Pressure Vessel Specification - Woodside



Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION Copy No. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Document Control G Howard (OZE4) G Mathwin (KEH) Hard Copy Electronic Copy Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 2 of 48 Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION PREFACE Woodside Energy Ltd. (WEL) has developed a suite of Engineering and Technical Standards and Guidelines. It is intended that these reflect the most suitable engineering practices for use on all new WEL facilities as well as the modification of existing facilities. The application of the Standards is mandatory. The application of Guidelines is to support the implementation of the Standards, and are considered best practice, but are not mandatory. The Standards are based on the experience acquired by WEL personnel and contractors during WEL’s involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of WEL processing units and facilities. Where appropriate, the Standards are based on or make reference to national and international standards and codes of practice. The objective of this publication is to ensure the overall integrity of engineering design and to achieve maximum technical and economic benefits through the standardisation of engineering and technical practices. The use by WEL contractors or manufacturers/suppliers of the Engineering and Technical Standards contained in this publication does not relieve them of any responsibility whatsoever for the quality of design, materials and workmanship that they have been engaged to provide. Where the standards to be used for a certain application are not provided for in this publication, WEL expects that the standards that are used will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in this publication. If WEL contractors or manufacturers/suppliers have any doubt as to the relevant standard to use, then they must consult WEL, however they will remain responsible at all times for the use of the most appropriate standard. Specific requirements may be added as an addendum to these Standards and Guidelines for various projects. Project specific requirements must not depart from the requirements of the Engineering and Technical Standards contained in this publication. Where changes or additions to these Standards are required, they must be raised as a deviation and presented to the WEL Technical Authority for consideration. WEL grants the right to use these Standards and Guidelines to WEL’s consultants, contractors and suppliers who are contractually authorised to do so and to any tier of contractor to its consultants, contractors and suppliers who are contractually required to comply with them. DISCLAIMER WEL and its joint venture partners disclaim any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any standard, combination of standards or any part thereof contained in this publication. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 3 of 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Scope .......................................................................................................... 7 Definitions .................................................................................................. 7 Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 7 Units 8 Language .................................................................................................... 8 2 CODES, STANDARDS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ............ 9 2.1 Project / Company Standards ................................................................... 9 2.2 Shell Standard Drawings........................................................................... 9 2.3 Codes and Standards ................................................................................ 9 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 Australian Standards.................................................................................... 9 ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) ................................. 10 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) ................................. 10 BSI (British Standards Institution) .............................................................. 10 Welding Research Council......................................................................... 11 ISO ............................................................................................................. 11 2.4 Order of Precedence................................................................................ 11 2.5 Vessels to be installed within Australia or Australian Territories ....... 11 2.6 Vessels to be installed outside Australia or Australian Territories ..... 12 3 HSEQ REQUIREMENTS ................................................................. 13 3.1 General...................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Inspection and Testing ............................................................................ 13 3.2.1 Non Destructive Testing............................................................................. 13 3.3 Quality Records ....................................................................................... 13 3.4 Material Certification & Traceability Requirements .............................. 14 3.4.1 Certification Requirements......................................................................... 14 3.4.2 Traceability Requirements ......................................................................... 14 3.5 Marking for Identification and Traceability ............................................ 14 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 16 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 Scope of Work .......................................................................................... 16 Design Life................................................................................................ 16 Transportation.......................................................................................... 16 Weight Control ......................................................................................... 16 5 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................... 17 5.1 General...................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Materials ................................................................................................... 17 5.2.1 Carbon and Carbon-Manganese Steels..................................................... 17 Woodside Energy Ltd. (Woodside) owns or is responsible for the copyright in this document. All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of Woodside. Page 4 of 48 Uncontrolled when printed, unless stamped in Red to the contrary. ......2 Forming ................. 18 5.............................................................. 31 7.................................. 24 5.3 5.......2........................... 22 Fixed Internals.......................... 25 6 WELDING...4 5...........................................................................3 Non-Destructive Testing of Materials......................... 30 7........................................................... 27 6..............1 General ..............3 Heat Treatment .........................6 5.......................................................................................................8..................5............4 Cleaning of Vessels .......................................2......................6......... 30 Storage of Radiographs ..................................... 27 6....................................... 32 9 COATINGS AND EXTERNAL MARKING ................................................................................... 24 5................................................................................. 33 10 SPARES AND SPECIAL TOOLS ...5....................................5... 24 5.....................................................................7 Lifting Attachments .1 General .................................................2 5...............1 Spares .............................................................6...... 30 NDE Personnel ................................................................ 22 Bolting .....................Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 5................................5 Specific Design Requirements ....................................................................6 Production Welding .......2 Qualification Testing of Welding Procedures for Duplex Stainless Steel 26 6... 30 NDE During Production..............5...... 26 6..................... 24 5..... 20 Attachment Loadings .....................4 Welder Qualifications ............................................................................ 24 5.................................6 Electrical Requirements .............. 19 5...............9 Design Loadings . 27 6............. 29 7 INSPECTION AND TEST...............................5..... 34 Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 5 of 48 ..... 28 6...........5 5....................2 Non Destructive Examination ..................................1 Welding Procedures and Qualification .......................................................................................................... 31 7..............................2.............4 Nozzle Loads .......................... 23 Tolerances ...............................................................6...................3 7.........................................................2.................7 Post Weld Cleaning of Non-Ferritic Vessels.... 19 5............................................................ 18 5...............................................................................8 Fabrication and Manufacture ....................................................... 18 5...........................2.. 26 6..............................................5................................ 30 7....................................................................................... 20 Nozzles and Flanges.......................................7 5...2 Clad Steel Vessels ............................... 27 6..........................................................................2 Duplex Stainless Steels ........... 23 5................................................................................................................................... 