Post Weld Heat Treatment Procedure

March 26, 2018 | Author: sherviny | Category: Thermocouple, Heat Treating, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Welding, Annealing (Metallurgy)



`TABULATION OF REVISED PAGES PAGE Rev.1 Rev.2 Rev.3 Rev.4 Rev.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 2 of 20 ` SOUTH PARS GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT (PHASES 15&16) POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT PROCEDURE Doc. No. : I.I.R-15-0-PR-0001 Rev. No. : 1 Class :1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PURPOSE DEFINITION REFERENCE GENERAL PRE-HEATING POST-WELD HEAT TREATMENT HARDNESS TEST DOCUMENT ATTACHMENT Page 3 of 20 2 DEFINITIONS COMPANY : NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY(NIOC) / Pars Oil and Gas Company(POGC) or his nominated representative CONTRACTOR : The party (IIRCo/Sievert CONSORTIUM) which entered under Contract Agreement with COMPANY for the N D T a n d P W H T Facilities regarding the South Pars Field Development Project 15&16. implementation and control of PWHT works.4 PWHT shall be performed with local furnace or local heating method by use of electric resistance heaters. 4. and specifications WPS's shall be applied to Preheating and PWHT and Hardness testing. “SITE” means the location for installation of the facilities at ASSALUYEH or the vicinity thereof in the IRAN 3 REFERENCE Unless otherwise stated.3 ASME B31. the latest edition or revision of following codes of practice. The CONTRACTOR's PWHT QC Engineer is responsible for the inspection of PWHT works and review of the PWHT records In addition to this procedure and related codes.5 Following equipments and materials to be used for heating.2 4. ASME B31. In case of conflict between this procedure and WPS. CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR. post-weld heat-treatment and hardness testing of piping component for South Pas 15 & 16 Project. standards. WPS requirements will be followed 4. post heating.` 1 PURPOSE This procedure covers the preheating.3 CONTRACTOR is responsible for the preparation. 1) 50KVA heat-treatment system Page 4 of 20 . SUBCONTRACTOR : shall mean any company. specifications and standards at the time of order placement apply. THIRD PARTY : any inspection service person or company who is independent from COMPANY.1 4.8 API 1104 Process piping Gas Transmission System for Liquid Hydrocarbon and Other Liquids Welding of Pipeline and Related Facilities 4 GENERAL 4. firm or person with whom CONTRACTOR enters into a subcontract. 7 Calibration status of measuring materials and equipments to verify PWHT temperature shall be controlled as followings .3 Calibration and certification of instrumentation shall be performed by authorized agency approved by government.7. 4.1 General Preheating is used.7.1 K-type milli-volt source units and temperature recorders shall have been calibrated prior to use.4 Each 1 copy of calibration certificates issued by authorized calibration agency shall be submitted to CONTRACTOR. 4. 4.7. to minimize the detrimental effects of high temperature and severe thermal gradients inherent in welding. The necessity for preheating and the temperature to be used shall be specified in the engineering design and demonstrated by procedure qualification. thermal cutting and arc-air gouging. repair welds. 5 PREHEATING 5.6 Temperature measuring shall be accomplished through the measuring system consists of K-type consumable wire Thermo-Couple. Page 5 of 20 . VX-type compensating cable and Temperature recorder. and shall be calibrated at least every 12 months. and seal welds of threaded joints. along with heat treatment.7.7KW and other specifications 8) 14/22/38mm2 feeding heating cable set w/camlok connectors 9) 3-WAY splitter cable set w/camlok connectors 10) K-type consumable Thermo-Couple wire 11) VX-type Thermo-Couple compensating cable 12) 110V auxiliary cable set 4. 