Preliminary Structure Report 11-21-2014

March 20, 2018 | Author: CantonCompass | Category: Truss, Bridge, Lane, Road, Traffic



Preliminary Structure ReportBridge No. 05222 November 2014 State Project No. 023‐0127 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Canton, CT Prepared By: TranSystems Corporation 530 Preston Avenue Suite 100 Meriden, CT 06450 TSC Project: P712110001   Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Executive Summary Location Map Detour Map Introduction Project Purpose Project Need Project Area Description Historical and Technological Significance 9. Existing Condition (Bridge Inspection and Field Observations) 10. Material Testing a. b. c. d. e. Lead/PCB Testing Bridge PIN UT Testing Steel Coupon Testing Steel Replication Testing Abutment Vertical Borings 13 13 13 13 13 11. Load Capacity Analysis 12. Design Criteria 13. Alternative Analysis a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 11 13 14 14 15 Compatibility with Project Needs Impacts to Historic Resources Impacts to the Surrounding Environment Right‐of‐Way Impacts Maintenance of Traffic Impacts Opinion of Probable Total Construction Cost Opinion of Probable Life Cycle Cost 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 14. Discussion of Alternatives 17 Alternate N: No Build or Null Alternative 17 Alternate 1: Bridge Rehabilitation in Accordance with the Secretary of 17 Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation Alternate 1A: Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS7) 18 Alternate 1B: Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS20) 18 Alternate 1C: Bridge Rehabilitation Widened to 20' Roadway Width (HS20) 20 Alternate 2: New Bridge on Upstream Alignment with 26' Roadway Width 21 (HL93); Truss Bridge restored/preserved as a Pedestrian Facility 1    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      15. Preliminary Preferred Alternative 23 a. Permits b. Bridge Removal Sequence 24 24 16. Cost Considerations 25 2    Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  List of Figures FIGURE DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1 Location Map 5 2 Detour Map 6 List of Tables TABLE NO. 1 DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. Alternative Cost Estimation Breakdown 25 Appendices DESCRIPTION A Sketches B Photographs C Inspection Report D Traffic Counts E Roadway Design Criteria F Test Results G Wetland Delineation H Hydraulic Analysis I Calculations J Cost Estimate 3    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  1. Executive Summary Existing Bridge Town Bridge over the Farmington River (ConnDOT Bridge No. 05222) was constructed by the Town of Canton in 1895 as the replacement for a wooden covered bridge at the same location. The single lane through truss, was fabricated and assembled by the Berlin Iron Bridge Company of Berlin, Connecticut. Town Bridge has entered its second century of service to the Town. It is quickly becoming one of a limited number of through truss bridges constructed in the late 1800s that is still in active vehicular use. Scope of Rehabilitation Work Based on the 2013 inspection and evaluation of Bridge No. 05222, the bridge is both structurally deficient and structurally obsolete. Key issues to be addressed in the rehabilitation include repair of the deterioration, improve load carrying capacity, provide internal redundancy, stabilize stone abutments, improve approach profile and sightlines, and maintain original construction methods and materials. Rehabilitation and replacement alternatives are provided to determine the most prudent and cost effective method of advancement for this bridge. The alternatives studies are listed below. N. No Build (Null Alternative) 1. Bridge Rehabilitation in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards 1A. Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS7) 1B. Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS20) 1C. Bridge Rehabilitation Widened to 20’ Roadway Width (HS20) 2. New Bridge on Upstream Alignment to 26’ (HL93); Truss Bridge restored/preserved as a Pedestrian Facility Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Town Bridge Road over the Farmington River will be closed throughout the construction period. Traffic will be detoured approximately 2 miles. Temporary access to driveways within the Town Bridge Road closure limits will be maintained throughout the project. 4    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  2. Location Map Bridge Location  Figure 1 – Location Map 5    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      3. Detour Map Figure 2 – Detour Map 6    Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  4. Introduction The Town of Canton has identified the need to study engineering alternatives to improve the structural condition and roadway width/alignment of the Town Bridge Road Bridge (Bridge No. 05222) over the Farmington River. The bridge is located in Hartford County, Connecticut. The project study focuses on the approximate 0.6 mile segment of Town Bridge Road bounded by Powder Mill Road to the south and River Road (Route 179) to the northeast. Town Bridge Road is a narrow two‐lane rural local road that typically runs through the steep wooded terrain of the scenic Farmington River. The area is characterized by very low‐density residential development, farming and recreation. Town Bridge was constructed by the Town of Canton in 1895 as the replacement for a wooden covered bridge at the same location. The single lane through truss, was fabricated and assembled by the Berlin Iron Bridge Company of Berlin, Connecticut. The Bridge has entered its second century of service to the Town. It is quickly becoming one of a limited number of through truss bridges constructed in the late 1800s still in active vehicular use. The Bridge was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1999 and is listed with the Historic American Engineering Record, but has not been documented for inclusion in the collection of the Library of Congress. In consideration of the Town of Canton’s desire to make improvements at this crossing of the Farmington River, this report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended 916 U.S.C. 470 et seq. The requirements under Section 106 mandate that a determination be made of the effects that an undertaking has on a historic property. Concurrent with the Section 106 requirements, this report is also in compliance with Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act which requires documentation that there are no “prudent and feasible” alternatives to the taking or use of a historic property. The intent of this preliminary engineering study is to evaluate appropriate methods to restore and rehabilitate the bridge in order to increase its load‐carrying capacity and to improve the safety of the crossing while complying with appropriate conservation standards and treatments for historic properties. The ultimate goal of this project will be to develop the required elements of the structural rehabilitation in such a manner that will not have an adverse effect on the historic nature of the bridge while increasing the structural capacity in accordance with minimum standards required by AASHTO/FHWA. This report summarizes the rehabilitation and or replacement options and recommends a preliminary preferred alternative. 5. Project Purpose The purpose of this project is to study methods to address the structural deficiency and functional obsolescence of the existing bridge. The rehabilitation of the bridge will allow for 7    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  an increase in load capacity of the bridge and possible improvement of some of the geometric and safety deficiencies of Town Bridge Road. This report is based on the findings of the latest bridge inspection performed in October 2013, material testing findings, rehabilitation plans and other records on file. 6. Project Need In recent times, the Bridge has undergone major repairs in 1983‐84 and in 1989‐1990. The 1989‐90 repairs rehabilitated the Bridge to a 12 ton load posting. The load rating of the Bridge has been reduced several times over the years to reflect continued deterioration of the structure. The current load restriction is 7 tons for a dual‐axle vehicle and 10 tons for a tri‐axle truck. Due to the configuration of the portal bracing, the Bridge has a vertical clearance restriction of 12'‐ 4". The current Sufficiency Rating of the Bridge is 14.73 and the Priority Rating is 11.03 as listed on page 107 of the Local Bridge Program Manual Fiscal Year 2010. The Bridge is listed as eligible for Federal funding. The paint film applied during the 1989‐90 work has reached the end of its service life and is allowing moisture to directly attack the metal work of the Bridge. This has resulted in a significant change in the rate of deterioration of the Bridge. Without intervention to arrest material deterioration and rehabilitation to strengthen structural connections and select member replacements that do not have adequate capacity, the Bridge will soon reach the end of its service life; no longer providing continued service to the community and ultimately resulting in the loss of this valuable historic resource. 7. Project Area Description Bridge Description. Bridge No. 05222 is a 160‐foot long single span Parker1 through truss bridge having a stringer‐floorbeam framing system and corrugated metal pan deck with bituminous concrete infill. The truss is supported on full height stone masonry abutments with concrete backwalls; the bridge wingwalls are of stone masonry construction. The existing bridge has an overall length of 172‐feet and provides a 14'‐4" clear roadway width between railings. The vertical clearance is 12'‐4". The truss incorporates a mix of riveted and pinned member connections. It is complete with ornate lattice‐work railings and decorative finials. The bridge was built in 1895 by the Berlin Iron Bridge Company and underwent a major rehabilitation in 1989. Town Bridge carries one lane of alternating direction traffic over the Farmington River in the Town of Canton, CT. The span is located approximately 0.2 miles west of River Road (Route 179) and 0.7 miles south of the Litchfield Turnpike (Route 202).                                                              1  The Parker through truss bridge is a Pratt‐type truss having a polygonal upper chord that increases the depth of  the truss toward the center where the greatest strength to support loads is needed.    8    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  Roadway Description. The total roadway width varies at the approaches to Town Bridge; no lane line striping is present. The typical roadway width at the southern approach is 26'±; the northern approach roadway width varies between 21’ and 29’ within 300 feet of the bridge. The approach roadway narrows to a 16’ wide paved roadway before the bridge and narrows further to a limiting 14’‐4” width between W‐beam rail elements on the span. The horizontal alignment of Town Bridge Road consists of a series of curvilinear segments (S‐Curves). The roadway generally runs parallel to the Farmington River. At the bridge approaches, the alignment at each approach is a sharp hairpin curve that brings the crossing near perpendicular to the stream alignment. The vertical alignment on the southern approach consists of a steep near 11.0% (approx.) downgrade on a sag vertical curve from the intersection of Powder Mill Road and crosses the river on a slight crest vertical curve. The northern approach consists of a series of crests and sags and a steep climb (approximately 14.1%) to reach the north abutment of the bridge. Town Bridge has alternating one‐way traffic controlled by a stop sign on the south approach where motorists must yield the right of way to southbound traffic. There is a yield sign on the north approach. Due to the sharp vertical curve on the north approach, combined with a sharp horizontal curve, sight distance is limited to approximately 100’ with the horizontal sight distance controlling (limited by the truss). Traffic. The estimated Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for Town Bridge Road at the project location is 593 vehicles (bi‐directional) based on data collected during a 7‐Day Automatic Traffic Recorder Count in 2013 (Refer to Appendix D). 