Processaudit VDA 6.3 2010 En

May 29, 2018 | Author: Adilson Dobosz | Category: Point Of Sale, Audit, Mass Production, Internal Audit, Quality (Business)



113854087.xls.ms_office Audit Contract VDA 6.3-2010 Client: (z.B. management,person responsible for the product, person responsible for the auditprogramme) Audited Party: (z.B. internal department, supplier) Reason for Audit: Audit Objective: Audit Variant: Internal Audit External Audit Potential Analysis Special Audit external Audit Location: Internal Audit Audit Team: Lead Auditor: Auditors: Process Specialist(s): Audit Extent: Prosesses: Manufacturing Locations: Outside Processes: Products: Interfaces: Audit Date Desired Date: Auditperiod: Shifts: Date of Contract Essential Documents (test/inspections regulations, contracts, important agreements, cost stipulations, etc.) History (complaints, rejects, delivery performance, project status) Remarks (background information) Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.6/27.09.2011 Seite 1 von 38 113854087.xls.ms_office VDA 6.3-2010 Audit Report: Assessment of Quality Cabability Supplier: Supplier No.: Location: Client: Reason for contract: Date: Contract No.: Process/Product Overall Process P2 bis P7 befor SOP after SOP Assess-ment index Achieved nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Classified Findings / requirements Highlights EG ED EP EPN EPN EPN EPN EPN Product Group* Product group 1 Product group 2 Product group 3 Product group 4 Product group 5 * Values automaticly taken from Assessment Matrix Classification scale: A: 90-100% (Q-cabable); B: >= 80-90% (conditionally Q-cabable); C: <80% (not Q-capable) Areas of improvement Audit history / Certificates Audit Basis Date Carried out Result Participants: Distribution to: Timing for improvement plan: For actions see 'Improvement program' and/or 'Immediate actions' Lead Auditor Co-Auditor signed for Organisation Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.6/27.09.2011 Seite 2 von 38 113854087.xls.ms_office Explanations Supplier: Client: Date: The improvement program was discussed in the final meeting on site and handed over as a draft.. The audited Organisaion is asked to define sustainable corrective actions for the identified weak points and to implement them rapidly. We point out that within the audit the processes only can be checked randomly. Other weak points and / or potentials for imprevement may be possible. It is the responsibility of the audited parties to expand the investigation and necessary measures to similar areas / issues. Participants: Auditor: Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.6/27.09.2011 Seite 3 von 38 09.ms_office VDA 6.xls.3-2010 Audit Report: Assessment of Quality Cabability Supplier: Client: Assessment after Process Analysis Target Minimum requirement per assessment element 60 Assignment to Product group 70 80 Erfüllungsgrad preaudit actual P2 P3 Carrying out Product/Process Supplier Management Prozess Analysis P6 Customer Satisfaction P7 Process Name 1 Process Name 2 Process Name 3 Process Name 4 Process Name 5 Process Name 6 Process Name 7 Process Name 8 Process Name 9 Process Name 10 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E 10 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Transport / parts handling / storage nb Process result EU 6 EU 7 nb nb P4 P5 nb Process sequence nb Personnel support nb Material resources nb Proces effectiveness level EU 5 nb EU 4 nb EU 3 nb EU 2 nb 80 90 Date: (mean value.6/27.2011 Seite 4 von 38 .113854087. process stage E 1 .n) and generic baseline Target Minimum requirement 80 per assessment element 60 70 80 90 Erfüllungsgrad pre audit actual EU 1 nb Assessment Elements / Process Stages 90 90 100 100 Assessment elements / Process stages Project Management Planning Product/Process Assessment elements / Process stages Process input Produktgruppe 1 Produktgruppe 2 Produktgruppe 3 Produktgruppe 4 Produktgruppe 5 Generic Baseline Process responsiblity Target orientation Communication Risk orientation PR TO CO RI nb nb nb nb Overall Compliance Befor SOP After SOP EG ED EP nb nb nb Comment: Please input values Pre-Audit yourself Values of actual audit will be automaticly entered Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2. 4* 6.7 grey. > At least one *-question awarded with 4 points.4 3. > At least one question from process audit awarded with 0 points. > Assessments from generic baseline assessed <70 %.2.6 4.5 nb nb nb nb nb EPdP nb nb nb nb nb nb EPzP nb EPP nb nb nb nb nb nb Green fields for entering Blue writing -> example entry 3.3.1* 5.4.4 nb nb nb nb nb 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.4 6.b. yellow and red fields P 5 Supplier Management P 6 Process Analysis Serial Production 1 Process Input 6.5 2.4.1 2.2011 Seite 5 von 38 .3 6." = Question not answered Note: Entry "n.6 4.1.2 6.1 1. by taking into account the downgrading rule! Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.2* 2.1 nb 6.2 6.6 5.5.2* 3.2 2.1.3 EPG nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb EU1 nb EU2 nb EU3 nb 7.5 6.5* 2.2.4 6. > Level of achievement of the sub-elements of P6 (EU1-EU7) assessed <80 %.4 7.6.3 nb 5.2* 6." = Question not applicable P 3 Planning Product/Process Development Product 3.2.4 nb 6.7 4.1* 6.09.4 3.a.3 4.5 6.3 7 Transport and Part Handling 6.1 2.3* 6.5* 4.1 nb 5.2 6.3 2.3 nb 4.2 6.4 4.3* 7.4 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.2 nb 4.3-2010 Assessment Matrix including Product Groups Supplier: A Development P 2 Project Management 2.2 nb 3.4 4.3 Generic Baseline G1 PR G2 TO G3 CO G4 RI nb Process step 2: nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Farbcode Farbcode nb nb nb Process Name 2 nb Process step 3: Process Name 3 nb Process step 4: Process Name 4 nb Process step 5: Reasons for downgrading Down-grading from A to B despite an achievement level of EG>= 90% > At least one process elements P2-P7 or process stage E1-En assessed <80 %.4 6. > Level of achievement of the sub-elements of P6 (EU1-EU7) assessed <70 %.2 nb 7.113854087. P 7 Customer Support / Customer Satisfaction / Services nb nb nb nb nb nb EK nb nb nb TO nb Co nb RI Achivement level EPG by Product Groups Element P6[%] (mean value Ex-En) Product group 1 Product Group Process Steps Product group 2 Product group 3 Product group 4 Product group 5 Overall Achivement Level EPN [%] by Product Groups Product Group Achivement level [%] for Generic Baseline PR nb nb nb nb EPN [%] Classification nb EPGN [%] Achivement Level before SOP (Part A) Classification Overall Achivement Level EG [%]: Classified Classification Achivement Level EG[%] Description of Classification nb nb nb ED [%] nb nb A B C EG > 90 80 ≥ EG ≥ 90 EG < 80 Quality cabable Conditionally qualitycapable Not quality-capable after SOP (Part B) EP [%] nb nb Classification results (A.1 6.3 5.1 nb 4.ms_office VDA 6.3 nb 3.2* 3.1 6.3 nb 4.4 6.2 nb 6.3 6.3 6.4 1.4 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2.3 4.2* 3.2.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.1 4.5 Process step 1: Process Name 1 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb ELM 4 Material Ressources 6.3 6.2.4 nb 5.9 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb EPdR nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb EPzR nb EPR nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Automatic Calculation of the B Full Production 5.6.3 1.1. > At least one *-question awarded with 0 points.1 3.1.2 1.7* Entry: only following values are allowed nb not assessed 10 Requirements fully satisfied 8 Requirements mainly satisfied 6 Requirements partly satisfied 4 Requirements inadequately satisfied 0 Requirements not satisfied Notes: Client: Date: Achivement level % Generic Baseline G1 PR G2 TO G3 CO G4 RI nb nb nb nb nb nb nb EPM nb nb nb nb nb Note: Entry "n.1.2 6.6 3 Personnel Support 6.xls. blue.1 6. P 4 Carrying out Product/Process Development Product 4.5* 4.2 nb 5.1 nb 3. Part Handling EU7 nb G1 PR G2 TO G3 CO G4 RI for down-grading to C despite an achievement level of ≥ 80 % > At least one process elements P2-P7 or process stage E1-En assessed <70 %.6.6 6.2 6.4.2 4.5 Process 3.1* EU4 7.2.9 Process 4.1.6 6.4 2.3 2.1.5 nb 2.4.1 3.4.4* 5.1 4.8 4.2.5 6.4 nb 6.6.7 4.6. Process Name 5 nb Process step 6: Process Name 6 nb Process step 7: Process Name 7 nb Process step 8: Process Name 8 nb Process step 9: Process Name 9 nb Process step 10: Process Name 10 nb Assessment of Subelements of the Process analysis (mean value step 1 .3 nb 6.n) 1.8 4. C) must be entered manually.* 6.5.2 5.1* 6. B.6.6 2.1* 6.5* 5.3 3.2 6.6 EU5 nb EU6 nb Transport.6/27.1. 2* nb nb nb nb nb 3.7* P 3 Planning Product/Process Development Product 3.3 3.3 3.1 Is the project organisation (project management) established and are tasks & authorities specified for the team leader and team members? Are the resources required for the project development planned and available and are all changes displayed? Is there a project plan and has this been agreed with the customer? Is change management in the project ensured by the project organisation? Are the responsible personnel within the organisation and in the customer's company involved in the change control system? Is there a QM plan for the project? Is this implemented and monitored regularly for compliance? Is there an established escalation process and is this implemented effectively? nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2.6 2.5 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2. based on the requirements which have been determined for product & process? Are there plans for the product and process development? Have the necessary resources been taken into account for the product and process development? Is QM planning arranged for sourcing bought-in products and services? nb nb nb nb nb 3. Quest Nr.1 3.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.09.4 2.xls.6/27. based on the requirements which have been determined for product & process? Are there plans for the product and process development? Have the necessary resources been taken into account for the product and process development? Is QM planning arranged for sourcing bought-in products and services? Are the process-specific requirements laid down? Has manufacturing feasibility been assessed in a crossfunctional manner.2011 Seite 6 von 40 .2* Are the product-specific requirements laid down? Has manufacturing feasibility been assessed in a crossfunctional manner.4 3.3 2.2* 2.