Pricing Update



SAP Note    24832 - Pricing rules/TVCPF Version   29     Validity: 20.09.2013 - active     Language   English Header Data Released On 20.09.2013 02:54:42 Release Status Released for Customer Component SD-BF-PR Pricing Priority Recommendations / Additional Info Category Consulting Symptom Depending on the situation, the system should redetermine conditions or not. For this, a differentiated control is required, for example: 1. When you create orders or billing documents, the conditions are partially redetermined although you want to copy the values from the reference document. 2. However, in other transactions, you want to redetermine the conditions instead of copying them. 3. The "New pricing" function on the item condition screen redetermines a l l conditions. This means it works with pricing type B. However, you do not always want this. 4. The same applies to the "New pricing" function for the e n t i r e order. The following text explains some examples for the use of the pricing type (KNPRS) implemented for this purpose: ***********************   Example 1   ******************************** You want to copy the condition type 'VPRS' (cost) from the order into the billing document. You are using the pricing type G. However, as a consequence, the value of the VPRS condition in the billing document may differ from the value of the goods issue posting. ***********************   Example 2   ******************************** You want to copy the condition type 'PI01' ("Price for intercompany billing") from the order into the billing document. You are using the pricing type G. ***********************   Example 3  ********************************* The cost 'VPRS' is to be redetermined when copying a credit memo request from a billing document. This is required if you defined the credit memo item in such a way that no costs are to be determined. Since the pricing conditions are no longer checked when copying, you have to proceed as described above to eliminate the VPRS condition. ***********************   Example 4  ********************************* The "New pricing" function on the item condition screen is to keep the manual condition. This means the function should behave like pricing category C. ***********************   Example 5  ********************************* The "New pricing" function for the entire order is to keep the manual conditions; this means the function should behave like pricing category C. ***********************   Example 6  ********************************* Billing is to be performed using the pricing type G. However, condition types with condition category S and T (standard cost or moving cost) are also to be redetermined in the billing document. In the standard system, this pricing type copies those condition types from the order. Other Terms KNPRS, TVCPF, TVCPA Reason and Prerequisites The pricing type controls which condition types are redetermined and which are copied unchanged. (However, the item is always revaluated). Below, you will find a description of the pricing type characteristics that are used in the standard system (for the enhancement options for customers, see SAP Note 26115). Note that the specified standard pricing types sometimes do not exist in older releases, or that the standard pricing type characteristic may be different in the individual releases. Therefore, the given consulting note should not be considered to be exhaustive. It merely serves to explain the principle of how a pricing type is structured and how its characteristics can be influenced. The exact characteristic of a pricing type condition type 'VPRS' or condition types with KNTYP = 'G' which are determined using formulas) are NOT redetermined even if you did not change them manually. l 'F' (Copy pricing elements. l 'G' (Copy pricing elements unchanged and redetermine taxes):            The following condition types are redetermined: ¡ Condition class KOAID = 'D' (Taxes) ¡ Condition class KOAID = 'C' (Rebate) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'I' (Intercompany billing conditions) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'R' (Remuneration list conditions) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'L' (Generally new when copying) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'G' (Cost) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'E' (Cash discount conditions)            All remaining condition types are dealt with like pricing type D.            