Priprema Za Maturski Ispit

March 18, 2018 | Author: Jovana T Stevanović | Category: Dracula



PRIPREMA ZA MATURSKI ISPIT: KRATKI SAVETI NOVEMBAR 4, 2013 Za što bolji prevod na ispitu preporučuje se stalno čitanje na srpskom jeziku i obnavljanje celokupne gramatike.  Obično su na ispitu četiri vrste tekstova: književni (jedan ili dva – fiction), novinski članak, i tekst u vezi sa istorijom, geografijom, medicinom, i td., biografija…(nonfiction).  Na ispitu je dozvoljena upotreba rečnika. Potrebno je nabaviti veliki rečnik (sa što većim brojem reči) ,recimo englesko-srpski: Simić, Ristić-pogodni za prevod književnih tekstova i po mogućstvu englesko-engleski rečnik, recimo.: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary ili slični. Svaki učenik može koristiti samo svoj(e) rečnik(e).  Ispit traje četiri školska časa t.j. tri sata. To nije tako puno vremena kao što izgleda.  Prvo se pročitaju dobro sva četiri teksta. Odaberite onaj koji vam najviše odgovara-oprezonaj koji ima puno nepoznatih reči ne mora biti i najteži. Neki tekstovi nemaju puno nepoznatih reči, ali su teži zbog konstrukcija, stila ili su teži za razumevanje i prevod.  Dati izabrani tekstovi uvek predstavljaju jednu celinu.Razumevanje teksta: Počinjete tako što se trudite da razumete ceo tekst-ko, s kim, kada, kako. Onda krećete da prevodite. Prvo se piše koncept. Vadite reči iz rečnika, ali imajući u vidu kontekst: ne prevodite nikad reč po reč, već kao celinu (rečenica, ili čak pasus)- prevođenje u kontekstu:za jednu reč možete naći veliki broj značenja na srpskom, birate je po kontekstu, stilu. Srpski jezik je veoma važan za ovaj ispit (skoro podjednako).  Prevođenje: Što približnije originalu, a u duhu srpskog jezika!  Obavezno paziti na gramatiku-rečenice moraju biti gramatički tačne u prevodu (vrste rečenica, skraćivanja participom, infinitivi, vremena, slaganje vremena, kondicionali,konjuktiv, pasivi, član i determinatori,predlozi, frazalni glagoli i slično.)  Kad završite prevod-koncept, proverite sve- pisanje, stil, gramatiku. Onda se odmaknete od zadatka pa ga pročitate kao čitalac- da li sve deluje razumljivo, smisleno i logično.  Tek onda krenete da sa koncepta prepisujete na papir koji predajete. Ne možete davati više mogućnosti za prevod (u zagradi). Proverite dobro da li ste sve prepisali da ne biste nešto izostavili. Kriterijumi za ocenjivanje prevoda na maturskom ispitu: M-meaning, G-grammar, W-word, SSerbian. Značenje se ne sme promašiti (pasusa, rečenice, reči), gramatička greška takođe umanjuje ocenu, izbor reči i izraza -stil, paziti da budu odgovarajuće, a srpski jezik-gramatika mora takođe biti tačna. Svi se ovi delovi ocenjuju, i mogu nositi različite ocene u zavisnosti od težine greške u svakom od ovih delova. Lepota prevoda svakako povećava ocenu.  Podrazumeva se da ste za ove četiri godine do mature dobili jedno sveobuhvatno znanje iz engleskog jezika koje je dovoljno da uz obnavljanje, temeljnost i pažljivost dovede do zadovoljavajućih rezultata! GOOD LUCK! STUDENTS TECHNIQUES&PRINCIPLES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING OSTAVITE KOMENTAR године Наслов текста није потребно наводити. Stitch in time ——————————————————————————————————————— —– ’Then stay in Istanbul. Ka looked at her carefully. 2013 УПУТСТВО ЗА ПОЛАГАЊЕ МАТУРСКОГ ИСПИТА ИЗ СТРАНОГ ЈЕЗИКА Матурски испит се састоји од превода једног од понуђена четири текста са страног језика на српски језик. A clever boy. four rooms on the south side had been converted into a flat which was to be hers for life. The house itself was almost without value now. На врху странице. Кад заврши рад. . but in the site – as would any buyer’s. he had told her. for her time. Концепт даје наставнику на увид и може да га задржи. на левој страни (шлајфни) папира. she knew. but the position was convenient. писаним словима. One day. that it would have to be sold.’ she said. целом дужином реда пише наслов: Писмени задатак из (енглеског / француског / руског / немачког) језика на матурском испиту. His greatest wish just then was for Ipek to ask something of him. both it and the garden to the south and west could remain unspoilt. lay not in the house. As a condition of sale. on the site of the stables and part of the paddock. који уписује време када је рад предат. Актив за стране и класичне језике ПРИМЕР ЈЕДНОГ МАТУРСКОГ ИСПИТА It was Harold who had made it possible. разред и одељење. рађен … . Испод тога.PRIPREMA ZA MATURSKI ISPIT: PRIMERI TEKSTOVA NOVEMBAR 4. but for the present. The rest of the house had become a hostel housing some twenty young people who worked in the laboratiories and offices which now stood on the north side. Превод се ради ћирилицом. Ученик је дужан да преда свој рад и папир на коме се налазе текстови за превод. у горњем десном углу ученик исписује своје име. the old house would come down. ученик потписује текст превода (онако како се иначе потписује) и предаје га дежурном наставнику. she had seen the plans. ’Is Istanbul where you want to live?’ he asked in a whisper. Ipek sensed this. ’I don’t want anything.’ said Ipek. Their interest. јуна 201…. and a wonderful son… When it had become quite clear that she could no longer afford to keep the house up. Harold had assured her that they would not be required for fifteen or twenty years yet – much longer than she would know the need of them… John Wyndham. it was Harold who had persuaded his firm to buy it. too. so there’s plenty of time to enjoy the view of ferns wallpapering the cave walls and to notice a sound that begins as a whisper and grows into a rushing roar close to the cave floor. at least. but on making inquiries as to details he seemed somewhat reticent. simply refused to speak further. because up to then he had understood it perfectly. Like many of Waitomo’s caves. her eyes on the brush.’ said Ka. a lost world―. head torches. agility and endurance. saying that they knew nothing at all. directing him to secure the best place on the coach for me. the old lady came up to my room and said in a very hysterical way: ‘Must you go?’ She was in such an excited state that she seemed to have lost her grip of what German she knew. then a horse and carriage passed under the window and they listened to the wheels rolling over the snow. climbing harnesses and gumboots. ’If you’re going to say no.’ Orhan Pamuk. It takes about half an hour to reach the bottom. the Lost World has a river running through it. ’They’re waiting for us in the other room. Wild caving also demands a reasonable level of fitness. and mixed it all up with some other language which I did not know at all. But something told him he wasn’t going to be in Kars much longer. then don’t answer me at all.’ said Ipek. ’One cannot think of life here. Just before I was leaving. translated by Maureen Freely) ——————————————————————————————————————— —– The main attraction is Mangapu Cave. as if his life depended on it. New Zealand ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… I found that my landlord had got a letter from the Count. ’Life here is so poor and hopeless that people. ’I don’t know. and pretended that he could not understand my German. This could not be true. only death… Are you coming with me?’ Ipek didn’t answer. He mumbled out that the money had been sent in a letter. The trip starts with a 10-minute drive from Waitomo over rolling hills and through farm gates to the shed that is the base for the day’s expedition. Luise Southerden.Ka knew he was rushing. An experienced guide leads the way and participants are supplied with wetsuits. even people like you. Wild caving involves exploring caves without the aid of formed pathways and fixed lighting found in so-called ―show caves―. looked at each other in a frightened sort of way. For a few moments they listened to snatches of a distant conversation. Ipek was standing in the doorway slowly and meticulously removing the hair that had collected in the brush in her hand. the old lady who had received me. Then it’s a short walk to a large. They described the sunlit. He and his wife. both he and his wife crossed themselves. Dracula . Abraham (Bram) Stoker. for it was all very mysterious and not by any means comforting. and could tell me anything of his castle. Snow. that soon he would be unable to breathe here – so he had to rush. he answered my question exactly as if he did. gaping hole. better known as the Lost World.’ added Ka. forget what it’s like to want something. when two railway surveyors almost fell into it through a sinkhole. The name stuck and 100 years later it has become the setting for one of the top adventure daytrips in a country famous for them: an exhilarating ―wild caving― experience. When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula. ferny gully 100m below as ―a fairy-land without the fairies. helmets. and that was all he knew. and. It was so near the time of starting that I had no time to ask anyone else. The cave was first discovered in 1906.
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