


Epicor ERPConfigurator Course 10.0.700.2 Disclaimer This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice. The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or product compatibility may require the application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs and Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs released by third parties after the date of publication of this document. Epicor® is a registered trademark and/or trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation. ED826905 90521-10-9275-58310702 10.0.700.2 Revision: July 25, 2014 1:57 a.m. Total pages: 70 course.ditaval Configurator Course Contents Contents Configurator Course...............................................................................................................5 Before You Begin....................................................................................................................6 Audience.........................................................................................................................................................6 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................6 Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................7 Overview.................................................................................................................................8 Daily Processing....................................................................................................................10 Define a Product............................................................................................................................................10 Workshop - Create a Part Record............................................................................................................10 Workshop - Create Material Records.......................................................................................................11 Workshop - Define a Method of Manufacture........................................................................................12 Create a Part Revision......................................................................................................................12 Check Out the Revision...................................................................................................................12 Create a Method.............................................................................................................................12 Enter a Configurator Record..........................................................................................................................15 Workshop - Enter a Configurator Record................................................................................................15 Create Input Controls....................................................................................................................................16 Workshop - Create Input Controls..........................................................................................................16 Create a Design Page......................................................................................................................16 Create Inputs...................................................................................................................................17 Test the Inputs.................................................................................................................................19 Dynamic List..................................................................................................................................................20 Working with the Code Editor................................................................................................................20 Workshop - Create a Dynamic List and Input Settings.............................................................................22 Create a Dynamic List for the Frame Size.........................................................................................22 Create a Dynamic List for the Glass Type..........................................................................................23 Create a Read Only Expression.........................................................................................................25 Create an On Changed Field Action.................................................................................................26 Workshop - Link the Configurator..........................................................................................................27 Method Rules................................................................................................................................................28 Boolean Logic.........................................................................................................................................28 Workshop - Enter Keep When Method Rules..........................................................................................29 Test the Method Rules.....................................................................................................................31 Calculation Method Rules.......................................................................................................................32 Workshop - Use Calculation Method Rules for Frame Types.............................................................32 Create a Method Variable........................................................................................................32 Enter Rule Actions....................................................................................................................33 Workshop - Use Calculation Method Rules for Glass Types..............................................................35 Create a Method Variable........................................................................................................35 Enter Rule Actions....................................................................................................................36 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2 3 .............................................................................................................................44 Create a Calculation Method Rule for the Cardboard................................................50 Workshop ....................................................................Create a Subassembly...................................................................................................................2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Export Configuration........................45 Create a Calculation Method Rule for the Fabric.........Add a Document Rule...................................................................................................................................................................54 Workshop ...........50 Workshop ...............48 Workshop ..............................46 Document Rules...........43 Add the Subassembly as Material.............................................52 Specialized Processing................................................69 4 Epicor ERP | 10.......55 Test the Part Creation............................48 Test the Models................................................................................................................................................................Create Unit Prices Based on Selected Inputs..........................................................................................................................................................41 Enter a Subassembly.........................................................................................................................Set Up Run Times for the Slit Operation......................62 Import/Export Configuration..................................Use the Smart Strings and Part Creation Capabilities.............................................40 Workshop .................................................................................................................66 Workshop ..........................................................56 Workshop .......0............................................................................................................................................................65 Workshop ........42 Create Subassembly Materials................65 Export Configuration...............Set Up Run Times for the Saw Operation.......................................................Contents Configurator Course Workshop ....................................................................................................58 Test the Unit Based Pricing....................................................42 Define a Method of Manufacture............................................51 Workshop ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Workshop ...........................................................Enter a Quote............................................66 Link the Configurator.700............................37 Workshop ....................Use Calculation Method Rules for the Mat Fabric Material..................................................................................67 Conclusion....................................Import Configuration................................................................................Enter a Job.............65 Import Configuration...................................................................................................Enter a Sales Order.............................................................67 Import Configuration.................................................... format the fields to accept only desired data.700.Configurator Course Configurator Course Configurator Course This course introduces you to the general Configuration process and the use of functionalities used to create configurations. and test the input form prior to assigning rules. Quote Management. Using rules to select items or operations to include in a quote or job. purchase orders. 5. 4. Testing the inputs and rules to determine proper functioning. including Order Management. 3. Epicor ERP | 10. 2. which can have different selectable values. jobs or demand orders. This includes the following: 1. • Define pricing for the entered inputs. • Create a Document rule. and Job Management. It also focuses on how to set up the universal method and rules base. a configurable product has several characteristics. For example. You can choose the characteristic values you want and so determine a specific attribute for the configurable product. sales order. Typically. • Utilize additional features such as smart elements and quote pricing based on selected inputs. and execute these rules to achieve unique product designs. job or demand order. Adding fields to a user input form. This enables users to design configure-to-order items while creating a quote. Creating a quote for a configured assembly. when you choose a configurable product in a sales order.0. the possible characteristics selections for the product automatically display at item level. These enable users to design configure-to-order items based on customer input or selections. The Configuration process facilitates ordering items with complex requirements and a variety of options. • Explain module features and their usage for definition of unique product configurations. you will be able to: • Define a rules-based system by creating a rules base and input rules. Upon successful completion of this course. Using formulas to calculate material quantity and operation run times. • Create a configured subassembly using the same inputs as the parent assembly. and enables on-the-fly configuration of highly customizable and dimensional products when creating quotes. This course provides a foundation for using the Configuration process related programs to create a rules base and input rules. • Configure import and export functionality. • Manage the Configurator Designer interface and its use with other modules. sales orders. Defining the various rule types.2 5 . 6. purchase order. general navigation principles and techniques available in two user interface modes . approval of a method. and Job Management modules. It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses.This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.2 . and creation of a method available for use. • Engineering Course . 6 Epicor ERP | 10. engineering of a method of manufacture. the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training environment. Methods can be used in the Quote. contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager at [email protected] You Begin Configurator Course Before You Begin Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.0. Workshops focus on each of these modes and guide you through each navigational principle introduced. Audience Specific audiences will benefit from this course. For more information on the modules available. • Sales Manager • System Administrator • IT/Technical Staff • Product Designer • Product Engineer • Production Manager Prerequisites To complete the workshops in this course.This course outlines the creation of a new part. Designed for a hands-on environment.Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. • Navigation Course .700. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. 3. but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not restored (refreshed). From the Main menu. From the Main menu.0. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack and patch. but Epicor cannot prevent users from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database. unexpected results can occur. in which the Epicor demonstration database is found. from the Options menu. The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.700. Epicor ERP | 10. select Change User. customers. 1. Your Epicor training environment. Do not complete the course workshops in your live. production environment. if a course workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database. Contact Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance. and so on. much like your live. already defined. For example.2 7 . then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring. unexpected results can occur when completing the course workshops. sales orders. • Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts. 2. select the Main site. 4. production environment. If this is not performed. enables you to experience Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you: • Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. the database is located on a server and users access the same data. If you are logged into your training environment as a different user. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users (that is. • The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor application. production environment) and is not periodically refreshed. he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support > Epicor > Downloads and install it.Configurator Course Before You Begin Environment Setup The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully complete the workshops in this course. select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06). such as use of the Code Editor. are complicated and beyond the scope of this course.700. Configuration process is performed using the following main programs: • Configurator Entry • Configurator Designer • Configurator Rules Entry Note This course demonstrates the general Configurator process through a series of workshops centered on the use of a relatively simple picture frame example.0. purchase orders. For detailed information on the use of different Configurator related capabilities. Some Configurator related functionalities are sophisticated quasi-programming tools and many of the concepts. sales orders. 