
May 10, 2018 | Author: Sunita Maurya | Category: Devi, Krishna, Vishnu, Religious Belief And Doctrine, Deities



i j j pj`hTj[njhyjeN Prayers A A O 2004 Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America k l 1 i j Rituals, Prayers, Attitude j There is nothing wrong with rituals. In fact the rituals make this Dharma great. So do prayers. Just take the example of penicillin. If you have a headache and you take penicillin, it is overkill. You have to take specific medicines for specific ailments. Like that, you have specific prayers for specific occasions. If you have an eye problem, I can invoke Ishwara as a Devata presiding over eyes. There is only Ishwara but there are different manifestations. It also depends on how we see them. There are eyes your eyes, my eyes, eyes of owl, lizard etc. Not all see it the same way. That is why Indian rituals are the greatest. The Vedic rituals are not ordinary. Everything is a form, your language is a form, namaste is a form, your dress is a form. Attitudes. We need to have healthy attitudes. Attitudes really help us. You know 90% of our problems can be attributed to improper attitudes. Because when I have to put up with situations that are unpleasant, I murmur, I become violent, angry, sad. But we have to face it calmly, dispassionately. We require composure and self-respect that can accommodate human limitations and address them. Accommodation does not mean you do not respect, accommodation is you don't condemn the people, at the same time you address the limitations of the people, correct them, help them, you correct yourself, learning from situations. So, this is what is required: Attitude. Attitude comes from understanding. Like your attitude towards money is to understand what exactly is money. For us money is Lakshmi - without looking down upon it. And we don't look at Her as everything. There is also Saraswathi. She is playing veena. She does not care whether you come to her or not. But she knows that Lakshmi won't do much to you, unless you have Saraswathi. So, healthy attitudes will help us. That's what spirituality is. That means we have to understand Ishwara. k l We have to understand 'Karma' and 'Karma Phala'. Swami Dayanda Saraswati, ArshaVidya 2 i X j j Table of Contents Prayer to Lord Ganesh Guru Mantra Prathah Smarna Daily Prayers Surya Namaskar Bhojan Mantra Prayers to Gods/Goddeses Gayatri Mantra Peace Invocation Saraswati Prarthana Prayer at Dawn Ishvandana Atheshwar Stuti Deeksha -- Valedictory Address Bharatvarsha Ekta Mantra Y Sangathan Mantra Prarthna Y Vande Mataram Subhashitam Selected Aartis and Bhajans Selected Bhavgeets and Songs k l 3 I ask for your grace so that this task that I am starting may complete without any hindrances.i j j Invocation to Lord Ganesh Before Starting Any Activity vjk` tjuqL mjHhkhyj. As the sun gives light. Surya Samvednapushpayeh Deeptih Karunyagandhane. flowers give pleasant fragrance. Nirvighnam-Kuru-Me-Deva. sensibility brings compassion. injivj[GnjN ku+ mje devj. Vakra-Tunda-Mahakaaya. Subha-Karyeshu-Sarvadaa. wjuBj khyje[Qju sjvj[dh. Labdhva Shubham Navvarshesmin Kuryatsarvasya mangalam. O elephant headed and large bodied Lord. Surya-Koti-Sam-Prabhah. may the new year be auspicious b k l 4 . sjUyj[ koiZ sjmj pj`Bj:. ljbDvjh wjuBjN njvjvjQje[* ismjnj] kuyjh[tsjvj[syj mjNgjljmj]. New Year Greetings sjUyj[ sjNvjednjh pjuQpjE: dIiptj: kh=qyjgjNDjnje. radiant as a thousand Suns. Vishnu. Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshvara Gurur Shashaath Para-Brahma Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah I prostrate to that Sri Guru. O Lord of Lords. who is himself Brahma. tvjmjevj mjhtjh cj ipjtjh tvjmjevj tvjmjevj bjnDjuWcj sjxjh tvjmjevj. and God Maheshvara. and who is verily the Supreme Absolute itself. Tvameva Mata Cha Pita Tvameva Tvameva Bandhuscha Sakha Tvameva Tvameva Vidya Dravinam Tvameva Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva O Lord! Thou art my mother and Thou art my father also. Thou art my relative and my friend Thou art. Thou art my all-in-all.i j Guru Mantra j gju=bj`[*mjh gju=ivj[Qqju gju=de[vjo mjHeWvjr:. gju=: sjh~jhtj] pjrbj`*mjh tjsmjE Wj`I gju=vje njmj:. I k l 5 . tvjmjevj ivjd]yjh d`ivjqjN tvjmjevj tvjmjevj sjvjN[ mjmj devj devj. Thou art knowledge and wealth unto me. pjhdspjwj[ ~jmjsvjmje2 Samudra vasane Devi. S k l 6 . O! Mother Earth. I bow to you. parvata stana mandale Vishnupatni namastubhyam. Karamoole tu Govindah.e. Karmadhye Saraswatee. part of hands near to the wrist) to Govinda. every morning one should respectfully have a look at one’s hands (which symbolizes honest labor).i j Early Morning Prayers j pj`htj: smjrqj krhgj`e vjsjtje lj~mjI. pj`Bjhtje krdwj[njmj]2 Karaagre Vasate Lakshmeeh. and the root (i. ivjQqjupjitnj njmjstjuByjN. Therefore.e. Prabhaate kara darshanam. The front of hands (i. Paada sparsha kshamasvame. krmjUlje tju gjoivjnd:. who has the ocean as clothes and mountains and forests on her body. Please forgive me for touching you with my feet. krmjDyje sjrsvjtjI. the middle of the hands to Saraswati. who is the wife of Lord Vishnu. pjvj[tjstjnjmjqLlje. finger tips) is ascribed to Laxmi (Goddess of wealth). sjmjud`vjsjnje devjI. prosperity. In this water. good health. wj<jubjud]iDjivjnjhwjhyj dIpjJyjoitjnj[mjostjutje2 Shubham karoti kalyanam aarogyam dhanasampada. Narmade Sindhu Kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru. Yamuna. that brings auspiciousness. While Taking a Bath gjNgje cj yjmjunje cjEvj gjodhvjrI sjrsvjtjI. Shatru buddhivinashaaya deepajyotir namostute. I salute the One who is the lamplight. Sindhu and Kaveri D k l 7 . I invoke the presence of holy waters from the rivers Ganga. abundance of wealth. Saraswati.i j j Daily Prayers Lighting the Lamp wjuBjN kroitj klyjhqjN ajrogyjN DjnjsjNpjd:. njmj[de isjnDju khvjerI Jjljeismjnj] sjinnjiDjN ku=2 Gange cha Yamune chaiva Godavari Saraswati. Godavari. Narmada. and the destruction of the intellect’s enemy. Night Prayer krcjrqjk|tjN vjhk]-khyjJjN kmj[JjN vjh. ears) or by my mind. speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes. O Goddess Saraswati. the giver of boons. the one who fulfills all desires. feet. Wj`vjqjnjyjnjJjN vjh mjhnjsjN vjh* pjrhDjmj]. Vidyaarambham karishyami. Glory unto Thee O Lord.i j Before Starting Your Studies j sjrsvjtjI njmjstjuByjN vjrde khmj+ipjqjI. May there always be accomplishments for me. ivjiHtjmjivjiHtjN vjh sjvj[mjetjtj] ~jmjsvj. ivjd]yjhrNBjmj] kirwyjhimj isjd]iDjBj[vjtju mje sjdh2 Saraswati namastubhyam. either through my organs of action (hand. who is the ocean of kindness. salutations to you. D k l 8 . Varde kaamaroopini. I begin my studies. Siddhirbhavatu me sada. Kara Charana kritam vaak kaayajam karmajam vaa Shravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa (a) praadham Vihitamvihitam vaa savametat kshmasva Jaya jaya karunaabdhe Shree Mahadeva Shambho Oh Lord kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly. Jjyj Jjyj k=qjhbDje Wj`ImjHhdevj wjNBjo. sjUyj[pjhdodkN tjITj[N JjVre DjhryjhmyjHmj]. Om Bhaanave Namah. akhljm\tyjuHrqjN sjvj[vyjhiDjivjnjhwjnjmj]. Salutations to Him who is fit to be worshipped. Salutations to Him who is the son of Aditi. Salutations to Him who moves in the Sky. Salutations to Him who nourishes all. Salutations to Him who is in the form of light. I l 9 . Om Hiranya-garbhaaya Namah. Om Mariche Namah. Om Suryaaya Namah. Salutations to Him who is the cause for change. dIDj[ ahyjubj[ljN vjIyj[ tjeJjsj] tjeQjhN cj Jjhyjtje. Om Shree Savitrisoorya Narayanaaya Namah. Om Pushne Namah. Salutations to Him who propels everyone into activity. Om Mitraaya Namah. Om Khagaaya Namah. Salutations to Him who is my friend. Om Aadityaaya Namah. Salutations to Him who possesses rays. Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah. Om Ravaye Namah.i j Surya Namaskar Mantra j ahidtyjnjmjskhrnj] yje kuvj[intj idnje idnje. Salutations to Him who contains everything. imj<jhyj njmj:  rvjyje njmj:  sjUyj[hyj njmj:  Bjhnjvje njmj:  xjgjhyj njmj:  pjuQqje njmj:  iHrqyjgjBjh[yj njmj:  mjrIcjyje njmj:  sjivj<je njmj:  ajkh[yj njmj:  ajidtyjhyj njmj:  Bjhskrhyj njmj:  Wj`I sjivjt\sjUyj[njhrhyjqjhyj njmj:. Om Savitre Namah. Om Aarkaaya Namah. Salutations to Him k who is the cause of luster. Salutations to Him who produces everything. Eshaam Raaja Bhuuyaasam Odanmudbruvate.i j BjoJjnj mjN<j j Bhojan Mantra  yjntju njdyjo vjQj[ntju pjJj[nyjh:. mjhBj`htjh Bj`htjrnj] id]vj~jnj]. Samyancha Savrataa Bhuutvaa. sjNyj#cj sjvj`tjh BjUtvjh. Maa Swasaaramutaswasaa. Annavataam Odanavataam Amikshyavataam. Supippalaa Oshadhayo Bhavantu. pjrmjeQVI vjh AQj: yjdodnj:. aodnjmjud]bj`uvjtje. 2 (aTjvj[vjed) Maa Bhraata Bhraataran Dwikshan. mjh svjsjhrmjutjsvjsjh. sjuipjppjljh aoQjDjyjo Bjvjntju. AQjmj] rhJjh BjUyjhsjmj]. vjhcjN vjdtj Bjd`yjh. pjrmjhmjevjEnjN iWj`yjN gjmjyjitj. Paramaamevainam Shriyam Gamayati. Vaacham Vadata Bhadrayaa k K l 10 . annjvjtjhmjodnjvjtjhmjhi~yjvjtjhmj]. Parameshtii Vaa Eshah Yadodanah.1 (k|Qqj yjJjuvje[d) Yantu Nadayo Varshantu Parjanyaah. Praanaa-paana-Samaayuktah. tjeJjisvjnjhvjDjItjmjstju mjh ivji”QjhvjHE. Praaninaam Deham-aashritah.5 Om sahanavvatu saha nau bhunaktu. saha veeryam karavaavahai Tejasvinavadhitamastu ma vidvisha vahai Om shantih. aHN vjEwvjhnjro BjUtvjh pj`hiqjnjhN deHmjhiW'tj: pj`hqjhpjhnjsjmjhyjuŒ: pjcjhnyjœN cjtjuivj[Djmj 24 Aham Vaish-vaanaro Bhutvaa. the oblation is Brahman. Chatur-vidham. For such a one who abides in Brahman. bj`*mjEvj tjenj gjntjvyjN bj`*mjkmj[ sjmjhiDjnjh23 Brahmarpranam Brahma havir Brahmagnau Brahmana hutam Brahmaiva tena gantavyam Brahma karma samaadhinaa Any process of offering is Brahman. the instrument of offering is Brahman.  wjhNitj: wjhNitj: wjhNitj:. shantih shantih k S l 11 . Panchaany-anam. by him Brahman alone is reached.  sjH njhvjvjtju sjH njO BjunjKtju sjH vjIyj[mj] krvjhvjHE.i j BjoJjnj mjN<j j Bhojan Mantra bj`*mjhpj[qjN bj`*mj Hivj: bj`*mjhgnjO bj`*mjqjh Hutjmj]. the fire to which the offering is made is also Brahman. wjrqyje <jyjNbke gjOrI njhrhyjiqj njmjo* stjutje. k S l 12 . who is the consort of Lord Shiva. Namaho-namah. Shakti-rupenu-sansthitaa. who is praised by the wise who have mastered the Sastra. who is the embodiment of Power and Energy. Sarva managala mangalyai shive sarvartha sadhike Sharanye trayambake gauri naaraayani namo-stute Adorations to Goddess who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious. who is the wife of the Creator.i j j Prayer to Mother Shakti yjh devjI sjvj[ BjUtjeQjU wjiKtj+pjeqju sjNisTjtjh. I bow to you. Adorations to You O Devi. Namastasyae. Prayer to Mother Gauri sjvj[ mjNgjlj mjhNgjlyje iwjvje sjvjh[Tj[ sjhiDjke. who is the bestower of every desire of one’s heart. the Goddes of Knowledge. may she live on the tip of my tongue. sjh mje vjsjtju iJjšhgj`e bj`*mj+pjh sjrsvjtjI. I have taken refuge in you. Ya Devi Stuyate Nityam Vibhuhairvedaparagaih SaMe Vasatu Jihvagre Brahmarupa Saraswati Sarasvati. I bow to you. who is present everywhere. Prayer to Mother Saraswati yjh devjI stjuyjtje injtyjN ivjbjuDjEvje[dpjrhgjE:. njmjstjsyjE njmjstjsyjE njmjstjsyjE njmjo njmj:2 Ya Devi Sarva-bhuteshu. O Mother. Namastasyae. I bow to you. Namastasyae. O Mother Durga. dhird`yjdu:xj BjyjHhirqjI kh tvjdnyjh. who is all powerful. Who is there but you – the dispeller of poverty. O Mahalakshmi. wjJcjk`gjdhHstje mjHhlj~mjI njmjstju tje namastestu mahaa maaye. You grant them a pure intellect. When called to the mind by those who are in a healthy condition. whoever remembers you during a difficult situation. Sarvopakaara karanaaya sadaardra-chitta. pain and fear. is freed of all forms of fear. Swasthyaih smritaa matimeeva shubhaam dadaasi. who is the seat of wealth. sjvjo[pjkhr krqjhyj sjdhd[icjttjh. Prayer to Mother Durga dugje[ sm\tjh Hrisj BjIitjmjwjeQjJjntjo:.i j j Prayer to Ma Lakshmi njmjstjestju mjHhmjhyje Wj`IpjIVe sjurpjUiJjtje. Durge smritaa harast bheetimashesha-jantoh. and who is worshipped by the Gods and who has a conch. Daaridrya duhkha bhayahaarinee kaa twadanyaa. Whose heart is ever compassionate for doing good to everyone. mahaa Lakshmi namostu te Salutations to you. shripeete surapoojite shanka chakra gadaa haste. a disc and a mace in her hands. S k l 13 . svjsTyjE: sm\tjh mjitjmjtjIvj wjuBjhN ddhisj. Adorations to him who is the refuge of His devotee. vjnde pjnnjgjBjUQjqjN m\gjDjrN vjnde pjwjUnjhN pjitjmj]. Trayambakam-Yajaamahe-Sugandhim-Pushti-Vardhanam.i j Prayer to Lord Shiva j  <yjNbjkN yjJjhmjHe sjugjNiDjmj] pjuiQZvjDj[njmj]. Fvjh[=kimjvj bjNDjnjnmj|tyjomj[u~jIyj mjhmj|tjhtj]. may he always live in my heart along with Bhavani. who has the Sun. who is ever compassionate. vjnde sjUyj[ wjwjhM vji—njyjnj vjnde mjukund ipj`yjmj]. vjnde BjKtjJjnjhWj`yjN cj vjrdmj] vjnde iwjvjN wjMrmj]. Vande bhaktajanaashrayam cha varadam vande shivam shankaram Adorations to the Lord of Godess Uma. I bow down to him. grant me liberation in the same manner as a ripe cucumber naturally severs itself from the vine. Adorations to the cause of the universe. the Lord of the Pashus k l (souls in bondage). 14 . Karpura-gauram Karunaavataaram Samsaar Saaram Bhujagendra-haram. Adorations to the one who holds a deer (mind) in his hand. Vande soorya shashaanka vahninayam vande mukunda priyam. Urvarukam-iva Bandhanan-Mrityoram-Ukshiya-Maamritaat. Vande pannaga bhooshanam mrigadharam vande pashoonaam patim. around whose neck there is a garland of serpents. Om. I worship the fragrant three-eyed one who nourishes all beings. the all auspicious doer of all that is good. the giver of all boons. Sadaa Vasantam Hridyaarvinde Bhavan Bhawaani Sahitam Namami He who is fair like camphor. kpj[UrgjOrN k=qjhvjtjhrN sjNsjhr-sjhrN BjuJjgjend`Hhrmj]. the beloved of Lord Mukunda. his consort. by whose being the entire universe exists. Vande devam umaapatim suragurum vande jagatkaaranam. vjnde devjmj] FmjhpjitjN sjurgju=N vjnde Jjgjtkhrqjmj]. moon and fire for his eyes. sjdh vjsjntjN ›dyjhrivjnde BjvjN BjvjhnjIsjiHtjN njmjhimj. Shri Gurubhyo Namah. Mahaamohaantaka prashamana paraakasmik bhishak. the glorious God of Gods. sjdhiwjvjhyj. Sada Shivo. the extinguisher of the Trikala fire and the fire of death. the ever auspicious one. Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya Mritryora Me Pahi. njmjstje astju Bjgjvjinvjwvjewvjrhyj. i<jpjurhntjkhyj. Harihi Om. Niraapekshee bandhur-vdita mahimaa mangalakarah. the destroyer of Tripura. m\tyju#Jjyjhyj. sjvje[wvjrhyj. mjHhdevjhyj. Prayer to Lord Mahavir mjHhmjoHhntjk pj`wjmjnj pjrhkismjk iBjQjk] injrhpje~jI bjnDjuivj[idtj mjiHmjh mjNgjljkr:. wjNBjvje njmj:. O Lord.i j Prayer to Lord Shiva j Wj`I gju=Byjo njmj: Hir:. Shambhave Namah. Mahaveer swaamee nayana pathagaamee bhavatu nah. sjdh iwjvjo. L 15 . i<jkhljhignjkhljhyj. Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya. khljhignj=d`hyj. Namaste astu bhagavan visveshvaraya Mahadevaya Tryambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikalagnikalaya Kalagnirudraya Neelkanthaya Mrityunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Srimanmahadevaya namah. Wj`ImjnmjHhdevjhyj njmj:.  njmjoBjgjvjtje vjhsjudevjhyj m\tyjor mjeN pjhHI. the three-eyed one. the great Lord. wjrqyj:sjhDjUnjhN Bjvj-Bjyj B\tjhmjuttjmj gjuqjo. Salutations to Thee.  njmjoBjgjvjtje vjhsjudevjhyj. the Lord of all. <yjmbjkhyj. k l Sharanyah saadhoonaam bhava-bhaya bhritaamuttam guno. mjHhvjIr svjhmjI njyjnj pjTjgjhmjI Bjvjtju nj:. the blue necked one. the Master of the universe. njIljkqVhyj. the victor over death. who holds the staff of wisdom. who is all-pervading. devjsejnjh mjnj: khntj. sjvj[ ivjGnjopjwjhntjyje2 Shuklaambaradaram Vishnum. upon that God. who is the beautiful beloved of Goddess Valle. Sarva vighnopashantaye. who has a bright complexion. vjlljIklyjhqj sjundr. Lord Ganesh. khitj[keyj njmjo* stjutje . wjiwjvj[qjmj] cjtjuBju[JjN. who has an ever smiling face. Prasannavadanam dhyayet. to that Divine Kartikeya I offer adorations again and again. S k l 16 . who has four arms. who wears a white garment.i j j Prayer to Lord Ganesh wjuKljhmbjrdrN ivjQqjuN. Who is the enchanter of the mind of Goddess Devasena. Gyan-shkatidhar skand valle kalyana sundara. Devasenaa manah kannta kaartikeya namo-stute Adorations to Lord Kartikeya who is know as Skanda. pj`sjnnjvjdN Dyjhyjetj]. I meditate for removal of all obstacles Prayer to Lord Subrahmanya @jhnjwjiKtjDjr sknd. Sashivarnum chaturbhujam. i j j Prayer to Lord Vishnu khyjenj vjhcjh mjnjsjeind`yjvjh[. kroimj yjd]yjtj] sjkljN pjrsmjE. Narayana-yeti Samarpayami I dedicate everything to that supreme Lord Narayana. S k l 17 . Vishvaadhaaram Gagan Sadrisham Meghavaranam Shubhangam. who is meditated upon by the yogis. Shaantaakaaram Bhujagshaynam Padmanaabham Suresham. Lakshmi-kaantam Kamal-nayam Yogibhir-dhyan-gamyam. whose body shines with heavenly beauty. sjvj[ljokEk njhTjmj]. who is the beloved of Goddess Lakshmi. mind. limbs. yjoigjiBjDyjh[njgjmyjN. Kaayena Vaachaa Mansendri-yairvaa. whatever I perform with my body. wjhNtjhkhrN BjuJjgjwjyjnjN. speech. who is the remover of the fear of the world-process. whose eyes are like lotus. mjeGjvjqj[N wjuBjhRmj]. whose navel is the source of the Lotus. intellect or my inner self either intentionally or unintentionally. lj~mjIkhntjN kmjljnjyjnjN. Budhyat-manaa Vaa Prakriteh Svabhaavaat Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai. bju•–htmjnjh vjh pj`k|tje: svjBjhvjhtj]. Vande Vishnu Bhav-bhaya-haram Sarva-lokaika Naatham I adore Lord Vishnu who is the embodiment of peace. . njhrhyjqjyjeitj sjmjpj[yjhimj. ivjwvjhDjhrN gjgjnj sjd|wjN. pjd]mjnjhBjN sjurewjN. vjnde ivjQqjuN BjvjBjyjHrN. whose complexion is swarthy like the clouds. who lies on the Shesha serpent. whose form is all forms. in the same way every prayer offered to any Deity flows to Lord Krishna. the remover of Kamsa and Chanur. NamassamstaBhutaanaam AditBhutaya Bhubhrate. k|QqjN vjnde Jjgjd]gju=mj]2 Vasudeva-sutam Devam Kamsa-chaanura-mardanam. ivjQqjvje pj`BjivjQqjvje. k S l 18 . Anekaruparupaya. ahkhwjhtj] pjitjtjN tjoyjN. who is the creator of all beings. kNsjcjjqjUrmjd[njmj].i j Prayer to Lord Vishnu j njmjssjmjstjBjUtjhnjhN. Salutations to the Lord Vishnu. yjTjh gjcCitj sjhgjrmj] sjvj[devj njmjskhr. Akashataat patitam toyam yathaa gacchati saagaram Sarvadeva namaskaraara keshavam prati-gacchati Just as every rain drop that falls from the sky flows into the Oean. who is all pervasive. ahidBjUtjhyj BjUB\tje. Vishnave Prabhavishnave. Son of Devaki and Vasudeva. the Supreme Guru. Devaki-parmanandam Krishnam-vande-Jagadagurm I bow to you O Krishna. Prayer to Lord Krishna vjsjudevjsjutjN devjN. and who is self-effulgent. anjek+pj+pjhyj. kewjvjN pj`itjgjcCitj. the sustainer of the creation. devjkIpjrmjhnjndN. Shree Raamchandra charanau shirasaa namaami Shree Raamchandra charanau sharnam prapadye I worship the feet of Sri Ramchandra ji in my mind. raghunaathaya naathaaya. rGjunjhTjhyj njhTjhyj. Wj`Irhmjcjnd` cjrqjO mjnjsjh smjrhimj. siitaaya pataye namah. Shree Raamchandra charanau vachasaa granaami. k S l 19 . raamchandraaya vedase. Wj`I rhmjcjnd` cjrqjO wjrqjN pj`pj–e. sjItjhyj pjtjyje njmj:. Wj`I rhmjcjnd` cjrqjO vjcjsjh g\qjhimj Wj`Irhmjcjnd` cjrqjO iwjrsjh njmjhimj.i j j Prayer to Lord Rama rhmjhyj rhmjBjd`hyj. Shree Raamchandra charanau manasaa smaraami. one who knows all. I surrender myself to his presence. the husband of Sita and the Lord of the entire universe. I bow my head to his feet with great reverence. the descendent of the Raghu dynasty. I worship his feet with my speech. Raamaya raama bhadraaya. My salutations to Lord Sri Ram. rhmjcjnd`hyj vjedsje. the protector of all. who is the son of the wind God. who has mastered his sense organs. the son of Wind-God. k S l 20 . vjhnjrhqjhmjDjIwjmj]. Sakalaguna nidhaanam vaanaraanaamdheeham. who is the chief among the wise. who is the beloved of Bhagvan Rama. vjhtjhtmjJjN vjhnjryjUTjmjuxyjN. rGjupjitjipj`yjBjKtjN. Atulit baladhaamam hemashailaabhedam Danujvan krishaanum jnaaninaanagraganyam. who is the best among the intelligent. iJjtjeind`yjN bjui•mjtjhN vjirQVmj]. who is the commander-in-chief of the army of vaanaras. Raghupati priyabhaktam vaatajaatam namaami I adore Lord Hanuman. who is the abode of Incomparable strength. atjuiljtjbjljDjhmjN. @jhinjnjhmjgj`gjqyjmj]. sjkljgjuqjinjDjhnjN. whose body shines like a mountain of gold. Wj`IrhmjdUtjN iwjrsjh njmjhimj Manojavam maaruta tulya vegam jitendriyam budhhimataam varishtam vaataatmajam vaanara yuuthamukhyam shrii raamduutam shirasaa namaami I salute Hanumaan. HemjwjEljhBjdeHN. and who is the messenger of Sri Ram. who travels as fast as the mind and the wind. who is fire unto the forest of demons.i j j Prayer to Lord Hanumaan mjnjoJjvjN mjh=tjtjulyjvjegjN. dnjuJjvjnjk|wjhnjuN. vjhtjJjhtjN njmjhimj.  wjhNitj: wjhNitj: wjhNitj:. sjH vjIyj[mj krvjhvjHE. Dhiyo-Yo-Nah-Prachodayaata. May we exert together.i j Gayatri Mantra j  BjUBj[uvj: svj:. Bhargo-Devasya-Dheemahi. who is fit to be worshipped. Saha nau bhunaktu Saha veeryam karavaavahai Tejasvinavadhitamastu Ma vidvishavahai Om Shantih Shantih Shantih Om. May Lord protect us. tjeJjisvjnjhvjDjItjmjstju. Om saha naavavatu. mjh ivji”QjhvjHE. Bjgjo[devjsyj DjImjiH. May we never quarrel with each other. May He enlighten our intellect. Om Bhur-Bhuvah-Svah. tjtsjivjtjuvj[reqyjN. May our studies be thorough and faithful. Let us meditate upon the glory of Ishwar. Peace Invocation  sjH njhvjvjtju. Tat-Savitur-Varenyam. who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. sjH njOBjunjKtju. Om Peace Peace Peace k I l 21 . who has created this universe. iDjyjo yjo nj: pj`cjodyjhtj]. May He cause us to enjoy. may all be blessed.i j Peace Prayers (1) j  sjvje[Qjhmj] svjistjr Bjvjtju. sjvje[Qjhmj] pjUqj[mj] Bjvjtju. Maa Kashchida-Dukha-Bhaag-Bhaveta Om Shantih Shantih Shantih May everybody be happy. Om.mjh kiwcjtj] duxjBjhgBjvjetj. Sarveshaam Swastir Bhavatu.  sjvje[ Bjvjntju sjuixjnj:.  wjhNitj: wjhNitj: wjhNitj:.sjvje[Qjhmj] wjhNitjBj[vjtju. Sarveshaam Shantir Bhavatu. sjvje[ sjntju injrhmjyjh:. peace. Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu. Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu. Om Shantih Shantih Shantih May all be auspicious. Sarve Santu Niraamayaah. let there be fullness and contentment all over.sjvje[Qjhmj] mjNgjljmj] Bjvjtju. peace.  wjhNitj: wjhNitj: wjhNitj:. May none fall on evil days. May everybody be free from disease. Sarveshaam Purnam Bhavatu. Om peace. May everybody have good luck. I k l 22 . Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah. may all attain peace. sjvje[ Bjd`hiqj pjwyjntju. from darkness (ignorance) to light (knowledge). pjUqjh[tj]. Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudachyate Purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavashishyate That is perfect. pjUqj[mjudcyjtje. m\tyjomjh[* m\tjmj] gjmjyj 2 Om. that is perfect which remains. Even after taking perfect out of perfect. Mrityora Maa Amritam Gamaya Lead me from the unreal to the real. tjmjsjo mjh Jyjoitjgj[mjyj. Out of perfect only perfect comes. and from death to immortality. pjUqj[syj.i j Peace Prayers (2) j  pjUqj[mjd:. pjUqj[mjevjhvjiwjQyjtje. pjUqj[imjdmj]. pjUqj[mjhdhyj.  asjtjo mjh sjd] gjmjyj. This is perfect. Tamaso Maa Gyotira Gamaya. Asato Maa Sad Gamaya. L k l 23 . Shaantih Om. Om Shaantih. Brahma Shaantih. Vanaspatyah Shaantih. Prithavi Shaantih.  wjhintj: wjhintj: wjhintj:. L k l 24 . Saa Maa Shaantir-edhi. May all the personifications of God bring us peace. Dhyaoh Shaantih. Oshadhyah Shaantih. Sarvam Shaantih. May there be peace in the sky and in space. May God bring us peace. May the peace be peaceful. May herbs and food bring us peace. Om. Shaantih.i j Peace Prayers (3) j  –O: wjhintjrntjir~j wjhintj: p\iTjvjI wjhintjrhpj: wjhintjroQjDjyj: wjhintj: vjnjspjtjyj: wjhintjivjwvje devj: wjhintjbj[`*mj wjhintj: sjvj[wjhintj: wjhintjrevj wjhintj: sjh mjh wjhintjreiDj. Antariksha Shaantih. May God give me such peace. May there be peace on land and in the waters. Aapah Shaantih. Shaantih Eva Shaantih. May there be peace throughout the world. Vishvedevah Shaantih. May all beings be happy. mjRljhqjN cj sjvvjeisjN pjSmjN Hvjf[ mjNgjljmj]. N amokar Mantra N  qjmjo ajirHNtjhqjN  qjmjo isj•hqjN  qjmjo ahyjiryjhqjN  qjmjo FvjJzjhyjhqjN  qjmjo ljoA sjvvj sjhHUqjN Asjo pjNcj qjmjokhro sjvvjpjhvjppjqjhsjqjo. ljokhssjmjstjhssjuixjnjo Bjvjntju. May the rulers righteously rule the earth.i j Peace Prayers (4) j svjistj pj`JjhByj: pjirpjhljyjntjhmj]. May there be welfare for animals and men of wisdom at all times. Om namo Sidhhaanam Om namo Ayarriyaanam. nyjhyjenj mjhgje[qj mjHIN mjHIwjh: gjobj`h*mjqjeByjwwjuBjmjstju injtyjmj]. Lokassamastaassukhino Bhavantu. Svasti prajabhyah paripalayanttaam nyaayena maargena mahim mahishaah Go Brahmanebhyashashubhamastu Nityam. May there be happiness for all people. Om namo uvaj-jhaa-yaanam Om namo loye Savva saahunam Eso pancha namokaaro savva paava ppanasano Mangalaanam cha savvesim Padhamam havayee mangalam k L l 25 . Om Namo Arihantaanam nam. Salutations to the creator. May the clouds rain at the proper time. dewjo* yjN ~joBjriHtj:. Namaste Vaayo. May the King of Gods give us auspiciousness. I declare you to be the right understanding. sjtyjN vjidQyjhimj.XtjN vjidQyjhimj. p\iTjvjI sjsyjwjhiljnjI. Om Shantih Shantih Shantih.tvjmjevj pj`tyj~jN bj`*mj vjidQyjhimj. avatu maam. Shanna Indro Brihaspatih. Tvameva Pratyaksham Brahmasi. May the all pervasive sustainer of creation. avjtju vjKtjhrmj].tvjmjevj pj`tyj~jN bj`*mjhisj. avjtju mjhmj]. wjnnjo Bjvjtvjyj[mjh.njmjo bj`*mjqje. Salutations to you.i j Peace Prayers (5) j  wjnnjo imj<j: wjN vj=qj:. May men of contemplation be fearless. wjnnjo fnd`o b\Hspjitj:. Shanno VishnuRurukramah: Namo Brahmane. May the earth produce grains. May he protect me. May the Ocean God give us auspiciousness. bj`h*mjqjhssjntju injBj[yjh:. Prithivi Ssasya Shalini Deshoyam Kshobharahitah Brahmanassantu Nirbhayaah. You indeed are the perceptible truth.  wjhintj: wjhintj: wjhintj: Om Shanno Mitrah Shm Varunah. Tadvaktaramavatu. Tvameva Pratyaksham Brahma Vadishyami. Om peace. L 26 . I understand you to be truthfulness in speech. Kale Varshatu Parjanyah. Shanno Bhavatvarymaa. May he protect the teacher. May the Lord of Manes give us auspiciousness. tj”Ktjhrmjvjtju. Ritum Vadishyami. May the Sun God give us auspiciousness. O Wind God. Tanmamvatu. May this country k l be free from famine. avatu vaktaram. khlje vjQj[tju pjJj[nyj:.wjnnjo ivjQqju==k`mj:. njmjstje vjhyjo. peace. peace. Lord Vamana give us auspiciousness.tjnmjhmjvjtju. yjh wvjetjpjd]mjhsjnjh2 yjh bj`*mjhcyjutj wjNkrpj`B\itjiBjr]. and remover of ignorance. wjhrdhmj]. who is the essence of Brahman. Protect me. seated on a Lotus. Devayeh-sada-vandita. bjui•pj`dhN. yjh vjIqjhvjrdqLmjiqLtjkr:. the moon or a flake of snow. yjh wkuBj` vjs<jhvj|tjh. JjhL]yjhnDjkhrhpjHhmj]. with Veena in one hand and the Vedas in the other. Shiva. to that Mother Saraswati I bow down . Adored by Brahma.Nihshesha-jadyapaha Fair as a jasmine flower.2 Shuklam Brahmavichar sar. sjNisTjtjhmj]. Her hands adorned by the graceful veena staff. devjE: sjdhvjindtjh. seated on a white lotus. and the other deities. wjuKljhN bj`*mjivjcjhr sjhr.i j Saraswati Prarthana j yjh kundendu tjuQjhrHhr Djvjljh. Hstje sPiZkmjhiljkhN ivjdDjtjIN. sjh mjhN pjhtju sjrsvjtjI BjgjvjtjI. the source of all intellect. Sa-mam-patu-saraswati-bhagwati. remover of ignorance inert. pjd]mjhsjnje. Ya shubravastravrita Ya veena varadanda mandita kara. dressed in white. one who pervades the universe. vjnde tjhN pjrmjewvjrIN BjgjvjtjIN. Oh Goddess Saraswati. with a Mala in her hand. bestower of fearlessness. Ya shvetapadmasana Ya-Brahma-chyuta-shankar-prabhritibhir. pjrmjhmjh–hN Jjgjd]vyjhipjnjImj]. k G l 27 . parmamadyam jagadvyapineem Veena pustaka Dharaneem bhayadam jadyandhakarapham haste sphatikmalikaam viddhateem padmasane sansthitaam vande taam parmeshvareem bhagwateem budhiprada sharadaam One who is white in complexion. vjIqjh pjustjk DjhirqjImj BjyjdhN. Vishnu. inj:wjeQjJjhL]yjhpjHh21 Ya kundendu tusharahara dhavala. 