4. 4. The requirements and recommendations herein apply to all types of welding including tack welds.` 2) 100KVA 3-WAY 3-PHASE heat treatment system 3) 200KVA 6-WAY 3-PHASE heat treatment system 4) Multi-point temperature recorder 5) Capacitor discharge type Thermo-Couple attachment unit 6) K-type milli-volt source unit 7) Mat type heaters with 60V x 45A x 2.2 K-type consumable wire Thermo-Couple shall have been certified for its accuracy by production lot before use. 2 The maximum inter-pass temperature for austenitic stainless steels (P-8) shall be 150 ℃. the required minimum preheat temperature shall be reestablished over the entire joint length to be welded before welding resumes. the weld shall be given a hydrogen diffusion treatment before allowing any cooling. For lower preheat temperatures. This treatment shall consist of heating to 250℃ minimum. then slowly cooling under thick dry insulation blankets to ambient temperature.g branch connections.3 Dissimilar Materials When materials having different preheat requirements are welded together.2. e. if the weld is under a high degree of restraint.2 Requirements and preheating/inter-pass temperature 5. 5. it is recommended that the higher temp.The maximum inter-pass temperature for carbon steels (P-1) shall be 250℃. the metal shall be maintained at preheat temperature until the weld is post weld heat treated. shown in Table 5-1 be used.'s are given in Table 5-1. holding for four hours. 5.2. For ferritic material.` 5.4 Unlisted Materials Preheat requirements for an unlisted material shall be specified in the WPS. Should the welding be interrupted. The thickness intended in Table 5-1 is that of the thicker component measured at the joint. Page 6 of 20 .2. But. unless prior approval is given by COMPANY. and for thickness greater than 50mm. the joint shall have been completed and the cooling rate minimized by wrapping the joint in dry insulating blankets.2. 5. Alternatively. all ferritic materials shall be preheated at least 80℃ regardless of thickness and tensile strength.1 Required minimum preheat temperatures for materials of various P-No. when the required preheat temperature is 200℃ or higher. . Mn-V steel ALL ALL ALL ALL 79 175 10E . Recommended ℃ 10 79 79 10 79 79 . Temp. between 350℉ -450℉ (177℃-232℃). austenitic Ni-alloy steels Cr-Cu steel ≤ 490 ≤ 71 ≥ 12.and SP5). .. 149 10 10 ℉ 50 175 175 50 175 175 . Special P-Numbers(SP-1. 8Ni.. ASME SECT.. (2) A-Number from BPV Code.. 300 .... 9B.. [Note1] Weld Metal Analysis A-NO. . 302 300400 .... * For CE % ≥ 0.1. (3) Max..... 149 200 . Tensile Strength. . .IX... ½%<Cr≤ 2% Alloy steels..... 10A . .1 in ASME B31.. SP-4 .... 5Ni steel ALL ALL ALL ALL .. .. interpass temperature 600℉ (316℃) (4) Maintain interpass temp. 27Cr steel ALL ALL ALL ALL ... ASME SECT. [Note2] Base Metal Group Nominal Wall Thickness MM < 25... ferritic High alloy steels. ALL ALL ALL ALL 10 50 [Notes] (1) P-Number from BPV Code. .. 11A SG1 . 150 149204 . require special consideration..42.. Required ℉ . SP-2. Cr ≤ ½% Alloy steels....4 INCH <1 ≤ 490 ≤ 71 ALL > 490 ALL > 490 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL > 71 ALL > 71 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL 1 1 Carbon steel* ≥ 25. .. Preheat at 95℃ is only acceptable for thickness up to 10mm Page 7 of 20 . QW-442. 2¼%≤ Cr≤ High alloy steels.. martensitic High alloy steels.. 50 .5 6 7 8. 149 . .9 10 . Table QW-422.. ...'s shall be established by the engineering design and demonstrated by the WPQ. 10 . .. 21-52 .. .7 ≥ ½ ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL .. ..7 < ½ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A. The required thermal treatment for Special P-No. IX. Base Metal MPa ksi ℃ . PREHEAT TEMPERATURES (Table 330. 