Practice 6

March 21, 2018 | Author: 7almoooh | Category: Verb, Adjective, Grammatical Number, Part Of Speech, Noun



SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES, CHAPTER 6Word Class Exercise Below are solutions to the exercise along with justification (form and co-occurrence evidence) for each solution. If, after studying the evidence, you don’t understand any of the solutions, be sure to ask. plich: adverb wusk: adjective klirt: preposition foft: verb fesk: noun reest: pronoun borf: determiner hirk: verb We’ll start with the easier ones, and by identifying them, we make identifying some of the of the more difficult ones easier (examples cited in the explanations are underlined in the story): FOFT must be a verb because it is inflected for tense (see line 5 for an example) HIRK must also be a verb for the same reason (see line 9 for an example) WUSK must be an adjective because it is inflected for comparison, specifically the superlative (see line 10) FESK must be a noun because it is inflected for number (see line 8 and note that this can’t be a third person singular verb form because the verb “are” is already there) BORF must be a determiner because it always occurs before a noun and it can’t be an adjective because it appears before an adjective and a noun (see line 12) KLIRT must be a preposition because it always appears shortly before a noun, but often with a determiner in between (see line 4) REEST must be a pronoun because it is frequently used as the subject of a verb (see lines 7 and 8, for example), but we never see a number inflection for it PLICH must be an adverb because it never changes its form and because it moves around so much from sentence (between a pronoun and verb in line 7, and sentence initial in line 11) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 According to unnamed sources, borf fesk was caught in the act of soliciting a prostitute near his home last night. Borf report hirks that at approximately 11:15 PM, borf fesk approached an undercover officer and asked if reest could take her home. Borf officer immediately slapped borf fesk klirt a citation and called for back-up. Borf officer hirks that while waiting for borf back-up, borf fesk fofted her by plich calling her names and threatening her. Borf fesk, however, denied that he fofted borf officer. Reest hirked that reest was wusk klirt borf way reest had been entrapped by borf officer. Borf fesk denied any wrong-doing in borf incident. Reest hirked that reest plich speaks to people reest meets and that sometimes this friendliness is misinterpreted. Reest added that fesks are bound by their duty to borf country to serve, not exploit, people. Borf fesk then hirked that although borf arrest was upsetting, reest was wuskest about borf fact that borf officer declined to use handcuffs, despite repeated requests. Plich, such force is used, authorities hirk, but in this case, it was not warranted Editor’s note: After borf arrest was made, borf brave officer that made the collar was rewarded by her commanding officer. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 42 Word Class/Sentence Type Exercise Using the abbreviations below, identify the word classes (parts of speech) in each of the sentences below. Also determine the sentence type of each (simple, coordinate or complex). aux = auxiliary adv = adverb N = noun adj = adjective V = verb Q = quantifier det = determiner (article/demonstrative/pronominal determiner) det N V det N 1. The player choked his coach. (simple) det 2. My adj N V det N cc pro I favorite athlete is a murderer, but V sc think that V love pro him. (coordinate) P = preposition pro = pronoun cc = coord. conjunction sc = subord. conjunction det N 3. The fans det N V N their heroes are thugs. (complex) de N V det adj N adv 4. Our police caught the reckless driver quickly. (simple) det N V adv P det N 5. His account grew significantly after the verdict. (simple) Q N V sc 6. Some superstars think that pro V sc 7. I believe that sc 8. If det 9. The pro he pro he aux V should take det N cc V the money and run. (complex) aux V P N sc pro V P N should rot in jail unless he apologizes to PJ. (complex) aux V N P should go home to det N his mother. (complex) pro V N pro he wants sympathy, he adj N adv V adj apologetic player hardly looks sincere. (simple) N V P N sc N V pro adv 10. Chads hang from ballots if voters punch them incompletely. (complex) det N V pro P adj N cc pro V pro P det N 11. The election exposed us to new words, but it bored us in the end. (coordinate) Q N V 12. Some voters want adj special N P consideration for det N their handicaps. (simple) Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 43 Q 13. (simple) det N V N cc det N V P N 18. (complex/coord. Dubya remained confident and achieved victory in the end. (complex) det N aux V det adj N P det adj N 14. They say that the spoils go to the N cc pro V P winner and I agree with Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 44 . (coordinate) Q 19. The people preferred Al. The government might revise the electoral process after this absurd debacle. (simple) pro them. Many N voters V sc pro V Q N P det N felt that they had no representation in the election. Many adj N V N P angry analysts accused Jeb of adv adj very unscrupulous