31 8 NAMEPLATE ........................................1 Pressure Tests .........................2 Special Tools.5 Consumable Control......2 7...........1 Earth Bonding ........................................ 34 10..............................................................................4 NDE Procedures ...............1 5................................................................8................................ 19 Acceptable Weld Joint Details...............................................................................2............................................................................................. 30 7............................................8 5.................................... 23 Corrosion Allowances ... 22 Vessel Supports ....................3 Clad Steel Vessels ........................... 27 6..........1 7..... 34 10............................................................................5.5...................................................................3 Qualification Testing of Welding Procedures for Clad Steel Vessels ..................5....................... ..... 35 12 DOCUMENTATION........ 36 APPENDIX A .........................Vessel Tolerances...................................Vessel Nameplate Details..........................Additional Requirements for Vessels Constructed Of Material with Corrosion Resistant Cladding ........ 43 APPENDIX D .......................... 40 APPENDIX C .......................................................................................External Nozzle Loads (from A1800RM13887) .................... 37 APPENDIX B .Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 11 PACKAGING FOR TRANSPORT................. 47 Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 6 of 48 .. 1. the company or organisation responsible for the supply of the equipment and services specified in this document Person acting on behalf of the Company Mandatory requirement Recommended course of action One acceptable course of action Supplier Inspector Shall / Must / Will Should May / Can 1. consultant or contractor acting on behalf of WEL The agreement between Company and Supplier to perform the work If applicable.3 Abbreviations AS ASTM BOD DEP DN EDRL FEED HSE HSEQ ISO ITP MDR MT NDT Australian Standard American Society for Testing and Materials Basis of Design (Shell) Design Engineering Practice Diameter Nominal Engineering Document Requirements List Front End Engineering Design Health. Approved Company Contract Means accepted by Company. Environment and Quality International Organisation for Standardisation Inspection and Test Plan Manufacturer’s Data Report Magnetic Particle Testing Non-Destructive Testing Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 7 of 48 . All other standard definitions are provided in the contract document. fabrication.1 Scope This specification describes the minimum general/functional and technical requirements for the design.2 Definitions The following definitions are used for the purpose of this specification. inspection.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 1 INTRODUCTION 1. such acceptance shall not relieve the Supplier of its obligations under the Contract Woodside Energy Limited (WEL) or any agency. Safety and Environment Health. testing and supply of Pressure Vessels. Safety. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 8 of 48 . 1.4 Units Units shall be in accordance with referenced Standard AS1000 except that pressure shall be expressed as MegaPascals (gauge) (MPa(g)).5 Language All documentation and correspondence shall be in the English language.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION PT PWHT RT SDS UT Dye Penetrant Testing Post Weld Heat Treatment Radiographic Testing Supplier Document Schedule Ultrasonic Testing 1. 103 S 20.NOTE All Stainless Steel shall be 316 minimum. A1800RM13887 A3000SM030 A3000SQ012 A3000-SQ-160371 A3000-SG-158829 W9000SG005 W9000SM001 DRIMS# 2315552 Document Title Pressure Vessel Nozzle Loading Design Philosophy Supply of Bolts.002 S 68.046 S 10. Tanks and Vessels .101 S 10. 2. the ITT/Purchase Order (PO) documentation and the latest editions of the following codes and standards as applicable at time of placement of Contract. AS 1000 AS 1171 Document Title Metric System of Units Methods of Magnetic Particle Testing of Ferromagnetic Products and Components Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 9 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - . 2.2 Shell Standard Drawings Document No.1 Project / Company Standards Document No.3 2. the relevant data sheets. the following Project / Company specifications. S 10.004 Document Title Vortex Breakers Flanges for Non-pressure Pipe Connections Inside Vessels Stilling Well for Displacement Type Level Instruments Davit for ANS or BS Blind Flanges Equipment Nozzles Typical Details of Bush-Lined. Packaging.016 S 10.004 S 22. Overlay Welded and Clad Steel Nozzles – NOTE Bush-Lined Nozzles are not permitted for this project Skirts – Cylindrical and Conical Anchor Bolt Ring or Lugs and Base Plate for Columns. Vertical Vessels and Steel Stacks Saddles for Horizontal Vessels Earthing Boss for Steel Structures. STANDARDS AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The equipment shall be designed and tested in accordance with the requirements of this specification.1 Codes and Standards Australian Standards Document No.3.001 S 20. Stud Bolts and Nuts for Offshore Use Code of Practice for Thermal and Acoustic Insulation HSEQ Requirements – Supply of Products and Services Supplier Documentation and Data Requirements Specification Standard Specification for Forwarding.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 2 CODES.010 S 10. Marking and Invoicing of Overseas Shipments Protective Coatings Standard Generic Pressure Vessel Datasheet 2.070 S 10. 1 AS 3992 AS 4037 AS 4343 AS 4458 2. Heat Treated. ASTM A264 ASTM A325 ASTM A578 ASTM E562 Document Title Standard Specification for Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel-Clad Plate Standard Specification for Structural Bolts.2 Structural Design Actions .Manufacture ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Document No. ASME B1.5 ASME B16.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION AS 1170. Steel.Wind Actions Pressure Vessels Non-Destructive Testing – Ultrasonic Testing of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Plate – Test Methods and Quality Classification Chromate Conversion Coatings – Zinc and Cadmium Metallic Materials . Spiral Wound and Jacketed Large Diameter Steel Flanges (Series A) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – Nondestructive Examination Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code .4 BSI (British Standards Institution) PD 5500 Specification for Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 10 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - .Welding and Brazing Qualification Boilers and Pressure Vessels .3.1 ASME B16.3.Examination and Testing Pressure Equipment – Hazard Levels Pressure Equipment .47 ASME Sect V ASME Sect VIII Document Title Unified Screw Threads Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges – Ring Joint.3.Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels 2.2 AS 1210 AS 1710 AS 1791 AS 1816 AS 1817 AS 1897 AS 2207 AS 3752 AS 3920.Brinnel Hardness Tests Metallic Materials .20 ASME B16.3 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Document No. 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications Standard Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count 2.Vickers Hardness Test Electroplated Coatings on Threaded Components Non-Destructive Testing – Ultrasonic Testing of Fusion Welded Joints in Carbon & Low Alloy Steels Welding – Methods for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content of ferritic weld metal produced by arc welding Assurance of Product Quality – Pressure Equipment Manufacture Boilers and Pressure Vessels . data sheets. codes and standards. 6. 8.4 Order of Precedence In the case of conflict between this specification and other referenced documents.AS1210 or. Referenced Woodside Offshore Engineering Standards (OES) and Shell Design and Engineering Practices (DEPs). Compliance by the Supplier with the provisions of this specification does not relieve them of their responsibility to furnish equipment and accessories of a proper mechanical design suited to meet the specified service conditions and/or local codes governing health and safety. 107 2. 7. 2.Determination of hydrogen content in ferritic steel arc weld metal Quality management systems . Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 11 of 48 . Project Data Sheets.5 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials . 3. its attachments and the referenced Codes and Standards shall be stated in the tender.5 Vessels to be installed within Australia or Australian Territories Vessel to be installed within Australia or Australian Territories must be designed and fabricated to: 1. All deviations from the requirements of this specification.3. Australian Standards. the Supplier shall bring the matter to the Company’s attention for clarification in writing.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION EN 1043-1 EN 10160 EN 10204 2. This Specification – including Appendices attached hereto.Hardness testing Part 1: Hardness test on arc welded joints Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal or greater then 6mm (reflection method) Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Documents Welding Research Council WRC 107 WRC 297 Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings Local Stresses in Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings on Nozzles – Supplement to WRC Bulletin No.Requirements Non-destructive testing . Equipment Purchase Order.3. Supplier’s full compliance shall be assumed. Applicable Legislation and Statutory Requirements (see 2. 2. Project Specifications and Drawings. In the absence of such a statement.5 below).6 ISO ISO 3690 ISO 9001 ISO 9712 Welding and allied processes . 4.Qualification and certification of personnel 2. 5. The order of precedence shall be as follows (highest first): 1. International Codes and Standards. provided the design is verified to AS1210 by an independent third party approved by the Company 2.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 2. The following codes are considered comparable: ASME VIII PD5500 Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 12 of 48 .6 Vessels to be installed outside Australia or Australian Territories Vessels to be installed outside Australian or Australian Territories shall be design and fabricated to either AS1210 or a code as comparable to AS1210 approved by the Company.designed and fabricated to an equivalent code such as ASME VIII or PD 5500. 