price list for WIKA.pdf
TABLE OF CONTENTSR 1-888-WIKA-USA List Prices Effective, January 1, 2013 Selecting a Pressure Gauge................................................................................................................................ Chemical Compatibility Chart.............................................................................................................................. Advantages of Liquid-Filled Gauges ................................................................................................................... WIKA Type Numbers............................................................................................................................................ Ordering Guidelines for Pressure Gauges........................................................................................................... MECHANICAL PRESSURE General Purpose 111.10 1½", 2", 2½", 4"...........................................................................ABS Case, Lower mount 111.12 1½", 2", 2½".................................................................................. ABS Case, Back mount 111.11RF 2½"..............................................................................................Refrigeration Gauges 111.10SP 4"................................................................................................Fire Sprinkler Gauges 111.11 1½", 2", 2½" . ........................................................................... Compressed Gas Gauges 111.16PM 1½", 2"................................................................................... ABS Case, Panel Mount 111.25CT 4½".................................................................................................Contractor’s Gauge 113.13 1½", 2½"........................................................................................ABS Case, Liquid-filled 113.53 1½".................................................................................................. SS Case, Liquid-filled Industrial & Process Gauges 131.11 1½", 2"....................................................................................... SS Case, Small Diameter 13X.53 4"............................................................................................ Economy 4” Brass Gauges 211.11 10".........................................................................................................SS Case, 10” Size 212.20 6"........................................................................................... SS Case, General Industrial 213.40 2½", 4".............................................................................Forged Brass Case, Liquid-filled 21X.40PM 3½"......................................................................................... Paper Machine Gauges 21X.53 2", 2½", 4".............................................................................. Utility Gauge, Liquid-fillable 23X.53 2", 2½", 4".................................................................................. SS Gauge, Liquid-fillable 23X.54 2½", 4"......................................................................................... SS Case, Bayonet Ring 232.54 XMAS....................................................................................... Oilfield Xmas Tree Gauges 232.54 Receiver........................................................................... SS Gauge with Receiver Scales 233.55 2½"............................................................................................ SS Panel Builder Gauges 23X.30 2½", 4", 4½".................................................................................. SS Solid Front Gauges 23X.50 2½", 4", 4½", 6"................................................................................SS Industrial Gauges 21X.34 4½".....................................................................................XSEL® Process Gauge, Brass 22X.34 4½".............................................................................XSEL® Process Gauge, 1019 Steel 23X.34 4½", 6................................................................................ XSEL® Process Gauge, 316SS 26X.34 4½".................................................................................. XSEL® Process Gauge, Monel® 232.34DD 4½"................................................................................. Direct-Drive Process Gauges 212.25 4½", 6"................................................................................... Hinged Ring Gauges, Brass 232.25 4½", 6"........................................................................................Hinged Ring Gauges, SS 4X2.12 4"................................................................................................................... Sealgauges 43X.50 4"................................................................................................................... Sealgauges Low Pressure Gauges A2G-10 4½".....................................................................................................air2guideTM gauges A2G-15 4½".....................................................................................................air2guideTM gauges 611.10 2½"...................................................................................... Low Pressure Gauges, Brass 612.20 4"......................................................................................... Low Pressure Gauges, Brass 632.50 4"..............................................................................................Low Pressure Gauges, SS 612.34 4½"....................................................................................Low Pressure Process Gauges 632.34 4½"....................................................................................Low Pressure Process Gauges Differential & Duplex Gauges 700.04 2½", 4½"......................................................... Differential Pressure Gauges – Piston Type 700.05 2½", 4½"......................................................... Differential Pressure Gauges – Piston Type 712.15 6"......................................................................................Cryogenic Liquid Level Gauges 712.25DP 4½", 6"........................................... Differential Pressure Gauges – Bourdon Tube Type 712.25DX 4½", 6".......................................................... Duplex Pressure Gauges – Dual Pointers 732.25 4½", 6" .........................................Differential Pressure Gauges for High Static Pressures 732.26 4½", 6" .........................................Differential Pressure Gauges for High Static Pressures 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 19 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 47 51 53 53 55 57 61 65 66 67 68 70 72 72 74 75 76 76 78 79 80 82 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 94 For complete detailed information, including electronic pressure, electronic temperature and ultra high purity products, please visit 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS R 1-888-WIKA-USA List Prices Effective, January 1, 2013 High Precision Gauges 312.20 6".................................................................................................±0.25% Accuracy, Brass 332.30 6"..................................................................................................... ±0.25% Accuracy, SS 332.54 4"..................................................................................................... ±0.25% Accuracy, SS 332.34 4½"............................................................................ ±0.25% Accuracy, Process Gauges 332.25 4½"......................................................................±0.25% Accuracy, Hinged Ring Gauges 332.34DD 4½"...................................................................±0.25% Accuracy, Direct Drive Gauges 342.11 10"............................................................................ ±0.10% Accuracy, NiSpanC Gauges Calibration Equipment CPG 1000........................................................................................................Digital Test Gauges WICP-L100, WICP-M500, WICP-H10K.......................................................... Pressure Calibrators CPH6600.......................................................................................Handheld Pressure Calibrators ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT General Purpose S-10................................................................................................................. Standard Industrial S-11.................................................................................... Standard Industrial, Flush Diaphragm F-20..............................................................................................................Field Case, NEMA 4X F-21.................................................................................Field Case, NEMA 4X, Flush Diaphragm C-10.....................................................................................................................Compact Design A-10................................................................................................................. All Purpose Design OT-1........................................................................................................................OEM Industrial DG-10.......................................................................................................................Digital Gauge PSD-30.............................................................................................Pressure Switch with Display TSD-30 . ..................................................................................... Temperature Switch with Display LSD-30......................................................................................... Liquid Level Switch with Display Hazardous Area E-10...................................................................................................................... Explosion-proof E-11..........................................................................................Explosion-proof, Flush Diaphragm N-10........................................................................................................................ Non-incendive N-11........................................................................................... Non-incendive, Flush Diaphragm IS-20, IS-20-F........................................................................................................Intrinsically-safe IS-21, IS-21-F...........................................................................Intrinsically-safe, Flush Diaphragm IS-20-VR . ..................................................................................Intrinsically-safe, Vapor Recovery Submersible Liquid Level LS-10......................................................................................................Liquid Level Submersible LH-10....................................................................... Liquid Level Submersible, High Performance IL-10............................................................................ Liquid Level Submersible, Intrinsically-safe Special Purpose MH-2........................................................................................................OEM, Mobile Hydraulics UT-10, IUT-10.........................................................................................Unitrans, Intrinsically-safe UT-11, IUT-11............................................................Unitrans, Intrinsically-safe, Flush Diaphragm HP-2.........................................................................................................................High Pressure P-30........................................................................................................................ High Precision P-31........................................................................................... High Precision, Flush Diaphragm R-1...................................................................................................................OEM, Refrigeration AC-1............................................................................................................................OEM, HVAC TTF-1.........................................................................................................OEM, Thin Film Sensor Meters & Displays A-AI-1.....................................................................................................Attachable Loop Indicator DI-15......................................................................................................................Digital Indicator 3A Sanitary S-10-3A..................................................................................................... S-10 with Sanitary Seal SA-11..............................................................................................................Sanitary Transmitter F-20-3A......................................................................................................F-20 with Sanitary Seal Parts List Miscellaneous Parts List................................................................................................................. 96 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 109 110 111 115 119 122 125 129 132 134 137 140 142 143 146 149 152 155 159 163 164 165 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 187 187 188 189 192 195 For complete detailed information, including electronic pressure, electronic temperature and ultra high purity products, please visit 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS R 1-888-WIKA-USA List Prices Effective, January 1, 2013 DIAPHRAGM SEALS Assembled Seals M93X.25............................................................................ ¾” Tri-Clamp, 2½” Gauge, 3A Sanitary M93X.3A...................................................................1½” Tri-Clamp, 2½” or 4” Gauge, 3A Sanitary M93X.2C.................................................................... ¾” Tri-Clamp, 1½” or 2” Gauge, 3A Sanitary M93X.D1............................................................... All-welded System with XSEL® Process Gauge Threaded Seals 990.TA.................................................................................................... Small Diameter Mini Seal 990.TB................................................................................................... Large Diameter Mini Seal 990.10.........................................................................................................Standard Welded Seal 990.TC.....................................................................................................................Clamped Seal 990.40............................................................................................................Large Diameter Seal 990.34....................................................................................................................All-welded Seal 990.36...................................................................................................High Pressure Button Seal Flanged Seals 990.12........................................................... Standard Welded Seal Flange (threaded bolt holes) 990.FA........................................................................ Clamped Seal Flange (threaded bolt holes) 990.FC......................................................................................... Welded Diaphragm Seal Flange 990.FD......................................................................................................... Clamped Seal Flange 990.FB...........................................................................................All-welded Design Seal Flange 990.26........................................................................................................One-piece Seal Flange 990.27............................................................................................. Flush Diaphragm Seal Flange 990.FR........................................................................................................ Rotatable Seal Flange 990.28............................................................................................... Pancake-design Seal Flange 990.41................................................................................................ Large Diameter Seal Flange Sanitary Seals 990.22....................................................................................................... Sanitary Tri-Clamp Seal Plastic Seals 990.31..............................................................................................................Plastic-design Seal InLine Seals 981.10.....................................................................................................Wafer-design InLine Seal 981.22.......................................................................................................... Tri-Clamp InLine Seal 981.27.............................................................................................................Flanged InLine Seal 981.31.................................................................................................Abrasive-media InLine Seal Seal Accessories 910.27 ......................................................................................................................Flushing Ring 910.ZA.................................................................................................................... Saddle Flange General Seal Information................................................................................................................ MECHANICAL TEMPERATURE Bimetal Thermometers TI.1005.................................................................................................... Pocket Test, Back Mount TI.ST.......................................................................................................Surface Mount, Magnetic TI.20........................................................................................................ 2” Industrial, Back Mount TI.T20 / TI.T17............................................................................................Thin-stem, Back Mount TI.30/TI.50..........................................................................................Process Grade, Back Mount TI.31/TI.51........................................................................................ Process Grade, Lower Mount TI.32/TI.52...............................................................................................Process Grade, All Angle TI.33 / TI.53...................................................................................... Industrial Grade, Back Mount Bimetal Thermometer Pricing Matrix.............................................................................................. Digital Thermometers TI.80 / TI.82................................................................................................................. Solar Digital Twin-Temp Thermometers TT.30 / TT.32 / TT.50 / TT.52..................................................................... Back Mount or All Angle TT.80 / TT.82............................................................................................ Back Mount or All Angle 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 230 230 230 231 232 232 233 233 234 236 237 239 For complete detailed information, including electronic pressure, electronic temperature and ultra high purity products, please visit 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS R 1-888-WIKA-USA List Prices Effective, January 1, 2013 Gas Actuated Thermometers TI.R45 / TI.R60 .........................................................................................................Gas Actuated TI.TSG60...............................................................................Gas Actuated Temperature Switches Vapor Actuated Thermometers TI.V20 / TI.V25 / TI.V35 / TI.V45.............................................................................Vapor Actuated Industrial Glass Thermometers TI.61102 / TI.61104...........................................................................Straight or Back Mount Stem TI.62102 / TI.62104...........................................................................Straight or Back Mount Stem TI.701 / TI.901...................................................................................................... Swivel Nut Stem TI.D01.....................................................................................................................Solar Industrial Thermowells TW.TH / TW.15..........................................................................................Threaded Configuration TW.FL / TW.10 . .......................................................................................... Flanged Configuration TW.SW / TW.20 ................................................................................... Socket/Weld Configuration TW.SC / TW.30 ........................................................................................... Sanitary Configuration Industrial Glass.............................................................................................................................. ACCESSORIES 910.10 Gauge Cocks............................................................................................................................. 910.11 Needle Valves............................................................................................................................ 910.11.100 Mini-Needle Valves............................................................................................................. 910.11.200 Block & Bleed Valves.......................................................................................................... 910.11.300 Multi-Port Valves ................................................................................................................ 910.12.100 / 910.12.200 / 910.12.300 Snubbers............................................................................................................................ 910.13 Overpressure Protectors........................................................................................................... 910.14.100 Test Port Plugs.................................................................................................................... 910.14.200 Adaptors............................................................................................................................. 910.14.300 Couplings........................................................................................................................... 910.24 Mini-Siphon............................................................................................................................... 