212 212 ...` TABLE 5-1..9B** 10 2. .. 300 50 50 Base Metal P-NO.. SP-3........9Ni steel ALL ALL ALL ALL 10 50 11A SG2 .. Alloy steels... 100 100 ....4 ≥ 1 ALL ALL < 12..... preheat not less than 100℃ ** For P No.11 3 4. Min....3) Specified Min. 300 392 .. 5. Page 8 of 20 .5.3. and the ceramic fiber shall be of 1000℃ continuous service temperature and of 100 kg/m3 bulk density. e.Upon discontinuation of welding the joint shall be wrapped in dry insulating material and should be cooled in a slow and uniform manner. before measuring temperature. 5. allowance shall be made for temperature equalization.4 Interrupted welding and post-heating 5. Whatever method to be used shall be specified in WPS 5.3.2 The preheat temperature shall be measured on the face opposite to that being heated when possible. the following conditions shall apply. 5. Where production conditions are that welds have to be left partially completed. remove heat source and allow period of one minute for each 25mm thickness of material to elapse. extending minimum 75mm either side of heated zone.Prior to recommencement of welding.1 Preheat shall be uniform and shall include a zone which is not less than 2t(t=wall thickness).5 Temperature Verification 5. When this is not possible. and suitable for the heating temperature.3 Heated zone and insulation 5. with a minimum of 75mm. .2 Electric heating elements shall be covered with a minimum of 50mm ( 25mm for up to 2") thickness of insulation.1 Preheat temperature shall be checked by use of temperature-indicating crayons. 5.4. the joint shall be examined using the magnetic particle inspection technique and reheated to within the specified inter-pass heat range. Insulation shall be ceramic fiber.Welding shall not be discontinued until at least 1/3 of the joint thickness is completed. Temperatureindicating materials and techniques shall not be detrimental to the base metals. or other approved suitable means to ensure that the temperature specified in the WPS is obtained prior to and maintained during welding.2 Application of preheating when using gas burners shall avoid deposition of carbon. .` 5. 5.g. either side of the joint. calibrated thermocouple pyrometers.4.1 Weld shall be applied to the whole length and completed as far as practicable without interruption. . The post weld heat treatment must be performed in accordance with the requirements of the design code even though the thickness of the material may be below the minimum value requiring such a heat treatment. In addition to the requirements of ASME B31. the heat treatment temperature shall be a minimum of 620 + 20oC/-0 oC The requirements described in this paragraph shall have priority than any other requirements.3. Page 9 of 20 .2.1 Heat-treatment shall be in accordance with RP-6340S-999-6300-001 and the material groupings and thickness ranges in Table 6-1. the thickness to be used in applying the heat.` 6 POST-WELD HEAT-TREATMENT 6. PWHT shall be applied to welds in ferritic materials in the following services. (1) Amine service (2) Caustic service. and to relieve residual stresses created by bending and forming. Exposed machined and threaded surface shall be protected from oxidation during heat treatment. when so advised 6.8 except as provided in paragraph 6.2 Heat-treatment requirements 6.2 and 6.2. The soaking time must be a minimum of one hour . No PWHT shall be performed on Austenitic stainless steel.3 Governing thickness When components are joined by welding. except for socket welds on sizes less then 2 inches in diameter.4.2. irrespective of their thickness. Table 6-2 & 6.1 General Heat treatment is used to avert or relieve the detrimental effects of high temperature and severe and sharp temperature gradients inherent in welding. 6. 