8. Historical and technological Significance Town Bridge Road Bridge is one of two surviving pin‐connected Parker through truss bridges in the state, but its historic and technological significance far exceeds it being a rare example of its truss type. It has been recognized as one of the most interesting records of metal truss bridges in the state for the historic context and the development and eventual design standardization. With its combination of idiosyncratic details and standardized components typical of the period, the bridge chronicles the technological advances in a host of areas from metallurgy to the transition from pinned to rigid field connections and the very development of the profession of structural engineering. The Bridge is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and included in the Connecticut Historic Bridge Inventory. Town Bridge was built for the Town of Canton in 1895 by the Berlin Iron Bridge Company, the most prominent in‐state bridge fabricating company of its day. The bridge has characteristic details developed by consulting engineer J.E. Buddington (1853–1931), an 1877 graduate of Yale’s Sheffield Scientific School, who had a long career in bridge design. As one of three Parker through truss bridges built in the area between between1892 and 9    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  1895 and designed or attributed to the long‐time railroad engineer J. E. Buddington, Town Bridge and two Simsbury bridges provide a rare record of the mid‐1890s advances in design and understandings about building strong and cost‐effective bridges. Each of the three has differences in how members are constructed and connected with Town Bridge, illustrating how standardized details proved more effective than the idiosyncratic concepts Buddington used on the two bridges in Simsbury. Town Bridge owes its basic design to Buddington, but since it was fabricated and erected by a well‐established company, it is more traditional of mid‐1890s highway bridge construction except for the lower chords and use of riveted (rigid) field connections for verticals and floorbeams; details that can be attributed to Buddington and are reflective of emerging design theory and technology. Portable pneumatic riveting equipment was being perfected during the 1890s, making it possible to drive rivets in the field, thus facilitating the transition from pinned to riveted panel point connections. Metal truss bridges provided the cost effective, permanent and strong crossings vital to improving the highways and byways that contributed so significantly to economic development and changes to the urban and rural landscape prior to World War I and represent one of the most important technological advances of the second half of the nineteenth century. When the Berlin Iron Bridge Company fabricated Town Bridge, it replaced Buddington’s “old‐fashioned” details with “standardized” ones typical of the period, like verticals and diagonals composed of toe‐out channels with lacing and floorbeams connected at the lower panel points. The company retained the rigid‐design of the lower chords instead of using eyebars; and framed the floorbeams into the bottom portion of the verticals using rivets to achieve the same stiff design. Another significant feature of Town Bridge is the preservation of its superb aesthetic detailing – a hallmark of the Berlin Iron Bridge Company. With its Eastlake‐style cresting and lattice railings with cast iron bosses, robust finials atop each hip panel, radiating pattern strap work fills at the portal knee braces, and one remaining cast iron railing end post, the bridge presents as complete an array of period decoration as any pin connected through truss bridge in the nation. The portal detailing, which is particularly choice, is also remarkably complete. The railing and finial design are trademarks of the Berlin Iron Bridge Company and are found on other middle 1890s bridges. Distinguishing Characteristics of Town Bridge. To assist with developing rehabilitation options and assessing the effects on the historic truss bridge, the following features are considered to be distinguishing characteristics that are important to preserve in order to maintain historic significance.  The overall proportions associated with a Parker design through truss span, including the placement and shape of the members, like the slope of the upper chord and the alignment of the portal brace on the inclined end posts.  All aesthetic detailing, like the finials, cresting, knee braces, railings, and the remaining 10    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  railing endpost.  Type of connections; pins or rivets. A high strength buttonhead bolt is an acceptable replacement for a rivet.  Idiosyncratic details like the design of the lower chord. Such details should not be altered nor should the method of connection for in‐kind replacement material or members.  How the truss members are composed and how loads are transferred back to the ground (load path).  The rehabilitated stone abutments with flared wingwalls have associative significance. They are the appropriate period detail. There are many members that are not distinguishing characteristics. They include the deck, stringers, and floorbeams and the strength of material. It is acceptable to replace wrought iron with steel, but all wrought iron should be salvaged and securely stored to support other restorations/rehabilitations of historic structures. The welded repairs are not distinguished. 9. Existing Condition (Bridge Inspection and Field Observations) TranSystems personnel performed an in‐depth inspection of Bridge No. 05222 on October 21‐22, 2013. The bridge was found to be in Serious Condition (National Bridge Inspection Standards‐ NBIS condition rating of "3"). The inspection objective was to provide a detailed field evaluation of the overall condition of the structure. Findings were compared to previous inspections and general bridge dimensions were verified. The inspection also included verification of member sizes, observation of critical connection details and evaluation of rehabilitation concepts. Deck. The deck is in good condition (rated "7"). The deck consists of a bituminous‐ concrete filled galvanized corrugated metal deck. The deck exhibits areas of heavy rust at end dams and there are areas of light rust in the fascia overhang areas at scupper pipes. The bituminous overlay exhibits longitudinal, transverse and map cracks that are up to 3/4" wide, areas of uneven bituminous patches and moderate raveling throughout. There are isolated potholes up to 3' long x 1' wide x 1" deep. The compression seal deck joint at the south abutment has tears up to 21" long, plow damage to the steel extrusion, and there is a 1/2” vertical misalignment between the concrete header and the approach pavement. The backer bar at the eastern side of the south deck joint has fallen down due to deteriorated/broken anchor screws on the underside. The paved over north abutment deck joint has areas of raveling, deteriorated patches and extensive cracking. There is evidence of leakage at the underside of both deck joints. There are galvanized steel curbs/splash guards at the edge of the deck. The ornamental bridge railing along both fascias exhibits minor impact damage with scrapes and bent/broken lattice bars with areas of heavy rust 11    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  and up to 100% section loss. There are 4" diameter PVC scupper pipes along both curb lines. The pipe supports that connect the pipes to the truss bottom chords are severely deteriorated at most locations. Superstructure. The superstructure is in serious condition (rated "3"). The trusses with wrought iron eyebars have areas of active corrosion, pack rust, painted over pitting and isolated perforations. The vertical truss members have up to 20% section loss in the gross cross sectional area; concentrated at the lower nodes primarily at the clip angle connection to the floorbeams (East Truss U6L6 at L6). The bottom chords have section loss up to 26.5% in the gross cross sectional area; concentrated at the nodes, scupper locations, and metal beam rail post connections (West Truss at node L5). The top chord exhibits material section loss but this is less severe in comparison to the bottom chord condition. The Stringer 4 web at Floorbeam 7 is buckled out‐of‐plane 1/4” over the full height. The stringer end portions at both abutments exhibit areas of painted over pitting and areas of heavy rust with material section loss up to 28% on the flanges (Stringer 7 @ 1/3 of panel span). The floorbeams typically have deterioration at the ends surrounding the clip angle connection to the vertical truss member. Floorbeams typically have areas of material section loss that is painted over; the paint system is failing and active corrosion is common. The maximum floorbeam section loss is 19% in the web (Floorbeam 8 near East Truss) and 5% in the flanges near midspan. The truss bearings have up to ¾” thick impacted rust between shoe plates and truss chord channels. The expansion bearings (south abutment) show evidence of normal movement. The sliding expansion stringer bearings at the south abutment have peeling paint and isolated laminated rust; some bearings are missing keeper plates and show no evidence of movement. The fixed stringer bearings at the north abutment have random rusted off anchor bolts and several anchor bolts with section loss up to 50%. Substructure. The substructure is in satisfactory condition (rated "6"). The stone masonry abutment stems and wingwalls exhibit up to 25% cracked, loose and missing mortar with up to 8" deep penetration between stones. The south abutment stem along the waterline and ends of the northeast and northwest wingwalls has minor voids up to 1' deep between the stones. The southwest reinforced concrete wingwall exhibits moderate scaling; the wall is tipped outward up to 2" over the full height at the south abutment interface. The north abutment concrete backwall has severe scaling with deteriorated concrete along the top edge in Bays 3‐6. Channel. The channel is in good condition (rated "7"). Channel flow is directed toward the south abutment. The stone rip‐rap protection placed along the south abutment appears to be stable. Based on drop‐line measurements, there are minor changes in the channel depth at the bridge compared to a previous inspection dated 2008. Approaches. The approach roadway is in satisfactory condition (rated "6"). Metal beam 12    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  approach rails at all four corners of the bridge have minor impact damage with small dents and scrapes throughout. There are areas of light pavement raveling and random longitudinal and transverse cracks open to 1" wide. There are cracked and uneven patches in localized areas. The pavement along the north abutment deck joint is slightly heaved and has plow scrapes. Vertical Clearance. The minimum vertical clearance over the bridge roadway occurs at the south end of the bridge. The minimum clearance measured at the time of this inspection was 12'‐8" to the portal knee brace at the southwest curb line. The clearance to the south portal at the center of the roadway is 14'‐2" and 13'‐11" to the bottom on the posting sign. 10. Material Testing a. Lead/PCB Testing On October 10, 2013 lead paint and PCB testing was completed by Thielsch Engineering. The samples contained total lead results of 14,200 and 17,100 milligrams per kilogram wet or parts per million (ppm). Based on the Environmental Protection Agency's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act TCLP Standard, total lead over 100 ppm is considered hazardous waste. The results of the PCB testing were 0.112 ppm, which is considered non‐detectable (see Appendix F). b. Bridge Pin UT Testing On October 30, 2013, all the truss pins on the bridge were inspected by Team Industrial Inc. using a straight beam ultrasonic testing method. All pins were found to be free of measurable indications (see Appendix F). c. Steel Coupon Testing On November 20, 2013 steel coupons were collected by Thielsch Engineering. There were two (2) steel coupons extracted from the bridge structure. Chemical analysis and tensile tests were performed on both samples; the samples meet the tensile requirements and chemical composition of ASTM A36, ASTM A572 Gr 42 and ASTM A709 Gr 36 except for phosphorus content (see Appendix F). d. Steel Replication Testing On November 15, 2013 eyebar replication testing was completed by Thielsch Engineering to determine the composition of the truss eyebars (steel or wrought iron). Two areas were ground, polished, etched with 2% nital then examined with an optical microscope to determine the microstructure. The sample microstructure consisted of a ferritic matrix with numerous longitudinal inclusions, typically found with wrought iron material as shown in the photomicrograph in Appendix F. e. Abutment Vertical Borings On May 22, 2014 vertical borings of the abutments were taken to determine the abutment foundation conditions and soil characteristics in the vicinity of the existing 13    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  bridge. Four borings were taken at the existing abutment locations, including two vertical coring's through the abutment stem to determine interior rock quality and identify the bottom elevation of the foundation. In order to establish the slope of the existing abutment backwall, two vertical probes were also taken (see Appendix F). 