Procel Results 2012 Baseyear2011 English

March 26, 2018 | Author: Lucio100 | Category: Efficient Energy Use, Kilowatt Hour, Brazil, Energy Conservation, Economics



The world has been facing many challenges to ensure a development based on actions toward the supply of sustainable energy, optimizing the use of natural resources. Thus, energy efficiency - an area in which Brazil has emerged over the years - is among the most valuable solutions, concerning not only the environment, but economic and social aspects as well. Although energy efficiency already shows significant progress, Eletrobras believes that investing in education is the only way to reach broader and lasting results. Thus, Eletrobras and Roberto Marinho Foundation launched this year the project “Energia que Transforma” (Energy that Transforms), which consists in TV and radio shows joined by robust printed materials. In addition, the project includes several awareness actions to take the concepts of energy and sustainability to society, focusing mainly on issues related to energy efficiency. Such initiative applies a methodology developed by the Foundation, named “Novo Telecurso”, and it will be applied at first in the states of Acre, Amazonas, Pernambuco, and Rio de Janeiro, after that, it will be available nationwide. Procel Results 2012 Report, base year 2011, adopted illustrations inspired by this initiative that will be shown along this edition. However, other significant activities were held in 2011 and are emphasized here, such as the granting of Procel Eletrobras Seal to 3,784 different models of equipment, as well as the granting of 20 National Energy Conservation Labels to residential, commercial, public, and service related buildings. These and other actions led to energy savings of 6.696 billion kWh, corresponding to 1.56% of the entire national electricity consumption in that year, also preventing the release of 196 thousand tons of carbon equivalent to the atmosphere. To achieve these results, Eletrobras Procel counted on a network of partnerships, both public and private, which joined toward a common goal: efficiency in production and energy use. Among these partnerships, the National Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology - Inmetro stands out, which already has a lasting relationship with Eletrobras in the implementation of energy efficiency projects. Due to significant results that Inmetro has been achieving, we invited the Institute to include in this report a consolidation of the main achievements made by the Brazilian Labeling Program - PBE in 2011. Thus, in its fiftieth anniversary, Eletrobras is pleased to present these results, which come from the engagement of its professionals, who run since 1985, under the coordination of the Ministry of Mines and Energy - MME, the National Electricity Conservation Program - Procel, promoting energy efficiency in Brazil. José da Costa Carvalho Neto Eletrobras President ELETROBRAS PROCEL PRESIDENT - PR José da Costa Carvalho Neto TRANSMISSIoN DIRECToR - DT José Antonio Muniz Lopes DEVELOPED BY DEPARTMENT oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy DEvELoPMENT - DTD Luiz Eduardo Menandro de Vasconcellos DIvISIoN oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy SuPPLy - DTDo Emerson Salvador PRoCEL EvALuATIoN Luciano de Barros Giovaneli Marcelo José dos Santos Moisés Antônio dos Santos gRAPHIC DESIgN AND LAyouT Gibbor Brasil Publicidade e Propaganda TRANSLATIoN SERvICES Lorena Godinho Brasil Guimarães (English and Spanish) SUPPORT AND COLLABORATION DIvISIoN oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy DISSEMINATIoN - DTDD Karla Kwiatkowski Lepetitgaland Rafael Meirelles David DIvISIoN oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy IN EQuIPMENT - DTDE DIvISIoN oF PLANNINg SuPPoRT - DTDP Leonardo Pinho Magalhães DEPARTMENT oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy PRoJECTS - DTP Fernando Pinto Dias Perrone DIvISIoN oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy IN BuILDINg CoNSTRuCTIoN - DTPE Maria Teresa Marques da Silveira Vanda Alves dos Santos DIvISIoN oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy MANAgEMENT - DTPg DIvISIoN oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy IN CoMMERCE AND INDuSTRy - DTPI Marco Aurélio Ribeiro Gonçalves Moreira Marcel da Costa Siqueira DIvISIoN oF ENERgy EFFICIENCy IN PuBLIC LIgHTINg AND TRAFFIC SIgNALS - DTPL The artwork of Procel Results 2012 Report was inspired by the project “Energy that Transforms”, an initiative of Eletrobras, in partnership with Roberto Marinho Foundation, striving to develop educational and communications actions toward energy efficiency and sustainability to society, using the videoconference methodology called Novo Telecurso®. The pictures and illustrations are based on TV shows and on printed material used by the Project, highlighting the Eletrobras Procel concern toward knowledge and cultural construction in the country. Index Introduction Procel Consolidated Results and Achievements Program Results in 2011 Historical Results Procel Results and Achievements by Area of Activity in 2011 Procel Education Procel Info Procel Seal Procel Edifica: Buildings Solar Heating in Households Procel EEP: Public Buildings Procel gEM: Municipal Energy Management Procel Industry Procel Reluz: Efficient Public Lighting and Traffic Signals Procel Sanear: Environmental Sanitation Projects Follow-up PBE/Inmetro Consolidated Results in 2011 Appendix - Methodologies to Evaluate Procel Eletrobras Seal Results List of Abbreviations 05 06 06 10 13 13 17 20 23 25 26 28 30 32 33 34 37 45 50 6.696 billion kWh saved in 2011. The previous reports. English. as well global results reached since 1986. as well the full version of the current one. gathered in 2011. and Spanish to increase the advertising of actions developed and results reached by Eletrobras Procel. This document was edited in Portuguese. can be accessed at Procel Info Web Portal (www. which is source of consultation for all methodologies used to assess .Introduction Eletrobras Procel Executive Summary points out global and specific results. in addition of other documents and research coordinated by Eletrobras for each area under the Program scope. coordinated by the MME and ran by Eletrobras. Based on market estimates. they postpone investments in the electric sector. br/index. and is a Brazilian government’s Program. The energy results accomplished by Eletrobras Procel contribute to improve quality of life of population and efficiency in goods and services.000 vehicles2 in one year. 2 According to 2006 IPCC guidelines for National greenhouse gas Inventories and consultation to experts on the area.mct. available at http://www. The purpose of this factor is to estimate Co2 equivalent associated to a certain generation of electric This result is equivalent to 1. 6 . on application of specific methodologies to assess results and on additional information. 1985. Eletrobras Procel reached energy savings of approximately 6.Procel consolidated results and achievements Program results in 2011 Procel was created on December 30.56% of the total electric energy consumption in Brazil in the period. Its purpose is to promote the efficient use of electric energy and manage its waste.696 billion kWh in 2011. which also corresponds to emissions by 67. This energy can still be converted to avoided emissions of 196 thousand tons of carbon (tCo2)1 equivalent.html#ancora for 2011.php/content/view/321144. as well to the annual energy 1 The average emission factor of Co2 equivalent was used. In addition. reducing environmental impacts. January 2012. Eletrobras Procel was accountable for a 2. Table 1 presents the main energy results achieved by Eletrobras Procel.6 million Brazilian households. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 7 . while Table 2 shows some indicators resulting from the energy savings obtained along the year. which totaled BRL 95. Table 3.606 196 Avoided CO2 Equivalent Emission (thousand tCO2 equivalent) Table 2 – Indicators of results of Eletrobras Procel actions in 2011 INDICATOR Energy Savings in relation to total electric energy 4 consumption in Brazil (%) Energy Savings in relation to residential electric energy consumption in Brazil (%) Number of households that could be benefited from 5 energy savings. Moreover. issue 32.consumption of about 3. January 2012. in turn. Table 1 – Main energy results from Eletrobras Procel actions in 2011 6.56 million. year v. in one year. considering a 56% average power factor for power plants and including 15% average losses in T&D. 4 The electric energy consumption in Brazil was 430 billion kWh in 2011. once large part of electric power usage is found in the low voltage distribution system.696 billion kWh saved in 2011 RESULT Energy Savings (Billion kWh) Peak Demand Reduction (MW) Equivalent Power Plant (MW) 3 TOTAL 6.606 MW power.97 3.56 5. EPE). EPE). or to the energy provided. 