Prescolite Colorescent Lighting Catalog FC-2 1965
May 15, 1965Ah- qK=sEoLrrE o cse#trtrsctr&rr' deco rative fl uo re s cen t I ig hti n g CATALGIG' Nc'. c#d,#f?ssfs'tr?" decorative fluorescent I ighting Colorescent by Prescolite. . . the transformation of fluorescent into truly decorative lighting. Warm, vivid colors and imagnative surface styling bring new richness and lile to fluorescent installations. Ceiling Island series- Specifications - Page 3 & 3l Pase4 &7 I Lay-In Diffuser Panels- Page 5 Linear Wall Lighting-Page 34c,7-r/^t S pecifications Page Page B&7 7 7 Strip Lights ..r . A I ' -/ pREscoL|TE MANUFACTURTNG coRp. i2s1 Doolillle Drive. San Leandro. Calfornia FACTORIES: San Leandro Calir ' Warminsler. Pa El Do.ado. Arkansas Stto 3-1 Solid. oiled ualnut f rdme- Solid. oiled walnut frame. 3lll,l -vt Solid oiled. walnut f rame. copyright by PREScoLITE 1965 ].. t. Ceiling Island serres i ::i t. r --"-r::..:.:: -_::- --.: ' ' :l:ar:i::::i::r.;:.::,-l-:r:.--rr lr:;ir... l _.:..:i:r'::_: -r:: rt r:.. 24 4A MCIDELS 491,/"" x WTDTH 251l"" x HETGHT 61,/u 'Ihis velsatile se'ries of island units oflers a variety of diffus<'r shapcs, colors and frames. M:rinlorance and lelamping problents an: clirn inated by the use of ii gr.ivity hingcr systen that lowers the -ame from cither side. Squale or round three dimr:nsional cup style diffusers are heat se:rled with a flat vinyl cover *'hich ple- vents dusl or dt'bris floni collecting in the cups. Units are designed for 31i" or .1" outlt:t Lxrx mounting All furnished lamps. ( See specificatiotls page 4.) illrrstr':rtcd bclow: 4% di:r. round cup difTuser' D FFUSER CI]PS 41/2 ' D1A. RoUND I 1/2 " olA fiouND 2' sorjARE D FFUSEA CUPS 4112" D A ROUN D 11/r" DA RoUND 2" souARE 24 24 MODELS x LENGTH x LENGTH PANEL STYREN E A CBY LIC PANEL STYRENE PR LSM 3403-1 3408-1" GR D 3403-2 GN]D 3408-2. 3404-t 3404-2 AMBER illustratcd bi'low: 1li ' dia. .-. GREEN 1@#:;!gro BLUE round cup diffuser ':. GREEN ;ta6' 2' squale cup difluser' GREEN i:=.2,-..$' BLU E 25ria" x WIDTH 2slla" x HEIGHT 5rls" 3409-t" 34A9-2' WHITE AMBES illustr:rted lx.lovv' : WHITE t AMBEF -SPECIFY: H for high power lactor ballast, L for low power {actor ballast ll nol specfred. high power iactor ballast will be furnished. Units empk:tying dilfuser cups ttre esscntialLy decoratire ntoorl lighting and are nol. intended to produce hieh illuDritration lexels. A selt-.ction of attractive clear sty.ene or acrylic prismatic panels is offered to ex- pand the eye appenl and usc,fulncrss of the Ceiling lsland series. 34t 1W 3412A. LIIUEAFI ISLAIVD MCIDELS LENGTH 491/s" x WIDTH 7" x HEIGHT 5ls D FFI.]SER CUPS 41lr " DrA RoUND 11/2" DA FOUND 2" souARE WH ]TE 3410W 3412W PANEL STYRENE ACRYLIC 3412G 3413-1 3413-2 BLU E 34108 34118 3414- l 34't4-2 94128 PRISM GR D 3 C{?f,#f?fl,$'e"tr,&f F (Ceiling IsLand series cont. ) 24x 4A Mcltr'ELS Standad K0. ?attern F0r 3J/4 0r1'0.8. Standard units: 4-40 watt F40T12 tubes with rapid start high powei factor ballast. The units are framed with solid oiled walnut . . . mitered corners . .. %" regressed edge on diffuser lrame. Matte black baked-enamel is standard for exterior finish on reveal (see mounting drawing for K.O. patterns). Gloss white baked enamel reflector panel with bal- lasts and lampholder will suspend from the ceiling pan freeing both hands for service connections. t he difiuser frame srvings down from either side for easy relamping and maintenance. Amber Diffusers equal a2?