910.15.100 / 910.15.200 Siphons......................................................................................................... CP3000/CP4000 Alarm Contacts.......................................................................................................... 904.XX.................................................................................................................................................. Accessories........................................................................................................................................... REFERENCES Available Dial Artwork............................................................................................................................ Standard Dial Layouts........................................................................................................................... Temperature Conversion Chart.............................................................................................................. Press Unit Cross Reference Chart......................................................................................................... 240 242 243 245 245 246 248 249 251 252 253 254 255 255 256 256 256 257 258 258 258 258 259 259 260 260 261 265 266 270 271 For complete detailed information, including electronic pressure, electronic temperature and ultra high purity products, please visit 4 SELECTING A PRESSURE GAUGE Price List > Selecting a Pressure Gauge Selecting a Pressure Gauge When selecting a pressure gauge, it is important to consider the following factors to ensure safety and accuracy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pressure fluid composition Pressure fluid temperature Ambient conditions Pressure range Conditions affecting wear of the system Method of mounting Required accuracy 1. Pressure fluid composition Since the sensing element of a pressure gauge may be exposed directly to the measured medium, consider the characteristics of this medium. It may be corrosive, it may solidify at various temperatures or it may contain solids that will leave deposits inside the sensing element. For pressure fluids that will not solidify under normal conditions or leave deposits, a Bourdon tube gauge is acceptable. Otherwise a Sealgauge or diaphragm seal should be used. A chemical compatibility chart follows this section to aid in the selection of the proper sensing element material. 2. Pressure fluid temperature Steam and other hot media may raise the temperature of the gauge components above safe working limits of the sealed joints. In these cases it is recommended that a siphon, cooling tower or diaphragm seal be used in conjunction with the pressure gauge. 3. Ambient conditions The normal ambient temperature range for WIKA pressure gauges is -40oF to +140oF (-40oC to +60oC) for dry or silicone-filled gauges and -4oF to +140oF (-20oC to +60oC) for glycerine-filled gauges. The error caused by temperature changes is +0.3% or -0.3% per 18oF rise or fall, respectively. The reference temperature is 70oF (20oC). The correction is for the temperature of the gauge and not the temperature of the measured medium. Remote gauge mounting using a diaphragm seal and capillary line is one alternative for applications involving extreme ambient temperature. Moisture and weather effects must also be considered. Liquid-filled gauges prevent condensation build up. For outdoor use, stainless steel, brass or plastic cased gauges are recommended. 4. Pressure range A gauge range of twice the working pressure is generally selected. The working pressure in all cases should be limited to 75% of the gauge range. Where alternating pressure and pulsation are encountered, working pressure should be limited to 2/3 of the gauge range. 5. Conditions affecting wear of the system In applications involving severe pressure fluctuation or pulsation, the use of restrictors and/or snubbers is recom- mended. In addition, liquid-filled gauges increase the service life of gauges in these conditions. WIKA liquid- filled gauges are generally filled with glycerine. Silicone for larger temperature extremes and Halocarbon® for use with oxidizing agents such as chlorine, oxygen and hydrogen peroxide are also available. 6. Method of mounting Radial (LM) and back (CBM or LBM) connections are available for most WIKA gauges. WIKA stocks gauges with standard NPT threaded connections. Other types such as metric threads, straight threads, hose barbs and special fittings are available as a special order. Pressure gauges should be mounted in the upright position. For applications where the gauge is mounted side ways, horizontally or upside down, contact WIKA Customer Service for gauge type compatibility. 7. Required accuracy WIKA stocks gauges with accuracies from ± 3/2/3% to ±0.1% of span (ASME Grade B to Grade 4A). To ensure safe and accurate gauge selection, you must take all of the above factors into consideration. When in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact your local stocking distributor or WIKA Customer Service for assistance! 1-888-WIKA-USA 5 CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY CHART Price List > Chemical Compatibility Chart Chemical Compatibility Chart Acetic Acid Acetic Anhydride Acetone Acetylene Alcohol Alums Aluminum Sulfate Ammonia Ammonium Carbonate Ammonium Hydroxide Ammonium Phosphate Beer Benzine Benzol Benzyl Alcohol Bleach Liquors Bordeaux Mixture Butane Butanol Butyric Acid Calcium Bisulfite Calcium Chloride Calcium Hydroxide Carbon Dioxide(dry) Carbon Bisulfide Casein Chloroform Chromic Acid Citric Acid Coal Gas Copper Sulfate Cottonseed Oil Creosote (crude) Dextrine Ethers B D B B A B B B B D D A A A B B A B A B B C B B B B B B B A B B B A D Ethyl Acetate Ethyl Cellulose Ethylene Ethylene Dibromide Ethylene Dichloride Ethylene Glycol Ferric Nitrate Ferric Sulfate Formaldehyde Freon Gallic Acid Gas (for lighting) Gasoline Gasoline (refined) Glucose Glycerine Hydrocyanic Acid Hydrogen Hydrogen Peroxide Kerosene Lacquers Lactic Acid Lysol Magnesium Hydroxide Magnesium Sulfate Mercury Methyl Chloride Methyl Salicylate Naphtha Nickel Acetate Nitric Acid (pure) Nitrous Acid Nitrous Oxide Oil (lubricating) Oil (refined) A B A B D A B B B A B A A B C A B B B A A B B C B B D D A B B D D A A Oxygen A Paraffin A Phosphoric Acid B Photographic Solutions B Pickling Solutions B Picric Acid B Picric Acid (dry) B Potassium Chloride D Potassium Cyanide B Potassium Permanganate B Prestone A Salicylic Acid A Sea Water C Silver Nitrate B Sodium Carbonate D Sodium Cyanide D Sodium Hydroxide D Sodium Nitrate B Sodium Peroxide B Sodium Phosphate B Sodium Sulfate B Sodium Sulfide D Sodium Sulfite B Sulfur Dioxide D Sulfur Dioxide (dry) B Sulfuric (75%) B Sulfurous Acid B Tanning Liquors D Toluene A Vegetable Oils B Vinegar B Water A Whiskey B Wines B Zinc Sulfate B NOTE: For steam service, a siphon is required. Find the process fluid in the table above and match the letter Code (A,B,C or D) with the wetted part material listed below: A = Brass (Copper alloy) 6 B = 316 SS C = Monel® D = Consult Factory This table is provided as a reference only and is accurate to the best of WIKA's knowledge. WIKA assumes no responsibility for, or obligation from, the information here. such as contacts. The reason for this is that dampening changes in proportion to the temperature-dependent viscosity of the filling liquid. Synthetic 1118 Centistokes at 68°F Silicone -40°F to 140°F -40°C to 60°C Dow Corning 200 Fluid 1000 Centistokes at 77°F Halocarbon® -40°F to 140°F -40°C to 60°C Halocarbon® Products 6. the fluid may solidify (freeze). dramatically reducing wear in the movement • because most liquid-filled gauges are filled with non-aqueous liquid and hermetically sealed. Temperature fluctuations during shipment and in the process application cause the liquid filling to expand and contract which in turn increases or decreases case pressure. To vent a WIKA gauge. each has its own requirements. As a result. the lever can be left in the open position. At temperatures above the maximum rating. At temperatures below the minimum rating. vibration and changes in pressure. move the valve to the open position which will release any pressure or vacuum built up in the case. ! NOTE: Some parts of the pressure gauge may not be able to withstand temperatures above 140oF. Consult with the factory for technical assistance for these applications. case venting (after the gauge is installed) is necessary to preserve the accuracy. If the gauge is installed in an upright position. The lever allows the use of a gauge in a non-upright orientation. the fluid may break down.Allowable Ambient Temperature Ratings For pressure gauges with full scale ranges of 300 psi and below (including vacuum and compound ranges of 30" Hg-0-200 psi and below). use silicone oils The higher the liquid viscosity. pressure extremes.Temperature range in which the operation of the gauge is not adversely affected by the filling liquid. accuracy can be decreased and the pointer may not return to zero properly until the gauge is vented to the atmosphere. They have low viscosities even at -60oC • if the system has electric accessories.7% USP.ADVANTAGES OF LIQUID-FILLED GAUGES Price List > Advantages of Liquid-filled Gauges Advantages of Liquid-filled Gauges Liquid-filled gauges Liquid-filled pressure gauges provide a number of advantages: • the liquid absorbs vibration and pressure spikes • the dampening action of the liquid enables the operator to take readings during conditions of rapid dynamic loading and vibration • the liquid lubricates all moving elements. Although pure glycerine provides the best performance in most applications. Liquid-filled gauge case venting Choose the right liquid The type of liquid used to fill the gauge varies with the application. 7 . Guidelines to help ensure that a fluid is properly matched to an application are: • if icing is a problem. the greater its dampening capacity. use insulating oils • if extreme temperature fluctuations are expected.3 Centistokes at 100°F Table A . WIKA can recommend specific liquids to suit problem applications. Fill Fluid Allowable Operating Range Glycerine -4°F to 140°F -20°C to 60°C Dow 99. they perform in corrosive environments and are immune to moisture penetration and icing and shock effects are lessened Liquid-filled gauges enhance the reliability and integrity of the measuring system for long periods under extreme operating conditions. Liquid-fill fluid Ambient Temperature Ratings (Table A) Allowable operating range . The suitable degree of dampening depends on the operating requirements the gauge must meet. use gauges filled with silicone oil or other comparable liquids. such as pointer response time. dry case 3 = With liquid-filled case or ready-to-be filled 4 = Square or rectangular housing 8 4 0 DESIGN FEATURES 10 = Standard design (lower mount connection in “100 series”) 11 = Compressed gas gauges or small size stainless steel 12 = Standard design (center back mount connection in “100 series”) 13 = Liquid-filled ABS plastic case 15 = Special stainless steel gauge 20 = Heavy duty case. bayonet ring . crimped ring bezel 54 = Stainless case. o-ring or welded connection to socket. 2 1 3 WETTED PARTS (Parts in contact with the fluid) 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = Special design Copper alloy (brass) Steel Stainless steel Nickel . not actual sensing element) 6 = Nickel .iron alloy (Ni-Span C®) 5 = Plastic (refers to coating or lining. o-ring or welded connection to socket.copper alloy (Monel®) BASIC INSTRUMENT TYPE (Instrument Series) 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = Standard general purpose design High quality industrial design Test & precision test gauges Sealgauge diaphragm gauges Absolute pressure gauges Capsule pressure gauges (low pressure) Differential pressure and duplex gauges Electronic Pressure Measurement line Diaphragm seals CASE FILLING 0 = Special type 1 = Standard type 2 = Increased water protection (splash resistant) . blow-out back case (safety case). separate lens and increased dust and water spray protection 25 = Hinged ring design 30 = Solid-front. usually with bayonet ring.WIKA TYPE NUMBERS Price List > WIKA Type Numbers WIKA Type Numbers The following is a guide to the WIKA model numbering system. 34 = Fiberglass reinforced thermoplastic case “Process Gauge” 40 = Forged brass case 41 = Special design for mining industry 50 = All stainless construction 52 = Gas density monitor or controller 53 = Stainless case. as indicated. do not see the Option(s) needed. 100 psi dial scale. & Location) Additional Options & Accessories SG.or 8-Digit Part Numbers: Example: 9834850 Use the part number for the instrument you wish to order.34 (Type #) 4. we will use the part number only. PM (Additional Options / Accessories) The above example would indicate a 4½” process gauge.5 (Dial Size) 100 psi (Pressure Range) ½” LM (Process Conn. 9 . please contact a WIKA Customer Care or Technical Quote Team representative. lower mount connection with the following selected options: safety glass (SG) and panel mount (PM). A 7-or 8-digit part number will be provided with your order confirmation. You may add as many codes at the end of the descriptive text as is required to configure the product. 8) for additional product type information. If you are not sure what to use for abbreviated Code. If you need additional options. ■ Codes and installed prices are found on a selection chart for each product type. ■ Please reference the WIKA Type Number (pg.WIKA TYPE NUMBERS Price List > WIKA Type Numbers Ordering Guidelines for Pressure Gauges 1) Quick Order 7. separated by commas. then simply spell it out. The part number provided may then be used for re-ordering purposes. you may use Descriptive Text as indicated below (see #2). 2) Descriptive Text Part Number System: Example: Standard Product Description Section 232. NOTE: If you provide a part number and descriptive text. Additional options may be located on the Accessory pages section in the back of the Product Catalog. WIKA product types may already determine many configurations for wetted parts and case fill. dry. ½” NPT connection. ■ Descriptive text can be used anytime you do not find an exact item with a listed part number. or require ordering assistance. ■ Options and accessories should always appear at the end of the descriptive text. If you are unclear. or don’t see a part number referenced for the exact product you need. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.75 50646605 $19.35 4255900 9767991 4255918 9768009 4255926 9768017 LM 4253051 4253060 4253078 4253086 $16.15 4256060 4256078 4256086 4256094 4256107 $28. Reference pages 13 and 14 for 111.25 50402218 $21.25 $20.000 psi List price 5.40 4253248 8990501 8990519 8990527 8990535 $16.500 psi 2.10 4256115 9768025 9768033 9768041 9768050 $23.25 $22.Black Plastic Case Standard features • • • • • Case: Black plastic Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White plastic Type Size Connection Conn.00 50288792 50657569 $14.25 4253027 8990471 4253035 8990489 4253043 8990497 ¼" NPT PSI PSI/KPA $25.35 $25.000 psi 1.45 4253108 4253116 4253124 4253132 4253141 4253159 4253167 4253175 4253183 $21.25 4253001 50786598 50786601 4253019 $21.40 9768068 9768076 9768084 9768092 9768106 9768114 9768122 9768130 9768149 $25.10 options.40 4255977 4255985 4255993 4256000 4256018 4256026 4256034 4256042 4256051 $25.15 9768416 $28.10 General Purpose Gauges . please visit www.consult factory.25 $18.000 psi 1 1½" ⅛" NPT PSI $19. .25 8990039 111.80 8990102 8990110 8990128 8990136 8990145 8990153 8990161 $20.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111.10 2" 50169025 50989309 • • • • 50833383 50396609 50288784 $21.80 8990323 8990331 8990349 8990357 8990365 8990374 8990382 $19.65 9747214 52234681 ⅛" NPT PSI $18. Items without part numbers are available .10 ¼" NPT PSI PSI/KPA $18.40 4253191 4253205 4253213 4253221 4253230 $23. 760 mm Hg inside in red.00 $14. 10 For datasheets and additional information.000 psi 3.40 8990692 4255934 4255942 4255951 4255969 $23.70 52164888 Pointer: Black plastic Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 111.10 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.95 9747222 9747230 9747249 9747257 9747265 9747273 4233372 4233398 $14.00 2½" 4" ¼" NPT PSI PSI/KPA $20.25 4252901 8990250 50786563 50786571 50302418 $15.80 4252919 4252927 4252935 4252943 4252951 4252960 4252978 4252986 4252994 $19. size Press scale1 List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 800 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.40 8990641 8990659 8990667 8990675 8990684 $23.wika.45 8990552 8990560 8990578 8990586 8990595 8990608 8990616 8990625 8990633 $21. 30 8736499 ⅛" NPT PSI $23.10 111. Reference pages 13 and 14 for or call 1-888-945-2872.75 $24.70 50331841 $20.10 options.000 psi 3.10 2" 2½" LM ¼" NPT PSI $22. size Press scale1 List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 800 psi 1.wika.15 4302397 $24. please visit www. 11 .35 4302401 4302443 8991138 8991146 4302419 8991162 4302427 4302435 8991189 $25.consult factory. 760 mm Hg inside in red.00 4302192 ¼" NPT PSI $24.80 $18.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111.000 psi 1 • • • • Case: Black steel Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White plastic 1½" Pointer: Black plastic Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 111. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available .Black Steel Case Standard features • • • • • Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi List price 5.500 psi 2.75 $27. For datasheets and additional information.10 General Purpose Gauges .30 $26.00 50630695 50331787 50331761 50331884 50331698 50369377 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.00 $20.000 psi 1.55 4302206 4302214 4302222 4302231 4302249 4302257 4302265 4302273 4302281 $23. 10 2½" LM ¼" NPT PSI/KPA $40.500 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.45 8736308 8738548 8736464 8736472 8736480 $43. 12 For datasheets and additional information.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111.10 options.30 8735980 8735999 8736006 8736049 8736014 8736022 8736030 $36.000 psi • • • • Pointer: Black plastic Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 111.10 General Purpose Gauges . .10 111.Polished Brass Case Standard features • • • • • Case: Polished brass Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: Polished brass friction ring Dial: White plastic Type Size Connection Conn.40 8736499 Additional scales available. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available .wika.000 psi 1. contact factory for more information.45 8736219 8736227 8736235 8736243 8736251 8736260 8736278 8736286 8736294 $41.000 psi List price 5. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi 30"-0-300 psi 30"-0-400 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 800 psi 1. please visit www.consult factory.000 psi 3. Reference pages 13 and 14 for 111. 60 FR ST 1/8" or 1/4" $2.65 $5. 9 or 12 O'clock position Nickel-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection Mounting Front flange.75 FLT SS Dial.45 $4. stainless steel (add metal case) Connections 1/8" NPT or 1/4" NPT G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4-ISO7 Code 111.40 Dial.85 $4.75 $4.25 REC $2.50 $7. 0.10 $8.60 n/a n/a $3.5 n/a $2.00 $2.90 $3.40 Silicone-dampened movement DAMP $2.70 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 111.05 $9.25 $0.00 $9.3mm orifice Brass.75 Special accuracy / calibration Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.10 1/2 $2.25 TT $0.30 Polycarbonate.05 10-32 $1.70 $0.00 $2.25 n/a $1.85 $1.45 n/a Windows Flat glass (add metal case & ring) Safety glass (add metal case & ring) Pointers Drag pointer.20 $4.00 SAE n/a $8.75 $2.45 $2.00 FLT $3. luminescent Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Movements $2.wika.40 $2.05 $4.40 $16.9.05 $3.45 ±2/1/2% of span 2/1/2% $1.70 FR SS $4.15 G1/8B or G1/4B $0.30 $17.90 $3. red (add metal case & ring) Mark pointer.90 n/a $11.00 $3.45 $2.35 n/a ST BLK $4.10 2" LM 111.00 $0.85 $1.10 4" LM $4.70 $0.75 $1. steel black RF FF n/a $18.00 $8.00 (3.70 $0.00 $0. red (add metal case & ring) Restrictors Brass.70 Rear flange.60 $9. 13 .65 $6. brass GLS n/a $1.60 $2. M5 thread.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter.30 n/a $14.25 $0.75 $3.10 2½" LM PL CHR $1.70 n/a $2. steel black (includes steel case) n/a n/a $3.85 $0.70 n/a $4.75 $1.70 n/a $4.10 Option Case / ring options Chrome-plated plastic Black polycarbonate Black-painted steel Gold-painted steel Chrome-plated steel Stainless steel Friction ring.10 n/a $9. aluminum white DIAL AL $0.90 MP R0.70 $4.00 n/a $19.70 $2.90 ST CHR $5.12)CLK NKL SKT n/a n/a SS R1/8 or R1/4 7/16-20 SAE n/a 111. SS Dials & scales n/a LUM $4.60 $2. snap-in PC $0.20 PC ST GOLD 1/2" NPT 3.00 $0.75 $1.05 $7.70 $0.70 $11.95 $2.00 $2.40 $2.00 $2.90 $3.25 n/a n/a $23. 0.45 $2.10 $7.25 $0.10 1½" LM 111.70 $0. press-fit. black-painted steel (add metal case) Friction ring.75 $2.25 $1.75 $1.85 SG n/a n/a $4.00 $4.70 $11.25 $4.05 $1.40 R $2.25 n/a $0.75 n/a $2.10 Options for type 111.45 $9.60 n/a $0. please visit www.35 DP Sintered metal filter. wika. n/a .45 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.45 $19.40 For datasheets and additional information. 262 Needle valves.75 n/a $16.10 Option Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Code 111.60 $16.45 $19.45 TIRE n/a Serial number on dial SER# Blue rubber cover BCOV Tire valve on connection Red rubber cover RCOV Black rubber cover KCOV Other options available $3. logos and other artwork charges $3. please visit www.10 2" LM 111.10 4" LM O2 $19.60 $22.10 Options for type 111.60 Refer to pages 263.95 n/a $16.10 1½" LM 111.40 $6. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 $16. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 14 $3.60 n/a n/a n/a Refer to pages 261.95 $6.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 111.10 2½" LM 111.60 $16.40 n/a Calibration and material certificates Special scales.40 $3. 45 9692881 $22.wika. PSI outside in black.45 $16.Black Plastic Case Standard features • • • • • Case: Black plastic Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White plastic Type Size Connection Conn.12 options.consult factory.75 9691256 ¹ “PSI/KG/CM²” denotes dual scale.12 2" 1½" ⅛" NPT PSI PSI/KG/CM² $20.25 9690209 9690217 9690225 9690234 9690242 9690250 4233355 4354385 9690285 $22.45 $16.45 4256585 4253353 52255034 52207374 4253361 $22. please visit www.45 $19.00 4253264 4253272 4253281 4253290 4253302 4253311 4253329 4253337 4253345 $20.00 $16.20 $16.75 4253541 4253559 4253567 4253575 4253583 $24.75 9691205 9691214 9691222 9691230 9691248 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.05 9765654 8985823 $24.60 $21.95 9690128 9692635 CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI/KPA $19.80 4253451 4253460 4253478 4253486 4253494 4253507 4253515 4253523 4253531 $22.80 9691116 9691125 9691133 9691141 9691159 9691167 9691175 9691184 9691192 $22. Note: Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.000 psi List price 5.45 9692784 50982746 4300017 50404768 $17. For datasheets and additional information.00 9692792 9692805 9692814 9692822 9692830 9692848 9692856 50676474 9692873 $20.000 psi 3.45 9690357 50741713 2½" PSI/KG/CM² $19.12 111. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi 30"-0-300 psi 30"-0-400 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 800 psi 1.000 psi 1. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available .GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111.20 ¼" NPT PSI PSI/KPA $21. KG/CM² inside in red.20 9692899 $22.45 4253256 9690586 ⅛" NPT PSI $19.00 8986154 $24.500 psi 2.00 9690438 9690446 9690455 9690463 9690471 9690489 9690497 4386082 4228930 $20.60 4253371 9691035 4253389 9691044 4253397 9691052 4253400 9691060 4253418 9691078 4253426 9691086 4253434 9691095 $17.00 9690667 9690675 9690684 9690692 9690705 9690714 9690722 $20.95 $20.05 $17.12 General Purpose Gauges . 760 mm Hg inside in red.20 50075322 $22.000 psi • • • • Pointer: Black plastic Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 111. 15 .25 9692644 9691923 9692652 9692660 9692678 9692686 $22.75 4253591 $17. Reference pages 17 and 18 for 111. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi 30"-0-300 psi 30"-0-400 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 800 psi 1.10 $19.55 9311887 $33.Black Steel Case Standard features • • • • • Case: Black steel Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White plastic Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi List price 5.70 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111. Items without part numbers are available .500 psi 2.12 General Purpose Gauges .000 psi 1½" ⅛" NPT PSI $25. please visit www. . 16 For datasheets and additional information.20 $28.05 $25.12 options.95 Pointer: Black plastic Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 111. Reference pages 17 and 18 for 111.00 4301838 $21.75 4302010 4302028 4302036 4302044 4302052 4302061 4302079 4302087 4302095 $24.wika.70 $40.12 2½" CBM/UC ¼" NPT PSI/KPA $37. 760 mm Hg inside in red.12 2" CBM ¼" NPT PSI $23.000 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.30 4301846 4234090 4301854 4301862 4233395 4301871 • • • • 111. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.20 4302001 $26.75 9311895 9311909 9311925 9311934 9311942 9311917 9311950 $38.000 psi 1.consult factory. 25 $1.00 $2.85 n/a $4.65 $7.3mm orifice Brass.45 n/a n/a $4. SS FLT FLT SS $3.70 $11.45 $2.95 n/a PC $0. M5 thread.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter.90 n/a $3.10 NKL SKT $4.00 $2. 17 .75 $1.05 $1.45 $9.40 $4.70 SG n/a n/a $4.75 $2.75 Special accuracy / calibration Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information. steel chrome (includes steel case) U-clamp.35 DP n/a n/a $23.00 $2. black-painted steel (add metal case) Connections 1/8" NPT or 1/4" NPT G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4-ISO7 7/16-20 SAE Nickel-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection Mounting Front flange.25 TT $0.75 $3.95 n/a 10-32 FF CHR $1. aluminum white DIAL AL $0.70 $0.75 $1.70 $0.wika.12 Options for type 111.40 n/a UC SS $15.75 $2.05 $2.90 $3.70 $0.60 $2.70 n/a $2.85 n/a $4.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 111.70 $0.70 FF n/a n/a $20.70 $0. red (add metal case & ring) Restrictors Brass.40 $2.65 111.40 111.70 $7.70 $0. snap-in Flat glass (add metal case & ring) Safety glass (add metal case & ring) Pointers Drag pointer.25 n/a $1. brass Dials & scales Dial.95 SS $11.12 4" CBM n/a n/a $3. black steel case Windows Polycarbonate.25 n/a $2.75 $1.60 ST BLK Chrome-plated steel ST CHR Friction ring. 0.85 n/a n/a UC ST $15. black steel case UC.40 n/a $2.25 $4. chrome-plated steel (add metal case) FR CHR Friction ring. luminescent Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Movements MP R0. black ring.95 n/a n/a $15.95 $15.25 $0.60 $2.12 2" CBM n/a $3.60 $2.25 $1.25 REC Mark pointer.70 $4. steel black (includes steel case) Front flange.25 n/a n/a $4.40 Silicone dampened movement DAMP $2. red (add metal case & ring) $4.5 LUM n/a n/a $4.12 1½" CBM PL CHR $1.00 $8.00 Sintered metal filter. chrome ring.30 $14. press-fit.10 $0.25 n/a $1.00 $8.12 2½" CBM 111.00 $8.45 $2. black steel case U-clamp.00 R1/8 or R1/4 $2. please visit www.90 $3.70 $11.15 $3.00 $0.45 $3.60 G1/8B or G1/4B SAE $0.45 ±2/1/2% of span 2/1/2% $1.70 $0.90 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1/8" or 1/4" $0. 0.45 $2.00 $0. pol ss ring.12 Option Case / ring options Chrome-plated plastic Black-painted steel Stainless steel Code 111.10 $0.85 $23.40 n/a $4.45 n/a UC GLS $1.70 FR ST $2.10 n/a R $2.00 n/a $0.00 $0.90 or call 1-888-945-2872.90 $3. 45 $3.12 Options for type 111.60 n/a SER# RCOV Clear plastic adaptor ring Black plastic adaptor ring Other options available Calibration and material certificates Special scales.12 2½" CBM 111.12 2" CBM 111.60 $16.40 $16. logos and other artwork charges Needle valves.45 $19.40 n/a n/a n/a . 265 Refer to pages 255-259 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 18 For datasheets and additional information.40 n/a $4.12 Option Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Serial number on dial Blue rubber cover Red rubber cover Black rubber cover Code 111.12 4" CBM O2 $19.45 Refer to pages 261.95 $3.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 111. 262 Refer to pages 263.wika.45 BCOV n/a $16.45 $3.60 $16. please visit www.60 $22.60 $3.45 $19.75 n/a $16.12 1½" CBM 111.45 $19. siphons and other accessories KCOV CRNG BRNG $3.40 n/a n/a n/a $ or call 1-888-945-2872. $3. 11RF 111. For datasheets and additional information.11RF 2½" Size Connection Conn.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111. 19 .consult factory. please visit www. 350 psi Blue ABS case 500 psi Red ABS case LM ⅛" NPT PSI & R134a $ or call 1-888-945-2872. R22.35 $22.Refrigeration Gauges Standard features • • • • • • Case: Red or blue ABS Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Twist-lock polycarbonate Window ring: None Dial: White aluminum Pointer: Black aluminum Type Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±1/2/5% of span Zero adjustment screw on dial Flutterless movement Datasheet: 111.11RF General Purpose Gauges .35 4239165 4258526 4239173 4258534 Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available . size PSI & R12.wika. R502 Press scale¹ List price • • • • • 30" Hg/0/120 psi rtd. wika.10 4233779 $2.00 R For datasheets and additional information.10SP 4" LM ¼" NPT PSI $22.10SP or call 1-888-945-2872.35 4233761 $25. brass 20 • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 111.Fire Sprinkler Gauges Standard features • • • • • Case: Black polycarbonate Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White plastic Type Size Connection Conn.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111. .10SP General Purpose Gauges . please visit www. size Press scale List price 300 psi “WATER” List price 80 psi rated to 250 psi “AIR” Accessories (installed) Restrictor. 10 ¼" NPT PSI PSI $30.wika.10 8611009 8611017 8611025 8611033 8611041 8611050 8611076 8611084 $27.45 8079633 8985025 8985030 8079650 9735232 8985026 8985027 8985028 8985031 8985032 8985033 $28.10 $25. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available .90 PSI $28.000 psi 6.35 $25.000 psi 4.65 $34.70 $25.consult factory.11 General Purpose Gauges .05 $26.11 111.000 psi 3. For datasheets and additional information. size Press scale List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 30 psi Red band 60 psi 100 psi 200 psi 400 psi 600 psi 1. 21 .Compressed Gas Gauges Standard features • • • • • Case: Gold-painted steel or polished brass Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Twist-lock polycarbonate Window ring: None Dial: White aluminum Type Size Case Connection Conn.11 2½" 2½" Polished brass PSI $32.45 $23.65 8610851 8610860 8610878 8610886 8610894 8610908 8610924 8610932 $37.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111.10 • • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span UL Listed Datasheet: 111. please visit www.500 psi 2.05 $29.000 psi List price or call 1-888-945-2872.95 $40.000 psi 1½" 2" Gold-painted steel ⅛" NPT PSI $30.consult factory.45 8985034 8611106 8611122 8611114 8610959 8610967 8610975 8079617 N/A ¼" NPT LM 2" 8985029 Items without part numbers are available . 75 $1.25 $1.00 FLT $3.11 2½" LM ST BLK $0.wika.00 BR CHR n/a $4.70 $4. SS Dials & scales Dial.75 $10.00 $2.00 $8.75 $4. M5 thread. .45 $2.60 ST CHR 1/8" or 1/4" $3.90 10-32 R0. press-fit.11 Option Case / ring options Black-painted steel Chrome-plated steel Chrome-plated brass Connections 1/8" NPT or 1/4" NPT G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4-ISO7 7/16-20 SAE Nickel-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection Restrictors Brass.85 $2.25 $1.85 $2. 0.70 R $2.25 TT $0. luminescent Code 111.45 n/a n/a Silicone dampened movement DAMP $2. 0.10 $2. 262 Needle valves.00 $2.10 NKL SKT $4.45 ±2/1/2% of span 2/1/2% $1.00 $0. brass Sintered metal filter.40 G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4 SAE $0.90 $3. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.70 $0.45 $2.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter.3mm orifice ¹ Brass.10 $0.75 $4.90 $3.00 n/a $8.60 $3.500PSI and higher Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 22 For datasheets and additional information.40 $0.00 $0.11 1½" LM 111.85 $2.00 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 111.60 $2.11 Options for type 111. 265 ¹ Restrictor standard for ranges 1. please visit www.00 $3.11 2" LM 111.70 $4.75 $1. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.70 LUM $4.75 Movements Special accuracy / calibration Other options available Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.00 $0.00 $2.5 FLT SS $1.70 $0.40 $0.75 $4. com or call 1-888-945-2872.05 4231287 4231295 4231309 4231317 4231325 4231333 $25.40 $28.55 $25. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 800 psi 1.16PM General Purpose Gauges .16PM U-Clamp: Steel zinc plated 111.05 4231279 ¹Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.50 $26.000 psi • • • • • Pointer: Black Plastic Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 111.05 4231350 4231368 4231376 4231384 4231392 4231406 4231414 $25.16PM 1½" 2" CBM/UC ⅛" NPT PSI $27.U-clamp Panel Mounting for US Size Standard features • • • • • Case: Black plastic Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Dial: White plastic Profile Ring: Stainless steel polished (1½"). Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available . standard chrome plated (2") Type Size Connection Conn.55 $26.40 ⅛" NPT PSI $25.500 psi 2. 760 mm Hg inside in red.05 4231431 4231449 4231457 4231465 4231473 4231481 4231490 $24.95 $28.000 psi List price 5.000 psi 1.05 4231422 $23. 23 . please visit www.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111.wika. For datasheets and additional information.05 4231341 ¼" NPT PSI/KPA $27.consult factory.000 psi 3. 40 1/8" or 1/4" $0.45 Sintered metal filter. aluminum white DIAL AL $0.5 $2.16PM 1½" CBM 111.75 O2 $19.3mm orifice Brass.90 Refer to pages 263.70 Dial.75 Sintered metal filter.85 TT $ or call 1-888-945-2872. please visit www. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 24 For datasheets and additional information. 0.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 111.00 $2.75 $1. logos and other artwork charges $3. SS FLT SS $4.16PM 2" CBM SS PRNG $3. SS crimped Connections 1/8" NPT or 1/4" NPT G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4-ISO7 7/16-20 SAE Nickel-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection Restrictors Brass.wika.5mm orifice Code 111.00 $0.60 $2. 262 Needle valves.70 $4.25 Silicone dampened movement DAMP $2.70 R $2.70 $0.25 $4.16PM Options for type 111.10 $1.25 $0.45 $19.40 $3. .45 ±2/1/2% of span 2/1/2% $1.00 SAE n/a R1/8 or R1/4 NKL SKT 10-32 $0.60 $4. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.45 $2.00 R0.75 $2.16PM Option Case / ring options Profile ring. M5 thread. press-fit.00 G1/8B or G1/4B $0.85 $8.90 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. brass Dials & scales Movements Special accuracy / calibration Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Other options available FLT $3.25 $1. 0.00 $2. please visit or call 1-888-945-2872. For datasheets and additional information.25CT General Purpose Gauges . size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi 30"-0-300 psi 30"-0-400 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 1 • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±1% of span Datasheet: 111.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 111. 25 .consult factory.20 LM ¼" NPT PSI/KPA $32.20 4277750 4277768 4277776 4277784 4277792 4277806 4277814 4277822 4277831 $32.Contractor's Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Stainless steel Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.wika.20 4277687 4277695 4277709 4277717 4277725 4277733 4277741 4277849 4277857 4277865 4277873 4277881 4277890 4277903 $32.25CT 4½" PSI $32. 760 mm Hg inside in red.20 4277911 4277920 4277938 4277946 4277954 4277962 4277971 4277989 4277997 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available .25CT 111. 25CT Options for type 111.60 G1/4B NKL SKT 10-32 $0.70 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. . M5 thread.45 Movements Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Other options available $4. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 26 For datasheets and additional information.25CT Option Case / ring options Black-painted steel Connections 1/8" NPT or 1/4" NPT G1/4B R1/4-ISO7 Nickel-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon tape on connection ® Mounting Rear flange.wika.75 Sintered metal filter.00 FLT $3.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 111. 0.3mm orifice Brass.90 R0.5 $2.45 O2 $19.00 R1/4 $2.00 1/8" or 1/4" $0.85 TT $0.00 $4. 0.25 $1. 262 Needle valves. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263. SS Restrictors Brass.45 R $2. brass Code 111. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.70 RF $ or call 1-888-945-2872. SS FLT SS Silicone dampened movement DAMP $2. please visit www. press-fit.25CT 4½" LM ST BLK $0.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter. 05 9677976 9677984 9677992 9678000 9678018 9693726 9693734 9693742 9693750 $36.13 2½" LM CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI $35.45 9677909 9693289 9677925 9677933 9677941 9677950 9677968 $34.ABS Case. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available .13 General Purpose Gauges . 760 mm Hg inside in red.wika.80 9693815 9693459 $ or call 1-888-945-2872. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.000 psi 1½" CBM ⅛" NPT PSI $33.85 9693785 9693793 9693807 $41. 27 .80 9693467 9693475 9693483 $43.25 $32. Liquid-filled Standard features • • • • • Case: Black ABS Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White ABS Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi List price 1.000 psi 3. please visit www.70 50078062 • Pointer: Black ABS • Case fill: Glycerine • Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span (1½" size) ±2/1/2% of span (2" & 2½" sizes) • Datasheet: 113.500 psi 2.75 9693491 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 113.00 4230233 9738240 9738258 9738266 9738274 50603027 50603035 50983556 $35.000 psi List price 5.consult factory.13 113.00 9693351 9693360 9693378 9693386 9693394 9693408 9693416 9693424 9693432 9693777 $39.50 $37. For datasheets and additional information.80 50078054 $38. 25 n/a $4.85 $12.45 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. 262 Needle valves. M5 thread.90 $6.5 $12.5 DIAL AL LUM n/a $4.85 $0.60 $0.55 PNTR AL $0.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Silicone 350 cst Connections 1/8" NPT or 1/4" NPT G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4-ISO7 Nickel-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection Mounting Front flange.75 $5.90 $3.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 113.70 FF n/a n/a n/a $11. brass GLY86.75 UC R0.13 Options for type 113.13 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine / water (86.90 FLT $5.90 $3.85 $0. .85 $12.13 2½" CBM $12.05 $0. press-fit. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.70 $4.70 $6.70 $0.00 $0. black ABS U-clamp.60 $2.25 $4.85 FLT SS Other options available $6.60 $1.85 $12. logos and other artwork charges $6. luminescent $6.20 113.00 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.25 $0.wika. SS Dials & scales 113.3mm orifice Brass. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 28 For datasheets and additional information.20 113.25 $4.00 $12.20 $12.00 NKL SKT $4.25 $0.85 SIL50 1/8" x 1/4" $12.85 $0.45 Refer to pages 263.05 $0.25 R1/8 or R1/4 10-32 $2. 0.85 Dial. 0.90 $6. steel bracket Pointers Black aluminum Restrictors Brass.85 $0.75 $5.00 $2.25 $1.13 1½" CBM Code $0.00 G1/8B or G1/4B $1.13 2½" LM SIL1000 Sintered metal filter. aluminum white Dial.5 / 13.85 TT $0.85 SIL350 $12.5) Silicone 1.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter.90 $6.25 $4.05 $0.25 R $3. please visit www. wika.SS Case.53 General Purpose Gauges .000 psi 3.53 1½" PSI $34.000 psi List price 1.000 psi 5. 760 mm Hg inside in red. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available .05 50700821 50700847 50700855 50700863 50700871 50700880 50700898 $38.85 50701002 50701011 50701029 50701061 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. 29 .500 psi or call 1-888-945-2872. Liquid-filled Standard features • • • • • Case: Stainless steel Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Acrylic Window ring: SS. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.60 50701525 50701533 50701541 50701550 50701568 50701576 50701584 $32.53 113.95 50701592 50701606 50701614 50701622 50701631 50701649 50701657 50701665 50701673 50702581 $36.GENERAL PURPOSE MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > 113. For datasheets and additional information.5% of span Datasheet: 113. please visit www.40 50700901 50700910 50700928 50700936 50700944 50700952 50700961 50700979 50700987 50700995 $41. crimped Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi LM • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: Glycerine Accuracy: ±2.60 50702424 50702432 50702441 50702459 50702467 50702475 50702483 $32.30 50702599 50702602 50702611 50702629 50701681 $36.30 50701690 50701703 50701711 50701720 CBM/UC PSI $41.95 50702491 50702505 50702513 50702521 50702530 50702548 50702556 50702564 50702572 CBM ⅛" NPT PSI $34.consult factory. 0. brass Sintered metal filter.05 $4.wika.85 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.40 R1/8 or R1/4 10-32 $2.70 $0.5 FLT SS $4.40 $6.75 $5. 0. logos and other artwork charges 113.53 1½" CBM/UC $4. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 30 For datasheets and additional information. M5 thread.53 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine / water (86.70 R $3.00 NKL SKT $6.5 / 13.05 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.5 113.90 $6. 262 Needle valves.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter. press-fit.90 $3.05 Refer to pages 263.20 SIL50 $12.3mm orifice Brass.85 $2.90 FLT $5.5) Silicone 50 cst Connections G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4-ISO7 Zinc-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon tape on connection ® Restrictors Brass. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.90 $6.00 $0.53 1½" LM $6.00 $0.70 $0.60 $1.75 R0.53 Options for type 113.60 $1.60 $1. .85 $12.85 TT $0.75 $5.40 $6. please visit www.20 $6.85 G1/8 or G1/4 $0.MECHANICAL PRESSURE GENERAL PURPOSE Mechanical Pressure > General Purpose Gauges > Options for 113.90 $6.53 1½" CBM $6. SS Other options available Code GLY86.85 $12.90 $3.20 113. 000 psi 1.consult or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi 3.70 50079492 9117946 9117938 9117920 9117911 50079506 50079514 8995260 50079531 $80.65 $71.90 $82.95 $69.10 50100416 50100424 50100823 50100831 50913883 50833731 LM CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI $64.50 50009711 50100254 50009690 50009702 50100262 52001547 50079565 50856529 50079581 52023427 Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: None Accuracy: ±2.80 8993241 8993259 8993267 8993284 8993305 8993275 8993292 8993314 $59.000 psi LM 1½" CBM ⅛" NPT PSI PSI $77. please visit www.80 2" 50100289 50100301 50100319 $59.30 50025228 9118128 9118101 9118098 9118080 9192522 4302621 4218630 9176640 $73.05 N/A N/A 50099183 50079441 50872311 50079450 50099191 50079476 $71.65 4232120 9118039 9118020 9118012 9117997 $66. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available . 31 . 760 mm Hg inside in red.5% of span Datasheet: 131.500 psi 2.95 52207943 8993348 50596535 8993330 $69.65 $71.11 131.000 psi 5.SS Case.11 LM CBM ⅛" NPT PSI PSI $64.65 $66.11 Industrial Gauges .10 8993356 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 131. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi List price 1.80 9118063 9118071 9118055 9118047 9117970 9117989 9117962 9117954 50951131 50100769 50561294 50648039 $61. SS Wetted Parts Standard features • • • • • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi 10.45 $86.80 50100980 9117903 9117890 9117881 9117865 8999835 8999851 50100882 9206213 50100912 $61.wika. For datasheets and additional information. 50 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.11 Option Case / ring options SS case with blowout plug Friction ring.90 $0.80 $4.15 Dial.70 or call 1-888-945-2872. 262 Needle valves.25 $4. SS chrome-plated Connections 1/8" NPT or 1/4" NPT G1/8B or G1/4B R1/8 or R1/4-ISO7 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection Mounting Front flange.80 $1.11 1½" CBM 131.50 $19.15 $3.65 $7.00 10-32 $1.80 $4.00 $0.30 $7.6mm orifice Sintered metal filter.70 $0.30 Flat glass (add friction ring) GLS $3.30 $7.50 Refer to pages 263.30 n/a $26.60 $20.00 $0.00 $1.90 TT $0. 0.15 $7.95 FR SS 1/8" x 1/4" $7.80 FR CHR $9. SS matte-finish Friction ring.00 $2.50 $3.15 $7.60 $20. pol SS ring.30 $7.50 $3. M4 threads. steel bracket UC FF n/a $26. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 32 $7.30 $7.90 $1.80 O2 $20.60 $20.80 $1.15 $0. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.60 Windows Safety glass (add friction ring) Restrictors SS.70 $0.11 1½" LM 131.50 $3.80 $1.95 $9.50 R $7.90 R1/8 or R1/4 $2.15 $3.00 $0. luminescent LUM $4. logos and other artwork charges n/a $4.15 $3.25 $4.65 $2.65 G1/8B or G1/4B $0. SS polished Code 131.15 For datasheets and additional information.15 $7.95 $9.65 $1.11 2" CBM SS BO $4.55 $4. $19.15 $0.50 .95 $9. please visit www.15 $3.80 $4.15 $0.11 Options for type 131. SS Dials & scales Special accuracy / calibration Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Serial number on dial Other options available SG FLT SS SER# n/a $4.00 $7.70 $0.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 131.00 $2.wika.11 2" LM 131.55 n/a n/a ±2/1/2% of span 2/1/2% $1. 