N acts. (simple) pro V det N cc pro V P det N P det N 16. (simple) det N P det N V det N P Q N 15. (coordinate) N V adj cc V N P det N 17. I exercised my rights and I voted for the candidate of my choice. The population of the country rode the roller-coaster for several weeks. but the election went to Dubya.) pro V sc det N V P det 20. passive: This exercise should be completed by you with great care. [real life object (NP)] [“to be” verb] [past participle] [“by” phrase] be created by me with great ease. active: You should complete this exercise with great care. passive: Passive constructions should be used by writers in certain situations. passive: Many important things will be learned by you from this exercise. passive: This concept is used with frequency by elementary school textbooks. passive: Overuse of passive constructions has been criticized by many teachers of rhetoric. passive: The concept of passive verbs should be understood by every teacher.Passivization [real life subj. active: Elementary school textbooks use this concept with frequency. active: No one can deny the usefulness of this particular construction. active: You will learn many important things from this exercise. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 45 . passive: The usefulness of this particular construction can be denied by no one. active: Writers should use passive constructions in certain situations. or This exercise should be completed with great care by you. passive : Passive sentences can active: Every teacher should understand the concept of passive verbs. or Many important things will be learned from this exercise by you.] We can create [real life object] passive sentences active: with great ease. or Passive constructions should be used in certain situations by writers. or This concept is used by elementary school textbooks with frequency. active: Many teachers of rhetoric have criticized overuse of passive constructions. VP S VP NP PP NP N Teachers P of N Linguistics S NP PP NP det The N mayor P of det this N city V befuddled NP det the N jury P with det her VP PP NP N evidence.Beginning Syntax Trees S NP PP NP NP det The N proposition P on det the S VP NP PP NP det The N team P from N Timbuktu V loses P with PP NP N dignity. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 46 . N ballot V confused det the N voters. V love N examples P about NP PP NP N Timbuktu. S VP EC NP PP NP det The N coach P with det the N injury V cuts NP det N his players NP SC Pro if they V choke S VP NP Pro him. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 47 .Advanced Syntax Trees S VP EC NP PP NP Q All NP NP S VP NP N P N V N SC det N V pro students in America love Linguistics because the subject amuses them. S VP EC S VP NP PP NP pro We V believe NP SC det that this N class V N teaches topics P of NP adj N great importance. S VP EC S VP NP Q N V adj sc NP pro V Q NP adj N Other people become ebullient after they solve several phonological problems.S VP EC S VP PP NP Q N V adj NP sc pro aux V adj NP N P Q NP N Some people feel happy if they can draw syntactic trees with no trouble. S VP EC S VP PP NP PP NP pro V sc NP N V NP N P Q N P NP N I think that Linguistics provides students with many hours of happiness. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 48 . S S S VP NP N Tyson V has Q many S VP NP PP NP det N V det adj The coach put the childish N player P det with a NP PP NP NP N supporters. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 49 .S VP EC S VP PP NP N Beans V cause NP adj painful N gas sc if NP pro you V eat NP pro them P in adj large NP N quantities. adj N P det N bad attitude in his doghouse. NP cc pro V det but he has the N mind P det of an VP NP PP NP N imbecile. S VP EC S NP PP NP NP det N V det N P det VP NP adj N SC det NP adj N V det adj N The chef donned the hat with the puffy top when his best customer requested a tasty morsel. *interpretation A: in his office is where the bodyslamming took place Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 50 . S NP PP NP det adj N P N V det VP PP NP adj N P det NP N The sinewy governor of Minnesota bodyslammed the helpless lobbyist in his office. S VP NP PP NP det adj N P N V det adj N P det NP PP NP N The sinewy governor of Minnesota bodyslammed the helpless lobbyist in his office. *interpretation B: the lobbyist who is currently in his office is the one he bodyslammed S VP EC S VP EC S VP PP NP N V NP N P det NP N SC NP pro V SC NP N V det NP adj N Bart punched Milhouse in the face because he thought that Lisa kissed the nerdy fellow. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 51 . Grammatical Relation Practice NP The proposition on the ballot the ballot the voters The team from Timbuktu Timbuktu dignity Teachers of Linguistics Linguistics examples about Timbuktu Timbuktu the mayor of this city this city the jury her evidence All students in America America Linguistics the subject them We this class skills of great importance great importance The coach with the injury the injury his players they him some people syntactic trees they no trouble other people they several phonological problems I Linguistics students happiness many hours of happiness Beans painful gas you them great quantities Tyson many supporters he the mind of an imbecile an imbecile The coach the childish player with a bad attitude a bad attitude his doghouse the chef the hat with the puffy top the puffy top his best customer grammatical relation subject object of a preposition direct object subject object of a preposition object of a preposition subject object of a preposition direct object object of a preposition subject object of a preposition direct object object of a preposition subject object of a preposition direct object subject direct object subject subject direct object object of a preposition subject object of a preposition direct object subject direct object subject direct object Subject Object of a preposition Subject Subject direct object subject subject direct object object of a preposition object of a preposition subject direct object subject direct object object of a preposition subject direct object subject direct object object of a preposition subject direct object object of a preposition object of a preposition subject direct object object of a preposition subject Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 52 . a tasty morsel the sinewy governor of Minnesota Minnesota the helpless lobbyist his office the helpless lobbyist in his office Bart Milhouse the face he Lisa the nerdy fellow Direct object subject object of a preposition direct object (interpretation A) object of a preposition direct object (interpretation B) subject direct object object of a preposition subject subject direct object Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 53 . homework is fun S 4. for the love of linguistics N P NP det N V VP adj S V adj N PP NP P N VP 6. some smelly children NP NP EC P det N VP PP NP P N PP 5. wrote at home a letter none Q P P adj N 12.Phrase Structure Practice choices: VP S NP V det adj NP NP det adj N NP det N N S NP VP PP EC <none> VP VP NP NP EC 1. a crazy it EC S NP VP V none cc det N 8. an evil serpent PP NP P det adj PP NP V E C S VP NP sc pro aux NP V det N P N NP det N N NP V N S 10. utter foolishness NP NP det adj pro 15. loves linguistics the man none NP VP PP 3. although he likes the class 2. tasted the juicy apple sc pro V det N 9. in the huge cavern N V adj 11. if I could write a book S 13. drinks large cans of beer NP 7. this guy is strange NP adj N 14. and this time none sc det N EC 16. when the bell rings Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 54 . Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 55 . S S S VP NP det N V det VP PP NP N cc det NP N V NP det N P NP pro The guy wanted his belongings but the chimney presented a problem for him.Even More Syntax Tree Practice S VP EC S VP PP NP det adj N V det NP N sc NP pro V det NP adj N P NP pro A sad man lost his girlfriend when she discovered the good life without him. S S S VP NP det N V det VP PP NP adj N cc NP pro V NP pro P det NP N This man became a jealous stalker and he trapped himself in a chimney. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 56 . S VP EC S VP PP NP det N V det PP NP NP N sc pro V NP adj N P NP pro P Q NP N det His girlfriend requested a protective order from the court after he stalked her on several occasions.S VP EC S VP PP NP pro V det PP NP NP sc pro V NP adj N P det NP pro P det NP adj N N He gave a bogus story to the police when they questioned him about his bizarre actions. I have interpreted it to mean that “in the jailhouse” is where he was interviewed. S VP EC S VP NP PP NP det N aux V det N P Q NP PP NP N sc NP pro V det N P adj NP N The fool will get a sentence of many years unless he hires a lawyer with exceptional skills. ***This sentence is potentially ambiguous. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 57 .S VP EC NP PP NP det N P det N V det S PP NP N P det VP NP N sc det NP N V NP pro A reporter from the newsroom interviewed the man in the jailhouse after the cops arrested him. I gave a gift to my teacher. work He works the late shift. I speak English. I work in the morning. INTRANSITIVE? (direct object may be implied) feel I felt the texture of the wall. you may be right. TRANSITIVE I will speak before you. Can I speak to the manager? INTRANSITIVE open He opened the wound. The network dropped the lame program. He felt the lump on his head. INTRANSITIVE give I gave the idea to my students. I also acknowledge that there might be possible conclusions other than the ones I’ve come to. DITRANSITIVE Some people give blood regularly. INTRANSITIVE drop Freddie dropped the ball. LINKING communicate He communicates his ideas effectively. I can work a backhoe. I gave at the office. TRANSITIVE He works at 7-11. TRANSITIVE I give to many charities. DITRANSITIVE I can communicate with my vocal cords. INTRANSITIVE Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 58 .Subcategorization Exercise Note that the data here represents just a few of the many possible sentences that could be used to arrive at the same conclusions. He felt foolish for a minute. TRANSITIVE I feel sick. TRANSITIVE I will communicate your concerns to the manager. INTRANSITIVE speak Dikembe speaks many languages. TRANSITIVE The tests scores dropped. TRANSITIVE (in a strange way) The flower opened. The temperature dropped to 27 degrees. Bring your data with you to class and we can discuss it. I opened the door. If you subcategorize