Profit and Loss Ibps s k Raju

April 4, 2018 | Author: Amit Vyas | Category: Prices, Profit (Accounting), Percentage, Investing, Insurance



1PROFIT AND LOSS NATIONALISED BANKS 6. A shopkeeper bought 30 kg. of wheat at the & IBPS PO/MT/SO rate of Rs.45 per kg. He sold forty percent 1. Sri Ganesh bought 40 kgs of wheat at Rs. of the total quantity at the rate of Rs. 50 12.50 per kg and 25 kgs of it at Rs. 15.10 per kg. Approximately, at what price per per kg. He mixed them together. At what kg. should he sell the remaining quantity rate should he sell the mixture to earn 10% to make 25 per cent overall proflt ? proflt ? (1) Rs. 54 (2) Rs. 52 (1) Rs. 13.50 (2) Rs. 13.25 (3) Rs. 50 (4) Rs. 60 (3) Rs. 14.75 (4) Rs. 14.85 (5) Rs. 56 (5) None of these (Allahabad Bank PO Exam. 21.02.2010) (Syndicate Bank PO Exam. 10.10.2004) 7. Meenal purchased a car for Rs. 2,50,000 2. The proflt earned after selling an article for and sold it for Rs. 3,48,000. What is the Rs. 1,516 is the same as loss incurred after per cent profit she made on the car ? selling the article for Rs. 1,112. What is the (1) 40 (2) 39.2 cost price of the article ? (3) 38.4 (4) 38 (1) Rs. 1,314 (2) Rs. 1,343 (5) None of these (3) Rs. 1,414 (4) Rs. 1,434 (Corporation Bank PO Exam. (5) None of these 09.05.2010) (Orientai Bank of Commerce 8. Rajni purchased a mobile phone and a PO Exam. 21.12.2008) refrigerator for Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 10,000 3. The proflt earned after selling an article for respectively. She sold the refrigerator at a Rs. 1,754 is the same as loss incurred after loss of 12 per cent and mobile phone at a selling the article for Rs. 1,492. What is the proflt of 8 per cent. What is her overall loss/ cost price of the article ? profit ? (1) Rs. 1,623 (2) Rs. 1,523 (1) Loss of Rs. 280 (3) Rs. 1,689 (4) Rs. 1,589 (2) Profit of Rs. 2,160 (5) None of these (3) Loss of Rs. 240 (Canara Bank PO Exam. 15.03.2009) (4) Profit of Rs.2,060 4. Giridhar purchased 100 sarees @ Rs. 450 (5) None of these per piece. While selling he offered 10% (Punjab & Sind Bank discount on the labelled price and earned PO Exam. 16.05.2010) a proflt of 20% . What was the labelled price 9. A shopkeeper sells notebooks at the rate of of each saree ? Rs. 45 each and earns a commission of 4% . (1) Rs. 540 (2) Rs. 650 He also sells pencil box at the rate of Rs. (3) Rs. 590 (4) Rs. 600 80 each and earns a commission of 20% . (5) None of these How much amount of commission will he (PNB Specialist Officer’s earn in two weeks if he sells 10 notebooks Exam. 16.08.2009) and 6 pencil boxes a day ? 5. Vinod makes a proflt of Rs. 110 if he sells a (1) Rs. 1,956 (2) Rs. 1,586 certain number of pencils he has at the (3) Rs. 1,496 (4) Rs. 1,596 price of Rs. 2.5 per pencil and incurs a loss (5) None of these of Rs. 55 if he sells the same n umbe r of (Central Bank Of India pencils for Rs. 1.75 per pencil. How many PO Exam. 25.07.2010) pencils does Vinod have ? 10. A man sold a wristwatch for Rs. 2,400 at a (1) 220 loss of twenty five percent. At what rate (2) 240 should he have sold the wristwatch to earn (3) 200 a proflt of twenty five per cent ? (4) Cannot be determined (1) Rs. 3,600 (5) None of these (2) Rs. 4,000 (Indian Bank Rural Marketing (3) Rs. 3,500 Officer Exam. 03.01.2010) (4) Rs. 3,800 (5) None of these (Bank Of India PO Exam. 31.10.2010) LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. RAJU (9811549822, 9811649822) 2011) varieties together and sold it at Rs.01.000 and per kg ? sold it at loss of 25 percent.40 (2) Gain of 25 per cent (3) Loss of Rs 642. 17280 LEARN MATHS FROM S. What (Corporation Bank PO profit did he get when he mixed the two Exam. 9811649822) . Manish bought 25 kg of rice at Rs. Kamya purchased an item of Rs 46.10. 16.K. An article was purchased for Rs 78.09. What was he purchased an item of Rs 5. 32 per (5) None of these kg and 15 kg of rice at Rs. RAJU (9811549822. He 18. What profit/loss per cent did Ravi earn if sold it at a gain of 12 percent.350. 