28 . the Fire in the Guna of Heat and Light. Moon. with the k S l memory of Ma Bharati in his heart. May the seven Swaras and the seven layers of Mother Earth make my morning auspicious. Vishnu. the seven Rishis. Sanak. Shiva. BjUrhid k|tvjh Bjuvjnjhinj sjptj. pj|TvjI sjgjnDjh sjrsjhstjTjhpj:. sj sjmyjgDjmj[injQV: syjhtj] sjNsm\tjhxjqL Bjhrtj:. the Waters in the Guna of Rasa. the seven continents. The Earth soaked in Guna of Smell. may all these five elements enlighten my intellect. kuvj[ntju sjvje[ mjmj sjupj`Bjhtjmj]. the Sky in the Guna of Sound. sjptjhqj[vjh: sjptjkuljhcjljhwcj. may all these make my morning auspicious. and the nine Grahas: Sun. and Sanatan. and Asuri and Pingal. Bjhnju: wjwjI BjUimjsjutjo bjuDjwcj. may all these make my morning auspicious sjnjtkumjhr: sjnjk: sjnjndnj:.i j pj`htj: smjrqj j Prayer at Dawn (1) bj`*mjh mjurhiris<jpjurhntjkhrI. sjnjhtjnjo* pyjhsjuiripjNgjljO cj. Brahma. Shukra. the seven forests. the seven mountains. Sanandan. May the Sanatkumars. Rahu. gju=wcj wjuk`: wjinjrhHuketjvj:. The seven seas. spjwjI[ cj vjhyjuJvj[ljnjN cj tjeJj:. Brihaspati. The one who understands this morning prayer and respectfully recites it will. the seven lokas. Ketu. kuvj[ntju sjvje[ mjmj sjupj`Bjhtjmj]. sjptjsvjrh: sjptjrsjhtjljinj. make my morning auspicious. Mangal. Buddha. kuvj[ntju sjvje[ mjmj sjupj`Bjhtjmj]. sjptjQj[yjo ”Ipjvjnjhinj sjptj. Shani. forever act guided by Dharma true to himself . pj`htj: smjrqjmjetjd] yjo ivjidtvjhdrtj: pjVetj]. kuvj[ntju sjvje[ mjmj sjupj`Bjhtjmj]. njBj: sjwjbdN mjHtjh sjHEvj. the Wind in the Guna of Touch. that which is the Supreme Goal. sjiccjtsjuxjN pjrmjHNsj gjitjN tjurIyjN. pj`htjBj[Jjhimj mjnjsjh vjcjsjhmjgjmyjN. S k l 29 . rJJvjhN BjuJjRmj fvj pj`itjBjhisjtjN vjE. yjismjinnjdN JjgjdwjeQjmjwjeQjBjUtjmj]. the Paramhansa State. pj`htjnj[mjhimj tjmjsj: pjrmjk[vjqj[N.i j Prayer at Dawn (2) j  pj`htj: smjrhimj ›id sjNsPurdhtmjtj$vjN. Not this assemblage of matter envelopments. yjtsvjpnjJjhgjr sjuQjuptjmjvjeitj injtyjN tjd]bj`*mjinjQkljmjHN nj cj BjUtjsjNGj:. I am that partless Brahman. vjhcjo ivjBjhintj injixjljh yjdnjugj`Heqj. In the early hours of dawn I mediate upon the Essential Self clearly experiencable in the heart cave. that which is the Fourth Plane of consciousness. which constantly illumines all the experiences in the dream. and deep sleep conditions. waking. that which is Existence-Knowledge-Bliss in nature. yjnnjeitjnjeitj vjcjnjEigj[gjmjh avjocjnj tjN devjdevmjJjmjcyjutjmjhHurgyjN. pjUqj[N sjnjhtjnj pjdN pjU=Qjo$jmjhxyjmj]. pjUqj[mjevjhvjiwjQyjtje 2HrI . Hari Om. Covet not any body’s wealth yjNbj`*mjh vj=qjend` =d` mj=tj:. f[QjhvjhsyjimjdN sjvj[N. Varuna. HrI . pjUqj[syj. Yat-kincha-jagatyam-jagat.i j Isha-vandana (1) j HrI . This is perfect. yjitkNcj Jjgjtyjhmj] Jjgjtj]. itself moving. Gayanti-yam-samagah. Ma-gridhah-kasyasa-viddhanam All this whatsoever moves in this universe including the universe. Hari Om. pjUqj[mjhdhyj. is indwelt or pervaded or enveloped or clothed by the Lord. Hari Om. Indra. thou shouldst enjoy. stjunvjintj idvyjE stjvjE. Purnam-eva-vashishyate. Purna-mudachyate. pjUqjh[tj. HrI . Hari Om. Purna-madah. Even after taking perfect out of perfect. Purnasya. That is perfect. Stunvanti-divyaye-stavaye. HrI . Salutations to that God whom Brahma. Purna-madaya. Ishavasyam-idam-sarvam. pjUqj[imjdN. Om. Purnata. tjenj tyjKtjenj BjUNJjITjh:. Rudra. Out of perfect only perfect comes. and Marut praise with A divine hymns. pjUqj[mjudcyjtje. Hari Om  pjUqj[mjd:. That renounced. Purna-midam. mjh g\Dj: ksyjisvjd]Djnjmj. gjhyjintj yjmj] sjhmjgjh:. Tena-tyak-tena-bhunji-thah. vjedE: sjhRpjdk`mjopjinjQjdE. that is perfect which remains. Vedayeh-sanga-pada-kramo-pani-shadair. whom the singers of Sama Veda invoke by the vedas k l 30 . Yam-Brahma-Varunendra-Rudra-Marutah. the Upanishads. Mukam-karoti-vachalam. And the related branch of Knowledge . devjhyj tjsmjE njmj:. Ya-shveta-padyamasana. remover of ignorance inert. Nihshesha-jadyapaha. mjUkN kroitj vjhcjhljN. yjh wvjetj pj–mjjsjnjj. Oh Goddess Saraswati. yjh vjIqjhvjrdqLmjiqLtj krh. Panghum-langhayate-girim. Parmananda-madhvam. Pashyanti-yama-yogino. O Eternally Blissful Madhava.i j Isha-vandana (2) j DyjhnjhvjisTjtj tjd]gjtjenj mjnjsjh. Her hands adorned by the graceful veena staff. yjh wjuBj`vjs<jhv\tjh. pjwyjintj yjmj yjoigjnjo. pjrmjhnjnd mjhDjvjmj]. a mute becomes talkative and a lame climbs a mountain. By your blessings. Fair as a jasmine flower. dressed in white. devjE: sjdh vjindtjh. yjsyjhntjN nj ivjdu: sjurhsjurgjqjh. pjRumjlj‘yjtje igjirmj]. k S l 31 . Ya-shubhra-vastra-vrita. Sa-mam-patu-saraswati-bhagwati. whom the Yogis see with their minds focused on Him in meditation. Devayeh-sada-vandita.. sjh mjhN pjhtju sjrsvjtjI BjgjvjtjI. the moon or a flake of snow. Shiva. inj:wjeQjJjhL]yjhpjHh. whose limit the Devas and Asuras do not know. Ya-veena-vardanda-mandit-kara. Yat-kripa-tamaham-vande. yjh bj`*mjhcyjutj wjNkrpj`B\itjiBjr]. Vishnu. yjtk|pjh tjmjHN vjnde. Dhyanavasthita-tada-gatena-manasa. seated on a white lotus. Ya kundendu-tushar-hara-dhawala. Adored by Brahma. and the other deities. Protect me. Yasyantam-na-viduh-surasur-gana Devaya-tasmaye-namah. I offer my slautations yjh kundendutjuQjhrHhrDjvjljh. Ya-Brahma-chyuta-shankar-prabhri-tibhir. Om Peace Peace Peace k I l 32 . whose intellect is vast. May He cause us to enjoy. Shanti. Vashishthaya-namo-namah. Sahana-vavatu.pj`Jvjhiljtjo @jhnjmjyj: pj`dIpj:. and Vyasa in the form of Vishnu. and belongs to the lineage of Vashishtha  sjHnjhvjvjtju. Vyasaya-vishnu-rupaya. whose eyes are as large as the petals of a full-blown lotus. Shanti. May we never quarrel with each other.. Om. May we exert together. vyjhsj +pjhyj ivjwjvjE. by whom was lighted the lamp of wisdom. yjeenjtvjyjh Bjhrtj tjElj pjUqj[:. Phullar-vindaya-yat-patra-netre. njmjo vjE bj`*mjinjDjyje. Tejasvi-nava-dhi-tamastu.i j Isha-vandana (3) j njmjstjutje vyjhsj ivjwjhlj bju•e. Shanti. Prajvalito-gyanmayah-pradipah Salutations unto thee. Vyasa-rupaya-vishvaye. vjhiwjQVhyj njmjo njmj:. sjHnjO BjunjKtju. We salute Vishnu in the form of Vyasa. Om. May Lord protect us. Namo-vaye-Brahma-nidhaye. May our studies be thorough and faithful. Saha-virya-karva-vahaye. Namastute-vyasa-vishal-budhe. who is the embodiment of the wealth of knowledge. mjh ivji•QjhvjHE.  wjhintj: wjhintj: wjhintj: Om. O Vyasa. Sahanau-bhunaktu. Ma-vidvisha-vahaye. sjHvjIyj[ krvjhvjHE. Yena-tvaya-bharat-taila-purnah.Pulljhr ivjndhyj yjtpj<j nje<je. tjeJjisvjnjhvj DjItjmjstju. full of the Mahabharata oil (essence) vyjhsjhyj ivjQqju+pjhyj. sjdhDjhr pj|iTjvjIN. May we attain everything that is auspicious. and the Controller of the Earth and the Sky.the personification of happiness. bad deeds. the Creator of the Sun. ksmjE devjhyj. Happiness and immortality are achieved under God’s protection and blessings. yjsyj ivjwvj Fpjhsjtje.3 Om ya atmada balada yasya vishwa upasate prashisham yasya devaah.1 Om. and the other things in the world. pjitjrek ahsjItj].i aTjewvjr- j vjr-stjuitj- tj-pj`hTj[njopjhsjnjh- jopjhsjnjh-mjN<jh: j  ivjwvjhinj devj sjivjtjd[uirtjhinj pjrhsjuvj.yjd] Bjd`N tjnnj ahsjuvj. HivjQjh ivjDjemj. HivjQjh ivjDjemj.2 Om. the creator of the universe and the Giver of all hapiness.  iHrqyjgjBj[: sjmjvj$j[ tjhgj`e. Sa dadhara prthiveem dyamutaymam kasmai deva ya havisha vidhem. Yad bhadram tanna asuva. the Moon. Om is the giver of spiritual knowledge and strength. The whole world worships Om. hiranya garbhah sama-varta-tagray bhoo-tasya jatah patirakya aseet.Om is the all pervading God. Om. –hmjutjemjhN. Om. vishvani deva savitar-durtani parasuva. We should meditate with faith and devotion upon that God . yjsyj Chyjh* mj|tjN. pj`iwjQjN yjsyj devjh:. ksmjE devjhyj. Without God’s protection there is death and ignorance. bjljdh. O God. Om. yjsyj mj|tyju:. and calamities. We should meditate with faith and devotion upon that God D k l 33 . Yasya chachhaya-amritam yasya mriituh kasmaye devay havisha vidhem. Keep us far from bad habits.  yj ahtmjdh. BjUtjsyj Jjhtj:. May you grant us what ever we wish so that we become master of riches.  yjenj –O=gj`h.i j j  yj: pj`hqjtjo. k X l 34 . HivjQjh ivjDjemj.prajapate na tva-deta-nya-nyo vishwa jatani parita babhuva. astju vjyjN syjhmj. pjirtjh bjBjUvj. no one is and no one will be. rJjsjo ivjmjhnj:. the Creator of the universe.5 Om. Om has created the Sky and the Earth. yjtkhmjhstje.6 Om. Om is the personification of happiness and Moksha.4 Om. Om. mjiHtvjEk fNd`hJjh. yj f[wje asyj. ksmjE devjhyj. injimjQjtjo. yjo antjir~je. Om. yah pranato nimishato mahitva ayka idraja jagato babhoova. nj tvjdetjhnyjnyjo. i”pjdwcjtjuQpjd:. Jjgjtjo vjBjUvj. pjtjyjo ryjIqjhmj]. ksmjE devjhyj. Ya eeshay asya dvipadah chatush-padah kasmai devaya haisha vidhem. yjenj svj:stjiBjtjN. you are the supreme. Om has created the Sky and the Earth.. We should meditate with faith and devotion upon that God . JjuHumjstjnnjo. HivjQjh ivjDjemj. Yo antarikshe rajaso vimanah kasmayee devaya havisha vidhema. yjenj njhk:. pj|iTjvjI cj d|Mh. Yat kamate juhumastanno astu vayam syaam patayo rayinam. Om pervades the sky and space. O Ishwar. Om pervades the Sky and Space. Om is the personification of happiness and Moksha. We should meditate with faith and devotion upon that God. ivjwvjh Jjhtjhinj.the personification of happiness. No one has ever been your equal.  pj`Jjhpjtje.yena dyauh ugra prithivee cha dridha yena svah stabhitam yena nakah. the personification of knowledge. amj|tjmjhnjwjhnjh:. Bjuvjnjhinj ivjwvjh.  agnje njyj. Yuyodhyasmat juhuranmeno bhuishtam te nam uktim vidhem. May we all call upon that God. vishvani deva savitar-durtani parasuva. you know all the known and unknown worlds and you pervade these worlds. having given up their worldly desires. and you are agni. sa no banhur janita sa vidhata dhamani veda bhuvnani vishwa. Agney naya supatha raye asman vishwani deva vayunani vidvan. Om is the Creator of the universe and is the Bestower of riches. You are deva the self illuminating. Om. tj|tjIyje Djhmjnnj.8 Om. ah njo Bjd`h: _tjvjo yjntju ivjwvjtjo* dbDjhsjo* apjrItjhsj Fd]iBjd:. Yatra deva amritmanshanah triteeye dhamanna dhyairayanta Om. BjUiyjQVhNtje njmj. Djhmjhinj vjed.Om is our real friend. Yad bhadram tanna asuva. meditate upon Om for the attainment of knowledge and liberation. sjupjTjh rhyje* asmjhnj] ivjwvjhinj devj.i j j  sj njo bjnDjuJj[injtjh. Om. yj<j devjh. Om. sj ivjDjhtjh. vjyjunjhinj ivj”hnj]. devjh njo yjTjhsjdimjd]vj|Dje * asjnnjpj`hyjuvjo ri~jtjhro idvje idvje. Show us the right path which leads to true knowledge and dharma so that we may attain riches and knowledge in our lives through righteous deeds. Let noble thoughts come to our minds from all over. DyjEryjntj.7 Om. All learned people. k X l 35 . Cast away all our ill feelings and sins. O God. May we be ever engrossed in singing your name and meditating upon you. yjuyjoDyjsmjJJjuHurhqjmjenjo. FiKNtj ivjDjemj. Djmjh[œ p'mjidtjvyjmj]. Do not swerve from Truth and Dharma. svjhDyjhyjp'vjcjnjhByjhN nj p'mjidtjvyjmj] 2 ƒ 2 Satyam vad. Satyaan Pramaditavyam. Swadhyaya- pravachanaabhyam na Pramaditavyam. Continue. without neglect. Bhutyae na Pramaditavyam. A k l 36 . BjUtyjE nj p'mjidtjvyjmj]. kuwjljhœ p'mjidtjvyjmj].i j Valedictory Address j dI~jh sjtyjN vjd. and do something useful in the social economy. Speak what is true. Achieve greatness. Kushalaan Pramidtavyam. svjhDyjhyjhnmjh p'mjd:. Djmj[N cjr. Do your duties. and do not fail to refresh your memory in respect of what you have learnt. the daily study of the Veda. sjtyjhœ p'mjidtjvyjmj]. Dharmaan Pramaditavyam. Swadhyayanmaa Pramadah. Dharmam char. Honor your teacher as God. tjhinj sjeivjtjvyjhinj. Atithi Devo Bhava. Ye Ke Chaasamchechyanso Brahmanaah Teshaam Tvayaasney Na Prashvasitavyam Remember the Gods and your ancestors. njo ftjrhiqj. and. and ever do what is good. Yaanyanvadyani Karmaani.i j Valedictory Address j dI~jh devjipjt\khyjh[ByjhN nj p'mjidtjvyjmj]. Honor your guest as if God came to receive your attention. yjhnyjsmjhkN sjucjirtjhinj. No Itaaraani. Taani Sevitavyaani. ipjt\devjo Bjvj. Yaanyasmaakam Sucharitaani. Matri Devo Bhava. distinguishing the good from the blame-worthy avoid the latter. mjhtj|devjo Bjvj. not any other. May you ever exercise your understanding. yjhnyjnjvj–hinj kmjh[iqj. Look upon your father as God. Acharya devo Bhava. ahcjhyj[devjo Bjvj. Look upon your mother as God. D k l 37 . Follow all that was good in your teacher’s life. You will meet with better men and women than even the teachers with whom you have lived. Tani Tvayopaasyani No Itaraani. Pitri Devo Bhava. tjhinj tvjyjopjhsyjhinj njo ftjrhiqj 2 yje ke cjhsjmjC^ecyjhNsjo b'h*mjqjh: tjeQjhN tvjyjh** sjnje nj pj`wvjisjtjvyjmj] Devapitrikaaryabhyam Na Pramaditavyam. Show them due respect. aitjiTjdevjo Bjvj. vjQj[mj] tjd Bjhrtjmj] njhmj BjhrtjI yj<j sjntjitj: .i j Bharatvarsha j iHmjhljyjN sjmjhrByj yjhvjidndusjrovjrmj].ivjQqju pjurjqj N Uttaram yat samudrasya Himaadreshchaiva Dakshenam Varsham tada Bharatam Naam Bharati Yatra Santatih North of the ocean and south of the Himalayas is the land of Bharat.bjhH[spjtyj wjhs<jmj] Himalayam Samaarabhya Yaavadindusarovaram Tam Devanirmitam Desam Hindusthaanam Prachakshatey From the Himalayas all the way to the ocean. the Devas created the sacred land of Hindustan F$jrmj] yjtj] sjmjud`syj iHmjhd`ewcjEvj dh~jeqjmj]. . tjN devjinjimj[tjN dewjN iHndusTjhnjmjN pj`cj~jtje. S k l 38 . sjtj]-Wj`I akhljeitj cj isjKxj-sjntj:. Swaameeti maateti piteti bhaktya Yam prarthayante jagadeeshitaaram.i j Aktjh mjN<j j yjN vjEidkh mjn<jd|wj: pjurhqjh. Vedantino nirvachaneeyamekam.the vedantins indicate that inexplicable one by the word Brahma.2 Shaiva yameesham shiva ityavochan. bju•stjTjh* H[iœitj bjO•JjEnjh:. yjN vjEQqjvjh ivjQqjuiritj stjuvjintj. Mata or Pita through devotion and pray that the Lord of the universe is only one absolute without second.svjhmjIitj mjhtjeitj ipjtjeitj BjKtyjh.fnd`N yjmjN mjhtjirWvjhnjmjhHu:. Indram yamam maatarishwaanamahuh. the Bauddhas call him the Buddha and the Jains as Arhat. k S l 39 . Sat-shree akaaleti cha sikkha-santah To which Almighty the Shaivites call Shiva and the Vaishnavites praise as Vishnu.1 Yam vaidika mantradrashsh puraanaa. some others as Kumar or Swami. yjN bj`*mjwjbdenj ivjinjid[wjintj. Yam vaishnavaa vishnuriti stuvanti Buddhastathaarhannitibauddhajainah. wjhstjeitj keicjtj] kitjicjtj] kumjhr:. Sa eka eva prabhuradwiteeyah Some call him as Shasta. vjedintjnjo* injvj[cjnjIyjmjekN. yjN pj`hTj[yjntje JjgjdIiwjtjhrN.3 Shasteti kechit katichit kumarah. Yama and Matarishwa. sj Ak Avj pj`Bjuri”tjIyj:. the Sikh sages call him as Sri Akal. wjEvjh yjmjIwjN iwjvj ftyjvjocjnj]. Yam brahmashabdena vinirdhishanti To whom the Vaidikas and the ancient seers cal Indra. associated be the desire. so that there may be thorough union among k S l you. I repeat for you a common prayer.i j sjNgjVnj mjN<j j Sangathan Mantra sjNN gjcCDvjN sjN vjdDvjN sjN vjo mjnjhNisj Jjhnjtjhmj]. common be your thoughts. concurring. Meet together. in like manner as the ancient Gods. common be the acquirement. sjmjhnjN mjn<jmjiBjmjn<jyje vj:. sjmjhnjI vj ajkUitj:. sam vadadhwam sam vo manaansi jaanaatam. I offer for you a common oblation. sjmjhnjh ›dyjhinj vj:. accepted their portions of sacrifice. Yatha Vah Susahasati Common be you intention. devjh BjhgjN yjTjh pjUvje[ sj#Jjhnjhnjh Fpjhsjtje2 San gachhadhwam. talk together. common be the purpose. sjmjhnjenj vjo HivjQjh JjuHoimj2 Samano mantrah Samitih Samani Samanam Manah Saha Chittamesham Samanam Mantramabhimantraye Vah Samanena Vo Havisha Juhomi Common be the prayer of these (assembled worshippers). sjmjhnjmjstju vjo mjnjo. sjmjhnjN mjnj: sjHicjttjmjeQjhmj]. common be (the wishes of) your hearts. let your minds apprehend alike. Samana Hrudayani Vah Samanamastu Vo Mano. yjTjh vj: sjusjHhsjitj2 Samanee va Akootih. 