an order u/s 10(3) of the Act accepting the surrender (Rule 7(4) & (5). I. The Tribunal shall send a copy of the Order under section 10 (3) to the declarant.4-A). whose holding is in excess of the Ceiling area to file surrender statement [Rule 7 (1)]. shall 74 . if any. in the prescribed manner before accepting the surrender.The Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (COAH) Act. R.8 (2). then the ceiling area of the said individual shall be increased in respect of each such major son by an extent of land equal to the ceiling area applicable to him.0 and the M.O. Procedure for taking possesion on the surplus land : The R. concerned [Rule 7(6)].0 on receipt of Order under section 10(3) from the Tribunal. received. The Tribunal shall serve a notice in Form Vll in all such cases on the person concerned directing him to surrender alternate land [Rule 7 (3)] V. II.D. VIl. the tribunal may obtain necessary information in the manner prescribed in Sec. Calling for objections : The Tribunal shall publish a notice in Form Vlil calling for objections.R. Surrender of excess land: A notice in Form Vl shall be served on every person. Ceiling Area : In the case of family unit consisting of not more than 5 members.4). if any. IV. Order under Section 10 (3) of the Act. Vl. III. if it has reason to believe that a person is holding land in excess of the ceiling area shall issue a notice in Form-ll requiring him to file declaration of his holding or that of his family in the prescribed form within such period being not less than 15 days. one standard holding and for a family unit consisting of more than 5 members. (Sec. If he fails to file the declaration. : After considering the objections. an additional extent of one fifth of one standard holding for every such additional member shall be allowed but the total extent shall not exceed two standard holdigns (Sec. concerned (Rule 8 (1) to (5) The lands so surrendered and taken possession shall vest in the Government free from all encumbrances. the land can be leased out by the Government or reserved for any common use or benefit of the community. Office and the Gram Panchayat.O. VIII. not less than 2/3rds to the Backward Classes. X.Ts. and Rs. fruit bearing trees and structures: Land value shall be computed in terms of the total land revenue payable on all the lands surrendered by the person and vested in the Government as prescribed in schedule 11. in triplicate and send one copy to the Tribunal. If there are fruit bearing trees or permanent structures. shall be allotted for use as house sites for agriculture labourers. The maximum limit of land that can be allotted to an individual or a family unit shall be as follows [Rule 10 (2)]: For house sites :- not exceeding five cents. and record a certificate in Form X.15). village artisans or other poor persons or for agriculture or for purposes auxiliary thereto as prescribed to weaker sections of the people depending on agriculture at the following rates.R. If there is no claim or refusal to accept the compensation. if handing over possession of the land is voluntary.Cs and S.O’s.0 and the third to the M. Disposal of land vested in Government : All the surplus lands vested in Government under the Act. For agriculture :- not exceeding 2 1/2 acres of wet or 5 acres of dry.P. subject to a maximum of Rs. Land value to be recovered from allottees : Every person to whom the land is allotted shall pay the land value together with the value of trees and structures therein within period of 15 years from the date of allotment. the amount shall be kept in Revenue Deposits (Sec. The Officer authorised shall record a statement from the person. one copy to the R. M. Fixation of compensation for land. Land Value: 50 times the land revenue on the land. shall be paid together with compensation for lands vested in Government.issue an order in form IX authorising any Officer not below the rank of Revenue Inspector to take possession of the land.per hectare for wet.375/. their value as determined. IX.R.per hectare for Dry (Sec.1250/. ii) And in the remaining half. Gazette and by affixture to the Notice Board of the Office of the Tribunal. i) One-half of the total extent of land to the S. 75 .D. iii) And in the remaining 1/3rd.14(2). A Notice in Form Xll shall be issued to all persons interested and a notification in Form XIII with the particulars of land vested in the Government and amount payable therefor shall be published in the A. 15354 of 2000 . subject to the revision u/s21. XII.P. the Collector may direct the Government Pleader to appear in the Primary Tribunal also.. shall be final. Jagannadha Rao and K. If any Government interests are involved. 76 . XIII. If necessary.0 to the appellate Tribunal and the Orders passed by the Appellate Tribunal. as the case may be.Decided on 17-10-2000. Land Reforms Tribunal and another Andhra Pradesh Land Reforms (Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings) Act. 2) that it failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested. on behalf of Government. 1956. Duties of Authorised Officer : The Authorised Officer shall examine each and every order passed by the Tribunal. Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 2) Where the Government interests are involved the Authorised officer. 1973. Balakrishna. to safeguard the interests of Government. Revision : A revision shall lie to the High Court within the prescribed period from any order passed by the Appellate Tribunal either by parties or by Government on the following grounds: 1) that it exercised jurisdiction not vested in it by law. Land reforms Appellate Tribunal. High Court will send a copy of High Court Order to the Land Reforms Commissioner with his legal opinion and the Land Reforms Commissioner will direct the Collector to file special leave petition or appeal in the Supreme Court. Sections 29-A (as introduced by A.G. The Government Pleader. High Court and Supreme Court. Sections 4-A and 18-Hindu Succession Act. he should consult the Government Pleader and obtain orders of the Joint Collector and file necessary appeal or revision in Appellate Court or High Court. Amendment Act 13 of 1986) and 6–Scope of Section 29-A – Section 29-A relating to equal rights to daughter in coparcenary property overrides Section 6 of the Hindu Succession Act and would not override the provisions of the Land Reforms Act – Section 4-A applicable to cases of major sons and not a major daughters. The Advocate on record at New Delhi drafts necessary petition and affidavits on the information furnished by Authorised Officer and file them in the Supreme Court.D. Makineni Venkata Sujatha Vs. shall file an appeal within the time prescribed in Land Reforms Apellate Tribunal through the Government pleader. Appeals : 1) An appeal shall lie within 30 days against an order passed by the Tribunal or R. JJ. In Primary Tribunal.XI.) 86 (SC) in the Supreme Court of India – M. the Authorised Officer will argue and file written statements and arguments instead of Government Pleader. 3) that it exercised jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularities. Supreme Court Case Law: 2000 ALT (Rev. from time to time in regard to levy of cesses on the sources notified under the A. Second and third wet crop 150 100 3. the Govt.7. These Water rates are applicable from 1-7-1986 onwards. Second and third crop irrigaged dry 100 60 5.f. Memo.P. ie 31. waived on the lands irrigated F.1/97 enhancinig the Water rates amending the A.P.O. from Fasli 1406 vide Govt.111/ @) 18 ps. dt.e.M. Revenue (L. 4 of A.WATER RATES 1) In the Andhra Pradesh Water Tax Act 11 of 1988.P.S.O.R) Department. (IR) Dept.O. from Fasli 1406 (1. 1988 2. Water Tax Act.98 Schedule of rates of Water Tax Act 11/1988 Sl. 1988 and also on dry lands. from 1.) (Rs. (IR).1406 onwards dt. No. 3. Waived the local cess From the date of Rev.96) onwards) Nature of Crop Category I Category II (Rs.7. 1 -7-96 i. (Act 13/99) 3) The following amendments were issued by the Govt. G. First or single wet crop 200 100 2. First crop irrigated dry 100 60 4.e. dated and land cess @ 18 ps issue of G. G.) 1. 2) The Government have issued an ordinance No.P. 1988 which have come into force w. Local cess/land cess (1. dt.4.. Duffasal crop in the Fasli Year.96) onwards G. by introducing uniform water rates on all lands by treating all lands whether classified as wet or dry in the Revenue Records as Dry in levying uniform Water rates all major and medium irrigation projects are classified in the Act under Category .7. No.No.956/LR/3/97-3. 18.e.9B per one rupee on dry lands. w. From fasli 1406 97-3.No. have rationalised the levy and collection of water rates in the State.7.I and other Government Irrigation sources which supply water for a period of (5) months and above are classified under Category-ll. 1. 29.7. No. 350 350 6.e.M..98 under the sources notified u/s. 29-1-97. 956/lR. Water Tax Act. also w. Acqua-culture per year 500 500 According to the said ordinance the following are the important points to be 77 .97 waived on the lands irrigated Ordinance 1/97 the sources notified under the A.96 Rev.Ms. 559. Water Tax Act. 267 Education cess @ 19 ps. Water Tax Act. from 31. 1988.1. In respect of other irrigation sources not notified under A. The reduced cess of 5 paise per rupee of land revenue (both land cess and education cess put together) applies only to the exempted land revenue (ie. as amended). 1988.10-1-84.Ms. (d) sale proceeds of usufruct of trees and (e) fishery rentals. 24-11-78. not exceeding ten acres of dry land or five acres of wet land (Sec. 1963 on lands used for non-agricultural purposes. in the respective areas need not be collected for the lands irrigated by the sources notified under the A.kept in view while charging/levying water tax. NALA Act..33-Rev (N) Department dt. (1) The irrigation sources which are capable of supplying water for four months in a year instead of 5 (Five) months. (2) i..f. Water Tax Act.) 80% of the consolidated wet assessment w. Cesses are not leviable on amounts levied as penalities in case of (a) objectionable encroachment (b) for unauthorised and irregular irrigation (c) tree tax. ii) Assessment levied on the irrigation of dry lands iii) Water cess leviable on the irrigation of dry lands (Teeruvajasti) and extra assessment on irrigation of single crop wet lands for more than 6 months in a year (Faslijasti). the present arrangement would continue. 1988.O.P.6(1-A) of the A. Land Revenue (Enhancement) Act. In computing the extent of land held by a pattadar for the purpose of sub-section 6(1-A) of the Act. 1967.P.No.) 20% of the consolidated wet assessment in respect of all lands registered as wet in the village accounts in the State. i) Assessment leviable under the provisions of A.) the entire land revenue on dry lands and the dry component of the consolidated wet assessment on wet lands. Remission of Cesses : 78 .. In G. Water Tax Act. (ie. These particulars are to be furnished atonce.. ii.P. one acre of wet land shall be equal to two acres of dry land.e.) 20% of the consoIidated wet assessment. The cesses of 37 paise per rupee of land revenue are reduced to 5 paise per rupee of land revenue in respect of farmers holding either wet or dry or both. orders were issued for waiver of basic assessment (ie. The land cess and local cess and also Education cess @ 19 ps. where land revenue has already been exempted (waived) by the Govt. iii. Land cess and local cess would continue to be collected. The land and education cess at the rates of 18 paise and 19 paise respectively per rupee of land revenue shall be collected for the unexempted portion of land revenue (ie. are to be notified as sources under Category-ll.P. In respect of dry lands. 3. due to riot’s neglect. SEASONAL REMISSION : 1. ii) Extensive damage to crop due to pests or pestilence. iii) Submersion/inundation rendering cultivation of the land impossible. 1968. Paddy crop yield per acre : 400 Kgs and below Scale of Remission Full remission Above 400 Kgs. The amount of land cess thus arrived at as due to Panchayat Raj institutions shall be added to the land cess separately collected from non-exempted land holdings and the total land cess shall be apportioned in the ratio of 5:6:7 between the Zilla Praja Parishad. Land Revenue Remission and suspension Rules.202-P.No. for first crop may be revoked (Rule-5). c) Mamul waste lands.Raj Dept-dated 18-2-1978). the land cess and also the education cess shall be remitted or suspended in the same proportion (G. SCALE OF REMISSION : Remission of land Revenue Shall be granted in respect of wet lands at the following scales : (Rule 6). INELIGIBLE CASES : No seasonal remission of land revenue shall be ßgranted in the following cases : a) if leaving the land as waste and failure of crop are due to riot’s neglect b) if inspite of adequate supply of water second Crop is not raised in single crop wet land. 1. and below 600 Kgs 600 Kgs and above Half remission No remission 79 . REMISSIONS The remission and suspension of land revenue shall be governed by the A. Mandal Praja Parishads and Gram Panchayats. in Andhra area.Ms.Whether for any reason the land revenue or any portion thereof is remitted or suspended. the remission granted if any. iv) for any other reason beyond the control of the riot like act State or of God. The reduced land and education cess of 5 paise per rupee of land revenue shall be apportioned between land cess and education cess in the same original ratio of 18:19. d) Dry lands. CONDITION : Remission of Land revenue shall ordinarily be granted when the land is left waste or the crop is lost for one or more of the following reasons : and of i) Lack of water from Government source of irrigation. (in these cases.P. 2.O. R. and shall notify the same in the District Gaette for information of the riots.P. Govt.15-06-2002.R.I.D. have communicated the AP Water. shall also inspect some fields in the Village and random cutting experiments be arranged in any village where the area covered by remission application exceeds 50 acres. and Rules 2002. have passed A. The R.. to promote water conservation and tree cover and to regulate the exploitation and use of ground and surface water for protection and conservation of water sources. the District Collector shall in consultation with the Director.R.R. dt. the Asst. Bureau of Economics and Statistics and also in consultation with the Director of Agriculture.O/M.R.P. b) Within 30 days of the application.e. shall inspect a fair percentage of fields (not less than 10% of the fields) in each village. Above 1/3rd and below 2/3rds of the normal yield 2/3rds of the normal yield and above Full remission Half remission No remission For purposes of Rules 6 and 12. fix the normal yield of the different crops for each district or part of the district.I.No.e. Water.R. the MRO is designated as the ExOfficio Chairman of the Mandal Authority. According to Rule 9(1)(a) of Rules. According to Rule 10 he along with other members shall conduct meetings. Rural Water Supply has to fix the time. Land and Trees Act 2002.Ms. Water. 15-06-2002.O. In G.f. date & place of the meeting of Mandal Authority with the approval of the Chairman/MRO.D. 4. All decisions in the meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present by raising of hands for approval of decision.224 P. The M. PROCEDURE FOR CLAIMING REMISSION : a) The riot who desire to claim remission shall submit a written application to the M. Land and Trees Act and Rules 2002 Govt. should inspect crop and submit his report to the M.O.IRRIGATED CROPS OTHER THAN PADDY : 1/3 and below of the normal yield.O. Executive Engineer. and R. The member secretary i. in terms of Kilograms per acre. land and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. the M. 2002. Land and Trees Rules 2002 which were came into force w. specifing in it the fields for which remission of land revenue is sought. The A. if necessary. 80 .O..(RD IV) Dept. in rural areas. The designated authority can seize any instrument or machinery.WELLS: The Mandal Authority shall have to ensure that. II & III ground water micro basins/ Mandals and for other areas. OFFENCES (Rule 25) Any violation of the provisions of the act & rules shall be booked in the offence report in form 4. The designated officer should dispose the application within 15 days from the date of receipt of application by him (24 (4 to 6)) the permission to fell a tree may be granted subject to the condition that the applicant shall plant another two trees within 30 days from the date the tree is fallen in the same place or at other suitable place. or any other device. every owner of the well in his jurisdiction. TREE PLANTING : According to Rule 24 of the APWLAT Rule 2002. /commercial area shall have to plant small or medium variety of plant as prescribed in sub rule (i) and (ii) of rule urban areas and Rs. SAND MINING : According to Rule 23 of APWLAT Rules 2002. every owner of a residential area. 25/.50/ . The local authority having jurisdiction shall grant building permission subject to the condition that the owner shall plant prescribed number of trees. or District Authority by a separate order sub rule 4 and 5 of Rule 3) for permission to fell the tree by paying Rs. such of the areas shall be notified and transportation of sand shall be banned in category I. The owner of the premises who desires to fell a tree have to apply in writing to the designated officer (to be appointed by the Govt. to register his well with the Mandal Authority (Rule 11) obtains permission for new wells on payment of fee (Rule 12) Impose conditions for such permission (Rule 13). in areas where sand mining is affecting the ground water regime. vehicles or other conveyance or any other movable property used in or involved in committing such offence. conditions stipulated in the Rule 23 are applicable. COMPOUNDING OFFENCES (Rule 26) 81 . regulate wells in over exploited areas (Rule 14) taking over of well to ensure drinking water (Rule 15) Registration of Rigs (Rule 17) Prohibition of Water contamination (Rule 20) modification of land use ceiling on water use (Rules 21 and 22). The designated officer may compound the offences, as per the quantum of compounding fee prescribed in sub rules i, ii, & iii of rule 26(1). APPEAL (Rule 27) Any person aggrieved by any order made by the designated officer may appeal to the dist. Authority within 30 days from the date of receipt of order. AP WATER, LAND & TREES AUTHORITY FUND (Rule 29) All monies received by Mandal/district/State Authority shall be credited to the respective authority by any of cash or D.D. in a Govt. A/c to the operated by jointly by member secretary and chairman of the authority. ANNUAL REPORT (Rule 30) The annual report of the authority about its activities in an year in the format prescribed by the Govt. has to be sent to Govt. as per due date fixed by the Govt. FROM 3 (See Rule 12 and Rule14) Permission for digging a well Sir............................of ....................................... (Address) is permitted to dig a new well at .............................(location) to a depth of ............ meters for drawing water for Irrigation / Industrial / Domestic use, subject to the following conditions :_ 1. The well shall not be used for drawing water for any other purpose other than applied for 2. The withdrawal of water should be regulated and no wastage for water should be done 3. The utilized water should be recycled as prescribed for recharging the ground water 4. Structures should be constructed for harvesting rainwater in the vi-vacinity of the well. (Mandatory in case the proposed well falls in area declared as Over Exploited Area) 5. The utilization of water will be subject to the regulation from time to time based on the extraction water from the well. 82 Place : Date : nated Officer DesigWater, Land and Tree Authority (With Seal) FROM 7 (See Rule 26) (Compounding Order) Sri ........................ S/o. ...................... Aged .......... R/o. ............. has committed an offence against the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees, Act 2002 and rules made thereunder. An offence case is booked vide case No. ............... dated ................... under section .......... of the Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees Act, 2002. In view of the willingness expressed by the accused, I hereby order that a sum of Rs. /- be paid towards compensation. On payment of the compensation amount in full, the seizures detailed hereunder shall be released. Details of seizures 1. 2. 3. 4. etc If the compensation amount is not paid in full within thirty days from the date of receipt of this Order, action to recover the same will be taken as if it were arrears of land revenue. Appeal against these Orders, lies to the District Authority within thirty days of receipt of these orders. Place : To Sri H.No. ..........., Street................. 83 village / Town ........................... District ................. Pin ............. Copy submitted to District Authority for Information Form - 11 (b) (See Sub Rule (5) of Rule 24) Permission for felling tree / trees Sri .......................... of ....................... Aged ......... R/ permitted to cut tree / trees in the premises ............................... subject to the following conditions, namely:1. Premises of felling tree/trees is as mentioned above only. 2. Number of tree/trees permitted to be felled is ..................only (Specify species and Number) 3. ........... No. of plants shall be planted within 30 days to the felling.. 4. Felling shall not be carried out before inspection, banding with red paint by the concerned officials. 5. In case of failure to take up plantation, plants shall be raised at the cost of the applicant. Place : Date : Designated Officer Water, Land and Tree Authority (with Seal) FORM - 13 (See Rule 17) Registration of Rigs The vehicle bearing number ............... belonging to Sri............of............ (Address) is registered with the Water, Land and Trees Authority of Andhra Pradesh as a rig for operation with in the territorial area of Andhra Pradesh. This registration is valid up to.................................. This registration does not convey any endorsement of the vehicle for its performance and does not amount to recommendation for employing the rig but only conveys that the rig is permitted to operate with in the territotial jurisdiction of Andhra Pradesh State subject to all other conditions per the law and rules in force 84 (Act No. i) Total remmittance of land revenue made into the Treasury in the Fasli Year.(iii) above 370-00 vi) Land cess component in item No.(ii) arrived at 18:19 proportion. 180-00 viii) Total land cess to be adjusted to Panchayat Raj Institutions [(vi)+(vii)] 198-00 ix) Proportionate land cess to be adjusted to Panchayat Raj Institutions at the rate of 5:6:7 a) Zilla Parishad: 55-00 b) Mandal Praja Parishad: 66-00 c) Gram Panchayat: 77-00 EVACUEE PROPERTY The following Acts relating to Evacuee Property have been repealed by the Government of India on 5th September 2005 (Act No.(v) arrived at 18:19 proportion. P. The Administration of Evacuee Property Act 1950.31 of 1950) 2. (Act No. 85 . Land and Tree Authority (with Seal) Adjustment of Land Cess The adjustment of land cess to the various Panchayat Raj Institutions will be as shown below: Rs.38 of 2005) which is being called as the “Displaced Persons Claims and other Laws Repeal Act 2005”. 1.Place : Date : Designated Officer Water. The Displaced Persons (Claims) Act 1950. The Evacuee Interest (Separation) Act 1951. iii) Balance: 1370-00 iv) Land revenue component in item above 1000-00 v) Cesses component to item No. 1407-00 ii) Deduct Amount collected towards reduced cesses at 5 paise37-00 per rupee of land revenue on exempted land revenue in the fasli year.41 of 1950) 3. 18-00 vii) Land cess component in item No. The recovery of Pauper Stamp Duty in Pauper Suits is laid down in Standing order No. 107 of Revised Stamp Manual (Chapter-X) the Board of Revenue i.3. in Memo. either for Collection or for sending write off proposals.01.and Revenue Divisional Officers upto a limit of Rs. 5. as if it were an arrear of Land Revenue. Commissioner.S. 14. 43002/ Regn.D..58140/JA (1)/2006-1 Revenue (JA) Department dated 12. Survey Settlement & L. The item in the Register should be kept pending till the entire amount is either collected or written off.can be entrusted to Revenue Inspectors.S. As per standing Order No.S.11. Accordingly. should be entered in the Ledger as soon as the Decree is communicated. (Act No.12 of 1954). the applications if any in the matter may be closed and further applications need not be entertained. 106 and 107 appended to the Stamp Manual. The Displaced persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation) Act 1954.e. for recovering the amount of Court fee due to the Government from the Plaintiff or defendant as the Case may be. should be maintained both in Tahsildar's Office and Collector's Office in the form given in Appendix-Vlil B of the D. Where there is no scope to recover the P.C. The Displaced Persons (Claims) Supplementary Act 1954.O.100/.P. No. (Act No. write-off proposals have to be submitted in the proforma given in Appendixdl.D.250/. Dt.1997 have transferred the subject coHection of P. The Court fee mentioned in the decree can be recovered from the property of the person liable for the payment. is authorised to write off without limit. Tahsildar and cases involving less than 250/.D.(Act No. from Commissioner of Survey Settle86 .D. 33 C.61 of 1951) 4.000/ . All amounts P.1. A Ledger of P. All cases of PSD of more than Rs..44 of 1954) The State Government vide Memo No.R.should be enquired into by Tahsildar or Dy.2007 have clarified as follows: (1) The proceedings which were initiated before the repeal of aforesaid Acts will come to an end and cannot continue after such repeal and (2) After the repeal of these acts no action can be taken or any authority exercised under the repealed acts by these notified authorities. Collectors are competent to write off up to a limit of Rs.M.S. 1(2)/95-12. The notified authorities shall be deemed to be discontinued. PAUPER STAMP DUTY After the Pauper Suit is finally disposed of the Coud forwards the decree to the Collector U/R.The Govt. . 15 of 1999) by repealing the Central Act No. Hyderabad.2008. 1976 (Central Act No. Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act.2.33 of 1976) has been inforce in the State of Andhra Pradesh from 17.15 of 1999) ORDER. Dated: 22. 1999 in the State of Andhra Pradesh with effect from 27. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act. 17-2-1976 to provide for the imposition of ceiling on vacant land in “urban agglome ration” for the acquisition of lands in excess of the ceiling limit.3. (Central Act 33 of 1976) The Act came into force w.33 of 1976) 2.33 of 1976.603 Dated: 22. 1999 (Central Act No. Accordingly. Visakhapatnam. 1976 (Central Act No.Issued —————————————————————————————————— REVENUE (UC. Parliament enacted the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act.3.O. 224-2008. According to Section 1(2) of the said Act. the following notification will be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazettee. 1999 (Central Act No.ment & Land Revenue to the Commissioner & Inspector General of Registration & Stamps. Accordingly. The Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act.I) DEPARTMENT G. it applies to a state which adopts the Act by resolution passed in that behalf under clause (2) of article 252 of the Constitution. Head of account for Remittance of Pauper Stamp Duty MH0030 stamps and registration fees. URBAN LAND CEILINGS (The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act & Rules 1976.2008 Read the following.No. 1976 and Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act. N O TI F I CAT I O N 87 .f.I) Department Dt. 1999 has been adopted in the State of Andhra Pradesh by passing a resolution by the A.O.e. Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act. 1. 1999 – Adoption of Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act.4. the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act.Ms.No. Legislature on 27.1976 with its application to five Urban Agglomerations Viz. to regulate the construction of buildings on such lands and for matters connected therewith.2008 – Notification – Orders.2008. Guntur and Warangal.P. Vijayawada.4. is repealed vide G. MH02 stamps non judicial SH103 duty on impressing documents SH01 other stamps.Ms. 603 Rev(UC. section 33 of Principal Act is not protected along with other sections like sec 10 (3) with land possession. sec 20 (1) etc. disputes. 1976 is repealed and now the Repeal Act. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR AF ANDHRA PRADESH) K.3. a) only cases in which possession of surplus lands taken by Government u/. litigations pendency of cases before Courts and misuse of exemptions etc. The implementation of the Act was plagued by several problems like delay in finalisation of the declarations. In A.P – Circular Instructions –Issued.s 10 (6) will be saved b) All cases in which orders passed u/s 20 (1) shall be saved and further action could be continued in future in those cases only as if the Principal Act had not been repealed. 1999 (Act.RATNA PRABHA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH REVENUE (UC.The Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act.2. This act was adopted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh with effect from 17.I) DEPARTMENT Circular Memo. By adopting the Repeal Act.4. 1976 in Andhra Pradesh by adopting the Repeal Act.17377/UC.3.1999.e.2008 in the State of A. State the Municipal & Urban Development Department has committed to Government of India for repeal of ULC Act as a part of JNNURM reforms programme. To that effect a resolution has been adopted in the State Legislative Assembly and Council to repeal ULC Act. under section 8 (1). 10 (3) and notice 10 (5) shall abate d) All cases pending before any court or authority shall abate e) All cases which were remanded back by courts or any authority on appeal shall also abate if they have not completed 10(6) stage f) All pending proceedings in respect of other matters shall abate g) Under Repeal Act 1999. 1999 in the State of Andhra Pradesh. 1976 – Adopting the Repeal Act.3. The above act was repealed by the Parliament with effect from 22. 1999 (Central Act 15 of 1999) shall come into force in the State of Andhra Pradesh with effect from 27.2008. That 88 .59 of 1999) with effect from 27. 1999 is in force with some saving clauses. the following circular instructions are issued.2008 Sub: Urban Land (C&R) Act.2008. From that date the Principal Act.1976. 1999 (Act 15 of 1999) with effect from 27. c) All pending cases in different stages i.I(1)/2008-1 Dated: 24. 1976 was enacted by the Parliament with the object of preventing concentration of the Urban Land in the hands of few and to bring about socialization to sub-serve the common good by ensuing its equitable distribution. 8 (4) and notifications 10 (1).No.P.3.Reg The Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act. 22.I) DEPARTMENT G. G.No.No.2. Ms.I) Department. dt.615 Dated: 26. 22.7.183. without referring to the original authority.455. He is instructed to close all pending cases with proper endorsement on files h) The concerned Special officer and Competent Authorities. Ms. k) All lands not covered by the above notification u/s 22 (a) of Registration Act 1908 and hither to fallen under respective Urban Agglomerations are now excluded from the purview of ULC Regulations without any constraints. Whereas. Revenue (UC. Revenue (UC.2006 – Orders.O.I) Department. Ms.603. G.2008 to the notice of Hon’ble High Court and Supreme Court through concerned Govt Pleaders. dt. G. Registration authorities.2008 published vide A. Urban Development authorities etc have to follow the above notification strictly for the ULC lands which were taken possession by the Government under ULC Act while granting NOC’s effecting mutations.4.RATNA PRABHA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act.2008 Read the following .2006 4.7. 1908 prohibiting the transfer of ULC lands declared u/s 10 (6) of the Principal Act.O.Adoption of it in the State of Andhra Pradesh with effect from 27.2002 2.4. K.3.O. granting registrations etc.means the Commissioner of Appeals has no jurisdiction to pass any order on pending appeals including 10 (6) stage cases. Revenue (UC.2002 3.No. 1999. Extraordinary Gazette No. dt.O 1st and nd 2 read above. Revenue authorities. dt. Ms. keeping in view of the recommendations of Cabinet Sub-Committee by allotting the excess land to such respective 3rd parties/ land owners in occupation to minimize the litigation and ensuring speedy settlement of cases subject to 89 .207. 15.No.456. j) Municipal authorities.P.O. are instructed to file Memo in the shape of counter for all cases which are pending before the Hon’ble High Court & Supreme Court duly bringing the fact of passing of resolution by the State Legislature on 27. Ms.I) Department.I) Department.4. Revenue (UC. 29. i) Notifications has to be issued with details u/s 22 (a) of Registration Act. dt.3.O. 29.3.No. G. the Government have issued policy guidelines in the G.2008 ORDER.1.2008 – Allotment of land taken possession u/ s 10 (6) of the Principal Act in favour of the applicants who applied before 31.Issued —————————————————————————————————— REVENUE (UC. requesting for consideration of applications which were received before 31. acquisition. