Procedure for Dematerialisation of Shares of Company



1PROCEDURE FOR DEMATERIALISATION OF SHARES OF COMPANY 1. The company should amend its Articles by passing a special resolution at general meeting to insert the articles relating to dematerialisation of shares. 2. The company should sign agreements with the Depositories, NSDL and CDSL after getting it approved by the board of Directors in Board meeting. SEBI has stipulated that if a company wishes to provide demat facility to its investors it must sign agreements with both the depositories. 3. In order to dematerialise its shares, a company must have electronic connectivity with the depositories. Electronic connectivity can be established either in-house by investing in computer hardware, software and other equipment or through a Registrar which has got the required infrastructure. In case a company opts for an outside Registrar, the agreement mentioned above will be a tri-partite agreement. 4. Once the company is admitted in the depository system, an ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is allotted by the depository. This number is unique for each security of the company that is admitted in the depository. 5. After establishment of electronic connectivity, Depositories inform the name and ISIN of the company, which has joined the depository System, to the Participant. 6. The company should inform the Stock Exchanges, where its shares are listed that the company's shares are eligible for dematerialisation. The shareholders should also be informed that the company's shares can be held in dematerialised form. This can also be done by issuing an advertisement in newspapers or by way of a mention in the Annual Report of the Company. PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED BY DP ON RECEIVING OF REQUEST FROM THE INVESTOR 1. In order to dematerialise the Physical Share Certificates, an investor will have to first open an account called as Demat A/c or Security A/c with any of the DP of his choice. 2. Obtain the Account No. from his DP. 3. Obtain the Dematerialised Request Form (DRF) from his DP. (c) Sends an electronic communication to Depository viz. This DRF. (b) Electronic Download of Demat Request from depository through electronic Registrar. DP. then issues an acknowledgement to the investor and afterwards follows the following procedure: (a) Defaces the Share Certificates by putting a rubber stamp "Surrendered for Dematerialisation" and by punching two holes on the name of the company on the Share Certificate. However. as the case may be. 2. The DP upon receipt of the shares and the DRF. received from DP and sends to the electronic Registrar of the company so that these shares could be dematerialized. The role of DP comes to an end with this but he must send a reminder in case credit of shares is not received in demat account of investors within a month. 6. (d) Sends the DRF and Share Certificates to the company by courier. The particulars mentioned in DRF should be checked from Share Certificates. 5. NSDL or CDSL. (b) Generates a Demat Request Number (DRN) through his Depository Participant Module (DPM) and fills the same in DRF at the appropriate place. 7. will issue an acknowledgement and will send an electronic request to the Company/Registrars and Transfer Agents of the Company through the Depository for confirmation of demat. together with the Share Certificates desired to be dematerialised is to be submitted to DP. Separate folios should be created in computer in the names of NSDL and CDSL to which dematerialised shares will be transferred. PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED BY COMPANY AFTER THE COMPLETION OF FORMALITIES BY DP 1. Ultimately. as the case may be. the company or its RTA. .2 4. This is very much similar to scrutiny of Share Certificates and Transfer Deed in case of Transfer of shares. special attention should be given that the pattern of holding written on DRF is the same as the endorsement on Share Certificates. receives two kinds of communications: (a) DRF and Physical Share Certificates from DP. to the effect that so many shares of this company (Identified by ISIN) have been received for dematerialisation. The depository electronically downloads the particulars of demat request. The report is forwarded to the company's electronic Registrar which in turn uploads the data of confirmed demat requests to depository for credit of shares in demat account of shareholders. which have been dematerialised in company's records as well as DRNs. a checklist containing all the demat requests is generated which should be checked thoroughly to ensure that only those shares for which Share Certificates have been received are dematerialised. which have been rejected on account of some objection.3 3. The ISIN should be mentioned in the DRF. Once the DRNs are either accepted or rejected for dematerialisation these are removed from pending list of company.. After ensuring that all corrections pointed out during checking of check list have been made out. ensures that the security mentioned in the DRF is the one. which the investor intends to dematerialise. DRN. Signatures or shareholders on DRF should be verified from the specimen signatures as per records of the company. of Shares. . Odd lot share certificates can also be dematerialised. Similarly the DRNs rejected are also uploaded to depository so that an intimation regarding rejection of demat requests is sent to DPs. All the joint holders should sign the DRF. This. The data of all demat requests received viz. Hence. 4. who have surrendered their shares for demat. 1996 to enable Stock Exchange to update their database. In fact the market lot in demat mode is one share and an investor can even hold one share in a company. 7. 11. 8. No. updation is done in computer as a result of which the shares are transferred from the Folios of various shareholders. Distinctive Nos. to a certain extent. of Shares are entered in computer. Name of Shareholder. In the end a report is generated which contains the details of DRNs. 12. DP-Id. 5. A certificate to this effect should also be sent to the Depositories. The investor can dematerialise part of his holdings and hold the balance in physical mode for the same security. the Register of Members gets updated. Client-Id. which are rejected due to any objection should be returned to respective DP so that the same can be lodged again after generating a fresh DRN and rectification of objection. 10. Distinctive No. to NSDL/CDSL Folio as the case may be. 6. of Shares to Stock Exchanges as per SEBI (Depository and Participant) Regulations. 