Preface Procceeding - Full Paper

March 19, 2018 | Author: ayub | Category: Dam, Reservoir, Hydroelectricity, Expert, Bali



Invitation from Chairman of Organizing Committee andPresident of INACOLD Dear ICOLD Members, On behalf of The Indonesian National Committee on Large Dams (INACOLD). I would like to extend our invitation to participate in the 82nd Annual Meeting of ICOLD. The event will take place in Bali on 2-6 June 2014 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC). Along with the history of ICOLD, Indonesia has been recorded as member country of this world prestigious organization. For Indonesia, this is the second time we have been entrusted to host such an important event of ICOLD. The first one was in Jakarta in 1986. I believe that through this important event, we will be able to show you the whole set of our experience in implementing the country's development and management in large dams in particular and in the water resources development in general. The selection of Bali as the venue of the meeting is not just because of its reputation as a tourist destination, but more than that, it has proven record of hosting various kinds of international events. It is also an opportunity to see boundless variety of unique sceneries as well as countless traditional and cultural heritages. Our Social programs are designed to provide you with unique opportunities to taste and feel the best of Bali's hospitality and its unique culture, through various exciting and full-filled activities held before, during and after the event. To complement these, the distinct culturally rich province offers an extensive range of hotels, exquisite cuisines, fascinating sceneries, a genuinely friendly and charming people practicing an authentic ancient heritage culture and almost unlimited recreational and cultural options. We trust that the time you spend with us in Bali will be most rewarding, which leads to many experience and friendships. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 82nd Annual Meeting of ICOLD and hope that your participation will be productive as well as memorable. Dr. M. Basuki Hadimuljono Chairman of INACOLD i We also provide awards for the best paper and presenter among young engineers to encourage their further involvement in the dam engineering. ii . and to transfer especially to young dam engineers to ensure the dam engineering sustainability. The objective of the symposium is to collect the knowledge of the latest development from the dam experts from various field of expertise to share with dam engineers in developed and developing countries. Bambang Hargono Chairman of the Symposium and Workshop Committee. 5. The 82nd Annual Meeting of ICOLD. conducted in 4th June 2014. is one among the events in the 82nd Annual Meeting of the International Commission on Large Dams in Bali. Indonesia. We hope. 6. and further provide contribution to the future sustainable dam engineering. The result is that 246 high quality papers. Engineering issues in dam development. as well as decision makers from the international dam community to participate in the international symposium. We have received 532 papers from 53 countries related to the theme and the topics. Dam operation in connection with climate change. 7. 3. Social and environmental aspects of dam. These papers were evaluated by national reviewer as well as international reviewer. involving experts related to dam engineering and environment from various countries. Bali. Challenges in dam safety policy and implementation. 2014. and management. with the main theme on DAMS IN GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES.Preface The International Symposium. professional managers. the presentations and discussions are fruitful. It is a great honour to have all ICOLD delegates and dam experts. 4. 2. Challenging in tailing dam project. of which 146 papers are presented in oral session and 81 papers presented on poster session. Dams and water quality management. development. Catchment area management for sustainable dam development. The topics in the international symposium are listed as follows: 1. K. Kanjlia (India) Tadahiko Sakamoto (Japan) Kyung. Purwanto Dr. International Reviewer. Viotti (Brazil) Anton J. W.Organization of the Symposium Chairman. Djadjadiredja Widagdo Tri Bayu Aji Secretariat. Bambang Hargono Eddy A. Djajadiredja HM. Schleiss (Swiss) Xu. F. Bambang Koeswidodo Moegijantoro Zainudin Widagdo Sri Hetty Susantin Husni Sabar Rismatoyo iii . Hidayat Pawitan Prof. Barti Setiani Muntalif Eddy A. Ze Ping (China) Jian. Robert Delinom Dr. Ade Karma Wida Firliyan Tirtani Rudi Resmiyadi Deni Feby Choirul Humawardi Reviewer. Brahmana Prof. Aries Firman Dr. (R). R. Triweko Prof.B. Ping Zhou (China) V. Mochammad Amron Dr. Iwan K.Soo Jun (Korea) Paul Roberts (South Africa) Pham Hong Giang (Vietnam) Ali Noorzad (Iran) Prof. Hadihardaja Prof. Arie Setiadi Moerwanto Dr. Mulyantari Dr. Indratmo Soekarno Prof. Stephen Fox (Australia) C. Yanuar J. Soedibyo Bhre Susantini R. Nadjadji Anwar Prof. M. William Putuhena Dr. Simon S. (R). Sukmawati. Yamaguchi. Case study TarnitaLapustestipumpstorage hydropower plant.Brahmana.Table of Contents Invitation from Chairman of Organizing Committee and President of