Caution: Here you have to make sure that all condition types that can possibly be changed manually have T685A-KMANU = 'C' (Manual entry has priority) in Customizing. Otherwise. l 'J' (Redetermine confirmed purchase net price/value):            Condition types with condition category KNTYP = 'D' (Confirmed purchase net price/value) are redetermined. the conditions may be displayed twice (automatic and manual) and both may be active. the system does not only redetermine the taxes but also the cost conditions and the intercompany billing conditions. Redetermine taxes):            The following condition types are redetermined: ¡ Condition class KOAID = 'D' (Taxes) ¡ Condition class KOAID = 'C' (Rebate) . l 'A' (Copy price components and redetermine scales):            No condition types are redetermined. l 'C' (Copy manual pricing elements and redetermine the others):            Completely new pricing. Only the scale prices are adapted due to a changed basis. l 'B' (Execute new pricing):            Completely new pricing (as if you created a new item). manual conditions are the release being used can be seen directly in the source code of the form routine KONDITIONSVORSTEP in the main program SAPLV61A. with pricing type G. l 'H' (Redetermine freight conditions):            The following condition types are redetermined: l ¡ Condition type KNTYP = 'B' (Delivery costs) ¡ Condition type KNTYP = 'F' (Freight conditions) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'L' (Generally new when copying) 'I' (Redetermine rebate conditions):            Rebate conditions and scales are redetermined. l 'D' (Copy pricing elements unchanged):            As in pricing type A but the prices are fixed (no scales are read). manual ones are copied. l 'E' (Adopt price components and fix values):            As in pricing type D but neither the condition basis nor the condition basis value are redetermined. l 'K' (Adopt price components and costs. In particular. Restriction: Condition types which are not determined via condition technique (for example. turn value and fix):            Only used within the program. Condition basis and condition basis value are redetermined. 0B.     STEU-KOAID = 'D.0A ( this is called when you create a document with reference to another document: copying control...      ENDIF.. ENDFORM.. This is hard coded. only the revaluation occurs. l 'O' (Redetermine variant conditions):            Condition types with condition category KNTYP = 'O' (Variants) are redetermined. Customizing depending on the source and target document type via transactions VTAA. 2. l 'N' (Transfer pricing components unchanged.'...'.. the value of the goods issue is copied into condition 'VPRS'. You can prevent this by setting the field TKOMP-WAVWR to zero in the include RV60AFZZ.. In this case.    ENDIF.            Please note that this pricing type has NO effect on the billing document since here the goods issue value from the delivery is usually directly transferred to pricing.l ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'R' (Remuneration list condition) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'I' (Price for intercompany billing) ¡ Condition category KNTYP = 'E' (Cash discount) 'M' (Copy pricing elements. In order to ensure that pricing type 'X' acts exactly like pricing type 'G'. Procedure For both purposes. This is called after the setup of internal table STEU which defines the behavior of pricing types. In higher releases. turn value):            No conditions are redetermined. ***********************   Example 1   ******************************** Pricing type 'X' is to be set in such a way that the condition 'VPRS' (which has the condition category 'G') is not redetermined during billing. If the goods issue is posted for the delivery note to be billed. l 'Q' (Redetermine calculation conditions):            Condition types with condition category KNTYP = 'Q' (Costing) are redetermined..   STEU-KNPRS = 'X'.   STEU-KNTYP = 'LRIE... USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE can be implemented as follows: FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE. here.         KONV-KSTEU = 'D'.    IF MODE CA 'X'.. Set up a new pricing type (for example.. VTLF and VTFF). If required. Redetermination of the costs by subsequently reading the material valuation segment when executing pricing type "N" would result in the goods issue value information being irretrievably lost... USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE is used in Program RV61AFZA... Otherwise. USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP. it behaves as pricing type 'G'.   STEU-MAUEB = ' '.. you should note that the billing document contains a special rule concerning the cost condition 'VPRS'. l 'P' (Revaluation only):            The system does not redetermine any conditions. which copies the VPRS of the order to the billing document and does not redetermine it unless there is no goods issue posting .     