8 Epicor ERP | 10.Overview Configurator Course Overview The Configurator Management module includes many features that facilitate product definition while creating quotes. jobs and demand orders.2 . refer to the Configurator Technical Reference Guide. 2 Overview 9 .700.Configurator Course Epicor ERP | 10.0. You must make any changes to the design (or revision) manually during quote entry or job entry. • Creating a Document rule. Defining a Configurator Design for a Product The configurator design process involves the following: • Defining a product by creating parts. Define a Product This section of the course introduces the steps necessary to create a new configured product. 10 Epicor ERP | 10. 5x7. Workshop . • Testing the configuration at the Quote Entry. and selects the appropriate material and operation based on user input. and defining a method of manufacture. product definition consists of defining the materials and operations to build the item as designed. • Creating a Dynamic List.Daily Processing Configurator Course Daily Processing This section of the course guides you through the process of defining a configurator design for a product. Rather than defining unique part numbers and a bill of material (BOM). and Job Entry level. • Setting up different Method rules. 8x10) • Three materials (mahogany.2 . Example A computer manufacturer builds desktop computers with various combinations (configurations) of main memory. or at any time during the life cycle of the job. especially for those combinations that display rarely. • Creating and adding a subassembly. create a new picture frame record. the manufacturer creates a universal method of all components and operations. aluminum) • Clear or matte glass In this workshop. and assigning a model (part) number to each combination would be very difficult. vinyl. The product structure contains all the materials and operations you could possibly include. and an On Changed Field action.0. For those assemblies that do not use the Configurator. adding materials. including part master file definition and initial configuration setup. A configured assembly uses the rules base to select the materials and assemblies needed for a particular configuration. • Defining configuration by adding user input controls. The number of combinations could reach into the thousands.700. if ever. Read Only expression. Navigate to Part Maintenance. Picture frames will be produced in the following sizes and materials: • Three sizes (3x5.Create a Part Record You are a picture frame manufacturer who wants to expand the existing product line with a new range of picture frames. A major difference exists between part definitions for an ordinary assembly and for a configured assembly. processor speed. and peripheral equipment. Order Entry. Create a Part Record to create the following material records: Part Description GC-1000-XXX Type UOM Class Primary UOMs Non-Stock Item XXX Clear Glass Purchased Sheet Stock SH Clear GM-1000-XXX XXX Matte Glass Purchased Sheet Stock SH Clear AL-080-XXX XXX Aluminum Purchased . Workshop . 2. From the New menu. select Configured Parts.60 inch Purchased Length FT Clear CB-100-XXX XXX Corner Brace Purchased Counted Units EA Clear MT-100-XXX XXX Fabric.80 inch Length FT Clear MH-075-XXX XXX Mahogany Purchased . 6. enter XXX Picture Frame (where XXX are your initials). Use the Workshop .2 11 . Select the Non-Stock Item check box. Click Save and remain in Part Maintenance.75 inch Length FT Clear VL-060-XXX XXX Vinyl . 2. 3. 7. 4. Remain in Part Maintenance. create a bill of materials (BOM) for the picture frame. accept the default of Counted Units. In the UOM Class field.0. 5.700.Configurator Course Daily Processing Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part 1. select New Part.Create Material Records In this workshop. Epicor ERP | 10. select Manufactured. In the Type field. In the Part field. 8. In the Description field. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials). Mat Purchased Sheet Stock SH Clear Note Replace XXX with your initials. In the Group field. 1. select Revison > Engineering Workbench. enter XXX-PICFRAME (where XXX are your initials). 5. enter XXX Picture Frame (where XXX are your initials).Daily Processing Configurator Course Workshop . From the New menu. 2. 6. Create a Part Revision 1. select Revision > Check Out Revision. In this workshop. 5.700. 12 Epicor ERP | 10.2 . 2. click OK. select New Part Revision. In the Part Revision Checkout window. The Part Revision Checkout window displays. In the Group ID field. 3. 6. From the Actions menu. Click Save. Check Out the Revision 1. 7. From the Actions menu. verify today's date defaults. Click the New ECO button. In the Part field. enter part PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) you created in Workshop .0. ECO Group Maintenance displays. enter A. 3. 2. In the Due Date field.Create a Part Record and press Tab.Define a Method of Manufacture The next step in the Configurator process is to create a method of manufacture (MOM) for the picture frame. From the Actions menu. create a MOM that contains all the previously entered materials. In the Effective field. Create a Method 1. In the Rev field. In the Description field. select Operation > Add Operation. Accept all the defaults and click OK. enter Initial Release. The Part > Revisions > Detail sheet displays. In the Description field. The Engineering Workbench displays. 4. accept the default of today's date. navigate to the Part > Revisions > List sheet in Part Maintenance. 4. Note To see which ECO Group is this part revision checked out to. 22. select Assembly. 24. From the Actions menu. The Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Detail sheet displays. 4. In the Part field. From the Actions menu. verify Sheet Metal Work Force defaults. 16. In the Qty/Parent field. Navigate to the Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Scheduling Resources > Detail sheet.2 13 . select Material > Add Material. select Saw. 20. enter 1 and verify FT displays. In the Resource Group field. Navigate to the Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Scheduling Resources > Detail sheet. 14. verify operation 10 displays. verify Slitting Machines defaults. enter 10 and select Pieces/Hour. Click Save. The Method of Manufacturing > Materials > Detail sheet displays. In the Prod Std field. 21. From the Actions menu. enter 10 and select Pieces/Hour. In the Prod Std field. 9. 25. 6. In the Resource Group field.700. 3. 8. Click Save. select Operation > Add Operation. In the Operation field. Click Save. 19.0. The Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Detail sheet displays. 10. Click Save. 5. 18. In the Operation field. verify Assembly Work Force defaults. 23. 13. Navigate to the Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Scheduling Resources > Detail sheet. select Slit and Separate. In the Resource Group field. In the Operation field. In the Operation field. 15.Configurator Course Daily Processing The Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Detail sheet displays. select Operation > Add Operation. Note Assume the assembly time is independent of the size of the frame and enter it directly into the routing. Repeat steps 20-24 to add other materials using the following information: Epicor ERP | 10. 7. 12. enter 10 and select Pieces/Hour. 17. In the Prod Std field. enter AL-080-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 11. From the Actions menu.Daily Processing Configurator Course Mtl Seq Part Operation Qty/Parent 20 MH-075-XXX 10 1 FT 30 VL-060-XXX 10 1 FT 40 GC-1000-XXX 20 1 SH 50 GM-1000-XXX 20 1 SH 60 CB-100-XXX 30 4 EA 70 MT-100-XXX 20 1 SH Note It does not make sense to use an entire bar of aluminum or sheet of glass to make one picture frame because the configurator process calculates the required input. Navigate to the Revision > Detail sheet. 26. The revision status changes to Approved. you must enter a value into the Quantity field because it is a required field. Exit the Engineering Workbench and remain in Part Maintenance. The Check In Complete message displays. 29.2 . select Revision > Check In. 27. 28. Select the Not Approved check box. Click OK. 14 Epicor ERP | 10.0. 30. However. To the message. click OK. The Description of Change window displays.700. 31. 4. Order Entry. Specifies if approval of the associated part revision and inspection plan (if any) should be automatically synchronized to the approval of the configured part. you use Configurator Entry to define basic settings for the picture frame configurator. the Epicor application automatically approves or unapproves the associated part revision in the Part Maintenance > Part > Revisions > Detail sheet. In the Configurator Type field. Pricing Rules. enter XXX-PictureFrame (where XXX are your initials). 7. Configurator Entry displays. will be available in Opportunity/Quote Entry. enter XXX Picture Frame Configurator (where XXX are your initials). Epicor ERP | 10. To do this. and Part Creation. Job Entry and Purchase Order Entry.0.700. from the Actions menu. Enterprise Configurator. You can link a configurator record to a part revision if the part is a non-stock item. In the Description field. select Revision > Configurator Entry.2 15 . Exit Configurator Entry and Part Maintenance.Configurator Course Daily Processing Enter a Configurator Record The next step in the process is to create a new Configurator record for the picture frame. 3. This type of configurator. select New Configuration. Document Rules. enter a new configurator record for the picture frame. From the New menu. The Product Configurator type activates the following configuration programs and sheets: • Configuration Entry • Configuration Designer • Configurator Rule Entry 6. In the Configurator ID field. select Product Configurator. Select the Synchronize Revision Approval check box and click Save. in Part Maintenance. If you select this check box. 2. when approved. To launch Configurator Entry. 1. Demand Entry.Enter a Configurator Record In this workshop. You can also navigate to this program from within the main application interface using the following path: Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Entry Use Configurator Entry to define basic settings for the Configurator. Workshop . 5. These settings are responsible for how the configuration operates during a Configurator session. This allows you to create unique items according to customer requirements.Daily Processing Configurator Course Create Input Controls This section of the course describes how to create user input controls used to capture the data necessary for the Configurator to operate. Opportunity/Quote Entry. Input Controls You need three types of data to configure a picture frame: • Frame Size • Frame Type • Glass Type You need three frame sizes: • 3x5 inch • 5x7 inch • 8x10 inch You need three frame materials: • Mahogany • Aluminum • Vinyl You need two types of glass: • Clear • Matte Workshop . It displays as a blank canvas that you use to design the appearance of the configuration input page used in those programs. Typically. Purchase Order Entry or Demand Entry. In the Configurator ID field.0. Using the Configurator Designer.700. Purchase Order Entry or Demand Entry. When configuring a product.Create Input Controls In this workshop. you can select the input values you need and so determine a specific attribute for the configurable product.2 . Navigate to the Design > Page Designer sheet. Create a Design Page Navigate to the Configurator Designer. each which can have different selectable values. 16 Epicor ERP | 10. you define a structured configuration process that can be used by data entry personnel to configure a universal base part number and revision when entered into Sales Order Entry. create input controls for the picture frame product using the Configurator Designer. a configurable product has several characteristics. Job Entry. enter XXX-PictureFrame (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. Job Entry. 2. Opportunity/Quote Entry. Use this sheet to design an input page that display when a user configures the universal part/revision in Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Designer 1. The Value/Description List Editor window displays. select Combo Box and move the cursor to the spot where you would like to place the control on the Design > Page Designer sheet. enter Frame Type. enter P01_Cmb_FrameType. quote. type. in the Label field. you can then enter this information upon creation of an order. enter Mahogany. 1. and then click the mouse again. In the List Items line. select the List Items option. A launch button displays to the right in the List Items line. select New Page. enter the following information: Value Description Aluminum Aluminum Mahogany Mahogany Vinyl Vinyl 7. and material. Under the Behavior node. The attributes determine the display information for an input. in the Initial Value field. 2. In the Toolbox section. and then click the mouse again. 9. or format. You select different options to define the manner in which attributes and controls that have been placed on the Design > Page Designer sheet should operate. 3. In the Input Properties section. In the Input Properties section. The Input Properties section specifies detailed information for each of the entered pages and input controls. click on the button located in this line. select Combo Box and move the cursor to the spot where you would like to place the control on the Design > Page Designer sheet. you establish inputs that specify frame type. You select the required inputs from the Toolbox. 8. under the Appearance node. In the Value/Description List grid. Click Save. Use the Value/Description Lists Editor to define the selectable values for a combo box control. 6. for example the name. 5. In the Toolbox section. in the (Name) field.700. 4. Click Save. Use the Combo Box option to place a drop-down field that prompts for a selection from a choice from pre-defined options. 10. 4. For the picture frame.Configurator Course Daily Processing 3. Once defined. job. Click OK to close the Value/Description List Editor window.2 17 . purchase order or demand order.0. which is a vertical menu with buttons that allows you to place specific types of controls on the Page Designer sheet. From the New menu. under the Appearance node. Under the Behavior node. Create Inputs Inputs are control fields that you use to create a custom configuration for the universal part. size. Epicor ERP | 10. Daily Processing Configurator Course 11. In the Input Properties section, enter the following information: Node Field Data Appearance (Name) P01_Cmb_FrameSize Appearance Label Frame Size Behavior List Items 3x5, 5x7, 8x10 Behavior Initial Value 5x7 Note Enter the List Items in the same manner as in the steps 4-7 above. 12. Click Save. 13. In the Toolbox section, select Combo Box and move the cursor to the spot where you would like to place the control on the Design > Page Designer sheet, and then click the mouse again. 