
May 27, 2018 | Author: IgorTeplitsky | Category: Battery Charger, Laptop, Power Supply, Computer Aided Design, I Pod



FaroArmProduct Catalog Specifications: Language: English - US Copyright 2013, FARO Technologies Inc. Page 1 Printed 02-Dec-2013 FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English - US Hardware --> FARO Edge --> 6 Foot --> 7 Axis Hardware FARO Edge 6 Foot 7 Axis 14000-001: Faro® Edge, 6 ft (1.8m), 7 Axis Edge, 6 ft (1.8m), 7 Axis. FARO's most advanced measurement system featuring a built-in touchscreen with basic metrology apps. Includes: Arm, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm, 6mm), rechargeable battery, cables, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. 9 Foot 7 Axis 14000-002: FARO® Edge, 9 ft (2.7m), 7 Axis Edge, 9 ft (2.7m), 7 Axis. FARO's most advanced measurement system featuring a built-in touchscreen with basic metrology apps. Includes: Arm, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm, 6mm), rechargeable battery, cables, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. 12 Foot 7 Axis 14000-003: FARO® Edge, 12 ft (3.7m), 7 Axis Edge, 12 ft (3.7m), 7 Axis. FARO's most advanced measurement system featuring a built-in touchscreen with basic metrology apps. Includes: Arm, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm, 6mm), rechargeable battery, cables, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. FaroArm Fusion 8 Foot 6 Axis 12747-003: FaroArm® Fusion 8 ft (2.4m), 6 Axis with Bluetooth FaroArm® Fusion 8 ft (2.4m), 6 Axis with Bluetooth. FARO's affordable performance measurement system. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm), cables, battery, custom cover, heavyduty case and 1 year standard warranty. Copyright 2013, FARO Technologies Inc. Page 2 Printed 02-Dec-2013 FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English - US Hardware --> FaroArm Fusion --> 8 Foot --> 7 Axis 7 Axis 12748-003: Fusion 8 ft (2.4m), 7 Axis with Bluetooth Fusion 8 ft (2.4m), 7 Axis with Bluetooth. FARO's affordable performance measurement system featuring 7 axis for added flexibility when using custom probes and Laser Line Scanners. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm), cables, battery, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. 6 Foot 6 Axis 12747-002: Fusion 6 ft (1.8m), 6 Axis with Bluetooth Fusion 6 ft (1.8m), 6 Axis with Bluetooth. FARO's affordable performance measurement system. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm), cables, battery, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. 7 Axis 12748-002: Fusion 6 ft (1.8m), 7 Axis with Bluetooth Fusion 6 ft (1.8m), 7 Axis with Bluetooth. FARO's affordable performance measurement system featuring 7 axis for added flexibility when using custom probes and Laser Line Scanners. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm), cables, battery, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. 10 Foot 6 Axis 12747-004: Fusion 10 ft (3.0m), 6 Axis with Bluetooth Fusion 10 ft (3.0m), 6 Axis with Bluetooth. FARO's affordable performance measurement system. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm), cables, battery, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. 7 Axis 12748-004: Fusion 10 ft (3.0m), 7 Axis with Bluetooth Fusion 10 ft (3.0m), 7 Axis with Bluetooth. FARO's affordable performance measurement system featuring 7 axis for added flexibility when using custom probes and Laser Line Scanners. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology, base plate, standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm), cables, battery, custom cover, heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. Copyright 2013, FARO Technologies Inc. Page 3 Printed 02-Dec-2013 standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm). 6 ft (1.7m). heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. base plate. FARO's most accurate contact measurement system.8m). rechargeable battery. 7 Axis 12748-005: Fusion 12 ft (3.US Hardware --> FaroArm Fusion --> 12 Foot --> 6 Axis 12 Foot 6 Axis 12747-005: Fusion 12 ft (3.4m). Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology. base plate. cables. heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. 7 Axis with Bluetooth Fusion 12 ft (3. base plate. Page 4 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . 6 Axis with Bluetooth.8m). standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm). custom cover. custom cover. 6 axis Arm Prime. cables. custom cover. base plate. 6 axis Arm Prime. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology.2m). 4 ft (1. battery. rechargeable battery. custom cover. FARO's most accurate contact measurement system. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology. FARO's affordable performance measurement system featuring 7 axis for added flexibility when using custom probes and Laser Line Scanners. base plate. custom cover. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology. cables.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . 6 Axis. FARO's affordable performance measurement system. 6 Axis. 8 ft (2. 8 Foot 6 Axis 15401-003: Prime 8ft (2. cables. heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. FARO Technologies Inc. 6 Axis with Bluetooth Fusion 12 ft (3. standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm). battery. rechargeable battery. standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm). 6 Axis. Copyright 2013.4m). cables. standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm).7m). 6 Foot 6 Axis 15401-002: Prime 6ft (1. FARO's most accurate contact measurement system. 7 Axis with Bluetooth. heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty.7m). Prime 4 Foot 6 Axis 15401-001: Prime 4ft (1.7m).2m). 6 axis Arm Prime. US Hardware --> Prime --> 10 Foot --> 6 Axis 10 Foot 6 Axis 15401-004: Prime 10ft (3. Copyright 2013.7 m).FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . rechargeable battery. standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm). FARO's most accurate contact measurement system. 6 axis Arm Prime. base plate. rechargeable battery. 6 axis Arm Prime. FARO's most accurate contact measurement system. standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm). 12 Foot 6 Axis 15401-005: Prime 12 ft (3. base plate. cables. 10 ft (3.7m). 12 ft (3. Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology. custom cover. Page 5 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Includes: Arm with Bluetooth wireless technology. FARO Technologies Inc. 6 Axis. 6 Axis. custom cover.0m).0m). heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. cables. heavy-duty case and 1 year standard warranty. US Accessories --> Probes --> Laser Probes Accessories Probes Laser Probes 11669: Laser Line Probe V3 Laser Line Probe V3 is ideal for non-contact measurement applications. Please consult your FARO representative for the recommended PC specifications based on your application. Includes: Laser Line Probe. inspection and reverse engineering. calibration kit. Includes: Laser Line Probe. For use with 7 Axis USB FaroArms. Page 6 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Ideal for non-contact measurement applications. case and 1 year standard warranty. Includes: Laser Line Probe. 15588: FARO Laser Line Probe ES for Edge FARO Laser Line Probe ES for Edge is the smallest. When purchasing a laser line probe. When purchasing a laser line probe. inspection and reverse engineering. Copyright 2013. Zircon ball probe for use with USB series arms. For use with the FARO Edge arm. store serial number and certified ball diameter. 14161: FARO Laser Line Probe for Edge FARO Laser Line Probe for Edge is the smallest. Ideal for noncontact measurement applications.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Ball Probes PROBE0031: BP013: 5/16inch Diameter USB Arm Probes Inches PROBE0083: 5/16" Zircon Ball Probe 5/16" Zircon Ball Probe. lightest and fastest handheld laser scanning probe. Please consult your FARO representative for the recommended PC specifications based on your application. case and 1 year standard warranty. calibration kit. For use with the FARO Edge arm. calibration kit. case and 1 year standard warranty. FARO Technologies Inc. Built-in electronics monitor probe temperature. Metric 11738: 6mm Zirconia Ball i-Probe 6mm Zirconia Ball i-Probe for use with Edge or Quantum FaroArm. lightest and fastest handheld laser scanning probe. inspection and reverse engineering. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms.US Accessories --> Probes --> Ball Probes --> USB Arm Probes --> Metric 11740: 3mm Zirconia Ball i-Probe 3mm Zirconia Ball i-Probe for use with Edge or Quantum FaroArm. Zircon ball probe for use with USB series arms.Serial Arms (USB Arms Req 2712 Adapter) 4mm Zirconia Ball Probe. store serial number and certified ball diameter. FARO Technologies Inc. Page 7 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . delicate. store serial number and certified ball diameter.7mm and is therefore. 12550: 20mm Zircon Ball i-Probe 20mm Zircon Ball i-Probe for use with Edge or Quantum FaroArm.1mm. Ruby for USB Arms 1mm Ruby Ball Probe with Tungsten Carbide Shaft-USB. Zirconia ball probe with M6 thread. PROBE0089: 2mm Zircon Probe-USB 2mm Zircon Ball Probe-USB. 12454: 6mm Zircon Ball Probe-USB 6mm Zircon Ball Probe-USB. NOTE: The shaft diameter is 0. Care must be taken when using it in order to prevent damage and excessive flexing which could affect the accuracy of the results. Advantage and GAGE arms. For use with Platinum. Zircon ball probe for use with USB arms. Built-in electronics monitor probe temperature. (Sold separately) Copyright 2013. 15338: Ball Probe . It is recommended that the probe be calibrated using the sphere method. 12453: 3mm Zircon Ball Probe-USB 3mm Zircon Ball Probe-USB. Zirconia ball probe for use with USB arms. Serial Arm Probes 10420: 4mm Zirconia Ball Probe . Titanium. Built-in electronics monitor probe temperature. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms.US Accessories --> Probes --> Ball Probes --> Serial Arm Probes --> Inches Inches PROBE0021: 1/4" Extended Ball Probe 1/4" Extended Ball Probe. Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Page 8 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . (Sold separately) PROBE0045: 1/64" Radius Probe 1/64" Radius Probe. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. (Sold separately) PROBE0029: 1" Ball Probe 1" Ball Probe. Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. Steel ball probe with 60deg. (Sold separately) PROBE0066: 1/8" Zircon Ball Probe 1/8" Zircon Ball Probe. Zircon ball probe with 4" extension and M6 thread. (Sold separately) PROBE0025: 1/4" Curved Ball Probe 1/4" Curved Ball Probe. Zircon ball probe with M6 thread. Ideal for measurement in tight areas. FARO Technologies Inc. (Sold separately) PROBE0022: 1/2" Ball Probe 1/2" Ball Probe. (Sold separately) Copyright 2013. (Sold separately) PROBE0051: 1/8" Extended Ball Probe 1/8" Extended Ball Probe.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Steel ball probe with a 4" extension and M6 thread. Carbide steel tip probe with 1/64" radius and M6 thread. curved shaft and M6 thread. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. (Sold separately) PROBE0035: 10mm Ball Probe 10mm Ball Probe. Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. (Sold separately) PROBE0036: 12mm Ball Probe 12mm Ball Probe. (Sold separately) PROBE0034: 8mm Ball Probe 8mm Ball Probe. (Sold separately) PROBE0039: 18mm Ball Probe 18mm Ball Probe. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms.Serial Arms (USB Arms Req 2712 Adapter) 5mm Zirconia Ball Probe. (Sold separately) Copyright 2013. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. FARO Technologies Inc.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Page 9 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. (Sold separately) PROBE0038: 20mm Ball Probe 20mm Ball Probe. Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Zirconia ball probe with M6 thread. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Zircon ball probe with M6 thread. Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. (Sold separately) Metric 10421: 5mm Zirconia Ball Probe . Steel ball Probe with M6 thread.US Accessories --> Probes --> Ball Probes --> Serial Arm Probes --> Inches PROBE0068: 1/4" Zircon Ball Probe 1/4" Zircon Ball Probe. (Sold separately) PROBE0037: 16mm Ball Probe 16mm Ball Probe. Zircon ball probe with M6 thread. This probe requires no compensation of the measured points. Page 10 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Zircon ball probe with M6 thread. Tungsten carbide is hard (9 on Moh's scale). (Sold separately) PROBE0042: 5" Extended Point Probe 5" Extended Point Probe. Angle and M6 thread. (Sold separately) Copyright 2013. Designed to capture dimensional data in places too small for a probe extension. Ruby ball probe with 50mm extension. 60deg. Carbide steel point probe with 5" extension and M6 thread. NOTE: Caution must be used when handling. FARO Technologies Inc. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. 90deg.US Accessories --> Probes --> Ball Probes --> Serial Arm Probes --> Metric PROBE0060: 3mm 90 Degree Ruby Ball Probe 3mm-90 Degree Ruby Ball Probe.Tungsten Carbide steel point probe for use with any USB FaroArm. Carbide steel point probe with 4" extension. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Serial Arm Probes PROBE0020: Carbide Point Probe A probe with a carbide steel point. (Sold separately) PROBE0041: 60 Degree Point Probe 60 Degree Point Probe. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Bend and M6 thread. (Sold separately) PROBE0065: 3mm Zircon Ball Probe 3mm Zircon Ball Probe. Total width including shaft and probe is 12 mm. (Sold separately) Point Probes USB Arm Probes PROBE0071: Point Probe-USB Point Probe-USB. This probe requires no compensation of the measured points.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . (Sold separately) PROBE0067: 6mm Zircon Ball Probe 6mm Zircon Ball Probe. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. scratch resistant and heat resistant but brittle and the tips may break if not handled with care. Allows the older style probe shanks to fit metric style arms. Conical socket probe designed for quick measurement of 1/2" tooling spheres. (Sold separately) PROBE0032: 1/4" Delrin Ball Probe 1/4" Delrin Ball Probe.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .Serial Arms Probe thread adapter for English arm threads to metric probe threads and metric arm threads to English probe threads. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. PROBE0030: 1/8" Delrin Ball Probe 1/8" Delrin Ball Probe.US Accessories --> Probes --> Point Probes --> Serial Arm Probes PROBE0046: 4" Long Carbide Point Probe 4" Long Carbide Point Probe.25-20 thread. (Sold separately) Copyright 2013. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Low friction plastic ball tip to minimize marring. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Delrin ball probe with M6 thread. Probe adapter to use M6 thread probes with USB arms 1. Delrin ball probe with M6 thread. 12393: English and Metric Adapter Kit . Carbide steel point probe with 4" extension and M6 thread. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. (Sold separately) 2712: Probe Adapter for USB Arms 2712 Probe Adapter. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. (Sold separately) Adaptors and Specialty Probes 11713: i-Probe to TP-20 Adapter Adapter to use a Renishaw TP-20 touch trigger probe with only Quantum or Edge FaroArm. (Sold separately) 1835: 1/2" Cone Probe-Serial (2712 Adapter Reqd for USB Arms) 1/2" Cone Probe. Low friction plastic ball tip to minimize marring. Page 11 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . FARO Technologies Inc. Pen holder probe with felt-tip pen and M6 thread. Steel ball Probe with M6 thread. 1/2" ball tip with 120deg. (Sold separately) PROBE0052: 1/8" 60 Degree Delrin Ball Probe 1/8"-60 Degree Delrin Ball Probe. (Sold separately) Probe Kits and Extensions 11009: Renishaw Touch Probe-USB Arm POS Renishaw Touch Probe-USB Arm. and carrying case. Available at point-of-sale ONLY. Copyright 2013. Delrin ball probe with 2" extension. FOR USE WITH AN EXISTING USB ARM WITH AVAILABLE OPTION PORT. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. cut-out allows probe to "ride" along edges for quick measurements.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Bend and M6 thread. 2mm. Use for making accurate reference markings. Requires adapter 11713 for Quantum and Edge arms. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. Low friction plastic tip to minimize marring. the touch probe features two repeatable magnetic probe interfaces. 2mm and 6mm stylii and carrying case. Spring loaded center punch probe with M6 thread. FARO Technologies Inc. Delrin point probe with M6 thread. Page 12 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Low friction plastic ball tip to minimize marring. Includes arm option port. 3mm. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. 60 deg. 11769: Renishaw Basic Touch Probe Kit for USB Arms Renishaw Basic Touch Probe kit features one repeatable magnetic probe interface . (Sold separately) PROBE0047: Pen Holder Probe Pen Holder Probe. (Sold separately) PROBE0044: 1/2" Swiveling Edge Probe 1/2" Swiveling Edge Probe. (Sold separately) PROBE0049: Center Punch Probe Center Punch Probe. Designed exclusively for the Platinum. Requires 2712 Probe Adapter for use with USB arms. and 6mm probes.US Accessories --> Probes --> Adaptors and Specialty Probes PROBE0043: Delrin Point Probe Delrin Point Probe. Fusion and FaroGage. Use for making accurate reference markings. touch trigger and scanning capability.For USB FaroArms. Must be used with a 2712 adaptor for USB series arms and a M6 threaded probe (both sold separately). a variable offset angle joint and carrying case. Must be used with a 2712 adaptor for USB series arms and a M6 threaded probe (both sold separately). Page 13 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . a 200mm extension. wrench. Limited 1 year warranty. PROBE0011: 12" Straight Probe Extension A 12” straight threaded insert which increases the distance from the FaroArm handle to the probe end. Touch Probe Extension kit designed exclusively for the USB arms combines the touch probe with two repeatable magnetic probe interfaces. Includes one 6mm and one 3mm stylus. (1) 60 degree angle. FARO Technologies Inc. 12mm torque wrench. and (1) 90 degree angle probe extensions. 2mm. PROBE0074: 3" Straight Probe Extension A 3” straight threaded insert which increases the distance from the FaroArm handle to the probe end. Requires adapter 11713 for Quantum and Edge arms. (1) 6mm Zircon probes. Touch probe adapter and calibration sphere to use with existing bracket mount. a 50 mm extension. stylus tool. and 6mm ball probes. This probe extension kit contains (2) 3" straight. 3mm. Must use 2712 adaptor for USB arms and a M6 threaded probe (both sold separately). PROBE0010: 4" Straight Probe Extension A 4” straight threaded insert which increases the distance from the FaroArm handle to the probe end. (1) 4" straight. PROBE0076: Touch Probe with Extension Kit-USB Arm Touch Probe with Extension Kit-USB Arm. 14874: iProbe Upgrade kit for Edge iProbe upgrade kit for Edge includes two FARO iProbes (6mm and 3mm). For use with USB arms.US Accessories --> Probes --> Probe Kits and Extensions 12637: FARO SENSOR Probe FARO SENSOR is contact-sensing rigid probe that incorporates ground breaking technology to provide hard probe. Copyright 2013. (1) 12mm wrench and (1) 2712 adapter. cleaning kit and carrying case. as well as (1) 3mm Zircon. For use with Edge Arm. Not intended for high accuracy applications or for use with new series probes. EXCLUSIVE FOR EDGE AND QUANTUM ARMS. PROBE0073: Probe Extension Kit-USB Arm Probe Extension Kit. Standard USB cable used for all FaroArms.USB USB arm power supply. Optional upgrade for FaroArm systems. COMP0121X64: Notebook-Super Power User. Power User high-end notebook computer with 64 bit OS for use with ScanArm and Laser Scanner systems. For use with CAM2 Remote app (available on iTunes). Page 14 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . FARO Technologies Inc. Imager AMP and ScanArm systems. Optional upgrade for FaroArm systems. Copyright 2013. Cables.US Accessories --> Computers --> Computer Systems Computers Computer Systems 14881: Apple iPod Touch 16GB Apple iPod touch with 16GB memory. Contact your FARO representative for current specifications. COMP0101X64: Notebook-Standard 64Bit Standard notebook computer with 64bit OS for use with FaroArm system. 64bit Notebook-Super Power User. uses standard computer type power cord (15305-001) sold separately. 13375: Arm Power Supply .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Contact your FARO representative for current specifications. Cords and Batteries 10445: USB Cable 10 ft USB Cable 10 ft. Optional upgrade for FaroArm systems. Connects to CAM2 Measure 10 and later as well as other 3rd party applications and allows users to directly interface with the FARO hardware devices controlling the measurement process. Top-level notebook computer for use with Laser Scanner. For use with all USB arms except Edge. Power User high-end notebook computer with 64bit OS for use with ScanArm and Laser Scanner systems. Controls FARO's CAM2 Measure 10 inspection software wirelessly. Contact your FARO representative for current specifications. COMP0115X64: Notebook-Power User 64bit Notebook-Power User. Notebook-Power User. USB Arm Power Cord . AC/DC 18V 3. Gold. Sterling & Bronze Arms Connects legacy Silver. 6 feet long. 15305-001: Power Cord . Not compatible with other FaroArm or Gage models. Includes (1) battery and external charger. 225-90-005: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) . 299-01030: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for Europe and other 230 VAC Countries only Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). For Europe and other 230 VAC countries only. This product is not CE Compliant. Page 15 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .US and 115 VAC Countries Only Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). FARO Technologies Inc. Includes power cord. 1400 VA. Input 230V/Output 230V. 1500 VA. Cords and Batteries 14035: Arm Power Supply . Copyright 2013.6Amps 1456: FaroArm Com Cable for Silver. 14705: FARO Edge Battery FARO Edge Battery.Edge Edge arm power supply. For US and 115 VAC countries only. ACCS0146: USB Arm Battery & Charger USB arm battery and charger. Gold. Faro all USB FaroArm series except Edge. Sterling and Bronze FaroArms to the Power Module (DSP models only).US Accessories --> Cables. External charger to use with Edge battery. Conditions incoming power. 14815: Edge Battery Charger Edge battery charger. For use only with any FARO Edge arm. Batteries not included.