Posting Doc.pdf
Posting Doc.pdf
March 21, 2018 | Author: rahul sinha | Category:
Debits And Credits
Financial Transaction
Accounts Payable
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Postings and DocumentsPDF download from SAP Help Portal: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_fica471/helpdata/en/bb/07723521faee41e10000009b38f889/frameset.htm Created on June 12, 2015 The documentation may have changed since you downloaded the PDF. You can always find the latest information on SAP Help Portal. Note This PDF document contains the selected topic and its subtopics (max. 150) in the selected structure. Subtopics from other structures are not included. © 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE in Germany and other countries. Please see www.sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices. Table of content PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 22 Table of content 1 Postings and Documents 1.1 Documents 1.2 Document type 1.3 Posting Dates and Posting Periods 1.4 Maintaining Specifications for Posting Documents 1.5 Screens and Navigation 1.6 Automatic Postings 1.7 Entering Taxes 1.8 Entering Documents 1.8.1 Entering Document Headers 1.8.2 Entering and Processing Items 1.8.3 Creating, Changing and Displaying Locks 1.8.4 Foreign Currency Postings 1.8.5 Entering Taxes 1.8.6 Entering Down Payment Items 1.8.7 Entering Statistical Line Items 1.8.8 Selecting Open Items for Posting with Clearing 1.8.9 Processing Open Items 1.9 Posting the Document 1.10 Aperiodic Postings 1.11 Document changes 1.12 Functions Available for Displaying and Changing Documents 1.13 Navigation in Documents 1.14 Mass Changes to Documents 1.15 Cross-Company Code Documents 1.16 Reversing Documents 1.16.1 Reversing Documents in a Mass Run 1.17 Document Archiving 1.17.1 Introduction to Data Archiving (CA-ARC) 1.18 Automatic Document Transfer 1.19 Workflows for Checks and Approvals 1.20 Customer-Specific Enhancements for Postings and Documents PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 22 You have to enter revenue and expense accounts if they are not to be determined automatically. This includes taxes. When you post a document. The balance of all the line items in a company code is always zero (see Cross-Company Code Documents). Documents can be posted across more than one company code. you can define further account assignments depending on the business transaction. Individual industry solution components can display fields in shortened form or as display fields. the system automatically determines the tax code according to the account to which the document is posted. to post budget billing requests or charge receivables. for example. it calculates the relevant amounts. or credit memos). Industry-Specific Component Telecommunications (IS-T) The system determines all accounts receivable and accounts payable. You can have the system number documents automatically. These documents are either automatically imported from an operational or non-SAP system. the system automatically determines the tax code according to the account to which the document is posted. Invoice Processing. These line items are noted on the contract accounts but do not need to be posted to the general ledger. 1. In addition to G/L accounts. such as Argentina and Brazil. In addition to line items that update transaction figures in the general ledger (such as those relating to invoices. the dunning procedure and item category are also determined automatically. and accounts payable. reverse. and all revenue and expense accounts automatically using the account assignments entered in the line item. payments. all accounts receivable and payable. and processing documents both manually and automatically. For more information. When you are entering documents. When you are entering and processing documents. You do this in Customizing. The system creates automatic postings for all business transactions. The document type controls how numbers are assigned (see Document Type). Use Documents serve as proof of the account balances in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and indirectly also as proof of summary data in General PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. and all revenue and expense accounts automatically using the account assignments entered in the line item. you can also clear open posted items. and all revenue and expense accounts are determined automatically by the system using the criteria entered in the line item. documents are proof of a business transaction (see Documents). and archive them.1 Documents Definition Representation of business transactions in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable which is changed as a result of the account balance in contract accounts and/or G/L accounts. You can post budget billings either as budget billing requests (statistical documents) or as partial invoices. They are processed both by the dunning program and the payment program. and automatically determines the G/L accounts to which they are to be posted. Industry-Specific Component Public Services (IS-PS-CA) The system determines all accounts receivable. you can hide fields that you do not require. You use this component to enter your basic settings for entering. see note 211778 in OSS. Features Postings are always stored as documents in the system (document principle). You can display documents and (provided certain prerequisites are met) change. see the Invoicing section of the Utilities Industry component. you can also post statistical line items. This simplifies the task of entering and processing documents. For more information about the assignment of official document numbers. or define your own screens that list the document fields you do require. You have to enter the tax manually when you are posting manually. Each document is assigned a unique number (document number). In so doing. This is required for reports to the tax authorities in some countries.1 Postings and Documents Purpose This component enables you to post and process documents. For more information. In addition to G/L accounts for automatic postings. Page 3 of 22 . All rights reserved. such as main and subtransactions. You can settle documents on behalf of third parties using cross-company code invoice documents. Tax calculation takes place in the operational system and is transferred to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable when making the debit entry. and Budget Billing Plan sections of the Utilities Industry component . see the Invoicing. and exchange rate differences. When you post a document. An official document number can be assigned to a document as well as the document number. posting. or you can number them yourself. or you can enter and post them manually. and all revenue and expense accounts automatically in accordance with the account assignments entered in the line item. They are used. discounts. Industry-Specific Component Insurance (FS-CD) In this component. Statistical line items are not taken into account when checking the balance. For more information. see the Invoicing section of the Telecommunications component. You can settle documents on behalf of third parties through the use of cross-company code billing documents. Industry-Specific Component Utilities (IS-U) The system determines all accounts receivable and accounts payable. Repetition specifications can only be made if the document just contains statistical items. and Cash Management . In an additional item category. 1.transactions to the main and subtransactions delivered by SAP. Do not specify any account numbers for the contract accounts entry. the system also checks the entries with account type S at G/L account level. or creating installment plans. In this case the document represents a time-dependent sequence of transactions with the same structure. dunning notices and interest calculations. The corresponding open items are only needed for creating follow-on postings.Ledger Accounting . When you clear a budget billing request. dunning. How long after archiving you can still access the archive directly. All items contain the posting amount and the necessary information for General Ledger Accounting . Items in contract accounts can be statistical. The system determines both external and internal transactions automatically for the relevant postings. interest calculation and additional industry-specific processes. In addition. the currency key and various date specifications. If you enter the business partner in the business partner item directly. this entry overrides the automatic determination. Page 4 of 22 . If no value is specified in the business partner item. known as repetition items. 