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR AF ANDHRA PRADESH) K. Whereas.. Urban Land Ceiling are hereby directed to submit necessary proposals to the Government accordingly within a week without fail.2006. change of classification. i) ii) iii) iv) To protect the Government lands from encroachments.RATNA PRABHA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT SURVEY AND LAND RECORDS In is necessary to maintain the (a) Survey marks on ground (b) Field measurement book (c) Village plan and (d) Settlement Register (Diglot/Settlement Fair Advangal) upto date by effecting changes that occur day to day on account of sale.2008.2008 for want of administrative action and 1892 due to pendency of court cases. Whereas the Government after careful examination of the matter and keeping in view of the adoption of ULC Repeal Act. gift. of land. 6.2008 in which possession is taken by the Government under 10 (6) of the Principal Act by taking the slab rates at which they filed applications before 31.. due to administrative reasons and they finally requested to settle their pending applications on humanitarian and sympathetic grounds as most of the applicants are middle and lower middle class people at the rates prevailing as on the date of their applications. succession. 5. 1976 has been repealed in A. was extended from time to time and finally it was extended upto 31. partition.3. assignment. 1999 (Central Act No.O 3rd read above. the date of Repeal of Principal Act. 4. All the Special Officers & Competent Authority. for the following purposes.2008 i.15 of 1999) with effect from 27. relinquishment.e.3.2006 and pending as on 27.2006 vide G. it has come to the notice of the Government that nearly 2114 applications were pending in Five Agglomerations as on 27. 2.3.Os. Whereas the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulations) Act. To settle boundary disputes between private lands.2006 for regularization/ exemption and pending as on 27. The benefit under the said G. 1999 in the State of Andhra Pradesh and section 3 (1) (a) of the above said Act which provides for saving of lands which were vested with Government and possession of which has been taken over by the Government under the provisions of Principal Act.3. Whereas several representations were received form public.P State by adopting the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act. To correctly assess Land Revenue and other taxes for each holding.3. etc. 90 . 3. 1976 hereby decided to settle all the pending applications which were received before 31.3. Housing Societies etc.certain conditions.3.3. alienation. and To enable the ryots to establish their right over their holding in a court of law. cases 1. The file is sent for prescrutiny before Inspector of Survey after incorporating incorporation of the changes in changes in the village accounts. The Mandal Surveycr during his visits should renew the missing stones in cases in which 15 days time expired after service of notices issued u/s. The file is sent for final scrutiny to the 5. 4. be observed. & B act are to to be observed. Initial measursment is done by the 1. No formalities under S & B Act need 2. 4. Initital measurement done by the the Villiage Secretary. are to be prepared.A. It shall be the duty of every Village Assistant to ensure that the Survey stones are not tampered with and when he notice and missing survey stones during his cycle of Inspections. D-Sketch has to be corrected. renew and repair all survey stones on the boundaries of his holdings. Additional durable demarcation is not involved. D-Sketch is not corrected in the 6. Mandal Revenue Inspector or by Mandal Surveyor or by special staff. 7. Only one certificate under B. A single set of statement and sketch in triplicate. he should report the particulars to the Mandal Surveyor through the Mandal Revenue Inspector together with draft notices u/s 15 (2) which are to be signed either by the Mandal Revenue Inspector or Mandal Surveyor and served on the ryots concerned. 6. In addition to the 91 . village. Additional durable demarcation is involved.S. 15 (2) and the maintenance charges shall be recovered from the ryots concerned as per rules. cases is follows:– Patta Sub Divisions Sub Divisions in Poramboke field/LA. 3. Formalities under the S 3. village accounts and for final scrutiny after incorporating changes in village accounts. 2.U/s.O 34 A7. 15 of the S &s B Act (Vlil of 1923) every registered holder (owner) of land is bound to maintain. They are to be prepared 5. The procedure to be followed in respect patta sub divisions and sub divisions in poramboke fields/L. (c) Diglot.. This item of work will be attended to by the Special staff appointed if any in cases of acquisitions for projects etc. The changes in the Mandal copy of settlement register will bedone under the attestation of the Mandal Revenue Officer and those in the Mandal copy of F. who were allotted House sites are also exempted from the payment of demarcation charges. Nos. the following certificate is also to be appended. 3.M. para 13 (b). S. All applications for the above purposes are to be made in writing duly affixed with Court Fee lable worth Rs. and B. 3 and 10 (1). 10/. the Mandal Surveyor has to incorporate changes in the village accounts viz. Nature For demarcation of boundaries For supply of copies of field maps For creation of new sub divisions Fee Rs. In cases of patta sub divisions. (Survey) at the Collectors Office by incorporating the new survey numbers and naw details and deleting-old details if any in them. will be incorporated by the L.S.certificate prescribed Para 13 (b) is to be appended. 1. Similarly the S.per map. (2) of ‘A’and ‘B’ stone registers.. R. No. “Certified that the Sub divisions are measured by me on ground and also durably demarcated. Following are the general nature of application received trom registered land-holders in the Office of the Mandal Revenue Officer. under B. Sl. (d) Col No.per sub division Tribals are exempted from the payment of fee for creation of newsub each case. Ts. The maintenance set of village maps are kept upto date by the Asst. 2. Cs. (b) F. 10/ per F. 2. Iine/boundary line Rs. draftsman during his tours. Rs. (a) V. 10/.B.M.0 34-A. A. Director. Different Types of Measures Length British 12 inches 3 feet 220 yards 8 furlongs 10 milli meters (mm) = = = = Metric Units = 92 Metric Units 1 foot 1 Yard 1 furlong 1 mile 1 Centimeter (cm) . Cs. 2/.B. Yards 640 acres * * * * * * = = = = = 1 square foot 1 square yard 1 Cent 1 acre 1 square mile ANDHRA PRADESH (ANDHRA AREA) TENANCY (AMENDMENT) ACT. any land belonging to another under a tenancy agreement. [Section 10 (2&3)] To mortgage his interest in the land in favour of the Government or Co-operative Societies or institutions for sanction of crop loans. [Section 10 (5)] Even in the event of change in the ownership. The tenant entitled to continue the tenancy with same terms and conditions.10 centimeters 10 dosimeter 10 meter 10 dekameter 10 hectometers 1 inch 1 foot 1 yard 1 mile 1 centimeter 1 meter 1 kilometre = = = = = 1 decimeter 1 meter (m) 1 dekameter 1 hectometer 1 kilometre (km) Conversion Factors = 25.62137 mile Area 144 Square inches 9 square feet 48.9114 meter (exact) = 1. [Section 10 (1)] Lease entered after the commencement of Act (1-7-1980) shall be for a maximum period of 6 years and such lease is successively renewable for a maximum period of 6 years at a time with same conditions and terms. The stamp and Registration charges shall be borne equally. [Section 2(c)] Every lease subsisting of the commencement of Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area Tenancy (Amendment) Act. 1974 RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF TENANT Cultivating tenant means a person who cultivates by his own labour or by that of any other members of his family or by hired labour under his supervision and control. It should be in writing.393701 inch = 39. express or implied.09361 yards = 0.60344 kilometers (exact) = 0. [Section 11] 93 . but does not include a mere intermediary”.48 centimeters (exact) = 0.3701 inches = 1. The lease is heritable.4 millimeters (exact) = 30. [Section 19(4)]. 1974 shall be deemed to be in perpetuity.40 Square yards 4848 Sq. [Section 12(3)] The tenant has to be given an option first to purchase. C. the Collector shall publish a notification giving all the particulars of the treasure and requiring all persons claiming the treasure to appear personally after 4 months but before 6 months of the date publication.If any person aggrieved by the declaration. [Section 15 (1. (SEc. hidden or embedded in the soil or in anything affixed thereto and includes uncut diamonds of other valuable minerals found on the surface soil.6) The Collector will enquire into the matter in detail and determine the treasure.A. He can declare as ownerless under Section 9 of the Act in the came of owner occupier and also reject claim of finder purchaser. (Section4) On receipt of a notice. (Sec 9 ) Collector has the power to accept the claim or reject it based on his enquiry. [Section 14] NOTE ON TREASURE TROVE According to Section 3 (b) of the Indian Treasure Trove Act (VIof 1878) Treasure means anything of value exceeding rupees ten or of any value if it is of historical or archaeological interest having been in existence for not less than 100 years.3) Whenever any treasure is found.3 &4)] The tenant may terminate the tenancy and surrender his holding at the end of agriculture year during the currency of lease by giving not less than 3 months notice in writing before the end of such year to the landlord and to Special Officer and surrender takes effect only after it is accepted by Special Officer due enquiry. the place and the circumstances under which it as found. the Collector shall also report the fact of the treasure to 1) the State Government.L. (Sec. if the landlord intends to sell the property.5) Any person having right does to report the matter. he will appeal within 2 months to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority ie. After due enquiry. they may apply to the Special Officer for the determination or reasonable price of such land. (Sec.2. 2) the Superin94 . Simultaneously on receipt of the information about the treasure. and it shall be payable in 10 equal installments by the tenant and sale shall become effective on the payment of first installment.C. If the tenant gives his option to purchase it. the Special Officer fixes the price which shall not exceed five times of fair rent. he shall forfeit such right. The finder or the purchaser of the treasure and the owner or occupier of the place where treasure is found has to give notice in writing to the Collector of the District specifying the particulars such as nature of the treasure and amount of approximate value. and there is no agreement between landlord and tenant with regard to price.* * * If a landlord fails to cultivate the land resumed personally with a period of one year from the date of such resumption or having discontinued cultivation for a continuous period of not less than one year within a period of six years such land shall be restored to the tenant by the Special Officer on application made by the tenant. b) Finder or purchaser (Section6). Forfeiture of right on failure to appear by the a) Owner Occupier.tendent Department of Archaeology.f. automatically vests in Government (Board of Revenue L. of India has introduced the NSAP w. Government of India and 3 the Treasure Trove Officer Archeology Department. 3. In case if there is no claimant or the claim has been finally rejected and the treasure has no historical or archaeological important the treasure will be put on open auction and the proceeds accrued there on will be credited to the Government account. the T. 15-8-1995 with the following three benefits as its components viz. Enquiry and determination of T. The case of the treasure starts from its finding to its final disposal that is either to keep it in the appropriate place in case required. (Rule-3) The Treasure Trove Officer shall inspect the Treasure and submit his report stating whether it has any historical or archaeological importance or not. In case it is not required and after ascertaining the value of the treasure from Treasure Trove Official the Collector shall distribute the treasure or value to the claimants (Sec 15). (1) National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) 95 .P. NATIONAL SOCIAL ASSISTNACE PROGRAMME (NSAP) The Govt. Inspection of Treasure Trove Officer from State Government and also the Superintendent from Central Government and a report of their intension to acquire it or not.T. 4.T. Disposal of the case relating to Finder /Purchaser. or to sell it in open auction or to distribute the treasure or value to the claimants that is owner/occupier of the first party and finder / purchaser the second party. Declaration as ownerless (Section 9 ) 5. 6. 3) Acquire under/Rule7 (2) (4) Disposal if not required by the Govt.e. to Museums (State Government or Central Government as per their requirement (Rule 8). by the Collector U/S 7.Hyderabad. (Rule 6) 7. When a treasure trove has been declared as ownerless and no compensation is proposed to be paid to the finder / purchaser. Power to acquire the treasure on behalf of the Government based on TTO report (Rule 7(2) 8. 2. 1. (Rule6) If the treasure has historical or archaeological importance. Notification by the Collector Under Section 5. with the prior approval of the Government the Collector shall acquire the treasure on behalf of the Government and send it to the appropriate place that will be dealt mainly under 4 stages 1) Notification 2) Determination / Proceedings U/S 7. Sale to the public after notifying and credit its value to the State Government (in case not required by the TTO) Rule 10) The T.T.Dis F5/2092/75 dated 19-8-75 communicated to all the Collectors) 9. Government of A. e.) The N. 2. The application should be forwarded to the M. currently in force in the State Govt.20186/RD. if any.O.R.000/. the criteria.11-6-97 have simplified the procedure in implementation of NFBS and NMBS as follows: N. They are detailed below: 1. The M. will fill in the application form giving the details of the family.M.B.O. 3.R.S.(Rupees Two Hundred only) per month per beneficiary. 200/. after receiving the applications.. iii) The bereaved household qualified as one below the poverty line according to the criterion prescribed by the Govt. ii) The death of such a primary breadwinner should have occurred while he or she is in the age group of 18 to 64 years i.F. v) The family benefit will be paid to such surviving member of the household of the deceased who.(Rupees five thousand only) in the case of death due to accidental causes will be the ceilings for purpose of claiming Central Assistance. NATIONAL OLD AGE PENSION SCHEME: Rs.S. iv) Rs. will immediately sanction the assistance after due scrutiny and will issue cheque to the spouse/son/ daughter of the deceased within 7 (seven) days after the death.P.S. more than 18 years of age and less than 65 of age. guidelines and conditions laid down by the Central Govt.A. NATIONAL MATERNITY BENEFIT SCHEME : i) The Maternity benefit will provide a lumpsum cash assistance to women of households below the poverty line.) National Maternity benefit Scheme (N. The Village Secretary/Sarpanch. annual income and name of the person who is authorised to receive the money on behalf of the spouse/son/daughter of the deceased. is a Centrally Sponsored Programme to extend 100 percent Central Assistnace to the States to provide the benefits under it in accordance with the norms. (along with Panchanama in case of accidental death). The Govt.B. NATIONAL FAMILY BENEFIT SCHEME: i) The primary breadwinner will be the member of the household (male or female) whose earnings contribute the largest proportion of the total household income.F.I/97-1. 5. in their memo No. minor children. ii) The benefit will be restricted to pregnant women for upto the first two live 96 . ii) The applicant must be a destitute in the sence of having little or no regular means of subsistence from his/her own sources of income or through financial support from family members or other sources. after due local enquiry is determined to be the head of the household (House-hold include spouse. may also be followed. of India. PR&RD Dept. unmarried daughters and dependent parents). dt.(2) (3) National Family Benefit Scheme (N.S. i) The age of the applicant (male or female) shall be 65 years or higher. In order to determine destitution.B. 1) DEPARTMENT G.19 Dated: 07-09-2011 Read the following 1.. 500/.births provided they are of 19 years of age and above.O. Ms.3493. REVENUE (DM.200/. Rt. 5-12-95] N.1901. Rt. Government have decided and issued orders to 97 .should pay at 8th month pregenanscy and Rs. Revenue) Dept.No. 200/. from 2-10-2011 to 1-10-2012 . Dt. 5.No.B. Revenue) Dept.No.first month after the delivery). who belongs to below poverty line. The sanctioning Authority for these schemes is the Sub Collector/ RDO of concerned Revenue Division. dated: Nil.. Invoice/Bill No..14.(Rupees five hundred only). G.I) Dept.e.O.(Rupees Two hundred only) per month Disabled pensions Rs. 300/. In the G. Finance (Exp.Orders . Revenue) Dept. Quotation/Letter dated: 18-7-2011. Revenue (DM. The lists of the above two schemes should be submitted to the RDO’s concerned once in three months for statutory ratification of the funds so utilised. The ANM (Multi-Purpose Health Worker) will prepare an application giving details of the pregnant women.751. G. [G.3377. 200/. Finance (Exp.500/(Rs. dated 14-9-2010. Panchayat Raj.I) Dept.Os 2nd read above. Ms. The MPDO after scrutiny.300/.Implementation of the Scheme for the policy year 2011-12 i. 500/. 4.during 8th month of pregnancy and Rs.No.O. Revenue (DM.No. iii) The ceiling of the amount of the benefit is Rs.O. ORDER : 1. G.M.17. (Rs.. Widow pensions Rs. dated 5-9-2011.No. 7. 3.Ms. G.S.Ms. ChMs/ 01/2011. G.. get it certified by VAO and forward to the MPDO after obtaining the countersignature of the Doctor of PHC. 6. RD & Rehabitation) Department.Accident Insurance Scheme for Below Poverty Line families in Andhra Pradesh .during the first month after delivery). 2.(Rupees Five hundred only) per month APATHBANDHU Apathbandhu Scheme .Issued.O. will sanction the financial assistance of Rs.O. No..O. Rt. dated 30-4-2011. Finance (Exp. dated 24-8-2011. dated 6-7-2011. From the New India Assurance Company Limited. From the New India Assurance Company Limited. 000/. in addition to the annual Budget provision of Rs. A three member committee constituted vide reference 1st cited have examined the bids of the tenderers and recommended M/s.98. in relaxation of Treasury Control and Quarterly Regulation Orders pending provision of funds by way of obtaining supplementary during the financial year 2011-12. The Finance (Exp. the lowest bidder. on the basis of number of cases expected.) Department. after careful examination and in partial modification of the orders issued in the G.774.000/.(Rupees Twenty five crores ninety eight lakhs ninety nine thousand seven hundred and seventy four only) to M/s The New India Assurance Company Limited for minimum coverage of 6000 cases with no ceiling cap @ Rs. to the Commissioner for Disaster Management & E. The nature of deaths covered under the Scheme shall be as follows:1. REv.99.774/ -.00 6.98.000. Second Quarter Provision 5.issued Budget Release Order (BRO) for Rs.79.82.774. In response to the Government advertisement and letters calling for bids.00 4.87. New India Assurance Company Limited.79. Principal Secretary to Government towards payment to the Insurance Company vide References 3rd. 25. Add : Additional Funds 5.59.) 1. under Apathbandhu Scheme. The other things are remaining unchanged. additional premium will be paid on pro-rata basis.00 Total Budget Provision for financial year 2011-1220.11. the orders issued in the G. amoung others. 5.02. as detailed below: SI.05. Government. Deaths resulting from break down of Law and Order / Riots and acts of 98 .000.99.11. 5.000.e. The Government after examining the matter have decided to implement the scheme by paying a premium of Rs.774/.No.17.98. The New India Assurance Company Limited. issued orders to continue the Apathbandhu Accidental Insurance Scheme for the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in Andhra Pradesh for a further period of one year i.. The Government would initially be paying the premium of Rs.25.00 3.2nd read above not implemented.O. M/ s. First Quarter Provision 5. 2.. 4th and 5th read above.99. Particulars Amount (Rs. In view of administrative reasons.00 Total amount authorized: 25. from 2-10-2011 to 1-10-2012.000.O. Third & Fourth Quarters Provision 10.continue the Apathbandhu Accident Insurance Scheme for the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in Andhra Pradesh for a further period of one year from 1508-2011 to 14-08-2012. 3. 4.O. which is L1 i. 50. 7.per case.20.82. has submitted their lowest bid vide reference 6th cited.17.87.2nd read above.774/for 6000 cases and once the target is nearing completion. 8.05.00 2.e. 6. 15. subject to postmortem report or Medical certificate from the Doctor not below the rank of Asst. Deaths of passengers in accident caused or resulting from operation of passenger carrying vehicles owned / hired by APSRTC or deaths caused or resulting from operation of any other vehicles including deaths of pedestrians caused by all such vehicles. 4. molestation etc. thunderbolt inundation. Deths on account of earthquakes. Engaging in aviation activities other than traveling as passenger (in a duty licensed standard type aircraft) anywhere in the world. Deths on account of electrocution. Any other accidental deaths. Deths on account of extremist violence. Civil Surgeon. 13. who die due to drowning. 17. If the case is covered under the Excise Department Insurance Scheme. 10. Self injury. 3. Deaths on account of floods. Death while under the influence of alcoholic drinks or drugs. then it will not be considered under Apathbandhu. storms. 3. 16. Murder and death of women on account of rape. excluding deaths arising out of faction fights.9. cyclones.Cs / S. 9. The following nature of deaths are not covered under the Scheme:1. 12. 4. 14. also are covered under “Apathbandhu” sheme as it is an accidental death. 2. who die due to accidental fall. not specifically excluded..Ts. Deaths resulting from accident to water borne vessels such as boats etc. while they are plying. suicide or attempted suicide. as these are accidents. are covered under “Apathbandhu” sheme as it is an accidental death. 8. 99 . 11. Deaths on account of fire accidents. etc. Venereal diseases or insanity. People. Deaths caused due to Sun Stroke during Heat wave conditions. 2. 7. Deths resulting from attacks / atrocities against S. Death due to Rabies / Dog bite is also covered under “Apathbandhu” sheme subject to the condition that the dog bite has taken place during the policy period and hte death of person has occurred within 12 months of the dog bite and subject to post-mortem report. Death due to snake bite or due to attack by wild animals is also covered under “Apathbandhu” sheme. the State in the restoration of Law and Order. The Toddy Tappers. A) Dept. Principal Secretary to Government NATURAL CALAMITIES AND FIRE ACCIDENTS In G. War and allired perils.Rev) Dept.Other Social Security and Welfare Programmes MH-200 . 13. vide their U. 06.774/.98. 6. as Natural Calamities.987.99.(Rupees Twenty five crores ninety eight lakhs ninety nine thousand seven hundred and seventy four only) to M/s. & DDO. 9.O.774/. Nuclear Explosion.No. Service on duty with armed forces. RADHA Commissioner for Disaster Management & E. 25.99. 11..17-10-87. dt. Child birth or consequences there of.(Rupees Twenty five crores ninety eight lakhs ninety nine thousand seven hundred and seventy four only) to M/s The New India Assurance Company Limited.10.Other Programmes SH-(20) .O. Death while committing any breach of law with criminal internt.98. T. 100 . toweards payment of insurance premium to provide the insurance coverage to the Below Poverty Line families (White Ration Card holders / Anthyodaya / Annapurna Card holders of the State in case of accidental death in the family during the period of one year 2-10-2011 to 1-10-2012. Sanction is hereby accorded for an amount of Rs.Other Grants . Govt.Rev. Pregnancy.aid 12.8523-PFS(FP)/389/A2/Exp.Social Security and Welfare 60 . 8. Revenue (CR./2011.Grants .25. The Assistant Secretary to Govt. 5. dt. 7. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH) . Revenu (DM. The New India Assurance Company Limited through a cheque on or before 2-10-2011.2011.0. The expenditure accorded in para (10) shall be met in relaxation of Treasury Control Orders and Quarterly Regulation Orders and debited to the following Head of Account:- 2235 . This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Exp.IV-Claims) Dept.aid 312 . Shall draw and disburse the amount of Rs. identified the following disasters.Assistance to Below Poverty Line families under Accidental Insurance Scheme (Apathbandhu) 310 . 12-1-89"THUNDER BOLT” is identified as Natural Calamity.1) Drought. Revenue (C&DR) Dept. 28.000/. 0 . Memo Severely Damaged Rs. Addl.500/hurt person per head (No Ex.100/(To be sanctioned by per family Collector) Rice @ 10Kgs.882. 4) Fire. Panchayat Raj & Rural Development (Relief) Dept.. dt.shall be paid Revenue (DM. In G. or both eyes per head Dept. 6) Ratmenance. as Addl. The scales of reliefs to be provided to the victims of Natural Calamities are as follows: 1.Ms. Rs.. Dt. dt. 10) . 3000/Partly Damaged house - . 3) Cyclone.1-9-89. G. dt. 879 Rev. 5) Earthquake. Rs.O. 50. 2) Flood..0.2.12-1-89. Ex.000/. dt.from CRF) 2. 8) Avalanches. Ex. 50.for loss of ---do--clothing per family and Rs. 25-6-2007 read with .28. Clothing and utensils/house-hold goods for families whose houses have been washed away/ fully damaged / severely inundated for more than a week due to a natural calamity. No. 3.17-10-87.gratia for simple Injured person) G. 11) Movement of speciers causing damages.I) Dept. Ex-Gratia payment to the (Rs. gratia for loss of limb Revenue (C&DR) 4. Revenue (CR) Dept.for loss of utensils/household goods per family.dt. relief for utencils Rs. 9 8 7 .. Dept. Revenue (CR) Dept. 1000/. 9) Hailstorm. gratia for grievous Rs. families of deceased persons under Apathbandhu scheme Dated : 29-09-2009 died in heavy rains-flash floods and Rs.130/- Add. 1000/.4000/(to be paid to owners only) Govt. 7) Tornadoes.O.0.2000/(to be paid to owners only) 101 -do- G.O. -relief per family (To be sanctioned by Collector) Fully Damaged house Rs.16-2-94. Dept.90. Rs. relief for clothing G..500/- G. Housing . Collector alone is competent to sanction relief irrespective of the No. No relief assistance can be paid from CM Relief Fund to the victims of “Thunderbolt”. They should enter all particulars of births.relief on acct. stil births and deaths in the Registers prescribed for the purpose.)) BIRTHS AND DEATHS REGISTRATION & NAME CHANGE 1.0 and Collector are authorised to extend relief to the affected families as indicated below: Mandal Revenue Officer : Revenue Divisional Officer Collector : 50 families : 250 families Unlimited In case of suspected arson.22-7-89.III Dept. The MRO has to draw the amounts as follows: House damages: 2245 . Registration of Births. Municipal Corporation.101 .02 . 2000/- . Deaths should be done on defacto basis. 1969.O.R. 2000/- . cause of death due to Thunderbolt can be covered under the “Apathbandhu” Scheme. Revenue (C&DR) dt.grants from .III/2004 Dated : 10-122004 of Revenue (DM. of families involved.101 . R.27”. It should be drawn under Head “TR.0s in other areas are the Registrars of Births and Deaths u/ s 7 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act.090grants-in-aid-092-other grants-in-aid. An event 102 .grants from relief . in three sections. The Officers appointed by the State Government for each local area - According to G. After the result of case as decided the amount is to be adjusted to appropriate “Head of Account”. Industrial/ project town-ship. the M.05 .D.Floods/Cyclone/ Fire accidents . 44594/DM. of natural calamities . However.06 .relief on acct.729.5. Contonment.No. ..0.Food & Clothes-090-grants-in-aid-092-other grants-in-aid.A. (Govt. - Rs. Petty Shops Weavers Looms Yarn Rs. Major Panchayat and all V. 2000/Rs. Food & Utencils: 2245 .Floods/Cyclone/ Fire accidents .02 . of natural calamities . The cause of death should not be noted in the extract.2/Rs. Any person who fails. to give information about birth/death which is his duty to give. Sec. Certified extracts issued by Registrars or other Officers authorised by the Government are admissible in evidence.10/- Officer competent to permit registration Registrar concerned Registrar concerned after production of an affidavit and with the written permission of the prescribed Authority Executive Magistrate of 1st class or a Presidency Magistrate. and Industrial or Project Township 7 days 3 days in other areas 14 days 7 days The registration of Births/Deaths reported after the above periods is to be done after payment of late fee with the written permission of the prescribed Authority ie. or who knowingly furnishes false information or refuses to furnish full details and sign or affix his thumb impression in the birth or death register shall be fined upto Rs.0 in case there is no Primary Health Centre. Extracts of registration entries of births and deaths are to be given free of charge to the informant under the attestation of the Registrar.17(1) of the Act.D. Each part of the register of events shall be numbered serially for each calender year. The particulars of births and deaths shall be reported to the Registrar with the following periods: Births Deaths Muncipal Corporation or contonment.shall be registered at the place where it was actually occured but not elsewhere. 103 .5/- After one year Rs. An event which occured in a previous year shall be recorded in the register for the year in which it is reported.50/-. as noted below: Period Late fee birth/death With in 30 days After 30 days but within one year Rs. the Registrar of the Municipality or Municipal corporatin and in any other area with the written permission of the Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centre covering the area or the M. without reasonable cause. No entry shall be interpolated between 2 entries recorded earlier. Municipality. But within thirty days of its occurrence shall be registered on payment of such late fee as may be prescribed. Any birth or death which has not been registered within one year of its occurrence shall be registered only on an order made by a Magistrate of the first class or Presidency Magistrate after verifying the correctness of the birth or death and on payment of the prescribed fee.G. (Registration of Births & Deaths Act. They 104 . 4) Written statements of the Parents/Neighbours/Mid-wife or Doctor.5/.C.2/Birth and death registers are permanent records and shall not be destroyed.per year to the Head of Account of 1475 O. 3) SSC/Study Certificate/T. The birth/death registers of other areas (item No. 1969 Section 10-15) The following documents are required for applying late entry of Birth/ Death 1) Non-availability Certificate from Municipality/Panchayat.O’s Offices after the calender year is over. Municipality.R.E. Municipal Corporation.3 above) are to be surrendered to the M. Contonment. 3. Rs. 2) Affidavit from Parents/relatives in case of death entry. lndustrial/project town-ship. 6) Challan for Rs.Search Fees : 1) For a single entry in the first year: Rs. 1969. of the individual. The Officers appointed by the State Government for each local area viz.5/4) For granting non-availability certificate.2/2) For every additional year: Rs. 5) Xerox copy of Passport.S 800 Other receipts 07 Registration of Birth/Death/Marriage Registration of Births and Deaths 1. 2. Any birth or death of which information is given to the Registrar after the expiry of the period specified therefor. if the applicant is Green Card Holder. Any birth or death of which delayed information is given to the Registrar after thirty days but within one year of its occurrence shall be registered only with the written permission of the prescribed authority and on payment of the prescribed fee and the production of an affidavit made before a notary Public or any other officer authorized in this behalf by the State Government. Major Panchayat and all Panchayat Secretaries in other areas are the Registrars of Births and Deaths u/s 7 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act. DELAYED REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS 1.2/3) For granting extract of each birth or death: Rs. Under Para 2(2) of the said G.O. District. 