Prash Trivedi

March 26, 2018 | Author: ravisankarjk | Category: Zodiac, Astrological Sign, Hindu Astrology, Horoscope, Astrology



OSFA Founder ~ Prash TrivediPrash Trivedi is one of the world's foremost authorities on Jyotish. His ancestral background includes notable Sanskrit scholars, writers, astrologers and Ayurvedic practitioners. From a very young age he was surrounded by ancient vedic mythology & cosmology. "India's most insightful young astrologer!" - David Frawley President of American Council of Vedic Astrology He pursued his higher education at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. After completing his degree, he received an invitation to undertake a spiritual pilgrimage to meet the Elders of the Hopi native American Indian tribe of Arizona. Journey page He returned to India and in 2000 wrote his first book on Vedic Astrology ~ "The Key of Life Astrology of the Lunar Nodes" . This work has been recognised by experts all over the world as being the most informative work on the lunar nodes (Rahu & Ketu) till date. Prash manages to incorporate Vedic Astrology along with other fringe systems in his research and work. His vision is to arrive at a unified and universal form of Astrology, which would be a direct result of the synthesis of Jyotish with other systems like tarot etc. This universal approach to Astrology would also involve other fringe systems besides the symbols and mythologies of the Ancients. In November 2000 in New York he formed the Orion School & Foundation For Astrology . In March 2001 he appeared on London's BBC Radio and the Breakfast Show on Channel Five to discuss the benefits of Vedic Astrology and highlight the argument against the popular Sun-Sign astrology. His second book "Sun - The Cosmic Powerhouse" was published in 2002 and coincided with his appearance on "The Laura Lee Show", California. Prash's latest offering is a comprehensive illustrated work on the 27 Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions). It has been released under the title "The 27 Celestial portals" in the west and "The Book of Nakshatras" in India. Since that time OSFA has expanded into a busy consultation service with many international clients, students and members. You can Email Prash at - [email protected] Prashant Trivedi ~ Who I Am ~ the PT Avatar this page takes some time to load - please be patient many ask who am I funny since they cannot really answer who they are they ask but its clear they really don't want to gno deep down there is an inkling the reality might be too much to handle for those who feel/think they can handle it here are some highlights of the PT avatar can't cover all the aspects simply because they are infinite I am Harry Potter - Hari Putra meaning Emanation of Hari 'Hari' - 'the stealer of hearts' being one the many names for Divine who lives under the stairs (literally) & has a scar above the right eye who wields many magic wands & has always topped at the University of Real Magic I am Flash Gordon who rescues humanity from Galactic evilarchy through real Flash Power I am Captain Kirk . who steers this planets course through Kirkland Drive (actual address) The PT En-ergy-Field permeates throughout the United Kingdom of Earth I am the real 'Highlander' who can't swim in water but knows how to stay above it I create/consume all charge at will No one can beat PT in a charge battle I am the ONE whom they refer to 'There can only be ONE' I am Merlin who gno's the secrets of the Grail & spent time with the faer people & forest spirits in Wales I am Arthur who wields the Excaliber through exact caliberation/snchro of Time & Space PT and the Land are One I am Robin Hood the real outlaw . Hook in just fun'n'play .who always beats the stupid system they have setup to trap beings into serving the lowly & the wicked I am John Murdoch in 'Dark City' the only One who Wakes up amongst the slumbering masses & singlehandedly brings down their evil system I am Nada in 'They Live' The one who can really SEE no sunglasses required in this case 3rd Eye does the trick I am the Pahana the messenger from the Great Spirit the Hopi expected to return in these times http://www.osfa.htm I am Peter Pan the forever kid who defeats the corporate pirate Elements dance to my freeflowing tune I am Jen. the last of the Gelflings in The Dark Cyrstal the only one who can restore the crystal (coherence) & save this world from the rule of the Skeksi's ( the 12 ruling houses ) I am the real Phantom one walks this earth but stays unknown I am the Pied Piper ( Phi-ed Strummer is a more relevant term for right now ) the one who can completely enchant anyone who is not completely sold out ..I am Mowgli Man-Cub of 'Jungle Book' in a world full of Apes I am the Nature Boy I am the Wild Child full of grace saviour of the human race with a cool face .. I am the archetypal 'Rockstar' they (genepools) have all tried to be the one who can really Rock the elements themselves are there to testify not just some stupid drunk fans I am Hermes & I am Aphrodite I am the Hermaphrodite the Free & Final World Card of Tarot The World Dancer the number 21 I am Quetzacoatel bearing a Coat of Many Colours Am more than just all colours of the rainbow seen & unseen I am many Hued My body carries all the shades of all the races on this planet from dark to yellows to browns to reds With Aquarius Rising I am the Aquarian motif for The Age of Aquarius . I am the Jedi Skywalker I am the real winged one The Birdman Garuda Narayan I am the Rainbow Warrior which many claim to be without creating a single rainbow at will I am MuabDib ( Paul Atriedes .P trivedi ) of Dune one who can actually ride the worms of DNA & time I am the only real surfer who playfully surfs above the . I am the Tai-Chi master who has the grace to control all Chi . The supreme revelation of God appears in prophets and holy men. To venerate them is true veneration of God. and this foundation is likened to the water that serves to nourish growing wood. Supreme good fortune. and this leads to great good fortune and success. The highest earthly values must be sacrificed to the divine.50 . Success. Here it is the wood that serves as nourishment for the flame. The ting serves in offering sacrifice to God. All that is visible must grow beyond itself.Ting the result the first time I I-ching-ed THE JUDGMENT THE CALDRON. extend into the realm of the invisible. The will of God. Here we see civilization as it reaches its culmination in religion. the spirit. While THE WELL relates to the social foundation of our life. the present hexagram refers to the cultural superstructure of society. should be accepted in humility. Thereby it receives its true consecration and clarity and takes firm root in the cosmic order.waves of this world I am the Zen Master Shaolin wanted to create represented by Iching no. as revealed through them. this brings inner enlightenment and true understanding of the world. But the truly divine does not manifest itself apart from man. I am the real Don Juan who women can play with like they have never played before I am the Multiversal Eagle the Naguals fear to face I am the supreme artist I am the P in Party Praise President Prime Pole Pri(s)ze Pitah Pati Param Prash Prasad Prashn Prahar Pratigya Prakash Pratham Prasidh Preeti Pratap Prassan I am He-Man the real Hu-Man who has the Power of the Grey Skull ( brain ) through Kundalini activation of Sahastrar ( crown chakra ) I am every hero they have created & worshipped I am ALL what they all want to be but are not Prashant Trivedi ~ Who I Am ~ the PT Avatar this is Part-2. for Part-1 click here I am the current in line of Avatars of Divine that have been well-documented in Vedic Texts . Blue Phire which makes Shiv & Vishnu blue I am the New Sun heralding a New Age I am the Alpha & the Omega I am the real (Aeioum) ALL I See is a Great Big Sea You are all just rivers flowing into this big big Sea Sea that is Me Prashant Trivedi ~ Meaning Behind the Name .I am the foremost amongst the Brahmins (Twice Borns) I am the epitome of humanness I am what they call Kalki I consume All perspectives All is a sacrfice to me Even though they might think they are depriving me of it by not offering it all to me I am all the Agni's (Phires) YA RA LA VA HA SA SHA especially Sa Sha Agni . Some of the more Curious have been asking for the Meaning behind my Name (for this earthly incarnation!) . P is the P-ole you spin around What was lost is now being found .. So here are the basics~ Prashant ( pronounced Praha . ..shant with a soft 't' at the end) Trivedi ( pronounced Tri-vaidi with a soft d ) Actual Sanskrit ~ Pra-shant = (Pra) Very (Shant) Peaceful Pra-shant is thus also the sanskrit equivalent of Pacific (Peacefic) Also Praha .shant = Waves + Peace = Wave Resolution ( nondestructive interference amongst waves leading to superluminal faster than light implosion) Tri-vedi = 3 Vedas or 3 Main Systems of knowledge ( also known as the 3 IDS or the 3 ME's) Egyptian Connection ~ P = Virgo = Mercury = Hermes Tri-vedi is the same Tri-smestigus so P Trivedi becomes Hermes Trismestigus My Initials PT become root of PTAH etc ( which becomes Pitah in sanskrit) To sum it up I like to say... Prashant Trivedi's Vedic Chart 1. Every natural malefic is with a natural benefic & that benefic also . happens to be its best friend. 2. Mars. Mercury is connected with Venus through an exchange. The Sun is quadrant house through its association with Ketu (which increases a 4. The Ascendant lord Saturn is in a sky/space nakshatra Punarvasu and is conjunct Venus in placed in Krittika a nakshatra ruled by Sun and is strong in a planets strength fourfold through close conjuction). a nakshatra closely associated with lightning. These male energies are Sky. The self (first house) is represented by all the archetypal male energies. All the friends form teams i. Aquarius the electric air sign rises on the Ascendant. Venus. . Air. Ardra. For example Mars is with its best friend Jupiter and so forth Saturn/Mercury/Venus. Lightning and Sun which are all situated above the feminine Earth. Mercury is the connecting point of the whole chart and is the atmakaraka (soul significator). The Rahu Ketu axis separates the friends and enemies with Sun. Saturn on the other. Saturn and Moon are in Mercury’s signs. Jupiter on one side and Mercury.e Jupiter/Mars/Moon & 3. 5 th st th and 9 th lords Saturn.Gemini and Virgo respectively. For example Mercury and Venus who form a team and the second triangle is comprised of 2 . The temple was built to align perfectly for showing Sun's exact conjunction with Pleiades. 5. 6 nd th the first triangle is comprised of 1 . and related to Jupiter by Jupiter’s placement in Mercury’s nakshatra Revathi . . & 10 lords. Moon and Mars who form another team. So Mercury the atmakaraka and buddha/vishnu planet is aptly the pivot of the chart. 6. All the four elemental triangle lords are connected. It is related to Rahu by aspect. the central star Alcyone in the era 1970-2012. It is related to Mars by being placed in its nakshatra Mrigashira. Jupiter. Born at midnight (20th changing to 21st) in India. Mercury is conjunct Sun and Ketu. when it was midday (20th) at the temple in ChichenItza. 7. chart. the Self significator. The 4th house represents vehicles in the vehicle for Saturn. so Venus the 4th and 9th lord can be seen as acting like the Garuda role. Mercury and Venus are the Quetzacoatel (coat of many colours) planets in the chart. Venus in Gemini is the plumed serpent. symbolic of how . Venus is thus playing a axis even in the navamsha. because they stick with the Rahu Ketu Serpent the archetypal Birdman. It is placed in the shastiamsha Amrita. . Vishnu is represented by blue. This can be seen as ultraviolet etheric Rain of perennial consciousness. The waters of life are depicted as Ganga falling from Shiva’s hair. This symbolises the blue sky with a yellow Sun as clothing. Saturn. the colour of the sky. Vishnu holds the wheel of time So it is clear that Saturn is representing Vishnu and Venus is 8. The right hand index finger is represented by Jupiter in PT's chart. Saturn (Vishnu) rides on the (sudarshan chakra) with his right index finger. Shiva component of the chart can be seen through the sign Aquarius (aqua vitae or waters of life). to the mother of humanity Aditi and Vishnu was born through her as golden yellow. The wheel of time is personified by Jupiter’s placement in Revathi (the ‘time’ nakshatra). and Saturn relates to the colour blue. the avatar. representing Garuda (birdbrain). Vamana. and is related to PT’s right hand through conjunction with the 3rd lord. Vishnu is depicted as a blue being draped in the combination thus denotes a blue sky. acts as the punarvasu represents the sky. punarvasu is also related Vishnu planet.Garuda gets the nectar. Venus (vehicle and nectar). the ascendant lord. rising on the ascendant. The Rudras are embodiments of Shiva energy. Mercury in the fixed sign Taurus represents the Vishnu and Shiva In PT’s chart there are exactly 5 planets in fixed signs (Shiva signs) and five planets in mutable signs (Vishnu Signs). So the name Prashant is perfect for this incarnation. is in Uttarabhadrapada an oceanic nakshatra. Oceans and blood have one important thing is common ~ both are salty. So the planet of blood is in a nakshatra representing oceans (Earth blood). The largest amongst earth’s nd oceans is Pacific. Scorpio and Aquarius all represent Shiva. PT's entire chart is based on Mercury and Venus exchange. Mars . The fixed signs Taurus. Leo. principle and Venus in the mutable sign gemini also represents the Vishnu and Shiva principle. Also the 2 house presides over the name of a person. . the planet of blood.Venus is related to the Rudras or time lords. half Shiva). through its placement in Ardra. which translates into Prashant in Sanskrit. 9. This combination results in perfect merging to produce Hari-Hara (half Vishnu. his hunger. Garuda (the bird brain) requires a Turtle & Elephant to satiate elephant is a revati animal. The chart as a whole represents the churning of the ocean story. Therefore the Sun in Krittika on 21 May would be the accurate representation of Sun (solar system) connecting with its galactic counterpart. a wheel that goes round and round like a churning rod. and is in straight relation to the Mars turtle. Jupiter is representing the churning through Revathi. whilst the 12. The 2nd house relates to eating and is occupied by the planets Mars & Jupiter placed in uttarabhadrapada and revathi respectively. Mars is in Uttarabhadrapada. as . Revathi relates to the wheel of time. The Incas and the Aztecs through their pyramids at Chichenitza Alcyone as 21 May. st st established the date for a precise conjunction between our Sun and 11. Moon in Uttara Phalguni represents the axis of the churning. Our Sun revolves around Alcyone the central star of Pleiades. Jupiter and Mars are in the sign of the ocean.10. The turtle is an uttarabhadrapada animal. In the story Vishnu assumes the form of a tortoise to support Mt Mandhara. the nakshatra representing the tortoise. Pisces. So Pleiades becomes representative of the Devas seat of Brahma.. from gaining the nectar. Sun is placed in Krittika which relates to the asterism (righteous ones). Vishnu assumes the form of Mohini in this story to keep the unrighteous Mohini Ekadashi . It is interesting to note that PT was born on Pleiades.. The serpent is positioned at a right angle in respect to the axis. Rahu and Ketu are representing the serpent used . Moon represents the in the churning.Moon and Mars are exactly 180 degrees apart. The nectar which comes out of the churning is represented by Venus as it placed in Amrita Shashtiamsha. The devas represented by Sun and Mercury are holding the tail Ketu. " Our fate (present life) is made up of our own actions (past) and thus can be dissolved only by our own ..' The word 'disaster' is made up of two roots . Astrology is the language of the stars . The personal horoscope is just a simplified map of the heavens at the moment we are born. It is in turn a guide map for our journey through time on the planet known as earth.'dis' or separation. and what can it the meaning 'star logic'. All we have is sky above and ground below. Astrology is basically a science of time.Astrology .. The importance of Astrology in our lives can be gauged from the real meaning of the word 'disaster. Astrology functions upon the natures law . It is finally up to us to traverse the path once it has been lighted. Astrology is our only connection with the cosmos. Every moment in time has a certain quality attached to it. By being born at a particular moment in time under the heavens we imbibe this quality. it is in fact the Universal language. Astrology connects the patterns in the heavens with the happenings on earth. and 'aster' or stars . Just like nature.. Astrology is the oldest among sciences. Today's 'karma' is tomorrow's 'fate'. it puts more emphasis on karma than fate. Astronomy without Astrology is as lifeless as a body without a soul . Astrology is not about bondage to a cruel hand of fate or destiny but all about attaining freedom through understanding and proper use of our freewill. it begins where astronomy stops.' or star. Astrology is the science of 'light' and lights the path known as life. The implications of this meaning in relation with the present understanding of this word are not hard to see. it has no good or bad.."for every action there is an equal and opposite is similar to trying to appreciate a painting by analyzing the chemical composition of the colours used. It just reveals what was. and 'logos.. In fact.'aster. what is. Its origins can be traced back to the beginning of the cosmos and it will be relevant as long as the universe exists Astrology is the soul of astronomy .Its Importance and Relevance by Prash Trivedi • • • • • • • • • • • • • The word 'Astrology' is derived from two roots ..' or logic .giving it the meaning 'separation from the stars. Astrology does not pronounce any judgement. Astrology is not about depending on fate as a lot of people purport it to be. but since probabilities exist at the quantum level of existence as modern physics has found they do so at the macro level as well. Astrology is all-inclusive .. Sir Isaac Newton's retort when a fellow scientist was questioning its validity . Astrology is amazingly accurate . it can help us learn our lessons with the minimum of strife. Astrology is the key to attaining the understanding of the workings of the Universal Mind.puts this point in perspective. I practice it and you don't " . It only indicates that there is a certain probability of an event happening.... culture or nationality. Astrology is all-encompassing . Astrology is as valid as its practitioner. It can only be pronounced valid or invalid after being put to test like everything else. it covers all the spheres of human existence. Astrology lets us know what tools we have at our disposal in the present life and how we can make best possible use of them. It is all a question of varying forces. religion. and if our effort (in the present) outweighs 100 lb. Astrology is not a science of chance. Astrology is a personal as well as a collective science. present and the future. it has no bias for any race. it unravels the message inherent in the stars spawning the night sky.. gender. Astrology is the answer to the 'why' of everything with in the realm of human existence.. it is a wonderful tool for self-introspection and self-analysis. it works on a material level through the level of consciousness. It is the root of psychology. Astrology is a catalyst in our evolutionary journey . So astrology doesn't say a certain event is going to happen..." but Sir. Astrology is the chord linking the past. Astrology basically deals with consciousness ... It has space for all the modern branches of science and even those who don't believe in it! Astrology has much more to offer than just being a tool for foretelling the future... .. healing and all other humanitarian pursuits. it can work accurately even on a daily or hourly basis if required. In Plato's words " a life unanalyzed is not worth living". Astrology in a sense deciphers the handwriting of the Creator . Astrology is more about understanding than belief . Supposing if our previous actions carry a weight of 100 lb... Astrology is the only common link between all the existing as well as the ancient cultures.. Astrology is a conscious way of living our lives on earth.. it is a knowledge system not a belief system. we will overcome our fate. Astrology is all about lessening confusion and increasing clarity.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • actions (present). The world is always there but we cannot see it without our eyes . Its earliest origins can however be traced back to the beginning of the manifest Universe. Modern science now confirms that all matter/physical universe is based upon light and its interplays which would make Jyotish "the science of light". Vedic Astrology is thus the earliest form of Astrology and is a system that has changed very little over the course of time."Jyoti" being light and "isha" being lord. There is no point in analysing a chart which does not correspond to the actual heavenly positions of the planets and signs. were privy to the secrets and functionings of the Universe and transmitted their knowledge orally to their disciples. Its western the same way Jyotish is the light which illumines the universal knowledge encapsulated in the Vedas. Jyotish thus translates into "the Lord of Light" or "the Knowledge of Light". Its precision and accuracy as a divination science is unrivalled even today. known as Western Astrology has its roots in the Roman civilisation. . Vedic Scriptures known as 'Vedas' describe Jyotish as 'the Eye of the Vedas'. It is similar to playing music on an out of tune instrument! Vedic Astrology is much more extensive and vast than its western counterpart. Theosophists as we know were channelling their information from the East mainly India and Tibet. These writings form the backbone of present day Vedic Astrology. Many scholars now believe that Astrology travelled to Egypt through the middle east (Babylonian culture).A BRIEF INTRO by Prash Trivedi Vedic astrology is the modern name for an ancient system of astrology known in Sanskrit as "Jyotish" . The Ancient Sages who according to Vedic Mythology are the mind born sons of Brahma (one of the Trinity. Babylonians had a strong connection with the Vedic civilisation flourishing in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent and so it can be said that their Astrology was very similar if not completely identical to Jyotish. The instructions of one such Sage by the name of Parashara were put into text around 3000 years ago.JYOTISH or VEDIC ASTROLOGY . one of the prime manuscripts containing the spiritual tradition of India. the Creator of the Universe in Vedic Mythology). It passed down through the ages as an orally transmitted knowledge and formed an important part of the Vedas. Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology was relevant 2000 years ago but is no longer valid. Vedic Astrology is a science dating back to more than 5000 years. It is unquestionably the foremost among all divination methods and sciences. The modern day Western Astrology was deeply influenced by the Theosophical Movement. The Romans derived it from the Greeks who in turn derived it from the Egyptians. Somehow over the last century many faults crept into this evolving system such as the use of the astronomically inaccurate Tropical Zodiac. Click Here for Details WESTERN ASTROLOGY . This difference between the two zodiacs is called the "Ayanamsha". . Vedic Astrology helps you do exactly that. Health and Spiritual nature. Every birth is sacred and brings with it both positive and difficult karma which influence our Character.It requires a serious and deep study with an open attitude from all the intellectual and inquisitive minds to uncover its magic. Newton and Galileo all practised Astrology. Vedic Astrology covers every area of human existence and can give accurate results down to the minute. healing. over the course of time a more symbolic zodiac was adopted which is astronomically inaccurate.WHY IT IS NO LONGER RELEVANT! THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE VEDIC (SIDEREAL) ZODIAC AND THE WESTERN (TROPICAL) ZODIAC It is important to know what differentiates Vedic Astrology from the more well known Western Astrology. Career . It is interesting to note that Ancient Vedic Sages knew about most of the astronomical phenomena including the precession of the earth's axis thousands of years before modern astronomy came to know about it and used it in their calculations. Relationships. a phenomenon in Astrology known as the "precession of the equinoxes". prediction.religion and spirituality to everyday affairs.Light and Isha .Lord) is based upon the Sidereal Zodiac as opposed to the Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish (its Sanskrit name meaning Jyoti . The present day Vedic Astrology is comprised of different systems delineated by different Sages. The Ayanamsha takes into account the revolution of the earth's axis. There is nothing one cannot improve or change through greater self understanding and right application. We have an online course available for those who would like to explore this fascinating science from scratch . History bears testament to the fact that the greatest scientific minds like Ptolemy.Finance. Upon this foundation one can take responsibility for one's Self and direct one's life in a more positive and meaningful manner. Talents. Vedic Astrology encompasses everything ranging from psychology. To all the critics of Astrology we suggest that they take a good look at the functionings of Vedic Astrology before they dismiss it as nonsense. which are complementary to each other thereby adding to its richness. Although the Sidereal Zodiac was used by Western Astrologers like Ptolemy in the beginning. For example when the Sun used to move into Aries on the 21st of March at 200 A. It is time that it was erased from public/media consciousness.D. today it will enter the sign of Scorpio around the 14th of November. When the Sun moved into the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd October at 200 A. In order to convert a Western (tropical) horoscope into a Vedic (sidereal) horoscope one needs to subtract the current ayanamsa from the Tropical longitudes of the planets and . This the reason why the present day SUN-SIGN ASTROLOGY is COMPLETELY WRONG. which marks the beginning point of the first sign of the zodiac Aries is always changing and moving forwards in time. When a person born today has the Sun at 10 degrees in Aries using the Tropical Zodiac. in actual astronomical reality the Sun will be 23 degrees backwards placed in the sign of Pisces.800 years to complete one revolution. today it will enter the sign of Aries around the 14th of April. The Sidereal Zodiac used in Vedic Astrology is astronomically accurate because it takes the shifting of the earth's axis into account when calculating the longitudes of the planets and constellations. It means that every 2000 years the position of the vernal or spring equinox.To explain this in the simplest way possible the earth spins(wobbles to be more precise) on its own axis in a conical motion and takes approximately 25. It is a complete joke in more ways than one .it has very little to do with Real Astrology. The Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology is a Symbolic Zodiac based upon the position of the planets and constellations as they were in the sky 2000 years ago. Consequently the pole star also changes every few thousand years as seen in the figure below. The Sidereal zodiac is the real zodiac as it actually appears in the sky at any given moment.D. This difference between the two zodiacs is called the "Ayanamsha".C. Today the ayanamsa is 23º 52' degrees.800 years to complete one revolution. Although the Sidereal Zodiac was used by Western Astrologers like Ptolemy in the beginning. To explain this in the simplest way possible the earth spins(wobbles to be more precise) on its own axis in a conical motion and takes approximately 25. There are some disagreements on the actual measurement of the ayanamsa or longitudinal difference between the two zodiacs. The Ayanamsha takes into account the revolution of the earth's axis.WHY IT IS NO LONGER RELEVANT! THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE VEDIC (SIDEREAL) ZODIAC AND THE WESTERN (TROPICAL) ZODIAC by Prash Trivedi It is important to know what differentiates Vedic Astrology from the more well known Western Astrology. which marks the beginning point of the first sign of the zodiac Aries is always changing and moving forwards in time. over the course of time a more symbolic zodiac was adopted which is astronomically inaccurate. There are various ayanamsas in use today. Because the earth's axis is always changing its position the ayanamsa changes slightly every year. In January 1. He calculates the precessional rate to be around 48 seconds per year. .Light and Isha Lord) is based upon the Sidereal Zodiac as opposed to the Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology. Consequently the pole star also changes every few thousand years as seen in the figure below. Lahiri.signs to get their Sidereal positions. a phenomenon in Astrology known as the "precession of the equinoxes". 1900 the ayanamsa was 22 degrees 27 minutes 59 seconds. WESTERN ASTROLOGY . It means that every 2000 years the position of the vernal or spring equinox. The most popular and widely accepted ayanamsa in India was introduced by N. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish (its Sanskrit name meaning Jyoti . When a person born today has the Sun at 10 degrees in Aries using the Tropical Zodiac. in actual astronomical reality the Sun will be 23 degrees backwards placed in the sign of Pisces. In order to convert a Western (tropical) horoscope into a Vedic (sidereal) horoscope one needs to subtract the current ayanamsa from the Tropical longitudes of the planets and signs to get their Sidereal positions. . It is a complete joke in more ways than one . This the reason why the present day SUN-SIGN ASTROLOGY is COMPLETELY WRONG. today it will enter the sign of Scorpio around the 14th of November. When the Sun moved into the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd October at 200 has very little to do with Real Astrology. Because the earth's axis is always changing its position the ayanamsa changes slightly every year. The Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology is a Symbolic Zodiac based upon the position of the planets and constellations as they were in the sky 2000 years ago. The Sidereal zodiac is the real zodiac as it actually appears in the sky at any given moment.D.D. For example when the Sun used to move into Aries on the 21st of March at 200 A. today it will enter the sign of Aries around the 14th of April. The Sidereal Zodiac used in Vedic Astrology is astronomically accurate because it takes the shifting of the earth's axis into account when calculating the longitudes of the planets and constellations. It is time that it was erased from public/media consciousness. Lahiri. Rahu has a nature very similar to that of Saturn. But since it is airy in temperament and is a mystical planet. who is one of the prime contributors to the richness of Vedic astrology. Aquarius is the sign associated with blue color in both Vedic and western astrology. So it is not hard to see the obvious connection between his physical and mental attributes and those of Aquarius. He has blue color. the North Node. 1900 the ayanamsa was 22 degrees 27 minutes 59 seconds. it automatically qualifies for the co-rulership of Aquarius. is unmindful of his appearance. Today the ayanamsa is 23º 52' degrees. Lord Shiva (the god of destruction and one of the trinity) is supposed to preside over the sign Aquarius. According to ancient Indian mythology. He is blue in color. There are some disagreements on the actual measurement of the ayanamsa or longitudinal difference between the two zodiacs. There are various ayanamsas in use today.C. The most popular and widely accepted ayanamsa in India was introduced by N. and people with Aquarius strong or Aquarius rising are the least . and roams around the snow-filled mountains.the North Node of the Moon by Prash Trivedi Home Founde r Readings Online Course Bookstore *Prash's Bestselling Book on Lunar Nodes Rahu. has matted locks with holy waters flowing from them. He calculates the precessional rate to be around 48 seconds per year. wears a snake around his neck. so it can rule either Capricorn or Aquarius. He is unmindful of his appearance and has matted locks.In January 1. is assigned the rulership of the sign Aquarius by the sage Parashar. Aquarius is the most ascetic among the signs. A Brief Intro to Rahu . which is the very nature of Aquarius. Retrograde Saturn is a little more skeptical and slow and gains more through obstacles/disruption rather than a building process. is the sign ruling complete wisdom and liberation. The knowledge and wisdom associated with Aquarius are not attained until one masters Astro . Retrograde exalted Saturn is a strong placement but it gives slow results over a longer period of time. Now the question arises: What connection does the snake (representing the serpent power) have with Aquarius? That's where Rahu comes into the picture. and thus rules that penultimate stage in the journey of man toward liberation. one would always take the easy way out and be more diplomatic in general. true wisdom and liberation are only possible after renunciation of the material world.Questions & Answers • QUESTION: Could you tell me how a retrograde exalted Saturn acts in a chart as compared to an exalted direct Saturn? ANSWER: If Saturn was just exalted. Now. Roaming around the snow-filled mountains shows the ascetic nature of Shiva. the last sign in the zodiac. Saturn will work more strongly in one's .mindful about their looks. in comparison to a direct exalted Saturn. Aquarius is the sign preceding Pisces. Pisces. could you walk me through how you would use these three charts to determine the type of energies. The results will be more apparent in the second half. • QUESTION: So. • QUESTION: In the case of Saturn being exalted in my chart. ANSWER: Saturn's Navamsa placement in Capricorn gives it a rigid spine and strong material inclinations. in addition to the planet that occupies the Nakshatra? ANSWER:Yes. You can download Jagannath Hora Lite software (It has the Nakshatramsha). Nakshatramsha & Shashtiamsha chart. It's free on the net. .advanced years as opposed to the first half of life. • QUESTION: I am aware that each nakshatra is divided into four padas but am not certain as to how to use the pada for further refinement around the Nakshatra. ANSWER:Try to mix the pada lords with the Nakshatra lords like you would mix the energies of two planets in conjunction. dedicated to homely/maternal issues. For example if Venus is in fourth pada of Ardra. ANSWER: If you read my book on the Lunar Nodes you will find that even though Rahu is debilitated in Saggitarius it has the capacity to give good results because Rahu never does too badly in Jupiter's sign. Saturn is in a Shashtiamsha called Lakshmisha meaning Lord of Laxmi (wealth). For example. the main planetary lord of a nakshatra will have more of a say in relation to house affairs than the pada lord. This makes it a good financial planet which promises financial gains in its periods. that Saturn will display. does that mean that the pada will indicate which house affairs the Nakshatra's characteristics/attributes will relate to. Saturn is in Cancer with Ketu in the Nakshatramsha and gives it a soft under belly from a pastlife. than Rahu-Jupiter (Pisces mode) conjunction sort of energy would be relayed by Venus. It makes it a worldly planet. Could you tell me what the Nakshatramsha chart is? ANSWER:The Nakshatramsha is the 27th divisional chart and fine tunes the Navamsa placements. • QUESTION: Does the Lord of the Pada add any further refinement? ANSWER: It deals with underlying energies just as Navamsha governs the underlying energies of the Rasi. • QUESTION:You mentioned that an exalted planet will either show refined or unrefined energies depending on the Navamsha. In a way it can be seen as a corporate placement. • QUESTION: Rahu in my chart is both debilitated and retrograde in my chart. as an exalted planet. The same would be the case during Saturn minor period. It works by being receptive to other's needs.but you have to remember that this a weak effect in comparision to other effects. Could you explain how it will act. In your case it is even aspected by its own dispositor. • QUESTION: What happens if a retrograde planet is also debilitated? I understand from your course work that if the planet is debiliated it will emphasize the negative results of the planet. A natural malefic will always harm live things even if it is exalted. Jupiter & Saturn) give strong results when retrograde. does it internalize the energy of the planet as it relates to affairs of the house it is in. but if retrograde also. The inner planets also give strong results but may lack initiative. Is it "extremely strong" just as it relates to the house it is located in or does this carry over to the houses it rules and houses/planets it aspects? ANSWER: It carries over to the houses it rules. ANSWER: An exalted malefic can function both in a refined and unrefined manner depending upon the overall tone of the chart and its placements in Navamsha. or does it internalize the planet's energy as it relates to everything influenced by the planet in the chart? ANSWER: Only the natural nature of the planet gets internalized. Nakshatramsha & Shashtiamsha. The combined effect will be noticed in whatever comes under its influence. • QUESTION: If the exalted planet is a malefic will it tend to emphasize the higher energies and lessen the lower energies and if so. But their strength does help people get on with life despite not living up to their full potential.when a planet is exalted your course material says that it becomes extremely strong. Overall this means that sometimes their negative results are even more pronounced. • QUESTION: What is the effect of an exalted planet that is also retrograde? ANSWER: The outer planets (Mars. just relate to the house the planet is in or to anything in a chart it influences. • QUESTION: Does the "extremely strong" relate just to non-living affairs of the house or to both living and non-living? ANSWER: That depends upon the planets. Aspects is a whole different thing altogether. natural & temporal nature.