Privateer_firearms, For Iron Kingdoms, D20
Privateer_firearms, For Iron Kingdoms, D20
March 26, 2018 | Author: Joseph Robinson | Category:
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Privateer Press Presents™ An Iron Kingdoms™ PDF: Firearms Basics v1.0, Page 1 of 2 Privateer Press is the publisher of The Witchfire Trilogy and other fine d20 products. To learn more about us, please visit us at http://privateerpress.com . New Skills & Feats In The Witchfire Trilogy Book I: The Longest Night, firearms were introduced to the Iron Kingdoms game setting, and several new Craft and Profession skills were listed. Here is addressed in more detail the actual operation of firearms in combat. Note that Iron Kingdoms firearms are quite different than their real-world historical counterparts—they are not intended to adhere exactly to Earth history. More importantly, they are not intended to replace bows and crossbows in the game. The ability to use pistols, rifles and cannon is dependent on the character possessing the “Exotic Weapon Proficiency” feat. “Small Arms” (meaning handguns and long guns only) should be added to the list of Exotic Weapons found on PH 99. “Cannon” should be added to the Exotic Weapons list as well, though a treatment of these heavy weapons will have to wait. Using a pistol or long gun in combat also requires a new skill: “Craft (small arms),” which is a class skill for Fighters, Paladins, Rogues and Warriors (DMG 39); it is unavailable to Barbarians. Craft (small arms) allows a character to reload a weapon, clear a misfire and clean a weapon to keep it in working order. It does not allow design or repair of small arms. Similarly, the reloading and maintenance of heavy blasting-powder projectile weapons requires Craft (cannoneer), which is an exclusive skill available to Fighters, Paladins and Warriors. It is considered a cross-class skill for Paladins. Reloading a firearm of any kind always takes at least one standard action and a successful Craft (small arms or cannoneer) roll. The action details and the DC of the roll depend on the complexity of the weapon. Pistols and rifles usually require 1 or 2 standard actions to reload, but a more complex weapon such as a cannon could take many full-round actions to service, perhaps even involving more than one operator. The DC of the reload roll will usually be 10 or less for small arms, so “taking 10” to reload weapons before or after combat guarantees success. If the Craft roll succeeds, the weapon will be reloaded after the necessary actions are spent. If the roll is failed, or if a multi-round reload in progress is disrupted, the reloading process must begin anew. If the roll is failed by 5, the reload is fumbled and the ammunition is ruined. Lastly, all reload actions provoke attacks of opportunity. Soldier with military sidearm Open Game Content The game rules in this document are released by Privateer Press as Open Game Content. This includes all new skill and feat descriptions, as well as the sample firearm stats and the rules given for reloading them. Artwork and the descriptions of how firearms and ammunition operate are Privateer Press product identity, and are not Open Game Content as described by the Open Game License. The use of this D20 System game content requires the Dungeons & Dragons® 3rd Edition Player’s Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast®. Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast and are used with permission. The D20 System and the D20 System Logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, and are used under the terms of the D20 System Trademark License. Copyright ©2001 Privateer Press LLC. All rights reserved. “Firearms Basics” PDF v1.1, 2/16/02 Small Pistol: This weapon’s main virtue is that it is easy to conceal. but let’s just say it isn’t trivial. crit 19–20/x3. with a fat barrel. Alchemical blasting powders burn fiercely. 2d12 piercing. All of these steps are covered by one skill roll. range 200 ft. The ease with which it can be suppressed depends on the level of the creator. 400 gp. Ammunition costs 6–10 gp for a pistol charge and 8–12 gp for a rifle charge. For example. Weapons that require full-round actions to reload will display an “F” instead of an “S. such as those placed on compact warships. The reload rating is shown as “2S/DC8. Incendiary. Lastly. Repeating weapons should be very rare. A Word on Feats and Skills “By the book. the operator has a few tasks to perform. 3000 gp. bend or break class skill restrictions if you have a good reason.Privateer Press Presents ™ An Iron Kingdoms™ PDF: Firearms Basics v1. During reloading. reload 1S/DC8. and the breech needs to be closed. 15 lb. 2d6 piercing. range 150 ft. 4 lb. 600 gp. as well as more expensive ammunition. Ammunition is fragile. crit 19–20/x3. range 80 ft. it can be rendered inert temporarily by dispel magic (PH 196). 200 lb. more powerful pistol typically issued to military officers. The new ammunition needs to be seated firmly in the firing chamber. Lastly the spring-loaded firing mechanism must be wound or cocked.com. it is ruined if it gets wet or if it takes 1 point of physical damage. Military Pistol: This is a larger. bend the rules! One of the original IK PCs here at Privateer Press was a goggle-wearing Sor1 toting a pair of pistols—and if we did it. since ammunition magical. a spellcaster must have the new feat ”Craft Blasting Powder. if a barbarian PC with a rifle fits your campaign. Rifle regiments are quite rare. Most ammunition contains a simple lead ball. Military Rifle: A basic military rifle is usually between 3 and 4 ft. More powerful weapons should have longer and/or more difficult reloads. To learn more. 5 lb. If that’s a problem. you can do it too. poisoned or even enchanted projectiles are available for the right price. bend the rules and let him in. and so there are some especially fiendish projectile options for the cannoneer to choose from.” which any arcane spellcaster of at least 5th level can gain. in length. special reagents. Cannons fire a much larger projectile. ✖ Sample Firearms Firearms all have at least 2 dice of damage and a crit rating of 19–20/x3 or better. “Firearms Basics” PDF v1.” a PC needs to have a base attack bonus of +1 to take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat. specialty projectiles increase the cost of ammunition dramatically. crit 19–20/x3. That means that there will be a lot of first-level characters that can’t pack a pistol.1. 2d4 piercing. expensive equipment and a great deal of Copyright ©2001 Privateer Press LLC. reload 1S/DC6. at times. the powdery remnants of the old charge need to be cleaned out. crit 19–20/x3.. Page 2 of 2 Privateer Press is the publisher of The Witchfire Trilogy of adventures and other fine D20 System products. but in general a dispel check of DC 18 will render blasting powders inert for 1d4 rounds. please visit our web site at privateerpress. in the Iron Kingdoms wizards get Decipher Script as a class skill and rogues don’t. It is 1 ft. A detailed treatment of the process is outside the scope of this document. First. but there are other options available. Of course. ammunition may be unavailable at any price. Costs for ammunition can vary dramatically depending on the location and demand.” where 2S is the number of standard actions required and 8 is the DC of the Craft (small arms or cannoneer) skill roll. turning guns into expensive. the breech must be opened.. but like modern gunpowder they will not explode unless they are confined. A cannon charge costs 20–50 gp depending size.” DMs can make up new weapons easily by varying these stats. and any exposure to flame will destroy it. in length. Small Cannon: These stats are typical for the smallest variety of cannon. reload 2S/DC12.0. 1200 gp.. All rights reserved. Likewise. The process also requires the Alchemy skill. It is also flammable. and that may not fit your gaming group’s style. because it always seemed to make more sense to us that way. Next. 2/16/02 . lavishly decorated clubs.. range 40 ft. being only 9 in. long. time. reload 3F/DC12. particularly if they are magical. A typical small pistol Ammunition Small arms ammunition consists of blasting powder and projectile wrapped together into a tight cylinder. So please. To make ammunition. damage 2d8 piercing. designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by he Contributor (g) "Use". Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. abridgment or other orm in which an existing work may be recast. (f) "Trademark" means the logos. motto. Monte Cook. incidents. 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1. modifying or distributing. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another. 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