INACOLD Preface Organization of Symposium Table of contents i ii iii iv Sub Theme 1: Social and environmental aspects of dam Study of Social and Economic Impacts of Construction of SIAHBISHEH Dam Using Rapid Matrix Method I-1 Roohollah Mohammadvali Samani. Palo.A. Isabelle Thériault Technical. Yani Sumariani European Working Group "Management of dam incidents" Case study: Finland I-86 Juha Laasonen La Romaine Hydroelectric Complex . KatsukiMatsuno Environmentally friendly water-powered DTH drilling in dam applications The history of Down-The-Hole-Drilling and use of water-powered hammers I-21 Donald A. Rudy Lyon. Fujisawa&Y. Stefan Swartling. Michael Beas I-32 Development of Cruising RCD Construction Method Y. Nditwani I-152 Public Safety Around The Dams In Slovenia Nina Humar.D. LecandaTerán. (252MW) from Storage to Run of the River Scheme I-102 Deepak Nakhasi& Harsh Bhaskar Mehta Implementation of the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol: Romanche-Gavet’s project under construction in France I-113 Emmanuel Branche Silvan Project Implementation by Participation and Impacts on the Society. E-L Thunqvist Roadmap of pre-investment process for a hydropower project. T. T.Yoshida. M. KazemHeidarpourChenar. Fuhai Yao & Bin Duan Environamental Management During Construction inComplaince With Mexican Regulations I-66 M. ErgünÜzücek . Luc Roy.Management of the Riparian flow at Romaine 2 during construction and reservoir filling I-92 Jean-Pierre Tournier. Indonesia I-76 Simon S. TuncerDinçergök Study on environment friendly hydropower project construction I-133 Xu Zeping Integrated Water Resource Planning For South Africa: Water Use Efficien I-143 T. Tontowi. Hollands Torres and R. Gomez-Balandra. Andrej Kryžanowski iv . Bruce. Human Security and Public Safety around Dams in Sweden: A case study of the regulated Ume and Lule Rivers I-42 M-B Öhman. A.P. Sasaki Public participation.E. Economy and Environment I-122 ÖnderÖzen. C. FatemehIravaniniayTehrani I-11 The Evolving History of Lake Biwa Weir Masahisa Nakamura. Socio-Economic and Environmental aspects in converting Devsari H. Redha Kara. I-52 Irinel Daniela Iacob Evaluation on the Effect of Dam Engineering to Atmospheric Ecosystem I-61 LinzhangGao. LlerandiJuárez Greenhouse Methane Gas Emission From Reservoirs In Java. Sari Wulandari Landslide Prevention On Reservoir of Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Hydropower Based on Community Development I-182 Buchari Zainal Arifin. Hamid Ehsani.M. L. P. Irham. Indonesia II-11 Anwar Makmur . M.222 Agus Setiawan.C. H. M. Eka Rahendra. Masafumi Kondo. Iijima. Djuanda Dam With Public Participati On I-162 Djuanda. Lia. Agustini Enhancing Community Participation In Dam Management (Prepairing Emergency Action Plan) Using Visual Communication Media Concept (Case Study : Krisak Dam. K. Farooq Ahmed v II-70 . I. Yasufumi Enomura Technical Issues on Detailed Design of RCC dam for the Dasu Hydropower J. Guddal Dynamic Analysis of Seismic Behavior of Raised Concrete Gravity Dam During Large Earthquake II-50 Masafumi Kondo. Arif Paputungan The Saddang Multipurpose Dam For Anticipate Flooding And Environmental Development I-232 Sumardji. Sukarman Environmental Management On The Pre-Construction Stage Of Ucps Hepp Development I-242 Tona Indora. Polanco& A. K.I. I-196 V. Cho. Takashi Sasaki Seismic analysis of concrete gravity dam installing new outlet works conduit into existing dam body II-60 Takayuki Shida.J. Araki. Polimón Multi-Criteria Studies for the Sustainable Management of Excavation Waste from three major Pumped Storage Power Plants Projects in Spain. Fukuwatari. Subandi. Nurmala Fauzia I-189 Strategies of public awareness on dams and reservoirs J. Mulyantari Impact Drilling in Embankment dams – A Comparative study between Water-powered DTH HammerDrilling Technology and Hydraulic Top Hammer Drills II-21 JörgRiechers . Akbar Nugroho Sub Theme 2: Engineering issues in dam development Estimation of interfacial properties of concrete face and seismic analysis on the highest concrete-faced rock fill dam in South Korea II-1 G. Ezequiel Carvalho . H. Hariyono Utomo. F. Arief Heryana. Indonesia) I-171 Juliastuti.Management At Downstream Of Ir. Yasufumi Enomura. Hiller. Mahyar Rezaei Ahvanouei The Karalloe Multipurpose Dam For Environmental And Raw Water Development I. Yun Underground dam construction as delayed efforts to enrichment roundwater in arid areas of Bunutan. H. Louis Hattingh Dam SvartevatnAn example of challenging upgrading of a large rockfill dam II-40 P. Johansen. M. Takayuki Shida. Nizam Lembah. Subandi . Central Java. Rachmadyanto. Andi M. H. Mendiola. Andika Kuswidyawan. Takashi Sasaki. Wonogiri. M. Song. and lake dam's requirements to water fronts and how to construct a floating waterfronts in accordance with changes in Water levels in dams I-216 Meysam Rezaei Ahvanouei. Zamo Blasting Vibration Control in Residential Area near Cheragh–Vays Dam I-206 Amir Hafezquran A survey about passive defense. Michael Beas The importance of redundancy in the surveillance of aging dams – the CahoraBassa experience II-31 Ilídio Tembe . EkaRahendra. R. L. North East Bali. H.E. A. K. K. Marence. L. A.. Kazunori Takasawa. Seiichiro KURODA And Susumu MASUKAWA Evaluating the Drainage