progresstestsword (6)

March 21, 2018 | Author: Veronica Rebelo | Category: Leisure



Progress TestsTween 6 Maria Emília Gonçalves Margarida Coelho Revisão Científica e Linguística: David A. Davis Progress Tests Matrizes dos testes Listening tests Test A (mais fácil); Test B (mais difícil) Answer key Correction tables A Todos os conteúdos desta brochura estão disponíveis para os professores adotantes deste projeto em ESTA PUBLICAÇÃO RESPEITA AS REGRAS DO ACORDO ORTOGRÁFICO DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA. 1 2 Tween 6 1 Matriz do teste de compreensão oral Objetivos/Competênc iasnt Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. UNIT 1 | All about me! Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Assinalar a opção correta. 4 x 2p = 8p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos B. Completar uma tabela. 8 x 1,5p = 12p Resposta correta: 1,5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 0,5 pontos Total: 20% 1A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Completar uma tabela. 7 x 2 p = 14p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Critérios de Classificação B. Ligar frases. 4 x 3 p = 12p Resposta correta: 3pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos C. Ligar palavras aos 4 x 3 p = 12p Resposta correta: 3 pontos opostos. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. Pronomes pessoais D. Identificar o pronome pessoal correto. E. Identificar o determinante possessivo correto. 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Verbo to be F. Preencher espaços. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Have got G. Preencher espaços. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Temático: Caraterização física e psicológica H. Escrever frases com base na informação dada. 6 x 4p = 24p Frase com erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes: 4 pontos Frase com erros de ortografia e de estrutura: 1 ponto Frase sem as características necessárias para ser considerada correta: 0 pontos Determinantes possessivos Produzir um enunciado escrito. 1B Total: 100% Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. Produzir um enunciado escrito com coesão e coerência. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Completar uma tabela. 7 x 2 p = 14p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos B. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. 4 x 4p = 16p 4 x 3p = 12p Pronomes pessoais C. Indicar opostos das palavras dadas. D. Preencher espaços. Determinantes possessivos E. Preencher espaços. 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Verbo to be F. Preencher espaços. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Have got G. Preencher espaços. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Temático: Caraterização física e psicológica H. Escrever um texto 20p curto. 3 x 3p = 9p Critérios de Classificação Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 16 – 20 pontos Organização coerente da informação; erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. 8 – 15 pontos Alguma incoerência na organização da informação; alguns erros de ortografia; alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. 1 – 7 pontos Deficiente organização da informação; erros de ortografia; muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. 0 pontos Frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas Progress Tests Total: 100% 3 Circle the correct answer. 6C 4. 6A b. 1. Simpson b. Canada c. His surname is… a. He is… a. England B Complete the table in note form.4 Tween 6 Listenin g Test 1 UNIT 1 | All about me! NameNo. 6B c. Height Body shape Hair colour Eye colour Personality Favourite sport Favourite colour Favouri te hobby . He is from… a. eleven c. He is in class… a. twelve 3. South Africa b. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher A Listen to the text about William. Spencer 2. Stuart c. ten b. She is friendly and optimistic. tall and slim. My favourite singer is Shakira. She is my idol because she has got an amazing voice and she is hardworking and talented. Who is Ann’s favourite singer? 1 a She is from Colombia. SHAKIRA Country Height Body shape Hair Eyes Personality Hobbies B Match. She has got long. voice. listening to music. Her favourite actor is Hugh Grant and her favourite bands are The Police and U2. singing and writing. She is from Colombia. wavy blonde hair and big brown eyes. reading.Progress Tests 1 A Test 5 UNIT 1 | All about me! NameNo. A Complete the table. horseback riding. My idol My name’s Ann Taylor. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the following text. . Where is she from? 2 b Because she has got an amazing What does she look like? 3 c It’s Shakira. She loves Arab food and sea food. Her favourite hobbies are dancing. She is very beautiful. 6 Tween 6 Why is she Ann’s idol? 3 d She is tall and slim. . Name: Ann Taylor Age: 12 Occupation: Student Physical features: short and mediumweight hair – long. Hugh Grant _________________ blue eyes. You _________________ (not) long hair. H Write six sentences about Ann. F Complete the sentences with the verb to be. _________________ you from Colombia? No. Her friends _________________ also Shakira’s fans. 3. John loves listening to music. 4. 4. She / He is very handsome. 3. G Complete the sentences with have got. 2. 1. 2. 1. E Circle the correct possessive determiner. We like going to concerts. His / Her favourite band is Queen. 1. straight black eyes – blue Personality: nice and friendly . Ann _________________ American. You and Tom have got lots of CDs. beautiful 1 a fat tall 2 slim b b 3 c short loves 4 d hates ugly D Circle the correct personal pronoun. but our / their friends prefer going to the cinema. You / They are crazy about music. 2. His / Her favourite singer is Shakira. Shakira _________________ red hair? No. 1. We / They are her fans. she _________________. This is Ann. Ann and I love Shakira. 3. Hugh Grant is tall and slim. 3. My parents _________________ a piano. This _________________ my new CD.Progress Tests 7 c C Match the words with their opposites. 2. I _________________. tall and slim. listening to music. Her favourite hobbies are dancing. A Complete the table. wavy blonde hair and big brown eyes. 3. She is friendly and optimistic. She is my idol because she has got an amazing voice and she is hardworking and talented. My favourite singer is Shakira. reading. She loves Arab food and sea food. My idol My name’s Ann Taylor. Answer the questions. Who is Ann’s favourite singer? ________________________________________ Where is she from? _________________________________________________ What is she like? ___________________________________________________ Why is she Ann’s idol? _______________________________________________ . horseback riding. singing and writing. 2. Her favourite actor is Hugh Grant and her favourite bands are The Police and U2. Evaluation Class Teacher Read the following text. 4. She is from Colombia. SHAKIRA Country Height Body shape Hair Eyes Personality Hobbies B 1. She is very beautiful.8 Tween 6 1 B Test Name Date UNIT 1 | All about me! / / No. She has got long. 3. _________________ is very handsome. This is Ann. 2. E F 1. 4. but _________________ friends prefer going to the cinema. 1. 4. _________________ favourite singer is Shakira. personality. 3. nationality. Ann _________________ American. 3. 2. _________________ you from Colombia? No. 3. (Refer to his/her name. occupation. _________________ favourite band is Queen. Write a short text about your idol or a person you admire. My parents _________________ a piano. Hugh Grant is tall and slim. D 1. …). _________________are crazy about music. 2. You _________________ (not) long hair. Her friends _________________ also Shakira’s fans. Find the opposites of these words in the text. 2. I _________________. Ann and I love Shakira. ugly – __________________________________________________ short – _________________________________________________ fat – ___________________________________________________ hates – _________________________________________________ Complete the sentences with the right personal pronoun. H 9 . _________________ are her fans. 2. physical features. You and Tom have got lots of CDs. 4. G Complete the sentences with have got. Hugh Grant _________________ blue eyes. We like going to concerts. Shakira _________________ red hair? No. Complete the sentences with the verb to be. 3.Progress Tests cC 1. she _________________. 1. This _________________ my new CD. John loves listening to music. Complete the gaps with the correct possessive determiners. are 3. is 2. 3. He E 1. C 1. horseback riding. are. wavy blonde hair Eyes big brown eyes Personality friendly and optimistic Hobbies dancing. His 3. He is in class 6A. reading. c. 3. 2. b. She has got long. B William is tall and slim. She is from Colombia. singing and writing B 1. His. Are / am not 4. 2. our F. His favourite colour is red because he is a Manchester United fan. She is nice and friendly. Her. d. . our F 1. 2. 4. We. 3. She is friendly and optimistic. 3. Her 2. 2. a. loves D 1. 4. You 3. Listening Test 1 A 1. His favourite hobby is going to the park to play football with his friends. straight black hair and blue eyes. has got. Ann’s favourite singer is Shakira. a. He has got short curly black hair and brown eyes. We 2. You. is G 1. She has got long. 1. 2. Personal answer. 3. has got 2. haven’t got. 4. a. Has… got / hasn’t Test 1B A. She is twelve years old. He is from England. 2. b C 1. is G. 4. He lives in Plymouth with his parents and his sister Margaret. wavy blonde hair and big brown eyes. 2. 1. 3. 2. d D 1. horseback riding. listening to music. slim 4. reading. c. 4. singing and writing B 1. He loves playing football. has… got / hasn’t H. is. He is very active. Country Colombia Height tall Weight slim Hair long. 1. Are / am not. wavy blonde hair big brown eyes friendly and optimistic dancing. She is very beautiful. 3. He E. / It’s Shakira. 4. Listening Test 1 – Script My profile A William Stuart is eleven years old and he is a student at King’s School. She is a student. 3. Height tall Body shape slim Hair colour black Eye colour brown Personality active Favourite sport football Favourite colour red Favourite hobby play football with his friends Test 1A A Country Height Body shape Hair Eyes Personality Hobbies Colombia tall slim long. c B.10 Tween 6 Answer key UNIT 1 | All about me! H Her name is Ann Taylor. tall and slim. beautiful 2. haven’t got 4. listening to music. tall / long 3. have got. She is her idol because she has got an amazing voice and she is hardworking and talented. b. b. She is short and medium-weight. have got 3. Test 1 Correction Table Unit Listening Test 1 Name Test 1A Test 1B A B Total A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H Total 4x2 8 x 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 _______ Class_______ Date ___/___/___ 9 9 .5 20 7x2 4x3 4x3 3x3 3x3 5x2 5x2 6x4 7x2 4x4 4x3 3x3 3x 3 5x2 5x2 20 100 Final mark Progress Tests Progress Tests No. Escrever um texto 19p curto. Preencher espaços. 5 x 4p = 20p C. Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. Preencher 4 x 2p = 8p espaços. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. Distinguir frases 3 x 2p = 6p verdadeiras de falsas (T) e corrigir as falsas. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação.5 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto 5 x 2p = 10p Total: 20% 2A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competência s: 0 Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. 7 – 14 pontos – Alguma incoerência na organização da informação. Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade There + to be A. F. 8 – 15 pontos Alguma incoerência na organização da informação. D. erros de ortografia. Preencher espaços a partir da audição.12 Tween 6 2 Matriz do teste de compreensão oral Objetivos/Competência snt Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. Escrever um parágrafo com base na informação dada. Indicar o plural. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. 4 x 2p = 8p 4 x 3p = 12p 4 x 2= 8p H. erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. F. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. B. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. zero article To be e have got Plural dos nomes D. Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos 15 – 19 pontos – Organização coerente da informação. Produzir um enunciado escrito. erros de ortografia. Indicar o plural. 1– 7 pontos Deficiente organização da informação. zero article To be e have got Plural dos nomes Presente contínuo Temático: Família G. alguns erros de ortografia. erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. Completar frases a partir da audição. 4 x 2p = 8p a. the. alguns erros de ortografia. H. the. frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas . Preencher espaços. E. Preencher 4 x 3p = 12p espaços. Preencher 5 x 2p = 10p espaços. 2B Cotações 3 x 4p = 12p 20p Critérios de Classificação Identificação de verdadeira/falsa: 2 pontos Correção da informação falsa: 2pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 16 – 20 pontos Organização coerente da informação. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 2 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. B.. Ligar palavras aos 4 x 2p = 8p sinónimos. an. 10 x 1p = 10p Resposta correta: 1 ponto Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 0. C. 4 x 2p = 8p Presente contínuo G. Preencher espaços. 3 x 5 = 15p Produzir um Temático: enunciado escrito com Família coesão e coerência. 4 x 4 p = 16p (F) B. E. Indicar sinónimos. an. 0 pontos Frases inadequadas e/ou sem as caraterísticas necessárias para serem consideradas corretas Total: 100% Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competê ncias Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Conteúdos Estrutura Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade There + to be A. a. UNIT 2 | Family Fun Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. 0 pontos – Não obediência ao tema proposto. 1 – 6 pontos – Deficiente organização da informação. Preencher espaços. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. Construir frases. Progress Tests Total: 100% 13 . 14 Tween 6 UNIT 2 | Family fun 2 Listenin g Test Name Date A No. Class . and my (5) ___________ Carol. They are quite smart and ______________________________. named Ariel. Complete the sentences about John. My mother is a (6) ___________. John lives in ________________________________________. 3. 5. Our favourite hobby is (9) ___________. 4. B 1. My father is a (7) ___________. I’m (2) ___________ years old and I’m in Year 7. I live with my (3) ___________. a green (10) ___________. she’s part of the family. Their favourite hobby is _______________________________. he flies planes. My family Hi! I’m Emily and I’m from (1) ___________. 2. she works at the local hospital. Ernie and Bernie are his _______________________________. I live in Edinburgh. my (4) ___________ Mark. They are very tolerant and (8) ___________. His sister is _________________________________ years old. We’ve got a pet. / / Evaluation Teacher Listen and fill in the gaps. Eric. ___________________________________________________ 5. He has got short. He is fifteen. slim 1 a active . is a teacher and his father. _______________________________________ 6. Write true (T) or false (F). His parents are both 40 years old. is an engineer. He loves swimming and cycling. Lassie. straight brown hair and brown eyes. Tim. Daniel is riding his bike and Tim is jogging. Danny’s family A Daniel is 10 years old and he is from New Jersey. At the moment the Robinsons are in the park. USA. His mother. __________________________________________ B Match the words with their equivalents. Daniel is American. He is in class 5C.Progress Tests Name Date UNIT 2 | Family fun 2 A Test / / 15 No. Jennifer. 3. Correct the false sentences. They are having fun. Evaluation Class Teacher Read the following text. _______________________________________________________ 7. The Robinsons are having fun. Lassie is smart and energetic. _________________________________________________________ ______________________________ 4. He has got a sister. Lassie is a cat. His birthday is on 23rd July. He is short and slim. Their parents are walking their dog. He isn’t tall. His favourite hobbies are surfing and cycling. 1. Daniel has got an older brother. At the moment Daniel is at home. ___________________________________________________ 2. play or .16 Tween 6 loves 2 park 3 energetic 4 relax b b c d thin likes a lot green area where people can walk. 35 sister – Ann. 1. _____________ Daniel hasn’t got _____________ older sister.’ ‘_____________ a theatre?’ ‘No. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Name: Alice Parker Age: 10 Country: the USA Nationality: American Occupation: student Family: father – mechanic. Use the information in the box. Use the present continuous. E 1. _____________. an. 2. so he _____________ a happy boy. Daniel _____________ (swim) in the sea. His parents _____________ tall and slim. city man wolf rabbit _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ G Fill in the gaps. 39 mother – hairdresser. _____________ children are playing football.’ D Write a. Lassie. the or zero article.Progress Tests C 1. 1. Daniel _____________ a nice family. 3. Fill in the gaps with the verb to be or have got. They _____________ a dog. 1. 3. ‘_____________ any restaurants near Daniel’s house?’ ‘Yes. 3. _____________. 2. 7 Favourite hobbies: dancing and skiing . _____________ many parks in the USA. 2. 3. 2. 4. 3. 17 Complete the sentences with the present of there + to be. H Write a paragraph about Alice. 2. _____________ (Tim / read) a book? They _____________ (not / make) a cake. F Write the plural. His father is _____________ patient man. 2. straight brown hair and brown eyes. Daniel has got an older brother. USA. What is Daniel’s nationality? _____________________________________________________________________ What does he look like? _____________________________________________________________________ What are his favourite hobbies? _____________________________________________________________________ How old are his parents? _____________________________________________________________________ Has he got a sister? Find words in the text that mean the same as: thin _______________________ likes a lot _______________________ green area where people can walk. 3. At the moment the Robinsons are in the park. Tim. They are having fun. play or relax _______________________ active _______________________ . 4. 5. Danny’s family A 1. Lassie. His parents are both 40 years old. Daniel is 10 years old and he is from New Jersey. He is short and slim. He is fifteen. B 1. is a teacher and his father. Jennifer.18 Tween 6 Test UNIT 2 | Family fun 2B Name Date No. is an engineer. Their parents are walking their dog. 2. He loves swimming and cycling. / / Evaluation Class Teacher Read the following text. 4. Answer the questions. He is in class 5C. His birthday is on 23rd July. He has got short. 3. Daniel is riding his bike and Tim is jogging. Lassie is smart and energetic. Eric. His mother. _____________ many parks in the USA. jobs. Daniel / swim / in the sea / . age. 1. Tim / read / a book / ? 3. 2. an. nationality.’ D Write a. They / not make / a cake. His parents _____________ tall and slim. so he _____________ a happy boy. Lassie. E 1. Daniel _____________ a nice family.’ ‘_____________ a theatre?’ ‘No. 19 Complete the sentences with the present of there + to be. 3. G H Write a paragraph about your family or a family you admire (family members.Progress Tests C 1. 3. Make sentences. city man wolf rabbit _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ 1. 4. Fill in the gaps with the verb to be or have got. 3. _____________. 2. _____________ children are playing football. His father is _____________ patient man. ‘_____________ any restaurants near Daniel’s house?’ ‘Yes. favourite hobbies…). F Write the plural. 3. 1. Use the present continuous. 2. the or zero article. _____________ Daniel hasn’t got _____________ older sister. They _____________ a dog. 2. _____________. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ . 2. 3. He has got short. friendly Test 2A A. Our favourite hobby is going to the cinema. 2. 1. nurse 7. 4. T.turtle B. His favourite hobbies are swimming and cycling. – / an. He is short and slim. She is seven years old. 1. Test 2B A. Are there / there are 3. 1. T. d. 3. 4. 1. sixteen 3. 5. he flies planes. Her father is a mechanic. The E. At the moment Daniel is in the park. 1. 6. His parents are both 40 years old.20 Tween 6 Answer key UNIT 2 | Family fun! Listening Test 2 – Scripts My family A. has got / is 2. 2. a. 1. 1. She is from the USA. He has got a brother. camping 4. are not making H. He is American. Is there / there isn’t D. He has got a brother. My mother is a nurse. 2. sister 6. F. I live with my mother and my sister. My parents are architects and they are divorced. are. twelve 3. 7. she’s part of the family. B. and my sister Carol. Daniel is swimming in the sea. brother 5. 5. F. c. a green turtle. 1. She is a student. He is thirty-nine years old. Her favourite hobbies are dancing and skiing. 1. wolves 4. 1. No. My father is a pilot. Her mother is a hairdresser and she is thirty-five. 1. rabbits G. 2. named Ariel. cities 2. has got / is. We’ve got two dogs. women. They aren’t making a cake. I’m twelve years old and I’m in Year 7. Scotland 2. 4. is swimming 2. 2. She is ten years old. straight brown hair and brown eyes. I’m 11 years old and I’m in Year 6. Canada 2. Her name is Alice Parker. park 4. Is Tim reading a book? 3. We’ve got a pet. wolves. pilot 8. 3. a C. energetic C. The E. have got F. Her name is Alicia and she is sixteen years old. are 3. They are very tolerant and kind. Is Tim reading 3. 4. 3. b. B. 1. 3. They are smart and friendly. F. His favourite hobbies are swimming and cycling. – / an. Are there / there are 3. Lassie is a dog. so she is American. Hi! I’m Emily and I’m from Scotland. rabbits G. Is there / there isn’t D. I live in Edinburgh. going to the cinema 10. 1. a. Ernie and Bernie. Hi! I’m John Smith and I live in Canada. B. 1. parents 4. There are 2. There are 2. 1. F. 3. kind 9. have got F. he hasn’t. . slim 2. Listening Test 2 A. 2. 2. Ann. 2. T. men 3. my brother Mark. 3. dogs 5. 1. Our favourite hobby is camping. cities. loves 3. she works at the local hospital. I live with my parents. She has got a sister. Progress Tests H. Personal answer. 21 . Test 2 Correction Table Unit Listening Test 1 A 10 x 1 Name Progress Tests Progress Tests No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 5x2 _______ Class_______ Date ___/___/___ Test 1A Test 1B Total A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H Total 20 3x2 4x4 4x2 5x2 4x2 4x3 4x2 3x4 20 5x4 4x2 5x2 4x2 4x3 4x2 3x5 19 100 Final mark 9 17 . 3 x 4p = 12p Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos F. Fazer perguntas. Advérbios de frequência Pronomes interrogativos / presente do indicativo (int) Presente do indicativo / presente contínuo Question tags B. ainda que pouco variado. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. 23 UNIT 3 | Daily Routines Conteúdos Estrutura Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. 4 x 3p = 12p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos G. erros de estrutura irrelevantes. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade Presente do indicativo A. 16p 12 – 16 pontos – Organização coerente das ideias. frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. Preencher espaços. Total: 100% 3B Matriz do teste Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos . Escrever um parágrafo. poucos erros de ortografia. muitos erros de ortografia. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. utilização de vocabulário adequado e variado. 1 – 4 pontos – Deficiente organização das ideias. 5 x 3p = 15p Resposta correta: 3 pontos 3 x 5p = 15p 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2.5 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. Inserir na frase.Progress Tests 3 Matriz do teste de compreensão oral Objetivos/Competência snt Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. alguns erros de ortografia. utilização de vocabulário apropriado. 0 pontos – Não obediência ao tema proposto. Número reduzido de palavras Produzir um enunciado Temático: escrito com coesão e Atividades de coerência sobre um dos fim de semana tópicos estudados. Distinguir frases 2 x 1p = 2p verdadeiras de falsas (T) e corrigir as falsas 5 x 2 p = 10p (F) B. 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos E. D. 5 – 11 pontos – Incoerência na organização das ideias. Legendar 4 x 2p = 8p imagens. C. Ligar frases. Preencher espaços. Completar frases. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. vocabulário muito restrito e inadequado. Cotações Critérios de Classificação Identificação de verdadeira/falsa: 1 ponto Correção da informação falsa: 1 ponto Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto Total: 20% 3A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competência s: 0 Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. 4 x 3p = 12p Resposta correta: 3 pontos H. frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. alguns erros de ortografia. Preencher espaços. 0 pontos – Não obediência ao tema proposto. Completar frases. Fazer perguntas.5 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. 4 x 3p = 12p 16p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 12 – 16 pontos – Organização coerente das ideias. erros de estrutura irrelevantes. Total: 100% Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos . 3 x 4p = 12p Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos F. muitos erros de ortografia. Número reduzido de palavras. 4 x 3p = 12p Resposta correta: 3 pontos G. Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade Presente do indicativo A. B. vocabulário muito restrito e inadequado. 1 – 4 pontos – Deficiente organização das ideias. Ordenar frases. 