1. The system determines the business area automatically for all postings in accordance with the specifications described below. you can post a budget billing request for which budget billing payments are requested every month for twelve months as a document. Cash Management and Controlling . If a period is to be closed only for postings in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable but not for other postings. In the first step the system reads the business area from the contract account to which the business partner item is assigned. such as posting payments.51 (or earlier) to Release 4. the relevant posting period must be open. The open items contained in documents form the basis for subsequent processing. enter account type V for all variants in the posting periods. its clearing and the posting of the respective revenue. for example. For example. You can only carry out a posting in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable if the period is allowed under account type V for contract accounts and under the masked entry '*'. automatic payments/debit memos. You can see an overview of these processes when you assign external transactions to internal transactions. Internal transactions are all processes delivered by SAP. Statistical items do not update transaction figures in the general ledger. or billing period) is recorded. such as payments. due date for net payment. Business Area You can define the business area in the contract account or in the transaction-relevant account assignment data. during manual posting. it triggers the creation of a budget billing posting. Documents can contain repetition specifications. Structure Documents consist of header data.61. Controlling . In addition to the unique document number. The determination of the business area is based on the following: 1. the header data also contains the document type as the classifying attribute. the system derives the business area from the contract account. The minimum retention periods that are to be kept to before archiving.3 Posting Dates and Posting Periods To post a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. close this period using the account type entry V . Whether postings in which different trading partners are addressed are allowed from a consolidation viewpoint.2 Document type Document types classify the documents in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and determine: The number range from which the document number is assigned. data that varies with time (such as the due date for cash discount. calculating interest. items for contract accounts and items for G/L accounts. or for the entry * (all account types). All rights reserved. The items in contract accounts also contain specifications regarding the due date. when you clear a statistical charge receivable. You assign your own installation-specific parameters for posting documents to these own transactions. cash discount. 2. it triggers the creation of a non-statistical charge receivable. For example. In order to be able to post in contract accounts receivable and payable after a release change from Release 4. You define whether a posting period is open in Customizing (see IMG structure: Financial Accounting ® Global Settings ® Document ® Posting Periods ® Open and Close Posting Periods ). PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. Maintaining Specifications for Posting Documents Use External Transactions You can assign own – external . whereby the variants are saved in the user parameters. the system derives the business area from the contract account. Terms of Payment Define the terms of payment in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Maintain Terms of Payment and then define them in the contract accounts of the business partner. you can switch between the variants using the function Screen Variants . 1. To do this. In Customizing. List screens To enable you to enter documents effectively. Account Determination ID Define the account determination IDs required in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions ® Contract Accounts ® Define Account Determination IDs . If no business area can be determined for the item to be posted in this way. such as tax calculation.5 Screens and Navigation You enter and process documents on the following processing screens: Header screen The header screen contains fields for entries that are the same for all line items or that control document entry. Account Determination ID The account determination ID is used to determine the transaction. Terms of Payment For each posting in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . you hide fields that are not required (see the IMG structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Screen Preparations ). Page 5 of 22 .and main transaction-relevant account assignment data and is determined from the master data of the contract to which the business partner item is posted for each posting. All rights reserved. If no value is specified in the business partner item. choose Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings ® Automatic G/L Account Determination . To get a different subview of the data you have entered. you can enter both line layouts under Line Layout for List Entry . you define screen variants for the list screens (see the IMG structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Screen Preparations ). the terms of payment determine the due date of an item. Overview screen On the overview screen you can display the line items entered in summarized form. You can make all user-specific settings (SPA/GPA parameters) for entering/changing documents under Settings ® Display/Change on the initial screen. If the system cannot determine a business area for the business partner item and business area financial statements are active for Financial Accounting (FI). in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . Then assign the external transactions to the internal transactions in the activity Assign External Transactions . an error occurs when you post the document. Then configure the transactionrelevant account assignment data and the main transaction-relevant account assignment data with the account determination IDs you have defined. Define the account determination IDs in the contract accounts. Business Area Define the business area in the General Data of the account (SAP menu: Master Data ® Contract Account ® Create/Change ) or in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings ® Automatic G/L Account Determination ® Define Transaction-Relevant Account Assignment Data for FI-CAX . If you choose the function Display/Change Settings . here you can choose the variants using input help and save them. the system presents the input fields required for each line item in the form of a list. 3. The overview screen is divided into the following parts: · Summarized list of business partner items All items with the same data in the following fields are summarized: ¡ Company code ¡ Business partners ¡ Contract account PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. In Customizing.2. in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable choose Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Maintain Document Account Assignments ® Maintain Transactions for Non-Industry Solution Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Define and Parameterize External Transactions. List screens are available for business partner items and G/L items. With the SPA/GPA parameters 802TC and 803TC on the initial screen of the transaction Post Document . the system derives the business area from the transaction-relevant account assignment data defined in Customizing. Detail screens are available for business partner items and G/L items. To do this. the system updates the user master record. When you save your entries. a dialog box appears. Procedure Maintain External Transactions Define the external transactions required and assign the required parameters to them. Detail screens Detail screens contain all fields that are available for line items. you define the fields that you do not require and screen variants for the list screens (see the IMG structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Screen Preparations ). The overview screen for document display also contains the automatically created postings that cannot be displayed when you enter a document. you may have to post the tax from a general ledger viewpoint. Page 6 of 22 . The following functions are available: You want to: Choose the following function: Enter a business partner item Detail screen: BP item Detail screen: BP item Enter a G/L account item Detail screen: G/L item List screen: G/L item Display tax items Taxes Select open items Select open items Process open items Process open items Display header data Header Display document overview Overview 1. Activities You can navigate between the processing screens. Features During clearing. All rights reserved. and any necessary tax adjustments are amended automatically (see Automatic Postings During Clearing). you can process the open items on a separate screen for clearing. This reduces the manual entries required. Tax screens Tax screens are display screens for the tax items to be created or that have already been created. see Processing Open Items. When posting down payments. No special line items for tax and tax clearing are generated for this in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . Prerequisites In Customizing. and account numbers for the tax account and tax clearing account are noted in the open item for the down payment. This information is sufficient for updating the general ledger. Screen for processing open items If you want to clear open items straight away with the line items you enter. Compressed display of the items cleared with this document (for clearing documents).6 Automatic Postings Use Certain G/L items are created automatically. Prerequisites The accounts to be posted to must be defined in Customizing for the line items to be created automatically (see the IMG structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings ). Division or Due Net/Due with Cash Discount . payment differences. The tax screens used depend on whether you have selected the field for the jurisdiction code (USA or Canada) in the document header.¡ Contract ¡ G/L account ¡ Industry ¡ Due date ¡ Due date for cash discount You can choose between two predefined variants with the Line Layout function: Contract . Only the tax code. The following specifications also appear as part of the overview: · Compressed list of G/L account items per company code and G/L account. offsetting entries representing receivables and payables between the company codes involved are amended automatically. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. With all business transactions containing cross-company code documents. For more information. tax amount. revenues from charges. items for cash discount. exchange rates differences. The G/L account items are normally created automatically by the applications (see Automatic Postings). Enter the G/L account items where necessary (example: Incoming payment in a bank clearing account). and tax date. Post the document. Define the corresponding account numbers in Customizing (see the IMG structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings ). You can also clear open items during document entry. you have the following options: · Manual entry · Automatic calculation of taxes from the business partner items · Automatic calculation of taxes from the G/L account items. payment program. 2. In this case you carry out the following steps: 1. all tax items generated from this item are deleted. If you delete a line item that results in tax. 2. Here you distinguish between line items that result in tax and tax items: · Line items that result in tax You enter the tax code. The tax base amounts for line items that are the same with regard to their tax code. When you display the document. see Entering Taxes. in the cash desk or in the cash journal. To avoid slow response times. 4. Features If taxes are to be taken into consideration during document entry.8 Entering Documents Purpose You enter documents using the Post Document function. and usually always use the same document type. Prerequisites You have made the settings in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents . Posting without clearing open items For example. Enter business partner items where necessary (payments on account or transfer postings). All rights reserved. which include payment lot. you can assign several number ranges to a document type for single postings (see Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Maintain Document Account Assignments ® Document Types ® Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges (Additional Number Ranges for Individual Processing) ). You can change this setting on the initial screen and during document entry. you post the document without clearing any items. 1. The way you proceed depends on the document type. In this case you carry out the following steps: 1. 4. 3. They form part of the document balance. Select and process the open items. Enter the business partner items. the tax items appear on the overview screen in the G/L account item area. if you post a payment on account or carry out a transfer posting or debit entry. You define this on the initial screen by selecting the Jurisdiction code indicator. Page 7 of 22 . PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. 3.5 Entering Taxes Prerequisites The system determines the tax accounts automatically. display them with the Taxes function. In the industry solution components Utilities and Telecommunications . the tax items are created automatically from the business partner item. Post the document Posting and clearing open items You usually clear items with one of several specialized functions. the response times may be slow because all users use the same number range for document number assignment. tax jurisdiction and tax date are added for tax calculation purposes. Enter the document header. Enter the document header.1. tax jurisdiction. · Tax items You cannot actually enter tax items: You can.8. 5. however. account maintenance. company code. The tax is first calculated on the totals. or write-offs. You can set the preferred entry type in the options. You can post documents with or without tax jurisdiction code. A line item that involves tax may generate several tax items. for example. For more information. If you frequently enter single postings of a specific category online. You can also enter them manually if necessary. You enter these items involving tax in the lower half of a list screen (for business partner items or G/L account items). Choose G/L item . The remaining open items stay in processing mode. Now enter the line items (see Entering and Processing Items). and process the items. Page 8 of 22 .1 Entering Document Headers Choose one of the following paths: Roles Manual Postings ( SAP_FI_CA_MANUAL_POSTINGS) ® Post Document SAP Menu Document ® Post The initial screen for posting a document appears. Choose BP item. 2. Enter the required data: Document type (see the "Document Types" section) Currency (see Entering Foreign Currency Postings) Document date Posting date (see also Posting Dates and Posting Periods) Reconciliation key (see Creating Reconciliation Keys). Choose Repetitions ® Enter data. This determines which fields are ready for input or are hidden when you enter a document. define a company code that is relevant for all items. choose the Select open items and Process open items functions. you have the following options: To Proceed as follows: Enter or adjust one or more business partner items Use the detail screen if you want to enter an item and not all the required fields are available on the list screen. Delete an item on the detail screen by choosing Edit ® Delete item . Choose the Delete function. Posting and clearing open items The clearing document created may contain business partner and G/L items as well as a list of the cleared items in the lower portion of the overview screen. Assign the valid repetition specifications to the individual line items using the field for the repetition group. Enter the data for the bank posting. Now choose the open items for clearing. 3. How the taxes are to be entered or determined. Enter an incoming payment 1. You can switch between the selected open items and the current document at any time. Use the list screen if you want to enter more than one item. All rights reserved.2 Entering and Processing Items After the header data. You can still change certain document header data during the entry transaction. number). 2. Use the list screen if you want to enter more than one item. 3. If necessary. 1. 4. You can display the repetition data using Repetitions ® Display . Depending on the business transaction to be posted. Delete a business partner item or G/L account item Call the corresponding list screen and place the cursor on the required item. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. we recommend that you create a screen variant with repetition data.8. Enter the data to be repeated (interval. Choose the BP item function for a display in list form. Choose the G/L item function for a display in list form.Result Posting without clearing open items The system posts a document. For more information.8. Enter or adjust one or more G/L account items Use the detail screen if you want to enter an item and not all the required fields are available on the list screen. Also select the following: A screen variant. Enter repetition data 1. 1. you now enter the line items and process them. To do this. 3. see Processing Open Items. To do this. Choose G/L item . In the exception list. The system displays a dialog box in which you can change the locks. Items with a clearing lock are not paid.You can display the repetition data using Repetitions ® Display . You have defined in the user settings whether: The amounts are to be entered in document currency only. in which the changes to the locks are logged. This window takes you to the lock history. the clearing lock reason. Be aware of the following: . you can change the lock in the Change document: Item screen. . only a ~ will be shown in the lock field in the Change document: Item screen. the dunning lock reason or the interest lock reason in the appropriate field on the payment data tab page on the Document change: item screen. Procedure Call up the line item you want to change. 1. Result The line item is locked for the business transaction selected either for a limited or unlimited amount of time. Enter the payment lock reason . You enter a lock reason in this field if you want to lock a line item. the balance should be zero. You can check your user settings with the following paths: Roles Current Settings Contract A/R & A/P ® Maintain User-Specific Posting Settings SAP Menu Settings ® Current Settings ® Maintain User-Specific Posting Settings You can maintain foreign exchange rates under the following paths: Roles PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. In this case. You can set the lock for a limited period or set multiple locks for each business transaction. . payments.8.If you have set multiple or limited-time locks. The local currency fields are then hidden during document entry. Prerequisites The lock reasons for dunning.If you only specify one lock reason. depending on the lock reason. Changing and Displaying Locks Use There is one lock field for dunning. You can change and delete the locks in this dialog box. If multiple or limited-time locks have been set. Page 9 of 22 .8. 1. Result If all the items have been entered correctly. they are marked with the item indicator 5 (account is locked for clearing) or 13 (item is locked for clearing). Documents can be entered in currencies other than the company code currency. You can now post the document. clearing and interest have been maintained in Customizing. clearing and interest in the Change document: item screen. You will see a dialog box for displaying and entering the lock interval or the lock itself. All rights reserved. press the arrow key to make changes. If you want to set a lock for a limited period or if you want to set or display multiple locks. the lock will be for an unlimited period of time.If you only specify one lock reason. press the arrow key next to the respective lock field.3 Creating. choose the arrow key to display the locks. payment.4 Foreign Currency Postings Prerequisites You have made the required settings in Customizing and defined the currency keys and exchange rate specifications (see the IMG structure: Global Settings ® Currencies ). you have the following options: Manual entry Automatic calculation of taxes from the business partner items Automatic calculation of taxes from the G/L account items. 