3 Quality Records The Supplier shall generate quality records from the inspection and test activities listed in this specification and in accordance with the approved inspection and test plan(s).1 Non Destructive Testing NDT shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Code and with this Specification. Documents and data formats are defined in Company document No: A3000-SG158829. Quality records requiring Company review and or endorsement shall be forwarded to the Company progressively throughout the contract period. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 13 of 48 . Quality records requiring traceability as detailed in the Material Requisition shall bear an identical marking to the item inspected or tested. 3.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 3 HSEQ REQUIREMENTS 3.2 Inspection and Testing The Supplier shall perform inspection and testing activities in accordance with the requirements of this specification and Company approved Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). Those records not nominated for inclusion in the MDR shall be available for Company review throughout the contract period and thereafter retained in accordance with industry standards. Quality Records to be included in the Manufacturer's Data Report (MDR) are nominated in the EDRL contained within the Material Requisition. The ITP shall be submitted to the Company for approval as defined in the EDRL attached to the Material Requisition. 3. Documents and drawings shall be submitted as agreed in the Supplier’s Supplier Document Schedule (SDS). 3. The proposed extent of the NDT. techniques and acceptance criteria shall be detailed on the Supplier’s Inspection and Test Plan.2. Quality Assurance management systems shall be in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000. governing procedures.1 General The Supplier shall develop and implement HSEQ management systems for the works which shall meet the requirements of Company document No: A3000-SQ160371. The Supplier shall provide Company access to Supplier/sub-suppliers premises at any time. The MDR shall be compiled as inspection and testing progresses. The records shall be compiled and reviewed by the Supplier following the completion of each inspection and test. 1 Material Certification & Traceability Requirements Certification Requirements Material Certification for the project shall be in accordance with EN 10204. welding consumables.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 3. As a minimum this system shall include the following actions: • Materials shall be checked on receipt for compliance with purchase order requirements. The required category for various pressure vessel components is defined within the Material Requisition. Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Documents. • Before the application of the surface treatment a complete record of material location shall be compiled for incorporation into the Manufacturing Data Records. • As-built records shall be maintained.2 Traceability Requirements Two categories of traceability are utilised for the project.5 Marking for Identification and Traceability The Supplier shall mark items for identification and traceability in accordance with the following requirements. Full Traceability and Purchase Order Compliance. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 14 of 48 . • The Supplier shall.4 3. The Supplier shall demonstrate the existence of. As a minimum this procedure shall include the following actions: • Materials shall be checked on receipt against accompanying manufacturers' certificates for compliance with specified requirements.4. etc.). • Records of material location shall be maintained. • Construction records shall contain material location records and original manufacturers' certificates. for materials that are issued with lot or batch traceable certification (eg. Purchase Order Compliance The Supplier shall maintain a system that whereby auditing of the system can verify compliance with purchase order requirements. Full Traceability The Supplier shall maintain a traceability system which ensures that all materials used can be positively identified back to original manufacturers' certificates. specification and grade details shall be positively identified (by permanent marking wherever possible) throughout manufacture. The Certification Requirements defined within the Material Requisition are the minimum Certificate types for the specific components. manufacturer or vendor. and compliance with. original • Material batch.4. 3. a formalised procedure which shall be used to ensure that the correct materials have been used and that the following requirements are met by the Supplier. • Transfer of material identification shall be witnessed and documented by the Supplier's inspector. 3. maintain batch or lot segregation up to the point of use. • Markings to facilitate permanent identification and traceability shall be in accordance with the Material Requisition and shall remain visible for the life of the item. The transfer of markings to traceability quality records may be subject to Company verification.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION • Markings to facilitate identification and traceability during processing shall be maintained throughout the manufacture and fabrication stages. • Markings covered in final assembly and/or coating shall be first transferred to asbuilt traceability quality records. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 15 of 48 . The Supplier shall propose the method for identification marking during processing for Company approval. non-destructive examination. manufacture. 4.3 Weight Control The Supplier shall exercise an active weight control system throughout the design and fabrication of the Equipment. drawings and documentation. trial assembly. The Supplier shall submit an Equipment Weight Data Sheet with weight and centre of gravity information.1 Scope of Work • Supplier’s scope includes design calculations.2 Design Life The pressure vessels shall be designed for continuous service at the conditions specified in the data sheets for a life of 30 years minimum unless otherwise specified in Datasheet. • The Supplier should draw upon their existing pre-engineered or standard designs as far as is practicable in order to satisfy the functional and technical requirements described within this specification and referenced documentation. testing. 4. provision of all materials. inspection.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. painting and delivery as defined in the Material Requisition.2 Transportation All equipment for the shall be specified and designed to withstand concurrent dynamic and static loading and transportation accelerations as defined within the referenced Site Data Sheet to supplied by the Company. 4. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 16 of 48 . • Maximum Niobium content shall be 0. Supplier shall design and provide bracing as required to protect the vessel and internals during shipment.25% for forged material. any Supplier proposal for substitution of materials shall include ASTM/ASME or AS designations and any relevant Code cases. These requirements are based upon the vessel Hazard Level as calculated in accordance with the requirements of AS 4343. the allowable deflection at the top shall not exceed 1/200th of the total height. all vessels operate under steady state pressure and temperature. supply and install all lifting and tailing lugs. Supplier shall provide full service bolting and a service gasket for all manholes. all attachment welds shall be located as remote as practicable from gross structural discontinuities and other welds. Wherever possible attachments shall be via full penetration butt welds. For columns with height to diameter ratio equal or greater than 10:1 the design shall consider vibration and the critical wind velocity. 5. 5. If the datasheet indicates that the vessel will be in cyclic operation.1 Carbon and Carbon-Manganese Steels The following requirements apply: • Maximum Carbon content shall be 0. Supplier shall design. This Hazard Level will be defined within the vessel data sheet. Unless specifically defined otherwise on the relevant Data Sheet.1 General The Supplier shall comply with the Design Verification and Fabrication Inspection requirements of AS 3920. hand-holes.0005%. and other members that are welded or attached to the outside or inside surface of the vessel or to the vessel supports. • Boron shall not be intentionally added to the steel and as a trace element it shall not exceed 0. Temporary welding to the vessel will not be permitted.2.05%. attachments. • The total content of micro-alloying elements shall be limited as follows: • (Nb+V+Ti) ≤0. clips.2 Materials Material specification shall be as defined on the Vessel Data Sheet unless specific written approval is obtained from the Company.08% • The Carbon Equivalent shall satisfy one of the following requirements: Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 17 of 48 .1.23% for plate and piping material. • Maximum Carbon content shall be 0. and the status of the Designers Quality System.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 5 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 5. and other flanges for which a blind flange or mating flange is provided by Supplier. 42 (may only be used where the material specification defines C and Mn only) • Ceq = C + Mn/6 +(Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Cu + Ni)/15 ≤ 0. The length of any indication shall not exceed ¼ of the material thickness at the location of the indication.3 x wt % Mo) + (16 x wt % N). Mo. MT and PT shall be carried out in accordance with articles 7 & 25 and 6 & 24 of ASME V respectively. Acceptance criteria for MT and PT testing of forgings shall be as follows: Forging surfaces shall be free from tears or crack like indications longer than 1. The distance separating two longitudinally aligned indications shall be not b) c) Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 18 of 48 . calculated as per the following equation: PREN = wt % Cr + (3. V. regardless of the requirements of the material specification.5mm shall be cleaned and examined at 5 x magnification or ground and re-inspected as necessary to assure that it is not a crack or a tear.3 Non-Destructive Testing of Materials Pressure containing components of 50mm and greater nominal thickness shall be ultrasonically tested. and having a through flange bolt hole thickness of 50mm and greater. 