• QUESTION: Exalted Planets . Mercury retrograde will lose its outer quick chatty communicability but the internal dialogue within the person would be profuse. • QUESTION: If Mars is retrograde then that might mean that a person would be hesitant to act in an ambitious or courageous manner (is this right?). Overall they have a tendency to give good luck through some sort of reversed events (like making money during war). does this effect. • QUESTION: If a planet is retrograde. For example. . again. ANSWER: Yes that is right. does this lessen the negative impact? ANSWER: Retrograde debilitated planets are stronger than just forward moving debilitated planets. will the information/knowledge in your book be much different than that in Dennis Harness's book .other than the illustrations? ANSWER: I have gotten the information from my own experience in Astrology. If this is true. I have read that little in the way of Vedic knowledge/information on the nakshatras is available.Roman In fact lot of the knowledge which was known in middle ages is secret now. A lot of ancient Vedic texts (especially astrological) are not available today. just complicate matters instead of simplifying them. From there it reached the Egyptians. It's just that superficial psychological issues weren't given much importance in the Vedic scheme of things. most of these are not required and in most cases. • QUESTION: I understand that some people (mainly Western astrologers who later learned Vedic astrology) use both methods. • QUESTION: If there is in fact no Vedic basis. We (Veno and I) pay constant attention to nakshatras on a daily basis as well as in the charts of clients. One has to rely on one's ancient genetic memory to recover the knowledge. What are your thoughts on this? ANSWER: There's nothing about personal psychology which cannot be gauged from Jyotish. • QUESTION: In regards to your book on Lunar Nodes. What happened after that is that these civilizations added some new things to this science through their own experience (like casting the solar return charts). It all depends on the practitioner. as you know. It's more about playing with people's minds and fantasies. like they are in the west. while in the west psychology has only just begun (At least Jung was humble enough to admit this). They had all the vedic knowledge transmitted through the following route Vedic .Babylonian Egyptian . These additions were relayed back to India and incorporated into Jyotish. how/where did you obtain the knowledge you are providing in your book? Also. rather than giving them a piece of reality.that it represents a blend of Greek and Vedic methods. flawed from the initial process of chart casting. • QUESTION: I have read that Jyotish astrology isn't true Vedic astrology . The Western system will be used more for personality traits and the Vedic for predictive matters. is. In our view though. Assyrian and Chaldean. .• QUESTION: You are about to publish a book on Nakshatras. The more one pays attention to them the more one learns about them. then how did the medieval western astrologers possibly come up with such a concept on their own? Who did they take it from? ANSWER:The so called medieval western astrologers used a sidereal zodiac. Greeks in turn took all their knowledge from the Egyptians. What are your thoughts on this? ANSWER: Jyotish was transmitted from India onto the middle eastern civilizations like Babylonian. Even the ones that are available now (like Parashara Hora Shastra) are not present in their entirety. Our book has a totally different structure to Dennis Harness's book and is likely to contradict alot of what he has written. Western Astrology. what are the Hindu authoritative works that act as the basis for interpreting the nodes as a karmic axis? ANSWER: I did it based on my personal experience using my Vedic genepool.Greek . The ancient sages have gone into the psychological aspects of human nature in depth for thousands of years. It's very easy to make Jyotish more psychologically oriented. There is a lot more to it on a galactic level relating to separation of Gemini (antigalactic center) .• QUESTION: Does the basis for interpreting the nodes as a karmic axis come instead from an oral tantric tradition from india? ANSWER: All the puranic stories point towards it in a pretty straightforward manner. The Message of the Ancients . • QUESTION: Since the Western astrologers use the karmic axis too. Even Vishnu got his head severed off once for paying off for the initial cutting of the Swarbhanu's head. • QUESTION: What Hindu authority did you rely on for your book "The Rahu/Ketu Experience"? ANSWER: I relied on Puranas and my experience and intuition. My brahminic genepool ( from Sage Bharadwaja's gotra) has all the knowledge memory of the original astrological knowledge.Sagittarius ( galactic center) as signs but that would take a whole book in itself to explain. do both zodiacs show one's past/future growth/direction. Everyone confronts their Rahu-Ketu axis. That's the only book one can rely on. just differently? ANSWER: Western system has a wrong zodiac. It is a trick played on them by their founders ( who knew better) so that they grope in the dark.A Vedic Perspective by Prash Trivedi • • • • • • the Shifting Ages the Orion mystery the Temples of Angkor Ramayana and Mahabharata ancient Vedic epics or historical diaries ? the Astrological Code our Common Roots . These texts contain more references concerning all these sacred constellations and deep sky objects than any other ancient manuscripts. The mystery deepens when one finds that the temples at Angkor in Cambodia form a shape exactly similar to the constellation of Draconis. as can be seen from this story taken from one of the Vedic scriptures: An Earthly King was called upon by Brahma. . Through this piece I would like to share some of them with you. the Creator among the Trinity of Vedic deities presiding over universal affairs. but by a more advanced civilization thousands of years earlier. It is also interesting to note that the constellations of Orion and Draconis lie almost opposite to each other in the celestial view from Earth. once again it is found that the temples align with the constellation as it appeared around 10. and visited the abode of Brahma and spent around fifteen minutes (of Brahmaloka time) witnessing the splendour of Brahmaloka. After that he asked Brahma to arrange for his return to Earth as his family and kingdom awaited him. the ancient Vedic seers knew about the phenomenon of relativity.500 BC. Alnilam and Mintaka. Brahma laughed and told him that by the time he returned to earth.500 BC. thousands of years of Earth time would have passed. and astronomical data shows that the belt of Orion was tilted at such an angle around 10. Hence. I feel that the key to unlocking the recently discovered "Orion" mystery of the Pyramids.located south-west of Cairo.In my study of ancient Vedic scriptures. The Earthly King agreed. to visit him in his abode which was quite far (many light years) away from earth. Also. as it is found that the main chamber of the King's pyramid was linked to passages which aimed directly at the heart of Orion as it would have been located in that time. I have come across some startling conclusions. The Orion mystery of the Pyramids arises from the fact that the three Pyramids at Giza. This shows beyond doubt that the ancient Vedic seers knew about time travel and the relativity of time and space long before Albert Einstein revealed his theories to the modern world. lies in the ancient Vedic texts. the "Draconis" mystery of temples in Angkor. which is that the Pyramids were constructed not around 2500 BC by the Egyptians. Using astronomical data. a startling conclusion looms on the horizon. For example. the three Pyramids are aligned at an angle of 45 degrees. The story does not end here. are aligned exactly as the three middle stars of the constellation of Orion namely Alnitak. and the "Pleiades" mystery of the Mayan civilization. No one would recognize him as his Kingdom no longer existed and his family had already gone through many generations. Interestingly. If these theories are correct. Most of the esoteric astrologers agree that the last major cataclysm occurred around 10.000 Shifting Awareness . then we can safely conclude that the ancients constructed these structures as astronomical codes for preserving the knowledge of the past cataclysm. The recent advances made in esoteric astrology can help understand why the ancients were so keen on studying and following the motion of these sacred constellations. which happened around 10.the Real Education by Prashant Trivedi . and this is also the time given by esoteric astrologers for the last great global cataclysm which destroyed a ivilization much more advanced than our own. Within these celestial bodies also lies the key to the common source of all these civilizations. and also as a warning for future generations. which can only be understood by understanding their esoteric significance through the study of astrology of the ancients.500 BC comes up in both cases.500 BC. the figure of 10. Majority of humanity at present has an awareness which is confined to daily activities in what is known as the 'worldly realm'. except probably for the physical connection springing from the awareness of being born out of the cosmic matter. All these aspects of our existence have to be pondered upon and in time realized . The plan of the Universe is same from an atom to a galaxy. Most people's thoughts do not even for a moment encounter this lost feeling because they occupy themselves completely with the mundane. Very few among us are seeking to find our true place with in the observable Universe and other presently hidden realms. So many questions relating to our existence remain unanswered but we turn our backs to them and go along living engrossed in the minor details of what is commonly known as "life". We are the children of the stars and at the same time each of us is a full fledged atomic universe. The astronomers seem to be the only ones observing them but in general their approach is purely material and bound by the rigid conformities of scientific thought. As a whole we find ourselves lost in this huge Universe with no connection whatsoever with the forces of the Cosmos. Our bodies are made up of sub atomic forces as well as the cosmic dust which created the stars and the galaxies. The principle of being 'the same with in as with out' holds true as our relationship with the Cosmos is that of a microcosm and a macrocosm. Just looking around one sees that hardly anyone is looking up at the stars and wondering how they are related to us. We stand right in the middle of the atomic and galactic realms in terms of both relative size and time. Here the arrow symbolizes the child's attention and the bow symbolizes his mind/intellect. . and exploitation. occupation etc. ambition. humility and concentration. The collective has moulded itself quite quickly to the changes brought about by science and technology in the last few hundred years. Even in the Hopi wisdom teachings. country.Prashant Trivedi We live in a society that thrives upon competition. who is aiming at the stars with his bow and arrow. the image (shown above) of the 'knower' teaching a 'child' portrays the knower imparting the knowledge of the stars to the child. This would be the true education for all of humanity regardless of all barriers of religion. This as a whole is meant to show the four main attributes required for learning the ways of the universe .curiosity. innocence. A major shift in consciousness is now almost a necessity on an individual as well as the collective level. The Spirit of Enquiry . greed.and experienced by each one of us through whatever path suits us the best. " First Aired: 04-03-02 Transcript of the Interview LauraLee . and nearly all who are alive today have never experienced it.Because of this. The head powers of all nations deal with short term crisis intervention.. believing that peace is merely the absence of war. the earth's resources are being consumed at an alarming rate. The Vedic texts talk about world ages . few are really bothered enough to be concerned with the consequences we face tomorrow. rather such measures are akin to using a life Prash's Radio Interview on the LauraLee Show "Moving Out of the Age of Darkness. people are living with more fears and anxieties than ever before. and have no solutions for the long term well being of the planet. Reform measures offer no solution..Welcome to Conversations for Exploration. I'm your host LauraLee. Hi. so where are we in that cycle? Feels like the dark ages I know with all that war and violence . To make matters worse. Real peace has become an illusion. But underneath.going from the golden age to the dark age and back again. amidst all the affluence of the modern world. and that's what I base my calculation on. an astrologer who now lives in South Wales. like Mayans have a specific date like 2012 AD where their calendar stops. LauraLee .The transition periods are always 100 to 200 years. It started around 3000 years ago by my calculations.C. LauraLee. but grew up in India surrounded by these texts.Let's start with the world ages. Prash. Can you explain what the ancient Vedic texts say about them. There's nothing like that in the vedic texts. to the next. Prash .You also say the Mayan texts talk about a 5000 year Age that also ends in .Yeah it is the fourth age of the Sun. which is very clearly documented in the Vedic texts. written so many thousand years ago. . from 3000 BC onwards. He says that you can find clearly stated what we would call today the principle of relativity.And when do we get that turnaround and back on up on to the upswing? Prash .The most important thing which the vedic texts say about the last 5000 years is that we are living in Kaliyuga. how they describe them. What derives one age to the next.Hello Laura Lee and thanks for having me on your show. There is no one specific date.And how do you calculate that? Prash.. LauraLee. And he was reading these vedic texts from a very early age. LauraLee . Similarly the vedic texts say this age lasts for 5000 years. LauraLee . One of these Vedic epics called the Mahabharata clearly documents this war. They call it the fourth Age of the Sun which lasts for 5000 years. what we would call today aviation and aerospace right there in the vedas and much much more. hello and welcome! Prash . Our guest today is Prash Trivedi.They are slow moving cycles. Of course there are a lot of scholars out there who have different opinions but this is my opinion of it. which translates into the Age of Darkness. The Vedic texts would or would not surprise you.That is because a great war took place around that time around 3102 B.going on. they contain so many clues to advanced technologies and advanced scientific concepts. and where are we in your estimation? Prash ... The truth about our role in politics. This has to do with the phenomena of the precession of the equinoxes.Yes.Change comes through people… . Prash .It gives around 100 .The precession of the equinoxes.It means that the energy from the galactic centre can now affect us. so we're getting beamed directly from the galactic centre ? Prash . Any astronomer knows that our galaxy has a centre which they place at around 6 degrees Sagittarius.So you could look around and say it's as bad as it's going to get if your calculations are correct. the truth about who is actually keeping us in the dark ages etc. basically.And what are those two other cycles that are converging upon us.It happens to people. LauraLee.So we're getting a direct unimpeded flow of wisdom from the galaxy that will remind us who we are and what we're all about. And what does it mean in terms of its astrological context? Prash .Prash . It doesn't come through Gods or anything else. the whole planet. It is supposed to usher in a kind of renaissance right now.200 years for the transition cycle LauraLee . would come into light. the sign Sagittarius. LauraLee . That's what the Vedic texts say. our role in the cosmos.The first thing is that the winter solstice is harmonizing with the galactic centre.Yes. In my view it is happening right now with shows like yours and there are alot of other researchers around the world who are coming up with different versions of the truth. The winter solstice as we know happens on December 23rd every year. Change always comes through people. The sun will be in six degrees Sagittarius at this point right now. right. LauraLee . through different people. Prash . LauraLee . The galactic centre is the harbinger of all the knowledge and wisdom for our galaxy. Alot of truths in the last 10 years or so have come out in front of the general public. LauraLee.Aah. The thing is that the times right now from 2002 to 2012 are very important because there are two other cycles converging right now.? Prash. huh? Prash. It is just a denser medium. physical and causal. . It is the plane where what you would call the guiding angels and the archangels and the governing forces of the universe. I know it sounds complicated but the Vedic texts say there are 3 planes of existence. LauraLee . There is going to be no direct divine intervention as some have believed.The vedic texts basically talk about a time which we can roughly put at about 14 billion years.But I'm saying that we have a sense that the physical is really based upon something deeper. LauraLee .Describe the causal.Are we to understand that the physical is just an illusion? It is just a step function of something more deeper and more eternal? Prash. That's why we have that sense. There are 14 realms and 3 planes..Prash. more eternal. It is just because it is more dense.Physical is as real as causal. Before the material universe there was the astral universe. LauraLee .It is still part of god's creation. Prash. LauraLee . the other two I can understand. LauraLee . much more refined than the astral plane.How far back do the ancient vedic texts go? What is the information on them and how many cycles have they written about? Prash .But it is not an illusion… Vedic texts say it is not an illusion. Prash.Yes. . It is much. It is we who will make the change. David Balm says the implicate gives rise to the explicate. all the deities from the different cultures reside. It is not to be shunned .The gods may inspire us but the change comes through us. The 3 planes are astral. LauraLee ..The causal is a pure light plane.We're talking about the beginning of the beginning. They start from the beginning of time when the material universe came into being. The causal produces astral We shouldn't shun the physical or say it is more base. LauraLee .because it comes out of the astral and the astral produces physical. Before the astral universe there was the causal universe.Yes.Yes that's what the Vedic texts say. those universes have even longer time periods than the material universe. Prash. so what vedic texts say is that all this knowledge is never lost in people at the soul level. air will be hard to breath. The dark age is the smallest age. LauraLee . LauraLee . We are lucky this period only lasts for 5.000 years before that. 500 BC (before the global apocalypse took place around 10.C. People have knowledge about the universe and the cosmos. LauraLee . but it is always deliberately kept in the dark. LauraLee. which they saw as a kind of a bronze age. The golden age was around 20 to 30. It is happening today with the electronic media. there will be wars and famines all over. We are right smack in the dark ages.therefore you don't need outer toys to support you? Prash . It is a mass hypnosis thing happening out here right now. Civilization doesn't need to be technologically advanced to be a golden age civilisation. It just means that people have more knowledge about the reality of who they are. Alot of the researchers have been talking about Atlantis. politics will be without any purpose.Prash.Advanced civilization doesn't necessarily mean they are technologically advanced as well. People are satisfied. People have real knowledge. It just lasts for 5.And that's what characterizes the golden age? People know who they are? Prash .And how do the ancient vedic texts characterise kali yuga? What do they actually say about it ? Prash .So there is a God. a civilization before 10.I'd agree with you.People know who they are. not just material knowledge. People are always kept deliberately in the dark. We are being bombarded by all these things which have no real meaning all the time. I've got a question which I've been pondering over for some time. But material knowledge .They say it is an age where water will be unfit to drink. How do they characterise the intervening ages before you get back to the golden age? How does it describe each of those ages? Prash. people will lose their morals.000 years. the people will be unhappy most of the time.Yes. there will be no sense of fulfillment in people's lives which is what we see everywhere around us today. Do you really need advanced technological civilization in the golden age or do people just operate through levels of consciousness .) which was in the silver age as far as the vedic texts are concerned.000 to 3000 B.000 years. 500 BC.The thing was is that they have periods between 10. This is the only plane where we can actually change our consciousness and grow on a soul level. It is a completely different world view the vedic texts have from the modern western way of thinking . There are gods and demons …all these stories in all the mythologies around the world.Why would you need a bomb? Prash . because this is the only place where we can change things. So they can do things which might seem like science fiction right now to us even without having any technological progress whatsoever. There are always destructive forces. We have a free will out here. LauraLee . The dark and the good -the light and the dark have always been fighting with each other since the beginning of time.always follows real knowledge anyway. LauraLee .Yes. LauraLee .In the Vedas if you made an atom bomb. on other levels. you didn't need machinery or a metal container to create an atom bomb. So in order to bring about order sometimes wars were required. on the astral plane.How do the Vedas actually describe that? Prash . Out here everything is not fixed.Oh. We can do what we want and our actions will in turn change our consciousness. LauraLee . it is a battle field sometimes of the gods and demons on earth. On other planes you don't get to do that.You know the forces have always been fighting in the universe. There are stories about wars on the astral plane which affect earth as well sometimes.Not in the golden age….What is the human's role according to the Vedic texts in the plane that we occupy? Prash.Even in the golden age? Prash .so sometimes it is hard to make connections.It is considered the most important plane of existence among all the 14 planes of existence. interesting. You . A vedic sage or a high initiate in Vedic knowledge could just take up a blade of grass and convert that into an atomic bomb. We have a destiny and we have a free will. so it's really not our fault… Prash . What we have in the wars out here are just a reflection of the wars which take place in the astral realm according to the Vedas. There are always people who want to harrass other people. LauraLee. thousands of years would have passed on earth. LauraLee.Are you sure Albert wasn't reading some Vedic texts there to get to … Prash. LauraLee . some are philosophy.Lorentz was. How are the vedic texts arranged? I mean some are in medicine. This is the place which is called "karma bhumi" in the Vedic texts which means action is most important. you know the scientist called Lorentz upon whose theories Albert got his inspiration for the theory of relativity? He was . how does it all work? What is the thread that runs through all of them? Prash . No one would recognize him and his kingdom would no longer exist. This shows beyond doubt that they knew about time travel and the relativity of time and space much before Albert Einstein revealed his theory to the modern world. He asked him to visit him in his abode which was quite far away from earth."An earthly king was called upon by Brahma.You work hard. much greater pleasures than on the earth on the other planes. in order to refine themselves even further. The story goes like this . What you do is what you become out here on this plane. so once a demon they are always a demon until they get to earth and you could possibly become a saint if you work hard enough. There's a small story from one of the vedic texts which will prove that the vedic texts knew about the phenomenon of relativity. So even the most advanced entities like to take birth here. because some of your listeners might be interested in the scientific parts of the Vedic texts.might have lots of pleasures. The king agreed and visited the abode of Brahma and spent around14 minutes of Brahma Loka time witnessing the splendour around there. Prash . but you never get to evolve on a spiritual level. The world had already gone through many generations. After he was done he asked Brahma to arrange for his return to earth where his family and kingdom awaited him.What an interesting world view.I would like to get to some scientific things first. Brahma laughed and told him that by the time he returned to earth.Oh I see. Brahma is the creator amongst the trinity of creator-preserver and destroyer presiding over universal affairs. LauraLee. So all the entities on the astral planes. a distance which would correspond to many light years. whether they are higher planes or lower planes always want to take birth on earth to aid in their evolution. some are astrology. Mercury is pretty toxic though.There's a device which can make the pilot in the enemy plane go unconscious. do the vedic texts imply that the reason we fall from a golden age to a dark age is simply the warfare and the conflict that is happening in the astral plane that is influencing . In other cultures and other civilizations you have to go through so many vague things and imagery. The Ramayana and Mahabharata are the two texts I am talking about.There are weapons which put an entire army to sleep without causing them any harm. Alot of german scientists read vedic texts.The vedic texts are full of stories about interplanetary.On a philosophical basis. This text is so amazing in its content that it can get the grey cells working in the best aeronautical expert. It clearly illustrates the point that they were privy to a detailed technological knowledge.reading these Vedic texts. LauraLee . Prash . They talk about non polluting. LauraLee . but I like the noiseless and nonpolluting part.That would definitely put an end to all this warfare we have today. It's all there in black and white out there. Everything is out there in black and white. LauraLee .What do they say about them? Give us a clue? What do they say? Prash. It's all in black and white. any physical harm. interstellar and intergalactic warfare . People can just go and buy the english versions of these epics and read it for themselves. LauraLee . There's a vedic text called "Vaimanika Shastra" which translates into the knowledge of flying machines.It would definitely save much blood shed. That's the great thing about the vedic texts.And what about those flying machines? The Vimanas? Prash. We don't have any device like this right now otherwise there would be no need to carry million dollar missiles in the planes. It is common knowledge now. noiseless engines running with a mercury powered engine. There are some high tech devices in this text which haven't seen the light of day as yet. The modern day radar seems to be a matter of fact device in these texts. There's no imagery out there in the Vedic texts. LauraLee . Prash .in comparison to which Star Wars and Star Trek would seem like child stories. The closest word to religion is dharma. All people have to do is go and read them. It was basically saying that everyone could have their own religion. Everything has a time. haven't they throughout? Prash . for some time… Everyone knows.Yes. With the Egyptian civilization. With the vedic civilization everything is still there in black and white.Its' just the way of nature. or is it simply that every thing has cycles up and down. like even evil or darkness or whatever you call it also gets it time within the universal framework. Every thing is still there. Prash .Yes. LauraLee . there's no other system. There was no word like religion in sanskrit. all the knowledge in their texts are lost. . That's why they put this information in texts. It was not written down. of gaining knowledge. Dharma basically means way of life and dharma is different for every person and every individual. what we now know as Every one has to have a different path of understanding things. Organized religion always blocks real knowledge because it says that there is no other way.We need to find our own individual way. LauraLee . That's why they wrote them down around 3000 BC. Earlier the knowledge was orally transmitted. Prash .It gets to be at the top of the heap when… Prash . At some point of time when the dark influence begins to recede we rediscover these texts and gain back the knowledge. and that's the reason why all these texts were never tampered with. individual way.It was because everything was connected to religion. it's just the way of nature…. LauraLee. LauraLee .This is the best thing about the Vedic civilization.What do you contribute the longevity and the continuity of the Vedic culture to? Prash . There was no organized religion in the Vedic structure. the Sumerian civilization and the Mayan civilization. the language in which the vedic texts were written. of reaching wisdom for raising their consciousness level. because vedic seers understood that what is good for one person may not be good for another. They have always been revered and read and studied. all the most learned men which were called the vedic sages knew about this.Well these texts have never been lost since they've been written down. You must be proud to be of this culture…. LauraLee . This surprised me.So it never got dated. art. It only uses natural herbs. LauraLee . LauraLee. No one can question the aesthetics and complexity of the Indian systems of dance. but it was kept under the wraps always for some reasons best known to them. the healing system of the vedic texts. I found it very strange that the western world had completely ignored such a vast knowledge system for so long.. . architecture. we find amazing refinement. you must be conversant with ayurveda. It is important to know that it refers not to the human body but the lifeforce which is connected to us on all levels of existence. Prash . Prash.You have to follow this. No matter which field of indian culture you look at .textiles. There was so much emphasis on the Egyptian civilization and the other civilizations. Ayurveda. This system which is still out there in all its completeness has been completely ignored. it never shut down anyone's individuality …. British came to India in the 17th and 18th century and they came to know of all this knowledge at that time. complexity and sophistocation which you can't do with any other civilization. It does not involve poisoning the body to cure illnesses. It is against surgery and it has no side effects. and then the next…. No one can question the immense sophistocation of indian classical music. which uses surgery. it's not a pride thing. You know the principles that govern one area. LauraLee .No. No one can question the complexity and completeness of the sanskrit language.remnants? Prash . Prash. which has side effects and which has so many problems… that is implemented all around the world right now. which helped to keep the knowledge alive. and then the next.