/, of Curve Bl!e Diffusers eq!al 20Y. of Curue Gr€en Diffusers equal 35% of curue Four 40W Tube Four 40W Tube w/Prism Diff'iser w/Grid Diffuser 40W tube units. ? l t.1t2 rl 1e :-T * LA'! Variable reactance, uariable uoltage, and, High-Lou tlintmer ballasts are aoailable for use Dith E!4x E24 MclDELS Strniard l(.0. Patlem for 3l/4 0l { 0.8. l/4" 0ia. ioles ({) ar0 I 22-115" I T s" 1 s" J 440 =m E"'ffi-E," sio?)( 600 ,,'',+-- }, I g' I 1 s" Standard units: 4-20 walt F20T72 tubes with trig ger start high power factor ballast. The uniG are {ramed with solid oiled walnut - . . mitered corners . . . %" regressed edge on difiuser fmme. Matte black baked-enamel is standard for exterior finish on reveal (see mounting drawing lor K. O. patterns). Gloss white baked enarnel reflector panel with bal lasts and lampholder will suspend frorn the ceiling pan freeing both hands for service conneetions. The difiuser frame swings down from either side for easv relamping and maintenance. i rr. = -tu,-l 1.12 ;:3' L' 74 =1 t Ahber Diffusers equal a2Ya ol CtNe Blue Ditfusers equal 2alr ol cuNe creen Diftusers equal 35% ol Curue Fou r 2owTube Four 2owlube w/Prism Dirruser w/Grid Difrusers *o c' Amber Diffusers equal 82Y" ol CuNe B,ue Dilfusers eaual 20%. of Curue Green Diffusers equal 35% of Curve T 22.118' I LII\EAFI ISiLANtrI MtrtDELsi Standard units: 2-40 watt F40T12 tubes with rapid stafi high-power factor ballast. The units are framed with solid oiled q'alnut . . . mitered corners ... %" regressed edge on difruser frame. Matte black baked'enamel is standard for exterior finish on reveal (see rnounting drawing for K- O. patterns). Gloss white baked enamel reflector panel with bal- lasts and lampholder will suspend from the ceiling pan freeing both hands for service connections. The difiuser frame swings down from either side for easy relamping and maintenance. Stendard K.0. PrttBn FoI 3.1/4 0r {'0.8. { i" s a ,00 = aoo Two 40w Tlbe Two 40w Iube w/Prism Oifluser e/Grid Dirr!ser E$0 3 !md 450 F6!.4OW T! tle w/wtrrte orffusers !!! 7/8',0h. [.0. ,-+--- 25 'A /--f\=5 ,{ IZ-^*.\l{ : E l{0 = zso a Two 40W Tube w/White Dittusers 560 l1l16" 0ia. l(.0. (2) 7/8" 0h. (.0. (3) 1 R 160 2 3ro Irtt'-[- 42 ' - TYP. t {8 -- Vaiable reactance, variable uoltaEe, and. High-Lou d.immer ballasts are auailable for use with 10W tube units- Diffuser panels Decorative lay-in panels (for suspentLed acousticcl panel ceilings) S USPENOEO VINYL DJFFUS ER TEE 2x2- 2" so. cues 23r/i' x 233k" WHITE D FFUSEFS 3303.W A[,JaERDTFFUSERS 3303-A BLUE DIFFUSERS ffi cREEN DTFFUSERS 3303-G 2x4- e" so. cues 233L" x 473/^" wH rE DTFFUSERS 3313-W AM BER DTFFUSERS 3313-A ELUE DIFFUSERS ffi GREEN DIFFUSERS 3313-G (-lolorescent difluscr panels are designed for lay in installation in T grid suspended ceilings and rray be illuminated by standard fluorescent strips. Pancls come in two sizes. 