5 Considering that the average electric energy consumption of a Brazilian household is 155.619 1.696 2. issue 32. year v.4 kWh per month (Monthly overview of the Electric Energy Market. by a hydroelectric plant with 1. shows the financial resources invested in Procel. The losses level was considered.6 3 The equivalent power plant was obtained from the energy savings. The corresponding residential consumption was 112 billion kWh (Monthly overview of the Electric Energy Market.619 MW reduction in demand in peak time. in a one-year period (million) TOTAL 1. FDT.10 68. shows the evolution of the average electric energy consumption of 7. attributed to Procel Eletrobras Seal.67 BRL The global energy results accomplished by the Program were due mainly to the Procel Eletrobras Seal. a result from the technological development encouraged by Procel Eletrobras Seal. there was a reduction of more than 31% in the electric energy consumption of such equipment.Financial resources applied in Procel in 2011 FINANCIAL RESOURCES EP Investment 6 FDT Investment 7 Amount* (million BRL) 3. thus. Studies and Projects .20 5.58 27.EP. according to laws 5655/71 and 10438/02. ordinary financial resources from Eletrobras. part of PBE. Chart 1. granted by Inmetro. to reduce significantly the electric energy consumption in the country. Technological Development Fund .RgR. according to Resolution from Eletrobras Executive Board. pointing out the attention given to the final consumer.46 95. Along the years. 1979.56% of electricity consumption in Brazil Eletrobras Costs8 Subtotal RGR9 Investment Total *1 USD = 1. In thirteen years. 9 global Reversion Reserve .Table 3 . 6 7 8 . the Seal has helped to boost energy efficiency rates of several equipment. incorporates the inextricably linked contribution of the National Energy Conservation Label ENCE. This result. building installations and remaining products to run the Program.32 18. 8 Eletrobras’ investments in human resource.56 energy savings represented 1.500 BTu/h window air conditioners. for example. providing guidance and incentive to purchase more efficient equipment. 2% positive outcome rate. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 9 . is 8. refrigerators. Moreover. Eletrobras Procel qualified more than 40 labs in the past years. reaching a 99.6 million households Note that the result obtained in energy savings. in an average of 2. and by the sales growth of these products. and ceiling fans. due to Eletrobras Procel actions in 2011.Evolution of the average electric energy consumption of 7. This is a result of the energy efficiency improvement of equipment with Procel Eletrobras Seal. In terms of education.Chart 1 .3 22.5 16.0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 energy savings equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 3.0 23.0 15.5 references per week. 50% more compared to last year. Lastly.5 20. Since 1995. Eletrobras Procel has been mentioned by the media with 132 pieces of news. Procel Education benefited more than 24 million basic education students. specially solar water heating systems. two additional categories of equipment granted with Procel Eletrobras Seal were included.500 BTU/h window air conditioners Average Electric Energy Consumption (kWh/month) 25.6% higher than in 2010. including universities throughout the country and consolidating a network of teaching and research in energy efficiency.0 17. increasing the choices for efficient equipment. 97 52.46 2009 RGR 2010 Total Investments 2011 Considering Eletrobas Procel cumulative results between 1986 and 2011.26 billion invested since 1986 The total investments made in the past five years are shown in Chart 2. 10 .98 64.8 13. 10 Simple sum of investments made in each year.32 59.91 8.62 5.16 31.2 billion kWh.95 45. more than Brl 1. Chart 3 shows the annual energy results from Eletrobras Procel actions since 2007. from RgR and other investments from international funds.23 68.52 55. Eletrobras also provides the infrastructure and human resources required to run the Program. Eletrobras has invested more than R$ 1.02 13.26 billion10 in Procel energy efficiency actions.49 9.historical results Since 1986.Annual investments by funding sources in the past five years (BRL Million) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2007 2008 Eletrobras Procel 76. the total energy savings were 51. Chart 2 .29 25. In addition to direct investments in energy efficiency projects. counting on ordinary resources from Eletrobras itself.78 39. The CME was based on the average of final prices related to the set of new hydroelectric and thermoelectric undertakings (uHE and uTE) that negotiated energy in new energy purchase auctions held during 2008.619 1.930 4.164 6. the investment postponed in 2011 was obtained by the CME product by the annual energy savings.473 6.606 5.Chart 3 .374 2. according to the 2020 Ten year Plan for Energy Expansion.049 3.5 11 The amount adopted for CME was of BRL 113/MWh. and of auctions of strategic-oriented projects (Santo Antônio and Jirau).425 1.312 2.3 799.098 1.5 756.Eletrobras Procel annual energy results in the past five years 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 11 .478 Energy Savings (billion kWh) Peak Demand Reduction (MW) Equivalent Power Plant (MW) Chart 4 shows investments in the electric sector that could be postponed due to the energy results provided by Eletrobras Procel actions between 2007 and 2011.357 942 1. Chart 4 – Postponed investments in the electric sector as a result of Eletrobras Procel actions (BRL Million) 1000 800 638. In turn. The methodology adopted to calculate the postponed investments is based on the Marginal Cost of Expansion .CME11.1 696.569 1. developed by EPE.696 2.6 600 400 200 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 542. 6% 5.4% 1. considering the decrease of the average emission factor of Co2 used in the calculation.2 billion kWh saved since 1986 250 200 150 100 50 0 2007 115 212 196 135 2008 2009 2010 2011 Chart 6 . 12 .0% 1.8% 6. there was a decrease in this value compared to the previous year.0% 1.Electric energy savings results related to the total and residential consumption in Brazil due to Eletrobras Procel results 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 2007 2008 Total Consumption 5.3% 4.1% 1.4% 4.5% 1.The following charts show some indicators for the results obtained by Eletrobras Procel between 2007 and 2011.6% 2009 2010 2011 Residential Consumption 12 In 2011. Chart 5 – Equivalent CO2 emissions avoided due to 12 Eletrobras Procel results (thousand tCO2 equivalent) 350 300 316 more than 51. attitudes.6 1.3 2. competencies. Thus. There are also subprograms to reach society in general.0 2.0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Procel results and achievements By area of activity in 2011 Eletrobras Procel has subprograms that work directly in actions and projects for the private and public sectors (Procel Reluz. and values for the efficient use of energy by the Brazilian citizen. Procel gEM.3 3. the electric energy saved due to Eletrobras Procel results (Million) 4.0 0. and Procel Industry). This section presents the main accomplishments made by Eletrobras Procel in each one of these actions.0 3.0 3. and postgraduate Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 13 . annually. Procel EPP. to consolidate education toward energy efficiency in the country.5 3. such as the promotion of efficient technologies and dissemination of information (Procel Seal and Procel Info). as well as the promotion of a change in habits and of academic training (Procel Education). Procel Sanear. Procel education The purpose of Procel Education is to develop actions to build knowledge. undergraduate.Chart 7 – Number of households that could receive. skills. the subprogram works with basic education and professional qualification (technical. Procel Edifica.0 2. This material will also be available for electric power utilities as an additional methodology developed by Eletrobras Procel for educational projects under the PEE required by ANEEL. the subprogram has benefited more than 24 million students since 1995.417 students from the public system were benefited by “Procel nas Escolas” (Procel in the Schools). based on the methodology developed by Procel Education.ANEEL.. which use a methodology named “Novo Telecurso®”. according to the National Agency for Electric Energy .703. Procel Education projects counted on investments from Eletrobras of about BRL 4. 8.705 teachers. During 2011. Amazonas. The graphics and images of this project’s Tv shows were chosen to create the visual identity of Procel Results Report 2012 . The material is composed of TV and radio shows. Eletrobras established a partnership with Roberto Marinho Foundation to develop a new didactic material named “Energia que Transforma” (Energy that Transforms). In 2010 and 2011 only. Among the actions. as shown in the document illustrations. and Rio de Janeiro.degrees).6 million.064 schools. and several implementation and awareness actions to be held firstly in the states of Acre. educational programs developed in partnership with roberto marinho foundation 14 .PEE. printed material. the electric power utilities invested close to BRL 15 million of resources from the Energy Efficiency Program . and 2.base year 2011. Pernambuco. made through agreements with universities and institutions renowned by the quality of teaching. In 2011. In basic education. running educational projects throughout the country. as well in the implementation of lab networks and research centers on energy efficiency. a program ran by the electric power utilities (according to Law 9991/2000). 51. at theoretical and practical levels. Eletrobras Procel has partnerships with universities throughout the country. which works in the development of methodologies for evaluating results of Eletrobras Procel actions. The target audience are undergraduate and postgraduate students and energy professionals. Procel has qualified 44 labs on teaching and research skills. at the Federal university of Pará . and the Center for Excellence in Energy Efficiency. as well as to develop and follow up studies on energy optimization. Excen.uFPA. and the Center for Excellence in Energy Efficiency – Excen. based on Measurement and verification tools . the centers for excellence have other lines of action in compliance with Eletrobras demands.M&v and on international protocols. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 15 . at the Federal university of Itajubá .Ceamazon.uFCg are under implementation stage. state of São Paulo.unifei. the Center for Excellence in Energy Efficiency of Amazon . a total of 64 Master’s theses was approved in the postgraduate course of Energy Engineering. the Education Center for Energy Efficiency. In addition. for example. and two centers for excellence. in the city of guaratinguetá. at the Federal university of Campina grande . since Excen inauguration in December 2006 until late 2011. To consolidate a lab network and research centers on energy efficiency. at the São Paulo State university unesp. Moreover. Ceamazon Excen The purpose of the centers for excellence is to develop and disseminate advanced educational tools in energy efficiency.For professional qualification. Regarding academic production. consisting of students from unifei and unesp universities. including undergraduate and postgraduate students from unifei.Nicatec. unifei coordinates not only the educational activities on energy efficiency. researchers. All these documents can be accessed at Excen website ( The Integrated Nucleus for Technical Qualification . through an agreement with Eletrobras. Procel Education implemented a distance learning course named “Energe”. Moreover. In 2011. both in urban and rural areas. but also.excen. 16 . which topic is biofuels. since 2008. has strengthened the educational actions related to technical qualification. as well as four full articles in journals. The course audience are undergraduate and postgraduate students and it approaches the several theoretical and practical aspects of the efficient use of energy. In partnership with Excen. counting on a total of 31 students. six lectures and debates were organized to present news and recent information for the students. the energy efficiency topic was included in the curricula of the technical courses. Moreover. state of Minas gerais. implemented at Roge Foundation in the city of Delfim Moreira. striving to implement a work routine for the Hydraulic Mobile Lab. focusing on the themes of energy and energy efficiency. 13 papers were published in proceedings of national and international conferences. It is noteworthy the publication of a book by professors and researchers of the Center. or students in 2011. The equipment and benches acquired by the agreement are used by students who attend technical courses taught at Roge Foundation. it is supported by up-to-date computer tools. The year of 2011 also included training sessions and lectures. Nine short-term in class courses were held. a program to manage water supply systems.Concerning the scientific production of Excen professors. the course received two more classes. related to energy efficiency.Procel Info was created to manage.PuCRS Procel info The Brazilian Energy Efficiency Information Center . provided by several aid tools. In 2011.procelinfo. pointing out economic and environmental benefits. The Center gathers. in a systematic way.Finally.700 people participated in the activities proposed while visiting the House. the dissemination of information on the efficient use of electric energy. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 17 . Basic education: 24 million of benefited students Casa genial at the Technology and Science Museum .com. and advertises qualified is another important project. The Center’s main product is available to the public at its Web Portal (www. generates. the “Casa genial” (genial House) at the Technology and Science Museum of Pontifical Catholic university of Rio grande do Sul . organizes. The Web Portal provides those interested in energy efficiency access to the knowledge database and to a safe web environment of exchange and integration. produced in the country or abroad. Its goal is to simulate a complete house environment to encourage students to adopt efficient practices in their daily lives. more than 10. with a monthly average of 38 thousand visits. which were of 454.Procel Info Web Portal Home Page In 2011. Chart 8 shows the evolution of page views made by month in the Portal. the Web Portal has signed up a total of 16.1% growth compared to 2010. Procel Info counted on 4. overcoming the results reached in previous years. Since its creation in November 2006. corresponding to a 37.944 this year.271 users. an average of 367 new users per month. evidence of a positive performance. 18 . Another relevant aspect concerns the total number of page views to the Web Portal. spread out in the different sections.401 new registered users. 164 35. out of this total.174 28.975 32.874 38. representing about 30%. satisfying. in the same year. 43% of the news published in 2011 came from international sources. events. a total 2. and others.538 35. given the high interest of the Portal users for some specific areas.163 38.104 50000 20000 more than 454 thousand visits to Procel info Web Portal 10000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Moreover.Monthly evolution of page views made by Portal users in 2011 60000 50.412 43. “Labeling of Buildings”. “Energy Efficiency Potential for Industry”.683 44. technical publications.557 pieces of news were published. articles.310 34. 2. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 19 . among news. and “Efficiency in Schools”. a new tool for accessing different topics was created in 2011.809 different pieces of information were posted. “Research on ownership and Habits”. filtering users’ navigation.905 40000 32. The new division by topics allows the user to have a more intuitive.Chart 8 . successful cases. In addition.642 30000 40. and simple access to navigate through technical publications selected according to their interest. accountable for the increased number of visits to the Web Portal. The first topics created were “Procel Results”. providing interchange of information and knowledge of best practices from other countries. provides assistance to set maximum consumption rates of electric energy in equipment. under PBE scope. the number of categories applying to Seal has increased to 32.784 different models. according to Table 4. the purpose of Procel Eletrobras Seal is to be a simple and efficient tool. Therefore. Thus. Also. the Seal encourages the technological development and improvement of such products. totaling 209 manufacturers and 3. Procel Eletrobras Seal counted on two more equipment categories. Procel eletrobras seal for the most efficient equipment Procel Eletrobras Seal In 2011. which were the centrifugal pump and centrifugal motor pump. so consumers are able to identify the most efficient equipment and home appliances available in the market. Eletrobras Procel qualifies labs and research centers. and provides subsidies to the creation of technical standards for energy efficiency testing. The subprogram management counts on the partnership with Inmetro. 20 . according to the Energy Efficiency Law (10295/2001).Procel seal Created in 1993 by the Federal government. Stand-by mode LED Television Set .Categories of equipment awarded with Procel Eletrobras Seal Equipment Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Centrifugal Pump Bathroom Solar Collector Swimming Pool Solar Collector Window Model Air Conditioner Split Cassette Air Conditioner Split Hi-Wall Air Conditioner Split Floor-Ceiling Air Conditioner Horizontal Freezer Vertical Freezer Frost-Free Vertical Freezer Sodium-Vapor Lamp Compact Fluorescent Lamp Automatic Clothes Washer Machine Washing and Drying Clothes Machine Semi-Automatic Clothes Washer Three-phase Induction Motor Centrifugal Motor Pump Photovoltaic Power Generation Panels Electromagnetic Ballast for Sodium-Vapor Lamp Electronic Ballast for Tubular Fluorescent Lamp Combined Refrigerator Frost-Free Combined Refrigerator Single-Door Refrigerator Single-Door Compact Refrigerator Frost-free Single-Door Refrigerator High Pressure Thermal Storage Tank Thermal Storage Tank CRT Television Set .Table 4 . In addition.636 billion kWh in the referred year. resulting in 2.Stand-by mode LCD Television Set .606 MW demand released from peak time. close to 48 million units of equipment bearing the Procel Eletrobras Seal were sold in 2011.Stand-by mode Plasma Screen Television Set – Stand-by mode Ceiling Fan Seal granted since 2011 2000 2000 1996 2010 2004 2009 1998 1995 2003 2008 2001 2006 2009 2006 1997 2011 2010 2002 2010 1995 1998 1995 2002 2008 2005 2002 2007 2009 2010 2009 2008 close to 48 million units of equipment sold with Procel eletrobras seal The consumers who chose to use equipment with Procel Eletrobras Seal helped Brazil to save 6. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 21 . of manufacturers associations and of university researchers who support and subsidize energy efficiency programs. For example. Such results tend to increase each year. there is a systematic supervision of the tests through a specific computer tool. microwave ovens. more than 5. involving more than 150 professionals.636 billion kWh It is noteworthy that the energy outcome achieved in 2011 is the result of the successful partnership between Eletrobras Procel and Inmetro. of testing labs designated by Inmetro for PBE. and investments of about BRL 16 million from Eletrobras. This network is composed of more than 20 labs in research centers and universities. so the merit of the saved energy is always shared between both institutions. working as base for joint actions of several technical and management cooperation. table fans. Eletrobras Cepel Lab PuCRS Lab Lactec Lab IPT LAB 22 . Concerning the testing lab network to grant Procel Eletrobras savings of 6. In 2011. Moreover. there was the collaboration of Eletrobras Cepel. and TV sets in active mode will be soon added to the subprogram. once Eletrobras Procel has been developing feasibility studies to add new equipment in the energy efficiency evaluation process.000 tests were performed concerning energy efficiency in equipment. according to the subprogram Action Plan. •Launch of the Program for Thermo-energetic Simulation of DoMuS Buildings Procel Edifica. “urban Climate and Energy Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 23 . and Salvador. and England. and to contribute to the expansion of the country’s housing sector in an energy efficiency manner. developed in partnership with the Pontifical Catholic university of Paraná . “Technologies”. Ireland. To perform its activities.Procel edifica: Buildings The purpose of Procel Edifica is to develop actions to advertise and encourage the application of energy efficiency concepts in buildings.Certi. “Regulation Subsidies”. BA. The main activities held in 2011 were: •Twelve training sessions on Building Labeling held by institutions part of the Energy Efficiency Network in Buildings . and services related buildings of the Centers of Reference in Innovative Technologies Foundation .oI3E. RJ.R3E in the following cities: Belo Horizonte. reducing operational costs in the construction and in the usage of the properties. public.PuCPR. including commercial. to classify buildings concerning energy efficiency and to spread knowledge about environmental comfort and energy efficiency. in the state of Santa Catarina. especially the ones adopted by Portugal. Maceió. •Experience exchange and mission to Europe to deepen knowledge on several systems for certification and labeling of buildings applied in the European union. Mg. AL. and “Housing and Energy Efficiency”. Procel Edifica has been operating in five different areas: “Qualification”. PA. Búzios. namely: “Architectural Acoustics”. resulting in a total of 230 hours/class. •Publishing of seven guides on energy efficiency in buildings. to support the Energy Efficiency Law (10295/2001). Belém. concerning efficient buildings. •Support to Inmetro for accreditation of the first Inspection Body for Energy Efficiency in Buildings . “Dissemination”. Denmark. family residential building and another in design stage. public. Moreover. as well as for a single. and services related sectors. businesses. “Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Sustainability in the Built Environment”. “Thermal Performance and Energy Efficiency in Buildings”. “Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Electromechanical Equipment”. and “Natural ventilation in Buildings”. “Natural and Artificial Lighting”. and organizations for sustainable actions. •Support to the granting of ENCE for 11 built buildings and for seven in design stage of commercial. elected by the people in the Sustainable Public Policies category. The purpose of this initiative is to acknowledge Brazilian individuals.achievement of “2011 green Building Brazil award” in the sustainable Public Policies category Efficiency in Buildings”. an important accomplishment of Procel Edifica was to win the “2011 green Building Brazil Award”. Ceremony to deliver the green Building Brazil Award ENCE for single-family households 24 . PuC-Mg and with the Institute for Technological Research .9 million. once 24% of all electric energy in Brazilian households is used to heat water for showering. it subsidized the Ministry of Environment . which counted on the support from the german agency gIZ. striving to double the installed area of solar collectors in Brazil up to 2015. The first students trained by eletrobras Procel solar network at ifsc Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 25 . such as with the Pontifical Catholic university of Minas gerais . The project total investment is of BRL 3. Therefore. Among the actions in 2011. state of Minas gerais. giving priority to the government’s housing program “Minha Casa Minha vida” (PMCMv).MMA to develop a Brazilian plan to spread solar energy heating in households given the great potential of solar energy.IPT. and also providing economic savings for users. Eletrobras Procel established partnerships with renowned labs in Brazil. which purpose was to provide a technological infrastructure for energy efficiency tests in solar collectors and thermal storage tanks. in the city of Belo Horizonte. the partnership with uNA university Center. releasing load from peak times. to develop a project to create regional centers for professional qualification and M&v studies. The incentive to the use of solar heating systems generates benefits for the electric system. Such research became the ground to generate an action plan for the Program. Eletrobras Procel has focused part of its actions to disseminate the use of such energy for water heating. and quality of installations services concerning solar water heating systems. Moreover. including the purchase of didactic workbenches for tests and funding for scholarships to researchers and students. the program developed a broad field research to evaluate issues related to maintenance. sizing. IFSC. promotion of demonstrative projects. In 2012.The first milestone in this project was the national launch of Eletrobras Procel Solar Network. the uFPA. the F e d e r a l university of Brasilia . Procel ePP: PuBlic Buildings Procel EPP develops.000 students up to 2014. In addition to uNA university Center. among others. Procel EPP developed and made available for testing the Software for Registration of Public Buildings and their Respective Administrators. the Network added the Federal Institute of Bahia . as well as the Software for Registration and Analysis of Projects. in São Paulo. in July 2011. which helps in the approval of projects funded by the RgR.unB and the State Center for Ceremony to launch the Eletrobras Procel Solar Network Te c h n o l o g i c a l Education Paula Souza. the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina . with the goal to train 2. José Carvalho da Costa Neto. and the Foundation for Support to Technical School . 26 . and support to electric power utilities in energy efficiency projects. the Network will add two more institutions. in the city of Belo Horizonte.Faetec. In 2011. held by the President of Eletrobras. in Rio de Janeiro. implementation of infrastructure.IFBA. support to establishment of standards. the following actions: support to agents involved in the management of public buildings. the Software for Price Database. Mica. as sources of financing for energy efficiency actions to the government.uFMg and the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas gerais . Control. and Automation . under Procel EPP. and of the portion of resources from Law 9991. This device was developed in partnership with the Federal university of Minas gerais . Still in 2011. Ruling 1752/2011 . Publishing of six technical manuals on energy efficiency in public buildings Software for Registration of Public Buildings and their Respective Administrators Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 27 . which reinforces the role of Procel EPP by the recommendation that Eletrobras promotes advertising.Plenary was published by the Brazilian Federal Court of Auditors.Another important result of Procel EPP in 2011 was the patent registration of the Module for Instrumentation. 2000. of the RgR. with a strong didactic appeal. It also recommended Eletrobras to seek solutions so RgR’s funds can be used to finance actions for energy efficiency in federal buildings.Cefet/Mg. Mica is an electric module for tests and simulations of different scenarios and devices required in domotics systems. The subprogram also concluded and made available for download six technical manuals on energy efficiency in public buildings. the training “Electric Energy Saving in Municipalities”. for municipalities’ employees. were concluded together with ten plans under development. Thus. there will be more funding to apply in sectors with more urgent needs in the municipality. and Timon. all in partnership with Eletrobras Eletronorte. Training of municipal agents for energy efficiency in the state of Rondônia 28 . Moreover. Campo grande. and Maceió. RR. ten municipal agents for energy efficiency from eight municipalities in the state were trained. two Municipal Energy Management Plans . held in the state of Rondônia. Mg. The training sessions counted on 236 technicians from 96 municipalities. in partnership with Eletrobras Distribuição Rondônia. was held in the cities of Belo Horizonte. AL. through Aneel’s PEE.Plamges in the cities of Boa vista. In 2011. MA. Due to Procel gEM support. MS. it cooperates with the public administrator toward the efficient use and management of energy in the municipal facilities. As a result.Procel gem: municiPal energy management The mission of Procel gEM is to assist municipalities to save on electric energy costs. in the identification of opportunities to cut back wastes. and in the supervision of