Poster WAC Anthropic

April 29, 2018 | Author: Geanina Costaș | Category: Botany, Horticulture And Gardening, Plants, Nature



Reconstructing the Eneolithic Paleo-environment from NortheasternRomania by Means of Archaeobotanical Analysis Andrei Asăndulesei1, Mihaela Danu2, Felix-Adrian Tencariu1 1 Interdisciplinary Research Department – Field Science, Arheoinvest Platform, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași – Romania 2 Faculty of Biology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași – Romania Abstract In an attempt to reconstruct the paleo-environment and the anthropic impact in north-eastern Romania, samples were selected from three Eneolithic sites (1. Isaiia-Balta Popii, 2. Războieni-Dealul Mare, 3. Bălțați-Dealul Mândra) in which archaeological excavations and geophysical investigations have revealed notable finding and novel settlement planimetries. The archaeobotanical results (pollen and phytoliths) highlight human impact pollen indicators such as cereals, some anthropogenic pollen indicators (e.g. sorrel, knotgrass, wormwood), and also an abundance of elongate dendritic phytoliths. 1. Isaiia-Balta Popii (Early Chalcolithic - Precucuteni Culture, phase II) 2. Războieni-Dealul Mare (Eneolithic - Cucuteni culture, A3 sub-phase) The archaeological site is located in northeastern Romania, on the territory Also known from newer works under the name Filiași–Dealul Mare or Dealul of Răducăneni commune (Iași county), approximately 3 km northeast of Boghiului, the site is found on the territory of the village of Războieni, Ion Isaiia village, on a fragment of the first flood-free terrace on the right bank Neculce commune, right on the border with Filiași village, in Iași County, of the Jijia river, near the point where it flows into the Prut river. The north-eastern Romania. analyzed sample comes from a medium-sized vessel, found in situ (partially The settlement is located on a promontory running on a NW–SE direction, broken on the spot) in dwelling no. 14 (L 14) from the lower layer of the strongly affected by landslides, at approximately 500 m south of the village site, corresponding to the Precucuteni IIb phase. At the time of collecting of Filiași, on the right bank of the Valea Oilor/Recea brook (a left-bank the samples (at the laboratory), inside the vessel a fragment of a statuette tributary of Bahluieț river), part of the Prut catchment basin. The Valea Oilor and a cone were discovered; the association of the feminine principle (the brook forms a loop in this area, surrounding the promontory along three of statuette fragment with very suggestive pregnancy showed) and male its sides. The geographic coordinates are 47°15'07'' lat. N, and 27°02'27'' principle (the cone could represent a phallic stylized image) give to the long. E. The absolute elevation is 185 m, and the relative one 85 m. whole a clear ritual attribute. At Isaiia, two other assemblies of ritual The analysed sample comes from a small vessel found after some recent objects enclosed in clay containers were discovered before, but no analysis anthropic interventions which affected the site in NE part. Geophysical was realized on the content of the recipients. prospection conducted here are very promising, showing a totally new type of spatial organization for Cucuteni communities from the studied region. Bălțați-Dealul Mândra (Eneolithic - Cucuteni culture, A3 sub-phase) The site is found on the territory of the village of Bălțați, Iași county, at approximately two km NNW from the village, on the left bank of the Valea Oilor/Recea brook. The settlement is located on a low terrace with a very smooth slope with SSE exposure. The analysed sample comes from a pair of kiln bellows found in the collapsed bank of a pond along the course of the Valea Oilor. Materials and methods Palynological samples were treated with HCl (10%), NaOH (10%), HF (40%), ZnCl2, acetolysis (8 minutes). For the determination of the pollen grains we used the reference collection as well as determinators (Moore et. al., 1991) and atlases (Beug 2004; Reille 1992), etc. Phytoliths were extracted from sediment samples using a method adapted from techniques described by Lentfer and Boyd (1998). Carbonates were dissolved in an HCl bath and organic matter was removed with a 15% H2O2 solution heated at 60°C. A 200 µm mesh sieve was then used to recover fine particles. Most of the clay particles were removed through decantations and centrifugations after shaking with a 15% sodium hexametaphosphate. Densimetric separation of phytoliths (d < 2.3) from the quartz and other mineral particles was achieved using a heavy liquid solution (Sodium Polytungstate, with d = 2.35). Each phytolith was classified according to International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature. Caryophyllaceae Corylus Picea Results and conclusions Pinus Fabaceae Quercus Bilobate Anthemideae Faxinus Conical Polylobate Pollen analysis (Isaiia site) shows the diversity of plants in that area. Pollen of deciduous trees Apiaceae Tilia Globular taxa (e.g. Quercus, Tilia) is present, suggesting the proximity of the forest. There were identified Chenopodiaceae Ulmus Point-shaped both spontaneous taxa and other taxa which could be cultivated. Anthropogenic pollen Artemisia Diatom Elongate indicators (sorrel - Rumex type; knotgrass - Polygonum aviculare type, wormwood - Artemisia) Rumex Plantago Poaceae Starch Elongate dendritic 2. Războieni are also present. major/media type Plantago lanceolata type Phytoliths: Bilobate type Preliminary results (Case study no. 2, 3) reveal that phytoliths are very abundant and 1.Isaiia (up-vessel sample; down- reference sample) Caryophyllaceae Quercus exceptionally well preserved. The samples contain common grass phytolith morphotypes, Picea Anthemideae Fabaceae Pinus Conical including conical, elongate, elongate dendritic, bilobate, polylobate etc. Cereals are evidenced Apiaceae Tilia Bilobate by the dendritic phytoliths. Bilobate phytoliths are recorded. This type of phytoliths could derive Chenopodiaceae Ulmus Diatoms Polylobate from a few grains, but could also emanate from cropped millet (Panicoideae). Globular Cross morphotypes (derivate from dicotyledonous plants) are rarely identified and always in small Artemisia Plantago lanceolata Poaceae Spicule Globular amounts. Starches grains were also observed – sample from Razboieni Dealu Mare. Starch is Rumex Plantago major/media type Elongate dendritic Elongate Point-shaped located in most plant tissues, particularly in storage organs such as rhizomes, tubers, and grains. type 3. Bălțați
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