2 x 2'or 2' x 4' and consist of white baked enameled steei pancls with translucent vinyl cups of white. biue, grcen or ilmber. Oups are nvailable in two sizes,4l2" round or 2" square. Square or round three-dimensional cup-style difTusers are heat sealed with a flat vinyl cover which prevents dust or debris from collecting in thc cups. Prescolite fluorescent strip lights arc available for use with difiuser panels . . . - - . see page 7. 2x2-4rh"cues 23j/i' x 23jh" WHITE DIFFUSERS 3302-W AMBERDiFFUSERS 3302.A BLUE DIFFUSERS ffiffi GREEN DIFFUSERS 3302-G 2x4 -4Yz" c,ucs 23r/a" x 47rh" WH TE DIFFUSERS 3312-W AMBER D FFUSERS 3312.A BLUE D FFUSERS W GFEEN DIFFUSERS 3312-G Lay irt Difluser Nulels are particrLlarly elfectiue in. decoratiue liEhtinE situalions - otller itlstalLations nLa! need supplemetrlary Lighl.in1. STEEL I] FFI]SFR TFIM 5 2"SOUARE CUPS, WALNUT VINYL PANEL With PANEL with oyster baked enamel l nish. 3190H 40W HIGH power factor ba last 3190L 40W low power factor ballast 3290 2-4AW H|GH power factor ballast lA. CUPS, WALNUT VINYL PANEL !vilh translucent wh rte round vinyl inselts. 3292W 2-40W HIGH power factor ballast catalog trans ucent white sq!aTe rnseTts. 3293W 2-4AW HIGH power factor ballast . End caps finished in oyster baked enamel 3196H 40W HIGH power factor ballast 3196L 40W low power factor ballast 3296 2-40W HIGH power factor ballast 3197H 40W HIGH power factor baTlast 3197L 40W low power factor ballast 3297 2-4AW HIGH power factor ballast WHITE LINEN ernbedded in pressure molded transiucent Fabriglas. tnd cap finished in oyster baked ename. 3195H 40W HIGH power factor ballast 3195L 40W low power factor ballast 3295 2-4OW HIGH power laclor ballast RATTAN -embedded in pressure molded translucent Fabriglas. GRASS CLOTH embedded in pressure molded translucent Fabriglas. tnd caps finished in oyster baked enamel. Linear wallJighting includes models which incorporate the exceptional Colorescent difiuser design into units that ofier soft surface illumination as well as an up and down light. These linear units may be used indi- vidually or mounted end-to-end and are furnished with necessary hard- ware for either installation. All units available as portable models. All units furnished less lamps. Underwriters' Laboratories listed. WALNUT VINYL-lextLred wa nLl vinyl clad Tetal parel. End caps in brown baked enamel only. 3198H 40W HIGH power factor ballast 3198L 40W low power factor ballast 3298 2-40\tl HIGH power factor ballasl *lVetal panel units also available in othor finishes. Data for Linear Wall lighting units ttith square or round uinyL diffuser cups (paee6) DIMENSIONS AND WATTACE. Standard twin tube units (40 watt-q per tube) are 49rL1r;" long x ?%" wide and 61/r" decp. Special order units available are 25111i1" long (20 watts per tube.) or 37:ri,i'long (30 watts per tube). ACCESSORlES: Grounded convenience outlet. Pendant switch or pull chain. . . 