14. In the Input Properties section, enter the following information: Node Name Data Appearance (Name) P01_Cmb_GlassType Appearance Label Glass Type Behavior List Items Clear, Matte Behavior Initial Value Clear Note Enter the List Items in the same manner as in the steps 4-7 above. Note that only two items are listed for this input control (Clear, Matte). In the Value/Description List Editor window, three lines display by default. To delete line three in the Value/Description List grid, highlight the line and click the Delete button (cross). 15. Click Save. 16. In the Toolbox section, select Check Box and move the cursor to the spot where you would like to place the control on the Design > Page Designer sheet, and then click the mouse again. Use the Check Box option to place a check box that prompts for Yes/No conditions. If the check box selected during a configuration session, the condition is considered true. 17. In the Input Properties pane, enter the following information: Node Field Data Appearance (Name) P01_Logic_Mat Appearance Label Include Mat 18. Click Save. 19. In the Toolbox section, select Character and move the cursor to the spot where you would like to place the control on the Design > Page Designer sheet, and then click the mouse again. 18 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2 Configurator Course Daily Processing Use the Character option to place a field that prompts for entry of a fixed length, single-line character string. These fields can be used for easy comparison of character strings in calculations and Keep When rules. 20. In the Input Properties section, enter the following information: Node Field Data Appearance (Name) P01_PONum Appearance Label Customer PONum Appearance Tooltip Customer PONum Note You need the P01_PONum input field to illustrate the Document Rules logic later in the course. 21. Click Save. Test the Inputs 1. From the Actions menu, select Test Inputs. The Enter Inputs window displays. 2. Select the following input values: Field Data Frame Type Vinyl Frame Size 3x5 Glass Type Matte Include Mat select Note In this example, you can combine any frame type with any frame size or glass type. You can make these selections because you have not yet specified any rules that prevent to make certain selections. 3. From the File menu, click Save. The Test Completed message displays. 4. To the message, click OK. 5. Remain in the Configurator Designer for the next workshop. Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2 19 Daily Processing Configurator Course Dynamic List A Dynamic List is a set of option selections that are dynamic in nature (that is, the displayed options change based on certain conditions being satisfied). Unlike standard combo-boxes that offer a fixed set of choices, dynamic lists affix choices based on the defined expressions. • If Dynamic List logic is being used for the control, the Epicor application determines if the associated expression conditions have been satisfied. • If the condition has been satisfied, the input control displays the specific set of options specified for that condition. The dynamic lists can also be constructed so that option sets are populated based on inputs or values passed in an external list or files. An expression can be either entered in the Condition field located in the Dynamic List Editor or created using the Code Editor. Example If you are constructing a configuration for a PC, you can develop dynamic lists for selection of a specific type of memory chips (for example, DDR / DDR2) that are dependent on the type of motherboard selected for the computer (one type of motherboard might support DDR type memory chips, while the other type only supports DDR2 type memory chips). The expressions you develop designate the conditions under which each of the memory chip dynamic lists (each with selections associated with entirely different sets of part numbers) display. Note During an actual configuration session, if multiple dynamic lists are defined for the same combo box, the Epicor application processes the dynamic lists in the order that they are defined. • If it processes a condition that is satisfied (returned true), it populates the combo box with that dynamic list, and none of the remaining dynamic lists are processed. • If none of the dynamic list conditions are satisfied, it uses the list items and initial value that were defined for the combo box. Working with the Code Editor In order to execute different actions, you will be creating a number of expressions using the Code Editor throughout this course. This section of the course explains general use of the Code Editor. Use the Code Editor (also referred to as the Free Code Editor) as needed to create C#-based code syntax for client side events, client side expressions, Document rule expressions, and Method rules expressions. Use it as needed to construct complex expressions that combine input values collected during an actual configuration session with logical operators, user defined functions, context functions, and lookup functions. For example, you can create code that the Epicor application uses to evaluate specific input values entered into controls you place on a configuration input page using the Configurator Designer > Page Designer sheet. The Code Editor contains the following panes and components: • Available Selections - The Available Selections pane displays, in a Tree View format, the specific variables available for use in the current code editing session. You can collapse or expand specific nodes, then drag and drop the appropriate selections into the Editor pane (in the middle of the Code Editor) to construct the code expression. The selection nodes that display in the Available Selections pane depend on where you invoke the Code Editor within the Epicor application. Example If accessed from the Configurator Designer, this pane displays an Inputs node. It contains the names of the inputs (and their properties) you define for the associated configurator ID. 20 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2 it is best not to just copy and paste the provided code snippets. Epicor ERP | 10. Null) displays next to the Editor pane. String. if so.0. a Syntax correct message displays.The Functions pane displays the Math.Configurator Course Daily Processing Example If accessed from the Configurator Entry > Document Rules > Detail sheet or from Configurator Rules. As you construct a code expression based on the selections you drag and drop from the Available Selections and Functions panes. Comparison. click the Check Syntax button again to perform C# code syntax validation. If you select GetBytes from the String node in the Functions pane. Or.700. click OK to exit the Code Editor. You can also directly enter or edit code text in this pane. This will give you experience in constructing expressions. At this stage. Important The Epicor application does not validate the code for possible runtime errors. try to use the panes in the Code Editor. Condition. • Functions . You can collapse or expand specific nodes. functions. Important To construct different code expressions in this course. If displayed.The Editor pane displays the expressions based on the selections made in the Available Selections and Functions panes. then drag and drop the appropriate function selections into the Editor pane to construct the code expression. click the Check Syntax button to perform C# code syntax validation. the code syntax displays in the Editor pane (in the middle of the Code Editor). and those executed on the server side.The Operators pane displays mathematical expression either used with a single function or used to process two or more functions. False. the functions display in a Tree View format. As in the Available Selections pane. For example. indicating the specific problem causing the invalidation. • Once the code expression is validated.2 21 . • Hints . True. • When you click the OK button. it displays a Temp-Tables node that lists available temporary files. Code Syntax Validation and Error Reporting As you create or complete code expressions. Date. you use the Code Editor as needed to make the appropriate change. If displayed. filtered based on the configuration type and entity. If the code syntax is invalid. a Methods and Lookup node contains a Methods sub-node that lists valid methods. and a Lookup sub-node that lists lookup functions appropriate for the code expression you are constructing. if the target entity is Parts. Depending on the expression you want to construct. • Operators . you cannot leave the Code Editor if the code syntax is invalid. a Context sub-node that lists context functions. Boolean. the User Defined node contains sub-nodes that list user defined functions executed on the client side. based on the specific variables. it displays a You must return either true or false hint. You can perform validations on code expressions at any time during the entry process. Once complete. A keypad containing operators and boolean expressions (And. • Editor and Virtual Keyboard . an error message displays. if you select a Boolean operator from the Operators pane. based on the displayed error. Not. it lists the temporary tables associated with that table. and operators you select in the Available Selections and Functions panes. and Conversion functions you can select in the Functions pane for use in constructing code syntax in the Code Editor. or Other operator to write a code syntax. select the Arithmetic. These are standard Microsoft C# code validation errors. For example. • The Epicor application performs the appropriate validations on the code expression to determine if it is valid C# code syntax.The Hints (unlabeled) pane at the bottom of the Code Editor displays helpful hints. the appropriate hint text displays in this pane. The Syntax is correct message displays. create a Dynamic List. 6. • You cannot use a mat for with vinyl frames. The Code Editor displays.Daily Processing Configurator Course Workshop . click OK. In the Dynamic List Editor. Specifies a condition which evaluates to True. The following restrictions apply: • You cannot order vinyl frames for the 8x10 inch size. 22 Epicor ERP | 10. 1. The Code Editor automatically closes. Note To construct the expression. another set of options presents itself based on the previous selections. This will give you experience in constructing expressions.P01_Cmb_FrameType. 10.Create a Dynamic List and Input Settings Because of the specific variations of picture frames.700. 3. click on the Frame Size combo box. A launch button displays to the right in the Dynamic Lists line. Read Only expression. It is best not to just copy and paste the provided code snippet. In the Design > Page Designer sheet. Click on the button located in this line.0. verify Predefined List displays. In the Input Properties section. To the message. 2. 7. 4. 8. In the Editor pane. enter the following expression: return Inputs. you must specify dynamic lists and input settings so when you select an option. under the Behavior node. 5. select New > New Dynamic List. In the Data Source field. Create a Dynamic List for the Frame Size Create a Dynamic List to reflect that you cannot order the 8x10 frame size in Vinyl. The Dynamic List Editor displays. Click the Edit button.Value == "Vinyl". try to use the panes in the Code Editor. Specifies where the Epicor application gets the source of data from to populate the combo box list of options. This should apply for all the expressions entered in this course. • You want to use a mat for the 8x10 inch frame size. Use the Dynamic Lists Editor to define a dynamic list for a selected combo box control. and On Changed Field event for the picture frame. In this workshop. In the Code Editor. Select the Check Syntax button. • You cannot order matte glass for the 3x5 inch size. click OK to confirm your entry.2 . 9. select the Dynamic Lists line. select Test Inputs. The Dynamic List Editor displays. enter the following values: Value Description 3x5 3x5 5x7 5x7 13. Remain in the Configurator Designer. In the Value/Description List grid. select the drop-down menu to display the available frame sizes. select Vinyl. If a dynamic list condition evaluates to True. Click Save. 1. 21. Specifies the initial value that will display in the Combo Box if the condition evaluates to True. highlight the third line and click the Delete button (cross). In the Frame Size field. Epicor ERP | 10. 18. under the Behavior node.Configurator Course Daily Processing Example If you select the Predefined List option the Dynamic List Data Source pane displays the Predefined Item List section where you can define List of Items and Initial Value used if the condition entered in the Condition field evaluates to True. In the Initial Value field. click OK. then the list of items with the initial value defined in the Predefined Item List section is used. In the Design > Page Designer sheet. 17. To the message. click Save. 15. select the Dynamic List line. click on the Glass Type combo box. 22. Click Save. In the Frame Type field.2 23 . The Test Completed message displays. 19. In the Input Properties section. The Enter Inputs test window displays. The 8x10 frame size does not display.0. Click OK.700. 11. Click on the button located in this line. 20. 16. enter 3x5. 12. 3. A launch button displays. From the Actions menu. In the Configurator Designer. Create a Dynamic List for the Glass Type Create a Dynamic List to reflect that you cannot order the 3x5 frame size with a Matte glass. In the Value/Description List grid. 14. 2. highlight the second line and click the Delete button (cross). In the Dynamic List Editor. 23. enter the following values: Value Description Clear Clear 13. Click OK. select New > New Dynamic List. Remain in the Configurator Designer. 12. click Save. 18. The Code Editor automatically closes. 6.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. Select the Check Syntax button. highlight the third line and click the Delete button (cross). 9. 16. 5.0. 19. To the message. enter Clear. From the Actions menu. In the Value/Description List grid. Click Save. 20. verify Predefined List displays. 8. In the Value/Description List grid. 24 Epicor ERP | 10. click OK. 21. The Enter Inputs test window displays. 7. In the Value/Description List grid. Click Save. 15.2 . In the Glass Type field. In the Code Editor. To the message. Specifies a condition which evaluates to True. The Test Completed message displays. select 3x5. 22. In the Data Source field. click OK to confirm your entry. select Test Inputs. 14. 11.Value == "3x5". 17.700. In the Frame Size field. In the Initial Value field. In the Editor pane. The Code Editor displays. In the Configurator Designer. verify that the Clear glass type is the only available choice. click OK. 10. The Syntax is correct message displays. Click the Edit button.Daily Processing Configurator Course 4. enter the following expression: return Inputs. The Code Editor displays. The Code Editor automatically closes. you create an expression. 4. the Include Mat check box will become inactive. 11. enter the following expression: return (Inputs. In order to prevent a user to select a value that is not needed during a configuration session. In the Frame Type field. In the Input Properties section. From the Actions menu. to disable the Metal combo box (read only). Set to True to create a read only expression for the entered input control.700. 