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.5* 2.5 Process 3.113854087.4 3.1 3. Question Pionts Comments / Assesment Remarks A Development P 2 Project Management 2. 1* suppliers selected? nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.4 4.7 4.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Quest Question Nr.1 Have the Product FMEA / Process FMEA been drawn up? Are they up-dated as the project progresses and are corrective actions laid down? Are the stipulations arising from the plans for product and process development put into effect? Are the personnel resources in place and qualified? Is the infrastructure in place and appropriate? Based on the requirements.9 Process 4.113854087. test and inspection documents derived from them? Has a pre-production run been carried out under serial production conditions to obtain production approval / release? Are the planning activities associated with sourcing outside products and services implemented effectively? Is the transfer of the project to production controlled in order to secure the product launch? Pos. are the necessary evidence and releases available for the various phases? Are the productions control plans used for the various phases and are production.8 4.3 4. are the necessary evidence and releases available for the various phases? Are the planning activities associated with sourcing outside products and services implemented effectively? Is the transfer of the project to production controlled in order to secure the product launch? Have the Product FMEA / Process FMEA been drawn up? Are they up-dated as the project progresses and are corrective actions laid down? Are the stipulations arising from the plans for product and process development put into effect? Are the personnel resources in place and qualified? Is the infrastructure in place and appropriate? Based on the requirements.8 4.2011 Seite 7 von 40 .6 4.2 4.xls.9 B Full Production P 5 Supplier Management Are only approved/released and quality-capable 5.2 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 4.09. Pionts Comments / Assesment Remarks nb 4.3 4. P 4 Carrying out Product/Process Development Product 4.1 nb 4.6/27.5* 4.5* nb nb nb nb nb nb 4.4 4. 4 nb nb 6. Quest Nr.* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.6 3 Personnel Support 6.xls.2.4* 5.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 1 nb nb 6.2.3* 6.7 Question Are the customer's requirements taken into account in the supply chain? Have target agreements for delivery performance been agreed with suppliers and put into operation? Are the necessary approvals/releases available for the out-sourced products and services? Is the quality of the out-sourced products and services ensured? Are incoming goods stored appropriately? Are personnel qualified for the various tasks and are responsibilities defined? Pionts nb nb nb nb nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks P 6 Process Analysis Serial Production Process step 1: 1 Process Input 6. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? nb nb nb nb nb nb Seite 8 von 40 .3* 6.6/27.1.113854087.5* 5.2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.1 nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.1.1* 6.5 6.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.3 nb 6.2.2 6. 5.3.2 5.6 5. 2* How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.1.4 nb Process step 2: 1 Process Input 6.2 6. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? nb nb nb nb 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.1* 6.1* 6.4.6/27.4.3 nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.1 6.5. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools.2011 Seite 9 von 40 .3* nb nb nb nb 6. 6.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? nb nb 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.3 nb 6.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.4.6.1.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.3 6.2* Question Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? Pionts nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 6.5.1 6.4.1. Quest Nr.6.2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores.5.113854087. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.6.3.xls.3.09. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Process Name 2 nb nb 6.5.6. 1. 6.6/27.4 Question Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Pionts nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 6. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.5 6.2011 Seite 10 von 40 .5.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.1* Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 6.3 6. Quest Nr.3 4 Material Ressources 6.6 3 Personnel Support 6.3* nb nb nb nb 6. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.1 6.2 6.2.4* 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.3* 6.2* nb nb nb 6.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.xls.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? nb nb nb nb 6.2. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? nb nb nb nb nb nb* How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.3.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos. 6. 1 6.1.