1. Automatic calculation from the G/L account items You select the necessary field on the document entry initial screen. provided the payment for a down payment request appears. Actual tax items are displayed on a separate list screen. This ensures the currency is unambiguous in the document.5 Entering Taxes Use If taxes are to be taken into consideration during document entry. You enter the respective tax codes in the business partner items. You select the necessary field on the document entry initial screen. You can enter an exchange rate as well as both the local currency and foreign currency amounts in the line item. Automatic calculation from the business partner items You select the necessary field on the document entry initial screen. select the Down payment field in the business partner item. This local currency must also be specified in your user settings.Current Settings Contract A/R & A/P ® Enter Exchange Rates SAP Menu Settings ® Current Settings ® Enter Exchange Rates Activities Enter the foreign currency in the document header.8. The amounts from the G/L account items are totaled per tax code or per combination of tax code. If necessary. You enter the tax code in the G/L account item. All rights reserved. The tax amount is calculated and is not an input field. choose the Taxes function. the line items for the tax are created automatically. From the total. If necessary. The amounts from the business partner items are totaled per tax code or per combination of tax code. the system automatically determines the tax date from the posting date and the tax jurisdiction code from the business partner-specific details in the contract account. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. You can change your selection in the line item using Settings ® Taxes .6 Entering Down Payment Items Down payment items are created when a payment for a down payment request is posted. You enter the data required for calculating tax on the lower half of the screen in the business partner or G/L account item: Tax code and tax base Tax jurisdiction code and tax date for company codes that use the jurisdiction code (such as company codes in the USA) The system proposes the posting date as the tax date. the system automatically determines the tax date from the posting date and the tax jurisdiction code from the business partner items. You can specify the exchange rate in the header when entering foreign currency postings if you have specified in your user settings that you only enter documents in company codes with the same local currency. the system determines the net amount (this is the tax base amount) and the tax amount. tax date and tax jurisdiction code. and tax jurisdiction code. When you post the document. a zero balance is required here too. tax date. Down payment items are generated automatically when a payment lot is posted or by a payment run. You can only post a document if it has a zero balance for each company code involved in both local currency and transaction currency. A message appears. To enter a down payment item for which there is no down payment request. Page 10 of 22 . the system cannot automatically calculate the taxes from the G/L account items. Procedure Manual entry of tax data You select the necessary field on the document entry initial screen. If you manage other currencies in parallel to the local currency (such as the group currency). From the total. The exchange rate is then used as the default value for translating the amounts in the line items. the system determines the net amount (this is the tax base amount) and the tax amount. Mismatched combinations of entries are corrected by the system.8. Items giving rise to tax are displayed in the lower half of all list screens. 1. If several tax jurisdiction codes have been entered there. Selecting Open Items for Posting with Clearing Use If you want to clear open items when entering a document. Selection according to the payment advice note cannot be combined with other selections. 2. you have selected open items and you are in the overview screen with the open items. The screen for processing open items appears. payment form number. A document that has been entered manually can only contain one type of statistical item. the system only selects those items that have been posted to business partner 4711 and either contract account V100 or V101. Statistical items are not included in balance calculation. Choose Edit ® Select Open Items anywhere within document entry. Selection criteria of the same type are linked with a logical “Or”. Procedure 1. 5.8.7 Entering Statistical Line Items To enter a statistical line item. you must enter a tax code. Page 11 of 22 . document number. or number of a payment advice note. 4. 3. For example. Now process the open items.If down payments are relevant to tax.key (statistical key) field. You can also define whether cash discounts are allowed and to what extent. For example.8. choose the items you require by specifying selection criteria. Change clearing amounts (see Assigning Clearing Amounts and Cash Discounts) Activate or deactivate cash discounts (see Assigning Clearing Amounts and Cash Discounts) Change cash discount amounts (see Assigning Clearing Amounts and Cash Discounts) PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. contract account. The account numbers for the tax account and tax clearing account are then automatically entered in the fields defined for this purpose in the down payment item. Prerequisites During posting. Prerequisites You have specified the required selection criteria (selection categories) in Customizing (see the IMG structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Basic Functions ® Open Item Management ® Specify Selection Categories ). Features When processing open items. payment form reference. 1. if you enter business partner number 4711 and contract account numbers V100 and V101. if you specify business partner number 4711 and 4712. You can specify one or more company codes as an additional selection criterion. you select the items that are to be completely or partially cleared. the system selects the items that are posted to contract accounts for business partner 4711 or 4712. All rights reserved. Enter at least one of the following selection criteria: Business partner. account maintenance. 1. reference number.9 Processing Open Items Use When processing open items. contract number. Only active items are included in the clearing. Choose Continue . Selection criteria of different types are linked with a logical “And”. you only need to specify the type of statistical item (such as a statistical charge receivable) in the Statist. you can: · · · · · Select items for processing Activate or deactivate open items (see Assigning Clearing Amounts and Cash Discounts). or clarification processing of a payment lot. The Enter Selection Criteria dialog box appears. Enter the business partner items and set the indicator Aperiodic Posting under Aperiodic Postings . Features For aperiodic postings. but you still have to post expenses or revenues to this posting period. The additional items selected are displayed at the end of the list. in the SAP menu choose Document ® Post . you can carry out an aperiodic posting. aperiodic documents are created.10 Aperiodic Postings Use If a posting period is already closed. Prerequisites You have entered the accounts to be posted to (posting area 0140) in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . During posting.9 Posting the Document You can post a document when it has a zero balance. this defines the fields that you want to use for sorting. To post a document in a period that is already closed. thus selecting open items of various contract accounts. differences arise during the translation. If you have agreed other exchange rates or amounts with the customer. see also Entering Documents.· Sort the list of open items You can define the initial sorting for the items. under Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings ® Automatic G/L Account Determination ® Define Alternative Accounts for Aperiodic Postings . You can process open items using: Commands (see: Processing Open Items Using Commands) Function keys or menu entries The mouse 1. enter a function module for event 0103. After you have filtered items (button · · · · · Filter ). In the menu of the transaction choose Edit ® New Business Partner Item . you can change the translated amounts (see Assigning Clearing Amounts and Cash Discount). The translation involves two steps: ¡ Translation of document currency to local currency ¡ Translation of local currency to clearing currency For the translation. On the Document Posting: Process Open Items screen. you can select the items found with the button ( Select Filtered Items ) to then activate or deactivate them. Save the document. · Search for items with certain properties (button · Select filtered items Filter . The system derives the account assignment of the revenue item for the G/L account of an aperiodic document automatically from posting area 0140 in contrast to documents posted in an open period. the summary records for the reconciliation key specified in the document header as well as any balances in Cash Management are updated. 4. see Searching for Open Items). To do this. choose Setting ® Display Format . you should use a suitable setting for the processing screen. All rights reserved. You can use the functions Filter and Select in combination. the system uses the average rates in accordance with the exchange rate table. 2. Select items. Page 12 of 22 . Activities 1. 3. To post the documents manually. Expand summarized rows or summarize rows (see Deactivating the Summarized Item Display) Define how the list is displayed In order to ensure efficient processing of open items. Bundle items before clearing (see Bundling Open Items during Clearing). PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. To avoid these differences. You can post the document under the following paths: Roles Manual Postings (SAP_FI_CA_MANUAL_POSTINGS ) ® Post Document SAP Menu Document ® Post 1. Enter the header data of the document. Choose: Edit ® Select More ® All for Partner Edit ® Select More ® All for Account Edit ® Select More ® Any Items Define alternative amounts for clearing in alternative currency The system carries out the translations required automatically. you can specify either the document number or the reference document number. Field groups can be locked from document changes by using the authorization object F_KKKO_AEN. for which only certain users receive a change authorization. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. If you have defined some changeable additional fields in the business partner item. Environment ® Document Changes Displays document changes Environment ® Master Data Displays the contract account. If you set the Compressed indicator. and returns with return reasons. payment and dunning blocks in a logical view Goto ® Payments/Returns Displays the payments. you can hide empty or empty.11 Document changes Features You can change the field contents for a document. clearing numbers. You can display the document changes from the transactions to display and change documents by using the Environment ® Document changes function. business partner. Functions Available for Displaying and Changing Documents If you want to display or change a document. and clearing of receivables document Goto ® Business Partner Item List Business partner items for the document Goto ® G/L Item List Only the G/L items for the document Settings ® Taxes Tax data for the document Read from Archive (Pushbutton) Documents from the document archive (including archived SD documents). Page 13 of 22 . You can also use the following functions on the initial screen: Function Display Goto ® Document Header Document header data Goto ® First Item First document item Goto ® Overview Business partner items. Extras ® Corrections Displays the trigger records for doubtful items. However. you cannot display change documents for archived documents. Extras ® Profitability Analysis Displays the profitability analysis account assignment for the G/L item Extras ® Deferred Revenues Displays the trigger for deferred revenue postings for receivables for which a revenue deferral has been carried out. All rights reserved. payment returns. and return texts for the selected business partner item Extras ® Interest Supplement Displays the interest data for an item on which interest has been calculated Extras ® Payment Card Supplement Displays the payment card data for a clearing document for which receivables were cleared by the payment run or cash desk using the payment card payment method. You define the field groups in the contract accounts receivable and payable IMG: Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Basic Settings ® Define Authorizations for Changing Fields. This means that you can ensure that certain fields can only be changed by selected users. G/L account items. choose one of the following paths: · Roles Manual Postings ( SAP_FI_CA_MANUAL_POSTINGS ) ® Display/Change Document · SAP Menu Document ® Display/Change On the initial screen. deferral date. cannot be changed by using the change document transaction. you have the option of using additional views as well as the list of individual items: Function Display Goto ® Physical View Displays business partner items and repetition specifications separately Goto ® Logical View Displays integrated business partner items and repetition specifications. A field that is contained in at least one field group. for which there is no change authorization. and open residual amounts Goto ® Due Date View Displays due dates. the list of these non-changeable fields is made available in the function module FKK_DOCT_AKTYP_GET. If you have selected the document for the Document Display or Document Change. with due date. The changes are logged. bank data.1. non-modifiable fields. You cannot change documents read from the archive or rewrite them to the database. and contract data for the document Environment ® Posting Totals Displays the posting totals for the reconciliation key used to post the displayed document. The changeable fields are grouped into field groups in the business partner items for a document. you can display the detailed information about the objects displayed in the business partner item (for example.14 Mass Changes to Documents PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The data appears in the Business Partner Items area . Extras ® Clearing History Displays clearing postings and resetting of clearing postings in a chronological view Environment ® Clearing Document Displays the clearing document for the open business partner item You can use the following functions for dunning/installment plan/collective bills: Function Environment ® Source Receivables Display For an installment plan document. you can use the following functions: Function Display Document ® Business Transaction ® Individual Document Display Displays the individual document of a business transaction Document ® Business Transaction ® Total Display Allows you to switch from the individual document to the overall business transaction You can use the following functions in connection with the changeover to the Euro: Function Display Goto ® Document Prior to Conversion Displays the document data before the Euro conversion Euro Simulation On (Pushbutton) Displays the amounts in Euro In the detail display for the business partner and G/L item. By pressing the First Offsetting Posting button in the navigation area for the detail screens. business partner. You can now use the following functions to display clearing documents: Function Environment ® Cleared Items Display Displays the items cleared with this clearing document within the account balance display Environment ® Previously Cleared Items For a clearing document for which clearing postings have been reset. cleared. Features On the detail screen for displaying business partner items. contract. or a subitem counter. installment plan). 1. you can switch between the detail screen for the business partner item and the detail screen for the general ledger item. Integration By double-clicking on the output fields. Environment ® Line Items: Collective Bill Displays the individual invoices that make up a collective bill Environment ® Installment Plan Displays the installment plan for the installment plan document Goto ® Dunning History Displays the dunning history for the dunned items When you display a business transaction that consists of several documents. this function displays the status of the item (open. you can use an item counter. 1. you also have the following options: You can navigate between the items. the repetition items. and the business partner items of a document. repetition counter.By double-clicking on the business partner item. Environment ® Bank Data from Returns Document/Payment Lot/Payment Run Displays the bank data from the sources mentioned Environment ® Clearing Analysis For the clearing document. the partial payment items. in the Navigation area.13 Navigation in Documents Use When you are displaying or changing documents. this function displays all the items that went into this installment plan and were replaced by it. You can use the buttons next to the item counters to navigate between the individual items. For items that are still open. All rights reserved. this displays the items that were cleared with this document. partially cleared). the data is organized on tab pages. Page 14 of 22 . Environment ® Payment Usage Displays the items cleared with this clearing document in a dialog box. you can go to the detail display. in addition to switching between the different document views and displaying additional information for the document as described in the section Functions Available When Displaying and Changing Documents. displays the items that were cleared. or all locks regardless of the lock reason. The original item is copied and the amounts are ready for input. alternative payment recipient) 4. If you choose the button For Deletion . select the relevant items and choose the pushbutton Distribute . Example Document number Amount Business partners 4711 100 1002 A Payment lock 4733 200 1002 A Alternative payee If you select both documents. You can change the subitems that arise in the same way as the original item. Change documents are updated in the same way as for changes to individual documents. You can either input the amounts manually or you can change the original item automatically by double clicking on the amount field such that the total of the subitems corresponds once again to the original amount. You can also enter percentages according to which the amounts are distributed. To do this. alternative payee G2. You can also define a distribution rule for several selected items. there is a total amount to be split of EUR 300. enter a function module for event 0103. You can define an initial sorting for processing open items. payment lock A This results in: Document number Subitem amount Business partners Alternative payee 4711 20 1002 G1 4711 30 1002 G2 4711 50 1002 4733 40 1002 G1 4711 60 1002 G2 4711 100 1002 Payment lock A A This means that EUR 20 + EUR 40 = EUR 60 can be paid to alternative payee G1. Doubleclick on these fields or the lock fields to display all locks. contract account. you can split document items when carrying out mass changes. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. you can transfer the changes to all items selected.Use You can use the transaction Mass Changes to Documents to change several line items at once. Dunning Locks. and change existing locks. Choose Continue . As well as making changes to individual fields. you can determine the layout of the list of business partner items to be changed by defining line layout variants for mass changes to documents. 3. From the Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable IMG. choose Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Document ® Screen Preparations ® Define Line Layout Variants for Mass Document Change . you can create them from mass changes. 