Procedure for Receipt, Storage and Handling of Welding Consumable (Rev 1) Doc

March 19, 2018 | Author: dee1985 | Category: Welding, Warehouse, Stainless Steel, Industrial Processes, Industries



BP BERAU LTD1.0. Purpose. This procedure describes the system of receipt, storage, handling and treatment of welding consumable in all fabrication area of the workshop and the yard (Open Area). 2.0. Reference. 2.1. ASME Section II Part C. 2.2. EEMUA Publication No. 158 paragraph 5.3.2. 2.3. AWS D1.1 – 2004 2.4. ESAB Six Edition - Consumables for Manual and Automatic Welding. 2.5. GS 118-4 3.0. Responsibility. 3.1. Contractor welding engineer is responsible to issue procurement requirement, warehousing requirement, reviewing the manufacturing test certificate, specifying additional handling and reconditioning requirements. 3.2. The warehouse supervisor is responsible for withdrawal, handling and storage of consumables. He is also responsible to monitor who check the temperature of oven. 3.3. The store keeper is responsible to issue welding rod, electrode and flux to the welder or the welding operator. He is also responsible for scrapping damaged consumables. 3.4. The welding inspector is responsible for the periodic inspection or audit of stored materials. 4.0. Warehousing. 4.1. All welding consumable will be received at the warehouse. 4.2. Then, the warehouse supervisor will issue the Consumables Receiving Inspection Report (CRIR) which indicate batch / lot number, brand name, manufacturer, delivery date, dimension and quantity ( See appendix-1 ) The welding engineer will check the batch certificate against specification and the CRIR. The welding engineer will sign the certificate and CRIR for approval. A copy of Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 Page 4 of 11 350oC for minimum 2 hours and the holding oven at temperature 120oC 150oC before distribution to production area.2.0. 5. welding electrode shall be drying to the baking oven at temperature 260oC .4. iron oxide and paints containing zinc  Drying temperature is 260oC – 350oC for minimum 2 hours before use and the holding oven at temperature 120oC – 150oC before distribution to production are ( appendix-3 )  Method of drying. 4. baking and oven in accordance with electrode manufacturer’s recommendation.5. E 7018. 4. Upon receipt the main stock of consumables shall kept and maintained in a close and dry environment with a minimum of temperature 20 oC and a relative humidity equal to or less than 60%.1. ( Appendix-2)  Method of drying. 4. 5. baking and oven in accordance with electrode manufacturer’s recommendation. dry. greasy or oxidized shall be scrapped. These conditions shall be maintained. Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 Page 5 of 11 . Electrode For Stainless Steel (E 316L-15) and Duplex Stainless Steel (E 2209-17)  The electrodes for Stainless Steel welding shall not be in contact with metal iron.  After unpacking.1 (E 7016-1. 5. All additional and issuance of welding consumable from storage will be carried out on a rotation basic to ensure to correct stock rotation. All welding consumable shall be stored in their original sealed container packing. Low Hydrogen Electrode AWS A5. E 7018-G)  The electrode shall be kept clean.BP BERAU LTD approved CRIR will be sent to warehouse for releasing the consignment.3. The electrode that is damaged. 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Baking. Unopened packets of electrode shall be stored under warm and dry conditions. The welding consumable shall not be stacked excessively high (do not stack more than eleven layers of electrodes ) so as will damage the packaging of the lower layers. Oven and Drying for Low Hydrogen Electrode. and properly stored. to avoid promoting pick up of the moisture which permeates through the packaging and be absorbed into the flux coating. Each packet of welding consumable shall be stored on the pallets or shelves. the original certificate and CRIR will be kept by the welding engineer. damp. store and return in accordance with this procedure.0. Distribution of Low Hydrogen. After re-drying.1 Issuance of the welding electrodes for production from the holding oven shall be placed in the quiver. 7. During Cycle – 1. 6.3 Soon after the quiver is distributed to the production area. After 4 hours. the remaining of unused electrodes in the quivers shall be returned for redrying and immediately marked silver paint to indicate Cycle – 1 finished (see appendix2&3).6 Low Hydrogen. indicated by vacuum in the package. 7.2 It is the Supervisor’s or foreman’s responsibility that the welder and welding operator obtain the correct consumable as indicated on the approved Welding Procedure Specification and that they handle. 6. 6. the remaining of unused electrodes in the quivers shall be returned for redrying and immediately marked silver paint to indicate Cycle – 1 finished (see appendix-2).4. 6. 7.5 Distribution for Cycle – 2 use same procedure as Cycle – 1. E 7016-1. 