…things from these civilizations…and the Indian civilization which has everything in a good working state … which has knowledge out there directly wasn't paid any attention to. very very faint….Yes. It translates into the knowledge system of "life".It's all interconnected. So there were a lot of independent minds and thinkers throughout the last 5000 years within the present Vedic civilization.How do you follow the same principles through…from one area. Of this we just have these faint. and the western world had ignored this knowledge completely. and allopathy. which translates into the "eye of the vedas". It is the central science from the Vedic point of view.You know I did see a documentary where they had a Vedic doctor analyse someone. Astrology and astronomy are at the core of every science. a whole lot of bogus spirituality in the guise of yoga and meditation has been perpetuated for the last 20/30 years at least. If you have to be well on all levels you have to understand everything and everything is easy to understand. mental and spiritual wellbeing of a person. That's why in the vedic texts astrology is known as jyotish. Prash . import it from India. give it to them. when he sees a person.LauraLee . For example an ayurvedic doctor. You can't see even the material universe without eyes. music and dance … Everything is interconnected. The third one never took her medicine so I don't think can be counted.Because the vedic knowledge system was a complete knowlege system where all the parts were connected. They were comparing the ancient Vedic system of medicine to the modern Western system of medicine and it works just as good. They took 3 women who had cancer and they had done these western tests so they knew what the conditions were… and didn't tell the doctor anything. and according to that he will give his diagnosis and remedy. one would get a key to understanding all the systems. So I think we are beginning to see the light. Prash . and two of the women got markedly improved.Because all of the various disciplines are springing from the same source and the understanding of this dance. but the thing I find bad is that in the western world in general. The term for astrology is jyotish. And he just did a few simple non invasive observational tests and he was able to pinpoint exactly what their condition was. The same goes with architecture and fengshui. Fengshui uses directions. LauraLee . Because all the disciplines like astrology. if you understand one thing which is astrology.When you say bogus.Yeah it is beginning to happen. LauraLee . this play between the various universal forces of the life force… . vaastu. When you have eyes to see you can see everything clearly. In the same way from astrology you can understand all the sciences around you. So just putting the body into different physical postures as they do in yoga classes in the west is not going to take care of the physical. Directions are nothing but part of astrology because they are ruled by different planets If one just understood astrology in my view. what's bogus about what the west has got? It doesn't surprise me…. he will first see their birth chart and what planetary periods they are running. He was able to prescribe some medicine. So ayurveda and astrology are connected. Yeah. the newspapers it says that Sun enters the sign Aries on the 21st March. prediction. so that's where the consciousness. was known thousands of years before modern astronomy came to know about these things. you will find that astronomical phenomena like the precession of the equinoxes. Prash .Yes. direct knowing? Prash . I will give you an example .So that's where western astrology and vedic astrology are….Yeah. and it is quite surprising that the astrology most prevalent in the western world today. and universal wisdom and godhead speaks to us from that source. Even an amateur astronomer will be able to tell you this fact. which is the sunsign astrology. it's completely wrong! It's like playing an out of tune instrument. .you find that they took the precession of the earth's axis into account. magazines …. it's all complete. Jyotish used to encompass everything ranging from psychology. it is still current. LauraLee . you say it's still accurate. You can't play music on an out of tune instrument.How did they know? The sages just acquired through direct transmission.yeah because the calculations made in vedic astrology. and astrology and astronomy are the only things which connect us to the cosmos. LauraLee . the vedic system of astrology. LauraLee . and really we're just dealing with a lot of remnants and separated little bodies of knowledge that don't have the complete picture.. from that source. It is our only connection with the stars. Prash .doesn't take the precession of the earth's axis into account.Prash . LauraLee . This is the place where we get in touch with the universal forces and what the universal mind expects from us. If you take a look at jyotish.Right. which is popularized by all media. you say.How does the vedic knowledge relate to us today? You say it is still vital. because astrology and astronomy is the study of the stars and our relationship to them. the earth's axis. healing. spirituality to everyday affairs. If we get in touch with that. . then it all becomes much clearer. when in actuality it enters the constellation Aries only on April 13th. which has been the same in the last 5000 years in the almanacs and everywhere . it is all written in the stars. It is a thousand petalled centre known as Sahastrara. All I say to people is that if they just learnt vedic astrology they would start to see the world in a different light than they have ever seen. There are seven main glands and the vedic texts say you have to raise the kundalini up to the crown centre to establish communion with the universal mind . what was it. They wanted everyone to know every field. There are so many things in the western world which go under the garb of psychology and stuff like that. It's called kundalini.000 years ago… LauraLee . But the vedic world view was different. . It's another thing to experience direct knowing. LauraLee .000 years ago…. have a little bit of knowledge from every field. This was the process the ancient sages were using to connect their antenna with the universal mind. It has been known by different cultures and different civilizations. You were supposed to open this force up and make it travel through the seven sacral centres which lie in the human body at the same place as the glands lie in the physical body. And they wanted them to know the source. LauraLee . In the base of the spine of every human being there lies the life force. to connect with the life force.That relates to the kundalini. I will give you an example .It's one thing to read this knowledge and understand it intellectually. to commune with the gods.I would place it around 50. like what happens to a particular individual at a particular point of time. as they say. And all these answers lie in vedic astrology.the seventh highest centre where our physical brain is located.Our archaeological record or what's left of it shows that people lived very simply.Prash. You were supposed to open all the petals up and each petal represents a particular part of knowledge or consciousness inherent in the universe.Because I've seen in the western world most of the emphasis is on specialization. say 30. the consciousness there. Prash. People talk about midlife crisis. In the sanskrit language it is known as kundalini. but they really had ….People do not know what is happening to them at a particular time in their lives.So when the golden age was in full flowering. So what were some of the practices that the vedic texts still relate in terms of practice to expand one's consciousness? Prash. People want to specialize in a certain field but they don't want to go into other fields or encompass everything. For them it was just like changing clothes. about the apes . Because it is the ability to go through the astral plane which all of us go through in dream state anyway.and the things like we received genetic help from demigods… It was pretty clear in the vedic texts that human beings were created. Dying was not a problem with them.So we had alot of ancestors that looked similar to us but it doesn't mean it was us… Prash . It is completely against the Darwin theory of evolution that man evolved from apes. like knowledge about the astral and causal plane.000 years ago in India when these sages were practising this? Is there anything left? I know India….They still had the knowledge. There's been so much fight amongst the geologists and archaeologists over the last 20/30 years about everything. it's just travel into astral planes. Reincarnation was not a problem with them.Yes.No. That's the new thing which is coming up aborigines are existing with us right now together. no. The thing is that you won't find anything archaeologically for these kind of things. A lot of people are saying that all the skulls found. And there were so many apelike creatures which were existing at that time. specially created on this planet.Why are we so special? .Would you call shamanism then.Darwin's theory of evolution .Prash.all the skulls found for that were all frauds. It just didn't happen by natural selection or an accident. LauraLee.What do the archaeological records show of 50. LauraLee .Yeah. that you can't get to a single conclusion about anything.It doesn't mean it was our line of the family… Prash . to travel to alternate reality through consciousness. we were existing together . There's nothing deep about shamanism in my view if you look at it from the vedic angle. LauraLee . a remnant ability of this time? Prash . Prash . In fact one of these vedic texts called Ramayana told that the apelike creatures and fully advanced human beings lived together around 14. the ability to negotiate. LauraLee . LauraLee .000 years ago. This is their opportunity. Because renaissance is an internal thing. it's a mental thing and it doesn't relate to physicality that much.Everyone is getting a chance right now.Yes. LauraLee . because alot of them are coming from the lower animal forms as well. alot of people are living in subhuman conditions on this planet right now.That explains a lot. . LauraLee . and if you go around the world. They are not at the human level of existence. to act…. LauraLee .In my view we will go through a renaissance. it doesn matter.So you say this is a special time. Some say it was because of the Vietnam war. Even the beings on the higher planes are very eager to take birth as humans.Prash . Prash..Yeah. Even if there are alot of wars.the energy was good at that time.So is this the reason why there are 6 billion people on the planet today? A hot ticket to be here? Prash . some say it was because of LSD. In my view this was a time where alot of awakening happened in the west and alot of research into the ancient civilisations.There should be the same standard of living conditions for everyone… Prash . Because in the human form we have the greatest potential for expansiveness. LauraLee . are getting a chance to incarnate right now. So what does that mean? Is there a fork in the road? Can we either blow it? Go to the renaissance or blow ourselves up? Or is it a sure thing that we're going to start the upswing. enjoy a bit of a renaissance here…or is it really up to us? You said the gods may inspire but it's really up to us. LauraLee .That is the reason why we are special. because alot of souls who won't get a chance in any other age to incarnate. in slums. Prash . What happened in the late 60's in the west was a kind of renaissance in my view. alot of destruction. the greatest benefic among planets was in its most favourable sign Cancer at that time. In Africa .You would say it's time was then and it expressed itself… Prash .The summer of 1967 which we all know was called the 'summer of love' . which you can see from Astrology because Jupiter. If you go to countries like India or south east Asia people are living like cockroaches. which is happening right now. Prash? Prash.The third one is the change of age from Pisces to Aquarius.So at spring equinox every 2000 years a different sign rises… on the spring equinox on sunrise. People will start looking at the ancient civilizations and all this will become more common knowledge among the masses in general.Yes.So according to Vedic Astrology what does the age of Aquarius bring? Prash.000 years… LauraLee . the change of astrological age from Pisces to Aquarius. but this was only a trailer. Right now it is an alternative thing. So whatever sign sun is rising at that point of time is the age at the time. It is enlightenment . That is how the planets are moving. where alot of knowledge will come out from the past. That is the revolution which will happen in my view. with a grand conjunction of 5th May 2000 and Jupiter is getting into Cancer on June 2002. But it is a sign of enlightenment in a different way from Pisces. One was the winter solstice aligning with the galactic centre. We all know that the earth's axis undergoes one rotation in 26.was being carried out by the same people who in their youth underwent some transformational experience in the 60's.Aquarius is a sign of enlightenment.They got hit by those cosmic rays or something right? Prash. At 21st March if one goes and stands at sunrise and faces the eastern direction. We will see in the next 10 years all these things will become mainstream. LauraLee . the sun will rise in a different sign every two thousand years.What do you see for the future and what when you look at the astrological charts for the world in general do you see in the next few years ahead.The thing is that Jupiter moves into Cancer in June this year and I think this will usher in a 12 year cycle which will end around 2014. One was the end of the kali yuga. LauraLee . In my view the real movie is only just about to begin. around about 26.precession of the equinoxes… Prash . What was the third one? Prash . All these things are called alternative. LauraLee . LauraLee . it's not main stream.You mentioned that there were three major cycles converging. Your talkshow is an alternative talkshow.000 years. not belief. Now they will know. the cosmology.Hanuman was one of these apelike beings which existed at that time. That's what this age is about.Yes.Yes. it's not just that because I am saying all these things. direct understanding… Prash .Knowing is direct experience. The difference lies in knowing and these Vedic texts and find things out for themselves whether what I am saying has any grain of truth in it. It's time to know now rather than just believe. which are what the modern science are saying Australopithecus and ape men were.Okay.the people who are in the power but they just don't want to give it to the masses. People used to believe in things like god and religion …people have been believing for the last 2000 years.And there were the most wonderful stories of the various gods … Prash. They forget that human beings were existing at the same time.. I think this knowledge is known in the higher circles of society today . Are there better translations into English than others? Who would you recommend? Where do you start? I mean how many texts are there….. LauraLee . It is about enquiry. LauraLee .. People have to develop a sense of enquiry and that 's how things will change.Yes. They cover most of the vedic texts.One comic book would be about Hanuman.I always recommend the comics first. you're suggesting we all pick up the vedic texts and begin reading them. LauraLee. LauraLee. LauraLee. They should go out and do their own research . I was sick for a week one time years ago and my friend brought a stack of the comic books from India and …. No one should take anyones' word.through knowledge. so you'd read from his perspective and then you'd read the next book and Hanuman was one of the characters from another character's perspective …. people should just believe me. Prash . who had an ape face with a human body.Oh I've read the comic book. . It was a great way to be introduced. Amar Chitra Katha comic books. completely formed. Prash . Prash . and astrology and astronomy are the keys to it. We have to know how they relate to us. The renaissance that will happen. the basics of it. I wouldn' t even need to have this conversation with you right now if everyone knew Vedic astrology.At least 2 billion years. LauraLee . I went through the routine. I had normal scientific and technological education. what can you do about it? . a rough patch. So after the comic books.Oh. We all have to start looking up at the sky.I think vedic astrology is the best way to start. it's like for absolute beginners who don't know anything about astrology. thankyou.. We have to know all of the stars. That's why I suggest people get into Vedic astrology.Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson wrote a couple of wonderful books about forbidden archaeology and all the evidence that there were anatomically modern humans going way way way way back and all the other skeletons that were……showed we were cohabitors.Yes.Yes.Is that what inspired you? Were your other family members Astrologers or was it really go to where your….No. But I started reading vedic astrology which opened up alot of other things for me. LauraLee . It's on my website. And people won't be asking questions like . We have been here for at least 2 billion years. We have to start looking at all the signs. Prash .Why is this happening to me? Why am I depressed right now? People would know about themselves. We all need to become astronomers. Astrology is like a key which will open so many other doors for you. we have to start connecting with the cosmos . that's my view. No. it will happen through astronomy and astrology. Prash. so you've made it easy for us.. LauraLee . Prash . People have to start looking up at sky in my view. It can hardly take them 20 to 25 days to go through it.Wow. I have a course now which people can do. then where do you start in the text? Prash .What can you do about it? When you look at your chart and you see Oops. LauraLee . If we go and understand these two things the rest will become clear to us much easier.LauraLee. LauraLee .relate to us and speak to you directly…. Prash . that's the conclusion I have reached after reading the texts. They were smart too. Prash. they are entertaining reading. .You grew up in the culture though and the stories and the Mahabharata and the imagery .whether there's truth in my words or not. you act like a different individual than an individual who is not prepared for what is to come.Prash . you won't like to leave it until you finish it. These things are like novels. Vedic Astrology is so precise a science. LauraLee .. it's very easy.Yeah.They made them good and entertaining reading to get people to enter there at all. It's easier for you to get this. It's a very exact science. to sift through all this.I understand that. but see.So Free will comes in . The Mahabharata is like a novel.the symbols. I understand all that. LauraLee .And quantum physics is pretty complex. Once you take up that book. When you are prepared for something. or the other people who came up in the 60's. than for those growing up in the west… Prash . It is a vast science. Life is no longer a mystery. That' s what my message is and vedic texts will provide them a sort of a lens through which to see the sky. what to talk of a day or hour.No. and it's more complex than quantum physics in my view. i can understand the music of Jimi Hendrix or Jim Morrison. Basically I would like people to start looking at the sky and trying to connect with it . I must say… Prash.Preknowledge gives you that ability to sail through things with dignity and grace.I have a technology degree basically. It can tell how your exact minute will be.Yes. spiritually or emotionally prepared for things. the language. it can nail you down to seconds. . I did my bachelors of technology and I found that all the sciences were nothing compared to this science and I want other people to go into it and find it out for themselves . LauraLee .how we handle the cards we are dealt moment to moment… Prash . Mahabharata and Ramayana and all… LauraLee . it was all around you. when you are mentally.Well listening to songs is different from diving into texts for hours and hours of reading… Prash . So if I can make the transition then people in the west can also make the transition and understand that point of view as well. LauraLee . What is relevant for me won't be relevant for other people. It has got remote viewing in it. LauraLee . We put our energy into technology these days. LauraLee.It doesn't surprise you then that people are turning on these psychic abilities naturally and with a little practice? Prash . what was happening in the war. If we put our energy into these other things.When the war is taking place.This is the book with Arjuna who had to decide whether he wants to fight or not right? Prash . LauraLee . LauraLee.Remote viewing? Oh tell us about that. the point I was talking about before comes up. It has got television in it.They have always been there within us. wanted to still know about the war. that can't be applied to other people.What do you do.So it can also prescribe for you some of the better pathways that would fit your frequency. say telepathy. because Astrology is the only thing which will tell you who you are. Prash. do you meditate? How do you raise it? Yoga or various disciplines? Prash .See. The way I do it. LauraLee. one of the kings who was not taking part in the war. .communication and expression all over the world because it's technological. It's just where we put our energy into.Yes that one.What do you do for a spiritual practice? Prash .LauraLee . Everyone has to find their own way. it has got so many things in it.What's the key to finding your own way? Prash . a completely different civilization would come up. Right now internet has become the medium of expression . what suits you the most.Astrology and astronomy.The most important thing for a spiritual practice is to understand and to regulate your kundalini. So he had a courtier who acted as a remote viewer for the war and he told him all the stories about what was happening in the war just sitting in the courtroom. we would all be talking telepathically by now. the flow of energy within you. If the same amount of effort was spent on. LauraLee . "Oh. this is how you do it". The real dark ages happened in my view in the last 2000 years especially.And when we are disconnected from our true inner voice. People are completely clueless about what their purpose is in life. No two leaves are the same. So what will apply for me may not apply for anyone else.Dark forces . There are some forces on the planet who don't want people to think for themselves. All these different things. Astrology and astronomy are tools which can help them find out what to do. that's when the dark forces can take over… Prash .And displace our real vocation…. That' s the cause of the whole problem in all the present day civilizations. These are questions which they should have answers to and astrology and astronomy have the answers in my view.Prash . rather than me or someone else telling them . what to do. They should have their knowledge to find it out for themselves . All that this media thing has been doing for the last 100 years is brainwashing people to stop them from asking the right questions.The thing is.and then it has been turned over to television and now it has been turned over to the internet.. unless it comes from them. what they are here for. which have been taken away from people in the past 2000 years especially. They have a different listen to your own inner voice and inner guidance… Prash. that people shouldn't believe religions or any such things. or sports or news or whatever.. People have lost touch with who they are. The key point to all this superstructure we have built around us is that people shouldn't have time to think . and then it has been literature. . inside them. politics and sports etc. is that you require certain tools to do this. They want to keep them entertained through movies.Know who you are . They have had thousands of lives which were much different from my lives. We have all had different experiences in our previous lives which make us all different. So that's what my thing is. how to raise their kundalini. LauraLee . it's all media.5 jobs. It has been novels. People shouldn't be told what to do. Nothing is the same in the universe. If it works for me doesn't mean it will work for them because they are different individuals.I want people to find it out for themselves. LauraLee .the tools. LauraLee . They have to learn to know who they are. is just entertainment so that people don't think.9 . everything which has been created is being created to keep people away from thinking. Well this has been a fascinating visit Prash.the established voices … . and started understanding astronomy. I know it has been characterised by violence and technology. I was hoping the other ages weren't so characterised by violence and warfare but I guess that dance between the light and the dark must go on to keep the universe in motion. Nothing is a mystery for them anymore. They are to a certain extent aware about their future condition.Now is the time for the alternative voices to challenge the authority… Prash .Prash . They begin to know what is happening and the why of what is happening. what can the stars say to us through that? Prash .How do they change? Prash . LauraLee. They begin to understand everything. They know about their present condition. LauraLee. They are not living in the mad rush world which most of the western world is living in right now..People who are interested in becoming astrologers and astronomers. a real transformation will take place . They offer solutions. I have another book coming out on that. I don't see them going straight away in a year or two. LauraLee . There's another book about the sunsign astrology thing which has been sold to us for 20/30 years through the newspapers and everything which is completely wrong. But these things are so deeply entrenched in us.Because after that.What I am saying is if people just started looking up at the sky and started reading astrology.. I will start rereading those comics again and I'll definitely probe your website thoroughly… Prash . They know about their past. Even in countries like India the rat race is there for everyone to follow. they don't ask questions.I am writing a book which will encompass all my thoughts about the relevance of the vedic knowledge in the present and future times and maybe it will get published sometime this year. and so they are very satisfied individuals. I thoroughly enjoyed our visit here with you today. and I am tending to agree that hopefully we are at the end of the dark ages because I know we're in one.I have been teaching alot of people astrology in the west since I have come here and they are no longer the same people they were. It will definitely take time for this to happen LauraLee. But it was limited in the sense that the availability of items in those times was limited and people used to lead a simple life. in most of the cultures it is customary to gift clothes on the birth of a child.At least we have fun going exploring and talking to you and all of our other guests . This has a strong correlation with astrology as well. The effects of natural forces of these planets affecting us decides our way of thinking and the way we work in society. The person accepting them should also be careful these days as there are innumerable items which may not pass the test as gifts as per the canons of vastu. It actually meant that they wanted balance of all the forces of nature in everything they we can all have a conversation. An item rejected by one is liked by the other is an indication that different forces operate for different people. Jupiter rules over fat also. One of the major areas of daily life is the giving and taking of gifts. established voices . And Prash thanks so very much. Vastu for them did not mean only the architecture part. These prescribed things were gifted and were accepted. SWEETS AND CONFECTIONERY: All eatable sweet items are ruled by Jupiter. Prash .Shows like yours are the perfect medium for reaching out to more and more people and may all the power and light be with people like you and whosoever are trying to get the message across and the truth across … LauraLee . Why? The reason is vastu. Gifting of such things is recommended. pastries. This is unique to every individual. the vastu principles became a part of the culture and all actions done by even ordinary people were in line with vastu. Even the rulers had royal astrologers who would give the advice about these things. much appreciated. Over a period of time these things became common and are even visible in the form of customary gifts for occasions. Thanks for listening. It has also been observed that certain gifts are being exchanged these days for no specific occasion. this aspect must be given due consideration while selecting and taking gifts. These items like chocolates. Over a period of time. Hence. For example. this was prevalent. That was Prash Trivedi. we can all rethink our position on…. Even in ancient times. as they would not change the pattern of energy and natural forces for the person taking them. Astrology also tells you the effects of various planets. But the gifts were of prescribed nature for specific occasions.LauraLee . they used to use them in day-to-day life as well. and sweets contain butter . GIFTS AND ASTROLOGY In ancient times when the sages were aware of the vastu principles. The person should be aware of the items which are being gifted. I'm LauraLee. For example. On the other hand loss of power and prestige. Leather purses. Venus is strong marak planet. Some fragrances like sandal are to be used with caution. Gifting of such items is like gifting Ketu to a person. Ketu is unpredictable. It would be a good idea if both items are gifted together as it takes away the malefic influence to a large extent. PERFUMES AND FRAGRANCES: In modern times a flourishing trade is perfume industry. donating these perfumes can help. For certain natives. The only way to avoid the malefic influence of these products is that one should bring Jupiter items along with the Ketu item. All auspicious occasions involve distribution of sweets because of this reason. This fragrance carries the influence of Rahu as . Such gifts can increase the Ketu energies in the house which leads to misery and even poverty in many cases. use and accepting gifts of perfume can trigger ill health and sometimes aggravate a dormant health condition. Even in other civilizations and cultures. LEATHER PRODUCTS: There are many items made of leather which are gifted by people.and ghee invariably. auspicious occasions are celebrated by distributing sweets and confectionery. if a box of sweets is gifted along with leather items. People gift these items on every occasion these days. Even in old times it was a practice to gift Ittar which is nothing but perfume. it does not augur well for a person to receive such items. transfer to a place or to a post where the person wanders have also been seen with the use of belts. It can give extreme results in many cases. Although it is very much ruled by Venus but it is known to attract serpents. It has been observed by many people that they suffer financial loss whenever they use a wallet. Some officers have been known to occupy high positions when they started wearing belt. as it will boost growth. But these are very rare cases and one can understand ill effects himself. the effects can be slow. In such natives.Leather belts are fully Ketu. As per Vedic system. Leather products are also prohibited inside the temples as they represent malefic things. Every shopping arcade has innumerable number of fragrances displayed for sale. In such cases. shoes. This is due to ketu acting in full flow. In many cases.It gives such results where it is favourable. it gives good results. it is beneficial to gift such items. red beacon light. Such items are Jupiter personified. Ketu represents Dhwaja. Jupiter is the biggest benefic planet and items of Jupiter will always bring good effects. Such gifts are recommended as in most of the cases it has no ill effects. Venus is also a great benefic planet and perfumes are the domain of Venus. Ketu is a malefic planet and for limited natives. Jupiter being a planet denoting expansion through progress. They occupy powerful positions with symbols of power like flag car. These items are primarily rules by the planet Ketu. Leather belts are in a similar way very unpredictable. There are some exceptions to this also. Gifting Jupiter items along with some of the other malefic gifts is also recommended as it reduces the malefic effects. it can help ward off the evil effects of Ketu. bags and even items for decoration purposes alone. well. It is better to avoid those perfumes which have sandal-based fragrance as Rahu’s effect can have malefic influence on the native using it. CLOTHES: Another item which is frequently gifted by people is the clothes. Various items of clothes are under the influence of various planets. The clothes above the waist and the waistbands are ruled by Ketu. Clothes below the waist are ruled by Rahu. But gifting of a unstitched piece of cloth is recommended as it is ruled by Sun