483. all the Executive Magistrates are empowered for issue of such certificate under their jurisdiction.O. read above procedure was laid down for change of name by the Citizens of India residing in the Andhra Pradesh State. hereby lay down the following revised procedure in supersession of the procedure prescribed in the Government Order read above. ORDER : In the G. to the District Magistrate. General Administration (General-C) Department. in the form in Annexure-l to this Order. in the first instance. if necessary shall issue a letter or Memorandum in the Form in Annexure-ll. Magistrate/Executive Magistrate after satisfying himself and after obtaining enquiry report. 819 G.(P) No.P. District Magistrate/ Executive magistrate. the Additional District Magistrate or an Executive Magistrate having jurisdiction. State. residing in the Andhra Pradesh State . (P) No. dated 13th April.Issued. have laid down a procedure for change of name by the citizen of India residing in A. it has become necessary to review the procedure that had been in vogue in regard to the change of name. the District Magistrate/Addl. 105 . Act. (Gen-C) Depart Q 8-12-77 the Govt. still births and deaths in the Begisters prescribed for the purpose.Change of name by Citizen of India.Procedure to be followed after lifting up the Emergency Orders . 2(1) Any person residing in the State of Andhra Pradesh who intends to change his name shall apply.O. any person who intends to change his name residing in the State of Andhra Pradesh has to apply in the Form in Annexure-l to the District Magistrate/ Addl. General Administration (General-C) Department 819 Dated 8th December.A. The Government after careful examination.O. in three PROCEDURE FOR CHANGE OF NAME In G.(P) No.O. According to Para 2(1). Consequent on the revocation of the proclamation of mergences and the cessor of Rules made under the Defence and Internal Security of India.should enter aH particulars of births. In name change cases: GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT CHANGE OF NAME . 1972. 1977 Read the Following: G. G. Basing on the information furnished by the individual. for issue of an official communication in the form of a letter or memorandum to the effect that he is a Citizen of India. 7. in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette on payment of the publication charges. My Mother’s full name is in Block letters: 1 am single/Married/Widow My wife’s/Husband’s full name is/was: Marks of identification 1. Printing and Stationery (Printing Wing). My father’s full name is/in Block letters.. (By Order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh) A. 8. 3. locality village or town or city police station. may on the basis of information furnished by the applicant and after such inquiry as he thinks fit. the Additional District Magistrate or the Executive Magistrate having jurisdiction. KRISHNASWAMY Chief Secretary to Government ANNEXURE. or the 106 . My age on the date of application is (date of birth in the Christian Era and age). 1. there after send another application to the Director of Government. he is qualified for recognition as a Citizen of India. Occupation: I am in the service of the State Govt.I Application Form To The Sir. issue a letter or memorandum in the form in Annexure-ll to this Order. (3) The applicant shall.(2) The District Magistrate. was born at and on a citizen of India. 4. 2.. The Magistrate concerned shall exercise due caution and satisfy himself about the applicant’s claim to Indian Citizenship before issuing the letter or memorandum. 9. 5. 2. 6. along with the letter or memorandum issued by the Magistrate concerned for publication of a private advertisement. I. (Existing full name of the person concerned in Block letters of there insert his full present address showing Door No. Taluk & Dist. to the effect that on the basis of the information available. ..11 MEMORANDUM With reference to the application filed by . 102 Dated : 22-04-1985 Read the following : 107 .... ( a d d r e s s ) ........................................... 11..(P)No.Issued.......... is informed that on the basis of the information available............. Place: Date: Signature of the Applicant ANNEXURE .... .................. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (GENL.............. : Profession of occupation other than Govt..Change of name by Government Servants in the Andhra Pradesh State .......................... State the name of the Dept........................................ name and address of Employer.. MANDAL REVENUE OFFICER & MANDAL EXECUTIVE MAGISTRATE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Change of Name ..........10..................Orders .................... Govt..............Procedure to be followed ..................... I........................................... Station of posting etc...............) 1ntend to change my existing name is full name in block letters................... service (here state details regarding designation. .. .......... 12......O.......................... has qualified for recognition as a Citizen of India.. of India................................... designation and date of his appointment........ The communication has been issued to him so as to enable him to change his name/surname and it has no legal validity whatsoever............................................................ to solemnly and sincerely declare that the fore-going particulars Stated in this application are true and I wake this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.........................................................................C) DEPARTMENT G... The Government after careful examination prescribed the following procedure for change of name by a Government employee. Megistrate or Additional District Magistrate or Executive Magistrate to the effect that he is a citizen of India and with the certificate so secured shall apply to the Director of Printing for publication of his changed name as a private advertisement in the Andhra Pradesh Gazetteee. M(H. No. 3. Lr. now lately called C (Old Name) employed as (Designation of the post held at the time by the Government 108 . The Government of India in the Letter read above a revised procedure for change of name by Government according to which the individual need not obtain a certificate from the District Magistrate but should execute a deed. the adoption of the new name or change in the existing name would be recognised officially and then the entries in Government records may be made accordingly.O. (New Name) of etc. if a citizen of India residing in the Andhra Pradesh State. In order that execution of the document.A) New Delhi. intends in changing his name. may not be in doubt. G. 819.No.. After the aforesaid formalities are complied with and satisfactory evidence of identify and execution of the deed is adduced by the Government employee. A Government employee of Andhra Pradesh State wishing to adpot a new name or to effect any modification in his existing name should be asked to adpot the change formally by a deed changing his name. True copies of the relevant documents should be retained by the concerned head of the office.C) Dated 8-12-1977. A ccording to the orders issued in the G. The publication should be undertaken by the Government employee at his own expense in both cases.1.P.C.O.A. A sample deed form for change of name is enclosed for reference. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) SHRAVAN KUMAR Chief Secretary to Government ANNEXURE FORM OF THE DEED FOR CHANGE OF NAME BY THE DEED : I the undersigned B. dated 18-5-1983. 5 (Ruppes Five only) and the same need not be registered. he shall secure a certificate from the Dist. 23012/10/84. From the Government of India. read above. The said deed form should be on the stamp paper (non judicial) of value of Rs. ORDER : 1.(Genl. The above procedurs is being followed in respect of all persons including Goverbment employees residing in Andhra Pradesh State. it is desirable that it should be attested by to witnesses preferably those known to the Head of the Office in which the Government employee is serving. 4. 2. G. 2. The execution of the said deed should be followed by publication of the change in a prominent local news paper as well as in Andhra Pradesh Gazette. C.C. : The following Officers are appointed as Magistrates by virtue of their offices. Signature with Assumed surname Witness : 1. 2.C. 4. MAGISTERIAL FUNCTIONS Indian Penal code 1860 is substantive Law. deeds and liabilities by me as (old name) and known to all men.Servant concerned ) at (Place where employed in the Department).C. The code of Criminal Procedure 1973 is both a procedural and substantive law. For the purpose of evidence such my determination declare that shall at all times here in after in all records deeds and writing and in all proceedings dealings and transactions as well as private publish and upon all occasions whatsoever use and sign by name of B. as may surname in place or and institution for my former surname of C (only).C. IN WITNESS WHERE OF I have hereunto subscribed my former and adopted names of C and B.C. 1. I declare that change of name is not to cause any prejudice and not any fraudulent intention. District Collector - District Magistrate Joint Collector & Dist. and so that I and my wife and children and remother issue may hereafter be called known and distinguished not my former surname of C (only) but my assumed surname of B. 5. Signature with original By the above named B. Revenue Officer - Additional District Magistrates Divisional Officers Mandal Revenue Officers Sub Divisional Magistrates Mandal Executive Magistrates Special Executive Magistrates: 109 . accordingly. I here by acknowledge and indemnify all acts. { Surname Formely C in the presence of (b) { B. Expressly authorisic and request all persons at all times hereafter to designate and address me and my wife and children and remoter issue by such assumed surname of B. Megistrates. 2. 3. relinquish and abandon the use of my former surname of C (only) and in place there of No assume from the date here of the surname of B. For and on behalf of my self and my wife and children and remother issue wholly renounce. and affixed my seal this _______________________ day of ________________ Signed sealed & delivered { C.C. Important Provisions of Criminal Procedure Code: Sec. N. Public Order and tranquility (Sections 129 8 130): Sec. 110 . The object is to prevent breach of peace.108: The Magistrate may require any peson within his local jurisdiction to execute a bond with or without surities for his good behaviour for such period not exceeding one year. 108. Sec. for such terms as they may think fit..Exe.Under section 21 of code of Criminal Procedure Code.: The Executive Magistrates acting under sections 107. as mentioned in (a) to (f) of Sec. Sec.c as indicated there in. The procedure prescribed in sections 110 to 116 shall be followed for holding enquiry. 117: The Executive Magistrate who complete the enquiry has to issue order as mentioned in this section. Deputy Cllectors and Tahsildars and Deputy Tahsildars are appointed as special Executive Magistrates to handle urgent law and order problems. Sec. The provisons of this section could be invoked as a caution and if methods of persuation fail. Public Nuisances (Sections 133 to 143): Sec.107 : Security for keeping the peace. Generally. buildings etc. Secs: 118 to 124: Implementation of the orders passed by the Magistrate u/ s 117.134 to 141: Indicate the procedure to be followed by the Executive Magistrate in respect of Public Nuisances.109: The Magistrate may direct any person suspected to be hiding their presence with a view to commit cognizable offence for their good behaviour for a period not exceeding one year.133. the State Government may appoint.P.B.133: The Executive Magistrates who are SPECIALLY EMPOWERED to exercise powers under this section may order for removal of public nuisance in a locality due to open drains. Sec. Magistrate to command the dispersal of unlawful assembly by using CIVIL FORCE.130: Use of ARMED FORCE for dispersal of unlawful assembly. The Executive Magistrate may require security from any person likely to commit breach of peace or disturbance to public tranquility in a particular area for a period not exceeding one year. Sec.129: Empowers the Exe-Magistrte/Spl. 110: The Magistrate may direct any person suspected to be a habitual offender under different categories as detailed in this section for his good behaviour for a period not exceeding one year. Sec. 100 or 110 shall make an order under section 111 Cr. Special Executive Magistrates for particular areas or for performance of particular functions and confer on such Special Executive Magistrates such of the powers as are conferable under the code. Sec.142: Injunction pending enquiry. 148: The District Magistrate/Sub Divisionl Magistrate may depute any Magistrate subordinate to him to make local enquiries if necessary for purpose of Sections 145. Recording the sworn statements is not a condition precedent to the passing preliminary orders. Disputes Relating to Immovable Properties : Sec.Magistrate can promulgate prohibitory order in urgent cases of apprehended danger or nuisance under all circumstances mentioned in Sec.144: Any Exe. Megistrate is empowered to make orders prohibiting repetation or continuance of public nuisance as defined under l. Sec. Orders under this section are temporarily effective.Sec. water or boundry dispute and he shall issue order for preventing breach of peace. or any Special or Local Law. FORM OF INQUEST POLICE MANUAL FORM 78 DISTRICT ORDER 635 (1) ANDHRA PRADESH POLICE CIRCLE STATION 111 . Sec.P.145: The provisions of this section are invoked by the Exe.144(1) and the order shall remain in force for not more than two months from the date of issue of the order unless extended by the Govenrment.C. The scope of enquiry u/s 145 is limited to the question as to who was in actual possession on the date of preliminary report irrespective of the rights of parties. Inquest: Section 174: In all cases where information is received by Police Officer in charge of a Police Station that a person has committed suicide or has been killed by another or by an animal or by an accident or died under circumstances raising a reasonable suspicion that some person has committed an offence. Mere existence of a civi suit does not bar the jurisdiction of the Executive Magistrate. The Magistrate has to consider all documents.Magistrate when he is satisfied that breach of peace is likely due to land. 146 and 147.146: The Magistrate can in cases of emergency attach any property until a competent court determines the rights of the parties there to and a receiver can also be appointed by him. Sec.143: The Exe. the officer in charge of the Police Station having jurisdiction shall make an investigation u/s 174 (1) in the presence of two or more respectable inhabitants of the locality and forward his reprot under sub section 2) to the District Magistrate or SubDivisional Magistrate. Sec.Magistrate can exercise powers under the section similar to those u/s 145 over disputes concerning the rights of land and water.147: The Exe. colour.... By whom first found dead. 200 N... CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE...... (iv) 1.. If by a violence.. father’s name and residence.. 3.. (a) If any persons suspected.. 2. if any wounds.. Married or single. was she the only wife? 7.... (i) In framing this report the questions below should be carefully answered. sex. Apparent cause of death. (iii) Questions 19 to 25 apply to the Railway Police.. 4. and descriptive marks. If in a well (a) Is the well public or private property? If the latter..... ON THE BODY OF A PERSON DEAD AT ....... State of corpse.B. who and why? 112 . 10. Minute description of exact spot where corpse was found....... (ii) The word “nil” should be written against the number of any question which requires no answer. age. QUESTIONS Names.. 5..STATION REPORT OF INVESTIGATION UNDER SECTION 174. particulars thereof and list of all property found on the corpse. where and when and in whose company Height. when and where? By whom last seen alive.. Case diary forms should be used as inner sheets for answering these questions.... Deceased’s name.. apparently by what weapon? 11.. 6.. caste.. if in water depth thereof.. to whom does it belong? (b) way? Is it near a public road or path (c) Has it a parapet wall and float? 9.. caste. 8. if a female. calling and residence of persons composing the panchayat. calling. ON THE DATE OF . Investigation commenced at Investigation closed at 113 . Station House Officer’s Signature. state what steps have been taken to ascertain the same and secure identification. Opinion of the panchayatdars as to cause and manner of death. if so. Were suspected engines and carriages examined. 23. (a) If name and residence of deceased be unknown. To what stations have proclamations been sent ? (b) Have finger prints of deceased been taken and sent to Finger Print Bureau.(b) Was deceased insured in any company? 12. 18. If corpse is sent. Signature of such of the panchayatdars as concur in the above opinion. Was body warm or cold when first found? 20. Reasons for supposing that body was run over by any particular train. 25. 17. Any reason to suspect foul play. 16. Andhra Pradesh. why? 13. Circumstances under which deceased met with the accident. and number of Constable who went with it? ( the date and hour when the body is sent should also be given here). 24. for what purpose and by whose order. If corpse is not sent for medical examination. Hyderabad? 19. If appearance shows that body has been dragged. by whom and with what result? 22. Duration of investigation . 26. was it by an up or down train? 21. 14. Statements of driver and fireman of suspected train. By whose orders corpse was burried or burnt? 15. Under sub-section (3) of the section. 486 to 489. 498. 510 and 511 of Indian Penal Code. 456. 334 to 347. Note: The court of a llnd Class Magistrate may pass a sentence of imprisonment not exceeding a term of one year or fine not exceeding a sum of Rs. 165.395. there are three factors to be taken into consideration for determining the appropriate punishment. have to be taken on file. 417. puishment for the offence.172 to 180. AGENCY CIVIL CASES 114 . 323. 483. 45 to 454. i) Motive: ii)Magnitude of the Offence: and iii) Character of the accused.or both.R. 508. 491. when the case is of the nature referred to in clause (i) or clause (ii) of subsection (3) of sec. the Magistrate is competent to inflict 1/4th of the term of imprisonment. 418. 421 to 432. he shall have all powers for holding an enquiry into an offence. 262. They can entertain and try the cases under sections 135 to 147. In default of payment of fine. which he is competent to inflict.176 Under Sub-section (1) any Executive Magistrate specially empowered may hold an inquiry into the cause of death either instead of or in addition to the investigation held by a Police Officer u/s 174. 182 to 190. 225B. 294.O’s in Agency areas shall also function as Judicial Magistrates excercising IInd class Megisterial powers and discharge the functions of a IInd class Magistrate. Benefit of doubt must always go in favour of the accused. he shall wherever practicable inform the relatives of the deceased. 434. 309.333. 282 to 291. the witnesses examined after framing charges and the case to be committed to Sessions if there is a primafacie case and a decision sent to the sessions court within five days from the date of decision. 408. 206. 294A. 461.C. he can cause the dead body to be disinterested or exhumed in order to discover the cause of death. 170. whose addresses are known and shall allow them to remain present at the enquiry. 403 to 406. 217. Doctrine of mensrea should invariably be considered and assessed. 379 to 381.174 and if he does so. 202. 482. 462. 457. 153 to 160.Sec. 384. While doing so. 254. If any person dies while in the custody of Police. subject to the provisions of the l. The cases u/s’s 302. In every case. Criminal Justice in Agency Areas: M. Award of sentence is a discretion of the judge which cannot be capricious or arbitrary. in addition to the substantive sentence of imprisonment. 414.P.436 and other sections or be tried in Sessions Court.307. 352 to 358. 385. 504. 295 to 298.1000/. 203. 264 to 280. 5. Court fee shall be paid and the valuation of the suit or appeal shall. made the A.The Government of A. to arbitration before a Panchayat of three or five members whose decision shall be filed in the court in the form of a razinama petition. which is wholly or partly Agency.1956. Arbitration : The Agent to the State Government / Agency Divisional Officer may suomoto and the Agency Munsif with the written consent of both the parties. or reject it after recording reasons. Agency Rules under section 6 of the Scheduled Districts Act. Investigation . the Agent to the State Government (District Collector) is empowered to appoint any of his subordinates or. be in accordance with the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Court fees and suits Valuation Act.000/. Muttadar or other feudal or other feudal hill chief may be concerned. the jurisdiction vested in the District Munsif in the ordinary tracts of the State. 1974 for the administration of the Agency tracts. Suits a value exceeding Rs.5. any other duly qualified persons as Agency Munsiffs.57: Person arrested not to be detained for more than 24 hours. 115 . the Agency Munsif have cognizance of suits not exceeding in value of Rs. ‘Agency Divisional Officer’ means an Officer in-charge of a Revenue Sub-Division. The court may accept the decision and pass a decree. refer any suit pending in their respective courts.P.P.but shall not have cognizance of any suit in which any Zamindar.Remand of Prisoners: Sec.the Sub Inspector of Police shall further take the prisoner to the nearest JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE with a copy of case diary for authorising the detention of the accused for 15 days and if further detention is necessary he may send to the judicial Magistrate having jurisdiction to try the matter. The maximum period for detention of the accused under this section is 90 days only. Bissoyee or any Mansubdar. According to sub-rule (3) of rule1. According to rule 5[11]. ‘Decree’ shall include orders passed under rules 39(1) and 43(3) but not orders under rules 33 and 35. Suits of a value upto Rs.000/. Sec. subject to the modifications contained in the rules.167: If the investigation cannot be completed within the period of 24 hours and there is positive information about the involvement of the accused in criminal acts.shall have to be institued in the court of the Agency Divisional Officer having jurisdiction. with the sanction of the State Government.500/.shall have to be instituted in the court of Agent to the State Government. to exercise in such places and within such portion of the Agency tracts. Rs.affixed on the application form and submit the application to the Dist. The Licensing Authority may condone the delay for valid reasons. induplicate.100/Rs.10/Rs. On expiry of the licence the weapon has to be deposited in the nearest police station. Collectors can grant licence for District and State Government is the Licensing Authority for grant of licence for All India.20/ ML Gun. Disposal of Weapon: If the licensee intends to dispose of the weapon to another licence holder or dealer he should intimate the fact to the Licensing Authority for permission and he should also notify the nearest police station. no person shall acquire or possess any fire arm or amunition unless he holds a valid licence. Renewal: The arms licences should be renewed in time. 5/ Licensing Authority: The Collector & Dist.ARMS ACT. The Aid will be sanctioned by the District Judge in the Committee constituted for the purpose. DBBL Gun. Airrifle Rs.30/ 22 bore rifle. with two pass port size photos and court fee lable worth Rs.2/. 1962 As per the provisions contained under section 3 of the Act.)is liable to be prosecuted. Magistrate Procedure: The applicants have to submit the application in form-ii..50/ Rifle Rs. Otherwise the licensee is liable for prosecution.40/Rs. Collector. The poor people who have no properties and economically backward are eligible to get legal Aid. Any contravention under the Act is punishable under sections 25 and 27 of the Act.Air Gun. 116 .60/Rs. He has to acquire the weapon within the time granted by the Licensing Authority and apply for time if he fails to acquire the weapon in time. Sword etc. District Legal Aid and Advice Committtee to the poor . 1959-ARMS RULES. A person holding a weapon without a valid licence (including a licence that expired due to non-renewal etc. LEGAL AID TO POOR The application for the Legal Aid to the poor has to be submitted to the District Collector which will be fonwarded to the District Judge and Chairman. The details of initial and renewal fees are as follows: WEAPON INITIAL FEE RENEWAL FEE Pistol / Revolver Rs. 1. In the notification inviting applications for selection of candidates for fair price shops.3. All vacancies of Fair Price Shops shall be notified through print media on 1st of every month by the Appointing Authority and invite the applicaations from the candidates for conderation to be appointed as F P shop dealars by issue of authorisation. it shall be specifically mentioned whether the fair price shop for which 117 . Assistant Supply Officer’s office having jurisdiction and in the office of the Commissioner of Civil Supplies. 4. The appointing authority shall send a copy of each of the notification to the following namely.No. Tahsildar concerned and on the notice board of the Gram Panchayat concerned and also at a conspicuous place in the village in which the Fair Price Shop is to be located or notified. The notification shall also be sent to the Municipal Circle/Ward offices in whose jurisdiction the FP shop vacancy is proposed to be filed for display in their offices. (iii) To the members of the Food Advisory Committee attached to the fair price shop.O. Copies of the notification shall be sent to the members of the Food Advisory Committees at Corporation level and circle level. the notification shall be displayed in the notice board of the Chief Rationing officer’s office. OF FAIR PRICE SHOP DEALERS UNDER ANDHRA PRADESH STATE PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (CONTROL) ORDER. and also the member of parliament and Member of Legislative Assembly in whose constituencies the vacancies fall with the city limits. 2008 1. The appointing authority may also publicize the notificaion inviting applications by beat of drum in the village concened or through public announcement system in the village or town. and (iv) To the Member of Legisiative Assembly and Member of Parliament in whose constituency the Fair price shop vacancy is notified and filled up. Collector Office.DT: 19-02-2011 ) I) GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT ETC.. NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES OF FAIR PRICE SHOPS:1. CAF&CS(CSI) DEPT. 1.CIVIL SUPPLIES ( ANNEXURE G.Ms.2 In the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The notification shall be affixed on the notice Boards of Revenue Divisional Officer’s. (i) To Sarpanch of the Panchayat in which the fair price shop is to be located/notified. (ii) To all the members of Food Advisory Committee attached to the Mandal where the FPS is located. BC. The vacancies reserved for SC. VERIFICATION OF ANTECEDENTS:The appointing authority shall verify the antecedents of the selected candidates through the records of their own offices. time and venue o interviews. The appointing Authority shall also get clearance report from the Tahsildars concerned regarding any punishment or in118 . The written examination shall be for 50 marks. After the test is conducted. The candidates carrying the recommendations from any source shall be disqualified for the interview/selection.O. the list of the candidates qualified based on the written test and the viva voce shall be prepared and the candidates who secured the highest marks shall be declared eligible for appointment after due verification of the antecedents and other process as prescribed in this order.4. The appointing authority shall not entertain any favour nor shall yield to any influence from ppolitical.PHC as shown in the foregoing paras. The ratio between the vacancy proposed to be filled and the candidates to be invited for interview shall be 1:5. The interview shall be for 50 marks. 2. so that the persons eligible alone shall apply. Notification for filling up vaancies of the FP Shops shall contain the details of the FP Shop indicating whether it is reserved for any category like SC. Selection shall be made on the basis of interviews conducted by the Appointing Authority. official and any persons and shall act impartially in the selection of the candidates.ST. the qualified candidates who score 20 and above out of 50 marks shall be called for viva voce interview on a date indicated by the A.ST. After the interview is completed. the Appointing Authority may confine the ratio to the exact number of qualified candidates in the written test. However. If the qualified candidates in the written test are more than 5. The Appointing Authority shall cause service of letters calling upon all the eligible applicants for an interview duly indicating the date. to be determined on the basis of the minimum general educational qualifications of the candidates and other criteria indicated in the foregoing paras and in the Andhra Pradesh Public Distribution System (control) order 2008. if the candidates qualified in the written test is less than 5. purely on merit. Written Test.e. it shall be restricted to 5 only based on the marks from highest in the descending order. Others who does not come under these categories are not eligible to attend the written test.applications have been invited is reserved for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Backward classes / Physically Handicapped / Woman. Interview and Selection:The appointing authority shall conduct a written test generally on the existing PDPS and the records to bemaintained by the FP Shop dealer to knwo whether the applicant is aware of the functioning of the Public Distribution System in the State and whether he can function effectively in the implementation of the PDS and other general issues. 1. The Appointing authority i.PHC shall be filled by the respective category candidates only. Revenue Divisional Officer / Sub-Collector / District supply Officer (City) shall notify all the Fair Price shop vacancies as per roster.BC. 3. 2. (a) Persons possessing the minimum general educational qualifications and the persons having higher qualifications. Shop dealers selected from women quota shall be adjusted both in the reserved category and also in open category. ELIGIBILITY Keeping in view.volvement of the selected candidates in any case under various laws or under any of the ordes issued under the Essential Commodities Act.P. and (ii) The F. if applies may be considered for appointment. or his/her relationship with any business or ex-dealers or Government employees.P. RESERVATIONS:7. 7. shops shall be fixed at 30%.Shops in the Revenue Division/circle concerned. unemployed persons or from Registered Rural area groups of Women’s voluntary consumer Organisations (which have only women as members) or Woman’s thrift groups like ‘Podupu Lakshmi’ Cooperative societies run exclusively by women shall be eligible for appointment as fair price shop dealers. AGE LIMIT:The minimum age for applying for grant of a F. (i) Reservation to women in allotment of F. A pass in 10th class shall be the minimum general educational qualification required for appointment as fair price shop dealers.P. if applied shall be treated equally for the purpose of appointment and (b) Where no candidate is available with the said minimum general educational qualifications.3. The following reservation shall be observed while making appointments: Scheduled Castes : 15% Scheduled Tribes : 6% Physically Handicapped : 3% Backward Classes : 25% 7. 4. 7. 1% shall be reserved to the windows of Ex-Servicemen.P. which shall not be less then a pass in 7th class. 5. the growing unemployment. The applicant should be financial sound to lift the allocated essential commodities by the authority and should not leave essential commodities unlifted due to financial constrains. 1955 or in relation to any essential commodities. Out of the said 30% reservation to women. MINIMUM GENERAL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:5. Shop shall complete 18 years of age maximum age limit of 40 years. 6. a candidate possessing a lesser educational qualifications.1.1. The appointing authority shall maintain the percentage of reservation prescribed by the Government at divi sional / circle level on overall basis of the strength of the F. etc. Reservations provided shall be followed treating the entire Revenue Division/circle as a 119 . integrated Tribal Development Agency shall arrange the necessary margin money. Shops reserved for Physically Handicapped. Thrift groups functioning under various names like “Podupu lakshmi”. / Hawkers who are otherwise eligible for appointment. 