Presentation: Community of interests against Bezness

March 30, 2018 | Author: Schweizerische Kriminalprävention - Prévention Suisse de la Criminalité | Category: Politics, Government, Social Institutions, Society, Public Sphere



We need your attention concerning a special problem We need your help And your public acceptance. We are asking you for your support in the fight against “Bezness” What is „Bezness“ ?  This label is used in many vacation countries to be a crime, played with the feelings of European women.  Bezness, a wordplay from the English “Business” has been indentified thought restless information work, by, to be crime that is not persecuted as such in Europe. Where do you find „Bezness“ ? „Bezness” is the name for a profitable income, young man from North Africa, Turkey and other countries call their new job. It has worked for years. The number of con artists, which use this way to secure their visa´s or permanent residency in Europe, is rising continuously. Who is affected by "Bezness“ ?  People from all age groups and social standings  Even so there is information about the laws in these countries, prenuptial agreements, receipts and contracts are not honored and the victims do not get their justice, since in these countries the man rule the system. What happens trough „Bezness“?  Victims not only loose their hearts, but all their financial und physical belongings, because they believe the pleading of undying love and affection and sometimes actor like performances of theses cheaters.  Every year millions of Euro´s, Franc´s and Pound´s are exported to oriental countries and the governments are looking on. What goal does "Bezness“ have ? The only goal is financial gain and to attain citizenship or permanent residency visa´s in Europe. What are the consequences from "Bezness“  Most of this relationships end with the financial social ruin and years of traumatization of the victims.  Children from such Relations are often used as pawns to attain citizenship in Europe. Kidnapping, conversion and threads are common, in some cases they end in murder.  Trying to obtain justice in these countries is fruitless, none of the victims ever recieved fair trails, even if everything was documented or proven by receipts. More consequences throught „Bezness“  Robbed, beaten, broke and totaly traumatized, the victims end the relationships or are left because they have nothing to „offer“ anymore  In the meantime the con artist has reached his goal, to marry the „virginal wife“ from his country and to immigrate his family into the new country What should upset the public ?      Social ruin of the victims Lost jobs Families are destroyed Huge pain through estrangement of the children or kidnapping Result: Loss of all social Benefits What does „Bezness“ cost the country?        Huge investments are lost to foreign countries Welfare for the husband, since only in a few cases he can or wants to secure employment Language classes Financial help for divorces Deportation costs After attaining permanent residency and the divorce the extendet family immigrate to Europe Welfare, money for children, hospitalisation for the Immigrants  In February 2002, the former victim Journalist Evelyne Kern initialised the internet page, after she recived countless letters from other women in simular situations, after she published her book „Sand in der Seele“ where she tells her story. What is        The webpage is the largest panel in the fight against „Bezness“ Over 2 million visitors 3000 hits dayly Over 4000 registered members About 20000 links worldwide First by search engines explanatory pages about CiB e.V. What does 1000Geschichte stand for?  wants to inform and prevent  A lot of people meet each other on this page to exchange stories, give and advice, discuss solutions and try to help others in simular situations CiB e.V.  At the same year Evelyne Kern started the interest group „comunity of interests against Bezness“ CiB e.V. for short  2005 CiB e.V. is registered as a cheritable club What would CiB e.V. like to accomplish?  CiB e.V. is trying to prevent and end the con game called „Bezness“ with information to the principalities, lawmakers and public.  CiB e.V. works to give justice to affected women priority objective of CiB e.V.  CiB e.V. would like to give children from these kind of marriages security from kindnapping into the country of their fathers, through a fairer justice system and more sensibility by childrens services and courts with a large lobby behind us, maybe the goverment will recognize this problem  CiB e.V. wishes more prevention, especially by immigration, youth services, womens organisations and the police What does CiB e.V. do against„Bezness“?  Prevention through information  Media and public work  Petitions to responsable government offices, petitions to the German Bundestag (Parliament – already served in Berlin)  All Organisational data (by laws, govering, applications, as also numbers and facts) is found in the CiB e.V.-page What is a „black list“?      The black list gives affected people information about their „vacation loves“ or foreigners they meet here For a Fee of 5 Euros to CiB e.V., affected people can find out if their acquaintance is already listed There is also the possibility to add the swindler The list is protected by the management and is strictly monitored The recording is like all other tasks done by honorary members of CiB e.V. Black list – questions and Reporting - over 1300 questions and annotations Questions and Reporting - many hits and correspondences - if you like you can be matched with other victims the best protection from con artists Tunesien Marokko Türkei Sonstige Ägypten How does CiB e.V. help the afflicted?  Competent personal attention through CiB e.V.- contract partners  Support at law and goverment offices return Journey from the homelands of the husband for women and children that are in danger meditation of responsible lawyers and psychologist financial support in distress situations How can you help CiB e.V. Only through a large lobby in our background CiB e.V. can reach their goal to stop „Bezness“. Please help us by:  Spreading this presentation  To call attention to  To introduce this problem to the attention of known officials in competent council How can you help CiB e.V.?  Support us financially to assist with rescue missions and other problems  To become a member of our Organisation  To show your support by sponsorship on our webpage Press and Public These medias have supported through reports on this subject  Newspapers and magazines: Westfälische Rundschau, Rundschau Meinertshagen, Nordbayerischer Kurier, Die Zeit, Zeitungsgruppe Lahn-Dill Wetzlar "alle Ausgaben“ More Publik Work  Newspapers and magazines: Main-Echo Aschaffenburg, Bild der Frau, Mach mal Pause, Erdinger Anzeiger (Münchner Merkur), Freizeitrevue, Neue Woche, WOMAN, Esslinger Zeitung, Mülheimer Woche, Bayreuther Anzeiger, Thüringer Allgemeine, JUNGE FREIHEIT  And many others More Publik Work  Television: ARD-Jürgen Fliege, PRO7- Nicole, SWRNachtcafe - Wieland Backes, WDR-CosmoTV, WDR-FrauTV, Sat1 Akte 04 /05, SAT1Frühstücksfernsehen, ZDF -Volle Kanne, ZDFMonaLisa, ProSieben–Taff und SAM,, ARD“Brisant“ - weitere in Planung  Online medias: – online, – online, Padener Zeitung, 3x24 –das Nachrichtenmagazin u.v.m  There are many Internet forums that are occupied with the same Themes and countrys Registered in the association register Bayreuth VR 1548 Tax Number 208/107/40265 Association adress: CiB e.V. – E. Kern Wolfsbacher Straße 19 - D-95448 Bayreuth phone: 0049 9209 918245 Fax: 0049 9209 918335 [email protected] Stand der Präsentation: Juli 2008 - © CiB e.V. Donations and Membership dues: Postbank BLZ 760 100 85 – Acct: 764 180 857 For donations from foreign countries: IBAN : DE24760100850764180857BIC: PBNKDEFF Donations and dues are tax deductible We want to thank you very much for your attention and would be happy if you visit our homepage
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