36 per kg. Prasad sold his work tools for Rs 1. A man sells calculator at the rate of Rs 250 sold it at a loss of 8 per cent.850 and at a discount of 20% on the marked up earned a profit of 25 per cent.03.240 (4) Rs 1.2011) CWE-III 26. What was the profit percent on the did Prasad buy the work tools ? cost price ? (1) Rs 1. On one he gets 12% proflt and on (2) Profit of Rs 1560 the other 12% loss.300 (1) 4 (2) 7 (3) Rs 1.20 14. A shopkeeper sells two watches for Rs. What days if he sells seven calculators per day ? is his overall loss/profit ? (1) Rs 4665 (2) Rs 4565 (1) Loss of Rs 657 (3) Rs 4545 (4) Rs 4655 (2) Profit of Rs 567 (5) None of these (3) Loss of Rs 648 (IDBI Bank Officer Exam.2012) (4) Profit of Rs 648 19. 16. 17.04. money he again purchased another bike What amount of profit will he eam in 19 and sold it at a proflt of 10 per cent. With that each which includes a profit of 14 per cent. An article was sold for Rs. 2 11. 02. 30.01.40 (1) Loss of 20 per cent (2) Profit of Rs 662.000 and 21. 26.2011) 25 15. It was sold 12. 40. Meera purchased an item for Rs 62.600 and 11 sold it for a loss of 5 percent.80 (4) Loss of 15 per cent (5) None of these (5) None of these (Allahabad Bank PO Exam. From that (2) 1 % gain 25 money she purchased another item and sold it for a gain of 5 percent. Rehaan purchased a bike for Rs 54. What will be the selling amount she purchased another item and price of the article for a proflt of 42% ? (1) Rs. Seema purchased an item for Rs 9.2012) 13.80 (3) Neither gain nor loss (4) Profit of Rs 642.480 (3) 5 (4) 3 (5) None of these (5) 6 (Indian Bank PO Exam. 13. 12580 (2) Rs.360 (2) Rs 1. At what price price. What was (5) None of these her overall gain/loss ? 20. With that (1) 25% (2) 40% amount she purchased another item and (3) 30% (4) 20% sold it at a gain of 30 percent. With that 42% of the cost price.2010 (Ist Sitting) price was marked up by 30% .600 and sold her overall gain/loss ? it at three-fourth of its cost price ? (1) Loss of Rs 662. 308 (1) Los of Rs 560 each. What is her 2 overall gain/loss ? (3) 3 % loss 25 (1) Loss of Rs 36 (2) Profit of Rs 24 2 (4) 3 % gain (3) Loss of Rs 54 25 (4) Profit of Rs 36 (5) None of these (5) None of these (IBPS Bank PO/MT (Bank Of Baroda PO Exam. 5220 at a loss of sold it at a loss of 12 percent. His profit or loss in (3) Loss of Rs 1550 the entire transaction was (4) Profit of Rs 1550 11 (5) None of these (1) 1 % loss (UCO Bank PO Exam. Its PO Exam.06.2011) (Orientai Bank Of Commerce 17.2011) (IBPS Bank PO/MT CWE 17. 1.000. (3) Rs.07.04.K. The profit earned after selling an article for In the year 1996 his investment was less Rs. 11.50.20O8) (3) Rs. 75 (3) Rs. (SBI Banks PO Exam.000 proflt earned ? (5) None of these (1) Rs 22 lakhs (SBI Banks PO Exam.2008) of 20% on his investment in the business. 45.000 in 1996. RAJU (9811549822. 1. what was the total amount of (3) Rs. 50. 9811649822) .02. In 1997 he invested an (1) Rs.500 (Tire-I Exam.02.631.000 (SBI PO Preliminary (2) Rs.04.08. 70. 636. 863 is the same as the loss incurred after earned in the deal ? selling the same pair of trousers for Rs. 6. Its present value is Rs.000 but still had the same income selling the article for Rs.000 7. 1.000 and Mr. 767 (4) Rs. 95 (4) Rs.000 (2) Rs. 35. What is his per cent profit ? (5) None of these (1) 50 (2) 25 (SBI Associate Banks PO Exam.2014) (1) Rs.25 lakhs 3. What is the (Income = Investment + Profit) as that in cost price of the article ? 1995. 797 (2) Rs.032. The value of machine depreciates at the rate (4) Data inadequate of 12 per cent per annum. It was purchased (5) None of these three years ago. Proflt e arne d by an o rg an izatio n is amoun t of Rs. 15280 5. The proflt after selling a pair trousers for price. 1.2001) (2) Rs 18. If on selling 12 notebook any seller makes (3) Rs 18 lakhs a profit equal to the selling price of 4 (4) Rs 23. 38900 (4) Rs.12. 763 (5) None of these (4) Cannot be determined (SBI Associate Banks (5) None of these PO Exam.11. 27. (5) None of these 12. 10 per metre of (Corporation Bank Specialist Officer cloth. 25. Mr. 750 (3) 20% (2) Rs.2001) 29644.000 Exam. In 1998 Mr.05. 12780 (4) Rs. such that he earned a proflt 27. 27. 22.25 lakhs notebooks. 07.000 is Rs 25. A trader sells 145 metres of cloths for Rs. 26. 800 (4) Cannot be determined (3) Rs. 757 investment in 1995 ? (5) None of these (1) Rs. (5) None of these 35. 43500 additional amount of Rs.000 ratio of 5 : 3 respectively.325 at the profit of Rs. What is cost price of 1 metre of cloth ? (Marketing) Exam. Shivkumar invested (SBI PO Preliminary (Tire-I) another additional amount of Rs.02. 