10. Shop dealer subject to full filling the conditions if appointment of F. (iv) “Preference shall be given to the hawkers/NRs having license under the APPP (L&Rs) Rules 1980. 9. 8.P.P. the F. for selection and appointment as F. Shops shall be entrusted to such tribal candidates only. (ii) Preference shall be given to the candidates belonging to families of freedom fighters. The Tribal beneficiaries thus selected by the Project Officer. GUIDELINES TO BE OBSERVED IN TRIBAL AREAS:1. shall be residents of the Mandal Concerned. integrated Tribal Development Agency concerned shall identify suitable tribal beneficiaries and the F.P.P.P. Shop Vancancy. Shops shall be entrusted to apart time depots of the Girijan Co-operative manned by Tribal Candidates. where the F.P. Shop dealers by the N.P. Scheduled Tribes Finance Corporation / integrated Tribal Development Agency / Girijan Co-operative Corporation or through Commercial Banks.P.P. 4. and (iii) Preference shall be given to DWCRA groups. PREFERENCE AND PRIORITIES:(i) Preference shall be given to the resident of the revenue village or hamlet in which the shop is to be located or the ward in a Municipality where the shop is to be located. Shop dealer. while filling up the existing or new F. Fair Price Shops shall be run through the Daily Requirement Depots of the Girijan Co-operative Corpo ration wherever they exist.P. as the case may be in which the shops is to be located. 2. RESIDENCE:The candidates shall be a resident of the Gram Panchayat or the Muncipal limits of the town. However on appointment they shall shift the place of residence to the place. 5.(a) Persons applying for F. in which case the Project Officer. 8. All Requiste qualifications and guidelines issued by Government from time to time shall be applicable to those hawkers/ NRs while converting to F. The selection of beneficiaries to run the F.unit. Integrated Tribal Development Agency shall be provided institutional Finance from A. Shop is to be situated in that Mandal. if they apply. Where neither Daily Requirement Depts nor part time depots are available.R. Where there is no daily requirement Depots. 3. Preference shall be given to the persons who are in the residents of the concerned gram Panchayat limits or the concerned Municipal Limits of the town. Shops shall be done by the 120 . the project officer. Shop dealers by appointing authority. In respect of those villages where tribals do not come forward to take up F. Chairman of Zilla Praza Parishad. should not be refunded. Shops dealership due to lack of finances. there shall however be no objection to appoint family members or relatives of employees working on contractual basis on consolidated pay like. (ii) The deposit made by the Fair Price Shop / NR dealer with Civil Supplies Department. Shops through their daily requirement Depots. Shop / NR Shall be treated as arrears of Land Revenue and to be collected by the Tahsildar / Revenue Divisional Officer concerned. Asha workers. In respect of those villages where no tribals are residing in tribal areas.P.P. the Girijan Co-operative Corpo ration alone shall run the F. The integrated Tribal Development Agency Officials and Tahsildar concerned shall be responsible to recover the loan amounts from such tribal beneficiaries identified by the Project Officer. who are empowdered under the Revenue Recovery Act.P. without concurrence of the financing institution and the F.P. (iii) Close relatives of Government employees especially those working in Civil Supplies Department or Revenue Department or the Civil Supplies Corporation or Village Administrative Officer of the village shall not be appointed as F. integrated Tribal Development Agency concerned shall identify suitables tribal beneficiary and provide necessary financial assistance towards working capital as well as security deposit.Shop dealer shall give an undertaking to the appointing authority concerned that he/she shall relinquish the fair price shop dealership if he/she is elected to any pubic office.P. (ii) Every F. or holding any office of profit irrespective of the reservation shall not be eligible. Anganwadi teachers. 11.GENERAL:(i) All individuals holding any public offie like Sarpanch of Gram Panchayat. Presidents of Co. 6. 121 . 8. ANMs. Shop dealer/NR of existing / legal heirs of deceased / defaulter F. President of Mandal Praja Parishad.Project Officer. 7. Immediate action shall be taken to replace all the F. 12.P. integrated Tribal Development Agency concerned and the candidates thus selected will be appointed as F.operative Societies.P. integrated Tribal Development Agency.P.Shop dealers. Shop dealer must be insisted upon to get the monthly demand Drafts from the bank which has provided loan to him. Vidya Vounteers. Out Sourcing employees etc... the Project Officer. Councillors or Chairman of municipality/Members of Zilla Parishad Territorial Constituency (ZPTC) etc.P.BANK FINANCE AND RECOVERY:(i) The amount fallen due to banks for the amount advanced to a F. Shops which are now being run by Non-tribal areas. Shop dealer be issued by any officer other than the appointing authority..Shop dealer shall be required to work for a minimum period of 5(five) years unless the authorization of the F. the appointing authority shall issue speaking orders specifically giving reasons and quoting the relevant rules and provisions under law.P.Shop.P.P. (viii) When the authorization of a F. 1955 or pendency of cases under the Essential Commidities Act. (ix) Every candidate appointed as a F. to ensure uninterrupted supply of essential commodities.P. The required finances may be mobilized through institutional finance or the candidate’s own finance. and it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the appointing authority. Failure to adhere to this condition shall result in forfeiture of the trade deposit remitted by the dealer.P. seeking a relinquish the dealership shall not be accepted within the minimum period of 5(five) years except under special circumstances to be decided by the Competent authority.Shop himself/herself.Shop dealers. labour laws etc or bad conduct on record as a dealer or as an individual if he had earlier functioned as a F.P.Shop dealer/NR is suspended/cancelled or where a F.(iv) candidates shall be required to give the Mulgi/shop number or the door number of the place of business at the time of submission of the application or before the authorization is falls vacant. (xii) The candidate shall possess good health and shall not suffer from any contagious or infectious disease or from any other disability making the candidate unfit to run the F.p.Shop/NR of the same village.P. (xiii) The applicant shall personally run the F. (x) The candidate shall be financially sound to lift the PDS stocks rquired for all the cards that are likely to be registered with the F. marketing laws. the work of such FP shop may be entrusted to any person purely on temporary basis in order to ensure that there is no hardship to the cardholders in drawing the essential commodities as per their entirlement. should the orders issuing authorizations or the orders suspending or cancelling the authorization. (vii) while taking disciplinary action against the F.Shop dealer or a retail dealer in essential commodities in the open market.p. (v) Under no circumstances. if it is not easible to attach the cars to the neighbouring FP Shop/NR for want of a shop in the same village or for any other reasons. clearly indicating that such entrustment or distribution on a temporary basis shall not confer any right at the time of filling up of the vacancy on a regular basis.P. 1955 or cancellation of licenses or punishments or pending charges under the weights and measures law. (xi) The candidate shall not have any adverse antecedents such as criminal cases or any punishments under the Essential Commodities Act. Resignations etc. the cards of such fair price shop shall be attached to the neighbouring F. However.Shop and not run benami or 122 .P. forfeiture of security deposit of a F. (vi) Even temporary arrangements for attaching the cards to nearby FP shop shall be ordered by the appointing authority concerned and not by the Tahsildar/ Assistant Supply Officer.Shop is suspended or cancelled by the Competent Authority. Shop without any order from the competent authority or tries to transfer the F.Shop dealer ships.Shop dealer shall give an undertaking to the appointing authority agreeing to:a) sell the essential commodities supplied to him for the Public Distribution on proper weighment and kerosene on proper measurements.Shop dealership is not transferable.P.P. c) Sell the allotted essential commodities to the cardholders at the rates prescribed by the Government.p. so that they are available for verification and e) use only those registers in which all the pages are stamped and the total number of pages are certified by the concerned Tahsildar/Assistant Supply Officer.Shop dealers may take the assistance of their family member(s) whose name or names are to be included in the dealer’s supply card.Shop dealership and deposit.P.P. SANJAY JAJU EX. are not allotted F.through an agent.P. An undertaking shall be given by the candidate to the effect that he/she would lose the right to the F. (xvii) The appointing authority shall verify and ensure that candidates who have already been benefited under other Government Schemes such as Gramodaya Pathakam. (xiv) F.P.Shop dealer shall.Shop in somebody’s name.OFFICIO SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT (II). d) Maintain proper accounts for each month and hand over the sales books of acounts including bill books after the close of each month to the Tahsildar/Assistant Supply Officer concerned by 3rd of every month.P. However. if he or she is found to have transferred the F. (xv) The candidate shall not have any connections with any other business dealing in the same commodities that are being distributed through PDS either directly or indirectly (xvi) In respect of individuals in each category the appointing authority shall take action to ensure institutional finance support from the scheduled castes or Backward classes financial corporations or Women’s Welfare Corporations or Physically Handicapped Corporation or Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Tribues Finance Corporation or through other special Employment schemes. (xviii) Every F. on appointment as F. Khadi and Village Industries Board etc. If a women dealer gets married and in the event of her leaving the village she must relinquish the F.. before lifting the first quota. INSPECTION OF FAIR PRICE SHOPS 123 .Shop dealership. b) Use weights and measures which are properly stamped by the Legal Metrology Department and get them renewed from time to time as required under the Weights and Measures laws.p. women F. M Verification of stock-cum-price list board being displayed by the dealer. This will be possible only if effective and frequent checks of the fair price shops are made. especially on supply of rice under various schemes. M Verify whether the dealer is keeping the weights and balances duly verified and stamped by the Legal metrology Department officials and the verification certificate. M Cross verification of entires made in the stock register. received against fair price shop dealers. sales register acquittance register. lifting and distribution of commodities has been made during the month. M Verify the Key Register and entries made therein and allotment made by the Tahsildar (formerly TAHSILDAR) / Assis tant Supply Officer and cross check whether the allotment made is correct as per the member-wise entries made in the key register or not. The following items are to be covered in the inspection by the inspecting officer. Each and every inspection should cover all items then only it will be purposeful. M Verify whether the dealer is keeping the stocks of essential commodities at the fair price shop in good condition and maintaing good quality. M Verify whether the dealer is maintaining complaint box / complaint registor at the fair price shop and what are the complaints received and action has to be taken thereon. 124 . if any. M Verify whether the dealer is exhibiting sealed samples of commodities at the fair price shop or not. M Cross verification of entries made in the registers and coupons received by the dealer from the cardholders. it is absolutely necessary to ensure that the commodities reach the consumers to whom it is intended. M Verification of authorization. M To attend the complaints promptly.In view of the huge subsidy being incurred by both Central Government and State Government on supply of essential commodities. M To ensure prompt distribution of essential commodities to the cardholders. M Verify whether publicity on allotment. M To keep a watch over the erring fair price shop dealers who are indulging in malpractice and blackmarketing. M To cross check with the cardholders to know the general functioning of the fair price shop. result oriented and also educa tive to the fair price shop dealer in his functioning. Every fair price shop shall be inspected atleast once in a month by the Revenue / Civil Supplies officials. M To cross check the entries made by the dealers in the registers and ensure that the fair price shop dealer maintain accounts correctly. M To check whether the fair price shop dealers have renewed the authorization promntly in time or not. M Enquire the other cardholders and public in the village about the functioning of fair price shop and to receive complaints. Act 1955 before the joint Collector as well as filing a report before the appointing authority for initiating disciplinary action.M Verify whether the dealer is filling demand drafts in time and lifting essential commodities within the time stipulated and keeping adequate stocks at the shop for distribution. M Verify whether the dealer. record the findings of each item 125 .C. transfer. Thorough inspection is one important aspect and the other aspect is recording all the findings of inspection writing and submitting report to the superior officer. remitting the loan installments promptly or not. M Enquire the cardholders present at the shop about the timings being maintained by the dealer. M Check up whether Food Advisory Committee meetings are held regularly on the stipulated dates or not. M Check up whether the Route Officer and vehicle driver are recording their signatures in the register or not. weighment. on the functioning and the behaviour of the dealer. M Enquire the stay of cardholders in the village or any other changes due to migration. death. M If any variation is found between book balance and ground balance of stocks beyond permissible limits. distribution of commodities. then seize the commodity in question under the provisions of APPDS Control Order. compare the ground balance with book balance and observe whether there is any variation or not. and detect whether the dealer is denying supply of com modities to any cardholder. M Conduct physical verification of stocks available at the fair price shop. M Enquire with the dealer about any of problems faced by him in running the shop so as to find solution for the same for effective functioning of the shop. and record the same and submit to the Tahsildar / Assistant Supply Officer for effecting necessary changes in the Key Register and allotment of commodities. prices being charged etc. if any. M Verify the commodities being distributed to the cardholders by the dealer at the time of inspection and physically weigh them and notice whether the dealer is giving commodities with correct weighment / measurement and at the prices fixed by the Government. 2008 and conditions of Authorisation and file a case under Section 6-A of E. M Verify whether the coupons that are received by the fair price shop dealer from the cardholders every month are being accounted for in the office of the Tahsildar / Assistant Supply Officer or not. if availed bank finance. etc... After through verification of all the above items. Further the dealer is doing any other business or job or holding any public life with or without remuneration. CI.7(i) 11. 50% of scheduled commodities shall be lifted before the end of the month & remaining 50% before 10th ofthe succeeding month. add to.5(1) (A) 3. Not furnishing correct information for obtaining HHS Cards CI. Applying duplicate supply card dishonestly CI. 2008 S.13 14. Tahsildar (Revenue) or any Gazetted Officer of Vigilance & Enft. Powers to appointing authority to pass an order in writing.5(1)(B) (i) 4. To pay security deposit forfeited . Non lifting of scheduled commodities in time Penalty of Rs. result oriented and will result in effective implementation of Public Distribution System. 11(ii) 12.Cancellation of authorization. Shall furnish correct and accurate information. CI.. 500/. Repeat the same lapse for (3) months . CI. incorrect weighment. Powers of entry. Keeping HHS cards/coupons in the shop CI. CI. CI.5(2) 6. Dept. vary. Selling or supplying of scheduled commodities for other than household consumption. (III) . search and seizure conferred on Any officer of the Revenue or Civil Supplies not below the rank of Revenue Inspector / Checking Inspector / Food Inspector. Un-authorised possession of supply card CI.5(10(B) (iii) 5.5(10) 8. 126 . CI. CI. suspend or cancel the authorization issued or deemed to be issued. Obtaining supply card by furnishing false information CI. Not applying for renewal of authorization with one month after expiry of validity. Then the inspection of fair price shop would be purposeful.4(ii) 2.No. CI. Tahsildar (CS).12 13. Not surrendering a cancelled supply card. higher rates.and submit a detailed report to the Tahsildar / Assistant Supply Officer and Revenue Divisional Officer / Sub-Collector concerned along with a report in prescribed proforma for taking necessary further action. Dy. Dy. amend.6(iii) 10. Inspection of premises where PDS/Other schemes commodities are stored. CI.5(5) 7.per day.5(16) 9. CI 16(i) 18.15(c) 17.15(b) 16. CI.15(a) 15. Andhra Pradesh State Public Distribution System (Control) Order. Altering or destroying supply card without lawful authority CI. Gist Clauses contravened 1. Running the shop without authorization. 20 25. CI. Areas & Rs.22(ii) 27.16(vii) 19.17(c) 22.22(viii) (IV).diverting stocks CI.CI.000/. Landless agriculture labourers. blacksmiths. 3. Households headed by widows or terminally ill persons / disabled persons aged 60 years or more with no assured means of subsistence or societal support. The age of the applicant (male or female) should be 65 years or above.21 26. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR OBTAINING WHITE RATION CARD Family income shall not be more than Rs. and persons earning their livelihood on daily basis in the informal sec tor. CI.22(vii) 32. rural artisans / craftsmen such as potters. slum dwellers. ANTYODAYA ANNA YOJANA:Identification of the beneficiaries would be from amongst the following priority groups:i. Denying supply CI.17(b) 21. carpenters.22 (iii) 28. ANNAPURNA SCHEME: The Eligibility Criteria of the beneficiaries is as follows: 1. 60. tanners. Scale of issue / prices fixed by the Govt. Shall not retain HHS cards CI. Widows or terminally ill persons or disabled persons or persons aged 60 years or more single women or single men with no family or societal support or assured means of subsistence. All primitive tribal households. 2. CI. Interruption / Interference in the process of distribution CI. 75.18(b) 24. Drawing scheduled commodities by making false entries / Possession of HHS cards (Bogus/Ghost cards) CI. The applicant should not be in receipt of pension under National Old Age Pension or State Pension Scheme. iv. Fictitious entires . ii. iii.000/. Correct maintenance of accounts. weavers.17(a) 20. The persons shall be poorest of the poor and those who unable to get 127 . Diversion of stocks. marginal farmers. The applicant should be a “destitute” in the sense of having little or no regular means of subsistence from his/her own source of income or through financial support from family members or their sources. Prescribed timings CI. v.22(v) 30. Appellate authority CI. Revisional authority CI. All days shall be opened CI.per annum in Rural. Display of information CI.17(A) 23.22 (vi) 31.per annum in Urban Areas.22(iv) 29. Not furnishing particulars of stocks / dealings CI. 20% on annual average sales of above 600 kiloliters. the explanation of the dealer will be called for before any action is taken under this control order. ii) Mistake in mathematical totaling.25% on annual average sales of 0-600 Kilo liters. (V). administrative action under EC Act can be taken. vi.75% on annual averages sales of 0-600 Kilo liters. 0. non-maintenance of stock boards. 26776/CS-II/91-1 dt 07-05-91) FOR PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MS & HSD: Motor Spirit Petrol: Evaporation/handling losses in MOTOR SPIRIT as follows: 0. FOR FAIR PRICE SHOPS: i) Minor variations in respect of single commodity upto 1. viii) In the course of normal transcation if the licensee forgets to mention either the license number or the date on the bill or memo. clerical and accounting error in the maintenence of prescribed registers. ix) For violation of Control Order if any by way of failure to submit periodical returns. iii) If the shop is not opened during the prescribed hours of business or closed at the time fixed for closing due to unavoidable circumstances. Note: In case of motor spirit shortage beyond permissible limits. pressure of work or unavoidable circumstances on the part of the FP shop keeper. iv) If the stock register does not show the place from which the stock was brough or was sent but the information is available from any other register or document. vii) If the license given to the owner for running the FP Shop is not kept duly perceivable. 0. MINOR OFFENCES MARGINAL VARIATIONS AT A GLANCE In respect of the following types of mistakes/lapses/omissions it may not ordinarily be necessary to launch prosecutions. (Govt. HSD: Handling losses in HSD is as follows: 0. However. vi) If non-availability of a commodity is not specifically indicated in the stock register when such commodity is not available in the stock.5% taking into consideration on transactions of one month.60% on annual average sale of above 600 kilo liters. The person shall have no purchasing power and unable to buy foodgrains at BPL rates throughout the year.square meal a day. (Shrinkage losses on Motor Spirit/HSD and temperature variation allowance quantities on HSD to be taken into account wherever the same are applicable) Shortage in Handling / Leakage for KEROSENE 1) The provisions of 1% allowance extended to the kerosene wholesale dealer 128 . v) If the stock register could not be maintained for any particular day due to sickness. Memo No. variation in actual stock and book stock is permissible to the extent of 1% on recipts. since the last check ie. 4) The storage tanks are not physically calibrated but are the Critically / arithmetically calibrated. (CCS Ref. Or 5 qts or 10% 8% of book 10%of Ground stock and Ground ground stock which ever is less b a l ance Edible oil seeds 5% of the stocks 5% of the stocks 0. SUGAR (Qts) PULSES (Qts) E-OIL SEEDS (Qtls) E-OILS (Qts) Area population Trading Non Whole Retailers Trading Non-Trading W h o l e Salers Retailers Whole salers Retailers Rice MillsTrading salers 129 . Tank (VI). E2/800/95 Dt.5% of 1. Variation in under ground tanks upto (+ or -) 4% of actual stock on date of insepction is permissible and 4% (+ or -) variation is not supposed to be written off / up by the dealers and the same is only an allowance to be considered by the inspecting Officials. or 5% of the the stock which ever is less Pulses 2% of book 5Qts or 10% of balance and gorund stocks ground stock and book balance Kerosene 4% (+or-) of the stocks in U. STOCK LIMITS OF SCHEDULED COMMODITIES PADDY RICE (Qtls). 10-07-97) MARGINAL VARIATIONS ALLOWED Category Producer Wholesaler Retailer FPS dealers Rice Millers Food grains 5 qts. Keeping in view of cratic tank behaviour for the purpose of determining any excess/ short stocks being held by the dealers. 2) At the time of stock checking. 3) The actual quantity due to leakage/handling within the permissible limit of 1% should be duly accounted by the wholesale dealer periodically on a month to month basis along with their monthly returns with necessary the actual receipts is only to cover any shortage in Handling / Leakage while receiving supplies and while making deliveries to retailers.5% of each commodity Edible oil 4% of the stocks 75 Kgs.G. from the period when the shortage was last written off to the wholesale dealers. S & R) Orders.20(1) 4.Dist. E. Collector Sub clause 2(i)(ii) Order.Act. 2008 (Authorisation) City.Hyd.Rice Mills Rice Mills Rice Mills Whole salers Retailers Whole salers Retailers Whole salers Retailers @1800 Tonnes 1/2 Ton per hour capacity to be calculated No Limits 750 Qtls.. 4000 or 1 week Milling ca pacity which ever is higher 2000 . (License) 3. 2000 6. 50 Rural 1000 40 1000 40 1500 113 600 50 3 Lakhs above 1000-Other Places 250 . Naphtha Order.b) 130 . APS PDS (control) Collector Collector/JC (Sec.5(1). 1980. 500 . Collector (C1-2(i) authority authority FP Shops Sub-Collector/RDO DSO CRO/Joint Dist.No Appellate Control order Name of the Act / Revisional Disciplinary authority Licensing Appointing / 1. 2008 CI.Dist Hqrs. 1955 (Confiscation) 2.. Solvants.Others places 1000 40 1000 40 1200 75 375 30 3 Lakhs below Preferred Variety @90 Tonnes per 1/2 Ton and calculate @ 5% as per the milling capacity upto 1800 MTs whichever is less. Raffinate Dist. 15(i) (a.21(II) CI.31(a)) Collector/Jt. Vijayawada 1 0 0 0 Hyd. Collector & Magistrate And Slop Order. APPP (L&RS) Order. Khandasari any where 2000 50 (VII). of CI. Collector & Magistrate 5. LICENCING / APPONTING / APPELLATE AND REVISIONAL AUTHORITIES Sl. AP Scheduled Commodities DSO/ASO/Tahsildar CI. Vsp.3(ii) CRO/Joint Collector Government dealer (L.6A) Dist Sessions judge (6-C) Director of Civil Supplies (C. VSP. Vijayawada 100 Urban 2000 50 2000 50 2250 150 900 100 10 Lakhs above 1500 .C. 150 Qtls. Hqrs. 2000 (Licence)Dist.20 Tahsildar CCS(Cl. VSP Nrs/Hawkers ASO.DSO/RDO CI. Pulses exceeding 10 qtls.. 1. PARTICULARS OF LICENCE FEE.C through Challan 3. iv) Sugar more than 5 qtls. Trade deposit . Licence fee through challan. Consent letter of the concerned oil company.DD in favour of APSCSC Ltd. License required to dealers who deals: i) Kerosene 100 Liters ii) HSD/LDO 2500 Liters iii) LPC 7 Cylinders of 14. Petroleum Products (Licensing Regulation and Supplies) Order.. Order. LIST OF DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR ISSUE OF VARIOUS LICENCES A. 2008. Ret Comp. Paddy at any one time 20 qtls. A.. Application in Form . Security Deposit . Ws. 6.. 3. Exposives licence copy. Storage and Regulation). Scheduled Commodities Dealers (Licensing. Licence required to dealers who deals: i.. taken together all Pulses at any one time.P. Ws. Inspection report of field staff about readiness for commencement of busincess LIST OF DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR ISSUE OF AUTHORISATION UNDER APS PDS (CONTROL) ORDER. of any one or all edible oils. 4.P. 1. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR ISSUE OF LICENCE UNDER APPP ORDER. License . ii) Edible oils more than 5 qtls. Ret Comp. TRADE AND SECURITY DEPOSITS 1. Ws. Ret Comp. 7. Storage and Regulation) Order. Security deposit . Passport size photos 2 Nos. or put together 50 qtls. 2008.NSC bond.2 Kg or 100 Kgs. Ret 131 . 4. 1980 1. 5. LIST OF DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR ISSUE OF LICENCE UNDER AP SCHEDULED COMMODITIES DEALER (LICENSING.P.NSC Bond/NDC/Challan (IX).I. 2008.(VIII).. Application in Form-A 2. 2008. Patnership deed. Category Licence fee Renewal fee Duplicate Fee Security deposit Comp. 1980. STORAGE & REGULATION) ORDER. Ws. 3. Application in Form A 2. Authorisation fee through challan. 2. of all foodgrains. Edible oil seeds 30 qtls. A. Scheduled Commodities Dealers (Licensing. iii) Foodgrains means Rice (Husked) including broken rice. of any one or all edible oil seeds. Item Licence fee fee Duplicate licence a. Auto LPG 500 200 200 c. 50 Trade Deposit: F. 500 Rs. 3000 Urban Rs.s. MS & HSD) c. HEAD OF ACCOUNT 1. Renewal Rs. Duplicate authorization Rs. Auto LPG. Kerosene wholesale Sub-wholesaler 200 b.Civil Supplies SH 800 . A.62) (in case of Refund) MH 1456 . 200 250 Rs. The AP State PDS (Control) Order.Civil Deposits SH 101 . 1000 1000 500 300 100 - 200 100 - 200 Renewal fee 200 200 500 100 75 . 8443 . Certificate Form-F 5 2 Security Deposit: a. Regn.Other items MH.Civil Deposits 132 Late . Shops Rural N.Oil Seeds 600 300 200 100 700 1000 500 /oils 2. S. 1500 MH.P. 2008 1.10.No. Kerosene wholesale 500 200 200 e. Deposits 3. Rural (X). LPG 500 200 200 b.R. Withdrawal Urban Rs.All 3000 1500 750 800 300 200 1700 3000 1500 Foodgrains 600 300 200 100 1500 2000 1000 E. Issue of authorisation for 2 years 2. Sub-Wholesaler 250 100 100 f. Other than Kerosene 500 (LPG. 4000 Rs. 1456 .Revenue Deposits DH 01 .Other receipts DH 81 . Deposit for carries (Form-F) 1000 3.P. MS & HSD or any one 1000 500 d. Regular 2. Petroleum Products (L&RS) Order. 250 3.Miscellaneous Deposits (Bill form . 1980. Date of 6-A report: 4. Property seized (give item-wise quantity and value): 7.list): 9. on ______________ and secured mediators i. Records seized (give details .O.SH 900 . Division in Municipal Corporation ASO/TAHSILDAR A S O / TAHSILDAR Monthly(1st Monday) 6. Name of the witnesses (LW) (give addresses in frull): 10.ofCVC Monthly (1st Monday) (XI). FAC Level Presiding Officer of FAC 1. Whether the seized property has been shifted or Kept at the place of seizure and the address of the person with whom it is kept for safe custody: 8. ACT. No. Municipality RDO TAHSILDAR Montly (2nd Monday) 7. Sarvasri 133 . 1955. District Level Collector 2. Date of inspection: 3. 1. Village Level Sarpanch Monday) Convenor Frequency of FAC CEO. (2nd Monday) 4. Facts of the case: IN THE COURT OF THE COLLECTOR.P.C. FOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEES S.No. On receipt of the proceeded to _____________ at _________________ hrs. Shop (Urban) Corporator/Council Local Rep. (CS) _________________________ DISTRICT Sir.e. name of the Respondent: 6. Facts of the case are that on recipt of reliable information on ___________ that Sri/ Ms ____________________ of __________________ Village __________________ Mandal __________________________ District was storing unauthorisedly and are hoarding food grains/edible oils/edible oil seeds/sugar ______________ and indulging in clandestine business. MODEL FORM OF REPORT UNDER SECTION 6-A (1) OF E. Municipal corporation level Monthly (3rd Monday) 3.Deduct refund.D. F. Name of the Inspecting Officer: 5. Mandal Level R.ZP Bi-Monthly (4th Monday) CRO/Joint Collector DSO TAHSILDAR Bi-Monthly Panchayath Montly (1st Secretary 5. and Section of Law contravened: 2. Refs. Ward in Municipality TAHSILDAR TAHSILDAR Montly (1st Monday) 8. _____________ issued by the __________ it is valid upto ____________ He also produced stock register No.______________________ and explained them about the information received and requested them to act as mediators for which they agreed willingly. 2./Lts) 1. In the presence of mediators (Give sequence of events. 134 . confessed before the mediators that when the ground stocks are compared will that of stock register the following variations in stocks were noticed.No. actually available Difference 1. _______________ Licensee/partner. ____________________ of ________________ Village ___________ Mandal _________________ District with godowns at Door No. Commodity Quantity (in qtl. On introducing our identity and explaining the purpose of our visit to his shop./Kgs. Sri ____________________ at _____________________ hrs. 2. the said person revealed his name as Sri ____________________________ S/o _____________________ aged _____________ Yrs ______________ R/o ___________ and that he is Owner/Partner of the said firm. quintals in and _________ bags and said Sri. i.No./Ltrs.__________ were verified by physical weighment in the presence of mediators and the said owner/partner by weighing and counting and it was found that ________ Qtls.Nos. Commodity Quantity as per Register Qty. (in case of Kerosens / HSD) in (2) _________ empty barrels of ________ litres (3) _________ empty tins of ____________ litres (with plastic pipe and garata (4) ______/bags. S. 3. There after the ground stock available in the shop-cum-and godown premises at Door No. He did not produced Form C return. 5. He produced the ‘C’ return which was sent up to the month of ____________. The said person also produced way bill book maintained from ____________ to ____________ (give dates) vide S. _________________ issued by the __________ it is valid maintained from ________________ to ______________ (give dates) written pages from I to _____________ / As per the register the opening balance as on ____________ was as follows: S. On demand he produced ______________ Wholesaler/ retail licence No ________________ issued in favour of Sri M/s _________________ of __________________ firm at __________ to do business in Petroleum products / Foodgrains/ in shop premises with Door No. I along with ________________ surprised M/s. 4.e. __________ to _______ / The said person did not produce bill book and he confessed before the mediators that he is not maintaining them.) At that time one person was sitting in the shop-/firm and attending business transactions. Commodity Quantity seized (in Qtls/Kgs/Lts. licence/ partner could not give satisfactory reply and begged pardon (or give the reasons if any given). 