Jupiter combined. Jupiter being a benefic gives no ill effect. Certain items of cloth like stripes and check pattern for clothes like shirts and kurtas are specially Ketu clothes. Such items should not be gifted and if the native has malefic influence of Ketu in his chart, then it can actually prove very malefic. Trousers of Black and Blue colour are ruled by Rahu. Rahu is also a malefic planet. Hence, it is recommended that stitched clothes of above type should be avoided as gifts. There is one exception to this rule. If clothes are gifted by father to a daughter or daughter’s children or son in law, then there is no dosha. The reason being that it is considered as alms( Daan) rather a gift. Person accepting this will have no suffering. Clothes made of coarse cloth like KHADI are ruled by Sun. It is recommended to gift them as it gives boost to the energy of the recipient. Sun being life force, is never malefic in such type of gifts. It gives majesty to the forces operating in the life of the recipient. Similarly, white silk clothes are ruled by Moon. These also can be gifted and carry no malefic effect . The reason being Sun and Moon both planets neutralize the effect of Rahu and Ketu in clothing. Gifting unstitched silk cloth is like gifting Venus. Venus is benefic and this gift is highly recommended. Similarly other fine quality of cloth is also ruled by Venus. Gifting them is generally very good. ACCESSORIES : Blankets of dark colour are ruled by Rahu. Blankets having check and stripes are under heavy influence of Ketu. These should never be gifted. Even the blankets of Fur are also governed by Ketu. Fur jackets, Leather Jackets are also Ketu articles. These gifts can create disturbances and can trigger misery for a native. These are not recommended. Ties are also an item which are gifted frequently. The tie is a symbol of serpent and it is a Ketu article. For those natives where it is benefic, ties are beneficial. But Ketu being malefic, these should be avoided as gifts. It has been observed in cases where the natives get power and position due to Ketu position in their charts, ties as a gift can give immense boost to the prestige of the native. This is typical of Ketu trait. But generally if it is not sure, then it should be avoided. Leather purses and wallets are also under the influence of Ketu. But these can be gifted along with Jupiter articles like Sweets and confectionery. Jupiter is the only planet which can tame the malefic influence of Ketu. Woolen clothes are the domain of Sun. The square type of stitching of a three-piece suit is typical of Sun. These articles of Sun are recommended. These influence the recipient in a positive way always. They tend to enhance self-esteem and body felicity of the native. The person feels commanding influence in life. It can be felt by any person that whenever he wears a three-piece suit, he feels more confident in dealing with worldly affairs. This is Sun influence. Sweaters made of thick wool are also good gift items. Shoes are also Ketu articles. In many cultures, it is forbidden to take or gift shoes. The reason being obvious that it brings Ketu atmosphere in the house and hence it is not recommended. DRY FRUITS: One of the biggest items as a gift has been Dry fruits like Almonds,Cashews,and Walnut etc. In India, it is highly prevalent during festival season to gift these items. This is all pervasive influence in all communities in India. These articles increase heat in the body if eaten and are under the influence of Sun. They are Rajasi items and hence bring in royal influence for the recipient. They are recommended. The best way is to pack them in a royal manner to enhance the effects for the recipient. These items energize the household and a whole positive flow of energy is created which is very beneficial. Since these are consumable items, the influence is very short lived. But still it does bring positive energy. ROYAL SYMBOLS AND ARTICLES: Many times certain articles are gifted and even used as display by people which have royal association. For example, the Ashoka capital of four lions .This being the royal symbol of India, can affect the person. Many people keep it on their worktables and sometimes display in their offices. There are other royal symbols of various erstwhile maharajas and royal families of the other countries and of the past. These are also being used today. These symbols have Sun inherent in it in a lopsided way. Sun in these items only cares for royal people. It means that for persons in royal position and powerful positions like Ministers, Government officers, Police officers ,such symbols work positively. But it can act negatively for these people when it is used in residences as the residence is not part of his royal association. The other people in the house will suffer due to ill effects of Sun then. The native himself may not suffer. For ordinary people, it is not recommended that they should use such articles as Sun here will always bring its fiery nature to play. Ordinary people will suffer from heat related diseases. Another article is the use of country flag in offices and homes out of patriotism. This is also forbidden. Flag is Ketu in full sense of the term. Many people get positions of power due to Rajyoga effects of Ketu and get to use flags e.g. diplomats,Ambassadors,District Magistrates,Ministers,Presidents etc. Here Ketu behaves very powerfully and much like Mars. People in powerful position can derive good effects due to such flags. It enhances their prestige, position and gives them good command over people. But for ordinary people, it is reverse. They will start to feel diseases of the blood and circulation. Ill effects of Mars like burns ,cuts ,wounds and in those cases where Mars is malefic for the native, even accidents which will lead to surgeries. It is recommended that Flags should not be displayed in places of residence at all and even for ordinary people in offices also it should be avoided. However, in case ordinary people are having a business meeting or negotiation with foreign people or delegation in business or non-royal/Government setup, display of country flag is recommended. Here it enhances the power of negotiation, gives command over the other group and provides force in the arguments and helps the negotiating teams. JEWELLERY: All types of ornaments and jewellery comes under the influence of Venus. Venus is a great benefic. Hence in day-to-day affairs, gifting of Jewellery and ornaments is recommended. Since this brings in the influence of Venus and enhances prosperity, luxury etc. There is great confusion about the studded jewellery amongst people and even astrologers and Vastu consultants. Most of the jewellery using various precious and semi precious stones is domain of Venus. The reason being that the size of these stones used in ornaments is too small to give the effects of that stone on the native. The only exception being very expensive jewellery made of bigger stones where one requires proper consultation before using it. Jewellery not worn but kept in the almirah or safe is Venus kept there and benefic effects of Venus flow. But if this jewellery is worn regularly, then it can adversely affect the native and consultation with competent astrologer should be done before using it. BOOKS ,STATIONERY AND LEARNING MATERIALS: Books and learning material are ruled by Jupiter. Wisdom and knowledge are the domain of the Jupiter. These items are recommended as these bring the benefic influence of Jupiter for the recipient. SHARP ARTICLES : Many times a person would gift an article like nail cutter,Khukhri knife,sword,spear etc. These are sharp objects and have a tendency to produce cutting effect and are fierce also. These are ruled by Mars and as we know it is benefic for very few people as it is a fiery planet. Such articles lead to ill effects of Mars. One may suffer burns,cuts,wounds,accident ,and surgery. Strained relations with the person gifting it are also observed. Some of these articles have been known to produce dramatically positive effects in certain individuals. Those natives who are working in martial professions like armed forces, police ,martial arts trainer and all types of aggressive sports derive benefit from the effects of such gifts. Many officers in the forces have got unexpected promotions after receiving such gifts. But these are very few cases and for practical purposes such articles should be avoided. SOUVENIRS OF TRIBAL CULTURES: Many times people during a visit to tribal and remote areas bring souvenirs and gifts of that culture for their friends and relatives. This is a very tricky affair .All tribal culture things are under the influence of Ketu.It is not advisable to keep such gifts as they bring Effects of Ketu in such cases are denial of progeny . However. The Mars is positive here and gives speed .malefic influence of Ketu with them. it is common to gift some household electrical gadget like Oven. Everybody has seen that with these toys children do suffer by poking their fingers inside some moving object and get hurt. These days innumerable types of toys are available and it is difficult to comment upon all such toys. some instrument. Vehicles which fall in luxury class like cars etc. some tool or tribal jewellery etc.heater. analytical abilities of the child which is typical positive effect of Mars. In this form Mars is positive but still can hurt. It is good to gift and receive such a gift as prosperity and benefic forces are energized by them. those toys which enhance learning and develop the faculties of children fall within Jupiter domain . it gives growth in physical field.mixer. They give boost to efficiency in the kitchen which also is ruled by Mars.aggressive attitude in job profile. TOYS: One of the most popular gift item for children is toys.These items produce positive Mars energy in the household. It can be a spear. COSMETICS AND BEAUTY PRODUCTS: .toaster etc. this also is Mars teaching analytical abilities. But the positive forces outweigh it. Such gifts are recommended. ELECTRICAL GADGETS: Many times on festive occasion. Even people with strong and powerful Ketu in Rajyoga position have been found suffering. are there due to Mars. The toys which are mechanical in nature are ruled by Mars and are also benefic. It generally energizes the environment. The danger of getting burns etc. dog bites leading to rabies etc. impairment of sense of smell. The best way is to donate it to a museum and never use it. Those items which have glowing heating element have Sun influence on them as well like electric ovens etc.and are very benefic for children. But fall from a bicycle and getting bruise and cuts is also experienced. Vehicles like bicycle are actually governed by Mars. food etc. All these items use electricity and have heating effect and fall within the domain of Mars as such primarily. This is because they enhance the scientific temper. are ruled by Venus. But even then. But this is also benefic as Mars in this mechanical form shows progressive effects. It is Mars acting but then they learn not to do it again. It generally leads to other comforts and luxuries associated with Venus like good clothes. Ketu in this form entering the forces of your home can disturb the equilibrium. sports and activities requiring effort . VEHICLES: Vehicle as a gift is not very common but still it is prevalent. loss of wealth leading to penury.efficiency to the working environment. These items of cosmetics and beauty products are Venus items. WINES AND LIQUOR: All wines and liquors are ruled by Venus.authority and such like effects. But wines and bottled liquor is Venus article and such articles were partaken by even Gods as per ancient scriptures. These as gifts enhance the prestige of a person. Actually all crude form of Iron and steel utensils are Saturn dominated but refined kitchenware and utility items made of fine grade steel have Mars also influencing. But sharp items like knives and forks which are parts of cutlery sets are not advisable. As long as the steel items are utility like utensils etc. country made liquors. it is advisable to gift them and also accept such is recommended to gift them. These are expensive also and are enjoyed rarely on some special occasions. Even fancy items of steel are gifted in a big way. bootlegged liquor is under Rahu. Steel being made out of Iron ore is partially ruled by Saturn. It boosts the forces which deliver other luxuries like good food. Sun here is not fiery but acts in a royal manner. Gifting of this bottled wines and liquors is recommended. Wood is ruled by Jupiter and as such gifting furniture will . There is confusion in some people’s mind that it is ruled by Rahu. SHARE CERTIFICATES AND BONDS: Gifting of these items like share certificates and bonds is also common these days. These things should be kept in a place where it opens towards North direction for enhancing income as Lord of wealth rules North. There can be strain in relations between the recipient and the person gifting the item. Just keeping them is benefic even if the value of shares or Bond may be going down. It is a big boost if such expensive liquor is served by a native as it commands appreciation which leads to better relations with people in position of power . Venus being benefic. It appeases the planet Venus and which bestows upon the native other luxuries and comforts of life. As here the separative effects of Mars come to fore. Barring exceptional cases. These are Venus items and are benefic. use of these gifts enhances the self-esteem. fine clothes etc. It boosts the income and also bestows other luxury items of life. It gives good relations with the spouse and helps alleviate health problems of the spouse. WOODEN FURNITURE: Wooden furniture items are gifted by many people but how do they affect the native is not known to many people. UTENSILS: All kinds of steel utensils are gifted these days. These items are the domain of Saturn and Mars. All crude liquors. But it arises only because of misconception about liquors.. On the other hand rare wines and scotches etc are ruled by Sun as well. She is one of the universal mothers represented by the constellation Krittika. When she dies her skin provides us warmth and protection through clothing.which has cow as its sexual animal. The cow's nourishing aspect is associated with the constellation Pushya. In Astrology. 'an oxen cart pulling a fresh harvest' highlights the fertility aspect of both the earth and the cow. which has a cow's ‘milk giving udder’ as its main symbol and is a constellation related to motherhood and dependability.respect and protect. nature and all its bounties. Her urine is medicine for the sick. whose symbol. . the cow's many wonderful qualities are emphasized through the various nakshatras. including humans. Article By Bipul Pathak Cosmic Cow by Veno The cow is a mother to mankind whom we should love. ‘Bhooma Devi’ or ‘Mother Earth’ is symbolised as a cow in the Vedic tradition. a sign representing earth. Her milk is the life blood for many species. Her dung provides fuel and bricks for millions of rural families across Asia . the cow is an endless giver of resources and nourishment. Her unlimited resourcefulness is associated with the constellation Rohini. In Vedic Astrology. as just like the earth.bring auspicious forces in the house and will bring prosperity and luck to the inmates of the house. The cow's patient and gentle nature is associated with the constellation Uttara bhadrapada. the cow or bull is the symbol of the sign Taurus. In the Vedas. and a symbol of strength and endurance. emotional and spiritual planes. along with many other treasures including the divine nectar of immortality. There is enough information and proof on the subject. one can find the story of the divine cow Kamadhenu. the bull or cow is the vehicle of Lord Siva.In the Vedic pantheon of gods. . Vishnu's avatar form of Krishna. "the wish fulfilling cow" who is the dear treasure of the seven celestial sages. if one takes the time to look. She emerged from the churning of the celestial ocean. land which could otherwise be used to grow crops that increase the world’s food supply a thousand fold. amrita ". There is no good reason why humans should eat meat. Eating meat produces a whole range of detrimental effects. and by over breeding cows in large numbers. In all ancient cultures cows have played an important role in helping man understand his duty and relationship to the natural environment. but much more complex and subtle damage happens on the mental. took the incarnation of a cowherd who enchanted cows and other living beings with his flute playing. This sort of ignorance breeds more ignorance and creates much negative karma for the individual and collective. It is a great tragedy that in today's world. His association with cows highlighted the importance of protecting and respecting the earth and its creatures. cows and other highly sentient beings. At the most basic level it harms our physical health. that the most gentlest and innocent of creatures are put through the worst treatment imagineable in the most mindless manner. The physical constitution of humans is much more similar to herbivore mammals than carnivores. have succeeded in destroying much of the earth's fertile land in order to feed these genetically & hormonally tampered creatures. The darker forces controlling the planet have deliberately conditioned humans into believing that meat is an essential part of dietary survival. As she is greatly desired for her endless gifts and bounty she remains under the care and protection of the sages. It is a reflection of the current world cycle Kali Yuga (an age where ignorance and darkness reign). are the undeserving victim of barbarous tortures and all manner of atrocities in the name of satisfying man's palate and greedy nature. jealousy. have Karmic consequences. who are equally sensitive and feel the same levels of pain and fear as the domestic dog or cat. The Spiritual Reason Food is the source of the body's chemistry. By involving oneself in the cycle of inflicting injury. Here are excerpts from articles on the net:- "Why Hindus Don't Eat Meat" by Jai Maharaj In the past fifty years. Humans have ability to access a basic level of compassion inside themselves. including our choice of food. the law of noninjury. one introduces into the body and mind anger. and what we ingest affects our consciousness. all of which are . suspicion and a terrible fear of death. sheep. chicken etc. millions of meat-eaters -. in peace and happiness and love for all creatures. then he cannot eat meat. shellfish. 2. If one wants to live in higher consciousness. By ingesting the grosser chemistries of animal foods. can have significant and far reaching impact on the future destiny and wellbeing of all. pigs. fish. vegetarian food sources of every type are available to anyone just about anywhere on the planet. There are five major motivations for such a decision: 1. 3. which they clearly express in regard to their household pets. one must in the future experience in equal measure the suffering caused. anxiety. The Karmic Consequences Reason All of our actions. There is enough agricultural knowledge and technology to grow crops in areas that suffer from extreme climates or other hazardous conditions. is the Hindu's first duty in fulfilling religious obligations to God and God's creation as defined by Vedic scripture. Just by making simple changes in our every day living routine like discriminating what / what not to eat. emotions and experiential patterns.Hindus and non-Hindus -. pain and death. The Dharmic Law Reason Ahinsa. No great feats of heroism or sacrifice are required to contribute to the enlightenment of the planet. even indirectly by eating other creatures. but not to cows. fowl or eggs.With today's high tech global transatlantic communications.have made the personal decision to stop eating the flesh of other creatures. long life. vegetarians live in higher consciousness and meat-eaters abide in lower consciousness.47 Those high-souled persons who desire beauty. 5. Mahabharat Shantiparv 262. Mahabharat 18.locked into the the flesh of the butchered creatures.1.49]. the last of the great Vedic kings. In large measure. healthier.115. more refined and skin more beautiful. Mahabharat 115. Who.8 The very name of cow is Aghnya ["not to be killed"]. In the Mahabharat. loss of topsoils and the consequent increase of water impurities and air pollution have all been traced to the single fact of meat in the human diet. and thus live longer. Vegetarians are less susceptible to all the major diseases that afflict contemporary humanity. indicating that they should never be slaughtered. Maharaja Parikshit. then could slay them? Surely. the great warrior Bheeshm explains to Yuddhishtira.4]. understanding. Quotes from Scriptures "These scriptures unambiguously support the meatless way of life. for instance.47 . their bodies are purer. Similarly. destruction of ancient rainforests to create pasture lands for live stock. eldest of the Paandav princes. provides a wider ranger of nutrients and imposes fewer burdens and impurities on the body. 4. one who kills a cow or abull commits a heinous crime. less frequent visits to the doctor. They have fewer physical complaints. Elsewhere in the Vedic literature. For these reasons. Their immune system is stronger. The Health Reason Medical studies prove that a vegetarian diet is easier to digest. The Ecological Reason Planet Earth is suffering. that the meat of animals is like the flesh of one's own son.'" Scripture He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth. fewer dental problems and smaller medical bills. mental and physical strength and memory should abstain fromacts of injury. more productive lives. the Manusmriti declares that one should `refrain from eating all kinds of meat. No decision that we can make as individuals or as a race can have such a dramatic effect on the improvement of our planetary ecology as the decision not to eat meat. is quoted as saying that `only the animal-killer cannot relish the message of the Absolute Truth [Shrimad Bhagvatam 10. the escalating loss of species.' for such eating involves killing and and leads to Karmic bondage (Bandh) [5. faultlessness of limbs. If Americans reduced their meat consumption by 10% it would free 12. Then he goes. Tirukural 260 What is virtuous conduct? It is never destroying life.000. he who eats flesh does so by enjoying its taste. Ahinsa is the highest teaching. Ahinsa is the best Tapas. Ahinsa is the highest power. he hurts not himself by hurting others.000 people while in the world 30. Tirukural 253 Excerpts from "101 Reasons go go Vegetarian" from the ARC Website PEOPLE 1. indeed.000.immortal in the field of mortality -. Mahabharat 18. Ahinsa is the greatest gift. Ahinsa is the highest self-control. and he who purchases. And when a man sees that the God in himself is the same God in all that is.000 people (the population of Great Britain) 4. Tirukural 312. Tirukural 324 All that lives will press palms together in prayerful adoration of those who refuse to slaughter and savor meat. Bhagavad Geeta 13. Ahinsa is the highest friend.40 He who sees that the Lord of all is ever the same in all that is -. Every year in the UK we feed our livestock enough food to feed 250. sells or cooks flesh and eats it -. Thus.000. there are three forms of killing: he who brings flesh or sends for it. 321 Goodness is never one with the minds of these two: one who wields a weapon and one who feasts on a creature's flesh.enough to feed 60. the killer does Hinsa by actually tying and killing the animal. 20 vegetarians can live off the land required by one meat eater 3. Ahinsa is the highest truth.000 people (the population of India) . Ahinsa is the highest sacrifice.The purchaser of flesh performs Hinsa (violence) by his wealth.000 tons of grain .37-41 What is the good way? It is the path that reflects on how it may avoid killing any creature.000.000. Mahabharat Anu 115. he who cuts off the limbs of an animal.000 people die of starvation 2. to the highest path.he sees the truth.116.all of these are to be considered meat-eaters.27-28 Ahinsa is the highest Dharm. for killing leads to every other sin. If all Americans became vegetarian. it would free enough grain to feed 600. 5. Intensification in animal farming has displaced 1,000,000's of people from their traditional lands - eg. indigenous people in south & central america, native americans in north america & crofters in Great Britain - this is continuing today 6. People displaced from their lands into cities succumb to dietary deficiency, diseases, parasites & opportunistic diseases 7. The UK imports £46,000,000 worth of grain from third world countries to feed our livestock 8. Due to overgrazing 850,000,000 people live on land threatened by desertification & over 230,000,000 already live on land so severely desertified that they are unable to sustain their existence & face imminent starvation LAND 9. If they continue to clear American forests to raise cattle at the present rate, in 50 years there will be none left 10. 1 acre yields 165 lbs of beef or 20,000 lbs of potatoes 11. 8/10 of cultivated land in the UK is used to grow food for animals (14,732,000 hectares) 12. It takes 16lbs of high protein soya to produce 1 lb of beef 13. Since 1945 in the UK we have lost 95% of flower meadows, 50% of ancient woodlands, 40% of heathlands, 50% of wet lands & 224,000 km of hedgerows all due to animal farming 14. Pressure on land due to meat farming leads to soil erosion 6billion tons/year in the USA 15. If everyone went vegetarian upto 90% of land used for animal farming could be taken out of production & used to replant woodlands, leisure activities etc. 16. 25% of Central america's forests have been destroyed for cattle grazing since 1960 17. Between 1966-1983 38% of the Amazon rain forest was destroyed for cattle grazing 18. 90% of cattle ranches established on cleared forest land go bankrupt in less than 8 years as the land becomes barren due to nutrient loss & overgrazing 19. Overgrazing by cattle is destroying the land & increasing desertification, nearly 430 million acres in the USA alone has suffered a 25-50% reduction in yield since first grazed 20. An inch of topsoil takes 200-1000 years to develop - yet in the USA they have lost around 1/3 of their prime topsoil in 200 years (around 7 inches) due to animal farming AIR 21. The destruction of the rainforest by cattle farmers is destroying the lungs of the planet & reducing the worlds capacity to replenish our oxygen supply 22. The 1,300,000,000 cattle in the world emit 60,000,000 tons of methane per year (methane is a greenhouse gas & leads to global warming) 23. Burning of forests, grasslands & agricultural waste associated with animal farming releases 50-100,000,000 tons of methane per year 24. Combining these figures, 25% of methane emissions are due to animal farming (not including the billions of sheep, pigs & poultry so the real figure is much higher) 25. Fertilizer used to grow crops to feed to animals releases nitrous oxide thought to account for 6% of the greenhouse effect 26. Fertilizer, weedkiller & pesticides sprayed on crops enter the atmosphere creating a noxious carcinogenic cocktail 27. CFCs are released into the air from refrigeration units used to store decomposing flesh (meat), milk & butter - CFCs are destroy the ozone layer 28. CO2 is released by burning oil & petrol in lorries, ships, abattoirs, dairies, factories etc. associated with meat & dairy production 29. Emissions from large chemical plants which produce fertilizer, weedkiller & other agricultural chemicals are also poisoning our air WATER 30. 25 gallons of water to produce 1lb of wheat & 2500 gallons to produce 1lb of meat 31. Bloody waste water from abattoirs ends up in our rivers 32. Nitrates & pesticides used on crops grown to feed livestock end up in our rivers 33. The water used to produce 10 lbs of steak is equivalent to the average consumption of water for an entire household for an entire year 34. Aquafers (stores of underground water) in the San Joaquin valley in the USA are being drained at the rate of 500,000,000,000 gallons/year to produce meat EFFICIENCY 35. Cattle convert only 6% of their energy intake (mainly grains & soya) into flesh, the remaining 94% is wasted as heat, movement (which is why they keep many animals in very close confinement), hair, bones, faeces etc 36. 1lb of beef takes 1 gallon of petrol to produce 37. 70% of all grain is fed to animals ANIMALS 38. Fishing with drift (and other modern) nets weakens & destroys ecosystems by indiscriminately killing billions of sea creatures & disrupting the sea bed 39. Fishermen's nets kill 10 times as many other animals as the fish they are hoping to catch 40. Fish caught in nets die an agonising slow death of suffocation 41. Each year 15,000,000,000 land animals are slaughtered for food & an unknown but much larger number of sea creatures (including 1000's of dolphins caught accidentally) 42. Chickens are crammed into battery cages with upto 3 other birds, they are unable to even spread their wings & many can not even stand up 43. Unwanted male chicks (because they can't lay eggs) are gassed or pulped while their sisters go to the battery sheds 44. Chicks are debeaked without anaesthetic to prevent them injuring each other in the unnaturally confined conditions they are kept in - this is equivalent to having your fingernails pulled out without anaesthetic 45. Modern farming methods using growth hormones & artificial lighting mean that many chickens out grow their bones, resulting in fractured & broken legs 46. Sows are kept tethered in stalls 1.3 x 1 metre on concrete or slatted floors they can not even turn around 47. Poultry raised for meat are kept in windowless broiler sheds, with around 20-30,000 in each shed, they live in an area of 10-20 cm square - fighting due to overcrowding is common & like battery hens they commonly suffer from supperating bed sores 48. Broilersheds are artificially lit 23 hours a day to produce rapid growth 49. Animals travel between farms & to slaughter in overcrowded transporters with no food or water - resulting in stress, injuries & deaths - legal requirements are widely ignored 50. 95% of poultry suffer injuries before being killed & 30% suffer broken bones 51. Problems with stunning practices mean that many animals have their throats slit while still conscious (around 6% of cattle or 200,000 per year) & are then dipped in tanks of scalding water (to loosen feathers, bristles etc.) again while fully conscious 52. 4000 animals die spurting their blood out every minute in a British slaughterhouse 53. Calf leather comes from animals killed at just 2 weeks old 54. Cows were fed on the ground up remains of other cows & sheep - the result is thought to be BSE (mad cow disease) in the USA cattle are fed partly on recycled plastic pellets 55. Cows only give milk for 10 months after they have a calf - so they are routinely artificially inseminated (ie. mechanically raped) to keep them pregnant & milking - their calves are taken away (usually at 12 hours old) for meat or export to veal crates 56. Cows would naturally live upto 20 years but are slaughtered after 5-7 years when their milk production begins to fall 57. In the UK animals are killed by first being stunned with electricity or a captive bolt gun (ie. a bolt is fired into their heads) before having their throats slit & being plunged into boiling water - all this happens on a production line with the animals being hung upside down from a moving conveyor belt - this is factory farming 58. "Animals are those unfortunate slaves & victims of the most brutal part of mankind" - John Stewart Mill (philosopher) Meat eaters have double the rate of Alzheimers disease as Vegans & Vegetarians . toxins produced by stress & pesticide residues that become concentrated from all the crops they have eaten 64. The world health organisation recommends a diet low in saturated fat.some people also think that Parkinsons disease is also linked to meat eating 75.000 deaths in the USA in 1987.000 were related to diet (ie. Large areas of land are under monoculture to grow crops to feed to animals these areas are wildlife deserts supporting fewer & fewer species. HEALTH 62. bacteria etc. Vegans & vegetarians have lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels . salt & with plenty of fibre . hormones.500.59.C & E 71.exactly what you get on a vegan/vegetarian diet 66. Vegetarians have a reduced risk of developing gall & kidney stones 72.the countries with the highest meat & dairy consumption are those with the highest levels of brittle bones 74. obesity is related to many diseases 68. strokes & kidney failure 69. Obesity is rare in vegetarians. unable to move & are fed on pigs blood . they live longer & don't get sick as often) 63.) after all meat is decomposing flesh . Of 2.most of the rest is due to salmonella in eggs 73. Vegetarians have 24% reduced risk of getting heart disease & Vegans a 57% reduction (heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK accounting for 50% of deaths) 67. Meat is full of traces of this rate they are soon worn out 61. chocolate & dried milk (we are drinking the rich fresh milk of their mothers) 60. Vegetarians have a 50% reduced risk of dying of diabetes 70. Vegetarians have a 40% reduced level of cancer than the general population thought to be because they have a higher intake of vitamins A. meat & dairy) . Cows naturally produce 5 litres of milk per day for their calves . Meat eaters are two and a half times more likely to get bowel cancer than Vegetarians 76. The cling film used to wrap meat in supermarkets & butchers contains chemicals linked to falling sperm counts in men 77.under the intensified systems of modern farming they produce 25-40 litres per day resulting in swollen & inflamed udders .100. Fish contain heavy metals & other pollutants -many of which originated on farms 65. 