5.2. The number of indications in 1000mm2 shall not exceed 3. Testing of plates shall be in accordance with EN10160 and plates shall meet Class S2E2 criteria.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION • Ceq = C + Mn/6 ≤ 0.2 Duplex Stainless Steels All Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) material shall have a minimum Nitrogen content of 0.2. 5. All DSS material shall have a minimum pitting resistance equivalent number (PREN) of 35. Randomly distributed indications of 1. Ti.2. All forgings having a minimum design temperature of 20°C or lower. 2 Section AM-203.3 Clad Steel Vessels See Appendix A. 5. Testing of forgings shall be in accordance with the techniques and acceptance criteria of ASME VIII-Div. The volume fraction of ferrite and austenite shall be determined by the point count technique of ASTM E562 by examination of a micro section for each heat of DSS material.43 • If not already specified in the relevant material specification. B. shall be examined by Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) or Dye Penetrant Testing (PT). Ni. The ferrite content shall be in the range 40% to 60%. the analysis for plate shall include: Cu. Other indications are acceptable if the maximum number and the maximum length of the indications comply with the criteria shown in Table 1 below: a) Any area containing an indication greater than 1.5mm.5mm and less shall not be counted.15%. Nb. such as nozzle or pad sizes. however. The distance separating two linear indications not longitudinally aligned shall not be less than the length of the longer indication. d) Table 1 – Acceptance Criteria for MT and PT of Forgings Discontinuities and other indications outside the acceptance criteria of (6) above may be ground out provided that the minimum required thickness is maintained. these loads need not be applied to manways.5 5. Smooth surfaces shall be maintained when dressing such flaws and verification of complete flaw removal will be by either MT of PT testing. 5. 5. Any additional loads shall be specified in the vessel data sheet. The effect of nozzle loads on the fully corroded vessel shall be analysed in accordance with WRC 107 and WRC 297. PD5500 or other equivalent method.5. In the case of linear indications the Supplier shall inform the Company as to the probable cause and intended corrective actions to avoid recurrence of the defect. are required to any design to accommodate the requirements then the Company may be consulted with regard to reducing the loads for specific nozzle(s). these aligned indications shall be considered as one indication and shall not be the cause for rejection. If other than nominal changes. Where clad material is specified on the vessel data sheet it shall comply with the requirements of Appendix B “Additional Requirements for Vessels Constructed of Material with Corrosion Resistant Cladding” of this Specification.4 Nozzle Loads External loads to be accommodated by vessel nozzles are defined in Appendix B.1 Specific Design Requirements Design Loadings The vessels and their supports shall be designed to withstand the following: • Operating loads including wind and seismic loading as specified in the vessel data sheet for maximum and normal operating liquid levels and for the empty condition.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION less than 4 times the length of the longer indication. such instances will not be regarded as rejected items. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 19 of 48 . Any such load reductions can only be based upon actual pipe stress or similar analysis. Finite Element Analysis. when the total length of the longitudinally aligned indications does not exceed the maximum length permitted for a single indication. • Hydrostatic test load for the fully flooded vessel using a contents specific gravity of 1 and including 75% of the derived wind force. The defined nozzle loads act concurrently. Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION • Blast Load: The blast load resistance requirements of each pressure vessel where required shall be specified on the vessel datasheet on a project specific basis. • Fig. For attachment of Unstayed Flat Ends and Covers only the following joint arrangements are acceptable: • Fig.5. l.2 Acceptable Weld Joint Details For vessels designed and fabricated to AS1210. Where fillet welds are permitted for internal and external attachments they shall be continuous welds. 3.3 Nozzles and Flanges Nozzle flanges shall be in accordance with ASME B16. whichever is greater. Prior to welding the attachment the pressure part weld shall be dressed (to facilitate “snug” fitting of the attachment) and shall be subjected to NDE as specified in AS 4037 Table 7. m and p. If this cannot be achieved in the case of a pad attachment weld adjacent to a pressure part weld then the pad attachment shall cross the pressure part weld completely by 50mm or twice the pressure part thickness. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 20 of 48 . Non standard flanges (as defined above) shall be designed in accordance with AS1210 and shall include a detailed FEA analysis of the joint with consideration of the gasket.1. g.1. c. (B) a. b. Other standard flanges (e. 3.5. joint designs shall be selected to match as closely as possible those listed above (no permanent backing strips. Gaskets shall be 316 spiral wound graphite filled with inner and outer support rings unless otherwise specified on the vessel data sheet. (A) a.5. k.5. 3.1. c.5. f. (C) a. Circumferentially welded joints shall clear any support ring welds by at least 25 mm.5.5. DIN or JIS) can only be used will approval of the Company unless otherwise specified on the vessel data sheet. whichever is greater.1 a. • Other loads specified on the Vessel Datasheet. k. For vessels designed and fabricated to codes other than AS1210. The analysis must consider all loads likely to be seen during both testing and operation of the joint. 3. only the following figures of joint details are acceptable: • Fig. 5. API. g.47 Series A. 5. • Fig. b. j.15. e and f. Flanges larger than the scope of ASME B16. f. Brazed and/or soldered joints shall not be used.g. g and h – for details (a) and (c) Backing Strips shall not be used. no partial penetration butt welds). d. The minimum distance between the edges of adjacent welds shall be 50mm or twice the thickness of the pressure part. Longitudinally welded joints shall not be located behind any plate or obstruction that prevents inspection of the weld on the inside of the vessel. b-2.5 shall be in accordance with ASME B16. l. b-1. Wherever possible attachment welds shall be full penetration butts.1. m and n.5.5. Reinforcing pads of DN250 and smaller nozzles shall have one 6mm tell-tale hole.19. f and g.19. b. Where the vessel datasheet specifies cyclic operation welded reinforcement pads are not permitted.9. b. Davits shall be provided for all Manholes. Any reinforcement shall be integral to the nozzle or vessel. whichever is smaller. b. Where nozzle reinforcing pads are permitted their thickness shall not exceed 40mm or the vessel wall thickness. 3. • Fig. • Fig. In addition to the requirements of AS1210. nozzles shall be of the forged saddle type. For vessels over 1520 mm inside diameter. Handhole covers heavier than 15 kg shall be provided with either davits or hinges. (D) a. the lesser of one-third the vessel diameter or 1000 mm (nozzle inside diameter). g. • Fif. 3. (B) f. flanges shall be weld neck or long weld neck type. c. 3. openings shall also comply with the requirements of ASME Section VIII Division 1 Appendix 1 Para 1-7 where size of opening exceeds the following: For vessels 1520 mm inside diameter and less. d. Screwed and socket welded connections are not permitted. Only the following joint arrangements are acceptable: • Figure 3. shall have internal ladder rungs.19. e. The reinforcing fillet of the nozzle attachment welds shall blend smoothly into the vessel and into the nozzle wall without any notch. Manholes shall be provided with handgrips inside the vessel and. (C) a. c (for non-cyclic service only) • Fig. 3. e. Pads for nozzles greater than DN250 shall have two ¼” NPT tell-tale holes provided at 180° spacing. Nozzles shall have a 6mm radius applied to the inside edge. Bolt holes shall straddle natural centre lines. c. g. the lesser of one-half the vessel diameter or 508 mm (nozzle inside diameter). and k. j. b. e and f. sharp corner or undercut. d.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION Where vessel shell thickness is equal to or greater than 100mm. All tell-tale holes shall be plugged with heavy grease after pneumatic test. f.3.3.3 (A) a. Unless otherwise specified. when located more than one metre above the base of the vessel. Minimum manway size shall be DN600 unless specifically shown otherwise on the vessel data sheet. Studded pad type nozzles or manholes are not permitted.3. h. Slipon type flanges or nozzles are not permitted.19. c. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 21 of 48 .19. 5 Fixed Internals Fixed internal piping ≤DN200 with no pressure differential shall be 3mm minimum thickness before corrosion allowance is added. All internal crevices where supports and fixed internals are welded to the shell or heads shall be seal welded to exclude process fluids. with the expansion slot length equal to twice the differential expansion between the maximum and minimum vessel design temperature plus the slot width plus 10mm. the “worst case” nozzle load summation.e. 5. Bolting of internals shall be securely tightened a second nut or suitable adhesive. Sharp corners shall be a 25mm minimum radius to prevent injury. If changes are required to any design to accommodate external loads then the Company shall be consulted with regard to reducing the loads for specific attachments. 5. All attachments shall be designed to provide easy access for maintenance and surface coating. All seal welds shall have the specified corrosion allowance added to the throat thickness. an access opening(s) shall be provided to allow access for inspection of the shell. One support shall allow for horizontal thermal expansion.