65 (2) Rs.08. 5. 39000 Rakesh joined him with an amount of Rs. 75.2008) LEARN MATHS FROM S. 07. 10.2011) 2 9. 27. (1) 18% What is the cost price of the pair of trousers ? (2) 15% (1) Rs.07. the year 1995. 787 1996 increased by 6% . a businessman had the income in (SBI PO Preliminary (Tire-I) Exam.000. What was his (3) Rs. A shopkeeper labelled the price of his (3) 16 (4) Data inadequate 3 articles so as to earn a profit of 30% on the (5) None of these cost price. 3 (3) Rs. 11.2006) offering a discount of 10% on the labelled 4.2011) (SBI PO Preliminary (Tire-I) Exam.000 (4) Rs. Thus the per cent profit earned in (1) Rs.2008) and Mr. 85 SBI PO EXAMS (5) None of these 1. Mr.000. He then sold the articles by (SBI PO Exam.50. What is the actual percent profit Rs. 10. Suresh joined them with an 8. X. what was the purchase price 2. If the number of earned at the end of three years from the officers is 45 and the number of clerks is start of the business in 1996 ? 80 and the amount received by each officer (1) Rs. Shivkumar started a businees investing of the machine ? Rs. Wh at wi ll be distributed among officers and clerks in the Rakesh’s share in the profit of Rs. 878 is the same as loss incurred after by Rs. 48700 (2) Rs. 03. (LIC Assistant Administrative Also cost of 2 fans. The currencies in countries M and N are (United India Insurance Co.2007) exchange rate in 1990 was l m.940/ price level in 2006 in M and N are 150 and -. The (AAO) Exam.2009) (1) Rs. The he get on the original price ? percentage of slump in business is : (1) 2% (2) 12% (1) 10 per cent (3) 5% (4) 17% (2) 15 per cent (General Insurance Corporation (3) 20 per cent AAO Exam. Cost of one table is Rs 1.6 n (4) Cannot be determined (General Insurance Corporation (5) None of these AAO Exam.625 n (3) 24. flnd the selling price. 550 (4) Rs.000 watch are decreased by Rs. Originai cost price of (3) Rs 8.5% (2) 8% 18% profit. If no discount is allowed.500.500 would be 5% more. Chatterjee bought a car and got 15% Offlcer Exam.06. 22. what is the will he earn in three days if he sells 10 percentage gain or loss ? calcula-tors and 5 pens a day ? (1) Rs 1.500 the watch is (4) Cannot be determined (1) Rs.6 n (4) 3.04. 364. denoted by m and n respectively. 2 tables and 2 blowers Offlcer (AAO) Exam. A shopkeeper sold a T.03.000. the profit (2) Rs 7.8% (3) 1.2011) 7 8. 450 (2) Rs. 600 1. If a shirt costing Rs.75 250 each and eams a commission of 20% (United India Insurance Co. with a discount of 8% and gained 19. 365. A watch is sold at a proflt of 20% . 385 is sold at a loss of (New India Assurance AO 5% of the cost price. A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar.12. set for Rs 17. 100. 9811649822) .2002) 50 each and earns a commission of 10% 2. 25.5% gain He sold the remaining articles at the same (United India Insurance Co. (3) 8. price per article as the other 800. What percentage profit did from 4 per ce nt to 5 per cen t. 11.000. If both What is the cost of 3 fans and one blower ? the cost price and the selling price of the (1) Rs 8.5% loss of them for the price he paid for 864 articles. He gains 14% on the whole.05. 6. 5.4% (1) 0. Exam.2011) (LIC Assistant Administrative 10.) sold at 18% profit is : (New India Insurance AAO (1) 560 (2) 600 Exam.10. A person bought 864 articles and sold 800 (3) 12.2011) (4) 30 per cent 11. A vendor sells calculators at the rate of Rs (3) Rs. How much amount of commission the selling price of 21 articles.5% (4) 9% The quantity (in kg.225 n (2) 0. The AAO Exam. part of is which he sells at 8% proflt and the rest at (1) 7. what will be his The exchange rate in 2006 based solely on gain per cent ? the purchasing power parity consideration (1) 25% is 1 m : (2) 26. Prof. 364 (2) Rs. 500 (5) None of these LEARN MATHS FROM S. 0.6% 400 respectively with 1990 as a base of 100. 27.2011) (3) 400 (4) 640 9. He also sells pens at the rate of Rs AAO Exam.V. RAJU (9811549822. 2008) of its original price as a dealer’s discount. 07.74 7.445 2 (3) Rs 1. on each. The income of a broker remains unchanged He then sold it at 20% profit on his though the rate of commission is increased purchase price. 21.2009) is Rs 12.6 n the 4. (4) 12.K.12. 4 INSURANCE EXAMS (3) Rs. 365 (4) Rs.550 (4) Rs 1. 