40 . Deva bhaagam yathaa poorve sanjaanaanaa upasate. sjmjhnjo mjn<j: sjimjitj: sjmjhnjI. O Lord of the universe. Dehi tat paripoortaye. pj`Bjo sjNGjiVtjh vjyjmj]. sjiccjdhnjnd +pjhyj.i j pj`hTj[njh j Universal Prayer sjvj[mjNgjlj mjhNgjlyjhmj. ivjwvjmjNgjlj Hetjvje. Vishva dharmaika moolaya. consciousness and bliss. O Lord. as we organize ourselves to stand united for the advancement of Universal Dharma. aJjyyjmj] ahtmjsjhmjTyj[mj]. and the knowledge that will enlighten the path leading to our mission. Gyanam cha dehi vishvesha. Sharanyam sarva bhootanam. Grant us. Susheelam loka Poojitam. ivjwvjDjmj[ AkmjUljhyj. Dhyeya marga prakashakam. njmjostju pjrmjhtmjnje22 Sacchidananda roopaya. wjuBjhm]j ahiwjQjmjsmjByjmj]. the fulfiller of all needs and the ultimate refuge of all beings. @jhnjmj] cj deiH ivjwvjewj. Namaamo bhoomi maataram. Vishva mangala hetave. sjuwjIljmj] ljokpjUiJjtjmj]. Shubham aashisham asmabhyam. devjImj] sjvjh[Tj[ sjhiDjkhmj] wjrqyjhmj] sjvj[BjUtjhnjhmj]. and the only source of all universal (Vishva) well-being and Dharma. Prabho sangathita vayam. who is the abode of bounteous blessings. We bow to the Goddess Mother Earth. J 41 . ivjwvjDjmj[ivjkhsjhTj[mj. deiH tjtpjirpjUtj[yje23 Vishva dharma vikasartham. njmjhmjo BjUimjmjhtjrmj]21 Sarva mangala mangalyam. who is the manifestation of truth. Dyjeyjmjhgj[ pj`khwjkmj]24 Ajayyam atma samarthyam. Namostu Paramatmane. Deveem sarvartha saadhikam. Our obeisance to the Almighty. the invincible inner strength and virtuous character that all k l humanity adores. please bestow upon us your auspicious blessings so that we can accomplish this noble mission. which will lead us to attain the worldly prosperity together with spiritual enhancement. inj:W'eyjsj sjmjinvjtj:. Samarthaastu Tavaashisha. DyjeyjinjQVh isTjrhstjunj:26 Vishva Dharma Prakashena. Vishva kalyan sadhake. Kritvaasmad Dharma rakshanam. give me the strength to accomplish it with single–minded focus and supreme sacrifice. sjmjTjh[stju tjvjhiwjwjh27 Sangha shaktir vijetriyam. ivjwvjDjmj[pj`khwjenj. khyjo mjeN pjitjtjo pj`Bjo. Paramam vaibhavam praptam. k|tvjhsmj•mj[r~jqjmj]. pjrmjmj] vjEBjvjmj] pj`hptjmj]. Hindu sangathana kaarye. iHndu sjNGjVnjh khyje[. O Lord. Twadeeye punya karyesmin. Nishreyasa samanvitaha Tatsaadhakam sphuratvantah. ivjwvjwjhintj pj`vjtj[ke. 2ivjwvjDjmj[ kI Jjyj2 2Victory to Universal Dharma2 42 . tyjhgj sjevjh vj`tjsvjhvjmj]. ivjwvj klyjhqj sjhDjke. j tjtsjhDjkmj] sPurtvjntj:. May this entire material and k l spiritual frame of mine be dedicated to this cause.i j sjmjutkQjo[stju njo injtyjmj]. Let our hearts be always stimulated with that spirit of a solemn vow and determination of a hero. Vishva shanti pravartake. Dhyeya nishtha sthiraastunah. Kaayome patito Prabho. Tyaag seva vratasyaayam. O Lord.. With your blessings. give us that resolute faith in our aim to unite the people and establish world peace through propagation of Universal Dharma. let this triumphant Sangh strength attain the supreme external glory by protecting the principle of righteousness (Dharma). Suveera vratamujwalam. tvjdIyje pjuqyj khyje[ismjnj]. In this sacred work of serving and ennobling the entire humanity. sjuvjIrvj`tjmjuJvjljmj]25 Samutkarshostu no nityam. sjNGjwjiŒivj[Jje<jIyjmj]. vjnde mjhtjrmj]. Mother Free. clad in thy blossoming trees. I bow to thee! Rich with thy hurrying streams. Mother. wjsyjwyjhmjljhN mjhtjrmj].] sjuJjljhN sjuPljhN mjljyjJjwjItjljhmj].Vande Mataram Mother.sjuxjdhN.N sjumjDjurBjhiQjqjImj]. bright wth orchard gleams. dark fields waving. vjnde mjhtjrmj].Pullj-kusjuimjtj-d`umj dlj-wjoiBjnjImj]. sjuHhisjnjI.Vande Mataram Glory of moonlight dreams. vjrdhN. Mataram.2 Shubhrajyotsnam Pulakitayaamineem. Cool with thy winds of delight.1 Vande Maataram Sujalaam Suphalaam Malyajashitalaam Shasyashyamalaam Mataram.i j j Vande Matram vjnde mjhtjrmj. mjhtjrmj]. over thy branches and lordly streams. Mother. I bow to thee! J k l 43 . I kiss thy feet. giver of ease. wjuBj`JyjotsnjhN pjuljiktjyjhimjnjImj]. laughing low and sweet! Mother. speaker sweet and low. Mother of might. Phullakusumita Drudalshobhaneem Suhaasineem Sumudhurbhashideem Sukhadaam Vardaam. Though art love divine. In our temples is but thine. thou art law. bjhHu tje tjuimj mjh% wjiŒ. To thee I call Mother and Lord! Though who savest. Kal Kal Ninadakaraale. vjnde mjhtjrmj].i j Vande Matram (2) j koiZ-koiZ kqV. 44 .4 Tumi Vidya Tumi Dharma. mjindre mjindre. thine the charm. our breath.-klj-klj injnjhdkrhlje. Twam Hi Pranaah Sharirey Baahu Te Tumi Ma Shakti. Koti Koti Bhujairdrit Khar Karvale Abala Kenom Ma Aeto Bale BahubalDharideem Namaami Tarineem. Hridaye Tumi Ma Bhakti Tomarayee Pratima Gadi Mandirey Mandirey Vande Mataram Thou art wisdom.irpjudljvjhirqjIN mjhtjrmj]. tjomjhrf[ pj`itjmjh gjiR. Tumi Hridi Tumi Marma. vjnde mjhtjrmj]. Thine the strength that nerves the k l arm. bjHubjljDjhirqjIN njmjhimj tjhirqjIN. And seventy million voices roar Thy dreadful name from shore to shore? With many strengths who art mighty and stored. Thou art heart. tjuimj ivj–h tjuimj Djmj[. abjljh kenjoN mjh% Atjo bjlje. tjuimj ›id tjuimj mjmj[. Ripudalvaarineem Mataram Vande Mataram Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands. Then the beauty. koiZ-koiZ BjuJjED\[tj xjr-krvjhlje. tvjN iH pj`hqjh: wjrIre. when the sword flesh out in the seventy million hands. our soul.3 Koti Koti Kantha. Every image made divine. arise and save! To her I cry who ever her foeman drove Back from plain and sea And shook herself free. in our hearts that conquers death. the awe. ›dyje tjuimj mjh% BjiŒ. Mother great and free! S k l 45 . vjhqjI ivj–hdhiyjnjI njmjhimj tvjhN. In thy soul. With her hands that strike her swords of sheen. Mother lend thine ear. Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned. And the muse a hundred-toned. I bow to thee. kmjljh kmjljdljivjHhirqjI. Bright with thy orchard gleams. Dark of hue O candid-fair. amjljhmj] atjuljhN sjuJjljhN sjuPljhN mjhtjrmj]. vjnde mjhtjrmj]. njmjhimj kmjljhmj].i j Vande Matram (3) j tvjN iH dugjh[ dwjpj`HrqjDjhirqjI. vjnde mjhtjrmj]. Kamala Kamaldal Viharinee Vanee Vidya Daayinee Namaami Tvaam Namaami Kamlaam Amlaam Atulaam Sujalaam Suphalaam Mataram Vande Mataram Shyamalaam Saralaam Susmitaam Bhushitaam Dharneem Bharneem Maataram Vande Mataram Thou art Durga. Showering wealth from well-stored hands! Mother sweet. Pure and perfect without peer. wyjhmjljhN sjrljhN sjuismjtjhN BjUiQjtjhN DjrqjIN BjrqjIN mjhtjrmj]. Lady and Queen.5 Twam Hi Durga DhashpraharanDhaarinee. Rich with thy hurrying streams. And thy glorious smile divine. with jeweled hair. Loveliest of all earthly lands. i j j sjuBjhiQjtjh: Subhashitah ivjdewjeQju DjnjN ivj–h vyjsjnjeQju DjnjN mjitj:. pjrljoke DjnjN Djmj[: wjIljN sjvj[<j vjE Djnjmj]2 Videsheshu-Dhanam-Vidya, Vyasaneshu-Dhanam-Matih, Parloke-Dhanam-Dharmah, Sheelam-Sarvatra-Vaye-Dhanam The best asset in a foreign land is knowledge, in the field of commerce the best asset is clear thinking, Dharma is your asset for the next life, and virtuous conduct is an asset forever. njhistj ivj–hsjmjN cj~junjh[istj sjtyjsjmjN tjpj:. njhistj rhgjsjmjN du:xjN njhistj tyjhgjsjmjN sjuxjmj2 Na-asti-Vidya-samam-Chakshur, Na-asti-Satya-samam-Tapah, Na-asti-Raaga-samam-Dhukham, Na-asti-Tyaaga-samam-Sukham. There are no greater eyes than Knowledge, no greater principle to strive for than truth, no greater misery than attachment and no greater happiness than sacrifice for others ivj–h ddhitj ivjnjyjN ivjnjyjhd] yjhitj pjh<jtjhmj]. pjh<jtvjhd] Djnjmjhpnjoitj Djnjhd]Djmj[stjtj: sjuxjmj]2 Vidya-Dadaati-vinayam, Vinayam-Vinayaad-Yaati-Paatrataam, Paatra-tvaada-Dhanam-apnoti, Dhanaada-dharmastatah Sukham. True Knowledge gives rise to humility. h k l 46 i j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (2) j aiHNsjh, sjtyj, astjeyj, bj`*mjcjyj[, asjNgj`H, wjrIr-Wj`mj, asvjhd, sjvj[<j, BjyjvjJj[nj. sjvj[Djmj[ sjmjhnjtvj, svjdewjI spjwj[Bjhvjnjh, ivjnjmj` vj`tj injQVh sje yje Akhdwj sjevyj HEN. Ahimsa, Satya, Astheya, Brahmacharya, Asangraha, Sharir-shram, Aswada, Sarvatra, Bhayavarjan. Sarvadharma Samanatva, Swadeshi Sparsha-bhavana, Vinamra-vrata Nistha Se Ye Ekadasha Sevya Hain. With non-killing, truthfulness, non-coveting, celibacy, non-hoarding, exertion, non- craving, fearlessness, oneness of all Dharmas, self reliance, humility, steadfastness and firm belief, serve Him in every creature. F–mj sjhHsj sjtyj njyj sjNsk|itj kljh ivjljhsj, sjrsvjtjI lj~mjI tjHh% aivjcjlj kre injvjhsj. Udhyam Sahas Satya Naya, Samskrit Kala Vilas, Saraswati Lakshmi Tahan, Avichala Kare Niwas. Where hard work, courage, and truth are the life principles that nourish the culture, literature and art, it is there that Saraswati and Lakshmi make there permanent abodes. aljsjsyj kutjo ivj–h, aivj–syj kutjo Djnjmj]. aDjnjsyj kutjo imj<jN, aimj<jsyj kutjo sjuxjmj]2 Alassya kuto vidya, Avidyasya kuto dhanam . Adhanasya kuto mitram, Amitrasya kuto sukham. There is no knowledge for the lethargic, no wealth for the ignorant, no friends without wealth and no happiness without friends k D l 47 i j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (3) j njrsyjhBjrqjmj] +pjmj] +pjsyjhBjrqjmj] gjuqj:. gjuqjsyjhBjrqjmj] @jhnjmj] @jhnjsyjhBjrqjmj] ~jmjh2 Narasyabharanam roopam, Roopasyabharanam gunah. Gunasyabharanam gyaanam, Gyaanasyabharanam kshamaa. The essence of a being is the physical form, the essence of the form is guna (virtue), the essence of virtue is knowledge, the essence of knowledge is forgiveness koikljhqjhmj] svjro +pjmj] s<jIqjhmj] +pjmj] pjitjvj`tjh. ivj–h+pjmj] ku+pjhqjhmj] sjhDjuqjhmj] cj tjTjh ~jmjh2 Kokilanam swaro roopam, Streenam roopam pativrataa. Vidyaroopam kuroopanam, Sadhunam cha tatha kshama. The beauty of Nightingale lies in its voice, the beauty of a woman lies in her purity, the beauty of a person lies in their learning and knowledge, and the beauty of Wise persons in their forgiving nature. amjn<jN a~jrN njhistj, njhistj mjUljmjnjOQjDjmj]. ayjogyjN pju=Qjo njhistj, yjoJjkstj<j dulj[Bj:2 Amantram aksharam naasti, Naasti moolamanaushadham, Ayogya purusho naasti Yojakastatra durlabhah. There is no letter that cannot be used in divine hymns, no root that cannot be used for medicine, there is no useless person, scarcity is indeed of an organizer. S k l 48 devo durbalaghaatukah. gananaa laghuchetasam. svjyjmjevj m\gjend`tjh2 Naabhisheko na sanskaara. FdjrcjirtjhnjhN tju. the strength was in powerful weapons. “That is not mine”. Dwaapare vyooharachane. There is no crowning ceremony for the lion in the forest. (Ramayan period). aJjhpju<jN bjiljN dd]yjhtj. In Dwapar-Yuga (Mahabharat period). Vikramaarjita satvasya. not an elephant and never a tiger. wjiŒ: sjNGje iH sjh kljO2 Krute mantra prayoge vaa. the strength was in army formations. vyaaghram naiva cha naiva cha. For the noble-minded ones. Udaaracharitanam tu vasudhaiva kutumbakam. “This is mine”. svayameva mrigendrataa. njhiBjQjeko nj sjNskhr:. organization is strength. gjqjnjh ljGjucjetjsjhmj]. devjo dubj[ljGjhtjuk:2 Ashvam naiva gajam naiva. d]vjhpjre vyjUHrcjnje. isjNHsyj ik`yjtje vjnje. the strength was in chanting powerful mantras.In k l Treta-Yuga. In Kali-Yuga (present times). This attitude is of mean-minded ones. <jetjhyjhN tjn<jsjhDjnje. tretaayaam tantra saadhane. ivjk`mjhiJj[tj sjtvjsyj. Not a horse. In Krita-Yuga (pre-Ramayan period). he is declared the king of all animals by virtue of his own strength. hinsaa kriyati vane. awvjN njEvj gjJjN njEvjN. Ajaaputram balim dadyaat. vjsjuDjEvj kuZumbjkmj]2 Ayam nijah paro vati. shaktih sanghe hi saa kalau.i j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (4) j ayjN injJj: pjro vjeitj. the entire universe is one family. vyjhG'N njEvj cj njEvj cj. A sheep is offered as sacrifice for the god. Even God punishes the weak! k|tje mjn<jpj`yjogje vjh. 49 . Truth should be spoken.Djmje[qj HInj: pjwjuiBjssjmjhnj:2 Aahaara nidra bhaya maithuncha. fdN bj`h*mjimjdN~jh<jN. na bruyaat satyam apriyam.i j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (5) j agj`tjwcjtjuro vjedh:. we are prepared to face all types of enemies either through curse or by