STEU-KOAID = 'CD.   ENDIF.            This standard behavior can be changed by a modification only. please contact your local consultant or SAP Remote Consulting. 'X') and allocate the pricing type in the document flow (copying control in the IMG. the MODE is the pricing type): FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY.'. Solution There are two options to change the standard behavior: 1. VTLA. ENDFORM. Up to Release 4.      IF KONV-KSTEU NA 'CEF'. the condition values are            multiplied by -1 when copied. pricing type 'K' is also available. l 'U' (Redetermine precious metal conditions):            Condition types with condition category KNTYP = 'U' (Discount/surcharge for precious metals) are redetermined. VTAF. Change the pricing type used in the standard system.   IF KOMK-KNUMA IS INITIAL.. new cost):            Condition types with condition category KNTYP = 'G' (Cost) are redetermined.   ELSE.   APPEND STEU.. the FORM routine USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY in Program RV61AFZA is to be used in releases lower than Release 4.       <<<<<<<<<< delete     PERFORM PREISFINDUNG_GESAMT USING CHARC.               <<<<<<<<<< delete   PERFORM PREISFINDUNG USING CHARC.   STEU-KNTYP = 'G.5B. ***********************   Example 4   ******************************** The "New pricing" function on the item condition screen should keep the manual changes. Up to Release 4.) ***********************   Example 2   ******************************** Pricing type 'Y' is to be set in a way that this works as pricing type 'G' but without redetermining the intercompany billing conditions 'PI01' and 'PI02'..         KONV-KSTEU = 'D'.'. ENDFORM.      IF KONV-KSTEU NA 'CEF'.     STEU-KOAID = 'D. you have the option to store another pricing type for this purpose in Customizing of the pricing procedure (transaction V/08). Note: To correct the problem.   STEU-KNPRS = 'Y'.. you have the option to store another pricing type for this purpose in Customizing of the pricing procedure (transaction V/08)..0B.                     In the USEREXIT_CHANGE_PRICING_RULE of the program MV61AFZA.    IF MODE CA 'Z'.. pricing type B is called....6A..'.. pricing type 'N' is available for this purpose): FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE.     PERFORM PREISFINDUNG_GESAMT USING CHARB.   STEU-KNTYP = 'GLRE.      CLEAR: KONV-SAKN1. pricing type B is called. the form routine USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY in the program RV61AFZA is to be used: FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY. Up to Release 4. the above-mentioned special rule applies.. This is required if you want to influence the reaction to certain field changes in the order (see SAP Note 26115 for this).... but this time the costs are to be redetermined.   ENDIF.   IF KOMK-KNUMA IS INITIAL.   STEU-KOAID = '. ENDFORM.      PRICING_RULE = 'C'.. In order to ensure that pricing type 'Z' acts exactly like pricing type 'D'. As of Release 4. Changes in program RV61AFZA: FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE.0B. ENDFORM. * Aufruf neue Preisfindung   PERFORM PREISFINDUNG USING CHARB. By default....   ELSE.    ENDIF..      <<<<<<<<<< insert   ENDFORM.5A. you can implement USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE as follows (as of Release 4.'. This function uses the pricing type 'B'..'...    ENDIF... They have condition category 'I'.. a solution is only possible by means of a modification in the program MV45AF0F:   FORM FCODE_KONB.. however.. In order to ensure that pricing type 'Y' acts exactly like pricing type 'G'. ENDFORM.   APPEND STEU.. In some cases. FV45PF0P has to be changed in the same way: FORM PREISFINDUNG_NEU.    IF MODE CA 'Y'. ***********************   Example 3   ******************************** Pricing type 'Z' is to be set in the same way as pricing type 'D'.. you can replace the pricing type 'B' with another pricing type..               <<<<<<<<<< insert * geänderte Informationen in Beleg übernehmen   PERFORM VBAP_BEARBEITEN.'. it may be required to change existing pricing types...    IF PRICING_RULE = 'B'. As of Release 4.   PERFORM VBAP_BEARBEITEN_ENDE... however..   STEU-MAUEB = ' '.   STEU-KNPRS = 'Z'.. By default.5A. . This also allows you to influence the "New pricing" function in the order and billing document. ENDFORM.    ENDIF.      ENDIF.. for example 'C'.(otherwise..   APPEND STEU.         KONV-KSTEU = 'D'.. ***********************   Example 5   ******************************** The "New pricing" function is to be set for the entire order in such a way that manual changes are kept. ENDFORM.      