21.04. Cost of 4 fans and 3 blowers is Rs 16. 11.2002) percentage gain on the entire transaction 3. If the cost price of 24 articles is equal to on each.450 (1) 14 % gain 7 (5) None of these 2 (United India Insurance (2) 14 % loss AO Exam.575 (2) Rs 1. 11. 27. 1. 417. 03. (4) 21 15. His gain Rs.K. find gain per (1) Rs. 435 (2) Rs.75 per AAO Exam. 3. 800 cent. 350 instead of Rs.09.2013) (United India Insurance 16.2012) dozen. 5 (United India Insurance AO 15. 9811649822) . 834.03.2011) 400. By selling 18 chocolates. The profit earned after selling an article for and the remaining at 5 for Rs.343 (NICL (GIC) AO (Finance) (3) Rs.12.05.314 (2) Rs. RAJU (9811549822. What is the (1) 40% (2) 45% cost price of the article ? (3) 42% (4) 46% (1) Rs. Exam. 15. Exam. 1.434 Exam.12.516 is the same as loss incurred after per cent is : selling the article for Rs. 814 (4) Rs. If the man ufacturer g ain s 10% .12. 2.2013) (NICL (GIC) AO Exam. 1. 15.34 (1) 20 (2) 25 (NICL (GIC) AO (Finance) Exam. 1. (3) Rs. 26. 1000 (4) Rs. Ram bought 1600 eggs at Rs. 1. If the cost price of 15 articles is equal to whose retail price is Rs 1265. Find his loss (1) Rs. He sold 900 of them at 2 for Re 1 13.2013 then the cost of production of an article 14.2013) (5) None of these 17. (3) Rs.112. The cost 12.2013 (Paper-I) LEARN MATHS FROM S. 632.06. 1050 (1) 9% (2) 10% (NICL (GIC) Administrative (3) 11% (4) 12% Officer Exam.50 (2) Rs.50 percent. the (United India Insurance AO Wholesale dealer 15% and the retailer 25% . a vendor loses the price of the table is: selling price of 2 chocolates. 08. By selling a table for Rs. 1.414 (4) Rs. (3) 18 . loss percent increases by 5% . is: the selling price of 12 articles. (3) Total CP = Rs. 17. (3) 4. (4) 90 9. (5) According to the question. 877. (1) 8. (2) 6. (1) x. (2) Total SP for an overall profit of 15. RAJU (9811549822. (500 + 377.x = x .50) = Rs. (12960 + 8800) = Rs. (1) Let the cost price of the artice be Rs. (5) 10. (3) 2. (4)  2x = 1754 + 1492 = 3246 7. (4) 1754 . (2) 25% = = Rs 1687. (1) According to the question. (5) 12.21760) = Rs. 3.50 + 25 × 15.5 . (5) 5.75 × x = 110 + 55 INSURANCE EXAMS  0. (5) 16.50 =  Rs. Total S. (4) 20. (2) 4. (3) 9. (4) 2 13 (4) 14. (2)  = 100 100 3. (1) 120  450 21. (4) Let the labelled price of each sari be Rs. (1) 165 3.P.5 × x .75 7. (3) 90% of x = 100 SBI PO EXAMS _ 90  x 120  450 1. 100 348000  250000 = Rs.2%  SP per kg = Rs. (40 x 12. =     100 100  1516 . (1) 4. (1) = 30 × 45 11. (1) Let Vinod have x pencils. (2) 8.25 = 39. (5) x= = Rs 220 5. 19. (4) 2. 9811649822) .5 Total cost price of wheat Required selling price per kg = Rs. (2) = Rs. (2) 0.600 = Rs.50 110 Gain per cent = Rs. (3) 6. 1314 2 & IBPS PO/MT/SO 3. 21760  Loss = Rs. x. 22000 2.1492 5.5 100  30  40  EXPLANATIONS Sp of   = 12 kg of wheat  100  NATIONALISED BANKS & IBPS PO/MT/SO = 12 × 50 = Rs. 600 1. 965. (1) 14. 1350 13. x 1.25 = × 100 250000 965. 6 SHORT ANSWERS 2628 NATIONALISED BANKS x= = Rs.5 = Rs.75 × x = 165 1. 15. 240 LEARN MATHS FROM S. (4) 2.1. (2) Tricky Approach 877. 65 8. (4) 120  450 x= = Rs. (2) 8. (1) 18. (4) 1350 125 17. (1) Let the CP of the article be Rs. 600 7. (12000 + 10000) = Rs. 1623 11. (4) Total weight of the mixture Expected SP of 18kg of remaining wheat = 40 + 25 = 65 kg = 1687. (2) 3246 x = = Rs. (2) 6. (5) 5.  12000 108 10000  88  According to the question. (1) 4.K. (1) 10.1112  2x = 1516 + 1112 = 2628 = Rs. 60 18 Total selling price of wheat 7. (3) 16.85 = Rs. (4) Cost price of 30 kg of wheat 9.x = x . (1) 12.10) 1087. 14. 1087. (22000 . (1) 6.  2. (4) CP = 100  Profit per cent × S. = = 9120 100 6300 9120  105 x= 0.20x 14. of 40 kg of mixture = Rs. 3200 7 19  250 14  Required S. = = Rs 49680 100 SBI PO EXAMS 110 Second SP = 49680 × = Rs 54648 1. 662. 9576 100 x = Rs. of 40 kg of mixture 3 = Rs (40 × 40.26 (x . (1) Gain per cent 10.P.5000) = 1. (18 + 96) = Rs. 4200 Loss = 5600 .33 114  125  19.06 Second S. (x .P 100 5220 100 = 5220 × 100  42  = = Rs.6) = Rs. 4000 = Rs (800 + 540) = Rs 1340 S.  250    75   114  = Rs. 114 17. 