Primary Checkpoint - English (0844) October 2016 Paper 1 MS.pdf

April 3, 2018 | Author: dinakarc | Category: Sentence (Linguistics), Subject (Grammar), Clause, Style (Fiction), Rules



Cambridge International ExaminationsCambridge Primary Checkpoint ENGLISH 0844/01 Paper 1 October 2016 MARK SCHEME Maximum Mark: 50 This document consists of 17 printed pages and 1 blank page. IB16 10_0844_01/3RP © UCLES 2016 [Turn over ’ ‘Years’ is essential for the mark as well.: ‘over 25. there must be the correct amount of zeros. Accept numbers but ‘more than’ or ‘over’ is essential for the mark. how old is the freshwater Lake Baikal thought to be? Part Mark Answer Further Information The lake was created more than twenty-five Answers must be more than / over 1 million years ago / is over 25 million years twenty-five million years NOT just old.000. 2 Section A: Reading Question number 1 According to the text. Where numbers have been used. i.’ BUT no more than this. Where a quote is given it can include ‘it is estimated that’ this lake was created more than twenty five million years ago. twenty-five million years.000 years. Total 1 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 .e. e. e. Accept answers that include the stem of the question. Allow a quote: ‘This is because of the lake’s unusually high oxygen levels.: ‘so many animals and plants survive’. ‘because of the oxygen’.  Boxes 2 and 4 should be ticked. Part Mark Answer Further Information 2 It is in a very mountainous area. Award 0 marks if more than two boxes are ticked / unclearly marked.g. It holds more fresh water than any other lake in Award 1 mark for each correct the world. 3 Question number 2 What is special about Lake Baikal that allows so many plants and animals to survive in such deep water? Part Mark Answer Further Information (The lake has unusually) high levels of Do not accept just ‘oxygen levels’ / 1 oxygen. Do not accept long quotes.: ‘the much wider variety of plants and animals’.g.  tick / unambiguous mark. Do not accept answers that go beyond the question.’ but no more. Total 1 Question number 3 Tick () two boxes to show which are true statements about Lake Baikal. Total 2 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 [Turn over . using no more than 30 words. • one of these is the only freshwater seal in the world Award 1 mark for: • these seals / nerpa have more blood than • A summary no more than 30 other seals / they can store more oxygen words + only 2 points of than other seals information.G. They have more blood than normal seals allowing them to stay underwater for longer. Total 2 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 . They are the only spelling errors. OR E. OR (2 marks – 30 words – 4 points of info) • Unintelligible. other seals/dive to great(er) depths. The lake’s remarkable qualities have made it home to a number of unusual and unique NOTE: The summary must be in creatures. freshwater seal in the world. • A summary where there is 1 These include the world’s only freshwater seals. Allow ‘freshwater’ as one word even where the candidate has split it into two. but ‘three hundred’ as two words. ALSO: award 1 mark where (0 marks – 21 words – 1 point of info – the rest candidates have included ALL is incomplete) FOUR pieces of information in bullet points within the word limit.: The lake has some unique creatures living in it. nonsensical OR responses. Part Mark Answer Further Information The summary must contain 3 of the 4 pieces of Award 2 marks for: 2 information: • A summary no more than 30 • some unique or unusual species live in the words + 3 or 4 of the required lake (not ‘rare’) information. These seals sentences that are have two more litres of blood than other seals. or 0 pieces of information. 4 Question number 4 Rewrite the last paragraph to include the main points. These include nerpa. grammatically correct (allow one (1 mark – 30 words – 2 points of info) error). They have more blood and live underwater. • they (nerpa) can stay under water for 70 minutes/longer than other seals/a very long Award 0 marks for: time/dive to 300 metres/dive deeper than • A summary over 30 words. Count ‘300’ as one word. OR There may be punctuation / Nerpa live in Lake Baikal. Part Mark Answer Further Information 1 It contains mostly facts.  Total 1 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 [Turn over . 5 Question number 5 Tick () the best description of the text Lake Baikal. like a spoken voice writing Do not accept references to OR: OR: punctuation on their own. e. Explain why you chose that text. • uses conversational type • the language is without reference to one of the fillers. 