5 x 3p= 15p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 1/2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 2 pontos 3 x 5p = 15p Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2. 5 – 11 pontos – Incoerência na organização das ideias. ainda que pouco variado. Preencher espaços. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. poucos erros de ortografia. Advérbios de frequência Pronomes interrogativos / presente do indicativo (int) Presente do indicativo / presente contínuo Question tags Produzir um Temático: enunciado escrito com Atividades de fim coesão e coerência de semana sobre um dos tópicos estudados. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. Critérios de Classificação 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos E. utilização de vocabulário adequado e variado. D. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. utilização de vocabulário apropriado. H. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. Escrever um texto. C.24 Tween 6 Objetivos/Competê ncias Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Completar frases. _________________________________________ 7. _________________________________________ 3. Correct the false ones. Ashley gets up at seven o’clock.Progress Tests Listenin g Test 3 UNIT 3 | Daily Routines NameNo. She usually goes to bed at half past eleven. _________________________________________ 4. 1____________________________ 25 2____________________________ . _________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________ 2. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). _________________________________________ 6. Ashley Tisdale _________________________________________ B What are Ashley’s favourite weekend activities? Label the pictures. She always has dinner at half past eight. She goes to work by train. After dinner she often watches TV. She usually has lunch at midday. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher A 1. After work she goes to the gym. 26 Tween 6 3____________________________ 4____________________________ Progress Tests Test 3A UNIT 3 | Daily Routines NameNo. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the following text. Corbin Bleu’s day Corbin Bleu is a movie star. He is in High School Musical and Jump In! But Bleu says he has a normal life. I wake up and I go jogging. 8.30: I have a shower. 8.50: I have breakfast. I usually have a glass of milk or orange juice and toast. 9. 30: I go to the studio by car. 13.30: I have lunch at the restaurant. I usually eat chicken or fish and vegetables. 17.00: I go to the gym. I love doing exercise. 19.00: Lasagna is my favourite dinner. 8.00: A Read and match. Bleu wakes up at 1 a is his favourite dinner. He goes jogging and then he 2 b sometimes goes to concerts. He loves doing 3 c has a shower. Lasagna 4 d exercise. In the evening he 5 e eight o’clock. 1. Answer the questions. What does Bleu have for breakfast? 2. ______________________________________________________________ How does he go to work? 3. ______________________________________________________________ Where does he have lunch? B 27 ______________________________________________________________ 28 C 1. 2. 3. Tween 6 Complete the sentences with the present simple. Corbin Bleu ____________ (work) hard. They ____________ (not / go) to rehearsals in the evening. ____________ (Bleu / play) basketball after work? D Insert the adverb in the right place. 1. She plays the piano. (sometimes) ____________________________________________ 2. Ann and Sue are late for school. (never) _______________________________________ 3. They have tea at four o’clock. (always) ________________________________________ Ask the questions. 1. __________________________________________ ? I wake up at 8.00. 2. __________ _______________________________ ? I meet my friends in the studio. 3. __________________________________________ ? I go to the gym in the afternoon. E F 1. 2. 3. 4. G 1. 2. 3. 4. H Write the verbs in the present simple or present continuous. Bleu sometimes ____________ (play) basketball on Saturdays. They ____________ (sing) a new song now. We always ____________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend. Look! Bleu ____________ (take) a photo. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag. You aren’t at home, __________________? They don’t play chess, __________________? He has got a guitar, __________________? Bleu goes to the gym, __________________? What do you usually do at the weekend? Write a paragraph about it. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Progress Tests _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 29 . 50: I have breakfast. Answer the questions. I usually eat chicken or fish and vegetables. In the evening he _______________ or _______________. I usually have a glass of milk or orange juice and toast. 2. 19.30 Tween 6 Test 3B UNIT 3 | Daily NameNo.00: I go to the gym. 8. What does Bleu have for breakfast? 2. I wake up and I go jogging.30: I have a shower. or concerts. 4. Complete the sentences. I love doing exercise.00: Lasagna is my favourite dinner. 17. _______________ is his favourite dinner. 5. He goes jogging and then he _______________. 20. 1. or I 8. He is in High School Musical and Jump In! But Bleu says he has a normal life. Bleu wakes up at _______________. 13. 9. 3. ______________________________________________________________ How does he go to work? 3.00: A 1. Corbin Bleu’s day Corbin Bleu is a movie star. 8. ______________________________________________________________ Where does he have lunch? B ______________________________________________________________ .30: In the evening I sometimes go to the theatre. 30: I go to the studio by car. He loves _______________.30: I have lunch at the restaurant. Class Routines Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the following text. It’s his favourite hobby. Complete the sentences with the present simple. 1. __________________________________? Bleu goes to the gym. 2.Progress Tests C 1.00. 3. __________________________________? H What does Bleu usually do at the weekend? Imagine his routine and write a few lines about it. __________________________________ ? I meet my friends in the studio. F 1. 4. __________________________________? They don’t play chess. 3. 2. Corbin Bleu ____________ (work) hard. 4. They ____________ (sing) a new song now. 2.______________________________________ 3. Look! Bleu ____________ (take) a photo. E 1. always / they / at four o’clock / have tea /. You aren’t at home.___________________________________________ 2. 3. We always ____________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend. __________________________________? He has got a guitar. the piano / sometimes / she / plays /. Bleu sometimes ____________ (play) basketball on Saturdays. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag. Write the verbs in the present simple or present continuous. G 1. Ask the questions. 2. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 31 . are / Ann and Sue/ late for school / never /. __________________________________ ? I go to the gym in the afternoon. ____________ (Bleu / play) basketball after work? D Order the sentences. They ____________ (not / go) to rehearsals in the evening. __________________________________ ? I wake up at 8._______________________________________. 32 Tween 6 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ . She usually has lunch at half past twelve. dancing Test 3A A. are you? 2. Personal answer . 2. 1. doesn’t he? H. Ann and Sue are never late for school. She always has dinner at eight o’clock and after dinner she often goes to the cinema. 5. 7. Does Bleu play D. She is in The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and High School Musical. listening to music 4. T. She loves sushi and pizza. She sometimes plays the piano. 1. 3. 2. 1. Does Bleu play D. 4. He usually has a glass of milk or orange juice and toast. 1. do they? 3. He goes to the studio by car. 1. 1. 1. F. Then she takes a shower and she gets dressed. 1. works 2. 2. E. plays 2. cycling taking photos listening to music dancing Listening Test 3 A. c. He has lunch at the restaurant. 2. They always have tea at four o’clock. What time does he wake up? 2. don’t go 3. 1. Ashley usually has lunch at half past twelve. or he simply stays at home watching TV or reading a book. d. works 2. Leonardo Dicaprio and Julia Roberts. F. 2. 4. 4. b B. She goes to work by car. don’t go 3. 3. 5. 2. 4. 1. or concerts. She usually has breakfast at home and she always goes to work by car. What time do you wake up? Where do you meet your friends? When do you go to the gym? plays are singing go is taking are you? do they? hasn’t he? doesn’t he? Personal answer. 1.Progress Tests 33 Answer key UNIT 3 | Daily Routines Listening Test 3 – Script A ASHLEY’S DAY Ashley Tisdale is a famous actress. 4. He goes to the studio by car. 2. cycling 2. She usually gets up at eight o’clock and the first thing she does every morning is brush her teeth. When does he go to the gym? F. E. 3. Ann and Sue are never late for school. 2. 3. Ashley gets up at eight o’clock. She loves watching films. 1. Where does he meet his friends? 3. Ashley's favourite actors are Johnny Depp. 4. C. 2. He has lunch at the restaurant. T. After dinner she often goes to the cinema. is taking G. F. a. B. F. Test 3B A. 3. 3. She usually goes to bed at half past eleven. After work she often goes to the gym to exercise. are singing 3. 5. eight o’clock has a shower doing exercise Lasagna goes to the theatre. She sometimes plays the piano. He usually has a glass of milk or orange juice and toast. B. 3. She always has dinner at eight o’clock. C. go 4. 2. taking photos 3. B 1. F. 3. F. G. 3. 3. 1. hasn’t he? 4. They always have tea at four o’clock. 6. H. 2. 1. 1. e. 1. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 _______ Class_______ Date ___/___/___ Test 1A Test 1B A B Total A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H Total 2x1 5x2 4x2 20 5x3 3x5 3x3 3x3 3x4 4x3 4x3 16 5x3 3x5 3x3 3x3 3x4 4x3 4x3 16 100 Final mark 9 25 .Test 3 Correction Table Unit Listening Test 1 Name Progress Tests Progress Tests No. 4 x 4 p = 16p (F) B. Distinguir frases 2 x 2p = 4p verdadeiras de falsas (T) e corrigir as falsas. Ordenar frases. H. Completar frases.5 pontos Frase com número reduzido de palavras e/ou sem as características necessárias para ser considerada correta: 0 pontos Total: 100% 35 . B.5 = 20p Frase com vocabulário adequado e erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes: 2. Escrever frases. UNIT 4 | At School Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A.5 pontos Frase com vocabulário restrito e/ou inadequado e erros de ortografia e de estrutura: 1/1.5 pontos Frase com número reduzido de palavras e/ou sem as características necessárias para ser considerada correta: 0 pontos C. Preencher espaços. 5 x 1p = 5p Resposta correta: 1 ponto Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 1. Responder a 3 x 4p = 12p perguntas sobre o texto. Produzir um enunciado escrito. Conteúdos Estrutura Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade Preposições de tempo A.5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 0. Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos F. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. 6 x 3p = 18p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 2 pontos Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Frase com vocabulário adequado e erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes: 3 pontos Frase com vocabulário restrito e/ou inadequado e erros de ortografia e de estrutura: 1/1. B. Cotações 5 x 2p = 10p Critérios de Classificação Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Total: 100% 4B Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competê ncias Conteúdos Estrutura Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe.5 pontos 10 x 1. Completar uma tabela. Identificar a opção 5 x 2p = 10p errada. Cotações Critérios de Classificação Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 4 x 2 = 8p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 5 x 2 = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 8 x 2. 4 x 3p = 12p Comparativo e superlativo Temático: Escola G. D.5p = 15p Total: 20% 4A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competência s: 0 Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Completar frases. Comparativo e superlativo Temático: Escola F. Assinalar a opção correta. Utilizar as regras 5 x 2p = 10p de formação do caso possessivo. Escrever frases.Progress Tests 4 Matriz do teste de compreensão oral Objetivos/Competência snt Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. Caso possessivo Pronomes possessivos Verbos modais Produzir um enunciado escrito. Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade Preposições de tempo A. 4 x 3p = 12p H. Completar frases. Identificar a opção 6 x 3p = 18p errada. Identificação de verdadeira/falsa: 2 pontos Correção da informação falsa: 2 pontos C. Completar frases. Identificar a opção 5 x 2p = 10p errada. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. Preencher 5 x 2p = 10p espaços. E. Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. G. E. Caso possessivo Determinantes e pronomes possessivos Verbos modais D. Responder a 2 x 5p = 10p perguntas sobre o texto. In the film. the students go to East High School.36 Tween 6 Listenin g Test 4 UNIT 4 | At School NameNo. a school in America. English 4. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher High School Musical High School Musical is a film by Disney. Who likes…? Science Troy Gabriell a Taylor Ryan and Sharpay Chad 1. Science B Listen again. Maths 2. EAST HIGH SCHOOL Timetable Morning Afternoon Saturday No school! No school! Sunday No school! No school! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday . Music 3. Write the subjects in the timetable. Here are six students. What subjects do they like? Sharpay Gabriella Chad Troy Ryan Taylor A Listen and tick (✔) the right box. Sport 5. Carl’s school Hello! Today I'm talking to Carl about his school. Daniella: What time does school start and when does it finish? Carl: It starts at 8. He goes to school at 8.00. Carl is in Year six / five. Cross out (✗) the wrong option. Daniella: What time do you go to school? Carl: Eight o’clock. It takes 30 minutes. but they always give us too much homework. but on other days I take a packed lunch. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the dialogue. Daniella: Do you wear a uniform at your school? Carl: We don’t wear a traditional British school uniform. 3. 2. Daniella: What things do you take to school? Carl: I take my schoolbag and sometimes my gym clothes.Progress Tests Test 4A 37 UNIT 4 | At School NameNo. 4. What Year are you in.55 and finishes at 15. He always / sometimes takes his gym clothes to school. School starts at five to nine / five past nine. Daniella: And do you go on foot or on a school bus? Carl: I go on the school bus. Daniella: What are the good things about your school? Carl: I’ve got lots of friends there and most of the lessons are interesting. 5. . 6. Daniella: Where do you have lunch? Carl: I sometimes have lunch at the school canteen. Our school’s uniform is very simple – a red sweatshirt and dark trousers. Daniella: What are the bad things about your school? Carl: The worst thing about school is the homework.15 / 8. He wears a traditional British school uniform / a red sweatshirt and dark trousers for school. Carl? Carl: I’m in Year 6. He goes to school by bus / on foot.30. The teachers are nice. Daniella: A 1. The _____________ (young) person in their family is their baby brother. E 1. 5. 4. What doesn’t he like about school? ___________________________________________ B Write at. . 2. He is the _____________ (beautiful) baby I know. _______ Wednesdays he usually plays baseball with his friends. _____________________________________________________________________ They / eat / class / mustn’t / in / . 2. 4. / I / go / the / to / please / ? _____________________________________________________________________ Can / pass / me / you / rubber. 1. Give me that pencil case. 3. Carl starts school _______ September. 2. 2. H Write six sentences to describe your classroom. Carl comes home 4.38 Tween 6 Answer these questions about the text. on or in. 3. He doesn’t go to school _______ Christmas. Our / Ours are in the classroom. 2. What does Carl like about school? ____________________________________________ 2. Their parents’ / parent’s house isn’t very big. Whose sweatshirt is this? Your / yours or her / hers? Those aren’t ours / our schoolbags. Carl’s / Carls’ sister is nine years old.30. James’ / James’s house is in the same street. Cross out (✗) the wrong word. Their childrens’ / children’s rooms are small. It’s my / mine. F 1. Carl is _____________ (old) than his sister. His sisters’ / sister’s name is Jill. 1. May / toilet. He is also _____________ (tall) than 1. _______ weekdays. her. 3. / that / please / ? _____________________________________________________________________ Students / listen / must / teachers / their / to /. Order the sentences. 3. _____________________________________________________________________ Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative. G Cross out (✗) the wrong option. C D 1. Progress Tests 39 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ . Daniella: What time does school start and when does it finish? Carl: It starts at 8. Daniella: Do you wear a uniform at your school? Carl: We don’t wear a traditional British school uniform. __________________________________________________ . Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the dialogue. Carl is in Year six. Daniella: What time do you go to school? Carl: Eight o’clock. Carl’s school Hello! Today I'm talking to Carl about his school. Daniella: And do you go on foot or on a school bus? Carl: I go on the school bus. Daniella: A 1. Correct the false statements. Daniella: Where do you have lunch? Carl: I sometimes have lunch at the school canteen. The teachers are nice.40 Tween 6 Test 4B UNIT 4 | At School NameNo. It takes 30 minutes. Daniella: What things do you take to school? Carl: I take my schoolbag and sometimes my gym clothes. What Year are you in. He goes to school at 8. Daniella: What are the bad things about your school? Carl: The worst thing about school is the homework.15. _________________________________________________________ 2. Daniella: What are the good things about your school? Carl: I’ve got lots of friends there and most of the lessons are interesting.30.55 and finishes at 15. Our school’s uniform is very simple – a red sweatshirt and dark trousers. ___________________________________________________ 3. Carl? Carl: I’m in Year 6. but they always give us too much homework. He gets the bus to school. but on other days I take a packed lunch. Mark true (T) or false (F). ____________________________________________________________________________ .m. _____________________________________ 5. and finishes and 3.m. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. School starts at 9 a. He wears a purple T-shirt and brown trousers for school.Progress Tests 4. 41 He always takes his gym clothes to school.30 p. This pen belongs to my sister Jill. 2. 2.42 B 1. Tween 6 Answer these questions about the text. 3. 3. Carl is ____________________ (old) his sister. 4. G H Write six sentences to describe your classroom. 3. Carl comes home _________ 4. please? Complete the sentences with the comparative of superiority or superlative.). 2. Jill is ____________________ (slim) and ____________________ (pretty) in their family. 2. Write ’s or ’ in the right place. 1. ________________________________________ Their parents house isn’t very big. These aren’t our sports bags. 5. C D 1. Where does Carl have lunch? _____________________________________________ What does he like about school? _____________________________________________ What doesn’t he like about school? _____________________________________________ Write at. Carl starts school _________ 1st September. He sometimes goes to the cinema _________ the weekend. etc. 3. Christmas holidays are _________ winter.  mustn’t ___________ I go to the toilet. This isn’t your ruler.  can You ___________ chew gum in class. .  may You ___________ play at break time. That isn’t their desk. 2. He is also ____________________ (fat) her. ________________________________ James house is in the same street. 5. Their baby brother is ____________________ (beautiful) baby I know. ___________ are in my sports bag. ___________ is longer than mine. 4. 4. 3. 2.  must You ___________ pay attention in class. Are these your gym clothes? – No. ______________________________ Complete the sentences with a possessive pronoun (mine. ___________ are in the gym. F 1. ___________________________________ His sister name is Jill. Carl sister is nine years old. _________ weekdays. 1. ______________________________ Their children rooms are small. It’s___________ Choose the best verb to complete the sentences. E 1.30. on or in. ___________ is near the window. Progress Tests 43 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ . 3. Who Gabriell Ryan and Troy Taylor likes…? a Sharpay 1. at / 3. 1. on. I like Maths. EAST HIGH SCHOOL Timetable Morning Monday English Tuesday History Wednesday Maths Thursday Music Friday Science Saturday No school! Sunday No school! Afternoon Sport Maths Sport History English No school! No school! Test 4A A. hers F. The bookcase is next to the door. There’s a . the most beautiful H. C. Music 3. 5. Carls’ / 2. There are twelve tables for the students and the teacher’s table. 1. I like English. 8. There are some books on the teacher’s table. please? Students must listen to their teachers. T.55 and finishes at 15. 1. my / 2. I’m Ryan and this is my sister Sharpay. 1. a noticeboard and a bookcase. It has three windows and one door. 3. Their parents’ house isn’t very big. There’s also a whiteboard and a bookcase. F. On D. 1. He sometimes has lunch at the school canteen. older than. 2. 1. The bookcase is next to the door. The teachers give them too much homework. He’s got lots of friends there and most of the lessons are interesting. G. There’s a shelf on the wall. There’s also a whiteboard. May G. 4. fatter than 2. parent’s / 4. 4. He goes to school at eight o’clock. F. at / 3. Listening Test 4 A. in. E. childrens’ / 5. They mustn’t eat in class. sisters’ / 3. May I go to the toilet. prettiest. I’m Taylor. 6. B. older. I like sport. mine / 3. 2. 4. Maths is on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. 2. always / 5. 1. His sister’s name is Jill. T. taller 2. at / 2. Wrong options 1. It starts at 8.30. Their children’s rooms are small. He wears a red sweatshirt and dark trousers. five past nine / 6. The teachers give them too much homework. 2. He’s got lots of friends there and most of the lessons are interesting. please? Can you pass me that rubber. 2. F. (Example) My classroom isn’t very big. There’s a vase of flowers on the bookcase. but on other days he takes a packed lunch. Sport is on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Science Cha d ✔ ✔ ✔ B. 3. 3. at D. 1. Music is on Thursday morning. the slimmest. Science is on Friday morning. There are twelve tables for the students and the teacher’s table.44 Tween 6 Answer key 1. must / 4. her / 3. but our favourite subject is Music. a traditional British school uniform B. My favourite school subject is Science. 1. I’m Gabriella. on foot / 4. Carl’s sister is nine years old. 1. F. most beautiful H. can / 3. Test 4B A. F. There’s a vase of flowers on the bookcase. Sport 5. C. Your. in / 2. 1. ours. (Example) My classroom isn’t large. mustn’t / 2. On. Maths ✔ 2. Theirs / 5. James’s house is in the same street. Our UNIT 4 | At school Listening Test 4 – Script High School Musical I’m Troy. He sometimes takes his gym clothes to school. ✔ English 4. Yours / 4. On. 5. English is on Monday morning and Friday afternoon. James’ E.15 / 3. History is cool. 1. History is on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. youngest. five / 2. Ours / 2. I’m Chad. Progress Tests shelf full of books on the wall. I like my classroom because it is bright. 45 Test 4 Correction Table Unit Listening Test 1 A 5x1 Name Progress Tests Progress Tests No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 10 x 1,5 Total 20 _______ Class_______ Date ___/___/___ Test 1A A 6x3 B 2x5 C 5x2 D 5x2 E 5x2 Test 1B F 4x3 G 4x3 H A B C D E F G H Total 6x3 2x2 4x4 3x4 5x2 5x2 5x2 4x2 5x2 8 x 2,5 100 Final mark 9 33 Progress Tests 5 Matriz do teste de compreensão oral Objetivos/Competênc iasnt Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. 47 UNIT 5 | School is Great! Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Escrever palavras a partir da audição. 6 x 1p = 6p B. Assinalar a opção correta. C. Assinalar como verdadeiro ou falso. 6 x 1p = 6p Resposta correta: 1 ponto Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 0,5 pontos Resposta correta: 1 ponto Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 1 ponto Resposta incorreta: 0 p 8 x 1p = 8p Total: 20% 5A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Completar uma tabela. 5 x 3p = 15p B. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. 5 x 5p = 25p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 2 pontos Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos C. Substituir nomes por pronomes. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos D. Completar frases. 4 x 3p = 12p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Pronomes pessoais forma complemento To be – afirmativa e negativa (passado simples) To be – interrogativa e respostas curtas (passado simples) There + to be (passado simples) E. Escrever perguntas 4 x 3p = 12p e respostas com base 4 x 2p = 8p em informação dada. Resposta correta: 3 pontos (pergunta); 2 pontos (resposta) Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 2 pontos (pergunta); 1 ponto (resposta) F. Completar um diálogo. Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 6 x 3p = 18p Total: 100% 5B Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. Produzir um enunciado escrito com coesão e coerência. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Completar frases. 5 x 2p = 10p B. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. 5 x 4p = 20p Pronomes pessoais forma complemento To be (passado simples) Passado simples (verbos regulares) Passado simples (interrogativa) Temático: Desportistas famosos C. Completar frases. 5 x 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos D. Completar um diálogo. E. Completar um parágrafo. 8 x 2p = 16p F. Completar uma entrevista. 3 x 4 = 12p H. Escrever um curto texto biográfico com base em informação dada. 18p 7 x 2p = 14p Total: 100% Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos 14 – 18 pontos Organização coerente da informação; erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. 6 – 13 pontos Alguma incoerência na organização da informação; alguns erros de ortografia; alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. 1 – 5 pontos Deficiente organização da informação; erros de ortografia; muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. 0 pontos Não obediência ao tema proposto; frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas co b __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 2. Mark true (T) or false (F). ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ B Who says the sport? Amy. 1. Am Bill y y . f __ __ __ __ __ __ 3. They go to the Sports Club on Tuesdays. 5. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher After school A Listen and write the names of the sports you hear. 2. t __ __ __ __ __ 6. Amy and Billy are going to do sports. Billy or both? Tick (✔) the correct column. s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ C Listen again. 4. Amy likes football very much. When both say the sport. Sport 1.48 Tween 6 Listenin g Test 5 UNIT 5 | School is Great! NameNo. v __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 4. 3. h __ __ __ __ __ __ 5. tick (✔) the two columns. Billy’s favourite sport is football. Amy’s favourite sport is swimming. Sports Day is in two weeks. 8. 7. 49 .Progress Tests 6. She goes swimming every day. They’ve got tennis and swimming at school. or ages 11-14. I also enjoy other activities at school. 7. New York. There are a lot of clubs at our school. and 8. but it stopped having meetings. in Rochester. What time does Laura’s school begin and finish? ____________________________________________________________________________ When do they go to clubs or do sports? ____________________________________________________________________________ What do they do at the Green Thumb Club? ____________________________________________________________________________ . and Green Thumb Club. but clubs go on until 3:00 pm and sports go on until 5:00 pm. Now I just stay after school with my Art teacher and draw with my friends. Last year there was an Art Club. The most popular clubs are the Ski Club. 1. Laura’s webpage My name is Laura and I am 14 years old. Class Great! Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the text. 3. like the special football game we play in June. where we take care of our school's garden. Drama Club. School’s name Location Grades/ages Most popular clubs Laura’s favourite activity B Answer these questions about the text. It is for grades 6. Twelve Corners Middle School. I love the stories we read and the projects we do. 2. The boys play football and the girls are cheerleaders*. She’s really friendly.50 Tween 6 Test 5A UNIT 5 | School is NameNo. A Complete the table about Laura’s school. School begins at 7:45 in the morning and finishes at 2:06 in the afternoon. My favourite after-school activity is the English Club. I also like my English teacher. I go to a public middle school. E Look at the table and write questions and short answers. 4. 2. 4. I was with her. 1. 5. 3. Come with Jill and me. ________________________. he 1. ________________________. 4. ______________  her They’ve got a book. ______________  him Laura is with Jim at the English Club. They were playing a game. A: ________________________ many girls watching the game? . Ski Club Drama Club last yesterday Friday Jill ✔ ✗ Laura and Jim ✗ ✔ Ex.) _____________________________________ ? ____________________________________ _____________________________________? ____________________________________ _____________________________________? ____________________________________ _____________________________________? ____________________________________ F Complete the dialogue. The boys ______________ at the sports field. Jill ______________ at the cinema. Laura ______________ at school. he was. Use the correct form of there + to be. Use the verb to be in the Past Simple. wasn’t. We ______________ at the swimming pool because it was cold. 2. 5.Progress Tests 4. 3. 2. Yesterday. 51 Why does she love the English Club? ____________________________________________________________________________ Why does she like the football game they play in June? ____________________________________________________________________________ Replace the underlined words by one of these pronouns:  it I can see Laura from here. (No. ______________  us They’ve got photos. 3. C 1. She was ill. A: ________________________ many cheerleaders? B: Yes. ______________  them Jill and I are going to the Ski Club. ______________ D Put in was/were or wasn’t/weren’t. A: ________________________ a football game after school yesterday? B: Yes.: Was Fred at the English Club yesterday? Yes. They are reading the book. They are looking at the photos. . ________________________.52 Tween 6 B: No. Why is he famous? ____________________________________________________________ 3. Last week. I was in Jamaica. I was at Emmanuel Prep School in Mandeville. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the text. 3. On Monday. he _________________________ house. On Thursday evening. he _________________________ a lot. A 1. B 53 Complete the sentences with information from the text. so I rested all day. On Wednesday. I’m very busy. Answer these questions about the text. I trained for three hours on the track. I was tired. I also played football with them. On Thursday. What did the children show him? ________________________________________________ Great! . I was with my coach. my hobbies and sports. I have got three gold medals from the 2008 Olympic Games! Now I’m famous. I was at my parents’ house. My mum and dad were very happy to see me. On Wednesday. The children were very friendly. 2. I listened to music and danced a lot. On Friday. 1. On Tuesday. In the evening. Last Monday. he _________________________ in the USA. On Tuesday. 4. They showed me their school and I talked to them about my family. Who is Usain? ________________________________________________________________ 2. I stayed there all day. 5. he _________________________ track. because I love music and dancing. Usain _________________________ School. I’m from Jamaica.Progress Tests Test 5B UNIT 5 | School is NameNo. My last week Hi! My name is Usain Bolt and I’m a runner. 54 Tween 6 4. Why did he rest on Thursday? ___________________________________________________ . Were his parents happy to see him? ______________________________________________ 5. 1. I visited my parents. He ______________ (not train) on the track and he ______________ (not jump) in the gym. there _____________ many fans. You: ______________ your coach with you? Usain: No. 2. I was at Emmanuel Prep School in Mandeville. There _____________ only some athletes training. I like ______________. Where _____________________________________________________________________? Last Monday.). Use the information in the box. he . D Complete the dialogue with: was/were or wasn’t/weren’t. You: E Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple. G Write a short text about Usain Bolt. ______________ (cook) his lunch and ______________ (rest). F Imagine you are talking to Usain. ______________ (listen) to music. Come with ______________. I ______________ alone. You: ______________ there many fans watching you? Usain:No. C 1. We’re going to the gym now. 4. When ______________________________________________________________________? I listened to music and danced on Thursday evening. BOLT FACTS Nickname Lightning Bolt Nationality Jamaican Born 21st August 1986 . Last Sunday. His gold trainers are fantastic! Look at ______________. Who _______________________________________________________________________? On Tuesday.Progress Tests 55 Complete each sentence with an object personal pronoun (him. Usain is running now. Look at ______________. 2. That is his sports bag. 3. etc. Usain ______________ (stay) at home. Complete the questions. Look at that girl! Do you know ______________? 5. ______________ (watch) TV. 3. I ______________ on the track. Where ______________ you last Saturday? Usain:On Saturday morning. Jamaica Height 1.95 m Weight 93.9 kg Brothers/sist ers Hobbies One brother and one sister Listening to music and dancing .56 Tween 6 Place of birth Trelawny. Were Laura and Jim at the Ski Club yesterday? – No. them / 3. they were. 5. School begins at 7:45 in the morning and finishes at 2:06 in the afternoon. I am. she was. didn’t jump F. 1. stayed. He was born on 21st August 1986 in Trelawny. I go swimming three times a week. him / 3. volleyball ✔ 4. 5. Yes. football 3. On Thursday he was tired. They take care of their school's garden. him / 2. Listening Test 5 A+B Sport Amy 1. New York Grades/ages: grades 6. 3. T / 2. Today I want to play basketball. They showed him their school. When did you listen to music and dance? G. 3. T / 6.Progress Tests 57 Answer key UNIT 5 | School is Great Listening Test 5 – Script AFTER SCHOOL Amy: Are you going to the Sports Club after school? Billy: Yes. School’s name:Twelve Corners Middle School Location: Rochester. Amy: Let’s play now. 1. Was she at the Drama Club last Friday? – No. but my favourite sport is swimming. it / 4. She loves it because the boys play football and the girls are cheerleaders and it is a lot of fun. volleyball or handball. But what’s your favourite sport? Billy: It’s tennis. watched. You know I always go to the Sports Club on Wednesday afternoon. 7. 3. Billy: Really? Everybody likes football! Amy: Not me. 2. was You: Were Usain: weren’t. Was Jill at the Ski Club yesterday? – Yes. Billy: That’s another sport we can’t do at school. were E. … … … … … was at Emmanuel Prep… was at his parents’… trained for three hours on the… listened to music and danced… was… He’s a Jamaican runner.95 m tall and weighs . tennis 6. C. and Green Thumb Club Laura’s favourite activity: the English Club B. F / 7. us D. 1. T Test 5A A. but they haven’t got tennis at school. Where were you last Monday? 2. listened. 2. F / 3. 3. He is from Jamaica. 1. She loves the stories they read and the projects they do. Because he’s got three gold medals from the 2008 Olympic Games. them / 5. or ages 11-14 Most popular clubs: the Ski Club. Jamaica. See you later. B. Billy: Why don’t you play football with us? Amy: I prefer basketball. F / 8. F. didn’t train. Amy: I like this sport too. Were they at the Drama Club last Friday? – Yes. ✔ basketball 2. cooked. it / 4. She also likes her English teacher because she’s really friendly. Drama Club. 4. 1. they weren’t. 4. and 8. was E. Usain’s nickname is Lightning Bolt. A: Was there / B: there was / A: Were there / B: there were / A: Were there / B: there weren’t Test 5B A. wasn’t / 2. Who did you visit on Tuesday? 3. her / 5. ✔ swimming C. Sports Day is in two weeks and my team wants to win. Billy: Do you have swimming lessons? Amy: Yes. they were very happy to see him. 1. You: were Usain: You: Was Usain: wasn’t. were / 3. 4. 1. 2. C. Billy: See you. 1. rested. 1. weren’t / 4. 2. 5. she wasn’t. us D. her / 2. And you? Amy: Me too. He is 1. They go to clubs or do sports after school. F / 4. 4. handball ✔ 5. F / Billy ✔ ✔ ✔ 5. He has got one brother and one sister.58 Tween 6 93.9 kg. . His hobbies are listening to music and dancing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 6x1 Total 8x1 _______ Class_______ Date ___/___/___ Test 1A A 20 B 5x3 C 5x5 D 5x2 Test 1B E F G H A B C D E F G H Total 4x3 4x3 4x2 6x3 5x2 5x4 5x2 8x2 7x2 3x4 18 100 6x1 100 Final mark 9 41 .Test 5 Correction Table Unit Listening Test 1 A 6x1 Name Progress Tests Progress Tests No. erros de estrutura irrelevantes. ainda que pouco variado. . 1 – 5 pontos – Deficiente organização das ideias. Assinalar a opção correta. vocabulário muito restrito e inadequado. Completar frases. Aplicar os itens gramaticais e lexicais tratados. muitos erros de ortografia. Vocabulário C. D. utilização de vocabulário apropriado. E. C. 4 x 4p = 16p 4 x 5p = 20p Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos Lojas/artigos C. 1 – 5 pontos – Deficiente organização das ideias. (interrogativa) Question tags F. poucos erros de ortografia. Número reduzido de palavras. tópicos estudados. Completar um 3 x 4p = 12p simples diálogo. utilização de vocabulário apropriado. Ligar artigos a lojas. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. Completar uma 8 x 2p = 16p simples mensagem. Total: 100% 6B Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. o texto Passado D. vocabulário muito restrito e inadequado. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. alguns erros de ortografia. Responder a 4 x 5p = 20p perguntas sobre o texto. poucos erros de ortografia. Completar frases. Preencher espaços. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. e neg. F. utilização de vocabulário adequado e variado.) Passado E. passados Critérios de Classificação Identificação de verdadeira/falsa: 2 pontos Correção da informação falsa: 1 ponto Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 14 – 19 pontos – Organização coerente das ideias. erros de estrutura irrelevantes. frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. Legendar 5 x 2p = 10p relacionado com imagens. Aplicar os itens gramaticais e lexicais tratados. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. (afirm. Escrever uma 19p escrito com coesão e Descrever mensagem a um coerência sobre um dos acontecimentos amigo. Número reduzido de palavras. 6 – 13 pontos – Incoerência na organização das ideias. 4 x 2p = 8p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto Resposta correta: 2 ponto Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 1 ponto Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 4 x 1p = 4p Total: 20% 6A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe.60 Tween 6 6 Matriz do teste de compreensão oral Objetivos/Competênc iasnt Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. Corrigir a informação falsa. 4x 2p = 8p B. ainda que pouco variado. utilização de vocabulário adequado e variado. 0 pontos – Não obediência ao tema proposto. 4 x 3p = 12p 19p Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 14 – 19 pontos – Organização coerente das ideias. B. frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. Conteúdos Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade Estrutura Cotações A. Completar um diálogo. Distinguir frases 2 x 2p= 4p verdadeiras de falsas (T) e corrigir as falsas. muitos erros de ortografia. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. UNIT 6 | Around Town Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. 6 – 13 pontos – Incoerência na organização das ideias. Escrever um diálogo. alguns erros de ortografia. 3 x 3p = 9p (F) B. 5 x 2p = 10p Produzir um enunciado Temático: G. 0 pontos – Não obediência ao tema proposto. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. 5 x 3p = 15p Resposta correta: 3 pontos 6 x 3p = 18p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Preposições de lugar Imperativo Produzir um enunciado Temático: escrito com coesão e Perguntar e dar coerência sobre um dos direções tópicos estudados. Escrever palavras a partir da audição. Progress Tests Total: 100% 61 . 62 Tween 6 Listenin g Test 6 UNIT 6 | Around Town NameNo._____________ gamanezi 2._____________________________ Shopping bag B What’s in Molly’s shopping bags? Listen and write the words correctly. Match the presents to the correct person. _____________ Listen again. _____________ 4._____________________________ 3._____________ storsh yot rac 3. . I’m . Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Giving directions A Listen to the directions and follow them on the plan. I’m . colasohcet 1. I’m at the ________________________ 2._____________________________ 4. I’m . Where are you? 1. ___________________________________________________________ B Answer these questions about the text. ___________________________________________________________ They can’t find souvenirs in Chinatown. 1. Helen: They’ve got souvenirs over there. Jack: My father loves baseball and I want to buy him a New York Yankees cap. Helen: A 1. Helen: Let’s go to Fifth Avenue. Things are very expensive there. Jack wants to buy some souvenirs for his friends. I’ll buy a T-shirt for my mum. Jack: OK. what do you want to do? There are a lot of things to see in New York. Let’s see those souvenirs over there first and then we’ll walk to the others. Helen: Oh well… Let’s go to Chinatown in Manhattan. Shopping for a souvenir So. Correct the wrong information in the sentences. 2. 3. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the dialogue. no. But there are other souvenir shops not far from here. 4. There are lots of outdoor stands selling New York City souvenirs for very cheap prices. ___________________________________________________________ Things are cheap in Fifth Avenue. Later in Chinatown.Progress Tests Molly Test mum dad 6A nephew UNIT 6 | Around Town NameNo. It has some of the biggest shops… but there are also many smaller shops. Jack: Ok. just across the street. Good idea. Jack: Oh. What does Jack want to do? 63 . Jack: Today I want to buy some souvenirs for my parents. ___________________________________________________________ Helen and Jack go shopping in Fifth Avenue. 64 Tween 6 ___________________________________________________________ .  in front E Look at the city map again and complete the dialogue with these verbs: A: Excuse me. 3. corner supermarket is ______________ of the bus station. CD for Jack 1 a clothes shop magazine 2 b greengrocer’s some aspirins 3 c music shop skirt 4 d chemist’s fruit 5 e newsagent’s D Look at the city map and put in the right preposition.  behind bus station is ______________ the school and the hospital. The 5. The  between  next library is ______________ to the café. ______________ the first turning on the right and at the end of the street ______________ left. Why doesn’t Jack want to go to Fifth Avenue? ___________________________________________________________ Why do they go to Chinatown? ___________________________________________________________ Where can they buy souvenirs? ___________________________________________________________ C Where can Helen go to buy these things? Match each thing to a shop. ______________ East Street at the zebra crossing and the school is on your right after the bus station.  at the police station is ______________ of East Street and South Street. Write the dialogue between you and the tourist. 4. 65 . F • turn • take • cross • go A tourist is asking you the way to the hotel.  opposite supermarket is ______________ the town hall. 2. can you tell me the way to the school? B: ______________ straight on. The 3.Progress Tests 2. The 6. The 4. 1. The café is ______________ the town hall. Later I met Vicky and her friend Maria. Paula Paula liked her Saturday at the fair. What did you do yesterday? Drop me a line and tell me about your Saturday. She bought three balloons and two teddy bears. My brother and my father also drove a dodgem car. My mother didn’t want to go with us. I also bought a beautiful teddy bear to put on my bed. but they didn’t see me. I went to the fair with my family. I also saw Rob and Bob. A lovely day A 1. ___________________________________________ 2. They said hello. I’m writing to tell you about my Saturday. Then we went on the merry-go-round three times. Hi Jane. but I didn’t talk to them. Bye for now.66 Tween 6 Test 6B UNIT 6 | Around Town NameNo. Correct the false ones. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the email. When we arrived there. my brother bought an ice cream and we all drank orange juice. She didn’t go on the merry-go-round. _________________________________________ 4. When my father and my brother joined us. It was a lovely day. _________________________________ . but I stayed with my mother. After that I bought two balloons and ate candyfloss. She went on the big wheel with her family. I went on the big wheel with my father and my brother. _____________________________________ 3. Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F). 67 She saw some friends at the fair. Answer these questions about the text. Where did Paula go last Saturday? ____________________________________________________________________________ Did Paula drive a dodgem car? ____________________________________________________________________________ Did they drink fruit juice there? ____________________________________________________________________________ . 2. _____________________________________________ B 1. 3.Progress Tests 5. Dear Paula. I did. Last Saturday. Did __________________________? Yes. It was a lovely day. After lunch. ___________ 5. 3. ________________________? 3. Rob and Bob didn’t see Paula. ___________ 2. ________________________? 2. 1. 1. ___________ 3. Before lunch. ________________________? G Write an email to a friend to describe “a lovely day” you had (about six sentences). ___________ 4. ___________ D Complete the email with the past simple. ________________________? 5. Who did she meet at the fair? ____________________________________________________________________________ C Label these things with words from the text. We had a lot of fun at the fair. We (7) ___________________ (not / take) any pictures because my father (8) ___________________ (not / bring) his camera. She wrote an email to Jane. Bye. ________________________? 4.68 Tween 6 4. Jane didn’t go to the fair. we (6) ___________________ (walk) around the park. My mother (4) ___________________ (prepare) a picnic basket and we (5) ___________________ (have) a delicious lunch. I liked the film very much. I (2) ___________________ (ride) my bike and my father (3) ___________________ (read) the newspaper. I (1) ___________________ (go) on a picnic with my parents. F Complete each sentence with a question tag. ____________________________________________________________________________ . 2. 1. Where :_______________________? Last Sunday I went to the cinema. in the affirmative or negative. E Ask Paula questions about her Sunday. What ________________________? I saw Toy Story 3. . 4. 1. merry-go-round 2. 1. 5. She went on the big wheel with her father and her brother. 1. shoe shop. 2. Go along Park Road and take the second turning on the right. did she? 3. dodgem car D. listened to music and danced. opposite / 2. Go straight on and turn right into King Street. It’s on your left next to the bookshop. At about six o’clock we sang ‘Happy birthday’ and then we played games. 1. she didn’t. 4. Helen and Jack go shopping in Chinatown. Yes. We spent a wonderful time. Then take the first turning on the right. C. 2. (Example) From: maria2@gmail. She bought two balloons and a teddy bear. We also ate a lot and drank fruit juice. These are for me. Test 6B A. 1. The hotel is on your left after the police station. Where did you go last Sunday? 2. C. 1. 1. Cross Tourist: Excuse me. She went on the merry-go-round three times. can you tell me the way to the hotel? Me: Go straight on and turn right into South Street. between / 5. e / 3. didn’t she? 2. at the corner / 6. 3. T. Shopping bag 1. F. wasn’t it? G. they did. He’s five and he loves toy cars. shorts / 4. 3. 4. toy car C Molly – 3 / mum – 1 / dad – 2 / nephew – 4 Test 6A A. Things are very expensive there. 1. c / 2. 4. 2. Go straight on and take the first turning on the right. b D. 3. B. She loves eating chocolates.Progress Tests 69 Answer key UNIT 6 | Around Town E. They can buy souvenirs in outdoor stands and in souvenir shops. Did you like the film? F. He wants to buy some souvenirs for his parents. 1. 3. I’m writing just to tell you about my Saturday. T. 3. All my best friends were there and we talked a lot. 4. She met Vicky and her friend Maria and also saw Rob and Bob. F. pet shop. (1) went / (2) rode / (3) read / (4) prepared / (5) had / (6) walked / (7) didn’t take / (8) didn’t bring E. a / 5. 2. magazine / 3. baker’s. big wheel 3. This is for my dad. Then turn right into Central Avenue and it’s after the pet shop. teddy bear 5. turn. 4. d / 4. chocolates / 2. What film did you see? 3. behind / Dear Daniela. He likes reading magazines. in front Go. 3. Things are very expensive in Fifth Avenue. 1. I like cool shorts. did they? 4. No. Go past the car park and it’s just at the corner of Central Avenue. These are for my mum. Listening Test 6 A. To: daniela4@hotmail. ice cream 4. 2. 1. 4. B. This is for my brother’s little boy. They all drank orange juice. There are lots of outdoor stands selling New York City souvenirs for very cheap prices. next / 3. 3. opposite the flower shop. Jack wants to buy some souvenirs for his parents. In the morning I got up late as usual and in the afternoon I went to my cousin’s birthday party. B. She went to the fair with her family. Listening Test 6 – Script F. F. 2. She stayed with her mother. 2. Giving directions Go along Park Road and it’s opposite the bookshop. They can find a lot of souvenirs in Chinatown. I’m at I’m at I’m at I’m at the the the the sports shop. didn’t we? 5. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 4x2 Total 4x1 _______ Class_______ Date ___/___/___ Test 1A A 20 B 4x4 C 4x5 D 5x3 E 6x3 Test 1B F 4x3 G H A B C D E F G H Total 19 2x2 3x3 4x5 5x2 8x2 3x4 5x2 19 4x2 4x2 100 Final mark 9 49 .Test 6 Correction Table Unit Listening Test 1 A 4x2 Name Progress Tests Progress Tests No. 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 8 x 0. Assinalar a opção correta. Ligar palavras a imagens. 