1. Osteoporosis due to calcium loss from bones is mainly due to the sulphur content in meat & casein protein in milk that cause calcium to be lost in the urine . sugar. Veal calves are confined in stalls in the dark. Vegetarians have a 20% lower rate of mortality from all causes (ie. 80% of food poisoning is due to infected meat (faeces.high levels are associated with heart disease. a will perfectly aligned with the Cosmic will that is unlimited in attribute. He can transgress the physical laws of time and space. Orion or any star or planet in the galaxy he chooses. The Spiritual Man can be in one place or all places at the same time. his reference point at the time of birth provides the vehicle of a particular size. He can easily stand on Earth. The Spiritual Man has the freedom to locate to a new reference point temporarily or permanently. obliterating all traces of their reference point even on the physical plane as they dissolve their physical bodies into pure light. like the Ordinary Man. The main reference point in the horoscope is the Ascendant because it is the main identifying feature of an individual. This reference point is valid for both the Spiritual Man and the Ordinary Man because it is the vehicle through which the essence of the 'self' finds expression.He can visit the past or travel into the future. Until the Spiritual Man chooses to permanently shift his reference point. At the time of death his new reference point remains pretty much the same as the one he is leaving behind. The true definition of a Spiritual Man is that there is no one fixed reference point because there is no "I". The Spiritual Man lives in an eternal present with no fixed abode. His reference point depends on the dictates of his will. Ordinary Man has no such freedom. shape. emotional and physical experiences. colour and quality which holds the genetic and environmental codes for his mental.The Spiritual Man by Cheruki (Veno) The horoscope is a reference point for a particular time and place. They are making the atomic shift to a completely new reference point. In most people. the reference point refers to the "I" element or "personal ego". The permanent relocation is happening in the cases of advanced yogis who choose the moment of death. . The Spiritual Man can move from one reference point to another at will. The Spiritual Man is "Preserving". The difference between the Spiritual Man and the Ordinary Man is that the Spiritual Man acts from Pure Intent and the Ordinary Man doesn't. who stands outside of it. To become a Spiritual Man is to become like Vishnu. and to have the ability to choose more than one reference point. The difference is that one commands from the perspective of Karmic Justice and his personal environment spans the length and breadth of the galaxy. to set an example fo all men to follow.When we study an individual's natal chart we usually understand that we are analyzing the reference point of one who has not stepped outside the "single reference point matrix". even if those considerations have a benign purpose. we empower the Spiritual Man inside ourselves and develop our "will". which is why out of the universal threefold hierarchy. country whatever. while the other one acts out of limiting personal egoic considerations which often conflicts with Universal considerations. which the "I" . incarnates on earth as an avatar. The horoscope is not a profile of the Spiritual Man as such. For example. Edgar Cayce by Prash Trivedi Indian or Vedic Astrology is a term used for "Jyotish". The benefit of learning how to read the map is that we can use this knowledge to make the journey safer and more comfortable. the Preserver. colour and quality drives through. and give rise to the presupposition of the future "I's" actions and desires. and by improving our steering control. only Vishnu. a Sanskrit term which translates into " the science of light". The key word is "Preservation". terrifying and warlike countenance is equally pronounced. but a reference point which the Spiritual Man uses. who is still a slave to the laws of the personal "I" or ego. and the other one's commands are based on a personal definition of justice whose sphere of influence is limited to home. It is considered as the eye of the Vedas. One does not need to be benign to be in harmony with universal will. the sacred spiritual vedic texts enccompassing the knowledge of Ancient India Even Edgar Cayce's channeling on astrology relates more closely to Indian Astrology . the ability to control others in the personal environment using a commanding. which is an implicit agreement to execute the intent of the creator.a particular vehicle of a particular make. if Sun and Ketu are in the nakshatras of Krittika in the 4th house of the charts of both an Ordinary Man and a Spiritual Man. One is acting out of an unselfish impersonal need to preserve the spiritually coherent matrix that is the Universe. the Preserver. This greatly affects the scope of influence and the level of refinement a Spiritual Man possesses compared to the Ordinary Man. We can regard the horoscope as a map of a place full of winding roads and sights to see. town. which define the present "I's" actions and desires. The Ordinary Man has no such ability because his sense of self is too limiting and he has not developed his will. laws which are governed by the personal "I's" past actions and desires. helps stabilize the energy of Rahu and makes it function on a higher plane.00 P. As per the dictums of Jyotish.than to the present day Western System.T 36ºN50' 87ºW30' Ascendant 18º10'Ca Sun 06º12'Pi Moon 19º36'Ar Mars 19º03'Sg Mercury 19º30'Aq Jupiter 09º54'Sg Venus 23º32'Aq Saturn 20º41'Aq Rahu 18º33'Aq Ketu 18º33'Le Uranus 00º06'Ca Neptune 11º23'Ar Pluto 02º15'Ta Even with a cursory look one cannot help but notice a heavily tenanted eighth house. we would be using both the main and soul charts. that has little to do with earthly matters. We can see that Rahu (the north node) is placed in its own sign Aquarius and thus brings out the mystical side of this air sign.M. The planets in such cases are usually working on an exoteric level bringing in legacies and so forth. Rahu is seen to work well in association with an exalted or own house planet. Rahu is considered the planet which relates most closely to the calling or destiny in the . However a lot of charts have a heavily tenanted eighth house without any connection to the esoteric realms. L. The fact that Rahu is conjunct the co-ruler of Aquarius. Saturn.M. To understand what makes his eighth house function in an esoteric manner. we have to take a closer look at the unique combination resting in his eighth house. Indian astrology puts special emphasis on the placement of the lunar nodes to bring out the mysteries inherent in a chart. As we look at his chart through the eyes of Jyotish. 18-03-1877 03. For example he gave a lot of importance to the soul chart and one can find this chart only in Indian Astrology! It is called the Navamsha chart and is always used alongside the main chart. This by itself indicates that he could access hidden realms and dimensions. even though he was aware of them from a very young age. one can see that the Moon's major period made him take up ordinary jobs after he quit school early. It can be seen that Rahu is conjunct Mercury in the soul chart as well in the fourth house ( house relating to home. where a certain planet rules a person's life for a certain number of years. uneducated and righteous man when he was not in his channelling state. It resulted in a complete loss of speech. . Here it is very closely conjunct Mercury. as the major periods of the Sun and Moon were in operation. Mercury carries all the twelfth house energies as no planet is posited in the twelfth house. His Sun in the ninth house. the houses of psychic perception and sleep are intimately connected. It was no surprise then that all his channelling took place in a sleeping state and he became famous as 'the sleeping prophet'. shows his conservative Christian upbringing. he could never completely understand how the channelling was taking place. His Ketu (the South Node) in the second house (house of speech) can be seen in action here. Rahu and Mercury are also placed in the asterism of Shatabhisha. is posited in the eighth house. ruled by the Sun. his Ascendant lord. In other words his conscious mind represented by Moon had no connection with his unconscious (eighth house) mind. Mercury's close conjunction with Rahu gives him the opportunity to realize his potential within his present lifetime. in Pisces. Since Moon. Jyotish sees it is as one's duty to relay the energies of the planet posited in close conjunction to the nodes. which nobody could diagnose. the house of psychic and paranormal faculties. a house of religion. governing his sense of Self has no relation with his eighth house energies. Since Ketu is placed in the sign of Leo. a religiously conservative sign. His eighth and twelfth houses. this event happened in his 22nd year. As we all know he had a strange disorder in his 22nd year. which Indian astrology considers a mystical asterism dealing with diseases and healing. The Ascendant lord Moon in the tenth house in Aries gives him a commoner's attitude to life. Everyone knew him as a simple. It is a speciality of Jyotish to give accurate predictions on the basis of planetary cycles which manifest as planetary periods. If one looks at the table of the period given above. This is the reason why he couldn't really come out with his talents and abilities up until the age of 27.present life. home land and akashic records) signifying his contact with the Akashic records took place in his home surroundings. the ruler of the twelfth house. a house connected with sleep and astral projection. In Jyotish. fate and destiny) helped open up his destiny. present and future events). The lord of the fourth house. the sixth and ninth lord joins Mars causing a Rajayoga (kingly combination). is placed in the eighth house conjunct . Looking at the period table one can notice that it wasn't until his Rahu major period started. is a planet which signifies one's latent potential. The Sun being placed in the auspicious ninth house (house of luck. It was his destiny and dharma (life purpose) to heal others through his eighth house psychic ability. This is due to the onset of his Mars major period. Vedic Astrology places special emphasis on certain planetary combinations and the fortunate combinations are known as Rajayogas. Mercury and Venus. Jupiter ensured that his healing was much more refined as compared to the surgical and poisonous Western healing methods prevalent in his time.the year of Sun's maturity as per Vedic astrology. One can also notice Sagittarius rising in the soul chart giving him an optmisitic attitude towards life and the future of humanity. This means that their energies are completely in tune. reincarnation. All these areas are intimately connected with the coming age of Aquarius and one can see that Rahu is placed in the sign of Aquarius! Rahu being very strong in Aquarius could channel the combined energies of Mercury. A second look at his eighth house reveals that Rahu is placed with its bosom friends Saturn. Jupiter. He cured himself through his own channelling process and this is when he started taking his gift seriously. that he came up with futuristic prophecies and began covering topics such as astrology. Rahu is the most important planet in his chart as it connected these planets with the astral realm and Akashic records (the universal library for all the past. It was no wonder than that the channelling process was very fluid. Mars. Venus. Jupiter-Mars conjunction in the auspicious and lucky sign of Sagittarius meant that he would become famous within his lifetime for his healing work (sixth house signification). It can thus function without obstruction. the tenth lord signifying vocation is placed in the sixth house (house of healing) in one of its favoured fire sign's Sagittarius. Another interesting thing to note is that all these planets are all placed within an orb of 5 degrees. and all these planets support each other in a friendly sign. the ruling planet of the sign in which Ketu is placed. Venus and Saturn. ancient civilizations like Egypt. India and Atlantis. It wasn't until he was 24 that he started to heal others on a regular basis. and gave him fame as this combination takes place in the tenth house. He would get strange illnesses and pains if he tried to earn money through his channelling.Mercury. The conjunction of Uranus with Ketu gives a clue to a past life in Atlantis. as Saturn is a strong maraka (death inflicting planet) for Cancer ascendant. If Rahu and Ketu would have been the other way round. It is placed in the sign of Taurus. In his case we get a clue to Ketu's strength from the soul chart. which he desribes in vivid details in his readings. is the fact that he had his head towards the south and his feet towards the north whenever he lay down to channel. Saturn is the karmic distribution control planet along with Rahu. In his chart Ketu is placed in the first half of the chart (signifying head). He died in his Saturn major period. the nodes get prominence by being placed along with the luminaries in the soul chart. and so his life was fully focused on the eighth house affairs. the eighth lord making him in essence a "time traveller". The presence of Neptune along with Moon intensified his astral sensitivity. a strong and active Ketu is required to recollect one's past lives. Being the ruler of the eighth house (house of material death) placed in eighth. which tells us how much his healing was connected with the nodal axis. he would have been better off channelling with his head towards the north and feet towards south. eighth house relates to the cycles of time while twelfth house relates to the future. Fourth house represents past. Ketu in the second house meant that he was never in a comfortable situation as far as finances were concerned. Also his healing planets Mars and Jupiter have no connection with the rulers of the 2nd and 11th houses (houses signifying gain of wealth). . The concept of soul significator is unique to Vedic astrology which sees the soul significator as the main guiding light in one's present life. where it is placed in the tenth house along with Moon and Mars. making healing on a material plane his destiny and duty. As per the principles of Jyotish. it gave him the ability to accurately predict the time and day of his death. a sign relating to physicality and mattter. Venus is placed in the sixth house ( house relating to healing) in the soul chart. Ketu represents the south while Rahu represents the north. Another interesting thing. and so his energies harmonized better when he lay down with his head in the direction ruled by Ketu. the twelfth lord and Saturn. In Jyotish. Venus is the atmakaraka (soul significator) in his chart. a very advanced Uranian civilization. each 30 degrees World ages.Son and Holy Ghost Holy Ghost is shakti. .a trident in his hand and his third eye of power The ring of the circle is 360 degrees = 120 x 3 12 signs of the zodiac.Brahma -Vishnu -Shiva Osiris. 24000 years.Horus Father. she who breathes life into the 3 spinal channels and bursts open the heavens of the sahastrara flower/chakra 3 stripes of Shiva. the power of three" 3 is most sacred in nature and creation and in all occult division 3 or its multiple is perfection and completion 3 is the holy vedic trinity . Astrology. Alchemy & Revolution by Veno "My ancestors lived beneath the sea One night great grandfather visited me Te'aroa was his name and out of the sea he came He showed me he was three circles of light I marvelled at this and realised my plight I was a triangle stuck to a square But grandfather said when I grew more aware When my spirit grew strong as a tree I would become just like he.Isis.The Number 3. 144000 miles per second = 48000 x3 A team of ufo's was sighted with a flight path of 30 degree spacings The great solar and precessional cycles resonate to 3 The lunar year cycle is 360 days There are 3 constellations that guide humanity .Sirius. the mutable one Earth (the third dimension) is the mutable one Amongst the 3 divisions Heaven . moksha Mercury is a hermaphrodite .Hell It is the passage where one can go From lower to higher planes Mercury is Thoth/Hermes.Moon's diameter 2160 miles = 720 x3 Speed of light . Krittika In alchemy a 3rd one is required to transmute lead into gold The third one is Mercury or one of Mercurial nature 3 is planet Mercury Who rules the 3rd sign Gemini Who rules the 27th nakshatra Revati Revati falls in the last third degree part of the 12th sign Mercury is of god Vishnu. the 3rd zodiac sign Pleiades falls in the 3rd nakshatra. it has no sexual gender bias. Pleiades Sirius & Orion fall in Gemini.Earth . the supreme ruler Revati is of Vishnu and the final resting place i. Orion. His symbol= 2 entwined serpents around a winged caduceus Are the 3 channels of the kundalini axis The 3 channels carry the kundalini to its Final place through the central channel Where left and right energies merge and a hermaphrodite is born The caduceus is Thoth's magic wand He is master of this serpent .e. A mix of male and female It can change into anything . the ibis headed man with his 'Winged disk caduceus' Or 'Sun with wings' Or 'Sun and Gemini' (Gemini rules feathered kingdom) 3 is Mercury.That Hermes confronted Called Rahu and Ketu 3 is for Merlin/Myrrdin 'Mer' is for Mercury Merlin's emerald tablets are Mercury's stones Like Hermes emerald tablets Like the book of Thoth Like the stone tablets of Hopi White Brother These stones are words of God The one who is Hermes. who is Merlin. is Gemini. is lord of language Is lord of tongue As in language of 'om' Language is a weapon for darkness or light The tower of Babel was the first spiritual decline through language English won't keep the demons at bay But Sanskrit is the language of gods Enlightenment depends on Mercury. Who is Odin. the spiritual food Its conduits in the body are the 72.000 nadis = 24.the winged serpent bird Thoth. (the 3rd constellation) The general of the army. Mars Mars signifies the third house & helps turn lead into gold It is Kartikkeya The ruler of Krittika. Lord of discrimination Mercury is Lord of prana.000 x 3 One raises shakti through 'will' The will of fire. The divine warrior The strength . who is Vishnu Who is Queztacoatl. who is Thoth. Mercury. The Fool's long journey has come to an end He is no longer a fool But a hermaphrodite. 33 degrees of power The pyramids (and their 3 geometry) of Giza Lie on 30 degree latitude . the hero of illuminati His eye atop a pyramid.Isis -Horus Or Shiva.Parvati-Ganesh The son is the liberator Let us not be bereft of a son.3 Is also war Beyond the sahastrara Lie the secret three Who. god of the arrow Both Vishnu and Shiva relate to Gemini. once awakened Confer eternal youth These 3 secret chakras control the pineal gland The pineal gland is ruled by The 3rd sign Gemini In the constellation Ardra Ardra is like Shiva The Lord of the third eye The pineal gland controls the third eye Shiva is Rudra. Part male and female '2' in '21' is for Osiris and Isis '1' is for Horus. the spiritual redeemer. Who can tell them apart? With Osiris . Where there is no 3rd one to propitiate the gods of our ancestors And ensure our salvation 21 is The World Card. the 3rd one Horus. the number of the beast. the shining one 666 is the number of the Sun. land of fire. the one who was '3 parts Wisdom of the whole world ' The chosen one will be born on a day of 3 3rd. (mars) The 'Emerald Isle'? 3 works for darkness or light If 3 holds life.000 years have passed And they still stand 3 is immortal Take a map and pen and draw A pyramid's shadow over England This marks a centre called Venonae A mirror of the galactic centre It honours the great spirit Who awakens The slumbering earth Who knows what secrets lie in 'Ireland'. Called the 'thrice great'. 12th and 21st nakshatras 21 years of age is when Sun matures in man And 999 is the number of man In the spiritual war there are 3 on either side 3 reveals his name and all his qualities Like Hermes Trismesgistus. Lucifer. or the 3rd month He will be of Mercury. the Sun's rotation Sun is 3 in many ways It is Vishnu as Narayana It is lord of 3rd. then its antithesis lives too In 666.More than 12. 21st or 30th. 12th. Gemini.Ardra 3 is his life pattern The way Jesus came Into the world with 3 magi blessings Began his mission in his 30th year Crucified in his 33rd year Died and rose to life 3 days later . Earth. Rahu and Ketu Or the life blood Mars Or the Pegasus with wings.k. a year of cosmic alignment 30-12-2001 = Moon. The one who redeems our karma Through subtle means His name means 'word of god' His wives are his horse and sword The sword is Gemini The horse is the serpent. The sea horse a. Jupiter. Sowing the seeds for a revolution That will lead the world In the 21st century into The golden age A turning point = 2010 = 2+0+1+0 =3 On may 21st. the sign of the fishes The 12th sign Pisces In the precessional age of Pisces The Hopi White Brother will come as 3 2 helpers by his side Lord Kalki will come with his 2 wives Waving a sword on a white horse He is the balancer who holds the power of Saturn. Sun joining hands in the galactic centre.12 disciples His symbol.a The pineal gland 3 is the highest word in heaven Kalki is all things 3 And every third year of your life is a window to god 2001. 2012 Is the conjunction of Sun/Pleiades (Pleiades where the 3rd constellation lies) The Mayan calendar ends Exactly on 21-12-2012 . To find you is to know all. hidden lord of Bharani. oh Laxmi. hidden one of Aswini. who is Venus. Who is the serpent.. A letter to the Hopi Elders . Shani. Which begins on the spring equinox 21st of the 3rd month Empress is shakti. bringing dead to life Venus is the 'morning star ' Who is the 3rd Tarot card 'The Empress' Who is the bounty of spring. Who knows about these things? 3. The 22nd day of the 12th month Is the dawn of the new age This is The World Card Tripura Bhairavi Tripura Sundari are also there They are like Venus. 12th sign) of vishnu (who controls the serpent) And each of the 27 nakshatras Has a 3rd hidden ruler Mercury. who is life.The day after = 2+2-1+2-2+0+1+2 = 3 = the winter solstice. Who allows all creation To flow and exist oh Vishnu. the 'great balancer' Venus. who sits at the feet (pisces. is like Thoth. The secret knower of sanjivini. secret lord of Purva Ashadha. you are the preserver because of Laxmi only.. As you are aware. Jim Morrison and others) have helped to spread your message all over the globe. a land far off from your land. It seems appropriate to Chief to convey this idea web of life and is merely to the web. We pray for his good health. who presently is the oldest surviving interpreter of the traditional Hopi spiritual leaders. we can safely say that none of them have as deep an insight into the condition of Mother Earth and the wisdom to deal with it as our Hopi (Hopi Information Network) From: Prashant (Prash) Trivedi Date: Fri. Whatever he does he does to himself. India. are convinced that the Hopis have valuable insight into the human condition and the evolution of human destiny over the next few years. This wisdom and insight has come from centuries of close . as his importance far outweighs any treasure in this world. 7 Nov 1997 Dear Hopi Brothers and Sisters. We. your tradition and philosophy is inspiring a lot of people all over the world.(both Engineers) from New Delhi."man did not weave the a strand in it. Prashant Trivedi and Arup Mitra. The fact that man is ravaging and plundering earth's resources and in doing so the damage he is inflicting on Mother Earth and the Nature abounding her is known to your people.To: thehopi@aztec. Your people are also aware of the fact that this mindless exploitation and degradation of our planet cannot go on any further if humanity has to survive. We are traveling overland across Asia and Europe and hope to reach Arizona by the Spring of 1998. The artists (Jimi Hendrix.asu. We would also like to make a special mention for Dan Evehema of the Roadrunner and Greasewood clan ." Though a number of indigenous people and tribes exist all across the globe. It is to them and will of the Creator we are thankful that your message should reach us in India. use the words of a native Indian perfectly . Before starting this letter we would like to salute the revered spiritual elders of the Hopi People. The sayings of other indigenous people are also correct in their own accord but are in no way as selfless as the Hopi sayings. An inner voice is guiding us closer and closer to your people. Most of them are not heeding the nature's warning of the coming destruction. Receiving an invitation from you would not only help in fructification of our efforts but also boost our already strong faith in our Hopi Brothers. Prashant Trivedi and Arup Mitra . rather than represent any society or organization. We have not reached this conclusion about the Hopi people in a haste. We would like to represent the ancient culture. It has been borne out of the ancient wisdom of Indian philosophy which transcends even the starting of time band the limits of our present universe. We are looking forward to meeting you in person in your own environment. Even the Hopi address to the UN was directed towards warning humanity of the dangers it might face if it carries on the way it is doing now. The address could also have been used for putting forth the problems faced by the Hopi people. tradition and philosophy of the holy land . Hoping to hear from you. The time has come for east and west to get together one more time and "The Great Purification" is closer than we all believe. Yours sincerely. Societies and organization across the world who claim to know the spiritual way and mean to promote peace and harmony do so only in speech and not in action. It is this sincerity and devotion to the cause of mother earth and its inhabitants that stirs our hearts and minds and attracts us to our western brothers. This is the main reason we are not willing to bind ourselves to any organization for 'Truth' follows no sect.association with nature.India. According to the ancient Indian scriptures the creator "Param Brahma or Adi Purusha" created the Universe through his creative power "Adi Shakti" in a plan which comprised of three axes and several vibratory centres along these axes. . omnipresent. it can be safely said that none of them have as deep an insight into the condition of Mother Earth and the wisdom to deal with it as our Hopi brothers. This conclusion about the Hopi people has not been reached in a haste. So. These vibratory centres also exist in the Mother earth. The central axis in man lies along his backbone. the creative power of Mother nature had a threefold existence with seven main vibratory centres along the central axis. and eternal Creator. It has been borne out of the wisdom of ancient Indian philosophy which transcends even the starting of time and boundaries of our present Universe. These seven centres also exist inside the body of man as man is made in the image of the creator. The primordial power "Kundalini Shakti" lies in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine. echoing the primordial sound "AUM" of life throughout the universe. The awakening of this power and its journey through the seven centres is the first step in the process of self realisation. Through this realisation comes the wisdom to exist in harmony with Mother nature and the capacity to realise the actionless.A Message from India . Everything in the visible Universe from the smallest to biggest is made on the basis of this plan. They are the chosen ones of the Creator as they were granted permission to hold in trust all land and life for the great Spirit at the time of emergence of the Fourth world. of the Hopis or the present age.Hopi Vedic Parallels By: Prash Trivedi Though a number of indigenous people and tribes exist all across the globe. Knowledge of the ancient Indian scriptures strongly indicates that the area known as the "Four Corners". how to keep it open and converse with the Creator.the Thousand petalled lotus in the Hindu scriptures. detailed knowledge about these centres were lost among the Hopi people. With time. The Hopi legend also talks about "Palatkwapi" or the Red House located somewhere in central America having four storeys and on the top storey there is learning of planets and stars. and is called "Sahastrara" . the Hopi regard her as Spiderwoman i.e . There is an idea of Mother nature as a Spiderwoman who is responsible for the creation of these vibratory centres which echo the sound of the creator. In this story man also learnt about the "Open Door" in the top of their heads. Vedic tradition calls her as Prakriti (mother nature) or Shakti (creative force responsible for weaving the web of life). Lets consider some facts: > The Hopi believe the Creator of Man is a woman.The Hopis also have a similar perception of the creation of the universe by the Ultimate Creator "Taiowa". India has time and again seen the incarnations of the Great Spirit. Vedic tradition and most of the other ancient civilization believe in the feminine aspect of the creator. When the primordial power or the "Kundalini" is able to pass through the last centre one can commune with the Creator. but it can still be found in the holy land of India. where the Hopis have settled is an important vibratory centre which will cause the emergence of the new age which is known as the Fifth World by the Hopi people. who have kept alive this knowledge throughout the ages. Interestingly. > The Sumerians believed the Creator of Man was a woman. The Hopi wisdom is also aware of the central axis and man's axis being the backbone which controls the equilibrium of his movements and functions. This "Open Door" of Hopi mythology is the same as the seventh centre on the central axis. > The Hopi believe Taiowa. > The Hopi believe the Father Creator is KA. The Sanskrit word for sky.the one who has woven the web of life. Though Pleaides are significant to the Hopi people the real significance is given to the Great Bear or the seven sisters constellation.C. > The Hopi believe Akush to be the Dawn Katsina. > The Hopi name for the Pleaides is ChooChookam. is the Creator > of the Earth. which lasted from around 8000B. > The Sumerians believed the Father Essence was KA. Hopi believe that they came to earth from one of the stars in the Great Bear in a big spaceship and the . The vedic tradition also believes that the root of the father essence is 'KA' which is the first alphabet of Sanskrit. The Vedic tradition also believes that the earth was born out of the Sun and has been nourished by it ever since. This was the predominant thinking of most of the civilizations during the Age of Cancer. The > Sumerians believed SHU. the sign of the twins.C to 6000B. This concept arises from the dual nature of the world we live in symbolized by Gemini. most preferably for the dawn time which is considered the most sacred time. the Sun God. > The Hopi believe two brothers had guardianship of the > Earth. and the Jews have this concept of twin gods or brothers presiding over the affairs of the earth. in both the cultures. The > Sumerians believed AK.EA was the > Creator. the mother sign.C. is 'Akash'. Assyrians. Phoenicians.C to 2000 B.U to be Beings of light. Almost all the cultures including the Egyptians.KHEM were the supreme > stars. The Sumerians believed two brothers had dominion > over the Earth. and worship of these twin gods was at its peak in the Age of Gemini ranging from around 4000 B. Mayans. the primary language of the Vedic tradition. The Sumerians believe TA. the eternal creator provider and destroyer. The Sun is seen and worshipped as the material representation of the one true God. SHU. Vedic scriptures have detailed mythology regarding this constellation and the beings that reside there. Wind. > The Hopi believe Pahana was the Lost Brother who > would one day return to assist the Hopi and humankind. Even the address to the UN by Mr. Veda's revere the forces of nature in form of the Gods of the Sun. The address could have been used for putting forth the problems faced by the Hopi people. Even some plants and trees are the objects of reverence according to the ancient Indian Scriptures. almost every religion and culture has a concept and a name for the saviour who would appear at the end of the present age. a state of life that calls for another way. There is also no doubt that the puzzle to find our common ancestory is complicated but I feel that the pieces are finally falling together. > The Sumerians would recognize PA. Foremost among these is the concern for nature as a life giving force and the symbolism of Earth as the Mother and supporter of humanity. a Hopi Spiritual Elder. This fact that the name of the 'Saviour' matches exactly is quite remarkable.HA. which means a world out of balance . It is this sincerity and devotion towards Mother Earth and humanity that stirs our hearts and attracts us toward our . was directed towards warning humanity of the dangers it might face if it does not mend its present ways. The names of the Hopi people and their way of life is in itself a tribute to the forces of Nature. Water and Fire. Thomas Banyacya. The fact that man is ravaging and plundering the earth's resources is known to the Hopi people.NA as an Ancestor > from heaven who would return.. philosophy and traditions.. Again. The Hopi call this imminent condition "Koyaanisqatsi". The fact that we are all brothers and sisters is not a philosophical or emotional rhetoric. Indians and the Hopis share many common features by the way of religion. Thus it can be seen that although nearly on the opposite points of the globe. Earth. if they falter at this moment. The Hopis cause has found its voice through the songs and music of artists like Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix. that tell them of their origins. April 27. This spirit of sacrifice for the cause of humanity has come because the Hopis have remained to the ancient spirit of their people. Embassy Shantipath Chanakyapuri New Delhi . The patience and perseverance of thousands of years may go waste . It is the time for east and west to come together as one people because the Hopis and Indians share a common destiny. . their emergence in the forth world and the wisdom for the future. The historical burden of suffering and injustice on humanity has to be dealt with by the attitude of compassion and love and we pray the Hopi people will rise to occasion. The "Great Purification" as told of by the Hopi prophesy.The true White Brother. We know that the Hopi people have waited patiently for "Pahana" . as told in your prophesies.110021 India Dear Sir/Ma'am. because as the Hopi people know that great evil and destruction will befall the world. But this coming will only be possible if enough of the Hopi people remain true to their ancient spirit and put their faith in the Great Ceremony. is coming close and so it is a time of great caution. So it is important that more number of Hopi people take part in the great ceremonies. USA. This is concerning Prashant Trivedi's intention to visit the Hopi spiritual Elders on the Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona.S.Hopi brothers. 