Condition on Seismic Behavior of Dam II-251 Nima Tavakoli Shirazi. Zeidan Vibration model tests on the seismic characteristics of raised fill dams II-241 Hidekazu TAGASHIRA. Montgomery Evaluation of Flow Characteristics and Cavitation at Chute Channel Using Hec-Ras Model (Case Study : Germi Chay Spillway Chute Channel) II-166 Sh. Mynett. Ahangari Design And Construction Challenges Of The Canal Borinquen Dams 1w. Sina Shams Molavi MSc. 2w. Golestanifar II-184 Upgrading Sant Llorenç Dam´s Gates Felipe Río Iglesias. Panthi. Yoichi HAYASHIDA. Carlos Zambrano. K.E. Francisco José Conesa Baños. H. L. Strokkenes. Tomokazu Suzuki Capacity of Passive Rock Bolts in Concrete Dams – Improved Design Criteria II-120 C. Wu Kun Assessing Hydraulic Fracturing of Rockfill Dams using Laboratory Tests and Numerical Analysis II-218 D.F. Antonio Palau Ybars Flood in June 2013 and Dams Example of flood routing through Hostivar reservoir II-194 J... Sahid Susanto vi II-260 .Effects of limited number of slip circles and arbitrary slip circles onsliding deformation of embankment dams due to earthquakes II-80 Sho Fujikawa.Y. M. Riha Strengthening of the Right Abutment at a Norwegian Arch Dam II-202 Lunde. Suryolelono. Djarwadi. Lia Effects of Rock Mass Anisotropy on Deformations and Stresses around Tunnels during Excavation II-129 T. Zhou Shaowu. Noorzad.D. Hiroyuki Sato &Yasufumi Enomura Cracking on embankment dam body due to recent large earthquakes and direct and splitting ensile strength tests for earth-core material II-90 Hiroyuki Sato. Simanjuntak. A. Donald J. Akira Takahashi. Lia. Yasufumi Enomura. Schleiss Filter Design for Wet Core Embankment Dams in Wet Climates II-137 Abbas Soroush.PiltanTabatabaieShourijeh Prediction of Crest Settlement of Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dams Using a New Approach II-147 A. A. B.B. Masafumi Kondo. Y. Partovi Azhar. And 2e II-156 Wonnie Kim.. Behnia. Mihandoost Laboratory and Numerical Study on Design Parameters of Earth Pressure Cell II-174 A. K. Ahangari. Halvorsen. Suhendro. D. II-211 The construction of “Digital Dam” System Fan Qixiang. M. Yamaguchi Effects of reservoir water level and temperature on vibration characteristics of concrete gravity dam II-100 Takeshi Kashima. S. Hardiyatmo Finite Element Modeling For Acoustic Reservoir-Dam-Foundatiom Coupled System II-228 Bakenaz A.. Chris Ottsen. M. A.J. Mahdi Azhdary Moghadam Application Of Simple Hydrologic Model For Recalculating Water Balance Of Cacaban Dam Irrigation System Sukirno.R. Yasufumi Enomura Evaluation of Embankment Material Properties Affected by Circular Slip Failure Mode due to a Large-Scale Earthquake II-110 Tomohiro Shiono.. Moeinossadat. Noorzad. S. Takashi Sasaki. K. Thomas-Lepine.C. Deasy Rosliani. Salari Relation between Engineering Properties from Laboratory Testing of Embankment fill Material and Geophysics Investigation are Use for Real-time Dam Safety Assessment for Large Dam in Northern Region of Thailand vii II-450 .K.V. Volynchikov.S. Lasminto. M. Edwin Ruswandi Leakage Evaluation from Foundation of Old Embankment Dam by Instrumentation Data Analysis and Geoelectric Field Tests: A Case Study on Mahabad Dam II-342 F. Medeiros Issues on small dam development and management in Korea II-319 Wook Jong Ju . D. de A. Wang-gon/Lee. Glaus Comparative Similarity Study on Hydraulic Losses of a Y-bifurcation II-282 U.. Jafarzadeh.Ground Penetration Radar In The Quality Assessment Of The Embankment Dam II-311 C. Jafarzadeh. Minlee/Chae. Young-Jung/Kim Adding extra spillway discharge capacity. Bednárová.Reviewing necessity of consolidation grouting in Foundation of Roudbar Lorestan Earth core Rock Fill Dam II-267 Ali Azin Lessons learned and experiences from treatment works on hydraulic structure Karolínka II-273 E. Yoosefi The Safety Criteria for Geotechnical Instruments on the Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams II-362 Chinoros Thongthamchart. Ghasemzadeh. S. Baklykov Engineering Issues In Dam Development Management Of Aging Dams II-400 Bijan Farhangi A Study on a Field Application about Concrete Face Surface Inspection of C.D(Concrete Faced Rock-fill Dam) Using the Impact Echo II-409 Chang-Gun/Shin. Jethoo A. Yoosefi. Nina Humar The Use Of Geophysical Method Gpr . J. Gupta N.B.F. Yu. Brohmsubha Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project Status report of the implementation of this large Kaplan project II-372 Bernhard Muehlbachler An Example of Small Hydropower development in Italy II-382 S. Determination of Rock-fill Parameters Based on a Hardening Soil Model Using Large Scale Triaxial Test results II-441 A. Akbari Analysis of Longitudinal and Transverse Cracks in Crest of Doroodzan Earth Dam and Left Abutment Leakage II-352 F.R. Banikheir. a few dam refurbishment examples II-421 James Yang . Akhtarpour. .A. Klasinc Non Linear Seismic Analyses of Dams:New methods II-292 M. Romanas Ascila. S. R. Babečka. L. Meghella. Mgalobelov. H. P. Grambličková . Citterio Reliability of conjugation of concrete and rock-fill dams of the Boguchany HPP II-390 A. C. N. Ester Džamastagič. P. I. H. Jeon Young Ryu Pre Elementary Evaluation Of Obel-Obel Underground Dam II-327 Ahmad Taufiq. Carl-Oscar Nilsson Feasibility Analysis for Construction of New