means of arrows. Dharmo hi tesham adhiko visheshah. sleep. sjtyjmj] bj`Uyjhtj] ip'yjmj] bjU`yjhtj]. The four Vedas are in front. AQj: Gjmj[: sjnjhtjnj:2 Satyam bruyaat priyam bruyaat. What is pleasant should be spoken. esah dharmah sanatanah. sjhmjhnyjmjetjtj] pjwjuiBjnj[rhqjhmj]. shaapaadapi sharaadapi. Armed with both intellectual power and also soldier’s strength. It is the adherence to Dharma that distinguishes human beings from animals. Dharmena heena pashubhissmanah. Without Dharma. wjhpjhdipj wjrhdipj2 Agratashchaturo vedaah. Hunger. Priyamcha naanritam bruyaat. prishthatah sasharam dhanuh. ahHhr injd^h Bjyj mjEETjunj#cj. Gjmjo[ tjeQjhN aiDjko ivjwjeQj:. Idam brahmanidam kshaatram. Pleasant lies are also not to be spoken. we have bows and arrows. p\QVtj: sjwjrN Djnju:. ip'yj#cj njhn\tjmj] bj`Uyjhtj]. and physical pleasuers are common to both animals and human beings. D k l 50 . This is the ancient Dharma. at the back. nj bj`Uyjhtj] sjtyjmjip'yjmj]. human beings and animals are the same. Unpleasant truth should not be spoken. fear. Samanyameta pashubhir naraanam. body and lives is ourDuty. What is heavy for a capable man? What is distance for a business man? Which is a foreign country for a learned man? Who is an alien to a sweet spoken person? Hmj ljogjoN mjeN cjhHe iJjtjnje YpjrI mjtjBjed idxjhf[ deN pjrntju Hmj sjhre iHndU tjtvjtj: Ak HEN. k: pjr: ipj`yjvjhidnjhmj]. Hmjhrh tjtvj@jhnj Ak HE. sjvje[ tjuQyjintj Jjntjvj:. tjnj mjnj JjIvjnj sje fsjkI r~jh krnjh Hmjhrh ktj[vyj HE. vachane kaa daridrataa. Therefore offer sweet words.i j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (6) j ipj`yjvjhKyj pj`dhnjenj. everyone can be pleased. Our Foundational Knowledge base is One. D k l 51 . but the inner core of all the Hindus is essentially one. ikN dUrmj] vyjvjsjhiyjnjhmj] . . By offering of sweet words.kah parah priyavaadinam. kim dooram vyavasaayinaam. To protect that with our mind. ko ivjdewj: sjivjd]yjhnjhmj]. Why be mean in speech? ikN Bjhrmj] sjmjTj[njhmj]. Kim bhaaram samarthanam.L%hKZr HeLgjevjhr We (Bharteeyas) may on the surface appear to have differing views. vjcjnje kh dird`tjh2 Priya vaakya pradaanena sarve tushyanti jantavah. Tasmaat tadeva vaktavyam. tjsmjhtj] tjdevj vjŒvyjmj]. Ko videshahsavidyanam. The friendship with wicked and noble ones are like the shadows after noon and before noon.i j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (7) j ahrmBjgjuvjI[ ~jiyjqjI k`mjeqj. alpjhnjhmjipj vjstjUnjhN sjNHitj: khyj[sjhiDjkhmj]. badhyante mattadantinah. idnjsyj pjUvjj[Dj[ pjrhDj[ iBjnnjh. D k l 52 . Chaayaiva khalu sajjanaanam. but dies down soon. t\qjEgju[qjtvjmjhpjnnjE: bjDyjntje mj$jdintjnj:. Dinasya poorvaardha paraardha bhinna. very small in the beginning and then grows steadily. Very big to start with. Even trifles can achieve a great deal when organized. laghvi pura vriddhimati cha pashchat. Alpaanam api vastoonam sanhatih karyasaadhikam. ChyjEvj mjE<jI xjlju sjJJjnjhnjhmj]. ljGvjI pjurh v\i•mjtjI cj pjwcjhtj]. Trinair gunatwamapannaih. A rope made out of grass can bind a mad elephant. Aarambha gurvi kshyini kramena. k l 53 . you are verily an animal F–oigjnjN pju=QjisjNHmjupjEitj lj~mjI:. Udyogin purushahinsmupaiti Lakshmeehi Lakshmi graces only the industrious Djmjh[Tj[khmjmjo~jhqjhmjhrogyjN mjUljmjuttjmjmj].i j j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (8) sjtyjmjevj Jjyjtje njhn\tjmj]. Vidya viheenah pashuhu Devoid of learning and knowledge. Ahimsa paramo dharmaha Non-violence (non-hurting) is the greatest Dharma pjropjkhrhyj sjtjhN ivjBjUtjyj:. Paropkaaraaya sataam vibhootayah Service to others is the very reason for your existence ivj–hivjHInj: pjwju:. Satyameva Jayate Truth is always victorious aiHNsjh pjrmjo Djmj[:]. Dharmaartha kaamokshaam aarogyam moolam uttamam Dharma Artha Kama Mosksha is the fundamental secret to removal of all miseries Jjljivjnduinjpjhtjenj k`mjwj: pjUyj[tje GjZ:. Jalavindu nipaatena kramashaha pooryate ghataha Tiny drops of water falling one by one gradually fill up the big vessel. Swadeshe poojyate raja. Ati sarvatra varjayet Avoid excess of anything. a learned person is worshipped everywhere. Mano hi mahatam dhanam Self respect is the most treasured wealth for a noble person svjdewje pjUJyjtje rhJjh. injvjh[qjdIpje ikN tjEljdhnjmj]. ivj”hnj] sjvj[<j pjUJyjtje. Durduraaha yatra vaktaarah tatra maonam hi shobhanam The greatness of silence mitigates harmful speech nj mjhtju: pjrN dEvjtjmj]. Yaha kriyaavaan saha panditaha One who exerts effort is a learned man aitj sjvj[<j vjJj[yjetj]]. Nirvaandeepe kim tailadaanam The enlightened person does not need to light a lamp mjhnjo iH mjHtjhN Djnjmj]. na maatuhu param daivatam There is no greater God than Mother k D l 54 . vidvaan sarvatra poojate A king is regarded only within a country. ddu[rh: yj<j vjŒhr: tj<j mjOnjN iH wjoBjnjmj]].i j j sjuBjhiQjtjh: jhiQjtjh: (9) yj:ik`yjhvjhnj] sj: pjiqLtj:. If the eyes do not have sight. There is no enemy greater than ego ljoBj: pjhpjsyjN khrqjmj]. Through repeated cycles of heating the gold attains radiance. Without virtues good looks are worthless tjptjN tjptjN pjunjripj pjunj: kh#cjnjN khntjvjqj[mj]. Greed is the root cause of all vices svjDjmje[ injDjnjN Wj`eyj: pjrDjmjo[ BjyjhvjH:. Conquer your anger nj +pj-wjoBjh rmjtje ibjnjh gjuqjE:. Moderate diet is the secret to good health njhstyjHNkhrsjmj: wj<ju:. what can the mirror do imjtjBjoJjnjN svjhsTyjmj]. As is the seed. Kindness to others is the greatest virtue. sjvj[N Jjyjtyjko`Dj:. so are the leaves of that tree. ljocjnjhByjhN ivjHInjsyj dpj[qj: ikN kirQyjitj. inflicting pain is the greatest sin Wj`mj Avj pjro yj@j: Wj`mj Avj pjrN tjpj:. Hard work is the highest sacrifice and the greatest penance k D l 55 . Follow your own Dharma. however humble it may be pjropjkhr: pjuqyjhyj pjhpjhyj pjrpjILnjmj].i j sjuBjhiQjtjh: (10) j yjTjh bjIJjN tjTjh injQpjittj:.  Aum Jaya Jagadish Hare. du:xj ivjnjsje mjnjkh. k|pjh kro Bjtjh[. Swami Jaya Jagadish Hare. tjumj sjbjke svjhmjI. Tum Antar yami Para Brahma Parameshwar. Jjo Dyjhvje Plj pjhvje. tjumj ibjnj aOr nj dUJjh.  Mat Pita Tum Mere.i j j Aarti (1) Jjyj JjgjdIwj Hre. Kshuna Mein Dur Kare. Kashta Mite Tan Ka mjhtj-ipjtjh tjumj mjere. tjumj antjyjh[mjI. wjrqj gj`HU% mjEN iksjkI. Dukh Vina Se Manaka Sukh Sampati Ghar Ave.  Tum Puran Paramatama. Tum Palan Karta. mjEN sjevjk tjumj svjhmjI.  Jo Dhyave Phal Pave. kQZ imjZe tjnjkh. tjumj k=qjh ke sjhgjr. ~jqjmjeN dUr kre. k D l 56 . tjumj pjUrqj pjrmjhtmjh. Kripa Karo Bharta. Bhakta Jano Ke Sankata. tjumj pjhljnj ktjh[. pjhrbj`*mj pjrmjeWvjr. Tum Karuna Ke Sagar. Aas Karun Mein Kiski. svjhmjI Jjyj JjgjdIwj Hre. Sharan Grahun Mein Kisaki Tum Bin Aur Na Dooja. ahsj k+N mjEN iJjsjkI. sjuxj sjNmpjitj Gjr ahvje. Mein Sewak Tum Swami. BjŒ JjnjoNke sjNkZ. Tum Sab Ke Swami. pjhpj Hro devjh.  Tum Ho Ek Agochar. du:xjHtjh[. Kyjh ljhgje mjerh. tjumj r~jk mjere. Wj`•h BjiŒ bjMhao.. k=qjh-Hstj bjMhao. sjntjnjkI sjevjh. tjnj-mjnj-Djnj sjbj HE tjerh.  Vishay Vikaar Mitaoo.  Din Bandhu Dukh Harta. ”hr pjRh tjere. Papa Haro Deva. Santan Ki Seva. tjumjko mjEN kumjitj. iksj ivjDj imjljUN dyjhmjyj. Kya Lage Mera  Jjyj JjgjdIwj Hre. svjhmjI sjbj kuC HE tjerh. Shradha Bhakti Badhao. Om Jaya Jagadish Hare. Dvar Pada Mein Tere. Tum Rakshak Mere. Sab ke Prana Pati. tjerh tjuzjko apj[qj. Swami sab Kuch Hai Tera.  Tan Man Dhan Sab Hai Tera. Tera Tujh Ko Arpana. sjbjke pj`hqj pjitj. ivjQjyj ivjkhr imjZhao. Apana Hasta Badhao.i j Aarti (2) j tjumj Ho Ak agjocjr. D k l 57 . Tum ko Mein Kumati. dInjbjnDju. Kis Vidh Miloon Dayamaya. Glory to Sri Ganesh Shri Ganesh. Saravam Bhava Pahimam. Jjyj gjqjewj. Wj`I sjrsvjitj. pjrmj gju=. ahnjnd gju= . r~jmjhmj]. Sri Ganesh. Jjyj gjqjewj. r~jmjhmj]. protect us Jjyj gju=. a”Etj gju=. Glory to the name of Kartikeya. icjd]gjnj gju=. r~jmjhmj]. sjvj[qj Bjvj. Jaya Ganesh Pahimam Sri Ganesh. the one who is always bright – protect us. sjubj`mjqyjN. Sri Ganesh Rakshamam. sjvj[qj Bjvj.ahid gju=. Saravam Bhava. icjnj]mjyj gju= . Wj`I gjqjewj. the non-dualistic Guru. Jaya Saraswati. 58 . Jjyj sjrsvjitj. Wj`I gjqjewj. Jjgjtj gju=. Wj`I sjrsvjitj. Saravam Bhava. the blissful Guru. protect us sjvj[qj Bjvj. Jaya Ganesh. Jaya Guru Shiva Guru Hari Guru Rama Jagat Guru Param Guru Sada Guru Shyam Glory to Shiv and Hari in the form of Ram Glory to Krishna. sjubj`mjqyjN. Subhramanyam. Jaya Saraswati Jaya Saraswati Pahimam Sri Saraswati Sri Saraswati Sri Saraswati Rakshamam Glory to Ma Saraswati Ma Saraswati. Glory to Subramanya. pjhiHmjhmj]. rhmj. Jjyj sjrsvjitj. Jjyj sjrsvjitj. pjhiHmjhmj]. pjhiHmjhmj]. Wj`I sjrsvjitj. Om Aadi Guru Advaita Guru Anand Guru Om Chida Guru Chidgan Guru Chinmaya Guru Om k l Glory to the Guru of Gurus.i j Mantra Yoga j Jjyj gjqjewj. Subhramanyam Rakshamam. icjd] gju=. Hir gju=. sjdgju= wyjhmj. Subhramanyam. iwjvj gju=. Wj`I gjqjewj. sjubj`mjqyjN. who is the Supreme Truth of the entire universe . the Guru who is the embodiment of consciousness. Jaya Ganesh. k|Qqjh. Hre rhmjh. Salutations to Lord Vasudeva (Vishnu) Salutations to Lord Vasudeva (Vishnu) Z k l 59 .bju• gju=. Hare Rama Hare Rama.  njmjo iwjvjhyj. Om Budha Guru Mahavir Guru Nanak Guru Om Mata Pita Bandhu Sakha Satchitananda Om Glory to Buddha. Father. Om Namo Narayana. Nanak.  njmjo njhrhyjqj.  njmjo iwjvjhyj. Hre k|Qqjh. Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya. Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna Hare Krishna. Om Namo Narayana Salutations to the name of Shiva Salutations to the name of Narayana  njmjo Bjgjvjtje vjhsjudevjhyj.  njmjo Bjgjvjtje vjhsjudevjhyj. njmjo iwjvjhyj. rhmjh. Hre. sjtj]icjtjhnjnd . mjhtjh. Hre rhmjh.  njmjo Bjgjvjtje vjhsjudevjhyj. Hre. Mahavir. Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Glory to Lord Ram Glory to Lord Krishna  njmjo iwjvjhyj. njhnjk gju= . njmjo njhrhyjqj. Hre. friends.  njmjo nhjrhyjqj.  njmjo Bjgjvjtje vjhsjudevjhyj. Om Namo Narayana. Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya. Hre. Om Namo Shivaya. mjHhvjIr gju=. Om Namo Shivaya. k|Qqjh. Glory to Mother. ipjtjh. the ever-blissful consciousness.i j Mantra Yoga (2) j . Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya.  njmjo njhrhyjqj. Om Namo Shivaya. Om Namo Narayana. rhmjh. Hre k|Qqjh. relatives. Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya. bjnDju. Om Namo Shivaya. sjxjh. Wj`I rhmj Jjyj rhmj Jjyj Jjyj rhmj. Salutations to the Divine Guru of all k|Qqjhmj] vjnde Jjgjdgju=mj] Wj`I.gju= .gju= gju= gju= . Om Namo Bhagvate Shivanandaya. wjiKtj mjh%.Hir . njmjo Bjgjvjtje sjdgju= njndhyj. the Guru of the universe Wj`I rhmj Jjyj rhmj Jjyj Jjyj rhmj .iwjvj iwjvjhyj njmjHo. njmjo Bjgjvjtje sjdgju= njndhyj. wjiKtj wjiKtj wjiKtj mjh%.Hir .Hir Hir Hir .Hir .iwjvj.i j Mantra Yoga (3) j  njmjo Bjgjvjtje iwjvjhnjndhyj. Guru Om Guru Om Guru Guru Guru Om. Hari Om Hari Om Hari Hari Hari Om. Shakti Ma Shakti Ma Shakti Shakti Shakti Ma Shakti Ma Shakti Ma Shakti Shakti Shakti Ma Glory to the All-Powerful Mother iwjvj.Hir Hir Hir .iwjvj. Glory to Shri Ram. wjiKtj mjh%. the Supreme Dissolver Z k l 60 . Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama.gju= gju= gju= . Krishnam Vande Jagad Gurum Sri. Hir . Krishnam Vande Jagad Gurum Adorations to Krishna.gju= .  njmjo Bjgjvjtje iwjvjhnjndhyj. the Eternal gju= . Glory to Shri Hari. Hr Hr Hr Hr njmj: iwjvjhyj. Hari Om Hari Om Hari Hari Hari Om. Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama Om. the eternal blissful Perfection. Om Namo Bhagvate Sadguru Nandaya Om Namo Bhagvate Shivanandaya.gju= .k|Qqjhmj] vjnde Jjgjdgju=mj]. wjiKtj mjh%. Guru Om Guru Om Guru Guru Guru Om Glory to the Eternal Guru wjiKtj mjh%. wjiKtj wjiKtj wjiKtj mjh%. Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaya Namaho Hara Hara Hara Hara Namah Shivaya Glory to Shiva. Om Namo Bhagvate Sadguru Nandaya Salutations to Shiva. I am auspiciousness. have nothing to do with the five prgans of action.i j j injvjh[qjhQZkm]j Nirvanashtakam mjnjo bju•]yjHNkhr icjttjhinj njhHN.2 Na Cha Pran Sangyo Na Vaye Pancha Vayuhu. nj cj vyjomj BjUimjnj[ tjeJjo nj vjhyju. the Self I am Aucpiciousness. Na Cha Shrotra Jivahe Na Cha Ghrananetra Na Cha Vyom Bhumir Na Tejo Na Vayu.. D k l 61 . icjdhnjnd+pj: iwjvjoHmj] iwjvjoHmj]. Auspiciousness alone. Bliss. I am not the five great elements. nj vjhk] pjhiqjpjhdO nj cjopjsTjpjhyjU. Neither have I ears. Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham The vital air I am not. nj cj pj`hqj sjN@jo nj vjE pj#cjvjhyju:. I am pure consciousness. Nor am I in any way attached to the five sheaths of my personality. Nor am I the seven-fold material that goes into the building up of the body. nj cj Wj`o<jiJjvHe nj cj Gj`hqjnje<je .1 Mano Budhyahankar Chitani Nahum. nj vjh sjptj Djhtjunj[ vjh pj#cjkoQj:. Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham Mind. Auspiciousness alone. Nor have I anything to do with the physiological functions in my body. Na Va Sapta Dhatur Na Va Pancha Koshah Na Vak Pani Padau Na Chopasthapayu. Ego I am not. tongue nor nostrils. Intellect. icjdhnjnd+pj: iwjvjoHmj] iwjvjoHmj]. nor eyes. Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham I have neither likes nor dislikes. nj Djmjo[ nj cjhTjo[ nj khmjo nj mjo~j.i j Nirvanashtakam (2) j nj mje ”eQj rhgjO nj mje ljoBjmjoHO. nor the experienced (object). nor have I any arrogant vanity nor any competition with anyone. k D l 62 . I know no scripture. aHN BjoJjnjN njEvj BjoJyjN nj BjoŒh. icjdhnjnd+pj: iwjvjoHmj] iwjvjoHmj]. nor have I covetousness or greed. I have no sacred pilgrimage to make. I am Auspiciousness. mjdo njEvj mje njEvj mjhtsjyj[Bjhvj:. I am auspiciousness.4 Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na Dukham. nor have I anything to gain through rituals. Chidnananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham Sin or merit can never touch me. nj mjn<jo nj tjITj[N nj vjedh: nj yj@jh:. Auspiciousness alone. Auspiciousness alone. icjdhnjnd+pj: iwjvjoHmj] iwjvjoHmj]. nor the experiencing. Mado Naiv Me Naiv Matasarya Bhavah Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo Na Moksha.3 Na Me Dvesha Ragau Na Me Lobha Mohau. I have not even a need for the four main “purposes of life”. Na Mantro Na Tirham Na Vedaah Na Yagaah Aham Bhojan Naiv Bhojya Na Bhokta. joy or sorrow cannot contaminate me. I am neither the experiencer (subject). I know no mantra. nj pjuqyjN nj pjhpjN nj sjOxyjN nj du:xjN. Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham I have no death. Pita Naiv Me Naiv Mata Na Janma Na Bandhur Na Mitram Guru Naiv Shishya.5 Na Me Mrityu Shanka Na Me Jati Bhedah. Auspiciousness alone. neother have I attachment to anything. I am all-inclusive. I have neither father nor mother. Auspiciousness alone.6 Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakar Rupo. formlessness my only form. nj bjnDjunj[ imj<jN gju=njE[vj iwjQyj . ipjtjh njEvj mje njEvj mjhtjh nj Jjnmj. nor am I a disciple. aHN injivj[klpjo injrhkhr+pjo. icjdhnjnd+pj: iwjvjoHmj] iwjvjoHmj]. I know no Guru. Vibhurvyapata Sarvatra Sarvendriyani Sada Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandha Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham Thought-free am I. icjdhnjnd+pj: iwjvjoHmj] iwjvjoHmj]. I am Auspiciousness. I am Auspiciousness.i j j Nirvanashtakam (3) nj mje m\tyju wjNkh nj mje JjhitjBjed:. sjdh mje sjmjtvjN nj mjuiKtjnj[ bjnDj. why! I am never born! I have no kith or kin. I am the vitality behind all sense organs of everyone. D k l 63 . nor am I free from everything. ivjBjuvyjh[ptj sjvj[<j sjvjNe[id`yjhiqj. nor have I any caste or creed distinction. Tarunastaavat taruneesaktah.. Nahi nahi rakshati dukrit karane.. BjJj mjUMmjtje. pjrmje bj`*mjiqj ko* ipj nj sjKtj:.. Sampraapte sannihite kaale. tjepjcyjntje njrkinjgjUMh:. Bhaja Govindam. bjhljstjhvjtk`ILhsjKtj:.. Parame Brahmani kopi na saktah Bhaja Govindam.. BjJj gjoivjndN.. ahtmj@jhnjivjHInjh mjUMh:.. Te pachyante Narakanigoodhaah Bhaja Govindam. k D l 64 .. khmjN k`oDjN ljoBjN mjoHN. Kaamam krodham lobham moham. BjJj gjoivjndN.. BjJj gjoivjndN. gjoivjndN. tj=qjhstjhvjttj=qjIsjKtj:. Vriddhastaavachchintaasaktah. tyjKtvjh** * tmjhnjN pjwyjitj sjo* Hmj]. v\•stjhvjiccjntjhsjKtj:. njiH njiH r~jitj duk|<j krqje. BjJj gjoivjndN. Bhaj Govindam. BjJj gjoivjndN. Govindam bhaja moodhamate. Baalaastaavat kreedaasaktah. Tyaktvaa (aa) tmaanam pashyati So(a)ham Aatmagnaanaviheenaa moodhaah. BjJj gjoivjndN.i j j BjJj gjoivjndN Bhaj Govindam BjJj gjoivjndN. Bhaja Govindam. BjJj gjoivjndN. sjNpj`hptje sjinnjiHtje khlje. Phoot ka bhara ghada hai phord kar badhe chalo Ho Bjljh sjmjhJj kh. Hindu ka hi bhagya apna bhagya hai ye sooch lo Ho Bjljh sjmjhJj kh. Aa rahi hai aaj charon oar se yahi pukar Hmj krNegjNe tyjhgj fsj sjmjhJj ke iljyje apjhr. Ham karenge tyaag is samaj ke liye apaar Hmj kreNgjNe tyjhgj fsj sjmjhJj ke iljyje apjhr. Ho bhala samaj ka wah kam sab kiye chalo sjNgjVnj gjMe cjljo. Ho bhala samaj ka wah kam sab kiye chalo Yuga ke saath mil ke sab kadam badhana seekh yjugj ke sjhTj imjlj ke sjbj kdmj bjMhnjh sjIxj ljo. mjuskurhtje sjbj sjHeNgje Hmj. Sangathan gadhe chalo supanth par badhe chalo S k l 65 . Hindu ke liye sada jiyenge aur marenge ham iHndu kh HI Bjhgyj apjnjh Bjhgyj HE yje sjocj ljo. ho. Ekta ke swar mein geet gungunana seekh lo Bhool kar bhi mukh mein jati panth ki na baat BjUljkr BjI mjuxjmjeN JjhitjpjNTj kI nj bjhtj Ho. sjupjnTj pjr bjMe cjljo.i j sjNGj gjItj j Sangh Geet Sangathan Gadhe Chalo sjNgjVnj gjMe cjljo. Ekta ke swar mein geet gungunana seekh lo Aktjh ke svjr mjeN gjItj gjunjgjunjhnjh sjIxj ljo. Ham karenge tyaag is samaj ke liye apaar kQZ Jjo imjljeNgje. ho. lo Aktjh ke svjr mjeN gjItj gjunjgjunjhnjh sjIxj ljo. vjH khmj sjbj ikyje cjljo. Man mein unch neech ka kabhi na bhed bhava mjnjmjeN Y%cjnjIcj kh kBjI nj BjedBjhvj Ho. sjupjnTj pjr bjMe cjljo. Sangathan gadhe chalo. supanth par badhe chalo Ho Bjljh sjmjhJj kh. Sangathan gadhe chalo. supanth par badhe chalo ah rHI HE ahJj cjhroN aor sje yjHI pjukhr. sjupjnTj pjr bjMe cjljo. vjH khmj sjbj ikyje cjljo. PUZ kh Bjrh GjRh HE PoR kr bjMe cjljo. Kshat jo milenge muskurate sab sahenje ham iHndu ke iljyje sjdh iJjyjeNgje aOr mjreNgje Hmj. vjH khmj sjbj ikyje cjljo. Ho bhala samaj ka vah kam sab kiye chalo sjNgjVnj gjMe cjljo. look beyond yourself and do always that which will benefit the community at large. And let your mind be forever free from petty feelings of high and low. Realize that your destiny is one with the destiny of the Hindu society. nay. we will bear all hardships silently with a smile. walk ahead and set the pace for all. Think and act in the service of the society. Break the vessel that they have filled to the brim with discord and disunity. and with courage keep marching on. We will forever live for the cause of the Hindu society and willingly accept death in serving our people. superior and inferior Be aware of the traitors lurking in your midst. let narrow terms of race. look beyond yourself and do always that which will benefit the community at large. Though we may suffer endlessly. strong. k l 66 . caste.i j j Sangathan Gadhe Chalo Come together in unity and walk together on the path of Goodness and Dharma to build a united. vibrant Hindu society. sowing the seeds of disharmony. think and act in the service of the society. So. That we will sacrifice our utmost in the service of the Hindu community. Never. Walk in unison with the times. Sing the song of unity and harmony. Today this sacred call rings supreme from all directions. not even in error. creed and color defile your speech. par nibhana hi kathin hai sjhDjnjh kh pjTj kiVnj HE.i j sjhDjnjh kh pjTj kiVnj HE. dIpj bjnjnjh HI kiVnj HE. j Sadhana Ka Path Kathin Hai wjpjTj ljenjh tjo sjrlj HE. Sadhana ka path kathin hai VokreN xjhkr injyjtj kI. Hai achetan jo yugon se. mjd Bjuljhnjh HI kiVnj HE. Hai saral aansoo bahana. pj`itjkUlj bjHnjh HI kiVnj HE. Indra bannana to saral hai svjgj[ kh Aewvjyj[ pjhkr. fnd` bjnjnjh tjo sjrlj HE. sjhDjnjh kh pjTj kiVnj HE. pj`emj kI JjljtjI iwjxjh pjr. Shalabh ban jalna saral hai. mjuskurhnjh HI kiVnj HE. deep bannana hi kathin hai sjhDjnjh kh pjTj kiVnj HE. Sadhana ka path kathin hai wjljBj bjnj Jjljnjh sjrlj HE. Sadhana ka path kathin hai tjpj tjpjsyjh ke sjHhre. yjugjoN sje JjI rHh mjhnjvj. Shapath lena to saral hai. lahar ke anukool bahate sjhTj bjHnjh HE sjrlj. ljHr ke anjkUlj bjHtje. yugon se jee raha manav HE sjrlj ah%sjU bjHhnjh. Sadhana ka path kathin hai HE acjetjnj Jjo yjugjoN sje. Saath bahana hai saral. mad bhulana hi kathin hai sjhDjnjh kh pjTj kiVnj HE. Tapa tapasya ke sahare. Sadhana ka path kathin hai G k l 67 . pjr injBjhnjh HI kiVnj HE. Swayam ko til til jala kar. Swarga ka aishwarya pakar. Thokaren khakar niyat ki. pratikool bahena he kathin hai sjhDjnjh kh pjTj kiVnj HE. muskurana hi kathin hai. prem ki jalati shikha par svjyjN ko itjlj itjlj Jjljh kr. Is dhara mein ghul mil kar... kankar pathar ki hasti. Dhah jayenge giri parvat. Kyjh bjhDjh bjnj kr ahyjeN. Shubha sanskriti ka parichayak. khela itihasa hamara yjH pjunyj pj`vjhH Hmjhrh. yjH klj klj Clj Clj bjHtjI. mjyjh[dh Djmj[ sjHhrh.i j yjH klj klj j Yah Kal Kal Chal Chal . xjeljh fitjHhsj Hmjhrh. yah punya pravah prabal hai wjuBj sjNsk|itj kh pjircjhyjk. rishiyon ne sharan grahi hai fsj Djhrh kI gjodI mjeN Is dhara ki godi mein. maryada dharma sahara yjH pjunyj pj`vjhH Hmjhrh. Hindu ke chir jeevan ka. vjIroN kI rhxj bjHI HE. khNpje BjU mjNLlj sjhrh. yah punya pravah hamara Kyjh fsjko rok sjkeNgje. Yah aviral tapa ka phal hai. veeron ki rakh bahi hai fsj Djhrh kI iktjnje HI. Yuga yuga se bahata aata. Bharat ka yah aanchal hai iHndU ke icjr JjIvjnj kh. yjH pjunyj pj`vjhH pj`bjlj HE. mitane wale mit jayen kNkR pjtTjr kI Histj. kya kahati ganga dhara yjugj yjugj sje bjHtjh ahtjh. XiQjyjoN nje wjrqj gj`HI HE. Yah punya pravah hamara yjH pjunyj pj`vjhH Hmjhrh. kya badha ban kar aayen MH JjhyjeNgje igjir pjvj[tj. kanpen bhu mandal sara yjH pjunyj pj`vjhH Hmjhrh. Bjhrtj kh yjH ah%cjlj HE. yah punya pravah hamara fsj Djhrh mjeN Gjulj imjlj kr. Kyjh kHtjI gjNgjh Djhrh. Is dhara ke kitane he. imjZnje vjhlje imjZ JjhyjeN. Yah kal kal chal chal bahati. yah punya pravah hamara yjH aivjrlj tjpj kh Plj HE. Kya isako roka sakenge. yjH pjunyj pj`vjhH Hmjhrh. yah punya pravah hamara k G l 68 . Mingled in your currents are the ashes of the Braves that sacrificed their lives. After years of penance. these waters of the Ganga have carried this message through the heart of Bharat. Dharma and Sacrifice is eternal. And it is in your lap that our glorious and ever vibrant history was created again and again. you graced this land with your divine nectar. vigor and "magic" grows by the day. you are unstoppable! None could dare withstand your bold and powerful currents bursting with energy. The forces of Adharma that come in the path of your roaring torrents. Our song of Truth. Your nectar sustains the flow of eternal Dharma in the veins of every Hindu life after life.i j j Yah Kal Kal Listen to the enchanting music emanating from the dancing waters of the sacred river Ganga. and the countless Rishis that took refuge in your nurturing caress. You are the proud symbol of our rich heritage and the caring "Aanchal" of Bharat Mata. they say. Forever. as you perform your majestic dance eternally through my sacred land of Bharat. and its purity. through the ages. k l 69 . Mountains shall crumble and the earth shall tremble. shall perish or lay awash like stones and pebbles. Mother. Sneha nir se sada phoolate rahen suman Jjnmj isj• Bjhvjnjh svjdewj kh ivjcjhr Ho. Roma roma mein rama swadharma sanskar ho ahrtjI Ftjhrtje pj`hqj dIpj Ho mjgjnj.i j j iHndu BjUimj gjhnj sje Hindu Bhumi Gaan Se iHndu BjUimj gjhnj sje gjU%Jjtjh rHe gjgjnj. desh ho virat tan snjeH njIr sje sjdh Puljtje rHe sjumjnj. Hindu bhumi gaan se goonjata rahe gagan snjeH njIr sje sjdh PUljtje rHeN sjumjnj. Aikya shakti desh ki pragati mein samarth ho Djmj[ ahsjrh iljyje mjo~j khmj aTj[ Ho. Laksha laksha roop se. Dharma aasara liye moksha kama artha ho pjuqyj BjUimj ahJj iPr @jhnj kh bjnje sjdnj. Haar ke susutra mein motiyon ki panktiyan gj`hmj njgjr pj`Nhtj sje sjNGj`HItj wjiKtjyjh%. Aarti utarate pran deep ho magan snjeH njIr sje sjdh PUljtje rHNe sjumjnj. Sneha nir se sada phoolate rahen suman Hhr ke sjusju<j mjeN mjoitjyjoN ik pjNiKtjyjh%. gyan ka bane sadan snjeH njIr sje sjdh Puljtje rHe sjumjnj. Sneha nir se sada phoolate rahen suman G k l 70 . Janma sidh bhavana swadesh ka vichar ho romj romj mjeN rmjh svjDjmj[ sjNskhr Ho. Sneha nir se sada phoolate rahen suman AeKyj wjiKtj dewj kI pj`gjitj mjeN sjmjTj[ Ho. Gram nagar pranta se sangrahita shaktiyan lj~j lj~j +pj sje dewj Ho ivjrhZ tjnj. Punya bhumi aaj phir. i j iHndu iHndu Ak rHe Hindu Hindu Ek Rahe j iHndu iHndu Ak rHe, Hindu Hindu ek rahe, Bjed Bjhvj ko njHIN sjHe. Bhed Bhava ko nahi sahe sjNGjQjo[N sje du:xjI Jjgjtj ko, Sangharshon se dukhi jagat ko, mjhnjvjtjh kI iwj~jh de. manavta ki shikcha de. iHndu iHndu Ak rHe (x3). Hindu Hindu ek rahe (x3) Ak bj`*mj kuC aOr njHI, Ek Brahma kucha aur nahi, HirHr dugjh[ mjhtj vjHI. Harihar Durga Mat wahi devj deivjyjhN +pj FsjIkh, Dev deviyan rupa usika, dewj khlj anjusjhr sjHI. desh kal anusar sahi sjbj pjNTjoN kh mjhnj kreN, Sab pantho ka maan karen, sjbj gj`NTjoN sje @jhnj gj`HeN. sab granthon se gyan grahen sjdgju=aoN kI sjIxj sjmjzj kr, Sadguruon ki seikh samajh kar, JjIvjnj ko JjInjh sjIxjeN. jeevan ko jeena seikhen iHndu iHndu Ak rHe (x3). Hindu Hindu ek rahe (x3) Jjo Bjhf[ BjZke ibjCRe, Jo bhai bhatake bichude, HhTj pjkR lje sjhTj cjlje hanth pakad le sath chale BjoJjnj kpjRh Gjr kI sjuivjDjh, Bhojan kapda ghar ki suvidha, iwj~jh sjbjko sjuljBj rHe. shikcha sab ko sulabh rahe Y%cj njIcj ljvjljewj nj Ho, Unch neech lavlesh na ho, CuahCUtj avjwjeQj nj Ho. chua chuta avashesh na ho Ak ljHU sjbjkI njsjnjsj mjeN, Ek lahu sab ki nas nas mein, apjnjepjnj kI rItj gjHe. apne pan ki reet gahe iHndu iHndu Ak rHe (x3). Hindu Hindu ek rahe (x3) Djmj[ pj`emj am\tj ipjyjeN, Dharma prem amrita piyein, gjItjh gjNgjh gjO pjUJjeN. Geeta ganga gau pujein vjed ivjiHtj JjIvjnj rcjnjh Ho, Veda vihit jeevan rachna ho, rhmj k|Qqj iwjvj BjiKtj kre. Ram krishna Shiva bhakti kare Djmj[ sjnjhtjnj anjugjhmjI, Dharma sanatan anugami, bju•N wjrqjN gjcChmjI. k Budham sharnam gachami aH[ntjoNko njmjnj kre, injtj vjhHe gju= akhlj kHe. iHndu iHndu Ak rHe (x3). Arhanton ko naman kare, Nita wahe guru aakal kahe Hindu Hindu ek rahe (x3) l 71 i j j Hindu Hindu Ek Rahe.. Let the Hindus be united. Let the Hindus be united. Let there be harmony and no feeling of differences. May the Hindus teach the lesson of humanity to the world, torn and tired with strife. Let the Hindus be united. Let the Hindus be united. The Universe is but One Brahman and nothing else. Vishnu, Shiva and Durga are His manifestation. His forms as Devis and Devas evolves with time and locale. Hindus revere all forms of worship as valid and willingly receive knowledge from all sacred books. They accept the spiritual teachings of all True Gurus, and bring it into their lives Let the Hindus be united. Let the Hindus be united. Extend your hand so there be no brother lost or left behind. Every single Hindu should have food, shelter and access to learning. No feeling of high and low, and not a trace of untouchability; The same blood flows in our veins, and the feeling of Oneness rings in our hearts. Let the Hindus be united. Let the Hindus be united. Inspired by the nectar of Dharma and Love, let us worship the sacred Geeta, Cow and river Ganga. Our lives be guided by the teachings of the Vedas; and Ram, Krishna and Shiva be the target of our devotion. May the Hindu forever follow the eternal and all inclusive Sanatan Dharma, respecting the teachings of Bhagwan Buddha, the Jain Arhants, and Guru Nanak. Let the Hindus be united. Let the Hindus be united. k l 72 i j cjndnj HE fsj dewj kI mjhZI Chand Hai Is Desh Ki Mati j cjndnj HE fsj dewj kI mjhZI, Chandan hai is desh ki mati, tjpjoBjUimj Hr gj`hmj HE. tapo bhumi har gram hai Hr bjhljh devjI kI pj`itjmjh, Har bala devi ki pratima, bjccjh-bjccjh rhmj HE. bachha