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.3 nb 6.4* 6.xls.4 nb nb 6.2011 Seite 11 von 40 .2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? nb nb nb nb nb nb 6.3.3* 6.09.5* 6.2.6. 6.1.1* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.6 3 Personnel Support 6.3 nb nb Process step 3: 1 Process Input 6.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.2 Question Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? Pionts nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 6. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 3 nb nb 6.113854087.2.3 4 Material Ressources Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.2* nb nb nb 6. Quest Nr. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.6/27.2 5 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.2* Question How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.4.1* 6.1.1 6.3 nb 6.4.1* 6.1.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.2011 .2 6.6/27. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? Pionts nb nb nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 6.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.xls. 6.1.1 6. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.3 nb 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.4 nb nb Seite 12 von 40 6. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 4 nb nb 6.2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores. Quest Nr.4 nb Process step 4: 1 Process Input 6.3 6.6.3* nb nb nb nb 6. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? nb nb 6.6. 3* nb nb nb nb 6.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? nb nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.xls.09.2.2 6.3* How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.5.1 6.1* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.4* 6. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? Pionts Comments / Assesment Remarks nb nb nb nb nb nb 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.4.6 3 Personnel Support* nb nb nb 6.2011 Seite 13 von 40 . based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.2.5 6.5. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? nb nb nb nb 6.1* 6 Process Result / Output 6.4.3* 6.2 6. 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.6.113854087.6.6/27.1* 6.3.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.1 6. Quest Question Nr.3. 3 nb 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.4 nb Process step 5: 1 Process Input 6.1 6.1* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.3.2.3* 6. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 5 nb nb 6.1* 6.2011 Seite 14 von 40 . How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.09. Quest Nr.2* nb nb nb 6.4. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.1.2 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.3.6.6 3 Personnel Support 6.4* 6.1.3 Question Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? Pionts Comments / Assesment Remarks nb Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores.5 6. 6.1.113854087.xls. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? nb nb nb nb nb nb 6.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.1.6/27.4 nb nb 6. 5.4.113854087.3 nb 6.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6. Quest Nr.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.1.1* 6.1 6.4.xls.6.09.2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores.5.3 nb 6.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 6 nb nb 6.1.4 nb Process step 6: 1 Process Input 6.1.2 6.6.6. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.6.3* nb nb nb nb 6.1. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools.4.5.1* 6. 6. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? Pionts nb nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 6.3 6.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? nb nb 6.6/27.2* Question Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.2011 Seite 15 von 40 .5.4 nb nb 6.1. 2011 Seite 16 von 40 .3* 6.1* 4 Material Ressources 6.1 6. Quest Nr.4.3.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? nb nb 6.6.5. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools.6 3 Personnel Support 6.4* 6. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.4.1 6.2.3 6.2. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.4.5 6.6.6/27.1 6.2* nb nb nb 6. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? nb nb nb nb 6.xls.5. 6.1* Question Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.3* nb nb nb nb 6.113854087.3 nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.2* How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.3.6.2. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? Pionts nb nb nb nb nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 6.5.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.2.2 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.2.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6. 1.4** How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.2 6.4.6 3 Personnel Support 6.1 6. Quest Nr. 6.xls.2.4.5 6.113854087.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.1.4 Question Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? Pionts nb Comments / Assesment Remarks Process step 7: 1 Process Input 6.2011 Seite 17 von 40 .1.2.