6.treatment provisions of Table 6-1 and Table 6-2 shall be that of the thicker component measured at the joint except as follows.2 Special requirements Carbon steels in Sour service All pipe work must be subject to a post weld heat treatment.3 and also material grouping governed by ASME B31. 710 720 . Heat treatment is required. even though the thickness of the components at the joint is less than the minimum thickness. 6.5. however.3 shall be computed using the following formulas: Detail(a) ·weld thickness = tnb + tc Detail(b) ·weld thickness = tnh + tc Detail(c) ·weld thickness = greater of [tnr + tc] or [tnb + tc] Detail(d) ·weld thickness = tnh + tnr + tc Detail(e) ·weld thickness = tnb + tc Page 10 of 20 .2) PWHT shall be performed on welds of all thickness.745 720 . POST-WELD HEAT-TREATMENT Material Carbon and Carbon Manganese steel 1¼Cr-½Mo 2¼Cr-1Mo 5Cr-½Mo 7Cr-½Mo 9Cr-1Mo P No.745 Time at holding Temperature Minutes/mm Minimum minutes 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 2½ 60 120 120 120 120 120 Note 1.620 650 . when the thickness through the weld in any plane through the branch is greater than twice the minimum material thickness requiring heat treatment.4D OF ASME B31. 1 4 5 5 5 5 Thickness (mm) > 19 (Note 2) All All All All All Holding Temp. 2.745 720 . whether an integral part of a branch fitting or attached as a reinforcing pad or saddle. When PWHT is specified for particular duties (See para.` TABLE 6-1. (a) In the case of branch connections.2. PWHT of dissimilar materials shall be considered in relation to the service conditions and the procedure shall be subjected to COMPANY’s acceptance. Thickness through the weld for the details shown in FIG.328.745 720 . (℃) 600 . shall not be considered in determining heat treatment requirements. metal (other than weld metal) added as reinforcement. 4. and the specified min. for seal welding of threaded joints in piping NPS 2 and smaller.895280 MPa (2) not required for ferritic materials when welds are made with filler metal which does not air harden. 3. 5. heat treatment is required when the thickness through the weld in any plane is more than twice the min. NOTE] 1 ksi = 1000 psi = 1000 x 0. Austenitic welding materials may be used for welds to ferritic materials when the effects of service conditions.895.36 kgf/Cm2 = 70.. or corrosion. and for attachment of external non-pressure parts such as lugs or other pipe supporting elements in all pipe sizes. provided that not less than the recommended preheat is applied.` (b) In the case of fillet welds at slip-on and socket welding flanges and piping connections NPS 2 and smaller. material thickness requiring heat. regardless of base metal thickness.07036 kgf/Cm2 = 70. or 10A materials when weld throat thickness is ½"(13mm) or less.280 N/m2[Pa] = 6. tensile strength of the base metal is less than 71 ksi (490 MPa). such as differential thermal expansion due to elevated temp. [REF. (2) not required for P-No.1 materials when weld throat thickness is ⅝ " (16 mm) or less regardless of base metal thickness.36 x 9.8 x 104 N/m2[Pa] = 6.treatment (even though the thickness of the components at the joint is less than that min. thickness) except as follows: (1) not required for P-No. will not adversely affect the weldment. Page 11 of 20 . . . 1 1 1 . the cooling rate shall be fast enough to prevent embrittlement... . 2 2 2 .5.. 1 1 . (2) A-Number from BPV Code. ASME Section lX. 9Ni STEEL 5Ni STEEL Zr R60705 ACCORDING TO FOLLOWING DETAIL DIVISION(TRANSLATION NOTE) ≤ 12 7 ≤ ½ > 12.. 4.... 1 . .. 500℉ (278℃)/hr max... 9B 10 10A 10E 10H 11A SG1 11A SG2 62 2.. 1 .. 225 225 ... Cool to 800℉ (427℃) at a rate ≤ 500℉ (278℃)/hr..15%C or) MARTENSITIC HIGH ALLOY STEELE A240 Gr.. ... 241 241 241 ... (3) For SI equivalent.. but any heat-treatment applied shall be performed at 1800℉ -1900℉ (982℃-1038℃) followed by rapid cooling.. 