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Lithium Ion battery for use with FARO Edge arm. sine waves output. Can charge two batteries simultaneously. Conditions incoming power.USB Arm. 6 x 115 VAC receptacles. Carts and Work Tables ACCS0164: Granite Rolling Cart for USB Arms Granite Rolling Cart.US Accessories --> Cables. locking cabinet doors and a 52 piece toe clamp set.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . locking heavy duty casters. 14549: Dust Cover 12' Edge Protective cover for 12 foot Edge Arms. Faro approved. shielded 16 foot USB cable for connecting USB series FaroArms to the host computer. Complete mobile measurement workstation. Cases and Covers 14547: Dust Cover 6' Edge Protective cover for 6 foot Edge Arms. Additional shipping charges apply. Cords and Batteries XH11-0207: USB Cable 16 ft USB Cable 16 ft. XH13-1369: FaroArm Battery FaroArm Battery. XH11-87: 10' Communication Cable 10 foot null modem cable connects the legacy FaroArm's serial box or power brick to the computer for communications (not for Bronze series). 14548: Dust Cover 9' Edge Protective cover for 9 foot Edge Arms. Provides a solid work surface for all USB Series FaroArms. Dimensions: LxWxH= 36x24x35in (89x63x91cm). Lithium Ion battery for all USB series arms except Edge. two integrated FaroArm mounts. Copyright 2013. Page 16 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . FARO Technologies Inc. Includes granite surface plate with toe clamp inserts. Recommended for high precision measurements. 14916: 8' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum) 8' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum). SHIPPING. EDGE. Heavy duty shipping case for all 8 foot Quantum arms.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Page 17 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . 14600: 6' Heavy Duty Case (Edge) Heavy Duty Case (Edge) Heavy duty shipping case for all 6 foot FARO Edge arms. See Comments 14915: 6' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum) 6' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum) Heavy duty shipping case for all 6 foot Quantum arms. Used to store and carry your Edge arm to and from the work area. 12FT Heavy Duty Case (Edge) Heavy duty shipping case for all 12 foot FARO Edge arms. 14648: 12' Carry Case (Edge) EVA carrying case for Edge. Used to store and carry your Edge arm to and from the work area. Must use with heavy duty case 14599 for shipping. 14917: 10' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum) 10' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum). Heavy duty shipping case for all 10 Quantum arms.US Accessories --> Cases and Covers 14598: CASE. Must use with heavy duty case 14598 for shipping. Replaces 12108 Copyright 2013. 14599: 9' Heavy Duty Case (Edge) Heavy Duty Case (Edge) Heavy duty shipping case for all 9 foot FARO Edge arms. Replaces 14544 14647: 9' Carry Case (Edge) EVA carrying case for Edge. FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Cover for 4 foot USB Arms. Laser Tracker Wheeled.FaroArm. soft carrying bag with handle is compatible with FaroArm tripod and all FARO Laser Tracker stands.US Accessories --> Cases and Covers 14918: 12' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum) 12' Heavy Duty Case (Quantum) Heavy duty shipping case for all 12 Quantum arms. Copyright 2013. Cover for 6 foot USB Arms. Replaces 13198 14922: 12' Heavy Duty Case (USB) 12' Heavy Duty Case (USB) Heavy duty shipping case for all 12 foot USB series FaroArms (Excludes Quantum and Edge). Excludes Edge. Replaces 13197 14921: 10' Heavy Duty Case (USB) 10' Heavy Duty Case (USB) Heavy duty shipping case for all 10 foot USB series FaroArms (Excludes Quantum and Edge). Replaces 13199 15530: Soft Carry Bag for Tripod/Stand . 2122: Dust Cover USB 4 foot Dust Cover USB 4 foot. FARO Technologies Inc. Replaces 12109 14919: 6' Heavy Duty Case (USB) 6' Heavy Duty Case (USB) Heavy duty shipping case for all 6 foot USB series FaroArms (Excludes Quantum and Edge). Replaces 13196 14920: 8' Heavy Duty Case (USB) 8' Heavy Duty Case (USB) Heavy duty shipping case for all 8 foot USB series FaroArms (Excludes Quantum and Edge). Page 18 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Excludes Edge. 2148: Dust Cover USB 6 foot Dust Cover USB 6 foot. Excludes Edge. Mounts 15320: Vacuum Clamping Plate Battery powered vacuum mount for the USB FaroArm and FaroGage. Includes case with a 7/8” SMR. Specially designed to quickly.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Compatible with all USB FaroArms and FARO Laser Trackers including Edge and Vantage. 2723: Dust Cover USB 12 foot Dust Cover USB 12 foot. Includes battery pack and battery charger.US Accessories --> Cases and Covers 2149: Dust Cover USB 8 foot Dust Cover USB 8 foot. Excludes Edge.2 or Polyworks 12. easily and rigidly mount to granite surfaces constantly without a degradation in accuracy. SMR mount for Edge arm. 2712 probe adapter. Dimensions: 260 x 80 mm. Copyright 2013. Cover for 10 foot USB Arms. two 7/8” calibration spheres. Page 19 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . 2150: Dust Cover USB 10 foot Dust Cover USB 10 foot.6 or later (sold separately). SMR probe mount and hex key. Cover for 12 foot USB Arms. 7/8” drift nest. Base Plates and Mounts 10607: Mounting Plate for Serial Arms Mounting Plate to be used with legacy serial FAROArms.1. Excludes Edge. Replaces IG-15 and 1498. Requires CAM2 Measure 10. Cover for 8 foot USB Arms. Kits 15366: Universal TrackArm Kit Universal TrackArm kit. height adjustable ease. USB and Serial Arms Only. Stands and Tripods 15532: FaroArm Portable Folding Tripod w/ Case and Bag Designed specifically for the FaroArm.75" (273mm).9x1.75" (44. Height=1. tool beds and other ferrous surfaces. Dimensions: Diameter=10. Weight: 7. Dimensions: LxWxH=11.95" (151 mm).7m to 1.3").0m).2in (285x151x31mm).0 mm diameter magmount. Dimensions: Length 5. Includes mount. Dimensions: Height 31" to 41" (0. easily and rigidly mounts the FaroArm or Tracker to granite surfaces without a degradation in accuracy. Features dual mount for the FaroArm and Computer support arm.US Accessories --> Mounts --> Base Plates and Mounts 11516: Magnetic Mount Kit (150mm) A magnetic mount kit that allows any FaroArm.9" ). Page 20 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .2x25. oil and case. FARO Technologies Inc. the folding tripod includes stabilizing struts that mount to the actual work surface. Copyright 2013. Horizontal Range=24" (61cm). ACCS0185: Control Station Base Plate for USB Arms Control Station Base Plate. Height=76mm (2. Quickly. Vacuum mount designed for every size and model of USB FaroArms and Faro Laser Tracker. Standard Base plate for all USB FaroArms. retractable wheels. Gage or Laser Tracker to be mounted to surface plates. hand pump.4m).5" mounting ring and bolt holes for permanent mounting. maximum spread 54" (1.5Kg (16. (1) hex wrench. ACCS0213: Laptop Support Arm for Wide Format Notebook Computers Laptop Support Arm.4 cm). Supports a variety of wide format notebook computers with multi-position and rotation. Support Arm Vertical Range=14" (35. Width 5.5cm). The part number consists of the following: (1) 150. wheeled soft bag and heavy-duty shipping case.USB Arms/Laser Trackers Vacuum Mount.4mm).5" threaded mount or surface plate. (1) test certificate. Mount directly on a 3. Replaces 1001-1078 14178: Arm Base Plate for USB Arms Arm Base Plate. Height 1" (25. Comes with an external clamp mount or mounts directly to the Control Station base plate (ACCS0185 sold separately) Dimensions: Tray LxW=17x10 in (43.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .2x5. ring mount for FaroArm.4mm). Dimensions: Diameter=150mm (5. (1) operating manual.5lbs.) 13402-002: Vacuum Mount . Includes 3.95" (151 mm). 5" Mounting Ring 3. this heavy-duty stand is built for maximum portability and stability. this heavy-duty stand is built for maximum portability and stability.5cm). this heavy-duty stand is built for maximum portability and stability. adjustable height. Riser used to increase the height any rolling stand.1cm). Specifically designed for all FARO USB Arms and Laser Tracker products. Specifically designed for all FARO USB Arms and Laser Tracker products. tripod.5" ring mount. IG-18: Rolling Stand 20"-25" Rolling Stand 20"-25".1cm). Page 21 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .5cm).US Accessories --> Mounts --> Stands and Tripods IG-10: Rolling Stand 28"-42" Rolling Stand 28"-42". IG-24: Rolling Stand 36"-54" Rolling Stand 36"-54". Dimensions: Max base width=32. Also supports older Sterling and the Bronze Series FaroArm. adjustable height. threaded to accept any FARO USB Arm or Laser Tracker. Specifically designed for all FARO USB Arms and Laser Tracker products.8 to 63. Includes 3.5cm).1 to 106. FARO Technologies Inc. retractable wheels. Includes 3. Height 36" to 54" (91. tripod.5" Mounting Ring. Includes 3.5" ring mount. adjustable height. Copyright 2013. Riser used to increase the height any rolling stand. this heavy-duty stand is built for maximum portability and stability. Dimensions: Max base width=32. Adapters and Risers 15258: Stand Extension 40" Stand Extension 40".5cm). Height 43" to 67" (109. adjustable height. Length: 40". retractable wheels. Height 20" to 25" (50. Standard 3. Can be mounted to any flat surface with the supplied bolts and hex key.5" ring mount. retractable wheels. retractable wheels.2 to 170.5" (82. Includes 3. Length: 5" (127mm).5" (82. IG-27: 3.5" (82. magnetic mount or surface plate mount.5" (82.4 to 137.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .1cm). magnetic mount or surface plate mount. Height 28" to 42" (71. Dimensions: Max base width=32. Dimensions: Max base width=32. XH14-0140: 5" Stand Extension Stand Extension 5".5" ring mount. Specifically designed for all FARO USB Arms and Laser Tracker products.5cm).5" ring. IG-9: Rolling Stand 43"-67" Rolling Stand 43"-67". XH14-0168: Stand Extension 600mm Stand Extension 600mm. magnetic mount or surface plate mount. FARO Technologies Inc. Page 22 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Other Accessories 1001-1024: USB Arm/Gage Touch Probe OPTION PORT This option will add the built-in OPTION PORT to your USB Arm/Gage for use with existing Renishaw touch probes. Riser used to increase the height any rolling stand. XH14-0153: Stand Extension 20" Stand Extension 20". magnetic mount or surface plate mount. Riser used to increase the height any rolling stand.6"). NOTE: This is for the option port only. magnetic mount or surface plate mount. tripod.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .7"). magnetic mount or surface plate mount. tripod. Length: 200mm (7. Length: 400mm (15. XH14-0167: Stand Extension 400mm Stand Extension 400mm.US Accessories --> Mounts --> Adapters and Risers XH14-0141: 10" Stand Extension Stand Extension 10". Touch probes are sold separately. Break-Away design ensures consistent force applied when installing FaroArm probes. magnetic mount or surface plate mount. tripod.8"). Copyright 2013.8cm). XH14-0166: Stand Extension 200mm Stand Extension 200mm. tripod. 11739: 12mm Break-Away Torque Wrench 12mm open torque wrench pre-set to 50in/lb for tightening probes. tripod. Riser used to increase the height any rolling stand. Riser used to increase the height any rolling stand. Riser used to increase the height any rolling stand. Length: 10" (254mm). Length: 600mm (23. Length: 20" (50. [KIT0010] XH15-12: 1" Calibration Sphere for Serial Arms 1" replacement calibration sphere for Serial Arms (Gold.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . extruded aluminum base that comes with a fixture-mounted piece of stamped sheet metal for practicing with FARO hardware. Silver. ACCS0039: Magnetic Cones Set (3) Magnetic Cones Set (3). 2766: Probe Calibration Sphere for USB Arms Remote probe calibration sphere used for USB arm calibration of touch probes or point probes. Use with all USB FaroArms for probe calibration and with older serial arms for single point accuracy tests. 12722: Probe Calibration Cone for USB Arms Remote probe calibration cone. Copyright 2013. A set of three separate cone tips which are used during the leapfrog command. Not recommended for high accuracy applications. The demonstration part used in all FARO training classes and software tutorials. This oil is specifically formulated for Vacuum applications. ACCS0078: Magnetic Spheres Set (3) Magnetic Spheres Set (3). This is a rugged. Replacement vacuum oil for Vacuum mount.US Accessories --> Other Accessories 11787: FARO Training Part with Fixture The standard FARO part with fixture for secure mounting. This will increase the measuring volume of the FaroArm (not for high accuracy applications). Bronze). FARO Technologies Inc. Page 23 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Shown with mounting bracket (not included). KIT0010: Standard Demo Part Standard Demo Part. This will increase the measuring volume of the FaroArm. XH26-0030: Vacuum Oil for Vac Mount Vacuum oil for Vac mount. A set of three separate tooling spheres which are used for the Leapfrog command. US Accessories --> Other Other 15167: FARO Temperature Sensor for SI Universal miniature USB temperature measurement device IP40 Copyright 2013. Page 24 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Licensing option is required: Port lock (12009-001). customers are entitled to receive CAM2 Measure 10 updates for free. CAM2 Measure X.Offline Offline version of CAM2 Measure 10. and STEP files to Parasolid at no cost.Upgrade from CAM2 Q. Software (12009-002) or Network license (12009-003) Includes FARO facility training for 2 attendees (TR-MSR-ARM-POS or TR-MSR-TRK-POS) as well as the first year of Maintenance (SMA10010) SOFT10010-UNI: CAM2 Measure 10 Software . The hotline support is included as always with the purchase. VDA. Additional CAD Translators can be purchased separately. and STEP files to Parasolid at no cost. Copyright 2013. CAM2 Measure 4. Additional CAD Translators can be purchased separately. VDA.US Software --> FARO --> CAM2 Measure 10 --> Program Software FARO CAM2 Measure 10 Program SOFT10010: CAM2 Measure 10 Software . VDA. Licensing option is required: Port lock (12009-001). ScanArm and FARO Laser Tracker.Upgrade CAM2 Measure 10 Software . Supports reading Parasolid CAD files directly and includes CAD Translation of IGES.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Page 25 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . With CAM2 Measure 10 Maintenance. and STEP files to Parasolid at no cost. This includes bug-fix and new feature releases. ScanArm and FARO Laser Tracker.x and earlier. FARO Technologies Inc. ScanArm and FARO Laser Tracker. Supports reading Parasolid CAD files directly and includes CAD Translation of IGES. Insight and CAM2 Automotive.Educational License Measurement software for the FaroArm. Supports reading Parasolid CAD files directly and includes CAD Translation of IGES. Measurement software for the FaroArm. Software (12009-002) or Network license (12009003) Does not include the recommended Training (TR-MSR-ARM-POS) SOFT10010-UPG: CAM2 Measure 10 Software . Supports reading Parasolid CAD files directly and includes CAD Translation of IGES.1 year Maintenance One year of maintenance for CAM2 Measure 10. Software (12009-002) or Network license (12009003) Includes FARO facility training for 2 attendees (TR-MSR-ARM-POS or TR-MSR-TRK-POS) as well as the first year of Maintenance (SMA10010) SOFT10010-OFF: CAM2 Measure 10 Software . Software (12009-002) or Network license (12009-003) Includes FARO facility training for 2 attendees (TR-MSR-ARM-POS or TR-MSR-LT-POS) as well as the first year of Maintenance (SMA10010) Program Maintenance SMA10010: CAM2 Measure 10 . Licensing option is required: Port lock (12009-001). Additional CAD Translators can be purchased separately. Licensing option is required: Port lock (12009-001). VDA.Full Version Measurement software for the FaroArm. and STEP files to Parasolid at no cost. Additional CAD Translators can be purchased separately. numeric-tabular reports.1 month Maintenance One year of maintenance for CAM2 Measure 10. output of graphical. VDA. Other CAD translators are offered separately at an additional cost. Educational license includes the Device Control Panel for use with FARO Hardware and QuickTools Image Creator plug-ins for the creation of inspection programs with pictures. Solid Metrology Made Simple. (10691-UNI) Requires choice of either Portlock. This is only offered to customers that have software maintenance expiring on different months and wish to have all expirations on the same month. SMA10010X3: CAM2 M10 3 Year Maintenance Renewal CAM2 Q Program 10691-UNI: CAM2 Q Educational License CAM2 Q Measurement Software . Copyright 2013.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . SMA10010-OFF: CAM2 Measure 10 Offline . (12009-001.US Software --> FARO --> CAM2 Measure 10 --> Program Maintenance SMA10010-MONTH: CAM2 Measure 10 . 12009-001: CAM2 Q/CAM2 Measure 10/SmartInspect License – Port lock Provides CAM2 Q / CAM2 Gage/ SmartInspect user with Portlock key which can be transferred between laptops. . Page 26 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . License is locked to Laptop.Educational License. part comparisons.1 year Maintenance One year of maintenance for CAM2 Measure 10 Offline. CAD vs.1 year Maintenance Educational One year of maintenance for CAM2 Measure 10 Educational license. 12009-002: CAM2 Q/CAM2 Measure 10 License – Software Provides CAM2 Measure 10 or CAM2 Q user with a Software key only (no Portlock). 002) Reads Parasolid CAD files directly and includes CAD Translation of IGES. and STEP files to Parasolid. FARO Technologies Inc. Softlock. SMA10010-UNI: CAM2 Measure 10 . but can be transferred upon request by FARO Customer Support. Newer versions may contain enhancements. CAM2 Q (multiple sales of CAM2 Q only) or SmartInspect.(12009-011-M01) Copyright 2013. CAM2 Q or SmartIspect user with a single Network Portlock which holds up to 10 licenses of CAM2 Measure 10. Program Maintenance 10691-005-M01: CAM2 Q Offline . FARO Technologies Inc.1 year Maintenance CAM2 Q Offline . Includes first year of Maintenance.(12009-009M01) 12008-011: Pro/E Translator for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q Pro/E translator from Techsoft 3D. Network licenses for more than 10 seats must be custom ordered.1 year Maintenance. Includes first year of Maintenance.US Software --> FARO --> CAM2 Q --> Program 12009-003: CAM2 Q/CAM2 Measure 10/SmartInspect License – Network Provides CAM2 Measure 10. Page 27 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .(12009-003-M01) 12008-005: Unigraphics Translator for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q Unigraphics translator from Techsoft3D. Includes first year of Maintenance. Includes first year of Maintenance. this maintenance coverage is an entitlement to upgrade CAM2 Q to any newer version without any additional charge.(12009-005-M01) 12008-009: SolidWorks Translator for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q SolidWorks translator from Techsoft3D for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q.(12009-001-M01) 12008-003: CATIA v5 for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q CATIA v5 translator from Techsoft3D. Includes first year of Maintenance. In addition to the unlimited customer service support.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . upgrades or other modification of the Software CAD Translators 12008-001: CATIA v4 Translator for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q CATIA v4 Translator from Techsoft3D. CATIA V5 . Includes first year of Maintenance.(12009-013-M01) 12008-015: Inventor Translator for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q Inventor translator from Techsoft 3D.Pro Engineer .1 year Maintenance CAM2 Translator .1 year CAM2 Translator Maintenance .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .CATIA V4 .1 year.ACIS .Unigraphics .CATIA V5 . Page 28 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . 12008-003-M01: CAM2 Translator Maintenance .(12009-015-M01) CAD Translator Maintenance 12008-001-M01: CAM2 Translator .CATIA V4 . 12008-011-M01: CAM2 Translator Maintenance . Includes first year of Maintenance. 12008-005-M01: CAM2 Translator Maintenance .Unigraphics .Pro Engineer . 12008-013-M01: CAM2 Translator Maintenance .SolidWorks .1 year CAM2 Translator Maintenance .SolidWorks .US Software --> FARO --> CAM2 Q --> CAD Translators 12008-013: ACIS Translator for CAM2 Measure 10 and CAM2 Q ACIS translator from Techsoft 3D. Copyright 2013.1 year.1 year CAM2 Translator Maintenance .ACIS .1 year.1 year.1 year.1 year CAM2 Translator Maintenance . 12008-009-M01: CAM2 Translator Maintenance .1 year.1 year CAM2 Translator Maintenance . FARO Technologies Inc. Use to create offline Learn/Execute and Softcheck Tool programs from a separate computer without tying up your measurement station.0 and the *. Copyright 2013. CAD Translators SOFT0257: CATIA v4 Translator for Measure X CATIA v4 Translator for CAM2 Measure X.Inventor . *.exp. Supports PRO-E Versions up to WildFire 2.US Software --> FARO --> CAM2 Q --> CAD Translator Maintenance 12008-015-M01: CAM2 Translator Maintenance . Supplied by DATAKIT. SOFT0258: CATIA v5 Translator for Measure X CATIA v5 Translator for CAM2 Measure X1.1 year. Includes Portlock. Includes Portlock.CATProduct file extensions. SOFT0254: CAM2 Measure X NO Softcheck Tool CAM2 Measure X. Supplied by DATAKIT. Page 29 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .Inventor .1. Outputs graphical and numeric-tabular reports.4 and the *. SOFT0259: PRO-E Translator for Measure X PRO-E Translator for CAM2 Measure X. data analysis. Outputs graphical and numerictabular reports.x to 4. *.model file extensions. report generation. Supports CATIA Version 5 (V5R7 to V5R17) and the *. software CD. etc. Supports CATIA Versions 4.CATPart. SOFT0372: CAM2 Measure X Unplugged CAM2 Measure X Unplugged.1 year CAM2 Translator Maintenance . without a hardware interface. software CD. Requires End User License Agreement (EULA) between customer and DATAKIT. Includes Portlock. Softcheck Tool Developer module. Measure X Program SOFT0252: CAM2 Measure X CAM2 Measure X. software CD.2. FARO Technologies Inc. Automate the measurement process using Learn and Execute mode. Automate the measurement process using Softcheck Tools and Learn and Execute modes. Faro Authored measurement software that specializes in 3D measurements and CAD part comparisons. Supplied by DATAKIT. Faro Authored measurement software that specializes in 3D measurements and CAD part comparisons.prt file extension. Softcheck Tool Developer module. Offers same functionality of standard version.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Open measurement sessions for post processing. Supplied by DATAKIT.ipt extension. Supports Solidworks Versions 1999 to 2007 and the *. Supplied by DATAKIT. Supplied by DATAKIT.0 and the *. Measure V4 CAD Translators SOFT0157: Pro E Translator for Measure v4 Pro Engineer Import Translator for CAM2 Measure 4. Supplied by DATAKIT.