electric energy expenses. The conclusion of the “Municipal Energy Management Learning Communities Project” also stands out among the initiatives. Moreover. the subprogram assisted 434 cities from 17 states. SP. available at Procel Info Web Portal. awarded five initiatives on energy efficiency. held in 2011. according to Chart 9. and supports the Efficient Cities Network . saving 64. with a circulation of 1. the online Course on Energy Efficiency stands out. This amount of energy would be enough to supply a city of 152 thousand inhabitants for one year. saving 509 thousand kWh in this year. as well as Procel gEM actions.Assisted municipalities X Procel GEM Investments (Accrued) support to 106 municipalities from five Brazilian states 500 400 300 200 100 0 Up to 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 4. which covered a total of 978 cities by the end of 2011. The subprogram also promotes the “Procel Award – Electric Energy Efficient City”. such as the city of São Caetano do Sul.RCE. Procel gEM has directly assisted 106 municipalities of five Brazilian states.33 434 2011 Assisted Municipalities Investments (BRL Million) Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 29 . The number of municipalities assisted by the subprogram and the amount of investment made has been growing in the past years.36 million KWh.000 copies each. with a total of 1. there was the publication of three editions of the newsletter “Electric Energy and Municipal Management”. in order to promote energy efficiency tips for municipalities.Among other actions held in this year.910 downloads made. Since its creation. Chart 9 . The 8th Edition of Procel Award. This type of end use is accountable for about 60% of electric energy consumption in the industrial sector and 28% of the total consumption of electricity in the country. resulting in 35 gWh of estimated energy savings. aiming to identify the greatest potential for energy savings in motor driven systems. 206 multipliers (university professors and consultants) and 2. The subprogram plays an important role with federations of industry. electrical motors. The partnership with the Federation of Industries of Rio grande do Sul State Fiergs provided 845 MWh of energy savings and an average investment return of 17. coupling. and extension activities toward the energy efficiency market of total estimate of 35 gwh of energy savings 30 .907 agents (technicians and engineers from industries) were trained out of a total of 690 industries. through agreements and protocols with industry state federations. with an average investment return of 15 months.Lamotriz. in associated public universities and institutions. driven loads.Sebrae and class associations.Procel industry Procel Industry strives to provide technical support to the different industrial segments concerning improvement of energy performance of their facilities.6 months. to develop and implement economically feasible actions proposed in energy diagnosis. Procel Industry still includes the implementation of Energy Efficiency Labs in Driven Systems . research. holding the highest potential for electrical losses. and to disseminate their results. accumulated to the subprogram up to the end of 2011. the National Confederation of Industry . the program focuses its actions on optimizing motor driven systems (drive. Since its creation up to the end of 2011.CNI. The subprogram develops activities to encourage energy efficiency. universities. the Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises . encouraging teaching. to train multipliers and industrial agents in energy efficiency. Today. fluid mechanic facilities). The results of such activity were published in Bench of a pumping system of Lamotriz at the Federal university of 2011. a total of 104 scholarships were funded. there was a broad participation of the subprogram in the Technical Committee TC 242 . and to the national launch of its mirror standard. Moreover. which led to the publication of ISo 50001. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 31 . Procel Industry works with Sebrae-RJ. the Lamotriz Network is composed of 14 labs. in July of the same year. Master’s degree (21). Finally. the first training in Brazil on energy efficiency related to bioclimatic architecture in this sector was conducted. the event “uS BRAZIL Industrial Energy Efficiency Workshop” held in August 2011.IEL concerns the completion of studies to point out technical potentials for energy conservation in 14 segments of the industrial sector. called E8.uFu event “us BraZil industrial Energy Efficiency Workshop” In Rio de Janeiro. in partnership with the National Confederation of Industry . was sponsored by Procel Industry together with Eletrobras Cepel and the uS Department of Energy . In 2011. uberlândia . and Bachelor’s degree (81). aiming to establish a strategic partnership between both countries under the Multilateral group. 2011 in Switzerland.CNI and Euvaldo Lodi Institute . on June 15.Management of Energy and its commitment involving international efforts to develop technical standards. Today. focusing on micro and small enterprises. Since the Network creation. ISo 50001 in São Paulo. once: PhD (2). Another noteworthy activity.DoE.the Brazilian industrial sector. composed of the eight world’s largest companies in the electricity sector. The general purpose of the event was to debate on the situation of energy efficiency in the industrial sector of united States and Brazil. a 250W mercury-vapor lamp. 32 . an amount 176% higher compared to 2010 financial resources. Such results came from the replacement of more than 223 thousand public lighting points in 65 cities.213 kW. The replacement of these lighting points required investments of about BRL 91 million. spread out in eight Brazilian states. starters. incandescent lamps are replaced by systems that operate with LEDs. Besides the lamps.5 million public lighting points across the country. In addition to the funding of projects for modernization of public lighting and traffic lights. resulting from Procel Reluz actions.Procel reluZ: efficient PuBlic lighting and traffic signals Procel Reluz operates in the entire national territory and its role is basically to implement energy efficiency projects in public lighting and traffic light systems. keeping the same illuminance level. benefiting and improving the quality of life of the population. for example. the total electric energy savings and peak demand reduction. which last longer and take 90% less energy. Thus. respectively. other equipment is replaced or installed. more efficient than the formers. The program’s activities include replacement of incandescent.03 million kWh and 13. such as photoelectric switches. and support arms. Thus. and mercuryvapor lamps for high pressure sodium-vapor lamps and metallicvapor ones. lighting fixtures. mixed. the indication of Procel Reluz to the 10 finalists in the “greenBest Award for 2011” was noteworthy. Concerning traffic light systems. Procel Reluz has already replaced more than 2. In 2011. were 58. Since 2000. electromagnetic ballasts. it frees 100W from the electric power demanded by the system. can be replaced by a 150W sodium-vapor one. In 2011.Procel Sanear is to promote energy efficiency in the environmental sanitation sector. and the luminotechnical and electrical performance of the installation along the coming years. PI labs. several lab tests were performed in LED lighting fixtures to ensure the minimum standards of product quality. Another important action concerns the agreement made with the Federal university of Juiz de Fora uFJF to evaluate a pilot program for public lighting with LED lamps. and Innovation . Another aim is to support Applied Research. particularly through the Lenhs Network .Laboratories for Energy Efficiency in Hydraulic and Sanitation. the subprogram works with strategic partnerships to provide energy efficiency training to professionals from environmental sanitation companies. to encourage the development of projects on energy efficiency and to prevent water and electric energy waste in the sanitation and irrigation sectors. During 2011. Development. the following activities were carried out: Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 33 . The agreement will also analyze the components. In addition. the installation of LED lighting fixtures and field luminotechnical tests are foreseen for the first half of 2012. more than 223 thousand public lighting points replaced in 65 states Procel sanear: environmental sanitation The purpose of the Program for Energy Efficiency in Environmental Sanitation . Thus.R&D+I in the country. as well as to manage the use of water and reduce its waste.which is the most notorious award for sustainability conducted in the Internet. the reproduction Implementation of a public lighting system in the of certain items of the system in city of Teresina. •Participation in the Commission for Special Study of Water Supply and Sanitation Services (ABNT/CEE-166). published in June 2011. 