Praveen Kishore Sociology

April 3, 2018 | Author: er_rohit06 | Category: Social Stratification, Sociology, Sociological Theories, Politics, Science



SOCIOLOGY (for IAS) by PRAVEEN KISHORENICE-IAS in association with INSPIRATION IAS ACADEMY 24/38, Basement, Opp. Big Apple, Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi-110060 Ph. 09717702199, 09868595298, 011-25759495 Web site: e.mail: [email protected] TEST SERIES (MAIN ’09) DATE SHEET TEST CODE CONTENTS OF THE TESTS DATE TIME INTRODUCTORY LECTURE 08-06-09 5.30PM -7.30 PM TSM-SOC-I-09/T -1 1. 2. Sociology- The discipline (a) Modernity and Social Changes in Europe and emergence of sociology. (b) Scope of the subject and comparison with other social sciences (c) Sociology and common sense Sociology as science (a) Science, scientific method and critique (b) Major theoretical strands of research methodology (c) Positivism and its critique (d) Fact, value and objectivity (e) Non-positivist methodologies 12-06-09 Friday 5.15PM – 8.15 PM TSM-SOC-II-09/T -2 3. 4. Social movements in Modern India (a) Peasants and farmers movements (b) Women’s movement (c) Backward class and Dalit movement (d) Environmental movements (e) Ethnicity and identity movements Population Dynamics (a) Population size, growth, composition and distribution (b) Components of population growth: birth, death, migration (c) Population policy and family planning (d) Emeging issues : ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproductive health 19-06-2009 Friday 5.15PM – 8.15PM TSM-SOC-I-09/T -3 5. Sociological Thinkers (a) Karl Marx –Historical materialism, mode of production, alienation, class – struggle (b) Emile Durkheim – Division of labour, social fact, suicide, religion and society. (c) Max Weber – Social action, ideal types, authority, bureaucracy, protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism 26-06-2009 Friday 5.15PM – 8.15PM 5.00PM – 8.00PM TSM-SOC-I-09/T-4 6. Sociological Thinkers (a) Talcott Parsons – Social system, pattern variables (b) Robert King Merton – Latent and manifest functions, conformity and deviance, reference groups (c) G.H.Mead – Self and identity 03-07-2009 Friday 5.15PM – 8.15PM 1 9.S.SOCIOLOGY (for IAS) by PRAVEEN KISHORE NICE-IAS in association with INSPIRATION IAS ACADEMY 24/38.Desai) 10-07-2009 Friday 7. Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Society (a) Social background of nationalism (b) Modernization of Indian tradition (c) Protests and movements during colonial period (d) Social reforms TSM-SOC-II-09/T-6 11. Louise Dumont.15PM TSM-SOC-II-09/T-5 8. M. land reforms 12.15PM 2 .Srinivas) (c) Marxist sociology (A. e. ethnicity and race (d) Social mobility – open and closed systems. Rural and Agrarian Social Structure (a) The idea of Indian village and village studies (b) Agrarian social structure – evolution of land tenure system. status groups. Stratification and mobility (a) Concepts – equality.nice-ias. Delhi-110060 Ph. pluralism.N. 09868595298. cults (c) Religion in modern society: religion and 24-07-2009 Friday 5. inequality. Caste System (a) Perspectives on the study of caste systems : G S Ghurye.R.N.15PM – 8. Social Change in Modern Society (a) Sociological theories of social change (b) Development and dependency (c) Agents of social change (d) Education and social change (e) Science. Religion and Society (a) Sociological theories of religion (b) Types of Religious practices: animism. gender. exclusion.15PM TSM-SOC-I-09/T-7 14. monism. 09717702199. Opp. Tribal Communities in India (a) Definitional problems (b) Geographical spread (c) Colonial policies and tribes (d) Issues of integration and autonomy 011-25759495 Web site: www. Marxist theory and Weberian theory (c) Dimensions – Social stratification of class.Ghurye) (b) Structural functionalism ( M.Srinivas. Big Apple. Old Rajendra Nagar. types of mobility.mail: nice_ias@yahoo. Social Classes in India (a) Agrarian class structure (b) Industrial class structure (c) Middle classes in India 17-07-2009 Friday 5. sources and causes of mobility Perspectives on the study of Indian Society: (a) Indology (G.15PM – 8. hierarchy. poverty and deprivation (b) Theories of social stratification – Structural functionalist theory. Andre Beteille (b) Feature of caste system (c) Untouchability – forms and perspectives 10. Basement. technology and social change 15.15PM – 8. civil society. Works and Economic life (a) Social organization of work in different types of society – slave society. ideology (d) Protest. religious revivalism.SOCIOLOGY (for IAS) by PRAVEEN KISHORE NICE-IAS in association with INSPIRATION IAS ACADEMY 24/38.nice-ias. Opp.15PM 5. agitation. Big Apple.15PM – 8. Religion and Society (a) Religious communities in India (b) Problems of religious minorities 31-07-2008 Friday 07-08-2008 Friday 5. household. bureaucracy. Politics and Society (a) Sociological theories of power (b) Power elite.mail: nice_ias@yahoo. sampling. fundamentalism 16. hypothesis. pressure groups. social movements. and political parties (c) Nation. System of Kinship (a) Family. revolution science. 