4 x 3p = 12p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 5 x 3p = 15p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos E. 8 x 0. B.5p = 12p 6 x 4p = 24p Resposta correta: 1. poucos erros de ortografia. frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados. muitos erros de ortografia. 1 – 4 pontos – Deficiente organização das ideias. 16p 12 – 16 pontos – Organização coerente das ideias. 6 – 16 pontos – Incoerência na organização das ideias. B. Preencher espaços. 0 pontos – Não obediência ao tema proposto. Escrever uma composição. vocabulário muito restrito e inadequado. Produzir um enunciado escrito com coesão e coerência sobre um dos tópicos estudados. Escrever uma composição. Total: 100% 7B Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. C. Completar um diálogo. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. alguns erros de ortografia. frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. erros de estrutura irrelevantes.5p = 4p Resposta correta: 0. erros de estrutura irrelevantes. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. 6 x 2p = 12p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Total: 20% 7A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. ainda que pouco variado. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. 5 – 11 pontos – Incoerência na organização das ideias. 0 pontos – Não obediência ao tema proposto. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. G. Número reduzido de palavras. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. F. muitos erros de ortografia. Preencher espaços.5p = 4p Resposta correta: 0. F. Completar frases. Completar uma tabela. 1 – 5 pontos – Deficiente organização das ideias. B. Número reduzido de palavras.5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Advérbios de modo Be going to (afirmativa e negativa) Be going to (interrogativa) How much How many Temático: Férias C. D. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. 71 UNIT 7 | Summer Time Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Produzir um enunciado escrito com coesão e coerência sobre um dos tópicos estudados. poucos erros de ortografia. 3 x 4p = 12p Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 3 x 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos G. Completar um diálogo. utilização de vocabulário adequado e variado. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. 8 x 1. Preencher espaços. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. utilização de vocabulário apropriado. Distinguir frases verdadeiras de falsas e corrigir as falsas. Completar frases. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de Classificação Texto e vocabulário relacionados com os tópicos da unidade A. Completar frases. utilização de vocabulário adequado e variado. utilização de vocabulário apropriado. Advérbios de modo Be going to (afirmativa e negativa) Be going to (interrogativa) Some. vocabulário muito restrito e inadequado. Escrever frases. D. alguns erros de ortografia.5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Critérios de Classificação C. ainda que pouco variado. Aplicar os itens gramaticais tratados.Progress Tests 7 Matriz do teste de compreensão oral Objetivos/Competênc iasnt Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. any. no Pronomes indefinidos Temático: Férias Identificação de verdadeira/falsa: 2 pontos Correção da informação falsa: 1 ponto 4 x 2p = 8p Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 5 x 3p = 15p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 2 pontos 3 x 4p = 12p 3 x 2p = 6p Resposta correta: 4 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 3 x 2p = 6p Resposta correta: 2 pontos 23p 17 – 23 pontos – Organização coerente das ideias. 2 x 2p= 4p (T) 2 x 3p = 6 (F) 5 x 4p = 20p E. H. Assinalar a opção correta. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos . 72 Tween 6 Total: 100% . You don’t need all the words.Progress Tests Listenin g Test 7 73 UNIT 7 | Summer Time NameNo. 3. a) sun b) sand c) socks 12. beach towel 4. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher A day at the beach A What is Jeff going to take to the beach? Tick (✔) the words you hear. 1. . 2. sunglasses bucket 3. Listen again and choose the best answer. sunshade 9. flip-flops 11. suncream 8. 5. a) sits b) runs c) doesn’t like to sit He doesn’t want _______________ in his trainers. CD player 2. trunks 7. sun hat 6. Jeff _______________ his sunglasses. ball 10. 1. a) loves b) doesn’t like c) hates He _______________ on the beach all day. swimsuit spade B Match the numbers from A with the pictures. He’s going to the beach _______________. a) rock b) pop c) rap 5. a) make sand castles b) swim c) play football 6. . His favourite type of music is _______________. a) with his brother b) with his sister c) alone He’s going to _______________ with her.74 Tween 6 4. Activities they are __________ going to do 75 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ B Answer these questions about the texts. I’m going to swim in the sea and lie in the sun. And of course… I’m going to stay up late in the evenings. Camping is a great way to spend time without TVs. What is she going to wear at the beach? ___________________________________________ . computers. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the texts. I also like speaking English.Progress Tests Test 7A UNIT 7 | Summer Time NameNo. There are a lot of tourists in the Algarve and I’m going to speak English with them. Is Lia going to the Algarve with her friends? _______________________________________ 2. We’re going to buy a tent and four sleeping bags. Portugal Next summer holiday I’m going camping with my mum and dad and my sister in Cornwall. I’m going to read my favourite books. Lia. I also like making new friends. but I’m going to wear suncream and a hat. My holidays Next summer holiday I’m going to the Algarve with my parents. The worst thing about camping is the rain. I always meet someone fun on holiday. Lia Daniel Holiday destination to swim in the sea. I like reading on holiday. 1. I like camping because I can sleep outside. It’s hot on the beach. At the campsite I’m going to ride my bike and do sports. and video games. I don’t like waking up with A Complete the table. What are Daniel’s parents going to buy? __________________________________________ 5.76 Tween 6 3. Why does he like camping? _____________________________________________________ 6. Does Lia like speaking English? _________________________________________________ 4. What’s the worst thing about camping? ___________________________________________ . 5. You: ? _______________________________________________________________________ Daniel: Yes. 2. 3. 4. 3. Match the questions with the answers. 2. You: ? _______________________________________________________________________ Daniel: I’m going to spend a week at a campsite. 4. (about 50 words) ____________________________________________________________________________ . Complete the sentences with how much or how many. My father and my brother _______________ (play) beach volleyball. D Lia is telling you about her family’s plans for tomorrow. She also likes running (quick) along the beach. My mother _______________ (sit) under a beach umbrella. _______________ water did you bring? – A bottle. They _______________ (swim) in the pool. _______________ towels have you got? – Two. _______________ sun oil have you got? – Not much. in the affirmative or negative. E ✗ ✔ ✔ ✗ Tomorrow I _______________ (sunbathe) on the beach. G Write a short composition with the title: My next summer holiday. You: ? _______________________________________________________________________ Daniel: I’m going to travel by bus. I’m going to do sports and other things. 3. He’s riding his bike (careful). I _______________ (make) sand castles. 2. 1. How are you going to get there? Are you going to do sports there? Where are you going to spend your summer holiday? F 1.77 Progress Tests C Turn the adjectives into adverbs to complete the sentences. Lia likes swimming (slow) in the sea. Complete the sentences using be going to. ✔ 1. Daniel is talking to his new friends (happy). one for me and another for you. 78 Tween 6 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ . Portugal A 1. The worst thing about camping is the rain. I don’t like waking up with Mark these sentences true (T) or false (F). Lia is going to spend her holiday on the beach. Next summer holiday I’m going camping with my mum and dad and my sister in Cornwall. I’m going to read my favourite books. It’s hot on the beach. . I also like making new friends. Lia. I’m going to swim in the sea and lie in the sun. I like camping because I can sleep outside. And of course… I’m going to stay up late in the evenings. _______________________________________________ B Answer these questions about Daniel’s holiday. She never reads on holiday. Camping is a great way to spend time without TVs. computers. ___________________________________________ 3. but I’m going to wear suncream and a hat. I like reading on holiday.Progress Tests Test 7B 79 UNIT 7 | Summer Time NameNo. I also like speaking English. __________________________________ 2. I always meet someone fun on holiday. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the texts. There are a lot of tourists in the Algarve and I’m going to speak English with them. Correct the false ones. _________________________________________________ 4. She’s going to swim and sunbathe. My holidays Next summer holiday I’m going to the Algarve with my parents. She’s going to go to bed early. At the campsite I’m going to ride my bike and do sports. We’re going to buy a tent and four sleeping bags. and video games. 80 Tween 6 1. Is he going to watch TV and play video games? _____________________________________ 5. What things are they going to buy? ______________________________________________ 3. Why does he like camping? _____________________________________________________ 4. What is Daniel going to do next holiday? __________________________________________ 2. What doesn’t he like about camping? _____________________________________________ . Use be going to. They / swim / pool ____________________________________________________________ E Ask questions for the underlined information. I / make sand castles __________________________________________________________ 3. He’s a happy boy. 3. Her English is good. I / sunbathe / beach ___________________________________________________________ 2. He runs _______________________________________________. Daniel is a quick runner. ✔ ✗ ✔ ✔ 1. My father and my brother / play beach volleyball ____________________________________ 5. F Complete with some. in the affirmative or negative. You: ____________________________________________________________________? Daniel: I’m going to spend a week at a campsite. 2.81 Progress Tests C Complete the sentences with an adverb. any or no. You: ____________________________________________________________________? Daniel: Yes. He’s smiling __________________________________________________. She swims _____________________________________________. You: ____________________________________________________________________? Daniel: I’m going to travel by bus. She speaks English very ______________________________________. My mother / sit / beach umbrella ________________________________________________ 4. Lia is a careful swimmer. 4. I’m going to do sports and other things. 1. ✗ . D Look at the pictures and make sentences about Lia’s plans for tomorrow. G Write a short composition with the title: My next summer holiday. (about 60 words) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ . there’s _______________ swimming. A: Is there _______________ swimming in the sea? B: No. nobody or anybody. but there’s _______________ surfing. I’ve got _______________ sandwiches.82 Tween 6 Lia: Have you got _______________ food in your beach bag? Mum: Yes. but I’ve got _______________ drinks. G Complete the sentences with somebody. C. My father and my brother are going to play beach volleyball. 3. I like spending my holidays in the village because my cousins are there and we do a lot of things together. B. 7. 5. 2. 10. 1. and video games. Yes. carefully Test 7B A. 3. 4. She’s going to the Algarve with her parents. rap. 7. 8 C. My mother is going to sit under a beach umbrella. quickly / 3. Are you going to do sports there? F. b / 4. 3. b / 6. 5. to read favourite books. 1. How are you going to get there? 3. E. he isn’t. My little sister is going with me and I’m going to make sand castles with her. 1. 11. 4. 1. F. 4. They’re going to buy a tent and four sleeping bags. 8. My grandparents live in a beautiful village and I’m going to stay with them. Listening Test 7 D. well. She’s going to wear suncream and a hat. 2. 5. He says camping is a great way to spend time without TVs. We play football and other games. Where are you going to spend your summer holidays? 2. 5. They aren’t going to swim in the pool. . We always have a lot of fun. to speak English with tourists. I’m going to sunbathe on the beach. T. 1. quickly. 6. 3. walk near the river and sometimes go fishing. 