Production Drawing

April 2, 2018 | Author: Manoj Kb | Category: Engineering Tolerance, Industries, Technology, Science, Engineering



Production drawing• Format of drawing sheet Production drawings[1][2][3] (sometimes called working drawings) are complete sets of drawings that detail the manufacturing and assembly of products. They are widely used as orthographic views of machine parts and their assembly. Production drawings are 'drawn (graphic) information prepared by the design team for use by the construction or production team, the main purpose of which is to define the size, shape, location and production of the building or component'. For instance, if the engineering drawings call for a screw to be fastened to a specific torque, the production drawings would typically describe the tool used to fasten the screw and how it should be calibrated. The drawings may also outline the most convenient order in which to assemble components.[4] • Process sheet • Projection method • Limits, fits, and tolerances of size, form, and position • Production method • Indication of surface roughness and other heat treatments • Material specification and Shape such as Castings, Forgings, Plates, Rounds, etc. Material and component specifics are commonly provided in the title block of a production drawing. The subassembly (or main assembly of a component) and where the component will be assembled are usually shown. Production drawings mention the number of parts that are required for making the assembled unit. • Conventions used to represent certain machine components • Inspection and Testing Methods • Specification of Standard Components Engineering drawings are taken by production engineers who decide how best to manufacture the products. Machine operators, production line workers and supervisors 3 Basic principles of dimensioning all use production drawings. Design engineers also use in production drawings orthographic or pictorial views called “working cases” to record their ideas. These sketches are used for both the component and assembly drawings. The basic principles of dimensioning in production drawings include the following: 1 Drawing set • The drawing module should dimension each feature only once. The three main sets of production drawings include the following: • The drawing should show no more dimensions than necessary. • Detail of each non-standard part on a drawing sheet, usually one part per sheet • Place dimensions outside the drawing view as far as possible. • Assembly drawing showing all parts on one sheet • Represent dimensions by visible outlines rather than by hidden lines. • A Bill of materials (BOM), essentially of each part 2 • Avoid dimensioning the center line, except when it passes through the center hole. Elements of production drawings • Avoid intersecting projection or dimension lines. The basic elements of production drawings include:[5] • If the space for dimensioning is insufficient, you may reverse arrow heads and replace adjacent arrow heads with dots. • Size and shape of component 1 ing operations. This deviation of dimen• Coordinate dimensioning: The location of each hole sions from the basic value is known as Tolerance. Size Max. Depending upon the actual limits of the hole or shaft sizes. Size Mechanical Tolerance Definitions • Running dimensioning: This type of dimensioning is similar to parallel dimensioning. depending on which is closer to the basic size. the only differ.Due to human errors.2. specified by the designer. Deviation: The algebraic difference between a size and its corresponding basic size. Size Lower Deviation Min. it is nearly ence is that the dimensions are superimposed in one impossible to manufacture an absolute dimension as line.1 [7] Production drawing in limits. There are two types of deviations: 1) Upper deviation 2) Lower deviation The fundamental deviation is either the upper or lower Any engineering drawing requires specifications in terms deviation. Auxiliary dimensions do not govern manufacturing or inspection of parts. machine settings.[6] and its size is given by specifying X and Y coordiThe figure shows mechanical tolerances which occur durnates from the defined origin and tabulating them.1 Tolerances • Functional dimensions • Non-functional dimensions • Auxiliary dimensions Upper Deviation Max.2. They are arranged in the following ways: • Chain dimensioning: This method can be used only where the accumulation of tolerances does not affect the functional requirements.[6] Dimensions are classified as the following: 4. a number of single dimension lines are drawn parallel to one another. 4. 2. Size Fundamental Deviation International Tolerance Grade Non-functional dimensions are required for manufacturing. . Tolerance: Deviation from a basic value is defined as Tolerance. the origin point should be marked. of dimensions..2 4 DIMENSIONING TECHNIQUE 4. • Parallel dimensioning: In this type of dimensioning. fits and 4. Dimensioning technique 4 Dimensioning technique 3. Limits: Two extreme permissible sizes between which the actual size is contained are defined as limits.2 Fits tolerance The relation between two mating parts is called fit. It can be obtained by taking the difference between the maximum and minimum permissible limits. etc. In this case. Deviation in dimensions from the basic value always arises. spaced so as to accommodate the dimensional values.2 Limit system There are three terms used in the limit system: 1. Basic Size Lower Deviation Upper Deviation International Tolerance Grade Fundamental Deviation Min. The process sheet should consist of the following: . the lower deviation of the hole is zero. In this system.1 Process sheets The production drawing of a component is usually accompanied by a sheet known as a process sheet.4 Production drawing and process sheets y y y negative Rsk x probability density bearing area positive Rsk x probability density bearing area roughness trace amplitude distribution percentage material ratio Surface roughness skew2 4.. Hole basis system: The size of the shaft is obtained by subtracting the allowance from the basic size of the hole.. Surface roughness is defined by the following terms: itive clearance between the hole and shaft. The geometrical characteristics of the surface. two systems are in use: 1. Hole Basis and shaft basis system: In identifying limit dimensions for the three classes of fit.3 Production drawing in surface roughProduction drawing roughness skew is shown in the acness companying figure. are as follows: • Macro-deviations 4.[8] 3 • Surface waviness • Micro irregularities Clearance fit Clearance fit is defined as a clearance be.4.Surface roughness can be evaluated with the height and tween mating parts. etc.. in relation to roughness.