1. create a Read Only expression so you cannot use a mat with vinyl frames. select the Read Only Expression line. 5. verify Mahogany displays. A drop down menu displays with False as a default. 13.0. 2. under the Behavior node.Value == "Vinyl"). select Vinyl. In the Frame Type field. and vice versa.2 25 . click OK. The Syntax is correct message displays. Each combo box includes three different wood and metal materials. under the Behavior node. select Test Inputs. Note The expression indicates that if you select the Vinyl frame type during the Configuration session. click Save. select the Read Only line. 7. 12. Use the drop down menu to set the Read Only line to True. Metal). click OK to confirm your entry. 3. A launch button displays. In the Input Properties section. The Include Mat check box remains active. In the Code Editor. 10. Epicor ERP | 10. In the Configurator Designer. To the message. 6. Click on the button located in this line. using the Code Editor launched from the Read Only Expression line. when configuring a wooden bracket. In the Design > Page Designer sheet. The Enter Inputs test window displays. click on the Include Mat check box. Example You define a product called Bracket. In the Editor pane. The Include Mat check box remains inactive and is greyed out.Configurator Course Daily Processing Create a Read Only Expression In this workshop task. You create a configurator that includes two combo boxes (Wood. 8. 9. The Read Only expression controls whether the input is available during the configuration session.P01_Cmb_FrameType. Select the Check Syntax button. The On Field Changed action is triggered when the value of the specified field is changed on the page while the page is in focus and is saved. click OK. 8. 6. A launch button displays. In the Code Editor.P01_Logic_Mat. under the Actions node. The Syntax is correct message displays.P01_Logic_Mat. In the Frame Type field. In the Configurator Designer. The Code Editor displays. 16. click OK to confirm your entry.Value=="8x10") { Inputs.Daily Processing Configurator Course 14. 3.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. In the Design > Page Designer sheet. 7. To the message. 4. create an On Field Changed action as you want to use a mat for the 8x10 inch frame size during the configuration session. To the message. verify Mahogany displays. The Code Editor automatically closes. From the Actions menu. click Save. 10.Value = false. the Include Mat check box will be automatically selected. select the On Field Changed line. In the Input Properties section. 9. In the Editor pane. } else { Inputs. 1.700. 2. 5. enter the following expression: if (Inputs. 15. The Include Mat check box remains active and is not selected.0. 26 Epicor ERP | 10.2 .Value = true. } Note The expression indicates that if you select the 8x10 frame size during the Configuration session. Select the Check Syntax button. The Enter Inputs test window displays. Remain in the Configurator Designer. click OK. The Test Completed message displays. select Test Inputs. click on the Frame Size combo box. Create an On Changed Field Action In this workshop task. The On Field Changed expression designates the actions that should take place when exiting a particular control (field) on an input page during an actual configuration session. Click on the button located in this line. Click Save. In the Epicor application. navigate to the Configurator sheet. contains a material or subassembly that has a revision with a configuration linked to it. 16. 3. In the Frame Size field. The Test Completed message displays. To the message. 8. In the Description of Changes window. The Configurable check box automatically selects. 15. In the Configurator ID field. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet. select 8x10. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to Part Maintenance. link the configurator to the picture frame part. Clear the Approved check box. 13.700. you can link a single configurator to multiple parts. Note This check box indicates that the revision has either a configuration linked to it or the bill of materials (BOM). The Description of Changes window displays. 4. enter Approved and click OK. The Description of Change window displays. 7. The Include Mat check box automatically selects. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 17. Click Save. The next step in the process is to link the configurator to the picture frame part created previously. 6. search for and select the XXX-PictureFrame configurator (where XXX are your initials.0. Click Save and exit the Configurator Designer Workshop . In the Description of Change window. created for the revision through the Engineering Workbench. Select the Approved check box. In this workshop. 12. 14. 2.Configurator Course Daily Processing 11.Link the Configurator Previously. click OK. In the Part field. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part 1. 5. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance. Select the Not Approved check box. In the Configurator Designer. enter Approved and click OK. Click Save.2 27 . you entered a new configurator record using Configurator Entry and created the picture frame design using the Configurator Designer. Note Selection of materials and operations is on an exception basis. By separating the manufacturing rules and the method of manufacture from the other rules. then choose D (rule is not true). • If A is true and B is true. 28 Epicor ERP | 10. Method rules are entered in Configurator Rules by creating Rule Sets. you created rules for displaying the input data. Example If the weather is rainy. which provides an action based on whether the statement evaluates to true or false. A rule set can contain one or more rules and each rule is composed of a condition and one or more actions. an action is performed. The Epicor application does not export manufacturing (method) rules or the method of manufacture at the time of configurator synchronization to the external Sales companies in which configurations have been created (when a quote. this section describes in more detail how to create rules and how they work. Rule Conditions. and Rule Actions.0. job order. we can reduce the above statement to the following: Example IF today is Friday AND weather is sunny THEN golf. In the previous section. as follows: Example IF weather is sunny THEN play golf. synchronization of the method of manufacture for a configured part is not required between the Manufacturing company and external Sales companies. but If the weather is sunny. So we must add another condition: Example IF weather is sunny AND IF today is Friday THEN play golf ELSE stay at work. The person in the example may not wish to skip work every day to play golf. then we have exhausted the states of nature and can take one of the two actions specified. or states of nature to consider. Of course. Each rule may have multiple inputs. either stay at work or play golf. I’ll play golf. Depending on the value (true or false). This is a Boolean condition. but only one output. However. This allows you to protect proprietary product information from potential distribution to unwanted parties.2 . Boolean Logic The Boolean Logic rules are based on a statement that must be either true or false. which implies that the weather may or may not be rainy. then choose C (rule is true). The above can be demonstrated as an if-then construct. Within a method of manufacture you can have multiple Rule Conditions with their Actions. I’ll stay at work. there may be multiple conditions. purchase order or demand order is initially entered).Daily Processing Configurator Course Method Rules This section of the course describes how to create rules for the entered Configurator in order to create a method of manufacturing configuration based on the input data. but depends on the input data. but only on Friday. Note the conditional word if. you can use the same inputs in other rules to produce different outputs. The input is specified as a condition since the action is not always the same. So.700. If these are the only two conditions. order. • If A is true and B is false. no rule means the item or operation is always included. one of which is a table-top mixer. the rule looks like the following: Example IF dough hook THEN heavy duty motor. then the heavy duty motor is selected. right-click on PF-XXX Rev: A Alt (where XXX are your initials) and select Tree > Expand Tree. Now the quote contains one of the two motors. Here is how it might work in a quote. for kneading bread dough. search for and select part PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials). In the case of the table-top mixer.0. The method of manufacture for the Picture Frame part displays. use the opposite rule: Example IF no dough hook THEN medium duty motor.Enter Keep When Method Rules In this workshop. depending on whether the user wants a dough hook attachment. So. In the tree view. whereas it normally would select the medium duty motor. enter XXX-PictureFrame (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Rule Entry 1. More than one reason to select a component or subassembly may exist.Configurator Course Daily Processing So.2 29 . If any one of the above is true. These come in various motor sizes. the heavy duty motor may be required for a number of reasons. Epicor ERP | 10. This eliminates other materials of the same type on the method.700. In the Configurator ID field. as they are selected automatically based on other selections. In the tree view. Navigate to Configurator Rules. selecting the dough hook attachment causes to select the heavy duty motor. Workshop . Note In each of the above examples. Since this requires a heavy-duty motor. the decision is whether or not to play golf. The Rule Sets sheet displays. create Keep When method rules for the Picture Frame configurator to ensure that when you select a specific input option. Suppose you are a manufacturer of kitchen appliances. 2. One of the options might be to include a dough hook. including: • Kneading bread dough • Making pastry crust • Mixing heavy ingredients It is necessary to verify the heavy duty motor is selected if any of the above is true: Example IF bread dough OR pastry crust OR heavy ingredients THEN heavy duty motor. Clear the Approved check box. 5. it is not necessary for the user to select the heavy duty motor. it is always selected. click on material AL-080-XXX (where XXX are your initials). Only conditional items require selection rules. the corresponding material is selected to be part of the method of manufacture. 4. depending on the end use of the item. To keep the Configurator Designer from selecting another motor. The medium duty motor is selected only if none of the above is true. and any other alternative is simply not considered. 3. If no rule is attached to an item. In the Part/Rev field. 21.Value == "Aluminum"). In the Keep Component When field. 8. 16.Value == "Mahogany"). In the expression. select New Rule Set. Select the Check Syntax button. Note The expression indicates that if you select the Mahogany frame type during the Configuration session. The Syntax is correct message displays. A rule set can contain one or more rules and each rule is composed of a condition and one or more actions. In the Keep Component When field. click OK to confirm your entry. click Save. click OK to confirm your entry. In the Code Editor. select the The Specified expression is equal to true expression. click on the Specified link. click on the Specified link. In the Editor pane. From the New menu. In Configurator Rules. Note Only one Rule Set is allowed per selected Bill of Material element. Select the Check Syntax button. 13. To the message. 15. The Code Editor displays. click on material MH-075-XXX (where XXX are your initials). In the Editor pane. select the The Specified expression is equal to true expression. enter the following expression: return (Inputs. Note The expression indicates that if you select the Aluminum frame type during the Configuration session. The Syntax is correct message displays. 17. 18. The Code Editor automatically closes. Keep When conditions are selected from the Keep Component When drop down list of options. In the Code Editor. 9. In the tree view. the MH-075-XXX material will be used to make the picture frame.Daily Processing Configurator Course Use the Rule Sets sheet to enter a new rule set for the selected Configurator record.2 . 6.700.0. A Rule Set can hold a Keep When condition to prevent a user from entering more than one rule with a Keep When condition. click OK. the AL-080-XXX material will be used to make the picture frame. From the New menu. The Code Editor displays. 19. 12. To the message. select New Rule Set. 20. 11. 10.P01_Cmb_FrameType. click OK. enter the following expression: return (Inputs. In the expression.P01_Cmb_FrameType. 7. 14. 30 Epicor ERP | 10. 2 31 . The Test Completed message displays. 5. select Matte. To the message.P01_Cmb_GlassType. GM-1000-XXX return (Inputs. Click Save. in the tree view.P01_Cmb_FrameType. type. From the Actions menu. In the tree view. the Epicor application pulled this material from the method of manufacture used to manufacture the picture frame product. 10.P01_Cmb_GlassType. 8. The Enter Inputs test window displays. 3. 11. 24.0. The Test Results window displays. In the Test Results window.Value == "Clear"). Remain in Configurator Rules. right-click on Quote and select Tree > Expand Tree. or glass combinations.700. Use steps 1-9 to test different frame size.Value == "Matte"). Test the Method Rules 1. 9. Close the Test Results window. Repeat steps 14-22 to add the Keep When rule for the following materials in the method of manufacture (where XXX are your initials): Material Expression VL-060-XXX return (Inputs. 6. GC-1000-XXX return (Inputs. 7. In the Frame Size field. In the Glass Type field. 4. verify material MH-075-XXX (where XXX are your initials) is marked with a red dot.Value == "Vinyl"). 2. 22. Epicor ERP | 10. verify Mahogany displays. Click Save. 23. In the Frame Type field. click OK. select Test Rules. Because of your Mahogany material selection made in the Enter Inputs test window. verify 5x7 displays. Remain in Configurator Rules for the next workshop.Configurator Course Daily Processing The Code Editor automatically closes. For example. In Configurator Rules. 2. Numeric. As the Qty/Parent value for all the frame type materials is defined in feet (FT).2 . 32 Epicor ERP | 10. Assume the frame pieces are cut at a 45-degree angle. This gives you a correct Qty/Parent value in feet. from the Actions menu. from the New menu. Logical) with an call to a user defined function returning the initial value. you need to create an expression to convert inches to feet once you select a certain picture frame size during the configuration session. 