Dams in Rajasthan State II-431 Mathur Pradeep. Furgani Prospects Of Rehabilitation Of The Vogršček Dam – A Self Suficient System II-301 Andrej Kryžanowski. M. Masakazu Matsura Prediction of Concrete Frost Damage of The Nagawado Dam Based on The Standardized FreezingandThawingCycle Method II-499 Reina Doi. Annaka II-519 Trends of annual behavior of concrete dams Mikio NONAKA. Southern Iran II-575 S. Make Changes in Dam Safety Management Policy and New Concept of Dam Instrumentation for Aging dams of RID (Royal Irrigation Department). Tudorache. Dalrino. T. Y. Gholamreza Azizyan. Koichiro OTAGAKI And N. Jin Wei Proposing optimum concrete mix design in RCC dams II-598 Nima Tavakoli Shirazi. A. Ghorbany. M. Ganjian. Yusri Yunus Lessons From Way Ela Natural Dam and Another Potency In Indonesia II-618 Ahmad Taufiq. M.Y.Chatchai Pedugsorn. Pamrih Pammu. Kourosh Shakeri 3D Numerical Study of the Efficiency of the Grouting Curtain in an Embankment Dam II-539 A. D. Akhtarpour . Diah Affandi. Shirakawa Underground Dam as a technical solution for a social problem Securing scarce water resources against mine activities Case study: Ali-Abad copper mine . Takahide Kurose. Wen Yanfeng.central Iran II-529 Vafa Kamalian. II-469 Chatchai Pedugsorn Rational a allocation of ffunds for u upgrading a aging dams II-479 I. M. Djoko Mudjihardjo Dam Perfomance in Porous Foundation(Case from Nadra Dam. Takayuki SANO. Revalin Herdianto. Damghani Determination of Critical Submergence at Intakes Using a CFD Models ( Case Study Aydoghmush Dam’s Intake System) II-549 Sh. Adek Rizaldi Multiple Water-Tightening Systems in the Foundation of Upper Gotvand Dam. Perasin Seesawat Dam Development in Landslide and debris flow disaster area in Mae-Ngon Basin. Rahimi-Dizadji Studies on creep behaviors of Lianghekourockfill by triaxial tests II-589 Li Haifang. Fang District. Yamaguchi. Partovi Azhar. Hamid Reza Seif . Sun Geng. Stematiu A Practical Consideration on the Damage to Old and Small Irrigation Dams by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake II-489 Kazumi Ueda . D. Noppadon Poomviset. Zhang Yinqi. AkbarzadGhamari. Thailand II-459 Chatchai Pedugsorn Instrumentation for Aging Dam in Northern Region of Thailand for First Case Study of MaeJok-LuangDam.Mihandoost Estimation of Water Balance for Maninjau Hydropower in West Sumatera using TRMM and Discharge Data II-568 Bambang Istijono. Takashi Sasaki. M.Chiangmai Province. S. Alireza Negahdar II-608 Phenomenon Lime Leaching At Balambano Dam Anom Prasetio. Cilegon) II-629 Ahmad Taufiq. Budi Saputra Management Of Dam Gates : Precautions Against Failures And Aging viii II-644 . Dessy Rosliani . N. C. Asman. Farsadizadeh II-559 During Construction Behavior of Ghermi Chay Dam S. Mohammad Ahmadi. Rohani. Chiangmai Province. Mohammad. Dessy Rosliani. Hiroaki Noguchi Attenuation Relationship of Earthquake Motion at Dam Foundation in Consideration of The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake II-509 Takeshi Ito. Widya Taruko Design and construction of an exposed geomembrane sealing system for the Sar Cheshmeh tailings dam raising in Iran III-11 Craig Noske. S.H. Piero Sembenelli. Construction And Operation Of Tailings Dams In Iran III-30 Vahid Faridani. Mc Cann. Grzanic. Zaker ix III-35 . Design of cut off wall for Al-Wand dam due to the complex geological condition of foundation II-671 Ghanim M.W. F. Alberto Scuero. B. Reza Baghi. Ekström. Y.D. Al-Sultan. Yunita The Development of a Risk Register for an Early Contractor Alliance Dam Upgrade II-664 K. Zheng Xiao-Hong.J. Riyan A. Seif . Hamid Reza Tamannaie. R. Makoto ASANO. WU Huali Clarification on Hydraulic Characteristics of Labyrinth Spillway with Large Discharge Capacity Applied to Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project II-753 Yushi AOSAKA. BolouriBazaz .R. BolouriBazaz Reinjection Of Vertical Joints In Arch Dams By Means Of High Pressure Resins II-707 Alberto Gonzalo Resistance of Concrete Dams to Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts II-716 V. R. CHENG Chuanguo. Al-Obaydi II-678 Adopting remote sensing in dam surveillance G. Lauknes II-688 Instrumentation Utxesa Dam Felipe Río Iglesias. Larsen & T. H. Pengshu-Sheng Effect of Foundation Flexibility on Seismic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams II-727 Bakenaz A. A. Shahrokh Tahouni Optimization of Tailings and Water Management Schemes in Taft and Daraloo Copper Mines. Zeidan Could the failure of teton dam have been prevented with an efficient monitoring plan? II-739 J.F. Wilson. Ø. Gabriella Vaschetti Tailings Storage Risk Reduction by Integrated Waste Management Mine at Didipio Mine III-20 D. Iran H. Hawson. Sudakov. Prinadiastari. Edwards Manual For Design. Brett. H.M. WANG Yu-Jie.R. Mahajan The Inspection Of Sabodam Design To Ensure the effectiveness And Safety II-654 I. Gholami. Makoto ASAKAWA & Junichi MIZUTA Sub Theme 3: Challenges in tailing dam (TD) project Design Optimization of Bauxite Residue Dam in Connection with Environment and Land Acquisition III-1 Agus Fitriyanto. Francisco José ConesaBaños An investigation onthe bulging phenomenon in the clay core of rockfill dam based on the stress and pore water pressure data II-696 J.H. H. Pak Application of BOTDA based Optical