6 Question number 6 Tick () the text you prefer to read. OR: • it is very factual • the words are very which explains Do not accept just ‘more descriptive and fun to what happens interesting’ or ‘more exciting’ or read (not just ‘fun to clearly ‘easy to understand / read’ on read’) its own without further OR: explanation. OR: • the style is • Uses contractions / typical of Do not accept: ‘It is just facts’ – rhetorical question so it is factual / report this refers to content not style. Part Mark Answer Further Information If Text 1 is ticked: If Text 2 is Do not award the mark if the 1 ticked: answer refers to the information given – there is no distinction. negate a correct answer. ‘chatty’ / ‘personal’ / as ‘formal’ ‘friendly’ / ‘conversational The answer must refer to the OR: style of the language. precise give descriptors. EITHER: EITHER: • a reference to the • a reference to Answers must match the tick language as ‘informal’ / the language given.: ‘it is more formal and has more information’ gains no marks. and to the point NB: ‘reader friendly’ is not OR: equivalent to ‘informal’ whereas • a reference to ‘friendly language’ is. language as more adult / NB: Incorrect information can less childish.g. Total 1 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 . clear. Allow use of the question’s stem.g. Do not credit long quotes even if the correct info is given.g. 7 Question number 7 (a) What is special about the body of the golomyanka that allows it to swim in deep water? (b) Why is it difficult to catch the golomyanka in large numbers? Part Mark Answer Further Information Accept one of: Do not accept imprecise or (a) 1 • (nearly) 40 % of their body weight is oil incorrect answers: • nearly half of their body weight is oil. shoals/groups however. Total 2 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 [Turn over . e. accept as neutral if • they are solitary / swim on their own. Accept one of the following: (b) 1 Do not accept a response that • golomyankas swim individually and / or not in only refers to the depth.: • just ‘oily’ • its body weight is oil • 40% of its body is oil • ‘A lot’ of their body weight…’ Do not accept answers where incorrect detail negates a correct answer: e. Allow the use of the whole sentence beginning ‘Although there are…’. given alongside the correct answer.: • any reference to pressure • any reference to length of the fish. 8 Question Number 8 Tick () two boxes to show which statements are FALSE. Total 2 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 . the golomyanka takes care of tick / unambiguous mark.  Award 1 mark for each correct After giving birth. Part Mark Answer Further information The golomyanka is not hunted by any other Boxes 2 and 5 must be ticked. 2 animals in Lake Baikal. its young.  Award 0 marks for more than two ticks or unclear marks. g. The golomyankas melt in the water / die in • they melt if the temperature such water. both ideas sunlight so the golomyanka melts if it ascends need to be present. is more than 5°C – no reference to sunlight. 1. 9 Question Number 9 Suggest a reason why the golomyanka stays in deep water during sunlight. Part Mark Answer Further information Answers need to link these 2 ideas: Do not accept imprecise / 1 insufficient answers. • sunlight melts the fish – no reference to temperature 2. The sunlight makes the water warm /more e. Eg: ‘The water at the top is warm during To award the mark. Do not accept answers that only use the quote ‘if the water becomes any warmer than 5 degrees Celsius’ without relating the increase in temperature to the sun.: than 5 degrees/ too hot at the surface. Total 1 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 [Turn over . too near the surface. g. • so you can quickly find information / find information more easily Also.: accept one Do not accept generalisations (a) 1 of: on their own: • so you know where to look for specific e. 2nd paragraph Staying cool Accept a clear unambiguous indication of the correct 3rd paragraph Giving birth answers: 4th paragraph Swimming alone e. 2. e.: so we know what it is about / so you know what you’re going to read / so we know what they are talking about (these could refer to the whole text not a particular section). 10 Question Number 10 (a) What is the purpose of the sub-headings in the text Lake Baikal? (b) In the text The golomyanka.g.: numbers 1. Part Mark Answer Further information Organisation / presentation. Draw lines to link each paragraph to its sub heading. 