5. Choose one of the following paths: ¡ Role Manual Postings ( SAP_FI_CA_MANUAL_POSTINGS ) ® Mass Changes to Documents SAP menu Document ® Mass Change 2. You can also delete all locks with a specific lock reason. contract or document number. MANSP_LST. or locks. Prerequisites In the system settings. Select individual items and enter the required changes individually or select all items to be changed and enter the changes that apply to all items in the upper part of the screen. and EUR 30 + EUR 60 = EUR 90 to G2. This means that as in the original item. Interest Locks. Press Save to save the changes on the database. To do this. 6. no payment lock 50%. the subitems created as a result of the split are deleted. You select the line items to be changed in the same way as you select open items. Integration If you want to define alternative business partners (for payment) that have not yet been created. Page 15 of 22 . no payment lock 30%. All rights reserved. add new locks. Via the button Transfer New Values . alternative payee G1. If you choose the pushbutton Delete from the list. Choose the pushbutton Copy from the list to split a line item. The selected open business partner items appear in a list. by entering the business partner. This should be split as follows: 20%. on the upper part of the screen you can select the fields to be deleted in all selected items. You can then make changes to locks in the dialog box that appears. There you can change the following data: ¡ Payment data ¡ Dunning data ¡ Due date data ¡ Locks ¡ Payment data (alternative payer. you can enter different alternative payees. payment methods. Activities 1. Clearing Locks . and CLRLO_LST in Customizing for the line layout variant with the texts Payment Locks. You can also include any customer field that is in the structure FKKOP in a line layout variant. SPERZ_LST. You can display simultaneous locks by including the fields SPZAH_LST. this defines the fields that you want to use for sorting. the following happens: Each business partner item in the document is cleared. Since the documents and therefore also the posting to the bank clearing account are generated automatically. Depending on the situation. Otherwise you first have to reset the clearing. Points to note when entering taxes When you enter documents relevant to tax you can have the system calculate tax amounts and add information to tax items or you can enter tax data manually. The company code is not recorded in the document header. Payment transaction specifications in the account master record always refer to this responsible company code. as well as all the postings that were created automatically. An item with a reversed +/. The following applies for the local currency and any simultaneously managed currencies: If the corresponding values have been specified and the local currency (or parallel currencies) for all company codes affected are the same. The offsetting entries are generated so that receivables and payables are always created for the first company code mentioned in the document for all other company codes. you can only post it if all of the non-statistical items balance out to zero in document currency. This company code is used for posting tax. Reversal documents themselves can be reversed. Reversing payment documents When you reverse a payment document. Features Reversing documents When you reverse a document. The system also supports cross-company code incoming payments (debit memos) and outgoing payments for automatic payment transactions. then any offsetting items needed are automatically added so as to create a zero balance in the document for each company code. From a financial accounting viewpoint. If no tax company code can be used. see Entering Taxes. If items from different company codes are selected and cleared when making a payment. but separately for each line item. the company code of the line item entered for the tax posting is used. Each contract account is also assigned to a responsible company code at business partner level. The following applies to cross-company code documents: You can enter a tax company code that applies to all line items in the document header. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. In this case tax postings can therefore occur in different company codes. you use Customizing to assign a responsible company code to each company code. 1. you must previously have used Customizing to define the company code in which the bank offsetting item is to be generated. the following also happens: The clearing data of the item originally paid is reset. If you enter a cross-company code document or one is created by a program. then all of the non-statistical items must also balance out to zero in these currencies.16 Reversing Documents Use You may sometimes have to reverse a document posting or the clearing of open items. This is achieved by offsetting items that are automatically added to the document. It processes payment transactions for other company codes.sign is created for each G/L item in a reversal document. This company code is known as the "responsible company code". This tax company code is the company code that issues the business partner a bill (which displays the tax) or that contains a business partner’s bill (on which tax is displayed). A reversed document cannot be reversed again. To be able to do this. An offsetting entry is generated in each case in each of the other company codes. Points to note when making payments You can enter cross-company code payments as well as cross-company code bills. 1.15 Cross-Company Code Documents Points to note when entering documents You can post documents across more than one company code. These offsetting items reflect the receivables and payables between the company codes that result from the cross-company code transaction. All rights reserved. unless the related reversal document itself has been reversed beforehand. If these are cross-company code document. You can only post to the contract account in company codes that you have assigned to the specified responsible company code. tax postings for multiple company codes will be created automatically if postings must be made with tax. Page 16 of 22 . you choose one of the following functions: Returns Resetting clearing Reversing Documents Prerequisites You can reverse a document if it contains items that were cleared by another document. For more information.You can only use one distribution rule for each mass change. You can enter items for several company codes in one document. but you receive a corresponding warning. the balance in each company code involved has to be zero in addition to the total balance in a document being zero. or indicate that all open repetitions should be reversed. In the same way as for an individual PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The overview screen displays the date and origin of the clearing documents and whether additional documents were cleared by this clearing. error messages point to any individual documents that cannot be reversed. 3. In this list. it might be necessary to reverse a large number of documents. The original receivables with the original due dates then become open again. if you have executed a payment run by mistake. Enter the specifications for the reversal posting and if required. for example. Prerequisites You must have authorization for the activity Reverse FI-CA Documents/Mass Processing of authorization object F_KKRD_MAS. enter a check voiding reason. You cannot execute the reversal unless you reset these clearings. Special features for documents with cleared items If you manually reverse a document that contains cleared items.The clearing data of the item originally paid is reset. Page 17 of 22 . you can also partially reset clearing and thereby retain the distribution of the clearing amounts to the accounts. In the case of a document with repetition specifications. you can check whether the documents that were selected using the reference number can be reversed.1 Reversing Documents in a Mass Run Use Under certain circumstances. one or more business partner items are created which are cleared by the reversal document. 1. Using a simulation function. you can reverse all repetitions that are still open. or if you have entered a payment lot twice. Special features for reversing more than one document You can reverse all documents with the same reference document number together as a group. Here you can select the documents to be reversed according to the following criteria: Reconciliation key Document number Reference document number Posting date Document date Name of clerk Document type Date of entry 3. you can use the Cleared Items function to check whether you have entered the correct document number. either a new clarification case for incoming payments is created automatically or the amount to be clarified in an existing case is adjusted. Choose one of the following paths: Roles Account Maintenance.16. If the clarification case is created for a payment lot that has already been closed. You can carry out the clearing individually online or carry out all clearing in the background. A mass reversal might be necessary. Reversing a clarification or partial clarification document When you reverse a clarification or partial clarification document for an incoming payment. Alternatively. A reversal document that also contains a cleared business partner item is created. If you carry out clearing online. Enter the number of the document to be reversed. Before reversing a document. If you want to reverse documents with the same reference number. In the payment document. you can reverse a particular repetition specification by specifying the posting date of the repetition specification to be reversed in the Repetition date field. A list with the selected documents