40480 = 105000 100 Rakesh’s equivalent capital LEARN MATHS FROM S.K. = 5600 × 4 Profit = Rs (1608 . (3) CP. (5) First S. (62000 .4200 268 Profit % = × 100 = 20% = Rs.06 x = 1.26 (x .P 100  loss% 18. = = Rs.   2400  = Rs. (2) Shivkumar’s equivalent capital = (25000 × 3) + (10000 × 2) + (10000 × 1) 46000  88 16. (1) First S. 4083. of article 12.60450) = Rs.P.P. (5) Profit on one calculator  100   14  = Rs. (4) CP. (5) S. of wristwatch  Total profit = = Rs. of wristwatch  30  20  100 =  30  20   % = 4%  100  = × S. = 100 = Rs 12780 54000  92 13. 7 9.     100 100   Loss = Rs.P. 1400 1340  Loss percentage 20. 1480 125 9000 142  Required S.54000 = Rs 648 Also the income in 1996 = 1.   3200   100  = Rs [(25 × 32) + (15 × 36)] = Rs.20x  Profit = 54648 .4 = Rs. 105000  Loss = Rs.P. (46000 . 9000 100 58 = × 1850 = Rs. RAJU (9811549822. (3) Last selling price Investment in 1996 = Rs. (4) First S.P. (1) Loss per cent 2 Loss  Common gain or less  = Cost price × 100 =  %  10  2 1400  12  36 11 = ×100 = 25% =   % = %= 1 % 5600 10   25 25 100 21. = = Rs. 45337.5000) 75 130 Profit in 1996 = (20 + 6)% = 26% = 62000 × × = Rs.P. 9811649822) . 60450 Income in 1996 with 26% profit 100 100 = 1.P.5000)  Loss = Rs.20x 9600  95 0. (9600 . (3) Let the investment in 1995 be Rs. x 100  Income in 1995 with 20% profit = 1. 1550  1. 24 2. (5) Required amount of commission 40480 112 Second S.P.9576) = Rs.45337. (2) CP.6  10  45  4 80  20  6  100 = Rs.1340) = Rs 268 = Rs.26 × 5000 15.2) = Rs 1608 11. = = Rs.  2x = 878 + 636 = 1514  If Rs.K. 117 Suresh’s equivalent capital  Actual gain per cent = 17 = 35000 × 1 = 35000 Total profit of Rs. (12325 . 92 is the S.P. 25000  Proflt received by each clerk 3 19. 4. 75 3  =   1000  kg = 600 kg 6. the Marked Price 878 .500  15000  % Profit = 15000 × 100 3 = × 25000 = Rs. 23. Cost Price  12  7.500 = Rs. 9.. (5) Let the cost price of the article be Rs. (3) Let the business value changes from Rs. of the article = 100 LEARN MATHS FROM S.6  29644.000 P= = Rs. 19. 100. 15.636 is Rs. (4) let the CP. (2) 29644.145 × 10) = Rs. Profit on first part Profit on second part x. of the article be Rs. 1.88)3 100 29644. (5)  If Rs.P. (1) Profit = Selling price of 4 notebooks cost 21 7 price = selling price of(12 . 2 4 = 14 % 7  % proflt = × 100 = 50 8 3.032 = 17940 × = Rs. 19.032 = P  1   100  100  =17940 × 100  19. 365. (2) 4.88  0. (2) Cost price of 145m long cloth Ratio of first and second parts = Rs.6 0. 43500 119. (1125000 + 1200000) = Rs. 8. = Rs. 17. 8 = 35000 × 2 = 70000 = Rs. 747 2 5. (5) Let the cost price of the trouser be Rs. According to the question. 15000 5 4500 = × 100 = 30%  Total earned profit 15000 = Rs. RAJU (9811549822.88 If there is no discount.  5  According to the question.631  2x = 863 + 631 = 1494 1494 x= = Rs.500 2 92 3 Now. = Rs. the Marked Price 1514 100 x= = Rs.130  = 100 100 130  90  S. y. (45 × 25000 + 80 × 15000) 5. 4x 5 y  Marked price = Rs.P. 10875 = 4 :6 = 2 :3  Quantity of 2nd part 10875  CP of 1 metre long cloth = 145 = Rs.940 is the S.P. 9811649822) .x = x . 150000 will be distributed INSURANCE EXAMS in the ratio of theii equivalent capitate. (1) Percentage gain = ×150000 = Rs.8) = 4 notebooks.25 lakh x to Rs. x. (4) Required answer Shivkumar : Rakesh : Suresh = 105 : 70 : 35 = 3 : 2 : 1 95 = × 385 = Rs. 757 = × 17940 =Rs.x = x .032 = P × (0. 50000  24  21 100 3 2 1 = × 100 = % 3.  4% of x = 5% of y 100.. (4) Profit received by each officer S.75 Rakesh’s share in the total profit 100 2 2. 863 .88  0. of 900 eggs = × 900 = Rs. 280 9. C.6 n = × 700 = Rs. 800 CP of 1 table = Rs. 500 12 = Rs.K. of 1600 eggs = = Rs.  5  5 2628 x  x = = Rs. x.  5  5 y = 20000 . 1000 LEARN MATHS FROM S.P. (4)  C. 500 then 5 400  350 7.225n 400 230 10.2000 Change in business = 10000  4  x  x + y = 5000 (ii) =  x  x = Equation (ii) × 4 .100) 20 13. x. (2) Gain percent 15  12  25x . of remaining 700 eggs 800 2 1m 0. 1314 2 5 100  x  100 = 25 14. 8000 6. x 12. (1) Let the cost price of the artice be Rs. 230  1m = × 150n = 0. of 1 fan = Rs. (1) Let C. then. 3 × (10 × 50 + 5 × 5) = Rs. = 18 + 2 = Rs. y = Rs. of 12 eggs = Rs.P. 1. (3) If the C.   100  According to the question. 2  Loss percent = × 100 = 10% CP = Rs. 1575 8.P.  5  1516 . (2) Profit percent 1 S.P. (2) If the S. of article =  20  15   % = 2%  100  100 100 100 = 1265 × × × 11.500 = Rs.P.x = x . 9 4  4x + 3y = 16500 (i) y= x 2x + 2y + 2 × 1000 = 12000 5  2x + 2y = 12000 .P. 20 100 5 Case II. of table be Rs. 2500 x= = Rs.P. = 450 + 280 = Rs. (x .P.16500 = 3500  Percentage slump in business  x = 5000 . 