bachha Ram hai Hr wjrIr mjindr sjh pjhvjnj, Har sharir mandir sa paawan Hr mjhnjvj FpjkhrI HE. har manav upkari hai JjHh% isjNH bjnj gjyje ixjljOnje, Jahan singh ban gaye khilaune, gjhyj JjHh% mjh% pyjhrI HE. Gai jahan Ma pyari hai JjHh% sjbjerh wjNxj bjJjhtjh, Jahan savera shankh bajata, ljorI gjhtjI wjhmj HE. lori gati sham hai Hr bjhljh devjI kI pj`itjmjh, Har bala devi ki pratima, bjccjh-bjccjh rhmj HE. bacha bacha Ram hai JjHh% kmj[ sje Bjhgyj bjdljtje, Jahan karm se bhagya badaltey, Wj`mj injQVh klyjhqjI HE. shram nishtha kalyani hai tyjhgj aOr tjpj kI gjhTjhyjeN, tyag aur tap ki gathayen, gjhtjI kivj kI vjhqjI HE. gati kavi ki vaani hai @jhnj yjHh% kh gjNgjh Jjlj sjh, Gyan yahan ka Ganga jal sa, injmj[lj HE aivjrhmj HE. nirmal hai aviram hai Hr bjhljh devjI kI pj`itjmjh, Har bala devi ki pratima, bjccjh-bjccjh rhmj HE. bacha bacha Ram hai fsjke sjEinjk sjmjrBjUimj mjeN, Uske sainik samarbhumi mein gjhyjh krtje gjItjh HEN. gaya kartey Geeta hain JjHh% xjetj mjeN Hlj ke njIcje, Jahan khet me hal ke neechey xjeljh krtjI sjItjh HE. khela karti Seeta hai JjIvjnj kh ahdwj[ yjHh% Hr, Jeevan ka aadarsh yahan har, pjrmjewvjr kh Djhmj HE. Parmeshwar ka dham hai Hr bjhljh devjI kI pj`itjmjh, Har bala devi ki pratima, bjccjh-bjccjh rhmj HE. bacha bacha Ram hai cjndnj HE fsj dewj kI mjhZI, Chandan hai is desh ki mati, tjpjoBjUimj Hr gj`hmj HE. tapo bhumi har gram hai k l Hr bjhljh devjI kI pj`itjmjh, Har bala devi ki pratima, bjccjh-bjccjh rhmj HE. bachha bachha Ram hai 73 sjHmjh sjh Hr ahdmjI HE. Bhool kar bhi koi bhool ho na Hr tjrP Jjuljumj HE bjebjsjI HE. iJjtjnjI BjI de BjljI iJjndgjI de.i j ftjnjI wjiKtj HmjeN denjh dhtjh Itni Shakti Hame Dena Data j ftjnjI wjiKtj HmjeN denjh dhtjh. tjU HmjeN @jhnj kI rOwjnjI de. Bair ho na kisika kisi se. Jitani bhi de bhali jindagi de bjEr Ho nj iksjIkh iksjI sje. Teri rachna ka bhi anta ho na Hmj cjljeN njek rstje pjr Hmjsje. l Itni shakti hamen dena daata. Bjhvjnjh mjnj mjeN bjdlje kI Ho njh. mjnj kh ivjwvjhsj kmjJjor Ho njh. Bhool kar bhi koyee bhul ho na Hmj nj sjocheN HmjeN Kyjh imjljh HE Ham na sochen hame kya mila hai Hmj yje sjocjeN ikyjh Kyjh HE apj[qj. Sab ka jivan hi ban jaye madhuban apjnjI k=qjh kh Jjlj tjU bjHh ke Apni karuna ka jal tu bahaa ke kr de pjhvjnj HrAk mjnj kh konjh Kar de pavan kar ek man ka kona Hmj cjljeN njek rstje pje Hmjsje Ham chalen nek raste pe ham se BjUlj kr BjI kof[ BjUlj Ho njh. Bhavana man mein badle ki ho na Hmj cjljeN njek rstje pjr Hmjsje. Bojh mamta ka tu ye utha le. Ham chalen nek raste par hamse BjUlj kr BjI kof[ BjUlj Ho njh. Door agyan ke hon andhere. Sahma sahma sa har aadmi hai pjhpj kh bjozj bjMtjh HI Jjhyje. mjnj kh ivjwvjhsj kmjJjor Ho njh. Ham chalen nek raste par hamse BjUlj kr BjI kof[ BjUlj Ho njh. Papa ka bojh badhta hi jaye. Jane kaisey yah dharti thami hai bjozj mjmjtjh kh tjU yjH FVh lje. Tu hamen gyan ki raushani de Hr bjurhf[ sje bjcjke rHeN Hmj. Har taraf julum hai bebasi hai sjHmjh. Har burai se bach ke rahen ham. tjerI rcjnjh kh BjI antj Ho njh. Ham chalen nek raste par hamse BjUlj kr BjI kof[ BjUlj Ho njh. man ka vishvas kamjor ho na Hmj cjljeN njek rstje pjr Hmjsje. Bhool kar bhi koyee bhul ho na k ftjnjI wjiKtj HmjeN denjh dhtjh. Jjhnje kEsje yjH DjrtjI TjmjI HE. Bhool kar bhi koyee bhul ho na dUr a@jhnj ke HoN aNDjere. Itni shakti hamen dena daata. Ham ye sochen kiya kya hai arpan Pulj xjuiwjyjh% ke bjh%ZeN sjBjI ko Phool khushiyo ke baten sabhi ko sjbj kh JjIvjnj HI bjnj JjhA mjDjubjnj. Man ka vishvas kamjor ho na Hmj cjljeN njek rstje pjr Hmjsje. bhool kar bhi koyee bhul ho na 74 . Ham chalen nek raste par hamse BjUlj kr BjI kof[ BjUlj Ho njh. Please lift this burden of maternal love. Let us never commit a mistake even by mistake. Let everyone’s life be a garden of flowers. All around us there is injustice and strife. Let us never commit a mistake even by mistake. let our life be full of goodness.i j Itni Shakti Hame Dena Data j Ishwar. The burden is misdeeds keeps growing. Make every corner of our hearts pure. May we always walk on the path of goodness. Let us not bear enmity towards anyone. every man is afraid. let us not have feelings of ill-will towards anyone. May we always walk on the path of goodness. I don’t know how this earth is sustained. may your creation never cease. k l 75 . With the waters of your compassion. grant us the light of knowledge. Let the darkness of ignorance be far from us. Let us think about what we have offered. Let us never commit a mistake even by mistake. May we always walk on the path of goodness. Let us never commit a mistake even by mistake. let us stay away from the path of misfortune. Let us not think what we have obtained. so that our faith will never waiver May we always walk on the path of goodness. May we spread flowers of happiness. grant us enough strength. He wjhrde mjh%.i j j He wjhrde mjh% Hey Sharde Ma He wjhrde mjh%. Man se hamare mita ke andhere Hmjko FJjhljoN kh sjNsjhr de mjh% Hamko ujalon ka sansar de Ma He wjhrde mjh%. Ham hain akeley. HmjeN pyjhr de mjh%. ham bhi to janen ivj–h kh Hmjko aiDjkhr de mjh%.-----. hamen pyar de Ma He wjhrde mjh%. ham hain adhurey tjerI wjrqj Hmj. Hmj HEN aDjUre. Hey Sharde Ma. Vedon ki bhasha. Tu shweta varani kamal pe viraje HhTjoN mjeN vjIqjh. Hey Sharde Ma. Hey Sharde Ma tjU wvjetj vjrqjI. yje sjNgjItj tjuzjsje. Hey Sharde Ma G k l 76 . Hathon mein veena mukut sar pe saje mjnj sje Hmjhre imjZh ke aNDjere. puranon ki bani Hmj BjI tjo sjmjzjeN. Hmj BjI tjo JjhnjeN. Teri sharan ham. Muniyon ne samjhi. Vidya ka hamko adhikar de Ma He wjhrde mjh%.-----. He wjhrde mjh%. Hey Sharde Ma mjuinjyjoN nje sjmjzjI. He wjhrde mjh%. Muniyon ne jani vjedoN kI BjhQjh pjurhqjoN kI bjhnjI. Hey Sharde Ma. mjuinjyjoN nje JjhnjI. Hr gjItj tjuzjsje. He wjhrde mjh%. Tu swar ki devi. Agyanta se hamen taar de Ma tjU svjr kI devjI. har geet tujhse Hmj HEN akelje. Hey Sharde Ma a@jhnjtjh sje HmjeN tjhr de mjh%. Hey Sharde Ma. ye sangeet tujhse Hr wjbd tjerh.----. kmjlj pje ivjrhJje. Ham bhi to samjhen. mjukuZ sjr pje sjhJje. Har shabda tera. With a veena in your hands. this music emanates from you. Every word is yours.i j He Sharde Ma j O Mother Sharda. Grant us your presence. every song is from you. O Mother Sharda … k l 77 . Give us the right of knowledge. Let us understand. The language of the Vedas. give us your love. a crown shining on your head. the speech of the Puranas. Give us the world of illumination (knowledge). we are incomplete. and are seated on a lotus. Please remove us from ignorance You are the Goddess of melody. Remove the darkness from our mind. O Mother Sharda … You wear pure white clothes. let us know. We are alone.O Mother Sharda. O Mother Sharda … Sages have understood. sages have known. hui sab ek hai. Rose. but the summary is the same. sjbj Jjnj Ak HEN. rNgj +pj vjeQj BjhQjh.i j iHnd dewj ke injvjhsjI j Himd Desh Ke Nivasi iHnd dewj ke injvjhsjI. Bela gulaab juhi. raag magar ek hai. Even though color. Pantha hai nirale sabke. Chameli. Djmj[ HE anjek fnjke. Huf[ sjbj Ak HEE. mjNiJjlj tjo Ak HE. All are tied together in one beautiful garland. they all become one. sab jan ek hain. form. chaahe anek hain. 78 . papihe ki tera pyari. but the destination is one. Rang rupa vesh bhasha. rhgj mjgjr Ak HEE. Hind desh ke niwasi. manzil to ek hai. pjpjIHe kI Zer pyjhrI. saar wahi hai. rNgj +pj vjewj BjhQjh cjhHe anjek HEN. Champa. Koyal ki kook nyari. They all sing different songs. Juhi. sjhr vjHI HE. Hind desh ke niwasi. Dharma hai anek inke. pjNTj HE injrhlje sjbjke. pyjhre PUlj gjuTje. dress. Ganga Jamuna Brahmaputra. sjbj Jjnj Ak HEN. cjhHe anjek HEN. mjhljh mjeN Ak HEN. or languge may be different. The song of the koyal is very melodious. Ways of life are many. Rang rupa vesh bhasha. chaahe anek hain. Kaveri. O people of Hindustan. gjNgjh Jjmjunjh bj`*mjpju<jh. k l The roads are different. Ganga. All these great rivers go and join the sea. Jamuna. Pyare pyare phool guthe. Gaa rahi taraana bulu bul. k|Qqjh khvjerI. Krishna Kaveri Jjh ke imjlj gjf[ sjhgjr mjeN. pyjhre. but the melody is the same. maala mein ek hain. koyjlj kI kUk nyjhrI. gjh rHI tjrhnjh bjuljbjulj. Jaa ke mil gayee saagar mein. all are different flowers. bjeljh gjuljhbj JjUHI. cjmpjh cjmjeljI. iHnd dewj ke injvjhsjI. all are alike. the voice of the papiha is very sweet. Brahmaputra. Bela. sab jan ek hain. Krishna. champa chameli. =ko nj wjUr-sjhHsjI. bjMe cjljo. bjMe cjljo.i j iHmjhid` tjuR W\ W\`R sje j Himadri tunga shringa se iHmjhid` tjuR W\`R sje. Himadri tunga shringa se. vikeerna divya dah si sjpjUtj mjht\ BjUimj ke. bjMe cjljo. Amartya veera putra. Prashasta punya pantha hai. Asankhya keerti rashmiyan ivjkIqj[ idvyj-dhH sjI. dridha pratigya sonch lo pj`wjstj pjuqyj pjNTj HE. Praveer ho jayee bano. d|M pj`itj@j sjocj ljo. prabudha shudha Bharati svjyjN pj`Bjo-sjmjuJJvjljh. suvarda vaagni se jalo pj`vjIr Ho JjyjI bjnjo. Araati sainya Sindhu mein sjuvjhR vjhignj sje Jjljo. swantrata pukarti amjtyj[ vjIr pju<j Ho. badhe chalo badhe chalo R k l 79 . badhe chalo badhe chalo asjNxyj kIitj[ riwmjyjh%. svjtjN<jtjh pjukhrtjI. Swayam prabho samujjwala. bjMe cjljo. ruko na shoor sahasi arhitj sjEnyj-isjnDju mjeN. Sapoota matri bhumi ke. pj`bju• wju• BjhrtjI. tjerI njBjsje BjI Y%cjI FRhnj HE re. mjnjuQyj tjU bjRh mjHhnj HE. BjUlj mjtj. tjerI ahtmjh mjeN svjyjN Bjgjvjhnj HE re. Teri chaati me chupaa mahaa kaal hai. tjerI B\kuiZ mjeN tjhNLvj kh tjhlj HE. Paapon ka pralay ruke. Teri nabh se bhi oonchi udaan hai re. tjerI mjui“yjoN mjeN bjNd tjUPhnj HE re Teri mutthiyon me band toofan hai re. amjr tjere pj`hqj imjljh tjuzjko vjrdhnj Amar tere praan. tjerI gjitj mjeN BjUcjhlj Nayano se jwaal. k l 80 . Tu jo chaahe parvat pahaadon ko phod de.. Dharti saa dheer. Teri aatmaa me swayam bhagwan hai re. Manushya tu badaa mahaan hai. jara shakti pahchaan. Dharti ki shaan tu hai manu ki santaan.. pjhpjoN kh pj`ljyj ruke. tjerI vjhqjI mjeN yjugj kh aHvjhnj HE re. tjU Jjo cjhHe pjvj[tj pjHhRoN ko PoR de. tjU Jjo cjhHe DjrtjI ko ambjr sje JjoR de Tu jo chaahe dharti ko ambar se jod de. tu hai agni saa veer. Manushya tu badaa mahan hai . tjU Jjo cjhHe njidyjoN ke mjuxj ko BjI mjoR de Tu jo chaahe nadiyon ke mukh ko bhi mod de. Manushya tu badaa mahan hai . tera himgiri sa bhaal. DjrtjI sjh DjIr.. tjerI ChtjI mjeN Cupjh mjHhkhlj HE. Manushya tu badaa mahan hai. pjvjnj sjh tjU gjitjmjhnj Guru saa matimaan. mjnjuQyj tjU bjRh mjHhnj HE. tjU Jjo cjhHe mjhZI sje am\tj injcjoR de Tu jo chaahe maati se amrit nichod de. p\TvjI ke ljhlj tjerh iHmjigjir sjh Bjhlj Prithvi ke laal. mjnjuQyj tjU bjRh mjHhnj HE. pjwjutjh kh wjIwj zjuke. mjnjuQyj tjU bjRh mjHhnj HE. Teri vaani me yug kaa aahvaan hai re. Tu jo agar himmat se kaam le.i j mjnjuQyj tjU bjRh mjHhnj HE j Manushya Tu Bada Mahana Hai DjrtjI kI wjhnj tjU HE mjnju kI sjntjhnj. pawan saa tu gati maan. mjnjuQyj tjU bjRh mjHhnj HE. bhool mat. pashutaa ka sheesh jhuke. Manushya tu badaa mahan hai. teri gati me bhoochaal. mila tuj ko vardaan. Teri bhrikuti me tandav kaa taal hai. tjU HE aignj sjh vjIr. tjU Jjo agjr iHmmjtj sje khmj lje. gju= sjh mjitjmjhnj. tjU Jjo cjhHe tjo khlj ko BjI Tjhmjlje Tu jo chaahe to kaal ko bhi thaamle. injJj ko tjU Jjhnj Jjrh wjiKtj pjHcjhnj Nij ko tu jaan. njyjnjoN sje Jvjhlj. i j vyjiŒ vyjiŒ mjeN JjgjhA% iHndu cjetjnjh j Vyakti Vyakti Me Jagyen Hindu Chetna vyjiŒ vyjiŒ mjeN JjgjhA% iHNdu cjetjnjh Vyakti vyakti me jagayen hindu chetana Jjnj mjnj sjNskhr kreN yjHI sjhDjnjh Jan man sanskar karen yehi sadhana sjhDjnjh injtyj sjhDjnjh Sadhana nitya sadhana sjhDjnjh axjNL sjhDjnjh Sadhana akhand sadhana injtyj wjhxjh Jjh*njvjI pjunjItj JjljDjrh Nitya shaakha jahnvi puneet jaldhara sjhDjnjh kI pjuqyjBjUimj wjiŒ pjIiVkh Sadhana kee punya bhoomi shakti peethika rJj kqjoN mjeN pj`kZe idvyj dIpj Raj kano mein prakate divya deep malika mjhiljkh Ho tjpjsvjI ke sjmjhnj sjNGj sjhDjnjh Ho tapaswee ke saman sangh sadhana sjhDjnjh injtyj sjhDjnjh… Sadhana nitya sadhana… He pj`Bjo tjU ivjwvj kI aJjeyj wjiŒ de He prabho tu vishwa kee ajeya shakti de Jjgjtj Ho ivjnjmj` Aesjh whIlj Hmjko de Jagat ho vinamra aisa sheel hamko de kQV sje Bjrh Huah yjH pjNTj khZnje Kasht se bhara hua yeh panth kaatne @jhnj de ik Ho sjrlj HmjhrI sjhDjnjh Jnan de ki ho saral hamaree sadhana sjhDjnjh injtyj sjhDjnjh… Sadhana nitya sadhana… ivjJjyj wjhljI sjNGjbj• khyj[wjiŒ de Vijayshalee sanghbaddha karyashakti de tjIvj` aOr axjNL Dyjeyj injQVh Hmjko de Teevra aur akhand dheya nishtha hamko de iHNdu Djmj[ r~jqjhTj[ vjIrvj`tj sPure Hindu dharm rakshanarth veervrat sphure tjvj k|pjh sje Ho sjPlj HmjhrI sjhDjnjh Tav kripa se ho safal hamaree sadhna sjhDjnjh injtyj sjhDjnjh… Sadhana nitya sadhana… k l 81 . sjr pje iHmjhljyj kh C<j HE Sar pe himalaya ka chhatra hai cjqjo[ mjeN njidyjh% Ak<j HEN Charano me nadiyan ekatra hai HhTjoN mjeN vjedoN kh pj<j HE Hathon me vedon ka patra hai dewj njHIN Aesjh anyj<j HE Desh nahin aisa anyatra hai Jjyj BjhrtjI vjnde BjhrtjI>>> Jai Bharati Vande Vharati.. iJjsj BjUimj pje Jjnjmj iljyjh rhmj nje Jis bhumi pe janam liya ram ne gjItjh sjunjhf[ JjHh% wyjhmj nje Geeta sunayi jahan shyam ne pjhvjnj bjnjhyjh cjhroN Djhmj nje Pavan banaya charo dham ne svjgj[ BjI ljJjhA iJjsjke sjhmjnje Svarg bhee lajaae jiske samane vjnde mjhtjrmj] vjnde mjhtjrmj]>>> Vande mataram Vande mataram k l 82 ..i j j sjr pje iHmjhljyj kh C<j HE Sar Pe Himalaya Ka Chatra Hai .. DjUA% sje pjhvjnj yje vyjomj HE Dhuen se paavan ye vyom hai Gjr Gjr mjeN Hotjh JjHh% Homj HE Ghar ghar me hotaa jahan hom hai pjuljiktj Hmjhre romj romj HEN Pulkit hamare rom rom hai ahid anjntj wjbd aomj HE Aadi anant shabd om hai Jjyj BjhrtjI vjnde BjhrtjI Jai Bharati Vande Bharati vjnde mjhtjrmj] vjnde mjhtjrmj]>>> Vande mataram Vande mataram... gjmjI[ kI tjpjtjI dupjHr mjeN Garmi ki tapti dupahar mein pjeR sjdh detje HEN Chyjh Ped sadaa deten hain saayaa sjumjnj sjugjNDj sjdh detje HEN Suman sugandh sadaa dete hain Hmj sjbj ko PUljoN kI mjhljh Hum sab ko phoolon ki maala tyjhgjI tj=aoN ke JjIvjnj sje Tyaagi taruon ke jeevan se Hmj pjriHtj kuC krnjh sjIxjeN Hum parhit kuch karna seekhen f[wj HmjeNººº