24511. Procel Sanear participates in the development of ISo 50001 standards family. including assessment of payments and accountability reports.Fapec. as well as its dissemination and implementation with providers of sanitation services in the country. mainly on those established through agreements and contracts. to develop ISo 50001 Standard. Innovation. the physical-financial control and follow-up of projects are carried out in a systematic way. •Inauguration of Lenhs at the Federal university of Paraná uFPR. Teaching.inauguration of lenhs at ufPr and consolidation of lenhs network with ufms/fapec •Agreement with the Federal university of Mato grosso do Sul . •Presentation of the article “Power and Ability of Enforcement in Public Policies: an analysis of energy efficiency programs” in the XXI SNPTEE . •Participation in the Commission for Special Study on Energy Management (ABNT/CEE-116). Since this year. •Electronic request of purchases related to contracts and 34 . and Culture . and 24512).National Seminar on Production and Transmission of Electric Energy. aiming to develop the Brazilian version of ISo 24500 standards family (24510. and Education. administrative proceedings. ProjEcTs Follow-UP To keep efficiency and transparency of Eletrobras Procel actions. and physicalfinancial control of projects. The activities developed by areas of control and follow-up of projects are summarized in: •Elaboration. to develop computer applications to assist hydro energy efficiency in sanitation systems in public buildings and also to perform hydro energy diagnosis and operational control in water supply systems. which was awarded 3rd Best Technical Report in the group Study of Energy Efficiency and Technology Management.uFMS and with the Foundation for Support to Research. agreements. •Elaboration of management reports on the follow-up of contracts and agreements. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 35 . •Monthly dispatch of data to the Planning and Management Information System of the Ministry of Planning. •Elaboration and follow-up of Eletrobras Procel annual budget. it is with great pleasure that we accept Eletrobras invitation to present in this chapter a consolidation of PBE major achievements in 2011. We also take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to this partnership. Thus. Inmetro and Eletrobras. Alfredo Carlos orphão Lobo Inmetro Quality Director 36 . have kept close technical and institutional cooperation in the implementation of the Brazilian Labeling Program and of Procel Eletrobras Seal Program.over the years. in order to generate results that will be even more successful for the years to come. through Procel. Such cooperation has been essential to make these programs even more recognized by society and therefore providing increasingly energy savings throughout the country. expanded. 2001.CgIEE. this project was redirected. PBE’s goals are: •Provide useful information that may influence the purchasing decision of consumers. PBE encourages innovation and technological progress of products. setting minimum levels of energy efficiency by the Management Committee of Indicators and Levels of Energy Efficiency . PBE is composed of 38 Programs for Conformity Evaluation in several stages of implementation. as well as the area of renewable resources (solar Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 37 . the purpose was to contribute to the rationalization of energy use in Brazil by providing information about energy efficiency of equipment available in the internal market. known as Energy Efficiency Law.PBe/inmetro consolidated results in 2011 In 1984. when buying products. and air conditioners. PBE has established requirements related to product performance. coordinated by Inmetro. The program also strives for the effective implementation of Law 10295 of october 17. besides the price. Therefore. who can take into account other features. Currently. Meant for the automotive sector at first. •Encourage competitiveness of industry through induction of a continuous improvement process promoted by the conscious choice of consumers. aligned with the goals of the 2030 National Energy Plan . and was named as Brazilian Labeling Program . working as a tool to reduce energy consumption. including from the labeling of white goods such as stoves.PBE. an inter-ministerial forum created by this Law.PNEf.PNE and of the National Energy Efficiency Plan . Inmetro started to discuss with the society on the creation of programs to evaluate conformity focused on performance. refrigerators. due to oil crises that affected the world in the 70s. Both government initiatives managed. 38 . Such results are celebrated and shared among such institutions. the significant energy results generated by the labeling programs and by Procel Eletrobras Seal for equipment that use electric energy have a direct relationship with the partnership between Eletrobras Procel and Inmetro. such as buildings and motor vehicles. highlight the most efficient products. Thus. for the coming year. Technical base Impulse to increase competitiveness and to improve labs support Conpet Seal Procel Seal Award Encouragement in order to reach excellence Thus. reinforces the importance of considering PBE as strategic.Conpet and Procel. for the number and complexity of programs to increase. In addition. in a stage of imminent implementation by the MME. it includes areas that are more complex and that hold high potential of energy savings for the country. and accelerate the technical development of equipment.water heating systems and photovoltaic power generation systems). respectively by Petrobras and Eletrobras. The inclusion of these last two items shows a tendency. along with other initiatives to achieve energy savings goals established in the 2030 PNE. The PBE programs are coordinated in partnership with the National Program for the Rationalization of the use of oil and Natural gas Byproducts . PNEf. leia o Manual do aparelho IMPORTANTE: A REMOÇÃO DESTA ETIQUETA ANTES DA VENDA ESTÁ EM DESACORDO COM O CÓDIGO DE DEFESA DO CONSUMIDOR PROCEL PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE CONSERVAÇÃO DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA Unidade: mm ENCE for equipment Etqreftotal.200 34.414 32. vehicles and buildings in colored bands. Inmetro monitors. through a stamp with information. usually from “A” (most efficient) to “E” (least efficient). Currently. Chart 10 – Page views to PBE energy efficiency tables in 2011 40. according to surveys. and provides other relevant information. 4 28 (Elétrica) REFRIGERADOR TOTAL Fabricante ABCDEF XYZ(Logo) ABC/Automático IPQR/220V Marca Tipo de degelo Modelo/tensão (V) Mais eficiente A ENCE classifies equipment. the Energia compliance of specific equipment to performance requirements established in technical standards and regulations.505 29.Z 000 Volume total do refrigerador (l) Requisitos de Avaliação da Conformidade para Refrigeradores e seus Assemelhados Instruções de instalação e recomendações de uso. choosing to buy a product that holds it. concluded in February/March 2010 to assess the level of knowledge and trust that the population has on Inmetro. monthly. more than 40% of the population gives attention to Inmetro brand. Moreover.000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 39 .789 29.cdr 03/11/05 According to a study ordered by Inmetro to research institutions. published on its website.291 32.000 34. for example.EncE 95 4 63 24 4 Labeling is a way of highlighting.000 20. 14 16 26 4 Menos eficiente (adotado no teste clima tropical) B C D E A 140 48 CONSUMO DE ENERGIA (kWh/mês) XY. as shown in Chart 10.907 34. the washing and water use efficiency in clothes washer machines.national energy consErvaTion laBEl .338 31. studies are being conducted for comparative benchmarks.953 37.692 30.421 33.367 32. about 78% of Brazilian consumers consider the ENCE information in their buying decision. so growth targets may be established in 2012.083 28.000. even if it is 10% more expensive. consumers’ visits to energy efficiency tables of PBE. the monthly average of hits was close to 30. In 2011. thus. it is the elaboration of Impact and Technical Feasibility Studies to support decision making regarding the development or not of a program. The total number of irregular products in the market in 2011 was of 0. and gas water heaters were revised.inmetro.67%. mixed lamps. clothes washer machines. The publications of the respective updates will take place in the first half of 2012. Inmetro published 25 decrees of several programs. Moreover. found at www.RBMLQ. MarkET Follow-UP Table 5 shows control actions held by Inmetro agencies. and social impacts triggered by the regulation. and tires. In 2011. preserving the information provided to consumers. 40 . the levels for air conditioners. the studies help to define the accuracy of technical and evaluation requirements to be established. gas stoves. revising levels and technical criteria whenever there is an accumulation of products in such classes. part of the Brazilian Network of Legal Metrology and Quality . as well as the selection of the conformity evaluation mechanism to be environmental. Impact and Technical Feasibility Studies were conducted for sodium vapor lamps. and they point out the economic.main achievements feasiBility and imPact studies one of the activities performed by Inmetro in implementing programs of conformity evaluation. In order to launch ENCE for new equipment and to keep the current programs updated. gas ovens. efficiency levels revision one of PBE’s policy is to continuously monitor the amount of product models belonging to the label higher classes (“A” and “B”). In 2011. 