1.Daily Processing Configurator Course Calculation Method Rules In the previous workshop.0. but less than an 8x10 inch frame. The picture frame example demonstrates the following: You have three components that require dimensions: • Frame material • Glass type • Optional mat Let us start with the frame material. • Define a variable for four data types (String. Date. once you select a particular picture frame size. so the outside dimension of each piece corresponds to one of the frame dimensions.Use Calculation Method Rules for Frame Types The quantity per parent value on a job or quote can be different from the standard value in the method of manufacturing based on the picture frame type and size. Rather than trying to change the method of manufacturing to anticipate this. or 144 inch. Numeric. The Method Variables window displays. you have entered the Keep When rules to select correct materials from the method of manufacture. • Define an expression to assign values to one or more method rule variables. Date. In Method Variables window. In the Variable Definitions grid. Numeric. • Define a variable for four data types (String. this workshop helps you to calculate the quantity per parent value for the frame materials based on the selected picture frame size. Logical) with an expression defining the initial value. For example. Workshop . Calculations rules are used to perform calculations through code expressions. in length. select Method Variables. Logical) with a constant initial value. select New Method Variable. a new line displays. Create a Method Variable In this workshop task. but you have not yet specified how much of each material you need. create method variables to be used for the Qty/Parent material calculations in the method of manufacture used for the picture frame. the 5x7 inch frame uses more frame material and glass than a 3x5 inch frame.700. Use Method Variables to: • Define a variable for four data types (String. Date. a 5x7 inch frame requires four frame pieces: • 2 pieces at 5 inches in length • 2 pieces at 7 inches in length Assume each piece of frame material that you stock in your warehouse is 12 feet. 9. Verify the Rule Sets > Detail sheet displays. click OK. 14. click on the Specified link. The Value From String Constant Editor window displays. In the Editor pane.0.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. 4. To the message. 7. click OK to confirm your entry. 3. In the tree view. break.2 33 . } 11. enter the following expression: switch (Inputs. click on the Variable link. Within the selected definition. 10. and Vinyl materials. Click Save and exit the Method Variables window. 4. Within the selected definition. Enter Rule Actions In this workshop task. click on the DataType link. select New Rule. In the line. break. In the Name field. 5. In the Rule Condition field. break. The Syntax is correct message displays. Epicor ERP | 10.Configurator Course Daily Processing 3. enter nPerimeter and click OK. 2. 13. select Numeric and click OK. 1. 8. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. 15. Select the Check Syntax button. Mahogany. 12. default: return 36. In the Data Type field.Value) { case "3x5": return 16. From the New menu. Within the selected definition. Remain in Configurator Rules. case "5x7": return 24. Select the Define Variable as DataType using Specified expression to assign the initial value definition. create a rule set and rule actions for the Aluminum. verify Always execute displays. The Code Editor displays. 6.700. select material AL-080-XXX (where XXX are your initials). The Value Data Type Editor Form window displays. In the Code Editor. 20. select New Rule Action. To the message. a new line displays. Click Save. The Syntax is correct message displays. Within the select rule action. The Syntax is correct message displays. The Code Editor automatically closes. The Code Editor displays. click OK to confirm your entry. From the New menu. 7. 23. enter the following expression: QuoteMtl. 5. 12. 21. In the Code Editor. Click Save.700. In the Editor pane. The Code Editor displays. To the message. click OK to confirm your entry.QtyPer=nPerimeter / 12. In the Code Editor. 10. 11. 34 Epicor ERP | 10. enter the following expression: JobMtl. From the New menu. 18. 17. Repeat steps 2-22 to enter rule actions for the rest of frame type materials using the following information (where XXX are your initials). In the Editor pane. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. 14.Daily Processing Configurator Course This field specifies a Rule Condition applied against the material selected in the method of manufacture for the parent part. 6. 8. This field enables you to select a pre-defined Rule Condition that applies against the selected material. 9. 15. click on the Specified link. Select the Check Syntax button.QtyPer=nPerimeter / 12. In the line.0. In the line. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. select New Rule Action. click OK. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. a new line displays. Select the Check Syntax button. 16. In the Action grid. Within the select rule action. In the Action grid. 22. click on the Specified link.2 . 19. 13. click OK. VL-060-XXX Always execute Execute Specified expression JobMtl. 7. Frame types can be ordered with two different glass types (Clear. Epicor ERP | 10. Within the selected definition. In the Name field. 4. In Method Variables window. Within the selected definition.Configurator Course Daily Processing Material Rule Rule Action Expression (Code Editor) MH-075-XXX Always execute Execute Specified expression JobMtl. 9. from the Actions menu. 2. The Method Variables window displays. click on the Specified link. You purchase and stock the picture frame glass types in 4x6 foot sheets.456 square inches per sheet. Workshop . select Numeric and click OK. Within the selected definition.QtyPer=nPerimeter / 12. The Value From String Constant Editor window displays. The Code Editor displays.0. In the Variable Definitions grid. 8. a new line displays. Select the Define Variable as DataType using Specified expression to assign the initial value definition. In the line. select Method Variables. click on the Variable link.700. In the Data Type field. or 8x10 frame size is selected during the configuration session.Use Calculation Method Rules for Glass Types In the previous workshop you created calculation rules for three frame materials to reflect how much material must be used once the 3x5. MH-075-XXX Always execute Execute Specified expression QuoteMtl. Create a Method Variable In this workshop task.QtyPer=nPerimeter / 12.2 35 . from the New menu. The Value Data Type Editor Form window displays. In Configurator Rules. Remain in Configurator Rules for the next workshop. As a result. click on the DataType link. 5x7. select New Method Variable. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. create method variables to be used for the Qty/Parent material calculations in the method of manufacture for the picture glass type.QtyPer=nPerimeter / 12. enter nArea and click OK. 1. 3. VL-060-XXX Always execute Execute Specified expression QuoteMtl. which is a total of 3. 6. The next step in the process is to calculate the glass area. 24. 5.QtyPer=nPerimeter / 12. you need to calculate the glass quantity used per sheet in the same way as you did previously with the frame materials. Matte). enter the following expression: JobMtl. click OK. The Syntax is correct message displays. Enter Rule Actions 1. Within the select rule action. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. select material GC-1000-XXX (where XXX are your initials)."5x7". 36 Epicor ERP | 10. 11. Verify the Rule Sets > Detail sheet displays. In the Code Editor. 13. select New Rule Action. 5. From the New menu. The Code Editor displays. From the New menu. else if (string.QtyPer=nArea / 3456. a new line displays. click OK to confirm your entry.700. In the tree view. Click Save and exit the Method Variables window. click OK.2 . else return 80. 12. 6.Compare(Inputs. To the message. 4. enter the following expression: if (string.Value.true)== 0) return 35. 9. The Syntax is correct message displays. 10. In the Editor pane. 13. 3. 7. In the Action grid. 15. Remain in Configurator Rules. In the line. click OK to confirm your entry. To the message. In the Code Editor.true)== 0) return 15. In the Rule Condition field.Value. In the Editor pane."3x5". verify Always execute displays. Click Save. From the New menu.P01_Cmb_FrameSize.Compare(Inputs. Select the Check Syntax button.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. 11. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. Select the Check Syntax button.Daily Processing Configurator Course 10. 12. click on the Specified link. 8. 14. select New Rule. select New Rule Action. 14.0. 2. There are 3. and you must use a mat for the 8x10 inch frame size. In the line.5") in width for the 5x7 frame. or the amount of material left after the mat cutting operation. so this is the salvage quantity per. This means it is necessary to cut a large piece of fabric and then remove a smaller piece. The material left equals area minus perimeter. Repeat steps 2-22 to enter rule actions for the rest of frame type materials using the following information (where XXX are your initials). 22. Click Save. To the message. Additionally. one-half inch (0. or 8x10 frame size is selected during the configuration session.QtyPer=nArea / 3456. You also created two mat rule restrictions where you cannot use a mat with vinyl frames. you can salvage that material.2 37 . In the Editor pane. The material cut from the 5x7 and 3x5 mat is not usable and you must discard it. These reflect how much frame type and glass type material must be used when the 3x5. Since you can use the piece cut from the larger frame to make a mat for the smaller frame. click OK to confirm your entry. 15. Material Rule Rule Action Expression (Code Editor) GM-1000-XXX Always execute Execute Specified expression JobMtl. leaving an opening one to two inches smaller than the frame size. Within the select rule action. 21. enter the following expression: QuoteMtl.Use Calculation Method Rules for the Mat Fabric Material So far.700. The mat is one inch (1") in width for the 8x10 frame. Select the Check Syntax button. In the Code Editor. 20. Remain in Configurator Rules for the next workshop. 23. make another calculation for the mat opening for an 8x10 frame. At one inch width. 18. Workshop .QtyPer=nArea / 3456. The Syntax is correct message displays. each picture frame product may come with or without a mat. 5x7.Configurator Course Daily Processing In the Action grid.0.QtyPer=nArea / 3456. you must create an expression for the 5x7 frame Epicor ERP | 10.456 square inches of material in each sheet. 17.3") in width for the 3x5 frame. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. a new line displays. the material left (in square inches) is equal to the perimeter calculated above. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. GM-1000-XXX Always execute Execute Specified expression QuoteMtl. and one third of inch (0. This applies only to mats cut for an 8x10 frame. In this workshop. Previously you entered a mat material which can be inserted into the frame if required by a customer. click OK. 19. You must salvage that much material for each mat cut. click on the Specified link. The Code Editor displays. 24. you have created method rules for three frame and two glass materials. Therefore. 16. In this workshop. In this case.QtyPer=nArea / 3456.P01_Cmb_FrameSize.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. Verify the Rule Sets > Detail sheet displays. The Syntax is correct message displays. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action.2 . In the Rule Condition field. In the tree view. 13. To the message. Workshop . 12. and 5 pieces per minute for aluminum.SalvageQtyPer = ((nArea-nPerimeter)/3456). 7. you cannot include mats for the 3x5 frames. click on the Specified link. or 300 pieces per hour for aluminum and 600 pieces per hour for mahogany and vinyl. In the Code Editor. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions.Daily Processing Configurator Course size because you can order mats with the 5x7 and 8x10 frame sizes only. enter the following expression: if (Inputs. Click Save. select material MT-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials). In the Action grid. 2. In the Editor pane. 15. 8. 5.Value == "5x7") JobMtl. The Code Editor displays. select New Rule Set. 1. From the New menu. 10. Remain in Configurator Rules for the next workshop. 1. Verify the Rule Sets > Detail sheet displays. From the New menu. For the purposes of this workshop. specify all run times in pieces per hour.Value == "8x10") JobMtl. enter a calculation method rule to determine the amount of time needed to cut each frame type material during the picture frame manufacturing process. In the line. else if (Inputs. select New Rule Action. As defined previously. verify Always execute displays. the glass size directly affects the cutting time required. a new line displays. 14. 9. assuming our machine operates at a linear rate of 20 feet per minute. 6. 11. However. 38 Epicor ERP | 10. From the New menu. create a calculation rule for production standard of 10 pieces per minute for mahogany and vinyl. click OK. 4. click OK to confirm your entry. Within the select rule action. 3.700. Select the Check Syntax button.Set Up Run Times for the Saw Operation Assume that aluminum takes longer to cut than mahogany or vinyl. select New Rule.0. ProdStandard=600. From the New menu. 4. 8. } else { Epicor ERP | 10.ProdStandard=300. 5. click OK. From the New menu. In the tree view. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. In the Editor pane. In the Action grid. click on the Specified link. } 11. Select the Check Syntax button. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions.Value=="Aluminum") { QuoteOpr. a new line displays.2 39 . 18. 14. The Syntax is correct message displays. From the New menu. verify Always execute displays. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action.ProdStandard=600. 19. enter the following expression: if (Inputs. In the Code Editor. select New Rule. The Code Editor displays. 15. enter the following expression: if (Inputs. Within the select rule action. 9.P01_Cmb_FrameType. click on the Specified link. In the Action grid. 10. click OK to confirm your entry. In the Rule Condition field. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. 16. From the New menu.700. In the line.Value=="Aluminum") { JobOper. } else { JobOper. Within the select rule action. 7. 12. a new line displays. Click Save. To the message. select New Rule Action.P01_Cmb_FrameType. 6. The Code Editor displays. 3.0.Configurator Course Daily Processing 2. In the Editor pane. In the line. select New Rule Action. select Operation 10 (SAW). 17. select New Rule Set. 13. this is: 18 / 1200 = 0.015 = 66. 4. Since you must cut only two sides of each piece. select Operation 20 (SLIT). 24. In this workshop. 2. 7. enter a calculation method rule to determine the amount of time needed to slit each glass type material during the picture frame manufacturing process. Example For example. select New Rule Action. Remain in Configurator Rules for the next workshop.2 . then you need to calculate the number of inches to be cut. 40 Epicor ERP | 10. In the Code Editor. select New Rule. In the Rule Condition field. you can calculate the amount of slitting required by dividing the perimeter by two and using this to calculate the operation time. 21. Workshop . To the message. 5. 3. 6.015 hours per piece. In the line. 23. In the tree view. In the Action grid. At 20 inches per minute. verify Always execute displays. From the New menu. Verify the Rule Sets > Detail sheet displays. Select the Check Syntax button. Or 1 / 0. as the following workshop illustrates. Click Save. a new line displays.700.ProdStandard=300. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. click on the Specified link. click OK. click OK to confirm your entry. The Syntax is correct message displays.0. 