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.2* nb nb nb 6. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? nb nb nb nb nb nb inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? nb nb nb 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.3. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.1 6. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 7 nb nb 6.4 nb nb 6.6/27.3* 6.3 nb 6.3 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand:* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.2.1* 6.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores.6. Quest Nr.1.3 nb work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 8 nb nb 6. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? nb nb 6.2.6/27.1.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.5.1* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.3 nb 6.1* 6.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.1* 6.4 nb Process step 8: 1 Process Input 6.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? nb nb 6. Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? Pionts nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.4.1 6.1.2011 Seite 18 von 40 .5.113854087.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.2 6.3* nb nb nb nb 6.xls.4 Question Are tools. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.4 nb nb 6.5.2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores. 1 6.2* How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.2 nb Process step 9: Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Process Name 9 Version/Stand: 2.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.113854087.5 nb 6.4.3 4 Material Ressources 6. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? nb nb nb nb 6.4.2* nb nb nb 6.1 6.2. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? Pionts nb nb nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 3 Personnel Support 6.5.2011 Seite 19 von 40 .3 6.6 Question Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.5.3.6. Quest Nr.3* nb nb nb nb 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.3.6.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.6. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools.5.2. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? nb nb* 6.6/27. 6.xls.6.4* 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.3* 6.1 6. 2.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.2.2011 .3 nb 6.5.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.1.xls.1. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools.6/27.113854087.1. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? nb nb nb nb 6. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? nb nb nb nb nb nb 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.2.2 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores.1 nb Seite 20 von 40 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Pionts Comments / Assesment Remarks nb nb 6.4 nb nb 6.3* 6. 1 Process Input 6.1* 6.3.3* 6.09.6 3 Personnel Support 6.2.2* How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.1 6.1* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents.5 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.3. Quest Question Nr.2 6.2* nb nb nb 6.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6. 6.3 nb 6.2 6.2 6.5 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6. work-station)? Are incoming materials stored appropriately and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the incoming materials? Are the necessary identifications / records / approvals available and allocated appropriately to the incoming materials? Are changes to the product or process in the course of serial production tracked and documented? Process Name 10 nb nb 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.6. nb nb 6.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.3 nb 6.09.1* Are all the relevant details listed in the production and test/inspection documents. Quest Nr.1.1.5 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.113854087.4* 6.2011 Seite 21 von 40 .6.xls. Has the project been transferred from development to serial production? Are the necessary quantities / production batch sizes of incoming materials available at the right time and at the right place (stores. rework and setting parts kept separate and identified? nb nb nb nb nb 6.1* 6.1. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? Pionts nb nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 6.5. based on the production control plan? Are production operations checked / approved and are setting data logged? Can the customer's specific product requirements be satisfied with the production facilities used? Are significant characteristics controlled in production? Are scrap.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.6/ Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? nb nb 6.2.3* Question Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements.4 nb Process step 10: 1 Process Input 6.3* 6.2.1* 6. 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.3. 6.1* 7.5.2 6.1 6.4.3* Are the customer's requirements satisfied regarding QM system.