6.3 Soon after the quiver is distributed to the production area.The welding electrode in vacuum pack will not pick up any moisture during storage.0.4 After 4 hours. Issuance of the welding electrodes for production from the holding oven shall be placed in the quiver. the welding electrodes from vacuum pack do not need drying before use. During handling protect vacuum pack from damage at all times. Vacuum Pack Electrode ( E 2209-17. Stainless Steel and Duplex Stainless Steel Electrode for Production. oven and baking are same as the temperature of Cycle – 1. the welding electrode shall be transferred to the holding oven and the baking oven. the remaining of unused electrodes with silver marking in the quivers shall be returned to the store keeper and immediately marked red paint for scrapping. Stainless Steel and Duplex Stainless Steel electrode have been directly contacted with water shall be definitely rejected and removed from the site. E 7018. the quiver shall be heated to 70oC to 100oC 6. The welding electrode with silver marking shall be priority over the new welding electrode.1. The temperature and duration time of re-drying. After 6 hours. the quiver shall be heated to 70oC to 100oC 7. because it is provided with the undamaged package. no welding electrodes held in the hand. no welding electrodes held in the hand.1.E 7918-G ) 7.BP BERAU LTD 6. Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 Page 6 of 11 . 6.5. mill scale. flux may be recovered. 8. 9.71. damp. clean from foreign materials and dry conditions and maintained 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. The flux will be reused as necessary during each welding period or added with new flux as required.BP BERAU LTD For Stainless Steel and Duplex Stainless Steel. For distribution of Cycle – 2 shall use same method as appendix-2 & 3 8. Solid Wire (ER 2209) 0 8. The wire shall be kept clean. Flux for Submerged Arc Welding (OK Flux 10. 9. showing signs of contamination and rust damage shall not be used and shall be discarded. Duplex Stainless Steel and Carbon Steel shall be separated storage.1. dry and free from damage. If the fluxes have for some reason become wet. 8. Unopened flux bag must be stored under warm. 8. The wire shall be identified with brand name and lot number. fuse flux. The flux shall be kept clean.62) 9. The relative humidity of the storage is not exceeding 70 %. dry and free from damage. and grease before use 9. 9. 9. Wire to be cleaned or degreased prior to being used. the remaining of unused electrodes in the quivers shall be returned for re-drying and immediately marked silver paint to indicate Cycle – 1 finished after 12 hours (see appendix-3) 7. 8. All wire shall be protected from weather and stored in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. 10. 8.6. it shall be scrapped. and grease. The wire for Stainless Steel. ( Appendix-4 ) 9.1.7. During and after welding. damp. Appendixes.4. Unidentified wire. The un-melted flux will be sieved to remove all coarse particle. The remaining of flux in the opened bags or flux hopper should be stored at a temperature at 150° ± 25°C. All unused wire shall be identified. Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 Page 7 of 11 .3. dirt or other foreign matter.4. unless it to be used by continuing shift.5. OK Flux 10. covered and returned to the warehouse. Agree with Ordering Requirement Non-Conformances Disposition of Non-conformance : : Material release for fabrication By Copy to Store Room : : : Lot/Batch/Marking Quantity : Yes No Yes No Date : * If not acceptable : Quarantine and Contract Welding Engineer Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 Page 8 of 11 . GUNANUSA UTAMA FABRICATORS CONSUMABLE RECEIVING INSPECTION REPORT Purchase Order Supplier Specification / Class Description Initiated By : : : : : Item No.BP BERAU LTD Appendix-1 PT. : Class Quantity Data : : : * Condition Material MFG Brand Size Manufacture Reported by Sent to Welding * Engineer Date Material Agree with Manufacturer Documentation Manufacturer Doc. E 7018.BP BERAU LTD Appendix-2 FLOW CHART FOR ELECTRODES DISTRIBUTION CARBON STEEL LOW HYDROGEN TYPE (E 7016-1.1 (****) Essab Recommendation Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 DISCARDED / SCRAPPED MARK BY SILVER PAINT Page 9 of 11 . E 7018-G) RECEIVING CHECK ELECTRODE STORAGE AREA CHECK START CYCLE-1 START CYCLE-1 (***) (*) BACKING OVEN 260OC-350oC HOURS MINIMUM HEATEDQUIVER 70oC-100oC (****) HOLDING OVEN 120oC-150oC WELDING OPERATION CONSUMED EXPOSED ATMOSPHERE HEATED QUIVER (s) START CYCLE-1 WELDING OPERATION CONSUMED (**) T > 6 HOURS MARK BY SILVER PAINT EXPOSED ATMOSPHERE SURPLUS RETURN T > 4 HOURS START CYCLE-1 MARK BY RED PAINT START CYCLE-1 (*) GS 118-4 (**) Essab Recommendation (***) Essab Recommendation & AWS D1. 1 (***) Essab Recommendation Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 MARK BY SILVER PAINT Page 10 of 11 .BP BERAU LTD Appendix-3 FLOW CHART FOR ELECTRODES DISTRIBUTION STAINLESS STEEL (E 316L-15) AND DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL (E 2209-17) RECEIVING CHECK ELECTRODE STORAGE AREA CHECK START CYCLE-1 START CYCLE-1 (***) (*) BACKING OVEN 260OC-350oC HOURS MINIMUM HEATED QUIVER 70oC-100oC (****) HOLDING OVEN 120oC-150oC WELDING OPERATION CONSUMED EXPOSED ATMOSPHERE (**) START CYCLE-1 HEATED QUIVER (s) WELDING OPERATION CONSUMED T > 12 HOURS MARK BY SILVER PAINT EXPOSED ATMOSPHERE SURPLUS RETURN T > 4 HOURS START CYCLE-1 MARK BY RED PAINT START CYCLE-1 DISCARDED / SCRAPPED (*) Essab Recommendation (**) Essab Recommendation & AWS D1. BP BERAU LTD Appendix-4 Flow Chart for Handling of Flux of Submerged Arc Welding Document : 9501-PRC-QC-5932 Revision : 0 Page 11 of 11 .
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