11. Load Capacity Analysis The bridge is currently posted for 7 tons (single unit trucks) and 10 tons (semi‐trailer trucks). The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (ConnDOT) latest bridge inventory rating is 10 Tons for an HS20 Vehicle. As part of this evaluation, all members of the bridge were analyzed to determine their load carrying capacity for the current (as‐ inspected) condition. Member capacity was also calculated for each proposed rehabilitated/replaced condition developed for the various alternatives analysis. Based on the 1895 year of construction and 2013 material testing, the properties used in the load capacity analysis are as follows: Wrought Iron Eyebars: Fy= 26 ksi Original Structural Steel: Fy = 36 ksi (Trusses, verticals, diagonals, floorbeams) Rehabilitated Steel: Fy = 50 ksi (Stringers and floorbeam coverplates) Member capacities were determined using HS7 truck loading for Alternate 1A, HS20 truck loading for Alternate 1B & 1C and HL93 truck loading for Alternate 2. Truck loadings were chosen based on the minimum loading requirements for historic structures, AASHTO Standard Specifications and AASHTO LRFD Specifications. See Appendix I for calculations.   Figure 1 – AASHTO HL93 Truck Design Load 12. Design Criteria Roadway Design Criteria. In order to provide comparison between various rehabilitation and replacement alternatives for the Town Bridge study, design criteria were first established based on the characteristics and usage of the roadway. Functional classification is the grouping of highways by the character of service provided and is central to the development of design standards. Town Bridge Road is classified as a "Rural Local Road (Open Density)". Local roads are intended to provide access to residences, farms, 14    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  businesses, and are not typically intended to serve through traffic. Design criteria will utilize ConnDOT Highway Design Manual (HDM‐2003) guidelines as well as AASHTO standards for Geometric Design. The HDM‐2003 recommends a travel lane width of 10' for Rural Local Roads having AADT between 400‐1500. Further, shoulder widths of 2' to 4' are recommended. Based on the adjacent roadway segment of Town Bridge Road, south of Powder Mill Road, a 25 mph2 design speed is selected as the proposed design speed for the evaluation of alternatives. The design parameters recommended for this project are listed below. A comparison of the proposed alternate roadway design elements for new construction, with the current Design Standards specified in the HDM‐2003, is included in Appendix E:             2013 Traffic Volume: 593 vehicles per day Design Classification: Rural Local Road Design Speed: 25 mph Posted Speed: NA Travel Lane Width: 10 feet Shoulder Lane Width: 2 ‐ 4 feet Travel Lane Cross Slope: 1.5 ‐ 2% Shoulder Cross Slope: Same as adjacent travel lane Minimum Radius: 190 feet Minimum and Maximum Grade: 0.5% and 11% Stopping Sight Distance: 155 feet Minimum Vertical Clearance: 14'‐3" Bridge Design Loading. The proposed bridge will be designed in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition, 2010 with 2013 Interim Revisions for HL‐93 loading, as supplemented by the Connecticut Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual, 2003 with latest revisions. 13. Alternative Analysis The alternatives analysis section documents the development of alternate schemes to address the project need based on a set of proposed design criteria. A comparative evaluation is made assessing the merits of each alternative relative to compatibility with project need, environmental impacts, permitting requirements, right‐of‐way takings, cost effectiveness and public acceptability. The “No Build” or “Null” alternative is used as a baseline for the evaluation. The comparison of the alternatives is presented in a Summary Matrix. The report concludes with a recommendation of a preliminary preferred alternative.                                                              2  ConnDOT, 10/01/2010, Canton Approved Town Road Speed Limits, Retrieved: 12/16/2013,  15    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  The alternatives studied in this section, as listed below, consider various courses of action for the Town Bridge Road Bridge. It is noted, that a goal of this project has been to develop the required elements of structural rehabilitation and safety in a manner that will not have an adverse effect on the historic bridge. To this end, Alternatives 1A, 1B, 1C and 2 were developed to avoid the loss of the Section 4(f) property (Town Bridge). N. No Build (Null Alternative) 1. Bridge Rehabilitation in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards 1A. Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS7) 1B. Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS20) 1C. Bridge Rehabilitation Widen to 20’ Roadway Width (HS20) 2. New Bridge on Upstream Alignment with 26’ Roadway Width (HL93); Truss Bridge restored/preserved as a Pedestrian Facility Constraints that influence the viability of alternative solutions for improvements of the Town Bridge Road crossing include the Section 4(f) property that is currently identified as Bridge No. 05222, itself. Other potential Section 4(f) properties may include the surrounding scenic areas of the Farmington River. Impacts to sensitive environs associated with freshwater wetlands, aquatic resources, threatened & endangered species, open‐space, et al. will also influence the comparison of alternatives. Right‐of‐way availability, cost efficiency as well as temporary impacts of construction/detour are also considerations in the evaluation of alternatives. Evaluation Criteria. A summary decision matrix comprised of several diverse evaluation criteria is utilized in the assessment of each alternative. Employing this comparison technique, the feasibility and effectiveness of each alternative is revealed. The Alternatives Analysis Summary Matrix of the studied alternatives is located immediately following the discussion of alternatives. The assessment for each alternative includes consideration of the following evaluation criteria: a. Compatibility with Project Needs. This criterion considers whether the alternative addresses the project needs either partially or entirely. This criterion applies to both bridge structural upgrades (Structural Deficiencies) and improvement to Town Bridge Road and Bridge geometric deficiencies (Functionally Obsolete). b. Impacts to Historic Resources. This criterion examines the degree of impact of an alternative on the existing bridge listed on the National Register of Historic Places. c. Impacts to the Surrounding Environment. This criterion considers the level of impact of an alternative on the natural surroundings i.e. wetlands, rare and endangered species, parklands, etc. A listing of anticipated permits is included. 16    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  d. Right‐of‐Way Impacts. This criterion discusses the right‐of‐way takings and easements that will be necessary to construct the alternative under consideration. e. Maintenance of Traffic Impacts. This criterion examines the impact of maintenance of traffic and or detour, including the estimate of construction duration, needed to complete construction for each alternative. f. Opinion of Probable Total Construction Cost. This criterion considers the costs of initial construction and right‐of‐way acquisition for each alternative. The estimate includes the expenditure for a qualified contractor to build the proposed improvements including estimated right of way costs. Estimated right‐of‐way acquisition is provided in terms of number of parcels impacted. g. Opinion of Probable Life Cycle Cost. This criterion discusses the life cycle cost, the expenditures associated with maintaining a structure over a period of time. For this study, the life cycle cost for each alternative will be established for a useful life of seventy‐five (75) years based upon year 2014 dollars. The life cycle cost is determined by assuming the frequency of maintenance repairs and major rehabilitation actions. A less expensive initial construction cost does not necessarily equate to a less costly alternative when the life cycle of the bridge is considered. 14. Discussion of Alternatives Alternate N: No Build or Null Alternative. The No Build alternative, or “doing nothing”, presumes that the existing bridge will remain in service with routine maintenance work and priority/flag condition–prompted repairs until it is rehabilitated or replaced in the future. As such, this alternative establishes a baseline for comparison with other rehabilitation or replacement options. In its present physical condition, left unattended with only routine maintenance and priority/flag condition repairs, the bridge is presumably capable of providing continued uninterrupted service for another five (5) years without a significant undertaking. This time frame was established considering the past frequency of major rehabilitation projects, the present physical condition of the bridge, and the other project needs. a. Project Needs Compatibility. Alternative N does not meet the project needs given that the physical condition of structural components will not be improved. Bridge members with insufficient structural capacity will not be strengthened or replaced and the vehicle weight limit restrictions will remain. Existing and future transportation demands will not be met as the bridge roadway width and the adjacent approach roadways will not be improved and existing geometric deficiencies will remain. Adequate safety features including bridge and approach railings will not be provided. This alternative is not feasible and prudent since it does not address the project needs. 