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos.4.6 Question Is the flow of materials and parts secured against mixing / wrong items? Are operators given responsibility and authority to monitor the quality of product and process? Are the operators able to carry out their allotted tasks and are their qualifications kept up-to-date? Is there a personnel employment plan? Pionts nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 3 Personnel Support 6.5.3 6. product (on delivery) and process? Is customer support ensured? Is the supply of parts ensured? nb nb nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.2.6/27.3 nb 6.113854087.6.2 Are the customer's requirements met in terms of product and process? Are quantities / production batch sizes aligned with requirements and are they forwarded to the next process stage in a targeted manner? Are products / components stored in an appropriate manner and are transport facilities / packing arrangements suitable for the special characteristics of the products / components? Are the necessary records / releases carried out and stored appropriately? nb nb 6.2* nb nb nb 6. equipment and test/inspection facilities stored correctly? Are target requirements set for product and process? Are quality and process data logged in such a way that they can be assessed? In the case of deviations from product and process requirements. inspection and measurement facilities employed? Are the work-stations and test/inspection areas suitable for requirements? Are tools. Quest Nr.5.2 Questionaire VDA 6.1 6.4.3 4 Material Ressources 6. are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness? Are processes and products audited regularly? nb nb nb nb 6.3* nb nb nb nb 6.xls.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.1* 6.6.1 6.4 nb P 7 Customer Support / Customer Satisfaction / Services 7.2011 Seite 22 von 40 .2* How are the maintenance and overhaul of production facilities / tools controlled? Can the quality requirements be monitored effectively with the test.3.6. 7.5 7.6/27.xls.3-2010 Supplier: Date: Client: Pos. Quest Nr.09.4 Question If there are deviations from quality requirements.113854087.ms_office Questionaire VDA 6.6 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.2011 Seite 23 von 40 . are failure analyses carried out and corrective actions implemented effectively? Is there a process which ensures that analysis of defective parts is carried out? Are personnel qualified for the various tasks and are responsibilities defined? Pionts nb nb nb Comments / Assesment Remarks 7. 2011 Seite 24 von 37 .4 2.2* 3.2* 3.3-2010 Supplier: To be filled by auditor Quest No.1 2. recommended actions.5 nb nb nb nb nb P 4 Carrying out Product/Process Development Product Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.xls.113854087.2* 2.09.5 nb nb nb nb nb Process 3.6 2. findings Points Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.7* nb nb nb nb nb nb nb P 3 Planning Product/Process Development Product 3.ms_office Improvement Program VDA 6.1 3.6/27.5* 2.3 2. to be filled by audited party Date: Client: Weaknesses. Effectiveness A Development P 2 Project Management 2.1 3. ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No. recommended actions.2 4.9 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.1 4.113854087.3 4.5* 4.2 4. 4.6/27.4 4.1 4. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.3 4.7 4.6 4.9 B Full Production P 5 Supplier Management Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.5* 4.2011 Seite 25 von 37 . Effectiveness Process 4.09.8 4.8 4.4 4.xls. 1* 6.1.3 5.6 3 Personnel Support 6.3 6.5* 5.3* 6.2.6** 5.5 Process Name 1 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.4* 6.xls. Effectiveness P 6 Process Analysis Serial Production Process step 1: 1 Process Input 6. 5.1 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.4* 5.113854087.1.2. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.2.4 6. recommended actions.2 6.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.3.7 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.1.2 6.2.5 6.2011 Seite 26 von 37 .6/27.2.2 5. Process Name 2 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.6.3 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.3 6.5.4 6.1.4. Effectiveness 4 Material Ressources 6.2 6.5.6/27.1* 6.1 6.1. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.2* 6.2 6.1.xls.2.6.2* 6.113854087.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.5.1* 6. recommended actions.3.3 6.3* Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.2011 Seite 27 von 37 .2 6.1* 6.2.3* 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.4 Process step 2: 1 Process Input 6.4. 6.2 4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.4* 6.1.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.3 4 Material Ressources* 6.6.113854087.2 6.5 6.2.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.3.5.1* 6.4 Process step 3: 1 Process Input 6.3 6.2.6/27.4.6.xls. 6.2 6.1 6.4 Process Name 3 nb nb nb nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.2* 6. Effectiveness 3 Personnel Support 6.2* 6.1 6.1* 6.3 6. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.5.2011 Seite 28 von 37 .6 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.09. 6.1.1 6.4.4. recommended actions.5. 