4. hoarding ____________ quintals ______________ contravening the provisions of law under clause _________ order of the authorisation / licence issued thereunder. as deemed fit. 1955 may Kindly be initiated. Scheduled Commodities Dealers licence (give details) 2.) 1. When the owner/patner/licensee Sri. it is clearly established that M/s_______________ Village ________________ mandal __________________ are indulging in clandestine business in storing unauthorisedly. _________________ the seized stocks have been handed over to _________________ under stamped receipt for safe custody. Stock register (written from __________ to ________________ ) 3. Hence. During the course of investigation. As I have reason to believe that there was contravention. 2. it is prayed that action U/S. rice / paddy/ wheat/sugar/diesel ________________ without any permission or licence from the Licensing authority and hoarding of ______________ quintals / liters of _________________ without obtaining permission or authorisation from the authority concerned and the reasons for variations in the stock of _____________ quintals. 3. ______________ S/o ____________________ aged __________________ yrs. 4. as indicated above. 5. 5. Thus. 6-A(1) of E. resident of _________________ was questioned for storing _________________ kgs. The total value of seized properties worked out to Rs.No. Way Bill (written from _____________ to S.C.3. Stock Register and way Bill Book ____________ (give details of all documents etc. mentioned above. Act. Encl: 1. _____________ ) 135 . it is fully established that the respondent M/s/ Sri _________________________ S/o _________________________ aged ________________ R/o ________________ is regularly storing ___________________ of _________________ (commodity) without any permission or licence and hoarding in huge quantities apart from variation in of (Commodity) without any permission or licence and hoarding the stocks of __________________ contravening the provisions of law. Designation of the inspecting Officer. I have seized the following ground stocks of essential commodities together with Licence. No.) S. a meeting was held with all the Joint Collectors on 11.105 Dated: 31-01-2007 Read the following: 1.Revenue Administration . G. he has informed that.Ms.4. It was ordered therein that.A3/24/2004-I 1 dated: 16-01-2007. orders were issued creating Revenue functionary at Village Level under the exclusive administrative control of the Mandal Revenue Officer to handle the work relating to Land and Revenue matters at the Village level.O.. Panchanama in original. 2. the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration and Special Chief Secretary to Government reported that.O. 2. Stamped receipt acknowledging of seized properties obtained from Sri. 3.No. After the discussions.No.O.A3/24/2004/11 dt. He has requested to transfer them back to the administrative control of Revenue Department and Mandal Revenue Officers be made responsible for payment of their salaries etc. In the G. Copy submitted to ______________________ VILLAGE REVENUE OFFICERS GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Public Services .12. 136 . From the CCLA Lr. O R D E R: The Government have proposed to strengthen the Revenue Administration at Village level. 6752 erstwhile Village Administrative Officers are working as Panchayat Secretaries and 2800 erstwhile Village Administrative Officers are working Part-time Assistants under the control of Mandal Parishad Development Officers of Panchayat Raj Department. job-chart.01.No.No. Service Rules and other modalities will be issued separately.2007 to discuss the modalities relating to creation of Revenue functionary at Village level. There will not be any additional financial burden on the State Exchequer. their job chart and matters connected therein -Orders-Issued. From the CCLA Ref. REVENUE (VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION (1) DEPARTMENT G.Ms. second read above. This involves transfer of salaries from Panchayat Raj Department head of account to Revenue Department Head of Account.2006.23. In the reference third read above.1950 Revenue (VA I) Department dated: 30-12-2006.Designation of Revenue functionary at Village level as 'Village Revenue Officer'. ___________________ 5. the matters of recruitment. till more permanent clustering of villages is done in due course. Accordingly. 5) The Job-Chart of Village Revenue Officer is as specified in the Annexure. 4. 137 . mostly the village in which he is already working as Panchayat Secretary or Part-time Assistant.2007. The Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department shall recast the job-Chart of Panchayat Secretary working in Panchayat R a j Department. The Government after careful examination of the matter have accepted the proposal of Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. the transfer should be only within the Mandal. the committee consisting of Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. 1) 6752 erstwhile Village Administrative Officers working as Panchayat Secretaries and 2800 erstwhile Village Administrative Officers working as Parttime Assistants under the control of Mandal Parishad Development Officers (MPDOs) in Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department be transferred and brought under the control of Tahsildars in Revenue Department with effect from 08.02. Principal secretary (PR) Department. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration has also stated that. 5. He shall be kept in-charge of one or more revenue villages till permanent clustering of villages is done in due course. No transfer shall be made outside respective Revenue division. Principal Secretary (Revenue) met to finalize the job chart for Revenue functionary at Village Level and furnished the report to Government for approval. Transfer of these erstwhile Village Administrative Officers to other revenue villages will be generally avoided except when absolutely necessary and as when such a contingency arises.3. 3) The Village Revenue Officers shall be paid the same Pay & Allowances as they are being paid in Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department. They will also be given additional charge of one or more revenue villages. 4) The Tahsildars (Mandal Revenue Officers) shall be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer for the post of Village Revenue Officer. Only in rare cases. 6) The Village Revenue Officer shall be posted to one of the Revenue Villages in which he is presently working now as Panchayat Secretary or as a Part-time Assistant. the following orders are issued. 2) The said Revenue functionary be called as "Village Revenue Officer". The Collectors shall effect the said transfers after obtaining their option immediately. will transfer be made outside the Revenue Mandal. each incoming erstwhile Village Administrative Officer irrespective of whether he is presently working as a Panchayat Secretary or as a Part-time Assistant will be given charge of one revenue village. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration has also proposed that. 4. G. O R D E R: In the G. 2.Ms. 3. 9) The Service Rules etc.I) Dept.Orders . Revenue (VA. 5.31-01-2007. From the CCLA.1/2007-2. 6.No. Revenue (VA.No.Issue of revised job chart .No.010 Salaries".VROs Association.V.No. 7. Read the following:1. dated 30-12-2006.MH 094 Other Establishments SH (06) Village Establishment .No. dated 15-06-2007. 1st read above orders were issued creating Revenue functionary at 138 . G. Failure to reside in the Village would result in initiation of disciplinary action which may lead to dismissal from service.O. dt.O. to the post of Village Revenue Officer will be issued separately.II) Dept. SUBBA RAO PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT REVENUE DEPARTMENT . Minutes of the meeting of the Group of Ministers held on 03-04-2007.7) The District Collector concerned shall be the transferring authority and disciplinary authority.O.199./07.O. 9.. 8. dated 20. dated 01-03-2007.1950.No. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U... 6. REVENUE (VA) DEPARTMENT G. 8) The Village Revenue Officer should necessarily reside in the village or in one of the villages under his charge.15590/VA.Functions relating to the Village Revenue Officers . PR&RD (Mdl. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) I.Rev. 7.1059. The expenditure on Pay and Allowances to the Village Revenue officers shall be debited to "2053 District Administration . The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration & Special Chief Secretary to Government/all District Collectors/Commissioner of Panchayat Raj Department shall take necessary further action in the matter accordingly. Representation of the A. Government Memo No..Issued.I)Dept.Ms. This G. Hyderabad Lr.2459/24/A1/Exp. dated Administration . dated 31-01-2007.A3/24/2004-II.2007. Dated: 31-07-2007.P.Ms. is available on internet and can be accessed at the address http:// www.06.O. 04. iii) Azmoish of crops (100%) inclusive of inspection of survey stones. 2nd read above.04. 139 .e. Government after careful examination hereby decided to issue the revised job chart of the Village Revenue Officers of Revenue Department in modification of the job chart issued in G. Panchayat Secretaries of PR&RD Department as well as the modified job chart of Revenue functionary i. 5th read above. It was also ordered to recast the job chart of Panchayat Secretaries working in Panchayat Raj Department by the PR&RD Department. cyclone and other accidents and calamities to the higher officials whenever and wherever they occur and provide assistance to the Revenue Officials in assessing loss sustained because of natural calamities and in providing relief.O.O. The Cabinet Sub committee consisting of Minister for Panchayat Raj. v) 1) Nativity certificate and Solvency certificate 2) Residence Certificate 3) Pahani / Adangal extracts Provide intimation regarding fire accidents.2007 have approved the new job chart of the Panchayat functionary i. Hyderabad in his Letter 7th read above has requested the Government to issue a notification relating to allocation of subjects to the Village Revenue Officers as per the minutes of the meeting of the Group of Ministers held on 03. met on 03. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. the Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department have issued revised job chart to the Panchayat Secretaries of PR&RD Department as per the minutes of the meeting of the Group of Ministers held on 03-04-2007.. 4. Taxes and other sums pertaining to Revenue department. In the G. ii) Collection of Land Revenue.O. iv) Issue of Certificates: The Village Revenue Officers shall issue the following certificates in their respective Villages duly following the procedure. 5.e. 2. as follows: General Administrative / Revenue Duties: i) Maintenance of Village revenue records and all Village revenue Accounts promptly and accurately. In the G. 3. Cesses. Minister for Revenue and Minister for Home. floods.2007.2nd read above orders were issued creating the post of Village Revenue Officer and the job chart to the Village Revenue Officers is also issued. Village Revenue Officers.Village level under the exclusive administrative control of the Tahsildar (MRO) to handle the work relating to Land Revenue matters at the Village level.. such as. 1948 as and when notified 140 . xix) Keep Government attached property in safe custody. cultural heritage importance. vii) Preparation of pay bills of Village Servants. damage or misuse including the lands available to the public. xiv) Provide assistance to the concerned authorities while issuing the proceedings under the provisions of Revenue Recovery Act by obtaining property details. xvii)Assist in loan recoveries. streets and open spaces in and near their villages. damage or misuse of Government lands and damage to Government property promptly to the Mandal Revenue Officer/Tahsildar and take effective follow-up action. house site pattas distributed and on other matters relating to Revenue Administration. xii) Preserve and safeguard Government lands and properties from encroachments. xxiii) Act as "Inspector" under Minimum Wages Act. xxii) Assist Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation in its operations at village level and inform about the theft. xvi) Cause beat of tom-tom and adopt other methods for informing people about events. Government tanks. viii) Maintenances of Village Chavadies. number of ration cards in circulation. xviii) Conduct Panchanama in recovery of un-claimed property. ix) Protection of Government lands. pilferage of electricity to the concerned authorities. trees and other Government properties and take effective steps to safeguard the interests of Government. updation of electoral rolls and perform other election duties as the government may direct. x) Inform promptly to the higher officials in respect of treasure trove and unclaimed property and escheat xi) Intimate the Mandal Revenue Officer/Tahsildar of any intended demolition of ancient buildings and any inscriptions on any such ancient monuments which would have archaeological. xxi) Attend the meeting convened by Gram Panchayat in their jurisdiction and on request to furnish information relating to sanction of Inform the Railway Station Master of any mishap or unusual occurrence of floods that might need urgent action to prevent mishap. roads. xiii) Report encroachments. xv) Assist the authorities in serving of legal notices and summons. xx) Assist in preparation. ii) Inform the police of strangers of suspicious appearance who have entered and taken refuge in the village. iv) Report on the atrocities against women and children to the authorities concerned and take action within 24 hours. Except when called upon to produce his accounts and other records as mentioned above. Japanese 141 . xxiv) A Village Revenue Officer when called upon to do so. suicides. records and the like to the person duly appointed by the competent authority or authorized to take charge by the Tahsildar. v) Search for stolen property and bring to the Police Station. maintained by him or which are in his custody for inspection of any revenue official or any other officer authorized by the Collector. ii) Furnish data on income levels of persons in the village prepared on the basis of government guidelines issued in that regard from time to time. vi) Strive for eradication of untouchability of providing access to Schedule Casts and Schedule Tribes in temples. iv) Take measures to bring the offenders to justice. iii) Do necessary documentation and assist in the implementation of Weaker Section Housing Programme. unnatural deaths and other important developments which may threaten peace in the village. v) Report cases of atrocities against Schedule Castes & Schedule Tribes to the authorities concerned & provide assistance to them. xxv) In the event of transfer / suspension / removal / dismissal / retirement or proceeding on leave other than casual leave. Indira Prabha.Community Welfare and Development: i) Assist the concerned government department in the implementation of important Government programmes such as Indiramma. vii) Report any outbreak of communicable disease especially Malaria. he shall hand over all the accounts. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme etc. and removal of discrimination in all forms against the scheduled caste the Competent Authority.Police functions: i) Give prompt information to the Police Department regarding murders. registers. Indira Kranthi Pathakam.. iii) Prevent the commission of any offence or public nuisance. vi) Preserve in-tact the scene of offence. III. RDO or Tahsildar. II. registers and other records. produce the account. the Village Revenue Officer shall keep the accounts. registers and records in his personal custody. vii) Take charge of unclaimed property and send to the Police Station. 6.Encephalitis and Gastroenteritis to the nearest Primary Health Centre immediately. G.2007 3. Ms.No. Miscellaneous: i) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Government. From the CCLA. fertilizers and pesticides. Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. xii) Assist in maintenance of agricultural statistics. 31. SUBBA RAO PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT PUBLIC SERVICES – Revenue Department – Village Administration – Andhra Pradesh Village Revenue Officers Service Rules – Orders – Issued. xvi) Function as Marriage Officer for the cluster of villages under the Act for the compulsory registration of marriages in the State (Act No. G. dt. 30.No. REVENUE (VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION) DEPARTMENT G. xi) Assist the department of Agriculture in implementing its programmes and disseminating extension information.A3/24/2004-II. Revenue Divisional Officer. No. x) Assist in reconciliation of estimates of crop coverage with Azmoish figure for reconciling the crop areas for crop insurance scheme. Hyderabad Lr.I) Dept. Mandal Revenue Officers/ Tahsildar or any authority authorized in this behalf. Revenue (VA.105. Hyderabad / all the District Collector in the State shall take necessary further action in the matter accordingly. Ms. 39 Dated: 11-1-2008 Read the following 1.15 of 2002).3. dt.1. Collector.2006 2.12.O. viii) Attend meetings of Village Tribal Development agencies and assist them in preparation of micro plans and in implementing them. xiii) Assist in giving information to the concerned officials about any black market sales of seeds. ix) Assist the Education department in conducting the literacy classes. IV. 31. dt. Ms.O. xiv) Assist in maintenance of house hold date of weavers both within and outside Co-operation fold and their economic status.2007 142 . (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) I.1950.V.No. xv) Issue Dependency Certificate for handloom weavers if any desired.O.I) Dept. Revenue (VA. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration. dt. 2. 5. it is therefore felt that there is a need to have separate Service Rules to govern the service conditions of the Village Revenue Officers in the State of Andhra Pradesh.No. In the G. 18.12431/2007. In G.07 Representation of APVROs Association.7. 7.Village Servants Association received through CMP No. Government Memo.P. Thus.O. Accordingly. both panchayat and Revenue functions were combined and a single functionary was designated to carry out all the tasks.07 12.9383/2007.7.11. 18. 8. in the G. Maintenance of land records. Panchayat Raj & Rural Development (Mandal-II) Department dt.4.07 Representation of A. 20.7. 3. Accordingly.369. dt. 5. 31.11.12.P. 10. No. dt. Record of discussions of the Group of Ministers held on 24. Hyderabad Lr.2007 From the CCLA. Representation of A.7. ms.2001 a full time functionary called as Panchayat Secretary was created to handle both revenue and developmental works under the over all control of Gram Panchayat.12.2007. dt. 13.2. No. A3/24/2004-II.O 2nd read above orders were issued creating the post of Village Revenue Officer at Village level to strengthen the Village Administration.07 11. A4/1018/06.7. timely relief and rehabilitation measures in case of natural calamities are some of the key functions needed to be discharged efficiently by a dedicated person stationed in the Village. It has therefore been generally felt that there is a need to have a relook at the entire gamut of issues related to revenue administration. 5.No.16766/VA.P. Hyderabad Lr. Representation of APVROs Association.2007 Representation of the A.2007 O R D E R. dt. 6.16766/VA.No. The government felt that this system needed to be reviewed and an effective revenue administrative apparatus at the gross root level is vital if the pro-poor policies of the Government have to be implemented. 2.Village Officers Association received through CMP No. 9. dt. dt.2007 From the CCLA. dt. 3. dt.1/2007-2.12. Revenue Services Association.2007 Government Memo. The erstwhile Village Administrative officers who are working as Panchayat secretaries in Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Department were brought under the control of Tahsildars in Revenue Department with effect from 8. Government have decided to issue the Andhra Pradesh Village Revenue Officers Service Rules. 4.07 13. resolving land disputes. The following Notification shall be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated the 11th January 2008: 143 .O 1st read above Government ordered for creation or revenue functionary at village level under the exclusive administrative control of the Tahsildars (Mandal Revenue Officers) to handle the work relating to land and Revenue matters at the village level.6. 10.1/2007.8. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruitment and conditions of service of Village Revenue Officers for the entire State of Andhra Pradesh. 1. Short Title : 1. These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Village Revenue Officers Service Rules. 2. These rules shall extend to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh 3. These Rules shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the 8th February 2007 2. Constitution: The service shall consist of the posts of Village Revenue Officers in the Revenue Department. 3. Method of Appointment: Appointment to the post of Village Revenue Officer shall be made from the different categories in the following order of priority;I) Persons who were appointed earlier under the Andhra Pradesh Village Officers (Andhra Area) Service Rules, 1969 and the Andhra Pradesh Village officers (Telengana Area) Service Rules, 1978 as Village Officers; II) Persons who were appointed under rule 25of Andhra Pradesh Village Administrative Officers Service Rules, 1990; III) Persons who are presently working as part-time Assistants who have the requisite qualifications and opt to be posted as Village Revenue Officer; IV) Persons who are presently working as Village Servants and have put in a minimum service of five years of Village Servants and have the requisite minimum qualification Provided that all persons, being appointed either by absorption or through promotion by transfer must have the minimum educational qualification and must have not attained the age of 58 years. Provided further that such persons in the category (I) and (II) above should have worked as Village Officers/ Village Administrative Officers prior to the introduction of the Panchayat Secretaries system in 2002 as per the records of the Tahsildars of their respective Mandals; V) The above appointments shall be subject to verification of all required documents i.e, Pay bill register etc, by the concerned District Collector VI) The remaining posts shall be filled up by direct recruitment subject to prior approval of the Government. The direct recruitment shall be at district level through the District Selection Committee meant for Group-IV services 144 VII) The Appellate Authority will be the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhdra Pradesh, Hyderabad 4. Qualifications: For all appointments, the minimum educational qualification shall be Secondary School Certificate (10th Class) Examination 5. Seniority: The seniority of the Village Revenue Officers shall be maintained from the date of joining as Village Revenue Officer. 6. Other Service conditions: The other service conditions which are not covered in these rules shall be the same as prescribed in the Andhra Pradesh State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 and also as per the amendments issued from time to time in the matter. 7. Unit of Appointment: Each District shall be a unit for the purpose of appointment. 8. Appointing authority: The appointing authority shall be the District Collector 9. Reservation in Appointment: Rule of reservation is applicable in promotions for SC/ST candidates as per rule 22 of the Andhra Pradesh State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996. However, this will not apply to the appointments made under rule 3 (I) & (II) 10. Disciplinary Authority: a) The Disciplinary Authority shall be the Collector of the District b) Disciplinary action on village Revenue Officers shall be taken in accordance with the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1991 c) The Appellate Authority will be the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad 11. Transferring authority : The District Collector shall be the transferring authority for the post of Village Revenue Officer 12. Training: Every persons appointed to the service shall undergo training as per the requirements of the duties to be performed by them including field visits for such duration as prescribed by competent authority from time to time. 13. Probation : a) Every person appointed by transfer under rule 3 (I) & (II) as Village Revenue Officer shall been probation for a total period of two (2) years on duty within a continuous period of three (3) years. b) Every person appointed by promotion under Rule 3 (iii) & (iv) as Village Revenue Officer shall be on probation for a total period of one (1) year on duty within a continuous period of two (2) years. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR AF ANDHRA PRADESH) 145 I.V.SUBBA RAO PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT G.O.Ms.No. 158 Revenue (VA) Dept. Dated. 13-02-2009 The Government have issued amendment to Village Revenue Officers Service Rules, 2008 as follows : AMENDMENT In the said rules, after rule-13 the following rule shall be added, namely : 14. (1) The spouse or dependent son / daughter of deceased Village Revenue Officer (till such time, the person holding the post of Village Revenue Officer will be in service up to the age of superannuation of 58 years) will be considered for compassionate appointment for the post of Village Revenue Officer provided they possess the qualification of 10th Class pass. The age limits as stipulated in rule 12 of the Andhra Pradesh State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 shall be followed for these appointments. (2) The spouse or dependent son / daughter of deceased Part-time Assistants (till such time, the person holding the post of Part-time Assistant will be in service up to the age of superannuation of 62 years) will be considered for compassionate appointment for the post of Village Revenue Officer provided they possess the qualification of 10th Class pass. The age limits as stipulated in rule 12 of the Andhra Pradesh State & Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 shall be followed for these appointments. Provided that the cases shall be considered only in matters of death while in service; Provided further that no voluntary retirement cases shall be considered; Provided also that in so far as the Part-time Assistants are concerned retirement on medical grounds shall not be considered. In view of the above amendment being issued to the Andhra Pradesh Village Revenue Officers Service Rules; Note : The orders issued in G.O.Ms.No. 446, Revenue (VO) Department, dated 24-7-2002 are hereby rescinded and the cases already disposed off under the said G.O. shall not be re-opened. G.O.Ms.No. 660 Revenue (VA) Dept. Dated. 6-7-2009 The Government have issued clarification to Village Revenue Officers Service Rules, 2008 as follows : The Government have decided to accord permission to consider the cases of the dependents of Part-time Assistants (former Village Administrative Officers) pending from 01.01.2002 for compassionate appointment of the spouse / dependent children of the deceased Part-time Assistants for their appointment as Village Revenue Officer in Revenue Department, subject to the condition that the dependents should have submitted applications seeking compassionate appointments within the stipulated period of one year from the date of death of the deceased Village Administra- 146 where an amount of Rs. Village Servants Service Rules. 713 Rev. 1300 per month with effect from 1-4-2007. 1200 to Rs.O. the cases already disposed of under G. 2866 Revenue(VA) DEpartment Dt. 446.(Rupees twenty five thousand only) was paid to the dependents in lieu of compassionate appointments shall not be re-opened as laid down in the provisions of amendment of Andhra Pradesh Village Revenue Officers Service Rules. 25000/. 2005 in supercession of earlier Rules issued in respect of village servants.tive Officer and must posses the requisite educational qualification.O.O.10. dated 24.O. 30-5-2007) The Government in G.O.O. 158. These Rules shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1-1-2002.02. No. G. (VO) Dept. No.Ms. age and subject to satisfying other conditions of eligibility to Village Administrative Officer post as per Andhra Pradesh Village Revenue Officers Rules. It is further ordered that. No. 2008.Ms.P. The notice shall be published 147 . Every order of such appointment shall specify the period of appointment and on the expiry of such period.No. Rule 8(3) : The spouse/dependent children of a village servant who dies in harness before attaining the age of 60 years may be appointed as Village Servants provided that there is no other earning member in the family of such deceased Village servant and an application is made in this regard within a period of one year from the date of death of such Village Servant. dated 13. Rule 9(1) : The MRO as soon as may be if a permanent vacancy occurring in village shall issue a notice calling for applications for the post from the intending candidates to be filled by him before a specified date. Dt.11-11-2011 The qualification for recruitment of VRO’s in rule 4 is ammended from SSC(10th Class) to Intermediate or its equallent examination.2005 have issued A. the appointment shall cease.7. are given below : They shall be appointed for every village or a part of a village or group of villages as the Commissioner may from time to time consider necessary. 28. Rule 5(1) : Mandal Revenue Officer shall be the appointing authority Rule (6) : The appointing authority may appoint a suitable and qualified person temporarily in a short vacancy where it is in public interest to fill emergently not exceeding six months wherein the appointing authority may give preference to those who has been nominated by the holder of the post who granted leave. 2008 issued in G.. Revenue (VO) Department.2002 i. Continuance of the temporary incumbent beyond two years shall be only with the approval of the Commissioner. Revenue (VA) Department.Ms.Ms.No. VILLAGE REVENUE ASSISTANTS The Government have enhanced the honorarinum to Village Servants from Rs.O.Ms. Salient features of the G. 1849 Revenue (V. The Village Servants are also eligible to draw dearness allowances as per the existing orders of the Government (G.) department Dt.2009.e. The appointing authority shall be competent to terminate the services of any such appointments before the expiry of the period after giving one month’s notice. Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes. their services shall not be utilized for night watchman. They shall also be paid traveling allowance and daily allowance for such jurnoyes and such rates as the Government may from time to time specify. Rule 9(5) : Out of every 3 vacancies of the posts of the village servants arising in the Mandal the second vacancy shall be filled in from among the qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes. 3. has completed the age of 35 years on the date on which the permanent vacancy has arisen. has not passed the 7th Standard or its equalent examination. has been convicted by a criminal court for any offences involving moral turpitude. Rule (22) : The emoluments of Village Servants shall be paid from treasury. Rule (19) : Salaries and allowances shall be paid to the Villages Servants. 5. 