450 2 64 =  100 = 8% S. 3.2500 = 20x = 12 × 100 = 25% = 5x = 2500 15.(i).75 50  10  C. 18  First SP = = Rs. RAJU (9811549822. 50  50 × 100 = 5x 100  x = Rs. (1) = 5 150 400 Total S. 1000 Commission on 1 pen 16. 120 x 6x S. 9811649822) .75 1600  Required amount of commissior = = Rs.P.  6x  SP = Rs. 5 100 3. (2) C. of 18 chocolates = Rs.3500 = 1500 x 1  3x + y = 3 × 1500 + 3500 = × × 100 = 20% 5 x = Rs. (2) Let the CP of the watch be Rs. (1) Commission on 1 calculator ×100 = 5 x 250  20 = = Rs.P.P. x 110 115 125 CP of 1 blower = Rs.6 Gain = 730 . 730 0. (1) Gain percent Gain per cent = × 100 = 46% 500  20 15  17.1112  6x  x  2x = 1516 + 1112 = 2628 Profit =   x  = Rs. of 1 chocolate be Re. lager per bottle costing 2. marbles at the rate of how many marbles (1) Rs 179. A horse and a carriage together cost Rs 1 8000. The sale price of an article including the the piece would have been 4 m longer and sales tax is Rs 616. the profit triples. He (1) neither loss no gain tells the shopkeeper to reduce the price of (2) 1% gain the radio to such an extent that he has to LEARN MATHS FROM S. A piece of cloth costs Rs 35. the cost would 10% .50 more. he would the cost price of the horse ? gained 25% . then what is he had sold it at Rs 22.76 (2) Rs 170 for a rupee ? (3) Rs 168 (4) Rs 169 (1) 8 (2) 6 (5) None of these (3) 4 (4) 3 8. 9811649822) . he should sell the radio. Later it  was sold 1 for a profit of 25% . 10 MODEL EXERCISES 1. for his share of the drink selling price remains Constant. What is the capital gains enables a purchaser to obtain 2 kg more 2 tax if it is 50% ofthe profit? for Rs 160.K. A house costs C rupees. Find the original price per kg of C C sugar. The gain or loss per cent in the whole 7. the profit per cent 6. which they mixed together and shared mately what percentage of the selling price equally. A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar 5. then is the profit ? what is the cost of the lager ? (1) 30% (2) 70% (1) Rs 50 (2) Rs 75 (3) 100% (4) 250% (3) Rs 30 (4) Rs 46 (5) None of these (5) Noncof these 3. Vishal goes to a shop to buy a radio costing transaction is Rs 2568.5% is made. If the shopkeeper has made a profit have remained unchanged. A bought 4 bottles of beer and B bought (5) None of these one bottle of lager. If C’s Rs 50 covered his share. The rate of sales tax is each metre costs Rs 1 less. If the length of 10. 3 gaining 10% on one and losing 10% on the (5) None of these other. the profit is 320% of the twice that of the beer. C bought nothing cost. If the cost of 12 pencils is equal to the (5) None of these selling price of 10 pencils. 2 (1) 16 % (2) 18% 2 3 (1) 66 % (2) 100% 3 (3) 20% (4) 25% (5) None of these 1 (3) 105 % (4) 120% 13. inclusive of sales tax. Two motor cars were sold for Rs 9900 each. Find shopkeeper loses 20% . Ravi sells an article at a gain of 12 % . If selling price is doubled. The rate of sales tax is 7% . If the cost increase by 25% but the but paid Rs 50. RAJU (9811549822. If by selling the horse at a profit of 9. In a certain store. approxi. In order to gain 20% the reduction needed in the price of the in the transaction. By selling 12 marbles for a rupee. How long is the of 12% . then the cost price of the article is piece ? (1) Rs 500 (2) Rs 515 (1) 14 m (2) 10 m (3) Rs 550 (4) Rs 600 (3) 12 m (4) 9 m (5) None of these (5) None of these 11. The cost price of the article is (1) Rs 3000 (2) Rs 3500 (1) Rs 162 (2) Rs 140 (3) Rs 4000 (4) Rs 5000 (3) Rs 196 (4) Rs 180 (5) None of these (5) None of these 4. (1) (2) (1) Rs 12 (2) Rs 15 24 8 (3) Rs 16 (4) Rs 18 C C (5) None of these (3) (4) 4 2 12. a pay Rs 2568. in the transactions is Find the profit per cent. if 10% and the carriage at a loss of 10% a 2 total profit of 2. he would have gained 10% . In this manner.0166 (4) 0. If he 60 each. The actual price of the was Rs150. How average 8% of the sales and women’s shirts much did she gain or loss in the entire comprise 60% of the output. then the value of x is (1) 25 (2) 18 15 25.59 LEARN MATHS FROM S. thereby making 37. (5) None of these The proportion of water to milk received by 24. If he sells the able to sell all the 3500 cassettes that were pen at 5% gain and the book at 10% gain. If the profit is (5) None of these 25% . If the selling price of a