25 4285469 LM ½" NPT PSI $92. For datasheets and additional information. size Press scale¹ List price 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi List price 1.000 psi • • • • ¼" NPT PSI $92.53 4" Size Connection Conn.000 psi 3. please visit www.consult factory.25 4285329 4285337 4285345 4285353 4285361 4285370 4285388 4285396 4285400 $96.25 4285477 4285485 4285493 4285507 4285515 4285523 4285531 4285540 4285558 $96. 760 mm Hg inside in red.53 Industrial Gauges .000 psi List price 15.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 13X.500 psi 2.000 psi 10. fillable Accuracy: ±3/2/3% of span Datasheet: 13X.Economy SS Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Acrylic Window ring: SS. crimped Dial: White aluminum Type Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: None.53 13X. Factory stocked items shown in bold print Items without part numbers are available . 33 .25 4285612 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.wika.40 4285418 4285426 4285434 4285442 4285451 $117.40 4285566 4285574 4285582 4285591 4285604 $117.000 psi 5. please visit www.00 O2 $20.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 13X.40 1/4" or 1/2" $0.5 $20.5 / 13. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263. 9 or 12 O'clock connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection $16. .90 TT $0. 0.12) CLK $ or call 1-888-945-2872.40 SIL1000 SIL350 Connections 132.5) Silicone 1. 262 Needle valves.9.00 $1.53 Option Case / ring options Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.53 Options for type 13X.40 $34. SS RF $23. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.75 SS.53 4" LM $34.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Silicone 350 cst Code 133.00 (3.25 G1/4B or G1/2B 10-32 $0.50 GLY86.70 SIL50 $34.60 Mounting Restrictors Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Other options available Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. M4 threads.6mm orifice R $7. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 34 For datasheets and additional information.wika.53 1/4" NPT or 1/2" NPT G1/4B or G1/2B 3.70 Rear flange. please visit www.000 psi 211.00 52092151 30"-0-30 psi 50662155 30"-0-100 psi 50081730 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi $486.000 psi 10.11 4273321 15. adjustable • Case fill: None • Accuracy: ±1% of span • Datasheet: 2X1.000 psi List price or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi 50081799 List price $646. size Press scale¹ List price LM ½" NPT PSI/BAR $516.00 5.00 4273193 50081764 4273214 200 psi 4273231 400 psi 4273258 300 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.000 psi For datasheets and additional information.wika. 35 .000 psi 4273240 4273266 4273274 4273282 $560.11 Industrial Gauges .Large 10" Dial Size Standard features • • • • • Case: Black-painted steel Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Flat glass Window ring: Black-painted steel Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.11 10" 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi • Pointer: Black aluminum.00 4273303 3.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 211.500 psi 2. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.20 TT $0. please visit www.10 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.00 LBM $36.15 $20.11 Option Connections Code G1/2B G1/2 10-32 internal tap 10-32 Lower back mount (LBM) connection Teflon® tape on connection Mounting Front flange.60 $252.75 $7. . M4 threads. 262 Needle valves.60 R $7.60 Red mark pointer on window MP $117.70 $1.25 Safety glass SG $45.90 Rear flange.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 211.11 10" LM $0.wika. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 36 For datasheets and additional or call 1-888-945-2872. 0.15 Windows Pointers Red drag pointer on window Restrictors SS.25 $121.6mm orifice Sintered metal filter.11 Options for type 211. SS Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) 316L SS wetted parts Other options available DP FLT SS O2 231. black-painted steel RF FF $145. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.11 $139. black-painted steel 211. 00 4287992 4288000 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.SS Case.000 psi 1 $258.wika.00 4287968 4287984 $382. bayonet Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.20 212. 37 . 760 mm Hg inside in red.500 psi 4287950 3. please visit or call 1-888-945-2872. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum.00 4287836 4287844 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 4287852 60 psi 4287879 30 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 4287861 4287887 4287895 4287909 4287917 4287925 4287933 1.000 psi 15.000 psi 4287976 List price 2.000 psi List price 10. Brass Wetted Parts Standard features • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Flat glass Window ring: 304 SS. For datasheets and additional information.20 6" LM ½" NPT PSI $284.00 15 psi $338.000 psi 5.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 212. adjustable Case fill: None Accuracy: ±1% of span Datasheet: 212.20 Industrial Gauges .000 psi 4287941 1. 65 $63.80 Movement Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Accuracy ± 0.5% of span Other options available O2 or call 1-888-945-2872.12)CLK SG Polycarbonate Pointers Red mark pointer on window Red drag pointer on window Restrictors SS. SS U-clamp.05 $20. please visit www.50 $31.00 TT $0.9.15 $31.75 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.20 6" LM G1/2 $0.20 Option Connections G1/2B 10-32 internal tap Teflon tape on connection ® Mounting Front flange. 262 Needle valves.70 10-32 FF Rear flange. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 38 For datasheets and additional information. SS FLT SS R $7.5% $7. .30 MP $15. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.55 DP $96.60 $64.90 $86.20 PC $18.6mm orifice $1.20 $22. M4 threads.15 Silicone dampened movement DAMP $33. SS Code 212. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.10 Sintered metal filter. 0.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 212.20 Options for type 212. polished SS ring and SS bracket 3. 9 or 12 o'clock mounting Windows Safety glass RF UC (3.wika. 05 $192.15 $85.consult factory.80 9314555 9314563 9314571 9314580 9314598 9314601 9314610 $174.30 9314750 9314768 9314776 9314784 $225.05 9314296 9314300 9314318 9314326 9314334 9314342 9314350 $188.15 9455922 $96.00 9310789 9310797 9310800 9310819 $82.10 $174.000 psi 5.70 9314385 9314393 9314407 9314415 9314423 9314431 9314440 9314458 9314466 9314474 9314482 $204.85 9734109 9318070 9318089 9318097 9318100 9318119 9318127 9318135 $68.000 psi List price 1.50 213.50 4" ¼" NPT PSI $177.50 9455949 9455957 9455965 9456120 9455981 9442979 9442987 9455990 9456007 9128832 9456015 $79.Forged Brass Case.40 Case: Forged brass Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Acrylic Window ring: SS.50 9734215 9734223 9734231 9746072 9734257 9734265 8985774 9746048 $79.25 9318291 $96.70 $188.10 9207511 9456023 9435220 9442995 $85.60 9314539 ½" NPT PSI $177.35 $260.500 psi 2.50 9734117 9318143 9734125 9318151 9734134 9318160 9734142 9318178 8986216 9318186 9318194 9798870 9318208 9318216 8985815 9318224 9318232 9798404 9318240 $76.40 CBM PSI/KPA $74.000 psi 3.40 $99.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 213.40 $71.60 9413960 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.15 9325107 $96. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.75 9318003 9318011 9318020 9318038 9318046 9318054 9318062 $68.30 9314237 9314245 9314253 9314261 $225.25 $99.55 $204.000 psi LM PSI $71.40 Industrial Gauges .35 $239.10 9734193 9318259 9318267 8985566 9318275 9318283 $82. Items without part numbers are available . crimped Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. For datasheets and additional information.35 9314270 $274. 39 .50 LM PSI/BAR $74.10 8985829 8985831 $85.40 2½" ¼" NPT PSI/BAR PSI $71.35 9314792 $260.85 9455930 9325662 9325689 9325816 9149872 9325972 9326251 $71.55 9314490 9324143 9314504 9325026 9314512 9480609 9314520 9413448 $239.85 9734312 $71. Liquid-filled Standard features • • • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum • Case fill: Glycerine • Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span (2½" size) ±1% of span (4" size) • Datasheet: 213. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.000 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.00 $79.25 9128840 $99.40 9310673 9310681 9310690 9310703 9310711 9310720 9310738 9310746 9310754 9310762 9310770 $76.wika.80 $274. please visit www.40 9790454 PSI/KPA $71.40 9456155 9456171 9456210 9456228 9456180 9456236 9442871 9611452 9456244 9690115 9456252 $76.75 9456198 9613862 9456163 9456201 9679928 9679936 9442863 $68. 760 mm Hg inside in red.000 psi List price 7.45 9314644 9314652 9314660 9314679 9314687 9314695 9314709 9314717 9314725 9314733 9314741 $190.500 psi List price 10.75 $74.00 9456260 9455906 9455914 9456279 $82.10 LBM ¼" NPT ½" NPT PSI PSI $192.45 9314121 9314130 9314148 9314156 9314164 9314172 9314180 9314199 9314202 9314210 9314229 $190. 55 .MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 213. with compensating membrane Pointers Drag pointer.15 $38.70 $0.70 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $80.20 $39. 262 Needle valves.25 $9.65 U-clamp.65 SAE $23.95 $5. 9 or 12 O'clock position Teflon® tape on connection Mounting Front flange.95 $5.40 n/a $34. M3.95 $6.55 $23.00 $34. chrome-plated SS.35 $99.00 $13.00 $2.70 $99. chrome-plated steel FF CHR $30.00 $0. press-fit.25 n/a n/a Glycerine / water (86.95 $6.70 $6.70 $30.20 $39.00 R1/4-ISO7 R1/4 G1/4 7/16-20 SAE $20.45 n/a $38. chrome-plated steel ring.00 n/a $7.60 $6.70 $91.12)CLK FF BR F CHR RF $9.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter.70 FF SS $39.00 $0.3mm orifice Brass.35 COMP $7.95 $6.20 n/a n/a Front flange.00 G1/8B G1/4B $7. black-painted steel Rear flange.70 n/a Front flange.9.70 $6.65 n/a $38.70 $6. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales. chrome-plated brass Rear flange.95 $6.00 $34.75 n/a $23. chrome-plated brass (3.70 $0.20 Cover ring.70 n/a SIL1000 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst n/a For datasheets and additional information.45 n/a $38.40 4" LM 213.00 $13.05 $9. please visit www. no holes FF WO $39.60 $6.65 $2.35 R $6. steel bracket UC n/a $30.00 $34.45 SIL 350 G1/8 $0. brass Sintered metal filter.wika.15 DP MP Restrictors $75.00 $2.40 2½" CBM 213.70 $0.55 TT $0.65 $0. $75.75 n/a $23.20 RF n/a n/a 3. SS polished Front flange.55 Refer to pages 263.65 $2.5 thread.5) GLY86. 0. brass polished Front flange.95 FLT $6.45 $80.95 $6.70 $13.95 R0.55 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.00 $13.45 $80.35 $31.40 4" LBM Forged brass case.00 $0.70 Flat glass GLS $31.5 / 13.15 $7.70 $16.55 $23.00 $34. SS Dials & scales Serial number on dial Other options available $34.95 $5. silver painted CS SILV $6.40 Options for type 213.80 $91.00 n/a $ or call 1-888-945-2872.20 $16.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.00 n/a $34.00 $34.80 $9. red SG Brass. 0.05 $30. logos and other artwork charges $9.5 Option Case / ring options Forged brass case.00 $20.55 $91.45 $13.55 $23.70 $30. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 40 $1.15 Windows Safety glass PMMA.5 FLT SS SER# $91.95 $6. red Mark pointer. polished brass BR RNG $9.70 n/a $80.000 cst Silicone 50 cst CS BLK Connections $13.95 $5. black painted Case/Ring Options Silicone 1.40 Code 213.70 $46.95 $6.40 2½" LM 213. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.00 9838932 $338. crimped Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi 3.000 psi • • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: None. 760 mm Hg inside in red.Forged Brass Case Paper Machine Gauges Standard features • • • • • Case: Forged brass Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Acrylic Window ring: SS.wika. fillable Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span Polished SS front flange Datasheet: 21X.500 psi 2. For datasheets and additional information.00 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.consult factory.000 psi 5.40PM 3½" LBM/FF ¼" NPT PSI $ or call 1-888-945-2872.00 8998804 8998812 8998820 9838940 8998838 8998846 8998855 8998863 8998871 $413.000 psi List price 1. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.40PM Industrial Gauges . 41 .INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 21X.40PM 212. Items without part numbers are available . please visit www. 5 thread. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 42 For datasheets and additional or call 1-888-945-2872. brass Sintered metal filter. M3. press-fit. 262 Needle valves.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 212.00 GLY86.5) Silicone 1.70 SG $30.00 SER# $5. with compensating membrane Restrictors Brass.05 R $6. . 0.3mm orifice Brass.00 $0.40PM $16.95 FLT $7.40PM Option Case Liquid Fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86. 0. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.40PM 3½" LBM/FF 213.80 $695 $6.wika.5 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 G1/4B or G1/2B G1/4 or G1/2 Connections Teflon tape on connection ® Windows Safety glass PMMA. SS Dials & scales Serial number on dial Other options available $20.95 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.45 $34.30 SIL1000 $34.40PM Options for type 212.5 / 13.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 21X.00 TT $0. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.5mm orifice Sintered metal filter. please visit www.55 COMP R0.00 $34.5 FLT SS $9. 65 52019756 4311841 30"-0-60 psi 4311868 30"-0-160 psi 50082248 30"-0-100 psi 212.15 4270577 4270593 4270614 4270810 $28.40 4271084 4271157 $31.40 4270169 4270185 $39.40 4312023 4312031 $31.60 $39.40 4270828 4270836 4270844 4270852 4270861 4270879 4271092 4271106 4271114 4271122 4271131 4271351 4271361 4271379 4271387 4271395 4315073 600 psi 4311981 4315090 4270126 4270381 4270640 4270909 4271165 4271424 1. fillable • Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span (2" & 2½" sizes) ±1% of span (4" size) • Datasheet: 21X. 43 .40 4270682 4270703 4270739 50228820 50310267 50771191 4270895 $31.000 psi 4312007 4315111 4270142 4270401 4270666 4270925 4271181 4271441 1.65 $27.65 4270755 4270763 4270771 4270780 4270798 4271017 4271033 4271041 PSI/KG/CM2 $29.000 psi $39.500 psi 4312015 4315120 4270151 4270410 4270674 4270933 4271191 4271450 4270177 4270436 4270691 4270193 4270452 50273493 $39.40 $29.40 4315014 4315022 4315031 4315049 4315057 4315065 4270053 4270070 4270096 4270312 4270339 4270355 PSI $29.85 4270118 $30.Items without part numbers are available .com or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi List price 15.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 212.000 psi 4312066 4315171 6.500 psi 4312058 4315162 10.000 psi 4312040 4315154 7.65 4271468 4271476 4271484 $40.15 4311914 4311922 4311931 4311949 4311957 $28. 760 mm Hg inside in red.85 4271513 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.40 LM ¼" NPT PSI/BAR $28. Reference page 46 for 212.53 (Dry) 2½" PSI $28.15 4270011 PSI/KG/CM2 $28.40 4270496 4270517 4270525 50987161 50082302 4270037 15 psi 4311906 4270045 4270304 4270569 4270061 4270321 4270585 4270088 4270347 4270606 4270100 4270363 4270622 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi $27.40 4270428 4270444 4270461 4270470 4270631 $30. Liquid-fillable Standard features • • • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum • Case fill: None.60 800 psi List price 2.65 4271271 4271298 4271301 4270801 30"-0-200 psi List price 2½" CBM ¼" NPT PSI/BAR $29.000 psi 3.65 4271203 4271211 4271220 4271238 4270984 4271246 4270992 4271254 $40.53 Industrial Gauges .000 psi 4311973 $30. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi LM CBM 1/4" NPT PSI/BAR PSI/BAR $28.85 $40. please visit www.15 $27. For datasheets and additional information.wika.60 4270215 4270371 $30.53 Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Polycarbonate Window ring: SS.40 4269986 4311841 4269978 4269994 4270231 4270258 4270002 4270266 4270029 50082248 $27.SS Case.53 options. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. crimped Dial: White aluminum Type 2" Size Connection Conn.65 4315138 4315146 5.85 4271408 4271416 $31.40 4271343 4311965 400 psi 4270887 $28.consult factory.65 4270941 4270950 4270968 4271149 $28.60 $40. 40 9691982 9692007 100 psi 9692139 50144928 15 psi 30 psi 9767185 50158945 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI/BAR $31.000 psi 9767126 9692075 1. 760 mm Hg inside in red.65 9692236 9692245 9692253 $42.000 psi 3. 44 For datasheets and additional information.60 9767177 9692015 9692032 9692058 $32.000 psi 5.40 30" Hg 9767002 9691957 30"-0-30 psi 9767010 9691965 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 9767029 LM 7/16"-20 SAE PSI/BAR $38.65 4259916 50244515 9692113 $40.53 options.40 $30.500 psi 9767134 9692083 50244531 9767150 9692105 9795702 300 psi 400 psi 800 psi List price 2.85 9767282 9692155 9692172 9692198 9692202 $33.wika.000 psi 15. size Press scale¹ List price LM ¼" NPT PSI PSI/BAR $30.000 psi 9767061 9767088 9767100 $32.65 $31.53 (Liquid-filled) 2½" Size Connection Conn.consult factory.40 9692091 50343211 9767193 9767070 200 psi 4264600 $30.15 $37. please visit www.Items without part numbers are available .70 List price 9691974 50251091 9797097 $29.40 9767142 9767169 $41.90 9797314 9767202 9767223 9767240 9768947 $33.000 psi 6.60 $49.000 psi List price 10. .65 9768939 9767266 9767274 $42. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.15 9767037 60 psi 9767053 9767045 $29.65 9692261 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.45 9691990 9692147 9795664 9767215 9692164 9795680 9767231 9692180 50083571 8999109 4244461 9767258 9692210 9768165 9692228 9692024 9795672 9767096 9692040 600 psi 9767118 9692066 or call 1-888-945-2872.53 Type 213.40 52017141 160 psi 50343459 $30.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 213.70 9795698 9795710 9748207 9795728 9692121 4225384 $41. Reference page 46 for 213. 760 mm Hg inside in red.500 psi 4271719 4272218 9699193 9766885 9734401 9734516 3.55 52160122 52256642 9734495 $80.15 4271727 4271760 4271778 $66.80 213. For datasheets and additional information.55 50175211 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.30 50534947 $75.55 List price 2.53 9699176 50070240 $73. 213.55 15 psi 100 psi 50816004 50788027 4271590 30 psi 52156737 4271581 30"-0-200 psi List price 4271671 50561430 4272145 4272153 4272161 50821920 LM ½" NPT PSI PSI/BAR $71.53 (Liquid-filled) 4" ¼" NPT PSI $71.000 psi 6.95 9699095 50032241 9734320 9734435 9699117 50989031 9734346 9734452 9699109 9699125 9699257 9699134 9699142 9699150 50989023 9734338 9734444 50983637 9734355 4276770 50987110 50670085 50050869 50823493 50541781 4228732 9734397 9734508 50989155 50069608 9734371 9734478 9734486 9699168 4271701 4272200 9699185 1.000 psi 4271735 4271743 4272234 4272242 9699215 9766893 9734419 9734525 $91.15 4272226 4272260 50463993 4388696 9734363 9734460 4272189 800 psi 1 212.90 4201591 4201604 $99.30 50984510 50044923 50487124 $69.53 (Dry) MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 212.55 30" Hg 4271531 50778471 9699028 30"-0-30 psi 4271557 50225928 9699045 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 4271549 4271565 4271573 $61.000 psi 400 psi 50543555 $61.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi 5. please visit www.30 LBM ½" NPT PSI/BAR $78.20 9734427 9734533 50416235 4230194 4215471 4255471 50694332 50924494 $69.55 9766915 50476734 9734389 $73.90 $73. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. size Press scale¹ List price ¼" NPT PSI $63.55 9699036 50085964 9699053 4363987 9699061 9699079 9699087 $69. Items without part numbers are available .wika.80 LM ½" NPT PSI $63.20 50896598 52005887 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.53.90 9699206 9699223 9699231 9699249 9766876 9766906 $99.000 psi $66.55 $71.000 psi List price 10.80 $99.55 4271611 50402137 4271638 50372190 4271602 60 psi 4271620 160 psi 4271646 200 psi 4271654 300 psi 4271662 600 psi 4271689 1.000 psi 15.consult factory.80 $91. 45 . 75 $16.75 $0.53 GLY86.15 $0.40 $34.25 n/a $100.00 Front flange.90 $0.40 $34.53 2½" LM $0.53 4" LM n/a n/a n/a SG n/a $6.40 $34. red $13. SS polished $13.00 $5.12)CLK NKL SKT 10-32 TT FF RF $6.25 $4.90 $5.00 $5.00 $5.50 $2.95 $9.35 $0.00 $23.15 $13.40 n/a $0.70 $11.70 n/a n/a $0.15 $13.15 $12.20 $15.20 $38.5 FLT n/a $1.00 $5.00 $6.05 $38.35 $0.15 $13.65 $4.25 COMP Brass.25 n/a $1.00 $7.95 $6.70 n/a n/a n/a $2.65 $10.75 $24. brass R R0.15 $13.00 $5. steel bracket Pointers $13.25 REC n/a n/a $17. 213.05 $100.05 $4.00 $8. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.85 $9.85 $11.20 $22. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 46 $7.9.53. no holes Rear flange.30 n/a n/a Restrictors $13.75 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.90 n/a $11.20 Dials & scales Dial.40 $34.90 $1.15 $2.90 $0.75 $22.20 n/a n/a .5) Silicone 1.15 $27.70 n/a $31.00 $6.3mm orifice $0.53 4" LBM $12. SS $2.30 R1/4 (3.00 $8.00 $6.00 $23.20 n/a or call 1-888-945-2872.20 $38.5 SIL1000 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 Connections 1/8" NPT or G1/8B 1/8 or G1/8 G1/4B G1/2B R1/4-2999 3.60 21X.20 $23.00 $8.00 UC ST Safety glass $13.55 $21.20 $7.40 $34.53 2½" CBM $0.00 $5.35 21X. SS polished.90 n/a $34. press-fit.53 2" CBM G1/4 G1/2 7/16-20 SAE 21X.15 $13.55 $17. aluminum white DIAL AL $0.95 $4.40 $34.95 $10.80 $7.75 $27. red $0.75 n/a n/a $13.05 $100.90 $1.50 $5.15 $8.35 $4. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.25 $4.15 $13.50 $5.35 $7.00 $6.05 $4.90 n/a $34.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 212.70 n/a n/a $0.25 $34.00 U-clamp.53 Options for type 21X. M4 thread.00 $0.20 n/a n/a $2.15 21X.00 $0.6mm orifice $0.00 $23.75 $24.53 2" LM For datasheets and additional information.50 EXT ADJ n/a n/a $16.90 $6.90 $5.30 Acrylic with compensating membrane SS.15 $2.00 FF WO Windows $2.05 $38. 262 Needle valves.05 $2.35 21X.20 n/a n/a $6. 9 or 12 O'clock position Nickel-plated connection 10-32 internal tap Teflon tape on connection ® Mounting Front flange.20 $9.20 Sintered metal filter.50 $5. 0. SS bracket Mark pointer.25 $0.25 $15.35 DP MP Sintered metal filter.80 $6.90 $5.05 $7. 0.60 n/a $7.70 $27.25 $1.90 $0. please visit www. luminescent Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Movements External zero adjustment screw on window Other options available LUM n/a n/a $5.90 $6. SS FLT SS $5.00 $13.90 n/a n/a $100.53 Option Case Liquid Fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86. $6.wika.40 n/a $0.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 213.85 $0.70 n/a n/a n/a $1.90 $0.30 UC SS Drag pointer.5 / 13.35 $4.60 $34.90 Dial.35 $4.15 SAE U-clamp.50 $21. 80 9768734 9768726 9768718 9768700 9768696 9768688 9768670 9768661 9768653 $73.15 $73.85 9779715 4222710 $71.85 9779723 Factory stocked items shown in bold print.