277 volt ballasts .. .Variable reactance, variable voltage, and High-Low dimmer ballasts are available for use uith 40W lube units. . . B{rss fusing. . . night light socket for units with metai or *'alnut vinyl panels .... Available as a pinup uith 12' cord and plug and iniine srvilch. Add "P" to cataiog nr"rmber- Single or livin iubc. i l ;;-1 2tV uniis standard. 2?7V units av:ri]ahle... Russ fusin! also available (1 arllp. lor single tube modcls, ill, amp. for t\\,in tul)el: sgrccill rv, Russ i.rsing. \rrrriable readance. variahle \oltagc. and High Lo\l, dimmcl brliasts rre araiiahle ior rrse with 40W tuln'unils. \\iltiie hak.d cnamel starrdard pairrrccl finish. rmmmim mlindr lor 5$P tNo CrP / Collrrcl0| .i r, *o irrrrLr., I ,.--. mount approrimately 14" above read ne or wr lina surl2ce. SINGLE TUBE MOIINTING DFTAILS cHAiNtlC0YtN SLISPTNS]OII NINGI Rtll0VAgttilMPll0t0tRS sh0*i i9,.!lorliia Niallrtion To simplify insiallation, lbe en.plr- channel mounts first. Channel cover suspension hinges snap into the ( hannel and sLlppo.t the cover assemblr. nr an o1;en posilion, Ire.cing hancls to splice supplv leads. Covcr assembiv simplv srvings into closed position and is Irositively helcl bv scmi-recesse(l thumh nuts. B:rllast mouniecl on clranntl ctxer 1;rovides better b.rllast heat dissipa- lion ancl a:rts the sen'icirrg of hallast ol lamp holders lvithout channel removal. At thc suppiv wiring stage. the continuous o1;en *ire*'a-v channel, unobstrucied b1 'rallasis. lampholders or partiiions. climi nates the necessitv of thrcading supply leads through clividers. Clhannels are provided rviih flrmbinalion knockouts fot direct-mount ovcr flush l;oxes or for chain or tuhe suspension \a'ith service entry from hacl: or either cnd. Single tLrhe ch:rnnels,2li" lviCe, are slotte{l for a flush s\litch box moLrnted horizoni:rllv or a ,1' O B. \\'ith a flush, switch plaster ring Conduit K.0.s ( 3r,i ) ftrr pipe pendant moLrntings are 8" from cach t'ncl. :rnd alsc' on ertreme ends for joint suspension of end to end slAP fi fliD cAP/Colil{tcl0R SINGIE TUBE SERIES 2314 c.i) -4 - ![AXllft C0VrR sllsP0t$0N [il0t Overa Ba last Lenqlh + fit S{itch Ring Tvro I 4 Dia. x.0. Two3/16 Dia. Holes 2-5,'8' T I 6-i./16 l Starl l- rr ---'lt-rc----l l-lil:l lyp. 3148L Jo\r'/ 314gll 40W 3136L 30W al36H 30!-/ 312,1L 20W 3124H 20W Rapid ovr' F F Rapld HGHPF Fapd iowPF Rapid HGIIPF-. T, sscr ow P. F. Tr gger l.llcH P F 48" 4A" 36" 36' 24' 24" 49' TWIN TUAE MOUNTING DETAILS NEW TANOEM UNIT consisrs ol2 sinq e l!be !n 1s wiconn3cior and one iwit t!be bal ast 31,18T 2 40!! Bap d H Glt P.F. 96" 2 40W Fap d HIGH P.F 48 2 20W Trlqger low P.F. 24' 2-2a\\ Triqoer HIGH P.F. 24' ThreeTS 0ia. l(.0. Two11,'15 0ia. K.0. Twol/4 Dia. Two3,/16 K_0 lloles TWIt.I TUEE SERIES Snap in grouncling iype convenience outlcts an.1,/or switches may be insiallerl in kno.ko,,ts in side of channei. Snap in end cap,'connector closcs channel ends or locks channels to- gcther for end-b enrl installations. For