4. No person shall be eligible for appointment if he 1. and 7. Rule 9(2) : A person for appointment shall be a native of the Village and have adequate knowledge of the village concerned. has not completed the age of 18 years 2. Rule (20) : No villages servant shall be entitled to any emoluments or other allowances when on leave other than casual leave. preference shall be given to the members of the Scheduled Tribes. has already holding any other permanent post of a village servant unless he resigns from such posts. Rule (18) : No criminal prosecution shall be launched for any thing done or omitted to be done in the discharge of duties without the specific sanction of the appointing authority. Rule 11(2) : The Village Servants shall be treated as part time Govt. 6. Rule (17) : The Village servants attending court on summons in their Official capacity shall be deemed to be on duty. by beat of Tom Tom in the village and by affixing of a copy on the notice board of Mandal the village Chavadi or any other Public place. a fixed monthly honorarium as may from time to time fixed by the Government. Rule 9(4) : In making appointment in the village situated within the Scheduled areas. has been dismissed from any post under the Government. is not physically and mentally capable of discharging the duties attached to the office. Rule(16) : The village servants shall not take part in politics and also not stand for any elections with out the permission of the MRO. Rule (15) : The Village servants shall besides the duties specified in rule 13 and 14 perform such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the Panchayat Secretary. Employees and every village servant shall reside in the village under his charge. The MRO concerned shall maintain service particulars of village basing on the duty 148 . However. Attender in offices and for personal work of panchayat Secretary and other Revenue officials. incapacity or for not residence in the village or for conviction in a criminal case which in his opinion disqualify him from holding the office for any other sufficient cause. The pay bill shall be prepared separately for each Revenue Village in the Charge of Panchayat Secretary. The resignation tendered by a village servant while on duty shall normally take effect from the date of his relief in pursuance of its acceptance by the appointing authorities. Rule (50) : Against the orders of the RDO dimissing or removing village servants either in appellate or original proceedings an appeal shall lie to the Collector with in 30 days from the date of receipt of the such order. Rule (39) : Gratuity shall be paid at the rate of one months honorarium for every completed year of service subject to maximum of twenty months honorarium to a village servant on attaining the age of superannuation or in case of death which ever is earlier. suspension. Rule(49) : Against every order passed by a MRO inflicting any of the penalties of fine.may be deducted from the monthly honorarium. Rule (51) : If the officer before whom an appeal is preferred under these 149 .certificate given by the concerned Panchayat Secretary. Rule (48) : In case of permanent appointment of village servants an appeal shall lie to the RDO within (30) days from the date of receipt of the orders of appointment and a second appeal shall lie to the collector within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order of the RDO. Rule (42) : The MRO or any superior authority may suo motu or on complaint conduct an enquiry and suspend. Rule (37) : The appointing Authoriy may accept the resignation tendered by a village servant. removal or dismissal from service on village servant or placing such village servant under suspension pending investigation or enquiry into the charges against him. 10/. Appeals Rule (47) : In case temporary appointment of village servants an appeal lies to the RDO within (30) days from the date of the order (where however such an order is set aside by the RDO and another person is appointed an appeal shall lie to the collector by the aggrieved person within (30) days from the date of receipt of the order of the RDO. The resignation tendered by a Village servant shall not be rejected unless charges are pending against the incumbent. remove or dismiss any village servant for misconduct or negligence of duty. an appeal shall lie to the RDO within (30) days from the date of receipt of the such order. Disciplinary Committee Rule (41): The MRO may suo motu or on a complaint make an enquiry and fine any village servant for good and sufficient reason within such amount as the commissioner may by a general or special order specify. Rule (40) : The Group insurance Scheme as may be prescribed by Government shall be extended to village servants under which Rs. rules the capacity of RDO happens to be the officer who passed the order appealed against in another capacity. he shall report the fact to the collector. Rule (54) : When an appeal is admitted under these rules appellate authority shall fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and shall give due notice there of to the appellant. Rule (57) : The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration or the Special Commissioner of Land Revenue may at any time either Suo-motu or on an application made to him. regularity or propriety there of and pass such order in reference there to as they think fit. Rule (56) : The appellate authority may at its discretion stay the execution of any orders under these rules appealed against pending final disposal of such appeal. if he proves that the notice was not served upon him or that he was prevented by sufficient cause from attending when the appeal was called on for hearing. Rule (55) : When an appeal is heard exparte the absence of village servant and decision given against him he may apply to the appellate authority to re-hear the appeal. Review : Rule (61) : The court may either suo-motu or an application made to them call for and examine the records relating to any decision or order passed by the Commissioner under these rules not being a decision or order appealed from or sought to be revised for the purpose of satisfying themselves as to legality. Rule (62) : If the appellate or revisional authority under these rules proposed to enhance the penalty imposed on a village servant to one of suspension. 150 . call for and examine the record relating to any decision or order passed or proceedings taken by any authority or officer subordinate to him for the purpose of satisfying himself as to legality or propriety of such decision or order of the regularity of such proceedings and pass such order in reference there to as he thinks fit. Rule (52) : No authority which has passed an order under these rules shall review its own order. Rule (53) : The memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of the order furnished to the petitioner or by a certified copy of such order. removal or dismissal from service and an enquiry under rule 45 has not already been held in the case such appellate revisional authority shall subject to the provisions of the rule held such enquiry or direct such enquiry be held and there after on consideration of the proceedings of such enquiry and after giving the village servant concerned and opportunity of making representation on the penalty proposed pass such order as it may deem fit. No application for review of any such decision or order shall be entitled after the expiry of 60 days from the date of such decision or order. Dated.4-A : Statement showing Water charges Levied (annual Register) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No. Rule (66) : The village servants may take up subsidiary occupation in the charge village after notifying to the MRO in writing. Rule (64) : An appeal may be admitted by the appellate authority after the prescribed period if the appellant satisfied the authority that he had sufficient cause for not filing appeal within such period.No. Rule (65) : The provision of AP Civil Services (Conduct) Rules 1964 General rules for State and subordinate services.3: Statement of Occupation and Cultivation field by field [5years Register] VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.1: Register showing Government Lands and Land on lease.Rule (63) : Where an appeal which was in time on its first presentation is not admitted on technical grounds or for the correction of an initial error the appellant shall be directed to remedy defects within a specified period which shall ordinarily be thirty days failing which the appeal shall be liable for rejection on the grounds of limitation.2: Register of Mutations of Change in the Village [Annual Register] VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.4-B : Statement of Remissions (Annual Register) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.4: Register of holding and Land Revenue Demand (Asamiwari) (Annual Register) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.4-C : Government Lands Encroachment Register 151 . 1867 Revenue (VA-I) Dept. Dated. The MRO shall not pass an order in this regard without giving the concerned village servant an opportunity of making his representation. Alienations and Area Available for Assignment [Permanent Register] VILLAGE ACCOUNT No. Assignments.Ms.O.Ms. In sub rule 5(ii) a provision is made applying rule of reservation for appointment of VRA REVISED VILLAGE ACCOUNTS VILLAGE ACCOUNT No. The MRO may at any time require a village servant to give up such occupations if he is satisfied that such occupation is or is likely to be dertimental to his normal duties and the village servants shall gave up such occupation. G. 352 Revenue (VA-I) Dept. Fundamental rules and the Pension code rules shall not apply to the village servants.O. 11-11-2011 The qualification for recruitment of VRA’s in rule 9(1) is ammended from 7th Standerd to SSC(10th Class).No. 16-04-2011 The Government have issued orders changing the nomenclature of Village servants as Village Revenue Assistants. G. 8: Register of Irrigation Sources VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.No. educational qualifications prescribed for the post can be made by the Head of the Department.A. educational qualifications etc.(Ser.(Ser.dt. (G. The Legal Heir certificate in favour of widowed daughter should be obtained from a Revenue Officer not below the rank of R.A) Dept.(Annual Register) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.Ms.11 Receipt for Land Revenue : COMPASSIONATE APPOINTMENTS One of the family members ie.Ms.A. In the case of compassionate appointments to last grade service. is eligible for appointment to Government service to the categories of posts whose pay is equl or less than that of Junior Assistant based on qualifications and other conditions prescribed.O.349 G.Public Service Commission (G.Dt.O.687. The applications for appointment of such persons may be entertained within one year from 3-10-77 (item.3-10-77).8-A : Abstract of Irrigation Sources Register (annual Register) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.D.No.9: Register of Births During the year VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.10 : Register of Deaths During the year VILLAGE ACCOUNT No. 152 . relaxation in the conditions relating to age. G. spouse/son/un-married daughter/ widowed daughter (Provided she is the only legal heir to her parents and left without any property from her husband side) of a Government servant who dies in harness/on or after 27-10-73 (while in service or on leave or on deputation or on other duty or on training or under suspension) there being no other earning member in the family. stipulated time limit of two years for application in the case of minor dependents.7: IRSALANAMA (Details of amount collected and remitted in the Treasury) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No. The spouse/child of a full time contingent employee converted in to a regular Government Servant and dies in harness will also get the benefit under compassionate grounds. The appointing authority is authorised to make purely temporary appointment pending relaxation of age.. without the medium of Employment Exchange/ District Selection Committee or A.A) Dept.No.12). Collection and Balance Register (Assamiwari) (Annual Register) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No. The regular appointments are to be made only after the relevant rules are relaxed in favour of the concerned individual by the concerned Head of the Dept.12-6-1986).P.5: Demand.6: RegisterofDailyCollections (Chitta) (Annual Register) VILLAGE ACCOUNT No.O. 8-4-93 have decided that in normal cases where there are vacancies and the eligible candidates could be appointed straight away such cases need not be referred to the nodal authority. the concession can be availed within two years from the date of demise of Government Servants acquiring the necessary qualifications. (Service-A) Dept.O.M. (G.215 Genl.No./42/Ser-A/6-2-1992) The Govt.427. The Govt.Ms. 2-9-1983).Ms. i) Where a vacancy is available and all eligible dependent could be appointed in such a vacancy the appointing authority may appoint him straight away and intimate the fact to the Collector. G. Power to Create Supernumerary Posts: Compassionate appointment can be made not only in the department where the employee died.No.dt.Admn. Autonomous Corporation under the concerned Administrative Department shall be considered for appointment in those institutions (GM. when there are no vacancies in anyof the Government Departments in the concerned districts. If the child is a minor or has not attained educational qualification. (G. etc.No.Ms.834/Ser.No.427 GA(Ser-A)dt.1-7-1991) The orders issued in G. if first vacancy is a reserved next open competition vacancy.(Services) Dept.No. Dependents of deceased Government servants not qualified for appointments to Government service. Persons seeking employment can declare that no other member in the family is earning.A/82-1 dt. ii) In cases where there is no vacancy or the dependent cannot be appointed even if a vacancy is available.Memo.30-7-1980). iii) There may be few cases where an applications received from an eligible dependents after the appointing aurhority has notified the vacancy to the 153 .O.(Govt. the appointing authority shall report the vacancy while forwarding the applications to the nodal authority. Rule of reservation for SCs/STs/BCs. Declarations found to be false at a later date will entail termination of compassionate besides any legal action.O. Dt. have issued the following orders. The Collector of the concerned district is the Nodal Authority to allot the eligible dependents to any department for the issue of appointment orders.A/80-2 Dt. All the District Collectors are empowered to create supernumerory posts not exceeding five in number in a financial year. applies.380/ Ser. but qualified for appointment in various Government Undertakings. but also in any other Department.1-7-91 are not applicable to the scheme of compassionate appointments of the spouse/son/daughter of the Employee who retires on medical invalidation. In cases where.Collector. The cases which came up for consideration earlier need not be re-opened. the Government have further liberalised the scheme of compassionate appointments to the dependants of deceased Government employees which came into force w. 7. if the adoption had taken place legally. Excise Constables in Excise Dept. In such cases the appointing authority should immediately report that claim and make such appointment only after obtaining clearance from the Collector. 2. provided. the duration of study to acquire such qualifications. 6.servant may be considered for appointment. the choice of selection one of them for appointment under the Social Security Scheme shall be left to the mother.(Ser-A)Dept.612 G. the candidates who do not possess higher typewriting qualifying having type writing lower qualification may be considered for appointment to such categories of posts.No. they can be considered for posts such as Police Constables in Home Department. 5. Diploma holders who do not possess minimum educational qualifications for appointment as Junior Assistants and who have sought appointment as Junior Assistant are exempt from possessing minimum general educational qualifications. In G. subject to the condition that they should acquire higher qualifications within two years after such appointment.e.(LDC) and if they satisfy the qualifications and physical standards prescribed for such posts.O.Helper Gr-1 and 11 in Forest Dept. The candidates for compassionate appointment who do not possess the said qualifications can be considered for appointment if they 154 . (ie. Where typewriting in English (Higher) is an essential qualification for appointment to a post. The minimum qualifications required to hold the post of Junior Assistant in the office of the Heads of Department/Directorates is degree and in Subordinate Office Intermediate.Ms. at least five years prior to the date of demise of the Government servant. Iowest teaching post in Education Department etc. 3.dt30-10-91. 30-10-91 as follows : Liberalisation of Scheme: 1.Asst.Diploma) is equivalent to or longer than that of Intermediate.A. provided there in no other earning member in the family. If the dependents of the deceased employees are eligible to be considered for any category of post whose pay is equal or less than that of Jr. The younger brother/sister of the deceased Government Servant who remained unmarried can be considered for appointment under the scheme.f. Leading Fireman/Fireman in Fire Service Dept. The adopted son or daughter of the deceased Govt. Where the deceased employee does not have any male child but leaves behind him a married daughter and an unmarried minor daughter. 4. Last Grade Service G.No.000/Gazetted officers - Rs. Govt. subject to eligiblity as per the scheme of compassionate appointment.Memo No. 155 .(Ser.A.A.G) Department Dated 31-3-2005 (Enhance of exgratia amount in lieu of compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased employees) The Government have decided to enhance the exgratia amount in lieu of compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased employees Class .000/Non-Gazetted Officers Rs.G) Department Dated 22-6-2004 (Regulation of services of dependents who appointed on compassionate grounds under conditional basis) The Government have issued instructions that it is decided to consider the regularization of services of the persons appointed on compassionate grounds and subject to acquiring the qualification fully for the post to which they have been appointed./2004-1 GAD. 166 G. Dated 8-10-2003 Revised instructions on providing of employment to the married daughters of deceased government employees) The Government have issued instrucitons that the policy of Government is to provide compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased employee to help the family in distress and accordingly if the deceased govrenment employee was having more than one dependent married daughter and when the spouse of the deceased government employee is not willing to avail the compassionate appointment. 155498/Ser.(Ser.151 G.(Ser.000/- The above exgratia should be sanctioned only in case of death in harness and where the family has no other earning member in the family and no suitable person for appointment under the Scheme of Compassionate appointments is available.116417 / Ser. by giving reasonable time to acquire higher qualification prescribed under rules to hold such posts.O.A) Dept. 27-11-04 issued instructions to appoint the depends of the deceased to the post of the Watch man & Chowkidar etc. G.A/2003-1 G.No144 G.60.(Ser. In Government Memo No.O..80. G.P.Ms.40. in Category (3) in A. the upper age limit shall be 45 years irrespective of community.Ms. one of the dependent married daughter may be considered for compassionate.A.A. G.O.No.D) Department Dated 15-6-2005 (affixing of upper age limit as 45 years to the spouse of deceased Government servant in compassionate appointments) The Government have issued instructions that for compassionate appointment to the spouse of deceased employee.Ms.IV employee Rs.possess atleast Intermediate/ Tenth Class qualification respectively. Dt. R. Over stayal of leave not regularised. 4-1-2006 the government have issued the following amendment. Servent and c) for presenting higher scientific or technical studies. taken for reasons other than a) illness on M. Dt. Specific order of the Head of the Department if the period is six months and less and the Government in other cases are necessary for counting of periods of E.L. If the Employee is on leave on the 1st of that month in which it is due it will be drawn from the date of joining duty after leave. 6. unless orders with holding increment are issued before the normal date of increment. the following shall be added namely :“(iv) The amount of subsistence allowance shall be restricted to 50% in all cases where prima-facie case is established on charges of conrruption. Periods of leave or deputation during which the employee would not have continued in that post but for leave or deputation (F. (FR-II) Depart. 1. c.Ms. except the following. If suspension is for misconduct services preceding suspension also will not count for increment. for the above three purposes. count for increment.26) Increment will be drawn from first of the month except in the following cases. 2. 2 Fin. b. 1. In sub-rule (3) of rule 54-A. If the increment is linked with declaration of probation or last date of examination in which the test is passed. INCREMENTS Increment shall be drawn as matter of course. 3.L. misappropriation and demand or acceptance of illegal gratification until finalisation of the disciplinary case”. (F. In sub-clause (a) of clause (ii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 53. Periods of E.C.O. Break in service due to discharge. b) beyond the control of Govt. after item (iii) of the existing proviso. Periods of suspension treated as not duty. 2. Increment due during pre-services training will be drawn after the completion 156 . namely :“Provided that back wages to a suspended / dismissed employee can not be paid as matter of course in cases where the employee has been acquitted by the courts on benefit of doubt”. Increment with held as a penalty will be drawn from the date following the date of expiry of penalty.O. 5. R. 7.No. the following proviso shall be added. a.O. 4. d.AMENDMENT TO FR 53 AND FR 54-A : Vide G.24) Service in a post or in a higher post and all leave. Service in a lower post. Ms. 232 dt. Employees in last grade service with less than 15 years of service 8 days per each instalment upto 9-1-1983 5. LEAVE RULES 1. ii) The earned leave account of each Govt.O.288 (F&P) .5-11 -77 as amended with G.384 Finance and planning (ER-1) Dept.24.R.O.27-1-1979. employees in superior service 15 days per each instalment 2.O.34 Finance and Planning Dt.of the training. who reach the maximum of pay in the revised pay scales. on the first of the January and on the first of July every year as follows under the simplified procedure.R. Emergency (Temporary) Govt. the probation is deemed to have been satisfactorily completed and increments sanctioned duly recording the certificate given in rule 5(b) of F. Regular Govt.of the days to be credited to the E.dated 17-11 -1986).L. Dt. Status of the Government servant No. A/C on 1st January & 1st July of every year 1 2 3 1. 1986. who have put in 15 years of service 15 days per each instalment 4. No. 8 days per each servants in Superior service instalment 3. Regular Govt. The powers of sanction of premature/advance increments under F. employees are simplified in G. All employees.No.Ms. Sl. 169-2005 157 days per each instalment .O. are eligible for three annual increments (G. PROCEDURE FOR CALCULATION OF EARNED LEAVE: i) The procedure for calculation of entitlement of Earned leave on full pay of Govt. Ms.No.No. Temporary Government employees 8 in last grade service iii) The maximum limit of EL at the credit of the Government Servant on the date of Retirement was enhanced from 240 days to 300 (G.No. employee will be credited in two instalments. If proceedings declaring satisfactory completion are not issued within one year from the date of expiry of the period prescribed or extended period of probation.employees in Last grade service.Ms. Regular Govt.27 vests with the Government only except in the cases relating to stepping up of pay of senior with the pay of the Junior. Temporary including emergency30 days under Rule employees 22 (c) II. Permanent and approved Probationers 2.16-7-83 3. Dt.No. II. Maximum leave to be granted at a time SUPERIOR SERVICE: 1. employees in superior service.G.L. MAXIMUM EARNED LEAVE TO BE GRANTED AT A TIME The maximum earned leave that may be granted at a time to a Government servant is as follows : Sl.No. vi) Emergency (temporary) employees in Superior service and last grade service are allowed to accumulate maximum of 30 days of Earned leave at their credit. at their credit from 16-9-2005.60 days upto 9-1-83 120 days from 10-1 -83 Under Rule 17(3) 2.S.& Plg. taken during the preceeding half year subject to a maximum of 15/8 days. during the preceeding half year the advance credit for the present half year will be reduced by 1/10th of the period of E. Leave Rules LAST GRADE SERVICE 1.O. Probationers 3. Permanent employees in L. ix) If an employee is on E. servant I.iv) All regular Class IV employees are also allowed earned leave on par with Govt. 120 120 days under rule 11 AP Leave Rule days under Rule 22 (a) of A. v) All the Regular Employees in superior service and regular employees in Last Grade service are allowed to accumulate maximum of 300 days of E. shall be credited @ 1 day per month for first two months and 2 days for the 3rd month in a quarter and so on. A probationer in LGS with 50 158 days under .. Status of the Govt. vii) For those permanent Government servants/approved probationers in superior service who are due to retire or resigned. have put in 15 years of service 181Fin.O.Ms.O. E.L.P.L.L. Regular employees in LGS who120 days(G. HALF PAY LEAVE FOR REGULAR/GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Half pay leave admissible to a Govt. 3) The commuted leave should be sanctioned only on Medical Certificate.23-7-1975) 2) Twice the amount of leave shall be debited against the Half-pay leave due.9(13). Others 30 days under Rule 22(c) III.. or excess joining time without reference to finance department. LEAVE NOT-DUE: Leave not due may be granted to a permanent Govt. VI. During such periods he will be entitled to pay according to rule 20 FR.servant for each completed year of service including period spent on duty and on leave with or without allowance is 20 days Regular Government employees belonging to superior and Last Grade Service who have not completed the period of probation can be sanctioned half-pay leave subject to the following conditions: i) It can be sanctioned on Medical grounds ii) Employees in superior service shall put in 2 years of service in regular capacity iii) Last grade employees shall put in one year of service in regular capacity.186 Finance and Plg. Executive Instructions : The Government delegated the powers to the administrative departments of the Secretariat to issue orders of treating the period to the extent of 30 days during which such officers have to wait for posting has compulsory wait. COMMUTATION OF HALF PAY LEAVE : A Government employee in superior / last grade service may commute Half-pay leave into full pay subject to the following eligibility 1) Commuted leave during the entire service of a Govt. IV.Dt. The period sanctioned should not exceed half the number of days of Half-pay leave at credit when the leave is sanctioned. If however the said period exceeds 30 days the concurrence of finance department should necessarily be obtained. VII. whose services have not been regularised are not eligible for Half pay leave.O.No. COMPULSORY WAIT FOR ORDERS OF POSTING When a government servant on return from leave has compulsorily to wait for orders of postings.less than 15 years service Rule 22 (b) 4. Servant in Superior/Last 159 . V. HALF PAY LEAVE TO TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES : Temporary employees including emergency employees appointed under Rule 10(a) (1) of the State and Subordinate Service Rules. such period of waiting should be treated as duty.Ms. servant in Superior / last grade service is limited to 240 days (G. Maximum period .83 and 83-A).R. c) Upto 18 months for treatment of T. [Rule 23 (a) (ii)] Leave not earned by duty and not debited to leave A/c: a) Extraordinary leave : This is granted in special circumstances.upto 24 months (F.R. Such leave is not debited against the leave account. Such leave should not be granted as leave preparatory to retirement. SPECIAL DISABILITY LEAVE : Government Servant disabled by injury while on duty in consequence of due performance of official duty may be granted special disability leave on M.2 years in entire service after a service of 5 years (F. X STUDY LEAVE : The leave is granted to pursue to a special course of study of scientific. Ieave Rules). technical or similar problems.84) XI HOSPITAL LEAVE (FR 101(B) NOT DEBITABLE TO LEAVE ACCOUNT): i) The leave is granted for a period not exceeding 6 months in evey 3 years to 160 . at the request of the Government servant concerned applies in writing for the grant of extraordinary leave. 19 and 23 of A. when no other kind of leave is by rule admissible and when other leave being admissible. 4. servant. on loss of pay. EXTRAORDINARY LEAVE : When no other leave is admissible a) Upto 3 months on any one on written request or to condone the occasion. 2. (F.P. VIII. Leprosy for those who completed 1 year of service. The period shall not exceed 180 days during the entire service of Govt.B. IX.R.Grade service subject to the following conditions (Rule 1 5C/1 8C) 1.C. 3. d) Upto 12 months for treatment of cancer or mental illness.85 (a) and Rules 16. for those (Rules-16 and 19) who completed 3 years of continuous service. e) Upto 24 months for f urther studies in public interest after completing 3 years of service. No leave salary is admissible during such leave. period of absence with out leave b) Upto 6 months on M. The period will be debited against the half-pay leave account.C. It should be granted only on production of Medical Certificate.. & Oct. XIV. 20-6-2007 the following is the schedule for remender of leave Sept. PAYMENT OF LEAVE SALARY IN ADVANCE: Government servants are eligible for advance of leave salary if the leave exceeds 30 days (G.O. no recovery is to be made.21 Fin & Plg (FWPC) Dept. 2007 … Last Grade Employees Nov. [G.SURRENDER OF EARNED LEAVE: All regular employees including class IV are eligible to surrender earned leave of 15 days in each financial year and receive cash value. XVII. 14781-C/278/FR.. If retirement is due to ill health. FULL PAY IN LIEU OF HALF PAY LEAVE : Employees suffering from Leporsy/TB/Cancer/Mental illness/ Kidney [Renal] failure Heart disease are entitled to full pay in lieu of half pay leave for a total period of six months in total service. and he subseuently intends to retire or resign during the said leave period.No. 2008 … Gazetted Officers including AIS Officers. Temporary and contingent employees are eligible to surrender 15 days of earned leave after completing 24 months of service in the first instance and thereafter 15 days during alternate financial year.&PIg..O.Ms.I] Dept. Dt. XII MATERNITY LEAVE: ii) Maternity leave to women Government servant is enhanced from 90 days to 120 days vide G.254 Fin.101 (B)].29-10-91] XVI RETIREMENT DURING COMMUTED LEAVE: In case commuted leave is granted.527 Fin[Accounts] Department dt. dt.No268.I/2011 161 .(Pl No. XIII.6-1 -63). incapacitating for further service or when he dies before resuming duty.Os. & Dec. HALF PAY LEAVE-EMOLUMENTS : According to the orders in existence. the commuted leave should be converted into half pay leave and the difference should be recovered. 12377-A/299/FR-1/2007/ dt.O. & Plg. & Feb. F.[Fin..10-11-95. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH FINANCE (FR-I) DEPARTMENT Cir. XV.. 2007 … N. including Police Personnel and Teachers.No.Ms.O. the employees will get House Rent Allowance and other Allowances in full during the period of half pay leave including Dearness allowance which was restored vide G.Ms.certain classes of Government servants whose duties expose them to Special risk or accident or illness [F.R. Asper Memo No. fin.R. Dt.Memo. 19-1-94.No. Jan..G. I/2010. it is ordered that:a) The calendar for surrender of Earned Leave is dispensed with w.I/2009.L. dt. No.L. 15744-C/324/FR.11. so surrendered should. 2009 to surrender EL. In para 4 of the Cir. The above orders will be applicable for every year i. b) Government permit the employees who have a balance of more than 285 days of E.Memo. It is also ordered therein that the instructions contained in Cir. 1-42009. Surrender of Earned Leave . Finance (FR. The Departments of Secretariat/Heads of departments are requested to keep these instructions in view while sanctioning the surrender of earned leave for purpose of encashmet from the Financial Year 2011-2012 onwards.e. 50798/1063/FR.L.. they are premitted to surrender without following the gap of 12 months. In the reference 1st cited. Memo. account and thereafter the advance credit of EL as per eligibility due for that half year be added as on 1st January/1st July of the respective year.L.1979 shall also be followed during the financial year 2010-2011 i. instructions have been issued dispensing with the fixing of calendar for surrender leave / encashment of E. The above instructions shall also continue from the financial year 2011-2012 onwards for encashment of 15 days of E. (FR. Ref : 1. 10472/C199/FR.L. 1-4-1989 and other amendments issued on the subject till now will hold good.15-6-2010.Encashment during the financial year 2011-2012 onwards-Instructions-Issued. In respect of the employees who are having 286 days and above of E.I) Dept.No. Memo. The gap of 12/24 months shall be worked out from the 1st day of leave surrendered last time to the 1st day of leave proposed for surrender now. Cir. in the first instance. in the case of employees who surrendered E.Memo. until further orders changing the above policy are issued by the Government. 