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.15 9768394 9768769 9768750 9768386 9768378 9768742 9768360 $64.53 Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Polycarbonate Window ring: SS.80 50533690 50533860 4222680 50533878 4282907 4214318 4222698 4282915 50466721 50466747 4282923 50533886 50533711 50533894 50533720 50533908 4222702 50533916 232.60 8992903 8992911 8992929 8992937 8992945 8992954 $103.500 psi 2.85 PSI/KPA $77.80 8992848 8992856 8992865 8992873 8992881 8993089 8993097 8993101 8993119 8993127 9779685 9779693 8992899 $80.000 psi 5. 47 .000 psi LM 2" CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI $68.53 Industrial Gauges .000 psi 10.15 $77.000 psi 3. Liquid-fillable Standard features • • • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum • Case fill: None.60 8993144 8993152 8993160 8993178 8993186 8993195 $103. Reference page 50 for 232.60 50533746 50533754 50466739 50533762 50533932 $80.60 9768254 9768246 9768238 9768220 8993208 9768211 $103.53 options.60 9768637 9768629 9768610 9768602 50533771 $94.85 50533789 50533975 $103. please visit www.000 psi 6.80 $73.85 9776715 8993135 $80.consult factory.000 psi List price 1.80 $73.SS Gauges.15 9768777 CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI/BAR $77.wika.60 50533941 50533959 50466755 50533967 9768645 $71.53 (Dry) 2½" LM PSI $68. crimped Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. For datasheets and additional information.15 50533614 50533797 50533622 50533801 50533631 50533819 50533649 50533827 50533657 50533835 50533665 50533843 50533673 50533851 $64.000 psi List price 15.80 9768351 9768343 9768335 9768327 9768319 9768300 9768297 9768289 9768270 9768262 $80.15 $ or call 1-888-945-2872. Items without part numbers are available . fillable • Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span (2" & 2½" sizes) ±1% of span (4" size) • Datasheet: 23X.85 50533983 9768599 $94. 000 psi 232.53 options.50 9768459 9768467 9768475 9768483 9737880 9768491 9768505 $124.65 9737286 ½" NPT PSI $129.35 $166.55 LM 9768858 $130.35 9768866 9768807 9768874 9768823 LBM ½" NPT PSI $142. 48 For datasheets and additional information.wika.53 Type Size Connection Conn.50 9767576 9737910 9767398 9767401 9737898 9767410 9737901 $124. Reference page 50 for 232.53 (Dry) 4" ¼" NPT PSI $129.500 psi 2.55 9768840 9737278 $179.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232.000 psi List price 1.000 psi List price 15. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.60 9737057 9737065 9737073 9737081 9737090 9737103 9737111 $137. Items without part numbers are available .45 9737235 9737243 9737251 9737260 9768831 $166.000 psi 5. please visit www.95 9737120 9737138 9737146 9737154 9737162 9737170 9737189 9737197 9737200 9737219 9737227 $143.000 psi 6.85 9768513 9768521 9768530 9768548 9768556 9768564 9768572 9768580 9768963 Factory stocked items shown in bold print.000 psi 3. .com or call 1-888-945-2872.consult factory.000 psi 10.85 9767428 9767436 9767444 9767452 9767460 9767479 9767487 9767495 9767509 9767517 $130. INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Type Size Connection Conn.95 9833124 9831775 9832993 9833000 9831759 9833018 9831767 $141.30 9833026 9833035 9833043 9833051 9833069 9833077 9833085 9833094 9833107 LM 9833115 $146. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.40 9833387 9831571 9833395 9831589 9833409 9831597 9833417 9831601 9833425 9831619 9833434 9831627 9833442 9831635 9833450 9831644 9833727 9831652 9833697 $146. please visit www.80 9833701 9833655 9833719 9833663 9833671 $183.10 $132. 760 mm Hg inside in red.500 psi 2.53 Ammonia Gauges 2½" LM 4" ¼" NPT PSI/oF PSI/oF $68. 49 .00 9833689 Type Category Connection Size Conn.000 psi 5.45 ¼" NPT PSI $145.53 Ammonia 232.000 psi List price 15.10 9831733 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.95 $159.consult factory.wika.45 9833183 $85.000 psi 3.90 9831686 9831695 9831708 9831716 9831725 $196.000 psi 1 LM 233.53. 232. size Press scale¹ List price 30"-0-150 psi / 84°F 30"-0-300 psi / 126°F MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 233.20 9833175 9833166 9833158 9833140 9833132 $108.05 9833328 9831504 9833336 9831512 9833345 9831520 9833353 9831538 9831741 9831546 9833361 9831555 9833379 9831563 $141.53 (Glycerine filled) 2½" 4" CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI $72.40 9833604 9833590 9833582 9833574 9833565 9833557 9833549 9833531 9833523 $78.000 psi 10. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. For datasheets and additional information.000 psi List price 1.80 $183.30 $154.35 9797144 9797127 9797152 9797135 9831678 $159.40 9833272 9833264 9833255 9833247 9833239 9833221 9833213 9833205 9833191 9833515 $76. Items without part numbers are available .com or call 1-888-945-2872.00 LBM ½" NPT PSI PSI $145.75 9833646 9833310 9833638 9833620 9833302 9833298 9833612 9833280 $69.75 $81.20 9833506 9833493 9833485 9833476 9833468 $99. 00 $1. red $9.60 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.60 n/a n/a $7.80 $23.00 $24.80 $13.80 $23.00 $1.60 $38.00 $0.00 $0. SS bracket Safety glass n/a 10-32 UC ST Windows R $0. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.70 $27.10 n/a n/a $11.53 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.00 $24. 0. MR0175 latest edition.000 cst Silicone 50 cst 213. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Refer to pages 263.20 O2 $20.70 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $16. red $9.9.70 n/a $0.55 $21.70 $34.00 SAE $23.60 $20.25 $30.15 23X.60 $20.40 $100. logos and other artwork charges 50 Code $15.00 $0.10 $8.70 $18. For 316L SS wetted parts.85 $16.00 n/a $22.00 $15.90 UC SS Pointers $9.10 $8.75 $21.25 n/a $1.05 $7.35 $23. M4 thread.45 $20. 0.15 $13.80 $23.45 $20.00 $0. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other options available REC DAMP n/a n/a n/a $17.70 n/a n/a n/a $19.40 1/8 or G1/8 $0.15 $13.65 $5.90 n/a $11.15 $13.05 $100.60 $20.85 n/a $0. 262 Needle valves.15 $13.00 $24.05 $38.25 $0.90 U-clamp.3 $8.60 $7.50 n/a n/a n/a $15.00 n/a n/a G1/4 $0.60 $7.10 $23.05 $100.60 NACE $24.65 $5.25 $31.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 23X.65 $5.53 GLY86.05 $38.90 MP Restrictors $9. SS polished for 4½" panel mount Rear flange.00 $0.65 $5. SS U-clamp.10 $8.80 $23.00 n/a $15.85 n/a $27.85 $16.40 $34.75 $27.00 $0.00 $0.25 $30.15 $34.53 2" LM $4.50 EXT ADJ Calibration and material certificates Special scales. steel bracket n/a $1.60 $20.5 / 13.85 n/a $18.60 n/a n/a $7.00 .05 $7.85 n/a $16.90 Acrylic with compensating membrane Mark pointer.80 $13.53 2" CBM $4.10 Serial number on dial SER# $5.00 $7.65 Dials & scales Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Movements Dampened movement External zero adjustment screw on window Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) NACE compliance.00 $21.80 3.00 n/a Refer to pages 261.25 n/a $925 n/a $9.3mm orifice R0.15 $13.80 $13.53 2½" LM 23X.10 $8.80 $13.00 $0.40 $34.60 $7.70 n/a n/a $19. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3.90 FF n/a $18.15 n/a n/a FF WO FF4.65 $5. SS polished.40 $34. M4 thread.53 4" LM $16.40 23X.05 $0.25 n/a Teflon® tape on connection TT G1/2B G1/2 R1/4-2999 R1/4 7/16-20 SAE 10-32 internal tap Mounting Front flange.15 $13.00 n/a $14.40 $100.5 SIL1000 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst Connections 1/8" NPT or G1/8B G1/4B 23X.70 $34.60 $15.15 $32.53 Options for type 23X.40 SIL 350 $13.25 n/a $1. please visit www.85 $14.00 $0.55 $17.5) Silicone 1.00 $24.15 23X.90 COMP Drag pointer.25 n/a $1.10 $8.12)CLK $9.15 $13.00 $0.15 23X.20 $22.60 $7.00 $24. $15.80 $23.60 $20.6mm orifice n/a $0.05 $7.53 4" LBM $16.5 RF SG DP SS.15 $4. without holes Front flange. SS polished Front flange.53 2½" CBM $4.wika.00 SS. 30 $91.70 9831962 9832216 9831970 9832225 9831988 9832233 9831996 9832241 9832004 9832259 $116.54 LM PSI $85.consult factory.10 9745009 9745017 9745025 9745033 9745041 $112. Reference page 54 for 23X.65 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi 3.54 options.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232.90 9831856 9832101 9831865 9832119 9831873 9832127 9831881 9832135 9831899 9832144 9831903 9832152 9831911 9832160 9831929 9832178 9831937 9832186 9831945 9832195 9831954 9832208 $93. For datasheets and additional information.35 $121. adjustable • Case fill: None.35 9735237 9694760 9745297 233.65 $94.95 $125. please visit www. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1. bayonet Dial: White aluminum Type 232.000 psi 10.54 (Filled) LM CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI $90.000 psi List price 1.90 $95.54 (Dry) Size Connection Conn.10 $98. Items without part numbers are available .65 9744827 9744835 9744843 9744851 9744860 9744878 9744886 $82.000 psi List price 15.25 $99.000 psi 5. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.wika.95 9832012 9832267 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. 760 mm Hg inside in red.70 $102.30 9735114 9745130 9735254 9735122 9745149 9735262 9735130 9745157 9735270 9735148 9745165 9735288 9735156 9745173 9735296 9837642 9745181 4310489 9735165 9745190 9735300 9745203 50092481 9735173 9745211 9735318 9745220 9735181 9745238 9735326 $89.54 Industrial Gauges .10 9735199 9745246 9735335 9745254 50507176 9735203 9745262 9735343 9735211 9745270 9735351 9735229 9745289 9735369 $112.SS Case and Bayonet Ring Standard features • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Safety glass Window ring: SS.000 psi 1 • Pointer: Black aluminum.500 psi 2.35 9745050 2½" CBM ¼" NPT PSI/BAR PSI PSI/BAR $85.30 9744894 9744908 9744916 9744924 9744932 9744940 9744959 9744967 9744975 9744983 9744991 $89. 233.54.30 $91. 51 .25 9831784 9832020 9831792 9832046 9831805 9832055 9831814 9832063 9831822 9832071 9831830 9832089 9831848 9832097 $86.65 9735245 9745068 9735385 50547194 9745076 9745076 50092391 9745084 9745084 50422481 9745092 9745092 9745106 9745106 50462989 9745114 9745114 9745122 9745122 $82.10 $98.35 $121. fillable • Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span (2½" sizes) ±1% of span (4" size) • Datasheet: 23X. 54 options.000 psi 1 232.30 $211.40 9832747 9832985 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.000 psi List price 15. 52 For datasheets and additional information.000 psi 10.consult factory.000 psi 3.10 9832454 9832462 9832470 9832488 9832496 $198.60 $169. please visit www. Reference page 54 for 23X.65 9745483 9745491 9745505 9745513 9745521 $181. .com or call 1-888-945-2872.54 (Dry) ¼" NPT PSI $144.54 Type Size Connection Conn.54.25 9745858 9745866 9745874 9745882 9745890 9745904 9745912 9745920 9745939 9745947 9745955 $158.25 9832275 9832284 9832292 9832305 9832314 9832322 9832330 $156.15 9745610 9745629 9745637 9745645 9745653 9745661 9745670 9745688 9745696 9745700 9745718 $145.20 9832691 9832934 9832705 9832942 9832713 9832950 9832721 9832968 9832739 9832976 $198.85 9745530 LM ½" NPT PSI $144.75 9745963 9745971 9745980 9745998 9746005 $194. 760 mm Hg inside in red. Items without part numbers are available .000 psi 5.25 $174.80 9745300 9745319 9745327 9745335 9745343 9745351 9745360 $140.60 9832348 9832356 9832365 9832373 9832381 9832399 9832403 9832411 9832429 9832437 9832445 $162.80 9745548 9745556 9745564 9745572 9745580 9745599 9745602 $140.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.10 $175.30 9832500 LM LBM ½" NPT PSI PSI $161. 233.wika. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.15 9745378 9745386 9745394 9745408 9745416 9745424 9745432 9745440 9745459 9745467 9745475 $145.65 9745726 9745734 9745742 9745750 9745769 $181.54 (Filled) ¼" NPT PSI $161.85 9745777 LBM ½" NPT PSI $157.500 psi 2.35 9832518 9832755 9832526 9832764 9832535 9832772 9832543 9832780 9832551 9832798 9832569 9832802 9832577 9832810 $156.000 psi List price 1.95 9746013 4” 233.70 9832585 9832828 9832594 9832836 9832607 9832845 9832615 9832853 9832624 9832861 9832632 9832879 9832640 9832887 9832658 9832895 9832666 9832909 9832675 9832917 9832683 9832925 $162.90 9745785 9745793 9745807 9745815 9745823 9745831 9745840 $153. please visit www. 53 . rt.consult factory. For datasheets and additional information.500 psi 8992342 List price $145. size List price 100% 10 sq.000 psi 8992325 10.wika.75 9749500 9749519 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.95 9749470 9749462 9749497 9749489 LM 4" LBM ½" NPT $161. 1 232. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. size Press scale¹ List price 1.000 psi 8992309 Type Category Connection Size Conn.65 $174.000 psi 8992334 5. 233.60 2.000 psi 8992350 1. 760 mm Hg inside in red.54 Receiver Type Category 232.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232.000 psi 8992317 3.54 or call 1-888-945-2872.85 $104.54 XMAS XMAS tree gauges LM Connection 4" Size ½" NPT PSI $140.54 Receiver LM Receiver Gauges CBM 2½" ¼" NPT $99.20 Conn. Items without part numbers are available . 45 $16.60 NACE $24. MR0175 latest edition.12)CLK $9.00 $0. without holes Front flange.00 $15.00 O2 $20.80 3.10 $5.15 $34.00 n/a 23X.40 $0.00 $7.54 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.00 SAE $23.40 n/a $0.9. SS polished for 4½" panel mount Rear flange.54 2½" CBM 23X.90 $9.65 REC $17.00 $0.70 $13.15 $13.53 $4.40 $34.75 R0. logos and other artwork charges n/a PC SER# Other $1. SS bracket Polycarbonate Pointers Drag pointer.54 Options for type 23X.00 1% $6.55 n/a $27.54 4" LM $4.60 $20.55 $17. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 54 23X.70 n/a n/a $23. SS polished Front flange.3mm orifice Dials & scales $1. Refer to pages 263.05 $8. SS U-clamp.70 $0.54 4" LBM For datasheets and additional information.80 $23.05 $8.5 / 13.25 n/a $9.25 $31.5) Silicone 1000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 23X.05 $38.55 $21.60 $20.15 GLY86.00 $24.70 FF n/a $19.40 $34.00 $24.70 $0.90 UC ST Serial number on dial Movements $1. For 316L SS wetted parts.3 Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) n/a n/a $19.00 DP $38.00 n/a $34.00 $0.90 $27. red Mark pointer. please visit www. 0. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3.10 MP Restrictors $9.50 $21.5 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst Connections 1/8" NPT or G1/8B 1/8 or G1/8 G1/4B G1/4 G1/2B G1/2 7/16-20 SAE $7.00 $0.00 $0. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other options available $18. SS polished.6mm orifice Dampened movement Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Accuracy 1.15 FF4.45 $7. steel bracket R1/4 10-32 FF WO U-clamp.75 $27.65 $100. M4 thread. std.60 $0.0% NACE compliance.10 $5.80 $20.80 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.50 DAMP $15.00 n/a $0.70 $20.5 n/a n/a n/a $32.40 $34.35 n/a $1.15 SIL 350 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.00 $0.25 RF UC ST Windows std.wika. .40 $34. 262 Needle valves.00 $24.10 SS.60 $20.00 $7.10 $5. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.00 $0.05 $100.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 23X.90 $23.80 $13. red SS.80 $6.60 SIL1000 $13.05 $100.70 $0.00 $15.00 $38.15 $23.00 $15.54 2½" LM 213.35 R1/4-2999 10-32 internal tap Mounting Front flange.80 $23.60 $16.05 $8. 0.80 $23.05 $100.25 $19.00 $7.65 $8.85 n/a n/a $33.25 n/a Teflon® tape on connection TT $0.05 R $7. M4 thread.15 $0.65 $38.15 $13.10 $5. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.55 233. Items without part numbers are available .000 psi 4283044 4283303 20.45 15 psi 4282888 4283141 60 psi 4282900 4283167 30 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.50 4283264 4283281 4283299 $113. 760 mm Hg inside in red.50 10. 55 .000 psi 5.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 233. please visit www.SS Panel Gauges Standard features • • • • • • Type Size Connection Conn.wika.80 4282811 4283078 30"-0-30 psi 4282837 4283094 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 4282829 4282845 4282854 4282862 4282870 $83. crimped Dial: White aluminum Pointer: Black aluminum 4283052 4283311 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.000 psi 4283060 4283329 15.000 psi List price 4282896 4282918 4282926 4282934 4282943 4282951 4282969 4282977 4282985 $90.000 psi 6.45 4283086 4283107 4283115 4283124 4283133 $83.25 1. size Press scale¹ List price LBM/FF ¼" NPT PSI PSI/BAR $86.500 psi 4282994 4283256 3.55 Industrial Gauges .80 $86.25 4283159 4283175 4283184 4283192 4283204 4283214 4283222 4283230 4283248 $90.000 psi Case fill: Glycerine Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span (2½" sizes) Polished SS front flange SS restrictor Datasheet: 233.000 psi 4283018 4283273 2.000 psi List price 4283000 4283026 4283034 $113.consult or call 1-888-945-2872. For datasheets and additional information.55 2½" 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 1 • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Safety glass Window ring: SS. com or call 1-888-945-2872.00 $9.5 / 13.00 Dials & scales Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) **available only with dry case** NACE compliance.25 $1. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.60 NACE $24.10 Serial number on dial SER# $5. 262 Needle valves.15 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 $13.55 Option Code 233. 0. please visit www.70 PC $0. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other options available Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. 0.wika. M4 thread.5 $7.6mm orifice SIL50 R1/4 10-32 $13.80 Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 233.00 R STD SS. MR0175 latest edition. M4 thread.000 cst STD SIL1000 $13. For 316L SS wetted parts.55 Options for type 233.15 $0.5) Silicone 1. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.90 TT $0.15 G1/8B or G1/4B G1/8 or G1/4 Silicone 50 cst Connections R1/4-2999 10-32 internal tap Teflon® tape on connection Windows Polycarbonate Restrictors SS.3 $8.55 2½" CBM GLY86. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 56 For datasheets and additional information.65 O2 $20.3mm orifice R0. . Solid-front Safety Case Standard features • Case: 304 SS. 4½" and 6"size) • Datasheet: 23X. 760 mm Hg inside in red. please visit www.30 (Dry) 2½" LM PSI $116. Items without part numbers are available . 4½" and 6" .30 232.75 9240420 9240438 9240446 9240454 9305661 $154.consult factory.30 Industrial Gauges .55 9244808 9244816 9244832 9244840 9244859 9244867 9244875 9244883 9244905 9244913 $131.000 psi 5.wika.000 psi List price 1.80 9244921 9244930 9244948 9244956 9244964 $161. adjustable • Case fill: glass • Window ring: SS. Reference page 60 for 232.000 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.50 9305653 9240160 9240179 9240187 9240195 9240209 9240217 9240225 9240233 ¼" NPT 9240411 $124. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.15 9153810 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.60 9367071 9365079 9481486 9197141 9319646 9469168 $116.10 9482644 LBM PSI $123. fillable • Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span (2½" size) ±1% of span (4".30 options.polycarbonate 4".500 psi 2.000 psi 10.55 9305645 9365044 9314822 9305378 9542353 9365052 9367250 $109.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232.000 psi 1 • Pointer: Black aluminum. solid-front • Wetted parts: 316L SS • Window: 2½" . 57 . For datasheets and additional information.000 psi List price 15. bayonet • Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.75 50757229 50757547 50757253 50757555 50757261 50757580 50757270 50757610 50757296 50757628 $260. please visit www.000 psi 1 LM ½" NPT LBM PSI $184.05 LM ½" NPT PSI PSI/BAR $207.00 9366750 PSI $207. Reference page 60 for 232.35 9253289 9253270 8596298 9253084 8596301 9253076 9821082 8542805 9253050 9366938 $197.wika. .000 psi 3.consult factory. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.000 psi 5.30 $260. Items without part numbers are available .60 50757041 50757342 50757059 50757351 50757067 50757377 50757075 50757393 50757083 50757415 50757091 50757440 50757105 50757474 50757148 50757482 50757156 50757491 50757172 50757512 50757202 50757521 $221.85 50756966 50759674 50756991 50757008 50757016 50757024 50757032 $204.60 $204.85 $207.000 psi List price 1.20 9366830 9366849 9366857 9366865 9366873 9366881 9366890 9366903 9366911 $204.30 (Dry) 4" 4½" Size Connection Conn.15 8596271 9366776 9562559 $181. 58 For datasheets and additional or call 1-888-945-2872.90 8541574 $259.000 psi 10.75 9366946 9366954 9366962 9366970 9366989 $235.90 9366997 8596336 8513554 $220. 760 mm Hg inside in red.30 50757318 50757644 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.30 Type 232.75 $221.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232.000 psi 20.500 psi 2.000 psi List price 15.30 options. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. Items without part numbers are available .15 9305394 60 psi 9251626 100 psi LM 9366580 15 psi 30 psi 9251618 $197.wika.000 psi 9251693 $129.000 psi 9305629 15.75 N/A 9361170 $214.000 psi 9542345 List price 20. size Press scale¹ List price ¼" NPT PSI $121.70 9361081 9361090 9361103 9251634 9361111 200 psi 9251650 9361138 400 psi 9251677 160 psi 300 psi 9251642 9251669 9361120 9361146 9361154 600 psi 9251685 9361162 1.20 9305637 30"-0-30 psi 9364994 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price ½" NPT PSI $200. 59 .500 psi 9251715 9361197 800 psi List price 2.40 9361243 9829601 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.consult factory.30 $158.000 psi 1 233.000 psi 3. please visit www.30 (Filled) 2½" 4" 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 233.000 psi 5.25 9361200 9361219 9361227 9361235 $252. For datasheets and additional information.000 psi 9251707 9361189 1.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Type Size Connection or call 1-888-945-2872.40 9251723 9251731 9251740 10.50 9366598 9367853 9319638 9637141 $114. 760 mm Hg inside in red. 6mm orifice SS. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3.00 SAE $23. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other options available $0.15 n/a $34.40 n/a n/a n/a $0.00 $0. $5. MR0175 latest edition.00 O2 $20.05 $8.70 $38.5 Silicone 1.00 $0.85 Polycarbonate PC Standard Standard $0.15 n/a $34.90 $1.00 $7.90 $1.05 $100.10 REC $17.05 $8.80 $23.55 $17.70 SIL1000 $13.10 $5.60 NACE $24.25 n/a $9.65 $0.10 $5.00 $15. red MP Restrictors SS.25 n/a $0.3mm orifice R0.5 / 13.05 SIL 350 $13.70 $100. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.30 2½" LM 23X.30 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.65 $5.30 4½" LM 233.50 $21.00 $0.65 $0.80 $23.80 3.30 4" LBM 23X. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263. M4 thread.50 $5.65 $41.00 $0. 0. red Mark pointer.00 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. M4 thread.00 $7. For 316L SS wetted parts.00 $24.80 $23. please visit www.10 $5.65 .00 n/a $9.05 n/a $0.70 $34.3 Serial number on dial SER# Dials & scales Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Movements Dampened movement Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) NACE compliance.30 Options for type 233.05 $8.70 $100.90 n/a $55.40 n/a GLY86.05 $41.25 $9.90 $1.05 $38.00 $24. 0.70 $38.00 $24.00 $20.00 R1/4 10-32 internal tap $13.00 $15. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 60 n/a $0.05 $8.65 $0.30 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.60 $20.25 10-32 $1.000 cst Silicone 50 cst SIL50 Silicone 350 cst Connections 1/8" NPT or G1/8B 1/8 or G1/8 G1/4B G1/2B R1/4-2999 $0.05 R $7.05 $100.80 For datasheets and additional information.00 $0.25 $0. SS polished FF n/a $55.5) Code 23X.30 2½" LBM 23X.00 DP $38.00 $7.00 $24.90 $1. 262 Needle valves.70 $100.90 Front flange.60 $20.65 n/a $16.55 $21.60 $20.90 $63.00 n/a n/a $9.00 n/a $0.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 233.05 $8.65 DAMP $15.00 $15.10 $0.15 n/a G1/4 G1/2 7/16-20 SAE $7.50 n/a $19.wika.60 $20.05 $100.00 $7.40 n/a $41.12)CLK Teflon® tape on connection TT n/a $9.30 4" LM 23X.00 n/a n/a $24.00 $15.9.00 Mounting Windows Pointers Drag pointer. 65 9111123 9111140 9111158 $128.90 $98.000 psi 10. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.SS Case and Wetted Parts Standard features • Case: 304 SS • Wetted parts: 316L SS • Window: 2½" .500 psi 9111115 9110186 3. 4½" and 6"size) • Datasheet: 23X. Items without part numbers are available .50 Industrial Gauges .polycarbonate 4".50 (Dry) 2½" 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi • Pointer: Black aluminum.50 options.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232. fillable • Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span (2½" size) ±1% of span (4".000 psi 20. size Press scale¹ List price LM CBM ¼" NPT PSI PSI $99.000 psi 1 232. adjustable • Case fill: None. 61 .com or call glass • Window ring: SS. 4½" and 6" .20 $103. 760 mm Hg inside in red. Reference page 63 for 232. please visit www. bayonet • Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. For datasheets and additional information.00 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.000 psi 9111107 9110178 1.50 $102.consult factory.wika.000 psi List price 15.000 psi 9111131 9110208 List price 2.50 9110194 9110216 9110224 $132.000 psi 5.05 9110992 30"-0-30 psi 50812581 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 50430521 9111212 $94.75 15 psi 9111000 9110062 60 psi 9111026 9110089 10 psi 30 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 9111018 9111034 9111042 9111050 9111069 9111077 9111085 9110070 9110097 9110100 9110119 9110127 9110143 9110151 1.15 52001733 $106. 20 50474511 50474588 PSI $338.000 psi 4214269 4214323 50474332 $222.wika.00 4214587 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. .30 50474464 $428.500 psi 9189467 9154710 9154752 $167.00 4214030 4214048 4214315 4214331 4214358 $446.95 50474553 50474561 $177.70 50474201 50474235 50474251 50474278 50997591 $182. 760 mm Hg inside in red.00 $480.000 psi ½" NPT PSI/BAR $338.50 50474308 4213769 4213947 4213955 $336.90 50474359 4213742 $318. Items without part numbers are available .MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232.30 4214242 4213793 5.70 50474685 $462.000 psi List price 1.000 psi $318.80 $181. Reference pages 63 and 64 for 232.90 50474669 $220. please visit www.00 4214285 4214293 4213999 4214340 4213831 4214005 4214366 4213858 4214013 4214382 4213866 4214021 4214391 50474430 50474456 $184.10 50474171 50474626 50474634 50474642 $178.00 4213921 $462.00 4213777 9212744 9232087 4213939 LBM 50474375 50474383 2.000 psi 9319506 4214234 50474391 4213874 10.00 4213734 9189459 50474219 6" 4213726 100 psi 50999452 50474367 LM 4213700 50293303 9154671 50474197 50474600 30 psi 60 psi 1 LM 232. 62 For datasheets and additional information.consult factory.00 4213891 20.00 4213688 30"-0-15 psi 50578910 50474529 50474596 4213696 30"-0-60 psi 52005828 50474545 50474618 4213718 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 50308858 50474537 9365508 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.50 (Dry) 4½" 50474481 4213882 4213971 $428.00 4214404 4214412 4214421 50474341 50474502 4213904 4214056 4214439 50474651 50474677 4213912 4214064 4214447 $208.10 50369415 LM LBM ½" NPT PSI PSI $171.25 9319492 50474570 $167.00 4214277 4213815 50474413 50474499 15. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 4" LBM ½" NPT PSI PSI $166. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.50 options.00 50474294 $172.000 psi 4214226 4214307 50474472 List price 4214218 4213963 4213785 50474316 50474324 PSI $356.40 $183.50 Type Size Connection Conn.000 psi 3.60 4214251 4213981 9145664 $208.00 4213751 200 psi 9154701 50474243 50474405 4213807 400 psi 9154728 50474260 50474421 4213823 50474286 50474448 4213840 160 psi 300 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1. 00 $0.00 $23.65 n/a $83. acrylic window Drag pointer.6mm orifice Dampened movement Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) NACE compliance. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3.5 / 13.40 n/a SER# Other n/a $34.95 $5.60 NACE $24.05 R $7.00 SAE R1/4-2999 $13.95 $26.80 1/8 or G1/8 G1/4 G1/2B $7. M4 thread.15 $0. red.25 Polycarbonate Windows Pointers Drag pointer.70 n/a UC.80 $23.55 $4. on window Mark pointer.70 $24.00 $15.15 $7.12)CLK Teflon® tape on connection TT 10-32 internal tap Mounting Front flange.10 $5.70 $31.90 $0.10 $5.40 $34. on dial Restrictors SS.40 $33.00 $0.70 $13. 63 .50 $21.25 SS.10 $5.65 REC $17.50 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86. SS polished Rear or call 1-888-945-2872.00 $24. 0.80 $23.90 $8.50 4" LBM 233.05 $7.40 $20.25 n/a n/a $9.15 $34.50 $4. M4 thread. red.75 PC Standard Standard $0. For 316L SS wetted parts. SS polished 10-32 FF $0.80 Refer to pages 263.50 Options for type 23X. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.00 $9.25 $9.90 $0.00 $0.65 n/a $5. 0.60 $20.05 $100.5 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst Connections 1/8" NPT or G1/8B G1/4B 7/16-20 SAE $0.3mm orifice Dials & scales $20. red.15 GLY86.80 $0.00 $24.05 $7.55 $17.10 n/a $8.05 $100.60 $20.9.05 MP $80.00 $15.55 R0.3 Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) $34.05 $7.25 $1.55 $16.00 $15.80 $9.00 $23.10 $5.60 $20. 262 Needle valves.50 4" LM 23X. logos and other artwork charges $34.5) Silicone 1.15 $13.55 Serial number on dial Movements $34.00 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.00 n/a n/a $1.00 O2 $20. SS ring. safety glass window Mark pointer.70 $43.70 $0.05 $100.40 SIL 350 $13.15 $13.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 23X.90 $1.40 $33. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other Options available n/a $0.00 $24.90 $0.05 $100.95 $5.55 $21.05 $80.05 DP SG MPD n/a $5. MR0175 latest edition.90 $8.50 2½" LM 23X.25 $1.20 n/a $0. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.10 $8. SS bracket RF UC $24.05 $80.00 DP $80.00 G1/2 n/a n/a R1/4 3. please visit www.wika.50 DAMP $15. red.50 $16.50 2½" CBM 23X.65 $83.50 SIL1000 $13.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 23X. 0.00 $24.00 $24. on dial Restrictors SS. 0.50 $52.05 $132.90 $0. red. .5 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 G1/4B or G1/2B G1/4 or G1/2 Connections 7/16-20 SAE $24.50 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.95 $52. red.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 23X.00 $24.00 $21.9.60 $20.70 $0.50 Options for type 23X. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3.50 4½" LM 23X.wika.65 Dials & scales Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) NACE compliance.25 $9. SS bracket RF UC $33.25 $1.00 $23.05 $144.00 DP $100.25 $1.50 $68.00 $0.25 n/a $1.5) Silicone 1.05 $100.25 n/a $9.65 $5.05 n/a $100.70 n/a $9. For 316L SS wetted parts.05 $7.70 $87.90 $1.60 $20.12) CLK $9.95 $52.10 $8.00 SAE $23. M4 thread. M4 thread.40 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.95 $0.00 $0.40 n/a $68.65 $5.95 $52.00 $63.00 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.3mm orifice R0.10 REC $17.25 $63.70 $19.50 4½" LBM 23X. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times 64 $49. safety glass window Mark pointer.6mm orifice MP n/a $100.80 $23.50 6" LM 23X.90 $0.55 $21.00 SS. 262 Needle valves. SS polished R1/4 10-32 FF $9.95 $39. MR0175 latest edition.95 $68. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.10 $8.50 6" LBM 233.50 $19.10 $8.00 O2 $20.40 $7.00 $0.05 $7.95 $68.05 $7.80 $9.45 Polycarbonate PC $0.85 $132.95 For datasheets and additional information.65 $49.85 n/a $79.60 $144. SS polished Rear flange.50 $0.65 $5.3 R $7.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 23X. please visit www.65 $52.00 UC.95 $68.80 $23. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other options available $8.70 $43.95 SIL1000 $52.25 $33.90 $0.05 Serial number on dial SER# $5.5 / 13.60 $20.50 GLY86.50 $68.55 $17.60 MPD $7.00 $24.40 Windows Pointers Drag pointer.80 3.50 $0.60 NACE $24. red.40 $7. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.00 $0. SS ring.70 $39.25 Teflon® tape on connection TT R1/4-2999 10-32 internal tap Mounting Front flange. on window Mark pointer. 000 psi 20.60 9834758 9834775 9834783 9834791 9834805 $149. 213.Glycerine • Accuracy: ±0. 65 .34 2.34 Industrial Gauges .34 N/A .34.000 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.34 N/A . size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 212. ² 4½" panel mounting kit (uninstalled) including polished 304 SS ring Factory stocked items shown in bold print.000 psi List price 15.XSEL® Process Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Black thermoplastic Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Acrylic Window ring: Black thermoplastic.00 9834740 9834044 30"-0-30 psi 213.See type 23X.34 N/A .000 psi N/A .INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 212.34 N/A .000 psi List price 9834150 9834176 9834192 9834982 9834206 9834370 9834397 9834419 9834990 9834427 9834821 9834847 9834855 9834864 9834872 9834880 9834898 9834902 9834910 1.34 N/A .See type 23X.500 psi N/A . 760 mm Hg inside in red.34 4½" ¼" NPT PSI $120.See type 23X.None 213.34 options.See type 23X.34 .34 3. For datasheets and additional information.5% of span • Datasheet: 21X.34 9834257 30"-0-15 psi 9834290 9834303 $120.000 psi • Pointer: Black aluminum.consult factory.See type 23X.wika.See type 23X.60 9834273 9834766 9834265 30"-0-60 psi 9834060 9834281 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 9834052 9834079 9834087 9834095 $120. threaded Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. Items without part numbers are available .See type 23X.60 ¼" NPT PSI $149. please visit www.00 15 psi 9834117 9834338 9834813 60 psi 9834133 9834354 9834839 30 psi 9834125 9834346 100 psi 9834141 9834362 200 psi 9834168 9834389 9834184 9834400 160 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.34 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. Reference page 69 for 21X.60 9834036 LM ½" NPT PSI $120.34 .000 psi 10. adjustable • Case fill: 212. Items without part numbers are available .40 15 psi 4353532 60 psi 4332696 30 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.500 psi 4353728 3.wika.40 or call 1-888-945-2872.34 4353736 4353753 $171. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 222. ² 4½" panel mounting kit (uninstalled) including polished 304 SS ring Factory stocked items shown in bold print.000 psi List price 15.000 psi • Pointer: Black aluminum.000 psi 4353745 2.000 psi 5.40 4332670 4353639 4353647 4353656 4353664 4353672 4353680 $124.Consult factory • Accuracy: ±0.None 223. please visit www.consult factory. adjustable • Case fill: 222.XSEL® Process Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Black thermoplastic Wetted parts: 1019 steel alloy & 316L SS Window: Acrylic Window ring: Black thermoplastic.000 psi ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.34 Industrial Gauges .34 .34 .MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 222. 66 For datasheets and additional information.5% of span • Datasheet: 22X. threaded Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.34 options.34 4½" LM ½" NPT PSI $124. Reference page 69 for 222. 760 mm Hg inside in red.000 psi List price 4332688 4332709 4332717 4332725 4353698 4332733 4332741 4353702 4332751 $124. .000 psi 10.95 20. 10 9696479 100 psi 200 psi 9834729 LM ½" NPT PSI $281.25 4343221 4343255 $281.45 N/A 9834885 9834974 9834893 $130.34 9835008 $130.500 psi 5. PSI outside in black.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 232.70 $130.45 $224.Glycerine • Accuracy: ±0. ² 4½" panel mounting kit (uninstalled) including polished 304 SS ring Factory stocked items shown in bold print.25 4317505 4317590 4317521 4317531 4317549 4317573 4317557 4317581 4317565 $281.consult factory.000 psi 3.70 9834915 9834931 $177.5% of span • Datasheet: 23X. Items without part numbers are available .34 .70 4214628 $177.34 Industrial Gauges .70 $130.000 psi 9833914 4343191 9833808 1. For datasheets and additional information.wika. please visit www.000 psi 9833778 50086774 9792818 9833760 9696495 9696487 9834907 List price 9833930 50262084 4220854 9834826 9834818 9793318 10. 233.25 6" 233. threaded Dial: White aluminum Type 232.60 9833948 9833786 9833965 9833795 $159.10 9833973 $159.34 (Dry) 4½" Size Connection Conn.00 $332. 67 .70 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi • Pointer: Black aluminum.000 psi 9833735 50381580 4343271 9834630 List price 4317492 9837566 4242131 600 psi 800 psi 4217004 ½" NPT PSI $159.45 $177.000 psi 4343204 9837485 9833744 9833981 9834648 2.60 9834800 9834567 160 psi $130. Reference page 69 for 23X.70 9837361 $130.10 9797607 4317513 9833825 9834006 9834591 9834605 9834613 9834621 9834834 9696509 9834850 9696525 9834842 9834869 9834877 9696517 9696534 9696542 9834923 9793679 9834940 9696623 9834958 9696631 20. adjustable • Case fill: 232.70 400 psi 9837604 9834745 9696436 9837523 9834761 9834770 9834788 9696445 9696453 9696461 4260180 4260198 $130.None or call 1-888-945-2872.70 PSI/KPA $130.45 9834966 9696550 9696568 9837680 9837760 9776869 9837841 9837884 8985116 9837965 9696576 9778918 9696585 9838082 $130.60 9696606 9838163 9838244 50316761 9833816 9833833 9833841 9833859 9833867 9833875 9833884 9833905 9833892 $159.24.10 9834082 9834090 9834104 9834112 $205.34 options.34 (Filled) 4½" 9834559 30 psi 60 psi ½" NPT PSI/KG/CM² 9834478 30"-0-60 psi LM PSI $130. KG/CM² inside in red.34 .70 LBM ½" NPT PSI $177.000 psi 9833752 50086766 9833922 9834575 1.85 9696649 N/A 9834120 $205. size Press scale¹ List price ¼" NPT PSI $130.10 9776885 9834583 300 psi 9696410 LM ¼" NPT PSI $159.85 9834138 9834146 ¹ “PSI/KG/CM²” denotes dual scale.70 4247923 9797615 9797624 9797632 9797640 9797658 9797666 9797675 9797683 $177.XSEL® Process Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Black thermoplastic Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Acrylic Window ring: Black thermoplastic. Note: Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.000 psi 9833956 4228298 4392197 9776877 9748911 15.10 9833999 9834015 9834023 9834031 9834049 9834057 9834065 9834155 9834074 4343299 $159.60 4247931 4343281 4247958 4343301 9696593 9838120 4247940 9696615 9838201 4247966 4343310 $177.70 9793661 9793521 $177.70 9834486 9834737 9696428 9834508 9834753 30"-0-30 psi 9834494 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi 30"-0-300 psi 30"-0-400 psi List price 15 psi 9834516 9834524 9834532 4260163 4260171 $130. 760 mm Hg inside in red. 00 1.consult factory. please visit or call 1-888-945-2872.None 263.34 .000 psi 9835229 2.000 psi 5. Items without part numbers are available .000 psi • Pointer: Black aluminum. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 262. ² 4½" panel mounting kit (uninstalled) including polished 304 SS ring Factory stocked items shown in bold print.34 4½" LM ½" NPT PSI $358.Glycerine • Accuracy: ±0.000 psi 10.500 psi 9835202 3.34 9835210 9835237 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.34 options.00 9835016 9835024 9835032 9835040 9835059 9835067 9835075 $358.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 262.000 psi 9835199 800 psi List price 9835180 $358.00 15 psi 9835091 60 psi 9835113 30 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 9835105 9835121 9835130 9835148 9835156 9835164 600 psi 9835172 1. Reference page 69 for 262.wika.34 Industrial Gauges -XSEL® Process Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Black thermoplastic Wetted parts: Monel® 400 alloy Window: Acrylic Window ring: Black thermoplastic. 68 For datasheets and additional information. 760 mm Hg inside in red.5% of span • Datasheet: 26X. . threaded Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. adjustable • Case fill: 262.34 . 10 $5.15 Standard DP $75. prepared for Fluorolube® filling in field Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.34 4½" LM 2XX. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3.34 GLY86.65 $11.25 Connections 3/8" NPT or G3/8B Teflon® tape on connection Mounting 4½" panel mount kit Windows Polycarbonate 3/8 or G3/8 Pointers Knife-edge pointer Drag pointer.50 DM $15. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.00 $15.15 $3.35 $9.95 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 G1/4B or G1/2B G1/4 or G1/2 $0.65 Standard $28. 0.45 KPTR $3. 265 Refer to page 260 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.wika.30 $34.00 $75.3 SER# PTFE $8.60 NACE $24.00 NACE compliance.60 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.40 $28. For 316L SS wetted parts.95 TT PC Flat glass $52.40 $34.5 SIL1000 SIL50 n/a $26.34 Option Case / ring options Red thermoplastic case & ring Yellow thermoplastic case & ring Case liquid fills Code 2XX.00 $0.65 $11.35 n/a $4.35 REC $17.45 $23.25 n/a n/a $27.12) CLK $9. prepared for glycerine / silicone filling in field Dry.60 n/a $8.95 $52.70 PM $141.25 n/a $9.5) Silicone 1.40 $52.60 $20.60 $8.00 Other options available Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.00 3. MR0175 latest edition.95 $0.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 2XX.40 $52.50 $34.34 Options for type 2XX.95 $4.3mm orifice Dials & scales Luminescent dial Serial number on dial Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Movements Dampened movement PTFE coated movement Zero adjustment screw on window Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) $52.00 $14. red Restrictors SS.15 $3.00 $0.65 $11.35 $141.80 n/a SG $23.00 $5.55 $21.000 cst Silicone 50 cst $39. 0.15 $57.34 6" LM RCASE $39.00 $0.25 Standard 2X3. MR0175 latest edition.9.10 n/a $5.00 $15.95 $52.00 $24.95 $52.00 EXT ADJ $57.40 $28.00 $24.60 NACE compliance.00 $52.45 $23. 69 . M4 thread.6mm orifice SS. please visit www. 262 Needle valves.00 R Standard Standard LUM $9.70 $0.55 $17.95 $52.95 n/a $26.80 $14.10 $5. M4 thread.15 n/a R0.30 $51.00 $5.00 $0.5 / 13. For MONEL® wetted parts.00 n/a GLS Safety glass $0.70 $0. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial NACE $5.40 YCASE Dry.34 4½" LBM 2XX. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial O2 $20. logos and other artwork charges Alarm contacts for process gauges Refer to pages 263. solid front Wetted parts: Inconel® X-750 & 316 SS Window: Polycarbonate Window ring: Stainless steel Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.00 30 psi 52049167 100 psi 52049191 60 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 500 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi 10.00 52049124 30"-0-300 psi Pointer: Black aluminum .000 psi 1. size Press scale List price 30"-0-150 psi 52049141 List price 52049132 52049159 $314.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 232. please visit www.000 psi 3.wika.34DD Industrial Gauges .000 psi 70 LM ½" NPT PSI $314.000 psi 5.500 psi 2.adjustable Case fill: None Accuracy: ±0.34DD 232. .5% of span Datasheet: 232.34DD 4½" 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi • • • • 52049183 52049205 52049221 52049230 52049248 52049256 52049272 52049281 52049299 52049302 52049311 For datasheets and additional information.Direct Drive Process Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Yellow thermoplastic. please visit www. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.34DD Option Case Black thermoplastic Connections G1/4B or G1/2B 3/8" NPT or G3/8B 9/16 .85 O2 $156.34DD Options for type 232.00 G1/4 or G1/2 TT Call factory Call factory $192.65 $35.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for or call 1-888-945-2872.wika.45 SG $78.00 $53.34DD 4½" LM BLK CS $0.60 $30.18 UNF F250C female autoclave Teflon® tape on connection Windows Safety glass (without zero adjustment) Dials & scales Serial number on dial Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Viton® isolator (not for gas or vacuum service) EPDM isolator (not for gas or vacuum service) Porous filter (25-50 micron) one included with each gauge Porous filter (50-100 micron) Other options available Code 232.65 $111. 262 Needle valves. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.60 $111.55 3/8 or G3/8 F250C REC ISOL ISOL FLT 25 FLT 100 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.55 SER# $5.00 $1. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales. 71 . 00 4236301 4236319 4236327 4236335 4236343 4236351 4236361 4236379 4236387 4235640 4235895 4236395 4235658 4235909 4236408 $407.25 4235691 4235941 4236441 15.See type 232.See type 232.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 212.000 psi N/A .25 N/A . adjustable Case fill: None Accuracy: ±0.25 • Window: Flat glass • Window ring: Black-painted steel.See type 232.232.00 4235801 4235810 4235828 4235836 4235844 4235852 4235861 4235879 4235887 $529.00 4236468 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.00 4235721 4235739 4235747 4235755 4235763 4235771 6" ½" NPT PSI $553.25 316L SS . Factory stocked items shown in bold print.00 4236220 4236238 4236246 4236254 4236262 4236271 30"-0-200 psi 4235037 4235282 4236033 4235533 4235780 4236280 15 psi 4235045 4235291 4236041 4235541 4235798 4236298 List price 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.25 Industrial Gauges . 72 For datasheets and additional information. .00 4235968 $780.000 psi 5.See type 232.See type 232.25 $365. hinged • Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. please visit www.00 4234970 4234988 4234996 4235002 4235011 4235029 LBM ½" NPT PSI $277.25 4½" ¼" NPT PSI $387.wika.00 4235223 4235231 4235240 4235258 4235266 4235274 6" ½" NPT PSI $ or call 1-888-945-2872. 760 mm Hg inside in red.See type 232. 232.00 4235666 4235674 4235682 $407.00 4235711 $605.00 4235304 4235312 4235321 4235339 4235347 4235355 4235363 4235371 4235381 4235399 $403.25.000 psi 1 212.Hinged Ring Gauges Standard features • Case: Black-painted aluminum • Wetted parts: Copper alloy .00 4235976 4235984 4235992 4236009 4236017 4236025 Pointer: Black aluminum.00 4235551 4235569 4235577 4235585 4235593 4235606 4235614 4235622 4235631 $365.000 psi List price 1.25 or 232.00 4235470 4235488 4235496 4235509 4235517 4235525 LBM ½" NPT PSI $387.00 4236416 4236424 4236432 10.00 4236050 4236068 4236076 4236084 4236092 4236106 4236114 4236122 4236131 4236149 N/A .25 4235703 4235950 4236450 List price 20.25 N/A . size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi ¼" NPT PSI $277.See type 232.25 N/A . Items without part numbers are available .5% of span Datasheet: 212.000 psi 3.25 4½" • • • • N/A .25 232.212.000 psi N/A .25 $605.00 4235917 4235925 4235933 $581.00 4235053 4235061 4235070 4235088 4235096 4235100 4235118 4235126 4235134 4235142 $265.500 psi 2.000 psi $265.consult factory. 