225 225 . .1.. 11 3 STEEL Cr≤ ½ % ALLOY STEEL ½%<Cr≤ 2% ALLOY STEEL (2¼ %≤ Cr≤ 10%) (≤ 3%Cr and ≤ 0 15%C) (>3%Cr or >0.... [NOTE](1) [NOTE ](2) 1 1 BASE METAL GROUP NOMINAL WALL SPECIFIED MIN..7 ALL ≤ ¾ >¾ ≤ ¾ >¾ ALL ≤ ½ >½ ALL 3 4 5A. by 25.. .. 1 1 .. METAL TEMP.... . REQUIREMENTS FOR HEAT-TREATMENT (Table 331.. 1100-1300 1 1100-1300 1 1225-13006 1 [Note](7) ½ None ... divide hr/in. (8) Cooling rate shall be >300℉ (167℃)/hr to 600℉ (316℃).. 5C 6 7 8 9A.. Table QW-442.. RANGE THICKNESS TENSILE STRENGTH MM INCH MPa ALL ALL ≤ 490 ALL >490 ≤ 490 ALL > 490 ksi ALL ALL ≤ 71 ALL > 71 ≤ 71 ALL > 71 ℃ None 600-620 None 593-718 593-718 None 704-746 704-746 ℉ None 1112-1148 None 1100-1325 1100-1325 None 1300-1375 1300-1375 HOLDING TIME HR/INCH NOMINAL WALL . . (5) Cool as rapidly as possible after the hold period..ALLOY STEEL Cr. 1 1 BRINELL HARDNES S MIN. (9) Heat treat within 14 days after welding.3) WELD BASE METAL METAL ANALYSIS P-NO... 1 ½ ..` TABLE 6-2. . 1 1 1 ½ .... ASME Section lX. . [NOTE] (4) TIME MAX. 5B..... A-NO. per 25mm(1in. 2 2 .1 in ASME B31... ...Cu STEEL Mn-V STEEL 27Cr STEEL Cr-Ni-Mo STEEL 8Ni...5.. (4) See para... . 5 6 7 8.. . hr/mm. .. . Table QW422..... Page 12 of 20 . .. . ..429 FERRITIC HIGH ALLOY STEELE AUSTENITIC HIGH ALLOY STEELE Ni.. . ... .. None .7 >½ ALL ALL ALL ALL ≤ 19 > 19 ALL ≤ 19 > 19 ALL ALL ALL ≤ 51 > 51 > 51 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ≤ ¾ ≤ ¾ ALL ≤ ¾ >¾ ALL ALL ALL ≤ 2 >2 >2 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ≤ 490 ALL > 490 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ≤ 71 ALL > 71 ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL None 720-750 732-788 621-663 None None None 593-635 760-8165 None 593-704 593-704 663-7046 [Note] (7) None 552-5858 552-5858 538-5939 None 1328-1382 1350-1450 1150-1225 None None ..) nominal thickness. (7) Post-weld heat-treatment is neither required nor prohibited.. 1 1 1 . 225 225 CARBON STEEL ALLOY ≤ 19 > 19 ≤ 19 > 19 ALL ≤ 12 7 > 12..... (6) Cooling rate to 1200℉ (649℃) shall be less then 100℉ (56℃)/hr.. Cool in still air from 800℉ (427℃). 1100-1175 ½ 1400-15005 ½ None ... .2... 9 10 .. (HR) . Hold time shall be increased by ½ hr for each inch over 1" thickness.. 1025-10858 1 1025-10858 1 1000-11009 [Note](9) [NOTE] (1) P-Number from BPV Code.. . thereafter. 2 for the materials in the joint.5mm groove size. 6. If either material in welds between dissimilar material required stress relieving. 3. 2.5. POST-WELD HEAT-TREATMENT(Pipelines to API 1104) Material Carbon steel Thickness (mm) > 31.7mm size(leg) that attach connections not over NPS 2 pipe size 5-2) Fillet & groove weld not over 9.` TABLE 6-3.According to the agreement with Company. bending. but in no case less then 1 hour and shall be allowed to cool slowly and uniformly. 5-1) Fillet & groove welds not over 12. ranges in Table 6.5.4 Alternative heat-Treatment Normalizing. or forming. Only electrical methods shall be used for heating 4.75 Holding Temp. 5. 6. if the relevant welding procedure qualification exhibits hardness exceeding 248HV5.2 Heat treatment of welded joints including both ferritic and austenitic components and filler Page 13 of 20 . or normalizing and tempering. All welding of connections and attachments shall be stress relieved when the pipe is required to be stress relieved by the rule of project specification with the following exceptions.1 Heat treatment of welded joints between dissimilar ferritic metals or between ferritic metals using dissimilar ferritic filler metal shall be at the higher of the temp. 6. or annealing may be applied in lieu with the required heat treatment after welding. Branched or other welded attachments for which PWHT is required may be locally stress relieved by heating circumferential band around the pipe on which the branch or attachments is welded with attachment at the middle of the band the width of band shall be at least 50mm greater than the diameter of weld joint the branch or attachment to header.1 and Table 6. which attach support members or other nonpressure attachments. When stress relieving a joint between dissimilar materials having different stress relieving requirements. The parts heated shall be brought slowly to the required temperature and held at that temperature for a period of time proportioned on the basis of at least 1 hour/25. 