6.1* 6.3 6.3 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.6/27.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.09.3.1 6.6. Effectiveness 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.6 3 Personnel Support 6.2* 6.1 6. 6.6.113854087.* 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.4.2 6.2. recommended actions.2 6.5.3* 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.2011 Seite 29 von 37 .1* 6.6.2* 6.4.5 6.5.4 Process step 4: Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Process Name 4 Version/Stand: 2.4.xls.1. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.3* 6.2.5 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.1 Effectiveness 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.3.1* Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.5.113854087.3 6.4 6.5.xls.3.2 6.4. recommended actions.2.1. 1 Process Input 6.3 6.1.4* 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.6/27.1 6.2.2 6.1* 6.5 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.1* 6.4.3 4 Material Ressources 6.5.2** 3 Personnel Support 6.1* 6.1 6.2011 Seite 30 von 37 .2.4.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.6.2 6.09.3* 6.5 6. ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No. findings Points nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos. 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.xls.5 6.5 Process Name 5 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.1 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.3 4 Material Ressources 6.113854087.09.2011 Seite 31 von 37 .2* 6.6.2* 6. 6. Effectiveness Process step 5: 1 Process Input 6.1* 6.3* 6.4.1* 6.6.2 6.4 6.1 6.1 6.3 6. recommended actions. 6.4* 6.2.3 6.4 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.4.5.2 6.6/27.6 3 Personnel Support 2.113854087.2 6. recommended actions.3.2.1* 6.3* 6.2 6.2.2 6.1 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.1 6.5. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.1.2.6/27. 6. Effectiveness 6 Process Result / Output 6.3* y 6.6 3 Personnel Support 6.4 6.1* 6.xls.09.6.1* 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.4* to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.6.2 6.6.4 Process step 6: 1 Process Input 6.4* 6.5 Process Name 6 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.3 6.3.2* 6.2.2011 Seite 32 von 37 . To be filled by auditor Quest No. 2.1 6.3 6.3* 6.5 6.6.2 6.3 6.5.4 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses. 3 Personnel Support Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand:* 6. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.2 6.2 6.6/27.4 Process step 7: 1 Process Input 6.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.1.1* Process Name 7 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6. Effectiveness 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.1* 6.2011 Seite 33 von 37 .3* 6. recommended actions.5. 6.4.2* 6.09.4 6.1.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.xls.* 6.113854087. 6.6.4 Process step 8: 1 Process Input 6.5. 6.2.2 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level Seite 34 von 37 .5.3 6.113854087. Effectiveness 4 Material Ressources 6.1. recommended actions.1* 6.2 6. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.xls.6.1 6.6.2* 6.3 6.2* 6.6/27.4.5 Process Name 8 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.4* 6.1 6.1* 6.1.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No. 6.2 6.1.3 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.2.1* 6.2 6. 2 6.3 6.5 recommended actions.xls.2 6.2 6.5.2** 6. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.6 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.1 6.3* 6.113854087. Effectiveness 3 Personnel Support 6.5.4* 6.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.3 4 Material Ressources 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.3* 6.1 6.1** 6.2011 Seite 35 von 37 .2.1 6.1.4 Process step 9: 1 Process Input 6.3 Process Name 9 nb nb nb Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 1 6.4* 6 Process Result / Output 6.2 6.4 Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.6.2011 Seite 36 von 37 .2 6. recommended actions.3. findings Points nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.113854087.1* 6. Effectiveness 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.3 4 Material Ressources 6.2* 6.5 To be filled by auditor Quest No.2.1* 6.1 6.09.3* 6.1* 6.6.3* 6.3 6.4* 6.5 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.xls.6.4.3 6.4.6 3 Personnel Support 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.6/27. Effectiveness 2 Work Content / Process Sequences 6.09.2* 6.4 5 Process Effectiveness Level 6.3 6. Process step 10: 1 Process Input 6. recommended actions.1.2* 6.6 3 Personnel Support 6.3.2 6.1.3 4 Material Ressources 6.1.3 6.5.1* 6.2.4* 6 Process Result / Output Erstellt: Rita Demmeler-Wirth Version/Stand: 2.5 to be filled by audited party Weaknesses.113854087.2 6. findings Points Process Name 10 nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb nb Actions and cause analysis by the organisation Timing Responsibles Pos.1 6.2.1 Seite 37 von 37 .2* 6.4* 6.6/27.1 6.2.4* 6.ms_office To be filled by auditor Quest No.5 6.1.3* 6.
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