60 $20.10 Refer to pages 263. 0. For 316L SS wetted parts.25.25.00 $0.65 Dials & scales Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) NACE compliance.00 212.05 $7.65 $5.25 6" LBM 232.10 $8.3mm orifice R0. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.70 $0.05 Serial number on dial SER# $5. M4 thread. logos and other artwork charges $8.wika.00 $24. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other options available $8.25 Option Connections G1/4B or G1/2B Teflon® tape on connection Restrictors SS.10 REC $17.50 O2 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.55 $21.65 $5.INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > Options for 212.00 232.50 $17. M4 thread.70 SS.65 $5. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information. 232.3 R $7.25 4½" LBM $0. 262 Needle valves.00 $24.55 $21.60 NACE $24. MR0175 latest edition.05 $7.6mm orifice Code G1/4 or G1/2 212.25 Options for type 212.10 $8.05 $7.70 $0.25 4½" LBM $0.60 $20.60 $20.00 $24.00 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. 0. 73 . please visit www.70 $0.00 TT $0.25 6" LBM $0. 232. 12 Stainless steel .12 or 43X.00 9744113 $467. Items without part numbers are available .consult factory.00 8558337 8681791 8558345 8681813 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. 432. 760 mm Hg inside in red. .12 • Window: Flat instrument glass • Window ring: Black-painted steel • Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.00 $493.wika. please visit or call 1-888-945-2872.5% of span Datasheet: 42X. 74 For datasheets and additional information.00 8683581 8558310 8683590 8657360 8683603 9744121 8547092 9697565 8681236 $796.00 9744139 $611. adjustable Case fill: None Accuracy: ±1. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.12 4" 432.12 4" PSI $310.Sealgauges Standard features • Case: Black-painted cast iron • Wetted parts: Carbon steel .12 LM ½" NPT Female 9740087 9740095 9744105 $305.43X. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 5" H2O 10" H2O List price 15" H2O 30" H2O 60" H2O 100" H2O 200" H2O 1 422.00 9736336 • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum.12.00 $628.42X.MECHANICAL PRESSURE INDUSTRIAL GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 422.00 PSI $546.12 Industrial Gauges . consult factory.50 Glycerine .INDUSTRIAL GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Industrial Gauges > 432.00 $1. 760 mm Hg inside in red.00 $1.425.00 LM ½" NPT Female PSI $996.348. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. 75 .00 N/A N/A Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.50 Industrial Gauges .432.00 9744147 9744155 9744164 $907.Sealgauges Standard features • • • • • Type Size Connection Conn. bayonet Dial: White aluminum 432. Items without part numbers are available .wika.50.50 (Dry) 433.50 (Filled) 4" 4" PSI $913. For datasheets and additional information.433. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi List price 5" H2O 10" H2O List price 15" H2O 30" H2O 60" H2O 100" H2O 200" H2O 1 • Pointer: Black aluminum.00 9697603 8605548 8511950 8737118 8691320 8737126 8549176 8503370 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.50 • Accuracy: ±1. please visit www.00 $990.00 8737134 8683360 8683379 8597952 8683387 9744172 8683409 9697581 9697599 $1. 433.50 Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Safety glass Window ring: SS. adjustable • Case fill: None .5% of span • Datasheet: 432.228.303. 00 $256. 20 mA 2-wire 0 . Items without part numbers are available . output signal List Price: Pointer: Black plastic Accuracy: ±3% of span Connection: Lower or back mount Datasheet: A2G-10. please visit www.45 52297144 52297161 52297187 52297195 52297209 52297217 52297225 52297241 N/A $233.2" H2O -1/+1" H2O -2/+2" H2O -3/+3" H2O -4/+4" H2O -5/+5" H2O -6/+6" H2O 0/0..00 $256.00 -0. 52298205 .45 52297802 52297829 52297845 52297853 52297861 52297870 52297888 52297900 N/A $233.. A2G-15 Low Pressure Gauges .MECHANICAL PRESSURE LOW PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > A2G-10.5" H2O 52294951 52216705 52296938 52297306 52297683 52297969 -0.4" H2O 52295087 52216837 52297039 52297403 52297772 52298078 0/ or call 1-888-945-2872.2/+0.95 52216853 52216870 52216888 52216896 52216900 52216918 52216926 52216942 52216951 $233. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.air2guideTM Standard features • • • • • • • • • Case: High-impact resistant plastic Wetted parts: Silicone rubber.5" H2O 52295559 52216845 52297047 52297411 52297781 52298060 0/2" H2O 52295575 52216861 52297152 52297438 52297811 52298094 List Price: 0/1" H2O 0/3" H2O 0/4" H2O 0/5" H2O 0/6" H2O 0/8" H2O 0/10" H2O 0/15" H2O 0/20" H2O 0/25" H2O 0/30" H2O 0/50" H2O $73. 76 $256.consult factory..00 52294927 52216675 52296091 52297284 52297667 52297942 -0.5/+0.1/+0.45 52297420 52297446 52297454 52297462 52297471 52297489 52297497 52297519 N/A $233. plastic Window: Polycarbonate Window ring: None Dial: White aluminum with black segment Type LM Connection A2G-10 Size 4½" CBM 2 x G ⅛ Female Surface mount Panel mount Conn. size Mounting Elect.wika. 10 V 3-wire 4 .70 -$84... 20 mA 2-wire 0 . A2G-15 -$84.70 A2G-15 LM CBM 4½" Surface mount 2 x G ⅛ Female Panel mount 4 .1" H2O For datasheets and additional information..95 52295567 52295583 52295613 52295621 52295630 52295648 52295656 52295672 52295681 52295699 52295702 52295711 $73.45 52298086 52298108 52298116 52298124 52298132 52298141 52298167 52298183 N/A 52216969 52297250 52297527 52297918 52298191 52216993 52297276 52297543 52297934 52298213 52216977 52297268 52297535 52297926 NOTE: Each gauge is supplied with a pair of ⅛" to 3/16" hose barb adaptors and a set of case mounting screws.25" H2O 52294943 52294960 52294978 52294986 52294994 52295036 52295052 52295079 52216691 52216748 52216756 52216764 52216781 52216799 52216802 52216829 52296920 52296946 52296954 52296971 52296989 52296997 52297004 52297021 52297292 52297314 52297331 52297349 52297365 52297357 52297373 52297390 52297675 52297691 52297705 52297713 52297721 52297730 52297748 52297764 52297951 52297985 52297993 52298001 52298019 52298027 52298035 52298051 0/0. 10 V 3-wire $256.. please visit www.60 Connections Other Red mark pointer Other options available Calibration and material certificates Special scales.15 $3.60 $4.60 $4. 77 . Panel Mount A2G-15 Surface Mount For datasheets and additional information.wika. 262 No additional charge Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times A2G-10.65 Weather protection IP65 (NEMA 4) IP65 $4. logos and other artwork charges MP $3. brass ⅛" NPT to ¼" metal tubing CFIT $7. A2G-15 Options for type A2G-10.65 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.65 $7.LOW PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > Options for A2G-10. A2G-15 Option Code A2G-10 4½" LM A2G-10 4½" CBM A2G-15 4½" LM A2G-15 4½" CBM Compression fitting.15 Refer to pages 261.60 $4.15 $3.65 $7.15 $3. 10 611. .05 9851917 9857273 9803548 $67.05 $67.wika.05 50761871 9851860 9855785 9803432 9851879 9851887 $67.25 9851836 9851844 4204221 Factory stocked items shown in bold print. Items without part numbers are available.05 9851925 9851933 4204212 9857281 9855793 $67.05 9851852 9748339 9747465 $67.consult factory. in.25 9852344 9748321 9747473 $64. size List price " H2O 30 Vac 60 Vac 100 Vac List price " H2O 10 15 30 60 100 200 List price oz.10 2½" CBM ¼" NPT $ or call 1-888-945-2872.25 9851771 9851780 9851798 9851747 9851801 9851755 $64. Brass wetted parts Standard features • • • • • • • • • • Case: Black-painted steel Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Snap-in acrylic Window ring: None Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.MECHANICAL PRESSURE LOW PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > 611. 78 For datasheets and additional information./sq. 10 15 20 30 35 60 List price oz.5% of span External zero adjustment screw on dial Datasheet: 611. 20 32 List price 3 psi 5 psi 10 psi LM mm H2O 760 1500 2500 mm H2O 250 380 760 1500 2500 5000 mm H2O 440 660 880 1320 1540 2640 " H2O 34 55 Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±1. Minimum order quantities may apply . in.Black steel case./sq.10 Low Pressure Gauges .25 50761846 9851682 9851690 9851704 9851810 9851828 $64. please visit www. Reference page 81 for 611.25 9851720 9851739 $64.10 options. 20 612./sq. Brass wetted parts Standard features • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Flat glass Window ring: SS.00 $189. For datasheets and additional information. Items without part numbers are available.00 $ or call 1-888-945-2872. Reference page 81 for 612.20 Low Pressure Gauges .Stainless steel case. size List price " H2O 30 Vac 60 Vac 100 Vac List price " H2O 15 30 60 100 200 List price oz./sq. bayonet Dial: White aluminum Type Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±1.00 9747724 $189. 10 15 20 30 35 60 List price oz. in. 20 32 List price 3 psi 5 psi 10 psi • • • • • mm H2O 760 1500 2500 mm H2O 380 760 1500 2500 5000 mm H2O 440 660 880 1320 1540 2640 " H2O 34 55 LM ¼" NPT $189. please visit www.5% of span External zero adjustment screw on dial Datasheet: 612.LOW PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > 612.00 9747783 9747791 4246684 Factory stocked items shown in bold print. 79 .consult factory. in.00 9747732 9747740 9747758 9747766 9747775 $189.wika. Minimum order quantities may apply .20 options.20 4" Size Connection Conn. please visit www.50 632.50 Low Pressure Gauges . 316L SS wetted parts Standard features • • • • • • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Safety glass Window ring: or call 1-888-945-2872.Stainless steel case. . Minimum order quantities may apply .50 4" LM ½" NPT $650.consult factory.MECHANICAL PRESSURE LOW PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > 632.00 9804439 9804447 9804455 9804412 9804323 9804471 9804315 9804498 9859314 9804501 9804307 9804420 Factory stocked items shown in bold print. size List price 5-0-5" H2O 10-0-10" H2O 15-0-15" H2O 15" H2O-0-5psi 15" H2O 20" H2O 30" H2O 60" H2O 100" H2O 200" H2O 5 psi 10 psi Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±1. bayonet Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. 80 For datasheets and additional information.5% of span External zero adjustment screw on dial Datasheet: 632. Items without part numbers are available. 15 $40.35 n/a n/a FF CHR Mark pointer.80 RF $22. M4 thread. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3.50 $10.50 $34.12)CLK $28.6mm orifice Dials & scales Other Accuracy ±1.90 n/a $7.11 Overpressure safe¹ OP Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Vacuum safe¹ Overpressure and vacuum safe¹ Other options available O2 VS VS OP n/a n/a $227.10 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.00 SG $21.LOW PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > Options for 611. 0. 632. black-painted steel Rear flange.10 SS.3 n/a n/a n/a $8.3mm orifice R0.05 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.00 n/a $3.00 n/a $3. please visit www.15 Restrictors Brass.80 $5.70 $5.10 2½" LM 611.80 R $4.95 n/a n/a FF n/a n/a $36.00 n/a $28.15 $20. 612.50 $20.80 $5. Option Case / ring options Stainless steel case Chrome-plated steel case Connections 1/8" NPT G1/8B or G1/4B Code 611.05 Teflon® tape on connection TT $0.00 $0.15 std MP $ $3. 10X for higher ranges n/a n/a $20.40 $39.70 $0.05 CHR CASE G1/8 or G1/4 1/2" NPT G1/2B G1/2 $6. steel bracket NKL SKT $0.80 $20.00 $60. SS polished Rear flange.80 $5.70 $13. logos and other artwork charges ¹ 3X for ranges up to 10" H2O.85 $34.wika.50 4" LM SS CASE $30.00 $0.00 1/2 n/a n/a $0.00 $0.50 $20.70 U-clamp.05 $91. press-fit. 612.20 4" LM 632.35 n/a $32.10 $4.20.35 $20.00 $0.00 $0.15 $40.00 n/a 3. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.50 Options for type 611. chrome-plated brass Front flange.10 $22.10.55 std $0. black-painted steel Front flange.15 $40.00 DP n/a n/a n/a $120.10 shaded options.35 $20. M4 thread.70 Flat glass Pointers n/a $0. 262 Needle valves. 0.15 $40.00 $0. 81 . adjustable $20.05 std $20. SS U-clamp.05 Refer to pages 263.60 n/a $0. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.15 $20.60 $3.30 $30.50 NOTE: 250 pc minimum order quantity is required for Type 611.95 $14.10 2½" CBM 612.70 n/a n/a $21. 632.75 n/a n/a n/a $36.50 $20.70 GLS Drag pointer.30 STD STD 1/8 $0.70 FF $14. black-painted ring.70 UC B Safety glass $0.80 n/a $78. red $0.00 $0.10 UC $20.35 RF n/a $20. red.3mm orifice SS.35 $34.05 n/a n/a $227.70 Nickel-plated connection Mounting Front flange. Consult factory for smaller quantities. SS polished ring. steel bracket Windows $6.10.05 $28.15 $20. 0.50 $34.0% R 1% 316 SS wetted parts 631.10 Serial number on dial SER# $5.50 $21. /in² 12 oz.34.612./in² 45 oz./in² 9 oz.632. please visit www.34 612. size List price • • • • • Inner scale 6 oz.00 4217063 4217071 4217080 4217098 4217101 4217110 4217128 4217136 4217144 4217039 4217047 4217055 LM ¼" NPT $ or call 1-888-945-2872.34 • Window: Acrylic • Window ring: Black thermoplastic./in² 24 oz. threaded Type Outer scale 10" H2O 15" H2O 20" H2O 30" H2O 40" H2O 60" H2O 80" H2O 100" H2O 150" H2O 5 psi 8 psi 10 psi Dial: White aluminum Pointer: Black aluminum.00 4217187 4217195 4217209 4217217 4217225 4217233 4217241 4217250 4217268 4217152 4217161 4217179 Factory stocked items shown in bold print.34 632. adjustable Case fill: Not available Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span Datasheet: 6X2.wika./in² 57 oz. 82 For datasheets and additional information.34 316L SS .MECHANICAL PRESSURE LOW PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > 612./in² 90 oz.consult factory.34 4½" Size Connection Conn.34 Low Pressure Gauges . . Items without part numbers are available .4½" Process Gauge Case Standard features • Case: Black thermoplastic • Wetted parts: Copper alloy . 632./in² 18 oz./in² 10" Hg 16" Hg 20" Hg $518./in² 35 oz. 05 $19.34 Options for type 612.55 $19.00 $9.00 NACE n/a $24.3 R $7. 632. red on acrylic window Mark pointer.00 SS.00 $30. M4 thread.wika.00 $0.00 $7.34.65 $5. 0. For 316L SS wetted parts.6mm orifice Dials & scales Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) NACE compliance. on dial Restrictors Brass.00 R $4.35 $141.LOW PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Low Pressure Gauges > Options for 612.50 Brass.55 $38. MR0175 latest edition. 262 Needle valves.55 n/a TT $0.65 O2 $30. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.85 Refer to pages 263.00 $4.55 $19. 83 .6 SS. 632.35 Flat glass GLS Mounting Windows Safety glass Pointers Drag pointer. red. press-fit.50 $23.05 $7.80 DP $75.3mm orifice SG $23.34.3mm orifice R0.34 4½" LM 632.9.70 $0.12)CLK Option Connections 1/2" NPT Teflon® tape on connection 1/2 $0.45 $14.00 $75. press-fit.80 $14. 265 ¹ 3X for ranges up to 10" H2O.05 Serial number on dial SER# $5.45 $11. 0. M4 thread. or call 1-888-945-2872.00 3.00 MP $11. 9 or 12 O'clock position (3. please visit www. 0.00 $7. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Overpressure safe¹ OP Vacuum safe¹ Overpressure and vacuum safe¹ Other options available VS VS OP $4.00 $0. 10X for higher ranges Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.6mm orifice R0.34 4½" LM G1/4B or G1/2B G1/4 or G1/2 $0.85 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.70 4½" panel mount kit PM $141.05 $19.34 Code 612.55 $38. logos and other artwork charges $4. 00 4390954 4390632 4390675 50334085 4375242 4371866 4368084 4372170 4375250 4368092 4371816 4372188 4375268 4371883 4371824 4372196 4390616 4390658 4390691 4390739 4375276 4371891 4371832 4372209 50420267 4390666 50441647 4375285 4371840 4375293 4371913 4371858 4372162 Factory stocked items shown in bold print.Piston Style Standard features Window ring: Black thermoplastic Dial: White aluminum Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: None . size List price 5 psid 10 psid 20 psid 25 psid 30 psid 50 psid 60 psid 75 psid 100 psid 700.00 $293. 84 For datasheets and additional information.703.04 Anodized aluminum 2½" 4½" 316L SS 2½" 4½" 2 x ¼" NPT Female.wika.Sensor housing anodized aluminum or 316L SS • Window: Acrylic Type Sensor housing Size Conn.00 $488.700.Ceramic magnet . Items without part numbers are available . .04 Differential Pressure Gauges .316 SS spring .Viton® o-rings .04 • Accuracy: ±2% of span • Datasheet: 700.00 $502. please visit www.04 Glycerine .com or call 1-888-945-2872. Back $279.consult factory.MECHANICAL PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > 700.04 • • • • • Case: Black thermoplastic • Wetted parts: . com or call 1-888-945-2872. logos and other artwork charges $38. 85 .40 Safety glass SG $8. please visit www.15 $56.wika.20 $65.45 $171. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales. red DP $60.5 / 13.45 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.04 2½" 700.65 Mounting Wall / pipe-mount kit Windows Pointers Dials & scales Serial number on dial Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) 1 x SPDT 5W contact Bi-directional reading Other options available O2 SPDT BD $38.45 Refer to pages 263.30 $45.15 $56.60 $56.15 $13.30 SIL1000 $56.40 $81.60 $38.40 SER# $5.60 $51.00 $96.15 $56.30 $8.15 $56.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 700.04 Options for type 700.15 GLY86.75 $13.75 1/2 $65.70 Drag pointer. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.5) Silicone 1.04 $45.65 $5.60 $38. 262 Needle valves.5 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 Connections 2 x 1/4" NPT female end connections 2 x 1/2" NPT SS adapters 1/4E $51.20 MKIT $81.04 4½" 703.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > Options for 700.04 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.45 $171. 05 Differential Pressure Gauges .com or call 1-888-945-2872. Items without part numbers are available .00 4375722 4375730 4375748 4375756 4375765 4375773 4375781 4375799 4375803 4375811 4375829 4375837 4375846 4375854 Factory stocked items shown in bold print. ranges 300" H2O & up ±5% of span. size List price 0/50" H2O 0/75" H2O 0/100" H2O 0/200" H2O 0/300" H2O 0/400" H2O 0/5 psid 0/10 psid 0/15 psid 0/25 psid 0/30 psid 0/50 psid 0/75 psid 0/100 psid 700.consult factory.MECHANICAL PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > 700.Piston-Style with Separating Diaphragm Standard features • Dial: White aluminum • Pointer: Black aluminum • Case fill: None .00 4375446 4375586 4375455 4375595 4375463 4375608 4375471 4375616 4375489 4375625 4375497 4375633 4375501 4375641 4375519 4375659 4375527 4375667 4375536 4375676 4375544 4375684 4375552 4375692 4375560 4375706 4375578 4375714 4½" $836.05 Anodized aluminum 2½" $440. Back $464.05 Glycerine . ranges < 300" H2O • Datasheet: 700. 86 For datasheets and additional information. .700.Buna-N membrane & o-rings . please visit www.05 • Accuracy: ±2% of span.05 • Case: Black thermoplastic • Wetted parts: .703.00 $812.00 4375306 4375315 4375323 4375331 4375349 4375357 4375366 4375374 4375382 4375390 4375404 4375412 4375420 4375438 4½" 316L SS 2½" 2 x ¼" NPT Female.wika.316 SS spring .Ceramic magnet .Sensor housing anodized aluminum or 316L SS • Window: Acrylic • Window ring: Black thermoplastic Type Sensor housing Size Conn. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.5) Silicone 1000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 700.40 $81.60 $56.5 / 13.30 SIL1000 $56. logos and other artwork charges $8.05 4½" 703.15 $56.20 MKIT $81.70 Drag pointer.wika.00 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.45 $38.15 $56. 87 . please visit www.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > Options for 700.05 Options for type 700.65 O2 $38.40 Safety glass SG $8.15 1/2 $65. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.65 $5.04 $45.30 $45.20 $65. 262 Needle valves.55 Refer to pages 263.55 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.5 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 Connections 2 x 1/2" NPT SS adapters $51.15 GLY86.45 Mounting Wall / pipe-mount kit Windows Pointers Dials & scales Serial number on dial Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Viton® membrane & o-rings Other options available Viton $8.15 $56.30 $8.05 Option Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86.05 2½" 700. red DP $60.60 $56.40 SER# $5.15 $51. SS & NBR Window: Polycarbonate Window ring: SS. please visit www.15 712.Cyrogenic Liquid Level Gauges Standard features • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: Copper alloy.15 6" LM 2 x ¼" NPT Female $1.15 Differential Pressure Gauges .700.consult factory.00 50696246 50696262 50696271 50696289 50696297 50696301 50696319 50696327 50696335 50696343 50696351 50696360 50696378 50696386 Factory stocked items shown in bold print. . 88 For datasheets and additional information. Items without part numbers are available . bayonet Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn. size List price 0/50" WC 0/100" WC 0/150" WC 0/200" WC 0/250" WC 0/300" WC 0/350" WC 0/400" WC 0/450" WC 0/500" WC 0/600" WC 0/700" WC 0/800" WC 0/900" WC • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: None Accuracy: ±2% of span Datasheet: or call 1-888-945-2872.MECHANICAL PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > 712. X $642. 89 .3 $761. please visit www.05 Dual reed switchs 851.15 6" G1/4 $0.85 HBRKT SG Dials & scales Serial number on dial Dial for liquid level measurement Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) SER# LL O2 $69.30 $15.50 Dual magnetic contacts or call 1-888-945-2872.44 $669.XX 828.XX Single reed switch 851.40 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.25 $38.45 $783. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.00 MKIT $122.20mA output signal for liquid level Other options available 851. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263.05 CBRKT $49.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > Options for 712.X 4. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.65 $64.XX 838.X Single inductive contact 838.00 $5.00 $789.15 Options for type 712.X $560.65 891.33 $851...15 Option Connections 2 x G1/4B Mounting Universal wall / pipe-mount kit H-mounting bracket (surface mount) C-mounting bracket (surface mount) Windows Safety glass Code 712.55 828.3 (1 x SPDT) Single magnetic contact 828.33 (2 x SPDT) 851.45 3-way manifold block with 4" gauge MNFLD $664.wika. 262 Needle valves.20 838.XX Dual inductive contacts 838. 25DP 712.consult factory. range List price 15 psid 30 psid 60 psid 100 psid 160 psid 200 psid 300 psid 400 psid 600 psid 800 psid 1.00 Factory stocked items shown in bold print.25DP 4½" 6" Size Connection Conn.000 psig 30 psig 60 psig 100 psig 200 psig 300 psig 400 psig 800 psig 1.00 4241487 4241495 4241509 4241517 4241525 4241819 4241827 4241835 4241843 4241851 4241541 4241879 4241568 $1.752. size • • • • • Max.396. 15 psig 30 psig 60 psig 100 psig 160 psig 200 psig 300 psig 400 psig 600 psig 800 psig 1.00 4241895 $1.396. static or call 1-888-945-2872. .000 psid List price 15/0/15 psid 30/0/30 psid 50/0/50 psid 100/0/100 psid 150/0/150 psid 200/0/200 psid 400/0/400 psid 500/0/500 psid Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: None Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span Integral rear flange on case Datasheet: 712.25DP Differential Pressure Gauges . 