contjnuous cnd'to-end pcndant installaiion with stems Iocated at joints. order acct'ssorv snap in joiners and end caps for anv li" pipe pendants or orir sper:ial 22'hang straight pipe penclants which are easil.,- shortened in ihe freid...longcr lengths are available. r i ! ,0 --.i_rr -,1_ -]Fr - lB , --:-18 ------t- , TYo cllllitLrdr Thne 7/8 oia K 0 Standard X.0. Pattem tor 3l/4-or4 0.8. ..,-] 7 mgPreffiSg*d-T&?g1,egS ALAaaMA, aIRMINGHAM . Woodyard, Johnson & Associai€s, 2115 First Avenue, South. Phone: 324.2427 ARIZONA. PHOENIX . lohi Al €n Ware ind Associaies, 1400 Norih 32nd St., Suita "H". Phone: Bn dce 5-1844 ARKANSAS, LITALE ROCK . Chanes L YounC, 310 Colton Exchanse Building. Phone: FRanklin 4 9311 CALIFORNIA, FRESNO . A. L. Pedue & Associaies (Sterl Jrc Lyn.h), 735 €ast Honre Avenue Phone: 264.i068 CALIFORNTA, Los ANGELES . Los Angeles oflice, 2411 south Broadway. Phane:147 74ar CALITORNIA, SACRAMENTO . A. L. Perdue & Associates, 2160 noya e Road, Sac.ariento lnn Plaza. Phone, wAbash s 3773 CALIFORNIA, sAN DIEGo . lohn A len Ware and Assoclates, 301 West G streei- Phone, SElmont 2 8578 CANADA-EASTERN. ONTARIO, TORONTO . Revere Eleclrlcal Dislributors, Ltd., 227 Victoria Streei. Phone: EL,lpire 2-2361 CANADA- EASIERN . QUEAEC, MONTREAL . Assoclale Les Fo!mrtures Electriques Fro.tenac nc., 4404 Rue Frontenac. Phone, 524-3657 CANADA-WESTERN . BRlTlsH CoLllMBlA, VANCoIJVER . L S. Edwzrds, 1206 Hamilton Sireet. Phone: 685-7368 COLORADO, DENVER . Donald Congdon, 8150 Sunset Dnve, Lakewood, Qo orado. Phone: BElnont 3 2007 CONNECTIcUT, MERIDEN . lvlacRae Lishtlfg Sales Co. (Daniel J. Pation), 50 Kirn Lane. Phone: BEveny s 9060 FLORIDA, CLEARWATER ' 0. Ray Wood & Associates (lerald Jam€s (lery) Woitas), 307I 6randview Av€. Ph0ie: 446.6505 FLORIDA, JACKSONVILLE . 0. Ray wood & Assac ates, 1003 Carlotis Easi. Phone nAymond 5'0461 FLOR!DA, MIAMI ' 0. Ray Wood & Assocrates (Fred 1!larkland) 9790 Balrama 0rive. Phone, CEdar 5-4497 GEORGIA, ATLANTA . Chanes L, Woodyard & Associates, 161SLmpson street, N.w. Phone: JAckson 5.0511 HAWAll, HONoLULU . Allred E. L nzer Associates, 1507 Kapio ani Boulevard. Phone, 91.2291 ILLINOIS, cHlCAGO ' Chicago ofiice, 126 west Kinzie street. Phone: 644 6777 lLLlNOIS, PEORIA . Harold G. Young, 220 E. Maywood, Morton, llllnois. Phone: 264 1181 INDIANA, INDIANAPOLIS . Clyde Warble, 1637 G€nt Avenue. Phon€, rvlElrose 2.1465 IOWA, CEDAR RAPIDS . r iitauer Associat€s lnc. {Arne oja), 1407 !lemorial 0rive, s.E. Phone: EiVFire 4 5317 LOUISIANA, NEW ORLEANS . E. L Hasan. 2837 Banks Stre€i. Phone, 82? 4231 MASSACHUSETTS, sOUTH BosToN . lMacRae Lighting sales Compafy, 933 E. 2nd St. Phone, ANdrevr 8 9483 MICHIGAN, DEfROIT . L. H. B€ck Electric Sa es Company, 21751 Coolidse Hwy., oak P:.1, [lich]Can. Phone: s48 3635 MINNESOTA, ST. PAUL . Charles L. Schwab, 2640 Ter torlal Road. Phone: 646.2634 MlssoURl, KANSAS CITY . Tharsell Lishtins & €qu pment Co., 1195 E. 77th Slreet. Phone: DElmar 3.8526 MlSsOURl, Sl. LOUIS . L A. Noser, 405 Carrswold Drive, clayton, Misso!ri. Phone, PArkvrew 6.0037 