product is increased the customers is by 162. By selling 33 m of cloth. If the market price of a cassette the he gains Rs 13. Karim gains Rs 7.55 (2) 11.0669 (3) Rs 667 profit (5) None of these (4) Rs 658 profit 23. then what is his gain or loss book is per cent for the March issue of video (1) Rs 100 (2) Rs 80 magazine ? (3) Rs 10 (4) Rs 400 (1) 25% loss (2) 10% gain (5) None of these (3) 40% gain (4) 6. Its profit in men’s shirts profit and on the others she lost 20% . His gain per cent at a cost of Rs 350000. a shopkeeper gains copies of the March issue of the magazine the price of 11 m of cloth.4 per litre of milk.0466 (2) 0.67 money and invests in Rs 100 stock at Rs (3) 16. How (5) 16. A video magazine distributor made 3500 14. Its average profit for Rs 8000 each. produced.8% loss 16. RAJU (9811549822. The number (1) Rs 200 (2) Rs 150 of units he should produce and sell in order (3) Rs 250 (4) Rs 240 to make a profit of at least 1000 per week (5) None of these is — 18. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as (3) Rs 360 (4) Rs 600 the selling price of x articles. On one she made 20% is 6% of the sales. A person had deposited Rs 13200 in a bank Then.5% profit. then the business would make a (1) 1 : 15 (2) 1 : 10 proflt of 17% instead of a loss of 19% .0666 (2) Rs 667 loss (3) 0. she sold them men’s and women’s shirts. 9811649822) .67 (4) None of these 110 which pays a dividend of 15% . He withdraws the (1) 15. Sita buys a fridge at of its original value (3) 16 (4) 15 16 (5) None of these and sells it for 10% more than its value. 20. gain per cent is which pays 14% interest. My friend collects antique stamps. He gave 500 is : cassettes free to some key video libraries. 11 much does he gain or loss ? 100 (3) % profit (1) Loss Rs 48 (2) Gain Rs 48 99 (3) Loss Rs 132 (4) Gain Rs 132 (4) 1% loss (5) None of these (5) None of these 21. A dairyman pays Rs 6. he was 15% gain. (1) 250 (2) 300 He adds water and sells the mixture at Rs (3) 400 (4) 200 8 per litre. A man sells an article at 5% profit. If costs him Rs 40 in materials had bought it at 5% less and sold it for Rs and labour to produce each item and he 1 less. On selling a pen at 5% loss and a book at bought at a time. A firm of ready made garments makes both to raise money urgently So.K. A manufacturer of a certain item can sell (5) None of these all he can produce at the selling price of Rs 17. She (5) None of these purchased two. but found that she needed 22. What (3) 1 : 20 (4) 1 : 20 is the cost price of the product ? (5) None of these (1) Rs 540 (2) Rs 450 19. The average transaction ? proflt per sales rupee in women’s shirts is : (1) No loss/profit (1) 0. (1) 7% (2) 50% He also allowed a 25% discount on the (3) 20% (4) 22% market price of the cassette and gave one (5) None of these extra cassette free with every 29 cassettes 15. The cost has overhead expenses of Rs 3000 per week price of the article is in order to operate that plant. (1) According to the question.2x = 1000 Then. (1) 18. RAJU (9811549822.9 (8000 . (4) 10. 12 Total money spent on beer and larger should sell = 8 marbles = (4x + 2x) 1. (2) 7. (2) 7.5 Total amount spent by them = Rs 150 It means in order to gain 20% .1 Given.x) = × 22. 25. (2) 16.1 = 616  x = Rs 5000 4. (2) According to the question. profit = Rs 320 and SP = Rs 420 6 New CP = Rs 125  The cost of the larger = 25 × 2 = 50  New profit = Rs 295 9. then profit = 3(y .8 = (2568 . (1) 4 8 11.2400) = Rs 168 Now. 100 SP of 12 marbles = Rs 1. 12 SHORT ANSWERS Cost price of house = Rs C 1.232 35 11.50 more than CP SP of carriage = 0.5 = Rs 180 = 8000 × 1. (4) 24. (1) According to the question. he of one lager will be 2x.1x If SP Rs 22.12 × 1. (3) According to question purchasing Then. SP of 12 marbles at a gain of 20% 8. (4) 4. SP at a gain of 25% = Rs 125 then CP of carriage would be Rs (8000 -x) If SP is Rs 12. now a person  35  5  (x + 4)  x  1 = 35 gets kg for Rs 32 and this is the present   2  x = 10 m [from Eq. x × 1.2 = Rs 1. then the cost sell 12 marbles for Rs.2 = 1.x) 19.23% 420 = 100 × 1. (1) Let the CP of the article be Rs x  0. (4) Let the CP of horse be Rs x.9 (8000 . (2) If SP = 2y.x) 15. Required percentage 1 295 SP atagain of 12 % 2 = × 100 = 70. (1)  Profit is 100% 23. 