1st paragraph Beating pressure Award 1 mark for all 4 lines (b) 1 drawn correctly. paragraphs are used.g. e. 3 and 4 written in boxes. Total 2 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 .: information • to organise the text • to divide / organise / separate information so • so it is easier to see / it is easier to see use/read.g. do not accept vague / • to show what each / next section / paragraph general answers: is about (NOT text) • so you know what you’re going to read next. e.g. person is allowed. Clear viewpoint with a clear and consistent relationship between writer and reader established and controlled. adverbial. clauses to focus attention.: features of structure the text and there used to create effect. syllable. Purpose and Audience Text Structure Sentence Structure Punctuation Spelling Writing is well-shaped and wholly appropriate to purpose. clauses.: not always accurately almost always words with more than one information is assumed in one starting with noun or pronoun throughout text. 6 The text type is used Well–crafted paragraphs Some use of complex consistently. The order of the questions if used is logical and supportive to the reader. Stop marking at the first statement in a column that the student fails to achieve and award the mark in the box below.: A wider variety of connectives some engaging detail. © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 [Turn over . e.g. including Allow up to two 1st person place before it has been or other word. relevant statements – must correct clauses. e. person (our) is acceptable. e. information for a reader to paragraphs. e. there.: noun. The writer gives sufficient headings between adjectival. with generally grammatically There may be the occasional e. 2 2 2 2 2 Some elements of the text type Evidence of grouping of Simple sentences are Demarcation of basic Spelling of high frequency can be seen.: because. ideas. Relevant ideas and content AND / OR Range of connectives may be chosen to interest the reader.g. generalised 1st given in another. e.e. e. Some awareness of audience.: language used is appropriate. e.: references. Commas used in lists and anything. 2nd person must be limited and used sparingly. i.g.g.: features of contribute to control of the sentences is controlled report are clear and appropriate text.: if. not a recount. e. enthusiasm for subject matter.g. may be evidence of expanded phrases to develop appropriate links / sub. e. not always successfully.: details developed Each section with content 'meanwhile'. developed. e.g. their. 'but'. between paragraphs. because.g. capital letters. generally grammatically sentence structures is usually words is generally correct.g. weighting’. AND chosen ideas covered Subject and verb generally fittingly with ‘appropriate agree throughout. 11 Section B: Writing 11 The reading texts Lake Baikal and The golomyanka are both reports taken from information books.g. e. material in relation to a named one idea / aspect chosen place. 5 5 5 The text type is largely Paragraphs are used to help Some complex sentences are sustained. then. e. is used appropriately.: 'although'. logically organised. statement. available. Balance of coverage of ideas Use of past and present Text type is used to convey is appropriate.g. e. simple. e. Each section has an opening used but connectives are divisions.g. Reader given basic information. compound words. 3 3 3 General aspects of text type are Some attempt to sequence Some variation in sentence Sentence divisions marked Correct spelling of common rd evident.g. e.g. 2nd Compound sentences are sometimes to mark clause yesterday. 'so'. question and If ‘off topic’ a maximum of 1 is 'and' may be used to connect exclamation marks. appropriately.g. accurate. capitalisation error.g. e. e. Write your own report for an information book about a place of geographical or historical interest.: it is a report / ideas.g.: full stops. 1 1 1 1 1 Award 0 where performance fails to meet the lowest description. ideas logically. something.: clear logical link including the position of to purpose.: no openings. using report writing clear. correct.g. be about one of the given topics. 4 4 4 Text type is used to convey Paragraphs used to Some complex sentences are writer's attitude to the chosen sequence ideas but not used to extend meaning but subject.g. Sentences are mostly grammatically correct. and verb phrases.: 'and'. more than tense is generally consistent.: 3 person.: knowledge and consistently. understand the contents. Accept an unambiguous The golomyanka is a type of indication of the correct → adjective freshwater fish. Award a further mark for correctly placed parenthetical commas and the final full- stop. embedded clause. 