Fiber Strain Sensing Technology in Spiral Case Preloading Filling Test II-720 CUI He-Liang.P. M.A Silveira Experiment Study On Changes Of Sediment Erosion And Deposition In The Reach Of Chongqing City Under Different Conditions Of Water And Sediment II-748 WANG Jun. A.T. Longey.E. Lier& I.T. Roshdieh . Suseno Darsono. Busser Aerating Turbines at new Dam Toe Hydroelectric Power Plants at the existing Belesar & Peares Reservoirs (Spain) IV-85 V. J. Fereidoon Karampour x IV-121 . Ooijens.C. Hu Xinge. Suripin. Tona Indora.B. Wieling. RahmatKurniawan . I. Wei How water column stability affects the surface chlorophyll a in a deep subtropical reservoir and the time lags under different nutrient backgrounds IV-49 M. Mark Hunte. G. M. Suharyanto. Djoko Legono. Wieling. StevchoMitovski Assessment of static and seismic stability of Kumtor’s gold mine tailings dam in Kyrgyz Republic III-64 B. Anom Prasetyo Sub Theme 4: Dams and water quality management Upper Gotvand Dam and Hydro Power Plant Dealing With Salinity in Reservoir Challenges. Tetuo Murakami LIDAR – ALS Application for Construction of the Numerical Model of the Dam Reservoir Bowl IV-21 S. Zhang. BondhanWiriawan&Rr. Chukin Geotechnical Performance Evaluation of Sediment Dam A Case Study on Fiona Dam at PT Vale Indonesia Tbk III-73 Wiyatno Haryanto. Mendiola. Xutao Biodiversity Management Planing The Project Areas Of Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Hepp IV-68 Arief Heryana..Y. Vicky Ariyanti Simulating the effects of reduction in dam height on water quality of reservoir (case study: Baghan dam) Seiedmorteza Rad. I.H. Sudarno The Relationship Between Polycentropodidae Larva (Trichoptera) Abundance and Characteristic Sediment in Sempor Reservoir IV-113 KisworoRahayu.C. Z. Sun. R. G.Closure Of Acid Tailings Storage In A Tropical Jungle III-44 John Phillips . G. Rio Tinto Comparison of tailings dams dynamic response in case of central and downstream method of construction III-54 LjupchoPetkovski. Bahman Yargholi. Isdiana Ways to Improve Water Quality in Diponegoro Reservoir at Krengseng Watershed. Remedies and Evaluations IV-1 Satoshi Ojima. Jun Qiu. Noriaki Hakoishi Multi-objective Reservoir Optimization upon Pareto Front Considering Reservoir sedimentation with Application to the Three Gorges Project IV-41 Fang-Fang Li. Rodríguez IV-95 Effective Sediment Control In A Reservoir Pranoto S. Akbar Nugroho IV-75 Reservoir sedimentation and the dredging solution S. Cai Study and practice of reducing sedimentation in the tail area of the Three Gorges Reservoir IV-59 Zhou Man. Q.A. Busser Comparative study on settling rate evaluation for soil particles in reservoirs IV-31 Hitoshi Umino.A. Chukin. Ooijens. Zhang. Yoshiaki Murakami Integrated Approach for Environmental management in Teryu River IV-11 Yuichi Kitamura. Semarang IV-103 Grace Lucy Secioputri.H. M. Z. Zhou Man Decision Support System for water resources planning in Karun river basin V . T. Heui Dae Lim Sub Theme 5: Catchment area management for sustainable dam development Development of Bayesian Network Based Dam Risk Analysis And Its Application to Rockfill Dam in South Korea V-1 Byoung Han Choi. Saptomo. Yogyakarta. Kazuhiro Kuwahara The new practical method for screening musty-odor / non-odor species in Oscillatoriales (Cyanophyta) IV-161 Fuminori Kimura . Chang Young Byun. Basuki Hadimuljono xi V . Budi Saputra. Aniek Masrevaniah. Mohammad Bisri Emergency response against water quality accident to secure safe watersupply for capital area IV-215 Satoshi Ojima. Sweden V-6 A. Budi I. Zhu Jun. Hyun-Han Kwon Spatial Analysis to Identify Sources of Debris (Trees) Along Hydropower Rivers Case study Pite River. Miyakawa. Pranantya Water Quality Management by Free-selective Air-lock Intake IV-151 Hideaki Kawasaki. Johansson. Sakurai Analysis on variation of soil erosion and sediment yield in the Three Gorges Reservoir reach V . M. Budi Saputra. Han Jin Lee. Indonesia Ick Hwan KO. Hakoishi. case study Bribin Seropan Cave. Arie Moerwanto. Fereidoon Karampour Underground Dam in karst Region. Muhammad Nasir Study on Water Quality Assessment and Eutrophication Countermeasures of the PanjiakouDaheiting Reservoirs IV-189 Hu Zuoliang Sedimentation effect on daily inflow calculation in run of river dam type PLTA Bakaru IV-200 Wahyu Jatmika Hadi Peer Study between Sediment Distribution Pattern in Revervoir Using Empirical Method and Estimation of Reservoir Real Life Time IV-207 Lily Montarcih Limantara. Söderström. Rizqah Pangestu. Hiroki Yamamoto. Carlsson Development Of The Sediment Removal Suction Pipe By Laboratory And Field Experiments V . Setiawan. Byoung-Seub CHOI. Saritomo Evaluating the Hydraulic of Cidanau Weirs Intake (Sustaining Cidanau Headwork Part 2) IV-181 Satyanto K.15 M. Bozorgzadeh Inter-basin Water Resources Development and Integrated Reservoirs System Bandung Operation for the Bandung Metropolitan. Watershed. Heidari. Budi I. M. Gunungkidul. Ji Won Kim The Measures on Reducing Cracks and Improving the Quality of Concrete Face of CFRDs IV-232 Seung Cheol. E. Seo & Hae Jin Yang. V.46 . Saptomo.25 Xu Tao. Yasushi Tanaka Assessment of Capacity and Water Level Profile at the Cidanau Head Work Sustaining Cidanau Headwork IV-171 Satyanto K. Adang Saf Ahmad. Indonesia