6. Any sections. Holding temperature could be changed. the material requiring the higher PWHT temperature shall be govern. 7.4mm of pipe wall thickness.5 Dissimilar materials 6. 8. provided that the mechanical properties of any affected weld and base metal meet specification requirements after such treatment and that the substitution is approved by the designer. (℃) 590 ~ 610 (Note 1) Time at holding Temperature Minutes/mm Minimum minutes 2½ 60 Note 1. the joint shall require stress relieving. whichever is lower. 6.` metals shall be as required for the ferritic material or materials unless otherwise specified in the engineering design.3 Austenitic stainless steel to dissimilar material shall be complied with qualified WPS which is approved by COMPANY/TPA. 6.2 The Thermo-Couple wires shall be Ni-Cr / Ni-Al (TYPE 'K'). 6. the weld shall be immediately heat-treated without allowing it to cool below 150℃. (not exceed 220℃/HR in any case).1 During PWHT. Cooling and heating rate is not under 55℃/HR .8.6 Delayed PWHT Where PWHT of Cr-Mo steel is required. and heat-treated later. the weld shall be uniformly heated to 325℃. whichever is lower.9.2 The maximum cooling rate above 300℃ shall not exceed 275℃/HR or 6875/t ℃/HR (where t = wall thickness in mm). If this is not practical. (not exceed 275℃/HR in any case). 6. Page 14 of 20 .8.5.7 deleted 6. and the hot junction of Thermo-Couple (attached point) shall be heat-insulated with thermocouple putty. and welded directly onto the outer surface of the weld metal by using a capacitor discharge type Thermo-Couple welding unit. 6. Cooling under 315 ℃ can be accomplished with removal of insulation and left it in air. allowed to cool.9 Temperature verification 6.9. temperatures shall be carefully checked and recorded by use of ThermoCouple's to and accessories ensure that the PWHT is applied in compliance with the PWHT specification. 6.8 Heating and Cooling 6. wrapped with insulation.1 The maximum heating rate above 300℃ shall not exceed 220℃/HR or 5500/t ℃/HR (where t = wall thickness in mm). 9.5 The Thermo-Couple's shall be connected to continuously monitoring temperature recorders.5mm. the distance between the 2 poles shall be within 6mm and the attaching depth of Thermo-Couple shall not be over 0.1200℃. and be set at a chart speed of 25-50mm/HR.9. 6.9.7 Thermocouple requirement (1) The number and position of the Thermo-Couple's shall be in accordance with Table 6. MT or PT test should be carried out under COMPANY witness. 6. If the COMPANY request NDE for that area.4 The Compensating wire between Thermo-Couple wires and temperature recorders shall be of the Cu-constantan (VX) type.3 When welding a Thermo-Couple. the remain area shall be slightly grinded. and within 40mm from the outside surface of the weld metal (3) For weld on horizontal pipe.3 (2) The thermocouples shall be mechanically attached to the parts being heat treated.` 6. TABLE 6-3. The Cu lead(+Ve) shall be connected to Ni-Cr conductor(nonmagnetic) and the constantan lead (-Ve) to the Ni-Al conductor (magnetic).9. holding and cooling period above the loading temperature of 300 ℃. 