9. From the New menu. If the slitter can cut 20 inches per minute (or 1200 inches per hour).66666 pieces per hour. 8. } 20. From the New menu. an 8x10 frame needs an 8 inch cut and a 10 inch cut for a total of 18 inches. 1.Daily Processing Configurator Course QuoteOpr. Note This can be accomplished the same way by dividing 1200 by Perimeter / 2. 22. select New Rule Set. Within the select rule action. The Code Editor displays.Set Up Run Times for the Slit Operation The Slit operation cuts the glass depending on the size of the pieces to be cut. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. 700. In the Code Editor.Create a Subassembly Previously. The Syntax is correct message displays. However. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. Click Save. 13. click OK to confirm your entry. 12. Hinges). In the Code Editor. To the message.Configurator Course Daily Processing 10. create a configured subassembly (Frame Back) as part of the picture frame model. 25. 19. 14. you decide to manufacture the backs in-house using three different raw materials (Cardboard. In the Action grid. you created/configured only the end item and pulled all the required materials from stock. In the Description of Changes window. enter the following expression: JobOper. In this workshop.0. Fabric. 20. To the message. Click Save. In the line. 18. Navigate to the Part/Rev sheet. Select the Check Syntax button. Click Save and exit Configurator Rules. 11. 21. Workshop . Select the Approved check box. The Syntax is correct message displays. click on the Specified link. 27. From the New menu. 17. The Code Editor displays. 15. Select the Check Syntax button.2 41 . 22. Epicor ERP | 10.ProdStandard = (1200 / (nPerimeter / 2)). click OK to confirm your entry. enter the following expression: QuoteOpr. click OK. in the Picture Frame example.ProdStandard = (1200 / (nPerimeter / 2)). In the Editor pane. you identified a problem with stocking the picture frame backs in the sizes and quantities needed to satisfy sales demands. enter Approved and click OK. select New Rule Action. The Description of Changes window displays. 24. as needed. click OK. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. As a result. 23. In the Editor pane. 26. Within the select rule action. 16. a new line displays. The Description of Change window displays. In the Description of Change window. select New Part. From the New menu. 3. 5. 15. 9. enter Initial Release. In the Description field. Create Subassembly Materials 1. In the Type field. Because of its unusual shape. Click Save. 2. accept the default of today's date. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part 1. 13. enter CRB-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials). From the New menu. enter A. In the Part field. 7. 42 Epicor ERP | 10. You can use the same hinge for all frame sizes. 2.0. Select the Non-Stock Item check box.700. but the size of the triangular stand depends on the size of the frame (it is the size of the long dimension. the Epicor application processes these parameters for the lower level configured part when the associated top-level configuration is saved during a Configurator session. In the Part field.2 . 10. Select the Not Approved check box. In the Effective Date field. From the New menu. In the Rev field. enter Back-XXX (where XXX are your initials). enter Approved and click OK. 8. there is a 15% scrap factor on cardboard and fabric during the Slitting operation. 7. enter XXX Picture Frame Back (where XXX are your initials). Remain in Part Maintenance. select New Part.Daily Processing Configurator Course Note You need hinges to attach a triangular piece of fabric-covered cardboard to the back piece in order to stand the frame on a table. The Part > Revisions > Detail sheet displays. Note When Part Creation and Smart String creation parameters are defined for a subassembly configured part. Enter a Subassembly Navigate to Part Maintenance. 6. select Manufactured. Click Save. 4. In the Description field. Click Save. select New Part Revision. 12. 11. or 10 inches). 14. and is one-third the size of the back piece in total area. which is 5. 9. 7. 8. enter XXX Cardboard (where XXX are your initials). In the Operation field. In the Resource Group field. The Part Revision Checkout window displays. Clear the Approved check box. select Slit and Separate. From the Actions menu. In the Primary UOMs field. From the Actions menu. select Material > Add Material. Click Save. From the Actions menu. Remain in Part Maintenance. 13. enter Back-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. In the UOM Class field. select Sheet Stock. 5. The Method of Manufacturing > Materials > Detail sheet displays. Click Save. select Operation > Add Operation. verify SH displays in all three fields. 4. Epicor ERP | 10. 5. 4. In the Part field.2 43 . The Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Detail sheet displays. 2. From the Actions menu. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet. In the ECO field. 8. verify Purchased displays.700. In the Description field. 11. In the Type field. Define a Method of Manufacture 1. Navigate to the Method of Manufacturing > Operations > Scheduling Resources > Detail sheet. The Engineering Workbench displays. search for and select XXX-PICFRAME (where XXX are your initials). 7. 12. verify Slitting Machines displays. 10.Configurator Course Daily Processing 3. Click OK. select Revision > Check Out Revision. Repeat steps 1-7 to enter the following materials (where XXX are your initials): Part Description Type UOM Class Primary UOMs FRB-100-XXX XXX Fabric Purchased Sheet Stock SH Hinge-XXX XXX Hinge Purchased Counted Units EA 9. 3.0. 6. 6. select Revision > Engineering Workbench. search for and select XXX-PICFRAME (where XXX are your initials). The Description of Change window displays. Navigate to the Revision > Detail sheet. Add the Subassembly as Material 1. Click Save.2 . 4. select Revision > Check Out Revision. select Revision > Engineering Workbench.Daily Processing Configurator Course 14. 8. 17. From the Actions menu. 21. 15. In the Part field. 2. click OK. The revision status changes to Approved. The Engineering Workbench displays. 44 Epicor ERP | 10. select Revision > Check In. Exit the Engineering Workbench and remain in Part Maintenance. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. The Part Revision Checkout window displays. 16. To the message. 23. From the Actions menu. 20. 24. 3. Select the Not Approved check box. 6. Accept the suggested comment and click OK. Repeat steps 13-17 to add two more materials using the following information (where XXX are your initials): Mtl Seq Part Operation Qty/Parent Scrap % (radio button) 20 FRB-100-XXX 10 1 15 Selected 30 Hinge-XXX 10 1 N/A N/A 19. 7. The Check In Complete message displays. Click OK.700. 18. enter 1. 22. In the Part field. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet. enter CRB-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. From the Actions menu. enter 15 and verify the % radio button is selected. 5. In the ECO field. Navigate to the Part > Detail sheet. In the Scrap field. Clear the Approved check box.0. In the Qty/Parent field. The revision status changes to Approved. In the Part/Rev field. In the Configurator ID field. Select the Not Approved check box. Accept the suggested comment and click OK. 19. 20. select Material > Add Material.Configurator Course Daily Processing 9. In the tree view. click OK. enter a method rule to calculate the cardboard material used as a back side for the picture frame. search for and select part PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials). From the Actions menu. Click Save. The method of manufacture for the Picture Frame part displays. 10. 22. 15. enter XXX-PictureFrame (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. In the Qty/Parent field. The Changing the Operation Sequence may affect this part's configuration.700. Clear the Approved check box. Epicor ERP | 10. In the Part field. 3. 17. enter 1. To the message. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Rule Entry 1. Create a Calculation Method Rule for the Cardboard In this workshop task. 16. If the part's configuration is affected then it will be set to Unapproved to reflect this change message displays. Verify that the Pull as Assembly and View as Assembly check boxes are selected. In the Operation field. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance. 18. 12. 2. enter Back-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. The Check In Complete message displays.0. select 30. select Revision > Check In. Navigate to Configurator Rules. 13. The Description of Change window displays. Exit the Engineering Workbench. right-click on PF-XXX Rev: A Alt (where XXX are your initials) and select Tree > Expand Tree. Navigate to the Revision > Detail sheet.2 45 . click OK. 4. 21. 14. The Method of Manufacturing > Materials > Detail sheet displays. To the message. From the Actions menu. 11. 14. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. In the Code Editor. 15. a new line displays. The Syntax is correct message displays. You can use the same expression but multiply it by two. The material is located under Opr: 30 OP AssyUnit > Mtl:80 Back-XXX > Opr: 10 OP SLIT (where XXX are your initials). 9. remember not only to include enough for the stand. 10. 13. Within the select rule action. Create a Calculation Method Rule for the Fabric It is also necessary to calculate the quantity of the fabric needed. In the tree view. In the tree view. 18.QtyPer=((nArea / 3456) * (1 + (1/3))). In the line. The Code Editor automatically closes. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions.QtyPer=((nArea / 3456) * (1 + (1/3))). 7. but also enough for both sides of the cardboard pieces.700. The Code Editor displays. click Save. click on material FRB-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials). Remain in Configurator Rules. In Configurator Rules. From the New menu. In the Editor pane. Repeat steps 9-17 to add the following rule action (where XXX are your initials): Material Expression CRB-100-XXX JobMtl. 1. enter the following expression: QuoteMtl. From the New menu. select New Rule Action. From the New menu. click on material CRB-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials). select New Rule Set. click OK. In the Rule Condition field. To the message.0. click on the Specified link. 16. select New Rule. 8. click OK to confirm you entry. 6. 17. 19.Daily Processing Configurator Course 5. 12. 11.2 . verify Always execute displays. In the Action grid. Select the Check Syntax button. 46 Epicor ERP | 10. The Rule Sets sheet displays. 7. The Description of Changes window displays. 4. click on the Specified link. Select the Check Syntax button. 6. In the Description of Changes window. Repeat steps 5-13 to add the following rule action (where XXX are your initials): Material Expression FRB-100-XXX JobMtl. 13. In the line. 12.QtyPer = ((nArea / 3456) * (2)). click OK. In the Action grid. The material is located under Opr: 30 OP AssyUnit > Mtl:80 Back-XXX > Opr: 10 OP SLIT. To the message. enter the following expression: QuoteMtl. From the New menu. 8. 3. 16. 15.700. enter Approved and click OK. In the Editor pane. 17. 14. select New Rule Action. From the New menu. From the New menu. In the Code Editor. select New Rule Set.0. 2. 5. a new line displays.QtyPer = ((nArea / 3456) * (2)). verify Always execute displays. 11. Select the Execute Specified expression rule action. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the Part/Rev sheet and select the Approved check box. The Code Editor displays. select New Rule. Click Save and exit Configurator Rules. The Syntax is correct message displays.2 47 . select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. In the Rule Condition field.Configurator Course Daily Processing The Rule Sets sheet displays. 9. 10. Click Save. The Code Editor automatically closes. click OK to confirm you entry. Within the select rule action. using a Set Field rule. In the Rule Condition field. verify Always execute displays. the Epicor application executes these rules against the calling document that initiated the configuration (quote.Add a Document Rule In this workshop. Document rules allow for automatic updating of the source documents (quotes. In the Action grid. sales order. From the New menu. company code assignment or the description of the sales order line stored in the OrderDtl table can be assigned specific values based on the components selected in the configuration session. enter PO Field. Document rules can be used in a single-company environment or. From the New menu. Navigate to the Document Rules > Detail sheet. In the Configurator ID field. 7. the Epicor application updates the tables and fields defined in the rule with the appropriate resulting values (also specified in the rule expression). add a document rule for the purchase order (PO) field in a sales order and create a document rule action that allows you to automatically change the PO number when entering sales orders later in the course. 8. In the line. job orders. 4. data such as pricing. in a multi-company environment. This eliminates the need to perform a Get Details operation in Opportunity/Quote Entry or Job Entry.2 . sales orders. search for and select XXX-PictureFrame (where XXX are your initials). Select the Execute Specified expression document rule action. Example Based on the rule expression syntax. a new line displays. 5. job or purchase order) at the time the configuration is saved.Daily Processing Configurator Course Document Rules Use the Document Rules sheets to specify document rules for different target entities (programs). Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Entry 1. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions.700. Based on the rule expression syntax. Navigate to Configurator Entry. 9. click on the Specified link. or demand orders) that initiate production of a configured item. 6. For example. select New Document Rule Action. the Epicor application updates the tables and fields defined in the rule with the appropriate resulting values (also specified in the rule expression). Workshop .0. Click Save. The Code Editor displays. with the Enterprise Configurator check box selected. 10. Within the select document rule action. In the Rule Description field. 2. By separating the document rules from the manufacturing (method) rules. select New Document Rule. Clear the Approved check box. 11. 48 Epicor ERP | 10. purchase orders. 3. 13.P01_PONum. click OK. The Description of Changes window displays. 17. The Syntax is correct message displays. In the Editor pane. Select the Check Syntax button.700.2 49 .Value.PONum = Inputs. Navigate to the Detail sheet. click OK to confirm your entry. 15. Epicor ERP | 10. enter the following expression: OrderHed. 14. 18. 19. To the message. Click Save and exit Configurator Entry.0. In the Code Editor. In the Description of Changes window.Configurator Course Daily Processing 12. Click Save. 20. enter Approved and click OK. The Code Editor automatically closes. Select the Approved check box. 16. use Opportunity/Quote Entry. 12. In the tree view. and Job Entry to test the Picture Frame configurator. To the message. Select the following picture frame combination: Input Value Frame Type Aluminum Frame Size 5x7 Glass Type Matte Include Mat Clear 10. 