IV-141 Bani Nugroho. AsepSuryadi. Pulung A. M. N. Yoshiaki Murakami Daily Water Quality Forecasting System Linking Weather.Takamitsu Homma Ken Ushijima Eiichi Furusato.Thermal and salinity Stratification Modeling of Dalaki Reservoir with the aim of agricultural use study IV-131 BahmanYargholi.35 A. Donny Azdan. Hansson. River and Dam Reservoirs Based On Numerical Simulation IV-225 Seung Jae Lee. Akbar Murdiono. Setiawan. . Jahan Kadkhodapour. Carlioz. performance and environmental sediment-related issues at Electricité de France (EDF) hydropower installations V. Chris Oosthuizen Instituitionalising Dam Safety Management System (DSMS) – Need of Interface.. Darsono.118 Sahid Susanto. I.158 Haryanto. Rosport Wonogiri Reservoir Sedimentation as Influenced by Change of Catchment Characteristics V . Meier. Legono Sustainable sediment management engineering solutions for solvingperformance safety.78 Adi Prasetyo. Narender Reddy. A. Clutier Catchment Area Management For Sustainable Paselloreng Irrigation Dam In Connection With The Global Climate Change V . Aelbrecht. Takashi Ikeda. Eka Rahendra. M. Kashefipour Spatial Modeling of Cimuntur Catchment Area for Comprehensive and Integrated Watershed Management V . Jnnpei Oshige Fluctuation Monitoring System for Grain Size Distribution of Cemented Sand and Gravel Materials using Digital Image Analysis K. Peloutier Conservation Action Plan to Extend Life-Time of the Djuanfa Dam and HEPP V . D. C. Zhang Yuanming. A.Implementing a Sediment Transit Gate at Rizzanese Dam V . Subandi. Sarghiuta.169 Ye Shouren. James Zulfan. Wu Yongnian Application of simple hydrologic model For predicting the effect of water conservation measures at the upper watershed of dam V .86 Zabihollah Zadeh. Sahid Susanto Sub Theme 6: Challenges in dam safety policy and implementation Diagnosis of the structural evolution of dams using dynamic monitoring data VI-1 R. Iwao Suetomi.68 Herman Idrus. Nilton Valentim. M. Norihisa Matsumoto.137 D. A. Andi Muhammad Ratmiadi. Takei xii VI-41 . A. Valette.V.Giridhara Reddy CE. Yiniarti Eka Kumala Intake Vortex Flow Effect on Sediment Evacuation of Dam Reservior using Physical Modelling V .148 D. Kuronuma. Hamzah Yusuf Implementation Concept Of Bio-Landscape Management Through Development Of BioVillage At The Upper Wathershed Of Dam V . Anton Mardiyono.97 Ajeng Aprilia. Rahayu.127 C.. V. Boley. Fujisaki. Kuntho Wibisono. Abdulamit On-line dynamic monitoring of Cahora Bassa Dam .M. S. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Using Distance Attenuation Formula for Dams in Japan VI-31 Hideaki Kawasaki.V.173 Chandra Setyawan. Elyawati Siregar Sedimentation Management In The Cimanuk Watershed To Reduce Jatigede Dam Sedimentation V .108 Akhmad Azis. Luo Jian. K.the next level VI-11 Ezequiel Carvalho. S. Narasimha Rao. J.56 P. Sigid Santoso Construction of a Flood Retention Basin by Using Slight Erodible Loess V .A. Suharyanto. E. Pralong. Kawano. Wulandari. Harim Nugroho The Percentage Of Reduction In Erosion Potential Uusingusing Horizontal Drainage Using Horizontal Drainage Horizontal Drainage V . Arif Paputungan The basin management in the water resources development and construction in Jiaoxi River basin of China V .A CriticaL Study VI-21 K. L. Khadem . Rezaifardi. Someya. Environmental Challenges And Dam Safety VI-216 R. Izume. Millogo Performance of Earth Dams Located over Active Faults (A case study) VI-92 M. H. IdhamRiyando Moe Concrete Support Structure for Hydroelectric Generators Subjected to Rotor Dynamic Loads VI-67 Tobias Gasch. Håkan Hansson . Bancal. R. Ye. Takagi.N. Ootaka Development of Early Warning System Situ Gintung at Flood Period (Case Study: Disaster Situ Gintung March 27.Rational. Francisco José Conesa Baños. ManouchehrHassanzadeh The features of reliability and safety management of ash and tailings storage facilities in Russia VI-77 E. F. Buryakov Bagré dam early warning system: operation and perspectives VI-86 A. Ki Young Kim Implementation of the Emergency Plan in LlacNegre Dam VI-108 Felipe Río Iglesias. and successful emergency operation against disaster case of the historic earthquake in Japan VI-51 S. organized. SergiiOsadchyi Computer simulation of floods using hydrodynamic models with software systems MIKE 11. Duchesne. Chernobyl Safety of the existing dam at Kakhovka hydro scheme during the construction of a new hydropower plant within the dam VI-154 A. Söderström. Khajavi Coordinated Emergency Preparedness Planning In Sweden VI-127 A. Zhankuan Mi.N.A. O. H. Bolouri Bazaz. FajarBaskoroWicaksono. A. Jutao HAO.A. Jianming ZHAO VI-205 Abutment Stability Evaluation for Suoxi Arch Dam Yu-JieWANG. Bellendir. O. Richard Malm. Weng Yonghong. ISTORIC VI-145 O. 2009 in Jakarta-Indonesia) VI-61 PradahDwiatmanta. E. A.Jeong Yeullim . Jinsheng JIA. K. Bridle VI-227 Risk Analysis Adapted To Run Off River Dams X.Ascila. Jullien . Jalali Uncertainty Analysis of Design Flood for Dam Risk Analysis Based on Multisite Rainfall Generator and Bayesian Rainfall-Runoff Model VI-102 Hyun-Hankwon . A. Chen Shangfa. Chun ZHAO. K. Scotti xiii . Engström Meyer Probabilistic Assessment Of Rockfill Dam Breaking When Water Overflows The Dam Crest Or Its Core Top VI-137 OleksandrVaynberg. Yang Guang Influence of Climate