17    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  b. Historic Resources Impacts. Several of the existing bridge elements have already been impacted by physical deterioration. Without repair, the structure will be prone to damage due to continued material deterioration and hopes of a meaningful rehabilitation will be greatly diminished. c. Environmental Impacts. There will be no environmental impacts or permits associated with this alternative. d. Right‐of‐Way Impacts. There will be no right‐of‐way takings. e. Maintenance of Traffic Impacts. Not applicable. f. Opinion of Probable Total Construction Cost. $0. There are no construction costs or right‐of‐way acquisition costs associated with this alternative. g. Opinion of Probable Life Cycle Cost. The cost of maintaining the bridge over the next five (5) years in 2014 dollars is estimated to be $50,000. This cost presumes that the bridge will be replaced in 2018. Alternate 1: Bridge Rehabilitation in Accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation This alternative considers the rehabilitation of the bridge in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards that is defined as follows: “Rehabilitation” is defined as “the process of returning a property to a state of utility, through repair or alteration, which makes possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural values.” As stated in the definition, rehabilitation assumes that at least some repair or alteration of the potentially historic bridge will be needed in order to provide for an efficient contemporary use; however, these repairs and alterations must not damage or destroy materials, features, or finishes that are important in defining the structure’s historic character. The intent of this alternative is to retain integrity and avoid adverse effects to the existing bridge under Section 106 and use of the structure under Section 4(f). Alternate 1A: Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS7) Alternate 1B: Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS20) This alternative is the sensitive rehabilitation of Town Bridge in the existing configuration and alignment that will provide a minimum increase of HS7 Loading (12.6 tons) (Alternate 1A) to provide functional adequacy. An evaluation of the existing structure was preformed to identify the work required to attain a minimum capacity of HS7 Loading, as well as the 18    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  work necessary to provide an increase to HS20 Loading (36 tons) (Alternate 1B) capacity. The improvement in load carrying capacity would be dependent upon the maximum extent of repairs that is prudent and feasible without adversely affecting the historic nature of the bridge. The current 14'‐3" clear bridge width and 12’‐4” vertical clearance will be maintained. Elements of the rehabilitation include full replacement of the bridge deck, floorbeams, vehicular railing system, and bridge truss and stringer bearings. The existing stringers will be replaced and the stone and concrete abutments and wingwalls repaired, as needed. The existing steel trusses with wrought iron eyebars will be carefully dismantled, appropriately marked and cataloged prior to delivery to a qualified fabrication shop. The truss components will be cleaned, including lead paint removal, rehabilitated and duplex coated with paint over galvanizing off site, before being reassembled at the bridge site. a. Compatibility with Project Need. This alternative partially meets the project need as deteriorated, low capacity members will be strengthened, replaced and/or repaired as needed, to increase the load carrying capacity of the span to provide functional adequacy. This alternative maintains the existing bridge and roadway configurations. There will be no improvement to the geometric elements that are substandard; the bridge will remain as a one‐lane structure with alternating two‐way traffic. Vertical clearance at the bridge remains substandard. There will be no improvement to approach roadway alignment. b. Impact on Historic Properties. This rehabilitation alternative was developed to avoid adversely affecting the 1895 Town Bridge Road Bridge. Distinguishing characteristics of the truss, lattice railing and aesthetic details will be appropriately restored; connection details for replacement members will be made in a compatible manner. There will be no visible changes to the truss lines. All proposed work will be in conformance with The Secretary of the Interior’s Treatment for Historic Properties. The historical and technological significance of the bridge and the aspects of integrity that qualify it for the National Register of Historic Places will not be changed. c. Environmental Impacts. There will be no environmental impacts associated with this alternative as the work will be completed within the footprint of existing bridge. In addition to normal environmental best management practices, any work by the contractor on the structural steel would require proper measures to prevent lead paint from entering the river or upland areas. Work adjacent to the stream to repair and repoint stone masonry walls is minimal and there will be no impact to the existing floodplain of the Farmington River. The DEP Natural Diversity Data Base indicates that a state species concern for the Wood Turtle occurs in the vicinity of this project. The anticipated permits are listed in Section 15a of this report. d. Right‐of‐Way Impacts. There will be no permanent right‐of‐way impacts with this alternative. Temporary easements will likely be required during construction. 19    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  e. Maintenance of Traffic Impacts. The bridge and roadway will be closed and traffic detoured for the duration of construction. The estimated duration is 10 Mos. f. Opinion of Probable Total Construction Cost.  $2,560,000 (HS7 Loading) (Alternate 1A)  $2,860,000 (HS20 Loading) (Alternate 1B) g. Opinion of Probable Life Cycle Cost. The cost of maintaining the bridge over the next seventy‐five (75) years in 2014 dollars is estimated to be $175,000. Alternate 1C: Bridge Rehabilitation Widened to 20’ Roadway Width (HS20) This alternative is the rehabilitation of Town Bridge in a widened configuration on the existing alignment or footprint that will provide an increase to HS20 (36 ton) load capacity. This alternative consists of restoring or replacing all deteriorated steel members, as needed. The trusses will be spread apart by 5’‐9”± (22’‐9” c/c Truss Lines) and two new stringer lines added to provide a minimum 20‐foot clear bridge width. Replacement of the deck and floorbeams will be included (similar to Alt. 1A). All upper and lower truss bracings will be replaced due to the widening; replacement connections will be compatible with the original design. There will be a new vehicular bridge railing system and bridge bearings. The aesthetic details and lattice railings will be preserved to the fullest extent possible. The existing stone and concrete abutments and wingwalls will be modified to accommodate the widening of the bridge roadway and new truss bearing seats. The existing steel trusses with wrought iron eyebars will be carefully dismantled, appropriately marked and cataloged prior to delivery to a qualified fabrication shop. The truss components will be cleaned including lead paint removal, rehabilitated and duplex coated with paint over galvanizing off site, before being reassembled at the bridge site. a. Compatibility with Project Need. This alternative meets the project need as deteriorated, low capacity members will be strengthened, replaced and/or repaired as needed, to increase the load carrying capacity of the span to HS20. This alternate provides improvement to the narrow existing bridge width to accommodate two‐way traffic. Vertical clearance at the bridge will be increased. Minor approach roadway and profile improvement will be made for consistency with the bridge widening. b. Impact on Historic Properties. This rehabilitation alternative was developed to maintain the distinguishing characteristics and the overall proportions associated with a Parker design such as the slope of the upper chord and the alignment of the portal brace on the inclined end posts. The lattice railing and aesthetic details will be appropriately restored to the fullest extent possible; connection details for replacement members will be made in a compatible manner. There will be moderate visible change to the truss lines that will be spread apart by less than 6‐feet. This widening will increase the loads in the truss top chord and vertical members by up to 60%. In order to increase the load carrying capacity of the bridge to the required strength, more than half 20    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  of the members will require complete replacement or extensive repairs. All proposed work will be in conformance with The Secretary of the Interior’s Treatment for Historic Properties. The historical and technological significance of the bridge and the aspects of integrity that qualify it for the National Register of Historic Places will be maintained to the fullest extent. c. Environmental Impacts. There will be minor environmental impacts associated with this alternative as the work will be completed along the same footprint of existing with minor widening. In addition to normal environmental best management practices, any work by the contractor on the structural steel would require proper measures to prevent lead paint from entering the river or upland areas. Work adjacent to the stream is necessary for reconstruction of the wingwalls to facilitate the widening of each abutment. There will be an impact to the existing floodplain of the Farmington River based on the placement of fill within the floodplain. The DEP Natural Diversity Data Base indicates that a state species concern for the Wood Turtle occurs in the vicinity of this project. The anticipated permits are listed in Section 15a of this report. d. Right‐of‐Way Impacts. There will be no permanent right‐of‐way impacts with this alternative. Temporary easements will like be required during construction. e. Maintenance of Traffic Impacts. The bridge and roadway will be closed and traffic detoured for the duration of construction. The estimated duration is 15 Mos. f. Opinion of Probable Total Construction Cost. $3,700,000. g. Opinion of Probable Life Cycle Cost. The cost of maintaining the bridge over the next seventy‐five (75) years in 2014 dollars is estimated to be $225,000. Alternate 2: New Bridge on Upstream Alignment with 26’ Roadway Width (HL93); Truss Bridge restored/preserved as a Pedestrian Facility This alternative involves the construction of a new bridge upstream on an improved roadway alignment. The existing historic truss will be rehabilitated as per Alternate 1A, and remain in place as a pedestrian facility. The new alignment will improve the geometry by connecting at the intersection of Powder Mill Road and Town Bridge Road, then proceeding directly across the Farmington River on a skew and touch down at a location near the current north abutment. The new alignment will require a significantly longer bridge, approximately 400 feet in total length. The most feasible and cost effective option for the new bridge is a multi‐span girder type bridge. The new bridge will provide a 26‐foot minimum roadway width and full legal load capacity (HL93). 21    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  Alternative 2 will have approximately 925 feet of new approach roadway. The proposed horizontal alignment will seek to eliminate the existing sharp hairpin curvature at approaches to the bridge and provide a long tangent section from Powder Mill Road across the proposed bridge connecting to the exiting alignment with a 395’ radius curve. The proposed horizontal and vertical alignment will be designed to current design criteria for a 25 mph design speed. This alternative will result in fill material being placed below the 100 year flood elevation, warranting further evaluation of the potential impacts to the floodway. The existing driveway serving the Munroe property on the south side of the river would be extended along the existing Town Bridge Road alignment to meet the proposed roadway near the intersection with Powder Mill Road. The proposed location shown on the Roadway Plan has been evaluated and selected to meet intersection sight distance criteria for 25 mph. The work requires the closure of the bridge for the duration of the project. a. Compatibility with Project Need. This alternative meets the project need as the new multi‐span/multi‐girder bridge will be designed in accordance with all AASHTO LRFD design standards providing HL93 capacity and meeting all geometric and safety standards. Further, this alternative includes preservation of the existing historic truss, in‐place as a pedestrian facility. b. Impact on Historic Properties. This rehabilitation alternative will result in no adverse effect to the 1895 Town Bridge Road Bridge as preservation of the existing bridge is included. The overall proportions associated with a Parker design as well as the distinguishing characteristics will be maintained and properly restored in accordance with The Secretary of the Interior’s Treatment for Historic Properties. c. Environmental Impacts. There will be significant environmental impacts associated with this alternative for the work to construct a new alternate roadway alignment and bridge. Work adjacent to the stream is necessary for the new construction upstream. This alternative will require the greatest degree of new fill in the floodplain and regulatory permitting is expected to be extensive. The DEP Natural Diversity Data Base indicates that a state species concern for the Wood Turtle occurs in the vicinity of this project. The anticipated permits are listed in Section 15a of this report. d. Right‐of‐Way Impacts. There will be significant right‐of‐way impacts (greatest of all alternatives) associated with this alternative. It is estimated that 3 properties are impacted, totaling approximately 42,830 ft² or .98 Acres. Temporary easements are likely to be required for construction access. e. Maintenance of Traffic Impacts. The bridge and roadway will be closed and traffic detoured until the existing historic truss is rehabilitated as per Alternate 1A. Once rehabilitated, the roadway will reopen until the upstream bridge is complete allowing the historic truss to remain as a pedestrian facility. The estimated duration is 24 Mos. f. Opinion of Probable Total Construction Cost. $10,190,000 (HL93). 