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Supports Unigraphics Versions 15 to NX3. Supports Solid Edge Versions 9 up to 14 and the *. SOFT0263: Solid Edge Translator for Measure X Solid Edge Translator for CAM2 Measure X.sldprt file extension. SOFT0158: CATIA v4 Translator for Measure v4 CATIA v4 Import/export Translator for CAM2 Measure 4 Copyright 2013.prt file extension. SOFT0262: Solidworks Translator for Measure X Solidworks Translator for CAM2 Measure X. Supplied by DATAKIT. Page 30 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . FARO Technologies Inc. SOFT0261: Unigraphics Translator for Measure X Unigraphics Translator for CAM2 Measure X.par file extension. Supports all Parasolid versions and the *.US Software --> FARO --> Measure X --> CAD Translators SOFT0260: Parasolid Translator for Measure X Parasolid Translator for CAM2 Measure X. SOFT0264: Inventor Translator for Measure X1 Inventor Translator for CAM2 Measure X1.x_t file extension. Supports Inventor Versions up to 9 and the *. Full Version. Includes 1 year of maintenance (SMA20001-M02) Training is not included but can be purchased upon request Copyright 2013. The CAM2 SmartInspect Basic Software is FARO’s CAM2 solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions. FARO Technologies Inc.US Software --> FARO --> CAM2 --> SmartInspect CAM2 SmartInspect SOFT20001: CAM2 SmartInspect Basic .Offline CAM2 SmartInspect Basic Measurement Software – Offline Version. Incl. SOFT20004: CAM2 SmartInspect Pro . Page 31 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Training is not included but can be purchased upon request. Training is not included but can be purchased upon request. The CAM2 SmartInspect Basic Software is FARO's CAM2 Solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions. The CAM2 Smartinspect Software is FARO's CAM2 solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions including 3Dview.Full Version. The offline version can be used to program Inspection plans and view reports but does not support the ability to measure. Includes 1 year maintenance (SMA20002M02).Full Version for Universities.Offline CAM2 SmartInspect Pro Measurement Software .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Includes 1 year maintenance (SMA20001-M01). The offline version can be used to program Inspection plans and view reports but does not support the ability to measure. Includes Barcodereader (15168) Includes 1 year maintenance (SMA20001-M02) Training is not included but can be purchased upon request. The CAM2 Smartinspect Pro Software is FARO's CAM2 solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions including 3Dview. SOFT20006: CAM2 SmartInspect Pro. 1 year maintenance (SMA20002-M01). Training is not included but can be purchased upon request. SOFT20002: CAM2 SmartInspect Pro . SOFT20005: CAM2 SmartInspect Basic.EDU CAM2 SmartInspect Measurement Software . SOFT20003: CAM2 SmartInspect Basic . Includes 1 year of maintenance (SMA20001-M01) Training is not included but can be purchased upon request.EDU CAM2 SmartInspect Measurement Software . The CAM2 SmartInspect Basic Software is FARO’s CAM2 solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions.Full Version for Universities.Full CAM2 SmartInspect Pro Measurement Software .Offline Version.Full CAM2 SmartInspect Basic Measurement Software . The CAM2 SmartInspect Pro Software is FARO's CAM2 Solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions including 3Dview. Includes 1 year of maintenance (SMA20001-M01) Training is not included but can be purchased upon request.US Software --> FARO --> CAM2 --> SmartInspect SOFT20007: CAM2 SmartInspect Basic . Accessories 14715: VTube-LASER Tube Clamp Clamp and support tube and pipe for measuring (Special Order . The upgrade option is available to existing FARO CAM2 Gage customers and allows upgrading their previous version of FARO Gage software to CAM2 SmartInspect Basic. Page 32 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . The CAM2 SmartInspect Pro Software is FARO's CAM2 Solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions including 3Dview. SOFT20008: CAM2 SmartInspect Pro . This gives customers one year of updates to VTube-LASER per license. The CAM2 SmartInspect Basic Software is FARO's CAM2 Solution for measuring basic geometry and dimensions.Upgrade CAM2 SmartInspect Pro Measurement Software .Upgrade Version. FARO Technologies Inc.Upgrade CAM2 SmartInspect Basic Measurement Software .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .Upgrade Version. The upgrade option is available to existing FARO CAM2 Gage customers and allows upgrading their previous version of FARO Gage software to CAM2 SmartInspect Pro. Includes Barcodereader ( 15168) Includes 1 year of maintenance (SMA20001-M02) Training is not included but can be purchased upon request.30% Deposit Required) Copyright 2013. Advanced Tubular Technologies Vtube-LASER Program 14628: VTube-LASER Software VTube-LASER extracts FARO LLP data & creates bender offsets 14714: VTube-LASER Programmer Software Create and save VTube-LASER Projects with a non-measuring version of VTube-LASER Program Maintenance VTL-SM: VTube-LASER Software Maintenance Yearly maintenance fee for VTube-LASER. Copyright 2013. Program Maintenance VTS-SM: VTube-STEP Software Maintenance Yearly maintenance fee for VTube-STEP. Benderlink for FARO Program 14630: Benderlink for FARO Software Loads XYZ export files created by CAM2 Vtube-Laser Test Drive Program Test Drive 14631: VTube-LASER Test Drive 4 month Trial of VTube-LASER Vtube-Network License Manager 14825: VTube-Network License Manager Enables VTube licenses floating over a network Vtube-PRO Program 15334: VTube-Pro Software Vtube-PRO adds features like coping extraction to Vtube-STEP software.US Software --> Advanced Tubular Technologies --> Vtube-STEP --> Program Vtube-STEP Program 14629: VTube-STEP Software VTube extracts tube data from any solid model that uses the universal ISO STEP format . FARO Technologies Inc. Page 33 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . This gives customers one year of updates to VTube-STEP per license.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .then converts the data to CNC Bender data. UG.Siemens PLM Imports Native NX.US Software --> BuildIT --> Build!IT --> Program Maintenance BuildIT Build!IT Program Maintenance SOFT71101-MNT: Build!IT Desktop License Maintenance 1 Year Maintenance SOFT71102-MNT: Build!IT Device Int Mod Maintenance for Arms 1 Year Maintenance for FARO Measurement Arms & LLPs Program SOFT71101: Build!IT Desktop License Model Preparation. Analysis. Automation. Reporting. Page 34 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .Dassault Imports Native Catia v4 & v5 Formats SOFT71105: Build!IT CAD Imp. Parasolids & Technomatix DML Formats Copyright 2013.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . . FARO Technologies Inc. Model import IGES-STEP SOFT71102: Build!IT Device Interface Mod Real Time Data Acquisition for FARO Measurement Arms & LLPs Common CAD Translators SOFT71104: Build!IT CAD Import . 2. 14725: DezignWorks for SolidWorks DezignWorks for SolidWorks.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .US Software --> BuildIT --> Common --> CAD Translator Maintenance CAD Translator Maintenance SOFT71104-MNT: BuildIT CAD Mod Dassault Maintenance 1 Year Maintenance for CAD Import Dassault SOFT71105-MNT: BuildIT CAD Mod . Includes 4 hours Web Based Training. 14727: Upgrade DezignWorks to DezignWorks Pro Upgrade DezignWorks to DezignWorks Pro. Includes 4 hours Web Based Training. Includes 4 hours Web Based Training.Siemens-MNT 1 Year Maintenance for CAD Import Siemens Creative Dezign Concepts Dezignworks Program 14723: DezignWorks for Autodesk Inventor Inventor 2008-2009 XP Pro Only. Includes 4 hours Web Based Training. 14724: DezignWorks for PTC DezignWorks for Pro E Wildfire 3. 5/Creo 1.2014 Windows XP PRO Windows 7 32 and 64 Bit. Includes 1st year of software maintenance. Inventor or Solidworks 2001-2014. 4. Includes 1st year of software maintenance. Includes 1st year of software maintenance. Page 35 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . 2010 . SolidWorks 2006-2009 XP Pro Only. FARO Technologies Inc. 14726: DezignWorks Pro for SolidWorks DezignWorks Pro for SolidWorks 2010-2013 Windows XP PRO Windows 7 32 and 64 Bit. Windows XP PRO & Windows 7-32. Copyright 2013. Includes 1st year of software maintenance. Solidwork 2010-2013 XP PRO Windows 7 32 and 64 Bit. ) DZWPSSI: DezignWorks Pro Maintenance 1 year of additional subscription service for DezignWorks PRO.FARO LLPs DezignWorks laser scanning package for SolidWorks 2001-2013 Windows 7 32 and 64 bit. Inventor 2011-2014 Windows 7 32 and 64 bit. Includes 4 hours Web Based Training. access to DezignWorks techincal library. FARO Technologies Inc. Includes 1st year of software maintenance. software updates . Copyright 2013. Educational customers pricing. (Initial year included in base price at no extra cost. Page 36 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .US Software --> Creative Dezign Concepts --> Dezignworks --> Program 15034: DezignWorks Pro for Autodesk Inventor DezignWorks Pro for Autodesk Inventor. Educational 14728: DezignWorks Pro for SolidWorks Educational Edition DezignWorks for SolidWorks 2010-2013 Windows 7 32 and 64bit. Service includes technical support. Service includes technical support.(Initial year included in base price at no extra cost. Includes 4 hours web based training.) DZWPSSI3: DezignWorks PRO Maintenance . Includes 1st year of software maintenance.) DZWDSMSSI3: DezignWorks DSM Maintenance . software updates and access to DezignWorkds technical library.3 Years Three years of additional subscription service for DezignWorks Digital Shape Modeling software. Includes 1st year of software maintenance.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . software updates and access to DezignWorks techincal library. Includes Dezignworks Pro Probing Module and 4 hours web based training. Service includes technical support. (Initial year included in base price at no extra cost.3 Years 3 years of additional subscription service for DezignWorks PRO. Program Maintenance DZWDSMSI: DezignWorks DSM Maintenance One year of additional subscription service for DezignWorks Digital Shape Modeling software. 15035: DezignWorks Lazer for SolidWorks . only. US Software --> Creative Dezign Concepts --> Dezignworks --> Program Maintenance DZWSSI: DezignWorks Maintenance 1 year of additional subscription service for DezignWorks. Not included. ScanArms and Tracker systems. FARO Technologies Inc.3 Years 3 years of additional subscription service for DezignWorks. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . InnovMetric Polyworks Bundle Program SOFT90001-F: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Float PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing. Requires DLCM-01 for 1st Year maintenance. including IMAlign™. Page 37 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . (Initial year included in base price at no extra cost. Optional FREE 5-day 'basic’ training (TR-POLY-5D-MAI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector package.First Year FARO PowerInspect Annual Maintenance for SOFT0375.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . First year only.) DZWSSI3: DezignWorks Maintenance .USB port). IMInspect™. IMEdit™. at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center for two trainees. NURBS Surfacing Module. Must purchase maintenance direct from Delcam beyond first year. IGES and STEP (Float) Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . Copyright 2013. Program Maintenance DLCM-01: FARO PowerINSPECT Maintenance . (Initial year included in base price at no extra cost.) Delcam PowerINSPECT Program SOFT0375: FARO PowerINSPECT PowerINSPECT (Includes PS-Exchange All Neutral Import & Export) for FaroArms. IMMerge™. IMCompress™. Page 38 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . (Node or Float) SMA90002: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™Support Contract Renewal . IMEdit. (Node or Float) SMA90032: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module Support Contract Renewal . IGES and STEP (Float). 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . IMMerge. SOFT90002-F: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™ Float PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™including IMAlign™.Node Locked Support contract renewal for 1 educational seat including IMAlign. IGES and STEP (Node).USB port).USB port). FARO Technologies Inc. IMMerge™. IMEdit™. IMMerge™. IMCompress™. at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center for two trainees. Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . IGES and STEP Copyright 2013. IMInspect™. IGES and STEP (Node) Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center for two trainees. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center for two trainees.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Bundle --> Program SOFT90001-N: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Node PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module including IMAlign™. NURBS Surfacing Module.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Optional FREE 5-day 'basic’ training (TR-POLY-5D-MAI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector package.IMCompress™. IMCompress. Optional FREE 5-day 'basic’ training (TR-POLY-5D-MAI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector package. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . SOFT90002-N: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™ Node PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™including IMAlign™. Program Maintenance SMA90001: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Support Contract Renewal Node or Float PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module. Optional FREE 5-day 'basic’ training (TR-POLY-5D-MAI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector package. IMEdit™. IMMerge™. IMInspect.Node or Float PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). IMEdit™. IMInspect™.USB port). IMInspect™.IMCompress™. NURBS Surfacing Module. *Customer should already own or purchase a PolyWorks/Inspector license Copyright 2013. SOFT90007-N: PolyWorks Inspector™ Node PolyWorks Inspector™ (Node) including IMInspect™.USB port). (Float). Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F) on PolyWorks Inspector package. IMMerge™. at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. ‘Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates. Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F) on PolyWorks Inspector package. Page 39 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . IGES and STEP. IMEdit. SOFT90007-F: PolyWorks Inspector™ Float PolyWorks Inspector™ (Float) including IMInspect™. Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F) on PolyWorks Inspector package. IGES and STEP.USB port). IMInspect.USB port). SOFT90008-F: PolyWorks Inspector™ Airfoil Gauge Module Float Optional module for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Up to TWO trainees. IGES and STEP. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . IGES and STEP Polyworks Inspector Program SOFT90006-F: PolyWorks Inspector + Meshing (Float) 1 PolyWorks Inspector™ + Meshing™ (Float) including IMInspect™. IGES and STEP. ‘Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates. at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. NURBS Surfacing Module. IMAlign™. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . IMCompress. Up to TWO trainees. at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. ‘Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates. IMMerge. IMMerge™. Up to TWO trainees. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . Up to TWO trainees.USB port). Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F) on PolyWorks Inspector package.Classroom Floating Support contract renewal for 10 educational seats including IMAlign.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Bundle --> Program Maintenance SMA90033: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module Contract Support Renewal . FARO Technologies Inc. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . IMAlign™. ‘Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. SOFT90006-N: PolyWorks Inspector + Meshing Node PolyWorks Inspector™ + Meshing™ (Node) including IMInspect™. IGES and STEP.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Inspector --> Program SOFT90008-N: PolyWorks Inspector™ Airfoil Gauge Module Node Optional module for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses (Node). (Node or Float) SMA90036: PolyWorks Inspector EDU Support Contract Renewal . IGES and STEP Program Maintenance SMA90006: PolyWorks Inspector + Meshing Support Contract Renewal . *Customer should already own or purchase a PolyWorks/Inspector license SOFT90036: PolyWorks Inspector EDU Node-Locked 1 educational seat including IMInspect.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc.Node or Float PolyWorks/Inspector™ with Meshing Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). Page 40 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . IGES and STEP Copyright 2013.Node-Locked Support contract renewal for 1 educational seat including IMInspect. (Node or Float) SMA90007: PolyWorks Inspector™ Support Contract Renewal . SOFT90037: Polyworks Inspector EDU Classroom Floating 10 educational seats including IMInspect.Node or Float PolyWorks/Inspector™ Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). (Node or Float) SMA90008: PolyWorks Inspector™ Airfoil Gauge Module Support Contract Renewal Node or Float PolyWorks/Inspector™ Airfoil Gauge Module Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). ) Program Maintenance SMA90017: PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ Support Contract Renewal (Node) PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). IMAlign™.USB port). (Optional CAD translators are available on PWIP licenses. IGES and STEP (Temporary “one year use” license. IMAlign™.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Inspector --> Program Maintenance SMA90037: PolyWorks Inspector EDU Support Contract Renewal . IMMerge™. Can be renewed yearly. Includes 1 year support/ maintenance contract . (Node) Copyright 2013. Page 41 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .) Must purchase training (TR-POLY-2D-PRO-O-NA) separately. IMEdit™. SOFT90018-N: PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ “One year use” license (Node) PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ (Node) “One year use” license including IMInspect™ Probing. FARO Technologies Inc. IGES and STEP SOFT90006-F-EDU: PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing EDU. IGES and STEP Polyworks Inspector Probing Program SOFT90017-N: PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ (Node) PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ (Node) including IMInspect™ Probing. IMEdit™.Classroom Floating Support contract renewal for 10 educational seats including IMInspect. IGES and STEP.USB port). **Optional CAD translators are not available on PWIP-1 “one year use” licenses and "one year use" licenses do not qualify to software upgrades. IGES and STEP SOFT90006-N-EDU: PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing EDU Node-Locked 1 educational seat including IMInspect™. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . IMMerge™.Classroom Floating 10 educational seats including IMInspect™. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Modeler --> Program Polyworks Modeler Program SOFT90003-F: PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module (Float) PolyWorks Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module including IMAlign™. IMCompress™ (Node) Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center.USB port). FARO Technologies Inc.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler package. SOFT90003-N: PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module (Node) PolyWorks Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module including IMAlign™. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . IMMerge™. IMEdit™. IMEdit™. at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. IMMerge™. IMEdit™. IMMerge™. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key USB port). Up to TWO trainees. Copyright 2013. IMCompress™ (Float) Includes 1 year mandatory support / maintenance contract . IMMerge™. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key USB port). ‘Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates. Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TR-POLY-3DMOI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler ackage. Up to TWO trainees. Up to TWO trainees. IMEdit™. SOFT90005-F: PolyWorks/Advanced Manufacturing Module (Float) Optional module for ‘PolyWorks/Modeler licenses *Customer should already own or purchase a SOFT90003-F or SOFT90001 license. NURBS Surfacing Module. SOFT90004-F: PolyWorks/Modeler™ (Float) PolyWorks Modeler™ including IMAlign™. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . IMCompress™ (Node). Page 42 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. IMCompress™ (Float). NURBS Surfacing Module. Up to TWO trainees. Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TRPOLY-3D-MOI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler package. SOFT90004-N: PolyWorks/Modeler™ (Node) PolyWorks Modeler™ including IMAlign™. ‘Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates. 1mandatory dongle (hardware key . Optional FREE 3-day ‘basic’ training (TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F) on PolyWorks Modeler package. ‘Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates.USB port). Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . at InnovMetric (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. 'Classroom type’ training at pre-determined dates. SOFT90005-N: PolyWorks/Advanced Manufacturing Module (Node) Optional module for ‘PolyWorks/Modeler licenses *Customer should already own or purchase a SOFT90003-F or SOFT90001 license. (Node or Float) SMA90004: PolyWorks/Modeler™ Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) PolyWorks/Modeler™ Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). IMCompress Program Maintenance SMA90003: PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). Page 43 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . IMMerge. (Node or Float) SMA90034: PolyWorks/Modeler + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module (Node-Locked) Support Contract Renewal Support contract renewal for 1 educational seat including IMAlign. (Node or Float) SMA90005: PolyWorks/Advanced Manufacturing Module Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) PolyWorks/Advanced Manufacturing Module Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). IMEdit. IMEdit. IMMerge.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. IMMerge. IMMerge. NURBS Surfacing Module and IMCompress SMA90035: PolyWorks/Modeler + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module Classroom Floating Support Contract Renewal Support contract renewal for 10 educational seats including IMAlign. NURBS Surfacing Module.