1st cited.L.I) Dept. as on 1st January or 1st July in any year. dt. Hyderabad and Deputy Financial Advisor.e. the number of days of E. Pay and Accounts Office.f. 22. as on 30th June. Finance (FR.f.. and 30 days if there is gap of 24 months for two financial years. All the Treasury Officers/State audit authorities. to their credit as on 30th June of every year. 2.Dated:22-6-2011 E. no orders need be issued every year for encashment of earned leave. Projects/Directors of Accounts of Major Sub : 162 .L.I) Dept.No. All other conditions prevailing before. be deducted from the E.29-4-2009.I/79-1..e. Cir. 1-42009 and employees are permitted to surrender earned leave at any time not exceeding 15/30 days within ablock period of one/two financial years w.L. Fin.e. without waiting for completion of 12 months. by Government employees provided if there is 12 months gap for one surrender to another surrender in one financial year. dt. Dt.1. Leave encashment can be withheld whole or part in the cases of criminal or disciplinary cases are pending by the authority competent to grant the leave in view of the posibility of some money becoming recoverable from him.97 XIX.//aponline. earned leave at credit not exceeding 300 days can be encashed in case of retirement or death G. death.Ms.No.O.11 Fru&PIg (FW.Ms. SPECIAL CASUAL LEAVE : 1. These instructions are available in the internet and can be accessed at the address http.Projects are requested to follow these instructions scrupulously while dealing with the bills for encashment of earned leave from the Financial Year 2011-2012 onwards.I) Department Dated 16-9-2005 (Paternity leave ot Male Government employees) The Government have issued instructions that the competent authority may grant paternity leave on full pay to married male Government employees. RANJEEV R. Rechanalisation [Both]: 21 days or the actual period as per the certificate 163 . for a period of 15 days subject to the condition that it shall be granted to those with less than two surviving children.231 Finance (FR. ACHARYA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT (FP) XVIII.No. 16-9-2005. on accout of post operation complications. on M. temporary or permanent.2nd Operation Female-for Tubectomy Male-for tubectomy of wife 2nd Operation tubectomy Salpingactomy after medical termination of pregnancy Male-for the operation of wife 6 working days -do 14 days 7 days 14/7 days 14 days 7 days G. 15. i ii iii For family planning operation : a] b] a] b] c] a] b] Male vasectomy -do.O. resignation or if interruption in service otehr than leave occures. Dept.Ms. 232 Fin. dt. iv. ( Additional special casual leave beyond above limit can be given. v.FR-I) Dept. Incertion of intranterine 1 day Leave for the 2nd operation is permissible when the Doctor certifices that the first operation was a failure. However. ENCASHMENT OF EARNED LEAVE: Leave at credit shall lapse on the date of retirement. Servant shall be deemed to have resigned from the service if he. A Govt.S.whichever is less+to and fro journey days.O.No.I) DEPARTMENT Dated:01-06-2007 and G. FINANCE (FR.P. For service Associations: Principal office bearers of the regional associatons and two office bearers from 21 days in a districts /city represented on the A. XX1 – AMENDMENT TO RULE 18 OF FUNDAMENTAL RULES AND RULE 5 (A) AP LEAVE RULES 1933 In G.0.P.. iii] These holidays can be combined with C. operations can be prefixed or suffixed to regular leave/C.470.129. have issued amendment to FR Rule 18 (a) Leave Rules 1933 (Amendment to Rule 5(a) by adding Rule 5(b)) respectively as follows. civil services Joint staff council.Ms.No.G. a) is absent without authorization for a period exceeding ‘one year’. or b) remains absent from duty for a continuous period exceeding five years with or without leave. or c) continues on foreign service beyond the period approved by the State Government. II. Dt. LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION 1) Eligibility : The expenditure incured by Government Servant and his family members to 164 .No.Ms.177) : i] An N. if the operation is necessary as he is having less than 2 children or lost all his male children after operation. COMPENSATORY LEAVE (B. The special casual leave for F.L. calendar year. (G. No compensatory holiday shall be taken after the expiry of 6 months from the public holiday for which it is substituted.L.1 6-9-94) XX. ii] Not more than 10 holidays can be accumulated and taken in a calendar year.O. who is called on to attend duty on a holiday shall be granted compensatory leave on another working day.O.128. or other authorised public holidays insuch a way that the total absence from duty shall not exceed 10 days.Ms.O.I) DEPARTMENT Dated:01-06-2007 Govt. FINANCE (FR. and reservation receipts etc. will be reimbursed under these from headquarters to the Home Town by shortest route within the limits of the State of A.G. State in the 2nd Block period during the calendar years of 2007-2008.Ms.0s.P.No. correct numbers of tickets.C [G.C. once in the block period of every two years as follows: L. 6) T. to Home town in the 1st Block period of two calendar years. The period should be sufficient to cover to and fro journies.C may be availed during any kind of leave including casual leave.W. Independently.A. vacation and while in transit on transfer.C to visit any place in A. Temporary Government servants who have put in a continuous service of not less than five years are also eligible for L.T.T.21-5-79]. & Plg. includes dependent parents also. 7) Claim : The claims should be preferred within one month of the completion of the journey duly furnishing date of journey. The L.O. shall be obtained from the authority competent to sanction earned leave. (F. 5) When both wife and husband are employees: They can avail L.T. servant [under suspension] can be permitted to avail L.C. 4) Grant of permission : Prior permission to avail L./79-dt. 165 . Family members of a Govt. In G.M. The declaration can be changed only once in the entire service.T.T. Advance : Eligible for an advance of 80% of the estimated expenditure permisible under the rules.TA) Department Dated 3-4-96 the Government have issued orders limiting of LTC only to two dependent children be implemented from 1-4-96 onwards and any child who will born after 1-4-96 is not entitled for LTC if such a child is over and above earlier two children. Family in respect of N.24221A/221 T. 3) Availment: An employee can avil L. train number.T. in exceptional cases.A.T.C.140 Fin.T. but the family members are eligible only for once either with the father or mother. 2) Declaration : Every Government servant can declare his Home town at any time before he avails the L. (ie) 20052006 L.C.C. Claims prefered after one year will not be admitted.P.T.No. The claims prefered after one month will be allowed with 15% cut upto one year.C for the first time. e.1000/Above Rs.128 Fin.600/.Ms.3627 dated 20-2-69).T.&Plg.(FW-TA) Dept.C.8) Entries in S. Sr.N1/907/2000 dt.f.O. Inspector) GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND I. Rs. Dt. who have compelted one year service are eligible to subscribe for the fund at the following minimum rates and not more than their pay per month.f. 10% w. 1-2-66 [G.1000/- Rates of subscription If insured with if not insured APGLI/PLI/LIC 3% of pay 4% of pay 6% of pay 9% w. Enrollment: The Government Employees in superior service including temporary Rs.f.e.6195-13945 20 550/600/650/ (Rev. accumulations are not liabale to be attached under any decree / order (Sec.8.PC) dated 16-12-74] Last grade employees after completion of 5 years continuous service and whose date of retirement is atleast 10 years ahead shall be eligible to subscribe to this fund compulsorly @ 4% of their pay (G.Ms. Rs.0.P. 9) Fixed Travelling Allowance : As per the orders issued in the Government Vide G.P.F. pay in days the Three Divisions RPS’ 2005 required Mandal Mandals to be out one Toured division in a Month Rs. Pay range Upto Rs.339-F&P (FW.99. IMP: The G.No.of Within Within Rev.3 of G. the CCLA vide Progs. Act. 1925 (XIX of 1925).F.No. Rs.600/1-2-65 Rs.No. Asst. 166 . 4.No. 1-2-66 12% w.10.24.2000 Fixed the FTA as follows : Cadre Scale of Min.e.R: The particulars of declaration of Home Town and availement of L. from time to time shall be recorded in the service Register. the Accountant General should be informed about changed Head of Account etc. to which the GPF deductions are to be credited.No.F. whichever is less. deductions are made should be prepared duly noting in it the Huzur Voucher numbers. III. not more than 10 months pay. immediately on receipt of the GPF slip a statement showing the gross and net particulars of the Bills in which the G.F. Period of repayment: Not more than 36 monthly instalments and not iess than 12 monthly instalments.P.O. IV. dates of encashment and sent to Accountant General.F” V. in duplicate. In case of missing credits. and in special cases not more than 6 months pay.Ms. will return one copy of the statement duly allotting Account Numbers to each employee. Head of Account: G. Hyderabad. Temporary Advances: [Rule 14 (i) (a)] The subscribers are eligible for temporary advances from their GPF accumulations for specified purposes. after obtaining verification Certificate from the DTO concerned.P. Each employee should submit prescribed application and nomination infavour of his family which is defined in Rule 2(1) (O) (i) and (ii) as amended in G.II. Part. For the marriage of sons or daughters. are eligible for 6 months pay or one half of the amount at credit and in special cases.F.Precautions & Procedure: Whenever there is transfer or change in head of account from which the emoluments of a subscriber are payable. as follows: a] Not exceeding 3 months pay or half the amount at credit.Pen II) Dept. whichever is less. The Accountant General will then issue revised GPF slip duly accounting for the missing credits. Allotment of Account Numbers: Each Head of office should send a statement. c] When one advance or part of it is pending. on the 1 5th of every month showing the particulars of employees in his office as will be required to compulsorily subscribe to G. dated 18-9-89. advances are debitable to “8005 State Provident Fund -101 other Funds 01 G.297-F&P [PW. the eligibility is three months pay or half of the amount at credit. Vl. In special cases.G.. it will be consolidated when another advance is sanctioned. Missing credits.P. The A. to the Accountant General in the prescribed form. whichever is earlier.P. b] For special reasons to be recorded in writing-in excess of the above limit or until repayment of last instalment of previous advance.Final withdrawals: [Rule 15 (A)] Employees who have rendered not less than 20 years of service or who have less than 10 years of service to attain the age of superannuation. the amount drawn as loan under the Andhra Pradesh House Building Loan Rules and part-final withdrawal from provident fund shoud not exceed 167 . through the Head of the Office. Collector Joint Collector/District Collector. the amount should be limited to 6 months pay or one half of the amount of credit. The following authorities competent to sanction Temp.162 Finance dt.43 F&P [FW Admn. whichever is less. Sanctioning Authority: According to Vth schedule of Rule 14 of GPF rules an Advance/ Part Final withdrawal under normal/special rules may be sanctioned by an Authority who shall always be not less than two levels above the person to whom the Advance/Part Final withdrawal is to be sanctioned. on the basic pay of the employee. CADRE 1. In ordinary cases. In the case of part-final withdrawal for meeting the expenses in connection with illness. Conversion of advances into Part-final withdrawal: Advances drawn for illness. in speciai circumstances. The maximum acceptable is 12% of the maximum of the pay scale substantively held by the employee. Tahsildar in the respective Offices. Vll.per every Rs. betrothal and higher education under GPF rules can be converted into part-final withdrawal at the written request of the subscriber. Upto Sr.100/. The minimm monthly premium rate is Rs. it shall not exceed one half of such amount of the actual cost of the house including in the cost of the site or repayment of the loan in that behalf.111) lakh or five years pay. 3. Asst. Tahsildar/MRO/ Dy. 2. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE SCHEME All Government servants shall compulsorily insure their lives with the Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department as per G. The following types of Government employees are exempted from the scheme. However. Vll.Ms.No. DRO/Divisional Officer/Special Dy. The balance of the said advance can be converted after satisfying the conditions for part-final withdrawal.P.No.4/.dt.O. in the respective Offices. Employees who have crossed 48 years of age or aged 20 years only and put in less than one year of service. marriage./Part Final withdrawls.Ms. Collector. Dy. Authority competent to sanction Temporary/part final withdrawal DRO/Special Deputy Collector/ Speciai Tahsildar/Tahsildar/MRO. the sanctioning authority may sanction upto 3/4ths of the balance at credit. 168 . Authorisation ot the Accountant General is not necessary for part-final withdrawal of GPF Advance. whichever is less. 1.or part thereof. A.O. [G.21-2-1963.28-1-89]. No medical examination is required if the monthly premium is Rs.O.P.and above 1000/2. Assistance in the shape of loan upto a maximum of Rs. The Government in G.1040151A11620/P RC 11/76-2 dt. 14861/. 18030/600/Rs. Government Employees Welfare Fund. 25601 /. who shall scrutinise the applications. Every member of the fund should contribute Rs. The District Treasury Officer who is the Member-Secretarycum-Treasurer and also convener of the Dist. (Admn.2010 EMPLOYEES WELFARE FUND RULES.2010 revised the rates of monthly premiums as follows : Pay Slab Monthly Premium Rs.07.[Govt. Committee shall be responsible to convene the meetings of the committee atleast once in every quarter. 1980 The Government have constituted A.17-11 -77].will be given to 169 .the policy will be issued by the Directorate of Insurance. prior to 1-3-1963 and kept the policies in force.5000/.to Rs.T.(P). 18031/.231 Fin. dt.Memo No. The application for insurance shall be made to the Head of the Office in the prescribed form who will forward the same to the Directorate Insurance.) through the DDO. if they are paying the premium at the minimum prescribed rate. Every member or the family of the dependent of a deceased member.30/. PLI etc. Soon after the premium for the first month is recovered and the recovery schedule is sent.O.10/.per annum which shall be recovered from their pay for March payable in April each year.or below. who seek assistance from the fund shall apply to the Member Secretary (D. The fund would be administered by a committee comprising of various Service Associations under the charimanship of the District Collector. Note: The above rates are effective from 01. 10900/350/Rs.25600/750/Rs. 8441/.II) Dept. at the District level. The membership of the fund shall be compulsory to all employees other than persons appointed under purely emergency provisions.06. 28. 8440/250/Rs. The insured amount will be repayable after completion of 58 years of age along with the profit as an endowment insurance. the interst on which could be utilised for various weifare activities of the employees and for interest free Rs.No.14860/450/Rs. Upto Rs. Employees who have insured their lives with the LIC. 10901/. vide G. 404 dated 3-7-2001 modified the Accounting procedure for sanction and recovery of loan and interest to the employees. Date of Retirement : 170 . The Govt. Government Ioan etc.1000/. WELFARE FUND 1. b) The assistance shall be strictly on the basis of merits of each memebr and the actue distress in which he may find himself and after taking into account the assistance available to him from other known sources such as Provident fund. Post Held : 5. The DDO concerned shall recover the instalments of the loans or interets as the case may be from the pay bill and enclose the schedule of recovery to the pay bill submitted to the Treasury. Scale of Pay and Pay Drawn : 6. of the details office individuals to whom loans are sanctioned and also the amount to be recovered month-wise from the salary bills of the employees.the members. for 1) Marriages 2) Education of children and 3) Medical aid for sickness. No.O. The loan amount recovered from the employees shall be credited to the following head of account: 8342 Other Deposit 120 Miscellaneous Deposits SH(08) Deposits of interest on Employees Welfare Fund and matching contribution equivalent to the interest earned on the Employee Welfare Fund. Employees FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SANCTION OF A. recoverable in not more than 5 years. As per the revised orders.P. Permenant Address : 4. Name : 2. PAO shall inform the DDO and the STO concerned. The DTO/ any one case keeping in view the circumstances each case.. the District Level Committee / Twin Cities committee may sanction loans to the employees and the amount shall be drawn and paid as loans by way of Bank Drafts to the members through the DDOs duly presenting bills in the District Treasury. 001 Loans to Govt. GRANTS: a) Outright grants can be sanctioned not exceeding Rs. Father’s Name : 3. I/2004.No. Whether he was sanctioned this loan or not : 12. shall not count as qualifying service of 20 years [Rule-43]. Dated 13-10-2004: (Regulation of age of Superannuation Act. Contingent Service: Contingent employee cannot be allowed to count the earlier non-qualifying service of full time contingent employee for purpose of voluntary retirement on the ground that it counts for pension [G. ii) Voluntary Retirement: Government servant shall have the option to retire from service voluntarily after putting not less than 20 years of qualifying service by giving at least 3 months notice in advance to the competent authority. one who continues in service beyond superannuation by mistake is not entitled to any payment including Salary etc.C.3016/104 Pen 1/ 85-Fin-dated 25-6-85]. : 11. 1984) The Government have issued instructions that.Memo No. A. 25806-A/592/F. He shall be eligible for addition of maximum of five years of service to his qualifying service but shall not be eligible for weightage under [rule 29].Remarks of the Drawing officer: 14.R. He shall be eligible for addition of maximum of five years of service to his qualifying service but shall not count as qualifying service of 20 years [Rule-43].Elgible for similar from Govt. 171 .Designation of the Drawing officer: Signature of the applicant PENSION RULES i) Retirement on Superannuation: All Government employees in superior service attaining age of 58 years and all class IV employees on attaining age of 60 years shall retire form service on superannuation [Rule 42]. Cir. Extra ordinary leave availed on any ground including on M. The notice of less than 3 months may also be accepted by the competent authority subject to approval of Govt. Loan : B.M. Purpose : : 10. Grant : 9. Nature of assistance Sought for 8.Any Loan Balance out Standing: 13.7. The amount of D. if the employee is fully exonerated.O. extraordinary leave upto a maximum of 36 months in the entire service shall count for pension [Rule 21].Ms. iii) Leave: Any leave for which leave salary is payable and extraordinary leave on Medical Certificate shall count for pension. shall be taken into account. the period will not count unless the competent authority expressly declares it tobe counted for pension [Rule 23]. vi) Emoluments: For the purpose fo pensionary benefits. [G.Ms. 1980). vii) Average Emoluments: 172 .177-F&P dt. ii (a) Maximum Leave preparatory to Retirement: The maximum period of absence from duty on leave preparatory to retirement should not exceed 28 months (FR-81[d] ). emoluments as defined in Rule 9(21) (a) (i) from 28-6-88 onwards.4. Service or) between non government service (as service under Municipalities.O. The day on which the Govt.P.The Government servant after completion of 33 years qualifying service but before attaining 58 years of age may retire from service after 3 months notice. [Rule 5-B of A. In other cases. v) Condition of interruption in Service: The interruption between two or more (Spells of Govt. in public interest.after 3 months notice or salary in lieu thereof [rule 44]. Extraordinary leave due to inability to join on account of civil commotion or for higher scientific and technical studies shall be allowed by the appointing authority to count for pension. iv) Suspension: The entire period of suspension will count for pension. Note: The provisions of the above rule do not apply to interruptions between non regular military (Purely temporary) Service and Civil Service.2010.28-6-88). however. the periods of interruption themselves. 6. employee retires or discharged/ resigns/voluntarily retires will be treated as non-working day. 101. revised Pension Rules. In all other cases. The date of death shall be treated as working day. admissible as on the date of retirement / on the date of death of employee while in service be treated as ‘emoluments’ in addition to the basic pay for the purpose of arriving at the amount of retirement gratuity as per G.A.No. dt. District Boards etc) and government service or between two spells of non government service shall be treated as automatically condoned without any formal order of the sanctioning authority without restrictions as regards periods of interuption as well as the length of period preceding interruptions excluding. employee to be retired. The appointing authority may require a Govt. No. Additional quantum of pension / Family pension be allowed to those pensioners / Family pensioners on attaining the age of 75 years and above as indicaed in the table here under. Financial Asst. If the qualifying service falls short of 33 years.per month is enhanced to Rs. 6-4-2010 ). This has been enhanced to Rs. is in a regular vacancy. the pension admissible is number of years service devided by 66 [Rule 45].f. 1-2-2010.instead of average of 10 months emoluments as per rule 32 of Revised pension Rules’80. 6-4-2010 w. in G.No.f. Age of Pensioners Additional quantum of pension From 75 years to less than 80 years 15% of basic pension From 80 years to less than 85 years 20% of basic pension From 85 years to less than 90 years 25% of basic pension From 90 years to less than 95 years 30% of basic pension From 95 years to less than 100 years 35% of basic pension 100 years or more 50% of basic pension ix) Invalid Pension: Employee declared by appropriate medical authority as permanently incapaciated for further service shall be granted invalid pension [Rule 37].98 issued orders to the effect that (a) the last pay drawn shall be treated as emoluments for fixation of pension under rule 45(2) (b) of APRP Rules ’80 .O. x) Anticipatory Pension: (U/R 51A) and Gratuity Anticipatory Pension can be sanctioned to the retired employees irrespective 173 . 3350/. & Plg (FW Pen I) Dept. If there is no vacancy. Supernumery post has to be created.per month in the Revised pay scales of 2010.Public Service Commission. wife/son/daughter/ adopted son or adopted daughter of an employee retired on compassionate grounds (Medical invalidation). vide G.1925/ .100 Dt.per month. when the qualifying service is less than 33 years. out side the purview to the A.e. 1-2-2010. viii) Pension: The quantum of pension will be 33/66ths of last pay drawn for a service of 33 years or more.5. 3350/.P. five years prior to date of superannuation.per month w. 1500/.Govt.O. The minimum pension is Rs. dt. 100 dt.No.e.O. of Rs. 87 Fin. is eligible for appointment to Government service. an addition of qualifying service upto a maximum of 5 years is allowed (G.Ms. Provided officiation in a promoted post during last 2 months preceding the retirement.e. (b) Any amount treated as ‘Personal Pay’ to protect the emoulments to be observed in future increments shall be recorded towards emoluments for the purpose of pension. One of the family members i. 25.Ms. No.P.Ms..2010) iv) Unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter.for grant of family pension to the family of a Govt. the amount of family pension shall be limited to the amount of pension. The amount of family pension shall not exceed the amount of service pension.2010) 174 .7.2010. Govt.7. until he attains the age of 25 years or started earning livelihood whichever is earlier. i) In the case of a son.06. (G. The family pension shall be paid to the widow till the date of her death or remarriage which-ever is earlier.Ms. If dies while in service after completion of not less than 7 years service or after retirement. upto the date of marriage/remarriage or till the date she starts earning or upto the date of death which ever is the earliest. iii) In case of son/daughter who is suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or is physically crippled or disabled even after obtaining the age.10. dt.No.No.24..315 dt.O.. 215 Fin &PIg.Pen.20-8-79 have ordered that the condition of one year’s continuous service stipulated in Sub-rule (1) (B) of Rule 4 of the A.1985 and Govt. where there is likely to be delay in releasing the pensionary benifits due to the pensioner.Ms.18. For this purpose.O.10.No. If the amount of pension is less than the family pension admissible. whichever is earlier (Rule 50).Ms.1989.315 dt. not covered by above i to iii.Memo.Ms.Ms. or not. These orders were given effect from 20-8-1979.No.No.18. 50% of the last drawn pay shall be paid from the date of death for 7 years of till the date on which the Government servant would have attained 65 years. b) Family pension is admissible @ 30% of the last pay drawn without any maximum limit.of the fact whether the pension papers have been sent to A. (G.07. (G.G.dt.O.10. in their G.O. Dt. servant had been medically examined and found fit for appointment under the Govt. [FW. dt.23. the family pension shall be payable for life (G. As per rule 51 (C) of the AP Revised Pension Rules. xi) (a) Family Pension (One year continuous service Not necessary): The Govt. 1980.05. until she attains the age of 30 years or until she gets married or started earning her livelihood whichever is earlier. the appointing authority must obtain invariably physical fitness certificate even from the temporary appointees also.82-A/183/PCP/88-1.O.7.230 F&P (FW Pen-I) Dept. Servants Family Pension rules 1964 shall not apply henceforth.No. anticipatory gratuity to the extent of 90% of the amount worked out by the departmental authorities can be sanctioned.) Parents who are wholly dependent on the Government servant when he/she was alive.2010) No anticipatory pension/gratuity shall be granted if there are any departmental proceedings pending against the pensioner. (G. servant governed by the said rules provided the Govt. Dt.315 Finance (Pension-I) dept. provided the deceased employee has left behind neither a widow nor a child.186 F&P (FW.09.1) Dept. ii) In the case of unmarried daughter.I) Dept. Cir.O.. of years of qualifying service / 4 of the last drawn pay for every six monthly periods of service subject to a maximum of 20 months pay or Rs.v) If the claimant is unmarried/widowed/divorced daughter falling under categoryII of family.vide G. an amount equal to 6 times of his emoluments shall be paid as gratuity. If he dies after completion of one year and before 5 years of service. on medical certificate.2010) xii) Anticipatory family Pension: Amount not exceeding 75% of the family pension shall be paid as anticipatory family pension.Ms. The gratuity. Commutation shall not be allowed to employees whose pension is Rs.4. the death certificate of her husband together with a certificate from the concerned Tahsildar to the effect that the person specified in the Death certificate was her husband also have to be enclosed ( 10000/.(w.A. 5000/. if the pensioner is alive. 6-4-2010.Ms.No.W.1-4-2011) whichever is less. it shall be paid to surviving members of family.273 Fin&Plg.f. two times of his emoluments will be paid as gratuity. (40% of Last Pay Drawn) x 8.O. The commuted pension will be restored after 15 years. xv) Gratuity: On retirement last basic pay drawn + D.158 F&P [FW Pen-l] Dept.8.000/. D.2010) vi) If the claimant is a widowed daughter. of the deceased employee shall be paid to the person nominated by him and if there is no nomination.00.Ms.Pension I) Department dt. There is no upper ceiling limit.dt. dt. This is admissible to all Goverment Employees who have completed 5 years qualifying service. No.Funeral ChargesTo the pensioners was enhanced from Rs.O. 175 . X No. Funeral Charges :.16-9-99].371x12=Cummulative. at the same rate as applicable to pensioners shall be allowed on the quantum of anticipatory pension sanctioned.O. the gratuity shall not be less than 16:5 times his emoluments [Rule 46]. a self declaration to the effect that she is wholly dependent on the employee/pension has to be enclosed (G.(P.No.O. dt.Ms.e.No.A.or less per month [G. xiii) Provisional Pension: The Government servants on whom departmental or judicial proceedings are pending are entitled for provisional pension not exceeding the maximum pension admissible on the basis of qualifying service.315. in equal shares [Rule 46 and 47]. 22-9-83].353.O.No. 102 dt. If an employee dies in 1st year of service. He shall furnish necessary application in the prescribed form within one year from the date of retirement Commutation is permissible after one year. will be paid as gratuity. xiv) Commutation of Pension: A pensioner can commute for a lumpsum payment of any portion not exceeding 40% of the pension granted to him.370/. If dies while in service after completion of five years service.4. [G.12. dated 2-5-1986.102. the other pension papers will be prepared and finalised by the concerned Head of Office and forward to the pension sanctioning authority. audit [G.Ms. where formal application for pension along with the discriptive rolls is not received from the retiring Government servant. after verifying the service particulars.&Plg.O. xviii) Payment of Pension through Banks: Payment of pensionary benefits can be arranged through Nationalised Banks located any where in India [G.23-1-89]. was entrusted to the Dy.O.37-F&P 10. G. In cases in which the date of retirement cannot be foreseen 18 months in advance the application shall be submitted immediately after the date of retirement Is settled.C IV] Dept.Ms.000/.O.32 .Wing) P.Ms.. as per Rule 25 of APCS (conduct) Rules 1964 and such second wife shall not be eligible for pensionary benefits viz.P.(P) No.(FW Pen.No. dated 5-4-1979 inrespect of all Class IV employees of Govt. Even in cases.F.dt.No. servants irrespective of the religion shall not marry a second wife wihout the prior permission of the Govt.xvi) Grant of Family Pension and Gratuity to the second living wife: All Govt.. during the Preceeding 12 months.O.No.No. xx) Preparation of Pension Papers: It is the responsibility of the departmental authorities to prepare the pension papers of an employee due to retire from service.MsNo. The responsibility of the employee is restricted only to submission of formal application for pension and submission of descriptive rolls.s and family P.4-2-89 and G.S. Every head of office shall undertake the work of preparing pension papers in part-l.P.Directors and Audit Officers of Local Fund Audit in [F.vide G.Circuir Memo No.(P) No. dt. Departments. list of family members and any other declarations/certificates etc. dt.o. Issue of authorisatin of commuted value of pensions was also entrusted to the Audit Officers of L.4.51.18-2-87. [Govt.5000/. family pension and retirement gratuity and pension sanction authorities have to ignore such widows for purpose of family pension and retirement gratuity and no family pension and retirement gratuity be divided between the two widows. that may be prescribed from time to time.299 -F&Pdt.l) Dept. and G. dt.O.O. Fin. xvii) Pension to Class IV Employees: Issue of P.1/87.6.20-8-91]. 11027-B/26/Pen.O.2010.102F&P (Fin. when he is not himself the authority 176 . G.F&P (FW-PSC Dept.Death relief is enhanced from Rs.O.O. dues position etc. 6 months before the date on which a Government servant is due to retire on superannuation.Ms.134-F&P .22-8-85. xxi) Death Relief:.F&P (FW-PSC) Dept. xix) Procedure for Processing of Pension Case: Every Governemnt servant shall submit a formal application for pension [part-1] to the Head of the Office/Head of the Department at least 18 months in advance of the date of his actual or anticipated retirement. And head of the department in respect of Gazetted Officers in various departments.O.competent to sanction pension. 