any of the verbs differently. The store will open in a minute. movement... (subj/aux inversion.... (wh.movement.. surface: Why will you disregard the test that we must take? deep: You will disregard the test why. (subj/aux inversion.movement) 9. (wh. surface: Can we get a good grade if we produce an effort that is sub-par? deep: We can get a good grade if we produce an effort.. (subj/aux inversion. relative clause) Theme: Hanging chads These are tough ones (hint: beware the complex sentence.. relative clause) 3. (subj/aux inversion.problems are festering.. surface: Where should voters file complaints if they have problems that are festering? deep: Voters should file complaints where if they have problems.movement) 8. surface: What can a voter do when chads hang from the ballots that he submits? deep: A voter can do what when chads hang from ballots. wh.movement...The teacher requires the scantron sheets. subj/aux inversion) 2. surface: When should we buy the scantron sheets which the teacher requires? deep: We should bring the scantron sheets when.We must take the test. (wh. (subj/aux inversion. relative clause) 5. relative clause. relative clause) 6.movement) Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 59 . subj/aux inversion..movement.he submits ballots. wh.. (wh. surface: How should voters clear the dimples after they make them? deep: Voters should clear the dimples how after they make them.) 7..The questions will be on the test. relative clause) 4. subj/aux inversion....Transformation Practice Exercise Theme: Test #3 1.. surface: What could our teacher ask us on this test? deep: Our teacher could ask us what on this test. surface: Should we study for this test which he will give to us? deep: We should study for this test... wh. relative clause..He will give this test to us... surface: Will you know the questions that will be on the test? deep: You will know the questions......An effort is sub-par. subj/aux inversion... . surface: What will the chads say when they face the voters whom they frustrated in November? deep: The chads will say what when they face the voters. wh.movement) Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 60 . (subj/aux inversion. wh. relative clause.10. wh. relative clause..the ballots left them with dimples.. (subj/aux inversion.movement) 11. relative clause.. (subj/aux inversion..people had trouble with the ballot...movement) 12.they frustrated the voters in November. surface: What will Dubya do if the governor redesigns that ballot that the people had trouble with? deep: Dubya will do what if the governor redesigns the ballot.. surface: How can voters trust the ballots after they see the dimples that the ballots left them with? deep: Voters can trust the ballots how after they see the dimples. S VP NP NP pro V det adj N 2. I took that great class and I learned useful things. I like that. word class: determiner S VP NP NP pro V det adj N 3. That class in Linguistics is my favorite class. That is a great idea. [compare with *”I like the that”] word class: pronoun Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 61 . Classifying “that” NP PP NP det N P N 1. [compare with *”The that is a great idea”] S VP NP NP pro V pro 4.That Exercise A. I like classes that challenge me.S VP EC S VP NP NP NP pro V sc N V det adj N 5. S VP EC S VP NP NP NP pro V sc Q N aux V N 6. We feel that every student should take Linguistics. I think that Linguistics is a cool subject. word class: subordinate conjunction S VP NP ****non-canonical NP**** S VP NP NP NP pro V N RP V pro 7. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 62 . word class: Relative Pronoun ****Note that in these two sentences. there is a relative clause transformation. we also see a relative clause transformation which has resulted in another non-canonical NP. the non-canonical NP). B. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 63 . In the second sentence. In the first sentence.S VP NP ****non-canonical NP**** S ****non-canonical S**** VP NP pro V det 8. I aced the N class NP RP that NP det my N counselor V recommended. this is what has caused a sentence to be embedded within an NP (hence. this is indicated by the noncanonical phrase structure. there has also been wh-movement of the relative pronoun “that.” which resulted in the non-canonical sentence. In this sentence. there have been transformations. Tree practice using “that” *Note that each asterisk (*) indicates a non-canonical structure S VP EC S VP NP* S VP PP NP pro V I believe sc that NP NP NP NP pro V det N RP that is an issue that V N P N causes problems for people. .deep structure: S VP EC S VP NP NP pro V I believe S VP NP sc pro V that that is det an N N issue V causes S VP EC S VP PP NP* S* VP NP NP NP NP NP PP* NP N problems P for NP N people... Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 64 .... PP NP det . det N V sc pro aux V P Q N RP pro V pro P That student thinks that he can respond to any situation that he finds himself in. ..he V finds NP pro himself P in NP Q any N situation.deep structure: S VP EC S VP PP NP NP NP Q N any situation.. det N V sc pro aux V P That student thinks that he can respond to S VP PP NP pro .. Relevant Linguistics Practice Solutions 65 ..
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