3. In the tree view. would you like to enter a Configuration now? message displays. right-click on the job number and select Tree > Expand Tree.Daily Processing Configurator Course Test the Models In this section of the course. click Yes. 8. select Job > Get Details. In the Part field. The New Job Number window displays. From the New menu. Order Entry. 9. 4. enter the date two weeks from today. From the Actions menu. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry 1. 5. Click the Next Job button to generate the job number and click OK. create a job for the picture frame and review the operation and material details. Navigate to Job Entry. 50 Epicor ERP | 10. Click Save. In the Req By field. 11. select New Job. 2. 7. The A related Configuration was found. Click Save.700.Enter a Job In this workshop. The Get Details window displays.0. 6. click on material AL-080-XXX (where XXX are your initials). Workshop . The Enter Inputs window displays. The Job Details > Materials > Detail sheet displays. Click OK. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.2 . the value of 150 would display in this field [(1200 / (16 / 2)) = 150].Configurator Course Daily Processing The Aluminum material was pulled in from the method of manufacture for the Picture Frame part as a result of entering the Keep When rule in the Workshop . In the Prod Std field. For example.Use Calculation Method Rules for Frame Types. If you selected the 3x5 frame size in the Enter Inputs test window. You selected the 5x7 inch frame size. which consumes 24 inches of Aluminum material (7 inches left side. therefore. Review other method of manufacturing details. select New Line. based on the expression that you defined in the Workshop . 5. Therefore. Epicor ERP | 10. The Job Details > Operations > Detail sheet displays. if you selected Mahogany in the Enter Inputs test window. click on the Opr:10 OP: SAW. Navigate to the Line > Detail sheet. The entered expression in this workshop specified that if you select Aluminum then 600 else 300. 14. In the Qty/Parent field. Since you configure the Aluminum frame type in inches. as 16 inches = 1. but store and purchase it in feet. From the New menu. enter Dalton and press Tab.00 (FT) displays. 2. Menu Path: Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Opportunity / Quote 1.Enter Keep When Method Rules.700. In the Customer field. Because you selected the 5x7 frame size. click on the Opr:20 OP: SPLIT. Click Save. 7 inches right side. you consume 24 inches of the Aluminum material. 19. For example.0. This is the run time you defined in the Workshop . I you selected the 3x5 frame size in the Enter Inputs window. 3. the Epicor application converted inches to feet. verify 2.Set Up Run Times for the Slit Operation.Enter a Quote In this workshop. Workshop .33 (FT). as necessary. In the tree view. Navigate to Opportunity/Quote Entry. 15. 17. The entered expression in this workshop specified the following logic: (1200 / (nPerimeter / 2)). the value of 300 would display in this field. 16. verify 600 displays. 18. and 5 inches bottom side). verify 100 displays.2 51 . In the Prod Std field. as 24 inches = 2 feet. select New Quote.Set Up Run Times for the Saw Operation. 13. you would consume 16 inches of the Aluminum material and.33 feet. 4. This is the run time you defined in the Workshop . In the tree view. (1200 / (24 / 2)) = 100. From the New menu. create a quote for Dalton Manufacturing and configure a specific picture frame using the Configure button. 5 inches top side. the Qty/Parent field would display 1. Exit Job Entry. 2 . In the Frame Type field. 8. Navigate to the Line > Mfg Details > Quote Details > Assemblies > Assembly sheet. 19. In the Frame Size field.Add a Document Rule.Daily Processing Configurator Course 6. 17. Click Save.0. In the Expected Quantity field.700. create a sales order for Dalton Manufacturing and configure a specific picture frame using the Configure button. your rules operate correctly. 21. 18. In the Order Quantity field. If not. The This Configuration already has existing values entered. 7. To the message. Use the tree view.Enter a Sales Order In this workshop. If taking this course in a classroom. In the Glass Type field. Verify the quantities and the run times are correct. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. try to determine where you made a mistake. Select the Include Mat check box. to select operations and materials. accept the default of 5x7. Note If so. In the Part/Rev field. enter 10. 10. The Get Details window displays. Note If the Configure button is inactive. 16. Navigate to Sales Order Entry. select Clear. Click Save. Click the Configure button. would you like to reconfigure it? message displays. 11. Click Save and exit Opportunity/Quote Entry. it indicates that either the part revision or the configuration have not been approved. accept the default of Mahogany. ask your instructor for help if necessary. The Enter Inputs window displays. 13. Additionally. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 52 Epicor ERP | 10. Workshop . test the Document Rule syntax for the PO Number field you created in the Workshop . enter 10. 20. Click OK to copy information from the method of manufacturing (the configuration rules base). select Quote Line > Mfg Details > Get Details. 12. 15. 14. 9. From the Actions menu. click No. select Aluminum. enter XXXX (where XXXX are the last four digits of your phone number). Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. In the Customer PONum field. In the Part/Rev field.2 53 . enter 10 and click Save. Navigate to the Summary sheet. 12. In the Frame Size field. Click the Configure button to access the input form. 6. select Clear. accept 5x7 as the default. In the PO field. In the Customer field. 5. 17. Note The PO number in the Summary sheet automatically changes to MMYY (where MMYY is your birthday). From the New menu. 8. 11. In the Need By field. select New Line.Add a Document Rule. Epicor ERP | 10.Configurator Course Daily Processing 1. In the Frame Type field. Select the Include Mat check box. 15. 2. 14. The Enter Inputs window displays. In the Glass Type field. 13. Exit Sales Order Entry. 16. enter MMYY (where MMYY is the month and year of your birthday) and click Save. enter the date two days before the Need By date.700. enter Dalton and press Tab. select New Order. enter the date one week from today. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. From the New menu. In the Order Quantity field. 7. it indicates that either the part revision or the configuration have not been approved. 4. Note If the Configure button is inactive.0. 9. In the Ship By field. 3. This is due to the Document Rule syntax you created in Workshop . 10. Purchase Order Entry. Opportunity/Quote Entry. Smart String Use the Smart String settings to define how a special identifying number (a Smart String. Job Entry or Demand Entry. This section covers the following topics: Part Creation Use the Part Creation settings to define parameters that designate if and how part records should be entered or created when an item is configured.0. For instance. based on the components selected for the configured item and specified conditions being satisfied during a configuration session. or setting pricing based on code expressions you develop.Specialized Processing Configurator Course Specialized Processing This section of the course discusses some of the additional features that directly relate to configurator. Inputs-Based Pricing Input based pricing is setup via document rule conditions and actions. you can automatically update pricing of a sales order line. Pricing can be also based on assigning a constant decimal value for a given entity. or unique part number) should be constructed to identify a configuration of this part. based on syntax defined in Document rules. the Epicor application uses parameters defined for the associated Configurator ID in the Configurator Entry > Record Creation > Part Creation sheet to determine if and how part records should be entered or created when you configure the base part associated with the Configurator ID.700. After calculating unit pricing for the configured item.2 . 54 Epicor ERP | 10. Import/Export Configuration Use the Import and Export functionality to export and import the XML configuration file. based on the entries made during an actual configuration session in Order Entry. the Epicor application uses Smart String Options parameters (if any) defined for the configuration in the Configurator Entry > Record Creation > Part Creation sheet. After you generate part numbers for the configured item. select the P01_Cmb_FrameSize line. 2. Clear the Approved check box. 16. 15. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Entry 1. The Format button activates. setup and test the Part Creation functionality and review the Smart String settings. Use this sheet to define parameters that designate if and how part records should be entered or created when an item is configured.2 55 . The smart string now includes the base part number which makes each smart string part unique. In the Available Inputs grid. The Smart String Display Format window displays. You also use it to define if or how a special identifying number (a Smart String. 6. select the Enable Part Number Creation check box. Opportunity/Quote Entry. 12. 11. in the Available Styles field. Repeat steps 9-12 to review the rest of the inputs that display in the grid. Review the Possible and Display values for the P01_Cmb_FrameSize input. 8. select the Dash(-) option. select the Preface w/ Part Number check box. Navigate to Configurator Entry. In the Separator Character field. 9. In the Available Inputs grid. In the Configurator ID field. 7. Hold the Control (Ctrl) key on your keyboad and highlight all the inputs.0. The Available Inputs window displays. search for and select the XXX-PictureFrame record (where XXX are your initials). Click OK. Epicor ERP | 10. 5.Use the Smart Strings and Part Creation Capabilities In this workshop. 3. Purchase Order Entry. Click Save. select the Smart String Constructed from Inputs option.Configurator Course Specialized Processing Workshop . 14.700. In the Smart String Options pane. 10. In the Options pane. Click the Available Inputs button. 13. 4. Click the Format button. the selected inputs display. Navigate to the Record Creation > Part Creation sheet. In the Record Creation Options pane. Click OK. or unique part number) should be constructed to identify a configuration of this part. Job Entry or Demand Entry. based on the entries made during an actual configuration session in Order Entry. Click Save and exit Configurator Entry. 25. You can designate use of Allow Record Creation functionality for top assembly. 22. Navigate to the Detail sheet. Job Entry or Demand Entry once the selected configuration is saved. 20. select the Prompt User to Confirm New Part check box. select the Allow Record Creation check box for the following Table Names: Table Name Allow Record Creation Quote Assembly Select Quote Detail Select Quote Select Quote Material Select Quote Operation Detail Select Quote Operation Select This check box specifies if a new part record will be created when an item is configured during an actual configuration session in Order Entry. 23. In the Description of Changes window. select New Quote. Menu Path: Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Opportunity / Quote 1. Purchase Order Entry. Select this option to use the smart string generated during the configuration session as a new part number.Specialized Processing Configurator Course This activates all the check boxes in this pane. 19. 24. allowing it to be reconfigured at any time. In the Customer field. 17. enter Approved and click OK. Click Save. as well as subassembly configurators. 21. From the New menu. in the Available Methods field. If you select this check box. 2. In the Record Creation Options pane. the Epicor application creates a new part number when a configuration created for the base part is saved (existing functionality). 56 Epicor ERP | 10.700. In the Record Creation Options pane. Click Save. The Description of Changes window displays. enter Dalton and press Tab. Test the Part Creation Navigate to Opportunity/Quote Entry.2 . It automatically links this newly created part number back to the base part number. 18. In the Target Entities grid. select the Use Smart String as the new part number option. Opportunity/Quote Entry. asking you if a new part number should be created.0. Select the Approved check box. Select this check box to display a Would you like to create a new part number for this configuration? message during a configuration session. 13. click Yes. To the message. 14. Click Save and exit Opportunity/Quote Entry. 7. In the Expected Quantity field.0. In the Line > Detail sheet.700. 5. 6. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. enter 10. 12. In the Part/Rev field. Epicor ERP | 10. The Enter Inputs window displays. enter 10. In the Order Quantity field.2 57 . Click Save. Navigate to the Line > Detail sheet.Configurator Course Specialized Processing 3. 9. review the part number generated by the Epicor application. Click the Configure button. 10. The Would you like to create a new part number for configuration = XXX-PictureFrame part = PF-XXX? message displays (where XXX are your initials). 8. Click Save. in the Part/Rev field. From the New menu. select New Line. 4. Select the following picture frame combination: Input Value Frame Type Aluminum Frame Size 5x7 Glass Type Matte Include Mat Clear 11. The expression syntax would look as follows: decimal framePrice = 0.00 Aluminum 8x10 13. However. frame size. break. Aluminum. } break. the Vinyl frame is the cheapest while Mahogany is the most expensive one. } break. and unit price variations.00 Note For the purpose of the course. In this workshop.00 Vinyl 5x7 7. switch (Inputs. case "Aluminum": switch (Inputs. Mahogany) with three different sizes.0.00 Aluminum 5x7 10. break.Value) { case "Vinyl": switch (Inputs. each one covering one frame type (Vinyl. case "5x7": framePrice = 10.00 Mahogany 5x7 13. the Epicor application allows a user to create one expression only covering all the frame type.00 Mahogany 3x5 9.P01_Cmb_FrameType. break.Value) { case "3x5": framePrice = 7. P01_Cmb_FrameSize. case "5x7": framePrice = 7.P01_Cmb_FrameSize.Value) 58 Epicor ERP | 10. For example. case "8x10": framePrice = 13. set up input based pricing for all three picture frame types and sizes.00 Aluminum 3x5 7. P01_Cmb_FrameSize. you will create three different expressions.Create Unit Prices Based on Selected Inputs Each picture frame type and size you sell has a different unit price.Value) { case "3x5": framePrice = 5.2 . You will set up the following cost values: Frame Type Frame Size Unit Price (USD) Vinyl 3x5 5. case "Mahogany": switch (Inputs. break.00 Mahogany 8x10 16.700.Specialized Processing Configurator Course Workshop . break. Within the selected definition. click on the Variable link. The Value From String Constant Editor window displays. 5. 15. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. search for and select the XXX-PictureFrame record (where XXX are your initials). Select the Define Variable as Data Type with Specified constant as initial value definition. case "5x7": framePrice = 13. In the Data Type field. From the New menu.0. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Entry 1.700. The VarDataTypeEditorForm window displays. The Value From Decimal Constant Editor window displays. accept the default value of 0. Navigate to Configurator Entry. 11. 2. 6. 