407 4.607 342 1.355 2.76% 1.872 0.50% 0.897 12.526 12. Table 6 – Control actions for energy efficiency.419 207 263 200 344 491 19.733 0 150 0 4 1. held between August 1st and 5th 2011 Product Gas ovens Gas stoves Window Model Air Conditioner Split Model Air Conditioner Refrigerators and similar Total Number of control actions held Number of products inspected Number of irregular products % of irregular products 104 296 225 238 300 1.575 16.12% 0.679.983. and projection TVs Total Number of control actions held Number of products inspected Number of irregular products % of irregular products 13.Table 5 .00% 0.00% 0.203 1.335 2.466 1.067 1.00% 0.489 22.31% 0.Control actions held from January to October 2011.574 44.424 1 21 1 14 37 74 0.001 1.02% 0.1 Product Incandescent lamps Gas ovens Gas stoves Three-phase Induction Motor Gas water heater instantaneous type Gas water heater accumulation type Window Model Air Conditioner Split Model Air Conditioner Compact Fluorescent Lamp with ballast integrated to the base Refrigerators and similar Clothes Washer Machine Ceiling Fan for residential use TV set with cathode ray tubes (Kinescope) Plasma.61% 1.43% 0.60% This inspection activity takes place every year and each time different participant products of PBE are chosen.476 1.325 11.07% 1.145 47.27% 0.215 57 125 1. The irregularity Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 41 .767 2.660 38.111 3.219 855 3.393 46.00% 0.039 48.163 822 4.11% 0.82% 0.00% 0.005 1.197 0 2 59 1.729 19. LCD.68% 0.14% 0.491 32.67% Table 6 shows the results found from the special operation to inspect products for energy efficiency. held by Inmetro agencies between August 1st and 5th 2011.493 3.027.25% 53 1.799 8. keep the characteristics reported in the ENCE. as well as the approval process of import licenses. suppliers and/or sellers are fined or banned from selling their products. proving that the inspection held by Inmetro agencies was efficient. evaluation of Product conForMiTy MainTEnancE .acP The evaluation of conformity maintenance takes place every year. The purpose of this tool is to evaluate if suppliers. consisted of selection and collection of products samples available in the factories or in the market for testing in labs accredited by Inmetro. Depending on the type of irregularity found in these processes.rate reached 0. held by local authorities. Table 7 shows some results obtained in 2011 in this evaluation process. over time. The indicators for 2011 show very low rates of irregularity for the market.291 79 47 72 39 46 39 143 9 4 16 29 332 Under completion 7% 36% 21% 26% -17% -38% 11% 38% 15% 0% 8 Under completion 15 5 15 22 0 42 . Table 7 .Results from evaluation of some products conformity maintenance in 2011 Product Gas Heaters Air Conditioners Gas ovens and stoves Compact Fluorescent Lamp High Pressure Sodium-Vapor Lamp Clothes Washer Machine Electromagnetic Ballast for Sodium-Vapor Lamp Refrigerators and similar Electric water heater systems TV sets Ceiling Fans Light vehicles for passengers Number of samples Number of non-conformity samples % of nonconformity 58 44 141 1.60% of the inspected products. concerning performance and safety. The non-conformity cases must be corrected by suppliers according to terms and conditions established by the regulations. Therefore. and compact fluorescent lamps were considered worrisome. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 43 . in March 2010. air conditioners. The non-conformity rates observed for refrigerators. The Conformity Evaluation is essential to improve PBE programs and it is a critical tool to check the results provided by the Energy Efficiency Law. they are prohibited from importing and selling their products. Inmetro revised the regulation concerning sanctions to be applied and will publish a specific administrative rule requesting suppliers to re-label the models already in the market concerning non-conformity cases related to performance and suppliers must withdraw from the market the models detected as unsafe to users. Inmetro will submit an inspection plan to the MME. under the agreement signed between both parties. televisions. Thus.In case suppliers have not submitted samples for testing or have not proven corrective actions. 56 % of electricity consumption in Brazil in 2011 44 .Energy savings represented 1. and Sweden. Paris. available at http://www.1).asp 14 CLASP. 13 IEA/DSM. The results of evaluations on the impact of energy efficiency programs are briefly defined primarily by two components: •The adopted conceptual model that must properly demonstrate the relationships between technical variables and the market. with less uncertainty and lower development and implementation costs.clasponline. particularly in developing countries14.aPPEndix .guideBook. october 2006. thus. which since 1999 includes the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory . and has the mission to promote the proper use of energy efficiency standards. guidebook for Labels and Standards. and peak demand reduction.IIEC. Evaluation guidebook on the Impact of Demand-Side Management and Energy Efficiency Programmes for Kyoto’s gHg Targets.iea. As a rule. Denmark.php3 Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 45 .org/ standard-label/toolkit/guidebook/index. Holland. energy savings in equipment. France. Thus. •Data associated to this model. available at http://dsm. it is important to identify which methodology shows more consistent Work/Tasks/1/task1. and the International Institute for Energy Conservation . this guidebook recommends the comparison of load curves before and after the adoption of energy efficiency actions. published by IEA/DSM (Program for Evaluation of Measures for Energy Efficiency and Demand Management). the Ngo “Alliance to Save Energy”.eval. Canada. developed by the International Energy Agency IEA showing case studies in Belgium. A comprehensive and detailed revision of these methodologies can be found in the Evaluation guidebook (vol. Demand-Side Management Programme.LBNL. Italy. The convenience of using the baseline is also explained by the Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program Clasp.METhodologiEs to evaluate Procel eletroBras seal results There are several options of methodologies available in literature to assess the impacts of energy efficiency programs. comparing the baselines with the new load curves13. International Energy Agency. South Korea. air conditioners. many of them with Eletrobras Procel itself. three-phase electric motors.CEafter adopting technology once: 15 geller. unifei was selected to run the project. considering the increases in energy savings. there is a cost between 5 to 10% of energy efficiency projects costs15. in addition to host Excen. the efficiency degradation over time. Such activities demand significant resources to be properly implemented. Thus. Procel/Eletrobras. solar water heating systems. for a given period and equipment will be: EEtotal = CEbaseline . defined from a baseline. as it is a reference in evaluating the results of energy efficiency activities.In general. and analysis of costs effectiveness. without the presence of the Seal. Report on Energy Savings Evaluation. the total energy savings (EEtotal). 46 . this annual report uses an evaluation model of Procel Eletrobras Seal. Considering the procedures adopted in other countries. market studies. taking into account that the equipment does not change its efficiency or such efficiency progresses naturally. the thorough evaluation of energy efficiency programs demands field research. In the united States. conducting several studies of measurement and verification. This baseline can be defined in several ways (Chart 11). and ceiling fans was evaluated. compact fluorescent lamps. between 2006 and 2010. the impact of Procel Eletrobras Seal granted to refrigerators and freezers. Thus. for example. 2005. especially concerning the evaluation criteria throughout the equipment life. H.. to monitor and evaluate energy conservation measures. Eletrobras Procel invested in a partnership with unifei as a result from the strategy of improving the evaluation methodologies used for establishing the energy benefits provided by Procel Eletrobras Seal. especially in Canada. for example. and the baseline identification for establishing energy savings. Chart 11 . in the case of free rider effect.CEbaseline is the energy consumption according to baseline (BL). there is the technological progress Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 47 . when there are efficiency gains not directly attributable to Eletrobras Procel.Evolution of equipment specific consumption Consumption (MWh/year) Baseline Baseline with technological progress Efficient models promoted by Procel Eletrobras Seal t (years) This savings amount includes the free rider effect. Concerning Procel Eletrobras Seal applied to equipment. as well as the positive effect due to energy savings induced by the Program. EEfree rider are savings related to the equipment in the period concerning the baseline.EEfree rider once: EEindirect are savings not directly associated to Procel Eletrobras Seal. So the net energy savings can be estimated (EEnet) as: EEnet = EEtotal + EEindirect . CEafter adopting technology is the energy consumption after adopting energy efficiency measures. on sales.applied to all products. the purchase of efficient equipment made regardless of awareness by consumers of the existence of Procel Eletrobras Seal. of average environment temperature of operation. Chart 12 shows total and net energy savings values. based on energy performance of equipment and assumptions of installed equipment in electric energy consumer market. specifically in the following items: •Evaluation of energy impact throughout equipment lifetime. and on scrapping. also taking into account the degradation effects of energy efficiency. and of evolution of the installed equipment. which in turn depends on the initial stock. •verification of model consistency. This methodology takes as baseline the consumption of equipment. Chart 12 . which results from variations associated to sales and scraping. in the absence of Procel Eletrobras Seal. •Identification of baseline to determine energy gains. This approach also includes impacts from degradation effects of equipment efficiency throughout lifetime. Moreover. while for the indirect energy savings.Evolution of installed equipment consumption curves Consumption (MWh/year) Potential Savings Market without Procel Eletrobras Seal (baseline) Estimated actual market Market with 100% Procel Eletrobras Seal Still possible savings Savings due to Procel Eletrobras Seal t(years) 48 . Eletrobras Procel also takes into account criteria established by the International Performance Measurement and verification Protocol – IPMvP. where all equipment installed in the country are efficient. part of the equipment holding Procel Eletrobras Seal and the other part without it. in case the equipment installed in the country was composed only of products without Procel Eletrobras Seal.Concerning assumptions on composition of equipment. Finally. Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 49 . the first refers to a fictitious market composed of baseline products only. The second one concerns the actual situation of the composition of the installed equipment. that is. the third assumption concerns a fictitious market potential for Procel Eletrobras Seal. Teaching. and Culture FDT Technological Development Fund Fiergs Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul State Fundação Roge Foundation for Rural Tourism. A. Veterinarian. Quality. and Technology IPMVP International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol IPT Institute for Technological Research ISO International Organization for Standardization Lactec Institute of Technology for Development Lamotriz Energy Efficiency Labs in Driven Systems ABNT AcP Aneel Ceamazon 50 .List of Abbreviations Brazilian Association for Technical Standards Evaluation of Product Conformity Maintenance National Agency for Electric Energy Center for Excellence in Energy Efficiency of Amazon (Federal University of Pará) Cefet-MG Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais Certi Centers of Reference in Innovative Technologies Foundation Cetec Technology Center Foundation of Minas Gerais Clasp Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program CME Marginal Cost of Expansion Conpet National Program for the Rationalization of the Use of Oil and Natural Gas Byproducts CNI National Confederation of Industry DOE US Energy Department DSM Demand Side Management Eletrobras Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S. A. and Farming Techniques Education GEM Municipal Energy Management GIZ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German International Cooperation) IEA International Energy Agency IEL Euvaldo Lodi Institute IFBA Federal Institute of Bahia IFSC Federal Institute of Santa Catarina IEEC International Institute for Energy Conservation Inmetro National Institute of Metrology. Eletrobras Cepel Center for Electric Energy Research Eletrobras Eletronorte Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S. ENCE National Energy Conservation Label EP Studies and Projects EPE Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Company for Energy Research) EPP Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Excen Center for Excellence in Energy Efficiency Faetec Foundation for Support to Technical School Fapec Foundation for Support to Research. and Automation Ministry of Environment Ministry of Mines and Energy Non-Governmental Organization Integrated Nucleus for Technical Qualification Inspection Body for Energy Efficiency in Buildings Brazilian Labeling Program Energy Efficiency Program Municipal Energy Management Plan Brazilian Government plan that provides subsidy for housing National Energy Plan National Energy Efficiency Plan National Electricity Conservation Program Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Energy Efficiency Network in Buildings Efficient Cities Network National Program for Efficient Public Lighting and Traffic Signals Systems Global Reversion Reserve Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small EnterprisesEmpresas National Seminar on Production and Transmission of Electric Energy Transmission and Distribution Federal University of Campina Grande Federal University of Juiz de Fora Federal University of Minas Gerais Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul Federal University of Pará Federal University of Paraná Federal University of Uberlândia Hydroelectric Power Plant Federal University of Brasília São Paulo State University Federal University of Itajubá Thermal Power Plant Procel Results 2012 Base Year 2011 51 .List of Abbreviations LED Lenhs LBNL M&V Mica MMA MME NGO Nicatec OI3E PBE PEE Plamge PMCMV PNE PNEf Procel PUC-MG PUCPR PUCRS R3E RCE Reluz RGR Sebrae SNPTEE T&D UFCG UFJF UFMG UFMS UFPA UFPR UFU UHE UnB Unesp Unifei UTE Light-emitting diode Laboratory for Energy Efficiency in Hydraulic and Sanitation Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Measurement and Verification Module for Instrumentation. Control. and of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.Procel collaBorators This report is a result of the straight commitment of more than 70 people from Eletrobras Procel team. of partnerships with institutions. Eletrobras Procel would like to thank all professionals that have been supporting the evaluation of the Program actions. participating in forums and performing critical analysis of methodologies and data toward the accomplishment of this document. ALEX GOMES DE OLIVEIRA ALEXANDRE HASTENREITER ASSUMPÇÃO ALINE GOUVEA SOARES (TRAINEE) ALVARO BRAGA ALVES PINTO AMANDA SILVA DE FREITAS (TRAINEE) ANA CAROLINA DE ALMEIDA VIDAL (TRAINEE) ANA CAROLINA DE OLIVEIRA ANA LUCIA DOS PRAZERES COSTA ANDERSON FERREIRA DA SILVA (TRAINEE) ANNE KELLY SENHOR COSTA (TRAINEE) BRAULIO ROMANO MOTTA BRUNO OLIVEIRA MANHÃES DE ALMEIDA (TRAINEE) BRUNO PERROTTA DE OLIVEIRA (TRAINEE) CAMILA CAPOBIANGO MARTINS CARLOS ALBERTO MARTINS DA COSTA CARLOS APARECIDO FERREIRA CARLOS HENRIQUE MOYA CINTHIA PEREIRA DA SILVA (TRAINEE) CLARA SALAROLI REIS (TRAINEE) 52 . among managers and collaborators and other professionals from Eletrobras. CLOVIS JOSE DA SILVA CYRO CEZAR NOGUEIRA DANIEL DELGADO BOUTS DAVI VEIGA MIRANDA DAYANA ELLEN PEREIRA TEIXEIRA DENISE IELPO XAVIER FREIRE DENISE PEREIRA BARROS DJAMIL DE HOLANDA BARBOSA EDISON ALVES PORTELA JUNIOR EDSON SOUZA SILVA EDUARDO RAMOS DUARTE ELDON ALVES DA COSTA ELISETE ALVARENGA DA CUNHA ELIZABETH DE MORAES ELZIRA AGUIAR BITTENCOURT DO NASCIMENTO EMERSON SALVADOR ESTEFANIA NEIVA DE MELLO FABIO DA SILVA ALVES FELIPE CARLOS BASTOS FERNANDA BROTAS MENANDRO DE VASCONCELLOS (TRAINEE) FERNANDA RODRIGUES DOS SANTOS OLIVEIRA FERNANDO PINTO DIAS PERRONE FRANCISCO ANTONIO ALMENDRA CORREIA LIMA FREDERICO GUILHERME CARDOSO S M CASTRO GEORGE ALVES SOARES GEORGE CAMARGO DOS SANTOS GLENDA RODRIGUES NAZZI (TRAINEE) ISADORA VALERIA DOS SANTOS DA COSTA (TRAINEE) JAILSON JOSE MEDEIROS ALVES JANIO ITIRO AKAMATSU . JOAO QUEIROZ KRAUSE JOSE ANTONIO MUNIZ LOPES JOSE DA COSTA CARVALHO NETO JOSE LUIZ GRUNEWALD MIGLIEVICH LEDUC JOSE MAURICIO GAZOLA KARLA KWIATKOWSKI LEPETITGALAND KELLI CRISTINE VIDAL MONDAINI LAYS DE OLIVEIRA LEAL (TRAINEE) LEONARDO FELLIPE DE TOLEDO COSTA LEONARDO NUNES ALVES DA SILVA LEONARDO PINHO MAGALHAES LUCAS DE ALBUQUERQUE PESSOA FERREIRA (TRAINEE) LUCAS MORTIMER MACEDO LUCIANA CAMPOS BATISTA (TRAINEE) LUCIANA DIAS LAGO MACHADO LUCIANA LOPES BATISTA VINAGRE LUCIANO CARNEIRO SANTIAGO LUCIANO DE BARROS GIOVANELI LUCIENNE MORGADO DA COSTA GADELHA LUCINDA GOUVEIA BEZERRA LUIS FELIPE GOMES BARBOSA (TRAINEE) LUISA DA ROCHA ABREU (TRAINEE) LUIZ EDUARDO MENANDRO DE VASCONCELLOS MARCEL DA COSTA SIQUEIRA MARCELLA FUCHS SALOMAO MARCELO JOSE DOS SANTOS MARCIO CESAR ABREU CALHEIROS MARCIO VARGAS LOMELINO MARCO AURELIO RIBEIRO GONCALVES MOREIRA . MARCOS ALEXANDRE LIMBERGER MARCUS PAES BARRETO MARIA MARTHA PACHECO PEREIRA DE OLIVEIRA MARIA TERESA MARQUES DA SILVEIRA MARIANA DOS SANTOS OLIVEIRA (TRAINEE) MARIANA ESTEPHANI DA SILVA DUTRA MARIANA FORTES MAIA (TRAINEE) MARIANA RAMOS OLIVEIRA MARIZA FACADIO RIBEIRO MAURO VICTOR DE CARVALHO (TRAINEE) MIRIAN TONN COELHO MOISES ANTONIO DOS SANTOS MOISES PERCU MARTINS PAMELA SILVA DOS SANTOS (TRAINEE) PAULO VITOR MARQUES COELHO PEDRO VICTOR ROSA DRAGO (TRAINEE) PRISCILLA HOELZ PACHECO (TRAINEE) RAFAEL MEIRELLES DAVID RAFAEL SANTOS ROCHA RAQUEL SILVA DOS SANTOS REGINA CELI DA ROCHA DOS SANTOS RENATO PEREIRA MAHLER RIBAMAR VILELA VELEZ ROBERTO RICARDO DE ARAUJO GOES RODRIGO CAMPOS MOREIRA ROSA (OUTSOURCE) RODRIGO FERNANDES MORIMOTO RODRIGO SILVA DA CRUZ (TRAINEE) ROSANGELA MOSCOSO DE LIMA RUDNEY ESPIRITO SANTO . SAMUEL MOREIRA DUARTE SANTOS SIMONE RIBEIRO MATOS SONIA IGNACIO PEDROSA TACIANA COSTA DOS SANTOS (TRAINEE) TACIANA DE VASCONCELOS MENEZES TAIANDA MACHADO DE AMORIM TANIA CRISTINA CRUZ OLIVEIRA TANIA REGINA FERNANDES MAIA TAYLANNE DA SILVA PEREIRA (TRAINEE) THALENA REGINA LOUREIRO FERNANDES (TRAINEE) THIAGO VOGT CAMPOS VANDA ALVES DOS SANTOS VANJA LINHARES FAGUNDES VICTOR ZIDAN DA FONSECA VINICIUS RIBEIRO CARDOSO VINICIUS ZIDAN DA FONSECA WILLIAM MENDES DE FARIAS YURI SÁ BARRETO WILLMERSDORF .
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