+hn}/n. In clearance fit.mean roughness index of micro-irregularities. Interference fit Interference fit is obtained if the difference between the hole and shaft sizes is negative before assembly. The two extreme cases of interference are as follows: • Actual profile • Reference profile • Datum profile • Main profile • Mean roughness index • Surface roughness number.surface from the projections over the sampling length. which indicates the sequence of operations recommended for manufacturing.4. depending upon the actual values of the tolerance of individual parts. Shaft basis system: The upper deviation of the shaft is zero. Tolerances are then applied to each part separately. The letter symbol indication for this is 'H'. there is always a pos. ence (negative) between the maximum size of the hole which is expressed in micrometers. etc. The properties and performance of machine components are affected by the degree of roughness of various surfaces. • Surface gauge • Straight edge • Profilograph • Profilometer • Optical flat. The letter symbol indication is 'h'. the greater the fatigue strength and corrosion resistance will be. transition fit and interference fit. 4. Transition fit Transition fit may result in either an interference or clearance. It should list the machinery. the higher the smoothness of the surface. It is given by and the minimum size of the shaft in an interference fit R(a)={h1+h2+h3+. Surface roughness number: The surface roughness number [R(a)] represents the average departure of the Minimum interference The magnitude of the differ.. Surface roughness can be measured using some of the following terms: before assembly. Interference fit generally ranges from minimum to maximum interference.[9] Friction between mating parts is also reduced by a smoother surface finish.4 Production drawing and process sheets fits may be classified as clearance fit. Maximum interference The magnitude of the difference between the minimum size of the hole and the maximum size of the shaft in an interference or a transition fit before assembly. and the size of the hole is obtained by adding the allowance to the basic size of the shaft. tooling and skills for each act or event. 2. [5] Narayana. containing the identification of the drawing. Rice Institute. notes. 8 External links • Design Handbook: Engineering Drawing and Sketching. New Age International. ISBN 81-317-0677-X. ISBN 81-224-0953-9 [8] Machine Drawing..2 • An overall view of the various operations that are to be performed for a job. 6 See also • Technical drawing • Engineering drawing 7 References [1] K. [2] Bhatt. Machine Drawing with AutoCAD. New Age International Publishers.414 • X:Y=1. [3] Reddy. etc. The direction of viewing of the title block should correspond in general with that of the drawing. the thickness of borders and frames etc.1 For the reference size (A4).L.1. Uses of process sheets Process sheets provide: 5 EXTERNAL LINKS Sheet size The basic principles to be followed in the sizes of drawing sheets are: • X:Y=1:1. Charotar Publishing House.1 Drawing sheets In production drawing standard size sheets are generally used to save paper and facilitate convenient storage of drawings.1.D. Narayana. Nirali Prakashan. should lie within the drawing space at the bottom right hand corner. where X and Y are the sheet width and length. etc. Production Drawing. • Information for methods study personnel. Narayana.4. John (1932).4 8 • Description of the job • Component number • Size and weight • Cycle time • Drawing number • Sequence number. Farazdak Haideri. by MIT OpenCourseWare • Manufacturing and Mechanical Drawing . In specifications of sheets their size. Production Drawing. X=210mm and Y=297mm. standard costs. The correct size of sheet and size of object can be visualized from the understanding of not the views of it but also from the various types of lines used. 4.L. to optimize the production process. New Age International Publishers. 5. K. K. 5. Machine Drawing. New Age International. Principles of production drawings Production drawings are to be prepared on standard size drawing sheets. • Assistance with layout of the plant during the product design. 5. [4] Miller.2 Title block The title block. • Assistance in cost estimation. Machine Drawing. must be considered. Venkata (2009). ISBN 81-224-0953-9. dimensions. ISBN 978-93-8072-527-7 [7] Production Drawing. P. [6] Machine Drawing & Computer Graphics. ISBN 81-224-0953-9. These drawings must be prepared to provide the correct information about the drawings to all the people concerned. ISBN 978-81-224-1917-7 [9] Pohit. production control and evaluation for productivity. Goutam (2002). scales. ISBN 978-81-85594-95-8. with a surface area of 1 sq meter. Pearson Education. the size of the title block and its position. In India standards are set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The block can have a maximum length of 170 mm. Kannaiah. N. Production Drawings. ISBN 978-81-224-2288-7. TheyCallMeHeartbreaker. and licenses 9. Cloe0613. AvicBot.svg Source: https://upload. Bhushanmohite92.wikimedia.1 Text • Production drawing Source: https://en.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sven Gleich • File:Mechanical_Tolerance_Definitions. ChrisGualtieri. TexasAndroid.svg Source: https://upload.2 Images • File:Acap. FrescoBot. DexDor. Andy Dingley. Cymru. Gaelan. AndyH.svg Original artist: Dsmurat (talk · contribs) • File:DIN_69893_hsk_63a_drawing. Wallace McDonald.0 . CDeCnodder. Masssly. Jocelyndurrey. Avinash7315.wikimedia. Materialscientist.svg License: GFDL Contributors: Own work Original artist: Emok 9. Gaikwadss. based off of Image:Ambox scales.2015. ClueBot NG. Blessingseveryday. Contributors: drawing. Superpsychotic21. Gilliam.svg Source: https://upload. DPL bot. Icairns. Definitions.mech. D.wikimedia.wikimedia. BattyBot.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Inductiveload • File:Surface_roughness_skew2.png Source: https://upload.png License: CC BY-SA 2. Rich Farmbrough. Lfstevens. Magioladitis. Edward Versaii. Katharineamy. Écrivain. TheEditor867. Denisarona.5 9 Text and image sources. Primergrey.wikimedia. Helpful Pixie Bot.3 Content license • Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3. Rathodgs. Robert4565. Jackiejwallace. Yobot.Lazard. Kolbasz.svg Source: https://upload. Fisheriesmgmt. Snotbot.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: F l a n k e r • File:Ambox_important.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work. contributors.wikipedia. Andrea guerrerov and Anonymous: 8 9. Thennicke. CommonsDelinker. 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