6. one of required Thermo-Couple's shall be placed on top of pipe.2-0. These recorders shall be of the range 0 . the temperatures of each weld shall be recorded with individual identification. no of sample test should be increased (2 times ). If any defect is found on that area.6 If several welds are heat-treated simultaneously. (4) After removal of the Thermo-Couples. 6.9. For welds on vertical pipe at least one thermocouple shall be placed adjacent to the weld on top and the other one places adjacent to the weld on bottom. and provide a total record of temperature during heating. NUMBERS & POSITION of Thermo-Couple Pipe size (NPS) Minimum Number and Location Up to including 10" Exceeding 10" up to including 24" 1 : top or bottom 2 : top and bottom (for only pipeline) 2 : top and bottom Page 15 of 20 . 7 HARDNESS TEST Hardness tests of production welds and of hot bent and hot formed piping are intended to verify satisfactory heat treatment. There will be a sharp crack and a slight arc flash. The hardness limit applies to the weld and to the heat affected zone (HAZ) tested as close as practicable to the edge of the weld. remove the wire and re-prepare the end and try again. repeat the process with the other wire.8 when the capacitor is charged and the ready light is glowing. It also tests the weld length. Fix the magnet as near to the Thermo-Couple position as possible. placing it approximately 6 mm away from the first. (8) Gently press the wire over at right angles.9. (3) Strip off the insulation from the Thermo-Couple wire to leave approximately 6 mm of bare wire.8 Welding of Thermocouple (1) Clean any loose scale or rust from the work-piece where the wires are to be attached. (7) Press the discharge button and wire should weld to the work-piece.` Exceeding 24" up to including 36" Exceeding 36" up to including 48" Exceeding 48" 3 : 1-top and 120 4 : 1-top and 90 apart apart apart Minimum 4 but not more than 38" 6. with the tip or the jaws of the application pliers. This is required on most jobs so as to bring out the Thermo-Couple wires along or parallel to the surface of the work piece. The output level meter should read the required preset level. (2) Clean well the point for the return lead magnet so as to reduce resistance to a minimum. Page 16 of 20 . The output level meter will show 0. Press the charge button and wait for the ready light to glow. (5) Grasp one of the stripped wires. (4) Set the output level control knob at about 80 percent. (6) Press the end of the wire to the work piece at 90 degree to the surface and maintain a firm pressure. If the weld shows signs of breaking. (9) If successful. about 3 – 4 mm from the end. g Equo-tip or smaller shall be used.2. 4 materials and 241 HB for P. No. 7. 3 and P No. personnel conducting hardness tests. when so advised 7.1 Hardness test instrument with small indentation and digital display of hardness value. e. No. and 100% of those locally heat treated shall be tested. type of hardness tester. welds in ferritic materials in following services shall be hardness tested. 2) For sour service hardness test on P. 7.2 The position and number of points to be hardness tested shall be in accordance with following Table 7-1. 7.1 Requirements of hardness test (a) Where a hardness limit is specified in Table 6-2.2 Hardness test method 7. (1) Wet H2S service to be post-weld heat-treated (2) Amine service (3) Caustic service.2. No.3 Production hardness test is mandatory after heat treatment and shall be performed on 10% of welds in each furnace heat treatment and 100% of those which are locally heat treatment. 7. 7.5 The hardness report shall indicate actual hardness reading for the test method.` 7. and calibration. type of material. at least 10% of welds. 1 .2.2. hot bends. Page 17 of 20 . In NACE material(H2S).6 Acceptance criteria of hardness test 1) Unless otherwise required hardness results shall not exceed 225 HB for P No. P. and hot formed components in each furnace heat-treated batch. (b) In addition to above (a).2.2. 