5 Or for Rs 1.5 2. he should Let the cost of one beer be x. (3) 12. (5) Let the original cost price be Rs 100.x) 17. (2) 6. (3) 8.x = 3(y . (4) Let the CP of the article be Rs 100.025 = 8200 12. (3) 20. (i)] price of that commodity.1x × 0.x) 100  1. loss = 20% 256800 CP of 12 marbles x=  x = 2400 107 1 = Rs = Rs 1.25  Reduction needed in the price of radio 0. profit = (y . (2) Profit = 25% of C = 4 5. (2) Let the length of the piece be x m 616 Cost of price = Rs 35 x= = Rs 500 1. (2) Given 2y . price per metre = Rs capacity = Rs 160 x A reduction of 20% means.9x = 8200 10.50 3.5 1. (1) 2. 9811649822) .25 × 1. (2) Then. CP × 1. (4) 14.5 more than CP = 100 SP of horse = 1. (2) Let CP be x and SP be y. 5. (3) 6.12 × 1. (2) C 3. (1) C C Capital gain tax = 5% of = Rs 9.0.125 = Rs 112. (3) Let reduced price of the radio be Rs x.1x + 7200 . (4)  x + 7% of x = 2568 EXPLANATIONS 7x x+ = 2568 1.K. (4) 22. 150  6x = 150  x = = 25 Then. LEARN MATHS FROM S. (1)  y = 2x 21. 13. SP = x × 1. 8x 14.= = Rs New SP = Rs 104.1y = 13  x = 16 Solving Eqs.8 x = CP of 33m + gain SP of 33 m = CP of 33 m + SP of 11 m x 80 10  y= =  SP of 22 m = CP of 33 m = 1 (say) 8 1 1 1  y : x = 1 : 10  SP of l m = CP of l m 19.66 + 10000 = 16666. 13 y = Rs 80 32  Present price per kg = ×2 16.8  x = Rs 16 CP of stamp sold at a loss cf 20% 12.5 10 12 120 60 If he sells it for Rs 0. and also gain % and loss % is same there Then.1600 = Rs 666.4x = x and 1.4 x × 1. 12 3  x × 0.K. (1) Let the CP of the article be Rs 100. (3) According to question. we get LEARN MATHS FROM S. (i) and (ii). is always a loss and such loss % CP = 6. where SP is same and quantity of water added be y.05x + 1.5 12 18. 9811649822) . ratio of water to milk be y : x.15y = (x + y) + 7 x 4  0. RAJU (9811549822.66 . 10 Then.4x 2 2 SP = 8 (x + y)  (Common gain or loss %   10  Profit per cent = 37. SP = Rs 105 1 1 2 1 Now CP = Rs 95  Profìt = .5%   =    10   10   8 (x + y) = 6.5 less than CP Profit per cent = = Rs 100 1 If he sells it for Rs 1 less than CP 100 60  100 1 100 1 = × 12 × 100 = 20% = × 1 = Rs 200 60 0.66 1 and SP of 1 pencil = Rs 17.05x + 0. (2) SP of 33 m of cloth  8y = 0. = 11 1 22 33 22  33  CP = of 1 articles = 20 . 11 1 22  33  100 SP of 1 articles = x  Gain per cent = 1 33 1 1  x 20 25 11 Profit per cent = 1 = 100 =  33  100 = 50% 22  33 20 15. then new price 80000 20000 = = = 6666. (4) According to question. (5) According to the question.8 Let the originai price be Rs x.66 is arrived after reduction 20% of it.05 x = 7  80 .8 = 12. 5 CP of stamp sold at a profit of 20% = Rs 12. CP of 1 pencil = Rs 12 Total SP = 2 × 8000 = Rs16000 Loss = 16666.1y = (x + y) + 13  5x = 80  0.0. 20  x 1  =  0. (2) Let the quantity of milk purchase be x 13.8 1 Total SP 6666.66 Then. 22 33 CP of 20 articles = SP of x articles = 1 1 1 Gain = . (3) Let CP of 12 pencils = SP of 10 pencils 8000 = Rs 1 = = 10000 0.15 y . (2) Let the CP of the pen and book be Rs x and Rs y respectively.95x + 1.375 = 1% loss 8x + 8y = 8.  Average profit from men’s shirts = 8% of 40 = 3. (1) According to the question.50 16 SP of each set of 30 cassettes = (29 +1) 110 = Rs 29 × 112.. (5) According to the question. = 17.  Men’s shirts comprise 40% of the output.2 out of 40 Overall average profit = 6 out of 100 Average profit from women’s shirts = 2.50 Selling price = × x 100  SP of 3500 cassettes including 500 free cassettes = Rs 326250 110 15  Overall loss on Rs 350000 is Rs 23750 x x 100 16  100 23750  Gain per cent = 15  Loss percent = × 100 = 6.e. (4) Let the original value of fridge be Rs = x. CP of 3500 cassettes = Rs 350000 The SP of one cassette after discount is Rs 15 Then.50 = Rs 3262. output. (4) Required number of items Interest earned on Rs 13200 @ 14% = Rs 1848 3000  1000  4000 = = = 200  Number of shares purchased  60  40  20 13200 24. 14 20. i. Cost price = x 112. = = 120 (17 + 19) = 36% of the cost price = Rs 162 110 100% of the cost price Dividend earned by him on 120 shares Rs 15 per share = Rs 1800 162 = ×100 = Rs 450  Net loss = Rs 48 36 21. 0. the answer is none of these.8 out of 60.K. (2) According to question. RAJU (9811549822. 9811649822) . (1) According to the question.0466 out of each shirt LEARN MATHS FROM S.78% 350000 16 22.33% Women’s shirts comprise 60% of the Hence. 23. 25.
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