3. 4. 1. carefully. to stay up late in the evenings B. I’m not going to make sand castles. I’m going to take my sunglasses. happily / 4. I don’t want to be red! I’m going to take a ball to play football. Lia Daniel Holiday destination The Algarve Cornwall Activities to swim in the to ride a bike and sea. slowly / 2. It is the rain. F. How much G. He likes camping because he can sleep outside and make new friends. 5. 11. 2. c / 5. He likes camping because he can sleep outside and make new friends. C. I’m also going to take a bucket and a spade. 1. she does. He’s going camping with his mum and dad and his sister in Cornwall. How much. am going to sunbathe I’m not going to make is going to sit are going to play aren’t going to swim You: Where are you going to spend your summer holiday? You: How are you going to get there? You: Are you going to do sports there? F. I love my sunglasses – they are very important! I’m going to take a sun hat and some suncream. How many. a Test 7A A.Progress Tests 83 Answer key UNIT 7 | Summer Time Listening Test 7 – Script A day at the beach Jeff: I’m going to the beach today. He doesn’t like waking up with wet clothes. to lie in the do sports sun. 3. 2. 2. 2. T. of course. 2. happily D. 2. She’s going to stay up late in the evenings. 4. 1. 2. 1. And. 5. 12 B. No. 3. 1. I don’t want sand in my trainers! I’m going to take a CD player to listen to my favourite music. she isn’t. 3. computers. 12. 4. 10. c / 3. He doesn’t like the rain because he doesn’t like waking up with wet clothes. I don’t like to sit on the beach all day. I’m going to take flip-flops too. (Example) My next summer holidays I’m going to spend my next summer holidays in the countryside. No. 3. E. She likes speaking English and she’s going to speak English with tourists in the Algarve. a / 2. She likes reading on holiday. They’re going to buy a tent and four sleeping bags. A. some. . somebody H. no G. See example in Test A.84 Tween 6 any. nobody. anybody. 5 Total 6x2 _______ Class_______ Date ___/___/___ Test 1A A 20 B 8 x 1.5 Name Progress Tests Progress Tests No.Test 7 Correction Table Unit Listening Test 1 A 8 x 0.5 C 6x4 D 4x3 E 5x3 Test 1B F 3x4 G 3x3 H A B C D E F G H Total 16 2x2 2x3 5x4 4x2 5x3 3x4 3x2 3x2 23 100 Final mark 9 57 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B 8 x 0. alguns erros de ortografia. 8 – 15 pontos – Alguma incoerência na organização da informação. erros de ortografia. erros de ortografia. Escrever um texto 20p curto. Completar espaços com o vocabulário dado. 0 pontos – Frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. Indicar sinónimos das palavras dadas. Assinalar a opção correta. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. 8 – 15 pontos Alguma incoerência na organização da informação. alguns erros de ortografia. B. Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Excerto da obra de Leitura extensiva A. Escrever um texto 20p curto.8A Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competênc ias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. C. 5 x 2 p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 2 x 4p = 8p Identificação de verdadeira/falsa: 4 pontos (T) Correção da informação falsa: 2 pontos 2 x 6p = 12p (F) Caracterização física e psicológica. 4 x 3p = 12p Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Obra e vocabulário relacionado com a Páscoa Produzir um Temático: enunciado escrito com Easter holidays coesão e coerência. Resposta correta: 3 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos D. erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. Assinalar a opção correta. 0 pontos – Frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. Total: 100% 8B Matriz do teste Objetivos/Competên cias Compreender o texto na globalidade e em detalhe. 9 x 2p = 18p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos F. erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. Responder a perguntas sobre o texto. 9 x 2p = 18p 20 p Critérios de Classificação 16 – 20 pontos Organização coerente da informação. 16 – 20 pontos Organização coerente da informação. Escrever um texto curto. 8 – 15 pontos – Alguma incoerência na organização da informação. Ligar palavras a de Leitura sinónimos. Completar espaços com o vocabulário dado. Caracterização física e psicológica. alguns erros de ortografia. E. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. 1 – 7 pontos Deficiente organização da informação. erros de ortografia. F. vocabulário relacionado com a Páscoa Produzir um enunciado Temático: escrito com coesão e Easter holidays coerência. 1 – 7 pontos Deficiente organização da informação. erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. Caracterizar personagens Conteúdos Estrutura EXTENSIVE READING Cotações Critérios de Classificação Excerto da obra A. extensiva. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. Caracterizar personagens Compreender a obra na globalidade. erros de ortografia e de estrutura irrelevantes. Assinalar como verdadeiro ou falso. 20 p 16 – 20 pontos – Organização coerente da informação. 0 pontos Frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. D. 1 – 7 pontos – Deficiente organização da informação. . alguns erros de ortografia. Expressar informação de forma clara e estruturalmente correta. erros de ortografia. 1 – 7 pontos – Deficiente organização da informação. E. 4 x 3p = 12p Compreender a obra na Obra e globalidade. 5 x 2 p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos B. Escrever um texto curto. 8 – 15 pontos Alguma incoerência na organização da informação. muitos erros de estrutura impeditivos da comunicação. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. Resposta correta: 2 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos 16 – 20 pontos – Organização coerente da informação. 4 x 5p = 20p Resposta correta: 5 pontos Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos Conteúdo parcialmente adequado: 2/3 pontos Desconto máximo para incorreções: 4 pontos Caracterização física e psicológica Caracterização física e psicológica C. 0 pontos Frases inadequadas e/ou sem as características necessárias para serem consideradas corretas. alguns erros de estrutura não impeditivos da comunicação. Progress Tests Total: 100% 87 . looking for eggs under the tulips. The Hunt is going to be more exciting than anyone is expecting because of her trick. Frogwart wonders what Tippity is whispering and what is on the pieces of paper. Then she whispers some secret instructions in their ears. Frogwart thinks the Hunt is going to be boring. A Match the words with their synonyms: families run quickly little small ready in the middle of rush prepared among relatives B Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). behind the roses. Frogwart comes. Tippity gives the children a big basket. The eggs are in the flower garden.Test 8A EXTENSIVE READING NameNo. and among the daisies. too. and the children rush around her flower garden. ___________________________________________________________________________ . “Yes!” shout the children. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 1. “Go!” says Tippity. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the following excerpt from the story Frogwart and the Easter Eggs. Tippity gathers all of the children together and gives each one a little basket and a sheet of paper. by Jerry Jindrich. The next day the children and their families arrive for the Easter Egg Hunt. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. The children come to Tippity’s house for the Easter Egg Hunt. Correct the false ones. “Everyone ready?” asks Tippity. 7. The chicks think she is their _______________. Do you like Easter? What do you usually do during the Easter holidays? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ F . eyes. She wants to make the eggs hatch when the _______________ touch them. 4. perverse naughty gentle kind cruel sympathetic nice tricky Now look at the picture and describe Frogwart as precisely as you D can (physically and psychologically). 2. Tippity makes a plan for the Easter Egg _______________. Everybody _______________. You can refer to face. hair. 6. 5. clothes. The children collect pretty _______________ to take home. children / masks / eggs / decorating / laughs / spell / mum / Hunt / garden Tippity is _______________ eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. 9.Progress Tests C 89 Tick (✔) the words that best describe Tippity. The children look for the eggs around her _______________. 3. personality… _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ E 1. They wear _______________ that look like Frogwart. 8. Write the correct word in the sentences below. Frogwart puts a _______________ on the eggs. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ . A 1. What does Tippity give the children? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. looking for eggs under the tulips. 2. “Go!” says Tippity. Tippity gathers all of the children together and gives each one a little basket and a sheet of paper. and the children rush around her flower garden. The next day the children and their families arrive for the Easter Egg Hunt. 5. “Everyone ready?” asks Tippity. The Hunt is going to be more exciting than anyone is expecting because of her trick. Frogwart wonders what Tippity is whispering and what is on the pieces of paper. Class Date//EvaluationTeacher Read the following excerpt from the story Frogwart and the Easter Eggs. 4. Why do the children and their families come to Tippity’s house? ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. behind the roses. 1. “Yes!” shout the children. Then she whispers some secret instructions in their ears. Frogwart comes. Why does Frogwart think the Hunt is going to be more exciting than anyone is expecting? ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. and among the daisies. Find words in the text that mean the same as: relatives _______________________________ small _________________________________ prepared ______________________________ run quickly ____________________________ in the middle of _________________________ B Answer the questions. too. Where are the eggs? ____________________________________________________________________________ . 3. by Jerry Jindrich.Progress Tests Test 8B 91 EXTENSIVE READING NameNo. 3. 2. The children look for the eggs around her _______________. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ E 1. The children collect pretty _______________ to take home. Frogwart puts a _______________ on the eggs. Everybody _______________. children / masks / eggs / decorating / laughs / spell / mum / Hunt / garden Tippity is _______________ eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. 8. Write the correct word in the sentences below. 7. 5. Do you like Easter? What do you usually do during the Easter holidays? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ F . 4. 9. They wear _______________ that look like Frogwart.C Tick (✔) the words that best describe Tippity. She wants to make the eggs hatch when the _______________ touch them. Tippity makes a plan for the Easter Egg _______________. 6. perverse naughty gentle kind cruel sympathetic nice tricky D Now look at the picture and describe Frogwart as precisely as you can (physically and psychologically). The chicks think she is their _______________. a / 5. hands are very big. d/ 4. 1. laughs / 9. garden / 6. Test 8A 1. behind the roses. She has got a big mouth and a long nose. and among the D. decorating / 2. Hunt / boots. a black dress and black 1. a black dress and black hair and big eyes. Frogwart is tall and thin. her trick. Tippity gives the children a little basket and a 4. E. 2. B. among A. 3. decorating / 2. b / 3. Test 7 Correction Table Unit _______eggs Class / _______ Date ___/___/___ F. garden / 6. 1. 1. Frogwart thinks the Hunt is going to be exciting than anyone is expecting because of exciting. mum / 8. e / 2. spell / 3. hair and big eyes. T. C. hands are very big. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Name Test 1B A B C D E F A B C D E F Total 5x2 2x4 2x6 4x3 20 9x2 20 5x2 4x5 4x3 20 9x2 20 100 Final mark . 3.Progress Tests 93 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Answer key Test 8B A. little / 3. c 1. Personal answer. F. boots. She is wearing a hat. rush / 5. Tippity’s house for the Easter Egg Hunt. She has got wavy grey C. masks / 7. 5. 4. gentle / kind / nice / sympathetic She has got a big mouth and a long nose. children / 4. The eggs are in the flower garden (under the gentle / kind / nice / sympathetic tulips. Test 1A No. daisies). Her She is a naughty and tricky witch. ready / 4. families / 2. Frogwart is tall and thin. Her D. mum / 8. Hunt / 5. laughs / 9. E. sheet of paper. F. Tippity gives the children a little basket. The children and their families come to B. She has got wavy grey She is wearing a hat. Frogwart thinks the Hunt is going to be more 2. eggs / She is a naughty and tricky witch. spell / 3. T. Personal answer. masks / 7. F. children / 4. 25 . Progress Tests 95 A .
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