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Modeler --> Program SOFT90034: PolyWorks/Modeler + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module (Node-Locked) 1 educational seat including IMAlign. IMEdit. IMCompress Copyright 2013. NURBS Surfacing Module .Classroom Floating 10 educational seats including IMAlign. NURBS Surfacing Module . IMEdit. IMCompress SOFT90035: PolyWorks/Modeler + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module . (Node or Float) Copyright 2013. IMEdit™ and IMCompress™.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . IMSurvey™. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . SOFT90028-N: PolyWorks/Surveyor™ (Node) PolyWorks/Surveyor™ (Node) including IMAlign™ and IMSurvey™. IMSurvey™.USB port). IMMerge™. SOFT90030-F: IMTexture™ Optional Module (Float) IMTexture™ Optional Module (Float) for color digitizers for PolyWorks/Modeler licenses. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . SOFT90029-N: PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler ™ (Node) PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler ™ (Node) including IMAlign™. (No dongle included) Program Maintenance SMA90028: PolyWorks/Surveyor™Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) PolyWorks/Surveyor™ Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year).USB port). FARO Technologies Inc. SOFT90029-F: PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler ™ (Float) PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler ™ (Float) including IMAlign™. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . IMEdit™ and IMCompress™. 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key .USB port). 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key .US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Surveyor --> Program Polyworks Surveyor Program SOFT90028-F: PolyWorks/Surveyor™ (Float) PolyWorks/Surveyor™ (Float) including IMAlign™ and IMSurvey™. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . 1 mandatory dongle (hardware key . Page 44 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . IMMerge™. (No dongle included) SOFT90030-N: IMTexture™ Optional Module (Node) IMTexture™ Optional Module (Node) for color digitizers for PolyWorks/Modeler licenses.USB port). US Software --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Surveyor --> Program Maintenance SMA90029: PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler ™Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler ™ Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . SOFT90009-N: CATIA V4 & V5 Translators (Node) CATIA V4 & V5 Translators (Node). SOFT90010-N: CATIA V5 Translator (Node) CATIA V5 Translator (Node). PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. (Node or Float) SMA90030: IMTexture™ Optional ModuleSupport Contract Renewal (Node or Float) IMTexture™ Optional Module Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). Page 45 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. FARO Technologies Inc. *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . (Node or Float) Common CAD Translators SOFT90009-F: CATIA V4 & V5 Translators (Float) CATIA V4 & V5 Translators (Float).FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. SOFT90010-F: CATIA V5 Translator (Float) CATIA V5 Translator (Float). Copyright 2013. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Copyright 2013. SOFT90012-F: VDA Translator (Float) VDA Translator (Float). Page 46 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .US Software --> InnovMetric --> Common --> CAD Translators SOFT90011-F: CATIA V4 Translator (Float) CATIA V4 Translator (Float). Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . SOFT90013-F: Pro/E Translator (Float) Pro/E Translator (Float). PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. SOFT90012-N: VDA Translator (Node) VDA Translator (Node). SOFT90014-F: UG Translator (Float) UG Translator (Float). SOFT90011-N: CATIA V4 Translator (Node) CATIA V4 Translator (Node). PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* Optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* Optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. SOFT90013-N: Pro/E Translator (Node) Pro/E Translator (Node). FARO Technologies Inc. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Copyright 2013. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . SOFT90016-N: SolidWorks Translator (Node) SolidWorks Translator (Node). FARO Technologies Inc.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Common --> CAD Translators SOFT90014-N: UG Translator (Node) UG Translator (Node). SOFT90016-F: SolidWorks Translator (Float) SolidWorks Translator (Float). SOFT90015-N: Inventor Translator (Node) Inventor Translator (Node). *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . Includes 1 year mandatory support/ maintenance contract . SOFT90031-F: Polyworks/Inspector JT Translator (Float) These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. SOFT90015-F: Inventor Translator (Float) Inventor Translator (Float). SOFT90031-N: Polyworks/Inspector JT Translator (Node) These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Page 47 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. PolyWorks/Inspector Translators* optional modules for PolyWorks/Inspector licenses. *These translators can only be used with the IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect module. US Software --> InnovMetric --> Common --> CAD Translator Maintenance CAD Translator Maintenance SMA90009: CATIA V4 & V5 Translators Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) CATIA V4 & V5 Translators Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). (Node or Float) SMA90010: CATIA V5 Translator Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) CATIA V5 Translator Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). (Node or Float) Copyright 2013. (Node or Float) SMA90011: CATIA V4 Translator Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) CATIA V4 Translator Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). (Node or Float) SMA90013: Pro/E Translator Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) Pro/E Translator Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). (Node or Float) SMA90012: VDA Translator Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) VDA Translator Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). FARO Technologies Inc. (Node or Float) SMA90015: Inventor Translator Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) Inventor Translator Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). (Node or Float) SMA90014: UG Translator Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) UG Translator Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year).FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Page 48 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . (Node or Float) SMA90031: Polyworks JT Translator Support Renewal Contract (Node or Float) These translators can only be used with IMInspect module so customer should already own or purchase the IMInspect Module Program SOFT90032: PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module (NodeLocked) 1 educational seat includes IMAlign. IMAlign™.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Common --> CAD Translator Maintenance SMA90016: SolidWorks Translator Support Contract Renewal (Node or Float) SolidWorks Translator Support Contract Renewal for the renewal of annual support/maintenance contracts for each subsequent year (after the first year). NURBS Surfacing Module . IMCompress. See part# T3QBNI on page 13). Canada OR at Novi training center. IMInspect.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. IGES and STEP Upgrade Program SOFT90038-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Inspector™ Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Inspector™ including IMInspect™. Michigan. IMInspect. Canada OR at Novi training center. IGES and STEP SOFT90033: PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector + NURBS Surfacing EDU Module Classroom Floating 10 educational seats including IMAlign. IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. Copyright 2013. SOFT90039-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing Including IMInspect™. IMMerge. See part# T3QBNI on page 13). IMMerge. IMCompress. IMMerge™. Michigan. IMEdit. NURBS Surfacing Module . Page 49 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . FARO Technologies Inc. IMEdit. Canada OR at Novi training center. IMInspect™. IMInspect™. SOFT90041-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Including IMAlign™. IGES and STEP (Includes 5 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. IMCompress™. FARO Technologies Inc. Michigan. IMAlign™. IMMerge™. Michigan. IMMerge™. SOFT90045-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Including IMAlign™. IMInspect™. Canada OR at Novi training center. SOFT90042-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing Including IMInspect™. See part# T3QBNM on page 12). SOFT90044-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Including IMAlign™. IMCompress™. IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. IMCompress™. See part# T5QBN on page 12). Page 50 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . IMMerge™. IMInspect™. NURBS Surfacing Module. See part# T3QBNM on page 12). Canada OR at Novi training center. IMEdit™. IMEdit™. Copyright 2013. Michigan. IMEdit™. IGES and STEP SOFT90043-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Including IMAlign™. Canada OR at Novi training center. Michigan. IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. IMEdit™.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . IMMerge™. IMInspect™. IMCompress™. Michigan. IMEdit™. Canada OR at Novi training center. NURBS Surfacing Module. IGES and STEP (Includes 5 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. See part# T5QBN on page 12). IMCompress™. IMMerge™. See part# T3QBNM on page 12). IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Upgrade --> Program SOFT90040-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector Probing™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Including IMAlign™. IMMerge™. IMMerge™. See part# T3QBNI on page 13). Canada OR at Novi training center.US Software --> InnovMetric --> Upgrade --> Program SOFT90046-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Upgrade from PolyWorks/Inspector™ + Meshing to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Including IMAlign™. IMInspect™. Michigan. IMCompress™. See part# T3QBNI on page 13). IMMerge™. NURBS Surfacing Module. NURBS Surfacing Module. IMEdit™. IMInspect™.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Canada OR at Novi training center. Michigan. IMMerge™. See part# T3QBNM on page 12). IMEdit™. IMInspect™. SOFT90050-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Including IMAlign™. IMInspect™. IMEdit™. IMMerge™. Michigan. IMCompress™. IMMerge™. SOFT90051-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Including IMAlign™. IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. IMCompress™. IMEdit™. FARO Technologies Inc. Page 51 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . IMEdit™. IMEdit™. IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. Canada OR at Novi training center. SOFT90049-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Including IMAlign™. Canada OR at Novi training center. SOFT90047-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ to PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ to PolyWorks/Modeler™ + NURBS Surfacing Module Including IMAlign™. IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. IMMerge™. NURBS Surfacing Module. NURBS Surfacing Module. IMCompress™. IMInspect™. IMCompress™. IGES and STEP SOFT90048-UG: Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Upgrade from PolyWorks/Modeler™ to PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector™ Including IMAlign™. IGES and STEP (Includes 3 days of ‘classroom type’ training at InnovMetric facilities in Quebec City. NURBS Surfacing Module. IMCompress™. IGES and STEP Copyright 2013. Michigan. See part# T3QBNI on page 13). FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Page 52 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .US Software --> Metrologic --> MetrologX4 Metrologic MetrologX4 10400-034: MetrologX4 Arm Geo Plus Quick Control with Instant Reporting 10400-035: MetrologX4 Arm Geosurf Plus Quick Surface Inspection with Instant Reporting 10400-036: MetrologX4 Arm GeoSurf Advanced Measure and report with report template creator 10400-037: MetrologX4 Optic Arm GeoSurf Advanced Accuracy in point Cloud Inspection and reporting 10400-041: MetrologX4 Tracker GeoSurf Premium The flexible Inspection: Tracker + Arm: you choose CAD Translator 10400-042: MetrologX4 CATV5 MetrologX4 CATV5 10400-043: MetrologX4 IGES MetrologX4 IGES Copyright 2013. FARO Technologies Inc. FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Page 53 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .US Software --> Metrologic --> MetrologX4 --> CAD Translator 10400-044: MetrologX4 CATV4 MetrologX4 CATV4 10400-045: MetrologX4 Build / Inspect MetrologX4 Build / Inspect 10400-046: MetrologX4 Bundle MetrologX4 Bundle 10400-047: MetrologX4 VDA MetrologX4 VDA 10400-048: MetrologX4 UG MetrologX4 UG 10400-049: MetrologX4 PRO/E Direct MetrologX4 PRO/E Direct 10400-050: MetrologX4 PRO/E tool Kit MetrologX4 PRO/E tool Kit 10400-051: MetrologX4 STEP MetrologX4 STEP Copyright 2013. and reporting software (includes GD&T. analysis. alignment. FARO Technologies Inc. plus Relationship Fitting. Copyright 2013. graphical simulation. optimization. Program Maintenance SMA70001: Spatial Analyzer Ultimate Maintenance Maintenance and support for SA Ultimate. Includes 12 months of maintenance. upgrades. SMA70022: Spatial Analyzer Machine Maintenance Maintenance and support for SA Machine. internet and telephone support. reporting. Page 54 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . and automation software suite (inclusive of SA Professional. Measurement Plans. SOFT70022: Spatial Analyzer Machine Robot calibration. USMN. inverse kinematics.US Software --> Metrologic --> MetrologX4 --> CAD Translator 10400-052: MetrologX4 IDEAS MetrologX4 IDEAS 10400-053: MetrologX4 Multicon_N MetrologX4 Multicon_N New River Kinematics Spatial Analyzer Program SOFT70001: Spatial Analyzer Ultimate The ultimate measurement. Includes 12 months of maintenance. and all other SA metrology features). inspection.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . analysis. upgrades. internet and telephone support. and robot control with all of the SA Ultimate functionality. SOFT70023: Spatial Analyzer Professional The professional measurement. geometry inspection and native CAD). SMA81042: Verisurf ANALYSIS Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. enhancements and support. FARO Technologies Inc. CAM2 Measure X & FARO Gage. enhancement & support services. for second and later years (first year is included with software). Nodelocked licensing. Includes first year of maintenance. English language version only. Copyright 2013. Page 55 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Includes an eye-pleasing selection of pre-defined formats for instant analysis. internet and telephone support. Includes 12 months of maintenance.neatly packaged for the metrologist. 12 months of maintenance. Verisurf Software Modules Program Maintenance SMA81040: Verisurf CAD MEASURE Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. upgrades. QMC CM4D Reporter Program SOFT80121: CM4D Reporter-PC-F QMC's award winning software for reporting and analysis . SMA81041: Verisurf BUILD Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. Program Maintenance SMA80060: CM4D Reporter-PC-F Maintenance Renewal CM4D Reporter-PC-F maintenance renewal.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .US Software --> New River Kinematics --> Spatial Analyzer --> Program Maintenance SMA70023: Spatial Analyzer Professional Maintenance Maintenance and support for SA Professional. Generate professional trending and SPC reports at a click with FARO inspection products including CAM2 Q. points-to-curves.OFFLINE Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. custom ballooning and reporting. Intuitive graphical feedback is essential for tool building and assembling and eliminates costly hard templates and fixtures. SOFT81040: Verisurf CAD MEASURE Controls all 3D scanning and probing measurement and data. edge extending. Inspection data annotating and reporting in HTML. inspection and reporting of measured features and surfaces to blueprints or CAD models.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . SOFT81042: Verisurf ANALYSIS Perfected on wind tunnel model surface inspection. SMA81055: Verisurf CAD . PDF formats. edits and exports massive point clouds and STL meshes. measurement.US Software --> Verisurf --> Software Modules --> Program Maintenance SMA81043: Verisurf REVERSE Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. 1 year software updates and support. Analyze points-to-points. and trimming. Extensive point cloud filtering. FARO Technologies Inc. BUILD provides real time dynamic 3D deviation arrows and numeric DRO display guides for fast positioning of assembly details. smoothing. Create NURB surfaces by sketching or projecting curves onto mesh or with intelligent prismatic feature fitting and auto surfacing. Page 56 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . SOFT81041: Verisurf BUILD A metrology software innovation. hole filling. whisker plots. Excel. Copyright 2013. points-to-surfaces or points-to-meshes and communicate results with color deviation maps. mesh bridging. Probe based reverse engineering. Verisurf MEASURE automates device alignments. SOFT81043: Verisurf REVERSE Ideal for 3D scanners. REVERSE imports. ANALYSIS has fast best fitting of measurements to 3D CAD model nominal. SMA81044: Verisurf BUNDLE Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. and slicing. includes 3D model associated GD&T creation. editing and reporting. ANALYSIS. notes. MEASURE. Alarms w/ Color-Coding. bi-directional CAD translators. Encrypted validation report meets source inspection acceptance criteria and FAA process and traceability requirements. 3D-PDF and more. SOFT81055: Verisurf CAD . Includes 1 year software updates and technical support. Exception Reports. SOFT81047: Verisurf 3D SPC Achieve continuous improvement initiatives with statistical process control including trend analysis. bi-directional CAD translators.Virtual gage with real-time position to the CAD model. meshing. BUILD.3D surface modeling. DESIGN . editing. Verisurf Tools for model based metrology. Normality Plot. 1 year software updates and support. tolerances. BUILD . 2D drafting.Offline is for offline applications and does not include the CONNECT module or Verisurf Device Interface (VDI). StdDev. 1 year software updates and technical support.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . editing and reporting. MEASURE – CAD/Device alignments. 6Sigma. automated inspection and reporting of geometric features and surfaces. measurement to CAD model. Software Add-Ons Program SOFT81045: Verisurf VALIDATE One click translation validation.Advanced surface analysis and reporting with best fitting and comparision of points to CAD model. X-MR. 1 year software updates and support. vertical and split dimensions. Cpk. screen shot grabber. and GD&T feature control frames. FARO Technologies Inc. 2D drafting. auto hole axis finder.3D scanning and reverse engineering functions including. SOFT81048: Verisurf SOLIDS Fully integrated Parasolid based solid modeler. finish symbols. Box & Whisker Chart. CAD MEASURE includes: DESIGN .OFFLINE CAD . Pareto Chart. REVERSE . Xbar-R. point cloud import. OCR reads nominal dimensions. auto flip surface normals. Pp. Ppk.includes 3D model associated GD &T creation. feature recognition and auto NURB surfacing. SOFT81046: Verisurf INSPECTIONXPERT InspectionXpert automates bubbling of inspection drawings and creation of AS9102 and PPAP inspection reports. horizontal. Copyright 2013. MBD . VALIDATE fulfills Digital Product Definition (DPD) compliance requirements by comparing translated CAD models to the authority CAD model and quickly identifies and documents any translation error. SPC (Cp. Paring wizard matches Verisurf 3D inspection plan with bubbled drawings and detailed inspection reports. hole callouts. ANALYSIS . It does include. Page 57 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Histogram. Verisurf Tools for model based metrology including. REVERSE.US Software --> Verisurf --> Software Modules --> Program SOFT81044: Verisurf BUNDLE BUNDLE includes: CAD. MBD .3D surface modeling. SOFT81051: Verisurf CATIA V5 Read with FTA Read V5 CATPART and CATPRODUCT with MBD/GD&T data. SOFT81053: Verisurf SIEMENS UG/NX Read Read Siemens Unigraphics NX files including GD&T annotations.US Software --> Verisurf --> Software Add-Ons --> Program SOFT81049: Verisurf CATIA V4 Read/Write Read and write native CATIA EXP. FARO Technologies Inc. Includes 1 year software updates and technical support.MDL and MODEL files directly into or out from Verisurf. Includes 1 year software updates and support and technical support.MOD. 1 year software updates and technical support. Program Maintenance SMA81045: Verisurf VALIDATE Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. SOFT81052: Verisurf CATIA V4/V5 Read with FTA Read V4/5 CATPART and CATPRODUCT with MBD/GD&T data. SOFT81050: Verisurf CATIA V5 Read Read V5 CATPART and CATPRODUCT. Includes 1 year product upgrade and support provided by Verisurf Software. Includes 1 year software updates and technical support. SOFT81054: Verisurf PRO/E CREO Read Read native ProEngineer Creo files into Verisurf. 1 year software updates and technical support. Page 58 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Copyright 2013. SMA81046: Verisurf INSPECTIONXPERT Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . SMA81051: Verisurf CATIA V5 Read with FTA Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. Copyright 2013. Page 59 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . SMA81048: Verisurf SOLIDS Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. SMA81050: Verisurf CATIA V5 Read Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. FARO Technologies Inc. SMA81052: Verisurf CATIA V4/V5 Read with FTA Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. SMA81053: SIEMENS UG/NX Read Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . SMA81049: Verisurf CATIA V4 Read/Write Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support.US Software --> Verisurf --> Software Add-Ons --> Program Maintenance SMA81047: Verisurf 3D SPC Maintenance 1 year software updates and technical support. 20 pack. inline or shop-floor inspection. Node license for use on a single computer. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. SOFT80038-NX10: Studio Education Node . Node license for use on a single computer. Studio EDU Node Program SOFT80038-N: Studio Education Node Geomagic Studio Education Node enables fast. Includes one year of software maintenance. Program Maintenance SMA60010: Geomagic Educational Design X and Verify Maintenance Geomagic Educational Design X and Verify annual Maintenance Studio Network Program Maintenance SMA80007-F: Studio Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Node license for use on a single computer. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. FARO Technologies Inc. inline or shop-floor inspection. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. Available only to approved educational institutions. 10 pack. license transfer assistance. Page 60 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .20 pk Geomagic Studio Education Node enables fast.10 pk Geomagic Studio Education Node enables fast. Copyright 2013. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. inline or shop-floor inspection. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Network. and separate perpetual license of Geomagic Verify. SOFT80038-NX20: Studio Education Node .US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Bundle --> Program 3D Systems Geomagic Bundle Program SOFT60017: Geomagic Educational Design X & Verify Perpetual license of Geomagic Design X (which includes all XOS functionality). Additional seats may be provided at no cost for qualifying teaching or research use with a valid maintenance agreement. license transfer assistance.5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. 20 pack. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. Program Maintenance SMA80025-ST-N: Studio Education Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. 50 pack. Node license for use on a single computer. Copyright 2013. trend analysis and in-depth assessment.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Node.20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Studio EDU Node --> Program SOFT80038-NX5: Studio Education Node . SMA80025-ST-NX5: Studio Education Node Maintenance . SMA80025-ST-NX20: Studio Education Node Maintenance . Node license for use on a single computer.50 pk Geomagic Studio Education Node enables fast. license transfer assistance. 5 pack. FARO Technologies Inc. 5 pack. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Node. 10 pack. license transfer assistance. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Node.10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Node. license transfer assistance. inline or shop-floor inspection.5 pk Geomagic Studio Education Node enables fast. 50 pack. inline or shop-floor inspection. license transfer assistance. Page 61 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Node. SOFT80038-NX50: Studio Education Node . SMA80025-ST-NX10: Studio Education Node Maintenance . SMA80025-ST-NX50: Studio Education Node Maintenance .50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. 50 pk Geomagic Studio is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. Copyright 2013. SOFT80038-FX10: Studio Education Network .10 pk Geomagic Studio is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server.20 pk Geomagic Studio is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. FARO Technologies Inc.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. SOFT80038-FX5: Studio Education Network . SOFT80038-F: Studio Education Network Geomagic Studio is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. 20 pack.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Studio EDU Network --> Program Studio EDU Network Program SOFT80013-F: Studio Network Geomagic Studio Network is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. Network license for use on multiple computers with access to the network. SOFT80038-FX20: Studio Education Network .5 pk Geomagic Studio is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. transforms 3D scan data and polygon meshes into accurate 3D digital models for reverse engineering. 10 pack. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. SOFT80038-FX50: Studio Education Network . product design. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. rapid prototyping and engineering analysis. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. Page 62 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. Geomagic Studio reverse engineering software. SOFT80013-F-UG: Studio Network Upgrade Upgrade from previous version to lastest version of Studio Network. 50 pack. 5 pack. SMA80025-ST-FX20: Studio Education Network Maintenance . Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. Network license for use on multiple computers with access to the network.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Studio EDU Network --> Program Maintenance Program Maintenance SMA80025-ST-F: Studio Education Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Geomagic Studio Node is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Network. FARO Technologies Inc.5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. SMA80025-ST-FX50: Studio Education Network Maintenance . license transfer assistance.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Creates NURBS surfaces and Parametric CAD models. 5 pack. license transfer assistance. Network license for use on multiple computers with access to the network. Page 63 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. SOFT80013-N-UG: Studio Node Upgrade Upgrade from the previous version to the latest version of Studio Node. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Network. license transfer assistance. SMA80025-ST-FX5: Studio Education Network Maintenance . Studio Node Program SOFT80013-N: Studio Node Geomagic Studio Node is a complete 3D modeling solution for reverse engineering and product design. Copyright 2013. 10 pack. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Network. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Network. SMA80025-ST-FX10: Studio Education Network Maintenance . 20 pack.50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. license transfer assistance. 50 pack. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Education Network.20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. license transfer assistance. Program Maintenance SMA80061: Enterprise Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. edit scan data.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. send scan data to legacy CAD. edit scan data. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. Enterprise Node Program SOFT81000: Enterprise Bundle Node Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. send scan data to legacy CAD. SOFT81001-F-UG: Upgrade Enterprise Bundle Network Upgrade from the previous version to the latest version of the Enterprise Bundle. license transfer assistance. SOFT81000-N-UG: Upgrade Enterprise Bundle Node Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Studio Node --> Program Maintenance Program Maintenance SMA80007-N: Studio Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. free upgrades and special offers for Studio Node. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. send scan data to legacy CAD. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. send scan data to legacy CAD. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. edit scan data. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. Page 64 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration sp you can design. edit scan data. Enterprise Network Program SOFT81001: Enterprise Bundle Network Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. license transfer assistance. Copyright 2013. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Node. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. Copyright 2013. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. 5 pack.5 pk Geomagic Enterprise bundle is comprised of Studio. FARO Technologies Inc. send scan data to legacy CAD. 50 pack.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . edit scan data. 10 pack. send scan data to legacy CAD. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. SOFT81023-NX10: Enterprise Bundle Education Node -10pk Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. Page 65 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . send scan data to legacy CAD. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. license transfer assistance.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Enterprise Network --> Program Maintenance Program Maintenance SMA80062: Enterprise Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Network. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. 20 pack. Enterprise Edu Node Program SOFT81023-N: Enterprise Bundle Education Node Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. edit scan data. send scan data to legacy CAD. SOFT81023-NX20: Enterprise Bundle Education Node 20pk Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. SOFT81023-NX5: Enterprise Bundle Education Node . Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. edit scan data. edit scan data. send scan data to legacy CAD. SOFT81023-NX50: Enterprise Bundle Education Node -50 pk Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. edit scan data. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. 10pk Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. edit scan data. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. Page 66 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Node. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Enterprise Edu Node --> Program Maintenance Program Maintenance SMA80069: Enterprise Education Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. SMA80073: Enterprise Education Node Maintenance . license transfer assistance.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration sp you can design. 10 pack. 50 pack. license transfer assistance. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. 10 pack. SMA80071: Enterprise Education Node Maintenance . SOFT81023-FX10: Enterprise Bundle Education Network . free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Node. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Node. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. 20 pack. FARO Technologies Inc.50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. license transfer assistance. edit scan data. SMA80072: Enterprise Education Node Maintenance . send scan data to legacy CAD. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Node.20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. send scan data to legacy CAD.10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Copyright 2013.5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Node. 5 pack. Enterprise Edu Network Program SOFT81023-F: Enterprise Bundle Education Network Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. SMA80070: Enterprise Education Node Maintenance . license transfer assistance. license transfer assistance. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Network. license transfer assistance. 20 pack. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. FARO Technologies Inc.20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. edit scan data. Page 67 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. 10 pack. license transfer assistance. 5 pack. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Network. send scan data to legacy CAD. 50 pack. This bundle offers enhanced workflow compatibility and integration so you can design. send scan data to legacy CAD. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. SMA80076: Enterprise Education Network Maintenance . SMA80075: Enterprise Education Network Maintenance .20pk Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio.50pk Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. Geomagic Control and Design Direct software. SOFT81023-FX5: Enterprise Bundle Education Network . edit scan data. Program Maintenance SMA80074: Enterprise Education Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Network. free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Network.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Enterprise Edu Network --> Program SOFT81023-FX20: Enterprise Bundle Education Network . 20 pack. Copyright 2013.5pk Geomagic Enterprise Bundle is comprised of Studio. license transfer assistance. license transfer assistance. send scan data to legacy CAD. 5 pack.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . SOFT81023-FX50: Enterprise Bundle Education Network . export to manufacturing and verify quality with a single software package. SMA80077: Enterprise Education Network Maintenance . edit scan data. 50 pack.50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Suitable for creating watertight models for rapid prototyping and digital manufacturing. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the server. Suitable for creating watertight models for rapid prototyping and digital manufacturing. Wrap Network Program SOFT80001-F: Wrap Network Point and polygon processing software includes tools for cleaning up and merging scan data and for creating polygon meshes. Page 68 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. license transfer assistance. Suitable for creating watertight models for rapid prototyping and digital manufacturing. FARO Technologies Inc. Wrap Node Program SOFT80001-N: Wrap Node Point and polygon processing software includes tools for cleaning up and merging scan data and for creating polygon meshes. license transfer assistance. Geomagic Wrap point cloud and polygon processing software. Suitable for creating watertight models for rapid prototyping and digital manufacturing. SOFT80001-N-UG: Upgrade Wrap Node Upgrade from previous version to lastest version of Wrap Node.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Node license for use on a single computer. includes tools for cleaning up and merging scan data and for creating polygon meshes. free upgrades and special offers for Wrap Node. Copyright 2013. Program Maintenance SMA80001-N: Wrap Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Geomagic Wrap point cloud and polygon processing software. Node-locked licenses are used with a single computer. SOFT80001-F-UG: Upgrade Wrap Network Upgrade from previous version to lastest version of Wrap Network. includes tools for cleaning up and merging scan data and for creating polygon meshes.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Enterprise Edu Network --> Program Maintenance SMA80078: Enterprise Education Network Maintenance . free upgrades and special offers for Enterprise Education Network. Geomagic XOS. Page 69 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . CAD Translator SOFT60012: Geomagic Design X Exchange . Creo 1. Enterprise and Studio) SOFT80046: USB Dongle for Geomagic Control.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Wrap Network --> Program Maintenance Program Maintenance SMA80001-F: Wrap Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.sldprt. Enables import of native Solidworks (. Dongle SOFT60018: USB Dongle .sldasm) into XOR (supports SW 98 to 2012).0-5. Enterprise and Studio offerings. FARO Technologies Inc. Design Direct. enhanced CAD I/O Translator.Design X. Software for creating parametric CAD models and mesh models from 3D scan data. Verify Node Licenses USB Dongle for Geomagic XOS. Design X Program SOFT60002: Geomagic Design X Perpetual license of Geomagic Design X.0. as well as import/export of .Import of Solidworks Geomagic Design X Exchange. and Inventor 2010+. Includes one year of software maintenance. Siemens NX 4-8. Includes liveTransfer translators for SolidWorks 2007+. AutoCAD 2007+. Design Direct. (Use SOFT60018 for Geomagic XOS.SAT files Copyright 2013. (Use SOFT80046 for Geomagic Control.0. Studio Node Licenses Geomagic Dongle used for Control. Enterprise. Design Direct. Design X and Verify products. free upgrades and special offers for Wrap Network. Includes one year of software maintenance.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . license transfer assistance. . Design X and Verify) XOS Program SOFT60001: Geomagic XOS Perpetual license of Geomagic XOS. Pro/E Wildfire 3. 24) into XOR . datum references.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Design X --> CAD Translator SOFT60013: Geomagic Design X Exchange . enhanced CAD I/O Translator.Imports . FARO Technologies Inc. dimensions. SOFT60004: Geomagic Verify Add-on to Geomagic Design X or Geomagic XOS Geomagic Verify Add-on.19 0 4. datum reference frames.Import of Pro/E Geomagic Design X Exchange.0).*) into XOR (supports ProE 16 through Wildfire 5. Enables import of CATIA V5 files (CATIA V5 R2 . CAD Translator SOFT60007: Geomagic Verify PMI Catia V5 Geomagic Verify PMI Importer for CATIA V5 .SAT files Verify Program SOFT60003: Geomagic Verify Perpetual license of Geomagic Verify point cloud inspection software. and perform geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T)on scanned parts. into XOR. as well as import/export of .PMI information includes notes. 1 license add-on to Geomagic Design X or Geomagic XOS. enhanced CAD I/O Translator.asm.*. Enables import of Siemens NX (. as well as import/export of . enhanced CAD I/O Translator. including GD&T (aka FT&A).SAT files SOFT60016: Geomagic Design X Exchange .R20). Includes one year of software maintenance. datum & datum targets.asm. Compare 3D scan data to CAD models or other scanned parts. . Page 70 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . . Copyright 2013.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .Import of Catia V4 Files Geomagic Design X Exchange. as well as import/export of >SAT files SOFT60015: Geomagic Design X Exchange .SAT files SOFT60014: Geomagic Design X Exchange .prt) files into XOR (supports Unigraphics 11-18. enhanced CAD I/O Translator. vers:4. geometric tolerances. . Add-on licenses may only be purchased at the same time as the other licenses are purchased.prt. Enables import of CATIA V4 files (.Import of Siemens NX Files Geomagic Design X Exchange. Creo 1.Import of Catia V5 Files Geomagic Design X Exchange. Enables import of Pro/E (.model.prt. and NX1-NX8). as well as import/export of .CATPart files from CATIA V5 R6 through R18. * filde from Pro/E 16 to Wildfire 5 and Creo 1.Imports . Program Maintenance SMA80002-F: Geomagic Control Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Copyright 2013. datum & datum targets. geometric tolerances. Geomagic Control inspection software.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .9 to CATIA 4. trend analysis and in-depth assessment.prt and .US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Verify --> CAD Translator SOFT60008: Geomagic Verify PMI Siemens NX Geomagic Verify PMI Importer for Siemens NX . Page 71 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .sldprt files from SolidWorks 98 . datum references. SOFT60009: Geomagic Verify PMI Pro/E Geomagic Verify PMI Importer for Pro/E Wildfire . dimensions. SOFT60010: Geomagic Verify Exchange Importer for Solidworks Geomagic Verify Exchange Importer for Solidworks imports .Imports . inline or shop-floor inspection. SOFT60011: Geomagic Verify Exchange Importer for Catia V4 Geomagic Verify Exchange Importer for Catia V4 imports .2012. datum reference frames. Control Network Program SOFT80003-F: Geomagic Control Network Geomagic Control Network enables fast. datum references. SOFT80003-F-UG: Geomagic Control Network Upgrade Upgrade from previous version to lastest version of Geomagic Control Network.1. including GD&T. inline or shop-floor inspection. including GD&T.0. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. license transfer assistance.prt files from NX2 . enables fast.model files from CATIA 4. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Network. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server.2. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. FARO Technologies Inc. datum & datum targets. geometric tolerances.NX8.prt. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection.4. PMI information includes notes. PMI information includes notes. dimensions. datum reference frames. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. Program Maintenance SMA80002-N: Geomagic Control Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. inline or shop-floor inspection. 20 pack. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Node. Node-locked licenses are used with a single computer. SOFT80003-N-UG: Upgrade Geomagic Control Node Upgrade from previous version to lastest version of Geomagic Control Node. inline or shop-floor inspection.10 pk Geomagic Control Education Network enables fast. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. SOFT80040-FX10: Geomagic Control Education Network . SOFT80040-FX20: Geomagic Control Education Network . easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. Copyright 2013. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. FARO Technologies Inc.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Control Node --> Program Control Node Program SOFT80003-N: Geomagic Control Node Geomagic Control Node enables fast. Page 72 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. Node license for use on a single computer.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. enables fast. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server.Geomagic Control inspection software. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. inline or shop-floor inspection. license transfer assistance.20 pk Geomagic Control Education Network enables fast. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. Control EDU Network Program SOFT80040-F: Geomagic Control Education Network Geomagic Control Education Network enables fast. 10 pack. inline or shop-floor inspection. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. inline or shop-floor inspection. 50 pack.10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. SMA80025-QU-FX5: Geomagic Control Education Network Maintenance . 20 pack. SMA80025-QU-FX20: Geomagic Control Education Network Maintenance . easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Network. trend analysis and in-depth assessment.5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Network.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Control EDU Network --> Program SOFT80040-FX5: Geomagic Control Education Network .20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. license transfer assistance.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Network. 5 pack. Copyright 2013. FARO Technologies Inc. 10 pack. SMA80025-QU-FX10: Geomagic Control Education Network Maintenance . Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server. 5 pack. Program Maintenance SMA80025-QU-F: Geomagic Control Education Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.5 pk Geomagic Control Education Network enables fast. license transfer assistance. license transfer assistance. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and as-built parts for first-article inspection. license transfer assistance. Network licenses provide access to any computer that is connected to the network server.50 pk Geomagic Control Education Network enables fast.50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. inline or shop-floor inspection. inline or shop-floor inspection. 