22    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  g. Opinion of Probable Life Cycle Cost. The cost of maintaining the bridge over the next seventy‐five (75) years in 2014 dollars is estimated to be $675,000. 15. Preliminary Preferred Alternative In summary, Alternate 1B: Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width to HS20 capacity (36 tons), provides the most comprehensive solution, overall value and benefit, and is recommended for the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 05222. The widening alternatives that reuse the existing trusses are not prudent and feasible due to the extensive amount of member replacement required. As a result, this would adversely affect the historic nature of the bridge. The remaining alternatives suggest full replacement of the existing structure and would come at extreme costs. Alternate 1B will replace all deteriorated steel within the single span truss bridge to provide functional adequacy and repair the substructure as needed. The distinguishing characteristics of the truss, lattice railing and aesthetic details will be appropriately restored to the fullest extent with no visible changes to the truss lines. There are no permanent right of way impacts as this alternative maintains the existing bridge and roadway configurations. The bridge will be rehabilitated within the existing footprint and all normal environmental best manage practices will be taken to minimize any environmental impacts. Although the bridge and roadway will be closed and traffic detoured for the duration of construction, this alternative provides the quickest return to service when compared to the other alternatives. Once rehabilitation is complete, this bridge structure will provide an estimated 75‐year service life, with minimum future maintenance costs. Preservation Recommendations: In light of the historical and technological significance of the bridge, preservation is being studied. Any proposed action that would have an adverse impact, like removing it or significantly modifying the original design, would need to be meticulously documented to support the conclusion that there were no other prudent or feasible alternatives. There are a variety of conventional and cost‐effective treatments to address structural deficiencies on metal truss bridges and that conform to The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. 23    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  a.       Permits Due to potential impact, the following permits will be required: Local Inland Wetlands USACOE CAT II General Permit CT DEP (may not be needed) Flood Management Certification (State MOU Process) Coordination with DEP Biodiversity b. Bridge Removal Sequence The bridge is required to be taken off site for cleaning, repainting, and galvanizing. Wetlands surrounding the bridge will necessitate all work to be done at the roadway level. The truss will be removed segmentally by jacking the bridge at the abutments, stabilizing the bridge with a crane located at the north approach, and pulling the truss sequentially over at the south approach. The proposed removal sequence is as follows (See Appendix A):   The wearing surface, deck, MBR and stringers will be removed. The north and south approaches will require site preparation. The north approach will be excavated to allow the crane to sit on a level surface and to decrease the earth pressure on the abutment. The south approach will be leveled for the use of the removal skid.  A temporary diagonal strut will be installed between Panel points L2‐L3 and L4‐L5 to accommodate for sequential disassembly.  The bridge will be jacked to the elevation of the rollers with two jacks at each abutment.  Panel point L8 & L9 at the north end of the bridge will be secured to the crane.  Panel point L2 & L3 at the south end of the bridge will be secured to the crane.  The bridge will be lifted a  nd pulled from the south end onto the removal skid.  Truss panel point L0 to L2 will be disassembled.  Panel point L4 & L5 at the south end of the bridge will be secured to the crane.  The truss will be pulled over the removal skid, and the truss will be disassembled at the next two panel points. This process will be repeated until entire structure is disassembled. The proposed reinstallation sequence is as follows (See Appendix A):  Truss panel points L8 to L10 will be assembled.  Panel point L9 will be secured to the crane and the truss will be pushed over the removal skid.  The next segment will be assembled (L7 to L8).  This procedure will be repeated until the entire bridge is constructed. 24    Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT      Rehabilitation Studies Report  Final Submission  16. Cost Considerations The appendices include the itemized construction cost estimates for each of the studied alternatives. The estimates summarized in the table below consider highway and bridge work items. See Appendix J. Rehab. Alternative Estimated Construction Costs 1A. Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS7) $ 2,560,000 1B. Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS20) $ 2,860,000 1C. Bridge Rehabilitation Widen to 20’ Roadway Width (HS20) $ 3,700,000 2. New Bridge on Upstream Alignment with 26’ Roadway Width (HL93) $ 10,190,000 Table 1 – Rehab. Alternative Cost Estimation Breakdown 25    APPENDIX A SKETCHES U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U2 U9 19' -0" 26' -0" U1 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 10 PANELS @ 16'-0" = 160'-0" { EXP BEARING { FIXED BEARING SOUTH ABUTMENT NORTH ABUTMENT EXISTING ELEVATION-EAST TRUSS LEGEND EAST ELEVATION SHOWN, WEST OPPOSITE HAND 2"~ PIN 3"~ PIN AT BRGS EYEBAR TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 1 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM 12"X‚" • C6X8.2 LACING LACING DIAGONAL & VERTICAL L3•X2•X‚ TOP CHORD LONGITUDINAL BRACING 2"~ PIN U4 U3 ABOUT { SYM M ETRICAL C10X15.3 LACING U5 U2 VERTICAL D O N AL Q S E R A U E AR U Q S SQ G IA U1 S AR EB EY 2 2 S R A B E Y E S R A EB EY E R A U LONGITUDINAL BRACING - - 1„ - 1‚ 2 " " … 1 " 3"~ PIN L1 L0 L2 L3 L4 L5 10"X•" • L2•X2•X‚ 10"X•" • L2•X2•X‚ C6X10.5 LEGEND 2"~ PIN BOTTOM CHORD BOTTOM CHORD L0-L3 WEST TRUSS EAST TRUSS & 3"~ PIN AT BRGS EXISTING TRUSS MEMBERS L3-L10 WEST TRUSS TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 2 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM WEST TOP CHORD (TYP) TOP TRANSVERSE SW AY FRAM BRACING TOP TRANSVERSE 5"X‚" • T O C P R I O S NT S E R B M R A ED C IN IA G TE T O C P R E O S ND S B R A C IN PORTAL G PORTAL NORTH & SOUTH SW AY FRAM (TYP) L3x2x‚ ABOUT { SYM M ETRICAL L3•X2•X… L4X3X… BRACING LACING L2X2X‚ L0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 EAST UPPER CHORD TOP TRANSVERSE BRACING W8X28 L3X4X… STINGERS (S1-S7) WEST BOTTOM CHORD (TYP) ABOUT { SYM M ETRICAL EXISTING FRAMING MEMBERS (UPPER BRACING) STRINGER FLOORBEAM FLOORBEAM FLOORBEAM C R O E R L O W S15X42.9 S S FLOORBEAM 4•"X†" • FLOORBEAM B R A C IN G S1 S7 7"X•" • L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 EAST BOTTOM CHORD FLOORBEAM EXISTING FRAMING MEMBERS (LOWER BRACING) TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 3 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM U1 12' -7" 14' -2" U1 EXISTING PORTAL (ALTERNATIVE 1A SHOWN, 1B & 2 ARE SIMILAR) SCALE: …" = 1'-0" U1U2 U1 PORTAL CONNECTION @ PIN EXISTING PORTAL LOCATION WITH MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12'-7" U1L0 U1L1 TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 4 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM { TRUSS EXP. BRG. SOUTH ABUTMENT { TRUSS FIXED BRG. NORTH ABUTMENT 160'-0" SPAN WEST TRUSS 14' -3" BEGIN BRIDGE TOWN BRIDGE ROAD END BRIDGE 17' -0" " 15 P CM MBR EAST TRUSS ALTERNATE 1A & 1B - PLAN SCALE: 1" = 25' D LE G 10 PANELS @ 16'-0" = 160'-0" E { TRUSS EXP. BRG. SOUTH ABUTMENET { TRUSS FIXED BRG. NORTH ABUTMENET ORNAMENTAL RAIL { STRINGER FIXED BRG. { STRINGER EXP. BRG. MBR L1 L2 L3 |35' L0 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 100 YEAR FLOOD 157'-6" CLEAR SPAN OHW EXISTING ABUTMENT (TYP) ALTERNATE 1A & 1B - ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SHOWN, WEST OPPOSITE HAND SCALE: 1" = 25' TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 5 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM DECK 3•" BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT OVERLAY EXISTING NEW FLOORBEAM W8X28 STRINGER 16'-0" OUT TO OUT DECK 17'-0" { OF TRUSS TO { OF TRUSS 2"~ PIN AT TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD, 3"~ PIN AT BEARINGS ALTERNATE 1A & 1B - PROPOSED CROSS SECTION SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" 6 JBM CHECKER: JLS 7/2014 RIVER BRID G E RO AD FARM IN G TO N O F BR.N O .05222 DATE: METAL BRIDGE WATERPROOFING TO W N MEMBRANE O VER { TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DESIGNER: DRAW ING: DRAW N:SAD O F CAN TO N TO W N 14'-3" ROADWAY REH ABILITATIO N ORNAMENTAL LATTICE RAIL WEST TRUSS L0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 L10 EAST TRUSS FRAMING (UPPER BRACING) U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U2 U1 L0 L1 U9 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L9 L10 REPAIR CONNECTION WEST TRUSS ONLY ELEVATION - EAST TRUSS 14' -3" *S2 *S3 *S4 *S5 *S6 L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 FRAMING (LOWER BRACING) ROADW AY EAST ELEVATION SHOWN, WEST OPPOSITE HAND LEGEND NOTE MEMBER REPLACEMENT * STRINGERS 2-6 NEED REPLACEMENT FOR L0L1 MEMBER REPAIR ALTERNATE 1A (HS7) - MEMBER REPLACEMENT TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 7 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM WEST TRUSS L0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 L10 EAST TRUSS FRAMING (UPPER BRACING) U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U2 U1 L0 L1 U9 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L9 L10 REPAIR CONNECTION WEST TRUSS ONLY ELEVATION - EAST TRUSS L0 14' -3" *S2 *S3 *S4 *S5 *S6 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 FRAMING (LOWER BRACING) ROADW AY EAST ELEVATION SHOWN, WEST OPPOSITE HAND LEGEND NOTE MEMBER REPLACEMENT * STRINGERS 2-6 NEED REPLACEMENT FOR FULL LENGTH OF BRIDGE MEMBER REPAIR ALTERNATE 1B (HS20) - MEMBER REPLACEMENT TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 8 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM { TRUSS EXP. BRG. SOUTH ABUTMENT { TRUSS FIXED BRG. NORTH ABUTMENT 160'-0" SPAN -0" 10' -0" 10' WEST TRUSS BEGIN BRIDGE TOWN BRIDGE ROAD END BRIDGE 22' -9" " 15 P CM MBR EXISTING BRIDGE EAST TRUSS TO BE WIDENED MODIFY EXISTING ABUTMENT DUE TO TRUSS WIDENING ALTERNATE 1C - PLAN SCALE: 1" = 25' 10 PANELS @ 16'-0" = 160'-0" { TRUSS EXP. BRG. SOUTH ABUTMENET { TRUSS FIXED