Procedimento de Configuração 3COM MSR 20-11



Configuração de3COM MSR 20-11 Para testar um 3COM MSR 20-11 irá precisar de 1 Cabo crossover, 1 cabo de rede, 1 cabo DTE3COM V35. Coloque os cabos: Após conectar os cabos em seus devidos lugares, ligue o roteador e utilize o Teraterm para fazer as configurações. ************************************************************************ * * * H3C MSR20-11 BootWare, Version 2.10 * * * ************************************************************************ Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. Compiled Date : Jun 8 2009 CPU Type : MPC8323E CPU L1 Cache : 16KB CPU Clock Speed : 333MHz Memory Type : DDR SDRAM ..0 PCB Version : 3. Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu.Memory Size : 256MB Memory Speed : 266MHz BootWare Size : 1024KB CPLD Version : 1. Please input BootWare password: Note: The current operating device is flash Enter < Storage Device Operation > to select device. ==========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>=========================== |<1> Boot System | |<2> Enter Serial SubMenu | |<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu | |<4> File Control | |<5> Modify BootWare Password | |<6> Skip Current System Configuration | |<7> BootWare Operation Menu | |<8> Clear Super Password | |<9> Storage Device Operation | |<0> Reboot | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-9): 8 Clear Super Password Success! ==========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>=========================== |<1> Boot System | |<2> Enter Serial SubMenu | |<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu | |<4> File Control | |<5> Modify BootWare Password | |<6> Skip Current System Configuration | .0 BootWare Validating. ==========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>=========================== |<1> Boot System | |<2> Enter Serial SubMenu | |<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu | |<4> File Control | |<5> Modify BootWare Password | |<6> Skip Current System Configuration | |<7> BootWare Operation Menu | |<8> Clear Super Password | |<9> Storage Device Operation | |<0> Reboot | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-9): 6 Flag Set Success... [H3C]disp ip int br *down: administratively down (s): spoofing Interface Physical Protocol IP Address Description Aux0 down unassigned Aux0 Inte. Aperte Enter..1.1.. Serial0/0 down down unassigned Serial0/0. Booting Normal Extend BootWare.255..255.. [H3C]int ethernet0/0 [H3C-Ethernet0/0]ip add 10. Press ENTER to get started..0 [H3C-Ethernet0/0]undo shutdown Interface Ethernet0/0 is not shut down [H3C-Ethernet0/0]quit [H3C] Internet configurada! Mas a porta Ethernet deve estar conectada com outro router já configurado com o mesmo range de IP. . Pronto agora as opções do Boot menu seguindo com o enter é “6+Enter” para pular as configurações feitas/já programadas no router. Ethernet0/0 down down unassigned Ethernet0..” aperte as teclas “Ctrl+B” ira aparecer uma mensagem “Please input BootWare password:”. <H3C>sys System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z... Após isto aguarde ele carregar completamente.. Para quebrar a senha aguarde aparecer à mensagem “Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu. [H3C] Como se vê não se tem a interface Vlan e a Ethernet0/0 e Serial0/0 não estão configurados. “8+Enter” para limpar todas as senhas existentes no router “0+Enter” para reiniciar o router.2 255....|<7> BootWare Operation Menu | |<8> Clear Super Password | |<9> Storage Device Operation | |<0> Reboot | ============================================================================ Enter your choice(0-9): 0 System is starting. Para configurar a internet faça o seguinte. 255. Ethernet0/0 UP UP 10.1.10. ping –a 192. [H3C]ping ping –a 150. Bom após tudo configurado só fazer os testes de ping.255..255.255.1 –c 10000 150.10..1 Vlan-inte.10. sys [H3C]int vlan1 [H3C-Vlan-interface1]ip add Ethernet0. [H3C-Vlan-interface1]undo shutdown Interface Vlan-interface1 is not shut down [H3C-Vlan-interface1]quit Pronto Vlan configurada [H3C]disp ip int br Interface Physical Protocol IP Address Description Aux0 down down unassigned Aux0 Inte. 255.Para configurar o Serial faça o seguinte.1 PING 10.. Vlan-interface1 UP UP 192. press CTRL_C to break Após testar a Ethernet e Serial teste a Vlan com o ping estendido.1 –c 10000 10.168.1 –c 10000 192.10. press CTRL_C to break [H3C]ping 10.1: 56 data bytes.10..252 [H3C-Serial0/0]undo shutdown Interface Serial0/0 is not shut down [H3C-Serial0/0]link-protocol ppp [H3C-Serial0/0]quit [H3C] Pronto! Ethernet e Serial configurados! Para configurar a Vlan-Interface faça o seguinte..2 ping –a 10..255.1 PING 10. . Serial0/0 UP UP 10.1: 56 data bytes.2 Serial0/0. [H3C]interface Serial0/0 [H3C-Serial0/0]ip add 10..10.10.2 Use o –c para definir a quantidade de pings deixe um numero alto para que você possa ir alterando as portas fisicamente sem digitar o comando novamente. Delete startup.) Para deixar VLAN sem nenhum ip: Sys Int vl1 Undo ip add Quit save .) Save ( salva as config.cfg ( deleta a config.
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