and Reservoir Water Level on the Gezhouba Dam Horizontal Displacement and its Monitoring System VI-186 CAO Wenbo. Zhakun Deformation safety and its monitoring for high concrete face rockfill dams VI-164 Nenghui Li. María Chacón Cano An evaluation and comparison of rockfill dam behavior with instrumentation data during first impounding VI-117 J. Denghua Li Study On Safety Management Solution And Emergency Response System For Dam VI-173 Xie Xiangrong. HEC-RAS. Xiao-Hua HE. M. ZHU Weibin Study on Face Slab Rupture and Safety Evaluation for Buxi High CFRD VI-195 Yao XU. Bin LI Internal Erosion. Filippova. Lim .H. Tzou. W. Cuevas m. M. NettoMulyanto Improvement on Overall Dam Safety in Indonesia under Dam Operational improvement and Safety Project VI-338 S. Zedan VI-409 Inspection of Gates and insinuations for Dam Safety D. Jean-Jacques Fry Lessons from 20+ years of experience and future directions of risk-informed dam safety management VI-288 D. Hartford Dimensions of Population Health and Wellness in Determining the Safety of Dams and the Effectiveness of Emergency Plans: A Social Science Perspective VI-298 D. Pierre Brouillac. Kim. Indonesia Using Gpr.-D. Wieland. H.C. Djoko Mudjihardjo Dynamic Analysis Of Morning Glory Tower Of Djuanda Dam Due ToMaximum Credible Earthquake VI-267 Derry Indrawan. Jahan Bekam Fard . Mahdi Ibrahim. Hossien Ali Lazemi Study on Damage of Feitsui Arch Dam Caused by Earthquakes due to Rupture Of Nearby Faults Using ABAQUS VI-371 Yean-Seng Wu.C. Hervé Lancon . Emre Kaytan. P. Hsu. Moore Seismic Analysis of Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Interaction for Concrete Gravity Dams VI-396 Bakenaz A. M. Risk associated with natural dams formed by landslides Two recent case studies in Papua New Guinea and India Richard Herweynen xiv VI-429 . Y. Hou . D. Volkan Ceri Applicability of Manzari-Dafalias Constitutive Model to Rockfill Materials of Fill dam VI-318 Dong-Hoon Shin . Khadija Outalmit .. Park Measurement Of Cracks In Batutegi Dam. Ha. Changho Choi Re-assessment of Design Earthquake for The Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Power Plant Project VI-328 J. Mokhberi.Evaluation of Structural Health Monitoring in Embankment Dams using Time-lapse Inversion of 2-D Resistivity Data VI-237 K. Pierre Carreaud Stability and reliability analysis of the slope of supperts for Haiqar Dam VI-358 B. Symadrem. H.D. D. Lampung.D. Géraldine Camp. I. Resul Pamuk.N. Shin. Haris Eko Setyawan Probability of failureof an embankment by internal erosionusing the Hole Erosion Test VI-278 Thibaut Mallet. Tri Bayu Adji VI-348 Modern Tools For The Monitoring Of Dams Jean-François Sageau.-K.R. Tsai .N. Mahdi Ibrahim T. Hartford Deformation Prediction Of A Large Cfsgd For First Impoundment VI-308 Ronald Haselsteiner. Shin-Yuan Yu Seismic Design Aspects of Rockfill Dam in Narrow Canyon Subjected to mulltiplesesmic hazards VI-381 M. Cho .S. Fallah Application of Mega Project Management Tenets to Dam Safety Management and Modification Programs VI-391 James P. A Case Study VI-247 Pulung Arya Pranantya. Luor. L. H. Mahajan VI-419 Panama Canal Flood Control Program Johnny a. Stahl. Levonyan xv VI-614 . Andie Arif Wicaksono Safety and Risk Aspects of Development of Incir HEPP Project From a Hydraulic Perspective VI-532 J.Altarejos-García. Zhu Jun Reinforcement Balambano Dam Tailrace To Avoid Dam Collapse VI-503 Anom Prasetio. A. Vicky Ariyanti. Marjan Glavinceski.F. J. M. Didik Ardianto. Fluixá-Sanmartín Earthquake Vulnerability of Dams and Criteria for Selection of Dams in Seismic in Subject VI-558 M. Faizal Adicondro. C. Helmut Stahl. Vincenzo Caci VI-459 Towards enhanced dam safety regulation in Sweden M. H. Sarukhanyan. O. A. DyahAyu Puspitosari Implementing a Geodynamic Monitoring System at Hydro Plants in Ukraine VI-488 E. Titik Indahyani.Serrano-Lombillo. Hill Research on the Effect of Freezing of Pumped Storage Power Station upper Reservoir’ bank in Cold Regions VI-579 Zhigong Jin. L. H. Voloshena A Study of Identification Methods for on Instrument Values and Equipment Alarms at Hydroelectric plants VI-494 Luo Xiaoling. Oosthuizen A Case Study on Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for Cascade Operation of Three Reservoirs in Citarum River Indonesia VI-603 ZafarMasoodSiddiqui . Rob Gauldie. Mohammad Khan Sarsang Stronghold Ground Phisicomechanical Qualities Observation A.H. T. W.A. J. Morales-Torres. Ronald Haselsteiner. Budi Darmawan Supatmanto Long term ambient vibration monitoring of RoodeElsberg dam.S. Ersungur Dam Break Analysis And The Emergency Action Plan VI-542 C. A. Mkrtumyan. Yanbin Xu. Lin. Ejup Bekiri. Yusri Yunus Design and Construction of the Dam Sealing Structures of Arkun CFSGD VI-512 Resul Pamuk. Tata Yunita. Castillo-Rodríguez .Escuder-Bueno. Lotfali Modarres Rehabilitation and Automation of the Monitoring Instrumentation Dams in Macedonia VI-449 Slavko Milevski.T. V. L. Volkan Ceri Safety Assessment on Wadaslintang Dam "The Use of Geological Methods and Seismic Models to Determine Remedial Works" VI-522 Rr. Mohammad Vali Samani. Raymond Valiant Ruritan Risk Management In Dam Break Disaster: Lesson Learn From Way Ela Natural Dam Break Case VI-478 F. Wieland Applying Portfolio Risk Assessment to guarantee serviceability