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 5. Nozzle loads may be assumed to be acting at the vessel Centre of Gravity for the purpose of support design.6 Vessel Supports For vessel support design 50% of the defined nozzle load for each nozzle shall be considered to be acting on the nozzles. the mean diameter of the skirt shall coincide with the mean diameter of the vessel at the point of attachment. Horizontal vessels shall be provided with two support saddles. Load directions shall be based upon the most conservative support design.5.5. For vertical vessels where a skirt support is used. Corrosion allowance on non-removable internal parts shall be the same as the vessel corrosion allowance and shall be applied to all exposed surfaces. Pressure shall be included where applicable. i. Support design shall take loading during hydrostatic testing into consideration.4 Attachment Loadings External loads to be accommodated by vessel attachments are defined on the vessel data sheet. For vertical vessels with a full skirt support. including attachment fillet welds. The effect of attachment loads on the fully corroded vessel shall be analysed in accordance with WRC 107 and WRC 297 or other detailed analysis such as FEA. fixed piping >DN200 shall be 6mm minimum before corrosion allowance is added. The vessel support(s) shall consider blast loads when specified on the vessel datasheet Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 22 of 48 .5. External bolting for covers. LNG. Bolting materials shall be as specified on the relevant vessel data sheet. Nuts shall be impact tested to the same values as their corresponding studs.8 Tolerances See Appendix C. dry compressed air. stud lengths shall be increased by a minimum of one nut thickness to allow the use of hydraulic tensioning equipment. Service General process Materials Carbon steel Low alloy steel Non-corrosive or very mildly Carbon steel corrosive e. For sizes 1¼" and greater. Bolting for internals shall be ISO Metric Coarse thread form.g. dry Fine-grain carbon steel natural gas Service in which the operating Fine grain carbon steel temperature is always below 0°C 3. stud bolts and nuts shall comply with the requirements of specification A3000SM030.9 Corrosion Allowances The corrosion allowances for vessels shall be as shown in Table 2 below.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 5. blind flanges.5. steam.g. and shell flanges shall be stud bolt. with 2 heavy hex nuts each.5. 5.5. catalyst grids) in non-clad carbon steel or low alloy steel vessels 0 50% of the corrosion allowance specified for the vessel shall be applied to each surface of the internal 0 1 Corrosion allowance (mm) 3 1 Table 2 – Corrosion Allowances Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 23 of 48 .7 Bolting Flange bolting. 5. unless otherwise specified in the vessel datasheet. LPG.5% Ni steel 9% Ni steel Aluminium Stainless steel Removable internals Stainless steel Removable internals considered heavily-loaded (e. Welded joints in horizontal vessels shall not interfere with supports. Weld metal shall not be used to build up the edges of plates that are too short or those that contain large cavities without prior approval of Company.1 Fabrication and Manufacture General All plates shall be laid out so that there will be a minimum of welded seams.6 5. 100 % of the load for two. 5. Lifting attachments shall be full penetration butt welded subjected to 100% NDE.8. Total lift loads for the design of lifting lugs/trunnions shall include the dead weight of the vessel plus the weight of packaging materials attached to the vessel during shipment. within a tolerance of two percent of the total lifted vessel length. Sheared edges between 11 and 25mm thickness shall be dressed back at least 3mm by machining or grinding. DNV etc. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 24 of 48 . 5.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 5. three and four point lifts shall be assumed to be taken by two of the slings. Should the design body not hold an ISO 9001 certificate then the design shall be certified by a classification society. All support saddles and bearing plates shall be continuously welded to the vessel and provided with a 6mm tell tale vent hole which shall be plugged with heavy grease after coating.1 Electrical Requirements Earth Bonding All vessels shall be provided with two earthing connections approximately 180° apart. Lifting point location shall be selected to ensure that lifting slings do not bear upon the vessel or its protective packing.8 5. The lug locations shall ensure that the vessel is "suspended level". Thermally cut edges shall be dressed back to the greater of 1mm or as per Table 5. The vessel fabricator shall be experienced and competent in the fabrication of such items and shall hold an ISO 9001 certificate (or Company approved equivalent). Lloyds. welded to the skirt or two opposing support legs or one on each saddle support web. i. Design calculations shall also be submitted to the Company for review.6.7 Lifting Attachments Lifting attachments shall be designed and verified by qualified experienced engineers working for a body that holds ISO 9001 certification. Lifting lugs/trunnions shall be designed using an impact factor of 2. Adequate lifting lugs/trunnions shall be provided to allow safe lifting of the vessels.e.1 of AS4458 by machining or grinding.0. Manufacture involving welding shall not be sublet to others without the prior written approval of the Company. 8. quenching and/or tempering and post-weld heat treatment. Hot formed sections of shells and heads shall have the scale removed after forming by grit blasting or pickling. and shall be recorded and documented on temperature recording chart. for Company review.2 Forming Prior to the forming of stainless steel plates. All plates which have been cold rolled into cylinders with an internal diameter less than 20 times the plate thickness or cold formed into dished ends or where the forming generates more than 5% extreme fibre strain shall be stress relieved. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 25 of 48 . not as part of the hot forming operation.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 5. Cold formed austenitic and duplex stainless steels. scale. the working surfaces of the rolls or tools shall be completely free of ferrous chips. Normalising shall be performed separately. Prior to fabrication the Supplier shall demonstrate by simulated heat treatment on test pieces that any component subject to heat treatment will retain the minimum specified mechanical or other properties specified for the parent material after the heat treatment. dirt and other foreign materials. This shall include all heat treatments such as normalising. Supplier shall submit. shall be subjected to a post forming heat treatment. All such tests shall be recorded and documented and included in the Manufacturer’s Data Report (MDR). Austenitic stainless steels shall be solution annealed after hot forming. detailed procedures for all proposed heat treatments. where extreme fibre strains exceed 10%. • Welding Procedure Specifications shall reference this standard. product name and classification of consumables. mechanical test reports. FCAW. provided the wire used for production welding is of the same classification (e. Submissions shall include a brief summary of the application of each welding procedure with respect to the type of joint and material.1 Welding Procedures and Qualification Documentation of welding procedures and qualifications. Upon Company approval of the WPS the Supplier may proceed with the Procedure Qualification. brand substitution is not permitted. and handling and storage procedures shall be in place to ensure that these low hydrogen levels are attained and maintained throughout use. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 26 of 48 . Change of brand. 6. • For fluxed consumables (SMAW. product name or classification requires re-qualification of the welding procedure. including weld repair procedures and qualifications. SAW). PWHT chart if applicable. A micro-section of the weld shall be taken with etching and magnification appropriate to the detection of sigma. shall be submitted for review. including running sheets. NDT reports. The maximum permissible amount of sigma phase is 2%. AWS A5. change of brand or product name is not considered an essential variable. Undesirable precipitates shall be reported.g. • Use of permanent backing is prohibited. chi and any other brittle intermetallic precipitation.9: E316L) as that used for procedure qualification.2 Qualification Testing of Welding Procedures for Duplex Stainless Steel The volume fraction of ferrite and austenite in the weld metal and the HAZ shall be determined on a micro-section in accordance with the principles outlined in ASTM E562-83. • Previously qualified procedures may be submitted for review. • Pre-qualified procedures in accordance with AS3992 Section 2 may be submitted for review. GMAW. • All fluxed consumables shall be capable of depositing low hydrogen (<10 mls/100g weld metal) weld metal. SAW flux). • Full Procedure Qualification Record Packages (PQRs).Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 6 WELDING 6. shall be submitted as follows: • Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs) shall be submitted for review prior to the start of Procedure Qualification. prior to the start of any welding utilising the subject WPS. material and consumable certificates. and both WPS and PQR running sheet must clearly specify brand. A photograph of the microstructure shall be produced. • For bare wire consumables (GTAW. the qualified range of each welding parameter and a Weld Map which identifies the usage of the WPS. and shall be approved by the Company. The ferrite proportion in the microstructure shall be in the range 30 to 70%. If arc strikes occur outside the weld groove.1 Production Welding General Care shall be taken to ensure that electrodes are struck either in the weld groove or on dummy material outside the proper material to be welded. Ferrite content shall be measured on the welding procedure qualification and production test plate. An existing welder qualification is acceptable provided that the Supplier shows that the qualification complies with all technical details and the welder has welded within the limits of the qualification in the preceding six months. The supplier shall demonstrate via macro and micro examination of sections taken from the relevant welding procedure qualification testpiece(s) that undesirable metallurgical structures are not produced as a result of dilution during weld cladding. All welders shall be qualified in accordance with the applicable code. or if the material is non ferritic. Ferrite content of austenitic stainless steel overlay welds shall be tested using a ferrite scope. 