Eesh hume… Jjo anjpjM HE FnHeN pjMhAeN Jo anpadh hai unhe padhaayen Jjo cjupj HEN Fnjko vjhqjI deN Jo chup hain unko vaani den ipjCR gjA Jjo FnHeN bjMhAeN Pichhad gaya jo unhen badhaayen sjmjrsjtjh kh Bjhvj Jjgjh deN Samarasataa ka bhaav jagaa den Hmj mjeHnjtj ke dIpj Jjljh kr Hum mehenat ke deep jalaa kar njyjh FJjhljh krnjh sjIxjeN Nayaa ujaalaa karnaa seekhen k l f[wj HmjeNººº Eesh hume… 83 ...i j f[wj HmjeN detjh HE sjbj kuC j Ish hame Deta Hai Sab Kucha f[wj HmjeN detjh HE sjbj kuC Eesh hume deta hai sab kuch Hmj BjI tjo kuC denjh sjIxjeN Hum bhi to kuch dena seekhen sjUrJj HmjeN rowjnjI detjh Sooraj hume roshani deta Hvjh njyjh JjIvjnj detjI HE Havaa nayaa jeevan deti hai BjUxj imjZhnje ko Hmj sjbj kI Bhookh mitaane ko hum sab ki DjrtjI pjr HotjI xjetjI HE Dharti par hoti kheti hai aOrON kh BjI iHtj Ho iJjsj mjeN Auron kaa bhi hit ho jis mein Hmj Aesjh kuC krnjh sjIxjeN Hum aisa kuch karna seekhen f[wj HmjeNººº Eesh hume. i j Ae mjhiljk tjere bjnde Hmj j Ae Malik Tere Bande Ham Ae mjhiljk tjere bjnde Hmj Ai maalik tere bande ham AEsje HoN Hmjhre krmj Aise ho hamaare karam njekI pjr cjljeN aOr bjdI sje ZljeN Nekee par chalen aur badi se tale Tjhik HNsjtje Hua injklje dmj Taki haste hue nikale dam yje aNDjerh Gjnjh Ch rHh Ye andhera ghanaa chhaa rahaa tjerh fnsjhnj Gjbjrh rHh Teraa insaan ghabaraa rahaa Ho rHh bjexjbjr kuC nj ahtjh njJj_r Ho rahaa bekhabar. kuchh na aataa nazar sjuxj kh sjUrJj Cupjh Jjh rHh Sukh kaa sooraj chhupaa jaa rahaa HE tjerI rowjnjI mje Jjo dmj Hai teri roshanee men jo dam tjU amjhvjsj ko krde pjUnjmj Too amaavas ko karade poonam njekI pjr cjljeN>>>> Nekee par chalen… Jjbj Jj_ulmjoN kh Ho sjhmjnjh Jab zulmon kaa ho saamanaa Tjbj tjU HI HmjeN Tjhmjnjh Tab too hi hamen thaamanaa vjo bjurhf[ kreN Hmj Bjljhf[ kreN Vo buraaee karen ham bhalaee karen njHIN bjdlje kI Ho khmjnjh Nahi badale kee ho kaamana bjS FVe pyjhr kj Hr kdmj Badh utthe pyaar kaa har kadam aOr imjZe gjEr kh yje Bjrmj Aur mite gair kaa ye bharam njekI pjr cjljeN>>>> Nekee par chalen… k l 84 . Shatam indragni savita brihaspatih shatayusha havishemam punarduhuh O Child! May you prosper. Om shatam jeeva sharado vardhamaanah shatam hemantaanchatamu vasantaan. good fortune. strength and courage. wisdom and material prosperity attaining fame and glory in all your endeavors. wjtjimjnd`hignj sjivjtjh b\Hspjitj: wjtjhyjuQjh HivjQjemjN pjunjdu[:. wealth. icjittjN d~jsyj sjuBjgjtvjmjsmj. the source of all knowledge and energy that support this entire universe.. sjhg'N vjQj[wjtjN JjIvj ipjbj. summers and winters. May every day of this child’s life be auspicious.. Posham rayeenamrishtim tanunaam. Saagram varshshatam jeeva piba. pj`hptjuyjh: wjuBjsjmpjdhmj]. 85 . boundless prosperity. all pervading. chittim dakshasya subhagatvamasya. eat well and enjoy life. intellectual and spiritual sustenance for one hundred years again and again. life free l from obstacles and sweetness of voice. intellect. Indra shreshthani dravinani dhehi. May you live long and ever grow in physical strength. k Grant him alertness and caution. may you live for a hundred springs. May you live for a hundred years.N svjhd]mjhnjN vjhcj: sjuidnjtvjmj*njhmj]. all knowing. pjoQjN ryjIqjhmjiriQZN tjnjUnjh. xjhd cj mjod cj. fnd` W`jeQVhinj d`ivjqjhnjI DjeiH.i j vjDjh[pjnj sjNskhr j A Birthday Prayer Y% wjtjN JjIvj wjrdo vjDj[mjhnj: wjtjN Hemjntjh#Ctjmju vjsjntjhnj]. May Ishwar.. khhaada cha moda cha Aayurbalam yashaha pragyaa praptuyaah shubhasampadaam. health. grant you material. svadamanam vachah sudinatvamahnaam O Ishwar! Please grant this child the best of knowledge. ajyju[bjljN yjwj: pj`@jhN. nj Bjogj Bjvjnje Bjvjnje rmjqjIyjmj] Na bhog bhavane ramaneeyam nj cj sjuxjwjyjnje wjyjnjIyjmj] Na cha sukha shayane shayaneeyam aHinj[wjmj] JjhgjrqjIyjmj] Aharnisham jaagaraneeyam ljokiHtjmj] mjmj krqjIyjmj] Lokahitam mama karaneeyam I am not going to live a lustful life nor am I going to enjoy luxuries. but be aware all the time of my duty to do good to people. du:xj sjhgjre tjrqjIyjmj] Dukh sagare taraneeyam kQZ pjvj[tje cjrqjIyjmj] Kashtha parvate charaneeyam ivjpjittj ivjpjnje Bj`mjqjIyjmj] Vipatti vipane bhramaneeyam ljokiHtjmj] mjmj krqjIyjmj] Lokahitam mama karaneeyam k a The oceans of miseries have to be tided over and the mountains of hardship scaled. as my duty is to do good to the people. During troubled times I will remember Ishwar. l 86 . so that I can do good to people. but I have to engage in a range of activities. nor my enjoyment to be thought about. nj Jjhtju du:xjN gjqjnjIyjmj] Na jaatu dukham gananeeyam nj cj injJjsjuxyjmj] mjnjnjIyjmj] Na cha nija sukhyam mananeeyam khyj[-~je<je tvjrqhIyjmj] Karya kshetre tvaraneeyam ljokiHtjmj] mjmj krqjIyjmj] Lokahitam mama karaneeyam My miseries are not to be considered.i j mjnjsjh sjtjtjmj] smjrqjIyjmj] Lokahitam Mama Karaneeyam j mjnjsjh sjtjtjmj] smjrqjIyjmj] Manasaa satatam smaraneeyam vjcjsjh sjtjtjmj] vjdnjIyjmj] vjdnjIyjmj] Vachasaa satatam vadaneeyam ljokiHtjmj] mjmj krqjIyjmj] Lokahitam mama karaneeyam ljokiHtjmj] mjmj krqjIyjmj] Lokahitam mama karaneeyam Let me always keep in mind – let me repeatedly speak out: my duty is to do good to people. Sarva sugandhi sulopita lingam. which is adored by Brahma. devjmjuinjpj`vjrhicj[tjiljNgjmj].bjui•ivjvjDj[njkhrqjiljNgjmj]. Kaamadaham karunaakara lingam Raavana darpa vinaashina lingam. Devas and the Asuras. Buddhi vivardhana kaarana lingam. Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam. Vishnu and other Gods. rhvjqjdpj[ivjnjhwjnjiljNgjmj]. Devamuni pravaraarchita lingam.. and subdued the ego of Ravana. Siddha surasura vandita lingam. sjvj[sjugjinDjsjuljoipjtjiljNgjmj]. Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam. JjnmjJjdu:xjivjnjhwjkiljNgjmj]. smeared with various perfumes. I bow before that Shivalinga. Nirmal bhaashita shobhita lingam. k l 87 . which uplifts the intellect.tjtj] pj`qjmjhimj sjdhiwjvjiljNgjmj].tjtj] pj`qjmjhimj sjdhiwjvjiljNgjmj]. and which is worshipped by the Siddhas. Brahma murari surachit lingam.. which is hailed by pure words and which destroys the cycle of birth and death. Tat pranamaami sadaashiva lingam.. I bow before that Sadashivalinga.i j a a j iljNgjhQZkmj Lingaashtakam bj`*mjurhirsjurhicj[tjiljNgjmj].. isj•sjurhsjurvjindtjiljNgjmj]. Janmaja dukha vinaashita lingam.khmjdHN k=qjhkr iljNgjmj]. I bow before that Shivalinga worshipped by the gods and sages... and of infinite compassion. that form (of Shiva) which burnt Cupid.tjtj] pj`qjmjhimj sjdhiwjvjiljNgjmj].injmj[ljBjhiQjtjwjoiBjtjiljNgjmj]. . decorated with various ornaments.tjtj] pj`qjmjhimj sdhiwjvjiljNgjmj]. I bow before that Sadashivalingam. Deva ganaarchita sevita lingam.tjtj] pj`qjmjhimj sjdhiwjvjiljNgjmj]. k l 88 . Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam.tjtj ]pj`qjmjhimj sjdhiwjvjiljNgjmj].PiqjpjitjvjeiQZtj wjoiBjtjiljNgjmj]. Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam. Kankamahamani bhooshita lingam... Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam. I bow before that Sadashivalingam... decorated with saffron and sandal-paste. d~jsjuyj@j ivjnjhwjnj iljNgjmj]. Pankaj haar sushobhita lingam.pjNkJjHhrsjuwjoiBjtjiljNgjmj]. studded with varieties of gems and rubies. sjNicjtjpjhpjivjnjhwjnjiljNgjmj]. devjgjqjhicj[tj sjeivjtjiljNgjmj]. idnjkrkoiZpj`BjhkriljNgjmj]. worshipped by gods with sincere devotion. and which destroys all accumulated sins (over several births). which is adorned with lotus garlands. phanipati veshtita shobhita lingam. and of the form of the destroyer of Daksh’s sacrifice. kuNkumjcjNdnjljeipjtjiljNgjmj]. Sanchita Paap vinaashana lingam. I bow before that Sadashivalingam. Daksha suyagya vinaashita lingam.. and glows with the lord of snakes coiled around. Dinkar koti prabhakara lingam. and whose brilliance is like that of crores of suns.i j j knjkmjHhmjiqjBjUiQjtjiljNgjmj].BjhvjEBj[iŒiBjrevj cj iljNgjmj]. Kumkum chandan lepita lingam. bhaavair bhakti bhireva cha lingam. Survana pushpa sadaarpita lingam. I bow before that Sadashivalingam.. sjurgju=sjurvjrpjUiJjtjiljNgjmj]. iljNgjhQZkimjdN pjuqyjN yj: pjVetj] iwjvjsjiœDjO. Ashtadalopari veshtita lingam. pjrhtpjrN pjrmjhtmjkiljNgjmj]. which is the Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self. which stands on the eight petals. Whoever recites these eight shlokas.. j aQZdird`ivjnjhwjnjiljNgjmj]. Sarva samud bhava kaarana lingam. Surguru suarvara poojita lingam. Tat parnamaami Sadashivalingam. which is worshipped by the devas and their gurus with flowers from the divine gardens. in praise of the Shivalinga with the presence of Lord Shiva.tjtj] pj`qjmjhimj sjdhiwjvjiljNgjmj]. iwjvjljokmjvjhpnjoitj iwjvjenj sjH mjodtje. Paraatparam parmaatmaka lingam. and which can destroy the eight aspects of poverty. Lingaashtakam idam punyam yaha pathet shivasannidhao. Ashta daridra vinaashana lingam...sjurvjnjpjuQpjsjdhicj[tjiljNgjmj]. Shivlokakam vaapnoti shiven saha modate. which is the cause of all creation. Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam..i j aQZdljopjirvjeQZtjiljNgjmj].tjtj] pj`qjmjhimj sjdhiwjvjiljNgjmj]. I bow bwfore that Sadashivalingam. attains that Supreme abode of Shiva and enjoys everlasting bliss with him! k l 89 .sjvj[sjmjud]BjvjkhrqjiljNgjmj]. i j Hmj ko mjnj kI wjiŒ denjh j Ham ko man kee shakti dena Hmj ko mjnj kI wjiŒ denjh Ham ko man kee shakti dena mjnj ivjJjyj kreN Man vijay karen dUsjroN kI Jjyj sje pjHlje Doosaron kee jai se pehele xjud ko Jjyj kreN Khud ko jai karen Bjed Bjhvj apjnje idlj sje sjhP kr sjkeN Bhed Bhava apne dil se saaf kar saken dUsjroN sje BjUlj Ho tjo mjhP kr sjkeN Doosaron se bhool ho to maaf kar saken zjUV sje bjcje rHeN sjcj kh dmj BjreN Jhooth se bache rahen sach ka dam bharen dUsjroN kI Jjyj sje pjHlje Doosaron ki jai se pahale mjuiwkljeN pjReN tjo Hmjpje ftjnjh kmj[ kr Mushkilen paden to hum pe itna karm kar sjhTj deN tjo Djmj[ kh cjljeN tjo Djmj[ pjr Saath de to dharm ka chalen to dharm par xjud pje HOsjljh rHe bjdI sje njh LreN Khud pe haosalaa rahe badee se na daren dUsjroN kI Jjyj sje pjHlje Doorason kee jai se pehele Grant us the strength of mind that we may ever be victorious. and walk on the path of Dharma. Before we celebrate the victory of others. If misfortune befalls us. let us May we be able to remove the differences between people from our hearts. may we always do our duty. k l 90 . May we be able to forgive the mistakes done by others. May we have courage and faith in ourselves. May we always side with right. and not be afraid of change. May we be safe from untruth. and always speak the truth with every breath. You are my companion and my support.i j j tjumHI Ho mjhtjh ipjtjh tjumHI Ho Ham ko man kee shakti dena tjumHI Ho mjhtjh ipjtjh tjumHI Ho Tumhee ho maataa pitaa tumhee ho tjumHI Ho bjnDju sjxjh tjumHI Ho Tumhee ho bandhu sakhaa tumhee ho tjumHI Ho sjhTjI tjumHI sjHhre Tumhee ho saathee tumhee sahaare kof[ nj apjnjh isjvjh tjumHhre Koi na apanaa sivaa tumhaare tjumHI Ho njfyjh tjumHI xjevjEyjh Tumhee ho naiyaa tumhee khevaiyaa tjumHI Ho bjnDju sjxjh tjumHI Ho Tumhee ho bandhu sakhaa tumhee ho Jjo ixjlj sjke njh vjo PUlj Hmj HeN Jo khil sake na vo phool ham hain tjumHhre cjrqjoN kI DjUlj Hmj HEN Tuhmaare charano kee dhool ham hain dyjh kI d|QZI sjdh HI rxjnjh Dayaa kee drishti sadaa hee rakhanaa tjumHI Ho bjnDju sjxjh tjumHI Ho Tumhee ho bandhu sakhaa tumhee ho You are my mother. you are my friend. Keep your ever-compassionate eye on us. You are my boat. you are my father. We are the dust of your feet. You are my relative… k l 91 . You are my relative… We are the flower that does not bloom. There is no-one besides you who is mine. and you are my boatman. You are my relative. Support a Child. children and their parents. newsletters. • Youth Books .Sri Krishna Janamastami Shree M. Ekal Vidyalaya.Books on Hindu heritage for youths. Email: gensecy@vhp-america. • Bal Vihars . creeds. • Publications .To teach basic values to children in a learn-while-you-play setting.Representing interests of Hindus in the USA. • Emporium . TX 77244-1505 j Telephone: (281)-496-5676.O. cultural items. races and religions.One-day events organized for young adults to develop leadership in community services. Apte (Dada Saheb) k l Dr. • To establish contacts with Hindus all over the world. Munshi 92 . • Hindu Interests and Public Relations . • Youth Camps .Opportunities for promoting Hindu unity and interests. Ramaswami Aiyar Shree S. souvenirs. Objectives • To unite Hindus with a view to instill in them devotion to the principles and practices of Hindu way of life.For youth and family to learn about Hindu heritage in a natural environment. “The entire creation is one family.Source of authentic Hindu religious. S. Box 441505. and Seva in Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA) is guided by vision of building a dynamic Hindu society inspired by the eternal values of Dharma and lofty ideal of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam meaning. P. S.” VHPA promotes awareness about Hindu heritage and provides a forum for all Hindu organizations and institutions to enhance Hindu interests through national and international programs and projects. Fax (281)-752-8185. • SEVA. Programs and Projects VHPA programs and projects cater to the local needs within the broad framework of our mission. Kanhaiyalal M. • To cultivate in them a spirit of self respect for themselves and their way of life and respect for the people of all colors.Hindu Vishwa. • Youth Conferences .i j Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America National Office: P. 1964 . • International and Regional Conferences . • Formation of Dharma-Samsad and Dharma Prasaar Yaatra in America Founding Members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad August 29. Houston. Golwarkar (Shree Guruji) Swami Satyamitrananda Giri Shree Jagat Guru Shankaracharya Swami Chinmayanandji Shree Muni Susheelkumariji Sant Tukadoji Maharaj Master Tara Singh Bhai Hanuman Prasad Poddar Shree C.
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