4. select New Document Variable. a new line displays. enter Numeric and click OK. Clear the Approved check box. 9. 14. In the Decimal Value field. enter Pricing. 7.Configurator Course Specialized Processing { case "3x5": framePrice = 9. Navigate to the Document Rules > Detail sheet. click on the Specified link. select New Document Rule. From the Actions menu. In the line. In the Configurator ID field. Within the selected definition. In the Name field. } break. select Document Variables. In the Variable Definitions grid. 13. Epicor ERP | 10. From the New menu. In the Rule Description field. The Document Variables window displays. break. 16.000 and click OK. break. 8. 12. case "8x10": framePrice = 16. } return framePrice. click on the Data Type link. enter resultFramePrice and click OK. Within the selected definition. 10. break. Click Save and exit the Document Variable window. 3.2 59 . 23. click OK. a new line displays. Select the Set Specified configurator pricing to Specified expression value rule action. In the Action grid. the pricing expression for Vinyl does not include the 8x10 size. verify Always execute displays. Select the Check Syntax button.Value) { case "Vinyl": switch (Inputs. click on the first Specified link. 25. The Pricing Entity Selection Editor window displays. break. click on the second Specified link. From the New menu. In the selected document rule action. verify the Pricing rule is selected in the tree view.700. as defined in the Workshop .Specialized Processing Configurator Course 17. select New Document Rule Action. 28. 27. The Code Editor displays. } return resultFramePrice. 19. 20. click OK to confirm your entry. The Syntax is correct message displays. In the Rule Condition field.P01_Cmb_FrameType.2 . 26.Value) { case "3x5": resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 5. Important Before you create a new document rule action. switch (Inputs. In the Entity Name field. Click Save. 30. a new line displays. From the New menu. 29.0. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions. In the line. select New Document Rule Action. 22.Create a Dynamic List and Input Settings. You may have to expand the tree view to display the list of entered document rules.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. In the Code Editor. 24. In the selected document rule action. In the Editor pane. 60 Epicor ERP | 10. Click Save. enter the following expression for the Vinyl frame: Note As you cannot order Vinyl frames with the 8x10 inch size. break. To the message. } break. select Quote and click OK. case "5x7": resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 7. 18. 21. In the Action grid. In the Code Editor. Click Save. To the message. 40. click OK.0. break. break. 31. You may have to expand the tree view to display the list of entered document rules.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. 32.Configurator Course Specialized Processing Important Before you create a new document rule action. 33. select the drop down menu to display all the available definitions.Value) { case "3x5": resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 9. enter the following expression for the Aluminum frame: switch (Inputs. 36.Value) { case "Mahogany": switch (Inputs. Repeat steps 30-40 to add the last pricing expression for the Mahogany frame using the expression below: switch (Inputs.700. case "8x10": resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 13. In the selected document rule action. In the Editor pane.Value) { case "Aluminum": switch (Inputs. Select the Check Syntax button. 41. The Pricing Entity Selection Editor window displays. In the Entity Name field.P01_Cmb_FrameType. select Quote and click OK. The Syntax is correct message displays. click on the first Specified link. The Code Editor displays. 37. verify the Pricing rule is selected in the tree view. case "5x7": resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 10. click OK to confirm your entry.Value) { case "3x5": resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 7. 35. } return resultFramePrice. 39. 38. In the line.P01_Cmb_FrameType. break. case "5x7": Epicor ERP | 10. 34.P01_Cmb_FrameSize. } break. break.2 61 . In the selected document rule action. click on the second Specified link. Select the Set Specified configurator pricing to Specified expression value rule action. Navigate to the Detail sheet. The Description of Changes window displays. In the Customer field. 9. 2. Test the Unit Based Pricing In this workshop task. 42. 44. Click the Configure button. 6. In the Expected Quantity field.0. break.Specialized Processing Configurator Course resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 13.2 . 8. Menu Path: Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Opportunity / Quote 1. enter 1. 4. From the New menu. } break. Select the following frame combination: 62 Input Value Frame Type Vinyl Frame Size 3x5 Glass Type Clear Include Mat N/A (you cannot use Mat with Vinyl frames) Epicor ERP | 10. 7. enter Dalton and press Tab. From the New menu. The Enter Inputs window displays. Navigate to Opportunity/Quote Entry. select New Line. } return resultFramePrice. Click Save and exit Configurator Entry. 5. 3. Select the Approved check box. 43.700. enter 1. case "8x10": resultFramePrice = resultFramePrice + 16. In the Part/Rev field. break. In the Description of Changes window. select New Quote. In the Order Quantity field. Navigate to the Line > Detail sheet. enter Approved and click OK. 45. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. use the Opportunity/Quote Entry to test pricing for different frame combinations. 21.0. 15. The Would you like to create a new part number for configuration = XXX-PictureFrame part = PF-XXX? (where XXX are your initials) message displays. Click Save.Configurator Course Specialized Processing 10. In the Expected Quantity field. From the New menu. select New Line. you can select Glass Type and Include Mat as desired. 12. In the Unit Price field. 20. In the Order Quantity field. 14.00 Epicor ERP | 10. if you select Vinyl in 5x7 size then return 7. In the Unit Price field. 16.00 Aluminum 8x10 13. click Yes. 13. The value of five displays because you select Vinyl in the 3x5 size. Click the Configure button. Repeat steps 13-21 to test the following picture frame combinations: In the Enter Inputs window.00 displays. verify 5. verify 7. enter PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. The value of five displays because you select Vinyl in the 5x7 size. if you select Vinyl in 3x5 size then return 5. 18. 17. In the Part/Rev field. Click Save. enter 1. click Yes.00 displays.00 Mahogany 3x5 9. The Would you like to create a new part number for configuration = XXX-PictureFrame part = PF-XXX? (where XXX are your initials) message displays.00 Aluminum 5x7 10. Based on the entered expression.2 63 . The Enter Inputs window displays. Select the following frame combination: Initial Value Frame Type Vinyl Frame Size 5x7 Glass Type Clear Include Mat N/A (you cannot use Mat with Vinyl frames) 19. 11.700. To the message. Based on the entered expression. To the message. Frame Type Frame Size Unit Price (USD) Aluminum 3x5 7. 22. enter 1. Exit Opportunity/Quote Entry.00 23. 64 Epicor ERP | 10.00 Mahogany 8x10 16.Specialized Processing Configurator Course Frame Type Frame Size Unit Price (USD) Mahogany 5x7 13.2 .0.700. In the Filename field. Important Export Configuration does not export underlying records in tables such as the Part Master. pricing. Configurations can be copied across companies or across databases. select Import/Export Configuration > Export Configuration. search for and select the XXX-PictureFrame record (where XXX are your initials).0. and Document Rules check boxes. The assumption is that these records have already been defined in the database to which the configuration records themselves are being exported (they are all present in the target database or company). part creation parameters) must be imported or exported.Configurator Course Specialized Processing Import/Export Configuration Configurator Entry > Actions Menu > Import/Export Configuration Use the Import/Export Configuration option on the Actions menu to import a defined configuration from another database using Import Configuration. Workshop . Resource Group. Before you begin this workshop. 5. From the Actions menu. Click the Export button. Method Rules. Import Configuration also allows you to specify if the company ID associated with the imported configuration records must be automatically updated.700. In the Configurator ID field. 6. and if the configuration must be approved once imported. enter XXX-Field Properties (where XXX are your initials) and click Save. or Resource Maintenance. Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Entry 1. Each program provides great flexibility in specifying exactly which types of records associated with the selected configuration (input rules. Use this folder to store the exported configuration. Export Configuration Use the Export Configuration to generate an XML file containing information for the current configuration for export to another database or company. This program provides great flexibility in specifying exactly which types of records associated with the selected configuration should be exported. These functions allow you to develop and test a product configuration in one database (for example. The Export Configuration windows displays. 2.Export Configuration In this workshop. 3. 4. Navigate to Configurator Entry. a training or test database) before easily copying and deploying it to a live database. Click the Filename button and search for and select the XXX-PCD folder (where XXX are your initials) that you created prior to this workshop. Note The target company cannot import a configuration unless you first create a configuration XML file by running the Export Configuration in your database. Epicor ERP | 10.2 65 . or export a defined configuration to another database using Export Configuration. use Configurator Entry to export the configuration created for part PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials). Select the Inputs. create a new folder on your desktop and name it XXX-PCD (where XXX are your initials). Operation Master. 7. create a new configurator record and import the configuration you created and exported for part PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials). Menu Path: Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Configurator Entry 1. and as a result the Configurator B record will include the same configuration. • Check in the revision for Part B. click OK. 66 Epicor ERP | 10. • In the Engineering Workbench. It also allows you to specify if the company ID associated with the imported configuration records must be automatically updated. Next. Once Configurator A is exported. Prior to use of this program. Navigate to Configurator Entry. Workshop . you import the previously exported Configurator A via Configurator Entry. This allows you to import configuration data developed and tested in another database. Navigate to your XXX-PCD (where XXX are your initials) folder and view the export file using the Notepad.700. and you export Configurator A. Note If the Configurator ID is the same for both revisions then the rules are copied too. If you want a new part to use the exported configurator: • Create Part B. Minimize Configurator Entry. you create a new Configurator B record in Configurator Entry and link it to a revision for Part A. execute Get Details and select Part A with its revision. • Link the new revision to Configurator A. To the message. Import Configuration Configurator Entry > Actions Menu > Import/Export Configuration > Import Configuration Use the Import Configuration command to import the XML configuration file created by Export Configuration. Note The Import Configuration provides great flexibility in specifying exactly which types of records associated with the selected configuration file must be imported. 8. A part number must be the same on import: Example You have Part A with Configurator A linked to it.2 . Maximize Configurator Entry. Only unapproved configurations can be imported from another company or another database (these are the ones for which the Approved check box has been cleared in the Detail sheet.Import Configuration In this workshop. and if the configuration must be approved once imported. 9. • Check out the revision to the Engineering Workbench. • Create a new revision for Part B.0. a configuration XML file must have been created by running Export Configuration in the export database.Specialized Processing Configurator Course This exports the configurator to your XXX-PCD (where XXX are your initials) folder. The The configuration information has been successfully exported message displays. 7. Clear the Approved check box. In the Filename field. In the Part field. enter Picture Frame Prototype . In the Import Configuration window. In the Configurator ID field. Accept the Replace default value that displays next to each check box. Document Rules. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet. import the previously exported configuration. message displays. search for and select the PF-Prototype-XXX (where XXX are your initials) configurator.700. 2. 6. In the Description field. 4. 5. 2. Import Configuration In this workshop task. link the previously created PF-Prototype-XXX (where XXX are your initials) configurator to the PF-XXX part. Epicor ERP | 10.XXX (where XXX are your initials). On the Standard toolbar. Select the Synchronize Revision Approval check box. 3.Configurator Course Specialized Processing 2. enter PF-Prototype-XXX (where XXX are your initials). Click Save and exit Part Maintenance. The The configurator has been imported successfully. From the Actions menu. Maximize Configurator Entry. use the Browse button to search for and select the XXX-Field Properties xml file that you saved in the XXX-PCD (where XXX are your initials) folder located on your Desktop. Click the Import button. Click Save and minimize Configurator Entry. search for and select part PF-XXX (where XXX are your initials). 3. 4.2 67 . 6. Link the Configurator In this workshop task. From the New menu. 1. select New Configuration. Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Part 1. 4. The Import Configuration window displays. select Product Configurator. and Method Rules check boxes.0. select the Inputs. Navigate to Part Maintenance. select the Import/Export Configuration > Import Configuration command. In the Configurator Type field. In the Configurator ID field. 5. click on the Refresh icon. 5. 3. Navigate to the Design > Page Designer sheet.Specialized Processing Configurator Course 7. select the Configurator Designer command. Click Save and exit Configurator Entry.700. 10. To the message. The Configurator Designer displays.0. Exit the Configurator Designer. From the Actions menu. 12. 68 Epicor ERP | 10. 8.2 . 9. Review the page. 11. click OK. Notice the imported configurator is identical to the previously exported XXX-PictureFrame configurator (where XXX are your initials). 700.0. Epicor ERP | 10.2 69 .Configurator Course Conclusion Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the Configurator course. . you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. go to http://support. To access this information is available at the Education and Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To create an account.
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