50 pack. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Network. SMA80025-QU-FX50: Geomagic Control Education Network Maintenance . license transfer assistance. SOFT80040-FX50: Geomagic Control Education Network . free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Network. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. Page 73 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . license transfer assistance. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. Page 74 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . license transfer assistance. Node license for use on a single computer. Node license for use on a single computer. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. 50 pack. 20 pack. Node license for use on a single computer. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Node. inline or shop-floor inspection. inline or shop-floor inspection. trend analysis and in-depth assessment.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Copyright 2013. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Node. 10 pack.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Control EDU Node --> Program Control EDU Node Program SOFT80040-N: Geomagic Control Education Node Geomagic Control Education Node enables fast. SOFT80040-NX20: Geomagic Control Education Node . SMA80025-QU-NX10: Geomagic Control Education Node Maintenance .20 pk Geomagic Control Education Node enables fast. Program Maintenance SMA80025-QU-N: Geomagic Control Education Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. inline or shop-floor inspection. 5 pack.10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.10 pk Geomagic Control Education Node enables fast. SOFT80040-NX50: Geomagic Control Education Node .50 pk Geomagic Qualify Education Node enables fast. SOFT80040-NX10: Geomagic Control Education Node . 10 pack. FARO Technologies Inc. SOFT80040-NX5: Geomagic Control Education Node . inline or shop-floor inspection. Node license for use on a single computer. trend analysis and in-depth assessment. Node license for use on a single computer. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. inline or shop-floor inspection. trend analysis and in-depth assessment.5 pk Geomagic Control Education Node enables fast. easy-to-understand graphical comparisons between CAD models and asbuilt parts for first-article inspection. FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Design Direct Node Program SOFT81002: Design Direct Node The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning.5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81002-N-UG: Upgrade Design Direct Node Upgrade from the previous version to the latest version of Direct Design Node. 50 pack. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing.50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. SMA80025-QU-NX5: Geomagic Control Education Node Maintenance . robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. license transfer assistance. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. 5 pack. Copyright 2013. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Node. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Node. comprehensive CAD design. 20 pack. license transfer assistance. FARO Technologies Inc. comprehensive CAD design.20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-ONA) Program Maintenance SMA80063: Design Direct Node Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. free upgrades and special offers for Geomagic Control Education Node. license transfer assistance. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Node. Page 75 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . license transfer assistance. SMA80025-QU-NX50: Geomagic Control Education Node Maintenance .US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Control EDU Node --> Program Maintenance SMA80025-QU-NX20: Geomagic Control Education Node Maintenance . assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. Page 76 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Network. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. 5 pack.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. license transfer assistance. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Network. comprehensive CAD design.10 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. license transfer assistance. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. SMA80085: Design Direct Education Network Maintenance . 10 pack. comprehensive CAD design.5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. comprehensive CAD design. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-ONA) Program Maintenance SMA80064: Design Direct Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. Design Direct EDU Node Program SOFT81024-N: Design Direct Education Node The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81003-F-UG: Upgrade Design Direct Network Upgrade from the previous version to the latest version of Design Direct Network . comprehensive CAD design. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application.The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) Copyright 2013.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Design Direct Network --> Program Design Direct Network Program SOFT81003: Design Direct Network The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. FARO Technologies Inc. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81024-NX10: Design Direct Education Node . Page 77 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . SMA80081: Design Direct Education Node Maintenance . (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81024-NX5: Design Direct Education Node . 50 pack. 5 pack. 5 pack. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Node.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Design Direct EDU Node --> Program SOFT81024-NX20: Design Direct Education Node .5 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) Program Maintenance SMA80079: Design Direct Education Node 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81024-NX50: Design Direct Education Node . comprehensive CAD design. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. comprehensive CAD design. 10 pack. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Node. comprehensive CAD design. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application.50 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. license transfer assistance. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application.5 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Copyright 2013.20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Node. free upgrades and special offers for Direct Design Education Node. 20 pack. license transfer assistance.10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. license transfer assistance. 20 pack. license transfer assistance. SMA80082: Design Direct Education Node Maintenance . SMA80080: Design Direct Education Node Maintenance .20 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. 50 pack. comprehensive CAD design. 10 pack. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Network.50 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning.5 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. 5 pack. Copyright 2013. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Node. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81024-FX5: Design Direct Education Network . 20 pack. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81024-FX50: Design Direct Education Network . comprehensive CAD design. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) Program Maintenance SMA80084: Design Direct Education Network Maintenance 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application.50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.10 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. FARO Technologies Inc. Design Direct EDU Network Program SOFT81024-F: Design Direct Education Network The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81024-FX20: Design Direct Education Network .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . license transfer assistance. comprehensive CAD design. comprehensive CAD design. (TR-GEO-1D-CON-F or TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA) SOFT81024-FX10: Design Direct Education Network . comprehensive CAD design. Page 78 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . license transfer assistance. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing. assembly modeling and 2D drawing creation in a single application.20 pk The revolutionary new Geomagic® Design Direct is the only 3D software that combines live 3D scanning. robust 3D point cloud and mesh editing.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Design Direct EDU Node --> Program Maintenance SMA80083: Design Direct Education Node Maintenance . 50 pack. SMA80088: Design Direct Education Network Maintenance . FARO Technologies Inc.50 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Design Direct EDU Network --> Program Maintenance SMA80086: Design Direct Education Network Maintenance . license transfer assistance. SOFT81005-UG: Crossgrade to the Direct Design Network from the Design Direct Node or Dongle Crossgrade from the Design Direct Network from the Design Direct Node or Dongle SOFT81007-UG: Crossgrade to Studio Network from Studio Node or Dongle Crossgrade from the Studio Node or Dongle to the Studio Network. license transfer assistance. 20 pack. SOFT81008-UG: Crossgrade to Wrap Network from Wrap Node or Dongle Crossgrade to Wrap Network from Wrap Node or Dongle Copyright 2013. 10 pack. SMA80087: Design Direct Education Network Maintenance .20 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Network. license transfer assistance. Page 79 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Network. 50 pack.10 pk 1 year of Geomagic's maintenance program provides technical support via phone and email and web. Crossgrade Program SOFT81004-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from ENT Node or Dongle Crossgrade from the Enterprise Node or Dongle to the Enterprise Bundle Network. free upgrades and special offers for Design Direct Education Network. FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Page 80 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Crossgrade --> Program SOFT81010-UG: Crossgrade to Geomagic Control Network from Geomagic Control Node or Dongle Crossgrade to Geomagic Control Network from Geomagic Control Node or Dongle SOFT81011-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle from Studio Node or Dongle Crossgrade from the Studio Node or Dongle the Enterprise Bundle. SOFT81012-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle from Geomagic Control Node or Dongle Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle from Geomagic Control Node or Dongle SOFT81013-UG: Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Design Direct Node or Dongle Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Design Direct Node or Dongle SOFT81014-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle from Studio & Geomagic Control Bundle Node or Dongle Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle from Studio & Geomagic Control Bundle Node or Dongle SOFT81015-UG: Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Studio & Design Direct Node or Dongle Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Studio & Design Direct Node or Dongle SOFT81016-UG: Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Geomagic Control & Design Direct Node or Dongle Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Geomagic Control & Design Direct Node or Dongle SOFT81017-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Studio Network Copyright 2013. 5pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node .5pk Copyright 2013. FARO Technologies Inc. Page 81 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Crossgrade --> Program SOFT81018-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Geomagic Control Network Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Geomagic Control Network SOFT81019-UG: Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Direct Design Network Crossgrade to the Enterprise Bundle from Direct Design Network SOFT81020-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Studio and Geomagic Control Network Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Studio and Geomagic Control Network SOFT81021-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Studio & Direct Design Network Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Studio & Direct Design Network SOFT81022-UG: Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Geomagic Control & Design Direct Network Crossgrade to Enterprise Bundle Network from Geomagic Control & Design Direct Network SOFT81025-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node SOFT81026-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node . 20pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node. FARO Technologies Inc. 10 pack SOFT81028-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node .50 pack SOFT81030-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network SOFT81031-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network .5pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network. 20 pack Copyright 2013. 10 pack SOFT81033-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network .10pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node. Page 82 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Crossgrade --> Program SOFT81027-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node .20pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network. 20 pack SOFT81029-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node .50pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Node .10pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network. 5 pack SOFT81032-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Page 83 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .US Software --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Crossgrade --> Program SOFT81034-UG: Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .50pk Crossgrade Enterprise Bundle from Studio and Geomagic Control Education Network. 50 pack Copyright 2013. Discusses FaroArm setup. Training must be taken within 90 days of purchase. CAM2 Measure basic measurements.FARO Facility . NOTE: Classroom Trainings are limited to 8 people and are scheduled on a first come first served basis.Upgrade your 3-day basic FARO facility training to an Customer Site course for up to 4 people. TR-MSR-ARM-POS: CAM2 M10 Arm .3-day course with 2 days of basic product fundamentals and a third day of advanced and application specific topics. Training must be taken within 90 days of purchase. Priced per class. CAM2 Measure basic measurements.US Training --> FARO --> CAM2 Measure 10 --> Training Facility Training FARO CAM2 Measure 10 Training Facility TR-MSR-ARM-F: CAM2 Measure 10 Arm .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .Included CAM2 Measure Training . TR-MSR-ARM-FA: CAM2 Measure 10 Arm . Priced per person for one additional trainee over the included 2 person at POINT OF SALE. CAM2 Measure 10 basic measurements. Classes can be canceled within two weeks of the scheduled date if sufficient enrollment is not met. NOTE: Classroom Trainings are limited to 8 people and are scheduled on a first come first served basis. Training must be taken within 90 days of purchase. CAD-topart inspection and programming. Available at POINT OF SALE ONLY. This part number is to be sold only with the purchase of new equipment and is meant to replace training at a FARO facility. FARO Technologies Inc. Priced per person. Copyright 2013. Price includes training for 2 Trainees. Training to be conducted at an approved FARO Training Facility. Training must be taken within 90 days of purchase. Priced per class.3-day course with 2 days of basic product fundamentals and a third day of advanced and application specific topics. Customer Site TR-MSR-ARM-POS-O: Customer Site Upgrade for CAM2 M10 Arm Training Customer Site Upgrade for CAM2 Measure Training Point of Sale . Page 84 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . CADto-part inspection and programming. Discusses FaroArm setup.3-day course with 2 days of basic product fundamentals and a third day of advanced and application specific topics. Discusses FaroArm setup.3 Days Basic CAM2 Measure 10 Training .FARO Facility . NOTE: Classroom Trainings are limited to 8 people and are scheduled on a first come first served basis. NOTE: Customer Site Trainings are designed for up to 4 people to ensure proper transfer of knowledge and understanding. CAD-to-part inspection and programming. Training to be conducted at an approved FARO Training Facility. Classes can be canceled within two weeks of the scheduled date if sufficient enrollment is not met. Classes can be canceled within two weeks of the scheduled date if sufficient enrollment is not met. working with nominals. working with nominals.FARO Facility (Extra Person) CAM2 Measure Training . Training to be conducted at an approved FARO Training Facility. working with nominals. Training must be taken within 90 days of purchase. Priced per class.Additional 1 day hands on session performed at customer site to help solve customer specific applications for up to four (4) persons to be taken in conjunction with TR-MQ-AS-ARM-O.US Training --> FARO --> CAM2 Measure 10 --> Customer Site TR-MSR-AS-ARM-O: CAM2 M10 Arm 1 Day Customer Site Application Training A 1-day hands-on FARO CAM2 Measure training session to help solve customer specific applications. FARO Technologies Inc. NOTE: Application Specific Consulting will expire if not taken within 90 days of purchase. working with nominals. Priced per class. TR-MQ-AS-ARM-OA: CAM2 Q Arm Application Specific Consulting . NOTE: Application Specific Consulting will expire if not taken within 90 days of purchase. TR-MQ-AS-ARM-O: CAM2 Q Arm Application Specific Consulting .Customer Site Extra Day CAM2 Q Arm Customer Site Application Specific Consulting .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Training must be taken within 90 days of purchase. CAM2 Measure basic measurements. Training must be taken within 90 days of purchase. Discusses FaroArm setup. Page 85 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Training to be conducted at customer site. NOTE: Customer Site Trainings are designed for up to 4 people to ensure proper transfer of knowledge and understanding. CAD-topart inspection and programming. TR-MSR-AS-ARM-OA: CAM2 M10 Arm 1 Add day Customer Site Application Training An extra day hands-on FARO CAM2 Measure training session to help solve customer specific applications. working with nominals. Discusses FaroArm setup. basic measurements.Customer Site CAM2 Q Arm Customer Site Training . NOTE: Class size is limited to 6.3 day course for up to four (4) trainees at customer site with two days of basic product fundaments and a third day of advanced and application specific topics. Priced per class.3-day course with 2 days of basic product fundamentals and a third day of advanced and application specific topics. This additional day must be taken in conjunction with TR-MSR-AS-ARM-O. CAM2 Q Customer Site TR-MQ-ARM-O: CAM2 Q Arm Training . Copyright 2013. Priced per class. Shipping and travel expenses are included. CAD-to-part inspection and programming. NOTE: Training will expire if not taken within 90 days of receipt of equipment. 3 Day TR-MSR-ARM-O: CAM2 M10 Arm 3 Day Customer Site Training CAM2 Measure 10 Training . Training conducted at customer facility.A 1 day hands on session performed at customer site to help solve customer specific applications for up to four (4) persons. Shipping and travel expenses are included.Customer Site CAM2 Q Arm Customer Site Application Specific Consulting . NOTE: Class size is limited to 6. Training to be conducted at customer site. TR-BM-AS-ARM-O: CAM2 4.0 Arm Application Specific Consulting . 3 Day TR-MX-ARM-O: CAM2 X Arm Training . Priced per class. CAD-to-part inspection and programming. basic measurements. Copyright 2013.Customer Site CAM2 X Arm Customer Site Training .Customer Site Extra Day CAM2 4. working with nominals. Priced per class.A 1 day hands on session performed at customer site to help solve customer specific applications for up to four (4) persons. NOTE: Application Specific Consulting will expire if not taken within 90 days of purchase.0 Arm Customer Site Application Specific Consulting .Customer Site CAM2 4. NOTE: Application Specific Consulting will expire if not taken within 90 days of purchase. working with nominals. Discusses FaroArm setup. Page 86 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .0 Arm Training . Measure V4 Customer Site TR-BM-ARM-O: CAM2 4.Customer Site CAM2 X Arm Customer Site Application Specific Consulting . Discusses FaroArm setup. NOTE: Training will expire if not taken within 90 days of receipt of equipment.Additional 1 day hands on session performed at customer site to help solve customer specific applications for up to four (4) persons to be taken in conjunction with TR-MX-AS-ARM-O. TR-MX-AS-ARM-OA: CAM2 X Arm Application Specific Consulting .Customer Site CAM2 X Arm Customer Site Training . NOTE: Application Specific Consulting will expire if not taken within 90 days of purchase. NOTE: Training will expire if not taken within 90 days of receipt of equipment.A 1 day hands on session performed at customer site to help solve customer specific applications for up to four (4) persons.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .Additional 1 day hands on session performed at customer site to help solve customer specific applications for up to four (4) persons to be taken in conjunction with TR-BM-AS-ARMO. TR-BM-AS-ARM-OA: CAM2 4.0 Arm Application Specific Consulting .3 day course for up to four (4) trainees at customer site with two days of basic product fundaments and a third day of advanced and application specific topics. FARO Technologies Inc.US Training --> FARO --> Measure X --> Customer Site Measure X Customer Site TR-MX-AS-ARM-O: CAM2 X Arm Application Specific Consulting .0 Arm Customer Site Application Specific Consulting . NOTE: Application Specific Consulting will expire if not taken within 90 days of purchase.3 day course for up to four (4) trainees at customer site with two days of basic product fundaments and a third day of advanced and application specific topics. CAD-to-part inspection and programming.Customer Site Extra Day CAM2 X Arm Customer Site Application Specific Consulting . basic measurements. FARO Technologies Inc. Second day and all days following .US Training --> 3D Infotech --> Polyworks --> Training Facility --> 3 Day 3D Infotech Polyworks Training Facility 3 Day TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F-CA: PolyWorks Modeler or Inspector . Up to TWO trainees may register. Page 87 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .includes travel. training.