VI-568 Ian Hope. H. Engström Meyer Risk Management of Aging Dams in the Brantas River Basin Indonesia VI-469 Erwando Rachmadi. Pilate Moyo. John Chesterton. Pamrih Pammu . Iswiditya Andi Hapsara.Introducing the SAMANI-MODARRES Model as A New Non-Structural Method for Dam Safety Analysis VI-439 Roohollah. Aslankara. Donghe Ma Estimating Of Water Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Using Landast 8 Imagery in Jatiluhur Reservoir VI-584 Mouli De Rizka Dewantoro . Bartsch. Emre Kaytan.V. Ruban. N. M.J. Brommundt. Tsai . Shchuchyk.initial results VI-594 Patrick Bukenya. Agus Jatiwiryono Practical experiences in using SPANCOLD Guidelines on Risk Analysis Applied to Management of Dam Safety VI-551 I.M. I Nyoman Norken. M. Kuningan-West Java VII-87 Deny Ramadhani. Mahdi Jalili VI-646 Basic Dam Safety Studies For Existing Dams In Iran S. K.J. Martín-Carrasco Optimal Operation of Multi-Objective Two Reservoir System VII-46 N. Shinya Mitsuishi. A. Nobuyuki Kawamoto. Garrote. Ekpo. Mihandoost A Role Concept of Reservoir Operationin Sustainable Water Supply to Subak Irrigation Schemes. Ghaemian. Arno Adi Kuntoro. Pandya.Drones To Monitor Dams: An Optimized Intervention VI-620 Paul-Henri Faure. Takashi Izumiya. Wesda Wardhana Optimalization Of Dam Operation Using Rainfall Prediction Model. Min. J. N. Bruno Moulin Human Supervision At The Heart Of The Monitoring System VI-630 Laurence Duchesne. Vincent Tournade. Francoise Abadie. L. L. Blasi. Savoldelli An assessment of the effects of reservoirs storage on water availability under climate change scenarios VII-37 A. Iglesia. M. Optim Resources A presentation about optimized method for calculation of piezometric technical specifications and total pressure cell in earthen dams VI-640 Meysam Rezaie Ahvanooie. Yan Adhitya. Nourani.K. V. Laszlo Hayde The cyber-security policy of dispatching automation system in Jinsha River's Cascade Large Dams operation VII-69 Liu Yu Methane Gas Emission In The Pool Of Gajah Mungkur Reservoir VII-77 Wawan Herawan. Granados. Case Study : Darma Dam. Laurence Duchesne. Case Study of Yeh Ho River Basin VII-56 Mawiti Infantri Yekti. F.R. Sri Mulyani xvi VII-112 . Pillai Increasing the minimum residual flow at Monstalvens Dam (Switzerland) VII-30 F. M. Yuya Sasaki Management of Design Flood Issues in Existing Dams under Climate Change VII-20 A. Mwaka. A. Park. Kwon Sub Theme 7: Dam operation in connection with climate change Adaptive dam operation to maximize power generation without jeopardizing food security on the Orange River system VII-1 B. Goel. K. Musa Aminu Operation of KedungOmbo Reservoir by Use of Linear Decission Rule (LDR) Suharyanto. Bart Schultz. Jun.F.S. & B.Y.B. Kim Effective Dam Operation To Combat Floods Associated With Climate Change In Nigeria VII-105 Engr. Abdul Malik Sadat Idris Operation of Estuary Barrage and Weirs in the Nakdong River during the Flood Period VII-95 K.J. Paul Tap. Williams Study on Enhancement of Hydroelectric Power Generation by Utilizing Plain Dam In Shinano Rive VII-10 Koji Asai. Fakhrmoosavi. A. Abolvaset.H. Maryam Hamta. Donny Azdan. Imo E. Noorzad Future Inflow Simulation Considering the Uncertainties of TFN model and GCMs on Chungju Dam Basin VI-655 J. Mae-Tang district.A. Minárik.Management of Reservoirs Control Water Level (CWL) : Climate Change Adaptation Strategy at Brantas River Basin D. Mackovjak Operation of Large Dams under Changing Under Changing Climate ClimateClimate Case Study on Kotmale Dam –Sri Lanka W. Jirachai Patanapongsa Multipurpose Water Uses of Hydropower reservoirs: On-going Frameworks and Examples VII–165 Emmanuel Branche Citarum Cascade Dams Operation to Secure Domestic. Hendra Rachtono. Sumardji. Lipták. Adi Umar Dani. B. A. Januwat Lertsilpachalearn. Pandu S. Sungguh. Winter .Chandrathilaka xvii VII-227 . Thailand VII–155 Chatchai Pedugsorn. Anton Mardiyono Decision Support System Technology for Water Resources ManagementIn Citarum River Basin – Indonesia VII–186 Harry M. Chiangmai Province. Reni Mayasari. E. A. Kasana. Imo E. E. Wita. Gok Ari Joso Simamora Effective Dam Operation To Combat Floods Associated With Climate Change In Nigeria VII–196 Engr. Ekpo. Kosik VII–219 Water reservoirs and expected climate changes E. Rachmadi VII-121 Moroccan experience in monitoring and inspecting the hydraulic equipment and the implementation of dam safety VII-130 Akalay Mohammed Bachir. Subandi. Soualhine Mina VII–139 Are we sustainable? The threads for hydropower M. Harianto. Ardianto. Bednárová. Eka Rahendra. Ageng. Li Hui Flood Analysis for Spillway Discharge Capacity and Increasing Reservoir Storage for Dam Improvement from Overtopping and Dam Break for 6 Reservoir in Lower Mae-Nugt Basin. Hermawan Big Dam Reservoirs and Their Rolein Limiting the Consequences of Floods and Droughts in Poland VII–213 J. A. Municipal and Industry (DMI) Water and Climate Change Adaptation VII–175 Herman Idrus. Musa Aminu Sharing Water From Bili Bili And Jenelata Reservoir For Irrigation And Water Drinking Development In Connection With Global Climate Change VII–203 Feriyanto Pawerunsi.W. Detering The sluice gate management system for Yangtze River mainstream dams operation VII–146 Liu Yu. Sieinski. M. P.
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