6. shall be examined either by magnetic particle Inspection (MT) or dye-penetrant (PT) testing to ensure removal of unacceptable surface discontinuities. Welds with defective areas shall have: • The defects removed. which have been removed. by dyepenetrant testing. the ferrite content of the weld overlay shall be between 3-8% delta ferrite. For procedures not subject to PWHT. Temporary attachment welds on pressure retaining parts shall be removed to within 5 mm of the parent shell plate. For procedures subject to post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT). The surface under such welds. the ferrite content of the weld overlay shall be between 3-10%. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 27 of 48 . shall be a minimum of two layers. or in place of.4 Welder Qualifications Welder qualification records including a register shall be available for review at the works. The Supplier shall ensure suitable recording of the qualification validity for each welder and this record shall be available for review at the works and acceptance by the Company Inspector. No welder shall be employed for vessel fabrication until the relevant qualification records have been accepted by the Company Inspector.3 Qualification Testing of Welding Procedures for Clad Steel Vessels Corrosion resistant weld overlays used in the restoration of. and backing rings.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 6. 6.6 6.5 Consumable Control Welding consumables shall be stored and conditioned in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 6. Procedures for receiving. the area shall be ground and subjected to non-destructive testing to ensure that no cracks have resulted. cladding. • Confirmation of defect removal by MT.6. conditioning and issuing consumables shall be submitted for Company approval prior to commencement of the work. • Repair welding using approved qualified procedures. storing. No electrodes shall be re-dried more than three times. then ground flush. all the edges of the parent material that are prepared for welding. • Contaminated clad surfaces shall be chemically cleaned such that the finish required by the material specification. the base material and cladding shall be subjected to dye penetrant testing. NDT shall be repeated after hydrotest and/or PWHT as prescribed by AS 4037 Section 6. This shall include protection from wind. is restored. • Where attachments are to be welded to clad materials. e. • The finished weld repair shall. • All repair welding. To this end a hold point shall be designated on the ITP to provide assurance that all welding. approval of Company shall be obtained before proceeding with the repair. • If the repair involves serious alterations or repair to already repaired defects. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 28 of 48 . the WPS to be used shall be submitted to the Company for review and approval. as a minimum. pressure testing and coating. • The weld seam in the substrate shall be ground flush before depositing the weld overlay.6. In addition the surface shall be re-examined by MT or PT testing. inspection and testing shall be fully recorded and documented • Injurious defects identified during the course of fabrication either visually or by inspection techniques shall not be repaired unless authorised by the Company. such welding may be permitted after review of the reason and planned arrangements to protect the welding from weather conditions. In exceptional circumstances. rain and run-off. NDT and associated documentation are completed before these operations. • Fit-up devices shall not be welded to the cladding. Elimination of the defect or remnant stainless cladding shall be confirmed by dye penetrant testing / copper sulphate swab. the following sequence and precautions shall be observed: • After stripping back the cladding. 6. • Welders causing an excessive proportion of unsound welds. • Any defect or remnant stainless steel detected shall be removed by grinding or machining. be subjected to the NDE required for the original weld. All welding and NDT operations shall be completed before PWHT. weld spatter.2 Clad Steel Vessels When depositing weld overlay to reinstate cladding at butt welds during vessel manufacture. Welding outside the confines of the fabrication shop shall not be permitted. 10% or greater shall be identified and diverted from this work. • Clad surfaces shall be protected at all times from physical damage and surface contamination from iron dust particles. etc. against which it was furnished.g.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION • The excavation for the repair weld shall be a minimum of 75 mm length. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 29 of 48 .Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 6. passivated and thoroughly washed.7 Post Weld Cleaning of Non-Ferritic Vessels Non-ferritic (austenitic and duplex stainless steels. nickel alloy) shall be free of iron contamination and oxide scale discolouration. After the completion of welding operations. all welds and discoloured or contaminated surfaces shall be pickled. titanium. all in accordance with a Company approved procedure. 7.1 Pressure Tests Vessels shall be tested at the test pressure specified by the design Code for a period of not less than 30 minutes in the presence of the Company's Inspector.1 NDE Procedures NDE procedures shall be submitted to the Company for review before the commencement of any examination. amount and stage of test. After hydrostatic test. in accordance with ISO 9712.2 NDE Personnel Non-destructive testing personnel shall be qualified in the technique being used. Visual inspection reports shall include observations on any evidence of oxidation associated with stainless steel welding and the effectiveness of subsequent cleaning operations. the water shall not contain chlorides in excess of 200ppm and a water analysis certificate shall be provided confirming compliance. For stainless steel or stainless steel clad vessels.2. weld seams are to be fully tested AFTER forming. Ultrasonic examination shall include weld scanning for transverse indications.2 Non Destructive Examination An NDE schedule shall be submitted to the Company prior to manufacture. (An example of reporting format is contained in AS 4037. welding on the pressure-containing portion of the vessel is not permitted without prior approval by the Company. The schedule shall include in-process NDE used to detect and remove defects prior to post weld heat treatment. All NDE reports shall be reviewed and endorsed by a Level III technician. A Level II or III technician is also required for interpretation of radiographs. The test medium for hydrostatic testing shall be potable water unless otherwise approved by the Company. Appendix E). The Principal shall review the schedule to assess whether it provides optimum detection of imperfections requiring assessment. Horizontal vessels shall be tested on permanent support saddles and not otherwise supported. sensitivity.2. 7. 7. Ultrasonic inspection shall be performed by a Level II or III technician.2.3 NDE During Production Where heads are to be formed from more than one plate.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 7 INSPECTION AND TEST 7. 7. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 30 of 48 . External attachment pads shall be tested with soapy water and air at 100 kPag prior to PWHT and the final hydrostatic test. The schedule identifies for each type of joint the method. The testing shall be carried out in accordance with AS4037. all water shall be completely removed and vessel interior shall be thoroughly dried. After completion of the vessel pressure test. The vessel shall be re-checked for distortion within the limits provided by AS4458. to demonstrate that cracks or other unacceptable imperfections have not developed. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 31 of 48 .3 Heat Treatment Supplier shall submit a detailed procedure for Company approval for all proposed PWHT operations. scale. 7. • A minimum of five readings per head. The ferrite content of production overlay welds shall be tested using a ferrite scope.4 Cleaning of Vessels Each vessel shall be thoroughly cleaned inside and outside and shall be free from grease. and any other foreign matter. • A minimum of one reading per nozzle. slag. rust.2. The acceptance levels shall be 3-8% ferrite for PWHT vessels and 3-10% ferrite for non-PWHT vessels. subsequent heat treatment shall be strictly in accordance with the approved procedure. The extent of testing shall be: • A minimum of five readings per course. weld spatter.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION All overlay deposited onto girth and seam welds shall be 100% dye penetrant tested after welding to ensure that deposits are free from cracks and other unacceptable imperfections.4 Storage of Radiographs The NDT Contractor shall retain all exposed radiographic films on file for a period of five years from the date of issue of the relevant test report. The surface examination shall be repeated after PWHT. 7. 7. • Serial number. • Equipment title. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 32 of 48 . • Supplier’s name. The attachment shall be to a bracket which extends a minimum of 50mm beyond the specified insulation thickness. • Equipment tag number. In addition to Code requirements the nameplate shall provide the following data: • Client name. Appendix D shows further detail of nameplate and bracket dimensions and layout. • PO number.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 8 NAMEPLATE A 316L stainless steel nameplate shall be fixed to each vessel. • Date of manufacture. • Project name. The colour of paint for marking and lettering shall conspicuously contrast with the vessel surface. The centre of gravity shall be included on vessel general arrangement drawings and shall be marked on all vessels by painting a continuous 75mm wide circumferential stripe. on the vessel exterior in block letters 75mm high in a contrasting colour and shall be clearly visible. The markings shall be made on the shell near the bottom tangent line if the vessel does not have a skirt. and West axes. Vessels shall be clearly identified by painting or dye stencilling the vessel equipment number with lettering of minimum 200mm high in a conspicuous location on the shell. including the inside of skirts. or West as shown on the vessel drawings. Vessels or vessel parts that have been subjected to PWHT shall be clearly marked "POSTWELD HEAT TREATED . South. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 33 of 48 . South.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 9 COATINGS AND EXTERNAL MARKING Vessels that are specified as requiring external coating shall have all exterior surfaces coated. Horizontal vessels shall have one head marked North." The above requirements shall be clearly marked on the vessel exterior in block letters 75mm high in a contrasting colour and shall be clearly visible. Surface preparation and coating for both internal and external surfaces shall be in accordance with the requirements of specification W9000SM001. Vertical vessels shall be marked on the base and first 300mm of skirt. East. Painting shall be performed after completion of all testing. East.DO NOT FLAME CUT OR WELD THIS VESSEL. The letters C-G and shipping weight in tonnes shall be painted at 2 locations diametrically opposite and adjacent to the stripe. head. indicating the North. or support. The required coating system will be defined upon the respective data sheet. Clad vessels shall be clearly marked with type and thickness of cladding provided. the exterior of the bottom head for vertical vessels and the inside of flange bolt holes. according to the orientation shown on the vessel drawings. The co-ordinates shall be indicated with a painted line and letter for each. The Supplier shall provide a recommended list of the following spares: • Pre-commissioning. 10. • Recommended spares list for two years operation. packaged separately and wrapped and packed to preserve items as new condition under normal storage conditions. Packing lists shall be furnished complete and in detail so that parts can be handled without unpacking. commissioning and start-up spares. commissioning.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 10 SPARES AND SPECIAL TOOLS 10. nozzles with blinds and internal flanges (where at least one of each pair of mating internal flanges has been provided by the vessel Supplier). The same parts shall be properly tagged so that later identification as to their intended usage will be facilitated. All spare parts furnished by the Supplier shall be clearly marked as ‘Spare Parts’.2 Special Tools The Supplier shall identify all necessary special tools required to perform routine maintenance and any other recommended tools for specialised procedures. nozzles with blinds and internal flanges (where at least one of each pair of mating internal flanges has been provided by the vessel Supplier). • 10% spare studs and nuts (with a minimum quantity of 2 of each size) for all manholes.1 Spares The Supplier shall provide the following items: • Two spare gaskets for all manholes. and start-up spares to be included in Purchase Order. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 34 of 48 . The Company shall agree pre-commissioning. The Company shall agree all special tools which will be included in the Purchase Order. Machined surfaces and all threads shall be protected. The Supplier shall propose the methods and submit detailed procedures for approval that address the protection. The Supplier shall comply with the general requirements of Company Specification W9000-SG-005 Standard Specification for Forwarding. Unless otherwise specified. not smaller than the flange outside diameter. Packaging. If a boot or nozzle projection extends below the saddle baseplates. all equipment must be preserved and packaged suitable for 12 months outdoor storage in tropical marine conditions. Welding stub ends shall be provided with steel or plastic weld bevel protectors. Temporary shipping saddles and/or saddle extensions shall be secured to the vessel such that these items will remain attached to the vessel during lifting operations. All equipment and materials shall be properly protected from damage for sea freight. These requirements are outlined in Appendix 2 of W9000-SG-005. The Supplier shall be aware of the stringent nature of the Australian quarantine regulations in regard to fumigation/treatment of packing timbers and the schedule constraints associated with the fumigation process. or where the permanent saddles of horizontal vessels cannot be utilised for shipping. separate steel shipping saddles shall be provided. these shall provide a 75mm clearance between any nozzle and the ground. A horizontal vessel may use its permanent welded on saddles for transport during shipment. packaging and shipment marking for each item in the scope of supply. Internal and external parts and piping assembled with the vessel shall be suitably supported and braced to prevent damage during handling and transportation.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 11 PACKAGING FOR TRANSPORT Unless stated otherwise in the equipment data sheet. preservation. flange faces (other than those furnished with permanent blinds) shall be protected either by a steel plate with gasket. Supplier shall provide a drawing showing the vessel rigging and temporary saddle arrangement for Company review. Marking and Invoicing of Shipments. secured with a minimum of 4 bolts and sealed with waterproof tape. then steel saddle extensions shall be secured to the saddles to provide a 75mm minimum ground clearance for the protruding part. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 35 of 48 . For vertical vessels. Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 12 DOCUMENTATION The Supplier shall provide documentation in accordance with the Supplier Document Requirements Specification A3000-SG-158829 and as specified in the Engineering Document Requirements List (EDRL) included within the Material Requisition. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 36 of 48 . Additional Requirements for Vessels Constructed Of Material with Corrosion Resistant Cladding Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 37 of 48 .Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION APPENDIX A . Linings other than those obtained by using integrally clad plate or overlay weld deposits shall not be used without prior approval of the Company. NOZZLES AND FLANGES The nozzles in clad vessels shall have a weld overlay applied to all surfaces in contact with the process liquid and to the gasket face. Thickness of cladding shall be as specified on the vessel data sheet.0 2. The clad plates shall conform to ASTM A263. The Supplier shall ensure that the design of the vessel and cladding or lining takes account of the differential thermal expansion between base and cladding materials. may be welded to the cladding.1 1. 2. The weld overlay on the flange face shall be machined to the specified finish. 1.0 1. Major support beams for internals shall be designed/fabricated using the following method of construction: Integral cladding shall be stripped back. The removed cladding shall be replaced with weld overlay.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION Appendix A . A bracket matching the weld overlay material shall then be welded to the weld overlay. 1. corners of nozzles where overlay is applied shall be machined to a 3mm radius or mitre. A264 and A265 as applicable. Tray support rings.2 Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 38 of 48 .1 CONNECTIONS. downcomer and bolting bars.Additional Requirements for Vessels Constructed Of Material with Corrosion Resistant Cladding 1.3 1. Weld overlay Solid alloy nozzles.1 MATERIALS Integrally clad plates shall be of the homogeneously clad type as obtained by roll cladding or explosive cladding. Initial thickness of plates shall be adequate to give the required minimum thickness of cladding and base metal after forming. the nozzle shall be machined such that when the weld overlay is applied and machined the final required internal diameter is achieved. Nozzles shall be designed in the following order of preference: Integrally clad with cladding as for the shell.2 GENERAL The thickness of the cladding (integrally clad or weld overlay) or lining shall not be included as part of the required wall thickness. 3.0 3. only subject to Company approval.5 The corrosion resistance of any internal permanent attachment to the vessel shall be not less than that of the inner lining of the vessel in the area of the attachment. irrespective of the design calculation method used.2 3. Prior to applying the weld overlay.4 1. Cladding or lining shall have sufficient ductility to accommodate any strain likely to be imposed during service.6 2. Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 4.0 4. A test specimen shall be subjected to a simulated vessel heat treatment.6. The use of high alloy welding material for this purpose is not permitted. Integrally clad plates formed into dished ends shall always be ultrasonically tested for soundness of bonding after forming.6 Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 39 of 48 .4 Cut edges of integrally clad plate shall be 100% ultrasonically tested over a band width not less than 75mm wide and within this band there shall be no defects. In addition. the following limitations shall apply: Any unbonded areas shall be smaller than 10cm2 The total of the unbonded areas shall not exceed 100cm2 per square metre surface area of plate. The same criteria shall be applied to cladding applied to products by weld overlay.5 5. to the parent material. 5. after which a side bend test shall be performed in accordance with AS3992 Clause 7. Integrally clad plates and weld overlay fabrications which will be heat treated during vessel fabrication.3 5. Integrally clad plates formed into dished ends shall be ultrasonically tested after forming to confirm that the cladding thickness has not been reduced below the minimum specified value during the forming operation.1 5. Cracking and/or breaking loose of the cladding or weld deposit from the base plate is not acceptable. Unbonded areas of less than 1cm2 shall be ignored. including PWHT. acceptance criteria shall be as defined above.1 FABRICATION Welds in the base material of clad steel vessels shall have a similar composition. shall be checked for sensitivity to embrittlement before fabrication.2 TESTING OF CLAD PLATES AND FABRICATIONS A shear test in accordance with ASME A263/A264/A265 as applicable shall be undertaken for each clad plate. acceptance Level shall be S6 for plates less than 100mm thick and S8 for plates greater than 100mm thick. 