2-7-2007.No. 23.O. Dt. As per G.Ms. 1-9-2004.Ms. vide G. 7.No. DTO. 229-2004 of Finance (Pen-I) Dept. In twin cities the DD. 11.No.No.Ms.Ms.f. xxii) Commercial Appointment after Retirement: Gazetted Government Servants who wish to accept any commercial employment (Defined in Rule 10) before the expiry of two years from the date of retirement shall obtain permission from the Government.Ms.H. The amount recovered from the Pay Bill shall be credited to the revised Head of Account 8342-117-04001 as per G. 22-9-2004 the existing GPF (AP) Scheme will not be applicable to the newly recruited employees who are covered under Contributory Pension Scheme introduced w.R. Finance (Pen-I) Dept.No.655.O. the PAO.No. No.372 . Hyd. 3.O.O.Ms. Hyderabad for allotment of Index Number in the Pro forma prescribed as per said G.1998. (U) will allot the Index Number to the Local Bodies employees.Ms. 5. dt. Hyd. dt. 653. 6. 4.262 Fin & Plg.No.654.O. An Employee shall contribute 10% of the Basic Pay and DA towards CPS. [Rule 10 read with G. 800901-101-03-CSS till to date of allotment of Index Number. 655. 8. dt. Fin(Pen-I) Dept. 2. AP. The DDO should send proposals to the AG. The Employees appointed on or after 1-9-2004 are eligible for Contributory Pension Scheme as introduced by Govt. The Index Number for the Class IV employees will be allotted by the concerned Deputy Director of Dist. D2/4036/2006. Vide G. The Employees who are in-service before 1-9-2004 joins another Organiza177 . The arrears of Subscription to Contributory Pension Scheme.. dt. of A. CONTRIBUTORY PENSION SCHEME (NPS) 1. In case of Class-IV of HoDs’ of Twin Cities. G.O. dt. (One subscription for current month and one additional for arrears of subscription) 9. dt. Treasuries.O. 10.e. and G.No. 151. dt.1 2-85]. will allot the Index Number as per DTAs Memo. The Index Number should invariably noted in the first page of individual S. 22-9-2004.2.P. 31-7-2007. (FWPSC) Dept. Pension Sanctioning Authority: As per the orders issued by the Govt.Ms. 22-9-2004 for superior service employees. In the budget for 2001-02 the Government of India have announced a New Pension Scheme.F&P [FW Pen-l] Dept. 654. The DA Arrears of the said employees should be credited to the M.11. 22-9-2004. in the Districts. the pension sanctioning authority is the head of the office in respect of all Non-gazetted officers including class-lV employees. dt. 232 dt. The family should be paid obsequies charges of Rs.1669 -GA (Ser-F) Dept dated 15-9-1985).Rule 106 read with G.O.3. In other words they would continue to remain under earlier pension rules. 3.98 Encashment of earned leave was enhanced from 240 days to 300 days vide G. Payment of GIS (Saving Fund) 4. The Family Pension & DCRG will be sanctioned under APRPR 1980 as per Govt Cir. 4.98 (GOLP) No. 7.O.O.5.dt.2010 Provisionally.25.10000/ (G. & Plg ( ) dt 3.nsdl.Ms. Govt. 1. 5.192 GA (Servises 1) Deportment 24-4-2010 Family pension and DCRG as per pension Rules.D.6.MEMO. 118 Fin.23-6-87] ( ) @ 11% of ( ) who retire as 1.Ms. they can draw in advance). No. Number will be CPS A/c No. Encashment of Earned Leave 3.No. such employees will not come under the purview of N e w CPS. 13. the period of suspension till the date of death shall be treated as duty and the family be paid full pay and 178 employee to his native or other place. As per DTA orders hereafter the Employees I. after submitting technical resignation. 16-9-2005 If an employee dies while under 14.No.I/2010.A. 2. [T.A from the last station of deceased employee to the place of settlement within the State with mileages eligible for the family + 1 (if they desire.O. PAYMENTS AND CONCESSIONS TO THE FAMILY OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WHO DIE IN HARNESS 1.No.No.No.tion/Dept. Payment of APGLIF 6. The CPS Application Forms are to be obtained from Website: www. ( send the body of the deceased Govt. T. Dearness relief announced from time to time shall be payable to the pensioners who are employed under the scheme of compassionate appointment (G.Ms.89 Fin & Plg 300/. Fin&PIg Dept. Payment of GIS (Insurance Fund) 5. Family Benefits (if expired while in Service) After introduction of CPS from 1-9-2004. released matching grant to CPS. 6.153.98.. Compassionate Appointment 2.7. The family should be paid transport charges ranging from Rs.Ms. 12.O. Dt: 8.npscra. where same rules applicable.30857/ 422/A1/PEN. OMs. 317 GDA ELS) dated 7-7-2006.10. 10) breaks in service.L. dated 28-4-74 read with G.1000/. 16) Promotions/dates of relief and joining in new posts.Ms. 12.allownces for that period.O.P.F/ pensionary benefits etc. 8.425. 11) suspension. Marriage advance and Festival advance of the deceased employee can be written off by the Head of the Department (G.dated 28-9-89].No.O.O. Outstanding balance of loans and advances Bicycle advance. dated 27-4-83). 3) Date of first appointment.4000/.212. 1) Qualifications. 20) Nomination under Group Insurance scheme /G.2007.No. 6) Departmental tests passed/training underwent or exempted.O. from time to time.O. Dated 12. 10.55F&P (PW Accounts II) Dept. 9) Surrender leave/availment. 13) all leaves/ regularisations of leaves except C. 10 lakhs of exqratia from the Govt. Payment of ex-gratia amount of Rs.Ms.TA) Dept. 14) recovery of over payment. 15) willful absence treated as dies-non.Ms. (G.No. 5) Declaration of probation. 12) subsistance allowances paid. If the employee is killed by extreamists / Anti social elements while on election duty during the elections to HOP/APLA. 11.Ms.00 lakhs to the lagal heirs of Government employees who met with accidental deaths while performing their official duties (G. (G.314 F&P (FW.for others. the deceased employee family will get Rs.for Non-Gazetted Officers Rs. Minimum Balance . 21) 179 . 19) Home town declaration/ availment. Families of Drivers met with accident and died while actively performing their duty shall be paid Group Insurance at double the normal insured amount [G.No.will be paid (vide booster scheme) provided the following minimum balances are available for continuous period of three years in the GPF account of the deceased (G.for Gazetted Officers Rs.302. 7) increments. dated 28-9-76).1.Ms. Refund of Family benefit fund.No. dated 24-5-1977). The following entries shall be recorded in the service registers. SERVICE REGISTERS Service registers shall be maintained for all Government employees (including full time contingent employees converted as class IV).II) Dept.307. Payment of Group Insurance amount.No.O.Rs. 18) punishments awarded.No. amount equal to GPF amount to his credit at the time of death subject to a maximum of Rs. showing the events from the date of appointment to the date of retirement. Addl. dated 9-11 -74 and G. 4) Regularisation of service..248 Finance (Admn.No. 2) Date of Birth. 8) Options exercised and pay fixations.Ms.10..000/.Ms. 9.3000/. 17) transfers/availment of transit/participation in strikes etc.O. by the Head of the office authorised for the purpose. Ms. Revenue Divisional Officer / Mandal Revenue Officer as the case may be from the academic Year 1996-97. STs and BCs in the Form prescribed (i. STs and BCs) issue of Community. 12-5-97 viz. An Act (Act. and 22) deputation and recovery particulars of leave salary and pension contributions with challan Nos. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate declaring the persons as belonging either to SCs and STs and as per notification of the Government of India and to BCs in accordance with the notification of the Government of Andhra Pradesh..No. STs and BCs and also for verification of social status claims of the individuals. (Scs. 14-3-96. 16th of the month should be treated as the date of birth (Subsidary Rule 6 under F. No. STs and matters connected there with or incidental there to was passed and the same was come in to force w. servant the year of whose birth is known. CERTIFICATES OF PERMANENT AND INTEGRATED COMMUNITY. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates and the Registers to be maintained by the village Administrative Officers and Mandal Revenue Officers were already supplied to the Mandal Revenue Officers and Revenue Divisional Officers in the District. the A.e. the 1st of July should be treated as the date of birth.upto dating of leave account every half year. These rules came into force with effect from 16-5-1997. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES: Government have notified the authorities in Column(2) of the Annexure-l of the Rules within their territorial jurisdiction as “Competent Authorities” for issue of Community.P. Collector.No. issued from time to time. dt. 1997 regulating the procedure of issuance of Community. 272 Revenue (Ser.e..f. Service verification entry. Retirement/Death entry. The printed forms of Permanent and Integrated Community. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate to SCs. 180 . Government have issued orders introducing the system of issuance of Permanent and Integrated Community. III) Department.74[a][iii]). Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate Rules. Government have also framed the Rules vide G.. Dist. Note: The entries recorded in his own service register by the attestation officer are to be got counter signed by another Gazetted Officer. 58 SW(J) Department dt.) in Form-III by the Competent Authorities viz. When both the year and the month of birth are known but not the exact date. 16 of 1993) to Regulate the issue of Community Certificate relating to the persons belonging to the SCs..O. NATIVITY AND DATE OF BIRTH In their G. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate to the SCs. 15-5-97. but not the date. etc.O. NB : In case of a last grade Govt.R. . he shall conduct such enquiry after issuing notice in Form-lV to the Parent/ Guardian/Applicant and examine following persons and records as per Rule 5(b).O.D. Application for issue of Community. 2.e. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate to the applicants are as follow: 1. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates shall be issued in Form-III within 30 days of the receipt of the applications in FormI/ll by the Mandal Revenue Officer/R. mode of marriage. c) In the case of tribals their Anthropological and ethrological Traits. 4.) Mandal Revenue Officer/ Revenue Divisional Officer and Collector as the case may be. After ensuring that the application is in order. VALIDITY OF CERTIFICATE: The Community. the Parent/Guardian shall submit application form as mentioned above as per Rule 4(b). If the MRO/RDO feels that further enquiries are necessary. NOTICE FOR VERIFICATION AND ENQUIRY BY COMPETENT AUTHORITY: Notice to the applicant for verification shall be issued in FormIV of the Rules by the Competent Authority (ie. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Rules. a) School Records b) Birth Registration Certificate. In case of minor. rituals. if he is satisfied with the correctness of the information/ documents/evidence furnished by the applicant as per Rule 5(a). NATIVITY AND DATE OF BIRTH CERTIFICATES BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITIES: The Salient points of procedure envisaged in the Rules of verification and issue of Community. as far as possible particularly for seeking admission to the educational institution or appointment to a post as per Rule 4(a). shall be a permanent one as per Rule 16 of the Rules.FORMAT OF APPLICATION: Application for issue of Community. 181 . Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate for STs shall be in Form-l and in respect of SCs and BCs in Form-ll of the Rules. death ceremonies/method of burial of dead-bodies etc. customs. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate shall be submitted in the prescribed Form-l/ll to the MRO/RDO (Competent Authority) as the case may be well in advance (i.) six months. the Competent Authority shall give the acknowledgement slip appended to Form-l/ll to the applicant as per Rule 5(a). d) Examination of Parent/Guardian or Applicant in relation to their community. Community. if any. deity. PROCEDURE FOR VERIFICATION AND ISSUE OF COMMUNITY. 3.. 1997. 5. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates as applied for by the applicants.D.B. In pursuance of the aforesaid Act. from the date of the receipt of the notice by the Parent/Applicant/Guardian to attend the enquiry. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate by the MRO/RDO. 1997.P. The cases of fraudulent claims shall be disposed off as per the procedure laid down under Rule 9(1) to (7) of the Rules. have been in 182 . the MRO/RDO may reject or confirm the claim of the person based on the document/evidence available with the MRO/RDO as per Rule 5(d). On receipt of recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee. Secheduled Castes (Rationalisation of Reservations) Rules. f) If the person who received notice fails to respond on the date of enquiry fixed. while applying in Form-l/ll as per Rule 5 for the issuance of the Community. then the MRO/RDO may have to be informed to the concerned to admit/ appoint the candidate on the basis of declaration given by the Candidate/Parent/ Guardian before the MRO/RDO. As per Rule 19.C. Complaints are to be dealt with Rule 10 of the Rules. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate by the MRO/ RDO. 1997. Categorisation in Scheduled Castes) The A.e) The notice in Form-lV should be given clear interval 15 days. 2000 (Act 20 of 2000) has been enacted to provide Rationalisation of Reservations to Scheduled Casted in the State of A.No. i) The MRO/RDO shall refer the cases of doubtful claims to the Joint Collector & Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee formed at the District level u/r 8 of the recommendations of the Committee with regard to the issue of the Community.91 Social Welfare (C1) Department. if the last date for admission to an Educational Institution or appointment to an officer/post is getting expired. Such admission or appointment shall only be provisional and valid for three months from the date of the communication by the MRO/RDO to the concerned and shall cease to be valid after issuance of the Community. g) MRO/RDO should give reasonable opportunity to the Applicant/Parent/ Guardian to produce evidence in support of their claim as per Rule 5(e).P. Scheduled Castes (Rationalisation of Reservations) Act. 2002. GO. the A. the MRO/RDO shall accordingly confirm or reject the claims of the applicants. h) A Public notice by beat of drum or any other convenience may have to be published in the village or locality of the Applicant/Parent/Guardian and the objections if any received from any person or association may have to be considered by the MRO/ RDO as per Rule 5(e). POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF SCRUTINY COMMITTEE AT DISTRICT LEVEL: The powers and functions of scrutiny Committee in respect of cases of doubfful claims are enumerated under Rule 8(d) (1) to (7) and 8(e) of the Rules.Ms. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate.P. and there is delay in finalising the enquiry and issuing of Community. Dated 23-12-2004: (Cancellation of A. 1997 as a Revison Petition. REVIEW AGAINST THE CANCELLATION ORDERS PASSED BY THE DISTRICT COLLECTOR U/S 5(1) OF THE ACT 16 OF 1993: Review u/r 10 of the Rules shall be taken up by the Government on an application filed by any person aggrieved by an order passed by the District Collector U/s 5(1) of the Act. 1997. Dated 14-2-2003: (Govt. the Collector is competent to cancel the false/bogus community certificate except in respect of Bariki(SC) Community certificate after following due procedure envisaged in the Act. 15% AND 6% respectively in all categories of posts in all departments. (CVI) Dept.No.O. Community. within 60 days of the communication of the order passed under these Rules and pass appropriate orders in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 8 of the Act 16 of 1993.O.No. within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of that order. policy of Providing Rule of Reservation in promotions to SCs/STs ) The Government have implemented Rule of Reservation in promotions to ensure adequate representation of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe employees ie.G. Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate passed by the Competent Authority. In case of Bariki Caste. (CVI) Dept. In respect of false/bogus Bariki S. BAR OF JURISDICTION OF CIVIL COURTS: As per Rule 13 of the Rules. Dated 31-5-2005. the appeal shall lie to the Government against the orders of the District Collector. AUTHORITY FOR CANCELLATION OF FALSE/BOGUS COMMUNITY CERTIFICATE: U/s 5 of the Act read with Rule 9(9) of the Rules. no Civil Court shall have jurisdiction in respect of any order passed by any Officer or authority under the Act and no stay or injunction shall be granted by a court in respect of any action taken or to be taken by such Officer or authority under the Act in pursuance of any power conferred by or under 183 .Ms.W.. Government shall entertain Revision either suo-moto or on an application filed by any person aggrieved by the orders issued by the Authority authorised under Rules. and Rules.C.5 Social Welfare (SW ROR1) Department.47 S. whether of fact or law or ignorance of any material fact.Ms. APPEALS: Under Rule 10 of the Rules..W. if it was passed by the District Collector under any mistake. REVISION : U/r 12 of the Rules. Government are competent to cancel such certificate.Ms. The Government have cancelled the Rules issued in G. G.47 S.No. 1997 an appeal shall lie to the District Collector within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of rejection orders on the application for Community.O. Dated 31-5-2000.. 1993. dated 4-3-1975).(SCT) Govt.36012/22/93 Estt. Creamy Layer: The rule of exclusion of “Creamy Layer” is applicable to the Son(s) and Daughter(s) of the persons as mentioned in the Schedule of G. Hostel facilities. of India to be filled up through direct recruitment for persons belonging to the Other Backward Classes. Similarly when the mother belongs to higher caste and the father is a member of SC/ST comunity member. 184 . In the alternative. 1. fee concessions etc. it is possible that the child is accpepted by the community of his father and brought up in the surroundigs of his father’s relations. Even if a mother of the child is a SC/ST community member. Reservation would apply to all vacancies for which recruitment is commenced from September 8. of India Ministry of personnel.No. In that case such child cannot be treated as a member of SC/ST community. New Delhi dt.No.(SCT) dt.the Act as provided in Section 17 of the Act.371 EMP & SW B2/Dept.O. irrespective of the fact whether the mother or father is a member of SC/ ST. Ministry of Home affairsND in its letter No..Caste Marriages: Government sanctioned incentives and non-Statutory educational concessions like Scholarships.8-9-93. Please see detailed instructions laid down in Govt. have provided reservation of 27% of the vacancies in Civil Posts and Services in the Govt.8-9-93. OBC CERTIFICATES: The Govt.O.No. of Personnel & Training. where the child.39/37/73/SCT I.Ms. subject to the exclusion of the socially advanced persons/sections known as the “Creamy Layer” Candidates belonging to the OBCs recruited on the basis of merit shall not be adjusted against the reservation quota. is brought up in the SC/ST community as a member of such comunity then he has to be treated as a member of SC/ST community and would be entitled to receive benefits as such. dated 13-4-76]. Persons holding Constitutional Positions.. [Guide-lines issued by the government of India. to the Children born of inter-caste marriages on the basis of the caste of either of the parent which is beneficial to the child [G. Status of Children born to the Inter-caste married couple one of whom belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe.36012/22/93 Estt. The crucial test to determine the caste of a child born out of wedlock in which one of the spouse belongs to SC/ST comunity as a member of their community and has been brought up in that surroundings and the community of class/Caste is a real test irrespective of the fact whether the accommodating Class Caste or Community is SC/ST or Caste Hindu community. Extension of benefits of the Children born of Inter .Lr. Public Grievances and pensions Dept.Lr. Department of Higher Education Govt. 1-1/2008-U.50 Lakhs. extraordinary dated 13-9-93.50 Lakhs to Rs. Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides. the income limit for determining the creamy layer among other Backward Classes (OBCs) is raised from Rs. Air force and the Para Military Forces. The list of OBCs of AP have been published in Gazette of India.lists.1. The benefit of reservation is extended in the first phase. As per the recommendations of the National Commission for Backward Classes (MCBC). Parents either of whom is a Class-l Officer.Commissioner/Deputy Collector/1 st Class Stipendary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate / Taluk Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/Extra Asst. 3.00 lakh or above or possessing wealth above the exemption limit as prescribed in the wealth Tax Act for a period of 3 consequetive years. of India New Delhi Lr.Dy. Parents both of whom are Class-ll Officers. Memo No. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar/Mandal Revenue Officer. (Director Ministry of Human Resource Development. No. 2.of Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes Welfare (C2 Dept. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Addl. 4.District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Persons having gross annual income of Rs.Chief Presidency Magistrate /Presidency Magistrate. 4. to the castes and communities which are common to the lists of the Mandal Commission report as well as the State Govt. 5.Commissioner (not below the rank of 1st Class stipendary Magistrate). Families owning irrigated land which is equal two or more than 85% of the ceiling interms of irrigated area as laid down by the State Land Ceiling laws. Revision of income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/ sections (Creamy Layer) from other Backward Classes (OBCs). 6. Income from Salaries or agricultural land shall not be clubbed. 185 . Competent Authorities: The following are the Competent Authorities for issuing certificates of eligibility in terms of Caste Community and Creamy layer : Collector & District Magistrate.IA Dated 13-10-2008 communicated in Govt.2. Parents either or both of whom is or are in the rank of Colonel and above in the Army or hold equivalent position in the Navy. 734/C2/2000 Dated 2510-2008). Add. A.P. Govt.S.No.809/RR/3/91. 11. Magisterial Head Clerks in the Collectorates.O. G. and in super session of the rules issued in G.III. General Administration (Rules) Department. dt. REVENUE (SER. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India.No. Special Deputy Tahsildars on Settlement duty.1279. Dt.A. Lr. SHORT TITLE : These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Revenue Sub-Ordinate service Rules. 4.Ms.. the method of appointment shall be : 186 . From the One Man Commissioner Lr. Gopala Rao Secretary to Government.No. Lr. 3. Rev. 28. METHOD OF APNOINTMENT AND APPOINTING AUTHORITY : (a) Subject to other provisions in these rules.2/88-13. Lr. 3. 2.91.III.Ms.1279. Naib Tahsildars.6. Superintendent in the office of the Collectors and Revenue Divisional Offices in the rank of Deputy Tahasildars and Special Deputy Tahsildars on other special duties. From the Secy.issued.90. Dated 20.92 and 19. 18. 5.Sub-Ordinate Services .5. Govt.O.1. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) T.No. Dt.990 Dated 24-9-1992 Read the following : 1. 2.No.88.Ms.92..2/91-16 Rev.Andhra Pradesh Revenue Sub-ordinate Service Special Rules Re ..ANDHRA PRADEH REVENUE SUBORDINATE SERVICE RULES GOVERNMENT OF ANHDRA PRADESH ABSTRACT PUBLIC SERVANTS .2. (Rules) Dept. dated the 12th October 1981 the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the the following Special Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Revenue Sub-ordinate Service Rules. G.No.12.111) DEPARTMENT G.O. Dated 12-10-1961.II//87-3.53875/Ser.2548/Ser.No. RULES 1. CONSTITUTION : This service shall consist of the category of Deputy Tahsildars including Huzur Head Clerks.114/OMC/SPF/Ser.P. ORDER : The following notification shall be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazettee. The list of approved candidates. (b) The appointing authority shall be the Collector of the District Concerned. Settlements and Land Records. The Commissioner of Land Revenue shall. The list of candidates approved for appointment by this method shall be called the city list. Commissioner of Relief and Commissioner of Settlements. Commissioner of Survey. Survery and Land Records and the Director of Settlements. Wing) Departments. as and when necessary allot candidates from the city list to the relevant districts. other thhan that reserved for a direct recruit. Note 5: Direct recruitment of Deputy Tahsildars shall be made from tthe list of apprroved candidates.Wing) Departments or and from among the caegory of Senior Assistants of the Adhra Prdesh Miniterial service employed in the offices of the Commissioner of Land Revenue. (iii) By appointment by transfer from category of Assistant Section Officers in the Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Services except Law.(i) By direct recruitment . The Commissioner of Land Revenue shall allot candidates from this list to particular districts. (ii) By appointment by transfer from the category of Senior Assistants of the Andhra Pradesh Ministeial Service employed in the Revenue Departmet including the officers of the Commissioner of Land Revenue. Note 2: Not more than twelve appointments as Deputy Tahsildars shall be made in any year by transfer from among the category of Assistant Section Officers of the Departments of Andhra Pradesh Secretariat. Survey and Land Records. The list of approved candidates for apointment by trnsfer as Deputy Tahsildars shall ordinarily be prepared in the month of September in every year with 1st September of thhe year as thhe qualifying datte and tthe list so prepared shall cease tto be inforce on the 31st of August of the succeeding year. Note 3 :. other than the city list and those selected for appointment as Deputy Tahsildars by direct recruitment shall be prepared by the Commissioner of Land Revenue for appointment as Deputy Tahsildar separately for each district. drawn up by the Andhra Pradesh public services Commission for each unit of appointments. A candidates so allottted to a District shall be appointed as Deputy Tahsildar in the first vacancy arising in that district after his allotment. and Finance and Planning (Finance. in the order specified in rule4. Settlements and Land Records. Commissioner of Land Reforms and Urban Land Ceillings. Note 4 : The city list of approved candidates for appointment as Deputy Tahsildars by transfers shall be prepared by the Commissioner of Land Revenue. except Law and Finance and Planning (Fin. Commissioner of Land Reforms and Urban Land Ceilings and the office of the Director of Survey. A candidate so allotted to a district shall be regarded as 187 . and sent by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission to the Commissioner of Land Revenue. Note 1: Thirty percent of the number of substantive vacancies shall be filled by direct recruitment. Note :. (i) The Revenue Test. QUALIFICATIONS AND AGE : (a) Every candidate for appointment by drect recrruitment as Deputy Tahsildar shall possess a degree of any University in India established or incorrporated by or under a Central Act.C.(A). (iv) Indian Evidence Act.L. RESERVATION OF APPOINTMENTS : (a) The rule of Special Representation (Rule-22 of the General Rules in Part-II of the Andhra Pradesh State and sub-ordinate service Rules) shall. (Previous) or the First Law Examination of any University established or incorporated by a Central Act. B. which are included in the syllabus of the said188 L. Degree or who passed L. Part-II (iii) Criminal Judicial Test. Examination (Previous or final) or the first Law Examination or the Bar Council examination conducted by the . to an extent of at least 30% of the posts in each category of O. B. and S. (b) No person shall be eligible for appointtmentt as Deputy Tahsildar. 5. State Act or a provisional Act or an Institution recognized by University Grants Commission or passed the Bar Council Examination conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Bar Council. State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission.B. otther things being equal. if he has completed the 28 years of age on the first day of July of the year in which the notification for selection is made.(D). apply to appointtment to the category of Deputy Tahsildars in each district. Parts-I. except in so far as itt relattes a physically handicapped persons. 4. B.C. II and III (ii) Civil Judicial Test.. (v) Accounts Test for sub-ordinate officers Part . by direct recruitment.B.. or B.L.C.C.L.L. preference shall be given to women and they shall be selected. quota. to the post of Deputy Tahsildars.. or B. Not with standing anything contained in this rule..C.I.C. S. (c) Every candidate for appointment by transfer as Deputy Tahsildar from the category of Senior Assistant in the Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Service and the Assistant Section Officers in the Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Service.. the seniority of a person apointed as Deputy Tahsildar shall be govemed by General Rule 33 in Part/III of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate service rules. (Previous) or B.(B).A candidte who obtained the L..L. should have passed the following test in addition to passing of the examination in the maintenance of revenue records and registration.(C) B. shall be exempted from appearing for the subject/subjects prescribed in any departmental Tests. (b) In the mattter of direct recrruitment.permanently allotted to the district.L.B.T. P. Land Grabbing (Prohibition) Act 1982 63 19. Revenue Recovery Act 50 14. Pauper Stamp Duty 75 26. Encroachments/Regularisation 25 8.P. Adjustment of Land cess 74 24. Inams (A&C in to R)Act 1956 36 9.P. Natural calamities and Fire Accidents 88 34. (Andhra Area) Tenancy (Amendment) Act 1974 82 30. Apathbandhu .P. Leases 54 16. & Rules 2002 70 23. Land Acquisition Act 56 17. Employees 8 4. Magisterial Functions 96 36.P. The A. A.Scheme for Below Pvoerty Line 85 33.P. Survey and Land Records 79 28. Land Reforms 64 20. Homesteads 15 5. A. Assignment 3 3. The A. Creation of Land Bank-Guidelines for allotment of House Sites to Govt. Evacuee Property (Repealed) 75 25. Water Rates 67 21. Land and Trees Act.Arms rules 1962 101 38. Estates (Abolition and conversion into Ryotwari) Act 1948 37 10. Correction of Land Classification Error 41 11. Name of the SubjectPage No. Legal Aid to poor 102 39. Alienation 1 2. 1959 .8 of 2008 22 7. Treasure Trove Acts 82 31. Record of Rights 41 12. POT ACT No. Urban Land Ceilings 76 27. The A. Remissions 69 22. Agrl. Land (Conversion for NA Purpose) 46 13. Birth and Death Registration & Name change 89 35. 1. Arms Act. Mines Mineral concession Rules 1966 62 18. The A. Agency Civil Cases 101 37. Water. Civil Supplies 103 189 .I N D E X Sl. Notional Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) 84 1) National old Age Pension Scheme 2) National Family Benefit Scheme 3) National Maternity Benefit Scheme 32. Revenue Summons Act 53 15. Different Types of Measures 81 29.No. Assigned Lands (Prohibition of Transfer) Act 1977 16 6. 44. Leave Travel Concession Rules 141 48. Declaration of Personal Cash . Details of Divisions & Mandals 185 . A. 42. Service Registers 154 54.40. Certificates of permanent and integrated community.Contributing Pension 147 52.P. 43. 46.Limit on Purchase of property 174 61. A. Revised Pay Scales 2008-09 Revenue Department 169 59. CCA Rules 1991 172 60. Employees who die in harness and on election duty 153 53. Employees Welfare Fund Rules 1980 Application Form 145 51. Clarification on Automatic Advancement Scheme 166 58. Nativity and date of birth 155 55. 41. 45. Life Insurance Scheme 144 50. OBC Certificate 159 56. Land Licensed Cultivators Rules 180 65. Revenue Sub-ordinate Service Rules 160 57. General Provident Fund 142 49.P. Payments and concessions to the family of Govt. A. Village Revenue Officers Rules 116 Village Revenue Assistants 125 Revised Village Accounts 128 Compassionate Appointments 129 Amendment to FR 53 and FR 54-A 132 Increments 133 Leave Rules :133 i) Calculation of earned leave ii) Maximum earned leave to be granted at a time iii) Half pay leave for Regular government employees iv) Half pay leave for Temporary employees v) Commutation of Half pay leave vi) Leave not due vii) Extraordinary leave viii) Special disability leave ix) Study leave x) Hospital leave xi) Maternity leave xii) Payment of leave salary in advance xiii) Half pay leave ~ Emoluments xiv) Full pay in lieu of half pay leave xv) Retirement during commuted leave xvi) Surrender of Earned leave xvii) Encashment of Earned leave xviii) Encashment of Half pay leave xix) Special casual leave for family planning Operation xx) Compensatory Leave 47.P. Govt. Issue of Family Member Certificate 179 64. Job Charts of Tahsildars & Revenue 182 190 Inspectors 66. Right to Information Act .2005 178 63. Pension Rules . Disciplinary Authorities and Authority competent to suspend or impose penalty 175 62.
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