90 For datasheets and additional information.wika.Dual Bourdon Tube Design Standard features • • • • • Case: Black epoxy-coated aluminum Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Flat Glass Window ring: Black aluminum Dial: White aluminum Type Diff.00 $1.752. please visit www.MECHANICAL PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges 712.000 psig LM 2 x ¼" NPT $1. Items without part numbers are available . 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information. 91 .5mm bore Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Other options available Code 712.00 R $4. 0. logos and other artwork charges $5.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > Options for 712.00 O2 $ or call 1-888-945-2872. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.25DP 4½" 712. press-in.25DP Option Connections 2 x G1/4B Restrictor Brass.00 $0.5 $5.25DP Options for type 712.45 R0.25DP 6" G1/4 $0.00 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. 0.00 Refer to pages 263. 262 Needle valves. please visit www.wika.45 $38. press-in.3mm bore Brass.00 $4. MECHANICAL PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > 712. please visit www. .25DX 712.150.00 4241738 4241746 4241754 4241762 4241691 4241771 4241720 4241801 Factory stocked items shown in bold print.wika. range List price 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1. size Diff.25DX 4½" 6" LM 2 x ¼" NPT $769.000 psi • • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum Case fill: None Accuracy: ±2/1/2% of span Integral rear flange on case Datasheet: 712. Items without part numbers are available .00 4241657 4241665 4241673 4241681 $1.25DX Differential Pressure Gauges .com or call 1-888-945-2872. 92 For datasheets and additional information.Duplex Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Black epoxy-coated aluminum Wetted parts: Copper alloy Window: Flat Glass Window ring: Black aluminum Dial: White aluminum Type Size Connection Conn.consult factory. 25DX 6" G1/4 $0.5 $5. press-in.00 $0. 93 . logos and other artwork charges $5.3mm bore Brass.25DX Options for type 712.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > Options for 712.00 Refer to pages 263. 262 Needle valves. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.45 R0.wika. press-in.00 O2 $38. please visit www.00 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.25DX Option Connections 2 x G1/4B Restrictor or call 1-888-945-2872.25DX 4½" 712.00 $4.5mm bore Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Other options available Code 712. 0.45 $38. 0.00 R $4. .25 or 732.00 4375862 4375870 4375888 4375896 4375900 4375918 4375926 4375935 4375943 4375951 4375969 4375977 or call 1-888-945-2872.26 • Accuracy: ±1% of span • Datasheet: 732. Back $1.25.consult factory.26 Differential Pressure Gauges .25 4½" 6" 2 x ¼" NPT Female.wika.00 $1. Items without part numbers are available .733. 732.732.802. polished Dial: White aluminum . size List price 100" H2Od 150" H2Od 200" H2Od 300" H2Od 400" H2Od 15 psid 30 psid 60 psid 100 psid 230 psid 300 psid 400 psid 500 psid 600 psid 732.26 Case: Black epoxy-coated aluminum Wetted parts: 316L SS.00 $1.732.924. please visit www.MECHANICAL PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > 732.25/733. Top/Bottom $1. 732.802.00 4375986 4374246 4375994 4376036 4376001 4376019 4376027 4376044 4376052 4376060 732.26 4½" 6" 2 x ¼" NPT Female.26 Glycerine .25/732.26 94 For datasheets and additional information.924.High Differential & Static Pressures Standard features • • • • • • Pointer: Aluminum. Monel® & PTFE Window: Acrylic Window ring: SS. adjustable • Case fill: None .25 Black aluminum .732.26 Type Size Conn.25 N/A N/A Factory stocked items shown in bold print. 00 $15.50 $58.26 Option Case / ring options 304 SS case Case liquid fills Glycerine Glycerine / water (86. logos and other artwork charges $58. includes *NACE SOUR GAS SERVICE* printed on dial Other options available $68. 732.00 $24.26 4½" 732.DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Differential Gauges > Options for 732.35 $29.25.35 MKIT n/a n/a $160.80 n/a $54.50 $0.45 SG $11. MR0175 latest edition.20 $206.45 $38.45 NACE $24.50 SIL1000 $68. 262 Needle valves.00 $58.20 $206.50 $68.00 $24.35 n/a $29.00 $0.25. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.65 $29.50 $58.00 $24.50 $ or call 1-888-945-2872. 95 .50 $68.50 SQ RT $132.65 $5.20 O2 $38.45 $38.50 GLY86.50 n/a n/a Refer to pages 263.35 $143.25 / 733.45 $34.75 733.25 4½" 732.20 $54.50 $58.95 CBRKT n/a n/a $34.00 $15.80 $132.5 / 13.35 $143.00 $68.5 SIL50 Silicone 350 cst SIL 350 Connections 2 x G1/4B female G1/4 2 x G1/2B female G1/2 2 x 1/2" NPT female Mounting Wall / pipe-mount kit H-mounting bracket Windows Safety glass Dials & scales Serial number on dial Square root dial for flow Dial for liquid level measurement Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) NACE compliance.95 $160.00 SER# $5.26 $58.50 $68.00 LL n/a Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.35 $29.wika.26 6" SS CASE $54. please visit www.75 $54.45 $38.26 Options for type 732.25 6" 732.35 n/a $29.50 $58.5) Silicone 1.50 1/2 HBRKT C-mounting bracket $58.50 $68.00 $29.50 $29.000 cst Silicone 50 cst Code 732. 732.65 $5.00 $11.50 $0.50 $68.35 $29.50 $0.50 $68.50 $68. For 316L SS wetted parts. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.50 $68.65 $5. 30 • Window: Safety glass • Window ring: SS.30 High Precision Gauges . 760 mm Hg inside in red.00 9747286 9747295 9747308 9747316 9747325 Dial: White aluminum .686.332.00 9747163 9651454 $572.mirrored band Pointer: Black aluminum. adjustable Case fill: None Accuracy: ±0.30 • Wetted parts: Copper alloy .500 psi 2.000 psi 10.312.consult factory.000 psi 3.wika.30 332. knife-edge.689.MECHANICAL PRESSURE HIGH PRECISION GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > 312. bayonet Type Size Connection Conn.00 $1. solid front .20 6" ¼" NPT PSI $ or call 1-888-945-2872. 96 For datasheets and additional information.00 $572.25% of span Datasheet: 312.20 316L SS . size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.00 9746867 9746875 9746884 9746892 9746905 9746914 9746922 9746930 9746948 7938854 9746965 $652.20 or 332. .000 psi List price 1.000 psi 5. please visit www. Factory stocked items shown in bold print.000 psi 1 312. Items without part numbers are available .20 304 SS.312.00 9746859 LM ½" NPT PSI $766. 332.20.00 4304713 4207408 4207416 4248946 50046128 4286112 50179691 $1.529.00 50046136 4282559 9744309 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.30 6" ½" NPT PSI $1.332.6" Test Gauge Standard features • • • • • • Case: 304 SS .00 9746973 9746981 9746999 9747006 9747015 9747171 9747189 9747197 9747201 9747219 9747227 9747235 9747244 9747252 9747260 9747278 $652. press-in. 332. polished SS 312. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information. logos and other artwork charges n/a R $98.30 Silicone 50 cst Mounting Front flange. SS RF $78.40 SIL n/a $426.45 $102.00 $ or call 1-888-945-2872.00 n/a $0.20 6" 332.60 CGAS $98.05 $7.30 $91. please visit www. 332.10 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.3mm bore SS.30 Options for type 312.00 $426.30 6" STD $0.85 $78. 0.85 Red mark pointer MP $102.20. 97 .05 O2 $20.6mm bore Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Calibration with gas Other options Available R $4. M4 thread. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.10 Refer to pages 263.30 Option Connections 1/4" NPT Code 1/4 G1/4B or G1/2B G1/4 or G1/2 Case liquid fills Glycerine 333.40 FF $91.00 $0.45 Pointers Restrictors Brass.20. 0.30 Rear flange.HIGH PRECISION GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > Options for 312.wika. 262 Needle valves.60 $20. com or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi 3.000 psi 5. adjustable • Case fill: None • Accuracy: ±0.54 High Precision Gauges .4" Test Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: 304 SS Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Safety glass Window ring: SS.000 PSI = 0. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. bayonet Dial: White aluminum.00 4246004 4249250 4237979 4243269 50044796 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. Items without part numbers are available .5% of span • Datasheet: 332.00 N/A 4220021 4220030 4220048 4220056 4220064 4220072 4220081 4220099 4220102 $220.25% of span Ranges 600 to 2. please visit www.500 psi 2.consult factory.54 332.000 psi List price 1. mirrored band Type Size Connection Conn. 760 mm Hg inside in red.54 4" LM ¼" NPT PSI $242. 98 For datasheets and additional information. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1. .wika. knife-edge.000 psi 1 • Pointer: Black aluminum.00 4220013 4362336 4255232 4333781 4237961 4213176 4200741 $220.000 psi 10.MECHANICAL PRESSURE HIGH PRECISION GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > 332. 54 4" G1/4B or G1/2B G1/4 or G1/2 1/2 $0. 262 Needle valves. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales. M4 thread. SS RF $23.75 SS.05 O2 $20.60 Mounting Restrictors Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Other options available $0.00 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261. please visit www. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages or call 1-888-945-2872. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.54 Option Connections 1/2" NPT Code 332.6mm bore R $7.00 Rear flange.54 Options for type 332. 0.wika.HIGH PRECISION GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > Options for 332. 99 . Factory stocked items shown in bold print. threaded Dial: White or call 1-888-945-2872.consult factory.5% of span • Datasheet: 332.00 4394506 4200627 50008880 4200792 $310.34 4½" LM ½" NPT PSI $275. please visit www. knife-edge.000 psi 3.000 psi 10. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1.25% of span Ranges 600 to 2.00 N/A 4334770 4334788 4334796 4334800 4334818 4334826 4334834 4334842 4334851 $253.000 psi List price 1. mirrored band Type Size Connection Conn.00 4334711 $253. solid-front Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Acrylic Window ring: Black thermoplastic. 760 mm Hg inside in red. adjustable • Case fill: None • Accuracy: ±0.000 psi List price 15.34 332.000 PSI = 0. Items without part numbers are available .wika.4½" Test Gauge Standard features • • • • • Case: Black thermoplastic. 100 For datasheets and additional information.34 High Precision Gauges .000 psi 1 • Pointer: Black aluminum. .MECHANICAL PRESSURE HIGH PRECISION GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > 332.000 psi 20.00 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.500 psi 2.000 psi 5. 45 Refer to pages 263. 262 Needle valves.34 Options for type 332.HIGH PRECISION GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > Options for 332.34 Option Connections 1/4" NPT G1/4B or G1/2B Code 332.34 4½" 1/4 $0. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Safety glass SG Restrictors SS. 101 . 0. please visit www.05 Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) O2 $20. logos and other artwork charges $23.80 R $7.00 $4.00 GLS $14. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.40 G1/4 or G1/2 Mounting 4½" panel mount kit Windows Polycarbonate PC Flat glass $0.60 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.wika.6mm bore Other Other options available Special scales. M4 thread.00 PM $ or call 1-888-945-2872. 000 psi List price 1.000 psi 10.Hinged Ring Standard features • • • • • Case: Black aluminum Wetted parts: 316L SS Window: Flat glass Window ring: Black painted steel Dial: White aluminum.000 psi List price 15. adjustable • Case fill: None • Accuracy: ±0.000 psi 1 • Pointer: Black aluminum. mirrored band Type Size Connection Conn.25 4½" LBM ¼" NPT PSI $507.00 ½" NPT PSI $507.25% of span Ranges 600 to 2. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-160 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi 1. Items without part numbers are available . .25 332.00 50675818 50675826 50675834 50675842 50675851 50675869 50675877 $485.wika. please visit www.00 50675567 50663003 50675583 50675591 50675605 50675613 50675621 $485. 760 mm Hg inside in or call 1-888-945-2872. knife-edge.MECHANICAL PRESSURE HIGH PRECISION GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > 332.00 50675796 50675800 50675885 50675893 50675907 50675915 50675923 50675931 50675940 50675958 50675966 50675974 50675982 $527.000 PSI = 0.consult factory.5% of span • Datasheet: 332.00 50675745 50675753 50675761 50675770 50675788 $725.000 psi 5.000 psi 20.00 50675991 50676008 50676016 50676024 50676032 $725.00 50675621 50675648 50675656 50675664 50663011 50663020 50675699 50663038 50663046 50675729 50675737 $527. 102 For datasheets and additional information.500 psi 2.00 50676041 50676059 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black.25 High Precision Gauges .000 psi 3. HIGH PRECISION GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > Options for 332.25 Options for type 332.25 Code 332.25 4½" G1/4 or G1/2 $0.00 R $7.05 Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) O2 $20.60 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261, 262 Needle valves, siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Option Connections G1/4B or G1/2B Restrictors SS, M4 thread, 0.6mm bore Other Other options available Special scales, logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263, 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information, please visit or call 1-888-945-2872. 103 MECHANICAL PRESSURE HIGH PRECISION GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > 332.34DD High Precision Gauges - Direct Drive Standard features • • • • • Case: Black thermoplastic, solid-front Wetted parts: Inconel® X-750 and 316 SS Window: Polycarbonate Window ring: Stainless steel Dial: White aluminum, mirrored band Type Size Connection Conn. size Press scale¹ List price 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-150 psi 30"-0-300 psi List price 30 psi 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 500 psi 1,000 psi 1,500 psi 2,000 psi 3,000 psi 5,000 psi 10,000 psi 1 • • • • Pointer: Black aluminum - knife edge - adjustable Case fill: None Accuracy: ±0.25% of span Datasheet: 332.34DD 332.34DD 4½" LM ½" NPT PSI $672.00 52049418 52049426 52049434 52049442 $672.00 52049451 52049469 52049477 52049485 52049493 52049507 52049515 52049523 52049531 52049540 52049558 52049566 52049574 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black; 760 mm Hg inside in red. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. Items without part numbers are available - consult factory. 104 For datasheets and additional information, please visit or call 1-888-945-2872. HIGH PRECISION GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > Options for 332.34DD Options for type 332.34DD Option Case Yellow thermoplastic Connections G1/4B or G1/2B 3/8" NPT or G3/8B 9-16-18 UNF F250C female autoclave Teflon® tape on connection Windows Safety glass (without zero adjustment) Dials & scales Serial number on dial Receiver scales (3-15 PSI) Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Viton® isolator (not for gas for vacuum service) EPDM isolator (not for gas for vacuum service) Porous filter (25-50 micron) one included with each gauge Porous filter (50-100 micron) Other options available Code 332.34DD 4½" LM BLK CS $0.00 G1/4 or G1/2 Call factory 3/8 or G3/8 Call factory TT $1.45 F250C SG SER# REC O2 ISOL ISOL FLT 25 FLT 100 $196.60 $78.55 $5.65 $35.85 $156.65 $111.60 $111.60 $30.00 $53.55 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261, 262 Needle valves, siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales, logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263, 265 ¹ Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black; 760 mm Hg inside in red. Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information, please visit or call 1-888-945-2872. 105 please visit www.475. dark grey Dial: White or call 1-888-945-2872.wika.11 High Precision Gauges .000 psi List price 15.500 psi 2.10" Precision Test Gauges Standard features • • • • • Case: Cast aluminum. dark grey Wetted parts: Ni-Span C & 316L SS Window: Green-tinted acrylic.00 9328840 9328858 9328866 9328874 9328882 9328890 9328904 8988854 $2.00 9328823 9328831 $2. For datasheets and additional information. Items without part numbers are available .consult factory.169.MECHANICAL PRESSURE HIGH PRECISION GAUGES Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > 342.10% of span Datasheet: 342.11 10" LM ¼" NPT Female PSI $2.000" H2O 106 • • • • Pointer: Aluminum.000 psi 10.000 psi List price 300" H2O 400" H2O 600" H2O 1.00 8590931 1 Vacuum scale: 30" Hg outside in black. .816.000 psi 3.475. 760 mm Hg inside in red. Factory stocked items shown in bold print. mirrored band Type Size Connection Conn.11 342. adjustable Case fill: None Accuracy: ±0.00 9328750 9328769 9328777 9328785 9328793 8988927 $2.000 psi 5.500. size Press scale¹ List price 30" Hg 30"-0-15 psi 30"-0-30 psi 30"-0-60 psi 30"-0-100 psi 30"-0-150 psi 30"-0-200 psi List price 10 psi 15 psi 30 psi List price 60 psi 100 psi 160 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi 800 psi List price 1. knife-edge.00 9328998 9329005 $2.000 psi 1.00 9328920 9328947 9328955 $2.000 psi 20. non-reflective Window ring: Cast aluminum.292. black steel Windows Safety glass Other Clean for O2 service (ASME Level IV) Calibration with gas (400 to 5000 psi ranges only) Replacement carry case Custom scale or dial Other options available Code 342. 265 Shaded options are non-standard and may require extended lead-times For datasheets and additional information.HIGH PRECISION GAUGES MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > High Precision Gauges > Options for 342.05 $215.30 $578. 107 .40 Calibration and material certificates Refer to pages 261.25 N/C $212. black aluminum Bracket for panel mounting. logos and other artwork charges Refer to pages 263. siphons and other accessories Refer to pages 255-259 Special scales.11 Option Connections 1/2" NPT male G1/4B or G1/2B male Mounting Rear flange.11 Options for type 342. 262 Needle valves.11 10" 1/2 $79.45 O2 $347. please visit www.05 G1/4 or G1/2 Standard GAS $79.wika.50 SG $187.25 RF $ or call 1-888-945-2872. 00 50578634 $852.Digital Test Gauges Standard features • • • • • Case: SS. 24 V ext. size LM or LBM ¼" NPT LM w/ opt.00 N/A N/A N/A 50578529 50578669 N/A $921.339.MECHANICAL PRESSURE CALIBRATION EQUIPMENT Mechanical Pressure > Calibration Equipment > CPG 1000 Calibration Equipment .00 50578341 $938. 108 For datasheets and additional information.consult factory.000.C.C.00 N/A 50578367 $899. power 24 V ext.00 50579398 $2.00 50577964 50577972 50577948 50577956 50577981 50577999 50578006 Lower back mount $1.000 psi List price 15 psia 30 psia 100 psia 300 psia List price 50738631 $852.000 psi 50578359 50578502 50578642 50579380 Configuration List price 3.wika.00 $2.00 $1. IP 65 Wetted parts: 316L SS Accuracy: ±0. List price -15-0-15 psi -15-0-30 psi 15 psi 30 psi 100 psi 300 psi 500 psi Lower mount $966.00 50578499 $921.00 50579495 N/A $899.000.00 50578511 $1.00 CPG 1000 Data Log Software Factory stocked items shown in bold print.000 psi List price 15.00 $954.00 52189058 $832.00 50579908 50579916 50579924 50579935 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $549. meets NEMA please visit www.00 50579860 50579878 50579886 50579894 N/A $937. .068.100.05% of span Rubber boot standard on all LM units Datasheet: CPG 1000 Type CPG 1000 4" Size Connection Conn.00 50578651 $1.00 50579827 50579835 50579843 50579851 N/A $899.00 52189074 50577930 $852.00 50578375 $1.00 50579371 50579509 50579479 50579487 50579517 $1.030.000 psi List price 10. 30" W.00 50578405 50578421 50578383 50578391 50578448 50578456 50578464 1.00 $2.00 50579525 50579533 50579541 50579819 $899.00 50578553 50579304 50579428 50578561 50579312 50579436 50578537 50579282 50579401 50578545 50579291 50579410 50578570 50579321 50579444 50578596 50579339 50579452 50578600 50579347 50579461 List price 10" W. Kit w/ pump. LBM style w/ opt.100. power test hose & case $1.000 psi or call 1-888-945-2872.000 psi 50578014 50578022 50578472 50578481 50578618 50578626 50579355 50579363 5. Items without part numbers are available . 55 Adapter ¼ F NPT to ¼ M BSP 50578090 $17.00 50673246 $426.000 psi) with one test hose and one ¼" FNPT port Fittings and adapters for pumps PAK100 accessory kit for WICP-L100 includes carrying case.consult or call 1-888-945-2872.55 Adapter ¼ M NPT to ¼ M NPT (Union) 50578111 $10. high pressure with quick connect fittings for WICP-H10K 50673262 $182.CALIBRATION EQUIPMENT MECHANICAL PRESSURE Mechanical Pressure > Calibration Equipment > WICP-L100.00 50673220 $170.00 Pump kits Kits include hard sided carrying case WICP-L100 Kit .70 Hose.00 50578073 $1.25 50673203 $170. please visit www.70 Connector ¼ M NPT to quick connect for high pressure hydraulic hose 50578120 $91.00 N/A N/A 50578057 Part number List price 50578065 $540.000 psi $426.15 Tee. test hose and fittings WICP-L100 Pneumatic Pump Kit WICP-M500 Pneumatic Pump Kit (shown with CPG 1000) Factory stocked items shown in bold print.00 50578031 N/A N/A WICP-M500 Hand Pumps $636. Street. test hose and fittings PAK500 accessory kit for WICP-M500 includes carrying case.55 Adapter ⅛ M NPT to ¼ M NPT 50578162 $17. WICP-M500 Pneumatic Pump Kit (shown with CPG 1000) For datasheets and additional information.00 N/A 50578049 N/A Accessories WICP-H10K $932.10 Adapter ⅛ F NPT to ¼ F NPT (Union) 50578146 $17. Items without part numbers are available . WICP-M500.wika. Hg to 100 psi) with one test hose and one ⅛" FNPT port WICP-M500 Kit .Low pressure & vacuum pump (-28 in.00 50573284 $755. test hose and fittings PAK100 accessory kit for WICP-H10K includes carrying case.Pressure Calibrators Type WICP-L100 List price -28" Hg to 100 psi -29" Hg to 600 psi 0 to 10. SS.Hydraulic pump (0 to 10. 109 .55 Adapter ⅛ M NPT to ¼ M BSP 50578154 $17.High pressure & vacuum pump (-29 In Hg to 500 psi) with one test hose and one ¼" FNPT port WICP-H10K Kit .55 Connector ⅛ M NPT to ⅛ quick connect tubing (nylon) 50578171 $10. WICP-H10K Calibration Equipment .55 Adapter ¼ M NPT to ¼ F BSP 50578103 $17.00 Adapter ¼ F BSP to ⅛ F NPT 50578081 $17. ¼ F NPT x ¼ F NPT x ¼ M NPT 50578138 $46. 045. temeprature and mA output 24V loop power for device under test CPH6600 Range List price CPH6600 $3. please visit www. 300 psi) Supplied certified to NIST 0. 150 psi.00 -28" Hg to 30 psi -28" Hg to 150 psi -28" Hg to 300 psi Part number 50846442 50846451 50846477 CPH-6600 110 For datasheets and additional or call 1-888-945-2872.wika.025% accuracy Simultaneous display of pressure.MECHANICAL PRESSURE CALIBRATION EQUIPMENT Mechanical Pressure > Calibration Equipment > CPH6600 Pressure Calibrators Standard features • • • • Integrated electric pump (ranges 30 psi. .
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