5. 5. as deposited.0 5. Before vessel fabrication integrally clad plate shall be ultrasonically tested from the clad side to check the quality of the bond in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A578. External Nozzle Loads (from A1800RM13887) Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 40 of 48 .Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION APPENDIX B . 79 2. • Circumferential & Longitudinal Shear Forces (Fsc.81 159.32 58. +/Ml.38 17. This moment shall be taken to act at the vessel flange. +/.66 59.9 255.86 24.76 44.82 1. the design value shall be force ‘F’ read from the table for the appropriate nozzle size / pressure class.86 21.61 8.52 17. The table below specifies external nozzle load design values of Forces (F). Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 41 of 48 .88 42.99 19.96 0. the design value shall be moment ‘M’ read from the table for the appropriate nozzle size / pressure class.62 73.70 36. "D" (nominal) in mm.73 0.38 6. Any such load reduction will be based upon actual pipe stress analysis results and there is no Company commitment to reduce the problematical loads.12 114.94 84.01 1.1 barg 0.34 100.14 25.83 51.Mt (if non-zero). or at the vessel shell where there the pipe is connected directly to the vessels.46 34. +/. as a function of size (NPS) and AMSE flange class.14 1.93 26.68 51.00 140. • Circumferential Moment (Mc): unless otherwise specified on the vessel datasheet. "P" in barg All externally applied forces and moments shall be considered to act simultaneously.98 10.m) 5. and all can be either + or – in sign.14 34.03 0.31 54.6 barg 1. • Torsional Moment (Mt): unless otherwise specified on the vessel datasheet.81 61.77 5.71 11.21 107.92 38.46 6.16 4.52 34.27 6.33 24.45 15.28 25.73 78.56 2.02 0.External Nozzle Loads The nozzle loads given below are intended to provide nominal values to allow pressure vessel design and piping design to proceed independently.07 13.43 18.80 82.m.41 153.72 29.2 300# F M (kN) (kN.84 101.09 52.20 1.3 barg 425.93 49.66 0.36 66.96 76.31 3. Fsl): unless otherwise specified on the vessel datasheet.53 14.73 19. The nozzle axial pressure force is not included in the axial force Fa and needs to be considered in the analysis.71 44.47 61.16 43.51 10.23 4. and Moments (M).48 9.22 118.64 25.m) 3.64 51. no externally applied Shear Forces need be used in the nozzle design.03 37.97 15.60 71.51 26.89 7.Fa.02 12.m) (kN) (kN. +/.49 72.23 21. and may be either + or – in sign. The worst case combination of +/.43 12.2 barg -6 2.55 23.70 1. This force which acts along the nozzle axis.48 48.84 84.79 12.01 3.5 barg M = 1.67 39.11 46.92 34. and may be either + or – in sign.1 barg 1. • Longitudinal Moment (Ml): unless otherwise specified on the vessel datasheet. no externally applied Torsional Moments need be used in the nozzle design.44 5. shell / head wall thickness increases) then the Company shall be consulted with regard to reducing the loads for specific nozzle(s).27 6.91 26. • Axial Force (Fa): unless otherwise specified on the vessel datasheet.58 1.62 68.47 16.72 27.56 38.29 9.04 30.35 2. Nozzle (NPS) 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 P vs # Note: Units: 150# F M (kN) (kN. shall determined and applied by the vessel designer/verifier.30 20. "M" in kN.Mc. may be either + or – in sign.4 153.24 8.60 8.84 6.75xD + 5x10 xPxD F = 20xD + PxD 1000 1000 "F" in kN.74 21. or at the vessel shell where there the pipe is connected directly to the vessels.85 Nozzle Rating 600# 900# 1500# 2500# F M F M F M F M (kN) (kN.57 31.61 0.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION Appendix B .Fsc (if non-zero).43 4.79 64.Fsl (if non-zero).g.06 14.31 16.82 10.39 2.87 42.m) 2.56 44.64 24.m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.45 0.15 13.67 54.29 0.32 25. and +/.93 38.61 37.17 9.93 255.43 1.12 20.48 1.27 11.98 12.59 17.09 47.56 95.08 0. This moment shall be taken to act at the vessel flange.67 6.44 57. the design value shall be moment ‘M’ read from the table for the appropriate nozzle size / pressure class.48 34.91 96.12 31.44 8.84 16. If in order to accommodate the nozzle loads significant changes are required to the vessel (e.23 4.95 102. As mentioned above. the following nominal design values shall be applied in lieu of those in specified in the Table above: Fa = 1. Man-ways: unless external loads exist. a manway shall be considered to have Fa = Fsc = Fsl = 0 kN and Mc= Ml = Mt = 0 kNm. shell / head wall thickness increases) then the Purchaser shall be consulted with regard to reducing the loads for specific nozzle(s). if in order to accommodate the nozzle loads significant changes are required to the vessel (e. Any such load reduction will be based upon actual pipe stress analysis results and there is no Purchaser commitment to reduce the problematical loads.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION Instrument Nozzles: unless otherwise specified in the vessel datasheet. The resulting stresses generated by the fatigue loads in the nozzle shall be assessed to ensure that the vessel has an infinite fatigue life.5 kNm. Inspection/Access Nozzles: as for man-ways. A nominal fatigue load of 70% of the loads given in the table above shall be applied to the nozzles.g. Note the maximum loads experienced by the nozzle are those given in the table above and not 170% of the values in the table. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 42 of 48 . Fatigue Loading Fatigue loading shall be considered where nominated on the vessel datasheet. Methods that can be used for the fatigue assessment include those given in AS1210 and/or EN13445.5 kN and Mc = Ml = 0. Vessel Tolerances Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 43 of 48 .Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION APPENDIX C . 2 NOZZLES FOR LEVEL INSTRUMENTS g. with a maximum circumferential tolerance of 15 mm. Further tolerances for level instrument nozzles shall be in accordance with 3. measured from reference centre line to centre line of nozzle: ±1°. measured from shell curvature: 1. both externally and internally at the intersection of the knuckle with the cylindrical section. 3.5 mm h. 3. e. f. Position measured from tangent line: ± 6 mm b. INSPECTION OPENINGS/MANHOLES) a.0 ± 8.5 mm measured at bolt circle. 2.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION Appendix C .0 mm.5° in any direction. Radial orientation. and for nozzles on domes measured from tangent line: ± 6 mm c. LENGTH Tolerance on overall length measured between the tangent lines shall be in accordance with the following table: Length L (mm) L 1 000 4 000 < < L L ≤ ≤ ≤ 1000 4000 10 000 Tolerance (mm) ± 2.25° in any direction. Alignment of nozzle flange face with the indicated plane: maximum 0.1 a. Bolt hole orientation: maximum rotation 1.0 ± 13. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 44 of 48 . Projection for nozzles on shell measured from shell curvature. Alignment of nozzle flange face with the indicated plane: maximum 0. Projection difference for each pair of flanges.1 NOZZLES IN SHELLS AND DOMED ENDS (EXCEPT FOR NOZZLES FOR LEVEL INSTRUMENTS. The alphabetic coding is given in Figure 1 at the end of this Appendix.Vessel Tolerances 1.0 L > 10 000 and all vessels having a wall thickness > 70 mm Note: Tangent lines shall be punch-marked on the dished heads. b and e. d. Deviation of nozzle centre line in head not to exceed 3 mm 3.0 ± 4. i. ATTACHMENTS Tolerances for attachments are given below. Distance measured from centre to centre: 1. VESSELS WITH INTERNALS If vessels are to be fitted with special screens or filters which require a more precise fitting the tolerances shall be in accordance with the screen/filter manufacturer's recommendation and be specified on the data/requisition sheets. Distance of vertical downcomer plate to vessel axis: v.15% of the outside tray diameter. Height of leg (horizontal vessel): 3. Alignment of flange face: maximum 1° in any direction. Foundation bolt pitch circle: − for vessel with ID ≤ 2100 mm: ± 3 mm − for vessel with ID > 2100 mm: ± 6 mm. Distance between two adjacent tray support rings (and from tray support ring to centre of adjacent nozzle or instrument connection): 3 mm. measured as greatest difference all around: 0. Distance from downcomer bottom to tray support: 3 mm 5 mm. l. u. w. with a maximum of 4 mm. o.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION 3.0 n. k. Support height Distance H from lower tangent line to base or support (mm) H 1000 < 4000 < H H ≤ ≤ ≤ 1000 4000 10000 Tolerance (mm) ± 2. Height measured from shell curvature: 12 mm. Tray support ring position . s.0 ± 4. 3. for which the tolerance is 2 mm. Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 45 of 48 . 3 mm.3 INSPECTION OPENINGS/MANHOLES j.0 ± 8. t. Base ring or support out of levelness: 0. Tray support ring levelness.4 VESSEL SUPPORTS m. Position measured from bottom tangent line: ± 12 mm.5 TRAY SUPPORTS r. except for the distance of a draw-off tray support ring to the centre of the corresponding nozzle. 3 mm.2% of nominal diameter with a maximum of 12 mm. p. Distance between legs (horizontal vessel): q.1 d and e.distance of tray support ring to lower tangent line: 6 mm. Height of fixed weir above tray support ring: 3 mm. Further tolerances for manholes shall be in accordance with 3. Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION Figure 1 Alphabetic Coding Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 46 of 48 . Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION APPENDIX D .Vessel Nameplate Details Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 47 of 48 . & T/T WEIGHT (DRY/OPER) mm kg 6 100 10 50 22 3 22 18 NOTES: 1.5mm thk. DESIGN TEMP MIN / MAX P.O. CODE CLASS SHELL DESIGN PRESS MIN / MAX TUBE kPa(g) °C kPa(g) 155 MANUFACTURER'S SERIAL No.DIA.Title: PRESSURE VESSEL SPECIFICATION THIS SECTION IS REQUIRED ONLY FOR SHELL & TUBE EXCHANGERS 8 CLIENT PROJECT MANAGER MANUFACTURER WOODSIDE AUSTRALIAN ENERGY TAG No. Material shall be Type 316SS 1. 2. 6mm thk x 180mm deep Bracket Material identical to vessel shell Insulation thickness plus 50mm 250 NAMEPLATE & BRACKET DETAIL Uncontrolled When Printed DRIMs#3124353 Rev - Date Printed 03/10/06 Page 48 of 48 . filled with black lacquer. 3. The descriptions are to be engraved by 5mm high etching. NUMBER TEST PRESSURE INSPECTOR HYDROTEST DATE INSPECTOR'S STAMP VESSEL SIZE . Supplier shall submit a nameplate drawing for Purchaser review.
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