09717702199. democracy.15PM 3 .15PM – 8. reliability and validity TSM-SOC-I-09/T-8 Semi composite Test I 17. 09868595298. collective e. citizenship. state. Industrial/capitalist society (b) Formal and informal organization of work (c) Labour and society 20. Delhi-110060 Ph.15PM – 8. 011-25759495 Web site: www. Basement. entitlements and sexual division of labour 18. feudal society. Old Rajendra Nagar.15PM TSM-SOC-2-09/T-9 TSM-SOC-I-09/T-10 19. System of Kinships in India (a) Lineage and descent in India (b) Types of kinship systems (c) Family and marriage in India (d) Household dimensions of the family (e) secularization. marriage (b) Types and forms of family (c) Lineage and descent (d) Patriarchy and sexual division of labour (e) Contemporary trends 14-08-2008 Friday 5. Research methods and analysis (a) Qualitative and quantitative methods (b) Techniques of data collection (c) Variables. 15PM – 8.15PM – 8.15PM – 8. class mobilization (d) Informal sector. Old Rajendra Nagar.15PM TSM-SOC-I-09/T-14 Composite Test Paper I 11-09-2008 Friday 5. poverty alleviation schemes (b) Green revolution and social change (c) Changing modes of production in Indian agriculture (d) Problems of rural labour. communalism. Politics and Society (a) e. 09717702199. Basement. migration 24.15PM TSM-SOC-II-09/T-13 Semi Composite Test Paper II 04-09-2009 Friday 5. pressure groups. democracy and citizenship (b) Political parties. Industrialisation and Urbanisation in India (a) Evolution of modern Indian industry (b) Growth of urban settlements in India (c) Working class : structure. Delhi-110060 Ph.SOCIOLOGY (for IAS) by PRAVEEN KISHORE NICE-IAS in association with INSPIRATION IAS ACADEMY 24/38. law and social change (c) Education and social change 23.15PM Fee: Rs 5000/- 4 . Big Apple. environmental problems and sustainability (b) Poverty. Social Changes in India (a) Visions of Social Changes in India (a) Idea of development planning and mixed economy (b) Constitution.mail: nice_ias@yahoo. deprivation and inequalities (c) Violence against women (d) Caste conflicts.15PM – 8. child labour (e) Slums and deprivation in urban areas 26. religious revivalism (e) Literacy and disparities in education 25. Challenges of Social Transformation (a) Crisis of development : displacement. community development programme.15PM – 8. cooperatives. TSM-SOC-II-09/T-11 22. growth.15PM TSM-SOC-II-09/T-12 28-08-2009 Friday 5.15PM TSM-SOC-II-09/T-15 Composite Test Paper II 28-09-2008 Friday 5. Rural and Agrarian Transfomation in India (a) Programmes of rural development. social and political elites (c) Regionalism and decentralization of power (d) Secularisation 21-08-2008 Friday 5. 011-25759495 Web site: www.nice-ias. bondage. 011-25759495 Web site: www. 3. (Rs 5000/-+Rs600/. 09868595298. Send the draft OF Rs5600/. Questions will be sent by mail on every Wednesday before 2.nice-ias. Basement. Prior information of the same will be given. 5 . 09717702199. Big Apple. Dates and topics of the exams may be changed on certain occasions. Students willing the study material will have to send Rs3500/. They are required to send the answers by post.mail: nice_ias@yahoo. Old Rajendra e. postal charge).mail Notes: 1.SOCIOLOGY (for IAS) by PRAVEEN KISHORE NICE-IAS in association with INSPIRATION IAS ACADEMY 24/38. favour of “PRAVEEN KISHORE” payable at Delhi along with completely filled enrolment form.30 PM to 8. Postal and Online Test series programme 1. Delhi-110060 Ph. Discussion will be held on every Saturdays between 5. It is recommended to keep one set of Xerox copy of the answer sheet to meet any inefficiency on the part of postal agencies. Each Subsequent tests may carry questions from previous tests 2. Students opting for Postal test series programme are required to have an e.30 Students will have to pay separately for the study material (optional). All the tests will be finished before 25th September. 2.for study material with Rs600/postage charge extra. There is alternative arrangement for the students who are not able to adjust with the above timings due to engagement elsewhere. Faculty should be consulted for the same.30 PM. 3.
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