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Trainees must bear their own T&L expenses. At Irvine CA. Must register both to the same classroom training and confirm directly with 3D Infotech.includes travel.Customer Site (Additional Day) Customer site service to get personal technical assistance at your factory for installation. training. Copyright 2013. 5 Day TR-POLY-5D-MAI-F-CA: Polyworks 5 day Training. Trainees must bear their own T&L expenses. Vtube-LASER Customer Site 1 Day TR-ATT-1D-OA: Advanced Tubular Training .Customer Site Customer site service to get personal technical assistance at your factory for installation. Irvine CA 5 days PolyWorks Modeler AND Inspector classroom training at pre-determined dates.Facility (Irvine. At Irvine CA Advanced Tubular Technologies Faro Arm Customer Site 1 Day TR-ATT-1D-O: Advanced Tubular Training . and development. First 8 hour day . and development. Up to TWO trainees may register. CA) 3 days PolyWorks Modeler OR PolyWorks Inspector classroom training at pre-determined dates. Must register both to the same classroom training and confirm directly with 3D Infotech. FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English - US Training --> Creative Dezign Concepts --> Dezignworks --> Web Creative Dezign Concepts Dezignworks Web TR-DZW-4H-DSM-WEB: DezignWorks DSM Training - Web Four hours online training schedule through Creative Dezign Concepts BuildIT Build!IT Customer Site 3 Day TR-BIT-3D-O: Build!IT Training - Customer Site Three day customer site training. Trainers travel and lodging expenses extra. Scheduled by BuildIT InnovMetric Polyworks Training Facility 2 Day TR-POLY-2D-PRO-CLS-F: PolyWorks Probing - Classroom Facility Two-day ‘basic’ training on the PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package, at the InnovMetric headquarters (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. 'Classroom type' training sessions will be offered at pre-determined dates. Prices shown are per trainee. Trainee(s) must bear their own T&L expenses and must confirm directly with InnovMetric. The training session must be scheduled within one year of the training purchase date. TR-POLY-2D-PRO-F: PolyWorks Probing - Facility (Quebec) 2-day training on PolyWorks Inspector Probing package, at InnovMetric (Quebec City). ‘Hands-on’ training at predetermined dates. Up to two trainees may register. Trainees must bear their own T&L expenses. Must both register to the same training and confirm directly with InnovMetric. Note : No more than four attendants (from two different organizations) in total for any such training. Copyright 2013, FARO Technologies Inc. Page 88 Printed 02-Dec-2013 FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English - US Training --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks --> Training Facility --> 3 Day 3 Day TR-POLY-3D-MOI-ADV-F: PolyWorks Advanced Modeler or Inspector - Facility (Quebec) 3-day ‘advanced’ training on PolyWorks Modeler OR on PolyWorks Inspector package, at InnovMetric (Quebec City). Trainees must bear their own T&L expenses. For up to 6 people. Client must have attended a PolyWorks ‘basic’ training prior to ordering an ‘advanced’ training. TR-POLY-3D-MOI-F: PolyWorks Modeler or Inspector - Facility Three-day ‘basic’ training on the PolyWorks/Modeler or the PolyWorks/Inspector package, at the InnovMetric headquarters (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. ‘Classroom type’ training sessions will be offered at pre-determined dates. Up to two trainees may register for each license ordered. Trainees must bear their own T&L expenses. They must both register to the same Classroom training session and confirm directly with InnovMetric. Training sessions must be scheduled within one year from the license purchase. After one year, regular fees will apply. TR-POLY-3D-MOI-FA: PolyWorks Modeler or Inspector - Facility Three-day ‘basic’ training on the PolyWorks/Modeler or the PolyWorks/Inspector package, at the InnovMetric headquarters (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. 'Classroom type' training sessions will be offered at pre-determined dates. Prices shown are per chargeable trainee. Trainee(s) must bear their own T&L expenses and must confirm directly with InnovMetric. The training session must be scheduled within one year of the training purchase date. 5 Day TR-POLY-5D-MAI-F: PolyWorks Modeler and Inspector - Facility Five-day ‘basic’ training on the PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector package, at the InnovMetric headquarters (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. ‘Classroom type’ training sessions will be offered at pre-determined dates. Up to two trainees may register for each license ordered. Trainees must bear their own T&L expenses. They must both register to the same classroom training session and confirm directly with InnovMetric. Training sessions must be scheduled within one year from license purchase. After one year, regular fees will apply. TR-POLY-5D-MAI-FA: PolyWorks Modeler and Inspector - Facility Five-day ‘basic’ training on the PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector package, at the InnovMetric headquarters (Quebec City) OR at the Novi (MI) training center. 'Classroom type' training sessions will be offered at pre-determined dates. Prices shown are per chargeable trainee. Trainee(s) must bear their own T&L expenses and must confirm directly with InnovMetric. The training session must be scheduled within one year of the training purchase date. Copyright 2013, FARO Technologies Inc. Page 89 Printed 02-Dec-2013 FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English - US Training --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks --> Customer Site --> 3 Day Customer Site 3 Day TR-PIN-3D-O-MX-N: PolyWorks/Inspector Training - Customer Site (Mexico, North) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package, on-site. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. On-site location in the San Luis Potosi and Monterrey areas, and all other regions in Mexico TR-PIN-3D-O-MX-S: PolyWorks/Inspector Training - Customer Site (Mexico, South) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package, on-site. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. On-site location in the Mexico City, Puebla and Querétaro areas(within 60 KM of each city center) TR-PM-3D-O-MX-N: PolyWorks/Modeler Training - Customer Site (Mexico, North) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package, on-site. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. On-site location in the San Luis Potosi and Monterrey areas, and all other regions in Mexico TR-PM-3D-O-MX-S: PolyWorks/Modeler Training - Customer Site (Mexico, South) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package, on-site. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. On-site location in the Mexico City, Puebla and Querétaro areas(within 60 KM of each city center) TR-PMIN-6D-O-MX-N: PolyWorks Inspector/Modeler Training - Customer Site, (Mexico, North) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package, AND an additional 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package, on-site. Scheduled at two different times. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector package. On-site location in the San Luis Potosi and Monterrey areas, and all other regions in Mexico TR-PMIN-6D-O-MX-S: PolyWorks Inspector/Modeler Training - Customer Site, (Mexico, South) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package, AND an additional 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package, on-site. Scheduled at two different times. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector package. On-site location in the Mexico City, Puebla and Querétaro areas(within 60 KM of each city center) Copyright 2013, FARO Technologies Inc. Page 90 Printed 02-Dec-2013 Canada. (USA. Canada. Customer site.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Canada. Training at customer site for up to 6 people. Training at customer site for up to 6 people.Customer Site (N. Trainer travel expenses included. Training at customer site for up to 6 people. FARO Technologies Inc. Trainer travel expenses included. AND an additional 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package. (USA. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector package.Customer Site (N.Customer Site (N. Mexico) TR-POLY-3D-INS-O-SA: PolyWorks Inspector . Mexico) TR-POLY-3D-MOD-O-NA: PolyWorks Modeler . Customer site.Customer Site (N.US Training --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks --> Customer Site --> 2 Day TR-POLY-2D-PRO-O-NA: PolyWorks Probing . (USA. (South America) TR-POLY-3D-MAI-O-NA: PolyWorks Modeler & Inspector Training. Trainer travel expenses included. America) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. Customer Site. Trainer travel expenses included. Mexico) TR-POLY-3D-MOI-O-NA: PolyWorks Advanced Modeler or Inspector . Canada. Mexico) TR-POLY-2D-SUR-O-NA: PolyWorks Surveying .Customer Site (N. Trainer travel expenses included. Mexico) TR-POLY-3D-INS-O-NA: PolyWorks Inspector . America) 2-day training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package. Trainer travel expenses included. (USA. Page 91 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . (USA. America) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler.Customer site.Customer Site (N. Training at customer site for up to 6 people. Customer site. America) 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package. (USA. Canada. Training at customer site for up to 6 people. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. America) 3-day ‘advanced’ training on PolyWorks Modeler OR on PolyWorks Inspector package. Canada. Mexico) Copyright 2013. America) Trainer travel expenses included. Training at customer site for up to 6 people. Customer site. Scheduled at two different times.Customer Site (S. America) 2-day “Surveying” training on PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler package. 3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. Scheduled at two different times. Santa Catarina. Location in Colombia. customer site. Mexico) TR-PROBE-2D-O-MX-N: PolyWorks/Inspector Probing Training . Location in the Minas Gerais. AND an additional 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package. Copyright 2013. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Trainer travel expenses included.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector package. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector package.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. customer site. on-site. on-site. AND an additional 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package. Page 92 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . and all other regions in Mexico TR-PROBE-2D-O-MX-S: PolyWorks/Inspector Probing Training . AND an additional 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . farther than 60 KM of Sao Paulo area. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo areas. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. TR-PLYW-3D-MAI-O-MG: Polyworks Modeler and Inspector . customer site. Trainer travel & living expenses included. and other areas. Custom training on FARO equipment. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Training at customer site for up to FOUR people. South) 2-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package.Customer Site (Mexico. Scheduled at two different times. Custom training on FARO equipment. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. On-site location in the San Luis Potosi and Monterrey areas. Scheduled at two different times. Canada. On-site location in the Mexico City. Bahia. Trainer travel & living expenses included. FARO Technologies Inc. TR-PLYW-3D-MAI-O-RS: Polyworks Modeler and Inspector . customer site.US Training --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks --> Customer Site --> 3 Day TR-POLY-3D-SRV-O-NA: PolyWorks Surveying . Location in the Rio Grande do Sul. America) 3-day “Surveying” training on PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler package.Customer Site (Mexico.Customer Site (N. North) 2-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package. Trainer travel & living expenses included. (USA. Parana. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector package. Training at customer site for up to FOUR people. Puebla and Querétaro areas(within 60 KM of each city center Polyworks Bundle Customer Site 3 Day TR-PLYW-3D-MAI-O-CO: Polyworks Modeler and Inspector . Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Custom training on FARO equipment. US Training --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Bundle --> Customer Site --> 3 Day TR-PLYW-3D-MAI-O-SP: Polyworks Modeler & Inspector . customer site. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Santa Catarina. AND an additional 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package.5 Days Customer Site 5-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks Modeler&Inspector package. Scheduled at two different times. customer site. customer site.2 Days Customer Site 2-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package. Custom training on FARO equipment. Polyworks Inspector Customer Site 2 Day TR-PLYW-2D-INS-O-CAR: Polyworks Inspector . Custom training on FARO equipment. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks/Modeler&Inspector package. Bahia. Page 93 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Custom training on FARO equipment. TR-PLYW-2D-INS-O-MG: Polyworks Inspector . Copyright 2013. Custom training on FARO equipment. customer site. FARO Technologies Inc.2 Days Customer Site 2-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package. Location in Chile and Argentina. Client must have ordered at least one PolyWorks Modeler&Inspector package. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Location in Chile and Argentina. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Location in the Minas Gerais. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Parana. TR-PLYW-2D-INS-O-RS: Polyworks Inspector . Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Location within 60 km of Sao Paulo. Location in Colombia. Custom training on FARO equipment. Trainer travel & living expenses included.2 Days Customer Site 2-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package. farther than 60 KM of Sao Paulo area. TR-PLYW-2D-INS-O-CO: Polyworks Inspector .2 Days Customer Site 2-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package. TR-PLYW-5D-MAI-O-CAR: Polyworks Modeler and Inspector . customer site.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Trainer travel & living expenses included. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Custom training on FARO equipment. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo areas.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. Location in the Rio Grande do Sul. and other areas. customer site. 2 Days Customer Site 2-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector Probing package. Copyright 2013. TR-PLYW-3D-INS-O-MG: Polyworks Inspector .3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package. and other areas. Custom training on FARO equipment. Location in Chile and Argentina. TR-PLYW-3D-INS-O-RS: Polyworks Inspector . farther than 60 KM of Sao Paulo area. Custom training on FARO equipment. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. TR-PLYW-3D-INS-O-CAR: Polyworks Inspector . Trainer travel & living expenses included. Location in Colombia. Trainer travel & living expenses included. TR-PLYW-3D-MOD-O-CO: Polyworks Modeler . Training at customer site for up to SIX people. customer site. Location within 60 km of Sao Paulo. customer site.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package. Location in the Rio Grande do Sul.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo areas. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. customer site. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Location in the Minas Gerais. Location in Colombia. Custom training on FARO equipment. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Polyworks Modeler Customer Site 3 Day TR-PLYW-3D-MOD-O-CAR: Polyworks Modeler . Custom training on FARO equipment.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. customer site. Custom training on FARO equipment. Bahia.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Inspector package. customer site. Page 94 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Custom training on FARO equipment. Custom training on FARO equipment. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Santa Catarina. customer site. TR-PLYW-3D-INS-O-CO: Polyworks Inspector . customer site. Location in Chile and Argentina.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc.US Training --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Inspector --> Customer Site --> 2 Day TR-PLYW-2D-INS-O-SP: Polyworks Inspector . Trainer travel & living expenses included. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Parana. Trainer travel & living expenses included. Santa Catarina. customer site. customer site.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .US Training --> InnovMetric --> Polyworks Modeler --> Customer Site --> 3 Day TR-PLYW-3D-MOD-O-MG: Polyworks Modeler .3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. Bahia. Location in the Rio Grande do Sul. Metrologic MetrologX4 Customer Site 5 Day TR-MET-5D-X4-O: MetrologX4 Training at Customer Facility 5 day training done at customer facility. Trainer travel & living expenses included. customer site. FARO Technologies Inc. Custom training on FARO equipment. Customer is directly connected to his/her own equipment (up to 5 participants) + travel expenses Training Facility 5 Day TR-MET-5D-X4-F-MI: MetrologX4 Training in Michigan Training at Metrologic facility (Wixom Michigan): 5 days of an engineer’s time dedicated to the customer’s team (up to 5 participants) Copyright 2013.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo areas. and other areas. Location in the Minas Gerais. TR-PLYW-3D-MOD-O-RS: Polyworks Modeler . Trainer travel & living expenses included. TR-PLYW-3D-MOD-O-SP: Polyworks Modeler . Location within 60 km of Sao Paulo. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. farther than 60 KM of Sao Paulo area. Page 95 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Training at customer site for up to SIX people. Custom training on FARO equipment. Parana. Custom training on FARO equipment.3 Days Customer Site 3-day ‘basic’ training on PolyWorks/Modeler package. (Outside North America) Maximun eight students. 4 Day TR-SA-4D-O-W: Spatial Analyzer Training . FARO Technologies Inc. TR-SA-3D-MSR-F: Spatial Analyzer Measurement Training . Minimum of three students required. Page 96 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . transportation. (Outside North America) Maximun eight students. Priced per course. Copyright 2013. Price is for one student. (Americas or Europe only) Maximun eight students. lodging. TR-SA-3D-PRV-F: Spatial Analyzer Private Training . (Open enrollment) NKR reserves the right to blend classes. transportation. lodging and meal expenses. TR-SA-3D-O-W: Spatial Analyzer Training . includes all training costs. Training exclusively for one company. airfare. transportation. Customer responsible for students travel.Facility Three days at New River Kinematics offices Williamsburg VA facility.US Training --> New River Kinematics --> Spatial Analyzer --> Training Facility --> 3 Day New River Kinematics Spatial Analyzer Training Facility 3 Day TR-SA-3D-F: Spatial Analyzer Training . airfare. includes all training costs. meals and ground transportation for instructor. Maximun eight students. meals and ground transportation for instructor.Facility Three days at New River Kinematics offices Williamsburg VA facility. Priced per course. lodging. Customer responsible for students travel.Customer Site (World) Four days at customer's site. airfare.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Customer Site 3 Day TR-SA-3D-O-AE: Spatial Analyzer Training . lodging and meal expenses. Priced per course. lodging and meal expenses. lodging.Facility Three days at New River Kinematics offices Williamsburg VA facility.Customer Site (World) Three days at customer's site. includes all training costs. meals and ground transportation for instructor. Customer responsible for students travel. Priced per course.Customer Site (America/Europe) Three days at customer's site. Copyright 2013.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .US Training --> Rapidform --> XOV --> Training Facility --> 1 Day Rapidform XOV Training Facility 1 Day TR-RFI-1D-XOV-F: Geomagic Verify Training .Facility Geomagic Verify Training for new users at a Geomagic Solutions facility.Customer Site (US) 3 day Verisurf custom training to customer needs. Price is per group session.rapidform.Facility 3 day Verisurf custom training to customer needs. TR-VERS-3D-O-US: Verisurf Training . Price is per group.S. Customer Site 3 Day TR-VERS-3D-O-INT: Verisurf Custom Training .Instructor Led International 3 day Verisurf custom training to customer needs. Off-hours training start time begins at 5:00 PM. FARO Technologies Inc. Held at Verisurf Anaheim CA Training Center.Additional Off-Hours Verisurf custom training additional off-hours training past 5:00 PM. Held at Customer North America location. Up to 4 students. Up to 4 for dates and additional info. Up to 4 students. Verisurf Training Facility 3 Day TR-VERS-3D-F: Verisurf Training . TR-VERS-OFF: Verisurf Custom Training . Price is per group. Held at customer location outside of the U. Up to 4 students. The course is 1 day long and teaches all the essentials a new user needs to start using Verify. Price is per group. Tuition fee covers up to 2 trainees (additional trainees $499 each). Visit www. Page 97 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . alignment. analysis and reporting. and customer specific applications. 12 introductory course cover the basic usage of Verisurf CAD. analysis and reporting. BUILD and ANALYSIS modules. 1 year TR-VERS-1Y-CERT: Intro to Verisurf Certification . alignment. analysis and reporting. REVERSE. CONNECT Modules. MEASURE. 12 introductory course cover the basic usage of Verisurf CAD. MEASURE. Online 12 Week TR-VERS-12W-CERT: Intro to Verisurf Certification . Copyright 2013.Additional Days Verisurf custom training additional training days at Verisurf office or customer site. A Ceriticate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion of all course quizzes. alignment. MEASURE. Introduction to the major concepts in Verisurf X. including the user interface and functions such as measurement. Introduction to the major concepts in Verisurf X. including the user interface and functions such as measurement. Introduction to the major concepts in Verisurf X. A Ceriticate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion of all course quizzes. including the user interface and functions such as measurement. including the user interface and functions such as measurement. Advanced topics are ANALYSIS. Price is per group session per day. Page 98 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . FARO Technologies Inc.12 Week Online Video Training 12 week access for a single individual to internet based video training. BUILD and ANALYSIS modules. Up to 4 students. BUILD and ANALYSIS modules.US Training --> Verisurf --> 1 Day 1 Day TR-VERS-1D: Verisurf Custom Training . 