1998 U. It is through the power of these ceremonies that these messengers were brought to the world to spread the Hopi message all across the globe. including boarding. Dr. We intend to take full responsibility for Mr. Sincerely. travel. the Hopi Information Network has over 45.Trivedi's finances for the period which a visitor visa may be issued to him. Director and Site Manager of the Hopi Information Network in Flagstaff. The Hopi Infomation Network. Thereafter he was head of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir for the next eighteen years as a Regent. Arizona Introducing Dr.I would like it to be made of public record that I. Karan Singh was catapulated into political life at the early age of eighteen when. At 36. he will be sharing the documentation of his experiences with the rest of the world through our computer information network. and Mr. The Hopi Information Network is a worldwide news gathering and reporting agency. We wish to make it clear that we are in full support of Mr Trivedi's endeavor to visit with the Hopi Elders and will be making such arrangements for him on our behalf. and consulting. as elected Sadar-i-Riyasat and lastly as Governor. In 1967. We are looking forward to having Mr. Currently. Upon completion. We are willing and able to bear whatever expenses he may incur while on the Hopilands and in the United States. Trivedi as our guest and wish to thank you for allowing him to come. . Karan Singh was inducted as a member of the Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. in 1949.000 visitors each month who read our information. Trivedi to come to these lands and to meet with the Elders. he was the youngest person ever to become a central cabinet minister in India. Karan Singh Born heir apparent to Maharaja Hari Singh and Maharani Tara Devi of Jammu and Kashmir. he was appointed Regent by his father on the intervention of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Flagstaff. Trivedi will be documenting his trip for us while here. C. lodging. is inviting Mr. Arizona. DiBella Director. Dr. Charles DiBella. philosophical essays.Nyaya Marg ChanakyaPuri New Delhi 110021 Tel: (011) 611-7144. Karan Singh's Homepage .having completed their professional training.Presently he is the Chairman of 'Temple of Understanding'. They seek to contact members of the Hopi Tribal Council in Arizona. It is appropriate that this journey is being undertaken at a time when the United Nations is observing the Decade of Native People. He is also an author of distinction. have decided to undertake an ambitious and adventurous journey. and poems in English. For more detailed information on Dr. Prashant Trivedi and Virender Bhatt .KARAN SINGH Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) 3.Click here. I warmly support their project. so that they can return enriched with new knowledge and insight. I would be grateful for any help and assistance that could be rendered to them on this Journey to the West. Karan Singh. travelogues. Dr. visit: Dr.Arup Mitra. Karan Singh Prashant Trivedi . In a way this is an interfaith endeavour. and as Chairman of the Temple of Understanding. having written a number of books on political science. a major global Interfaith association. USA because they are convinced that the Hopis have some valuable insight into the human condition and the evolution of human destiny over the next few years.611-5291 11 Sept 1997 To Whom It May Concern Three young men from India . They are travelling overland across Asia and Europe and hope to reach Arizona by the Spring of 1998. the youngest of the three. Old Oraibi is the oldest inhabited village on the American continent. Prashant Trivedi. Since this violent split of their people. USA. India 110021 Dear Dr. called Maasaw. I wish to present you with information detailing a brief history of the events leading up to the present situation on the Hopi reservation. to be a "shrine of the covenant" made between the ancient and true Hopi people and their Great Spirit or Creator. Hotevilla. Karan Singh 3. who were forcibly removed from Old Oraibi by the Progressives with encouragement and assistance from agents of the United States government. Karan Singh. At that time. the Traditional Hopi have considered their new village. only one of us. Hotevilla was formed under the leadership of Chief Yukiuma and other Traditional Hopi. AZ USA 86002 Dr. Progressive Hopi differ from Traditional Hopi insofar as the Progressives have chosen to adopt the ways of the western culture whereas the Traditionals wish to continue following the ways of their ancestors. a split between the 'Traditional' Hopi and the so-called 'Progressive' Hopi led to the formation of a new village called Hotevilla. take it as my duty to inform you about my dialogue with the Hopi Elders and wish to honour the support and encouragement you bestowed on us during the initial stages of our endeavour. On September 6th 1906. Due to unforeseen circumstances. has been able to fulfill this mission. The spiritual power of the ceremonies which have been .Flagstaff. I.Nyaya Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi. and had been the main spiritual center for the Hopi people since the 13th century AD. we proposed a journey to meet with the Hopi spiritual elders at the Hopi reservation in Arizona. This letter concerns the three individuals whom you met on September 9th 1997 in New Delhi at your office in the India International Center. Before I discuss what transpired in my talks. . and the process pumps huge amounts of water from the aquifer that provides water to all the Hopi villages. the village of Hotevilla has been unofficially divided just as Old Oriabi had been in the past. along with the United States government and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Most notably. Such a central ruling body is counter to Traditional Hopi beliefs. The Progressives are the majority. the Hopi Tribal Council has allowed an outside interest set up a large coal mining operation just north of their villages. who is now 105 years old. even when all of the other 13 Hopi villages have decided otherwise. for reasons of material and economic gain. Traditional Hopi are simple farmers who have depended on this aquifer for centuries in order to grow their crops in the dry desert of conditions northern Arizona.' A slurry pippeline suspends the coal particles in water. This mining operation transports the coal it extracts from the earth through a what is known as a 'slurry pipeline. were transferred to this new village. along with their precious stone tablets. the Eldest of Elders. and he is now the principal spokesperson for the spiritual Elders. Finally. but the Progressives still fail to see the error of their ways. set up a 'puppet' government which is now known as the Hopi Tribal Council. In 1936. and they want to support the Tribal Council and the American way of life. the Traditional Hopi of Hotevilla have refused to acknowledge it's authority. On the otherside is a handful of Traditionalists who are trying desperately to keep the flame of their ancient tradition alive. To the discerning eye. Over the past several years. and since the ruling body first took shape. Dan Evehema was a direct witness to the 1906 split in Old Oriabi. with whom my talks took place. To this group of endangered Traditionalists belongs the spiritual Elder Dan Evehema.performed by the Hopi since ancient times. the Progressives. time has proved the Traditional Hopi right. in the course of last few years. this aquifer has been severely depleted and geologists estimate that the Hopi water supply will dry up in less than ten years if the process is not stopped. and was first published in 1995. is the other Elder I had the good fortune of meeting during this visit. There are considerable simlarities in the definition and charcteristics of these ages which leads one to speculate that they originated from the same source. and the four main paths to liberation as described in vedic scriptures. the talks centered on the similarities between Hopi and Indian beliefs. The most interesting similarities we discovered were the repeated use of the Swastika in their ceremonies and rock art. Also. including the seven spiritual centers which lie in an axis along the backbone of man. Martin Gashveseoma.His closest disciple. Like the four ages expounded upon by the vedic scriptures. I found it to be the most accurate account of the present state of affairs on the Hopi reservation. I would first like to mention the warm reception and hospitality bestowed by the Elders and their families on an insignificant stranger from a land which they know little about. their faith holds four worlds as well. who was his grandfather. along with their worship of the Sun.Hopi Shrine of the Covenant . which I have witnessed for myself. For a very complete picture of these events. He is acknowledged by the Elders to be the Chief of Hotevilla through the legacy of Chief Yukiuma. It is a great honour to deliver herein to the people of India a message from these Elders which concerns the coming . and they were keen on further communication between our two heritages.Microcosm of the World. you may wish to browse the book entitled "Hotevilla . Coming back to my talks. it presents the Hopi message to the world straight from the mouth of Dan Evehema and other Traditional Elders. We discovered other areas of similarity. From their words it was quite evident that they had great respect for the ancient wisdom of India. who is now 75 years old." This book is co-authored by Dan Evehema and Thomas Mails. I was astonished to hear from them the fact that I was the first visitor from India to visit for an interfaith dialogue. Initially. " The Great Purification is a term used for the upcoming earth changes which will cleanse the earth of man's decadence. I received three ears of corn used for seed. the Elders revealed to me signs preceeding the Great Purification which are coming to pass at this time. The Elders say that the first Hopi had chosen to live in this barren desert so that they would always need to pray for rain and thus not lose faith in their ceremonies which maintain their bond with the Mother nature and Creator. I was most honoured as the Elders presented me with a sacred planting stick. Hopi prophecy foretold the World Wars of earlier this century. and each of their prophecies are preceded by a number of signs. Maasaw. During our talks. Before my departure. their mother. The Elders were concerned and dissapointed about the lack of awareness of these concepts in the ancient land of India. which has been handed down to these Traditional Elders from generations past. Ancient Hopi prophecy. Along with this planting stick. Time is short. The Elders also believe that in the near future all the races will have to unite to share their wisdom in order to evolve a global conciousness in harmony with nature. The Hopi Elders have given to me all they were given by the Great Spirit when they chose to settle in the area now known as the land of the Four Corners. and detailed instructions concerning how to raise this corn in the most adverse conditions. They said that the True Hopi people represents the Red race through the authority vested in them by the Creator.the "Great Purification" and the emergence of the "Fifth World. Maasaw had given them the sacred stone tablets at the begining of this age along with the following message: . The Hopi are unique as a people insofar as their agricultural techniques are extremely simple and are adaptable to the dry desert land of this area. is angry due to the mindless activities of man and may choose to purify herself in the very near future if man does not change his ways quickly. purified by ceremony. and the earth. warn humanity to change its course before it is too late. If you are willing to live as I do. My life is simple. and the rapid deterioration of our own religious tradition over the past generation. Black. happy and peaceful life. greed. the life plan I shall give you. you may live here with me and take care of the land. Given the great influx of Western ways into our own culture. Respectfully.White. few are really bothered enough to be concerned with the consequences we face tomorrow. and Yellow have their own stone tablets as well. and follow my instructions. and are blinded by the glamour of the Western way of life. amidst all the affluence of the modern The Spirit of Enquiry . But underneath. I noticed a sense of urgency in their message which is borne out of the fact they are losing ground to all their traditions fast. To make matters worse. . it would thus be very appropriate at this time to allow the people of India the opportunity to hear their message.Prashant Trivedi We live in a society that thrives upon competition. All I have is my planting stick and seeds."I have nothing here. ambition. Then you shall have a long. Prashant Trivedi email: astrology@karmablueprint. Because of this. and exploitation. The Hopi young no longer acccept the Wisdom of these Elders as valid. the earth's resources are being consumed at an alarming rate." All other races . Like the legendary Phoenix bird. believing that peace is merely the absence of war. Real peace has become an illusion.people are living with more fears and anxieties than ever before. Reform measures offer no solution. the entire structure must fall . and have no solutions for the long term well being of the planet. and nearly all who are alive today have never experienced it. The head powers of all nations deal with short term crisis intervention. rather such measures are akin to using a life support system for a patient whose death is certain. and it is important for us to be aware of this transition to make the appropriate preparations. especially this modern world. and the world in which we live. the great majority of humankind will enter into these coming changes completely unaware.The Great Purification Creation and Destruction by Prashant Trivedi The human race is fast approaching an end of an age. is actually very fragile. . Unforunately. Many of us tend to believe that the world in which we live is as stable and permanent as the concrete beneath our feet. At the present time. It is unimaginable for most to think that the great technological civilization of this age could crumble to ruin. rather we hope instead that each of us will make changes within our inner being. our world faces great peril through a variety of possible catastrophes. We are not suggesting that anyone engage in survival preparedness. The truth of the matter is much to the contrary. The Darwinian theory of evolution suggests that the human race is in a state of unhindered evolution by the process of natural selection. and with their coming. it does not matter if any one of us survives.Great catastrophes are sure to come. and it is no longer realistic to think that enough people around the globe will have a sudden change of heart. and not linear. through lineartime. Humanity has reached the point of no return. consumption. cycles of great destruction and re-creation. we as individuals still can. and exploitation. in a small way. are becoming more intelligent than our ancestors with each passing generation. This modern system of living has brought mankind to the brink of self-extinction. This implies that we. each of us must begin once again to see time and reality as cyclical. and that world ages repeat themselves. In ancient astrology. Survival preparedness is not at issue here. The theory further suggests that we are in a state of perpetual progress. To start. This is in opposition to the view held by all ancient civilisations. is responsible for this state of affairs. . But even if the world as a whole will not change. as most in the modern world believe it to be. the term 'world age' signifies the time period between two great purifications. which only moves forward. who knew that time is cyclical. The sad truth is that most of us are still very content with living within this system. and each of us. as a race. materialism. rather what is important is that we learn from the coming changes and re-direct our inner being accordingly. that is. The human race has developed a system of modern living based on competition. is linear. which has nothing to do with Darwin. All knowledge about the meaning of life and how it should be lived is inherent within our mind. It is up to each of us to discover the true meaning of life by inquiring within our own minds. until we begin to focus our attention on learning the true meaning of life. When we do this. is curved. Albert Einstein. and we will experience it again and again. and it was very much predicted and expected. and we start the cycle again. which defines the physics of the perceivable universe. it will lead you nowhere. what your path might be. all as a very natural and cyclical process of life and death. and if you follow that road. If someone tells you how you should live. when great floods destroyed flourishing civilisations which had become overly materialistic as they too approached the end of their age. Humanity was faced with the same situation about 12. it is not a plane. This cycle of destruction and creation has happened before. and it is about to happen again. points out that the space-time continuum. Each of us has a different path which we .According to the ancients. Unlike Darwin had theorized. Anything which is curved is part of a circle. significant portions of humanity die.000 years ago. in his special theory of relativity. we will begin to grow on the true evolutionary ladder. including time. the perilous situation we find ourselves in today is nothing new. Nearly all of us have experienced this cycle in ages past. we evolve in these cycles of time rather than evolving along a path of linear time. Through massive catastrophies. what you should do. and nothing in our universe. then his actions will automatically resonate with his thinking. A free mind of an aware individual has the capacity to get to the truth of any matter. Each of us should come together in a spirit of complete brotherhood. This society must facilitate right relationships on all levels.are to find on our own. but these gifts are smothered of us through modern education. and so on. and thus present an example as a witness to others. we may seek counsel from outside sources. Learning along our path is a continous and effortless process. and contemplation on the inquiry is the second step. and not allow oneself to be influenced by the conditioning of this world. greed and competition. self-sustainable future in harmony with the forces of nature. and begin to create a new. Inquiry is the first step. it all leads nowhere. . nationality. rules. orthodoxy. prejudice. The the are out awareness and sensitivity needed to see truth is inherent in all of us when we children. but without a mind that is free of conditioning. One can only stay awake mentally with a mind that is not already conditioned by society. religion. and impart a correct education to coming generations. We must create together. Anyone who is sincerely willing to do this will not fail. because if one is completely convinced of an idea with the whole of his being. aware individuals must move away from this dying system. but one must stay awake mentally. even the most difficult of questions. first in our minds and then in reality. At this critical point in time. a society without fear. at the end of this age. Modern education is a means to promote conformity and to condition our young in order to preserve the established social patterns of this corrupt system. With inquiry. Prashant Trivedi there is a lot of discussion on duality and non-duality on this planet amongst the so-called wise without any clear conclusion the answer to the puzzle is quite simple .. it is the truth of nature of things/beings something which holds true from all points and angles and is not subject to change in time immortal the truths in script Lotusocean Blog - 'breaking out of the matrix' LotusOcean The Real Swastika -Prashant Trivedi ..What is Non-Duality? . non-duality is just another term for 'absolute truth' & 'absolute truth' is the nature of the divine absolute truth is different from muggle definition of truth who stole the toffee etc. it can be seen on their 'prophecy rock' as illustrated below. represented by the four hands of the swastika. four seasons. In relation to the Hopi. and it means 'conducive to well being. the symbol of creation. . and of the Vedic diety Lord Ganesha. Ganesh bestows these qualities with the help of the right-handed swastika. the ancient Vedic language.' meaning 'well. The circle surrounding the swastika here represents our Mother Earth.' from the verb to be. innocence. are purity. meaning 'it is.' and 'asti. the Mayans. and the four dots within our swastika represent the four races.' The right-handed swastika has been used as a positive expression of life by the ancient Mesopotamians. as well as the Hopi and other Native American Indian tribes. and it is considered the initiator of the new age after the 'Great Purification'. the early Christians and Byzantines.' It is derived from two Sanskrit words: 'su. the cradle of humanity. His four qualities. The swastika is also an ancient Vedic symbol for the Sun.The word 'swastika' comes from Sanskrit. who is the first born son in the Universe. and supreme devotion to the Universal Mother principle. four fold magnetic field on our Sun. the elephant headed God. auspiciousness. the Vedic Goddess who symbolizes destruction. which will meet its end through 'Pralaya. both symbols have come into prominence through the ages. In Sanskrit. including India.' which is the antithesis of 'svastika. which is dawning upon us as the influence of the Piscean Age begins to wane. Astrologically. the right-handed swastika is a symbol of the Seventh Ray. Since creation and destruction are two unseparable facets of the Cosmic Plan.' This is the swastika which was used in World War II as a symbol for Adolf Hitler's Nazi movement. the left-handed swastika is still widely used throughout the world. .' meaning widescale destruction. Vedic scripture states that we are presently living in 'Kaliyuga. which is the governing Ray of the Age of Aquarius.' Thus. 'sauvastika.' or the age of Kali. the left-handed swastika means 'not conducive to well being. In spite of what it represents. where it is quite prevalent.This is how Swastika comes out of the Golden Mean Spiral Grail Cup The left-handed swastika is a symbol of Kali. this left-handed swastika is named by a different word. The Seventh Ray is essentially an agent of fusion. Confusion generates frustration. and coordination. many feel the pain arising out of empty and directionless living. how precious it is. It is also the ray of ceremonial order and is responsible for bringing forth the energies favouring group endeavor. we are blessed to have an opportunity for true spiritual growth. The illusion of the modern world seems to offer so much. this symbol as a whole signifies the four races of humanity living in a state of co-operation with each other and sharing equally the resources provided by Mother Earth. Humanity has lost touch with mother nature. insecurity. In conclusion. It further signifies a state of harmony between man and nature. anger. and intolerance. our world heads toward global confusion. yet human birth is no longer considered an opportunity to grow in the realm of spirit. While on earth. and how we might best make use of our time and resources while on earth. Living for a New Future by Prash Trivedi Throughout all nations. which in turn fosters true growth in all the realms. blending. As people of this earth move toward material pursuits and away from a grounding in the spirit. which eventually builds up between nations to . and the effects of this are clearly evident all around. Millions lack an understanding of what human life is about. yet many know something very vital is missing. eco-friendly. This is an invitation for a few talented and determined individuals to plant the seeds of a new future. farm community.leak out in the form of war. self-sustaining. Poems: Rainy violet you come down Showering on the earth so brown No time to think and wonder why Which is better the Earth or the Sky Rainy violet you lose your own A martyr to the seeds they have sown But the world goes round and round And once again they'll be sorrow bound Rainy violet you come down Blistering on those painful clowns Please be sure to where your loyalties lie With the Men on Earth or Gods in the Sky Rainy violet you come down Regardless of those laughs and frowns A funny feeling it may be true Just want to know why I feel like you . and destruction on a massive scale might soon be witnessed by many. The threat of war is beginning to overshadow any future hope for peace. We seek visitors and potential residents for our newly developing international. Realisation Bathing infinitely in an ocean unknown Enjoying the fruits of the tree i have grown Till the day it all comes to pass Flushed in the radiance the Mother has shown. Words mere How could Touch thy I . know . Reaching Out Words. Divine Offerings Would Would Would Would it it it it be sweet.Duality Just like the air kisses The pure. the fruit to be.Freedom The earth is to a stone As a Self crowded to alone. an unborn bud. the nectar so smell . my . I tiny How could Touch thy words words words soul. the mind untouched . mine I I soul Non. words. the The Paramatman manifests Completely unaffected by all mountains and the sea through all all that could ever be. the foul . Leaves are to a tree As action to the free. be fresh. nothing is left to bow.Visions Visions if you wish to find Flowing from your fanciful mind. to whom all you owe Bowing . If no one lied. is the way to go Knowing .Actual Galactic Bedtime HiStory for Earthlings Bird Tribe Vs Serpent Tribe ~ Prashant Trivedi . Extremities Would you know the infinite . Merge in the One. the eternal luminous glow Showing . One Way to the One. If you couldn't fathom the void. For their is only One Light And others just chains to bind. GARUDA Ophanim & Seraphim . nothing is left to show Reverence to the One. Would you know the truth. nothing is left to know. the The play starts with a casual reference here regarding Daksha's daughters now known as the Orion Queens A clear reference to how they're responsible for . knowing and working on the symmetry tilts. angles to produce the angels .populating most of this sector of our galaxy Ka-sh-ya-pa is one of the seven original beings of the Milky Way play he definitely has immersed himself in the right kind of enviornment must be a reason why such advanced beings prefer the biologic jungles to concrete jungles ! this is a very old His & Her Story way before the recent An-Enki Sumerian tale offsprings don't come easily in this time i..e.. external eggs! mammals are not in the scene as yet incubation (in da cube) is the the order of the day just like it is for our genepool on earth ?! the hypercube presents a way out but patience is required the two sets of eggs are different though ..the sacrifice ( sacred orifice ) is complete the eggs are ready .. seeing.5: Everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature. not even for a moment. chanting mantras etc are all actions. therefore no one can refrain from doing something. Meditation.what could be different ? clue: only one set has golden mean symmetry the seraphim (serpent tribe. one has to give up all the worldy activities and chant some mantras. BG 3.6: One who restrains the senses of action but whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender. Some people even think that to free oneself. surya (surya-dev) etc. hearing. BG 3. nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection. breathing. uru roots of the serpent tribe now we know who uru-shalem (jerusalem) means a lot to also uru-q as in iraq and uru-guay Actions. Maya and the Ultimate Reality By Prashant Saxena Actions..4: Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction. . A person cannot live without doing any action. But people forget often that mantras are divine incantantations to understand and rever the nature and its elements like fire (agni-dev). Chanting the mantras without understanding the message is not considered either spirituality or intelligent. They assume that ‘Maya’ means that world is not real. Bhagvada-Gita simply teaches to control these actions and to find the truth.. Maya and the Ultimate Reality – The Bhagavad Gita People today have a deep misconception about the scriptures like Veda and Gita. nagas) are born first all the talk about dracos populating the galaxy first! kadru is actually kad-uru . They are also the source of meditation andspirituality. BG 3. an elephant. and the Vedas are directly manifested from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.18: A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties. Thus all the soldiers in Indian army are kshatriyas irrespective of their religion and surnames. and his enemy as well. if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the mind and begins karma-yoga [in Kr?s?n?a consciousness] without attachment.5: One must deliver himself with the help of his mind. he neither acts for sense gratification nor engages in fruitive activities. it leads to ignorance. Chaturvedi. BG 3. . fully satiated — for him there is no duty. BG 6. Brahmins. without being attached to the fruits of activities. by its definition and in today’s modern terminology. Kshatriyas is the warrior class.g A girl attached to her beauty finds it hard to accept her change to old age. BG 6. BG 3. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul. Vaishyas consisted of the business class and Shudras the unskilled labourers.BG 3. BG 6. Chaturvedi simply means the knower of the four (chatur) Vedas. whose human life is one of self-realization. but for one who has failed to do so.16: My dear Arjuna. one who does not follow in human life the cycle of sacrifice thus established by the Vedas certainly leads a life full of sin. one should act as a matter of duty. and not degrade himself. BG 3.15: Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas. teachers. Consequently the all-pervading Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.g many people are deluded that Hinduism is divided in cast system “by birth” where people with surnames like Sharma. engineers etc i. When people are attached to their activities and senses.4: A person is said to be elevated in yoga when. researchers. see with equal vision a learned and gentle br?hman?a. it causes suffering and visual illusions. a ‘class system’ and not ‘cast system’.19: Therefore. faith and refuge are all fixed in the Supreme. his mind will remain the greatest enemy. What Veda and GITA teach is a categorization of the society. nor has he any reason not to perform such work. BG 5. includes scientists. then one becomes fully cleansed of misgivings through complete knowledge and thus proceeds straight on the path of liberation. mind. If people are attached to what they hear without analyzing it intellectually. such a person lives in vain.e those who indulge in intellectual work and knowledge to know the science and nature. having renounced all material desires. based on profession or Karma and not birth. e. BG 3. BG 3. For e. a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste].17: When one’s intelligence. doctors. for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme. trivedi. Pathak etc are Brahmins. When people get attached to what they see and how they look.17: But for one who takes pleasure in the self. Living only for the satisfaction of the senses. they are under the influence of Maya. Thus it is very important to control the mind which controls the five senses. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being. It is this Maya that creates an illusion and ignorance. Trivedi refers to the knower of the three (Tri) Vedas.6: For him who has conquered the mind. and who is satisfied in the self only. by virtue of true knowledge.7: On the other hand. he is by far superior. BG 5.18: The humble sages. a cow. the mind is the best of friends. we are growing daily. unborn and inconcievable from which everything else. The physical image of our face. size etc when viewed from the earth. So how can we be the same even in a seconds differentiation? Are our eyes decieving us when we look into the mirror? If we get attached to our looks. dynamic or limited. the all-pervading. size. It is releasing huge amount of hydrogen in the form of fusion reactions into helium. All beings are in Me. Mentally we evolve and our knowledge increases every passing second.g Sun which a manifestation of the ultimate reality has a form. chemically it is not the same any second. Physically it releases long chains of fires or the solar . one’s mind may chose to focus and hear only to what a particular person might be saying. This suffering due to attachment and ignorance is the constant effect of Maya which is all around us and forever trying to control our mind. this is the “manmaya kosa” or the mental sheath. is emanating.In upanishads. inconceivable. It is only because of Maya that we are not able to understand the ultimate reality or the truth. our thoughts are changing too. in My unmanifested form. In brief. farts and intaking other molecules in the form of breath (inhale). color. fixed and immovable — the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth — by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone. such persons.3-4: But those who fully worship the unmanifested. that which lies beyond the perception of the senses. In a crowd. But the truth is that the sun is also fading out. Thus Bhagvada Gita teaches directly how manifest arises from the unmanifest. What we were thinking a second ago is not the same. Thus the mind is the controller of all 5 senses from which the collected data can be put to use by one’s own intellect. then we are bound to suffer when we change or grow old. Therefore. height etc have all changed. both material and spiritual.8: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Chemically. We see the sun and we think it is the same. shape. The ultimate reality is said to be unmanifested. smell. Sight. this entire universe is pervaded. touch and taste are only the objective channels to the mind and its the mind that can act very subjectively. The change is very slow as per our perception and it is unobservable. e. Everything emanates from Me. But are we seeing the truth? Do we think that the Sun or our appearance when we see in the mirror is static? What exactly are we seeing? Physically. We are not the same person who existed some ten years ago. The focus can shift though as per the directions of the mind. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts. the manifestations are changing. perspiration. At that moment one might not be able to process any other person. Mentally. excreta. urination. at last achieve Me. hearing. we are losing millions of molecules per second in the form of breath (exhale).4: By Me. BG 9. drinking. but I am not in them BG 12. a person does not have the same set of molecules or atoms that he had a second ago. engaged in the welfare of all. unchanging. On contrary to the unmanifest. BG 10. It has spent 4 million years and only has another 4 million years to live after which it will convert into a nova or a supernova. The mind can chose to hear what it wants and ignore the rest. eating etc. Its a recursive procedure and the intellect can sharpen itself with the information it recieves. weight. quickness of the mind and the body? Do we think that change is sudden that we would grow fragile with white hair and brittle bones overnight? In Gita. passion conditions one to fruitive action. from the mode of passion. healing rate of the cells. BG 14. O son of Kunt?. inertia.12: O chief of the Bh?ratas. Sometimes the mode of passion defeats goodness and ignorance.11: The manifestations of the mode of goodness can be experienced when all the gates of the body are illuminated by knowledge.15: When one dies in the mode of passion. he takes birth among those engaged in fruitive activities. being purer than the others. know that the mode of darkness. madness and illusion are manifested. and from the mode of ignorance develop foolishness. is the delusion of all embodied living entities. when there is an increase in the mode of passion the symptoms of great attachment. darkness.17: From the mode of goodness.10: Sometimes the mode of goodness becomes prominent.8: O son of Bharata. he becomes conditioned by these modes. intense endeavor.16: The result of pious action is pure and is said to be in the mode of goodness. the mode of goodness. and ignorance. BG 14. and it frees one from all sinful reactions. greed develops. Those situated in that mode become conditioned by a sense of happiness and knowledge. and at other times ignorance defeats goodness and passion. O son of Bharata. BG 14. fruitive activity. In this way there is always competition for supremacy.5: Material nature consists of three modes — goodness. BG 14. So again. BG 14. BG 14. . O mighty-armed Arjuna. and when one dies in the mode of ignorance. BG 14. But action done in the mode of passion results in misery. is our perception decieving us about the shape and size of the sun? Do we think we will be the same person after 20 years with the same strength. and uncontrollable desire and hankering develop. he attains to the pure higher planets of the great sages. BG 14. the mode of goodness conditions one to happiness. indolence and sleep. born of ignorance. this is explained via the three modes of the material nature. and because of this the embodied living entity is bound to material fruitive actions. real knowledge develops. BG 14. O son of Kuru. binds one to madness. which bind the conditioned soul. BG 14. BG 14. BG 14. defeating the modes of passion and ignorance. its magnetic field keeps on changing.winds.14: When one dies in the mode of goodness. The results of this mode are madness. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature. he takes birth in the animal kingdom. madness and illusion.13: When there is an increase in the mode of ignorance. covering one’s knowledge.7: The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings.6: O sinless one. is illuminating. and action performed in the mode of ignorance results in foolishness. BG 14.9: O son of Bharata. passion and ignorance. eternal. impersonal. of the shape. small etc are all having a definite shape. spiritual experience. Sustains entire universe. size and form of something if he is blind? The ability to visualize enhances the perception of form and shape. fixed. if one analyzes the fundamental definition of shape and form. Unborn. Krishna reveals clearly that the true definition of “him” or the ultimate reality is unmanifested. unborn. Omnipresent. and those in the abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds. Formless. unborn. then only he can tell what shape. How can one observe from a distance. The Shape of the Ultimate Reality By Prashant Saxena Bhagavad Gita Hexagonal. inconcievable” have a form.He alone should be worshipped. A human body has a definite shape. BG 14. energy. .BG 14. Eternal and supports us always. so does the sun when viewed from the earth. large. Perfect. triangle. All-Powerful.8) In Gita. a definite form. who is transcendental to all these modes. a name is given by those who try to comprehend a concept or something. thoughts. size and form it is. square. then one would realize that these are only the attributes observable by the eye. empty space or vaccum.19: When one properly sees that in all activities no other performer is at work than these modes of nature and he knows the Supreme Lord. shape or a definite name? Naturally. If one can see or observe something. size or form? The ONE . How can the “unmanifested. he attains My spiritual nature. inconcievable.18: Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets. fat. (Yajurveda 40. unchanging and immovable.the Brahman in the Vedas: He is One and only One. Omniscient. sound that we hear etc have any shape. Thus. Do knowledge. those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets. ability to understand and memorise (mental ability) etc. and now You Yourself are declaring it to me. engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me. but it is “not omnipotent” as we can neither see that person or the sun everywhere and everytime.5: For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested. the all-pervading. Devala and Vy?sa confirm this truth about You. advancement is very troublesome. is freed from all sins. in My unmanifested form. the Absolute Truth. the ultimate abode. the universe or the ultimate consciousness. BG 12. Thus you will live in Me always. unchanging. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied. as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds — he only. It touches all the individual consciousness and contains all the bodies in the universe.6-7: But those who worship Me. which is one of My energies.4: By Me. You are the eternal. is working under My direction. O son of Prath? — for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death. engaged in the welfare of all. O son of Kunt?. the Supreme Personality of Godhead. the greatest. air. Gita clearly tells about the manifestations of the supreme nature (inconcievable. BG 10. original person. BG 10.8: Just fix your mind upon Me. undeluded among men. the manifest can contain both form (like material nature.BG 12. Some people feel that formless does not have any potency of having a form. unmanifested and unborn). this entire universe is pervaded. without a doubt. A person has a definite shape like sun as we see from earth. Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again. such persons.12-13: Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead.3: He who knows Me as the unborn. we cannot . It can also means the ability to give birth to a child (feminine ability). inconceivable. that which lies beyond the perception of the senses. is all around us. the unborn. but I am not in them BG 9. BG 9. One cannot live without air and energy. having fixed their minds upon Me. Asita. and engage all your intelligence in Me. consciousness etc). producing all moving and nonmoving beings. One can breathe air around which is present everywhere (omnipresent). energy. for. in every respect. If we imagine of Brahman. BG 10.10: This material nature. BG 12. It can also mean the ability to have eternal knowledge. I am the source of the demigods and sages. All beings are in Me. BG 12. fixed and immovable — the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth — by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone. mass. at last achieve Me. but it is formless. Naturally. All the great sages such as N?rada. manifest in any form. transcendental. as the beginningless. whereas the energy is an omnipotent concept which is all around us and yet formless. in any color and yet the true form which is formless being unknown. “Potency” doesn’t only mean the masculine strength to lift heavy weights.2: Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin or opulences. matter etc) and the formless (like knowledge. the purest. Brahman. impersonal feature of the Supreme. giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation.3-4: But those who fully worship the unmanifested. An analogy with this manifestation from the unmanifest could be thoughts which appear out of nowhere. 3 APRIL 2011 Ultimate reality and Monotheism Ultimate reality and Monotheism By Prashant Saxena Monotheism as the world knows from the west means belief in one God.8: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. But one might ask what form. Therefore formless. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be. Everything emanates from Me.concieve of its form in both in its physical aspect and the mental aspect . People might see dreams which are hardly connected to their real life.5). Thus.22: But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion. The fact that we can identifiy a being with a form outright limits it. judges the mankind from their behavior the directions for which are given in the western holy books with a set of DO-s and DONT-s. A human mind contains scattered bit of knowledge and thoughts which keeps on changing and some which manifest randomly out of nowhere. BG 10. one might manifest that knowledge and write something that he might not usually think of. the Veda is also a revelation to many rishis in their heightened state of consciousness. BG 9. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts. In a deep contemplative state. and I preserve what they have. During exam time.11: Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. According to many sages. created the world.e those who follow that holy book blindly and those who question it or who do not follow it. to have fame and name. The one God in the western faiths is isolated from the nature. Anything percievable by one’s limited senses is limited in nature. Gita teaches us how one can heighten his consciousness and touch the supreme consciousness. shape or size does consciousness have? BG 9. He divides the mankind on the basis of belief i. one might get a thought of his relative or a friend. yet omnipotent and omnipresent. to play a musical instrument. meditating on My transcendental form — to them I carry what they lack. How can a “limited’ being be omnipotent and omnipresent? And hence the understanding of the unmanifest aspect of the supreme truth is difficult (BG 12. Sanatan Dharma SUNDAY. the monotheistic concept from west reduces the mankind to blindly . nor the mind. How can one realize the ultimate reality without the Vedas? It cannot be explained in a few words.42 It is declared the sense are superior but more than the senses the mind is superior but more than the mind the intelligence is superior and more than the intelligence that which is superior is the individual consciousness. Vedas are only a tool to raise one's consciousness and know the ultimate reality. we have polytheism which means belief in different gods. . Vedas teach about what a person can realize in his highest state of consciousness. one doesn't always need the Vedas to know the ultimate truth. judges the humans on a judgement day as prescribed by western holy books and who created the world. Hence. speech of our speech. In the Indian terminology. that too is life of our life-breath and sight of our sight. 1. The wise are released beyond and they pass from this world and become immortal. stemming out from theism. Gita Verse 3. Kenopanishad states. Unlike. By whom missioned falls the mind shot to its mark? By whom yoked moves the first life-breath forward on its paths? By whom impelled is this word that men speak? What god set eye and ear to their workings? 2. spirit of questioning and practical intellect can know the ultimate reality even without knowing the Vedas. A person who has a dharmic mind. unborn and inconcievable. Vedas and Upanishads which are a part of shrutis (considered as primary works) talk of ultimate reality which is formless. The knowledge of the Veda is embedded in everyone which needs to be known by detachment and getting rid of the Maya which is constantly affecting both physically and mentally and hiding the realization of the ultimate reality. the western beliefs and holy books. We know It not nor can distinguish how one should teach of It: for It is other than the known. Vedas are also characterized as “revealed” which means coming from the highest source of consciousness which is conceptualized and called as Bhraman. unmanifested. It is so we have heard from men of old who declared That to our understanding. It is there above the unknown. 3. Gitopanishad has eighteen chapters that give a hint of ultimate reality. Therefore. mind of our mind.believe into some god who has a particular gender. That which is hearing of our hearing. Thus. There sight travels not. Similarly. nor speech. unlike the western faiths and conditioning where the followers need a “book”. Atheism is a disbelief in the possibility of a god who plays dice with human lives. a particular name and categorized his believers with a particular label and differentiates the world between “you and them” on the basis of that belief which is to be followed blindly. there is no such belief of a god having a particular gender or a set of DO-s and DONT-s. If we expand reality. know That to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. What is our actual speed as compared to sun at rest or zero speed? Analyzing the angular speed of earth around the sun and motion of our speed on earth.1 that by which the mind is thought. We measure our speed relative to the ground which we assume to have a speed of zero. The motion of everything within the universe is taken with respect to something. Rig Veda 1. 7. According to the modern science. 6. sun moves around the centre of the milky way galaxy. that by which the word is expressed.13 “Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving.4.2 that by which one sees the eye’s seeings. Where does it stop? There are only two cases for such a problem : (a) It stops and hence .3 that by which the ear’s hearing is heard. then sun is also revolving around something higher. lets say Y and Y around Z and so on. But in reality earth is rotating and revolving around the sun. Earth and other bodies move around sun due to force of attraction. That which is unexpressed by the word. 8. Rig Veda 10. know That to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. know That to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. because sun is heavier than them.4 that by which the life-breath is led forward in its paths. one may find his speed relative to the centre of milky way galaxy too. know That to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here.35. we can mathematically deduce our speed around the sun.43“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction. Going by that chain we have a non-stop function if that X is also moving something higher. That which sees not with the eye. That which breathes not with the breath. If we expand our awareness even higher.” Rig Veda 1. know That to be the Brahman and not this which men follow after here. 5.” Yajur Veda 33. With proper logic and mathematics.164.149. That which hears not with the ear. then the next question that automatically comes : Is milky way galaxy is also moving around something higher? Lets call it X.9“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction. A simple scientific example can be taken in context of relativity.1“The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself holding their reins. That which thinks not by the mind. Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? The gods came afterwards. Thus the relativity cease to exist when the relation itself is done to universe and not to any object within the universe. The life force that was covered with emptiness. all this was water. windless. there was giving forth above. Who then knows whence it has arisen? Whence this creation has arisen . But the question is how did this universe itself come to existence? RigVedic hymn of creation : There was neither non-existence nor existence then. There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day. Desire came upon that One in the beginning. with the creation of this universe. . There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond. Other than that there was nothing beyond. Was there below? Was there above? There were seed-placers.universe can be called as finite or (b) It doesn't stop and hence universe can be called infinite. by its own impulse. That One breathed. Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning. bottlemlessly deep? There was neither death nor immortality then. there were powers. beyond its boundary? From these questions one would again conclude to the latter case where the questioning would cease to exist and one would realize that universe is infinite. What stirred? Where? In whose protection? Was there water. Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom found the bond of existence and non-existence.perhaps it formed itself. For the former case. then obvious questions would be • • • • • Where is the boundary of the universe? What is its weight? Is the universe itself rotating like earth? What shape does it have? Is universe itself revolving around something higher? What is outside this universe. with no distinguishing sign. or perhaps it did not the One who looks down on it. An infinite doesn't have a centre nor does it have any form. Even today what modern science explores is within what it calls as “observable universe”. if we call universe as finite. There was impulse beneath. Their cord was extended across. that One arose through the power of heat. that was the first seed of mind. Omnipresent. only He knows or perhaps even He does not know. sages give many a title they call it Agni. calling Hinduism as polythiestic on the basis of the various devas is conceptually and logically incorrect and so is stating that Hinduism is monotheistic on the basis of ultimate reality. Formless. but the followers of abrahamic faiths cannot chant the names given to the divine concepts and elements given in Vedas as they are conditioned by their “holy book” that the monotheistic god as per their book would punish them." RV (Book 1. (Yajur Veda 40:8. Unborn. Varuna. which can be arrived at by questioning and experience. Eklavya trained himself in the art of warfare by concentrating in front of the idol of Dronacharya. Yama.46) The nearest english translation for “Deva” is god. Mitra. They think that Indians follow 33 crore gods. I surely sustain firmly that faith in him.e supreme reality. humans and everything else is “apart” from God or separate entities. Gitopanishad states. The various elements of the nature like agni-dev (fire element). Thus. Matarisvan. Hymn 164. Sustains entire universe. The manifestation of the divine. Gita Verse 7. is different from monetheistic concept of western faiths.) Thus. To what is One. the Vedic conception of ultimate reality. infinite. biology etc to deal with different branches. Indians can worship the names given in western faiths. Perfect. Therefore. That alone should be worshipped. All-Powerful. the ultimate reality is said to be unborn. into various forms and energies is miscomprehended by the missionaries of western faiths as polytheism. formless and unmanifested. "They call him Indra. vayu-dev (air elements) etc are a part of Bhraman. Eternal and supports us always. But they cannot tell the names of the 33 crore gods that they assume. Whereas in western beliefs. The followers of abrahamic faiths cannot worship any other name than that given in their holy book. chemistry. Agni. All the devas are the manifestation of the supreme reality. That is one and only the highest heaven. Whereas. In Mahabharata. in western faiths the god has a gender and a particular name. Further. Their subjective opinions and understanding is not their own but conditioned and outsourced from a holy book. It is Bhraman who manifests itself to various energies and forms like science calls itself as physics. Gita Verse 7. and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutman. i.20 Those deprived of discrimination by various desires impelled by their particular natures worship the lesser demigods adapting to the applicable rites and rituals.21 Whichever demigod a particular devotee desires with faith to worship. in India people worship the ultimate reality with different names. . Omniscient. 5) Monotheistic god is personal and the belief is subjective. 3) Monotheism forbids the chanting the name of some other god other than the one mentioned in their “holy book”. a set of DO-s and DONT-s which a person has to follow blindly. formless.Gita Verse 9. Whereas. those who worship devotedly different demigods. 4 Within this world the inverted form of this tree cannot be perceived.e worship Laxmi. they also worship me only. nor its foundation. whereas with respect to Ultimate reality. everything is a part of ultimate reality. the ultimate reality is impersonal. umanifested and unborn.23 O Arjuna. surrendering at the feet of the Supreme Lord.g air. sun. deforest i. E. The fundamental differences between monotheism as originated in west and the concept of ultimate reality from Vedas are as follows -: 1) In Monotheism every thing is God's. Vedas and Upanishads speak of detachment to think objectively and gain complete knowledge. One may ask what “unauthorised manner” verse 9. the ultimate reality is has both male and female names according to its various manifestations. Gita Verses 15. One should not be attached to its individual manifestations. We have to know the ultimate reality by meditating upon it as a whole. Ultimate Personality from whom the perpetual process emanates. 2) In monotheism only the god as mentioned in the holy book is to be worshipped. although faithfully. 6) Monotheistic god in western faiths has a gender and is a male. water. everything that upholds life is considered as divine. Thus ultimate reality has to be known as a whole. It is to be known through detachment via an objective frame of mind. Thus there are scriptural evidences of the tolerance to the worship of other names or demi-gods in the Indian scriptures. universe etc. verily to the original. a belief system. Whereas. We cannot pollute the air i.23 speaks about. 4) Monotheism preaches attachment to a particular name. thereafter go to the place where there is no return again by approaching the exclusive shelter. Whereas. nor its beginning. He belongs to the followers of the “book”. intellect. fire. To know the ultimate reality we cannot rely only on spirituality alone or on materialism alone. severing this strongly rooted in attachment banyan tree with the sharp weapon of detachment.e insult wind-god. whereas the same ultimate reality is called by different names which concludes ultimate reality is nameless. .e insult the prakriti just to generate wealth i. but in an unauthorised manner. whereas with ultimate reality.3. Schrodinger and Heisenberg and their followers created a universe based on super-imposed inseparable waves of probability amplitudes. as we know. 10)Monotheism that originated in the west often finds itself in contradiction to modern science. it is absent in the western faiths. 9) Friendship with the non-believer i. He rejected traditional western religious beliefs (Jewish. the world view of physics was a model of a great machine composed of separable interacting material particles. Schrodinger kept a copy of the Hindu scriptures at his bedside. I am this entire world. as a result of his studies in search for truth. Brahman is at the back.11 ] “All this that is in front is but Brahman. a Hindu.” Schrodinger’s influential ‘What is life? The physical aspect of the living cell & Mind and matter (1944)’ also used Vedic ideas. this is you. In 1925. but in a certain sense the whole. According to his biographer Walter Moore. and ultimately came to believe them. only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance. 8) The science of consciousness originated from the Vedas which the modern science is researching now. According to his biographer Moore. as also on the right and the left. Schrodinger wrote in his book Meine Weltansicht: “This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence. It is extended above and below. His concepts during the following years were greatly influenced by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear. This world is nothing but Brahman. As early as 1891 Tesla described the universe as a kinetic system filled with energy which could be harnessed at any location. too. and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument. is what the Brahmins express in that sacred.7) Monotheism lacks spirit of questioning. the highest. the immortal. were his favorite scriptures. He read books on Vedas. I am above and below.” He became a Vedantist. “His system – or that of the Upanishads – is delightful and consistent: the self and the world are one and they are all. During the next few years. Christian. This new view would be entirely consistent with the Vedantic concept of All in One. whereas friendship itself is considered as divine as per Vedas and Upanishads. whereas the ideas from Vedas and Upanishads are revolutionising the modern science. The Upanishads and the Bhagavad gita. there is a clear continuity between Schrodinger’s understanding of Vedanta and his research: “The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. the codiscoverer of the DNA code. for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors. credited this book for key insights that led him to his revolutionary discovery. in such words as “I am in the east and the west. .2. is considered as inferior. whereas Vedas and Upanishads speak of dharma and karma where spirit of enquiry and questioning are the basic aspects. tat tvam asi. This. The book became instantly famous although it was criticized by some of its emphasis on Indian ideas. Nikola Tesla used ancient Sanskrit terminology in his descriptions of natural phenomena. Francis Clark.” [This is a reference to the Mundaka Upanishad mantra 2.e one who doesn't believe in the holy book. but simply by saying that they are naïve. Whereas. again. Or. yoga and Sankhya philosophy and he reworked them into his own words. nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy. Bhagvada-Gita simply teaches to control these actions and to find the truth. therefore no one can refrain from doing something. breathing.4: Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction. hearing. A person cannot live without doing any action. BG 3. Chanting the mantras without understanding the message is not considered either spirituality or intelligent.Apart of Nicolas Tesla and Scroedinger.htm Kenopanishad. one has to give up all the worldy activities and chant some mantras. . 11) The western faiths preach conversion of the mankind to follow the belief as prescribed in the “book”. They are also the source of meditation and spirituality. Maya and the Ultimate Reality By Prashant Saxena People today have a deep misconception about the scriptures like Veda and Gita. various other scientists and philosophers have testified about the greatness of Vedas and the Upanishads.g “neti neti”) to experience the Maya and the ultimate Reality Actions. BG 3. nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection.6: One who restrains the senses of action but whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender. not even for a moment. Meditation.5: Everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature. BG 3. surya (surya-dev) etc. Some people even think that to free oneself.hinduwisdom. translations by Aurobindo The Secret of Vedas by Aurobindo Bhagvad Gita Posted by Prashant Saxena at 21:31 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Actions. seeing. They assume that 'Maya' means that world is not real. References : http://www. chanting mantras etc are all actions. whereas Vedas and Upanishands promote questioning ( http://www. But people forget often that mantras are divine incantantations to understand and rever the nature and its elements like fire (agni-dev).newsfinder. 19: Therefore. When people get attached to what they see and how they look. teachers. BG 3. engineers etc i. Thus all the soldiers in Indian army are kshatriyas irrespective of their religion and surnames. then one becomes fully cleansed of misgivings through complete knowledge and thus proceeds straight on the path of liberation. Kshatriyas is the warrior class. whose human life is one of selfrealization. Chaturvedi simply means the knower of the four (chatur) Vedas.g A girl attached to her beauty finds it hard to accept her change to old age. faith and refuge are all fixed in the Supreme. When people are attached to their activities and senses. includes scientists. Pathak etc are Brahmins. such a person lives in vain.16: My dear Arjuna.7: On the other hand.17: When one's intelligence. one should act as a matter of duty. Trivedi refers to the knower of the three (Tri) Vedas. fully satiated — for him there is no duty. without being attached to the fruits of activities.18: A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties. It is this Maya that creates an illusion and ignorance. doctors. BG 3. BG 5. If people are attached to what they hear without analyzing it intellectually. BG 3.15: Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas. for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme. it causes suffering and visual illusions. he is ̣ by far superior. researchers. they are under the influence of Maya. What Veda and GITA teach is a categorization of the society. trivedi. Chaturvedi.17: But for one who takes pleasure in the self. based on profession or Karma and not birth. Consequently the allpervading Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice. Living only for the satisfaction of the senses. BG 3. For e. and the Vedas are directly manifested from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. it leads to ignorance. and who is satisfied in the self only. one who does not follow in human life the cycle of sacrifice thus established by the Vedas certainly leads a life full of sin. if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the mind and begins karma-yoga [in Kṛṣna consciousness] without attachment. Vaishyas consisted of the business class and Shudras the unskilled labourers. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being. a 'class system' and not 'cast system'. nor has he any reason not to perform such work. BG 3. Thus it is very important to control the mind which controls the five senses. Brahmins.e those who indulge in intellectual work and knowledge to know the science and nature.BG 3. . by its definition and in today's modern terminology.g many people are deluded that Hinduism is divided in cast system "by birth" where people with surnames like Sharma. e. mind. The mind can chose to hear what it wants and ignore the rest. Everything emanates from Me. Its a recursive procedure and the intellect can sharpen itself with the information it recieves. BG 9. In upanishads. such persons. At that moment one might not be able to process any other person.g Sun which a manifestation of the ultimate reality has a form. engaged in the welfare of all. in My unmanifested form. Thus Bhagvada Gita teaches directly how manifest arises from the unmanifest.8: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. one's mind may chose to focus and hear only to what a particular person might be saying.5: One must deliver himself with the help of his mind. hearing. The ultimate reality is said to be unmanifested. fixed and immovable — the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth — by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone. a cow.4: A person is said to be elevated in yoga when. e.BG 5. the all-pervading. Sight. unborn and inconcievable from which everything else.3-4: But those who fully worship the unmanifested. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul. BG 10. color. size etc when viewed from the earth. On contrary to the unmanifest. this is the "manmaya kosa" or the mental sheath. All beings are in Me. an elephant. We are not the same person who existed some ten years ago. that which lies beyond the perception of the senses. by virtue of true knowledge. BG 6. dynamic or limited. but I am not in them BG 12. the manifestations are changing. a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste]. In a crowd. inconceivable. the mind is the best of friends. .6: For him who has conquered the mind. he neither acts for sense gratification nor engages in fruitive activities. BG 6. his mind will remain the greatest enemy. we are growing daily. The change is very slow as per our perception and it is unobservable. see with equal vision a learned and gentle brāhmaṇa. touch and taste are only the objective channels to the mind and its the mind that can act very subjectively. Thus the mind is the controller of all 5 senses from which the collected data can be put to use by one's own intellect. is emanating.4: By Me. both material and spiritual. and not degrade himself.18: The humble sages. The focus can shift though as per the directions of the mind. and his enemy as well. smell. at last achieve Me. this entire universe is pervaded. BG 6. But are we seeing the truth? Do we think that the Sun or our appearance when we see in the mirror is static? What exactly are we seeing? Physically. having renounced all material desires. unchanging. but for one who has failed to do so. and ignorance. Our holistic experience of the world changes every moment. urination. shape. So again. Chemically. healing rate of the cells. Mentally. this is explained via the three modes of the material nature. The results of this mode are madness. In brief. height etc have all changed. is the delusion of all embodied living entities. So how can we be the same even in a seconds differentiation? Are our eyes decieving us when we look into the mirror? If we get attached to our looks. size.5: Material nature consists of three modes — goodness. which bind the conditioned soul. quickness of the mind and the body? Do we think that change is sudden that we would grow fragile with white hair and brittle bones overnight? In Gita. But the truth is that the sun is also fading out. It is only because of Maya that we are not able to understand the ultimate reality or the truth. BG 14. Therefore. then we are bound to suffer when we change or grow old. know that the mode of darkness.The physical image of our face. passion and ignorance. and because of this the embodied living entity is bound to material fruitive actions.9: O son of Bharata. is illuminating. excreta. weight. chemically it is not the same any second. What we were thinking a second ago is not the same.6: O sinless one. Physically it releases long chains of fires or the solar winds. the mode of goodness conditions one to happiness. passion conditions one to fruitive action. . and it frees one from all sinful reactions.8: O son of Bharata. indolence and sleep. It has spent 4 million years and only has another 4 million years to live after which it will convert into a nova or a supernova. Mentally we evolve and our knowledge increases every passing second. We see the sun and we think it is the same. This suffering due to attachment and ignorance is the constant effect of Maya which is all around us and forever trying to control our mind. our thoughts are changing too. its magnetic field keeps on changing. BG 14. being purer than the others. O mightyarmed Arjuna. It is releasing huge amount of hydrogen in the form of fusion reactions into helium. farts and intaking other molecules in the form of breath (inhale). we are losing millions of molecules per second in the form of breath (exhale). he becomes conditioned by these modes. the mode of goodness. BG 14. a person does not have the same set of molecules or atoms that he had a second ago. drinking. binds one to madness. BG 14. BG 14. covering one's knowledge. is our perception decieving us about the shape and size of the sun? Do we think we will be the same person after 20 years with the same strength. eating etc. O son of Kuntī. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature. perspiration. Those situated in that mode become conditioned by a sense of happiness and knowledge.7: The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings. born of ignorance. he takes birth in the animal kingdom. BG 14. In this way there is always competition for supremacy.17: From the mode of goodness. greed develops. from the mode of passion. those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets. Sometimes the mode of passion defeats goodness and ignorance. and action performed in the mode of ignorance results in foolishness.13: When there is an increase in the mode of ignorance.hinduism. References : BhagVada Gita The manifestations of the mode of goodness can be experienced when all the gates of the body are illuminated by knowledge.16: The result of pious action is pure and is said to be in the mode of goodness. inertia. defeating the modes of passion and ignorance.19: When one properly sees that in all activities no other performer is at work than these modes of nature and he knows the Supreme Lord. BG 14. when there is an increase in the mode of passion the symptoms of great attachment. BG 14. he takes birth among those engaged in fruitive activities.15: When one dies in the mode of passion.BG 14. and from the mode of ignorance develop foolishness. madness and illusion are manifested. fruitive activity. O son of Kuru.14: When one dies in the mode of goodness.12: O chief of the Bhāratas. and those in the abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds. BG 14. But action done in the mode of passion results in misery. who is transcendental to all these modes. BG 14. BG 14. O son of Bharata. real knowledge develops. intense endeavor. and uncontrollable desire and hankering develop. BG 14. he attains to the pure higher planets of the great sages. madness and illusion. BG 14. he attains My spiritual nature.10: Sometimes the mode of goodness becomes prominent. darkness. BG 14.18: Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets. and at other times ignorance defeats goodness and passion.htm Further reads : The shape of the ultimate reality . and when one dies in the mode of Other signs of tolerance in Hinduism is the acceptance of symbology to represent and address the ultimate reality and its various manifestations. that some people percieve as different gods. The very definition of theism has originated in the west where god is isolated from the nature. Vipra Bahuda Vadanti”. who created the nature and has his own set of miracles to perform. The western concept of worshipping. Jainism etc evolved and western faiths like Islam and Christianity were accepted by the people of India. It is also a means of meditation and focus to raise one's conciousness to a higher state. are the elements of the nature which are essential for the human survival or constitute the human body. A man cannot live without the sun (Surya-Dev).e the ultimate reality which is called by various names. This only shows the true tolerance of Hinduism. religion and theism are very different from that of the Hindu point of view. But many westerners look down upon the concept of idol worship. wind (Vayu-Dev) or agni (Agni-dev). Thus one cannot say if Hinduism is polytheistic or monotheistic as these very concepts are western. One of the message of the scriptures is to comprehend the truth i. Gitopanishad states. Deva is nothing but a part of ultimate reality which is manifested for a particular role just like science has physics to serve one field. Some people by stating "Veda consists of polytheism".Posted by Prashant Saxena at 21:28 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Idol Worshipping. unknowingly impose a nonspiritual and distorted definition of god from a limited western frame of understanding on to the Vedic conceptualizations which are metaphorically personified.e Hinduism. What exactly is idol worshipping? Is there a differentiation between the various idols? Idol worshipping is a very subjective form of bhakti (devotion). Some people also address by sitting in a particular direction. One shouldn't mix western terminologies with the Indian ones or try to comprehend Indian scriptures from a western prism. neither wind (vayu-dev) is isolated from the nature (prakriti) nor fire (agnidev). Whereas in Vedic concept. . The western conception of god or theism involves fear and hatred. chemistry to serve another and biology another. the closest english translation of deva is god. are part of ultimate reality. Neither physics is isolated from science nor chemistry. Buddhism. All the devas. “Athiti Devo Bhava” has always been the mantra. Thus the conception of polytheism gets contradicted directly when faced with the understanding of the vedic scriptures and the upanishads. This includes names and idols or statues. “Ekam Sat. Western Terminologies and the Modern view By Prashant saxena India is the only country in the world where other faiths evolved on the top of the existing one i. as mentioned in Vedas. and by inducing inferior terms like polytheism they limit the devas in isolation to one another and to ultimate reality. Western Terminologies and the Modern view Idol Worshipping. All the devas. Thus. spirituality and scientific bent of mind. On the other hand. Hence there is hardly any connect in the western conception of “religion” and sanskrit term “dharma” which has no equal terminology in English. ethics. he was adored by many. Vedas means knowledge and one cannot progress in science/knowledge if he blindly accepts. Astik in sanskrit means one who understands and accepts Vedas after deep meditation and thinking. and I preserve what they have. but the subsequent evolution as theorized. It is something which opposes blind beliefs. How can a person find a flaw in a concept or a theory if he is attached to it. Thus we had plethora of cases of witch burning.23: Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me.BG 9. More over. These very categorizations were done by the westerners who identified the teachings and induced the various “isms”. Instead. Vedas do not talk of forced conversions or to impose a thought on someone by hook or crook. Buddha was never burnt for questioning the authority of the corrupted or deviated brahmins who distorted the Varna system by “karma” to cast system “by birth”. Some scientists question the theory and other play as an apologist to it. Mahavira never created the term “Jainism” and Vedas do not consist of the term “Hinduism”.22: But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion. meditating on My transcendental form — to them I carry what they lack. spirit of questioning. many people when questioned about the origin of life and how it started. BG 9. modern scientists are divided on it and the theory has been debunked plenty of times. When people blindly believe. but they do so in a wrong way. Thus if one comprehends the fundamental . crucifications and chopping of limbs of the people who questioned the western gods or western holy books. blindly believes and would not question? Thus. Related to the western conception of God. What exactly is religion? Religion is a set of beliefs which is blindly followed and usually not questioned. For example. O son of Kuntī. Buddha never asked to follow something called “Buddhism”. Some people go one step further in their “beliefs” that science will eventually solve everything which marks a sense of their faith in science without even knowing that science only explores the existing and does not guarantee anything. the western definition of god remotely resembles the Vedic conception of ultimate reality and deva. A person may find a flaw in a mathematical or science concept only if he would have a healthy skeptic and questioning mind. Dharma in its true meaning refers to righteousness. comes the conceptualization of the term “religion”. Similarly. Veda in sanskrit itself means knowledge. These vedic conceptualizations are reduced when one tries to understand them from western perspective of "God". there are many people who follow science religiously and that is not how science progresses. It is a word which was never used by the Indians in the past. instantly reply with the answer “Theory of evolution” not even knowing that the theory of evolution does not talk about creation or origin of life. it leads to attachment and degradation of intellect. Thus letting go of the western terminologies and comprehending the scriptures from purely an Indian point of view.e various names and idols. Worshipping by animal killing. windless. There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day. bottlemlessly deep? There was neither death nor immortality then. i. Hence again. Worshipping in vedic context means to rever the nature. But when one tries to move beyond that diversification. That very question that converges to the ultimate reality is stated in the “RigVedic Hymn of creation”. inconcievable. There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond. treat it as divine so as to maintain peace. one would understand that the ultimate reality as described in Veda and upanishads is comprehended by different symbols i. polluting or abusing the nature and the mankind is neither spiritual nor a vedic form of worshipping. nameless. neither monotheism nor polytheism can ever be used to explain the essence of spirituality or the context of the Vedas. If a person cuts the trees. RigVedic hymn of creation : There was neither non-existence nor existence then. . for the generation of wealth i. then it is simply not spiritual. What stirred? Where? In whose protection? Was there water.e abuses the nature.e the Vedas would normally think that Hinduism consists of various gods and diversifications. unmanifested. unborn.definition of astik. by its own impulse. balance and harmony all around. Hence worshipping has to be done in a holistic way. That One breathed. But worshipping ( or revering ) the elements of nature. Hence. one who doesn't understand the core of Hinduism i. he would realize that it is actually the opposite of theism as blind belief in an isolated god (as per western view) is neither spiritual nor intelligent.e laxmi. understanding their properties as stated in the Vedas and hence maintaining a balance in the nature is the very essence of spirituality. he converges to the point of ultimate reality which the vedic seers percieved as formless. perhaps it formed itself. The life force that was covered with emptiness. with no distinguishing sign. that was the first seed of mind. Desire came upon that One in the beginning. There was impulse beneath. Who then knows whence it has arisen? Whence this creation has arisen . that One arose through the power of heat. Their cord was extended across. Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom found the bond of existence and non-existence. there was giving forth above.Other than that there was nothing beyond. Was there below? Was there above? There were seed-placers. or perhaps it did not the One who looks down on it. there were powers. all this was water. Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning. with the creation of this universe. only He knows . Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? The gods came afterwards. in the highest heaven. idol worshipping in its true meaning enhances one focus and concentration. Verse 9 O Arjuna. But for different people it means a different and subjective state of concentration. In mahabharata. free from false ego. verily you will reside with Me after this existence without doubt. Verse 8 Concentrate the mind upon Me. forgiving. 14 That devotee of Mine who is non-envious possessing benevolence towards all living entities. renouncing the results of actions than meditation. equal in distress and happiness. apply spiritual intelligence for Me. Verse 10 And if in the practice of remembering Me. controlling the mind perform all activities renouncing the results. Some people concentrate on the idols.or perhaps even He does not know. Verse 12 Knowledge is superior to practice.compassionate with no sense of proprietorship. Hence. if therefore you are unable to completely establish the mind steadfastly in Me. Eklavya trained himself in warfare by worshipping the idol of Dronacharya who was considered as a master in the art of warfare. different names and idols were given by the people to comprehend the ultimate reality. Gitopanishad explains various steps to achieve or focus on the ultimate reality. Verses 13. the always content one . Many idols personify the different aspects of nature. some on the light of candle and some on the rising sun. you are also unfit then be dedicated in the performance of duties for Me and in performing activities for My satisfaction you will achieve perfection. Chapter 12. meditation is considered better than knowledge. for by such renunciation comes tranquility. Verse 11 And if also this you are unable to perform then taking shelter of Me by the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness. would percieve idol worshipping as some infatuation to a physical form. A person who doesn't understand the essence of symbology. thentry to obtain Me by practicing the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness by remembering Me. As explained. perfecting the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness, self-controlled, with unflinching determination, dedicating mind and spiritual intelligence upon Me is very dear to Me. Verse 15 One from whom any person is never disturbed and one who is never disturbed from any person and who is freed from the mundane pleasures, anger, fear and anxiety such a one is very dear to Me. But just as in the case of attachment to science, when a person gets overly attached to idol worshipping it leads to counterproductivity and non-spirituality. For example, many people attached to the physical form and ignorant about the higher nature of the ultimate reality, think Shiva is the only god and they look down upon other names to that ultimate reality. Some people think it is Vishnu and some think it is Krishna. BG 9.11: Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be. Some people dedicate different days to different gods and some forbid eating their favorite meal because it is a tuesday or a saturday, a belief set by people of earlier age and conditioned to the youngsters who blindly believe it. Some people sit in a particular direction in this directionless universe. One may ask where is north, south, east and west? These are only the frame of references created by humans. When they get attached to this idea, they look down upon others who sit in a different direction. Some people even kill in the name of the god “assuming” God would be pleased. This kind of blind belief is rampant specially in the west where hate and fear are propogated in the name of god. One may ask, if God hated us and we were born sinful, then why would he or she even create us? Thus, blind belief and lack of questioning leads to degradation of mind, superstitions and non-spirituality. This is similar to the case where the fans of a politician or a celebrity would demolish public property on hearing any constructive or destructive criticism of him. When extreme attachment comes into the picture, then even contructive criticism is denied and consequently it belittles any freedom to questioning. A person who follows what the others are doing would only blindly believe. This is called the herd instinct. When a member of the herd tries to glorify what the herd follows, he usually sneers at anyone who “questions” what the herd is following. Thus, in a group of science “followers”, people usually tend to look down upon the one who questions the scientific theories. The followers attached to the theory, treat the scientists as gods, quote them blindly without questioning or understanding the basis of the quote and ironically treat the questioners as an outcaste or unscientific. Thus to attain knowledge, to focus or meditate one has to detach from the physical form or world which is forever changing. BG 15.3-4 The real form of this tree cannot be perceived in this world. No one can understand where it ends, where it begins, or where its foundation is. But with determination one must cut down this strongly rooted tree with the weapon of detachment. Thereafter, one must seek that place from which, having gone, one never returns, and there surrender to that Supreme Personality of Godhead from whom everything began and from whom everything has extended since time immemorial. Vedas although do not mention idol worshipping, they do not criticize or condemn it either. The true experience of the ultimate reality as mentioned in the Vedas and the various Upanishads, cannot be realized through words or names alone. Thus in a higher state of consciousness, a person transcends to experience the formless and the nameless. BG 3.42: The working senses are superior to dull matter; mind is higher than the senses; intelligence is still higher than the mind; and he [the soul] is even higher than the intelligence. References : Bhagvada-Gita Posted by Prashant Saxena at 21:28 No comments: The shape of the ultimate reality By Prashant Saxena Hexagonal, triangle, square, fat, large, small etc are all having a definite shape, a definite form. A human body has a definite shape, so does the sun when viewed from the earth. Thus, if one analyzes the fundamental definition of shape and form, then one would realize that these are only the attributes observable by the eye. If one can see or observe something, then only he can tell what shape, size and form it is. How can one observe from a distance, of the shape, size and form of something if he is blind? The ability to visualize enhances the perception of form and shape. Do knowledge, spiritual experience, energy, empty space or vaccum, thoughts, sound that we hear etc have any shape, size or form? The ONE/ the Brahman in the Vedas: He is One and only One, Sustains entire universe, Omnipresent, Formless, All-Powerful, Perfect, Omniscient, Unborn, Eternal and supports us always.He alone should be worshipped. (Yajurveda 40.8) In Gita, Krishna reveals clearly that the true definition of "him" or the ultimate reality is unmanifested, unborn, impersonal, inconcievable, fixed, eternal, unchanging and immovable. How can the "unmanifested, unborn, inconcievable" have a form, shape or a definite name? Naturally, a name is given by those who try to comprehend a concept or something. BG 12.3-4: But those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable, unchanging, fixed and immovable — the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth — by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at last achieve Me. BG 12.5: For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied. BG 12.6-7: But those who worship Me, giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, having fixed their minds upon Me, O son of Pṛthā — for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death. BG 12.8: Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt. BG 10.2: Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin or opulences, for, in every respect, I am the source of the demigods and sages. BG 10.3: He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds — he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins. BG 10.12-13: Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode, the purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the eternal, transcendental, original person, the unborn, the greatest. All the great sages such as Nārada, Asita, Devala and Vyāsa confirm this truth about You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me. It touches all the individual consciousness and contains all the bodies in the universe. How can a "limited' being be omnipotent and omnipresent? And hence the understanding of the unmanifest aspect of the supreme truth is difficult (BG 12. matter etc) and the formless (like knowledge. yet omnipotent and omnipresent. "Potency" doesn't only mean the masculine strength to lift heavy weights. During exam time. According to many sages. If we imagine of Brahman. People might see dreams which are hardly connected to their real life. we cannot concieve of its form in both in its physical aspect and the mental aspect . but it is formless. It can also means the ability to give birth to a child (feminine ability). the universe or the ultimate consciousness. one might manifest that knowledge and write something that he might not usually think of. whereas the energy is an omnipotent concept which is all around us and yet formless.BG 9.10: This material nature. which is one of My energies. in any color and yet the true form which is formless being unknown. manifest in any form. The fact that we can identifiy a being with a form outright limits it. is all around us. one might get a thought of his relative or a friend. the Veda is also a revelation to many rishis in their . is working under My direction. to play a musical instrument. Anything percievable by one's limited senses is limited in nature. Naturally. but I am not in them BG 9. One can breathe air around which is present everywhere (omnipresent).5). Therefore formless. Brahman. It can also mean the ability to have eternal knowledge. Some people feel that formless does not have any potency of having a form. An analogy with this manifestation from the unmanifest could be thoughts which appear out of nowhere. ability to understand and memorise (mental ability) etc. consciousness etc). Under its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again. O son of Kuntī. in My unmanifested form. A person has a definite shape like sun as we see from earth. the manifest can contain both form (like material nature. A human mind contains scattered bit of knowledge and thoughts which keeps on changing and some which manifest randomly out of nowhere. All beings are in Me. In a deep contemplative state.4: By Me. mass. producing all moving and nonmoving beings. One cannot live without air and energy. air. this entire universe is pervaded. unmanifested and unborn). to have fame and name. energy. but it is "not omnipotent" as we can neither see that person or the sun everywhere and everytime. Gita clearly tells about the manifestations of the supreme nature (inconcievable. Everything emanates from Me.8: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.heightened state of consciousness. in brief. References : Bhagvada Gita Yajurveda Further Reads : Myths related to Bhagvada Gita Posted by Prashant Saxena at 21:25 No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Myth Related to Bhagvad-Geet Myths related to Bhagavada Gita By Prashant Saxena Bhagvada Gita.11: Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. is not just a conversation between Arjun and Lord Krishna. who in despair seeing his . They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be. meditating on My transcendental form — to them I carry what they lack.22: But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion. BG 10. It is a spiritual knowledge imparted by Krishna to Arjun. and I preserve what they have. shape or size does consciousness have? BG 9. But one might ask what form. Gita teaches us how one can heighten his consciousness and touch the supreme consciousness. BG 9. BG 10. BG 10. E.relatives.g fire. imparts the knowledge of karma yoga. seated in the hearts of all living entities. and in living beings I am the living force [consciousness]. BG 10. teachers and friends as his enemy. of the senses I am the mind. which means that the truth is called by different names. Myth 1 : a) Krishna is the only god b) Lord Krishna is suppose to be supreme and all other gods including Shiva demi gods. the king of heaven. I am the beginning. . sun etc are all parts of the nature. O Arjuna. So it is said in the Vedas: "Ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti".20: I am the Supersoul. was confused and shattered. The Upanisadic texts proclaim that the Brahman is the one and only Godhead. and among the stars I am the moon. The chapter 10 of Bhagvada-Gita alone teaches of the various conceptions about the ultimate reality idenitifed by different names. of lights I am the radiant sun. Hence in Vedic hymns one can find reveration to the individual elements of the nature in a metaphorically personified form. (Usually advocated by the people who identify the ultimate reality with a human form and a name 'Krishna') The ancient Indians only believed in the concept of ultimate reality which is called by various names and symbology. the middle and the end of all beings. wind. personfied as agni-dev and sun as surya-dev. importance of gyana yoga. consciousness and the truth about the ultimate reality. in the Kathopanisad it is called Visnu and in the Mandukyopanisad it is called Sivam.21: Of the Ādityas I am Viṣṇu. of the demigods I am Indra. Gita. of the Maruts I am Marīci. They never used words like monotheism or polytheism.22: Of the Vedas I am the Sāma Veda. They believed that the different aspects of the nature like fire. and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.24: Of priests. BG 10. . BG 10. of the Yakṣas and Rākṣasas I am the Lord of wealth [Kuvera]. Of lordly elephants I am Airāvata. among beasts I am the lion.30: Among the Daitya demons I am the devoted Prahlāda. and of the sages among the demigods I am Nārada. of fishes I am the shark. O Arjuna.27: Of horses know Me to be Uccaiḥśravā.31: Of purifiers I am the wind. and of serpents I am Vāsuki. and among the dispensers of law I am Yama. among cows I am the surabhi. and among birds I am Garuḍa. of the wielders of weapons I am Rāma. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa].28: Of weapons I am the thunderbolt. and among men I am the monarch. Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha. BG 10. BG 10. Of departed ancestors I am Aryamā. BG 10.23: Of all the Rudras I am Lord Śiva. of the Vasus I am fire [Agni]. the god of love. BG 10. BG 10. know Me to be the chief. BG 10. produced during the churning of the ocean for nectar. and of flowing rivers I am the Ganges. and among the aquatics I am the demigod Varuṇa. and of immovable things I am the Himālayas. and of bodies of water I am the ocean.BG 10. and of mountains I am Meru. among subduers I am time. the lord of death. of vibrations I am the transcendental oḿ.29: Of the many-hooded Nāgas I am Ananta. Of causes for procreation I am Kandarpa. Bṛhaspati.25: Of the great sages I am Bhṛgu. Of generals I am Kārtikeya.26: Of all trees I am the banyan tree. I am the generating seed of all existences. Among women I am fame.32: Of all creations I am the beginning and the end and also the middle. O Arjuna. and of the splendid I am the splendor. BG 10. I am also inexhaustible time. Chemistry. and of poetry I am the Gāyatrī. chemistry etc’ are given by the humans. then it flaws as it is again based on the western definition of “god” or theism. and of the wise I am the wisdom.37: Of the descendants of Vṛṣni I am Vāsudeva. BG 10.34: I am all-devouring death.39: Furthermore.36: I am also the gambling of cheats. How will a science student select his area of . and of seasons I am flower-bearing spring. and of the Pāṇḍavas I am ̣ Arjuna. BG 10. memory. steadfastness and patience. fortune. Biology etc. fine speech. BG 10. If we anlayze the statement (b). O Arjuna. and of those who seek victory I am morality. I am adventure. I am victory. These names like ‘Phyisics. Of months I am Mārgaśīrṣa [November-December]. and I am the generating principle of all that is yet to be. and of creators I am Brahmā. Of all sciences I am the spiritual science of the self.BG 10. and among great thinkers I am Uśanā. intelligence. Science is a subject which has different categorizations like Physics.38: Among all means of suppressing lawlessness I am punishment.35: Of the hymns in the Sāma Veda I am the Bṛhat-sāma. Of secret things I am silence. and among logicians I am the conclusive truth. BG 10. and I am the strength of the strong. BG 10. BG 10. and among compound words I am the dual compound.33: Of letters I am the letter A. Of the sages I am Vyāsa. There is no being — moving or nonmoving — that can exist without Me. For example. If we swap the names like Physics and chemistry. Water etc. Nowhere in GITA. then according to GITA he is of lesser intellect. If we treat a human body as a whole. then it is only natural that the whole body ( analogous to ultimate reality here) should take a bath. This could be understood from the verses BG.3-7. Material manifestations include Sun.23: Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me. . according to BG-9. mental manifestations include knowledge. Earth. Keshav etc’.24: I am the only enjoyer and master of all sacrifices. If a person is reducing that ultimate reality to a human form and a name and cannot realize the higher nature of that ultimate reality. but they do so in a wrong way. he is worshipping the ultimate reality only or the definition of “I or Me” that Bhagvad GITA expounds. he is abusing the nature. BG 9.23. then how can a whole body be complete without a hand. BG 9. consciousness. Krishna tells Arjun to identify the ultimate reality which is unmanifested.12. The other names to the conceptualizations are Indra. BG 9. then it means that for the generation of wealth. and I preserve what they have. meditating on My transcendental form — to them I carry what they lack. leg or a brain? If. Thus.10 he tells his other names which are identified with the manifestions for other roles just like science has physics to serve a different category and biology to serve another. we must understand that names like Brahman. BG 9. for analogy. The misconception like statement (b) refers essentially to the following verses of GITA from chapter 9. O son of Kunt?.study if their is no name given to that particular specialization or field? Similarly. BG 9. SuryaDev etc. these individual components of a human body are treated separately and compared to demigods. Vishnu etc are the names to the individual conceptualizations related to the ultimate reality. Devki nandan. Therefore.11: Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. In chapter 9. would it really change the explanation and the meaning of that branch? Would hydrogen fuse differently with oxygen if we start calling that field as XYZ? The science of detachment with the knowledge is what really needed as a final hammer to that understanding and to be able to see the truth. Shiva. this is inappropriate. Whereas.22: But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion. Does it make any sense to clean the individal parts of the body (analogous to worshipping or revering the demi-gods individually)? If a business man worships Laxmi (wealth) and cuts the trees for generation of wealth. those who do not recognize My true transcendental nature fall down. again a personfication). He doesn’t say to worship someone called “Krishna”. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be. Feminine names include Laxmi (Goddess of wealth.23 tells that no matter what demi-god one worships. The demigods are nothing but the physical or mental manifestations of the ultimate reality which are divine. unborn with a name “Krishna”. Krishna had other names like ‘Kanhaiya. thought etc. janardan. 12. teachers and friends in the battlefield (as explained in chapter 1 and 2). every thing that emanates out of that ultimate reality or that definition behind "I. BG 18. Me". The most critical part in that understanding is as to what that "I. Me" actually refers to? This is the explanation given in the whole of Bhagvada-Gita. self-realization is difficult work. 9. material manifestations etc. BG 6. knowledge. it his opinion.36: For one whose mind is unbridled. Deliberate on this fully. 10.10-11. 10.8). Krishna was only trying to help him. But he whose mind is controlled and who strives by appropriate means is assured of success. This further explains the concept of avatar in Hinduism.2-3.5-7. there are several places where Lord Krishna articulates with pronouns like "I am. Me" (BG 12. That is My opinion.63: Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Posted by Prashant Saxena at 21:23 No comments: . Gita is a divine knowledge and nowhere Lord Krishna force Arjun to acknowledge his words.4.12-13.Myth 2 : Krishna was egotistical as he asked to worship him (Usually propogated by the anti-hindus) This kind of criticism is usually done by the anti-hindus.3-4. 9. 10. In Gita. and then do what you wish to do. An avatar is simply a divine and living manifestation of the supreme reality according to hinduism. He only says. It is the explanation of ultimate reality which consists of spiritual energies. It was only Arjun who asked Krishna to help him as he was depressed and disturbed to see his relatives.
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