NEBRASKA, OMAHA . Mitlauer Associates tn.., 11121/2 Farnam Streel. Phone: 341.5540 NEw HAMPSHIRE, MANCHESTER . MacRae Lshiins Sales Co. (loseph A. Charon),4s3 Prodor Rd. Phone: NAiional 44827 NEWJERSEY,LINDEN. Bra?IEroihers, 1i 13 trlcK n ey Street. Phone: WAbash 5.0800 NEW YORK, NEW YORK . B.azill Broihers. Phone, oxlord 5-2494 NEw YORK, SYRACUSE . Up-Staie L shting F xture Sales, lnc.,940soLrlhsallnaSlreei.Phone,GRaniie64093 NORTH CAROLINA, CHARLOTTE . w. ri. Lassite. Sa es co., lnc., P.0. Box 15473. Plrone: 523-2736 OHIO, CINCINNATI . Cary Roof & Associates (Chu.k Carlerl, 3556 Schwarlze. Phone 621'0117, Res: 481'6949 oHlO, CLEVELAND . Cam Norton Company, 1303 P.ospect Ave., 44115, Phone: 771-1044 OtllO, DAYTON ' Gary R.ol and Associates, 1145 Third Nat onal 8ui ding. Plrone: BAldwin 4 9813 oKLAHOMA, oKLAHOMA CITY . Floyd WlLson Company, 519 Nodh West N nth Street. Phone: CEnlral 2 2417 oREGoN, PoRTLAND . Donald s. cleason & Assoclares {clyde Doddl, 6?8 Norlh Russett slreet. Phone, cApitol 7 65s7 PENNSYLVANIA, HARRISBURG t Paul F. (yack, lnc. (Harold Guse),718 L sburn Rd., Camp H l, Pa. Phone: 737.3045 PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA . Pau r. Kyack, lnc.,47 East Germrntowf' P ke,8ox 220, Plymouth Meetlns, Pa. Phone:242.2112 PENNSYLvANIA, PITTSBURGH . Camble & Aibrecht Company, 839 West North AvenLre. Phone: FAirlax 2-0494 PUERTO RICO . Xenclaire Eledrical Ac€ncies, lnc. (Ari Stuchbury), 170 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. Phone: BArclay 7.42?s TENNESSEE, MEMPHIS . service sales Ag€ncy, 3294 Poplar. Phon€: 452 0455 TENNESSEE, NASHvILLE . S€ruice Sales Acency TEXAS, DALLAS . Spies & Assoc ates, La Foy Bldc., Suile 104, 4655 N. Central Expressw:y. Phone: LA r.5311 TEXAS, HOUSTON . Sobert Xirby Co. Inc.. 3723 Westh€lmer. Phon€, Nl0 7.7511 UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY . J. R. Chrisi€nsen & Assoc ates, 252 West 13ih, South. Phoie, 486.0031 WASIIINGTON, D. C. . Alb€.t A. Fox, 901 Quackenbos Slreel, N.W. Phone: STerLlng 3 3480 Aller Hours: RA 6 7385 WASH., SEATTLE . Dofald S. Cleason & Assoc., (0. S. c e.son, Ray Adan) W lsonian Apt. Hotel, orlice: 115, 47th & Univ. Way LA. 5-5151 |VASH., SPOKANE . Donzld S. Gleason & Assoc. (Donald F. Gleason), w€st 32 Th rty th rd Ave. Phone: Rlverside 7.4151 wlscONSIN, MILWAUKEE . N4arion [4urphy, P.0.8ox 157, [4€nonronee Falls, Wisconsrn. Phone: SUnset r-4204 EXPORT REPRESENTATIVE . (Ari Stuchblry), 170 Broadway, New York, New York 10038. Phone: BAtclay / 4225 sHowRooMs ARKANSAS, EL DORADO . Prescollte Drive & lndustlal Road. Phone, IJN 2.4283 caLrFoRNlA, LOS ANGELES ' 24rr Soulh Broadway. Phone,747-740r CALIFORNIA, SAN LEANDRO . 1251 0oolilile Driv€. Phone:562-350Q OHIO, CLEVELAND . 1303 Prospect Ave.ue. Phonei 771 1044 PENNSYLVANIA, WARMINSTER . 539lacksonvil e Road. Phone: 672.3200 PRESCOLITE MANUFACTURING CORPORATION G€l.rERr\',. l)t. ri)i.:: 1251 Doolittle Drive, San Leandro, Catifornra FACT():il!:i: Stn Leandro, California ' u/arminster, Pennsytvania . 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