12 introductory course cover the basic usage of Verisurf CAD.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .12 Week Online Video Training 12 week access for a single individual to internet based video training.1 Year Online Video Training 1 year access for a single individual to internet based video training. TR-VERS-12W-ONLINE: Intro to Verisurf . Introduction to the major concepts in Verisurf X. analysis and reporting. TR-VERS-1Y-ONLINE: Intro to Verisurf . alignment. 12 introductory course cover the basic usage of Verisurf CAD.1 Year Online Video Training 1 year access for a single individual to internet based video training. BUILD and ANALYSIS modules. MEASURE. No additional costs are incurred by customer. Location: North Carolina Customer Site TR-GEO-3D-STU-O-NA: Geomagic Studio Training .CA. Travel expenses included in price. Five student max. RFI will send a trainer to any North American location (US.Customer Site Three day instructor led course designed to teach user most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Studio. FARO Technologies Inc. North Carolina Three day instructor led course designed to teach user most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Studio. Travel and lodging expenses paid by student. Bundle Customer Site TR-GEO-4D-XV-O: Geomagic Design X and Verify Training . Travel expenses included in price. RFI covers all travel expenses for trainer.Faro Facility.Customer Site Two day instructor led course designed to teach user most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Wrap at customer site. 4 days are required for this training.MX). Travel and lodging expenses paid by student.Faro Facility. Five student max.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . North Carolina Two day instructor led course designed to teach user most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Wrap.US Training --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Studio --> Training Facility 3D Systems Geomagic Studio Training Facility TR-GEO-3D-STU-F: Geomagic Studio Training . Up to 8 trainees allowed. Wrap Training Facility TR-GEO-2D-WRP-F: Geomagic Wrap Training . Location: North Carolina Customer Site TR-GEO-2D-WRP-O: Geomagic Wrap Training .Customer Site Training for Geomagic Design X (formerly know as XOR) and Geomagic Verify (formerly known as XOV). Copyright 2013. Page 99 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Geomagic covers all travel expenses for trainer. Geomagic will send a trainer to any North American Location (US.Customer Site One day training/mentoring course at customer site.Customer Site Customer Site Training for Geomagic Design X.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Usually follows structured training course. Copyright 2013. focusing on user's specific buisness requirements.Instructor-led course on-site designed to teach users the most effective and efficient way to leverage Geomagic Studio and Geomagic Control and Geomagic Design Direct. No additional costs are incurred by customer. Includes instructor travel. Customer Site TR-RFI-3D-XOR-O: Geomagic Design X Training . Design X Training Facility TR-RFI-3D-XOR-F: Geomagic Design X Training . 6 students maximum.US Training --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Application Specific --> Customer Site Application Specific Customer Site TR-GEO-1D-CON-O-NA: Geomagic Consulting . Visit www. Up to 6 trainees allowed. USA Geomagic Enterprise 5-day Training Course in North Carolina . CA.Facility Geomagic Design X Training for new users at a Geomagic Solutions facility. MX). 3 days are required for Design X-only for dates and additional info.rapidform. The course is 3 days long and teaches all the essentials a new user needs to start using Design X. FARO Technologies Inc. North Carolina One day training/mentoring course in Morrisville.Faro Facility. Usually follows structured training course. focusing on user's specific buisness requirements. Tuition fee covers up to 2 trainees (additional trainees $499 each). Training Facility TR-GEO-1D-CON-F: Geomagic Consulting . Travel expenses included in price. NC.Instructor-led course designed to teach users the most effective and efficient way to leverage Geomagic Studio and Geomagic Control and Geomagic Design Direct ‐ Customer Site TR-GEO-5D-ENT-O: Training Enterprise 5 day Customer site Geomagic Enterprise 5-day On Site Training Course . Page 100 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Enterprise Training Facility ‐ TR-GEO-5D-ENT-F: Training Enterprise 5 day North Carolina. Customer Site Three day instructor led course designed to teach user most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Control. Design Direct Customer Site TR-GEO-2D-DD-O: Geomagic Design Direct Training.Faro Facility Three day instructor led course designed to teach user most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Control. Travel expenses included in price.US Training --> 3D Systems --> Geomagic --> Control --> Customer Site Control Customer Site TR-GEO-3D-QUA-O-NA: Geomagic Control Training . Onsite includes travel and expenses. Five student max. Page 101 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Training Facility TR-GEO-3D-QUA-F: Geomagic Control Training .North Carolina Facility Two day instructor led course designed to teach user the most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Design Direct.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Travel and lodging expenses paid by individual. Location: North Carolina Copyright 2013. Travel and lodging expenses paid by student. FARO Technologies Inc. Location: Customer Site Facility TR-GEO-2D-DD-F: Geomagic Design Direct Training.Customer Site Two day instructor led course designed to teach user the most effective and efficient way to achieve results with Geomagic Design Direct. Max 6 students. This part number is not to be used as a stand alone warranty. FARO Technologies Inc. (Excludes annual calibration and certification) Standard ESP-DT-1: FaroArm® Digital Template Standard Warranty Extension .US Warranty --> 1 Month --> Premium Warranty 1 Month Premium EPP-LLP-1: FARO® Laser Line Probe Premium Warranty Extension . This part number is not to be used as a stand alone warranty.1 Month One month extension to an existing FARO® Laser Line Probe Premium Warranty Plus.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English .1 Month One month extension of an existing FaroArm® Premium Warranty Plus. (Excludes annual calibration and certification) EPP-POR-1: FaroArm® Premium Warranty Extension .(Excludes annual calibration and certification) SCPWPP-M01: FARO® Laser Line Probe Premium Warranty Plus Extension . This part number is not to be used as a stand alone warranty.1 Month One month extension to existing FARO® Laser Line Probe Standard Warranty. This part number is not to be used as a stand alone warranty. (Excludes annual calibration and certification) Copyright 2013.1 Month One month extension to existing FARO® Laser Line Probe Premium Warranty. This part number is not to be used as a stand alone warranty.1 Month One month extension to existing FaroArm® Premium Warranty. This part number is not to be used as a stand alone warranty.1 Month One month extension to existing FaroArm® Digital Template Standard Warranty. (Excludes annual calibration and certification) ESP-LLP-1: FARO® Laser Line Probe Standard Warranty Extension . Page 102 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . (Does not include annual certification) Plus PWPP-01-MTH: FaroArm® Premium Warranty Plus Extension . labor.1YR 1 year premium warranty. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt.1YR 1 year premium warranty plus. ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. V3 and Edge LLP. Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration. This part number is not to be used as a stand alone warranty.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Warranty includes annual arm certification.1YR 1 year premium warranty. PWS-DT: Premium DT Warranty .1 Month One month extension to existing FaroArm® Standard Warranty.1YR 1 year premium warranty for V2. parts. parts. parts.1YR 1 year premium warranty plus for V2. V3 and Edge LLP.US Warranty --> 1 Month --> Standard ESP-POR-1: FaroArm® Standard Warranty Extension . Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration. parts. labor. Plus PWPP-01: Premium Arm Warranty PLUS . Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. Warranty includes annual certification. Copyright 2013. parts. labor. SCPWS-01: Premium LLP Warranty . ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. SCPWPP-01: Premium LLP Warranty PLUS . labor. Warranty includes annual arm certification. Warranty includes annual certification. Loaner arm excluded for certification. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Loaner arm excluded for certification. Page 103 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . labor. Warranty includes annual arm certification. (Does not include annual certification) 1 year Premium PWS-01: Premium Arm Warranty . US Warranty --> 1 year --> Standard Standard SCSWS-01: Standard LLP Warranty .FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . parts. labor and return shipping charges. parts. Copyright 2013. parts. SCSWS-04: Standard LLP Warranty . Warranty includes (SCU-LLP). return shipping charges. annual certification. annual certification.Educational 1 year standard warranty. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt.1YR 1 year standard warranty. annual certification. Educational SCSWS-01-EDU: Standard LLP Warranty . SWS-01: Standard Arm Warranty . return shipping charges. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt.1YR -Educational 1 year standard warranty for V2. V3 and Edge LLP. Warranty includes annual arm certification. labor and return shipping charges. Warranty includes annual arm certification. Warranty includes (SCU-LLP). labor.1YR 1 year standard warranty. parts.1YR 1 year standard warranty for V2. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. FARO Technologies Inc. Warranty includes annual Digital Template Arm certification. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Page 104 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. return shipping charges. labor and return shipping charges. labor. parts. V3 and Edge LLP. parts.4 Year 4 year standard warranty for V2.1YR . SWS-DT: Standard DT Warranty . Warranty includes (SCU-LLP). SWS-01-EDU: Standard Arm Warranty . V3 and Edge LLP. labor. 3YRS 3 year premium warranty. labor. parts.3YR 3 year premium warranty plus. Loaner arm excluded for certification. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Standard SCSWS-PF-03: Standard LLP Warranty . labor. Plus PWPP-03: Premium Arm Warranty PLUS . Loaner arm excluded for certification. parts. SCPWPP-03: Premium LLP Warranty PLUS . V3 and Edge LLP. SCPWS-PF-03: Premium LLP Warranty . Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration. Warranty includes annual certification. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt.3YRS 3 year premium warranty for V2. Page 105 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .3YRS 3 year standard warranty for V2. ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. Warranty includes annual arm certification. V3 and Edge LLP. Warranty includes annual certification. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. labor. FARO Technologies Inc. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. V3 and Edge LLP.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . PWS-PF-03: Premium Arm Warranty . labor. parts. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day.3YRS 3 year premium warranty. Warranty includes annual arm certification. parts. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. Warranty includes annual arm certification. return shipping charges.US Warranty --> 3 years --> Premium 3 years Premium PWS-DT-3: Premium DT Warranty . ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. parts. Warranty includes annual certification. labor.3YR 3 year premium warranty plus for V2. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Copyright 2013. parts. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration. labor. ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. Page 106 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. labor. POS only. POS Only. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. parts. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. POS ONLY. parts. labor. V3 and Edge LLP. FARO Technologies Inc. Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration.1YR Upgrade 1st year standard warranty to 1 year premium warranty plus. SCPWPPS-01: Premium LLP Warranty PLUS Upgrade. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. parts. labor and return shipping charges. Copyright 2013. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration. parts.1YR Upgrade 1st year to Premium warranty for V2. Warranty includes annual certification.3YRS 3 year standard warranty. Warranty includes annual arm certification. Warranty includes annual arm certification. Plus PWPPS-01: Premium Arm Warranty PLUS Upgrade . Upgrade 1 year Premium PWSS-01: Premium Arm Warranty Upgrade . SWS-PF-03: Standard Arm Warranty . ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . SCPWSS-01: Premium LLP Warranty Upgrade . Warranty includes annual certification. labor. labor and return shipping charges. Warranty includes annual arm certification. POS only. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Warranty includes annual Digital Template Arm certification. labor. parts.US Warranty --> 3 years --> Standard SWS-DT-3: Standard DT Warranty . V3 and Edge LLP.1YR Upgrade to 1 year premium warranty plus for V2. parts.1YR Upgrade 1st year to Premium warranty.3YRS 3 year standard warranty. Loaner arm excluded for certification. upgrade to latest engineering specifications. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Page 107 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . lubricate.22. Warranty includes annual arm certification. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Additional repair charges may apply if out of warranty. ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. V3 and Edge LLP. labor. clean. Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration. Added benefit to Premium Warranty by providing a no cost loaner at the time of Annual Calibration. V3 and Edge LLP.4.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . POS Only. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. connections. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. re-calibration per ASME B89. labor. inspection of cables. clean. Warranty includes annual certification. inspection of cables. connections. POS ONLY. replace labels. boards. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Certification SCU-00: FaroArm Certification Certification includes FARO's 15 point check. SCPWSS-PF-03: Premium LLP Warranty Upgrade .US Warranty --> Upgrade 3 years --> Premium Upgrade 3 years Premium PWSS-PF-03: Premium Arm Warranty Upgrade . parts.4. re-calibration per ASME B89. Copyright 2013. SCPWPPS-03: Premium LLP Warranty PLUS Upgrade . Additional repair charges may apply if out of warranty. parts. FARO Technologies Inc. upgrade to latest engineering specifications. parts. ALL shipping charges and loaner FaroArm shipped the next business day. replace labels. POS only. boards. ALL shipping charges and loaner LLP shipped the next business day. SCU-DT: Digital Template Certification Certification includes FARO's 15 point check. labor. Loaner arm excluded for certification.3YR Upgrade 1st year standard warranty to 3 year premium warranty plus. Warranty includes annual certification. POS only.22. Plus PWPPS-03: Premium Arm Warranty PLUS Upgrade . labor. lubricate.3YR Upgrade 1st year warranty to 3 year premium warranty plus for V2.3YRS Upgrade 1st year to a 3yr Premium warranty for V2. parts.3YRS Upgrade 1st year to a 3 yr Premium warranty. Warranty includes annual arm certification. Service goal is 7 working days from date of receipt. Page 108 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . parts. boards. upgrade to latest engineering specifications. Copyright 2013.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Additional repair charges may apply if out of warranty. clean. Warranty includes annual arm certification. labor and return shipping charges. replace labels and perform a certification.US Warranty --> Certification SCU-LLP: Laser Line Probe Certification Certification for V2 and V3 LLP includes inspection of cables.4 Year 4 year standard warranty. FARO Technologies Inc. connections. Standard 4 Year SWS-04: Standard Arm Warranty . cables. Note: One-month credit will be applied on the list price of the license to be purchased. All rentals are on a pre-payment basis. Computer. Note: If the customer decides to purchase the PolyWorks license after having rented it. If the case. CTRL-SAS-RENTAL: ScanArm System Rental ScanArm System Rental with a FaroArm. base plate. The quoted rate is for a one month rental. Laser Line Probe. The quoted rate is for a one month rental. please mention ‘Includes Rental Credit’ on the PO. All rentals are on a pre-payment basis.US Rental --> Rental CTRL-ARM-RENTAL: FaroArm Rental FaroArm Rental. All rentals are on a pre-payment basis. Computer. (Applies only if the rented license is the same as the purchased license. CTRL-LLP-RENTAL: Laser Line Probe Rental Laser Line Probe Rental. custom cover.) Copyright 2013. The quoted rate is for a one month rental. Software and Tripod. All rentals are on a pre-payment basis.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . FARO Technologies Inc. Software Rental SOFT90001-RNT: PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector. please mention ‘Includes Rental Credit’ on the PO. provided that InnovMetric receives a purchase order within 90 days following the end of the rental period.) SOFT90002-RNT: PolyWorks Modeler/Inspector 30-Day Rental PolyWorks/Modeler & PolyWorks/Inspector 30-day license for PRODUCTION purposes. a one-month credit will be applied on the list price of the license to be purchased. The quoted rate is for a one month rental. provided that InnovMetric receives a purchase order within 90 days following the end of the rental period. rechargeable battery. standard probe kit (3mm and 6mm). with NURBS 30-day license for PRODUCTION purposes. heavy-duty case. with NURBS 30-Day Rental PolyWorks/Modeler & Inspector.and Software. (Applies only if the rented license is the same as the purchased license. Page 109 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . CTRL-POR-RENTAL: Control Station Rental Control Station Rental with a FaroArm. If the case. Includes:FaroArm. If the case.) Copyright 2013. please mention ‘Includes Rental Credit’ on the PO. (Applies only if the rented license is the same as the purchased license. (Applies only if the rented license is the same as the purchased license. If the case. provided that InnovMetric receives a purchase order within 90 days following the end of the rental period. provided that InnovMetric receives a purchase order within 90 days following the end of the rental period. Note: One-month credit will be applied on the list price of the license to be purchased. Note: One-month credit will be applied on the list price of the license to be purchased. provided that InnovMetric receives a purchase order within 90 days following the end of the rental period. If the case. Note: One-month credit will be applied on the list price of the license to be purchased. provided that InnovMetric receives a purchase order within 90 days following the end of the rental period.) SOFT90029-RNT: PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modeler 30-Day Rental PolyWorks/Surveyor & Modele 30-day license for PRODUCTION purposes. please mention ‘Includes Rental Credit’ on the PO. please mention ‘Includes Rental Credit’ on the PO.) SOFT90005-RNT: PolyWorks/Inspector 30-Day Rental PolyWorks/Inspector 30-day license for PRODUCTION purposes. Page 110 Printed 02-Dec-2013 .) SOFT90028-RNT: PolyWorks/Surveyor 30-Day Rental PolyWorks/Surveyor 30-day license for PRODUCTION purposes. If the case. Note: One-month credit will be applied on the list price of the license to be purchased. provided that InnovMetric receives a purchase order within 90 days following the end of the rental period. FARO Technologies Inc.US Rental --> Software Rental SOFT90003-RNT: PolyWorks/Modeler with NURBS 30-Day Rental PolyWorks/Modeler with NURBS 30-day license for PRODUCTION purposes. (Applies only if the rented license is the same as the purchased license. Note: One-month credit will be applied on the list price of the license to be purchased. (Applies only if the rented license is the same as the purchased license. please mention ‘Includes Rental Credit’ on the PO.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . please mention ‘Includes Rental Credit’ on the PO. If the case. (Applies only if the rented license is the same as the purchased license.) SOFT90004-RNT: PolyWorks/Modeler 30-Day Rental PolyWorks/Modeler 30-day license for PRODUCTION purposes. for the full term of the program (four months).Technology Test Drive Technology Test Drive of CAM2 Measure 10. whether tactile or scanning.US Tech Test Drive --> Tech Test Drive SOFT10010-TTD: CAM2 Measure 10 Software . Does not apply to 3rd party vendor software. Offered is a Four (4) month Technology Test Drive for use with a FaroArm Technology Test Drive or FARO Laser Tracker Technology Test Drive.FARO Product Catalog FaroArm English . Training FARO CAM2 Training Facility TR-MSR-ARM-F-TTD: FARO Arm Technology Test Drive Ongoing Training Unlimited admission to scheduled FARO facility Arm classes. and make CAM2 Measure 10 the first choice in portable measurement software. Copyright 2013. These innovative functionalities are designed to improve your measurement processes. Software CD. Softcheck Tool Developer module. Page 111 Printed 02-Dec-2013 . CAM2 Measure 10 marks FARO’s return to the successful family of CAM2 Measure software products. FARO Technologies Inc. Test Drive includes: Port lock. This new release is built on the solid foundation of the previous CAM2 Q while also introducing key new features like Live Colour Scan for point cloud inspection. Shortcuts and the Easy Move Wizard. Limited to two (2) trainees per class. based on availability.
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