BRG. NORTH ABUTMENET ORNAMENTAL RAIL { STRINGER FIXED BRG. { STRINGER EXP. BRG. MBR L1 L2 L3 |35' L0 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 100 YEAR FLOOD 157'-6" CLEAR SPAN OHW MODIFIED ABUTMENT (TYP) ALTERNATE 1C - ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SHOWN, WEST OPPOSITE HAND SCALE: 1" = 25' TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 9 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM DECK 3" BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT OVERLAY 2% 2'-4•" 2% NEW FLOORBEAM NEW W8X28 STRINGER (CONTINUOUS) (TYP) 21'-9" OUT TO OUT DECK 22'-9" { TRUSS TO { TRUSS 2"~ PIN AT TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD, 3"~ PIN AT BEARINGS ALTERNATE 1C - PROPOSED CROSS SECTION SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" 10 JBM CHECKER: JLS 7/2014 RIVER FARM IN G TO N TO W N BRID G E RO AD DATE: METAL BRIDGE O VER { TOWN BRIDGE ROAD MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING DESIGNER: DRAW ING: DRAW N:SAD O F CAN TO N TO W N O F BR.N O .05222 20'-0" ROADWAY (2-10' LANES) REH ABILITATIO N ORNAMENTAL LATTICE RAIL 2'-0" 22'-9" (TYP) { PROPOSED { PROPOSED W8X28 STRINGER (TYP) TRUSS BRG TRUSS BRG END OF EXISTING 6' -0" BACKW ALL BACKWALL (TYP) BRG REHABILITATE BACKWALL 2'-4•" (TYP) { EXISTING { EXISTING EXISTING STONE FOR WIDENED ROADWAY BRG BLOCK RESET 4' X 4' X 2'-8" STONE BLOCK (TYP) EXISTING STONE MASONRY ABUTMENT CONCRETE EXTENSION WITH STONE FORM 1-•" (TYP) LINER DUE TO TRUSS WIDENING (TYP) 1'-3" 25'-0" (TYP) 1'-3" (TYP) ALTERNATE 1C - MODIFIED NORTH ABUTMENT SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" 2'-0" 22'-9" { PROPOSED { PROPOSED (TYP) W8X28 STRINGER (TYP) TRUSS BRG TRUSS BRG REMOVE CHEEKWALL 6' -0" BACKW ALL REHABILITATE BACKWALL 2'-4•" (TYP) { EXISTING BRG EXISTING STONE FOR WIDENED ROADWAY { EXISTING RESET 4' X 4' X 2'-8" BRG STONE BLOCK (TYP) BLOCK MODIFY WINGWALL EXISTING STONE MASONRY ABUTMENT 1'-•" (TYP) 1'-3" (TYP) 25'-0" ALTERNATE 1C - MODIFIED SOUTH ABUTMENT SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 11 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM WEST TRUSS L0 U1 U2 U3 EAST TRUSS U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 FRAMING (UPPER BRACING) U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U2 U1 L0 L1 L10 U9 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 ELEVATION - EAST TRUSS L7 L8 L9 L10 L9 L10 EAST VERTICALS ONLY L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 FRAMING (LOWER BRACING) 10' -0" LANE LANE *S1 *S2 *S3 *S4 *S5 *S6 *S7 **S8 **S9 10' -0" EAST ELEVATION SHOWN, WEST OPPOSITE HAND LEGEND NOTE * STRINGERS 1-7 NEED REPLACEMENT FOR FULL LENGTH OF BRIDGE MEMBER REPLACEMENT ** STRINGER 8-9 ARE NEW DUE TO ROAD WIDENING MEMBER REPAIR ALTERNATE 1C (HS20) - MEMBER REPLACEMENT TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 12 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM LC BC 3 6 "M 8 4 9 5 F# { BRG. 7 4 3 1 6 NORTH 3 00 0 3 1+ 2 0 8 7 4 2 "O A C C K H IS H O M N E A E R L= BO LE U DS K 3 LD 0 Q 8 U .6 E R A 7 R E ABUTMENTBEN 0 8 W 2 8 6 3 8 .6 9 0 0 F# 7 5 2 8 7 W F# 7 6 W F# 0 7 7 7 8 1 2 8 6 F# 0 0 0 3 W W 8 3 F# 3 9 0 + 2 8 5 CM P W S 4 28 0 6 3 1 6 - PLAN 2 0 6 2 E L A P C "R 5 1 T O W V N O N / L . OF F 10 4 C 3 3 A P NW T IN IN 10 O FN V 0 V IN 7 #3+0 W O F# = U 4 17 3 T 8 3 1 = " 8 O 2 3 3 .3 A T 0 K F= .4' C 8 6 .3 ' 4 (S C 23 6 E 1 B + (N 6 1 1 .8 5 W S "R 6 ALTERNATE 2 U 1 C M 5 P "C P ) = M 3 P 0 ) SCALE: 1" 6 .8 6 3 0 3 6 1 -1 + PIER + -1 0 0 2 8 6 BRIDGE RAIL (TYP) 00 T O 0+ W V N O N / L O . F F 10 C 3 A P NT O 1EXISTING BRIDGE 0 N 7 TO REMAIN 00 + 0 P A R IP R A P LE 3 6 NORTH 7 3 W { BRG. 3 0 2 T R A V # 5 3 1 6 3 1 9 .4 T ' F= C 7 ' (S C 3 E S 2 B 11 . 2 U 1 .6 M 44 5 "R P 7 1+ = C 3 P 3 1 ) 3 6 1 .8 5 7 2 F# + -1 F# -1 + 89 O U T = 2 8 6 00 1+ - 2 4 "D B L 2 .3 5 5 4 0 3 34 W IN V 7 2 6 3 3 0 3 SOUTH 3 0 1 2 8 8PIER 2 ABUTMENT END BRIDGE F# 6 8 SOUTH W 7 6 3 1 6 F# 82 . 10 + 0 2 0 +2 - 7 1 W 3 5 { BRG. 1+ F# 3 1 6 69 . { BRG. 48 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD 13' -0" T R A V # 8 4 6 2 9 0 LANE (TYP) 00 1+ W 3 4 5 156'-0" 1 3 0 9 2 L P YO N O V W NS /F O L DE . R & 3 JU M 7 7 I D L I T P L H 16 RO F 4 AD I F I E L D 6 0 W 2 9 1 0 2 00 0+ P . 5' -0" 2 5 am re St of ge Ed 3 4 8 E S SHOULDER START BRIDGE 2 8 7 156'-0" 1' -10" JA M 3 W 0 F 2 # 3 3 2 4 3 1 6 80'-0" = 60' 3 9 2 ' 0 "T OT AL SP AN SL OP E = AP P ROX.7 % PROPOSED PROPOSED PIER (TYP) ABUTMENT (TYP) 100 YEAR FLOOD { BRG. SOUTH ABUTMENT OHW { BRG. { BRG. SOUTH PIER NORTH ABUTMENT { BRG. NORTH PIER ALTERNATE 2 - ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SHOWN, WEST SIMILAR SCALE: 1" = 60' TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 13 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM 34'-8" OUT-TO-OUT 5'-0" 13'-0" LANE 13'-0" LANE 1'-10" SHOULDER (TYP) TOWN BRIDGE ROAD { BRIDGE RAIL (TYP.) POINT OF APPLICATION OF GRADE 3" H.M.A. ON MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING (WOVEN GLASS FABRIC) 8•" CONCRETE DECK 2% 2% 70" DEEP GIRDER 3'-10" 3'-10" 3 SPACES @ 9'-0" = 27'-0" OVERHANG OVERHANG ALTERNATE 2 - PROPOSED CROSS SECTION SCALE: ‚" = 1'-0" TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 14 DESIGNER: JLS CHECKER: JBM NOTES: 1. TYPICAL SECTION FOR ALTERNATIVE 4 IS SHOWN. TYPICAL SECTION FOR ALTERNATIVE 3 IS IDENTICAL. MATERIAL AND LIFT THICKNESSES SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE FOR QUANTITY DEVELOPMENT/COST ESTIMATION PURPOSES ONLY. THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT STRUCTURE WILL BE DESIGNED DURING FINAL DESIGN. ALTERNATIVE 3 PROPOSES SIDE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROPOSED BRIDGE AND TO LIMIT FILL INTO THE FEMA FLOODPLAIN. SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 SHALL BE PROTECTED BY RIPRAP. 2. 3. TOWN BRIDGE ROAD C L 4' 13' 13' LANE LANE 4' EXISTING GROUND 2: M 1 AX . A 1 2 : 1 2.0% 2.0% H 1 2 : 1 2: 1 ( SE MA E X NO . TE H 3) G B C F EXISTING GROUND G D E ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION LEGEND A POINT OF APPLIED GRADE B 3" HMA C 4" PROCESSED AGGREGATE BASE D 12" SUBBASE E FORMATION OF SUBGRADE F METAL BEAM RAIL (TYPE R-B 350) G BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LIP CURBING H TURF ESTABLISHMENT TOWN BRIDGE ROAD SCALE: 1" = 8' TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 12/2013 DRAWN:CRH DRAWING: 15 DESIGNER: CRH CHECKER: TPR (FL O OD WA 12 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD CONSTRUCTION F# W 2 W 1 W B o u n d a ry W F# 3 F# W F# 1 3 -2 3 W F# F# W 1 7 W F# F# 1 9 2 1 2 0 F# 6 O O C 6 6 W W F# 3 3 N/F APPROXIMATE SLOPE LIMIT (TYP.) F# 3 4 F# W F# 7 0 ZONE AE ZONE X W F# CURVE ALT. 4 #2 T = 244.61 7 1 RI P RA P L = 438.03 W AD RO W 3 9 0 F# F# 52+00 5 3 +0 0 F# 3 5 AL T .4 7 3 W F# PI E 951652.36 54+ 00 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN (TYP.) #2 TO W 7 4 W F# PROPOSED BRIDGE 7 5 W W F# 7 6 W F# 7 8 7 7 N B R ID G E 30 0 W F# TOWN BRIDGE ROAD C L 0 30 55 + 00 F# W 7 9 F# R O 360 3 7 W W F# 3 8 A IN L IN W F# K F E N N/F 8 2 TOWN OF CANTON C E 3 9 + 57 EXISTING BRIDGE NO. 05222 (TO REMAIN) W ) EA AR F# F# 00 4 1 AY E L A W W F# D W 3 ' C H 4 0 W S ' 0 1 PI E 950989.83 F# NK LI N AI E CH NC FE O ' 2 1 PI N 861052.41 F# A D LO (F R = 500.00 F# P A R IP R 350 L = 102.52 W 8 1 0 0 PC 52+ 84. 55 F# BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY + 6 5 W W NK I N L CHAI NCE E F 0 30 8 0 3 6 370 T = 51.44 PI N 861580.88 CURVE F# R = 395.00 30 0 7 2 W W CURVE ALT. 4 #1 51+00 PT 0 38 47+ 33. 12 PC 0 30.6 46+ E DG I BR 13' 0 9 2 0 +0 6 4 50+00 49+00 13' am re St of ge Ed 360 48+00 0 +0 7 4 WN TO 6 9 0 30 W RIVERS EDGE CONDOMINIUM VOL. 119 P 148 W R R IV E L P YO N O V W NS /F O L DE . R & 3 M JU 7 7 I D L I T P L H 16 RO F 4 AD I F I E L D FEMA FLOODWAY (TYP.) 6 8 E SWAL 0 30 P . F# 6 7 0 29 E S 2 5 F# F# VER RI 8 W W N CURVE ALT. 4 #1 3 2 0 34 F# 7 350 W F# C E AL SW JA M W O N WOOD BL DG. F# ON N GT I 7 W M FA R F# VOL. 119 P 148 6 5 N/F 25 POWDER MILL ROAD 330 W RIVERS EDGE CONDOMINIUM F# JAMES P. LYONS & JUDITH FIFIELD AE ZO NE X ZO NE 5 8 FW 2 2 N/F VOL. 377 P 164 F# 0 8 3 F# F# W 4 F# 1 2 310 FW F# F# 6 4 3 1 W 320 W W 1 5 F# 290 9 W F# 1 8 1 6 W FW F# W O IN G T FA R M F# F# W PO W D ER W W e tl a n d s FLAGGED WETLANDS (TYP.) M ILL LIMITS OF ROADWAY Fe d e ra l W W RO AD VOL. 272 P 497 N E C R T D I I C N U A T T E G R I D Y A REA ) N/F R DE RI RRIS.T E .& T DWARD J E 8 3 4 2 N/F ROBERT S. & ROBIN A. ATWATER N/F 55 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD JANICE W. & ROBERT C. DAVIDSON VOL. 377 P 1011 11 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD CONC .WAL L 320 W W W F# 5 8 F# 5 9 W 0 31 W 5 7 W F# 4 6 6 0 5 6 F# 8 4 F# 8 8 9 6 9 5 67 . PC 77 + 58 FW F# 9 4 B o u n d a ry P o n d W F# W L = 92.11 F# 9 3 FW E d g e F# 9 2 o f S tr ea m F# LIMIT OF ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION NG I LD I BU CK I BR I O T PA W L I W W O TI PA RA PI E 952056.59 T P 77 69. 59+ OD WO D PI N 861392.73 5 3 9 1 AR F# F# GU W W 9 0 0 30 R = 515.00 F# CK I BR 00 60+ 5 2 FW LE VOL. 140 P 640 T = 46.18 AB F# 8 9 C 2- W DALE B. & KATHLEEN F. MUNROE 17 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD CURVE ALT. 4 #3 ST N/F CURVE ALT. 4 #3 e tl a n d s F# PO 13 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD 5 1 W FW E ON LL ST WA T. RE F# 9 7 OD W F# WO X N/F R VE RI ZO NE 5 0 THOMAS J. & JUDITH E. CHESTER 8 7 0 +0 59 N E A F# F# FW Fe d e ra l W 72 RIVER ROAD W O B O L D D G . 0 29 F# ROBERT S. & ROBIN A. ATWATER VOL. 377 P 1012 8 6 ' FW N/F W O B O L D D G . 8 5 AE E 0 34 W F# 3 1 0 0 E 30 O N Z 6 1 F# W 290 F# N 5 5 O Z F# W 4 9 TO W 4 8 F# 290 W VOL. 320 P 375 W G IN W 33 0 36 0 F# 4 7 M F# F# F# 4 5 W W 35 0 F# R FA W PATHWAY FOR PEDESTRIAN ACCESS F# W 4 4 0 31 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY LANDSCAPED BUFFER F# 0 +0 58 300 0 4 3 3 3 0 W 0 1 3 59 . PT 22 + 57 VOL. 112 P 135 F# E ON ST K L WA 9 2 5 4 S P FL A G 0 29 P O LE S P ROADWAY PLAN S P ALTERNATIVE 2 W F# S P S P 9 3 S P SCALE 1" = 100' W 200 100 0 F# S P ST ONE P OST ( T Y P . ) 9 4 200 TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 12/2013 DRAWN:CRH DRAWING: 16 DESIGNER: CRH CHECKER: TPR 45+00 400 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 61+00 400 LIMIT OF ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION 390 390 380 EL. = 335. 43 PVT STA. 49+ 60. 00 EL. = 341. 38 G2 =-7.14% PVI STA. 48+ 76. 71 G = 11 . 00 % 360 G1 =-11.00% EL. = 350. 55 370 K=43 PVC STA. 47+ 93. 42 380 S.S.D.=247' EL. = 363. 57 PVI STA. 46+ 75. 00 L.V.C.=166.58' 370 360 LIMIT OF ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION 350 350 L.V.C.=298.95' L.V.C.=158.75' S.S.D.=157' 330 EL. = 303. 50 EL. = 303. 50 G2 =0.90% PVI STA. 60+ 00. 00 G1 =-4.37% EL. = 306. 25 PVRC STA. 58+ 41. 16 EL. = 308. 77 PVI STA. 57+ 83. 62 EL. = 307. 51 H. P.STA. 57+ 83. 52 PVT STA. 56+ 53. 27 PROPOSED PROFILE TOWN BRIDGE ROAD EL. = 303. 09 G2 =4.35% EL. = 307. 26 G= 7. 14 % 340 K=30 G1 =-7.14% PVC STA. 53+ 54. 32 330 320 S.S.D.=176' K=26 PVT STA. 59+ 99. 91 PROPOSED BRIDGE 340 320 310 310 % 5 3 . G=4 300 EL. = 303. 37 L. P.STA. 59+ 72. 91 % 0 9 . G=0 PVI STA. 59+ 20. 54 EL. = 306. 26 PVC STA. 57+ 26. 08 EL. = 300. 63 280 EL. = 296. 58 EXISTING GROUND L. P.STA. 55+ 40. 07 290 PVI STA. 55+ 03. 79 EL. 302.47 (SEE NOTE) EL. = 302. 79 G=4 . 3 7 % 100 YEAR FLOOD 300 290 280 L.V.C.=115.09' S.S.D.=181' 270 270 K=13 G1 =4.35% G2 =-4.37% 260 250 45+00 260 46+00 47+00 48+00 49+00 NOTE: 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION DISPLAYED ON THIS SHEET IS THE RESULT OF PRELIMINARY HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS. THE EXACT ELEVATION MAY CHANGE AS A RESULT OF FURTHER DETAILED DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 250 61+00 ROADWAY PROFILE ALTERNATIVE 2 HORIZ. SCALE IN FEET 0 60 120 VERT. SCALE IN FEET 0 12 24 TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 12/2013 DRAWN:CRH DRAWING: 17 DESIGNER: CRH CHECKER: TPR RADIUS (FT) REMOVAL SEQUENCE STAGE 1: 1. REMOVE WEARING SURFACE, MBR, DECK, AND STRINGERS. REACTION AT CRANE PICK POINT (TONS) 2. SITE PREPARATION. 40 27 3. JACK STRUCTURE AT ABUTMENTS. 50 26 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIAGONAL STRUT FOR LIFTING 60 24 5. SECURE NORTH END OF BRIDGE TO CRANE AT PANEL POINT L8-L9. 