12 Question Number 12 Join the underlined word in each of these sentences to match the correct word class. Award 1 mark for 2 or 3 lines Native Siberians use the fish oil → adverb correctly drawn. lakes. Include this clause. Lake Baikal can remain → verb or more than 4 lines drawn. including using capitals. Part Mark Answer Further information (a) 1 As the golomyanka’s body is translucent. Total 3 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 . Award 0 marks for less than 2 In winter. response. it sparkles Award 1 mark for correct in the sunlight. Allow one spelling or copying error. frozen for more than five months. (b) 2 The omul. underlining. Part Mark Answer Further information 2 The lake has a much wider Award 2 marks for all 4 lines variety of plants than most other → noun correctly drawn. which is caught in Lake Baikal. No other words should be underlined. No brackets or dashes. medicinally. (b) Rewrite this sentence. There should be no additional / altered words. Total 2 Question Number 13 (a) Underline the main clause in this sentence. is a Award 1 mark for a correctly popular fish on all the local menus. g. Verb forms must be correct as given here. 13 Question Number 14 (a) Change this sentence from the present to the past. nerpa seals are hunted/are being Answers must be correctly (b) 2 hunted for their fur and meat.: incorrect spelling of golomyanka or lanterns. Part Mark Answer Further information Award 1 mark for both correct (a) 1 Local people caught golomyanka so that they verbs. spelt.g. e. Allow one error in other words. Still today. The oil from the golomyanka has been used by Award 1 mark for 2 correct local people for hundreds of years.: used to catch. added or omitted. could use the oil to fuel their lanterns. Verbs must be correctly spelt. e. A railway line was built around the lake in the Award 2 marks for all 3 correct 1890s. verbs. Do not accept answers where any other words have been changed. (b) Complete the sentences below by writing the passive form of the verb given in brackets. verbs. Total 3 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 [Turn over . sunshine. got there. Spelling must be correct.: words / punctuation added or deleted. 14 Question Number 15 Correct two mistakes in this sentence. Part Mark Answer Further information The fish known as the golomyanka is unusually Award 1 mark for both 1 beautiful because of the way it sparkles in the corrections. compound or complex to describe these sentences. Award 0 marks if any other changes are made: e. Part Mark Answer Further information As Lake Baikal is situated far Complex Award 1 mark for both 1 sentence types correctly inland. it is a mystery how seals identified. Do not change the meaning. Total 1 Question Number 16 Choose the type from simple. The nerpa seal is also known as Simple the Lake Baikal seal.g. Total 1 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 . 15 Question Number 17 Add two apostrophes to this sentence. Part Mark Answer Further information In the frozen landscapes of Siberia. Award 0 marks if extra apostrophes or other marks are placed. beauty. there ’ s one Award 1 mark for both correctly 1 of the world ’ s most diverse areas of natural placed apostrophes. Total 1 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 [Turn over . comma and full stop must be inside the speech marks. “ they are apparently very shy creatures . 16 Question Number 18 Add the missing punctuation to these sentences.” even if there is a comma after no. if a full stop is used then the “t” must be capitalised as well to gain credit.” The question mark. Part Mark Answer Further information “Did you see any nerpa seals when you visited Award 2 marks if 6 – 7 of the 2 Lake Baikal ? ” I asked my friend. “They are apparently very shy creatures. If the “t” is capitalised there must be a full stop after “replied. Total 2 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 . ” Award 1 mark if 3 – 5 of them are in the correct place. ” he replied . missing punctuation marks are in the correct place. Accept “No.” he replied. Award 0 marks if there are 10 or more punctuation marks. “No . However.” Accept an exclamation mark after “no”. 17 Question Number 19 Write other words or phrases that mean the same as the underlined words Part Mark Answer Further information due to: thanks to / owing to / because of / as a Award 1 mark for each 2 result of / down to / a consequence of / caused appropriate word or phrase that by retains the sense of the sentence. colossal: huge / enormous / giant / gigantic / humongous / vast / massive / monstrous / very Do not accept ‘big’ on its’ own. big Allow a list if all words are correct. big / extremely large It is insufficient. Total 2 © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 .: amazing. Award 0 marks where an incorrect suggestion negates an acceptable one: e.g. huge OR huge. 18 BLANK PAGE © UCLES 2016 0844/01/O/N/16 .
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