1 material shall be limited to 200 HB.4 Hardness testing results shall be expressed in Brinell numbers. 5 material after post weld heat treatment. any case 100%. Position ① and position ② shall be located in opposite side of the weld. Subcontractor shall carry out re-calibration for recorder and thermocouple by approved laboratory before expired date. The Contractor is required to get the approval of the Company and certification of TPA.` TABLE 7-1 Pipe Size NPS(mm) HARDNESS TEST POSITION & No. Position Legend Position ① : The circumferential weld cap Position ② : The edge of weld-bead (Heat-affected zone) Position ③ : The circumferential line apart from weldment edge as distance of wall Thickness. Page 18 of 20 . and shall submit it to CONTRACTOR for review and approval. of test point Position ① Position ② 1 2 (180°apart) 3 (120°apart) 4 (90°apart) Position ③ 1 2 (180°apart) 3 (120°apart) 4 (90°apart) Up to 10" Exceeding 10" Up to 24" Exceeding 24" Up to 36" Exceeding 36" 1 2 (180°apart) 3 (120°apart) 4 (90°apart) [Note] 1. 2. The Contractor is required to get a Company/TPA approval/certification.1 CONTRACTOR’s welding engineer will be appointed to ensure that the procedural requirements are fully complied with project requirement. Heat treatment chart shall be submitted to TPA to verify and endorse. of TEST POINT Position and No. Subcontractor shall submit PWHT/Hardness test report including PWHT chart to CONTRACTOR for review and approval within 48 Hours after test. The CONTRACTOR’s welding engineer will shall control and be responsible for completion of all documentation. 3. Each place should be tested three times for Equo-tip or one time for Brinell type and average value should be recorded 8 DOCUMENTATION 8. 2 Documented information will comprise the followings. (1) Preheat and PWHT Procedure including hardness test procedure (2) Each 1-copy of calibration certificate of temperature recorders (3) Each 1-copy of calibration certificate of wire type thermocouple per production lot (4) Temperature recorder charts during preheating and welding period (5) Heat-treatment record sheets with temperature recorder charts during PWHT (6) Reports of hardness test results 9 Attachment PWH-001: PWHT Report Form (1 sheet) PWH-002: Hardness Test Report Form (1 sheet) Page 19 of 20 .` 8. : Test Value (HB) Thick Mat'l Weld HAZ Base Equipments PWHT Subcontractor Sign: Name: Date: CONTRACTOR TPA COMPANY Legend : H_Temp : Holding Temperature. : PWHT Method : [ ] Local [ ] Furnace Test Date : Unit No. Remarks ) Drawing No. Joint Size Recorder No : Calibration Expired Date : Cooling Rate(°C/hr ) : Thick Mat'l H_Temp H_Time H_Rate C_Rate Equipments HARDNESS Required Value Calibration Expired Date : No. H_Time : Holding Time. C_Rate : Cooling Rate FORM NO.` SOUTH PARS GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT 15 & 16 IIRCo/Sievert CONSORTIUM POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT(PWHT) REPORT Report No. : PWHT Requirements Holding Temp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Drawing No.(°C ) : Holding Time (Hr) : Heating Rate(°C/hr ) : No. Joint Size Recorder No. : PWH-1 . H_Rate : Heating Rate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Attachment : PWHT charter ( No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Remarks Drawing No. : Recorder No. Joint Size Test Date : Unit No. : Required Value : Calibration Expired Date : No.` SOUTH PARS GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT 15 & 16 IIRCo/Sievert CONSORTIUM HARDNESS TEST REPORT Project : South Pars Gas Field Development(Phases 9&10) Report No. : Test Value (HB) Thick Mat'l Weld HAZ Base PWHT Subcontractor Sign: Name: Date: CONTRACTOR TPA COMPANY FORM NO. : PWH-2 .
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