70 23 6. SECURE SOUTH END OF BRIDGE TO CRANE AT PANEL POINT L2-L3. 80 21 7. LIFT AND PULL TRUSSES AT SOUTH END ONTO REMOVAL SKID. 90 20 100 18 INSTALL TEMPORARY 110 17 120 15 130 14 140 12 150 11 160 10 170 10 180 10 DIAGONAL STRUTS FOR LIFTING. 100 TON CRANE REMOVAL SKID 230 TON CRANE L2 LEVEL SOUTH L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 100 YEAR FLOOD APPROACH FOR 157'-6" CLEAR SPAN REMOVAL SKID. OHW BRIDGE JACK (JACK TO EXCAVATE EARTH AT NORTH ROLLER ELEVATION) APPROACH TO ALLOW CRANE TO BE LEVEL AND DECREASE EARTH PRESSURE ON ABUTMENT. REMOVAL SEQUENCE STAGE 1 - ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 40' TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 18 DESIGNER: SAD CHECKER: JBM REMOVAL SEQUENCE STAGE 2: 1. DISASSEMBLE TRUSS (PANEL POINT L0 TO L1). 2. CONTINUE PULLING TRUSS OVER REMOVAL SKID. 3. DISASSEMBLE TRUSS (PANEL POINT L1 TO L2). 4. REPEAT PREVIOUS STEPS UNTIL ENTIRE BRIDGE IS DISASSEMBLED. REINSTALL SEQUENCE: 1. ASSEMBLE TRUSS PANEL POINT L8 TO L10. 2. SECURE TO CRANE. 3. PUSH TRUSS OVER REMOVAL SKID AND ASSEMBLE NEXT SECTION (L7 TO L8). 4. REPEAT UNTIL ENTIRE BRIDGE IS CONSTRUCTED. DISASSEMBLE SECTION L0-L2. 100 TON CRANE 230 TON CRANE L3 L4 LEVEL SOUTH L5 L8 L9 100 YEAR FLOOD APPROACH FOR 157'-6" CLEAR SPAN REMOVAL SKID. OHW BRIDGE JACK (JACK TO EXCAVATE EARTH AT NORTH ROLLER ELEVATION) APPROACH TO ALLOW CRANE TO BE LEVEL AND DECREASE EARTH PRESSURE ON ABUTMENT. REMOVAL SEQUENCE STAGE 1 - ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 40' TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 19 DESIGNER: SAD CHECKER: JBM C'CB ' TF= 316.86 INV IN= 312.36(SE 15"RCP) INV OUT= 308.36(NW 15"CM P) SUM P= 306.86 " 15 P CM 230 TON AE E N X E ZO N ZO LIFTING CRANE REMOVAL SKID JACK LOCATION P RC 15" 100 TON LIFTING CRANE D LE PA VE D G W TO RI VE E D 0 30 N GE DI BR 31 0 REMOVAL SEQUENCE PLAN . RD SCALE: 1" = 40' TOWN OF CANTON REHABILITATION OF BR. NO. 05222 TOWN BRIDGE ROAD DATE: OVER FARMINGTON RIVER 7/2014 DRAWN:SAD DRAWING: 20 DESIGNER: SAD CHECKER: JBM APPENDIX B PHOTOGRAPHS         Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 1: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River West elevation (looking upstream). Date: Project No.: Photo 2: July 2014 P712110001 Typical truss detail. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 3: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River Bridge from the south approach. Date: Project No.: Photo 4: July 2014 P712110001 Bridge from the north approach. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 5: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River South abutment. Date: Project No.: Photo 6: July 2014 P712110001 North abutment. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 7: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River Typical truss expansion bearing at the south abutment. Date: Project No.: Photo 8: July 2014 P712110001 Typical truss fixed bearing at the north abutment. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 9: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River Typical floor system. Date: Project No.: Photo 10: July 2014 P712110001 Connection of floorbeam 8 to the west truss. Typical floorbeam and truss connection. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 11: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River Typical pin connection at bottom chord. Date: Project No.: Photo 12: July 2014 P712110001 Typical deterioration of floorbeam top flanges at the connection to truss. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 13: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River Section loss at stringer 7 between L0 and L1. Date: Project No.: Photo 14: July 2014 P712110001 Typical pin connection at top chord. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc Bridge No. Town: Feature Carried: Feature Crossed: Photo 15: Prepared by 05222 Canton, CT Town Bridge Road Farmington River Top of deck looking south. Note cracking in overlay. Date: Project No.: Photo 16: July 2014 P712110001 Typical ornamental railing. Note collision damage. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Preliminary Report\Appendix B - Photos.doc APPENDIX E ROADWAY DESIGN CRITERIA         Town Bridge Road over Farmington River  Canton, CT Design Element Project Classification Functional Classification Design Speed Travel Lane Width Shoulder Width Cross Slope (travel lane) Cross Slope (shoulder) Minimum Radii Horizontal Sight Distance Minimum Grade Maximum Grade Vertical Curvature (K‐Value) Crest Sag Appendix E Roadway Design Criteria CTDOT Design Value New Construction/Major Reconstruction Rural Local Road (Open) 20 mph ‐ 30 mph1 10 ft 2 ft ‐ 4 ft 1.5 % ‐ 2 % Same as adjacent travel lane 190 ft (emax = 6.0%) 155 ft 0.5 % 11 % 12 8 26/14 155 ft 14 ft 3 in 2 ft Yes 100 ft 5 0.35 % 14.1 % 3 9 79 ft 12 ft 4 in 12 ft No Structure Report Final Submission Existing Geometry Alternative 1A Alternative 1B Alternative 2 ‐ Spot Improvement Spot Improvement Spot Improvement Rural Local Road (Open) 15 mph2 12.5 ft3 0 ft 1 % ‐ 3% N/A 105 ft Rural Local Road (Open) 25 mph 14 ft 3 in4 0 ft Rural Local Road (Open) 25 mph 10 ft 0 ft Rural Local Road (Open) 25 mph 10 ft 0 ft Maintain Existing Roadway Geometry Maintain Existing Roadway Geometry 100 ft6 80 ft7 Maintain Existing Roadway Geometry Maintain Existing Roadway Geometry Maintain Existing Roadway/Bridge Geometry Alternative 3 New Construction/Major Reconstruction Rural Local Road (Open) 25 mph 13 ft 0 ft 2% 2% Same as Existing Geometry Alternative 4 New Construction/Major Reconstruction Rural Local Road (Open) 25 mph 13 ft 0 ft 2% 2% 395 ft 120 ft7 1.00 % 9.08 % 14 20 199 ft N/A TBD Yes 300 ft 0.90 % 11.00 % 13 26 157 ft N/A 3 ft Yes Stopping Sight Distance (Crest) Minimum Roadway Vertical Clearance 14 ft 14 ft 14 ft 12 ft 12 ft 12 ft Minimum Vertical Clearance Above 100 Year Flood9 Bridge Width Match Approach Roadway (Yes/No) No No No Notes: 1. Values are given for 25 mph, the proposed design speed. 2. Posted speed limit per the State Traffic Commission's Approved Town Road Speed Limits table. 3. Existing roadway width varies throughout the project area, value represents an average roadway width. 4. The bridge will maintain one 14 ft 3 in lane operating under alternating one‐way traffic. 5. Existing horizontal sight distance is limited by the existing truss encroaching on sightlines to the inside of the curve near the north abutment. 6. The proposed horizontal sight distance will be limited by the truss encroaching upon sightlines to the inside of the curve near the north abutment. Should this alternative be selected, further design refinement may enable greater horizontal sight distance. 7. The proposed horizontal sight distance will be limited by the end cap. Should this alternative be selected, further design refinement may enable greater horizontal sight distance. 8. The required K‐value to provide the required Headlight Sight Distance for the 25 mph design speed is 26. The required K‐value to meet the Comfort Criteria for the 25 mph design speed is 14 9. Vertical clearance heights are based upon preliminary hydraulic analysis which provided 100 year flood water surface elevations through the project site. APPENDIX J COST ESTIMATE         Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Estimate Alternative 1A  Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS7) Project No: P712110001 Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/18/13 Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Town of Canton Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 05222 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Alternative 1A (HS7) Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate FOR STRUCTURE Item # Item 0219001 Sedimentation Control Systems 0406173 H.M.A S0.25 0503000 Removal of Floorbeams and Deck 0503001 Removal of Superstructure (Truss) 0503946 Reset Existing Superstructure (Truss) 0513003 1-1/2" Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Pipe 0520035 Silicone Expansion Joint System 0522155 Replace Bridge Bearings 0522156 Replace Expansion Bearings 0522281 Steel Bearing Assemblies 0601201 Class "F" Concrete 0602006 Deformed Steel Bars- Epoxy Coated 0603142 Field Touch up Painting 0603270 Orthotropic Steel Deck 0603446 Painting of Structural Steel (Truss) Class 1 Containment and Collection of Surface Preparation Debris 0603653 0603851 Structural Steel (Low Alloy) 0603851X Structural Steel (Low Alloy) - Eyebars 0603444 Lead Health Protection Program 0707001 Membrane Waterproofing (Woven Glass Fabric) 0904042 Metal Bridge Rail (Combination) - Alum 120900X Painted Pavement Makings 1401045 Handling Water 1500126 Utility Conduit Relocation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FOR HIGHWAY Item # 202000 207000 212000 304002 406171 703010 815001 922501 Item EARTH EXCAVATION BORROW SUBBASE PROCESSED AGGREGATE BASE HMA S0.5 STANDARD RIPRAP BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LIP CURBING BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY Qty 250 60 2,800 1 1 24 32 7 7 4 30 5,250 710 2,752 7,100 Unit LF TON SF LS LS LF LF EA EA EA CY LBS SF SF SF Unit Price $4 $125 $50 $160,000 $200,000 $40 $380 $400 $400 $800 $1,000 $2 $30 $50 $20 Total $1,000.00 $7,500.00 $140,000.00 $160,000.00 $200,000.00 $960.00 $12,160.00 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 $3,200.00 $30,000.00 $10,500.00 $21,300.00 $137,600.00 $142,000.00 7,100 280 2,480 1 360 384 516 1 500 SF CWT LBS LS SY LF LF LS LF $20 $450 $50 $25,000 $40 $95 $2.0 $20,000 $10.00 $142,000.00 $126,000.00 $124,000.00 $25,000.00 $14,400.00 $36,480.00 $1,032.00 $20,000.00 $5,000.00 Unit CY CY CY CY TON CY LF SY Unit Price $15.00 $12.00 $40.00 $45.00 $120.00 $80.00 $5.00 $35.00 Total $3,750.00 $1,200.00 $5,000.00 $2,250.00 $7,200.00 $24,800.00 $1,375.00 $1,925.00 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $1,365,732.00 $136,573 Subtotal (A) $1,502,305.20 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $47,500.00 $4,750.00 Subtotal (B) $52,250.00 Subtotal (C) $1,554,555.20 Qty 250 100 125 50 60 310 275 55 STRUCTURE ESTIMATE HIGHWAY ESTIMATE STUCTURE AND HIGHWAY SUBTOTAL 1 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Estimate Alternative 1A  Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS7) FOR LUMP SUM ITEMS Item # Item 201030 Clearing & Grubbing (3% of C) 971001 A Maintenance & Protection of Traffic (4% of C) 975002 Mobilization (7% of C) 980001 A Construction Staking (1% of C) Qty 1 1 1 1 Unit LS LS LS LS Unit Price Project No: P712110001 Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/18/13 Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Total $46,636.66 $62,182.21 $108,818.86 $15,545.55 LUMP SUM ESTIMATE TOTAL (D) ROADWAY/STRUCTURES TO $233,183.28 $1,787,738.48 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCIDENTALS 25% OF E) CONTINGENCIES (7% OF E) $446,934.62 $125,141.69 TOTAL CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (2013) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST WITH 4% INFLATION (2015) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $2,359,815 $2,552,376 $2,560,000 * Prepared in accordance with the Connecticut Department of Transportation's Preliminary Cost Estimating Guidelines 2013. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Calcs\Alt 1A - HS7 - 14' Roadway\[Estimate - Alt 1A (HS-7).xlsx]Alt 2 2 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Estimate Alternative 1B  Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS20)  Project No: P712110001 Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/18/13 Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Town of Canton Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 05222 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Alternative 1B (HS20) Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate FOR STRUCTURE Item # Item 0219001 Sedimentation Control Systems 0406173 H.M.A S0.25 0503000 Removal of Floorbeams and Deck 0503001 Removal of Superstructure (Truss) 0503946 Reset Existing Superstructure (Truss) 0513003 1-1/2" Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Pipe 0520035 Silicone Expansion Joint System 0522155 Replace Bridge Bearings 0522156 Replace Expansion Bearings 0522281 Steel Bearing Assemblies 0601201 Class "F" Concrete 0602006 Deformed Steel Bars- Epoxy Coated 0603142 Field Touch up Painting 0603270 Orthotropic Steel Deck 0603446 Painting of Structural Steel (Truss) Class 1 Containment and Collection of Surface Preparation Debris 0603653 0603851 Structural Steel (Low Alloy) 0603851X Structural Steel (Low Alloy) - Eyebars 0603444 Lead Health Protection Program 0707001 Membrane Waterproofing (Woven Glass Fabric) 0904042 Metal Bridge Rail (Combination) - Alum 120900X Painted Pavement Makings 1401045 Handling Water 1500126 Utility Conduit Relocation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FOR HIGHWAY Item # 202000 0 207000 0 212000 0 304002 0 406171 0 703010 0 815001 0 922501 0 Item EARTH EXCAVATION BORROW SUBBASE PROCESSED AGGREGATE BASE HMA S0.5 STANDARD RIPRAP BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LIP CURBING BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY Qty 250 60 2,800 1 1 24 32 7 7 4 30 5,250 710 2,752 7,100 Unit LF TON SF LS LS LF LF EA EA EA CY LBS SF SF SF Unit Price $4 $125 $50 $160,000 $200,000 $40 $380 $400 $400 $800 $1,000 $2 $30 $50 $20 Total $1,000.00 $7,500.00 $140,000.00 $160,000.00 $200,000.00 $960.00 $12,160.00 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 $3,200.00 $30,000.00 $10,500.00 $21,300.00 $137,600.00 $142,000.00 7,100 550 3,500 1 360 384 516 1 500 SF CWT LBS LS SY LF LF LS LF $20 $450 $50 $25,000 $40 $95 $2.0 $20,000 $10.00 $142,000.00 $247,500.00 $175,000.00 $25,000.00 $14,400.00 $36,480.00 $1,032.00 $20,000.00 $5,000.00 Unit CY CY CY CY TON CY LF SY Unit Price $15.00 $12.00 $40.00 $45.00 $120.00 $80.00 $5.00 $35.00 Total $3,750.00 $1,200.00 $5,000.00 $2,250.00 $7,200.00 $24,800.00 $1,375.00 $1,925.00 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $1,533,232.00 $153,323 Subtotal (A) $1,686,555.20 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $47,500.00 $4,750.00 Subtotal (B) $52,250.00 Subtotal (C) $1,738,805.20 Qty 250 100 125 50 60 310 275 55 STRUCTURE ESTIMATE HIGHWAY ESTIMATE STUCTURE AND HIGHWAY SUBTOTAL 1 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Estimate Alternative 1B  Bridge Rehabilitation at Existing Roadway Width (HS20)  FOR LUMP SUM ITEMS Item # Item 201030 Clearing & Grubbing (3% of C) 971001 A Maintenance & Protection of Traffic (4% of C) 975002 Mobilization (7% of C) 980001 A Construction Staking (1% of C) Qty 1 1 1 1 Unit LS LS LS LS Unit Price Project No: P712110001 Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/18/13 Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Total $52,164.16 $69,552.21 $121,716.36 $17,388.05 LUMP SUM ESTIMATE TOTAL (D) ROADWAY/STRUCTURES TO $260,820.78 $1,999,625.98 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCIDENTALS 25% OF E) CONTINGENCIES (7% OF E) $499,906.50 $139,973.82 TOTAL CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (2013) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST WITH 4% INFLATION (2015) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $2,639,506 $2,854,890 $2,860,000 * Prepared in accordance with the Connecticut Department of Transportation's Preliminary Cost Estimating Guidelines 2013. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Calcs\Alt 1A - HS20 - 14' Roadway\[Estimate - Alt 1A (HS-20).xlsx]Alt 2 2 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Estimate Alternative 1C Bridge Rehabilitation Widen to 20' Roadway Width (HS20) Project No: P712110001 Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/10/13 Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Town of Canton Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 05222 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Alternative 1C (HS20) Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate FOR STRUCTURE Item # Item 0203000 Structure Excavation - Earth (Complete) 0216000 Pervious Structure Backfill 0219001 Sedimentation Control Systems 0406173 H.M.A S0.25 0503000 Removal of Floorbeams and Deck 0503001 Removal of Superstructure (Truss) 503946 Reset Existing Superstructure (Truss) 0513003 1-1/2" Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Pipe 0520035 Silicone Expansion Joint System 0522155 Replace Bridge Bearings 0522156 Replace Expansion Bearings 0522281 Steel Bearing Assemblies 0601000 Class "A" Concrete 0601201 Class "F" Concrete 0602000 Deformed Steel Bars 0602006 Deformed Steel Bars- Epoxy Coated 0603142 Field Touch up Painting 0603270 Orthotropic Steel Deck 0603444 Painting of Structural Steel (Truss) Class 1 Containment and Collection of Surface Preparation Debris 0603653 0603851 Structural Steel (Low Alloy) 0603851X Structural Steel (Low Alloy) - Eyebars 0707001 Membrane Waterproofing (Woven Glass Fabric) 0708001 Damproofing 0904042 Metal Bridge Rail (Combination) - Alum 120900X Painted Pavement Makings 1401045 Handling Water 1500126 Utility Conduit Relocation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 FOR HIGHWAY Item # 202000 0 207000 0 212000 0 304002 0 406171 0 703010 0 815001 0 922501 0 Item EARTH EXCAVATION BORROW SUBBASE PROCESSED AGGREGATE BASE HMA S0.5 STANDARD RIPRAP BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LIP CURBING BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY Qty 1,045 330 250 80 2,800 1 1 24 44 9 9 4 85 40 10,200 7,000 710 3,741 7,100 Unit CY CY LF TON SF LS LS LF LF EA EA EA CY CY LBS LBS SF SF SF Unit Price $40 $50 $4 $125 $50 $160,000 $200,000 $40 $380 $400 $400 $800 $800 $1,000 $1.75 $2 $30 $50 $20 Total $41,800.00 $16,500.00 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 $140,000.00 $160,000.00 $200,000.00 $960.00 $16,720.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 $3,200.00 $68,000.00 $40,000.00 $17,850.00 $14,000.00 $21,300.00 $187,050.00 $142,000.00 7,100 1,130 3,500 489 40 384 516 1 500 SF CWT LBS SY SY LF LF LS LF $20 $450 $50 $40 $20 $95 $2.0 $20,000 $10.00 $142,000.00 $508,500.00 $175,000.00 $19,560.00 $800.00 $36,480.00 $1,032.00 $20,000.00 $5,000.00 Unit CY CY CY CY TON CY LF SY Unit Price $15.00 $12.00 $40.00 $45.00 $120.00 $80.00 $5.00 $35.00 Total $3,750.00 $3,000.00 $5,400.00 $2,700.00 $9,000.00 $24,800.00 $1,375.00 $1,925.00 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $1,995,952.00 $199,595 Subtotal (A) $2,195,547.20 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $51,950.00 $5,195.00 Subtotal (B) $57,145.00 Subtotal (C) $2,252,692.20 Qty 250 250 135 60 75 310 275 55 STRUCTURE ESTIMATE HIGHWAY ESTIMATE STUCTURE AND HIGHWAY SUBTOTAL 1 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Estimate Alternative 1C Bridge Rehabilitation Widen to 20' Roadway Width (HS20) FOR LUMP SUM ITEMS Item # Item 201030 Clearing & Grubbing (3% of C) 971001 A Maintenance & Protection of Traffic (4% of C) 975002 Mobilization (7% of C) 980001 A Construction Staking (1% of C) Qty 1 1 1 1 Unit LS LS LS LS Unit Price Project No: P712110001 Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/10/13 Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Total $67,580.77 $90,107.69 $157,688.45 $22,526.92 LUMP SUM ESTIMATE TOTAL (D) ROADWAY/STRUCTURES TO $337,903.83 $2,590,596.03 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCIDENTALS 25% OF E) CONTINGENCIES (7% OF E) $647,649.01 $181,341.72 TOTAL CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (2013) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST WITH 4% INFLATION (2015) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $3,419,587 $3,698,625 $3,700,000 * Prepared in accordance with the Connecticut Department of Transportation's Preliminary Cost Estimating Guidelines 2013. G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Calcs\Alt 1B - HS20 - 20' Roadway\[Estimate - Alt 1B.xlsx]Alt 2 2 Project No: P712110001 Town Bridge Road over Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/12/13 Farmington River Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Estimate Alternative 2 New Bridge on Upstream Alignment with 26’ Roadway Width (HL93) Town of Canton Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 05222 Town Bridge Road over Farmington River Alternative 2 (HL93) Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FOR STRUCTURE Item # Item 0203000 Structure Excavation - Earth (Complete) 0204001 Cofferdam and Dewatering 0216000 Pervious Structure Backfill 0219001 Sedimentation Control Systems 0406173 H.M.A S0.25 0508001 Shear Connectors 0513003 1-1/2" Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Pipe 0520035 Silicone Expansion Joint System 0521001 Elastomeric Bearing Pads 0601000 Class "A" Concrete 0601201 Class "F" Concrete 0602000 Deformed Steel Bars 0602006 Deformed Steel Bars- Epoxy Coated Abrasive Blast Cleaning and Field Painting of Structure 0603102 Class 1 Containment and Collection of Surface Preparation Debris 0603653 0603851 Structural Steel (Low Alloy) 0702101 Furnishing Steel Piles 0702111 Driving of Steel Piles 0702115 Splicing of Steel Piles 0702XXX Test Pile 0702120 Point Reinforcement for Steel Piles 0702797 Dynamic Pile Driving Analysis (P.D.A) Test 0707001 Membrane Waterproofing (Woven Glass Fabric) 0708001 Damproofing 0904041 Metal Bridge Rail (Combination) 120900X Painted Pavement Makings 1401045 Handling Water 1500126 Utility Conduit Relocation 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 FOR HIGHWAY Item # 202000 207000 212000 304002 406171 507001 651012 703010 815001 921001 921022 A 922501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Item EARTH EXCAVATION BORROW SUBBASE PROCESSED AGGREGATE BASE HMA S0.5 TYPE 'C' CATCH BASIN 15" R.C. PIPE STANDARD RIPRAP BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LIP CURBING CONCRETE SIDEWALK STONE DUST FOR PATHWAY BITUMINOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY STRUCTURE ESTIMATE 1 Qty 540 100 300 1,000 180 1 48 139 6,912 140 660 16,800 127,750 Unit CY LF CY LF TON LS LF LF CI CY CY LBS LBS Unit Price $40 $230 $50 $4 $125 $10,435 $40 $380 $1.5 $800 $1,000 $1.75 $2 Total $21,600.00 $23,000.00 $15,000.00 $4,000.00 $22,500.00 $10,435.00 $1,920.00 $52,820.00 $10,368.00 $112,000.00 $660,000.00 $29,400.00 $255,500.00 7,100 SF $30 $213,000.00 7,100 SF 6,950 CWT 135,000 LBS 1,600 LF 4 EA 4 EA 20 EA 4 EA 1,220 SY 150 SY 824 LF 1,176 LF 1 LS 500 LF Unit Qty 1,800 CY 1,800 CY 1,000 CY 400 CY 525 TON 10 EA 250 LF 225 CY 1,850 LF 525 SF 4,600 SF 690 SY $20 $450 $1 $30 $470 $12,000 $200 $5,000 $40 $20 $450 $2.0 $20,000 $10.00 $142,000.00 $3,127,500.00 $135,000.00 $48,000.00 $1,880.00 $48,000.00 $4,000.00 $20,000.00 $48,800.00 $3,000.00 $370,800.00 $2,352.00 $20,000.00 $5,000.00 Unit Price $12.50 $9.00 $30.00 $35.00 $105.00 $2,400.00 $50.00 $80.00 $5.00 $10.00 $1.00 30 Total $22,500.00 $16,200.00 $30,000.00 $14,000.00 $55,125.00 $24,000.00 $12,500.00 $18,000.00 $9,250.00 $5,250.00 $4,600.00 20700 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $5,407,875.00 $540,788 Project No: P712110001 Town Bridge Road over Calculated by : KHI   Date: 12/12/13 Farmington River Checked by: SAD   Date: 7/11/14 Estimate Alternative 2 New Bridge on Upstream Alignment with 26’ Roadway Width (HL93) Subtotal (A) $5,948,662.50 Subtotal Minor Items-10% $232,125.00 $23,212.50 Subtotal (B) $255,337.50 Subtotal (C) $6,204,000.00 HIGHWAY ESTIMATE STUCTURE AND HIGHWAY SUBTOTAL FOR LUMP SUM ITEMS Item # Item 201030 Clearing & Grubbing (3% of C) 971001 A Maintenance & Protection of Traffic (4% of C) 975002 Mobilization (7% of C) 980001 A Construction Staking (1% of C) Qty 1 1 1 1 Unit LS LS LS LS Unit Price Total $186,120.00 $248,160.00 $434,280.00 $62,040.00 LUMP SUM ESTIMATE TOTAL (D) ROADWAY/STRUCTURES TO ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCIDENTALS 25% OF E) CONTINGENCIES (7% OF E) $930,600.00 $7,134,600.00 $1,783,650.00 $499,422.00 TOTAL CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (2013) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST WITH 4% INFLATION (2015) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $9,417,672 $10,186,154 $10,190,000 * Prepared in accordance with the Connecticut Department of Transportation's Preliminary Cost Estimating Guidelines - G:\WT11\0001\Bridge\Calcs\Alt 4 - 26' Roadway, New Alignment\[Estimate Alt-4.xlsx]Alt 3 2
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