9. The company should furnish the data of shares dematerialised comprising of Folio No. The DRFs & Share Certificates. After completion of data entry. After the call money realisation. RTA/Company will electronically convert the partly-paid up shares to fully paid up shares. DP. 14. According to the Depositories Act. advantages and problems of dematerialisation. There were various problems like inordinate delays in the transfer of share certificates. The Indian Stock markets have seen a major change with the introduction of depository system and scrip less trading mechanism. then confirm the dematerialisation of shares to DP.The process of converting the physical form of shares into electronic form is called dematerialisation or in short demats. The article discusses the procedures. Dematerialisation will normally take about 30 days. Professor TKR Institute of Management and Science Hyderabad G. The company issues call notices to the beneficial holders of partly paid up securities in the electronic form. 16. Partly paid up shares and fully paid up shares are identified by separate ISINs (International Securities Identification Number). It is similar to a bank where an investor opens an account with any of the depository participants. The converted electronic data is stored with the depository from where they can be traded. The details of such beneficial holders will be provided to the RTA/Company by the Depositories. Depository participant is a representative of the . forgery of certificates etc. delay in receipt of securities and inadequate infrastructure in banking and postal segments to handle a large volume of application and storage of share certificates . Depositories. These are also traded separately at the Stock Exchanges. Prior to dematerialisation the Indian stock markets have faced several problems like delay in the transfer of certificates. an investor has the option to hold shares either in physical or electronic form . Dematerialisation helps to overcome these problems as well as reduces the transaction time as compared to the physical segment. 15.To overcome these problems physical dealing in securities should be eliminated .4 13. The Indian stock market introduced the system of dematerialisation recognizing the need for scrip less trading. Dematerialisation: An Introduction By Asst. 1996. Vasudha Dematerialisation is the process of converting the physical form of shares into electronic form. then credit the holding of shares into account. electronically. Procedure for converting the physical shares into electronic form. . After opening an account with the DP the investor should surrender the physical certificates held in his name to a depository participant. The client ID along with the DP ID gives a unique identification in the depository system. These certificates will be sent to the respective companies where they will be cancelled after dematerialization and will credit the investors account with the DP. * The investor has the right to approach NSDL if the grievances of the investors are not resolved by the concerned DP.The DP maintains the investors securities account balances and intimates him about the status of holdings.The securities in the demat can again be converted into physical form which is called as rematerialisation. For opening an account the investor has to fill up the account opening form. With the recommendation of the Depository and SEBI's own independent evaluation a DP will be registered under SEBI.5 depository . * The investors account will be credited/debited by the DP only on the basis of valid instruction from the client. * A statement of account is received periodically by the investors. Advantages of dematerialisation * There is no risk due to loss on account of fire. * No direct communication links exist between two business partners and all communications are routed through NSDL. These balances can be transferred like the shares held in physical form. theft or mutilation. * Periodic inspections of both DP and R&T agent are conducted by NSDL * The data interchange between NSDL and its business partners is protected by standard protection measures such as encryption. The securities on dematerialisation will appear as balances in the depository account. NSDL sends statement of account to a random sample of investors a s a counter check. Any number of depository accounts can be opened. * The system driven mandatory reconciliation is done between the DP and NSDL. An account number (client ID) will be allotted after signing the agreement which defines the rights and duties of the DP and the investor wishing to open the account. Safety to the investor * Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has laid down certain rules and regulations for getting registered as a depository participant. Dematerialised shares are in the fungible form and do not have any distinctive or certificate numbers . To convert the shares into electronic form the investor should open an account with any of the depository participants. * Transaction costs are usually lower than that in the physical segment.indiainfoline. can be effected in a much simpler and faster way.Dematerialisation has reduced this gap to a great extent. Prior to dematerialization there was almost a gap of three months between application date and listing of shares . References www.6 * There is no chance of bad delivery at the time of selling shares as there is no signature mismatch. Remedial measures * To prevent the sprouting of fictitious demat accounts at DP's the allotment of shares should be checked . The recent IPO allotment scam proves that even a highly automated system is not the solution to prevent malpractices. * Share transactions like sale or purchase and transfer/transmission etc. * Coordination and Clear definition of roles is important to weed out manipulations. Current regulations prohibit multiple bids or applications by a single person. The scam of Yes bank and IDFC reveal that the investor banker has failed to weed out multiple applications either direct or benami. as a regulator has to place a system that is alert and vigilant against unjust gains. * The bonus /rights shares allotted to the investor will be immediately credited into his account. Not only the investor banker the DP and the depository failed to detect the large number of demat accounts opened with the same address but different names. Though dematerialisation has several benefits the recent scam has the potential to adversely affect the confidence of retail investors in the capital market .But the investors open multiple demat accounts and make multiple applications to subscribe to IPO's in the hope of getting allotment. if there is www. But quick money brings with itself a host of problems. brokers depositories. Lack of coordination between banks. * The concerned DP should strictly enforce the Know your client (KYC) norms rather than relying on bank documents and verification of brokers. DP's. registrars and investment bankers and clarity of their roles has given rise to such problems.To reap the benefits of dematerialisation SEBI. * DP's should be asked to give monthly figure of accounts opened for the public.cdslindia. Problems of Dematerialisation. 2006 Iss No.7 www. M.24 Indian financial system.Khan.Y. Jan30-Feb12.indusind.44 . fourth edition. pg nos 8.moneypore.41 – Capital market magazine.
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