ENDIF. you should define your own pricing types.                      FORM USEREXIT_CHANGE_PRICING_RULE USING PRICING_RULE. up to Release 4.      IF KONV-KSTEU NA 'CEF'. the FORM routine USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY in the program RV61AFZA is to be used: FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY.     STEU-KOAID = 'CD.   STEU-KNPRS = 'X'.     IF KONV-KSTEU NA 'CEF'..' or 'X' can be entered)... use the form routine USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY in the program RV61AFZA: FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY.'.       KONV-KSTEU = 'D'.' characters. a line exists in internal table STEU. l NOKDUPL            This field contains a negative list of the structure conditions (up to 3 values can be entered). l PRSQU            This field specifies whether the price source should be taken into account ('.1I in the include LV61AF0K.' or 'X' can be entered)..   IF KOMK-KNUMA IS INITIAL... l MAUEB This XFELD specifies whether manual changes should be copied. There. The fields have the following meaning: l KNPRS            This is the pricing type used.     ENDIF.0A in the include LV61AA12). but also redetermines condition categories 'S' and 'T'.. you can fill the fields of the line STEU with a corresponding number of '. l STFKZ            This field contains a positive list of the scale indicators (up to 5 values can be entered)....   ENDIF.   APPEND STEU. ENDFORM.     STEU-KOAID = 'D.   ENDIF. for each pricing type.'..   ELSE. l KFKIV            This field specifies whether intercompany billings should be redetermined ('.   IF MODE CA 'X'..' or SPACE can be entered).... l KOAID            This field contains a positive list of the condition classes (up to 10 values can be entered).***********************   Example 6   ******************************** Pricing type 'X' is to be set so that it functions like pricing type 'G'. Changes in program RV61AFZA: FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_RULE. l NOTYP            This field contains a negative list of the condition categories (up to 5 values can be entered). l KNTYP            This field contains a positive list of the pricing categories (up to 10            values can be entered). l KDUPL            This field contains a positive list of the structure conditions (up to 3 values can be entered).. Note that most condition attributes (fields of the structure XKOMV) can also have the value SPACE.'.. To use the above 'CA' or 'NA' statements in the IF statements also in these cases as required.   STEU-MAUEB = ' '. These values are . l KVARC            This field specifies whether variant conditions should be redetermined ('. ********************   Additional information   **************************** You can display the standard behavior of the pricing types in the form routine KONDITIONSVORSTEP (up to Release 3.   STEU-KNTYP = 'GLRIEST.     STEU-KOAID = 'CD. To ensure that pricing type 'X' behaves exactly like pricing type 'G'. as of Release 4. ENDFORM. in the include LV61AA65). as of 4.1I.0A. in the include LV61AF0X.checked first of all in the form routine XKOMV_AUFBAUEN_PRUEFEN (up to 3. Validity This document is not restricted to a software component or software component version References This document refers to: SAP Notes 1009170   Date of services rendered in credit memo process 992808   Pricing type 'T': Redetermine tax conditions only 547570   FAQ: VPRS in pricing 410907   Allowed pricing types BAPISDLS-PRICING III 195094   Manual prices during intercompany billing 117347   Pricing type K modified for condition category L 114756   Customer hierarchy determination for pricing 102961   New pricing type for milestone billing plans 45326   No prices for customer-specific pricing type 26115   Conditions not updated during field change This document is referenced by: SAP Notes (13) 547570   FAQ: VPRS in pricing 1009170   Date of services rendered in credit memo process 872449   Tax determination in Sales and Distribution 930870   (Re)determination and (re)valuation of conditions 1409549   QPRS frequently asked questions 992808   Pricing type 'T': Redetermine tax conditions only 410907   Allowed pricing types BAPISDLS-PRICING III 102961   New pricing type for milestone billing plans 114756   Customer hierarchy determination for pricing 117347   Pricing type K modified for condition category L 26115   Conditions not updated during field change 195094   Manual prices during intercompany billing 45326   No prices for customer-specific pricing type .
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