is displayed. If you reverse a payment document that was posted directly without clarification. Transfer Postings. enter the reference number instead. You can display the clearing documents or initiate the clearing reset via function keys. All rights reserved. The transaction is recorded in the clearing history. you can also reverse documents that have cleared items. If you set the indicator Enhanced Reversal Processing . You can display the items cleared with the specified document using the Account Balance Display function. Reversals (SAP_FI_CA_ACCOUNT_MAIN_REVERS) ® Mass Reversal of Documents SAP menu Document ® Mass Reversal 2. the status changes again to Postprocessing necessary . an overview screen with all clearings appears. you must also enter the desired date of the repetition. Activities 1. Special features for documents with repetition specifications If a document contains repetition items. Activities Choose one of the following paths: Roles Manual Postings (SAP_FI_CA_MANUAL_POSTINGS ) ® Reverse Document SAP Menu Document ® Reverse 2. Choose Document ® Reverse. you can use a dialog box when posting the reversal to decide whether you want to reverse the payment document or transfer post to the clarification account. archiving documents RFKKAR11 – FI-CA: Document archiving. you can count or display the affected documents before the reversal. which can be stored on other media. Features When you archive documents in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . reload documents The starting point for all activities within archiving is transaction SARA for the archive administration. The associated programs are: RFKKAR10 – FI-CA: Document archiving. The following graphic illustrates the archiving process: Archiving objects are used to write documents to archive files. To archive. which describe the data structure and context. choose one of the following paths: · Roles Archiving (SAP_FI_CA_ARCHIVING) ® Document Archiving · SAP Menu Periodic Processing ® Archive Data ® Documents . data is written to an archive file in the file system. because you have to make changes to it or because you archived it by mistake). A reverse dependency does not apply. data is deleted from the database and archived in the file system. you need a variant in which you define the parameters for the program run. The archiving object for document archiving is FI_MKKDOC. You can find a detailed list of all the checks that are carried out before archiving in the documentation on the archiving program. 1. Page 18 of 22 . see the program documentation. data is then deleted from the database. you can still access it. The archive information structure must also be activated for documents. delete documents RFKKAR12 – FI-CA: Document archiving. to archive documents from Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . 4. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.1 Introduction to Data Archiving (CA-ARC) Data Archiving – a service provided by mySAP Technology – removes mass data from the database that the system no longer needs online. You use the standard component for archiving. all business partner items must have been cleared and a predefined retention period in the system must have expired. you can only archive documents and their related clearing documents in a predefined order. Data in the database can only be archived using archiving objects. You can then archive the documents with their related cleared items in a second archiving run. Based on the archive. This way you can take some of the load off the database at regular intervals. For more information about the individual programs. You can then store the data from the file system in external archives. The archiving is carried out in two steps: First. 1. The programs for archiving Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable documents appear under Actions . you can also reload the archives. See also the documentation for the indicator. All rights reserved. but which must still be accessible at a later date if required. In addition. Prerequisite To be able to archive a document.17 Document Archiving Use When you archive documents.reversal. the Archive Development Kit . Activities You should first be familiar with the basics of archiving (see Introduction to archiving). In Customizing you define the retention period per document type (see the IMG structure for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ® Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Archiving ® Define Life of Document Types or choose Goto ® Customizing in transaction SARA ). Therefore all the clearing documents that have exceeded their retention period are first archived in an archiving run. Once you have archived data to the archive file in the file system. Execute the program. To execute an archiving function in the background. obstructive clearing is reset automatically.17. If you need the data in the database again (for example. You can only display the complete clearing document in the system if the items cleared by it still exist in the database. calculation of arrears interest. change documents. you can define whether payments. application-specific parameters. and 5508 (Repayment Request) and defined them in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (Program Enhancements ® Define Customer-Specific Function Modules). dunning. Page 19 of 22 . 5502 (Reverse). In addition. If Archive Administration is called from the application component. are activated automatically. For more information. or the posting of credit memos from a predefined amount. you can hold them in a status that has to be confirmed. 1. Data Transfer ® Generate Structures for Document Transfer ). you can process errors under one of the following paths: Roles Transfer Posting Data (SAP_FI_CA_POSTING_DATA_TRANSFR) ® Transfer Documents . subject to a check.18 Automatic Document Transfer You can use a program to transfer documents from an operational system (initial data transfer). Deletion from the database: The delete program reads the data from the archive files and then deletes it from the database. Storage of archive files : The newly created archive files can then be moved to a storage system or copied to a tape. or document changes are to be permitted up until the time the workflow is completed. company codedependent postings. Prerequisites You have entered check reasons in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Workflows for Checks and Approvals ® Define Check Reasons).19 Workflows for Checks and Approvals Use If you are carrying out postings or reversals. you can also make random checks. All rights reserved. 5500 (Post). The removal to an external storage system can be triggered manually or automatically. (See: Features) PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. You have written installation-specific function modules for the events concerned. You have defined the workflows. and other elements. A workflow is triggered for the confirmation. You can generate and check Z structures in Customizing. (See Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. For example. such as programs and archiving objects.Process Errors SAP Menu Periodic Processing ® Transfer Data ® Documents ® Process Errors You can delete the incorrect data here by choosing Cluster ® Delete . Features The archiving procedure is divided into three main steps: Creation of archive files : The data to be archived is written sequentially to a newly created archive file. other clearing transactions. You can also use this program to transfer data regularly from an operational system if you do not have an industry-specific program available.Financial Accounting documents are. Their structures are described in the application-specific sections. It includes the document header. You can specify whether a check is necessary dependent on any number of criteria. archived using the archiving object FI_DOCUMNT. 5506 (Installment Plan). The ADK provides the technical basis for the archiving transaction ( SARA ). or call it directly from the application component. To call the archiving transaction. You can ensure that the transfer file structure is release-independent by using Z structures. Archiving objects for each application component are predefined in the system. 1. You can schedule archiving programs as background tasks or run them during normal online operations. the last step in the workflow is an approval or rejection. You start the report under one of the following paths: Roles Transfer Posting Data (SAP_FI_CA_POSTING_DATA_TRANSFR) ® Transfer Documents SAP Menu Periodic Processing ® Transfer Data ® Documents ® Transfer During the document transfer. choose Tools ® Administration ® Management ® Data Archiving . you can make the reversal of receivables that exceed a predefined amount limit. see the report documentation. SAPscript texts. 5504 (Change). Integration The SAP Data Archiving concept is based on the Archive Development Kit (ADK). For each check reason. for example. If a reversal has to be confirmed. event 5502. the system can return the number of checks/authorizations required and three additional parameters that are then available for the role resolution in the workflow. for each reversal. In the document display. the event ApprovalRequired from object category CA_RPAYREQ is triggered. If the module returns a check reason. this document is also locked for the editing processes stated above. Using the document data. SAP delivers the role 21000063 FICA_RPAYREQ and the sample workflow 21000095 FICA_RPAYREQ. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. the dual control principle (one additional check). Select the corresponding work item by doubleclicking it. choose Inbox ® Workflow . Creating installment plans If. Activities To authorize or reject a posting or reversal. The function modules defined for these events transfer all of the data of the document to be posted or reversed. the document to be checked is created. The workflow is completed when the reversal is posted. Accept document change The check indicator is removed from the document automatically. The document posted or to be reversed appears. the function module returns a check reason.You have defined the role resolution. The number of checks required determines whether for example. SAP provides the workflow samples WS21000088 for postings. If you are posting or reversing in the online transactions Post Document or Reverse Document . The workflow is completed when the reversal is posted. define an installation-specific function module for event 5506 in Customizing. Role 21000056 is used for the role resolution. Depending on the check reason. Approve reversal The screen for processing the reversal appears automatically. This module runs when you create installment plans. The check reason is used to determine the addressees of the workflow. The reason for the check procedure appears on the lower part of the screen. If a posting has to be confirmed. clerks that are assigned to the corresponding role in the workflow can: Display the original document and the planned changes using the function Planned Changes Accept or reject the document change via function keys SAP delivers the sample workflow 21000093 FICA_DCHAPPR. but you can change it (except for the number of the document to be reversed). The document is not reversed. The check reason is entered in the document to be reversed. meaning that a total of 10 checks have to be carried out. and WS21000089 for reversals. but you can change it (except for the number of the document to be reversed). to determine the addressees of the workflow. the event ReverseApprovalRequired from object category CA_DOC . In these events. the change is included in the document. and for reversals. All the data is copied. it checks whether the change has to be confirmed and released by other clerks in a workflow. The maximum permitted value is 9. the check reason is assigned. or further checks are to be carried out. event 5500 is processed. (See: Features) Features Checks and approvals are supported for the following transactions: Posting documents Reversing documents Changing documents Creating installment plans Creating repayment requests If a confirmation is required for the transaction. All the data is copied. You can then use various functions to accept or reject the posting or reversal: Required Action System Reaction/Activity to be Executed Approve posting The check reason is removed from the document. Repayment requests In order to check and approve repayment requests in a workflow. you do not want to grant installment plans to customers with bad creditworthiness without subjecting them a check and approval first. and to define which activities are still permitted for the document until the check has taken place. you have to enter an installation-specific function module for event 5508 in Customizing. the event ApprovalRequired is triggered. Reject posting The screen for processing the reversal appears automatically. If a check is required. The role 21000056 FICA_DOCAPPR is used for the role resolution. If a check reason is returned by the modules for event 5500 or 5502. The workflow is completed and the document is posted. If the module returns a check reason. for posting. Reject reversal The check reason is removed from the document to be reversed. If these parameters are used. you can register the workflows that trigger the confirmation procedure. the event ApprovalRequired from object category INSTMNTPLN is triggered. the system prompts you to enter a reason for the required posting or reversal. Event ChangeApprovalRequired from object category CA_DOC is triggered. Page 20 of 22 . In addition to the check reason. and the document is locked for the following editing processes depending on the check reason: Payments Clearing Dunning Calculation of interest on arrears Document changes Posting and reversing documents For each posting. the reversal document is not created. SAP delivers the role 21000062 FICA_INSTPL and the sample workflow 21000094 INSTPL. for example. the module returns a check reason that is stored in the document to be changed. proceed as follows: In the SAP Business Workplace . Changing documents The function module defined for event 5504 runs for document changes. a company code or amount category can be returned here. I_CALLR. To check whether the reversal is permitted. see the documentation for the function module FKK_CREATE_DOC_ADDITIONAL. you can create additional line items in a document. in the events. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0070. Reject repayment request The repayment request is reversed. In the transaction Reset Check Reason in Repayment Request ( menu: Administration) . See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0032. 0030 Close additional actions initiated by event 0010 (document posted) or 0020 (document posted and items cleared). You can use all the document data (except for the document number) and all the data for the items to be cleared for this event. To do this however. 0020. you can remove the check reasons from the documents by specifying the document number. or 0030 to create an additional document for a document automatically. You can display the check reasons in the document display once the document has been posted. 0020 Trigger additional actions when you are posting a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable and simultaneously clearing or partially clearing open items. define a function module that creates the additional document. you can use the document header data. To do this. To do this. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0090. You cannot create additional items for purely statistical documents. Page 21 of 22 . PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. You can use the document header. checks it. you can remove the check reasons from the repayment requests by specifying the number of the repayment request. and the calls up the function module FKK_CREATE_DOC_ADDITIONAL. All rights reserved. Checks during Clearing Reversal You can use a function module called up for event 0071 to integrate clearing reversal. Reject installment plan The check indicator is removed from the document automatically.or installation-specific additional actions when you are posting or reversing a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . For more information.Reject document change The check indicator is removed from the document automatically. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0020. Customer-Specific Enhancements for Postings and Documents Use You can use the function modules that are called up for the events listed below to trigger industry. Accept repayment request The repayment request is released. Dependent Documents You can use events 0010. and 0030 to ensure consistent data for a ROLLBACK WORK. In the transaction Reset Check Reason in Document ( menu: Administration) . or clearing reversals. The original receivables are not changed. Accept installment plan The check indicator is removed from the document automatically and the installment plan is created. I_STODT. including the document number assigned (I_FKKKO_OPBEL). the desired reversal date. The event is not processed if you post reversals. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0010. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0030. Checks during Reversal You can use a function module called up for event 0070 to integrate document reversal. the status of the document does not change. you can use all the document data (except for the document number) in this event. I_FKKKO. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0071. You can determine whether the workflow was started in the SAP Business Workplace under Outbox ® Workflows Started . Additional Items in the Document Using a function module called up for event 0032. you need the special authorization for activity 060 for the authorization object F_KK_SOND . 0090 Reset the data noted for events 0010. returns. 0020. Features Additional Activities When Posting and Reversing Event You can use a function module called up for this event to: 0010 Trigger additional actions when you are posting a document in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable . and an ID for the reversal trigger. Event 0032 is processed before the creation of items for cross-company code clearing. 2. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_5512. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_5508. For more information. see the documentation for the sample function modules FKK_SAMPLE_5500 and FKK_SAMPLE_5502 and the section Dual Control Principle for Posting and Reversing. Activities 1.Dual Control Principle for Posting and Reversing You can use function modules called up for events 5500 and 5502 to subject document posting and reversal to a check. Write function modules for the events stated above as required. you can subject changes to documents to a check and subsequent release in accordance with the dual control principle dependent on document data. All rights reserved. Page 22 of 22 . Dual Control Principle for Repayment Requests In event 5508. PUBLIC © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. See the documentation for the sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_5504. Define these function modules for the relevant events in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Program Enhancements ® Define Customer-Specific Function Modules . Dual Control Principle for Write-Offs In event 5512. Dual Control Principle for Document Changes In event 5504. you can check and approve repayment requests in a workflow. you can subject write-offs of documents to a check and subsequent release in accordance with the dual control principle dependent on document data.
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